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What is Soul Travel? The Science and Spiritual Aspects of Out-of-Body Experiences


What Is Soul Travel?

Have you ever felt like you were somewhere else, even though your body was physically present in another location? If so, you may have experienced soul travel. Soul travel is the phenomenon of a person’s soul or consciousness leaving their body and traveling to another location, either in this world or in another dimension.

Soul travel is a fascinating and mysterious phenomenon that has been reported by people from all cultures and time periods. While there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of soul travel, there are a number of anecdotal accounts that suggest that it is possible.

In this article, we will explore the concept of soul travel, examine the evidence for and against its existence, and discuss the implications of soul travel for our understanding of consciousness and reality.


Soul travel, also known as astral projection or out-of-body experience (OBE), is the belief that the soul or consciousness can separate from the body and travel to other realms or dimensions. Soul travel has been a part of human culture for centuries, and there are many different theories about how it occurs.

Some people believe that soul travel is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the body is in a state of deep relaxation or meditation. Others believe that it is a spiritual experience that can be achieved through prayer or other religious practices. Still others believe that soul travel is a paranormal phenomenon that can be induced through hypnosis or other means.

No matter what the cause, soul travel is a fascinating phenomenon that has captured the imagination of people for centuries. In this article, we will explore the history of soul travel, different theories about how it occurs, and the evidence for and against its existence.

History of Soul Travel

The idea of soul travel can be found in the religious and spiritual traditions of many cultures around the world. In ancient Egypt, for example, it was believed that the soul could travel to the afterlife after death. In Hinduism, the soul is believed to be capable of traveling between different realms of existence. And in Buddhism, the concept of astral projection is used to explain how the Buddha attained enlightenment.

In the Western world, the idea of soul travel was popularized by the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg in the 18th century. Swedenborg claimed to have had out-of-body experiences in which he traveled to other worlds and dimensions. His writings inspired a number of other spiritualists and mediums who claimed to have had similar experiences.

In the 20th century, the interest in soul travel continued with the work of parapsychologists such as Dr. Raymond Moody and Dr. Elisabeth Kbler-Ross. Moody’s book, Life After Life, documented the near-death experiences of hundreds of people who claimed to have had out-of-body experiences. And Kbler-Ross’s book, On Death and Dying, explored the different stages that people go through when they are facing death.

Today, the interest in soul travel is still strong. There are a number of organizations and websites dedicated to the subject, and there are even workshops and retreats that offer people the opportunity to learn how to have out-of-body experiences.

Different Theories of Soul Travel

There are a number of different theories about how soul travel occurs. Some of the most common theories include:

  • The separation theory: This theory holds that the soul is a separate entity from the body, and that it can separate from the body during sleep or meditation.
  • The energy theory: This theory holds that the soul is a form of energy, and that it can travel through different dimensions or realms of existence.
  • The holographic theory: This theory holds that the soul is a hologram, and that it can project itself into different dimensions or realities.
  • The dream theory: This theory holds that out-of-body experiences are simply dreams, and that they do not represent a real journey of the soul.

There is no one definitive theory about how soul travel occurs. However, the different theories offer a glimpse into the different ways that people have tried to understand this fascinating phenomenon.

Evidence for and Against Soul Travel

There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of soul travel. However, there are a number of anecdotal reports from people who claim to have had out-of-body experiences. These reports often describe similar experiences, such as feeling weightless, floating above the body, and seeing the world from a different perspective.

Some researchers believe that out-of-body experiences are simply dreams, and that they do not represent a real journey of the soul. However, other researchers believe that out-of-body experiences are real, and that they provide evidence for the existence of soul travel.

Ultimately, the question of whether or not soul travel is real is a matter of faith. There is no scientific evidence to prove or disprove its existence. However, the anecdotal evidence from people who claim to have had out-of-body experiences suggests that it is a real phenomenon that is worth exploring.

Soul travel is a fascinating phenomenon that has captured the imagination of people for centuries. There is no scientific evidence to support its existence, but there is a wealth of anecdotal evidence from people who claim to have had out-of-body experiences. Whether or not you believe in soul travel is a matter of faith. However, the evidence suggests that it is a real phenomenon that is worth exploring.

  • Moody, R. A. (1975). Life after life: The near-death experiences of children. New York: Bantam Books.
  • Kbler-Ross, E. (1969). On

3. Evidence for Soul Travel

There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of soul travel. However, there are a number of anecdotal reports of people who claim to have had out-of-body experiences (OBEs), near-death experiences (NDEs), and other experiences that they believe to be evidence of soul travel.

Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) are reported by a small number of people who claim to have temporarily separated from their physical bodies and observed themselves from a distance. OBEs are often associated with sleep paralysis, which is a temporary inability to move or speak that can occur as a person is falling asleep or waking up.

Near-death experiences (NDEs) are reported by people who have come close to death but have been revived. NDEs often involve feelings of peace and tranquility, out-of-body experiences, and visions of deceased loved ones.

Other experiences that have been interpreted as evidence of soul travel include lucid dreams, reincarnation, and mediumship. Lucid dreams are dreams in which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. Reincarnation is the belief that a person’s soul can be reborn into a new body after death. Mediumship is the ability to communicate with spirits of the deceased.

The evidence for soul travel is anecdotal and inconclusive. There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of soul travel, but there are a number of people who believe that they have experienced it.

What is soul travel?

Soul travel is the journey of the soul outside of the body. It is a spiritual experience that is often described as a feeling of being weightless and free. During soul travel, the soul may visit other realms or dimensions, communicate with spirits, or learn about past lives.

What are the different types of soul travel?

There are many different types of soul travel, including:

  • Out-of-body experiences (OBEs): In an OBE, the soul leaves the body and travels to another location. OBEs are often reported by people who have been near death or who have experienced trauma.
  • Astral projection: Astral projection is a type of OBE in which the soul travels to the astral plane, a realm of spirits and energy. Astral projection is often associated with meditation and lucid dreaming.
  • Near-death experiences (NDEs): NDEs are often described as soul travel experiences. During an NDE, people report feeling as if they are leaving their bodies and traveling to a bright, peaceful place.
  • Past-life regression: Past-life regression is a type of hypnosis in which people are guided back to their past lives. During past-life regression, people may experience soul travel as they visit the places and people of their past lives.

** What are the benefits of soul travel?

Soul travel can have many benefits, including:

  • Increased spiritual awareness: Soul travel can help people to connect with their higher selves and learn more about their spiritual nature.
  • Personal growth: Soul travel can help people to heal from past traumas, overcome challenges, and achieve their goals.
  • Increased creativity: Soul travel can inspire people to be more creative and to see the world in new ways.
  • Problem-solving: Soul travel can help people to find solutions to problems and to make better decisions.

** How can I experience soul travel?

There are many different ways to experience soul travel, including:

  • Meditation: Meditation can help to quiet the mind and create a space for soul travel to occur.
  • Lucid dreaming: Lucid dreaming is a state of consciousness in which people are aware that they are dreaming. Lucid dreaming can be used to intentionally experience soul travel.
  • Hypnosis: Hypnosis can be used to induce a trance state in which soul travel is more likely to occur.
  • Spiritual practices: Spiritual practices such as yoga, tai chi, and qigong can help to open the mind and body to soul travel.

** Is soul travel dangerous?

Soul travel is generally considered to be a safe experience. However, there are some risks associated with soul travel, including:

  • Disorientation: Soul travel can sometimes cause people to feel disoriented or confused.
  • Fear: Soul travel can sometimes trigger fear or anxiety.
  • Spiritual possession: Soul travel can sometimes lead to spiritual possession, in which a spirit enters the body of the person who is traveling.

** What is the scientific evidence for soul travel?

There is limited scientific evidence for soul travel. However, some studies have suggested that OBEs may be real experiences. For example, a study by Dr. Michael Sabom found that people who had OBEs often had similar experiences, such as feeling weightless and seeing their bodies from a distance.

** Is soul travel real?

Whether or not soul travel is real is a matter of personal belief. There is no scientific proof that soul travel exists, but many people believe that it does. If you are interested in exploring soul travel, there are many resources available to help you.

soul travel is a fascinating concept that has been explored by many cultures and religions throughout history. While there is no scientific evidence to support the idea of soul travel, there are many anecdotal accounts that suggest that it is possible. If you are interested in exploring the possibility of soul travel, there are a number of resources available to you. You can read books, watch documentaries, or even try to experience it for yourself through meditation or other spiritual practices. No matter what your beliefs, it is clear that soul travel is a powerful idea that has the potential to change our understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe.

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Dale Richard

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How To Soul Travel – Everything You Need to Know!

Soul travel is travelling without physical limitations to another realm where you become one with God or the higher consciousness. Soul travel is often likened to a near-death or an out-of-body experience where the traveller becomes transformed. A soul traveller can become his/her best version since they receive powerful insights on their journeys from their spirit guides and angels. Soul travellers can also solve complex problems in real life, gain clarity, and live their lives to their fullest potential.

If you think soul travel is difficult or complex, think again. With the right tools and techniques, you can consciously direct your soul’s energy to travel wherever it wants to go. Learn to visualise and meditate so you can achieve your life’s dreams.

Table of Contents

Soul Travelling

What is Soul Travelling? 

Soul travel, as mentioned above, is an out-of-body experience where the traveller’s conscious body leaves his/her physical body and travels to a different realm. Many religious practices and scriptures have described soul travel in detail.

Soul travellers describe their experience as leaving their physical bodies and floating or hovering over them. They report meeting entities (including angels or the deceased) and visiting different locations they have never physically been to. They gain profound insights from these travels and can solve complex problems in real life.

It is believed that Nikola Tesla, Einstein, Edison, and other great inventors all soul-traveled which helped them solve complex scientific problems.

What Happens In Soul Travel? Is It The Same as Astral Projection?

People often confuse soul travel with astral projection. In reality, the two are very different. Astral projection is done with the help of the astral body (also called the subtle body or the energy body), whereas soul travel involves the light body. In astral travel, the subtle body leaves the physical body (either through lucid dreaming or meditation), but the traveller remains aware of her/his physical body.

In soul travel, you travel with your light body . It involves raising the vibrations so you are at the same frequency as the highest source. You achieve this through unconditional love. The main difference between astral and soul travel is that, in soul travel, the light body also encompasses the astral body and the traveller does not remain aware of his/her physical body. 

Here are some experiences you could have during soul travel:

  • Sense of separation – you might get a sense of detachment from the physical body. Some people report floating or hovering over their physical bodies.
  • Visit to different realms – Soul travellers report visiting different realms and dimensions. These realms have a dream-like quality. 
  • Encounters and meetings – a soul traveller might meet different entities and spirit guides on their travels. These could be angels, deceased loved ones, and spirit guides. These entities guide the traveller and give him/her a deep insight into any answers they seek.
  • Loss of time – soul travellers often lose the sense of time as time is not linear during these journeys. 
  • Heightened perception – soul travellers experience bright and vivid colours, sounds, and sensations they have never experienced in real life.
  • A deeper understanding of the self and heightened spiritual awareness – soul travellers often get deep insights into questions about their higher purpose and report having a spiritual awakening. They get a deeper understanding of reality and their true nature and selves. They come back with greater wisdom and knowledge.
  • Lasting bliss – once the soul traveller comes back to the physical realm or back into the body, they feel joy bubbling from their core. They report feeling a high, not very different from an orgasm or climax. This joy bubbles through their being and every cell. Life becomes beautiful.

Soul Travel

What Are The Benefits of Soul Travel?

Soul travellers often experience several benefits in their spiritual, personal, and professional lives. Anecdotal reports suggest that the practice could have the following advantages:

Deeper Understanding of The Self

Soul travel can connect you with the divine consciousness. This helps you become aware of things and concepts beyond the physical realm. A soul traveller could experience expanded consciousness and get a deeper understanding of the self, life, and the interconnectedness of all things.

Spiritual Growth

Soul travel can lead to spiritual awakening and growth. The traveller gets to explore realms beyond the physical. Many travellers encounter their angels or spiritual guides, who help them gain insights into the nature of existence and the afterlife.

Physical and Emotional Healing

Since travellers gain insights into their bodies and minds, they can heal themselves from diseases and emotional trauma. They get connected with their spirit guides, who guide them into spiritual, physical, and emotional healing.

Alleviated Fear of Death and After-Life

Death is one way of soul travelling (since the soul leaves the physical realm after death). With soul travel, you get to experience the concept of heaven without dying. Travellers get an understanding of the continuity of life and with the help of their angels, they can accept the cycle of life and death. Many travellers also report meeting their deceased loved ones, which fosters a sense of love and connection and brings immense peace and happiness.

Personal and Professional Development

Astral and soul travel can help you develop empathy for all those around you. They give you an understanding of the fact that we are all connected through a higher consciousness. This helps you see people and relationships in a different light. This can help you develop amazing relationships. 

Furthermore, soul travels encourage creativity, problem-solving, and intuition. They can help you solve complex issues and give you a greater sense of empowerment. These enhanced skills can also help you in your professional life.

Lasting Joy and Bliss

Soul travels allow you to have unique and beautiful experiences. You get to journey to different planes and exciting places. These mental adventures can give you a “high” without drugs and eternal bliss and joy that extend into your daily life.

What is the Importance of Soul Travel?

Soul travel is important because it gives an individual insight into his/her true purpose. It helps them view humanity with greater empathy. At the core of soul travel is unconditional love. This unconditional love can help human beings connect and look beyond race, gender, and other differences.

By journeying beyond the confines of the physical body, soul travellers get deeper insights into human existence. They explore facets of themselves that might be hidden in the routine of everyday life. This quest for understanding often leads to greater alignment with personal missions, values, and a sense of purpose.

Soul travel can help human beings see the interconnectedness of life. Through soul travel, humans can develop a deeper appreciation for the shared human experience – which can promote love, compassion, and understanding.

At the core of soul travel is unconditional love, which transcends ego and judgment. It can help provide a profound sense of unity and bliss. Imagine if every human got this experience; we could perhaps solve wars and conflicts with compassion, kindness, empathy, and understanding.

Soul Travel

How Can I Soul Travel?

Step 1: chanting a mantra.

Mantras are sacred sounds or phrases used to focus the mind. Some practitioners receive mantras from a guru or spiritual master. If you don’t have a guru, you can use commonly used mantras like “Om” to help centre your thoughts and create a meditative state.

Step 2: Setting Intention

Clearly define where you wish to go or what you aim to explore during the soul travel experience. It could be a specific destination or a realm you wish to visit. Focus your mind on this destination.

Step 3: Meditation or Concentration

Engage in meditation or concentration practises. This involves sitting quietly, relaxing your body, and calming your mind. Concentrate on your breath or a point of focus. You can also do guided meditations available online. We will discuss some meditation techniques later in this guide.

Step 4: Listening to Inner Sounds

As you meditate or concentrate, listen for inner sounds, particularly those related to the mantra you are chanting. The goal is to attune your awareness to these subtle inner vibrations or sounds associated with the mantra. It is not just about hearing with your physical ears but also perceiving these sounds within your consciousness.

Techniques for Soul Travel

Different meditation techniques have helped people transcend to other realms:

Guided Light Meditation

This meditation is aimed at activating the crown and root chakras while invoking unconditional love. 

  • Find a quiet, comfortable space to sit or lie down. 
  • Close your eyes and take deep, calming breaths, allowing your body to relax completely.
  • Take your attention upward to your crown chakra, located at the top of your head. Visualise a loving golden light here. With each inhale, imagine this light intensifying, opening up your connection to higher consciousness (the source) and divine love. Feel a sense of spiritual expansion, transcendence, and connection to the universe.
  • Imagine this light travelling down to your root chakra, located at the base of the spine. Imagine the chakra glowing red and light expanding with each breath, grounding you to the earth. 
  • Allow the light to enhance feelings of security, stability, and a sense of belonging. Feel the connection to the earth’s energy and unconditional love supporting you.

How to Soul Travel

Two Pyramid Technique

  • Find a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths to relax.
  • Visualise a pyramid-shaped energy field inside you. Imagine the base of the pyramid resting at your hips, extending upwards, with the tip reaching your crown chakra (top of the head).
  • Imagine another pyramid within your body, with its base at your heart and its tip pointing downward, grounding into the earth. Continue deep breathing while holding this visualisation.
  • Visualise a golden, loving orb of light encompassing both pyramids. Feel this radiant light fill your entire being with unconditional love and warmth.
  • Imagine the pyramids and the golden orb of light spinning gently and harmoniously. As they rotate, visualise this loving energy expanding and permeating your entire body, infusing every cell with pure, unconditional love.
  • Extend this feeling of love beyond yourself, sending it out to envelop the entire planet. Visualise the Earth bathed in this golden light, radiating love and healing energy to all beings.

Third Eye/Pineal Gland Activation

  • Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  • Close your eyes and take several deep, calming breaths. Relax your body by releasing tension with each exhale.
  • Bring your attention to the area between your eyebrows, often referred to as the third eye or the location of the pineal gland. Visualise deep indigo or purple-coloured energy centre in this area.
  •  Imagine a bright, radiant, loving light or a glowing ball of light at the centre of your forehead, activating and energising your third eye.
  • Focus on your breath. Inhale and exhale naturally while directing your attention to the third eye area. Imagine the breath flowing in and out of this centre, cleansing and energising it.
  • If needed, chant your guru mantra or Om/AUM.
  • Allow your mind to become still and observe any sensations, images, or insights that arise without attachment or judgement. Be open to receiving messages or guidance.
  • See unconditional love flowing through your body. Send this love to the planet.

 Build a Daily Practise

Practise these techniques daily. You can also do reality checks to see if you are dreaming or awake. These checks can help you enter lucid dream states, which help the astral body and light body travel to different realms.

You can also visualise a scene from your past while changing something in that scene – like wind blowing or people moving, etc. 

Keep your vibrations high while keeping up with the daily chanting, visualisations, and meditations. 

Key Takeaways – How To Soul Travel

Soul travel is a method of realising your soul’s true purpose or discovering your true essence or true self. 

To perform soul travel, you need to build a daily meditation practice, such as chanting your guru mantra given to you by your spiritual teacher or master. You also need to practise raising your vibration through unconditional love. Meditate on your pineal gland or use the two-pyramid technique. Do these practises daily and you will surely realise your true essence.

The Soul Travel

Soul Travel FAQ’s

What is Soul Travel?

  • Soul travel refers to the intentional journeying of the soul outside the confines of the physical body, exploring realms beyond the ordinary.

2. How is Soul Travel Different from Astral Projection?

  • While astral projection often involves exploring the astral plane, soul travel is a broader concept, encompassing journeys through various spiritual dimensions.

3. Can Anyone Learn to Soul Travel?

  • Yes, with practice and dedication, most individuals can develop the ability to soul travel. It requires honing spiritual awareness and deepening one’s connection to the soul.

4. Are There Specific Techniques for Soul Travel?

  • Techniques may vary, but common approaches include meditation, visualization, and energy work. Finding what resonates best with you is crucial.

5. Is Soul Travel Safe?

  • When approached with respect and positive intent, soul travel is generally considered safe. However, it’s essential to be mindful and follow spiritual principles during the practice.

6. Can Soul Travel Enhance Spiritual Growth?

  • Yes, soul travel is often seen as a powerful tool for spiritual evolution, providing profound insights, expanded consciousness, and a deeper understanding of one’s spiritual path.

7. How Long Does It Take to Master Soul Travel?

  • The timeframe varies for each individual. Consistent practice and patience are key. Some may experience progress sooner, while others may take more time.

8. Can Soul Travel Be Used for Healing?

  • Many practitioners believe that soul travel can contribute to emotional, mental, and even physical healing by accessing higher states of consciousness and divine energy.

9. What Role Does Intent Play in Soul Travel?

  • Intent is fundamental in soul travel. Clearly defined and positive intentions guide the journey, ensuring a purposeful and meaningful experience.

10. Are There Risks Associated with Soul Travel?

  • While risks are minimal, individuals should approach soul travel with responsibility. Maintaining a strong connection to the physical body and staying grounded are essential precautions.

soul of travel meaning

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Soul travel, what is soul travel.

Soul Travel is a shift in awareness, a change in consciousness, moving closer to God.

Although in truth, Soul doesn’t actually “go” anywhere, Soul Travel describes the experience of accepting greater states of being.

Broadening your viewpoint from even higher vantage points brings upliftment, problem-solving skills, and endless opportunity for spiritual adventure.

A close cousin to dreaming, Soul Travel is a natural ability.

A bald eagle flying

I had my first conscious Soul Travel experience with the Light and Sound. I felt such peace and joy there are no words to describe it. I felt complete freedom, and the Light was so bright I felt I became the Light. I could actually feel waves of love fill my entire being. AW


Beyond astral projection.

Out-of-body and near-death experiences are forms of Soul Travel. However, you don’t need to be near death or consciously out of your body in order to benefit from Soul Travel’s transformative effect.

People who’ve experienced Soul Travel often say it happened to them spontaneously. They’d like to return to that blissful state.

Soul Travel is a spiritual practice that enables you to explore the vast inner worlds of your own being whenever and wherever you like.

soul of travel meaning


Explore higher realities.

Want to access dimensions beyond the physical world—the Astral, Causal, Mental, and Etheric Planes, and ultimately the pure worlds of God?

Through the Spiritual Exercises of ECK, you can learn to raise your state of consciousness and enter into these higher planes of reality.

Each spiritual plane has corresponding sacred mantras. Chanting these during the exercises raises one’s vibrations for Soul Travel. You can then access wisdom hidden within each plane of reality.

Several birds ascending in a line

Soul Travel transcends astral or mind travel, and rote prayer, elevating one into profound spiritual areas. Whenever Soul reaches the far orbits of the inner planes through Soul Travel, the human heart opens to God’s all-consuming love. Sri Harold Klemp

Expand Your Life

Soul Travel is also experienced as an expansion of consciousness. It can come as a sudden out-of-the-blue awareness or solution to a problem or issue. This is you, as Soul, simply tapping into your own divine intelligence.

As your consciousness unfolds, life around and within you will fill with more love, perceptiveness, and certainty.

Soul Travel makes it possible to achieve God-Realization in this lifetime. The first step is Self-Realization—to discover who you are and your mission in this life. Upon reaching this state, you can then move into higher realms of divine service toward God-Realization—the fulfilment of Soul’s sacred quest.

soul of travel meaning

Through Soul Travel I have experienced the reality of myself as Soul and have come into the unspeakable healing presence of divine love. I can lift my viewpoint above the mind and bring the attributes of Soul to bear, creatively solving problems in my life. I am better able to live with my heart in heaven and my feet on earth—Soul bridging the two! Sylvia


soul of travel meaning

Spiritual Exercise: A Gateway to Soul Travel

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This Must Be Soul Travel!

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Explore the God Worlds

Make a giant leap in consciousness.

Eᴄᴋᴀɴᴋᴀʀ’s spiritual self-discovery courses will help you take a giant leap in consciousness through practical techniques for Soul Travel. Uncover your purpose in this world, and experience personal proof of your eternal nature.

My first conscious Soul Travel experience convinced me without a doubt that the teachings of ECK are real. It also steered my curiosity into the spiritual life. Soul Travel has helped me develop well-rounded and balanced solutions to issues. It creates harmony in my life. Nigeria

soul of travel meaning

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Soul Travel at Night Takes Us through Many Levels

Soul Travel at Night Takes Us through Many Levels

Soul travel, our journeying at night, takes us through many levels – etheric, astral or simply dreaming.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet Talks About Soul Travel and Dreams

What you eat before you retire may affect how you sleep, your dream state and the kind of dreams you have. Other influences may include such things as the temperature of the room, proper air flow or the proximity to other people whose vibrations may be different.

When you retire, you hope you are leaving your physical body and going forth. But sometimes due to the tensions and pressures of life, we stay very close to our bodies.

Sometimes when the body is in danger, we stay close. In the process of being close to home, we may not get any farther out of the physical body than into the astral body, particularly when we have difficulties in sleeping.

On the other hand, you may be journeying in the etheric, but the journey is like a knife passing through a cake—sometimes it comes out clean and sometimes it has a little cake and icing on it after it has passed through.

And so, when you pass through the different planes, you pick up impressions of those planes, and that is what may be quivering or vibrating on the portion of us that dreams—the residue of passing through.

You may go into the etheric octave and be in a very deep sleep where you are having experiences at inner levels. But you may return and pass through the cities, pass through the earth. You may pass through the levels of your own soul's evolution, where a tea party may not be an actual tea party but a symbolical way in which your Christ Self, your Higher Self, is teaching your soul a lesson.

All Kinds of Dreams

There are all kinds of dreams. And one way of looking at them is to understand that a character in the dream may represent your soul. Most often that character isn't you, it's someone else in the dream. By objectively observing this other character, you may be observing something happening to your soul that your Higher Self wants you to know. So, it could be an astral kind of a dream. It could be a chase. It could be all kinds of topsy-turvy, Alice-in-Wonderland things. But there's a thread running through it. Your conscious mind is not ready to accept the lesson, so in the dream state the lesson comes through the subconscious, which has no barriers to incongruities. When you wake up, if you write down this dream, you may receive the interpretation of it.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet's Dream

Now, I had an interesting dream once in which I figured myself with a young child. I was in the ocean with this child, and she fell down in the water and was drowning. She was going deeper and deeper into the water, and I dived after her and saved her from drowning. The lesson of the dream was that the child was my own soul, and my own soul was drowning in a particular circumstance that I was allowing to continue in my life. My interpretation of the dream was that I, in the person of my Christ Self and my conscious mind, would go after and save my own soul. I would see to it that my soul was not left to drown in an unjust and insupportable circumstance. I came to the realization one day, when this whole situation was through, that while I had been trying to save another soul, it was my own soul that could have been lost. And so, I realized that my soul had been saved by the love of God and by my own determination of right action.

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There is a conflict of terms in different writings about the astral and etheric planes. In the etheric plane, there is a lower etheric level that contains the perversions of the memory of God, or the records that are not of the light. So you might say there's a lower and a higher etheric plane, and the lower one has a certain correspondence to the astral plane and the astral body….

Life is a Schoolroom and We Have Free Will

There's an amazing thing about life—there is nowhere you can go and read a rule book that comes up with a perfect answer to every equation. We have all this teaching, and the teaching itself is like input in the computer of our Christ consciousness. We have all the vastness of the teaching and certain elements are brought to bear on certain situations. Because of our divine experience, our ongoing experience of thousands of embodiments of being chelas* of the masters, we have a set of experiences, a set of teachings. And then we have a Christ mind, which is infinite. When we meditate on that mind and on the experience and the teaching, we arrive at the best possible way of dealing with a situation. Sometimes we make a misjudgment or a miscalculation, and we learn by our mistakes. That's the nature of the schoolroom we're in and the nature of free will. But even that becomes a part of our cosmic computer of divine knowledge. That's our personal gnosis. We're not going to make that mistake again because it was very costly. So in the mistakes as well as in the victories, we forge our Christhood. That's why it takes time to become Christlike, because you become that by free will and by experience. It just isn't brought down upon you like some kind of a machine that is superimposed upon you and all of a sudden you're there.

Night Classes and Nightmares

On another occasion a student asked Mrs. Prophet about nightmares. She replied:

Some dreams are recollections of experiences in the temples of light . They will be very high. They will be full of light. You may remember an experience of being in a classroom studying. This means that as you were leaving your body, your soul rose into your etheric envelope. And in your etheric envelope, you slid right through the astral plane and the mental plane to get into the etheric level, where the masters' retreats are. Soul Travel Needs Spiritual Protection Now, astral nightmares are a different matter. If you don't have your protection on or if you've had an argument or discord in your house before you go to bed, then when you are leaving your body, you kind of get caught in the astral. You don't slide through with your energy field of protection. You get caught there and you start dreaming about the astral plane or episodes in your own astral body that are coming to the fore. Now another circumstance of dreams may be that you get out just fine. You go up to the masters' retreats. Around five or six in the morning, you come back to your body. But as you return, you don't get through the astral debris. Just before you reach your physical consciousness, you bump into the astral mire and have one of those nightmare dreams that occur just before you wake up in the morning. The astral plane is where you have the bad dreams, and the etheric plane is where you have visions and memories of high experiences.

Dreams of Flying

Mark Prophet, Elizabeth Clare Prophet's husband and ascended twin flame, was also a pioneering spiritual leader. He once made this comment about out-of-the-body experiences:

Quite a few people have told us of dreams where they were flying. This is a subconscious memory that often functions for two reasons. One, because there was a time when humanity knew how to fly physically. Those of you familiar with the story of the great yogi Milarepa recall how he used to pass across the sky and people would say, “There goes that crazy yogi Milarepa again.” We've lost the art of flying. We're not birds; we're very much earthbound. But some people travel in their finer bodies—they “fly” in that way. And so these two memories of flying are within us.

*Chela is a Sanskrit term for a student or disciple of a master.

The above is an excerpt the book Dreams: Exploring The Secrets Of Your Soul (Sacred Psychology Series) by Marilyn C. Barrick, Ph.D.

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Why Traveling Is Good For The Soul?

Table of Contents:

Traveling inspires everyone, it is one thing that is on almost everybody’s bucket list. It is always in the trend to visit new places and take infinite snaps that are social-media worthy. But the point of it is not to show off. The real reason to discover new cities and countries is that traveling is good for the soul.

You get an exclusive chance to see new places, do new things, eat new food, meet new people with strange yet charming accents, and getting to know more cultures. Each of these features is attractive in their own way, but there is more to it. Travel is good for your soul and health. Why? Because it resets your body and frees your soul from any stress or depression it is suffering from. In this article, we are going to discuss why traveling is good for your soul.

Traveling is not limited. You can travel to any place on Earth, where your mind is at peace.

People have different preferences , some like the beach more than the mountains. Some are happy about exploring different cities and villages. But the thing that matters most is traveling, not the forms of it.

You need to leave your home and go into the unknown for the sake of your soul’s health. The following are some more reasons that justify why traveling is good for your soul. Read them and plan your next traveling trip, so that you can be motivated for all the challenges that are waiting for you.

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Traveling Helps You See Your Life From The Perspective

When you are busy with household chores, working, and dealing with personal troubles every day, you may get stuck in being miserable.

Traveling is one of the best ways to run away from a daily routine and look at your life from the perspective.

The problems that seemed so big when you are at home can turn out not so scary when you are on the beach in Thailand.

Things you hated may quickly become things that you miss. You will also notice the good things in your life that you should be grateful for.

When you see barefoot, poor kid begging for the food , you start appreciating the luxury you live in. The hustle and bustle of the big city may remind you how peaceful your neighborhood is. The list could go on and on- each one of us has completely different insights and conclusions from the travels.

Traveling Benefits Your Mental Health

The health of the soul is associated with mental strength. To maintain it, you must take part in creative and constructive activities. You need to maintain a bright lifestyle where you are happy, social, and take part in every constructive thing. Your soul’s condition is the key to your mental health, and it is directly associated with the length of your life.

It is important to build your lifestyle around things that help to maintain your soul’s health. Sports is a great activity to keep yourself constructively busy.

Taking part in fitness workouts and exercises is also a great way to take care of your soul. But soul traveling is one bustle that leaves every other soul healing activities behind. You need a powerful soul to fuel your body’s health, and traveling is the best way to do that.

When you travel, you face physical and mental challenges that you need to overcome in order to reach your destination. In this scenario, there is little that you can do except for going forward.

This makes you physically and mentally strong, which ultimately makes your soul capable of taking a beating and remaining robust. Another effective way to stay mentally strong is through therapy. 

Traveling Can Make You Happier And More Fulfilled In Life

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It is a fact that when a person is motivated , he or she is capable of doing things that seem impossible to a demotivated person. If your soul is ill, and you are living an unhappy life, you become prone to mental illness, anxiety, and depression.

This leads to other ailments, which isn’t an ideal scenario for an individual. Our body is controlled by our minds , so it doesn’t matter that much what we eat or do. It’s what we do for our soul that affects our mental health directly.

Our mind is always behind our passions and mood. Keep it busy in soul traveling you will live a healthy, stress-free, and very happy life.

It Helps You Relax And Unwind

Some people know the significance of soul traveling and how it helps you reset your soul. However, they always associate traveling with expensive leisure, and rightly so as it is expensive.

But when you are passionate about traveling, you can research different means and methods to find a little bit discount here and there, which makes your soul traveling even more interesting and less expensive. 

Traveling provides you with a way to calm your soul down. Everybody deserves a break from his or her daily routine, as following a 9 to 5 schedule puts you in a depression-prone environment. You need an escape to heal your soul, and you can only do this by traveling.

It’s A Great Way Of Leaving Your Comfort Zone

Traveling makes you see new places, do new things, meet new people, and experience new cultures. It revives your passions, which helps you find a new meaning in your life to live for.

It is healthy for your soul to be creative and passionate about things that make you happy.

You Can Learn New Skills While Traveling

Traveling exposes you to new skills that you need to know for your survival.

Whether you need to learn a new language or learn how to light up a fire by using nothing but stones.

It makes you constructive, which helps in healing a soul and a body from all the damages daily life has done to it.

Every Journey Changes You (In A Good Way)

Whether you like it or not, every journey changes you in a way.

After experiencing so much, you are becoming more conscious, you see the world in a bit different light.

You have learned to eat different things and speak different languages, even just a few words. The new skills can shed light on your old habits, and make you look at your life from a new perspective.

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Do you know any other reasons why traveling is good for the soul? Share them in the comments below!

2 Responses

Thanks for your inspring post Karolina and Patryk. We all love travel but not many people can afford that or they don’t have time to travel. Maybe we should find a way to be a freelance and have enough money to travel the world. Btw, safe travel and keep up your excellent work :)

Thanks for your comment, Luna. Yes, it’s possible to travel the world and make money on the way. It’s not always bed of roses but I think it’s worth it!

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5 Signs To Recognize Your Twin Soul

The ability to astral travel is a lot more common and easier to do than people may realize. We all leave our bodies during the night when we sleep. Just…

Astral Travel – What Is It and How To Do It Effectively

Astral Travel – What Is It and How To Do It Effectively

The ability to astral travel is a lot more common and easier to do than people may realize. We all leave our bodies during the night when we sleep. Just enough of our soul essence is left behind to keep the soul connected to the physical body to keep it alive and functioning.

Often we leave our bodies during meditation as well. I love exploring the other realms of existence using astral travel as my means of transportation. Anyone can learn about astral travel, what is it and how to do it effectively.

Many of us are not even aware that we have already traveled in the astral realm The definition of astral travel or astral projection is:

  • Astral projection  (or  astral travel ) is an interpretation of an out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of an “ astral  body” separate from the physical body and capable of  travelling  outside it.

You Might Have Astral Traveled If…

  • You had dreams of flying.
  • You visit a new place and you feel as if you have been there before.
  • You meet with someone for the first time and they are familiar.
  • You share a dream with someone and they had the same dream experience.
  • You were able to view your body from the ceiling. Some people see the silver cord that keeps the astral and physical bodies connected.
  • You experience deja vu (deja vu is when you travel ahead in time, checkout the scenarios to select the outcome that best suits your soul’s path).
  • You met with a teacher in your dream in a classroom setting.
  • You received information about upcoming events.
  • You had a visit with a deceased loved one.

People consciously astral travel for many different reasons. I suggest formulating an intention as to where you would like to go, who you would like to meet up with and what information you would like to attempt to retrieve.

Here are the most popular reasons why people astral travel:

  • To learn about themselves.
  • View past lives.
  • Meet with a spiritual teacher, ascended master or spirit guide.
  • To gain wisdom about just about anything from reincarnation, to healing, to how to communicate with pets.
  • Visit with crossed over loved ones.
  • Have an astral travel date with another like-minded spiritual buddy.
  • For personal healing.

The astral realm is infinite as to where you can go exploring. There are quite a few different approaches or techniques that people use to assist them with a safe and productive session. Personally, I prefer to use tools to enhance my experience. I love using candles, incense and or sage, playing music in the background and use crystals either to hold or place in my meditation room.

A sample of how I prepare for a sessions of astral travel for myself:

  • First I make sure I am in a relaxed, calm state of mind and my emotions are in balance.
  • I never meditate or astral travel on a full stomach. This can lead to a sluggish feeling and is difficult to relax and let go.
  • I create my intention. (ex. It is my intention to travel to Egypt to see the pyramids of Giza) and write it down on paper.
  • I always bring my guides for protection with me when I meditate, astral travel or do any spiritual work.
  • I prefer to sit up when I meditate with my back straight and supported by the chair or wall.
  • I begin with a prayer/intention and slowly go into a  meditative state.
  • Sometimes I write and record my own meditation ahead of time and then play the meditation to guide me along my journey.
  • After my meditation/journey is complete I thank spirit for the protection and guidance I received along my astral travels and then write down my experience in my journal.

Respecting other people’s boundaries while engaged in any psychic work is imperative! I strongly discourage anyone to use their psychic abilities to spy on anyone.

If you are interested in learning more about astral travel, I suggest seeking out a mentor who has experience in this area that can help you develop your astral traveling abilities.

by  Laurie Barraco

Laurie Barraco is a professional intuitive counselor, medium, author, recording artist, teacher and the owner of   The Mystical Moon , a healing center in Fort Myers, Florida. Laurie offers readings, courses and healing products through   The Mystical Moon Online Store . You can connect with her at   The Mystical Moon Facebook Page .

Dylan Harper

Dylan Harper

Dylan is a 32-year-old surfer from California. He traveled the world, rode the waves and learned the universal concept of oneness. He is a vegan for over a decade and, literally, wouldn't hurt a fly. He was reunited with his twin soul in Greece, where they got married and settled... for now. Dylan is a staff writer for and teaches surfing to children.

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Just wanted to thank you deeply for the guidance given,it as always is so wonderful to hear from you all at the System! Namastay

Thank you for this

Wait, you didn’t explain how to astral travel…What did you do to leave your physical body and go travel to Egypt in your astral body?

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Soul travel

Soul travel is a method by which the soul can travel in the etheric body during the hours of sleep, escorted by archangels and legions of light, to visit etheric retreats to receive instruction and initiation from the ascended masters .

The Book of Genesis describes the deep spiritual communion necessary for the soul’s evolution as the deep sleep that the L ORD God caused to fall upon Adam. This was the natural means that Maitreya provided whereby the soul would separate from the lower vehicles and travel in its etheric sheath to the higher octaves of creative consciousness in the causal body of the Guru Maitreya or in the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood .

Later, certain schools of the false hierarchy that were in vogue on Atlantis during the hundred and twenty years of the preaching of Noah perverted this natural “going out and coming in” to the body temple. During that era the descendants of Cain , working with the Illuminists , popularized the psychic trance, preceded or followed by psychic meditation in the subconscious.

This subconscious plane of self-awareness (below the conscious awareness of the Self as God), which we have equated with the electronic belt , became the psychic laboratory for the manipulation of the mental and feeling worlds—of the self and of other selves. This was the beginning of the practice of hypnosis and autohypnosis.

This form of psychic trance and psychic meditation has persisted to the present day. According to these false teachings, the neophyte is taught to leave the body not through the fire center (the heart chakra ) and the fire body (the etheric envelope ) but through the water center (the solar plexus ) and the water body (the astral or emotional body ). This results in soul travel in the astral plane . Once caught on the astral plane, souls are taken to the abodes of the members of the false hierarchy, their astral forcefields. Those who are thus led by the embodied and disembodied representatives of the false hierarchy are beguiled by the endless euphoria of the plane of psychic phenomena.

El Morya provides the following prayer by which the student may ask to be taken to the retreat of the Paul the Venetian through soul travel:

In the name of the Christ, my own Real Self, I call to the heart of the I AM Presence and to the angel of the Presence to take me in my soul and in my soul consciousness to the retreat of Paul the Venetian in southern France. I ask to receive the instruction of the law of love and to be given the formula for the victory of the love flame within my heart. And I ask that all information necessary to the fulfillment of my divine plan be released to my outer waking consciousness as it is required. I thank thee and I accept this done in the full power of the risen Christ. [1]

Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst explain that those who have a momentum on soul travel may also serve with the archangels while out of the body during sleep:

If you have a greater momentum and have been doing this long, you may be part of the legions of our bands, of Zadkiel’s bands or other of the archangels. You are escorted by angels and you go to the place of greatest need. And when you retire, the captain of your battalion, as it were, will come and tell you where we are going this night and why we must go there: because there is human suffering, because there are souls of light, because there is threat of earthquake and cataclysm and we must go there and bring the violet flame, or we must go into the astral plane and save those who are bent on suicide and other forms of self-destruction. [2]

Etheric retreat

For more information

For a meditation ritual to facilitate soul travel, see “Sacred Ritual for Transport and Holy Work,” in El Morya, Ashram Notes .

El Morya, The Chela and the Path: Keys to Soul Mastery in the Aquarian Age , chapter 7.

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats .

Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of Self-Transformation .

  • ↑ El Morya, The Chela and the Path: Keys to Soul Mastery in the Aquarian Age
  • ↑ Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, “Through Constructive Service at Night, You Are Balancing Karma,” Pearls of Wisdom , vol. 46, no. 8, September 21, 2003.


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Benefits of spiritual travel: Rejuvenating mind and soul through journeys of inner discovery

Let's explore the transformative benefits of embarking on a spiritual journey that nurture inner peace, self-discovery, and a deeper connection to the world..

Travel has long been recognized as a highly effective method for revitalizing the mind and spirit. Recently, there has been a notable surge in the popularity of spiritual travel, particularly following the covid-19 pandemic. People worldwide have experienced a significant shift towards spirituality, engaging in practices such as meditation, and yoga, and fostering a deep connection between their mind, body, and soul. Embarking on a journey of spiritual travel can be a transformative experience, offering a profound connection to oneself and the world around us. Beyond the typical tourist destinations , spiritual travel takes us on a deeper exploration of sacred sites, ancient traditions, and inner growth. From pilgrimages to serene retreats, these journeys offer several benefits. (Also read: Summer travel bucket list: 10 dreamy Indian destinations you can't miss )

Embarking on a journey of spiritual travel can be a transformative experience, offering a profound connection to oneself and the world around us. (Unsplash)

Benefits of spiritual travel

"The 'going inward' has become a significant framework. Holy sites, temples, ashrams and meditation centres have become powerful catalysts for spiritual growth; but why this shift? One significant advantage of spiritual travel is the opportunity for self-reflection, allowing individuals to detach from the cacophony and contemplate their thoughts and behaviours. Sacred destinations are creating a space where we can genuinely acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses, offering a valuable window for personal introspection," says, Dr. Vikas Katoch, Founder and CEO of He further shared with HT Lifestyle, some amazing benefits of spiritual travel.

1. Discovering life’s purpose

Talking about India's iconic religious destinations like Kedarnath, Amarnath, Dwarka, Jagannath Puri, Vaishno Devi Shrine, Golden Temple, Ajmer Sharif and Bodh Gaya, are experiencing an extraordinary surge in travel, attracting both national and international visitors. These revered sites have emerged as transformative spaces, enabling individuals to regain their focus and discover their life's purpose. Travellers embarking on these spiritual journeys have reported incredible boosts in their thought processes, energy levels, and overall motivation.

2. Improve mental health and overall well-being

Over the past two years, particularly in the post-covid era, spiritual travel has emerged as a powerful remedy for enhancing mental well-being and alleviating anxiety. Individuals grappling with generalized anxiety, social anxiety, phobias, and chronic stress have experienced a remarkable resurgence in their lives through visits to yoga centres and spiritual retreats. Moreover, those burdened with chronic health conditions like inflammation, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and more have discovered notable improvements in their health markers.

3. Reconnecting with our roots

The current era showcases a significant shift in the perception of spirituality, extending its influence beyond the older generation. Nowadays, individuals aged 25-45 are increasingly embracing spiritual practices and actively encouraging their families and children to explore our diverse religious heritage. This emerging trend holds great potential for the travel industry, as it offers a valuable opportunity to reconnect with our cultural origin and relive cherished childhood memories of mythological stories and religious texts.

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Inner Growth Center

What is the Soul’s Journey?

January 22, 2024

Lauren Williams

A solitary traveller walking on a winding path through diverse landscapes.

Starting my exploration of the soul’s journey, I’ve realized it’s much more than a spiritual concept.

It’s a personal adventure, unique to each of us.

Every experience, every choice, shapes this journey. It’s about understanding our past and how it influences who we are now.

I find it empowering to think of myself as the creator of my soul’s path. It’s not just about destiny; it’s about making choices that define me.

This journey is a deep dive into who I am, uncovering layers of my purpose and true self.

So, let’s begin this exploration.

It’s a journey of discovery, growth, and potential transformation.

Table of Contents

What is your soul’s journey.

A man walks on the sand at the beach.

Your soul’s journey is an expansive and interesting concept, stretching far beyond the confines of a single lifetime. It encompasses the many lifetimes and experiences your soul undergoes, spanning across your life within the spirit world. This journey is not just about the physical experiences we encounter in our lives; it’s about the continuous evolution and growth of our soul through various incarnations and spiritual realms.

At its core, the soul’s journey is about the accumulation and understanding of experiences. Every action you take, every word you speak, and every emotion you feel contributes to this journey. It’s a path of learning, experiencing, and evolving. The real essence of the soul’s journey isn’t just about what defines it; it’s about how you choose to define and shape it with your actions and decisions.

This journey is also an overarching narrative that intertwines our physical incarnations with our existence within the spirit world. It’s a continuous flow, a path that your soul takes from its inception to its evolution into a fully empowered creator being. Unlike a predetermined route, each soul’s journey is unique, marked by individual choices, lessons, and experiences. This journey is your personal story of spiritual evolution and self-discovery.

Understanding the Purpose of the Soul’s Journey

When I think about what the soul’s journey means, it feels like it’s about finding our true purpose and learning from life’s experiences. It’s like each of us is on a personal mission to understand who we are and why we’re here. This journey isn’t just about the big milestones in life; it’s also in the small, everyday moments where we learn, grow, and change.

Every decision I make, every challenge I face, feels like a part of this journey. It’s as if with each step, I’m getting closer to understanding my true self. Sometimes, it’s hard to see the bigger picture, but I believe each experience, good or bad, teaches me something valuable.

This idea makes me look at life differently. I start to see each obstacle as a learning opportunity and each success as a step towards a greater understanding of myself. It’s a journey that’s unique for everyone. Our paths might be different, but we’re all trying to find our way, learn from our experiences, and grow as individuals.

Thinking about the soul’s journey this way makes it more than a spiritual concept; it becomes a practical approach to life. It’s about making choices that lead to personal growth and understanding, constantly evolving and adapting as we walk our unique paths.

Spiritual Journey vs. Soul’s Journey

A man walks to a lake that is split with an outline of water.

As we explore and understand our existence, it becomes clear that the spiritual journey and the soul’s journey, though distinct, are deeply interrelated. Each journey offers unique insights and experiences, yet they converge at a point of deep self-awareness.

This interconnection is where we find the I AM Presence, the unchanging core of our being that links our spiritual exploration with the evolution of our soul. Recognizing this interplay enhances our understanding of both journeys, allowing us to navigate our path more clearly and purposefully.

The Spiritual Journey

The spiritual journey is a personal and conscious quest for deeper understanding and connection with the spiritual aspects of life. It’s a path marked by exploration and discovery, where one seeks to understand the nature of the divine, the universe, and their place within it. This journey is unique for each individual, shaped by their beliefs, experiences, and the spiritual practices they adopt.

  • Exploration and Awakening : On this journey, individuals may explore various religious beliefs, engage in spiritual practices like meditation or yoga, and seek experiences that offer enlightenment and deeper understanding. It’s a process of continual learning and awakening, where each step brings greater insight into one’s spiritual nature.
  • Connection and Growth : The spiritual journey is also about developing a deeper connection with the self, others, and the universe. It involves recognizing and nurturing the spiritual essence within, which some might relate to the I AM Presence . This journey encourages personal growth, compassion, and a sense of interconnectedness with all things.

The Soul’s Journey

The soul’s journey, while intersecting with the spiritual journey, encompasses a broader scope of our existence. It is the path our soul takes through various lifetimes, gathering experiences, learning lessons, and evolving.

  • Continuity Across Lifetimes : This journey considers the soul’s continuity beyond our current life. It is about the evolution and learning that the soul undergoes across different incarnations, with each lifetime contributing to the soul’s growth and understanding.
  • Learning and Purpose : The soul’s journey is deeply connected to the lessons we learn and the experiences we accumulate. It’s about understanding the deeper purpose of our soul and the journey it takes to achieve its ultimate goals. This path is less about conscious seeking and more about the soul’s innate drive to evolve, learn, and fulfill its purpose.

While both journeys are integral to our growth and self-realization, the spiritual journey is about our conscious search for spiritual meaning in this lifetime, and the soul’s journey encompasses the soul’s continuous evolution across various lifetimes.

Understanding their distinct yet interconnected nature helps us appreciate the depth and breadth of our journey towards self-awareness and fulfillment.

The Soul as a Lifelong Student

The concept of the soul’s journey portrays our soul as a lifelong student, enrolled in the ever-evolving curriculum of life. This perspective views every experience, whether joyous or challenging, as a learning opportunity for the soul.

  • Learning Through Life’s Experiences : Our lives are filled with a variety of experiences, each holding multiple possibilities for growth and understanding. The soul, as a student, absorbs lessons from every interaction, relationship, and situation. These lessons contribute to the soul’s evolution, helping it to grow wiser and more mature with each lifetime.
  • The Soul’s Curriculum : The curriculum for the soul encompasses all aspects of human experience. From the trials we endure to the moments of happiness we cherish, every aspect of life teaches the soul something valuable. This process of learning is continuous and does not end with physical death, as the soul carries its wisdom into future incarnations.

The Process of Inner Exploration

The soul’s journey is deeply introspective, involving a process of inner exploration to understand the depths of our being. This exploration is essential for the soul to become ‘all knowing’ about its nature and purpose.

  • Connecting with the Soul : This journey requires us to connect deeply with our inner selves, listening to the subtle whispers of our soul. It’s about going beyond the surface of our conscious mind to explore the deeper aspects of who we are. This exploration often leads to surprising discoveries about our strengths, desires, and life’s purpose.
  • Inner Answers and Guidance : The process of inner exploration allows us to find answers to our deepest questions and guidance for our life’s path. The insights we gain from this journey are unique to us, as they are based on our soul’s individual experiences and lessons. This inner guidance is invaluable, helping us to navigate life with greater clarity and understanding.

In exploring our soul as a lifelong student and delving into the process of inner exploration, we come to realize the depth and richness of the soul’s journey. It’s a path that not only encompasses learning from life’s experiences but also involves a deep dive into the essence of our being, uncovering the wisdom and knowledge that lie within.

Stages Of Your Soul’s Journey

3 people on the beach with soul spirits ascending behind them.

1. Awakening

The first stage of the soul’s journey is often marked by an awakening. This is a moment or period where there is a significant shift in awareness, leading to a deeper questioning of life’s purpose and one’s true self. It’s a stage of realization where the soul starts to see beyond the mundane aspects of daily life and seeks a deeper meaning.

2. Exploration

Following the awakening, the soul enters a phase of exploration. This stage is characterized by seeking knowledge, understanding different spiritual paths, and experimenting with various practices. It’s a time of curiosity and openness, where the soul is eager to learn and experience new things.

3. Challenge

The challenge stage involves facing and overcoming obstacles that are essential for the soul’s growth. These challenges can be internal, like confronting personal fears or limiting beliefs, or external, such as navigating difficult life circumstances. This stage strengthens and refines the soul, preparing it for further evolution.

4. Enlightenment

Enlightenment is a pivotal stage where the soul gains significant insight or understanding. This doesn’t necessarily mean reaching a final state of total enlightenment, but rather experiencing moments of clarity and profound realization that fundamentally change the soul’s perspective and approach to life.

5. Integration

After enlightenment, the soul enters the integration stage. Here, the insights and lessons learned are assimilated into everyday life. This stage is about living the wisdom gained, applying new understanding to daily actions, relationships, and decisions. It’s a process of aligning one’s life with the soul’s true purpose.

6. Contribution

In the contribution stage, the focus shifts from personal growth to serving others. The soul, having gained wisdom and understanding, now looks to share this with the world. This can manifest in various forms, such as teaching, healing, or engaging in acts of compassion and service.

7. Completion

The final stage is completion, where the soul reaches a sense of fulfillment in its journey. This doesn’t imply the end of growth but signifies a phase where the soul has achieved its major objectives for a particular lifetime. It’s a time of reflection, gratitude, and understanding the interconnectedness of all life.

Each stage of the soul’s journey offers unique lessons and opportunities for growth. Understanding these stages helps us to navigate our own journey with greater awareness and purpose.

Reflecting On Your Journey

A man looks out to mountains that look infinite.

It’s important to remember one fundamental truth: we are in control of our journey. This realization empowers us to embrace each stage with intention and purpose.

Our journey is ours to shape. Every decision we make, every challenge we face, is an opportunity for growth and learning. It’s a reminder that we are the architects of our soul’s evolution.

Reflecting on this journey, I’m struck by our profound responsibility. It’s not just about moving through life passively; it’s about actively engaging with our soul’s growth.

We own our journey. This ownership isn’t about control in a rigid sense, but about embracing our power to influence our path. It’s about making choices that resonate with our deepest selves.

In this journey, every moment is significant. From the major crossroads to the seemingly small decisions, each step shapes our soul’s narrative.

Looking ahead, the journey continues. It’s an ongoing process of discovery, growth, and transformation. With this understanding, we can approach each new day as an opportunity to further our soul’s evolution.

Remember, your soul’s journey is a reflection of your innermost self. How you navigate it is your greatest expression of personal power and purpose.

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Soul Traveler: A Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences and the Wonders Beyond

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Albert Taylor

Soul Traveler: A Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences and the Wonders Beyond Paperback – April 1, 2000

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  • Print length 144 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Penguin Publishing Group
  • Publication date April 1, 2000
  • Dimensions 7.4 x 5.24 x 0.35 inches
  • ISBN-10 0451197607
  • ISBN-13 978-0451197603
  • See all details

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Soul Traveler: A Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences and the Wonders Beyond

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Editorial Reviews

From the back cover.

Through extensive research and experimentation, Taylor learned to control his incredible flights of "soul travel", enabling him to move beyond our physical plane, go to distant places, communicate with the dead, and gain psychic insights and miraculous healing power. Ultimately, he came to a deeper understanding of his own role on Earth, and the meaning of life and death. Now, Taylor shares his remarkable journey of discovery and shows how we too can develop this phenomenal ability -- offering striking proof of dimensions beyond our own.

About the Author

Product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Penguin Publishing Group (April 1, 2000)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 144 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0451197607
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0451197603
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 3.87 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7.4 x 5.24 x 0.35 inches
  • #144 in Out-of-Body Experiences (Books)
  • #587 in Dreams (Books)
  • #1,157 in New Age Mysticism (Books)

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Albert taylor.

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healing power of travel

The Healing Power of Travel

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Ed Hewitt started traveling with his family at the age of 10 and has since visited dozens of countries on six continents. He wrote for for more than 20 years, producing hundreds of columns on travel and offering his expertise on radio and television. He is now a regular contributor to SmarterTravel.

An avid surfer and rower, Ed has written about and photographed rowing competitions around the world, including the last five Olympic Games.

He's passing his love of travel on to the next generation; his 10-year-old son has flown some 200,000 miles already.

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We talk a lot on this site about how to travel, where to travel and when to travel, but we don’t often talk about why we travel—which just might be the most important question of all.

Many of us rely on travel to provide something we find missing otherwise—novelty, thrills, uncertainty, adventure. But many of us are also shoring up some part of ourselves that needs a bit of mending.

Travel offers numerous healing powers that are always available to us and can take many forms. Below we take a look at a few of them.

Physical Healing

Travel has a long history as a source of physical recuperation and healing, and if this history is sometimes confounding—for example, Atlantic City was hawked as a health spa and medical retreat in its early days—it is not altogether specious.

For inhabitants of major cities a century or so ago, a trip to the ocean meant escaping densely populated, smoke-filled and frequently unsanitary conditions in exchange for air fresh off the open ocean. It’s no surprise that folks who were exposed to wood-burning stoves, train exhaust and horse manure all day long in the city saw some improvements after a few days on the Atlantic coast.

The history of travel for health also includes trips to “miracle” hot springs, to the desert, to the mountains, to wallow in mud and more—and while not all have definitively been proven to be cures for what ails us, they might not be so bad, either (see these benefits of mud baths , for example).

Improving Fitness

For those of us whose days are spent mostly in a car, at a desk or on the couch, the rigors of even laid-back travel can halt a downward fitness slide or help kickstart a health regimen.

On a trip to take photos in Lucerne several years ago, I hauled a backpack filled with camera and computer equipment up and down the hill to the lake for a week. At the beginning of the trip I was feeling a bit out of shape, but by the end of the trip, I was noticeably fitter, both in my stamina and physique. It was a good lesson, not to mention a good head start on an ongoing fitness routine; without that week’s forced fitness march, I might not have gotten myself back on track.

For desk jockeys, even a business trip can offer marked improvement over their usual routine. In my own work, if I ride my bicycle the two and a half blocks to the local deli, my appetite improves noticeably, and I feel way better at the end of the day—from a five-block ride!

You can do the same when you travel. Skip the Uber and walk through a new neighborhood, take the stairs instead of the elevator at your hotel, or try a new activity such as kayaking or mountain biking; any of these can give you a solid start on a fitness regimen that can follow you home.

Emotional Healing

This may be the most commonly cited benefit of travel, with numerous memoirs and movies documenting the use of travel to assuage grief and cope with major life changes. Beyond the bestsellers, many travelers have their own anecdotes of distancing themselves from failed relationships or taking the time a trip affords them to reflect and find solace after the death of a loved one.

Travel is also an endless source of inspiration, which can be emotionally healing in its own way. Meeting new people, seeing great art, hiking through magnificent landscapes and realizing you’re strong enough to get through the challenges that arise on the road can all offer positive effects that last well beyond the span of your trip.

Spiritual Healing

Many travelers find considerable comfort and inspiration when visiting significant religious landmarks, whether it be the Holy Land, the Ganges River, Mecca, monasteries or temples. This type of travel might also take the form of meditation or prayer retreats, or even travel to religious theme parks. Travel for spiritual sustenance and regeneration has historically been a powerful human impulse.

The act of making a pilgrimage is a compelling case in point; many major religions have (or had) some type of pilgrimage as a core experience, and many of these continue to be important today—think immersion in the Ganges for Hindu believers, praying at the Wailing Wall for Jews, visiting the Vatican for Catholics or journeying to the birthplace of Buddha. Learn more about religious tours and spiritual travel .

Simple R&R

Down time can be intensely regenerative. Many travelers find that simple idleness, time away from mundane day-to-day concerns, and a break from friends and colleagues can often lead to healing of the types noted above—physical, emotional, spiritual.

Stress can have insidious effects, particularly the types of stresses that occur in modern life; I know no one who hasn’t nearly lost it in traffic once or twice, for example. But when you indulge in certain kinds of travel—maybe a week at the beach or spa, or reconnecting with nature in the mountains or forest, or indulging your favorite but neglected hobby at length—the physical manifestations of stress often fall away.

More practically, failing to get away has been shown to have real costs in the form of worsened health, diminished productivity and stifled creativity. Even if your vacation is just a reset to avoid falling apart completely, it is worth the effort.

Need more proof? Read Survey Says: Travel Makes Us Happier .

Finally, travel offers the potential for getting your priorities and even your values straight. Inveterate traveler Mark Twain had this to say on the topic:

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.”

Now is as good a time as ever to get out of our own little corners and on the road.

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  • 9 Products to Help You Stay Healthy While Traveling
  • How to Be Safe and Culturally Sensitive When You Travel
  • 5 Foods to Avoid Before Flying
  • 11 Ways to Salvage a Trip if You Get Sick

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Discover 10 Surprising Benefits of Travel for Your Mind, Body, and Soul

Travel is a powerful way to explore new cultures, meet new people, and gain a fresh perspective on the world. In this article, we’ll explore the many benefits of travel and how it can positively impact our lives. Whether it’s improving our mental health, broadening our cultural horizons, or providing valuable educational experiences, travel offers something for everyone.

The Benefits of Travel

Traveling can be a life-changing experience that provides numerous benefits for the mind, body, and soul. Indeed, it can enhance one’s life in many ways.

many benefits of traveling

1. Enhanced Creativity

Traveling to new and unfamiliar places can spark creativity and inspire new ideas. Exploring different cultures, art, and history can ignite the imagination and lead to new perspectives. Especially, visiting art museums around the world will significantly boost your creation to another level.

Furthermore, travel provides a stimulating and novel environment that can help stimulate creativity. Whether it’s new sounds, smells, or sights, exploring different cultures can offer inspiration for creative thinking. Exposure to new languages, arts, music, and food can spark the imagination, leading to new innovations.

2. Better Mental Health

In fact, travel has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health. Traveling can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and provide a sense of happiness and fulfillment. Indeed, breaking free from routine, exploring new places, and engaging in new experiences can help reduce stress and improve mood. Also, new experiences and environments can refresh the mind and improve mental well-being. In fact, Norris on Medical News Today points out that tourism has the potential to positively affect well-being and quality of life through various factors.

Plus, travel can provide an opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth, leading to increased self-esteem and confidence.

3. Increased Appreciation

Appreciation is one of the top benefits of travel. Traveling can create memories and experiences that enhance one’s recognization and enjoyment of life and foster a deeper sense of gratitude. Truly, seeing new places and meeting new people can create lasting memories and a greater appreciation for the world.

4. Stronger Relationships

a couple looks at eachother

Traveling with loved ones or meeting new people while traveling can create stronger bonds and foster deeper connections. Shared experiences and memories can create lifelong friendships and strengthen existing relationships. Who knows if a special relationship can be formed after a trip?

5. Improved Problem-Solving Skills

Traveling can present unexpected challenges and opportunities to problem-solve. As a result, it can improve one’s critical thinking and decision-making abilities. Then, these skills can be transferred to other areas of life and lead to personal growth.

6. Fosters Interpersonal Skills

In fact, traveling requires stepping outside of one’s comfort zone. You have many chances to interact with new people from different backgrounds which helps develop interpersonal skills. Moreover, being exposed to different cultures, languages, and social norms can help foster a greater understanding of others and can promote empathy, communication, and collaboration.

7. Increased Adaptability

a woman showing victory fingers

Traveling to new places requires one to be adaptable and flexible. As a result, it can improve one’s ability to handle change and new situations. To elaborate, you may wake up. This skill can be beneficial in all areas of life and improve one’s overall well-being.

8. Provides Learning Opportunities

Traveling can offer a wealth of learning opportunities, from history and art to science and technology. Exploring museums, landmarks, and cultural sites can provide an opportunity to learn about different aspects of the world. In addition, travel can offer hands-on experiences that can help solidify learning. For instance, learning a new language, trying new foods, or participating in local activities in new places.

9. Open More Chances of Earning

Traveling gives you the opportunity to meet professionals, learn new skills, and see new businesses along the way. Besides that, you can join conferences, and trading fairs in cities which give you more knowledge, and info, and expand your network. All of those things give you chances to have more income for your journey exploring the world.

Vietnamese people get benefits from traveling. For example, restaurant owners usually travel to other places and find good dishes that they can do in their restaurants. Good new foods always attract many customers. Additionally, construction engineers can learn from other architecture to improve their skills.

10. Promotes Personal Growth

benefits of travel on personal growth

Travel has the power to transform individuals, promoting personal growth and development. By exploring new cultures and perspectives, individuals can gain a better understanding of themselves and the world around them. Travel can also provide an opportunity to step outside of one’s comfort zone, overcome challenges, and develop new skills. In other words, traveling makes you smarter .

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is travel important to life.

Travel is important to life for many reasons. Firstly, it can help individuals broaden their perspectives, gain new experiences, and develop new skills. Secondly, it can promote personal growth and development and can help alleviate stress and anxiety, leading to improved mental health. Plus, travel can provide an opportunity for self-discovery, learning, and creativity. Finally, by experiencing different cultures, individuals can develop empathy, understanding, and appreciation for others. Travelers can also foster greater harmony and cooperation across borders and cultures.

What do You Gain from Traveling?

Traveling provides us with unique opportunities to learn, grow, and explore. Indeed, we can gain new insights into different cultures and traditions, challenge our assumptions, and make new connections.

What is the Value of Traveling?

The value of traveling is immeasurable. It can help us improve our physical and mental health, broaden our cultural understanding, and expand our knowledge and skillsets. Additionally, it can promote social connections and relationships.

There are so Many Benefits of Travel

Travel offers a wide range of benefits that can have a positive impact on individuals, communities, and the world. From physical and mental health benefits to cultural and educational experiences, travel can broaden perspectives, improve personal growth, and promote social connections. Travel can also stimulate economic development and promote environmental sustainability. As such, it is important for individuals to prioritize travel and make it a regular part of their lives. By doing so, they can reap the many benefits that travel has to offer.

The Broad Life introduces to you great, inspirational books for your wanderlust. They aren’t just simple travel, each book recounts the author’s journey to discover and learn many awesome things from new civilizations and places. > READ MORE: THE BEST TRAVEL BOOKS OF ALL TIME


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Khoi Nguyen

Khoi Nguyen builds The Broad Life with a desire to inspire people go exploring the world and live a more interesting, experience, and adventurous life. This blog shares the stories, pictures, and experiences at destinations where he has traveled to.


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Wow, what an amazing post about the benefits of travel! I couldn’t agree more that traveling is not just a way to explore new destinations, but it also has a significant impact on our mind, body, and soul. Your post perfectly highlights the positive effects that traveling can have on our mental health, such as reducing stress, increasing creativity, and boosting happiness. Thank you for sharing this valuable information with us.

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Thank you a lot for your comment! I’m glad that this post brings value info to you.

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Stephanie Grillo

Travel is such a wonderful way to open our minds to new things. The list of benefits of traveling in this article make me want to hop on a plan and experience all of these.

I’m sure there are so many things for you to enjoy from traveling.

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Travel is my soul! We travel the world as a family and the connections and relationships we have formed from it are so significant. Best form of school for my kiddos!

Absolutely! I take my family to many places and we discover the world together.

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Nicole bertrand

As someone who loves to travel, I can say that all of these benefits ring true. Great post!

Thanks for your comment!

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Gervin Khan

I’ve agree with this, by traveling we recover and recharge our well-being! That’s why we don’t build material things rather than experience! An awesome article to read! Loved it!

Thanks a lot for your comment! Traveling truly brings us more than we can expect.

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I love travel so much too! Much harder these days with kids as it requires more planning. Lol!

Haha, you can think of a local resort where you can spend time with your kids easier while you are able to discover the area’s attractions.

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Moments Inspire

All of this is so true. I love travel alot and always feel these effects but never took the time to connect the two.

It’s always needed for the first experience then you will have the next ones continuously.

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Share to Inspire blog (@pacioalita)

I couldnt agree more with these reasons why someone should travel. Its good for our mind body and soul. I wish I can travel more often.

I hope you can travel more often.

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I agree with all of this!!! My life (and me as a person) would be drastically different if I didn’t have all my travel experiences.

So good to hear you sharing! Traveling truly brings us so many special experiences and changes.

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Ntensibe Edgar

Ah yes! Increased appreciation of what you have and more learning opportunities are my biggest wins from travel. Reminds me of my first time travelling to Tanzania; I was blown away by what I found there.

That’s the best part of traveling!

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Fransic verso

It’s definitely good for mental health and help to learn more. These are spot on things that can help you to improve.

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Life With Sonia | Women Empowerment Blogger (@lifewithsonia)

I agree to all. Travelling gives me a sense of freedom. Yes, you are right, it does help with problem solving skills too because you get to meet different people in different culture. I really enjoy traveling..i can’t wait to travel again.

Enjoy traveling!

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Neely Moldovan

I love this! Travel is so good for your soul! Just even to refresh you!


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Rossi Writes

The Joy of Travel – 20 Reasons Why Travelling is Good for Your Career, Personal Growth and Soul

By Author Rossi Thomson

Posted on Last updated: 5th September 2022

Categories Lists , Travel , Travel Experiences

Travelling seems to be the buzzword on everybody’s lips these days.

With cheap flights and options that vary from short city breaks and luxury staycations to round-the-world trips, it has never been easier (or more affordable) to pack a bag and go. For a day, a weekend, a week, a month or even more.

Seeing amazing architecture, admiring centuries-old pieces of art, tasting new foods and accumulating memorable experiences to last you a lifetime becomes a quasi-addiction that you are only too happy to feed.

I call it The Joy of Travel .

In other words, that indescribable feeling you get when you make the first step on a new journey to discover yet another portion of the world. It doesn’t matter if the journey is of a thousand miles or much, much less. What matters is that it makes you feel alive.

Yet, soon the people around you (like parents, employers and close friends) may start questioning your choice to travel.

  • Why do you spend so much money on travelling ? Don’t you have a mortgage to pay?
  • Why do you need to go there when you have all that you may want at home? Did you know that they don’t sell marmite in shops abroad?!
  • Why do you need to go on another city break this year? Haven’t you already been to three?
  • Why are you dragging your kids to yet another museum with art by people we have never heard of? Don’t you know that kids simply want to play?
  • Why did you take a sabbatical instead of concentrating on your career?
  • Why there is a gap in your CV? It seems like you value having fun over working hard.
  • What if we hire you and then you leave our company in order to travel more?

These are all difficult questions that everyone who loves travelling has been pressurised with. At least once. Often, countless times.

Yes, on the surface, regular travelling may seem disruptive to an established daily routine which includes family obligations and a good job. It is also draining in terms of money and paid vacation time.

Yet, travelling gives you so much more in return. From the deeply satisfying feeling of being connected to other people and the world to an improved skill set and higher stress threshold.

So, in order to help you deal with those nagging and niggling questions about your travel habits which you may be getting from friends, relatives, colleagues and your (current or potential) boss, here are twenty reasons why travelling is actually good for you.

Read on, enjoy, and use as appropriate!

The Joy of Travel –

20 reasons why travelling is good for your career, personal growth, and soul, 1. travel helps you hone your decision-making skills.

With so many options in terms of travel, you quickly learn to make complex decisions about where to go and when, what accommodation to book and what sights to see. You know that you can’t cram it all into a couple of days, so you precision-pick what you are interested in and what is not your cup of tea. You learn to have at all times several variables in mind. For example:

  • money – how much you can afford to spend on accommodation, food and sightseeing;
  • distance – how far from your point of interest you can stay; and
  • time – how many hours you have at your disposal at each place on your schedule.

The more you travel, the more you hone your decision-making process.

Sooner, you find it easier to make decisions with regards to everything else in your life. At work, this streamlined approach and the ability to juggle several variables and different outcomes is what sets you apart from the rest.

2. Travel Helps You Develop Your Research Skills

Research is a big part of both study and work processes nowadays. The ability to research new ways to do things and having the skills to find out what your competitors are up to can be the decisive factor between failure and success. Both in business and your personal life.

Well, have you noticed how much research you need to do everytime you plan a trip?!

From finding the best tickets in terms of time slots and prices to discovering those hidden gems that all the other tourists miss, a well-conducted research is at the basis of your successful trip.

You can easily transfer your research skills from your travels to your job: monitoring industry leaders’ websites for promotions, discovering blogs and articles by local experts, unearthing little-known bits of information both online and in print.

Research helps save money and find valuable data. Being good at research will take you to the forefront of your field.

3. Travel Helps You Learn to Better Communicate Your Expectations

You can’t be reticent when you travel, especially if you travel as a couple or as a part of a group.

Failing to tell your partner that you really, really want to visit a particular sight may lead to your not seeing it all. People rarely are able to read minds and get tired of always having to ask you what you want to do. Plus, you usually have limited time at each destination. And, once you have left it, you may never have the chance to go back.

So, you quickly learn to communicate exactly what you want to see and do during a particular trip.

Making your expectations clear is a valuable skill in any work environment. It puts everybody on the same page as to what needs to be done and achieved. It also helps prevent conflicts or misunderstandings as no-one likes to have to second-guess what people around them think.

4. Travel Helps You Develop Your Negotiation and Compromise Skills

All this is very good but what happens when you and your travelling partner expect different things from a trip (assuming that you communicated them clearly to one another – see point 3 above).

This is when you soon develop your negotiation skills. You agree to do one thing as long as they agree to something proposed by you. You suggest that you are happy to go to the sea, but it would be nice if next year they come to the mountains with you.

Or, if everything else fails, you both agree to spend a bit of time apart. So, you go to the museum you have always wanted to see and your partner relaxes by the pool all morning book in hand.

It’s all a question of achieving mutually acceptable compromises. Which make travelling so much more enjoyable.

Being a good negotiator can open many professional doors for you. From being able to negotiate the best salary and perks for yourself to being in control during a difficult meeting with a supplier, it all comes down to seeing what the other party is offering, knowing what your limitations are and then marrying both as best as possible without you or the other side losing face.

5. Travel Helps You Fine-Tune Your Organisational and Scheduling Skills

Once you have settled on a destination, it’s time to begin the planning stage. Soon, you become a master of compiling complex schedules. After all, you want to experience the joy of travel to the max. So, even after a strict elimination process, you still pick to do many, many things within one day. In all honesty, back home it would take you weeks to complete the same number of activities.

Still, anything is possible, you reassure yourself. You can definitely:

  • arrive early morning;
  • drop your stuff at ‘Left Luggage’ at the train station;
  • queue (while the queue is still tiny) to climb to the top of Bruneleschi’s dome of the Gothic Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore;
  • spend a moment in the adjacent Baptistry;
  • walk up to Accademia, pick your pre-booked ticket and simply fall in love with Michelangelo’s David;
  • then walk down to Palazzo Vecchio and Piazza dei Signori;
  • admire the statues in the Loggia della Signoria;
  • pick your pre-booked tickets and spend a spellbinding hour and a half in the Uffizi Gallery;
  • walk down to Ponte Vecchio to see the views and the goldsmiths’ shops;
  • then pop down to Michelangelo’s birth house followed by a quick visit to the Cathedral of Santa Croce in order to see the tombs of some of Italy’s most notable sons;
  • have a sit-down meal at a local restaurant tucking into some Tuscan delights;
  • pick your luggage and get on the train to Pisa that same evening; and
  • book into your hotel for a good night sleep.

Based on a day I planned for myself and spent in Florence, Italy some years ago. It all worked like a charm and was interspersed with lots of gelato-eating, photo-taking, and window-shopping, too.

Even if your travel style slows down with time, this ability to organise your day and schedule activities in an organic manner (taking in consideration local opening times, the influx of tourists and the walkable distances in town) is a valuable skill.

Being organised, efficient and able to set up and follow a schedule is something to be proud of and it certainly helps a lot both in your family and professional lives.

6. Travel Helps You Be More Flexible and Think on the Spot

Things happen when you least expect them. This seems especially valid when you are on the road.

Last summer our flight from Treviso, Italy to Stanstead, England was canceled just past midnight.

What to do? We spent the night at a hotel (paid by the air company) and in the morning we travelled close to four hours to Bergamo where we were placed on another plane. Then, in accordance with the legal framework, we claimed compensation and, after several phone calls and emails, were paid a small amount for our troubles.

It was inconvenient, unpleasant, and very, very hot. We were travelling with a small child and some rather heavy luggage. But there was nothing we could do to make the plane come pick us up from Treviso airport. Instead, we adjusted ourselves to the situation and managed to reach England after all.

The ability to be flexible is highly valued. Knowing that in spite of your best efforts and adherence to plan, things can still go wrong, will free up space in your mind to think on your feet. This way you are able to react according to the actual circumstances rather than in line with what you want to be happening right now.

7. Travel Helps You Understand the Power of Money and Budgets

Two euros (or pounds) for a coffee doesn’t sound that much. A new top and a new bag are the order of the day when you need a little bit of cheering up. Unfortunately, these spontaneous expenses quickly add up and then you wonder why you are always short of cash towards the end of the month.

When you really want to travel and have amazing experiences, you soon realise that the only thing that stops you from doing it is not having enough money. After all, transport, insurance, accommodation, and food are not free.

Hence, you soon start not only to save any spare euro that you have but also to judge the necessity of each purchase through the prism of your travel plans. A new pair of earrings for 10 euros?! This equals your food budget for a day in a far-flung place.  A night out on the town costing you at least 50 euros?! This may buy you a slightly more comfortable hotel room rather than having to stay at a hostel again.

In other words, you quickly learn to prioritise your purchases and to meticulously budget for your time abroad.

On the other hand, once you are at your destination, you are only too aware that not sticking to your daily budget can be the difference between having a great time and finding yourself in financial trouble far away from home. With no immediate support network to help you along, spending above budget 20 euros frivolously every day may be the difference between eating the last few days of your trip or not.

Being good with money and being able to stick to budgets are highly valuable skills both in personal and professional plans. At a time of overconsumption and of companies cutting corners only too willingly, being able to show that you are a dab hand at prioritising expenses and saving money may be your strongest feat.

8. Travel Helps You Sharpen Your Eye for Bargains

In this financial line of thought, travel can also help you develop an uncanny ability to spot a bargain from a hundred feet.

Buying a combined ticket for three sights will save you one third of their individual prices? Done! Waiting for the sales in order to get a new cabin-size suitcase and save 50% off its original price? Excellent!

At the same time, you soon start to differentiate between a real bargain and a false one.

Buying something in a package may not always translate into financial savings. Especially, if due to lack of time, you only end up doing one of the pre-paid things.

Real bargains are great not only for the money you save but also for giving you that fabulous feeling that you have gotten extra value against a portion of the full price.

Knowing the shortcuts and the techniques for achieving bargainous prices will help the budgets of both your family and your company. This will earn you praise and more available money to spend on other (hopefully travel-related) stuff.

9. Travel Helps You Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

People tend to stick to what they know. Be it other people, fashion styles, and even places.

This is why being the newcomer in a tight-knit group can be such a daunting prospect. And why some people tend to spend their every holiday over thirty years at the same resort.

When you embrace the joy of travel for what it really is, i.e. exploring the world and its many different faces, rather sooner than later you need to get out of your comfort zone.

  • You may need to get up really early in order to catch a plane. Even though you may not be an early riser at all.
  • You may need to approach people and ask in a foreign language (and mainly with your hands) how to get from point A to point B. Even though you are anxious just thinking about talking to strangers.
  • You may need to get your point across when you are unhappy about a service. Even though you are non-confrontational to a fault.

Travelling gets you places and most of them are beyond the confines of what you know. Being able to navigate the unknown is a valuable skill and state of mind.

It makes you more self-assured, more confident, more open to the world.

Well-based confidence can give you a competitive edge and get you far ahead on your career path.

10. Travel Helps You Find Creative Ways to Overcome Obstacles

Obstacles may present themselves at any time when you travel.

It could be:

  • luggage not arriving at the same time as you;
  • weather that is not as nice as the forecast promised;
  • large crowds visiting the same sights as you even though the travel guidebook that you read promised that they were off-the-beaten-track.

It could be anything, really. For example, many people come to Italy expecting it to be always sunny and nice outside. But here (especially in Northern Italy) it rains and even snows. So, what to do when you imagined sun-soaked walks, gelato in hand, but instead you are faced with a downpour.

Well, instead of locking yourself in your hotel room and complain on social media about the injustice of it all, you put your creative hat on. You capitalise on things that the country is famous for and which are weather-impervious. Like Italy has lots of thermal baths and spas, large expos, cooking classes, great indoor places for children to play, and so much more that can be done inside (see the full list here , in fact).

This ability to come up with creative solutions to obstacles which may threaten to derail your plans will come in handy in your professional endevours, too. Capitalising on your travel experiences, you may be the person to come up with an out-of-the-box suggestion as to how to overcome a problem your company is facing.

11. Travel Helps You Learn How to Mediate Between People

When you travel with other people (family, colleagues or friends), sooner or later there will be a situation which will make everyone jump against everybody else.

One of your group wants to go to the beach and another wants to shop?! Cue an argument that can spoil the whole day.

Stepping in with a calm head and mediating between people can dissipate the stress. Allowing everyone to express how they feel and setting up firm but fair rules for a respectful exchange is a difficult task but someone has to do it. If you accept the challenge and don’t let emotions rule, everyone will be thankful and much happier at the end of it all.

Mediation is a valuable skill. Knowing when to let people talk and helping them express themselves in a constructive manner will earn you kudos at work and at home.

12. Travel Helps You Expand Your Horizons

Have you ever thought that your country has the best art, the most interesting history and the best looking and most hospitable people?

Well, travel can change your set ideas about the world.

You may come to realise that people have different ways to do the same thing. That certain foods taste better abroad. That every country has unique nature, beautiful art, and lovely people. Just like yours.

This enriches your soul and makes you more appreciative of things which before you might have easily dismissed.

Travel helps you expand your expectations of the world. Hence, you are better prepared to work in a multicultural environment and have a stronger foundation to deal with a team with diverse cultural norms.

13. Travel Helps You Experience a Sense of Purpose and Achievement

In a world overloaded with information which makes us question how happy we are with what we have, travel can bring us closer to that elusive feeling of feeling content.

There is nothing better than the sense of achievement after a long day of exciting sightseeing when, in a short amount of time, you have seen so much.

Be it a visit to an art gallery to enjoy the company of the Old Masters. Be it a hike through a gorgeous place. Be it a food tour savouring your way through the flavours of a nation.

Travel can really make you feel purposeful and full of energy. After all, travelling for most people equals achieving their dreams of seeing certain fabled places and experiencing them for themselves. There is nothing better than having your dreams become reality.

Having this sense of purpose and achievement makes you a happier, calmer person, too. And it propagates into all of the different spheres of your life.

14. Travel Helps You Develop Your Interests

Chances are you travel to places that interest you in order to see things that interest you, too.

Often, lost in the stress of daily life, the first thing we forget to take care of is our hobbies and our personal interests. We may not notice it at first, but making time for them becomes more and more difficult when faced with a demanding family and job.

Travel may be the only chance we get to reconnect with what is important to us.

I used to have a very stressful, high-power job that kept me chained to the computer up to 12 hours a day. Monday to Friday with the weekends often taken over, too. Going on short breaks to Italy to experience its art, food and sun helped me stay sane. Just knowing that Venice was only two hours away from London and that I could easily get there and see all that artistic beauty was enough to give me a bit of respite.

Other people travel in order to practice their photography, to eat new foods, to develop their artistic skills.

When we are too caught in our daily lives, travel opens a little bracket allowing us to re-centre on ourselves, to think about what we want to do with our lives. It also gives us the impetus to start making the changes we need in order to focus more on our own interests (both creative and purely personal).

15. Travel Helps You Awaken Your Creativity

Faced with the exuberance of the world, your heart and your soul soon begin to need to be surrounded by colour and excitement every waking moment.

It could be something as simple as buying colourful fabrics and authentic souvenirs abroad in order to give your home a touch of happiness and creativity.

Or, it could be that after a while you may begin to feel a desire to replicate on home turf the wonderful things that you’ve seen on your travels abroad.

For example, many people are inspired to start a business after falling in love with a particular destination. From importing its food to organising trips to it – the sky is the limit when you feel the creative sparkle in your soul.

I started my blog Rossi Writes led by my excitement of having just moved to live in Italy . Three years later I am still at it and writing has been a great outlet for me during moments of feeling bleak and down.

16. Travel Helps You Get Physically Active

In a world where spending all your time in front of a computer is an acceptable way to lead your life, travel gets us moving.

Getting from point A to point B requires that we leave the house and get on a plane (or train, car, boat). Then, once at our destination, we use our feet to get to know it.

By walking around we see the most exciting, most beautiful things. It could be a walk through a museum; it could be a hike through a stunning landscape. The important thing is that we use not just our mind, but also our body in order to experience the world.

17. Travel Helps You Test Your Resilience to Stress

Being able to work under pressure is a basic job requirement these days. We are supposed to be able to juggle several things at once both at work and home. Obviously, without breaking a sweat.

Travel is the perfect school to test and increase our resilience to stress.

Starting with expecting the unexpected and learning to deal with it, and ending with mastering the communication process with people from different cultures and with different attitudes, travel throws at us many curveballs at any one time.

It may feel scary at the start, but you soon adapt yourself to it all. From learning that eating on your own at a restaurant is not an insurmountable task to not expecting that everything and everyone has to stop to tend to your needs. Travel is character-shaping and -strengthening.

18. Travel Helps You Become More Aware of Health and Safety

At home you may be living in a safety bubble guaranteed first by your parents and then by your partner and/or community. Travel can shift your perspective about the world.

Soon you learn to read people and situations better and to make decisions based not on emotions and fleeting wants but on how safe the experience will be. You learn to keep your guard up. You realise that you are in charge of your decisions and your belongings.

You stop seeing yourself as a fragile flower that needs constant supervision and help. Instead, you act as a grown-up person who can stand up for herself and judge a situation based on observed and perceived dangers.

From simple things like deciding where to eat based on hygiene to much more complicated situations when you need to decide in a split second how to extricate yourself from some potentially unpleasant circumstances, you learn to trust your sixth sense. To appreciate how safe the environment is and to take only measured risks.

19. Travel Helps You Appreciate What You Have

At the end of a trip (be it of several weeks or a day-long) there is nothing better than getting back to your own bed. At least for me.

Having witnessed what the world has to offer – from its most beautiful, most inspiring offerings to its (sometimes) darker side – you begin to look at home with different eyes.

You may have been unsatisfied with your lot in life, but having seen how other people live (and still smile no matter what), you learn to value so much more what you, yourself, have achieved.

What you have may not be loads, but suddenly just it being there, waiting for you to return, becomes a driving force.

Travelling is great! Having something or someone to return to is what gives you roots.

20. Travel Helps You Feel More Connected

Travelling – actively exploring new places and learning about them – makes you feel more connected with the world as a whole. You observe and learn how other people, other cultures live. And through the contact with them, you connect better both with your inner self and those around you.

Through the different experiences you have abroad you learn more about yourself – what makes you tick, what makes you happy and what makes you sad. Through this knowledge, you feel more committed to yourself as a person, more willing to stand up and fight for your dreams.

Through the positive experiences you accumulate when you travel, you feel more engaged with humanity. More open to other people, their stories and their point of view.

And this connection, this feeling of being alive, of belonging is what gives us the strength to continue forward.

Thank you for reading! Please, leave me a comment, pin the image below or use the buttons right at the end to share it on social media.

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Friday 22nd of January 2021

Hi Rossi, I am so impressed with this article! Would you possibly allow me to use some quotes from this ...I'm writing an article about The Joy of Discovery through Travel ! I would certainly give you the credit. Also you can have a look at my website (focus on Southern USA). Exciting to find a soul who shares my JOY !!

Dear Angela,

Thank you for your comment and for your kind words about my blog post. You are very welcome to place a link to my article in your writing. Unfortunately, I don't allow direct quotes in line with the advice of the copyright attorney who helped me after a large number of my blog posts and photos were stolen. Thank you for your understanding.

Best wishes,

Sunday 24th of February 2019

Wow....amazing article, Rossi! Absolutely loved it! Spot on, insightful, so well written - I’d always thought travel was good for the soul and fostered personal growth (not to mention aiding in understanding people of other cultures which in turn promotes PEACE), but until reading your article I didn’t realize in just how many ways it can make you a better, stronger, smarter, more self reliant person! Travel rocks! And it’s sooo much more fun than sitting in a classroom... Also, I agree with all your “20 Reasons” and found myself thinking several times, “...that is SO true! I never thought of it that way...” when thinking about my own experiences with travel. Travel is a marvelous teacher. I’m so glad I found your blog.

Monday 25th of February 2019

Thank you for your very kind words, Lisa! I am glad that my blog post resonated with you. I wrote it very spontaneously and had a lot of fun putting it together. It's nice to know that somebody else finds it interesting. Best wishes,

Sonia M Checchia

Friday 27th of April 2018

I can't tell you how much I love this article. Thank you.

Saturday 5th of May 2018

Thank you very much for your very kind words. I really enjoyed writing this blog post. :) Best wishes, Rossi

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soul of travel meaning

What Is Passover and Its Meaning? All About the Jewish Holiday, the Passover Story in the Bible and More

Passover is one of the most important Jewish holidays and it falls each spring, though not on the same date, similar to Christians' Easter. Find out the Passover meaning, when it begins and ends in 2024, the Passover story in the Bible and more.

What is Passover?

Passover is a Jewish holiday that honors the Hebrews' escape from slavery in Egypt leading up to the Exodus. Aside from Yom Kippur , it is one of the holiest holidays in the Hebrew year.

Related: Celebrate Passover With the 13 Best Books of All Time About the Holiday

What is the meaning of Passover?

The  Passover meaning is to honor the Israelites escaping the smite of God in ancient Egypt. When Hebrews were enslaved in Egypt, God unleashed 10 plagues on Egypt as a punishment and to aid the Hebrews in their escape. The 10th plague was the death of every firstborn son. God told Moses to instruct Israelites to mark their doorposts with lambs’ blood so God would "pass over" their homes and let their firstborn sons live.

Related:  Looking for a Haggadah That Fits Your Family? These Are the Best, Most Versatile Passover Haggadahs Available Online

What is Passover food ?

During Passover, certain foods aren't prohibited, most notably leavened bread (sometimes called "chametz"). Matzo (also spelled "matzoh") is permitted, as it is unleavened. This is to pay tribute to the enslaved Israelites who had to rush to escape Egypt and didn't have time to wait for their bread to rise. (Passover is sometimes also called the Festival of Unleavened Bread for this reason.) Some traditions also prohibit foods including beans, lentils, corn, wheat, barley, spelt, rye and rice. Depending on an individual's beliefs, foods like pasta, crackers, pastries and breadcrumbs may also be forbidden during Passover because they're created with leavened or chametz ingredients.

Traditional Passover foods vary by location and background of those celebrating, but often include gefilte fish, borscht, matzoh brie, chicken soup (depending on one's beliefs, it may be made with or without matzoh balls), macaroons and dishes made from potatoes, which are one of the only permitted starches during Passover.

What is a Passover seder?

A Passover seder is a special feast held on the first night of Passover (though some have one on the second evening as well). While individual and cultural seder celebrations vary, a typical seder includes special prayers and a reading of the Haggadah , symbols and blessings specific for Passover and features a seder plate. The seder plate typically houses matzoh, maror (bitter herbs), chazeret (bitter lettuce, often romaine), charoset (a paste made from nuts and fruit), karpas (a vegetable dipped in saltwater, vinegar or charoset), saltwater, zeroa (a roasted goat or lamb bone) and beitzah (a roasted or hard-boiled egg).

Vinos, rejoice at this: You're required to gulp four glasses of wine during the seder.

Related:  What Should I Bring to a Passover Seder?

What is a Passover symbol?

Symbols of Passover are largely featured on the seder plate:

  • Matzoh represents the haste with which the Israelites had to flee Egypt without giving time for their bread to leaven.
  • Maror is a symbol of the bitterness of life under slavery in Egypt.
  • Saltwater is a representation of the tears of slaves.
  • Charoset is a symbol of the mortar Hebrews were forced to use to build the pyramids in Egypt.
  • Beitzah symbolizes new life and springtime.
  • Karpas represents redemption and hope.

Another common symbol during a Passover seder is to shake some wine out of one's glass to honor the deaths of the innocent Egyptian children who were killed during the 10th plague (the slaying of every Egyptian firstborn son).

When is Passover?

Passover falls during springtime each year in the northern hemisphere, though the date itself varies since it's dictated by the Hebrew calendar, which is lunar. In the Hebrew calendar, it falls on the 15th of the month of Nisan (also spelled Nissan) and continues for eight days in most cultures (though it's typically celebrated for seven in Israel). This year, Passover begins before sundown on Monday, April 22, 2024, and ends after nightfall on April 30, 2024. 

Related:  59 Happy Passover Greetings and Wishes to Send to Friends & Family Celebrating Pesach

What is the Passover story?

The Passover story tells of God helping free Hebrews from slavery in Egypt to arrive in Israel, with Moses leading the charge. A brief version of the story is as follows:

The Egyptian Pharoah ordered all newborn Jewish males to be drowned in the Nile River. Jochebed gives birth to Moses and places him in a cradle in the river, with his sister Miriam watching over him from the brush nearby. When the Pharaoh's daughter bathes in the Nile and finds Moses, she takes him in and Miriam offers Jochebed to serve as Moses' wet nurse. The pharaoh's daughter raises Moses like her own son.

As Moses grows into adulthood, he is horrified by the enslavement of the Hebrews and leaves Egypt to become a shepherd. God appears to Moses as a burning bush appears and instructs him (with the aid of Aaron) to free His people to serve not the pharaoh, but God.

Moses asks the pharaoh to free the Hebrew slaves, but he refuses—and so God inflicts 10 plagues upon Egypt. They are as follows:

  • Aaron strikes the Nile with his staff, turning the river's water into blood.
  • Frogs overrun all of Egypt.
  • A mass lice infestation afflicts all of the men, women and livestock.
  • Wild animals overrun the cities.
  • All the domestic animals fall ill and die.
  • Egyptians suffer from painful boils and sores.
  • A massive hailstorm impacts Egypt.

Related:  Embrace Your NickToons Nostalgia This Pesach! How to Watch A Rugrats Passover

After the seventh plague, Moses once more tries to appeal to the pharaoh for freedom. The Pharaoh says he will let the Hebrew men go free if the women and children stay behind—which, of course, means there's no actual deal, and the eighth plague arrives: locusts overrun Egypt and ruin crops.

The ninth plague follows, a deep, penetrating darkness over the entire land.

The 10th plague is the slaying of the firstborn son of every Egyptian. Before the 10th plague takes effect, God warns the Jews to sacrifice a lamb or baby goat and use its blood to mark their doors to save them so He will "pass over" their homes. At midnight on the 15th of Nisan, all firstborn Egyptian sons are killed, while the Jews' firstborn sons are spared.

The 10th plague was the charm, and the Pharoah finally frees the Jews—but then changes his mind and chases them down, forcing them to hurry (and, as such, not wait for their bread to rise). God, through Moses, parts the Red Sea to allow them to walk across to Israel and escape Egypt and slavery once and for all.

What is written about Passover in the Bible?

Passover is covered extensively in the Old Testament book of Exodus in the Bible. Exodus covers the Jews' arrival in Egypt with Jacob and Joseph as well as their eventual enslavement and escape, and everything in between—including the plagues. There are several other references to Passover in the Bible , including Jesus' celebrations of the holiday .

Next, check out 50 Passover trivia questions to quiz your friends and family this Pesach!


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  4. People Who Know The Real Meaning Of Travel Will Understand These 5

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  1. What is Soul?

  2. What is astral travel. How to do it

  3. Paul Theroux on The Tao of Travel


  1. What Is Soul Travel? 4 Safe Methods and Techniques to Induce This State

    This can be achieved through lucid dreaming, mediation or even accidentally. In Soul Travel, you travel with your Light Body. This body is more extensive than the Astral Body. It shines through it to encompass the Astral Body. As such, it is reached by attaining and maintaining a state of complete, unconditional Love.

  2. What is Soul Travel? The Science and Spiritual Aspects of Out-of-Body

    Soul travel, also known as astral projection, is the belief that the soul or consciousness can separate from the body and travel to other realms of existence. The soul travels to a different dimension or plane of existence. The soul travels to the past or future. The soul travels to the realm of the dead.

  3. How To Soul Travel

    Soul travel can help human beings see the interconnectedness of life. Through soul travel, humans can develop a deeper appreciation for the shared human experience - which can promote love, compassion, and understanding. At the core of soul travel is unconditional love, which transcends ego and judgment.

  4. Soul Travel

    What Is Soul Travel? Soul Travel is a shift in awareness, a change in consciousness, moving closer to God. Although in truth, Soul doesn't actually "go" anywhere, Soul Travel describes the experience of accepting greater states of being.. Broadening your viewpoint from even higher vantage points brings upliftment, problem-solving skills, and endless opportunity for spiritual adventure.

  5. Astral projection

    Astral projection (also known as astral travel, soul journey, soul wandering, spiritual journey, spiritual travel) is a term used in esotericism to describe an intentional out-of-body experience (OBE) that assumes the existence of a subtle body, known as the astral body or body of light, through which consciousness can function separately from the physical body and travel throughout the astral ...

  6. Soul Travel: Gateway to Elevated Spiritual Experiences

    Soul Travel, often referred to as "soul projection" or "spiritual journeying," is a spiritual practice that enables us to transcend the physical body's limitations and explore higher planes of existence. This unique experience takes us beyond the material world and allows us to delve into the realms of the soul and spirit.

  7. Soul Travel at Night Takes Us through Many Levels

    Soul Travel - The Astral and Etheric Planes Are Different! There is a conflict of terms in different writings about the astral and etheric planes. In the etheric plane, there is a lower etheric level that contains the perversions of the memory of God, or the records that are not of the light. So you might say there's a lower and a higher ...

  8. Soul Travel: Exploring Higher Spiritual Dimensions

    Soul travel, a mystical concept deeply rooted in spiritual and metaphysical traditions, offers a journey through various planes of existence, transcending the earthly realm and venturing into higher spiritual dimensions. These planes are typically categorized into seven major levels, with some scholars expanding this framework to include a ...

  9. What is Soul Activating Travel?

    What does Soul Activating Travel mean? Soul Activating Travel means travelling with a spiritual conscience. I can still enjoy the iconic attractions that a place has to offer but also define at least one experience that creates an activation in my soul. A reckoning that leads to an awakening. At the very least, a journey that allows your soul ...

  10. Why Traveling Is Good For The Soul?

    It's A Great Way Of Leaving Your Comfort Zone. Traveling makes you see new places, do new things, meet new people, and experience new cultures. It revives your passions, which helps you find a new meaning in your life to live for. It is healthy for your soul to be creative and passionate about things that make you happy.

  11. Astral Travel

    The ability to astral travel is a lot more common and easier to do than people may realize. We all leave our bodies during the night when we sleep. Just enough of our soul essence is left behind to keep the soul connected to the physical body to keep it alive and functioning. Often we leave our bodies during meditation as well.

  12. Soul travel

    Soul travel is a method by which the soul can travel in the etheric body during the hours of sleep, escorted by archangels and legions of light, to visit etheric retreats to receive instruction and initiation from the ascended masters.. The Book of Genesis describes the deep spiritual communion necessary for the soul's evolution as the deep sleep that the LORD God caused to fall upon Adam.

  13. Travel for the soul: Embracing the profound benefits of spiritual

    Travel has long been recognized as a highly effective method for revitalizing the mind and spirit. Recently, there has been a notable surge in the popularity of spiritual travel, particularly ...

  14. What is the Soul's Journey: Understanding the stages

    4. Enlightenment. Enlightenment is a pivotal stage where the soul gains significant insight or understanding. This doesn't necessarily mean reaching a final state of total enlightenment, but rather experiencing moments of clarity and profound realization that fundamentally change the soul's perspective and approach to life.

  15. Soul Traveler: A Guide to Out-of-Body Experiences and the Wonders

    In this amazing book, he offers an account of his own incredible flights of "soul travel"--and shows us how we too can develop this life-changing ability. Read more Report an issue with this product or seller ... This gives a very plausible metaphysical explanation of the meaning and purpose of these experiences. This raises the book above a ...

  16. The Healing Power of Travel

    Many of us rely on travel to provide something we find missing otherwise—novelty, thrills, uncertainty, adventure. But many of us are also shoring up some part of ourselves that needs a bit of ...

  17. Discover 10 Surprising Benefits of Travel for Your Mind, Body, and Soul

    3. Increased Appreciation. Appreciation is one of the top benefits of travel. Traveling can create memories and experiences that enhance one's recognization and enjoyment of life and foster a deeper sense of gratitude. Truly, seeing new places and meeting new people can create lasting memories and a greater appreciation for the world. 4.

  18. The Philosophy of Travel: Illuminating the Soul

    The Philosophy of Travel: Unpacking the Essence of the Journey. Travel is an enduring theme that has captivated the human imagination for centuries. It represents not just a physical movement from one place to another but also an intellectual, emotional, and philosophical journey. The philosophy of travel digs deep into this multifaceted ...

  19. 10 Reasons Why Travel is Good for the Soul

    6) Solo travel gives you new challenges and self-growth. Solo travel is good for the soul because it gives you an opportunity to connect with yourself. Traveling alone provides time for self-reflection and introspection, which can be healthy. It's also a chance to try new things by yourself and build more independence.

  20. The Joy of Travel

    20 Reasons Why Travelling Is Good for Your Career, Personal Growth, and Soul. 1. Travel Helps You Hone Your Decision-Making Skills. With so many options in terms of travel, you quickly learn to make complex decisions about where to go and when, what accommodation to book and what sights to see. You know that you can't cram it all into a ...

  21. Soul travel and its magic

    Soul travel and types of dreams. Soul leaving the body during sleep will result in all kinds of different dreams. Sometimes your dream may have you as the main character, or sometimes it may revolve around somebody else. But just because you aren't the center of attention in your dream doesn't mean it is meant for you.

  22. Soul

    The soul is the "driver" in the body. It is the roohu or spirit or atma, the presence of which makes the physical body alive. Many [quantify] religious and philosophical traditions support the view that the soul is the ethereal substance - a spirit; a non-material spark - particular to a unique living being.

  23. Soul of Travel Podcast

    Soul of Travel honors the passion and dedication of women making a positive impact in tourism. In each episode, you'll hear the story of industry professionals, seasoned travelers, and community leaders who know travel is more than a vacation. It is an opportunity for personal awareness, and it is a vehicle for change.

  24. Taylor Swift

    He was a hot house flower to my outdoorsmen. Our maladies were such we could not cure them. And so a touch that was my birthright became foreign. [Chorus] Come one, come all, it's happenin' again ...

  25. What Is Passover and Its Meaning? All About the Jewish Holiday ...

    The Passover meaning is to honor the Israelites escaping the smite of God in ancient Egypt. When Hebrews were enslaved in Egypt, God unleashed 10 plagues on Egypt as a punishment and to aid the ...

  26. What is cloud seeding and does it work?

    Cloud seeding is a weather modification concept that attempts to draw more rain or snow out of a cloud than would occur naturally. Cloud droplets don't form spontaneously. The moisture needs ...

  27. I've Heard the Mermaids Singing

    In person: filmmaker Patricia Rozema Supported by government funding thanks in part to an endorsement from David Cronenberg, Patricia Rozema's feature debut centers on Polly Vandersma (Sheila McCarthy), a Girl Friday for the curator of a private art gallery in Toronto. Through a video diary and Polly's literal flights of fancy that unfold in her mind's eye, Rozema's delicate and ...