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Explorez les terres enchantées, des contes de fées aux aventures intergalactiques, en bénéficiant de tarifs réduits et de promotions exceptionnelles. Notre engagement envers les familles se reflète dans nos offres spéciales, garantissant des expériences uniques à des prix abordables.

Profitez de bonnes affaires et de remises spéciales sur les billets d’entrée, vous permettant de créer des souvenirs magiques sans compromettre votre budget. Disneyland offre bien plus qu’un simple parc d’attraction ; c’est une invitation à vivre des moments privilégiés avec vos proches.

Économisez avec nos réductions exclusives sur les forfaits familiaux et découvrez la magie à un prix avantageux. Offrez à vos enfants des instants de bonheur et d’émerveillement, tout en bénéficiant de promotions attractives sur les billets et les séjours.

Que ce soit pour rencontrer vos personnages Disney préférés, vivre des sensations fortes dans nos attractions époustouflantes ou assister à des spectacles féériques, Disneyland vous propose une expérience unique à prix réduit. Ne manquez pas nos offres promotionnelles saisonnières et nos remises spéciales pour rendre votre visite encore plus spéciale.

Planifiez votre voyage dès maintenant et bénéficiez de remises exclusives sur les hôtels partenaires, les repas et bien plus encore. Disneyland, c’est l’occasion de créer des souvenirs précieux en famille, le tout à des tarifs promotionnels imbattables. Rejoignez-nous dans cet univers magique où la joie, l’émerveillement et les promotions exceptionnelles vous attendent à chaque coin de rue.

11 résultats affichés

Noël à Disneyland

Noel chez Disneyland paris Samedi 30 Novembre et 14 Décembre Dimanche 01 – 08 -15 Décembre 2024

Noël à Disneyland

Noel chez Disneyland paris Samedi 23 Dimanche 10 – 24 Novembre 2024

parcs azur tours

Halloween chez Disneyland paris Samedi 5 – 12 Dimanche 6 octobre 2024

Bannière de Disneyland


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OFFRE BILLET FLEX du 7 juin au 1 septembre 2024

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Les Samedis de Mai et Juin 2024 à partir de 68.00 €

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BILLET 2 JOURS 2 PARCS samedi 01 et dimanche 02 Juin 2024

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Samedi 29 juin Dimanche 16 juin 2024 chez Disneyland

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Billets FLEX chez Disneyland valables jusqu’au 31 MARS 2025

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Billets non-datés chez Disneyland « ECO » valables jusqu’au 31 mars 2025

3 résultats affichés

Photo du Futuroscope

Une journée en groupe au Parc du Futuroscope d’ avril à Septembre 2024

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Samedi 8 juin 2024 (-50% du tarif normal)au PARC DU FUTUROSCOPE

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Billets non datés Futuroscope saison 2024 (à partir de février)

« Bienvenue dans un univers futuriste d’émotions et de découvertes au Futuroscope, où l’imagination rencontre la technologie pour créer une expérience inédite pour toute la famille. Plongez dans un monde de sensations, où chaque attraction repousse les limites de l’innovation et de l’émerveillement. »

Le Futuroscope, c’est bien plus qu’un parc d’attraction, c’est une destination où la science, l’art et le divertissement se rejoignent pour offrir des expériences captivantes. Explorez des mondes extraordinaires à travers des projections 3D, des attractions interactives et des spectacles à couper le souffle.

Nous croyons que l’évasion et l’innovation ne devraient pas être un luxe. Profitez de nos promotions exclusives pour une aventure incroyable à prix réduits. Le Futuroscope vous propose des offres exceptionnelles pour permettre à chacun de vivre la magie sans compromettre son budget.

Faites de votre visite une expérience encore plus spéciale en bénéficiant de nos tarifs familiaux avantageux. Les promotions sur les billets d’entrée, les forfaits et les offres groupées vous garantissent une journée mémorable sans souci financier.

Les bonnes affaires au Futuroscope ne se limitent pas aux attractions ! Nos partenariats avec des restaurants et des hôtels locaux vous offrent des réductions exclusives pour compléter votre expérience. Profitez de tarifs réduits sur les repas, les séjours et les souvenirs pour maximiser votre plaisir sans sacrifier votre portefeuille.

Ne manquez pas nos offres spéciales saisonnières et nos remises sur les billets en ligne. Que vous soyez passionné de technologie, amateur d’aventures en famille ou simplement en quête de sensations fortes, le Futuroscope vous réserve des promotions extraordinaires pour transformer votre journée en une escapade inoubliable.

Rejoignez-nous dans cette aventure où le futur devient une réalité palpitante. Le Futuroscope, c’est l’opportunité de vivre des moments exceptionnels à des prix réduits, car chaque famille mérite une expérience magique sans compromis.

Réservez dès maintenant et plongez dans un monde d’innovation, de divertissement et de bonnes affaires au Futuroscope !

PARC AStérix

« Le monde épique du Parc Astérix, où l’aventure, l’humour et la magie gauloise s’entremêlent pour une expérience inoubliable en famille. Plongez dans un univers unique où les héros de vos bandes dessinées préférées prennent vie à travers des attractions sensationnelles et des spectacles éblouissants. »

Le Parc Astérix, c’est bien plus qu’un simple parc d’attractions, c’est une véritable destination de divertissement pour tous les âges. Explorez des montagnes russes palpitantes, assistez à des représentations spectaculaires et découvrez des zones à thème riches en détails et en surprises, le tout dans un cadre gaulois enchanteur.

Nous sommes fiers d’offrir des promotions exclusives pour rendre cette aventure gauloise accessible à tous. Profitez de tarifs réduits, de bonnes affaires et de remises exceptionnelles sur les billets d’entrée pour que chaque membre de la famille puisse vivre la magie d’Astérix et de ses amis sans souci financier.

Nos offres promotionnelles ne s’arrêtent pas aux billets d’entrée. Découvrez des forfaits familiaux avantageux, des réductions sur les repas dans nos tavernes gauloises, et des offres spéciales sur les souvenirs pour prolonger votre expérience à un prix abordable.

Le Parc Astérix s’engage à offrir des moments inoubliables à des prix réduits. Profitez de nos remises exclusives en réservant en ligne, explorez nos offres saisonnières pour maximiser votre plaisir tout en économisant, et découvrez pourquoi le Parc Astérix est la destination idéale pour des aventures familiales mémorables.

Que vous soyez fan d’attractions à sensations fortes, de spectacles captivants ou simplement à la recherche d’une escapade gauloise unique, le Parc Astérix vous invite à vivre des expériences exceptionnelles à des tarifs compétitifs. Réservez dès maintenant pour plonger dans un monde où la famille, le plaisir et les bonnes affaires sont au cœur de chaque aventure !

parcs azur tours

Une journée au Parc Astérix d’ Avril à Septembre 2024

parcs azur tours

Dimanche 10 novembre 2024 (-32% de remise )

Billets non-datés au parc astérix du 30 mars 2024 au 5 janvier 2025.

4 résultats affichés

parcs azur tours

Séjour au Puy du Fou de 2 jours du samedi 7 au dimanche 8 septembre 2024 : diner, hébergement et cinéscénie

Photo d'arrière plan

Billet pour le Puy du Fou en 2024 daté avec Cinéscénie

parcs azur tours

Billet pour le Puy du Fou en 2024 non-daté

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Billets datés pour le Puy du Fou en 2024

« L’univers spectaculaire du Puy du Fou, où l’histoire prend vie à travers des spectacles grandioses et des aventures épiques. Plongez dans une expérience immersive qui transporte toute la famille à travers les époques, des chevaliers intrépides aux corsaires audacieux, pour une journée inoubliable. »

Le Puy du Fou, c’est bien plus qu’un parc d’attractions, c’est un voyage à travers le temps et l’espace. Nos promotions exclusives vous permettent de découvrir ce monde unique à des prix réduits, car chaque famille mérite de vivre la magie du Puy du Fou sans compromis financier.

Profitez de tarifs familiaux avantageux pour rendre cette expérience encore plus accessible. Nos offres spéciales sur les billets d’entrée, les forfaits tout compris et les réductions sur les repas dans nos tavernes thématiques vous garantissent une journée exceptionnelle sans vous soucier de votre portefeuille.

Le Puy du Fou s’engage à offrir des moments inoubliables tout en facilitant l’accès à la magie pour tous. Découvrez nos remises exclusives en ligne, explorez nos offres saisonnières pour maximiser votre plaisir tout en économisant, et plongez dans un univers où l’émerveillement, la famille et les bonnes affaires se conjuguent à la perfection.

Que vous soyez passionné par les spectacles grandioses, les cascades épiques ou simplement à la recherche d’une escapade en famille unique, le Puy du Fou vous promet des expériences exceptionnelles à des tarifs compétitifs. Réservez dès maintenant et entrez dans un monde où l’histoire prend vie et où les promotions font partie intégrante de votre aventure au Puy du Fou !

Nouveau site internet : veuillez cliquer sur ce lien pour y accéder 

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  • Meet in Nice Côte d’Azur

French Riviera Pass

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Parks and gardens

Escape to an ocean of greenery.

Nice Côte d’Azur offers a large number of parks and gardens, each one as sublime as the next. For a bucolic break, escape to exceptional places like the Jardin Exotique d’Eze, the Villa Rothschild, or the Arènes de Cimiez in Nice.

Cover photo ©Ville de Cap d’Ail

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Make the most of our booking platform to check availability and compare rates of the different types of accommodation in Nice Côte d’Azur! To help you prepare your stay, we offer a...

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Let’s discover all our hotels and select your favorite for your holidays in Nice Côte d’Azur Whether you prefer a boutique hotel, a family hotel, a business hotel, or a palace, the...

Boat trips, parasailing, gourmet tours, hikes in the hinterland or introduction to canyoning…..

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Sorties en bateau

Cruise along the coast and admire Nice Côte d’Azur from the sea Take to the sea and enjoy a unique experience onboard a boat. For a coastal area trip to discover marine...

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Nature and sensations

With over 300 days of sunshine a year, Nice Côte d’Azur is the ideal destination for outdoor activities! Whether you are a novice or an experienced sportsman, set off on an adventure!A...

Guided tours

Guided walking tours, electric bike tours, Segway tours, bike taxi, minibus or tourist train tours….

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Château de l'Anglais Nice

Guided visits with a qualified guide-lecturer

Nice Côte d’Azur has a thousand and one surprises in store… Its monuments, its churches, its gardens, its walking paths, but also its museums, its artists, its traditions, its local crafts, and...

Visites découvertes

Discovery tours

Book an original excursion and discover the hidden treasures of Nice Côte d’Azur Guided tours and discovery walks are accessible to all. On foot, by bike, perched on the roof of a...


Visit more and spend less!

With the French Riviera Pass, make the most of free access to over 50 sites and attractions for 24, 48 or 72 hours with or without the transport option.


French Riviera Pass

Make your life easier and save money during your holidays in Nice Côte d’Azur! For a 100% discovery holiday, don’t hesitate to get the French Riviera Pass. This is a unique card...

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The French Riviera Pass – 48hrs

We have tested for you the French Riviera Pass, over 48 hours of visits in Nice and its metropolitan area. Indeed, the end of the year celebrations are an opportunity to take...

Our special offers

Choose your “all-inclusive” offer according to the theme, the number of persons and the duration of your stay.

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Our holiday “good deals”

Whatever the season, there is always a good reason to come on holiday to Nice Côte d’Azur. Discover the special offers proposed by our accommodation partners, and book directly on our website.

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Special offers Nice-Cannes Marathon

Save the date – 5th November 2023 for a 5* experience 42.195 km, surrounded by palm trees and the blue waves of the Mediterranean sea, the Alpes-Maritimes Nice-Cannes Marathon is back! Prepare...


Dana 29.03. na Veliki petak naša poslovnica na adresi Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 4, Zagreb će raditi skraćeno u terminu 08:00h-13:00h! U subotu 30.03. poslovnica radi u redovnom vremenu 09:00h-13:00h. Na Uskršnji ponedjeljak 01.04. poslovnica će biti zatvorena.


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Započeo je BLACK FRIDAY!

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Advent i Nova godina

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Naša preporuka

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Starodrevno. Monumentalno. Piramide, faraoni, mumije, hramovi. Mitska rijeka Nil, davateljica života usred pustinje. Božanstva sa životinjskim glavama. Zemlja iz koje...

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Europske destinacije

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Best Things to Do in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France

Article written by Elisa - Travel Writer & Local in France This article may contain compensated links. Please read disclaimer for more info.

The region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur , in Southern France , has everything to make visitors happy: the French Riviera sunny beaches and chic resorts, the endless lavender fields and stone villages of Provence, picturesque marinas, secluded creeks with turquoise waters, great hikes, and excellent gastronomy.

This is also the land of Van Gogh, Chagall, and Paul Cézanne, painters who fell in love with the region’s natural splendor, rich heritage, and vibrant colors and made it their source of inspiration.

parcs azur tours

In Provence Alpes-Côte-d’Azur, the sea is at your feet, and the Alpine peaks merely a few hours away by car. Thanks to its fantastic Mediterranean climate, the region is also a popular destination for winter getaways in France .

Wine of Provence, France

The region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur – PACA between friends – has six departments: Alpes Maritimes, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Bouches du Rhône, Hautes-Alpes, Var, and Vaucluse. The capital of the region is Marseille .

Let’s explore the best things to do in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, France.

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Martigues - Southern France

Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Travel

BY PLANE: The region has two of the busiest international airports in France : Marseille Provence Airport (MRS) and Nice Côte d’Azur Airport (NCE) . If you don’t plan to visit Paris, consider booking a flight directly to Provence.

Click here to book your flights to Nice or Marseille

BY FERRY: Provence is an important port region. The Port of Marseille is the first port in France and the second in the Mediterranean sea. The Port of Marseille has daily connections with Corsica Island and regular or seasonal connections with several cities in North Africa, Italy, and Spain.

BY TRAIN: Traveling in France by train is straightforward. High-speed trains connect Paris with Marseille Saint Charles train station in less than three hours, and they also serve Avignon and Aix-en-Provence. In May 2021, the night train Paris – Nice resumed its service with departures every night from both directions.

You can explore many other places in the region by regional trains (TER Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur).

Book your train tickets to Provence

Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur by Car

The region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur is a great place for memorable French road trips . With a car, some good tunes, and the best company, you are set for one of the best adventures in your life. Driving in France is very easy, and with the car, you can go off the beaten path to get the most out of Provence.

Recommended road trips in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur:

  • French Riviera Road Trip
  • Gorges du Verdon and Lavender Fields Road Trip
  • Best Lavender Route in Provence
  • Paris to Nice Road Trip
  • The Ultimate Road Trip in Provence

If you don’t have your own car, we recommend booking in advance through platforms like Discover Cars . This site takes all major rental companies, such as Hertz, Avis, etc., and compares prices for you. Check out our best tips for renting a car in France .

Browse Car Rental Companies Available in Provence

What to Do in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

Let’s have a look at what to do in Provence, France. The list of best things to do in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur includes sightseeing, coastal towns, hilltop villages, history, and gastronomy.

1. Marseille and its Old Port

Marseille - France

Marseille’s colorful port is one of the best places to see the city in action. Marseille was founded by the Phoenicians 2,600 years ago, and since the 6th century BC, the city is one of Europe’s main trading hubs.

The port that you see today is mostly from the 1,700s, and it is a great place to meet friends or for an evening stroll. In Quai des Belges you will find a traditional fish market, the perfect place to buy the last catch for a delicious bouillabaisse .

If you are looking for ideas for weekend trips to France , Marseille is a good option. After the port, you can visit the traditional neighborhood of Le Panier for some local life. Then, make your way up to Notre-Dame de la Garde, at the highest point in the city, and admire the fabulous views over the Old Port and the Mediterranean Sea.

If you need some travel inspiration, check out our Marseille 2-day itinerary with the best things to see and do for a weekend in Marseille.

Here’s a selection of wonderful hotels in Marseille

2. The Lavender Fields of Provence

parcs azur tours

One of the top things to do in Provence is to explore the lavender fields. Lavender is the soul of Provence, and the lavender fields of Provence are famous worldwide.

The lavender season in Provence depends on the area, but in general, it lasts from the last week of June to the beginning of August when it is harvested.

There are many guided tours to see the lavender fields of Provence, with departures from Nice, Avignon, and Aix-en-Provence. This half-day guided tour to Luberon Valley and Sault from Avignon always gets the best ratings, and it includes a stop at the 11th-century Cistercian Sénanque Abbey and a couple of hilltop villages.

3. Gorges du Verdon

parcs azur tours

Nestled in the Verdon Regional Park, Gorges du Verdon , is one of Europe’s most fabulous natural settings. This limestone canyon with turquoise waters runs for 25 kilometers through the park, and at points, it reaches depths of more than 700 meters.

Gorges du Verdon is one of the top things to do in France . One of the favorite ways to visit Gorges du Verdon is on a kayak, but you can also approach the gorge on foot via a range of hikes. There’s also rock climbing and whitewater rafting available, or you can just decide to swim in these sparkling waters.

If you don’t want to leave the comfort of your car, avoid the summer months when a long line of vehicles moves at a snail’s pace. If you are there at that time, try to do the drive very early in the morning.

4. The Calanques of Marseille – Cassis

Calanques Marseille Port Miou

The Calanques of Marseille – Cassis is a natural area located between the communes of Marseille, Cassis, and La Ciotat. This is the 10th National Park in France, and it offers spectacular landscapes, rich flora and fauna, and endless outdoor activities.

Nature passionates will definitely love Les Calanques de Marseille – Cassis. The National Park is at the same time terrestrial, marine, and periurban and includes coastal ranges of creeks, a vast marine area of the Mediterranean Sea, several islands, and one of the richest submarine canyons in the world.

The best way to explore the Calanques is on foot, following one of the various trails inside the park. If hiking is not your thing, but you don’t want to miss the beauty of the Calanques, jump on a sailboat or a catamaran, and explore this wonderful area from the water.

TIP:  this catamaran cruise & lunch in the Calanques always gets great reviews

5. Hilltop Villages of Provence

Hilltop Village of Roussillon - Provence

Stroll around the hilltop villages of Provence , built from local stone, full of character, and with stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Some of these villages are classed amongst the ‘Most Beautiful Villages in France.’

Provence – a land of passage between the Italian and Iberian peninsulas – has always been convoked and threatened. Building villages on the top of the hills was a good way to control the route along the valley or countryside and protect their inhabitants.

Saint Paul de Vence - France

If Roussillon, Saint Paul ,  or Vence are already popular, many lesser-known villages are still waiting to be discovered. Little villages where life is slow and peaceful and the days of rain are rare.

TIP:  This top-rated tour from Avignon visits the most beautiful hilltop villages in the Luberon

Arles - Provence

Listed UNESCO World Site, Arles will surprise you with its impressive Roman heritage. The earliest monuments – the arena, the Roman theatre, and the cryptoporticus (subterranean galleries) – date back to the 1st century B.C!

The town also has interesting Romanesque architecture from the 11th and 12th centuries. Don’t miss Saint-Trophime church and cloister, a witness of Arles’ glorious medieval past and one of the major Romanesque monuments in Provence.

Arles was also Van Gogh’s home for a year and the source of inspiration for some 300 of his works. For nine weeks, the painter shared the ‘Yellow house’ in Arles with Gauguin.

Here’s a selection of wonderful hotels in Arles

7. Martigues, the Venice of Provence

Martigues Southern France

One of Provence’s most picturesque coastal towns, Martigues became a favorite place for artists in the 19th century. They were seduced by its clear light and canals, and Martigues was quickly nicknamed the Venice of Provence .

You can decide for yourself if this description is correct, but you will certainly fall for the small canals, picturesque houses, and bridges around Brescon Island, in the heart of the city.

In Martigues, you can also enjoy striking landscapes on the coast, delicious Mediterranean cuisine, and a superb museum with works by famous artists living in Martigues. And when the sun shines, you’ll never be far from a pristine sandy beach or an old fishing port.

8. Avignon and the Palace of the Popes

Avignon - France

In 1309 Avignon became the heart of Christendom when Pope Clement V moved the Papacy here at the invitation of the King of France. Today, Avignon is a beautiful city to explore, with an interesting medieval heritage and a great theater festival. It is also a good base to explore the Luberon region and some of the best lavender fields in Provence.

Standing high above the town, the 14th-century magnificent Palace of the Popes was the residence of six popes. Listed as UNESCO World Heritage, the Palace of the Popes is also the world’s largest and most important civil building in Gothic style.

When you visit the palace, you’ll get access to more than twenty rooms, including Clement IV’s papal apartments, where the exquisite gothic frescoes by Matteo Giovanetti survive to this day.

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9. The French Riviera (Côte d’Azur)

Menton French Riviera

The French Riviera – Côte d’Azur in French – is one of the most beautiful parts of France, always bathed in sunshine. Nice is the French Riviera’s capital and a convenient place to start your French Riviera explorations.

Clustered around  Nice , there are some compelling destinations like Monaco, Antibes, Éze Village , Cannes, Menton, and Saint Tropez. These are great day trips from Nice to do on your own or with a guided tour.

10. Aix-en-Provence

Aix-en-Provence - France

Aix-en-Provence has everything you can imagine from a city in the south of France. Aix is also one of the world’s great art cities thanks to artists and writers like Paul Cézanne, Émile Zola, and Albert Camus, who lived and left their footprint in Aix.

In Aix-en-Provence, you can ramble along Cours Mirabeau under the plane trees and take a seat at one of the many cafes that are steeped in 19th and 20th-century cultural history for some people watching. Stroll around Aix’s old quarter or visit some of its main sights: the roman remains, including a great spa, the Cathedral St-Sauveur full of medieval art, or the interesting Paul Cezanne walk by the Tourist Office.

Here’s a selection of great hotels in Aix-en-Provence

Gastronomy in Provence

parcs azur tours

Provençal cuisine offers a striking contrast between the hearty mountain dishes (dauphinois, ravioles, gratins) and the light and perfumed dishes of the Mediterranean cuisine, many of them based on fish.

The Provence wine region is spoilt by nature, with the climate and soil conditions ideally suited to produce a huge variety of wines. Try a glass of one of the local wines (Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Côtes-de-Provence, Rasteau, Bandol).

On the sweet side, try the honey, calissons (candies made from almonds and melon), chocolate mendiants, and quince paste.

We hope that you enjoyed the main places to visit in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. If you want to learn about other regions, head to this  article on the regions of France , where we have summarized the highlights of each region.

Click here to Explore the French Regions

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Check out the best things to do in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France. Visit the lavender fields in Provence, and hilltop villages, sunbath in the French Riviera, taste great food & wine, and more

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Find schedules, number of places, tickets sold ... of park-and-ride present in the territory of the Metropolis Nice Côte d'Azur.

To locate park-and-ride facilities (and other points of interest) on a map, look the interactive map up and the network maps section !

Transport tickets sold at park-and-ride facilities

The transport tickets sold on site through ticket machines allow you to use Parcazur :

  • 1 Round-Trip: €3,40
  • Multi-Trips: €1,70
  • 1 Day-Pass: €7
  • 2 Days-Pass: €13
  • 7 Days-Pass: €20
  • ParcAzur Loisirs: €6 (only sold inside Vauban and Charles Ehrmann park-and-ride)

Be careful : Solo ticket and Azur ticket do not enable the vehicle to be taken out of all park-and-ride.

Fines for non-compliance with operating rules: from €25, with the exception of the park-and-ride "Port Lympia", which applies the CCI public rate.

Vauban park-and-ride

  • 66 rue de Roquebillière  - 06300 Nice
  • 361 places   including 9 places for person with reduced mobility
  • Open: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - parking cannot exceed 22 consecutive hours

Located in Saint-Jean d’Angely district, it is directly connected to "Vauban" tram station and "Vauban" bus stop. It enables to reach the city centre in 10 minutes by tram.

Recharge your electric car easily thanks to the charging stations provided for this purpose.

Vauban park-and-ride rules

Pont michel park-and-ride.

  • Route de Turin  - 06300 Nice
  • 260 places  including 6 places for person with reduced mobility
  • Open at  4.55am
  • Close at  1.45am

Directly connected to "Pont Michel" tram station, it facilitates access to the city centre (in 15 minutes) by tram and bus for the inhabitants of the eastern districts and the Valley of Paillon.

Pont Michel park-and-ride rules

Port lympia park-and-ride.

  • CCI Nice Côte d'Azur Port of Nice Service parking Quai Amiral Infernet - 06300 Nice 
  • 96 places  including 2 places for person with reduced mobility
  • Open at  4.00am  
  • Close at  2.00am

Port Lympia park-and-ride is directly connected to the "Port Lympia" station and is located 20 minutes away from the airport.

Port Lympia park-and-ride rules

Henri sappia park-and-ride.

  • 2, bd Henri Sappia  - 06100 Nice
  • 765 places  including 20 places for person with reduced mobility
  • 4 carpool places

Integrated into the tramway's operational center, it is directly connected to the A8 freeway and is easily accessible for inhabitants of the hills located to the north of Nice. It is directly connected to "Henri Sappia" station which allows easy exhanges with the tramway (located 15 minutes from Nice city centre). It is also connected to the bus network.

New! Places reserved for electric vehicles and carpoolers!

Recharge your electric car thanks to the charging stations provided for this purpose. Carpoolers some spaces are reserved for you! Look out for the signs indicating the spaces dedicated to carpooling.

Henri Sappia park-and-ride rules

Gorbella park-and-ride.

  • 61, bd Gorbella (angle 3 rue Mellarede) - 06100 Nice
  • 243 places  including 5 places for person with reduced mobility
  • Open at 4.00am
  • Close at 2.00am

Gorbella park-and-ride rules

Charles ehrmann park-and-ride.

  • 155 boulevard du Mercantour  -   06200 Nice
  • 628 places  including  13 places  for person with reduced mobility
  • Close at  2.30am

Linked to the Charles Ginesy maintenance centre, it is directly connected to the A8 freeway and easily accessible for the inhabitants of western Nice. It is directly connected to "CADAM Centre Administratif" terminus station which allows easy exchanges with tramway line 2. It is also connected to the bus network.

Places reserved for electric vehicles

Recharging of electric or hybrid vehicles for all holders of a Lignes d'Azur subscription and registered on the website

Charles Ehrmann park-and-ride rules

The ParcAzur Loisirs ticket for 6€ allows you to park at the Parcazur Vauban and Charles Ehrmann from Monday to Friday from 7pm to the end of the service and on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 2pm to the end of the service.

Keep the ticket to exit the park-and-ride.

Carras - Les Bosquets park-and-ride

  • 8 avenue de Carras  - 06200 Nice
  • 241  places including  12 places  for person with reduced mobility
  • Open at  4.15am  
  • Close at  2.15am 

Located on levels 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 of Les Bosquets public parking lot, it is connected to the "Carras" tram station and allows you to reach Nice city centre in a few minutes.

Carras-Les Bosquets park-and-ride rules

Saint-isidore park-and-ride.

  • 20 Rue Alain Mimoun  - 06200 Nice
  • 321 places  including 6 places for person with reduced mobility
  • Open at  4.15am

Directly connected to the Stade station, it facilitates access to the city centre (in 30 minutes) by tram for the inhabitants of the western districts.

Saint-Isidore park-and-ride is closed on match days at the Allianz Riviera stadium.

Saint-Isidore Park and Ride rules

Pem cagnes-sur-mer park and ride.

  • 280 including 7 places for person with reduced mobility
  • 27 electric charging stations
  • Open: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week -  parking cannot exceed 22 consecutive hours

Located at 39 avenue de la Gare in Cagnes-sur-Mer, this new park and ride facility allows you to park your vehicle near the train station and the main lines of Cagnes-sur-Mer.

Recharging of electric or hybrid vehicles for all holders of a Lignes d'Azur subscription and registered on the website

Download the PEM Cagnes-sur-Mer Park and Ride rules

Prise de nice guideline.

THE 10 BEST Nice Parks

Parks in nice.

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  • Things to do ranked using Tripadvisor data including reviews, ratings, photos, and popularity.

parcs azur tours

1. Promenade du Paillon


2. Parc forestier du Mont-Boron


3. Le Jardin Albert 1er


4. Parc des Arènes de Cimiez


5. Parc de la Colline du Chateau


6. Parc Naturel Départemental de la Grande Corniche


7. Parc Naturel Départemental d'Estienne d'Orves


8. Parc Castel-des-deux-Rois


9. Parc Vigier

parcs azur tours

10. Parc Carol de Roumanie


11. Parc de Valrose


12. Parc Chambrun

parcs azur tours

13. Place Alziary de Malaussena

What travelers are saying.


  • Parc forestier du Mont-Boron
  • Le Jardin Albert 1er
  • Parc des Arènes de Cimiez
  • Parc de la Colline du Chateau
  • Parc Naturel Départemental d'Estienne d'Orves
  • Promenade du Paillon
  • Parc Naturel Départemental de la Grande Corniche


Natural Park of Camargue

  • Get Inspired
  • Natural areas of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
  • Explore the Regional Natural Parks
  • Camargue Regional Natural Park

The Camargue Regional Natural Park is located between the two arms of the Rhone , on the Mediterranean coast. It has a rich territory : wheat fields, pink flamingos, marshes, etc…

The territory of Camargue, between land and sea

Camargue and its 85,000 hectares are protected by the Camargue Regional Natural Park. This unique territory in Europe is made of vast and exceptionally rich plains, salt marshes and salicornia moors where white Camargue horses and herds of Camargue bulls rest. Pink flamingos have made the reed marshes and ponds their home. The highest point is located 4,50 meters above sea level.

Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par Maurice J N. (@mo.nataf) le 2 Mai 2020 à 1 :49 PDT
  Voir cette publication sur Instagram   Une publication partagée par Arles Camargue Tourisme (@arles_camargue_tourisme)

The history of the park

Over time, the action of the Mediterranean and the Rhone combined with the inhabitants’ has helped shaping a multitude of environments of unparalleled richness.

In 1859, a dike was built to control the upwelling of salt water from the Mediterranean Sea. 10 years later, the Rhone was dammed to reduce the flooding of arable land caused by the river. In the north of the Park, the wild landscapes were gradually replaced by cereal fields, asparagus crops, vineyards, but also, and above all, by rice fields.

Head south to explore the primitive Camargue nature where “sansouïres”, ponds and marshes are everywhere. These wild spaces are gradually being nibbled away by crops . Yet they are essential to preserve the biodiversity and balance of this site. The maintenance of natural pastures is also essential for the breeding of the Camargue bulls and white horses.

In 1927, the territory was classified as a National Camargue Reserve by a national nature protection society. The Regional Park was created in 1970 and has been managed by a foundation ever since. Its goal is to preserve the local fauna and flora while supporting traditional activities. It was not until 1975 that the area from the north of the Vaccarès pond to the sea was classified as a Natural Reserve.

The heritage

Camargue is home to an incredible fauna and flora . It is located on an important migratory corridor and the varied habitats it offers make it an ideal resting place for more than 300 species of birds .

The bull-breeding culture is a great part of the heritage of this territory. Throughout the year, ancestral customs are honoured during various events and bullfighting shows.

The Camargue Regional Natural Park towns have a unique and rich historical heritage .

  Voir cette publication sur Instagram   Une publication partagée par Les Traditions De La Camargue (@camargue_tradition) le 27 Févr. 2020 à 10 :24 PST
Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par Arles Camargue Tourisme (@arles_camargue_tourisme)

Tourist sites and emblematic monuments

The Camargue Regional Natural Park includes three towns : Arles, Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône and the Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer.

The city of Arles is world-famous for its numerous Roman and Romanesque monuments listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The Roman Amphitheatre of Arles is one of the most beautiful and best preserved. It still hosts shows such as bull parties, reconstitution of Roman games, etc. This is why it is often called “Les Arènes” (the arena). The church of Saint-Trophime and its cloister skilfully combine Romanesque and Gothic architecture. Aubusson’s tapestries and many ancient sculptures are exhibited there.

Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône is famous for its tower. It has had many roles over the years: watchtower, refuge for the inhabitants, lighthouse. In 1973 it welcomed the Tourist Office and then an ornithological collection and temporary exhibitions. While strolling through the town of Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône, the visitor will see the guardian’s hut , a traditional house of the “people of the marsh”. It welcomes bull herdsmen and has a reed roof.

Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer is a seaside resort that gets busier in summer. Its magnificent beaches are appreciated by tourists who come here to relax or practice water sports. All through the year Camargue cultural and traditional events take place. The bell tower of the church of the Saints overlooks the station and watches over visitors.

The activities

The Camargue is certainly the ideal destination for birdwatching in France ! An ornithological park has been set up for visitors to observe the different bird species in Camargue. It is lined with observation towers, explanatory panels as well as thematic paths. Guided tours are organized so that visitors can learn more about the local fauna and flora.

Visitors can discover the 16 itineraries in the Camargue Regional Natural Park on foot, and go through vineyards, salt marshes and “sansouïres”. Visitors can go mountain biking and on horseback riding through the several paths.

Voir cette publication sur Instagram Une publication partagée par Val🌴🌸 (@valie30) le 9 Mars 2019 à 10 :29 PST

Practical informations

A visit to the Camargue Museum is a great way to begin discovering this exceptional territory. The exhibition highlights the special relationship between man and the Camargue’s fauna and flora with the help of illustrations and objects.

Selection of natural parks

Parc Naturel Régional Queyras

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Paris, Dordogne and the Côte d'Azur

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Overnight flight, cote d'azur, what's included.

Our itineraries reflect 40 years of experience in crafting exceptional educational tours. That means we know exactly how to make the best of your time abroad—incredible destinations, immersive activities, centrally located hotels, and smart, well-traveled tour managers who ensure your educational goals are met. Here are some of the exceptional features of this tour.

ACIS Guarantees

We have high standards, which is why we take care to include these features in every tour.

Round-Trip Flights

Leave the airlines to us.

3- or 4-Star Hotels

After a busy day, comfort is key.

Centrally Located Hotels

Save the commuting time, beat the morning crowds and keep right on exploring after dark when your hotel is in the heart of the city.

Daily Breakfast and Dinner (unless otherwise noted)

Delicious, authentic, multi-course dinners at local restaurants with meal times tailored to maximize your experience.

24-Hour Tour Manager

Part guide, part educator, part engineer, part mind-reader, part magician—ACIS Tour Managers are your travel partner.

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Never wait hours at the airport to share a transfer with other later groups.

Service Guarantee

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All Local Transportation

Urban transportation is on us, allowing you to explore each destination with ease.

Personal Headsets Included Throughout Tour

Participants will have unlimited access to personal headsets so that local guides and ACIS Tour Managers can more easily communicate with the group along the way.

Exceptional Experiences

Our tours are designed to help you and your students be in the moment and experience everything the world has to offer.

Truffle Hunt and Tasting

Some cultural delicacies you have to taste, smell and find to understand. First, you’ll have the unique experience of participating in a truffle hunt with dogs to unearth these delicious mushrooms in nature. Then you’ll enjoy a truffle-inspired lunch menu featuring truffle butter, truffle-infused pâtés and more. You’ll leave full of good food and understanding of how truffles are an important part of the culture in this region.

Be Cézanne Painting Lesson

parcs azur tours

A local artist and Cézanne expert will introduce you to the great artist's techniques and how he helped build the bridge between 19th century Impressionism and 20th century Cubism. Then, put your newfound skills to the test and re-create one of Cézanne's masterpieces. If the weather's nice, you may even be able to paint in the shadow of Mont St. Victoire, a favorite Cézanne subject.

Paris Tour with Guide

Louvre with guide and reservation, eiffel tower top floor, seine boat ride, paris-bordeaux tgv, pont du gard third floor with guide, jardin exotique, fragonard perfume factory tour.

parcs azur tours

Featured in this video

Eiffel Tower, Montmartre, Arc de Triomphe, Louvre, Jardin du Luxembourg, Versailles, Chartres, Pont du Gard, Pointe du Hoc, Caen Peace Museum, American Cemetery at Colleville-sur-Mer, Pétanque Lesson, Rouen Cathedral, Local Cheese Producer Visit and Tasting, Be Cézanne Painting Lesson, Nîmes Roman Arena, Place Masséna, Promenade des Anglais, Jardin Exotique, Château de Chenonceau

This itinerary is the starting point for your tour, but it’s not set in stone. If there are days you would like to change, or specific places you’d like to go, we can work with you to create a personalized program that fits the needs of you and your students.

Day 1: Overnight Flight

Depart from the USA.

Day 2: Paris

Bienvenue à Paris! Meet your ACIS Tour Manager and get acquainted with this graceful city’s cobblestoned streets, charming cafés and vibrant neighborhoods. Paris is called the “City of Light” for its role as a center of education during the Age of Enlightenment (it was also one the first cities to adopt streetlights). After settling in, immerse yourself in local culture by practicing your French with painters and vintage book sellers along the storied Seine.

Day 3: Paris

Your day begins with a guided sightseeing tour that takes you past some of the most famous attractions in Paris. Your expert local guide will show you the magnificent Arc de Triomphe at the top of the Champs-Élysées, Napoleon's final resting place at Les Invalides and the Gothic wonder of Notre Dame. This afternoon, breeze by the crowds with your timed entrance to the Louvre and discover the many famous masterpieces that call it home. Insightful commentary from your local guide highlights the Mona Lisa, Winged Victory, Venus de Milo and more as you wander through the galleries. From its beginnings as a royal fortress to its current status as the world's most visited art museum, the Louvre has long been at the center of Parisian culture and home to a collection of 35,000 works of art from around the world. Later on, ascend to the top of the iconic Eiffel Tower for breathtaking views of Paris. Then gain a completely different perspective of the city as you enjoy a serene evening boat cruise on the Seine

Day 4: Sarlat

Travel on the high-speed TGV to the southern city of Bordeaux, the wine capital of the world and a center for arts and culture. Here your tour manager will take you on a walking tour of this historic port city. You'll have time to grab lunch before the drive to the Dordogne, a picturesque region of France named after the river that runs through it. And you'll feel as though you've been transported back into the Renaissance when you arrive in the well-preserved town Sarlat-la-Canéda.

Day 5: Sarlat

This morning experience Lascaux IV, a beautiful, interactive and immersive museum that will unlock your understanding and appreciation of this region's world-famous prehistoric cave art. Then visit a truffle farm where you will take part in a truffle hunt with dogs trained to sniff out these highly prized delicacies. After this unique experience, you'll enjoy a tasting of truffles and truffle-infused products.

Day 6: Provence

Drive through southern France en route to Provence, stopping to visit the walled city of Carcassonne, a fortified medieval town whose ramparts and towers are so well-preserved that they have been featured in movies.

Day 7: Cote d'Azur

Marvel at Roman engineering today as you visit the Pont du Gard, a Roman aqueduct preserved in almost perfect condition. This impressive 161-foot tall bridge aqueduct is still standing nearly 2,000 years after its construction. Our tour offers an exclusive guided visit to the third floor for a closer look at the structure's architecture and exceptional views. Continue through the Provençal countryside to picturesque Aix-en-Provence, hometown of Paul Cézanne. During a Be Cézanne painting lesson a local artist and Cézanne expert will teach you the great artist's techniques and explain how he helped build the artistic bridge between 19th century Impressionism and 20th century Cubism. Then put your new skills to the test and re-create one of Cézanne's masterpieces. Then admire the rugged limestone of majestic Montagne Sainte-Victoire, a favorite and frequent subject of Cézanne, as you continue to the chic Côte d'Azur for dinner.

Day 8: Cote d'Azur

Stroll the city's splendid squares, the winding alleyways of Vieux Nice and the Promenade des Anglais on your morning sightseeing tour. Later you'll drive along seaside cliffs to the village of Eze where you'll visit to the Fragonard Perfume Factory and enjoy sweeping vistas from the fragrant Jardin Exotique. Then continue on to Monaco, the glamorous home of the rich and famous. The scenic drive back to Nice will cap off a full day and an exceptional week.

Day 9: Departure

Depart for the USA.

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Quote notes, additional fees (as applicable), general information.

ACIS provides Basic Protection coverage, but we recommend that participants purchase the Ultimate-Plus Protection Plan designed specifically for your travel needs. There are many other options and extensions that you may elect to take; please contact your ACIS Tour Consultant for details.


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  5. Explore the Regional Natural Parks

    Parc Naturel Régional des Baronnies Provençales Bask in Beautiful Biodiversity. Straddling the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur regions, the park extends over a massif between Drôme and Hautes-Alpes.A land of delightful scents and flavours, here you will find Provence at its most fragrant, blooming with aromatic and medicinal plants.

  6. Nos offres parc d'attraction

    Découvrez nos offres exclusives sur Azur Tours. Achetez des billets à prix réduits pour le parc d'attraction de votre choix. <style>.woocommerce-product-gallery{ opacity: 1 !important; }</style>

  7. Préalpes d'Azur Regional Natural Park

    An open-air plant encyclopedia. A preamble to the soaring summits of the French Alps, the Préalpes d'Azur Regional Nature Reserve features a unique geography and relief. For instance, it is dotted with many ancient grottos where rare species such as the inoffensive Orsini's Viper come to shelter. But you'll have to get up early if you ...

  8. The BEST Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    Find the top-rated and best-reviewed tours and activities in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur for 2024. From prices and availability to skip-the-line options and mobile tickets, get all the information you need to make the most of your trip to France.

  9. Préalpes d'Azur Regional Natural Park

    The Natural Park of the Préalpes d'Azur is made up of about 40 towns: Saint-Vallier-de-Thiey and its Grotte de la Baume Obscure, Saint-Cezaire-sur-Siagne and its canyoning river, Saint-Jeannet and its "baou", a famous climbing site, Vence or Le Bar-sur-Loup. Une publication partagée par Paul Plassio (@rivieraddict) le 3 Mai 2020 à 11 : ...

  10. Parc Phoenix

    A real haven of peace at the heart of the Côte d'Azur, a visit to Parc Phoenix has, for more than 30 years, been one of the most popular family outings for the people of Nice and travellers. Spread over seven hectares, more than 2500 plant species across a score of gardens, which cohabit with 2,000 animals representing 70 different species.

  11. Parc Phoenix

    Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur. French Riviera - Cote d'Azur. Nice. Things to Do in Nice. Parc Phoenix. See all things to do. Parc Phoenix. See all things to do. See all things to do ... Monte-Carlo and Eze Village Small Group Half-Day Tour. 94. Recommended. 93% of reviewers gave this product a bubble rating of 4 or higher. Historical Tours. from ...

  12. Parks and gardens in Nice and surroundings

    Nice Côte d'Azur offers a large number of parks and gardens, each one as sublime as the next. For a bucolic break, escape to exceptional places like the Jardin Exotique d'Eze, the Villa Rothschild, or the Arènes de Cimiez in Nice. Sign up now to get a sneak preview of exclusive offers, new experiences and all the news about Nice.

  13. Azur Tours

    Azur Tours. Putnička agencija. Trg bana Jelačića 4, 10 000 Zagreb. Telefon: +385 1 481 13 89 E-mail: [email protected]. RADNO VRIJEME. Radnim danom: 08:00 - 18:00h Subotom: 09:00 - 13:00 Nedjeljom i praznikom: zatvoreno Informacije. O nama Mogućnosti plaćanja Opći uvjeti putovanja ...

  14. Best Things to Do in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

    The region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, in Southern France, has everything to make visitors happy: the French Riviera sunny beaches and chic resorts, the endless lavender fields and stone villages of Provence, picturesque marinas, secluded creeks with turquoise waters, great hikes, and excellent gastronomy.. This is also the land of Van Gogh, Chagall, and Paul Cézanne, painters who fell ...

  15. THE 10 BEST Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur Parks & Nature Attractions

    The turquoise Verdon River, with five dams along its course, is a favorite for fly fishing, rafting, canoeing, kayaki... See tours. 2023. 2. Parc national des Calanques. 4,054. Geologic Formations. By S3905GAmatthewb. from a visual point of view amazing , clear sea, great sand cliffs that are almost unique.

  16. Les plus beaux parcs et jardins à Tours (37000)

    Rechercher dans les. Rechercher sur les. Parcs et jardins à Tours 37000: retrouvez les coordonnées de toutes les meilleures adresses du Petit Futé (JARDIN BOTANIQUE, LE PARC DE LA GLORIETTE, SQUARE FRANCOIS SICARD).

  17. Park-and-Ride

    Port Lympia park-and-ride. CCI Nice Côte d'Azur Port of Nice Service parking Quai Amiral Infernet - 06300 Nice. 96 places including 2 places for person with reduced mobility. Open at 4.00am. Close at 2.00am. Port Lympia park-and-ride is directly connected to the "Port Lympia" station and is located 20 minutes away from the airport.

  18. National Parks in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur

    The Parc National des Calanques Explore an Epic Coastline. Known around the world for its magnetic beauty and biodiversity, the Parc national des Calanques, the newest national park in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur - founded in 2012, is the first European National Park which is urban.Both terrestrial and marine, you can access it either by boat or by walking since more than 140 km of trails ...

  19. THE 10 BEST Nice Parks (Updated 2024)

    4. Parc des Arènes de Cimiez. 303. Parks. By sskroll. This was a very nice place to walk around and visit and see the different offerings within the park. See tours. 5. Parc de la Colline du Chateau.

  20. Geology in France

    Into the bowels of the earth with a headlamp! Underground adventures. Let's start with the underground tour led by the association Lou Païs in the Préalpes-d'Azur Regional Nature Reserve: an exciting caving experience guaranteed by the Valeurs Parc Naturel Régional label at Parc de la Moulière in Caille. Combining climbing and caving, the adventure takes you 45 metres underground ...

  21. Top 10 must-see sights

    Start your tour with the must-see town of Briançon in the Hautes-Alpes area, famed for its Cité Vauban - a cluster of fortifications built by Louis XIV's famous military engineer Vauban. France's highest-altitude town, Briançon offers breathtaking views over the River Durance. Next, head to the Place Forte de Mont-Dauphin stronghold to ...

  22. Natural Park of Camargue

    The Camargue Regional Natural Park includes three towns: Arles, Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône and the Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. The city of Arles is world-famous for its numerous Roman and Romanesque monuments listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The Roman Amphitheatre of Arles is one of the most beautiful and best preserved.

  23. Paris, Dordogne and the Côte d'Azur

    This impressive 161-foot tall bridge aqueduct is still standing nearly 2,000 years after its construction. Our tour offers an exclusive guided visit to the third floor for a closer look at the structure's architecture and exceptional views. Continue through the Provençal countryside to picturesque Aix-en-Provence, hometown of Paul Cézanne.