presidante tour venezuela


Presid a nte, no es otra clásica campaña política, presidante..

presidante tour venezuela

Humor, lágrimas y un mensaje al corazón

Dante Gebel es un conferencista, influencer, actor y conductor de televisión. Gebel es un referente en el mundo hispano como uno de los oradores más extraordinarios, capaz de conducir al público por las más fascinantes historias, que van desde las risas hasta las lágrimas. En este show, Gebel abre su corazón y nos comparte acerca de la vida, la muerte, la nostalgia y los relatos cotidianos que llevan a profundas reflexiones del alma; permitiéndose la licencia de ser “Presidente por un día”.

Presidante Tour

presidante tour venezuela

ABR 30 2024

May 02 2024, may 22 2024, may 23 2024, jun 18 2024, jun 19 2024, jun 20 2024, jun 21 2024, jun 22 2024, jun 23 2024, jun 25 2024, jun 26 2024, ago 08 2024.

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Presidante Tour 2024

Dante Gebel es reconocido en el mundo hispano como uno de los conferencistas y motivadores más extraordinarios enfocados en la juventud y la familia, capaz de conducir al público por las más fascinantes historias que van desde las risas hasta las lágrimas. En este show, Gebel abre su corazón y nos comparte acerca de la vida, la muerte, la nostalgia y los relatos cotidianos que llevan a profundas reflexiones del alma; permitiéndose la licencia de ser “Presidente por un día”. Con humor, lágrimas y un mensaje al corazón."

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Dante gebel – presidante 2023 tour.

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Dante Gebel - Presidante Tour 2023

► date:  tuesday, october 31st, 2023  time:  08:00pm , ►  copernicus center doors open:  6:30pm  •  theater doors open:  7:00pm  •  all ages welcome.

presidante tour venezuela

Tickets: $29.99 – $179.99 Meet & Greet: No

presidante tour venezuela

El reconocido conferencista, gran motivador, influencer, actor y conductor de televisión Dante Gebel llega con su gira “Presidante 2023”. El creador de las conferencias “Auténtico”, “A corazón abierto”, e “Íntimo”, presentará una nueva gira mundial donde abre su corazón y nos comparte acerca de la vida, la muerte, la nostalgia y los relatos cotidianos que llevan a profundas reflexiones del alma; permitiéndose la licencia de ser “Presidente por un día” con mucho humor, lágrimas y un mensaje al corazón.

The renowned motivational speaker, influencer, actor and television host Dante Gebel arrives with his “Presidante 2023” tour. The creator of the “Authentic”, “A corazón abierto” and “Intimate” conferences, will present a new world tour where he opens his heart and shares with us about life, death, nostalgia and everyday stories that lead to profound reflections of the soul; allowing himself the license to be “President for a day” with a lot of humor, tears and a message to the heart.


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PresiDante, el show de Dante Gebel que es “sold out” en América Latina

Que dante gebel es un fenómeno que trasciende las fronteras de la iglesia ya no es novedad. su carisma y elocuencia hace que nada de lo que sale de su boca pase inadvertido. con su show itinerante está logrando romper los récords de taquilla en algunos países de américa latina donde se presentará en breve. ¿qué hay detrás de presidante, el espectáculo que nadie quiere perderse en esta breve charla con gebel -donde además habla de su programa de televisión y su labor solidaria desde river arena-, comenta algunos detalles de este espectáculo que fue un éxito en su argentina natal y que ahora recorre el resto de latinoamérica..

Damián Sileo

En breves palabras, ¿qué es PresiDante?

Una conferencia que dura dos horas, y que pasa por varias estaciones de la vida; partiendo de la premisa de lo que haría, “si fuese presidente por un día”, sea la nación que fuere. Y a partir de esa hipótesis, y en complicidad con el público, pasamos por la nostalgia, muchas lágrimas, mucha risa, y obviamente, un encuentro con el Señor; pero se va dando de manera orgánica. Es lo más evangelístico que hice en muchísimo tiempo. Arrancamos con dos funciones en el Luna Park y seguimos por 40 ciudades del mundo. Hasta el momento, ha sido un fenómeno imparable y esperemos que siga así. Haremos el Movistar Arena de Bogotá, el Auditorio Nacional de México, el Radio City de New York, entre otros.

¿Cómo explicas este fenómeno que se da en países como, por ejemplo, República Dominicana o El Salvador, donde las tres presentaciones tienen sus tickets agotados desde dos meses antes del show?

No sólo eso, en la mayoría de los países, se agotaron en menos de dos horas del lanzamiento. ¡Es una locura! Obviamente los productores locales siempre nos piden más presentaciones, que abramos un día más, pero es imposible hacer más de dos, máximo tres funciones, porque siempre tengo que regresar los domingos a River Arena, además de las grabaciones para el programa de Canal 9, lo cual es una maratón, pero vale el esfuerzo.

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El desafío de estudiar la biblia en tiempos modernos, una periodista argentina llevará la situación de las mujeres wichis a la onu.

WhatsApp Image 2023 07 06 at 12.14.54 1 copia

En la Argentina estás con un proyecto que ya lleva dos años y también tiene un singular éxito, tu programa televisivo “La Divina Noche”. Y una de las secciones más populares es la del monólogo retro. ¿Crees que hay una necesidad de la gente de volver a lo de antes? ¿Hay intención de ir en esa dirección o sólo la concebiste como una apertura divertida para romper el hielo?

Necesitaba un patrón, un hilo conductor que uniera todos los monólogos; y la nostalgia o el apelar al “éramos felices y no nos dimos cuenta” me permite tener un riel, una manera de agregar temas como si fuesen vagones y siempre con un denominador común. Además, obviamente, la nostalgia une varias generaciones y es un excelente disparador para el humor.

Tus invitados abarcan un amplio abanico de edades, nacionalidades, profesiones, status social, etc. Uno imagina que, de todos estos personajes, sacas algo, pero… ¿cuál sería un denominador común cuando haces un balance de todos los entrevistados que tuviste?

Que todos pueden ser ellos mismos. Trato de crear un clima en el cual se sientan cómodos, y que no estén esperando la zancadilla periodística, y eso hace que se relajen y cuenten cosas que normalmente no harían en otro medio. Nos propusimos no buscar el título o el videograph. Y fundamentalmente, no estoy tratando de lucirme por encima del entrevistado, tengo siempre presente que es su noche, su momento; yo sólo escucho y sigo la línea del relato de lo que me va contando.

Se te ve en tantos lugares que hay gente que sospecha que tienes un clon que desarrolla las tareas sociales de River Arena mientras el Dante original está grabando para la televisión argentina. ¿Cómo haces para repartirte entre tantas tareas que, es evidente, llevan mucho tiempo de planificación y ejecución?

Las tareas sociales, los viajes misioneros, la atención personalizada en River, y la administración legal y financiera la lleva adelante un equipo formidable; yo no tengo que estar ahí. Hay 12 pastores en planta, (entre ellos un CEO ejecutivo que es mi segundo a bordo) más de 80 empleados y 600 voluntarios que hacen todo el trabajo. Parece que yo hiciera mucho, pero solo estoy enfocado en tres cosas: los mensajes semanales de River Arena que salen al mundo; el programa de televisión de Canal 9 (que se emiten por Vix de Univisión) y el Tour Presidante . Fuera de eso, todo es delegado en un enorme equipo de profesionales.

WhatsApp Image 2023 07 06 at 12.14.54 2 copia

¿Qué pasa por la cabeza de Dante Gebel cada vez que el enorme camión azul de River Ligthouse se aleja vacío del lugar donde terminó de cambiarle la vida a una familia?

Fue por esto que me metí en los negocios del Reino; es lo que siempre supe que se podía hacer; sólo por esto, volvería a vivir todo lo que viví.

Volvamos a PresiDante. En Argentina es año electoral. Los políticos se están matando en las internas del mismo partido y sólo en la imaginación cabe lo que será la campaña previa a las elecciones definitivas. Imagino que no es casual el nombre del show…

Te cuento algo que será una primicia, puesto que no lo había dicho antes. Antes de cerrar las listas, recibí la propuesta formal de postularme como Gobernador de la Provincia de Buenos Aires para el equipo de Javier Milei. Obviamente, me sentí honrado que contaran conmigo, pero decliné la oferta. Pero te cuento esta infidencia, sólo para decirte que no descarto en algún futuro, hacer algo por mi país, en la medida de mis posibilidades y conforme la providencia Divina. Con Dios en el equipo, no descarto nada. Pero Presidante , el Tour, no tiene que ver con alguna aspiración política, sólo el juego de palabras y la consigna, el punto de partida para la conferencia.

Para cerrar, y ya que hablamos en términos electorales, ¿habrá segunda vuelta de PresiDante en Argentina?

Este año, aprovechando que estaré en Chile, creo que haremos Córdoba o Mendoza; pero dudo que regrese a Buenos Aires, al menos hasta 2024.

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Dante Gebel: Presidante Tour

Dante Gebel: Presidante Tour

  • Date November 14 , 2023
  • Doors Open 7:00 PM
  • Venue Main Theater
  • Ticket Prices Tickets start at $30.99
  • On Sale On Sale Now

Event Details

El reconocido conferencista, gran motivador, influencer, actor y conductor de televisión  DANTE GEBEL  llega con su gira "Presidante 2023”. El creador de las conferencias  Auténtico ,  A corazón abierto , e  Íntimo , presentará una nueva gira mundial donde abre su corazón y nos comparte acerca de la vida, la muerte, la nostalgia y los relatos cotidianos que llevan a profundas reflexiones del alma; permitiéndose la licencia de ser “Presidente por un día” con mucho humor, lágrimas y un mensaje al corazón.

English Translation:

The renowned motivational speaker, influencer, actor and television host  DANTE GEBEL  arrives with his “Presidante 2023” tour. The creator of the  Authentico ,  A corazón abierto  and  Intimo  conferences, will present a new world tour where he opens his heart and shares with us about life, death, nostalgia and everyday stories that lead to profound reflections of the soul; allowing himself the license to be "President for a day" with a lot of humor, tears and a message to the heart.


Main Theater

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Biden administration to reimpose oil and gas sanctions on Venezuela

U.s. officials say that president nicolás maduro has not upheld his end of the bargain to allow free and fair elections.

The Biden administration will reimpose oil and gas sanctions on Venezuela after President Nicolás Maduro failed to comply with a U.S.-backed agreement to allow opposition candidates and parties to run in July elections, the State Department said in a statement Wednesday.

A six-month general license, issued in October as part of a deal between Maduro and the Venezuelan opposition signed in October, is scheduled to expire at midnight Wednesday and will not be renewed, the officials said. The Treasury Department on Wednesday issued a new, limited license allowing businesses operating in Venezuela, including international oil companies, until May 31 to wind down their operations there.

The decision comes amid U.S. election year concerns that both global oil prices and the number of Venezuelan migrants seeking U.S. entry may increase as restrictions are reimposed on the primary source of Venezuela’s income.

The Biden administration’s temporary license allowed buyers from around the world to purchase Venezuelan crude and pay for it in U.S. dollars for the first time since former president Donald Trump’s maximum-pressure policy — with increased sanctions repeatedly upped during his administration — effectively removed it from the international market. China, which ignored the U.S. sanctions, became Venezuela’s main buyer and Iran its main supplier of chemicals needed to dilute and produce the country’s heavy crude oil.

The revocation of the six-month general license does not affect the oil giant Chevron, which maintains significant operations in Venezuela and is allowed to extract oil and sell it in the United States under a separate license.

The Treasury Department is encouraging other companies to apply for “specific” licenses to continue or begin operations in or with Venezuela or engage in non-monetary swaps for oil, according to senior administration officials who briefed reporters in advance of the official statement on the condition of anonymity under White House rules. Unlike general licenses, the existence or terms of special licenses do not have to be made public.

“The administration is leaving the door open for U.S. and other Western companies to maintain a footprint in Venezuela,” said Geoff Ramsey, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council focused on Venezuela. “It’s a delicate balance, but one that ensures that the White House retains leverage.”

From an oil industry perspective, “this should do the job,” said an adviser to energy companies engaged in the Venezuelan oil sector, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect the confidentiality of clients. While more cumbersome to regulate, the individual licenses would allow specific companies to sell Venezuelan oil on the open market and help prevent “sending Venezuela back into the hands of the Chinese, Iranians and Russians,” the adviser said.

But another industry expert, former Obama administration coordinator for international energy affairs David L. Goldwyn, said that “unless specific licenses really alter what is permitted, China will benefit from cheap crude, Iran will benefit from increased product sales to Venezuela.” Western companies, India and others who purchased Venezuelan heavy oil under the now-expired temporary license would “all be negatively affected,” he said.

The U.S. could still decide to issue a new, more restrictive license or other types of sanctions relief at a later point if the Venezuelan government takes certain steps in the coming days, according to one person familiar with ongoing negotiations.

Any flexibility in the sanctions is likely to encounter blowback from lawmakers.

Seven Republican U.S. senators last week sent a letter to President Biden urging the administration to reinstate and “fully enforce all U.S. sanctions” against the Maduro government. “History has proven time and time again that appeasing dictators does not work,” the senators wrote.

The Biden administration debated taking less drastic steps to show its displeasure with Maduro — including the possibility of a more restrictive general license to replace the existing one that would have allowed foreign trade under certain circumstances. But the choice was “fundamentally based on the actions and non-actions of Venezuelan authorities,” one official said.

“Despite delivering on some of the commitments made ... Maduro and his representatives prevented the democratic opposition from registering the candidate of their choice, harassed and intimidated political opponents, and unjustly detained numerous political actors and members of civil society,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said in the statement.

Although Maduro’s government “upheld certain aspects” of the agreement — including setting the date for the presidential vote and taking initial steps to allow international electoral observers — his government “has not followed through on the most critical” parts, another senior official said.

Chief among them is Maduro’s disqualification of the leading opposition candidate, Maria Corina Machado, who a series of polls have indicated would easily beat Maduro, running for his third term as president. The government also refused to allow Machado’s chosen substitute, 80-year-old philosophy professor Corina Yoris, to register.

Amnesty International this week condemned a “spike in arbitrary detentions, enforced disappearances, misuse of criminal law, violations of due process and fair trial guarantees, stigmatizing campaigns, and possible acts of torture against people perceived as critical of Nicolás Maduro’s government.”

In apparent violation of the Venezuelan constitution, the government has also placed restrictions on allowing absentee ballots for millions of Venezuelans living abroad, ruling that they must have permanent residency wherever they are living and a Venezuelan passport. Many of the migrants who have left the country for economic or political reasons in recent years have neither.

Delegations from the European Union and the Carter Center met with Venezuelan officials this week to discuss their electoral monitoring missions, but it is unclear whether they will be allowed access to independently assess the vote.

U.S. officials and Maduro representatives met multiple times since the agreement was signed to find a path forward. In Mexico City last week, the Biden administration continued to demand that Machado, or at least Yoris, be allowed to run and that Maduro release political prisoners, as agreed in the October deal signed by his government and opposition leaders in Barbados.

Maduro, in a national broadcast Monday night, accused the United States of failing to follow through on its commitments to lift all sanctions.

“We are going to keep moving forward with a license or without a license,” Maduro said. “We are not a gringo colony, we are not your colony.”

The opposition, meanwhile, is still scrambling to unite around a candidate who might be allowed to run against Maduro. Only three were allowed to register ahead of a deadline last month — Edmundo González, a former diplomat with minimal name recognition; Manuel Rosales, the 71-year-old governor of the state of Zulia; and Enrique Márquez, a former electoral official.

Rosales, who is seen by some as close to “chavismo” — the left-wing, populist ideology tied to former president Hugo Chávez, who died in office and was replaced by Maduro in 2013 — registered without opposition backing at the last minute. Since then, he has suggested that he would agree to step aside and offer his slot to a different candidate.

The fractious opposition parties have until Saturday, under election rules, to suggest a single substitute candidate on a unified platform. The question is whether they will be able to overcome their differences to agree to one person — and whether the Maduro government would allow that candidate to run.

“If they do not put another candidate, I will continue with the Venezuelan flag held high to be the next president of Venezuela,” Rosales said during a speech in Maracaibo in March. “There are two options here: either they appoint a candidate, or they support me. Without that support I will not run for president.”

Machado has since offered to meet with Rosales and look for a solution.

Schmidt reported from Bogotá, Colombia. Ana Vanessa Herrero in Caracas, Venezuela, contributed to this report.

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Reporting by Mayela Armas; Writing by David Alire Garcia and Julia Symmes Cobb; Editing by William Mallard

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Thomson Reuters

Since 2018 Mayela has reported for Reuters on Venezuela’s economy and general news from capital Caracas. She is particularly interested in covering the effects of Venezuela’s economic crisis and high inflation, especially concerning the effects this has on the day to day lives of people and families. She also writes about how the country’s finances are managed, as well as Venezuela’s main industries. Before she joined Reuters Mayela worked at local media outlets including Cronica Uno and El Universal, and also as a Caracas-based stringer for the Wall Street Journal. Contact: +58 424-1350265

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U.S. Restores Oil Sanctions on Venezuela as Hopes Dim for Free Election

The Biden administration had temporarily lifted sanctions after President Nicolás Maduro agreed to make free elections possible. Now Mr. Maduro has put up barriers to a credible vote.

Presidential Nicolás Maduro stands in the background waving to people gathered around him.

By Genevieve Glatsky

When the government of President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela and his country’s opposition signed an agreement in October to work toward free and fair elections this year, it was seen as a glimmer of hope after years of authoritarian rule and economic free fall.

The United States, as a sign of good will, temporarily lifted some of the economic sanctions that have crippled the country’s crucial oil industry.

But six months later, the Maduro government has made several moves that have dimmed the chances of legitimate elections, and a frustrated Biden administration on Wednesday announced that it was letting the sanctions relief expire.

The reinstatement of the penalties could carry significant consequences for the future of Venezuela’s democracy, for its economy and for migration in the region.

“Maduro and his representatives did not fully comply with the spirit or the letter of the agreement,” said a senior administration official who spoke with a group of journalists on background to discuss a sensitive diplomatic matter.

Another top official discussing the restored sanctions cited the “disqualification of candidates and parties on technicalities, and what we see as a continued pattern of harassment and repression against opposition figures and civil society.”

The sanctions relief will expire at midnight on Wednesday, but the official said there would a be a “45-day wind-down period for transactions related to the oil-and-gas sector operations” so that the expiration “does not provoke uncertainty in the global energy sector.”

The Venezuelan government did not immediately respond to a request for comment. But in a televised address on Monday, Mr. Maduro, anticipating that the sanctions would be restored, said, “We are not a gringo colony. Venezuela is going to continue its economic march.”

The United States has placed sanctions on some Venezuelan leaders for years, but the Trump administration tightened them significantly in 2019, after the United States accused Mr. Maduro of fraud in the last presidential election.

The move was meant to force the Maduro government from power, but Mr. Maduro has managed to retain his grip, even as the sanctions have led to economic misery for many Venezuelans.

Venezuelan oil imports to the United States — its biggest customer — have been effectively banned. Oil is Venezuela’s main source of export income, and the sanctions have dealt a devastating economic blow that has contributed to a mass exodus of Venezuelans.

The sanctions relief allowed Venezuela to sell its crude freely for a period of six months.

Mr. Maduro, who has been in power for 11 years, has long sought the lifting of sanctions, while the United States and its allies in the Venezuelan opposition have demanded that Mr. Maduro allow competitive elections that could give his political opponents a legitimate shot at winning.

While the agreement last year , signed in Barbados, was a significant step forward, many were skeptical that Mr. Maduro would ever allow an election with any real possibility that he might lose.

Just days after the agreement was signed, a former Venezuelan lawmaker, María Corina Machado, won a primary election with more than 90 percent of the vote. Her victory and a high turnout showed, according to experts, that she stood a strong chance of defeating Mr. Maduro in a free and fair election.

Since then, the Maduro government has put up more barriers to prevent the possibility of a competitive vote.

The country’s top court disqualified Ms. Machado in January over what the judges claimed were financial irregularities that occurred when she was a national legislator. Those types of disqualifications are a common tactic used by Mr. Maduro to keep strong competitors off the ballot.

Then the government, using technical electoral maneuvers, prevented an opposition coalition from putting forward another preferred candidate. The opposition was ultimately allowed to put forth a different candidate, Edmundo González, a former diplomat, but it is unclear is if his name will appear on the ballot in the July 28 election.

One opposition party was allowed to officially register another candidate: Manuel Rosales, the governor of the populous state of Zulia, whose candidacy is widely seen as rubber-stamped by Mr. Maduro, according to political analysts.

An unclassified U.S. intelligence report in February stated that Mr. Maduro was likely to win the election and remain in power “because of his control of state institutions that influence the electoral process and his willingness to exercise his power.”

While the Maduro administration had placed allies on Venezuela’s electoral council, the intelligence report said it was “also trying to avoid blatant voting fraud.”

Six of Ms. Machado’s campaign aides have been arrested and six more have gone into hiding since arrest warrants were issued against them. Men on motorbikes have attacked supporters at her events. Many Venezuelans living abroad have been unable to register to vote because of expensive and cumbersome requirements.

Now that sanctions have been reinstated, experts say it is unlikely the Venezuelan government will reconsider its antidemocratic actions.

The Maduro government does not “have any further reason to make more concessions or even maintain some of the concessions that they have made so far,” said Mariano de Alba, a senior adviser for International Crisis Group, a think tank. “So we could be walking toward a more uneven playing field on the electoral side.”

The move could also affect migration in the region.

Exhausted by years of economic struggle and a lack of freedoms, hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans have tried to reach the United States border in the last two years, creating a political and humanitarian crisis for the Biden administration.

Around the time of the Barbados agreement, Venezuela also agreed to accept Venezuelan migrants deported from the United States, a move meant to help show that President Biden was aggressively tackling record border crossings and to deter other Venezuelans who might be considering the journey.

But those deportation flights stopped in February without an explanation. Now that sanctions are reinstated, they are unlikely to resume.

Sanctions relief also had a modest but notable effect on the Venezuelan economy over the past six months, according to experts. Oil exports recently hit a four-year high and inflation hit a decade low .

But the resumption of sanctions could reverse those gains. A struggling economy along with the strong possibility that Mr. Maduro could win another illegitimate election could lead to another surge in migration, experts said.

While the Biden administration said it would restore the sanctions, another U.S. official said the government could still allow individual companies on a case-by-case basis to do business with Venezuela’s oil-and-gas sector.

Allowing such limited business to continue with Venezuela gives the United States some leverage in discussions with the Maduro government, experts said.

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Venezuela’s main opposition bloc agrees on candidate to challenge Maduro in presidential election

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro speaks during a rally marking the 22nd anniversary of the late President Hugo Chavez's return to power after a failed coup attempt, in Caracas, Venezuela, Saturday, April 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Pedro Rances Mattey)

Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro speaks during a rally marking the 22nd anniversary of the late President Hugo Chavez’s return to power after a failed coup attempt, in Caracas, Venezuela, Saturday, April 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Pedro Rances Mattey)

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CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuela’s main opposition coalition agreed Friday to unite behind former diplomat Edmundo González as its challenger to President Nicolás Maduro in this summer’s election, acting one day before the deadline to formalize its candidate.

The decision was reached unanimously by the 10 parties in the Unitary Democratic Platform, Omar Barboza, the coalition’s executive secretary, said after a five-hour meeting that included discussions of other possible candidates.

The bloc had been allowed to provisionally register González on March 26 after the government came under a wave of criticism when opposition leaders said they were blocked from registering their candidate of choice. Saturday was the deadline to make his candidacy final.

The opposition group needed to replace its first candidate, María Corina Machado, who easily won a primary organized by the bloc in October but was barred by the government from running after the ruling party-controlled State Comptroller’s Office disqualified her from holding public office for 15 years.

Maduro’s administration has cracked down on the opposition before the July 28 presidential election despite promises to pave the way to fair elections in exchange for sanctions relief. The Biden administration on Wednesday reimposed crushing oil sanctions, criticizing Maduro’s moves.

Workers unpack medicine at a "mega-pharmacy" warehouse on its inauguration day in Huehuetoca, Mexico, Dec. 29, 2023. A new report released by the Mexican government Friday, April 12, 2024, says the country is facing a dire shortage of fentanyl for medical use, even as Mexican cartels pump out tons of the illicit narcotic. (AP Photo/Fernando Llano, File)

The governments of Colombia and Brazil also have expressed concern, and Guatemalan President Bernardo Arévalo accused Maduro’s government of “consolidating an anti-democratic system.”

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Yvan Gil has called the criticism a “gross interference in matters that only concern Venezuelans.”

Maduro, a self-proclaimed socialist leader. officially launched his candidacy last month for a third term that would last until 2031.

The election is likely to have more than 10 candidates, but except for the main opposition coalition, none are expect to pose a threat to Maduro’s power base.

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Vice President Kamala   Harris Launches Nationwide Economic Opportunity   Tour

The Vice President will kick off her multi-state tour with a moderated conversation in Atlanta, GA on April 29 and an event in Detroit, MI during the following week

WASHINGTON – Vice President Kamala Harris announced today that she will embark on a nationwide Economic Opportunity Tour with a series of events focused on investing in communities, building wealth, and ensuring every American has the freedom to thrive. The Vice President’s tour will take her back to several states across the country as she highlights how the Biden-Harris Administration has built economic opportunity and delivered for the American people. The Economic Opportunity Tour will kick off with a moderated conversation in Atlanta, GA on April 29 and an event in Detroit, MI during the following week. Additional dates and locations will be announced soon.

“President Biden and I are committed to creating an economy in which every person has the freedom to thrive. That is why we have taken historic steps to advance economic opportunity by increasing access to capital, investing in small businesses, addressing housing costs, forgiving student loans and medical debt, investing in infrastructure, and championing additional policies that put money in people’s pockets and build wealth,” said Vice President Harris.   “Our economic approach has delivered great progress, and we will continue to invest in you, your family, and your future.”

During the Vice President’s Economic Opportunity Tour, she will highlight how the Biden-Harris Administration has delivered historic investments that have supported communities and helped people thrive. This includes making unprecedented investments in small businesses and achieving the fastest creation of Black-owned small businesses in more than 30 years, creating a record number of jobs, increasing access to capital for underserved communities, investing in infrastructure, cutting the price of insulin and expanding access to health care, erasing medical debt, forgiving more student loan debt than any administration in history and boosting investments in education, making housing more affordable, lowering child care costs, and increasing the wealth of American families. Vice President Harris will also outline additional steps that she and President Biden are taking to expand this work. She will be joined on the tour by Administration officials, members of Congress, local leaders, and other special guests.

The Vice President’s tour is a continuation of her nonstop travel to communities across the country. She has made more than 35 trips to 16 states since the beginning of 2024. This includes consistent travel to meet with small business owners and entrepreneurs in underserved communities to discuss challenges and opportunities they face. In March, she traveled to Black Wall Street in Durham, NC to announce $32 million in funds to support historically underserved entrepreneurs. She began the year in Las Vegas, NV where she announced an SBA rule that will ensure millions of Americans who have served time are eligible for SBA loan programs that help individuals start and run small businesses.

The Vice President has long been focused on ensuring that minority, rural, and low-income communities have the capital and resources they need to thrive and support small businesses. Last year, she announced that Treasury’s CDFI Fund has awarded over $1.73 billion in grants to 603 Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) across the country. In 2022, the Vice President also announced a first-of-its-kind public-private sector initiative — the Economic Opportunity Coalition (EOC) — that is a historic public-private partnership of more than 20 private sector organizations that will invest tens of billions of dollars to create opportunity and grow wealth in historically underserved communities. The EOC has already surpassed over $1 billion in increased member company deposits into community finance institutions. As a Senator, the Vice President partnered with key Congressional stakeholders to secure a transformative $12 billion investment for CDFIs and MDIs in December 2020. Since that time, she has worked to ensure these programs are as successful as possible.

Additional dates, cities, and details for media to RSVP will be available soon.

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Who is Edmundo González, the Venezuelan opposition's new hope?

Former ambassador Edmundo Gonzalez, shown here this year at a Unitary Democratic Platform (PUD) gathering in Caracas, was chosen Friday night as the opposition coalition's new candidate for the July 28 presidential election

Venezuela’s political opposition — demonstrating a surprising unity that seems to have caught the country's authoritarian regime off guard — has chosen a new candidate, former diplomat Edmundo González, to run against President Nicolás Maduro. Many Venezuelan exiles here in South Florida, who've been wary of the democratic negotiation process back in their patria, seem optimistic about González's chances of winning — if, that is, Maduro ultimately allows him to run.

Venezuela’s main, 10-party opposition coalition, the Unitary Democratic Platform, or PUD, tapped González Friday night to challenge Maduro in the July 28 presidential election.

González replaces María Corina Machado, who won last fall's opposition presidential primary in a landslide — but whose candidacy is being barred by the Maduro regime. The regime says it's because of corruption charges against, but regime critics call that bogus and insist instead that Maduro is frightened my Machado's broad popularity.

González is a 74-year-old former ambassador who’s been a behind-the-scenes director of the opposition coalition in recent years. A native of Venezuela's Aragua state, just west of the capital Caracas, he holds a master's degree in international relations from American University in Washington, D.C., and was once affiliated with the right-of-center Christian Democratic party known as Copei.

Though a relative unknown inside and outside Venezuela until this past weekend, several polls show González already has an ample lead of as many as 20 points over Maduro, thanks largely to both Machado's backing and the severe humanitarian crisis Venezuelans are suffering — the worst in modern South American history.

READ MORE: More Venezuelans to leave country after July elections, predicts South Florida exile activist

Most Venezuelans blame Maduro and his socialist Chavista government for the economic catastrophe and their country's often brutal political repression, which in recent years has drawn accusations of crimes against humanity from the U.N. Maduro's recent approval ratings, in fact, have barely risen above 20%; and in one recent survey, 40% said they'd join the millions of Venezuelans who have already left the country — more than a fifth of the population in the past decade — if Maduro wins a third six-year term this summer.

Maduro's re-election in 2018 was widely viewed, both at home and abroad, as fraudulent. Last week the Biden Administration re-applied heavy U.S. sanctions against Venezuela's vital oil industry, because the regime, which last fall had agreed to hold a free and fair presidential election this year, instead refuses to let Machado run and has in recent month cracked down harshly on opposition leaders, arresting, jailing and exiling several.

Now, however, the regime seems uncertain how to respond.

As a result, many Venezuelan exile leaders in South Florida feel the PUD's move last week to make González its coalition standard-bearer after the regime allowed him to provisionally register his candidacy on March 26 was smart. Too often during the Chavistas' quarter-century-long rule, say many Venezuela experts, the opposition has simply opted to boycott elections in protest, to its detriment and to the benefit of the regime, because boycotts tend to draw international scrutiny away from the regime's abuses.

'A consensus-builder'

"This feels like a case of serendipity," said Miami business consultant and Venezuelan expat Beatrice Rangel, who was chief of staff to the late Venezuelan President Carlos Andrés Pérez in the 1990s and attended university with González in Caracas.

"It seems Machado and the opposition are playing the cards rather masterfully this time,"

Rangel, who also worked with him closely in government, said he has the right temperament to confront the Maduro regime.

“He’s a very level-headed person — a consensus-builder and incredibly patient," she said.

"So the madness of the regime — the insults and smears and lies they're going to throw at him — is not going to move him from his goal. It’s going to be his best weapon.”

Though González is a diplomat, Rangel also believes he has enough common touch to challenge the socialist Maduro.

“Edmundo grew up in a small Venezuelan town" before moving to Caracas as a teenager, Rangel said. "He’s easy-going — always has a smile, always has a joke.

”There's no social distancing with Edmundo. He respects human dignity; he's never engaged in the kind of predatory practices Venezuelans have come to associate with their regime.

"Venezuelans want to be free now, and he'll be able to relate to them and convince them he can fix this awful situation their lives are in."

It remains to be seen, however, if the regime will accept González's PUD candidacy or find a way to nullify him as well — as it did earlier with Machado's first choice of a substitute candidate, professor Corina Yoris, who was not allowed to access the government's registration process.

Still, even countries Venezuela considers allies in Latin America, such as Brazil, have indicated Maduro risks becoming an international pariah if he takes the same tack fellow leftist authoritarian Daniel Ortega, president of Nicaragua, followed three years ago by imprisoning or disqualifying virtually every candidate who sought to run against him.

READ MORE: YouTuber's 'terrorism' arrest raises a 'red flag' about visiting Venezuela

Meanwhile, Maduro’s government is making it much harder for millions of Venezuelans living in South Florida and elsewhere around the world to register to vote in the July election.

Among the common complaints: the regime has created a labyrinth of new bureaucratic red tape for voter registration abroad; it is requiring more expensive steps of Venezuelan migrants, such as passport renewals costing hundreds of dollars; or the regime is keeping consulates abroad closed or operating with irregular hours to prevent exile voters — who are almost all anti-regime — from signing up.

In fact, because the regime has closed its consulates in the U.S. in retaliation for Washington’s refusal to recognize Maduro as Venezuela’s legitimate president after the 2018 controversy, Venezuelans in the U.S. may end up not being able to vote in July.

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    The renowned motivational speaker, influencer, actor and television host DANTE GEBEL arrives with his "Presidante 2023" tour. The creator of the Authentico , A corazón abierto and Intimo conferences, will present a new world tour where he opens his heart and shares with us about life, death, nostalgia and everyday stories that lead to ...

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    DANTE GEBEL. Presid a nte, no es otra clásica campaña política, presidante.. Humor, lágrimas y un mensaje al corazón. Dante Gebel es un conferencista, influencer, actor y con

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  21. "PRESIDANTE TOUR", IMPERDIBLE... Compra tus boletos aquí:

    SIN SENTIDO: Leo comentarios de personas que se molestan del porque hay que comprar entradas para ingresar. ahora bien, yo les pregunto. Acaso cuando vas al médico, "cristiano" el te dice, no tenga pena no es nada vivo del aire o el de la tienda, …

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  23. Venezuela's main opposition bloc agrees on candidate to challenge

    Venezuela's main opposition coalition has agreed to unite behind former diplomat Edmundo González as its challenger to President Nicolás Maduro in this July 28 election. ... Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro speaks during a rally marking the 22nd anniversary of the late President Hugo Chavez's return to power after a failed coup ...

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    The Vice President's tour is a continuation of her nonstop travel to communities across the country. She has made more than 35 trips to 16 states since the beginning of 2024.

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    President Joe Biden's administration reimposed oil sanctions on Venezuela, ending a six-month reprieve after determining that Nicolas Maduro's regime failed to honor an agreement to allow a ...

  27. Who is Edmundo González, the Venezuelan opposition's new hope?

    Venezuela's main, 10-party opposition coalition, the Unitary Democratic Platform, or PUD, tapped González Friday night to challenge Maduro in the July 28 presidential election.


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