hotel bariloche city travel rock



San Martín 485, Bariloche

(0294) 442-5317, cotizá tu reserva.

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Ski & snowboard, nieve & sol, noches donde no vas a parar de divertirte.



Una cadena de hoteles exclusivos únicos por su confort, calidad y ubicados en pleno centro..

  • Los Hoteles ofrecen:
  • Restaurantes y restobar
  • SUM y seguridad privada
  • Cabinas de teléfonos
  • Cajas de seguridad


Con toda la logística y seguridad, trabajamos para vos estamos en los detalles para que vivas la mejor experiencia, travel rock es perfecta para el viaje de egresados a bariloche. ninguna empresa podría ser ni la mitad de lo que es travel rock.

Seguridad, Calidad, Cortesía, Cumplimiento y Show: son la base de nuestra solidez, éxito y confianza. Somos una compañía que se formó en el año 2002. Quienes la creamos, hemos transitado más de 25 años en el mundo del turismo y el entretenimiento. Durante nuestra trayectoria transportamos a más de un millón de chicos de viaje de egresados a Bariloche.

Tomamos como estandartes principios de cultura ligados a fuertes conceptos que contienen un alto significado a la hora de brindar servicios de excelencia. Seguridad, en primer lugar y siempre. Es nuestro primer compromiso no solo con ustedes y los chicos, sino con la vida y nosotros mismos. Lo aplicamos a diario, en cada paso, en cada decisión. No hay improvisaciones.

Nuestros departamentos de Sistemas, Operaciones, Relaciones Institucionales, Coordinación, Coordinación de áreas y Coordinación General, operan 24 hs. monitoreando y controlando cada situación del viaje, cada traslado, cada comida, cada inquietud, cada movimiento, cada consulta, todo. En Bariloche más de 100 personas entre coordinadores, coordinadores de hotel, coordinadores de asistencia médica, médicos, representantes de relaciones institucionales, coordinadores de RRPP, expertos en calidad y gestión, gerentes, directivos, y accionistas, forman nuestra compañía y son parte fundamental de nuestro servicio, dedicado a la atención y el cuidado de cada uno de los chicos. No te lo pierdas, pasa una sola vez en la vida, TRAVEL ROCK Lo hace mágico!

Contratación ¿Cómo contrato el viaje de egresados con Travel Rock? Lo podes contratar mediante nuestros representantes que van a estar visitándote en la puerta del colegio o podes solicitar una reunión contactándote con nosotros a [email protected] o comunicándote al 011-4325-7625

¿Ya nos decidimos a viajar por Travel Rock, como se efectiviza? Se firma un contrato grupal, que se hace con dos padres representantes del grupo y luego se llena una solicitud de adhesión individual que se complementa a ese contrato grupal

¿Puedo contratar a Travel Rock en cualquier lugar de la Argentina? Travel Rock tiene sucursales propias en todo el País, así que no importa donde estés, podes solicitar que te vayamos a visitar con nuestra propuesta. Escribimos a [email protected] o comunicate al 011-4325-7625

El Viaje ¿Cuándo días dura el viaje? El viaje tiene una duración de 11 días, 8 noches, para la mayoría de las provincias, en algunos casos el tiempo de viaje se extiende dependiendo desde donde parta el grupo. ¿Cómo es el transporte? Todas las unidades de viaje, no tienen una antigüedad mayor a 2 años. Servicio 5 estrellas, servicio semi-cama.

Hoteles ¿Cómo son los Hoteles? Todos los hoteles cuentan con la misma categoría de calidad y servicios, son todos céntricos y los mismos son diagramados de acuerdo a la cantidad de pasajeros viajantes y fecha de salida.

Fecha de Salida ¿Cuándo me confirman mi fecha de Salida? La fecha de salida se confirma 30 días antes del inicio de la temporada contratada.

Pagos ¿Dónde se puede realizar los pagos? Todos los pagos se realizan en pago fácil o rapipago siempre que se esté dentro de la fecha de vencimiento que figura en la chequera de pagos. Pasada esta fecha se dispone de 10 días para abonar en Banco Nación, posterior a esto se debe abonar en casa central o en cualquiera de las sucursales habilitadas.

Coordinación ¿Cuántos coordinadores acompañan al grupo? Cada grupo dispondrá de dos coordinadores que se encontraran acompañando al grupo las 24hs en el transcurso del viaje. Además contamos con coordinación estable en San Carlos de Bariloche durante toda la temporada, supervisando cada una de las áreas que componen el viaje de egresados.

Documentación ¿Qué documentación es requerida para la salida? Documentación para la salida es DNI, CHEQUERA DE PAGOS Y FICHA MEDICA PERSONAL, debidamente firmada por los padres y médico autorizado.

Otras consultas Cancelación: Si por algún motivo debes cancelar tu viaje, podes leer las normas de cancelación que figuran en la cláusula DECIMO PRIMERA de las condiciones generales del contrato. También podes optar por transferir el viaje como se especifica en la cláusula DECIMO SEGUNDA del mismo contrato.

Bonificados y Liberados: La empresa da bonificados para padres acompañantes. Y liberados para estudiantes o integrantes del contingente de acuerdo a la cantidad de pasajeros pagos.

Centro Médico

Travel rock tiene asistencia médica durante toda la estadía.

La cobertura Incluye el viaje de ida y regreso con chequeo médico en ruta. Técnico en emergencias y médico las 24 hs en las discotecas y excursiones.

Consultorios médicos exclusivos en cada uno de los hoteles.

Staff de prevención con personal capacitado para asistir en seguridad de higiene y predios, hoteles, unidades de transporte y discotecas. Ambulancias exclusivas.

Un seguro completo que lo cubre todo respondiendo siempre. Staff de médicos permanente para que te cuiden durante toda la estadía.

Sistema de Control

Monitoreo con tecnología de punta, una herramienta revolucionaria y exclusiva.

Seguridad y control de última generación. Travel Rock utiliza el sistema EFESUR y sus dispositivos que permiten tener un control total y completo, ágil y práctico.

Con sólo aproximar un smartphone sobre la pulsera con chip RFID que se le coloca a cada pasajero al comenzar su viaje, se obtendrán todos sus datos y accesos a los diferentes lugares que visite.

Travel Rock Headquartes

  • Florida 253 - 1° piso - CP 1005. Tel: 011-4325-7625
  • LOMAS DE ZAMORA Saavedra 370 (1832) Tel: 4292-1911
  • BAHIA BLANCA O'higgins 321 (8000) Tel: 0291-4546921
  • MARTINEZ Alvear 387 Planta Alta (1640) Tel: 011-4793-3507
  • LA PLATA Calle 49 Nº 882 (1900) Tel: 0221-4221840
  • MAR DEL PLATA Falucho 3252 (7600) Tel: 0223-4957404
  • PERGAMINO San Nicolas 244 - Planta Alta (2700) Tel: 02477-441517
  • CATAMARCA Esquiu 418 Local 11 (4700) Tel: 0383-4427164
  • CHACO Julio A. Roca 460 -Local 3 (3500) Tel: 0362-4426600
  • CÓRDOBA Av. Colon 259 - Primer Piso Galeria Planeta - Local 135 (5000) Tel: 0351-4242713
  • CORRIENTES Belgrano 1698 - Local 4 (3400) Tel: 0379-4429752
  • FORMOSA Fontana 766 1º Piso - Oficina 4 (3600) Tel: 0370-4429399
  • JUJUY Independencia 658 1º oficina 3 (4600) Tel: 0388-4243549
  • LA RIOJA Belgrano 217 (5300) Tel: 0380-4434706
  • LA PAMPA Juan B. Justo 12. Tel: 02954-422957 Cel: 0230 -2463883
  • MENDOZA Peltier 50 1º Piso - Oficina 14 (5500) Tel: 0261-4247856
  • MISIONES Calle 3 de Febrero 1915 E307 (ES307),Posadas Tel: 0376-4440821
  • PARANA 25 de Mayo 181 - Local 8 Gal. Paseo De La Catedral (3100) Tel: 0343-4228200
  • RECONQUISTA Belgrano 672 (3560) Tel: 03482-449204
  • RIO CUARTO Sobremonte 530 1ª Piso, OF 30 Galeria Sobremonte (5800) - Córdoba Tel: 0358-4642375
  • ROSARIO Cordoba 1724 - Planta Alta (2000) Tel: 0341-4407532 / 0341-4832278/2638
  • SALTA Santiago del Estero 555 1º oficina C (4400) Tel: 0387-4227889
  • SAN JUAN AV. Libertador San Martín 403 Oeste, Planta alta Tel: 0264-4229005
  • SAN LUIS Chacabuco 645 (5700) Tel: 0266-4443344
  • SANTA FE 9 de Julio 2350 (3000) Tel: 0342-4563036
  • SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Independencia 125 1º Piso - Oficina A (4200) Tel: 0385-4228143
  • TRELEW Italia 164 (9100) Tel: 0280-4429284
  • TUCUMAN Buenos Aires 39/41 - Local 7 Galeria Baires (4000) Tel: 0381-4975400 / 0381-4975885


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Are you ready for a good time?

Ministerio de Turismo Leg. 11297. Res. 23/2014 . | TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS - TRAVEL ROCK ARGENTINA | LEGALES .

Ski día completo... alucinante!!! incluidos el equipamiento tablas / bastones instructores y medios de elevación! El mejor sector de la montaña para practicar Ski con mayor facilidad!.

  • Día de Ski completo
  • -Aventura en four trax o speed mountain Chall-Huaco.
  • -Hard trekking en Colonia Suiza
  • -Travel Rock Sports Games
  • -Circuito regional y City Tour
  • -Cerro Catedral y Gruta Virgen de las Nieves
  • -Refugio de Montaña Rock
  • -Circuito Chico y Punto Panorámico.

City Tour Trekking exclusivo en Colonia Suiza. Rafting en el rio Limay Circuito Regional TRAVEL ROCK Sport Games!!! y Premios.

Toda la Magia del día, aventuras a toda nieve.

EXCURSIONES circuito chico, punto panorámico y Cerro López, Ski. Cerro Catedral, visita a la gruta Virgen de las Nieves. Piedras Blancas, Cabalgatas en la montaña, Safari 4x4, Paintball, Aventura en Four Trax, Speed Mountain! Búsqueda del tesoro de los piratas.

City Tour Magic Search! Trekking exclusivo en Colonia Suiza, rafting en el Río Limay, Cross road, Circuito regional.

TRAVEL ROCK Sports Games! Premios! Staff de coordinadores 24hs intercomunicados por radio VHF. Lugares privilegiados! Aventura nocturna en la montaña! Expedición patagónica de TRAVEL ROCK!

TRAVEL ROCK tiene asistencia médica durante toda la estadía. Chequeo médico en ruta y médico las 24hs en las discos y excursiones. Consultorios médicos exclusivos en cada uno de los hoteles. Un seguro completo que lo cubre todo respondiendo siempre.

COMIDAS Desayuno-almuerzo-merienda-cena con postres y gaseosas libres! (Línea Coca-Cola) Incluye 5ta comida. Al regreso de las discos hay pizzas, empanadas, hamburguesas y gaseosas sin cargo.

SERVICIO Equipados con Play Station y otros entretenimientos para que puedas disfrutar al máximo. Cómodas y perfectas habitaciones amplias totalmente equipadas.

Salidas de emergencia, credenciales de acceso.

COBERTURA MÉDICA TOTAL E INTEGRAL DE ASSIST CARD: Asistencia médica total y completa, con medicamentos durante toda la estadía y consultorio médico en los hoteles las 24hs. Los médicos son exclusivos de Travel Rock.


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VISTO el Expediente N° STN:0001846/2011 del Registro del MINISTERIO DE TURISMO, la Ley de Agentes de Viajes No 18.829 y sus modificaciones, la Ley de Turismo Estudiantil No 25.599 y su modificatoria, y CONSIDERANDO: Que por el artículo 1o de la Ley de Turismo Estudiantil No 25.599 y su modificatoria se determinó que las agencias de viajes debidamente habilitadas e inscriptas en el Registro de Agentes de Viajes de la entonces SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO de la PRESIDENCIA DE LA NACIÓN, de conformidad con la Ley de Agentes de Viajes No 18.829, que brinden servicios a contingentes estudiantiles, deben contar con un "Certificado Nacional de Autorización para Agencias de Turismo Estudiantil". Que la misma ley en sus artículos 5o, 6o y 7o impuso una serie de requisitos para el otorgamiento del citado certificado y la realización de contratos, según condiciones establecidas por la Autoridad de Aplicación. Que mediante la Resolución No 237 de fecha 15 de marzo de 2007 de la ex SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO entonces dependiente de PRESIDENCIA DE LA NACIÓN se aprobó el Reglamento de Turismo Estudiantil, siendo posteriormente modificada por las Resoluciones Nros. 61 del 6 de febrero de 2008 y 435 del 19 de junio de 2008 del mismo registro y 271 del 21 de abril de 2009 de la entonces SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO del ex MINISTERIO DE PRODUCCIÓN. Que a través de la Resolución No 237/07 y sus modificatorias se establecieron los requisitos para el otorgamiento y vigencia del "Certificado Nacional de Autorización para Agencias de Turismo Estudiantil", se indicaron las causales objetivas de reintegro de los aportes efectuados al referido fondo, se especificaron las obligaciones de las agencias y las sanciones en caso de incumplimiento, entre otros aspectos. Que, posteriormente, mediante el artículo 6o de la Resolución No 435/08 se implementó la modalidad de pago de multa voluntario para determinadas conductas con sanciones de contenido pecuniario. Que es intención de este Ministerio agudizar y extender los controles ya existentes para el funcionamiento de las agencias destinadas a la comercialización de turismo estudiantil. Que se propicia asimismo el pago de la denominada "Cuota Cero" al inicio de la relación contractual, a fin de lograr una cobertura desde el comienzo de la vigencia de los contratos de todos aquellos turistas-usuarios que la norma intenta proteger. Que la sola denominación "Cuota Cero" indica que su pago debe ser anterior a todo otro y que la base del sistema de cobertura está dado por el pago efectivo de esta cuota. Que como acción preventiva y en cumplimiento del principio de protección de los derechos del turista, este Ministerio debe efectuar los controles también directamente con los prestadores de servicios de las agencias de viajes que cuenten con el "Certificado Nacional de Autorización para Agencias de Turismo Estudiantil", de conformidad con los datos que surgen del Sistema Aplicativo de Turismo Estudiantil. Que con el fin de evitar la acumulación innecesaria de trámites y obligaciones que pesan sobre los administrados, corresponde restringir presentaciones de documentación para los viajes de estudios, sin que esto implique un menoscabo en el control pertinente. Que ello obedece a que las modalidades de turismo estudiantil (viajes de estudio y viajes de egresados), si bien tratadas de manera uniforme por la legislación vigente, poseen características disímiles que obligan a diferenciarlas. Que mediante el "Convenio de Cooperación y Emprendimientos Conjuntos para la Implementación y Puesta en Marcha del Registro de Coordinadores y Asistentes de Turismo Estudiantil", suscripto entre el MINISTERIO DE TURISMO, la ASOCIACIÓN ARGENTINA DE AGENCIAS DE VIAJES Y TURISMO y la ASOCIACIÓN DE PADRES DEL TURISMO ESTUDIANTIL y aprobado mediante la Resolución No 154 del 23 de diciembre de 2010 del MINISTERIO DE TURISMO, es requisito indispensable que los coordinadores y asistentes de coordinador de turismo estudiantil se inscriban en dicho registro y efectúen la renovación anual de su inscripción, como presupuesto indispensable para desempeñarse en tal carácter. Que además resulta necesario efectuar otras modificaciones a la normativa vigente, en aras de establecer mejores herramientas a fin de garantizar el cumplimiento de las prestaciones de servicios de turismo estudiantil en los destinos del exterior de la REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA. Que asimismo, en virtud de las obligaciones que se generan corresponde imponer nuevas sanciones y modificar el monto de las existentes ante posibles incumplimientos. Que por último, resulta conveniente establecer en un único cuerpo normativo las normas reglamentarias vigentes a la fecha. Que la presente medida se dicta en uso de las atribuciones conferidas por la Ley de Agentes de Viajes No 18.829 y sus modificaciones, la Ley de Turismo Estudiantil No 25.599 y su modificatoria y los Decretos Nros. 919/10 y 8/11. Por ello, EL MINISTRO DE TURISMO RESUELVE: ARTÍCULO 1°.- Apruébase el "Reglamento de Turismo Estudiantil" que como Anexo integra la presente medida. ARTÍCULO 2°.- Deróganse las Resoluciones Nros. 237 del 15 de marzo de 2007, 61 del 6 de febrero de 2008 y 435 del 19 de junio de 2008, todas ellas de la ex SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO entonces dependiente de PRESIDENCIA DE LA NACIÓN, 271 del 21 de abril de 2009 de la entonces SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO del ex MINISTERIO DE PRODUCCIÓN y 143 del 6 de junio de 2012 del MINISTERIO DE TURISMO. ARTÍCULO 3°.- La presente medida entrará en vigencia a partir de su publicación en el Boletín Oficial. ARTÍCULO 4°.- Comuníquese, publíquese, dése a la Dirección Nacional del Registro Oficial y archívese. RESOLUCIÓN No 23 Publicada en el Boletín Oficial el 6 de Febrero de 2014

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Atención presencial - reservá tu turno, atención: para pagos, presentarse sin turno en su sucursal.

This property isn’t taking reservations on our site right now. But don’t worry, you can find tons of other nearby properties right here .


485 San Martín, 8400 San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina – Great location - show map


Value for money

Great location!

hotel bariloche city travel rock


Featuring a bar, HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY is located in San Carlos de Bariloche in the Río Negro region, a 6-minute walk from Playa del Centro and 1.9 miles from Melipal. This 3-star hotel offers room service, a 24-hour front desk and free WiFi. The hotel features family rooms. Civic Center, Bariloche is a 6-minute walk from the hotel, while Serena Bay is 7 miles away. The nearest airport is San Carlos De Bariloche Airport, 8.7 miles from HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY.

Couples in particular like the location – they rated it 8.9 for a two-person trip.

Distance in property description is calculated using © OpenStreetMap

  • Family rooms
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Room service
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Good Breakfast

Property highlights

Located in the best-rated area in San Carlos de Bariloche, this hotel has an excellent location score of 8.9

Sign in, save money


Select dates to see this property's availability and prices


Hotel area info, amenities of hotel bariloche city, house rules.

From 2:00 PM to 12:00 AM

Available 24 hours

Cancellation/ prepayment

Cancellation and prepayment policies vary according to accommodations type. Please enter the dates of your stay and check what conditions apply to your preferred room.

Children & Beds

Child policies

Children of all ages are welcome.

Children 6 and above will be charged as adults at this property.

To see correct prices and occupancy info, add the number and ages of children in your group to your search.

Crib and extra bed policies

Cribs and extra beds aren't available at this property.

No age restriction

There's no age requirement for check-in

Pets are not allowed.

Accepted payment methods

Cash HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival.


What is there to do at hotel bariloche city, what type of room can i book at hotel bariloche city, what are the check-in and check-out times at hotel bariloche city.

Check-in at HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY is from 2:00 PM, and check-out is until 10:00 AM.

How far is HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY from the center of San Carlos de Bariloche?

HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY is 1,650 feet from the center of San Carlos de Bariloche. All distances are measured in straight lines. Actual travel distances may vary.

How much does it cost to stay at HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY?

The prices at HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY may vary depending on your stay (e.g. dates, hotel's policy etc.). To see prices, enter your dates.

The Best of San Carlos de Bariloche

Most Popular Cities

  • Villa La Angostura
  • Puerto Blest
  • Perito Moreno

hotel bariloche city travel rock

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hotel bariloche city travel rock

Hotel Bariloche City

hotel bariloche city travel rock

Mira los precios para tus fechas de viaje


  • Excelente 4
  • Muy bueno 6
  • Todos los idiomas ( 21 )
  • Español ( 18 )
  • portugués ( 2 )
  • inglés ( 1 )

hotel bariloche city travel rock

" Precio y calidad , excelente!! Todo el personal de 10 "

hotel bariloche city travel rock

" En verano las piezas pueden ser calurosas. "

hotel bariloche city travel rock

" Pisos bajos, solo hay dos ascensores y la escara...... "

hotel bariloche city travel rock

" Todas las habitaciones tienen vistas alucinantes. "

¿Es el propietario o administrador de este establecimiento? Solicite su perfil gratis para responder las opiniones, actualizar su perfil y mucho más.

HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY (San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina) - Opiniones y comentarios - Hotel - Tripadvisor Rewards is now One Key™

Hotel bariloche city, choose dates to view prices, photo gallery for hotel bariloche city.

Lobby sitting area

Overview of Hotel Bariloche City

Popular amenities.

  • Breakfast included Breakfast included Breakfast included
  • Free WiFi Free WiFi Free WiFi
  • Child-friendly activities Child-friendly activities Child-friendly activities
  • 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk
  • Non-smoking Non-smoking Non-smoking

Main amenities

  • Daily housekeeping
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Arcade/game room
  • TV in a common area

Feel at home

  • Children stay free
  • Free toiletries

What's around


  • Popular Location Bariloche Casino 1 min walk
  • Popular Location Civic Center Bariloche 5 min walk
  • Popular Location Cathedral of Our Lady of Nahuel Huapi 16 min walk
  • Airport Bariloche (BRC-Teniente Luis Candelaria Intl.) 23 min drive

Room options

Economy room.

  • 3 Twin Beds

View all photos for Superior Room

Superior Room

  • 2 Twin Beds
  • 4 Twin Beds

In-room safe, bed sheets

  • 1 Double Bed

View all photos for Standard Room

In-room safe, bed sheets

Standard Room

In-room safe, bed sheets

  • 2 Twin Beds and 1 Double Bed

Room amenity

  • 1 Twin Bed and 1 Double Bed

Quadruple Room | Free cribs/infant beds, free WiFi

San Martin Suites


Hampton by Hilton Bariloche


Alpino Hostel Boutique Bariloche

Free daily continental breakfast

Hotel Tres Reyes Bariloche


Kenton Palace Bariloche

32-inch LED TV with cable channels

Huella Andina

About the neighborhood, what's nearby.

  • Bariloche Casino - 1 min walk
  • Civic Center Bariloche - 5 min walk
  • Cathedral of Our Lady of Nahuel Huapi - 16 min walk
  • Piedras Blancas Lookout - 12 min drive
  • Cerro Otto - 17 min drive

Getting around

  • Bariloche (BRC-Teniente Luis Candelaria Intl.) - 25 min drive
  • Bariloche Station - 9 min drive
  • Perito Moreno Station - 39 min drive
  • Ñirihuau Station - 40 min drive


  • Taberna Gallega Breogan - 1 min walk
  • La Parrilla de Tony - 1 min walk
  • Rock Chicken - 2 min walk
  • Entre Migas & Café - 1 min walk
  • Beer Land - 5 min walk

About this property

At a glance, arriving/leaving.

  • Check-in start time: 2:00 PM; Check-in end time: midnight
  • Minimum check-in age: 18
  • Check-out time is 10:00 AM
  • Late check-out subject to availability

Restrictions related to your trip

  • Check COVID-19 restrictions.

Special check-in instructions

  • Front desk staff will greet guests on arrival
  • For more details, please contact the property using the information on the booking confirmation

Required at check-in

  • Credit card, debit card, or cash deposit required for incidental charges
  • Government-issued photo ID may be required
  • Minimum check-in age is 18
  • One child (5 years old and younger) stays free when occupying the parent or guardian's room, using existing bedding
  • Pets not allowed
  • Free WiFi in public areas
  • No onsite parking

Other information

  • Smoke-free property

Property amenities

Food and drink.

  • Free continental breakfast each morning 7:30 AM–10:30 AM

Traveling with children

  • Children stay free (see details)
  • Television in common areas


  • Front entrance ramp
  • 4 stairs to reach property

Room amenities

Be entertained.

  • 24-inch flat-screen TV
  • Cable TV channels

Home comfort

  • Bed sheets provided
  • Rainfall showerhead
  • Shower only

Stay connected

  • In-room safe

Fees & policies

Mandatory fees.

  • You may be asked to pay the following charges at the property: Argentina value-added tax (21%). Nonresident travelers who pay using a foreign card or bank transfer and who present a valid passport and tourist visa may be exempt from value-added tax (21%).

Optional extras

  • Late check-out can be arranged for an extra charge (subject to availability)

Also known as

Frequently asked questions.

All reviews shown are from real guest experiences. Only travelers who have booked a stay with us can submit a review. We verify reviews according to our guidelines and publish all reviews, positive or negative. More information Opens in a new window

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Lobby sitting area

Overview of Hotel Bariloche City

Popular amenities.

  • Breakfast included Breakfast included Breakfast included
  • Free WiFi Free WiFi Free WiFi
  • Housekeeping Housekeeping Housekeeping
  • 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk

Explore the area


  • Popular Location Bariloche Casino 1 min walk
  • Popular Location Civic Center Bariloche 5 min walk
  • Popular Location Cathedral of Our Lady of Nahuel Huapi 16 min walk
  • Airport Bariloche (BRC-Teniente Luis Candelaria Intl.) 23 min drive

Room options

Economy room.

  • 3 Twin Beds

View all photos for Superior Room

Superior Room

  • 2 Twin Beds
  • 4 Twin Beds

In-room safe, bed sheets

  • 1 Double Bed

View all photos for Standard Room

In-room safe, bed sheets

Standard Room

In-room safe, bed sheets

  • 2 Twin Beds and 1 Double Bed

Room amenity

  • 1 Twin Bed and 1 Double Bed

Similar properties

32-inch LED TV with cable channels, TV

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Front of property

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Double Room, Lake View | Pillowtop beds, minibar, in-room safe, desk

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BLUE APARTS Dina Huapi Bariloche

About the neighborhood, san carlos de bariloche, what's nearby.

  • Bariloche Casino - 1 min walk
  • Civic Center Bariloche - 5 min walk
  • Cathedral of Our Lady of Nahuel Huapi - 16 min walk
  • Piedras Blancas Lookout - 12 min drive
  • Cerro Otto - 17 min drive

Getting around

  • Bariloche Station - 9 min drive
  • Bariloche (BRC-Teniente Luis Candelaria Intl.) - 25 min drive


  • Taberna Gallega Breogan - 1 min walk
  • La Parrilla de Tony - 1 min walk
  • Rock Chicken - 2 min walk
  • Entre Migas & Café - 1 min walk
  • Beer Land - 5 min walk

About this property

  • A billiards/pool table, a 24-hour front desk, and smoke-free premises
  • A TV in the lobby and an elevator
  • Rainfall showers and free toiletries
  • 24-inch flat-screen TVs with cable channels
  • Heating, daily housekeeping, and phones

Property amenities

  • Available in some public areas: Free WiFi

Parking and transportation

  • No onsite parking available

Food and drink

  • Free continental breakfast available daily 7:30 AM–10:30 AM

Things to do

  • Arcade/game room
  • Billiards/pool table
  • TV in common areas

Family friendly


  • 24-hour front desk

Guest services

  • Housekeeping (daily)


  • If you have requests for specific accessibility needs, please contact the property using the information on the reservation confirmation received after booking.
  • 4 steps to reach entrance
  • Front entrance ramp
  • Wheelchair accessible (may have limitations)
  • Smoke-free property

Room amenities

  • Bedsheets provided
  • Free toiletries
  • Rainfall showerhead


  • 24-inch flat-screen TV with cable channels

Special check-in instructions

Access methods, children and extra beds, property payment types, important information.

You'll be asked to pay the following charges at the property:

  • You may be asked to pay the following charges at the property: Argentina value-added tax (21%). Nonresident travelers who pay using a foreign card or bank transfer and who present a valid passport and tourist visa may be exempt from value-added tax (21%).

We have included all charges provided to us by the property.

Optional extras

  • Late check-out is available for a fee (subject to availability)

The above list may not be comprehensive. Fees and deposits may not include tax and are subject to change.

You need to know

We should mention, property is also known as, frequently asked questions.

No, pets are not allowed at this property.

This hotel doesn't offer parking.

Check-in start time: 2:00 PM; Check-in end time: midnight.

Check-out is at 10:00 AM. Late check-out is available for a fee (subject to availability).

Located in Downtown Bariloche, this hotel is within a 5-minute walk of Bariloche Casino and Civic Center Bariloche. Playa Centro and Museum of Patagonia are also within 10 minutes.

Hotel Bariloche City Reviews

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Hotel Bariloche City

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  • Excellent 4
  • Very Good 6
  • All languages ( 21 )
  • Spanish ( 18 )
  • Portuguese ( 2 )
  • English ( 1 )


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Hotel bariloche city, choose dates to view prices, photo gallery for hotel bariloche city.

Lobby sitting area

Overview of Hotel Bariloche City

Popular amenities.

  • Breakfast included Breakfast included Breakfast included
  • Free WiFi Free WiFi Free WiFi
  • Child-friendly activities Child-friendly activities Child-friendly activities
  • 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk
  • Non-smoking Non-smoking Non-smoking

Main amenities

  • Daily housekeeping
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Arcade/game room
  • TV in a common area

Feel at home

  • Children stay free
  • Free toiletries

What's around


  • Popular Location Bariloche Casino 1 min walk
  • Popular Location Civic Center Bariloche 5 min walk
  • Popular Location Cathedral of Our Lady of Nahuel Huapi 16 min walk
  • Airport Bariloche (BRC-Teniente Luis Candelaria Intl.) 23 min drive

Room options

Economy room.

  • 3 Twin Beds

View all photos for Superior Room

Superior Room

  • 2 Twin Beds
  • 4 Twin Beds

In-room safe, bed sheets

  • 1 Double Bed

View all photos for Standard Room

In-room safe, bed sheets

Standard Room

In-room safe, bed sheets

  • 2 Twin Beds and 1 Double Bed

Room amenity

  • 1 Twin Bed and 1 Double Bed

Similar properties

Free cribs/infant beds, free WiFi

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Interior detail

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Aerial view

Huella Andina

About the neighborhood, what's nearby.

  • Bariloche Casino - 1 min walk
  • Civic Center Bariloche - 5 min walk
  • Cathedral of Our Lady of Nahuel Huapi - 16 min walk
  • Piedras Blancas Lookout - 12 min drive
  • Cerro Otto - 17 min drive

Getting around

  • Bariloche (BRC-Teniente Luis Candelaria Intl.) - 25 min drive
  • Bariloche Station - 9 min drive
  • Perito Moreno Station - 39 min drive
  • Ñirihuau Station - 40 min drive


  • Taberna Gallega Breogan - 1 min walk
  • La Parrilla de Tony - 1 min walk
  • Rock Chicken - 2 min walk
  • Entre Migas & Café - 1 min walk
  • Beer Land - 5 min walk

About this property

At a glance, arriving/leaving.

  • Check-in start time: 2:00 PM; Check-in end time: midnight
  • Minimum check-in age: 18
  • Check-out time is 10:00 AM
  • Late check-out subject to availability

Restrictions related to your trip

  • Check COVID-19 restrictions.

Special check-in instructions

  • Front desk staff will greet guests on arrival
  • For more details, please contact the property using the information on the booking confirmation

Required at check-in

  • Credit card, debit card, or cash deposit required for incidental charges
  • Government-issued photo ID may be required
  • Minimum check-in age is 18
  • One child (5 years old and younger) stays free when occupying the parent or guardian's room, using existing bedding
  • Pets not allowed
  • Free WiFi in public areas
  • No onsite parking

Other information

  • Smoke-free property

Property amenities

Food and drink.

  • Free continental breakfast each morning 7:30 AM–10:30 AM

Traveling with children

  • Children stay free (see details)
  • Television in common areas


  • Front entrance ramp
  • 4 stairs to reach property

Room amenities

Be entertained.

  • 24-inch flat-screen TV
  • Cable TV channels

Home comfort

  • Bed sheets provided
  • Rainfall showerhead
  • Shower only

Stay connected

  • In-room safe

Fees & policies

Mandatory fees.

  • You may be asked to pay the following charges at the property: Argentina value-added tax (21%). Nonresident travelers who pay using a foreign card or bank transfer and who present a valid passport and tourist visa may be exempt from value-added tax (21%).

Optional extras

  • Late check-out can be arranged for an extra charge (subject to availability)

Also known as

Frequently asked questions.

All reviews shown are from real guest experiences. Only travelers who have booked a stay with us can submit a review. We verify reviews according to our guidelines and publish all reviews, positive or negative. More information Opens in a new window

Verified traveler

8/10 very good, 10/10 exceptional, excelente la atencion comodo y central, most popular destinations.

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San Carlos de Bariloche

hotel bariloche city travel rock

  • 1.1 Weather
  • 2.1 By plane
  • 2.2 By train
  • 2.5 By boat
  • 2.6 On foot
  • 3 Get around
  • 9.1 Dance clubs
  • 10.1 Budget
  • 10.2 Mid-range
  • 10.3 Splurge
  • 11 Stay safe

Bariloche is in the Río Negro Province , near the Nahuel Huapi National Park in Argentina .

Understand [ edit ]

San Carlos de Bariloche is a city in the province of Río Negro , Argentina, situated on the foothills of the Andes, surrounded by lakes (Nahuel Huapi, Gutiérrez Lake, Moreno Lake and Mascardi Lake) and mountains (Tronador, Cerro Catedral, Cerro López). Arguably the most visited city in Argentinian Patagonia, it is famous for skiing and is great for sightseeing, water sports, trekking and climbing. Despite being an undeniable tourist magnet, Bariloche is set amidst incredible landscapes which should not be missed by nature-loving travelers. Another claim to fame is its Swiss-like atmosphere and its chocolate boutiques and breweries, and look for the St Bernard dogs on display for tourists.

Weather [ edit ]

San Carlos de Bariloche weather is transitional between the wet climate of the Andes to the west and the dry climate of Patagonia to the east. Areas to the west such as the city centre receive more precipitation than areas to the east such as the airport. Summers are characterized by long stretches sunny, dry, and windy weather with pleasant afternoons and cold nights, occasionally dropping below freezing. The strong winds make the temperatures feel colder than it should be. Spring and fall are variable with some days being pleasant while other days being cold. Snowfall is common in these seasons. Winters are cool to cold with frequent precipitation, bringing stormy weather with mixed precipitation (snow, rain, sleet), occasional snowstorms. Temperatures during the day are usually above freezing and nights are cold. The city receives abundant snowfall during this season, averaging 23-42 cm (9.0-16.4 in), making it an excellent destination for skiing.

Get in [ edit ]

hotel bariloche city travel rock

By plane [ edit ]

  • Lade flies from Buenos Aires and El Calafate .
  • Aerolineas Argentinas flies from Buenos Aires. A ticket costs around US$550.
  • GOL and LATAM fly from Sao Paulo .
  • Flybondi and JetSmart are budget carriers that operate to San Carlos de Bariloche from Buenos Aires .

There is a local bus #72 that serves the airport. It will drop you at the central bus station and from there you can catch another bus or walk to El Centro. Minibus service is AR$250 and will drop you at your hotel. Remis from El Centro to the airport are AR$550. (Nov 2019).

By train [ edit ]

The once-weekly El Tren Patagónico slowly winds along the vast open plains on an 19-hour journey from Viedma on the Atlantic coast stopping by in San Antonio Oeste and several remote outposts along the route. The train offers Pullman seats and sleepers and it's also possible to bring along vehicles. Departures are Fridays at 18:00 from Viedma, arriving just after 12:00 the next day.

  • -41.130608 -71.274293 2 San Carlos de Bariloche railway station ( Estación San Carlos de Bariloche ) ( 2 km west of city centre ).  

By car [ edit ]

To go by car to Bariloche from Buenos Aires takes about 22 hours. One of the best alternatives is to go to Neuquen on the first day (a distance of about 1200 km) and then to continue the second day driving about 450 km.

There is more than one route to get to Bariloche by car from Buenos Aires:

  • Short route: Take “Ruta Nacional Nº 5”, then take “Ruta Provincial Nº 1” nearby Lonquimay . Then, take “Ruta Provincial Nº 18” nearby “Macachin”. Take “Ruta Nacional Nº 35” south for 22 km, and then turn right and follow “Ruta Nacional Nº 152” through General Acha and until the “Casa de Piedra” where the route name changes to “ruta provincial Nº 6”. You must follow this until the intersection with “Ruta Nacional Nº 22”, where you must turn right again through Cipolletti – Neuquen . These big cities are connected by a bridge with a toll. Follow through the "million" traffic lights until you exit the city. Approximately 32 km later, stop in Arroyito and sleep deeply. Continue driving south using “Ruta Nacional Nº 237”, which will lead you to Bariloche.
  • Long route: take “Ruta Nacional Nº 3” south. Rest in Azul for 15 minutes, follow south until Bahia Blanca , rest for some time. Follow south; take “Ruta Nacional Nº 22”, set the air conditioner on and turn on your CD player; don’t travel too slowly, or you might fall asleep! Rest in Choele Choel . Drive through lots of tiny cities and through Cipolletti – Neuquen, big cities which are connected by a bridge with a toll. Follow through the million traffic lights until you exit the city. Approximately 32 km later, stop in Arroyito and sleep deeply. Continue driving South using “Ruta Nacional Nº 237”, which will lead you to Bariloche.

By bus [ edit ]

If you decide to travel by bus you can choose between different companies, such as "Via Bariloche", "El Crucero del Norte", "Andesmar", etc. The first 2 companies offer different services, where the main variable is comfort and price. You can take "supercama", which has wide and large seats. "Cama" has wide seats. "Semi-cama" has the normal distribution of 4 seats per row. From Buenos Aires , "supercama" and "cama" take as long as 19 hours (summer); "semi-cama" makes several stops and takes as long as 22 hours. There are also direct buses to and from Chile (6 to 8 hours ride), going to Osorno or Puerto Montt .

Different routes to get to Bariloche by bus from Buenos Aires are:

  • Non-stop: “Ruta Nacional Nº 5” – “Ruta Provincial Nº 1” (la Pampa) – “Ruta Provincial Nº 18” (la Pampa) – “Ruta Nacional Nº 35” – “Ruta Nacional Nº 152” – “Ruta Provincial Nº 6” (Río Negro) - “Ruta Nacional Nº 22” – Neuquen – “Ruta Nacional Nº 22” - “Ruta Nacional Nº 237”
  • Stopping: “Ruta Nacional Nº 3” - “Ruta Nacional Nº 22” – Neuquen - “Ruta Nacional Nº 22” - “Ruta Nacional Nº 237”

By boat [ edit ]

You can arrive or depart Bariloche by taking a series of ferries that wind through several lakes and connect by short bus rides from the Pacific at Puerto Montt, Chile. It's a one day trip unless you opt to stay overnight at Hotel Peulla near the pass.

On foot [ edit ]

It is actually possible to hike from Cochamó, Chile, which is close to Puerto Montt and Puerto Varas , to Bariloche, passing by the famous and picturesque -41.4123 -72.128 1 La Junta . There is a small police checkpoint at -41.505 -71.8573 1 Paso El León where you will receive a small note with which you have to head to the police station once you arrive in the next big city to complete your registration and entrance into the country.

Get around [ edit ]

Excellent public bus service, served by just one company (since 2017): My Bus. The only exception is if you want to visit Dinahuapi, then you should catch a bus of "Las grutas". If you are planning on using the buses more than a few times, buy a magnetic card—otherwise tickets will suffice. The magnetic card is the same "Sube" system used in Buenos Aires so your can reuse the card if you already have one. As in Buenos Aires, the same card can be shared by more than one person. Alternatively, you can buy the one for the My Bus company on arrival in the bus terminal for AR$11 plus a minimum first credit of AR$29 (subsequent top-ups have a minimum of AR$10) to get into town (AR$35). If you don't have the card, you can ask a passenger to exchange a trip in return for money. Further top-ups are possible in kiosks; the tourism office in the Centro Cívico has a full list, and complete information on bus lines. The trip from downtown Bariloche to Llao Llao is AR$35 (Nov 2019).

Confusingly, there is also another IC card in use in Bariloche, e.g. to go by bus to Dina Huapi northeast of Bariloche. This one is called Solución . However, you might find someone helpful on these buses to share his card with you if you give the related money in exchange.

See [ edit ]

Do [ edit ].

If you're interested in going to the lakes and islands:

  • Turisur , Mitre 219 . Boat excursions from Bariloche (Puerto Panuelo) to Bosque Arrayanes (about AR$160) & Puerto Blest, they also do the trip across to Chile (Cruce de Lagos) (about US$230).  
  • Cruce de Lagos . All-day cruise of Lake Nahuel Huapi and the National Park. Numerous stops allow you to wander in Andean rain forest, eat at the Hotel Puerto Blest and enjoy the stunning scenery from the turquoise waters of the lake. Buy the pass for a one hour cruise on Lago Frias which brings you near the snow covered volcano, Tronador. Lago Frias is milky jade green in color and the ride includes a short stop at the Chilean frontier. US$230 per person - also known as Cruce Andino.  

Other activities include:

  • Paragliding , Av. de los Pioneros 5000 , ☏ +54 294 430-3003 . Tandem flights by Cerro Otto or Cerro Cathedral.  
  • Rafting – Several agents offers rafting on the grade I Rio Limay or the grade III/IV Rio Manso. There are several outfitters that organize full day tours with lunch included.
  • Kayak – Half-day tours in the Gutierrez Lake, with Pura Vida .
  • Horseriding – Horseriding tours to the Nahuel Huapi National Park from Bariloche in English and Spanish are provided by Carol Jones . Also try Tom Wesley Cabalgatas [dead link] —their 3-hour lake ride is amazing.
  • Historical Steam Train – A full-day journey into the steppe, riding a 1912 railway, which has been rebuilt keeping its original features.

Hiking [ edit ]

There are many trekking trails close to Bariloche. You can get more information on Trek Bariloche which provides a comprehensive guide to the trekking routes in the National Park.

hotel bariloche city travel rock

  • -41.0758 -71.4764 3 Cerro Campanario . Beautiful view of the lakes and mountains around—hike it (30 min, departs near the bottom of the lift) or take the ski-lift (AR$8000, ~USD$8). Get in with bus #20, 21, 10 from the center and get off at km 17.8. After the Campanario you can go on with the Circuito Chico during the same day. ( updated Nov 2023 )
  • -41.05215 -71.54037 6 Sendero de los Arrayanes . Nice 3 km hike starting close to the Lao Lao golf course. Beautiful views to Lago Moreno. ( updated Aug 2017 )
  • -41.06883 -71.48259 7 Circuito Chico . This beautiful 25-km route can be biked or hiked. You can also do it by bus during summer (line 10). If you hike it, take bus 20 towards Llao Llao till "El Muelle". See map above for track. ( updated Aug 2017 )
  • -41.198177 -71.485779 9 Cerro Frey trek . Considered by many as the best 1-3 days trekking in Bariloche. When it's cold enough you can skate in the lake near the refuge. When there's not too much snow you can climb the granite "agujas" (needles) near the refuge which have ways for all levels, or head to Lago Jakob. There are two ways to get in and out: the main one is from Villa Cathedral (bus #52, every hour), another (a bit longer) one starts from Los Cohiues and goes along the Gutierrez lake (bus #50). ( updated Aug 2017 )

hotel bariloche city travel rock

Further afield :

  • Pampa Linda & Mount Tronador . Up to 4 days of hiking with nice tails, and a hostel, to and from Bariloche. Consult with the local national park office. ( updated Mar 2018 )

Learn [ edit ]

  • Brittania School of English and Spanish . Housed in a Swiss/Bavarian style store front, the school is part of Argentina's COINED Spanish school system.
  • La Montaña Spanish School . Spanish courses and more in Bariloche.

Buy [ edit ]

  • Chocolate , the city hosts an amazing number of shops where they produce and sell all sorts of varieties of chocolate. Local fruits and licor make some of the fillings. The most renowned ones are Mamuschka , , Benroth , Fenoglio , Rapa Nui , Del Turista [dead link] , Bonifacio & Tante Frida [dead link] .

Eat [ edit ]

Bariloche offers an excellent array of restaurants, with cuisines from all around the world, serving quality food.

  • El Boliche de Alberto . Has, according to some, the best meat in Argentina. There are two restaurants in town, and one located about 8 km out of town. Ask a taxi driver to take you there. Be aware that if you arrive after 20:00, you may have to wait in line for 30 min or more, especially if you are a party of 6 or more. El boliche de Alberto has a meat version of the restaurant which specialises in meats such as beef, chicken or pork etc. and there is a pasta version which serves a variety of different pastas.  
  • Parrilla El Refugio del montañ Julian ( La Parrilla de Julian ), San Martín 590 . Also called "El Refugio Del Montañes", this family-owned restaurant has a homey atmosphere (especially compared to the tourist-trap feel of El Boliche de Alberto) that adds to the experience. The meat is very good, you don't have to wait 2 hr to enjoy it, and the location is conveniently on one of the main avenues in Bariloche. However serving sizes are quite small and pricey (AR$200 for a modest 2-person dinner with desert and no wine)  
  • Taberna Breogan Celta ( also on San Martín, one of the main avenues ). This local restaurant features the local smoked wild game. Especially recommended is the meat-n-cheese plate featuring venison, wild boar, salmon, and two kinds of cheese.  
  • Casita Suiza . One of the best regional restaurants in Bariloche. You also can ask Swiss specialties like fondues, raclettes and pierrades.  
  • Cassis Restaurant ( Peñón de Arelauquen, Ruta 82, Lago Gutiérrez ), ☏ +54 2944-476167 .  
  • Friends , Bartolome Mitre . Special, great salads and sandwiches—especially good pasta.  
  • Morfy's ( behind the Museum of Patagonia ). Small sandwich shop that serves delicious food in massive portions. Offers many types of sandwiches and just about any type of topping for them that you can think of for low prices. The owner is very friendly and speaks Spanish, Hebrew, and a little English.  

Drink [ edit ]

  • Antares Brewery , Ada M. Elflein 47 . Nice variety of food and great beer. The barley wine is especially potent. Two-for-one pints during happy hour, every day 18:00-20:00.  
  • Wilkenny , San Martín 435 . Irish-themed bar popular with tourists. There are better choices.  
  • South Bar , Juramento . Popular local bar.  
  • Asia Bar , Mitre 774 . Salsa evening every Friday, 01:00-05:00. ( updated Jun 2018 )

Dance clubs [ edit ]

Teens from all over Argentina arrive on a school trip to Bariloche to celebrate their last year of high school with their classmates. That is why Bariloche features a lot of sophisticated dance clubs.

  • Bypass . Offers a very elegant environment with lots of laser effects and nice music.  
  • Cerebro . One of the oldest dance clubs in Bariloche. It is quite nice and it offers laser effects but not as colorful as other dance clubs.  
  • Grisu . This is a must-visit place. It has wood-like walls and it is designed in such a way that it is easy to get lost if you don't know your way around. It has a very quite place with a huge window showing the Nahuel Huapi lake. There are no laser effects but the bartenders are experts and it is worth watching them doing all sorts of tricks.  
  • Rocket . Four floors dance club full of light, colors and sounds. Good laser show and nice atmosphere.  
  • Genux . Futurist-looking disco. Open since 1993.  

Sleep [ edit ]

Prices vary with the season, being the highest during ski season (July-August) and very high during summer (December-February). The accommodation is varied, from renting bungalows and cottages to five-star hotels with the best views.

Budget [ edit ]

Bariloches budget accommodation quickly gets fully booked, so make your reservations in advance, particularly during high season.

  • La Justina , Quaglia 726 , ☏ +54 294 464-2274 . Just a Few blocks from the City Center. Big, spacious rooms, cozy common spaces for relaxing,watching TV or DVDs, listening to music or playing games. Free internet and breakfast, a well stocked kitchen, and very friendly owners. They can help you with any tourist info you need, and rent bikes. members get 10% off.  
  • Camping Hostel Los Coihues , Lihuel Calel 156, Villa Los Coihues , ☏ +54 9 294 4467481 , +54 9 294 430-8879 . Well-priced for the experience. Located in a quiet area, you can easily travel in and out of town on Bus 50 while enjoying the true natural beauty of Patagonia. The campsite is located on a huge, lush yard complete with trees, large outside grills, a crystal clear Patagonian river available for kayaking, 24/7 hot water, Wi-Fi, clean bathrooms with showers, and kitchen use. The owning family, who also live on the property, address any touristic questions or concerns. Kayaks are also available for guests to use on the river passing through the yard or on the nearby Lake Guiterrez. Hostel AR$50, camping AR$30 .  
  • Costa Azul Apart , Av. Bustillo 4200 , ☏ +54 294 4 442444 . Costa Azul Apart offers 21 cozy apartments that feature standard amenities like cable TV and a private toilet and bath. Some of its amenities include Wi-Fi access, car rental and tour assistance, and room service. Best rates on official website start at AR$180 .  
  • Periko's , Morales 555 , ☏ +54 2644-522326 . Named after the owner's dog.  
  • Hospedaje Penthouse 1004 , San Martín 127, Edificio Bariloche Centre 10th floor , ☏ +54 2944-432228 , [email protected] . Offers an amazing panoramic view. Excellent public areas, especially the kitchen. Free breakfast, Wi-Fi internet and has a computer for use but it is very busy and hard to get access to. Won't make reservations if you arrive after 14:00. Bed in 4- or 6-person dorm: AR$260 or AR$220, double with private bath AR$700 . ( updated Sep 2017 )
  • Hostel Refugio Patagonia , Mitre 1338 , ☏ +54 2944-422539 . You can feel at home with Tato and Sandra, who are building a big "quincho"/barbecue saloon.  
  • Marcopoloinn Hostel , Salta 422 , ☏ +54 2944-400105 , [email protected] . Modern, clean hostel. Free breakfast and dinner, fast internet, Wi-Fi. Lots of party folk. Good value. Dorms from AR$75 (HI members), AR$70 (nonmembers) .  
  • Tango Inn Downtown Hostel , Salta 514 , ☏ +54 2944-400004 , [email protected] . Modern, clean hostel. Free breakfast, fast internet, Wi-Fi. Very good free breakfast buffet for guests. Very quiet. Dorms from AR$40 (YHA members), AR$47 (nonmembers) .  
  • Ruca Hueney Youth Hostel , Ada María Elflein 396 , ☏ + 54-294-4433986 , +54 2944-437026 , [email protected] . Free breakfast, internet. 6- and 8-bed dorms, one double room and two quad rooms. Dorms from AR$30 . ( updated Sep 2017 )
  • Hostel Achalay , Morales 564 , ☏ +54 294 452-2556 .  
  • Hosteria Bello Horizonte , Salta 394 , ☏ +54 294 442-2621 , [email protected] .  
  • Kospi Boutique Guesthouse , Mitre 1361 ( one block and a half east from Diagonal Capraro on Mitre ), ☏ +54 9 294 424-4442 , [email protected] . Despite having all the charm, cosiness, cleanliness of the "Boutique Guesthouse" in its name, and with a homey feeling to top, the price could definitely put it in the Budget section if you are not looking for a dorm. The hosts Juan and Lucia are warm, friendly, welcoming and helpful. Good kitchen, Wi-Fi, free (homemade!) breakfast. The rooms are cozy, however you will not get views of the lake (except in the upstairs communal area) and the bathrooms are definitely small. Nevertheless, the place is perfect to have a relaxed stay away from the party crowds. Double with private bathroom AR$320 .  
  • Hostel Hormiga Negra , 12 de Octubre 971 . ( updated Apr 2021 )

Mid-range [ edit ]

  • Edelweiss Hotel , Av. San Martín 536 , ☏ +54 2944-445500 .  
  • Nido del Condor , Av. Bustillo Km. 6.9 , ☏ +54 11-4315-3305 .  
  • La Farola - Lago Gutierrez , ☏ +54 9 294 451-7618 .  
  • Hotel Tirol Bariloche , Libertad 175 , ☏ +54 2944 426152 . Check-in: 12:00 , check-out: 10:00 . The 3-star Hotel Tirol Bariloche is in the city´s heart, 100 meters from the main street and has spectacular views over Lake Nahuel Huapi. It has private parking inside the hotel and free Wi-Fi throughout the building.  
  • Grand Hotel Bariloche , Mitre 408 ( On the main street, half way down the commercial route of Mitre avenue, 100m. from the Nahuel Huapi lake. ), ☏ +54 2944 430622 . Grand Hotel Bariloche is a 9-story hotel (3,000 m².) They offer 75 rooms organized in singles, doubles, triples and apartments. Room rates start at USD37 .  
  • Rochester Hotel Bariloche , Av. Bustillo 6700 ( Next to Nahuel Huapi Lake ), ☏ +54 11 5032-5569 , [email protected] . The hotel offers Super King beds, dry heat and steam saunas, Finnish bath, Scottish shower, fitness center, and a heated interconnecting indoor and outdoor pool.  

Splurge [ edit ]

  • -41.172283 -71.437265 1 Galileo Boutique Hotel , Av. Antartida Argentina, s/n, Base Cerro Catedral , ☏ +54 2944 460-020 . Galileo Boutique Hotel is located along the base of Cerro Catedral in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. Major landmarks, such as the Nahuel Huapi Lake and the city’s Civic Center, are within proximate distance from the hotel. Feel as if you’re in the Swiss Alps when relaxing in Galileo Boutique Hotel’s luxurious Rooms, Suites, and Apartments, each adorned with quaint cypress wood frames and geometric roofs. They have great early bird discounts. In winter is right next to the slopes and in summer you can trek to Refugio Frey from the hotel´s parking lot. from USD130 .  
  • Design Suites Hotel , Av. Exequiel Bustillo 2500 Km2.5 , ☏ +54 29444 57000 , [email protected] . Check-in: 15:00 , check-out: 11:00 . Modern hotel (not all suites as the name might imply), with all the benefits (spacious rooms, free Wi-Fi, stunning panorama views, clever design touches) and drawbacks you expect from a boutique hotel. The suites themselves are not traditional suites, rather larger rooms with a couch and a balcony. 3 km from the city center. From US$180 . ( updated Sep 2017 )

Stay safe [ edit ]

Because of the high tourist presence, petty crime is a reality but there tend to be a large number of police in force and the smaller and relatively affluent nature of the city makes crime less likely than in Buenos Aires. Still, exercise caution and keep valuables within sight. Never hike alone on the trails which touch the city, particularly up to Piedras Blancas. There have been many reported robberies of tourists on these paths.

If you decide to change money with the street changers, be very careful of fake notes, check every bill and count them properly.

Go next [ edit ]

  • El Bolsón – A small hippie town (founded in the 1970s) in a mountainous valley about 120 km (75 mi) south of Bariloche. There's a twice weekly outdoor flea market (get there in the morning, it closes down around 15:00). Transportation on the El Valle bus line is AR$24 one way from Bariloche and is worth it for the scenery alone.
  • Villa la Angostura – A small town about an hours drive from Bariloche, very picturesque, you can also hike a 12-km trail to the famous Bosque Arrayanes. Buses regularly go there from the bus terminal (1½ hrs, AR$52), and the journey along the lake is fantastic.
  • Chile – It is actually possible to hike to Chile, namely Cochamó , which is close to Puerto Montt and Puerto Varas , passing by the famous and picturesque La Junta . There is a small police checkpoint at Paso El León where you will receive a small note with which you have to head to the police station once you arrive in the next big city to complete your registration and entrance into the country.

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Bariloche in 2 days, the best itinerary

Ranked as one of the wonders to visit in Patagonia Argentina, visiting Bariloche in 2 days is a must if you want to see the main attractions of this magical place.

Bariloche is one of the top destinations in Patagonia Argentina . On the shores of Lake Nahuel Huapi and surrounded by several hills and a ski resort, this is one of the places you should spend a few days.

It is a perfect place for nature lovers both in summer and winter as there are several hiking trails to do in the surroundings, and even hikes a few kilometres away such as the one to the Tronador Mount or a scenic drive through the 7 Lakes circuit .

Perhaps two days is not enough to get to know the city and its surroundings in depth, but at least it is enough to observe the beauty of the Patagonian forests and hills, to taste a homemade chocolate, to stroll through the city centre and to make one of the best excursions in Bariloche.

We have designed this ideal itinerary in Bariloche in 2 days so that you don’t miss the essential things to see in the Patagonian city.

🔎 Check out our guide to travel to Bariloche if you are planning a visit to the city and the best things to do in Bariloche in summer .

Table of Contents

Things to do in Bariloche in 2 days

Day 1 : Circuito Chico and city centre

Day 2 : Excursion to Victoria Island and Arrayanes forest. Climbing Cerro Catedral

Day 1: Circuito Chico and Bariloche city centre

The tour of Bariloche begins on a scenic route called Circuito Chico . It is a must to do in Bariloche in 2 days, as the r oad runs along a 60 kilometre stretch of the Nahuel Huapi and Moreno lakes, allowing you to observe the characteristic landscape of the Argentinean Patagonia with its forests, trails and viewpoints. There are several must-see stops along the way:

  • Cerro Campanario : accessible by chairlift, it is ideal for a panoramic view of the Nahuel Huapi lake with the mountains of the Cordillera de los Andes in the background.
  • Llao Llao Hotel : it is a symbol of the city and one of the most luxurious hotels in the Argentinean Patagonia. Set in a dreamlike landscape and surrounded by a golf course, the interiors are wonderful with wood-panelled lounges and large windows with views. If you can afford the expensive accommodation, do so , but you can also go for tea or refreshments and see the inside of the halls without having to stay.
  • Stop at the local Cerveza Patagonia or the restaurant Punto Panoramico . At lunch time these two places are ideal to take a break, taste a Patagonian dish and if you are not driving, drink a craft beer. The best thing is the view of the lake Perito Moreno.
  • Visit Colonia Suiza . this village is ideal for an hour’s walk. Founded by Swiss settlers, it retains its artisan atmosphere with many shops. If you haven’t eaten at the previous stop, this is a good place to try curanto , a typical meal consisting of cooking meat and vegetables on hot rocks covered with blankets and earth, the preparation of which has been passed down from generation to generation.

It takes about six hours to cover Circuito Chico. There are two ways to do this, by renting a car in Bariloche or with a half-day sightseeing tour of the Circuito Chico , which includes bus transport and guide.

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In the afternoon-evening you can relax by visiting the city centre, starting with the Centro Civico , one of the symbols of Bariloche with its characteristic stone floor and located in a setting of wood-panelled buildings such as the City Hall.

Passing through the arches of the Centro Civico, you reach Mitre Street , the most commercial street in the city. Here it is a good time to stop at one of the chocolate shops to taste the typical handmade chocolate of the city. There are many brands, but we recommend Rapa Nui , which even has a ski slope inside in winter.

📷 Book here the city tour of Bariloche . Includes: Pick up at centrally located hotels and return transfer, transportation by car and English speaking guide.

The tour ends with a visit to the Cathedral of Our Lady of Nahuel Huapi , on the shores of the lake of the same name, with its imposing high tower.

For dining in Bariloche we recommend the area behind the Centro Civico between Avenida Angel Gallardo, Pascasio Moreno street and Villegas street. There are many restaurants with different types of food and bars.

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Day 2 in Bariloche: Excursion to Victoria Island and Arrayanes Forest and Catedral Hill

One of the best excursions in Bariloche in 2 days is to visit Victoria Island and the Arrayanes Forest . The excursion is spectacular as you sail on a catamaran across the Nahuel Huapi Lake until you reach Victoria Island, one of the largest in the lake.

This small island land in the middle of the lake is c haracterised by forests . There is a small trekking route to do and enjoy the surroundings.

The navigation continues until we reach the second stop, the Arrayanes forest . Located on the Quetrihué peninsula, on the outskirts of the city of Villa La Angostura , this protected area is characterised by a large number of myrtle trees, a tree with a cinnamon-coloured trunk that can coexist with other species in the area. The tour is guided and takes place on wooden walkways.

📷 Book a tour to visit Victoria Island and the Arrayanes Forest from Bariloche here.

Bariloche in 2 days, excursion to Victoria Island and Arrayanes Forest

In the afternoon, whether in summer or winter, Mount Catedral is another must-see in Bariloche in 2 days. In winter it is one of the most important ski resorts in Patagonia Argentina and in summer there are many adventure activities to do such as climbing and zip-lining.

Moreover, Cerro Catedral is a mini-city in itself. It has two large shopping centres , Plaza Amancay and Shopping Las Terrazas, many places to eat and hotels.

Whether you want to practice an activity or not, going up by cable car allows you to have one of the best views of Bariloche from the top . Savouring a meal or snack at one of the sites of Catedral hill with views of the lake and mountains is unrepeatable.

📷 Book here the transfer to and from Cerro Catedral from Bariloche with guide to enjoy at your own pace .

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Where to stay in Bariloche

Bariloche is one of the best prepared cities to accommodate tourists . It is one of the places that receives the most national tourists, and foreign tourism is not far behind either, with a large presence of mainly Brazilians.

There is a wide range of accommodation in Bariloche , from cabins overlooking the lake to hotels in the city centre and budget accommodation.

🏨 See here where to stay in Bariloche and find your ideal accommodation.

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Bariloche in 2 days

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The Partying Traveler

Survival of the littest.

the best things to do in bariloche argentina

The Backpacker’s Guide to Bariloche, Argentina

Bariloche, located at the northern edge of Patagonia, is one of Argentina and South America’s top travel destinations. This beautiful town is situated on the shores of several different lakes and surrounded by mountains. It is a nature-lover’s dream. The area feels like a mirage, a lush oasis in the otherwise desolate Patagonian steppe. With its stunning mountains and serene lakes, Bariloche is a perfect destination for both adventure-lovers and those looking for something a little more peaceful.

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And hey, if this post helps you out, show some love and support for the blog and help keep my adventures going by  buying me a beer ! My adventures are entirely self-funded, so any show of support is greatly appreciated. It allows me to keep providing free travel guides and creating travel content to help you all travel the world.

This post contains affiliate links. That means that I may earn a commission if you make a purchase through one of these links.

Table of Contents

How to get to bariloche, where to stay in bariloche.

  • How To Get Around Bariloche

The Best Things To Do in Bariloche

  • How To Visit Bariloche on a Budget

Nightlife in Bariloche

Where to go after bariloche.

Although Bariloche serves as one of the main hubs of central Argentina and Northern Patagonia, it is quite distant from other parts of the country. When I was planning my southerly route down to Ushuaia, Bariloche seemed like the ideal spot to start my Patagonian adventures. Little did I know that once I got to northern Argentina, the northernmost point of Patagonia was still a hell of a way south.

Running low on time, I flew to Bariloche from Buenos Aires to avoid what would have been an expensive and lengthy bus ride. For those taking the bus down to Bariloche, the most sensible stop before would be either Mendoza or Buenos Aires. However, those buses are pricy and will cost you nearly an entire day. I actually found the flight (including luggage) to be cheaper than taking the bus. Normally, I wouldn’t even check flights but with buses being as expensive as they are in Argentina, it is worth double-checking to see if you can save some time and money.

Once you touchdown in Bariloche, you will either find yourself at the airport or at the bus terminal.

Note: I originally had these prices written in pesos, and were accurate as of 2020 when 70 pesos = $1 USD. Inflation in Argentina is very volatile, currently at 350 pesos to $1 USD, so I’ve updated the original pricing in pesos to around what they would have been in USD.

From Bariloche airport, you can take the bus into town for about $1 USD if you already have the Sube card. If you don’t, you can take a shuttle to the town center or to the bus terminal for $3.50. A private taxi will cost about $10, depending on where you are going. If you don’t have a Sube card, I recommend going to the bus terminal and getting one there. It will save you a ton of money in the long run.

From the bus terminal, it is really easy to get into town. If you have the Sube card, then just hop on one of the buses headed towards the center. The ride will cost $.50. If you don’t have the Sube card, the kiosco inside the terminal sells them for $5 pesos. It costs $3 for the card itself and then it comes already loaded with about $2. These cards can be used throughout all of Argentina, so get one as soon as possible.

Oh, and before you go, make sure to have good travel insurance handy whenever you’re out adventuring. I use  SafetyWing  to keep me covered throughout my travels for as low as $45 a month.

Bariloche has no shortage of incredible hostels to choose from . However, it is worth noting that there are several different regions to Bariloche. The city center is where most of the happenings are and you shouldn’t have any problem finding hostels there. The thing with Bariloche is that it is quite spread out. If you stay in the downtown area, you will be about 45 minutes from some of the best attractions. If you stay closer to those attractions, then you might not experience the small but bustling city of Bariloche to its fullest.

where to stay in bariloche argentina

I stayed at Gravity Eco Hostel for the majority of my stay in Bariloche, before moving to a more central location for one night to be closer to the bus terminal. Gravity Eco Hostel was a perfect location because it was only about 10-15 minutes by bus to most of the incredible hikes in Bariloche, like Cerro Campanario, Cerro Otto, and Cerro Llao Llao. It was also close to two supermarkets and two different bus stops, as well as a laundromat, restaurants, and kioscos so that you could have everything you need. There is even a Western Union inside the La Anonima supermarket about 3 minutes walking distance away.

Having all of those at my disposal while never having to venture too far for an adventure made Gravity an absolutely perfect location. Its location further out of town also makes it a much more tranquil and peaceful area. The hostel also had the best common kitchen I have encountered throughout my travels. I ended up saving a ton of money on food by cooking for myself as opposed to eating out which I definitely would have been more tempted to do in the city center.

View All Hostels in Bariloche

Getting Around in Bariloche

Even without a car, you should have no problem getting around in Bariloche. The main road is serviced by the local buses all day until midnight. For the flat rate of 35 pesos per ride, you can get anywhere along the main road, including all the way to the airport and the bus station. The buses also go to the destinations that are further out from town, like Villa Llao Llao and Colonia Suiza. For a more complete guide on the routes, lines, and timetables of the buses, check out the official site of Bariloche Tourism .

Another common way to get around that I’ve seen among travelers and locals alike is by hitchhiking. You just pop onto the side of the road, stick your finger out, and hope for the best. If you have the patience, this can be a great and cheap way to get around Bariloche. If you have the money but not the patience, you can also book taxis, known as  remises around these parts. They aren’t always driving around like you’d see in a big city, so if you want a guaranteed ride, you will have to go to a Remises Agency and book one. Most of them will have their number posted outside so you can just jot it down and save it for when you need a taxi.

Where do I even begin? There is so much to do in Bariloche. The city has so many outdoor activities that cater to all types of people, so it would be silly for me to try and list everything that you can do here. Honestly, the ideas are infinite. You can go kayaking, golfing, hiking, sailing, cycling, or whatever your heart desires. There are so many different trails and lakes and beaches that again, it would be silly to list them all. I only spent one week in Bariloche and I guarantee that people who have lived their lifetimes in Bariloche are still finding new things to do each week.

Here are my highlights from my time in Bariloche, but in no way is this even close to an all-inclusive list.

Cerro Campanario

Arguably the best thing to do in Bariloche is to hike up to Cerro Campanario. This is one of the most incredible views you will get in Argentina. The hike only takes about 30 minutes at a leisurely pace but the payoff is absolutely incredible. From Cerro Campanario, you can see the whole of Bariloche and the surrounding region. The pristine lakes, dense forests, and in the wintertime, snow-capped peaks in every direction make for an unbeatable view.

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Playa Serena

One of the only beaches that I actually went to on purpose, Playa Serena was my first taste of what life was going to be like in Bariloche. A lot of soaking in the sun and living the lake life. With this beach being a bit further out of town than the other beaches, it definitely lives up to its name. It is much more peaceful and much less crowded than those closer to town.

Lago Moreno

My favorite hike that I did in Bariloche took me to beautiful, crystal clear waters of Lago Moreno. I took the bus towards Llao Llao and followed the Sendero De Los Arrayanes just past the start of the Circuito Chico. This trail ran alongside Lago Moreno, but make sure to stray off the trail to check out the lake itself. The waters are absolutely stunning and the views of the mountains in the background are remarkable. Lago Moreno is quite big, and you can access it from a number of different places, but this view was my favorite. From Gravity Eco Hostel, it was about a 15 minute walk to the other side of Lago Moreno where there was a lengthy beach and a beautiful view of the setting sun.

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Lago Nahuel Huapi

This is the main lake that Bariloche is basically centered around. Most of the city is just a few blocks at most from the shores of this beautiful lake. With the mountains in the background and fiery sunsets to be had every night, I made sure to be here for almost every sundowner. You can do a lot of stuff on this lake, from chilling at the beaches to kayaking and sailing.

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Cerro Llao Llao

In a close race for best view in Bariloche with Cerro Campanario is Cerro Llao Llao. After hiking about 12 kilometers already that day, I was pretty sure Cerro Llao Llao wouldn’t give me anything new. I was wrong. This view is one of the best panoramic views in all of Bariloche, if not the best. You get an incredible view of the mountains, the lakes, the dense forests, and the setting sun.

The hike itself doesn’t take too long but with so much to do in the area, one could easily make a day-long adventure surrounding Cerro Llao Llao. I followed this Cerro Llao Llao circuit that starts with the Sendero de los Arrayanes and then passes through Lago Escondido, Villa Tacul, and a few other cool spots before capping off the day at Cerro Llao Llao.

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Museo de Patagonia

This museum smack dab in the center of Bariloche’s Civic Center is actually quite intriguing. For the small entrance fee of 150 pesos, you can learn a lot about the history behind Bariloche, Patagonia, and Argentina. The rooms and exhibits range from the native tribes of the area, the geology of Patagonia, and dozens of unsettling taxidermy fauna. I actually was very intrigued by this museum and highly recommend it on a lazy day that isn’t spent out adventuring.

Villa Tacul

One of the spots that I visited on my Cerro Llao Llao circuit that I mentioned above is Villa Tacul. There is a stunning viewpoint that was one of my favorites in all of Bariloche. After completing the 30-45 minute trail, you end up along a beach with another beautiful view. I chilled here for a while before continuing on with my lengthy trek. It is a perfect spot to rest your feet or even ice them down in the glacial lake on a hot day.

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Lago Escondido

Once you finish the Sendero de los Arrayanes and Lago Moreno, you can continue along the Circuito Chico about half a kilometer to end up at Lago Escondido. It is a beautiful viewpoint, although there isn’t much else to do here. It can be a nice swimming spot, but doesn’t have a beach to chill out on. However, there is a beach a bit further down the trail that you can visit after stopping by Lago Escondido.

Centro Civico

The main historic square of Bariloche is where all the action happens. Every time I stopped by here, there was something going on. A band playing, a motorcycle show, an outdoors fair, or whatever Bariloche feels like giving you that day. When nothing is going on, the locals will take it upon themselves to put on a show, whether it’s a jazz saxophonist or a family band with drums on their back. Yeah, it gets weird. It’s also beautiful and right along the lake, making it an ideal and scenic spot to chill.

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Below are things that I didn’t actually get a chance to go and do but that I’ve heard good things about.

  • Refugio Frey
  • Mount Tronador
  • Cycle the Circuito Chico
  • Visit Colonia Suiza
  • Isla Victoria
  • Lago Gutierrez
  • Playa Bonita

How To Visit Bariloche On A Budget

Bariloche is quite pricy, as far as South America goes. I ate out one time. That isn’t including my several trips to McDonald’s, though. Although I definitely had the treat yo’self attitude while ordering that one meal, I still regret spending $25 on a single meal, no matter how good it was. In Cordoba, I was paying less than 30 pesos per empanada. In the center of Bariloche, I couldn’t find any quality empanadas for less than 80 pesos. I was paying double the price for cold, flaky, underwhelming empanadas. Everything is more expensive in Bariloche, except for the McDonald’s which was basically the only constant. That goes for the hostels, restaurants, bars, taxis, and so on.

However, Bariloche doesn’t have to be expensive. Save for the $25 meal, I reckon I spent only $20 on food total during my week in Bariloche. When you can buy a kilo of steak for $3 and stretch it out comfortably over three days, you can still be living large on a budget. You can even treat yourself to one of the $.75 bottles of red wine to go with your fancy $1 meal.

Cooking Your Own Food

This is the best way to save money in Bariloche. On average, dining out in Bariloche will cost you at least $10. I used to buy $1.50 sandwiches from a bakery to save money back in Buenos Aires. Bariloche forced me to start cooking my own food to save money, and I quickly found out that I could make at least 4 of those cheap sandwiches for the same price as buying one. Meat is also extremely cheap in Argentina, so coupled with some cheap and heavy carbs like rice or potatoes, you can fill yourself up on less than $2 a day.

Make sure to book a hostel with a kitchen. Gravity Eco Hostel had one of the best kitchens I have ever encountered in my travels. It was spacious, new, and well-equipped with everything, down to teflon non-stick pots and pans. I never realized how much of a game changer having a great kitchen was until I was actually forced to use one.

Volunteering At A Hostel

With the abundance of hostels in Bariloche , it is surprisingly easy to find one to volunteer at. Contact hostels ahead of time just to assure they have availability for you, or keep an eye out on sites like WorkAway for volunteer opportunities. If it comes down to it, you can just hostel hop once you arrive in Bariloche and ask around. In the center of Bariloche, the hostels are very concentrated so you’ll have stretches where there are 3 or 4 hostels on the same street.

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Before I got to Patagonia, I heard several tales from fellow travelers about how Patagonia is a hitchhikers’ paradise. I saw plenty of people doing this in Bariloche. There are plenty of cars going back and forth between the center and further out, so one of them is bound to pick you up if you have the patience.

If you aren’t about that hitchhiker life, then the Sube card is the way to go. If you don’t already have one, you can get one at Bariloche’s bus terminal or elsewhere in town. I recommend getting it in Buenos Aires though, if possible. It costs 90 pesos there and in Bariloche, it cost me 200 pesos. Each ride in Bariloche costs 35 pesos as of March 2020. Considering that some rides last about an hour, it definitely is worth getting one to save you the money of a taxi or gas.

You can’t spell Bariloche without “bar” or “boliche”.

Despite how small Bariloche feels, the city does add up to over 100,000 people. That means that you won’t struggle to find any of that spicy Argentine nightlife. It definitely won’t have as much of a nightlife scene as Buenos Aires, Cordoba, or any of Argentina’s other nightlife hubs but it is very easy to have fun in Bariloche.

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Although you will be able to find nightclubs and boliches, Bariloche is more known for its cervecerias and beerhouses. You will have no shortage of craft beers to choose from when you decide to plop on the beach to catch the sunset or reward yourself after a lengthy hike. If you want a nice bar or craft beer house for a chill night out, then Bariloche is seriously the spot for you. Although my tight budget didn’t allow me to frequent too many, I passed at least a dozen that I would have loved to sit down at.

I was on a sort of cleanse after going out for six straight nights in Cordoba and Buenos Aires, so I didn’t do too much drinking in Bariloche. I know, I know. I’m not living up to my travel blog name. Here’s a good list of bars in Bariloche written by someone more knowledgeable than me on the topic, though.

If this post helped you out, show some love and support for the blog and help keep my adventures going by  buying me a beer ! My adventures are entirely self-funded, so any show of support is greatly appreciated, and allows me to keep writing helpful travel guides and creating travel content to help you all travel the world on a budget.

Bariloche is the gateway to the rest of Patagonia. Unfortunately, Patagonia is still pretty massive. However, with Bariloche being one of the biggest cities in Patagonia, it is best to start here. You can go south towards El Bolson just a few hours away, or knock out the journey to El Calafate or El Chalten right away.

From Bariloche, you can even take a boat from Puerto Pañuela and go to Chile to start your adventures on that side of Patagonia. Most of the cool stuff between Bariloche and El Chalten is all on the Chilean side. The world is yours. I can’t tell you what to do because honestly, I still have no idea what I’m even going to do. There are a few smaller villages near Bariloche where I will plop down for a bit until inspiration hits me. Villa La Angostura and Villa Traful are supposed to be fantastic, as is San Martin de los Andes.

  • Villa La Angostura
  • Villa Traful
  • Puerto Montt
  • San Martin de los Andes

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10 thoughts on “ the backpacker’s guide to bariloche, argentina ”.

Bariloche looks like an amazing place to visit and I would for sure love a trip here 🙂 The buildings look so quaint and the surroundings are breathtaking. I could use some serious hiking there and will have to add it too my ever growing bucket list!

oh Argentina is definitely on my to do list and soonnnnn…I can’t wait, it is such a beautiful country.

I’ve never been to Argentina but it’s on my list. This looks like such a fun trip!

Wow! Bariloche sounds like a gorgeous place to visit. I love the photos you’ve taken and I can’t wait to explore Bariloche someday!

This sounds like an amazing place to visit, the scenery is stunning and so beautiful I would love to visit Argentina some day.

Bariloche looks absolutely incredible! I don’t know which of these places I want to see first. Lago Moreno is stunning! Argentina is high on my list of countries to visit, and reading this makes me want to go even more.

I was just talking to someone who was telling me how amazing Argentina is. I am going to have to go out there at some point. It looks so beautiful with so many lovely spots to see backpacking.

Have been to Argentina twice and everytime we could make it to Bariloche because of time. It looks lovely we surely will be planning better our next visit. Its good to know that flight are cheaper than the bus.

Bariloche looks like a place I want to take my family for vacation, wow so beautiful, I need to start looking into flights to get to Argentina

Amazing photographs.

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Things to do in Bariloche Argentina | Travel guide with 20 tips

Do you like nature and outdoor activities? Then Bariloche should not be missed during a trip through Argentina. The area around San Carlos de Bariloche is also known as Little Switzerland because of the lakes, forests, mountains and specialities such as chocolate and cheese fondue. In winter, Bariloche is the skiing paradise for the Argentinians and in summer for outdoor activities. You can spend days in Bariloche, exploring a new place every day. But Bariloche itself is also a lovely city to be, because of its beautiful location on Lake Nahuel Huapi, the pleasant atmosphere and the many good restaurants. Discover the best things to do in this Bariloche Argentina travel guide, including tips for hikes, tours, restaurants, best travel time and where to stay.

Outdoor things to do in Bariloche Argentina

Best tours in bariloche, welcome to bariloche argentina – travel guide.

Bariloche is a lovely city located on the Nahuel Huapi lake. It is an important holiday destination for the Argentines in both summer and winter, and for a good reason. There are countless of things to do and activities to enjoy in Bariloche. In Bariloche you can go to viewpoints, take boat trips, go on hikes, enjoy the Swiss cheese fondue and experience fantastic skiing in the winter

Bariloche Argentina travel guide | 20 tips and things to do

Bariloche is a place I visited many times, to make television reports and as a tour guide, to guide visitors around in the area. And still, after all those years of visiting Bariloche, I love to look out for new places, hikes and restaurants all the time. Discover my tips for things to do in Bariloche Argentina in this travel guide. I hope you will enjoy them.

Enjoy a boat trip to Puerto Blest – popular things to do in Bariloche

This is probably one of the most popular things to do in Bariloche. With a large boat you sail from the port of Puerto Pañuelo in an hour across the Nahuel Huapi lake to Puerto Blest. The light and shimmer over the lake with the Andes peaks in the background make for stunning pictures.

Once you arrive in Puerto Blest Bariloche, there are several hikes you can take. Since the hiking trails are clearly marked, you can do this easily on your own. The most common hike takes about 1 hour, leading from Puerto Blest, where you arrive, to Los Cántaros, the port where you usually leave at the end of the afternoon back to Puerto Pañuelo. Along the way you can make detours and hike to waterfalls, Lago Frías and rivers.

Do you want to book your tour in advance and secure your spot? Check out prices and availability for a Puerto Blest tour here.

Sail along the Brazo Tristeza

Another lovely boat trip is the one that crosses the Brazo Tristeza, a side arm of the Lake Nahuel Huapi. You will pass idyllic waterfalls and in clear weather you will enjoy a view of the Chilean Andes peaks and the volcano Trocador. The boat stops, after 1.5 hours of sailing, for an easy hike through the woods, where you will encounter gigantic trees such as coigües and cypresses. Very characteristic for Patagonia. This hike of about 1 hour ends at a waterfall where you can take a dip or climb further up for more views. Then you walk the same way back to the boat and sail to Bariloche, while enjoying a lunch on board.

The great thing about this tour is that it is not visited by the big crowds, so you might only meet a few other people along the way. That’s why I love to highlight this tour in my Bariloche travel guide. Looking for more information? Check and book your Brazo Tristeza tour here.

Cerro Llao Llao, one of the best hikes in Bariloche

One of my favorite hikes and things to do in Bariloche is the one to the Cerro Llao Llao. In about an hour, you walk through a green and fresh forests to a viewpoint where you have an amazing view over the lakes and surroundings. Stunning. Bring some food and drinks for a picnic and take in the surroundings. You don’t want to leave anymore. The trail starts between the Hotel Llao Llao and the port of Puerto Pañuelo.

Have a drink at Hotel Llao Llao in Bariloche

You may have already seen pictures of it. Hotel Llao Llao is one of the most expensive five-star hotels in the Bariloche region and is truly beautiful. I recommend to have a drink in the lovely garden of this hotel, after one of the hikes in the Bariloche area. Or if you feel like doing nothing at all, book a high tea. It is necessary to make a reservation in time, as it is one of the popular things to do in Bariloche.

Interested in staying in Hotel Llao Llao? Check here the latest prices and availability for Llao Llao Resort.

Enjoy views from the ski slopes – top things to do in Bariloche

One of the best things to do in Bariloche in summer, is to visit the ski slopes by cable car. Not to ski but to enjoy amazing views. Bariloche offers different options and these are my tips.

Cerro Catedral

Cerro Catedral is the most famous and the largest ski slope. Ski lovers from all over the country flock here in winter to make use of the slopes and facilities. In the summer, most of the area is closed but a number of lifts still go up. At the top you have a stunning view and you can go for a few short walks. Cerro Catedral is a 30-minute drive from Bariloche and buses run regularly.

Another slope that you can visit in the summer is Cerro Otto. A cable car takes you to the 1400 meter high top within 10 minutes. It is also possible to hike up the mountain but it is a quite steep climb. Once at the top you have another amazing view over the Nahuel Huapi lake and the surrounding area. There are a few easy hikes to take and there is a possibility to eat and drink something in the revolving restaurant with 360 degree views of Bariloche. Cerro Otto is also about a 30-minute drive from the city and the best way to get there is by bus or taxi. You can buy your Cerro Otto tickets in advance , with guaranteed access, or on the spot.

Tips: Would you like to go for hikes in Bariloche? Then I recommend you to walk back down the mountain, in 45 minutes. Only make sure you have solid shoes because of the irregular path with loose stones. Here you will find more information about Cerro Otto.

Cerro Campanario chairlift

Cerro Campanario is the third ski slope to visit and the views are also very worth it. It is one of the things you can include in the Circuito Chico in Bariloche (scroll down in this article for more information)

Cerro Viejo

Just outside town there is a cable car bringing you to the Cerro Viejo. Not as spectacular as the other mountains but still worth a visit. Especially if you are short of time, as it is only a 10-minute walk from the main square.

Cycle the Circuito Chico

A route that gives a nice impression of the surroundings is the Circuit Chico. Viewpoints are interspersed with forests and lakes, where you can stop for a photo or a hike. It is possible to rent bikes at the Circuito Chico Aventura bicycle company, which is also a good place to start the trail. Stop at the famous Cerro Campanario and take the cable car up, then continue the trail past Laguna El Trebol, Lago Moreno, the Swiss colony of Colonia Suiza, Bahia López and Hotel Llao Llao Bariloche. Click here for the full route.

There is little traffic on the way and the route is easy. However, part of it is unpaved and there are a number of hills. Of course you can also do this route by car, but if you like cycling, this is one of the cool things to do in Bariloche.

Tips: Do you want to explore the Circuito Chico in Bariloche with a guide? Check out prices and availability for a Circuito Chico tour here.

Take a picture with a Saint Bernard dog

At several places in Bariloche you can have your photo taken with a St. Bernard dog. Yes, I agree, it’s a bit touristy but since I’ve wanted a Saint Bernard all my life, I couldn’t resist taking a picture and tip this in my Bariloche travel guide.

Taste great chocolate and eat ice cream

Bariloche is known for its great chocolate. You will find chocolate shops all over the main street Mitre. Pop into El Turista, El Reino or Mamushka for an overload of bonbons, chocolate bars and Argentinian delicacies such as alfajores. The famous Argentinian chocolate chain Havana also has its factory here, where tours are given.

Besides chocolate there are many ice cream shops. Make sure to eat an ice cream at Rapa Nui. Ice cream is part of the Argentine culture, just like in Italy. The scoops are huge so choose wisely. And standing in line is quite normal. You first pick your type of ice cream, pay, receive a ticket, go to the next line and choose your flavors.

Try the Swiss Argentine cheese fondue

Swiss cheese fondue with Argentinian wine. It is delicious. Cheese fondue is everywhere in Bariloche. It is nice to spend an evening in one of the many restaurants and try the Argentinian Swiss cuisine. The best restaurants for cheese fondue are definitely La Marmite or la Casita Suiza.

Visit the Centro Civico

The Centro Civico is the central square of Bariloche. And here you can see very well how Bariloche is inspired by Switzerland, because of the chalet-like architectural style. It is a cozy gathering place for the locals. Especially when the weather is nice, there are countless locals sitting on the grass with their mates, a strong Argentinean tea. If you have the time, one of the things to do here is to visit the Bariloche city museum: Museo de la Patagonia. It explains about the first inhabitants and the Bariloche surroundings.

Bariloche offers many outdoor things to do and activities such as kayaking and rafting. OKeep in mind that you still have to drive quite a bit to arrive at the suitable rivers. In the main street Mitre you will find several travel agencies that offer these tours. Do you want to book your tour in advance and secure your spot? This is an overview with outdoor activities in Bariloche.

Tips for things to do around Bariloche Argentina

One of my favorite national parks in Argentina is Los Alerces . You will find yourself between deep green forests and immense lakes, with the Andes mountains in the background. The park is known for its cypresses, hence the name Los Alerces. Also species such as cedars and conifers can be found. Los Alerces is mainly a tourist destination for the Argentinians, but if you come here outside the Argentinian holiday period, you almost have the park to yourself. It is possible to drive through the park by car and stop at various places to go for walks and enjoy nice views. It is recommended to spend the night in the town of Esquel, which is about 280 kilometers from Bariloche and visit Los Alerces from here.

Do you love the nature of Bariloche and do you want to read more about it in my national parks travel guide of Argentina? In the next article I’m taking you to the best and most beautiful national parks in Argentina , including an overview with things to do and the best time to visit.  

M ini travel guide Bariloche

Bariloche restaurant travel guide | 8 tips.

Bariloche offers many restaurants, coffee shops and bars. And there is nothing better than enjoying a drink and great meal after exploring the many things to do in Bariloche. Here are some of my favorite places that I’ve been visiting for years.

  • Jauja – is one of the best restaurants in Bariloche for steak, pasta and regional dishes.
  • De la Familia Weiz – dine in typical Swiss style.
  • For cheese fondue and other Swiss delicacies, go to La Marmite or la Casita Suiza.
  • You will find the best ice creams at Rapa Nui.
  • Almado – here you can sit right by the water. Enjoy a glass of wine, tasty lunch or snack.
  • For a nice coffee – go to Delirante
  • Looking for a great bakery? Make sure you go to Vélo.

Where to stay in Bariloche Argentina | hotel tips

The most beautiful hotel around Bariloche is Hotel Llao Llao. It is certainly pricey, but if you compare it to the price of an average hotel room in a European city, you get worth for your money here: A luxurious room with incredible views in a unique environment. Check out the latest rates and availability at Hotel Llao Llao in Bariloche here.

Keep in mind that this 5-star hotel is located 20 kilometers from Bariloche. Do you prefer to stay in the city and have a starting point to explore the many things to do in Bariloche and surrounding hikes? Here you will find a comprehensive overview of hotels in Bariloche.

Best time to visit Bariloche in Argentina

If you want to enjoy the many outdoor things to do and hikes in Bariloche, the best time to visit is between November and April, the Argentinian spring, summer and autumn. Please note that January is also one of the busiest months with Argentine visitors due to the Argentinian holiday season. You want to avoid this month as much as possible. Want to hit the slopes and go for a skiing holiday? Then you should visit Bariloche in Argentinian winter, june and july.

Transportation in and around Bariloche

In Bariloche, all attractions are within walking distance and most tours include transportation. Do you want to explore the Bariloche area? Then it is best to use public transportation. You buy a SUBE card, charge it in one of the kiosks and scan it when boarding the bus. Very easy. There are also taxis and private shuttles. Want to see more of Bariloche and the Lake District? Then I recommend you to rent a car . The Bariloche area has so many things to do and to offer. By car you are independent and are able to enjoy many road trips in the area.

Need a rental car for your trip to Bariloche? Use Rental Cars to search and compare your car rental options. A quick and easy tool and no need to have up multiple tabs trying to figure out which company is the most affordable. They also have great discounts and cancellation policies.

How to get to Bariloche in Argentina

Bariloche is a 2-hour flight from Buenos Aires and a 1 hour and 45 minutes flight from El Calafate. Aerolineas Argentinas and JetSmart offer different flights within Patagonia. Use  Skyscanner , when it comes to searching for cheap flights across Argentina.

Travel by bus or shuttle

Looking for a way to get to Bariloche Argentina by bus or minivan? Use  Bookaway ,  to find   and book the best connection for you.

Travel  insurance

Looking for a travel insurance?  World Nomads  offers simple and flexible travel insurance, with coverage for more than 150 activities as well as emergency medical, lost luggage, trip cancellation and more. Buy at home or while traveling and claim online from anywhere in the world.

  • Puerto Blest tour
  • Brazo Tristeza tour
  • Circuito Chico tour
  • Outdoor activities in Bariloche

I didn’t participate in these tours myself yet, but others did and they are well-reviewed and therefore on my to do list for next time:

  • Victoria Island en Arrayanes Forest tour
  • Cerro Tronador
  • Looking for more tours in Bariloche? This is an   overview of tours in Bariloche.

Argentina travel itineraries

Argentina is such a beautiful and diverse country that you can explore it for months. But what if you a limited amount of time and still want to get the most out of your travels? What should you see and do? Have a look in my Argentina itineraries, I will give you tips for destinations, hikes, national parks, tours, things to do and restaurants to include in your trip. Enjoy and get inspired to visit Argentina!

  • Argentina itinerary 3 weeks 
  • 2 weeks in Argentina itinerary
  • 10 days in Argentina itinerary

More about Argentina

Did you enjoy reading this Bariloche travel guide with tips and things to do in ? Do you want to learn more about this beautiful country? With Passport the World I am taking you on a journey to discover Argentina. Discover more in my next articles.

  • Things to do in Argentina
  • Things to do in Ushuaia | tips for your stay
  • Discover whales, penguins and sea lions in my Puerto Madryn travel guide
  • El Calafate – a comprehensive guide with everything you want to know
  • El Chaltén Argentina – a comprehensive guide with hikes and tips for your stay
  • National Parks of Argentina
  • Iguazu falls – everything you want to know

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  1. Hotel Bariloche City

    EL HOTEL. SERVICIOS. HABITACIONES. San Martín 485, Bariloche (0294) 442-5317 Cotizá tu Reserva Enviá tu Whatsapp ...

  2. #TravelRock

    Travel Rock tiene sucursales propias en todo el País, así que no importa donde estés, podes solicitar que te vayamos a visitar con nuestra propuesta. Escribimos a [email protected] o comunicate al 011-4325-7625 ... BARILOCHE CITY HOTEL. COMIDAS Desayuno-almuerzo-merienda-cena con postres y gaseosas libres! (Línea Coca-Cola ...

  3. HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina

    HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY. 485 San Martín, 8400 San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina - Great location - show map. 7.0. Good. 461 reviews. Great location! 8.9. +32 photos. You're eligible for a Genius discount at HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY!

  4. Bariloche City

    Bariloche City, Bariloche. 4,675 likes · 16,297 were here. Nuevo Hotel de Travelrock!

  5. HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY (San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina)

    HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY, SAN CARLOS DE BARILOCHE: Mirá 21 opiniones y 26 fotos de viajeros sobre el HOTEL BARILOCHE CITY, puntuado en el puesto nº.116 de 150 hoteles en SAN CARLOS DE BARILOCHE ... cerca de Grupo Vision Hoteles cerca de Patagonia Vinos Hoteles cerca de Chocolate del Turista Hoteles cerca de Beltway Travel Bariloche Hoteles cerca ...

  6. Hotel Bariloche City

    Standard Room. Sleeps 2. 2 Twin Beds. More details. View deals for Hotel Bariloche City, including fully refundable rates with free cancellation. Bariloche Casino is minutes away. Breakfast and WiFi are free, and this hotel also features an arcade/game room. All rooms have flat-screen TVs and rainfall showers.

  7. Bariloche, Argentina (Updated • 2022) Gringo's Travel Guide

    Late November through early April is "mid" high-season. It's not insanely packed like during the winter ski months in Bariloche, but there's more than enough tourism during these months to keep locals busy. Then there's about a 75 day low-season from early April until mid-June.

  8. Hotel Bariloche City Reviews, Deals & Photos 2024

    Stay at this 3-star hotel in San Carlos de Bariloche. Enjoy free breakfast, a 24-hour front desk, and an arcade/game room. Popular attractions Bariloche Casino and Playa Centro are located nearby. Discover genuine guest reviews for Hotel Bariloche City, in Downtown Bariloche neighborhood, along with the latest prices and availability - book now.

  9. Hotel Bariloche City

    Hotel Bariloche City, San Carlos de Bariloche: See 20 traveler reviews, 25 candid photos, and great deals for Hotel Bariloche City, ranked #125 of 161 hotels in San Carlos de Bariloche and rated 3 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  10. Hotel Bariloche City

    View deals for Hotel Bariloche City, including fully refundable rates with free cancellation. Bariloche Casino is minutes away. Breakfast and WiFi are free, and this hotel also features an arcade/games room. All rooms have flat-screen TVs and rainfall showerheads.

  11. San Carlos de Bariloche

    Grand Hotel Bariloche, Mitre 408 ( On the main street, half way down the commercial route of Mitre avenue, 100m. from the Nahuel Huapi lake. ), ☏ +54 2944 430622. Grand Hotel Bariloche is a 9-story hotel (3,000 m².) They offer 75 rooms organized in singles, doubles, triples and apartments.

  12. Inicio

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    Hotel Bariloche City, San Carlos de Bariloche: See 21 traveler reviews, 26 candid photos, and great deals for Hotel Bariloche City, ranked #116 of 150 hotels in San Carlos de Bariloche and rated 3 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  14. Bariloche in 2 days, the best itinerary [Go Patagonic ]

    Things to do in Bariloche in 2 days. Day 1: Circuito Chico and city centre. Day 2: Excursion to Victoria Island and Arrayanes forest.Climbing Cerro Catedral. Day 1: Circuito Chico and Bariloche city centre. The tour of Bariloche begins on a scenic route called Circuito Chico.It is a must to do in Bariloche in 2 days, as the road runs along a 60 kilometre stretch of the Nahuel Huapi and Moreno ...

  15. The Backpacker's Guide to Bariloche, Argentina

    Bariloche, located at the northern edge of Patagonia, is one of Argentina and South America's top travel destinations. This beautiful town is situated on the shores of several different lakes and surrounded by mountains. It is a nature-lover's dream. The area feels like a mirage, a lush oasis in the otherwise desolate Patagonian steppe. With… Read More The Backpacker's Guide to ...

  16. Hotel Ausonia

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  17. PDF 08 days and 07 nights

    BARILOCHE FULL TERRESTRIAL(#01-22) 08 days and 07 nights TRANSPORTATION:TOURISM BUS equipped with air conditioning, bathroom, music, video cinema and with bus staff (2 drivers). Also, snack on board. TRAVEL ROCK GROUP COORDINATOR: throughout the development of the trip. OPERATIONAL COORDINATION WITH TRAVEL ROCK PERSONNELin Bariloche.

  18. Things to do in Bariloche: A Complete Travel Guide

    A Complete Bariloche Travel Guide. I've been to Bariloche four times now, one trip lasting an entire month (pretending I'm a local) Suffice it to say, I've fallen hard for Bariloche and understand why it's one of Argentina's most popular destinations.. I first visited when I was a baby expat, having just arrived in Argentina 13 years ago and boy, this city has grown quite a bit since ...

  19. Hotel Bariloche City

    Hotel Bariloche City. 21 reviews. #116 of 150 hotels in San Carlos de Bariloche. Avenida Gral San Martin 485, San Carlos de Bariloche R8400ALE Argentina. Write a review. Check availability. View all photos ( 26)

  20. Hotel Sol Bariloche

    Hotelería Premium. Confort, calidad y la mejor ubicación para que los Travelrockers disfruten de su viaje de egresados, y de su estadía en Bariloche! Trave...

  21. Things to do in Bariloche Argentina

    Enjoy a boat trip to Puerto Blest - popular things to do in Bariloche. Sail along the Brazo Tristeza. Cerro Llao Llao, one of the best hikes in Bariloche. Have a drink at Hotel Llao Llao in Bariloche. Enjoy views from the ski slopes - top things to do in Bariloche. Cycle the Circuito Chico.

  22. Travel Rock CABA

    Travel Rock Exclusive - Segmento exclusivo en Ciudad de Buenos Aires de la empresa mas importante de Turismo Estudiantil de la Argentina ... Album Hotel Bariloche City. Travel Rock CABA added 11 new photos. · March 25, 2015 · +7. All reactions: 1. Like. Comment. Album Hotel Bariloche Suites.