Playing With Fire

My No BS Review of RSD (Real Social Dynamics)

I wanted to make this post for two reasons. One is because I get asked this question quite often in various forms: What do I think about this RSD instructor? What do I think about this RSD product? Is it worth to take their boot camp? So here is my honest opinion about them – the good, the mixed, and the bad. Secondly, just like its important “to give credit where credit is due”, it is also important to call out bad/incorrect information. At the end of the day, RSD is a for-profit- business whose primary goal isn’t to maximize your success with women but to maximize their profit. Sometimes those two go hand in hand, and sometimes they conflict.

In the interest of full transparency, I will share my limited background and experience with RSD. Like a lot of people, I heard about them and the PUA community in general after reading Neil Strauss’s “The Game” around late 2012. In case you haven’t read the book, in it Owen Cook, i.e “Tyler Durden” (one of the two founders of RSD) is portrayed negatively as a dorky asshole. Around summer of 2013, I moved to Los Angeles. I only knew a few people there and wanted to meet other guys to go out and pickup girls with. I heard that “Tyler” was doing a speech at someone’s house and I decided to go. My expectations were extremely low. I expected him to be annoying, dorky, and a shitty person (like in the book). However, I was quite surprised.  That night Tyler appeared inspiring, passionate, and quite down to earth.

I was impressed and joined the local RSD Facebook group. Through there I wound up meeting a lot of cool people, some of which are my closest friends to this day. In addition, I started attending the RSD “Free tour” events and watching some of their free YouTube content. I was never a die-hard fanboy but definitely sipped from the Kool-aid quite a bit. I even had a picture of Julien on my dream board (let no one say I’m not transparent).

During this time period, I spent pretty much every single day going out and trying to pick up girls. Cold approach pick-up is the only area of my life I focused on improving in. I bought into the sales pitch “looks don’t matter” so I didn’t pay attention to health, career, or lifestyle. I ran up my credit card debt and never hit the gym. Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t a “bad period”, my overall results with women improved. In addition, I started eating healthy and learned to meet women without alcohol. Nevertheless, my ROI (Return on Time) was horrible.  I was doing cold approach pickup as if it was my job, yet I would sleep with 1-3 new girls a month. Most of whom were average looking.

Near the end of 2014, “JulienGate” happened.

In case you are not familiar, one of the RSD instructors, Julien, put up a few “Racy” videos on YouTube and the Main Stream media made a big deal out of it, causing him to get banned from a few countries and creating a “scandal”. I followed the news closely and was both surprised & disgusted. I felt bad for Julien, he didn’t deserve this. His videos and comments were taken out of context and used by the media to push their own agenda. However, that is to be expected. The part that surprised me was how Julien and the rest of RSD did not stand up for themselves AT ALL. They just kept their mouth shut the whole time and a few months later Julien went on CNN and apologized.

I thought this was extremely lame,  Why not stand up for your employees when most of the things being said about them are horribly wrong and even slanderous? This made no sense to me. Now, I realize that this was obviously a calculated business decision done to minimize potential lost profits. The guys who run RSD, “Tyler” and “Papa” didn’t care about doing what was “right”. They just wanted to avoid the potential of more lost revenues. I use the word “potential” because I don’t think they ultimately would’ve even lost any revenue….if they just owned this whole thing and changed their strategy to capture all the free publicity. However, that is a different debate

To me This felt like “selling out”.

A few months later, I also started noticing a change in RSD’s content. Their almost daily videos, which I previously used to love, now started feeling watered down. Its like they were trying to avoid saying anything that could have a potential to be misinterpreted (which unfortunately is most of pick up) and were just putting out safe fluff content. In addition, their “Free tours” started to significantly decline in quality. They started to feel like a giant timeshare presentation. Previously (2015 and prior), the Free Tours were 1-2 hours of unfiltered free value and 15 minutes of the “Sales pitch”. However, now they have become the opposite. Twenty to thirty minutes of carefully cherry-picked “value” and an hour worth of “sales pitch”…Not fun!

Around this period, in my life (summer of 2015), I had started to discover other pickup and self-improvement content and began to realize the importance of other aspects of a man’s life asides from doing cold approach pick-up. I had also realized that a lot of the stuff, I had learned from RSD was incorrect or superfluous. I started spending less time running around bars and more time meeting women in my day-to-day life and online (better ROI). This left me with more time to read books, hit the gym, focus on health, and get my career in order.

As a result, during the past two years, the quality of my life has improved by every metric I can think of. I have made more money, traveled to more countries, and gotten in better shape than ever before. My actual results with women are significantly better as well. I am not as good at “night game” as I used to be. Yes, if you go out to a bar with me now you will probably be less impressed with my “skills” than you would’ve been a few years ago. However, I also sleep with A LOT more women, who are on average a lot more attractive. That’s good enough for me.

I started “Playing with Fire” about six months ago and this has given me even more perspective on the pickup community and RSD specifically. It’s not that big of a club and all the coaches are at most one or two degrees of separation apart. As a direct result of this website and Facebook group, I have been able to meet some of the top guys in the Game and gain access to a lot of behind the scenes information that few people publicly write about. I am not the first to come out with a post like this, here is one I read a few weeks ago that I pretty much 100% agree with. However, this type of stuff is rarely talked about objectively. Instead, people either completely bash pick-up/pick-up companies… or become giant fanboys, without the ability to separate internet marketing from the truth. There is a middle ground and every company or “guru” has a completely different level of integrity when it comes to “selling you”.

RSD overview

As I mentioned in the beginning of the post, RSD’s is a for-profit company whose main goal is maximizing their earnings. They are also extremely good at internet marketing and getting people to “buy into them”. I will give them full credit for this. However, as any salesman will tell you (I did sales for two years for a variety of companies), getting the sale and telling you the truth/helping you don’t always go hand in hand. Depending on the product, needs of the person in question, and a bunch of other factors this schism could be minimal or it could be huge. Nevertheless, the point is to see RSD as a business entity with their own interests…. not as some kind of father figure, who truly cares about helping you succeed.

Let’s start with the good. I am sure, I will miss some stuff here (partially not my fault since they put out a new piece of content every minute), going to try to call out the big ones.

  • “Don’t Blame others and take Responsibility”  – This one is huge and extremely important to being successful with women. The Manosphere community gets close to zero pussy because they are bitter and blame women for everything… “She didn’t want to have sex…Must be feminism…Can’t be anything I could’ve done better”… That is a horrible approach to take if you care about getting laid or even being happy in life. Instead, it is better to understand the way things really work and assume personal responsibility for everything that is within your control. RSD has always been very good on this issue and provided the counter-balance to the Victim-mindset based thinking I see quite often in the Manosphere community. However, you can also see how this is a case where the truth perfectly aligns with the marketing. If you are convinced women are the problem, and that the sexual marketplace is hopeless, you are not going to see a need for a product on improving your skills with these women.
  • “Be present to the moment” – This is also huge. Many guys who haven’t had much experience interacting with women become paranoid about doing something wrong and their mind is all over the place during their interaction with women. Ironically, this significantly increases their chance of actually doing something wrong and getting rejected. The right approach when interacting with women is to trust your instincts, relax, and be present to the moment. Then after its over (successfully or not), you analyze what you did right and what you could’ve done better. RSD gets this one right.
  • “Be Nonreactive”- A lot of women will throw you “shit-tests” before sleeping with you. A girl might test you once or twice, or she might test you all night. It depends on your personality and the girl in question. However, most women will test you in one way or another at some point throughout the interaction. When this happens, the right move is to not let it affect you and remain nonreactive. RSD gets this one right as well.
  • “You are never a finished product” – This has been a popular concept in the self-help community for a while. However, I will give RSD credit for bringing it into Pickup. The truth is you can always improve your skills with women. There is always someone who is doing something better then you…who you can and should try to learn from. The guys who stagnate, and thus never improve, are the guys who think they “already know it all” and let their egos stop them from continually improving. That is what happened with Mystery (from The Game). He stopped evolving in 2003 and as a result, has gone from being one of the best in the community to largely irrelevant.
  • “Meditate” – Meditating for 10-20 minutes every day is one of the many things that will overall improve your success with women and the quality of your life in general. Tyler is huge on this one. In fact, I didn’t really get into meditation until I got into RSD. Full credit to RSD on this one. Teaching guys the benefits of meditation isn’t going to make them buy pick up products, but its also not going to lose any sales. No schism here.
  • “Eat Healthily” – This one isn’t directly taught by RSD, but it is referenced so often by Tyler that I will give them credit as well. If you eat a clean healthy diet your brain chemistry will work better and you will have more energy, motivation, and mental capacity to be successful with women. Personally, I have been following a very clean Paleo Diet for the past four years. I know some top pick up guys who are a lot better with women than me, yet eat like shit. Like meditation, It is not a requirement. Nevertheless, I am personally a big proponent of eating healthy. Not only is it very likely to improve your results with women, but it is also guaranteed to improve the overall quality of your life.
  • Read – Also, not rocket science and quite popular advice in the self-help community. However, I will give RSD Tyler credit for pushing it into pickup. Reading will not directly get you laid, but it will help you be more successful in life, which in turn will attract more women and help you get laid.
  • “Take Massive Action” – This is one of the RSD concepts that can help or hurt. The average person spends the majority of their day talking about and then rationalizing not doing the things that they know they need to do (go to the gym, improve with women, etc). RSD consistently preaches to stop making excuses and take action. This is right… as long as the action you take is “ correct action ”. However, if you take massive amounts of “ the wrong action ” you can actually set yourself back. Let’s take putting on muscle mass as an example. You can hit the gym twice a day (taking massive action), but if you fail to increase the amount of resistance on your key lifts, you will not put on mass. After a few months of not seeing results, you might get discouraged and come to believe “you will always stay skinny” … or even worse, you can get injured from poor form and overtraining. The same thing applies to pickup. I see too many RSD guys run around clubs doing 100s of approaches, yet getting close to no results. They are taking massive action, but clearly do something wrong along the way, because they are failing to get laid. despite the numbers being in their favor. For a lot of these guys, now that they have gotten past the “approach anxiety” stage, the right strategy is not to “take more action”, but to be more strategic and analyze what they are doing wrong instead of taking more wrong action.
  • “Openers don’t matter” – The simple truth is, as long as you don’t say something weird or “overly-gamey”, the exact words you use to open a girl are fairly irrelevant. She is paying much more attention to your body language, tonality, eye contact, vibe, and of course your Sexual Market Value. My favorite opener for night game is “Hey, Im Alex”…. RSD talks about this, yet I see so many of their fan boys run around saying the weirdest, most gimmicky shit and getting blown out as a result, time after time. Why does this happen? I think certainly a big part of the problem is that RSD puts out videos where one of their instructors says something fancy or crazy and it works. The truth is this – it worked despite the weird opener, not because of it. However, that opener made for much better marketing so they put that in the video over the 10 normal ones they shot.
  • “The importance of Self-Amusement”. There is definitely and element of truth here. For guys, who are too serious or logical (a good portion of men getting into pickup), learning to self-amuse and have a little fun is going to increase their success with women. No doubt about it. However, I see this concept getting misinterpreted and blown out of proportion, more often then not. Often times, the rsd-fan boys run around acting ridiculous and weirding out every girl they talk to, thinking that this is how you get laid. It’s not. Not at all. Personally, I was never that bad, per-se, but definitely was not one of the people who wound up benefiting from “learning to self-amuse”. I was already relying on humor too much. Instead, I needed to focus on recognizing social cues and being more grounded/dominant/sexual. When I improved in those areas is when I started to get laid more.
  • “Looks don’t matter” – This is pure nonsense. The truth is your results interacting with women will be determined mainly by a combination of your Sexual Market Value (Looks, Money, Fashion, Status), Game (ability to communicate this value) and Persistence (number of approaches and time spent interacting with women). However, that is a much harder sales pitch. If a guy is convinced that its his looks that are holding him back, telling him that he is probably partially right is going to make it a lot harder to get him to buy your latest game-knowledge product. Instead, if your goal is to maximize your sales and profit, its better to keep things simple (big rule in sales) and tell him that he is wrong, and that his looks don’t matter, and that the problem is in his inner/outer game. Unfortunately, for a majority of people this is a disservice. This is because your “looks” are largely within your control. Every man can increase their Sexual Market Value, at least a few points by putting on more lean muscle, reaching a low body fat, and dressing better. However, if you are convinced that “looks don’t matter”, then you’ll be much less likely to bother.
  • “Focus on the Process, not the results” – This is mostly internet marketing as well. If a large portion of your customers are running around like jackasses and not getting laid, you certainly don’t want them to focus on the results. That will lead to dissatisfaction and refund requests. Instead, it is better to convince them to “trust in the process” and that the results “will eventually follow”. Let’s take my “getting jacked” analogy. If you have gone to the gym for a few months, but you haven’t seen a noticeable improvement in your physique – then you are doing something wrong. In truth, you want to focus on both the Process and the Results. Why? Because if you are not getting results then the process is clearly wrong
  • “RSD infield is largely marketing” – Yes, I have heard numerous accounts of RSD actually faking infield by hiring actresses. However, since I personally don’t know this to be true, I am not going to go there. What I can say with a certainty is they edit, cut, and show their videos in a very deceptive way. They want you to think that in each video the respective instructor got laid. However, the flat truth is that most of their “pulls” do not result in sex. In fact, most of the time, if they had kept the video going a minute longer, you would’ve seen them get blown out.
  • “They are very cultish” – This is the part of RSD few people see. However, if you post anything in any of their forums or Facebook groups that do not “toe the company line” you will most likely get banned without a warning and your post will get purged. There is no free exchange of ideas, significant discussion of different viewpoints, or room for criticism (god forbid). Anything and anyone that has the potential to interfere with profits is censored or removed. At any of their live events, even if you are a paying client, if you express a different viewpoint, more often then not you will be shamed into silence with some vague markety catchphrase. There is moderating to keep a healthy constructive community and then there is what RSD does.
  • “They treat their employees/customers like shit” – A few of their former employees have come out and spoken out about this publicly. The most recent casualty was RSD Todd, who wanted to negotiate a better deal on his commission. He had been with the company for over 10 years and was getting tired of making a small percentage for the work he did (rightfully so). Since starting the website and getting “into the industry”, I have also met numerous of their ex-employees who privately shared some very crappy things that RSD does. Lets take refunds for instance. RSD advertises a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. However, I have yet to meet a person who successfully got their money back after being dissatisfied with a boot-camp. Instead, the company policy seems to be to find any detail that can be used to blame the customer and say that this action violated their guarantee. I can make a whole post just on this point, but hopefully, this text exchange between my friend and RSD Jeffy (one of the instructors), summarizes everything…. Great customer service, man!

RSD Jeffy

6. “They water down their content” – The flat truth of it getting good at sleeping with tons of women is not always PC. In fact, it can often be very controversial to someone who is not “red-pill”. This controversy can cause media backlash and potential lost profits. As a pickup company, you often have to make a choice between giving guys the raw truth and maximizing your profits. RSD used to be pretty decent in this department. However, in the past few years (most noticeably after Julien-gate), they have consistently been watering down all their advice. I’ll give an example:  I don’t teach night game because it is something I don’t consider myself an expert in. Far from it!  However, if I did, I would tell all my clients to look for women who are out by themselves. It may sound kind of creepy, but its the right advice. Women who are out by themselves are much more likely to be looking to go home with a stranger. Furthermore, there is no chance of getting cock-blocked by a friend or the girl being too afraid to act out her desires because of social pressure. Every guy who gets laid a lot from night game knows this fact. Yet, I have never heard RSD even hint at it.

7. “Their products are largely bullshit” – Let’s be real. How many Game products can you make while still giving new valuable information each time? If you are RSD, it is apparently around one every month. It is impossible to release even close to this many products and still have them be full of new valuable information. Instead, it is mostly recycled superfluous information, with a number of accompanying and largely deceptive infield.

8. “They allow the blind to lead the blind” – The main problem with the RSD forums is that all the attention from the people who are in a “place of authority” is being spent on censoring anything that interferes with profits, instead of actually trying to give the right information. As a result, they have become a place where “the blind lead the blind”, full of erroneous and often quite comical information. There is a balance here, you can focus on both as I and many other groups have done. However, RSD doesn’t.

My goal with this article was to try to be as objective as possible and give you my honest opinion, the way I see things after being in the game for 4+ years and recently getting “into the industry”. As people, I have varying levels of respect for each one of instructors, ranging from none to a lot. As a company, I admire aspects of what they’ve done (especially the marketing), but if any of my friends asked me, my simple and honest answer would be “stay away man”.

A big thing, I’ve noticed with hardcore RSD fans is that their actual results with women stagnate or even get worse over time…until they eventually burn out. They become way too focused on each product and point that they never really learn. They treat the  mostly superfluous theories like doctrine. This ultimately hinders them. The guys who get good don’t worship pickup companies or instructors. They  take what they want, what helps them and move on.

*Obama mic drop*

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Rex's Review of the Real Social Dynamics Free Tour

  • Thread starter Maximus Rex
  • Start date Jun 15, 2014

Maximus Rex

Maximus Rex

On Thursday, ya boy attended the RSD Free Tour which was being held at the Sheraton Hotel in Manhattan. The event was scheduled from 7-10, but the event started late, however, the event didn't end till about 11:30-12 o'clock. In total their were four speakers, Kevin the RSD Cameraman, Alex, Jeffy, and Owen, (aka Tyler Durden,) Kevin just spoke a little about RSD, (what the company does and his own personal journey, (which happens to be similar to a lot of ours,) by being a part of the company he's learned game and has become quite successful with women. I asked Kevin how long the learning curve was for the average student. Kevin said it various from student to student. For him and the average student, Kevin said that it takes about six actively plying his RSD sh*t to gain proficiency where as for the hard case newbie proficiency would take about a year and half. Alex was next and mainly spoke about game overall. The most profound thing that Alex said was, " It's not the moves you make, it's the fact that you make moves ." Jeff followed and gave this rather humorous anecdotes about one of his friends having sex with a paraplegic in the " Consensual Sex in the Missionary Position for the Sole Purpose of Reproduction Van ," The Consensual Sex Van Revealed Jeffy took a question from Rex about how to get a chick's attention when she's on the phone, and his answer was basically yell at her to get off the phone. There was another question about how to get menage action poppin off, and Jeff's answer was to use the Dual Induction Massage. However, Jeff stress the point that when trying to get that massage thang to pop off, the dude has to take the lead. If the guy tries to play the back, it's going to look hella weak to the chick that brought into the rotation. Jeff also, said that the timing has to be right. The dude can't come in to early because it freak the new chick out and if the dude comes in to late, the new chick is going to be like, "WTF, I'm just here to lick **** and bump c*nt. You go over there." Then Jeff proceeds to look sad while doing a faux meat beat. Then comes Tyler Durden. Okay, Rex has to admit something. All y'all, (Jaylan and Mauser,) who said that Owen, (aka Tyler,) looked sweet as f*ck, we'll in person he does look sweet as f*ck. As a matter I thought of y'all when Tyler took to the stage. Tyler confirmed this when he himself said, " I'm an introverted, meek guy who looks like he just took a c*ck out of his mouth. " The thing about Owen's part of the program, yeah he talked about Game, but he also spoke on this that relevant to other areas of life, especially when he spoke about being a "man in his prime," and this is the next phase where his trying to move RSD, a full fledged development company. What resonated most with me was Owen's personal story. Contrary to how he comes across on Youtube videos, he said that he's innately a very introverted person and he has to constantly battle against going back into his natural state. Though he spends some of his workday outside, he said that he spends a lot of on the computer and nor really interacting with public. When he spends too much time away from people, when get goes out to sarge, this happens, See Tyler SUCK After A Month Off! How Much Should YOU Go Out? (+Infield) Then he spoke on separating yourself from the herd and living a vibrant full life and being true to yourself, (using Tiger Woods an example,) Personally, I got a lot of the Free Tour because I got hear about Game from some of the giants in the Game, especially Tyler, who I found to be an engaging, warm, honest, and an extremely funny dude. Another thing about the Free Tours is that you'll find a bunch of dudes that are like minded about Game that you could network with. I would encourage each of y'all to check out a free tour when they come to your town. However, there is a fully refundable deposit to attend the event.  

rsd free tour review

The RSD Tour That Rex Went To This is the RSD Tour ya boy went to on the 12th of this month. At 8:03-19:55, Jeff talks about how to get that menage action poppin' off. At 31:21 you get to hear Rex's incredibly effed up voice.  


Master Don Juan

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Maximus Rex again. Click to expand...
Vice said: Good to see someone on here got off their ass and attended an event like this. I'm sure you can tell when a poster on here goes out frequently and when they keyboard jockey. Click to expand...

Senior Don Juan

Nice one Rex. Would love to meet these guys and go out with them! It would be really refreshing. We've got Ozzie over here in London and would love to check him out but I'd like to meet Julien most of all. His ****y style is what resonates most for me.  

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Does anyone know which hotel RSD use for the 2nd week in Montenegro or which area in Montenegro?

12 replies to this topic

' class=

Better ask that in Montenegrin forum section.

' class=

Did you get to find out?

would love to know too! FB price @£249 pp for 2 weeks seems too good to be true.

rsd free tour review

Why you don't contact the RSD Hotline ?

rsd free tour review

Considering going.

Is breakfast included in Montenegra hotel .

What are your views on this holiday

' class=

Hi We have just been taken to our hotel for the free second week. It's the Azul beach resort Montenegro. It's a really top class resort.

Spoilt by Hundreds of teenagers marauding around the grounds,part of effectively unsupervised school group's staying. Really the noise was unbearable and up to 22.00 at night.

We asked RSD to relocate us but they said no. My advice... If the coach brings you here refuse to get off

' class=

Just returned from RSD trip and we stayed at the Azul beach resort. It was OK but lots of complaints about the food. We didn't opt for the package and though many places were closed, there were enough decent restaurants within a 10 minute walk to eat including Eko 2 minutes walk away which I can highly recommend

Just done the trip and we stayed at the Azul beach resort. It was OK. Complaints about food. We didn't do the food package and 4 decent restaurants within 10 minutes walk. One called Eko at the gates which was excellent

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RSD Cappadocia trip Oct/Nov 2023- detailed review

Myself and my partner went on the 15 day Cappadocia trip. I'm going to leave my personal review and some tips I wish I'd have known before we went. You have to keep in mind that the original cost (aside from the extras which I'll talk about in more detail) is extremely good value for money. People expect champagne for procescco prices. The flight time out is not convenient in the slightest ours was delayed just short of 3 hours so arrival at the hotel at 5am on day one. Even if it had of been on time it would have been a 3am arrival which again is just not convenient. Day 1 and day 6 of the trip where switched to allows us time to get some sleep and chill before a very full on week in the capadoccia. Things I wish I'd have know before going on the trip: No one wants Lyra at all take pounds or euros. Our biggest mistake was not taking cash because RSD charge minimum 2% if you want to pay by card. Even if your bank has no charges they add this on to the price. The 'extras' for the first week just pay the money for the half board. It's long days and honestly where we stayed aside from a little corner shop here and there you will not find restaurants and takeaways with ease. If you wanna go budget be prepared and get supplies before you go. Some hotels don't have kettles either. Just an fyi. The explorer package is a little over priced but for the convience is good. For those that choose not to do it you will be left just sat on a bench while the rest of the group go to lunch or for a show or whatever it may be. Lunches that are 'free choice' are not you are taken to a restaurant of their choosing and offered a set menu for 10 euros. We got so sick of not being able to choose for ourselves. Take a pack up or buy from a petrol station are the options. Everything is a buffet evening meals and breakfasts some are better than others but I have to say I was so bored and sick of them by the end of the trip. Not for any other reason than I just miss restaurants or home cooking. It's early starts and late evenings in week 1 Your guide and bus driver will expect a tip and they will tell you what they want they are not shy it's about 20 quid pp for the guide and 10 to 15 pp for the driver. The carpet leather and jewellery places are why your holiday is cheap.. just endure it. They are a pain and I find the pricing ridiculous, laughable actually but there is no need to be rude just firm. They will stay there for like 2 hours so take a book, a drink with you and endure it. It's a little frustrating as we would have liked more time at museums. Turkey is not cheap anymore it's about 5 quid a beer don't expect to pay less and your not being ripped off by RSD. Hotel bars and pricing are just stupid though some places it's 6 or 7 quid for a beer and that's not even a pint. You can get efes or other beers for reasonable prices in local shops and every hotel had a fridge in it. Our tour guide Erol was a good guy he had a lot of facts and information about turkey which was great. He did talk a lot about himself though which was nice for us as we saw it as personable, not for others they did like him for that reason. He has the patience of a saint as so many people couldnt follow simple instructions or read the time!! He did well to organise everyone and everything. The journey to the capadoccia is around 5 to 6 hours. The final week hotel will be in a small village with very little around. We stayed in cemyuva Semina comfort it was right enough, if you get a choice and you are mobile enough for a bit of a walk try and get a Villa they are lovely. Here is a basic overview of the first weeks itinery with details not mentioned on the rsd flyer: 11am departure no cases Day 1 River boat trip and beach Mosque Day 2 Departure 7.30am Cases to bus 6am get up 6.45 breakfast Konya whirling dervishes birth place mosque Day 3 8.45 Goreme Monks valley Whirling deverishes Under ground city caves/ castle Open air museum Day 4 8.00 Gorup Carpets/ pottery museum Love valley amazing lunch Sanosis village Day 5: Balloon ride: 5.45 pick up Hotel.departure 9.45 with cases Drive back to Antalya stop for lunch Taurus mountains and to hotel. No activity Day 6 Waterfall Old town Antalya 2 hrs free time I have rated this trip above average. The coaches are comfortable and the driver very professional. All in all we upgraded everything so it cost around 700-800 pp to think you can go and get the most out of it without half board, explorer and all inclusive on week 2 is honestly very foolish. You still can't get 15 days anywhere for that kind of money! Tours are well managed, your guides are employed by the government so expect to be told how great turkey is, if you want to know the truth speak with the locals. You will be provided simple food that's mostly taylored to Germans or Russians. It isn't true authentic Turkish food. 9 Would I use RSD again? We are a young couple and found the deal as a great way to see the Cappadocia which is massive... You just can't do it as lone travellers and see everything we did. Balloon ride is extra and it's expensive! They all are we did the research before going it's a bucket list event and just breath taking so if you have 250 quid do it! I think if I was 30 years older I would be booking other RSD trips but for a while we will go back to doing our own thing. Would I recommend RSD to others? If your over 50 want to see parts of the world with the ease of someone else organising it then this is absolutley for you. If you are prepared to pay the price for the 'extras' (which in my opinion should just be added to the price of the holiday and mandatory) then You'll be fine on this trip. Food is basic in my opinion but we are major foodies so as long as you like your normal holiday buffet types you will be fine. You only live once and I'd say just go. We loved the group on our coach they where just wonderful people. We had a great laugh and really did learn so much from the 'retired population' There is a lot of negative scary reviews that we read before going and we where dreading this trip. Honestly the hotels where comfortable, clean and acceptable. Some where better than others. All had pools which where free to use, all had fridges but not all had kettles. Nothing was disgusting, or bad or unacceptable. Honestly you will never please everyone but it isn't a con, it isn't horrific and a nightmare far from it. We came away pleasently surprised and over half the coach had done RSD trips at least twice before. If that's not enough to tell you they are worth it and not to worry then nothing is. Don't expect everything for nothing and there is extras that are actually necessary especially during week 1.

I have never complained about a holiday before This was to Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro 15 day tour starting 25th October I personally felt intimidated and unsafe due to the ‘guide’ Junate, employed by RSD via WTuristic as he behaved so unpleasantly, lacking any professionalism, he spoilt the first week of our holiday. He shouted at clients unreasonably and told them to get off the coach. We were also harangued by him repeatedly to pay for the expensive extra trips and ‘gourmet’ package and warned repeatedly that if we didn’t ‘cooperate’ we would receive ‘minimal service’ from Junate’s alter ego “Ali” all explained by the man himself. When clients didn’t ‘cooperate’ their questions weren’t answered. He would ignore us. He didn’t tell the truth. He insisted we pay his tip at the beginning of the tour threatening us with named envelopes and minimal service if we didn’t comply. He refused to collect passports at the border crossings, it had to be done by passengers who then had to give them out again whilst the driver was told to drive on. Never on any day walking the streets of the lovely old towns, did we know where our next hotel was, Junate refused to tell us, which was disconcerting in case we missed the coach. He said he wouldn’t wait for us. I could go on. We were extremely fortunate with our hotel Kumbor for the final week.

Recent holiday to croatia herzegovina and montenegro. A 15 day break, the first week. Spent visiting various world heritage centres. Which was very interesting, however, quite a gruelling schedule. Getting up very early each morning and Travelling throughout the day and every evening, bar one in a different hotel. The hotels in the first week were passable clean, although one was in a state of disrepair but the rooms were acceptable. Myself and my friend paid for the gourmet package for this week. However, the food could not be considered anywhere near gourmet level. And in some instances below par . Our tour guide for the trip whose name was June 8 Was reasonably knowledgeable about the site we visited.However, his attitude towards the clients was far from satis factory. He was At times very rude to some of the passengers and became quite insulting Dictating how much tips should be paid to the other guides and himself. And the driver . He refused to tell us where we were staying for the whole of the second week, and when we arrived at the Pearl Beach resort could understand why.Although it was at the end of the season. The beach and beachside bars, were in a very poor state. Als there was a massive hotel building project going on next door. The beach was absolutely filthy with litter and all kinds of debris. Despite the hard sell for all inclusive. My friend and I chose to eat out as the places we had experienced so far. Were quite substandard. We feel on the whole that this holiday package was completely misrepresented And did not live up to expectations. This was our first experience with RSD Travel but would not use or recommend them but to be fair fellow travellers had used them previously and had a better experience but still wouldn't use them again.

rsd free tour review

Just returned from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro tour. First and foremost, you get what you pay for. The first week, for flights, half board accommodation and including the core 5/6 day tour package cost under £500 each. The second week is "free'', if you opt for bed only at the beach resort, so not bad, at that, in current times. We found the first week rather hectic and each visit will require further reflection on returning home but, for us, the hotels were of a decent standard and the food, while slightly variable in quality, more than adequate for the cost. I have read many complaints here about the carpet factory / leather/ jewellery visits and they were certainly of little interest to us - but they were part of the advertised package and the buses going there quite obviously contributes to keeping the overall cost down. Just don't buy if you don't want to - but the reality is that you may have to thole some pretty tough sales pitching. The optional Mostar trip, however, deserves specific mention. Describing a city that has been left out of the core Balkans tour as the " must see " in The Balkans is sharp practice, and for the courier to suggest that not paying to go was like " visiting Egypt and not going to the pyramids " was simply out of order, as was the 59 euro per head cost for a 30 mile round trip by bus and a half hour with a tour guide - however fascinating the town itself. Team up and get a taxi for four people! The visit to the religious shrine in Medjugorje seemed a bizarre and rather niche choice for a general tour but I suspect it was selected for its plentiful cheap hotels. As it turned out, the meal in our small, family pensione was probably the best of the tour. Week two was actually pretty good, despite the very variable weather. Our room in Hotel Otrant was tired but clean and the pool and sport facilities were of a better than average standard. There were a few choices for eating and plenty of small supermarkets within 15 minutes' walk, and the old town was a short taxi ride or pleasant 90 minute coastal walk away. These, however, are tours ( in our limited experience ) frequented, primarily, by older clients, and many felt forced - the tour courier undoubtedly played a part in this - to take the half board / all inclusive options in Week 2 for fear of walking distances and even the lack of anything being open. In terms of costs, our food and drink for the week were almost identical to the RSD price - 250 euro per head. Whatever the standard of the catering at the hotel, I suspect anyone would tire of 14 days' consecutive buffets. The language ability and manner of the courier were questioned by some in our group. His English wasn't great ( he normally takes German speaking groups ) and he tried hard to convey detailed historical and geographical background but he may have been better served simply restricting his information to housekeeping arrangements. It's worth pointing out that the few important problems that arose were solved by the RSD courier. The official tour guides on all visits were very good - but please don't give me that nonsense about Romans and the vomitoreum : it's just wrong! Altogether a decent experience and an opportunity to tour Balkan towns and cities that would take a considerable amount of time and effort to visit independently. As we were so near the Albanian border, we hired a car and went to Tirana for an overnight, which we really enjoyed. Driving in the city centre was simultaneously exhilarating and terrifying! The hotel did offer an optional bus tour to the old Albanian capital, and Kruje which many of our group enjoyed. The RSD Tour, in our opinion, delivered what it said on the tin.

rsd free tour review

The company sell this holiday in a misleading manner. We chose not to do add on food packages but when actually on the holiday we were advised by the guide that we would not be able to find places to eat, so told we should sign up and pay in cash. This added £345.00 per person onto the trip which had cost us over £500 per person. This turned out not to be true and in fact the food was so bad at The Azul Beach Resort we ate out on four occasions at the restaurant across the road. We also had to pay an extra £105 per person for the trip to Mostar and boat ride to Kotor, Perast and Lady Rock island. The holiday is not relaxing as very early starts and a lot of time in the coach. Places of interest were not given sufficient time and free time was given at places where you barely had time to order and eat food. The seven day cultural tour has been crammed into five days - or six if you feel that trips to jewellery and leather factories are cultural but we disliked the hard selling. The guide was unprofessional. He made the driver leave the hotel on the second morning leaving behind a client as she was 2 minutes late . It was only the outcry from the rest of us that meant the coach was stopped and another client went back for her! He also told us what his and the driver’s tip should be and when we should pay it. He threw money back at a client whom he felt had not paid enough. Some staff at some of the hotels were very rude- we felt that RSD paid less for us and so we were treated as second class at times. Requests for something as simple as butter were met with a loud ‘ No’ . We had to leave our rooms at 10.00 the day before we flew back to the UK. We then waited for six hours in Reception, as too cold to be outside, for the coach to take us back to a hotel in Dubrovnik for a supposedly relaxed evening. We arrived after hold ups at the border finally at 21.45 . RSD are now taking all clients back to Dubrovnik the day before flying home but as of today are still showing the trip as 7 days cultural and remainder at Beach hotel. We would never travel with RSD again.

Basically, this tour did what it said on the tin. It was by no means an expensive tour, and my comments need to be taken in that context. The tour embraced a number of centres - Mandawa, Bikaner, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Jaipur, Agra, and Delhi. I deal with the provisions under appropriate headings. Flights - Involved a change at Bahrain. Personally, I'd have paid more to get a direct flight. Hotels - the standard of hotels was generally quite good - some were architecturally/historically most interesting. There were the odd issues (as would be expected), and one or two hotels looked in some need of a deep clean. However, most hotels were some distance outside the relevant town or city, and thus detached from local facilities. For that reason, it is necessary to take the evening meal in the hotel (either on the "Gourmet Package - see below - or on an a la carte basis). Transport - whilst the tour description refers to a "modern coach", it would be wrong to expect a up-to-the-minute facility. The ride can be a bit rough, and the lack of an on board toilet facility rendered the necessity for stops along the way between cities. The crew were most attentive and efficient. Itinerary - This can only be described as comprehensive - an awful lot was squeezed into the schedule, possibly too much. There were some long days, and, speaking personally, I would prefer to have a little time to freshen up and have a drink after a day's touring before dinner. There were four visits to what I would call "factory shops", which probably contributed to the time pressure. I think that number was at least one too many for the number of days embraced by the tour. If there was one disappointment from my perspective, it was the limited opportunity to see and photograph New Delhi. Food - The buffet meals (either at the hotel as part of the Meal Package or at the lunch stops en route) were bland and lacking in variety. I had hoped to have food at least equal to my local favourite indian restaurant in the UK, but it was not to be. The description "gourmet package" was a misnomer. In defence of the hotels, they probably wanted to minimise undue spiciness out of consideration for any potential weakness in the digestive tracts of their guests. I should say that hotels appeared willing to accommodate special dietary needs. Although I did not investigate the availability for myself (having purchased the meal option), taking an a la carte option would appear to offer a better chance of authenticity. Guide Services - First class service from our guide was the making of the tour. He was thoroughly attentive and sensitive to our needs throughout, and went the extra mile on several occasions to ensure he comfort and wellbeing of the tour members. His detailed knowledge on all kinds of relevant topics of culture and history provided context to the various visits, and made them meaningful.

rsd free tour review

15-day 4-star tour of Rhodes and the Aegean

Rhodes (world heritage) – lindos – pamukkale (world heritage) – hierapolis (world heritage) – aphrodisias (world heritage) – ephesus (world heritage) – aegean.

One of the UK’s most popular cultural tours at a sensational rate!²

Travel with one of Europe’s biggest cultural tour organisers! Experience the Greek zest for life and UNESCO World Heritage Site on the pearl of the Mediterranean. You will also be amazed by the splendour of the historical landmarks on the Aegean. Then lay back and enjoy pure relaxation in your exclusive 4-star hotel in Rhodes!

Please note that the number of participants is limited. Secure yourself a place on this hugely popular tour today!

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Reviews 4.8.

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One of the best tours I have ever taken

I have taken about 20 free walking tours so far. Jonathan, the Irish tour guide, from Urban Free Tours is absolutely a top one. He is professional, had his eyes on everyone. The tour was very informative with stories but not boring. I did not see anyone who was bored looking at phones. Many places were covered. At the end of the tours we sat down eating in a local restaurant. It was awesome. The tour is highly recommended!

Date of experience : April 20, 2024

Reply from

Thank you for the glowing review! We're delighted to hear that Jonathan from Urban Free Tours made your experience memorable. Your recommendation is much appreciated. We look forward to hosting you on more adventures with!

The must see and well explained

The guide Eloy was very nice and funnny and had a lot knowledge about history and curiosities about every place we've visited

Date of experience : April 25, 2024

Thank you for your review of! We appreciate your feedback. We're glad to hear that your guide, Eloy, was friendly, funny, and knowledgeable about the history and curiosities of the places you visited. Thank you for choosing and we hope to see you again soon!

Faro Free Walking Tour

We had the pleasure to do a Free Walking Tour of Faro Old Town on April 21 2024 with Carlos as guide. He did a very good job with an informative tour, yet easy to understand and comprehend. We especially liked how he explained the history timeline of the previous civilizations in Faro, which in turn made the tour making a lot of sense, and he managed very well to keep our attention throughout the tour. Very clear and well english spoken which is a major plus. He even gave us several recommendations for both food and entertainment after the tour. Highly recommended. P.S. The communication from Freetour before the day was also very good. Clear instructions and professionalism from start to end. 5 stars!

Date of experience : April 21, 2024

Thank you for the fantastic review! We're delighted to hear that you enjoyed the Free Walking Tour of Faro Old Town with Carlos. At, we take pride in offering informative and engaging experiences. We appreciate your recommendation and we look forward to hosting you on another tour soon!

Fantastic tour in the heart of Rome…

Fantastic tour in the heart of Rome made even better with the exceptional and riveting stories from Max our fab guide. Highly recommend this tour, advertised as free but guide definitely deserves a donation for his informative and passion for this subject.

Date of experience : April 24, 2024

Literally fantastic experience!!

Literally fantastic experience!! The neighborhood is magnificent, full of beauty at every corner and full of stories. But the thing that certainly made the tour even more beautiful was the skill of the guide Jame. You were able to convey to me all your love for what you do and for this neighborhood. Literally very good, very nice, very passionate… It was a great pleasure to do this tour with a fantastic guide!!

Thank you for your wonderful review! We're thrilled to hear that you had a fantastic experience with James, our guide. Your kind words about his passion and skill are greatly appreciated. We at are committed to providing the best tours around the world, and it's always a pleasure to hear when we've succeeded. Thanks again for choosing us for your tour!

Great Information and Wonderful Humor

As custom, we took walking tour of Copenhagen as first thing to do. I am very glad that we were assigned Claes' group. He was very knowledgeable about his city, his people and the Danish culture. I learned so much about the city, history of the Denmark and Danish culture. I highly recommend this tour.

Amazing tour, informative guide

Amazing tour! Nathan who was a new tourist guide was a breath of fresh air - his enthusiasm, energy and love for the city showed during the tour. It touched on a few highlights downtown and helped us a lot acclimate ourselves going around. He and his co tour guide were also very helpful in getting us to a bus to bring us to Granville island right after which helped a lot trying to find out how to navigate going there. The list of great restaurants after the tour also helped. The city is must for foodies as it's so diverse and that list helped narrow it down. I recommend this company and tour to anyone visiting the city the first time.

Thank you for your wonderful review! We're thrilled to hear that you had an amazing experience with Nathan on our tour. At, we strive to provide memorable experiences, and it's great to know we have hit the mark. We appreciate your recommendation, and we hope to welcome you back on another adventure soon!

Knowing Sevilla

This was my first free walking tour and I’m glad I joined. But upset with myself because I waited until my last day in the city of Sevilla. If I had attended earlier in my trip. I would have had more knowledge of the main attractions and planned my trip better. My tour guide Jesus is knowledgeable. Answered any questions I had. And took the time to explain the significance of each monument that was visited.

Date of experience : April 19, 2024

Thank you for your wonderful feedback! We're glad that you enjoyed your first free walking tour with us in Sevilla, led by Jesus. We appreciate your kind words and we hope you'll join us again on your future travels.

A really great experience

A really great experience, very easy to meet my guide (Paul) and the tour was absolutely worth it. I definitely recommend !

Thanks for sharing your experience! We're thrilled to hear that you had a great time on the tour with Paul. Your recommendation means a lot to us and the community.

Great tour of historic downtown Mexico City

We had a fabulous tour of historic downtown Mexico City with Laura. She was patient, informative and well organized. Highly recommend as an introduction to Mexico City.

Date of experience : April 23, 2024

Thank you for your kind words! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed your tour of Mexico City with Laura. Your recommendation means a lot to us at We look forward to serving you again soon!

Amazing tour!

Great tour for our family of 6. Our tour guide was knowledgeable and friendly. He remembered every single persons name, and kept everyone engaged throughout even our 8 yr old. He also shared tips and tricks for places to see, eat at and visit for the rest of our stay. Thanks for teaching us so much about Thessaloniki your beautiful city.

Hello Erin! Thank you for your fantastic review! We're thrilled your family enjoyed the tour and that you found our guide knowledgeable and engaging. We appreciate you choosing for your city exploration.

Ambassador tours in Brussels: Funny and interesting

We booked a tour in Brussels with Ambassador tours: Well organised, a very good and funny guide! Definitely recommend it!

Thank you for your review! We at are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the well-organized tour in Brussels with our funny guide. Your recommendation is greatly appreciated!

Tour was great

Tour was great. Johnatan is a great tourguide. His knowlege is so extensive, and he is very easy- going person. We were given so many interesting informations and stories related to the places we visited. I totally recommend it Tomasz

Date of experience : April 18, 2024

Thank you for your kind words and for recommending our tour. We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the wealth of information and stories shared. Your support means a lot to us at

The fado tour excellent

The fado tour excellent! I had listened to the musical genre, but had no idea about the history of it. It was fascinating, heartbreaking and illuminating. Mariana’s storytelling gave us insight into Portuguese history and culture. Highly recommend!

Thank you for your glowing review of our Fado tour and Mariana's storytelling. We're delighted that you found it enlightening and we appreciate your recommendation. Your support means a lot to us at

Very good experience

Very good experience. Our guide Bill was very helpful and we had some fun while learning a bit of Shanghainese history.

Hello Manuel! Thank you for your positive feedback! We're thrilled to hear that you had a great experience with Bill exploring the history of Shanghai. At, we aim to make learning enjoyable. We appreciate your support, and we hope to see you on another tour soon!

It’s a 2h tour where lot of key spots…

It’s a 2h tour where lot of key spots of Rome are visited (fontana de trevi, piazza Navona, Panteon..) the guide was amazing with clear explanations and tips on what else to see/ where to go. Very useful to plan your stay and to understand a bit more about the history of the Roman Empire and its art

Date of experience : April 12, 2024

Thank you for your fantastic review! We're thrilled to hear you enjoyed the tour of Rome's key spots with our amazing guide. We appreciate your support and we hope to welcome you back on another adventure with soon.

I had a Free Plovdiv Tour with Tsveta

I had a Free Plovdiv Tour with Tsveta, today 14.04.2024, which was very interesting, because she introduced 8000 years of history in a nut shell. From the first settlers, through tracians, byzantines, ottoman turks, revival period, communists and never the less in an indulging way, full of humour and prizes. If Seherezada from the story of 1001 bights would had to be real person, it definitely is called Tsveta or (Flower, translated into English). Thank you Tsveta (Flower) for your story, it made my day enjoyable. Now I feel more connected with Plovdiv and it's people.

Date of experience : April 14, 2024

Hello Adelina. Thank you for the glowing review! We're delighted to hear that you enjoyed the Free Plovdiv Tour with Tsveta and that you found her storytelling engaging. We appreciate your kind words and your trust in

Great morning exploring Lisbon on a walking tour

Went on a Walking Tour of Lisbon. If Beatriz is your guide, you are guaranteed to have a brilliant day. Bea showed us Lisbon with a ton of knowledge and anecdotes and plenty of personality. She happily gave additional information such as places to drink, eat and watch fado shows. So glad I signed up for this tour!

Date of experience : April 09, 2024

Thank you for your wonderful review! We're thrilled to hear that Beatriz made your Lisbon walking tour a memorable experience. Your kind words are greatly appreciated and we look forward to welcoming you on another tour with soon!

Two Freetours for Paris, one cancelled on short notice without explanation

We booked two tours for Paris. The first one was great with good explanation and a good guide. However, our next tour was cancelled only hours before the start without any explanation by a non-reply email. This messed up our complete day,so most probably I will not rely on Freetour for our next city visit.

Date of experience : March 28, 2024

Hi Eric, we are really sorry you had such a bad experience booking on Please allow me to clarify that there are cancellation policies applying to all parties: tour guides and customers, and the guide can actually cancel an event for weather conditions or personal emergency up to 1 hour prior tour start. As a customer you are free to cancel even until 1 min before start. Now, when a tour guide has to cancel for any emergency he has to explain this, the email that you receive should have an explanation, if it did not happen it means the guide acted wrongly and we would like to address this problem and correct the guides's behavior. Could you please forward to [email protected] the email notification that you received, with no explanations on the cancellation? Again, we are really sorry for the bad experience, we will do the best to improve our services.

Our group was only 4 persons, but nevertheless our guide Milena did her best to provide as much interesting information about Belgrade and its history as it was possible during our tour. All our questions (even not related to the tour program) were answered. We highly recommend our guide and the tour!

Date of experience : April 02, 2024

Thank you for your kind words and recommendation! We're thrilled to hear that our guide, Milena, went above and beyond to provide you with an informative and enjoyable tour of Belgrade. At, we strive to offer exceptional experiences, and we're glad that you had a great time.

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Reviews 3.5.

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BEWARE, poor service or may even be a holiday / travel scam

BEWARE !!! RSD cancelled our holiday to South Africa the day before we were meant to travel. They gave very little explanation and said the flights had been cancelled due to the floods in dubai. However when I check I can see that both legs of our journey ( London to Dubai and Dubai to Johannesburg) operated on time . Why did RSD cancel our holiday then and claim that the floods in Dubai were the issue. RSD has not been in contact with us since they advised our holiday was cancelled. I think RSD may be a holiday scam and I will be reporting this to the police !!

Date of experience : 20 April 2024

Reply from RSD Travel

Dear Brad K, Thank you for taking the time to contact us. We understand it can be frustrating when travel plans change at short notice, unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, we had to cancel your holiday. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused. Please rest assured, a full refund has been provided. We truly hope that you will give us the opportunity to prove ourselves to you, as a tour operator in the future. Kind regards, RSD Travel Team

Trip to India

I think this is our 6th holiday with you I would like to thank RSD for an incredible journey. Our guide Raees Mond’s breadth and depth of knowledge of the history of India was phenomenal. He truly made the visit to India an adventure of a life time. He was very helpful at all times of day or night. Raees ensured and was instrumental in the success of the holiday

Date of experience : 20 March 2024

Dear Giuseppe D'anna, Thank you very much for your feedback regarding your recent trip to India. We know how valuable your holiday time is and we are therefore particularly pleased that you enjoyed your tour with us. We hope to travel again with you in the future! Warm regards, RSD Travel Team


I called the number on the English Heritage magazine to make enquiries and to book the Rhodes and Aegean tour for 2025. I could not believe how mean the receptionist who picked up the phone was. He hung up on me while we were still talking. I called back twice and he hung up each time.

Date of experience : 22 April 2024

Croatia and Montenego

Croatia and Montenego I agree with everything 2 other people wrote about the Pearl Beach Resort in Canji. The 2nd week in the Croatia and Montenegro holiday. I am there at the moment and can't wait to go home. I have never ever wanted to go home early from a holiday before. It's the first hotel in 40 years I've ever stayed in with no lounges with comfortable seats. Just a bar with fairly hard seats. The indoor pool was unheated and not really indoors as it had a retractable roof which was always open. The shower in there only cold water, no changing room and an empty jacuzzi. There was no tourist information whatsoever in the hotel about buses or taxis etc. They only wanted you to go on their expensive excursions. The food was not hot enough and you had to put your own plate in the microwave supplied! Also the hot water was never boiling to make cups of tea and had to be put in the microwave. As other people have said there is absolutely nothing in walking distance of the hotel except one fish restaurant and I'm allergic to fish. The hotel was very clean and our room was nice but with a tiny shower area in the bathroom. You had to hold the shower as there was nowhere to hook it above waist level. Also no panel or anything to stop you soaking the toilet etc. The buffet food was average for hotels.

Date of experience : 10 April 2024

Just back from a fab trip to Croatia

Just back from a fab trip to Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina & Montenegro. Great to see so many lovely places during the first week. We had a very knowledgeable, fun, friendly tour guide Gulcin. She made sure we had all necessary info re hotels and excursions. Tour hotels were all very comfortable with modern rooms and shower rooms. Most with pools & balconies with nice view. Only one night no view, but as out most of day touring this isn't an issue. Always a great selection of food too, mainly buffet. Due to low season dates, we would definitely recommend the all inclusive option too. The 2nd week hotel was 4*.....4 pools, great food and drink selection, great staff.....always happy to help. Location outside hotel was quiet and in process of being done up as most other businesses open 1st May, but on an off season holiday at such a great price (approx £900 for 15 days, a 7 day half board tour, all inc 2nd week, really cant complain) this can be expected. Met lots of other lovely folk on the trip too....lots of fun had! It was a fab mystery tour. Thankyou RSD and all who made it such a great trip!

Date of experience : 03 April 2024

Dear Samt, Thank you very much for your feedback regarding your recent trip to Croatia. We know how valuable your holiday time is and we are therefore particularly pleased that you enjoyed your tour with us. We hope to travel again with you in the future! Warm regards, RSD Travel Team

We had a problem at the start of our…

We had a problem at the start of our holiday when our flight was diverted to another airport. RSD advised us to take a taxi to our first hotel, and reimbursed the costs, and arranged for the part of our tour we missed to be given at the end of the week. They handled this problem well. Better food on the package would have earned tgem 5 stars.

Date of experience : 28 March 2024

Dear Bob Denmark, Thank you very much for your honest feedback regarding your recent trip to France. We are happy to hear that, despite your disappointment relating to the issues you have mentioned, you were still able to enjoy the rest of this trip. It is feedback like yours that’s enables us to better our services and we hope to travel again with you in the future! Warm regards, RSD Travel Team

Very satisfied.

When I see bad reviews about this company I decided to write this. I recently went Croatia and Montenegro tour with them. Every thing from booking to the end of tour very smooth. Very well planned and professional service. I tried to find any complaints but couldn't. Some people find it rushing But I think it is not possible to achieve such an extensive itinerary without a tight schedule. Some people have lots of moaning about jewellery, carpet and leather factory. But for me it is a different experience. Although the products seem expensive they are quality products .We can witness them but no need to buy . There are many ways we can appreciate their effort. It is a very well planned tour, we were provided Excellent Hotels with delicious food. Comfortable modern coaches. I am not ungrateful to forget our guide Mr Mahir and Driver Joshep. They are simply excellent, helpful. This was my second trip with RSD and not the last. I have already booked Rhodes with them next year.

Date of experience : 27 March 2024

Dear Janaratn, Thank you very much for your feedback regarding your recent trip to Croatia. We know how valuable your holiday time is and we are therefore particularly pleased that you enjoyed your tour with us. We look forwarded to travelling again with you to Rhodes! Warm regards, RSD Travel Team

Incredible India

RSD Travel : India tour We joined the RSD group tour of Palaces and Forts of Rajasthan in March 2024, having experienced excellent guidance from the same company in the UAE in 2019. Throughout our travels, we were in awe of our empathetic and knowledgeable guide, Mohammed Raees, who told us about Gods, castes, religion, politics, education, in the most impeccable English and who was able to anticipate travel needs throughout. Raees surprised us with treats when we scarcely were aware that we needed them. He shielded us from hard selling moments, by allowing some souvenirs to be brought on board the coach. Both the tourists and the local sellers seemed to find his tactics worked. Raees also made time to socialise with the group during the all-important meal-times at hotels. Without doubt, he was the star of this RSD road-show. We have returned with tremendous insights in to the culture of this vast sub-continent. The pace of the tour was intense, the accumulation of knowledge was breathtaking. I think that RSD tends to reward its participants with some down-time. This tour was perhaps a little relentless and I would have valued an opportunity to relax a little bit. Janine and Chris Turner

Dear Janine Turner, Thank you very much for your feedback regarding your recent trip to India. We know how valuable your holiday time is and we are therefore particularly pleased that you enjoyed your tour with us. We are also pleased to hear that your tour guide, Raees, was charming, very well informed and behaved in a professional and competent manner. We hope to travel again with you in the future! Warm regards, RSD Travel Team

RSD Croatia & Montenegro 15 days

Currently on our 2nd week of 15 day tour of Croatia and montenegro. Absolutely super hotels, food and tour guide, first week is a bit full on but we knew it would be and 2nd week hotel is first class. All hotels were good, clean and food excellent. My advice would be to do the upgrade especially 2nd week, it's worth 41 euros per day just for drinks. Local beer and wine very good. 2nd week hotel is kumoor montenegro,4 star, there are some restaurants open April within 15 minute walk. I would do this trip again, I had an injury to my knee 2 weeks before the holiday so had to use a stick but I still managed to do everything. Of course good weather helps and in April it ranged from 19 to 26 degrees.

Dear Jill Griffiths, Thank you very much for your feedback regarding your recent trip to Croatia. We know how valuable your holiday time is and we are therefore particularly pleased that you enjoyed your tour with us. We hope to travel again with you in the future! Warm regards, RSD Travel Team

Don’t buy the Croatia-Bosnia-Montenegro tour

I go on holiday to relax, see new sights and enjoy myself. Instead on this trip I have never felt so anxious or stressed while on holiday. First there is (unnecessarily) no certainty about hotels or timings for each visit - at least they (W Touristic the local agent) don’t tell you until the last minute each day. This suspense allows the hard selling and manipulative (I am not exaggerating - this was a word used by many of my fellow travellers) main guide to push the extras. It was truly thuggish and bullying. The trips may have been worth doing - but they were not value for money. The full board upgrade for the second week (so called free week) hotel was sold particularly hard - ‘unless you upgrade’ the guide said ‘I cannot guarantee that you will be in this good hotel’. Non-upgraders, even half-boarders, were made to feel guilty, ashamed even. Assumedly he was on a commission. If you don’t go on the trips then the time is yours, but expect to be dumped somewhere while you wait for the coach to pick you. And the trips and upgrades had to be paid in cash, not by card, which upset a lot of people. (No doubt the local tax authorities would be interested in this ruse). What made this worse is the second week hotel didn’t offer bed and breakfast, ‘bed only’ being the only purported upgrade option (an unusual marketing technique). Given the nearest open restaurant in April was over a mile away, this would have constrained many of the older travellers in our group. Personally I always like to visit the local restaurants and mingle with non-tourists when I am away and this proved to be the better option. Yes the food in the hotels was (mostly) good but eating typical buffet food for two weeks even for the diehard fan is just too much. I don’t mind going to the carpet factory, or the jewellery and leather (coat) outlet but we all expected to see and celebrate some local craftspeople making goods. But it was not to be - just the hard sell of manufactured goods brought into a warehouse to entice tourists into buying. We don’t do bartering they say - oh, but they do. I once bought a carpet in a market in Istanbul so I was ready for ratcheting up of the sales spiel. But I was not ready psychologically for when 40 sales people suddenly entered the room and picked you off! I have had more anxiety attacks and sleepless nights on this holiday than I ever got from work. These factory visits help subsidise the holiday but the reason you will go on the trip is that it appears to be good value. Beware. Finally, the aspect that attracted me to this holiday was the variety of UNESCO and similar historic sights that were on offer. But you get to spend so little time at each place that you never really absorb the history in any depth. The guides at each city (who all need tipping) were mostly good but the experience is shallow. Many of us were entranced by Budva and Kotor and were able to return after our token visit as these towns could be accessed from our resort by bus. The desire to travel by bus was not anticipated by our main guide who assumed we would sit in the second hotel with our full upgrade and loads of free drink. We wondered often if the tour was designed around his convenience (and so he can glean Euro20 of tips per person) - he did prefer the hotels with a gym, rather than as an opportunity to delight the visitor. Do not be late for the coach or you will be left behind! On three occasions he would have happily left people behind. On one of these occasions two of us went out on a search party for an elderly and clearly confused woman since the main guide was in a hurry and was not going to wait. We found her but while we were out our partners were pressured into trying to ring us to find out where we were after just five minutes. Disgraceful behaviour! Don’t go with RSD.

Dear Nick Coates, We are very sorry that you have cause for complaint. We have received your comments, and our Customer relations team will be in contact. We hope we will be able to resolve the issues you have raised. Kind regards, RSD Travel Team

RSD Cappadocia trip October 2023

Cappadocia trip, October 2023. Exceptionally well organised from start to finish - including flights, transfers and tours. Interesting tour programme, knowledgeable guides and quality hotels at very affordable prices. I am a 64 yo, solo traveller and appreciate RSD's low cost solo supplement - much lower than other "No single supplement, Solo specialist agencies". I have done four tours with RSD and am doing my fifth in May. A lot of the RSD travellersare I meet are return customers - says a lot. Exceptional VFM for couples on a budget and likewise for solo tourists like myself.

Date of experience : 05 October 2023

Dear David Fairhurst, Thank you very much for your feedback regarding your recent trip to Cappadocia. We know how valuable your holiday time is and we are therefore particularly pleased that you enjoyed your tour with us. We hope to travel again with you in the future! Warm regards, RSD Travel Team

A most enjoyable fortnight

A most enjoyable fortnight. The sights in Rhodes and Turkey were fascinating and memorable, even to those with no in-depth interest in history. Our guide was knowledgeable, efficient and courteous. Hotels were mainly very comfortable and the food delicious. All in all it was a great trip - relaxing, edifying and comfortable, all at an excellent price.

Date of experience : 17 October 2023

Dear Richard, Thank you very much for your feedback regarding your recent trip to Rhodes. We know how valuable your holiday time is and we are therefore particularly pleased that you enjoyed your tour with us. We hope to travel again with you in the future! Warm regards, RSD Travel Team

Cracking Cappadocia,

We had a fantastic holiday in Cappadocia with RSD Travel. From initial check-in until our return flight home, it was a great experience. On the tour week we saw many interesting sights at a steady pace. The accommodation and food were very good. The extra week hotel ,the Simona Comfort Hotel, was particularly good and we thoroughly enjoyed our stay there. For value for money, RSD Travel simply can't be beaten!

Date of experience : 28 September 2023

Dear Vaughan, Thank you very much for your feedback regarding your recent trip to Cappadocia. We know how valuable your holiday time is and we are therefore particularly pleased that you enjoyed your tour with us. We hope to travel again with you in the future! Warm regards, RSD Travel Team

We had a great holiday

We had a great holiday, visiting Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Montenegro. The first week was an interesting tour of ancient cities and learning about the history of the places we visited. The hotels we stayed in were mostly very good, there was one hotel where we had to lug our cases up several flights of steps as there were no lifts. The tour guide was pleasant and well informed and all the excursions were well organised. Week two was spent at a beach resort in Montenegro, the hotel here was tired but satisfactory and the location was beautiful and again we could easily use the local bus to visit the nearby town.

Date of experience : 11 October 2023

Dear Audrey Hood, Thank you very much for your feedback regarding your recent trip to Croatia. We know how valuable your holiday time is and we are therefore particularly pleased that you enjoyed your tour with us. We hope to travel again with you in the future! Warm regards, RSD Travel Team

RSD Indian Tour Excels

Cultural tour of India excelling with an outstanding guide. I have high expectations of RSD tours, but Devendra Singh raised this trip to another level. He handled the range of Indian culture and heritage sites impeccably and was able to unite an internationally diverse coachload of 36 by his positive approach to human relationships. This was an unforgettable and rejuvenating experience. I could even cope with 38 degree heat, basking in the glow of genuine concern and attention to detail.

Date of experience : 21 February 2024

Dear B Ferris, Thank you very much for your feedback regarding your recent trip to India. We know how valuable your holiday time is and we are therefore particularly pleased that you enjoyed your tour with us. Guides with great passion and knowledge who are engaging can turn a good holiday into a great one and we are so pleased that this was your experience. We hope to travel again with you in the future! Warm regards, RSD Travel Team

Most disappointing operation

I was recommended this holiday by a previous guest, sadly it’s gone downhill. A not very informative guide, we learnt more from the internet. I objected to the lock in at the hard sell leather, carpet & jewellery outlets, this is not what I went to Turkey for. Our other complaint concerned the lunchtime stops. If you didn’t buy the lunch package you were left outside a petrol station each of 4 days to sit on the pavement, beyond a joke. I actually booked myself a flight home after the first week I was so disappointed. Waste of money

Dear Carolyn, We are unable to discuss account-related issues on this platform, for your privacy, however we would like to discuss this with you directly. Please contact us at [email protected]. Kind Regards, RSD Travel Team

Croatia/Montenegro October to November

Having recently returned from the October 18 Croatia/Montenergro holiday which was the worst holiday I have ever had, I am posting this review to warn anyone who might be tempted to book a holiday with RSD Travel. My advice to you is – DON’T. I endured all the complaints listed by other reviewers including a surly and unhelpful tour guide, days wasted on unnecessary factory visits, dirty hotel, dogs and cats roaming around the dining room and food covered in flies and wasps. ! will NEVER travel with RSD Travel again. Gail O’Dell

Date of experience : 18 October 2023

Dear Gall O'Dell, We are unable to discuss account-related issues on this platform, for your privacy, however we would like to discuss this with you directly. Please contact us at [email protected]. Kind Regards, RSD Travel Team

Avoid the two week trip to Croatia / Montenegro

I would advise against doing a two week trip to Croatia and Montenegro with RSD Travel. The first week of travelling around is OK but second week stuck in a second rate hotel in Montenegro is very boring. The outside pool is empty, the indoor pool lacks a changing room, there are no cafes or bookable trips locally outside the hotel, nothing to do in the evenings, not even anywhere nice to sit in the hotel like a lounge. Food is sometimes reheated, dinner finished at 8pm. The TV only has one channel in English, which is just news. I wouldn't recommend a week in such a backwater unless you plan to use it as a base to travel from to explore further afield. It wasn't a place you could relax at in my opinion.

Date of experience : 15 November 2023

Dear Tim H, We are unable to discuss account-related issues on this platform, for your privacy, however we would like to discuss this with you directly. Please contact us at [email protected]. Kind Regards, RSD Travel Team Thank you for contacting us, we are glad we were able to bring about a satisfactory close. We look forward to travelling with you again.

Cappadocia cultural holiday

RSD organise a very full programme of events and the guide was very friendly and had a lot of local knowledge. The chance to go on the Cappadocia balloon flight was an amazing unforgettable experience. The flight out was a late evening flight which made us tired at the start of the holiday, but that was not a problem. They were very well organised and put us quickly into our coach group.

Date of experience : 06 October 2023

Dear Caroline Hill, Thank you very much for your feedback regarding your recent trip to Cappadocia. We know how valuable your holiday time is and we are therefore particularly pleased that you enjoyed your tour with us. We hope to travel again with you in the future! Warm regards, RSD Travel Team


I travelled with RSD Travel to Cappodocia last Sept after having a wonderful holiday with them to Croatia the year before. Flights from Gatwick are a problem for me as I live in Norfolk and no other regional airports are used. There were a few incidents on Turkish trip - coach braking down, lack of first aid kit on the coach and chaos at the departing hotel with luggage. Lack of organisation with passengers arriving and departing with luggage being left outside the hotel. Other than that a good holiday.

Date of experience : 19 September 2023

Dear Gabby O'Shea, Thank you very much for your feedback regarding your recent trip to Cappadocia. We are happy to hear, that despite your disappointment relating to the issues you have mentioned, you were still able to enjoy the rest of this trip. It is feedback like yours that’s enables us to better our services and we hope to travel again with you in the future! Warm regards, RSD Travel Team

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We went on a cultural trip to Crete in…

We went on a cultural trip to Crete in March. There were lots of irritants but my main complaint was about the high pressurised selling at the carpet/leather/jewellery factories. In particular the jewellery factory I had to keep saying no for 20 minutes by the sales person & her manager. Each visit was a minimum of 2 hours with the exits carefully concealed. The guide was very knowledgeable but he also majored on the fact that our trip was being subsidised by the Greek government so tourist would spend in local industries. Needless to say this was not mentioned. The first hotel and staff was excellent but the second one - the staff were rude both at the desk and in the restaurant and were vert unhelpful. I did write an extensive feedback form and sent it to the company to get a very bland letter saying very little of substance. Won't ever travel with this company again.

Date of experience : 11 May 2019

I’m due to go on an eight day trip to…

I’m due to go on an eight day trip to the Cappadocia. Trying to get information out of this company has been very difficult. My friend is now not going there’s been an issue so I am left to go alone. I’ve been trying to find out which hotels are we staying at. I’ve been told abruptly on two occasions that I will know when I arrive. I do not consider this to be satisfactory as I’m going to be alone traveller and apparently according to the information I now have the group will be split up and going to different hotels. So I’ve no idea where I’m going to be or who I’m going to be weird. I would like to know if anybody has done this trip and how they found it

Date of experience : 04 May 2022

Well done, RSD Travel

My compliments to RSD Travel for acting so swiftly when our holiday to Croatia was cancelled due to COVID-19. Reading in the papers about how some holiday-makers are being treated by some travel companies made us wonder on when we would receive our credit. But no, RSD said they would credit us by a certain date, and actually the money was in our account several days before.Will we book again with RSD - of course we will!!

Date of experience : 11 June 2020

Reply from RSD Travel

Dear Frank, Thank you for leaving your online review. Customer satisfaction and high quality are top priorities for us and we are delighted to hear that you are happy with the service we provide. We hope to have the pleasure of assisting you with your travel plans in the future. Kind regards, RSD Travel Team

Croatia, Montenegro & Bosnia

Good trip, with the usual stops for carpets, jewellery etc - you know the score. One very nice and fancy hotel but in the main, most hotels are pretty basic, slightly better than Travelodge but this could be because these were the best that they had. Top Tip: Especially for Brits - kettles and tea & coffee are NOT provided in 99% of the hotel rooms; appears that this is just not the done thing so bring your travel kettle and teas & coffees if you want an early morning cuppa or a drink before bed. Also, in almost all the stops, food was reasonably readily available so no real need to go for their evening meals, which I think are a bit on the pricey side.

Date of experience : 25 March 2020

Dear Customer, Thank you for leaving your online review. Customer satisfaction and high quality are top priorities for us and we are delighted to hear that you enjoyed the majority of your tour. However, we regret to hear that not all of the hotels met your expectations. We will be sure to pass your comments on to the relevant departments who will take all of your feedback into consideration. We hope to have the pleasure of assisting you with your travel plans in the future. Kind regards, RSD Travel Team


I read with interest RSD's reply (19hours ago-Thursday 30.4.20 16.00 hours) to the recent complaint of No contact-no service. We too were due to go on holiday to Croatia on Sunday 26 April last but had it cancelled by RSD. We have travelled with RSD on a number of occasions now and have quite enjoyed them. Although I'm sure many people, like myself are sympathetic to RSD's problems due to the virus. What has let the company down quite badly is the complete lack of communication with its customers. I have received one letter confirming the cancellation, that's all. When I have managed to speak to staff on the telephone they have been most unhelpful and bordering on being rude. The message on the RSD website is old news now and very much needs updating. It is good that in the reply that I mention above RSD state their intention is to reimburse customers within 28 days. I will hold them to that!

Date of experience : 01 May 2020


We have been with RSD twice and the experience was EXCELLENT value for money. I cannot understand what the whingers expect for the price they paid for a 7 day holiday with flights, trips, accommodation and breakfast included. This a grea, cheap way to have a well conducted cultural trip around fascinating areas of the world. My advice. Go for it, don’t expect anything much for the price an be pleasantly surprised. DONT go if you are not physically fit. Lots of walking over terrain which is not always flat

Date of experience : 20 April 2019

Excellent response re

Excellent response re: cancelled holiday. This year would have been our second trip with RSD Travel, the first was to Turkey, it was an excellent experience. This year because of Covid 19 our trip to Croatia in April had to be cancelled. RSD Travel have been in touch and informative as to how this was being handled. This week we received our full refund this week, no deduction for administration, and no problems in obtaining it. We will definitely be booking again.

Date of experience : 03 June 2020

Dear Mrs Mansfield, Thank you for leaving your online review. Customer satisfaction and high quality are top priorities for us and we are delighted to hear that you are happy with the service we provide. We know how valuable your holiday time is and we are therefore particularly pleased that you enjoyed your tours and experience with us. We hope to have the pleasure of assisting you with your travel plans in the future. Kind regards, RSD Travel Team

Three great holidays.

I have used RSD three times and had a great holiday on each occasion. The holidays were excellent value in good to excellent hotels. You have to bear on mind that you will have three visits to out of town warehouses that will try to flog you handmade carpets, silver and leather. If you don't want to buy, you can go off to the coffee shop and wait for the others. The guides have been good and the hotel food excellent.

Date of experience : 20 May 2022

Superb customer service

RSD cancelled our holiday to Dubai (because of the current Covid situation) on a Monday morning. I got an email the same day to confirm this, asking for my bank details for the refund. The refund was in my bank account the following day. SUPERB customer service, especially when set against another company (JustGo!) who are dragging a refund on for 6 months. Thank you RSD and I will bear this in mind when making further holiday bookings.

Date of experience : 10 December 2020

Dear Mr Willshire, Thank you for leaving your online review. Customer satisfaction and high quality are top priorities for us and we are delighted to hear that you are pleased with the service you received. We will be sure to pass your comments on to the relevant departments. We hope to have the pleasure of assisting you with your travel plans in the future. Kind regards, RSD Travel Team

I have been on 2 holidays with RSD and…

I have been on 2 holidays with RSD and have thoroughly enjoyed them. The North Cyprus tour was brilliant. We had an additional 7 days at a 5 star hotel. The hotel was in a remote setting but we actually enjoyed relaxing in such a beautiful setting and the use of the fabulous spa. You are paying a mere pittance to enjoy the holidays they provide. We went on the 7 day tour to Turkey which meant moving from hotel to hotel but we saw some incredible places we would never have visited. The food on the tour to Turkey was not great but the North Cyprus tour was excellent.

Date of experience : 02 November 2022

Thank you for leaving your online review. Customer satisfaction and high quality are top priorities for us, and we are delighted to hear that you are pleased with the service you received. We hope to have the pleasure of assisting you with your travel plans in the future. Kind regards, RSD Travel Team

My first experience with RSD was to doubt their claims. We now know that they provide wonderful cheap holidays

My first experience with RSD was to Turkey. I was very reluctant to go as it seemed a con. They provided everything in the brochure. Since then I have been to the Cappadocia tour, the Northern Cyprus Tour, the Crete Tour and we are booked for the Croatia Tour. We are very surprised that people do not realise that the visits to carpet factories, jewellery stores, leather exhibitions etc. help make our holiday cheaper. We are very happy at the wonderful places we have visited and the high quality hotels where we have enjoyed the facilities and the wonderful food. We cannot understand the reviews that differ from our own.

Date of experience : 19 August 2022

Excellent service, excellent holidays!

We have had several trips with RSD Travel, good value and well organised.Our holiday to Morocco was cancelled because of Covid-19 by email and this was followed up by a phone call. We asked for a refund and received it in full several weeks later without further prompting. We are very impressed with RSD both the customer service and the holidays we have enjoyed with them.

Dear Mr Francome, Thank you for leaving your online review. Customer satisfaction and high quality are top priorities for us and we are delighted to hear that you are happy with the service we provide. We know how valuable your holiday time is and we are therefore particularly pleased that you enjoyed your tours and experience with us. We hope to have the pleasure of assisting you with your travel plans in the future. Kind regards, RSD Travel Team

Just book with someone else..price may…

Just book with someone else..price may seem higher initially but trust me it's not .. This trip was my first with rsd to Croatia and a coachful off people have complained.. I'm not sure how they can charge £240 each person seasonal supplement has no one open..until 1st June..I notice rsd travel only reply to good reviews ..they have a coachful of folk still here in Azul hotel..who are not happy.

Date of experience : 07 May 2023

Dear Carol, Thank you for providing further information. We are unable to discuss these issues on this platform, for your privacy, however our quality management team have been notified and are working hard to rectify the issues. We hope that we are able to bring this to a satisfactory close. Kind Regards, RSD Travel Ltd.

What a relief to get my refund-thank you

Initially I was very agitated in Feb when I pleaded with RSD Travel to let me cancel my 10 Day trip to Canada starting 21st May, as it clearly was never going to happen. I trust the company will have more foresight in future if they wish to keep a faithful clientele. Eventually the late cancelllation about three weeks before departure, cost me, as my insurance refund is less, but I am delighted to have been refunded EVERY PENNY and thank RSD Travel for this. Now it must work to restore our confidence in their products-I still want to go on that trip and urge the company to find ways of tempting me. Currently I am furious with the travel insurance company which is refunding a derisory amount-in vouchers only. Well done, RSD Travel for compensating me so fairly and promptly once you had notified me. Challenge? Please find a way of getting me to give you 5 stars next time!

Date of experience : 08 July 2020

Dear Mrs Lawrence, Thank you for leaving your online review. Customer satisfaction and high quality are top priorities for us and we are delighted to hear that you are happy with the service we provide. The FCO advice and the situation is fluid and ever changing and that before accepting the cancellation and refund, we are entitled to wait until nearer the date of departure for up to date advice. We are delighted however, that you are happy with the service we have provided. We hope to have the pleasure of assisting you with your travel plans in the future. Kind regards, RSD Travel Team

Great value , great holiday experience.

Great value for money and you get exactly what is described in the brochure. RSD charter flights with Freebird, some disruption in Antalya for the onward flights (but no fault of RSD), and an English speaking guide on arrival in Cyprus. 4 star hotel for the 1st week, with buffet breakfast - optional evening buffet (which we declined) and ate out locally. Great value and easy to find local restaurants. Great choice of included tours, with the obligatory visits to a leather, carpet and jewellery factory - all known about in advance, but still very pushy ! Tour guide was ok, but obviously on commission for sales of optional tours, food packages and purchases at outlets. 2nd week relaxing at a 5 star hotel on the beach, breakfast included. A very busy hotel, but plenty of room to sunbathe around the pools and beach areas. Optional evening meal and drinks package, which we again declined - ate out to support local businesses. Overall very good value. A lovely holiday experience, lovely scenery, great friendships, - but read the brochure carefully to ensure you know what you are signing up to, and you won't be disappointed.

Date of experience : 12 April 2023

Dear Lindsay Jessop, We are very pleased to hear that you enjoyed your holiday. Customer satisfaction and high quality are top priorities for us and it is great to hear that we are on the right track. We are glad that you were able to indulge the fantastic culture and beautiful landscapes - also the local cuisine! We hope to welcome you on another one of our tours soon. Kind Regards, RSD Travel Ltd.

We were due to travel to Cyprus on 29th…

We were due to travel to Cyprus on 29th April. I had contacted them in March to check that the trip would still go ahead and I was told that it certainly would. On April 7th I received a phone call to notify me my trip was cancelled and offering me a credit note/voucher which I declined, requesting a refund. On the 9th April I received an email verifying the cancellation. After much tooing and froing with emails I eventually managed to get a reply saying that yes I could have a refund but it would not even be considered until 28 days after the DEPARTURE date. That is 50 days in total which even in these times I find unacceptable. I have not heard from them since so I am now going to ask my credit card to process a chargeback. This hardly inspires customer confidence. Communication is lacking on a grand scale In response to RSD, and this is not the place for ongoing comunication, We have communicated extensivelyto no avail

Date of experience : 15 May 2020

Lovely holiday in Rhodes and Turkey

We’re almost a week back from our Rhodes and the Aegean holiday and keep wishing we were back there. We were the first RSD holiday to Rhodes after a 7 year break, and it’s fair to say the first week was a bit chaotic due to the newness of the holidays on Rhodes. It did seem that the hotels were taken by surprise by our large group, hence some initials complaints. However, overall, we had a lovely holiday. We enjoyed the variety of the tour week, with time in Turkey which was great. Some teething problems with the boarding on the Katamaran and customs which delayed us, but hopefully these will be sorted for others. Hotels, except for the first one, we’re all very good and food in our holiday week was lovely. For the amount we pay, even going all inclusive on the second week, we can’t fault these holidays. Sometimes you have a good room, sometimes not as good, but that’s part of the holiday in our opinion. If we wanted the full 4/5 star experience then we wouldn’t book RSD, but we like their business model of supporting the local economies out of season and we were very happy with our holiday.

Date of experience : 03 October 2023

Dear Susan, Thank you very much for your feedback regarding your recent trip to Rhodes and the Aegean. We know how valuable your holiday time is and we are therefore particularly pleased that you enjoyed your tour with us. We hope to travel again with you in the future! Warm regards, RSD Travel Team

Hoping you survive this pandemic.

My friend and I were to travel to Morocco on19th March 2020 and return on April 1st, but of course, it was cancelled due to Coronavirus. I have been given a full refund byRSD which I received about May 11th. Not a rapid response but in reasonable time and with no procrastinations. ( I am still waiting for refunds from other companies - who are not being helpful.) We look forward to travelling with them again hopefully in 2021 as we have another trip already booked with them. We are always pleased with this company we have had some lovely and well priced holidays with RSD and made some very good friendships. We hold them in high regard and hope they survive this awful situation.

Dear Mrs Hall, Thank you for leaving your online review. Customer satisfaction and high quality are top priorities for us and we are delighted to hear that you were satisfied with the service you received. We hope to have the pleasure of assisting you with your travel plans in the future. Kind regards, RSD Travel Team

I have had excellent holidays with RSD…

I have had excellent holidays with RSD Travel in the past. Our holiday was obviously cancelled this year, and RSD have refunded in full our payments. This must be difficult for them, but is certainly the way to build customer loyalty. We hope to travel with them at some point in the future. Mr. H. McPherson

Date of experience : 19 May 2020

Dear Customer, Thank you for leaving your online review. Customer satisfaction and high quality are top priorities for us and we are delighted to hear that you were satisfied with the service you received. We hope to have the pleasure of assisting you with your travel plans in the future. Kind regards, RSD Travel Team

Well done RSD

I have had some lovely holidays with RSD. Unfortunately my trip to Croatia in March was cancelled due to Covid19. I APPLAUD RSD for issuing a refund within weeks of cancellation. Thank You RSD. See you soon........I hope. Can you try to get some "no supplement" single rooms.

Date of experience : 21 June 2020

Dear Customer, Thank you for leaving your online review. Customer satisfaction and high quality are top priorities for us and we are delighted to hear that you are happy with the service we provide. We know how valuable your holiday time is and we are therefore particularly pleased that you enjoyed your tours and experience with us. We hope to have the pleasure of assisting you with your travel plans in the future. Kind regards, RSD Travel Team


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  2. New York RSD Free Tour

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  3. RSD

    rsd free tour review

  4. RSD Biggest Free Tour Arrives in New York

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  5. RSD Free Tour

    rsd free tour review

  6. RSD

    rsd free tour review


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  1. My No BS Review of RSD (Real Social Dynamics)

    In addition, their "Free tours" started to significantly decline in quality. They started to feel like a giant timeshare presentation. Previously (2015 and prior), the Free Tours were 1-2 hours of unfiltered free value and 15 minutes of the "Sales pitch". However, now they have become the opposite.

  2. Rex's Review of the Real Social Dynamics Free Tour

    Jun 15, 2014. #1. On Thursday, ya boy attended the RSD Free Tour which was being held at the Sheraton Hotel in Manhattan. The event was scheduled from 7-10, but the event started late, however, the event didn't end till about 11:30-12 o'clock. In total their were four speakers, Kevin the RSD Cameraman, Alex, Jeffy, and Owen, (aka Tyler Durden ...

  3. A Dream: RSD Free Tour Review

    I had a dream I went to an RSD Free Tour Event. Any similarity to actual events is purely a coincidence. This is a piece of creative writing and is in no way based on reality. I'm a complete fool and everything I say is madness. Everyone knows it. With that said, here is an account of that dream: ———————— Ugggg. That was so ...

  4. Read Customer Service Reviews of

    RSD organise a very full programme of events and the guide was very friendly and had a lot of local knowledge. The chance to go on the Cappadocia balloon flight was an amazing unforgettable experience. The flight out was a late evening flight which made us tired at the start of the holiday, but that was not a problem.

  5. RSD Travel. Con Trick or Good Value Holiday?

    Although far from £149 but for a more realistic £425 you can have 6 days touring some of the amazing sights of the world together with an insight to another culture. Perhaps you would also like to read my other article "Turkey with RSD Travel, Antalya to Cappadocia Price £425 all in but plus drinks".

  6. RSD Travel Reviews

    The RSD site is still showing Day 7 as part of the seven day cultural tour with a stop in Budva but it is a wasted transit day. The beach hotel was fine when the weather was good but freezing when not. Some staff were polite and helpful but restaurant staff frequently rude.

  7. RSD Travel Reviews

    Replied to 85% of negative reviews. Replies to negative reviews in < 1 week. Information written by the company. RSD is one of the largest cultural tour operators in Europe. With outstanding customer satisfaction and an overall score of A-, RSD has already welcomed more than 2 million guests.

  8. RSD Travel Reviews

    RSD is one of the largest cultural tour operators in Europe. With outstanding customer satisfaction and an overall score of A-, RSD has already welcomed more than 2 million guests. Since it is part of a medium-sized group of companies with approx. 700 employees, you benefit from unique, sensational prices.

  9. RSD Travel Reviews

    The extra week did not include for food and drink, but the all inclusive package sold by RSD was good value for money. Food in the hotel was plentiful and generally of a good standard. The drinks available under the package were a bit limited, but still good value. Date of experience: October 03, 2023. Useful.

  10. Owen Cook Free Tour

    Self Mastery Co a world leading coaching company in self transformation and social skills. With coaches based in Los Angeles, New York, London, Sydney, and S...

  11. RSD Croatia & Montenegro 15 day tour

    46 reviews. 53 helpful votes. 4. Re: RSD Croatia & Montenegro 15 day tour. 1 year ago. Am booked on this tour leaving on Friday, the 7th, and still cannot get any details of the hotels we will be staying in or where exactly the are. The hotel descriptions are " in the. Answer 1 of 12: Does anyone know which hotel RSD use for the 2nd week in ...

  12. RSD Cappadocia trip Oct/Nov 2023- detailed review

    I have never complained about a holiday before This was to Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro 15 day tour starting 25th October I personally felt intimidated and unsafe due to the 'guide' Junate, employed by RSD via WTuristic as he behaved so unpleasantly, lacking any professionalism, he spoilt the first week of our holiday. He shouted at clients unreasonably and told them to get off the coach.

  13. All RSD Free Tour Videos

    Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

  14. Rhodes & the Aegean: 15-day 4-star tour

    What's included: (Price when booking the following separately)¹. + Return flights with a reputable airline³ to and from Rhodes, incl. hotel transfers. £ 370¹. + 7-day cultural tour of Rhodes & the Aegean. with 2 Ancient Wonders of the World and the 4 most famous UNESCO World Heritage Sites. - 7 nights in a double room in selected 4- and 5 ...

  15. Croatia & Montenegro: 15-day 4-star tour ›

    Days 8 - 15: Relaxation in a wonderful 4-star hotel on the Adriatic. Relax over the next few days in your 4-star hotel on the wonderful Adriatic coast of Montenegro! We enjoy the amenities of our hotel, take a break by the pool or a leisurely stroll. The comfortable rooms are modernly furnished, with air-conditioning, bath/WC and flatscreen TV.

  16. Read Customer Service Reviews of is the first platform of its kind, allowing visitors to easily find and book top-quality free and budget tour providers around the world. & the Free Tour mobile app are increasingly essential travel tools for a new generation of travelers seeing the world. has 5 stars!

  17. Read Customer Service Reviews of

    RSD is one of the largest cultural tour operators in Europe. With outstanding customer satisfaction and an overall score of A-, RSD has already welcomed more than 2 million guests. Since it is part of a medium-sized group of companies with approx. 700 employees, you benefit from unique, sensational prices.

  18. RSD Travel Reviews

    Replied to 92% of negative reviews. Replies to negative reviews in < 1 week. Information written by the company. RSD is one of the largest cultural tour operators in Europe. With outstanding customer satisfaction and an overall score of A-, RSD has already welcomed more than 2 million guests.

  19. Rhodes & the Aegean: 15-day 4-star tour ›

    Day 8 - 15: FREE Rhodes - extended holiday in an exclusive 4-star hotel. After breakfast we take a panoramic catamaran crossing back to the island of Rhodes. Once there, we move into our exclusive 4-star hotel right next to the beach. Here we can enjoy wonderful relaxation over the coming days.

  20. Cappadocia: 15-day 5-star tour ›

    Day 8 - 15: FREE extended holiday in an exclusive 5-star luxury hotel. We spend the next 8 days relaxing on the Turkish Riviera in our 5-star luxury hotel! The comfortable rooms are luxurious and modern. We relax in the hotel's fantastic wellness area with sauna, take a break at the hotel's outdoor pool or indoor pool, or stroll along the ...

  21. RSD Travel Reviews

    RSD Travel to Northern Cyprus, October 2022. Cyprus October 2022 From Ercan airport we were all assigned to a coach and met our tour guide Jusuf (who was very informative on our trips). Our first three nights were at Novel Centre Point Hotel in Famagusta, we had a room on the 8th floor, getting the lift sometimes took a while and only two people and their luggage would fit in it.

  22. RSD Travel Reviews

    Replied to 85% of negative reviews. Replies to negative reviews in < 1 week. RSD is one of the largest cultural tour operators in Europe. With outstanding customer satisfaction and an overall score of A-, RSD has already welcomed more than 2 million guests.

  23. RSD Travel Ltd. ›

    RSD and its group of companies is one of the largest organisers of cultural tours in Europe. Over 650 employees and certified tour managers work for our group. Operating in 11 countries across Europe. Around 30 promotional offer trips to the world's most popular travel destinations. Well networked thanks to offices in Copenhagen, Munich ...