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Comune di Cortina d'Ampezzo

Comune di Cortina d'Ampezzo

Comun de anpezo, imposta di soggiorno.


Con riferimento alla comunicazione inviata da Airbnb alle strutture ricettive, nella quale informa che a decorrere dal 15/02/2024 l'imposta di soggiorno per le locazioni brevi sarà riscossa e riversata al Comune direttamente da Airbnb, precisiamo che   il Comune di Cortina d'Ampezzo non ha aderito ad alcun accordo con Airbnb.  Le strutture ricettive devono continuare a riscuotere direttamente l'imposta di soggiorno e riversarla al Comune di Cortina d'Ampezzo con le consuete modalità in quanto  Airbnb non è autorizzato a riscuotere l'imposta per conto delle strutture ricettive.

Tariffe dell'imposta di soggiorno dal 1° Gennaio 2023 qui .

Scadenza presentazione comunicazione trimestrale e pagamento 1° trimestre 2024: 15 aprile 2024

Link di accesso al programma  Pegaso Stay Tourist :  cortina.impostasoggiorno.it

Scadenza presentazione dichiarazione annuale telematica all'Agenzia delle Entrate anno 2022: 30 Giugno 2023 Dichiarazione online imposta di soggiorno

Immagine: imposta di soggiorno

Con deliberazione di Consiglio Comunale n. 10 del 31 luglio 2017 è stato deliberato di applicare l’imposta di soggiorno a partire dal 1° dicembre 2017. L’imposta è dovuta dai soggetti non residenti nel Comune di Cortina d’Ampezzo che pernottano nelle strutture ricettive del territorio comunale, come definite dalla normativa vigente – regionale, statale – in materia di turismo e attività agrituristica.

L’imposta è dovuta per persona e per ogni pernottamento, fino ad un massimo di 5 pernottamenti consecutivi, applicando le tariffe stabilite con deliberazione della Giunta Comunale n. 204 del 13/10/2022 a decorrere dal 01/01/2023, e secondo le modalità e i termini stabiliti dal Regolamento Comunale approvato con deliberazione n. 68 del 27/11/2015 e successive modifiche.


Il gestore della struttura ricettiva comunica, entro il giorno 15 del mese successivo al trimestre solare di riferimento, il n. di pernottamenti ed il relativo importo riscosso (art.7 del Regolamento comunale).

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La comunicazione deve essere compilata e presentata telematicamente utilizzando il software di gestione dell’imposta di soggiorno, che il Comune di Cortina ha messo a disposizione di tutte le strutture ricettive sul proprio sito internet. Per accedere a tale software il gestore della struttura ricettiva deve inserire una propria password precedentemente comunicatagli via mail dall’ufficio tributi del Comune. L’assegnazione della password iniziale avviene dopo la richiesta di registrazione della struttura ricettiva direttamente dal programma di gestione dell'imposta di soggiorno Pegaso Stay Tourist cliccando sul link  cortina.impostasoggiorno.it   VERSAMENTO Il gestore della struttura ricettiva provvede a riscuotere l’imposta rilasciando all’ospite una quietanza. Il gestore ha l’obbligo di effettuare il riversamento al Comune delle somme riscosse entro il giorno 15 del mese successivo al trimestre solare di riferimento mediante la modalità di pagamento PagoPA direttamente dal programma di gestione dell'imposta di soggiorno oppure attraverso i canali (online e fisici) di banche e altri Prestatori di Servizi di Pagamento (PSP), come ad esempio:

  • presso le agenzie delle banche
  • utilizzando l'Home Banking da PSP (cercando il logo PagoPA)
  • presso gli sportelli ATM delle banche (se abilitati)
  • presso i punti vendita di Sisal, Lottomatica

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Ai sensi dell’art. 180 del D.L. n. 34 del 19/05/2020 (Decreto Rilancio): - Il gestore della struttura ricettiva è responsabile del pagamento dell’imposta di soggiorno con diritto di rivalsa sul soggetto passivo. Il gestore è direttamente responsabile del versamento al Comune delle somme dovute a titolo di imposta di soggiorno indipendentemente dal fatto che l’ospite abbia provveduto o meno al pagamento, pertanto non sarà più necessario compilare ed inviare il modello di rifiuto al pagamento da parte dell’ospite. - La dichiarazione annuale all'Agenzia delle Entrate deve essere trasmessa dai gestori/locatori esclusivamente in via telematica entro il 30 giugno dell’anno successivo,  tramite il portale dell’Agenzia delle Entrate, utilizzando il proprio SPID, o avvalendosi anche di CAF, commercialisti ecc. secondo le modalità approvate con decreto del Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze del 29.04.2022. Per ottenere i dati da trasmettere telematicamente si deve accedere al programma di gestione dell'imposta di soggiorno  Pegaso Stay Tourist  con le credenziali di accesso già in possesso delle strutture ricettive. Per informazioni e chiarimenti contattare il  call center dell’Agenzia delle Entrate    800 90 96 96  (da telefono fisso), 06 9668907 (da cellulare). Rimangono invariati gli obblighi della comunicazione e del versamento trimestrale, ai sensi delle disposizioni del regolamento comunale sull’imposta. Link per presentazione on line della dichiarazione annuale dell’imposta di soggiorno: Dichiarazione online imposta di soggiorno

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ SCADENZE Anno 2024: Comunicazioni trimestrali e versamento: I trim. 2024 (genn/febbraio/marzo): 15 aprile 2024; II trim. 2024 (aprile/maggio /giugno): 15 luglio 2024; III trim.2024 (luglio/agosto/sett): 15 ottobre 2024; IV trim. 2024 (ott/nov/dic): 15 gennaio 2025; Dichiarazione annuale 2023: 30 giugno 2024


  • Imposta di Soggiorno- Domanda di rimborso
  • Imposta di Soggiorno- Domanda di rimborso (appartamenti)
  • Modulo "Imposta di Soggiorno - modulo B esenzione"
  • Info Imposta di Soggiorno in 3 lingue da 01/01/2023
  • Tariffe imposta di soggiorno dal 01/01/2023

Costi e vincoli

Riferimento Normativo: 

Casi particolari

Sono esenti dal pagamento, così come stabilito dall’art. 4 del Regolamento Comunale: a) gli iscritti all’anagrafe dei residenti del Comune di Cortina d’Ampezzo; b) i minori entro il dodicesimo anno di età; c) gli appartenenti alle forze dell’ordine, della protezione civile, nonché al Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco che pernottano per esigenze di servizio; d) in caso di calamità e grandi eventi individuati dall’Amministrazione: - tutti i volontari della protezione civile provinciale, regionale e nazionale; - gli appartenenti alle associazioni di volontariato; e) i lavoratori presso le strutture ricettive, esercizi commerciali ed attività artigianali ubicati nel Comune di Cortina d'Ampezzo; f) coloro che pernottano per visite mediche/ricoveri ospedalieri effettuati nel territorio comunale. L'esenzione si applica al paziente ed ad un accompagnatore limitatamente al periodo del ricovero ed al pernottamento precedente e successivo al giorno della visita medica. g) in caso di eventi con valenza regionale, nazionale ed internazionale, l’Amministrazione Comunale, con apposita delibera di Giunta Comunale, potrà individuare nuove categorie di esenzione dall’Imposta di Soggiorno Nei casi di esenzione alle lettere c), d) e), f), e g)  il gestore della struttura ricettiva deve far compilare e firmare dall’ospite il modulo di attestazione dell’esenzione:

Telefono: 0436 025261 - 025263 - 025271

Fax: 0436 3087

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Ultimo aggiornamento: Martedì, 09 Aprile 2024

Contenuti correlati


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  • Contributo regionale "Buono Libri"
  • Regolamento recante l'erogazione di misure di sostegno agli orfani dei crimini domestici e di reati di genere e alle famiglie affidatarie
  • Pubblicazione graduatorie dei contributi destinati alle associazioni del territorio del Comune di Cortina d'Ampezzo - Annualità 2024
  • Borse di studio - Magnifica Comunità di Cadore

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Moscow and St. Petersburg present a new tourist pass

stay tourist pegaso

Russia has introduced a new tourist pass called PassCity , which will be of use not only to foreign travelers who have come to Russia for a few days, but also to students from overseas and expatriates whose stay extends to a few months and more. PassCity has apps available for Android and iOS with free audio guides in English and Chinese.

PassCity has become Russia's first pass which is valid in two cities at once and covers all the major museums of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The price for a tourist pass for 3/5/7/10 days varies from $80 (1 person, 3 days - 5190 rubles ) to $230 (2 people, 10 days - 14,390 rubles ). A 90/180/360-day pass costs from $ 64 (1 person, 90 days -  3990 rubles  ) to $160  (2 people, 360 days - 9990 rubles ).  The package for several days was designed for tourists and includes an unlimited number of museum visits per day, as well as public transit. The 3/6/12-month card is meant for temporary residents of the cities and covers one museum visit a day, without access to public transit.

Apart from admission to museums, the pass gets you free coffee in the DoubleB chain of coffee shops , several trips on the airport express in Moscow, and subway rides in St. Petersburg or by taxi ordered through the Yandex.Taxi service.  

For the practical and the cautious

The Voxxter team spent more than two years developing the pass; while working on it, they established partnerships with Mastercard, Yandex.Money , Yandex.Taxi (a Russian taxi service similar to Uber ), and DoubleB , a popular chain of coffee shops in St. Petersburg and Moscow.  

PassCity is as easy to use as a regular credit card: It uses the Mastercard payment system, and the chosen package of services is activated upon purchase. You can deposit money on the card and use it to pay for other goods and services: Using an extra credit card instead of your primary card when traveling is a sensible security measure.

Cards are delivered through a system that has recently gained popularity among Internet banks. "You can order the pass online or through the app, and our courier will deliver it where and when you decide, for instance, your hotel, or the railway station where the airport express arrives. Our customers have confirmed that this is a lot more convenient than having to look for a sales office in an unknown city," explains Maksim Ivlev, Voxxter CEO.

Voxxter believes the pass could be useful for tourists who come to Russia to watch upcoming sporting events, including the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

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FACT SHEET: Biden- ⁠ Harris Administration Announces Rules to Deliver Automatic Refunds and Protect Consumers from Surprise Junk Fees in Air   Travel

Newly finalized rules will mandate automatic, cash refunds for cancelled or significantly delayed flights and save consumers over half a billion dollars every year in airline fees

WASHINGTON – Building on a historic record of expanding consumer protections and standing up for airline passengers, the Biden-Harris Administration announced final rules that require airlines to provide automatic cash refunds to passengers when owed and protect consumers from costly surprise airline fees. These rules will significantly expand consumer protections in air travel, provide passengers an easier pathway to refunds when owed, and save consumers over half a billion dollars every year in hidden and surprise junk fees.   The rules are part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s work to lower costs for consumers and take on corporate rip-offs. President Biden signed an Executive Order on Promoting Competition in 2021 that encouraged DOT to take steps to promote fairer, more transparent, and competitive markets.   Requiring Automatic Cash Airline Refunds

The first rule requires airlines to promptly provide passengers with automatic cash refunds when owed because their flights are cancelled or significantly changed, their checked bags are significantly delayed, or the ancillary services, like Wi-Fi, they purchased are not provided.   Without this rule, consumers have to navigate a patchwork of cumbersome processes to request and receive a refund — searching through airline websites to figure out how to make the request, filling out extra “digital paperwork,” or at times waiting for hours on the phone. Passengers would also receive a travel credit or voucher by default from many airlines instead of getting their money back, so they could not use their refund to rebook on another airline when their flight was changed or cancelled without navigating a cumbersome request process.   DOT’s rule makes it simple and straightforward for passengers to receive the money they are owed. The final rule requires refunds to be:

  • Automatic: Airlines must automatically issue refunds without passengers having to explicitly request them or jump through hoops.
  • Prompt: Airlines and ticket agents must promptly issue refunds within seven business days of refunds becoming due for credit card purchases and 20 calendar days for other payment methods.
  • Cash or original form of payment: Airlines and ticket agents must provide refunds in cash or whatever original payment method the individual used to make the purchase, such as credit card or airline miles. Airlines may not substitute vouchers, travel credits, or other forms of compensation unless the passenger affirmatively chooses to accept alternative compensation.
  • Full amount: Airlines and ticket agents must provide full refunds of the ticket purchase price, minus the value of any portion of transportation already used. The refunds must include all government-imposed taxes and fees and airline-imposed fees.

Protecting Against Surprise Airline Junk Fees

Secondly, DOT is requiring airlines and ticket agents to tell consumers upfront what fees they charge for checked bags, a carry-on bag, for changing a reservation, or cancelling a reservation. This ensures that consumers can avoid surprise fees when they purchase tickets from airlines or ticket agents, including both brick-and-mortar travel agencies or online travel agencies. The rule will help consumers avoid unneeded or unexpected charges that can increase quickly and add significant cost to what may, at first, look like a cheap ticket. Extra fees, like checked baggage and change fees, have been a growing source of revenue for airlines, while also becoming more complex and confusing for passengers over time. In total, thanks to the final rule, consumers are expected to save over half a billion dollars every year that they are currently overpaying in airline fees. DOT’s rule ensures that consumers have the information they need to better understand the true costs of air travel. Under the final rule, airlines are required to:

  • Disclose baggage, change, and cancellation fees upfront : Each fee must be disclosed the first time that fare and schedule information is provided on the airline’s online platform — and cannot be displayed through a hyperlink.
  • Explain fee policies before ticket purchase: For each type of baggage, airlines and ticket agents must spell out the weight and dimension limitations that they impose. They must also describe any prohibitions or restrictions on changing or cancelling a flight, along with policies related to differences in fare when switching to a more or less expensive flight.  
  • Share fee information with third parties : An airline must provide useable, current, and accurate information regarding its baggage, change, and cancellation fees and policies to any company that is required to disclose them to consumers and receives fare, schedule, and availability information from that airline.
  • Inform consumers that seats are guaranteed: When offering an advance seat assignment for a fee, airlines and ticket agents must let consumers know that purchasing a seat is not necessary to travel, so consumers can avoid paying unwanted seat selection fees.
  • Provide both standard and passenger-specific fee information:  Consumers can choose to view passenger-specific fee information based on their participation in the airline’s rewards program, their military status, or the credit card that they use — or they can decide to stay anonymous and get the standard fee information.
  • End discount bait-and-switch tactics: The final rule puts an end to the bait-and-switch tactics some airlines use to disguise the true cost of discounted flights. It prohibits airlines from advertising a promotional discount off a low base fare that does not include all mandatory carrier-imposed fees.

DOT’s Historic Record of Consumer Protection Under the Biden-Harris Administration Both of these actions were suggested for consideration by the DOT in the Executive Order on Promoting Competition and build on historic steps the Biden-Harris Administration has already taken to expand consumer protections, promote competition, and protect air travelers. Under the Biden-Harris Administration, DOT has advanced the largest expansion of airline passenger rights, issued the biggest fines against airlines for failing consumers, and returned more money to passengers in refunds and reimbursements than ever before in the Department’s history.

  • DOT launched the flightrights.gov dashboard, and now all 10 major U.S. airlines guarantee free rebooking and meals, and nine guarantee hotel accommodations when an airline issue causes a significant delay or cancellation. These are new commitments the airlines added to their customer service plans that DOT can legally ensure they adhere to and are displayed on flightrights.gov.
  • Since President Biden took office, DOT has helped return more than $3 billion in refunds and reimbursements owed to airline passengers – including over $600 million to passengers affected by the Southwest Airlines holiday meltdown in 2022.
  • DOT has issued over $164 million in penalties against airlines for consumer protection violations. Between 1996 and 2020, DOT collectively issued less than $71 million in penalties against airlines for consumer protection violations.
  • DOT recently launched a new partnership with a bipartisan group of state attorneys general to fast-track the review of consumer complaints, hold airlines accountable, and protect the rights of the traveling public.
  • In 2023, the flight cancellation rate in the U.S. was a record low at under 1.2% — the lowest rate of flight cancellations in over 10 years despite a record amount of air travel
  • DOT is undertaking its first ever industry-wide review of airline privacy practices and its first review of airline loyalty programs

In addition to finalizing the rules to require automatic refunds and protect consumers from surprise fees, DOT is also pursuing rulemakings that would:

  • Propose to ban family seating junk fees and guarantee that parents can sit with their children for no extra charge when they fly. Before President Biden and Secretary Buttigieg pressed airlines last year, no airline committed to guaranteeing fee-free family seating. Now, four airlines guarantee fee-free family seating, as the Department is working on its family seating junk fee ban proposal.
  • Propose to make passenger compensation and amenities mandatory so that travelers are taken care of when airlines cause flight delays or cancellations.
  • Expand the rights for passengers who use wheelchairs and ensure that they can travel safely and with dignity . The comment period on this proposed rule closes on May 13, 2024.

Travelers can learn more about their protections when they fly at  FlightRights.gov . Consumers may file an airline complaint with the Department  here .

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Grand Russia is a team of professionals who work in the field of tourism for more than 10 years. We know our country and we know the best ways to show you the maximum of it for a short period of your vacation. Our team makes it’s best to provide you the highest quality of service for a competitive prices and make your visit to Russia unforgettable.

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Best Way to Explore Russia!

We take pride in inviting you to a perfect journey across Russia, where you can explore history, culture, and life like never before. Being the Best Russian Tour Agency , your trip will be full of excitement, very informative and extensively enthralling!

Grand Russia is a reliable Russia Travel Agency with dedicated travel professionals who are all to serve different groups such as incentive groups, corporate groups, sports, leisure and more. Our association with leading tour operators and tour companies empower us to layout a wonderful trip for you that are according to your needs and within budget. No matter from which part of the world you belong, you will relish our services.

We are locally owned and managed a company with offices located here. We are in the Federal Registers of Tour operators in Russia (PTO 018637). Due to our local presence, people visiting in this amazing part of the world get the best; be it the lowest prices available with the highest levels of quality Russian Travel . Find our tailor-made packages which you will not find anywhere else!

Our customer testimonial that you can check is proof our excellent services that we offer! Whether you are planning for summer or winter vacations, you will experience a great tour of Russia.

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  • Arrangement of Air Tickets & Russian train tickets at competitive rates
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There are many more that you will find in your tour packages that will make your travel to Russia with our company a memorable one. In addition to our standard services, Grand Russia offers tours packages to Moscow and St Petersburg . You cannot resist our Two Hearts of Russia (7 Days &6 Nights) , Golden Moscow (4 Days &3 Nights) , Sochi (3 Days & 2 Nights), Golden Ring (1 Day & 2 Days), and many more.

As a leading travel agency specializing in the tour to Russia and Former Soviet Republics, we are connecting the travellers from every part of the world for more than 10 years. Not only the warmth of Russia as a whole but you will discover how easy and affordable is our services to unravel the exquisite beauty of this great nation. We work closely with Russia Tourism and offer airline tickets, visa services, hotel accommodations, tours and any other assistance you may require while touring here.

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Grand Russia is a tour company providing original and professional private tours in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Golden ring towns and around Russia. We have a team of professionals who work in the field of tourism for more than 10 years. Guides from our team are all licensed and speak fluent English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Chinese and many other languages.

We in the Federal Register of Touroperators in Russia,

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Pro-Palestinian protests continue at colleges across the US

By Dalia Faheid, Nouran Salahieh, Maureen Chowdhury, Antoinette Radford and Elizabeth Wolfe, CNN

Tufts University says encampment "must end" so the school can "celebrate the class of 2024" 

From CNN's Michelle Watson and John Murphy

The encampment on Tufts University's Medford - Somerville campus in Massachusetts "must end" for commencement proceedings to proceed, university leaders said in a Sunday message . 

"Tufts has a time-honored tradition of civil protest. Consistent with that tradition, and throughout this academic year, we have balanced our students’ right to protest with enforcing our conduct policies," the message reads. "Over the past two weeks, we have respected our community members’ right to advocate for their beliefs through a small camp site on the academic quad on our Medford/Somerville campus."  "We have even delayed some preparations for Commencement as much as possible to allow the protest to resolve peacefully. But now the encampment must end, ideally peacefully and voluntarily, so we can prepare the campus for Commencement."

Student life staff are expected to reach out to protesters Monday, "to plan for the end of the encampment in the next few days," the message says. 

The university went on to say that "recent exchanges have been markedly different as the protesters have sought to escalate and disrupt normal university activity."

The message was signed by university president Sunil Kumar and four other school leaders, including Caroline Attardo Genco, the provost and senior vice president. 

"We are committed to maintaining an environment that will allow our students to finish the academic year strong and for the entire community to celebrate the class of 2024 at Commencement without disruptions," the message says. 

"Our students and their families and friends deserve nothing less. We invite the entire community to join us in this endeavor peacefully and responsibly." 

RFK Jr. defends protesters' rights but opposes calls for ceasefire

From CNN's Aaron Pellish

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks during a campaign event in Oakland, California, on March 26.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr Kennedy told reporters following a campaign rally in Holbrook, New York on Sunday that he supported the rights of pro-Palestinian protesters on college campuses but disagreed with their calls for a ceasefire in Gaza.

“First of all, you know, I support free speech. I think speech, even when speech is appalling to me, when it's reprehensible, when it makes no sense, people ought to be able to say, ought to be able to voice their concerns,” Kennedy said. 

But, he said he doesn’t “understand… what the rationale is” behind calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, though he labeled himself as “very pro-Palestinian.” 

“I don't see how people want to have a negotiation,” Kennedy said. “Every ceasefire has been used by Hamas to rearm, to regroup, to raise the banner and do another surprise attack on Israel."

Israeli attacks in Gaza have killed more than 34,000 Palestinians since the start of the war,  according to Gaza’s Health Ministry . CNN cannot independently confirm the numbers due to the lack of international media access to Gaza.

Kennedy also called antisemitic threats against Jewish students on campuses “unacceptable” and urged universities to protect Jewish students. 

“If they're going to protect people who are non-white from abuse because it makes them feel unsafe, they need to do that with Jewish students, too,” he said. 

Screaming and scuffles between opposing protest groups at UCLA after demonstrators cross barrier

From CNN’s Sarah Moon and Camila Bernal at UCLA

Pro-Israel counter-protesters gather during a demonstration in support of Palestinians at UCLA in Los Angeles on April 28.

Demonstrators on Sunday   breached a security barrier meant to keep opposing protest groups apart on the UCLA campus, and the two sides have come   face-to-face, at times screaming at one another and shoving back and forth.

A CNN team is on the ground watching the crowd, where pro-Palestinian demonstrators have gathered to support an  encampment protesting Israel's military campaign  in Gaza, and a group of counter-protesters draped in Israeli flags has erected a video screen and speaker set-up.

“Very high passions on both sides, and when these two come together we have seen confrontations,” CNN’s Camila Bernal reported from the campus. “People who are screaming at each other, sometimes shoving and pushing, and it does get violent at times.”

Organizers from each group have told Bernal that they are trying to keep the peace.

The CNN team has seen police officers in riot gear standing at a distance   from the crowd, but university officials have said police will not intervene unless they feel students are in harm’s way.

The school’s vice chancellor for strategic communications, Mary Osako, confirmed in a statement that demonstrators had “breached” a barrier between the groups, and that there were “physical altercations” between protesters.

“UCLA has a long history of being a place of peaceful protest, and we are heartbroken about the violence that broke out,” the statement reads.

Information about any potential injuries has not been made available.

Watch Camila Bernal's report from the UCLA campus

This post has been updated with additional reporting from the UCLA campus.

Students remain in encampment blocking a street at George Washington University for 4th day of protests

From CNN’s Avery Lotz

People set up more tents along H street as they protest at George Washington University in Washington, DC, on April 28.

Pro-Palestinian protests continued Sunday on George Washington University’s campus in Washington, DC, where students have erected an encampment of dozens of tents in a park and on the neighboring street.

A crowd of demonstrators has chanted “Free Palestine” to the beat of a drum on H Street NW, some of them wearing traditional keffiyeh and waving Palestinian flags. The street remains blocked by law enforcement, and a number of DC Metropolitan Police officers remain in the area.

Flags, signs and sidewalk chalk decorate the encampment, where protestors say they will stay until the university fulfills their demands, which include disclosing its financial endowments and divesting from Israeli associations — similar to the message of many other college protests nationwide. 

One counter-protester walked through the crowd with an Israeli flag draped around her shoulders. Demonstrators chanted, “Free, free, free Palestine,” at the protester, while one held a sign that read, “Genocide is bad.” 

Sanders says it's not antisemitic to hold Israeli government accountable for its actions in Gaza

Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks in Triangle, Virginia, on April 22.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders pushed back on  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claim  that protests on US college campuses are driven by antisemitism, telling CNN’s Dan Bash that it’s critical to hold the Israeli government accountable for its actions in Gaza.

In the interview on Sunday morning , Sanders said the “vast majority of the American people are disgusted with Netanyahu’s war machine in Gaza” and do not want more aid sent to Israel.

While Sanders said he acknowledges “antisemitism exists and is growing in the United States,” he said it is not antisemitic for protesters to hold Netanyahu accountable for his actions in Gaza, which he says are “unprecedented in the modern history of warfare.”

Sanders said Israel's widespread destruction of homes and infrastructure in Gaza, and the death toll of more than 30,000 people , according to the enclave's health ministry, is the reason people want the Israeli government held accountable.

Sanders said he condemns Hamas, antisemitism, Islamophobia and other forms of bigotry, but emphasized again, “We do have to pay attention to the disastrous and unprecedented humanitarian disaster taking place in Gaza right now.”

Watch a clip from the interview below:

Portland State University says it will pause gifts and grants from Boeing amid campus protests

From CNN’s Chris Boyette

Boeing’s headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, is pictured on January 31.

Portland State University will pause receiving gifts and grants from the Boeing Company until the college holds a forum to debate the ethics of doing so, according to the school's president.

The move comes amid nationwide protests, including at PSU, against Israel's war in Gaza. Student organizations are calling for schools to cut ties with Israel and to divest from companies that sell weapons, tech and other items to the country, among other demands.

Boeing says on its website that the Israel Defense Forces currently operates nine different Boeing products, and the company contributes a $3.5 billion benefit to the Israeli economy.

"I have heard many students and faculty express that they would like to see PSU cut ties with the company. I initially found these demands confusing and arbitrary: PSU has no investments in Boeing but accepts philanthropic gifts from the company and, given that Boeing is a major employer in the region, many of our alumni work there,” PSU President Ann Cudd said in  a letter to the campus community  Friday.

“However, the passion with which these demands are being repeatedly expressed by some in our community motivates me, as a scholar of academic ethics and a university leader responsible for the well being of our campus constituents, to listen and ask additional questions,” Cudd said.

Cudd said PSU will host a two-hour moderated debate in May with faculty and students. 

On its website,  Boeing says  its relationship with Israel dates back "more than 75 years — to the founding of the State of Israel."

Boeing declined to comment on Cudd’s announcement.

LA Mayor Bass stands by USC's decision to cancel its main commencement ceremony

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass speaks during a press conference in 2023.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass says the decision by University of Southern California leaders to cancel the school's main commencement ceremony  for 2024 graduating students in May was necessary due to safety concerns.

“I believe that that was a decision that they had to make," Bass told CNN’s Dana Bash on Sunday.

"They were expecting about 65,000 people on campus and they just did not feel that it was going to be safe, and the job of the (university) president, just like my job as mayor — my number one job is to make sure that Angelenos are safe."

The mayor,  herself a USC alumna , pointed out that while the main ceremony had been canceled, individual schools and departments will go forward with their own ceremonies.

Some context : A USC professor who has  criticized the school's response  to pro-Palestinian protests told CNN on Saturday that the university's initial decision to  cancel its valedictorian's commencement speech served as a catalyst for demonstrations at the Los Angeles campus.

Asna Tabassum, a first-generation South Asian-American Muslim, said in a statement published by the Council on American-Islamic Relations that she has "serious doubts about whether USC’s decision to revoke my invitation to speak is made solely on the basis of safety."

CAIR has accused the school of canceling Tabassum's speech in response to "attacks and harassment launched by anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian extremists."

The school announced it was canceling the main commencement ceremony altogether on Friday, days after the decision to cancel the valedictorian speech.

CNN’s Amanda Musa, Alisha Ebrahimji and Melissa Alonso contributed reporting to this post.

Here are some of the latest comments from elected officials on the protests happening across the US

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell speaks at the Capitol in Washington, DC, on April 23.

Several US lawmakers and other elected officials have spoken in media appearances Sunday about the protests seen across the country in response to Israel's ongoing military campaign in Gaza.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell criticized what he said was antisemitic rhetoric seen in the protests, saying on CBS that "university presidents need to get control of the situation, allow free speech and push back against antisemitism."

“We’ve all got to get serious about the challenges ahead of us, engaging in antisemitic behavior in the United States needs to be stood up to by the administrators of these colleges,” he said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Virginia Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin also condemned instances of antisemitic rhetoric, and said Virginia wouldn't allow protest encampments to be put up at its academic institutions.

“We will protect the ability to peacefully express yourself, but we’re not going to have the kinds of hate speech and intimidation that we’re seeing across the country in Virginia,” the governor told CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union.”

Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, meanwhile, pushed back against House Speaker Mike Johnson’s suggestion that the National Guard could be sent to college campuses amid the protests, calling it a “very, very bad idea.”

“I think calling in the National Guard to college campuses for so many people would recall what happened when that was done during the Vietnam War — and it didn’t end well,” Kaine said on “Meet the Press.”

“There are other ways, using campus security, but also offering students more opportunities to have dialogue that is civil and constructive where people hear one another — that’s by far preferable,” he added. 

Students in Gaza stage demonstration to express gratitude for pro-Palestinian protests at US colleges

From Tareq Alhelou in Rafah and CNN’s Kareem Khadder, Abeer Salman and Zeena Saifi in Jerusalem 

Palestinian students hold signs in Rafah, Gaza, on April 28.

Dozens of Palestinian students staged a display of solidarity at a demonstration in southern Gaza on Sunday to express gratitude for the support seen on US college campuses in recent weeks.  

Video from the Shaboura refugee camp in Rafah shows children holding banners with messages that read: "Students of Columbia University, continue to stand by us,” and “Violating our right to education and life is a war crime.”   

The students gathered around makeshift tents near a school that now serves as a shelter for Palestinians displaced from northern Gaza. Footage shows people spray-painting messages of gratitude on the fabric of the tents, saying “Thank you, students in solidarity with Gaza. Your message has reached.”

A man writes a message of thanks to students in the US protesting in solidarity with the people of Gaza, on a tent at a camp for displaced Palestinians in Rafah, Gaza, on April 27.

Takfeer Abu-Yousuf, a displaced student from the northern city of Beit Hanoun, told CNN he felt it was necessary to thank the students in the US who “supported us with their humanity.”

“We can’t write these thank you messages on the walls of our homes because we have no homes. They have been destroyed on top of our children, elders and women,” he said.  

Eighteen-year-old Rana Al-Taher pointed to the school in the camp, telling CNN that what should have been a place for learning and education has become a place for sheltering.   

“That means that we have lost our education. We have lost our only hope in Gaza and we want it back. We’re here to ask for it back. It’s our right to have it back … that’s why we’re here,” she said.

Read the full story here.

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Where to stay in Moscow

Moscow – the capital of Russia – is one of the largest cities in the world with the population of over 12 million people, and if we include the agglomeration, that would make it 15 million. Moscow is a huge city, you will find here many historical sites, museums, parks, and it is very difficult to find your way around there, especially if you are in Moscow for the first time.

In this article I will try to make it somewhat easier for tourists who plan to spend some time in Moscow. In fact, despite the size and the chaos that, at first glance, seems to be reigning this city, it is not really tough to get a sense of direction here. Geographically, the city is divided into administrative districts, each one of them has some subdistricts, but not all districts or subdistricts are good choices for tourists accommodation. Many of them are residential or business districts, and we will not include them in our list of possible accommodation options.

What Area is the Best to Stay in Moscow?

In order to navigate with ease in the city, you need to have a general idea of its development. Moscow is a city with a radial ring structure. You can easily see it on the map of Moscow the best illustration of this fact is the map of the underground with its circle line and radial lines. Everything that is inside the circle is the center of Moscow with the city’s main attractions. This is the part of the city where most tourists search for accommodation.

It should be noted that when you choose a place to stay in Moscow, you should keep in mind your travel purpose and for how long you plan to stay in the city. For example, if you come to take part in a conference or an exhibition, it is recommended to stay in a hotel close to the place where this exhibition or conference will be held. As a rule, it is Expocenter, or VDNH (up until recently this unique complex was named All-Russian Exhibition Center, VVC). If you come to Russian capital for 3-4 days and plan to explore the main sites, it would make sense to find a hotel or a hostel in the city center, otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of time on commute. And if you transit via Moscow and will stay for just a day or two, but at the same time would like to see the main historical sights, the best accommodation options for you are near the airports or railway stations, depending on what transport you are going to use to reach your final destination.

Based on the most popular travel purposes, I recommend focusing on the following districts that could be considered for accommodation. We will take a closer look at each of them:

  • City Center
  • The Kremlin, The Red Square, Kitay-gorod
  • The Old Arbat
  • Tretyakov Gallery
  • Exhibition Centers

Crocus Expo

Railway stations, three station square (komsomolskaya square), belorussky station, kursky station, kievsky and paveletsky stations.

  • The Third Ring Road
  • Airports (Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, Vnukovo)

Center of Moscow

Central Moscow is quite a large district, located within the Garden Ring Road. The city center is undoubtful attracting the most number of Russian and foreign tourists. Here you will find the main sights of the city. As I have already mentioned, central Moscow’s borders are to a certain extent aligned with the circle line of Moscow underground, which means that all attractions can be easily reached by underground, that is, if you do not want to explore the central area of the capital on foot.

Here you will find the Kremlin, the Red Square with the St. Basil Cathedral and the State Historical Museum. In the same district but a little farther away there is the first pedestrian area of Moscow – the Old Arbat Street. Traditionally, a lot of tourists are interested in visiting Tretyakov Gallery – the largest museum in the world dedicated solely to the Russian art, that is why we will discuss hotels near this museum separately.

The fact is, that despite the large territory occupied by Moscow’s center, you can easily explore it traveling by metro. In just a few minutes you will be able to reach Arbat from the Kremlin, or go to the museums that are of special interest to you. Let’s take a closer look at accommodation in central Moscow, starting with hotels that are located in the very heart of Moscow, right next to the Kremlin.

The Kremlin, the Red Square, Kitay-Gorod

Moscow Kremlin today is the largest in the country Historical and Cultural Museum-Preserve, and is, of course, destination No. 1 for all tourists. Obviously, the closer a hotel is located to the main attraction of the city, the more expensive it is. However, there are probably people out there who would love to stay in one of hotels overlooking the Kremlin, for example, National , Metropol and Baltschug Kempinski . At the same time you should keep in mind, that these hotels are not just expensive but very expensive. These five-star hotels traditionally welcome rich and famous people.

Old Arbat Street

In contrast to hotels near the Kremlin, where for obvious reasons, you will find only incredibly expensive hotels, in the Arbat street there are hotels for any taste and budget – from very affordable hostels to five-star hotels. At the same time you will still stay in the near proximity of the Kremlin and the Red Square and will be able to reach these sights in just 10-15 minutes by metro, and walking there will take just a little bit more time.

The Arbat is the pedestrian area in Moscow, very cozy and similar to many streets like that in other European capitals. This small district is very popular with locals and tourists thanks to a special creative atmosphere reigning here. Here you can also find a number of nice restaurants, cafes, and souvenir shops, as well as groceries and supermarkets.

Hotels at the Arbat are a great choice if you want to have the most exciting memories from your Moscow trip.

Budget-friendly options include PEOPLE Hotel at Novinskiy Boulevard and Hostel L'abordage , located in the close proximity to Smolenskaya underground station. You can also get a good value for money in the hotel Belgrad . And if you are used to a five-star hotels’ quality, then Moscow Marriott Hotel Novy Arbat is a great option for you.

Tretyakov Gallery Neighborhood

As you probably know by now, the Tretyakov Gallery is also located in the central Moscow. You can reach the Kremlin and the Red Square in about 10-15 minutes as they are just couple of stations away by metro (or you can walk there). Not far from this district you will also find the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the Pushkin Museum.

This district is home to a great number of hostels and mini-hotels, so it is a good option for tourists on a tight budget who would like to explore the Tretyakov Gallery, the collection of which is comprised of over 100,000 works of Russian art from 7th to 20th century.

Good accommodation options here are 3 Penguins Hostel on Pyatnitskaya , Seasons Hostel and Hostel Ivan da Marya , all of them are located within a 5-minute walk from the Tretyakov Gallery. If hostels are not really your thing, you can choose hotels Comfort Moscow or Medeya . They boast the same convenient location but a better level of privacy.

Convention Centers

Annually Moscow hosts a few dozen of large exhibitions and conferences. If you plan to participate or visit one of them, then staying in a hotel near the convention center where the event will be held is probably the best option. It will help you save travel time, and at the same time you will easily be able to see the Kremlin and other sights that attract your attention thanks to a very convenient transport connection.

Hotels near Expocenter

Expocenter Exhibition Center is one of the largest in Moscow – every year it hosts some of the key Russian and European events, attracting millions of business tourists from all over the world. The district near Expocenter is a very picturesque area with a great view over the Moskva river. This is a very comfortable district for accommodation: the Kremlin is just 20 minutes away, and the underground station is 50 meters from the exhibition center.

Good options for accommodation here are Novotel Moscow City and Crown Plaza , at the same time they are the most expensive ones. If you want to save on accommodation, choose one of mini-hotels, such as Expo Hotel or Octavia .

VDNH (or VVC) is the oldest exhibition center in Moscow. You should visit it even if you don’t plan to participate in an exhibition. The complex itself is huge, it occupies an area of 250 ha. It feels like it is a separate town where each building sparks interest, makes you turn your head and admire it. In addition to exhibition halls you will find here small but nice museums, an upside down house, and amazing fountains – VDNH is especially beautiful in the evening with the night illumination.

Within a short distance from the entrance (3 minutes on foot) there is an underground station that will allow you to easily move between the main tourist attractions in Moscow.

There is a fair share of hotels in the VDNH area, however, most of them were built back in Soviet times and seem to be a bit old-fashioned. One of the most famous hotels in the area is Cosmos Hotel that was built for the 1980 Olympic Games. The rooms in this hotel boast some spectacular views of the VDNH.

Other interesting options in the area of the VDNH include D'Hotel and Zolotoy Kolos .

Crocus Expo was opened in 2004, and today it hosts large international exhibitions and conferences. Geographically, Crocus Expo is located outside of Moscow, so it only makes sense to choose a hotel nearby if you plan to take part in an exhibition or a conference, or if you want to see a concert in Crocus City Hall (it is a place where Russian and international stars perform regularly).

You will find here Crocus City Mall – a great place for luxury shopping, a yacht club Shore House, and a number of good restaurants. In the coming years, business and entertainment center Crocus City Riviera will also open here.

Thankfully, it is not really a problem to reach Crocus Expo from Moscow – there is a modern underground station Myakinino here.

The only hotel in this area is Aquarium Hotel with 225 rooms, and it means that you probably will need to book a room very well in advance.

Geographically, almost all railway stations are in the center of Moscow or very close to it, but we will take a closer look at them to help you navigate easier through the city, especially if you come by train and don’t really know if it makes sense to stay in a hotel near the station or how far the station is from all the main sights.

Komsomolskaya Square is a square where three railway stations are located: Leningradsky, Yaroslavsky and Kazansky stations. This square is known as the Three Station Square .

The buildings of these three railway stations are architectural monuments and attract tourists’ attention. The most beautiful, in my opinion, is the Neorussian building of Yaroslavsky station. From Yaroslavsky Station you can go, for example, to Yaroslavl, Vorkuta, Vologda, Kirov, Arkhangelsk, Ekaterinburg, Perm, Tyumen, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Beijing, Ulan-Bator.

Leningradsky Station is the oldest railway station in Moscow, from here trains depart to Saint-Petersburg, Murmansk, Petrozavodsk, Velikyi Novgorod, Helsinki, Tallinn and other cities in the North-West.

Finally, Kazansky Station is the largest railway station in Moscow. Trains from Voronezh, Cheboksary, Togliatti, Samara, Penza, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Izhevsk, Rostov-on-Don, Adler, Anapa, Vladikavkaz and other cities arrive here.

An experienced tourist knows that districts around railway stations are as a rule very loud and very chaotic, with constant flow of people with heavy luggage (or without it) on the way to their destinations. It is easy to imagine that the district with three railway stations will be the most chaotic you have ever seen. However, you don’t get this feeling when you are at the Three Station Square. A well thought-through infrastructure helps to avoid the global chaos.

Staying in the area of the Komsomolskaya Square is not a bad option: it is close to the stations if you need to travel by train, there are many restaurants here (from fast food to some really decent cafes and restaurants), and the number of available hotels in this district keeps growing every year. Back in Soviet times the only hotel in the area was hotel Leningradskaya known today as Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya (prices, obviously, correspond with a five-star status of the hotel). However, today you can find a number of small but nice hotels in the close proximity to the Three Station Square. For example, Mandarin Hotel , Apart-Hotel Volga and Orange Hotel on Komsomolskaya . All of them are located not far from the stations but on quiet streets. From here you can reach the Red Square and the Kremlin in just 10-15 minutes by metro.

Belorussky Station is important because of a couple of reasons. First, from here you can travel to the West or South-West, you can even reach Berlin if you are afraid to fly, for example. And second, from this station you can easily reach Sheremetyevo airport by aeroexpress. It means that if you come to Moscow by train and in a couple of days you plan to fly to your final destination (or the other way around – when you plan to stay in Moscow for a couple days after you come back from your vacation), then staying in the district near the Belorussky Station will be a great option – affordable and very convenient in terms of location (just 3 metro stops away from the Kremlin, and the metro station here is within an easy reach from the station).

If we talk about the district, you will see that it is a little chaotic next to the station, but 500–600 meters away when you move to the nearby streets, the atmosphere changes – everything is quiet and respectable, there are many restaurants and cafes for any taste and budget. Most of hotels here are four- and five-star hotels targeted at business tourists but, of course, you can also find families with kids there. If you like to save some money, choose one of hostels in the area, for example, Rus-Yammy or V-Now . There is, however, the lack of middle price range hotels in this district. But four-star hotels are quite affordable for an average tourist, especially if you book them in advance.

A good option here is a chain hotel Holiday Inn Lesnaya – in addition to the default Holiday Inn quality the hotel offers to its guests great a la carte breakfasts, for a decent price you can choose a French, an American, an English or a Russian breakfast.

The building of Kursky Station is not really very remarkable, it has been rebuilt numerous times and today it is a very characterless building. There are no tourist attractions in the near proximity of the station, but from here you can reach the center of Moscow in 10-15 minutes (just one metro stop). Actually, this is a pretty average railway station district that would be a great option for those who plan to travel to Nizhny Novgorod, Adler, Baku, Orel or Kursk.

However, a convenient location, proximity to the city center, a fair share of restaurants and cafes within an easy reach, and a great number of hotels (from five-star hotels to mini-hotels and hostels) have turned this district into a desirable destination for many tourists visiting Moscow.

Here I would recommend Mamaison All-Suites Spa Hotel for picky tourists and hostels Privet and Kotiki for travelers on a tight budget.

There are two more railway stations that are worth mentioning – Kievsky and Paveletsky Stations . They are also located on the circle underground line, and you won’t have any troubles to reach the Kremlin and the Red Square from here. Additionally, Paveletsky Station is in close proximity to the Tretyakov Gallery. Plus, from these stations you can take an express train (aeroexpress) to Vnukovo airport (from Kievsky Station) and Domodedovo airport (from Paveletsky Station). So, if your itinerary includes these railway stations and/or these airports, it makes sense to find an accommodation near the stations.

An additional benefit of staying near the Kievsky Station is the proximity of one of the largest shopping and entertaining centers in Moscow – The Europeisky "Evropeysky" Shopping Mall – this is a great opportunity for shopping. Besides, there are good cafes and restaurants here, a bowling alley, a cinema and an entertainment center for kids.

Hotels in these districts target well-off guests, so, if your budget is unlimited, you can choose Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel or Radisson Royal Hotel (formerly known as Hotel Ukraina, located in one of the famous Seven Sisters skyscrapers designed in the Stalinist style) near the Kievsky Station or Swissotel Krasnye Holmy at the Paveletsky Station.

Third Ring Road

You probably remember that Moscow is a city with a radial ring structure. Up until now we have checked the hotels in central Moscow, those inside the Garden Ring Road or the Circle Line of the underground. However, there is still life beyond the Garden Ring Road, and of course, there are hotels there that are getting cheaper when you move farther away from the center. It makes sense to choose a hotel here if you want to save money and are fine with spending more time for getting to the main attractions. But in this case you should only consider hotels that are within a short walking distance from the metro. This territory is huge and there are a lot of hotels here. The districts are not really remarkable in and of themselves – these are just residential areas with supermarkets and shops, or business centers. Here you will be able to find hotels away from the main roads which means that you will have peaceful time.

If we take into account the most important criteria for tourists, such as convenient location (close to the metro), comfortable rooms, complimentary breakfast and Wi-Fi, as well as affordable rates, then the following hotels at the Third Ring Road could be a great choice for you: Slavyanka Hotel , Blues Hotel , Holiday Inn Moscow Suschevsky and Maxima Panorama Hotel . Budget-friendly hotels include the Welcome mini-hotel that is a part of the Microhotels chain and the ID Hostel .

Moscow Airports

Just like in any other city, it makes sense to choose a hotel near the airport, if you are transiting through the city and/or stay there for just a couple of days before flying to your next destination. In this case you will not have to move around Moscow with your luggage, you can leave it in your hotel room and go explore the city center.

There are three large airports in Moscow: Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, and Vnukovo. There are some accommodation options next to each of them.

Great options near Sheremetyevo are Sheraton Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport Hotel , Novotel Moscow Sheremetyevo and a little less expensive SkyPoint Sheremetyevo .

In Domodedovo there is only one hotel – Airhotel Domodedovo .

And if your flight is from Vnukovo airport , I recommend you to take a closer look at Uninn Hotel Vnukovo or Antis House Uninn .

Things to Consider When Choosing a Hotel in Moscow

Moscow is a very large and attractive for tourists city that welcomes millions of guests every year. The pace of hotels construction can’t catch up with the growing number of tourists, that’s why Moscow experiences the lack of rooms, especially in middle price range hotels. In the recent years, more mini-hotels and hostels have appeared, however, they still can’t satisfy the high demand. So, if you planned to visit Moscow, book hotels in advance, or you will be very unpleasantly surprised with the prices in available hotels.

If your goal is to see the main tourist attractions, then it is better to stay within the Garden Ring Road near underground stations. Here you will find a great selection of hotels and hostels for any budget. Don’t forget that the hotel should be within an easy reach from the underground station, or you will have to spend too much time on travel from one destination to another one.

And finally, don’t forget to check tourists’ feedback on booking websites, preferably not older than 3-4 months, because old feedback is less interesting – a lot could have changed in the hotel in these 3-4 months, both for better or for worse.

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My Secret to Weeks of Free Lodging in Europe

I wanted to stay in apartments or houses—but i was a brand-new college grad on a budget.

This is One Thing , a column with tips on how to live.

After I graduated from college, I knew I wanted to travel for a few months, so I secured a part-time job that could be done remotely. I didn’t want to do my work shifts from a hostel bunk bed or random cafés that stayed open late. (I’d be in Europe, thanks to an EU passport, and my gig was based in the states.) Paying for Airbnbs the entire trip would eat up way too much of my paychecks. It was kismet that just as I was starting to plan my travels, my friend sent me a video about a couple traveling the world and dog-sitting along the way, using an app called Trusted Housesitters .

As an avid dog lover, I thought it was perfect. I paid a little over $100 to make an account, then started browsing housesits around the world. I adorned my profile with pictures of me and the various dogs in my life, and applied for opportunities across the ocean. Before I had even left the United States, I had three gigs set up: I’d spend about 10 days in Scotland and Wales, then three weeks in Amsterdam.

Just like when setting up drinks through a dating app, you do have to be vigilant and pay attention for red flags when talking to potential hosts. My stay in Scotland was less than ideal for many reasons—the situation could have been easily avoided if I had listened to my gut and declined that gig. (The app does do background checks, and there’s an opportunity for both sides to leave reviews, meaning you don’t go in completely unaware.) But the other dog-sits were fantastic. One experience went so well that last fall, I returned to Amsterdam to once again to dog-sit Pretzel, a lovely Maltipoo, while her parents got married and went on their honeymoon.

Although I opted for longer sits abroad, there is also the option to just watch a furry friend stateside for a weekend. (If you do go internationally, be mindful that you might potentially need a work or tourist visa.) I just checked the app, and as I’m writing this, there are opportunities available in cities that include Austin, Atlanta, and Boulder.

Of course, you have the responsibility of taking care of someone else’s dog—you need to do some planning and can’t just leave the pet alone all day, and the owners don’t pay you. But the free accommodations feel like a fair exchange to me. I also love that many of the dog-sit locations are in more residential areas, so you’re able to experience local life in whatever city you’re in. Plus, you get to hang with a cute dog. What could be better?

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U.S. Secretary of State Blinken boards a plane at the U.S. Naval Support Activity base in Naples

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Palestinian children inspect the site of an Israeli strike on a house, in Rafah

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Oklahoma man facing 12 years in Turks & Caicos prison released on bond, banned from travel

Ryan watson made bail a couple weeks after he was detained and arrested for ammo possession in turks & caicos. but he's not allowed to leave..

stay tourist pegaso

An American man facing 12 years in prison in Turks & Caicos after airport security found ammunition in his duffel bag won’t have to spend one more night in jail . For now.

Ryan Watson, 40, appeared before a court on Wednesday, agreeing to pay $15,000 to secure his release, according to a news alert from The Royal Turks & Caicos Islands Police Force. 

The court granted Watson's release about two weeks after he was initially detained and arrested. He's being released with a slew of stipulations, including being prohibited from leaving the archipelago nation. He also had to surrender his passport and travel documents to the court, and needs to report to police twice a week as his case moves through the system.

His next court hearing is set for June 7.

Here’s what we know.

Why were Ryan and Valerie Watson detained in the Turks and Caicos?

Ryan and Valerie Watson were in Turks & Caicos to celebrate the 40th birthdays of several friends in early April, USA TODAY reported.

The couple was trying to catch a flight back home on April 12, when airport security found four rounds of ammunition “unknowingly left in a duffel bag from a deer hunting trip,” according to a GoFundMe post made on behalf of the family. 

They were both questioned and subsequently charged with possession of ammunition, a charge that carries a minimum of 12 years in prison in Turks & Caicos.

The couple was stuck on the island without passports, unable to get back to their two young children, which left Valerie Watson “terrified.” 

“We can't both be in prison for 12 years. We have kids at home," she told WBTS-TV in Boston  "And this is such an innocent mistake that we ... didn't even know it was there. So yeah, my immediate thought was our kids and them being parentless for that long."

Ryan Watson maintains that it was a “bonehead mistake” on his part, not knowing that the ammunition rounds he typically uses to hunt whitetail deer were in his bag, the outlet reported.

Ultimately, the charges were dropped against Valerie Watson, who has returned to Oklahoma.

Oklahoma governor vouches for family: ‘Outstanding members of the community’ 

Days after the Watson family was detained, Republican Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt sent a letter to the Turks & Caicos Islands government in an attempt to get the home sooner.

“The Watsons are upstanding members of their community and the State of Oklahoma, and I can assure you countless others stand willing to confirm their high moral characters,” Stitt said.

He continued to say that the couple would never “intentionally break the law,” emphasizing the importance of having them return to Oklahoma so they can continue to serve the community, Valerie as a school teacher and Ryan as a medical product salesman.

 And so that their children, Van and Ellie, don’t have to face another day without both parents, he said.

Family creates GoFundMe to bring Ryan Watson home 

Close friends have created a GoFundMe on behalf of the Watson family to cover the costs of “mounting legal fees, living expenses, and the overwhelming stress of their situation.” 

Valerie Watson said that the strain her family is under is tremendous, telling WBTS-TV that it could “ruin them.” 

“We've already talked, and we're like, what if we lose our house? Which, when we moved to Oklahoma, we built a home that we thought was our forever home,” she said. 

The sentiment was echoed by Ryan Watson, who says “this is something that we may never recover from.” 

“The emotional and financial toll is immense, and they are at risk of losing everything,” the fundraiser description reads. 

The GoFundMe had raised about $196,000 of the $250,000 goal by Friday night. 

What happens next?

Valerie Watson and her children are awaiting her husband’s next court appearance, set for June 7.

Even though Ryan Watson “forgot” about the ammunition in his bag, he may not be able to leave the Turks & Caicos Islands without serving time. The government prohibits anyone, of status or origin, to possess a firearm, ammunition, or any other weapon.

There are exceptions to this, of course, but the court is still required to issue “both a sentence of imprisonment and a fine” that are in line with what the court would consider an “exceptional circumstance,” USA TODAY reported. 

The Turks & Caicos government stiffened the penalties for firearm possession in February, noting that there were a handful of cases involving "exceptional circumstances" that allowed accused people to get away with paying a fine. “exceptional circumstances."

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