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Star Trek Name Generator

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Star Trek Name Generators

Star Trek Name Generator tools contains list of all Star Trek name generator tools that generate all types of Star Trek names.

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

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  • Humanoid species
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  • Alpha and Beta Quadrant races and cultures
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  • 4.1 Appearances
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Overview [ ]

Deltans largely resembled Humans with the exception of having no surface hair except for eyebrows, lashes, and (occasionally) a very thin layer of soft down along arms and legs. They are, on the average, slightly slimmer than Humans, and their cheekbones, eye shapes, and jawlines are slightly more symmetrical, Humans (and many other humanoid species) often find Deltans quite attractive. ( Decipher RPG module : Starfleet Operations Manual ) Deltans were telepathic and empathic, allowing them to sense other peoples' emotions and administer medical aid by absorbing and minimizing pain. This trait made Deltans excellent medical personnel.

Deltans were perhaps best known for their high sexuality, both sexes emitted some of the most potent pheromones known to Federation science . As a result, Deltans were something of natural aphrodisiacs, most intensely among their own race, but with a strong effect on most other humanoid species. Because of this Deltans swore an " oath of celibacy " when serving in Starfleet , they also developed chemical applications to diminish their pheromonal effect. To limit exposure to Deltan pheromones, off-worlders are usually not permitted to visit Delta IV itself, instead being restricted to the planet's moons Seyann and Cinera ( TOS movie : Star Trek: The Motion Picture ; ST references : The Worlds of the Federation , Star Charts ), or given an inhibitor shot. ( DTI novel : Watching the Clock )

The Deltan oath of celibacy served not only to curtail sexual promiscuity with other races but also ensured the safety of non-Deltans; the long evolution of the Deltan race not only heightened their sensuality but has also resulted in the sex act becoming a complete union in which both body and mind are shared. For Deltans this was natural and pleasant, but the experience of actually becoming part of another person's mind almost always incapacitates a human partner. It was sometimes said that a non-Deltan who entered into a physical relationship with a Deltan risked insanity. ( TOS novelization : Star Trek: The Motion Picture ) Sex with a Deltan could result in an addiction to Deltan pheromones which may manifest as obsession, stalking, kidnapping, murder-suicide or other crimes. ( Decipher RPG module : Starfleet Operations Manual )

History [ ]

In 2141 , the ECS Horizon made first contact with a Deltan starship. When the Deltans told the humans that they were from planet Dhei of the star Lta, the Horizon crew marked it in their star charts as Delta. ( ENT episode : " Bound ", DTI novel : Watching the Clock )

In 2182 , the Deltans made first contact with the Andorians , the Deltan sage Niro guided the planet through its tumultuous decades from first contact to Federation membership, developed the Oath of Celibacy and writing much of Deltans' modernized legal code. ( Decipher RPG module : Starfleet Operations Manual )

Deltans insignia - STC Academy

Emblem of the Deltans (c. 2290)

Following the Deltans becoming full members of the Federation in 2259 Starfleet teams were assigned to Delta IV. The Deltan Ilia worked closely with these teams and formed a strong attachment to the Human Willard Decker . The two later served together briefly on the USS Enterprise before both were reported, "missing in action," after the Enterprise encountered the V'Ger probe in 2273 . ( TOS novelization : Star Trek: The Motion Picture )

The Project Genesis research team assigned to Space station Regula I , was made up of two Deltans: Jedda Adzhin-Dall and his mate, Zinaida in 2284 . ( TOS novelization : Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan )

An unnamed Deltan woman was a member of the USS Excelsior 's bridge crew in 2285 . ( TOS movie : The Search for Spock )

Deltans (Assimilation²)

The Deltans during the Borg/Cybermen invasion.

In 2368 , stardate 45635.2, the Deltans fell victim to an attack on their homeworld by the Borg / Cybermen alliance. Delta IV was overwhelmed in a matter of minutes, forcing its prime minister to order a planetary evacuation well before Starfleet 's defensive task force could arrive. ( TNG - Assimilation² comic : " Issue 1 ")

The Carreon fought a war with the Deltans at some point prior to the 2370s . ( TNG novel : A Time for War, A Time for Peace )

In 2370 a pair of Deltan females visited Deep Space 9 . While enjoying drinks in Quark's , they attracted the attention of a dozen or more Argelian men. ( DS9 novel : Devil in the Sky )

In 2374 , Ensign Clarze was the Deltan who served as the conn officer aboard Enterprise-E . ( TNG novels : Q-Space , Q-Strike , Q-Zone )

Gaila had a Deltan female working for him in 2372 . She dealt with Quark , when he called Gaila to ask for help. ( DS9 novel : The 34th Rule )

In late 2379 , the Deltans petitioned to the newly elected Federation President Nan Bacco for aid in repairing their ailing water reclamation system. They liked the design of the system on Gault ; however, the system had been designed by the Carreon, who did not wish the Deltans to use it. ( TNG - A Time to... novel : A Time for War, A Time for Peace )

Culture [ ]

Delta IV's unpredictable tides and otherwise inhospitable ecology have promoted a culture at once polyglot and unified. Although many microcultures evolved throughout the expansive planetary chain of island archipelagos, they could never remain isolated long enough to develop either xenophobia or devastating cultural and technological advantages over one another. To forestall inbreeding, the island-bound Deltans also cultivated an extremely open sexual culture. Indeed, stranded mariners were often adopted into large group amours in order to refresh local gene pools. Brought together by ties of sex and geography, Deltans learned to peacefully coexist and relate well, by necessity. With the bountiful, renewable resources of so flourishing a natural environment, and a low species birthrate, wars over resources were almost unknown among the Deltans. ( Decipher RPG module : Starfleet Operations Manual )

The Deltans were also drawn to cultural unity by their genetic predisposition toward empathy along with related psionic abilities. The capacity to experience another's suffering rendered violence and armed conflict anathema, and even excessively hurtful personality conflict and quarrel, unthinkably impolite. Yet ordinary social hypocrisy was impossible due to the intense Deltan pheromones and acute sensitivity thereto, rendering Deltans so transparent to one another, emotionally . And so, their culture evolved toward a remarkable global ideal of supportive, nurturing behavior founded upon time-honored Deltan sexual openness. A deep-rooted sense of species and personal security remains unshaken by their subsequent contact with the Andorians and later other starfaring cultures of the Beta Quadrant . Their greatest concession to existence in a dangerous galaxy was the adoption of the renowned Oath of Celibacy out of necessity and good manners when dealing with those whom they came to regard, perhaps with somewhat patronizing deference, as less sexually-mature species and cultures. ( Decipher RPG module : Starfleet Operations Manual )

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  • Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (novelization)
  • TOS novel : Mind Meld
  • TNG - The Dominion War novel : Behind Enemy Lines
  • TNG - The Dominion War novel : Tunnel Through the Stars
  • DS9 novel : The 34th Rule
  • DS9 novel : Sacraments of Fire
  • DS9 novel : Original Sin
  • VOY novel : Full Circle
  • ST - Typhon Pact novel : Rough Beasts of Empire
  • ST - Typhon Pact novel : Plagues of Night
  • ST - Typhon Pact novel : Raise the Dawn
  • ST novel : The Poisoned Chalice

Background [ ]

While ST reference : Star Charts shows the Deltan homeworld in the Alpha Quadrant , the Decipher RPG module : Starfleet Operations Manual states this is a Beta Quadrant planet's civilization. For the purposes of this wiki, the civilization is categorized as being from one of the quadrants without specification as to which.

External link [ ]

  • Deltan article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
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Name Generator

Star Trek Name Generator

The Star Trek franchise has captured the imaginations of millions with its exploration of the final frontier. From Captain Kirk to Captain Picard, iconic characters and their memorable names have become ingrained in pop culture. For fans looking to immerse themselves further into the cosmos of Star Trek, a Star Trek Name Generator offers a gateway to creating their own unique monikers inspired by the beloved series.

Names hold immense power in the Star Trek universe. They not only define characters but also reflect their heritage, species, and sometimes even their destiny. A Star Trek Name Generator allows fans to delve deeper into this rich tapestry by providing them with names that resonate with the lore and spirit of the franchise.

Moreover, creating a Star Trek-inspired name can enhance the sense of connection and belonging within the fandom community. It fosters creativity and allows fans to express their admiration for the series in a personal and unique way.

Using a Star Trek Name Generator is a breeze, transporting fans into the realm of the Federation with just a few clicks. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Select a Generator: Choose a reputable Star Trek Name Generator from the plethora available online.
  • Choose Your Species: Decide which species you want your character to belong to, whether it’s human, Vulcan, Klingon, or any other species featured in the Star Trek universe.
  • Input Preferences: Some generators may ask for additional details such as gender, rank, or specific traits to tailor the generated names to your liking.
  • Generate Names: Click the generate button and watch as a list of unique Star Trek-inspired names appears before your eyes.
  • Choose Your Favorite: Select the name that resonates most with you or fits your envisioned character best.

10 FAQs and Answers

  • While these names are perfect for fan fiction, role-playing games, or online forums, using them for official purposes may infringe on copyright laws.
  • Most generators strive to produce unique names, but similarities may occur due to the vastness of the Star Trek universe.
  • Some generators allow for customization options, such as adding prefixes or suffixes to the generated names.
  • Not at all! These generators are designed for fans of all levels, whether you’re a seasoned Trekkie or just discovering the series.
  • Yes, some generators specialize in names from specific series like The Original Series, The Next Generation, or Deep Space Nine.
  • Some generators offer options to create names for custom alien species, expanding the creative possibilities even further.
  • Absolutely! Sharing your Star Trek-inspired names can spark conversations and camaraderie within the fandom community.
  • Most Star Trek Name Generators are free to use online, though some may offer premium features for a fee.
  • While primarily focused on character names, some generators may offer options for generating ship or planet names too.
  • Certainly! Feel free to mix and match names to create your own unique Star Trek-inspired creations.

A Star Trek Name Generator opens up a galaxy of possibilities for fans, allowing them to step into the shoes of their favorite characters or craft entirely new personas within the vast expanse of the Star Trek universe. Whether you’re embarking on a writing journey, diving into role-playing adventures, or simply seeking to expand your connection to the franchise, these generators serve as invaluable tools for fostering creativity and camaraderie among Trekkies worldwide. Engage warp drive and explore the endless frontier of Star Trek names today!

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Star Trek Name Generator 🌠: Craft Stellar Aliases!

Forge galactic names with star trek name generator.

Embark on an interstellar journey with our Star Trek Name Generator at RandomGenerate.io! Whether you're creating epic fan fiction, engaging in thrilling tabletop games , or just exploring the Star Trek universe , our tool provides a seamless way to generate names that resonate with the essence of Star Trek.

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Infinite possibilities with diverse star trek names.

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Whether you need a single name for a protagonist or multiple names for a star fleet, our Star Trek Fleet Name Generator offers flexibility to get exactly what you need, aligning perfectly with your creative endeavors.

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Generating Star Trek names has never been easier. With a simple click, explore the galaxies of creativity and find the perfect names for your characters, ships, and more without any knowledge barriers.

How to Use the Star Trek Fleet Name Generator Tool?

  • Navigation to the Tool : Visit the Star Trek Name Generator page.
  • Specify the Number of Names : Decide the number of Star Trek names you wish to generate.
  • Hit Generate : Click the " Generate " button and behold the list of names tailored for your Star Trek adventure!

Use Cases for Our Star Trek Name Generator

  • Fan Fiction Creations : Immerse your readers in authentic Star Trek experiences with names that resonate with the series' lore.
  • Tabletop RPGs : Elevate your gaming sessions with character and fleet names that feel right at home in the Star Trek universe.
  • Role-Playing Adventures : Dive into your Star Trek roleplays with names that enhance the immersion and experience.

Examples of Star Trek Names

Faqs about our borg name generator.

Can the generator create names for different species simultaneously?

The generator currently supports creating names for one species at a time, allowing for a more focused and tailored experience.

Are the names generated considered canon in the Star Trek universe?

While the names generated are not official canon, they are crafted to align with the naming conventions and lore of the Star Trek universe.

Can I use the generated names for my commercial projects?

Absolutely, feel free to use the names generated for any of your projects, commercial or otherwise.

Unleash your creativity and explore the vastness of the Star Trek universe with our Star Trek Name Generator at RandomGenerate.io. From Starfleet officers to Borg drones, find the names that will bring your Star Trek adventures to life. Generate your Star Trek names now and journey where no one has gone before!

From Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki

star trek deltan name generator

  • Erev-Sae-Reyanad Xan (Stasis)
  • Suq-Reylin-Efreya Xan (MIA)

Efrosians were a species of hardy and spiritual humanoids that resided on Efros Delta. They had a rich, unique culture that resisted years of Klingon occupation and even flourished as they became warp capable and began their exploration of the stars. It was their religion that kept them from giving up during their toughest times.

They were the first and possibly the only known species to have achieved warp before inventing a written language. Although Efrosians drew pictures and sometimes used pictograms, most forms of communication were through song and their libraries resembled most other species’ musical archives.

An alternate name for the Efrosians was the Deltan people, or Albino Deltans.

  • 1 Physiology
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  • 8 Government & Military
  • 9 Technology
  • 10 Mythology
  • 11.1 Further Reading and Notes from the Author

The prevailing theory in science suggested that Efrosians evolved from an aquatic mammal, similar to the dolphin on Earth. It was believed that the planet’s rapidly freezing oceans forced the proto-Efrosians out of the water and onto land. There were also theories that said the Preservers transferred the Efrosians to their current planet shortly after they began to walk on two legs, a theory that ancient Efrosian mythology supported. However the exact evolutionary path Efrosians took was not clear as of the events of the Theurgy.

The average Efrosian had a copper skin tone, but the actual range of skin tones could vary from a dark, ruddy color to almost as white as the snow they walked. Males tended to have blonde or white hair, and females had darker browns and blacks, though the opposite coloration was not unheard of. Both sexes preferred long hair, and both sexes were capable of growing facial hair. Traditionally, males grew long beards or mustaches and long fluffy eyebrows, while females often sported shorter and more decorated facial hair arrangements. Both males and females were short, the average for males being 5’ and females being 4’10”.

Efrosians had crests, similar to Klingons , but they tended to be more subtle. Patterns could be complex or simple, but those with Klingon ancestry would display more complex patterns. This cranial plating served as extra skull protection. Some Efrosians displayed plate mutations that suggested cranial plating was part of a much more elaborate spinal plating, similar to some reptilians.

Efrosian internal anatomy was mostly unremarkable except for a few traits. It was rumored that Efrosians had two stomachs, but this was untrue. Efrosians typically had one very large stomach that allowed them to eat more than the average humanoid. From there, most of the food an Efrosian ate either went to nourishing the body or creating blubber. Compared to other humanoids, very little was left over. Blubber, instead of fat, was a means to keep the body warm in the harsh cold of Efros Delta.

In order to maintain their immune system, an Efrosian had to eat at least three servings of Levithi nuts a day. The nuts were jam-packed with nutrients that performed various functions throughout the body, such as maintaining blood pressure and regulating the digestive system. The most important feature of Levithi nuts was their ability to strengthen an Efrosian's immune system. An Efrosian without the nuts would have varying symptoms and after a few days, he/she would experience constipation/diarrhea, nausea, heartburn, some shaking, and cramps. Typically, these were symptoms of withdrawal.

With a lowered immune system, he or she then started to show symptoms of one or more sicknesses. Most of these were not deadly on their own, but in tandem could cause death. Infections become very common. Most Efrosians responded to infections with symptoms similar to other humanoids, with the addition of moderate to severe joint pain in the majority of cases.

Levithi sickness could be avoided with a steady supply of Levithi nuts, or the nutrients and oils contained in the nuts.

The average resting body temperature of an Efrosian was about 105°F, and one was said to have a fever at 109°F. Fevers were rare, and most Efrosians responded poorly to one.

Most Efrosians had weak eyes and would go blind by middle age. Although it was perfectly preventable and fixable, Efrosian culture did not see blindness as a disability since most communication was aural. Not many Efrosians had their vision fixed. Some chose to wear special mechanical glasses to fix this and others relied on making clicking and whistling noises. Efrosian hearing and sense of smell made up for the poor eyesight.

Women carried a baby for seven or eight months average, and they usually gave birth at the end of seven months or the beginning of the eight months mark. Efrosian young grew very rapidly in the womb. Infants were often born with birth defects. Infants were born without a properly functioning immune system. They relied on the Levithi oils in the mother’s breast milk to survive for the first few months, meaning many children die before their first year. It was tradition to not name a child until their first year alive in case they died before then.

Efrosians had two vocal chords that allowed them to speak with a unique double voice. Both vocal chords could be manipulated separately. The delicate musculature of the Efrosian vocal chords meant that damage to the voice was frequent and often severe.


The harsh climate of Efros Delta necessitated a level of hospitality towards strangers that seemed disconcerting or creepy to other cultures. Conversation, even between strangers, involved very little personal space and lots of touching. Sharing your body heat was considered polite, sharing your home even more so. Efrosians were highly social and emotionally complex.

Conversation between Efrosians involved lots of touching. About 70% of Efrosian conversation is nonverbal, nonsexual touching. Touching your conversational partner's face, chest, shoulders, and waist were common, though it's considered acceptable to touch just about any body part you can reach except the groin. The other 30% of conversation was verbal. Efrosian brains can process multiple sources of aural input at once, so the traditional A-B-A pattern of conversation does not exist on Efros. Conversation involves A and B talking at the same time, often expressing similar ideas and adjusting their speech as they absorb new ideas from their partner.

Sex was considered a social interaction or social obligation. It was a means of eliminating stress, something one did with a friend or many friends to kill time, improving social bonds, helping a female friend get pregnant if she wants children, etc. Flirting and openly admiring other people’s bodies was not only considered polite, but /not/ doing so (or not being sexually attracted to someone) was seen as rude or offensive. Most Efrosians who went through Starfleet Academy were given a talk about the social norms in the Federation just to prevent a mass flooding of sexual harassment claims. Sometimes, this led to an inability to say ‘no’ to unwanted advances. Efrosian culture emphasizes the ability of an adult to say 'no', but when and where saying 'no' to sexual advances was hotly debated by tribes and villages across Efros. In general, if denial of sex from someone could lead to that someone feeling unwanted or unattractive, then it is considered polite to accept sex, even if it is unwanted. This standard is held more for men than for women. In smaller, rural villages, any denial of sex from a male was seen as rude, as a man was expected to donate as much sperm to as many women as possible to encourage the birth of children. For many of these same village, birth rates were struggling, and survival depended on the man's inability to say no.

Having gone through a worldwide struggle, Efrosians avoided fighting between villages. Even interpersonal conflicts were frowned upon. As a result, Efrosians tended to show dislike in passive aggressive ways. Aggression is a normal, healthy response to physical and social threats in almost all humanoids, but Efrosian culture dictated that the good of the community come before any individual's needs, so outward aggression was repressed in the average Efrosian from a very young age.

Indeed, almost all the individual's needs and desires were considered irrelevant, sometimes even a detriment to the good of the Efrosian people. To express unconventional goals or wants almost certainly meant abandonment by one's community. Abandonment by one's community, especially in the harsh weather of Efros Delta, often meant certain death. Efrosians as a whole tended to hold very strong communal bonds because of this. A lone Efrosian away from their home world is almost always an outcast in their home.

Perhaps the only true conflict Efros Delta purposely exacerbated was the one between the Federation and Efros Delta. The Efros religion was their identity, their culture, and their government. Losing their culture was a major concern among Efrosians of all ages. They disliked allowing strangers on their planet for anything other than trade. They were unabashedly xenophobic, private, and secretive when it came to non-Efrosians. It was believed that the Efrosian religion required rituals that were unacceptable by Federation standards, typically including child sacrifice and cannibalism, but since no non-Efrosian ever participated in these rituals without death, it was impossible to say. Consequences for spilling the beans were immediate exile and a bounty placed on one’s head, as well as an afterlife filled with eternal agony and suffering.

Uniquely, Efrosians that betrayed their culture were actually more likely to end their own lives or turn themselves in to their own government than they were to be killed by Efrosian officials. This sort of loyalty-to-the-death attitude to their government was a trait shared by Cardassian culture. Efros was one of only a handful of Federation races to display such overtly statist attitudes.

The Efrosian language was notoriously hard to translate and speak. In order to speak it, one had to have either two vocal chords, or be trained in some form of throat singing. The main voice was slightly louder than the secondary voice and indicated tone and emotion. The secondary voice’s key in relation to the first voice’s determined the meaning of the word in question. “Fallan” with both voices on the same key, meant earth, soil, or dirt. The second voice one note higher than the main voice meant either a cave or a hole in the ground. A note higher meant that which nourished. A note lower meant infertile soil or permafrost. Two notes lower referred to an ecological biome, and so on.

Emphasis also determined the meaning of a word. Using “Fallan” with emphasis on the last syllable was a different word than “Fallan” with emphasis on the first. The former was soil, the latter was a word that referred to any material treasure.

Some words were also affected by how long the word was drawn out, whether the main or secondary voice went down or up throughout the word, the location of clicks in the word, and whether or not the singer droned their second voice.

Efrosians tended to speak all together instead of waiting for someone to finish speaking. Their brains processed multiple sources of speech at once without much difficulty. Efrosian speech tended to sound like whale song if sung by a good singer and like a giraffe giving birth to an elephant if sung by a bad one.

Efrosian naming conventions typically dictated that every Efrosian had three names. The first was an individual name, the second their mother's name, and the third was the name of the city, town, village, or province they were born in. It was considered impolite to use only the first name when addressing an Efrosian. Those born on ships and star bases would sometimes be named after either the mother's birthplace or the ship, resulting in odd names such as Mel-Tsulon- Starbase 137 .

The universal translator had a mostly-complete database of the Efrosian language, but since Efrosian speech did not share the usual statement-response style of conversation that most races had, the UT sometimes failed to translate if more than one Efrosian was speaking at the same time.

The Efrosian language also contained a huge breadth of words that did not translate to Standard very well. These words were divided into two categories by Federation xenolinguists: contextual and non-contextual. The contextual category was mostly comprised of words that referred to religious doctrines and teachings. These words sometimes did translate, but had no real meaning in Standard unless given context. The non-contextual were words that simply had no analogue in Standard and were mostly made of names, words to describe emotions, certain sports-related terminology, and words that described snow, ice, and permafrost.

Efros Delta was also known by the name Efros, and less commonly, Efrosia. It was the fourth planet in the Flarset system and home to the humanoids commonly known as Efrosians. Its diameter was 14,373 Km. It had minimal axial tilt, an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere, and very little difference in climate throughout the planet. Although it was categorized as a class P planet, the end of its ice age made Efros a candidate for reclassification to either Class O or Class M. It had two moons, Erros and Uos. The two moons pulled on the planet throughout their orbits, causing tectonic disruption. This created plentiful geothermal energy. Most of the planet was icy, dotted with great glaciers and mountains. The equator, where most of the population resided, was water for most of the year. Although the last recorded land mass percentage was 36%, projections showed that, as the ice age ended and water levels rose, the percentage of land mass would drop to 10% or less.

The planet rotated around the Flarset star at an average 304.3 days per year with 29 hour days. Because of its minimal axial tilt, the planet experienced little seasonal change. Its two moons orbited Efros at two different speeds. Erros was larger and slower, and Uos smaller and faster. It was believed that the Flarset and its planets formed after a nearby white dwarf went supernova. The remains of the supernova were visible in the Efrosian night sky in some parts of the year as a large purple-green veil. There were seven total planets in the system, but only Efros lay in the ‘Goldilocks’ zone’.

It was theorized that early in Efros’s development, the planet made impact with multiple small asteroids and experienced an extreme amount of pull from its neighboring planets. The pressure created a volcanic, hot planet that began to cool as the other planets in the Flarset system migrated farther away from one another. Fossils from Efros’s early development were difficult to come by due to the entire planet being covered in mostly ice. What little fossils were discovered suggested that Efros once had seven times the biodiversity it eventually had, and most of it was aquatic. Some evidence suggested that Efrosians evolved from an aquatic mammal, but it was impossible to ignore the amount of evidence that suggested the planet was seeded by the Preservers.

It was difficult to pinpoint the exact beginning of Efros’s ice age by looking at Efros alone. By studying Flarset Four and Flarset Five, scientists were able to conclude that early in the solar system’s formation, a very large planetary object pulled the orbits of Flarset One, Two, Three, Efros, Flarset Four, Flarset five, Flarset Six, and Flarset Seven away from their star. All planets except for Flarset One experienced an ice age at about the same time. Millenia afterwards, the natural movement of Flarset around the center of its galaxy pulled the solar system away from the planetary object, which moved too slowly to keep up. The planet’s elliptical orbit meant it strayed from Flarset and began to wander on its own. Scientists eventually identified this historically important planet as Flarset Eight, a class R planet. As a result of the loss of Flarset Eight, planets One, Two, Three, Efros, Four, and Five slowly began moving closer to their sun. Six and Seven’s orbits were wobbly, and scientists predicted that in a few centuries they would begin to drift too.

The majority of Efros’s population lived around or on the watery equator, in huge cities frequently clumped together. The rest of Efros’s population resided in their traditional provinces, with boundaries decided by both geographical constraints and political conflict both ancient and recent. Each province was given a name, which was often the same as the largest town or village within the province. Some Efrosians chose to form living quarters deep within cave systems, but this was considered dangerous, unorthodox, and undesirable. Despite this, Efrosians who lived a mining lifestyle tended to be wealthy and had a higher quality of life than their rural counterparts. About 74% of the population was Efrosian, 11% Klingon , and 15% other or transient visitors.

Efros slowly began to warm up. The water level of the entire planet eventually rising. Because Efrosian life evolved and developed mostly during the Ice Age, this came as a calamity to the entire ecosystem of Efros. At the last recorded reading, the north and south poles had temperatures of -90C and were uninhabitable even by Efrosians. Most rural provinces were located around slightly warmer areas, varying between -30C to -10C during the day and -30C to -60C at night. The equators varied between 5C to 20C during the day, and -10C to 0C at night. Efros had many mountains with deep, intricate cave systems that extended many kilometers below the planet and were not fully explored. The valleys in between often had boreal forests with trees built to survive in constant snow. There were relatively large bodies of saltwater towards the center of the large landmass, divided into three large oceans whose official names were both incomprehensible and unpronounceable by most humanoids. Other ecosystems included tundra and ‘desert’ conditions. Most of Efros’s biodiversity was located in the very deep caves or very deep in the sea, though there were species that survived away from those relatively warm areas

(Note: All names, such as Flarset, Efros, etc. were an approximation. As the Efrosian language did not clearly translate over to Standard, they might not have been accurately represented by traditional names given. All planets in the Flarset system were given Efrosians names, but all except Efros were untranslatable and thus the name of the solar system and its proximity to the Flarset star were used to discriminate between planets. Flarset one orbited closest to its star, Flarset two was second closest, etc.)

Culture & Customs


Efrosian culture was never easy to write about. There were entire courses offered on the subject and even they weren't quite complete. It was best to envision Efrosian government, religion, and culture, all three of which could be referred to as 'Efros', and continue from there.

Efrosians were dedicated to their oral history, which tied in with their language. Song and oral history were important. They had either one very big epic song or several smaller ones that were their 'bible', which contained rules on how to live one's life. In general, Efrosians were happy to know other life existed and participated enthusiastically in educational and cultural exchange. However, they were secretive and guarded their religion and culture jealously. You were never at home on Efros if you were an Outsider. This was because after finding out that their religious beliefs were unacceptable in the eyes of most other races, Efrosians were faced with a choice: either drastically alter their religion or hide it.

Hiding it became easy enough to do, and the most obvious choice. Efros Delta was ruled by an oligarchy, with shaman-warriors presiding over communities. Because their government was technically a theocracy, altering the religion drastically could actually have caused a huge political upheaval that would see a lot of people losing esteemed positions. Although the common people probably didn't want to change in the face of their new contact with the outside world, it was more than likely the people in power made sure their religion would be kept secret by issuing new laws and new interpretations of old ones that disallowed sharing of culture and religion of Efros with other people.

However, what was and what was not considered banned to speak of to foreigners wasn't always clear. Some took it to mean that they should never even have foreigners on the planet. Some thought it meant keeping the spiritual aspect of the culture to themselves. The punishment for breaking this law was severe, though. Depending on the area, it could range from some really horrific, creative forms of torture, to just plain old death, and it almost always ended in going to the fiery, windy version of afterlife to suffer forever.

The most remarkable thing about the Efrosian culture was that when one broke the rules, spoken or unspoken, they were more than likely to carry out their own execution. The dedication to their own people was admirable to some, frightening to others.

What was known about the Efrosian culture was that they held nature in high regard. The health of their planet was always top priority. To Efrosians, animals were companions, and if one must kill an animal for meat, it was respectful to use every part of the animal for something. Likewise, death of Efrosians due to wildlife was seen as a natural and good way to die, even if it was sad. It was a way of repaying the cycle. Efrosians often offered up gifts to the spirits of certain animals, packs, plants, or ecosystems. Due to this particular belief, the recent global warming crisis on Efros was especially damaging to the Efrosian identity.

Flora and Fauna

The climate of Efros Delta did not allow for a diverse selection of flora and fauna, but the planet still hosted some unique species. The majority of the planet's biodiversity lies deep in the oceans.

The Levithi tree was a large, ancient genus of evergreen similar to the holly plant, with softer, larger leaves that tended to be a dark green, almost black. The Levithi tree produced nuts four months out of the year. Levithi nuts had a fuzzy green shell with a dark brown interior, and the nut itself was dark brown, usually powdery. The shell had a sweet taste, but the nut inside was incredibly spicy, moreso than the foods that grew on Earth at the time. The nut itself acted as a skin irritant, and could inflame sensitive tissue such as those found in the esophagus, trachea, eyes, genitals, and lungs, though Efrosians were mostly immune to these effects. Although the nut cannot kill non-Efrosians on it's own, breathing the powder can inflame the bronchial tubes enough to seriously impair breathing. The Levithi bark was hard, pliable wood, previously used as a building material for centuries before modernization.

The Newmani Millipede was a type of wild arthropod that began life at about 17 centimeters long and could grow indefinitely. They were ill-suited to survive the frigid winters of Efros, and with no physical protections of their own, nearly went extinct in the first Efrosian mass extinction event. Their saving grace was the minute amount of empathetic ability they possessed. Their only empathetic skill was projecting the need to nurture in the only sentient land species at that time, Efrosians. Thus, the Newmani Millipede ensured their survival well into the modern age by convincing the Efrosian people that they were absolutely adorable. Though slow-growing, it was possible for Newmani Millipedes to reach the length of a horse, and they were occasionally used as beasts of burden in the past. They are the single most popular pet on Efros, and possibly the cause for the Efrosian susceptibility to mind invasions.

Teller Fish were a type of common freshwater fish capable of surviving frozen in ice for up to ten years. Their hearty nature made them a popular choice for fish farming. Their meat was unusual in that it had absolutely no taste of it's own, instead taking it's flavor from it's omnivorous diet at whatever location they were farmed at. Synthesized Teller meat had the unique property of tasting like nothing, making it a popular choice for chefs attempting to add protein without taking away from taste.

Coba were a type of cetacean found in shallow saltwater near the planet's equator. They were blubbery, smooth creatures capable of a surprising 20mph in the water. They had two sets of flippers, front and back, both sets having five finger-like protrusions used to make and wield tools. They're the evolutionary cousin of the Efrosian and considered to be near-sentient. As such, they're a highly protected species on the planet. They're given many of the same rights the average Efrosian citizen has, such as the right to self determination, bodily autonomy, and the right to die. Certain rights, such as participation in government, cannot be extended to the Coba.

Epris was a type of fungus not found on the surface. Epris, like a myriad of other flora on Efros, could only be found deep in cave systems that were warmed by volcanic vents or insulation. Epris was ochre in color and was often collected by Efrosians for use in religious ceremonies. When ground up, it could be used as paint, and a mild skin irritant.

Long before Efros Delta became a Federation planet, Efrosians were just a relatively small population surviving on a frozen hunk of a planet. They worshipped spirits of nature and held a deep respect for their wildlife and ecosystem. They lived in tribes led by shaman-priestesses, and they occasionally fought among themselves. They developed recording and playback instruments for communication, developed large towns and even a city, and perfected the art of agriculture in greenhouses. Most importantly, the high mountain ranges that stretched across the planet were supposed to be full of rare and precious metals. Efros Delta was right on the edge of both Federation and Klingon territory. In the year 2278, the Vulcan crew of the USS Surak were the first to make contact with the Efrosians. Efros fell to the Klingons later that year.

The Klingons subjugated the people, as conquerors did, but they were more interested in the resources Efros had to offer. Klingons were tough, but they did not have the cold resistance or the expertise to find anything deep within the frozen mountain ranges. Efrosians were frequently harassed or corralled into mining operations , controlled by various houses.

Efrosians frequently formed rebellion groups and would launch brutal attacks on the Klingons and their resources. Where the Klingons were strong, Efrosians were on their home turf. It was ugly for both sides. Efrosians often brought back pieces of Klingon technology from battles as war trophies and as object of study. Klingon rule inadvertently improved Efrosian technology in this way. Before long, Efrosians began the first of their space travel adventures, and became warp capable when Razul-Xillin-Gensolli reverse-engineered a stolen craft from the Klingons .

At the end of the Four Years' War, in the mid 23rd century, the Klingons released many planets that were previously under their control to the Federation . Efros was one of those planets. Just as Efros became a Federation planet, the High Council on Qo'nos finally reviewed the crimes of the houses on Efros. Each of them were considered dishonorable and were forbidden from returning, which meant a small population of Klingons remained on Efros.

The culture of the Efrosians still experienced some shell shock many years later. At about the time the Klingons let go of Efros, the planet began to experience global warming. The ice age had ended. At the same time, they made contact with the Federation , which accelerated their technological progress. Because all this change was happening so fast, the culture began to experience a conservative whiplash. Although Efrosians generally welcomed technology with open arms, they also began to cling more stubbornly to their religion and culture, often reviving traditions that had not been practiced in ages. There was almost a constant distrust of everyone who was not Efrosian. In fact, there was a whole array of slightly offensive slang for anyone who was not Efrosian (and a whole slew of nasty words for Klingons ).

Government & Military

The government of Efros was a theocratic oligarchy. There was a council of twelve Lamanes who acted in a manner similar to the Roman Catholic Pope, as figureheads and as leaders. Lamanes did not actually make new rulings, but they were the ones who officially announced them and distributed them. Typically, Lamanes would take new names upon their crowning.

Below the Lamanes were two groups of equal importance, or nearly so. They were the law-makers (the Kheyanar) and what was referred to as the House. Both groups could write laws, but the Kheyanar had to approve the writing of a law before it became canon. The Kheyanar could not write a law without consulting the House, and the House had to have a certain number of yes votes, otherwise a law would not pass. Also on this level were the publishing companies that actually distributed the Lamanes announcements, televised the House-Kheyanar debates, and provided non-biased coverage of all government goings-ons, such as civil and criminal lawsuits and public events. There were other organizations that organized and controled economic development, the military, the space program, etc., but ultimately major decisions were left to the House-Kheyanar

Those that made up the House were the Gothi. Gothi were priestess/shamen, Raice, and a Matriarch before they were crowned Gothi. Gothi represented groupings of provinces. Their territories were usually divided by geological features. The frequently spent time consulting with their Raice before heading to the capital to make laws based on the issues presented to them

Also at the level of the Gothi were the civil and criminal courts. Civil and criminal courts were actually a leftover from Klingon society, twisted to suit Efrosian needs. Civil and criminal cases that couldn't be resolved by one’s local government went there. Civil court was widely known among Efrosians to be the single most boring televised program known to Efros-kind. Since neither court actually received many cases, a single case could take a very long time.

A Raice had to be a Matriarch and shaman priestess before becoming a Raice. She traveled among all villages in her province and held a position similar to governor. Usually the job of creating or interpreting local law fell to her, though she held counsels of Matriarchs to advise her.

A Matriarch had to be a shaman-priestess before she became a Matriarch. She traveled among two or three villages to understand their needs and make requests on her villages’ behalf. She had the unique ability to absolve the sins of her people. The only other group of people who could do this was the Lamanes. Any organization that was found guilty of some crime or sin heinous enough not only went through criminal court or civil court, but had to answer to a court of Matriarchs. This was rare and considered scandalous. Individuals often came before a Matriarch to have their sins washed away.

Shaman Priestesses resided with their villagers and acted as the spiritual advisers and ritual leaders. In times of war and danger, she was often a field medic, a soldier, and a general. In between, she was also a midwife, babysitter, psychologist, family therapist, matchmaker, occasional chef, village diplomat, and chief wine-taster. They were much beloved by their people and held in high regard. It was a common superstition that shaman-priestesses held telepathic powers.

Shaman-Priestesses, Matriarchs, Raice, and Gothi were all female-only positions. About 80% of all other positions were also female. There were sociologists who argued that Efros was a Matriarchy, but most Efrosians didn't really understand or care for the concept.

Efros did not have a significant military, due to not having a very high population to begin with. What they did have could be considered reserves.

The Efrosian planetary defense grid was considerable, relative to the Efrosian design and production capabilities. A decentralized network of satellites and turrets surrounded the planet. Though not quite as powerful as the Federation style of technology, the grid had the capability to immobilize and even destroy ships, rendering the need for a military moot. The control center of the defense grid was kept a secret even to most the planet's own government.

It was considered unlawful to land on, touch, put things on, litter near, alter the orbits of, create a ring around, perform burials near, or otherwise 'molest' either of Efros's moons, the offense being punishable by death. The reasoning was that both moons are sacred ground. The planetary defense grid did encompass both moons at any given time.

Efrosians were a warp capable species and had access to all the wonderful technologies that made the Federation great. Strangely enough, many rural villages only made do with a replicator, some precautionary shielding technology, and some medical technology, if that. They embraced technology, but distrusted the Federation and would rather build their own using Federation knowledge. Manufacturing was not a big industry on Efros, so Efrosians were left with high demand and low stock

Efrosians had tech to boast about, though. They had a defense grid set around their planet that appeared efficient enough to negate the need for a military. Efrosian-build ships were few and far between, but what was built was usually sturdy ships that could be dragged through hell and back and still be in one piece.

Most Efrosian ships had few, if any viewscreens or visual aspects to their consoles. Ships were controlled with vocal commands, which naturally relied on commands spoken in the dual-voiced Efrosian language. Without the ability to mimic a natural dual-voice, the ships were useless to outsiders.

Their ships also had what was sometimes called "stick shift warp drive". Unlike Federation ships, an Efrosian ship typically took multiple engineers manning the warp core and related computers to initiate, maintain, and end warp travel. Older, pre- Klingon ships required the same level of work for just to reach impulse. Much like sailing, all engineers had to work in sync with one another, missed timing could lead to disaster. This lead to the development of 'space shanties'..

The most important technological development on Efros was their reliance geothermal energy. Stations located across the planet gathered energy with an efficiency rate not seen in Federation geothermal stations. Additionally, the greenhouse gases usually produced while drilling were collected and either sold or used.

Efrosians did not like to share their mythology much. What was known was this;

Contrary to most creation myths, Efrosians were not originally created by their gods. The spirits created Efros and ruled it for a very long time without any one dominant life form. They reportedly could not get along well with one another. According to legend, Efrosians were brought to the planet by the Wise Ones, masters of the unknown. They were deposited on Efros with the mission to keep balance on the planet. The word ‘Efros’ literally meant a crucial balancing element or keystone. The story of how Efrosians were actually created varied, there were many songs that described the creation of Efrosians differently.

The main job of the Efrosians was to balance rule between the spirits. Spirits were more numerous than the stars themselves, but were all organized into four categories: land-dwellers, sky-dwellers, ocean-dwellers, and “those that creep”. All life on Efros was categorized in the same way; land-dwelling mammals, avians, all aquatic life, and any plant, insect, or fungus. Efrosians fell into none of those categories, but were tasked with the responsibility of keeping each domain and living in peace with the spirits and one another. Efrosians relied on numerous parables that were sung the way of lullabies and children’s songs to teach their young how to live.

Special Notes

Conservative Efrosians generally distrusted the Federation , despite relying on them for protection and development. The more liberal of Efrosians had a more welcoming attitude towards the Federation . Attitudes regarding the Federation underwent a cultural shift as more and more Efrosians realized their planet was warming and their current lifestyle would be forced to change. Many saw the Federation as the only hope Efros had to either combat their current melting crisis, or find a new home.

Further Reading and Notes from the Author

  • Memory Alpha
  • Memory Beta

Efrosians were created to fill in a gap in Star Trek canon. The page on Efrosians on Memory Alpha was painfully devoid of information regarding the race. All information here was written up using Memory Alpha as a scaffold and Memory Beta as an inspiration.

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The Deltans are a humanoid species originating from Delta IV . They're known for their highly-evolved sexuality.

  • 1 Home System
  • 2 Home World
  • 4 Government
  • 5 Description
  • 6.1 Empathic Abilities
  • 6.2 Compatibility with other Species
  • 7 Psychology
  • 9 Mythology
  • 11.1 Politics
  • 11.3 Science
  • 11.4 Sports
  • 13 Technology
  • 14 Military
  • 15 Starfleet Intelligence Files
  • 16 References

Home System

  • Location : Coordinates 0.21S 1.02W
  • Other names: Deltan system
  • Distance from Star :
  • Companions :
  • Proper Name : Delta IV
  • Diameter : 15,000km
  • Gravity : 0.95 standard gravity
  • Axial Tilt :
  • Orbital Period :
  • Rotational Period : 20 hours
  • Classification : M
  • Surface Water : 40%
  • Atmosphere :
  • Population : 3.8 billion (as of 2370 census) [1]


Deltans rarely have surface hair except for eyebrows, lashes, and (occasionally) a very thin layer of soft down along arms and legs. Other than this, they closely resemble Humans or Betazoids. Deltans are, on the average, slightly slimmer than Humans, and their cheekbones, eye shapes, and jawlines are slightly more symmetrical and many humanoid species often find Deltans very attractive.

Subliminal scents called pheromones are released by both Deltan males and females, triggering hormonal responses in most humanoid life forms of the opposite sex. Heightened emotional states, including but not limited to arousal, increase the production of these hormones. Around large groups of Deltans, production can escalate to the point where everyone nearby is aware - and affected - by it. Their pheromones also intensify the act of lovemaking; heightening sensitivity for both partners to the point where a simple touch can induce incredible pleasure.

Empathic Abilities

Deltans are an empathic species, highly attuned to the feelings of others. Wars are rare in their documented history as the accompanying violence is psionically harmful for all parties involved. Their empathic abilities also manifest in the ability to relieve physical pain by touch; by sharing the pain, it can be reduced.

Compatibility with other Species

The intense combination of Deltan pheromones and mental link created between partners during sex means that while Deltans are physically (and genetically) compatible with other species, very few couplings occur. More often than not, the mind of the non-Deltan cannot cope with the onslaught of physical, mental and emotional sensations and is driven to insanity, a condition which may develop instantly or over the course of several years.

Among themselves, Deltans are relaxed, comfortable, sensual and receptive to each other's interests, needs, and emotional states. They take great pleasure in caring for one another and often will describe themselves as loving a great many people. Non-Deltans do not always react well or predictably to a bath of physical and emotional support and so among outworlders, Deltans can be stiffly formal until they form close friendships.

A tropical, ocean planet, Delta IV's unpredictable tides and otherwise hospitable ecology combined to create a culture at once polyglot and unified; although many microcultures evolved on the planet's myriad islands, they could never remain isolated long enough to develop either xenophobia or devastating cultural advantages. To avoid inbreeding, the island-bound Deltans also developed a very open sexual culture; stranded mariners were often adopted into large group amours to blend genes more effectively. Brought together by ties of sex and geography, Deltans learned to get along with each other by necessity; with a nurturing planet and a low species birthrate, wars over resources were almost unknown.

There is a strong undercurrent of martyrdom running through Deltan society. With an emphasis on pleasing one's partner, some choose to forgoe their own desires in order to fulfil those of others; a practice which can extend beyond sex and into other aspects of Deltan life. This is exemplified in those who join Starfleet or otherwise leave the homeworld and take the Oath of Celibacy, severing themselves from their most basic needs.

Sexuality is at the core of Deltan society, though considering the overwhelming affect of their pheromones, many anthropologists believe that the species had little choice in doing so. Sex is a part of their everyday life and they have few taboos regarding sexual behaviour, considering the idea "uncivilised" and "archaic".

The period of time after sex has reached an almost mythic status in Deltan culture; featured in more stories, poems and songs than any other part of the act. It is considered the ideal time to understand one's partner; revealing hopes, fears and secrets to one another. An old proverb describes foreplay as the emotional tie, sex the physical tie, afterplay the intellectual tie and the whole experience the spiritual tie.

As with everything else; sex is an important part of Deltan politics. Political opponents will frequently bed one another after a passionate discussion, working out their differences afterwards as they relax in each other's arms. This behaviour is not only accepted, but expected, due to the Deltan reverence of "pillow talk" and the bond it can create between two people.

As a social people, Deltans prefer the performance arts; music, dance and the theatre, where they can loose themselves and embrace the emotions of the artists. Visual arts are much less popular and holoprogramming in particular, while popular in much of the Federation, is relatively rare on Delta IV.

Deltans are known to have an inherent talent for mathematics and geometry, thinking along rational and practical lines but, unlike the more logic centred Vulcans, they allow their familiarity with emotions to mix in, giving them the best of both worlds. This predicilation makes them excellent navigators, both on their oceanic homeworld and among the stars.

While many observers claim that sex is Delta IV's favourite team sport, the truth is that sports do have a prominent role in Deltan life. Most activities take very little time and individual competitions (such as track and field) are as popular as team sports. The most popular game on the planet resembles the human game of soccer; though with much more use of the hands.

Unlike many other cultures, child-rearing is not a central aspect of day-to-day life on Delta IV. For the most part, children receive only cursory attention by adults outside of their families - who find it difficult to interact with them until they are physically, emotionally and sexually mature. Teachers and members of similar professions are an prime example of the Deltan martyrdom complex; individuals who choose to spend most of their time with people who cannot fulfil their emotional needs.

Starfleet Intelligence Files

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Efrosians had cranial ridges , blue eyes and white hair. ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home ; DIS : " Labyrinths ")

Efrosian men were generally seen wearing long hair and flowing mustaches. ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home , Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country )

  • 2.1 Appearances
  • 2.2 Background information
  • 2.5 Apocrypha
  • 2.6 External links
  • Unnamed Efrosians

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
  • DIS : " Labyrinths "

Background information [ ]

The name "Efrosian" was invented by Kirk Thatcher , an associate producer on Star Trek IV , in honor of unit production manager Mel Efros . ( Information provided by Mel and Craig Efros ) The design was based on a sketch by fantasy artist Thomas Blackshear . ( Information provided by Kirk Thatcher )

The name was originally noted in initial limited Paramount publicity photos for Star Trek IV , and was never formally adopted by Paramount beyond the aforementioned publicity photos, which were printed in Cinefantastique #64 [ page number? • edit ] . Outside of this, the Star Trek Encyclopedia , for example, avoided using the name.

The name "Efrosian" was confirmed in 2024 by Eric J. Robbins , co-writer of Star Trek: Discovery episode " Labyrinths ", where the species returned for the first time since Star Trek VI . [1]

In addition to the above, the name was otherwise prominently featured in FASA 's Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update – the only non-canon source circumstantially recognized by Memory Alpha for use in identifying aliens appearing in Star Trek IV .

First Lady of the Federation

Deleted scene with escorted Efrosian president

According to featured actress Lena Banks who portrayed the Federation president's assistant in Star Trek VI , the president was meant to be blind and her part was to guide him into the conference room. The scene was only part of the trailer for Star Trek VI and was cut out of the final film. ( Information provided by Lena Banks )

This information was corroborated by Nicholas Meyer in the DVD audio commentary for Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country , and to some degree is supported by his necessity of having visual aids for the Operation Retrieve briefing for viewing the charts used in the presentation.

Unlike the president, the Efrosian helmsman of Star Trek IV was designed with white-colored irises, a feature more indicative to those found in cases of blindness.

The Efrosian appliances were memorably uncomfortable for actor Kurtwood Smith , who played the Efrosian president. In a 1998 interview, he stated, " What I remember most about Star Trek VI was the outfit, the hair and mustache. I was so uncomfortable because I could not lie down. And those contacts! I wore blue contacts, so everything was blue all the time. That was very strange. The makeup took much longer than you would think from looking at the final product. I had a whole forehead piece and this wig. That stuff took four hours to apply and a couple more to take off. I was punchy during that shoot, because I couldn't take a nap or I would ruin the hair, and because of those blue contacts. " ( The Official Star Trek: Voyager Magazine  issue 18 , p. 33)

Apocrypha [ ]

In several novels published, the name for this species was Deltan , though differing from Ilia . The description of a long-haired male Deltan was introduced in Vonda N. McIntyre 's novelization of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and was applied to the Federation President's race in J.M. Dillard 's novelization of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country .

Later novels, such as In the Name of Honor and Articles of the Federation , use the name Efrosian. They are now said to come from a planet called Efros Delta (in the Star Trek: Titan novel Taking Wing ).

According to the Titan novels, Efrosians do not have a written language, with their libraries resembling music archives. They also have no concept of monogamy and children are raised by their mothers alone.

According to Star Trek: Federation - The First 150 Years , Efrosians were once subjects of the Klingon Empire but managed to successfully rebel against the Klingons.

In 2003 , Decipher issued a book for their role-playing game called Aliens in which the species name was given as "Atreonid".

External links [ ]

  • Efrosian at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • The truth about Efrosians at TherinOfAndor.Blogspot.com
  • 3 Marlys Burdette

After nearly 14 years the STO Academy closed its doors. It has provided information and tools to the players of Star Trek Online for as long as the game has existed. Rest assured, the fleet still exists in game for anyone who wishes to get together with other players who want to have fun playing together.

I know some of you are wondering why I decided to shut down the website. There's a number of reasons, all resulting in one realization. I haven't been able to give the website the attention it requires nor will I be able to do so in the near future.

I hope the day comes when I'll be able to bring the STO Academy website back. It was a passion of mine that I truly enjoyed building over the years.

I want to thank everyone who had a hand in shaping the STO Academy, everyone who has ever used the website, and everyone who supported me.

Live long and prosper.

Continuing Mission

A Fan Site for the Star Trek Adventures RPG by Modiphius

star trek deltan name generator

Ten Forward Fridays: Deltan

Edit An official version of this species is available in the Beta Quadrant sourcebook.

Welcome to Ten Forward Fridays, where a new playable species is presented for the Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game, filling in some gaps until official material can be released. For December we’re flashing back to the era of Star Trek: The Original Series with species that could be used in campaigns set in and around TOS. This week is the Deltans .

Deltans are pretty much confined to the movies, being made iconic by the bald and tragically doomed Lieutenant Ilia in Star Trek the Motion Picture . Deltans also appeared in the background of Star Trek III: the Search for Spock and Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home . In the later TV shows, Deltans were functionally replaced by Betazoids, with Counselor Troi replacing Ilia in scripts repurposed from Star Trek: Phase II for The Next Generation . However, the species was name-dropped in a late episode of Star Trek Enterprise , which also implied that first contact with the Deltans predated the founding of the Federation.

By the time of Kirk, Deltans had been Federation members for several decades. Despite this, Deltans would likely be somewhat uncommon on Starships, as Deltans serving off-world had to take an oath of celibacy: it was unlikely that many sensual Deltans would all be willing to take such as vow. They might be more common on diplomatic assignments or shorter deployments. In later eras, it’s also conceivable that that their pheromones could be mitigated through inoculation, allowing them greater freedom on the fleet.

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Star Trek Planet Name Generator

Wow, The Star Trek Planet Name generator was trained on over 100,000 planets! This can create millions of unique names perfect for any planet or star system in Star Trek!

Image by ipicgr from Pixabay

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star trek deltan name generator

Star Trek Ship Name Generator & Short Stories

“This is the U.S.S. Raven! You will stand down! I repeat! Stand down! This sector is under the protection of the United Federation of Planets and your aggression will not be tolerated. You have fifteen seconds to comply or we will open fire.”


The Jellyfish

Forge Your Own Name: Discover Our Name Suggestions & Backstories

Robert berg.

  • Last update: January 23, 2023
  • Be the First to Comment

Table of Contents

Without starships, it would not be possible for the United Federation of Planets to exist. Warp capability is the defining feature of a civilization reaching a certain level in the galaxy. It opens whole new worlds and changes, whole peoples.

In Star Trek ships are often named for figures out of history or mythology, and each warp-capable species has different naming conventions. Consider who built the ship, and its role or function when brainstorming!

Good Star Trek Ship Names

A good ship name should be memorable, have personality, or reflect on the nature of her crew.

Glorious The Glorious is a battered, old cruiser held together with spit and prayers. Still, Captain Alonz wouldn’t have any other rust bucket carrying his sorry bones through space. Only old Glory will do.
  • Retribution
  • Independence
Sagittarius A medium sized ship designed for war, the Sagittarius has seen several battles and been instrumental in winning at least two. She is known for the accuracy and range of her armaments.
  • Determination
Rhapsody Rhapsody is as beautiful as her name. This pleasure craft is the personal property of Ambassador Xal’tec and has seen more than its fair share of fundraisers and other events. Some are less savoury than others, unfortunately. It’s all in the ship’s data core.
Excalibur War should never be this beautiful, but the Excalibur is exactly that: a beautiful weapon of war. She has yet to test her edge or bloody herself in active combat, but when she does she will be something beautiful and terrible to behold!
Visitor The U.S.S. Visitor has the distinction of being the craft to make First Contact with not one but two rising civilizations. Captain Vance is hoping to increase that number to three with the next mission, her last b effort she retires…
  • Black Sparrow
  • Excursionist
Proximo The Proximo is, ironically, first and foremost a long range research vessel. Her scanners are top of the line, and the Chief Engineer has managed to boost them even further than specs suggest possible. Of course, that just means she finds all the more trouble…
  • The Pelican
Dart Fast and manoeuvrable, Dart is the favorite shuttle on board the Sagittarius. They should all be identical, but the crew gave each one a name and that’s led to there being favourites. Not to mention fights over who gets which shuttle when.
  • Thunderbolt
  • Thunderbird

What makes a good ship name, in your opinion? Do you think a ship’s name should reflect its character, run counter to its character, or simply be random and fun? What is your favorite ship in Star Trek? How do you come up with your ship names? Let us know in the comments!

Picture of Robert Berg

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Star Trek Adventures Online Character Generator

Star Trek Adventures has a new online Character Creation app which lets you develop your character and save it as a PDF, you can also create ships and NPCs. It’s still in beta testing but give it a whirl and let us know what you think! Engage!


Very smooth for the most part, any hint as to when it’ll be updated with content from new books such as the Beta Quadrant book?

Also is there a good way to report a bug in the creator? I found one problem during randomisation, though it may have been fixed since.

Sorry I have no information to share at the moment about updating the Character. Generator.

On the left of the interface, in the LCARS graphics. There are three words. The bottom one says Feedback. Click on that and ut ooens a form that you can use to communicate directly with the creator.

D’oh! I should have seen that!


The best way is to use the “Feedback” button, as Steve H suggested. That way, I can organize all feedback properly.

About the Beta Quadrant, Command Division and Operations Division. There are negotiations ongoing about these books, but I cannot promise anything at this time, sorry.

Brilliant App, found no bugs, very helpful

Awesome, thanks Wendigo!

This is such a cool thing. There seems to be a belief that online character generators hamper sales in some way. I totally don’t agree. Online character generators help players by getting them into the game faster. We had a new player just bought the book. But was struggling a little with character creation. So we suggested sitting down with his book and doing the online one but follow each of the steps in the book as he did it. Its so useful. As a GM its awesome I can quickly do things before the game.

I would also like to see more content. My game they wanted a Oberth Class vessel which wasn’t in the game. I’ve ordered the new books from my local store but having it expanded over time would be great.

A random star system generator wouldn’t be bad either. I’ve been caught a couple of times needing to make up a system on the fly.

Great idea about system generator, I will consider it.

I really like it, I was having trouble with both the directions in the quick-start guild and now that I have it the book. I haven’t fully tested the Ship part yet. One thing that would help though- is a place to write PC history and rooms for longer values.

Continueing voyage has a real nice sheet that matches the PDFs the creator makes for you and it’s a blank, fillable PDF sheet.

Thanks! Ill cheek it out


That’s cool. Glad you got the negotiations ironed out.

Edit* tried generating a character. I could not select the new Academy tracks nor the new career event presented in Operations

Is this available to everyone, even if they haven’t bought a copy of the books?

Haha nice. That’s certainly one way of doing it. “You can have these things, but I’m not gonna tell you what they do!” Will be very useful for putting together all my npcs


In the Operations Book is a new Track for the Carreer, Recruited by Starfleet Inteligence. Is it worked in into the Character Generator?

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Star Trek : System Name Generator

This tool will generate system names.

Stars in multi-star planetary systems are denoted by alpha characters. i.e. Epsilon Aquarii A, Epsilon Aquarii B

Planets in a planetary system are identified by roman numerals. i.e. Epsilon Aquarii II (Single Star), Epsilon Aquarii A II

Moons orbiting planetary bodies are denoted by lower case alpha characters. i.e. Epsilon Aquarii IIa, Epsilon Aquarii IIb

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  • border_clear Prefix Table
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Giant Freakin Robot

Giant Freakin Robot

Star Trek's Most Controversial Show Is Secretly Connected To Its Best Movies

Posted: May 22, 2024 | Last updated: May 23, 2024

<p>None of these revelations about Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country should make fans like the sequel any less…it is, quite frankly, too great of a film to be brought down by trivial complaints. However, the next time I watch Spock’s sacrifice in The Wrath of Khan, I’m going to think about how we nearly had a title that paid homage to the special significance of his death. It’s enough to make me want to brush up on my Shakespeare, but does anyone know where I can find Hamlet written in the original Klingon?</p>

Star Trek’s Most Controversial Show Is Secretly Connected To Its Best Movies

The fifth and final season of Star Trek: Discovery has been doing some fun callbacks to earlier franchise stories, and these callbacks include wild moments like seeing Captain Picard as well as the Enterprise from the evil Mirror Universe.

The recent episode “Labyrinths” had one of our favorite callbacks, but it is one that went over the heads of most fans. Hy’Rell, the perky archivist working at the Eternal Gallery and Archive, is an Efrosian, an alien race we haven’t seen onscreen since Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

<p>Long before this most recent season of Star Trek: Discovery, we saw our first Efrosian in the 1986 film Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. In a real blink-and-you-miss-it moment, the helmsman on the USS Saratoga is one such alien. Incidentally, the very name of these aliens is a tribute to that film’s production manager, Mel Efros.</p>

Return Of The Efrosians

Long before this most recent season of Star Trek: Discovery, we saw our first Efrosian in the 1986 film Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. In a real blink-and-you-miss-it moment, the helmsman on the USS Saratoga is one such alien. Incidentally, the very name of these aliens is a tribute to that film’s production manager, Mel Efros.

<p>No Efrosians appeared in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, but these aliens came back in a big way in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. In that film, the Federation president is an Efrosian, memorably played by legendary Robocop villain Kurtwood Smith. Many fans thought we’d see more of these aliens after Captain Kirk heroically saved the president’s life, but they never appeared onscreen until the final season of Star Trek: Discovery.</p>

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

No Efrosians appeared in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, but these aliens came back in a big way in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. In that film, the Federation president is an Efrosian, memorably played by legendary Robocop villain Kurtwood Smith. Many fans thought we’d see more of these aliens after Captain Kirk heroically saved the president’s life, but they never appeared onscreen until the final season of Star Trek: Discovery.

<p>Because this infamous Star Trek region of space is so dangerous, you might wonder why anyone would ever visit the Badlands in the first place. Mostly, ships choose to hide inside this region of space, making them very difficult to find and making it very likely that pursuing enemies will get destroyed by a stray lightning bolt or gravitational anomaly. In fact, that’s exactly why the Eternal Gallery and Archive was hidden in the Badlands in the recent Discovery episode  “Labyrinths.”</p>

Discovery Brought Back The Species

In the intervening years, the lack of onscreen appearances led to some major confusion regarding these exotic aliens. For example, their forehead ridges made many fans think these aliens were related to the Klingons in some way, and in the non-canonical book Star Trek: Federation-The First 150 Years, the aliens were former Klingon subjects who rebelled against the Empire.

Speaking of books, the novelization of The Undiscovered Country mistakenly identified the Federation president as a long-haired version of a Deltan, the same alien race as the very bald, very human-looking Ilia in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.

<p>Weirdly enough, even though these aliens were named Efrosians way back in publicity photos for Star Trek IV, Paramount never confirmed this as their official name until the most recent season of Star Trek: Discovery. Otherwise, authoritative texts like the Star Trek Encyclopedia refused to use the name, causing continued confusion among fans. </p><p>Fortunately, Discovery’s final season also clarified something that confused the fandom: whether or not all of these aliens are born blind.</p>

Discovery Solved A Mystery

Weirdly enough, even though these aliens were named Efrosians way back in publicity photos for Star Trek IV, Paramount never confirmed this as their official name until the most recent season of Star Trek: Discovery. Otherwise, authoritative texts like the Star Trek Encyclopedia refused to use the name, causing continued confusion among fans.

Fortunately, Discovery’s final season also clarified something that confused the fandom: whether or not all of these aliens are born blind.

<p>If you’re feeling generous, though, you could say that the title of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country is morbidly ironic. It may be Gorkon who proposes the toast, but it’s the traitorous General Chang who spends most of the film quoting Shakespeare. He would most certainly know the real meaning behind the original quote, and with the help of Starfleet allies and a Bird of Prey that can fire when cloaked, he sends Gorkon and many others to an afterlife where, unlike Spock, they will never return.</p>

Debate Started Back With Star Trek VI

As you may recall, the Federation president used special visual aids to help read some charts in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. The actor who played his assistant, Lena Banks, later confirmed that the present was supposed to be blind, something later corroborated by director Nicholas Meyer on the DVD commentary. Between this and the fact that the Efrosian helmsman in The Voyage Home had white eyes, it was reasonable to assume that the entire race was actually blind.

<p>However, the captivating Efrosian archivist we see in the Star Trek: Discovery episode “Labyrinths” doesn’t have white eyes and apparently needs no special visual aids to read (which would have admittedly been annoying for someone working in the galaxy’s biggest library). </p><p>It’s possible, of course, that she was born blind, and this was remedied by 32nd-century medical and technological advancements. We won’t know for sure until we see another Efrosian onscreen, and with any luck, fans won’t have to wait another 33 years for Paramount to make that happen again.</p>

No Idea When We’ll See An Efrosian Again

However, the captivating Efrosian archivist we see in the Star Trek: Discovery episode “Labyrinths” doesn’t have white eyes and apparently needs no special visual aids to read (which would have admittedly been annoying for someone working in the galaxy’s biggest library).

It’s possible, of course, that she was born blind, and this was remedied by 32nd-century medical and technological advancements. We won’t know for sure until we see another Efrosian onscreen, and with any luck, fans won’t have to wait another 33 years for Paramount to make that happen again.

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  1. Deltan

    star trek deltan name generator

  2. Deltan

    star trek deltan name generator

  3. Deltan

    star trek deltan name generator

  4. 115 Star Trek Baby Names

    star trek deltan name generator

  5. Ten Forward Fridays: Deltan

    star trek deltan name generator

  6. Star Trek Aliens Explained

    star trek deltan name generator


  1. A shining example of platforming in Star Trek: Generations

  2. Star Trek ray generator prop with lights

  3. Star Trek Online

  4. Star Trek Adventures: Character Creation Tutorial

  5. Registry Numbers make NO SENSE in Star Trek, so how do you come up with you own?

  6. Origin Forme Dialga VSTAR Deck Can Take 2 Turns


  1. Star Trek race name generators

    Star Trek Name Generators. You're free to use names on this site to name anything in any of your own works, assuming they aren't already trademarked by others of course. with the exception of user submitted backgrounds, images part of existing, copyrighted works, and the pet name generator images.

  2. Deltan

    The Deltans were a humanoid species originating from the Federation planet Delta IV, which was located in the Alpha Quadrant. Externally, Deltans were physically indistinguishable from Humans but were identified by their bald scalps and were known to wear head dresses. Their strong sexual attraction could be a distraction for members of other species, which is why Deltans swore an oath of ...

  3. Star Trek Character Name Generator + 79 Name Suggestions

    Good Star Trek names reflect the culture and backstory of the individual possessing it. Zared Nylund. Liam Haught. Xavier Thoran. Benedict Armiger. Walker Bucanan. Rory Lavigne. Zivven Vasser. Odessa Frakes.

  4. donjon; Star Trek Name Generator

    A collection of random generators for Dungeons & Dragons and other tabletop role-playing games

  5. Star Trek Name Generators

    Star Trek El Aurian Names. Star Trek Jemhadar Names. Star Trek Saurian Names. Star Trek Tellarite Names. Star Trek Hirogen Names. Star Trek Vorta Names. Star Trek Romulan Names. Star Trek Name Generator tools contains list of all Star Trek name generator tools that generate all types of Star Trek names.

  6. Deltan

    The Deltans were a humanoid species which originated from the planet in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrant. The Deltan government was the Deltan Union and they were members of the United Federation of Planets. (ST reference: Star Charts) Deltans largely resembled Humans with the exception of having no surface hair except for eyebrows, lashes, and (occasionally) a very thin layer of soft down ...

  7. Star Trek Name Generator

    A Star Trek Name Generator allows fans to delve deeper into this rich tapestry by providing them with names that resonate with the lore and spirit of the franchise. Moreover, creating a Star Trek-inspired name can enhance the sense of connection and belonging within the fandom community. It fosters creativity and allows fans to express their ...

  8. Star Trek Name Generator : Craft Stellar Aliases!

    Forge Galactic Names with Star Trek Name Generator! Embark on an interstellar journey with our Star Trek Name Generator at RandomGenerate.io! Whether you're creating epic fan fiction, engaging in thrilling tabletop games, or just exploring the Star Trek universe, our tool provides a seamless way to generate names that resonate with the essence of Star Trek.

  9. Star Trek Name Generator

    Behold the final frontier of name inspiration! Our Star Trek Name Generator is the warp speed solution to give life to your newest Klingon warlord, whip-smart Vulcan scientist, or charismatic Starfleet officer. With a galaxy's worth of options, this tool will generate unique, captivating names worthy of any interstellar persona you're ...

  10. Star Trek Name Generator: Discover 3000+ Star Trek Name Ideas

    Our Star Trek Name Generator page is a fun portal, an imaginative playground dedicated to fans of the storied franchise. It allows you to create unique names, reflective of the diverse cast from the Star Trek universe. Whether you're naming a new RPG character or just need an otherworldly alias, we've got you covered with names inspired by the ...

  11. Efrosian

    Efrosian characters in Star Trek: Theurgy: Erev-Sae-Reyanad Xan (Stasis) Suq-Reylin-Efreya Xan (MIA) Efrosians were a species of hardy and spiritual humanoids that resided on Efros Delta. They had a rich, unique culture that resisted years of Klingon occupation and even flourished as they became warp capable and began their exploration of the ...

  12. Delta IV

    Delta IV (or simply Delta) was the inhabited fourth planet in the Delta system, in the Alpha Quadrant, and was the homeworld of the humanoid Deltans. The planet was a Federation member world. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) Several years before his assignment to the USS Enterprise in the 2270s, Will Decker met Ilia on Delta IV, where they became romantically ...

  13. Deltan

    Description. Deltans rarely have surface hair except for eyebrows, lashes, and (occasionally) a very thin layer of soft down along arms and legs. Other than this, they closely resemble Humans or Betazoids. Deltans are, on the average, slightly slimmer than Humans, and their cheekbones, eye shapes, and jawlines are slightly more symmetrical and ...

  14. Efrosian

    In several novels published, the name for this species was Deltan, though differing from Ilia. The description of a long-haired male Deltan was introduced in Vonda N. McIntyre's novelization of Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home and was applied to the Federation President's race in J.M. Dillard's novelization of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

  15. After nearly 14 years the STO Academy closed its doors. It has provided

    After nearly 14 years the STO Academy closed its doors. It has provided information and tools to the players of Star Trek Online for as long as the game has existed. Rest assured, the fleet still exists in game for anyone who wishes to get together with other players who want to have fun playing together.

  16. What do you call a Deltan who really enjoys a pedicure? : r/sto

    This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains.

  17. Ten Forward Fridays: Deltan

    Edit An official version of this species is available in the Beta Quadrant sourcebook.. Welcome to Ten Forward Fridays, where a new playable species is presented for the Star Trek Adventures roleplaying game, filling in some gaps until official material can be released. For December we're flashing back to the era of Star Trek: The Original Series with species that could be used in campaigns ...

  18. Star Trek Planet Name Generator • Roll4 Network

    We're always creating new Generators, so be sure to take a look at what's new on our Generators page. Or for more Tabletop RPG fun, try checking out the Roll4 Blog. Wow, The Star Trek Planet Name generator was trained on over 100,000 planets! This can create millions of unique names perfect for any planet or star system.

  19. Deltan

    Deltan. Deltans are roughly Human height but with slightly lighter build. Most Deltans are slim due to a metabolism that is slightly higher than that of Human norm. Deltans have no body hair; this is a genetic trait rather than a cultural norm. Skin tones are as wide-ranging as among Humans. The Deltans' homeworld is Delta IV, a lush planet ...

  20. Star Trek Ship Name Generator + 71 Name Suggestions

    In Star Trek ships are often named for figures out of history or mythology, and each warp-capable species has different naming conventions. Consider who built the ship, and its role or function when brainstorming! Good Star Trek Ship Names. A good ship name should be memorable, have personality, or reflect on the nature of her crew. Pegasus ...

  21. Star Trek Adventures Online Character Generator

    Star Trek Adventures Star Trek Resources. Modiphius-SteveH August 15, 2018, 5:46pm 1. Star Trek Adventures has a new online Character Creation app which lets you develop your character and save it as a PDF, you can also create ships and NPCs. It's still in beta testing but give it a whirl and let us know what you think!

  22. Star Trek : System Name Generator

    Star Trek : System Name Generator. This tool will generate system names. Stars in multi-star planetary systems are denoted by alpha characters. i.e. Epsilon Aquarii A, Epsilon Aquarii B. Planets in a planetary system are identified by roman numerals. i.e. Epsilon Aquarii II (Single Star), Epsilon Aquarii A II. Moons orbiting planetary bodies ...

  23. Reman names

    This generator will generator 10 random names at a time, fit for the Reman species of the Star Trek universe. Remans are a species of humanoids with deep-set eyes, white skin, short sharp teeth and pointy ears. They look a lot like a humanoid version of a bat. They also poses telepathic abilities, which allows them to invade the minds of others.

  24. Star Trek's Most Controversial Show Is Secretly Connected To Its ...

    Return Of The Efrosians. Long before this most recent season of Star Trek: Discovery, we saw our first Efrosian in the 1986 film Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. In a real blink-and-you-miss-it ...