সকলের অবগতির জন্য জানানো যাচ্চে যে, কোর সাফারি পার্ক আগামী ১১-১২-২০২৩ ইং তারিখ হতে পূনরায় চালু থাকিবে ।

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park,Gazipur

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সাফারী পার্ক

  • অবস্হান ও আয়তন
  • ঐতিহাসিক পটভূমি
  • সাফারী পার্কের মূল উদ্দেশ্য

দর্শনীয় স্হাপনাসমূহ

সাফারী কিংডম.

  • বঙ্গবন্ধু স্কয়ার
  • অবমুক্ত ও বেস্টনিতে রাখা বন্যপ্রাণী
  • ন্যাচারেল হিস্ট্রি মিউজিয়াম

বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব সাফারী পার্ক, গাজীপুর

গাজীপুর জেলার শ্রীপুর উপজেলাধীন মাওনা ইউনিয়নের বড় রাথুরা মৌজা ও সদর উপজেলার পীরুজালী ইউনিয়নের পীরুজালী মৌজার খন্ড খন্ড শাল বনের ৪৯০৯.০ একর বন ভূমি ছোট বড় বিভিন্ন প্রজাতির প্রাণির জন্য নিরাপদ আবাসস্থল হিসাবে পরিচিত। এর মধ্যে ৩৮১০.০ একর এলাকাকে সাফারী পার্কের মাস্টার প্ল্যানের আওতাভূক্ত করা হয়েছে। বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব সাফারী পার্ক শীর্ষক প্রকল্পটি ২০১০ সালে ৬৩.৯৯ কোটি টাকা প্রাক্কলিত ব্যয়ে একনেক কর্তৃক অনুমোদিত হয় এবং পার্ক প্রতিষ্ঠা কার্যক্রম শুরু হয় এবং ২০১১ সালের ২ ফেব্র“য়ারী বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব সাফারী পার্ক, গাজীপুর এর আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে নির্মাণ কার্যক্রম শুরু হয়। প্রকল্পের শুরুতে কোন মাষ্টার প্লান প্রণয়ন করা সম্ভব হয়নি। পরবর্তীতে দেশী-বিদেশী বিশেষজ্ঞদের সহায়তায় আন্তর্জাতিক মানের সাফারী পার্কে উন্নীত করার লক্ষ্যে একটি মাষ্টার প্লান তৈরী করা হয়। মাষ্টার প্লানে বর্ণিত কার্যক্রম বাস্তবায়ন ও ভূমি অধিগ্রহনের জটিলতা নিরসনের লক্ষ্যে ৪ অক্টোবর ২০১১ তারিখে ’’বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব সাফারী পার্ক, গাজীপুর (১ম সংশোধিত) প্রকল্পটি একনেক কর্তৃক বর্ধিত আকারে ২১৯.৮৯ কোটি টাকা প্রাক্কলিত ব্যয়ে অনুমোদিত হয়। সাফারী পার্কটি দক্ষিণ এশীয় মডেল বিশেষ করে থাইল্যান্ডের সাফারী ওয়ার্ল্ড এর সাথে সামঞ্জস্য রেখে স্থাপন করা হয়েছে। এছাড়াও ইন্দোনেশিয়ার বালি সাফারী পার্কের কতিপয় ধারনা সন্নিবেশিত করা হয়েছে। সাফারী পার্কের চারদিকে নির্মাণ করা হচ্ছে স্থায়ী ঘেরাা এবং উহার মধ্যে দেশী/বিদেশী বন্যপ্রাণীর বংশবৃদ্ধি ও অবাধ বিচরণের সুযোগ সৃষ্টি করা হয়েছে যাতে পর্যটকগণ চলমান যানবাহনে অথবা পায়ে হেঁটে ভ্রমণ করে শিক্ষা, গবেষণা ও চিত্তবিনোদনের সুযোগ লাভ করবেন। সাফারী পার্কের ধারনা চিড়িয়াখানা হতে ভিন্নতর। চিড়িয়াখানায় জীবজন্তুসমূহ আবদ্ধ অবস্থায় থাকে এবং দর্শনার্থীগণ মুক্ত অবস্থায় থেকে জীবজন্তু পরিদর্শন করেন। কিন্তু সাফারী পার্কে বন্যপ্রাণীসমূহ উন্মুক্ত অবস্থায় বনজঙ্গলে বিচরণ করবে এবং মানুষ সতর্কতার সহিত চলমান যানবাহনে

পর্যকটগণ যা উপভোগ করবেন

      ন্যাচারেল হিস্ট্রি মিউজিয়ামে বন্যপ্রাণী ও উদ্ভিদ প্রজাতি      বৈচিত্র্য সম্পর্কে ছাত্র-ছাত্রী ও গবেষকগণ পরিচিতি লাভ      করতে পারেন।

      প্রটেকটেট মিনিবাসে চড়ে প্রাকৃতিক পরিবেশে বিচারণরত      বাঘ, সিংহ, হাতী, সাম্বার, মায়া হরিণ, চিত্রা হরিণ, বানর,      হনুমান, ভল্লুক, গয়াল, কুমির ও বিচিত্র পাখী দেখাতে      পাবেন।

      লেকের ধারে দেখতে পাবেন অসংখ্য অতিথি ও জলজ      পাখী।

      পর্যবেক্ষণ টাওয়ারে উঠে বনাঞ্চলের নয়নাভিরাম সৌন্দর্য      ও বন্যপ্রাণী অবলোকন করতে পারবেন।

      পাখীশালায় দেখতে পাবেন দেশী-বিদেশী অসংখ্য পাখী।

      এছাড়া বেস্টনীতে বিরল প্রজাতির প্যারা হরিণ।

      রাত্রি যাপনের জন্য রাখছে বিশ্রামাগার।

ভ্রমণ সম্পর্কিত তথ্যাদি

বিমান সার্ভিস : ঢাকা থেকে কক্সবাজার সরাসরি বিমান সার্ভিস আছে। এই রুটে বাংলাদেশ বিমান ও জিএমজি এয়ারলাইন্স চলাচল করে। --> বাস সার্ভিস : ঢাকা মহাখালী বাসস্ট্যান্ড হতে ময়মনসিংহগামী যেকোনো বাসে চড়ে ভবানীপুর বাজার অথবা বাঘের বাজার নামক স্থানে নেমে (অটোরিকশা) বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব সাফারী পার্ক যাওয়া যায় । মহাসড়ক হতে মাত্র ৩ কিলোমিটার পশ্চিমে ইদ্রপুর বাজার এলাকায় বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব সাফারী পার্ক এর প্রদান ফটক । বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব সাফারী পার্ক বন্ধ এবং খোলার সময় : পরিদর্শনের সময় : সকাল ১০:০০- বিকাল ০৫:০০ সাপ্তাহিক বন্ধ :মঙ্গলবার --> আগামী ২১-০২-২০২৩ইং রোজ মঙ্গলবার বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব সাফারী পার্ক যথারীতি খোলা থাকবে। পার্ক খোলা দিন :মঙ্গলবার ব্যাতীত সপ্তাহের বাকি ৬ দিন

কোর সাফারী পার্ক

Copyright © Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park,Gazipur. All rights reserved. Designed & Developed by US Software Ltd.

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Bangabandhu Safari Park Ticket Price, Hours, Address and Reviews

  • Things To Do In Gazipur

Bangabandhu Safari Park

  • Address: Sreepur, Bangladesh, Gazipur Map
  • Timings: 09:00 am - 05:00 pm Details
  • Phone: +880-1714444330
  • Time Required: 02:00 Hrs
  • Tags: Wildlife Park, Family And Kids , Bird Watching

Bangabandhu Safari Park or Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park is a highly popular wildlife safari park in Gazipur, Bangladesh. It located at Bagerbazar, Sreepur 1340, Bangladesh, 52 kilometres from Dhaka city. Safari park gazipur have 5 sections -

  • Core Safari
  • Safari Kingdom
  • Biodiversity Park
  • Extensive Asian Safari Park
  • Bangabandhu Square

Visitors can opt for a core safari in the jungle; it starts at 11 in the morning and takes the tourists for a ride inside the core area of the forests. Gazipur safari park you can see several animals and birds like zebras, deer, bison, Macaws, hornbills, peacocks in addition to the carnivores like royal bengal Tigers, white lions, elephants, Sambars, Maya deer, Chitra deer, monkeys, Hanuman, bear, gaelles, crocodiles during this ride. The Bangabondhu safari park also has a national history museum, an aquarium, a duck pond and a small butterfly enclosure which is open to the visitors.

Entrance Ticket Details For Bangabandhu Safari Park

  • Adult: 50 BDT
  • Education tour: 400 BDT
  • Student group( 30 to 100 persons): 200 BDT
  • Foreigner: 5 USD

Bangabandhu Safari Park Hours

  • Bangabandhu safari park time schedule: 8 am to 5 pm

How to Reach Bangabandhu Safari Park

  • Nearest Bus Stop: Bagher Bazar Bus Stop
  • Private Vehicles/Cabs

Love this? Explore the entire list of places to visit in Gazipur before you plan your trip.

Fancy a good night's sleep after a tiring day? Check out where to stay in Gazipur and book an accommodation of your choice.

  • Bangabandhu Safari Park Address: Sreepur, Bangladesh, Gazipur
  • Bangabandhu Safari Park Contact Number: +880-1714444330
  • Bangabandhu Safari Park Timing: 09:00 am - 05:00 pm
  • Best time to visit Bangabandhu Safari Park(preferred time): 10:00 am - 04:00 pm
  • Time required to visit Bangabandhu Safari Park: 02:00 Hrs
  • Try the best online travel planner to plan your travel itinerary!

95% of people who visit Gazipur include Bangabandhu Safari Park in their plan

89.06% of people start their Bangabandhu Safari Park visit around 10 AM

People usually take around 2 Hrs to see Bangabandhu Safari Park

95% of people prefer to travel by car while visiting Bangabandhu Safari Park

People normally club together Bhawal National Park and Nandan Park while planning their visit to Bangabandhu Safari Park.

People also prefer to start their day with Bangabandhu Safari Park.

Bangabandhu Safari Park Reviews & Ratings

gazipur to bangabandhu safari park

Attractions Nearby

  • Nandan Park
  • Bhawal National Park
  • Nuhash Polli


which day is close

9-10-2022 is open?

15 August,2022, is open ?

Is safari park open on 21 December??

We want visite with Lunch 20 person our requirements Possible

13/10/2021 ki park khula thakbe?

Aj k ki park khula thakbe.....

17 e march safari park ki khola??

agamikal ki park open thakbey?

টিকিট এর দাম কত

gazipur to bangabandhu safari park

  • Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport
  • Comilla Airport
  • Agartala Airport (Singerbhil Airport)
  • Hatir Jheel
  • Sukanta Academy
  • Gazipur Itinerary for 2 days
  • Gazipur Itinerary for 3 days
  • Gazipur Itinerary for 5 days

City Traveler

Gazipur Safari Park – Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari park

Gazipur Safari Park

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib safari park is a safari park in Gazipur, Bangladesh. It was inaugurated in 2013. The park is divided into 5 major sections. They are: Core Safari Safari Kingdom Biodiversity Park Extensive Asian Safari Park Bangabandhu Square

One of the biggest safari park in South Asia, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib safari park is an outstanding tourist spot in Gazipur District. It also an attractive visiting place in Bangladesh everyone has been 100% satisfied making a tour at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari park.

After visiting this place anybody can find a little African forest here. Conservator of forest wildlife and nature conservation unit of Department of Forest. Department of Forest is implementing the project at Sreepur of Gazipur on 3690 acres of area. The project work lunched in June 2010.

Visitors can opt for a core safari in the jungle; it starts at 11 in the morning and takes the tourists for a ride inside the core area of the forests. Gazipur safari park you can see several animals and birds like zebras, deer, bison, Macaws, hornbills, peacocks in addition to the carnivores like royal Bengal Tigers, white lions, elephant, sambars, Maya deer, Chitra deer, monkeys, Hanuman, Bear, gazelles, crocodiles during this ride. The Bangabandhu Safari Park also has a national history museum, an aquarium, a duck pond and a small butterfly enclosure that is open to the visitors.

History of Gazipur Safari Park :

Amlaki, Bahira, Haritki, Karai, Shimul, Haklu, Palash, Chapallish, Kusum, Patraj, Udal, and mavalati Swarambaram were seen in small tilas (boats) and low land (baid) salmon of bharal average. In this forest, many species of Maya deer, leopard, forest cat, gandhakkul, Fox, Szuru, Monkey, hanuman and other birds were seen. About 63 species of plants and 220 species of wild animals were found in Salbon.

The existence of Shaw forests is rapidly losing due to population growth, urbanization, industrialization, the expansion of agricultural land by the destruction of forests, housing, forced and land disputes. Wildlife is an integral part of the natural environment food cycle and biodiversity. Wildlife’s role in the existence of humans is immense.

In order to create biodiversity conservation, development of tourism, development of tourism industry, education, research, and entertainment opportunities, initiatives have been taken to establish “Safari Park” in the Bhawalgarh area with the memory of the father of the nation Bangabandhu.

4909.0 acres of forest land of Pirujali Mousas of Pirujali union of Pirujali union of Sadar Upazila under Sreepur Upazila of Gazipur district. Known as a safe habitat for small species of different species. Of this, 3810.0 acres of area has been included in the safari park master plan. The project title ‘Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park’ was approved by ECNEC at an estimated cost of Tk 63.99 crore in 2010 and the establishment of the park started and the construction work of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park. Gazipur officially started on 2 February 2011. No master plan could be formulated at the beginning of the project later with the help of native and foreign experts, a master plan was developed to upgrade to the safari park of international standards. On 4th October 2011. This project was approved by ECNEC at an estimated cost of 219.89 crores, on October 4, 2011 for the implementation of the program described in the master plan.

Gazipur Safari Park Ticket Price:

Visitors can visit safari park by paying a fixed fee. Fees levied by the government are as follows:

  • Adults per adult-50 Tk
  • Unemployed elderly-20 Tk
  • School student (under 15 years)- 10 Tk
  • Students going to the education tour from educational institute (40-100) -400 Tk
  • Students coming from the establishment of education (group 100)-800 Tk
  • Foreign tourist- 5 us dollars or equal amount of Bangladeshi money.

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib safari park Opening Hour :

Bangabandhu Sheukh Mujib safari park is open from 9 AM to 5 PM.

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib safari park Off Day: Tuesday is the closing day of the park.

Contact Number: Indropur, Bagher Bazar, Sreepur, Gazipur-1742. Bangladesh Phone: +880 1842-434401

Address, Location (How to go):

Bagherbazar, Sreepur, Gazipur. The safari park is situated 40 kilometers North of Dhaka city, besides of Dhaka-Mymensingh highway, just 3 kilometers west of Bagherbazar. Get on a Mymensingh or Sreepur bound bus and get down at Bagherbazar. Now you need to use a vehicle such as a rickshaw to go to Bangabandhu Safari Park which is three kilometers away from Bagherbazar. You also go on foot from this place.

Most Attractive Things (What You Can See There):

Bangabandhu Safari park is an amazing tourist place nearby Dhaka that gives you a real touch of nature amid city life. Near the Dhaka city, you will find the genuine causeway environment to refresh your mind. I have a personal tour in the safari park.

The main attraction of the park is to see open lion & tiger with parks operated bulletproof car by 100 taka ticket. That is most adventurous feelings in the park, likely afraid you during the tour. You may face a long line to collect the ticket, so it will be wise to stand at first when you enter the park otherwise you may not able to see the most attractive spot. With the protection car, you can see deer, monkey, ladybug & crocodiles. Don’t disturb them & take some snaps.

Official Facebook Page or Website:


Bangabandhu Safari Park

gazipur to bangabandhu safari park

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.


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gazipur to bangabandhu safari park

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  • (5.91 km) Bhawal Resort


  • Amusement Parks
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  • Dhaka Division

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park

Jobair Alam Bipul

Bangabandhu Safari Park is one of the major attractions of Gazipur district.  It was opened in 2013. Visitors can see the wildlife in their natural habitat in this safari park. It is also known as Gazipur Safari Park . It is located in Maoana Uninon, Sreepur upazila of Gazipur district, which is three kilometers west of Bagher Bazar of Dhaka-Mymensingh highway and 40 kilometers away from the northern part of Dhaka.

This Safari Park has been built in a large area abounded with many small tilas and low lands of Bhawal Gar. The park has an area of 3690 acres of land. There is a watch tower in the park to watch the beauties of the surroundings from it. As the park is very close to Dhaka, you can easily visit with your family and return within the same day. The best thing about this Park is that you will be in the cage while the tiger, the lion will be free to move around you. What a thrilling feelings that is!

Gazipur Safari Park is divided into five parts - Core Safari, Safari Kingdom, Biodiversity Park, Extensive Asian Safari Park and Bangabandhu Square.

Also, there are Orchid House, Vulture and Owl Corners, Egg World, Kangaroo, Elephant Show Gallery.

In the western part of the Safari Kingdom, Three parts have been constructed separately for birds only. There are about 8 species of birds there. Among them various species of parrots, flamingos, black swan and rare species of mandarin duck are seen here.

Tourists can visit Safari Park by paying a fixed fee.

Besides this amusement park, there is one more amusement park listed in Gazipur. There's also nine attractions listed in this district in other categories. You will find the exact location of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park on the map above. If you need any other information on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park that is not listed here, please call 01714-444330 or visit their website .

Visitors' Reviews

One of our visitors shared review on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park . There's also 5 ratings collected from external sources on this amusement park.

Detailed Reviews

1 visitor shared a review on Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park.

Nice place❤️❤️❤️

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Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, Gazipur, Bangladesh

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park is one of the best tourist attractions in Bangladesh. You will get the taste of visiting wild Africa here. It is mostly known as Gazipur Safari Park.

Bangabandhu Safari park Gazipu

Many tourists visit India, Nepal, Thailand, Indonesia or African countries to experience jungle environment. Now, you don’t need to go there. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park of Gazipur is enriched with such kind of thrill.

Table of Contents

Difference between a Zoo and Safari Park

Zoo is the place where people are free and the animals are confined. On the other hand, the environment is opposite in a safari park in which jungle environment is maintained. The safari park is much better than any kind of zoo.

How to Go There

The Park is in Gazipur district which is just near to Dhaka city. At first, you have to go to Gazipur Chourasta. Then go forward along the Mymensingh road and come to Bagher Bazar. 

The distance between Dhaka and Bagher Bazar of Gazipur is forty kilometers. After that you have to choose the path of west side. You have to use rickshaw or CNG as transports to reach at the park. Bangabandhu Safari Park is three kilometers away from that place.

Bus fare from Dhaka to Bagher Bazar 

Per person TK 50 (normal)

TK 80 (sitting service)

Auto rickshaw fare from Bagher Bazar to Safari Park 

Per person TK 20

Safari park Gazipur

Entry and visiting cost of Gazipur Safari Park

Entry fee: TK 50/per adult For Kid: TK 20 Foreign visitors: $5 or Bangladeshi currency (TK 450) Food: Inside park (light food available)

Safari by AC Bus for Adult: 100 Tk For Kids: 50 Tk

(The bus will take you into the Lion and Tigers area. Don’t worry about your safety. You will be fully secured)

Living with Bird: 10 Tk Living in the Jungle: 10 TK Paddle Boat riding: 50 TK

Students: Tk 10 (below 15 years)

Amusement Fee in Bangabandhu Safari Park, Gazipur

Paddle Boat Trip (Half-Hour): TK 200

Mini Train: TK 10

Roller Coaster: TK 20

Merry Go Round: TK 10

Paratrooper: TK 10

Children Park: TK 10

Gazipur Safari park Giraffe

Visiting Fees

Visiting Safari Park with Safari Jeep (Child): TK 50

Visiting Safari Park with Safari Jeep (Adult): TK 100

Visiting Safari Park with Bus: TK 100

Aviary Entry Fees

Parrot Aviary: TK 10

Dhonesh Aviary: TK 10

Pheasant Aviary: TK 10

Excursion cost from Educational Institutions

Group size 40 to 100: TK 400

Group size more than 100: TK 800

*You have to take advance permission through respective educational institution to avail of this concession.

Parking Fees

Per Bus/Truck: TK 200

Per Minibus/Microbus: TK 100

Per Car/Jeep: TK 60

Per Auto rickshaw: TK 20

Gallery Entry Fees

Macao Birds Gallery: TK 10

Marine Aquarium Gallery: TK 10

Fancy Duck Garden Gallery: TK 10

Bird Show Gallery: TK 20

Elephant Gallery: TK 20

Other Fees in Safari Park

Nature Observation Centre: TK 20 Public

Toilet: Tk 5

*Above mentioned fees are subject to change without prior notice.

Visiting time of Gazipur Safari Park

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park is open from 9 AM to 5PM.

White tiger

Food Facilities

Outside food are not allowed. You can have your food from “Tiger Restaurant” or “Lion Restaurant” inside Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park.

You can start your visiting with “ Tiger Restaurant ”. It is a big and safe restaurant surrounded with glasses so that you can see the roaring tigers and take coffee or tea. The workers of the park can call the tigers and they respond to him.

Your feeling will be that you are watching National Geographic or Animal Planet channel. After that you can start visiting with using microbus.

Lunch cost: BDT 220 to BDT 300. You may take or change your food with extra payment.

Inside Gazipur Safari Park

After getting inside the park, you will see tiger, lion, kangaroo and even dinosaur. But these are not alive. All of these animals are sculptures indeed for welcoming the visitors.

The whole park consists of about 4000 acres of land. At present, 31 local and international species of animals are seen here.

Kingdom of Lions

Now, come to the  kingdom of lions . You can talk to them as you like. But never try to open the window of the microbus. If you see white lion, then you will be lucky enough. In fact, the lions move with vanity.

Move your transport forward to see more. You will see bear, deer, zebra, African wildebeest and more. The elephants are adorable. They will salute you according to the order of worker of the park.

You can watch giraffes going to nearer to them. Don’t disturb them and take some snaps. You have to use transport for moving and visiting some areas. You should walk watching the other areas.

You will be happy seeing  macao birds . If you wish, you can take a snap with this macao keeping on your shoulder. But, keep safe your ears. Grey parrots are very much attractive and beautiful.

Fancy Duck Garden

Another great area of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park is  Fancy Ducks Garden . You will see a lake here. Get on a boat and watch big black swans, white swans etc. Try to look at the beauty of various kinds of birds.

Never forget to visit the areas of crocodile, vulture, emu, ostrich etc. Make a visit to see python and various reptiles. It will be enjoyable if you see peacock. The two lakes and the other watery zones are fantastic to enjoy for the tourists.

Elephant riding

If you come to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, then you should take a chance of elephant riding. Never miss it. I hope it will entertain you. The caretaker of the elephant will help you to have this opportunity. 

Nature History Museum

Specimens and stuffing of about 2000 species are kept here. The authority has built a herbarium of about 300 types of trees. The tourists, the students and the researchers can obtain huge knowledge from this museum. 

Tigers of Gazipur Safari Park

Instructions to follow

  • Throw any kind of wastage in the dustbin.
  • Don’t make a noise.
  • Avoid giving food to animals.
  • Don’t tease the animals.
  • To use the rest house, take permission in advance.
  • Park your transport in a disciplined way.

Guided Tour in the Safari Park

Make your tour with  Modhu Tours  at Bangabandhu Safari Park. Modhu Tours will provide you with transport, entry fees, food, and a guide under their package.

Contact information of MODHU TOURS

Mobile number: +88 01612 67 68 69 Email: [email protected]

The authority is improving the butterfly park and observation towers. I can assure you that you must be delighted to visit Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Park. So, try to make your holiday here.

So, visit Bangabandhu Safari Park and make a memorable outing. It is an attractive visiting place. Everybody will be satisfied making a tour at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park.

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Bangabandhu Safari Park

gazipur to bangabandhu safari park

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Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as wait time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.


Also popular with travelers

gazipur to bangabandhu safari park

BANGABANDHU SAFARI PARK: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

  • (14.09 km) Sarah Resort Gazipur
  • (5.93 km) Bhawal Resort & Spa
  • (14.55 km) Kaalmegha Country Club & Resort
  • (7.75 km) BRAC CDM Rajendrapur
  • (5.91 km) Bhawal Resort

Capturing wilderness at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park in Gazipur

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Only authorised buses can enter Core Safari section, allowing visitors to observe animals in their natural environment while seated inside the bus

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, situated in Gazipur, spans across 3,810 acres of Sal Forest. The park was inaugurated on 31 October 2013. It is located approximately 40km North of Dhaka.

The park is divided into six major sections - Core Safari, Safari Kingdom, Biodiversity Park, Extensive Asian Safari Park, Bangabandhu Square, and Children's Park. 

Only authorised buses can enter Core Safari section, allowing visitors to observe animals in their natural environment while seated inside the bus. 

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A giraffe at the safari park. Photo: Syed Zakir Hossain/TBS

This specific zone covers 1,335 acres of land. These photos were recently taken at the park. 

A Gayal in the safari park. Photo: Syed Zakir Hossain/TBS

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park / Gazipur Safari Park / Bangladesh

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Bangabandhu Safari Park

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Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.


Also popular with travellers

gazipur to bangabandhu safari park

BANGABANDHU SAFARI PARK: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

  • (14.09 km) Sarah Resort Gazipur
  • (5.93 km) Bhawal Resort & Spa
  • (14.55 km) Kaalmegha Country Club & Resort
  • (7.75 km) BRAC CDM Rajendrapur
  • (5.91 km) Bhawal Resort

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Safari Park Tour Package

Booking – 01766990725

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park is a trendy wildlife safari park at Gazipur in Bangladesh. It is located 52 kilometers from Dhaka city. Our well-behaved, English-speaking tour guide will be your guide for the whole day. He will pick you up from selected places and drop you at the same places at the end of the trip. In Gazipur safari park, you can see several animals and birds like zebras, deer, bison, Macaws, hornbills, and peacocks, in addition to the carnivores like royal Bengal Tigers, white lions, elephants, Sambars, Maya deer, Chitra deer, monkeys, Hanuman, bear, gazelles, crocodiles during this ride. The Bangabandhu Safari Park also has a national history museum, an aquarium, a duck pond and a small butterfly enclosure open to visitors.

What’s Included

Air-conditioned vehicle (Tourist Bus)

Transport Package Tk 700 (Transport only)

Full Package Tk 1200 (Breakfast, Drinking Water, Lunch, Main Gate Entry Ticket)

Full Bus Reserve Tk 14000 (Bus only)

Experienced Guide

Pick & Drop service included from the main road

Departure & Return

Our guide will pick up you from selected places in Dhaka City

Starting Point: Block C, Banasree, Rampura, Dhaka

Ending Point: Block C, Banasree, Rampura, Dhaka

Day: Every Friday

Departure Time: 7:00 AM from Dhaka (sharp)

Return Time: 5 PM from Safari Park

Pick & Drop Points:

Cost Per Person

Additional information.

You will receive a booking confirmation

Not wheelchair accessible

Most of the travelers can participate

This is a private/group tour/activity operated by  Travel Mate

Payment Options: bKash/Bank/Visa/MasterCard/Cash

Child Policy

Free up to 3 years with parents without a seat and food.

Cancellation Policy 

You can cancel before 72 hours of the tour for a full refund without a bank/payment fee and service cost.


Online Booking here

FAQs about Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park

1. What is Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park? – Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park is a wildlife sanctuary and safari park located in Gazipur, Bangladesh. It offers visitors the opportunity to see a variety of wild animals in a semi-natural habitat.

2. Where is Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park located? – The safari park is situated in the Gazipur district of Bangladesh, approximately 40 kilometers north of Dhaka, the capital city.

3. What types of animals can be seen at the safari park? – Visitors can see a wide range of animals, including Bengal tigers, lions, deer, elephants, bears, and various species of birds. The park aims to provide a habitat that resembles the natural environment of these animals.

4. Are there any special attractions or shows at the safari park? – Yes, the park offers various attractions and activities, including wildlife shows, elephant rides, boating, and educational programs. Visitors can also enjoy a guided safari tour through the park to observe the animals up close.

5. Is the safari park suitable for families and children? – Yes, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park is a family-friendly destination, and children can learn about wildlife conservation while enjoying the natural surroundings and animal sightings.

6. What are the park’s operating hours? – The park’s opening hours may vary seasonally, so it’s best to call us at 01766990725 for the most up-to-date information on operating hours.

7. Are there any entry fees to visit the safari park? – Yes, there is an entrance fee for visitors to access the park. The fees may vary for different categories, such as adults, children, and foreign tourists.

8. Can visitors bring their own food and drinks into the park? – Most safari parks and wildlife sanctuaries restrict bringing outside food and drinks. It’s advisable to check the park’s policy on this matter before your visit.

9. Is photography allowed in the safari park? – Photography is usually allowed in the park, but there may be restrictions when it comes to using flash or getting too close to the animals. It’s important to follow the park’s guidelines for the safety of both visitors and animals.

12. How can I get to Safari Park from Dhaka? – You can reach the safari park by road from Dhaka. You may use our AC Tourist Bus Service on Friday for the Safari Park Tour

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Safari Park At Gazipur

Safari Park

Gazipur Safari Park or Bangabandhu Safari Park is located in Mauna Union in Sreepur Upazila of Gazipur District, 3 km west of Bagher Bazar on Dhaka-Mymensingh Highway, 40 km north of Dhaka. The safari park has been set up in the huge Shalban of Bhawal Garh with small hills and low lands. The 3790-acre park has an observation center for viewing from above. Due to its proximity to Dhaka, you can go back and forth with your family. The best thing about this place is that you will be in a cage and you will get the feeling that tigers and lions are all around you. Gazipur Safari Park is divided into 5 sections – Core Safari, Safari Kingdom, Biodiversity Park, Extensive Asian Safari Park, and Bangabandhu Square.

Safari Park

Table of Contents

Core Safari

No tourist can enter here without a car. There are two jeeps and two minibusses for visitors. Tourists or visitors can see the wildlife left in the natural environment by car or jeep by paying a certain fee. The core safari park includes tigers, lions, black bears, African cheetahs, Chitra deer, sambar, hyenas, elephants, Maya, and para deer. 240 acres allocated for African Safari Park. These include tigers, lions, white lions, zebras, giraffes, wild birds, orcs, blackbucks, bears, and other wildlife. Tigers, lions, or giraffes can also be captured on camera from inside the vehicle at the Core Safari Park.

Safari Park

The Safari Kingdom

Macau Land is next to the gate to enter this part of the Safari Kingdom, which is built on 556 acres. There are about 34 species of birds, including blue-golden macaws, green macaws, African gray parrots, tia, pelicans, and lutino ringneck parrots. All have been brought from Africa. Marine Aquarium next to Macau Land. There are about 20 species of fish. Crocodile Fish, Tiger Fish, Hidden Black Goose, Oscar. There is also chocolate fish which changes color every 20 seconds. There are also butterfly safaris. Where there are about 26 species of butterflies. The safari kingdom has a nature center, fancy carp garden, giraffe feeding spot, island, boating, and lake zone. Moreover Orchid House, Vulture, and Owl Corner, Egg World, Kangaroo, Elephant Show Gallery.

Safari Park

Three huge aviaries have been built separately in the western part of the Safari Kingdom. There are about eight species of birds in Dhanesh Bird Sanctuary. In the meantime, various species of parrots, pheasants, cormorants, flamingos, black swans, and rare species of mandarin have been released.

Admission to the park

50 Tk per adult and the entrance fee for under 18year is Tk and for students is 10 Tk. A student group of 40 to 100 students on an educational tour costs 400 Tk, and if the student group is more than 100 people, 800 Tk and five US dollars for foreign tourists. The ticket fee for each of the adults who visited the Core Safari Park by car is 100 Tk. 50 for minors. Paddleboat trip 30 minutes 200 Tk. Besides, an inspection of Crown Pheasant Aviary is 10 Tk, Dhanesh Aviary is 10 Tk, Parrot Aviary is 10 Tk.

Parking cost

Bus parking 200 Tk. Minibus or microbus parking 200 Tk. Car or jeep parking 60 rupees. Autorickshaw or CNG parking 60 Tk.

Safari Park is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., except Tuesdays.

Dining facilities

Gazipur Safari Park has two huge observation restaurants, one named Tiger Restaurant and the other Lion Observation Restaurant. Sitting in these two restaurants, you can see lions and tigers through the glass and eat.

How to get there

Get on the bus from Mohakhali to Bhaluka, Mymensingh, or Sreepur. The tiger market in Gazipur will go down. The jam will take 2 hours subject to consideration. You can get off the bus by rickshaw or CNG autorickshaw to reach the park. It will take only 20 minutes. If you take a rickshaw from here, you can rent 50-70 Tk till the park.

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Bangabandhu Safari Park

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Also popular with travellers

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Bangabandhu Safari Park - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

  • (14.09 km) Sarah Resort Gazipur
  • (5.93 km) Bhawal Resort & Spa
  • (14.55 km) Kaalmegha Country Club & Resort
  • (7.75 km) BRAC CDM Rajendrapur
  • (5.91 km) Bhawal Resort

gazipur to bangabandhu safari park

বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব সাফারি পার্ক

ডুলাহাজারা, চকরিয়া, কক্সবাজার.

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মেনু নির্বাচন করুন

আমাদের সম্পর্কে.

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➤ প্রকল্প সম্পর্কে

➤ টিকেট মূল্য

দর্শনীয় স্থানসমূহ

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➤ এম্ফিথিয়েটার

➤ বোর্ড ওয়াক

সাফারি ভ্রমণ

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➤ লায়ন সাফারি

➤ হার্বিভোর  সাফারি

সুযোগ-সুবিধা সমূহ

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➤ রেস্টিং শেড

অন্যান্য সুবিধা সমূহ

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➤ সুপেয় পানি

➤ পাবলিক টয়লেট

সাফারি পার্কের প্রাণী সমূহ

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➤ স্তন্যপায়ী

বার্ষিক কর্মসম্পাদন চুক্তি

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➤ চুক্তিসমূহ

➤ এপিএএমএস সফটওয়্যার লিংক

চিলড্রেন এমিউজমেন্ট পার্ক

gazipur to bangabandhu safari park

➤ শাল ফরেস্ট মডেল

➤ হিল ফরেস্ট মডেল

➤ ম্যানগ্রোভ ফরেস্ট মডেল

ফটো গ্যালারি

লোকেশন ম্যাপ.

প্রকল্প পরিচালক

gazipur to bangabandhu safari park

রফিকুল ইসলাম চৌধুরী

বিভাগীয় বন কর্মকর্তা.

বন্যপ্রাণী ব্যবস্থাপনা ও প্রকৃতি সংরক্ষণ বিভাগ, চট্টগ্রাম

নোটিশ বোর্ড

চট্টগ্রাম দক্ষিণ বন বিভাগের আওতাধীন শেখ রাসেল এভিয়ারী পার্ক এ দেশি/বিদেশি পাখি সরবরাহের দরপত্র বিজ্ঞপ্তি, মহান বিজয় দিবস ২০২৩ উদযাপন উপলক্ষ্যে আগামী ১৬ ডিসেম্বর দিনব্যপী  শিশুদের জন্য বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব সাফারী পার্ক,কক্সবাজার এ বিনা টিকেটে প্রবেশ উন্মুক্ত থাকবে।, সাফারি পার্ক এর একমাত্র ফেইসবুক পেইজ, সাফারী পার্কে বিভিন্ন উন্নয়নমূলক কার্যক্রম চলমান থাকায় দর্শনার্থীদের সাময়িক অসুবিধার জন্য আমরা আন্তরিকভাবে দুঃখিত, পার্ক ভ্রমণের সকল নির্দেশিকা মেনে চলুন, ড. ফাহমিদা খানম, অতিরিক্ত সচিব, পরিবেশ,বন ও জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন মন্ত্রণালয় মহোদয় ১০ অক্টোবর ২০২৩ খ্রি: তারিখ বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব সাফারি পার্ক পরিদর্শন করেন।, পরিবেশ, বন ও জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন মন্ত্রণালয়ের মাননীয় উপ-মন্ত্রী হাবিবুন নাহার এম.পি. কতৃক বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব সাফারি পার্কের বিভিন্ন উন্নয়ন কার্যক্রম পরিদর্শন, পার্কের সময়সূচী.

সকাল ৯ টা থেকে বিকাল ৫ টা

সাপ্তাহিক ছুটি: মঙ্গলবার

যোগাযোগের ঠিকানা

প্রকল্প পরিচালক,

বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব সাফারি পার্ক, কক্সবাজার।

বিভাগীয় বন কর্মকর্তার কার্যালয়।

বন্যপ্রাণী ব্যবস্থাপনা ও প্রকৃতি সংরক্ষণ বিভাগ,ষোলশহর,চট্টগ্রাম।

মোবাইল : ০১৮১৪৮০৬১৬৯

ইমেইল: [email protected]

ভ্রমণ সম্পর্কিত তথ্যাদি

বিমান সার্ভিস : ঢাকা থেকে কক্সবাজার সরাসরি বিমান সার্ভিস আছে। এই রুটে বাংলাদেশ বিমান ও বিভিন্ন বেসরকারি এয়ারলাইন্স চলাচল করে।

বাস সার্ভিস : ঢাকা কক্সবাজার যাওয়ার পথে ডুলাহাজারা নামক স্থানে সাফারী পার্কে নামা যায়। প্রধান সড়ক হতে মাত্র ৩৫০ গজ পূর্ব পার্শ্বে পার্কের অবস্থান।

ট্রেন সার্ভিস : ট্রেনে ঢাকা থেকে চট্রগ্রাম যেতে পারেন এবং সেখান থেকে বাসে কক্সবাজার যাওয়ার পথে ডুলাহাজারা নেমে অথবা ট্রেনে ঢাকা থেকে সরাসরি কক্সবাজার যেতে পারেন এবং কক্সবাজার থেকে বাসে করে ডুলাহাজারা এসে সাফারী পার্ক পরিদর্শন করতে পারেন। এছাড়া লোকাল ট্রেনে করে চট্রগ্রাম ট্রেন স্টেশন থেকে সরাসরি ডুলাহাজারা রেল স্টেশনে নেমে ইজিবাইক যোগে ৫-১০ মিনিটের মধ্যে সাফারি পার্কে পৌঁছাতে পারবেন। ডুলাহাজারা থেকে কক্সবাজার শহরের দূরত্ব মাত্র ৪৭ কিলোমিটার। পার্ক পরিদর্শন করে যেকোন বাসে চড়ে মাত্র ৩০-৪০ মিনিটে কক্সবাজার পৌছতে পারেন। সেখানে বিভিন্ন আবাসিক হোটেলে রাত্রি যাপনের সুযোগ রয়েছে।

দুদক হটলাইন

১০৬ টোল ফ্রি, গুরুত্বপূর্ণ লিংক.

➤ অফিসিয়াল ফেইসবুক পেজ

➤ পরিবেশ, বন ও জলবায়ু পরিবর্তন মন্ত্রণালয়

➤ বন অধিদপ্তর

➤ বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব সাফারী পার্ক, গাজীপুর

জাতীয় সংগীত

পরিকল্পনা ও বাস্তবায়নে: বন অধিদপ্তর, সাইটটি শেষ হাল-নাগাদ করা হয়েছে: 06-12-2023, কারিগরি সহায়তায়:.

gazipur to bangabandhu safari park

Wiki Of Info

Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur Off Day | Ticket Price | Open Hours [2024 ]

Let’s find out about the Bangabandhu safari park Gazipur off day. The safari park is open every day except Tuesday. Its activities started from 9 am to 4 pm. However, if you want, you can spend the night in the park’s restroom. Let’s find out more information about Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur in this aspect.

Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur can be the perfect choice for a vacation. It’s the best park to spend time with others. There are some facts to know about the place before going on a trip here. This unknown information will be found in today’s Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur-related Article. 

Bangabandhu Safari Park is a tourist spot in Gazipur district. The park was built in Mauna union under Sreepur Upazila of Gazipur district. The 4909.0 acres of forest land area is enclosed by Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur. 

The cost of making it was Tk 63.99 crore in Bangladeshi taka. The park has been decorated with the help of local and foreign experts. As a result, its beauty has been revealed to a much greater extent.

Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur Off Day Is The Tuesday of Every Week Jump To The Right Section show 1 Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur Off Day Is The Tuesday of Every Week 2 নিয়ম অনুযায়ী প্রতি সপ্তাহের মঙ্গলবারে বঙ্গবন্ধু সাফারি পার্কের কার্যক্রম বন্ধ থাকে 3 About Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, Gazipur 4 Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur Off Day 4.1 Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur’s weekly holiday is Tuesday 4.2 বঙ্গবন্ধু সাফারি পার্ক গাজীপুর এর সাপ্তাহিক বন্ধের দিন হলো মঙ্গলবার 5 Weekly Schedule of Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur 6 Bangabandhu Safari Park Holiday 7 Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur Ticket Price 8 Bangabandhu Safari Park On Google Map 9 How to Go Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, Gazipur 9.1 Contact Bangabandhu Safari Park 10 Danger Of Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur 11 FAQ Of Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur 11.1 Warming Up 11.2 Know More: 11.3 Related নিয়ম অনুযায়ী প্রতি সপ্তাহের মঙ্গলবারে বঙ্গবন্ধু সাফারি পার্কের কার্যক্রম বন্ধ থাকে

In 2010, Bangabandhu safari park gazipur was authorized. Then on February 12, 2011, the construction of Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur began. A master plan is prepared before this park is created. Initially, Tk 63.99 crore was spent on the construction of this park. 

But later the construction of the park was authorized at an estimated cost of tk 219.89 crore in an extended form. Thailand’s Safari World has been used as a model to create the Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur. 

The model of Bali Safari Park in Indonesia has also been used to build this park. Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur was created with the idea of creating a new model park instead of a zoo. Arrangements are made so that all the incredible animals can prowl in the forest. Again, arrangements are made so that tourists can also enjoy the animals from close areas.

About Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, Gazipur 

It’s a safari park. Which was developed as a safe environment for various species of animals, big and small. The construction of this park started after getting authorization from ECNEC. After a certain time, it ends well. 

  • Core Safari
  • Safari Kingdom
  • Biodiversity Park
  • Extensive Asian Safari Park
  • Bangabandhu Square

This park named Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur is very popular in Bangladesh. There are many domestic and foreign animals in the park. The park also has arrangements so that these animals can harvest.

We all know that animals are trapped in zoos. But the concept of a safari park is completely different from the zoo. In the Safari Park, arrangements are made for wildlife to roam the forest in the open. At the same time, tourists are allowed to enjoy it carefully in moving vehicles. 

The chart below contains important information about Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur. Take a look:

Bhawal was once popular as part of the king’s zamindari. But this zamindari ended at one time. As a result, the place was handed over to the Bangladesh Forest Department. The Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur was built on that land.

The Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur authority has been working to protect the wildlife and plant diversity of sal forests. Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur is very popular as a tourist area in Dhaka city. 

Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur

If you want to visit Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur, you have to follow the rules there. Remember, no tourist can enter without a safari car. Sitting in the car, you can enjoy the animals roaming in the forest of the park.

Those who visit Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur can also visit the Safari Kingdom. Through which the animals tangled in the net can be seen. Those animals can be enjoyed very closely.

Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur Off Day

Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur Off Day is the Tuesday of every week. The activities of this park are performed naturally on the remaining days of the week. However, the park was closed a few months ago due to Corona. The park is now open to visitors. The Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur is open from 9 am to 5 pm every day.  

Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur’s weekly holiday is Tuesday

বঙ্গবন্ধু সাফারি পার্ক গাজীপুর এর সাপ্তাহিক বন্ধের দিন হলো মঙ্গলবার, weekly schedule of bangabandhu safari park gazipur.

Do you want to visit Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur? If you want to go, this part of the article is for you. In this section, we will look at a chart related to Bangabandhu safari park gazipur off day.

Bangabandhu Safari Park Holiday 

Now let’s know about Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur Holiday. Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur is closed on Tuesdays as a weekly holiday. And on the days that are closed as a holiday:

  • Eid-ul-Fitr 
  • Eid-ul-Azha

Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur Ticket Price

Now we have mentioned Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur Ticket Price for the people who want to know Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, Gazipur Ticket Information.

  • Adult: 50 BDT
  • Student Group ( 30 to 100 persons): 200 BDT
  • Education Tour: 400 BDT
  • Foreigner: 5 USD

Bangabandhu Safari Park On Google Map

If you have a phone in hand, you can find a way to any place. Similarly, you can find the way to Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur on Google. To find this place on Google Maps, see below:

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park Google Map

How to Go Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, Gazipur

Now good to know how to go to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, Gazipur. From Any place in Bangladesh, you can go to Gazipur Bagher Bazar Bus Stop by Vehicles/Cabs.

  • Nearest Bus Stop: Near Bagher Bazar Bus Stop Gazipur
  • Private Vehicles/Cabs/CNG, Bus

Contact Bangabandhu Safari Park

  • Mobile: +88-01727-329816
  • For Picnic, Spot Booking & Any Needs: 01973-000044, 01823-000044, 01823-004484
  • Website: safariparkgazipur.info.bd

Danger Of Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur

Many people think about the risk of visiting Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur. Authorities believe that tourists in the park may be at risk due to tigers. There is no proper and strong safe system for the dreaded tiger here. So those who go for a step will ensure their safety first. 

FAQ Of Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur

Now let’s know the answers to some common and important questions about Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur: 

Q. What is the adult ticket fee at Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur?

Answer: Only 50 TK

Q. What is the ticket fee for minors at Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur?

Answer: Only 20 TK

Q. How much does a student group ticket cost?

Answer: Total 400 takas for 40-100 people

Q. Is there a car parking lot in the park?

Answer: Yes!

Q. What time of day would it be better to go to the park?

Answer: Early in the morning. 

This was today’s article about Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur. We are trying to present various facts about the Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur Off Day. But if you have any questions, you can ask in the comment section. And if you have not visited the park, then enjoy it at the perfect time. 

  • Dhaka Market Off Day | Dhaka City Weekly Closed Day
  • Lalbag Kella Off Day: Lalbagh Fort Visiting Hour, Entry Fees
  • Gulshan Dcc Market Off Day | Opening Time |Address
  • Multiplan Center Off Day | Opening Time | Contact
  • Ahsan Manzil Off Day | Opening Hour| Entry Fees | Contact Number
  • Shyamoli Square Off Day | Weekly Close Day
  • Mirpur Zoo Off Day | Dhaka Chiriakhana Close Day | Visiting Hour & More
  • New Market Off Day | New Market Weekly Close Day in Dhaka
  • Dhaka IDB Bhaban Off Day | Weekend | Close Day
  • Jamuna Future Park Off Day| Weekend | Holidays
  • Motalib Plaza Off Day | Close Day | Weekend
  • Mouchak Market Off Day | Close Day | Holidays
  • Nilkhet Book Market Off Day | Store Weekend | Open Time

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  1. Safari Park Gazipur

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  2. Bangabandhu Safari Park (Gazipur)

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  3. Bangabandhu Safari Park, Gazipur

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  4. Gazipur Safari Park

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  5. Elephant Ride on Bangabandhu Safari Park, Gazipur, Bangladesh

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    gazipur to bangabandhu safari park


  1. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, Gazipur . part 2

  2. Bangabandhu safari park

  3. Museum ​@Gazipur Safari park

  4. Bangabandhu safari park

  5. Bangabandhu safari park

  6. রঙিন মাছ।। Colorful Fish।। Bangabandhu Safari Park, Gazipur


  1. SafariPark

    Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park,Gazipur সকলের অবগতির জন্য জানানো যাচ্চে যে, কোর সাফারি পার্ক আগামী ১১-১২-২০২৩ ইং তারিখ হতে পূনরায় চালু থাকিবে ।

  2. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park

    Blue peacock. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, commonly known as Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, is a safari park in Gazipur, Bangladesh. This safari park is spread over 3810 acres (1542 ha) of Sal Forest which makes it one of the largest safari parks in the world and the largest in Asia. [2] [3] [4] It was inaugurated on October 31, 2013. [5]

  3. Bangabandhu Safari Park

    Bangabandhu Safari Park in Gazipur Dhaka , is the second of its kind in Bangladesh. Yes, as many of you may not know , there is another safari park in Chokoria, Chittagong, called "Dulahazra Safari Park' on the way to Cox's Bazaar. But Bangabandhu safari park in Gazipur is much better then the one in Chittagong in all aspects.

  4. Bangabandhu Safari Park, Gazipur

    Bangabandhu Safari Park Address: Sreepur, Bangladesh, Gazipur. Bangabandhu Safari Park Contact Number: +880-1714444330. Bangabandhu Safari Park Timing: 09:00 am - 05:00 pm. Best time to visit Bangabandhu Safari Park (preferred time): 10:00 am - 04:00 pm. Time required to visit Bangabandhu Safari Park: 02:00 Hrs.

  5. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park

    Hotels near Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park: (8.81 mi) Sarah Resort Gazipur (3.65 mi) Bhawal Resort & Spa (9.06 mi) Kaalmegha Country Club & Resort (3.64 mi) Bhawal Resort (5.05 mi) BRAC CDM Rajendrapur; View all hotels near Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park on Tripadvisor

  6. Bangabandhu Safari Park

    The Gazipur Safari Park, adds a new flavor to tourism in Bangladesh. Titled as the largest safari Park in Asia, it surely has endless possibilities, and new steps are certainly been taken. The park itself hosts several tigers, lions white lions, bears and deer. ... The Bangabandhu Safari Park is located at 2 and half hours distance from the ...

  7. Gazipur Safari Park

    Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib safari park Opening Hour : Bangabandhu Sheukh Mujib safari park is open from 9 AM to 5 PM. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib safari park Off Day: Tuesday is the closing day of the park. Contact Number: Indropur, Bagher Bazar, Sreepur, Gazipur-1742. Bangladesh. Phone: +880 1842-434401.

  8. BANGABANDHU SAFARI PARK (Gazipur): All You Need to Know

    Bangabandhu Safari Park, Gazipur: See 53 reviews, articles, and 135 photos of Bangabandhu Safari Park, ranked No.3 on Tripadvisor among 6 attractions in Gazipur.

  9. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, Gazipur

    Bangabandhu Safari Park is one of the major attractions of Gazipur district. It was opened in 2013. Visitors can see the wildlife in their natural habitat in this safari park. It is also known as Gazipur Safari Park.It is located in Maoana Uninon, Sreepur upazila of Gazipur district, which is three kilometers west of Bagher Bazar of Dhaka-Mymensingh highway and 40 kilometers away from the ...

  10. Gazipur Safari Park

    Entry and visiting cost of Gazipur Safari Park. Entry fee: TK 50/per adult. For Kid: TK 20. Foreign visitors: $5 or Bangladeshi currency (TK 450) Food: Inside park (light food available) Safari by AC Bus for Adult: 100 Tk. For Kids: 50 Tk. (The bus will take you into the Lion and Tigers area.

  11. 25 Best Tourist Attractions In Gazipur (Picnic Spot & Park List)

    Bangabandhu Safari Park is located at Maona Union in Sripur Upazila of Gazipur district. You can see the Bangabandhu Safari Park entrance as soon as you move 3 km west of the tiger market, and 40 km north of Dhaka Mymensingh Highway. Bangabandhu Safari Park is one of the best places to go with family and friends.

  12. BANGABANDHU SAFARI PARK: All You Need to Know BEFORE You ...

    Hotels near Bangabandhu Safari Park: (14.07 km) Sarah Resort Gazipur (5.93 km) Bhawal Resort & Spa (14.55 km) Kaalmegha Country Club & Resort (7.75 km) BRAC CDM Rajendrapur (5.91 km) Bhawal Resort; View all hotels near Bangabandhu Safari Park on Tripadvisor

  13. Capturing wilderness at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park in Gazipur

    Only authorised buses can enter Core Safari section, allowing visitors to observe animals in their natural environment while seated inside the bus. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park, situated in Gazipur, spans across 3,810 acres of Sal Forest. The park was inaugurated on 31 October 2013. It is located approximately 40km North of Dhaka.

  14. BANGABANDHU SAFARI PARK: All You Need to Know BEFORE You ...

    One day in Bangabandhu Safari Park. We three colleagues went to the safari park with enthusiasm. The place is with vast area and innumerable trees are inside. The elephant riding is a common in this place. There are lot of birds and animals are inside the park but you have to pay separately for enjoyment.

  15. Safari Park Tour Package

    Safari Park Tour Package. Booking - 01766990725. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park is a trendy wildlife safari park at Gazipur in Bangladesh. It is located 52 kilometers from Dhaka city. Our well-behaved, English-speaking tour guide will be your guide for the whole day.

  16. Bangabandhu Safari Park

    The Bangabandhu Safari park near capital city Dhaka. Jul 2016 • Family. The Bangabandhu safari park Gazipur, Dhaka. If you have leisure, just visit this safari once with your family or friends. The exclusive Royal Bengal Tigers and Macaw birds and some colorful Fish are available there. You can spend your time here all day long with your ...

  17. Safari Park At Gazipur

    Gazipur Safari Park or Bangabandhu Safari Park is located in Mauna Union in Sreepur Upazila of Gazipur District, 3 km west of Bagher Bazar on Dhaka-Mymensingh Highway, 40 km north of Dhaka. The safari park has been set up in the huge Shalban of Bhawal Garh with small hills and low lands. The 3790-acre park has an observation center for viewing ...

  18. Bangabandhu Safari Park, Gazipur

    Bangabandhu Safari Park, Gazipur, Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 33,560 likes · 709 talking about this · 83,045 were here. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park is a very nice safari park near to Dhaka...


    Hotels near Bangabandhu Safari Park: (14.07 km) Sarah Resort Gazipur (5.93 km) Bhawal Resort & Spa (14.55 km) Kaalmegha Country Club & Resort (7.75 km) BRAC CDM Rajendrapur (6.65 km) Green View Golf Resort; View all hotels near Bangabandhu Safari Park on Tripadvisor

  20. বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব সাফারি পার্ক

    বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিব সাফারি পার্ক - Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari Park. ডুলাহাজারা, চকরিয়া, কক্সবাজার. আমাদের সম্পর্কে. টিকেট ফি. নির্দেশিকা. গাইড ম্যাপ ...

  21. Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur Off Day

    The activities of this park are performed naturally on the remaining days of the week. However, the park was closed a few months ago due to Corona. The park is now open to visitors. The Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur is open from 9 am to 5 pm every day. Bangabandhu Safari Park Gazipur's weekly holiday is Tuesday.

  22. Bangabandhu sheikh mujib safari park, Gazipur

    Bangabandhu sheikh mujib safari park, Gazipur, Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 10,692 likes · 3 talking about this · 27,869 were here. Welcome to The largest Safari Park of Asia is about 3,690 Acres of...