The Cinemaholic

The Visit Ending, Explained: What’s Wrong With the Grandparents?

Aahana Swrup of The Visit Ending, Explained: What’s Wrong With the Grandparents?

In M. Night Shyamalan’s 2015 horror film, ‘The Visit,’ the audience accompanies a pair of young protagonists on a trip that leads to more menacing outcomes than one expects from a visit to Grandma’s house. After their distant grandparents, Nana and Pop Pop, reach out to teenage sibling duo Becca and Tyler, the pair takes the former up on their invitation for a week-long stay. However, upon arrival, armed with several cameras for Becca’s documentary, the two quickly begin noticing the strange happenings that seem to occur at the house after nightfall. Thus, the kids find themselves fending for themselves as each day unravels more erratic behavior by their aging grandparents, with the night bringing something more sinister.

The found footage film builds a compelling thriller narrative that gradually boosts its suspense until the final act delivers a startling and much-anticipated plot twist that fans have come to expect from the filmmaker. Nonetheless, the same conclusive twist may have left some of the viewers with a few questions. SPOILERS AHEAD!

The Visit Plot Synopsis

In her late teens, Loretta Jamison ran away with a substitute teacher from her high school, Corin, causing a rift between herself and her parents. As a result, years later, after Corin has abandoned his family, Loretta’s 15-year-old daughter, Becca, and 14-year-old Tyler have never met their grandparents. However, their distant relationship stands to change when the old couple reaches out to their grandkids, extending a home-visit invitation. Even though Loretta is against the idea, she doesn’t try to stop her children after they decide to visit her childhood home.

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As such, while Loretta leaves for a cruise with her boyfriend, her kids take the train to visit their grandparents with promises of routine Skype calls. Becca, an aspiring filmmaker, decides to document the entire thing in hopes of learning the specifics about her mother and grandparents’ falling out. Consequently, Bella and Fredrick Spencer arrive at the train station on Monday morning to pick up their grandkids with enthusiastic smiles. Their first day together goes smoothly, and as it comes to an end, the kids’ grandpa, Pop Pop, instructs them about a 9:30 bedtime rule.

Although the kids don’t think of it much at first, Becca learns the merit of following through with the rule after she ventures out for a midnight snack and witnesses her Nana, sick and frantically throwing up. Even more frightening, the morning after, the woman abruptly and manically chases the kids under the house’s crawlspace during an impromptu game of hide-n-seek. Throughout the day, the kids’ concern grows further after noticing a few disturbing things about Pop Pop, such as his lack of bowel control and tendency to attack strangers in a fit of paranoia.

The following night, Tyler’s worries grow after he spots Nana wildly scratching at the walls outside the kids’ guest room in a stark state of undress. However, after Becca asks Pop Pop about the older woman’s condition, she receives a plausible answer about Nana’s sundowning issue, establishing her concerning after-hours behavior is similar to sleepwalking.

The explanation satisfies Becca, who attempts to return to her mission to learn about her mother’s relationship with Nana and Pop Pop. Still, she doesn’t make much progress since the topic seems to trigger a violent episode in her grandmother. Meanwhile, Tyler remains weary of his grandparents’ actions and insists they should spy on them by setting up cameras in the living room. Although Becca is initially against the idea, she agrees after walking in on Pop Pop with a rifle’s barrel in his mouth.

Even so, the plan backfires when Nana spots the camera on her nightly manic episode and attempts to break into the kids’ room armed with a knife. Once Becca realizes their lives may be in danger after reviewing the night’s footage, she decides to ask Loretta to pick them up on account of the dangerous circumstances. However, the kids are in for a big surprise when they show the elderly couple to their mother from a window, only to learn that the people they have spent the past few days with are not their grandparents.

The Visit Ending: Who Are The Old Couple? What Did They Do To The Real Grandparents?

As a slow burn of mourning suspense and horror, the film reveals Nana and Pop Pop’s concerning attributes in slow bouts. At first, the behavior that the couple exhibits can be easily explained as a condition of their old age, with sundowning, memory issues, and paranoia forming the baseline. Yet, as the film progresses, the old couple becomes more and more dangerous— first toward themselves and then the kids.

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Due to Loretta’s dramatic exit from her parents’ house, the woman seldom speaks to the couple, even as she regularly calls the kids. Furthermore, a seemingly innocent accident damages Becca’s webcam, robbing the mother of any visual cues. Therefore, it isn’t until Thursday morning, when Becca and Tyler have begun fearing for their lives, that Loretta glimpses at the old couple. Consequently, she realizes all this time, her kids have been living with a pair of strangers who are pretending to be their grandparents.

The revelation immediately sets Loretta into action, who tries to contact the cops and reach her kids as soon as possible. In the meantime, she advises her kids to seek help from the neighbors to put distance between themselves and the imposters. Nevertheless, the old couple prevents Becca and Tyler from leaving the house with the idea of a family game night. Thus, with tension in the air, the kids find themselves enduring a game of Yahtzee until the old woman’s incoming mental episode gives Becca an excuse to slip away.

Using the opportunity to explore the house and learn about the imposters, Becca ventures into the forbidden basement, where she suspects her actual grandparents to be. Inside, she finds all the answers to her questions as Becca’s hunch turns out to be true in the worst way possible.

As it would turn out, the imposter old couple is a pair of psychiatric hospital patients, where the actual Bella and Patrick Spencer volunteered. The psychotic couple believed they were from an alien planet, Sinmorfitellia. As such, the pair drowned their own kids inside a well that they believed to hold a passage to the alien planet. For the same reason, they were being under monitoring in the psychic hospital.

Nonetheless, the couple escaped their bounds after the Spencers revealed their plans for a family reunion with their grandkids. Envious of the other couple, the imposters, Claire and Mitchell, killed the former pair and overtook their identities to spend the week with Becca and Tyler. Consequently, the duo managed to evade outsiders anytime they came looking for them at the house and ultimately killed their neighbor, Stacey, when she realized their reality.

Soon after Becca learns this truth, Mitchell locks her up in a room with a psychotic Claire, undergoing her violent episode. Despite their earlier attempts at domestic bliss, the couple’s instincts compel them to harm the children. Nevertheless, before the older woman can choke Becca to death, the girl manages to get her hands on a mirror shard and stabs her attacker to death. Afterward, she rushes to her younger brother’s aid, whom Mitchel is psychologically torturing.

However, with his sister’s element of surprise, Tyler manages to overpower Mitchell, unleashing raw rage and bashing the older man to death by slamming the refrigerator door at his head. Ultimately, after killing the old couple pretending to be their grandparents, Becca and Tyler make it out of the experience alive and reunite with their mother.

Why Did Loretta Stop Talking To Her Parents?

By the film’s end, Loretta’s sore relationship with her parents remains the one last mystery. Arguably, the woman’s reluctance to speak to her parents played a part in the kids’ entrapment since the latter had no point of reference to distinguish their relatives from strangers. Furthermore, part of Becca’s curiosity about her grandparents stemmed from Loretta’s refusal to speak about them to her own kids.

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As such, after Becca and Tyler have returned to the safety of their home, Loretta sits down for one last interview for her daughter’s documentary, where she speaks about her past with her parents. When 19-year-old Loretta tried to run away from home with Corin, her high school teacher, the former’s parents wanted to stop her. Nevertheless, the same only resulted in an altercation where Loretta hit her mother, followed by the former’s father hitting his daughter.

Therefore, Loretta’s last day on the farm gave birth to several familial complications. Although Loretta’s parents tried to apologize and solve things afterward, the woman continued to avoid them years and years into the future. For the same reason, Loretta imparts a lesson to her daughter to never hold grudges so hard that they end up ruining things. In turn, Becca, who despises her father for abandoning them, decides to learn from her mother’s mistakes. Unlike Loretta, who refused to speak to her parents, leading to regret after their death, Becca chooses to include home videos of her father in the documentary to close the narrative as a sign of her forgiveness.

Read More: Is The Visit Based on a True Story?


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Sinopsis & Review The Visit, Teror di Rumah Kakek Nenek

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Menghabiskan waktu berlibur di rumah kakek dan nenek seharusnya menjadi pengalaman yang menyenangkan. Namun lain halnya dengan yang dialami oleh kakak beradik dalam film berjudul The Visit ini. 

Pada kunjungan mereka ke rumah kakek dan neneknya, keduanya justru menemukan hal—hal janggal dan cukup menyeramkan yang dilakukan oleh kakek dan neneknya. Seperti apakah kengeriannya? Berikut review dan sinopsis dari film The Visit. 



Film The Visit menyajikan visual berupa found footage seorang remaja bernama Becca yang ingin membuat film dokumenter mengenai kunjungannya ke rumah kakek neneknya.

Di awal film, sang ibu, Loretta menceritakan mengenai hubungannya yang tak baik dengan orang tuanya. Di masa muda, Loretta pergi dari rumah orang tuanya karena memilih kawin lari dengan pria pujaannya. 

Namun pernikahannya tidak berlangsung baik. Suaminya meninggalkannya setelah memiliki dua anak, Becca dan Tyler.

Kini setelah 15 tahun berlalu, orang tuanya menghubunginya kembali dan ingin mengajak cucu-cucunya berlibur sepekan agar bisa mengenal kakek dan neneknya. Becca dan Tyler pun antusias dan semangat untuk berangkat ke rumah kakek nenek mereka. 

Becca dan Tyler juga memiliki misi untuk membuat film dokumenter dan mengobati masa lalu sang ibu dengan orang tuanya yang buruk serta membiarkan ibu mereka berkencan dengan kekasihnya saat ini.

Hari senin pagi, Becca dan Tyler berangkat ke kota Masonville. Mereka pun dijemput oleh kakek nenek mereka, Maria dan Frederick yang dipanggil Nana dan Papa. 

Hari pertama, Becca dan Tyler masih belum merasakan hal aneh dan menikmati kunjungan mereka. Nana banyak memasak kue untuk mereka berdua.

Di malam hari, Papa mengatakan bahwa jam malam di rumah itu adalah pukul 21.30. Namun malam itu Becca tidak bisa tidur dan ingin mengambil kue di dapur. Saat menuju dapur, Becca menemukan Nana yang tampak muntah-muntah tak wajar. 

Keesokan harinya, Becca bertanya pada Papa yang menjelaskan jika Nana memang memiliki flu. Becca dan Tyler pun melanjutkan aktivitasnya.

Namun, Papa juga mulai menunjukan gelagat yang aneh, misalnya dengan tiba-tiba memukul orang tak dikenal dan aktivitas mencurigakannya di kandang. Malam harinya, Becca dan Tyler mulai mendengar suara aneh di luar kamar mereka. 

Saat pintu dibuka, mereka melihat Nana yang telanjang dan memukul-mukul dinding. Keesokan harinya, Becca kembali bertanya pada Papa tentang kejadian semalam. Papa menjelaskan jika Nana memiliki gangguan yang disebut sindrom matahari terbenam.

Papa pun menegaskan agar mereka tak perlu keluar kamar setelah pukul 21.30. Sementara itu Tyler menemukan popok penuh kotoran manusia di kandang. 

Semakin hari mereka pun semakin merasa aneh dengan kakek nenek mereka. Meski begitu, Becca tetap berpikir logis dan menganggap jika hal itu hanyalah penyakit yang menimpa para lansia seperti mereka.

Mereka juga hanya bisa melakukan panggilan suara tanpa panggilan video pada ibu mereka karena Nana secara tak sengaja menumpahkan adonan kue ke kamera laptop Becca. 

Jelang malam terakhir, mereka semakin melihat gelagat aneh dari Nana dan Papa sehingga keduanya berinisiatif menyimpan kamera tersembunyi di ruang tamu. Namun saat rekamannya mereka lihat, Nana tertangkap kamera dan mengetahui keberadaan kamera tersebut. Ia lantas membawa pisau ke arah kamar Becca dan Tyler. 

Sabtu pagi, Becca dan Tyler yang ketakutan melakukan panggilan video pada ibunya dan mengatakan hal-hal aneh yang dilakukan oleh Nana dan Papa. Saat Tyler menunjukan wajah kakek dan nenek mereka yang sedang berada di kebun, ibunya kaget dan mengatakan jika kedua orang itu bukanlah kakek dan nenek mereka. 

Sang ibu segera menelpon kepolisian dan berangkat menjemput keduanya. Ia juga menyuruh Becca dan Tyler untuk keluar dari rumah itu. Namun Becca dan Tyler terperangkap karena Nana dan Papa mengajak mereka untuk tetap di dalam rumah.

Di malam hari, kekacauan pun terjadi. Becca mengetahui jika kakek dan neneknya yang asli telah dibunuh di basement rumah itu. 

Sementara  yang mereka panggil Nana dan Papa adalah Mitchell dan Claire, pasien RSJ di tempat kakek dan nenek mereka menjadi sukarelawan.

Becca dan Tyler nyaris terbunuh dengan serangan yang dilakukan Mitchell dan Claire, namun akhirnya mereka berhasil lolos dan keluar dari rumah. Bertepatan dengan itu, sang ibu beserta para polisi sampai dan menyelamatkan keduanya. 

Konsep Visual Found Footage yang Menegangkan 


Sejak film The Visit ini dimulai, kita bisa melihat konsep visual yang cukup unik dari film ini. Film The Visit menggunakan teknik sinematografi dengan konsep found footage , yaitu konsep pengambilan gambar dalam film yang seolah-olah menyajikan gambar dari rekaman kamera amatir seperti kamera ponsel atau kamera keamanan. Konsep ini memang sering digunakan pada film-film horor. 

Pada film ini, konsep found footage dimaksudkan bahwa kita sebagai penonton hanya melihat gambar melalui apa yang direkam oleh kamera Becca dan Tyler. Selain membuat visualnya menjadi unik, konsep found footage yang digunakan ini juga membuat kita merasakan suasana yang lebih menegangkan. 

Konsep ini membuat kita sebagai penonton hanya bisa melihat peristiwa apa yang terjadi sama seperti sudut pandang si karakter utama. Ditambah lagi dengan tidak adanya musik pengiring selain di awal dan akhir film, konsep ini membuat adegan demi adegan seolah kita saksikan secara nyata dan realistis. 

Plot Twist Menarik dan Alur Cerita Tak Tertebak 


The Visit tampaknya menjadi salah satu film horor yang memiliki plot twist terbaik dalam alur ceritanya. Sejak awal, kamu mungkin akan menduga-duga mengenai apa yang salah dengan pasangan kakek dan nenek ini.

Namun plot twist yang diberikan di akhir film nyaris tak tertebak dan membuatmu melongo. Setelah plot twist -nya terkuak, semua kejadian yang terjadi di awal film pun menjadi masuk akal. 

Selain plot twist dan alur cerita yang tak mudah ditebak, sebagai film bergenre horror dan thriller , The Visit, juga berhasil menyajikan vibes film yang mengerikan tanpa harus memberikan terlalu banyak jumpscare atau pun adegan berdarah-darah. Selama durasi film sepanjang 94 menit ini, bahkan tak ada adegan sadis yang diperlihatkan. 

Namun meski tak menyajikan adegan sadis atau jumpscare yang terlalu banyak, vibes misteri ini sudah bisa kamu rasakan sejak awal film bermula. 

Akting Deanna Dunagan Perankan Nenek Gila 


Salah satu aspek yang membuat film The Visit menjadi begitu menarik adalah akting dari para pemainnya.

Namun tampaknya karakter yang paling mencuri perhatian di sepanjang film adalah karakter sang nenek yang diperankan oleh aktris Deanna Dunagan . Aktris Deanna Dunagan mampu menunjukan perubahan karakter sang nenek pada awal dan akhir film. 

Di awal film, impresi yang ditunjukkannya memperlihatkan bahwa ia adalah nenek yang cukup cantik dan sehat serta begitu baik dan perhatian. Namun seiring dengan tanda kegilaan yang ia tunjukan di setiap malam, karakternya pun berubah.

Ekspresinya lebih sering kosong atau pun mengerikan hingga puncaknya ia menjadi sosok nenek yang begitu menyeramkan. 

Itulah review dan sinopsis dari film The Visit, film yang akan menyajikan teror menyeramkan dari pasangan kakek dan nenek lanjut usia. Mari berandai-andai jika kita adalah Becca dan Tyler yang terjebak bersama kakek dan nenek, apa yang akan kamu lakukan saat mengetahui fakta sebenarnya? Yuk kita berimajinasi di kolom komentar!

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Let's Talk About The Ending Of 'The Visit'

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M. Night Shyamalan is back and he is out to let everyone know that he hasn't lost his touch when it comes to freaking audiences out. Sure, he's hit a couple of snags ( Lady In The Water, The Happening, After Earth ) since he set the bar high for himself with The Sixth Sense , but now he has The Visit — and everything you have heard about it is 100 percent true. You'll be sitting at the edge of your seat, thrilled to finally have a great project from the director that will make you jump out of your skin — especially when you get to the ending of The Visit , which, per usual for Shyamalan, contains a massive twist ( spoilers ahead!)

The movie goes back to a style of storytelling that made fans fall in love with Shyamalan in the first place. There's suspense, insane moments that will make you squirm, and unnerving moments that will make you jump. But the best part of The Visit is the big twist ending that makes it an instant Shyamalan classic. But before you get to the very end, some background: using a found footage approach (that actually works, for once), the movie follows young documentarian Becca (Olivia DeJonge) and her germaphobe/rapping brother Tyler (Ed Oxenbould) as they visit their Nana (Deanna Dunagan) and Pop Pop (Peter McRobbie), who they soon discover are not your normal set of grandparents.

On a trip to the kitchen for a late night snack, Becca sees Nana walking aimlessly and vomiting. When she questions her grandfather the next day, he insists that Nana had a stomach bug and wasn't feeling well. Becca shrugs it off, but in the next couple of days and nights more crazy things start to happen: Nana running crazily around the house, creepy noises, clawing at the house. There are hints that more is wrong — at one point, a doctor from the mental hospital the grandparents volunteer at stops by to check on them and wonders why they haven't been coming in for the scheduled shifts — but it takes a Skype session with the kids' mom for the really crazy stuff to begin.

Here's where the trademark Shyamalan material starts: when the kids show their mom the grandparents over Skype, the mom quickly realizes that Nana and Pop-Pop are not her parents. They are crazy people posing as Nana and Pop Pop, and so she immediately leaves home to go rescue her kids. Yet in the meantime, Becca finds the dead bodies of her real grandparents, a bloody hammer, and uniforms from the local mental hospital they volunteer at in the basement. When you put two and two together, you realize that the imposters escaped from the mental hospital and killed the grandparents in order to assume their identities and live a "normal" family life.

Fake Pop Pop catches Becca and locks her in a room with fake Nana, who at this point is full-out insane. Meanwhile, the fake grandfather tortures Tyler in the kitchen... with one of his adult diapers. It isn't a pretty sight. There is a violent scuffle in the dark between fake Nana and Becca, which ends with Nana stabbed to death by a mirror shard. Becca breaks out of the room to save her brother, but gets knocked down. Yet Tyler finds enough adrenaline to tackle fake Pop Pop to the ground and bash him to death with the refrigerator door. At the end of it all, they run outside to conveniently find the police and their mom there to rescue them.

The epilogue is the same shot as the beginning of the movie: Becca, interviewing her mom on camera, and opening up about her childhood. The movie ends on a light note, with Tyler rapping through the end credits — but that doesn't mean that some of these horrifying scenes won't be burned into your memory forever.

Image: Universal Pictures

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‘The Visit’ Ending Explained: Family Reunions Can Be Torture

What's wrong with Grandma?

The Big Picture

  • In M. Night Shyamalan's The Visit , the main characters discover that the grandparents they are staying with are actually dangerous imposters.
  • The twist is revealed when the children's mother realizes that the people claiming to be their grandparents are strangers who have assumed their identities.
  • The climax of the film involves a tense and dangerous confrontation between the children and the imposters, resulting in the reveal of the true identities of the grandparents.

M. Night Shyamalan is considered a master at delivering drop-your-popcorn-level twisty conclusions to his haunting films. People still talk about the end of The Sixth Sense as perhaps one of the greatest twists in the history of modern cinema. The jaw-dropper at the end of Unbreakable ranks close to the top as well. But there is another pretty decent curveball that the director tosses up in a lesser-known movie that is currently streaming on Max. In 2016's The Visit (which is currently streaming on Max ) he plays on the hallowed relationship between children and their doting grandparents. How could Shyamalan toy with the innocence of this? It is an excellent film that deftly blends found footage with the director's signature slow-burning tension to leave audiences with yet another "WTF?" moment . Let's dig into what exactly happens at the end of his underrated movie, The Visit .

Two siblings become increasingly frightened by their grandparents' disturbing behavior while visiting them on vacation.

What is 'The Visit' About?

Young Becca Jamison ( Olivia DeJonge ) and little brother Tyler ( Ed Oxenbould ) are sent away by their divorced mother Loretta ( Kathryn Hahn ) to finally meet and spend some time with their grandparents , Frederick, or Pop Pop ( Peter McRobbie ), and Maria, better known as Nana ( Deanna Dunagan ). They have a nice rural estate away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and it feels like this is going to be a heartwarming story of two generations of the Jamisons getting to know each other. It seems a bit odd that these two preteens have yet to meet their maternal grandparents, but Shyamalan explains that nicely in the first few scenes: Loretta has had a years-long falling out with her parents after leaving the family farm at the age of 19.

M. Night Shyamalan’s Eerie Found Footage Horror Movie Deserves Another Look

Loretta is still estranged from her parents but she wants her children to have a relationship with them — she only wants to go on a cruise with her new boyfriend and needs someone to watch the kids. So, the children have no idea what their Nana and Pop Pop actually look like. And you can feel something amiss from the very beginning of the film as the two precocious but excited kids set off to meet their grandparents. The entire film is told through the kids' (mainly Becca, an aspiring filmmaker) camcorder, as they have decided to document their trip. It's clear right away that Becca resents her father as a result of his abandonment, as she refuses to include any footage of her dad in her film.

Shyamalan Expertly Builds Tension in 'The Visit'

Upon the kids' arrival, Nana and Pop Pop seem like regular grandparents with regular questions like, "Do you like sports?" and "Why are your pants so low?" Nana tends to the chores like cooking and cleaning while Pop Pop handles the more rugged work outdoors like cutting wood. Naturally, Shyamalan tightens the screws immediately when the audience discovers that there is little to no cell phone reception, so he can isolate our four players into a single space. The Grandparents seem fairly easygoing but they have one strict rule — the kids must not come out of their bedroom after 9:30 pm. The very first night, Nana exhibits some bizarre behavior, walking aimlessly through the downstairs portion of the house and vomiting on the floor. However, the next morning she seems to be just fine.

Pop Pop explains to Becca and Tyler that she suffers from "sundowning" which is a very real diagnosis that usually affects the elderly . He tells them that at night Nana gets this feeling that something is in her body and just wants to get out. Pop Pop is clear and coherent, and yet again, we, along with our two young lead characters, assume the grandparents, while odd, are nothing to fear. A Zoom call with Loretta further assuages their fear by explaining away all the strange behavior as part of getting older. It's a back-and-forth that Shyamalan expertly navigates by pushing the audience only so far before reeling it back in with a logical explanation. But soon, things become inexplicably dire and dangerous.

"What's in the shed?" Tyler asks as he looks into the camera while contributing to Becca's documentary . "Is it dead bodies?" What he discovers is a pile of used, discarded adult diapers filled with Pop Pop's excrement. The smell sends Tyler reeling, and he falls out of the shed onto the snowy ground. This time, it's Nana who explains away Pop Pop's odd behavior. She tells her grandson that Pop Pop has incontinence and is so proud that he hides his waste in the shed. At this point, everything seems very odd to say the least, but there is nothing to suggest anything sinister is afoot . Not yet anyway. Even after he attacks a random stranger who he believes is watching him out on the streets on a trip into town, you still just think that maybe Pop Pop may just have a loose screw. However, the sense that these elderly people are something more than doting parents is intensified when Nana leaves Becca inside the oven for several seconds.

What Is the Twist at the End of 'The Visit'?

"Those aren't your grandparents?" Get the heck out of here! What?! Loretta finally sees the two people claiming to be her parents and tells Becca and Tyler via Skype that they aren't their beloved Nana and Pop Pop, but two complete strangers who have assumed their identities. Loretta immediately calls the police, but it will take hours for help to arrive at the remote farmhouse. Becca and Tyler are going to have to play along with these dangerous imposters. After the most tense and awkward game of Yahtzee in the history of board games, things get really, really ugly. Nana and Pop Pop haven't laid a hand on either of the kids in the movie so far. You can feel the slow and excruciating tension that Shyamalan is building . He knows that the audience is waiting for that "point of no return" moment when it is crystal clear that Becca and Tyler's lives are in danger. Becca manages to escape to the basement to discover the dead bodies of two elderly people murdered. Nana and Pop Pop are escaped mental patients from the nearby psychiatric hospital and have killed the real Jamison grandparents.

What Happens at the End of 'The Visit'?

Pop Pop realizes their cover is blown and becomes physical with Becca. He's upset that Becca is ruining Nana's perfect week as a grandmother. He tells her, "We're all dying today, Becca!" pushing her into a pitch-black upstairs room. Meanwhile, he grabs Tyler and takes him into the kitchen, and does one of the most foul and stomach-turning things ever in a Shyamalan film . He takes his used diaper and shoves it in the boy's face. He knows that Tyler is a germaphobe, and it is the most diabolical and traumatizing thing he could do to the boy. Becca is trapped upstairs with the sundowning Nana, fighting for her own life. After a struggle, Becca grasps a shard of glass from the broken mirror and is able to stab Nana multiple times in the gut.

She breaks the lock on the door and runs downstairs to help Tyler. She pulls "Pop Pop" off her traumatized younger brother. Suddenly, Tyler snaps out of his stupor and releases the pent-up anger of his football tackling lessons with his estranged father. He knocks Pop Pop to the ground and slams the refrigerator door on his head over and over . This is significant because earlier in the movie, Becca ribs Tyler about how he froze up during a big play in a youth football game, and this time he comes through to save Becca in the final kitchen scene conquering his biggest fears.

Loretta and the police arrive and the kids run frantically out of the house. The final scene has Loretta setting the record straight for the documentary about the traumatic moments surrounding her running away from home. 15 years before the events of the film, before Becca was born, Loretta fell out with her parents over her decision to marry her teacher. The argument led to Loretta and her parents getting physical with each other, and she left home that night and never responded to their attempts and pleas to reconnect. It's the most emotional scene in the film as Loretta is feeling a huge amount of guilt at never getting to say she was sorry for the strained relationship between her and her parents or getting to possibly hear an apology for the wrongs they also committed. Loretta tells Becca "Don't hold on to anger! You hear me?" The two then share a meaningful embrace. And the final shot is of the two kids with their dad on a birthday when they were much younger.

The Visit is available to stream on Max in the U.S.

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The Visit Movie Explained Ending

The Visit Explained (Plot And Ending)

The Visit is a 2015  horror   thriller  directed by M. Night Shyamalan. It follows two siblings who visit their estranged grandparents only to discover something is very wrong with them. As the children try to uncover the truth, they are increasingly terrorized by their grandparents’ bizarre behaviour. Here’s the plot and ending of The Visit explained; spoilers ahead.

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Here are links to the key aspects of the movie:

  • – The Story
  • – Plot Explained
  • – Ending Explained
  • – The Sense Of Dread
  • – Separation, Remorse, and Personal Fears
  • – Frequently Asked Questions Answered
  • – Wrap Up

What is the story of The Visit?

The Visit :What is it about?

The Visit is about two kids visiting their grandparents for the first time. They are also going there to hope and rebuild a bridge between their mom and grandparents and help their mom heal after a painful divorce. The movie is in documentary form.

The Visit is one of the most unnerving and realistic horror stories. A good thing about classic horror movies is that, after the movie ends, you can switch it off and go to bed,  knowing that you’re safe . Vampires, ghosts, and demonic powers don’t exist, and even if you are prone to these kinds of esoteric beliefs, there are safeguards. If your home is not built in an Indian burial ground and you haven’t bought any creepy-looking dolls from your local antiquary, you’re perfectly safe.

However, what about the idea of two kids spending five days with two escaped psychiatric ward patients in a remote farmhouse? Now, this is a thought that will send shivers down your spine. It’s a story that sounds not just realistic but real. It’s  something that might have happened in the past  or might happen in the future.

This is  what  The Visit  is all about . This idea, coupled with documentary-form storytelling, is why the movie is so unnerving to watch.

The Visit: Plot Explained

Loretta’s past.

As a young girl, Loretta Jamison fell in love with her high school teacher and decided to skip her hometown with him. Before leaving, she had a heated altercation with her parents and hasn’t seen them since. At the movie’s start, she is a single mom of 15-year-old Becca and 14-year-old Tyler, and she  hasn’t spoken to her parents in 15 years .

What really happened on the day Loretta left?

Loretta’s mom tries to stop her from leaving the house, and Loretta hits her mom, and her dad hits her. Soon after, her parents try to reach out to Loretta, but she refuses to take their calls, and years go by.

Meet The Grandparents

Years later, Loretta’s parents reach out to  meet their grandchildren . The grandparents are, seemingly, wholly reformed and now even help at the local psychiatric hospital. Although initially not too fond of the idea, Loretta is persuaded by the insistence of her children. While she had no intention of visiting the parents, she permitted her children to pay their grandparents a five-day visit.

At The Grandparents’

Their first meeting with Nana and Pop Pop starts on the right foot. They start getting to know each other, and other than a simple generational gap, nothing seems too strange. The only thing that seems off is that they are warned  not to leave the room after 9:30 in the evening .

The kids break this rule, and on the first night, they notice  Nana acting erratically , projectile vomiting, scratching wallpaper with her bare hands, and running around the house on all fours. Grandpa appears paranoid and hides his adult diapers in the garden shed, and the situation escalates each day.

The Visit Ending Explained: What happens in the end?

Tyler Becca mother ending explained

The ending of Visit has the kids finally showing the elderly couple to Loretta. She, completely horrified, states that  those are not her parents . The pair posing as Pop Pop and Nana are escaped psychiatric institution patients who murdered their grandparents and took their places.

The kids survive, kill their captors, and are found alive and well by their mom and the police. Becca kills Nana with a shard from the mirror, thus symbolically overcoming her fear of her reflection. Tyler kills Pop Pop by repeatedly slamming him in the head with a refrigerator door after overcoming his germaphobia and anxiety about freezing.

The Sense Of Dread

The elements of horror in this movie are just  perfectly executed . First of all, the film is shot as a documentary. Becca is an aspiring filmmaker who records the entire trip with her camera. From time to time, we see an interview of all the characters, which just serves as the perfect vessel for characterization.

No Ghouls or Cults

Another thing that evokes dread is  realism . There are no supernatural beings or demonic forces. It’s just two kids alone in a remote farmstead with two creepy, deranged people. Even in the end, when Loretta finds out what’s happening, it takes her hours to get there with the police. The scariest part is that it’s not that hard to imagine something along those lines really happening.

The  house itself is dread-inducing . The place is old and rustic. Like in The Black Phone soundproofing a room  could have prevented kids from hearing Nana rummaging around the house without a clear idea of what was happening, but this was not the case, as the old couple weren’t that capable.

The  characters  themselves  are perfectly played . Something is unnerving about Pop Pop and Nana from the very first scene. It’s the Uncanny Valley scenario where you feel that something’s off and shakes you to the core, but you have no idea what it is.

Separation, Remorse, and Personal Fears

Suspecting the grand parents

What this movie does the best is explore the  ugly side of separation, old grudges, and remorse . The main reason why kids are insistent on visiting their grandparents is out of their desire to help their mom.

They see she’s remorseful for never  working things out with her parents . In light of her failed marriage and the affair that caused it to end, she might live with the doubt that her parents were right all along. This makes her decision and altercation with her parents even worse. Reconciling when you know you were wrong is harder than forgiving the person who wronged you.

The Kids’ Perspective

There are personal fears and  traumas of the kids . Tyler, in his childish naivete, is convinced that his father left because he was disappointed in him as a son. Tyler tells Becca that he froze during one game he played, which disappointed his dad so much that he had to leave. While this sounds ridiculous to any adult (and even Becca), it’s a matter of fact to Tyler. As a result of this trauma, Tyler also developed germaphobia. In Becca’s own words, this gives him a greater sense of control.

On the other hand,  Becca refuses to look at herself in the mirror  or stand in front of the camera if she can help it. Both kids  had to overcome their fears to survive , which is a solid and clear metaphor for how these things sometimes turn out in real life.

Frequently Asked Questions Answered

The visit: what’s wrong with the grandparents who are the grandparents.

The people who hosted Becca and Tyler were runaway psychiatric hospital patients who murdered the real grandparents and took their place. Nana’s impostor (Claire) was actually responsible for murdering her children by drowning them in a well. Pop Pop’s impostor (Mitchell) wanted to give Claire a second chance at having kids / being a grandparent.

How did the imposter grandparents know about the kids’ visit?

It appears Claire and Mitchell hear the real Nana and Pop Pop brag about their grandkids’ visit. They also learned that neither the grandparents nor the kids had seen each other. The real grandparents appear to have been consulting in the same hospital Claire and Mitchell were being treated. The two crazies take this opportunity to break out, kill the real grandparents and go to the station to pick up the children.

The Visit: What is Sinmorfitellia?

Claire and Mitchell believe that Sinmorfitellia is an alien planet, and the creatures from there lurk on Earth. They spit into the waters of wells and ponds all day, which can put people into a deep sleep. They take  sleeping with the fishes  quite literally. Long ago, Claire drowned her children believing they would go to Sinmorfitellia.

The Visit: What happened to the real grandparents?

Claire and Mitchel killed Nana and Pop Pop and put them in the basement. This information went unnoticed because Becca’s laptop’s camera was damaged by Nana, so Loretta could not confirm the imposters. Claire and Mitchel were not present every time someone came to visit, so no one suspected foul play except Stacey, who received help from the real grandparents. As a result, she is killed.

What did Claire and Mitchel intend to do?

They plan to go to Sinmorfitellia with Becca and Tyler. They all plan to die on that last night and enter the well, which they believe is their path to the alien planet where they can be happy together. This is perhaps why the grandparents hang Stacey outside the house because they don’t care about being caught.

The Visit: What’s wrong with Nana?

We don’t know what caused Nana’s mental illness, but she was crazy enough to kill her two children by putting them in suitcases and drowning them in a pond. It appears she suffers from schizophrenia as she has delusions.

The Visit: Wrap Up

From the standpoint of horror, The Visit has it all. An unnerving realistic scenario, real-life trauma, and an atmosphere of fear. Combine this with  some of the best acting work in the genre  and a documentary-style movie, and you’ve got yourself a real masterpiece.

On the downside, the movie leaves you with a lot of open questions like:

  • Considering the kids have never seen the grandparents and are going alone, Loretta didn’t ensure her kids knew what her parents looked like?
  • How are Claire and Mitchell out and about so close to the hospital without being caught?
  • Considering they are mentally ill, how did Claire and Mitchell plot such a thorough plan? (e.g. strategically damaging the camera of the laptop)
  • I understand  Suspension Of Disbelief  in horror films, but neither kids drop their cameras despite the terror they go through only so we, the audience, can get the entire narrative?

What were your thoughts on the plot and ending of the movie The Visit? Drop your comments below!

Author Stacey Shannon on This Is Barry

Stacey is a talented freelance writer passionate about all things pop culture. She has a keen eye for detail and a natural talent for storytelling. She’s a super-fan of Game of Thrones, Cats, and Indie Rock Music and can often be found engrossed in complex films and books. Connect with her on her social media handles to learn more about her work and interests.

PASADENA, CA - JANUARY 17:  M. Night Shymalan attends the 2015 Fox All-Star Party at Langham Hotel on January 17, 2015 in Pasadena, California.  (Photo by Taylor Hill/Getty Images)

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The Visit Ending Explained

The Visit Ending Explained: Unraveling the Mysteries of M. Night Shyamalan’s Thriller

M. Night Shyamalan’s 2015 psychological horror film, “The Visit,” takes audiences on a rollercoaster ride of suspense, twists, and psychological terror. The movie follows the story of two siblings who visit their estranged grandparents and soon discover a dark secret. As the film reaches its climax, viewers are left with a mind-bending ending that prompts numerous questions. In this article, we will delve into “The Visit” ending, providing an in-depth analysis and unraveling its mysteries. Additionally, we will explore seven interesting facts about the movie and answer fourteen common questions to give you a comprehensive understanding of this gripping thriller.

1. The Climactic Twist: In the final act of “The Visit,” it is revealed that the characters portrayed as the children’s grandparents are not their actual grandparents. They are escaped mental patients who murdered the real grandparents and assumed their identities. This shocking revelation adds a new layer of horror and intensity to the story.

2. The Symbolism of the Oven: Throughout the film, the grandmother emphasizes the importance of cleaning the oven. This recurring motif symbolizes the suppression of dark secrets and repressed trauma. The oven becomes a metaphorical representation of the disturbing secrets lurking within the house.

3. The Twist’s Purpose: Shyamalan employs this twist to challenge the audience’s perceptions and expectations. By introducing a sudden reversal, he forces viewers to question their assumptions and reevaluate the events they have witnessed. This narrative technique is characteristic of Shyamalan’s work and adds a distinctive flavor to “The Visit.”

4. The Documentary Style: “The Visit” is presented as a found footage documentary, adding a sense of realism and immediacy to the story. This format heightens the suspense and tension, making the events feel more personal and intimate.

5. The Use of Humor: Despite its intense and terrifying moments, “The Visit” incorporates dark humor to alleviate the tension. This blend of horror and comedy creates a unique viewing experience, allowing the audience to laugh while still feeling uneasy.

6. The Subversion of Expectations: Shyamalan’s penchant for twists and surprises is evident in “The Visit.” By subverting traditional horror tropes and expectations, he keeps the audience guessing and maintains an air of unpredictability throughout the film.

7. The Film’s Exploration of Family Dynamics: “The Visit” delves into the complexities of family relationships, particularly the impact of estrangement and trauma. Through the characters’ experiences, the movie examines the healing power of forgiveness and the consequences of suppressed emotions.

Now, let’s address some common questions that arise after watching “The Visit”:

1. Q: Who is the father of the children?

Professional Psychologist: The father is absent from the film, suggesting a fractured family dynamic. This absence may contribute to the children’s vulnerability and their willingness to reconnect with their estranged grandparents.

2. Q: What is the significance of the children’s mother refusing to see her parents?

Professional Family Therapist: The mother’s refusal to see her parents hints at a strained relationship or unresolved issues from the past. This decision might be rooted in a traumatic experience that she wishes to shield her children from.

3. Q: Why did the grandparents choose to impersonate the children’s grandparents?

Professional Criminologist: The impersonation allowed the escaped mental patients to gain access to the grandchildren, granting them the opportunity to fulfill their sinister intentions without raising suspicion.

4. Q: Are there any clues throughout the film that hint at the twist?

Professional Film Analyst: Shyamalan subtly incorporates clues into the narrative, such as odd behaviors and hints of mental instability. These clues are easily overlooked on the first viewing, but become more apparent upon revisiting the film.

5. Q: What is the significance of the children’s fear of germs?

Professional Child Psychologist: The children’s fear of germs is a manifestation of their anxiety and vulnerability. It also serves as a metaphor for their fear of the unknown and the darkness that lurks within their grandparents’ house.

6. Q: Is forgiveness a central theme in the movie?

Professional Counselor: Yes, forgiveness plays a crucial role in “The Visit.” The children’s forgiveness towards their mother for leaving them and the grandmother’s plea for forgiveness before her demise demonstrate the film’s exploration of the healing power of forgiveness.

7. Q: What can we learn from “The Visit”?

Professional Film Critic: “The Visit” reminds us of the importance of confronting our past traumas and the dangers of burying them deep within ourselves. It also highlights the significance of familial relationships and the impact that unresolved issues can have on individuals and their loved ones.

In conclusion, “The Visit” is a masterclass in psychological horror, leaving audiences breathless and questioning their own perceptions. With its mind-bending twist, dark humor, and exploration of family dynamics, Shyamalan delivers a gripping tale that lingers long after the credits roll. This film serves as a powerful reminder of the lasting effects of trauma and the importance of forgiveness in our lives.

As a professional Psychiatrist eloquently sums it up, “The Visit presents a chilling narrative that dissects the fragility of the human mind, the complexities of family relationships, and the haunting power of suppressed trauma. It is a testament to Shyamalan’s ability to captivate and unsettle his audience.”

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Screen Rant

The visit ending explained: is the m. night shyamalan movie based on a true story.

M. Night Shyamalan's twist-filled 2015 shocker The Visit had audiences guessing until the very end, but is the found footage horror film a true story?

  • "The Visit" is a twist-filled thriller that earned its scares through a plausible story and clever use of found footage genre.
  • Despite being eerily plausible, "The Visit" is actually a work of pure fiction and not based on a true story.
  • The film explores themes of aging, fear, and generational trauma, while also highlighting the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation.

M. Night Shyamalan's twist-filled thriller The Visit kept viewers guessing all the way up to the shocking conclusion, but is the found footage horror hit based on a true story? Released in 2015, The Visit follows teen siblings Becca (Olivia DeJonge) and Tyler (Ed Oxenbould) as they are sent to spend a week with their estranged grandparents. Naturally, strange things are afoot, and the teens must learn the shocking truth about their relatives. As with all of Shyamalan's horror movies, The Visit built up to a shocking twist that many didn't see coming, but it cleverly incorporated humor in a way that left many perplexed by its tone.

Despite a largely mixed critical reaction (via Rotten Tomatoes ), The Visit was a bona fide financial success (via Box Office Mojo ) and it stands as one of M. Night Shyamalan's highest-grossing movies . Unlike many of Shyamalan's other films which incorporate fantastical elements, The Visit earned its scares by being an entirely plausible story. Visually speaking, Shyamalan used the found footage genre deftly to convey a deeper meaning, and he got genuinely creepy moments from what could have easily been goofy. The compelling mix of plausibility and realism had many wondering whether The Visit was actually based on a true story.

Every Character M. Night Shyamalan Played In His Own Movies

The visit is not based on a true story.

Despite being eerily plausible, The Visit was actually a work of pure fiction and had no connection to real life. The script was penned by M. Night Shyamalan himself, with many of the movie's more positive reviews calling it a return to his former glory. Nearly all the writer/director's films have been works of his own imagination and in an interview with Geeks of Doom he said " That is the primal thing of it, that we are scared of getting old. Playing on that is a powerful conceit ". The director would return to that theme a few years later in 2021's Old but to a less effective extent.

The Grandparents Twist Explained

Throughout the film, Becca and Tyler are unsure about the behavior of their Pop Pop (Peter McRobbie) and Nana (Deana Dunagan), who have seemingly grown worse as the story progresses. Obviously, something wasn't right about the elderly couple, but the pieces finally clicked when Becca discovered the remains of her real grandparents stashed away in the basement. It is revealed that Pop Pop and Nana are actually escaped patients from the local mental health facility and that they have killed Becca and Tyler's grandparents to assume their lives. It is unclear whether the two escapees would have posed a threat to the kids if they hadn't nosed around.

If there is one thing that the multi-talented Shyamalan is best known for it is his films' abundant use of shocking twists towards the end of his stories. Nearly every M. Night Shyamalan twist has kept audiences guessing, and The Visit was unique because it truly earned its shocking climax. Unlike earlier films which stuck a twist in just to fulfill the obligation, The Visit naturally built towards the twist, and it was a crucial part of the plot, unlike so many throw-away gimmick twists of the past.

Why The Visit Is A Found Footage Movie

Thanks to blockbuster horror hits like Paranormal Activity , the found footage genre started to expand in earnest at the beginning of the 2010s. However, by 2015 and the release of The Visit , the style had largely fallen out of favor. Despite this downturn in popularity, The Visit nevertheless opted for an approach that innovated the found footage tropes by injecting a bit of humor and eschewing the self-serious tone. From a story perspective, The Visit is a found footage movie because it is about Becca's quest to chronicle her family for a documentary, but the choice actually goes deeper.

Unlike other directors who chose found footage as a cheap way to save on the movie's budget, Shyamalan intellectualized the style by making it crucial to the plot. In the same Geeks of Doom interview, the director mentioned " The camera is an extension of those characters...It is manifesting in literal cinematography in this particular movie ". Additionally, Becca's abundant camera usage actually factors into the plot, such as when she shows the footage to her mother, which further integrates it into the fabric of the film.

The First "Found Footage" Movie Came 38 Years Before The Blair Witch Project

The significance of tyler’s phobias.

Horror movies are all about exploiting common phobias , and The Visit used Tyler's irrational fears as a chance to spook viewers and say something about the themes as well. Tyler is shown to be a bit of a germaphobe, and he also has a fear of freezing to death. While both have rational elements and point back to the omnipresent fear of death from which all phobias stem, Tyler's fears also speak to the idea that the elderly are frightening because they are reminders of death. The slow degradation of the body through aging is a lot like freezing to death, and it is clear that Tyler sees his elderly grandparents as unclean which activates his germ phobia.

The hilariously gruesome scene in which Pop Pop rubs his dirty adult diaper in Tyler's face forces the younger man to confront his fears, and it empowers him later when he finally dispatches the imposter grandpa. It is likely not a coincidence that Tyler kills Pop Pop by slamming his head in the refrigerator, as the ice box is an extension of Tyler's fear of freezing. He literally kills his tormentor with a symbol of the thing that mentally torments him.

How Loretta’s Past Affected The Kids

At the beginning of the film, Becca and Tyler's mom Loretta (Kathryn Hahn) explains that she hasn't spoken to her parents in 15 years because she eloped with one of her high school teachers when she was only a teenager. Instead of facing her problems like an adult, Loretta instead allowed her kids to act as a bridge between the generations, inadvertently sending them to live with two violent escapees from the local mental health ward. Loretta would later reveal that Nana and Pop Pop aren't her parents in one of Shyamalan's most terrifying scares , but she was away on a cruise and couldn't come to their aid.

This forces her kids to mature faster than she ever could, and they go on the offense as they are tasked with escaping from the murderous impostors occupying their grandparent's home. At the end of the film, Loretta explains her last interaction with her parents turned violent, which sheds a bit of light on why she couldn't just face up to the past. In some ways, Loretta's choices as a teenager eventually led to the precarious situation that Becca and Tyler ended up in, and she passed a bit of generational trauma on to them.

Why Becca Puts Her Father In The Documentary

Having survived the harrowing ordeal, Becca's documentary finally begins to take shape at the very end of The Visit . She is given the chance to cut in footage of her estranged father, and though Loretta informs her she doesn't have to, Becca opts to put him in. This choice shows that Becca has matured significantly since the titular visit, and she has come to the realization that forgiveness really is the best path. Loretta could never forgive her parents, and it robbed her of a chance for reconciliation. By putting her dad in the documentary, Becca left that door open for her future self and maybe her own children too.

How Many M. Night Shyamalan Movies REALLY Have Twists

The real meaning of the visit’s ending.

From a horror perspective, the ending of The Visit is all about the fear of death as personified by the elderly. Nana and Pop Pop are terrifying embodiments of the eventual degradation of the body, though they also fill the role of the conventional horror antagonist. However, from a more thematic side, The Visit is also about forgiveness and reconciliation, as the harboring of deep-seated pain can eventually lead to a bad outcome. Even if it isn't literally an encounter with escaped murderers, it is at least a path of nothing but pain and loss.

M. Night Shyamalan's The Visit Ending, Explained

M. Night Shyamalan's horror movies often include a fun twist, and his 2016 release The Visit has a compelling ending with one of the coolest reveals.

M. Night Shyamalan's twist endings are the hallmark of his career, and his 2015 movie The Visit has one of the most exciting ones. Olivia DeJonge, beloved for playing Ashley in the twisted Christmas horror film Better Watch Out, stars as Becca, a teenage girl who stays with her grandparents alongside her brother Tyler (Ed Oxenbould). What should be a fun and peaceful family vacation becomes a perplexing and mysterious nightmare and the teenagers must scramble to discover the dark and haunting truth.

The M. Night Shyamalan horror movie has an exciting ending that shifts the audience's perception of the story, proving once again that the filmmaker is great at providing surprising moments that no one sees coming. The final scenes of The Visit make this one of the most unnerving horror movies of the 2010s.

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What Happens At The End Of The Visit, And What Is The Twist Ending?

Becca falls into the final girl horror movie trope when she makes an important discovery that is key to the ending of The Visit . When she discovers the dead bodies of her and Ed's grandparents, she also sees uniforms from the hospital where they were employed. This helps her see that "Nana" and "Pop Pop" were patients who ran away, killed their grandparents, and pretended to be them. This is a huge plot twist that was hard to see coming.

The satisfying horror movie ending has the siblings fighting back, but the final scenes are tense and scary, and their survival never feels like a guarantee. Pop Pop locks Becca in her room and hurts Tyler, but Tyler kills Pop Pop and Becca kills Nana. The teenagers are able to get away and talk to the police about what just happened.

The Visit ending works on two levels: a fast-paced, thrilling example of a good horror movie plot twist and also an emotional story about family bonds and problems. Becca and her mom Loretta (Kathryn Hayn) have a tough conversation about how Loretta never talked to her parents after a fight 15 years prior. Loretta wants Becca to stop feeling anger about her own dad's decision to leave the family behind, and the two characters share a sweet moment that helps Becca move forward.

This adds an extra layer to the movie and makes Becca a more fully formed character. It also makes both Becca and Ed feel real since they may be dealing with this out-of-this-world situation, but they are also regular teenagers who feel the pain of a parent who doesn't show them the love that they deserve. While Shyamalan's movie Old is a bad adaptation , The Visit shares that sometimes, it can be difficult to get along with family and it can be tough to move on from past hurts. The movie may have a fun and flashy twist, but it has some deep moments as well that can't be ignored.

How Does This Twist Compare To Others In M. Night Shyamalan Horror Movies?

The Visit ending has one of the best and most unpredictable horror movie plot twists , which makes sense given M. Night Shyamalan's reputation for having shocking moments in most of his films. When comparing the reveal of the identity of "Nana" and "Pop Pop," it's fun to think about the other big reveals in the filmmaker's career. Of course, the standard will always be the twist in the important horror movie The Sixth Sense when it turns out that Dr. Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis) is actually dead and that's one reason for his sweet bond with Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment).

The twist at the end of The Visit might not be quite as stunning as the one in The Sixth Sense , which will always be one of the best horror movie plot twists as it creates such a compelling atmosphere of shock and awe.

However, The Visit still has a fresh and different ending and the final scenes prove the strong character development of the movie. At first, Pop Pop and Nana seem perfectly normal and innocent, and no one would think that grandparents would be evil. And even when Becca and Ed start noticing weird things, it's hard to think that these characters might not be who they are claiming to be. That would mean that they are truly evil and diabolical, and they seem so naive.

The Visit twist ending also works because it's so creepy. Like Pearl (Mia Goth) and Howard (Stephen Ure) in X and Pearl , the patients lying about their identities are definitely unsettling. The movies make sure that the characters are odd and mysterious, but they never seem like they could be killers until audiences finally see them causing havoc.

NEXT: 5 Nonsensical Plot Twists In Horror Movies


The Visit Explained (Plot And Ending)

The Visit is a 2015  horror   thriller  directed by M. Night Shyamalan. It follows two siblings who visit their estranged grandparents only to discover something is very wrong with them. As the children try to uncover the truth, they are increasingly terrorized by their grandparents’ unconvincing behaviour. Here’s the plot and ending of The Visit explained; spoilers ahead.

Here are links to the key aspects of the movie:

  • – The Story
  • – Plot Explained
  • – Ending Explained
  • – The Sense Of Dread
  • – Separation, Remorse, and Personal Fears
  • – Frequently Asked Questions Answered
  • – Wrap Up

What is the story of The Visit?

The Visit :What is it about?

The Visit is well-nigh two kids visiting their grandparents for the first time. They are moreover going there to hope and rebuild a underpass between their mom and grandparents and help their mom heal without a painful divorce. The movie is in documentary form.

The Visit is one of the most unnerving and realistic horror stories. A good thing well-nigh archetype horror movies is that, without the movie ends, you can switch it off and go to bed,  knowing that you’re safe . Vampires, ghosts, and demonic powers don’t exist, and plane if you are prone to these kinds of esoteric beliefs, there are safeguards. If your home is not built in an Indian solemnities ground and you haven’t bought any creepy-looking dolls from your local antiquary, you’re perfectly safe.

However, what well-nigh the idea of two kids spending five days with two escaped psychiatric ward patients in a remote farmhouse? Now, this is a thought that will send shivers lanugo your spine. It’s a story that sounds not just realistic but real. It’s  something that might have happened in the past  or might happen in the future.

This is  what  The Visit  is all about . This idea, coupled with documentary-form storytelling, is why the movie is so unnerving to watch.

The Visit: Plot Explained

Loretta’s past.

As a young girl, Loretta Jamison fell in love with her upper school teacher and decided to skip her hometown with him. Before leaving, she had a heated wrangling with her parents and hasn’t seen them since. At the movie’s start, she is a single mom of 15-year-old Becca and 14-year-old Tyler, and she  hasn’t spoken to her parents in 15 years .

What really happened on the day Loretta left?

Loretta’s mom tries to stop her from leaving the house, and Loretta hits her mom, and her dad hits her. Soon after, her parents try to reach out to Loretta, but she refuses to take their calls, and years go by.

Meet The Grandparents

Years later, Loretta’s parents reach out to  meet their grandchildren . The grandparents are, seemingly, wholly reformed and now plane help at the local psychiatric hospital. Although initially not too fond of the idea, Loretta is persuaded by the insistence of her children. While she had no intention of visiting the parents, she permitted her children to pay their grandparents a five-day visit.

At The Grandparents’

Their first meeting with Nana and Pop Pop starts on the right foot. They start getting to know each other, and other than a simple generational gap, nothing seems too strange. The only thing that seems off is that they are warned  not to leave the room without 9:30 in the evening .

The kids unravel this rule, and on the first night, they notice  Nana vicarial erratically , projectile vomiting, scratching wallpaper with her yellowish hands, and running virtually the house on all fours. Grandpa appears paranoid and hides his sultana diapers in the garden shed, and the situation escalates each day.

The Visit Ending Explained: What happens in the end?

Tyler Becca mother ending explained

The ending of Visit has the kids finally showing the elderly couple to Loretta. She, completely horrified, states that  those are not her parents . The pair posing as Pop Pop and Nana are escaped psychiatric institution patients who murdered their grandparents and took their places.

The kids survive, skiver their captors, and are found working and well by their mom and the police. Becca kills Nana with a shard from the mirror, thus symbolically overcoming her fear of her reflection. Tyler kills Pop Pop by repeatedly slamming him in the throne with a refrigerator door without overcoming his germaphobia and uneasiness well-nigh freezing.

The Sense Of Dread

The elements of horror in this movie are just  perfectly executed . First of all, the mucosa is shot as a documentary. Becca is an aspiring filmmaker who records the unshortened trip with her camera. From time to time, we see an interview of all the characters, which just serves as the perfect vessel for characterization.

No Ghouls or Cults

Another thing that evokes dread is  realism . There are no supernatural beings or demonic forces. It’s just two kids vacated in a remote farmstead with two creepy, deranged people. Plane in the end, when Loretta finds out what’s happening, it takes her hours to get there with the police. The scariest part is that it’s not that nonflexible to imagine something withal those lines really happening.

The  house itself is dread-inducing . The place is old and rustic. Like in The Black Phone soundproofing a room  could have prevented kids from hearing Nana rummaging virtually the house without a well-spoken idea of what was happening, but this was not the case, as the old couple weren’t that capable.

The  characters  themselves  are perfectly played . Something is unnerving well-nigh Pop Pop and Nana from the very first scene. It’s the Uncanny Valley scenario where you finger that something’s off and shakes you to the core, but you have no idea what it is.

Separation, Remorse, and Personal Fears

Suspecting the grand parents

What this movie does the weightier is explore the  ugly side of separation, old grudges, and remorse . The main reason why kids are insistent on visiting their grandparents is out of their desire to help their mom.

They see she’s remorseful for never  working things out with her parents . In light of her failed marriage and the topic that caused it to end, she might live with the doubt that her parents were right all along. This makes her visualization and wrangling with her parents plane worse. Reconciling when you know you were wrong is harder than forgiving the person who wronged you.

The Kids’ Perspective

There are personal fears and  traumas of the kids . Tyler, in his unwise naivete, is convinced that his father left considering he was disappointed in him as a son. Tyler tells Becca that he froze during one game he played, which disappointed his dad so much that he had to leave. While this sounds ridiculous to any sultana (and plane Becca), it’s a matter of fact to Tyler. As a result of this trauma, Tyler moreover ripened germaphobia. In Becca’s own words, this gives him a greater sense of control.

On the other hand,  Becca refuses to squint at herself in the mirror  or stand in front of the camera if she can help it. Both kids  had to overcome their fears to survive , which is a solid and well-spoken metaphor for how these things sometimes turn out in real life.

Frequently Asked Questions Answered

The visit: what’s wrong with the grandparents who are the grandparents.

The people who hosted Becca and Tyler were runaway psychiatric hospital patients who murdered the real grandparents and took their place. Nana’s impostor (Claire) was unquestionably responsible for murdering her children by drowning them in a well. Pop Pop’s impostor (Mitchell) wanted to requite Claire a second endangerment at having kids / stuff a grandparent.

How did the imposter grandparents know well-nigh the kids’ visit?

It appears Claire and Mitchell hear the real Nana and Pop Pop brag well-nigh their grandkids’ visit. They moreover learned that neither the grandparents nor the kids had seen each other. The real grandparents towards to have been consulting in the same hospital Claire and Mitchell were stuff treated. The two crazies take this opportunity to unravel out, skiver the real grandparents and go to the station to pick up the children.

The Visit: What is Sinmorfitellia?

Claire and Mitchell believe that Sinmorfitellia is an wayfarer planet, and the creatures from there lurk on Earth. They spit into the waters of wells and ponds all day, which can put people into a deep sleep. They take  sleeping with the fishes  quite literally. Long ago, Claire drowned her children yoyo they would go to Sinmorfitellia.

The Visit: What happened to the real grandparents?

Claire and Mitchel killed Nana and Pop Pop and put them in the basement. This information went unnoticed considering Becca’s laptop’s camera was damaged by Nana, so Loretta could not personize the imposters. Claire and Mitchel were not present every time someone came to visit, so no one suspected foul play except Stacey, who received help from the real grandparents. As a result, she is killed.

What did Claire and Mitchel intend to do?

They plan to go to Sinmorfitellia with Becca and Tyler. They all plan to die on that last night and enter the well, which they believe is their path to the wayfarer planet where they can be happy together. This is perhaps why the grandparents hang Stacey outside the house considering they don’t superintendency well-nigh stuff caught.

The Visit: What’s wrong with Nana?

We don’t know what caused Nana’s mental illness, but she was crazy unbearable to skiver her two children by putting them in suitcases and drowning them in a pond. It appears she suffers from schizophrenia as she has delusions.

The Visit: Wrap Up

From the standpoint of horror, The Visit has it all. An unnerving realistic scenario, real-life trauma, and an undercurrent of fear. Combine this with  some of the weightier vicarial work in the genre  and a documentary-style movie, and you’ve got yourself a real masterpiece.

On the downside, the movie leaves you with a lot of unshut questions like:

  • Considering the kids have never seen the grandparents and are going alone, Loretta didn’t ensure her kids knew what her parents looked like?
  • How are Claire and Mitchell out and well-nigh so tropical to the hospital without stuff caught?
  • Considering they are mentally ill, how did Claire and Mitchell plot such a thorough plan? (e.g. strategically rabble-rousing the camera of the laptop)
  • I understand  Suspension Of Disbelief  in horror films, but neither kids waif their cameras despite the terror they go through only so we, the audience, can get the unshortened narrative?

What were your thoughts on the plot and ending of the movie The Visit? Waif your comments below!

The post The Visit Explained (Plot And Ending) appeared first on This is Barry .

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Let's Talk About the Twist in M. Night Shyamalan's 'The Visit' (Spoilers!)

Olivia DeJonge in ‘The Visit’ (Universal Pictures)

[Warning: We’re going to spoil the big twist of The Visit in the very first paragraph and then discuss the ending, so if you haven’t seen the movie yet, look away.]

For someone who was at one point regarded as the Master of the Mind-Blowing Plot Twist, it’s funny to think how almost every one of director M. Night Shyamalan’s surprise endings are essentially summed up by a single line of dialogue. Think, “ I see dead people ,” in The Sixth Sense , “ They called me Mr. Glass ,” in Unbreakable or “ Swing away ,” in Signs . The director’s new film, The Visit (in theaters today) tosses another one sentence-wonder on the pile: “Those aren’t your grandparents.” Uttered at the pivot point between the second and third acts, those words provide an otherwise formulaic movie with a much-needed kick in the pants as it enters the climactic home stretch.

But let’s back up a minute to explain why that sentence pulls the audience back in at the moment they might otherwise check out. Made in The Blair Witch Project found-footage tradition, The Visit depicts a family reunion that’s being documented by a pair of precocious youngsters, 15-year-old Becca (Olivia DeJonge) and 13-year-old Tyler (Ed Oxenbould). In order to give their single mom (Kathryn Hahn) a chance to take a much-needed vacation with her new boyfriend — her first steady beau since their father split — the kids have volunteered to spend a week with the grandparents they’ve never met. How have they gone this long without receiving a birthday phone call or even a card from their Nana (Deanna Dunagan) and Pop Pop (Peter McRobbie)? Well, as Mom tells it, she fled their household nearly two decades ago under contentious circumstances and has deliberately refrained from seeing or speaking to them since. She’s clinging to that resentment so fiercely, she doesn’t even have any pictures of her parents around…a plot point that will become important later on.

Deanna Dunagan in ‘The Visit’ (Universal Pictures)

After years of silence, the old folks have taken steps to heal this rift by asking to meet their grandchildren. Becca, the budding filmmaker of the two siblings, sees the potential for a heart-wrenching documentary to be made from this week-long vacation and eagerly equips herself with two digital cameras. But rather than teary confessionals and family secrets laid bare, she ends up capturing some truly disturbing behavior not long after she and Tyler pass through the doorway of Nana and Pop Pop’s isolated Pennsylvania farmhouse. On their very first night, Becca records her grandmother roaming about the house, vomiting all over the floor. And at roughly the same time each subsequent evening, Nana is out of her bed doing something bizarre, whether it’s crawling around the floor on her hands and knees or moaning and banging on cabinets and doors. Pop Pop blames her problems on “ sundowning ,” an actual medical condition affecting dementia patients. Meanwhile, he’s got his own problems, including a shed where he keeps poop-filled diapers (he’s incontinent, you see) and a penchant for cleaning guns by sticking them in his mouth.

Much of this potentially paranormal activity has already been teased in the movie’s trailer , which is designed to make you think that: A) The grandparents are demons; B) The grandparents are possessed by demons; C) The grandparents have been replaced by body-snatching monsters from a parallel dimension. As it turns out, though, their crazy behavior is due to the fact that they’re both legitimately crazy. They’re also — big twist! — not Nana and Pop Pop, as Hahn’s character belatedly reveals when Becca and Tyler surreptitiously film the elderly couple during a Skype session on the last day of their stay. (Estranged daughter that she is, she has conveniently not wanted to speak with them in earlier video calls.) Because Mom is hours away by car and the local police aren’t answering, the kids have to stay in the house with these strangers for a full day pretending like nothing has changed.

Watch the trailer:

Too bad for them that Pop Pop decides to prove that being crazy isn’t the same thing as being stupid. Aware that the ruse is up, he fills in the backstory behind the twist. Prior to taking up residence in the farmhouse, he and “Nana” were patients at a nearby mental hospital where the real Nana and Pop Pop were regular volunteers.

Jealous at their happiness over the impending visit of their grandkids, the frauds forced their way into the home and murdered the couple with a hammer, stashing their bodies in the basement. (Throughout the movie, other folks from the hospital have been stopping by the house to check up on the popular duo, but their replacements have conspired to be “out for a walk” during these visits.) They then went to the train station to pick up Becca and Tyler who were none the wiser because, remember, no pictures! Also, no Mom around to warn them otherwise. (Not for nothing, but this twist really does elevate Hahn to Worst Mother in the World status.)

Peter McRobbie in ‘The Visit’ (Universal Pictures)

Of course, now that the kids know, they’ll have to die — a fate they manage to avoid by killing the escaped mental patients instead. As the siblings stumble outside, the cops and their mother finally show up and whisk them away to safety. In a final coda, Becca finally gets the on-camera waterworks she’s been searching for when Mom reveals that she had the opportunity to mend fences with her parents years ago, but decided to hold onto her grudge instead — a choice that indirectly led to their deaths. She tearfully tells her daughter that forgiveness is essential, which in turn allows Becca to let go of some of the lingering anger she feels towards her own father for ditching their family.

In the past, some of Shyamalan’s twists have deepened his movies, turning, for instance, The Sixth Sense into a parable about grief and Unbreakable into a real world exploration of comic-book mythology. With The Visit though, the big revelation cheapens the movie to a certain extent. When you step back and think about it, there’s something deeply unpleasant about the way he’s using the mentally ill as routine horror-movie boogeymen. In the moment, however, the twist achieves its goal of catching the audience off guard. During the screening I was in, a wave of loud gasps swept through the packed house when Hahn said, “Those aren’t your grandparents” — the same gasps I heard 16 years ago in the final moments of The Sixth Sense when everyone figured out at the same instant that Bruce Willis had been dead all along. Shyamalan may no longer be considered “ The Next Spielberg ,” but that reaction to The Visit indicates that he’s still capable of some Spielbergian surprises.

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Movie Reviews

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M. Night Shyamalan had his heyday almost 20 years ago. He leapt out of the gate with such confidence he became a champion instantly. And then...something went awry. He became embarrassingly self-serious, his films drowning in pretension and strained allegories. His famous twists felt like a director attempting to re-create the triumph of " The Sixth Sense ," where the twist of the film was so successfully withheld from audiences that people went back to see the film again and again. But now, here comes " The Visit ," a film so purely entertaining that you almost forget how scary it is. With all its terror, "The Visit" is an extremely funny film. 

There are too many horror cliches to even list ("gotcha" scares, dark basements, frightened children, mysterious sounds at night, no cellphone reception), but the main cliche is that it is a "found footage" film, a style already wrung dry. But Shyamalan injects adrenaline into it, as well as a frank admission that, yes, it is a cliche, and yes, it is absurd that one would keep filming in moments of such terror, but he uses the main strength of found footage: we are trapped by the perspective of the person holding the camera. Withhold visual information, lull the audience into safety, then turn the camera, and OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT? 

"The Visit" starts quietly, with Mom ( Kathryn Hahn ) talking to the camera about running away from home when she was 19: her parents disapproved of her boyfriend. She had two kids with this man who recently left them all for someone new. Mom has a brave demeanor, and funny, too, referring to her kids as "brats" but with mama-bear affection. Her parents cut ties with her, but now they have reached out  from their snowy isolated farm and want to know their grandchildren. Mom packs the two kids off on a train for a visit.

Shyamalan breaks up the found footage with still shots of snowy ranks of trees, blazing sunsets, sunrise falling on a stack of logs. There are gigantic blood-red chapter markers: "TUESDAY MORNING", etc. These choices launch us into the overblown operatic horror style while commenting on it at the same time. It ratchets up the dread.

Becca ( Olivia DeJonge ) and Tyler ( Ed Oxenbould ) want to make a film about their mother's lost childhood home, a place they know well from all of her stories. Becca has done her homework about film-making, and instructs her younger brother about "frames" and "mise-en-scène." Tyler, an appealing gregarious kid, keeps stealing the camera to film the inside of his mouth and his improvised raps. Becca sternly reminds him to focus. 

The kids are happy to meet their grandparents. They are worried about the effect their grandparents' rejection had on their mother (similar to Cole's worry about his mother's unfinished business with her own parent in "The Sixth Sense"). Becca uses a fairy-tale word to explain what she wants their film to do — it will be an "elixir" to bring home to Mom. 

Nana ( Deanna Dunagan ), at first glance, is a Grandma out of a storybook, with a grey bun, an apron, and muffins coming out of the oven every hour. Pop Pop ( Peter McRobbie ) is a taciturn farmer who reminds the kids constantly that he and Nana are "old." 

But almost immediately, things get crazy. What is Pop Pop doing out in the barn all the time? Why does Nana ask Becca to clean the oven, insisting that she crawl all the way in ? What are those weird sounds at night from outside their bedroom door? They have a couple of Skype calls with Mom, and she reassures them their grandparents are "weird" but they're also old, and old people are sometimes cranky, sometimes paranoid. 

As the weirdness intensifies, Becca and Tyler's film evolves from an origin-story documentary to a mystery-solving investigation. They sneak the camera into the barn, underneath the house, they place it on a cabinet in the living room overnight, hoping to get a glimpse of what happens downstairs after they go to bed. What they see is more than they (and we) bargained for.

Dunagan and McRobbie play their roles with a melodramatic relish, entering into the fairy-tale world of the film. And the kids are great, funny and distinct. Tyler informs his sister that he wants to stop swearing so much, and instead will say the names of female pop singers. The joke is one that never gets old. He falls, and screams, "Sarah McLachlan!" When terrified, he whispers to himself, " Katy Perry ... " Tyler, filming his sister, asks her why she never looks in the mirror. "Your sweater is on backwards." As he grills her, he zooms in on her, keeping her face off-center, blurry grey-trunked trees filling most of the screen. The blur is the mystery around them. Cinematographer Maryse Alberti creates the illusion that the film is being made by kids, but also avoids the nauseating hand-held stuff that dogs the found-footage style.

When the twist comes, and you knew it was coming because Shyamalan is the director, it legitimately shocks. Maybe not as much as "The Sixth Sense" twist, but it is damn close. (The audience I saw it with gasped and some people screamed in terror.) There are references to " Halloween ", "Psycho" (Nana in a rocking chair seen from behind), and, of course, " Paranormal Activity "; the kids have seen a lot of movies, understand the tropes and try to recreate them themselves. 

"The Visit" represents Shyamalan cutting loose, lightening up, reveling in the improvisational behavior of the kids, their jokes, their bickering, their closeness. Horror is very close to comedy. Screams of terror often dissolve into hysterical laughter, and he uses that emotional dovetail, its tension and catharsis, in almost every scene. The film is ridiculous  on so many levels, the story playing out like the most monstrous version of Hansel & Gretel imaginable, and in that context, "ridiculous" is the highest possible praise.

Sheila O'Malley

Sheila O'Malley

Sheila O'Malley received a BFA in Theatre from the University of Rhode Island and a Master's in Acting from the Actors Studio MFA Program. Read her answers to our Movie Love Questionnaire here .

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The Visit (2015)

Rated PG-13 disturbing thematic material including terror, violence and some nudity, and for brief language

Kathryn Hahn as Mother

Ed Oxenbould as Tyler Jamison

Benjamin Kanes as Dad

Peter McRobbie as Pop-Pop

Olivia DeJonge as Rebecca Jamison

Deanna Dunagan as Nana

  • M. Night Shyamalan


  • Maryse Alberti
  • Luke Franco Ciarrocch

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Fakta-Fakta The Visit yang Disebut Film Horor Sesungguhnya

The Visit merupakan film horor garapan sutradara kenamaan M. Night Shyamalan, yang juga menggarap The Sixth Sense.

Asnida Riani

Diperbarui 18 Jun 2022, 14:14 WIB Diterbitkan 18 Jun 2022, 14:14 WIB

The Visit, Jakarta - The Visit bukanlah rilisan baru. Film horor garapan sutradara kenamaan M. Night Shyamalan tersebut telah tayang pada 2015 lalu, dan tiba-tiba kembali  trending  akhir minggu ini. Sebagaimana diketahui, Shyamalan sempat muncul sebagai sutradara terpanas Hollywood dengan perilisan The Sixth Sense pada 1999, yang mendapat beberapa nominasi Oscar, termasuk Best Picture.

Kesuksesan itu disambungnya dengan Unbreakable and Signs yang dipuji secara kritis, melansir Bustle , Sabtu (18/6/2022). Tapi, masing-masing dari lima filmnya sejak itu, mulai dari The Village , bahkan gagal mendapat peringkat 50 persen di Rotten Tomatoes.


Laku Rp 22 Miliar, Ini 7 Potret Penampakan Rumah Film Horor The Conjuring

Teaser film horor jagat arwah ditonton 1 juta orang, kurang dari 24 jam perilisan, liputan6 update: cuan gede di balik film horor.

The Visit semula diharapkan sutradara berdarah India-Amerika itu sebagai "medium membalikkan keadaan." Cerita film horor ini berfokus pada dua anak yang mengunjungi kakek-nenek mereka dan menghadapi beberapa "perilaku mengganggu." Film ini menggunakan gaya kamera handheld untuk banyak pengambilan gambar demi memberi kesan "nyata."

Dari sekian banyak, berikut beberapa fakta  The Visit  yang disebut-sebut sebagai film horor sesungguhnya.

1. Film fitur studio Shyamalan beranggaran terendah

IMDb  melaporkan, Shyamalan menggunakan bayaran dari film fiksi ilmiah-petualangan After Earth (2013) untuk memproduksi sendiri film ini. Dalam kata-katanya sendiri, ini adalah "sebuah upaya mendapatkan kembali kendal"i artistik" setelah film-filmnya ditolak dalam proses editing  akhir, bahkan "diambil darinya dalam pascaproduksi.

2. Tergila-gila dengan Olivia DeJonge

Olivia DeJonge mengamankan perannya setelah hanya satu audisi, yang merupakan rekaman. Rupanya, M. Night Shyamalan  Shyamalan begitu tergila-gila dengan DeJonge setelah audisi pertamanya, mengatakan telah menemukan bintangnya. Ia melakukan audisi kedua hanya untuk melihat apa yang bisa ia lakukan dengan adegan tertentu.

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Kisah mistis tentang KKN desa penari kini santer dibahas. Tak hanya itu, film bergenre horor pun kerap jadi topik panas.

* Follow Official WhatsApp Channel untuk mendapatkan berita-berita terkini dengan mengklik tautan ini .

3. Tanpa James Newton Howard

The Visit

The Visit  adalah film horor pertama M. Night Shyamalan yang tidak menyertakan kolaborator lama dan komposer terkenal, James Newton Howard. Karena kurangnya anggaran dan perbedaan gaya rekaman film, Shyamalan memutuskan "skor film" tidak akan sesuai dengan produk akhir.

4. Tidak jadi kameo

Tidak seperti film-film sebelumnya, Shyamalan   tidak muncul sebagai kameo di  The Visit.  Ini juga merupakan film keduanya yang menampilkan poster yang menggambarkan berbagai aturan setelah  The Village (2004).

Trailer  film tersebut harus mengaburkan adegan ketelanjangan tertentu agar tidak dibatasi lembaga sensor Amerika Serikat. Ini juga merupakan film horor pertama untuk Kathryn Hahn, Ed Oxenbould, dan Olivia DeJonge.

5. Tidak berdasarkan cerita nyata

Bustle  mencatat, seperti sebagian besar film Shyamalan lainnya, plot The Visit muncul dari otaknya sendiri. Berusia 45 tahun saat menggarap film tersebut, ia memutuskan menjadikan orangtua sebagai tokoh antagonis. Ia menyamakan rasa takut pada orangtua dengan ketakutan akan kematian, sesuatu yang jadi lebih umum seiring bertambahnya usia.

6. Film Horor Sesungguhnya

The Visit

Meski beberapa film Shyamalan, seperti The Sixth Sense  dan Signs , menawarkan beberapa ketakutan, keduanya dianggap lebih sebagai film thriller daripada horor. Tapi, tidak dengan The Visit .

Film ini dikatakan sebagai film horor sesungguhnya dari Shyamalan. Ia berkata, "Saya tidak pernah benar-benar menganggap film saya sebelumnya sebagai menakutkan ... tapi The Visit? Yeah! Ini dia. Tujuan dari film ini adalah untuk sensasi dan ketakutan."

Membantu memantapkan posisi film ini sebagai film horor sejati: fakta bahwa Jason Blum dari Blumhouse Productions bekerja sama dengan Shyamalan untuk membantu menjual nuansa seram dari film tersebut. Blum memiliki andil di balik banjir film-film menakutkan di masa itu, termasuk serial  Paranormal Activity , serial The Purge , dan film-film Insidious .

Meski The Visit terlihat sangat mirip dengan film cuplikan yang ditemukan, yang Shyamalan telah jauhi dan tidak pedulikan, film ini sebenarnya diambil dengan "gaya dokumenter," menurut Shyamalan.

Shyamalan mengatakan pada Games Radar bahwa gaya dokumenter dari film The Visit  memiliki maksud sinematik, sedangkan footage yang ditemukan tidak. Bagaimana pun, sebagian besar film dilihat melalui sudut pandang karakter utama, dan itu adalah taktik yang belum pernah digunakan sutradara itu sebelumnya.

7. Film Terlucu

The Visit

Meski jadi film yang paling menakutkan, The Visit juga merupakan film Shyamalan yang paling lucu, dengan salah satu bintang filmnya adalah Kathryn Hahn. Campuran film horor dan komedi benar-benar memisahkannya dari karya serius lainnya.

Film ini menceritakan dua saudara kandung dari Philadelphia, Becca yang berusia 15 tahun dan Tyler yang berusia 13 tahun, bersiap untuk kunjungan lima hari ke rumah kakek-nenek mereka, sementara ibu mereka yang bercerai, Loretta, pergi berlayar dengan pacarnya.

Loretta mengungkap bahwa ia tidak berbicara dengan orangtuanya selama 15 tahun setelah menikahi guru sekolah menengahnya, yang tidak disetujui orangtuanya. Karena belum pernah bertemu kakek-nenek, para remaja berniat merekam film dokumenter tentang kunjungan mereka menggunakan camcorder .

Becca dan Tyler bertemu kakek-nenek mereka, yang disebut sebagai "Nana" dan "Pop Pop," di stasiun kereta. Ketika tiba di rumah pertanian mereka yang terisolasi, Becca dan Tyler diinstruksikan untuk tidak pernah pergi ke ruang bawah tanah karena berjamur, dan waktu tidur adalah pukul 9.30 setiap malam, setelah itu mereka tidak boleh meninggalkan kamar mereka.

Malam pertama, satu jam setelah jam malam, Becca turun untuk makan dan melihat Nana muntah di seluruh rumah, yang membuatnya takut. Ia memberi tahu Pop Pop, yang menganggap Nana menderita kelainan pada perutnya. Ia kemudian mengingatkannya untuk tidak meninggalkan kamar mereka setelah pukul 21.30.

infografis journal

M Night Shyamalan

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the visit ending penjelasan

the visit ending penjelasan

Friedrich Dürrenmatt

Everything you need for every book you read..

The Visit tells the story of a woman returning to her hometown after forty-five years to exact revenge on the man that betrayed her—or, as she puts it, to “buy justice.”

The play opens on a gaggle of unemployed townsmen who sit at a railway station in the fictional Swiss town of Güllen, awaiting the arrival of the famed billionairess Claire Zachanassian . They bemoan the deterioration of their home; Güllen was once a renowned cultural capital but has since fallen into a deep and devastating economic depression. Its impoverished citizens nevertheless hold out hope for their township—hope that Ms. Zachanassian, who was born and raised in Güllen, might endow the town’s restoration. Alfred Ill , Güllen’s “most popular man” and mayor-to-be, is leading a campaign to secure Claire’s donation; he was once her lover, and he expects that he should be able to leverage his relationship to her to get to her millions.

Claire arrives in Güllen several hours earlier than expected, throwing the townspeople into nervous disarray. While she and her entourage get off of the train, the Gülleners scramble to pull together the formal welcome they planned for her, frantically convening the choir and changing into their frock coats and top hats. Ill is the first to welcome the billionairess, bringing the two face-to-face for the first time in forty-five years. Ill showers Claire with compliments, hoping to loosen her purse strings with appeals to her vanity, but this fails. Claire bluntly states that she and Ill are old and fat now, and she proceeds to show him her many prosthetic limbs. She also takes a moment to introduce her Butler, Boby ; her henchmen, Roby and Toby ; her seventh husband, Moby ; and the blind eunuchs Koby and Loby . She explains that she gave her attendants rhyming names to suit her own preferences. Claire’s strange retinue, her disarming directness, and her outlandish luggage—which includes a caged panther and a coffin, among other things—unnerves some Gülleners, particularly the Teacher . Nevertheless, all are hopeful about her visit.

While her luggage is moved to her accommodations at the Golden Apostle Inn, Claire revisits her old trysting haunts with Ill. The two reminisce about their young love affair, which ended when Ill left Claire for the then-wealthier Matilda Blumhard , owner of Güllen’s general store. Claire fell into prostitution after Ill abandoned her, and thus met the wealthy john that became her first husband (the oil magnate Zachassian).

Following their walk in the woods, Claire and Ill return to the Golden Apostle, where a banquet is being held in Claire’s honor. The Mayor makes a speech lionizing the billionairess in an obvious grab for money. Claire is unmoved by the insincere speech, but she nevertheless pledges one billion dollars to the town. She has only one condition: that someone kill Alfred Ill. This, of course, catches Ill off guard—until this point, he thought that he had the billionairess eating out the palm of his hand. Furious, he dismisses Claire, but her Butler steps forward to explain. Forty-five years ago, before he was in Claire’s service, the Butler was Güllen’s Chief Justice and he heard a paternity case that a young Claire had brought against Ill. Ill falsely denied that he was the father of Claire’s child, and he bribed two witnesses to corroborate his claim, thus losing Claire the trial and causing her exile from Güllen and her lapse into prostitution. The perjuring witnesses were none other than Koby and Loby, whom Claire tracked down years later and had blinded and castrated. Her campaign of revenge continues now in Güllen with Ill as her target: she only wants “justice,” she says, and now she can afford it. Claire’s murderous proposal takes the Gülleners aback. Citing the town’s commitment to a rich humanistic tradition that values human life over capital, the Mayor emphatically rejects Claire’s offer on behalf of his constituents. Claire simply replies that she will wait for them to change their minds.

In the days following the dramatic banquet, Ill sees Claire’s henchmen regularly changing the wreaths on the empty coffin Claire brought with her to Güllen, presumably for Ill. He also sees an increase in business at the general store he manages; his customers have started buying previously unattainable luxury items on credit. When Ill notices his customers all wearing the same new and expensive yellow shoes , he begins to suspect his neighbors of considering Claire’s proposal—of buying goods in advance of her billion dollar donation (a prerequisite for which is Ill’s death).

A paranoid Ill visits Güllen’s authorities one by one—the Policeman, the Mayor, the Priest—seeking protection, but he finds that they too have begun to live above their means. Though the Gülleners insist that they will not consider Claire’s offer, their increase in spending indicates that they do anticipate Claire’s donation (and, by extension, Ill’s death). Understanding this, Ill attempts to flee town on the train, but he is intimidated into staying by the mob of townspeople that crowd around him at the station. Meanwhile, Claire observes the town from her balcony at the Golden Apostle as a mob of Gülleners hunt down her escaped black panther .

At the start of the play’s final act, Claire has just married her eighth husband, but is already preparing for divorce. In the midst of managing her marital business, she is visited by the Doctor and Teacher. They inform her that the townspeople have drawn up exorbitant debts, and that the town needs her help more than ever, but that no one is willing to kill Ill. They propose an alternative to Claire’s offer, suggesting that Claire invest in Güllen’s industry, which would not only reintroduce paying jobs in town, but would also produce returns for Claire. Much to their consternation, Claire reveals that she already owns the town’s industry. She intentionally ran it into the ground to cause Güllen’s financial collapse and lay the groundwork for her revenge on Ill.

Meanwhile at the general store, Ill’s wife’s customers have taken to openly denigrating Ill and sympathizing with Claire, marking a major shift in public opinion since the Gülleners defended Ill and rejected the billionairess’ offer. When journalists enter the shop asking questions about Claire and Ill’s relationship, the townspeople offer platitudes about young love and nostalgia, but keep mum on the issue of Claire’s ultimatum. The Teacher, drunk and full of guilt, almost breaks the silence, but is kept in check by his fellow citizens until the journalists leave.

After days of keeping to himself above his shop, Ill suddenly reappears. He seeks out the Teacher who, still drunk, admits that the town cannot resist the temptation of Claire’s money. When the Mayor stops by the shop to advertise a public meeting about Claire’s offer, Ill promises to defer to the town’s verdict. The Mayor indirectly advises Ill to kill himself (and save someone else the trouble), but Ill refuses, demanding that the people of Güllen take responsibility for their choices and kill him themselves.

Faced with what seems to be an inevitable early death, Ill spends his last few hours driving with his family and reconciling with Claire in the woods. Claire admits that she never stopped loving Ill, but that years of bitter resentment turned her love into something evil. When Ill is dead, Claire says, she will finally possess him as she’d always wanted to. The couple parts, and Ill heads to his “trial.” The public meeting is well attended by the townspeople and by journalists reporting on Claire’s visit. The Mayor, who moderates the meeting, takes pains not to alert the press to Claire’s deadly ultimatum; he leads Güllen in a vote “to make justice a reality.” The townspeople unanimously vote to accept Claire’s money, and thus sentence Ill to death without saying so. They murder Ill while the journalists are at dinner and inform the press that Ill died from joy when Claire’s endowment was accepted. Later, Claire collects the body and delivers a check to the Mayor. As she leaves Güllen with her former lover’s body, the citizens of Güllen revel in their newfound prosperity.

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  1. The Visit (2015) Movie Plot Twist and Ending Explained [Spoiler]

    the visit ending penjelasan

  2. THE VISIT (2015) Ending Explained

    the visit ending penjelasan

  3. The Visit Ending Explained (Spoiler Alert)

    the visit ending penjelasan

  4. M. Night Shyamalan's The Visit Ending, Explained

    the visit ending penjelasan

  5. The Ending Of The Visit Explained

    the visit ending penjelasan

  6. The Visit

    the visit ending penjelasan


  1. The Ending Of The Visit Explained

    The Visit follows 15-year-old Becca Jamison (Olivia DeJonge) and her 13-year-old brother Tyler (Ed Oxenbould) when they spend the week with their mother's estranged parents, who live in another ...

  2. The Visit Ending, Explained: What's Wrong With the Grandparents?

    The Visit Plot Synopsis. In her late teens, Loretta Jamison ran away with a substitute teacher from her high school, Corin, causing a rift between herself and her parents. As a result, years later, after Corin has abandoned his family, Loretta's 15-year-old daughter, Becca, and 14-year-old Tyler have never met their grandparents.

  3. Sinopsis & Review The Visit, Teror di Rumah Kakek Nenek

    Menghabiskan waktu berlibur di rumah kakek dan nenek seharusnya menjadi pengalaman yang menyenangkan. Namun lain halnya dengan yang dialami oleh kakak beradik dalam film berjudul The Visit ini. Pada kunjungan mereka ke rumah kakek dan neneknya, keduanya justru menemukan hal—hal janggal dan cukup menyeramkan yang dilakukan oleh kakek dan neneknya.

  4. How Does 'The Visit' End? The Big Shyamalan Twist Will Have The

    Let's Talk About The Ending Of 'The Visit'. by Dino-Ray Ramos. Sep. 10, 2015. M. Night Shyamalan is back and he is out to let everyone know that he hasn't lost his touch when it comes to freaking ...

  5. 'The Visit' Ending Explained: Family Reunions Can Be Torture

    The Visit. PG-13. Two siblings become increasingly frightened by their grandparents' disturbing behavior while visiting them on vacation. Release Date. September 10, 2015. Director. M. Night ...

  6. The Visit Explained (Plot And Ending)

    The Visit is a 2015 horror thriller directed by M. Night Shyamalan. It follows two siblings who visit their estranged grandparents only to discover something is very wrong with them. As the children try to uncover the truth, they are increasingly terrorized by their grandparents' bizarre behaviour. Here's the plot and ending of The Visit ...

  7. THE VISIT Review

    Makanya, film The Visit ini disebut Shyamalan sebagai usahanya untuk kembali ke basic. Dengan budget rendah dan cerita yang ditanganinya sendiri, M. Night Shyamalan mempersembahkan film ini sebagai, bukan hanya 'jalan pulang', namun juga sebagai jalan tengah antara horor dan komedi.

  8. THE VISIT (2015) Ending Explained

    Explaining the Ending and twists for M. Night Shyamalan's spooky thriller The Visit where something isn't right with Tyler and Becca's grandparents. Find out...

  9. The Ending Of The Visit Explained

    The Visit tries to deliver a message about the importance of breaking old habits, working through your fears, and the consequences of leaving breakdowns in familial relationships unresolved.

  10. The Visit Ending Explained

    The Visit Ending Explained: Unraveling the Mysteries of M. Night Shyamalan's Thriller. ... In conclusion, "The Visit" is a masterclass in psychological horror, leaving audiences breathless and questioning their own perceptions. With its mind-bending twist, dark humor, and exploration of family dynamics, Shyamalan delivers a gripping tale ...

  11. The Visit Ending Explained: Is The M. Night Shyamalan Movie Based On A

    Thanks to blockbuster horror hits like Paranormal Activity, the found footage genre started to expand in earnest at the beginning of the 2010s.However, by 2015 and the release of The Visit, the style had largely fallen out of favor.Despite this downturn in popularity, The Visit nevertheless opted for an approach that innovated the found footage tropes by injecting a bit of humor and eschewing ...

  12. The Visit Ending Explained (Spoiler Alert)

    Watch the full movie @ Amazon: out the full review at: Visit is found-footage style horror film. The sto...

  13. M. Night Shyamalan's The Visit Ending, Explained

    The teenagers are able to get away and talk to the police about what just happened. The Visit ending works on two levels: a fast-paced, thrilling example of a good horror movie plot twist and also ...

  14. The Visit Explained (Plot And Ending)

    The Visit is a 2015 horror thriller directed by M. Night Shyamalan. It follows two siblings who visit their estranged grandparents only to discover something is very wrong with them. As the children try to uncover the truth, they are increasingly terrorized by their grandparents' unconvincing behaviour. Here's the plot and ending of The ...

  15. The Visit (film 2015)

    The Visit adalah film horor komedi Amerika Serikat tahun 2015 yang ditulis, diproduksi bersama, dan disutradarai oleh M. Night Shyamalan dan dibintangi oleh Olivia DeJonge, Ed Oxenbould, Deanna Dunagan, Peter McRobbie dan Kathryn Hahn.Film ini menceritakan dua saudara muda, Becca dan adik laki-lakinya Tyler yang tinggal bersama ibu tunggal mereka yang sudah bercerai, dan telah meninggalkan ...

  16. Let's Talk About the Twist in M. Night Shyamalan's 'The Visit ...

    Made in The Blair Witch Project found-footage tradition, The Visit depicts a family reunion that's being documented by a pair of precocious youngsters, 15-year-old Becca (Olivia DeJonge) and 13 ...

  17. The Visit movie review & film summary (2015)

    With all its terror, "The Visit" is an extremely funny film. There are too many horror cliches to even list ("gotcha" scares, dark basements, frightened children, mysterious sounds at night, no cellphone reception), but the main cliche is that it is a "found footage" film, a style already wrung dry. But Shyamalan injects adrenaline into it, as ...

  18. The Visit (2015 American film)

    The Visit is a 2015 American found footage horror film written, co-produced and directed by M. Night Shyamalan and starring Olivia DeJonge, Ed Oxenbould, Deanna Dunagan, Peter McRobbie, and Kathryn Hahn.The film centers around two young siblings, teenage girl Becca (DeJonge) and her younger brother Tyler (Oxenbould) who go to stay with their estranged grandparents.

  19. Sinopsis The Visit, Kunjungan Mengerikan di Rumah Nenek

    The Visit bermula saat Becca (Olivia DeJonge) dan Tyler (Ed Oxenbould) dibawa oleh kedua orang tuanya untuk liburan di rumah nenek di kawasan pedesaan Pennsylvania. Selama di rumah nenek, mereka dilarang untuk keluar setelah matahari terbenam. Bahkan, nenek dan kakeknya bersikap aneh dan menyeramkan. Akhirnya, kakak beradik ini bertekad untuk ...

  20. Fakta-Fakta The Visit yang Disebut Film Horor Sesungguhnya, Jakarta - The Visit bukanlah rilisan baru. Film horor garapan sutradara kenamaan M. Night Shyamalan tersebut telah tayang pada 2015 lalu, dan tiba-tiba kembali trending akhir minggu ini.Sebagaimana diketahui, Shyamalan sempat muncul sebagai sutradara terpanas Hollywood dengan perilisan The Sixth Sense pada 1999, yang mendapat beberapa nominasi Oscar, termasuk Best Picture.

  21. CNN Indonesia

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  22. The Visit Walkthrough (All Endings)

    This is a walkthrough of the game "The Visit".Play the game here: can visit my Patreon page if you want or s...

  23. The Visit by Friedrich Dürrenmatt Plot Summary

    The Visit Summary. The Visit tells the story of a woman returning to her hometown after forty-five years to exact revenge on the man that betrayed her—or, as she puts it, to "buy justice.". The play opens on a gaggle of unemployed townsmen who sit at a railway station in the fictional Swiss town of Güllen, awaiting the arrival of the ...