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 tourisme

nom masculin

(anglais tourism )

  • 1.  Action de voyager, de visiter un site pour son plaisir.
  • 2.  Ensemble des activités, des techniques mises en œuvre pour les voyages et les séjours d'agrément.

Expressions avec tourisme

Avion, voiture de tourisme,, grand tourisme (gt),, tourisme rural,, tourisme sexuel,, tourisme spatial,, tourisme vert,, mots proches.


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Guadeloupe 971 .

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État d'Afrique orientale, sur l'océan Indien, le Kenya est entouré par...

Languedoc-Roussillon .

Région du midi de la France, qui regroupe 5 départements...

Zone sinueuse où s'établit le contact entre la mer ou un lac et la terre...

Loire (Pays de la).

Région de l'ouest de la France, regroupant les départements de...

Martinique 972 .


Méditerranée (mer).

Mer bordière de l'Atlantique, comprise entre l'Europe méridionale, l'Afrique...

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur .

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Ensemble des exercices physiques se présentant sous forme de jeux...

Ville d'Italie, chef-lieu de province et capitale de la Vénétie...

voile. [SPORTS]

Pratique sportive de la navigation à voile.


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  • hernie de la paroi abdominale . [MÉDECINE]
  • Jérusalem .
  • Léonard de Vinci.
  • Nietzsche . Friedrich Nietzsche .
  • réduction . [MÉDECINE]
  • surréalisme. [LITTÉRATURE]

tourism definition francais


tourism definition francais

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  • TOURISME , subst. masc.

tourism definition francais

© 2012 - CNRTL 44, avenue de la Libération BP 30687 54063 Nancy Cedex - France Tél. : +33 3 83 96 21 76 - Fax : +33 3 83 97 24 56

« tourisme », définition dans le dictionnaire Littré

Définition dans d'autres dictionnaires :

  • Académie Française
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  • Goût, habitude de touriste. On sait que le tourisme scientifique a suscité chez les femmes une très active curiosité , Journ. offic. 14 juill. 1872, p. 4000, 3 e col.


  • Espace presse


Dernière mise à jour le : 28/06/2019

Tourism includes activities by people in the course of their travels and vacations in places located outside their habitual environment for a consecutive period not exceeding one year, for the purposes of leisure, business and other reasons with no relation to paid activity in the place visited.

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Définition de tourism en anglais

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  • We must ensure that tourism develops in harmony with the environment .
  • The island is being destroyed by the relentless march of tourism.
  • It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island .
  • Service industries such as tourism have become more important in the post-industrial age .
  • The region's reliance on tourism is unwise .
  • air corridor
  • amenity kit
  • caravanning
  • high season
  • package tour
  • phrase book
  • post-holiday
  • put something up
  • ranger station
  • tourist trap
  • trailer park

«tourism» en anglais américain

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Dead ringers and peas in pods (Talking about similarities, Part 2)

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tourism definition francais

Meaning of "tourisme" in the French dictionary

Pronunciation of tourisme in french, grammatical category of tourisme, what does tourisme mean in french.


Definition of tourisme in the French dictionary

La définition de tourisme dans le dictionnaire est activité d'une personne qui voyage pour son agrément, visite une région, un pays, un continent autre que le sien, pour satisfaire sa curiosité, son goût de l'aventure et de la découverte, son désir d'enrichir son expérience et sa culture.


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Examples of use in the french literature, quotes and news about tourisme, 3 french quotes with «tourisme», 10 french books relating to «tourisme», 10 news items which include the term «tourisme».

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French Vocabulary: Travel and Tourism

Posted by Barbara Kruger on Friday, July 17, 2015 · Leave a Comment  

Creative Commons Image via The LEAF Project

French Vocabulary: Travel and Tourism le vocabulaire français: les voyages et le tourisme

  • Travel and tourism terms are used in basic navigation scenarios.
  • Gain the freedom to explore entire cities and beyond.

French travel vocabulary can help you get to where you need to go. You might be surprised that you don’t need to be fluent in French in order to travel! Be sure to also check out the lesson on Travel Arrangements !

un agent de voyage : travel agent

L’ agent de voyage aide avec l’organisation des voyages. The travel agent helps with travel arrangements.

une agence de voyages : travel agency

Ma soeur travaille dans une agence de voyages . My sister works in a travel agency.

les bagages (masculine) : baggage (always used in the plural in French)

Il y a des restrictions de bagages . There are baggage restrictions.

une banque : bank

La banque est à côté de la gare. The bank is next to the train station.

un billet : ticket

J’achète nos billets d’avion. I am buying our airline tickets.

un bureau de change : currency exchange service

Le bureau de change est dans l’aéroport. The currency exchange service is in the airport.

le change :  exchange (of currency)

Le taux de change est favorable. The exchange rate is favorable.

la douane : customs

Il faut arrêter à la douane . We must stop at customs.

une entrée : entrance

L’ entrée dans le musée est à gauche. The museum entrance is on the left.

un guichet : ticket counter

Nous faisons la queue au guichet . We are standing on line at the ticket counter.

un guide touristique : tour guide / tour guidebook

Je vais consulter mon guide touristique . I am going to consult my tour guidebook.

l’immigration  (masculine) : immigration

L’agent de l’ immigration tamponne nos passeports. The immigration officer stamps our passports.

l’information touristique (feminine) : tourist information

Ils cherchent de l’ information touristique . They (masculine) are looking for tourist information.

un plan de ville : city map

Je voudrais un plan de ville , s’il vous plaît. I would like a city map, please.

la saison touristique : tourist season

La saison touristique dure de mai jusqu’à septembre. The tourist season lasts from May to September.

un site touristique : tourist attraction

Il y a beaucoup de sites touristiques dans la ville. There are many tourist attractions in the city.

une sortie : exit

La sortie est clairement indiquée. The exit is clearly marked.

les toilettes  (feminine) / les W.C.  (masculine) : restrooms

Il faut payer un euro pour utiliser les toilettes . You must pay one euro to use the restrooms.

(les toilettes des) Dames : ladies’ restroom

Elle entre les toilettes des Dames . She enters the ladies’ restroom.

(les toilettes des) Hommes : men’s restroom

Il entre les toilettes des Hommes . He enters the men’s’ restroom.

une vaccination : vaccination

Les vaccinations ne sont pas nécessaires pour voyager en France. Vaccinations are not necessary to travel to France.

une valise : suitcase

Ma valise est la rouge là-bas. My suitcase is the red one over there.

un visa : visa

Il faut demander un visa du consulat. You must request a visa from the consulate.

une visite guidée : sightseeing tour

La visite guidée part de l’entrée de l’hôtel. The sightseeing tour departs from the hotel entrance.

Qui est votre agent de voyage? Who is your travel agent?

Que fait un agent d’immigration? What does an immigration officer do?

Quand ouvre l’agence de voyages? When does the travel agency open?

Où est le bureau de change, s’il vous plaît? Where is the currency exchange service, please?

Pourquoi est-il nécessaire passer par la douane? Why is it necessary to pass through customs?

Comment aller au site touristique? How do we get to the tourist attraction?

Combien coûte le billet de train? How much does the train ticket cost?

Quel est le taux d’échange? What is the exchange rate?

  • Quizlet: French – Travel and Tourism via Kruger
  • Youtube / mahalodotcom: How to Say Travel Phrases in French
  • YouTube / geobeats: Basic French Phrases – Paris Travel Guide
  • Youtube / Learn French: Travel Vocabulary
  • Youtube / David I: French Airport Vocabulary
  • Youtube / David I: French Taxi Vocabulary

Category: French Vocabulary Lessons · Tags: francais , french , tourism , tourisme , travel , vocabulaire , vocabulary , voyages

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Tourism in France

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Tourism is a major part of the French economy, representing close to 8% of GDP and 2 million direct and indirect jobs. It is also a recognized soft power asset abroad, and F rance has been the world’s leading tourist destination for years. A record 90 million international tourists visited France in 2019, including its overseas communities.

A sector affected by COVID-19

In 2020, the sector has been hit hard by the COVID-19 public health crisis, leading international tourist revenue to drop by almost half in the first seven months of the year .

Globally, Europe is the second hardest-hit region, behind the Asia-Pacific, seeing a drop in visits of 66% in the first half of the year. The drop in French and foreign tourist spending in France over 2020 is estimated at between 30% and 35%. However, France does appear to be resisting better than its European neighbours , thanks to its solid domestic market.

France’s support to the sector

The Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs promotes and supports the tourism sector through innovative measures suited to the industry’s needs . This cooperative approach led to the creation of the Tourism Sector Committee (CFT) in January 2020, chaired by the Minister of State, Mr Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne.

Its aim is to jointly design effective tourism policies, working on four themes: jobs and training , sustainable development , digitalization , and regulations and competitiveness .

The work carried out at the CFT should lead to the signing of a tourism sector contract to provide effective responses suited to the industry’s needs.

A concerted response to the crisis

The CFT has been particularly useful and effective in addressing the concertation and emergency needs caused by the COVID-19 crisis. Since the beginning of the public health crisis, the committee has met almost weekly.

Its work has helped analyse the challenges and priority needs of the sector in order to seek appropriate solutions. It has helped highlight how numerous and diverse tourism-dependent businesses are , each with its own issues.

Various tools and measures have been established during the crisis:

  • A monthly Atout France/Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau barometer;
  • Webinars, benchmarks, surveys and studies by Atout France;
  • The “This summer I’m visiting France” campaign from June to September 2020 in order to promote domestic tourism;
  • An interactive map of tourism venues and services, carried out with ADN Tourisme, to provide information to more than 10 million people on social media. This initiative contributed actively to promoting stays in France among tourists from both France and neighbouring countries.

The measures adopted to safeguard the tourism sector during the public health crisis

Alongside the CFT’s work since the beginning of the crisis, the Minister of State has also met with institutional and private stakeholders from each French region in order to best adapt the Government’s support to the sector.

Tourism companies have enjoyed all the emergency measures adopted by the Government in response to the pandemic’s economic consequences:

  • Support for jobs, through the partial employment measure, which the sector has used widely;
  • Support for companies’ cash flow through the Government-guaranteed loan (PGE) and the solidarity fund, open until the end of 2020, as well as certain social contribution exemptions;
  • Cancellation of instalments of rent and fees for use of public land for SMEs, particularly during administrative closure.

The Government has also announced the creation of a “season PGE”, capped at the turnover of the best three months of 2019, and the postponement of bank repayment instalments over 12 months.

These discussions also contributed to drafting a specific Government plan for the sector’s recovery , totalling €18 billion. The specific recovery plan was announced by the Prime Minister on 14 May 2020, during the fifth meeting of the Interministerial Tourism Committee (CIT). It includes the creation of an investment fund of €1.3 billion managed by the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations and Bpifrance in order to foster the emergence of more sustainable tourism, more digital and better distributed across the country. The France Tourisme Ingénierie programme, managed by Atout France, has also been granted increased capacity of €29 million in order to support local authorities and private stakeholders wishing to improve the tourism offering.

Moreover, the recovery plan presented by the Government in early September 2020 includes the c reation of a sustainable tourism fund with €50 million to foster the adaptation of tourism activities. Restaurants and tourist accommodation providers will receive financial support (grants) in order to cover the costs of investments for the transition and development of sustainable tourism projects. The French Agency for the Ecological Transition (ADEME) will be the leader for the deployment of this fund, in close liaison with local government in order to address specific needs.

The plan has since been strengthened, particularly as regards the implementation of support measures for the sector such as widening the list of companies eligible under the tourism plan, extending 100% coverage of payroll costs under partial employment, enhancement of the solidarity fund and expansion of the scope of the “season PGE” programme, in constant dialogue with industry stakeholders.

Download the press kit from the Interministerial Tourism Committee (CIT) meeting of 12 October 2020 (in French)

• Atout France • Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) • Bpifrance • French Agency for the Ecological Transition (ADEME)

Updated: October 2020

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Glossary of tourism terms

Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes. These people are called visitors (which may be either tourists or excursionists; residents or non-residents) and tourism has to do with their activities, some of which involve tourism expenditure.


Activity/activities : In tourism statistics, the term activities represent the actions and behaviors of people in preparation for and during a trip in their capacity as consumers ( IRTS 2008, 1.2 ).

Activity (principal): The principal activity of a producer unit is the activity whose value added exceeds that of any other activity carried out within the same unit ( SNA 2008, 5.8 ).

Activity (productive): The (productive) activity carried out by a statistical unit is the type of production in which it engages. It has to be understood as a process, i.e. the combination of actions that result in a certain set of products. The classification of productive activities is determined by their principal output.

Administrative data : Administrative data is the set of units and data derived from an administrative source. This is a data holding information collected and maintained for the purpose of implementing one or more administrative regulations.

Adventure tourism : Adventure tourism is a type of tourism which usually takes place in destinations with specific geographic features and landscape and tends to be associated with a physical activity, cultural exchange, interaction and engagement with nature. This experience may involve some kind of real or perceived risk and may require significant physical and/or mental effort. Adventure tourism generally includes outdoor activities such as mountaineering, trekking, bungee jumping, rock climbing, rafting, canoeing, kayaking, canyoning, mountain biking, bush walking, scuba diving. Likewise, some indoor adventure tourism activities may also be practiced.

Aggregated data : The result of transforming unit level data into quantitative measures for a set of characteristics of a population.

Aggregation : A process that transforms microdata into aggregate-level information by using an aggregation function such as count, sum average, standard deviation, etc.

Analytical unit : Entity created by statisticians, by splitting or combining observation units with the help of estimations and imputations.

Balance of payments : The balance of payments is a statistical statement that summarizes transactions between residents and non-residents during a period. It consists of the goods and services account, the primary income account, the secondary income account, the capital account, and the financial account ( BPM6, 2.12 ).

Bias : An effect which deprives a statistical result of representativeness by systematically distorting it, as distinct from a random error which may distort on any one occasion but balances out on the average.

Business and professional purpose (of a tourism trip): The business and professional purpose of a tourism trip includes the activities of the self-employed and employees, as long as they do not correspond to an implicit or explicit employer-employee relationship with a resident producer in the country or place visited, those of investors, businessmen, etc. ( IRTS 2008, 3.17.2 ).

Business tourism : Business tourism is a type of tourism activity in which visitors travel for a specific professional and/or business purpose to a place outside their workplace and residence with the aim of attending a meeting, an activity or an event. The key components of business tourism are meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions. The term "meetings industry" within the context of business tourism recognizes the industrial nature of such activities. Business tourism can be combined with any other tourism type during the same trip.

Business visitor : A business visitor is a visitor whose main purpose for a tourism trip corresponds to the business and professional category of purpose ( IRTS 2008, 3.17.2 ).

Central Product Classification : The Central Product Classification (CPC) constitutes a complete product classification covering goods and services. It is intended to serve as an international standard for assembling and tabulating all kinds of data requiring product detail, including industrial production, national accounts, service industries, domestic and foreign commodity trade, international trade in services, balance of payments, consumption and price statistics. Other basic aims are to provide a framework for international comparison and promote harmonization of various types of statistics dealing with goods and services.

Census : A census is the complete enumeration of a population or groups at a point in time with respect to well defined characteristics: for example, Population, Production, Traffic on particular roads.

Coastal, maritime and inland water tourism : Coastal tourism refers to land-based tourism activities such as swimming, surfing, sunbathing and other coastal leisure, recreation and sports activities which take place on the shore of a sea, lake or river. Proximity to the coast is also a condition for services and facilities that support coastal tourism. Maritime tourism refers to sea-based activities such as cruising, yachting, boating and nautical sports and includes their respective land-based services and infrastructure. Inland water tourism refers to tourism activities such as cruising, yachting, boating and nautical sports which take place in aquatic- influenced environments located within land boundaries and include lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, groundwater, springs, cave waters and others traditionally grouped as inland wetlands.

Coherence : Adequacy of statistics to be combined in different ways and for various uses.

Competitiveness of a tourism destination : The competitiveness of a tourism destination is the ability of the destination to use its natural, cultural, human, man-made and capital resources efficiently to develop and deliver quality, innovative, ethical and attractive tourism products and services in order to achieve a sustainable growth within its overall vision and strategic goals, increase the added value of the tourism sector, improve and diversify its market components and optimize its attractiveness and benefits both for visitors and the local community in a sustainable perspective.

Consistency : Logical and numerical coherence.

Country of reference : The country of reference refers to the country for which the measurement is done. ( IRTS 2008, 2.15 ).

Country of residence : The country of residence of a household is determined according to the centre of predominant economic interest of its members. If a person resides (or intends to reside) for more than one year in a given country and has there his/her centre of economic interest (for example, where the predominant amount of time is spent), he/she is considered as a resident of this country.

Country-specific tourism characteristic products and activities : To be determined by each country by applying the criteria of IRTS 2008, 5.10 in their own context; for these products, the activities producing them will be considered as tourism characteristic, and the industries in which the principal activity is tourism-characteristic will be called tourism industries ( IRTS 2008, 5.16 ).

Cultural tourism : Cultural tourism is a type of tourism activity in which the visitor's essential motivation is to learn, discover, experience and consume the tangible and intangible cultural attractions/products in a tourism destination. These attractions/products relate to a set of distinctive material, intellectual, spiritual and emotional features of a society that encompasses arts and architecture, historical and cultural heritage, culinary heritage, literature, music, creative industries and the living cultures with their lifestyles, value systems, beliefs and traditions.

Data checking : Activity whereby the correctness conditions of the data are verified. It also includes the specification of the type of error or of the condition not met, and the qualification of the data and their division into "error-free data" and "erroneous data".

Data collection : Systematic process of gathering data for official statistics.

Data compilation : Operations performed on data to derive new information according to a given set of rules.

Data confrontation : The process of comparing data that has generally been derived from different surveys or other sources, especially those of different frequencies, in order to assess and possibly improve their coherency, and identify the reasons for any differences.

Data processing : Data processing is the operation performed on data by the organization, institute, agency, etc., responsible for undertaking the collection, tabulation, manipulation and preparation of data and metadata output.

Data reconciliation : The process of adjusting data derived from two different sources to remove, or at least reduce, the impact of differences identified.

Destination (main destination of a trip): The main destination of a tourism trip is defined as the place visited that is central to the decision to take the trip. See also purpose of a tourism trip ( IRTS 2008, 2.31 ).

Destination management / marketing organization (DMO) : A destination management/marketing organization (DMO) is the leading organizational entity which may encompass the various authorities, stakeholders and professionals and facilitates tourism sector partnerships towards a collective destination vision. The governance structures of DMOs vary from a single public authority to a public/ private partnership model with the key role of initiating, coordinating and managing certain activities such as implementation of tourism policies, strategic planning, product development, promotion and marketing and convention bureau activities. The functions of the DMOs may vary from national to regional and local levels depending on the current and potential needs as well as on the decentralization level of public administration. Not every tourism destination has a DMO.

Documentation: Processes and procedures for imputation,  weighting,  confidentiality  and suppression rules, outlier treatment and data capture should be fully documented by the  survey provider.  Such documentation should be made available to at least  the body financing the survey.

Domestic tourism : Domestic tourism comprises the activities of a resident visitor within the country of reference, either as part of a domestic tourism trip or part of an outbound tourism trip ( IRTS 2008, 2.39 ).

Domestic tourism consumption : Domestic tourism consumption is the tourism consumption of a resident visitor within the economy of reference ( TSA:RMF 2008, figure 2.1 ).

Domestic tourism expenditure : Domestic tourism expenditure is the tourism expenditure of a resident visitor within the economy of reference, (IRTS 2008, 4.15(a)).

Domestic tourism trip : A domestic tourism trip is one with a main destination within the country of residence of the visitor (IRTS 2008, 2.32).

Domestic visitor : As a visitor travels within his/her country of residence, he/she is a domestic visitor and his/her activities are part of domestic tourism.

Durable consumer goods : Durable consumer goods are goods that may be used repeatedly or continuously over a period of a year or more, assuming a normal or average rate of physical usage. When acquired by producers, these are considered to be capital goods used for production processes, as is the case of vehicles, computers, etc. When acquired by households, they are considered to be consumer durable goods ( TSA:RMF 2008, 2.39 ). This definition is identical to the definition of SNA 2008, 9.42 : A consumer durable is a goodthat may be used for purposes of consumption repeatedly or continuously over a period of a year or more.

Dwellings : Each household has a principal dwelling (sometimes also designated as main or primary home), usually defined with reference to time spent there, whose location defines the country of residence and place of usual residence of this household and of all its members. All other dwellings (owned or leased by the household) are considered secondary dwellings ( IRTS 2008, 2.26 ).

Ecotourism : Ecotourism is a type of nature-based tourism activity in which the visitor's essential motivation is to observe, learn, discover, experience and appreciate biological and cultural diversity with a responsible attitude to protect the integrity of the ecosystem and enhance the well-being of the local community. Ecotourism increases awareness towards the conservation of biodiversity, natural environment and cultural assets both among locals and the visitors and requires special management processes to minimize the negative impact on the ecosystem.

Economic analysis : Tourism generates directly and indirectly an increase in economic activity in the places visited (and beyond), mainly due to demand for goods and services thatneed to be produced and provided. In the economic analysis of tourism, one may distinguish between tourism's 'economic contribution' which refers to the direct effect of tourism and is measurable by means of the TSA, and tourism's 'economic impact' which is a much broader concept encapsulating the direct, indirect and induced effects of tourism and which must be estimated by applying models. Economic impact studies aim to quantify economic benefits, that is, the net increase in the wealth of residents resulting from tourism, measured in monetary terms, over and above the levels that would prevail in its absence.

Economic territory : The term "economic territory" is a geographical reference and points to the country for which the measurement is done (country of reference) ( IRTS 2008, 2.15 ).

Economically active population : The economically active population or labour force comprises all persons of either sex who furnish the supply of labour for the production of goods and services as defined by the system of national accounts during a specified time-reference period (ILO, Thirteenth ICLS, 6.18).

Economy (of reference): "Economy" (or "economy of reference") is an economic reference defined in the same way as in the balance of payments and in the system of national accounts: it refers to the economic agents that are resident in the country of reference ( IRTS 2008, 2.15 ).

Education tourism : Education tourism covers those types of tourism which have as a primary motivation the tourist's engagement and experience in learning, self-improvement, intellectual growth and skills development. Education Tourism represents a broad range of products and services related to academic studies, skill enhancement holidays, school trips, sports training, career development courses and language courses, among others.

Employees : Employees are all those workers who hold the type of job defined as "paid employment" (ILO, Fifteenth ICLS, pp. 20-22).

Employer-employee relationship : An employer-employee relationship exists when there is an agreement, which may be formal or informal, between an entity and an individual, normally entered into voluntarily by both parties, whereby the individual works for the entity in return for remuneration in cash or in kind ( BPM6, 11.11 ).

Employers : Employers are those workers who, working on their own account with one or more partners, hold the type of job defined as a "self-employment job" and, in this capacity, on a continuous basis (including the reference period) have engaged one or more persons to work for them in their business as "employee(s)" (ILO, Fifteenth ICLS, pp. 20-22).

Employment : Persons in employment are all persons above a specified age who, during a specified brief period, either one week or one day, were in paid employment or self-employment (OECD GST, p. 170).

Employment in tourism industries : Employment in tourism industries may be measured as a count of the persons employed in tourism industries in any of their jobs, as a count of the persons employed in tourism industries in their main job, or as a count of the jobs in tourism industries ( IRTS 2008, 7.9 ).

Enterprise : An enterprise is an institutional unit engaged in production of goods and/or services. It may be a corporation, a non-profit institution, or an unincorporated enterprise. Corporate enterprises and non-profit institutions are complete institutional units. An unincorporated enterprise, however, refers to an institutional unit —a household or government unit —only in its capacity as a producer of goods and services (OECD BD4, p. 232)

Establishment : An establishment is an enterprise, or part of an enterprise, that is situated in a single location and in which only a single productive activity is carried out or in which the principal productive activity accounts for most of the value added ( SNA 2008, 5.14 ).

Estimation : Estimation is concerned with inference about the numerical value of unknown population values from incomplete data such as a sample. If a single figure is calculated for each unknown parameter the process is called "point estimation". If an interval is calculated within which the parameter is likely, in some sense, to lie, the process is called "interval estimation".

Exports of goods and services : Exports of goods and services consist of sales, barter, or gifts or grants, of goods and services from residents to non-residents (OECD GST, p. 194)

Frame : A list, map or other specification of the units which define a population to be completely enumerated or sampled.

Forms of tourism : There are three basic forms of tourism: domestic tourism, inbound tourism, and outbound tourism. These can be combined in various ways to derive the following additional forms of tourism: internal tourism, national tourism and international tourism.

Gastronomy tourism :  Gastronomy tourism is a type of tourism activity which is characterized by the visitor's experience linked with food and related products and activities while travelling. Along with authentic, traditional, and/or innovative culinary experiences, Gastronomy Tourism may also involve other related activities such as visiting the local producers, participating in food festivals and attending cooking classes. Eno-tourism (wine tourism), as a sub-type of gastronomy tourism, refers to tourism whose purpose is visiting vineyards, wineries, tasting, consuming and/or purchasing wine, often at or near the source.

Goods : Goods are physical, produced objects for which a demand exists, over which ownership rights can be established and whose ownership can be transferred from one institutional unit to another by engaging in transactions on markets ( SNA 2008, p. 623 ).

Gross fixed capital formation : Gross fixed capital formation is defined as the value of institutional units' acquisitions less disposals of fixed assets. Fixed assets are produced assets (such as machinery, equipment, buildings or other structures) that are used repeatedly or continuously in production over several accounting periods (more than one year) ( SNA 2008, 1.52 ).

Gross margin : The gross margin of a provider of reservation services is the difference between the value at which the intermediated service is sold and the value accrued to the provider of reservation services for this intermediated service.

Gross value added : Gross value added is the value of output less the value of intermediate consumption ( TSA:RMF 2008, 3.32 ).

Gross value added of tourism industries : Gross value added of tourism industries (GVATI) is the total gross value added of all establishments belonging to tourism industries, regardless of whether all their output is provided to visitors and the degree of specialization of their production process ( TSA:RMF 2008, 4.86 ).

Grossing up : Activity aimed at transforming, based on statistical methodology, micro-data from samples into aggregate-level information representative of the target population.

Health tourism : Health tourism covers those types of tourism which have as a primary motivation, the contribution to physical, mental and/or spiritual health through medical and wellness-based activities which increase the capacity of individuals to satisfy their own needs and function better as individuals in their environment and society. Health tourism is the umbrella term for the subtypes wellness tourism and medical tourism.

Imputation : Procedure for entering a value for a specific data item where the response is missing or unusable.

Inbound tourism : Inbound tourism comprises the activities of a non-resident visitor within the country of reference on an inbound tourism trip ( IRTS 2008, 2.39 ).

Inbound tourism consumption : Inbound tourism consumption is the tourism consumption of a non-resident visitor within the economy of reference ( TSA:RMF 2008, figure 2.1 ).

Inbound tourism expenditure : Inbound tourism expenditure is the tourism expenditure of a non-resident visitor within the economy of reference ( IRTS 2008, 4.15(b) ).

Innovation in tourism : Innovation in tourism is the introduction of a new or improved component which intends to bring tangible and intangible benefits to tourism stakeholders and the local community, improve the value of the tourism experience and the core competencies of the tourism sector and hence enhance tourism competitiveness and /or sustainability. Innovation in tourism may cover potential areas, such as tourism destinations, tourism products, technology, processes, organizations and business models, skills, architecture, services, tools and/or practices for management, marketing, communication, operation, quality assurance and pricing.

Institutional sector : An aggregation of institutional units on the basis of the type of producer and depending on their principal activity and function, which are considered to be indicative of their economic behaviour.

Institutional unit : The elementary economic decision-making centre characterised by uniformity of behaviour and decision-making autonomy in the exercise of its principal function.

Intermediate consumption : Intermediate consumption consists of the value of the goods and services consumed as inputs by a process of production, excluding fixed assets whose consumption is recorded as consumption of fixed capital ( SNA 2008, 6.213 ).

Internal tourism : Internal tourism comprises domestic tourism and inbound tourism, that is to say, the activities of resident and non-resident visitors within the country of reference as part of domestic or international tourism trips ( IRTS 2008, 2.40(a) ).

Internal tourism consumption : Internal tourism consumption is the tourism consumption of both resident and non-resident visitors within the economy of reference. It is the sum of domestic tourism consumption and inbound tourism consumption ( TSA:RMF 2008, figure 2.1 ).

Internal tourism expenditure : Internal tourism expenditure comprises all tourism expenditure of visitors, both resident and non-resident, within the economy of reference. It is the sum of domestic tourism expenditure and inbound tourism expenditure. It includes acquisition of goods and services imported into the country of reference and sold to visitors. This indicator provides the most comprehensive measurement of tourism expenditure in the economy of reference ( IRTS 2008, 4.20(a) ).

International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities : The International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) consists of a coherent and consistent classification structure of economic activities based on a set of internationally agreed concepts, definitions, principles and classification rules. It provides a comprehensive framework within which economic data can be collected and reported in a format that is designed for purposes of economic analysis, decision-taking and policymaking. The classification structure represents a standard format to organize detailed information about the state of an economy according to economic principles and perceptions (ISIC, Rev.4, 1).

International tourism : International tourism comprises inbound tourism and outbound tourism, that is to say, the activities of resident visitors outside the country of reference, either as part of domestic or outbound tourism trips and the activities of non-resident visitors within the country of reference on inbound tourism trips ( IRTS 2008, 2.40(c) ).

International visitor : An international traveller qualifies as an international visitor with respect to the country of reference if: (a) he/she is on a tourism trip and (b) he/she is a non-resident travelling in the country of reference or a resident travelling outside of it ( IRTS 2008, 2.42 ).

Job : The agreement between an employee and the employer defines a job and each self-employed person has a job ( SNA 2008, 19.30 ).

Measurement error : Error in reading, calculating or recording numerical value.

Medical tourism : Medical tourism is a type of tourism activity which involves the use of evidence-based medical healing resources and services (both invasive and non-invasive). This may include diagnosis, treatment, cure, prevention and rehabilitation.

Meetings industry : To highlight purposes relevant to the meetings industry, if a trip's main purpose is business/professional, it can be further subdivided into "attending meetings, conferences or congresses, trade fairs and exhibitions" and "other business and professional purposes". The term meetings industry is preferred by the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), Meeting Professionals International (MPI) and Reed Travel over the acronym MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions) which does not recognize the industrial nature of such activities.

Metadata : Data that defines and describes other data and processes.

MICE : See meetings industry.

Microdata : Non-aggregated observations, or measurements of characteristics of individual units.

Mirror statistics : Mirror statistics are used to conduct bilateral comparisons of two basic measures of a trade flow and are a traditional tool for detecting the causes of asymmetries in statistics (OECD GST, p. 335).

Mountain tourism : Mountain tourism is a type of tourism activity which takes place in a defined and limited geographical space such as hills or mountains with distinctive characteristics and attributes that are inherent to a specific landscape, topography, climate, biodiversity (flora and fauna) and local community. It encompasses a broad range of outdoor leisure and sports activities.

National tourism : National tourism comprises domestic tourism and outbound tourism, that is to say, the activities of resident visitors within and outside the country of reference, either as part of domestic or outbound tourism trips ( IRTS 2008, 2.40(b) ).

National tourism consumption : National tourism consumption is the tourism consumption of resident visitors, within and outside the economy of reference. It is the sum of domestic tourism consumption and outbound tourism consumption ( TSA:RMF 2008, figure 2.1 ).

National tourism expenditure : National tourism expenditure comprises all tourism expenditure of resident visitors within and outside the economy of reference. It is the sum of domestic tourism expenditure and outbound tourism expenditure ( IRTS 2008, 4.20(b) ).

Nationality : The concept of "country of residence" of a traveller is different from that of his/her nationality or citizenship ( IRTS 2008, 2.19 ).

Non-monetary indicators : Data measured in physical or other non-monetary units should not be considered a secondary part of a satellite account. They are essential components, both for the information they provide directly and in order to analyse the monetary data adequately ( SNA 2008, 29.84 ).

Observation unit : entity on which information is received and statistics are compiled.

Outbound tourism : Outbound tourism comprises the activities of a resident visitor outside the country of reference, either as part of an outbound tourism trip or as part of a domestic tourism trip ( IRTS 2008, 2.39(c) ).

Outbound tourism consumption : Outbound tourism consumption is the tourism consumption of a resident visitor outside the economy of reference ( TSA:RMF 2008, figure 2.1 ).

Outbound tourism expenditure : Outbound tourism expenditure is the tourism expenditure of a resident visitor outside the economy of reference ( IRTS 2008, 4.15(c) ).

Output : Output is defined as the goods and services produced by an establishment, a) excluding the value of any goods and services used in an activity for which the establishment does not assume the risk of using the products in production, and b) excluding the value of goods and services consumed by the same establishment except for goods and services used for capital formation (fixed capital or changes in inventories) or own final consumption ( SNA 2008, 6.89 ).

Output (main): The main output of a (productive) activity should be determined by reference to the value added of the goods sold or services rendered (ISIC rev.4, 114).

Pilot survey : The aim of a pilot survey is to test the questionnaire (pertinence of the questions, understanding of questions by those being interviewed, duration of the interview) and to check various potential sources for sampling and non-sampling errors: for instance, the place in which the surveys are carried out and the method used, the identification of any omitted answers and the reason for the omission, problems of communicating in various languages, translation, the mechanics of data collection, the organization of field work, etc.

Place of usual residence : The place of usual residence is the geographical place where the enumerated person usually resides, and is defined by the location of his/her principal dwelling (Principles and recommendations for population and housing censuses of the United Nations, 2.20 to 2.24).

Probability sample : A sample selected by a method based on the theory of probability (random process), that is, by a method involving knowledge of the likelihood of any unit being selected.

Production account : The production account records the activity of producing goods and services as defined within the SNA. Its balancing item, gross value added, is defined as the value of output less the value of intermediate consumption and is a measure of the contribution to GDP made by an individual producer, industry or sector. Gross value added is the source from which the primary incomes of the SNA are generated and is therefore carried forward into the primary distribution of income account. Value added and GDP may also be measured net by deducting consumption of fixed capital, a figure representing the decline in value during the period of the fixed capital used in a production process ( SNA 2008, 1.17 ).

Production : Economic production may be defined as an activity carried out under the control and responsibility of an institutional unit that uses inputs of labour, capital, and goods and services to produce outputs of goods or services ( SNA 2008, 6.24. ).

Purpose of a tourism trip (main): The main purpose of a tourism trip is defined as the purpose in the absence of which the trip would not have taken place ( IRTS 2008, 3.10. ). Classification of tourism trips according to the main purpose refers to nine categories: this typology allows the identification of different subsets of visitors (business visitors, transit visitors, etc.) See also destination of a tourism trip ( IRTS 2008, 3.14 ).

Quality of a tourism destination : Quality of a tourism destination is the result of a process which implies the satisfaction of all tourism product and service needs, requirements and expectations of the consumer at an acceptable price, in conformity with mutually accepted contractual conditions and the implicit underlying factors such as safety and security, hygiene, accessibility, communication, infrastructure and public amenities and services. It also involves aspects of ethics, transparency and respect towards the human, natural and cultural environment. Quality, as one of the key drivers of tourism competitiveness, is also a professional tool for organizational, operational and perception purposes for tourism suppliers.

Questionnaire and Questionnaire design : Questionnaire is a group or sequence of questions designed to elicit information on a subject, or sequence of subjects, from a reporting unit or from another producer of official statistics. Questionnaire design is the design (text, order, and conditions for skipping) of the questions used to obtain the data needed for the survey.

Reference period : The period of time or point in time to which the measured observation is intended to refer.

Relevance : The degree to which statistics meet current and potential users' needs.

Reliability : Closeness of the initial estimated value to the subsequent estimated value.

Reporting unit : Unit that supplies the data for a given survey instance, like a questionnaire or interview. Reporting units may, or may not, be the same as the observation unit.

Residents/non-residents : The residents of a country are individuals whose centre of predominant economic interest is located in its economic territory. For a country, the non-residents are individuals whose centre of predominant economic interest is located outside its economic territory.

Response and non-response : Response and non-response to various elements of a survey entail potential errors.

Response error : Response errors may be defined as those arising from the interviewing process. Such errors may be due to a number of circumstances, such as inadequate concepts or questions; inadequate training; interviewer failures; respondent failures.

Rural tourism : Rural tourism is a type of tourism activity in which the visitor's experience is related to a wide range of products generally linked to nature-based activities, agriculture, rural lifestyle / culture, angling and sightseeing. Rural tourism activities take place in non-urban (rural) areas with the following characteristics:

  • Low population density;
  • Landscape and land-use dominated by agriculture and forestry; and
  • Traditional social structure and lifestyle

Same-day visitor (or excursionist): A visitor (domestic, inbound or outbound) is classified as a tourist (or overnight visitor), if his/her trip includes an overnight stay, or as a same-day visitor (or excursionist) otherwise ( IRTS 2008, 2.13 ).

Sample : A subset of a frame where elements are selected based on a process with a known probability of selection.

Sample survey : A survey which is carried out using a sampling method.

Sampling error : That part of the difference between a population value and an estimate thereof, derived from a random sample, which is due to the fact that only a subset of the population is enumerated.

Satellite accounts : There are two types of satellite accounts, serving two different functions. The first type, sometimes called an internal satellite, takes the full set of accounting rules and conventions of the SNA but focuses on a particular aspect of interest by moving away from the standard classifications and hierarchies. Examples are tourism, coffee production and environmental protection expenditure. The second type, called an external satellite, may add non-economic data or vary some of the accounting conventions or both. It is a particularly suitable way to explore new areas in a research context. An example may be the role of volunteer labour in the economy ( SNA 2008, 29.85 ).

SDMX, Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange : Set of technical standards and content-oriented guidelines, together with an IT architecture and tools, to be used for the efficient exchange and sharing of statistical data and metadata (SDMX).

Seasonal adjustment : Seasonal adjustment is a statistical technique to remove the effects of seasonal calendar influences on a series. Seasonal effects usually reflect the influence of the seasons themselves, either directly or through production series related to them, or social conventions. Other types of calendar variation occur as a result of influences such as number of days in the calendar period, the accounting or recording practices adopted or the incidence of moving holidays.

Self-employment job : Self-employment jobs are those jobs where remuneration is directly dependent upon the profits (or the potential of profits) derived from the goods or services produced.

Self-employed with paid employees : Self-employed with paid employees are classified as employers.

Self-employed without employees : Self-employed without employees are classified as own-account workers.

Services : Services are the result of a production activity that changes the conditions of the consuming units, or facilitates the exchange of products or financial assets. They cannot be traded separately from their production. By the time their production is completed, they must have been provided to the consumers ( SNA 2008, 6.17 ).

Social transfers in kind : A special case of transfers in kind is that of social transfers in kind. These consist of goods and services provided by general government and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs) that are delivered to individual households. Health and education services are the prime examples. Rather than provide a specified amount of money to be used to purchase medical and educational services, the services are often provided in kind to make sure that the need for the services is met. (Sometimes the recipient purchases the service and is reimbursed by the insurance or assistance scheme. Such a transaction is still treated as being in kind because the recipient is merely acting as the agent of the insurance scheme) (SNA 2008, 3.83).

Sports tourism : Sports tourism is a type of tourism activity which refers to the travel experience of the tourist who either observes as a spectator or actively participates in a sporting event generally involving commercial and non-commercial activities of a competitive nature.

Standard classification : Classifications that follow prescribed rules and are generally recommended and accepted.

Statistical error : The unknown difference between the retained value and the true value.

Statistical indicator : A data element that represents statistical data for a specified time, place, and other characteristics, and is corrected for at least one dimension (usually size) to allow for meaningful comparisons.

Statistical metadata : Data about statistical data.

Statistical unit : Entity about which information is sought and about which statistics are compiled. Statistical units may be identifiable legal or physical entities or statistical constructs.

Survey : An investigation about the characteristics of a given population by means of collecting data from a sample of that population and estimating their characteristics through the systematic use of statistical methodology.

System of National Accounts : The System of National Accounts (SNA) is the internationally agreed standard set of recommendations on how to compile measures of economic activity in accordance with strict accounting conventions based on economic principles. The recommendations are expressed in terms of a set of concepts, definitions, classifications and accounting rules that comprise the internationally agreed standard for measuring indicators of economic performance. The accounting framework of the SNA allows economic data to be compiled and presented in a format that is designed for purposes of economic analysis, decision-taking and policymaking ( SNA 2008, 1.1 ).

Total tourism internal demand : Total tourism internal demand, is the sum of internal tourism consumption, tourism gross fixed capital formation and tourism collective consumption ( TSA:RMF 2008, 4.114 ). It does not include outbound tourism consumption.

Tourism : Tourism refers to the activity of visitors ( IRTS 2008, 2.9 ).

Tourism characteristic activities : Tourism characteristic activities are the activities that typically produce tourism characteristic products. As the industrial origin of a product (the ISIC industry that produces it) is not a criterion for the aggregation of products within a similar CPC category, there is no strict one-to-one relationship between products and the industries producing them as their principal outputs ( IRTS 2008, 5.11 ).

Tourism characteristic products : Tourism characteristic products are those that satisfy one or both of the following criteria: a) Tourism expenditure on the product should represent a significant share total tourism expenditure (share-of-expenditure/demand condition); b) Tourism expenditure on the product should represent a significant share of the supply of the product in the economy (share-of-supply condition). This criterion implies that the supply of a tourism characteristic product would cease to exist in meaningful quantity in the absence of visitors ( IRTS 2008, 5.10 ).

Tourism connected products : Their significance within tourism analysis for the economy of reference is recognized although their link to tourism is very limited worldwide. Consequently, lists of such products will be country-specific ( IRTS 2008, 5.12 ).

Tourism consumption : Tourism consumption has the same formal definition as tourism expenditure. Nevertheless, the concept of tourism consumption used in the Tourism Satellite Account goes beyond that of tourism expenditure. Besides the amount paid for the acquisition of consumption goods and services, as well as valuables for own use or to give away, for and during tourism trips, which corresponds to monetary transactions (the focus of tourism expenditure), it also includes services associated with vacation accommodation on own account, tourism social transfers in kind and other imputed consumption. These transactions need to be estimated using sources different from information collected directly from the visitors, such as reports on home exchanges, estimations of rents associated with vacation homes, calculations of financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM), etc. ( TSA:RMF 2008, 2.25 ).

Tourism destination : A tourism destination is a physical space with or without administrative and/or analytical boundaries in which a visitor can spend an overnight. It is the cluster (co-location) of products and services, and of activities and experiences along the tourism value chain and a basic unit of analysis of tourism. A destination incorporates various stakeholders and can network to form larger destinations. It is also intangible with its image and identity which may influence its market competitiveness.

Tourism direct gross domestic product : Tourism direct gross domestic product (TDGDP) is the sum of the part of gross value added (at basic prices) generated by all industries in response to internal tourism consumption plus the amount of net taxes on products and imports included within the value of this expenditure at purchasers' prices ( TSA:RMF 2008, 4.96 ).

Tourism direct gross value added : Tourism direct gross value added (TDGVA) is the part of gross value added generated by tourism industries and other industries of the economy that directly serve visitors in response to internal tourism consumption ( TSA:RMF 2008, 4.88 ).

Tourism expenditure : Tourism expenditure refers to the amount paid for the acquisition of consumption goods and services, as well as valuables, for own use or to give away, for and during tourism trips. It includes expenditures by visitors themselves, as well as expenses that are paid for or reimbursed by others ( IRTS 2008, 4.2 ).

Tourism industries : The tourism industries comprise all establishments for which the principal activity is a tourism characteristic activity. Tourism industries (also referred to as tourism activities) are the activities that typically producetourism characteristic products. The term tourism industries is equivalent to tourism characteristic activities and the two terms are sometimes used synonymously in the IRTS 2008, 5.10, 5.11 and figure 5.1 .

Tourism product : A tourism product is a combination of tangible and intangible elements, such as natural, cultural and man-made resources, attractions, facilities, services and activities around a specific center of interest which represents the core of the destination marketing mix and creates an overall visitor experience including emotional aspects for the potential customers. A tourism product is priced and sold through distribution channels and it has a life-cycle.

Tourism ratio : For each variable of supply in the Tourism Satellite Account, the tourism ratiois the ratio between the total value of tourism share and total value of the corresponding variable in the Tourism Satellite Account expressed in percentage form ( TSA:RMF 2008, 4.56 ). (See also Tourism share).

Tourism Satellite Account : The Tourism Satellite Account is the second international standard on tourism statistics (Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework 2008 –TSA:RMF 2008) that has been developed in order to present economic data relative to tourism within a framework of internal and external consistency with the rest of the statistical system through its link to the System of National Accounts. It is the basic reconciliation framework of tourism statistics. As a statistical tool for the economic accounting of tourism, the TSA can be seen as a set of 10 summary tables, each with their underlying data and representing a different aspect of the economic data relative to tourism: inbound, domestic tourism and outbound tourism expenditure, internal tourism expenditure, production accounts of tourism industries, the Gross Value Added (GVA) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) attributable to tourism demand, employment, investment, government consumption, and non-monetary indicators.

Tourism Satellite Account aggregates : The compilation of the following aggregates, which represent a set of relevant indicators of the size of tourism in an economy is recommended ( TSA:RMF 2008, 4.81 ):

  • Internal tourism expenditure;
  • Internal tourism consumption;
  • Gross value added of tourism industries (GVATI);
  • Tourism direct gross value added (TDGVA);
  • Tourism direct gross domestic product (TDGDP).

Tourism sector : The tourism sector, as contemplated in the TSA, is the cluster of production units in different industries that provide consumption goods and services demanded by visitors. Such industries are called tourism industries because visitor acquisition represents such a significant share of their supply that, in the absence of visitors, their production of these would cease to exist in meaningful quantity.

Tourism share : Tourism share is the share of the corresponding fraction of internal tourism consumption in each component of supply ( TSA:RMF 2008, 4.51 ). For each industry, the tourism share of output (in value), is the sum of the tourism share corresponding to each product component of its output ( TSA:RMF 2008, 4.55 ). (See also Tourism ratio ).

Tourism single-purpose consumer durable goods : Tourism single-purpose consumer durables is a specific category of consumer durable goods that include durable goods that are used exclusively, or almost exclusively, by individuals while on tourism trips ( TSA:RMF 2008 , 2.41 and Annex 5 ).

Tourism trip : Trips taken by visitors are tourism trips ( IRTS 2008, 2.29 ).

Tourist (or overnight visitor): A visitor (domestic, inbound or outbound) is classified as a tourist (or overnight visitor), if his/her trip includes an overnight stay, or as a same-day visitor (or excursionist) otherwise ( IRTS 2008, 2.13 ).

Tourism value chain : The tourism value chain is the sequence of primary and support activities which are strategically fundamental for the performance of the tourism sector. Linked processes such as policy making and integrated planning, product development and packaging, promotion and marketing, distribution and sales and destination operations and services are the key primary activities of the tourism value chain. Support activities involve transport and infrastructure, human resource development, technology and systems development and other complementary goods and services which may not be related to core tourism businesses but have a high impact on the value of tourism.

Travel / traveller : Travel refers to the activity of travellers. A traveller is someone who moves between different geographic locations, for any purpose and any duration ( IRTS 2008, 2.4 ). The visitor is a particular type of traveller and consequently tourism is a subset of travel.

Travel group : A travel group is made up of individuals or travel parties travelling together: examples are people travelling on the same package tour or youngsters attending a summer camp ( IRTS 2008, 3.5 ).

Travel item (in balance of payments): Travel is an item of the goods and services account of the balance of payments: travel credits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from an economy by non-residents during visits to that economy. Travel debits cover goods and services for own use or to give away acquired from other economies by residents during visits to other economies ( BPM6, 10.86 ).

Travel party : A travel party is defined as visitors travelling together on a trip and whose expenditures are pooled ( IRTS 2008, 3.2 ).

Trip : A trip refers to the travel by a person from the time of departure from his/her usual residence until he/she returns: it thus refers to a round trip. Trips taken by visitors are tourism trips.

Urban/city tourism : Urban/city tourism is a type of tourism activity which takes place in an urban space with its inherent attributes characterized by non-agricultural based economy such as administration, manufacturing, trade and services and by being nodal points of transport. Urban/city destinations offer a broad and heterogeneous range of cultural, architectural, technological, social and natural experiences and products for leisure and business.

Usual environment: The usual environment of an individual, a key concept in tourism, is defined as the geographical area (though not necessarily a contiguous one) within which an individual conducts his/her regular life routines ( IRTS 2008, 2.21 ).

Usual residence : The place of usual residence is the geographical place where the enumerated person usually resides (Principles and recommendations for population and housing censuses of the United Nations, 2.16 to 2.18).

Vacation home : A vacation home (sometimes also designated as a holiday home) is a secondary dwelling that is visited by the members of the household mostly for purposes of recreation, vacation or any other form of leisure ( IRTS 2008, 2.27 ).

Valuables : Valuables are produced goods of considerable value that are not used primarily for purposes of production or consumption but are held as stores of value over time ( SNA 2008, 10.13 ).

Visit : A trip is made up of visits to different places.The term "tourism visit" refers to a stay in a place visited during a tourism trip ( IRTS 2008, 2.7 and 2.33 ).

Visitor : A visitor is a traveller taking a trip to a main destination outside his/her usual environment, for less than a year, for any main purpose (business, leisure or other personal purpose) other than to be employed by a resident entity in the country or place visited ( IRTS 2008, 2.9 ). A visitor (domestic, inbound or outbound) is classified as a tourist (or overnight visitor), if his/her trip includes an overnight stay, or as a same-day visitor (or excursionist) otherwise ( IRTS 2008, 2.13 ).

Wellness tourism : Wellness tourism is a type of tourism activity which aims to improve and balance all of the main domains of human life including physical, mental, emotional, occupational, intellectual and spiritual. The primary motivation for the wellness tourist is to engage in preventive, proactive, lifestyle-enhancing activities such as fitness, healthy eating, relaxation, pampering and healing treatments.


  1. French Vocabulary : The Tourism

    tourism definition francais

  2. Educational infographic : Le tourisme en France

    tourism definition francais

  3. What is Tourism : Definitions of Tourism

    tourism definition francais

  4. Tourism Explained: Definition, History, Types

    tourism definition francais

  5. PPT

    tourism definition francais

  6. Définition de tourisme

    tourism definition francais


  1. Définitions : tourisme

    tourisme - Définitions Français : Retrouvez la définition de tourisme, ainsi que les expressions... - synonymes, homonymes, difficultés, citations. ... la Belgique et le Canada, le tourisme sexuel impliquant des mineurs est illégal et puni par la loi.) Tourisme spatial, activité touristique consistant à envoyer des personnes dans l ...

  2. Définition de tourisme

    TOURISME, subst. masc. A. −. 1. Activité d'une personne qui voyage pour son agrément, visite une région, un pays, un continent autre que le sien, pour satisfaire sa curiosité, son goût de l'aventure et de la découverte, son désir d'enrichir son expérience et sa culture. Faire du tourisme; voyage de tourisme.

  3. Tourisme

    Étymologie et définitions. L'origine du mot est anglaise, tourist, qui trouve son étymologie dans le mot français tour (voyage circulaire) [6].Il désigne au XVIII e siècle le voyage que font les jeunes de l'aristocratie britannique sur le continent européen pour rejoindre la ville de Rome. Il est tout d'abord un adjectif, puis devient un substantif [6].

  4. TOURISME : Définition de TOURISME

    TOURISME, subst. masc. A. −. 1. Activité d'une personne qui voyage pour son agrément, visite une région, un pays, un continent autre que le sien, pour satisfaire sa curiosité, son goût de l'aventure et de la découverte, son désir d'enrichir son expérience et sa culture. Faire du tourisme; voyage de tourisme.

  5. Définition

    Définition. Le tourisme comprend les activités déployées par les personnes au cours de leurs voyages et séjours dans des lieux situés en dehors de leur environnement habituel pour une période consécutive qui ne dépasse pas une année, à des fins de loisirs, pour affaires et autres motifs non liés à l'exercice d'une activité ...

  6. UNWTO Tourism Definitions

    UNWTO Tourism Definitions is a comprehensive and authoritative source of tourism-related terms and concepts, covering different aspects of the tourism sector and its impacts. The publication provides definitions of tourism, tourist, visitor, excursionist, domestic tourism, inbound tourism, outbound tourism, and many more, in English, French and Spanish. It also includes a glossary of acronyms ...

  7. Glossaire

    Glossaire. Le tourisme est un phénomène social, culturel et économique qui suppose des mouvements de personnes vers des pays ou des lieux situés en dehors de leur environnement habituel intervenant pour des motifs personnels ou pour affaires et motifs professionnels. Ces personnes sont appelées visiteurs et peuvent être des touristes ou ...

  8. UNWTO Tourism Definitions

    All Regions; 5 Mar 18 UNWTO Tourism Definitions | Définitions du tourisme de l'OMT | Definiciones de turismo de la OMT As an outcome of the work of the Committee on Tourism and Competitiveness (CTC), the 22nd Session of the General Assembly held in Chengdu, China (11-16 September 2017), adopted as Recommendations (A/RES/684 (XXII)) some operational definitions used in the tourism value ...

  9. tourisme

    L'office de tourisme nous propose une visite de nuit. The tourist office is offering us a night tour. office du tourisme, office de tourisme nm. (établissement public conseillant les touristes) tourism office, tourist office n. L'office de tourisme offre des conseils aux visiteurs de la région. tourisme d'achat nm.

  10. tourism

    tourism - traduction anglais-français. Forums pour discuter de tourism, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. Gratuit.

  11. Littré

    tourisme. (tou-ri-sm') s. m. Goût, habitude de touriste. On sait que le tourisme scientifique a suscité chez les femmes une très active curiosité, Journ. offic. 14 juill. 1872, p. 4000, 3 e col. tourisme : Goût, habitude de touriste... Définition dans le Littré, dictionnaire de la langue française. Texte intégral, sans publicité ni ...

  12. TOURISM definition

    TOURISM translations: tourisme [masculine], tourisme. Learn more in the Cambridge English-French Dictionary.

  13. Definition

    Definition. Tourism includes activities by people in the course of their travels and vacations in places located outside their habitual environment for a consecutive period not exceeding one year, for the purposes of leisure, business and other reasons with no relation to paid activity in the place visited. Publications alerts. Help and contact.


    TOURISM définition, signification, ce qu'est TOURISM: 1. the business of providing services such as transport, places to stay, or entertainment for…. En savoir plus.

  15. UNWTO Tourism Definitions

    Abstract: As an outcome of the work of the Committee on Tourism and Competitiveness (CTC), the 22nd Session of the General Assembly held in Chengdu, China (11-16 September 2017), adopted as Recommendations (A/RES/684 (XXII)) some operational definitions used in the tourism value chain, as well as a set of operational definitions on some selected tourism types.


    The definition of tourism in the dictionary is the activity of a person traveling for pleasure, visiting a region, a country, a continent other than his own, to satisfy his curiosity, his taste for adventure and discovery, his desire to enrich his experience and culture. ... Le site web vient d'être dévoilé. La ...

  17. French Vocabulary: Travel and Tourism : The LEAF Project

    le vocabulaire français: les voyages et le tourisme. Travel and tourism terms are used in basic navigation scenarios. Gain the freedom to explore entire cities and beyond. Study: French travel vocabulary can help you get to where you need to go. You might be surprised that you don't need to be fluent in French in order to travel!

  18. Tourism in France

    Tourism is a major part of the French economy, representing close to 8% of GDP and 2 million direct and indirect jobs. It is also a recognized soft power asset abroad, and France has been the world's leading tourist destination for years. A record 90 million international tourists visited France in 2019, including its overseas communities.

  19. tourisme translation in English

    faire du tourisme to go sightseeing. agence de tourisme tourist agency. office du tourisme tourist office. avion de tourisme. nm private plane. voiture de tourisme. nf private car. Translation French - English Collins Dictionary. See also:

  20. Tourism in France

    Tourism in France. Tourism in France directly contributed 79.8 billion euros to gross domestic product (GDP) in 2013, 30% of which comes from international visitors and 70% from domestic tourism spending. The total contribution of travel and tourism represents 9.7% of GDP and supports 2.9 million jobs (10.9% of employment) in the country. [1]

  21. French Vocabulary for Tourism

    masculine. (n) itinerary. Details. Ça, c'est l'itinéraire d'aujourd'hui. This is today's itinerary. 1 More Example. Learn the French vocabulary essential for tourism. Learn new words and translations in this FREE FrenchPod101 lesson.

  22. Tourism

    Tourism security is a subdiscipline of tourist studies that explores the factors that affect the ontological security of tourists. Risks are evaluated by their impact and nature. Tourism security includes methodologies, theories and techniques oriented to protect the organic image of tourist destinations.

  23. Glossary of tourism terms

    Tourism industries (also referred to as tourism activities) are the activities that typically producetourism characteristic products. The term tourism industries is equivalent to tourism characteristic activities and the two terms are sometimes used synonymously in the IRTS 2008, 5.10, 5.11 and figure 5.1.