Knee Replacement  An Alternative to Exorbitant U.S. Healthcare Costs "SURGERY ABROAD" up to 80% for the exact same procedure performed at world-class medical facilities staffed with board certified surgeons using state-of-the-art equipment. When considering a knee replacement surgery outside of the U.S., don’t go through the process alone. You should seek assistance from a professional organization that specializes in facilitating medical tourists. That’s where MedRetreat can help. You will have the opportunity to utilize our years of research and due diligence to choose a surgeon in the destination of your preference. We have established relationships with many surgeons and hospitals, in multiple destinations; so, you are able to choose from an extensive list that best suits your personal needs. By the way, you’ll be happy to know, there is no cost or obligation for our assistance.   To begin, let’s address this question…     …Is Medical Tourism For You?     With a little bit of research, we can help you to answer this question. But first, you must be completely comfortable with who we are and how we can help you.   Getting to know us…   MedRetreat is the first U.S. based medical tourism service agent facilitating the healthcare needs and travel desires of Americans. We’ll go into detail about the unprecedented service we offer in a moment, in the meantime, please consider this question:      Are you affected by the exorbitant healthcare costs in the U.S.?     If so, we’ve got great news for you!   If you are: One of the 45 million Americans without medical insurance; One of the 250 million people with insurance, but, have restricted coverage due to pre-existing conditions; or One of the potential 300 million Americans seeking elective cosmetic or dental surgery; …then, you’ll be amazed at the value of traveling abroad to combine your healthcare needs and travel desires.   A quick look into the cost savings   Total Knee Replacement in the U.S. (including prosthesis) up to $38,000.00   Total Knee Replacement through MedRetreat (including prosthesis) as low as $8,000.00 As you can see, the cost savings are enormous. Let's move on.   Imagine traveling to these exotic locations, in complete anonymity… Thailand                                                       Malaysia     Brazil     India     Turkey                                       Argentina                                  South Africa           

The Medical Tourism Process   25 Steps to a Successful Medical Retreat

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Exploring knee replacement excellence worldwide.

medical tourism knee replacement

Knee replacement surgery, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a procedure that has gained significant attention in the medical tourism industry. With advancements in surgical techniques and prosthetic technology, patients around the world are seeking the best options for this life-changing surgery. This article explores the excellence in knee replacement procedures worldwide, focusing on technological advancements, healthcare standards, patient experiences, and the overall trends in the medical tourism industry.

Technological Advancements in Knee Replacement

The field of knee replacement has seen remarkable technological advancements in recent years. Computer-assisted surgery (CAS) and robotic-assisted knee replacement are leading the way, offering higher precision and better alignment of knee implants. Additionally, the development of durable and biocompatible materials for implants has significantly improved patient outcomes.

Healthcare Standards Across the Globe

Different countries have distinct healthcare systems and standards, which greatly influence the quality of knee replacement surgeries. Nations with advanced healthcare infrastructures often have stringent regulatory frameworks ensuring high standards of medical care and patient safety. In contrast, emerging medical tourism destinations are rapidly improving their healthcare systems to attract international patients.

Patient Experiences and Outcomes

Patient experiences vary significantly depending on the destination. Factors such as pre-operative care, surgical expertise, post-operative rehabilitation, and overall patient support play crucial roles in determining the success of knee replacement surgeries. Countries excelling in patient-centric care models tend to have higher satisfaction rates among medical tourists.

Cost Considerations in Medical Tourism

Cost is a major factor in medical tourism. While some countries offer cost-effective solutions for knee replacement, it's essential to balance affordability with quality. Patients often find that countries with specialized medical tourism facilities offer competitive pricing without compromising on the quality of care.

Surgical Techniques and Recovery

Surgical techniques for knee replacement vary, with minimally invasive procedures becoming increasingly popular. These techniques typically result in shorter hospital stays and quicker recovery times, which are important considerations for medical tourists. Rehabilitation and physiotherapy services are also pivotal in ensuring successful recovery post-surgery.

Navigating the Challenges of Medical Tourism

Medical tourists face unique challenges, such as language barriers, cultural differences, and navigating foreign healthcare systems. Countries that provide comprehensive support services, including translation, travel assistance, and cultural integration, tend to be more attractive to international patients.

Accreditation and Quality Assurance

Accreditation from international healthcare organizations is a key indicator of quality in medical tourism. Facilities that adhere to international standards and undergo regular audits are generally preferred by patients seeking knee replacement surgery abroad.

The Role of Technology in Patient Care

Technological advancements extend beyond the surgery room. Telemedicine, digital health records, and online consultations are becoming integral in providing continuous care to medical tourists before and after their surgery.

Ethical Considerations in Medical Tourism

Ethical considerations, such as ensuring informed consent and respecting patient autonomy, are crucial. Countries that uphold high ethical standards in medical practice are more likely to be trusted and preferred by medical tourists.

The Future of Knee Replacement in Medical Tourism

The future of knee replacement in medical tourism is promising, with continuous advancements in surgical techniques and prosthetics. The integration of AI and machine learning in diagnostics and surgery planning is also expected to revolutionize knee replacement procedures.

Exploring knee replacement excellence worldwide reveals a dynamic and evolving landscape. The interplay of technological advancements, healthcare standards, patient experiences, and ethical considerations shapes the choices of medical tourists. As the industry continues to grow, understanding these elements is crucial for professionals looking to offer the best possible advice and services to those considering knee replacement surgery abroad.

This comprehensive exploration of knee replacement excellence worldwide is crafted to provide an in-depth understanding for industry professionals, highlighting key aspects that influence patient decisions in the realm of medical tourism.

To receive a free quote for this procedure please click on the link:

For those seeking medical care abroad, we highly recommend hospitals and clinics who have been accredited by Global Healthcare Accreditation (GHA). With a strong emphasis on exceptional patient experience, GHA accredited facilities are attuned to your cultural, linguistic, and individual needs, ensuring you feel understood and cared for. They adhere to the highest standards, putting patient safety and satisfaction at the forefront. Explore the world's top GHA-accredited facilities here . Trust us, your health journey deserves the best.

Best Hospitals for CyberKnife Radiosurgery in Turkey

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The Medical Tourism Magazine (MTM), known as the “voice” of the medical tourism industry, provides members and key industry experts with the opportunity to share important developments, initiatives, themes, topics and trends that make the medical tourism industry the booming market it is today.

US: +1 845 377 0225   |   UK: +44 161 818 4853 | Serbia: +381 11 344 9009 | [email protected]


  • Mark Donnelly
  • Dec 28, 2023

Navigating Medical Tourism for Knee Replacement Surgery: Benefits and Considerations

Updated: 3 days ago

Medical tourism refers to the practice of traveling to other countries to receive medical treatments or procedures. Its relevance in accessing  knee replacement surgery  has surged due to various factors, notably cost savings and access to quality healthcare. There's a notable trend of individuals seeking healthcare abroad for procedures like knee replacements, driven by the desire for affordable yet high-quality treatment options. 

The escalating costs and prolonged waiting times in some countries have prompted patients to explore alternatives, leading to a growing focus on accessing knee replacement surgeries through medical tourism , particularly in destinations known for their advanced healthcare infrastructure and expertise.

medical tourism knee replacement

Understanding Knee Replacement

This surgery is a common orthopedic procedure and it involves the replacement of damaged or diseased knee joints with artificial implants. It typically includes two main types: total knee replacement (TKR) and partial knee replacement (PKR) . Total knee replacement involves replacing the entire knee joint, while partial knee replacement replaces only the damaged portions of the knee.

Indications for the replacement surgery often stem from conditions causing significant pain and reduced mobility. Osteoarthritis, the most prevalent reason, leads to the deterioration of joint cartilage, causing pain and stiffness. Rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune condition, can also necessitate knee replacement due to joint damage and inflammation. Additionally, knee injuries resulting from accidents or sports-related activities, as well as wear-and-tear conditions affecting the knee joint over time, can require surgical intervention for relief from pain and improved functionality.

Rise of Medical Tourism in Knee Replacement

The escalating trend toward seeking   knee replacement surgery through medical tourism reflects a compelling shift driven by the pursuit of cost-effective procedures without compromising quality.

Cost savings are a pivotal reason for choosing medical tourism for knee replacements. Countries like Turkey , Serbia , and Croatia offer highly competitive prices for knee replacement surgeries compared to nations with higher healthcare costs. This affordability without sacrificing quality attracts individuals seeking significant financial savings while receiving top-notch medical care.

Shorter waiting times abroad contrast starkly with extended queues for elective surgeries in many home countries. The allure of prompt access to knee replacement procedures motivates patients to explore medical tourism destinations where waiting times are considerably shorter, allowing for quicker treatment and recovery.

Access to advanced medical technologies is a hallmark of medical tourism destinations. Renowned hospitals and clinics in countries emphasizing medical tourism, armed with cutting-edge technologies and modern facilities, promise exceptional care and innovative treatments for knee replacements.

Quality healthcare services offered by experienced medical professionals elevate the appeal of medical tourism. The reputation of these destinations' healthcare providers, known for their proficiency in orthopedic surgeries like knee replacements, instills confidence in patients seeking top-tier medical expertise and optimal surgical outcomes.

Considerations Before Choosing Medical Tourism for Knee Replacement

When considering medical tourism for knee replacement surgery ,  several crucial factors demand thorough consideration before making an informed decision.

Research on Facilities and Surgeons

Conduct comprehensive research on healthcare facilities and the expertise of surgeons offering knee replacement procedures in the chosen destination. Verify accreditations, certifications, patient reviews, and success rates to ensure quality care.

Legal Aspects and Regulations

Gain knowledge about legal aspects such as medical laws, regulations, and liability coverage in the destination country. Clarify legal rights, documentation requirements, and the recourse available in case of any unforeseen complications.

Post-Operative Care Arrangements

Plan post-operative care arrangements in advance. Ensure that adequate support, including rehabilitation services and follow-up consultations, is available either in the destination country or upon returning home.

Thorough Planning, Pre-Screening, and Consultations

Thoroughly plan the trip, including travel arrangements, accommodation, and preoperative consultations. Prioritize pre-screening assessments and consultations with the chosen surgeon to discuss expectations, potential risks, and the recovery process.

Health and Safety Considerations

Prioritize health and safety by considering factors such as travel risks, vaccinations, travel insurance coverage, and potential complications associated with long-distance travel post-surgery.

Cost Transparency and Financial Planning

Ensure transparency regarding knee replacement surgery costs , including the surgical procedure, hospital stay, medications, post-operative care, and any additional expenses. Develop a comprehensive financial plan to cover all anticipated costs.

Thorough planning, extensive research, consultations, and understanding the associated aspects are pivotal to making an informed decision when considering medical tourism for knee replacement surgery. It's imperative to prioritize comprehensive preparations to ensure a successful and seamless medical journey.

medical tourism knee replacement

Tips for a Successful Medical Tourism Experience

Thorough Research and Planning Conduct extensive research on reputable healthcare facilities, experienced surgeons, and the destination country's healthcare system. Plan your trip well in advance, considering travel arrangements, accommod ation, and post-operative care.

Consultation and Pre-Screening Prioritize consultations with the chosen surgeon to discuss your condition, treatment options, and expectations. Undergo pre-screening assessments to ensure you are a suitable candidat e for knee replacement surgery.

Seek Recommendations and Reviews Seek recommendations from trusted sources or previous patients who have undergone similar procedures abroad. Read reviews and testimonials to gauge the exper iences of other medical tourists.

Clear Communication and Expectations Maintain open and clear communication with healthcare providers. Discuss treatment plans, potential risks, recovery expectations, and any concerns or queries you may hav e before proceeding with the surgery.

Understand the Entire Process and Costs Gain a comprehensive understanding of the entire treatment process, including preoperative evaluations, surgical procedure details, postoperative care, and associated costs. Ensure transparency re garding all expenses to avoid surprises.

Navigating medical tourism for knee replacement surgery  presents a compelling option for individuals seeking cost-effective yet high-quality healthcare solutions. The exploration of this growing trend underscores the benefits it offers, such as reduced expenses, shorter waiting times, access to advanced technologies, and quality healthcare services in popular destinations like Serbia, Croatia, Turkey, India, Israel and South Africa . 

However, this choice requires careful consideration of various factors, including thorough research on facilities and surgeons, understanding cultural differences, legal aspects, and post-operative care arrangements. Emphasizing the importance of informed decision-making, individuals must weigh the benefits against the considerations and plan meticulously before embarking on this medical journey. By doing so, patients can maximize the potential advantages of medical tourism for knee replacement surgery while ensuring a smooth, successful, and satisfying healthcare experience abroad. If you are looking for the best medical tourism experience for this surgery, choose   Healing Travel .

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Medical Tourism

A closer look at bermuda's premier hospitals for knee replacement: your guide to making an informed choice.

medical tourism knee replacement

In the realm of medical tourism, Bermuda stands out as a sought-after destination for exceptional knee replacement procedures. Whether you are a healthcare professional or a prospective patient, understanding the nuances of the best hospitals for knee replacement is pivotal to informed decision-making. This comprehensive article offers an in-depth exploration of Bermuda's premier hospitals for knee replacement, guiding you through the process of selecting the ideal medical institution, highlighting potential risks, discussing outcomes, and underscoring the paramount importance of prioritizing patient experiences in your quest for optimal care.

The Procedure: Knee Replacement in Brief

Knee replacement surgery, medically known as knee arthroplasty, is a sophisticated procedure designed to replace a deteriorated or damaged knee joint with a prosthetic implant. This intervention is commonly performed to relieve pain and restore function in knees affected by osteoarthritis or similar degenerative joint conditions. The process involves the removal of afflicted bone and cartilage, followed by the insertion of a synthetic joint composed of metal alloys, plastic, or a combination of materials.

Criteria for Choosing the Right Hospital and Surgeon

Opting for the best hospital for knee replacement is pivotal to achieving favorable outcomes. To assist you in making an informed decision, consider the following key criteria:

  • Expertise and Specialization: Look for hospitals that boast a distinguished history of performing successful knee replacement surgeries. The presence of highly skilled orthopedic surgeons specialized in knee procedures is a positive sign.
  • Accreditation and Certifications: Choose hospitals that are accredited by respected medical bodies. These accreditations reflect adherence to rigorous quality and safety standards.
  • Advanced Technology and Facilities: Leading hospitals should be equipped with cutting-edge medical technologies and state-of-the-art facilities, which often translate to enhanced surgical techniques and patient care.
  • Patient Satisfaction and Feedback: Seek insights from patients who have undergone knee replacement surgeries at the hospital. Positive patient testimonials and high satisfaction rates signify excellent care.

Potential Risks and Expected Outcomes

Like any surgical procedure, knee replacement surgery carries inherent risks. These risks include infection, blood clots, implant failure, and complications related to anesthesia. Nevertheless, the overall success rate of knee replacement procedures remains impressively high. Patients typically experience significant pain relief, improved mobility, and an enhanced quality of life post-surgery.

Elevating Patient Experience: A Vital Component

In your quest to identify the best hospital for knee replacement, it is essential to underscore the significance of patient-centered care. While technical expertise and advanced facilities are vital, a patient-focused approach emphasizes personalized attention, open communication, and addressing individual patient concerns. Hospitals that prioritize patient experiences demonstrate a commitment to empathy, clear communication, and holistic healthcare.

Bermuda's distinguished status in knee replacement surgery can be attributed to its amalgamation of proficient healthcare professionals, state-of-the-art medical facilities, and unwavering commitment to patient well-being. Choosing the right hospital and surgeon for knee replacement entails meticulous evaluation of expertise, certifications, and patient feedback. By being informed about potential risks and expected outcomes, patients are empowered to make prudent decisions.

As you embark on your journey toward knee replacement in Bermuda, remember that your choice of hospital and surgeon has a substantial impact on your medical experience and ultimate success.

While we recognize your interest in receiving treatment in Bermuda, we strongly advise seeking a free second opinion from esteemed members of the Global Provider Network (GPN). Hospitals such as Hospital Clinica Biblica in Costa Rica ( ) and Pacifica Salud Hospital in Panama ( ) are part of the GPN. This program offers streamlined access to healthcare providers with pre-negotiated discounts and commissions, benefiting both patients and providers. Learn more about joining the Global Provider Network by visiting .

As you navigate your journey toward optimal knee replacement solutions, remember that your chosen hospital and patient-centered care can contribute collectively to a successful and fulfilling medical experience.

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The Medical Tourism Magazine (MTM), known as the “voice” of the medical tourism industry, provides members and key industry experts with the opportunity to share important developments, initiatives, themes, topics and trends that make the medical tourism industry the booming market it is today.


Knee Replacement Surgery Cost Abroad

Mexico | India | Spain | Turkey | Costa Rica

Package Cost: 6,000~12,500 US Dollars

The cost of a total knee replacement varies depending upon where it is performed. The average cost – total knee replacement in the United States is about $40,000. The average cost of total knee replacement in our network varies from $6000 to $ 13,000.

Approximate costs are -India: $ 6,000; Costa Rica $ 11,500; Mexico: $ 9,000.

These surgeries are performed by the best knee replacement doctors that have experience of several successful knee replacement procedures. Many of the doctors have worked in the USA or Europe.

Knee Replacement Implant

What is Knee replacement surgery?

Knee replacement surgery is nothing but a process to remove the damaged cartilage. The surgery involves the replacement of unhealthy surface of knee joint by the metal & plastic implant. Knee replacement surgery can replace all or part of the knee depending on the affected area by arthritis.

Types of knee replacement

The knee replacement is of two types Total Knee Replacement and Uni-compartmental knee replacement or known as unicondylar knee replacement or patellofemoral replacement. Total Knee replacement surgery replaces all three compartments of the Knee (Medial, Lateral and Patellofemoral compartment). Unicompartmental Knee arthroplasty involves replacing one or both of the medial and lateral compartments.  

Tijuana - Mexico and Costa Rica

How the Knee Replacement is done

The operation is done through an incision of 6-12 inches in the Knee area. The unhealthy surfaces of the lower end of thigh bone and the upper end of shin bone are removed. These are replaced by artificial surfaces known as “prostheses”. Depends on the prostheses it needs to be cemented to the bone. At the end of the operation the skin is closed with stitches .A drain is used to remove the excess blood.

Anesthesia & Blood Transfusion General anesthesia or epidural anesthesia can be given. Almost all total knee replacement patients need blood transfusion.

Hospital Stay & Post Knee Replacement Care Five to seven days of hospital stay after surgery.

For the first few days avoid soaking the surgery wound in water until is has thoroughly sealed and dried. You should be able to resume most normal activities within three to six weeks following surgery. Minor pain with activity is common for several weeks. An exercise regimen & an iron rich balanced diet will help in speedy recovery to normal. Most people can drive on their own in 4 to 6 weeks after surgery. After surgery of total knee replacement, precautions to take are to avoid:

  • High demand & high impact activities
  • Repetitive lifting exceeding 50 pounds

Taj Hotel and Gateway of India in Mumbai

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  • Medical Tourism
  • Orthopedics
  • Knee Replacement

Knee Replacement (Arthroplasty) Abroad

Turan & Turan Health Group

Turan & Turan Health Group

  • Private Healthcare Group, 

Turan & Turan Health Group one of the leading orthopedics and traumatology centers in Turkey where orthopedists and physical therapy and rehabilitation specialists work together, adopting a patient-centered care approach and providing cutting edge technologies.

  • View profile
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6 listed orthopedics specialists:

Assoc. Prof. Ismet Yalkin Camurcu, MD

Assoc. Prof. Ismet Yalkin Camurcu, MD

Orthopedic Surgeon

Dr. Kayhan Turan, MD

Dr. Kayhan Turan, MD

The Director of Turan Turan Health Group

ADATIP Hospital

ADATIP Hospital

  • Private Hospital, 

Our hospital is a leading medical facility in Turkey, with highly specialized doctors, advanced technology, and 40+ procedures. Our facility has 200 beds, 81 doctors, and 50 ICU units. We prioritize patient well-being with VIP services, including hotel stays, checkups, and transportation. Our focus

3 listed orthopedics specialists:

Assoc. Prof. Ozgur Cicekli

Assoc. Prof. Ozgur Cicekli


Dr. Cabbar Yilmaz

Dr. Cabbar Yilmaz

Guven Hospital

Guven Hospital

JCI Accreditation

Founded in 1974, Ankara Güven Hospital provides health services at modern and international standards with its 1600 experienced staff, 254 beds, 12 operating rooms and an area of 40,000 square meters. Our priority is patient confidence. We strive for excellence.

5 listed orthopedics specialists:

Assoc. Prof. Sinan Bulent Avci

Assoc. Prof. Sinan Bulent Avci

Assoc. Prof. Zafer Atbasi

Assoc. Prof. Zafer Atbasi

Anadolu Medical Center

Anadolu Medical Center

Anadolu Medical Center is one of the most modern, comprehensive and respected hospitals in Turkey. Anadolu is affiliated with John Hopkins Hospital.

Prof. Ahmet Kiral, MD

Prof. Ahmet Kiral, MD

Sheba Medical Center

Sheba Medical Center

  • Public Hospital, 

The largest medical center in Israel and the Middle East, internationally renowned for it's medical excellence. Around 31,000 inpatients are treated annually.

Dr. Boaz Liberman

Dr. Boaz Liberman

Director, Orthopedic Oncology Unit

Dr. Itzhak Siev-ner

Dr. Itzhak Siev-ner

Director of the Orthopedic Rehabilitation Department

Liv Duna Medical Center

Liv Duna Medical Center

Established in 2015, Liv Duna Medical Center is Hungary's premier private healthcare facility, offering outpatient, inpatient, and diagnostic services. With dedicated professionals, modern diagnostics, consultations in 45 specialties, advanced surgical infrastructure, obstetrics center, and patient-

8 listed orthopedics specialists:

Dr. János Fabula

Dr. János Fabula

Dr. Gábor Reha

Dr. Gábor Reha

Ortopedist, Sports Surgeon, Traumatologist

Sourasky Medical Center

Sourasky Medical Center

  • Public University Hospital, 

The Division of Orthopedics of the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center treats a wide variety of conditions related to the skeletal system and movement - bone, joint, and connective tissue - such as joint replacements, traumatic injuries, and sports conditions.

Listed orthopedics specialists:

Prof. Moshe Salai

Prof. Moshe Salai

Orthopedics Division Director

Prof. Yehuda Kolander

Prof. Yehuda Kolander

Orthopedic Oncology Acting Director

Hospital Universitario de San Vicente Fundación

Hospital Universitario de San Vicente Fundación

Our orthopedic service has a long history of more than 50 years of experience; Our great interdisciplinary team offers an integral management to the patient, helping him to his recovery and adequate rehabilitation.

Centros Especializados de San Vicente Fundación

Centros Especializados de San Vicente Fundación

  • Medical Center, 

The Orthopedics and Traumatology Service of Specialized Centers of San Vicente Fundación is made up of a multidisciplinary team of specialists and sub-specialists who provide comprehensive management for patients with diseases and conditions of the highly complex musculoskeletal system.

Rambam Medical Center

Rambam Medical Center

The Orthopedic Surgery Section has been the concentration of surgical care at the Rambam Health Care Campus.

Dr. Eyal Melamed

Dr. Eyal Melamed

Prof. Doron Norman, MD

Prof. Doron Norman, MD

Director, Orthopedic Surgery Section

Orthopedic centers abroad (Page 1 of 2)

About knee replacement.

This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician.

  • Total Knee Replacement (TKR) : In a total knee replacement (total knee arthroplasty), the surgeon removes damaged cartilage and bone from the surface of your knee joint and replaces them with a man-made surface of metal and plastic.
  • Partial Knee Replacement (UKA) : In a partial knee replacement (unicompartmental knee arthroplasty), the surgeon only replaces one part of your knee joint. Advantages of partial knee replacement include smaller incision, shorter hospital stay, less blood loss, easier post-op rehabilitation, lower risk of infection, blood clots and stiffness, and easier revision if necessary.
  • Minimally Invasive Knee Replacement Surgery : Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) uses specialized techniques and instrumentation to enable the surgeon to perform major surgery without a large incision. Minimally invasive knee replacement requires a smaller incision, three to five inches, versus the standard approach which typically requires an eight to twelve inches incision. Minimally invasive surgery may lead to less pain, decreased recovery time and better motion due to less scar tissue formation.
  • Revision Knee Replacement Surgery : Revision knee replacement surgery is done to replace the replacement knee, once it has been worn out. The revision is usually more complicated and a longer procedure than the original surgery. There is no set limit to the number of times you can have revision surgery, but it is widely accepted that the artificial knee joint becomes less effective each time it is replaced.

Duration of procedure/surgery : A knee replacement operation usually takes 1.5 to 3 hours.

Days admitted : usually 3 - 5 days at the hospital., anesthesia : general anaesthesia., risks : serious complications are rare - fewer than 2% of people undergoing knee replacement surgery experience serious complications. risks include: - knee stiffness - blood clots in the leg vein (thrombophlebitis) - blood clots in the lungs (pulmonary embolism) - nerve damage - infection - heart attack - stroke, learn more about knee replacement.

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Bilateral Total Knee Replacement Revision

Stem cell orthopedics, stem cell anti-aging, stem cell fertility, steps involved in ivf:, frequently asked questions, what actually happens during hyperstimulation of the ovaries.

The patient will take injectable FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) for eight to eleven days, depending on how long the follicles take to mature. This hormone is produced naturally in a woman’s body causing one egg to develop per cycle. Taking the injectable FSH causes several follicles to develop at once, at approximately the same rate. The development is monitored with vaginal ultrasounds and following the patient’s levels of estradiol and progesterone. FSH brand names include Repronex, Follistim, Menopur, Gonal-F and Bravelle. The patient injects herself daily.

What happens during egg retrieval?

When the follicles have developed enough to be harvested, the patient attends an appointment  where she is anesthetized and prepared for the procedure. Next, the doctor uses an ultrasound probe to guide a needle through the vaginal wall and into the follicle of the ovary. The thin needle draws the follicle fluid, which is then examined by an embryologist to find the eggs. The whole process takes about 20 minutes.

What happens to the eggs?

In the next step, the harvested eggs are then fertilized. If the sperm from the potential father, or in some cases, anonymous donor, has normal functionality, the eggs and sperm are placed together in a dish with a nutrient fluid, then incubated overnight to fertilize normally. If the sperm functionality is suboptimal, an embryologist uses Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection to inject a single sperm into a single egg with an extremely precise glass needle.  Once fertilization is complete, the embryos are assessed and prepared to be transferred to the patient’s uterus.

How are the embryos transferred back to the uterus?

The doctor and the patient will discuss the number of embryos to be transferred. The number of successfully fertilized eggs usually determines the number of eggs to be placed in the uterus. Embryos are transferred to the uterus with transabdominal ultrasound guidance. This process does not require anesthesia, but it can cause minor cervical or uterine discomfort. Following transfer, the patient is advised to take at least one days bed rest and two or three additional days of rest, then 10 to 12 days later, two pregnancy tests are scheduled to confirm success. Once two positive tests are completed, an obstetrical ultrasound is ordered to show the sac, fetal pole, yolk sac and fetal heart rate.

Embryoscope ©

Built into this technology there is a microscope with a powerful camera that allows the uninterrupted monitoring of the embryo during its first hours of life. In this way, we can keep a close eye on the embryo, from the moment when the oocyte is inseminated and begins to divide into smaller and smaller cells, until it can be transferred to the uterus.

Orthopedics Stem Cell

Research on mesenchymal stem cells regenerative properties in knee osteoarthritis. In these studies, researchers suggest that Stem Cell Therapy has the potential to regenerate lost cartilage, stop and reverse cartilage degeneration, provide pain relief, and improve patient mobility.

Stem Cell Therapy as an Alternative to Rotator Cuff & Shoulder Replacement Surgery. Stem cell therapy may offer an excellent alternative for patients looking to avoid shoulder joint replacement surgery, as well as many other surgical treatments for shoulder pain.

If you suffer from chronic or acute ankle pain or instability due to arthritis, cartilage loss, ligament strain or tear, or tendon damage, then you may benefit from non-surgical stem cell treatments or stem cell-enhanced surgery.

Patients now have a minimally invasive option. Stem cell therapy for back pain and disc herniations can potentially repair the damaged disc or facet joint, restore function, rehydrate the disc, and ultimately alleviate chronic pain.

Anti-Aging Stem Cell

Stem cell therapy and PRP therapy have been shown to be most effective for: Those in the early stages of hair loss, patients who are not viable candidates for surgery and women who prefer to avoid hair surgery.

Facial Anti-Aging

Aesthetic Anti-Aging. The Aesthetic Stem Cell Localized Treatment is a non-surgical minimally invasive procedure to enhance the appearance of aging skin and hair restoration. This all-natural technique combines dermal injections of bone marrow or adipose tissue derived stem cells and growth factors.

Fertility Stem Cell

Endometrial prp.

The stem cells used for treatment of a thin endometrium include mesenchymal stem cells. In addition, successful repair of the endometrium in pregnancy with stem cells has been reported previously.

Low Ovarian Reserve (PRP)

The treatment uses PRP (Platelet-Rich-Plasma), which with stem cell therapy is the novel therapeutic approach for restoring the quality of the ovarian reserve.Your PRP will contain a physiologic balance of platelets, growth factors and white blood cells tailored specifically for you.

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Punta Mita Hospital - Genesis Cell

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New Delhi, India

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Medical Tourism: 5 Spots for an Affordable High Quality Knee Replacement

medical tourism knee replacement

When we talk to U.S. expats about their healthcare experiences abroad, we repeatedly hear about three things that impress them: the personal, caring attention; how quickly they are able to see a doctor; and, inevitably, how affordable the care is, especially given the high quality.

The average cost of a knee replacement in the U.S. is $35,000—a sizeable sum that when taken overseas goes much further than just paying for surgery. With rising costs of surgery in the U.S., more and more people are choosing to have their medical needs taken care of overseas, in better-value destinations, to take advantage of the lower costs.

Medical tourism, going to another country for treatment, has been on the rise and there are plenty of countries around that world that offer world-class care at a fraction of the cost of what it would cost in the U.S.

And the money you save on your treatment (and it can run into the tens of thousands), can be used to kick back and relax in style while you recover…or to take a vacation around the country you’re visiting. Here are five retirement havens around the world where the quality of care is top-notch, and expats can even buy houses, cars, or live for up to two years with the dollars left over.


According to a World Health Organization (WHO) study, France provides the best overall healthcare system in the world.

At the start of 2016, France established a new national healthcare system, known as Protection Universelle Maladie (PUMA). This new system grants an automatic and continuous right to healthcare for those who legally reside in France on a “regular and stable manner.” This means that if you’ve lived in France for a minimum of three months and legally reside there at least six months a year, you are eligible to apply for public healthcare.

“Here in France, the average cost for a knee replacement is around $13,700, so you’re going to be over $21,000 better off if you have your dodgy knee replaced in France, while enjoying one of the best cultures the world has to offer,” says IL South of France Correspondent, Stewart Richmond.

“You could invest in a two-bedroom house in Brittany. A great place for your annual vacation and somewhere to rent out to help pay for the airfares.

“Or what about a car? From the change left over from your knee bill, you could buy a classic Jaguar XJS 1988—just the thing for the narrow medieval streets of sophisticated France.

“And for those who really want to impress their friends back home, what about a bottle of France’s top-notch wine, DRC Domaine de la Romanee-Conti Grand Cru, Cote de Nuits. A lovely drop to crack open at your next barbecue with the neighbors. You can pick a bottle up for around $16,000 and still have a little left over to pay for the steak.

“But U.S. retirees who choose France for their retirement have an added bonus. After three months of residency you can enter the French health system which means up to 70% of the money you spend on your knee replacement will be refunded by the government. Winning all round.”


Because of its high-quality and low-cost medical care, and the U.S. affiliations of several of its hospitals, Panama City has become a popular medical tourism destination.

Many Panamanian doctors are U.S.-trained, and you’ll often find they can speak English. Of course, prices may differ depending on where you are in the country, just like in your home country, but on average Panama is still more affordable for most procedures than the U.S.

Panama City is known throughout Latin America for its excellent clinics and hospitals. But with clinics and hospitals strategically positioned throughout Panama , and given the country is so small, it’s unlikely retirees will be more than an hour from a modern facility.

“A knee replacement in Panama will run you around $12,000 in the capital city or even less in smaller towns,” says IL Panama Editor, Jessica Ramesch.

“So, for the $35,000 you’d pay in the States, you could pay for your flights and the surgery here, and you would struggle to spend more than $3,000 touring Panama before your surgery.

“Heck, you could bring five friends or family members along and pay for their rooms and meals and still come out ahead.”


Mexico is a conveniently located destination for Americans to travel to for medical procedures. In fact, Mexico’s combination of well-trained doctors, modern hospitals, low prices, and proximity to the States has made it a popular medical-tourism destination for U.S. residents.

In Mexico, every medium to large city has at least one first-rate hospital. And a big plus is that most doctors and dentists in Mexico received at least part of their training in the U.S.Mexico originally became popular for dentistry and cosmetic surgery, but travel for other procedures is now growing.

In 2001, Patrice Wynne moved from the San Francisco Bay Area to San Miguel de Allende , in Mexico’s Colonial Highlands. She started a fair-trade boutique, Abrazos San Miguel, offering textile products created with Mexican seamstresses.

When Patrice needed not one but two knee replacements, she found the level of care and professionalism amongst medical staff in the nearby city of Queretaro to be first-class. Not to mention significantly cheaper than the States.

“Several people expressed surprise when I shared that I was not in major excruciating pain from having both knees replaced at the same time,” she says. “When I interviewed Dr. Fidel Dobarganes, I asked many questions about the pain issue. He assured me that he has a pain management plan that works, that it did not involve addictive drugs, and that on a post-op patient survey of pain level ranked 1-10, his patients scored 2 as the average. It proved to be true.

“I chose Dr Dobarganes after our first meeting because of his humanity, as well as his reputation and patient references—he has done 8,000 knee and hip surgeries and has been trained in Mexico, the U.S., and Germany.

“When I was wheeled into the operating room, I was dumbstruck by the modern new equipment. In fact, everything about my operation and the stay in the hospital was sophisticated.“My total costs were originally estimated at just over $19,500. But because of my work in the community, the doctor obtained a reduction of $7,350 for the hospital stay, so the final cost for the dual surgery was $12,250. And it is customary in Mexico to allow a family member to stay in the room at no cost, including hospital cafeteria meals. My husband had his own bed in my room for four days.

“When I called to have my initial consultation with the surgeon I was hoping to use in Northern California, the cost was $1,250 plus $500 in X-rays. The initial visit and subsequent post-op visits to see Dr Dobarganes in Queretaro were $40 each with $20 in X-ray fees.”


As well as the great weather, a thriving expat scene, and low-cost living, excellent, affordable healthcare is a big reason many folks retire to Ecuador. In Ecuador’s major cities— Quito , Cuenca, and Guayaquil —English-speaking doctors are common, since many have gone to medical school in the U.S.

These three cities are also where you’ll find Ecuador ’s most modern hospitals and most of the medical specialists. IL Correspondent Donna Stiteler lives in Ecuador’s third-largest city and the economic center of the southern sierra, Cuenca.

Cuenca has several top-notch hospitals, and many of the physicians have studied abroad and are bilingual. For the quality of care offered, costs are amazingly low—an office visit runs around $30.

Donna says, “Here, a knee joint replacement costs $7,000 and $1,300 for arthroscopic surgery on the joint. That’s a whole lot cheaper than the U.S.

“In Cuenca, a couple can live well on $1,680 a month—$20,160 or a year—so even after having knee surgery, you and your other half can live for over a year. That’s incredible.”


The World Health Organization ranks Italy’s healthcare system as one of the best in the world. While some public hospitals are overcrowded and underfunded, this is not always the case everywhere. Mid-size cities have good facilities and shorter lines. Every town has a doctor available and a guardia medica (a form of urgent care available throughout Italy) on duty for weekend and holiday emergencies.

Although Italian healthcare costs vary based on a number of factors including region and whether you have private insurance or not, expats report costs as reasonable.

IL Italy Correspondent, Valerie Schneider says, “A knee replacement, if you go private and pay, costs about $22,729. That’s savings of more than $12,000—you could rent a country villa in Tuscany with a pool for eight weeks at $1,500 a week. Or it would buy you a pair of Vespa motor scooters to explore Italy and still have money left for the insurance and gas for a couple of years.

“If you have insurance coverage, the cost of the surgery would depend on coverage but range between $1,200 to $3,000. If you are enrolled in Italy's national healthcare system, the cost is zero. That means that you could conceivably buy a house in Italy with the same money as it would have cost just to get your knee replaced back home—yes, there are village homes for sale at that price! Or you could buy a sporty Alfa Romeo—along with insurance coverage.

“A couple could also fund their living expenses for almost two years in a charming Italian town like Umbria—the region that lies between Rome and Florence at Italy’s geographic center—or Basilicata, a hidden gem tucked into the ankle of “the boot,” speckled with verdant valleys, deep forests, rolling hills, and alpine peaks.”

Bonus: Vietnam


Vietnam has made tremendous strides in its healthcare industry and it is now possible to get top-quality care without having to leave the country. There are four internationally accredited hospitals (one eye hospital and three general hospitals) and new hospitals in Da Nang, Nha Trang, and Phu Quoc.

Costs for medical treatments here are much less than they are in other countries in the region, including Malaysia , Singapore, and Thailand , and prices average much less than those found in U.S. hospitals.

“The cost of a knee replacement at the JCI-accredited FV Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City is between $7,750 and $9,250 with the average price around $8,000,” says IL Vietnam Correspondent Wendy Justice. “That leaves $27,000 to spend at will. For any medical tourist, that’s one luxurious medical vacation in Vietnam…for a month.

“The budget looks like this—Knee replacement: $8,000. Airline tickets: $1,500. Five-star hotels in Vietnam: $6,000 (30 days at $150 per day). High-end restaurants in Vietnam: $1,950 (30 days at $65 per day). And back in the States, there’s money left to by a brand-new Nissan Sentra: $17,550.”

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Stuart Yeandle, 70, from Wales, has had a total hip replacement at the Nordorthopaedics clinic in Kaunas, Lithuania, this month.

‘It’s not medical tourism, it’s desperation’: rising number of Britons resort to treatment abroad

Despair over NHS waiting lists is driving people who could never afford private care in UK to countries like Lithuania

C athy Rice had been in all-consuming pain for 18 months when she decided to fly to Lithuania . “I was going up the stairs on my hands and knees. I couldn’t get to the shop. I had no quality of life,” she says.

Rice, 68, who has four grandchildren, had been told she needed a knee replacement for an injury caused by osteoarthritis but – like millions of NHS patients – faced a gruelling wait.

At a clinic in Kaunas, Lithuania’s second largest city, the operation was arranged within weeks and cost €6,800 (£5,967) – around half the cost in the UK. The price included a pre-travel consultation, return flights, airport transfers, two nights in an en suite hospital room, pre-surgery check-ups and post operative physio.

“I thought, ‘Just look at your choices. You can stay here and be in this kind of pain for another couple of years or you can take a decision’,” Rice says.

The former health sector worker, from Glasgow, is one of a growing number of Britons going abroad for routine medical care. She had never gone private before and never had a desire to. But last week, a year after the first surgery, she returned to Lithuania to have the same procedure on her other knee. This time, she says the wait she faced on the NHS was three years.

She explains tearfully that to cover the costs of the surgeries in Lithuania, she sold her house. “People think that if you’re doing this you’ve got a wonderful pension or you’re very well off. But the driver here is that people are in pain,” she says. “This is not medical tourism; it’s medical desperation.”

In the basement gym of the same hospital in Kaunas – a gleaming white clinic overlooked by Soviet-era apartment buildings – another patient, William Grover, 79, is stepping on and off an aerobic block.

William Grover having physiotherapy at Nordclinic.

The grandfather of eight, from Portsmouth, is two days post-surgery following a right hip replacement that cost €7,000 (£6,146). The former construction worker decided to fly the two and a half hours from Luton to Lithuania to have the procedure at the Nordorthopaedics clinic after facing an uncertain wait on the NHS . He had been quoted £15,000 by a private hospital in the UK.

“I always used the NHS. I never thought I would need to go private. But my hip was getting worse and worse and I got to the stage where I was just thinking, ‘What am I going to do?’” he says.

Battered by the pandemic, workforce shortages and a chronic lack of social care capacity, the UK’s health systems are under acute strain. The latest NHS figures show that 7.19 million people were waiting for treatment in England alone in November, with 406,575 waiting over a year. There were more than 600,000 patients waiting in Scotland for planned procedures at the end of last September and there were more than 750,000 waiting to start treatment in Wales in October.

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said it was “working tirelessly” to ensure people get the care they need and that the NHS had “virtually eliminated waits of more than two years for treatment”.

The Welsh government said it had “ambitious targets” to tackle delays for planned care while the Scottish government said it was opening four national treatment centres that could provide capacity for over “12,250 additional procedures, dependent on workforce”.

But a growing number of people are resorting to going private. Google trends data shows UK searches for “private healthcare” are at a record high while figures from the Private Healthcare Information Network show the number self-paying for private acute care has increased by more than a third compared with before the pandemic, with a 193% rise in those paying for hip replacements .

For those who cannot afford private care in Britain, travelling abroad can be appealing. In some countries in Europe, operations can be as little as half the price of the equivalent treatment in the UK, even after factoring in extras like post-operative rehabilitation.

Nordclinic clinic in Lithuania.

There is no reliable source of data on outbound UK medical tourism, but the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has estimated that about 248,000 UK residents went abroad for medical treatment in 2019, compared with 120,000 in 2015.

For years, the medical tourism market has been dominated by people crossing borders for tummy tucks, dental work and other cosmetic treatments. But Keith Pollard, editor in chief of International Medical Travel Journal , says there is evidence of an increased demand for core medical care, with NHS waiting lists “driving business”.

Clinics in Lithuania, Hungary and Spain are all reporting a rise in demand for elective procedures like hip operations, he says. “There are rising numbers of people who are opting out of the NHS to self-pay and can afford private treatment in the UK. There is another group of patients who might not be able to afford that, but may pay £3,000 or £4,000 for a procedure overseas.”

Lithuania, whose total population is a third of the size of London’s, has become increasingly popular because it is easy to reach, relatively inexpensive, and has developed a good reputation among international patients.

This year 500 patients are expected to visit Nordclinic in Kaunas for orthopaedic surgeries alone, including hip and knee replacements, achilles tendon repair and foot and ankle surgery, up from 392 last year and compared with 150 before Covid. The clinic also has a branch offering general surgery, including hernia repairs and gallbladder surgery. In January so far, five Britons have had their gallbladders removed.

Before they travel, patients have a remote consultation, fill in a health questionnaire and supply relevant scans and blood test results. When they return, they are expected to have an x-ray after three months which is sent back to the clinic. If something were to go wrong, patients would be entitled to further free treatment to address the issues. Other clinics, like the nearby Gijos Klinikos, a sprawling hospital with wards like hotel rooms, make the same promise.

Orthopaedic surgeon Sarunas Tarasevicius prepares for surgery.

Prof Sarunas Tarasevicius, an orthopaedic surgeon at Nord, says that when he began working there a decade ago, virtually none of the international patients he treated were from the UK. Now nearly all of them are, mostly from England. “Often they are elderly and they should be going to hospitals near their home. But still, somehow they make the decision,” he says. “Some people are borrowing money from their kids.”

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Tarasevicius says that before Brexit, patients could get the costs for surgery like hip replacements abroad reimbursed if the NHS could not provide them in a “reasonable” timeframe – usually around six months. Funding for pre-planned care has now become more difficult to access, but still the patients come. “We were expecting a drop-off after Brexit, but it didn’t happen,” he says.

About 100km away in the capital, Vilnius, the Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Centre is also in demand among Britons. The four-floor hospital treats around 150,000 patients a year, about 5,000 of whom are from the UK. Most want health check-ups – diagnostic tests like MRIs and scans. Others come for orthopaedic surgery.

Deividas Praspaliauskas, the chief executive, says UK requests have remained at a similar level to before the pandemic but demand from Lithuanian patients has spiked in the same period. “People are planning visits from the UK and we don’t have enough capacity to treat them all,” he says.

The Gijos Klinikos clinic in Kaunas.

Maja Swinder, patient co-ordinator at EuroTreatMed, a medical travel agency, has observed a similar trend in Poland, with patients from the UK travelling for orthopaedic surgery. “Those patients were considered non-urgent cases under the NHS, and some of them had their surgeries postponed several times,” she says. “People were waiting in pain [and] some became wheelchair-bound.”

One private hospital, KCM clinic in Jelenia Góra in south-western Poland, says orthopaedic operations for UK patients were 20% to 30% higher in 2022 versus 2019.

In France, Carine Briat-Hilaire, chief executive and co-founder of France Surgery, a medical travel facilitator in Toulouse, said her company was seeing high demand from UK patients seeking cardiology care as well as orthopaedic surgery. “Before Brexit, English people came to France for healthcare purposes because they were reimbursed by the NHS. Now, they come to France because of the skyrocketing waiting lists in the UK,” she says.

Spotting a market, some clinics are ramping up their sales efforts. Acibadem, a leading healthcare group in Turkey, held an event at the Royal College of Surgeons in London last week to mark the opening of its UK office, which promotes its medical services. Online, clinics in Europe pay for ads that pop up when people google terms like “hip replacement” while brokerages sell treatment packages offering to send patients to Thailand and India for cut-price care.

The UK government advises patients to ensure any hospital or clinic they visit is properly regulated and that they have insurance that covers pre-planned medical care abroad. Patients should also consider potential language barriers and any aftercare they will need on returning to the UK, the NHS says.

Samantha Barker resorted to crowdfunding to pay for treatment.

Patients who travelled abroad said they considered the risks and decided they were worth taking.

“At the end of the day it’s benefiting my quality of life,” says Stuart Yeandle, 70, from Ceredigion, western Wales, who had a total hip replacement in Lithuania last week after facing a “three or four year wait” at home. He says that while he will have an appointment with an NHS nurse to remove the staples, the net benefit to the health service outweighs any perceived negatives. “It’s helping the NHS in reducing numbers and allowing people who can’t afford it to get it done sooner,” he says.

For many others who are waiting, paying for quicker access is an option that remains out of reach. The number of Britons using crowdfunding for private medical expenses has surged in the last five years. But while hundreds of campaigns are live – for treatments ranging from hip operations to ACL repair and brain aneurysm surgery – many never reach their target.

Last year, Samantha Barker, 25, launched a GoFundMe appeal to pay for surgery at a specialist hospital in Romania after learning that the wait in Malvern, Worcestershire, would be at least 65 weeks.

The gym instructor says she was in agony due to endometriosis, a condition where tissue grows on the outside of the womb or uterus which can cause severe pain and infertility. “I’d be screaming in the bathroom at 2am on the floor, in so much pain I couldn’t speak. They’d call an ambulance and say you need to go to A&E, then give me morphine and tell me to go back home,” she says. “There was just no hope.”

In the end, she did not come close to her £3,000 goal, so could not afford to go. Instead she had a less preferred, temporary treatment at a UK private clinic which gave her the option of repaying the £4,022 over 24 months.

It has improved her quality of life, but she has heard from others that for less money, the standard of care in Romania would have been “so much more than the UK”. “If I have to have surgery again I’d definitely try and have it abroad,” she says.

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    Italy, knee replacement surgery, orthopedic excellence, orthopedic specialists, innovative procedures, state-of-the-art facilities, knee pain relief, improved mobility. Receive a Free Medical Quote → ... medical tourism providers, hospitals, clinics, employers, and insurance companies can all find the information they need. Our site focuses ...

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    In the realm of medical tourism, Bermuda stands out as a sought-after destination for exceptional knee replacement procedures. Whether you are a healthcare professional or a prospective patient, understanding the nuances of the best hospitals for knee replacement is pivotal to informed decision-making.

  13. Knee Replacement Surgery Cost Abroad

    Medical Tourism provides you affordable medical trip services for knee replacement in India, Mexico, Costa Rica and other countries. Get a free Quote for knee replacement surgery abroad. SCHEDULE A CALL | GET QUOTE +1.800.661.2126 Outside U.S. call +1 214 571 4553

  14. Knee Replacement Abroad

    This information is intended for general information only and should not be considered as medical advice on the part of Any decision on medical treatments, after-care or recovery should be done solely upon proper consultation and advice of a qualified physician. ... Revision Knee Replacement Surgery: Revision knee ...

  15. Bilateral Total Knee Replacement Revision

    Knee. Research on mesenchymal stem cells regenerative properties in knee osteoarthritis. In these studies, researchers suggest that Stem Cell Therapy has the potential to regenerate lost cartilage, stop and reverse cartilage degeneration, provide pain relief, and improve patient mobility.

  16. Medical Tourism: 5 Spots for an Affordable High Quality Knee Replacement

    For the quality of care offered, costs are amazingly low—an office visit runs around $30. Donna says, "Here, a knee joint replacement costs $7,000 and $1,300 for arthroscopic surgery on the joint. That's a whole lot cheaper than the U.S. "In Cuenca, a couple can live well on $1,680 a month—$20,160 or a year—so even after having knee ...

  17. 'It's not medical tourism, it's desperation': rising number of Britons

    Rice, 68, who has four grandchildren, had been told she needed a knee replacement for an injury caused by osteoarthritis but - like millions of NHS patients - faced a gruelling wait.