Travel Europe on a Budget

The Savvy Backpacker

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Guide to long-term travel in europe: how to stay longer than 90 days.

Discover how to stay in Europe for more than 90 days. Advice for dealing with visa issues, travel costs, accommodation, and saving money.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Long-term travel in Europe is a dream that many of us have, but dealing with visa issues, travel costs, accommodation, and saving money can be quite difficult. This guide will walk you through these important steps of staying in Europe longer than 90 days and will help you plan your big trip abroad.

Quick Outline To This Guide

Note About Staying in Europe For More than 90 Days

The Schengen Area Explained

How the schengen zone effects you.

  • List of Schengen Countries
  • List of Non-Schengen Countries and Visa Requirements 

Ways To Stay In Europe For More Than 90 Days

Split up schengen and non-schengen countries, working holiday visa, become a student at a european university.

  • Long Term Tourist Visa

Language Assistant Program

Teaching english as a foreign language (tefl) jobs, self employment or freelance visa.

  • European Passport

Stay Illegally

Money-Saving Advice for Long Term Travel

Quality Over Quantity

  • Apartment Rentals and Hostels


Note about staying in europe for more than 90 days.

The very first step of planning your long-term travels through Europe is to ensure that you know the laws on how long you’re legally allowed to visit. Traveling more than 90 days gets a bit tricky because of visa issues. 

Unfortunately, these visa issues often make it very difficult to travel through Europe for an extended amount of time — but there are still options for determined travelers. This guide will explain what you need to know about long-term travel in Europe.

The first thing you need to know about is the Schengen Area…


From Wikipedia…

The  Schengen Area  is a group of 26 European countries that have abolished passport and immigration controls at their common borders. It functions as a single country for international travel purposes, with a common visa policy. Joining Schengen entails eliminating internal border controls with the other Schengen members, while simultaneously strengthening external border controls with non-Schengen states. — Wikipedia

When most travelers mention being able to stay in Europe for more than 90 days, they are generally referring to staying in the Schengen Area — this is because the Schengen Area encompasses  most  of the countries in Europe.

The map above is from the  BBC  and it does a good job of visually showing the difference between all the different zones.  For most travelers (Americans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders), you only need a valid passport to enter a Schengen Area country — but the bad news is that you need a visa (which is difficult to get) if you wish to stay more than 90 days.

Americans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, etc. can only stay in the Schengen Area (without a special visa) for a period of 90 days within a 180 day period.

If you leave the Schengen Area, the countdown clock stops and doesn’t start until you enter it again. Once you reach your 90-day limit, you have to stay out for an additional 90 days.

Think of it this way… the day you enter the Schengen zone it starts a 180-day countdown. Of that 180 days, you can only stay there for a total of 90 days. You can stay for 30 days, then 10 days, then 2 days, etc. but once you hit that 90-day total you have to leave until that initial 180 days have elapsed.

List of Schengen Area countries

Non-schengen area countries.

Each non-Schengen member country has its own rules about how long a visitor can stay in the country without a special visa. Notable countries include:

  • United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland) — 180 days
  • Republic of Ireland — 90 days
  • Romania — 90 day
  • Croatia — 90 days
  • Belarus — 30+ days (you need a visa here, but you apply for it in-country. Costs about $35.)
  • Ukraine — 90 days
  • Others — You’ll have to look up other countries’ visa requirements. The US State Department  does a good job explaining the requirements for US citizens.

I hate to say it but traveling for longer than 90 days in Europe is very difficult.

But it isn’t impossible!

I’ve listed all the methods I know of, but there could be other ways. Please let me know if you know of any other methods.

The easiest way to extend your trip past 90 days is to visit both Schengen and non-Schengen countries. Once your 90 days are up, travel to the UK, Ireland, or one of the many Eastern European countries that aren’t part of the agreement. Once you’ve spent 90 days there, you are free to return to the Schengen area for another 90 days. You can keep repeating this process until you run out of money.

Citizens of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand have working holiday agreements with many European countries that usually last between 1-2 years. These visas are intended to allow young people (18-35) to work while they travel. These visas normally have a few stipulations, but they’re easy to obtain. The United States does not have a working holiday visa program with any European country. You can view a list of working holiday agreements here .

Full-time foreign students are granted visas to complete their studies. There are many university courses taught completely in English throughout Europe (but your options will increase if you speak the local language).

Additionally, a few countries charge foreign students the same tuition as their citizens — which can be as low as a few hundred euros a year. Once you have a visa, you are free to move around any EU country without hassle. It isn’t exactly uncommon for students to pay the super cheap tuition, get their student visa, and then just travel and never actually go to school.

There are many full-time foreign language courses in Europe that will enable you to get a student visa — this is a nice option if you want to learn a foreign language and travel on the weekends and holidays. These courses normally don’t follow the same tuition guidelines as normal European Universities, so they’re more expensive.

For example, the intensive 25 hours/week French language course through the Sorbonne in Paris will cost a few thousand dollars for a semester. However, student visa holders are often entitled to work part-time. There are many options available throughout Europe, but you’ll have to scour the web.

Long-Term Tourist Visa

Many countries offer a long-term tourist visa that is generally valid for one year. I know France is one country that will allow you to apply for a one-year visa. However, you have to have a lot of money in the bank, and you won’t have any right to work. The French consulate never specifies how much money you need to have in savings, but most people say around $30,000+. You have to approve a few other things, but you can read what is required on the French Consulate of San Francisco  site. They really want to make sure you can fully support yourself while in France.

I know France and Spain (maybe other countries, too) have an English language assistant program that is run by the government. You normally do need to have some knowledge of the local language, but this is a good way to stay in Europe for a long period of time. I have friends who did the  language assistant program in France for seven months. Language assistants work 12 hours in class each week and get paid around €1000/month after taxes. Some assistants get lucky and don’t have any classes on Monday and Friday — which allows them to travel around Europe on the weekends.

I’m not super familiar with this, but I know some people who were able to get TEFL jobs in Prague, and they were granted 6-month visas (which could be renewed). You’ll need some type of TEFL training, but this could be a good way to stay in Europe for an extended period of time. This is also common in Spain.

If you’re self-employed and have the ability to work from anywhere in the world, then you might be eligible for a self-employment visa.

I know France has a version of this that can be pretty complicated and confusing, and I believe you have to get the visa before you arrive in France.

Germany is another country that issues this type of visa for foreigners, but you don’t apply for it until you get to Germany. Registering as a freelancer is surprisingly simple if you meet all the requirements. You just need to fill out a few forms and you’ll get a one-year visa. The most popular place to be a freelancer is Berlin since it is so cheap. This site will tell you what documents you need to get a freelance visa in Berlin.

Get A European Passport

Do your parents (or grandparents/great-grandparents in some cases) have citizenship in a European country? If so, you might be able to apply for a passport for that country. Once you have a passport from an EU country, you can work in any EU country without any paperwork or restrictions. This process can take a very long time, but it is worth looking into.

Important Note: With the recent immigration/refugee issues throughout Europe there have been increased border checks — even between Schengen members. Overstaying your stay is a bit riskier these days and it’s not recommended.

While I certainly don’t recommend it, many people choose to overstay the 90-day limit and continue to travel. This is mainly possible because there are no border checks between Schengen member countries. For example, if you travel from France to Italy, no one will look at your passport — whether you’re European or not. There will sometimes be immigration officials on trains, but they usually won’t look too closely at your passport if you look like your average western tourist. BUT, sometimes they do look closely, so do this at your own risk.

The biggest chance of getting caught is when you actually leave the Schengen zone (even if you’re going back to your home country) because the immigration officials will often add up the amount of time you’ve been there. After living in France for 18 months, I went back to the US via Iceland, and they questioned why I was in Europe for so long. Luckily, I had my valid French work permit card in my wallet because I had no other proof in my passport that showed I was allowed to stay in Europe that long.

I’ve found out that Scandinavian countries, as well as Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Poland are all pretty big sticklers about checking the length of time you’ve been in the Schengen area. Therefore, if you do overstay 90 days, I highly recommend that you don’t depart from those countries.

For whatever reason, France, Italy, and Greece seem to be the most relaxed with their immigration. They sometimes don’t even stamp the passports of people entering on flights straight from the US. Additionally, they seem to never even look at the passports of outgoing travelers. If you do overstay the 90-day limit, I highly recommend leaving from one of these countries — but make sure you don’t change planes in one of the countries listed in the previous paragraph. For example, when I flew from France, I changed planes in Iceland, and they checked my passport closely at the airport there.

So what are the penalties if you overstay the 90 days? It seems to vary. You might get a warning and be forced to leave the country right then. Or you might also get a big fine and be banned from entering the EU or any Schengen Area country for 1-5 years. Honestly, I wouldn’t want to risk it.

Money Saving Advice for Long Term Travel

Since most long-term travelers go without an income for a long period of time, it is important to find ways to live as inexpensively as possible. The ideas below will help extend your travel money.

One of the beautiful things about long-term travel is the ability to stay in one location for an extended period of time. Instead of rushing off to a new location every 3-4 days, you can now stay in the same city for weeks. This allows you to truly experience life like a local, and you’ll develop a greater appreciation for the place you’re visiting. You won’t feel guilty for spending a few hours relaxing in a park instead of trying to visit every cultural sight in the city.

Another benefit of moving around less often is the reduced transportation costs. Taking a train or a plane every week will seriously eat your savings away — especially if you’re traveling for an extended amount of time. Here are a bunch of articles about saving money on transportation .

Apartments and Hostels

If you stick to one location for an extended period of time, you’ll also be able to save money on accommodation. Sometimes hostels will give you a better deal if you stay over a week or two (it might be best to contact the hostel directly).

But the best bang for your buck will probably be renting an apartment. If you rent an apartment for a few weeks, it will often cost just about the same as staying in a hostel — and it will be much more comfortable (staying in a hostel for a month does start to wear on you). Plus, with an apartment, you can cook your own meals — which is a great excuse to check out local markets. I’ve written a more in-depth article about renting an apartment in Europe .

It is certainly difficult to travel long-term without having to pay a lot for accommodation, and Couchsurfing is probably the easiest way. Although you will have to be pretty flexible with your schedule and sometimes book a last-minute hostel if your hosts have to bail. But Couchsurfing is still a great way to travel if you don’t mind losing a bit of privacy. For more about Couchsurfing, you can read my post where I go into a lot more detail.


Many farmers in Europe need extra assistance during certain times of the year, so they get volunteers to help. They can’t legally pay you, but they can provide room and board. Volunteering can last anywhere from a few days to a few months (as long as you don’t overstay your visa). WWOOF and HelpX are the two biggest resources for finding volunteer opportunities.

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1. we (to travel) around europe last year

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How to travel europe like a pro: 50 europe travel tips you need to know before you go.

Europe Travel Tips

Before you go to leave, be sure to read these 50 essential tips for traveling to Europe that you help you travel Europe like a pro!

Europe travel tips: 50 things you should know before going to europe.

Europe is my favorite place to travel. Despite having traveled extensively around the world, it’s still the place I return to again and again. We travel Europe at least once a year, and even lived there for an entire year!

But you don’t have to stay for an entire year to get a feel for this amazing continent. Even just one week in Europe  at any of these incredible destinations is enough to make you fall in love!

There are so many incredible places to go in Europe with so many different countries and cultures to explore without actually traveling very far! Traveling through Europe can seem a little overwhelming if you’ve never been before, so I wanted to share a few things you should know before going to Europe. This will make your first visit much more enjoyable.

If you’re traveling with kids, be sure to read these 10 tips for taking kids to Europe. 

1. Budget for Your Trip

Before you even purchase tickets to Europe, sit down, like a responsible adult, and plan a budget for your trip to Europe. Make sure it’s realistic and make sure it’s something that you can afford right now. While I love to rack up credit card points by using them on travel, it’s important to be reasonable. The good news is that Europe can be done fairly inexpensively, in fact, we actually spent less money traveling Europe for a year than we did staying home!

How much does it cost to travel Europe?

That answer really depends on how many people are in your party, what style of travel you like, and how budget you’re willing to go. You can travel Europe cheap if you’re smart about it, but I would plan on $1,000/person for each week just to be safe.

The cheapest way to explore Europe is to plan ahead and shop around for the best deals on accommodation, transportation, and airfare because there are tons of Europe travel deals out there on the internet! If you want to know how to travel Europe cheap, you can read about how we actually spend less money living there for a year than we did at home. 

Be sure to read my guide to planning financially for a vacation,   which includes a Europe travel budget calculator so that you can find out just how much your trip will cost.

2. Save for Your Trip

Now that you have your budget set in place for visiting Europe you can start saving! These are some easy ways that I save money for travel.  You don’t need to turn over your whole paycheck, but you’ll need to make saving for travel a priority so you don’t go into crazy debt to be able to afford it. Credit cards definitely have their place and can be useful for earning points, but be sure you pay it off each month! If you can’t afford to do so, maybe don’t spend it. This is why having a travel fund is so important. When those travel deals pop up you’ll be ready to jump with your special savings!

3. Check Europe Travel Visa Requirements

Americans traveling to Europe won’t need a Visa to travel to most countries on the continent. Europe travel visas are a little complicated, but you can learn more about them here.   If you’re looking to stay in Europe for more than 90 days, read this.

Beginning in 2023, US citizens and citizens of other previously non-visa countries coming to the EU will now need a ETIAS Visa. Read here for what that means for you.

tips for traveling Europe

4. Buy Flights Early

You can usually get the best deals to Europe by booking early. Start keeping an eye out for cheap flights as early as possible. Read my guide to finding cheap flights to be sure you’re getting the best deals!

5. Read Books About your Destinations

Once you decide where you’re going in Europe, find books to read about it. I don’t mean guide books, although those can be great. I love these ones. I mean books, both fiction and nonfiction, that tell a story set in Europe. It can make your trip so much more meaningful when you have some connections.

You can read this awesome list of 100+ books organized by continent that will inspire you to travel.

6. Pack Light

Pack light, especially if you’ll be traveling around Europe and taking public transportation. There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to haul heavy luggage around on trains! I promise!

Make a packing list, then take less than you think you’ll need. If you’re going to Europe for more than one week, pack for one week, then plan on washing and/or re-wearing what you’ve brought. There’s nothing shameful about washing your laundry in a tub or sink or even spending some time with the locals at the laundromat! It could be an adventure!

If you want to wash your own clothes more efficiently, consider getting one of these awesome laundry wash bags that make laundry day way easier and more fun!

7. Bring Melatonin to Beat Jetlag

Consult your doctor before taking any medication. I am not a doctor, but this is what works for me. I buy the gummy melatonin (because I have kids) and take it with me every time I travel. Sleeping in a new bed is hard enough, but add a 6 hour time difference once you’re in Europe and it’s all over! When you’re ready for bed, take about 3-10 mg of melatonin which will help you shift your internal clock. Melatonin is an over the counter sleep aid and can be purchased at any drug store or grocery store. I really like this one because it tastes delicious and is 5mg (a good amount for adults) and this one for kids or smaller people since it’s only 2.5 mg (which is hard to find in stores).

Be sure to pull down the shades and make it as dark as possible. I like to use this amazing eye mask to achieve complete darkness! I love that it leaves space for your eyelashes, which is a huge selling point for me! And yes, it does look like a bra for your eyes! 

How to Travel Europe Like a Pro: 50 Europe Travel Tips You Need to Know Before You Go

8. Don’t Try to See it All!

This is probably one of my best Europe travel tips! T raveling to Europe for the first time will be so exciting and you’re going to want to see as much as you can.  Europe is filled with so many bucket list destinations screaming to be visited! Unless you’re staying in Europe for a year, don’t try to see it all in one trip! Europe is huge and each country is so different. Just one city could honestly keep you busy for a lifetime!

Even though it’s so easy to travel around Europe, don’t spend all of your time on a train, plane or car! Plus, just more reasons to come back right?! I would stick to 2-3 cities in one visit depending on the length of your trip. The best way to travel Europe is slowly! Take your time, you can always come back.

If you only have one week, these 20 One-Week Europe Trip Itinerary Ideas will help you decide which cities to visit.

9. Book Your Accommodations as Early as Possible

Once you know where you’re going in Europe you can book your accommodation. The sooner you book your accommodation in Europe the better! You’ll have more options and lower prices.

We like to use this website to easily search for our desired accommodations. I like it because you can enter specific parameters like hotels with pools, good for kids, a certain number of beds, etc. 

Also, consider using VRBO instead of staying in a hotel. It can significantly increase your savings! Staying in a VRBO also allows you to see your destination as the locals do. 

Train Travel in Europe

10. Learn How to Travel Around Europe

Before arriving in any city, be sure to do some research and learn how to get around using public transportation or a rental car. Each city has its own rules that can be complicated to say the least. Using public transportation in a foreign country can be a great way to experience cities like a local but can also be intimidating. Be sure to do your research ahead of time so you know how to use each public transportation system. If you’re going to London, read my guide to getting around London here and my guide to train travel in Italy here . 

11. Travel Europe by Train

I think the train is the best way to travel Europe!

Train travel in Europe is an efficient and inexpensive way to get around within the countries and between them. You may want to consider getting a Rail Pass train tickets .  When you travel Europe by train, be sure you know the rules for each country.

If you’re going to Italy, read about how to use the train system in Italy here.

12. Get an International Drivers License

Be careful when renting cars in Europe that you check to see if an international drivers license is required. Obtaining one is quick and easy. You can make an appointment at any AAA. You’ll need 2 pictures of yourself and your drivers’ license. Read this to learn more.

13. Call Your Credit Card Company

Before leaving for your trip to Europe, call your bank and/or credit card company and tell then where and when you’re traveling. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had my card put on hold from forgetting to do this!14 . Take a Credit Card, Debit Card, and Cash

In Europe they have this thing called “Chip and Pin” that the US hasn’t seemed to catch onto for some reason. Because of this, your credit card might not work sometimes, so be sure you have a debit card and/or cash on hand.

15 . Have Cash with You

I recommend using an ATM to withdrawal the local currency as it will use your bank’s exchange rate, which will most likely be lower than the foreign transaction fees of the currency exchange booths at the airport.

You’ll also want to have cash as some places may not accept cards. This is especially true for many gelaterias in Europe! You want to be sure to have cash for those important things like gelato!!! Some small towns in Europe may not even accept cards at restaurants, so you’ll want to have a decent chunk of cash hidden away.

16. Know About the Currency of Each Country

When I went to Europe as a little girl, before the EU was formed, every country had a different currency. It was really fun to collect the coins, but a nightmare when you were road tripping through Europe!

Now, most countries in Europe use the Euro, but some countries still use their own currency. Here is a list of countries who use the Euro:

  • Netherlands

All other European countries that don’t use the Euro use a local currency. You can see a complete list here. 

17. Leave the Majority of Your Cash in the Hotel

While it’s important to have cash available during your trip to Europe, you don’t want to be carrying around hundreds of Euros/Pounds/Franks/etc. every day. Leave the majority of your cash in your hotel room or Airbnb. Be sure to put it away so it’s not visible.

Europe Travel Tips Venice

18. Wear Your Cash

I like to carry cash close to me in one of these carriers or in my favorite travel accessory ever… a fanny pack (bum bag for non-Americans). How did I ever live from age 10-30 without one of these?! Why did I stop wearing them? They’re literally the best invention!

I own several, including this beautiful one from Fawn Design , but I love these ones as well, and they come in 12 different colors. They are a perfect size to put your phone and wallet in. I even have this larger fanny pack that actually holds my Sony camera! I like it because you can turn it into a purse if you feel so inclined, but honestly, why would you want to?! Everyone get on the fanny pack train with me ok?! Please!

19. Spend Your Coins

I’m not used to pulling out coins to pay for things in the US unless I’m buying gum! But in Europe you’ll be getting a lot of 2 Euro coins that add up quickly. Be sure you spend your coins as well as your cash. Also, if you’re exchanging any leftover currency at the airport before you go home, they do not accept coins! I usually give my kids all my leftover coins to go to town at the airport gift shops!

20. Know How to Stay Safe

This is probably one of the most important travel tips for Europe.

Europe is pretty safe in general. But just like anywhere in the world, it is best to be on your guard and be away of risks and threats around you. Be especially careful in highly touristy areas where there are large crowds in small spaces. I highly recommend wearing a fanny pack instead of a backpack. And if you have a backpack, don’t keep your wallet in the front pocket where it’s accessible to pickpockets.

Don’t walk alone at night down dark alleys. Basically, take the same types of precautions that you’d take at home.

Also beware of scammers asking for you to sign a petition, mothers with children asking you for money, or people posing as train company employees offering to help you buy tickets. These are pretty well-known scams around Europe, so just keep an eye out and know what you’re up against.

21. Travel Insurance Europe

It’s always a good idea to have travel insurance when you travel to Europe. I think the best travel insurance for Europe is World Nomads. They are a reputable company that has been around for a long time. You can check their rates here.  I also really like Allianz    because kids are free! You can check their rates here. 

22. Register with the State Department

For safety reasons, it’s a good idea to register your location and dates with the State Department.  Especially if you’re travelling alone in Europe. It’s easy and only takes a few minutes. If anything were to happen, the Embassy would know to find and help you! You’ll see why I feel so strongly about this in my next tip…

23. Always Carry Your Passport

I feel like this is a highly debated topic, but I’m just giving you my personal opinion. We keep our passports with us at all times in Europe. We were in Paris on the day of the attacks a few years ago. If anything had happened to us it would have been essential for us to have our passports, especially if we couldn’t get back to our Airbnb. You just never know what could happen and it’s always better to be prepared for anything.

24. Book Attraction Tickets in Advance

With travel becoming more and more popular and overtourism becoming a real problem, popular attractions like the Eiffel Tower, Vatican, London Eye, and Colosseum require advanced booking or you risk not being able to visit them. This happened to us on one of our visits to Paris with the kids and it was a total bummer. You can book almost any attraction in Europe here , including skip-the-line tours.

25. Don’t Over-Plan

While it’s important to plan out your trip, especially for major attractions, be sure to leave some unscheduled time in your European itinerary for downtime and also for wandering aimlessly, which is one of my very favorite European vacation pastimes!

26. Get Off the Beaten Path

Definitely visit those top sites that you’ve been dreaming of seeing (there’s really no comparison to the Eiffel Tower), but don’t be afraid to get off the beaten path a bit and explore some alternative destinations and sites around Europe.  With over 15 million tourists each year, Europe can get crowded, especially during peak season. Don’t be afraid to leave the tourists’ path and try something new and different.

27. Stay Connected Abroad

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

I don’t know about you, but I literally cannot live without my phone. It’s not because I’m addicted to technology (ok maybe I am) But seriously, maps, UBER, etc…so hard to live without those things, especially when traveling! Stay connected by either getting a local SIM Card (most airports will have kiosks where you can rent or buy one, or you can just buy one online here ) or use a Portable WiFi device like Skyroam.

Also use Express VPN. Learn more about why you need a VPN here. 

28. Learn a few words of the local language

Knowing just a few words in the local language can be hugely helpful. Just knowing how to say please, thank you, yes, no, and excuse me can be crucial. Lucky for us language-lacking Americans, most people in Europe’s city centers will speak passing English and be able to understand what you’re saying at least. The farther out from the cities you get, the more difficult this becomes. You’ll also want to be sure you have the Google Translate app installed on your phone with the languages of the European countries you’re traveling to. 

29. Wake Up Early

This may seem basic, but it’s probably one of my best Europe travel tips! Make use of those early morning hours and wander the streets before the rest of the tourists descend. This is especially true for Venice, Paris, and Rome, which can be magical places in the morning light. It’s the only time you’ll be able to experience these cities without the hoards.

Europe Travel Tips Wake Up Early

I like to wake up around 5:30 or 6 and walk out the door right around the time the sun comes up, which will vary depending on the season you visit. Then we usually have an early lunch and go back to our Airbnb or hotel for a rest during the hottest and busiest hours of the day so we can recharge, and go out again around 3 or 4 for more exploring. Then we have dinner after the sun goes down to take advantage of all the daylight hours.

30. Shop at the Grocery Stores

One of my favorite things to do when visiting Europe is to shop at the grocery stores! I know it seems really silly, and non-vacation-like, but I get pretty sick of eating out and I love to discover the different products in foreign countries.

If you visit Paris, Monoprix is my favorite store. In London, I love Marks & Spencer. At these stores, you can also usually find premade salads, sandwiches, and pre-cut and packaged fruits and vegetables which make for really convenient picnic food or just a meal on the go. It’s also a great way to save money while traveling in Europe.

Pay attention to the opening hours because some shops close in the afternoon for lunch and a nap!

31. Shop at the Markets

Be sure to spend some time shopping at the local markets around Europe. You never know what you’ll find. Most markets are not just a touristy thing to do, but places that locals come to get their weekly or daily groceries. Try something you’ve never tried before. You never know what you might fall in love with. Some of my favorite European foods are ones that I’ve tried at a market. Check out the best European markets here.

32. Know How to Find Authentic Restaurants

When you’re looking for a great authentic and affordable place to eat in Europe, get AWAY from the main tourist attractions at least several blocks before considering anything.

Avoid places with pictures of food and a million things on the menu and no prices. Good restaurants will have only a small selection of food and no pictures!

Look for locals! If you don’t see a lot of tourists eating there, but it’s packed with locals, then you’re good!

33. Be Aware of the Coperto

Be aware of the coperto , which is basically a charge for sitting down to eat. Some people in Venice have recently been scammed and charged several hundred dollars for the coperto! It’s rare, but just beware and don’t be afraid to ask. Most menus will have the coperto price listed in really small print somewhere.

When eating out in Europe you may have to be a little more forthright with your waiter. Only in America do the waitstaff check on you every 5 minutes! Since tipping is not as expected in Europe as it is in the US so you won’t receive the level of butt-kissing that you may be used to. Don’t be afraid to signal them for attention if you need something and you’ll probably need to ask for the check when you’re done.

If you’re visiting a pub in the UK, you’ll need to order your food at the bar, then find a seat. We’ve learned these lessons the hard and embarrassing way, so please take my advice!

34. Know About Tipping in Europe

Tipping is pretty expected in Europe, but not the 15-20% like in the US. It’s hard for me to let this one go, but the customary tip is usually the small change if you’re paying cash. I’ll be honest I still leave a pretty good tip, especially if I had a great waiter who was patient with me and walked me through the menu and made suggestions. If you can afford it, I think it would make someone’s day to give a good tip, especially if they’re deserving, however, it’s not required or expected.

If you’re paying for dinner with a card, you’ll most likely need to bring cash for a tip! The card machines in most restaurants in Europe do not allow for you to leave a tip on your card.

Also, when paying with a card, your waiter will bring the card machine to the table. This is something I wish they’d do in the US as well. I don’t like the idea of someone walking off with my card!

35. It’s OK to Drink the Water

Most of the water in Europe is safe to drink from the tap. In most restaurants, you will not be given tap water without asking for it, especially if you’re American, but don’t be afraid to ask!

If you’re skeptical about drinking the tap water you can always order bottled water or use a filtered water bottle or life straw.

36. Eat at McDonald’s

I know…this seems like the most ridiculous bad-tourist thing to do! But eating at McDonald’s in Europe is a really fun experience. Every country has its own spin on the fast food chain. France has Croque Monsieur, Italy has mozzarella sticks, etc. Plus, my kids tell me that the toys in a Happy Meals are better in Europe…in case you were wondering!

37. Take a Bus Tour

Take a bus tour. Taking the HOHO bus (hop on hop off) on your first day in a new city can be really helpful. It allows you to get a good overview of the major European cities quickly so you’ll be prepared to take it on by foot!

38. Take an UBER Tour

Many cities in Europe offer UBER tours where you can book a driver for an hour and they will take you around the city. It’s great to have a local who drives the city for a living taking you to all their favorite spots. We did this in Rome and it was one of our favorite experiences!

39. Take Free Walking Tours

Many European cities offer free walking tours, which can be a great way to learn about a city. We like to use Guru Walk . Be sure to tip your guide well since your tour was free!

40. Rent a Bike

Renting a bike is a great way to see areas of Europe. I love biking in Paris especially. You can also book bike tours that provide a guide.

41. Book Airbnb Experiences

In an effort to be a more sustainable traveler, we’ve started doing more and more Airbnb Experiences that benefit the locals rather than larger tour companies.  If you’re looking for a really authentic experience with a local, book a tour or class through Airbnb. We have done cooking classes, food tours, and photography tours through Airbnb and they’ve all been great! It’s a great way to connect with a local and really enrich your trip.

Europe Travel Tips Take Airbnb Classes

42. Visit Museums

No one does museums better than Europe! Maybe because there is so much history there, they seem to be masters at preserving and displaying artifacts and also making it really fun and educational at the same time.

Take advantage of the many museums in Europe. If you’re traveling to Europe with kids, they will especially benefit from this as they are free in most museums. Don’t be afraid to try the smaller lesser-known museums, as well, as these can be real hidden gems. Check out the awesome museums just in London here.

43. Attend Theater or Concerts

Take advantage of all the culture and talent in Europe. It can really enrich your experience to see a show or a concert. We love seeing shows in the west end in London, ballets in Paris, operas in Vienna, and orchestra concerts in Venice!

44. Take Advantage of Free Activities and Sites

Keep an eye out for free things to do in Europe. Many of the sites are free and looking for activities that don’t cost you a thing can help you branch out and try new things!

45. Know How to Use the Restrooms

Many European bathrooms will charge you to use them. Some cities, like Paris, have little toilet huts (I don’t know what else to call them) in the city center that require some coins to enter. Other bathrooms will have turnstiles to enter the bathrooms, others will have a bathroom attendant who collects your money and keeps the bathroom tidy.

There are all sorts of restroom situations in Europe, so just be prepared for anything and always have coins on you. I’d say the average bathroom fee is 50 Euro cents.

46. Keep a Travel Journal

When I was little and taking my first trip to Europe, my grandma made me keep a travel journal. I hated it! But now, of course, I look back on that journal and love reading it! Keep a small, simple journal with you and write about each day. I love this travel journal because it has writing prompts included.

47. Talk to the Locals

The best way to get to know a destination is to get to know its people. Don’t be afraid to talk with the locals. Learn their stories. They have probably lived in the area for a long time and can tell you the best places to eat and spend time. We’ve made some lifelong friends that we still keep in touch with this way.

48. Be a Responsible Tourist

Overtourism is becoming a real problem in Europe. With so many tourists visiting each year, cities are getting more and more crowded and more and more polluted. When you travel to Europe, be responsible. Remember that you are a guest in another country. Please behave as if you were visiting a distant relative. Don’t litter, don’t be too loud or obnoxious, and respect their rules.

Also, be mindful of the environment. Limit plastic usage by bringing a reusable water bottle from home and avoiding plastic straws. You can learn more about sustainable travel here. 

49. Volunteer

If you find an opportunity to volunteer when you travel through Europe, this can be a great way to make an impact and a memorable way to spend your trip. Check out for volunteer opportunities around the globe.

50. Expect Problems and Roll with the Punches

Expect problems on your first trip to Europe. It’s only natural that not everything will go to plan. For as many times as I’ve been to Europe, I have yet to have one trip go smoothly. One time I almost got robbed, another time a Taxi driver drove off with ALL my bags, once my husband missed a train while I had 4 little kids and all the luggage.

Traveling is just like life. There will always be hiccups along the way, but this makes travel exciting and memorable! The hiccups are all part of the experience. The trick is to enjoy the ride and make the most of any situation. Don’t let the setbacks ruin your trip.

BONUS 51. Have Fun!

I hope this one is a given. It’s nearly impossible not to have fun while traveling in Europe. Now that you’re armed with all these tips, I hope you’re ready to book your flights!

Do you have any other tips for visiting Europe? I’d love to hear them! You can get in touch with me via Instagram of Facebook.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Practical Tips for Booking your Trip

Book Your Flight s and Car Find a budget airlines by using  Skyscanner . This is my favorite way to search for flights because they crawl websites and airlines around the globe, so you always know you’re getting the best deal. Learn more tips for finding the best flight deals here. For cars, I like to use Rental Cars because they have good filters and its easy to search for multiple companies.

Book Your Accommodation My preferred way to stay around the world is VRBO . I find it usually gives you a unique local experience in any destination. If you want to stay in a hotel, use  Booking , as it consistently gives the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels. I use them both all the time.

Always Get Travel Insurance Travel insurance protects you and your family against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s peace of mind in case anything goes wrong. I never travel without it. I’ve been using World Nomads for the last few years and love how easy it is to use. I have also used Allianz . Compare rates to see which is best for the coverage you need.

Looking for ways to save money on travel? Check out my  resource page  for the companies I use for traveling! I share everything I use to save me time and money.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Wanderlust Crew

Nomadic Matt's Travel Site

Travel Better, Cheaper, Longer

How to (Legally) Stay in Europe for More Than 90 Days

staying in europe for more than 90 days

When I planned my move to Sweden a few years ago, I tried to figure out how to get past the 90-day limit placed on tourist visas in the Schengen Area. This is a problem encountered by thousands of travelers every year and a question that regularly (especially this time of year) pops up in my inbox.

“How can I stay in Europe for more than 90 days?”

It’s a simple question with a very complicated answer.

I always knew it was complicated, but until I started researching how to stay there longer, I never knew just how complicated.

Fortunately, in the process of this research, I came to learn there are a few ways to stay in Europe longer than 90 days; they just aren’t well known.

This post will teach you the options for staying in Europe over 90 days as well as give you tips on how to move to Europe. But first a few things:

It’s important to note that Europe isn’t just one place — there are varying visa rules throughout the continent. When people talk about the “90-day limit,” they’re talking about restrictions on the Schengen Area, which is the visa policy that governs 27 countries in Europe. It includes most of the European Union as well as a few non-EU countries.

Note: While I call it the “Schengen Visa,” it’s not an actual visa you necessarily need to apply for. Depending on your residency status and country of citizenship, you may need to apply in advance for a Schengen Visa, however, those with an American passport do not need to apply in advance.

However, it should be noted that as of 2025, visitors from 60 countries (including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada) will need to apply for an online ETIAS, which is essentially a visa waiver, when entering the 23 EU member states and 4 non-EU countries of the Schengen. It is valid for 90 days within a 180-day period.

You can apply and pay online up to 96 hours beforehand. It is similar to the US version of ESTA (or the eTA in Canada). ETIAS cost 7 EUR for those 18-70 years old and are free for those under 18 years or over 70.

If you come from a country that requires you to get a Schengen visa you will not need to apply for ETIAS. It’s one or the other. Learn more here . (The ETIAS was originally set to launch in 2024, but has been pushed back.)

Table of Contents

  • What is the Schengen Visa?

Part 1: Staying or Moving to Europe the Easy Way

Part 2: staying in the schengen area past 90 days.

  • Take Advantage of the Bilateral Agreement
  • Working Holiday Visas
  • Long-Term-Stay Visas
  • Student Visas
  • Freelancer Visas
  • Marriage Visas

What is the Schengen visa?

The Schengen visa is a 90-day tourist visa for Schengen Area countries, which are:

  • Liechtenstein
  • Netherlands
  • Switzerland

  Additionally, there are several microstates that are de facto members of the Schengen Area. These are Monaco, San Marino, and Vatican City.

These Schengen countries have a border-free visa agreement that lets residents move throughout the Area without needing to show their passports every time they cross a border. Essentially, it’s as if they’re one country, and you can move as freely as you want.

Citizens of many countries are allowed to enter the Schengen Area without having to get a visa beforehand. Your passport simply gets stamped upon your arrival and departure from Europe. You’re allowed to enter and leave from any country you want — they don’t have to be the same.

Here is a map of the countries with visa waivers that can enter the Schengen without requiring a visa in advance.

Most visitors (including Americans) are allowed to spend 90 days in the Schengen Area in every 180-day period. The easiest way to think of it is that you can visit for 3 months and then you have to leave for 3 months before you can return.

However, you can also bounce back and forth between Schengen and non-Schengen countries — you just need to keep track of all your dates of entry/exit.

When I visit Europe, I fly in and out of different countries all the time. Your first entry in the 180-day period is when your 90-day counter starts. These days don’t need to be consecutive — the total is cumulative. Once day 181 hits, the count resets itself.

For example, if I come to the Schengen Area in January and stay for 60 days and then come back in June for 10 days, that counts as 70 days in 180 days. Only days you are in the zone during the period count. If you go on January 1st and stay 90 straight days, you have to leave and technically can’t come back until July 1st.

If you’re doing a lot of bouncing around, use the EU’s Schengen visa calculator . Simply input all your travel dates and it’ll tell you how many days you have remaining.

However, not all travelers are allowed such freedom.

Citizens from many countries need to apply for a Schengen visa ahead of time. You’ll be required to fill out paperwork beforehand and fly in and out of the country for which your visa is issued.

Even then, you still might not be granted a visa. Spoiler alert: citizens from African and Asian countries get screwed.

So, with that being said, how DO you stay in Europe longer? How do you get around that rule? Let me break it down for you.  

A scenic vista of a castle overlooking a small village in Germany

Most non-Schengen countries such as Moldova , Ireland , and some Balkan countries allow you to stay for up to 60 or 90 days. Albania even lets Americans stay up to a year!

So, all you need to do to stay in Europe longer than 3 months is spend 90 days in the Schengen Area and then visit the UK, go to the Balkans, drink wine in Moldova, and have a pint in Ireland. If you align your schedule right, you can easily be out of the Schengen Area for 90 days and then head back into the Schengen Area with a brand new Schengen visa.

Years ago, to get around this limit, I spent three months in Bulgaria , Romania , Ukraine , and England as I waited for my clock to reset.

After that, I headed back into the Schengen area for Oktoberfest .

If you want to travel the continent for a long time without having to go through the various visa processes described below, vary your travel by visiting non-Schengen countries. There are plenty of countries to choose from while you wait for your Schengen Visa clock to reset. This is the easy, hassle-free way of doing things.

—-> Need more tips for Europe? Visit my destination guide and get in-depth information on what to see and do and how to save money .  

staying in europe for more than 90 days

After all, the Schengen Area spans 27 countries and visiting so many destinations in 90 days can be a little rushed (you would have an average of just 3.5 days per country).

If you want to stay longer to travel, live, learn a language, or fall in love, then the “move around” option suggested above isn’t going to work for you. You need something else.

Luckily, there are a few ways to do this — and I can’t stress enough the importance of the word “few.” Because staying more than 90 days in the Schengen Area isn’t easy.

First, let’s understand the rule:

The Schengen law states that you can’t stay in the Schengen Area for more than 90 days. If you do, you’re subject to a fine and possibly deportation and being banned from re-entering the Schengen Area. How that rule is enforced, though, varies greatly from one country to another. Overstaying by a day might not be the end of the world, however, some countries do not mess around with visitors overstaying.

For example, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, and Scandinavian countries are all very strict about entry and exit rules. If you overstay your tourist visit, there’s a good chance they’ll pull you aside. Two Australians I know were detained leaving Switzerland due to overstaying their visa by two weeks. They were allowed to go with just a warning, but they missed their flights and had to book new flights.

I know of someone who overstayed by six months, tried to leave from Amsterdam, and now has an “illegal immigrant” stamp on her passport. In order to enter Europe again, she must apply for a visa at an embassy and be preapproved:

I made the mistake of attempting to leave from the Netherlands after overstaying a Schengen visa and was caught. I overstayed by about a month, and they hand-drew some sort of insignia in my passport to note my overstay. They told me I’d have to contact the IND and find out if I would be able to enter the Schengen states again.

Another blogger told me this happened to them too so don’t overstay your visa!

That being said, if you leave from Greece , France , Italy , or Spain you may be less likely to encounter an issue, provided you (a) haven’t stayed over too long and (b) didn’t catch the immigration officer on a bad day.

When I left Greece, no one even looked at my passport. One of my friends met a guy in France, fell in love, and decided not to leave. A year later, when she finally did, the French officials didn’t even look twice. Another friend flew into France and didn’t even get an entry stamp. Spain is another place notorious for not caring and Americans who decide to overstay for months mention that as the easiest country to exit from. Still, it’s a good idea not to take your chances.

Of course, I don’t think it’s wise to overstay. A day or two? Likely not the end of the world. But a few weeks? A few months? The risk is too great. The fines can be large and I love going to Europe too much to risk being banned.

But, Matt, can I extend just extend my Schengen visa/stamp?

Unfortunately not. Simply put, you cannot extend your tourist visa or entry stamp. There’s a 90-day limit, and that’s that.

So what’s a tourist to do?  

1. Take advantage of the Bilateral Agreement

staying in Europe for more than 90 days

There are 23 Schengen countries to date with bilateral agreements in place with Austria having the most visa waiver agreements (for 27 non-EU countries). Moreover, there are 12 countries that have bilateral agreements with Australia.

For example, France has a bilateral agreement that allows U.S. citizens to stay an additional 90 days beyond the Schengen limit. You can enter from any Schengen country, stay 90 days in France, and then fly home. But the catch is you have to go home — you can’t go elsewhere. You have to leave Europe so you can’t use your time in France as a sneaky way to reset your Schengen clock.

Now, the France/U.S. rule is tricky. It’s based on a post-World War II agreement that was never canceled. Multiple French consulates told me yes, they thought this law existed but couldn’t tell me where to find it. A few visa services told me I was crazy. One consulate told me it was possible but only with a long-term visa.

BUT, after many calls, the US, Canada, and UK French embassies told me that yes, this law does exist and that yes, this is still valid. Then they referenced me to the French national archives.

Well, we found the actual diplomatic papers that spell this out . It took us close to a year to find it but we did.

This is the note from the French government about it:

Hi, There is a bilateral agreement between French and the U.S. by exchange letters (March 16-31 mars 1949), which allows American citizens to stay in France 90 days over 180 days, irrespective of the stays already made in other Schengen countries. However, this agreement has been made before the Schengen agreement. Today, as there is no more border control between the Schengen countries, it is very difficult to determine how long a person has stayed in France and we heard that some people had troubles with the immigration police while leaving France. Therefore, we recommend American citizens to respect the Schengen regulation which allows a maximum of 90 days on 180 days in the whole Schengen area. Consulat général de France, Service des visas 4101 Reservoir Road, Washington DC, 20007

A follow-up to the London embassy gave me this response:

“Whilst the bilateral agreement you refer to has not officially been revoked, the French Border Police has sole authority on deciding whether to apply it or not, at the time of entering or exiting the Schengen area.”

So this is really a thing. And, while they don’t like you using it, it’s still the law. Just bring proof you stayed in France for 90 days! If you plan to use this rule, bring documentation as border guards may not be aware of it.

Additionally, Denmark, Norway, and Poland also have bilateral agreements with the United States that let citizens stay an additional 90 days in each country separate from the regular Schengen Zone visa. The Denmark rule applies exactly the same way as the French one. Denmark also has a bilateral agreement that is applicable for citizens of Australia, Canada, Chile, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, and South Korea .

That said, travelers can only use the Norwegian or the Danish bilateral agreement — they can’t use both (time in Norway under the bilateral agreement counts as time in Denmark and vice versa).

For Poland, you must enter and leave Poland via a non-Schengen country where you will be stamped again (i.e., direct flight from NYC). So you could do 90 days in the Schengen, fly to the UK, and then fly to Poland. Poland’s rules are simply laid out in an agreement letter the U.S. and Poland signed in 1991. ( Here’s a copy of the letter from the Polish government) .

In theory, there are also other bilateral agreements between the U.S. and Schengen countries. I’ve been told by multiple sources that Belgium, Italy, Hungary, Norway, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands all have their own bilateral agreements with the U.S. as well. This page outlines the existing bilateral agreements .

However, I reached out to each country’s consulate and none of them replied (save Portugal) in any meaningful way. They simply directed me to the standard visa FAQ page.

Regarding Portugal, a representative from the Portuguese consulate said this regarding their bilateral 60-day visa:

Please note that those 60 days are an exceptional extension that needs to be requested within Portugal at SEF office near your temporary address in Portugal.

Now, in theory, one could say thanks to borderless travel you could get your “extra 90 days in Denmark” and then just travel around, fly out of Denmark, and no one would be the wiser. One could say that. But I’ve noticed a lot more intra-Europe passport checks in recent years. I got yelled at in France for not having my passport with me while on a train to see a chateau. So, I wouldn’t recommend doing this.

Note: Most countries have bilateral agreements with other countries. Call the local embassy for more information (you’ll have better luck calling than emailing).  

2. Get a Working Holiday Visa

Amazing view of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France in the summer

There is no single “working holiday” program for the Schengen or EU so applicants must apply for a visa from a specific country. Usually, applicants must be younger than 30, though age restrictions are becoming more relaxed in recent years.

Additionally, you can get consecutive working holiday visas. An Australian reader of mine got a two-year Dutch working holiday visa and then got one from Norway to stay two more years. While she and her boyfriend (who also got one) did odd jobs in Holland for a bit, they mostly used it as a way to travel around the continent.

Note : This type of visa won’t allow you to work in any other country than the one that issued it.

For Americans, there are only two options for working holidays in Europe: Ireland (non-Schengen country) and Portugal (Schengen country). Both programs are essentially the same, providing a 12-month work visa to those either currently enrolled in or recently graduated from a higher education institution.

While you must be at least 18 to apply, there’s no upper age limit, provided that you fit the other criteria. For the Portuguese visa, you can only work for 6 months out of the 12-month visa, while the Irish visa has no work restrictions.

3. Get a Long-Term-Stay Visa

A river view of the city of Stockholm, Sweden

However, in 2023, if you have a fully online business, there are countries within Schengen that allow digital nomad visas provided you make a certain amount of money per month and have your own health insurance. Countries that currently offer digital nomad visas include Portugal, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Malta, Romania, Spain, and Norway.

The countries that allow you to apply with the lowest online salary are Portugal, Hungary, Malta, and Croatia, which require around 2,500 EUR in income per month.

Schengen allows for a C- or D-class visa (the letter varies on the country), which is a temporary residence visa for up to one year. But the specific visa and requirements vary from country to country. Some countries are harder, some are easier, and others are nearly impossible despite being in the same visa treaty zone.

However, there are a few countries that do offer long-term visas that aren’t too hard to get:  

France offers a long-term visitor visa for a period of up to one year. According to the French Embassy, “The ‘visitor’ visa (or visa ‘D’) allows you to enter France and stay for more than three months. Long-stay visa holders will be allowed to reside in France for up to 12 months according to the validity of their visa and purpose of stay.”

To get this visa, you must set up an appointment at the French consulate near you. You can’t walk in — you must make an appointment.

At this appointment, you’ll need the following documents:

  • One application form filled out completely and signed
  • Three passport photos
  • Your original passport, which must have been issued less than 10 years ago, be valid for three months after your return, and have at least two blank pages left
  • A letter certified by a notary public that promises you won’t engage in work
  • A letter of employment stating current occupation and earnings
  • Proof of income (you’ll need copies of a pension certificate or your last 3 bank statements)
  • Proof of medical insurance that includes evacuation insurance and medical coverage of at least €30,000 (a copy of your US health insurance card is not acceptable as proof, you need a detailed description of coverage)
  • Proof of accommodation in France. (If you don’t have an official document such as a sublet agreement, you can include a letter describing your accommodation arrangements).

Note : You can’t apply for this visa more than three months before your arrival date.

France-Visas is the official visa website for France. It details all the types of visas and has a helpful “visa wizard” where you put in your situation and it tells you what type of visa you should apply for as well as all the documents that you need.

You can also visit the French Embassy website for links to local embassies and consulates for more information. Find your closest consulate here .

This post has some helpful information to get you started on long-term visas in particular .  

Sweden also offers a long-term stay tourist visa for a maximum period of one year. Here’s a brief overview of what you need:

  • Residence permit for visitor’s application form
  • Notarized copies of the pages of your passport that show your identity and the validity of your passport, as well as copies of all the other visas/stamps you have. Your passport also needs to be valid for 3 months after your stay.
  • A bank statement showing your means of supporting yourself for the duration of your stay (450 SEK for each day of your stay)
  • A return airplane ticket
  • Proof of medical coverage of at least 30,000 EUR

Most people who apply for this visa have family in Sweden. If you don’t, you’ll need to have clear reasons as to why you need to stay longer and show ample proof that you can support yourself (i.e., “I want to meet Swedish guys/girls” won’t cut it!).

You can apply either in Sweden or outside the country. If you’re applying from Sweden, you can apply online, and then make an appointment at the consulate or embassy to show your passport and get fingerprinted. If you’re applying outside of Sweden, you need to file your application in person at the consulate or embassy. When you file your application abroad, you’ll also be interviewed about your intended trip and the purpose for staying in Sweden.

You can learn more about the process on this government page .

Spain offers a couple of long-term visas. The Golden Visa is based on a sizable financial investment in Spain, either into a company (minimum 1 million EUR), real estate (minimum 500,000 EUR), or invest in a new business such as in science or tech that creates local employment opportunities. The other more attainable and popular long-term visa targets retirees and is called the Non-Lucrative Residence Visa. It requires that you spend at least 183 days in Spain, which would make you a legal resident for tax purposes. During this time, you are unable to work in Spain (so you’ll need to have enough savings to get you by). However, studying and unpaid internships are permitted.

The big catch for this visa is that you need to have at least 26,000 EUR in your bank account (ideally more). Since the visa is designed for retirees, the assumption is that you’re coming here to rest on your financial laurels after a lifetime of saving up — hence the sizeable requirement.

The visa has been denied to people who are remote workers so I wouldn’t recommend this visa if you’re a digital nomad (Spain is supposedly working on a visa specifically for digital nomads, though it’s not currently available). This is a bit of a gray area though. If you can show enough savings to financially sustain yourself for a year without working, you can get this visa. You just cannot use monthly statements (such as from your remote job) to prove income; financial proof must be savings or passive income (such as a pension).

In addition to having sizable savings, you’ll also need to fill out the application, submit your passport and additional photos, pay a fee, and provide the following:

  • Proof of private health insurance (from an authorized company in Spain not travel insurance)
  • A doctor’s note certifying that you’re healthy
  • A criminal background check translated into Spanish

You must apply for this visa in your country of residency (usually with the help of lawyers). The application varies per country, usually between 120-900 EUR (it’s around 125 EUR for Americans and over 500 EUR for Canadians).

This consulate page has all the specific details you need regarding the application .

Portugal has multiple long-term stay visas. First, there is a Golden Visa, which requires a minimum investment in the country of 280,000 EUR and takes around 18 months to process. The D7 Passive Income visa, which is similar to Spain’s non-lucrative visa, is more realistic for most people.

To apply for the D7 visa in Portugal you need:

  • Proof of health insurance covering at least 30,000 EUR
  • A background check
  • Proof of financial means to stay in Portugal (8,460 EUR)
  • Letter of purpose and intent in Portugal
  • 2 passport photos
  • Proof of accommodation

The main difference between the Portuguese and Spanish long-term visas is that you only need an income of around 8,460 EUR instead of the 26,000 EUR in savings that the Spanish visa requires. You still cannot work on this visa, so your income must be passive (investments, pension, rental property, etc.).

The D7 visa can work for digital nomad as it is valid for 4 months. Portugal is much more accepting of remote work as proof of income for the visa application than Spain.

Portugal also offers the D2 immigrant Entrepreneur visa, which isn’t designed specifically for digital nomads, but could be used by specific entrepreneurs. You’ll need to submit a business plan and demonstrate you have enough capital to get started. You’ll also need to explain why you want to start your business in Portugal (or move it there). You’ll have a much higher chance of getting approved if you have invested upwards of 5,000 EUR in your business and speak some Portuguese (it’s not required, but these visas are regularly rejected so it will give you a leg up).

In short, there are a lot of steps for a temporary visa. However, you can get this extended and eventually apply for permanent residency or citizenship after 5 years.

You’ll need to apply for both of these visas in your country of residency.

The official Portuguese visa website has more information about specific visas and requirements. You can locate your nearest Portuguese consulate here .

A note on long-term visas: Keep in mind that the information above is just for reference. There may be more requirements needed for your application and not all visas are open to everyone. You’ll want to contact your local embassy for specifics and additional information.  

4. Get a Student Visa

All Schengen Area countries offer student visas that are easy to obtain so long as you’re enrolled in a recognized university program. This would require you to pay for the course and you may also have to show proof of minimum fund requirements, but it will virtually guarantee you a visa if you are accepted.

One of the best countries to do this is Spain, where a whole industry has sprung up to help students study Spanish. There are tons of schools that will allow you to enroll and write letters stating you’re a student there. You’ll need to apply in your home country but the process is relatively straightforward. This post details the requirements .

Germany is another popular choice, as post-secondary schools there are essentially free. While there may be more competition, the costs are much lower. However, you need to show proof that you have money in a bank account to cover your expenses. As of October 2022, that amount is 11, 208 EUR in a blocked bank account.

In Germany, you might also be able to work up to 120 full days, or 240 half days (20 hours a week) while you study as well. You can learn about the application process here .

While most student visas allow you to stay in a country for one year, I would only consider getting one if you actually plan on studying. If you’re just getting a student visa to travel and play tourist, it’s not going to be worth the cost and paperwork since you’ll need to set up everything from a residential address to a bank account to a local phone number and more.  

5. Get a Freelancer/Remote Worker Visa

There are several countries that offer freelancer visas and visas geared towards the increasing number of remote workers. This process is a little more complicated and not for the casual tourist. These visas are meant for people who actually want to live and work in Europe. If you’re just a casual tourist, expect to be denied. But if you’re a digital nomad, this is the visa for you.

Schengen countries that offer freelancer or remote worker visas include:

  • Germany (no set income amount, but you need a business plan and upwards of 10,000 EUR in savings)
  • Estonia (3,500 EUR income/month)
  • Czechia (5,600 EUR in savings)
  • Portugal (2,800 EUR income/month)
  • Greece (3,500 EUR income/month)
  • Malta (2,700 EUR income/month)
  • Hungary (2,000 EUR income/month
  • Croatia (17,800 HRK (2,300 EUR income/month)

Non-Schengen countries that have them include:

  • Romania (no set income, reports of successful applicants range from about 3,700 EUR/month)
  • Georgia (2,000 USD income/month)
  • Iceland (1,000,000 ISK income/month (6,617 EUR), only valid for up to 6 months)

Germany is the country most used by people who want to reside in Europe. If you’re a freelancer, digital nomad, artist, or have some form of income, this is the visa to get. If you are from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the U.S., Israel, South Korea, or Japan you can apply after you arrive in Germany (everyone else needs to apply in advance).

The visa only lasts for three months, however, it is designed to be extended into a residency visa which would then last for three years. I have many friends who have gotten this visa. As long as you follow the steps, you should be fine. This post has more information about the process .

Most of these visas follow a similar format: apply, pay a fee, submit proof that your business can stay afloat, then wait to be accepted. However, some have more stringent requirements.

For example, Estonia’s freelancer visa requires a monthly income of at least 3,500 EUR per month leading up to your application. For the Czechia visa, you need to have at least $6,000 USD in your bank account (the lovely folks at Wandertooth, who did this process a couple of years ago, can walk you through the steps ).

If you are a digital nomad and are considering working remotely from the EU you can compare these programs to see which one bests suits your goals (though Germany is likely the best place to start since it’s one of the easiest to get).  

6. Get Married to a European

Fall in love with a European (or at least a friend) and apply for a marriage visa! You’ll get to stay there while the application process goes through and then you can move to Europe and stay there forever with the love of your life! That’s a win-win! (This is a joke. Don’t get married just for a visa to stay in Europe!)

The best, easiest, and most effective way to stay in Europe long-term is to increase the number of countries you visit so you’re in the Schengen Area for only 90 days. As I said, there are a lot of countries not in the Area so this is easy to do.

If you’re like me and want to stay in the Schengen Area longer than 90 days (or just want to move to Europe because it’s awesome), be prepared to work the system. It’s not impossible to stay long-term in the Schengen Area. By understanding the system and using the few loopholes that do exist, one can legally stay past 90 days and enjoy all Europe has to offer without worrying about being barred for life.  

Get Your In-Depth Budget Guide to Europe!

Get Your In-Depth Budget Guide to Europe!

My detailed 200+ page guidebook is made for budget travelers like you! It cuts out the fluff found in other guides and gets straight to the practical information you need to travel while in Europe. It has suggested itineraries, budgets, ways to save money, on and off the beaten path things to see and do, non-touristy restaurants, markets, bars, safety tips, and much more! Click here to learn more and get your copy today.

Book Your Trip to Europe: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Use Skyscanner to find a cheap flight. They are my favorite search engine because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned!

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the biggest inventory and best deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels.

For suggestions on where to stay during your trip, here is a list of my favorite hostels in Europe .

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • Safety Wing (for everyone below 70)
  • Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
  • Medjet (for additional repatriation coverage)

Looking for the Best Companies to Save Money With? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use to save money when I’m on the road. They will save you money when you travel too.

Want More Information on Europe? Be sure to visit our robust destination guide on Europe for even more planning tips!

NOTE: Due to the complexities of visas and the uniqueness of everyone’s situation, we do not answer any visa related questions in the comments or via email. Thank you.

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Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site community supported and ad free.

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Home » Europe » Long-Term Travel in Europe: How to Stay for More Than 90 Days

Long-Term Travel in Europe: How to Stay for More Than 90 Days

Mind-blowing history, delicious food, and charming cities with a history beyond imaginable — Europe is a fascinating place, and long-term travel here is a dream for many.

Unfortunately, visa issues & travel costs often make it difficult to travel through Europe for an extended amount of time, which can throw a lot of travelers away.

But don’t let this discourage you… there are still options for determined humans!

First, you gotta really sink in that Europe isn’t just one place, and when people talk about the 90-day limit, they’re talking about restrictions on the Schengen Area and the visa policy that governs a total of 27 countries. It includes most of the European Union as well as a few non-EU countries.

And that’s mostly what I’m covering here.

This guide will not only show you the options for staying more than 90 days, but also tips for long-term travel in Europe. It may not be easy, but there’s definitely a way or two to make it happen. 😉

Let’s make your dreams come true.

First Things First: The Schengen 90-Day Rule Explained

Money-saving advice for long-term travel in europe, faqs on long-term travel in europe and the schengen 90-day rule, final words of wisdom.

Simply put, the Schengen Area is a group of 27 European countries that work together to make traveling between them easier.

By removing passport controls and border checks, people (and goods) can travel freely in the area without too much hassle – kinda like traveling in a single big ass country.

All you need is a valid passport to enter a Schengen Area country and boom – you’re set.

girl traveler hiking with hands up in the swiss alps

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The Schengen Area got its name after the 1985 Schengen Agreement, signed in the village of Schengen in Luxembourg, and it encompasses some of the most popular backpacker destinations in Europe (The Netherlands, France Portugal… you name them).

And now, while this all sounds like great news, the only issue is that you’ll need a visa (which is difficult to get) if you wish to stay more than 90 days.

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How the Schengen Area Affects You

Citizens from countries such as the US, Canada, or Australia, are allowed to stay in the Schengen Area for a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period. That’s not a whole lot of time, so you’ll want to make the most of it.

Once you hit that 90-day limit, you’ll need to take a break and stay outside the Schengen Area for another 90 days. But don’t worry, the countdown clock stops when you leave, and doesn’t start again until you come back.

So, in theory, you can stay for 30 days, leave for a bit, and come back for another 60 days, as long as it all adds up to 90 days or less.

girl journaling in mountains

It’s important to keep in mind that these rules apply to Schengen in general, not just one country. So, if you’re planning a grand European tour, make sure you’re keeping track of how long you’ve been in the area. You don’t want to get caught out and have to leave before you’re ready.

List of Schengen Area Countries

Non-schengen area countries.

There’s more to Europe than the Schengen zone, so it’s worth mentioning a few exceptions. Each of them will have its own set of rules on how long a traveler can stick around without a special visa.

These will be even more important when you lay out your strategy on how to stay in Europe for more than 90 days, but more on that later.

Some noteworthy countries include:

  • United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland): 180 days
  • Republic of Ireland : 90 days
  • Bulgaria : 90 days
  • Georgia : up to 365 days! (so you should definitely give it a go )
  • Others : you’ll have to look into the particular country you’re planning to visit. The US State Department has compiled all this information for US citizens .

Alright, folks, now for the meat of it. The truly juicy question. The reason why y’all clicked on this article in the first place…

How the heck does one stay in Europe longer than 90 days?

It is NOT possible to extend a tourist visa to Europe, the Schengen 90-day rule is real, and exceeding it can result in fines, deportation, and a ban from re-entering. Enforcement of this rule varies greatly between countries — some may not enforce it as strictly, but it is still not advisable to overstay.

There’s an easy and a hard way to stay longer, though, and we’re gonna look into both. Baby steps.

The Easy Way: Splitting Things Up

There is indeed an easy way to stay in Europe for more than 90 days — you just have to split things up.

Most non-Schengen countries, such as Ireland, Romania, and some other Balkan countries , allow you to stay for up to 60 or 90 days. In the UK, you can stay up to 180 days, and countries like Albania and Georgia even let Americans stay up to a year!

beautiful city landscape in Georgia

So, in theory, all you need to do to extend your stay in Europe beyond 3 months is to spend 90 days in the Schengen Area, take a trip to Ireland for a couple pints of Guinness, immerse yourself in Bulgarian folk culture for a while, and then return to the Schengen Area with a renewed Schengen visa.

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Want more deetz on why these packs are so  damn perfect? Then read our comprehensive review for the inside scoop!

The “Hard” Way: Longer Term Visas & Life Hacks

If you’re determined enough about moving to Europe, or just politely overstaying as long as possible, know that there is a way — you just gotta be determined enough.

Working Holiday Visa

A working holiday visa might be one of the easiest and best ways to actually travel long-term in Europe. This type of visa is designed with young travelers in mind, meaning people that want to work and travel abroad for a period of time.

In Europe, several countries (both in and outside the Schengen Area) offer working holiday visas. For example, people from Australia, Canada, and New Zealand can apply for a working holiday visa in several European countries, including Germany, France, and Spain.

They allow you to travel and work for up to 12 months , but may have restrictions on the type of work, hours, and specific qualifications or funds required. Make sure to check for specific requirements !

People looking to move to Europe from the US through this method will have a harder time though, as only a couple of countries offer this possibility. The next few options might give you a better chance.

Long-Term-Stay Visa

The majority of Schengen countries do not provide long-term-stay visas for tourists or visitors who do not plan to work in the country. To get a long-stay visa, one must typically apply for a work or residency visa.

The Schengen area does offer a temporary residence visa (C- or D-class, depending on the country) for up to one year, but requirements and availability vary among countries. Some may be more difficult to obtain than others.

Also, some countries may require you to have up to 20,000€ in savings before you can move.

statue in paris overlooking the eiffel tower

Student Visa

International students can apply for a student visa once they’ve received an admission letter from a recognized European university program. This is the most common type of visa for international students, and it will allow you to enter the country to follow a specific course or program.

These are relatively easy to obtain if you do plan on studying abroad, and it gets better: even though each country has its own set of policies, the European Union advocates for international students to be allowed to stay for at least 9 months to find suitable jobs.

Freelancer/Remote Worker Visa

This one can be a little bit more complex for casual tourists, and you’ll likely be denied if that’s your case. If you live life as a digital nomad, though, then this visa is probably the right choice for you.

There are several countries that offer freelancer visas and visas geared towards the increasing number of remote workers, Germany being one of the most popular ones with their Freiberufle visa .

A freelance visa like this is typically granted for three months, after which it can and should be converted into a residence permit. You apply, pay a fee, submit proof that your business can survive, and then wait to be accepted.

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Month to month payments, no lock-in contracts, and no itineraries required: that’s the exact kind of insurance digital nomads and long-term traveller types need. Cover yo’ pretty little self while you live the DREAM!

Get a European Passport/Marry a European

If your parents or grandparents (sometimes even great-grandparents) have citizenship in a European country, you may be able to apply for a passport. With one, you could work in any EU country without paperwork or restrictions! The process can be very time-consuming, but it’s worth it.

Alternatively, you can fall in love and apply for a marriage visa! You’ll get to stay there while the application process goes through and then you can move to Europe and stay there forever with the love of your life (a chocolate croissant).

All jokes aside, leave love out of your visa extension attempts as much as you possibly can.

If you’re planning to stay in Europe for a year or more, costs will definitely add up, even if you just wander around the cheapest countries .

And as you’re probably gonna spend part of this time without work, you’ll need to find ways to make life as inexpensive as possible.

Here are a few different ways you can make this process easier:

  • Embrace Hostelling: Hostel life is the best life! Besides saving you a ton of money, hostels are places where you get to meet awesome, like-minded travellers. Just book yourself an epic hostel in Europe and let the magic come to you.
  • Try Couchsurfing: For Broke Backpackers that want to go the extra mile, Couchsurfing is the way to go . The community is amazing, and you’re likely to have experiences you would never normally have had — I attribute many of my traveling highlights to it, and highly recommend looking into it.
  • Experience Volunteering/Work-Exchange: Do good & experience the world fully by signing up for a volunteering program! There’s definitely a lot to it, as this strategy has gotten a bit of a bad rep over the years, but we address it all in our comprehensive guide to volunteering abroad .

A group of people watch the sunset over Porto, Portugal

Still have some questions? No problem! We’ve listed and answered the most commonly asked questions below. Here’s what people usually want to know:

How long can you stay in Europe without a visa?

Travelers with a Schengen Visa can stay for a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period. They have a 180-day countdown, during which you can only stay for a total of 90 days, regardless of how many times you enter or exit the area.

Are there any special visas for Americans looking to move to Europe?

There are no special visas specifically for Americans, but there are a variety of options for long-term stays, such as student visas, work visas, or long-term residency permits. It’s best to check with the specific embassy or immigration office of the country you’re interested in.

How long can an American stay in Europe?

Generally, Americans can stay in EU countries for up to 90 days within a 180-day period without a visa. This can vary with the country though, as countries like Albania and Georgia let American citizens stay up to a year. Always check with the embassy or consulate before traveling.

Do all European countries use the euro?

Not all European countries use the Euro as their currency. Only the member states of the Eurozone use it, which currently includes 19 out of 27 European Union countries. Places like the United Kingdom, Denmark, and Poland, for example, are not in on that.

Can I stay in Europe longer if I start drinking wine like a true European?

If you can drink wine like a true European and make the border control officer believe that you can’t live without it, it might just work. But if you can’t hold your liquor, they might just think you’re a liability and send you back home. Best stick to the 90-day rule.

That’s all for today, my fellow dreamers. The main takeaway here is that long-term travel in Europe IS possible! Don’t let visa issues and travel costs give you a hard time — just tell ’em where to stick it.

With the right knowledge and trip planning , it is possible to travel through the Schengen Area and other parts of Europe for more than 90 days.

But remember: Europe is not just one place and there are options available for those who REALLY want it. Don’t let anything hold you back from exploring its beauty. And come say hi in Lisbon!

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Tomás Monteiro

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can you stay in Spain and France for 60 days, go to England for 30 days, then back to Spain for 30 days.

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Happy to Wander

100+ Europe Travel Tips for First Timers & Must-Knows Before You Go

Last Updated: November 6, 2023

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Headed to Europe for the first time and trying not to cry?

I get it. You’re probably a hot mess of emotion right now. Between the excitement of ticking off bucket list moments and the anxiety of getting pickpocketed or (possibly worse) getting side-eyed by cool European youths, there’s a lot of potential for stress carbs and sheer overwhelm.

Don’t worry though – I have all the Europe tips you need in this post to keep those first time jitters at bay, and ensure you’re fully prepared for your big European adventure.

So, what are some must-knows before you travel to Europe for the first time? Read on for a full of my best Europe travel tips, after over a decade of travelling around/living on this gorgeous and delicious continent.

NOTE: As an aggressively apologetic Canadian, I must first clarify that these European travel tips are written from a North American perspective, and there are some culture shocks that (while seemingly basic) can really confuse a 1st time visitor, so… yes, this is just me covering all the bases. Enjoy!

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Save this list of Europe Travel Tips for Later!

You’ll be very glad you did.

Europe Travel Planning Tips

Let’s start with some planning-related Europe tips to help you with flights, booking hotels in Europe, choosing dates, the best times to visit Europe, etc. to get you from armchair travel to your real-life dream trip.

Steal my step by step guide to planning a trip to Europe from scratch

This post is full of random Europe travel tips, but if you are looking more for step by step guidance, be sure to check out my step by step guide to planning a Europe trip.

Also be sure to check out my free Europe trip planner book , as well as my free International Travel Checklist for a list of things to do before you travel abroad.

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Avoid peak travel times

If you have the luxury of flexibility, I’d avoid visiting Europe between mid-June to the end of August.

Simply put, this is when prices and crowds are at their highest, and (depending on where you go) temperatures during this season can reach a point of salty, sweaty discomfort.

Instead, consider going in the Spring , Fall or Winter!

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Avoid European holidays

In addition to avoiding North American holiday periods, be sure to also consider popular European school holidays too.

Generally, speaking longer European school holidays will take place during Easter/Christmas, a very popular time for European families to travel around the continent too.

Yes, Europeans can be avid tourists too. Don’t forget that!

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Go for Christmas markets!

Okay, this may be a direct contradiction to what I said above, but one exception I’d make for “peak season travel” in Europe is going to Christmas markets.

This is one of the most magical times to visit Europe, and if you plan your visit for earlier in the season (late November, rather than close to Christmas), you’ll usually be able to avoid the bulk of the crowds.

Here are my top must-knows for visiting Christmas markets in Europe if you want to learn more.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Consider getting a travel credit card

I’m going to level with you: no matter how you plan it, even if you stay in hostels and subsist solely on hummus and bread scraps, you will end up spending a lot of money on your Europe trip.

… so you might as well try to reap as many rewards from it as possible!

Getting a travel rewards credit card before booking all your hotels and flights is one of my favourite underrated Europe travel tips.

There’s a million options out there, so I’ll leave the research/choice up to you, but just make sure you’re booking everything on a card that maximizes the amount of benefits you get.

For me personally, I have the Amex Platinum , which yes has a really high fee but at least for the first year it’s super worth it because you get travel credits, travel insurance, lounge access, and most importantly, enough bonus sign-up points to get you a roundtrip flight to Europe from North America! It’s not for everyone, but definitely worth looking into.

Bonus sneaky point hoarding tip: Travelling with friends? Especially if they don’t collect points of their own, offer to book for everyone, then have them pay you back. Whee – free points without needing to spend all the money!

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Get a Wise card

If you’re not interested in getting a travel credit card, a handy and free alternative I can highly recommend is a Wise card.

Having a Wise card allows you to “send and spend money around the world at the real exchange rate”, avoiding hidden fees in the process.

It is SO handy for travel, because you can use it for over 150 currencies around the world, and you even get 2 free ATM withdrawals per month with it overseas.

And because your card is linked to your Wise account, you can simply load it up with a minimal amount of money so you don’t have to risk your normal credit/debit cards while walking around.

You can use my referral link here to transfer your first $500 fee-free.

NOTE: I’ve also had a good experience with Revolut when I lived in Germany, but they don’t offer services for Canadians so I can no longer use them.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Focus on one or two countries for shorter trips

Unless you have a lot of time to work with, I would recommend getting to know one or two countries well rather than trying to visit too many countries in one go just for the sake of checking them off your list.

While travelling between European countries can be affordable and quick, hopping around too much can be a sure recipe for burnout and time lost commuting.

Plus, the more you see of one country, the more you’re able to get more off-the-beaten path and find spots you hadn’t heard of before!

Check out my list of 1 week itineraries for Europe if you need inspiration.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Learn all about the Schengen Area

An important must-know for all first time visitors to Europe is that border-free travel doesn’t exist across the continent (as is commonly believed).

Rather, border-free travel apples only between countries in the Schengen Area, this group of 27 countries (accurate as of 2023):

  • Liechtenstein
  • The Netherlands
  • Switzerland 

When crossing borders outside of these countries, you will need to clear passport control as normal.

Understanding this distinction will help you plan how long you can stay in different countries, as well as Europe in general, and give you some insight into logistics like when you’ll need to clear passport control, and which visas you might need for where.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Use your understanding of the Schengen Zone to legally stay in Europe longer

For most tourists, the maximum amount of time you can spend in the Schengen Zone is 90 days out of 180 days .

Simply put, if by the time you leave, you can look back on the past 180 days and say you stayed less than 90 days total, you’re good.

BUT if you want to stay in Europe for longer than that amount of time, you can utilize your Schengen Area understanding to stay longer, simply by including travel to non-Schengen countries.

For example: Let’s say you can only spend 90 days in the Schengen Zone, but you’re allowed to spend 180 total in the UK. You can easily make your European trip longer than 90 days by adding time in the UK, Ireland, Bulgaria, Romania or any other non-Schengen country.

Wonderful, hidden must-sees in Bucharest, Romania. Here's a crazy list of some of the best things to do in Bucharest, most of which are hidden/unknown.

Consider more off-the-beaten path destinations

Another benefit of visiting non-Schengen countries is they’re often lesser visited, and filled with some truly amazing hidden gems.

For example, I’m a HUGE fan of Bulgaria. (Here are some of the coolest things to do in Bulgaria that you probably haven’t heard of.)

While I totally understand the desire to see the most popular and best-known destinations on your trip, sometimes visiting these lesser known spots can bring amazing surprises that end up being the highlight of your vacation!

Of course, there’s a middle ground too – you can easily get the ‘best of both worlds’ by combining a hugely popular destination with some side trips to other lesser known places in the same country. These posts might help with that:

  • The Best Places to Visit in England (Besides London)
  • The Best Places to Visit in France (Besides Paris)

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Offset pricey destinations with more budget-friendly ones

If you’re hoping to visit Europe on a budget, but still have some pricier destinations on your bucket list (e.g. Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, UK, Germany, etc.), then a great way to cut costs is to round out your itinerary with more affordable stops (e.g. Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Montenegro, Lithuania, etc.)

This of course makes more sense on longer trips where you’ll be covering a lot of ground, but just remember than some European destinations are MUCH rougher on the budget than others, so mix it up if you’re looking to give your wallet a break.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Alternate between busy and chill destinations

On a similar note, you should make sure your Europe trip itinerary also includes a mix of busy and relaxed places.

One of the biggest mistakes I made during my first backpacking trip was I crammed SO many huge cities into my itinerary, one after another.

But when your itinerary is nothing but European heavyweights like Paris, London, Amsterdam, Rome and Florence… yikes, you’ll be sightseeing your eyeballs off daily with zero chance for breaks.

So, here’s a very important Europe travel tip when planning your itinerary: try to space out the “big” cities with chiller destinations, maybe nature or beach breaks so you have time to rest up before sightseeing like the Energizer bunny once more.

Absolutely stunning photos of the Dolomites in Italy! This post is travel inspiration at its finest, inspiring you to travel to Italy, travel to Europe and beyond! #italy #europe #travel #photography

Learn the tricks to getting cheap flights TO Europe

Not sure how to get the best flight deals for your big Europe trip? Be sure to check out my guide on how to get the cheapest flights to Europe .

I promise it’ll save you hundreds of dollars, if not more.

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Take advantage of free stopovers

Certain airlines have a free stopover program where you can have a long layover for no extra cost, meaning you get two destinations for the price of one plane ticket!

Here are some Europe-based airlines that offer this:

  • IcelandAir: Free stopovers in Reykjavik for 1-7 days
  • Iberia: Free stopovers in Madrid for 1-6 nights
  • TAP Portugal: Free stopovers in Lisbon and Porto for 1-5 nights

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Steal my step by step process for finding the best hotels

If you’re overwhelmed by the prospect of booking all your own places to stay, I have just the resource for you.

Here’s how to find the best accommodation in Europe every time.

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Book hotels far in advance

And if you don’t have time to check out my whole step by step process, then here’s the #1 piece of Europe accommodation wisdom I can give you: book your hotels as soon as possible.

In many of Europe’s most popular destinations, good value accommodation books out quickly, so your biggest defense against outrageous prices and poor quality hotels is booking early.

Even if you’re not going in peak season, you never know when an unexpected event (e.g. a big concert, sports game or conference) will send hotel prices soaring, so the sooner you book, the better.

I know that committing to a hotel early can feel scary, but if you use , you can find hundreds of hotels that offer free reservations and free cancellations up until a certain point.

I’ll often hop on to make a placeholder / “just in case” reservation in the early stages of my planning just to ensure I have a Plan B in case prices skyrocket.

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The European hotel star system is different to North America

I grew up with a North American hotel system where 5* meant opulent luxury and 1* meant run for the hills, unless you want to lose your kidneys.

The star ratings in Europe are a bit different. Instead of stars coinciding to quality on a scale of 1-5, the stars actually correspond to a checklist of amenities/requirements.

SO, you can get some amazing 2* properties that are simply smaller and don’t really have things like a spa or pool, while also finding crappy 4 or 5* properties that have that rating just because they’re big and have amenities like fitness centers and valets (i.e. many chains).

Learn more about the criteria for star ratings here.

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Avoid airport hotels unless flying in or out

Tempted by a cheap hotel deal near the airport? Run.

Unless you are flying into your destination late and need a place to crash or are flying out early in the morning, do NOT book a stay at any airport hotels.

With Europe travel, you want to ideally be close to the sights or at least in a scenic neighbourhood, not next to a motorway. Adding in the time and cost of commuting to/from the city centre, it’s rarely worth it so keep that in mind the next time you’re tempted by the siren’s call of an airport Ibis.

Learn the options for free accommodation in Europe

Hoping to find places to stay for free in Europe? There are indeed options for that!

Here are a few ways you can potentially find accommodation for free:

  • Couchsurfing:   Crashing with someone within a community of travellers where people offer to host each other in their homes free of charge
  • House Swap: Trading homes with someone (like in The Holiday). Many sites facilitate these exchanges, including  HomeExchange  and  Kindred
  • House and Pet Sitting:  Looking after someone’s house/pets in exchange for free accommodation. One of the most popular platforms for this is  Trusted Housesitters
  • Workaway:  Volunteering your time/services in exchange for accommodation

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Don’t forget travel insurance

I personally believe that travel insurance is a must for every trip. Trust me, the peace of mind is worth the cost!

Click here to check rates with WorldNomads.

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Make sure you’ll have Internet access

This tip goes without saying, but if you’re old school and prefer to travel without Internet, don’t.

Really, as romantic as it is to disconnect during your travels, having an Internet plan for your phone is crucial. It allows you to navigate with Google Maps, use translation apps, do research on the go, etc.

Without it, your trip will be infinitely harder. No joke – some places these days even require you to have data to scan menus!

Luckily, roaming within the EU is free, and it’s wayyyy cheaper than what we have in Canada.

iPhone taking a photo of tulips

Download helpful apps before you go

On that note, once you have a data plan set up, you can take advantage of all the helpful apps for Europe travel available.

Some of my favourites include…

  • Omio : Great for comparing and booking transport options (including buses, trains, and flights) from Point A to Point B.
  • Google Translate : A must for translating signs and menus if you are in a country where English isn’t the main language
  • Splitwise : Helpful for tracking expenses split between friends, great for minimizing awkwardness when dealing with trip finances
  • Too Good to Go : Perfect for buying discounted meals at the end of the day to save food from going to waste

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Download TripIt to keep track of all your travel bookings

Speaking of helpful Europe travel apps, another one I can recommend is TripIt.

This app works like magic to organize your hotel bookings, flights, tickets and all in one place… the best thing is, it does it automatically through scanning your inbox for confirmation emails.

If you’re planning a long trip with multiple stops, hotels, modes of transport, etc. to worry about, then TripIt is a great tool for organizing everything in one neat place.

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Ensure you have proof of onward travel

“Proof of onward travel”  is a very important consideration that many first-time travellers forget about.

In sum, it’s proof that you’re leaving your destination before your visa or allowance expires.

Usually this proof is provided in the form of a ticket back home, or a ticket elsewhere to prove that you’ll be leaving at some point.

A lot of people dismiss this requirement as a myth, but trust me: it’s not.

I was once almost barred from boarding a flight to Germany because my return flight was after the 90 day Schengen Zone allowance, and I didn’t have proof I would be leaving the Schengen Zone before the 90 days was over. I intended to spend some time out of the Schengen Zone to ensure I never overstayed, but they demanded proof… so yes, they do check!

Want to learn more?  I have a full article if you want to read more about  proof of onward travel  and my experience lawyer-ing myself out of that (very awkward) situation.

Passport and boarding pass with coffee at airport

Steal my pre-made itineraries

Lastly Europe travel planning tip: I know that making itineraries can be exhausting, but luckily there are Type A laptop gremlins like me who adore doing it.

So, here are some itineraries for you to steal in case you need them:

  • My 1.5 month Western Europe backpacking itinerary
  • My 40+ one week in Europe itineraries

The most beautiful and scenic train rides in Europe! Don't miss this seriously epic rail travel bucket list on your next trip to Europe. #Europe #Trains #TrainTravel #BucketList

Europe Travel Tips for Transport & Getting Around

Getting around Europe can be really daunting for a first-time visitor, so here are all my best Europe tips related to transport and getting from one place to another.

Public transport is abundant and amazing

Don’t be afraid of using it!

I’m always shocked when I hear travellers who think that they’ll need to rent a car for their Europe trip.

Oftentimes, you really won’t need to, especially if you’re mainly visiting big cities.

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On that note…

Avoid renting a car

Unless you are doing a trip that focuses heavily on natural sights or smaller remote villages, odds are you won’t need a car.

Public transport (as I mentioned above) is a solid option, and involves a fraction of the stress often unleashed by car rentals.

German road trip inspiration! Click through for a funny story of a road trip around Germany gone wrong (then right).

… But beware of hidden costs if you do rent a car

When it comes to car rentals in Europe, often the first price you see isn’t indicative of what you’ll have to pay in the end.

Some hidden/additional costs might include…

  • Age or nationality based surcharges
  • Additional driver fees
  • Multiple country fees
  • Extra miles
  • Extra insurance
  • One way fees
  • Tolls/vignettes

So if you still want to rent a car, here is a post to help you figure out how much renting a car in Europe really costs .

Hoping to travel Europe by car? Don't miss these important considerations and hidden fees to ensure you have a smooth rental process! #europe #carrental #travel #traveltips

Renting a car? You might need a vignette 

One of the pains of car rentals is the additional fees. In many European countries, you need to pay for a vignette (a sticker you put on your car) to use their motorways.

In Switzerland for instance, this costs 40 francs… and yes, you need to make sure you have the vignette BEFORE you drive into the country, as there are automatic scanners at the border that can pick up your details and send you a ticket later (which we learned the hard way).

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Do a lot of research before committing to a Eurail pass 

Many first time visitors to Europe think of a rail pass as the cheapest option, but very often, booking your train tickets in advance will work out to be cheaper than a Eurail pass, especially if you aren’t taking that many trains and don’t need full flexibility (i.e. you are okay to book the trains advance).

Eurail passes can be great value, but not always. If you need help figuring out whether they’d make sense for you, read my full Eurail review for more details.

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Look into scenic European train rides

I’ve already made my allegiance to European public transport pretty clear, but one of the main reasons is simply how beautiful it can be.

Sure, trains aren’t always the cheapest way to to travel Europe , but they’re often the most scenic and beautiful.

So if you’re into the idea of travel as an experience, then be sure to read my post on the best scenic train rides in Europe , and the best scenic train rides in Switzerland .

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Familiarize yourself with Europe’s most famous budget airlines 

One of the cheapest ways to get around Europe is hopping around on budget airlines… where sometimes an international flight is cheaper than a 6 pack of nuggets.

Of course, the epic prices come with their own set of drawbacks, usually in terms of the flight experience, customer support, and additional add-ons (which always come at an extra fee).

You can learn more specifics about Europe’s top budget airlines through my reviews here:

  • Honest RyanAir Review
  • Honest easyJet Review
  • Honest WizzAir Review

RyanAir plane interior

Consider bus/coach travel if you’re on a budget

In addition to planes and trains, Europe is very well connected by an extensive bus (AKA coach) network.

One of the main contenders in this space is Flixbus, but depending on the country you’re visiting, there’s often local companies offering affordable bus travel between cities as well.

Again, I’d recommend using Omio so you can quickly compare buses, trains, and flights at the same time, but just know that bus travel in Europe can be a really cheap, safe, and easy way to get around.

Although there are of course some downisdes as well. You can read my full Flixbus review for more details.

This honest Flixbus review is epic! It compiles all the pros and cons of riding with Flixbus and 14 important must-knows before your trip. #Flixbus #Europe #Travel

Book an airport transfer for minimal stress

I love navigating Europe with public transport but if you’re travelling with a lot of luggage or as a big group, one of the more cost effective ways might actually be to just book a private transfer or taxi.

Of course, depending on where you go, taxi scams can be a real possibility, so for the least stressful option, consider booking a Welcome Pickups transfer, which is a set price, includes an English speaking driver who monitors your flight arrival time, and offers free cancellations up until 24 hours before.

This saves you the hassle of trying to get a taxi/navigate the language barriers to do so.

… Plus they pick you up with a cute little sign that has your name on it!

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Do research on how trains work in your destination

I have to say, one of the most overwhelming things for me in Europe was getting used to how trains work. I come from West Coast Canada, where passenger rail from city to city is very limited.

SO if you’re new to train travel, it might be helpful to do some research on how the train system works in your destinations, paying attention to particularities like…

  • Where to find the right platform for your train
  • Where to stand in order to find the right section of your train
  • Whether you need to buy and validate tickets before you get on board

Train stations are chaotic and stressful places, so you’ll ideally want to know these main things before you get there, otherwise you may have a lil mental breakdown on-site.

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Use train station lockers

If you’re looking for a stress-free way to explore a city for the day, or if you need a place to dump your bags before check-in or after check-out, a convenient solution can often be found at your destination’s train station.

At larger train stations in Europe, there will usually be paid lockers or a ‘left luggage’ office for you to leave your bags for a small fee. Be sure to take advantage of these so you can explore without hauling all your lively possessions with you.

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Order taxis or rides through apps whenever possible

Of course, this isn’t possible everywhere, but taxi scams are so widespread in certain European countries that you should definitely use an app when you’re able to.

The most popular ones in Europe include Uber, or FreeNow which is like Uber except you’re ordering an official licensed taxi.

Ordering through an app helps ensure you get a fair rate, and is also (in most cases) more convenient than waiting at a taxi stand or trying to wave one down in the street.

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Always look for deals with public transport

If you’re relying on public transportation to get around during your trip (which I highly recommend), then doing a bit of research on ticket types and discounts can really save you a lot of money.

Most major European cities offer some kind of discount for day tickets, group tickets, or multiple trip bundles, so be sure to look into those rather than buying single tickets every time.

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Always validate and hold onto your ticket

When it comes to navigating public transportation in Europe, most times it’s not enough to simply buy a ticket – you must usually a) validate it properly and b) keep it on you in case of inspection.

Who’s checking you ask? Well, most major European cities have random ticket controllers who periodically go around to make sure you’ve paid for and validated your fare correctly.

Sometimes (like in Paris) they’ll even ask to see your ticket after you’ve left the train platform, so be sure to hold onto your ticket until you’ve left the station.

The most thorough guide out there for using Munich's public transport system. #Germany #Munich #PublicTransport #Travel

Avoid public transport during rush hour… and during big events like sports games

When you’re a care-free tourist, it can be easy to forget the woes of mundane daily life like trying to get home during rush hour. Well, don’t forget: no matter where you go, they have a rush hour too, so be sure to avoid it whenever possible.

Ideally, you should aim to avoid public transport during times that locals are commuting to/from work. Pay special attention as well to big events like huge concerts or sport games, which can also make public transport a nightmare.

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Easily rent bikes or scooters

Most major European cities now have e-bikes and e-scooters that you can easily rent on-the-go through an app. This can be a fun way to quickly and cheaply get around the city.

Options will depend on your destination, but keep an eye out upon arrival! If they are available, odds are you will see them everywhere.

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Europe Tips for Attractions

Odds are, if you’re visiting Europe, your plans involve a lot of sightseeing. So, here are some of my best Europe travel tips related to attractions and itinerary planning.

Prepare yourself for scaffolding and restorations

Europe is an amazing destination thanks to its history.

… But the flip side of that is that it is old and so are many of its most famous monuments.

So, mentally prepare yourself for the possibility that the amazing church or landmark you’ve seen a million times on social media is covered in scaffolding, or doesn’t look as you hoped due to restorations.

For example, the first time I went to Rome, I was devastated to see the Trevi Fountain completely covered with scaffolding, and drained of water.

And most travelers have similar stories. There’s no way around it, but just keep in mind that it’s possible!

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Look into age-based discounts

Oftentimes, whether you’re looking at train tickets or attraction tickets, there will be enticing discounts available based on your age, so be sure to look into those for additional savings, especially if you’re considered a child, youth (often this goes up to age 27!) or senior.

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Get an ISIC Card if you’re a student

Here’s a very important Europe travel tip for students: if you are a student, the good news is you’re eligible for a wealth of additional discounts and offers.

The bad news is, often European institutions won’t recognize or accept student IDs from abroad, since they’re all so different.

An easy way to get around this though is by getting an  ISIC Card , which is an internationally recognized student ID that costs about twenty dollars, but will save you at least that much in discounts. 

I’d recommend getting one if you plan to travel around Europe for a longer time.

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On a budget? Prioritize free museums and sights

This is one of my top Europe backpacking tips – do not sleep on the many free things to see and do in Europe.

Everywhere you go in Europe, there will be free things to do and see, ranging from free museums to beautiful architecture and street art.

So, be sure to research beforehand and see what free things there are to do at your destination.

NOTE:  A lot of museums across Europe offer free admission on particular days of the month. Take advantage of these offers!

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Book tickets for attractions in advance whenever possible

This is usually cheaper, and can save you a lot of time on the day of your visit because at major attractions, there’s usually a separate line for people who already have tickets.

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Skip the line tickets are usually worth it

If you’re visiting a busy destination, then I’d highly recommend looking into Skip the Line tickets for major attractions, which will allow you to get in quicker.

Remember, during your trip, time is money, so paying a bit extra to skip the line is definitely a good use of funds.

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Visit attractions shortly before closing time

While most guides advise that you visit the main sights early, another sneaky hack that works quite well is visiting right before it closes.

I did this once with the Vatican Museums, entering about 1.5 hours before closing time and it I practically had the place all to myself!

In contrast, one time I did an early morning tour of the Vatican and it was already quite busy because other tour groups were starting at the same time. 

Gorgeous photos of Rome in the off-season - excellent inspiration for your next trip to Rome, featuring amazing must-sees and attractions.

Book special tours that are before or after public opening hours 

Many busier destinations will offer this now, and it’s a magical way to experience the top sights with a fraction of the crowds.

I once did a sunrise tour around Venice and it was incredible to see all the main sights and feel like I had them mainly to myself.

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Seek out fun and unique tours in general

Gone are the days that destinations offer just your old standard tours that cover everything generally.

These days, in most major European destinations, there are special tours you can book based on interest, with tours focusing on everything from history and food to street art and photography.

I usually like to have a quick search on GetYourGuide to see what’s available.

Barcelona is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world! Click through for big, beautiful photos of this vibrant city, and discover why you need to book a trip to Spain ASAP.

For touristy cities, research on local blogs 

In big cities like Paris or London, sure there’s a lot of tourists, but there are even more locals, who live there and call it home.

This means there’s a whole other side to the city that many tourists miss out on, from cool pop-ups and restaurants to special cultural events. I always try to look up fun events/updates on local blogs before every trip, and have gotten some really fun travel memories out of it.

You might find my guide on  How to Find Cool Stuff to Do Near You  helpful.

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Seek alternate viewpoints to main landmarks

If you ever find yourself in a place wanting to get THE photo of a major landmark (e.g. the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Coliseum in Rome, etc.) then a great way to get an amazing photo away from the crowds is by seeking out alternative angles and perspectives.

Remember, landmarks are big, so odds are you can find some cool places to get your photos without having to cram with everyone else. Simply walk a few blocks away and try to find unique views!

Sacré-Coeur Basilica from Square Marcel-Bleustein-Blanchet

Always search for information on the official websites of attractions (even in the local language)

These days, hours/entry requirements can change quickly and third party guides (yes, even Google Maps!) may be inaccurate. 

So, if you’re trying to find information on how to book tickets or what opening times are, make sure you always go straight to the source rather than other sites or blogs (even mine!)

For example, on my most recent visit to Rome, the Pantheon had changed its policy to be open only for reserved time slots on weekends, which would have been really unlucky because I saw no information about this anywhere else.

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Don’t spread yourself too thin

An ideal itinerary should have a mix of sights, experiences & relaxing. Don’t burn out by forcing yourself to see everything. I personally always ensure that there’s a relaxing or chill activity on each day, whether that be a picnic or just a relaxed coffee/cake afternoon.

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If you’re not interested, don’t force yourself just because it’s a must do

I think too often, first-time visitors in Europe get caught in this trap of needing to see all THE most famous things, but remember: at the end of the day, this is your vacation, so don’t force yourself to see something just because a random person on the Internet told you to.

I personally love museums but they’re not for everyone, so just remember it’s your vacation and there’s no need to do something just because it’s famous.

… but psst – if you ARE into museums, don’t wait until your trip to go! There are tons of really cool virtual museums you can check out when you’re bored. Pro tip from one hopeless nerd to another.

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Safety Tips for Europe (And How to Not Get Scammed!)

Is Europe dangerous to travel? This is one of the most common questions that first-time visitors ask. Honestly, so long as you keep the following Europe safety tips in mind, you will be fine.

Be wary of petty theft and scams when you visit Europe

Certainly in more touristy cities like Paris and Barcelona, opportunistic crime is abundant.

You can learn the most common pickpocket techniques and how to avoid them in my post about how to avoid pickpockets in Europe , but overall, the key is to always be vigilant and keep an eye on your belongings.

Pickpockets thrive on distraction, and tend to operate in high-traffic areas that have a lot of people/tourists (e.g. train stations), so be especially careful to not let anyone get too close.

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Look into theft-proof bags and accessories

There are a lot of amazing theft-proof travel accessories out there these days. The bad news is they’re not always the cheapest.

If you’re willing to splurge a bit on something high-quality and designed to thwart pickpockets, here are some options:

  • PacSafe’s  products are all made to be theft-proof, including their signature backpack  here  and day bag  here
  • Secret passport scarves  like these  are a great way to stash THE most important things in a subtle and discreet way 

Research the pickpocket hot zones for your destination

Most major cities have certain areas that are particularly well-known as pickpocket destinations.

In Rome for example, there’s Termini Train Station where I got pickpocketed, and Bus 64 AKA the Pickpocket Express.

Knowing where pickpockets tend to operate can help provide some ease of mind, and help you figure out when to be on guard.

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Keep valuables out of sight

Leaving your phone on a terrace table, or your purse hanging on your chair are both easy ways to get your valuables stolen!

Sure, it’s easy to let your guard down when you’re trying to relax, but remember that keeping your valuables out like that can be an easy way for them to get snatched.

Whenever I’m dining anywhere, I always keep my bag between my feet so they’re hard to access, and make sure to not leave my phone out on the table (on my lap, under a big napkin is often a safer bet!)

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Don’t take “free stuff”

A very common scam in touristy European places is people will offer you something for free “as a gift”, but then demand you (or one of your travel buddies) pay for it.

Some examples include…

  • Friendship bracelets

Generally, they will set up shop in busy, touristy areas, so remember to be especially cautious in these areas.

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Don’t sign any petitions

Another common scam is the petition scam, usually run by groups of young women.

They’ll come ask you to sign a petition (often first breaking the ice by asking if you speak English) and then either demand a donation from you, or distract you as someone else picks your pockets.

… So if someone asks you to sign a petition, just ignore and walk away. Better safe than sorry!

Rudeness is the way to get rid of scammers

On that note, if you find yourself in a situation where you are being followed or confronted by one of the aforementioned scammers, the best thing to do is ignore them and walk away.

They can be very persistent, but will give up eventually when you ignore them.

Limit the amount of cash you bring out with you

I always say to plan for ‘worst case scenario’, so another one of my top Europe safety tips is to not bring around more cash than you’d stand to lose.

Once upon a time, my friend was carrying around hundreds of euros in her bag (at the start of her trip) and was pickpocketed in Nice on her very first day! Pickpockets work quickly and unexpectedly, so don’t bring out more than you’d be okay losing.

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Store your cards separately

On a similar note, make sure to not carry all your cards in one wallet, so that (in case you are pickpocketed), you have a back-up.

I would recommend keeping one card in your suitcase, or in a separate bag.

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Don’t make yourself appear to be a good target for robbery

Sometimes when I’m travelling I’ll see people doing photoshoots posing with their designer shopping bags, completely oblivious to the fact that they’re making themselves targets.

Worse, sometimes they just leave the bags on a bench or on the stairs while they’re occupied on their phone.

If I were to write a “how to get robbed in Europe” article, these are the types of behaviours that would make the list, so make sure you’re not making yourself a clear target, and don’t wear unnecessarily flashy outfits or accessories which might catch a thief’s eye.

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Keep your phone out of reach

Phone snatchings are becoming a really common crime, especially in big cities like London, so avoid having your phone haphazardly out, or at least be sure to pay more attention when you do, especially…

  • If you’re standing close to doors on public transport
  • If you’re walking along a bike lane or road

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Be careful of bike lanes

Speaking of bike lanes, here’s another important (physical) Europe safety tip: be mindful of them.

If you’re like me and come from somewhere that they’re not overly common, it’s way too easy to accidentally walk onto them and potentially get yourself run over (or more likely, make yourself an annoyance to a cyclist just trying to get home).

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Beware of strangers asking you to go for drinks randomly

This is a scam that’s more prevalent in famous party cities, but if a random person (usually an unreasonably attractive woman) comes up to you off the street and asks you to grab a drink, odds are rather good that they’re not just a friendly local looking to grab drinks with a stranger.

This is a common scam where people (again, usually beautiful women, but not always) will bring targeted tourists into bars they’re working with to get a few drinks, only for these tourists to get charged extortionate rates for these drinks, because you never question how much stuff costs when you’re trying to flirt.

Extreme stories even say that bar staff will block the door until the tourists pay up.

Moral of the story: if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

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And beware of children

A general rule of thumb is this: if a kid is confidently coming up to you and/or getting close unannounced, keep your valuables close and watch your pockets. This is often a distraction tactic used by pickpockets, and sadly some kids are also trained to steal from a young age too.

I almost lost my wallet in Bratislava this way, when a woman asked me to take her photo and her kid started running around me as a distraction.

I realized pretty quickly what was happening and caught my pickpocket literally with her hand in my purse. Luckily, I was able to swat her hand away just in time.

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Buy some small locks to put around your zippers

Another great travel hack I’ve picked up over the years is simply buying a set of small cable locks  like these  and keeping one in each bag.

That way, you can quickly lock your zippers together in crowded situations and prevent anyone from randomly opening your bag.

Simple, but effective.

Look up common taxi rates and scams before arriving

While I’m a firm believer that public transport is the way to go, sometimes you might need to take a taxi, whether it’s because you’re arriving late, running late, or just want to splurge a little.

While this varies depending on the country, taxis are often prime scam zones! I’ve personally been scammed by taxis in  Prague  and also in  Sofia.

Particularly if you are leaving from busy areas like airports or train stations, some opportunistic drivers will take advantage. This is how I got charged 4x the usual fare in Sofia, mainly because I didn’t know better.

So, if you plan on taking a taxi, make sure you search up how much that route should generally cost, and also familiarize yourself with common scams.

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Know the emergency numbers

In North America, 911 is the go-to when you have any kind of emergency, but the numbers are different in Europe.

Within the EU (and a handful of other countries), the general emergency number is 112, and most countries will have other numbers for more specific emergency services as well.

So, be sure to take note of what these are before your trip, although I’ve heard anecdotally that 911 should reroute to emergency services as well.

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Avoid sketchy EuroNet ATMs

If you’re going to an ATM, try your best to find one that’s connected to an actual bank.

There are a lot of ATMs (especially around tourist areas) that charge huge fees, or make currency conversion more confusing than it needs to be so you can get charged more.

As a general rule, don’t use any of those Euronet ATMs – they’re the worst!

Have a plan in case of a worst case scenario

This isn’t just a good Europe travel tip, but a good tip for travelling anywhere – make a plan for the worst case scenario.

Imagine your bags get stolen with your passports and all your cash/cards – what would be your backup plan? What would you do if you lost your phone?

Having a plan in place can minimize stress in the event that anything does happen, and having that peace of mind is very important for any vacation!

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Get a good VPN

If you plan to be travelling longer-term, getting a reliable VPN is a must.

In short, VPNs (or Virtual Private Networks) mask your IP address and encrypt your data so that you can protect your identity online, browse anonymously, and even change the geographical location you’re browsing from.

This can be helpful in a lot of backpacking situations. In the past, I’ve used a VPN to…

  • Access streaming for my favourite TV shows that weren’t available in the country I was travelling in
  • Visit sites that were blocked in the country I was travelling in
  • Access important sites (e.g. banking portals) that flagged my visit as suspicious because I was in a new country
  • Securely browse the Internet with public WiFi knowing my data/identity was protected

As a real cheapskate (especially in my earlier travel days), I’ve tried every free VPN under the sun, and always found them to be unreliable or buggy.

After doing lots of research, I decided to splurge on  Private Internet Access , which I’ve been using for the past few years, and I’ve been loving it. It’s super easy to use, very reliable, and actually (when you break it down) not expensive it all.

Subscribe via  this link  and you can get it for under 3 bucks a month.

Laptop with Netflix loaded

Food & Drink Tips for Europe

When in Europe, eating and drinking well is a must! Here are some of my best tips for making the most of Europe’s varied food culture.

Visit grocery stores to save big

Not only is visiting supermarkets abroad just a fun cultural activity in general, you can save a great deal of money by buying snacks/drinks there vs. from vendors as you’re out and about.

If you have cooking facilities at your accommodation, making some of your own meals can also be a huge money-saver, even if you’re just swapping out a sit-down lunch for a picnic one.

Grocery store display with fruits and drinks

Beware that you might need to weigh your own produce

Of course, visiting supermarkets abroad can come with its own healthy dose of culture shocks, one of the main ones being that most countries have their own different method of handling produce.

Should you weigh it? Print a sticker? Just bring it as-is?

The answer will depend, so observe what others are doing before you get caught awkwardly at the cashier with a woman shouting at you in Bulgarian because you didn’t weigh your tomatoes (true story).

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Have a quick search of regional specialties before you go

European cuisine is SO diverse, and even within one country, you’ll have all kinds of different regional dishes to try, so I’d recommend doing some research beforehand about the top must-tries, so you can keep an eye out for them.

For example, you might think you know what Italian food is but when you go to actual Italy, you’ll realize that every region has their own special dishes, so be sure to look into what those are before just getting pizza everywhere.

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Dine far away from tourist attractions

A general rule of thumb is that any restaurants right next to major tourist attractions are probably gonna have a poor price to quality ratio, since they cater more to tourists who are flush with cash and unlikely to return.

My tip? Just walk a few blocks over before starting your food hunt, or d some research beforehand to find well-rated restaurants near you.

Pasta Il Porticciolo Manarola

Learn how to spot a tourist trap restaurant

Tourist trappy restaurants are a dime a dozen in Europe’s more popular destinations, so make sure you work on your tourist trap radar.

A few red flags include…

  • Big pictures
  • The menu being translated into a million languages
  • The words “TOURIST MENU” over it
  • A really persistent person out front beckoning you to come inside

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Double check that places have prices on display before ordering

This may be the oldest scam in Europe’s “let’s extort tourists” playbook, but any restaurant with fair pricing will be transparent with their pricing.

If you come across a restaurant that doesn’t list prices upfront, then run for the hills.

Never assume “it can’t be that bad” because odds are they’ve omitted their prices for a reason and plan to charge you an extortionate amount, like  this place  which went viral for a 500 euro lunch bill.

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A quick check of reviews is a must

While I don’t believe reviews are accurate 100% of the time, I do think they’re very helpful for establishing patterns, especially when there’s a bunch of reviews all saying the same thing.

A quick search of the restaurant (even on Google Maps Reviews) can help prevent you from getting scammed or being subject to mediocre food/service.

Lunch specials are usually cheaper

If you’re gonna splurge and treat yourself, lunch might be the time to do it. Many places will offer special deals for lunch, so keep an eye out for those!

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Usually the bill won’t come until you ask for it

Generally speaking, the ultra-friendly and proactive customer service you get in North America doesn’t really exist in European countries.

Very rarely will you have servers come up to constantly check on you and ask how you’re doing, so if you’re wondering why nobody has brought the bill around, just get their attention because they don’t tend to drop it off until you ask (doing so without asking is actually considered a bit rude in itself).

Don’t shy away from food tours

If you’re running on limited stomach space but want to try as many local specialties as possible, then food tours are a really fun and delicious option.

Most big destinations in Europe have them these days, and they’re a great way to sample a lot of local foods while also getting a local guide’s perspective and expertise.

Context is key and learning about food (while eating it!) is the best.

Sofia, Bulgaria city guide ft. tips from an insider resident! This guide includes all the must-knows like things to do in Sofia, what to eat, where to stay and more.

Take a cooking class 

Another foodie activity that’s now offered in most European destinations these days is cooking classes.

There’s no better souvenir than learning how to prep your favourite foods once you get home, so definitely consider adding one to your itinerary.

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Get used to sparkling water

Sparkling water is a lot more common in certain European countries than in North America, to the point where sometimes it’s the default if you ask for water.

If you’re not a fan of spicy H20, then make sure to specify Still when you order water.

Don’t pay extra for hotel breakfast

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good hotel breakfast when it’s included in the room rate, but if you’re given a choice, you can save a lot of money by going out to get breakfast at a bakery, which is also more fun in my opinion.

Breakfast Sheraton Essen

When weather permits, picnics are a much better option

I love picnics. They’re such a romantic and affordable way to enjoy a meal, especially when you have a great backdrop.

Make sure you picnic at least once during your trip – I promise you’ll love it! And your wallet will too.

Picnic spread with cupcakes and a baguette on a checkered blanket

Generally speaking, Europeans eat later than North Americans

After living in Germany for a few years, making dinner plans with friends at home almost put me in a coma. Dinner at 5:30 or 6pm? Wayyyy earlier than most European countries, especially Spain where dinner time is often after 9pm.

Of course, you can take advantage of this cultural difference by getting a table at popular restaurants simply through booking as soon as they open.

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Be openminded with trying new foods

I hated beer until I had it in Belgium. I hated cheese until I tried smoked cheese in the Netherlands.

I don’t know how to explain it, but certain food and drink items just taste different, and frankly, better in Europe than they do in North America.

So before you write something off as a food you don’t like, give it a try. You might be pleasantly surprised, especially if it’s the regional specialty.

Giant special beer glasses at Dulle Griet in Ghent

Get takeout for super cheap with Too Good to Go

One of my favourite (little-known) Europe travel apps is called  Too Good to Go.

They service many major European cities, and basically, it’s a free app that restaurants use to sell their leftover food at the end of the day (sometimes at lunch too).

This helps minimize food waste, and means you can pick up an entire take out meal for less than 5 euros.

Sure, you don’t get to choose what you get, but it’s an excellent way to eat cheap and help reduce waste at the same time.

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Culture & Etiquette Tips for Europe

Tourists can often have a reputation for being rude… but not you! Not on my watch. Here are some culture and etiquette tips to keep in mind for your trip to Europe.

Culturally, Europe is a million different entities

One of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to Europe travel advice is when books or sites tell you “In Europe, tipping is like…”, “In Europe, locals are…”

… Which I know is kind of ironic in an article simply called “Europe Travel Tips” but shhh just go with it.

Long story short: Europe is composed of dozens of countries, each with their unique cultural nuances and norms, so be sure to research culture tips specifically for where you’re going, because things like tipping, queuing, meal times, etc. can vary considerably across the continent.

Looking for things to see and what to do in Kotor, Montenegro? Check out these gorgeous photos of Kotor for inspiration!

Learn at least hello and thank you 

While visitors can often survive just fine without learning the local language, i’s generally good manners to know basics such as hello and thank you for every country you visit.

… So be sure to practice that a bit before you go!

Do not tip by North American standards

As I previously mentioned, tipping in Europe does vary from country to country, but never would a 20% tip be considered the bare minimum like in North America sometimes.

So, be sure to research tipping culture in your destination before you go. In many countries, tipping involves simply rounding up.

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Try to not speak too loud

In Europe, North Americans generally have a reputation for being… loud. Sometimes obnoxiously so.

So if you’re out in public, try to lower the volume of your voice to closer match what’s around you (easier said than done, I know, but something to be mindful of).

When in doubt, mimic the locals 

Cultural norms can vary widely from place to place, so your best bet is to just observe the status quo and try to imitate that.

If nobody is chatting on the train, it’s probably a good sign that you shouldn’t either. If everybody is lining up in an orderly queue, maybe you should join that queue instead of barging in the front.

Remember, tourists can have a reputation for being disrespectful and annoying, so try your best to shatter that stereotype wherever you go.

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Look into festivals and folk events to attend 

One of the most amazing things about Europe as a continent is that it is so deeply rooted in heritage and tradition, with some cultural traditions dating back thousands of years.

For a truly unforgettable experience, I’d recommend looking up some fun festivals or events to enjoy. 

Here are some of my favourites I’ve been to:

  • September: Bad Dürkheim Wurstmarkt (the world’s largest wine festival)
  • September/October: Oktoberfest in Munich (the world’s largest beer festival)
  • February: Crazy Days at Cologne Carnival
  • March – April: Starkbierfest in Munich (unique strong beer festival)
  • March – May: Keukenhof (the world’s largest flower garden)

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Packing Tips for Europe

Not sure what to wear and what to pack for Europe? Here are my top Europe packing tips.

Steal my pre-made packing lists

If you’re overwhelmed with what to pack, I’ve already made some packing lists that you can use as a starting point!

Download them, print them, mail them to all your friends and exes! I hope you get tons of use out of them:

  • My Europe winter packing list
  • My Europe summer packing list
  • My versatile minimalist packing list
  • My toiletries packing list

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Don’t bring any suitcases you can’t carry

I’ve always been an advocate for packing light, but a good rule of thumb is to not bring any suitcases you aren’t physically capable of carrying yourself.

There’s a million and one scenarios where you might have to end up carrying your suitcase in Europe, like…

  • Your hotel or accommodation unexpectedly has no elevator
  • The elevator you were counting on at the train station is out of order
  • You need to carry your bag up some ancient staircase to get to your accommodation
  • You need to lift your suitcase on/off the train you’re taking

So yes, whatever bag or suitcase you bring, make sure you’re able to carry it yourself.

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Good walking shoes are a must

I cannot explain to you how much walking you’ll end up doing, so comfortable shoes are much more important than cute stylish ones.

That said, if you’re able to find comfortable walking shoes that are a bit dressier, opt for those over beat up runners.

Generally speaking, casual wear in Europe is more dressed up than what we’re used to in North America, so packing a nice pair of white sneakers or comfy leather boots would definitely be a more versatile choice over hole-filled running shoes.

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Buy AirTags to track your suitcases

With airlines losing baggage all the time these days, I’ve finally caved and bought an AirTag to track my checked bag.

And honestly? I regret nothing! I love the ease of mind it provides, and should a thief ever nab my bag one day, I feel very smug knowing I’ll be able to track them down.

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Pack an emergency outfit in your carry-on

On a similar note, one Europe packing tip I live by is always having an emergency set of clothes in your carry-on bag.

Checked bags get lost all the time, so having extra clothes with you is key for ease of mind. I usually bring all the top essentials with me in my carry-on. Better safe than sorry!

Pack clothes with hidden inner pockets rather than a money belt

While many travel experts tout the the benefits of money belts, I’ve honestly never been able to get on board with them. They’re awkward, sweaty, and reaching under your clothes to get change for an ice cream is just… not my idea of fun.

Instead of a money belt, I always have either:

  • A backpack with a zippered pocket in the back, which makes it inaccessible to anyone else when worn
  • A crossbody purse with a pocket on the backside, again making it inaccessible to anyone so long as I hold it close to me 
  • A jacket with inner pockets so it’s impossible to reach in without getting super super close

These anti-theft methods are a LOT more comfortable to me than a money belt… so remember: a money belt isn’t the only way!

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Bring a universal adapter

Power sockets in most European countries have two round holes and if you’re visiting from overseas, odds are you’ll need an adapter for your plugs to fit.

I’d strongly recommend buying a universal adapter  like this one  if you don’t have one already. Not only is it good for the standard round hole outlets, but it can also work for the three prong plugs in the UK, Malta, and Cyprus.

It’s cheap, can be re-used for every trip, and covers you in all situations. Definitely some of the best money I’ve ever spent!

Use packing cubes to organize and compress your clothes

I am such a packing cubes fangirl.

These beauties are a magical way to keep all your goods organized, while saving space in your bag as well. Gone are the days that you rummage through your entire pack for a particular t-shirt!

Not all packing cubes have to be expensive either. There’s plenty of affordable options on Amazon, like this blue set from  Amazon Basics , but you definitely get what you pay for.

PS: I’m a total packing cube nerd and once bought a bunch of different brands to compare. See my full  packing cube showdown  for more.

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Pack a re-usable bag for purchases

Single use bags are slowly getting phased out in Europe, so I find it’s always a good idea to bring an extra bag or two whenever I travel, whether to stash my souvenir haul for the day or to carry around snacks.

So, when in doubt, pack a tote or two! They can be such lifesavers.

DIY your own travel sized toiletries

This is a very basic  packing tip  I always recommend, but rather than buy the bottles of toiletries which give you like, three good squeezes of shampoo, I find it’s easier (and more eco-friendly) these days to buy small reusable bottles that you can fill with your own toiletries of choice.

This allows you to bring your favourite products with you, and saves needless one-use toiletries from ending up in the landfill.

Need help picking the right one?  Read my guide to  reusable toiletry bottles  for more info.

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Final Europe Travel Tips to Know Before You Go

Alright, before I let you get back to… your real life, friends, and family, here are some final random Europe travel tips to keep in mind.

Having cash is important

With the exception of Northern Europe and some parts of the UK, cash is still important to carry around, whether for small purchases or for essentials like using the washroom. Keeping coins is also a good idea.

So, don’t forget that cash is still king in many parts of Europe!

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Claim VAT refunds at the airport

Taxes are generally built into the price in Europe, so many travellers don’t realize they are paying up to to 20% in VAT (Value Added Tax) for everything they purchase.

The good news is, when it comes to goods that you are buying and taking home (e.g. clothes, gifts, etc.), non-residents of Europe are eligible for a refund on this VAT that you pay.

VAT refund rules vary from country to country, but usually there’s a minimum spend amount in one single location (around 175 EUR in most cases).

So, keep this in mind and you can get a good chunk of change back. To get the step by step process, Google your destination + VAT refund, as the process does differ country to country.

Floors start at zero so don’t get confused 

If you’ve seen Emily in Paris you’ll already know this one.

The floor system in European buildings tends to differ from North America.

Whereas in North America, the ground floor is often the 1st floor, the ground floor is considered its own separate entity in most countries (i.e. Floor 0) and then the next one above that would be the 1st floor.

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Prepare for beds to be different

Bed sizes in Europe tend to be smaller, and doubles can often just be two single beds pushed together (so romantic, I know).

Depending on where you go, the pillows and comforters can be different as well, like in Germany where they’ve randomly decided that the optimal shape for a pillow is square. *shudder*

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Beware of words you know that may mean a different thing in other languages

For example, a menu for North Americans is a list of dishes you can order, but a menu in France means a set meal or combo.

Similarly, entrées in North America are the main course, when in France, it means appetizer.

Use Google Maps to save spots you want to see

Google Maps is an amazing resource not just for navigating a new city, but also for saving spots you might want to visit in the future.

One of my favourite  travel hacks  is starring every location I deem interesting on Google Maps. You can do this by pressing the Save button when you search up that spot.

This allows you to have a visual map of all the cool cafes, street art murals, attractions, restaurants, etc. that you’ve saved during your research, which means you can easily organize your itinerary/sightseeing.

I love doing this because I’ll often end up in new areas during my explorations, and I can just look at my map to see if anything interesting I read about happens to be nearby. Saves a lot of planning!

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Need customer support? Hop on Twitter

Don’t ask me why this is, but if you need to get ahold of customer support during your trip (e.g. an airline, a train company, etc.), usually the quickest response time will be through Twitter.

The best way to tell if you’ll get a reply on Twitter is by checking the official accounts’ replies – if there are recent replies to Tweets, odds are good that there’s a dedicated staff member monitoring the account.

This of course works in non-travel settings as well!

Get crowdless photos by using this cool photo hack

For iPhone users, there’s a super easy way to get cool photos in crowded places without getting a bunch of people in the shot.

Simply follow these steps:

  • Turn on Live photo
  • Pose for your photo, making sure to stand still
  • Get your photographer to snap a few photos of you standing still
  • Edit the photo by going in the upper left corner, click on the LIVE button with the downwards arrow, and turn on Long Exposure
  • The crowds walking around you should now be blurry, with you still in focus

Binge on movies set in your destination before your visit

You know, I could binge travel quotes all day but nothing will put me in more of a wanderlusty mood that a good movie set somewhere beautiful.

So, if you binge travel movies set in your destination, I promise your trip will be 1000000x times more enjoyable when you recognize the sights that you’re seeing. Trust me.

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Consider learning the Cyrillic alphabet

If you are travelling somewhere that uses the Cyrillic alphabet, it can be very beneficial to learn how to read it.

This is because sometimes destination names at train/bus stations are written only in the local alphabet, which can lead to a lot of confusion if you’re unfamiliar with it.

European countries that use the Cyrillic alphabet include…

  • North Macedonia

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Remember: Europe is more about the experience than it is about seeing a million sights

Last but not least, I have to say… Europe is beautiful, yes. It’s packed to the brim with gorgeous museums, architecture, natural beauty, etc. BUT at the end of the day, what you need to focus more is on the experience of just being present and enjoying every moment.

Don’t stress yourself out too much with a heavy itinerary and trying to cram as much as possible in.

Enjoy it! Because your trip will go by far quicker than you think.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

I hope this list of Europe travel tips was helpful!

If you’ve made it this far, wow. I applaud the stamina. And patience! This ha admittedly been a VERY long list of tips for Europe, but if you have any more questions, let me know in the comments… and be sure to read my list of unconventional travel hacks if you’re eager for more.

My Go-To Travel Favourites:

🧳 Eagle Creek: My favourite packing cubes

💳 Wise: For FREE travel friendly credit cards

🍯 Airalo: My go-to eSIM

🏨 For searching hotels

📷 Sony A7IV: My (amazing) camera

✈️ Google Flights : For finding flight deals

🌎 WorldNomads: For travel insurance

🎉 GetYourGuide: For booking activities

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Planning A Europe Trip: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Trip You’ll Love

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by  Annie  

Published:  January 4, 2022

planning a europe trip guide dubrovnik photo

So you want to start planning a Europe trip. Where do you start? There are so many questions running through your mind -- where should I go? How much time do I need? What will I do while I’m there? How do I get around? What do I pack? The list seems never-ending. I feel you, my friend, and that’s why I wanted to create this guide for you! Though these examples are specific to Europe, you can apply these same steps to any international trip. 

The first trip I ever planned was for work. My supervisor told me I needed to leave the next day and I’d visit five different facilities in four countries across Europe. Talk about trial by fire! After three hours of booking flights and hotels, shooting off emails, and packing up my desk, I sped home like a madwoman to pack the biggest suitcase you’ve ever seen. I still cringe when I think about that mammoth I hauled around for eighteen days. 

Even though it was totally rushed and I had zero experience, everything went smoothly! The biggest takeaway from that experience was that planning an international trip isn’t nearly as difficult as it seems. This is true even if you know next to nothing about the place you’re going, and don’t have time to research! If I can pull it off in twenty-four hours, I guarantee you can do it with much less stress if you give yourself time to bring it all together. 

*** This post contains affiliate links, which means if you make a booking using the link, I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you. This helps me keep the lights on around here. I ONLY recommend products and services I personally use and love. ***

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How to Use this Guide for Planning a Europe Trip

In this guide, we’re going to cover everything you need to know about planning a Europe trip so you can create the experience you’ve always wanted! We’ll talk about what to do before you even start researching, the process of creating your itinerary, booking all the necessities, and how to have a great time once you arrive.

This travel planning guide is for independent travelers who want to travel to Europe on their own terms. You won’t find information about multi-day group tours, or cruises. In each section of this guide, I’ve answered the most common questions people have at each step of the process when planning a Europe trip. 

There are four parts to this guide that follow the steps for planning your trip: 

  • What to do before you start researching and booking. 
  • What goes into creating your itinerary and booking the necessities. 
  • What happens between booking and leaving on your grand adventure! 
  • All the info you need to make your trip to Europe run smoothly.

Bookmark this post so you can come back to it at each step of your travel planning process!

Planning a Europe Trip Part 1: Getting Started

Prague Castle. Inspiration for Europe

An incredible view of Prague Castle and the city from Petrin Hill

For international travel, I like to start laying the groundwork at least six months before I plan to leave. You can do it in less time, but having plenty of time to find the best deals, research your destination, book accommodations before they sell out, will keep you from feeling overwhelmed. You won’t be booking everything that far in advance because there are decisions to be made before you start researching and booking anything at all. In this section, you’ll find answers the most common questions and everything you need to lay the foundation for an amazing trip. 

3 steps to start planning a Europe trip:

  • Passports and documentation
  • Setting the parameters for your trip
  • Choosing your destination(s)

What documents do I need if I’m traveling to Europe?

The most important thing you’ll need for your trip is your passport! I know this seems totally obvious, but hear me out. Depending on the backlog, the process can take up to six months if you don’t have a passport already. 

When going to Europe, you’ll need to make sure your passport is valid for at least six months after you arrive. Many countries want to ensure your passport won’t expire while you’re visiting. The renewal process is pretty simple. The last time I did it, I went to my local Walgreens to get updated photos and sent them in with my old passport and renewal paperwork. I had my shiny new passport in about three weeks. Super simple!

Consider applying for Global Entry (US Citizens)

Global Entry is a program for US citizens that allows you to have a fast pass through passport control when you’re returning to the United States. It also comes with TSA Pre-Check, making getting through security a breeze for domestic and international flights. 

It’s $100 for five years and well worth the money if you plan on traveling internationally just once a year! Since I got mine, it’s never taken me more than ten minutes to get through passport control and customs. Previously, I’d be stuck in these lines for hours! Honestly, this is one of the best tips I can give you in this travel planning guide to make your trip to Europe less stressful. 

The application process is simple. You can get all the information and start your application from this government website . You’ll have to complete a full background check and then meet with a TSA agent for an interview. My interview was at the airport, but other options may be available in your area. The interview was about ten minutes long, and they asked questions about my travel plans. It was really easy!

Global Entry is especially handy if you’re like me and piece together flights on different airlines to get the best deals. Having the “fast pass” through passport control and customs makes the whole process of switching airlines and getting back through security much easier and more predictable. 

What’s the best way to start planning a Europe trip? 

The first step to planning a Europe trip is to decide how much time and money you have to spend. This will make every other decisions easier! Time and money are the parameters every part of your Europe trip will fit within. This article will help with planning your travel budget . Once you know how much money you have to spend determine the priorities for your Europe trip . 

When it comes to maximizing the time you have to spend, build around long weekends and holidays if you’re using PTO. Look for holidays that aren’t celebrated in your destination to avoid crowds. This article about planning an itinerar y can help you decide how to spend your days once you arrive. Research the most popular times to visit - or the peak season - and plan to go when fewer tourists are there. Traveling just outside these times (aka shoulder season) will help you save money and avoid huge crowds. If you go when everyone else is visiting, it’s harder to find deals and reservations book up faster. 

You don’t need to have multiple weeks available to create an incredible trip to Europe! All you need is 7 to 10 days. Seven days in a place you’ve wanted to visit for so long is better than zero days, I promise! If you have a more flexible schedule and can work remotely or take long periods off, your primary consideration will be budget. Your budget will go much farther in Romania than in Norway!

Where should I travel in Europe?

If this is your first time planning a Europe trip, destinations that speak your native language will be the least intimidating. If you’re a native English speaker, the United Kingdom and Ireland are great places to start! However, there are plenty of other considerations when deciding where to visit, so keep reading. 

Choosing a destination is the hardest part of planning a Europe trip, in my opinion. It’s tough to take all the amazing places and narrow your trip down to only a few you can string together! Also, there’s no one place that’s going to be perfect for everyone. 

Knowing which type of traveler you are can help you choose a destination you’ll love. If you’re a Nature Lover, then a bustling city may not be the most enjoyable experience for you. You can use this article to learn about different types of travelers and discover which one(s) resonates with you. Once you understand your travel style, it’s easier to decide which European destinations will provide the experience you want. 

Another thing to consider is the average daily cost of visiting. If your destination is less-popular, it may cost more to get there and back so look at flight prices. Also, consider how long it will take to get to your destination and home again if your timeline is less than ten days. These are important considerations, but there are a few other questions to think about.  Here’s an article that covers choosing a destination in more detail. 

Additional Considerations for Choosing Your Destinations

There are a few other elements to think about when deciding where to go on your Europe trip. The climate and any local events happening are two big ones. If you want to go to Scotland in August, the weather is lovely, but you may not know that the city will be packed because the Fringe Festival and Military Tattoo are both in full swing. Taking the time to learn a little more about the places you’re considering before making your final decision will help you choose the best place for your trip. 

There are some easy ways to get information about your top destination choices. Start by looking at the tourism site for the country or city. You’ll learn more about things to do there, how to get around, and other details that can help you plan. Then get a guidebook for the destination(s). Personally, I love real books, so I buy used guidebooks at to read through. The big things don’t change that much over time -- what to see, different regions, history, etc., so I don’t mind having a book that’s out of date. Plus, I’m a fan of reusing rather than purchasing new when I can. 

Finalize Your Destination

Do some basic research on flights and accommodations. This will help you fill in your travel budget and outline your itinerary options. 

1. Research entry requirements for each place on your list.

Do you need any specific documents or health screenings? Do they have a cost associated with them? When I start this phase, I create a spreadsheet to organize the information for each place to compare them easily when it’s time to make a final decision. 

2. Get an idea of what flights and accommodations will cost. is my go-to for finding a ton of flight information in one place. You can search for multi-city and open jaw flights on this site too. Here’s an article with tips for finding cheap flights for your trip to help you get started. For accommodations, is my favorite for finding awesome places to stay in Europe. You can see a variety of accommodations all in one place! There are different types of accommodations to choose from, so check out this article for information about each and ways to save money. 

3. Research how you’ll get from place to place.

You’ll need to get from the airport to the city, around the city itself, and from one place to another if you want to visit multiple places on your trip, which isn’t nearly as intimidating as it sounds, I promise! In this article, you can learn about the different ways to travel around Europe and how to decide which is best for your trip. Right now, all you need to know is what options you have, an idea of what they will cost, and how long they take. 

Once you’ve done this preliminary research, it’s time to finalize your destination choices so you can start building your Europe itinerary. You can map out an itinerary for more than one option; just know that’s going to take extra time. 

For the rest of this guide planning a Europe trip, we’ll assume you’ve chosen one place or a few close together for your trip.

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Planning a Europe Trip Part 2: Creating Your Itinerary

Callanish Standing Stones. Inspiration for planning a trip to Europe

Getting off the beaten path to see the Callanish Standing Stones in Scotland.

Now that you’ve chosen a destination, we’ll start putting together the itinerary for your Europe trip! In this section of the travel planning guide, we will cover the six steps that go into creating your itinerary. You’ll find answers to common questions that include details steps for filling in the details of your travel plans. 

6 steps to planning a Europe trip Itinerary:

  • Entry requirements
  • Basics of building an itinerary
  • Mapping out dates for flights and accommodations
  • Booking flights and accommodations
  • Planning for transportation
  • Planning for sights and activities

What do I need if I’m traveling to Europe?

Some European destinations may require a visa to enter or documentation regarding your health, especially with Covid on the scene. A quick internet search should provide all the information you need. A website from the local government will have the most accurate and up-to-date information. There may be certain timelines for applications, so set a reminder in your phone calendar for any dates you need to remember.

The requirements are subject to change quickly when it comes to health information. Make sure you know what the process and timelines are for your destination. Some require testing, even if you’re vaccinated. Others require you to complete a health form in advance like I had to do when traveling to Turkey. This site will help you find a test in your destination for testing while traveling. Also, at-home tests can work in many situations. This article has great information on at-home tests and other resources. 

How do I make an itinerary?

There are an endless number of ways to spend your days in any European destination. First, decide any “must do” items for your visit. You’ll build your timelines around these. You can always refer to which type of traveler you are and look at the suggested activities. If you’re not sure what’s available in your destination, start by looking at the tourism board website (or your guidebook). They have great information about attractions and events. Locals run tourism board sites to promote their home to tourists, so they know!

Once you have a list of your “must-see” activities and sites, plan to do one or two per day. I know, you’re thinking, “But I can do WAY more than one or two things in a day!” Yes, you can. However, you’re going to find more things that interest you once you arrive. 

Also, leaving time for a pint in the pub around the corner and a stop in the interesting little shop you find yourself walking past will make your trip to Europe all the more enjoyable. Honestly, the highlights of your days will often be the things you didn’t plan but stumbled upon as you went from one of your must-do activities to the next. 

If your trip includes major cities, look at where the attractions you most want to see are located. You can bookmark them on your Google maps, so they’re easily accessible on the go. You’ll probably find things you want to see clustered close together in different parts of the city. Dedicate a day to each area rather than going back and forth. Spending most of a day in one area gives you time to get off the beaten path and see what else is around. 

Did I mention leaving time for wandering? Trust me on this one. 

There are many different ways to get around while you’re visiting, so research what’s available. Here’s an article that tells you more about each one and how to decide what’s best for you.

What is the best way to plan flights and accommodations?

Always start this part of your travel planning with affordable flights! Here’s an article with tips for finding cheap flights . Because flight prices vary widely from day to day and week to week, building around the most affordable flights will help you maximize your travel budget. 

Start your search on Skyscanner by looking at a whole month at a time to see which block of days will be the cheapest. If you insist on specific dates, then you’re at the mercy of airline prices. There are plenty of other ways to save money on your trip!

Once you’ve found cheap flights , look at accommodations that match up with those dates; make sure to note any date changes for your arrival if you’re flying through multiple time zones.   is where I start because they have so many types of accommodations in one place, and it’s easy to see prices. Here’s an article where you can learn about the different types of accommodations , tips for saving money, and how to choose the best option for your experience. 

Choose the top three accommodations for your dates based on your priorities. Make a pro/con list for each or send a message to the property with any questions you have. This is why an early start to planning a Europe trip is really helpful. It gives you plenty of time to get the information you want to make the best decision for your experience! Last-minute planning can leave you scrambling, feeling overwhelmed, and getting stuck with whatever’s left. 

How soon should I start booking things while planning a Europe trip?

After you’ve mapped out your timelines, it’s time to start booking your trip. This is where we go from just planning a Europe trip to making it reality! Hitting the “purchase” button for those flights is its own kind of adrenaline rush. Keep a spreadsheet or document that you’ll organize by date to help you make sure everything lines up so you’re not accidentally without a place to stay one night or double-booked somewhere else.

Start by booking your flights. I always book directly through the airline rather than one of the online travel sites. This way, if there’s any kind of problem, you can work directly with the airline instead of having to go through a third party. 

Once you’ve booked, make a note in your spreadsheet or document of:

  • the airline
  • your confirmation number
  • departure date and time
  • any layovers
  • your arrival date and time

Next up, it’s time to book places to stay. Match up the arrival date of your flight with the check-in date of your accommodation. If you’re staying in more than one place, match the next check-in date with the check-out date of your previous stay. Sometimes this can get confusing, which is why having your planning document organized by date is helpful. 

Make a note in your spreadsheet or document of: 

  • the property name
  • check-in and check-out dates
  • phone number
  • confirmation number. 

Then bookmark your accommodation on Google Maps, so it’s accessible when you arrive.

A note on booking multiple accommodations and then canceling what you don’t want -- this puts the local accommodation in a real bind. If you prefer to stay in a small, locally-owned place, it can be difficult for them to fill last-minute cancellations, affecting their livelihood! Please, choose the place you want to stay and only book one.

What is the best transportation in Europe?

There are a number of transportation options for planning a Europe trip. I’m always a fan of public transportation because it’s affordable, efficient, and a more sustainable option. You can reference this article for more information about planning for the different types of transportation . 

You’ll need to plan for getting from the airport to your accommodation and around your destination. If your itinerary includes multiple stops, you need to plan how you’ll get from one place to the next. There are many different ways to travel around Europe , so make sure you explore your options. A rail pass or bus pass can be a great way to save money, if you want to create a multi-city itinerary. 

If you’re choosing an option other than flying, you may not be able to purchase tickets more than 90 days in advance. Set a reminder in your calendar for train or bus tickets for when tickets will be available, so you don’t forget to book them. Make a note in your spreadsheet or document of departure and arrival locations, dates, and times. Bookmark these on your Google Maps as well. 

You may need to print a physical paper ticket for some of these before leaving like I had to do for my bus rides in the Balkans. For other options, you may be able to access everything from an app. Make a note of what’s required, so you’ll know what you need when it’s time to start gathering everything before you leave. 

What should I see and do during my Europe trip?

Research any popular attractions or activities you want to include on your trip. Find out if you can or need to pre-book tickets. I made the mistake of trying to book tickets to the Anne Frank House only a few days before my first trip to Amsterdam and missed out because all the visiting times were already booked for two months out! Lesson learned. 

Also, check out the Go City passes available for major cities. They include many of the most popular sights and sometimes let you skip the line to get in. The pass can also save you money over paying each entrance fee separately, and some include public transportation!

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Planning a Europe Trip Part 3: Preparing for Departure

Canals of Amsterdam. Inspiration for planning a trip to Europe

Soaking in an iconic view of the canals in Amsterdam

Whew, we’ve already covered a lot of information for planning your Europe trip, but there's still more! I told you this was a complete guide! You’ve chosen an amazing destination for your European vacation and laid the foundation for an incredible experience. Now that you have those big pieces in place, let’s fill in the details. 

What needs to happen between booking and getting on the plane? In this section of the travel planning guide, you’ll find nine things you’ll want to know before leaving on your trip. I’ll answer the most common questions and give you all the information you need to feel fully prepared when it’s time to go. 

9 tips to prepare for your Europe trip:

  • Decide on travel insurance
  • Resources for researching your destination
  • What to know about packing
  • Make sure you can charge your devices
  • Decide how you’ll using your cell phone
  • Get your home ready
  • Print documents to take with you
  • How to get ready for departure day
  • Getting ready for a long-haul flight

Do I need travel insurance?

In my early years of traveling, I never purchased travel insurance. Thankfully, I never needed it, though there were times it could have helped with canceled flights or delayed luggage. Over the years, I’ve seen how things can go sideways, and now I’m a fan of having the extra peace of mind. Travel insurance is really affordable, making it easy to insure your trip without too much additional expense. When you're planning a Europe trip, making room for this in your budget could save you a bundle in the long run.

World Nomads is my favorite for general travel insurance. Some of their policies cover Covid-related expenses, but not all, so double-check. If you want to make sure your trip is covered for Covid-related expenses, look for policies that cover “Cancel for Any Reason.” Here is a great list of travel insurance options that do cover Covid . 

I chose one of these for my 40-day trip through the Balkans, and the comprehensive policy was less than $200. Thankfully, I didn’t need it, but it would have saved me much more than that if I had! Honestly, I don’t remember the specific one I went with. I made quite a few coverage comparisons and chose the one that worked best for my needs. 

How do I find cool things to do in my destination?

You’ve already done preliminary research about your destination, and now it’s time to get into the details. 

As I’ve mentioned, when planning a Europe trip, you can use Google Maps to bookmark different places you may want to visit in your destination. I love this feature! It means you don’t have to make a rigid plan for your days but can bookmark a bunch of things and decide what sounds awesome in the moment. 

If you’re at an attraction on your “must-see” list, when you’re finished, you can look at your map and see what else is nearby! Don’t get so focused on going from place to place that you miss the magic in between, though. 

If you are using public transportation, check to see if there’s an app you can use, which will often have a map of the system and allow you to purchase tickets directly on your phone. If you want to take a guidebook, you can cut out the pages you need instead of lugging the whole thing around. 

Personally, I’ll put the important information on my phone or a separate paper to take and leave the book at home. For big cities, the DK Top 10 guidebooks are a great option. They’re lightweight and small! Here’s a great collection of ones for Europe . 

Other things to research about your destination

Map out the best way to get to your accommodation from the airport, so you’re not trying to figure it out when you arrive tired and jet-lagged. Use this post to help you find the way that makes the most sense for you. 

Find out if cash or credit card is preferred where you're going. You can get local currency from an ATM at the airport when you arrive. Depending on where you’re going, a taxi may not take credit cards. 

Finally, save the numbers for your accommodations, local emergency services, the airlines you’ll be using, and the customer service numbers for your credit cards in your phone contacts. 

What should I pack for a trip to Europe?

Packing is one of the most overwhelming parts of planning a Europe trip! It really deserves its own type of travel planning guide, which I’ll get working on for you right away! 

You will want to take anything there’s even a chance you’ll need because you’re not sure you’ll be able to get it at your destination. This is not the case at all! Packing only the necessities is especially important if you’re traveling on a budget flight where there are restrictions for the size and weight of your luggage. 

I fly with only a carry-on whenever possible. Spending three days wearing the same clothes in Copenhagen because our luggage didn’t make it with us was less than ideal. So, I usually do a round or two of practice packing to see how much will fit. Then I have to make the hard decisions about what to leave behind. If you trip is more than a week, plan to do laundry along the way.

If you have any prescription medications, talk to your insurance about getting a vacation refill. Usually, they will let you get one extra refill, so you have everything you need for your trip. Find out far enough in advance that you can make other arrangements with your doctor, if necessary. 

Additional Packing Tips

You’ll probably have a souvenir or two to bring home with you, so plan to have a little extra room for this. I have a duffel bag that folds down flat to pack in the bottom of my luggage, just in case I want to check a bag on the way home. I’ll fill the duffel with my dirty clothes since I don’t care if those are delayed and put fragile items in my carry-on. I don’t buy many souvenirs anymore, but this has been useful over the years! You can find them at Target or REI. 

No extra room to spare? Tickets to attractions and maps make great, lightweight souvenirs, plus you don’t have to spend anything extra. 

Perhaps you want a smaller day bag for when you’re out sightseeing instead of the personal item you took on the plane. Because I travel with my laptop and don’t want to haul it or the bigger backpack every day, I have a little backpack from REI that folds in half so it can be flat in the bottom of my carry-on. When I’m out and about, I prefer that to the laptop backpack. It’s low-key and much smaller, so it doesn’t stand out. 

Do I need an adapter for my electronics?

You’ll need an adapter to plug in your electronics when traveling abroad. I take two with me -- one for my laptop and one for my USB block that plugs into the wall. My husband has a small powerstrip he takes with him, which means you’d only need one adapter! Most of Europe uses the same adapter, except for the United Kingdom, but double-check, just to be sure you have what you need.

Ladies, if you have hair styling tools you want to pack, there are some things you’ll need to consider. The voltage is different, and using them overseas can ruin your products if done incorrectly. I did this on my first trip! My blow dryer sparked, let out a puff of smoke, and died. The end. 

Since that first experience, I’ve gone the natural route, and now my hair takes approximately 30 seconds to do, so I’m not the best person to give beauty advice for traveling! Your accommodation may provide a hairdryer. If not, don’t worry; I did find some information for you! Here’s an article about using styling tools overseas .

How do you I access my money while traveling in Europe?

It’s quite easy to access your money and use your credit cards while traveling to Europe. 

First, let your bank know where you’re traveling and the dates. Ask them if there are any special requirements for accessing your money while you’re gone. When you take money out of the ATM, your bank will calculate the exchange rate and charge you a fee for using an out-of-network ATM. I usually get a few hundred dollars at a time if I’m in a destination that prefers cash. That means I don’t need to use the ATM as often, which saves money on fees. 

You’ll want to alert your credit cards as well. Many of them have a place where you can enter this information online. Others don’t need you to notify them because they have systems set up to detect fraudulent activity on their end. If you’ve never done this with your card, call to find out. They’ll let you know, and it will make things easier for future trips. 

How do I use my cell phone in Europe?

There are a few different ways to do this, depending on your carrier. If you’re planning a Europe trip that's longer than a month, you may want to consider getting a SIM card when you arrive at your destination. This will allow you to access data and make local calls like you would at home. It also changes your phone number to a local one, so having a Google Voice number set up at home is helpful. Here’s an article with more information about using a local SIM card .

Because my trips are usually less than two months at a time, I go with one of the plans my carrier offers. I’m a Verizon user, and they have a monthly add-on that gives me a little bit of data, text and call minutes to use while I travel. Since I want to spend my time being present while I’m out and about, my phone time is reserved for when I’m in my accommodation or a cafe with wifi. The data has come in handy when I need to map my way somewhere or call an accommodation, but I don’t use it otherwise. 

Check with your carrier to see what options they offer, then choose what makes the most sense for you. 

What do I need to do with my home before I go on a trip?

This is one of the easiest parts to forget when you’re getting ready to travel! We get so focused on going to the place, and we forget to make sure everything is taken care of at home. 

Make sure you put a hold on your mail, so you don’t come back to a pile overflowing your mailbox. If you have plants or pets, make arrangements for their care. I assume you wouldn’t leave your pets without care, but you’d be surprised what can slip your mind when you’re getting ready for a big trip! If you’re going in summer and have a yard, get someone to take care of that as well. 

Find a low-wattage light you can leave on somewhere in the house for security purposes. It’s a good idea to make it look like someone is home, or at least like someone might be home. Let a neighbor you trust know that you’ll be gone and ask them to keep an eye on things for you. If you have a friend or family member nearby, see if they’ll stop over to check things out once a week.

What travel documents do I need to print?

As you're planning a Europe trip, keep any digital files in one place on your computer. Also keep your physical documents (passport, global entry, visas, etc.) together so they'll be easily accessible when it's time to go. It’s recommended to make a color copy of your passport and keep it somewhere separate from your actual passport. It’s also a good idea to give a copy to a family member or friend you trust.

Once you’ve finalized all your arrangements, you’ll want to make sure you have all the details easily accessible. Print any tickets you need for transportation or entry into attractions. Also, turn your document where you listed your reservation information into a one-pager (front and back) that you can print to keep with you. I share this document with the same friend or family member that keeps a copy of my passport, so someone knows where I’m supposed to be and when. If you’re traveling alone, this is an especially good idea. 

What should you do before leaving for the airport?

Have a plan in place to help things run smoothly. On the day of your departure, your mind will be going a thousand miles a minute, if you’re anything like me.  Jet lag can be a beast, but thankfully there are apps to help you start the transition to your destination’s time zone before you leave home. I’ve heard great things about Timeshifter , though I haven’t used it myself yet. It’s one of those things I forget and just have to deal with once I arrive. Someday I’ll remember!

Ensure you know how you’re getting to your departure airport and how much time you need. I always build in extra time to ease the anxiety when I travel. Nothing makes me want to crawl out of my skin more than worrying I’m going to miss a flight! I would much rather sit in the airport with a drink in hand for an extra hour than feel rushed and anxious as I start my epic trip.

If you don’t have someone to take you to the airport, you can schedule a pickup time hours in advance with Lyft , use a park and ride facility, pre-book an airport transfer, or call a traditional taxi. Here’s a post about the different ways to travel to and from the airport . 

When I was flying home from Istanbul, my flight was at 6:55 AM, and the airport was at least 45 minutes from where I was staying. Having a transfer already arranged and the ability to confirm it the night before let me actually get some sleep until my 4 AM pickup. 

What should I bring on a long haul flight?

  • Refillable water bottle.
  • Books, music, games, and movies loaded on your devices.
  • Snacks in case you don’t like the food or get hungry between services.
  • A pair of socks and underwear in case of delayed luggage, if you’re checking a bag.
  • Medication or toiletries you will need during the flight. Pack a few day’s worth, just to be safe, if you’re checking a bag.
  • Any documentation you’ll need to show at your destination. 

If you’re crossing an ocean, you’ll most likely be spending the next eight hours or more in the process of getting to your destination. I wish I could say something to make the time pass more quickly. Long flights are one of the parts you just have to get through to get to the places you want to visit. Below you’ll find a few more tips for making your transit and arrival in Europe easier. 

Tips for Making Travel Days More Comfortable

If my flight has more than ninety minutes until boarding, I’ll see if I can visit one of the lounges. Accessibility varies by airline, your frequent-flier status, etc. The lounge is a much more pleasant experience than sitting in the main terminal. 

I have the Delta Platinum American Express because that’s the largest airline in my home airport. This card gives me access to the lounge for $39 where all the drinks and snacks are free (remember to tip your bartender!). I spend way more than $39 sitting at an airport bar for the same amount of time, and it’s not nearly as comfortable.

You’ll be asked to turn your phone on airplane mode before departure. Depending on how you’ve decided to use your device when you arrive, you may want to turn off your data as well. You can map the route you’ll take to get to your accommodation and download it, so you’ll have it available when you arrive. You’ll be able to see your location and surrounding area on Google Maps without data or wifi as long as you’ve looked at the area previously and leave your location on.

Planning a Europe Trip Part 4: Arriving In Your Destination

Lake Bohinj Slovenia. Inspiration for the Balkans

Exploring Triglav National Park in Slovenia

Woohoo! You've spent all this time planning a Europe trip and you’ve made it! Now it’s time for all the fun! In this part of the travel planning guide, we’ll answer your questions about making the transition to your destination as smooth as possible. 

 In this section of the travel planning guide, you’ll find seven tips that will make your arrival go smoothly and set you up to have the most amazing time! I’ve answered the most common questions and provided all the resources you need to make things super easy. 

7 tips for a smooth arrival in your destination:

  • Navigating passport control and customs
  • Getting local currency
  • Securing your belongings
  • Gathering essential items for your stay
  • Overcoming any language barriers
  • Finding your way around
  • How to get to your next destination, if you have one

What should I expect at passport control and customs in Europe?

Going through passport control is a simple process, though it can take a while. You’ll wait in line with the other passengers and approach the border control agent with your travel companions when it’s your turn. They’ll ask how long you’re staying, the purpose of your visit, and possibly where you’re staying, so have that information ready. 

Once you’ve received your shiny new passport stamp, you’ll go through baggage claim and customs. Look around for an ATM, just in case they have them in this part of the airport. As long as you haven’t packed anything you plan to sell or more than $10k in cash, you can just go through the “Nothing to Declare” lane, which will be marked in green. As a standard traveler, you’ll always use this lane. I only mention this now in the travel planning guide because I didn’t know what to do when I encountered this on my first trip. 

Can I get currency at the airport?

Yes! You can find ATMs in baggage claim or in the main terminal when you exit the secure area. I’ve never been to an airport that didn’t have one, but you may have to look around for a bit. 

Once you’ve got your cash, it’s time to find your ride. You planned for this, so look for the signs pointing you in the right direction -- taxis, public transportation, etc. 

How do I protect my belongings when traveling?

Let me start by saying that, in my experience, most people are kind and helpful. There isn’t a thief lurking around every corner waiting to mug you and steal your things. When planning a trip to Europe, the absolute best security is common sense. Do what you would do when visiting a big city in your home country and you should be just fine. Paying attention to what’s happening around you and who is in your space will deter the most questionable activity. 

Safety is one of people's biggest concerns when visiting a place they’ve never been. First of all, don’t bring a bunch of valuables with you. Depending on your accommodation, there are different options for keeping your things secure while you’re out sightseeing for the day -- safes, lockers, etc. If you take more cash from the ATM than you want to carry around, stash it in a random place in your luggage that no one would find, like inside a pair of socks. 

Tips for Securing Your Belongs While Sightseeing

When you’re getting ready to head out for the day, make sure your wallet and passport are somewhere you have to dig them out. The idea is that a thief would have to take your entire bag to get them. For me, this is inside a pocket inside a zippered part of my backpack. The only thing I ever carry in my pockets is my phone and loose change, and my pockets have zippers. 

If you’re not going to carry a bag, make sure your pockets have zippers, and you keep your valuables in your front pockets. When I sit down in a park, at a café, etc., I make sure my bag isn’t in a place where someone can walk by and grab it. Sometimes I’ll set it on the ground and put my chair leg through one of the straps, just for another level of security. 

How do you shop in a foreign country?

You’re definitely going to need to eat, but you may also find yourself needing toiletries, pain killers, or a bottle of wine. Depending on the destination, you might find what you need in separate shops instead of a grocery store like in the US. Even food items can be separated -- a cheese shop, an open-air produce stand, a butcher, and a dry goods store. For me, one of the fun parts of experiencing life in a foreign land is this simple act of gathering what I need. 

Use your Google Maps while you have Wi-Fi to look for the different shops and bookmark them. It’s also fun to wander around your neighborhood to see what’s there. Sometimes small shops won’t be listed on your app, but you’ll find them tucked away on side streets. In my experience, the shopkeepers are helpful and kind. Depending on where you find yourself, you may be a novelty to them! On more than one occasion, I’ve found myself engaged in conversation because they’re curious about why I’ve chosen to visit and want to tell me about awesome things in the area. 

How do you overcome language barriers in Europe?

Typically, people who work in tourism will speak some English, but it’s never guaranteed. When planning Europe trip, it’s helpful to learn a few basic phrases in the local language before you arrive, even if it's just “hello,” “please,” and “thank you.” Those few words and your willingness to try can go a long way. That being said, I’ve found that the language barrier has rarely been an issue when traveling in Europe.

You’d be surprised at how much you can actually communicate with pointing and a few hand gestures. Once, at a campground near Plitvice National Park in Croatia, I managed to get my clothes washed even though the washing machine labels were in German and my host was trying to explain to me in Croatian! 

The Wordless Travel Book is a great little resource to take along if you’re concerned about the language barrier. It’s full of pictures you can point to and use to communicate. Plus, you can always turn on your data and use Google Translate in a pinch, too. 

Will my Google Maps work in Europe?

Yes! Google Maps makes getting around in Europe easy. Make sure your phone is fully charged before setting out for the day. If you’ve bookmarked places, you’ll still see them on your map even if your data is off. You can pick up a paper map at the local tourist information office, which is always worth visiting. They’ll be able to tell you about any fun events and answer questions you might have. I’m a fan of walking, so that’s always my go-to for getting around a new place. However, in larger cities, a bus or metro may be a better option. This article has a ton of information about the different ways to get around and how to choose the best one(s) for your needs. 

Tips for Getting to Your Next Destination

If your itinerary includes multiple stops, you’ll need to do the whole departure and arrival thing over again. If you’re using a different mode of transportation than you did on the first part of your trip, I recommend scouting out the place you’re leaving from, especially if you have an early departure. 

When I was taking the bus from Albania to Montenegro, I went to the bus station the day before to know exactly where I needed to go the next morning. It’s a good thing I did because the bus terminal was tucked behind a gym, and it took me a bit to figure out that it was around the back. 

The next morning, I knew how long I needed to get there and didn't feel stressed about finding the right place. Bonus, it’s a chance to do more exploring! I found more cool places around the area that I may have missed otherwise. 

Go Forth and Adventure!

At this point, I hope you’re feeling more confident about planning a Europe trip. There’s a ton of information in this one travel planning guide, so be sure to bookmark it so you can come back at the different stages of putting your trip together. 

If you’ve made it this far and found this information helpful, I’d love to stay connected! You can find me over on Instagram , where I share travel tips for creating your trips, my own adventures, and highlights from other travelers worldwide. You can also subscribe to the newsletter where you’ll receive updates, travel deals, inspiration, and resources for your upcoming adventures. 

If you’d like to talk about the details of your travel plans or destination to get more insight, you can schedule a one-hour consultation with me. I love helping other indie travelers like you create the travel experiences they’ve always wanted to have! I’ll answer your questions and give you every last resource and bit of insight I’ve collected over the last thirteen years. You can schedule and purchase a consultation using this link . 

Now get out there. The world is waiting for you!

What have you done to plan your own trips in the past?  

Share any tips with your fellow indie travelers in the comments!

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About the author 

Fun Lover. Food Eater. Bold Explorer. Big Dreamer. Annie is a fiercely independent traveler who loves to create unique and interesting experiences. She thrives on finding the magical moments and hidden gems waiting around every corner. Her passion for helping others make their travel dreams come true fuels her work as a travel planner, consultant, educator, and community builder.

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Thank you very much for the greeting!Happy New Year for you too…! Thanks for the very comprehensive travel tips/step by step guide too…!I have read it with a absolutely great interest.

Happy New Year to you! I’m so glad it was useful! 🙂

That is quite a comprehensive guide. I plan to visit Ireland on my next visit to Europe.

Ooh, Ireland is lovely! You won’t be disappointed!

What a beast of a post! This is such a great resource for newbie travellers – amazing!

Ha! I know, it’s a big one! I wanted to create something that has all the basics in one place. 🙂

fantastic points altogether, you just gained a new reader. What could you recommend in regards to your post that you just made a few days ago? Any sure?

I’m so glad you enjoyed the post! I’m not sure which recommendations you’re looking for. Feel free to fill out the contact form to send me an email!

I was recommended this website through my cousin. I am no longer positive whether this post is written by means of him as no one else understand such specific approximately my trouble.

You’re amazing! Thank you!

Thank you! I’m glad he recommended it. 🙂

how to be bold

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Planning Your Europe Trip: How Long Should You Spend in Each Country?

Planning Your Europe Trip: How Long Should You Spend in Each Country?

When planning your Europe trip, how long you should plan for each country will really depend on which cities you want to see and which countries you want to visit. Some Europe trip packages break down stays into manageable chunks, but if you’re looking to plan it out on your own, we’ve broken down your Europe trip planner step-by-step to get you started.

Planning Your Europe Trip

Before heading out the door or booking your flight, there are some important planning tips you’ll need to know. Knowing what to expect ahead of time can help you determine how long you’d like to stay in each country, and how to stay safe when you get there. Here are a couple of things to consider before you go.

Travel Documents

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This is non-negotiable. Have all your travel documents prepared and ready to go when you pack your bags. This includes your passport (valid at least 6 months from the day you arrive), travel itinerary, Europe trip package information, hotel reservations, visas (if necessary), copies of your passport, and an international drivers license if you intend to drive in countries that require one.

Packing For Your Trip

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It’s always beneficial to pack light when planning your Europe trip because you can keep better track of your luggage and avoid expensive checked bag fees, especially on Europe’s many budget airlines.  Nomatic  offers some of the best travel bags on the market, including our  40L travel bag  that recently gained over $3 million on Kickstarter. When packing for your Europe trip, you should also consider:

  • Local Style —Europeans dress well. Take a moment to  learn how people dress in Europe  and pack accordingly.
  • Pack the Basics —If you need to (or want to) you can always add to your wardrobe once you arrive. Packing a few basic items like jeans, shirts, and sweaters that are versatile will go a long way.
  • Go Light —A heavy bag will be no fun to carry around, especially if you are regularly moving from place to place on your trip. Plus, if you save room, you can pick up some fun items while you travel.

The type of bag you choose can really make a difference when it comes to planning your Europe trip. Bags with full zippers and  packing cubes  can also make packing and unpacking easier.

Best Times to Go to Europe

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This really depends on the time you have available as well as your budget. There are three main travel seasons in Europe—High, Low, and Shoulder.

  • High Season —from June to August, this is the most expensive time to travel, as well as the most popular. The weather is nice and the days are long, but it can get crowded.
  • Low Season —stretching from November to April, the Low Season is cold, but it is also the cheapest time to visit and there are very few tourists running around.
  • Shoulder Season —this season falls between April to June and September to November. The weather is nice, if not somewhat unpredictable, and prices aren’t as high as they will be during the High Season.

Find the Cheapest and Fastest Ways to Get Around

Europe has many options for  getting to and from  your chosen destination when planning your Europe trip. Many Europe trip packages plan out your route for you, but you can also plan to take buses, trains, or budget airlines on your trip. Prices for airlines will depend on how close cities are and which  European budget airline  you fly with. Train prices may be slightly cheaper if you book them in Europe, but you can also  book them ahead of time  if you’re worried about navigating the system when you arrive.

Find Your Accommodation

When you only have a few days to spend in a city, you will want to find affordable and central accommodations. This Europe trip planner tip can help you find some of the best options for affordable accommodations. These include  Airbnb ,  hostels —or luxury hostels,  hotels , and the cheapest option— Couchsurfing . Each of these types of accommodation will vary in price and location, but you should try to stay as close to the city center as you can afford if you only have limited time in a city. Staying in a central location will make it easier for you to spend the day sightseeing, rather than getting to and from attractions.

How Long Should You Spend in Europe?

Despite the virtues of slow travel, quick trips can benefit travelers in different ways. If you only have two weeks off from work, you probably don’t want to spend it all in one place when you go to Europe. However, you should remember that you’re still on vacation and you don’t want to spend your precious time off work racing from place to place.

A typical trip around Europe can really take as long as you want. However, if you only have 10-12 days, you should keep in mind which cities you want to see during your trip. The general rule is that larger European cities require 2-4 full days (3-5 nights), and smaller cities generally only require 1-2 full days (2-3 nights). We say full days because, on days that you travel to or from a city, you will likely only get a few hours in the morning or evening to explore. The day you arrive in Europe is also pretty much a write-off because of jet lag. Taking it slower will give you time to see what you actually came for.

Here are a few things to consider as you plan your trip around Europe:

  • Decide What Sites to See —If you already know you want to see St. Paul’s Cathedral in London and the Eiffel Tower or Louvre in Paris, you already have some idea of where you will go. Think about the main things you want to see and do in each city you’d like to visit. Make a list so you can see it all laid out.
  • Plan Your Route —You might have your heart set on London, Amsterdam, Rome, and Istanbul, but if you only have two weeks, you’ll need to reconsider. These places are spread out and you will spend a lot of time traveling that you could spend enjoying Europe. Plan out a route that is close together, and leave other locations for your next visit.
  • Budget Your Travel —Aside from planning a route that won’t take up your whole trip, you should also figure out how much it will cost you to get from place to place. If it’s starting to get expensive, you may want to skip a location that would be fun, but just isn’t worth the price for this trip.
  • Be Flexible —If you plan your travel around specific dates or events, (like meeting up with friends in London on a specific date) and leave the rest flexible, it will give you the option to spend longer in a place you really enjoy or head out early from a city you don’t find as interesting. It’s your trip, if you don’t like a particular place, don’t be afraid to admit it to yourself and leave early.
  • Take Day Trips —As you look at your route on a map, you may discover that some places you want to see are actually pretty close to bigger cities you plan to stay in. Instead of spending a night in a small town, plan a day trip out of the city to check it out. You won’t have to worry about packing up and going to a new hostel, and you can get a break from the city.

If this is your first trip to Europe, think of it as a sampling of all the wonderful things Europe has to offer. Next time you visit, you may decide to take an extended stay in a place you really loved, and skip over a place you may not have enjoyed. Don’t worry, you’ll visit Europe again!

How Long Should You Spend in Each Country?

Which cities you want to visit while planning your Europe trip will determine how long you spend in each country. It’s always a good idea to give yourself more time rather than less so you can explore different places. Here’s a breakdown of each country and how long you should spend there based on the cities you could visit. Keep in mind that these timeframes are just a suggestion, and are meant to represent the absolute minimum recommended amount of time to spend in each location. Some people even choose to do a Europe trip package so they can see all these countries, and have it pre-planned for them.

England (4-7 days)

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Assuming you only plan to visit the capital city of London, you should plan to spend at least 3-4 full days or 4-5 nights in this amazing city, preferably more.  London has endless attractions , but some of the most popular are the many theatrical productions, shopping at markets like Portobello Road or Borough Market, incredible historical attractions, and beautiful parks to explore. If you plan to visit a city like Oxford or Stratford, you’ll need to add on an extra day or two to your time in England.

Germany (3-7 days)

Depending on how many cities you want to visit in Germany, you should plan a good amount of time to visit this beautiful country. Our time estimate for Germany assumes you might visit one large city like Berlin and two smaller cities like Cologne, Munich, or Rothenburg. Each of these cities offers incredible attractions in their own right and are certainly worth a visit.

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As the capital and largest German city, you should plan 2-4 full days in Berlin to see the beautiful museums and explore the vibrant nightlife. Smaller cities, such as Munich, will only require 1-2 full days. Munich is also known as the home of Oktoberfest and beautiful German architecture. Cologne and Rothenburg are smaller cities that only take a day or two to explore, but both are beautiful in their own right.

Netherlands (3-6 days)

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Spending 3-6 days (or 4-7 nights) in the Netherlands is a wonderful way to get a feel for the beauty of this incredible country. If you decide to go to the Netherlands, you should make certain to visit the country’s largest city,  Amsterdam . While there, hop on your bike and tour the Jordaan, or head over to a park and enjoy a lunch while people watching. Because it is so close, you may even decide to make your home base in Haarlem (just 13 miles from Amsterdam), which features the beautiful  Keukenhof gardens  in the spring.

France (4-7 days)

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Nearly everyone who dreams of traveling around Europe plans to visit Paris. With plenty of art museums to visit (such as  Musée d’Orsay and The Louvre), The Eiffel Tower, street markets, incredible food, and dozens of beautiful cathedrals, it’s no wonder people flock to this great city. Visitors to Paris should ideally spend 2-4 full days exploring the city and possibly take a day trip to explore the nearby cities of Nantes and Versailles. Another small town to visit in  Nice , which is located on the banks of the Mediterranean Sea and offers a respite from the congestion of Paris.

Italy (7-9 days)

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There are so many incredible cities to visit in Italy alone, you could easily spend your whole two-week vacation in this one country. Because there are so many incredible places and several large cities in Italy, we recommend spending a bit longer in this country if you’re able. Some of the larger cities you shouldn’t miss are  Rome  and  Florence , which require 2-4 days each, while smaller cities like  Naples and  Venice  can be seen in a day or two.

Spain (5-9 days)

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Some of the most beautiful destinations in Europe are in Spain and visitors to large cities like Barcelona and Madrid won’t be disappointed by what they find there. Smaller towns like  Seville  are also worth a day or two. From cooking classes in Barcelona to partying in Madrid, there’s something for everyone in Spain.

A Quick Overview

Here’s a quick breakdown of the minimum amount of time you should consider spending in each location. This chart works under the assumption that you will visit at least one major city and one minor city in each country that you’re planning for your Europe trip.

Of course, there are more countries than this in Europe, but this is a great place to start when planning your Europe trip. Although you could choose to squeeze in 3-4 countries during a two-week stay in Europe. We’d recommend picking a maximum of three countries (preferably two) so you don’t feel as rushed for time, or you can even opt for a Europe trip package. For more great  tips on how to backpack through Europe , check out the  Nomatic blog  and start your Europe trip planner today.

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The cost of traveling Europe: real budget numbers from 9+ years of travel

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

What is the real cost of traveling Europe?

How do you afford to do it full-time? 

How much do I need to save if I want to travel in Europe for a year (or two years or a month or six months)?

As someone who has been traveling full time for nearly nine years, most of that time in Europe, these are probably the questions I get most often about my lifestyle.

Money, unsurprisingly, is the biggest obstacle people think they’ll face on the road. Because if vacations are so pricey, wouldn’t full-time travel be even more so?

(Psst.  Here’s a full breakdown of why it’s not .)

This is why for the last 10+ years, while I’ve been traveling full-time, I’ve kept track of my budgets  all over the world. Because the truth is that full-time travel can be expensive (just like staying put can be expensive), but it doesn’t have to be . And the only way I know to prove it is to share my own real budgets.

Today, I’m back to share more budget updates with you. More insights into how I travel full-time and what it costs to live and travel in Europe.

First, though, let’s talk about travel styles…

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What full-time travel looks like for me

First, it’s important to say that there’s no right or wrong way to travel full time . There’s no standard. Every person I know who does it does it differently .

I have friends who circle back to their favorite places every single year. I have friends who are always chasing new adventures. I’ve met digital nomads who live out of hostels and move every few days and nomads who spend a year or more in one place.

So, before I dive into how I travel, I’ll caveat it by saying that my way is not the way . There are people who travel on a much lower budget than mine and people who travel on a higher budget than mine. There are people who travel faster and people who travel slower. This budget breakdown is based on my experiences and my experiences alone.

Okay, so what are my experiences ? 

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For the first few years, I traveled solo with my dog . For five years, I traveled as part of a couple (though my budgets here on the blog reflect my half of shared expenses + 100% of my personal expenses). And now I’m back to solo-girl-with-dog-takes-on-the-world. ( Here’s a comparison of costs solo vs. traveling with someone else .)

I mostly travel around Europe, though I’ve also done a bit of North and South America in the past few years (and before I hit the road full-time, I visited every continent except Antarctica). 

I prefer to stay in one place for at least a month (and sometimes two or three) and I tend to rent comfortable apartments in local neighborhoods. If I’m staying in a hotel or hostel, it’s usually only for a weekend trip or a travel day.

I’m a foodie through and through, so I devote a large portion of my budget to good, fresh, usually organic food and I eat out pretty regularly, especially if I’m in a place known for its cuisine.

I work part-time (on writing books , content strategy and copywriting ). This means big chunks of my week are devoted to work, so someone retired or vacationing is likely to spend quite a bit more than I do. 

And in my spare time, I love to cycle, hike, read, explore, and eat, most of which is cheap or free and keeps entertainment budgets on the low side. I rarely do museums or indoor attractions.

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The cost of traveling Europe: monthly expense breakdown

Before we get into individual budgets around the world, here’s a breakdown of my general monthly expenses and how I approach them:

Housing : This was my biggest expense in the US, and it’s my biggest expense now. From 2012 to 2015, when I was traveling solo, I spent about $1,000 per month. In 2015 to 2021, my partner and I split the rent, so we could afford a nicer space and usually keep our individual spending on the lower side. I shot for under $800 per person per month and we often came in under $600 each. Now, solo again and with accommodation prices having risen over the years, I’m upping my housing budget to $1,500. I’ll still try to come in under when I can, but that’s my new ceiling.

So, what’s the secret to affordable accommodations while traveling in Europe? Traveling slow. Monthly rental costs are significantly lower than nightly or weekly rentals. On sites like  Flatio and Airbnb, monthly discounts run anywhere from 20% – 70% .

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Food:  Perhaps unsurprisingly, this foodie’s second highest expense is meals. I track my spending on groceries separately from my spending on eating out. I don’t put a budget ceiling on groceries because eating fresh, high-quality food is really important to me and I’d rather spend a bit more on groceries (and a bit less on other things) than take shortcuts with my health or joy. 

In the states, I shopped at organic grocery stores and tried to buy healthier options, which were often a bit pricier. In Europe, I shop at fresh markets, local butchers, and tiny bakeries most of the time and stay away from imports that might have questionable chemicals or ingredients.

I always strive to only buy what I need and to buy it in the best quality, most local form I can. I mostly cook at home instead of eating out and when I do eat out I go for quality over quantity. 

Recent grocery budgets have run about $393 ( Zagreb, Croatia ), $614 ( Thun, Switzerland ), $653 ( Bad Ischl, Austria ), and $429 ( Tartu, Estonia ). Eating out budgets in those same locations were around $257 (Zagreb), $0 (Thun), $41 (Bad Ischl), and $88 (Tartu). This means totals for those three places landed at $650 (Zagreb), $614 (Thun), $694 (Bad Ischl), and $517 (Tartu). As you can see, food spending varies, but not enormously. If you read my older budgets, you’ll also notice that the average has gone up over time (which makes sense, because inflation).

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Transportation: Since I tend to stay longer in one place, transportation costs generally run pretty reasonable (e.g. far less than I spent when I owned a car). Every month or two, I buy a long-distance train ticket or two, and maybe once or twice a year I take a flight (though I try to fly as little as possible both because I hate flying and I try to be conscious of my environmental footprint).

In between big train journeys, I  choose to walk whenever possible  (which, in Europe, is nearly always) and only take buses and metros when the weather is walking-prohibitive, if the walk would be more than an hour long, if I’m carrying something heavy, or if I’m in a particularly busy city and the walk would be crowded or stressful. 

These days, I spend anywhere from about $25 (Prague unlimited monthly transit pass) on a month where I’m staying put to $300ish (trains from Rennes, France, to Prague, Czech Republic) on a month when I’m moving from one base to another.

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Luna the traveling pooch’s food and care: This varies a little from country to country, but rarely exceeds $200 per month. Luna eats a homemade diet primarily consisting of rabbit, fish, quinoa, and veggies (the diet was created with a veterinary nutritionist and if you decide to do the same, I highly recommend hiring one through your vet), and I’m not very strict about separating her food budget from mine, so expect that some of the grocery budget is actually going to Luna.

As with human health care, I’ve found vet care to be significantly more affordable in Europe (compared to the US). In Latvia, four injections, a blood test, two weeks of pancreatic enzyme pills, a vet consult, and an exam cost just over $100. In Dubrovnik, Croatia, in a similar vet emergency, the bill for the sedation, IV fluids, blood work, x-ray, exam, anti-nausea shot, and 100 days worth of pancreas pills was about $150. In the US, the cost would have been at least tripled in each of those cases. A single blood test in Colorado cost us upwards of $200 last time we were there.

Entertainment/fun money:  When I’m traveling, most of my activities are free or cheap, so this line item is always pretty small compared to the others.

Supplies:  These tend to run less abroad as well, in part because I am careful about what I buy, since I carry everything on my back, and, in part because I’m less bored and thus feel less of a need to shop. The ironic and wonderful thing about this is that the things I buy are often higher quality and more expensive, yet I generally spend less overall than I did in the states.

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Health insurance   and healthcare : Since I’m currently based in Portugal, I’m relying on the local health system. While traveling more extensively, I previously paid $268 per month for GeoBlue insurance that covered me anywhere in the world except the US. Before that, I tried travel insurance through World Nomads, which I found wildly frustrating (despite marketing themselves to travelers, they require you to jump through a LOT of paperwork hoops that require access to printers, scanners, and copy machines) and IMG Global, who ignored my emails and took months upon months to even acknowledge my claims after I was hospitalized on Malta. I would not recommend either company.

For anyone who’s used a healthcare system abroad, it’ll come as no surprise that pretty much everywhere in cheaper than the US. Pre-Obamacare, I paid $150 for three months of birth control pills in the US. A three-month supply (and a doctor visit to get the prescription) in Germany cost me under $100. In Switzerland, that number dropped to around $50. And in Vietnam, the same pills (same ingredients, different brand name) were $10 and available over the counter.

In all, I try to keep monthly spending under $2,500 (not including my business spending). And even with this as my budget ceiling, I often come in under. A few months ago, I did the math on the 30+ real Europe travel budgets linked below (scroll down for links) and the monthly average came in at $1,637 .

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For those who’d like a more detailed look at my monthly budgets around the world, here they all are categorized by price range (click on the links for in-depth details on the budgets):

My real monthly budgets

From cheapest to most expensive monthly budget. Click on each location for a more detailed breakdown.

Non-European locations are marked with an *. My favorite places appear in bold. Cost is in parentheses. And I’ve indicated the year the budget is from (obviously account for some inflation when using budgets from 10 years ago) and whether the budget was solo travel or traveling with a partner/friend (partnered travel typically means lower housing costs).

Under $1350 per month:

Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina / one month ($1157) 2017 / partnered

Labin, Croatia / one month ($1175) 2021 / solo

Tartu, Estonia / one month ($1213) 2020 / partnered

Tulum, Mexico / one month ($1232)* 2018 / partnered

Kotor, Montenegro / one month ($1253) 2019 / partnered

Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina / one month ($1296) 2017 / partnered

Sayulita, Mexico  /  one month  ($1301)* 2013 / solo

Riga, Latvia / one month ($1313) 2019 / partnered

Split, Croatia  /  one month ($1317 & $1241) 2019 & 2013 / partnered & solo

Zagreb, Croatia  /  one month ($1337) 2018 / solo

Playa del Carmen, Mexico  /  one month  ($1350)* 2013 / solo

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Under $1,500 per month:

Taormina, Italy  /  one month  ($1364) 2017 / partnered

Porto, Portugal  /  one month ($1366) 2022 / solo, living full-time here

Kranjska Gora, Slovenia / one month  ($1385) 2017 / partnered

Toledo, Spain  /  one month  ($1388) 2015 / solo

Kobarid, Slovenia  /  one month  ($1422) 2015 / solo

Brasov, Romania  /  one month ($1433) 2018 / partnered

Dubrovnik, Croatia / one month  ($1443) 2017 / partnered

Tallinn, Estonia   /   one month ($1460) 2019 / partnered

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Under $1,700 per month:

Interlaken, Switzerland  /  one month ($1558) 2019 / partnered

Ljubljana, Slovenia  /  two weeks  ($808) 2015 / solo

Bad Ischl, Austria  /  one month ($1618) 2020 / partnered

Rennes, France / one month  ($1648) 2018 / partnered

Nerja, Spain  /  one month  ($1689) 2015 / solo

Edinburgh, Scotland  /  one month  ($1697) 2012 / solo

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Under $1,800 per month:

Ljubljana, Slovenia / second stay, one month  ($1735) 2017 / partnered

Grenoble, France / one month  ($1739) 2018 / partnered

Prague, Czechia  /  one month ($1752) 2018 / partnered

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Under $2,000 per month:

Perugia, Italy  /  one month  ($1882) 2013 / solo

Flagstaff, Arizona  /  one month  ($1893)* 2016 / solo

Rome, Italy  /  one month  ($1911) 2017 / partnered

Chamonix, France  /  two weeks  ($962) 2015 / solo

Vancouver, Canada  /  one month  ($1988)* 2016 / partnered

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Over $2,000 per month:

Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland  /  three monthly budgets compared  (varies) 2015 (and before) / solo

Amsterdam, Netherlands  /  two weeks  ($1008) 2015 / partnered

Biarritz, France  /  one month  ($2029) 2014 / solo

Innsbruck, Austria / one week ($511) 2018 / solo

Paris, France  /  one month  ($2118) 2013 / solo

Thun, Switzerland  /  one month ($2124) 2021 / partnered

New York, New York, USA / one month  ($2297)* 2018 / partnered

Zagreb, Croatia / one month splurge! ($2320) 2021 / solo

Opatija, Croatia / one month splurge! ($2897) 2021 / solo(ish)

Cycling across France  /  one month  ($3091) 2015 / solo

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

My budgets for shorter trips

Now, what about short trips? Weekends, overnights, week-long vacations? I’ve got some real budgets on those too, though they’re fewer and farther between for me. Here are they, from cheapest to most expensive per-day:

Vrbovsko, Croatia / 3 days ($87 / $29 per day) 2021 / solo

Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia / 3 days ($184 / $62 per day) 2021 / solo

Denver to LA road trip / 2 days ($207 / $103 per day)* 2012 / solo

Tbilisi, Georgia / 10 days ($1050 / $105 per day)* 2019 / partnered

Colmar, France / 5 days ($539 / $108 per day) 2019 / partnered

Paris, France / 5 days ($663 / $133 per day) 2019 / partnered

Emilia Romagna, Italy / 5 days ($776 / $155 per day) 2014 / solo

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Business costs

It’s worth noting that you won’t see any business costs in the above budgets. My business expenses vary greatly based on what I’m working on, how much active marketing/sales I’m doing, and what kind of side projects (blogs, self-published books, etc.) I’m taking on. 

The few consistent things I pay for business-wise include:

Subscriptions for Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, cloud storage, and a media subscription or two.

I now own a cell phone (turns out living full-time in Portugal requires one), but I also need a US number, so I use TextNow on my iPad for US calls/client calls. The basic number is free (because they serve up ads), but I pay a small fee in order to get a few extra benefits. 

Business insurance , which runs me about $50 per month, and a yearly fee (about $100) for my registered agent to handle my LLC renewal and receive any business mail for me.

Once a year or once every few years, I also have expenses for  web hosting and domain renewal  for the website. This usually costs me less than $100 per year.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Taxes:  Finally, a note on the most unavoidable of all expenses – taxes. In general (though not in every case), you are expected to pay taxes in the place you reside. If you live in the US, you pay in the US. If you live in Switzerland, you pay in Switzerland. 

If you’re from the US, you’ll always have to file US taxes even if you’re a resident abroad, but you may be eligible for the  FEIE , which is basically there to prevent you from paying double taxes. (Rather than get into it further here, I’ll suggest you book a consult with a US tax accountant. Many do free first consults and they will know so much more than I do about all the ins and outs of your particular situation.)

NOTE: If you’re paying in the states and self-employed, taxes are due quarterly, not yearly. This means when I’m paying in the States, I sit down every quarter and calculate the taxes I owe and send the government a check. At the end of the year, I hire a tax whiz (which generally runs me another $350 – $500) to help me make sure everything has been paid and filed properly.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Air travel expenses (& other big one-time costs)

There are a few things I don’t budget for monthly (or include in my monthly budget posts) because they are yearly or quarterly expenses and may vary greatly from month to month. One of these things is  plane tickets .

I’m not a traveler who flies a lot, preferring to explore one continent thoroughly at a time and take trains where possible both because it’s simply a more pleasant way to travel, because it’s more environmentally responsible, and because the older I get the worse my motion-sickness gets, so flying has stopped being even a little bit fun.

So, since I’m not buying them monthly or even bi-monthly, I usually don’t track plane ticket costs monthly and instead factor them into my budget on a quarterly or yearly basis. 

In 2021, I took four flights (one-way Switzerland to Croatia, one-way Croatia to Portugal, then round-trip Portugal – Croatia to collect my visa). In 2022, I only took one (one-way from Paris to Porto – I took trains in the other direction). 

Replacing technology (my laptop or tablet), big one-time medical expenses, and other large one-time purchases (like my folding bike) are also something I look at quarterly or annually rather than monthly.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Saving money while traveling full-time

Finally, for me, part of feeling comfortable starting my business and then, a year or so later, leaving to travel full-time was having a decent financial buffer in the bank. I was advised while starting my business to have at least six months worth of expenses in the bank just in case. Being a bit neurotic about money, I waited until I had 10 months and enough clients that I was already almost breaking even.

Similarly, when I started traveling, even though I would be working normally and hopefully earning normally, part of feeling comfortable was the knowledge that I had a buffer. If all my clients ditched me in month one, I could live for a year without income (assuming I lived relatively frugally).

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Everyone operates differently on this. When my aunt started her business, she quickly went into debt. Yet she was wildly successful over time. I’ve also heard stories of those who moved to a cheap part of Asia to start their business, which meant the limited funds they had could last them much longer while they got things off the ground. I know one man who told me it’s going to take $150,000 to start his business. Another woman told me a success story that started with just 3,000 euros in the bank. An old roommate told me she’s been traveling and working for years with just a few hundred euros to her name.

My income is variable , but I also try to set aside a decent percentage each month for the future –both to tackle unexpected expenses or emergencies, to be prepared for my yearly tax bills, and, of course, to create more security for myself in case I ever cannot or no longer want to work.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Any expenses you tend to have during travel that I haven’t mentioned? Any questions about travel expenses and budgeting? Toss them in the comments.

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This is so cool. Thank you for this.

I’m living in a tiny house on a farm right now, but after my kid graduates high school I – or perhaps both of us – have considered living like this for a while. I’m building up my author/editor business, and it certainly would be nice to get around. I get really restless staying in one spot too long.

Glad you enjoyed it! And good luck!

Idnloke to know more about working abroad

If you are looking for info on my freelance career, here’s the skinny:

If you are looking for info on jobs abroad, I’m sorry to say I don’t have much info on that.

I’m not brave enough to try this with my husband and two kids, but I loved reading about how you do it! Kudos!!

Thanks for sharing your experience! This gives us an idea of how to budget for travel in Europe.

I am really enjoying following your adventures. I am waiting for a Portuguese residency permit and will be dipping my toe in the nomadic water soon. One question I am grappling with – what do you do for health insurance when you are back in the US?

For short trips, I get a temporary travel insurance plan (something like World Nomads even though their paperwork hassles are epic). But I think many European health plans also cover emergencies outside Europe, so might be worth looking into whether your Portuguese insurance will cover you once you’re resident there (I know in Switzerland the insurance we looked at covers US travel).

Amazing post!! Thanks for the detailed breakdowns. So happy to have found your site – it’s SO helpful and informative for slow travelers.

Great post! Thanks for sharing these insights with everyone. I wonder if you might answer a tax question. If one were to travel 1-3 months in each country, does that mean you need to file taxes in each of those countries plus the US?? I get if one were in the same country for over 6mo then that country would probably be considered the country of residence for tax filing purposes but what about when hoping county to county, never staying in any one country longer than 3mo??

Thanks in advance for any insights on my tax question!

Most countries don’t consider you a tax resident until you’ve been there more than 180 days in a year. Most tax accountants will do a free consult if you would like a professional perspective on your specific situation, though!

i’m a new dog owner (about 9 months) and also planning for a 6-month travel sabbatical in about 1.5 years. i’m still debating whether i should take my yoshi with me (he’s a 13 lb chiwienie). I’ve never flown with him before, and I’m wondering if you have any tips and tricks to help ease him into the process? you’re an inspiration!

Thanks! If you haven’t already, I’d read the Luna the traveling pooch section of the blog. . There’s tons of stuff in there. The short answer is lots of treats and comfort toys inside the carrier (with the carrier open) in your house to get him used to and feeling safe in the carrier.

Thank you a million times over!

Thanks, Gigi. I needed this. It gives me courage as a single 55 yo American dude. I need some challenge in my life…something to conquer…something that will keep me on my toes. I’ve always suffered from bouts of wanderlust and I’m just plain DONE with corporate health/academic full time work. I did a back-of-the-envelope calculation on my expenses and came out around 2,200/mo traveling mostly in European Union with time in Serbia, Montenegro, B/H, SE Asia, Georgia and Turkey to mitigate the Schengen rules. Any reason you spent so little time in the Balkans? Is it a solo-female traveler thing? Sadly Russia appears off the list. I have spent a fair amount of time there before.

I have savings and a professional license (planning to do consulting over zoom). I plan to work part time (10-12 hours/wk) while honing film photography, reading for pleasure, learning about local history, and making friends. My budget is a bit lighter for accommodations (I don’t mind living in an Airbnb room) and heavier on LOCAL travel. I want to hike and spend time shooting landscapes in the areas I choose. This is a giant question mark in my mind. How to get to these places without a vehicle? I’m a bit reticent about using a scooter and don’t want to spend a fortune on taxi. I’m thinking there might be local bus service that gets me close in many places? Any insights here would be appreciated.

Your style is very much how I view my own journey. Stay in one place 1-2 months to maximize accommodation expenditures, minimize European touristy museums (been there done that—going to 1-2 local gems is my thought), mostly eat at home, and take rail day trips once a month with a night-over. Kudos for avoiding the BIG European cities. That is exactly my plan. I don’ think you could force me to spend time in Paris for more than 3 days, mirroring my aversion to New York, Chicago and LA. Lol.

Once again, thank you for the inspiration! Hit me up on email if you like. If you have any tips on making local friends in the places you traveled, I’m all ears. Stay safe and pleasant travels!

Hey! Glad it’s helpful and good luck!

To your questions:

1) I actually spent quite a lot of time in Croatia (in fact, got a visa for a year after living in Estonia 1.5 years during the whole covid fiasco). The Balkans outside Croatia are a touch trickier because of infrastructure (which goes to your second question, I suppose). There’s less train/bus access, so they are trickier to get to and trickier to get around without a car (and I detest driving). Croatia definitely has better infrastructure than some other spots, though I did enjoy my jaunt into Bosnia and Montenegro.

The other reason is the dog. They tend to be the less dog-friendly options in Europe. I felt fine as a woman traveling solo, but the dog complicates places like Bosnia (which I did spend some time in, despite this) and Albania.

2) The Schengen countries (for the most part, with a few exceptions) have great public transit, so I relied on that. For hiking/wilderness areas, I find that there is transit but it sometimes runs less frequently, so I just had to plan well and sometimes find myself a base very close to the wilderness areas to stay for at least a few days (I did this, for instance, for Bohemian Switzerland in Czechia). Other places (Switzerland, France) often have trails very integrated into every location and/or transit to even the remotest spots.

The places that are a bit more tricky tend to be places on the edges of Europe (the center is very well connected). So I had to get more creative in places like Portugal, Spain, and Estonia, which have somewhat less extensive public transit and more car culture. (Even so, I have never rented a car in any of those places and have relied on everything from infrequent buses to my bicycle to taxis or rideshares.)

Great! Thank you for the insights! I poked around your blog and found solid information on making friends. Funny, having a meal at home with a handful of people is definitely my style. :) I enjoyed many of the images on your blog. Particularly one from Italy with the path going along that turquoise river. Sublime! Excellent information on the hiking trails in different countries and your tip on staying close to trail systems for a handful of days. Lastly, your travels helped me to discover the inclusion of Portugal to the digital nomad parade! That’s particularly exciting to me as my younger brother and fam are planning a permanent move to Portugal (getting tired of Seattle/US health care/foods). Looks like potentially a more lengthy process? What an amazing time to see the world and work from anywhere! New DM visas are also popping up in SE Asia. Cheers!

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How To Comfortably Long Term Slow Travel In Europe

Posted on Published: December 15, 2020  - Last updated: December 19, 2023

Categories Europe , Travel Tips

There’s never going to be a good time to quit your life back home and long term slow travel for a few months. Let me tell you from first hand experience, this isn’t an easy task but it’s incredibly worth it!

In fall 2019 my partner and I took the plunge to embarked on the biggest trip of our life. We left Montreal behind to slow travel Europe for 4 months. This took a lot of planning , and we of course still ran into some hiccups along the way.

We lived in Brussels, Edinburgh, Aix-en-Provence, and Barcelona for one month each! We decided to travel during low-season in the fall from September through December. This way, we could enjoy the local atmosphere without the abundance of tourist season (plus it made it a bit cheaper!).  

Keep in mind, this is not a guide to how we backpacked for 4 months in Europe. We saved up from years of working so we could live comfortably while we were away. We did have a budget, and we didn’t spend our money extravagantly, but we made sure we had enough to not have regrets and live comfortably during our long term travel.  

Psst! This blog post contains affiliate links in it which sends me a bit of extra money if you use them… at no extra cost to you!

When Should You Go? There’s Never A Perfect Time…

There’s never going to be the perfect time to stop everything and put your life on hold for four months. That’s why you just have to do it. We decided to take the leap because I was working a dead-end job and my partner was in the final stages of his PhD (writing his thesis).  

I was going to quit my job anyway, so I just put off looking for a new one for a few months. For him, he could work from anywhere. We realized that he’d be working full time after he graduated, so this might be our last opportunity to leave the city for an extended period of time.  

And just like that, we started planning!  Before we knew it we were off to slow travel Europe for four wonderful months.


Plan the ultimate vacation

My  digital travel planner template  has everything you need to plan your vacation: research templates, travel planner itinerary, travel budget templates…etc. . You can print it out or use it digitally on your phone, tablet, or computer.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Considerations Before You Leave

What kind of trip are you looking for.

When we did this trip, we were 25 and 26. We could have backpacked for 4 months in Europe, but that didn’t interest us. You could easily make this into four months of intense hostel jumping and partying. You’d probably be able to ‘see’ more countries but we were more interested in slow travel in Europe. You know, getting a taste of local experiences and cultures.  

So we decided to live in one place for an entire month, took our time exploring the city and the surrounding areas. We didn’t travel everyday, we had a lot of days off where my partner worked on his thesis and I worked on this blog. It was the perfect excuse to sit in a local cafe for the afternoon and recuperate from the day trip we took the day before.  

Keep in mind, this was not the Euro trip to be cheap. We didn’t live in luxury for four months, but we lived comfortably, as we would have at home . We saved up enough money over several years to be able to do this. We didn’t want to have missed out on opportunities and for lack of funds to be the reason.


How Long Do You Want To Travel For: Why We Chose 4 Months In Europe?

4 months in Europe was a slightly random decision, but it was actually the perfect amount of time for us. We didn’t want to leave for too long (like 6 months) because we still had responsibilities at home (like my partner graduating from his PhD!). But, we wanted it to be longer than a 2 month summer camp experience. We figured that four months is like a semester abroad. 

Let me tell you, by the end of our trip, we were ready to go back home. We were exhausted, felt like we had so many new unimaginable memories to look back on, and we really missed our bed! 

Tips For Long Term Travel For Canadians…

As a Canadian, you have to live in your province for 4 to 6 months of the year (depending on the province) for health care. We ran into an issue though. As a Canadian, we’re also only allowed to stay in the Shengen zone in Europe for 3 months every 6 months.

The Shengen zone is pretty much all western Europe, with a few exceptions (like the UK and Ireland). So, without a visa, you’re only be able to stay for 3 months… We still managed to do our four month trip by leaving the Shengen zone for a month. 

Should You Apply For A Visa?

If you do want to stay longer, as a Canadian, you’re able to apply for work away visas (like the  International Experience Visa ). This is primarily easy for those looking to go to Europe and are under 30. A visa allows you to live and work abroad for up to 2 years.  

We opted against this, as we wanted it to be more of a vacation for us, not a work away from home.


Responsibilities Back Home To Cancel

Applying for a visa and booking accommodations and flights are one thing. Dealing with your responsibilities at home is an entire other ball game.  

There are so many monthly costs to life. I’m talking things like rent, a car lease, and your phone bill! But then there’s where you’re going to receive mail, if you have any plants…etc.  

Most people probably wouldn’t have done what we did, but we were so happy we did. We pretty much didn’t cancel ANYTHING during our 4 months in Europe . All our friends thought were INSANE! But I assure you, there was a reason for everything.  

Another thing to watch out for, look ahead to see what costs might be coming up in the upcoming months when you’re away. For example, my partner’s car registration was due in October so he had to pay it before we left. This can also be your license, any taxes …etc.

Monthly Costs Worth Cancelling

Here’s an overview of some of the monthly costs we pay for that you may want to cancel for your long term travel:

  • Car Insurance
  • Home/ Renters Insurance
  • Phone Plans (Mobile, Home)


So Why Didn’t We Cancel Anything?

First, we wanted to keep our phone numbers, so we paid a smaller monthly fee to keep them without having an actual talk/text plan.  

Next was the car. We looked into doing a lease transfer or trading it back to the dealer, but at the end of the day we had to pay 1-2 thousand dollars to get rid of it (more than our payments for the four months!) and this way we would have a car when we got back. But once we decided not to trade it in or do a lease transfer, we needed to find an alternative.

We don’t have a parking spot, and it’s not exactly a good idea to leave a car inactive for four months. So we offered the car to my sister for those months. She had a parking spot at her apartment and now she had access to a car! It was a win win for everyone!


Are You Telling Me You Paid Rent For 4 Months But Didn’t Live There??

Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. People thought we were mad when they heard we had been paying rent for four months but weren’t living there anymore. Again, we did the calculations and it didn’t cost for us to not keep it.  

There were a lot of costs associated with us not keeping our apartment back home. We’d need a moving company, monthly storage for everything, and then another moving company when we got back.

There’s also the added stress of then finding a new place. We figured we’d have had to live at my parents house until we found a place… not exactly ideal in my mind. 

But, then we ran into the issue of leaving the apartment unattended for four months. We offered it to my younger sister to live in on the weekends (she lived at my parents in the suburbs, our apartment was in the city).


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This killed several birds with one stone. She got a place to stay on the weekends in the city, and we had someone to water our plants, check on the apartment, and check our mail. She did pay us for amenities that she wanted but we didn’t need to pay for if no one was there (like heating and internet).  

Alternatively, we could have sublet our place. To be honest though, I’m not so keen on having a stranger live with my personal belongings. But that could be an option for you!


Setting An Appropriate Budget For 4 Months In Europe

As I mentioned, this was not a backpacking Euro trip. Our long term travel budget was quite a bit higher than if it was, but we nonetheless still had a budget. We set an appropriate budget for ourselves to make sure that we didn’t come back totally broke. We still wanted some money in the bank, especially since I didn’t know how long it would take me to find a new job.  

A budget is also important for setting certain guidelines for how much to spend. For example, we had a budget for accommodations, food, attractions, and everything travel related.  

When I budget, I always over estimate EVERYTHING! Just because I’d rather think I can spend more and then spend less, you always need some wiggle room. There’s also always unforeseen expenses, and you might spend less in some areas, but more in others! 

Figure out how you want to live when you’re abroad. We more or less wanted to keep the same lifestyle we were living at home, plus the added travel costs. So that was the starting point for our budget.   We ended up budgeting that the trip would cost us around $33 000 CAD ($16 500 each).


Long Term Slow Travel Budget Vs. Reality

Our initial budget for the trip was around $33 000 CAD and we ended up being off by about $9 000! Again, I’d rather be expecting to spend more, and have the money, than budgeting less and get caught in an undesirable situation. The final tally for the trip was around $24 000 CAD ($12 000 for one person). 

We spent more or less what we thought we would on food and monthly living expenses (minus accommodations). That’s because it’s similar to what we spend in Montreal (about $150/week).  

Every month, our credit card came to $3,000 when we were away which was double what it was at home. But now we had the added travel expenses.  

The main place where we were off was the cost for our accommodations. When we initially budgeted, we had thought we’d be able to find a month long stay for $1500… MAX. This was not the case!  Booking an Airbnb for a month cost us an extra $1 000 than we thought it would. We wanted a reputable host, and in a good location, so you have to pay for that!

What We Spent For 4 Months Abroad (2 People)

Return Flight To Europe : $2 000 (upgraded to include luggage) Inter-Europe Transportation : $1 000 (flights, trains, buses…etc.) Total : $3 000

Accommodations : $2 500/ month  Total : $10 000

Monthly Costs: (Food, touring, misc…etc.): $3 000/ month  Total : $12 000

Total: $24 000 Each: $12 000


Long Term Travel Money Saving Opportunities

We chose the timing of our 4 months in Europe (Sept-January) for a reason. This is low season in Europe. Not only does that mean less tourists to deal with, but a lot of the flights, hotels, and attractions may offer certain low season discounts.  

But! Be aware that some places might also be quite empty and even closed during low season! 

We also chose to stay for a month in each location for a reason: airbnb hosts will offer discounts the longer you stay. Our discounts ranged from 60% to 25% off! That makes a huge difference! We also saved on booking an Airbnb because we were able to buy local and cook our own meals.

Another trick is to get a travel credit card or bank account! Continue reading for tips!

waterfront view in the fall couple standing in front of view

Traveling as a couple? Here’s some tips to save money


What To Do About Foreign Exchange Fees

Paying foreign exchange fees when you’re on vacation is never fun (especially for us Canadians). We don’t usually think about it because it’s for about 2 weeks. When you’re travelling for longer, it can add up quite a bit! 

There are two main ways to avoid paying a foreign exchange fee, and maybe even get some money back! You can sign up for an appropriate credit card or bank account. Opening up a bank account in another country is typically a bit trickier. For us, it really didn’t work because we were constantly changing countries.  

Instead, we found out that Scotiabank in Canada has agreements with several foreign banks though ( see the list here ). We opened up an account (it was free for us as my partner was a student) and this meant that we could take out money at certain banks without paying any fees.  

For a credit card, we traveled with the Rogers Mastercard. It had 3% cash back on foreign purchases at the time (now it’s 1.5%), and no foreign exchange fee. The Rogers Mastercard ended up being killer! We even payed back some of the trip with the cash back we got!

The Scotiabank account though was a bit unnecessary. We left with €100 for Belgium, and then we only took out cash about once a month (a total of three times). It would have been fine to pay the small fee to take out the money at that point.


Double Check Your Travel Insurance!

We thankfully did not need to use it, but you still need to have it. We were on my partners insurance plan which included travel insurance. Because he was a student, the travel insurance covered up to 6 months (I guess to accommodate semester abroad). Double check your insurance if it covers long term travel. You might need to get separate coverage. 

In addition to travel insurance, make sure you’re covered for car insurance if you want to rent a car while abroad. We were covered through both our credit cards. I’d recommend going over the policies to know exactly what you’re covered for though! You don’t want to think you’re covered for something, but aren’t. 


5 Money Saving Tips For Booking Direct Flights Online


The Fun Part: Choosing Where To Go

Now that you’ve figured out what kind of trip you want, how long you’re traveling for, and your budget, it’s time for the fun part! Choosing your destination(s) for your long term travel experience is so important.

Depending on how long you’re traveling for, you might decide to stay in one place or travel around to a few.  We decided that a month in one place would be more than enough time to explore and learn about the culture. So, we chose four completely different places based on four main factors.


Buy The Travel Bundle & Save

Get everything you need to be a travel pro with my Ultimate Digital Travel Package ! It comes with a travel planner, daily travel journal, packing list, and even an Eye Spy game to stay entertained! Everything can be printed, or used digitally on the go!

See the bundle on Etsy .

1. Location, Location, Location!

I’m not just really excited about the location, there are three location factors you have to decide on for your long term travel.

The first location you have to decide on is what continent you want to travel around for your long term slow travel adventure? Do you want to go as far away as possible from your home country or stay relatively close? We threw around the idea of traveling to Australia or Asia, just because you’d rather only do that kind of big flight once!

We ultimately decided on 4 months in Europe because we wanted to be a bit closer to home and knew a few people already there. We didn’t want to be completely cut off. My dad travels to Europe for business, so we figured we could see him (which we did) and we met up with a few friends along the way. 


Second, you have to decide on the country? Do you want to stay in one country, or maybe travel to a few on that continent?

The third location is all about the city. Do you want a relaxing beach vacation or experience high intensity city life?

We wanted a bit of everything, so we wanted places that were more or less centrally located that had really good day or weekend trip opportunities. But, we also wanted a big enough city that we could hang around there if we chose to. 

2. Do You Speak The Language?

If you’re living somewhere for a month or longer, you probably want to know the language… at least a bit. We debated on some smaller towns in Italy (based on the weather) but… we don’t know any Italian. 

For us, another main goal for spending 4 months in Europe was to improve our French, so we were looking for French-speaking countries.


3. The Schengen Zone & Visa Requirements

Are you able to stay in Europe for the amount of time that you want to travel for? We needed to leave the Schengen zone for at least one month, so we needed a place outside! 

See more information about the  Schengen zone . If you’re looking to stay in the Schengen Zone, find out more about an  International Experience Visa  for Canadians. 

4. Weather Considerations For Long Term Travel

Weather played a HUGE factor for us when deciding where to go. Another goal for us was to escape some of winter. So we were looking for relatively warm fall weather in Europe. 

Weather also played a role because we were moving every month, we needed to keep it relatively consistent for packing reasons. I didn’t want to need shorts for September and then a winter jacket for December. 

Even with trying our best to find countries with similar weather, we had a lot of variance, and I ended up needing to buy a warmer jacket halfway through. But that’s why you always leave room in your suitcase!


Fall Travel: Pros Vs. Cons


Our Picks For 4 Months In Europe & Why!

We ended up living in Brussels, Edinburgh, Aix-en-Provence, and Barcelona.  

Brussels (in Belgium) had two perks for us. First, it was the ultimate central location in Europe. Not only were we able to travel throughout Belgium, but also the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Germany. As an added bonus, we wanted to improve our French while we were away, and Brussels is primarily French.  

Next up we chose Edinburgh. Our decision to come to Scotland was purely based on the fact that we needed to leave the Schengen zone for one month. We could have gone anywhere in the U.K. or Ireland. Ireland was too expensive to live in Dublin, and I’d been to Edinburgh for the day already and fell in love with it!  

Aix-en-Provence, in the South of France, was actually the inspiration for this trip. Our dream was to live in the South of France, and then we stumbled upon Aix-en-Provence! The perfect spot to relax midway through the trip, and again, work on our French. Plus, it was the perfect weather when we were visiting in November.  

Our last destination was Barcelona, purely chosen for the impeccable December weather! We also knew a few people from Barcelona who helped us out planning that leg of the trip (like where to stay!). I’ll admit, it’s a lot easier to live somewhere for a month where you’re familiar with the language.


Long Term Slow Travel: How We Spent Our Days

As I mentioned, we wanted the full local experience and a more relaxed, slow travel Europe experience. That’s to say, this was not the go-go-go touring vacation we were used to. We spent time going to the grocery stores, cooking local food, and actually working (finding the best cafes in each city!). But, that doesn’t mean we also didn’t explore our home city a lot, and the surrounding area.

We ended up going on day trips about two to three times a week. When we stayed in our host city, we’d typically split our day in half. We’d tour in the morning, and then settle down in a local cafe to work in the afternoon. This also gave us some time to unwind, our day trips were usually pretty densely packed.  

Our itineraries also shifted based on where we were. In Brussels, our first location, we still had the travel bug and tons of energy. We went on the most day trips of the trip (including a 3-day overnight trip to Amsterdam! ).  

Scotland was similar with an overnight trip to the Highlands and 2 day trips a week. By the time we got to Aix-en-Provence, in the South of France, we were exhausted! Aix is a much smaller city, so we were able to relax a bit and travel at a much slower pace. We were able to just sit back, enjoy the local cafes, and focus more on our work. Barcelona on the other hand is a huge city, that we only went on 3 day trips throughout the entire month!


Never forget a favourite travel memory

Keep track of your travels every day with my digital and printable travel journal . Use it on the go on your phone or tablet, or print it out!


Booking Your Accommodations: Where To Stay For Long Term Travel

As I briefly mentioned before, we booked all our accommodations through Airbnb in each location. We did this because we were able to get a monthly discount. Plus, this way we could fully immerse ourselves in local culture by staying outside of the tourist epi-centers. It was unbeatable! We had our own place where we could cook, and make ourselves feel at home for the month.  

Another main perk for us by booking an Airbnb was that we looked for places specifically with a washing machine. Even though we were there for a month, we didn’t want to waste time waiting for laundry at a laundromat. This was something we spent extra on at our Airbnbs, but it was worth it! 

Booking an Airbnb also lets you seek out more local locations to stay. For example, we LOVED our stay in Gracia in Barcelona , a 20 minute walk from the city centre. Or Ixelles in Brussels, where we discovered our favourite local bar that we’d go to several times a week (shoutout to Le Pantin)!


Before Booking Your Airbnb For Long Term Travel: Read My Guide


Packing Guide For 4 Months In Europe

What the f*** are you supposed to pack for 4 months in Europe? Obviously, you’re away for a long time, but you can’t exactly pack your entire wardrobe.

I packed myself and my partner in two MASSIVE suitcases ( TravelPro Maxlite 5 29″ ). I was worried they were a bit big… and to be fair, they probably were. They didn’t fit in most cars, but we never had to check them in as oversize luggage (which I was worried about). I’m a huge supporter of TravelPro, but I think one size smaller would have been better ( the TravelPro Maxlite 5 25″ ).  


Travelpro Maxlite 5 Review: Why Travelpro Is The Best Suitcase Brand

My mentality for packing for 4 months in Europe was to pack two weeks worth of clothing (NOT 4 months!). I didn’t want to be doing laundry every day. So, I brought two weeks worth of underwear, shirts, and pants.  

Here’s the list of everything I brought (keep in mind we traveled during the fall, so I brought warmer clothing) for 4 months in Europe. I also bought a few things while we were away (I needed a warmer jacket halfway through). 

Long Term Travel Packing List (For The Fall!)

  • 1 pair of shorts (in case of hot day in September)
  • 5 pairs of pants 
  • 14 shirts (12 short sleeve, 2 long sleeve)
  • 14 socks (+2 thin wool socks)
  • 20 underwear (take up no space and you always seem to run out!)
  • 2 pairs pajamas
  • 1 Bathing Suit
  • Boots ( Blundstones )
  • Sneakers (white  Stan Smiths )
  • Flip Flops  ( Plastic Birkenstocks  – perfect for walking around the apartments and showers, if necessary)
  • Oxfords  (fancier shoes that I could walk all day in)


  • Conditioner
  • Battery powered toothbrush
  • Moisturizer
  • Hairbrush & hair elastics
  • Microfiber packable towels
  • Packable Kleenex
  • Mini Toiletries (for weekend trips: shampoo, soap…etc.)
  • Sherpa lined jean jacket
  • Thin bomber jacket
  • Water & windproof Kway (Packable)
  • Long yellow rain jacket
  • Cotton zip sweater
  • Thin wool pullover
  • 2 Cardigans (thick & thin)
  • Fanny pack ( Love the Lululemon Everywhere Belt Bag! )
  • Small purse
  • Knapsack 
  • Packable duffel bag
  • Packable totes
  • Adapters ( UK ,  EU )


  • Ziploc containers (for liquids while travelling and storing leftovers)
  • Plastic bags
  • Medication (full bottles: Advil, Tylenol, Allergy, Zinc)
  • Swiss army knife
  • Notebook & pens
  • Refillable water bottle
  • Pillow case


You might also be interested in…

My digital and printable packing guide on Etsy . Filled with packing planning prompts for your next trip!


Long Term Travel Packing Guide Key Takeaways

What i’m happy i packed for slow travel in europe….

If you’ve read my packing guide , I mention not to pack any of these “what if” items, or items that you can only wear once. I’m not saying to pack only these items now, but you might want to pack some. You’re going to be away for a long time, you want to look nice, and be comfortable.  

For example, I packed my K-way (as a packable rain jacket) but then I also packed a larger yellow raincoat. This is not a practical travel item, it takes up a lot of space and I was already bringing a rain jacket, but I absolutely loved having it. It’s a lot longer than my K-way so it was perfect to wear when it rained in our home city.

Plus it really stood out in pictures! I also packed some comfortable lounge items (and probably packed way more pants than I needed because I brought some to just wear in the apartment!). I would never pack lounge pants on a regular vacation, but you kind of need it for long term travel.  

I also packed a thick mustard yellow cardigan, it was really warm, but mustard yellow… that does not go with everything! I would have shunned myself if I packed this for a 2 week vacation! 

7 Tips on How To Pack Your Suitcase Like A Pro

On top of some extra fashionable clothes, I also packed some kitchen items, like Tupperware and plastic bags. These came in handy so often. To travel, I stored my liquids in them, so they didn’t leak into my suitcase. But I also used them to store leftovers in! The plastic bags were useful to take snacks and lunch on the road! I could have bought these while I was there, but what’s the point, I’m going to need room for them in my suitcase anyway. 

I was also very happy to pack a silicone packable collapsible water bottle ( read why I chose the Nomader Collapsible water bottle ). Sure, it was great as a water bottle but it came in handy in so many more ways! I used it as an icepack when I needed to, and as a heating pad! So either pack a heating pad, or something that can turn into one!

What I’m Happy I Packed And You Should Pack Too For Slow Travel In Europe!

ThermoFlask 24 oz Double Wall Vacuum Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle with Spout and Straw Lids, Black


Ziploc Container Large Rectangle, 9 cup Containers (4ct)

What I Wish I Packed For My Long Term Travel In Europe

Because we were staying in AirBnBs for 4 months in Europe, there were a few things that I wish I’d brought that I didn’t think of before.  

For example, a blanket for cozying up on the couch with. Something that I guess I take for granted at home while I’m watching TV. I don’t typically watch TV on vacation so it didn’t even cross my mind to pack. I ended up going out and buying a cheap one at Primark (btw Primark is going to be your best friend!). If you don’t want to bring one from one, order a new one for travel from Amazon like this one .

I also wish I packed my pillow for long term travel in Europe. I always pack my own pillow case but I never thought about packing my pillow itself. It was really stupid that I didn’t. My pillow is one of those down-filled pillows that flatten to nothing and wouldn’t have added any weight to my suitcase. 

What I Wish I’d Packed For Long Term Travel!

A cozy blanket for long term travel.

US Quality Lightweight Super Soft & Cozy Fleece Blanket – Premium Throw for Beds, Travel, Home Decor and Pets – 40x60 Inches All Season Anti-Pill Blanket (Plum)

A Collapsible Travel Mug For Slow Travel In Europe

STOJO Collapsible Travel Cup - Mint, 12oz / 355ml - Reusable To-Go Pocket Size Silicone Cup for Hot and Cold Drinks - Perfect for Camping and Hiking - Microwave & Dishwasher Safe

Looking back, it was a no brainer that I should’ve brought my pillow for long term travel. Especially because as it turns out I’m quite picky with the pillow I sleep on. Less than halfway through the trip I ended up with terrible neck and shoulder pain.

It probably could have been avoided if only I’d packed my pillow. I’m usually fine on vacation with pillows, but I usually never sleep on the same bad one more than a few nights in a row. Anyway, if you can, bring your pillow, you can thank me later!  

Last but not least, I brought all these packable items, like duffels and tote bags, even a packable rain jacket. But, I didn’t think to bring a packable travel cup (like a Stojo Collapsible cup – read my review! ) for long term slow travel. It would have come in handy on several occasions. There were many mornings when we left super early in a hurry so I didn’t have time for my a coffee or tea. It’s a good way to save a few euros here and there (plus more eco-friendly!)

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Stojo Collapsible Cup For Long Term Slow Travel Review

packing-examples in a carryon

How To Get A Data Plan Abroad For Long Term Travel!?

I still remember the first time I traveled in Europe when I was 19. It didn’t even cross our minds to get an international data plan. We traveled around, without any data for an entire month. We would download offline maps and jump from WIFI to WIFI spots throughout the cities. This doesn’t really work for long term slow travel…

When you’re on a long term travel adventure, and living somewhere, it’s kind of hard nowadays to be without a data plan. Today, the easiest way to get a data plan is actually with an eSIM card. Most new phones these days are equipped with two SIM card slots, on regular and one for an eSIM (an electronic SIM).

You can buy a plan before you leave through an app like Airalo … P.S. Save on your first international data plan with my code MEGHAN4678 or  click here

If your phone doesn’t have an eSIM slot, you can still do it the old fashioned way. When you arrive abroad, just to swap out your SIM card. Remember to unlock your phone at home first! You can order it online before you leave, but we just bought it when we first landed at  Orange . All you need is an address (we gave our Airbnb) and your passport.  

Alternatively, you can also buy  pocket WIFI . We actually booked each of our Airbnb’s with pocket WIFI, but none of them actually had it (I think they just thought it meant regular WIFI…?). It’s essentially a portable WIFI router that you can connect to on the go.


Important: Stay Connected To Home During Long Term Travel

I cannot stress this enough! This is also a reason to get a data plan for long term travel. You want to stay connected to home as much as possible.  

If you need to, plan times to call your parents, siblings, grand parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends… etc. It’s important to not lose touch with people back home, remember, they’re the ones that are going to be there when you get back .  

It’s going to be hard, but make an effort, put it into your calendar if you have to. We made sure that we spoke to people at least once a month. And I don’t mean just sending off a text once a month, I mean getting on video call with them. They also want to hear from you and all about everything you’ve been up to! 

I also put in an extra effort to share updates every day through a photo sharing app (like iCloud, Google Photos…). Plus this way you get to go over your pictures everyday and show off your best ones! You can also start a blog, but that takes a lot more effort… trust me!


What I Learned From Slow Travel In Europe

Appreciation for home & better habits.

Travel is exhausting. It’s nice to have a place to call home where I can relax in the comfort of my home! 4 months in Europe taught me to appreciate my own backyard a bit more. When we came back to Montreal, we put our long term slow travel routines to good use. 

We decided to take back our weekends and explored a lot more of Québec. In fact, we were pleasantly surprised by what we found.  We used to be exhausted from the work week, and don’t get me wrong, we still are. But we made a promise to ourselves to go on a day trip at least one day of our weekend. We can relax on Sunday, but Saturday we need to get out – no excuses! 

It’s also nice to be around family and friends, and not have to video call people all the time. At the end of the day, long term slow travel is such a unique experience that I wouldn’t trade for the world.


If I Did It Over Again, What Would I Change?

Honestly, I don’t think I would change anything. It was practically perfect in every way! Anything that went wrong throughout our 4 months in Europe, has since turned into hilarious memories and life lessons (like when when we were almost washed up by the sea in North Berwick walking to Tantallon Castle !).

Well, maybe I would change one thing… invest in a good place to stay during long term travel. Keep in mind, you’re going to be sleeping here for quite a few nights, you want it to be as comfortable as it can be. It’s worth spending a little bit more for a nicer place. We did cheap out on our first Airbnb in Brussels and it definitely affected that part of the trip.

But…Did Our French Improve At All??

I know this is the question you’ve been waiting for. Did our French improve at all during our 4 months in Europe!?

Well, I like to believe that I’m more confident speaking French now compared to before. I think the biggest difference isn’t necessarily speaking French, but we watch a lot more French TV now than before. It gave me more of an appreciation and drive to be better at the language. 


Quick Links – My Amazon Travel Favourites

Travelpro Maxlite 5 Softside Expandable Upright 2 Wheel Carry on Luggage, Lightweight Suitcase, Men and Women, Black, Carry On 22-Inch

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Travelling in Europe 2023

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

  • Introduction

Documents you will need

Help for consumers, getting there, your rights, staying healthy, staying connected, things to do, in case of emergency, getting in touch with the eu, finding information about the eu.

Welcome to the 2023 edition of Travelling in Europe! The big news for travellers this year is that Croatia became the 27th member of the Schengen area on 1 January. This means that checks have been lifted for people crossing the borders between Croatia and the other countries in the Schengen area – the world’s largest free travel zone. Croatia has also adopted the euro, which means that around 347 million citizens in the EU now use the same currency. If you are visiting Greece, Hungary or Romania, don’t forget to check out this year’s European Capitals of Culture. And if you are in Cyprus or Spain, then why not look up the European Capitals of Smart Tourism? Wherever you are travelling in Europe, keep safe and have fun! For more information, helpful tips and a map of Europe, see below. Order or download this leaflet here:

With thousands of years of history, a rich cultural heritage and breathtaking scenery, Europe is home to some of the world’s most popular destinations.

As well as attracting millions of visitors from overseas, those who call Europe home love to explore the multitude of cities and countries on their doorstep.

Today, it is as easy for Europeans to travel around the EU as it is to travel within their home country. The removal of most passport checks and the use of the same currency – the euro – in 20 EU countries have made travelling much easier. The creation of a single market where people, goods, services and money can move freely has brought wider choice and lower prices.

More and more young Europeans are also getting to know their continent better thanks to the DiscoverEU travel pass.

EU citizens

Passport or identity card.

Thanks to the Schengen Agreement, most EU countries have removed controls at their borders.

Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland are also in the Schengen area, although they are not in the EU. This means, for example, that you can go skiing in Switzerland without having to show your passport when crossing the border from the EU.

Border controls within the Schengen area can exceptionally be introduced for a limited period if there is a serious threat to public safety or security.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

When travelling to or returning from EU countries that are not part of the Schengen area, you will need to present a valid passport or ID card. Everyone crossing the EU’s external borders, including EU citizens, is subject to systematic checks against relevant databases.

Even if you don’t need a passport for border checks within the Schengen area, you will need to carry a valid travel document (your passport or ID card) when travelling in the EU because it may be required for identification or security purposes. Children must have their own passport or ID card. Be aware that the only valid ID is the one obtained from your national authority.

Before travelling outside the EU, check what documents are required by the non-EU country you are planning to visit.

You will not need a visa when travelling within the EU.!uC67MV

non-EU citizens

Note: citizens of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland are treated as EU citizens for the purposes of travel and entry into EU countries, since these four countries are part of the Schengen area.

You will need a valid passport.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Citizens from more than 100 countries require a visa to visit the EU. The list of countries whose citizens require visas to travel to Ireland differs slightly from other EU countries.

You can apply for a visa at the consulate or embassy of the EU country you plan to visit (or the one that is your main destination). If you hold a Schengen visa you can travel to all the Schengen countries. If you have a valid long-stay visa or residence permit issued by one of the Schengen countries, you can stay for up to 90 days in other Schengen countries. You may need a national visa to visit the non-Schengen EU countries.!7wTtqr!Um73Ug

There are more than 60 countries and territories whose citizens do not need a visa to visit the EU for up to 90 days. In 2024, visitors from these countries will be required to apply for an ETIAS travel authorisation. It will be required for people travelling to any of the Schengen or non-Schengen countries listed in the earlier table, except Ireland. The new system will increase security and avoid delays at the border for travellers.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

The euro (€) is currently used every day by more than three quarters of EU citizens, or around 347 million people in 20 EU countries: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain. Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican City use the euro as their national currency, in agreement with the EU. A number of countries and territories, such as Kosovo (*) and Montenegro, also use the euro as their de facto currency.

(*) This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

Cards and cash

Today, cross-border euro payments, including cash machine withdrawals and card payments, cost the same as they do at home for EU citizens, although you may still be charged a currency conversion fee if you live outside the euro area. You can now also easily check and compare conversion charges when paying with your card or withdrawing cash abroad.

Block any lost or stolen bank cards immediately by calling the issuer. Make a note of the number to ring before you travel.

If you enter or leave the EU with €10,000 or more in cash (*) (or its equivalent in other currencies) you must declare it to the customs authorities.

(*) Cash means banknotes, coins, bearer negotiable instruments and certain types of gold.

Within the EU

There are no limits on what you can buy and take with you when you travel between EU countries, as long as it is for your own personal use and not for resale. Taxes (value added tax and excise duties) are included in the price you pay and no further payment is due in any other EU country.

However, special rules apply in the case of goods subject to excise duty, such as alcohol and tobacco products. To determine whether tobacco and alcohol are for your own use, each country can set guide levels. If you carry a larger quantity of these goods, you may be questioned to check that you have no commercial intent. However, countries may not set their guide levels lower than the amounts in the table below.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Coming into the EU

If you enter the EU from a non-EU country, you can bring with you goods free of value added tax (VAT) and excise duties for personal use within the limits set out below. The same applies if you come from territories where EU rules on VAT and excise duty do not apply.

There is a higher or lower limit on the amount of tobacco you can bring into the EU depending on the country, so check the customs rules of the EU country you are visiting.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

(*) Each amount represents 100 % of the total allowance for tobacco products. You may combine any of these, but you must not exceed the total limit. For example: 100 cigarettes (50 % of allowance) + 50 cigarillos (50 % of allowance) = 100 % of total allowance.

(**) For spirits and fortified or sparkling wine, each of these amounts represents 100 % of the total of the allowance, which you can split. For example, you can bring half a litre of spirits and 1 litre of fortified wine – both represent half of this allowance.

Travellers under the age of 17 cannot make use of these tobacco and alcohol allowances.

If you are travelling from one EU country to another via a non-EU country (e.g. Switzerland) you will need to check the customs rules of that country.

Other goods, including perfume

  • Up to a value of €430 for air and sea travellers
  • Up to a value of €300 for other travellers.

Some EU countries apply a lower limit for travellers under the age of 15, but it may not be lower than €150.!Rn93gu

There are no general restrictions on carrying meat or dairy products when travelling within the EU. However, make sure that you don’t bring foodstuffs containing meat, milk or their products into the EU from non-EU countries as they could carry dangerous pathogens that cause sickness in EU livestock, such as foot-and-mouth disease and African swine fever. The only exceptions are for those travelling with small quantities for personal consumption from Andorra, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, San Marino or Switzerland.!Qp39PK

Don’t forget to take a reusable bag with you when you go shopping. EU rules are helping to reduce the use of plastic bags that litter and damage the environment. Most countries charge for each bag you get when shopping.

As a consumer, you are guaranteed fair treatment, products that meet acceptable standards and a right of redress if something goes wrong, wherever you are in the EU.

Know what you are eating

You can be assured of the highest food safety standards because of strict laws on the production, processing and selling of food. Food labelling rules mean clear, comprehensive and accurate information on food content.

Know what you are buying

You are protected from a wide range of unfair commercial practices, both online and in shops. Pre-ticked boxes on websites are banned so that you do not unintentionally pay for travel insurance when buying a plane ticket online, for example.

Compare prices

The full price, including VAT and the unit price – the price per kilo or per litre – of all goods for sale must be clearly displayed. When booking accommodation or a flight online, the total price, including charges and taxes, must be visible from the start of the booking process.

Resolve any problems

The European Consumer Centres Network gives practical information on EU consumer rights, as well as free advice and assistance with cross-border complaints or disputes. For practical help and information while travelling, download the app (available in 25 languages):

Look out for the label

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

The EU Ecolabel can help you to identify environmentally friendly products, hotels, youth hostels or campsites.

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

This logo will help you find organic products.

Driving licence

A valid driving licence issued in an EU country is recognised throughout the EU and in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

Every new licence issued is printed on a plastic card with a standard European format. In most countries, in addition to carrying a valid driving licence you will need to have your vehicle’s registration certificate with you.

Non-EU drivers should check whether they need an international driving permit to drive in the EU countries they are visiting, in particular if they plan to visit Cyprus, Ireland, Malta and Spain.

Motor insurance

Wherever you are travelling in the EU, your compulsory car insurance policy will automatically provide cover for damage caused to third parties through a car accident (third-party liability). If you have comprehensive car insurance at home, it may extend to travelling to other countries, but you should check which countries this applies to and the period of validity before setting out.

A European accident statement form, obtained from your insurer or online, is a standard document available in several languages that makes it easier to make a declaration on the spot if you have an accident in another country.

When you travel within the EU with a third-party liability insurance policy issued in a non-EU country you may need a green card, or you may need to take up frontier insurance. Rules may differ depending on the country where the policy is issued, so check in advance.

Tolls and vignettes

Many countries charge for the use of their roads with either tolls (distance based) or ‘vignettes’ (time based). The EU monitors these charging schemes to make sure that they are proportionate and do not discriminate against non-residents or occasional users.

Driving safely

In all EU countries, seatbelts must be worn in all vehicles fitted with them. Children must have appropriate child restraints.

Using a mobile phone while driving greatly increases the risk of an accident and is forbidden in all EU countries and in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, unless using a hands-free set.

The maximum permitted blood alcohol content level varies between 0 mg/ml and 0.8 mg/ml, depending on the country. Drivers who speed or drink-drive can be tracked down through improved cross-border exchange of information.

Remember to drive on the left side of the road in Cyprus, Ireland and Malta and that in some countries, such as Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Portugal, you normally have to give way to traffic coming from your right.

What are the speed limits in Spain? Do I need to wear a helmet when I cycle in Sweden? For all the important road safety rules, download the free Going Abroad app:!tu98pU

Electric cars

Standardised plugs across the continent mean drivers of electric vehicles can charge their car anywhere in the EU just like they do in their home countries.

Check out the alternative fuel station map:!QrGqGg

Buses and coaches

The EU is continually improving safety standards for bus and coach passengers, for example recently introducing stricter rules on the use of fire-resistant materials in vehicles. If seatbelts are fitted in buses and coaches, it is mandatory to wear them throughout the EU.

Why not explore Europe by bicycle? EuroVelo, the European cycle route network, connects the entire continent and some of its main attractions with 17 long-distance cycle routes covering over 90,000 km. You can enjoy Europe’s towns and cities on your own bike or by using one of the many self-service bike rental schemes, some of which have been co-financed by the EU.

The creation of a single European market in air transport 30 years ago has led to cheaper fares and a greater choice of carriers, routes and services for passengers.

Europe has one of the best aviation safety records in the world. To improve safety further, airlines originating from outside the EU must hold an authorisation confirming their compliance with international safety standards. In addition, their aircraft may be inspected in Europe and they will be banned from operating inside European airspace if they are found to be unsafe or not sufficiently overseen by their authorities.

Common EU rules on security checks for passengers and cabin and hold luggage apply for all flights departing from EU airports. There are restrictions on liquids that can be taken into the cabin and a common list of items that are not allowed in either cabin or hold luggage.

Rail remains one of the safest and most popular forms of transport in Europe and plays an important role in the EU’s ambitions to be climate neutral by 2050. The EU has more than 200,000 km of railways. There are around 9,000 km of high-speed lines on important routes like Paris–Brussels–Amsterdam–Cologne, Milan–Rome and Barcelona–Madrid, and more are under construction. The EU is working to boost long-distance and cross-border passenger rail services, including night trains. It aims to double high-speed rail traffic by 2030 and triple it by 2050.!Jf9BJ4

There are many key sea routes between EU ports offering regular, high-quality services as an alternative to, or in combination with, road, air or rail. There are also some 42,000 km of navigable rivers, canals and lakes.


The EU is the only area in the world where citizens are protected by a full set of passenger rights, whether they travel by plane, train, bus, coach or ship. Passengers in the EU have the right to accurate, timely and accessible information, assistance in the event of transport disruption and, in certain circumstances, compensation for cancellations or long delays.

Download the app so you can check what your rights are and how to claim them:!bg39vB

In addition, EU rules protect you when you buy package holidays or trips that combine at least two different types of travel services (such as a flight and a hotel or car rental) through the same or linked online booking site.

Before you go: You must receive clear information about your travel package (including travel destination(s), the list of services included and an emergency number). You must also be informed of your rights, for example, you have greater rights regarding cancellations or if the organiser goes bust.

When you are there: If you find yourself in difficulty during your stay you are entitled to assistance such as information on health services and consular assistance.!pN77RY

Passengers with a disability or reduced mobility

Passengers with a disability or with reduced mobility are entitled to free assistance in airports, train stations, ports and designated coach terminals, as well as on board aircraft, trains, ships and coaches. It is advisable to notify the carrier or terminal operator of specific needs at the time of booking, when buying the ticket in advance, or at least 48 hours before travelling (36 hours when travelling by coach).!rB99XR

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If you are travelling by car and have an EU disability parking card in your home country, you should be able to use the parking facilities for people with disabilities in other EU countries. Check in advance what local conditions apply in the country you are visiting.!mdQwNC

Seeking redress

If you feel that your rights have not been respected while travelling and you want to seek redress, you should file a complaint with the carrier or terminal operator or the national enforcement body for your specific mode of transport. For details of the relevant enforcement body, visit:!kNjGjM

Call the Europe Direct freephone number 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 for more information.

Access to healthcare

As an EU citizen, if you fall ill on a temporary visit to any EU country, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, you are entitled to healthcare on the same basis as the people insured there (free in some countries).

Don’t forget to take your European health insurance card with you on your travels. The card is available for free, normally from your national health insurer, and proves you are insured in one of the countries above. If you have to pay for healthcare, you will need to keep all your bills, prescriptions and receipts so that you can apply for reimbursement in the country you are visiting or when you get home.

Find out how to apply for a card:!RFD4pB

Travel insurance

The European health insurance card is not a substitute for travel insurance, as it does not cover costs such as repatriation or mountain rescue in ski resorts. You may want to take out travel insurance to cover such risks.

A prescription from your doctor is valid in all EU countries, but you should check that the prescribed medicine is authorised for sale and is available in the country you are visiting. Make sure your prescription contains all the relevant information about you, the prescribing doctor and the prescribed product.

With e-prescriptions, it is now possible for travellers to collect medicine prescribed electronically by their doctor from a pharmacy in some EU countries, while some doctors can also access important patient information in their own language. Check to see if these services are available where you’re going:!fm96UD


There are, in general, no vaccination requirements when travelling in the EU. However, there are requirements or recommendations for some of the EU’s overseas territories. Check with your doctor before you go.

Bathing water

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

More than 95 % of the EU’s bathing water sites meet the minimum water-quality standards and almost 85 % meet the more stringent ‘excellent’ level.

Check out the interactive map to find out what the quality of the water is where you are going:!43mRgX

Mobile phones

EU subscribers can use their mobile phones while travelling in the EU just as they would at home, without paying any extra charges. In 2022, the ‘Roam-like-at-home’ rules, which also apply in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, were extended for another 10 years. If you plan to stay in another EU country for a few months, you may want to check your operator’s fair use policy.!xb93gf

You can also enjoy your online subscriptions to films, sports events, e-books, video games and music services without any extra charges or restrictions.!TW86Cd

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Free internet access is more widely available thanks to EU-funded Wi-Fi hotspots that have been set up in thousands of local communities across Europe. You can connect for free in libraries, squares, parks and museums and other public areas where you see the WiFi4EU symbol.

Send a postcard!

Postage stamps can only be used in the country in which you buy them.

Nearly all EU countries have two-pin plugs, apart from Cyprus, Ireland and Malta, which have three-pin plugs. Make sure to pack an adapter when visiting these countries.

For ideas and information on what to see and do, have a look at the European tourist destinations website ( ) or go to the websites of the official national tourist organisations of each EU country.

The EU promotes many cultural projects and events across Europe every year. In particular, it supports the European Capitals of Culture, an initiative which aims to highlight Europe’s rich cultural diversity.


Elefsina (Greece) Timișoara (Romania) Veszprém (Hungary)!QRvqpN

Pafos (Cyprus) and Seville (Spain) are the European Capitals of Smart Tourism for 2023.!qJFkR3

The European Commission supports EU countries in rewarding non-traditional, emerging sustainable tourism destinations in Europe through the European Destinations of Excellence award.!qNkKKP

Young travellers

Since 2018, the EU has been giving 18-year-old Europeans the chance to travel for free across Europe for up to one month and discover the continent’s rich cultural heritage. So far, more than 200,000 young Europeans have been awarded a DiscoverEU travel pass. The initiative offers young travellers the chance to connect with each other through organised meetups and take part in an exciting programme of activities. On top of their travel pass, all DiscoverEU travellers also receive a discount card and can take advantage of over 40,000 discounts on cultural events, accommodation, education, services and products in over 30 countries across Europe.

Travelling with a dog, cat or ferret is easy with an EU pet passport, available from any vet. All dogs, cats and ferrets must have a passport and, for identification purposes, be fitted with an electronic microchip or have a clearly readable tattoo applied before July 2011. They must be vaccinated against rabies and the details entered into their pet passport. The vaccination must be carried out after the microchipping or tattooing.

Dogs must be given specific tapeworm treatment by a vet before travelling to Finland, Ireland, and Malta. Details of the treatment must appear in the pet passport and the dog can then travel between 1 and 5 days after treatment.!Dt98JB

Single European emergency number: 112

To contact the emergency services in any EU country from any phone, fixed or mobile, dial 112, free of charge.

Report any theft to the local police. You will need to enclose the police report when making your insurance or compensation claim. If your passport or ID card has been stolen, report it to your country’s consulate or embassy and to the police.

If you are outside the EU and need assistance, you can seek help from the embassy or consulate of any other EU country if yours is not represented.!YWh7M8

All over the European Union there are hundreds of Europe Direct centres. You can find the address of the centre nearest you online:


Europe Direct is a service that answers your questions about the European Union. You can contact this service:

  • by freephone: 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (certain operators may charge for these calls),
  • at the following standard number: +32 22999696 or
  • via the following form:

Information about the European Union in all the official languages of the EU is available on the Europa website:

EU publications

You can view or order EU publications at . Multiple copies of free publications can be obtained by contacting Europe Direct or your local documentation centre:

EU law and related documents

For access to legal information from the EU, including all EU law since 1951 in all the official language versions, go to EUR-Lex:

Open data from the EU

The portal provides access to open datasets from the EU institutions, bodies and agencies. These can be downloaded and reused for free, for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. The portal also provides access to a wealth of datasets from European countries.

European Commission Directorate-General for Communication Editorial Service & Targeted Outreach 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel BELGIQUE/BELGIË

Contact: [email protected]

Manuscrit completed in April 2023.

This document should not be considered as representative of the European Commission’s official position.

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2023

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

The reuse policy of European Commission documents is implemented based on Commission Decision 2011/833/EU of 12 December 2011 on the reuse of Commission documents (OJ L 330, 14.12.2011, p. 39).

Unless otherwise noted, the reuse of this document is authorised under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) licence ( ). This means that reuse is allowed provided appropriate credit is given and any changes are indicated.

For any use or reproduction of elements that are not owned by the European Union, permission may need to be sought directly from the respective rightholders.

Illustrations: © European Union, © iStock

Did you find this publication useful? Let us know: [email protected]

The website ‘Your Europe’ gives more advice on your rights when you live, work and travel in the EU:


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Everything you need to know about travel to Europe after Brexit

Do you need a visa to travel to the EU after Brexit? Here’s how the rules are looking in 2024

Huw Oliver

Way back in 2020, the UK left the EU and Brexit took effect. Since then, a hell of a lot has changed about how we travel. There’s now plenty of extra stuff to think about when planning a trip overseas to Europe (especially if it’s for longer periods). So, we ’ve rounded up all the changes to the rules that we’ll have to follow, now that we’re no longer EU citizens. Here is everything you need to know.

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You should probably check your passport

Up until January 2021, all UK citizens with a valid passport were able to travel freely throughout Europe. Now, though, you may need to renew your passport much earlier than you might think. On the day you travel, your passport must have at least six months left before it expires, or you might not be able to travel to any EU countries, or the EEA states of Iceland , Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland . (The old rules still apply for travel to Ireland.)

You can check if you need to renew your passport before travelling using this tool from the British government, and you can apply for a new one here . Make sure you renew it at least a couple of months before you’re planning to travel, as it may take several weeks to process applications in busy times (including right now).

You can no longer apply for an EHIC

Your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) will remain valid until its expiry date, but you can no longer apply for a new one. In 2021, the UK government launched a replacement scheme, the Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) , which will entitle you to necessary state healthcare for free or at reduced cost in Europe and other countries with reciprocal arrangements such as Australia and New Zealand . You can apply for one on the official GHIC website .

Free mobile roaming is a thing of the past

The guarantee of free mobile roaming throughout the EU, the Schengen area and the Norway, Iceland and Liechenstein, came to an end on December 31, 2020. It ’s best to c heck with your phone operator to find out about any charges you may incur in the country you’re travelling to.

Border checks may feel a little different

At border control, you will now need to use separate lanes from EU citizens when queuing. Officials may also be more inquisitive than before, asking you to provide a return or onward ticket and prove that you have enough money for the length of your initial stay.

Your driving licence will still be valid – but you’ll need a ‘green card’ proving you have insurance too

Despite reports British drivers would soon have to apply for an ‘international driving permit’ before travelling to the Continent, according to the terms of the Brexit deal, UK licences will still be valid within the EU.

According to this advice by the Foreign Office , you do not need a ‘green card’ (proving you have car insurance cover when driving abroad) when driving in the EU. However, countries where they do apply include Albania, Azerbijan, Moldova, Türkiye and Ukraine. 

Visas are now required for longer stays

If you’re a tourist, you won’t need a visa for short trips to most EU and EEA countries. You will be able to stay for a maximum of 90 days in any 180-day period. To stay for longer than 90 days, or if you ’re working,  you will have to get a visa or travel permit.

The EU has set up this short-term stay visa calculator to help travellers calculate how much longer they can stay in Europe. Visit the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s ‘travel advice’ pages  to find out the application process for each country.

The rules for Bulgaria, Croatia , Cyprus and Romania will be different (this is because they aren ’t in the Schengen area ): visits to those four countries will not count towards the 90-day total. 

These arrangements are up to date as of January 2024. They may change, so check back soon for the latest updates on travel to Europe.

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What Summer Travel to Europe Will Look Like This Year

By Arati Menon

Image may contain Nature Outdoors Sea Water Beach Coast Shoreline Person Aerial View Crowd and Boat

All products featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

With additional reporting by Sarah Allard

When travel journalist Jenn Rice decided to spend July and August in Italy and Croatia last year, she wasn’t expecting to be spending most of her time indoors. “It was very very hot, so I booked museum tickets during peak days or just lounged around in my room with a spritz and a book until the sun set.” In Dubrovnik she tried escaping to the sea for a cool dip, but everyone else had the same idea—resulting in sweaty, overcrowded beaches. “In Rome , gelato melted faster than the speed of light,” she says.

Image may contain City Urban Person and Downtown

Come summer, major attractions like the Spanish Steps in Rome are thronged by international tourists and vacationing Europeans.

Rome and Dubrovnik weren’t the only European destinations overcome with heat. To travel in Europe in the summer of 2023 was to experience first-hand a single season of contrasting extremes. Temperatures swung from hot and dry to cold and wet, and heatwaves broke out across several of the most heavily touristed destinations, with temperatures reaching upwards of 100°F. In Northern Greece, wildfires broke out —the worst experienced there in 20 years —destroying homes, forests, and vineyards.

Yet in the midst of it all, the continent also saw record-breaking tourist numbers —the highest since pre-pandemic levels—even as hotel prices swelled and airfares hit peaks. From scenic escapes like Bellagio in Como and Taormina in Sicily (where the White Lotus effect was on full display) to bucket-list cities like Paris and Madrid , much of touristed Europe was completely overwhelmed.

“We had people calling us from Athens and Rome asking us to get them out [to somewhere cooler in Europe], because it was too hot and too crowded,” recalls Jan Sortland , founder of Scandinavia specialists Norwegian Adventures.

International tourists weren’t the only ones thronging these spots. According to the European Travel Commission , most Europeans took their vacations before the peak month of August, with Italy and France being their top destinations. This resulted in packed crowds at all the major attractions. For John Canning, an LA-based executive who traveled to Paris in July, the crowds were eye-opening. “We didn’t anticipate that everything we would want to see was sold out. We only got Musée d’Orsay tickets through our concierge at a substantial premium and could not get into the Louvre full stop,” he says.

Rice says the summer taught her to plan her travel differently this year—and beyond: “I’m going to try and do coastal Italy early in May, and if I decide to travel in Europe this summer it will be either Asturias in Northern Spain or the Julian Alps in Slovenia to keep cool."

She’s not alone—according to the travel specialists we spoke with, there’s an increased interest in lesser-known destinations offering a more laid back (and cooler) holiday. “Our guests are asking after places where they can be outdoors, yet have access to wine & foodie experiences and culture. Slovenia is a great example of where you can have all that without being overwhelmed with the heat; the Dolomites in Italy is another,” says Rachael Mendizabal, Europe travel specialist at Scott Dunn . Richard Hyde, COO at Small Luxury Hotels of the World , is seeing similar trends across their European portfolio: “Guests seem to be gravitating towards alternative destinations—Milos instead of Mykonos and Slovenia instead of Spain.”

Image may contain Outdoors Nature Scenery Water Person Landscape Lake and Sea

Norway is a popular destination this summer, offering cooler weather and a myriad ways to be active outside, exploring the islands and fjords.

A big part of that shift will play into Sortland’s area of expertise: Northern Europe. With the Med getting too hot to handle, experts predict that tourism will shift northwards. “We’re seeing a lot of interest in Copenhagen and Stockholm for the cultural experience, and then onward to Norway for the nature. Currently, the fjords are still a favorite but Norway is a large country and there’s so much more to see—the Helgeland coast for example with its beautiful coastline and mountainous islands,” he says. The draw is a more moderate temperature and unique outdoor experiences. “ Iceland is a big favorite right now with the Northern lights being the most active this year from September through March,” says Mendizabal.

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In turn, for many, the more standard city breaks will fall later in the year. “Athens and Rome will always be desirable destinations, but we’ve seen an uptick in many people preferring to go there in May and October to swerve crowds,” says Carolyn Addison, head of product at Black Tomato , noting the weather in fall has been stable lately and enticing to travelers not tied to school holidays.

With this increased flexibility, shoulder season will become tricker to define, according to Mendizabal. Thanks to hotels extending their season as demand shifts to almost year-round and the high-season pricing window getting longer, the days of “scooping a deal in September are likely over.” At Jumeirah Palace in Capri , the season now runs from March to the end of December. “Thanks to the good weather, guests are staying longer than in the past,” says Ermanno Zanini, regional vice president at Jumeirah Group, Southern Europe and United Kingdom.

Castello di Vicarello in Tuscany 's Maremma countryside has traditionally stayed open in March and November. “We're pushing the low season as much as possible because we truly believe it is a wonderful time to discover Tuscany. There is so much for guests to enjoy from hiking to mountain biking, truffle hunting, and wine tastings,” says owner Neri Baccheschi Berti.

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Crucially, traveling in the shoulder and off seasons isn't just about avoiding the crowds; it’s knowing that seasonal destinations are multi-dimensional, with year-round appeal. “One of my favorite things to do in cooler weather is to hike to the peak of Mount Solaro, with its beautiful views of the town of Capri and the bay of Marina Piccola with the Faraglioni, as well as Anacapri. You also see plenty of wintering birds on the island,” says Zanini.

Image may contain: Henri Matisse, Art, Collage, Boat, Transportation, Vehicle, Baby, Person, City, Bread, Food, and Plate.

Zanini adds that they are in talks with the island's municipality to consider what it would take to stay open in February and March, traditionally strictly closed off. “It's not as straightforward as you think. There’s a lot of infrastructure that needs to be geared towards the low season: restaurants need to stay open, as do shops, and guides need to be available; it can’t just be the hotel,” he adds.

However, with staying open longer, there’s a real opportunity to engage local communities year-round, not to mention stabilize the hiring pool—and improve work culture. “We’ve already seen the positive impact of a longer season for our partners on the ground and locals in the hospitality and tourism sector,” says Addison, who adds that shifts in travel seasons are far from a fleeting trend. “This pattern for more year-round travel will continue to pick up pace in 2025—and beyond," she says.

Travel specialists are quick to point out that even with some of this rebalancing, summer this year and next will continue to see high demand for travel to—and within—Europe. According to Hayley Berg, chief economist at Hopper, while airfare remains higher than at this time in 2019, 40% of all searches for international trips this summer are to Europe, in line with last year and slightly higher than in 2019.

“Sure, we think that traveler numbers on the Côte d'Azur will smooth out through the year, but summer will certainly remain the festive season—only it will be longer,” says Lucie Weill, owner of wellness retreat Lily of the Valley near St. Tropez , which sees its faire share of packed streets and crowded beaches come summer. Weill adds that the hotel has seen success in extending its season.

For travel specialist Cari Gray of Gray & Co . late requests and a lack of flexibility could mean getting turned away because of a lack of availability. “Whether it’s a visit to the Vatican or dogsledding in Alaska , access is going to be very difficult. And there are only that many high-end lodges in Lapland ,” she says. Addison offers the example of Lake Como , where the best properties can often get booked up a year or two in advance during the busiest summer months. “Knowing that the top hotels and guides are getting booked up and that weather disruptions are increasingly unpredictable, clients who want to commit to the most popular summer hotspots in Europe, like the Greek islands and Sardinia are securing their bookings a year out.”

Image may contain Nature Outdoors Sea Water Shoreline Coast Bay Animal Fish and Sea Life

The Balearic island of Menorca is a charming escape with its rocky coves, white-sand beaches, and green rolling hills.

Ultimately, it’s not about giving up on all the places you love: just about pivoting, even if within the same country. “Why not Menorca instead of Mallorca, with its explosion of fantastic hotels and its great beach front, or Epirus in Northern Greece on the Albanian border with its Stone villages, old-growth forests, and truffle hunts instead of the islands," says Gray.

"In Italy we’re always pushing to discover new areas, even in regions that we’ve been exploring for decades like Tuscany and Umbria because new hotels are opening up regularly,” says Courtney Mundy , a travel specialist at experiential travel experts Butterfield & Robinson.

And, a word of caution for the rising favorites: “Smaller destinations in Iceland & Norway will really need to consider how to manage the higher number of visitors than ever before,” says Addison. “Parts of Iceland are overtouristed,” agrees Sortland, “so, it’s not unreasonable to think that smaller communities in Norway could eventually be at risk, too.” Whether it's through new tourist tax regimens or limits on cruise ship day-trippers to reduce crowding, a shifting tide will need more alert local governments—and as we’re swapping beaches for the mountains or Rome for Stockholm, more responsible travel habits that leave fewer traces behind.


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Ultimate Around the World Itinerary | 1 Year Around the World

By: Author Charles

Posted on August 25, 2023

Ultimate Around the World Itinerary | 1 Year Around the World

In March of 2019, I quit my job, packed a couple of carry-on bags, and took a one-way flight to Auckland, New Zealand to begin my around the world itinerary.

Over the course of the next 375 days, I traveled to 20 countries and countless cities in 6 continents. I put together this post to walk you through the exact route, and how it all came together the way it did.

Whether, you are just interested in reading along, or you would like to put together an around the world itinerary for yourself, I hope this can inspire you!

*  Affiliate Disclosure : This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you make a purchase through the links provided, at no additional cost to you. Thanks for supporting the work I put into TripTins!

1) Around the World Itinerary Overview

I knew from early on in my career that travel was a very important aspect of my life. I didn’t know at the time though, that I would have it in me to quit my safe corporate job of 6 years and travel for an extended period of time.

Instead of taking those few 10-day vacations and always looking forward to just taking that next trip, I thought a full year of solo travel would be the right move for me. I could visit places that would have taken years for me to get to, and challenge myself consistently along the way.

So, on March 13 2019, I hopped on a flight from JFK to LAX and then onwards to Auckland, New Zealand (essentially as far as one can get!). Over the course of the next 12 months, I got to experience some of the best travel moments of my life.

Whether it was meeting locals, exploring cities, hiking high into the mountains, trying new foods, engraining myself in new cultures, or hanging out with like-minded travelers. The one year of travel ended up being the best decision of my life, and one of the reasons, this site came to be .

Around the World Stats Days: 375  Countries: 20 Cities: ~100

Travel Around the World

2) Travel Considerations

As I planned the trip, there were a few “main” aspects that I was sure to plan the trip around. These included – weather, local holidays for & peak seasons, logistics, among a few other considerations.

Probably the most important aspect of the around the world itinerary, was making sure I was visiting countries during the best time of year from a weather standpoint .

I did not want to go through all of this, just to visit countries when it was rainy season or when I couldn’t take part of certain activities.

For example, I made sure to visit Nepal during November when the weather was at its clearest (but quite cold) and there was little risk of rain and clouds ruining the trekking views. I made my way to the Philippines at the tail end of the dry season and Costa Rica at the beginning of their dry season.

At the end of the day, it was all about being able to fully enjoy my time in each place on a day to day basis and not have constant days where the weather wouldn’t allow me to do anything.

With that said, the weather is unpredictable and you never know what it can bring (no matter how much you plan). There were certainly days I was completely rained out of doing anything, and times where I had to move things around last minute to circumvent the weather.

But by initially planning the trip to avoid poorer weather conditions, I feel as I was really able to get the most out of the journey.

Local Holidays & Seasons

Another thing that I considered is to avoid traveling to countries during the local’s national holidays . While dealing with tourists is one thing, dealing with a whole country traveling at the same time is another.

This isn’t across every country out there of course, but for some countries during these holiday times, many locals decide to travel for themselves.

This results in less availability for hotels and more expensive prices altogether . A couple that come to mind are Golden Week in Japan and Holy Week in the Philippines. 

I will caveat that with saying, sometimes it can be a great experience to take part of certain local celebrations if that is what is of interest to you.

In addition to holidays, I also tried to avoid peak season when most tourists are traveling to a certain destination .

Now, this is certainly not avoidable if traveling for a year, but it can help to steer clear of some places during those peak seasons.

Instead, I tried to visit places during shoulder seasons, as the weather is great but just less people are traveling to these places. At the end of the day it is just picking and choosing what works best.

The last main consideration when planning the trip was the logistics side of things. I just wanted to be sure that there was an easy way to get between city A and city B .

Whether that be a plane, boat, train or bus, I just didn’t want to put myself in the position where I would have to go drastically out of my way to continue on with the next city or country.

To the best of my abilities, I attempted to book direct flights when possible . I remember in the Philippines for example, there were not direct flights between certain islands or they were not operating every day of the week. I had to put the itinerary together so I was not wasting full days just to get between two islands. 

If I was renting a car, and I was taking a one way route through a country (such as Austria), I had to be certain that I could pick up and drop off the car in two separate locations without a hefty fee. 

With that said though, there were certainly times where I had to compromise with logistics. If I really wanted to travel somewhere but it would take days of traveling, I had to be fine with that. It all becomes a balance between everything .

Other Considerations

Also considered in the travel planning was the flexibility and having time to just unwind without anything planned. While I put together a list of countries and things I wanted to do in each country, I never had it written out to a tee.

I consistently moved things around as I went and sometimes did not even have a set date to leave a country I was in. Having that flexibility helped big time when things didn’t go 100% according to plan .

I also wanted to be sure that I had time to just rest and recover . For the majority of the trip I was out and about from morning until night. All of that traveling can take a toll on the body.

So, you will see times in the itinerary where I may have stayed longer than one may expect just to have time to do nothing and all.

When I combined the weather, holidays, and logistics, an itinerary began to form that I continuously worked on for months leading up to the trip.

→ Learn more: check out the planning a trip around the world and around the world cost guides for many more considerations when putting together an itinerary, as well as my around the world packing list

With that said though, there were some things that I had to plan around, making this around the world trip a bit more difficult to plan out than initially expected. See the next section for more on that…

One Year Travel Itinerary

3) What I Planned Around

Now, the around the world itinerary didn’t come without any hitches. There were a few things that came up which altered my initial travel planning.

Timing is never perfect to take a full year off from your friends and family. And there were certain events that I just had to come back for. Due to this, you will see a bit of interesting travel plans that the trip goes through.

» I spent October of 2019 back in the US as I had weddings to attend of close friends. Due to this I ended up staying the month back in the US before heading out again (and did get to visit NYC, Philadelphia and Chicago during my time back). Then again in December 2019, I came back again, but this time just for a quick weekend.

» On top of that, my trip was originally going to be closer to 15 months of travel. As we all know though, Covid started to ramp up in March of 2020. The end of my trip was a bit hectic trying to figure out where to go and what to do. But on March 20, 2020 I ended up taking one of the final flights out of South Africa before the world went into lockdown.

Round the World Travel

4) Around the World Itinerary Details

From start to finish the trip lasted 375 days with 329 days outside of the country. Over the course of those 375 days I visited 6 continents, 20 countries, and upwards of 100 cities. I ended up splitting out my trip in five phases:

Phase 1 : NZ/AU/Asia Phase 2 : Middle East / Europe Phase 3* : Nepal Phase 4 : Central and South America Phase 5 : Asia/Africa -> cut short

→ *I returned home before/after I traveled to Nepal

Below is the country by country route I took along with the number of days (including days to travel to them). Throughout the remainder of the post I will go into detail about where I decided to travel to in each country.

Country #1: New Zealand (29 days) Country #2: Japan (12 days) Country #3: South Korea (11 days) Country #4: Philippines (20 days) Country #5: Indonesia (30 days) Country #6: Australia (21 days) Country #7: Singapore (4 days) Country #8: Israel (17 days) Country #9: Jordan (4 days) Country #10: Austria (10 days) Country #11: Germany (6 days) Country #12: Slovenia (11 days) Country #13: Croatia (15 days) Country #14: Montenegro (10 days) Country #15: Nepal (26 days) Country #16: Belize (17 days) Country #17: Costa Rica (24 days) Country #18: Argentina (21 days) Country #19: Chile (11 days) Country #20: Sri Lanka (24 days)

Bonus : South Africa for 5 days until I had to take an emergency flight back home on my final day

Some of my travel plans would not necessarily look efficient on paper (Chile to Sri Lanka for example). However, given I did need to make some stops back in the US as I spoke about earlier, and with Covid ending the trip early, the trip doesn’t always make perfect sense without knowing the details.

You can see that I did spend quite a bit of time in many of these countries (24 days in Costa Rica). Like I said, when planning the trip, I did not want to rush myself in a country.

I wanted to truly enjoy all different aspects of where I was . I also wanted to be sure to have enough “rest” days, to just spend time to regroup and reset before continuing on.

You may find many itineraries out there that visit double the amount of countries in the same time period. But at the end of the day, each person has their own travel style and what they want to accomplish on a trip like this.

For me, it was seeing the world at my pace and really engraining myself in each country I visited.

How to Build a Around the World Itinerary

5) Around the World Itinerary Map

Below is a map of each and every place I visited all along the year long journey. You not only can see the cities I visited, but you can also see nearly every attraction I got to visit along the way.

Feel free to zoom in for more details!

6) 1 Year Around the World Itinerary

With that all said, below is a breakdown of each country along with the main cities/attractions I got to enjoy along the way.

New Zealand (March 13 – April 10)

I started off the around the world itinerary by taking a one-way flight to Auckland, New Zealand and from there got to explore both the North Island and South Island of the country.

After spending a night in Auckland, I grabbed a rental car, and then began the journey from north to south. Along the way I was able to visit the following places:

• Auckland • Waitakere Ranges • Rotorua • Taupo • Tongariro Alpine Crossing • Wellington • Abel Tasman National Park • Punakaiki* • Wanaka • Te Anau • Queenstown • Mount Cook • Pukaki • Christchurch

* As I was making my way down the western coast of the South Island, a major storm caused mudslides and a collapsed bridge. I ended up missing out on Franz Josef and had to spend a day driving around the island to Wanaka. Always good to have the flexibility to change things on the fly!

Driving in New Zealand

Japan (April 11 – April 22)

From Christchurch, I hopped on a flight to Tokyo via Brisbane. After a full day of travel, I arrived to Tokyo, where started my 12 days through Japan .

Since this was my second time in Japan, I did not spend as long as I might have if it was my first time. While I certainly went to some of the same places from my initial trip, I did not go back to places like Kobe, Hiroshima , Miyajima and Osaka.

However, I did get to visit a bunch of new places as well, and took the following journey through Japan:

• Tokyo • Kamakura • Hakone • Takayama • Shirakawago • Kanazawa • Kyoto • Nara

10 Days in Japan

South Korea (April 23 – May 3)

It was then off to South Korea as I flew directly from Osaka to Jeju Island. Over the course of the next 10 days or so, I visited three beautiful places in the country:

• Jeju Island (+ Mount Hallasan hike !) • Gyeongju • Seoul

Seoul South Kora

Philippines (May 4 – May 23)

After a successful time around South Korea, it was then onto the Philippines. It was all about the beaches, water, and island life during this portion of the trip.

As the rainy season starts in June, I got there just in time to fully enjoy the experience. Besides a few nighttime rain showers, it was all clear to enjoy some time in the sun. I ended up spending time in 4 different islands for around 4-5 days each.

Logistics were important here as it can get quite tricky to travel around the country. With a combinations of boats and direct flights, I ended up visiting these places:

• Coron • El Nido • Bohol • Siargao

Philippines Travel Guide

Indonesia (May 24 – June 22)

You are only allowed to visit Indonesia for 30 days without getting a longer term visa, so that is exactly what I decided to do. I spent a full month exploring the country visiting many places along the way .

While 30 days does sound like a long time, Indonesia is a massive country. I can honestly spend a year traveling around the country and still have things to do. But during my month there I started on the island of Java and then got to visit:

• Yogyakarta • Lumajang / East Java Waterfalls • Cemoro Lawang / Mount Bromo • Banyuwangi / Ijen Crater • Munduk • Ubud • Nusa Penida • Gili Trawangan • Mount Rinjani • Komodo National Park

From Komodo, it was then a quick flight back to Bali , where I headed off to Australia for the next portion of my trip.

King Kong Hill Bromo

Australia (June 23 – July 12)

Australia was one country, where it was a bit tougher to pick a time of year that worked weather wise for various cities around the country. I could have gone right after New Zealand but found some of the logistics a bit too difficult to manage.

Either way though, while I did not have the beach weather for Sydney, all else went great in the cities further up north. Below were the places I traveled to during my few weeks in Australia :

• Sydney • Blue Mountains • Whitsundays • Cairns / Great Barrier Reef • Port Douglas • Daintree Rainforest • Uluru / Kata Tjuta • Kings Canyon • Alice Springs / West MacDonnell Ranges

Whitehaven Beach Australia

Singapore (July 13 – July 16)

From Alice Springs I took a flight over to Perth for a quick layover before heading off to Singapore. I decided to split Singapore into two parts.

The first couple days I would spend sightseeing all around the city. For the second two days, I opted for a bit of relaxing and treated myself to two nights at the Marina Bay Sands hotel.

Overall, the four days in Singapore ended up great and got me ready for the next leg of my trip as I traveled all the way to Israel.

Visiting Singapore

Israel & Jordan (July 17 – August 2)

When visiting Israel, I knew that I wanted to spend a few days in Jordan visiting a couple of the top sites.

So, I ended up traveling around Israel for 10 days, and then ended up in Eilat. From Eilat, I traveled into Jordan for 4 days and then re-entered Israel, where I spent another week.

While I could have figured out the logistics to be a bit more favorable, the three weeks between Israel and Jordan ended up something like this:

• Jerusalem • Ein Gedi / Masada • Dead Sea • Mitzpe Ramon • Eilat • Petra • Wadi Rum • Haifa* • Tel Aviv

* After visiting Jordan, I crossed back into Eilat, rented a car and drove all the way north to Haifa. I spent a few days exploring the northern coast and ended the trip in Tel Aviv for a few days of beach time.

Israel Travel Planning

Austria & Germany (August 8 – August 23)

After taking a flight from Tel Aviv to Vienna, I spent the next 2+ weeks driving my way through Austria and the Bavaria region of Germany. I spent time in cities and out in the mountains, while visiting several places along the way:

• Vienna • Hallstatt • Berchtesgaden • Garmisch Partenkirchen • Mayrhofen

This is also a time where the weather did not always go according to plan. It was nice to have some extra days here in order to wait out the couple days of poor weather and then get up into the mountains.

Olpererhütte Bridge Hike

Slovenia (August 24 – September 3)

From Mayrhofen, I took the quick drive to Innsbruck, dropped off my rental car and then took a train over to Ljubljana. I spent the next 10+ days driving around Slovenia and enjoying all different aspects of the country including:

• Ljubljana • Lake Bled • Bohinj • Bovec • Piran

Ojstrica & Osojnica Lake Bled Hiking

Croatia (September 4 – September 18)

A quick train from Ljubljana to Zagreb and it was then time to explore Croatia for two weeks . I opted against renting a car here and just made my way around the country using busses and ferries. Along the way I got to visit:

• Zagreb • Plitvice National Park • Zadar • Krka National Park • Split • Hvar • Korcula • Mljet • Dubrovnik

Croatia Itinerary

Montenegro (September 19 – September 28)

Montenegro was the last country on the first portion of my trip around the world . I took a bus from Dubrovnik to Kotor and then rented a car for the next 10 days. During those days I made my way to a few different places:

• Kotor • Durmitor National Park • Lake Skadar • Sveti Stefan

My last night of the 200 th day of my trip was spent in the small coastal town of Sveti Stefan, where I got to enjoy one last sunset before making my way back to the US for the next month.

After heading to a couple of weddings and traveling to cities like NYC, Philadelphia and Chicago, I then made the round trip journey to Nepal. Here is where I took part of the Three Passes Trek + Everest Base Camp.

Sveti Stefan Montenegro View

Nepal (November 11 – December 6)

Visiting the Himalayas had been a life dream of mine, and during this around the world trip, I finally got to experience some time there. I decided to go for the Three Passes Trek , which is essentially a longer version of the standard Everest Base Camp trek .

In addition to EBC, I got to head over the Kongma La , Cho La , and Renjo La passes, visit the Gokyo Lakes , and trek up peaks like Chukhung Ri and Gokyo Ri .

After three weeks of trekking, I had a few days of relaxing in Kathmandu before heading back for a quick weekend in NYC .

Gokyo Ri

Belize (December 10 – 27)

It was then time to explore some of Central and South America, as I headed from New York down to Belize. During my time in Belize I spent several days scuba diving, visiting the inland of the country, and finishing up at the beach .

Technically I actually went to another country during the trip as I also did make the quick one night journey to Tikal in Guatemala. Overall, the trip to Belize (and Guatemala) looked like this:

• Ambergris Caye • Caye Caulker • San Ignacio • Tikal • Cockscomb Basin • Placencia

Belize Itinerary Scuba Diving

Costa Rica (December 28 – January 19)

It was then off to Costa Rica , where I got to spend 3+ weeks traveling to all different parts of the country.

It was a great mixture between volcanoes, rainforests, wildlife, hiking, and beaches as I visited the following places:

• Poas / La Paz Waterfall Gardens • La Fortuna / Arenal • Monteverde • Manuel Antonio • Corcovado National Park • Uvita • Cerro Chirripo • San Jose*

*The plan was to visit the Caribbean coast for the final few days of the trip around Puerto Viejo. However, the weather had different plans. So, I decided to just spend a few days in San Jose, rest and recover there before heading off to Patagonia for the next month of hiking.

Arenal Volcano Viewpoint Tower

Argentina (January 20 – February 9)

While I did spend a day in Buenos Aires, the main aspect of this portion of the trip was to hike my way through Patagonia . While, I did visit during what is considered one of the best times of year to go from a weather perspective, I still knew the risk of the Patagonian weather.

One day can be nice and sunny, while the next day could be a complete snowstorm (yes even in their summer months!). I mean, I even had a day when it was sunny and snowing at the same time .

Knowing the unpredictability of the weather, I decided to always give myself extra days in each one of the places I visited . This way if the weather did not cooperate for a day or two, I still would be able to enjoy my time there.

And for the most part, that is exactly what happened. Half the time I was in El Chalten, the weather made hiking impossible. A couple days in El Calafate by the Perito Merino Glacier were completely clouded over. But since I planned to have more days than necessary, it all worked out pretty well in the end as I visited these regions:

• Ushuaia • El Calafate • El Chalten • Huemul Circuit

Argentina Patagonia Itinerary

Chile (February 10 – February 20)

From El Chalten, I bussed back to El Calafate, and then took a bus ride over to Puerto Natales in Chile. From there began the O Circuit Trek in Torres Del Paine National Park (an extended version of the famous W Trek ) .

This was actually one portion of Patagonia, where I could not just add on more days for a weather buffer. Since I needed to book the accommodation in the park well in advance, I was locked into my days.

Although the weather was not perfect for some of the days on the trail, it was more than suitable for some trekking. Some top highlights included the Grey Glacier , French Valley , and Mirador Las Torres .

After 8 days of hiking the “O”, I made my way back to Puerto Natales and flew to Santiago to end my time in Chile.

Torres Del Paine Chile Around the World

Sri Lanka (February 21 – March 15)

It was then across the world to Sri Lanka , where I got to see the ins and outs of the country for the next three weeks. Yes, I know not the best flight plan, but I planned to spend the next several months in Asia/Africa. Along the way I got to experience a little bit of everything including:

• Colombo • Habarana • Polonnaruwa • Kandy • Dalhousie / Adam’s Peak • Nuwara Eliya • Ella • Yala & Udawalawe Safaris • Mirissa

Sri Lanka Tea Fields Views

And here is where things just started to get a bit crazy. We are talking March of 2020 as the world began to turn upside down. The remainder of my trip I was supposed to go to China (quickly got nixed), India, South Africa and Namibia.

I soon realized though, that traveling was no longer an option. After deciding to go to South Africa, I just lasted a few days in Cape Town, before taking one of the last flights out of the country back to the US. It wasn’t the way I wanted to end it, but I still did get to travel around the world for a year.

But now I have written a ton about the countries I visited before, during and after the trip around the world. I hope you find the itineraries and travel guides up on the site helpful!

If you have any questions or comments about any of it, just feel free to comment down below. Also be sure to check out some travel tips & tricks to help you better plan your next trip.

Have fun out there and safe travels!

Around the World 1 Year Itinerary

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Planning a Trip Around the World

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Monday 13th of November 2023

This is very helpful!, thanks so much for taking the time to put it together. Can you expand more on why you didn't go to Australia after NZ? Also, so it was fall when you went to NZ and winter for Australia, any regrets going when you did? thoughts? I've read travelling west, is the best way to do a RTW trip, so it's a given to start in NZ, but when to go to get less tourists but decent weather.

Sunday 6th of August 2023

This is all very inspiring and informative, as I’m considering doing the same. Question, how much did you spend your your entire trip?

Monday 7th of August 2023

Hi Mai - feel free to check out this overview I put together about the costs of traveling the world. Good luck with trip planning!

Monday 26th of June 2023

Hi, love your travel story. Have u visited china ever since u miss the last round? Do you plan to round china? I am looking for a company to go round china. I am 60 years old woman.

Hi Janet - I traveled a long while ago just to Shanghai and Beijing. I have yet to go back but would love to travel more around the country one day!

Friday 23rd of June 2023

Hi, this trip sounds amazing! myself and my husband would love to do this type of trip! How did you manage to sort all this out with transport etc? And how did you budget doing all the travel? How much would you need? Thanks. Katie

Saturday 24th of June 2023

Hi Katie - I just took everything one step at a time. The entire trip was not planned out from day one. While I knew of the overall route for the most part, I did not want to corner myself into making decisions too early. I would recommend writing out the countries that are most interested to you and then doing some research on what an overall route would look like. You can see what is possible and what may be too difficult or expensive to fit in.

As for budget, check out this around the world cost overview up on the site that will walk through it all.

Hope you have an amazing time!

Saturday 10th of June 2023

What was it like coming back to the US and finding work? I want to travel the world for a year or two but it would take me leaving my very stable/promising career.... Which scares me to death! My worry is that I would come home to the US and not be able to get the same type of job.

I also worry that a gap year (0r two) may look bad on a resume. Thoughts?

@hailey, from someone who used to work in Human Resources, the time you spend travelling is an education. Learning language, culture, customs, weather, geography, etc. As a candidate, you bring a lot to the table with this type of experience. It would be a completely different story, if you were just unemployed and laying on the couch for a year. won't regret it at all!!!

Tuesday 20th of June 2023

@hailey, The current unemployment rate in the U.S is 3.7%. Anybody who wants a job can find one. As long as the gaps in your resume were doing something interesting and intellectually stimulating (like travelling) and were not spent doing something stupid (like in prison or in re-hab), you'll be fine.

Monday 12th of June 2023

Hi Hailey - everyone is different and I can't say for certain how hard/easy it will be able to come back and find work. I was able to do so within a few months but there are many factors at play such as industry, the economy, demand/supply, etc. I am an advocate of traveling as you can tell, and would recommend doing so if it is something very important to you. There are ways to fill up the gap in the resume - for me it was this site, for others it may volunteering, remote work, etc. It is certainly a tough decision, but hope you make the right one for yourself!! Good Luck!

Wander Onwards

How to Move to Europe for a Year

Posted on Last updated: March 21, 2024

Thinking of escaping to Europe for a year? Don’t worry, I’ve created a little checklist of all the things you’ll want to think about before you commit and how you can move to Europe for a year. Are you ready? Let’s dive in.

Sometimes we want to live abroad but don’t want to cut all ties and make it a permanent shift. With a whole host of different visas and agreements in place all around Europe, it’s pretty easy to move to Europe for a year without too much hassle.

That being said, uprooting your life and moving to a different continent is a huge leap and needs some careful consideration.

One of the best ways to live in Europe is to get FREE accommodation, which is possible with Trusted Housesitters! Where you can stay at someone’s house while they are away in exchange for watching their house or sometimes their pet.

It’s a great way to travel the world for free!

Location, Location, Location

So, the first thing that you’ve got to think about is where you actually want to live while you’re in Europe. It’s a big place with a ton of options to consider. Each country has its own vibe, culture, and unique selling points.

Even within each country, you’ve got a load of different cities, towns, and rural areas that you might want to live in.

You can also choose a couple of places that you want to live over the course of the year. There’s a lot of freedom of movement within Europe, so you might want to spend four months in one place and then move on.

Depending on your visa situation, your working situation, or your budget, this might be a genuine option for you.

I’ve lived abroad for many years and love helping others find work abroad and figure out their “Move Abroad Plan.” Check out my class below to get you started ASAP!

how to move abroad master class

The next thing to look at is your budget. It’s not always the most fun part of planning a year abroad, but it is sadly necessary. Your budget is going to determine whether you need to work while you’re out in Europe for a year or whether you can take a more touristy, relaxed approach.

pennies falling out of a jar

It’s also going to determine where in Europe you can live. Places like Scandinavia are inherently more expensive to live and work in, so if you’re looking for somewhere that has a fairly low cost of living so your money goes further, this is not going to be an option.

On the whole, Eastern Europe is cheaper than Western Europe with the exception of Portugal and some parts of Spain. 

Work or Pleasure?

Once you’ve outlined your budget for the year, you’ll be able to see pretty easily if you need to work or not. If you need to work, that’s when you really need to have a look at visas, which I’ll go into further in this article.

If you’re planning on moving to Europe for a year as a tourist, it’ll need some planning to get around the maximum visa-less stay limits, but it’s certainly possible.

The Schengen Zone

If you’re not going to be working while you’re in Europe, or you’re not going to be working the whole time, as a US citizen, you can travel around the 26 countries in the Schengen zone without a visa for 90 days out of a 180-day period.

So, if you fly into Slovakia and want to travel to Austria or Germany , or even through to Portugal , you can do that without having to get a visa.

a girl at a viewpoint in Lisbon, Portugal

The main thing to remember with Schengen visas is that legally speaking you cannot work.

Of course, if you’re a remote worker or self-employed, it is difficult to track, but technically you shouldn’t be working without a work visa, which is specific to each country.

The other thing is that you need to leave the Schengen zone for at least 90 days before re-entering it, once your original 90-day period is up.

Practically, you could spend 90 days in France, but on that 90th day, you need to get out of the Schengen zone for at least three months.

There are plenty of countries outside the Schengen in Europe that have 90-day maximum visa-less stays, including Croatia, Ireland, and Cyprus, and if you want a longer stay, the UK has six-month visa-less stays for US citizens.

If you’re going to work in Europe for a year, or if you want to stay in one country for the full year, you’re going to need a visa. There are a ton of different visas, and each country has different entry criteria.

Most countries offer sponsored work visas, familial visas, student visas , or retirement visas.

a passport with visas inside

These are pretty standard and you’ll need to provide proof of income, references, and in some cases an existing job or university offer. 

The other route you can go down is the remote working visas. These digital nomad visas are cropping up all over the place and range from one year to five depending on the country.

You normally have to meet minimum monthly income requirements and this is basically to prove that you can afford to support yourself overseas.

The minimum requirements normally reflect the cost of living, so for instance, Portugal’s digital nomad visa is way more affordable than say Germany’s.

how to move abroad starter kit

Language Learning  with Pimsleur

If you’re moving to another country where the native language isn’t English or one that you can already speak, you need to learn at least the basics.

It doesn’t matter if many Europeans are bi or trilingual, if you’re planning on living in Europe for any length of time, you need to be able to speak some of the language.

I highly recommend using Pimsleur to start learning. I seriously love using Pimsleur to learn useful phrases quickly (instead of “The duck is yellow” like Duolingo!).

The phrases I have learned have stuck with me for years, so I can’t recommend it enough for language learning.

If nothing else, learning a language will help you get around the red tape when you’re trying to find accommodation, register for residency, or pay your bills.

It’s super difficult to try and sort all of that out if you can’t communicate with the people in charge. 

Also, some visas are contingent on speaking a basic level of the native language. For instance, the German spousal visa says that you need to prove an A1 level of German .

Aside from it being a good skill to have, not knowing the language might affect your chances of getting a visa.  So don’t put it off!

Accommodation (or Stay for Free !)

Next up, you need to find somewhere to live. This is again going to depend on your budget and your plan, but it’s something you really have to think about.

If you’re low on budget, you can move to Europe for a year on a Workaway program or as an Au Pair.

This normally means that your job includes accommodation as a standard. It also means that you don’t have to worry about having to go through the hassle of trying to find accommodation overseas.

If your job doesn’t include accommodation, you can stay in hostels or Airbnbs while you find a place to live. A great place to look is on the expat forums and Facebook pages.

Even if you’re not looking for a permanent move, other expats will know the best websites for realtors to get you on the right path.

One thing to check is the length of the accommodation contract. Many European accommodation contracts are either six months or a year.

It’s very rare to get a three-month contract, so if you’re bouncing around places as part of the Schengen visa-less travel, you might want to stay in a hostel or find a cheap studio on Airbnb.

If you’re traveling with a friend or loved one, this obviously becomes a lot more cost-effective and your options open up a bit.

Red Tape and Paperwork

With such a big move, there’s often a lot of paperwork and red tape. When you’re staying in a new place for a year, you have to start doing things by the book.

This means registering with local council offices, going through the various stages of bureaucracy, and inevitably getting frustrated by the process. 

Again, the expat forums are a goldmine when it comes to dealing with the red tape. They’ve been there and done it, so they’ll know all the workarounds and the best way of sorting everything out.

It’s an annoying reality of moving overseas for the year, but once it’s sorted in the first month or so, you don’t really have to worry about it again!

private coaching session

Where to Next?

Finally, you need to have a plan for what’s next. Are you heading back to the US ? Are you going to try and stay longer in Europe? Or are you heading further overseas to Asia?

When it comes to living overseas, you need to think ahead, at least a little bit. That’s because visas take time to process. If you’re going to extend your visa, that takes time. 

Make sure you know exactly when your visa is due to run out and make sure that you’re out of the country on that date or before. You definitely don’t want to overstay your visa, not only could you get kicked out of the country, but you also might not be allowed to return.

It’s not really worth the risk. Make a note of that date in your diary, and ensure your next flight or train is booked well before it. 

Ready to Move to Europe for a Year?

All in all, moving to Europe for a year is a great idea. There are plenty of ways to do it and with the sheer amount of countries in Europe, you can experience so much culture, history, and beauty all in one place.

Once you’re in Europe, traveling around is so easy that you can easily tick off a few places on your bucket list while experiencing living in a completely different place.

It’s a wonderful experience that’ll change you and give you so many amazing memories!

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How Much Data Do You Need to Travel in Europe? A Comprehensive Guide

Step into the vibrant tapestry of Europe and embark on a journey where every corner is steeped in history, brimming with culture, and adorned with awe-inspiring landscapes.

From Paris’s iconic landmarks to Venice’s enchanting canals , Europe beckons with its timeless allure.

As you plan your adventure, one question looms large: How much data do you need to travel in Europe?

I’m usually not one to advocate for the use of phones when I travel, preferring instead to cherish the present moment. However, if you’re travelling solo or are responsible for the planning of your trips, having Unlimited Data is no longer a nice-to-have but essential so as to not to miss any detail of your trip and focus on what’s important.

Cabin - The Great Adventure: Exploring National Parks On A Road Trip

In this comprehensive guide, we unravel the intricacies of staying connected while traversing the diverse landscapes of this enchanting continent.

Because let’s face it, in our digital age, reliable internet access has become a travel essential, ensuring you never miss a beat, a moment, or an opportunity to share your experiences with loved ones back home.

Whether you’re pondering how much data you need on your cell phone or how much hotspot data is necessary for your travel endeavours, this guide has you covered.

We’ll delve into the world of international eSIM cards and travel SIM cards, exploring the best eSIM providers and uncovering the perfect internet device for your European escapades .

So, let’s unlock the power of connectivity and embark on a journey where exploration knows no bounds. From the bustling cosmopolitan cities to the picturesque countryside, Europe awaits its wonders and adventures.

Prepare to be captivated, enlightened, and, most importantly, connected like never before.

Are you ready to dive into the realm of seamless data access? Let’s embark on this adventure together and discover the answer to the question: How much data do you really need to travel in Europe?

At A Glance

Step 1: How long are you in Europe?

Step 2: what’s your data usage pattern, step 3: how many devices require data, step 4: estimating your data usage, 1. maps: navigating the digital cartography, 2. email: staying connected across borders, 3. social media: sharing the magic, byte by byte, 4. streaming services: entertainment unleashed, lightning-fast internet speed, extensive coverage, local numbers for calls, hassle-free activation, harness the power of wi-fi, offline maps, streamline data-heavy activities, assessing your data needs.

Embarking on a journey through the enchanting landscapes of Europe is a dream come true for many travellers. As you plan your grand European escapade, one crucial question lingers: How much data will you need to make the most of your adventure?

Fear not, wanderlust seekers, for we have crafted a comprehensive step-by-step guide to help you navigate the vast digital realm while exploring the Old Continent.

The first factor to consider is the duration of your European expedition. Whether you’re planning a whirlwind tour spanning a few days or a more leisurely exploration spanning weeks, your data needs will vary.

Take a moment to envision your itinerary, and consider the number of days you’ll be traversing the charming streets of Paris, indulging in gelato in Rome, or immersing yourself in the rich history of Athens.

Each day holds its digital promise, and we’ll help you uncover the data that will make it happen.

Next, let’s dive into the realm of your digital habits.

Are you a casual browser, dipping into the web occasionally for travel information and local recommendations? Or are you a social media maven, capturing every picturesque moment and sharing it with your global audience in real-time?

Understanding your usage patterns will shed light on the amount of data required to fuel your European escapades. So, put on your detective hat and delve into the depths of your digital desires.

In today’s hyper-connected world, we’re rarely alone when it comes to digital companions. We often find ourselves surrounded by a chorus of connected devices, from smartphones to tablets, smartwatches to laptops.

Consider the number of gadgets that will be joining you on your European adventure, as each one thirsts for its share of data. By assessing your entourage of tech-savvy sidekicks, you’ll be well-prepared to navigate the data landscape and ensure every device has its digital delights.

Now that we’ve laid the groundwork, it’s time to estimate your data usage based on common activities. Picture yourself strolling through the picturesque streets of Barcelona, capturing Instagram-worthy moments, or sharing the awe-inspiring beauty of the Swiss Alps with your loved ones.

I’ll guide you through the data estimation process for browsing the web, streaming your favourite tunes, binge-watching captivating shows, and staying connected through social media.

By considering factors such as trip duration, usage patterns, and connected devices, you’re well on your way to confidently navigating the digital landscape.

girl phone, what to do in helsinki, things to do in helsinki

Helsinki, Finland

Average Data Usage Per Application

As you embark on your thrilling European odyssey, your digital entourage is ready to accompany you every step of the way.

These indispensable applications are the backbone of your digital journey, from enchanting maps guiding your exploration to email keeping you connected, social media capturing your memorable moments, and streaming services providing entertainment on demand.

But wait, how much data do these virtual companions actually devour? We break down the average data consumption for the most popular applications to better equip you on your European sojourn.

Lost in the labyrinthine streets of Prague or seeking hidden gems in the bustling bazaars of Istanbul? This is the primary reason why I need data when I’m overseas. Without maps access, I’m a lost soul in a foreign land!

On average, map applications consume around 5-10 MB per hour of active usage.

Whether you’re exploring on foot, hopping on public transportation, or navigating in a rented car, these reliable guides will use your data reserves. Still, they’ll ensure you find your way with ease.

Maintaining communication with loved ones or handling work commitments while gallivanting across Europe? Email applications have your back!

On average, sending and receiving emails with attachments consumes around 20-30 KB per message.

So whether you’re firing off quick updates or attaching breathtaking snapshots of your European escapades, your data usage will remain minimal, leaving you free to conquer new horizons.

Capturing the essence of your European adventure and sharing it with the world is a digital ritual for today’s globetrotters. But what about the data cost of being a social media sensation?

Brace yourself for this eye-opening revelation: on average, scrolling through social media platforms consumes approximately 100-200 MB per hour.

From uploading picturesque panoramas to curating envy-inducing stories, your data usage may surge moderately as you become a virtual travel influencer .

When the day’s adventures wind down and you seek a moment of relaxation, streaming services beckon with an array of captivating content. Whether you’re immersing yourself in the latest episode of a gripping series or discovering new films, streaming can be a data-intensive endeavour.

Streaming services consume around 1-3 GB per hour of high-definition video streaming. So sit back, relax, and let your favourite shows transport you while keeping an eye on your data usage to avoid unexpected surprises.

Armed with these insights and statistics, you’re well-equipped to estimate your specific data needs for each application during your European escapade.

Remember to consider the frequency and duration of usage, adjust your settings to optimise data consumption, and take advantage of available Wi-Fi hotspots whenever possible to conserve your precious mobile data.

The eSIM I Use For My Europe Travels

I’ve recently been introduced to the world of eSIMs, which has honestly been a game-changer. Gone are the days I have to look for a mobile phone shop with every new country I visit, stand in line, and then get a physical SIM card. It gets especially inconvenient especially if you’re crossing countries so easily within Europe.

In the past 2 summers I’ve been in Europe, I’ve been using Holafly’s eSIM to meet all my data needs around Europe. It’s essentially a Europe unlimited data package that’s valid throughout Europe. Regardless of whether I land in Ireland or Iceland , I’m connected the moment my plane lands on the ground.

So, what sets Holafly eSIM apart from the rest? Let’s look into the realm of limitless connectivity and discover the extraordinary benefits that await you:

Picture yourself in a charming Parisian café, sipping on a velvety cappuccino while uploading your jaw-dropping snapshots to social media.

With Holafly eSIM, you’ll revel in the blazing-fast internet speeds that let you share your European escapades in the blink of an eye. No more endless loading screens or frustrating lags—just seamless, uninterrupted connectivity.

From the captivating landscapes of Scotland to the sun-kissed beaches of Greece , Holafly eSIM blankets you with expansive coverage across Europe.

No matter where your wanderlust takes you, bid farewell to the dreaded “No Service” sign and embrace a world where connectivity knows no boundaries.

Stay connected with your loved ones effortlessly, even if they’re miles away. Holafly eSIM goes beyond data, offering local phone numbers that allow you to make and receive calls without skipping a beat. Whether you need to confirm dinner plans or share a heartfelt moment, your voice can easily bridge the distance.

*Available only in the Europe Plan with Unlimited Data

Time is of the essence when you’re embarking on an unforgettable journey. Holafly understands this; activation is as swift as a shooting star. Say goodbye to lengthy queues, complicated paperwork, and tedious activation processes.

With just a few taps on your phone, you’ll be ready to immerse yourself in the wonders of Europe, armed with limitless data at your fingertips.

Say goodbye to the days of data anxiety and embrace a travel experience where you can fully indulge in the digital marvels of Europe.

Other Helpful Tips To Optimise Data Usage

Seek out Wi-Fi networks like hidden treasures throughout your travels. Cafés, hotels, and public spaces often offer free Wi-Fi, giving you the chance to connect without tapping into your precious data reserves.

Keep an eye out for the ubiquitous Wi-Fi symbol and unlock a world of digital possibilities while savouring a cup of local coffee.

Don’t let the fear of getting lost dampen your spirits. Before you set foot on European soil, download offline maps of your desired destinations. Here’s a step by step guide on how to do that .

This handy trick ensures you can navigate the labyrinthine streets and picturesque alleyways without relying on data-guzzling GPS services. Get lost in the wonders of Europe, knowing that you have your offline map as your trusty guide.

While indulging in the virtual delights of Europe, it’s wise to exercise some data consciousness. Opt for lower-resolution streaming options, save videos for offline viewing, and limit excessive video calling to preserve your data reserves.

By embracing a mindful approach to data usage, you’ll have more megabytes to spare for capturing and sharing memories with the world.

So, dear wanderers, embrace your newfound knowledge, implement these data-saving strategies, and let your European adventure unfold with unfettered digital freedom.

Whether you’re strolling through the vibrant streets of Barcelona , savouring the culinary delights of Rome, or embracing the ethereal beauty of the Scottish Highlands, Europe is yours to explore and share.

Remember, it’s not just about the data you consume but the memories you create. So, pack your bags, charge your devices, and embark on an extraordinary voyage through the heart of Europe.

With the comprehensive guide and the unlimited data prowess, there are no limits to the wonders you’ll discover.

Bon voyage, data-savvy adventurers! Embrace the magic of Europe and let your data dreams come to life . Unleash the power of connectivity, share your stories with the world, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Your European odyssey awaits—seamless, limitless, and absolutely unforgettable!

Isabel Leong

Isabel Leong

Full-time travel blogger at Bel Around The World and SEO coach roaming the world at a whim, Isabel helps aspiring content creators and brands get the most out of their online presence by attracting organic leads/traffic and achieving financial freedom with her Skyrocket With SEO course. She's closely involved in and has been featured as a speaker in other travel & digital nomad networks & podcasts such as Traverse, Travel Massive, The Nomadic Network and Location Indie.

isabel leong, bel around the world

Hi! I'm Isabel, a full-time traveller and digital nomad from Singapore. In the past 10 years, I've lived in New Zealand , Japan , Kauai Hawaii , Mexico , Costa Rica and Bali . Pulling from my own world travel adventures and blogging lessons, I share my tried and tested tips, so that I can get YOU to work LESS and play MORE!

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A Little Adrift Travel Blog

My Yearlong Around the World Itinerary

Last updated on January 26, 2024 by Shannon

When I look back at my first yearlong trip around the world in 2008-2010, I am in awe of many of the places I had the privilege to visit and the honor to witness on that whirlwind itinerary.

After visiting 21 countries in 15 months on my round-the-world itinerary , I would go on to travel for ten more years, visiting 70+ countries and living in several of them . I traveled with my niece . And then with my nephews . And again with another teen niece . It’s been a long road. I settled in Barcelona in 2018 , where I now live in Spain with my toddler son—we continue to embark on world travel adventures.

As my travels continued long after my first round the world travels, for posterity’s sake, these are the highs and lows of my year+ of backpacking solo around the world from 2008 to 2010.

Table of Contents

My High-Level Route Around the World

map of my itinerary around the world on my yearlong RTW trip

How long? 16 months How many countries? 21 Which countries, in order : Australia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, India, Nepal, Italy, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Czech, the Netherlands, England, Scotland, Ireland, the U.S., Mexico, Cuba, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras Dates of round the world trip : November 4, 2008 – October 2009 How many flights? 17 flights How many miles? How many friends joined? Three friends booked tickets and traveled the world with me! A friend joined in Thailand and Laos, my cousin and I spent four months backpacking through India and Nepal together, and my friend Jenn joined for Italy and Croatia.

Australia: November 4 – January 6

My overland travel itinerary through Southeast Asia on my round the world trip

Sydney Blue Mountains Kiama Bateman’s Bay Lake Entrance Melbourne

Great Ocean Road Ayers Rock Great Barrier Reef Whitsundays Fraser Island Byron Bay

My decision to start in Australia mostly stemmed from the fact that I was living in Los Angeles at the time . I booked a one-way ticket from LA to Sydney in June and then spent the next five months planning my RTW trip and downsizing my life .

My RTW trip started with a long trek across the Pacific on November 4, 2008. As a newbie to round the world travel, I landed in Sydney without a single friend and feeling a tad lonely.

world travels to Sydney was on my itinerary to see the blue mountains

Luckily, backpackers are a friendly lot. I got my travel legs under me by  exploring the Opera House , the Taronga Zoo, and the Botanical Gardens. Deciding to stay in the Blue Mountains  was a real highlight, and my penchant for getting incredibly lost  at the least convenient moments started here. This would become a recurring theme of the trip because, yeah, I get lost a lot .

Instead of taking the more common route from Sydney to Cairns, I meandered down the coast of New South Wales  (because, kangaroos !). I eventually landed in  Melbourne , where I couchsurfed for a week with my buddy Row, who had actually couchsurfed with me in LA earlier that year.

Not one to miss the highlights of any new place, I hit up the stunningly pretty Great Ocean Road , and visited the parade of tiny fairy penguins on Phillip Island.

Sunset over Uluru at the first stop on my 1 year trip around the world.

Instead of taking the backpacker bus, I splurged on a quick flight to Alice Springs, which was my launching point to the Australian outback and the iconic Uluru (Ayers Rock) , where it rained until our final day at Kings Canyon . Having seen only very brief sunshine in the outback, which is rare, I needed the coast so I jumped a flight to Cairns.

I had obtained my driver’s certification on Catalina Island near LA just so I was ready to spend several days diving the Great Barrier Reef and the UNESCO World Heritage listed Daintree Rainforest. I booked the Greyhound down the east coast of Oz and stopped to sail the Whitsunday Islands for Christmas  and to  drive across Fraser Island for my 25 th birthday. Both were gorgeous and good fun since I was on tours filled with other backpackers.

I joined up with two German women for New Years in Noosa and  surf lessons  in Byron Bay.

After two months exploring Australia, I was ready for my next adventure in Southeast Asia .

Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia: January 6 – February 19

my six week itinerary through southeast asia while traveling the world

Bangkok Vientiane Vang Vieng Luang Prabang Kuang Si Waterfalls

Hongsa Gibbon Experience Siem Reap/Angkor Wat Phnom Penh Volunteering

My flight to Southeast Asia left out of Sydney and I was psyched. Thailand here I come! Except for, no. I almost missed my flight out of Oz because of a visa issue. Just in the nick of time, I convinced the Aussie flight crew to let me on the plane and for the next six weeks I circled around Southeast Asia .

I wasn’t in love with Thailand —which is funny because I ended up living there later, spending months enjoying Chiang Mai . At the time, however, I had the happy chance to reconnect with an old friend , who I hadn’t realized was also backpacking the region!

Songrkan festivities in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Laura and I teamed up and beelined to  Laos . We did all the things.

We took the backpacker rite of passage by  tubing in Vang Vieng, Laos . Then we moved ourselves into a treehouse for the weekend and zip-lined through the forest as a part of the Gibbon Experience. Although elephant trekking has moral quandaries , we rented a logging elephant for the day and trekked through rural Laos .

Laos stood out as one of my favorite stops on the trip. Filled with gorgeous waterfalls , Buddha caves , and gorgeous karst rocks made for  rock climbing , how could I not dream of returning? There was that time I was so sick I nearly died , but even that didn’t taint my love for Laos.

And although SEA is big on the backpacker route, I stepped off of it for a week to volunteer at FLOW in Phnom Penh . Oh, and naturally Angkor Wat, Cambodia was on the list, how could I not!

India: February 19 – March 28

my traveling itinerary through india on my one year trip

Mumbai Ahmedabad Udaipur Pushkar Holi: Festival of Colors

Taj Majal Amritsar Mcleod Ganj Rishikesh

Saying goodbye to Southeast Asia left me a bit heartbroken. Six weeks was not enough time. I could have spent ages longer in the gorgeous forests, rivers, and sleepy towns of Laos, Cambodia , and Vietnam . But Southeast Asia travels had a hard and fast deadline. I needed to meet up with my cousin in India!

Although I had mostly backpacked solo up until this point, my cousin joined me in Mumbai, India . We had intentionally left our two months in India with a blank slate, so we spent our first day in Mumbai plotting a route north and learning or first lessons in Indian scams .

We head to Ahmedabad to visit  Gandhi’s ashram and then beelined straight to charming Udaipur  renewed our faith that we had chosen a good route. We spent a week there taking it slow , but at the point that I was getting marriage proposals daily, we moved on to Pushkar , a small town with good vibes. We did a  camel safari and some hiking .

I stopped in several festivals during my world travels, including Holi in India during my 1 year RTW

We then made our way further north to Jaipur for India’s most colorful and joyful holiday:  Holi The Festival of Colors . This Hindu festival celebrates the triumph of “good” versus “evil” and involves throwing large quantities of colored powder and water on everyone within reach.

The colors died my skin pink for a week after the celebrations! I was so pink, in fact, that if you look closely at the photos of me at the Taj Mahal the next day, there is a distinct rose hue to my skin.

bucket list stop at the taj mahal

After the Taj, my cousin and I took the sleeper train to Amritsar to take in the beauty of the Sikh’s holy Golden Temple before catching a bus to McLeod Ganj, home of the Tibetan government-in-exile. McLeod Ganj is a pretty mountain town and it was a very different vibe to spend a week living among the Tibetan community there. We hiked in the gorgeous mountains and even learned how to cook tasty Tibetan momos.

I’d love to have stayed even longer, but we had just a week before our volunteer program in Nepal , so we made our way to Delhi, stopping in Rishikesh to raft on the sacred Ganges River .

Nepal: March 28 – May 19

map of my world travels through Nepal, and where my one year itinerary allowed me to explore

Kathmandu Pharping Teaching English Vipassana Meditation

Annapurna Hike from Pokhara Chitwan National Park Nepali Food

My two-month volunteer program in Nepal teaching English to young Buddhist monks  was a hands-down highlight of my entire year traveling around the world. The young monks were from the poorest regions all over Nepal. They are able to live at the monastery and receive an education, something lacking in many rural areas of Nepal. 

I enjoyed the teaching , and, as is often the case, I undoubtedly learned more than I taught my young monks while living in the charming, rural town of Pharping, Nepal .

Pokhara lake started my trek, a key stop on my 1-year world travels itinerary

My cousin and I wrapped up our time at the monastery  in late April and left our  quiet life in Pharping. Pharping is an hour+ outside of Kathmandu and it was a peaceful town with many monasteries.

Then began some proper exploring on Nepal’s best things to do, including Chitwan National Park , home to elephants , tigers, and endangered rhinos. From there, we took a bus to Pokhara for a 10-day Vipassana meditation course . It was intense, mind-expanding, and something I’m not likely to do in this lifetime. Pokhara is the gateway to the Annapurna treks, so I teamed up with others from my volunteer program and we hiked in the Himalayas for five days .

Italy and Croatia: May 19 – June 10

map of my Italy and Croatia route on my world travels

Cinque Terre Pisa Florence Boboli Gardens

Assisi Milna, Brac Island Krka National Park Plitvice Lakes National Park

cinque terre italy travels on my around the world trip

By the end of May, the Maoists began heavily protesting in Nepal, so it was an ideal time to leave the developing world and welcome my bestie Jenn to the round-the-world trip.

We met in Milan, Italy and spent a couple of weeks gorging on gelato and exploring. We hiked through Cinque Terre and supported the Leaning Tower of Pisa before landing in Florence.

Then we biked around Tuscany , snapped photos of the David (yes, he is gorgeous), and wandered the Boboli Gardens .

We trained across Italy with a stop in Assisi , before taking the ferry from Ancona, Italy to Split, Croatia .

krka national park croatia was on my itinerary

The ferry to Croatia was a debacle, but that was quickly forgotten as we  rented cottage on the island of Brac  and relaxed for a week. Then we all explored the Krka waterfalls  and the stunning  Plitvice Lakes National Park .

Jenn needed to get home, so we parted ways and I continued traveling.

Bosnia-Herzegovina and Slovenia: June 10 – July 3

itinerary through Bosnia and Slovenia

Sarajevo Mostar Ljubljana Lake Bled

Bidding adieu to Jenn in Zagreb, I moved into Sarajevo, Bosnia  and met wonderful couchsurfers there. Sarajevo has made my short-list of my favorite capital cities in the world—it’s small and consumable with just the right touch of fun.

I had  food issues in Bosnia traveling as a vegetarian , but also some real non-issues with the Bosnian desserts ! The pretty town of  Mostar still has visible war damage  and the city’s cobbled streets and history are a more sobering look at Bosnia’s war-riddled recent past.

Traveling through Bosnia & Herzegovina was a sleeper favorite from my entire year! I had no idea I would love it so much there.

soca river in slovenia was a stop on my 1-year itinerary around the world

From Bosnia I moved into Slovenia and couchsurfed with a lovely couple . I fell in love with the sidewalk café culture  in the region.

Like Bosnia, I visited Slovenia on a whim and it wowed me. The Soĉa River  is among the prettiest rivers in the world, and Ljubljana’s Street Theatre Summer Festival  is all kinds of fun. My couchsurfing hosts took me to the Pekel Jama caves on our road trip , and I just enjoyed the unexpectedly pretty country.

Czech Republic and Amsterdam: July 3 – Aug 1

travel route in central europe on my RTW trip

Prague Cesky Krumlov Amsterdam

Leaving Slovenia, I trained to the Czech Republic to take in the peaks and churches of  Prague . And while Prague is undoubtedly pretty, I love small towns and I camped out for one week in the incredibly cute town of Cesky Krumlov, where I sampled all of the Czech desserts and went rafting down the Vltava River .

After visiting the Czech Republic, I finished out the month of July by house-sitting in Amsterdam for two weeks (for free!). Biking around Amsterdam  is the way to go, and I visited dozens of museums, parks, and farmers markets.

England and Scotland: August 1 – Sept 1

my travel itinerary through England and Scotland

London Lakes District Stirling Isle of Skye

Fort Augustus / Loch Ness Cairngorms National Park Dundee Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Popped into London for a few days on my one year trip.

An all-day from Amsterdam to London had me crashing on a couch there—I met up with friends that I had last met in India during the Holi festival.

London was pricey and fast-paced—and I had spent a week exploring London on my study abroad years earlier—so I headed north.

Highlights from my month in the UK include hiking through  the Lakes District , enjoying  Stirling (of the William Wallace fame) , and taking in the gorgeous scenery on the Isle of Skye —I loved hiking the Old Man of Storr .

I was traveling at a rapid pace, so it didn’t end there. I caught a bus to Fort Augustus to hunt down  Nessie the Loch Ness Monster , and then I might have lost my mind when I hitchhiked in the Cairngorms  before landing in Edinburgh.

hiking in scotland on my rtw trip.

I loved Edinburgh. A tweetup connected me with locals , which I squeezed in between watching a dozen shows at the annual Edinburgh Fringe Festival . This festival was a pivotal point on the timeline for my RTW trip. I structured all of my Europe travels to be in  Edinburgh in August for the Festival.

Ireland: Sept 1 – Oct 1

map of my route driving through Ireland

Blarney Castle Ring of Beara Ring of Kerry Dingle Slea Head Drive

Cliffs of Moher Aran Islands Diamond Hill Dublin

The Emerald Isle marked the last leg of my solo round the world trip—I would head home for the holidays for the first time in nearly a year before continuing to travel Central America for another five months.

Sadness and nostalgia were already creeping into me. Seeing the end in sight, I rented a car for my weeks exploring. This was a huge  splurge  on considering I was aiming for a budget under $20,000 for the entire first year.

More hiking views in Ireland while I traveled the world

After a year of witnessing the most incredible sites in the world, I took it low-key in Ireland, with many things well  on the tourist path , and then a lot of things  well off of that path . Kissing the Blarney Stone  and visiting the Cliffs of Moher are arguably some of the “musts” in Ireland, while Dingle’s Slea Head drive and the Aran Islands  are less touristy and filled with incredible Irish music and culture.

With just a week left of my entire first year of world travel, I spent  a week driving around Connemara  and then  hiking in the National Park . My dad sent me money and told me to treat myself to someplace nice, so I stayed in a beautiful bed and breakfast in the Wicklow mountains before ending with a day in Dublin at the Guinness Factory and one last chance to hear  amazing live music .

driving Slea Head on Dingle peninsula in Ireland

After two layovers and a handful of hours, somehow I had arrived back in Florida. Although I had travel fatigue at points during the year, I was also used to constant movement. Landing at my parents house was a shock to the senses and I had serious travel blues and culture shock as I readjusted to life back home, enjoyed the holidays, and then planned my next leg of my route around the world: Central America.

Mexico, Cuba and Belize: January 7 – February 16

backpacking Mexico, Cuba, and Belize in Central America on my round the world trip

Cancun Havana Trinidad

Chichen Itza Yucatan Peninsula Belize

As my first round the world travel ended, I realized how well I was able to work from the road . I visited home for the holidays and then set out across Central America. I landed in Cancun as a gateway to meeting up with a travel friend in Cuba.

We started in Havana and then made our way to Trinidad, a colorful city filled with vibrant music, people, and culture.

Louise headed back to the States and I flew back to Cancun, where I explored more of the Yucatan Peninsula before heading south to Belize at the Chetumal border . I had a bad allergic reaction in Belize, so although I found Belizean culture fascinating , I spent a week on Caye Caulker before heading to Guatemala .

Guatemala and Honduras: February 16 – May 18

map of my world travel itinerary through Central America

Tikal Semuc Champey Antigua Semana Santa Coffee Tour

Xela Chichicastenango Rio Dulce Copan Ruins Utila Diving

Guatemala ranks as one of my favorite countries in the world, and it charmed me from the moment I entered on the shuttle from Belize City to Flores. I marveled at the jungle ruins of Tikal and then stomped through caves and waterfalls at Semuc Champey .

It was onward by bus to charming Antigua , where I took a coffee tour , visited a macadamia nut farm , and spent a memorable Semana Santa week learning all about Guatemala’s Easter traditions .

I spent two weeks perfecting my Spanish at lessons in Xela , while volunteering in the rural areas . Then relaxed at Lake Atitlan and did some shopping at Chichicastenango .

I popped over to Honduras to briefly visit Copan Ruinas , and then get my advanced divers certificate on Utila . But then I loved Guatemala so much that I spent my remaining 10 days in the country relaxing on the Rio Dulce .

At that point, I flew to California for a friend’s wedding in Napa, spent the summer catching up with friends who had moved all over the U.S., and then decided to move to Bali by the fall . That set off a whole other adventure living in Thailand and traveling more in Asia as the years passed, as well as a six month solo backpacking trip across Africa.

I’ve now visited more than 70 countries on five continents—find the full list of countries and stories on the site’s destination page , where you can browse by stories or via themes and you can plan your own trip with these world travel resources .

I also have a detailed page dedicated to planning your own round the world itinerary .

You can find my location and travel plans here , as well as my current projects and passions.

Planning Your travels

If you’re in the early stages of planning your travels, the following resources should help.

Dreaming of Travel » Letter to Travel Dreamers | How Do You Make Big Decisions? | Why I Decided to Travel the World | Creating Transformative Travel Experiences | The Best Travel Books

Affording Travel » How to Save for World Travel | How Much Does it Cost to Travel the World | Best Credit and Debit Cards for Travel | Using Geoarbitrage to Live Abroad | How to Work Remotely

Planning Travel » Plan Your World Travel Itinerary | Pack for Long-Term Travel | Homeschooling While Traveling | How to Purge Everything You Own | How to Pick the Right RTW Backpack | Buying RTW Flights

Staying Healthy » Safety and Solo Female Travel | How to Pick the Right Travel Insurance | Travel Vaccines 101 | How to Stay Healthy Abroad

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Here It Comes: Another Hot Summer in Europe

Extreme heat and other weather challenges are in the forecast this summer, and travel advisers, tourists and local officials are getting prepared.

Outside an ancient Roman structure -- the Colosseum in Rome -- a young woman in light summer clothing pours a bottle of water on a man's neck.

By Ceylan Yeğinsu

Europe, the world’s fastest-warming continent, is headed for another scorching summer, meteorologists warn. And travelers, once again, are heading to the hot spots.

Last year, large parts of southern Europe experienced prolonged periods of extreme heat with temperatures reaching 118 degrees and lasting up to two weeks or more. The sweltering conditions upended vacations throughout the summer season as visitors collapsed from heat exhaustion at crowded tourist sites, and wildfires led to evacuations in Greece, Italy and Spain.

“Our computer models are in good agreement that it’s going to be another unusually hot summer, especially during late July through August,” said Todd Crawford, vice president of meteorology at Atmospheric G2 , a weather and climate intelligence firm based in Manchester, N.H. The company expects the magnitude of the heat to be similar to 2022, the hottest summer ever recorded in Europe, with the most anomalous heat projected in the south, in popular countries for travelers like Greece, Croatia and Italy.

Since 1991, Europe has been warming at twice the global average, and 23 of the 30 most severe heat waves in Europe since 1950 have occurred since 2000, with five in the last three years, according to the World Meteorological Organization. The European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service said several factors contribute to the continent’s vulnerability, including the proportion of European land in the Arctic — the fastest-warming region on earth — and changes in atmospheric circulation.

Yet despite the forecast and increasing trend of excessive summer heat, demand is still high for destinations where temperatures reached 100 degrees or higher in recent summers. Overall, U.S. demand for travel to Europe has increased since last year, according to the travel site Hopper . Rome, Paris and Athens are among the most searched cities out of billions of annual searches for summer vacations on Kayak and Expedia.

“The destinations are being booked again, and what really characterizes people is how quickly they forget and push back negative experiences,” said Stefan Gössling, a professor who researches tourism and climate change at Linnaeus University in Sweden. “People who were caught in life-threatening situations like the wildfires may reconsider where they travel, but for the broader population, we are not yet seeing a big change in decision-making because of the heat.”

Green spaces and heat officers: Cities adapt

As the summer approaches, popular destinations that were hit hard last year are working on protocols to make residents and tourists safe and more comfortable. In 2021, Athens became the first European city to appoint a chief heat officer to oversee those efforts. One of the first steps was to categorize heat waves by severity, like hurricanes, as an early warning system for the potential impact on human health. It is also naming heat waves to emphasize their potential risks.

“Heat is a silent killer and projections for the coming years show that it will only get worse, so we are redesigning our city and making changes to adapt,” said Elissavet Bargianni, the chief heat officer for Athens. Beyond raising awareness, the city plans to implement additional measures, which include increasing the number of green spaces and creating cool public areas.

For visitors planning to visit Athens this summer, Ms. Bargianni advises using the Extrema Global app that calculates the coolest route for getting from point A to point B according to the current temperature and density of the trees. The city already has several air-conditioned cooling centers that are free.

During last July’s heat wave, the Acropolis was forced to close between midday and the early evening to protect visitors after some of them collapsed from the heat. The ministry of culture could make the same decision this year, Ms. Bargianni said, if the heat is severe.

Heat and tours: Travel advisers get creative

Travel advisers are also factoring heat into flexible itineraries. In cities like Rome, Barcelona, Paris and Athens, they are scheduling sightseeing in the cooler morning and evening hours, and arranging air-conditioned transportation.

“We tend to do activities and tours in the morning, then stop for lunch, and in the mid- to late afternoon you either go back to the hotel to sit by the pool or go to the beach,” said Gary Portuesi, a co-managing partner at Authentic Explorations, a New York-based travel company that specializes in Europe.

If clients insist on taking midday tours, the company will work with local partners to make the experience as comfortable as possible. “If there is a six-hour tour, for example, they will cut it down to four and take them to an air-conditioned gelateria for a break,” Mr. Portuesi said.

It is not only the heat that travel advisers have had to grapple with, but also other unpredictable weather events. Last summer, while some parts of the continent were hot and dry, others were cold and wet. “There was a period during the summer peak when it was hotter in the Dolomites than it was in Sicily,” said Jennifer Schwartz, the Italy-based partner of Authentic Explorations. “The most important aspect of our job is to set expectations about the variables and guide people instead of saying it’s too hot, don’t come.”

Heat insurance?

To help travelers book with more confidence, Sensible Weather, a Los Angeles-based start-up that provides a weather guarantee for vacations and outdoor experiences, has recently added high heat protection to its coverage. When booking through a Sensible partner, travelers will be able to add daily protection and if the temperature exceeds a threshold — usually set between 90 and 100 degrees — they can claim reimbursement. Currently, the insurance is only available in the United States, but, the company said, will gradually be rolled out in Europe and elsewhere.

“The goal of the company is to cover everything that can ruin a trip, and usually it’s rain, but temperature is number two,” said Nick Cavanaugh, the company’s founder who was developing the product while caught in a heat wave in Barcelona last year.

Customers do not need to cancel their trip in order to be reimbursed. Those on package tours are reimbursed for the average daily rate of their entire trip for each day that surpassed the heat threshold. “Our customers can still go on their vacations, but if it’s too hot for some hours of the day and unpleasant to go outside, you can hang out in the air-conditioning and we will reimburse you,” Mr. Cavanaugh said.

Heading to cooler climes

Some travelers who were caught in Europe’s heat waves last summer are seeking cooler destinations this summer in places like Norway, Slovenia, Switzerland, Sweden and Finland. Flight searches for Tromsø, Norway, for example, have increased by 85 percent over 2023, according to Kayak.

Joanna Walker, a 43-year-old recruiter from Boston, was caught in a blistering heat wave with her family in Italy last July and vowed never to return during the summer. She said she had been advised to travel during the shoulder season, but couldn’t because her children were in school.

“We couldn’t even cool off in the pool because there was no shade and the water was hot,” Ms. Walker recalled. “We wanted to see the sights in Florence and have long lunches in the piazzas, but instead we were stuck in our overpriced villas under the air-conditioning.”

This year her family has booked a tour of Norway’s fjords in July, where temperatures linger in the high 60s. “It’s going to be a different vibe to Italy for sure, lots of nature and not as much history, but at least it will be cool enough to experience something.”

Follow New York Times Travel on Instagram and sign up for our weekly Travel Dispatch newsletter to get expert tips on traveling smarter and inspiration for your next vacation. Dreaming up a future getaway or just armchair traveling? Check out our 52 Places to Go in 2024 .

Ceylan Yeginsu is a travel reporter for The Times who frequently writes about the cruise industry and Europe, where she is based. More about Ceylan Yeğinsu

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  • News Releases

Tourism is Back to Pre-Pandemic Levels, but Challenges Remain

World Economic Forum, [email protected]

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  • High-income economies in Europe and Asia-Pacific continue to lead the World Economic Forum Travel and Tourism Index, with the United States, Spain and Japan topping the rankings again.
  • Despite post-pandemic growth, the global tourism sector still faces complex challenges, with recovery varied by region; only marginal overall score improvements since the 2021 edition.
  • Developing economies are making strides – who account for 52 out of 71 economies improving since 2019 – but significant investment is needed to bridge gaps and increase market share.
  • Read the report here .

New York, USA, 21 May 2024 – International tourist arrivals and the travel and tourism sector’s contribution to global GDP are expected to return to pre-pandemic levels this year, driven by the lifting of COVID-19-related travel restrictions and strong pent-up demand, as per the new World Economic Forum travel and tourism study, released today.

Topping the 2024 list of economies are the United States, Spain, Japan, France and Australia. The Middle East had the highest recovery rates in international tourist arrivals (20% above the 2019 level), while Europe, Africa and the Americas all showed a strong recovery of around 90% in 2023.

These are some of the top findings of the Travel & Tourism Development Index 2024 (TTDI) , a biennial report published in collaboration with the University of Surrey, which analyses the travel and tourism sectors of 119 countries around a range of factors and policies.

“This year marks a turning point for the travel and tourism sector, which we know has the capacity to unlock growth and serve communities through economic and social transformation,” said Francisco Betti, Head of the Global Industries team at the World Economic Forum. “The TTDI offers a forward-looking window into the current and future state of travel and tourism for leaders to navigate the latest trends in this complex sector and sustainably unlock its potential for communities and countries across the world.”

Post-pandemic recovery

The global tourism industry is expected to recover from the lows of the COVID-19 pandemic and surpass the levels seen before the crisis. This is largely being driven by a significant increase in demand worldwide, which has coincided with more available flights, better international openness, and increased interest and investment in natural and cultural attractions.

However, the global recovery has been mixed. While 71 of the 119 ranked economies increased their scores since 2019, the average index score is just 0.7% above pre-pandemic levels.

Although the sector has moved past the shock of the global health crisis, it continues to deal with other external challenges, from growing macroeconomic, geopolitical and environmental risks, to increased scrutiny of its sustainability practices and the impact of new digital technologies, such as big data and artificial intelligence. In addition, labour shortages are ongoing, and air route capacity, capital investment, productivity and other sector supply factors have not kept up with the increase in demand. This imbalance, worsened by global inflation, has increased prices and service issues.

TTDI 2024 highlights Out of the top 30 index scorers in 2024, 26 are high-income economies, 19 are based in Europe, seven are in Asia-Pacific, three are in the Americas and one (the United Arab Emirates) is in the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA). The top 10 countries in the 2024 edition are the United States, Spain, Japan, France, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom, China, Italy and Switzerland.

The results highlight that high-income economies generally continue to have more favourable conditions for travel and tourism development. This is helped by conducive business environments, dynamic labour markets, open travel policies, strong transport and tourism infrastructure, and well-developed natural, cultural and non-leisure attractions.

Nevertheless, developing countries have seen some of the greatest improvements in recent years. Among the upper-middle-income economies, China has cemented its ranking in the top 10; major emerging travel and tourism destinations of Indonesia, Brazil and Türkiye have joined China in the top quartile of the rankings. More broadly, low- to upper-middle-income economies account for over 70% of countries that have improved their scores since 2019, while MENA and sub-Saharan Africa are among the most improved regions. Saudi Arabia and the UAE are the only high-income economies to rank among the top 10 most improved economies between 2019 and 2024.

Despite these strides, the TTDI warns that significant investment is needed to close gaps in enabling conditions and market share between developing and high-income countries. One possible pathway to help achieve this would be sustainably leveraging natural and cultural assets – which are less correlated with country income level than other factors – and can offer developing economies an opportunity for tourism-led economic development.

“It’s essential to bridge the divide between differing economies’ ability to build a strong environment for their travel and tourism sector to thrive,” said Iis Tussyadiah, Professor and Head of the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at the University of Surrey. “The sector has big potential to foster prosperity and mitigate global risks, but that potential can only be fully realized through a strategic and inclusive approach.”

1. we (to travel) around europe last year

Mitigating future global challenges

According to the World Economic Forum’s 2024 Global Risks Report, the travel and tourism sector faces various complex risks , including geopolitical uncertainties, economic fluctuations, inflation and extreme weather. Balancing growth with sustainability also remains a major problem, due to high seasonality, overcrowding, and a likely return of pre-pandemic emissions levels. The report also analyses persistent concerns about equity and inclusion. While the tourism sector offers a major source of relatively high-wage jobs, particularly in developing countries, gender parity remains a major issue for regions such as MENA and South Asia.

Despite these challenges, the sector can play a significant role in addressing them. To achieve this, decision-makers should prioritize actions such as leveraging tourism for nature conservation efforts; investing in skilled, inclusive and resilient workforces; strategically managing visitor behaviour and infrastructure development; encouraging cultural exchange between visitors and local communities; and using the sector to bridge the digital divide, among other policies.

If managed strategically, the travel and tourism sector – which has historically represented 10% of global GDP and employment – has the potential to emerge as a key contributor to the well-being and prosperity of communities worldwide.

About the Travel and Tourism Development Index 2024

The 2024 edition of the TTDI includes several improvements based on newly available data and recently developed indicators on the environmental and social impact of travel and tourism. The changes made to the 2024 Index limit its comparability to the previously published TTDI 2021. This year's report includes recalculated 2019 and 2021 results, using new adjustments. TTDI 2024 reflects the latest available data at the time of collection – end of 2023. The TTDI is part of the Forum’s broader work with industry communities actively working to build a better future enabled by sustainable, inclusive, and resilient industry ecosystems.

Notes to editors

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This sunny coastline is europe’s cheapest destination, per new ranking.

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Beautiful fishing village in the Algarve, Portugal

Booking a beach vacation along one of Europe’s most attractive coastlines comes with a surprisingly reasonable price tag this year. According to the UK Post Office’s annual holiday money report, costs in this cliff-lined, golden sand destination have gone down compared to last year.

The report compares the prices of eight items typically purchased by travelers—a three-course meal for two with wine, a cup of coffee, a bottle of local beer, a can of cola, a glass of wine, a bottle of still water, suncream and insect repellent—to come up with the ranking.

What Is The Cheapest Destination In Europe For A Vacation In 2024?

The report found that the cheapest European destination for 2024 is Portugal’s Algarve—placing it 5th in the world rankings. Food and drink prices along the idyllic coastline are particularly low. The area has the cheapest cup of coffee of all the places studied at £0.88 ($1.12) while a three-course meal for two with wine will set you back just £39 ($49) and a glass of wine at a bar only £1.76 ($2.24).

Algarve region in south of Portugal is very popular tourist destination

Two other seaside destinations come in second and third place. Turkey’s Marmaris and Bulgaria’s Sunny Beach were both in the world’s top three for 2023 but have fallen due to rising costs as restaurants and bars face soaring inflation.

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David pastrnak lifts czechia to 2024 world hockey championship win, the best beers in canada according to the canadian brewing awards, why should you visit portugal’s algarve in 2024.

The Algarve is Portugal’s coastal stage set. The 150-kilometer shoreline is a series of rocky promontories jutting out to sea, sensational cliff formations and secluded coves. There’s a real variety of lifestyles here, too. If you want to splash in the sea with aquatic activities, head to Lagos. This port town of pretty pastel and tiled houses with mosaic-paved streets is also a hotspot for nightlife.

Panoramic picture of Praca gil Eannes in Lagos during daytime with blue skies

For all-night partying and all-day sunbathing, Albufeira is a good bet while those looking for a quieter escape should consider Sagres, Carrapeteira or Ferragudo. If you want to explore the rocky playground, take a boat tour or kayak to a dome-shaped cavern at Benagil with an indoor beach lit by an oculus in the roof. For pure relaxation, float in the ‘Portuguese Dead Sea’ in the nature reserve just outside Castro Marim. At the outdoor wellness center, you can also lather yourself in salt mud rich with 80 different minerals.

The natural Sea Cave of Benagil, Algarve, Portugal

You can get around the Algarve cheaply (and sustainably ) using trains and buses. The coastline is serviced by a rail route running between Lagos in the east and Vila Real de Santo António in the west. You can hop off at Portimão, Tunes, Faro and Tavira. The coast is also connected by train to Lisbon. For other destinations, the local Vamus Algarve buses are on hand. These connect key towns like Lagos and Albufeira to Faro airport and there are also sightseeing services for some cliff-side panoramas.

Rebecca Ann Hughes

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Money blog: Can my lender end my fixed-rate mortgage early?

A reader wants to know why her two-year fixed mortgage is ending after 18 months - we get an expert to take a look. Read this in our weekend edition of the Money blog below and leave your thoughts in the comments box. We'll be back with regular updates after the bank holiday on Tuesday.

Monday 27 May 2024 21:09, UK

Weekend Money

  • 'My mortgage lender is ending my two-year fix and I haven't been in the house for two years - can they do this?'
  • How much is pocket money in 2024 and where are kids spending it? New data reveals all
  • Inflation, election and energy bills: What a big week of announcements means for your pocket
  • Ford engine problems, inflation data scepticism and BT landline switch: What readers have said this week

Best of the week

  • What now for mortgages after inflation and election announcements?
  • Ian King : Here's why price cap is still £300 more than before Ukraine war
  • Which biscuits have the least sugar? Your guide to elevenses
  • Savings Guide: Britons urged to act quickly to grab above-inflation savings rates while they last
  • Best of the Money blog - an archive

Ask a question or make a comment

Every Monday we get an expert to answer your money problems or consumer disputes. Find out how to submit yours at the bottom of this post. Today's question is...

I bought my first flat in April 2023 with a two-year fixed-rate mortgage. I got the deal with the help of a broker, who has now contacted me saying my deal is due to end in November - significantly earlier than I had expected. I've spoken to my lender - they said the deal I was on no longer exists. Is there anything I can do to keep my current rate?  Michelle, Kent

We asked David Hollingworth, associate director at L&C Mortgages , to answer this one...

Fixed mortgage rates do what they say on the tin and lock in the interest rate payable for a specified period of time.  Those periods will generally be blocked into market sectors and so are usually tagged as two, three or five-year fixed rates.  

Once that deal is taken, the terms cannot be changed by the lender and the rate can't be brought to an end early.

Some lenders will fix their deals for a specific number of years from completion, but a lot of lenders' rates will be fixed until a specific end date. That could mean that the fix will last even longer than two years at the point that the application is made.

However, it can take time to complete a deal, especially when purchasing a property which may be subject to a lengthy chain. 

Mortgage offers will typically be valid for up to six months. If you originally agreed to buy your flat before the end of 2022 then the deal on offer at the time could feasibly have been fixed until November 2024. 

That could have equated to two years or more when you applied but if it took some time to complete the purchase, it would explain why you feel that you haven't benefited from a full two years of the fixed rate.

It would be a good idea to look back at the original mortgage offer, which will specify all the product details. That will detail when the fixed rate ends and what rate the mortgage will move onto after that. 

That's likely to be a higher variable rate, so it makes sense to shop around for a better deal well before the current rate comes to an end. 

A broker will be able to help you work out the best available rates for you, whether from your current lender or from across the whole market. 

This feature is not intended as financial advice - the aim is to give an overview of the things you should think about.  Submit your dilemma or consumer dispute via:

  • The form above - you need to leave a phone number or email address so we can contact you for further details
  • Email [email protected] with the subject line "Money blog"
  • WhatsApp us  here

By Bhvishya Patel , Money team

Pocket money is in decline, data shows - but kids are finding new ways to pay for their everyday "essentials".

Data from the Natwest pocket money index  (looking at transactions from 308,000 children in the Rooster app) shows only 30% of families now pay pocket money as part of a regular routine (down 2%), with children getting £3.78 on average a week (down 10p from last year).

In fact, pocket money now makes up just 14% of children's income. Instead they're finding new income streams - with a typical child netting £479.96 a year (£9.23 a week) for one-off chores or entrepreneurship.

These "salaries" obviously differ for age groups... 

  • £5.68 for a six-year-old 
  • £24.71 for a 17-year-old

British children are now charging extra for chores and squeezing more money out of their side hustles.

  • Car cleaning earned £3.25 on average - 32% (79p) more than a year ago
  • Paper round earnings increased 2% (45p) to £23.10 a week
  • However, it's been a less good year for reselling - with earnings down 15% to £22.62 a week.

Arguably the most interesting part of the data is where kids are spending their money.

Amazon was top, with Tesco and McDonald's next. Primark, Co-op, PlayStation, Xbox, Sainsbury's and Asda are next in that order - but there's no place this year for Apple, which has been replaced by fashion brand Shein, rounding off the top 10.

NatWest Rooster Money said "kids' money is completely changing shape"... 

"Kids are increasingly complementing [pocket money] in other, more sophisticated ways. This move to greater independence and maturity in their earning has been fantastic to see and bodes well for some bright, financially confident futures ahead." Will Carmichael, chief executive and founder of NatWest Rooster Money

An illustration of this maturity is kids' saving rate of 9.5% - not far off the adult average of 10.2%. Gaming, holidays and the future were the top three saving incentives, in that order.

Is there a right answer?

Kirsty Ketley, a parenting specialist from Surrey, said she gave her 11-year-old daughter Ella £5 and her seven-year-old son Leo £2 a week in cash.

They both started receiving pocket money when they were six.

"I often say to parents, even with children as young as four, it's fine to start giving a bit of pocket money because it's such an important life skill to have – to learn how to manage money because you don't get taught it," she said.

Presenter and children's author Konnie Huq, who has two sons, Covey, 12, and Huxley, 10, told the Money team that a regular pocket money allowance was a "really good way" of getting children into the habit of earning and spending.

She said receiving a regular allowance helped teach children "responsibility" and "financial literacy".

"That's what they will be doing as the grown-ups they become," she said. "I've always said kids are shaping and forming between 0 to seven. You want to put the values in them now in these younger years that they will take through with them in their life."

Sharon Olivero-Chapman, chief executive and founder of Harrienna Health, disagrees. She has always thought a regular pocket money figure is the "wrong message to give to children" - and her daughter Harriet, 13, is one of those raking it in from side hustles.

"Pocket money gives them the wrong association with money," she said. "They're just given money on a plate, whereas that's not real life, is it?"

Ms Olivero-Chapman said if her daughter did want to buy something she had to work out how she could get that money and would then be given chores to earn it. She said it was £1 to unload and fill the dishwasher, £1 to fill and empty the washing machine and 50p to make her bed.

"It's not a regular thing every week," she explained.

Ms Olivero-Chapman said the family's entrepreneurial bug had rubbed off on Harriet and she began running her own Etsy store business last year which sees her personalise phone cases. Her business has earned nearly £1,000 so far.

Your pocket money stories - how much, how and in return for what

The Dursuns, Scotland

Aga Dursun, 41, a PMO analyst from Erskine, gives her 13-year-old son Galip £3 a day and her nine-year-old son Troy £1 a day via transfers into a Starling account. They also get £20 each on her pay day. No chores are required.

"It gives them a lot of freedom and they learn the value of money as well because for example now if they want more expensive trainers they have to save up," she says.

"It's mostly spent on games which breaks my heart."

The Shaws, London

Sammy Shaw, from Enfield, said she gave her eight-year-old twins Teddy and Hope £3.50 a week via the Natwest Rooster Money card.

To earn the money, her son and daughter are set a number of activities which they must complete  - if they don't, money is deducted.

"My two have got an exceptional amount they have got to do. The first thing they've got to do is make their bed, get dressed independently. When they go downstairs they've got to do 10 minutes of practice on the keyboard, they do Times Tables Rock Stars (a digital maths app) and then 10 minutes of reading. 

"The parent has to go into the app and approve these activities and if they don't do them it takes percentages off."

Last year, the twins saved up to buy theatre tickets for the family at £35 a pop.

The Regulskis, Wales

Over in Caerphilly, Dean Regulski, 44, has a fairly similar routine: money in return for washing, ironing, dog walking, laundry and vacuuming. He and his wife give kids Emmeline, Nancy and Abraham (aged 12 to 15) £10 a week also using Rooster.

"Every time they want to make a transaction, it pings my phone so straight away I can have a conversation with them about what they are buying and if it's just sweets I can limit it on the app so it's a £1 transaction," Dean says.

"My son the other day was asking if he could buy something that was beyond the £40 and I said he can take it out next month but that will cost extra chores. I explained the concept of interest to him."

The Moores, West Midlands

Ben Moore, 40, from Solihull, said his 13-year-old twin daughters had got £5 a week in pocket money for the past two years.

They used GoHenry before switching to a debit card.

"We spent a year on GoHenry and it was good because we could say 'you can't spend it on McDonald's' and restrict the type of spending but there was a monthly fee for it," he said.

Chores are not a requirement as he is "really keen" his daughters use the money to "go out with their friends rather than just sit on their phones".

The Scotts, Wiltshire

Fiona Scott, 58, from Swindon in Wiltshire, said her three children Samantha, 24, Georgia, 22, and David, 17, all got pocket money until they were able to make their own money.

"We've always had a little book at home showing this is what is coming in and going out and this is what we've got to spend, so I've encouraged them all to do that in different ways. They've got used to seeing and understanding what a household budget is," she said.

The Joneses, West Midlands

Mother-of-three Jenny Jones, 43, said her 11-year-old daughter Rebecca receives £10 a month - no chores, but everyone is expected to muck in.

It started off with 50p a week when she was seven but when she turned 11, Ms Jones opened up a junior account at Barclays and money goes in monthly.

"It's taught her general management around money. At the moment she loves bubble tea and she loves getting bits of jewellery so it's a case of her thinking what does she want, can she afford both? It enables her to make those decisions.

"It's just those life lessons, isn't it? We can't have everything we want and you've got to make those decisions - and it's okay to make the wrong decision, which is normal."

The main topics from the Money blog that got you commenting this week were...

  • Known issues with Ford EcoBoost engines
  • Inflation drops to 2.3% 

BT delays switch from analogue landlines

'My second-hand Ford is being written off with a known issue - but no one is taking responsibility'

Every Monday, we get an expert to answer your money problems or consumer disputes. 

This week, Rory Raftery told us about a known issue with his Ford C-Max which had caused it to be written off. He asked if there was anything he could do. 

Dozens of readers wrote in to say they had similar issues. 

Money Blog, I had a Ford Focus with an EcoBoost Engine that failed after 62k miles on it, and Ford won't entertain any responsibility because not full Ford service history, offered no help whatsoever, have and are being treated appallingly at every level. Damian Moynihan
Bought a second hand EcoBoost 1.0 13 plate Focus from a broker… had it less than three months and the car has had sudden coolant loss and engine failure due to a cylinder head crack, almost a £5,000 repair. Ford need to be held accountable for this, it's ridiculous... no warning light, no temperature rises and then bang the car's engine is finished. The car has covered 73,000 miles. Gareth from Wigan
The Ford EcoBoost problem has prompted a recall for US cars with the exact same issue. Yet in the UK Ford are doing nothing about the issue. There is a Facebook page with over 20k members all experiencing the same issue and Ford refuse to acknowledge the issue, in the UK at least. anonymous

Here's what Ford had to say when we published Rory's problem: "Ford is confident in the robustness and reliability of its EcoBoost engine technology when the stated guidelines for maintenance and service are followed. 

"Ford UK is happy to investigate service support and/or compensation measures for any customer who believes they have had an EcoBoost engine issue and is happy to review cases with a full-service history for vehicles up to 10 years old with less than 150,000 miles.

"For any customers in the UK whose vehicle meets these parameters, you can speak to our customer relationship team and contact details can be found on our website  here ." 

The company said timely and correct servicing as outlined in the owner's manual was key for wet belt maintenance and any illuminated dashboard warning lights should always receive attention. 

On Wednesday, we got the latest inflation figures, showing it had dropped to 2.3% in April - down from 3.2% in March.

A drop to 2.1% had been expected by the Bank of England, but it showed the fight against price rises was being won.

Here's what some readers had to say about it... 

All my experiences when I go grocery shopping don't fill me with optimism that prices are almost stabilising. Particularly household items, such as cleaning costs, are still rising steadily and frequently. An item I buy was £3 something a matter of weeks ago. This morning... £5. Su H
Am I the only person who thinks that increasing the minimum wage by 10% in April and the knock-on effect of increasing wages by more than 8% in labour intensive industries is going to cause an increase in inflation that will make a reduction in interest rates very unlikely? Rayayre

The national living wage for workers increased by 9.8% on 1 April from £10.42 to £11.44.  

Since the recent decline in inflation is largely due to energy prices, can anyone name a specific government action that influenced energy prices traded on the international market? This government can't resist taking credit for everything! Marek
You have written this story as a failure of government to bring inflation down to a level some analysts forecast, despite it being a huge drop and within a whisker of the 2% target. It reads like a piece one would expect to hear coming from a Labour politician. Tom Jeffries
I don't believe this for one moment, did my shopping yesterday the price of food is disgracefully high still and takes up most of my income as a family. Andrea
I have seen no change in the cost of living, my car insurance is up 10%, council tax did the same. Shrinkflation is still going on. Food prices may have stopped increasing, but they have not gone down. My job as an assessor had its hours and pay cut of 1/3, bills remain! StevieB
Inflation down but prices remain high, my mortgage and day-to-day bills are still cripplingly high while my wages stagnate. In real terms I've never had so little disposable income. The cost of living crisis is far from over. Kingsholm_Neil
How does UK inflation compare around the world ? KevinPB

We found the answer to this one on Wednesday...

Why are prices on certain things still expensive and will they ever go down? Nick12

On Nick's question, inflation coming down doesn't mean prices are. It just means prices are rising at a slower rate. 

For prices to drop, we would need negative inflation, which isn't common. 

But, in the April data, we did see it in the energy sector thanks to the price cap change. 

On Monday, BT Group pushed back its timetable for moving all customers off the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and on to digital landlines.

From this summer, customers who have not used their landline in the past 12 months, who do not identify as vulnerable or have additional needs, have not contacted an Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) in the past 24 months and live in an area where a data sharing agreement is in place, will be switched - unless they have opted out.

Vulnerable customers or those with additional needs will start to be switched from summer 2025, with the aim to have all customers moved off the old analogue PSTN by the end of January 2027.

We have a thatched house and no mobile signal. We signed up to Fibre-to-the-Premises (FttP) and despite protests, we were "upgraded" to digital voice at "no extra cost". Time to give us back our copper which always works - even when we have no electricity. Ian P
Living in a rural area where we have power cuts for different reasons and internet signal is non-existent without Wi-Fi, how will we stay connected? Melanie
I live in Lancaster but my signal is so poor that I have to ask family to call me on my landline. How on earth are we supposed to manage without one? Pat

Three big announcements this week could have significant implications for the money in your pocket.

First, April's inflation data , which on the face of it was good news. 

Price rises slowed to 2.3%, within touching distance of the Bank of England's 2% target and into what economists regard as normal levels.

The Bank has repeatedly stressed that interest rates (which have been elevated to squeeze spending and encourage saving, which usually stops prices going up so quickly) would start to fall when the 2% figure was sustainably hit.

Herein lies the issue - sustainability. Because while headline CPI has fallen dramatically from highs of more than 11% in 2022, a closer look at the numbers suggests the fight against price rises isn't over just yet.

Core inflation, which strips out the volatile elements like energy and food, remains at 3.9% - while service inflation is at 5.9%. All of these numbers, including the headline figure, are above forecasts.

All of which has prompted markets to price in an August rate cut from 5.25% to 5% - previously they'd expected June.

Economics editor Ed Conway wrote this analysis...

Some suggested the fall in inflation, combined with the IMF upgrading UK growth forecasts , provided Rishi Sunak with a positive platform on which to call a summer election.

Conway isn't so sure.

He says: "We're out of recession. That's one of the key things they were waiting for. Inflation is now down to a normal level. Those things have been ticked off [but] there are a couple of issues. 

"First of all, it doesn't look like, with inflation not falling quite as far as everyone would have expected, that the final thing they were hoping for, the Bank of England cutting interest rates, is going to happen in June. There probably is not going to be an interest rate cut before the election. That's quite significant.

"Secondly, when people look at this election, it's that old question: do you feel better off than you did four or five years ago? 

"And in this case, there is no parliamentary period in history where people have seen their real disposable incomes squeezed as much as this one. 

"That's what the prime minister's fighting against."

We took a closer look at what the election and new interest rate forecasts mean for mortgages and the housing market here...

We also examined what the election result on 4 July could mean for people's finances, honing in on what we know about the major parties' plans from childcare to train fares to tax...

Finally, energy bills will fall again in July after Friday's price cap announcement.

They'll be £122 (annually) below the April-June figure.

However, daily standing charges are going up - which means those who use more energy will feel the most benefit from the price cap fall...

Sir Keir Starmer told us that Labour's plan for a new company called Great British Energy would help bring prices down...

And business presenter Ian King explained why energy bills are still £300 more than before the Ukraine war...

The Money blog is your place for consumer news, economic analysis and everything you need to know about the cost of living - bookmark

It runs with live updates every weekday - while on Saturdays we scale back and offer you a selection of weekend reads.

Check them out this morning and we'll be back on Monday with our regular Money Problem feature - and full rolling news and features after the bank holiday on Tuesday. 

The Money team is Emily Mee, Bhvishya Patel, Jess Sharp, Katie Williams, Brad Young and Ollie Cooper, with sub-editing by Isobel Souster. The blog is edited by Jimmy Rice.

Cara Delevingne's childhood home is up for sale - but it's come to market with a huge £23.5m price tag. 

The 5,456 sq ft property in London's Belgravia was also home to controversial casino and zoo owner John Aspinall in the 1960s. 

Mr Aspinall and the mansion were also linked to the disappearance of Lord Lucan in 1974 - a mystery that still hasn't been solved. 

After he died in 2000, the five-bedroom house was bought by Charles and Pandora Delevingne - the parents of supermodel Cara and her older sisters Chloe and Poppy.

The Grade II-listed building on Lyall Street comes with two reception rooms, a study, a home cinema and a professional chef's kitchen. 

A gym, sauna, steam room and rooftop cocktail bar are also included. 

In around 2014, with their daughters grown up, the Delevingnes moved from the Lyall Street mansion and downsized.

The current owners bought the house a couple of years later and have given the mansion an extensive renovation and modernisation. 

"It is one of the best houses currently available for sale in Belgravia and is immaculately presented and beautifully interior designed," said Charles Lloyd, head of Beauchamp Estates. 

The reason for the fall in the household energy price cap is pretty straightforward - wholesale electricity and gas prices have fallen since the price cap was last set in February this year.

Wholesale gas and electricity prices make up by far the biggest proportion of the energy bills - £720 of the current £1,690 - and Ofgem is assuming, for July, August and September, a wholesale electricity price of 22.36 pence per kilowatt hour (kWh), down from 24.50 pence per kWh during the current quarter.

It is also assuming a wholesale gas price of 5.48 pence per kWh from July to September, down from 6.04 pence per kWh during the current quarter.

That brings down the wholesale energy component of the typical bill (which is based on an assumption that a household will use 12,000 kWh per year of gas and 2,900 kWh of electricity) from £720 to £619.

The question some people may have, though, is why the energy price cap that Ofgem has set for the three months from July remains higher, at £1,568, than the level at which it was set - £1,277 - at the time the energy crisis was sparked by Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

At first blush, this seems a reasonable enough question, given that a barrel of Brent Crude - a reasonable enough proxy for wholesale energy prices - stands today at $80.78 (£63.50) per barrel, down from the heights it hit after the invasion.

But bear in mind that, in those days, the price cap was only set by Ofgem every six months, rather than quarterly as at present.

The price cap in place immediately before the crisis came into effect on 1 October 2021 having been set on 6 August that year.

Prior to that, wholesale energy prices had been lower than they are now. The wholesale energy component for the price cap for the winter of 2021/22 was, accordingly, £528 - lower than the £619 it will be from July.

Other costs taken into account by Ofgem are also higher now than they were before Russia invaded Ukraine.

The UK needs "longer term solutions" on energy prices because they are still "record high almost", Sir Keir Starmer has said.

The Labour leader was commenting on a fall in the energy price cap.

From 1 July it will be £1,568 a year - a drop of £122 from the previous quarter. 

But Sir Keir said many people were still struggling to make ends meet.

"Everywhere I go, so many people tell me the cost of living is still bearing down on them," he told Sky News.

"People on a mortgage, [those] coming off a fixed mortgage, know their mortgages are going up by hundreds of pounds.

"Everybody knows prices are still going up - energy prices are still record high almost."

He added: "We need longer term solutions."

Labour's proposed Great British Energy (GBE) would help energy prices "come down for good", Sir Keir claimed.

GBE would be a publicly owned company with a mandate to invest in clean energy – wind, solar, tidal, nuclear and other emerging technologies. It would be designed to invest in riskier areas where the private sector might be reluctant.

Asked when energy prices would drop under GBE, and how quickly it could be established, he said: "Certainly by the end of the parliament, and a lot sooner than that.

"We can set up Great British Energy pretty quickly."

Discussions are already under way with potential partners, he added.

Claire Coutinho, the energy secretary, told Sky News that Great British Energy is a "complete gimmick" and a "drop in the ocean".

She also accused Labour of having "no plan" on energy security.

Putting off "life admin" could be costing you thousands of pounds a year, research has suggested.

It is estimated that adults in the UK could save £300 a year by cancelling unused subscriptions, £420 by reviewing their day-to-day finances, and £372 by re-evaluating a gym membership. 

"On average, Brits admit to putting off simple tasks by four to six months," Lloyds Bank said.

When asked why they had been delaying, almost a fifth (18%) said there was no deadline, one in seven (16%) said it was easier to take no action, while for 13% the memory of previous difficulties was off-putting.

Turning to the future, a fifth (20%) admitted not having a pension, while only two fifths (42%) knew how to add more money to their pension if they had one. 

If you are looking for a detailed analysis of today's cut in the energy price cap (see our breaking news post from 7am) then the following from Martin Lewis is worth digesting.

The founder of Money Saving Expert has split his reaction into three sections.

Lewis says the cap will drop on 1 July by an average of 7.2% for Direct Debit customers, 6.9% for prepay customers, and 7.1% for those who pay when they get a bill.

The cap will fall to £1,568 a year - a drop of £122 from the previous quarter. 

Standing charges (what you pay regardless of how much energy you use) "remain high" and are "virtually unchanged", Lewis says.

"All the cut" is via unit rates, he adds.

That means those who use more energy will be seeing bigger savings.

The electricity unit rate for Direct Debit customers from July will be 22.36p/kwH - down 9% from 24.5p, Lewis says.

The electricity standing charge will be 60.12p a day - up from 60.1p.

The gas unit rate will be 5.48p/kwH - down 9% from 6.04p.

And the gas standing charge will be 31.41p - slightly down from 31.43p.

Lewis says the results of a consultation on standing charges are likely to be published sometime in the "summer", adding: "Whenever that is."

As we reported in our post at 7.34am, respected market researcher Cornwall Insight is predicting that bills are likely to rise once more in the run-up to winter. 

Lewis comments: "If they're right this is the last fall, and the coming rises are big.

"On 1 July it's confirmed [the cap] drops 7%, so for every £100 paid today you pay £93. 

"Then on 1 Oct it's predicted to rise 12%, so you'll go back up and be paying £104. 

"Then on 1 Jan the crystal ball is saying it'll stay flat (at £104). 

"All this makes the cheapest fixes, which are currently 9% cheaper than now (so £91 per £100 on the price cap), look a decent bet."

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