Visit a remote URL.

Best Practice We recommend setting a baseUrl when using cy.visit() . Read about best practices here.

Correct Usage

url (String)

The URL to visit.

Cypress will prefix the URL with the baseUrl configured in your network options if you’ve set one.

You may also specify the relative path of an html file. The path is relative to the root directory of the Cypress installation. Note that the file:// prefix is not needed.

options (Object)

Pass in an options object to control the behavior of cy.visit() .

You can also set all cy.visit() commands’ pageLoadTimeout and baseUrl globally in configuration .

cy.visit() yields the window object after the page finishes loading.

Visit a local server running on http://localhost:8000

cy.visit() resolves when the remote page fires its load event.

Change the default timeout

Add basic auth headers.

Cypress will automatically apply the right authorization headers if you’re attempting to visit an application that requires Basic Authentication .

Provide the username and password in the auth object. Then all subsequent requests matching the origin you’re testing will have these attached at the network level.

You can also provide the username and password directly in the URL.

Cypress will automatically attach this header at the network proxy level, outside of the browser. Therefore you will not see this header in the Dev Tools.

Provide an onBeforeLoad callback function

onBeforeLoad is called as soon as possible, before your page has loaded all of its resources. Your scripts will not be ready at this point, but it’s a great hook to potentially manipulate the page.

Check out our example recipes using cy.visit() ‘s onBeforeLoad option to: Bootstraping your App Set a token to localStorage for login during Single Sign On Stub window.fetch

Provide an onLoad callback function

onLoad is called once your page has fired its load event. All of the scripts, stylesheets, html and other resources are guaranteed to be available at this point.

Add query paramaters

You can provide query parameters as an object to cy.visit() by passing qs to options .

The parameters passed to qs will be merged into existing query parameters on the url .

Submit a form

To send a request that looks like a user submitting an HTML form, use a POST method with a body containing the form values:

Visit will automatically follow redirects

Protocol can be omitted from common hosts.

Cypress automatically prepends the http:// protocol to common hosts. If you’re not using one of these 3 hosts, then make sure to provide the protocol.

Cypress can optionally act as your web server

Cypress will automatically attempt to serve your files if you don’t provide a host and baseUrl is not defined . The path should be relative to your project’s root folder (where the cypress.json file is generated by default).

Having Cypress serve your files is useful in smaller projects and example apps, but isn’t recommended for production apps. It is always better to run your own server and provide the url to Cypress.

Visit is automatically prefixed with baseUrl

Configure baseUrl in the your configuration file ( cypress.json by default) to prevent repeating yourself in every cy.visit() command.

Visit will always yield the remote page’s window object when it resolves

Trying to change the User-Agent ? You can set the userAgent as a configuration value in your configuration file.

Prevent XHR / Ajax requests before a remote page initially loads

One common scenario Cypress supports is visiting a remote page and also preventing any Ajax requests from immediately going out.

You may think this works:

But if your app makes a request upon being initialized, the above code will not work . cy.visit() will resolve once its load event fires. The cy.server() and cy.route() commands are not processed until after cy.visit() resolves.

Many applications will have already begun routing, initialization, and requests by the time the cy.visit() in the above code resolves. Therefore creating a cy.server() will happen too late, and Cypress will not process the requests.

Luckily Cypress supports this use case. Reverse the order of the commands:

Cypress will automatically apply the server and routes to the very next cy.visit() and does so immediately before any of your application code runs.


cy.visit() requires being chained off of cy .

cy.visit() requires the response to be content-type: text/html .

cy.visit() requires the response code to be 2xx after following redirects.

cy.visit() requires the load load event to eventually fire.

cy.visit() will automatically wait for assertions you've chained to pass.

cy.visit() can time out waiting for the page to fire its load event.

cy.visit() can time out waiting for assertions you've added to pass.

Command Log

Visit example application in a beforeEach

The commands above will display in the Command Log as:

When clicking on visit within the command log, the console outputs the following:

  • cy.reload()
  • cy.request()
  • Recipe: Bootstrapping your App
  • Recipe: Logging In - Single Sign on
  • Recipe: Stubbing window.fetch

© 2020 Licensed under the MIT License.

Cypress basics: before(), beforeEach(), after() and afterEach()

Cypress basics: before(), beforeEach(), after() and afterEach()

This article is a part of series on Cypress basics. You can check out some other articles on my blog where I provide step by step explanations of some Cypress basics + some extra tips on how you can take things one step further. So far, I wrote about: Using baseUrl Uploading a file API testing Variables xpath vs. CSS selectors Check attributes, value and text before(), beforeEach(), after() and afterEach() check if element exists Where did my cookies disappear? Selecting elements

Basics - before() and beforeEach()

Let’s say you have a spec that has a couple of tests in it. In these tests you are opening a page and testing some functionality. Each time you want to open that page using .visit() command

With couple of tests, things might get somehow repetitive. For this case, you might instead use a before() hook, that will open up your page before all of your tests:

Bear in mind that Cypress clears out the state of browser in between tests. Coming with version 12, it even visits an empty page so that there’s a firm test isolation. There are ways to configure this behavior.

One thing to note here - test #2 should be independent on the result of test #1 . If this is not the case, you will create a domino effect for all the tests in that spec. It is a good practice to isolate your tests in such a way that tests don’t affect each other. For this, you might find beforeEach() hook more useful. This may require you to structure your tests in a certain way, but will help you gain overall test stability.

after() and afterEach()

Similarly to previous hooks, there’s a way to do an action before after your tests finish. It’s commonly used for doing a cleanup after your test is finish, which might look something like this:

This follows some good principles, as you clearly have a goal of cleaning up the data your tests generate. There are some reasons though, why you might want to reconsider using after() and afterEach() and use before() and beforeEach() instead.

First of all, when writing your test in GUI mode, after a test is finished, you can keep interacting with your page. With data deleted, you may lose that option as your data might no longer be available to you.

Second, the action that is happening in after() or afterEach() log might error. In that case, you may face a similar domino effect as described couple of paragraphs earlier.

There are of course situations where these hooks are very useful, like collecting data gathered from tests etc.

Nested before() and beforeEach() hooks

Let’s now say you have multiple hooks and different describe() and it() blocks. This is where it might get a little confusing at first, but becomes very clear when you know how it works. Consider following code:

before and beforeEach hooks

Compare the order of which we have written these in our test and in which these tests are executed. I like to think of all hooks as being "squashed" together before executing a test or a describe() block.

Using beforeEach block in support/index.js

Sometimes I like to use these blocks to run a "global" beforeEach() block that I want to run before all of my tests. I describe one case like this in my blog about handling data from API . I create a storage for myself, which I erase before each of my tests. I use my support/index.js file like this:

In my tests, I add data to these empty arrays as needed.

What should you put in these blocks?

I like to think of these hooks as a preparation state of my test. I rarely put .visit() in there, which means more repetition, but a clearer view of what I am trying to do in my test. I often use these hooks to fire a couple of API requests, seed data, set authorization cookie or do some similar action that does not require app to be open in the browser. There’s a great post by a friend of mine, Martin Škarbala from about how you can speed up your tests by skipping UI and use API instead .

Hope this helped, if that was the case, pass it on and share it on your social networks. You’ll help my blog grow and I will be very thankful for that.

If you liked this article, more are coming! I write one every week so you can sign up for a newsletter at the bottom of this page and get notified once a new one is out.

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Securing Your Cypress Tests: Precautions and Best Practices for Request Programming

Cypress Request Programming: An In-Depth Guide

  • Cypress is a popular end-to-end (E2E) testing framework built for modern web applications. It excels in simulating user interactions and verifying application state through visual debugging and comprehensive command sets.
  • Within Cypress, the request command enables you to make programmatic HTTP requests directly from your tests. This capability extends your testing beyond the user interface (UI), allowing you to interact with your application's API without using the UI elements.
  • Test API endpoints not directly exposed through the UI or requiring authentication bypassed in UI tests.
  • Mock or stub server responses for controlled testing scenarios.
  • Create complex test data setups or perform actions not possible directly via UI interactions.
  • Basic structure: cy.request({ // HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.) method : 'GET' , // URL of the endpoint url : '' , // Optional headers, body, and authentication configurations }).then( ( response ) => { // Do something with the response (assertions, further actions) });

Sample Code:

  • Fetching a user's profile: cy.request({ method : 'GET' , url : '' , }).then( ( response ) => { expect(response.status).to.equal( 200 ); expect( 'foo' ); });
  • Mocking a server response: cy.intercept( 'GET' , '' ).as( 'getProducts' ); cy.visit( '/' ); // Trigger the product fetch (e.g., user interaction) cy.wait( '@getProducts' ).then( ( intercept ) => { // Modify the intercepted response intercept.reply({ status : 200 , body : [{ name : 'Mocked Product' }], }); }); // Assert on how the UI reflects the mocked response

Precautions and Errors:

  • Avoid hardcoding sensitive information (API keys, tokens) in test code. Use environment variables or secure storage mechanisms.
  • Handle authentication appropriately, especially when bypassing UI login flows.
  • Validate response data to prevent security vulnerabilities like injection attacks.
  • Ensure stable internet connection for tests involving external endpoints.
  • Implement timeouts to prevent tests from hanging indefinitely.
  • Make assertions on the expected HTTP status code, response body (structure, data), and headers to verify API behavior.
  • Handle potentially empty or error responses gracefully to avoid test failures.
  • Use try...catch blocks to handle exceptions during request execution.
  • Provide informative error messages to aid debugging.

Additional Considerations:

  • Complexity: Be mindful of potential over-reliance on request for testing intricate application logic. Consider splitting such logic into modular functions called from both UI and API tests.
  • Error Tolerance: Implement retries or exponential backoff mechanisms to handle temporary network issues or server hiccups, improving test robustness.
  • Asynchronous Nature: Remember that network requests are asynchronous. Use cy.wait() or promise handling to ensure test steps execute in the intended order.

By following these guidelines and best practices, you can effectively leverage Cypress request programming to create robust and reliable E2E tests that comprehensively cover your application's behavior, both at the UI and API levels.

Make an HTTP request.

Correct Usage

url (String)

The URL to make the request to.

If you do not provide a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) URL, Cypress will make its best guess as to which host you want cy.request() to use in the URL.

  • If you make a cy.request() after visiting a page, Cypress assumes the URL used for the cy.visit() is the host.
  • If you make a cy.request() prior to visiting a page, Cypress assumes the host is the baseUrl property configured inside of of your configuration file .
  • If Cypress cannot determine the host it will throw an error.

body (String, Object)

A request body to be sent in the request. Cypress sets the Accepts request header and serializes the response body by the encoding option.

method (String)

Make a request using a specific method. If no method is defined, Cypress uses the GET method by default.

Supported methods include:


options (Object)

Pass in an options object to change the default behavior of cy.request() .

You can also set options for cy.request() 's baseUrl and responseTimeout globally in configuration .

cy.request() yields the response as an object literal containing properties such as:

Make a GET request

cy.request() is great for talking to an external endpoint before your tests to seed a database.

Issue an HTTP request

Sometimes it's quicker to test the contents of a page rather than cy.visit() and wait for the entire page and all of its resources to load.

Method and URL

Send a delete request, alias the request using .as(), method, url, and body, send a post request with a json body, request a page while disabling auto redirect.

To test the redirection behavior of a login without a session, cy.request can be used to check the status and redirectedToUrl property.

The redirectedToUrl property is a special Cypress property that normalizes the URL the browser would normally follow during a redirect.

Download a PDF file

By passing the encoding: binary option, the response.body will be serialized binary content of the file. You can use this to access various file types via .request() like .pdf , .zip , or .doc files.

Get Data URL of an image

By passing the encoding: base64 option, the response.body will be base64-encoded content of the image. You can use this to construct a Data URI for use elsewhere.

HTML form submissions using form option

Oftentimes, once you have a proper e2e test around logging in, there's no reason to continue to cy.visit() the login and wait for the entire page to load all associated resources before running any other commands. Doing so can slow down our entire test suite.

Using cy.request() , we can bypass all of this because it automatically gets and sets cookies as if the requests had come from the browser.

Using cy.request() for HTML Forms

Check out our example recipe using cy.request() for HTML web forms

Request Polling

Call cy.request() over and over again.

This is useful when you're polling a server for a response that may take awhile to complete.

All we're really doing here is creating a recursive function. Nothing more complicated than that.

Request is not displayed in the Network Tab of Developer Tools

Cypress does not actually make an XHR request from the browser. We are actually making the HTTP request from the Cypress Test Runner (in Node). So, you won't see the request inside of your Developer Tools.

CORS is bypassed

Normally when the browser detects a cross-origin HTTP request, it will send an OPTIONS preflight check to ensure the server allows cross-origin requests, but cy.request() bypasses CORS entirely.

Cookies are automatically sent and received

Before sending the HTTP request, we automatically attach cookies that would have otherwise been attached had the request come from the browser. Additionally, if a response has a Set-Cookie header, these are automatically set back on the browser cookies.

In other words, cy.request() transparently performs all of the underlying functions as if it came from the browser.

cy.intercept() , cy.server() , and cy.route()

Cy.request() sends requests to actual endpoints, bypassing those defined using cy.route() or cy.intercept().

cy.server() and any configuration passed to cy.server() has no effect on cy.request() .

The intention of cy.request() is to be used for checking endpoints on an actual, running server without having to start the front end application.


  • cy.request() requires being chained off of cy .
  • cy.request() requires that the server sends a response.
  • cy.request() requires that the response status code be 2xx or 3xx when failOnStatusCode is true .
  • cy.request() will only run assertions you have chained once, and will not retry .
  • cy.request() can time out waiting for the server to respond.

Command Log

Request comments endpoint and test response

The commands above will display in the Command Log as:

When clicking on request within the command log, the console outputs the following:

  • Recipe: Logging In - Single Sign on
  • Recipe: Logging In - HTML Web Form
  • Recipe: Logging In - XHR Web Form
  • Recipe: Logging In - CSRF Tokens

© 2017 Licensed under the MIT License.

Demystifying Cypress Route Programming: Usage, Examples, and Best Practices

Cypress Route ProgrammingIn Cypress, route programming allows you to stub or intercept network requests (e.g., HTTP GET

  • Cypress vs. Other Testing Frameworks: Why Cypress Should Be Your Choice
  • Uploading Files with Ease in Cypress: Mastering the selectFile Command
  • Streamlining E2E Testing with Cypress: Key Concepts and Practical Guide

cy visit params

Taming the Web: An Introduction to E2E Testing with Cypress

cy visit params Clock Mocking for Effective Web Application Testing

Leveraging cypress tasks to extend your e2e testing capabilities.

cy visit params

Visit a remote URL.

Best Practice

We recommend setting a baseUrl when using cy.visit() .

Read about best practices here.

Correct Usage

url (String)

The URL to visit.

Cypress will prefix the URL with the baseUrl configured in your global configuration if set.

If the baseUrl has not been set, you will need to specify a fully qualified URL or Cypress will attempt to act as your web server. See the prefixes notes for more details.

Note: visiting a new domain requires the Cypress window to reload. You cannot visit different super domains in a single test.

options (Object)

Pass in an options object to control the behavior of cy.visit() .

By default, the cy.visit() commands' will use the pageLoadTimeout and baseUrl set globally in your configuration .

You can also set all cy.visit() commands' pageLoadTimeout and baseUrl globally in the Cypress configuration .

  • cy.visit() yields the window object after the page finishes loading.
  • It is unsafe to chain further commands that rely on the yielded window after cy.visit() .

Let's confirm the window.navigator.language after visiting the site:

Visit a local server running on http://localhost:8000

cy.visit() resolves when the remote page fires its load event.

Change the default timeout

Overrides the pageLoadTimeout set globally in your configuration for this page load.

Add basic auth headers

Cypress will automatically apply the right authorization headers if you're attempting to visit an application that requires Basic Authentication .

Provide the username and password in the auth object. Then all subsequent requests matching the origin you're testing will have these attached at the network level.

You can also provide the username and password directly in the URL.

Cypress will automatically attach this header at the network proxy level, outside of the browser. Therefore you will not see this header in the Dev Tools.

Provide an onBeforeLoad callback function

onBeforeLoad is called as soon as possible, before your page has loaded all of its resources. Your scripts will not be ready at this point, but it's a great hook to potentially manipulate the page.

Check out our example recipes using cy.visit() 's onBeforeLoad option to:

  • Bootstrapping your App
  • Set a token to localStorage for login during Single Sign On
  • Stub window.fetch

Provide an onLoad callback function

onLoad is called once your page has fired its load event. All of the scripts, stylesheets, html and other resources are guaranteed to be available at this point.

Add query parameters

You can provide query parameters as an object to cy.visit() by passing qs to options .

The parameters passed to qs will be merged into existing query parameters on the url .

Submit a form

To send a request that looks like a user submitting an HTML form, use a POST method with a body containing the form values:

Visit is automatically prefixed with baseUrl

Cypress will prefix the URL with the baseUrl if it has been set. Configure baseUrl in the Cypress configuration to prevent repeating yourself in every cy.visit() command.

The cypress.json file has been replaced by cypress.config.js or cypress.config.ts in Cypress version 10.0.0. We recommend that you update your configuration accordingly.

Please see the new configuration guide and the migration guide for more information.

If you would like to visit a different host when the baseUrl has been set, provide the fully qualified URL you would like to go to.

Visit local files

Cypress will automatically attempt to serve your files if you don't provide a host and baseUrl is not defined . The path should be relative to your project's root folder (the directory that contains the Cypress configuration file ).

Having Cypress serve your files is useful in smaller projects and example apps, but isn't recommended for production apps. It is always better to run your own server and provide the url to Cypress.

Visit local file when baseUrl is set

If you have baseUrl set, but need to visit a local file in a single test or a group of tests, disable the baseUrl using per-test configuration . Imagine this Cypress configuration:

The first test visits the baseUrl , while the second test visits the local file.

Visit will automatically follow redirects

Protocol can be omitted from common hosts.

Cypress automatically prepends the http:// protocol to common hosts. If you're not using one of these 3 hosts, then make sure to provide the protocol.

Visit will always yield the remote page's window object when it resolves

Trying to change the User-Agent ? You can set the userAgent as a configuration value in your configuration file.

Prevent requests before a remote page initially loads

One common scenario Cypress supports is visiting a remote page and also preventing any Ajax requests from immediately going out.

You may think this works:

But if your app makes a request upon being initialized, the above code will not work . cy.visit() will resolve once its load event fires. The cy.intercept() command is not processed until after cy.visit() resolves.

Many applications will have already begun routing, initialization, and requests by the time the cy.visit() in the above code resolves. Therefore creating a cy.intercept() route will happen too late, and Cypress will not process the requests.

Luckily Cypress supports this use case. Reverse the order of the commands:

Cypress will automatically apply the routes to the very next cy.visit() and does so immediately before any of your application code runs.


  • cy.visit() requires being chained off of cy .
  • cy.visit() requires the response to be content-type: text/html .
  • cy.visit() requires the response code to be 2xx after following redirects.
  • cy.visit() requires the load load event to eventually fire.
  • cy.visit() will automatically wait for assertions you have chained to pass
  • cy.visit() can time out waiting for the page to fire its load event.
  • cy.visit() can time out waiting for assertions you've added to pass.

Visiting cross-origin sites

After visiting a cross-origin site, to interact with the content, you must use a cy.origin() block.

When visiting a cross-origin site, the onBeforeLoad and onLoad options are not supported.

Command Log

Visit example application in a beforeEach

The commands above will display in the Command Log as:

Command Log visit

When clicking on visit within the command log, the console outputs the following:

console Log visit

  • cy.reload()
  • cy.request()
  • Recipe: Bootstrapping your App
  • Recipe: Logging In - Single Sign on
  • Recipe: Stubbing window.fetch

Visit a remote URL.

Best Practice We recommend setting a baseUrl when using cy.visit() . Read about best practices here.

Correct Usage

url (String)

The URL to visit.

Cypress will prefix the URL with the baseUrl configured in your network options if you've set one.

If there is no baseUrl set, you may specify the relative path of an html file, and Cypress will serve this file automatically using built-in static server. The path is relative to the root directory of the project. Note that the file:// prefix is not needed.

options (Object)

Pass in an options object to control the behavior of cy.visit() .

You can also set all cy.visit() commands' pageLoadTimeout and baseUrl globally in configuration .

  • cy.visit() 'yields the window object after the page finishes loading'

Let's confirm the window.navigator.language after visiting the site:

Visit a local server running on http://localhost:8000

cy.visit() resolves when the remote page fires its load event.

Change the default timeout

Add basic auth headers.

Cypress will automatically apply the right authorization headers if you're attempting to visit an application that requires Basic Authentication .

Provide the username and password in the auth object. Then all subsequent requests matching the origin you're testing will have these attached at the network level.

You can also provide the username and password directly in the URL.

Cypress will automatically attach this header at the network proxy level, outside of the browser. Therefore you will not see this header in the Dev Tools.

Provide an onBeforeLoad callback function

onBeforeLoad is called as soon as possible, before your page has loaded all of its resources. Your scripts will not be ready at this point, but it's a great hook to potentially manipulate the page.

Check out our example recipes using cy.visit() 's onBeforeLoad option to: Bootstraping your App Set a token to localStorage for login during Single Sign On Stub window.fetch

Provide an onLoad callback function

onLoad is called once your page has fired its load event. All of the scripts, stylesheets, html and other resources are guaranteed to be available at this point.

Add query paramaters

You can provide query parameters as an object to cy.visit() by passing qs to options .

The parameters passed to qs will be merged into existing query parameters on the url .

Submit a form

To send a request that looks like a user submitting an HTML form, use a POST method with a body containing the form values:

Visit will automatically follow redirects

Protocol can be omitted from common hosts.

Cypress automatically prepends the http:// protocol to common hosts. If you're not using one of these 3 hosts, then make sure to provide the protocol.

Cypress can optionally act as your web server

Cypress will automatically attempt to serve your files if you don't provide a host and baseUrl is not defined . The path should be relative to your project's root folder (where the cypress.json file is generated by default).

Having Cypress serve your files is useful in smaller projects and example apps, but isn't recommended for production apps. It is always better to run your own server and provide the url to Cypress.

Visit local file when baseUrl is set

If you have baseUrl set, but need to visit a local file in a single test or a group of tests, disable the baseUrl using per-test configuration . Imagine our cypress.json file:

The first test visits the baseUrl , while the second test visits the local file.

Tip: because visiting every new domain requires the Test Runner window reload, we recommend putting the above tests in separate spec files.

Visit is automatically prefixed with baseUrl

Configure baseUrl in the your configuration file ( cypress.json by default) to prevent repeating yourself in every cy.visit() command.

Visit will always yield the remote page's window object when it resolves

Trying to change the User-Agent ? You can set the userAgent as a configuration value in your configuration file.

Prevent requests before a remote page initially loads

One common scenario Cypress supports is visiting a remote page and also preventing any Ajax requests from immediately going out.

You may think this works:

But if your app makes a request upon being initialized, the above code will not work . cy.visit() will resolve once its load event fires. The cy.intercept() command is not processed until after cy.visit() resolves.

Many applications will have already begun routing, initialization, and requests by the time the cy.visit() in the above code resolves. Therefore creating a cy.intercept() route will happen too late, and Cypress will not process the requests.

Luckily Cypress supports this use case. Reverse the order of the commands:

Cypress will automatically apply the routes to the very next cy.visit() and does so immediately before any of your application code runs.


  • cy.visit() requires being chained off of cy .
  • cy.visit() requires the response to be content-type: text/html .
  • cy.visit() requires the response code to be 2xx after following redirects.
  • cy.visit() requires the load load event to eventually fire.
  • cy.visit() will automatically wait for assertions you have chained to pass
  • cy.visit() can time out waiting for the page to fire its load event.
  • cy.visit() can time out waiting for assertions you've added to pass.

Command Log

Visit example application in a beforeEach

The commands above will display in the Command Log as:

When clicking on visit within the command log, the console outputs the following:

  • cy.reload()
  • cy.request()
  • Recipe: Bootstrapping your App
  • Recipe: Logging In - Single Sign on
  • Recipe: Stubbing window.fetch

© 2017 Licensed under the MIT License.

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cy.request() , cy.visit() and cy.intercept() query strings are inconsistent #19407


emilyrohrbough commented Dec 16, 2021


emilyrohrbough commented Dec 22, 2021

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jennifer-shehane commented Dec 22, 2021

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Wide Open: NVIDIA Accelerates Inference on Meta Llama 3   

NVIDIA today announced optimizations across all its platforms to accelerate Meta Llama 3 , the latest generation of the large language model ( LLM ).

The open model combined with NVIDIA accelerated computing equips developers, researchers and businesses to innovate responsibly across a wide variety of applications.

Trained on NVIDIA AI

Meta engineers trained Llama 3 on computer clusters packing 24,576 NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs , linked with RoCE and NVIDIA Quantum-2 InfiniBand networks.

To further advance the state of the art in generative AI , Meta recently described plans to scale its infrastructure to 350,000 H100 GPUs.

Putting Llama 3 to Work

Versions of Llama 3, accelerated on NVIDIA GPUs, are available today for use in the cloud, data center, edge and PC.

From a browser, developers can try Llama 3 at . It’s packaged as an NVIDIA NIM microservice with a standard application programming interface that can be deployed anywhere.

Businesses can fine-tune Llama 3 with their data using NVIDIA NeMo , an open-source framework for LLMs that’s part of the secure, supported NVIDIA AI Enterprise platform. Custom models can be optimized for inference with NVIDIA TensorRT-LLM and deployed with NVIDIA Triton Inference Server .

Taking Llama 3 to Devices and PCs

Llama 3 also runs on NVIDIA Jetson Orin for robotics and edge computing devices, creating interactive agents like those in the Jetson AI Lab .

What’s more, NVIDIA RTX and GeForce RTX GPUs for workstations and PCs speed inference on Llama 3. These systems give developers a target of more than 100 million NVIDIA-accelerated systems worldwide.

Get Optimal Performance with Llama 3

Best practices in deploying an LLM for a chatbot involves a balance of low latency, good reading speed and optimal GPU use to reduce costs.

Such a service needs to deliver tokens — the rough equivalent of words to an LLM — at about twice a user’s reading speed which is about 10 tokens/second.

Applying these metrics, a single NVIDIA H200 Tensor Core GPU generated about 3,000 tokens/second — enough to serve about 300 simultaneous users — in an initial test using the version of Llama 3 with 70 billion parameters.

That means a single NVIDIA HGX server with eight H200 GPUs could deliver 24,000 tokens/second, further optimizing costs by supporting more than 2,400 users at the same time.

For edge devices, the version of Llama 3 with eight billion parameters generated up to 40 tokens/second on Jetson AGX Orin and 15 tokens/second on Jetson Orin Nano.

Advancing Community Models

An active open-source contributor, NVIDIA is committed to optimizing community software that helps users address their toughest challenges. Open-source models also promote AI transparency and let users broadly share work on AI safety and resilience.

Learn more about how NVIDIA’s AI inference platform, including how NIM, TensorRT-LLM and Triton use state-of-the-art techniques such as low-rank adaptation to accelerate the latest LLMs.

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Get the global window.location object of the page that is currently active.

Correct Usage

Arguments ​

key (String)

A key on the location object. Returns this value instead of the full location object.

options (Object)

Pass in an options object to change the default behavior of cy.location() .

cy.location() is a query, and it is safe to chain further commands.

When not given a key argument: ​

cy.location() yields the location object with the following properties:

When given a key argument: ​

  • cy.location() yields the value of the location property as a string

Make assertions about every location property ​

Check location for query params and pathname ​.

We can yield the location object within a .should() command and work with it directly.

Assert that a redirect works ​

Grab only the pathname and add an assertion.

Native Location ​

No need to use window.location ​.

Cypress automatically normalizes the cy.location() command and strips out extraneous values and properties found in window.location . Also, the object literal yielded by cy.location() is a basic object literal, not the special window.location object.

When changing properties on the real window.location object, it forces the browser to navigate away. In Cypress, the object yielded is a plain object, so changing its properties will have no effect on navigation.

Console output of window.location ​

Console.log of window.location

Console output of .location() ​

Console Log of Cypress location command

Requirements ​

  • cy.location() requires being chained off of cy .

Assertions ​

  • cy.location() will automatically retry until all chained assertions have passed
  • cy.location() can time out waiting for assertions you've added to pass.

Command Log ​

Assert on the location's href

The commands above will display in the Command Log as:

Command Log of Cypress location command

When clicking on location within the command log, the console outputs the following:

Console Log of Cypress location command

  • Native Location
  • Requirements
  • Command Log


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  1. visit

    Cypress will automatically apply the routes to the very next cy.visit() and does so immediately before any of your application code runs.. Rules Requirements . cy.visit() requires being chained off of cy. cy.visit() requires the response to be content-type: text/html. cy.visit() requires the response code to be 2xx after following redirects. cy.visit() requires the load load event to ...

  2. request

    If you make a cy.request() after visiting a page, Cypress assumes the URL used for the cy.visit() is the host. ... Query parameters to append to the url of the request: retryOnStatusCodeFailure: false: Whether Cypress should automatically retry status code errors under the hood. Cypress will retry a request up to 4 times if this is set to true.

  3. Visit

    We recommend setting a baseUrl when using cy.visit(). Read about best practices here. Syntax cy.visit(url) cy.visit(url, options) cy.visit(options) Usage ... Query parameters to append to the url of the request: log: true: Displays the command in the Command log: auth: null: Adds Basic Authorization headers: failOnStatusCode:

  4. Cypress visit command produces error when url is a variable

    CypressError: `cy.visit()` must be called with a `url` or an `options` object containing a `url` as its 1st argument I've searched all over internet for a solution, but it seems like I'm the only person in the world with this exact problem.

  5. origin

    Query params are not supported. This argument will be used in two ways: It uniquely identifies a secondary origin in which the commands in the callback will be executed. Cypress will inject itself into this origin, and then send it code to evaluate in that origin, without violating the browser's same-origin policy. ... So cy.visit() and cy ...

  6. Cypress basics: before(), beforeEach(), after() and afterEach()

    This follows some good principles, as you clearly have a goal of cleaning up the data your tests generate. There are some reasons though, why you might want to reconsider using after() and afterEach() and use before() and beforeEach() instead. First of all, when writing your test in GUI mode, after a test is finished, you can keep interacting ...

  7. cy.visit() and URL encoding · Issue #5034 · cypress-io/cypress

    Just for clarification: I am talking about URL parameters. Not HTTP headers. And also not POST body. Desired behavior: cy.visit() should have a parameter params of type object. The passed values in this object will be URL encoded and then all attributes are sent as parameters in the request URL. Steps to reproduce: (app code and test code)

  8. Your One-Stop Guide to cy.visit () in Cypress: Usage, Examples, and

    Usage: cy.visit( '' ); // Basic URL navigation. Optional Parameters: timeout (Number): Sets the maximum wait time (in milliseconds) for the page to load. The default is 30000 (30 seconds). onBeforeLoad (Function): Executes a callback function before the page finishes loading. Useful for setting up test data or environment ...

  9. Securing Your Cypress Tests: Precautions and Best Practices for Request

    If you make a cy.request() after visiting a page, Cypress assumes the URL used for the cy.visit() is the host. ... Query parameters to append to the url of the request: retryOnStatusCodeFailure: false: Whether Cypress should automatically retry status code errors under the hood. Cypress will retry a request up to 4 times if this is set to true.

  10. request

    If you make a cy.request() after visiting a page, Cypress assumes the URL used for the cy.visit() is the host. ... Query parameters to append to the url of the request: retryOnStatusCodeFailure: false: Whether Cypress should automatically retry status code errors under the hood. Cypress will retry a request up to 4 times if this is set to true.

  11. visit

    Cypress will automatically apply the routes to the very next cy.visit() and does so immediately before any of your application code runs.. Rules Requirements . cy.visit() requires being chained off of cy. cy.visit() requires the response to be content-type: text/html. cy.visit() requires the response code to be 2xx after following redirects. cy.visit() requires the load load event to ...

  12. session

    Because cy.session() clears the page and all session data before running setup, you can use it to easily switch between sessions without first needing to log the previous user out. This allows tests to more accurately represent real-world scenarios and helps keep test run times short. const login = (name) => {.

  13. cy.visit() qs parameter appends query parameters incorrectly when

    Current behavior: Configure Cypress.config.baseUrl as https://localhost:3000 Perform a cy.visit() like this, doesn't matter what application it is since we're just looking at the URL bar. cy.visit(...

  14. visit

    The cy.intercept() command is not processed until after cy.visit() resolves. Many applications will have already begun routing, initialization, and requests by the time the cy.visit() in the above code resolves. Therefore creating a cy.intercept() route will happen too late, and Cypress will not process the requests.

  15. `cy.request()`, `cy.visit()` and `cy.intercept()` query strings are

    Current behavior. The query string generated from the query search options of cy.request() and cy.visit() are inconsistent.. cy.request() accepts qs option to generate query parameters to append to the url of the http request. Under the hood, the http request is passed to @cypress/request which uses the qs library by default to stringify & parse the qs object.

  16. Best Practices

    Real World Practices . The Cypress team maintains the. Real World App (RWA), a full stack example application that demonstrates best practices and scalable strategies with Cypress in practical and realistic scenarios. The RWA achieves full code-coverage with end-to-end tests across multiple browsers and device sizes, but also includes visual regression tests, API tests, unit tests, and runs ...

  17. Wide Open: NVIDIA Accelerates Inference on Meta Llama 3

    For edge devices, the version of Llama 3 with eight billion parameters generated up to 40 tokens/second on Jetson AGX Orin and 15 tokens/second on Jetson Orin Nano. Advancing Community Models. An active open-source contributor, NVIDIA is committed to optimizing community software that helps users address their toughest challenges.

  18. intercept

    By default, Cypress logs all requests that match any cy.intercept(), as well as all XMLHttpRequest s and fetch requests. You can use cy.intercept() to disable these logs by passing { log: false } in the second parameter: // disable Cypress's default behavior of logging all XMLHttpRequests and fetches.

  19. javascript

    cy.visit() must be called with a url or an options object containing a url as its 1st argument - Cypress.env('StudentPortal') Ask Question Asked 2 years, 5 months ago

  20. location

    Cypress automatically normalizes the cy.location() command and strips out extraneous values and properties found in window.location. Also, the object literal yielded by cy.location() is a basic object literal, not the special window.location object. When changing properties on the real window.location object, it forces the browser to navigate away.