The best Star Trek games

The best Star Trek games you can find in this universe. Set phasers to fun.

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Welcome to our list of the best Star Trek games on PC. The dream of exploring space, meeting strange new life and new civilisations; cresting the Final Frontier in the next chapter of humanity’s story; kissing green aliens. All of that. 

Star Trek’s relation to games has always been… shaky. Unlike Star Wars, which had Lucasarts’ hand on the tiller for at least the 1990s, it’s always been a licensed property and not often a successful one. Some studios tried to squeeze Trek into a genre it's not suited for. Others were just cash-grabs, like Star Trek: The Game Show, which relied on the comedic stylings of Q and his lovely female assistant Q to cover a truly soulless trivia contest. Still, companies keep trying, from early test adventures like The Kobayashi Alternative to the crappy game version of the JJ Abrams reboot.

But we’re not interested in those. What are the Trek games that do Gene Roddenberry’s vision proud? Here are our favourites, a collection of games which at least do enough to capture the Star Trek magic, even sometimes despite themselves. 

Star Trek: Judgment Rites

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Judgement Rites isn’t the greatest game on this list, but it's arguably the best at putting you into the show. There's an authentic mix of bridge banter and combat and you're doing classic Star Trek tasks, like flying to new worlds and beaming down away teams to sort out their problems. Like its predecessor, 25th Anniversary, it followed the show’s episodic model, pitting Kirk and co against scenarios like Trelane recreating World War I on a distant planet, and a rift in time that promises the end of the Federation within eight days. Unlike 25th, there was also something of a running story involving a mysterious race watching the crew and seeing how they solved these problems, adding a little extra drama to the mix.

Neither the combat nor the adventuring is exactly top-tier, but they made a delicious pairing that was totally in keeping with The Original Series. It’s no wonder that even decades later, many still hold it up as the high point of any crew’s PC adventures. 

Star Trek: Voyager, Elite Force 1 and 2

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Elite Force is an rare case where it makes sense to turn Star Trek into a shooter. Voyager is lost in the depths of space, surrounded by enemies, and while risking the senior staff for every casual mission works for television, in reality it’s a pretty dreadful idea. Cue the creation of the Hazard Team, just in time for Voyager to get trapped in a spaceship graveyard full of particularly troublesome trapped alien types.

The first level, set aboard a simulated Borg ship, set a great tone, right down to the Borg not reacting to your presence until triggered. Little expense was spared. The whole crew (including, retroactively, Jeri Ryan) voice their characters, and a real effort made to make the Hazard Team feel like a unit. For a while, it was even suggested that the concept might be added to the show. It wasn’t, though something similar would show up in Enterprise in the form of the MACO assault unit. Best of all, as well as fitting the show surprisingly well, it was a very solid shooter and by far the best action game spin-off. 

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Star Trek: Starfleet Command

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There are two basic ways to make a Star Trek game. Either you try and do everything, or you phaser-focus on one particular aspect. Starfleet Command goes all-in on space battles. Forget simply locking phasers and firing photon torpedoes, Starfleet Command is based on the table-top war-game Star Fleet Battles, and a brutal demonstration of just how hard it would be to lead a ship like the Enterprise into battle. Everything your ship has its at your disposal, from weapons to shields to special equipment, in full 3D.

It’s brutally hard, but satisfying with it. Three Starfleet Command games were released, adding proper campaigns and additional races. Later games would offer somewhat similar looking combat, though vastly stripped down to avoid the Command learning curve. Still, if you have what it takes, it’s a challenge that you won’t find elsewhere.   

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Okay, this is cheating. EGATrek isn’t an official Star Trek game. However, if you’re of a certain age, it is likely the Trek game that you remember playing first. It’s based on a game called Nettrek, originally the preserve of university servers and the like, and originally simulated the adventures of the Enterprise versus the Klingons and Romulans. After a raised eyebrow and a cough from Paramount, that became the adventures of the Lexington against an invading race called the Mongols. So, totally different!

It’s Star Trek though, right down to the ship design and use of Stardates, and your goal is to travel around and blow up all the Mongols in the system. While not much to look at now, it was definitely fun for the time—and felt a good deal more tactical than it was. It hasn’t aged well, but its place in history means it earns a place here, albeit quietly. 

Star Trek: Borg

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Borg is one of the most unusual Star Trek games. It’s an interactive movie, and that’s definitely a knock against it. It’s an interactive movie with style though, and some genuinely smart design. You play a cadet whose father was killed by the Borg. As you flee from another attack from the cyborg singularity, the all-powerful force of smugness Q appears and offers you a deal: go back in time with him, and see if you can save your father from his fate.

The result is genuinely surprising. Unlike the other big Star Trek interactive movie, Klingon, this one benefits from Q capering around and not taking anything even slightly seriously. You even get to kick him in the balls at one point. Star Trek games don’t get much more satisfying than that! It’s so good, the Wiki even lists ‘it is possible to punch Q in the face’ as a gameplay feature.

The true cleverness though is how it handles its time-travel premise. Screw up and Q resets time for you to try again, and quite often that’s required for a puzzle—one in particular involves getting some codes from the Borg Collective. How do you do that? Let yourself be caught, read them while you’re a Borg, and make use of them when Q rewinds time. That’s far too clever for an interactive movie, even if the rest of it—the pace, the acting, the depth—is what you’d expect. 

Star Trek: Bridge Crew

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More than any other game, Bridge Crew attempted to create The Dream. It uses VR headsets to put you and your friends on the bridge of a Star Trek vessel. Largely inspired by Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator, it works by giving each of you a console and thus controls/information that the other players don’t have, which forces everyone to work together. The captain is in charge, but will only know the engines are about to explode if told. The captain order the phasers fired, but it’s the weapons officer who actually pulls the trigger. Success depends on how well the crew integrates and does their individual jobs.

The main problem with it is that once you’ve done this a couple of times, the lack of depth becomes very apparent. There’s not all that much to actually do, and doing it quickly becomes rote. It doesn’t help that for full effect, you need a whole cadre of friends with expensive VR equipment, which is about as likely as the Enterprise crew not using the holodecks for sex. Still, it’s the game that many fans have been waiting for, and certainly a trip while it lasts. 

Star Trek: Bridge Commander

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Bridge Commander is the best of the ‘command chair’ games. It is less brutal than Starfleet Command, but has more depth than the relatively simple shooter action of the adventure games or the Starfleet Academy game, which almost made the list.

The big clever feature is that you don’t control the ship so much as give orders to your individual crew members, making you feel more like a captain than a glorified pilot. You can jump in if necessary, but you’re mostly intended to sit back and trust your navigator to fly and your weapons officer to handle the combat. On top of that, it’s not just a series of quick battles; there is a full narrative campaign to work through. It is even possible to play with voice control, though not advised. When it works, it offers the full Captain experience. Far more often though, you just get blown up while swearing loudly. 

Star Trek The Next Generation: A Final Unity

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A Final Unity is a fondly remembered game, though honestly one that’s better fondly remembered than replayed. Creators Spectrum Holobyte clearly set out to make the greatest Star Trek game ever. The game modelled space combat, away team adventure, diplomacy, freeform exploration of the galaxy, and its cleverer features let you you call the entire TNG crew for advice and handpick away teams. In practice, the developers bit off rather more than they could chew, and in trying to replicate TNG’s more serious tone, most of the adventure is honestly sluggish, humourless and slow.

So why’s it here? Primarily because in the moments that it does work, it really captures the TNG spirit, and aesthetically and in terms of story, it’s bang on. It’s just hard not to notice how, for instance, the backgrounds get cheaper and cheaper as the story goes on, or how much of the adventure consists of interminable conversations. Still, it’s easily the best of the TNG-era games, as much as that counts when the competition is the likes of super-primitive shooter Star Trek: Generations or Insurrection tie-in The Hidden Evil. At worst, it’s a game to be admired for what it tried, even if it wasn’t all it could have been. 

Star Trek: Birth of the Federation

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That’s right, it’s the almost inevitable Master of Orion game in the Star Trek universe, and honestly I'm being a little generous including it here. Played casually, it’s absolutely fine—a fun game of expansion and discovery and scooping up minor races to be part of your growing empire. Over time though the length of turns renders it almost unplayable. Its main hook was definitely the familiar races, and being able to play with the likes of Klingons instead of just some random warlike species. The effectiveness of this shouldn’t be underestimated, and it’s easily one of the better attempts to paste the Trek universe over an existing game. If not for that though, it’s a pale shadow of not just later games like GalCiv, but prior strategy games from its own developer Microprose. 

Star Trek: Online

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The first time I fired up Star Trek Online, I finished the tutorial, got the freedom of the universe, and immediately flew my ship to Deep Space Nine to see what, if anything, the team had done there. I was expecting to be told to come back in an expansion or two, or maybe to see the 3D model. Instead, I arrived, and was able to beam across and run around the set of the best Star Trek show of all time in pretty much all of its glory.

At its best, Star Trek Online is those moments. It continues stories from the TV shows, and even brings actors back to voice their characters. The game mixes space combot with away team action and gives you plenty of freedom to explore and chart your own path through the game. Unfortunately, since going free-to-play, much of the game pivoted around less enjoyable stuff—grinding, the push for new ships, and levelling up. Between those bits there’s still much to enjoy, including building up your crew and engaging in fun action against other players. It’s worth at least trying out, and playing for a while to enjoy the atmosphere and the satisfaction of commanding a ship in MMO space.   

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Factions & officers.

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Romulans have a broad focus across health, defense, and offense. Their faction focuses on boosting their own battleship abilities while decreasing the defensive strength of an opponent's ship.

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Star Trek: Bridge Crew Puts You and Your Friends in the Heart of a Starship

As officers of the Federation, every action and decision you make together will determine the fate of your ship and crew. Available for play with VR headsets and without, the Virtual Reality mode developed for Star Trek: Bridge Crew offers a true-to-life level of immersion in the Star Trek universe.

The Next Generation DLC

The voyage continues! Tackle missions aboard the USS Aegis or the original bridge of the USS Enterprise!

Game Overview

A new playable ship: the enterprise d.

The Enterprise D can be used in any of the existing Ongoing Voyages modes, plus the two new modes. Players appear in authentic TNG uniforms when on this bridge, and experience the full audiovisual treatment to make everything look and sound like the TNG show.

New Avatar Option: Android

You can choose and customize any of several Android avatars.

New Enemies: The Romulans and The Borg

The Romulans are deadly and devious, making heavy use of surprise attacks. And the infamous Borg Cube poses a nearly unstoppable threat.

A New Player Role: Operations

On the Enterprise D, instead of Chief Engineer, you play as Operations. The signature feature of Operations is assigning NPC crew members to jobs throughout the ship. How Ops assigns crews at any given moment modifies the ship’s capabilities.

New Ongoing Voyages Mode: Patrol

Investigate activity throughout the Trench, flying to your choice of star systems and encountering random events and challenges along the way. Can be played with any of the three playable ships.

New Ongoing Voyages Mode: Resistance

A Borg Cube is tracking your ship, and you must locate a series of prototype defenses in order to survive your final encounter with it. At every step, the Borg are tracking you and trying to disrupt your efforts. Resistance is a tough challenge mode for dedicated players! Can be played with any of the three playable ships.

New Ship Capabilities

To counter Romulan stealth tactics, the Enterprise D can deploy Proximity Torpedoes; a well-coordinated Bridge Crew can use them like depth charges to neutralize a cloaked enemy. And to hold out against deadly singular threats like the Borg, the Enterprise D also features Shield Modulation and Precision-Fire Phasers.

Latest News

Select your platform, select your version, select your edition, star trek: bridge crew.

Star Trek™: Bridge Crew puts you and your friends in the heart of a starship. As officers of the Federation, every action and decision you make together will determine the fate of your ship and crew. Available for play with VR headsets and without, the Virtual Reality mode developed for Star Trek: Bridge Crew offers a true-to-life level of immersion in the Star Trek universe.

Release Date:

May 30 , 2017

VR / Simulation / Strategy

Red Storm Entertainment

Star Trek Bridge Crew is Available on:

VR / PC / PlayStation 4

Star Trek Bridge Crew is rated:

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TM & © 2016 CBS Studios Inc. © 2016 Paramount Pictures Corp. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved. Game Software © 2016 Ubisoft Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. Ubisoft and the Ubisoft logo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries.

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Buy Star Trek: Infinite

Packages that include this game, buy star trek: infinite - deluxe edition.

Includes 4 items: Star Trek: Infinite, Star Trek: Infinite - Designing the Galaxy, Star Trek: Infinite - Galactic Tracks, Star Trek: Infinite - Neutral Zone Tunes

Content For This Game Browse all (3)

“Star Trek: Infinite is a 4X grand strategy game that shares a lot of qualities with a good Star Trek episode: It’s cerebral, accessible, occasionally a little clumsy, and overall a good time.” Polygon “...If you’re a huge Trekkie and just happen to also like video games, Star Trek: Infinite will beam boatloads of fun right into your living room.” Video Games (Sports Illustrated) “This game is made for Star Trek fans through and through. From the well-crafted story elements to the small random easter egg events, there is something for those with various entry points into the fandom.” But Why Tho?


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U.S.S. Cerritos & California -class Uniforms

Klingon voice pack, downloadable soundtrack, more star trek music, about this game.

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Mature Content Description

The developers describe the content like this:

This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work: General Mature Content

System Requirements

  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS *: Windows® 7 SP1 64 Bit
  • Processor: Intel® iCore™ i3-530 or AMD® FX-6350
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia® GeForce™ GTX 460 or AMD® ATI Radeon™ HD 5870 (1GB VRAM), or AMD® Radeon™ RX Vega 11 or Intel® HD Graphics 4600
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 15 GB available space
  • OS: Windows® 10 Home 64 Bit
  • Processor: Intel® iCore™ i5-3570K or AMD® Ryzen™ 5 2400G
  • Graphics: Nvidia® GeForce™ GTX 560 Ti (1GB VRAM) or AMD® Radeon™ R7 370 (2 GB VRAM)
  • DirectX: Version 12
  • OS: 10.11 (El Capitan)
  • Processor: Intel® iCore™ i5-4570S
  • Memory: 15 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia® GeForce™ GT 750M or equivalent AMD® card with 1GB Vram
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
  • OS: 10.13 (High Sierra)
  • Processor: Intel® iCore™ i5-4670
  • Graphics: Nvidia® GeForce™ GTX 780M with 4GB Vram or AMD® Radeon™ R7 370 (2 GB VRAM)

© 2023 Paradox Interactive AB. All rights reserved.

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Complete List of Ships in Star Trek Online: Tier 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Ship Customization and Weapons

Complete List of Ships in Star Trek Online: Tier 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, Ship Customization and Weapons

Most people who have played Star Trek Online would agree that the game’s major draw is the large selection of ships. From lowly Miranda-class Light Cruisers to the mighty Sovereign-Class Assault Cruiser, you can captain practically any of the most memorable ships in the Star Trek universe.

Our guides cover all aspects of ship selection, with detailed stats and analysis of each tier of ships. We also have comprehensive information on ship weapons and STO’s in-depth ship customization system.

Check out our full listing of ship-related guides for Star Trek Online.

Guide to Ships in Star Trek Online Tier 1-5

In the beginning, most Star Trek Online captains will find themselves in charge of a Light Cruiser. This lightly-armed vessel is a jack of all trades, allowing you to equip all Mark I and II weapons. Players can use the time spent piloting their Miranda, ShiKhar, or Centaur class vessel to get a better handle on what type of ship they are going to want at Tier II.

  • Guide to the Tier 1 Light Cruiser

Tier II is where each class of ship really comes into its own. Players can choose from the heavily-armed Escort, the versatile Science Vessel, or the behemoth Cruiser.

  • Guide to Tier 2 Ships in Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online Research Science Vessel

Upon reaching the rank of Commander, Star Trek Online players gain access to the mighty tier 3 ships, including the Heavy Cruiser, Research Science Vessel, and Heavy Escort. Find details in our complete guide:

  • Guide to Tier 3 Ships in Star Trek Online

The rank of Captain is where the truly recognizable (and desirable) ship designs come into play. Finally, players can boldly go in their own personal version of the Next Generation Enterprise D, The U.S.S Voyager, or the U.S.S. Defiant of Deep Space 9 fame. Find full stats and info on each in our guide.

  • Guide to Tier 4 Ships in Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online Sovereign Class

The pinnacle of any Starfleet officer’s career is the rank of Rear Admiral. This prestigious level of achievement gives you access to the most powerful ships in Starfleet. There are six different ships to choose from at level 40+, including the Assault Cruiser, Star Cruiser, Advanced Escort, Fleet Escort, Deep Space Science Vessel, and Reconnaissance Science Vessel.

  • Guide to Tier 5 Ships in Star Trek Online

Ship Customization in Star Trek Online

Fully Customized Miranda Class Ship

Nobody wants a ship that looks just like hundreds of others buzzing around the Alpha Quadrant, and Cryptic’s ship customization system is in-depth enough that with some skill, you can create a truly unique-looking vessel.

Our guide to customizing the Light Cruiser will get you started.

  • Star Trek Online Ship Customization: The Light Cruiser

This basic guide will give you a good grasp of customization in the game. These prinicples can be applied to any ship.

Star Trek Online Ship Weaponry

Find the Best STO Weapons for Situations Like These

Of course, a good-looking ship is pretty worthless if it can’t defend itself. Our guide to STO ship weaponry will help you ensure you’re packing the right kind of armament when the time comes to take on those pesky Klingons or the Borg.

  • Guide to Star Trek Online Ship Weapons

Hopefully, with a little help from our guide, you won’t find yourself overwhelmed while exploring the unknown reaches of deep space.

Our complete guide to Ships in STO is only getting started. These great articles and guides are just the beginning of our coverage of the game. Be sure to check back often for updates, as new guides should be added regularly.

This post is part of the series: Star Trek Online Guide to Ships

Whether you’re looking for information on tier 2, 3, 4, or 5 ships in Star Trek Online, our complete guide has got you covered. Check out full ship stats, and see which ships are available at Lt. Commander, Commander, Captain, and Admiral Ranks.

  • Ultimate Guide to Ships in Star Trek Online
  • Guide to Ships in Star Trek Online: The Tier 1 Light Cruiser
  • Guide to Ships in Star Trek Online: Tier 2 Vessels
  • Guide to Ships in Star Trek Online: Tier 3 Vessels
  • Guide to Ships in Star Trek Online: Tier 4 Vessels
  • Complete Guide to Tier 5 Vessels in Star Trek: Online
  • Star Trek Online Ship Customization Guide: Light Cruiser

Best Star Trek games of all time

Boldly go where no one has gone before with our in-depth, ranked list of the best Star Trek games of all time.

Star Trek Online - best Star Trek games

10. Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova

9. star trek: klingon academy, 8. star trek: invasion, 7. star trek: elite force ii, 6. star trek: bridge crew, 5. star trek: deep space nine – the fallen, 4. star trek: voyager – elite force, 3. star trek: starfleet command iii, 2. star trek: bridge commander, 1. star trek online.

It's only logical that you check out our list of the best Star Trek games of all time.

Star Trek: Resurgence , a new narrative-driven video game based on the famous sci-fi franchise, has just hit the shelves and garnered positive reviews. While it looks like a perfect entry point for newcomers to the Star Trek universe , it also reminded us of all the older titles that deserve more attention nowadays, as well as recent releases that have flown under the radar. Below you’ll find our picks for the very best Star Trek games of all time, ranked worst to best.

Much like the movie and TV franchise they’re based on, Star Trek video games have traditionally been more obscure than Star Wars titles, or at least more demanding from players trying to warp into the unknown. Still, Star Trek has produced a handful of remarkable games well worth checking out if you’ve got the time.

If you need some recommendations to better navigate through the Star Trek movies released so far, be sure to check out our list of the Star Trek movies ranked, worst to best . Likewise, we’ve got plenty of other sci-fi gaming suggestions (old and new) with our lists of the finest Alien , Warhammer 40K , Marvel , and DC games of all time.

Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova.

  • Platforms: PC, PS4/5, Xbox One/Series X/S, Nintendo Switch
  • Developer: Tessera Studios

After a successful season 1 on Paramount+ in late 2021 and early 2022, the animated series Star Trek Prodigy received its own tie-in video game in late 2022. Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova is far from being the deepest nor most representative title the franchise has received, but it’s tailor-made for the next generation of fans.

There’s plenty of top-down action and adventure for the whole family here, coupled with reasonable puzzles and a co-op option which seems perfect for Trekkie parents trying to get their children into the universe. In an age when tie-in games are rare and normally undercooked, Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova has almost all the charm of the source material and doesn’t stumble too often.

Star Trek: Klingon Academy.

  • Platforms: PC
  • Developer: 14 Degrees East

Klingon Academy is one of the many weird, overlooked Star Trek video games that were born from an era when the most obvious projects had already been developed. Movies and TV shows weren’t at their highest peak either during the late 90s and early 2000s, so many off-beat and fascinating titles came out during those years.

Star Trek: Klingon Academy was yet another space flight sim, with the main difference being that it followed a young Klingon warrior joining the Elite Command Academy in order to prepare for a future conflict with the United Federation of Planets. While it was designed as a successor to Starfleet Academy, the unique setting and storyline, coupled with complex systems that rewarded diehard players, placed it among Star Trek’s finest games as years passed.

Star Trek: Invasion.

  • Platforms: PS1
  • Developer: Warthog Games

The year 2000 also gave us Star Trek: Invasion, a pretty competent and good-looking space combat shooter for the original PlayStation. It perhaps didn’t get enough attention back then because it strayed a bit too far from the spirit of the franchise, but the quality and retro thrills are there.

On the downside, the music largely missed the mark and barely felt like a proper Star Trek soundtrack, plus many ships in the game weren’t canon-accurate. Still, Invasion landed critical shots with everything else and provided a Star Trek experience unlike anything that had come before it.

Star Trek: Elite Force II.

  • Platforms: PC, macOS
  • Developer: Ritual Entertainment

Star Trek tried its luck with the first-person shooter genre as well, and found great success twice. While Ritual Entertainment’s Elite Force II isn’t as remarkable as the first installment, there was plenty to love in it, including much-improved graphics.

Oddly enough, Elite Force II also serves as a semi-sequel of sorts to the largely derided movie Star Trek: Nemesis as well as the end of the Star Trek: Voyager series. As for the gameplay, it’s an exciting mix of FPS action and surprisingly solid puzzle-solving. The game resonated well with critics and veteran fans alike, but it was a commercial failure and marked the final Star Trek release by Activision.

Star Trek: Bridge Crew.

  • Platforms: PC, PS4, Oculus Quest
  • Developer: Red Storm Entertainment

Star Trek: Bridge Crew was hard to fully recommend around launch to the average player or Trekkie because it was strictly a virtual-reality title, but there was eventually an update that introduced the option to play it without VR. It takes place in the Kelvin timeline (created by the 2009 movie) and sees the Starfleet ship USS Aegis searching for a new homeworld for the Vulcans.

Players can choose from four roles: captain, tactical officer, engineer, and helm officer. Many tasks, both story-related and randomly generated, are performed from the ship’s bridge, and it’s all about working as a team to come out unscathed from dangerous and stressful situations. It’s a rather unique and more casual experience that channels much of Star Trek’s distinctive soul without alienating newcomers.

If you do have a VR headset then that's the best way to play, but it's worth checking out regardless.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – The Fallen.

  • Developer: The Collective

Back to the off-beat titles from the early 2000s, we find Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – The Fallen, a rather straightforward but surprising third-person shooter that made good use of the Unreal Engine and allowed itself to be creepy and scary at times.

Players can choose to play through the entire game as either Captain Benjamin Sisko, Major Kira Nerys, or Lt. Commander Worf. The different points of view shed new light on the overall plot, and the entire story isn’t fully revealed until all three paths have been walked. Another nice touch was the inclusion of gadgets and comm mechanics that break up the action and give the whole experience a deeper Star Trek feeling than some of the reskins we've seen.

Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force.

  • Platforms: PC, macOS, PS2
  • Developer: Raven Software

The first Elite Force game was specifically linked to Star Trek: Voyager’s sixth season, and introduced the Hazard Team, a new elite security section created to deal with extremely hostile missions. While the USS Voyager makes some repairs after being trapped in a starship graveyard, the Hazard Team is tasked with protecting the ship and the crew.

“Set your phasers to frag”, said the game’s cover, and that certainly wasn’t a lie. Raven Software, generally known for their work on the excellent Star Wars: Jedi Knight titles, made great use of the id Tech 3 engine, which was the perfect choice at the time for top-tier FPS games. Its action-heavy approach also meant it was very appealing to players that weren’t big Star Trek fans. More than 20 years later, this one still feels fantastic to play.

Star Trek: Starfleet Command III.

  • Developer: Taldren

The Starfleet Command series had a pretty great run, and its third entry remains the best Star Trek space sim and real-time strategy title the franchise has ever had. It packs great story-driven missions split across three factions (Klingon Empire, Romulan Empire, and the Federation), engrossing RPG elements, and RTS mechanics, and yet somehow never feels overcomplicated or obtuse. Moreover, a Borg Collective campaign was also added to the game as downloadable content, though it wasn’t connected to the main storyline.

If you only have time for a handful of Star Trek titles as you explore the best that Trek has to offer, Starfleet Command III is absolutely the must-play of the space sim bunch and also a great accompaniment to a full rewatch of The Next Generation, DS9, and Voyager.

Star Trek: Bridge Commander.

  • Developer: Totally Games

In many ways, Bridge Commander feels like a key predecessor to Bridge Crew, with its focus on the ship’s bridge and the crew working together to solve many problems and win battles. As this was a full-blown PC game made for diehard Star Trek fans, it offered a deeper experience than many other entries on this list, featuring tactical gameplay and hands-on control of the many ship systems.

While Star Trek: Bridge Commander might not be everyone’s cup of tea and requires a certain amount of commitment to learning the ropes, we can’t think of a richer game for massive Trekkies. Furthermore, customized scenarios in “simulated environments” can keep it going after the story campaign is completed.

Star Trek Online.

  • Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One
  • Developer: Cryptic Studios

It’s not often that a franchise’s best game is an MMORPG, but Cryptic Studios’ unyielding commitment to Star Trek Online has paid off for more than a decade now. Like many MMOs before, it originally launched requiring a game purchase and monthly fees, but later shifted to a free-to-play model with premium access to extra content and items.

Even if you don’t spend any money, Star Trek Online keeps expanding in meaningful ways and offers both on-foot and starship action that perfectly captures the IP’s magic with story quests and PvP battles surprisingly well-adjusted to the MMO framework. 

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Fran Ruiz

Fran Ruiz is our resident Star Wars guy. His hunger for movies and TV series is only matched by his love for video games. He got a BA of English Studies, focusing on English Literature, from the University of Malaga, in Spain, as well as a Master's Degree in English Studies, Multilingual and Intercultural Communication. On top of writing features and other longform articles for since 2021, he is a frequent collaborator of VG247 and other gaming sites. He also serves as associate editor over at Star Wars News Net and its sister site, Movie News Net.

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Jara wields her ray gun in front of Chovak and the light of a massive sun in Star Trek Resurgence

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Star Trek Resurgence understands what makes great Star Trek

Telltale Games veterans veer away from combat and into philosophy

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Unlike its esteemed counterpart from Lucasfilm, Star Trek’s history with video games isn’t exactly stellar.

There are licensed Star Trek video games going back 50 years, but there’s never been a truly great Star Trek game, one whose appeal outstretches the limits of its existing fan base. Moreover, even the most celebrated Star Trek games, such as 2000’s Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force , 2002’s Star Trek: Bridge Commander , and the long-running MMORPG Star Trek Online , place an overwhelming emphasis on combat, which is only ever a last resort in Star Trek stories. Gene Roddenberry’s cosmic polemic often contains action, but it’s never about action; Star Trek is about compassion, curiosity, and camaraderie. To truly capture the essence of the spacefaring adventure series, a video game should be as much about talking as it is about flying and shooting, allowing players to explore new worlds, build relationships, and confront complicated moral dilemmas.

This seems to be the aim of Star Trek Resurgence , the debut release from Telltale offshoot Dramatic Labs, and the first Star Trek game in ages to be as character- and dialogue-focused as the television series. Set aboard a new ship and starring an almost entirely new cast, Resurgence is a branching narrative whose balance between interstellar intrigue, interpersonal conflict, and explosive space action hews closer to that of its source material than any Star Trek game in decades — maybe ever. As a game and as a piece of software, it leaves a lot to be desired. But as a Star Trek story, it definitely earns its pips.

Carter speaks to a crew member while she’s at her terminal, and a choice prompt comes up with PlayStation buttons in Star Trek Resurgence

Resurgence alternates between the perspectives of two player-controlled characters aboard the science vessel Resolute, incoming first officer Commander Jara Rydek (Krizia Bajos) and enlisted engineer Petty Officer Carter Diaz (Josh Keaton). The Resolute is recovering from a recent disaster that cost the lives of several of its crew and the reputation of its captain, Zachary Solano. Solano fears that he’s lost the confidence of his staff, and is counting on Academy protege Rydek to help restore his honor as the Resolute embarks on an important diplomatic mission. Over the course of the story, Rydek takes point on unraveling a mystery with galactic implications, earning the trust of the crew while also evaluating whether or not Solano is worthy of her own. Meanwhile, engineer Diaz deals with more of the nuts-and-bolts problems aboard the ship, as well as navigating a romance with a fellow officer.

As in a good peak-era Star Trek episode, the “problem of the week” is tackled from more than one angle, with some of the crew handling a social or interpersonal conflict while others investigate some related scientific or technological puzzle. Teamwork is an essential ingredient to Star Trek, and Resurgence highlights that it takes a variety of skill sets and perspectives to solve complex problems. There is a two-way relationship between the bridge crew handling the big picture and the specialists below troubleshooting the finer points. Alternating between these A- and B-plots also breaks up the story and the gameplay nicely, and introduces the player to a variety of likable, memorable characters with whom you interact differently depending on your protagonist.

Jara and a companion stand on a rocky craig overlooking Tylas Mines, which are being terraformed by ships with lasers in Star Trek Resurgence

The narrative moves along at a steady clip, with the stakes escalating organically from that of a typical Next Generation episode to something closer to a modern season-long arc of Discovery . Crucially, for a video game and for a Star Trek story, the player faces consequential, difficult, and timely choices.

In contrast to the (still far superior) Mass Effect games, which present players with clear-cut Paragon or Renegade paths to pursue, Resurgence ’s dialogue trees don’t always offer an obvious ethical binary. Will you risk a dozen lives to save one? Will you disobey a direct order to follow the advice of an impassioned subordinate? Which member of your crew do you trust more in a crisis, and will they trust you in a pinch? These decisions are all made on a short timer, forcing the player to think quickly and trust their instincts. This instantly makes Resurgence feel closer to the “real” Starfleet experience even than the expansive open world of Star Trek Online , which dictates most of your objectives for you; nearly every path ends with “fire all phasers.”

More than anything, it’s your relationships with the supporting cast that shape the variations in the narrative. It’s not simply a matter of passing each one’s individual loyalty check, allowing you to achieve some 100% “perfect” ending. You cannot please everyone and you cannot save everyone. (Or at least I haven’t yet in my two playthroughs.) Not only does this place the full weight of duty and command on the player and offer an incentive to replay the 12-to-15-hour game multiple times, but it also underlines one of the essential tenets of Star Trek: It is possible for two parties, in good faith and good conscience, to disagree. Sometimes a compromise can be reached, sometimes conflict can’t be avoided, but no one needs to stay enemies forever.

Carter speaks to a crewmate with a bright green lightning-like aura surrounding her in Star Trek Resurgence

On the other hand, commitment to the Star Trek ethos does have its drawbacks. Starfleet’s strict code of conduct means that the players are somewhat railroaded. For instance, when enlisted engineer Diaz’s love interest is caught accessing files she’s not supposed to, you, as Diaz, can’t lie to cover for her. In a move typical of the franchise whose reputation for political radicalism is somewhat overblown, its core political conflict between a colonizing empire and their long-suffering protectorate sniffs of some unfortunate bothsidesism. Some of the sci-fi twists that complicate the plot do so at the price of nuance, introducing an overarching threat that forces all parties to work together without ever actually addressing what drove them apart in the first place. It’s a flaw found in a lot of past and present Star Trek, demonstrating the liberal-moderate belief that we can all just get along without committing to any meaningful change in the status quo.

It’s in the non-dialogue-driven gameplay elements that Resurgence truly stumbles. While the stealth and cover shooting portions are smooth and fun, a lot of the other mechanics are sluggish, tedious, or both. This particularly applies to PO Diaz’s engineering tasks, which feel less like puzzles or minigames and more like busywork. (Pull R2 to open this conduit, now LS+R2 to remove this isolinear chip, and then the next one, etc.) Fail conditions of certain minigames or stages can be disabled via a Story Mode option, but there is no way to avoid the game’s more mindless chores.

Star Trek Resurgence also suffers numerous technical glitches at the time of release, at least on PlayStation 4. It’s not uncommon for lines of dialogue to start late or cut off early, costing the scene important exposition or flavor. Keeping subtitles enabled can sometimes compensate for this issue, except on random occasions when the subtitles disappear altogether for a line or two at a time. Busier cutscenes, such as the game’s space battle finale, load sluggishly on PS4, creating seconds-long gaps between shots, killing the momentum of what should be a thrilling climax. These issues may be resolved in future updates, but at launch, they’re an undeniable drag.

Jara fires her gun at an enemy taking cover behind a crate on a dock-like platform in Star Trek Resurgence

Despite these glaring flaws, Star Trek Resurgence offers a space-worthy experience for Star Trek fans. Where other titles have offered a more complete picture of the Star Trek universe — letting players explore the breadth of the galaxy, walk the decks of their favorite starships, or build their own — only a rare few have looked beyond lore toward story . Fans don’t love Star Trek merely for the cool ships or deep mythology, we love it for the friendship between Kirk and Spock, and Picard’s growth from stiff loner to proud patriarch; for Sisko’s impossible moral dilemmas and Burnham’s quest for redemption.

Not even Resurgence ’s nearest spiritual ancestors, classic ’90s point-and-click adventures Star Trek 25th Anniversary or Star Trek: The Next Generation – A Final Unity , have captured that essential human element that makes for a great Star Trek story. Resurgence ties a worthwhile cast of characters to an interstellar adventure. Does Resurgence qualify as “great Star Trek”? Probably not, but it’s hard to argue that any video game has come closer.

Star Trek Resurgence was released on May 23 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. The game was reviewed on PS4 using a pre-release download code provided by Double Fine Productions. Vox Media has affiliate partnerships. These do not influence editorial content, though Vox Media may earn commissions for products purchased via affiliate links. You can find additional information about Polygon’s ethics policy here .

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star trek game ships

[Top 15] Star Trek Online Best Ships (From Early Till Late Game)

star trek game ships

With an eye towards value and power, this list will give you all you need to know to hit the late game in Star Trek Online! Thanks to changes made to the game, you can stay with the same ship after the tutorial all the way to the end game so you can fly your favorite ship from day one! This list has been made with a broad audience in mind, from newbie to grizzled veteran, so everyone can learn something new! The top 15 ships in Star Trek Online also include ships that will let you pilot the same starships as Captain Picard, Captain Sisko, and Captain Janeway so let’s make it so.

15. Romulan Legacy Elite Starter Pack - T6 Malem-Class Light Warbird

star trek game ships

Relive the Balance of Terror!

How to get the Malem Class: (Only available for Romulan characters) 2,000 Zen ($20.00) in the C-Store

Number 15 on our list is actually one of the Elite Starter Packs, which gives you access to a unique bridge officer, a uniform, and a discounted T6 starship! This option is best for those inclined towards pointy ears and cloak and dagger, as it’s affordable, gives you a great torpedo ship, and a borg bridge officer.

Thanks to the Singularity warp core mechanics, which give you five additional powers to use and an experimental weapon slot, the Malem is very good as a torpedo ship. Thanks to the power of reputation-based torpedoes such as the Neutronic and Biomolecular, you can quickly build an affordable ship that can handle any content. 

Battlecloak allows you to enter and exit combat at will, which is powerful for players who are looking to maximize their ambush bonuses! Despite recent nerfs, covert operative bridge officer traits still stack their bonuses high enough to get this ship on the top 15 list. Torpedoes themselves are easier to get into now as well, making it a good starter ship.

Are you a fan of the Balance of Terror from The Original Series? Then this ship is for you! The Malem comes with the classic skin line for free, so the Malem is an excellent entry point for Romulan characters. Thanks to the changes to the game, the ship will level up with you, unlocking additional weapon and console slots as well as increasing the hull amount. Another bonus is that anyone can use Romulan ships, no matter the faction, so if you like the look or like the sound of zipping around the battlefield, this is the ship for you!

  • Level 65: Hull 40500 (scaling)
  • 4 fore and 3 aft weapon slots plus 1 experimental weapon slot
  • Shield Modifier 0.9
  • Hull Modifier 0.9
  • Turn Rate 18
  • 3 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 4 Science console slots
  • Unique Console: Warhead Module Plasma (part of the Stealth Fighter Set)
  • Commander Tactical, Ensign Tactical, Lieutenant Engineering, Lt. Commander Science, Lt. Commander Universal-Pilot

What makes the T6 Malem great

  • Low-cost entry-level ship that progresses with you! At only $20 for the starter pack, it’s effectively a $10 sale for a normal T6 ship.
  • Romulan ships have Singularity Warp Cores. These warp cores give you five distinct powers which augment the ship’s abilities.
  • Battle Cloak lets you move in and out of combat easily. Are you taking more hits than you can handle? Pull out the old Romulan “run away!” and cloak up! It can also be used to give you powerful ambush bonuses when built for.
  • Pilot specialized seating. It isn’t a fully specialized ship, like others on this list, but for an entry-level ship it does the job well enough. Pilot seating gives you added flexibility, with great bridge officer powers like Attack Pattern Lambda which gives you a chance to confuse enemies!
  • Cross-faction, meaning anyone can use it from any of the factions.
  • An easy way to get a powerful starship trait that works well with any other cannon build.

How To Get the T6 Malem

  • The easiest method by far is to purchase the Romulan Legacy Starter Pack for $20.00.
  • If you don’t want the other goodies and don’t mind spending another $10.00, you can buy the Malem directly from the C-Store for $30.00.

14. Klingon Defense Force Elite Starter Pack - Kor-Class Bird of Prey

star trek game ships

Fight on, Dahar Master!

How to get the Kor Class: (Only available for KDF characters) 2,000 Zen ($20.00) in the C-Store

Number 14 on our list is another one of the Elite Starter Packs, which gives you access to a unique borg bridge officer, a uniform, and a discounted T6 starship! Like the Romulan Starter Pack, this is another great option for those who prefer to raise the d’k tahg in victory!

The Kor, unlike its Romulan counterpart, comes with a standard set of equipment, so no fancy powers. But what sets this ship apart is the much more flexible universal seating. Like all Birds of Prey in Star Trek Online, the Kor has full universal bridge officer seats. This means that you can slot in any power that you want, from a torpedo build to cannons to even turning it into a mini-tank.

The Kor comes equipped with the Withering Barrage starship trait, which extends the duration of Cannon: Scatter Volley. This is a key trait for those who use cannons, as it is one of the few ways to actually keep the buff going. It also comes with raider flanking, meaning that if you attack the enemy from behind, you’ll do bonus damage. In addition to all these goodies, it also has an Enhanced Battle Cloak, giving you the same bonuses that the Romulan Malem has.

Its universal console is the Warhead Module-Quantum, which functions very similarly to the Romulan console. It’s part of the Stealth Fighter Set, which is an average set in terms of usefulness and also comes with the Induction Coils, which greatly increase your ship's power settings for 15 seconds.

Pretty handy, right?

If you want to follow in the footsteps of the Dahar Master himself and face an armada of Jem’hadar, then this is the bird of prey you definitely need to check out!

  • Level 65: Hull 37125(scaling)
  • 4 fore and 2 aft weapon slots plus 1 experimental weapon slot
  • Shield Modifier 0.825
  • Hull Modifier 0.8
  • Turn Rate 23
  • 4 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 3 Science console slots
  • Unique Console: Warhead Module Quantum
  • Commander Universal, Lt. Commander Universal, Lt. Commander Universal-Pilot, Lieutenant Universal

What makes the T6 Kor great

  • Cheap entry level ship that levels with you! At only $20 for the starter pack, it’s effectively a $10 sale for a normal T6 ship.
  • The Kor has extreme flexibility for a ship, letting you essentially make any build you want.
  • It has access to a ton of four skins for free upon purchase of this pack, giving you a lot of costume options to customize your ship.

How To Get the T6 Kor

  • The easiest method by far is to purchase the Klingon Defense Force Starter Pack for $20.00.
  • If you don’t want the other goodies and don’t mind spending another $10.00, you can buy the Kor directly from the C-Store for $30.00.

13. Federation Elite Starter Pack - T6 Reliant-Class Advanced Light Cruiser

star trek game ships

Beware of any nearby Mutura Nebula!

How to get the Reliant Class: (Only available for Starfleet characters) 2,000 Zen ($20.00) in the C-Store

Number 13 on our list is yet another one of the Elite Starter Packs, which gives you access to a unique borg bridge officer, a uniform, and a discounted T6 starship! Like the first two, this is another great option for those who prefer to boldly go where no one has gone before!

Unlike the Malem and the Kor, the Reliant is a cruiser, which makes it significantly more durable than either of the raiders. Based on the venerable Miranda frame, the Reliant acts as an excellent entry-level ship for new players who want to get into tanking, or old players looking for something classic-looking. A great bonus for this ship is the sheer number of customization options. Nine total, by far the most in the entire game. Players have made versions through customization that look like whole new starship classes themselves.

Its starship trait is Evasion Specialist, which is unfortunately nowhere near as valuable as Withering Barrage, as shields are generally seen as being not worth the effort. When a Borg Sphere is slapping drain shields on you, there’s not a whole lot that this trait can do for you.

That said, it is still very durable, has reasonable flexibility, and can run a typical Aux2Bat build—a method of cooldown reduction that works best on ships with a lot of engineering bridge officer positions. The addition of all the cruiser commands, such as Weapon System Efficiency and Attract Fire, gives it further benefits here.

The console it comes with, Potential Energy Entanglement, is a reasonable choice for those just starting out with tanking. It has a clickable power which reduces enemy damage output by 80% in a cone in front of you while also increasing your flight speed and turn rate for 20 seconds.

Plus, who doesn’t want to reenact The Battle of the Mutara Nebula?

Whether it be giving Khan his second chance at revenge or creating a unique design with all the many quality parts, the Reliant is as reliable as its name suggests for either new or veteran players.

  • Level 65: Hull 51750 (scaling)
  • 4 fore and 4 aft weapon slots
  • Shield Modifier 1.1
  • Hull Modifier 1.1
  • Turn Rate 11
  • 3 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 3 Science console slots
  • Unique Console: Potential Energy Entanglement
  • Lt. Commander Tactical, Commander Engineering, Ensign Engineering, Lieutenant Science, Lt. Commander Universal-Pilot

What makes the T6 Reliant great

  • The Reliant is an excellent starter tank for the price tag, giving you durability, speed, and decent firepower. 
  • Pilot specialized seating.  Unlike the Kor and Malem, the Reliant struggles to take full advantage of it due to the tanking nature of the ship.
  • It has access to six skins for free upon purchase of this pack, giving you a lot of costume options to customize your ship. With all the ships, it has a total of nine unique skins to customize with!

How To Get the T6 Reliant

  • The easiest method by far is to purchase the Federation Elite Starter Pack for $20.00.
  • If you don’t want the other goodies and don’t mind spending another $10.00, you can buy the Reliant directly from the C-Store for $30.00.

12. Vanguard Support Carrier

star trek game ships

Victory comes with lots of fighter support!

How to get the Vanguard Support Carrier: 3,000 Zen ($30.00) in the C-Store

Number 12 is finally something that isn’t a Starter Pack! The Vanguard Carrier is part of the Support Carrier bundle, which includes a direct duplicate for each of the factions. The Federation, Klingon and Romulan Support Carriers have the same stats and come with their own versions of the unique support pets. These ships are fantastic for players who want that “fleet command” style of play, where they deploy an armada of ships to attack enemies or repair allies.

Carriers hold a unique position in Star Trek Online where the ship itself is not the center of combat power. Rather, the pets do the lion's share of the damage. The pets that come with the Vanguard are reasonable entry levels for Carrier gameplay, being the Jem’Hadar Support Frigates and the Jem’Hadar Fighter Squadron. The key things here are the squadron level pets, as these do higher damage than their single fighter counterparts. The Support Frigates will use Transfer Shield Strength 1 (or higher, depending on the rarity of the pets) on you, giving you added defensive buffs. What sets the Vanguard apart from the other Support Carriers, however, is the Wingmen.

All Jem’Hadar Vanguard starships in Star Trek Online come with a pair of Jem’Hadar Wingmen. These two ships each have three clickable abilities: the Polaron Strafing Maneuver (damage), the Structural Reinforcement Maneuver (hull healing), and the Divergent Shielding Maneuver (shield healing). This gives you a built-in ship feature that none of the other carriers can compete against, making the Vanguard the best choice.

The starship trait is Relaunch and Repair, which gives you a reduction on captain ability cooldowns and 25% health regeneration to self and pets in space every time you launch a carrier pet. This only applies to launched pets, so clickable console pets don’t count. For a “free” trait, this isn’t terrible, but it isn’t amazing either. 

Equipped with a Command specialization Lt. Commander slot, the Carrier can function as a really incredible torpedo platform when combined with the pets. If using squadrons in both hangars and the Wingmen offensively, you can direct a withering amount of firepower at a target or entire area of space if you have the right traits and powers equipped. Some players have managed to get so much damage squeezed onto these ships that they effectively delete Borg Cubes.

The console it comes with, High-Energy Communications Network, is a buff/debuff console centered around pets. It is okay, but is better replaced by far superior consoles like D.O.M.I.N.O. (from the Bajoran Interceptor) and others.

Victory is life! ...especially when you’ve got an entire fleet at your back!

  • Level 65: Hull 56250 (scaling)
  • 3 fore and 3 aft weapon slots
  • Shield Modifier 1.25
  • Hull Modifier 1.3
  • Turn Rate 5
  • Unique Console: High-Energy Communications Network
  • 2 Hangar Bays
  • Lt. Commander Tactical, Lt. Commander Engineering, Commander Science, Lt. Commander Universal-Command

What makes the T6 Vanguard Support Carrier great

  • Best Support Carrier in the group, with a strong Wingmen feature that increases damage and healing.
  • Ship that is extremely durable and excels at centering fleet formations during Task Force Operations.
  • When pushed to its limits, it can produce huge damage through its pets. 
  • Can function as a Science Carrier, giving you options like Gravity Well or DoT damage builds to augment the pet firepower.

How To Get the T6 Vanguard Support Carrier

  • The easiest method is to purchase it directly for $30.00 in the C-Store.
  • If you like the Carriers and want the rest to complete the faction set, there is the Cross Faction Support Carrier Bundle for 10,000 Zen($100.00). 

11. Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Vessel

star trek game ships

For when the Vesta gets the Besta love.

How to get the Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer: 3,000 Zen ($30.00) in the C-Store

Number 11 is similar to the Carriers in the sense that all of the factions have identical setups, with the exception of the Romulan version that has a battle cloak. The Recon Explorer remains the best ship for entry-level science builds, thanks to its powerful bridge officer seating and the ever-important Temporal specialization.

Temporal specialization is the best spec for builds that rely on DoTs, as it has complimentary bonuses thanks to the passives and secondary deflector. While the Recon Explorer doesn’t have a fully committed Temporal specialization, it’s enough to make the ship worthy of this list.

Science ships like the Recon Explorer don’t rely on their weapons like most ships do, and instead use bridge officer powers to do massive area damage to targets. A well-equipped science ship is capable of obliterating an entire map of enemies with the push of a button. Most of these techniques involve a power called "Gravity Well" which pulls targets in, then couples that with Temporal specialization powers like Channeled Deconstruction and Entropic Cascade.

Like all science ships, it possesses Subsystem Targeting, which is a nice little bonus alongside Sensor Analysis and a Hangar Bay. The thing that makes the Recon Explorer worthy of the list is the tactical bridge officer slots, giving it the ability to run a science-torpedo build. These types of builds are absolutely devastating, throwing out gravity wells and torpedo spreads.

The starship trait is Heavy Tachyon Mine which will deploy a Heavy Mine that does heavy shield penetrating damage and leaves a temporary trail of shield damaging radiation. As starship traits go, it’s not remotely viable for the late game, but can be fun in the early game. 

The console it comes with, the Radiation Bombardment Matrix, is a buff/debuff console that reduces damage resistance and flight speed. It isn’t useful for science builds, as it doesn’t give the same level of bonuses or utility as other consoles, like the Plasma Storm console.

For anyone who happens to enjoy the Star Trek: Destiny novels, the Recon Explorer line of ships does come with the Vesta costumes, letting you customize the vessel to look like the U.S.S. Aventine. It does cost additional money, however, to unlock the skin as it is not free.

  • Level 65: Hull 42750 (scaling)
  • Shield Modifier 0.95
  • Hull Modifier 1.4
  • Turn Rate 12
  • 4 Tactical, 2 Engineering, 5 Science console slots
  • Unique Console: Radiation Bombardment Launcher
  • Secondary Deflector
  • 1 Hangar Bay
  • Lt. Commander Tactical, Lieutenant Engineering, Commander Science, Lt. Commander Universal-Temporal Operative, Ensign Universal

What makes the T6 Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer great

  • A tough science ship with a high turn rate and tactical focus.This lets you build a science-torpedo ship, which is one of the most powerful in the game.
  • Affordable entry-level ship while still being effective in the late game. Can compete with higher-cost ships.
  • One of the most customizable ships, competing against the likes of the Reliant.

 How To Get the T6 Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer

  • If you like the Recon Explorer and want the rest to complete the faction set, there is the Cross Faction Multi-Mission Explorers Bundle for 12,000 Zen ($120.00) or the T6 Starfleet Multi-Mission Explorers Bundle for 6,000 Zen ($60.00).

10. Narendra Support Cruiser

star trek game ships

The Probertise that could have been.

How to get the Narendra Support Cruiser: 3,000 Zen ($30.00) in the C-Store

Number 10 is our first full-specialization ship on the list, and our first traditional cruiser! Unlike the Reliant, which is a small and zippy ship, the Support Cruiser fits the lumbering behemoth vibe. The Support Cruiser is also available for the KDF, though it does not come in Dominion or Romulan flavors.

The Support Cruiser is unique in being the only of the Cruiser class ships with full Temporal seating. This means it gets the powers typically reserved for temporal science ships, such as Offensive Coordination (a speed buff), Defensive Coordination (a healing buff), and a Support Configuration (exotic damage buff). 

This means that you can actually turn the Narendra into a respectable science platform. Between the built-in Commander/Temporal-Operative seating and the Lt. Commander Science, you can double up on Gravity Wells, Entropic Cascades, and torpedoes. The weakness of the ship when built this way is that it lacks the necessary Lt. Commander Tactical bridge officer to maximize this power.

Unlike science ships, the Narendra comes with full cruiser commands.

The starship trait is "History Will Remember," which is finally a trait that’s generally always worth slotting until you’re able to afford the lock box or premium ships. This starship trait gives you a scaling buff depending on enemies defeated, which increases your resilience. It grants 30% All Damage, 30% Hull Regen, 30% Maximum Hull, and 30% Threat Generation (when the threatening stance is active) at maximum stacks.

This is a powerful trait that has a lot of utility for any ship on this list.

The console it comes with, Temporal Trajectory Shifter, is a single target console that "steals" time, increasing Firing Speed by 50%, Ability Cooldown by 20%, and Defense Rating by 50 while stealing 33.3% Firing Speed, 1% Ability Cooldown per second, and -50 Defense Rating from the target.

The Narendra is based on Andrew Probert's original concept sketches for the U.S.S. Enterprise D, eventually being turned into the Ambassador class. All fans of this classic design will have to pick this ship up!

  • Level 65: Hull 60750(scaling)
  • Shield Modifier 1.0
  • Hull Modifier 1.35
  • Turn Rate 7
  • Unique Console: Borrowed Time
  • Molecular Deconstruction Beam
  • Lieutenant Tactical, Ensign Tactical, Commander Engineering/Temporal-Operative, Lt. Commander Science, and Lt. Commander Universal

What makes the T6 Narendra Support Cruiser great

  • A unique cruiser that combines tankiness and science powers.
  • The high hull modifier combined with the starship trait makes it one of the tankier starships on this list.
  • Full Temporal specialization adds additional options when in combat when used together with Cruiser Commands.

How To Get the T6 Narendra Support Cruiser

  • If you like the Narendra and want the KDF version as well, the Cross Faction Support Cruiser Bundle for 4,000 Zen/$40.00 is available.

9. Arbiter Battlecruiser

star trek game ships

The Defiant: now in nacelle form!

How to get the Arbiter Battlecruiser: 3,000 Zen ($30.00) in the C-Store

Number 9 is a classic in Star Trek Online. The Arbiter (and the Avenger before it) have long been the #1 pick for most people when it comes to recommending a ship for newer players. Being one of the very few Federation starships that can equip a cloaking device console and a battlecruiser makes it ideal in a DPS-heavy environment! There is a KDF variant in the Mogh that comes with a cloaking device.

The Arbiter pulls from the older days of Star Trek Online when "battlecruisers" were Klingon only, giving them high-hitting and high-durability ships compared to Starfleet's usually "just durable". Nowadays, it’s obsolete next to the other ships on this list, but it still gets a top 15 spot due to a few factors.

Battlecruisers come with most of the normal Cruiser Commands, with the exception of Attract Fire. As these are not designed as tanks, they do not get the tanking bonus ability of a typical cruiser. Instead, the Arbiter can do what only escorts used to be able to! It can equip dual heavy cannons. Thanks to this, and the five forward weapon slots (another thing that used to be unique), the Arbiter is capable of dishing out high levels of DPS, even to this day.

With the Intelligence specialization, the Arbiter is able to fit the coveted Override Subsystem Safety bridge officer power, giving the ship a tremendous boost to power levels, which in turn increases its firepower.

The starship trait is the Emergency Weapon Cycle, also known as the most common starship trait in the game. It’s used on every energy weapon build and even on most tank builds simply because it’s so good. The trait increases the Firing Cycle Haste by 20% and reduces Weapon Power Cost by 50% for 30 seconds every time you use Emergency Power to Weapons, which a majority of non-science builds have.

For a first-time ship buyer, you can’t go wrong with the Arbiter.

The console it comes with, Ablative Hazard Shielding, passively increases your Shield Resistance and Shield Regeneration. The activable gives your ship Secondary Shields, which act similar to Temp HP. It then gives you another shield when the Ablative Hazard Shielding buff ends. It’s useful against non-Borg or other enemies that don’t have shield-stripping powers.

Among the first of the Cryptic-made designs in the new T6 lineup, this is a classic ship that includes the Avenger skin for free on purchase!

  • Level 65: Hull 56250(scaling)
  • 5 fore and 3 aft weapon slots
  • Hull Modifier 1.25
  • Turn Rate 9
  • 4 Tactical, 5 Engineering, 1 Science console slots
  • Unique Console: Ablative Hazard Shielding
  • Can Equip Dual Heavy Cannons
  • Can Equip Cloaking Device Console
  • Lt. Commander Tactical-Intelligence, Ensign Tactical, Commander Engineering, Lieutenant Science, Lt. Commander Universal

What makes the T6 Arbiter Battlecruiser great

  • It has the perfect weapon setup of 5 forward and 3 aft weapon slots, ideal for maximal energy weapon damage.
  • One of the best starship traits in the game for direct energy weapon builds.
  • It is naturally tanky for a battlecruiser, letting you throw more energy into doing damage instead of survival.
  • It's an excellent newbie ship that’s easy to learn and modify to suit your needs.

How To Get the T6 Arbiter Battlecruiser

  • If you like the Arbiter and want the KDF version as well, the Cross Faction Battlecruiser Bundle for 6,000 Zen/$60.00 is available.

8. Alita Heavy Strike Wing Escort

star trek game ships

For when the normal Akira just isn't enough.

How to get the Alita Class Heavy Strike Wing Escort: 3,000 Zen ($30.00) in the C-Store

Number 8 is the venerable Alita Class, which has recently been changed into what’s called a "Strike Wing Escort". This means it has a hangar bay in addition to the normal weapons loadout and abilities of the Escort subclass of ships.

It might seem odd to place this ship above the Arbiter, but I’ll explain my reasoning here. The Alita is similar in many ways to its offensive profile, though it comes with the Experimental Weapon Slot and the Hangar Bay, giving it just a bit more flexibility in terms of what it can do. Anyone who has played the game will probably be thinking, "Well, not that much!" 

Aha, but then, we have Superior Area Denial. For those who don’t know, this starship trait is an extremely powerful buff to fighters that gives them Cannon Rapid Fire and Beam: Fire at Will and reduces their damage resistance rating by -30, which is the same as slapping Attack Pattern: Beta 1 on them. This means that if you equip a fighter squadron on the Alita and have this trait, you could be seeing as much as a 15% DPS increase just from that Hangar Bay alone!

This isn’t newbie-friendly, however, as the trait is difficult to get. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to have the traits to make this ship good! Instead, you can easily focus on pure energy weapon damage and get great results, comparable to ships later on in this list.

Strike Wing Escorts are relatively new to Star Trek Online and aren’t nearly as popular as their Flight Deck Cruiser big brothers.

With the Pilot specialization, the Alita is able to equip things like Attack Pattern: Lamba, however because of the seating being shared with engineering, people tend to not use the Pilot skills in favor of the needed engineering bridge officer slots. 

The starship trait is Coordinated Assault, which is the opposite of Superior Area Denial. Your pets' Beam: Overload and Cannon: Rapid Fire abilities deal a lot of single-target damage. It isn’t as good as Superior Area Denial, since Star Trek Online isn’t structured around huge boss battles, but it’s still useful for Carriers or people who use pets.

The console it comes with, Destabilized Tachyon Emitters, is unfortunately terrible and should be replaced by any number of better consoles like the Assimilated Module or similar.

Star Trek: First Contact debuted the original Akira class, which has long been a fan favorite, and now thanks to the Alita, players can enjoy the ship with all the power and grace of the original movie.

  • Level 65: Hull 48000(scaling)
  • 4 fore and 3 aft weapon slots
  • Shield Modifier 1.06
  • Turn Rate 15
  • 5 Tactical, 3 Engineering, 2 Science console slots
  • Unique Console: Destabilized Tachyon Burst
  • Commander Tactical, Lieutenant Tactical, Lt. Commander Engineering-Pilot, Lieutenant Science, Lieutenant Universal

  What makes the T6 Alita Heavy Strike Wing Escort great

  • Heavy firepower, with some builds pushing past half a million DPS.
  • It comes with an excellent Carrier trait that is useful for single target damage.
  • Some flexibility with the bridge officer seating lets you switch up builds.
  • This ship has six skins available, giving it many customization options for players.

How To Get the T6 Alita Heavy Strike Wing Escort

  • If you like the skins and want all the versions as well, the Akira Bundle for 6,000 Zen/$60.00 is available.

7. Terran Cygnus Battlecruiser

star trek game ships

Big D has been upgraded, Terran style!

How to get the Terran Cygnus-Class Battlecruiser: 3,000 Zen ($30.00) in the C-Store

Number 7 is the Terran version of the Galaxy Class, the Cygnus. The Cygnus is a far better version than the Andromeda. The Cygnus fits the general profile of top-end Star Trek Online ships—it has a lot of forward guns; it has full specialization seating; and it has bridge officer flexibility. It isn’t quite enough to get it into the top 5, though, and I’ll explain why.

The Cygnus has the unique position of being the only full-time temporal specialization battlecruiser with five forward weapon slots. The other available option, the Paladin, only has four, making it a worse version of the Cygnus. The Cynus also has huge hull values, making it far easier to tank with.

This unusual arrangement is usually glossed over by players since the Cygnus doesn’t have the full Commander science bridge officer seating that would be needed to turn it into a science damage boat. Instead, most players use the Commander engineering bridge officer seat for all their engineering powers and turn the Lt. Commander Universal into another tactical item or into science.

Still, the added feature benefits of being a full temporal specialization ship are quite handy, sharing the same benefits as the Narendra. It lacks the same capacity to function as a "light" science ship due to the limitations of its seating, but it makes up for that more than enough by having sheer firepower through traditional means.

With the five front weapons, it can output the same damage as the Arbiter while being significantly tankier and having the bonus features of the Temporal specialization and the Lieutenant Tactical Command, which gives you access to Concentrate Firepower II. By using this power, and switching your Lt. Commander Universal to Science for a Gravity Well, you can pump out a huge amount of torpedo damage onto a target group of helpless enemies.

Or you can go the traditional directed energy weapon route and let the beams do the lion's share of damage!

With the full Temporal specialization and split Command specialization, you have a lot of options for what you want to do with this ship. The Temporal and Command abilities can be used for tanking or DPS; the choice is yours!

The starship trait is Controlled Aggression, which really wants to make this ship use science powers as it buffs Control Expertise every time you use a Temporal Operative power or a Universal Console clickable. The buff is pretty good too, as it scales based on the control expertise you already have. However, I wouldn’t necessarily put it on the Cygnus, unless I really wanted to try out a science build using the Galaxy skin for flavor.

It’s better suited for a pure science ship, as we’ll see later in the list.

The console it comes with, Destabilized Dimensional Rip, is a weird one! It gives phaser, radiation, and exotic particle generator buffs, which seems to want to encourage a hybrid directed energy/science power build. The clickable creates a rift in front of you that "banishes" enemies and causes radiation damage while the rift itself expands, swallowing up more enemies. The clickable is pretty handy if you are tanking and things are getting spicy.

The Cygnus comes with all of the Galaxy Class skins, letting you fly around in Jean Luc Picard’s Enterprise D, but for those adventurous of spirit, it also has additional costumes that can be used to customize your ship!

  • Level 65: Hull 68625(scaling)
  • Shield Modifier 1.525
  • Turn Rate 6
  • 3 Tactical, 5 Engineering, 3 Science console slots
  • Unique Console: Destabilized Dimensional Rift
  • Lieutenant Tactical-Command, Lieutenant Tactical, Commander Engineering-Temporal Operative, Lieutenant Science, Lt. Commander Universal

What makes the T6 Cygnus Battlecruiser great

  • Flexible firepower options, ranging from directed energy weapons to torpedos to some science (if building that way).
  • This is a highly durable tanking ship, able to sit there and soak up a ton of damage.
  • Full specialization means it can take advantage of the Temporal Operative features, adding even more flexibility.
  • Universal seating means you can go for more damage or more tanking or more science, depending on your needs.

How To Get the T6 Cygnus Battlecruiser Battlecruiser

  • If you like the Terran line of ships, there is a bundle available, the 12th Anniversary Terran Bundle, for 17,500 Zen ($175.00).

6. Suliban Flight Deck Assault Carrier

star trek game ships

Enterprise has a thing or two to say about how annoying these can be!

How to get the Suliban Flight Deck Assault Carrier: 3,000 Zen ($30.00) in the C-Store

Number 6 is finally here, and what do we have? The Suliban Assault Carrier! The Sublian FDAC (what a mouthful) is probably the best entry for anyone looking to get into the higher firepower carriers. Outside of gamble box ships, the Suliban is the most effective at the role. Between the 5 forward and 3 aft weapon layouts and the 2 hangar bays, the ship also has a Battle Cloak, giving you basically the best of all worlds in a single package.

The only thing that could make this ship even better, pushing it into the top 3, would be if it had full specialization seating. Alas, we do not obtain perfection with this ship and instead have to settle for "really dang good." Still, it does come with unique pets that do a fair amount of damage.

FDAC type ships are hyper-geared towards energy weapon builds or torpedo builds, and this is because they have a Commander bridge officer seating in their Lt. Commander Tactical slot. This gives them Concentrate Firepower III, massively increasing torpedo damage potential. However, you don’t have to do this and can instead slap dual beam banks on it and beat the Arbiter, Cygnus, and Alita in damage thanks to the presence of two Hangar Bays.

If you remember from our Number 12 spot, the Vanguard Carrier, squadrons make a huge difference in damage, so if you can get those on this ship, you’ll be able to handily destroy anything you come across. An added bonus is having a Battle Cloak, which gives you ambush bonuses when you decloak on targets. Combine it with pets and a big alpha strike, and you’ll tear through anything unfortunate enough to look at you funny.

This class of ship is widely considered among the best outside of specialized science builds, as it can do insanely huge DPS and tank heavy hits at the same time. With the Universal bridge officer seating, you can increase your tankiness or throw it all into offense, really amplifying just what you can do with this. It also comes with two cruiser commands, the Shield Frequency Modulation and the Attract Fire command.

The starship trait is the Majority-Minority, which buffs you based on the number of allies versus enemies that are around you. The trait puts a damper on the otherwise incredible stuff this ship brings you, as it's fairly terrible and should be replaced with better traits like the Arbiter’s.

The console it comes with, the Universal-I.F.F. Manipulator, gives you a 10% critical severity bonus to weapons and a 50% bonus reduction to engineering bridge officer cooldowns. The clickable is an AOE conflation combined with a targeted "force retarget". Basically, it will make your targeted enemy fire on its friends, which then causes it to taunt all its nearby friends for six seconds. As far as tanking stuff goes, this is a hard pass.

The Suliban FDAC only has one skin, but if you’re a fan of Archer’s adventures in Star Trek: Enterprise, this will surely bring back memories of the long road!

  • Level 65: Hull 58500(scaling)
  • Shield Modifier 1.3
  • Hull Modifier 1.0
  • 3 Tactical, 5 Engineering, 2 Science console slots
  • Unique Console: I.F.F. Manipulator
  • Romulan Battle Cloak
  • Lt. Commander Tactical-Command, Lieutenant Tactical, Commander Engineering, Ensign Science, Lt. Commander Universal

What makes the T6 Suliban Flight Deck Assault Carrier great

  • They are among the best ships in the game in terms of Flight Deck Carriers outside of the gamble box ships.
  • You have a battle cloak, five forward weapon slots, and two hangar slots for pets, giving you excellent forward firepower.
  • It lends itself well to torpedo builds or dual beam builds thanks to Concentrate Firepower 3 being available.
  • It has a Lt. Commander universal bridge officer slot, giving you more flexibility. 

How To Get the T6 Suliban Flight Deck Assault Carrier

  • If you like the FDAC line of ships, there is a bundle available, the Cross Faction Flight Deck Assault Carrier Bundle for 6,000 Zen/$60.00.

5. Titan Science Destroyer

star trek game ships

It's another Enterprise!!

How to get the Titan Science Destroyer: 3,000 Zen ($30.00) in the C-Store

Finally, the top 5! And who better than Another Enterprise to take fifth place?The Titan represents the only non-gamble-box T6 Science Destroyer available to players. Science Destroyers have a special feature that lets them switch between two different attack modes: Tactical Mode and Science Mode.

The Tactical Mode switches the ship from a typical science vessel into a Destroyer class starship, giving it a Commander tactical and experimental weapon, +2 turn rate, 10% speed, and 10 interia. This makes it a very effective destroyer type ship with excellent control powers through the Lt. Commander Science and Lt. Commander Universal.

While in Science Mode, the ship switches to a Commander Science Bridge officer, who grants it Secondary Deflectors and the standard Sensor Analysis and Subsystem Targeting. This disables the experimental weapon, however, so keep that in mind. Science mode is your standard "space magic" end-game science vessel that can throw out high DPS through Gravity Wells combined with other temporal powers granted by the Lt. Commander Universal-Temporal Operative seat.

The ship has a 4 forward and 3 aft weapon layout, which is unusual for a science vessel. Even in Science Mode, it still retains the 4 forward weapons, making it extremely effective as a science-torpedo build. In fact, barring the later Trailblazer, which is a recent addition to the game, the Titan is the best science torpedo boat out there that isn't a gamble box.

It is only because of the Trailblazers' full specialization seating that the Titan doesn’t make it higher on the list of science ships.

The starship trait is It’s Another Enterprise! When you activate a Fleet Support ability, it will summon the faction's flagship onto the battlefield for 90 seconds. On face value, this sounds terrible. However, if you are trying to build an "Armada" type carrier, this trait is hilariously effective, giving you an added 30k DPS on average.

The console it comes with, Opening Salvo, is an excellent clickable console that does different things depending on what mode you use. In Science Mode, the torpedoes will knock subsystems offline for X number of seconds, with X depending on your control expertise. In Tactical Mode, it fires off a continuing spread of photon torpedoes, which don’t do a lot of damage if the targets have shields, but they can work well together with shield draining or control abilities.

Fans of the Star Trek: Titan novels know this is a must-have and anyone who enjoys the Lower Decks will jump for joy like Boimler at the sight of this beauty warping into the battlefield!

  • Level 65: Hull 49500(scaling)
  • Shield Modifier 1.325
  • Turn Rate 13
  • 4 Tactical, 2 Engineering, 4 Science console slots
  • Unique Console: Opening Salvo
  • Experimental Weapon
  • Tactical Mode and Science Mode
  • Lt. Commander Tactical, Ensign Tactical, Lieutenant Engineering, Commander Science (Commander Tactical when in Tactical Mode), Lt. Commander Universal-Temporal Operative

What makes the T6 Titan Science Destroyer great

  • It is unique among the ships on this list for its ability to switch between Destroyer and Science vessel roles. That added flexibility means you can easily adapt the ship to any mission profile.
  • Excellent forward firepower when in Destroyer mode, comparable to the Arbiter with the Experimental Weapon slot (and depending on what Experimental Weapon you use).
  • A console is useful when combined with torpedoes to mass disable enemy ships caught in a Gravity Well.
  • It comes with multiple skins that you can use to customize your ship even further.

How To Get the T6 Titan Science Destroyer

4. Clarke Multi Mission Command Cruiser

star trek game ships

Compact, has a hangar, full command ship status, what more could a dad ask for?

How to get the Clarke Multi-Mission Command Cruiser: 3,000 Zen ($30.00) in the C-Store

At number four, we have the Clarke Multi-Mission Command Cruiser! Bringing it all the way back to our earlier list, this ship is from the same family of craft as the Reliant. However, it is far superior to its earlier brother in that it is a full-specializing ship, has better overall stats, better bridge officer seating, and a hangar bay.

The Clarke takes everything that the Reliant does and simply makes it way better. It’s the first of the new type of Multi-Mission Command Cruisers and serves a new role as a fleet anchor during task force operations. It comes with a Lt. Commander Universal station in addition to the Commander Engineering-Command specialization, letting you throw out the potent command abilities.

The Command specialization gives you a building buff that, once at 100%, will let you activate one of three powerful group-wide buffs. These are Turn the Tide (a huge damage resistance and regeneration buff), Against All Odds (a huge damage and weapon power cost reduction bonus), and Battle Preparation (instant recharge of all bridge officer powers). This gauge charges every time someone on your team uses an ability.

Despite being such a tiny ship (it’s just a little bigger than the Defiant), it has good punch and team utility. With the Hangar Bay and the balanced cruiser loadout, it can handle all task force operations in the game. The new Multi-Mission Cruisers do not come with all the typical cruiser commands, but they do come with the crucial Weapon System Efficiency command for energy DPS builds, which will reduce your power draw when firing weapons.

The starship trait, Greater Than The Sum, works off of command bridge officer abilities and Emergency Power to Auxiliary to grant yourself and nearby allies scaling +2-20 power levels and restores scaling maximum hull and maximum shields. Not terrible, but better suited for a supporting role, which this ship does well at.

The console it comes with, Genesis Seed, is unusual for a Cruiser. It increases Drain Expertise and Radiation Damage, neither of which is something a cruiser will typically use (barring perhaps the Cygnus and Nerandra). The clickable is alright; it does scaling damage to up to 10 enemies and explodes after 30 seconds. Useless for anyone who isn’t using a Control build.

If you enjoyed the Reliant or any of the Miranda variants and wanted to take it to the next level, this is the ship for you!

  • Turn Rate 9.5
  • Unique Console: Genesis Seed
  • Lieutenant Tactical, Commander Engineering-Command, Ensign Engineering, Lt. Commander Science, Lt. Commander Universal

What makes the T6 Clarke Multi-Mission Command Cruiser great

  • The latest and greatest in new classes of ships, it’s a command specialization cruiser with a hangar bay! This makes it outright better than any of the normal command specialization cruisers in a DPS role.
  • Lt. Commander Universal gives you added flexibility in how you set up your ship, though most will double up on the tactical station to maximize firepower.
  • The ship comes with the same skin selection as the Reliant, letting you customize the vessel to your heart's content with 9 total skins.

How To Get the T6 Clarke Multi-Mission Command Cruiser

  • It also comes in the New Genesis Bundle for 7,500 zen/$75.00.

3. Gagarin Miracle Worker Battlecruiser

star trek game ships

The OG "yes, buy this."

How to get the Gagarin Miracle Worker Battlecruiser: 3,000 Zen ($30.00) in the C-Store

At Number 3, we have the arguable replacement for the venerable Arbiter as the "go-to newbie ship". The Gagarin It has the coveted 5 forward and 3 aft weapon layout, the even more coveted full specialization Miracle Worker bridge officer seating, and a universal console slot which will let you put any console there.

The Gagarin has been out for some time now, and many players have turned it into a beast of a ship that still retains a high level of DPS and durability. It has also been able to keep up with later releases of dual specialization ships or even some of the gamble box ships.

The Miracle Worker specialization gives the ship access to Innovation Effects: Instinctive Rerouting (Bonus to All Subsystem Power), Containment Layering (Temporary Hull based on Max Hull), Heisenberg Decoupling (Secondary Shields based on Max Shields), Plasma Conduit Purge (Self-Targeted AOE Plasma Damage-over-Time), Ingenious Solutions (Bonus to Recharge Speeds for Bridge Officer and Captain Abilities), Barclay Maneuver (Photonic

As you can see, these are excellent little bonuses, and the best part is that you can activate them at will so long as you input the right combination of bridge officer abilities. The combo works like this: Tactical, Engineering, or Science will pop up in a three-icon sequence. Just use the powers in the sequence provided to activate the innovation that the RNG has given you!

All Miracle Worker ships are amazing for energy weapon builds, as the native Miracle Worker bridge officer powers dramatically boost the damage output of beams and cannons. Powers like Narrow Sensor Bands, Energy Weapons: Exceeded Rated Limits, and Mixed Armaments Synergy can give you monstrous DPS very quickly. Timing it right can result in powerful burst cycles capable of obliterating anything in your path.

As a battlecruiser, it can equip a cloaking device console, which can be interesting if you’re trying to sneak around. It also comes with Weapon System Efficiency (we like this one), Shield Frequency Modulation, and Strategic Maneuvering.

The starship trait, Entwined Tactical Matrices, is one of the better traits out there for ships that have limited tactical bridge officer slots. It applies to Fire at Will 1 and Scattery Volley 1 when you use a Torpedo Spread. However, when you use Fire at Will 1 or Scatter Volley 1, it will apply Torpedo Spread 1 instead. So, by using any one of those powers, you get the effect of two. Handy huh?

The console it comes with, the Refracting Energy Shunt, gives you passive power transfer levels (good) and engineering readiness (also good). Its actual clickable ability, however, is underwhelming at best, providing a narrow arc-scale proton damage attack that will at best chip the paint on the enemy ship.

Based on the Discovery ship of the same name, the Gagarin comes with the original Shepard class skin, letting you relive those final moments of the namesake ship and change history!

  • Hull Modifier 0.95
  • Turn Rate 7.5
  • 3 Tactical, 5 Engineering, 2 Science, 1 Universal console slots
  • Unique Console: Refracting Energy Shunt
  • Innovation Effects
  • Cyclical Quantum Slipstream Drive (faster Sector Space travel)
  • Lt. Commander Tactical, Lieutenant Tactical-Miracle Worker, Commander Engineering-Miracle Worker, Ensign Science, Lt. Commander Universal

What makes the T6 Gagarin Miracle Worker Battlecruiser great

  • A highly affordable ship that can reach top-end DPS with pretty minimal effort. Despite the nerfs to Miracle Worker, it still stands as the best specialization to have.
  • A truly excellent directed energy weapons platform, you would be hard pressed to find anything wrong with this ship.
  • The Universal console slot gives you added options compared to regular starships.
  • Innovation mechanics can be very powerful if you know how to use them.

How To Get the T6 Gagarin Miracle Worker Battlecruiser

  • It also comes in the Discovery Operations Pack for 12,000 zen ($120.00).

2. Terran Trailblazer Science Warship

star trek game ships

The new "yes, buy this." Now with more guns!

How to get the Terran Trailblazer Science Warship: 3,000 Zen ($30.00) in the C-Store

Here we are! Star Trek Online's top two ships!It was a close call between them, and really, depending on how you play the game, #1 and #2 can be easily switched out for you. For the average player, though, I’m sticking with this decision to put the Trailblazer as our Number 2 winner. This thing is nasty-it comes with 4 forward weapons, 3 aft weapons, a secondary deflector, full command specialization, and a built-in Agony Phaser Lance!

It’s basically the Galaxy-X in science ship form! The only thing it’s missing is a hangar bay, at which point it would be entirely interchangeable with our #1, the Lexington, for any role. As it is, this ship is hilariously overtuned. The ship even comes with split specialization in the form of both Miracle Worker and Command Specialization, though its Miracle Worker only makes it up to Lt. rather than something beefier like Lt. Commander.

Still, it’s hard to look at this thing and not want to run away in terror at the potential of it. Which is the point, given it's a Terran ship!

With the now familiar Lt. Commander Universal, you can turn this thing into a dedicated sci-torp build, a regular torpedo build, a directed energy weapon build, a pure science build, or even a hybrid directed energy weapon-science build! Compared to the rest of the ships on this list, it easily surpasses the vast majority given all these options.

The full command specialization gives us the regular goodies you’d expect to see from ships like the Clarke while also letting you squeeze in Narrow Sensor Bands and Mixed Armaments Synergy thanks to the Lieutenant Miracle Worker. On top of that, if you build with phaser damage in mind, you can turn the Phaser Lance into a nice built-in burst damage option. This thing can do it all!

It can even cloak, thanks to changes to the Cloaking Device Console. So we have a souped up Terran version of Voyager that can blow up the bad guys in a dozen different ways, cloak, and scream across the battlefield at crazy speeds. Yep, sounds Terran alright.

The starship trait, Weaponized Exotic Particles, gives you a bonus to your Exotic Particle Generators when you use any of the firing buffs, such as Fire at Will, Torpedo Spread, or Mine Dispersal. This isn’t actually a bad trait for this particular ship, as it is so incredibly flexible.

The console it comes with, Decentralized Immunity, increases critical severity by 12%, shield capacity by 15%, and its clickable summons an "Immunity Drone." This drone makes you totally immune to all damage for up to ten seconds, though it can be destroyed by enemy fire. This is an amazing tanking console since a majority of the NPCs don’t target pets very well. I highly suggest using this if you tank at all.

The Voyager episode "Living Witness" gave us our first taste of Warship Voyager. The Terrans, however, are the ones to perfect it. If you want a beast of a ship that can rip through anything and everything that Star Trek Online throws at you, this is the pinnacle outside of gamble box ships, and even then, it’s comparable.

  • Level 65: Hull 51750(scaling)
  • Hull Modifier 1.15
  • Unique Console: Decentralized Immunity
  • Inspiration Mechanic
  • Agony Phaser Lance
  • Sensor Analysis
  • Subsystem Targeting
  • Lt. Commander Tactical, Lieutenant Tactical-Miracle Worker, Ensign Engineering, Commander Science-Command, Lt. Commander Universal

What makes the T6 Trailblazer great

  • There is a ridiculous amount of firepower that can be gained through energy weapons, torpedos, science abilities, or a combination of these.
  • A built-in Agony Phaser Lance (a miniature Galaxy-X!) combined with Sensor Analysis and Subsystem Targeting.
  • An Inspiration Mechanic that gives you all the benefits of a cruiser, while being a science ship.
  • Ideal destroyer weapon layout, despite not being a destroyer.
  • Almost cruiser-level hull values with very high shield values.
  • Excellent tactical and science console layout.
  • Amazing console for tanking.

How To Get the T6 Trailblazer

  • It also comes in the 12th Anniversary Terran Bundle for 17,500 zen/$175.00.

1. Terran Lexington Dreadnought Cruiser

star trek game ships

For all your flagship needs; now comes with Nebula mission pod and phaser lance! Deathgliders not included.

How to get the Terran Lexington Dreadnought Cruiser: 3,000 Zen ($30.00) in the C-Store

And finally, at long last, we have our big winner: the Terran Lexington Dreadnought Cruiser. This will probably be a bit of a controversial choice over the Trailblazer, but I chose it because there tends to be more players flying around in cruisers compared to science ships, and as a "newbie" ship, it’s pretty much impossible to get this thing wrong. The only thing that sucks about this ship is the 4 forward and 4 aft weapon layout.

If it had 5/3, it would literally be perfect. However, we’ll deal with the near-perfection of the cruiser class instead! Coming in with a built-in Agony Phaser Lance, Hangar Bay, Cruiser Commands, and full Miracle Worker specialization, this ship takes the Gagarin and amps it up to 11. Despite the 4/4 layout, it still does monstrous damage with some extremely high parses that I’ve seen in this exact ship.

Not even the legendary, everyday Terran version!If that doesn’t say "most impressive," I don’t know what does!

In addition, it has a split specialization with Intelligence, giving you access to Override Subsystem Safeties II, which is incredibly powerful when combined with Miracle Worker bridge officer powers. Throw in Narrow Sensor Bands and the rest and you’ve got a burst cycle very few things can survive for long.

Much of what makes the Gagarin so good applies to the Lexington, but with the added bonus of the Hangar Bay and Phaser Lance. While neither is particularly noteworthy, they are additional DPS sources and count in my assessment of the Number 1 spot. To add insult to injury, the vastly larger Lexington is actually 0.5 times faster at turning than the Gagarin, tossing a little bit of straw to break the camel's back in terms of just how good this thing is.

Not to beat a dead horse, but this is just a flat out better Galaxy-X. For those wondering why I didn’t include the Legendary Galaxy-X on this list, this ship is why. It’s better priced, has better stats, and has the far superior Miracle Worker full specialization. It’s just better. Sorry, Gal-X fans.

In typical Terran fashion, they took a concept and just added more guns to it until they ran out of room.

As before, it has a Lt. Commander Universal to just throw down in any direction you need to while also packing a Lt. Commander Tactical. It's not even a split station, it’s a pure full tactical, which is great for a ship like this. Unlike the Trailblazer, you can’t quite omni-everything in it, but it’s still an excellent ship in every respect. The only difference between this ship and the Trailblazer is purely in its role.

This was designed as an energy weapon cruiser, whereas the Trailblazer was built as an energy weapon/torpedo science ship. It can’t squeeze on a good torpedo build, but that’s alright. It more than makes up for it in withering damage output.

The starship trait, Dimensional Modulation, gives you +3–30% bonus weapon damage for 10 seconds whenever you use a Miracle Worker bridge officer power or Directed Energy Modulation that scales with nearby foes. This is insanely good when you are outnumbered! While the conditions cannot be controlled (making it suboptimal in situations where you are not outnumbered), it is still extremely powerful when combined with all of the other ships' abilities.

The console it comes with, Multi-Directional Artillery Barrage, is perhaps the only other possible disappointment. While the 20% bonus to projectile damage and 7.5% bonus to healing capacity are alright, the torpedoes themselves do minuscule damage. Even the 25% bonus damage doesn’t justify slotting it with a two-minute recharge. Unless you are doing a theme build or attempting something whacky with bonus damage values, I would not slot this.

Star Trek Online’s flagship class in the Odyssey line has an outstanding ship that easily eclipses the majority of the ships on this list. The Lexington is the current pinnacle of non-promo cruisers, with a little bit of everything and a whole lotta phasers ready to vaporize. It’s all the more fitting for those who wish to replay some of Star Trek Online’s history, living in the moments of the Enterprise F when it first came to us in the Mission: The Odyssey Class at the helm of a truly mighty vessel.

  • Level 65: Hull 61875(scaling)
  • Shield Modifier 1.15
  • Hull Modifier 1.375
  • Turn Rate 8
  • 4 Tactical, 5 Engineering, 2 Science, 1 Universal console slots
  • Unique Console: Multi-Directional Artillery Barrage
  • Innovation Mechanic
  • Quantum Slipstream Drive (faster Sector Travel)
  • Lt. Commander Tactical, Lieutenant Tactical-Intelligence, Commander Engineering-Miracle Worker, Ensign Science, Lt. Commander Universal

What makes the T6 Terran Lexington Dreadnought Cruiser great

  • Like the Trailblazer, ridiculous amounts of firepower can be gained through energy weapons.
  • Agony Phaser Lance (a miniature Galaxy-X!) and a Hangar Bay were built in.
  • You use the Innovation Mechanic that gives you bonuses based on the powers you use.
  • It has huge natural hull values, making it among the tankiest in the game for its price tag.
  • Excellent tactical layout, with full capacity to take advantage of its Miracle Worker and Intelligence Bridge Officer abilities.

How To Get the T6 Terran Lexington Dreadnought Cruiser

And there we have it! These are the top 15 best ships for players in Star Trek Online! This represents a budget-friendly list, so players don’t have to worry about trying to gamble to get one of those impossibly difficult uber-end-game ships. You can pilot any of the classic vessels from the shows to great effect! One of the wonderful things about Star Trek Online is that you can make any ship work; it just takes a bit of elbow grease.

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Tuesday 15 December 2020

Star trek online's latest ships, including synths, new romulan and jem'hadar classes, and more.

Star Trek Online have recently introduced quite a variety of new ships to the game through various means. Continue below to check out some of their latest designs.

First up, available as a possible prize from the Infinity Lock Box, the Synth ship previously in the game as a non-playable ship is now available to fly yourself. STO are calling this the  Deimos-class Pilot Destroyer .

star trek game ships

The A500 series of Synthetics was created to serve Starfleet. While not as advanced as a Soong-type Android, and certainly lacking the interpersonal skills that Data would come to learn and display, the A500 was enough of a success that they were put to work throughout some of Starfleet's most dangerous jobs. There was even a ship designed for their use, mostly for transport and for defense of the Utopia Planetia shipyards. Due to the synthetic nature of their operators, these ships are faster, more nimble, and more accurate than the counterparts designed to be run by other sentients.  Unfortunately, a fleet of these ships was used to conduct the assault on Utopia Planetia in 2385. Due to their use in that attack, Starfleet halted their production and put them aside, until very recently. Starfleet Engineers have retrofitted these ships to operate with sentient controllers, without losing their agility.

star trek game ships

This multi-purpose device is well suited for asteroid removal, planetary defense, or general widespread destruction. After a short charge period, it channels a massive burst of Phaser Damage out the front of your ship and into the target and nearby area. This console can store enough power for six shots at a single time, but takes time to recover both between shots and to built the charge back up. 

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The Kinetic Feedback Matrix deals heavy kinetic damage its target. Subsequent hits on the same target will grant a boost to Energy Weapon Haste. It has a 180 degree targeting arc. 
While this trait is slotted, activating any distress call will summon a pair of Synth Destroyers that fight alongside you for a short duration, devastating the nearby area with phaser beams. They have an immolating phaser lance that's synchronized with your firing control, activating it whenever and wherever you do.

star trek game ships

The Romulan Republic, lacking the resources and industrial muscle of the Federation and the Klingon Empire, is often challenged to maintain a fine balance between innovation and economic necessity when it comes to the design of new starships. Fortunately, the engineers of the Republic are up to the task, and the Rahhae Recon Warbird is their latest triumph in that arena. This new vessel brings potent scientific and intelligence gathering tech to the Republic fleet. Warbirds are powered by a Singularity Core, unlike other starships. This unique form of propulsion grants extra abilities compared to Warp Cores, but comes at the cost of lower overall power levels for the starship. Like most warbirds, this starship comes with innate Romulan Battle cloaking, allowing the starship to stealth even during combat.

star trek game ships

In these trying times, constant conflict and ever-present hostility have made exploration and reconnaissance at the edges of the frontier an even more dangerous endeavor than normal. The Jem'Hadar Vanguard Recon Destroyer has been designed in response to this galactic atmosphere, providing a distinct combat-focus to a ship that is otherwise dedicated to scientific study and intelligence gathering. Vanguard Starships come included with two loyal Jem’Hadar ace pilots. These expert pilots fly their own Jem’Hadar Vanguard Raiders in formation with you, never straying far from your side. Their extensive experience in team-based tactics allow them to execute powerful maneuvers at your command. In case of catastrophic ship failure, they will return back to operations shortly and automatically after a brief lockout.

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The Fek'Ihri have returned to the galaxy in force with brand new ships over the past few years, but now they return to a classic design. The Gok'Tad takes the lessons these Klingon demons learned from the Kar'fi, and apply it to a fearsome new ship class.

star trek game ships

Summoning all of the powers of Grethor, the Gok'tag fires three spectral, flaming chains, linking itself to the enemy ship and pulling itself in at high speed. As it rams through the enemy ship, it does a massive amount of fire damage. This console also provides a passive boost to fire damage and flight speed.
Upon reaching level 5 in your Fek'Ihri Gok'tad Carrier, you unlock the Grethor's Weapons Starship Trait. While this trait is slotted, launching hangar pets gives your weapons additional fire damage, that scales with your enemy's missing hitpoints.
These fearsome hangar pets come with this ship, and may be slotted on any Fek’Ihri Carrier. Additionally, if you own the Kar’Fi Battle Carrier, you may equip the S’Kul Fighters on this Dreadnought Carrier.

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For more Star Trek Online coverage, check back through my STO tag .

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15 Best Star Trek Games, Ranked According To Metacritic

Though it is best known for its TV shows and films, Star Trek has a long history of video games across genres, platforms, and eras.

Star Trek has been around for over five decades and while there have been years-long breaks, the series has stuck around ever since Kirk met Spock. Over the years, fans have enjoyed dozens of Star Trek games, from first-person shooters to strategy games and, more recently, mobile games.

Some Star Trek games fall within the storyline of a show, featuring voices from the actual cast, whereas others are entirely new stories that expand the narrative universe. While not every gaming voyage into the stars is a successful one, there are some that offer fans a genuine Star Trek experience.

Updated on April 30 & September 12, 2023, by Ajay Aravind & James Lynch: The Star Trek franchise is arguably one of the most influential sci-fi media empires of all time. There are countless video games for multiple platforms, each of which is radically different from the next. As such, we've updated this list of the greatest Star Trek games out there, at least according to Metacritic ratings.

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15 Star Trek Away Team

Metacritic rating: 64.

With similar games proving so popular, it's little wonder developer Reflexive Entertainment saw the potential in a real-time tactical game tied to a franchise as big as Star Trek . In Star Trek Away Team , the player leads their squad of Starfleet Officers through various missions, taking on some of the most iconic enemies in the universe in the process.

The main criticism for Star Trek Away Team was that it didn't have anything particularly new. All of its features worked to an acceptable level, but it didn't have anything approaching fresh or exciting. For big fans of the franchise, it could be a nice way to spend a few hours, but many preferred to leave it on the virtual shelf.

14 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Dominion Wars

This time taking the real-time tactics to outer space and ship-based encounters Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Dominion Wars suffers from many of the same issues as Away Team . Players could select their crew, ship type and various upgrades to customize the experience and prepare for different encounters, but the game remained overwhelmingly bland.

An entirely linear experience, there is very little that would want to make players keep coming back for more after an initial playthrough. The narrative for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Dominion Wars proved forgettable, and the release was marred by several spectacular bugs that led to it being near unplayable for many.

13 Star Trek Armada 2

Metacritic rating: 65.

With the popularity of games like Starcraft still ringing in everyone's ears, developer Mad Doc Software did everything in their power to replicate its many successes. Unfortunately, this wouldn't prove to be enough. Instead, Star Trek Armada 2 became one of the many forgettable Star Trek games.

Set in the Next Generation era of the show, Star Trek Armada 2 isn't an objectively poor game, but there is no reason to recommend it above amazing genre entries like Alpha Centauri and Sins of a Solar Empire . With some iconic appearances from the Borg and Klingon, it remains one for the purists.

RELATED: Every Star Trek Series, Ranked By IMDb

12 Star Trek Online

Metacritic rating: 68.

It was only a matter of time before Star Trek turned its attention to the perpetually popular MMORPG genre, but, like many titanic franchises that attempted to do the same, it could have been a lot better. Star Trek Online had some cool features like a crew-based crafting system and the ability to beam down and operate as a player character in certain settings.

The ship elements in Star Trek Online were also fun, at first, but lacking in the depth necessary to offer the immersion people were looking for. After the developer couldn't maintain the numbers needed to keep the MMO functional, they switched to a free-to-play model. This wasn't enough to cover the glaring issues with the voice acting and roleplaying elements and it remains a deeply divisive game among the community.

11 Star Trek: Resurgence

Metacritic rating: 71.

Star Trek: Resurgence had all the right ingredients and could've permanently raised the standards for Star Trek tie-ins. Unfortunately, it couldn't fully capitalize on the potential it displayed early in development, though it remains a solid effort for dedicated fans to enjoy. A down-the-line action-adventure game, its greatest strength is its narrative direction and choice-based consequence system.

For a world that relies so much on diplomacy, implementing those features in Star Trek: Resurgence feels like a fitting decision on the developers' part. On the other side of the coin, the minigames leave a lot to be desired and some of the narrative threads don't feel as though they were properly resolved. Despite some poor gameplay mechanics, those who enjoy visual novels will appreciate the game's style.

10 Star Trek: Klingon Academy

Metacritic rating: 74.

While other Star Trek games focus on the Federation, Star Trek: Klingon Academy assigns players the role of a student in the Elite Command Academy of the Klingon Empire, headed by the fierce warrior General Chang. Klingon Academy is a space combat simulator that follows a story set between the two original series movies, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier and Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

Klingon Academy was designed as a successor to Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, mirroring the perspective shift of the Star Wars X-wing and Tie Fighter games. Star Trek: Klingon Academy' s gameplay is more strategic than many other space combat sims, making the battle experience much more tactical.

RELATED: Star Trek: The Next Generation and the Roddenberry Box, Explained

9 Star Trek: Invasion

Metacritic rating: 76.

In Star Trek: Invasion , players control an ace starship pilot in the Red Squad tactical strike force led by Lt. Commander Worf, voiced by the actual actor Michael Dorn. Players fight through a multitude of space combat missions while they try to uncover the mystery of a surprise Romulan attack, a Borg invasion, and a renegade Starfleet Captain.

Star Trek: Invasion looks and plays similar to the Colony Wars PlayStation games, featuring combat that's challenging but fun. While returning to this game from the 2000s may not be the best trip, it is still one of the best Star Trek experiences on consoles.

8 Star Trek: Bridge Crew

Metacritic rating: 78.

Star Trek: Bridge Crew puts players into the seats of the iconic starship Enterprise . The game was originally VR only, but Ubisoft updated it to allow standard gameplay as well. While gamers can play Bridge Crew on their own, the real fun comes when players enter a lobby with their friends.

Each player must operate a single position on the starship's bridge, from the Captain's chair to Navigation, Tactical, and Ops, barking orders at each other through in-game voice communication. Teamwork is key in completing missions. Bridge Crew features the original Enterprise bridge from Star Trek as well as the Kelvin Timeline bridge. Creatives later added DLC that lets players command Picard's Enterprise from Star Trek: The Next Generation .

7 Star Trek: Elite Force II

Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force put players on the elite Hazard Team on the starship Voyager . In the sequel, Star Trek Elite Force II , players return to controlling Alexander Munro, a member of the Hazard Team, but on the Enterprise-E.

The first-person shooter gives players an array of weapons as they take on dangerous away missions. Star Trek Elite Force II also featured more open environments, rather than just the confined hallways and cargo bays of the first game. The voice cast features actual Star Trek voice actors, including Sir Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard and Tim Russ as Tuvok.

6 Star Trek: Starfleet Command III

Star Trek: Starfleet Command III follows its predecessors in allowing players to control their very own ship. Players can customize their starship to perform different strategies in combat, such as hit-and-run tactics, ambushes, or direct assaults.

This version of Star Trek: Starfleet Command improved the user experience, adding a new interface that allows players to focus more on combat than ship management. It also added RPG elements so players could upgrade their ships and officers. Players control Federation, Klingon, or Romulan ships across a variety of missions through the Deep Space 9 , TNG, and Voyager eras of Star Trek .

RELATED: 10 Star Trek Phasers, Ranked

5 Star Trek: Starfleet Command - Orion Pirates

The standalone expansion Star Trek: Starfleet Command - Orion Pirates builds upon the universe set up by the base game Star Trek Starfleet Command II: Empires At War. Players take control of one of the eight factions from the original game, such as the Federation, Klingons, or Romulans.

Players can either challenge the Orion Pirates and attempt to defeat them, or join up with them and move toward a goal of dominating the entire sector. The combat in Starfleet Command - Orion Pirates is very strategic and tactical as players control many starships that are both new and familiar to fans.

4 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen

Metacritic rating: 81.

Fans often consider Star Trek: Deep Space Nine one of the best Star Trek series . Its popularity led the show to receive a third-person shooter game adaptation in 2000. The gameplay is fairly generic for a third-person shooter, but the intriguing story and overall Trek atmosphere work well.

The story of The Fallen , which is loosely based on a series of extended universe novels, follows Captain Sisko, Major Kira, and Lt. Commander Worf as they try to secure powerful red orbs to prevent the resurrection of the Pah-wraiths, an evil race from Bajoran legend. Players can play as any of the three characters, but the game only reveals the full story when players complete each character's campaign.

3 Star Trek Fleet Command

Metacritic rating: 82.

Star Trek Fleet Command is a mobile strategy game that puts players in charge of a space station set in the Kelvin timeline. Players can explore systems and interact with NPCs and other online players while building up their fleet of starships helmed by iconic characters like Kirk, Spock, and Nero.

Star Trek Fleet Command gives players control of Federation, Klingon, and Romulan factions in their attempt to seize control of the Alpha and Beta quadrants. In true Star Trek fashion, players have the option of forging alliances or striking out on their own for pure domination.

RELATED: 15 Times Star Trek Changed Its Uniforms and Why

2 Star Trek: Bridge Commander

Star Trek: Bridge Commander lets players live out their Star Trek command fantasies. Gamers control a character who must take over captain duties when a sun erupts, causing heavy damage to the ship and killing the previous captain.

In Star Trek: Bridge Commander , players will fight against the Cardassians and join up with Klingons, all while investigating the conniving Romulans to solve the mystery of what happened in this remote part of space. This 2002 space sim offers great tactical space combat and an intriguing story that honors the Star Trek franchise.

1 Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force

Metacritic rating: 86.

In 2000, Star Trek fans received a great FPS adaptation of Star Trek: Voyager . On the starship Voyager , players control a member of the Hazard Team, a group who must go on especially dangerous away missions . Voyager is trapped in a hostile starship graveyard and the player must discover how they got there and who is responsible.

Players take on several familiar factions like the Borg and Klingons, as well as brand-new enemies. The gameplay in Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force is fast and fun and includes the actual voices of Voyager' s characters. Elite Force plays a lot like Quake and Doom , and that is a compliment.

Carnac's Guide to Star Trek Fleet Command

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Published Jul 11, 2010

Design Your Own Starship

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Admit it: you’ve always wanted to design and captain your own starship.  Well, now you’ve got your chance.  Further broadening the horizons of the massively multiplayer online PC title Star Trek Online, Star Trek Online Architect provides players with the necessary virtual tools to recreate their favorite Star Trek ships or to create their own, customized, one-of-a-kind ship that they can boldly pilot across the gaming universe.  Additionally, STO Architect includes a mini-game called Ship Shaper , a gallery that enables fans to view their unique creations, and an Intel-sponsored sweepstakes with such prizes as a replica captain’s chair, Intel(R) Core TM i7-920 Processors and copies of the Star Trek Online game. For more details, visit .

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Ship Requisitions

Federation Ship Requisitions Screen on PC

Playable Starships in Star Trek Online are as much a part of a player's avatar as their Captain .

Players are granted ships by their faction as they progress in rank . At each new rank between Level 10 and Level 40 , players are given a free starship token for the respective tier . The last token they get, at Level 61 , is for a Tier 5 ship which can be made Tier 5-U .

Refined dilithium icon

The abilities and stats of a starship are determined by the starship's tier, type, the equipment loadout, traits , bridge officers and power system management .

  • 2.3 Bridge Officer Stations
  • 2.4 Subsystems
  • 2.5 Starship Mastery
  • 3.1 Tiers 1-4
  • 4.1 Summary
  • 4.2 Detailed table
  • 4.3 Type notes
  • 5.1 Free starships
  • 5.2 Dilithium and Zen
  • 5.3 Fleet Credits
  • 5.4 Lock and Promotional Boxes
  • 5.6 Exchange
  • 6.1 Material Types
  • 6.2 Visual Slots
  • 8 External links

Space Controls

Starship control UI on PC

The operation of a starship covers various key mechanics. Notably, the innate stats of your starship, your subsystem power allocation and your loadout.

The following basic stats outline the innate combat strength of a starship:

  • Hull: This is the overall health of your starship, and refers to the actual body of the ship itself. Once the shields have been drained from a certain area, any damage to that area results in damage to the hull. Most shields have a "Bleedthrough" percentage, which is the amount of damage from any enemy's weapons that cause damage to the hull instead of the shields.
  • Fore/Rear/Right/Left Shields: These are the first line of defense for your starship. Shields are energy barriers placed around your ship to repel enemy fire and take the brunt of the damage initially. Once your shields are down around a certain area, any damage there will directly affect the Hull. Shields also have a "Bleedthrough" rating; if the Bleedthrough rate is 10%, then 100 Phaser Damage to your shields will result in 10 Phaser Damage directly to your Hull.
  • Crit Chance: This is the chance that each shot you take has of critically damaging the target. The modifier for Crit Chance is [CrtH].
  • Crit Severity: This is the amount of damage that a Crit shot does. If the Crit Chance is 5% and Crit Severity is 75%, then you have a 5% chance, with each shot, of doing 175% total damage to the enemy vessel. The modifier for Crit Severity is [CrtD]. It should be noted that this damage bonus applies at the same time as other bonuses, which may lead to you not seeing the full increase noted.
  • Inertia: This is a number that determines how sluggish your ship is to respond, for example, while turning. The lower your Inertia rating, the slower your ship is while turning. Cruisers , for example, have low Inertia ratings, which make for low turn rates, and low maneuverability. Escorts on the other hand, have high Inertia ratings, making for high turn rates and maneuverability. Science Vessels typically fall somewhere in the middle.
  • Resist: Your starship has a number of resistance types, which indicates how resistant it is to certain types of damage (e.g. Physical, Kinetic, Phaser, Tetryon).

The following stats were removed in 2015:

  • Crew Complement: This is the maximum number of crewmembers (non-Bridge Officers) that can serve aboard your vessel. Your Crew count affects hull and subsystem repair rate, as well as the effectiveness of boarding parties, the engineering team and crew-based skills your captain may have. Certain types of damage will temporarily injure Crew. Your current Crew count is indicated by a row of white figures below your Shields/Hull UI (injured crew are yellow-orange, disabled crew are grey).
  • Crew Recovery Rate: This is the number of Crew that will recover per second.
  • Alive Crew: This is the number of Crew members that are currently alive.

Starship Loadout

An example starship loadout screen

Similar to Bridge Officer stations, different ships have varying room for special modifications that can be added to the ship to increase its effectiveness. Similar to slotted gems in other games, mods provide small passive bonuses that affect game play and can be interchanged at will.

The differentiation isn't just between the Escort/Cruiser/Science categories; each individual configuration offers disparate settings for players to choose between.

  • Fore Weapons - These weapons fire from the front, usually within a certain arc width. For example, 45°-arc fore weapons fire in a 45-degree cone area in front of your ship. All Ship Weapons other than mines can be placed here. Turrets were originally excluded, but are now allowed to be placed in the fore weapons slots.
  • Deflector - Ship Deflector Dishes can be inserted here.
  • Secondary Deflector - Most Science vessels (those that have both Sensor Analysis and Subsystem Targeting) can install a Secondary Deflector ; other ship types do not have this slot.
  • Shields - Ship Shields go here.
  • Warp Core - a Warp Core (on Federation or Klingon Ships) or Singularity Core (on Warbirds) goes here.
  • Impulse - Any one of a number of Impulse Engines can go here.
  • Aft Weapons - These weapons fire from the aft, or rear, of your starship. Any weapon other than cannons and dual beam banks can be placed here.
  • Experimental Weapons - Experimental Weapons are available to Tier 5-6 Raiders and those with a Tactical Commander seat, 7 weapons, and 1 or fewer Hangar Bays.
  • Devices - Any Ship Devices can be inserted here. To use them, drag them to your shortcut bar while in space.
  • Engineering Consoles - Engineering Consoles go here.
  • Science Consoles - Science Consoles go here.
  • Tactical Consoles - Tactical Consoles go here.
  • Hangar Bay - Hangar pets go here.

Tier 5, Tier 6 and many Zen Store Tier 1-4 ships come with a unique Universal Console (which can be put in any console slot). These consoles can sometimes be used on any ship, or often only ships of the same type. Typically, consoles from similar ships have synergies granting bonuses when the player slots them together.

Bridge Officer Stations

Status Window Stations

Bridge officers assigned to stations

All starships have a number of bridge officer stations permitting each officer to use 1 to 4 of their abilities. The higher tier starships offer more seats with higher ranking abilities than lower tier starships. The starship has access to the space traits of any bridge officer who is slotted, regardless of how many slots they have.

Tier 1-5 starships have seats classified as Engineering, Science, Tactical and Universal; the latter being a seat that can sit an officer of any of the main three careers . Tier 6 starships have access to specializations : namely that some seats on each ship will be combined of one of the four main options listed above and a specialization such as Intelligence Officer and Miracle Worker. An Engineer/Intelligence Bridge Officer Seat can seat an Engineer, but if that officer has been trained in the Intelligence specialization then they may use Intelligence powers in place of some or all of their standard Engineering powers.

Subsystems for a starship are split into four sections: Weapons, Engines, Shields and Auxiliary. These subsystems share an overall basic amount of 200 subsystem power that all starships have, and increasing the power level of one subsystem will reduce it in another. Players are able to use presets to quickly reconfigure the ships power levels to focus on specific areas or balance power between more than one subsystem, even whilst in combat.

The highest a player can manually set any of their subsystems is 100. The lowest a player can set these systems is 15. The exception to this rule is running at Full Impulse which will lower all systems except engines to 5.

Starship Mastery

Starship Mastery science

The Mastery progress bar for a Science Vessel

Each Tier 5-U or Tier 6 starship has its own "levels", called Mastery. Starship Mastery progresses as a character earns skill points while using a specific ship in combat (end-of-mission rewards do not apply). Levels 1 through 4 each unlock a passive bonus which is only active while flying that specific ship. The bonuses are specific for each ship type, e.g., Science Vessels , Warbirds , Birds-of-Prey . Tier 6 non-fleet ships also have a 5th mastery level which unlocks a Starship Trait . Different ships unlock different traits, of which 4 to 5 can be used at any one time by the player, regardless of the ship they are flying.

Tactical Escort Refit quad cannons

A Tier 4 Tactical Escort Refit

A ship's capabilities are largely defined by its tier, which determines the number of bridge officer stations, the rank of those stations, the number of console slots, and other factors. Except for Tier 6, that can be played from tutorial through to endgame, specific tiers are intended to be played at a particular rank and cease to become competitive beyond it.

Klingon Negh'Var Warship

A T5 Fleet Negh'Var Heavy Battle Cruiser , which can be upgraded to T5-U.

Flambard Warbird

A Flambard Science Dreadnought Warbird (T6) from the Zen Store

The current highest tier in the game, Tier 6 ships are a moderate improvement over Tier 5 starships, featuring additional console slots, bridge officer abilities, and scaling hull strength. They also come with a unique ship costume, a unique Universal Console , and can be played from level 1 (with its capabilities scaling up as the player increases in rank).

Compared to a Tier 5-U version of the same hull, the Tier 6 version will have the same hull strength and other hull-related stats, and console slots, but one more bridge officer ability, one or more bridge officer specialization seatings, and a Starship Trait as its fifth Starship Mastery level. Like T5-U ships, T6 ships can be upgraded to T6-X with an [ Experimental Ship Upgrade Token ] , which grants them the same additional benefits.

Each faction has unique types of ships that favor different styles of gameplay. Generally, there is one type of ship for each type of career, but a player character can captain any type of vessel, regardless of their career choice. Below is a list of each type of ship, and their (endgame) capabilities, though there are a few ships that don't follow this template exactly. A ship's type also dictates its Starship Mastery package . Many ship designs come in different versions. While their outward appearance might be mostly identical, they may vary substantially in combat strength according to their Tier.

  • Cruisers have a Commander Engineering Bridge Officer slot, access to Cruiser Commands , and are generally more durable and less maneuverable than other types of ship. Endgame Cruisers can equip eight weapons, most often evenly distributed between Fore and Aft.
  • Escorts and Raptors have a Commander Tactical Bridge Officer slot, the ability to use Dual Cannons , and are generally more fragile but the most maneuverable vessels available to you. Endgame Escorts can equip seven weapons, more Fore than Aft, and can also equip an Experimental Weapon .
  • Science Vessels have a Commander Science Bridge Officer slot, the ability to equip a Secondary Deflector , and access to Sensor Analysis and some built-in Subsystem Targeting abilities to help provide support. Endgame Science Vessels can equip six weapons, most often evenly distributed between Fore and Aft.
  • Carriers are exclusively available at the endgame level, and have two hangar bays from which they may launch fighters, shuttles, runabouts or even frigates to combat their enemies. These large and slow vessels can come in Engineering, Tactical or Science Varieties, which determine their Commander Bridge Officer slot and weapon hardpoints.
  • Dreadnoughts are also exclusively available at the endgame level, and have a hangar bay (or two). Like Carriers, they tend to be larger and slower and come in different varieties; see below for specific examples.
  • Warbirds They equip Singularity Cores instead of matter-antimatter warp cores, and all have access to Singularity Core abilities . All warbirds may equip dual cannons.

While there are are many varieties of the above classes available at the endgame, there are also several variations on these basic ship classifications, some available more early on:

  • Battle Cruisers , which lose the ability to Attract Fire and often a device slot in exchange for the ability to equip Dual Cannons.
  • Dreadnought Cruisers , which have both a hangar bay and the ability to equip Dual Cannons, but again only two Cruiser Commands.
  • Flight Deck Carriers , Cruiser-Carrier hybrids with two hangar bays, but only two Cruiser Commands.
  • Heavy Dreadnought Cruisers , a variant of Dreadnought Cruisers with a second hangar bay, bringing them up to Carrier-tier capabilities.
  • Frigate , an Engineering-focused variant of the Raider.
  • Strike Wing Escorts and Flight Deck Raptors , which are enhanced with a hangar bay.
  • Destroyers , which are more durable and gain an extra device slot in exchange for the loss of some maneuverability.
  • Warships , a subset of Destroyers which exchange the Experimental Weapon slot for an eighth standard weapon.
  • Juggernauts also have eight standard weapons, and are even more bulky and durable while sacrificing much maneuverability.
  • Raiders , which exchange a weapon—bringing them down to six—for Raider Flanking , the ability to deal more damage to enemies along their rear shield facing. They also have mostly (or all) Universal Bridge Officer seating, allowing extreme flexibility. Raiders are maneuverable but fragile vessels that require experienced pilots to be effective.
  • Multi-Mission Science Vessels , which are enhanced with a hangar bay.
  • Science Dreadnoughts , larger vessels with a hangar bay comparable to Dreadnought Cruisers, but with a Science focus.
  • Science Spearheads , which are effectively Science Dreadnoughts without the hangar bay.
  • Scout Ships , a Science-focused variant of the Raider.
  • Tactical Carrier Warbirds , which also have a hangar bay.
  • Engineering Warbirds , also known as Warbird Battle Cruisers , have an Engineering commander bridge officer.
  • A Heavy Dreadnought Warbird , the Valkis , has two hangar bays.
  • Explorer Warbirds , which also have a hangar bay.
  • Science Carrier Warbirds , which have two hangar bays.

Ships can be broadly categorized by their Commander seating, and how many hangar slots they have.

Detailed table

  • Power bonuses vary considerably. For a given type of ship, every single member may have a different power configuration, such as with Warships and Multi-Mission Science Explorers. There are too many to enumerate here. See individual ship type pages and ship pages to compare them.

Cloak icon (Klingon)

  • Federation Raiders are known as "Light Escorts", such as the T6 Shran Light Pilot Escort and its fleet variant .

Anomalous bridge officer or console layouts:

  • Some starships with a Commander Engineering bridge officer seat have 5 Tactical console slots despite this normally being restricted to starships with a Commander Tactical seat.
  • Likewise, some starships with a Commander Tactical bridge officer seat have 5 Engineering console slots despite this normally being restricted to starships with a Commander Engineering seat. This includes the Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier when upgraded to T5-U.
  • The T6 Flambard Science Dreadnought Warbird and its T5 version have 5 Science console slots despite having a Commander Tactical bridge officer.
  • The T6 Khlinae Tal Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser and Tholian Jorogumo Carrier have a Commander Universal seating, but the usual stats of their class, including their Starship Mastery package. The same is true of their now-retired T5 versions. The Tholian Carriers' Admiralty cards are Engineering rather than Science, also.
  • Jem'Hadar Light Battlecruiser
  • Kelvin Einstein Heavy Destroyer
  • Kelvin D7 Heavy Destroyer
  • La Sirena Heavy Raider
  • Mirror Constitution Warship
  • United Earth Defense Force Vessel

Exceptions and unique cases:

  • Starfleet Tutorial Starships may equip dual cannons despite being Cruisers, though they lack the corresponding cruiser commands . This is likely to simplify the initial experience.
  • The T1 Oberth -class Light Science Vessel does not possess the built-in Subsystem Targeting abilities possessed by other Science Vessels.
  • Some T6 pure Science Vessels have the ability to equip dual cannons, which most others lack:
  • The T6 Eclipse Intel Cruiser and its fleet variant are Battlecruisers , despite their names.
  • The T6 Hur'q Vedcrid Hive Dreadnought Carrier has all the characteristics of a Dreadnought Carrier except its Commander bridge officer seat is Engineering instead of Tacical
  • The T6 Sphere Builder Edoulg Science Vessel is a Multi-Mission Science Vessel rather than a standard Science Vessel.
  • The T5 Fek'Ihri Kar'Fi Battle Carrier and Gok'tad Carrier have 7 weapon slots, one more than other Science Carriers.
  • The T5 Patrol Escort Refit has a fourth rear weapon slot with a fused weapon in lieu of an Experimental Weapon slot.
  • The T6 Science Star Cruiser , Gorkon Science Battlecruiser and Tal Shiar Khlinae Adapted Battlecruiser possess the Sensor Analysis ability innately despite not being Science Vessels, but have neither subsystem targeting nor a secondary deflector.
  • Likewise, the T6 Ketha Recon Raptor and its Fleet variant are Raptors, but with the Starship Mastery package of a Destroyer.
  • Likewise, the T5 and T6 variants of the Guramba Siege Destroyer gain a hangar bay and loses a device slot compared to other Destroyers.
  • The Federation and Klingon Empire T6 Command Battlecruisers (eg. Concorde Command Battlecruiser ) have the cruiser commands, device slots, weapon layout and ability to equip dual cannons of Flight Deck Carriers , but only a single hangar bay and the Starship Mastery package of a Battlecruiser. Thus, they could be considered a separate hybrid "Flight Deck Battlecruiser" type.

Purchasing Starships

Starships can be purchased with a number of different currencies, and several ships can be obtained for free. Extra ship and Dry Dock slots can be bought in the Zen Store. A single character can have a maximum of 50 ships but many more dry dock slots are obtainable.

Free starships

Kobali Samsar Cruiser

The Kobali Samsar Cruiser was originally an event giveaway, and is now available via the Phoenix Prize Pack.

Characters are assigned a tier 1 ship to command after completing the tutorial mission. At levels 20, 30 and 40 (players gain one rank for every ten character levels) players receive a token for a free ship of successively increasing tier, up to Tier 5.

At Tier 5 and 6, further free ships can still be found during special events , such as the summer Lohlunat Festival and Q's Winter Wonderland . Some may also be part of special giveaways.

Dilithium and Zen

Additional ships cost Dilithium or Zen from the shipyard or Zen Store. Tier 5 and 6 ships become available from level 50. Tier 5 ships can sometimes be upgraded to Tier 5U. These special upgradable T5 ships can then be upgraded using an upgrade token purchased with Zen from the Zen Store.

Fleet Credits

Fleet ships require Fleet Credits and Fleet Ship Modules; these are available for cash from the Zen Store or for EC on the Exchange. Active subscribers who have received the 600 day Veteran Reward , including all lifetime subscribers, receive a 'VA Token' that allows them to purchase a single RA/BG or VA/LG ship for free.

Lock and Promotional Boxes

Lock Boxes , Promotion! - Research & Development Packs and Phoenix Prize Packs all contain a chance to win a free starship. However it is important to understand the low chances of success when buying these packs and keys with Zen or Dilithium.

NX Escort Refit

The NX Escort Refit from the Lobi store

Many ships mentioned above which are no bind-on-pickup can be found on the Exchange for varying prices in Energy Credits.


Ship Customization

Ship Customization Screen

They are highly customizable, both cosmetically and functionally. Visiting shipyards will allow players to change all aspects of their ships. Each ship tier includes multiple classes of ships. Players can choose different parts (saucer, hull, nacelles etc.) of each class making a custom model, or stick with a set design. Along with the model the player can also adjust the color, windows, decals, registry number and prefix, which gives the player a custom feel to his/her ship.

Each time a player acquires a new ship they are allowed to edit aspects of the ship once for free. Each subsequent change will cost Energy Credits, depending on the change made. This includes exterior appearance, bridge and corridors.

To make changes to their ship, players must visit a shipyard. There are multiple shipyards in-game and they are found at all the major hubs such as Qo'noS for the Klingon Defense Force and the Earth Spacedock for Starfleet . A common list of items that can be edited on a ship are:

For certain starships, if the character owns a different version of a similar starship then they can use parts of both when customizing a ship. For example, if the player owned the Scimitar Dreadnought Warbird (T5) and the Shamshir Operations Dreadnought Warbird (T6) , then they could use some or all of the parts from the Scimitar in customizing the look of the Shamshir.

Material Types

Materials were usually designated "Ship Name" or "Type <number>". In addition to a ship's default material options, other materials could become available when the player gets access to other, specific ships. For example, the Epoch -class Aeon material became available to the commanding officer of a Wells -class ship if they owned both vessels.

Visual Slots


Visuals from the Assimilated Borg Technology set while equipped

Certain starship equipment, such as shields or impulse engines, can alter the appearance of a starship. Aside from equipping them in the usual slots, they can also be put into visual slots to override any visuals from the standard equipment. Alternatively, the visuals of slotted equipment can be disabled from the right click menu of that equipment.

  • Space combat
  • Admiralty System

External links

  • Fleffle's Sortable/Filterable T6 Ship List spreadsheet
  • Season 6 Dev Blog #16
  • r/sto: Borticus on calculating Level 65 ship Hull Capacity (June 02, 2018)
  • 1 Playable starship
  • 3 Infinity Prize Pack - T6 Ship

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Ships of the Line: Steamrunner Bundle!

By Ambassador Kael | Fri 24 Sep 2021 09:00:00 AM PDT

star trek game ships

Celebrate the deep lineage of another of Star Trek ’s famous ship classes, with the upcoming Ship of the Line Bundle, this time featuring the Steamrunner Class! This bundle features ships from this class that currently appear at multiple tiers in Star Trek Online’s existing vast ship catalogue, as well as a brand new Tier-6 variant that will soon be swelling its familial ranks.

The Ships of the Line: Blockade Runner Bundle will appear on the in-game Zen Store as “ Blockade Runner Bundle ” and will feature the following contents:

  • 1 Ship Upgrade Token (T5-U)
  • 2 Experimental Ship Upgrade Tokens
  • T1 Blockade Runner Escort
  • T5 Blockade Runner Escort Retrofit
  • **NEW** T6 Appalachia Blockade Runner Escort

The bundle will become available on 10/1/21 on PC, at a price of 5,000 Zen. Introductory sales pricing will apply through 10/8/21, reducing the price by 35%!

The T6 Appalachia will also be available as a separate purchase in the Zen Store.

Anyone who already owns the T5 Steamrunner may have noticed a recent update to its appearance in-game, which served as a prelude to this release. If you already own the T5 Blockade Runner Escort and wish to see this update, ready the ship and then visit the Ship Customization Interface and apply the Steamrunner template to see the new design. The canon Steamrunner update is free for anyone who has the T5 or T6 Blockade Runner Escort.

star trek game ships

Appalachia Blockade Runner Escort [T6]

This well-rounded escort is durable, agile and outfitted with an excessive amount of weapon mounts, by Starfleet standards. Redundant power couplings run along the length of nearly every subsystem, cross-linking them with the ship's various energy and torpedo emitters, ensuring that all weapon systems remain operational for as long as possible in any conflict, regardless of the damage the ship may receive in return.

This ship features a Lt. Commander Tactical / Command Bridge Officer specialist seat, and a Lieutenant Universal / Intel Bridge Officer specialist seat.

  • Faction: Federation or Federation-Aligned
  • Required Rank: Must complete the Tutorial
  • Hull Modifier: 1.15
  • Shield Modifier: 1
  • Fore Weapons: 4 (scales with level)
  • Aft Weapons: 3 (scales with level)
  • Device Slots: 2
  • Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Commander Tactical, 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical/Command, 1 Lieutenant Commander Engineering, 1 Ensign Science, 1 Lieutenant Universal/Intel
  • Console Modifications: 5 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 2 Science (scales with level)
  • Base Turn Rate: 16 degrees per second
  • Impulse Modifier: 0.21
  • Inertia: 60
  • +15 Power to Weapons, +5 Power to Engines
  • Can Load Dual Cannons
  • Console - Universal - Tricobalt Tear Launcher
  • Experimental Weapon Slot, equipped with Hull Spike Battery
  • Precise Weapon Systems (+Accuracy)
  • Tactical Maneuvering (+Defense)
  • Enhanced Weapon Systems (+All Damage)
  • Devastating Weaponry (+Crit Chance)
  • Piercing Projectiles (Starship Trait)

Admiralty Stats

  • SPECIAL: +35 TAC when ALONE

Console – Universal – Tricobalt Tear Launcher

A starship equipped with this console is capable of firing a barrage of high yield tricobalt warheads at a distant target. Upon reaching their target destination these warheads will detonate causing massive damage to any starships unfortunate to be caught in the blasts. These detonations cause a large subspace tear to appear and damage and disable nearby enemy starships.

This console also provides a passive boost to Shield Penetration and Projectile Weapon Damage.

Experimental Weapon: Hull Spike Battery

This experimental piece of weaponry was designed to deal catastrophic damage to a target starship's hull by bypassing its shields entirely and then drilling through the starship's armoring directly into the vulnerable starship components. This translates as a large spike of immediate damage, followed by an ongoing damage-over-time effect.

Starship Trait: Piercing Projectiles

While this trait is slotted, activating a Torpedo or Mine firing mode Bridge Officer ability will grant a large Shield Penetration and Hull Penetration bonus for a short time.

  • +200 Starship Hull Penetration Skill
  • +200 Starship Shield Penetration Skill

** All details, stats, and features subject to change.

Jeremy “BorticusCryptic” Randall Senior Systems Designer Star Trek Online

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The 10 best star trek video games (updated 2023).

Are you ready for an epic quest? Peruse the best Star Trek video games you can get.

  • Release Date 2017
  • Release Date 2001
  • Release Date 2006
  • Release Date 2013
  • 9.74 /10 1. Editors choice: Star Trek: Bridge Crew (PSVR)
  • 9.74 /10 2. Premium pick: Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force Expansion - PC
  • 9.63 /10 3. Best value: Star Trek Encounters - PlayStation 2
  • 9.67 /10 4. Star Trek - Playstation 3
  • 9.12 /10 5. Star Trek: Legacy - Xbox 360
  • 9.24 /10 6. Star Trek: Conquest - Nintendo Wii
  • 9.58 /10 7. Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova - PlayStation 4
  • 9.41 /10 8. Star Trek: Away Team - PC
  • 9.87 /10 9. Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Fallen - PC
  • 9.92 /10 10. Star Trek: Tactical Assault

Star Trek is one of the most popular and well-known stories of all time. When it first premiered on television in 1966, there was nothing else like it. And since its birth, few other shows have even come close to matching the story in terms of scientific accuracy and appeal. Today, one of the ways that Star Trek lovers engage with the story is through video games, which can be more immersive than a show or movie. And the best Star Trek video games are accurate, they depict likenesses, and they come with an unbeatable plot. Here are some of our favorite Star Trek video game picks.

1. Star Trek: Bridge Crew (PSVR)

Star Trek: Bridge Crew was specifically developed as a virtual reality game, allowing Trekkies to interact with their favorite characters in a realistic, authentic way. If desired, players can operate in the co-op mode, designing a team of four to tackle their latest adventures. The team will consist of the Captain, Helm, Tactical, and Engineer as they travel through the galaxy.

Based on the 2009 Star Trek film timeline, the new ship, the USS Aegis begins searching for a home for the Vulcans. And, to do so, they head into Klingon territory. Players should keep in mind that the Captain’s role is the only one that displays the details of the mission. And the captain must communicate their latest endeavors to the rest of the crew in order to succeed.

The qualities that set this game apart from other Star Trek games are its dynamic gameplay and ongoing missions. Those who play Star Trek: Bridge Crew could really play indefinitely on a solo or co-op mission, which results in a captivating and valuable story. This game also stands apart from others in terms of its realism. As a virtual reality game, players should expect to feel completely immersed in the story.

  • Plastation VR
  • Bridge crew designed for VR
  • Operate as a crew
  • Ongoing missions mode
  • Release Date : 2017
  • Updated version
  • Solo mission or multiplayer
  • Good features
  • Does not include next generation ship

2. Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force Expansion - PC

Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force Expansion is a first-person shooter game that is set in the fourth Star Trek television series. The game follows a number of different missions on the USS Voyager — some of which take place 70,000 miles away from home. The game incorporates a large number of original characters into the gameplay, and each character features the actual voice from the television series. So, you can expect authentic results from iconic characters like Captain Kathyrn Janeway and Lieutenant Commander Tuvok.

The game starts with holodeck training that the team fails. It shows the characters attempting to complete a task on a Borg ship. But the end result is that the majority of those characters fail, becoming captured by the enemy. After the holodeck training, the Voyager is attacked by an unknown force. And, ultimately, the ship is teleported to a mysterious place. Characters within the game have to attempt to determine where they are, and what threats lie ahead in order to keep the crew and the future of the Voyager protected. This game was an extreme success as far as Star Trek games go. In fact, it received an 86 percent approval rate, attesting to its production and bugless gameplay.

  • Created by Raven Software
  • Stranded in Delta Quadrant
  • Set on USS Voyager
  • Tour mode or multiplayer mode
  • Release Date : 2001
  • Rich colors
  • Varied architecture
  • Great single player option
  • Nice graphics
  • Really challenging end boss

3. Star Trek Encounters - PlayStation 2

One of the interesting things about the Star Trek universe is that it’s incredibly developed. Over the past 60 years, artists of multiple kinds have had the chance to add to the universe, creating new environments and challenges along the way. And this often comes out in video games. In Star Trek: Encounters, for example, gamers control five generations of ships including the Original Series ship, the Next Generation, the Deep Space Nine, the Voyager, and even the most iconic ship: the Enterprise. While some Star Trek games fabricate new worlds and destinations, Encounters features destinations that you’ve probably seen before. And you can even play based on real TV show events.

As you play, you can combat your enemies using a variety of different weapons like Phasers, Pulse Cannons, and Torpedoes. There are also three different modes in the game. So, you can play in a multiplayer mode, in the episode mode of the skirmish mode. The result is a captivating and realistic version of the Star Trek universe that is likely to keep you entertained for many hours to come. Finally, the game style is similar to that which you would find in a conventional arcade – or a shooter game.

  • 5 generations of ships available
  • Authentic Star Trek locations
  • Choose from three modes
  • Multiplayer options
  • Release Date : 2006
  • Fun process
  • Can increase the challenge
  • Reminiscent of the arcade
  • Challenging gameplay
  • Anticlimactic finish

4. Star Trek - Playstation 3

For the first time ever, Star Trek for the Playstation 3 allowed players to adopt the characters of Captain Kirk and Spock in a new, and unique storyline. Set after the events of 2009 in the J.J. Abrams Star Trek reboot, was the first in-house game developed by Paramount Studios. This game is set in the Kelvin universe. It follows Captain Kirk, Spock, and the Starfleet crew as they evaluate and track a theft that took place. Captain Kirk and Spock head to Gorn territories in order to right the wrongs that were done to them.

One thing that sets this game apart from other Star Trek games is that the development of it relied on collaborative efforts from the film team and the video game producers. This means that the production team emphasized authenticity in the making of this game. And it shows. The likenesses of Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto are used throughout this game, making players feel entirely immersed in the plot of one of their favorite films. At the same time, the game allows you to travel to parts of the universe that have never yet been seen. The result is one of the most unforgettable Star Trek gaming experiences yet.

  • Available on PS3, Xbox 360, PC
  • Takes place after the events of 2009
  • Never before seen sectors
  • Includes two of the most well-known characters
  • Release Date : 2013
  • New visuals
  • Lots of items to find
  • Voice acting
  • A handful of glitches

5. Star Trek: Legacy - Xbox 360

Star Trek: Legacy hit the shelves in 2006, and quickly became a fan favorite due to the varied gameplay. Those who integrate themselves in this Trekkie world will be quick to notice that they have full access to the Star Trek universe in all of its glory. Along the way, they can command one to four ships, and battle others in the galaxy. Even when you’re in charge of multiple starships, you only command one at a time, allowing you to focus on the task at hand. You control features like weapons, repairs, and travel. And you can adjust the viewpoint, if desired.

Those who jump into the world of Star Trek: Legacy can also use the customized skirmish mode. You choose which way you’ll play, giving yourself the ideal gaming environment. And the PC version of this game has a few additional modes. The single-player version of this game operates in three different eras, switching between Star Trek: Enterprise, The Original Series, and The Next Generation. Or in 2159, 2270, and 2333. As graphically rich as it is engaging, Star Trek: Legacy is a collector's item if we’ve ever seen one. And the challenge that it presents to gamers is full of entertainment.

  • Spans the whole universe
  • Large-scale combat
  • 3D battlefields
  • Ships with full-damage modeling
  • Easier to control than PC version
  • Kid-friendly
  • Repetitive phrases

6. Star Trek: Conquest - Nintendo Wii

Developed by 4J Studios, Star Trek: Conquest is a single-player action game that uses both turn-based strategy and real-time strategy to captivate your attention. The game is set in the Next Generation chapter of Star Trek. And it allows the player to choose from groups that exist in that chapter like the Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Breen, Cardassian and Dominion groups. In this game, everyone is at war. Alliances that previously existed between groups have faded or been disrupted due to recent events. And all of this makes for a rather chaotic and dangerous universe. Everyone wants to capture more territories, outlining themselves as universe dominators.

Upon its release, Star Trek: Conquest received mixed reviews. Those who played on the Wii tended to be more skeptical of the game than those that played on other

platforms. We’re a fan of this particular Star Trek game because of its limitless possibilities. Interested in joining the gruff Klingon world for a while? No problem. Would you rather wear Romulan attire? If so, you can do just that in this Next Generation game. While this game is less linear than other Star Trek games, it comes with unique challenges and it requires strategy to win.

  • Nintendo Wii, Playstation 2
  • Single-player
  • Can take direct control of any ship
  • 6 playable races
  • Release Date : 2007
  • Strategy based
  • Challenging
  • Gets boring after a few conquers
  • Clunky controls

7. Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova - PlayStation 4

Trekkies that picture the most notorious and shocking Star Trek movies and shows typically point to those with Captain Kirk or the Next Generation. These are the most well-known chapters of Star Trek. But there are others. Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova is based on an animated Star Trek series. It debuted recently, in 2021 as an attempt to grow the universe that Paramount+ depicts. In the game, the year is 2383. The Voyager has already made its way home to earth when a group of aliens stumbles upon the USS Protostar and takes it as their own. Players have to figure out how to work with their team and make it out of Delta Quadrant in order to be successful.

Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova is a great game for those who love to explore new alien worlds instead of existing in old ones. Along the way, you’re likely to make it to places like Orisi, Mirios, and Taresse. And each place features its own culture, challenges, and puzzles. The goal is to meet with the aliens in each place and learn about their history. But those who make it far enough to do so are likely to run into the enemy.

  • Play as Dal R’El and Gwyndala
  • Takes you to alien worlds
  • Make first contact with new species
  • A new nemesis
  • Release Date : 2022

8. Star Trek: Away Team - PC

One thing that we love about Star Trek games is that they come in different styles. Some options might be first-person shooter games. Others might be more strategic or puzzle driven. Star Trek: Away Team is a real-time tactics game that was originally released for computers in 2001. Set after the Dominion War, the game hosts a variety of new characters in order to keep things interesting. But it also includes some fan favorites like Data, Michael Dorn, and Brent Spiner.

The gamer controls between four and six characters while immersed in this universe. Everyone has their own abilities and strengths, making them complementary and useful in specific environments. It’s up to the gamer to use them accordingly. Specialties that they might have could include a strength in science, health, or even engineering. And it’s fairly easy to see how those strengths could impact the mission. As a special operations group, this gang of characters can face as many as 18 different missions that require sharp faculties, attention, and strategy. You might find your team working against the Klingon race, the Borg, or even the Romulans, depending on that mission. What is certain is that there are plenty of challenges for you and your team to navigate as you make your way through the universe.

  • Strategy game
  • Chronicle missions of the USS Incursion
  • Experimental Starfleet ship
  • Holographic masking technology
  • Easy to play
  • No likenesses

9. Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Fallen - PC

Most Star Trek games exist within worlds with which Trekkies are very familiar. We might find ourselves fighting against the Borg in one iteration of the game. Or perhaps the Romulans. But Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Fallen presents a new reality to gamers that is both interesting and involved with Star Trek during a different chapter of its existence. At one point in Star Trek history, the Pah-Wraiths were banished from the Alpha Quadrant. But in this game, they’re attempting to come back in pursuit of three powerful orbs that could allow them to not only live within the quadrant but to rule it. If they succeed, life as the Alpha Quadrant will likely change for the worse.

In order to avoid this reality, the gamer adopts the character of Captain Sisko, Major Kira, or Lieutenant Worf in order to beat the Pah-Wraiths to the red orbs. Your goal is to find and contain them to protect the future of the Alpha Quadrant. Along the way, each character is prone to having its own mission and challenge. But they must also be available to coordinate with the team at large, or face ruin. What’s certain is that Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Fallen offers new and memorable challenges for gamers.

  • Can play as multiple characters
  • Special missions
  • 3D adventure
  • Release Date : 2000
  • Different side of Star Trek
  • Fast reload
  • Great quality
  • Not always user friendly

10. Star Trek: Tactical Assault

Serious Trekkies know what the Star Trek universe is like. It’s complicated, and often chaotic and conflicted, which means that those on Star Trek ships are often in dangerous settings. Star Trek: Tactical Assault shows this reality since it features a variety of warships that are frequently under fire or headed for fire. But one thing that the game also demonstrates is that the captain (or the gamer, in some cases) can best prove their value and ability to exist within the Star Trek universe by either combating the enemy and winning or maneuvering their ship in a way that keeps their fleet safe. This game comes with two campaign modes to offer the gamer variety and multiple types of challenges. And, as the acting captain, it’s up to you to make the choices that will keep your ship healthy and fighting in the future.

In this game, you can also play from the lines of 5 different races, meaning that you can be the captain of a Federation ship, Klingon, Romulan, Gorn, and Orion ship. The altered perspective gives you a greater depth of understanding of the Star Trek universe. This multiplayer game is both entertaining and challenging, support Trekkies in their journeys to become the best captains possible.

  • Five playable races
  • Two full campaign modes
  • Real-time combat
  • Involves multiple war ships
  • Multiplayer option
  • Full-length campaigns
  • Teen-friendly
  • Classic game
  • Gameplay could be improved

Star Trek is an incredibly popular franchise that captivates full generations even today. And since it has been around for nearly 60 years, the story has had the opportunity to go through many different iterations and visual appearances. From the iconic Captain Kirk stories to the Next Generation, the story gets really deep and fascinating to those who stick with it long enough to learn about it. As a result of the story’s popularity, it's made its way into video games. And, over time, those video games have become more and more diverse. Today, you can choose from options like first-person shooter games, strategy, and even management options. And they are likely to satisfy even the most dedicated Star Trek fans.

A Brief History of Star Trek Video Games

Did you know that the first Star Trek game was first released in 1971? Titled Star Trek, this game featured turn-based battles, a text-based design, and tons of potential choices for gamers. Together, these key components teamed up to offer a game with nearly endless options. Although gaming has come a long way in the past 50 years, true Star Trek fanatics could benefit from dipping their toes back into iconic games like the original Star Trek to witness the progression of the story and the birth of Star Trek video games.

After the original Star Trek became popular, several other video games followed in its tracks. While many of the newer variations were slow to captivate audiences, there were a few that truly stood out for their gameplay and plot. Star Trek: 25th Anniversary, for example, allows players to embody Captain Kirk, who is in charge of the Enterprise.

After Activision acquired the rights to Star Trek in 1998, some of the most popular Star Trek games in history came to fruition. Titles like Star Trek: Armada, Star Trek Voyager - Elite Force, and Star Trek: Bridge Commander took Trekkies by surprise because of their improved graphics, likenesses, and storylines. And this solidified these games in history as some of the best video games ever to be released.

Star Trek continues to captivate gamers and story-lovers alike for its depth and realism. Who wouldn’t want to gain a greater understanding of the breadth of the universe, right? And since video games offer users an immersive experience into the universe of their choosing, it's no wonder why these Star Trek titles have become permanent fixtures in gaming history.

Memory Alpha

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A list of starships by:

  • 1 Affiliation
  • 3.1 See Also
  • 3.2 External link

Affiliation [ ]

  • Andorian starships
  • Borg starships
  • Cardassian starships
  • Dominion starships
  • Earth starships
  • Federation starships
  • Ferengi starships
  • Klingon starships
  • Romulan starships
  • Vulcan starships

Appendices [ ]

See also [ ].

  • Category:Starships for a full listing of all starships

External link [ ]

  • Star Trek Ships: Expanded - Others at The STArchive
  • 3 ISS Enterprise (NCC-1701)

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  • Star Trek Timelines

Star Trek Timelines - The Best Legendary Ships and How to Get Them

Posted by: BlueStacks Content Team

Editor’s Rating:

Sep 18, 2019

star trek game ships

We’ve already mentioned in our guide to a great early game in Star Trek Timelines  that ships aren’t too important for your progression in the game. We maintain this view in terms of gameplay… however , we are also Star Trek fans and we have to be honest here – there is no way we won’t strive to have the coolest damned fleet of ships in the galaxy.

Star Trek Timelines - The Best Legendary Ships and How to Get Them

Some players really want to roleplay in a famous Federation vessel, while others want to become serious contenders in the arena. At any rate, there comes a time in your playthrough of Star Trek Timelines that you begin to want a legendary ship. Badly.

The good news is that, even though you can pay to get your favorite ship faster, you don’t have to. It is more than possible to play Star Trek Timelines for free  and still have plenty of fun, as well as obtain some of the best ships. In fact, if you play diligently for a couple of months, you’ll probably have too many to choose from!

Rest assured, though: we have you covered in case you can’t make up your own mind. The vessels we’ve included below are some of our favorites in the game so you might want to keep an eye out for their schematics at all times. Once we briefly go through these best ships and their features, we’ll also take a closer look at how you, too, can unlock them for free.

The Borg Cube

The 5-star legendary Borg Cube is pretty much the bane of the arena in Star Trek Timelines. People who have it and don’t mind using it are absolutely in love with it, while those who either don’t have it or prefer to use a different ship tend to hate its mechanical guts. Of course, it will be up to you to choose a side.

Star Trek Timelines - The Best Legendary Ships and How to Get Them

The reason why the Cube is so popular is because of its “Laser Cutter Beam”, which increases Attack by +1 and deals 350% damage. It basically cuts through most other ships like the proverbial knife through butter. The disadvantage (there is one, thank Roddenberry!) is that the Cube has very low Evasion compared to other top-tier ships. If you’re up against a Cube in the arena, this is the weakness you have to exploit.

The HMS Bounty

A gorgeous tier 5 Klingon K’Vort Bird-of-Prey, the HMS Bounty is another community favorite, though it is perhaps not as obnoxious as the Borg Cube. With decent stats in terms of Attack Power, Speed, and Accuracy, this ship relies on a few extraordinary cooldowns to defeat others.

Star Trek Timelines - The Best Legendary Ships and How to Get Them

Its “Tritium Intermix” adds +2 Attack and reflects 40% of the damage dealt by the attacker, while the “Dispersive Armor” adds +2 Evasion and grants Cloak. Naturally, the ship must be paired with adequate characters for maximum impact, but, when upgraded and properly manned, it can be devastating.

The ISS Enterprise NCC-1701

A favorite among die-hard fans of the series, as well as a beast inside the arena, the ISS Enterprise has great stats and a decent combination of defensive and offensive cooldowns. What truly makes this ship shine is its “Boarding” feature, which allows you to equip and take advantage of boarding crew.

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Thanks to its native high Attack stats and speed, the ISS Enterprise can blast a giant hole through the hull of any other ship… if properly manned. If you’ve gotten your hands on plenty of good crew members with the “Boarding” trait and high Attack bonuses, then this is definitely the best ship for you.

To put it broadly, the Prakesh is the Cardassian version of the ISS Enterprise. Although it does come with a lower Attack Power stat, it is ever-so-slightly faster to shoot and has significantly higher Accuracy. Like the Enterprise, however, the best part about the Prakesh is its use of “Boarding”.

Star Trek Timelines - The Best Legendary Ships and How to Get Them

Once you’ve built Prakesh, all you have to do is put together a great boarding crew. Some of your options include Third Remata’Klan (fully upgraded), Warship Chakotay, Scientist Degra, Commando Crusher, Kalifi Spock, Ardra, and many others.

D’Kora Krayton

Although you wouldn’t expect the Ferengi to have it in them, this tier 5 Marauder of the Ferengi Alliance can be a veritable powerhouse in the arena. Sure, you won’t see it as often as the ISS Enterprise when looking through leaderboards, but it has a steady presence and can be tremendously fun to play.

Star Trek Timelines - The Best Legendary Ships and How to Get Them

Its “Electromagnetic Pulse” is even better than the Cube’s most prominent offensive ability since it grants +2 Attack and deals 350% damage. Meanwhile, its “Cannibalize Auxiliary Vessel” offers some survivability with +2 Evasion and a 15% Hull repair.

Can You Actually Get These Ships… for Free?

Many a mobile game has tricked us into thinking that yes, we can play and be good for free. Most of the times, this is just a ploy to drag us in and reach for our wallets. But this is not the case with Star Trek Timelines. No one says that it doesn’t take a lot of time to build a good fleet without spending any real currency, but, ultimately, it is actually possible.

In terms of legendary ships, you have not one, but a few options to obtain them for free. These include:

The Dabo Wheel

By far the most consistent way to earn schematics for tier 5 ships, the Dabo Wheel can award as much as 450 schematics at a time. If you only log in and spin the wheel every day, you’re still likely to have several legendary ships by the end of two months.

Star Trek Timelines - The Best Legendary Ships and How to Get Them

Missions and Dilemmas

Not all missions or dilemmas reward you with schematics, but some do. Dilemmas, especially, can award as many as 600 at a time.

The Daily Rewards Calendar

Another great source of free schematics, this method only requires you to log in each day in order to obtain some of the best ships in the game.

Star Trek Timelines - The Best Legendary Ships and How to Get Them

Simple Scans

Although, to be fair, you’re only going to get 1-2 schematics at a time and only from some scans.

So there you have it – our selection of the best legendary ships in Star Trek Timelines and a couple of ways to earn them for free! You should make no illusions, though. While ships are amazing for roleplay, none of these will fare well without the right crew … and getting them, although possible, is an entirely different kettle of fish.

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Star Trek Timelines - FAQs

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  • RAM: Your PC must have at least 2GB of RAM. (Note that having 2GB or more disk space is not a substitute for RAM)
  • HDD: 5GB Free Disk Space.
  • You must be an Administrator on your PC.

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There are various Ships available in Star Trek Timelines . There are two types of ship, Ship Classes and Hero Ships. Ship Classes are generic ships that are not named, such as the Galaxy class. Hero Ships are named ships from the Star Trek universe, such as the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 . Players can collect and command many different ships, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Players can change their active ship by using the Build and Change Ships screen in the main menu.

Each ship took around two weeks to model. [1]

  • 1 Building and Upgrading Ships
  • 2 Ship Combat
  • 3 Ship Stats
  • 4 Ship Ability
  • 7 References

Building and Upgrading Ships

star trek game ships

A certain number of schematics are required to build or upgrade - the number of schematics varies depending on the rank of the ship and the level of the upgrade. For instance it takes 45 schematics to build the Maquis Raider , or it takes 20 schematics to upgrade the Constellation Class from level 1 to level 2.

Upgrading a ship dramatically improves its performance on the battlefield.

Schematics can be acquired by various means:

  • From the (credit) Time Portal . This can award the schematics of any class, usually in units of 15.
  • From the premium Time Portal , for dilithium. This usually awards schematics of ★★★ rare or more starships, usually in units of 150.
  • By playing certain missions . Schematics can either be dropped as common rewards (usually in batches of 2) or as Rare rewards (usually in batches of 5).
  • By completing Episode 5 : the player can choose between 50 schematics for the Nova class or the Defiant class
  • From scans. This is highly unreliable and grants 1 or 2 schematics.
  • By buying them from Faction Centers for dilithium. This is currently one of the most expensive ways to get schematics in the game.
  • The Daily Rewards calendar usually includes a total of some hundred schematics for an uncommon or a rare ship.
  • The Dabo Wheel is known to give schematics for legendary ships quite reliably.
  • The Arena can give schematics if you are in the right reward tier.
  • Certain Dilemmas while playing Voyages have 600 schematic rewards.

For free-to-play players who look to upgrade their Constellation, you can drop 2 Schematics at the Elite difficulty of The Wrong Crowd (first episode of the first mission). While there are other spots, that is the easiest farmable mission.

Ship Combat

See Starship Battles

Shields: Shields are a barrier that prevent damage from hitting your hull. Shields regenerate over time. After your shields have been brought down, they won’t come back, unless you use an ability that provides shields to your ship. If an ability returns shields to your ship, your shields will begin regenerating as normal.

Hull: Your hull represents the amount of damage your ship can sustain before it is destroyed. Hull cannot be regenerated, except with special bonus abilities. Once a ship has reached 0 hull, it is destroyed.

Attack: Your ship’s attack is displayed as a red numerical value. Crew that modify Attack have a red border when slotting them into your Battle Stations. Attack is used to determine the damage for a ship’s attack, with the amount of damage your ship does being directly proportional to the attack value of your ship (plus bonus abilities and crew).

Evasion: Your ship’s chance to evade enemy fire is displayed as a blue numerical value. Crew that modify Evasion have a blue border when slotting them into your Battle Stations. Evasion is used when calculating your opponent’s chance to hit your ship. Higher evasion means that your opponent is less likely to hit your ship.

Accuracy: Your ship’s chance to hit the enemy is displayed as a yellow numerical value. Crew that modify Accuracy have a yellow border when slotting them into your Battle Stations. Accuracy is used when calculating your chance to hit an opponent’s ship. Higher accuracy means that you are more likely to hit your opponent’s ship.

Shield Regeneration: Every ship regenerates shields at a certain rate. Some abilities modify the rate at which shields are regenerated, and some abilities returns shields to ships that have fully lost them. By modifying your shield regeneration, it may be possible to regenerate shields at a faster rate than your opponent depletes them.

Attack Speed: Attack Speed tells you how many attacks per second your ship does. If your attack speed is 0.7, then your ship performs 0.7 attacks per second. If your attack speed is 0.93, then your ship does 0.93 attacks per second.

Chance To Hit: Your ship’s chance to hit is based on the ratio of your ship’s accuracy compared to your opponent ship’s evasion. For example, if your accuracy matches your opponent’s evasion, you will have a 70% chance to hit your opponent. This is considered the base accuracy of your ship. If your accuracy is double your opponent’s evasion, you’ll have a 94% chance to hit. If your opponent’s evasion is double your accuracy, you’ll have a 48% chance to hit.

Ship Ability

Some ship abilities give the player's ship a status: Cloak, Position, and Boarding. [2] Crew abilities that uses Cloak, Position, or Boarding must be on a ship with Cloak, Position, or Boarding to work.

The following ships are present in Star Trek Timelines . Older ships' stats are at maximum level ("Max Lv."). Newer ships may be added with Level 1 information until full stats are gathered.

Maquis Raider.png

  • Ship schematics are fixed to level up ships properly
  • NX-Class and NX-01 Enterprise ship and schematics added to the game.
  • Borg Sphere 878 ship and schematics added to the game and a brief preview shown of the Borg Sphere which was removed from the ship menu later.
  • Hirogen Warship and Hirogen Hunter Ship were added to the ship menu on June 14 but the "Best Chance of Hirogen Schematics" pack showed up on June 19.
  • Klingon K't'inga Battlecruiser and IKS T'Ong ship and schematics added to the game.
  • U.S.S. Shenzhou ship and schematics added to the game.
  • U.S.S. Discovery ship and schematics added to the game.
  • I.S.S. Defiant , I.S.S. Avenger , and Terran Empire Constellation Class ships and schematics added to the game.
  • Klingon Sarcophagus ship and schematics added to the game.
  • Andorian Battlecruiser Kumari ship and schematics added to the game.
  • Orion Syndicate Interceptor ship and schematics added to the game.
  • Ni'Var and Suurok Class Combat Cruiser ships and schematics added.
  • U.S.S. Reliant and Miranda Class Ship ships and schematics added, for the first-ever Skirmish event Catching Fire .
  • Breen Command Warship and Breen Warship ships and schematics added, for the Skirmish event Haunted Vessels . All users were gifted 75 Schematics for the Breen Warship .
  • Jem'Hadar Battleship and Jem'Hadar Flagship ships and schematics added, for the Skirmish event Advance Directive . All users were gifted 100 Schematics for the Jem'Hadar Flagship .
  • Romulan Valdore-type Warbird and The Valdore ships and schematics added, for the Skirmish event A Valdore Too Far . All users were gifted 75 Schematics for the Valdore-type .
  • Captain Proton Rocket Ship and its schematics added, initially as a reward for the new Collection Bride of Chaotica and used immediately after as a featured ship for the Skirmish event Captain Proton to the Rescue! .
  • U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A and its schematics added, as a featured ship and threshold rewards for the Hybrid event Straight On Til Morning .
  • Xindi-Insectoid Patrol Ship and its schematics added as a featured ship for the Hybrid event Auld Lang Syne , part three of the "Festive" Mega Event Presents and Futures .
  • The Scimitar and its schematics added as a featured ship for the Hybrid event To Prove One's Self .
  • Pike's U.S.S. Enterprise and its schematics added as a featured ship for the Skirmish event The Sum of Its Parts .
  • U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E and its schematics added, as a featured ship and threshold rewards for the Skirmish event Fixed Variables . All users were gifted 25 Schematics , to ensure that event participants would be able to build at least a Level One version.
  • Cardassian Keldon Class and its schematics added as a featured ship for the Skirmish event Shackled to the Stars , finale of the "Cardassian" Mega Event Captive Intent . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • Assimilated Voyager and its schematics added, as a featured ship and threshold rewards for the Hybrid event Integration . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • Federation Fighter and its schematics added as a featured ship for the Skirmish event Reconstruction , part two of the Voyager Mega Event Month of Hell . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • Klingon Sarcophagus was used as a Featured Ship for the Skirmish event Barren Heat . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • Xindi-Insectoid Patrol Ship was used as a Featured Ship for the Skirmish event The Nowhere Gauntlet . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • The Artifact and its schematics added as a featured ship for the Hybrid event Seekers of Life . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • La Sirena and its schematics added as a featured ship for the Skirmish event A Marginal Victory . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • Tholian Ship and its schematics added as a featured ship for the Skirmish event A Web of Lies . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • Krenim Weapon Ship and its schematics added as a featured ship for the Hybrid event Someone Like Me . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • IKS Negh'Var and its schematics added as a featured ship for the Skirmish event Sto'Vo'Kor Lost . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • Generational NX-01 Enterprise and its schematics added as a featured ship for the Hybrid event Restoration . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • Warship Voyager and its schematics added as a featured ship for the Skirmish event Insurrection Omega . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • I.S.S. Discovery and its schematics added as a featured ship for the Skirmish event The Eleventh Hour . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • U.S.S. Prometheus and its schematics added as a featured ship for the Skirmish event Satyr and Swan . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • Harrad-Sar's Barge and its schematics added as a featured ship for the Skirmish event Under New Management . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • U.S.S. Excelsior and its schematics added as a featured ship for the Skirmish event A Pied Piper . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • Xindi-Aquatic Cruiser and its schematics added as a featured ship for the Skirmish event What Lies Beneath . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • NX-02 Columbia and its schematics added as a Featured ship for the Skirmish event Playing Hardball . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • U.S.S. Roddenberry and its schematics added as a free giveaway to celebrate Gene Roddenberry's 100th birthday. A gift pack was available in the Time Portal with enough schematics to build a Level One version, and three temporary Achievements regarding Ship Battles allowed players to earn another 1125 schematics.
  • U.S.S. Glenn and its schematics added as a Featured ship for the Skirmish event A Bed of Mushrooms . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • U.S.S. Raven and its schematics added as a Featured ship for the Skirmish event Renegade Wishes . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
  • U.S.S. Phoenix and its schematics added as a Featured ship for the Hybrid event A Measure of Valor . Players who gained at least 100,000 Victory Points in the event would earn enough schematics to build a Level One version.
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    Star Trek Resurgence, out now on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox, may not be the best Star Trek game, but its gameplay does refreshingly veer away from combat. ... Set aboard a new ship and starring an ...

  15. [Top 15] Star Trek Online Best Ships (From Early Till Late Game)

    The top 15 ships in Star Trek Online also include ships that will let you pilot the same starships as Captain Picard, Captain Sisko, and Captain Janeway so let's make it so. 15. Romulan Legacy Elite Starter Pack - T6 Malem-Class Light Warbird. Relive the Balance of Terror!

  16. Star Trek: Infinite Releases New Trailer and Game Details

    Though this game draws inspiration from the iconic Star Trek: The Next Generation, this story isn't just about one ship.Star Trek: Infinite puts players in command of one of four major powers in the galaxy — the United Federation of Planets, Romulan Star Empire, Cardassian Union, or Klingon Empire. Each major power possesses individualized traits, stories, quests, and more to make their ...

  17. Star Trek™ Fleet Command

    Key Features: - An open world, strategy MMO Game. - Mobile Free to play. - Stunning graphics. - Iconic Star Trek™ characters, ships and tech. - Fierce battles with players all over the world. - A New, immersive Star Trek™ story in the Kelvin Timeline. Become the leader or member of a mighty Alliance. - Multiple language options.

  18. The Trek Collective: Star Trek Online's latest ships, including Synths

    Star Trek Online have recently introduced quite a variety of new ships to the game through various means. Continue below to check out some of their latest designs. First up, available as a possible prize from the Infinity Lock Box, the Synth ship previously in the game as a non-playable ship is now available to fly yourself.

  19. 15 Best Star Trek Games, Ranked According To Metacritic

    Metacritic Rating: 81. Fans often consider Star Trek: Deep Space Nine one of the best Star Trek series. Its popularity led the show to receive a third-person shooter game adaptation in 2000. The gameplay is fairly generic for a third-person shooter, but the intriguing story and overall Trek atmosphere work well.

  20. Star Trek Fleet Command Ship Guide

    4-star. Battleship. As long as the opponent is Burning at the start of a round, the Tribune increases the number of shots of each weapon by 1 for this round. This Star Trek Fleet Command Ships Guide gives information and background on every ship in the game, how to get them, and how to use them.

  21. Design Your Own Starship

    Additionally, STO Architect includes a mini-game called Ship Shaper, a gallery that enables fans to view their unique creations, and an Intel-sponsored sweepstakes with such prizes as a replica captain's chair, Intel(R) Core TM i7-920 Processors and copies of the Star Trek Online game. For more details, visit

  22. Star Trek: Infinite Review

    Star Trek in Video Games The notable foray Star Trek has made into the world of video games to give us in the 21st century a taste of the final frontier. See All

  23. Playable starship

    For an overview of non-playable starships within Star Trek Online, see the Non-playable starship article Playable Starships in Star Trek Online are as much a part of a player's avatar as their Captain. Players are granted ships by their faction as they progress in rank. At each new rank between Level 10 and Level 40, players are given a free starship token for the respective tier. The last ...

  24. Ships of the Line: Steamrunner Bundle!

    Celebrate the deep lineage of another of Star Trek's famous ship classes, with the upcoming Ship of the Line Bundle, this time featuring the Steamrunner Class!This bundle features ships from this class that currently appear at multiple tiers in Star Trek Online's existing vast ship catalogue, as well as a brand new Tier-6 variant that will soon be swelling its familial ranks.

  25. List of Star Trek games

    Board games. Star Trek Game, the only game based on the original series to be released during the show's run, produced by Ideal Toys (1967); Star Trek game, produced by Hasbro (1974); Star Trek game, produced in UK by Palitoy (1975); Star Trek game, produced by Milton Bradley, based on Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979); Star Trek: Starfleet Game, a promotional game released by McDonald's to ...

  26. Best Star Trek Video Games (Updated 2023)

    9.41 /10 8. Star Trek: Away Team - PC. 9.87 /10 9. Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Fallen - PC. 9.92 /10 10. Star Trek: Tactical Assault. View All. Star Trek is one of the most popular and well-known stories of all time. When it first premiered on television in 1966, there was nothing else like it.

  27. Starships

    A list of starships by: Andorian starships Borg starships Cardassian starships Dominion starships Earth starships Federation starships Ferengi starships Klingon starships Romulan starships Vulcan starships Category:Starships for a full listing of all starships Star Trek Ships: Expanded - Others...

  28. Star Trek Timelines

    The 5-star legendary Borg Cube is pretty much the bane of the arena in Star Trek Timelines. People who have it and don't mind using it are absolutely in love with it, while those who either don't have it or prefer to use a different ship tend to hate its mechanical guts. Of course, it will be up to you to choose a side.

  29. Integral Reality Labs

    1. Upload in-game capture or pick existing capture. To upload your capture, click "Print Ship" button in the Star Trek Online game or you can pick one of the existing captures uploaded by our community. 2. Customize. Pick the ship size 4,5,7,9,12 then customize your ship name and number. 3. Payment. Enter your shipping address then pay with ...

  30. Ships

    History. Version 1.1.0: Ship schematics are fixed to level up ships properly; Nov-29-2016: NX-Class and NX-01 Enterprise ship and schematics added to the game.; May-15-2017 Borg Sphere 878 ship and schematics added to the game and a brief preview shown of the Borg Sphere which was removed from the ship menu later.; June-19-2017 Hirogen Warship and Hirogen Hunter Ship were added to the ship ...