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The Geek’s Guide to Talk About Your Website in Spanish

Are you looking to design your own website in Spanish, but have no idea about the vocabulary you need for it? 

Tough the internet is widely populated by English terms, you still need to learn specific vocabulary related to web design, web developing, and SEO. If you’re planning to create a website in Spanish, then there are many terms in Spanish you need to learn.

Keep reading to learn all the needed vocabulary about designing your website in Spanish, types of websites, web design, web developing, and SEO. 

Each section comes with example sentences to help you understand the terms in their context. 

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Designing Your Website Using Spanish Vocabulary

If you have a business, you need a website. If you’re a creative professional, you need a website. If you like to express yourself through the written word, you need a website. 

Nowadays, pretty much everyone needs to have their own website. So, while there are very good website designers and developers, it’s important that you speak their lingo and understand what they’re talking about. 

But, what if your website is directed at the Hispanic market? Or perhaps your web designer only speaks Spanish. Or maybe you live in Latin America and need to learn how to design your website in Spanish.

In any case, you’ll need to broaden your vocabulary. 

Example sentences

¿Está tu sitio web en español? Is your website in Spanish?

Mi dirección web está en mi tarjeta.  My web address is in my card. 

Yo uso el navegador Chrome de Google. I use the Chrome browser by Google. 

¿Cuánto espacio de almacenamiento tiene tu sitio web en español? How much storage does your website in Spanish have?

Tengo que escribir los términos y condiciones de mi página web para estudiantes. I have to write the terms and conditions for my website for students.

Haz clic en el enlace a la derecha de la pantalla. Click on the link in the right side of the screen. 

Tienes demasiadas pestañas abiertas. You have too many open tabs. 

¿Ya buscaste en las preguntas frecuentes? Have you looked in the FAQs?

Types of Websites: Spanish Vocabulary

Depending on why do you need your website, you’ll find out that there are several different types of websites. 

Here are the most common ones: 

Example sentences:

¿Haz leído mi blog? Have you read my blog?

Ya está lista mi nueva página de negocios. My new business website is ready.

Visita mi tienda en línea.  Visit my online store. 

Vi el concierto anunciado en una página de eventos. I saw the concert advertising on an events website.

Yo nunca entro a los foros en línea.  I never log in into online forums. 

Apunta my página de redes sociales. Write down my social media website.

El periódico Reforma tiene una página de noticias muy buena.  The Reforma newspaper has a very good news website.

En mi página de portafolio puedes ver muestras de mi trabajo.  You can see samples of my work on my portfolio website.

La Tienda en Línea (Online Store)

Now let’s focus on specific vocabulary about online stores. 

Compré un artículo de tu tienda en línea.  I bought an item from your online store.

Aceptamos pagos con tarjeta de crédito. We accept credit cards.

Ingrese a su cuenta.  Sign in into your account. 

El envío es gratis. Free shipping

Se agregó un artículo al carrito de compras. An item was added to your shopping cart.

En este momento no tenemos este artículo en inventario.  We don’t have this item available at this time. 

Ingrese la dirección de envío.   Fill in your shipping adress. 

¿Dónde ingreso mis datos de facturación? Where can I add my billing information?

You might like: 10 Types of Stores and Their Names in Spanish

El Blog (Blog)

The following are terms widely used in blogs, although most of them are also used in other types of websites.  

No encuentro el botón de publicar.  I can’t find the publish button.

Ya leíste los comentarios de mi última publicación.  Have you read the comments of my last post. 

Haz clic en la barra de búsqueda. Click on the search bar. 

¿Te gusta esa imagen para mi blog?  Do you like that image for my blog?

Tienes que cambiar el encabezado de tu blog.  You have to change the header on your blog.

¿Qué etiquetas le pongo a esta publicación? What tags should I put on this post?

Me encanta el contenido de tu blog. I love your blog’s content.

No me gusta el pie de página de tu blog.  I don’t like your blog’s footer.

You might like: A Beginner’s Guide to Blogging in Spanish

El Sitio de Redes Sociales (Social Media Site)

We all have our own social media websites and now it’s time to learn the Spanish terms used on them.

Ya tengo 1,000 seguidores. I already have 1,000 followers.

Le dí me gusta a tu publicación. I liked your post.

Mi nombre de usuario es luis77. My username is luis77.

¿Ya descargaste la nueva aplicación?  Have you downloaded the new app?

Me gusta el filtro que usaste en esa fotografía. I like the filter you used in that photo. 

¿Hablamos por el chat? Should we talk on the chat?

Tengo que cambiar mi foto de perfil. I have to change my profile picture.

Ya hice clic en el botón de compartir.  I clicked on the sharing button.

Parts of Your Website: Spanish Vocabulary

Now here are the different parts that your website may have.

Me gusta el logotipo de tu página web. I like the logo of your website.

Surscríbete a nuestro boletín. Subscribe to our newsletter.

¿Dónde está la información de contacto? Where is the contact information?

Aquí encontrará todos nuestros servicios. Here you will find all our services. 

¿Qué productos tienes disponibles en tu sitio web? What products do you have available on your website?

Puse estos íconos de redes sociales en el encabezado. I added these social media icons on the header.

La página de aterrizaje se cayó. The landing page crashed.

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Web Developer Vocabulary in Spanish

The web developer is the person responsible for make your website work. 

These are the famous programmers who actually know how to code in one or several of the different coding languages such as Javascript, CSS, PHP, or HTML.

El algoritmo trabaja automáticamente. The algorithm works automatically.

Hay un error en la aplicación. There’s a bug in the app.

La experiencia del usuario es muy importante. The user experience is very important.

Tienes que rellenar la base de datos. You have to fill in the database. 

¿Qué lenguaje de programación utilizas? Which programming language do you use?

El código de tu página web está muy bien diseñado. Your website’s code is very well designed.

¿Sabes cuál es tu dirección IP? Do you know your IP address?

Voy a contratar un nuevo desarrollador web. I’m going to hire a new web developer.

Web Designer Vocabulary in Spanish

If the web developer was the engineer behind your website, the web designer is its architect. 

A web designer focuses on the aesthetic, functional, and commercial side of your website, and to do that they use different terms than those used by web developers.

¿Ya llegó el diseñador web? Has the web designer arrived?

Me gusta mucho la paleta de colores que estás usando.  I liked a lot the color palette you’re using.

¿Le puedes bajar la resolución a esta imagen? Can you lower this image’s resolution?

Tenemos que poner una marca de agua en esa imagen. We have to add a watermark to that image. 

¿Qué fuente estás usando? What font are you using?

¡Es un excelente diseño! It’s an excellent design!

Me gusta que la página web mantiene un equilibrio entre sus partes. I like that the website keeps a balance between its different parts. 

Quisiera ver un bosquejo primero.  I’d like to see a mockup first.

You might like: The Ultimate Guide to All Colors in Spanish

SEO Vocabulary in Spanish

When you create a website in Spanish you need to keep in mind the SEO in order to be found by the search engines and appear high on searches related to your website. 

¿Qué motor de búsqueda usas? Which search engine do you use?

Mi página crece solo con tráfico orgánico. My website grows with only organice traffic.

¿Cuál es tu densidad de palabras claves? What’s your keyword density?

Aparecemos muy arriba en la clasificación de Google. We appear very high in Google’s ranking.

Voy a contratar los servicios SEO de tu compañía. I’m going to hire the SEO services of your company.

¿Cuál es tu estrategia SEO? Which is your SEO strategy?

Nuestro porcentaje de rebote es muy bueno. Our bounce rate is very good.

¿Borraste el contenido duplicado? Did you delete the duplicate content?

Now You’re Ready to Create Your Website in Spanish

That’s a long list of website-related vocabulary that will undoubtedly help you design and develop your own website in Spanish. 

Make sure to practice these new terms and introduce them into your conversations to learn them as quickly as possible, and sooner than you think you’ll create your own website in Spanish.

Ready to learn more Spanish grammar and vocabulary? Check these out!

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Visit our website.

  • Thread starter KirstenB
  • Start date Feb 23, 2015
  • Feb 23, 2015

How would I say, "Visit our website" in Spanish?  

mancunienne girl

Senior member.

Visite nuestro sitio web  


En España se dice habitualmente "página web"  


  • Feb 24, 2015
Ferrol said: En España se dice habitualmente "página web" Click to expand...
EddieZumac said: En México también se dice "página web". Click to expand...


Entiendo que una cosa es website, y otra web page. Una compañía tiene un sitio con varias páginas.  

iribela said: Entiendo que una cosa es website, y otra web page. Una compañía tiene un sitio con varias páginas. Click to expand...


O simplemente, web.  

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What is the translation of "visit a website" in Spanish?

"visit a website" in spanish.

  • volume_up visitar un sitio web

Context sentences

Similar translations, english contextual examples of "visit a website" in english.

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  • open_in_new Link to source
  • warning Request revision

English Spanish Contextual examples of "visit a website" in Spanish

Similar translations for "visit a website" in spanish.

  • conversación
  • estar de visita
  • hacer una visita
  • visit a place
  • visit a prison
  • visit a relative
  • visit a salon
  • visit a shop
  • visit a site
  • visit a spa
  • visit a store
  • visit a temple
  • visit a village
  • visit a website
  • visit a week
  • visit a winery
  • visit a zoo
  • visit an orphanage
  • visit annually
  • visit coincided with
  • visit daily
  • visit doctor
  • visit follow
  • visit frequently

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Traducción de website – Diccionario Inglés-Español

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  • This website is currently under construction .
  • Their website looks amateurish .
  • I've found a really useful website about allergies on the Net .
  • Their website is fairly plain , but very easy to navigate .
  • If you have any problems , consult the FAQs on our website.

(Traducción de website del Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Traducción of website | Diccionario GLOBAL Inglés-Español

(Traducción de website del Diccionario GLOBAL Inglés-Español © 2020 K Dictionaries Ltd)

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the act of an animal running around, sometimes in circles, in a very energetic way

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Binding, nailing, and gluing: talking about fastening things together

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Province of Almeria

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  • Cabo de Gata y Níjar
  • Costa de Almería
  • Sierra de los Filabres
  • Sierra de María/Los Velez
  • Valle de Almanzora

Province of Cadiz

  • Costa de la Luz (Cádiz)
  • Campo de Gibraltar/Los Alcornocales
  • Jerez de la Frontera
  • Pueblos Blancos/Sierra de Grazalema

Province of Cordoba

  • Córdoba y su Entorno
  • Córdoba y la Zona del Guadalquivir
  • La Campiña (Córdoba)
  • Alto Guadiato
  • La Subbética
  • Los Pedroches

Province of Granada

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  • Costa Tropical y Valle de Lecrín
  • Hoya de Guadix y Marquesado
  • La Vega y la Campana
  • El Poniente Granadino
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Province of Huelva

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  • Doñana y Entorno
  • Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche
  • Costa de la Luz (Huelva)
  • Huelva y Lugares Colombinos
  • Niebla y el Condado

Province of Jaen

  • Jaén y Entorno
  • Sierra Morena/Sierras de Andújar y Despeñaperros
  • Sierra Mágina

Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas

  • Úbeda/Baeza
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Province of Malaga

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  • Antequera y Entorno
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  • Málaga y Entorno
  • Serranía de Ronda/Valle del Genal
  • Valle del Guadalhorce

Province of Seville

  • El Aljarafe
  • La Marisma/Bajo Guadalquivir
  • La Vega del Guadalquivir
  • Sevilla y Entorno
  • Sierra Norte

Main attractions

Mezquita de Córdoba

Alcazaba de Málaga

Jaén Cathedral

Cádiz Cathedral

Muelle de las Carabelas

Alcazaba de Almería

Alhambra y Generalife

Andalusia's Natural Treasures

Cerro del Hierro

Duna de Bolonia

Caminito del Rey

Georuta Desierto de Gorafe

La Geoda de Pulpí

Gruta de las Maravillas

Tinto River

Los Alcornocales

Sierra Nevada

Sierras Subbéticas

Torcal de Antequera


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Places of leisure

Offers and Experiences

Astrotourism - Star Tourism

Tourist Routes

Andalucía a caballo

Meetings and congresses

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Andalusia made to measure

With the family

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Andalusia all year round

Summer in Andalusia

Autumn in Andalusia

Christmas in Andalusia

Andalusia in Spring

How to get around in Andalusia

Come by air, by boat or by land

Transport companies in Andalusia

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Where to sleep?


Housing for tourism purposes

Rural House

Country House Lodge

Rural Resort

Campsites and overnight parking

Youth Hostel

Boarding House

Where to eat ?

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Gourmet markets

Things to do

Ideas for your trip

Publications and Brochures

City brochures

Coast leaflets

Area brochure

Specialised brochures

Folletos genéricos

Provincial leaflets

Specialised books

What is NAC?

How does NAC work?

How to create offers in NAC ?

SmartData Andalusia

¿Qué es smartdata?

Fuentes smartdata

Solicitar usuario

Acceso smartdata

Material Audiovisual

Condiciones de uso de la galeria multimedia


  • Our capitals . Our capitals . Our capitals . Our capitals . Almería +info Almería +info Almería +info Almería +info Cádiz +info Cádiz +info Cádiz +info Cádiz +info Córdoba +info Córdoba +info Córdoba +info Córdoba +info Granada +info Granada +info Granada +info Granada +info Huelva +info Huelva +info Huelva +info Huelva +info Jaén +info Jaén +info Jaén +info Jaén +info Málaga +info Málaga +info Málaga +info Málaga +info Sevilla +info Sevilla +info Sevilla +info Sevilla +info
  • Almería y su Entorno Almería y su Entorno Almería y su Entorno Almería y su Entorno
  • Alpujarra Almeriense/Río Nacimiento Alpujarra Almeriense/Río Nacimiento Alpujarra Almeriense/Río Nacimiento Alpujarra Almeriense/Río Nacimiento
  • Cabo de Gata y Níjar Cabo de Gata y Níjar Cabo de Gata y Níjar Cabo de Gata y Níjar
  • Costa de Almería Costa de Almería Costa de Almería Costa de Almería
  • Sierra de los Filabres Sierra de los Filabres Sierra de los Filabres Sierra de los Filabres
  • Sierra de María/Los Velez Sierra de María/Los Velez Sierra de María/Los Velez Sierra de María/Los Velez
  • Valle de Almanzora Valle de Almanzora Valle de Almanzora Valle de Almanzora
  • Costa de la Luz (Cádiz) Costa de la Luz (Cádiz) Costa de la Luz (Cádiz) Costa de la Luz (Cádiz)
  • Campo de Gibraltar/Los Alcornocales Campo de Gibraltar/Los Alcornocales Campo de Gibraltar/Los Alcornocales Campo de Gibraltar/Los Alcornocales
  • Cádiz Cádiz Cádiz Cádiz
  • Jerez de la Frontera Jerez de la Frontera Jerez de la Frontera Jerez de la Frontera
  • Pueblos Blancos/Sierra de Grazalema Pueblos Blancos/Sierra de Grazalema Pueblos Blancos/Sierra de Grazalema Pueblos Blancos/Sierra de Grazalema
  • Córdoba y su Entorno Córdoba y su Entorno Córdoba y su Entorno Córdoba y su Entorno
  • Córdoba y la Zona del Guadalquivir Córdoba y la Zona del Guadalquivir Córdoba y la Zona del Guadalquivir Córdoba y la Zona del Guadalquivir
  • La Campiña (Córdoba) La Campiña (Córdoba) La Campiña (Córdoba) La Campiña (Córdoba)
  • Alto Guadiato Alto Guadiato Alto Guadiato Alto Guadiato
  • La Subbética La Subbética La Subbética La Subbética
  • Los Pedroches Los Pedroches Los Pedroches Los Pedroches
  • Altiplano de Granada Altiplano de Granada Altiplano de Granada Altiplano de Granada
  • Costa Tropical y Valle de Lecrín Costa Tropical y Valle de Lecrín Costa Tropical y Valle de Lecrín Costa Tropical y Valle de Lecrín
  • Hoya de Guadix y Marquesado Hoya de Guadix y Marquesado Hoya de Guadix y Marquesado Hoya de Guadix y Marquesado
  • La Vega y la Campana La Vega y la Campana La Vega y la Campana La Vega y la Campana
  • El Poniente Granadino El Poniente Granadino El Poniente Granadino El Poniente Granadino
  • Granada y Sierra Nevada Granada y Sierra Nevada Granada y Sierra Nevada Granada y Sierra Nevada
  • La Alpujarra La Alpujarra La Alpujarra La Alpujarra
  • Andévalo y Parque Minero Andévalo y Parque Minero Andévalo y Parque Minero Andévalo y Parque Minero
  • Doñana y Entorno Doñana y Entorno Doñana y Entorno Doñana y Entorno
  • Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche
  • Costa de la Luz (Huelva) Costa de la Luz (Huelva) Costa de la Luz (Huelva) Costa de la Luz (Huelva)
  • Huelva y Lugares Colombinos Huelva y Lugares Colombinos Huelva y Lugares Colombinos Huelva y Lugares Colombinos
  • Niebla y el Condado Niebla y el Condado Niebla y el Condado Niebla y el Condado
  • Jaén y Entorno Jaén y Entorno Jaén y Entorno Jaén y Entorno
  • Sierra Morena/Sierras de Andújar y Despeñaperros Sierra Morena/Sierras de Andújar y Despeñaperros Sierra Morena/Sierras de Andújar y Despeñaperros Sierra Morena/Sierras de Andújar y Despeñaperros
  • Sierra Mágina Sierra Mágina Sierra Mágina Sierra Mágina
  • Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas
  • Úbeda/Baeza Úbeda/Baeza Úbeda/Baeza Úbeda/Baeza
  • Sierra Sur y Campiña de Jaén Sierra Sur y Campiña de Jaén Sierra Sur y Campiña de Jaén Sierra Sur y Campiña de Jaén
  • Axarquía/Costa del Sol Oriental Axarquía/Costa del Sol Oriental Axarquía/Costa del Sol Oriental Axarquía/Costa del Sol Oriental
  • Antequera y Entorno Antequera y Entorno Antequera y Entorno Antequera y Entorno
  • Costa del Sol Occidental Costa del Sol Occidental Costa del Sol Occidental Costa del Sol Occidental
  • Málaga y Entorno Málaga y Entorno Málaga y Entorno Málaga y Entorno
  • Serranía de Ronda/Valle del Genal Serranía de Ronda/Valle del Genal Serranía de Ronda/Valle del Genal Serranía de Ronda/Valle del Genal
  • Valle del Guadalhorce Valle del Guadalhorce Valle del Guadalhorce Valle del Guadalhorce
  • El Aljarafe El Aljarafe El Aljarafe El Aljarafe
  • La Marisma/Bajo Guadalquivir La Marisma/Bajo Guadalquivir La Marisma/Bajo Guadalquivir La Marisma/Bajo Guadalquivir
  • La Vega del Guadalquivir La Vega del Guadalquivir La Vega del Guadalquivir La Vega del Guadalquivir
  • Sevilla y Entorno Sevilla y Entorno Sevilla y Entorno Sevilla y Entorno
  • Sierra Norte Sierra Norte Sierra Norte Sierra Norte
  • Main attractions . Main attractions . Main attractions . Main attractions . Mezquita de Córdoba +info Mezquita de Córdoba +info Mezquita de Córdoba +info Mezquita de Córdoba +info La Giralda +info La Giralda +info La Giralda +info La Giralda +info Alcazaba de Málaga +info Alcazaba de Málaga +info Alcazaba de Málaga +info Alcazaba de Málaga +info Jaén Cathedral +info Jaén Cathedral +info Jaén Cathedral +info Jaén Cathedral +info Cádiz Cathedral +info Cádiz Cathedral +info Cádiz Cathedral +info Cádiz Cathedral +info Muelle de las Carabelas +info Muelle de las Carabelas +info Muelle de las Carabelas +info Muelle de las Carabelas +info Alcazaba de Almería +info Alcazaba de Almería +info Alcazaba de Almería +info Alcazaba de Almería +info Alhambra y Generalife +info Alhambra y Generalife +info Alhambra y Generalife +info Alhambra y Generalife +info
  • Andalusia's Natural Treasures . Andalusia's Natural Treasures . Andalusia's Natural Treasures . Andalusia's Natural Treasures . Cerro del Hierro +info Cerro del Hierro +info Cerro del Hierro +info Cerro del Hierro +info Doñana +info Doñana +info Doñana +info Doñana +info Duna de Bolonia +info Duna de Bolonia +info Duna de Bolonia +info Duna de Bolonia +info Caminito del Rey +info Caminito del Rey +info Caminito del Rey +info Caminito del Rey +info Georuta Desierto de Gorafe +info Georuta Desierto de Gorafe +info Georuta Desierto de Gorafe +info Georuta Desierto de Gorafe +info La Geoda de Pulpí +info La Geoda de Pulpí +info La Geoda de Pulpí +info La Geoda de Pulpí +info Gruta de las Maravillas +info Gruta de las Maravillas +info Gruta de las Maravillas +info Gruta de las Maravillas +info Tinto River +info Tinto River +info Tinto River +info Tinto River +info Los Alcornocales +info Los Alcornocales +info Los Alcornocales +info Los Alcornocales +info Sierra Nevada +info Sierra Nevada +info Sierra Nevada +info Sierra Nevada +info Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas +info Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas +info Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas +info Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y las Villas +info Sierras Subbéticas +info Sierras Subbéticas +info Sierras Subbéticas +info Sierras Subbéticas +info Torcal de Antequera +info Torcal de Antequera +info Torcal de Antequera +info Torcal de Antequera +info Despeñaperros +info Despeñaperros +info Despeñaperros +info Despeñaperros +info
  • Costa del Sol Costa del Sol Costa del Sol Costa del Sol
  • Costa de la Luz- Cadiz Costa de la Luz- Cadiz Costa de la Luz- Cadiz Costa de la Luz- Cadiz
  • Costa de la Luz-Huelva Costa de la Luz-Huelva Costa de la Luz-Huelva Costa de la Luz-Huelva
  • Costa Tropical Costa Tropical Costa Tropical Costa Tropical
  • Blue Flag beaches Blue Flag beaches Blue Flag beaches Blue Flag beaches
  • Gastronomic Activities Gastronomic Activities Gastronomic Activities Gastronomic Activities
  • Michelin Star Michelin Star Michelin Star Michelin Star
  • Recipes Recipes Recipes Recipes
  • Adapted Golf Adapted Golf Adapted Golf Adapted Golf
  • Pitch & Putt Pitch & Putt Pitch & Putt Pitch & Putt
  • Live . Live . Live . Live . Offers and Experiences +info Offers and Experiences +info Offers and Experiences +info Offers and Experiences +info - +info - +info - +info - +info Astrotourism - Star Tourism +info Astrotourism - Star Tourism +info Astrotourism - Star Tourism +info Astrotourism - Star Tourism +info Tourist Routes +info Tourist Routes +info Tourist Routes +info Tourist Routes +info Andalucía a caballo +info Andalucía a caballo +info Andalucía a caballo +info Andalucía a caballo +info Meetings and congresses +info Meetings and congresses +info Meetings and congresses +info Meetings and congresses +info Spanish language schools +info Spanish language schools +info Spanish language schools +info Spanish language schools +info Cyclotourism +info Cyclotourism +info Cyclotourism +info Cyclotourism +info
  • Andalusia made to measure . Andalusia made to measure . Andalusia made to measure . Andalusia made to measure . With the family +info With the family +info With the family +info With the family +info - +info - +info - +info - +info Digital and energetic nomad +info Digital and energetic nomad +info Digital and energetic nomad +info Digital and energetic nomad +info
  • Andalusia all year round . Andalusia all year round . Andalusia all year round . Andalusia all year round . Summer in Andalusia +info Summer in Andalusia +info Summer in Andalusia +info Summer in Andalusia +info Autumn in Andalusia +info Autumn in Andalusia +info Autumn in Andalusia +info Autumn in Andalusia +info Christmas in Andalusia +info Christmas in Andalusia +info Christmas in Andalusia +info Christmas in Andalusia +info Holy week +info Holy week +info Holy week +info Holy week +info Andalusia in Spring +info Andalusia in Spring +info Andalusia in Spring +info Andalusia in Spring +info
  • How to get around in Andalusia +info . How to get around in Andalusia +info . How to get around in Andalusia +info . How to get around in Andalusia +info . Come by air, by boat or by land +info Come by air, by boat or by land +info Come by air, by boat or by land +info Come by air, by boat or by land +info Transport companies in Andalusia +info Transport companies in Andalusia +info Transport companies in Andalusia +info Transport companies in Andalusia +info Practical information +info Practical information +info Practical information +info Practical information +info
  • Where to sleep? +info . Where to sleep? +info . Where to sleep? +info . Where to sleep? +info . Hotel +info Hotel +info Hotel +info Hotel +info Hotel-Apartment +info Hotel-Apartment +info Hotel-Apartment +info Hotel-Apartment +info Apartment +info Apartment +info Apartment +info Apartment +info Housing for tourism purposes +info Housing for tourism purposes +info Housing for tourism purposes +info Housing for tourism purposes +info Rural House +info Rural House +info Rural House +info Rural House +info Country House Lodge +info Country House Lodge +info Country House Lodge +info Country House Lodge +info Rural Resort +info Rural Resort +info Rural Resort +info Rural Resort +info Campsites and overnight parking +info Campsites and overnight parking +info Campsites and overnight parking +info Campsites and overnight parking +info Youth Hostel +info Youth Hostel +info Youth Hostel +info Youth Hostel +info Hostel +info Hostel +info Hostel +info Hostel +info Boarding House +info Boarding House +info Boarding House +info Boarding House +info
  • Where to eat ? +info . Where to eat ? +info . Where to eat ? +info . Where to eat ? +info . Restaurants +info Restaurants +info Restaurants +info Restaurants +info Gourmet markets +info Gourmet markets +info Gourmet markets +info Gourmet markets +info
  • Things to do . Things to do . Things to do . Things to do . Offers and Experiences +info Offers and Experiences +info Offers and Experiences +info Offers and Experiences +info Events +info Events +info Events +info Events +info Ideas for your trip +info Ideas for your trip +info Ideas for your trip +info Ideas for your trip +info News +info News +info News +info News +info
  • Publications and Brochures +info . Publications and Brochures +info . Publications and Brochures +info . Publications and Brochures +info . City brochures +info City brochures +info City brochures +info City brochures +info Coast leaflets +info Coast leaflets +info Coast leaflets +info Coast leaflets +info Area brochure +info Area brochure +info Area brochure +info Area brochure +info Specialised brochures +info Specialised brochures +info Specialised brochures +info Specialised brochures +info Folletos genéricos +info Folletos genéricos +info Folletos genéricos +info Folletos genéricos +info Provincial leaflets +info Provincial leaflets +info Provincial leaflets +info Provincial leaflets +info Specialised books +info Specialised books +info Specialised books +info Specialised books +info
  • NAC +info . NAC +info . NAC +info . NAC +info . What is NAC? +info What is NAC? +info What is NAC? +info What is NAC? +info How does NAC work? +info How does NAC work? +info How does NAC work? +info How does NAC work? +info How to create offers in NAC ? +info How to create offers in NAC ? +info How to create offers in NAC ? +info How to create offers in NAC ? +info Who we are +info Who we are +info Who we are +info Who we are +info
  • SmartData Andalusia +info . SmartData Andalusia +info . SmartData Andalusia +info . SmartData Andalusia +info . ¿Qué es smartdata? +info ¿Qué es smartdata? +info ¿Qué es smartdata? href="https://smartdata.andalucia.org/que-es-smartdata/" style="margin-left: 10px;" target="_blank">+info ¿Qué es smartdata? +info Fuentes smartdata +info Fuentes smartdata +info Fuentes smartdata href="https://smartdata.andalucia.org/fuentes-smartdata/" style="margin-left: 10px;" target="_blank">+info Fuentes smartdata +info Solicitar usuario +info Solicitar usuario +info Solicitar usuario href="https://smartdata.andalucia.org/solicitar-usuario/" style="margin-left: 10px;" target="_blank">+info Solicitar usuario +info Acceso smartdata +info Acceso smartdata +info Acceso smartdata href="https://smartdata.andalucia.org/acceso-smartdata/" style="margin-left: 10px;" target="_blank">+info Acceso smartdata +info
  • Material Audiovisual +info . Material Audiovisual +info . Material Audiovisual +info . Material Audiovisual +info . Condiciones de uso de la galeria multimedia +info Condiciones de uso de la galeria multimedia +info Condiciones de uso de la galeria multimedia href="https://media.andalucia.org/galeria/terminos" style="margin-left: 10px;" target="_blank">+info Condiciones de uso de la galeria multimedia +info Lo último +info Lo último +info Lo último href="https://media.andalucia.org/galeria/search" style="margin-left: 10px;" target="_blank">+info Lo último +info Colecciones +info Colecciones +info Colecciones href="https://media.andalucia.org/galeria/collections" style="margin-left: 10px;" target="_blank">+info Colecciones +info
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Andalucía is located south of the Iberian Peninsula. Access to Andalusia can be done by plane, by boat, by train or by road.

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Where to sleep

The accommodations of Andalucía satisfy the most demanding traveler, from a different environment to the most classic style. The are many options to choose from.

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What to eat

The Andalusian gastronomy is as wide and varied as its territory. Enjoy a whole repertoire of dishes and products whose excellence is celebrated all over the world.

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Learn about the possibilities offered by this region of the south of the Iberian Peninsula come to the time of year you come.

Discover the magic of Andalusia in spring , a time of transformation and unparalleled beauty. Live the explosion of colors of its landscapes, feel the sun on your skin and enjoy a perfect climate to explore every corner of this land.

More than a season , spring in Andalusia is an experience . It is the ideal time to enjoy it.


Book your tourist experience

See more offers.

Alhambra Private Tour with Nasrid Palaces and Generalife Gardens

Alhambra Private Tour with Nasrid Palaces and Generalife Gardens

La Pelusa Apartments in East Málaga

La Pelusa Apartments in East Málaga

Paddleboarding in Sierras de Cazorla

Paddleboarding in Sierras de Cazorla

Special discount on FIAT 500 model car rental at Miami Car Hire

Special discount on FIAT 500 model car rental at Miami Car Hire

Promoción Junio 20%

Promoción Junio 20%

Caminito del Rey desde Sevilla

Caminito del Rey desde Sevilla

Tour por Itálica desde Sevilla

Tour por Itálica desde Sevilla

Pueblos Blancos y Ronda desde Sevilla

Pueblos Blancos y Ronda desde Sevilla

Don't miss....

Gran Premio de España Moto GP

Gran Premio de España Moto GP

Fería Nacional de la Gamba, la Chirla y el Boquerón de Punta Umbria

Fería Nacional de la Gamba, la Chirla y el Boquerón de Punta Umbria

Horse Fair

Festival de los Patios de Córdoba

Romería del Rocío

Romería del Rocío

Vinoble Jerez

Vinoble Jerez

Fair of the Manzanilla

Fair of the Manzanilla

Festival de la Guitarra de Córdoba

Festival de la Guitarra de Córdoba

Festival Internacional de Música y Danza de Granada

Festival Internacional de Música y Danza de Granada

Starlite Occident

Starlite Occident

Torneo Internacional de Polo

Torneo Internacional de Polo

Fiesta del Cascamorras

Fiesta del Cascamorras

Proposals to enjoy andalusia.

A journey on board the Al Andalus train

A journey on board the Al Andalus train

Bluefin tuna, the taste of Cadiz in springtime

Bluefin tuna, the taste of Cadiz in springtime

Easter week in Andalusia

Easter week in Andalusia

La gruta de las maravillas grotto, an underground treasure

La gruta de las maravillas grotto, an underground treasure

5 reasons that will make you discover Lugares Colombinos in Huelva

5 reasons that will make you discover Lugares Colombinos in Huelva

Surf destinations in Cadiz where you'll enjoy good vibes

Surf destinations in Cadiz where you'll enjoy good vibes

Beyond the city: Discover the beautiful countryside of Cordoba

Beyond the city: Discover the beautiful countryside of Cordoba

A weekend discovering Autumn in the Sierra de Aracena mountains

A weekend discovering Autumn in the Sierra de Aracena mountains

For professionals.


Statistics and Market Research

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  • Discover Andalusia
  • The best sun in the world
  • 100% Natural
  • Andalusia flavor


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  • Cádiz
  • Córdoba
  • Jaén
  • Málaga


  • Active turism
  • Conferences and Congresses
  • Touristic Routes


  • Accommodations
  • Guided Activities Companies
  • Tour Operators and Travel Agencies

Andalucía Maps

  • Pronunciation



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Dominican Republic Has It All

Surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the north and the Caribbean Sea on the south, our lush tropical island paradise boasts nearly 1,000 miles (1,609 km) of coastline, 250 miles (402 km) of the world’s top beaches, magnificent resorts and hotels, and a variety of sports, recreation and entertainment options. Here you can dance to the pulse pounding thrill of the merengue, renew in our luxurious and diverse accommodations , explore ancient relics of centuries past, delight in delicious Dominican gastronomy or enjoy ecotourism adventures in our magnificent national parks, mountain ranges, rivers, and beaches.

Traveling to Dominican Republic?

The electronic ticket is a digital form required by multiple institutions for entering or leaving Dominican Republic. Get ready for travel and get yours today!

Know Before You Go

Getting here: air & sea travel, getting around: travel between regions, places to stay & accommodations, frequently asked questions, choose your passion, entertainment & events, water sports, adventure activities, outdoor recreation & sports, natural attractions, cultural attractions & sightseeing, family friendly activities, dining & nightlife, dominican republic, discover all that we have, over 2000 beaches, many of which remain uncrowded and undeveloped - line the caribbean and the atlantic coastlines, ranging from a brilliant white to a handful of black sand stretching southwest., bahía de las águilas.

Recognized as the most beautiful beach in the Dominican Republic, this diamond-white stretch runs a whopping five miles, boasting…

Bahía de Luperón

Beige-colored beach with large rocks and swimmable area. Tourists will often stop by before or after a visit to the close by historic…

The scenic fishing town of Bayahíbe is an attraction in and of itself, lucky to boast multiple beaches on its coastline, including…

Known for its beautiful white-sand beach, Cabo Rojo gets its name from the area’s bauxite presence and resulting dark rust-colored dirt…

The smallest of the islands off the shore of Bayahíbe, Catalinita sits in the Catuano Channel, popular for its crystal clear waters…

The Dominican Republic is blessed with the Caribbean’s highest mountain ranges, tucked in the heart of the country, where you’ll find the lushest landscapes and coolest temperatures.

Altos de chavón amphitheater.

Designed like a Grecian amphitheater, this breathtaking 5,000-seat open-air facility hosts concerts and performances from major…

Anamuya Ziplines

Punta Cana is home to the very first zipline built in the DR, and it’s built to suit all daredevils, new or experienced. Runners…

Avenida de la Marina

The scenic, two-kilometer (1.2 mile) long waterfront boulevard lining Samaná Bay wins over every photographer’s eye. Also known as the…

Barahona City

The city of Barahona is a primarily industrial town, important for its port access and commercial activities, which include sugar…

Boca de Yuma

Less than an hour south of Punta Cana, Boca de Yuma offers a daytime escape to a scenic Dominican fishing village. Boasting panoramic…

Renowned for having the most magnificent golf courses in the Caribbean region, and Latin America, the Dominican Republic is the undisputed leader of golf in the tropics.

Bella vista golf club.

Short and flat, the course was built for the executives of the large Falconbridge mining company in the city of Bonao. It was designed…

Cabeza de Toro Golf Club

One of two courses located within the Catalonia Bávaro Resort in Punta Cana, Alberto Sola designed the Cabeza de Toro Golf Club as a…

Caribe Golf Club

Part of the Catalonia Bávaro Resort, Alberto Sola and Jack Corrie designed the 18-hole Caribe Golf Club. Open from October to June…

Cayacoa Golf Club

Built in 1989 and designed by Jack Corrie, Cayacoa Golf Club is located just 25 minutes northwest of Santo Domingo, yet remains a…

Cocotal Golf & Country Club

Designed by six-time Spanish Champion, Pepe Gancedo, who has designed more than 18 golf courses throughout Spain, some rated among the…

Art + Culture

Known as the cradle of the americas, the dominican republic is full of iconic sights across its cities and provinces., alcázar de colón.

One of the most popular museums in the Colonial City is also its most impressive in architecture. Completed around 1512, this Gothic…

Bartolo Colón Stadium

Located in the small town of Altamira, birthplace of Major League player Bartolo Colón, the professional player built this stadium and…

Basílica Nuestra Señora De La Altagracia

Located in Higüey and inaugurated in 1971, this cathedral is one of the most important religious sites in the Dominican Republic. It…

Bonao Carnival

Each February, in celebration of Carnival, Bonao features its own unique characters parading to the beat of the carnival drums on…

Cabral is best known for its colorful carnival at the end of Easter, when the Cachúa characters dress in bat-like costumes and unfold…

10 Adventurous Things to Do

The Dominican Republic is full of incredible destinations that not many people know of. It's also a country with a diverse and colourful culture.

Scuba Diving & Snorkeling

Horseback riding, paragliding, mountain biking.

VASA-1: Lifelike Audio-Driven Talking Faces Generated in Real Time

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Esto es lo que necesitaría ganar una familia de cuatro para vivir con comodidad en cada uno de los estados de EE.UU.

Por Mike Winters — CNBC

El estado más caro para formar una familia de cuatro miembros no es Nueva York, California o Hawaii, sino Massachusetts, según un reciente estudio de SmartAsset.

Para vivir cómodamente en Massachusetts, una familia de dos adultos trabajadores y dos niños necesitaría ganar 301,184 dólares al año.

Latin family of four sitting on low wall and smiling

“Cómodo” se define como los ingresos necesarios para cubrir un presupuesto 50/30/20 para una familia de cuatro miembros. El presupuesto asigna el 50% de los ingresos a necesidades como la vivienda y los servicios públicos, el 30% a gastos discrecionales y el 20% a ahorros o inversiones.

SmartAsset ha extrapolado los ingresos necesarios para un presupuesto 50/30/20 en función del costo de las necesidades, utilizando datos de la Calculadora del Salario MIT.

Estos son los ingresos que necesita una familia de cuatro miembros para vivir cómodamente en los cinco estados más caros:

  • 1. Massachusetts: 301,184 dólares
  • 2. Hawai: 294,611 dólares
  • 3. Connecticut: 279,885 dólares
  • 4. Nueva York: 278,970
  • 5. California: 276,723

Aunque la mayoría de estos estados son conocidos por los elevados costos de la vivienda, Massachusetts también tiene costos totales más elevados en otras categorías, como el cuidado de los niños, la alimentación y los gastos médicos, según la Calculadora del Salario MIT.

En contraste con estos estados, Mississippi es el estado menos caro para formar una familia, ya que sólo requiere unos ingresos anuales de 177,798 dólares anuales. El promedio en conjunto de Estados Unidos es de 213,782 dólares.

Como tendencia general, los estados más rurales de Estados Unidos tienen costos más bajos en comparación con los estados que albergan grandes ciudades, como California y Nueva York, especialmente en lo que se refiere a la vivienda.

Pero los estados rurales también suelen tener salarios más bajos. El salario promedio anual de los trabajadores de Mississippi es de 37,500 dólares, frente a los 56,840 dólares de Nueva York, por ejemplo, según datos de la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales.

Como resultado, algunos de los costos de vida más elevados de los estados urbanos se compensan con salarios más altos.

Aquí los ingresos necesarios para que una familia de cuatro miembros viva cómodamente en cada estado, ordenados alfabéticamente:

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $193,606

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $242,611

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $230,630

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $180,794

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $276,723

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $264,992

  • Connecticut

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $279,885

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $228,966

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $209,082

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $212,826

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $294,611

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $211,245

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $231,962

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $206,003

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $211,411

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $196,768

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $190,112

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $189,613

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $229,549

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $239,450

  • Massachusetts

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $301,184

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $214,490

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $244,774

  • Mississippi

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $177,798

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $202,259

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $213,075

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $237,286

  • New Hampshire

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $244,109

  • Nueva Jersey

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $251,181

  • Nuevo México

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $203,923

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $278,970

  • Carolina del Norte

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $209.331

  • Dakota del Norte

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $202,176

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $209,331

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $194,106

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $257,338

  • Pennsylvania

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $230,464

  • Rhode Island

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $249,267

  • Carolina del Sur

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $200,762

  • Dakota del Sur

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $192,608

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $195,770

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $201,344

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $218,483

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $248,352

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $235,206

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $257,421

  • West Virginia

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $189,363

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $225,056

Ingresos anuales necesarios para vivir cómodamente: $203,424

AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.3.1 Release Notes

Article Number: RN-RAD-WIN-24-3-1

New Feature Highlights

New game support.

  • Dragon's Dogma 2
  • Horizon Forbidden West™ Complete Edition
  • Outpost: Infinity Siege

Expanded HYPR-Tune Support

  • Ghostrunner 2
  • Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League

Fixed Issues

  • Excessive micro stutter may be intermittently experienced after enabling AMD Fluid Motion Frames for select games.
  • Improvement to intermittent driver timeout or application crash experienced while playing HELLDIVERS™ 2 on AMD Radeon™ RX 7900 series GPUs.
  • Intermittent application crash or driver timeout may be observed while playing Starcraft II™ on Radeon™ RX 7000 series GPUs.
  • Improvements to reduce initial loading times while playing World of Warcraft with DirectX 12 API on some AMD Graphics Products, such as the Radeon™ RX 6800.
  • Purple corruption may be observed while playing Dying Light 2 Stay Human: Reloaded Edition with Radeon™ Boost and Raytracing enabled.
  • Some characters may appear invisible or have missing textures while playing Cossacks 3.
  • Flickering lights may be observed while playing Space Engineers in certain indoor environments.
  • The maximum memory tuning limit may be incorrectly reported on AMD Radeon™ RX 7900 GRE graphics products.
  • Shader caching may fail for Windows usernames containing accented characters.
  • FPS performance metric may incorrectly report values while a game is minimized.
  • GPU Acceleration may be missing/greyed out in Adobe Premiere Pro on some hybrid graphics systems.
  • Performance drop may be observed while using some DirectML workloads in Topaz AI.

Known Issues

  • Intermittent driver timeout or application crash may be experienced while playing HELLDIVERS™ 2 on dual monitor setups on some AMD Graphics Products, such as the Radeon™ RX 7900 XTX.
  • Intermittent application crash may be observed while playing Lords of the Fallen and entering certain areas on Radeon™ RX 6000 series GPUs. [Resolution targeted for 24.4.1]
  • Artifacts may appear in certain mud environments while playing SnowRunner on some AMD Graphics Products, such as the Radeon™ RX 6800. [Resolution targeted for 24.4.1]
  • AMD SmartAccess Video may be incorrectly reported as “Available” on some systems with the Parsec Virtual Display Driver installed. [Resolution targeted for 24.5.1]
  • Audio and video may intermittently become out of sync while recording using the AV1 codec in AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition. [Resolution targeted for Q3]

Important Notes

  • For users who previously installed an AMD Software preview driver, running AMD Cleanup Utility is recommended before installing this driver.
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Package Contents

AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.3.1 Driver Version for Windows® 10 and Windows® 11 (Windows Driver Store Version 31.0.24027.1012).

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  • AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.3.1 Driver for Windows® 10 & Windows® 11 64-bit

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  • AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.3.1 Driver Including Vega and Polaris Series Graphics Support for Windows® 10 & Windows® 11 64-bit

Installing AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition

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Radeon Product Compatibility

AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.3.1 is compatible with the following AMD Radeon products.

Mobility Radeon™ Product Compatibility

AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.3.1 is a notebook reference graphics driver with limited support for system vendor specific features. 

​​​​AMD Processors with Radeon Graphics Product Compatibility

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WHQL Results

Compatible operating systems.

AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.3.1 is designed to support the following Microsoft® Windows® platforms. Operating System support may vary depending on your specific AMD Radeon product.

  • Windows 11 version 21H2 and later
  • Windows 10 64-bit version 1809 and later

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Critic’s Pick

‘Civil War’ Review: We Have Met the Enemy and It Is Us. Again.

In Alex Garland’s tough new movie, a group of journalists led by Kirsten Dunst, as a photographer, travels a United States at war with itself.

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‘Civil War’ | Anatomy of a Scene

The writer and director alex garland narrates a sequence from his film..

“My name is Alex Garland and I’m the writer director of ‘Civil War’. So this particular clip is roughly around the halfway point of the movie and it’s these four journalists and they’re trying to get, in a very circuitous route, from New York to DC, and encountering various obstacles on the way. And this is one of those obstacles. What they find themselves stuck in is a battle between two snipers. And they are close to one of the snipers and the other sniper is somewhere unseen, but presumably in a large house that sits over a field and a hill. It’s a surrealist exchange and it’s surrounded by some very surrealist imagery, which is they’re, in broad daylight in broad sunshine, there’s no indication that we’re anywhere near winter in the filming. In fact, you can kind of tell it’s summer. But they’re surrounded by Christmas decorations. And in some ways, the Christmas decorations speak of a country, which is in disrepair, however silly it sounds. If you haven’t put away your Christmas decorations, clearly something isn’t going right.” “What’s going on?” “Someone in that house, they’re stuck. We’re stuck.” “And there’s a bit of imagery. It felt like it hit the right note. But the interesting thing about that imagery was that it was not production designed. We didn’t create it. We actually literally found it. We were driving along and we saw all of these Christmas decorations, basically exactly as they are in the film. They were about 100 yards away, just piled up by the side of the road. And it turned out, it was a guy who’d put on a winter wonderland festival. People had not dug his winter wonderland festival, and he’d gone bankrupt. And he had decided just to leave everything just strewn around on a farmer’s field, who was then absolutely furious. So in a way, there’s a loose parallel, which is the same implication that exists within the film exists within real life.” “You don’t understand a word I say. Yo. What’s over there in that house?” “Someone shooting.” “It’s to do with the fact that when things get extreme, the reasons why things got extreme no longer become relevant and the knife edge of the problem is all that really remains relevant. So it doesn’t actually matter, as it were, in this context, what side they’re fighting for or what the other person’s fighting for. It’s just reduced to a survival.”

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By Manohla Dargis

A blunt, gut-twisting work of speculative fiction, “Civil War” opens with the United States at war with itself — literally, not just rhetorically. In Washington, D.C., the president is holed up in the White House; in a spookily depopulated New York, desperate people wait for water rations. It’s the near-future, and rooftop snipers, suicide bombers and wild-eyed randos are in the fight while an opposition faction with a two-star flag called the Western Forces, comprising Texas and California — as I said, this is speculative fiction — is leading the charge against what remains of the federal government. If you’re feeling triggered, you aren’t alone.

It’s mourning again in America, and it’s mesmerizingly, horribly gripping. Filled with bullets, consuming fires and terrific actors like Kirsten Dunst running for cover, the movie is a what-if nightmare stoked by memories of Jan. 6. As in what if the visions of some rioters had been realized, what if the nation was again broken by Civil War, what if the democratic experiment called America had come undone? If that sounds harrowing, you’re right. It’s one thing when a movie taps into childish fears with monsters under the bed; you’re eager to see what happens because you know how it will end (until the sequel). Adult fears are another matter.

In “Civil War,” the British filmmaker Alex Garland explores the unbearable if not the unthinkable, something he likes to do. A pop cultural savant, he made a splashy zeitgeist-ready debut with his 1996 best seller “The Beach,” a novel about a paradise that proves deadly, an evergreen metaphor for life and the basis for a silly film . That things in the world are not what they seem, and are often far worse, is a theme that Garland has continued pursuing in other dark fantasies, first as a screenwriter (“ 28 Days Later ”), and then as a writer-director (“ Ex Machina ”). His résumé is populated with zombies, clones and aliens, though reliably it is his outwardly ordinary characters you need to keep a closer watch on.

By the time “Civil War” opens, the fight has been raging for an undisclosed period yet long enough to have hollowed out cities and people’s faces alike. It’s unclear as to why the war started or who fired the first shot. Garland does scatter some hints; in one ugly scene, a militia type played by a jolting, scarily effective Jesse Plemons asks captives “what kind of American” they are. Yet whatever divisions preceded the conflict are left to your imagination, at least partly because Garland assumes you’ve been paying attention to recent events. Instead, he presents an outwardly and largely post-ideological landscape in which debates over policies, politics and American exceptionalism have been rendered moot by war.

The Culture Desk Poster

‘Civil War’ Is Designed to Disturb You

A woman with a bulletproof vest that says “Press” stands in a smoky city street.

One thing that remains familiar amid these ruins is the movie’s old-fashioned faith in journalism. Dunst, who’s sensational, plays Lee, a war photographer who works for Reuters alongside her friend, a reporter, Joel (the charismatic Wagner Moura). They’re in New York when you meet them, milling through a crowd anxiously waiting for water rations next to a protected tanker. It’s a fraught scene; the restless crowd is edging into mob panic, and Lee, camera in hand, is on high alert. As Garland’s own camera and Joel skitter about, Lee carves a path through the chaos, as if she knows exactly where she needs to be — and then a bomb goes off. By the time it does, an aspiring photojournalist, Jessie (Cailee Spaeny), is also in the mix.

The streamlined, insistently intimate story takes shape once Lee, Joel, Jessie and a veteran reporter, Sammy (Stephen McKinley Henderson), pile into a van and head to Washington. Joel and Lee are hoping to interview the president (Nick Offerman), and Sammy and Jessie are riding along largely so that Garland can make the trip more interesting. Sammy serves as a stabilizing force (Henderson fills the van with humanizing warmth), while Jessie plays the eager upstart Lee takes under her resentful wing. It’s a tidily balanced sampling that the actors, with Garland’s banter and via some cozy downtime, turn into flesh-and-blood personalities, people whose vulnerability feeds the escalating tension with each mile.

As the miles and hours pass, Garland adds diversions and hurdles, including a pair of playful colleagues, Tony and Bohai (Nelson Lee and Evan Lai), and some spooky dudes guarding a gas station. Garland shrewdly exploits the tense emptiness of the land, turning strangers into potential threats and pretty country roads into ominously ambiguous byways. Smartly, he also recurrently focuses on Lee’s face, a heartbreakingly hard mask that Dunst lets slip brilliantly. As the journey continues, Garland further sketches in the bigger picture — the dollar is near-worthless, the F.B.I. is gone — but for the most part, he focuses on his travelers and the engulfing violence, the smoke and the tracer fire that they often don’t notice until they do.

Despite some much-needed lulls (for you, for the narrative rhythm), “Civil War” is unremittingly brutal or at least it feels that way. Many contemporary thrillers are far more overtly gruesome than this one, partly because violence is one way unimaginative directors can put a distinctive spin on otherwise interchangeable material: Cue the artful fountains of arterial spray. Part of what makes the carnage here feel incessant and palpably realistic is that Garland, whose visual approach is generally unfussy, doesn’t embellish the violence, turning it into an ornament of his virtuosity. Instead, the violence is direct, at times shockingly casual and unsettling, so much so that its unpleasantness almost comes as a surprise.

If the violence feels more intense than in a typical genre shoot ’em up, it’s also because, I think, with “Civil War,” Garland has made the movie that’s long been workshopped in American political discourse and in mass culture, and which entered wider circulation on Jan. 6. The raw power of Garland’s vision unquestionably owes much to the vivid scenes that beamed across the world that day when rioters, some wearing T-shirts emblazoned with “ MAGA civil war ,” swarmed the Capitol. Even so, watching this movie, I also flashed on other times in which Americans have relitigated the Civil War directly and not, on the screen and in the streets.

Movies have played a role in that relitigation for more than a century, at times grotesquely. Two of the most famous films in history — D.W. Griffith’s 1915 racist epic “The Birth of a Nation” (which became a Ku Klux Klan recruitment tool) and the romantic 1939 melodrama “Gone With the Wind” — are monuments to white supremacy and the myth of the Southern Lost Cause. Both were critical and popular hits. In the decades since, filmmakers have returned to the Civil War era to tell other stories in films like “Glory,” “Lincoln” and “Django Unchained” that in addressing the American past inevitably engage with its present.

There are no lofty or reassuring speeches in “Civil War,” and the movie doesn’t speak to the better angels of our nature the way so many films try to. Hollywood’s longstanding, deeply American imperative for happy endings maintains an iron grip on movies, even in ostensibly independent productions. There’s no such possibility for that in “Civil War.” The very premise of Garland’s movie means that — no matter what happens when or if Lee and the rest reach Washington — a happy ending is impossible, which makes this very tough going. Rarely have I seen a movie that made me so acutely uncomfortable or watched an actor’s face that, like Dunst’s, expressed a nation’s soul-sickness so vividly that it felt like an X-ray.

Civil War Rated R for war violence and mass death. Running time: 1 hour 49 minutes. In theaters.

An earlier version of this review misidentified an organization in the Civil War in the movie. It is the Western Forces, not the Western Front.

How we handle corrections

Manohla Dargis is the chief film critic for The Times. More about Manohla Dargis

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