Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality in Tourism and Travel

13 minute read

October 18th, 2023

Rock Paper Reality

Rock Paper Reality

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Augmented Reality in Tourism and Travel

Augmented reality (AR) is revolutionizing the way we travel and interact with the world. From interactive maps and personalised recommendations to remote assistants and translation apps, the potential for AR usage in tourism is boundless. The virtual tourism market alone is set to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 30.2% between 2023 and 2028, to reach a valuation of $23.5 billion. There is no doubt that augmented reality is reshaping the tourism industry, empowering brands to remain relevant in a competitive and changing market space.

With informative overlays and augmented attractions, this transformative technology seamlessly blends the physical and digital to offer new immersive experiences. Augmented reality in tourism doesn’t only enhance customer satisfaction but enables next-level marketing and opens up new revenue streams for travel businesses.

Let’s explore the many ways that the use of augmented reality in travel and tourism can shake up your business with remarkable competitive advantages.

Key Takeaways

  • AR enables travel operators to enhance their services by offering simplified navigation, on-demand destination information, and eliminating language barriers.
  • AR helps agents and operators improve travel personalization—a key component to fostering engagement and customer satisfaction.
  • AR in travel opens avenues for new revenue streams and improves consumer confidence by allowing customers to gain detailed insights before committing to a booking.
  • AR tourism tools in hospitality establishments can significantly reduce operational and administrative costs. They can also help drive bookings to on-site services and improve guest experiences.

How Can AR Enhance Travel Experiences?

As the quality of augmented reality improves and increased accessibility leads to lower implementation costs, AR is becoming increasingly popular as a travel tool. Whether it’s a museum visit or a trip to a foreign country, AR promises to change, improve, and expand the very nature of travel and tourism.

Enabling the Use of AR Travel Guides to Explore Destinations Virtually

Although the experience of travel is proverbially priceless, the truth is that it can put quite a dent in your client’s pocket. An augmented reality travel guide can help ensure that the destination your clients spend their money on is just as beautiful as the brochure promises.

Using AR, tourists can explore famous landmarks, interactive museums, and natural wonders from the comfort of their own homes. They can view 3D models of iconic buildings like the Eiffel Tower or the Taj Mahal and even take virtual walking tours through bustling city streets or far-flung wilderness. An example of this is the travel app Antarctic Heritage Trust AR , which takes users on an expedition to Antarctica. Here a user can explore the icy landscape with 360º images and videos and access artefacts from the buildings.

AR also allows tourists to learn about the history and culture of a destination through interactive exhibits, historical reenactments, and educational games. Augmented reality travel apps can depict how an area looked in the past and restore historical scenes and events. It can also invite users to preview exciting new sites currently under construction.

Historik is a tourism app that recreates historic buildings and objects at specific points of interest. By pointing their mobile camera at a landmark, travelers can access a visual representation of the history and significance of the site. They can swipe through artefacts and even set up self-guided tours.

The Benefits of an AR Travel Guide

By allowing your clients to explore destinations virtually with integrated AR, you’ll offer the following unique benefits:

  • Increased accessibility – AR technology allows people with limited mobility or disabilities to experience and explore destinations that might otherwise be inaccessible to them.
  • Improved buyer confidence – By first experiencing a destination virtually, travelers can make more informed decisions. When they book the real adventure, they’ll be sure to pick the right option for them, reducing the risk of refunds and complaints.
  • Enhanced educational opportunities – AR can provide interactive and informative experiences that truly add value. It can be used to efficiently inform travelers about the history, culture, and natural wonders of a destination.

Leveraging AR to Navigate Unfamiliar Places

With its ability to blend the virtual and physical, tourists can use AR for navigation. When exploring an new area, a traveler can point their mobile phone camera into the street and sit back while an AR tourist guide superimposes directions on the view. With real-time directions and a visual orientation of where they are, they can navigate unknown places with ease.

For example, the AR tourism app World Around Me highlights nearby ATMs, restaurants, hotels, attractions, hospitals, shops, and transportation stops. Similarly, PeakVisor enhances outdoor activities by providing interactive guides for hiking trails, mountaineering, and adventure sports.

Using AR to Entertain Guests

AR can add a new dimension to your guest experiences at museums, art galleries, historical sites, and other attractions. Besides offering augmented reality tour guides on the traveler’s mobile phone, AR apps can also offer real-time information about paintings, artefacts, animals, and more.

For example, Museum Buddy offers self-guided tours, object narrations, museum maps, and a wealth of information for some of the world’s most popular museums. What would traditionally be a one-way viewing encounter can now become an immersive cultural experience, enabling visitors to truly submerge themselves in an era or environment.

Additionally, AR travel gaming apps such as Geocaching engage visitors in virtual treasure hunts or invite them to solve puzzles. This can take exploring parks, zoos, gardens, and historical sites to a new level of fun.

How Can AR Improve Customer Satisfaction in Travel and Tourism?

Integrating AR into customer experiences is key for travel and tourism companies that wish to stay competitive. In 2021, the AR market was worth $8.6 billion, and it is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 38% by 2030.

This rapid expansion only serves as testament to how powerful AR is in helping businesses deliver better customer service.

How Can AR Improve Customer Satisfaction in Travel and Tourism?

Using AR to Provide Personalized Travel Experiences

With competition fiercer than ever, the key to standing out is providing a high quality, uniquely personal experience. In fact, 63% of customers say they will stop using a brand if it uses poor personalization tactics .

With ready-made packages and all-inclusive deals, traditional travel itineraries and activities are often a one-size-fits-all approach. But what if you could tailor every part of your customer’s journey, certain that they will love what they get? You can. With AR integrations and features, your clients can book a room after virtually browsing multiple options, seamlessly navigate points of interest to them, and enjoy interactive, tailored itineraries.

Improving Customer Communication and Collaboration Through AR

Using AR, customers can leave reviews and ratings for places they visit in real time. This feedback is invaluable for travel and hospitality businesses and can help to enhance communication with your audiences. You could also consider implementing useful features like AR avatars or virtual representatives to guide customers through their travel experiences. These avatars can provide assistance, suggest activities, and answer common questions, improving communication and customer support.

How Can AR Increase Travel and Tourism Revenue?

AR features can captivate visitors, streamline the travel experience and drastically enhance visitor interactions. From informative overlays to real-time translations, these tools can drive engagement, confidence and ultimately consumer spending.

How Can AR Increase Travel and Tourism Revenue?

AR can also help travel and tourism businesses to move into new markets and expand their offerings in ways that differentiate them from their competitors. Here are some opportunities for building new revenue streams using AR:

Enhanced Virtual Tours

Users can explore destinations virtually, navigate attractions, and even interact with virtual elements in real time. This technology opens up opportunities to generate revenue through augmented tours, ticket sales, and partnerships with local businesses.

Virtual Shopping Experiences

AR technology can transform traditional souvenir shopping. Using AR-enabled apps or devices, tourists can virtually try on clothing, accessories, or test products before purchase.

This not only enhances the shopping experience but provides a unique way for travel companies to generate additional revenue. They can partner with local retailers to offer exclusive discounts and promotions for AR shoppers. This creates a win-win situation for both travelers and businesses.

Smartify’s eShop platform, for instance, lets users access art from galleries like The National Gallery in London and buy prints, souvenirs, mementos, and gifts directly from their smartphone.

Augmented Advertising

With AR-enabled devices, marketers can create interactive and engaging advertisements that blend seamlessly with real-world environments. Featuring creative design work and animation, these campaigns extend your brand into the digital layer and can be highly impactful.

Gamification in Travel & Tourism

With integrated game-like features, users can participate in interactive challenges, complete quests, and earn rewards as they explore different destinations. Jurassic World Alive is a prime example of this. The app invites users to find virtual dinosaurs in different real-world locations, enabling them to learn about the ancient creatures at the same time.

Applying this concept in various settings can make travel more engaging and educational. It also provides opportunities for travel and tourism companies to generate additional revenue. They can offer premium game experiences, extra features, or in-game purchases and upgrades.

AR as a Tool to Boost Sales and Conversion

AR as a Tool to Boost Sales and Conversion

By providing virtual tours of destinations, cruise ships, and leisure facilities, travel agents and marketers give potential customers a sneak peek into holiday bliss. This can increase interest and likelihood of booking.

AR also makes it easy for travelers to book day tours on demand. They can browse and engage in activity options from within an app—and use the same app to instantly book the activity. This is especially useful for weather-dependent activities or to avoid long lines.

How Can You Leverage AR in the Hospitality Industry?

Leveraging augmented reality in hospitality has the power to turn your customer experiences—and your bottom line—around. AR tools can reduce operational, training, and administrative costs, improve the guest experience, and drive more bookings.

AR in Hotels

Holiday Inn uses augmented reality to offer virtual 360º hotel tours to prospective visitors. These tours help users to:

  • Decide which room size is the best fit for them
  • Get a realistic idea of amenities
  • Explore leisure and dining facilities
  • Evaluate the suitability and capacity of conference and event rooms
  • Explore room upgrade advantages and compare the benefits
  • Gain a comprehensive overview of the facility layout, room privacy, noise levels, and views

Furthermore, you can integrate AR with social media platforms to create interactive and shareable content, increasing brand exposure and engagement.

Training Hotel Staff Using AR

AR can enable employees to learn in a hands-on manner. They can use AR tools to visualize complex processes, simulate real-life scenarios, and receive real-time feedback. They can also practise handling customer-facing scenarios in an augmented environment and receive enhanced training with interactive guides and demonstrations.

Improving Guest Services With AR in Hotels

AR brings a whole new dimension of convenience to the way guests interact with hotels. With virtual concierge services, visitors can instantly access information, make bookings, and request assistance by simply scanning their surroundings. Whether it’s making a dinner reservation, finding out how the entertainment system works, or getting directions to the fitness center, guests can access everything in the palm of their hand.

Holding a mobile phone camera toward the entertainment system might cause an overlay with instructions to appear on the screen. Or, as a user points their camera down the hallway, the AR application might superimpose directions to the restaurant, spa, or fitness center

AR can also enhance dining experiences. By scanning a menu, guests could access information or ingredients, or even see how the dish was prepared. They could also scan a bottle label, as in the case of Chronic Cellars Purple Paradise , to access games.

Similarly, prestigious Scotch whisky brand The Glenlivet partnered with Rock Paper Reality to create a virtual tasting room , so as to expand whisky access and education to a new swathe of younger consumers. The Sample Room experience immerses users in the heart of a 360º tasting room, where they can learn more about the story behind the brand’s 18-, 21- and 25-year expressions—all by scanning a QR code on the back of a bottle. An AR tool like this offers twofold advantages for hospitality establishments: educate staff on the fly, and enhance the guest experience.

Augmented Reality: The Future of Tourism

Augmented Reality: The Future of Tourism

Augmented reality is transforming the tourism industry and shaping the future of travel experiences. It holds immense potential to offer travellers a whole new way to explore and engage with the world around them.

Rock Paper Reality can help you take full advantage of this technology to drive growth in your travel or tourism business. From Fortune 500s to start-ups, we’ve been helping companies leverage the latest technology to drive growth strategies for over a decade.

Our team of highly skilled innovators looks forward to bringing your augmented reality vision to life. Let’s chat .

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ar business travel

Augmented Reality (AR) in Business Travel: Current Limitations and Future Possibilities

Posted on july 31, 2023 9 minutes 1823 words, defining augmented reality, ar in various industries, airport navigation, enhancing hotel services, case study:, technical limitations, user experience concerns, privacy and data security, technical challenges and solutions, usability and comfort, data privacy and security, immersive business presentations, virtual tours of accommodations and meeting spaces, ar-enhanced networking, personalized travel information, seamless transition between work and leisure.

In the vast expanse of technology’s evolving landscape, Augmented Reality (AR) emerges as a groundbreaking innovation, particularly in the realm of business travel. This technology overlays digital information onto our physical environment, augmenting our world with a wealth of interactive data. This post provides an in-depth exploration of AR’s current applications , its limitations, and the promising future it holds for business travel.

Understanding Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is a technology that superimposes digital data, such as images, sounds, or interactive elements, onto our existing environment. Unlike Virtual Reality , which immerses users in a completely artificial environment, AR enhances the real world with additional layers of information.

The use of AR extends beyond the realm of entertainment and gaming , where it first gained popularity. In healthcare , for instance, AR assists surgeons during complex procedures by providing them with 3D visualizations of the patient’s anatomy. In education , it brings lessons to life, transforming learning into an immersive experience. These diverse applications speak volumes about AR’s potential in various sectors, including travel and tourism .

The Current State of AR in Business Travel

Airports, being complex structures bustling with activity, pose navigation challenges for both first-time and seasoned travelers. Here, AR technology offers an innovative solution. By overlaying real-time directions onto the physical environment, AR transforms the way travelers find their way around airports.

For instance, Gatwick Airport in London pioneered the use of AR in airport navigation. They launched an AR navigation app that provides passengers with easy-to-follow routes to their gates, shops, and restaurants, with arrows and instructions overlaid onto the live view of the airport. This takes the guesswork out of navigating large, crowded airports and makes the journey more comfortable for business travelers.

In the hospitality sector, AR is creating unique guest experiences that go beyond traditional hotel services. Some hotels offer AR-powered virtual concierge services. With these services, guests can point their smartphones at different areas or objects in the hotel to see information about the hotel and its services overlaid onto their view.

Moreover, several hotels provide AR-enhanced views of their rooms, facilities, or even potential sights in the surrounding area. This allows guests to visualize their stay and surrounding experiences in a much more immersive and interactive way, which is particularly useful for business travelers who want to plan their stay meticulously., one of the leaders in the digital travel space, provides valuable insights into the future of AR in business travel. By 2027, they predict that AR could be a game-changer for the industry.

Currently, acknowledges the benefits of AR-enabled apps for business travelers. These include navigation in unfamiliar places, translation assistance in foreign countries, and the capability to take virtual tours remotely. For instance, a business traveler could tour a potential meeting space in another city without leaving their office. Similarly, product demonstrations can be enhanced with AR, allowing clients and customers to interact with products in a more engaging and informative manner.

However, they also recognize the current limitations of AR technology. These include a narrow field of view, resolution issues, battery life limitations, and challenges in 3D sensing. These technical issues limit the appeal and uptake of AR in its current state.

Despite these limitations, is optimistic about the future of AR in business travel. They predict that by 2027, these technical issues will be overcome, leading to unconstrained, immersive AR experiences. They believe this progression will unlock significant advantages for traveling professionals, transforming the way they navigate, communicate, and conduct business while on the move.

This transformation, driven by advancements in AR technology, will change the way we perceive and experience business travel. Instead of being a stressful and exhausting experience, business travel could become more streamlined, informative, and engaging. Business travelers will be able to conduct virtual meetings, preview accommodations or meeting spaces, and have a wealth of information at their fingertips, all through the power of AR.

As we move towards this exciting future, it’s clear that AR holds the potential to revolutionize the business travel industry, making travel experiences more comfortable, efficient, and immersive.

Timeline of future business travel predictions

The Challenges of AR in Business Travel

AR applications often require high processing power and fast, reliable internet connections. However, connectivity issues and limited battery life can hinder their effectiveness. There’s also the challenge of integrating digital content smoothly into the physical environment, which requires advanced graphics and real-time processing.

Despite the allure of AR, its practical use poses several challenges. Holding up a device to view AR content can be tiring over time, while AR glasses , although hands-free, may cause discomfort with extended use. There’s also a learning curve to using AR interfaces, which may deter some users.

AR applications often require access to user data to function effectively. For instance, navigation apps need location data, while tourism apps may require access to personal preferences. These data security and privacy concerns could potentially hinder widespread adoption of AR in business travel.

Overcoming Limitations: The Future of AR in Business Travel

Despite the immense potential of AR in business travel, it is currently hindered by several technical, usability, and data security challenges. The future of AR in this industry lies in effectively addressing these issues.

One of the main technical limitations of AR is the high battery consumption. Most AR apps require considerable processing power, leading to rapid battery drain. This can be particularly inconvenient for business travelers who rely on their devices for long durations. However, advancements in energy-efficient processors and higher capacity batteries can help mitigate this issue. For example, Qualcomm’s latest processors for AR and VR devices promise to deliver better performance while consuming less power.

Another challenge is the limited field of view and resolution issues in current AR devices. This can lead to a less immersive and sometimes even disorienting experience. However, tech companies are making strides in improving the display technology used in AR devices. MicroLED display technology, which offers higher brightness, greater contrast ratio, and lower power consumption compared to current OLED displays, is one promising solution.

3D sensing, which is crucial for accurately overlaying digital information onto the real world, also presents a challenge. The development of more advanced 3D sensors and algorithms for better object recognition and depth sensing can lead to significant improvements in this area.

Usability is another area where AR technology needs to improve. Current interaction methods, such as touch gestures and voice commands, may not always be intuitive or practical in a business travel context. Companies are exploring alternatives like gaze tracking and motion sensing to make interacting with AR content more natural and convenient.

Additionally, wearing AR glasses for extended periods can be uncomfortable. Lighter and more ergonomic designs, as well as better weight distribution, can make AR glasses more comfortable for long-term use. The introduction of contact lens-based AR displays, such as those being developed by Mojo Vision, can potentially eliminate this issue.


With AR applications often requiring access to sensitive data, including location and personal information, concerns around privacy and data security are valid. Regulations and guidelines need to be established and enforced to ensure user data is collected and used responsibly.

Advanced data encryption and anonymization techniques can protect user data from unauthorized access and breaches. Transparent privacy policies, which clearly state what data is being collected and how it is being used, can help build trust with users. Furthermore, using local data processing (edge computing) can minimize the amount of data that needs to be sent over the network, further enhancing privacy and security.

AR in Business Travel by 2027

By 2027, we predict that AR will be deeply ingrained in business travel, acting not just as a tool but as an integral part of the business travel experience. Its advancements will go beyond navigation and hotel services to redefine every aspect of business travel.

AR will revolutionize the way business presentations are made. Instead of static slides, AR will enable dynamic, interactive presentations that engage the audience on a new level. A presenter could bring up 3D models, videos, and other interactive elements in real time, grabbing the audience’s attention and making complex concepts easier to understand. Business travelers could conduct these presentations remotely, reducing the need for long-distance travel.

Virtual tours powered by AR will allow business travelers to explore accommodations or meeting spaces remotely. These won’t be simple 360-degree photos or videos but interactive experiences where users can open doors, change the lighting, move furniture around, or even see how the place looks at different times of the day. This will give them a much better understanding of the space than traditional photos or descriptions, leading to more informed decisions.

Networking is a crucial part of business travel, and AR has the potential to make it even more effective. Imagine pointing your phone at a person and seeing their name, job title, and a brief bio next to them. Or think of an AR-enhanced business card that, when viewed through your phone, displays a short video introduction or a real-time update from the person’s LinkedIn profile. These applications could make networking more personal and memorable, increasing the chances of successful connections.

AR could provide business travelers with personalized, context-sensitive information throughout their journey. For example, as they arrive at the airport, they could see real-time flight updates, directions to their gate, and locations of lounges or restaurants. In a foreign city, their AR device could highlight points of interest, translate signs, or recommend local eateries based on their dietary preferences. All this information would be presented in a non-intrusive, easily accessible way, making travel less stressful and more enjoyable.

As the line between business and leisure travel blurs, AR could help business travelers make the most of their trips. On a break between meetings, they could use AR to explore the city, learning about its history, culture, and landmarks. They could also use AR to find local experiences tailored to their interests, from cooking classes to jogging routes.

By 2027, AR will have transformed business travel into a more productive, immersive, and personalized experience. It will make business travel less about moving from point A to B, and more about enriching experiences and meaningful interactions. This is the future that AR promises, and it’s a future we look forward to.

The vast potential of Augmented Reality promises a transformative impact on business travel. Despite the existing challenges, the future possibilities are exciting . As technology continues to evolve, the ways we travel for business will undoubtedly follow suit.

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Using AR to Redefine Customer Experience in the Travel and Tourism Industry

AR in Travel and Tourism Industry

Experience travel and tourism like never before with Augmented Reality (AR). Join us as we uncover how AR is revolutionizing the customer experience, redefining how we explore the world.

From virtual guided tours to immersive hotel room previews, AR opens up a new dimension of possibilities. Step into a world where reality blends seamlessly with imagination and embark on unforgettable journeys.

Discover how AR is reshaping the travel industry, creating immersive and engaging experiences for travelers. Get ready to explore destinations in a whole new way, with AR as your guide.

The future of travel is here, and it's augmented.

Augmented Reality in Travel and Tourism Industry

AR or Augmented reality is nothing but a reality that’s augmented or enhanced with interactive digital components – in the form of images, real-time locations, labels, 3D models, etc.

Therefore, AR enhances users’ perceptions of their physical surroundings when seen through devices such as mobile phones or handheld/head-mounted displays.

Do you know how much the mobile AR market is worth?

As per Statista, in 2020, the mobile AR market value was 6.87 billion USD . It is forecasted to reach 26 billion USD by 2025.

Moreover, in 2022, total consumer downloads of AR apps worldwide are expected to reach over 5.5 billion . This is a drastic increase from 2016 downloads of around 1 billion.

AR creates vast possibilities for a great customer experience (CX).

AR experiences include (but are not limited to) the following for travel and tourism:

  • AR apps direct users to locations with the help of virtual pointers and arrows.
  • AR solutions translate image-based text written in a foreign language to the language of your choice.
  • These apps act as a personal guide while traveling.
  • And many more.

Let’s check how AR has gained an essential place in the sector.

Importance of AR in the Travel and Tourism Industry

Have you noticed, unlike other purchases, customers heavily research travel?

That's because the customer in the travel industry needs lots of information about the destination, journey, stay, food, and even places to explore to plan the travel.

Moreover, this research goes on even after the customer arrives at their targeted place.

AR-enabled travel apps ensure this information is available at the customer’s devices, 24x7, especially when the most relevant.

In addition, AR-travel apps help businesses enhance their services and offer unique and personalized CX.

Here’s why AR is beneficial for the travel and tourism industry.

1. Users Get Easy Access to Essential Information.

Tourism is all about people traveling to new places, exploring and appreciating their food and culture.

By leveraging the power of AR, travelers find the experience of information searching fun and interesting. 

AR-enabled apps make access to all information portable and straightforward. So, the user is in control all the time. For example, a traveler can look for news and reviews of nearby locations, their direction, Wi-Fi hotspots, food joints, and even check a weather forecast in real-time. AR will make this experience multiple times better and more fun.

2. Easy Navigation

Many online maps and navigators are already available.

But the experience provided by an AR app is much more informative and fun. You can find even the most minor details like a subway map which is vividly clear with AR.

3. Share Exciting Facts and Information.

Explorers love to learn stories and information about new places. And, AR helps you display amazing facts about homes.

With AR, your customers can also experience the thrill of seeing historical artifacts come to life.

4. Offer Travel Convenience and Comfort

What travelers look for in the travel app is timely availability of essential and on-the-go information.  

AR-based travel apps offer precisely that.

They help travelers navigate their way with arrows, pointers, and other navigation-related signs in an unfamiliar city. An AR app is a 24X7 travel guide for users and helps them do away with language barriers by translating image-based text.

Travelers’ convenience and comfort are a priority, from booking travel tickets and hotels to finding the best location for eating, shopping, and exploring popular tourist destinations.

7 Ways Augmented Reality is Changing the Travel and Tourism Industry

If you are still wondering how AR changes the travel and tourism industry, here’s a list of 7 use cases of AR in the sector.

1. Augmented Travel Locations

Interactive tours of travel destinations and landmarks are one of the most significant benefits of applying AR technology in the travel domain.

AR technology lets travel app developers incorporate 3D models of places with historical significance. App users can thus have an immersive experience, interacting with their surroundings and traveling fun.

AR-based apps facilitate augmented tours of ancient locations, buildings, and landmarks.

The process is as simple as pointing the app toward the building or landmark. What follows then is a fantastic experience for the travelers in the form of visuals of the history and events there.

It’s an excellent way of learning and exploring travel destinations.

This feature of travel apps can be extended to restaurants, hotels, and other essential places. For example, users may point their phones at a restaurant and check its menus and reviews.

With AR apps, travelers can gather information about other relevant points of interest and take travel experiences to the next level. 

2. Augmented Self-guided Tours

AR significantly alters travelers’ perceptions of their physical surroundings and thus provides exceptional tourism experiences and opportunities for interaction.

For example, AR-enabled mobile travel apps use object recognition and provide on-screen info about museums, food joints, landmarks, parks, and other places of interest as a tourist strolls through a city. You can also build mobile apps with a library of crowdsourced guided tours that users can watch from home. 

Moreover, with AR-powered glasses, travelers can get an immersive experience with an element of fun, thus eliminating any need for a tour guide.

3. Augmented Local Transit

AR offers a significant improvement in local transit.

Even when the user is at a foreign location, things become super easy and secure with AR travel apps. They provide all the essential information for local transit – interactive map views of roads, traffic situation, alternate route, destinations, and popular places to travel in the city.  

In addition, such AR apps remove the need for tourist guides, bringing information that a traveler needs on their smartphone. AR can transform a metro map into an engaging AR travel guide in various languages.

4. AR in Beacon and Push Notifications

Beacon technology is popularly used in Bluetooth platforms. AR in beacons has become very useful for companies that want to advertise their brands cost-effectively. For example, as soon as a user enters a specific location, they can receive push notifications about the latest offers and services directly on their smartphones.

In addition, the use of beacons allows the users to leverage many stay amenities such as unlocking their hotel rooms as soon as they are nearby of their room, accessing menus, special deals, discount vouchers, checking real-time reviews, interactive user maps, etc.

The companies can even send personalized discounts to loyal customers using beacon technology.

5. AR Eliminating Language Differences

In this age of global tourism, travel to a foreign destination has become common. However, most travelers face one hurdle is the language barrier in a foreign land.

It especially gets challenging to read signs, menus, and other information.

However, with AR apps, it becomes easy to translate several foreign languages. Furthermore, these apps translate objects in various forms using augmented reality and render an engaging experience to travelers.

6. Augmented Museum Experiences

Museums are a wonderful treasure of information. However, most travelers don't get to experience them to their fullest because of barriers such as language issues, lack of a guide, too much crowd, and more.

AR makes sure your user's museum trips are super fun.

AR creates real-time videos, holograms, and stories about the exhibit. Through interactive content, visitors can witness wars and other significant events right in front of their eyes. As a result, they get a memorable experience, thus appreciating their travel better.

7. Innovative Advertisement and Marketing

As a tourism business, you must understand that no matter how attractive your offer is, it will still not yield results if you don't promote them. That's how vital advertisement and marketing are.

AR helps hotels and other travel businesses to enhance their physical properties and services. This way, customers visualize the benefits a lot more realistically and interactively.

Therefore, you can drive the traveler's decisions about travel by providing a unique CX. They can even see many things about your hotel, sitting in their rooms. 

For example, reading the menu is one thing. But customers can use the AR app of your restaurant and see in real-time the fries or pizza they would order and get tempted instantly.

In addition, AR technology offers travel companies a great experience in providing lifelike virtual tours. Besides influencing the booking decisions of customers, AR-based marketing strategies boost trust and convert first-time users into loyal customers.

Enrich Your Travel App AR Experience with Imaginovation

AR is the perfect tool for travel and tourism customers.

It enhances what your customers see around them, increasing their joy and creating an incredible experience while they explore different places.

Get in touch with Imaginovation to discuss your travel project. We will help you discover what AR element to add to your travel solution to bring memorable experiences for your customers. We will build the right solution for you and guide you right through the consultation to launch your app.

Imaginovation is an award-winning web and mobile app development company with vast experience crafting remarkable digital success stories for diverse companies.

Let's talk.

Michael Georgiou

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AR Improve Customer Experience for Travel and Hospitality

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Travel Technology

Trends and opportunities in hospitality management careers.

Article | May 2, 2023

Embrace the opportunity in hospitality management careers. Make a difference in tourism to benefit businesses & explore rewarding pathways within sustainable hospitality and tourism industry. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Current Trends in Hospitality Management Careers 2.1. Technology Integration in the Hospitality Industry 2.2. Sustainability and Environmental Consciousness 2.3. Personalization and Customization 2.4. Focus on Wellness and Health 3. Importance of Skill Development and Training for Hospitality Management Careers 4. Emerging Opportunities for Hospitality Management Careers 1. Introduction Embarking on a career in hospitality management opens the doors to a captivating world of endless possibilities within a dynamic and continuously expanding industry. Whether aspirations are rooted in hotel management, restaurant operations, event planning, or tourism, the hospitality sector boasts a multitude of diverse roles and avenues to explore. To embark on this exciting journey, a combination of formal education, practical experience, and a service-oriented mindset is paramount. By acquiring the necessary skills, forging connections with industry professionals, and staying attuned to the latest trends, one can strategically position oneself for a fulfilling and ever-evolving career in this thriving field. 2. Current Trends in Hospitality Management Careers 2.1. Technology Integration in the Hospitality Industry The pandemic accelerated consumers' adoption of technology in hospitality industry, while hotels quickly embraced new tools like contactless check-in systems and branded applications. However, a significant digital skills gap persists among hospitality workers, with nearly one in three lacking necessary AI, machine learning, and content-driven marketing competencies. Trends in the hospitality industry presents a tremendous opportunity for individuals seeking a career in hospitality management. Upskilling in digital roles highly sought after by hotel brands, such as digital marketing, cybersecurity, e-commerce sales, data analysis, social media management, mobile app development, and digital guest experience management, can pave the way for a thriving career in the industry. Combining a hospitality management course with specialized training in digital marketing or ICT equips professionals to excel in the digital hotel economy. As the hospitality industry continues integrating technology, skilled individuals with digital expertise will play a vital role in driving innovation, enhancing guest experiences, and staying ahead of the competition. 2.2. Sustainability and Environmental Consciousness 90% of employees believe that companies should prioritize positive impacts on the planet as much as they prioritize profits. Moreover, consumers are increasingly concerned about environmental issues. A survey among 72,000 Hilton guests revealed that approximately 33% preferred hotels with environmental and social programs, emphasizing the significance of sustainability. (Source: ehotelier) Therefore, many hotels embrace sustainable practices, leading to a global shift towards the low-impact hospitality industry. The rise of green hotels contributes to a more environmentally conscious sector and creates additional employment opportunities for hotel staff. The demand for specialized green skills, such as auditing, compliance oversight, and change management, further reinforces the need for specialization in this expanding field. Sustainable hotels and eco-tourism offer a growing array of career options for individuals passionate about the environment, travel and hospitality sector. By pursuing a career in this sector, professionals can contribute to preserving the planet while capitalizing on the increasing demand for sustainability-focused services. 2.3. Personalization and Customization Customers in today's market seek tailored experiences that cater to their unique preferences and needs, prompting hotels and hospitality businesses to prioritize personalized offerings. The rise of technology has played a crucial role in enabling personalization at various touchpoints. From personalized welcome messages to customized recommendations based on guest preferences, hotels harness data and advanced analytics to deliver exceptional and individualized guest experiences. This trend creates exciting opportunities for professionals seeking to excel in hospitality and tourism careers. Roles such as guest experience managers, data analysts, and CRM specialists are in high demand as businesses strive to provide personalized services to their guests. Additionally, expertise in customer relationship management (CRM) systems, data analysis, and guest profiling can significantly enhance career prospects. By staying updated on emerging technologies, honing customer-centric skills, and understanding the importance of data-driven decision-making, hospitality professionals can thrive careers in hospitality industry that are focused on personalization and customization. Embrace this trend, and position yourself at the forefront of delivering unforgettable, tailored experiences in the hospitality industry. 2.4. Focus on Wellness and Health The pandemic has led people to be health conscious, and therefore, they have started prioritizing it, resulting in the growth of people prioritizing health with massive US $1.7 trillion market. With an expected growth rate of 44% in 2022, wellness is the fastest-growing segment of the tourism sector. With this explosion of consumer interest, hotel brands are expanding into the wellness space and acquiring reputable spa, wellness and fitness brands. Hyatt, for example, recently received Two Roads, Miraval and Exhale, and IHG acquired Six Senses. For hotel professionals , this trend opens up a new potential career opportunity that combine expertise in the wellness area with skills relevant to the hotel industry. For those who are passionate about wellness and health and like the idea of a career in beautiful locations and settings, this might be the right pathway in the hospitality and management career. 3. Skill Development & Training Importance for Hospitality Management Careers The hospitality industry is known for its focus on providing exceptional service and creating positive guest experiences. It is a people-oriented sector that relies on the skills and efforts of individuals to ensure customer satisfaction. Skill development is paramount in this industry as it encompasses diverse skills necessary for running a successful enterprise. Hospitality is a deliberate and sustained effort to maintain mutual understanding between organizations and the public, adapting to market requirements. As one of the fastest-growing sectors in the global economy, the industry faces the challenge of aligning its skills requirements with the evolving labor market. With approximately 10% of the global workforce engaged in the tourism and hospitality-related industry, skill development becomes a crucial concern for every entity operating as a hospitality service provider. Effective skill development programs and training initiatives enable professionals to acquire the necessary competencies to excel in their roles and deliver exceptional guest experiences. By investing in skill development and training, individuals in hospitality management careers enhance their abilities and adapt to changing customer demands. Continuous improvement in skills ensures that professionals meet guests' diverse needs and contribute to their organizations' success. 4. Emerging Opportunities for Hospitality Management Careers The hospitality industry is rapidly growing and evolving, presenting exciting career opportunities. To adapt to changing dynamics, the sector emphasizes the importance of skill development and training. The global health crisis has acted as a catalyst for innovation and technology adoption, enhancing customer experiences. Hospitality education has transformed to meet industry demands, ensuring a talented workforce with relevant skill sets. Aspiring students can explore diverse career prospects in hospitality, culinary entrepreneurship, revenue management, media, e-commerce, client servicing, lifestyle consulting, and health & wellness. Bespoke hospitality has expanded beyond traditional hotels, offering personalized experiences like luxury staycations, glamping, and high-end cruises. Culinary entrepreneurship thrives on creativity and unique dining concepts. The health and wellness segment is rapidly growing, focusing on improving customers' physical and mental well-being. Media and technology play significant roles, with social media engagement, e-commerce platforms, and virtual experiences shaping the industry. Customer service, revenue management, and 'human' skills like critical thinking and communication are highly valued. Skill development is crucial for success in the ever-evolving hospitality field. Professionals who embrace continuous learning and stay abreast of industry trends will seize abundant career opportunities in this dynamic sector. 5. Key Takeaway Careers in the hospitality industry offers various opportunities in hotel management, restaurant operations, event planning, and tourism. To succeed in this dynamic field, skill development and training are essential. Emerging trends such as technology integration, sustainability, personalization, and focus on wellness present exciting avenues for hospitality professionals. Digital skills are in high demand as hotels adopt new technologies and emphasize digital marketing, cybersecurity, data analysis, and guest experience management. Sustainability is a growing focus, with green hotels and eco-tourism creating opportunities for professionals with auditing and change management skills. Personalization and customization are key as hotels leverage technology to deliver tailored guest experiences, requiring expertise in guest management and data analysis. The wellness industry is also booming, offering potential career paths for those passionate about health and wellness.

ar business travel

Travel Technology, Business Travel

This too shall pass - but travel will need to adjust.

Article | July 20, 2022

Just over a month ago, many of us sat in our offices, surrounded by colleagues, engaged in deep discussions about how best to leverage the increasing demand in travel this year. As per the World Tourism Organization's (UNWTO) forecasts from earlier this year, international tourist arrivals were expected to grow by 4% in 2020, which is not as great as the growth seen in 2017 (7%) and 2018 (6%), but it was still enough to continue fueling the tourism industry, which contributes to about 10.4% of the global GDP and approximately 319 million jobs. We were blissfully unaware of the looming threat of the COVID-19 global pandemic. In fact, several parts of the world failed to take notice of this crown-shaped virus that was about to bring everything to a grinding halt, until March 11, when the World Health Organization officially announced it as a pandemic.

ar business travel

Top 5 Ways Travel and Expense Management Solutions Can Help Companies

Article | July 7, 2022

A recent study stated that the travel industry faced an estimated $519 billion loss in 2020 due to the pandemic. Some of the challenges that most companies came across are managing travel expenses, maintaining travel and expense process flow, using the right expense management solutions, and more. As the travel industry is getting back in business, it is overcoming challenges sturdily. To simplify travel and expenses process flow, managers need instant and effective travel and expense management solutions to organize travel plans, submit expense reports, and control overspending on their travels. Before you dive into details about solutions that can improve the travel and expenses process flow and logistics of your company, here is a brief about travel and expense management solutions. An Overview: Travel and Expense Management Solutions Travel and expense management solutions are only relevant businesses that need to control the travel-related expenses of their employees. These solutions help you in understating the integrated spend data and deliver a better user experience. Other than this, these solutions can also help with: Making clearer and smarter data-driven decisions Encouraging policy compliance automatically into travel and expense process flow Saving time to collect data from expense reports automatically Simplifying budgeting Forecasting a more accurate data of the spend How Can You Streamline Your Travel and Expense Management Process? Automated travel management software can help your employees and finance team use the travel and expense management solutions for their benefit. But how? Here are the reasons to support: Employees could: Effortlessly manage receipts and submits the details of corporate travel Submit digital travel and expenses report instantly using a centralized travel and expense software Maintain compliance with the existing reimbursement policy for corporate travel and expenses in your company Finance teams could: They can create transparency in corporate spending reports by using travel management software and its automatic function. They can have better control over their travel expenses. 5 Ways Travel and Expense Management Solutions Can Help Companies Travel and expense management solutions give all travel and expense management services easy access to align in one place. By doing this, you will be able to gain more control over services and enforce compliance. Here are five ways your business can effortlessly adopt new travel and expense management solutions and help you win challenges faced during the pandemic. Review the Selected Solutions Before you implement a travel and expense management system, it is vital to review preferred travel and expense management solutions that your business requires. This will help the travel expenses workflow align seamlessly and make employees understand what it takes to manage the entire travel expense scenario accurately. Conduct Surveys If you are going to switch the old travel expenses method and adapting advanced travel and expense management solutions, it is crucial to survey the users who have used the solution and know its performance. This survey will help your employees to know if the chosen travel management software suits your requirements. The next step is to keep an eye on the most frequent and critical users, which will help you to have a clear insight into new trends that are being followed in terms of managing the workflow efficiently. By this, you can also implement it in your company. It also helps identify where your process needs refinement to facilitate efficiency in the expense management system. Prioritize the Must-haves The next step should include the collected input from the survey for setting up the foundation of priority of needs. In this case, creating a checklist is an ideal option. Prioritizing the best travel management software with apt travel and expense management solutions according to your workflow can help you select the right travel expense software for your organization. You can select travel and expense management solutions that consist of: Report building automation Auto fill options Remote access User-friendly interface Helpful support Mobile functionality Quick international payment Introduce Demo Sessions If you use an advanced global travel and expense management system, it is recommended to provide demo sessions of the preferred travel and expense management solutions to your team. The demo sessions could be an opportunity for your team to witness travel and expense management services created from reputable travel management software in action. With this, you can know about a host of details about the implementation of travel expense software, integrations, user training, travel and expense process, and its flow. This contributes towards the successful adoption of a travel expense system and proves the abilities of the travel and expense management solutions selected by you to scale your business as it grows. Choose a Solution Once you have organized multiple demo sessions of various global travel and expense management solutions, it's time to choose the best travel expenses management software that fits your company's culture and requirements. Take a good look at the pros and cons of the final travel expense planner you consider for integrated expense management solutions to combat your existing challenges. Being cautious while choosing the right global travel and expense management solutions will benefit your employees, and they will be able to use it for the company's advantage at a much faster pace. Frequently Asked Questions What you should know about expense management software? Here are some benefits of an expense management software: Ease of access Minimum manual intervention Higher cost savings Faster reimbursements Eco-friendly process (no paperwork) A simple process that simplifies workflow Encourages errorless work and delays Your employees can find the best travel and expense management solutions using various expense travel management software. How to manage travel expenses? There are several travel and expense management solutions to manage travel expenses. Here are some ways in which you can manage your travel expenses: Keep a track of expense details Plan ahead before setting a policy Stay aware of the policies Have an effective approval process of expense Organize spend data Why use an expense management software? An expense management software helps a business ease expense reporting, manage other aspects, and deliver the right travel and expense management solutions. It offers efficient workflow to the finance teams while recording expenses, data, approvals, controlling costs, and more. What are the most crucial features to manage expenses? The most crucial features to manage expenses are: Real-time policy checks The seamless expense reporting process Digital audits Advanced level of data analyses Easy approval process { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What you should know about expense management software?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Here are some benefits of an expense management software: Ease of access Minimum manual intervention Higher cost savings Faster reimbursements Eco-friendly process (no paperwork) A simple process that simplifies workflow Encourages errorless work and delays Your employees can find the best travel and expense management solutions using various expense travel management software." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How to manage travel expenses?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "There are several travel and expense management solutions to manage travel expenses. Here are some ways in which you can manage your travel expenses: Keep a track of expense details Plan ahead before setting a policy Stay aware of the policies Have an effective approval process of expense Organize spend data" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Why use an expense management software?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "An expense management software helps a business ease expense reporting, manage other aspects, and deliver the right travel and expense management solutions. It offers efficient workflow to the finance teams while recording expenses, data, approvals, controlling costs, and more." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What are the most crucial features to manage expenses?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The most crucial features to manage expenses are: Real-time policy checks The seamless expense reporting process Digital audits Advanced level of data analyses Easy approval process" } }] }

ar business travel

Features and Advice

Post-pandemic travel planning: planes, trains & automobiles.

Article | January 21, 2021

It would be an understatement to say that the coronavirus pandemic has throttled the travel industry, but the luxury sector is resilient and coming back strong! As you plan safety-minded meanderings into and throughout the New Year, here are a few great options for perennial favorite modes of jet set travel. Travel to the Bottom of the Earth Premium private jet company Magellan Jets is working to keep its guests as safe as they are satisfied. The company has compiled a toolkit to help travelers stay healthy while navigating flu season and the continuing coronavirus crisis. Magellan Jets' curated collection of guides and expert tips outlines best practices and safety measures people should remember before taking their next flight. The healthy travel toolkit covers topics such as what travelers can do to prevent contracting the coronavirus, steps professional pilots take to ensure they don’t get sick while flying, as well as other helpful resources. Additionally, readers can learn how booking private jet travel for leisure or business can significantly decrease the risk of exposure to the coronavirus and other illnesses. Should this inspire you to get out of Dodge, consider a trip to the bottom of the Earth! Magellan Jets is now working in partnership with the industry-leading International Yacht Company (IYC) and White Desert to offer guests the trip of a lifetime to the South Pole, by way of Antarctica, to see the Emperor Penguins. This luxury 8-night adventure takes 12 guests at a time into the heart of Antarctica before venturing off to the South Pole. IYC and Magellan Jets are working diligently to ensure the safest, most purely private way to travel. Magellan Jets will fly guests to Cape Town, where they will spend the night at One & Only prior to departing for Antarctica with White Desert on a plane equipped with the latest avionics and ski-equipped for landing on snow. In Antarctica, guests will stay in state-of-the-art sleeping pods at Whichaway Camp where their experienced team of chefs, hosts and guides will take care of every detail, allowing you to relax and enjoy your surroundings. At the beginning of the adventure, guests fly 2 hours along the coast to an emperor penguin colony of over 14,000 breeding pairs and their newly hatched chicks. Tourists only rarely visit this colony and, as a consequence, witnessing these birds in their natural habitat is one of the most surreal experiences on earth. As you fly from Antarctica to the South Pole, you will experience a true sense of remoteness, for as far as the eye can see, the white horizon meets the pure blue sky. The South Pole, the bottom of the earth and the holy grail of early explorers. At the designated marker there is no more east, south or west on the planet, only north, and you will be able to walk around the world in just a few paces! Then you will fly back to their wilderness camp at 83ºS to overnight and join the select few who have ever spent a night in the beauty of the high polar plateau. You will be well looked after as you experience camping in one of the wildest places on earth. After a night spent as a true explorer, you will fly back to the main camp and celebrate your momentous journey. With up to only 12 clients on each adventure and professional polar explorers as your guides, the day’s itineraries are tailored to each individual. Make your choice from gentle treks and picnics overlooking the ice waves, to more adrenaline-fueled activities. After the trials and confinement of Covid-19, there is perhaps be no better place than Antarctica to escape, reflect and reignite your passion to explore. With limited group size, strict bio-security measures and the naturally inert landscape, Antarctica is one of the safest places to visit in 2020 and beyond. Travel Back in Time Oenophiles rejoice! Despite the pandemic and recent wildfires, Napa Valley is open and welcome visitors. While in this revered region, do yourself a favor and book a ride on the Napa Valley Wine Train. This isn’t so much a mode of transportation but rather a time machine transporting passengers back to an era when the journey was as scintillating as the destination, itself. Particularly well-suited for couples seeking quality together time, this excursion offers an elegant sojourn through the heart of Napa Valley in a refined, history-rich atmosphere befitting the lush countryside through which it passes. Duly complementing the drop-dead gorgeous vistas are gourmet victuals and varietals-a-plenty. The train itself is a wonder to behold. The expertly restored and maintained antique Pullman cars gleam with brass and Honduran mahogany while etched original glass and swanky armchairs evoke the early 20th century spirit of luxury travel. One of the few active historic passenger railroads remaining in the United States, the Napa Valley Wine Train offers a tempting variety of tours, events and packages, including gourmet dining experiences for both lunch and dinner. As goes without saying, the wine offerings on the Napa Valley Wine Train are ample, and impressive given the space restraints. Or, passengers can bring their own bottle on board. The Napa Valley Wine Train isn’t just a train ride—it’s an institution that echoes the glory days of train travel, with fine dining service, multiple course meals cooked to order, Napa Valley scenery and ultimate relaxation aboard an exquisitely restored vintage rail car. Of course, as a result of the newly released travel restrictions, the closure of its winery partners and in the interest of the health of its passengers and staff, Napa Valley Wine Train journeys were temporarily canceled but will be back on track as pandemic conditions improve—and poised to show you a spectacular time. Luxe Chauffeur Service Everywhere You Jet Set Luxury, convenience and safety-minded travelers are loving Blacklane’s global chauffeur service, which brings travelers peace of mind across 50 countries. The crew’s health, safety, reliability, and technology gives guests door-to-door stress-free travel. Blacklane chauffeurs clean vehicles and disinfect all points of contact before and after rides. They offer guests hand sanitizer, wear masks, and provide masks to guests who need them. Their chauffeurs also check their temperature daily and air out vehicles between rides. Blacklane travelers receive fair, fixed and all-inclusive rates and all rides are carbon-neutral. Plus, all Blacklane chauffeurs are commercially licensed and insured. Airport pickups include flight tracking, meet-and-greet service, and up to one hour of free chauffeur waiting time. Intercity rides give guests a private door-to-door alternative to short-haul flights and trains. Upgrade your travels at or on the free Blacklane app. Gift an Extraordinary Custom Car For those road warriors who revere the open highway with the wind in their hair, there’s a much better way to bestow a vehicle on your beloved this season. Don’t just buy a car and put a bow on it, let your loved one build their dream car from start to finish and drive away with a truly customized vehicle down to the smallest detail! E.C.D. Automotive Design (E.C.D.), the country’s leading specialist for custom restored Defenders and classic Land Rovers, has released a limited number of exclusive Ultimate Platinum Cards for the upcoming holiday season. These black stainless-steel cards are valued at $200,000, so you can gift the opportunity to build a vehicle that is one-of-one, meaning no one else in the world will have a car like the one your lucky recipient designs.

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Hospitality Trends, Hospitality Management

Auberge resorts collection announces strategic partnership with bdt & msd partners.

PR Newswire | February 02, 2024

The Friedkin Group announced today that the company has entered into a strategic partnership with BDT & MSD Partners ("BDT & MSD"), a merchant bank built to serve the distinct needs of business owners and strategic, long-term investors. BDT & MSD, through its affiliated hospitality investment vehicle, will make a minority investment in Auberge Resorts Collection, the manager of the award-winning portfolio of luxury hotels, resorts, residences and private clubs set in some of the world's most desirable locations. In addition, BDT & MSD's hospitality vehicle intends to invest significant capital towards acquiring and developing luxury hotel and residential assets that will be branded and managed by Auberge Resorts Collection. The partnership reflects BDT & MSD's belief in Auberge Resorts Collection's unique brand positioning and focus on creating one-of-a-kind luxury hospitality experiences. The investment will support Auberge's continued strategic growth in the Americas, Europe and beyond, with a focus on gateway urban markets and high-profile experiential destinations. "This partnership further solidifies Auberge Resorts Collection's position as the leading name in boutique luxury hospitality and marks a new and exciting era for our world-class portfolio," said Dan Friedkin, chairman of Auberge Resorts Collection and chairman and CEO of The Friedkin Group. "BDT & MSD's differentiated, long-term capital and expertise in luxury hospitality investments makes them a perfect strategic partner and will allow us to further grow the strength of the Auberge brand." "Auberge is a world-class manager of distinctive luxury hotel properties, with an exceptional track record of delivering curated guest experiences in the world's leading hospitality markets. We are excited to be a part of its future and look forward to partnering with Auberge's talented team to build on its differentiated strengths and accelerate further growth," said Coburn Packard, partner & head of real estate at BDT & MSD. Since becoming part of The Friedkin Group in 2013, Auberge Resorts Collection has grown into the leading name in boutique luxury hospitality, comprising 27 unparalleled properties across the U.S., Latin America and Europe, with a development pipeline of over a dozen hotels and two additional hotels planned to open in Florence and South Carolina this year. While each property is unique, all share a crafted approach to luxury and bring the essence of the location to life through one-of-a-kind design that reflects the destination, exceptional cuisine and dining experiences that attract both the local community and global traveler, innovative spas and wellness retreats and highly personalized service.

ar business travel

My Place Hotels of America Opens My Place Hotels-Idaho Falls, ID

PR Newswire | January 25, 2024

My Place Hotels of America has officially opened My Place Hotels-Idaho Falls, ID, in Idaho Falls, ID. This marks the 70th open and operating My Place property nationally. Guard Hospitality manages the property, which is owned by MP Idaho Falls and was developed by Legacy Builders. The 64-key property is pet-friendly and offers many amenities, including complimentary high-speed Wi-Fi, onsite laundry, a grilling station, and a 24-hour grab-and-go store stocked with food, beverages, and other necessities. Each guestroom includes a full kitchen and coffee maker. The property sits just minutes from the heart of historic downtown Idaho Falls and is adjacent to the new Snake River Landing Development. Idaho Falls is the largest city East of Idaho's capital, with an estimated population of approximately 64,000 people. The city serves as the commercial, cultural, and healthcare hub for Eastern Idaho, Western Wyoming, and Southern Montana. Idaho Falls' location in the greater Bonneville County is often referred to as the "Gateway to Yellowstone Park" due to its proximity to one of the nation's most popular national parks and its own recreational activities. My Place Hotels-Idaho Falls is also the official hotel partner of the Idaho Falls Spud Kings, one of the newest franchises in the United States Premier Hockey League (USPHL)'s Tier 3 Mountain Division, and is minutes from Mountain America Center, where the Spud Kings play. "We were very excited to see My Place Hotels-Idaho Falls officially open its doors at the end of 2023," stated Ryan Rivett, co-founder and CEO of My Place Hotels. "This property boasts an incredible location, and we are confident that our robust offerings will distinguish us in this dynamic market. As we look forward to additional openings in 2024, we are eager to leverage our momentum to expand our presence with a focus on strategic growth."

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Sonesta Announces First Sonesta Es Suites Ground Up Development

PR Newswire | January 24, 2024

Sonesta International Hotels Corporation (Sonesta) today announced plans for the construction of a new Sonesta ES Suites in Port Charlotte, Florida. This new property, expected to open in Spring 2025, marks the first Sonesta ES Suites brand project developed from the ground up. "We are excited that Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte will be our first purpose-built location for the brand," said Brian Quinn, Sonesta's Chief Development Officer. "The Sonesta ES Suites brand stands out as an attractive choice for franchisees looking for an upscale option to capitalize on the continued dependable performance of extended stay hotels." "Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte will benefit business travelers and tourists who are looking for accommodations near the beaches, golf courses, parks and other attractions that Port Charlotte has to offer," said Alan Lane, one of Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte's owners. "The addition of Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte to our diverse portfolio reflects Commonwealth Hotels' unwavering commitment to providing an unparalleled guest experience through visionary development, ethical practices and a steadfast dedication to superior service," said Jennifer Porter, President of Commonwealth Hotels, the hotel's management company. To be located at 1321 Claburn Circle in Port Charlotte, Florida, the Sonesta ES Suites Port Charlotte will be an upscale extended-stay hotel spanning four floors and offering 117 rooms with amenities including breakfast and dining services, an outdoor pool, fitness room, market pantry, guest laundry, onsite parking and more. The location of the new hotel is close to over 20 colleges and universities, two hospitals, more than 70 parks and recreational spaces, more than 12 miles of beaches, 14 golf courses and numerous other attractions. Guests of this location will be able to earn or redeem points in the award winning Sonesta Travel Pass loyalty program.

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PRSA Travel & Tourism 2024 Section Conference

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The Transformative Role of AR and VR in Travel: An Overview

by Sienna Smith | Jan 25, 2024 | Augmented Reality Travel , Virtual Reality Travel | 0 comments

augmented reality AR and virtual reality VR in travel

Table Of Contents 

Introduction to Augmented and Virtual Reality in Travel

  • Overview of AR and VR in the Travel Industry
  • Transformative Impact on Travel Experiences

Emergence of AR and VR in Travel Experiences

  • New Possibilities with AR and VR in Travel
  • Enhancing the Travel Planning and Booking Process

Enhanced Traveler Engagement with AR and VR

  • Personalized Travel Experiences through AR and VR
  • Interactive Tools for Destination Exploration

Practical Applications of AR and VR in Travel

  • Virtual Tours and AR-Powered Navigation
  • Improving Travel Understanding and Satisfaction

Overcoming Challenges in AR and VR Implementation in Travel

  • Addressing Technology Adoption and Cost Barriers
  • Strategies for Wider Accessibility of AR and VR in Travel

Future Directions and Innovations in AR and VR for Travel

  • Predictions for AR and VR in the Travel Industry
  • Emerging Trends and Technological Advancements

What is next

  • Summarizing the Role of AR and VR in Transforming Travel
  • The Future Outlook for AR and VR in the Travel Industry

List of Companies Pioneering AR and VR in Travel

  • Key Players in the AR/VR Travel Market
  • Insights into the Innovations and Contributions of Leading Companies

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Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are rapidly transforming the travel industry, offering immersive experiences that redefine how we explore and experience destinations. This section explores the profound impact of AR and VR technologies on travel, highlighting cutting-edge trends and innovative applications.

In the realm of travel, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are no longer just futuristic concepts but are rapidly becoming integral to the travel experience. These technologies are transforming the way we plan, experience, and remember our travels. By blending the digital with the physical and creating immersive experiences, AR and VR are opening up new horizons in the travel industry.

AR and VR are enhancing the travel experience in several key ways:

  • Pre-Trip Exploration : Travelers can now virtually visit destinations before booking their trips. VR offers immersive previews of hotels, tours, and attractions, helping travelers make informed decisions.
  • Interactive Experiences at Destinations : AR brings a new dimension to sightseeing. Tourists can point their devices at historical sites or landmarks to access interactive content, like historical facts, figures, or even augmented reality guides.
  • Personalized Travel Assistance : Through AR, personalized navigation and information are made available in real time. Travelers can receive guidance, language translation, and cultural insights directly overlaid onto their real-world environment, enhancing their understanding and engagement with the destination.

AR in Travel for Accommodations

AR and VR are creating unprecedented opportunities in travel, from immersive virtual tours to enhanced real-world experiences. This part of the article discusses how these technologies are revolutionizing travel planning and interaction with destinations.

The advent of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in travel experiences marks a pivotal shift in how we engage with and explore our world. These technologies are not just enhancing travel; they are reinventing it. AR and VR provide a bridge between the digital and the physical, allowing travelers to step into a world where the lines between reality and virtuality blur, offering experiences that were once unimaginable. From walking through historic ruins that come to life with stories of the past to navigating bustling city streets with augmented maps, the emergence of these technologies is a game-changer in the realm of travel.

Key aspects of how AR and VR are transforming travel experiences include:

  • Virtual Pre-Travel Exploration : VR allows potential travelers to virtually experience destinations before their actual journey, offering a new way to preview and plan trips.
  • Enhanced On-Site Interactions : AR technology enriches on-site travel experiences, allowing travelers to access interactive, contextual information about landmarks, art, and culture, simply by scanning them with a smart device.
  • Innovative Entertainment and Education : Both AR and VR offer unique educational and entertainment experiences, such as historical recreations and immersive cultural storytelling, enhancing both understanding and enjoyment of a destination.

VR in Travel Sitting in Chair

Discover how AR and VR technologies are offering more personalized and engaging travel experiences, making adventures more accessible and informative. This section details how travelers are using these technologies to explore destinations virtually and enjoy interactive experiences.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are revolutionizing the way travelers engage with their destinations, offering more personalized and immersive experiences. These technologies make it possible for travelers to not only see but interact with their environment in ways that were previously impossible. Whether it’s through a VR headset that transports users to distant lands from the comfort of their home or AR applications that provide contextual information and interactive experiences at physical locations, AR and VR are making travel more accessible, informative, and engaging than ever before.

Key aspects of enhanced traveler engagement through AR and VR include:

Personalized Virtual Guides : AR applications can act as personalized travel guides, offering information tailored to the traveler’s interests and real-time location, enhancing the exploration experience.

Immersive Cultural Experiences : VR enables travelers to immerse themselves in the culture of a destination, experiencing events, festivals, or historical moments through interactive virtual reality tours.

Interactive and Educational Sightseeing : AR technologies can make sightseeing more interactive and educational by overlaying historical facts, stories, and interactive content onto real-world landmarks and attractions, enriching the travel experience.

ar business travel

From virtual reality hotel tours to augmented reality navigation in new cities, AR and VR offer practical solutions to travel challenges. This part highlights how these technologies enhance travelers’ understanding and improve overall travel satisfaction.

The practical applications of AR and VR in travel are reshaping the tourism industry, offering solutions that were once considered part of a distant future. These technologies are enhancing the traveler’s journey at every step, from planning and previewing to actual exploration and navigation. Virtual Reality (VR) allows prospective travelers to virtually tour hotels and destinations, giving them a feel of the place before they even pack their bags. Augmented Reality (AR), on the other hand, provides real-time information and navigation assistance in new and unfamiliar cities, making travel more seamless and enjoyable. This integration of AR and VR in travel not only improves the understanding of destinations but also significantly boosts overall travel satisfaction.

Key practical applications of AR and VR in travel include:

Virtual Destination Previews : VR offers potential travelers the ability to virtually explore destinations, accommodations, and attractions, helping them make better-informed decisions about their travel plans.

Enhanced Navigation and Information : AR apps can overlay directional cues, historical information, and cultural insights on real-world environments, making navigation and understanding of new places easier and more interactive.

Immersive Booking Experiences : Travel agencies and hotels are using VR to offer immersive previews of their offerings, allowing customers to virtually experience rooms, amenities, and local attractions, leading to increased confidence in their booking choices.

ar business travel

Despite their potential, AR and VR face challenges such as technology adoption and cost barriers in travel. This section delves into how the travel industry is tackling these challenges to make AR and VR more accessible to all travelers.

As Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) continue to show promise in transforming the travel experience, the industry faces challenges in implementing these technologies broadly. Key obstacles include the initial high cost of AR and VR technologies and the need for broader adoption among travel providers and consumers. However, the travel industry is actively working to overcome these hurdles, ensuring that AR and VR become more accessible and practical for all travelers. Strategies include cost reduction through technological advancements, collaborations to enhance technology accessibility, and educational initiatives to increase user adoption.

Key strategies to overcome AR and VR implementation challenges in travel include:

  • Technological Advancements and Cost Reduction : Continuous advancements in AR and VR technologies are leading to more affordable hardware and software solutions, making these technologies more accessible to a broader range of travel companies and travelers.
  • Partnerships and Collaborations : Travel companies are forming partnerships with tech companies to integrate AR and VR solutions into their services, which helps in spreading the cost and making the technology more widespread and accessible.
  • User Education and Familiarization Programs : To increase adoption rates, the travel industry is focusing on educating consumers and travel professionals about the benefits and uses of AR and VR, through workshops, interactive demonstrations, and experiential marketing campaigns.

Virtual Reality Traveler with Beverage

Looking into the future, AR and VR are set to become even more integral to travel. Here, we explore the advancements in multi-sensory technology and mixed reality experiences that promise to further enrich travel experiences.

The future of AR and VR in travel looks exceptionally bright with continual advancements in technology that promise to deliver even more immersive and enriched travel experiences. As we look ahead, the integration of multi-sensory technology and mixed reality is expected to take the forefront, offering travelers experiences that are not only visually and audibly engaging but also tactile. These future directions point towards a more immersive, interactive, and personalized way of traveling, enhancing the exploration of destinations to unprecedented levels.

Key future innovations in AR and VR for travel include:

Advanced Multi-Sensory Experiences : Future AR and VR travel applications are expected to incorporate advanced multi-sensory technologies, including haptic feedback, spatial audio, and even olfactory stimulation, to create incredibly realistic and immersive travel experiences.

Seamless Mixed Reality Integration : The convergence of AR and VR, known as mixed reality, will offer seamless experiences combining the best elements of both. This could include overlaying virtual information onto real-world settings, enhancing both navigation and exploration in travel.

Enhanced Wearable Technology : The development of lightweight and more powerful AR glasses and VR headsets will make these technologies more practical for travel, allowing for spontaneous and convenient access to immersive content and information while on the move.

ar business travel

What is next?

AR and VR are not just reshaping but revolutionizing the travel industry, offering new, exciting ways to explore the world. These technologies are paving the way for a future of interactive and immersive travel experiences.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are indeed revolutionizing the travel industry, offering novel and captivating ways to discover the world. Their emergence is not just an evolution but a radical transformation in how we experience travel, blending the boundaries between the physical and digital realms. As we look toward the future, these technologies hold the promise of reshaping the travel experience into something more interactive, personalized, and immersive, signaling a new era in the exploration of global destinations.

Key points to consider for what is next:

Redefining Travel Experiences : AR and VR are redefining what it means to explore and experience new places, offering travelers immersive and interactive ways to see the world that were previously impossible.

Enhancing Cultural Understanding : These technologies provide opportunities for deeper cultural immersion and understanding, allowing travelers to experience the history, art, and stories of destinations in a more engaging and meaningful way.

Potential for Broader Impact : As AR and VR continue to evolve, their potential extends beyond leisure travel to other areas such as education, conservation, and cultural preservation, opening up new possibilities for how we understand and interact with our world.

Virtual Reality Traveler on the Beach

In the fast-evolving landscape of travel technology, a group of pioneering companies stands out for their innovative use of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). This table showcases 15 such companies that are at the forefront of integrating AR and VR technologies in the travel sector. These organizations vary in their specializations, ranging from companies offering immersive VR travel experiences and virtual tours to those developing AR applications for enhanced navigation and interactive destination exploration.

The list includes a diverse array of businesses, each contributing uniquely to the travel industry through their AR and VR solutions. For example, some specialize in creating virtual reality content that allows users to experience destinations before they visit, while others focus on augmented reality applications that provide real-time information and navigation assistance to travelers in new cities. The list also features companies that are pushing the boundaries of these technologies, offering innovative solutions like virtual hotel tours and AR-powered interactive experiences at tourist attractions.

It’s important to note that this article and the list provided are for informational purposes only. We are not affiliated with or endorsed by any of these companies. The aim is to offer insights into the diverse applications of AR and VR technologies in the travel industry, highlighting the potential these innovative tools have in enhancing and transforming travel experiences.

These companies are making significant contributions to the field of AR and VR in travel, offering innovative solutions ranging from immersive VR travel storytelling to advanced AR navigation technologies​. 

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Business Opportunities for Augmented and Virtual Reality Travel

  • Virtual World at Your Feet
  • Augmented Reality & Travel
  • Navigation & Routes
  • Guided Travel Tours
  • Virtual Reality & Travel

Visit Before You Go

Historical reconstruction.

  • Virtual Travel to Unreal Places

Visits to the Off-Limit Areas

  • AR / VR and Museums

The world is getting smaller every day due to the travel and tourism industries booming. Add to that lowcost flight tickets, cheap bus rides, etc., and the entire planet seems to become a next-door adventure for people.

However, even despite the comparatively low travel prices, sometimes you can’t travel to a place of your dreams – whether because of the budget or because of work responsibilities or, perhaps, you can’t do it for health issues. 

Should you give up on your dream to travel? Nope.

Helping you achieve your dream is where the travel and tourism agencies can take full advantage of the Augmented and Virtual Reality technologies and offer a whole new layer of services to the customers. 

Virtual World at Your Feet: Travel with AR/VR

Travel and tourism are industries that are evergrowing. People like to travel, see different places, and experience new things. According to the World Travel Tourism Council, in 2017 alone, travel and tourism companies had contributed US$8.3 trillion (10.4%) of the global GDP . Needless to say that the figure is expected to grow.

In practice, this means that Travel & Tourism companies are continually expanding into new uncharted territories whether it is physical or conceptual realms. And travel businesses always have to care for the customer experience, or else there will be no customer. Coincidentally these two features to which Virtual and Augmented Reality can significantly contribute.

Given the fact that the majority of AR & VR travel apps are offering things that can be implemented into tourist experience in one way or another – more direct ties with the travel industry and a combination of effort can be a saving grace for VR & AR industries.

The thing with travel as a business is that it is a constant state of experimenting with the content – whether it is guided tours, particular experiences, or just hotel service – there is always an element of testing something new. In this context, VR & AR seems like an ultimate test subject as it is capable of being implemented in a variety of ways.

Let’s see how VR & AR can enhance the travel experience.

What can Augmented Reality add to Travel Experience?

Augmented reality navigation & routes.

The easiest way the Augmented Reality can fit into the tourist experience is via routing and navigation solutions . The reason is simple – AR is capable of solving the problem in a more efficient and what is more convenient manner.

Maps and routing tools are indispensable tools for any traveler, and the addition of AR elements can greatly simplify navigating within a foreign place.

Sure, navigation is something every person needs once in a while, but for the tourist, the navigation on foreign soil is always a challenge. It is easy to get lost in a place you don’t know, even with the map at hand. And getting lost often leads to getting into some trouble which is a headache of its own in foreign countries.

AR also comes in handy when it comes to emergencies abroad. While this is uncommon, there is a chance someone will need to get to the closest hospital, and an AR solution might help guide towards it.

The same thing can be said about the other emergencies that require getting back to the hotel or foreign embassy or police station.

TheAppSolutions company developed our own AR Navigation app –  AR Places Map . It is designed specifically to simplify movement in the city and navigate in the different leisure opportunities. You can read about it here .

Features include:

  • Locations of interest (restaurants, cafes, and other points of interest) on the map and in Augmented Reality mode
  • Information about restaurants, art galleries, parks, and more
  • Navigation and direction to the other locations

Download AR Places Map on Apple App Store

Augmented Reality Guided Travel Tours

Guided tours are amongst the most popular tourist options. You know the drill – you go through different places and listen to some interesting stories about that.

One of the critical elements of such experience is the delivery of the guide, and that is one of the most challenging parts of the service as there is barely a chance to have a one-size-fits-all option that will be satisfying to the majority of the customer.

However, implementation of Augmented Reality offers an exciting thing – much more customized and personalized guiding experience. Not only the tourist would be able to choose the style and content of guiding, but they can also customize so that it will cover the topics they are interested in — for example, one type of narration for kids and the other for adults.

On the other hand, there is a possibility for the tourist of making their customized tours filled with comments and routes of their own distributed via the interest-specific network. While it seems far-fetched, it is something that will probably occur somewhere down the line with the development of the technology.

Virtual Reality Travel Industry Advantages

Visit before you go is a travel edition of the famous “try before you buy.” Selling a journey or tour can be a challenge, and it needs as many convincing arguments as possible. Customers are always cautious and tend to double-check every word and picture thrown at them. However, there is a way to ease the whole “selling” process for both parties.

Enter Virtual Reality Travel.

“Try before you buy” option is probably the most apparent use of VR in the Travel and Tourism industry. VR travel experience is the ultimate mean of giving the most immersive and engaging presentation of the proposed journey. With sight and sound and even interactivity to a certain extent – VR videos can provide everything a customer needs to know to make his mind.

All that gives a better understanding of an offer to the customer and as such can be an invaluable tool in making deals without excessive sugar coating.

History is a fascinating thing. Walking on the remnants of the things long past is an incredible experience. But what if we take a step further and attempt to recreate the events of the past? Even better, right? Historical reconstructions are always popular, and at times it offers a much more profound second-hand experience of a recreated era. And Virtual Reality can make it even more effective.

Historical reconstructions don’t need virtual reality per se, but historical reconstruction in virtual reality can be an experience of its own with a very different substance — a time travel experience of sorts.

There are two ways of implementing Virtual Reality to historical reconstruction tourism:

  • Ambient Reconstruction
  • Direct Recreation

Ambient Reconstruction is a kind of reconstruction is not centered around historical events but rather the everyday life and its struggles in a certain period. Sure, due to limitations to visual and sound elements the experience is not as immersive as in real life – but it can offer a more detailed and diverse look at the way people lived in a certain age with interactivity to a certain extent. Think of all the things you can do in Bethesda’s “The Elder Scrolls” game settlements, and you get the point.

The other approach is a direct recreation of a certain historical event. In this case, the experience is more of a guided tour with limited interactivity. In some instances, tourists can be just spectators of past events (launching of Apollo 11), in other cases, tourists can actively participate (D-Day or any other battle). Both approaches take a page from the video games playbook and offer affordable and diverse experiences without travel discomfort.

Something Completely Different: Virtual Travel to Unreal Places

The other potentially industry-changing way of implementing Virtual and Augmented Reality solutions to Travel & Tourism got nothing to do with actual traveling. It completely ditches the whole thing for a completely different thing that cannot be experienced in any other way. VR vacation is the next big thing down the line. Here’s why.

Imagine traveling to Parts Unknown straight out of the mind of some artist or doing some exploratory space travel. Or imagine going to Middle-Earth or some Star Wars planet – looking at its “historical” sites and living out the lives of its inhabitants. For years these places were relegated purely for imagination and partially recreated in video games and illustration.

Now it is possible with a more significant extent of immersion and a bigger level of engagement. Think about “Total Recall” and its concept of living out incredible adventures.

However, there is a challenging part. Given the fact that this kind of experience will be completely original, creating VR scenery will require deeper involvement from the artists and more broad conceptualization than a simple recreation of already existing sites.

Visiting off-limit areas can be considered as another variation of reconstruction. It makes a lot of sense since some places are way too dangerous for tourists or extensive human presence can be damaging to the environment. In any case, such a thing is a viable option, and it is a good case for using Virtual Reality.

The challenge comes with the immersion. While historical reconstruction gets the benefit of having some form of action going on that can immerse a tourist deep enough to suspend disbelief, the same can’t be applied to off-limit reconstruction due to a fact that it is likely not much going on.

As such, there must be other means of immersing the tourist in the environment, and that might involve some additional solutions that limit such use of VR to VR-cafes or related places.

Want to Learn More About The APP Solutions Approaches In Project Development?

Museum Experience with Augmented & Virtual Reality

Museums and AR seem to be another natural match. It is effortless to figure out where and how AR and VR solutions can be implemented into the museum experience.

First of all, it can be incredibly beneficial for guided tours. Museums often suffer from a lack of trained personnel and visitor overflow. The other problem is that the museum excursions are overly general, lacking much detail, and simply moving too fast. All these problems can be solved with a little help of Augmented Reality. Here’s how.

We’ve already covered the case for AR guided tours and museums are perfect for these things. Just think about getting a much more profound guided tour over an exhibition with lots of comments and references popping up on the screen revealing a sea of worthwhile information. That’s an entirely different experience.

For instance, the US Holocaust Memorial Museum is now testing an AR app that will provide informational support for the photographic documents. An app will offer more insights into the images – background context and key facts that will help visitors to construct a more cohesive understanding of the depicted events.

On the other hand, the Virtual Reality app can turn the museum into an elaborate interactive environment where visitors can experience a very different kind of art. Virtual Reality can make a case for creating a VR-only museum with digital recreations of artworks or VR-specific artworks.

In any case, the implementation of VR & AR will help to improve the museum experience and bring it to another level.

Match Made in Heaven?

Augmented and Virtual solutions are a great way of exposing new people to technology and establishing it as something worthwhile and worth returning to by connecting it to familiar experiences. At the same time, the travel and tourism industry offers a set of solid business models to lean on which is very important for Virtual Reality technology at the current moment.

A match made in heaven? We think so. 



Got a travel & tourism business and want an app?

Pavel Tantsiura

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AR and VR Business Opportunities in Travel Applications


Pack your bags because the future of travel is taking a quantum leap into the realms of AR & VR opportunities for travel. In this article, we'll embark on a journey that explores the incredible business opportunities waiting to be unlocked in the fusion of technology and wanderlust.

From immersive destination previews to gamified adventures, the world of AR and VR is redefining how we explore, plan, and experience our dream getaways. So, fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a visionary tour of the travel industry's next big frontier!

Table of contents

Virtual reality in travel and tourism: stats and trends.

  • Benefits Travel Businesses Admit After Incorporating AR/VR

Use Cases of AR/VR in the Travel Industry

Ar&vr in travel: best practices when building an app, onix is your reliable tech partner: our experience in ar/vr development, wrapping up.

Banská Štiavnica historical VR tour

The Global AR/VR in the travel and tourism market is set to experience high growth (CAGR) from 2022 to 2027 , driven by increased demand for travel services worldwide and augmented investments in AR/VR to enhance the travel experience. In 2020, travel and tourism contributed approximately 4.7 trillion U.S. dollars to global GDP.

VR is a powerful marketing tool in travel, increasing awareness and revenue. Augmented reality in travel enhances tourism by providing information and improving visitor experiences. Both are in demand across planning, advertising, education, and more.

AR/VR technology enhances tourism policy and management, offering entertaining and educational experiences, further driving market growth. These technologies can be integrated into current applications for geographical marketing.

AR/VR enables virtual tours of restaurants and stores, smartphone access, coupons, reservations, and language assistance for non-native travelers, encouraging new experiences. Real-time navigation, hotel bookings, virtual visits to establishments, and cultural exploration contribute to industry growth, improving guest satisfaction and hospitality management.

These numbers underline an undeniable fact: the fusion of AR and VR technologies with the travel industry is not just a fleeting trend but rather a paradigm shift, paving the way for a more interactive, informed, and innovative future of travel.

virtual reality for travel

Benefits Travel Businesses Admit After Incorporating AR/VR 

AR and VR opportunities in travel are transforming the industry, offering innovative solutions and immersive experiences that benefit businesses in various ways. Here, we explore the key advantages of incorporating AR and VR into travel operations:

ar/vr opportunities in travel

1. Enhanced Customer Engagement:

  • Immersive Previews

AR and VR provide travelers with virtual previews of destinations, accommodations, and activities, increasing their engagement and excitement.

  • Interactive Travel Planning

Interactive AR apps and VR tours empower customers to customize their itineraries, boosting engagement and personalization.

  • Scavenger Hunts and Gamification

Gamification in travel apps often includes scavenger hunts, quizzes, and challenges. Augmented reality in travel can turn cities or natural landscapes into giant game boards. Users can hunt for hidden treasures, complete location-based challenges, or solve puzzles at historical sites.

These elements make the travel experience more dynamic and engaging.

2. Improved Marketing and Sales:

  • Visual Storytelling

AR and VR enable captivating visual storytelling, enhancing marketing campaigns and driving sales.

  • Virtual Showrooms

Travel businesses can create virtual showrooms for customers to explore, facilitating bookings and upselling services.

3. Efficient Training and Onboarding:

  • Staff Training

AR and VR are valuable tools for training travel staff, reducing training time, and ensuring better customer service.

  • Employee Onboarding

Streamline onboarding processes for new employees with immersive training modules.

build a VR meditation app/game for Meta Quest 2

4. Cost Savings:

  • Virtual Prototyping

Save on physical prototypes and mock-ups by using VR for testing and refining new travel experiences.

  • Remote Assistance

Use AR for remote maintenance and troubleshooting, reducing the need for on-site personnel.

5. Enhanced Customer Service:

  • Real-time Assistance

AR can provide real-time translations and navigation assistance, enhancing the customer service experience.

  • Virtual Concierge

Offer virtual concierge services through VR, providing guests with on-demand support and recommendations.

6. Sustainability Initiatives:

  • Reduced Travel

VR can reduce the need for physical travel, contributing to sustainability goals by decreasing carbon emissions.

  • Environmental Education

Use AR to educate travelers about local ecosystems and promote responsible tourism practices.

7. Data Collection and Analysis:

  • Customer Insights

AR and VR interactions, coupled with travel data migration , generate valuable customer insights, enabling businesses to better understand preferences and behaviors.

  • Operational Efficiency

Analyze operational data from AR/VR applications to optimize processes and resource allocation.

8. Competitive Advantage:

  • Innovative Differentiation

Embracing AR and VR sets travel businesses apart from competitors, attracting tech-savvy travelers.

  • Early Adoption Benefits

Early adopters of AR and VR technologies gain an advantage in offering cutting-edge travel experiences.

Incorporating AR/VR into travel operations can revolutionize the industry, providing businesses with new ways to engage customers, improve processes, and remain competitive in a rapidly evolving landscape.

These technologies are revolutionizing the travel landscape, introducing immersive experiences that allow explorers to preview, plan, and enrich their journeys. The following are standout use cases, exemplified by top apps in the domain:

Historical Reenactments and Events

virtual reality for travel

Immersive virtual tour for Banská Štiavnica Museum created by Onix

The Onix team had the privilege of collaborating with the Banská Štiavnica Museum, an official UNESCO World Heritage Site in Slovakia. Our project enabled the museum to offer visitors a fully immersive virtual tour, addressing the challenge of engaging modern audiences in traditional museums.

Our clients aimed to showcase Banská Štiavnica's rich history uniquely, turning to Onix for assistance in realizing their vision of a historical VR tour. Our task was to create an innovative and lifelike virtual tour replicating the museum's real-life experience.

With the help of the Onix team, our clients now have a dependable VR app that allows visitors to explore the history of Banská Štiavnica in an engaging and informative manner. Leveraging VR technology, we crafted historically accurate models and lifelike graphics to immerse users in the authentic atmosphere of the town.

The historical VR tour we developed sets the museum visit apart, delivering a distinctive and engaging experience that enhances visitor engagement.

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This is the reason why we highly recommend Onix-Systems and will use their services for us and our customers needs certainty again.”

- Peter Marek, CEO at V.I.S.I.O.N. s.r.o.

Virtual Destination Tours

In today's digital age, travel enthusiasts no longer need to pack their bags in order to physically explore the world's wonders. Thanks to AR and VR technologies, travelers can embark on immersive journeys to far-flung destinations without leaving their homes.

This innovative tourism approach is revolutionizing how we experience the world, and it's all accessible through specialized apps. One notable example is the Ascape VR app. This VR application provides 360-degree video tours of destinations worldwide.

From the beaches of the Maldives to the bustling streets of Tokyo, users can preview potential vacation spots or simply embark on a virtual adventure from the comfort of their homes.

ready to get the most out of your business by leverging ar and vr technology

Interactive Hotel and Room Previews

Beyond mere photos, some apps now provide AR and VR views of hotel rooms. Here are some examples of these apps:

  • Marriott International's "VRoom Service" (Marriott VR Postcards)

Marriott's VR app allows guests to experience travel destinations and hotel rooms virtually. While it's primarily aimed at Marriott properties, it's a great example of how major hotel chains use VR to showcase their rooms.

  • Oculus Travel

Oculus Travel offers various VR experiences, including hotel room previews. Users can explore hotel rooms and amenities in virtual reality before making a reservation.

Expedia was working on a VR app allowing users to view hotel rooms and destinations in VR. However, the availability and features of this app may have changed since my last update, so I recommend checking the latest information.

Trivago, a well-known hotel search engine, also explored VR technology for hotel room previews. Keep an eye on their app or website for any VR-related features.

augmented reality in travel

VR experience for hotel room previews

Augmented Local Exploration

Augmented Local Exploration with AR/VR apps enhances our discovery and interaction with our immediate surroundings. These apps leverage augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies to provide immersive and informative experiences within a local context. Here are some examples of these apps:

  • Google Maps AR

Google Maps offers an AR navigation feature that combines the phone's camera with GPS data to provide real-time, on-screen directions as you explore your local area. Your smartphone camera overlays directional arrows and street names in the real-world view.

The Yelp app has an AR feature that lets users access restaurant and business reviews, ratings, and information by simply pointing their phone's camera at storefronts. It enhances the dining and shopping experience by providing contextual information.

  • Airbnb Virtual Tours

Airbnb offers VR-based virtual tours of rental properties. Travelers can use VR headsets to explore potential accommodations as if they were physically present. It allows users to understand the space and surroundings before booking.

  • Wikitude AR Travel Guide

Wikitude offers an AR travel guide app that provides information about nearby points of interest as you point your smartphone at them. It's like having a digital tour guide in your pocket.

 vr business opportunities in travel

AR travel guide app offered by Wikitude

In-Flight Entertainment

In-flight entertainment has undergone a transformative evolution with the integration of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) apps, enhancing passenger travel experience. Airlines and aviation companies are increasingly adopting these immersive technologies to offer passengers various engaging options during their flights.

For instance, airlines like Emirates have introduced AR apps that allow passengers to explore the interior of their A380 aircraft before boarding, providing a preview of the luxurious seating and amenities.

Furthermore, VR headsets, such as those offered by airlines like British Airways, allow passengers to enjoy virtual cinematic experiences, interactive games, or even explore immersive travel destinations while cruising at 30,000 feet. These AR and VR applications elevate in-flight entertainment and make air travel a more enjoyable and memorable experience.

ar in travel business opportunities

VR experience for airlines offered by British Airways

Augmented Navigation

Augmented Navigation is a cutting-edge technology that harnesses the power of Augmented Reality to provide real-time navigation assistance. By overlaying directional arrows, landmarks, and points of interest onto the real-world environment, Augmented Navigation makes it effortless for travelers to navigate unfamiliar territories.

This innovative approach enhances the ease and accuracy of navigation and adds an extra layer of engagement and convenience to the travel experience. Whether exploring a new city, hiking in the wilderness, or simply finding your way through a bustling airport, Augmented Navigation transforms how we move and discover the world.

These applications represent just the tip of the iceberg in the vast sea of opportunities that AR and VR technologies present to the travel industry, signaling an exciting future for globetrotters worldwide.

Read also : Metaverse Environment Development

Incorporating Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies into the travel industry holds immense potential to transform how travelers explore and experience the world. To harness the power of AR and VR effectively, it's crucial to adhere to best practices that ensure travelers are provided with immersive and unforgettable journeys.

Here, we delve into the top best practices:

1. User-Centered Design

Place user experience at the forefront of your app development process. Understand your target audience's needs, preferences, and pain points. Create intuitive, user-friendly interfaces that seamlessly transition between real and virtual worlds. Prioritize easy navigation, clear instructions, and interactive features that enhance the overall journey.

2. Personalized Travel Planning

Tailor the travel experience by leveraging AR and VR for personalized travel planning. Utilize these technologies to analyze individual preferences, creating itineraries and recommendations that align with travelers' interests. Whether suggesting unique experiences or highlighting hidden gems, personalization adds enchantment to the journey.

3. Realistic and Informative Content

To ensure that AR and VR experiences leave a lasting impact, focus on delivering content that balances realism and informativeness. Employ high-quality graphics, 360-degree videos, and informative audio guides to create an immersive and educational environment.

Detailed historical and cultural insights add depth to the experience, enhancing travelers' understanding of the destination.

4. Seamless Integration with Real-World Navigation

When developing AR navigation applications, prioritize seamlessly integrating directional cues, landmarks, and location-based information into the traveler's real-world environment. This ensures travelers can navigate unfamiliar territories effortlessly, enhancing the overall travel experience.

5. Mobile Accessibility

Recognize the importance of mobile accessibility in AR and VR applications. Design user-friendly apps that cater to travelers using smartphones and tablets, as they are the most accessible and commonly used devices. The convenience of having augmented information at travelers' fingertips enhances their engagement with the technology.

6. Multilingual Support

Consider the global audience and provide multilingual support in AR and VR applications. Real-time translation features can enhance communication and understanding for travelers in foreign destinations.

7. Accessibility Features

Incorporate accessibility features to cater to travelers with disabilities. Ensure that AR and VR experiences are inclusive and can be enjoyed by all, regardless of physical abilities.

8. Virtual Travel Communities

Foster virtual travel communities within AR and VR platforms, allowing travelers to share experiences, tips, and recommendations with fellow explorers. Building a sense of community enhances engagement and provides valuable insights.

9. Marketing and Promotion

Leverage AR and VR in marketing efforts. Create immersive promotional content that showcases the unique aspects of a destination or travel service, enticing potential travelers.

10. Continuous Innovation

Stay up-to-date with advancements in AR and VR technologies and continually innovate your travel experiences. Embrace emerging trends like mixed reality (MR) to offer more compelling and interactive journeys.

By focusing on these top best practices, travel companies can elevate the traveler's journey, offering memorable adventures and enriching educational experiences. Augmented and virtual realities have the potential to redefine how we explore the world, making each trip a uniquely immersive adventure.

At Onix, we understand that incorporating Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies into the travel industry can be a transformative game-changer. With a proven track record of successful implementation across various sectors, including travel and tourism, we are well-equipped to help your travel business harness the immense potential of AR and VR.

Our expertise in AR and VR implementation is designed to help you engage more clients, both new and existing, by offering immersive and memorable experiences. Introducing these cutting-edge technologies into your travel business allows you to create captivating destination previews, interactive travel planning tools, and lifelike virtual tours.

This captures travelers' attention and fosters deep excitement and anticipation, translating into increased client engagement. At Onix, our portfolio extends beyond the travel sector, encompassing successful AR and VR implementations in diverse industries. Here are some of the examples from our portfolio:

One of the standout success stories in Onix's portfolio is the development of a robust Mixed Reality (MR) environment that promises users an extraordinary experience using just headsets and smartphones. This achievement stems from a fascinating case study where Onix embarked on a journey to create a groundbreaking solution for its client.

Onix's dedicated team faced the challenge head-on. They set out to develop a cutting-edge version of Mixed Reality tailored for Android and iOS devices, and the results have been nothing short of remarkable. This innovative solution lets users witness virtual objects seamlessly integrated into their real-world surroundings.

Using state-of-the-art technology and a commitment to excellence, Onix delivered an open-source Mixed Reality solution that has inspired developers and enthralled AR/MR enthusiasts worldwide. Integrating the real and virtual worlds has never been smoother or more accessible.

The result is an experience that transcends the boundaries of the ordinary. Users simply run the mobile app on their smartphones, place them into augmented reality helmets, and enter a captivating Mixed Reality environment through the lenses.

The magic unfolds as virtual objects seamlessly blend with the real world, creating a truly immersive experience that was once the stuff of science fiction.

ar in travel business opportunities

Mixed Reality environment for HoloKit built by Onix

VR app for viewing stereoscope photos

The Onix team was tasked with creating an immersive VR solution that resurrects the 19th-century stereoscope images, breathing life into history. This case study showcases our achievement in preserving antique photos' authentic style and depth effects, making them accessible across various platforms.

In a bygone era, people would spend evenings marveling at stereographs or stereoscope images (3D pictures), capturing diverse locations, events, and individuals. Our client stumbled upon a treasure trove of these stereoscope photos in the local library's archives and envisioned an application to enable people to relive these antique images, leading them to reach out to us.

Our team faced the challenge of translating the experience of viewing stereoscope photos into a captivating VR environment, effectively resurrecting history. Our aim extended beyond creating a mere photo-viewing VR application.

We set out to construct a comprehensive VR solution housing hundreds of antique photos, multiple review modes, and educational and entertaining historical references. Moreover, we ensured seamless VR photo viewing across various platforms, guaranteeing optimal performance on chosen VR devices.

The Onix team embarked on the development of specialized shaders for VR rendering and devised an optimized pipeline for 3D models to deliver exceptional performance across all devices. We meticulously retouched the images by hand, a painstaking process necessary for preserving the distinctive visual style of the 19th century. This dedication allowed us to resurrect history, immersing users entirely in the ambiance of the 19th century.

AR mobile app to enhance Onix promotional materials

This case study showcases our creation of an AR mobile app that unveils captivating details hidden within Onix printed booklets, transforming our company's narrative into an interactive experience. In an era where traditional business presentations and charts have become obsolete, we recognized the need for a fresh approach to promotional materials.

While printed booklets offer valuable insights about our company, their potential was unlocked by integrating AR technology.

Our team conceived the idea of an augmented reality app to present Onix company's story in a modern and captivating manner. AR allowed us to redefine our client's perception of exceptional business presentations. We firmly believe associating a brand with creative and innovative experiences positively enhances brand perception.

Leveraging AR technology, we developed the Onix mobile app, allowing users to scan a brochure with their camera to unveil the company's statistics, project overviews, and a 3D model of our headquarters.

Now, clients and curious individuals alike can delve deeper into the world of Onix through a unique, engaging, and enriched experience simply by pointing their mobile device at a page – and witnessing it come to life.

Supermarket AR scanner

The supermarket industry has seen a surge in requests for integrating augmented reality technologies. The Onix team created an AR scanner for supermarket goods. 

Upon scanning a barcode, the system swiftly identifies the product through its unique code. The application then requests the API, fetching comprehensive details about the product, including its description, ingredients, price comparison, and a visual representation.

This presentation offers enhanced convenience, replacing the often minuscule text found in the corners of product packaging with neatly organized and categorized information. 

The product photo is an AR marker, enabling the overlay of additional information tiles. These information panels seamlessly move and rotate with the product, providing users with an immersive and interactive experience.

In conclusion, integrating AR and VR technologies has ushered in a new era of possibilities for the travel industry, revolutionizing how travelers explore, learn, and engage with destinations. As we've seen, these immersive experiences have the power to captivate, inform, and inspire.

At Onix, we stand prepared to harness the full potential of AR&VR opportunities for travel. Our expertise and commitment to innovation make us the ideal partner for those seeking to elevate their customer experiences and stay at the forefront of technological advancements.

With our assistance, businesses can embark on a transformation journey, embracing the boundless opportunities that AR and VR offer in reshaping the travel experience for the better. Let's embark on this journey and redefine travel in the digital age.

fully immersive ar&vr solution for your specific industry

What are some practical applications of AR and VR in travel app development? 

AR and VR can enhance travel apps in various ways. They can provide immersive 360-degree tours of destinations, offer interactive navigation and wayfinding, and even simulate historical or cultural experiences, making travel planning and exploration more engaging.

Can AR and VR be used for language translation and communication during travel? 

Absolutely. AR can translate signs and menus in real-time, while VR can offer immersive language lessons to help travelers overcome language barriers. These technologies facilitate smoother communication and enhance the overall travel experience.

How do AR and VR add gamification to travel apps? 

AR and VR introduce gamification to travel apps by turning sightseeing into a game with scavenger hunts, quizzes, and challenges. They offer rewards for completing tasks, create virtual tour guides with interactive storytelling, and encourage social interaction by enabling travelers to share their experiences and compete in exploring new places.

These gamified elements make travel more dynamic and enjoyable.


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Business Travel: The Beginner’s Guide

June 12, 2019

by Rob Browne

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In a world where it has become as easy as a quick few taps on smartphone to book a trip across the world, business travel is more widespread and accessible than ever before.

Are you a recent graduate or new employee looking for an introduction to business travel? This article provides an overview of the field as a whole as well as a guide to traveling for work and managing your business travel expenses .

What is business travel? A step-by-step business trip guide

Research from Statista shows that business travel contributes almost $1.3 trillion to the global economy in a single year, making it one of the world’s largest economic industries. Further research highlights only upward trends in the amount that is spent on business travel as well.

This research reflects an increasingly intertwined global economy. With the speed at which businesses on opposite sides of the world can interact over the internet and travel to meet with each other, employees are operating in a space where location is fluid and business interests can converge across state, national, and continental lines.

Thus, business travel is a vital part of many companies’ lifebloods. In this article, we’ll explore the four temporal components of a business trip and use them as a lens through which to discuss business travel.

Booking business travel

Oftentimes, the dates and general logistics of your business trip are determined by the wants and needs of the client(s) you visit on the trip. If possible, it’s always best to book as far in advance as you can to plan on being out of office. Of course this won’t always be the case, as business trips occasionally arise on short notice if a client needs a quick turnaround time on a particular task that requires a visit.

Booking a business trip is not the same as browsing the internet for the best deals on a family vacation . The online booking platform (OBT) that you use for securing your transportation and hotel depends on your company’s internal travel policy.

Some companies require their employees to book through a specific brand of travel management software  or using a travel management company . A key motivator for companies to use travel management software is that it makes it easier to ensure that employees comply with corporate travel policies. These policies include which airfare class employees are allowed to book, which hotel star class they can stay in, and the class of rental car they can use.

For others, booking your business trip may be a similar experience to booking a trip outside of work, as some companies tolerate open market bookings.

The rigidity with which you’ll be dealing with in terms of booking compliance is dependent upon your company’s travel policy and budget. In most cases, you’ll be looking at a range of mid-tier flight and hotel options that best fit your needs in terms of schedule and distance from the site where you’ll conduct most of your business.

Preparing for the trip

Business trips are often short and have a singular purpose. Get to your destination, meet with the people you need to meet with, and go home. Because of the high energy level required for such a focused itinerary, you’ll want to make sure that you are well-rested going into the trip.

After arriving at your destination, there may not be time to catch a nap  before heading to your first meeting, so you’ll want to ensure that you are able to operate at peak performance as soon as you arrive.

Travel with your important items in your carry-on bag just in case anything happens to your checked luggage. Almost everything you bring on a business trip should be essential to your work, and with a short turnaround between arrival and meetings, you can’t risk not having item X, Y, Z..

On the trip

While on your trip, optimize for everything you can. Outside of any business-related commitments, you’ll want to make sure you have as much time as you need for your work. If there is a particular company policy regarding a daily per diem, or allowance, for meals or transportation, you’ll also need to keep that in mind.

If your trip is to a destination with a lot to see outside business hours or a place where you have friends or family, you can also check with your company’s travel policy regarding bleisure travel. Bleisure, a combination of “business” and “leisure,” means adding a few days onto the beginning or end of your trip to enjoy the opportunity to spend some time not only inside an office.

After the trip

The most important part of finishing a business trip is gathering your expenses and filing an expense report. Between flights, hotels, other transportation, and food, you likely spend a decent amount of money and would like your expenses to be approved and reimbursed as quickly as possible.

Having your expenses approved and reimbursed is typically an easy process, especially if your company uses a form of expense management software .

See the Easiest-to-Use Expense Management Software →

It’s a trip!

Traveling for work may seem daunting, but thinking about your trip in terms of these four segments will help you succeed at all points of your trip. If your job allows you the opportunity  to spend time outside of your office, enjoy it—and maybe spend time in some exciting destinations along the way.

Rob Browne photo

Rob is a former content associate at G2. Originally from New Jersey, he previously worked at an NYC-based business travel startup. (he/him/his)

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14 Best Travel Credit Cards of May 2024

Best travel cards main takeaways.

  • Money has evaluated hundreds of credit cards, comparing their fees, benefits, welcome offers, travel insurance policies and more.
  • The top credit cards for travel offer high rewards on travel purchases, which can be redeemed for airfare, hotel nights, cash back, statement credits or more.
  • Our picks feature the best travel cards for every budget and include no-annual-fee, low-annual-fee, premium and business cards.

Why Trust Us?

Our editorial team has spent well over a thousand hours analyzing, evaluating and comparing the top credit card offers in the market. We carefully vet each card’s fine print in order to understand their features, limitations and potential benefits for consumers. We review cards independently, ensuring our content is accurate and guided by editorial integrity. Read our full methodology to learn more.

  • 46 travel credit cards evaluated
  • 10+ data points used, including ongoing fees, reward programs and welcome offers
  • 100+ sources reviewed has partnered with for our coverage of credit card products. Money and CardRatings may receive a commission from card issuers. This site does not include all card companies or all available card offers. O ur top picks are listed strictly in alphabetical order.

Our Top Picks for Best Travel Credit Cards

Best no-annual-fee travel credit cards.

  • Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card – Best no-annual-fee travel card for flat rate rewards
  • Bilt Mastercard® – Best no-annual-fee travel card for paying rent
  • Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card – Best no-annual-fee card for travel partners
  • Chase Freedom Unlimited® – Best no-annual-fee travel card for domestic travel
  • Discover it® Miles – Best no-annual-fee travel card for simple rewards
  • Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card – Best no-annual-fee travel card for everyday spending

Best low-fee-annual-fee travel credit cards

  • Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card – Best travel card for flat-rate rewards
  • Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card – Best travel card for flexible rewards

Best premium travel credit cards

  • American Express® Gold Card – Best travel card for dining
  • Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card – Best low-cost premium travel card
  • Chase Sapphire Reserve® – Best premium travel credit card
  • The Platinum Card® from American Express – Best travel card for lounge access

Best business travel credit cards

  • The Business Platinum Card® from American Express – Best business travel card

Best airline travel credit cards

  • United℠ Explorer Card: Best airline credit card

Best Travel Credit Cards Reviews

Our top picks are listed in alphabetical order.

Best No-Annual-Fee Travel Credit Cards

  • No annual fee
  • No foreign transaction fees
  • Earns 1.5x points on all purchases
  • No bonus category for travel
  • Few benefits compared to other cards
  • Limited redemption options

Why we chose it: The Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card is an easy-to-use card best suited for travel reward beginners or those who are already Bank of America customers.

Some cardholders can earn up to 75% more points if they are Bank of America Preferred Rewards members — that’s up to 2.62 points for every dollar spent.

However, the card doesn’t offer hotel and airline point transfer partners, travel insurance or extended warranty and purchase protection. Additionally, you can only redeem your points as statement credit to cover travel and dining purchases.

All information about Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card has been collected independently by

  • No annual or foreign currency conversion fee (Click here">here; for rates and fees)
  • Use it to pay your rent and earn rewards without incurring any processing fees
  • You can earn double points on all purchase categories (except rent payments) on the first of every month (up to 10,000 points)
  • Earn 2x points on travel (when booked directly through an airline, hotels, car rental agencies and cruise lines)
  • No welcome bonus or introductory APR period
  • Points redeemed for statement credits are worth 0.55 cents each
  • You must make at least five transactions in a statement period to earn points
  • Rent payments can only be made to one rental property per month

Why we chose it: The Bilt Mastercard® lets you earn travel rewards on rent payments without incurring any processing fees — unlike most credit cards that typically charge around 2.5% to 2.9% per rent payment.

You can use the card to pay rent without worrying about surcharges. Once you get approved for the card, all you have to do is set up an account through the Bilt app or website and use your assigned routing and account number to pay rent through your usual payment portal. You can also use your card even if your landlord only accepts checks, and Bilt will send a check on your behalf.

Additionally, Bilt doubles the card’s rewards rates on the first of every month, which means you can earn 6x points on dining, 4x points on travel and 2x points on other purchases (up to 10,000 points per month). However, this bonus doesn’t apply to rent rewards.

On the downside, the Bilt Mastercard® doesn’t offer a welcome bonus, and points redeemed for statement credits are only worth 0.55 cents each.

  • Can transfer your miles to 16 travel partners
  • Earns 5x miles per dollar on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel
  • Doesn't earn bonus points on airfare
  • No domestic travel partners

Why we chose it: The Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card is a great option if you’re looking for a no-annual fee travel credit card with a simple rewards structure.

You can use your miles to book travel through the Capital One Travel portal or as a statement credit to cover travel purchases made from airlines, hotels, rail lines, car rental agencies and more.

You can also transfer your points to one of Capital One’s 16 travel partners, which include international airlines such as Avianca and British Airways. This option is notable since travel credit cards with no annual fee don’t typically offer the option to transfer your reward to airline and hotel partners.

However, the card’s list of bonus categories is limited compared to some other no-annual-fee credit cards, and Capital One doesn’t offer bonus points on airfare booked through Capital One Travel.

  • Includes trip cancellation/interruption and car rental insurance
  • Features a high flat cash back rate combined and popular bonus categories
  • 3% foreign transaction fee

Why we chose it: The Chase Freedom Unlimited® is the best credit card for traveling domestically. It offers a 1.5% flat cash back rate on most purchases plus it has several appealing bonus categories, including travel and dining.

This card charges a 3% foreign transaction fee, that is, on any transactions made in currency other than US dollars. However, if you mostly travel within the U.S., this card is an excellent option.

For one, you’ll earn an additional 1.5% on each of the card’s bonus categories during the first year of card membership (or up to the first $20,000 spent).

Also, although using this card abroad is not recommended, you can still use it to book international trips while you’re home, and you’ll earn 5% cash back if you book it through Chase Travel℠.

You can redeem your rewards for cash back, travel, gift cards and even transfer them to other cards that earn Chase Ultimate Rewards® points. It’s also worth noting that this card is one of the few no-annual-fee credit cards with rental car coverage and trip cancellation and interruption insurance.

  • No annual or foreign transaction fees
  • Discover matches the total miles you earned at the end of the first year
  • Earns 1.5x miles on all purchases
  • See your FICO score on the Discover mobile app, online and on statements
  • Few benefits compared to other travel cards
  • Doesn't include extended warranty or purchase protection

Why we chose it: The Discover it® Miles Credit Card is a no-frills card ideal for travelers who don’t want to keep track of bonus categories, earning caps or redemption values.

The card earns a flat 1.5x miles on all eligible purchases without any annual caps. You can redeem your miles for statement credits and account deposits at a rate of 1 cent per mile. You can also use your rewards through Amazon and PayPal checkout with the same value.

Also, the card’s welcome bonus is easily one of the best in the market: Discover matches every mile you’ve earned at the end of your first membership year — without any spending requirements.

However, while the Discover it® Miles Credit Card is a great starter travel card, its lack of bonus categories could hinder your reward-earning potential in the long run. Additionally, Discover cards aren’t as widely accepted internationally as Visa Signature and World Mastercard, for example.

All information about the Discover it® Miles Credit Card has been collected independently by

  • Earn 3x points on restaurants, travel, gas stations, select streaming services and cell phone plans
  • Includes cell phone protection plan
  • No airline or hotel transfer partners
  • Doesn't include travel insurance
  • Netflix and HBO are not eligible for streaming bonus

Why we chose it: The Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card is the best travel reward card for everyday spending, offering high rewards on several popular spending categories, including travel, dining, gas, streaming services and cell phone plans.

Its travel bonus category is particularly noteworthy because you can earn points regardless of where you make your reservations, whether it’s directly with an airline or through a third-party travel site like (Most travel credit cards limit travel rewards to bookings made exclusively through the card issuer’s travel portal.)

The card also includes rental car insurance and a cell phone protection plan when you use it to pay your monthly bill.

All information about the Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card has been collected independently by

Best Low-Annual-Fee Travel Credit Cards

  • Earn 2x miles per dollar on most purchases
  • Up to $100 credit for Global Entry or TSA PreCheck(R)
  • Includes travel accident and car rental insurance
  • Fewer bonus categories than other cards with a similar annual fee ($95)
  • Doesn't offer travel rewards for flights
  • Car rental insurance is secondary

Why we chose it: The Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card is the best credit card for travel miles if you want to earn a high reward rate and not worry about bonus categories.

The Capital One Venture Rewards is ideal for those who want to get the most out of their spending without worrying about tracking bonus categories and spending caps.

You can redeem your miles on the Capital One travel portal and as statement credits to cover travel purchases at a value of one cent per mile. Additionally, you may transfer your miles to more than 15 airline and hotel partners.

However, keep in mind that Capital One doesn’t have domestic travel partners, which can be a drawback if you mainly travel within the U.S.

  • Points are worth 25% more when redeemed for travel purchases through Chase TravelSM
  • Receive a point bonus each account anniversary
  • Includes primary rental car insurance
  • Earn 3x per $1 on dining, including eligible delivery and takeout meals, select streaming services and grocery purchases
  • $95 annual fee
  • Doesn't offer a Global Entry/TSA PreCheck(R) application fee credit

Why we chose this card: The Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card is the best travel credit card for frequent travelers who want to earn valuable rewards while paying a low annual fee.

The card features six reward categories that offer outstanding rewards on flights, hotels, restaurants and more. You can redeem your points for statement credits, account deposits, gift cards and more. But you can get the most bang for your buck by redeeming them for travel purchases through the Chase Travel℠ portal, which increases your point’s usual one-cent value by 25%.

You can redeem your points for statement credits, account deposits, gift cards and more. But you can get the most bang for your buck by redeeming them for travel purchases through Chase Travel℠, which increases your point’s usual one-cent value by 25%.

You can also transfer your points to one of Chase’s 14 travel partners at a 1:1 ratio (one Chase point equals one hotel point or airline mile). These include popular airlines and hotels like JetBlue, Southwest, United, Marriott and Hyatt.

Best Premium Travel Credit Cards

  • Earns 4x points on restaurants worldwide, takeout and food delivery within the U.S.
  • Up to $120 in annual dining credits, issued as a $10 statement credit per month for select restaurants (enrollment required)
  • Up to $120 as Uber Cash annually ($10 per month) for food delivery orders and rides in the U.S. after you add the American Express(R) Gold Card to your Uber account
  • Earn 4x points at U.S. supermarkets (on up to $25,000 per calendar year, then 1x)
  • High annual fee ($250)
  • Includes few travel perks and insurance policies compared to similarly priced cards

Terms apply. Please click here for applicable rates and fees.

Why we chose it: The American Express® Gold Card is ideal for foodies, offering a high reward rate at restaurants worldwide and U.S. supermarkets, takeout and food delivery. (Terms apply.)

The American Express® Gold Card also offers statement credits worth up to $240 combined — almost enough to offset the card’s $250 annual fee. These include:

  • Up to $120 every year in dining credits ($10 per month) for select restaurants and food delivery services. The list includes Grubhub, The Cheesecake Factory, Goldbelly,, Milk Bar and Shake Shack (Enrollment required)
  • Automatically get $10 monthly in Uber Cash to use on Uber Eats or Uber rides in the U.S. (after you add the American Express® Gold Card to your account)
  • $100 credit for dining, spa services and other activities when you book a two-night minimum stay at a hotel from The Hotel Collection through American Express Travel
  • Terms apply

However, note that the American Express® Gold Card offers fewer travel perks than some other premium cards — for instance, it doesn’t offer trip cancellation and interruption insurance or TSA PreCheck® or CLEAR® Plus fee credits.

  • 10,000 bonus miles every year
  • Statement credit of up to $300 for bookings made through Capital One Travel
  • Up to a $100 credit on Global Entry or TSA PreCheck(R)
  • Skip the line and get car upgrades when renting a car with Hertz
  • High annual fee ($395)
  • Fewer bonus categories than other premium cards
  • No domestic airline transfer partners

Why we chose it: The Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card is the best credit card for travel miles if you want to earn a high reward rate and not worry about bonus categories.

The Capital One Venture X also includes noteworthy perks such as:

  • 10,000 bonus miles every year (starting on your first anniversary)
  • $300 annual credit for bookings through Capital One Travel
  • Up to a $100 credit for Global Entry or TSA PreCheck®
  • Access for you and two guests to 1,300+ lounges worldwide with Priority Pass™ Select and Plaza Premium Group
  • Authorized users at no extra cost (many cards have an annual fee of $75 or more for each additional user)

All in all, the Venture X is a solid option that can easily compete with other premium travel cards, especially considering its more affordable annual fee.

  • Up to $300 in statement credits each anniversary year to cover travel purchases
  • Transfer your points to 14 travel partners (including United, Southwest, JetBlue and Marriott)
  • Points worth 50% more when redeemed for travel expenses through Chase TravelSM
  • Comprehensive travel insurance coverage, including emergency dental insurance
  • High annual fee ($550)
  • Doesn't include a cell phone protection plan

Why we chose it: The Chase Sapphire Reserve® is the best credit card for travelers looking for a high reward rate on travel and additional benefits like comprehensive travel insurance and airport lounge access worldwide.

Your points are worth 50% more when you redeem them for travel through the Chase Travel℠ portal. This means each point is worth 1.5 cents per point instead of one cent, like most travel cards. Also, the Chase Sapphire Reserve® provides several high-end benefits such as:

  • $300 annual travel credit to cover travel-related purchases like airfare, hotels, car rentals, rideshares, buses, trains, tolls and/or parking
  • Access for you and two guests to 1,300+ airport lounges worldwide (after a one-time enrollment in Priority Pass™ Select)
  • Statement credit of up to $100 every four years for Global Entry, TSA PreCheck® or Nexus

The Sapphire Reserve does have a $550 annual fee. But if you take advantage of the $300 annual credit and other perks, the benefits can definitely outweigh its cost.

  • Access to the widest network of airport lounges of any card
  • Complimentary elite status in the Marriott and Hilton hotel loyalty programs
  • Hundreds of dollars in annual statement credits for travel, dining and more
  • High annual fee ($695)
  • Doesn't include baggage delay, travel accident and primary rental car insurance
  • Limited bonus categories

Terms apply. Click here for rates and fees.

Why we chose this card: The Platinum Card® from American Express offers a list of premium benefits that no other travel card offers, including the widest network of airport lounges and room upgrades at Hilton and Marriott hotels. (Terms apply.)

The Platinum Card® from American Express features an impressive list of high-end travel benefits, including:

  • Complimentary access to over 1,400 airport lounges, including Priority Pass, Delta SkyClub and Amex’s own Centurion lounges (enrollment required)
  • Gold status in the Marriott and Hilton loyalty programs, which makes you eligible for room upgrades, free breakfast and late checkouts (enrollment required)
  • $200 back each year on prepaid Fine Hotels + Resorts® or The Hotel Collection bookings made through American Express Travel and paid with your Platinum Card® (Hotel Collection bookings require a minimum two-night stay)
  • Up to $200 per year when incidental fees, such as checked bags, are charged by the airline to your Platinum Card® (with one selected qualifying airline)
  • Complimentary premium status in Avis Preferred®, Hertz Gold Plus Rewards®, and/or National Car Rental® Emerald Club (must enroll through your Amex online account using your card)

The Platinum Card® from American Express does have a hefty $695 annual fee. However, for people who travel often and will take advantage of its annual credits and travel perks, it might almost pay for itself.

Best Business Travel Credit Cards

  • 5X points on flights and prepaid hotels booked through
  • Around $1,000 in yearly statement credits for select business purchases
  • Access to a wide network of airport lounges (terms apply)
  • Around $600 in perks in Fine Hotels + Resorts(R) locations booked through American Express Travel (for stays of two nights)
  • Secondary rental car coverage**

Why we chose it: The Business Platinum Card® from American Express features an extensive list of benefits that make it an ideal travel and business credit card.

With this card, you can access over 1,400 airport lounges worldwide, comprehensive travel insurance and extra amenities at hundreds of hotels, like daily breakfast and free internet access. Additionally, you get a $200 credit to cover baggage fees, in-flight refreshments and more and up to $100 for Global Entry or $85 for TSA PreCheck® every four or 4.5 years respectively. (Terms apply.) (Enrollment required.)

The card also offers several yearly statement credits for business-related purchases that include up to $400 per year ($200 between January and June and $200 between July and December) for U.S. purchases with Dell.

The Business Platinum Card® from American Express does have one of the steepest annual fees ($695) among travel credit cards, but its extensive list of benefits makes it a no-brainer for business owners who travel frequently.

Best Airline Travel Credit Cards

  • Free first checked bag for you and a companion
  • Up to $100 as a statement credit for Global Entry, TSA PreCheck(R) or NEXUS every 4 year
  • 25% back as a statement credit on food, beverages and Wi-Fi on board United-operated flights
  • Complimentary priority boarding for you and companions traveling on the same reservation
  • $95 annual fee (after the first year)
  • No intro APR period
  • Rewards are only valuable when used with United

Why we chose it: The card_name has a low annual fee and gives you valuable benefits that make up for it, such as priority boarding for everyone on the reservation and a free checked bag for you and one companion.

Other perks the card includes are:

  • Two one-time passes for United Club℠ airport lounges each account anniversary year
  • 25% back as a statement credit on in-flight purchases like food, beverages and Wi-Fi
  • Up to $100 every four years to cover the cost of TSA PreCheck®, Global Entry or NEXUS
  • Comprehensive travel insurance (auto rental collision damage waiver, baggage delay insurance, lost luggage reimbursement, trip cancellation/interruption insurance and trip delay reimbursement)

The United℠ Explorer Card earns miles on United purchases, including tickets, inflight food, beverages, Wi-Fi and more. You also earn rewards at restaurants and select hotel stays.

You can use your miles to book flights on United Airlines or its partners, including Avianca, Lufthansa and Air Canada. You can also redeem them for seat upgrades, inflight Wi-Fi passes and more — although United miles are usually more valuable when used for airfare.

Travel Credit Cards Guide

The best credit cards for travel do more than offer high reward rates on flights and hotel stays. They also provide rewards for everyday spending and perks such as travel insurance , airport lounge access and annual statement credits.

Here’s a rundown of how these cards work:

What is a travel credit card?

Travel credit cards offer benefits and rewards geared towards individuals who travel frequently or want to earn travel benefits.

They provide high rewards for travel-related expenses such as flights, hotels, rental cars and dining. You can then use these rewards (in the form of points or miles) to book travel reservations. Some cards also let you transfer your rewards to hotel and airline partners or redeem them for statement credits, cash back, gift cards and more.

On top of the rewards, these cards often feature several travel-related perks, such as no foreign transaction fees, hotel discounts, travel insurance, free checked bags and airport lounge access.

How do travel credit cards work?

Travel credit cards give you a certain number of points or miles per dollar on eligible purchases. They often offer around 5x points or more for airfare, hotel rooms, rental cars and more. Some cards may also count parking, bus fares, taxis, tolls and ferries as travel purchases.

Besides travel, you’ll typically get bonus points in additional spending categories. For example, some cards may offer 3x points per dollar on dining, groceries, drugstores or streaming services. All other eligible purchases usually get at least one point (1x) per dollar.

You can then redeem your points for flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises and more. Card issuers also usually let you redeem your points for non-travel options like statement credits, cash back or gift cards.

How to use credit card points for travel

Travel credit cards have rewards programs through which you can earn points (or miles). Well-known point programs include Chase Ultimate Rewards®, American Express Membership Rewards® and Citi ThankYou® Rewards.

To redeem your points, go to your travel card’s rewards program portal. The process may differ across credit card issuers, but you’ll usually be able to access it through your online account on the issuer’s website or app.

Points are usually worth one cent each. However, some issuers increase their value if you redeem them for travel. For example, Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card points are worth 1.25 cents when used to book flights through the Chase Travel℠ portal.

Points may also be worth less than a cent, depending on how you redeem them. For example, some cards allow you to use your points at Amazon checkout. While this might sound convenient, this option may bring down the value of points to around 0.8 cents.

Some cards also allow you to transfer your rewards to select airline and hotel partners. Typically, you can transfer rewards to these loyalty programs on a 1:1 ratio, meaning that 1,000 credit card points are worth 1,000 loyalty program points.

Difference between points and miles

You’ll earn points or miles depending on which travel credit card you have. For example, Chase travel credit cards earn points, while Capital One travel cards earn miles. Miles and points typically have similar value (around one cent each) and redemption options.

However, keep in mind that several cards that earn miles are tied to a specific airline — like the United℠ Explorer Card. In this case, you can only use your rewards for purchases with the issuing airline such as flights, seat upgrades, inflight dining and more.

Pros and cons of travel credit cards

  • Some cards offer up to 10x points per dollar on travel purchases.
  • Many have additional bonus categories for dining, grocery shopping and more.
  • They may include travel benefits like priority boarding, airport lounge access and late hotel checkouts.
  • Points or miles can also be redeemed for cash back, statement credits, gift cards and more.
  • Highest reward rates are usually limited to purchases made through the card issuer's travel portal.
  • They might not offer high rewards on spending outside of the travel category.
  • Some of the best ones can have steep annual fees and require good to excellent credit
  • Redeeming points or miles for anything other than travel can reduce their value to less than one cent per dollar.

Types of travel credit cards

Here’s a rundown of the differences between the three main types of travel credit cards:

Airline credit cards

Airline credit cards are ideal for people who regularly fly with the same airline. These cards earn miles you can redeem for flights, seat upgrades, inflight dining, airport lounge access and other travel-related purchases but typically only with the issuing airline.

Some of the best airline travel credit cards include benefits like free checked bags, priority boarding and discounts on in-flight purchases.

Hotel credit cards

With hotel credit cards, you can only redeem your points for stays, discounts and other benefits with one particular hotel chain.

For example, the Hilton Honors American Express Surpass® Card earns points for Hilton’s loyalty program, which you can redeem for free nights in the company’s properties, including Hilton Garden Inn and Waldorf Astoria hotels.

Hotel credit cards may also offer complimentary breakfast, room upgrades, late checkouts and bonus points for purchases made during your stay.

General travel credit card

General travel credit cards are more flexible than airline or hotel cards. They aren’t affiliated with a single airline or hotel chain, so their points can be used to book flights, hotel stays, rental cars and more from different companies.

These cards may also offer useful perks for frequent travelers, like airport lounge access. They can also cover the cost of a Global Entry or TSA PreCheck® membership, which allows you to skip the long lines at airport security or customs.

How to choose a travel credit card

Picking the best travel rewards credit card boils down to how often you travel, which cardmember perks you’d benefit the most from and the categories you spend the most on.

Here are some factors to keep in mind when choosing the best card for you:

  • Do you travel often? A travel rewards credit card offers high reward rates on travel spending, and you’ll get the most bang for your buck when you use their points on flights, hotels and car rentals. If you don’t take trips often but want to pile up rewards, a cash-back credit card might be a better fit.
  • Assess your everyday spending. Many travel cards have additional bonus categories other than travel, like dining, supermarkets, streaming services and drugstores. Consider your day-to-day spending habits and pick a card with bonus categories that fit your lifestyle.
  • Consider the card’s annual fees. No-annual-fee travel cards usually have few travel benefits. The best travel credit cards charge annual fees of at least $90 and can go as high as $700. However, these are often best for those that travel enough to take advantage of their benefits.
  • General travel card vs co-branded cards. General travel cards have more flexible redemption options. On the other hand, co-branded cards are often tied to a specific airline or hotel, which can limit your options. Still, they do provide valuable perks like free checked bags, in-flight discounts and hotel upgrades.
  • Compare extra travel perks. Some cards offer extras like annual statement credits for flights and hotels or upgrades when renting cars. Take the time to compare each card’s roster of add-ons and pick one that will best suit your travel plans.
  • Compare insurance policies. The best credit card travel benefits include insurance policies that cover travel accidents, rental cars, trip cancellations and more. These policies can vary widely based on the issuer and the card’s annual-fee tier.
  • Beware foreign transaction fees. Most travel credit cards don’t charge foreign transaction fees. Some cash-back cards may offer outstanding rewards for travel purchases but charge around 3% fees on purchases outside the U.S.
  • Look beyond welcome offers. A 60,000-point welcome bonus can be enticing. However, it shouldn’t be your deciding factor, especially if you’ll end up paying a high annual fee without getting your money’s worth.

How get the most out of your travel credit card

To get the most out of your travel credit card, you need to use it as often and strategically as possible. This way, you can earn points or miles with each purchase, which you can then redeem for free or discounted flights, hotels and more.

Use your travel card to pay most of your purchases and bills and then pay your card off in full each month. This will help you earn points while avoiding interest charges and high credit card debt , which can impact your credit score.

Here are some other tips to maximize your rewards and benefits:

  • Consider adding an authorized user to your account. They’ll earn points with every purchase they make, and those will get added to your overall total. However, make sure to pick someone who will use the card responsibly since you’ll be legally liable if they ever fail to pay their monthly bills.
  • Redeem your rewards for travel through the card issuer’s website. This redemption option usually offers the highest value compared to gift cards or merchandise, for example.
  • If your card offers travel protections (like travel accident or luggage insurance), use it to pay for your passenger fares. This way, you could be reimbursed in the event of an accident or lost luggage, for example.
  • Use your airline or hotel card to sign up for the company’s frequent flyer or frequent guest loyalty program. You’ll often earn extra points or miles when you’re a member and use your co-branded card to pay for flights, hotel stays and more.
  • If you can transfer points from other credit cards to your travel card, take advantage of this feature. This way, you can accumulate extra points for travel booking and sometimes even increase their value.

Best Travel Credit Cards FAQs

What is the best travel credit card, what is the best credit card for international travel, how to travel for free with credit cards, what is the best credit card for travel miles, what is a welcome bonus on a credit card, how we chose the best travel credit cards.

We ranked the best credit cards for travel based on their annual fees, benefits, reward rates and redemption flexibility.

Fees: We compared interest rates and foreign, cash advance and balance transfer fees for more than 50 credit cards. We also considered their annual fee, looking for those that offered the most for the money.

Ongoing benefits: Intro APR and bonus offers are attractive, but they can only get you so far. We focused on cards with year-round benefits such as travel insurance or cell phone protection plans.

Reward rates: We preferred cards that allow you to earn extra points from travel expenses, as well as those that provide significant bonus rewards in popular spending categories, like dining, supermarkets or streaming services.

Redemption flexibility: Our picks don’t limit your redemption options to just travel. Some let you use your points for Amazon purchases, for example. We also preferred issuers that allowed cardholders to transfer their points to airline and hotel partners.

Summary of Money’s Best Travel Credit Cards of May 2024

  • Discover it® Miles Credit Card – Best no-annual-fee travel card for simple rewards has partnered with CardRatings for our coverage of credit card products. and CardRatings may receive a commission from card issuers.

For Capital One products listed on this page, some of the above benefits are provided by Visa® or Mastercard® and may vary by product. See the respective Guide to Benefits for details, as terms and exclusions apply.

To see rates and fees for the American Express® Gold Card, visit this link . Terms apply.

To see rates and fees for The Platinum Card® from American Express, visit this link . Terms apply.

To see rates and fees for The Business Platinum Card® from American Express, visit this link . Terms apply.

* Insurance disclosures for American Express Cards on this page:

Trip Delay Insurance: Eligibility and Benefit level varies by Card. Terms, Conditions and Limitations Apply. Please visit for more details. Underwritten by New Hampshire Insurance Company, an AIG Company.

Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance: Eligibility and Benefit level varies by Card. Terms, Conditions and Limitations Apply. Please visit for more details. Underwritten by New Hampshire Insurance Company, an AIG Company.

Baggage Insurance Plan: Eligibility and Benefit level varies by Card. Terms, Conditions and Limitations Apply. Please visit for more details. Underwritten by AMEX Assurance Company.

Global Assist Hotline: Eligibility and Benefit level varies by Card. Terms, Conditions and Limitations Apply. Please visit for more details. Card Members are responsible for the costs charged by third-party service providers.

Extended Warranty, Purchase Protection, Eligibility and Benefit level varies by Card. Terms, Conditions and Limitations Apply. Please visit for more details. Underwritten by AMEX Assurance Company.

Car Rental Loss & Damage Insurance: Eligibility and Benefit level varies by Card. Terms, Conditions and Limitations Apply. Please visit for more details. Underwritten by AMEX Assurance Company. Car Rental Loss or Damage Coverage is offered through American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.

** Car Rental Loss and Damage Insurance can provide coverage up to $75,000 for theft of or damage to most rental vehicles when you use your eligible Card to reserve and pay for the entire eligible vehicle rental and decline the collision damage waiver or similar option offered by the Commercial Car Rental Company. This product provides secondary coverage and does not include liability coverage. Not all vehicle types or rentals are covered. Geographic restrictions apply. Eligibility and Benefit level varies by Card. Terms, Conditions, and Limitations Apply. Please visit for more details. Underwritten by AMEX Assurance Company. Car Rental Loss or Damage Coverage is offered through American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.

*** Car Rental Loss and Damage Insurance can provide coverage up to $50,000 for theft of or damage to most rental vehicles when you use your eligible Card to reserve and pay for the entire eligible vehicle rental and decline the collision damage waiver or similar option offered by the Commercial Car Rental Company. This product provides secondary coverage and does not include liability coverage. Not all vehicle types or rentals are covered. Geographic restrictions apply. Eligibility and Benefit level varies by Card. Terms, Conditions, and Limitations Apply. Please visit for more details. Underwritten by AMEX Assurance Company. Car Rental Loss or Damage Coverage is offered through American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.

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Home > Learn > Credit & Debt > What Can You Use Your Business Rewards Credit Card For?

What Can You Use Your Business Rewards Credit Card For?

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Credit card rewards programs can be a major bonus, especially for small businesses. Taking advantage of business rewards credit cards can help you grow your business by making the most of your business credit cards and business spending.

You need to remember a few important things when using business credit cards. You should keep your business credit card dedicated to company finances and separate from personal expenses. Keeping your finances separate will make purchases and expenses easier for you and help protect your personal finances from business liabilities.

Arkansas Federal Credit Union offers a Business Cash Back Credit Card . With the cash-back credit card, you can earn 2% cash-back for every $1 you spend on your business. Earn 2 points for every $1 spent on purchases. Points may be redeemed for cash back equal to 2.00%. Cash Advances and Balance Transfers do not earn points.

Apply for a cash-back credit card today and start earning rewards for your business with every purchase.

What Is a Business Credit Card?

A business credit card is a credit card specifically for business expenses. Some banks offer special deals or interest rates for business credit cards that aren’t available for personal credit cards. 

What Can You Use a Business Credit Card For?

You can use a business credit card for any business-related expenses. Depending on the type of business you own, your business credit card may have a wide range of uses.

Everyday Expenses

A few everyday business expenses you might pay for through your business credit card are office supplies, equipment, software subscriptions, or utility bills.

Business Travel and Client Entertainment

Business travel and client entertainment can be major business expenses. Putting these transactions on a business card can help you earn rewards and finance purchases. When traveling for business reasons or taking current or potential clients out to eat, a business rewards credit card is a great asset.

Marketing and Advertising

You can put marketing and advertising expenses, online ad campaigns, graphic design services, or print materials on your business credit card.

Technology and Equipment Upgrades

Whether buying something for the first time or upgrading your equipment, technology purchases like computers and software can be some of the most expensive things businesses purchase. Using a business rewards credit card can help you earn for your business while you improve and grow with major financial purchases.

Inventory and Supplies

Inventory and business supplies vary based on the type of business. These could include any materials, product inventory, packaging, or shipping materials you may have. Purchasing inventory and supplies is a good opportunity to use a business credit card because these purchases can be expensive.

How Can You Use Your Business Rewards Credit Card?

You can use your Arkansas Federal Business Cash Back Credit Card for any business needs. Using a cash-back rewards card allows you to finance business purchases and save for the future.

Open a Business Rewards Credit Card Today

Business rewards credit cards can offer a lot of benefits to businesses. For growing businesses, taking advantage of all potential rewards and savings can help you grow your business more efficiently.

By taking advantage of a cash-back rewards credit card, you can earn money for your business with every purchase you make.  Earn unlimited 2% cash-back Earn 2 points for every $1 spent on purchases. Points may be redeemed for cash back equal to 2.00%. Cash Advances and Balance Transfers do not earn points. for your business on every purchase, everywhere. Apply for a Business Cash Back Credit Card with Arkansas Federal Credit Union today.

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Business traveler dos and don'ts

Traveling for work can be many things: exhilarating and productive, or exhausting and stressful. Sometimes it’s all of those rolled into one. If you’re looking for more of the former and less of the latter, some universal tips will help you when you’re on the road for business.

Here are our top 8.

Do familiarize yourself with company travel policies

There’s nothing worse than finding out that a ride to your hotel or a restaurant meal is going to cost you your own hard-earned money because it was noncompliant. Luckily, if you educate yourself before booking travel and starting your journey, it can help you get what you need and stay within policy.

Did you know? With Uber for Business , traveling employees gain access to the business hub. This lets those who are linked to their company’s account see all their sponsored travel benefits in the Uber and Uber Eats apps. View workplace programs, like business travel or meals, manage business profiles, change payment methods, and contact Support all in one place.

Do pack lightly and efficiently

Picture this: you arrive at your destination after a long travel day. You head to baggage claim, wait patiently as the suitcases drop onto the carousel, and daydream about dinner. Soon it becomes clear that your bag is nowhere to be found, and now you’re stuck without your clothes the night before a big presentation. Avoid this scenario by packing strategically and using only a carry-on. If you must check a bag, make sure you bring essentials with you on the plane.

Do plan some bleisure activities

Business travel doesn’t have to be all work and no play. If your company and your personal schedule allow for it, build in an extra day or 2 to explore your destination. Take in some sights, try some local cuisine, and make some memories that’ll last well beyond your work trip.

Do take advantage of travel perks

The savviest road warriors know how to get the most out of a business trip. Many companies have partnerships with major hotel brands or airlines, meaning business travelers can earn perks that they can put toward future personal trips. Don’t let those points or miles go to waste.

Did you know? Traveling employees can use Uber for Business to make work trips work for them. By connecting Uber and Marriott Bonvoy TM accounts, they can earn points redeemable for personal travel when they request eligible rides and order eligible meals on the road.

Don't book at the last minute

When it comes to business travel, good things don’t come to those who wait. Securing airline tickets, hotel rooms, or conference passes at the last minute can mean fewer options, less flexibility, and higher costs. Booking your travel and accommodations as early as possible can save you a potential headache and your company valuable dollars.

Did you know? With Uber Reserve, travelers can request a ride up to 90 days in advance. They can also choose from a variety of ride options, get up to 15 minutes of wait time, and cancel up to one hour before the ride at no charge. 1 Don’t get stranded without transportation, and never be late to that important meeting again.

Don't neglect health and wellness

Being on a work trip means being out of your routine, which can negatively affect sleep, diet, and fitness. It’s easy to get caught up in the hecticness and excitement, but don’t sacrifice your physical and mental well-being. Prioritizing sleep, eating nourishing meals, and getting consistent exercise are great ways to feel good not only while you’re on the road but also when you return.

Don't forgo local customs

Part of a successful trip, whether it’s for fun or for work, means operating respectfully within local culture. This is especially important for international travel, in which customs may be quite different from those of your home. Avoid faux pas by brushing up on your destination—like knowing the standards for dress, greetings, tipping, taboo topics, and cuisine—before heading out.

Don't forget to reconcile post-trip expenses

Work trips aren’t just about what happens during the booking process or at the destination. An important final step is reporting on business expenses. Make sure you’re keeping track of ground transportation, meals on the road, or other eligible expenses, and submit them within your company’s allotted deadline.

Did you know? Uber for Business expense integrations streamline the expense process for employees. Travelers’ ride and meal receipts will automatically flow directly into the company’s expense provider dashboard, saving time and cutting down on human error.

1 Wait time varies based on the vehicle option you select. Go to Uber Reserve Terms for details.

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By use case

Holiday gifting

Celebrate the holidays with vouchers and gift cards

Business travel

Oversee your travel program with the flexibility and reporting you need.

Employee commute

Set up a stress-free commute program for your employees.

Event transport

Get attendees to and from your next event.

Employee shuttles

Offer group transportation for daily commutes, cross-campus dashes, and more.

Courtesy rides

Request rides for customers and guests with ease, even if they don't have the Uber app.

Meal programs

One platform gives you the control to provide meals in multiple ways.

Recruit, retain, and reward your employees with Uber perks they want.

Corporate gifting

Exec management

Request rides and meals for leaders.

By industry

Elevate customer service with on-demand rides.

Improve health outcomes and the patient experience by enabling better access to care.


Delight your guests with rides and meals.

Financial services

Keep your employees moving and your clients happy.

Offer rides and meals to employees and constituents.

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    Of the 2 million people clogging airport security lines and gate areas again each day, one crowd is still largely missing: business travelers.

  24. TravelCenters opens stores in Arkansas, Louisiana

    WESTLAKE, Ohio — TravelCenters of America has opened two TA Express locations, one in Jonesboro, Ark., and the other in St. Rose, La. The Arkansas location, off of Interstate 555, offers a variety of amenities including fuel, convenience items and a restaurant for professional drivers and motorists. The location has a quick-service KFC; store ...

  25. 14 Best Travel Credit Cards of May 2024

    Summary of Money's Best Travel Credit Cards of May 2024. Bank of America® Travel Rewards Credit Card - Best no-annual-fee travel card for flat rate rewards. Bilt Mastercard® - Best no ...

  26. What Can You Use Your Business Rewards Credit Card For?

    Keeping your finances separate will make purchases and expenses easier for you and help protect your personal finances from business liabilities. Arkansas Federal Credit Union offers a Business Cash Back Credit Card. With the cash-back credit card, you can earn 2% cash-back for every $1 you spend on your business. 1.

  27. The Top 8 Business Traveler Dos and Don'ts

    View workplace programs, like business travel or meals, manage business profiles, change payment methods, and contact Support all in one place. Do pack lightly and efficiently . Picture this: you arrive at your destination after a long travel day. You head to baggage claim, wait patiently as the suitcases drop onto the carousel, and daydream ...

  28. Weather Today for Bald Knob, AR

    Everything you need to know about today's weather in Bald Knob, AR. High/Low, Precipitation Chances, Sunrise/Sunset, and today's Temperature History.

  29. AR Business Travel

    AR Business Travel guarantees you management experience in the area of SMEs and large enterprises. AR BUSINESS TRAVEL S.A. C/ Isla del Hierro 7, Planta 1 - Puerta OF3 | 28703 San Sebastián de los Reyes (MADRID) | Telf.: 91 18 40 160 | E-mail: [email protected]

  30. Limited commercial space doesn't deter out-of-state businesses from

    Out-of-state businesses continue to open offices in Northwest Arkansas despite limited commercial real estate space. The vacancy rate for commercial real estate space was 6.4% in the second half ...