Traveller Worlds


Science fiction adventure, in the far future.

Saved Systems list:

Edit Star Details

Edit gas giant details.

Rendering ...

World Name:

Note well: the map will be redrawn using the seed above if you alter any UWP digit. You can change this setting to prevent this by going to View > Your Preferences. If you switch automatic redrawing off, the map may not match how you have changed the UWP (e.g. size or hydrographics may be wrong).

Orbit Details

Orbital Distance:

Adjust orbit with first up and down arrows; adjust the decimal place with the second:

Orbital Period:

World is Tidally Locked to its star

The world's rotational period is the same as its orbital period and cannot be changed. The Axial Tilt is zero and cannot be changed. One side is always facing towards the star and is permanently day, the other is permanently night. The 'day' and 'night' sides are set to the upper and lower temperature limits which is based on the atmosphere.

World is a satellite Tidally Locked to its planet

The world's rotational period is the same as its orbital period and cannot be changed. The Axial Tilt represents the inclination of its orbit around the planet relative to the planet's orbit around the star and so there can be seasonal influences. One side is always facing towards the planet, leading to long days and nights relative to the parent star. Note: The T5 rules specify that satellite orbits 'em' and closer will be locked to their planet. If a randomly generated satellite rotation or user entered result is greater than the orbital period, it will be reduced to the orbital period and regarded as tidally locked.

Port Details

Starport Class

Refined Hydrogen Fuel

Unrefined Hydrogen Fuel

Fissionable Radioactives

Anti-matter fuel slugs

Replacement Collector Canopies

Size Details

Size UWP value explanation:

Diameter (km):

Density Type:

Density (Earth=1):

Mass (Earth=1):

Gravity (G):

Rotational Period (Hours):

Jump Point (km):

Time to Jump Point at ...:

Belt Details

Predominant Size

Maximum Size

Belt Width (AU)

N-zone percentage

M-zone percentage

C-zone percentage

Atmosphere and Temperature details

Atmosphere UWP digit explanation

Atmospheric Pressure

Atmospheric Composition

Greenhouse Effect

Axial Tilt (degrees)

Base World Temperature

Average Daytime Temperature

Average Nighttime Temperature

Summer Increase

Winter Decrease

Upper Temperature Limit

Lower Temperature Limit

Hydrosphere Details

Hydrographic Percentage

Surface Liquid Composition

Native Life?

Seismic Stress

Natural Resources

Processed resources, manufactured resources, population details.

Population Digit from UWP

Population Multiplier

Total Population

Intelligent Life Status

Government Details

Government Digit from UWP

More generated detail about government

For more about this government detail, click HERE

Law Details

Law Level Digit from UWP

Law level explanation

Technology Details

Technology Level Digit from UWP

Historical Era



Developing Science

Latest Technology

Fastest Speeds

Personal Weapons

Heavy Weapons

Space Travel

Space Weapons

Space Defences

Starship sensors

World range sensors

Noble Codes

Noble Descriptions

Economic Extension


Cultural Extension



-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Temperature Table

System generation preferences, map generation preferences, map colours.

Default Sector:

Error: sectors not loaded

Select a world:

Error: worlds not loaded

(Data imported directly from ).

Hex and Sector

UWP (in the format XNNNNNN-N)

Trade Codes and Remarks

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Planetoid Belts

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Stellar Data

Additional Trade codes

Frozen (Fr) Planet is further out than the Habitable Zone plus 2 orbits. All lands and oceans are frozen.

Tundra (Tu) Planet is somewhat earth-like but in the next orbit out from the Habitable Zone. Land and ocean near the ice caps is frozen.

Twilight Zone (Tz) Planet is tidally locked to its star with one face always pointing towards it and another facing away.

Farming (Fa) Planet is not a main world but is in the HZ and meets other criteria.

Mining (Mi) Planet is not a main world and the main world is Industrial.

Add world, gas giant or planetoid belt

Select which available orbit to add an object, and select the object type. The details will be randomly generated. You can then edit them.

API Documentation

You can encode a link for a particular star system by using a URL. For example:

This example will put the world name 'Junidy' in the World Name field, the UWP 'B434ABD-B' in the UWP field, and then randomly generate all remaining details before generating a world map and the star system.

Note that when a system is generated, the main world map and details are generated and displayed; you can then navigate to each world via the Full Star System View and go to another world by pressing the "Details" button next to that world.

All world variables relevant to a world map can be used. Note that the URI needs to be encoded to ensure it works correctly. The following is a comprehensive list of variables used and how they are handled.

hex - the four-digit sector co-ordinate of the system (e.g. hex=3202 - Junidy is 3202 in the Spinward Marches). Default value: empty string.

sector - the name of the sector (e.g. sector=Spinward%20Marches). Default value: empty string.

name - the name of the world (e.g. name=Junidy). Default value: empty string.

system - the name of the system; Default value: the name of the world followed by the hex location and sector in parentheses, e.g. "Junidy (3202 Spinward Marches)". This is used by the map to make the location of the world meaningful when it is a non-main world.

uwp - the uwp in the format SSAHPGL-T where S is the port (letters A-H, X, Y) and the remaining digits are extended hexademical. Default value: randomly generated.

tc - relevant two-letter trade classification, Can be specified as many times as there are relevant Trade Classifications, e.g. "tc=In&tc=Hi". Default Value: generated TCs from UWP, whether the UWP is randomly generated or provided. Use this to specify TCs that cannot be derived from the UWP (e.g. Twilight Zone).

iX - the Importance rating of the world, e.g. iX=4. Default value: generated by UWP, bases and TC values using T5 rules.

eX - the Economic extension for the world including the parenthesis, e.g. eX=(D9E+4). Default value: randomly generated using T5 rules.

cX - the Cultural extension for the world including the brackets, e.g. cX=[5E86]. Default value: randomly generated using T5 rules.

pbg - the PBG 3-digits (Population Multiplier, Belts, Gas Giants). If no pbg parameter is specified, the script looks for the belts, gas_giants, and popMulti parameters and uses their defaults if they are not found.

popMulti - the Population Multiplier (first digit of the PBG), e.g. popMulti=2. Default value: randomly generated even chance 1 to 9.

belts - the number of Planetoid Belts (second digit of the PBG), e.g. belts=1. Default value: randomly generated using T5 rules.

gas_giants - the number of Gas Giants (third digit of the PBG), e.g. gas_giants=0. Default value: randomly generated using T5 rules.

worlds - the total number of other worlds in the system, including gas giants, belts, the main world and other planets. If this value is less than gas giants plus belts plus the main world, it will be raised to that value. Default value: randomly generated using T5 rules.

bases - a string containing all bases present, e.g. bases=NS or bases=W. Possible bases read are N, S, W, and D. Default value: test for bases randomly using Starport and T5 rules. Specify bases= to force bases to be nothing.

nobz - a string specifying all Nobles for this world, e.g. nobz=BcC. Default value: generated from TCs.

allegiance - a string specifying the allegiance of the system, e.g. allegiance=Im. Default value: blank.

seed - the seed used to randomly generate the map. Default value: the hex of the system concatenated to itself. If the hex is not specified, 'undefined' is used.

3 October 2023

New Host: TravellerWorlds has switched to instead of an obscure amateur URL. Ahhhh. Professional looking URL.

Bug fix: When a world's atmosphere is 9, atmospheric pressure was using the "very dense" table, which is reserved for extreme Venus-like cases. Was leading to odd results. Many thanks to a sharp-eyed user for pointing this out!

Bug fix: Importance was not reading correctly when passed in via GET data, e.g. from TravellerMap. Allowing reading of the Importance instead of only generating it allows for custom mods to standard Importance values.

11 June 2023

Layout Changes: Working on planet detail layout changes to make it more compact and pleasing to the eye. Paragraph explanations (apart from Government) changed to tables of information.

Bug Fix: Export to CSV was not working; fixed.

31 May 2023

Bug Fix: If 'allegiance' was not provided in the URL, then the world and system were prevented from generating by a fatal error. Now fixed.

Beast Armour: Beast Armour generation added to "View > Beasts (experimental)".

Bug Fix: Half-terrain from Twilight Zones appearing in key for that World Hex Map. Now fixed.

Bug Fix: Beasts of Size 4 did not have Strength modifier applied in Beasts (experimental).

Bug Fix: Locomotion of Beasts in Beasts (experimental) had combinations not intended (e.g. Flyphibians in Clear terrain).

Bug Fix: Download buttons for World, Terrain and Local hexes were not working. Fixed.

Bug Fix: Cropped Map image had incorrect file extension of "svg" instead of "png". Fixed.

Experimental Beasts: Beast tables generated through a modified rule set. Thus, "View > Beasts (demo)" is RAW, "View > Beast (experimental)" is modified rules.

18 April 2023

Beast Maker demo: For any world you can choose View > Beasts (demo) to generate beast tables for each of 11 terrain types. This feature will be improved in future to fully edit the beasts including all T5 details and save the data with the system.

8 April 2023

10 september 2022.

Bug Fix: Belts could not be placed by using "System Actions > Add a celestial object to the system" due to an error caused by the new Belt Details release. Now fixed.

24 July 2022

Bug Fix: The fix for the different results for seeds had knock-on errors that slipped through my testing, and affected nearly any world one would attempt to generate by navigating from TravellerMap. Now fixed.

17 July 2022

Bug Fix: This was a misconception on my part. The "number of worlds" statistic for a system indicates the total number of gas giants, belts, and other worlds in the system. I was getting it to generate other worlds ON TOP OF gas giants, belts and the main world. Systems will look smaller from now on.

Bug Fix: Saving and loading systems was changing the position of stars and messing with other objects as a consequence. This was due to the seed for the system not being read correctly.

Bug Fix: The system generation was giving a different result almost every time, whether data was coming in from Traveller Map, the user was entering their own data, or the user was regenerating with the "current seed". This error was due to me not being careful with when and where I initiated the RNG with the correct seed.

9 July 2022

Belt Details and map: Planetoid and Asteroid Belts now have details generated - their zones, and the total belt width, and the predominate and maximum sizes of objects in the belt. The Belt now has a map indicating the relative size of each zone. All belt details are fully editable and saveable with the system.

Twilight Zone alteration: Ice cap terrain is now removed from Twilight Zone worlds.

Habitable Zone reset: The Habitable Zone value for each star has now been refined to a decimal orbit (where each 0.1 is 10% of the distance from the inner orbit to the next orbit). If the Main World is to be placed in the precise Habitable Zone (i.e. not HZ+1 or HZ-1) then TravellerWorlds now places it in this new refined value. The new HZ value has been calculated by the distance that a planet with Greenhouse of +10% and Albedo of 0.3 would need to be from that star for an average temperature of 288 K / 15°C. Note that due to varying Albedo and Greenhouse effect this will not always be the exact temperature. This more exact placement is to help world builders obtain more Earth-like conditions more easily; many results quite frankly created extreme worlds even if they were Ag Ri Ga worlds.

4 July 2022

Bug Fix: Fixed an introduced bug stopping Local Hexes from completing correctly.

Bug Fix: When Cultural Extension and Economic Extension data was not passed to TravellerWorlds it would freeze.

Importance: Importance is now imported from data rather than only generated. It can also be edited by the user. Its default value is to generate the Importance rating using T5 rules, but it can be edited by the user (e.g. when establishing capitals).

Star Details: When editing star details, calculated values (luminosity, mass, diameter, jump point) are displayed and updated as you edit.

Gas Giant Details: Gas giant details can now be edited, and details such as mass and jump points are displayed and updated as you edit.

3 January 2022

Bug Fix: In the background, the map was generating a random map before loading the data because this was required for the setup before data was loaded. Set up and generation are now separate procedures.

Bug Fix: In map editing mode, certain hexes were incorrectly creating a World Hex Map when clicked. Now fixed.

27 December 2021

Map Editing: There is now a (very basic!) map editor. This is an EARLY version and is still buggy, but the basics work. Navigate to the world you wish to edit, and then choose Map Actions > Edit the Current Map. Then click on one of the types of terrain at the top. Clicking the hex will add the terrain. You can remove symbols (e.g. rural, cities, etc.) by clicking again. Base terrain (e.g. clear, oceans) cannot be removed but can be replace with other terrain.

Bug Fix: Atmospheres of types exotic, corrosive and insidious had a bug where the atmospheric pressure table was not saving correctly, leading to all sorts of loading and saving problems. Some of your older systems might still not be able to save or load correctly, many apologies.

23 December 2021

Background mapping change: new political border terrain added in anticipation of being able to edit maps. Users can edit the downloaded JSON of worlds to add these codes in. Users can also change the default colour for these borders.

22 December 2021

All UWP details explained: Each digit of the UWP for each world is now fully explained - the last to be added were law level and technology level.

Add objects: The user may now add objects to the system - stars, gas giants, planets and satellites

28 November 2021

Bug fix: When changing orbits of worlds, Trade Classifications and Remarks (in particular: Ho, Co, Tu and Tz) were not updating correctly. The drawback is only that 'custom' remarks such as Ownership codes (e.g. O:2355) will be removed if you change orbits.

Bug fix: Orbits of satellites could be changed and the change of the name would save, but the orbital distance, rotation period and locking status would not change. Now fixed - changing any satellite's orbit updates the orbital distance, orbital period, and recalculates whether the satellite is locked to its planet and if not randomly generates a rotation period.

Bug fix: When loading a system from a JSON file, TravellerWorlds was regenerating the map using the seed instead of loading the map data. In theory, a user can edit the JSON file directly and upload the file to show terrain the user has put in such as extra cities, a second starport or other features. At present, this editing can only be done by the user directly editing the JSON file using a text editor.

Bug fix: If you change a digit of a UWP, the map will now automatically be redrawn. In anticipation of users being able to edit their own maps, this can be turned off so that users can make minor adjustments if they have edited the map and prevent their work being overwritten.

25 November 2021

Bug fix: Map data was not saving and importing correctly when using expanded noble estates

Bug fix: When regenerating the whole system, the main world details were displaying incorrectly in the table showing symbols for each celestial object.

Edit Star Details: You may now edit the Spectral Class and Spectral Size of the star, and vary its luminosity, size and mass using a multiplier for the base values. At present, this still allows you to put in unrealistic values, so no warranties provided as to realism.

18 May 2021

Generate missing data: upload a CSV file of names and UWPs, and get back a CSV file with all T5 details generated.

16 May 2021

Bug Fix: Travel times to jump points were calculating incorrectly because I had forgotten to convert units properly. Thanks to BasicPassage on Citizens of the Imperium for bringing it to my attention!

15 May 2021

Map Data download: Terrain data for a world map (only) can be downloaded as a JSON file. I will be posting a help page to explain how the data works so you can use it in your own projects. In the background, when you save a system, the actual terrain data is saved and loaded, so you can generate maps until you get one you like before you save the system or download it as a JSON file. JSON files of the whole system now include generated maps. The ability to save the actual terrain data is a pre-requisite to being able to edit the data. Yes, you read that right. Watch this space, O Patient Users.

16 April 2021

Matt Stevens government detail: I use Matt Stevens wonderful series of articles to fill in a text giving more detail about the government for each world. You can read more from him about how to give more detail for dictators , bureaucracies , democracies , balkanisation , religious governments , and feudal technocracies .

26 December 2020

TravellerWorlds launches - I put all of the application onto one page, fixing multiple bugs. This vastly simplified the code.

Twilight Zone removal - so many worlds end up being a 'Twilight Zone' because of system generation rules. The user can now just remove the Twilight Zone from the map so that it is a help utility rather than imposing unexpected outcomes on a world builder. You can always elect to keep the TZ, of course. Rob Serling would be proud

Hex map generation - when World, Terrain and Local hexes are created, they appear on top of the world map rather than appended to the bottom. They can still be downloaded onto a user's computer.

User Preferences - you can now save a profile of your preferences - various system and map generation options INCLUDING choice of colours for the map!

25 May 2019

Change of Name: Instead of "T5 World Builder" the website is now called "Traveller Worlds". The URL is still the same, but ... watch this space. Also layout changes.

System Symbol Map download: the System Symbol Map is now downloaded with the HTML file

Scroll down to Hex Maps: when you click on world, terrain or local hexes, the browser now scrolls down to the map for you.

23 May 2019

System layout change: The system symbol map is now automatically generated when the system is generated. Both the system table and the symbol map are updated when any world details are changed.

Details enhancement: For main worlds only, the cultural extension and economic extension can be edited or recalculated in the World Details in the system editor.

Bug Fix: Resources now working correctly in the world details.

Bug Fix: Satellite orbit selection box now appears only for satellite details and correctly alters the satellite orbit to the user's choice.

Bug Fix: "Wasteland" incorrectly spelled as "Waste land".

8 April 2019

Bug Fix: Download buttons for system data not working correctly, now fixed.

Native Life: Native Life simplified. Now simply a roll of Average (2D) < 2, Mod -3 if Atmosphere 0; Mod +4 if Atmosphere 4-9; Mod -2 if Hydrographics 0; Mod +1 if Hydrographics 2-8.

Native Intelligent Life: Implemented a 'house rule': two variations on T5; a "no sign of intelligent life" for vacuum rock balls that are otherwise skipped in the NIL rules. And 'Established Transplants' and 'Established Exotic Transplants' which are worlds with population 7+ without Native Life that otherwise meet the requirements for Natives and Exotic Natives.

10 February 2019

Bug Fix: Fixed Blank Map feature - it works again.

Bug Fix: System was not generating any minor worlds - this was due to code that was intended to cap the number of minor worlds plus gas giants plus belts plus the main world to fit in 20 available orbits. Some legacy data in Traveller Map has more system objects than 20, enough to break the script.

2 January 2019

Bug Fix: When the main world is a satellite, the planet it is orbiting (whether a Gas Giant or a Big World) now has other satellites generated correctly. Previously the main world would be the only satellite of the planet.

1 January 2019

Save and reload your work: When on the System page, you can save your modified system and re-load it at a later date. The data is stored within your browser. This allows you to manually alter any aspect of your star system, taking advantage of the calculators built into T5 World builder, and work on it over time before exporting it to your favourite format.

Import and Export systems: In addition to saving your work within your browser, you can export it as a JSON file and also import saved JSON files.

Native Intelligent Life and Native Life: if the T5 rules generate native intelligent life, the world now automatically has native life.

Bug Fix: When the number of worlds in a system was not specified by Traveller Map data, the number was not being generated randomly. Now fixed.

Data interpretation: Many worlds in the OTU have a 'worlds' statistic of more than 12. This has the potential to break the system generator if worlds plus gas giants plus belts plus the mainworld exceeds 20 orbit 'slots'. For now, if the 'worlds' statistic is more than 12, it is reduced to 12.

Bug Fix: Native Intelligent Life was not generating correctly.

18 November 2018

Edit World Details: All planet and satellite details can now be edited when you press on the Details button next to them. This allows all values including the UWP to be adjusted. All details are automatically recalculated if needed in real time.

Jump Points: As part of the new Edit World Details feature, every world's Jump Point is calculated in kilometres, including accounting for the parent star and parent planet (if the world is a satellite). Also included is a table of travel times to the Jump Point from 1G to 6G.

New Satellite Option: Under System Options, you can select an option that prevents tidally locked worlds having any satellites. This comes from my own experimenting with Universe Sandbox - satellites of almost any Traveller size are torn apart if the world is close enough to the star.

Download World Details: When the system is generated, there is a check-box to indicate you want all details of each world downloaded with the system data. It is checked by default. So I'm generally assuming you want more detail rather than less.

Small worlds: The system generator now distinguishes between Asteroid and Planetoid belts and worlds that end up size 0 through modifiers or size limiting (typically satellites). You can now generate and edit the details for these particular objects. The diameter is randomly generated, ranging from about 260km - 700km.

New Barren Option: Under System Options, you can indicate that if the main world population is zero, all minor worlds will be generated as barren (i.e. population, government, law level and TL will be zero). If left unchecked, the T5 rules will be used, which can result in notional populations of less than 10.

Bug Fix: When the size of the world is less than five and hydrographics more than seven, oceans were not being placed. This is now fixed.

Bug Fix: System orbit based Trade Classifications (e.g. Hot, Cold, Twilight Zone) now automatically update when orbit is adjusted.

Bug Fix: Map was placing cities in every hex in Size 1 worlds regardless of population. Now fixed to operate according to T5 rules.

28 July 2018 - second release

Layout: changes to the home page to take advantage of a wider space for "Enter, Review and Change World Details".

Noble Estates: option added to allow noble estates to be placed on ocean or sea hexes.

Multiple world maps: option added to allow up to 10 maps to be generated at once. This helps users hunt through several maps at once to find a suitable one.

28 July 2018

Code Optimization: when the code needs to fetch individual hexes, it uses an associative array to look up the hex instead of iterating through all the hexes in a map to find the correct one. Hopefully this gives a significant speed increase for future development where we want to do more complex stuff.

Minor bug fix: map key for world maps was oddly offset off the map for smaller sizes (1, 2 and 3) and spilled over the right edge for larger sizes.

Bug fix: black and white map and noble state flags were not being read correctly.

Bug fix: for Terrain Hex and Local Hex maps, the 'shore line' now works as intended - "creeping" ocean or ice cap from neighbours onto the current hex.

24 July 2018

GET Data parameters: added a 'pbg' parameter for more conveniently specifying the 'Population Multipler, Belts, Gas Giants' in a star system.

23 July 2018

Bug Fixes: Fixed information about the random seed, system name and sector names in the URL passed to both the system and map generators.

Bug Fix: Updated the API documentation to reflect developments in the code.

Layout change: Changed the layout of the main T5 World Builder page to put map and system flags at the bottom, in anticipation of more options being added.

21 July 2018

Bug Fix: The various 'download' buttons (HTML, Plain Text and CSV) downloaded the actual javascript functions instead of their function results. Also, having changed from "energy absorption" to "albedo" for worlds, I had forgot to update the information in these downloads and so it would have included Energy Absorption (which is one minus albedo) instead of albedo, leading to confusing figures if you wanted to play with them yourself.

15 July 2018

Bug Fix: The trade classification "Lk" (i.e. satellite is tidally locked to its planet) was not being correctly applied to satellites. This had the consequence of the rotational period formula generating rotations much larger than the orbital period because the formula takes into account the planet's mass and distance from it.

Display change: Star data (mass, luminosity and radii) is now spread over several columns, making the table look a bit better.

14 July 2018

1) All stars in the format "M9 D", "F6 D" etc. are converted to the identical class with size "V" instead.

2) F0 - F4 VI are converted to F5 VI

3) K0 - K5 IV are converted to K6 IV

4) M0 - M9 IV are converted to the identical class with size "V" instead.

In addition, the code was falling over when it did not find any star data. In these cases a pre-fill of the star is not attempted but other data is filled out.

If you find a sector is not loading any worlds and is not leaving the message "No World Data available" it is generally because there is something in the legacy data the code does not like. Please bring these cases to my attention! A sector name is enough.

13 July 2018

Bug Fix: Noble Estates will no longer be placed in open ocean.

Equator Line: All world maps now have a dashed line at the equator.

Blank Maps: Under the Options on the main page you can generate a blank world map of sizes 1 to 19. I invented this to help with analysis, and thought others might want it too.

13 April 2018

System maps. When a star system is generated, there is a new 'Create system symbol map'. It creates a symbolic map of the system in the style of Joshua Bell's prototype code found here: .

Place Several Noble Estates option added. This will place a number of World Hex level Noble Estates based on the Nobles field. One Noble Estate World Hex will be placed for each of Knight, Baronet, Baron, Marquis, Viscount, or Count. Two estates will be placed for Dukes, and Four for Capital Dukes. When the World Hex Map is generated, the number of Terrain Hexes placed as Noble Estates varies based on the type of nobility of the estate. For a Knight Estate, one Terrain Hex will be placed; Baronet is two; Baron is four; Marquis is eight; Viscount is sixteen; and Count or Duke is thirty-two. Thus, the correct number of Terrain Hexes is placed for each noble, bearing in mind for that Dukes there is more than one World Hex of estates.

Names of celestial objects can be edited. In the system generator, the user can add names to all objects and they will form part of any download of the system.

World name on maps. The world name as edited in the system generator is now added to the map. The system name (i.e. the main world name plus hex and sector) is also added; some modifications to map layout as a consequence.

Layout. Generate buttons are now at the top of the layout rather than the bottom.

Coding rationalisation. This will make it easier to expand in future, BUT there may be bugs. I have tried many combinations successfully for all options but it is difficult to test for all options. Please report bugs!

7 April 2018

Minor fixes and enhancements this time around: the Main World is now placed according to the T5 rules: if it is an asteroid belt, it is placed randomly without considering the habitable zone. Otherwise it is placed according to a roll that can place it in the orbit just inside the HZ, in the HZ orbit, or the next orbit outside. Similarly, the main world will be rolled for a random chance to be a satellite.

To help placing the main world where Referees feel it must be a planet or must be a satellite, I have added options to force this choice. I also added back the option for a black and white map (sorry, Marc, it was taken away by accident!). I have also added an option to stop the placement of a Nobel Estate if desired.

Satellites are now placed in different orbits - except for Ring Systems (fix to come).

The BIG change: the system generation table. Energy Absorption (i.e. one minus Albedo), Greenhouse effect and Average Temperature are now calculated for each world.

You can now adjust the orbit or decimal orbit up or down using the arrows. This allows 'fine tuning' of planets positions to suit the temperature you envision is average for that world. The values are recalculated for you.

The download formats have changed. You can download the system in HTML format - it is a plain unstyled format of the data (no functioning buttons. Additionally, the data can be downloaded as plain text, or as CSV which can be opened by spreadsheet programs.

28 March 2018

Marc Miller's requested feature was an interesting challenge and I dropped working on other code to make it work.

Each map now has a " " button above it. They slide all of the terrain left or right over the world map. This allows slight adjustments to get important hexes (e.g. the starport and main town or a noble estate) into the centre of a map or triangle.

The initial attempt simply got each hex to grab its west or east neighour's terrain to rotate the terrain around the globe. The intriguing problem was that the polar regions ended up distorted because of the way that hexes north of the pentagons move west or east - because suddenly, relative to the middle part of the map, the hexes are 'moving faster'.

The solution I implemented simply moves the top and bottom regions more slowly than the middle region. This does not remove the distortion, but minimises it so that the polar regions keep the rough shapes of the terrain they have relative to the rest of the globe. Moving back and forth an arbitrary amount will still distort the shape. But it should be robust enough to make a minor adjustment without completely changing the map.

To understand this problem, I had to print out a larger world (I chose a Size 9 world) with 50% hydrographics to give some interesting shapes, and then cut it out and fold it into the duodecahedron to visualise the problem. It was fun!

17 March 2018

This release contains two updates. I have re-worked the Sector list - and unfortunately I have had to do away with multiple milieux of the same sector.

HOWEVER, what I have added is that the last sector selected by the user is now automatically saved. When the page is loaded again, the name of that sector is selected by default, and the worlds of that sector are loaded into the 'Select a world:' list.

Marc Miller has requested a feature whereby we can move the rendering of the hexes east and west so that the main town with the starport or the city with the starport can be shifted towards the middle of a world triangle. This is possible but will take some time. It will be extremely awesome when I get it done. Even if I do say so myself. As a first step, I have simply stopped the starport being placed in the half-triangles the current east and west edges of the map. This can still leave the starport positioned awkwardly on a half-hex between two triangles.

25 February 2018

I am proud to announce that the system generation table now includes a link to map any world in the generated star system. At the touch of a button, you can generate a map for any planet in Chartered Space, or your own Traveller Universe.

The next step will be to make the names of objects in the system editable so that you can download more meaningful data. I will also be working on downloading and uploading your own data into the system generation table so that you can save it and keep working on it. This is an important precursor to being able to edit and generate details for each world such as gravity, temperature and so on.

24 February 2018

Download As HTML and Download as Plain Text buttons added to the generated systems page. The plain text file is a fixed-width data file - each systme entry is padded with spaces. The HTML is an HTML file that includes the style sheet used by the T5 World Builder pages. This means you can open it in your favourite word processor to edit it and save it.

Future formats to be added for the system are tab-delimited and CSV. CSV format allows the results to be imported into spreadsheet programs.

If the sector you select from has no world data, the world selector will now say so. All data from is now available to play with. Where a sector does not have names for its worlds, the sector hex coordinate for each world is displayed in the world selection list.

18 February 2018

Bug fixes to get World Hex, Terrain Hex, Local Hex maps working correctly. Also fixed the Download Map buttons that stopped working. System data table cleaned up slightly.

All sector data - Official OTU or not - is now accessible from the Select Sector drop-down box.

22 January 2018

Published a draft Traveller5 extended star system generator. At present it is little more than a proof-of-concept leveraging the code created for the Map generator.

It is published as a separate web page because I'm lazy and I developed it as a separate page in my sandbox. However, it will be integrated into one page in the near future with a title something like 'Traveller5 World Builder' with buttons for either generating a map or a system.

Then the real fun starts: after developing the system format more and clarifying naming conventions for unnamed objects, put a link next to each world (not Gas Giants or Planetoid Belts to generate a map.

Any UWP listed as "???????-?" in data (see especially Corridor Sector Data is not added to the World List for selection.

The main world is always placed in the first available Habitable Zone. This will change in future and the table on p. 408 of the T5.09 rules will be used. I did this to simplify things while I worked out how to determine system zones and other system related conventions.

Determining whether a given Satellite is Close or Far is done using the Book 6: Scouts throw (roll 2D: 7- = close, 8+ = far), and then rolling on the relevant column of table 2c on p. 408 of the T5.09 rules.

Size zero is allowed for objects other than Planetoid Belts. This is especially important for satellites because where a satellite's size is equal to or bigger than its planet, I have implemented the original T5 core rule that it is reduced to the planet's size minus 3 (p. 437 of the T5.0 core rules). In these circumstances, it should be interpreted in a similar way to Size 'S' of the original Book 6 extended system generator.

Ring system orbits are rolled for using the 1D table found in Book 6: Scouts on page 28.

7 November 2017

Implemented a polyfill for URLParameters to ensure links to particular maps are more robust and the code is simplified.

Layout and style changes to make the user interface more logical and with a clear order.

5 November 2017

The main noticeable change is the random number generator. A new smaller generator by Rob Eaglestone and converted to javascript by Joshua Bell is now in use. That means the nature of the seed has changed. Instead of a 256-character string, it is an integer between 0 and 4,294,967,295. If you have saved bookmarks to your favourite maps using links previously, many apologies.

The new random number generator is faster, and the app can cope with up to size 20 worlds ... but you may have to tell the script to 'continue' if asked because it will take time. My aim of being able to generate Size 33 ('Z') worlds is still unfulfilled.

Layout has been modified to include tool tips and adjusted so that the 'Generate Map' button is more prominent and at the top of the screen.

There have been many backend coding changes to make the app more robust into the future. There will be a few more changes to the user experience and background code into the future.

The rules interpretations will be better documented at some point in the future and circulated for discussion.

21 October 2017

Many thanks to Joshua Bell of fame for casting a professional eye over the website. He raised a host of issues which I am working through.

The first change is a to the general user experience. So there have been major changes to layout. Navigation bar to explanatory and background text introduced. User input now gathered at the top with less scrolling down to buttons to get the action going.

For now, functionality is the same. There will be changes to the random number generator coming to speed up generation - this matters for larger world sizes. There will also be various background changes to the code based on inexorabletash 's feedback. But one thing at a time!

As always, feedback is welcome. Just e-mail me - I have a gmail account - jonathan dot a dot sherlock.

7 October 2017

You can now drill down to the World Hex, Terrain Hex and Local Hex levels. Click on an individual hex in any hex map to drill down to the next level. All maps include a key and a scale.

I have roughly documented my interpretations of the rules in this PDF file. As always, feedback is welcome - I have a gmail account - jonathan dot a dot sherlock. I would very much like feedback on interpretations of the rules, but also on website layout and, of course, any bugs.

1 October 2017

You now have the option to generate a map in black & white. This makes it easier to photocopy.

29 September 2017

The API is now open in a similar way to .

The "API Documentation" help button under the "Select A World" heading gives more information about how to use it.

Every map generated also has a URL posted beneath it to enable a direct recreation of that map using the world data just used.

I have changed the random number generator to a faster algorithm with the seed still exposed. If you have saved seeds, many apologies, they will no longer produce the same map.

It is now much faster. Although trying to generate a Size 20 world will give the 'script is taking too long ... continue or stop script' message, if you continue, it will generate the world. Try it, it's fun (just substitute "L" for the size digit in any UWP).

I have not managed to successfully generate a Size 33 ("Z") world yet. That's too much for my browser. Post photos at CoTI or the Traveller RPG Facebook group if your computer can do it.

26 September 2017

This release fixes issues with World Hex maps and contains many background updates to rationalise the code.

If you click on a Frozen Lands hex next to an Ice Field hex, the Ice Field now "creeps" onto the Frozen Land in a similar way that ocean "creeps" onto land to give wriggly coast lines.

Half-hexes for Twilight Zones are now imposed on World Hexes and are a bit wriggly.

Ice-caps now "creep" onto neighbouring hexes World Hex maps.

Overall, the World Map provides an abstracted collection of world hexes, while each individual World Hex map provides more of the "crinkly bits" so beloved by Slartibartfast.

18 September 2017

In this partial release, precipices and the two precipice lines for chasms are now traced onto World Hex Maps. I am not completely satisfied with the results.

The generator picks a random hex edge for the start, a random non-adjacent hex edge for the end, and picks a start and end hex from those edges. Then it traces a random path from one to the other.

The script does lock up occasionally because of a do..while loop that becomes infinite somehow when generating a World Hex Map with a chasm. But it happens so rarely I thought it worth a release.

The two precipice lines of a chasm are in different colours so you can see what the generator has attempted to do even if the line turns out to be a funny shape.

10 September 2017

This is a partial new release. World Names with UWPs are now bigger and at the top of the world map. The Download as PNG button now renders the SVG graphics at a higher resolution.

In future I plan to implement letting the user choose the resolution of the PNG button. At present a typical size 5 world is about 300kb - 400kb with the new resolution. The trade-off will be better resolution for a larger file size.

But most exciting for me, click on the background (not the terrain symbol!) of any hex on the world map and you get a map of that world hex. I acknowledge this may cause issues with touch-screen devices.

World Hex Maps are only in draft form. I am still to implement Chasms and Precipice lines; the rules simply state "draw a precipice line through the hex" and I need to decide how this will work to be suitable squiggly and work in with shorelines and other terrain.

At present, World Hex Maps do not take into account half-hexes in Twilight Zones. I also want Frozen Lands and Ice Fields in Twlight Zone and Frozen worlds to have "shorelines" that are squiggly in a similar way to normal oceans and lands operate now.

So check out a favourite world map, then generate a variety of World Hex maps. You can download them in SVG or PNG format.

26 August 2017

Instead of over-writing the world map when the "Generate Map" button is pressed, a new map is added. The map download buttons are now produced for each individual map. This allows users to generate multiple world maps for different worlds without starting again and still having access to previous maps generated in a particular session. It also allows for using different random seeds until a satisfactory result is produced.

Marc Miller has e-mailed in some great suggestions. I will be working on them next, but for now I want to implement World Hex maps. I will work on Marc's suggestions after that, before getting back to Terrain Hexes and Local Hexes.

I also had a request to implement a 'Seed Me!' button. This quickly creates a new random seed. This means you can load or enter a world, generate a map, and if you don't like it, press the "Seed Me!" button and generate another map. You can compare all the maps you have generated before downloading your preferred one.

16 July 2017

The seed for random numbers is now exposed. Enter any string upto 256 characters in length, or leave blank for a random seed. If you wish to save a seed, copy and paste the seed for yourself. I may add a "saved seed" library for individual users using cookies or an equivalent.

This now uses a custom script that modifies the javascript random function. The penalty is a cost in speed. I have found when generating larger worlds (e.g. Size 18+) the script now takes 10-12 seconds.

15 July 2017

Ocean placement is now randomised, not just world triangles marked off as oceans. Maps are now looking heaps better.

This meant I had to change the definition of a 'continent' for the purpose of placing features that the rules require placement of 'one per continent'. A continent is simply all the land hexes in a particular world triangle, regardless of whether they are separated by ocean or not.

To get around world of lower size (less than 5) and higher oceans (more than 7 for hydrographics), the program now simply selects a certain percentage of hexes overall as ocean hexes instead of trying to place separate oceans in neater shapes. The randomly placed hexes on these kinds of worlds generally work out to a reasonably pleasing shape given there are few land hexes left.

To simplify placement of settled areas, all settled areas must now be placed on land or islands.

I will be working on exposing the random seed generator next.

11 July 2017

Twilight Zone now works except for Size 1 worlds. For now, all settled areas (cities, towns, arcologies, starports, cropland and rural areas) are still placed randomly, ignoring the Twilight Zone.

Users will have the option, in future, to control where settled areas are placed. But I need to change the way that oceans are placed which will change assumptions about what constitutes an 'ocean' and what a 'continent' is.

9 July 2017

Map key added.

Rendering of world details with neat black outline added. Open to feedback on design.

Map can now be downloaded in either PNG or SVG formats.

7 July 2017

Option added to select a world from OTU sectors using data.

Users now enter comprehensive T5 data, or modify what was loaded before generating and / or downloading a map.

BUG FIX: to enable worlds to load in Chrome.

5 July 2017

Map generator first published. User input a name and UWP and number of resources, and the generator calculated Trade Codes and generated the map.

Best contact is e-mail: jonathan dot a dot sherlock at

I can also be contacted at Citizens of the Imperium . My username is OjnoTheRed .

Please report bugs! I test the code myself but there are always combinations I could not foresee.

I also love suggestions for future development. If it's not on my to-do list, you can put it on my to-do list.

Lastly, do you have your own application and wish you could take data from here? E-mail me and I will probably be able to get the data supplied in a format you want.

Edit star positions so that Close Companions can be changed to other orbits, and stars can be made Close Companions. I may reconfigure how orbits are edited completely.

Better layout for the world details

Traditional World map size - option to have traditional one-size maps based on Classic Traveller.

BeastMaker - either a bunch of tables for the world, or generate an encounter table for particular terrain hexes

Weather and seismic events listed next to every Terrain Hex based on Grand Survey.

Generate Sophonts for relevant NIL values

Cargo calculator - including saving calculated cargoes to a list for recall to sell cargoes on a particular world.

Plant Maker for colour and description

Variations for World Hex, Terrain Hex and Local Hex maps - greater random variations to layout.

Edit World Hex, Terrain Hex and Local Hex maps - they will save with the star system.

Creator of Traveller Worlds: Jonathan Sherlock

Download as PNG uses this Github project .

Download as SVG uses this one by Eli Grey.

Parsing the URL using javascript taken from here .

World maps and systems are generated using the Traveller5 5.09 Core Rules .

Optima font is the free version .

Data parsing from uses some code taken from here .

System symbolic map table uses ideas and CSS from Joshua Bell, taken from .

Thinking about Symbols in the Cultural Extension uses ideas by Thomas Jones-Low found here .

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises . Copyright 1977 - 2020 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises's copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

A quick and dirty 5-minute overview of the features of TravellerWorlds on YouTube .

A look at 'Your Preferences' on YouTube .

Giving good feedback for TravellerWorlds - my video .

A google doc outlining the rules used by TravellerWorlds can be found here.

Beast Maker tables

Beast details.

Attack Target Number

Flee Target Number

Breathing Location

Brain Location

Senses Location

Feeding Location

Front Limbs Group 1

Front Limbs Group 2

Rear Limbs Group 1

Rear Limbs Group 2


Width Divisor

Depth Divisor


Martin Ralya's blog about TTRPGs, miniatures, &c. / Established 2009

Traveller generators: worlds, systems, sectors, subsectors, and Mongoose 2e characters

I’ve posted about Traveller generators before here on Yore, but I’ve also used one or two I’ve never posted about — and recently found a great Reddit list of even more generators that were new to me. Time for a round-up!

My brain is in Mongoose Traveller 2e [ paid link ] mode at the moment, but given the broad compatibility of the various editions of Traveller — especially in terms of setting creation — these generators should be useful no matter which flavor/fork appeals to you. The only exception is the last one on the list, which specifically creates Mongoose 2e NPCs.

traveller rpg planet generator

Sectors and subsectors you can revisit, with maps

The inimitable Alex Schroeder offers a triple threat for Traveller GMs , with some really cool features. The main Traveller generator page features links to generate random sectors and subsectors; those output on a new page, with a unique URL. (To generate a new one, you have to hit the link on the main page. Refreshing your generated page, logically enough, changes nothing.)

You can also paste in your own list of UWPs (and the list the page itself generates is preformatted to work perfectly here), or the URL of a page you just generated, and then hit the “Submit” button, and the site will also generate your subsector or sector map. (The map needs to be saved locally for future use.)

Systems, sectors, and subsectors, with options (rift, spiral arm, etc.)

If you want some options when it comes to type of sector/subsector, neuzd’s awesome Mongoose 1e generator is a one-stop shop, and includes options for rift, sparse, spiral arm, and densely populated sectors and subsectors. Those options are what make this one so cool. Do note that you can’t bookmark the results; you’ll need to export or paste them for future use.

Best of all, you can select the type of sector/subsector with this generator, copy the resulting list, paste it into Alex Schroeder’s generator (above), and the latter will create your map for you. The best of both worlds!

Systems and worlds with bells and whistles

One of my go-to sites for generators of all stripes, donjon , offers an amazing system generator that includes planetary images, a breakdown of the system, and a full work-up of the core world that includes a randomly generated world map. For a new system, just hit refresh. The simplest way I’ve found to preserve its output is to take a screenshot.

Worlds you can revisit

The PBE Games world generator is fantastic. It will spit out random worlds, of course, but you can also provide your own UWPs and it will expand them into full write-ups. Best of all, the generator provides a seed for every world it creates — just save that seed (a short string of characters), and you can plug it back into the generator anytime to re-create that world.

Worlds based on milieu, with extras

Not only can you specify the milieu and other details before generation, Traveller Tools will also tell you fun stats like refuel time, travel times and distances, and available trade goods. This one appears to be Mongoose 2e-specific (to the extent that that matters). A permalink is available for every world you create.

Mongoose 2e Traveller character generator

Traveller Tools also features a great Mongoose 2e Traveller character generator, and there’s a permalink for any character you create. You can specify age and careers or just let the randomizer do its work; either way, it’s intended for NPCs and, as the page notes, takes a few liberties with the rules to enable random generation.

Mongoose 2e characters aren’t quite as simple as OG Trav characters (which generally fit into a line or two of text), so I was thrilled to find this one.

The Zhodani Base offers a beefy list of Traveller generators covering everything from sectors to counters to magazine covers. There’s plenty here that should be handy for any Trav GM.

2 thoughts on “Traveller generators: worlds, systems, sectors, subsectors, and Mongoose 2e characters”

' src=

Thanks for posting Its nice to see a synopsis of useful Traveller materials and website

' src=

You’re welcome! There’s so much cool Trav stuff out there.

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PBE Games : Traveller Worlds


This is a random world generator for the Traveller RPG , based on the rules found in the Mongoose Traveller Core Rule Book. It should be considered beta quality at this point. You can use one of two methods to generate worlds. There is no way to mix seed and UWP planet generation.

UWP Planets

If you have your own UWPs, you can plug them into the UWP fields. The generator will use a seed based on the UWP you provide to generate remaining system values (gas giant, bases) and market data. Note that a UWP taken from a seed-generated planet will not generate the same system as the seed itself! A UWP-generated planet always creates a seed based on the provided UWP.

The UWP values you provide are ranged checked and adjusted if they fall outside the following ranges:

  • Port - invalid ports default to class C
  • Size - 0 to 10
  • Atmosphere - 0 to 15
  • Hydrographics - 0 to 10
  • Population - 0 to 10
  • Government - 0 to 13
  • Law Level - 0 to 9
  • Tech Level - 0 to 15

I think these values correspond to rules as written. If I've made an error, please contact me . My Traveller-fu is rusty.

Seed Planets

Seed generation uses random numbers to generate the planet's UWP and all system features (bases, gas giants, etc.) If you stumble across a planet you like, you can check the box next to the seed to keep the value and generated values. You can also cut/paste seed values into the appropriate fields to recreate the planet. If the checkbox is not checked, the generator will create a new random seed, even if there's a value filled in.

Market Data

Market data is randomized each time the generator runs. Details of goods will vary each time, even if you use the same pair of seed or UWP planets.

Traveller Worlds

Traveller Worlds version 1.1

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PBE Games - Randomness rules!

Traveller World Viewer

Science fiction adventure in the far future.

traveller rpg planet generator

Fiery Minds Miss Saner Owls Because Blue is Heavier

The traveller game in all forms is owned by far future enterprises. copyright © 1977 - 2022 far future enterprises..

traveller rpg planet generator

traveller rpg planet generator

World Creation

High and low gravity worlds, atmosphere types, hydrographics, rivals, factions, connections and colonies, the law and travellers, technology level, travel codes, space opera world creation.

  • If Size is 0-2, Atmosphere is set to 0. The world is too small to retain an atmosphere.
  • If Size is 3-4 and Atmopshere is 0-2, set Atmosphere to 0.
  • If Size is 3-4 and Atmosphere is 3-5, set Atmosphere to 1.
  • If Size is 3-4 and Atmopshere is 6+, set Atmosphere to A.
  • If Size is 3-4 and Atmosphere is A the DM is -6.
  • If Atmosphere is 0-1 the DM is -6.
  • If Atmosphere is 2-3, B or C the DM is -4.

Hard Science World Creation

  • If Size is 0-2 (low gravity world) then the DM is -1.
  • If Size is A (high gravity world) then the DM is -1.
  • If Atmosphere is not 5, 6 or 8 then the DM is -1.
  • If Atmosphere is 5, 6 or 8 then the DM is +1.

Trade Codes

traveller rpg planet generator

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  • 3rd Party Highlights: Unchained Ninja (Everybody Games) Kevin Glusing
  • The Magic Shoppe: Snake Inspired Items Michael Vail-Steele
  • RPG Kickstarter You Should Back: (Press Release) The Dungeon Kim Frandsen

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traveller rpg planet generator

Planets and Star System Generator Level 1 Level 1

Module description

** It may take 2-10 seconds for the website to load after you hit Generate. Sorry for the inconvenience.

This is the tool to create planets and solar systems for role playing games set in Science Fiction. It is designed to help masters of games like Traveller, Starfinder, Stars Without Number, Ultramodern5, Eclipse Phase, Dune Adventures, Star Trek Adventures, Alien RPG, Warhammer 40.000 or Star Wars RPG among others. This module contains many algorithms that will shape as realistically as possible a solar system. There is a 3% chance that there are anomalies (black holes, ion storms...) and a 1% chance that these are subspace anomalies (like temporal fractures). The image will show the complete solar system and in description you can find all the information related to each astronomical object. 

It is important to emphasize that this module is random but mostly causal. This means that when choosing a type of star the types of planets orbiting it will depend on its age, luminosity, mass and size. In addition, rules have been added to try to approximate reality, such as the case of red stars (Type M) which are the most destructive to their planets. All the data concerning the characteristics of the planets have been taken from hypothesis of physics such as the Titius-Bode Law concerning the distance between planets, the formulas of rotation and translation or even the relationship between the fictitious planets compared to our Sun or planet Earth. Much emphasis has been placed on trying to provide the highest precision in the data shown.

If you want to know the complete methodology used you can visit this post . We want to thank Helianthus Games whose pixel art content has made it possible to illustrate all the randomly created content. This content is not official Star Trek or any other role-playing game, but an approximation for Game Masters based on this universe. This is not an official generator, just one inspired and compatible with Science Fiction role-playing games. 

How does this module work?

Just choose the type of star you want and click on the "Generate" button. An image with the solar system and all its astronomical objects will be displayed. If you want to increase the chances of a habitable world appearing we have created a check for it. In the following we will give some basic information about all the possible descriptions you will find:

1. Stars : On the one hand, there is their "Type" that will depend mostly on their age, although there are singular cases. The youngest stars are usually the ones with more strength and white-blue-violet colors. As the fuel in their core is consumed, these stars become less luminous and turn yellow-orange-red. After this the red stars may enlarge in size and destroy the surrounding planets. Finally the stars collapse and can create a shock wave. Neutron stars are the remnants of what were once the big stars, since they are stars that ran out of fuel and gravity has compressed them to the maximum.

2. Planets : The youngest stars have not had time to form planets around them. If there are any, their origin is artificial, either by aliens or by being captured (stolen) from other nearby stars due to their stronger gravitational attraction. Planets are created following patterns, so the distance between them is not accidental. Depending on the zone where the planet originates, it will have different characteristics. The stars have 4 zones: Red Zone, Yellow Zone, Green Zone, Blue Zone and Black Zone. Planets in the red zone are easily engulfed by the star, while those in the black zone end up detaching from the system and traveling through deep space. In the Yellow zone are hostile and unstable planets; in the Green zone are planets with generally better conditions (Earth is located here), and in the Blue zone are cooler planets. All of them may harbor intelligent life but these are unlikely events.

3. Moons and Satellites : Planets may have natural satellites around them. Depending on the planet it may have more or less, just as their types also vary. If a moon gets too close to the planet it will fragment due to the gravitational encounter and turn into dust, creating a planetary ring as in the case of Saturn. Some satellites can also be captured while traveling through space. If they do not cause a catastrophic impact, they can be added to the gravity fields.

4. Asteroids : These are rocky celestial bodies that are generally smaller than planets. In this module there are several possibilities: Asteroid belt (created as a result of Jupiter-like gas giants and their influence destroying large worlds), Kuiper belt (which is similar to an asteroid belt but much wider and more massive to the point that it can harbor dwarf planets like Pluto); and finally, the Oort Cloud which is a spherical cloud that covers solar systems , almost a light year away from them and has hundreds of billions of orbiting objects. Comets such as Halley's Comet have their origin here.

5. Anomalies : Stars are found within sectors of a galaxy. The closer we get to the nucleus of a galaxy the larger the cluster of stars. Galaxies with more than 200 billion stars are found within the universe, and there are approximately at least 2 trillion galaxies in the observable sky. Physics cannot yet explain all phenomena and it is not little known that there are anomalies such as black holes. This module incorporates a 3% chance of strange events and a 1% chance of a dissformity occurring in subspace and its dimensions.

The distances used are kilometers (km), astronomical units (UA) and light years. The different scales are used for different situations. In planetary environments the kilometer is very practical. To make measurements between planets, the AU is used, which is equivalent to the distance between the earth-sun (approximately 150 million kilometers). This measurement is very useful because the Earth is 1 AU from the Sun. If a planet is 0.5 UA it means that it is twice as close to its star as the Earth is to the Sun. Likewise a planet at 3 UAmeans that it is 3 times farther from its star than the Sun is from the Earth. Finally the light year is used for length measurements between star systems and galaxies. A light year is equivalent to approximately 63,000 UA and 9 billion million million kilometers.

The characteristics of the planets are as follows:

- Planet names : Each planet has a randomly generated name. These names can contain Greek letters, suffixes and prefixes. The names of the stars are also randomly generated so no two are alike.

- Type : We have used the Star Trek nomenclature because we find it the most comfortable to use. This is divided into many classes but the most important are Class D (Rocky), Class F (Dry), Class G (Icy), Class H (Dry terraformable like Mars), Class J (gas giants), Class K (Venus-like), Class L (temperate Earth-like but more exotic), Class M (Earth-like), Class T (gas giants with rings) and Class Y (hell worlds).

- Distance to its star : Reflected in astronomical units is the distance to its "Sun". The closer it is, the less time it will take to go around it, which modifies the duration of its seasons. If it has an atmosphere, this directly influences its temperature, precipitation, winds, etc. The most distant worlds usually have very low temperatures, although there are exceptions due to the nature of the planet or the heat of its core.

- Mass, density and diameter : These data can be used by the game master to make calculations or to see the effects that different events would have. For each planet we have tried to be as realistic as possible according to the nature and actual observation of space. Having a lot of mass does not mean that it is bigger or smaller, but it does influence the gravitational attraction capacity. Density varies depending on the bulk materials. Rocky worlds usually have the density of ice, silica or heavy metals. 

- Gravity : Gravity depends on the diameter and density of the planet. This is one of the most important factors, since for example, humans can survive up to a maximum of 3G but as a general rule will not be able to settle in gravities higher than 1.25G as it would bring disease and hardship. This may vary by +/- 25% depending on the species.

- Temperature : This represents the average temperature of the planet, so it does not mean that in all parts of the planet it is the same or that it is always like this. The difference between the warmest month and the coldest month will depend on the distance to the planet's equator, but as a general rule it will be +/- 40ºC in the greater of its extremes. Therefore, even if a planet has an average temperature of -17ºC, if it is of a temperate type, more palatable temperatures could be expected in some places and at some times of the year, even life. The lowest temperature is -273ºC which is considered absolute zero. 

- Movements : It is composed of the two most basic motions: translation and rotation. This determines how long it takes to go around its star (365 days in the case of the earth which is 1 calendar year) and how long it takes to rotate around itself (24 hours on earth giving 12 hours of day and 12 hours of darkness). In environments where there is no atmosphere it is very important to take this into account, since the day and night temperature can vary up to 120ºC, going from burning in the sunlight to freezing in the shade.

- Atmosphere : Depending on gravity, distance from the star and the type of planet, it may or may not have an atmosphere. To find life as we know it, there would have to be oxygen, although the first forms of life also exist in environments composed of hydrogen, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. Hydrogen is usually lost over time in space and volcanic activity throws new gases into the atmosphere such as nitrogen and water. Over the years a more stable atmosphere is formed and biological compounds precursors of life may appear. Other atmospheres are useful as energy resources as in the case of Jovian worlds.

- Seismicity : Tectonic activity can increase the global temperature of the planet. The seismicity of a planet depends basically on how young it is (younger the more active); diameter, mass, density and how close it is to its star and other important astronomical objects such as the Oort Node. If the rotational motion is fast, if there is no atmosphere or if it has large moons around it also affects seismicity, as well as the hydrosphere. Planets can be: Seismically inactive (or dead), Hot Spot (very localized earthquakes), Plastic (earthquakes with waves), Active or Very Active (volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, constant tremors).

- Resources : This is an indicative point about what kind of natural resources could be exploited in these types of planets. It is generic so it is not specifically tailored to that world. It serves as inspiration for the Game Master.

- Type of Life : If we are looking for life as we know it we will need the world to resemble planet Earth. Depending on the age of the planet its species may evolve more or less, to the point of creating civilizations. Intelligent races are the pinnacle of the evolution of life on these planets, with different races and species living together. Beyond the creatures are viruses, bacteria and prebiotic molecules that can appear on somewhat more complex and unstable worlds. Life forms can also be energetic or based on other compounds such as Fluorine, Sulfur and other compounds derived from Carbon. Even life forms based on liquid helium or non-corporeal entities or from other dimensions.

- Satellites and Moons : Planets can have objects orbiting around it. Here we specify the most important ones, leaving aside minor artificial satellites, small asteroids or space debris. Some satellites may be similar to the Earth or even have developed intelligent life. The satellites have the same importance as the planets, since, for example, Jupiter has several moons like Europa with a great interest for the human being, both for resources and habitability.

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  • Thread starter whartung
  • Start date Aug 6, 2023
  • Aug 6, 2023

traveller rpg planet generator

  • Aug 9, 2023

GitHub - phorner/TASAT: Travellers' Aid Society Access Terminal

Baroun Tardis

Baroun Tardis

  • Aug 10, 2023
whartung said: I'm releasing my cleverly named project: Planet 1.0 I have taken the fractal planet generator written by Torben Mogensen, rewritten it in Java, built a GUI up around it, and created installers for Mac and Windows, and a combined jar file for Linux. Note, this is not a Traveller system generator, it's simply a fractal planet generator. There's nothing Traveller specific in this project. You can get the release on GitHub: There is Help beneath the help menu. The project is licensed under the AGPL. This is the only Traveller or RPG/Gaming forum I participate in so if you think others might be interested, feel free to spread the word. Comments welcome. Click to expand...

How to troubleshoot Windows Installer errors - Microsoft Support

Colonist #001

  • Aug 12, 2023
Baroun Tardis said: Downloaded the Windows installer Ran It stops almost immediately after I start it.. and I don't see the app installed Click to expand...

Did it work for you @Colonist #001 ? I can try publishing an MSI file I think.  

I have added an MSI file at the release page: Please try that and tell me if you have any issues.  

  • Aug 23, 2023
whartung said: Did it work for you @Colonist #001 ? I can try publishing an MSI file I think. Click to expand...
  • Aug 24, 2023

It (should) prompt you to save your changes when you try to exit the program. At a minimum there's a Save (and Open) function in the file menu. Let me know if that doesn't work for you.  

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Generate random quests, NPCs, loot, castles, towns, etc.

Generate a calendar of months, weeks, lunar cycles, etc.

Generate a random world map with mountain, forest, and city hexes

Based on Medieval Demographics Made Easy by S. John Ross

Based on a PDF by Matt Colville

Generate random adventure elements based on the Dungeon Master's Design Kit

Generate a random treasure map with marker icons, names, and clues

Generate a dungeon with random features, monsters, and traps

Generate an endless dungeon with Dyson's geomorphs

Generate random inns and taverns, including menu, patrons, and rumors

Generate a random town or city map

Generate random names for characters, villages, etc.

Generate random hybrid animals, etc.

Generate an NPC with description, game stats, and portrait

Generate random NPCs, loot, magic items, traps, etc.

Generate random magic shops with items from the DMG

Coins, gems, jewelry, and magic items

Track initiative and turn status

Calculate the optimum amount of Power Attack to use

Generate a dungeon with monsters and traps from the d20 SRD

Select monsters from the d20 SRD based on encounter level, climate, and terrain

Generate random magic shops with items from the d20 SRD

Coins, gems, art objects, and magic items from the d20 SRD

Generate random weather, from clear to storms

Calculate the amount of XP earned for your game

Microlite20 purest essence

Generate random monsters and stats

Generate a dungeon with monsters and traps

Select monsters based on encounter level, climate, and terrain

Generate random magic shops with items from Ultimate Equipment

Coins, gems, art objects, and magic items from Ultimate Equipment

Coins, gems, art objects, and magic items

crobi's reference of actions, conditions, and environmental effects

List spells by class, level, school, etc.

List monsters by size, type, tags, alignment, etc.

List magic items by type, rarity, etc.

Calculate encounter size based on party size and level

Select monsters based on encounter level and environment

RWBY inspired teams of adventurers/NPCs

Generate random names for characters, eldritch things, tomes, etc.

Generate random locations, NPCs, weird things, etc.

Generate an NPC with game stats, portrait, and background

Generate random names for characters, spaceships, locations, planets, etc.

Generate random NPCs, mecha, spaceships, etc.

Star Wars d20 Freight Jobs, by Ravager of Worlds

Generate a random world, including size, composition, atmosphere, and other characteristics

Generate a random star system, including companion stars and planets

Generate a random star system, including primary planet physics, population, tech level, and other characteristics

Generate random NPCs, jobs, encounters, etc.

Generate a random cargo run, military mission, or expedition

Generate an NPC with game stats and portrait

Generate a random star system, including star, planet, and colony information

Generate random names for characters, locations, etc.

Generate random NPCs, cases, encounters, etc.

Generate a random case, with assignment, NPCs, locations, etc.

Generate an NPC with background, game stats, and portrait

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  • Astrosynthesis

Astrosynthesis is a software package for mapping star system, deep space objects, and the worlds therein. It allows for a fully immersive 3D environment for your games.

Description ( Specifications ) [ edit ]

With AstroSynthesis, you can can map out large portions of space - plotting stars, interstellar routes, and subsectors. And best of all, you do it completely in 3D space! Zoom in and out on your sector, pan and rotate around stars, follow routes, and watch fantastic animation effects - all in 3D.

Because star systems contain so much data, AstroSynthesis also includes a powerful star system generator to help you fill out your map. With this generator it's possible to randomly create large areas of space - placing single and multiple star systems, nebula, and other stellar bodies on your sector map.

But the built-in generator doesn't stop there! It can also generate detailed solar system information for each star system. Generate planets , their moons, astroid belts, and other types of bodies. Generate extended planetary data - atmospheres, surface gravities, temperature, and more. The AstroSynthesis generator isn't just a randomizer. It applies scientific principles during generation, taking into consideration matters of astronomy, physics, atmospheric chemistry, and planetary sciences during the generation process.

See also [ edit ]

Astrography metadata [ edit ].

Astrography :

  • Legacy Astrographic Data
  • T5 Second Survey
  • Heaven & Earth
  • World Builder Deluxe
  • ESEC File Format
  • Galactic File Format
  • SEC File Format
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Generates a dataframe of planets and systems according to the cepheus engine rules. Y


Folders and files, repository files navigation, cepheusengine_travellerrpg_map_generator.

Generates a dataframe of planets and systems according to the cepheus engine rules.

To use this file first launch an instance of Secteur_VPublic.ipynb It will ask how many systems grids of 20x20 (a big Traveller RPG sector) you want. Then it will ask for the name of the region where these sectors are. Finally it asks for the path you want the region to be written. Write down the absolute path with '' at the end. Check the directory

Then launch the Planete_VPublic.ipynb It will ask the name of the directory where you created the region then it will ask the name of the region. You'll have 2 sets of files describing the stars characteristics and the main planet characteristics. It should be lightweight enough for everyone's PC, except if you decided to generate two galaxies worth of maps.

Cepheus engine uses Open Content sources thus GURPS Traveller and Mongoose wouldn't shut this repository like they did for many. -Hopefully Enjoy,

  • Jupyter Notebook 100.0%

traveller rpg planet generator

The Zhodani Base

Maps and data, library data and astrography.

This library data section is not alphabetically ordered. Instead it is location ordered, so that You easier can find what is relevant for a specific planet.

GypsyComet, Dylan Lee and I have mapped the Foreven Sector . Foreven Sector is directly spinward (left) of the Spinward Marches .

The Space Atlas:

  • The Classic Galaxy ( dotmap )
  • The TNE Galaxy
  • The T20 Galaxy

WARNING, Horizontal scrolling ahead!

Making your own subsector:

Check out the Random Subsector Generator . Make as many Subsectors as you want…

If you make your own Subsector, Have a look at this post: What makes a Subsector popular?

For the TML Landgrab , I have grabbed Cipango (Chronor 0705)

Four very good mapping programs are:

  • Traveller Universe
  • Galactic 2.4 (Yahoo Group)
  • Heaven & Earth
  • sec2pdf (Makes pdf from sector files)

Some ATU Subsectors:

  • Merry X-Mas
  • A Vargr Subsector
  • Origo Point Subsector (Tutorial)
  • Florensa Subsector (With a nebula)
  • SKA-1979 Subsector
  • Subsector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
  • Eire Subsector (for games on the 17:th of March)
  • Lancaster Subsector (for games at TravellerCon/USA)
  • Chambersburg Subsector (more fun with the starship Notorious)
  • Old Worlds (where you can find Lave)
  • The Iron Stars (and Inonri District and Onrira Province)
  • Xexedi Cluster (and Riredi Realm, Veisti Territory and Inera Realm)

Some Blank Maps:

  • Sector Map made using QuickHex .
  • Subsector Map made using QuickHex .
  • Small Sector Map made using QuickHex . ( Spinward Marches , Foreven Sector , Solomani Rim , Ley (T20) )
  • Big Sector Map made using QuickHex .
  • Domain Map (4 sectors) made using QuickHex . ( Spica Domain )
  • A Jump-6 radii map ( Cipango , Sheyou )
  • Isodecahedron WorldMap with hexes .
  • Larger Isodecahedron Worldmap .
  • Even Larger Isodecahedron Worldmap .
  • Big Subsector Map made using QuickHex .
  • Big Subsector Map (printable) made using QuickHex .
  • Huge Sector Map (printable) made using QuickHex . View it using the Chrome Browser, (since Firefox and Exploder seems to have problems showing huge image files) or you could download a zip-file with the Huge Sector Map.

Other traveller sites with library and astrography data are:

  • Hyphen (Library Data, and Huge link-list.)
  • Traveller in the DED Zone
  • Interactive Atlas of the Imperium (SQL-based, very cool.)
  • Underdeveloped Sectors (Vargr Extents mapping project.)
  • The TRAVELLER Map (Scrollable Map, very cool.)
  • Atlas of the Imperium (Big impressive book.)

Real astronomy maps (that doesn’t match the TU very well):

  • Galaxy Map (Very useful for creating a realistic TU or for writers)

4 thoughts on “Maps and Data”

Excellent new look and the Striker Video is killer. Thank you for all the great work you do to keep Traveller alive.

I can’t see any jump-6 images…

Any idea how to get Universe these days? Not getting any response from BITS.

Peter Trevor made Traveller Universe . You can also find him at facebook .

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  8. Created a procedural planet/legend generator. : r/traveller

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  9. r/traveller on Reddit: Introducing the Rimspace Planet Generator! Our

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  11. Generating System details and map : r/traveller

    MgT2 expanded system generation is in the Great Rift boxed set. TravellerMap users T5.10 system generation, and Traveller Worlds uses T5.10 expanded system generation. Heaven & Earth lets you use Classic Traveller, MegaTraveller, Traveller New Era, or GURPS Traveller system and expanded system generation.

  12. Planets and Star System Generator

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  13. Planet 1.0

    SOC-14 1K. Aug 6, 2023. #1. I'm releasing my cleverly named project: Planet 1.0. I have taken the fractal planet generator written by Torben Mogensen, rewritten it in Java, built a GUI up around it, and created installers for Mac and Windows, and a combined jar file for Linux. Note, this is not a Traveller system generator, it's simply a ...

  14. donjon; RPG Tools

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  15. Traveller Map

    An interactive map of the universe of the Traveller role playing game, incorporating official data and fan submissions. The site also provides services for generating custom maps and APIs for incorporating maps into other sites.

  16. Galactic

    Galactic is a Traveller star map generator and display program. Galactic was written in QuickBASIC 4.5. Contents. 1 Description (Specifications) 1.1 External Link/s; ... Lots of official & non-official Traveller sectors are included. There's even world mapping and star system mapping software. Contains enough online help that it can be used by ...

  17. Astrosynthesis

    But the built-in generator doesn't stop there! It can also generate detailed solar system information for each star system. Generate planets , their moons, astroid belts, and other types of bodies. Generate extended planetary data - atmospheres, surface gravities, temperature, and more. The AstroSynthesis generator isn't just a randomizer.

  18. EsilvKH/CepheusEngine_TravellerRPG_Map_Generator

    CepheusEngine_TravellerRPG_Map_Generator. Generates a dataframe of planets and systems according to the cepheus engine rules. To use this file first launch an instance of Secteur_VPublic.ipynb It will ask how many systems grids of 20x20 (a big Traveller RPG sector) you want. Then it will ask for the name of the region where these sectors are.

  19. Maps and Data

    Hyphen (Library Data, and Huge link-list.) Traveller in the DED Zone. Interactive Atlas of the Imperium (SQL-based, very cool.) Underdeveloped Sectors (Vargr Extents mapping project.) The TRAVELLER Map (Scrollable Map, very cool.) Atlas of the Imperium (Big impressive book.) Real astronomy maps (that doesn't match the TU very well): Google Sky.

  20. Mark Munson Traveller Site

    Welcome to my Traveller Character Generators based on the Mongoose Rule sets. Click the links below to start creating your character. Mongoose 1st Edition Character Generator. Mongoose 2nd Edition Character Generator. You can also follow the links below to see more of my work and other interesting Traveller content: My "home" page.