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10 Signs You Have Been Bitten by the Travel Bug

Daydreaming while watching the sunset in Sri Lanka

Have You Been Bitten By the Travel Bug?

The famous travel quote by Michael Palin says:

“Once the travel bug bites there is no known antidote. And I know that I shall be happily infected until the end of my life”

I have always liked this quote, probably because I have always loved traveling.

That desire to explore the unknown , to visit the places you’ve read about or saw on tv… To learn about new cultures, taste new food… Yes, I have the travel bug! 🙂

10 Signs That Show You Have Caught the Travel Bug

1. you don’t understand why other people save money to spend on material things.

saving for your travel bug

When you save money it’s for traveling.

You probably, like me, believe experiences are much more valuable than possessions. And what better way to experience new things than by traveling somewhere?

Also Read: 10 Reasons to Travel the World and How to Save Money While Traveling

2. You Both Love and Hate Airports

bitten by the travel bug

The airport has become the place where you say goodbye to loved ones but it’s also the place where new adventures begin…

The travel bug may take you away from people to chase after new adventures. But most of the time you will find that well worth it.

3. You Have Long Stopped Counting the Number of Times You Slept at Airports

Once the travel bug bites spealing at airports becomes acceptable

A long layover? A delayed flight?

If you have been bitten by the travel bug you have probably spent A LOT of time at airports!

Also Read: Things to Do During a Layover

4. You Have Taken This Picture Many Times

travel bug meaning

I LOVE window seats and yes, I therefore often take a picture of the view while traveling to my next destination.

There is something magical about flying above the clouds. And about looking at the world from up above. It makes me feel small and it makes my problems seem insignificant.

5. You Love Your Passport Because of All the Cool Stamps It Has

Collecting passport stamps - I have the travel bug

Do you ever go through your passport, and look at all the stamps you have collected to reminisce past trips?

Or go through other people’s passports to hear the stories behind all their stamps? I can listen to those stories for hours!

6. You Have a Box Filled With Currency From Around the World

signs you have caught the travel bug

If you are anything like me you always save some money from the countries you have visited.

By now I have a big box with coins and bills from all over the world. Which, again, is a great way to reminisce past trips on a rainy day.

7. You Are Constantly Daydreaming of Where You Can Go Next

Daydreaming because you are bitten by the travel bug

When you hear someone talking about traveling or see some Instagram pictures of idyllic destinations your travel bug is easily triggered and you are off dreaming about your next travel destination.

Also Read: Where to Travel to Next – Travel Inspiration From Instagram

8. Your Bucket List Never Seems to Get Shorter

map with a travel quote

There is always a new destination to add to your bucket list.

So instead of getting shorter, it seems like your bucket list is only ever getting longer!

Also Read: Incredible Bucket List Destinations For a Once in a Lifetime Trip

9. You Love Being Immersed in Different Cultures

Volunteering at a slum school in India

A large part of the excitement of traveling is in exploring new cultures.

Learning about how other people live, what their culture is like and how that differs from yours is one of the most valuable parts of traveling.

10. WhatsApp Is Your Default Form of Communication

signs you have caught the travel bug - Whatsapp

If you have been bitten by the travel bug you probably have friends all over the world.

And the best way to communicate with friends on the other side of the world is via WhatsApp. So by now, you are probably very familiar with this app!

What Does ‘Travel Bug’ Mean?

Simply put: people bitten by the travel bug have a passion for travel and like to visit new places .

Or, more formally, according to the Macmillan Dictionary :

Travel bug meaning: A strong desire to travel across the world

Did you catch the travel bug yet?

  • How to Find the Cheapest Flights
  • Why Should You Travel?

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor and catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

– Mark Twain

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Am Ende dieses Artikels findest Du Platz um Deine eigenen Trackable – Geschichten zu teilen , Links zu anderen Trackable – Storys zu setzen und Du findest ein Sonderangebot für einen begrenzten Zeitraum . Spare 10 % oder mehr auf deine Bestellung von Travel Bugs im Shop von Geocaching . com und bei unseren internationalen Einzelhändlern .

Steve’s Geo-Backpack

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One active Travel Bug has surpassed all others in its distance traveled .

This is the story of the most – well – traveled active TB in the world , Steve ‘ s geo – backpack , and its owner , Steve Kenny ( clrtolnd ). With 1 . 6 million miles , and counting , Steve ‘ s geo – backpack has experienced some serious traveling . Steve has the advantage of being an airline pilot who has many opportunities to see the world .

“ Geocaching is perfect for pilots because during our travels , we have time to ourselves on our layovers .” The name clrtolnd stands for “ clear to land ,” a positive message for airline pilots , and an excellent sign for Travel Bugs that are eager to land more miles .

travel bug world

Steve first discovered geocaching in August 2006 , when he and his colleagues were on a flight layover in Frankfurt , Germany .   While waiting , the flight captain introduced clrtolnd to the hobby of geocaching . That day , they successfully found three traditional geocaches and one multicache — Steve has been an avid geocacher ever since . He has even converted his brother , Flyingbug , into a geocaching enthusiast . “ We both have but hundreds of miles on our shoes as well as the thousands of miles in the air . He is my favorite caching buddy ,” admits Steve .

A few months into geocaching , Steve purchased some coins and a Travel Bug in order to track how many miles he traveled in a given month . He clipped the TB to his small backpack ( hence the name Steve ‘ s geo – backpack ) and set off for adventure .

Steve does not dip his TB in every cache that he finds , but he generally dips it in one cache per outing . Sometimes he misses out on logging miles , if he forgets to dip it between trips to the same region , “ If I find a cache in Dubai , fly home , and my next find is in Kuwait , I failed to log more than 13 , 000 miles . That happens multiple times each year , but I attempt to find at least one cache each time that I have more than 12 hours on the ground .”

With so many miles under his TB ‘ s belt , Steve has many geocaching stories to share . He fondly recalls a time that he made a UAL Family Travel Bug out of a McDonald ‘ s 747 toy – airplane and left it on Victoria Peak in Hong Kong , “ The first geocacher to pick it up was an Air New Zealand 747 pilot !”

travel bug world

Das ist die Geschichte des am weitesten gereisten aktiven TB in der Welt , Steves Geo – Rucksack und seines Eigentümers , Steve Kenny ( clrtolnd ). Mit ( bis jetzt ) 1 , 6 Millionen Meilen hat Steves Geo – Rucksack viel Erfahrung im Reisen . Steve hat den Vorteil , dass er Pilot bei einer Fluggesellschaft ist und somit viele Möglichkeiten hat , die Welt zu sehen .

“ Geocaching ist perfekt für Piloten , da wir während unserer Reisen Zeit für Zwischenstopps haben .” Der Name clrtolnd steht für “ Bereit zur Landung “, eine positive Nachricht für Piloten und ein erstklassiges Zeichen für Travel Bugs um eifrig mehr Meilen zu sammeln .

Steve nutzt für seinen TB die Technik des “ Eintauchens ” um seine persönliche Reisemeilen zu protokollieren . Dies bedeutet , er loggt den Besuch eines Geocaches mit seinem Travel Bug , lässt diesen jedoch in seinem Besitz , anstatt Ihn in den Geocache abzulegen . Seinen TB “ eintauchen ” lassen , kann man auch auf Geocaching . com wenn man einen Cache besucht . Man wählt unter dem Reiter “ Trackables abgelegt ?”, die Option ‘ Besucht ‘ aus , durch diese Auswahl bleibt der TB im Bestand des Geocachers . Der Begriff “ persönliche Traveler ” bezieht sich auf Travel Bugs wie Steves Geo – Rucksack , sie dienen der Nachverfolgung des Kilometerstand zwischen den besuchten Geocaches . Alternativ loggen auch einige Geocacher einen Travel Bug als “ Besucht ” ein , bevor Sie diesen an eine andere Person übergeben .

travel bug world

Steve entdeckte Geocaching im August 2006 , als er und seine Kollegen einen Zwischenaufenthalt in Frankfurt , Deutschland hatten .   Während der Wartezeit , erklärte der Flugkapitän clrtolnd das Hobby Geocaching . An dem Tag fanden Sie gemeinsam drei Traditional – und einen Multi – Cache — seit dem wurde aus Steve ein begeisterter Geocacher . Er hat sogar aus seinem Bruder , Flyingbug , in einen Geocaching – Enthusiasten verwandelt . “ Wir haben beide Hunderte von Meilen zu Fuß sowie Tausende von Meilen in der Luft zurückgelegt . Er ist mein bester Caching – Kumpel ” gesteht Steve .

Nach ein paar Monate im Hobby Geocaching kaufte Steve ein paar Geocoins und einen Travel Bug um zu verfolgen , wie viele Meilen er in einem bestimmten Monat gereist ist . Er brachte den TB an seinen kleinen Rucksack ( daher der Name Steves Geo – Rucksack ) an und das Abenteuer begann .

Steve loggt seinen TB nicht bei jedem Cache den er findet ein , aber er loggt mit Ihm im Allgemeinen einem Cache pro Ausflug . Manchmal verpasst er das Loggen oder er vergisst es , vor allem bei Reisen in der gleichen Region . “ Wenn ich einen Cache in Dubai finde , nach Hause fliege und meine nächster Fund ist in Kuwait , dann verpasse ich in etwa 13 . 000 Meilen . Das geschieht jedes Jahr mehrere Male , aber ich versuche zu mindestens jedes Mal einen Cache zu suchen , wenn ich für mehr als 12 Stunden auf dem Boden bin .”

Mit so vielen zurückgelegten Meilen seines TBs kann Steve viele Geocaching – Geschichten erzählen . Er erinnert sich liebevoll daran , wie er einen UAL – Familien – Travel Bug mit einem McDonald ‘ s 747 Spielzeug – Flugzeug erstellte und ihn im Victoria Peak in Hongkong ablegte . “ Der erste Geocacher , welcher den Travel Bug aufnahm , war ein Air New Zealand 747 Pilot !”

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Wanderlust Storytellers – An Inspirational Family Travel Blog

Bitten By The Travelbug? Exploring Travel Beyond Boundaries


Home » Bitten By The Travelbug? Exploring Travel Beyond Boundaries

Global connectivity, fueled by digital innovations and the daring spirit of intrepid explorers, has revolutionized how we perceive the world.

It has shrunk the planet, erasing the limitations imposed by conventional travel norms.

Boundaries no longer confine today’s travelers; instead, they constantly push the limits, venturing into uncharted territories and paving the way for a new travel paradigm.

Best Area to Stay in Florence for First-Time Visitors

This article delves into the unleashed wanderlust when bitten by the travel bug that drives contemporary voyagers, exploring the boundless possibilities that await those who dare to step outside their comfort zones.

Bitten By the Travel Bug?

From discovering hidden gems in remote corners of the world to immersing oneself in diverse cultures and breathtaking landscapes, the journey becomes an exhilarating tapestry of experiences.

Embracing the spirit of adventure, these modern-day adventurers unlock the world’s secrets, unraveling its mysteries and leaving an indelible mark on their lives.

1. Break the Shackles of Conventional Travel

Best Events in Australia - Aboriginal Culture

In the past, travelers typically stuck to well-known tourist attractions, pre-packaged tours, and tight schedules. But today’s adventurers value the freedom to explore undiscovered paths , dive into local cultures, and craft their own distinctive travel stories.

Thanks to digital platforms, travel enthusiasts have easy access to a wealth of information on off-the-beaten-path destinations, alternative routes, and unique experiences.

This has empowered them to break away from conventional tourism and design personalized journeys that truly reflect their interests and preferences.

2. A Quest for Authentic Experiences

World Schooling

Aligned with the worldwide movement toward more meaningful experiences, contemporary travelers aspire to deeply engage with diverse cultures and savor the essence of local living.

They are no longer drawn solely to the comforts of luxury hotels or the familiarity of routine surroundings.

Instead, their yearning is for genuine connections with locals and a profound grasp of their traditions, customs, and cuisine.

This pursuit of authenticity propels travelers beyond well-trodden destinations, encouraging them to explore remote areas and actively seek out off-the-beaten-path experiences.

3. The Rise of Adventure Travel

Adventure travel, a thrilling form of wanderlust, has gained immense popularity in recent years. It offers travelers an adrenaline rush and a profound sense of accomplishment.

Picture this: trekking through rugged terrains, reaching remote mountain peaks that touch the sky, and diving into the mesmerizing depths of the ocean.

Hinking in Sapa

Adventure seekers constantly challenge themselves, pushing beyond their limits to experience the extraordinary.

But it doesn’t stop there. This adventure travel trend has sparked a movement towards sustainable and responsible practices.

In response, many adventure companies now focus on providing eco-friendly and culturally sensitive experiences. They strive to create a harmonious balance between exploration and conservation, ensuring that natural habitats are preserved, and local cultures thrive.

Through adventure travel, not only do travelers satisfy their thirst for exploration, but they also become active contributors to the preservation of our planet’s invaluable treasures.

It’s a remarkable way to embark on self-discovery while positively impacting the world. Let your adventurous spirit guide you on an unforgettable voyage of discovery and conservation.

4. A Global Community of Travelers

The advent of social media has played a pivotal role in uniting a global community of passionate travelers who share a common love for exploration.

Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and travel blogs now provide a space for individuals to exchange their travel experiences, offer recommendations, and share valuable tips with a broader audience.

Nomad eSIM Review - Instagram and Wanderlust Storytellers website page open on the iPhone

This digital connectivity has not only encouraged more people to venture beyond traditional boundaries but has also fostered a sense of camaraderie among like-minded travelers.

The exchange of ideas and perspectives facilitated by social media has opened up exciting new possibilities for exploration, enhancing the overall travel experience.

For example, you can now explore with Bram Verweij an outdoor enthusiast, who shares reviews on the latest outdoor gadgets and cycling gear.

In the digital age, connecting with others and sharing personal experiences has become more accessible, inspiring influencers to encourage others to break free from conventional travel norms and discover the world without limitations.

5. Embracing Diversity and Breaking Stereotypes

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, Hanoi street cart with food

Exploring the world beyond boundaries is about visiting new places, embracing diversity, breaking cultural barriers, and fostering global harmony.

In today’s interconnected world, travelers can challenge misconceptions and stereotypes by engaging with people from different backgrounds and immersing themselves in their unique cultures.

Through travel, we can better understand our differences, celebrate our similarities, and promote mutual respect and acceptance. By experiencing firsthand other cultures’ customs, traditions, and values, we expand our perspectives and become more open-minded.

Traveling allows us to see the beauty of diversity, whether it’s in the vibrant festivals, the delicious cuisines, or the mesmerizing art forms of different cultures.

travel bug world

Through these experiences, we learn to appreciate the richness of our world and find common ground with people who may initially seem different from us.

Travel can also be a transformative experience on a personal level. It pushes us out of our comfort zones, encourages self-discovery, and fosters personal growth.

It teaches us resilience, adaptability, and the ability to navigate unfamiliar situations. It broadens our horizons and fuels our curiosity to explore more and learn more.

Final Thoughts: Bitten By The Travelbug and Exploring Travel Beyond Boundaries

Wanderlust, when unleashed, can ignite the world with its transformative power.

By exploring travel beyond boundaries, we satiate our desire for adventure and discovery and become ambassadors of cultural exchange and conservation.

Palm Bay Resort Long Island Australia, beach front bure

Let go of conventional travel norms, embrace your inner explorer, and depart on a journey of self-discovery that will leave an indelible mark on your life.

A great way to discover new destinations and places that spark your wanderlust, we recommend you watch some of the best travel movies . The possibilities are endless, and the world is waiting to be explored beyond boundaries. 

Photo of author

Andrzej Ejmont

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  • Sep 11, 2022

Travel Bug, what it is and when you know you have it

Ever felt anxious not having any flights booked? Some of you might have heard about ‘catching the Travel Bug’ or the ‘feeling of wanderlust’ but what are they exactly?

What is the Travel Bug

What is the Travel Bug

Every single trip we take in life has an enormous power of changing us. If you are a travel lover like me, you will likely get back to your home town, with your usual routine, with the same people around you and the ‘fake freedom’ you initially think you have in your life, and realise how much happier, free and especially alive you felt while being on the other side of the world.

Picture this: You have just come back from a long trip, you saw new places, met new people, cultures, you were able to experience things you could have never imagined and every single day was a challenging adventure. You are now back home, tired but happy with your mind full of amazing memories that will forever have a special place in your heart. You remember the sense of freedom and excitement you felt while away, so you close your eyes and start daydreaming but suddenly a sense of anxiety starts to grow inside of you and you feel the need to book a new trip straight away and escape once again from your everyday life. Does it sound familiar to you? Result: Well… you caught the Travel Bug!

travel bug world

The term Wanderlust and why you catch the Travel Bug

The official definition of the German term ‘Wanderlust’ translates as:

‘ a strong desire to travel’, or ‘a man/woman consumed by wanderlust ’.

Although, it is much more complex than that. All of those who feel fulfilled with travelling and are on a constant search for new challenges and adventures, will sooner or later catch the Travel Bug, there is no way to escape it and it’s also highly contagious! Of course everyone enjoys a good holiday and some time away from work but for those who caught the Travel Bug, travelling literally becomes part of their everyday life. It’s their drive and inspiration for everything they do. When you are a traveller (not a tourist, there is a huge difference) you are always a traveller, every single minute of your life.

However, this sense of Wanderlust and therefore the love and insatiable need for travel and adventure might also emerge or more specifically be triggered, not only due to the love for travel, yet also from other aspects of our life. A good amount of full time travellers for example, decided to leave everything behind and travel the world after a big event in their life.

The sense of frustration that some have of everyday life, a relationship that doesn’t make you happy as it should, but also due to the ‘boredom’ of western societies, the life ideologies and milestones that we are kind of ‘forced’ to achieve since birth such as finishing school, getting a degree, finding a good job, getting a partner, getting married, having kids are simply not for all of us (and by the way you can do all of those things while travelling as well if you really want it!). Just because one wants to do things differently than the rest of society, it doesn’t mean that that person is wrong and others are right or vice versa, it simply means that what makes that person happy might not be a happy place for someone else. Happiness comes in different forms and colours and for those who caught the Travel Bug, happiness is exploring the amazing world we live in, every single corner and shape of it.

How long does it last

There is just one straight forward answer to that. Once you get it that’s the end. There is no turning back and no way to get rid of it. It’s simply FOREVER! You get it, you're screwed!

How I caught mine

For me, it was another usual day in cold and rainy London back in 2015 when me and two friends decided that we wanted to visit Thailand. Before that trip I had already been to a few countries around Europe, yet that would have been my very first long trip and international flight. A huge Airbus was waiting for us at Heathrow Airport ready to take us all the way to Bangkok. Well, that trip had the power to change me. The level of excitement when arriving in Bangkok was out of this world and since the very first day everything I saw, learned and experienced in that country changed me and my approach to travel forever. That trip was my transition from a tourist to a real traveller! We spent over two and a half amazing weeks exploring the crazy streets of Bangkok, the beautiful island of Phuket, and the paradisiac nature and beaches of Phi Phi and The Similans. Maybe it was the kindness of Thai people, the amazing nature, the thought of knowing that being so far away from home in a country where most things we are used to in western societies are so different, but I was certain that I have never felt more alive! I was free, curious, fearless, amazed, excited and felt a sense of happiness that I had never experienced before. Once back to London I could not resist. My heart was telling me to start looking for my next adventure right away! Being caught again in everyday life made me realise that routine was not for me. I needed to be on the move, explore new countries, cultures, talk to people I never met, challenge myself and get out of my comfort zone to see what I was really capable of. Well, since that moment I knew it. I had caught it, the Travel Bug and feeling of wanderlust would have never abandoned me again!

Girl sitting on a rock with James Bond island in the background in Phuket, Thailand

How to deal with it

It sounds crazy but for some the desire to travel might be so strong that a constant sense of anxiety and depressive feelings might arise. The reason why I’m saying it it’s because I experienced it on my own skin. The pandemic was a jail I could not escape from. When I heard the news on TV that Airports were being shut down due to the virus and I could not travel or go and see the rest of my family back home for God knows how long, it was unbearable! The sense of Wanderlust kept growing more and more every day…

I believe that there is no straight forward answer on how to deal with your sense of Wanderlust, and if there is it might be a different one for all of us. Many start to look at ways that will allow them to work remotely to be able to travel the world full time, some try to manage their holiday at work as best as they can, while others decide to momentarily, please their sense of wanderlust by taking a sabbatical year in South-east Asia… Personally, as I’m currently still working full time. I feel lucky to have a job that allows me to take short breaks every month, as well as longer trips (usually not more than two weeks) at least two to three times a year. Therefore, I manage to satisfy my desire to travel looking forward to my next trip. If you are in full time employment but caught the travel bug, spend your time planning your next trip, watch travel vlog, read about the places you want to visit and get ready for your new adventure. Trust me it helps! And most importantly, don’t be one of those people who think that travelling full time is impossible. It is, and thousands are doing it right now, especially with the popularity that smart working has gained after the pandemic. Look for a way that will allow you to leave everything behind, be free and travel the world the way you want to.

Time is the most precious thing we have in life and it should not be wasted living a life you don’t feel as yours!

However, with such ideas in mind, I perfectly understand that many people might think that you are a weirdo, that you should stop dreaming and get back to planet earth. So if you are one of those lucky people, who like me, caught the Travel Bug, you might feel lonely in your own world sometimes but promise yourself not to ever give up on your dream, no matter how crazy they sound!

If you need a bit of a push, have a look at one of my related blog post here or at the bottom of this page .

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The Travel Bug – ESL Lesson, FAQs, and Practice Quiz

The Travel Bug

“The Travel Bug” is a popular term used to describe an intense desire to travel, explore new places, and experience different cultures. It captures the infectious and exhilarating feeling that comes from discovering the unfamiliar and the joy of embarking on new adventures. Often, those who catch the travel bug find themselves continuously drawn to the excitement of planning trips and exploring the world, whether through short local excursions or extended journeys abroad.

  • travel bug  (idiom)- strong desire to travel
  • to be bitten by the travel bug  (idiom)- kind of a cute way to say when someone begins to want to travel. After the “bug” bites you, you will really want to travel.
  • to wander – to go from one place to another without any definite plans
  • to be in the comfort of (one’s) own home – to be at home, in a familiar or comfortable place 
  • to explore – to look around and find out new things
  • exotic  (adjective)- strange, mysterious, exciting, unknown
  • mystery – something unknown, something that needs to be found out
  • to flock – large amounts of people go to the same place at the same time
  • vast  (adjective)- very large
  • perspective – view, way of seeing things
  • accomplishment – feeling like you have done something important and good

Reading Comprehension

Have you ever had the desire to wander the world and see what was out there? While some people prefer to stay in the comfort of their own home, others have been bitten by the travel bug and can’t wait to explore the world. Exotic places call to them. “Come visit me and I will show you my mysteries,” they say.

Every year millions of people pack their suitcases or put on backpacks and flock to visit the seven continents of the world. They wander through the castles and museums of Europe, and the cities and natural wonders of North and South America. Some visit the vast exotic cultures of Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The great outback of Australia is a wonderland for those who go there. And a few lucky people even make to the most mysterious continent on the earth- Antarctica.

Why do people want to explore the world? It gives them a better perspective about the earth and the people living on it. It opens their minds, it gives them a feeling of accomplishment, and it makes them feel alive. So save some money, get your passport ready, and see the world. It will change your life forever.

Practice Quiz on The Travel Bug

As a way to test your understanding of the concept, here’s a setup for a practice quiz with eight questions related to the travel bug. This quiz will challenge your knowledge on what it means to have the travel bug, how it affects people, and various ways to experience and manage the desire to travel. The questions will cover definitions, symptoms, contagion, management, and personal experiences related to the travel bug.

Questions and Answers – Choose True or False.

Answer key is located at the bottom of this page (but make sure to answer the Q’s first!)

1. To be  bitten by the travel bug  means you like to stay home.

True or False

2. People bitten by the travel bug like to visit new places.

3. The great outback is in Europe.

4. Antarctica is in Africa.

5. Asia is vast.

6. Traveling opens your mind.

7. Traveling makes you feel alive.

8. Traveling helps you see things in a new way.

travel bug world

Frequently Asked ESL Questions About The Travel Bug

The travel bug refers to a strong, often irresistible desire to travel and explore the world. It is characterized by an eagerness to experience new cultures, meet new people, and see new places.

Catching the travel bug can happen after a particularly inspiring trip, hearing others’ travel stories, or even through films and books that depict adventure and exploration. It often begins with a memorable and positive travel experience.

Common symptoms include constant daydreaming about destinations, frequent browsing of travel websites, and an overwhelming urge to plan next trips. A heightened interest in world maps, travel blogs, and international cuisine can also be signs.

Metaphorically, yes! The travel bug can be quite contagious among friends and family, as enthusiasm and exciting stories about travel tend to inspire others to explore and embark on their own adventures.

To manage the travel bug, individuals should embrace it by planning future trips, exploring local attractions, and learning about different cultures through books, movies, and cuisine. Engaging in travel communities online can also satisfy travel cravings.

Answer Key:

  • True         
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Got the travel bug? Sea-Tac Airport adds more international destinations

If you’re looking for a new international destination to travel to this summer, you’re in luck.

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport connects to 33 international destinations on 25 airlines, according to the Port of Seattle, which operates Sea-Tac.

The airport now has direct flights to Beijing , which resumed after a four-year hiatus, as well as Chongqing, China , and Munich, Germany .

The airport, which turns 75 on July 9, also added more services to Taipei , Taiwan, and Toronto this year, and a new direct flight to Manila, Philippines, is coming in the fall.

Sea-Tac’s recent international growth is a testament “to the appeal our region and communities offer the world, both culturally and economically,” said Toshiko Hasegawa, the Port of Seattle commission vice president, in a recent news release.

Delta’s new daily service to Taipei, added in June, marks the airline’s first nonstop flight to Taiwan’s capital from the U.S., the Port of Seattle said online. The flights to Taipei will leave Sea-Tac at 11:45 a.m. daily.

In a news release announcing the service, the Port of Seattle said Sea-Tac serves as a “crucial coastal hub” for Delta, which runs nearly 170 daily departures from the airport.

Later this summer, Taiwan-based China Airlines and Starlux Airlines will add flights to Taipei. China Airlines will launch five new nonstop flights a week starting July 14, and Starlux will have three flights a week starting in August, according to the Port of Seattle.

Lufthansa’s direct route to Munich, added in May, marks the airport’s second nonstop German destination after Frankfurt. The flights will run three times a week, on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 6:50 p.m.

Hainan Airline’s service to Chongqing in southwestern China is Sea-Tac’s first to the sister city of Seattle. The weekly flight will leave Sea-Tac on Thursdays at 11 a.m.

Hainan Airlines picked Sea-Tac as its first U.S. airport back in 2008, carrying about 200,000 visitors a year from Beijing to Seattle. After a four-year hiatus, Hainan Airlines resumed flights to Beijing in April before it added service to Chongqing in May, the Port of Seattle said.

The flights to Beijing will run three times a week , on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 11 a.m.

Philippine Airlines will add a new flight to Manila in October, Port of Seattle spokesperson Perry Cooper said.

In a news release, the Port of Seattle said flights to Manila will run three times a week , on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays at 11:40 p.m.

Alaska Airlines’ daily Toronto flight takes travelers to the airline’s sixth Canadian destination from Sea-Tac.

Beware for those flying Alaska Airlines: The  Port of Seattle’s $546 million project in partnership with the company will affect the ticketing and baggage claim areas across the airport.

Sea-Tac recommends Alaska Airlines passengers check in for their flight before they get to the airport, and if they don’t have a bag, go straight to security and skip the lobby.

In general, the airport also recommends arriving at least two hours before domestic travel and three hours before international travel, “and we really mean that,” said Lea Kautzman, managing director of Sea-Tac guest services for Alaska Airlines. “So get here early, and be prepared.”

Materials from The Seattle Times’ archive were used in this report.

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The opinions expressed in reader comments are those of the author only and do not reflect the opinions of The Seattle Times.

Unable to use travel form while in any other Druid Forms

While on my Druid if I am in any form such as bear cat balance I am unable to switch from those forms to travel form. I am not in combat, and i have removed all addons and still have the same issue.

Rolling Out

Why bed bugs are common and hard to eliminate in the house

  • By Mr. Digital Fingers
  • Jul 07, 2024

bed bugs

Bed bugs, tiny nocturnal insects that feed on human blood , have become a widespread nuisance in households across the globe. These pests, though small in size, create significant discomfort and pose challenges for eradication. Understanding why bed bugs are common and hard to eliminate in the house requires a deep dive into their biology, behavior, and the factors that contribute to their persistence. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the prevalence of bed bugs, their resilience, and effective strategies to combat these unwelcome house guests.

The biology of bed bugs

Bed bugs, scientifically known as Cimex lectularius, are wingless insects that belong to the family Cimicidae. They are reddish-brown in color and can grow up to 5-7 millimeters in length. Bed bugs are nocturnal creatures, meaning they are most active at night when they come out to feed. Their primary food source is the blood of humans, although they can also feed on the blood of other warm-blooded animals.

One reason bed bugs are so common is their ability to reproduce rapidly. A single female bed bug can lay hundreds of eggs in her lifetime. These eggs are small, about the size of a pinhead, and are typically laid in cracks and crevices near sleeping areas. Within two weeks, the eggs hatch into nymphs, which resemble smaller versions of adult bed bugs. Nymphs molt five times before reaching maturity, requiring a blood meal before each molt. Under optimal conditions, bed bugs can complete their life cycle in about a month.

Factors contributing to bed bug infestations

Several factors contribute to the commonality of bed bugs in households . One significant factor is the increased frequency of travel. Bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers and can easily latch onto luggage, clothing, and other personal items. When people travel and stay in infested accommodations, they inadvertently bring bed bugs back to their homes. Hotels, motels, and other temporary lodgings are common hotspots for bed bug infestations, making travelers vulnerable to carrying these pests home.

Another contributing factor is the resilience of bed bugs. Bed bugs have developed resistance to many common insecticides, making them difficult to eliminate with traditional chemical treatments. Additionally, bed bugs can survive for several months without a blood meal, allowing them to persist in a dormant state until a new host becomes available. Their ability to hide in small cracks and crevices also makes detection and eradication challenging.

The challenges of bed bug elimination

Eliminating bed bugs from a household can be daunting. One of the primary challenges is their elusive nature. Bed bugs are adept at hiding in tiny spaces, such as mattress seams, bed frames, baseboards, and electrical outlets. They come out to feed at night and retreat to their hiding spots during the day, making it difficult to spot them.

Another challenge is their resistance to insecticides. Over time, bed bugs have developed genetic mutations that enable them to survive exposure to commonly used insecticides. This resistance means that many over-the-counter treatments are ineffective, requiring professional pest control services.

Furthermore, bed bugs have a high reproductive rate. Even if a few bed bugs survive a treatment, they can quickly repopulate and reinfest the area. This is why a single treatment is often insufficient, and multiple treatments are typically necessary to achieve complete eradication.

Effective strategies for bed bug control

While eliminating bed bugs is challenging, it is not impossible. A comprehensive approach that combines multiple strategies is often the most effective. Here are some steps that can help in the battle against bed bugs:

  • Inspection : Thoroughly inspect the infested area to identify bed bug hiding spots. Use a flashlight and magnifying glass to check mattress seams, bed frames, furniture, baseboards, and other potential hiding places.
  • Cleaning : Wash and dry all bedding, linens, and clothing on high heat to kill bed bugs and their eggs. Vacuum the infested area thoroughly, paying special attention to cracks and crevices. Dispose of the vacuum bag immediately after use.
  • Decluttering : Reduce clutter in the infested area to minimize hiding spots for bed bugs. This makes it easier to detect and treat the infestation.
  • Encasements : Use bed bug-proof mattress and box spring encasements to trap any existing bed bugs inside and prevent new ones from entering.
  • Chemical treatments : If over-the-counter treatments are ineffective, consider hiring a professional pest control service. Professionals can access stronger insecticides and specialized equipment to treat the infestation effectively.
  • Heat treatments : Bed bugs are sensitive to high temperatures. Professional heat treatments involve raising the temperature of the infested area to levels lethal to bed bugs, effectively killing them and their eggs.
  • Monitoring : After treatment, use bed bug interceptors under the legs of beds and furniture to monitor for any remaining bed bugs. Regular inspections can help ensure that the infestation has been completely eradicated.

Bed bugs are a persistent and common problem in households due to their biology, behavior and resilience. Their ability to reproduce rapidly, hitchhike on personal items, and develop resistance to insecticides makes them challenging to eliminate. However, with a thorough and comprehensive approach that includes inspection, cleaning, decluttering, and professional treatments, it is possible to eradicate bed bugs from your home. Understanding why bed bugs are common and hard to eliminate is the first step in combating these tenacious pests and ensuring a bed bug-free environment. By staying vigilant and proactive, you can protect your home and family from the discomfort and nuisance caused by bed bugs .

This story was created using AI technology.

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  • bed bugs , Cimex lectularius , heat treatments , hitchhikers , insecticide resistance , inspection , nocturnal insects , professional pest control , rapid reproduction , travel

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5 things not to do if you have bed bugs


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New orleans girls trip.

"Amy has planned a few trips for me but the most recent was to New Orleans.  I had never been before so Amy made sure the itinerary included all of the must-see, and even better, the must-eat places!  She even planned a bar crawl with the best cocktails of NOLA, in an easily traveled order.  The timing was so perfect that we were able to try many delicious cocktails but never got too tipsy! It was the perfect trip!"

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Beryl maps show path and landfall forecast of storm that's a hurricane again

By Cara Tabachnick , Emily Mae Czachor

Updated on: July 8, 2024 / 9:01 AM EDT / CBS News

After hitting Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, Beryl  regained hurricane strength as it churned across the Gulf of Mexico before it made landfall as a Category 1 over the middle Texas Gulf Coast early Monday morning, the U.S. National Hurricane Center said.

The storm blew past the Cayman Islands and Jamaica last week, initially making landfall over the island of Carriacou in Grenada while tearing through the Caribbean , strengthening at times to a Category 5 hurricane — the  strongest rating .


What is Beryl's projected path?

The Miami-based hurricane center issued an update early Monday saying Beryl was "moving inland over eastern Texas," bringing "life-threatening storm surge and heavy rainfall," along with damaging winds along the coast "with strong winds moving inland."

As of 8 a.m. EDT, a hurricane warning is in effect for the Texas coast from Mesquite Bay north to Port Bolivar, and a tropical storm warning from Port Bolivar to Sabine Pass.

Map of Hurricane Beryl's path after making landfall in Texas

The hurricane center said hurricane-force winds extended outward up to 45 miles from Beryl's core and tropical-storm-force winds extended outward up to 115 miles.

Beryl's eye " will move  over eastern Texas today, then move through the Lower Mississippi Valley into the Ohio Valley on Tuesday and Wednesday," the hurricane center said. " ... Steady to rapid weakening is expected as the center moves inland, and Beryl is expected to weaken to a tropical storm later today and to a tropical depression on Tuesday."


A storm surge warning is in effect for the area from Mesquite Bay to Sabine Pass, including Matagorda Bay and Galveston Bay. Texas coastal areas could see storm surges of 4-7 feet, the hurricane center forecast.

"Heavy rainfall of 5 to 10 inches with localized amounts of 15 inches is expected across portions of the middle and upper Texas Gulf Coast and eastern Texas today into tonight," the hurricane center said. "Considerable flash and urban flooding as well as minor to isolated major river flooding is expected."

On Friday, Beryl made landfall in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula as a Category 2 hurricane, just northeast of the resort town of Tulum, before weakening to a tropical storm and moving back into the Gulf.

Beryl became the  first hurricane  of the 2024  Atlantic hurricane season  on Saturday and rapidly strengthened. It first reached Category 4 on Sunday, wavering back to Category 3 before returning to Category 4 on Monday and then becoming a Category 5 later Monday night. It is the first major hurricane east of the Lesser Antilles on record for June, according to Philip Klotzbach, Colorado State University hurricane researcher.

Brian McNoldy, a tropical meteorology researcher for the University of Miami, told the AP that warm waters fueled Beryl, with ocean heat content in the deep Atlantic the highest on record for this time of year.

Beryl has also set records  as the first June hurricane ever to hit Category 4, the farthest east a storm has ever hit Category 4, and the first storm before September to go from tropical depression to major hurricane in under 48 hours, CBS News weather producer David Parkinson reported.

Beryl was also the earliest Category 5 hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic basin and was only the second Category 5 storm recorded in July since 2005, according to the hurricane center.

Brian Dakss, Alex Sundby and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Cara Tabachnick is a news editor at Cara began her career on the crime beat at Newsday. She has written for Marie Claire, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. She reports on justice and human rights issues. Contact her at [email protected]

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Travel Bugs World

7 Bucket List Countries for Trips of a Lifetime

Cascading hot springs

The countries that offer monumental trips of a lifetime have a large number of attractions, including impressive architecture, breathtaking landscapes, delicious food, distinctive culture, and diverse adventures. The seven bucket list countries in this post include this and so much more. They are a must for your travel destination bucket list.

Of the 50 countries we have traveled to, some we have visited a few times, and a couple of them we love the lifestyle so much that we return annually. With so many fascinating countries in the world, it is hard to pick our favorites. Every country we visit offers unique once in a lifetime trips. But these seven bucket list countries are among our favorites, and they are countries we want to return to. We highly recommend you visit them at least once in your life! Keep reading to discover the seven bucket list countries and why they will provide you with trips of a lifetime.

Visit these 7 bucket list countries for epic trips of a lifetime

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We love Thailand so much because of its laid-back lifestyle. Additionally, we love the dazzling beaches, the lush nature, the fascinating culture, the gorgeous temples, and the flavorsome food.

But the thing we love the most is the cost of living and traveling. It is pretty cheap to travel around Thailand. We spend the same amount of money in a month as we do in some European countries in a week. Of course, suppose you are more of a luxury than a budget traveler; in that case, you can splash out on quality accommodation at similar prices to what 3-star motels often cost in western countries.

Many people have Thailand as one of their bucket list countries; however, Thailand has become a home away from home for us. We have gone there every year (since 2006) because we love the island life in the Gulf of Thailand. We feel absolutely blessed to be able to take these trips of a lifetime!

Because of the pandemic, we missed out on going there in the last couple of years, but we will return there soon. We have added Thailand to the top of our travel 2023 travel goals.

Don’t Miss

  • A visit to the markets and the mountains in Chaing Mai.
  • Island hopping in the Gulf of Thailand.
  • The temples of Bangkok.
  • Eating Thai street food at the night markets.

Read Next –  8 reasons to go to Thailand’s Koh Phangan Island now!

Huts on the beach in Goa, India

If we are talking about cheap, India is one of our favorite budget destinations.

However, we love India because it’s colorful, and there are so many diverse cultures to explore. We especially love the tasty spicy food.

India has so much to offer, from temples, beaches, bustling cities, and jungles. We find travel in India is like sitting down at a huge buffet.  

India was one of our bucket list countries for many years. Finally, we traveled to South India for six weeks and left a piece of our hearts in the amazing country. It is one of the most incredible and life-changing trips of a lifetime.

Though, we feel like we have only seen a small part of the vast country and spent only a tiny amount of our lives there. So for travel 2023, North India is on our Asia bucket list. 

  • Goa’s incredible beaches.
  • The incredible laidback vibe and culture of Kerala.
  • The color and activity of Mumbai.
  • Taking a long-distance trip in a sleeper train.

Read Why Travel to India – One of our Top 10 Countries! to discover why we love India and why you should add it to your travel destination bucket list.

Italian coastal village view

Many travelers agree Italy is timeless, and it is one of the top bucket list countries on most people’s travel bucket lists. 

The food, the ruins, the churches, the old towns, and the beaches make it an entertaining vacation.

We love road trips in Italy and have been on two. We enjoy passing and exploring small villages and old towns on the way to larger well-known cities. Mostly, we adore the travel lifestyle in Italy, as it’s all about exploring and eating.

Italy is a country that offers a once-in-a-lifetime trip for anyone who desires a country that is easy to tour and wants to see plenty of attractions. It is one of the top trips of a lifetime for millions of people every year, and most people remark that Italy is one of the top countries to visit.

  • The ruins of Pompeii.
  • The ruins and churches in Rome & the Vatican.
  • Venice. One of our favorite cities, offering once in a lifetime trips to everyone who visits.
  • Cinque Terre and the villages along the Italian Riviera coastline.

Before you go, discover the Vatican Museum Online – Virtual Travel to The Best Museum In The World .

Monastery on a mountain top at Meteora, Greece

If there is paradise on Earth, then Greece is it. Greece is another country high up on most people’s travel bucket lists. Most people dream of visiting the Greek Islands.

It is also the best country to visit for first time travelers. Tourism is well organized, and the main attractions are easy to see.

We love the Greek islands too. However, we also love exploring mainland Greece. Captivating places like Delphi, Meteora, and Athens are full of antiquity and offer more of a chance to see how locals live.

Combined with one of our favorite international cuisines and vibrant culture, we would love to return to Greece to eat and indulge our senses in music and sights.

We will explore more of the mainland towns. However, we will likely start our Greek bucket list trip with some Greek Island hopping. A cruise on the Mediterranean Sea, a beachside villa in Mykonos, and then spend our days gazing at the sea and practicing the sweet art of doing nothing.

  • Island hopping on the Greek Islands.
  • The antiquities and churches in Athens.
  • Mystical Meteora.
  • Greek food, especially grilled seafood.

Do you fancy reading a travel blog about our overland adventures in Greece? We got you!  Mountains, Temples, Islands & Seafood Feasts in Greece .

Beach view in Costa Brava, Spain

They say food makes a holiday, which could not be more accurate for foodies like ourselves. As you can see, most of the destinations we want to return to mention the tantalizing food.

Spain is foodie heaven, and the beer cost is very cheap too! Please give us a few glasses and a massive pile of tapas, and we will be happy!

The other things we love about Spain are the multitude of old towns and the lively plazas, the elegant churches, the beautiful beaches, and the outgoing people.

Spanish culture embraces food, music, the arts, and history. We love the culture and lifestyle, which is about family and friends and enjoying more time with them. It is also about doing things you love and enjoying life instead of working longer hours. We love the way Spanish people live with a zest for life. 

  • One of the many colorful traditional festivals.
  • The world-class cuisine and stunning architecture in Barcelona.
  • The historic old town and courtyards of Cordoba.
  • The beaches and islands.

The Philippines

Boats on the water at low tide

We have only been to the Philippines once. But we loved how friendly the people were.

It is a country made up of many islands that are not easy to get around. For this reason, we have only seen two of the islands out of thousands. However, once you get to your island of choice, traveling around is easy and cheap.

We visited Luzon and Palawan and found a lot of diversity – city life, historical churches, stunning beaches, and lush jungle.

One of the most memorable highlights for us and the many travelers we speak to are the incredible boat cruises that pass majestic uninhabited islands and explore wondrous underwater worlds.

We would love to return to the Philippines and see some other islands.

Don’t miss

  • Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park.
  • Eating at a Boodle Fight. This traditional communal feast is served on banana leaves.
  • Spending some time meeting friendly locals. Many speak excellent English.
  • Manilla for churches and nightlife.

Blue Mountains view

We love Australia due to our family, friends, and history there.

Additionally, call us biased, but having traveled to over 50 countries worldwide, we appreciate what we have in Australia. The panoramic landscape, the thousands of miles of beaches, the miles of highways, and the freedom, make Australia a place we adore.

The epic country offers so much diversity, from the outback desert terrain, rainforests, and mountains to farmlands, tropical beaches, and fun cities. Besides touristy countries like Italy and Greece, Australia is the best country to visit for first time travelers.

Australia is a safe country and easy to travel to, especially for those from English-speaking countries. Australia is the bucket list country that stands out as the country that many travelers say they yearn to visit.

Soon, for our first post-pandemic international trip from New Zealand, we will be heading there, visiting family and friends, and going on a road trip along the endless highways.

  • The lush, tropical Far North Queensland.
  • A coastal road trip from Sydney to Brisbane.
  • The great Australian Outback.
  • The Red Centre & The Northern Territory.

Start planning your Australian adventures today. Read Next – Best Places to Visit in Australia .

As we said earlier, it’s hard to pick a favorite country. It’s equally hard to state that certain countries will offer trips of a lifetime or which are the top countries to visit. 

Any country you visit, especially for the first time, will offer you once in a lifetime trips! However, these 7 countries are among our favorites because they have given us trips of a lifetime that we will cherish forever. For anyone planning on what countries to visit in 2023, we highly recommend you visit these countries at least once in your life. 

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These Are Going to Be the Most Popular Travel Destinations in 2024

A lready thinking about where you want to travel in 2024 ? If you’re hoping to hit the hottest travel destinations of the year, Expedia Group is here to help. The one-stop travel site—alongside and VRBO—just released Unpack '24 , a travel trends analysis for the coming year. In addition to detailing the projected top 10 most popular international destinations of 2024, the site also revealed 10 “dupes” for travelers looking to perhaps spend a bit less, as well as those hoping to be surrounded by fewer fellow tourists. Additionally, they revealed 10 affordable cities where the world’s biggest musical acts are set to perform, as well as where to travel if you live a sober lifestyle.

“At Expedia Group, we have extensive first-party travel data that we use to enhance and curate experiences for our travelers across Expedia,, and Vrbo,” Jon Gieselman, president of Expedia Brands, says in the report. “These insights shape our travel forecasts, revealed in Unpack '24, enabling our travelers to be the first to discover and book the most desired trips before they become well-beaten paths.”

Ready to ignite your travel bug? Ahead, discover the most popular travel destinations of 2024.

The Top 10 Travel Destinations of 2024

Expedia Group predicts that travelers are most likely to jet set to destinations popularized in fan-favorite TV shows and movies. According to the report, “More than half of travelers say they’ve researched or booked a trip to a destination after seeing it on a TV show or in a movie. In fact, travelers say TV shows influence their travel decisions more than Instagram, TikTok, and podcasts.” With that in mind, they reveal that the top 10 travel destinations of 2024 are as follows:

  • Thailand - Featured in White Lotus , Season 3—which has sadly been pushed to premiere in 2025
  • Romania - Featured in Wednesday , Season 2—which has not yet set a release date
  • Malta - As seen in Gladiator 2 , which is set to premiere on November 22, 2024
  • Paris - As seen in Emily in Paris
  • Scottish Highlands - Featured in Outlander
  • London, Bath, and Windsor, U.K. - As seen in Bridgerton and The Crown
  • South Korea - Featured in Squid Game —the Season 2 release date has yet to be announced
  • Florida Keys - As seen in the series Bad Monkey
  • Australia - Featured in Baz Luhrmann’s Faraway Downs series, as well as the film Furiosa , which is set to premiere on May 24, 2024
  • Greece - as seen in the films Argylle (set to release in 2024) and My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3

The Top 10 Travel Destination Dupes

Dupes have long been lauded in the beauty and fashion categories, and now the concept is making its way to travel. “1 in 3 of those polled say they’ve booked a dupe,” the report reveals. “But what do these less obvious alternatives offer besides potential savings? They’re often less crowded, tend to be a little unexpected, and can be every bit as delightful as the tried-and-true destinations.”

Intrigued by the idea of booking a stellar vacation for a fraction of the price? Check out Expedia Group’s Top 10 Travel Destination Dupes, below, which are listed as the original destination of inspiration and the dupe that mirrors it.

  • Seoul —> Taipei
  • Bangkok —> Pattaya
  • Santorini —> Paros
  • Saint Martin —> Curaçao
  • Sydney —> Perth
  • London —> Liverpool
  • Lisbon —> Palermo
  • Geneva —> Québec City
  • Zermatt —> Sapporo
  • Nashville —> Memphis

The Top 10 Tour-Inspired Travel Destinations

Music lovers, this one’s for you! As you well know, traveling to see your favorite artists live is expensive, to say the least. With this in mind, Expedia set out to find the most affordable destinations where the world’s most famous pop and rock stars are set to take the stage in 2024.

Through their research, in which they analyzed the average daily rates of tour locations, they found the top 10 most affordable cities (less than $150/night on average) where travelers can witness the likes of Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Coldplay, Metallica, Madonna, and more. They are as follows:

  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - $91
  • Edmonton, Canada - $108
  • Mexico City, Mexico - $119
  • Warsaw, Poland - $119
  • Birmingham, U.K. - $127
  • Houston, Texas - $130
  • Antwerp, Belgium - $140
  • Tokyo, Japan - $147
  • Perth, Australia - $148
  • Detroit, Michigan - $149

For more research-backed travel trends, be sure to check out Expedia’s full Unpack ‘24 Trend Report .

Discover destinations all over the world inspired by TV and movie sets, music tours, lifestyle trends, and more.

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Elektrostal, visit elektrostal, check elektrostal hotel availability, popular places to visit.

  • Electrostal History and Art Museum

You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

  • Cities near Elektrostal

Photo by Ksander

  • Places of interest
  • Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
  • Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino
  • Peter the Great Military Academy
  • History of Russian Scarfs and Shawls Museum
  • Bykovo Manor
  • Balashikha Arena
  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Fryazino Centre for Culture and Leisure
  • Military Technical Museum
  • Church of Our Lady of Kazan
  • Drama Theatre BOOM
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Orekhovo Zuevsky City Exhibition Hall
  • Borisoglebsky Sports Palace
  • Ramenskii History and Art Museum
  • Church of Vladimir
  • Shirokov House
  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center
  • Pavlovsky Posad Museum of Art and History
  • Saturn Stadium
  • Zheleznodorozhny Museum of Local Lore
  • Stella Municipal Drama Theater
  • Fairy Tale Children's Model Puppet Theater
  • Fifth House Gallery
  • Likino Dulevo Museum of Local Lore
  • Malakhovka Museum of History and Culture
  • Art Gallery of The City District


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    And Why Visit Australia. By Travel Bugs World. Having traveled to over 50 countries worldwide, Australia is one of the standouts. The panoramic landscape, the thousands of miles of beaches, the open roads, and the freedoms make it a country we love. This story is about one of our three favorite countries in the world- Australia.

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    The travel bug set in, and two years later I travelled as a solo traveller through Europe and the Middle East on a 2-year backpacking trip. It was the trip of a lifetime! I had grown accustomed to the nomadic lifestyle, and above anything else, I desired to live my life being able to roam around the world.

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    6. You Have a Box Filled With Currency From Around the World. If you are anything like me you always save some money from the countries you have visited. By now I have a big box with coins and bills from all over the world. Which, again, is a great way to reminisce past trips on a rainy day. 7.

  10. Travel Bug

    A travel bug is an item which is trackable which looks similar to a dog tag. The tag is stamped with a tracking number and the website address. A travel bug can be attached to another item by use of the chain on the travel bug if required, examples of such items include teddy bears, toy cars, or golf balls.

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  12. Bitten By The Travelbug? Exploring Travel Beyond Boundaries

    Wanderlust, when unleashed, can ignite the world with its transformative power. By exploring travel beyond boundaries, we satiate our desire for adventure and discovery and become ambassadors of cultural exchange and conservation. Let go of conventional travel norms, embrace your inner explorer, and depart on a journey of self-discovery that ...

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    An Epic Southwest USA Road trip - 2 weeks itinerary. This Southwest road trip exceeded my expectations on so many levels. Spectacular landscape, unique places combined with road trip adventures and all in comfortable home on wheels. RVing through the Southwest USA is definitely a bucket-list item!

  14. Travel Bug, what it is and when you know you have it

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  15. The Travel Bug

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  18. Year in Review: Virtual Travel

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  28. These Are Going to Be the Most Popular Travel Destinations in 2024

    Ready to ignite your travel bug? Ahead, discover the most popular travel destinations of 2024. The Top 10 Travel Destinations of 2024. Expedia Group predicts that travelers are most likely to jet ...

  29. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Travel guide resource for your visit to Elektrostal. Discover the best of Elektrostal so you can plan your trip right. Vacation Packages. Stays. Cars. Flights. Support. All travel. Vacation Packages Stays Cars Flights Cruises Support Things to do. My Account. Members can access discounts and special features.

  30. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Elektrostal

    Things to Do in Elektrostal. 1. Electrostal History and Art Museum. 2. Statue of Lenin. 3. Park of Culture and Leisure. 4. Museum and Exhibition Center.