37 Best Travel Tips for Traveling With an Infant, Older Baby, or Toddler

traveling with an infant

Family travel is exciting for you and your kids and can create special memories that last a lifetime, whether you’re off on an adventure abroad or simply going to visit Grandma. But traveling with an infant, older baby, or toddler requires a little extra preparation to ensure a safe and comfortable trip. We’ve got the answers to common questions surrounding baby travel—short and long—plus a list of all the essentials and 37 tips for traveling with the little ones!

How Soon Can You Travel With a Newborn Baby?

When is it safe to travel with a newborn? It’s always wise to check with your healthcare provider before traveling with an infant. Your provider will likely offer specific guidance on whether you should or shouldn’t travel with your little newborn, depending on your little’s one's age and health status, as well as more general advice on when you can travel with a baby or older child. Whenever you do end up traveling with your little one, keep some safety precautions in mind. Your child is still developing their immune system, so it’s important to take protective measures, especially when flying or in crowded locations, such as

frequently washing hands

using hand sanitizer

avoiding visibly ill travelers.

Besides these basic safety precautions, keep reading for more tips on traveling with infants, plus older babies and toddlers, which include additional measures that will help keep your little one healthy, safe, and comfortable.

37 Tips for Traveling With an Infant, Older Baby, or Toddler

There are many ways you can help keep your infant, older baby, or toddler safe while traveling, and ensure that the trip is comfortable for all involved. It’s best to always consult with your child’s healthcare provider before traveling, especially with newborns or infants. Younger babies are more vulnerable than older babies and toddlers, so consider the provider’s advice and tips for traveling with an infant. Knowing how to travel with an infant isn’t much different from knowing how to travel with an older baby or toddler, but age can impact strategy. For example, traveling with a toddler opens up more opportunities for activities on your trip! You’ll probably notice that traveling with a 2-year-old is a lot more interactive than when your little one was just 3 or 6 months old. To cover all the bases, we’ve included 37 tips for traveling with babies of any age, but some apply more to younger babies, like infants and newborns, whereas others are more geared toward older babies and toddlers. However, all are worth considering when traveling with kids of any age and whether you’re flying to Paris or hopping in the car for a day trip.

1. Update Immunizations

Before you travel, including by car, on an airplane, or anywhere abroad, ensure your baby has had all the necessary immunizations. Following an immunization schedule is key to keeping your little one healthy throughout their life and, of course, when traveling. If you plan to travel abroad, be aware that some countries require additional vaccinations. You’ll want to consult your child’s healthcare provider for specific advice before planning any overseas trips, and you can contact the U.S. State Department for general information. As children will need immunizations and boosters throughout their early years, this tip also applies to travel with infants, older babies, and toddlers.

2. Consult Your Child’s Healthcare Provider

Remember that your baby’s healthcare provider is your ally and a great source of information. Don’t hesitate to be in touch if you have any questions about traveling with an infant or how to best travel with a baby of any age. If you’re thinking of traveling with a newborn, the provider may suggest waiting in some cases, such as if your little one has an underlying health condition or was born prematurely.

3. Collect Medications and Important Documents

Before setting off on your adventure, remember to pack any medication your child will need while away from home. You can also purchase a sturdy folder to keep any important documents, such as your baby’s vaccination record, copies of recent medical reports, passport, etc. When traveling with an infant, older baby, or toddler, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and bring everything you might need!

4. Do Some Research

One of the best tips for traveling with newborns or older babies and toddlers is to hunt for and gather relevant information ahead of time. Besides things like looking up vaccination requirements, you can also research details about accommodations and activities. Some hotels offer amenities that may come in handy when traveling. For example, if you’re breastfeeding your baby , you might want a refrigerator in your hotel room to store extra milk.

5. Allow Extra Time

Always remember that traveling with an infant or baby of any age means everything will take a little more time (or sometimes a lot more time!). Be sure to start early and allow extra time when packing the car or getting to the airport, going through security, checking into your accommodation, eating out, etc. This additional time makes for a smooth trip and also helps keep stress to a minimum.

6. Bring Those Baby Essentials

Although your research may reveal that hotels or accommodations offer some basic baby necessities, it’s best to bring as much as you can with you. For example, if a hotel offers cribs, unless you can guarantee that their baby cribs are up to date on safety requirements, it’s better to bring your own travel crib if you’re able to do so. Other travel essentials for your baby include bottles, bibs, diapers and wipes , pacifiers, etc. Keep these in a separate diaper bag for easy access! Our baby travel checklist below includes all these items and more.

7. Don’t Forget Favorite Toys or Blankets

Your little one is still getting used to the world around them, so bring some reminders of home to soothe any discomfort when in unfamiliar places. A favorite plush toy, a familiar rattle, or a blanket with home scents can do wonders in keeping your babies and toddlers comfortable when traveling, so be sure not to leave Mr. Rabbit (or any other "lovey") at home!

8. Double Check Car Seats

Whether traveling with your infant, older baby, or toddler by car or plane, double-check any car seats you use for safety . Look up the expiration date to make sure the seat hasn’t expired, and ensure that it’s properly installed.

9. Keep Feedings and Sleep Schedules Consistent

When traveling with babies, especially newborns and infants, it’s best to keep feeding and sleep schedules consistent, even when crossing into other time zones. It’s hard for children to adjust to new routines, and a little consistency will do wonders. If you’re moving across several time zones and it’s impossible to stick to the same feeding times, try to adjust your schedule gradually. However, what’s most important is feeding your baby when they’re hungry, regardless of the hour, and giving yourself some extra grace.

10. Bring a First-Aid Kit

In addition to all your essential must-have items, it’s also helpful to have your baby’s first-aid kit with you when traveling. You can keep one in the car, diaper bag, or your little baby’s overnight bag. Do you have all the baby necessities in your diaper bag? Take our quiz below to find out!

11. Wash Hands Frequently

Although briefly mentioned above, this is one of the most important tips for traveling with an infant or child of any age, and it deserves a friendly reminder! Because your little one is still building their body’s natural immune defenses, they’re more susceptible to catching colds, flu, or other infections. And because you’ll be carrying your newborn while traveling or holding your baby’s hand, it’s best for you to wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer.

12. Stay Hydrated

Traveling in general, but especially traveling by plane, is dehydrating to the body. Staying hydrated yourself means staying healthy and alert for your child. To keep your newborn hydrated, you’ll want to feed them more often (if needed), and older babies and toddlers will need sips of water throughout the day. Hydration is also very important if your little one has diarrhea while traveling, which is common.

13. Bring Disposable or Hybrid Diapers

When you’re traveling, nothing beats the convenience of disposable diapers. Another option is a hybrid system, like Pampers Pure Hybrid Starter Kit, which uses reusable covers and disposable inserts to cut down on waste.

14. Provide Entertainment

You may find that your newborn sleeps through much of the trip, but that probably won’t be the case for an active older baby or toddler! When traveling with a baby who’s a bit older and more alert, it helps to provide some form of entertainment, whether in the car, on the train, or on an airplane. A soft toy or a picture book work well.

15. Bring Food and Snacks

You don’t have to travel with a baby to know that meals and snacks are an important part of any outing! You’ll need to breastfeed or bring formula, of course, supplemented by solid foods once your little one has been introduced to solids at around 6 months. Good travel food for babies can be anything they regularly eat—the point is to keep their tummy happy!

16. Sing Songs

Singing is a wonderful way to bond and engage with your baby or toddler. It’s an entertaining way to pass the time on long car drives, for instance, and has the added bonus of helping to boost vocabulary as well as other important language skills and developmental milestones for babies . Before long your not so little one will be singing along and repeating their favorite songs, again and again.

17. Plan Car Games

In addition to singing songs, keep your little one entertained with some fun car games. Your toddler may enjoy the classic game I Spy or even counting things (with your help) they see out the window, like cows or red cars. Another idea is to build or purchase a travel tray, a simple tray that connects to the back of one of the front seats and provides lots of things to touch, look at, and listen to!

18. Pack Bedding From Home

When possible, pack bedding for your baby or toddler, which, of course, is easier when traveling by car or when you have extra space in your suitcase. Familiar feels and scents will help keep them at ease as they experience a disruption to their usual routine. If you’re flying far on a plane, just grab something small, like their favorite blanket or bedsheet, to help them feel “at home.”

19. Provide Extra Attention

Traveling with a baby or an older child often interrupts typical at-home routines, and your little one will probably need more attention from you. Some tips include extra hugs and snuggles during the day and at night, plus bringing interactive games and activities into the mix.

20. Maintain a Typical Meal Routine

Although traveling is a great time to try new foods or allow some “treats,” try to stick to your usual meal routines as much as possible. Let your older baby or toddler know that traveling can include trying new food while at the same time continuing to eat healthy foods and maintain normal mealtimes.

21. Look for Specials

Many accommodations and restaurants offer special prices or deals for families, which can help reduce costs. “Kids stay free” is a common feature; you can also see if a hotel provides complimentary meals or packaged discounts for kids and families. Consider working with a travel club or agency that can help you coordinate a trip with children in mind.

22. Ask for Assistance

With a baby, travel isn’t always an easy task to accomplish on your own. If your little one is feeling extra fussy on the plane or train and you’ve run out of ideas, ask an attendant if they have anything special for babies or young kids, such as a picture book or a pack of crayons. If you need a changing pad in your hotel room, call the front desk. It really does take a village, and many travel clubs, airlines, hotels, and more offer special assistance for kids and families!

23. Pack for the Weather

Take a look at the weather report before you leave and pack accordingly. Consider bringing some extra layers for cooler night temperatures or extra supplies in case of rain or snow. Socks, rain covers, a warm jacket, and a hat will all come in handy if the weather takes an unexpected turn.

24. Take Preventive Measures

It’s not unusual for an illness or another health-related issue to pop up when you’re on the go and away from home. Colds and sore throats, diarrhea, car sickness, mosquito bites or bedbug bites —all these scenarios are possible with any kind of travel, including travels with your baby. Although you might not be able to completely prevent all these issues, it helps to prepare. You can do so by

getting necessary vaccinations before traveling

checking hotel rooms, bus seats, or train cars for bedbugs

bringing your own food or eating only hot food that’s thoroughly cooked

eating only a light snack before traveling to lessen motion sickness

staying hydrated.

25. Remember Special Considerations When Flying

Don’t forget that flying with a child will require some extra steps. If you have any questions, consult your little one’s healthcare provider and contact the airline. For example, all equipment like car seats and strollers will need to be visibly inspected at the airport. Read more about air travel in our article about flying with babies .

26. Plan Age-Appropriate Trips

Of course, traveling with a 1-year-old is going to be a little different than traveling with a 2-month-old! It helps to plan a trip that works for your child’s specific age, so if you’re traveling with a 9-month-old baby, think of something to do that meshes well with their abilities and interests. A simple trip going to visit grandparents or where there are lots of playgrounds is all you really need! But, of course, kids love playing outdoors or at the beach, so see more suggestions on where to travel with a baby at the end of the article.

27. Plan Breaks

For travel of any kind, remember that kids need breaks, naps, and downtime. If you’re taking a road trip, for example, research your routes thoroughly and plan for pit stops and breaks. It’s not easy for wriggly little ones to sit for too long, and getting out of the car to stretch legs or enjoy an attraction along the way helps keep spirits and energy levels high. If you’re on a plane, get up and walk the aisle a few times for a little movement and stimulation. Or if you’re spending the day at a theme park, squeeze in some time in the shade with a blanket for a quick snooze or a calming activity, like reading.

28. Bring Craft Supplies

Your toddler may need something more interactive to keep them entertained while on a road trip, airplane, or in a hotel room. Basic arts and crafts for toddlers can keep your little one occupied. Even just some crayons and a coloring book will help.

29. Adjust Sleep Schedules 2 to 3 Days Before if Needed

As mentioned before, when traveling with infants and older babies, it’s better to try and stick to the same feeding and sleeping schedules. But when traveling with toddlers, you may have more wiggle room to adjust their routines. For short trips, you might not even need to consider this tip, but if you’re moving across multiple time zones, you can gradually adjust sleep and eating schedules to the new time zone a few days before departing on your trip.

30. Pack Books

Are you wondering what to pack when traveling with a baby or toddler? Put books at the top of your list! Any kind of books —picture books, storybooks, interactive books—will keep your little one entertained while traveling. And if you usually read before falling asleep, it’s important to maintain your bedtime routine while away from home.

31. Respect Boundaries

Traveling with babies and toddlers (or, really, kids of any age) is a lot of fun for everyone. But remember that a change in a routine can be difficult for children, so it’s important to respect any boundaries they put up. For example, if your child doesn’t want to give Grandma a hug this trip or go on a ride at a theme park, don’t force it. They might be feeling shy or nervous, and it’s best not to force interactions, even with family members or activities.

32. Allow Your Child to Make Decisions

One of the best tips for traveling with toddlers and older babies is letting them make some decisions as they start to dabble in independence. Ask them what they want to eat for dinner or what they’d like to wear. Keep decisions manageable for their little brains by offering two or three choices rather than asking open-ended questions. It will allow them to take ownership of the travel experience!

33. Try New Things

Make traveling with your baby or toddler even more memorable by encouraging new experiences. You’ll probably remember these trips forever, but to make them stick in your youngster’s mind, have some fun with unique activities that you can’t do at home. Plus, as your little one is growing and developing, they’ll naturally want to try new things and test newly developed skills!

34. Anticipate Big Feelings

Again, changes in routines can be difficult for kids to manage. Traveling means leaving home behind, sleeping in a strange bed, and being without the usual comforts. This may be stressful, confusing, or even a bit scary for your little one. If these emotions come out in the form of temper tantrums , crying, or resisting, give your child extra support and love.

35. Supervise Water Play

Baby travel or traveling with a toddler might include a little water play, like splashing around in the pool or at the beach. Drowning is one of the leading causes of death in kids of any age, and it can happen in seconds, whether children are swimming , playing in a shallow pool, or simply taking a bath. Watch children closely when in the water or during bath time.

36. Take Photos and Videos

With cameras built into phones, you probably don’t need a reminder to take photos! Still, be sure to capture the memories when traveling with your kids, especially as they get older. It will be fun for them to look back and remember the trip!

37. Keep a Scrapbook

Take a blank scrapbook with you and let your toddler draw or color in it each day of the trip. For infants and newborns, press their hand or foot into the page with a bit of paint and add photos. When you return home, you can add more pictures or little trinkets like ticket stubs to the book, and your child can keep it to remember the experience. As your babies get older, traveling with them will get more and more fun, so let them be part of making the memories!

Baby Travel Checklist

We know this list of tips for traveling with an infant, older baby, or toddler is quite thorough, so to make it a bit easier for you, you’ll find a handy baby travel checklist below! We’ve included all the baby travel items that will help support a trip of any kind with any age group. Whether you’re wondering what to pack when traveling with a baby or hunting for those baby travel must-haves, we’ve included them all! This baby travel checklist works for kids of all ages, so you can use it when traveling with infants, older babies, toddlers, or even older children. It also works for short or long trips, by car, plane, or train. You can also download a version of the checklist and use it at home when preparing and packing for any upcoming family trips.


Baby Travel: Where to Go

Now that you have all of our travel tips, it’s time to think about where to travel with your baby. Not all destinations and activities are suitable for young children, so we’ve rounded up some of our best ideas for kid-friendly travel destinations!

Where to Vacation With an Infant, Older Baby, or Toddler in the United States

Luckily, the United States is a big country packed with various travel opportunities for babies and young children. Because there are so many choices, we’ve rounded up a few suggestions for each of the following themes: National Parks Among the best places to go when traveling with a newborn, older baby, or toddler are national and state parks. When you explore the great outdoors, you can avoid cramped environments and secure your sweet little one to your chest or carry older babies in backpacks while you enjoy fresh air and nature. Of course, toddlers will probably want a little independence as they toddle around! Some suggestions for kid-friendly national parks include the following:

All these parks offer a range of hiking suitable for carrying sleeping newborns or curious infants, plus interesting experiences for more mobile toddlers. Watch your child’s eyes light up at the scene of geysers erupting in Yellowstone, birds singing in the Everglades, or the sky-high trunks of the towering Redwoods! Vibrant Cities Although nature is ideal for traveling with babies or kids of any age, new cities also offer a lot of entertainment for the entire family (including you!). The United States is so diverse with different cultures, and your little one can enjoy various activities that can enrich their development. The list of kid-friendly cities in the United States is nearly endless, so if you’re simply looking for a bit of inspiration or a few suggestions for exciting cities, perhaps consider the following:

All these cities offer fun for you and your kids, even if your infant is simply watching the buzzy world around them. Take your little one to look for seals at Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco, explore adobe architecture in Santa Fe, New Mexico, or listen to street music in New Orleans. Theme Parks Although some theme parks aren’t suitable when traveling with newborns, infants, or young babies, many can be a lot of fun for toddlers and older kids! However, some of these classics cater to kids of all ages, rather than just focusing on thrilling roller coasters for the big kids. Again, you’ll find plenty of fun theme parks throughout the country, but for a few suggestions, you could consider the following:

These theme parks offer exciting scenes for even the youngest guests but can also entertain older children if you have a brood of various ages. Watch your baby delight at meeting their favorite Disney, Sesame Street, or fairy-tale characters! Beaches Although infants shouldn’t experience any direct sunlight until they are at least 6 months , beaches can offer a relaxing place to be with your little one, as long as they’re properly shaded. For older babies and toddlers, the beach is an exciting source of pure entertainment! The United States has a lot of coastlines to consider; here are just a few ideas:

A beach vacation with an infant, older baby, or toddler will expose your little one to an entirely new world. Plus, all the above suggestions offer complementary activities that your baby may love, such as visiting wildlife education centers, observing tide pools, or having fun at neighboring playgrounds. Road Trips Like national parks, road trips are also ideal for traveling with infants or children of any age, as you don’t have to interact too much with other travelers who can spread germs to your family. Plus, road trips can combine all the aforementioned ideas into one exciting adventure! A road trip doesn’t have to be long; you can simply pack snacks and head over to Grandma’s house or into the big city. But the United States is also known for its signature stretches of highway, and some of the most popular road-trip routes include the following:

Best Places to Travel With an Infant, Baby, or Toddler Abroad

A vacation abroad is a terrific way to open up the world to your little explorer! Although infants and young babies probably won’t remember much about a trip abroad, you can still use the opportunity to introduce them to new cultures and experiences. And, who knows, perhaps a trip at such a young age will spark an interest in travel as your adventurous baby grows up! A list of the best places to travel with an infant, baby, or toddler is endless, so we’ve included just a few popular family-friendly destinations in different parts of the world. Of course, use your imagination and go where you want!

The Bottom Line

Traveling with young infants, older babies, toddlers, or kids of any age can be a lot of fun, but it also requires a little extra prep! We hope this article helps you prepare for future family trips:

Use our suggestions on where to go to plan memorable experiences for the whole family.

Download our baby travel checklist to ensure you don’t forget any of the must-have items you’ll need.

Consider all our tips for traveling with newborns, babies, and toddlers to help your vacation go smoothly.

Remember that there is no age limit when it comes to travel, but it’s best to take extra precautions when traveling with infants, as they have yet to build up their body’s natural immunity. Talk to your child’s healthcare provider before planning any travel so you know what vaccinations your baby will need.

Family travel is a way to build wonderful memories that last a lifetime! Savor these exciting moments, whether you’re taking a simple trip to Grandma’s house, venturing out on an epic road trip to national parks, or enjoying an international vacation.

How We Wrote This Article The information in this article is based on the expert advice found in trusted medical and government sources, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. You can find a full list of sources used for this article below. The content on this page should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult medical professionals for full diagnosis and treatment.

  • Book: Caring for your baby and young child, birth to age 5, Sixth Edition Paperback – November 2, 2014 by American Academy of Pediatrics (Author)
  • Medline Plus: Traveling With Children
  • Zero to Three: Survival Strategies for Traveling With Your Baby or Toddler
  • Medline Plus: Toddler Development
  • Mayo Clinic: Infant and Toddler Health
  • Healthy Children: Sun Safety
  • Healthy Children: Travel Safety Tips
  • Healthy Children: Car Safety
  • CDC: Travel Recommendations for Nursing Families
  • CDC: Drowning Facts
  • CDC: Traveling With Children
  • Healthy Children: Car Sickness
  • La Leche League International: Travel

Review this article:

Read more about baby.

  • Explore Baby Sleep
  • Parenting Life
  • Development

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40 Practical & Encouraging Tips for Traveling with a Baby

Home » Blog » Family Travel » 40 Practical & Encouraging Tips for Traveling with a Baby

Adventuring with a little one can be overwhelming, but these practical tips for traveling with a baby will make it feel much more manageable. After reading this article, you’ll feel encouraged and confident to start planning your dream family vacation.

Travel with a baby tips Akumal Mexico Baby Sunglasses

After taking all types of different trips with our daughter in her first year – from National Parks to European Christmas Markets to traveling Scotland by campervan (and so much more!) – we have learned so much about traveling with a baby. 

Why keep all these tips to ourselves when we can share them with you ?!

We know how overwhelming it can be , especially when other people tell you how hard it is traveling with kids. 

But you know what? It can also be amazing, too. 

Traveling with your little one will full your cup, create lifelong memories, and will open your eyes to a totally different way of looking at taking trips. 

While traveling with a baby certainly looks different and requires more flexibility and planning , we’re still able to do some pretty epic things. And you can too (if that’s what you want).

Traveling with our daughter has truly been life changing, and we can’t wait for you to experience this magic, too. 

Travel with a baby tips Cracker Lake Glacier National Park with a baby

Guide to traveling with a baby

  • Our story: Read about our travel-style and our background so you understand our approach to traveling with a baby.
  • Top tips: Wanna get to the good stuff right away? Jump right down to our top tips for traveling with a baby! 

This article is full of practical tips, gear that is actually worth packing, and encouraging advice that will help you feel prepared and confident about traveling with a baby.

We’ll also be discussing some helpful mindsets about traveling with a baby that can transform how you think about it. 

Whether you’re an experienced parent or you’re dreaming of someday traveling with a baby, we’ve got tips and advice that will help you feel confident to plan the family trip of your dreams!

Cannon Beach Oregon with a stroller tips for traveling with a baby

As full-time travel bloggers , traveling is one of our biggest passions, and it’s also both of our jobs. So when we found out we were expecting, we knew that travel wouldn’t just stop for us once the baby arrived (like many people warned). 

We’ve known for a long time that we’d want to start a family, eventually . So over the years, we (almost subconsciously) took note of all the people we saw traveling with their kids.

  • On our 4-day Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu , there was a family with 4 kids, the youngest of whom was 8 years old.
  • In Thailand , we saw countless families living nomadically or traveling with kids of all ages.
  • We met a family on the west coast USA, living out of their campervan with two little boys (before it was common!).

We stored up all these acquaintances as “evidence” that traveling with a baby is not only possible, but it can still be adventurous .

We saw it as inspiration and started to dream of all the adventures we could take our little one on. Together, we dreamed about how we could open their eyes to the endless beauty and kindness around the world. And we talked about how traveling with a child would create core memories and forge a bond between us that we just couldn’t replicate at home.

Travel with a baby tips Glenfinnan Viaduct Scotland

We were excited about this new chapter, and confident we could forge our own path despite what anyone said.

That mindset came in handy because soon after announcing we were expecting a baby, we got a mixed bag of responses:

  • “Can’t wait to hear all your advice for traveling with kids!”
  • “You’re definitely going to be slowing down and traveling less now.”
  • “Travel while your baby is young, because as soon as they can walk, traveling will be over!”

The good, the bad, the well-meaning… we got it all.

We expected people to say how difficult it would be . And if I’m completely honest, those “you won’t be able to travel anymore” comments encouraged us to prove to ourselves that we could in fact travel with a baby. And thrive while doing it.

The truth is, we were prepared for people to tell us we couldn’t travel with a baby. Remember, we had stored up all that “proof” that we weren’t the only ones with these dreams. 

Thinking about taking an adventure with your little one?

Be sure to download our  complete packing list for traveling with a baby !  It’s packed with good suggestions and advice for what has personally worked for us on our travels with a baby.

Whether you’re getting ready for your first ever trip with a baby, or you’re a parenting pro just looking for a few extra tips, we hope this baby travel packing list will serve you well!

Baby Travel Gear Packing List

Why trust our advice about traveling with a baby?

For years, whenever we saw people traveling with kids, we’d look at each other and say, “Wow, that’s badass. Someday I want that to be us.”

And now we’re doing it which feels both surreal and like we’ve been training for this for years. Because we kind of have.

Prior to having a baby, we traveled to more than 50 countries together and built a business around the travel industry. So travel is something we are not only passionate about, but it’s something we feel very comfortable with.

We made it a point to bring our daughter on some epic trips during her first year of life. And we have so many more family trips planned for the future!

Travel with a baby tips toboggan sled Innsbruck, Austria

In Juniper’s first year of life, she:

  • took 19 flights
  • traveled to 9 countries 
  • visited 14 US states
  • explored 4 US National Parks
  • went on 2 overnight backcountry camping trips
  • lived in a campervan for 4 months

Juniper went on countless hikes, slept in many different places around the world, and made more friends than any other other 1-year-old we know!

She is growing into a very adaptable little human, and we feel so lucky for all of the memories we have already created together.

If you, too, want to travel with a little one, we’re here to share all of the things that have worked for us along the way. 

We hope you take the advice that resonates with you and feel empowered to plan and execute your dream family trips!

Travel with a baby tips campervan

Why are you here?

I imagine you’re here because you want to know more about traveling with a baby. Ding, ding, ding!!!

Okay, that was obvious. But the rest is a little harder to determine…

  • Perhaps you are already a parent , and you want to start adventuring more with your little one but you don’t know where to start.
  • Maybe you already travel with your baby a lot , but you’re constantly seeking new tips and advice. Everything helps, right?! 
  • If you are expecting, be sure to check out our list of the best babymoon destinations !
  • Or perhaps you aren’t even sure you want to be a parent , and you’re trying to figure out how much, exactly, having a baby would impact your lifestyle and dreams.

You might be feeling excited about the prospect of traveling with a baby. Or confused about how to even get started. 

Maybe you’re skeptical about the whole idea of traveling with a little one. Or you’re feeling defeated after being told many times that traveling with a baby is hard, and you’re just looking for some encouragement.

Feel all the feels. They are all valid.

Wherever you’re coming from and whatever you’re feeling, my hope is that you’ll be able to find some nuggets in this article that will speak to you .

Everyone’s journey is different 

European Christmas Markets travel with a baby tips

In this article, we’re sharing tips for traveling with a baby that have worked for us. 

That last part of the sentence is important: These are the things that have worked for us , personally. 

I will say that we have been privileged that we haven’t had to deal with any major health issues. Our daughter is (for the most part) very easygoing and adaptable. Some of this we can attribute to things we have practiced and experiences that we have exposed her to. But I also know that some of this is pure luck.

Everyone’s parenting journey is different. And every child is different. 

You know your child and your comfort level better than anyone. Plus, we all have different priorities and goals and dreams and lifestyles. (Remember, traveling is a big part of our job, so things may look different for you.)

Pick and choose the tips that will work for you. Ignore the ones that won’t.

Psst! After reading through all our tips for traveling with a little one, be sure to read my personal note at the bottom of this article.

Our best tips for traveling with a baby

Let’s dive into the things that have worked for us.

Scroll through them all (there are 40!), or jump to the sections that are most important to you:

  • BUILD CONFIDENCE: Feel confident about traveling with a baby
  • PLANNING: Planning your trip
  • TRAVEL TIPS: Tips for while you’re on your trip

Good to know: Most of these tips are geared toward babies and toddlers (aka under 2 years old). As our daughter grows and our experiences change, we will continue creating resources based on our personal experiences.

1. Start small with “mini adventures”

Snowshoeing Bend, Oregon with a baby

One of my biggest pieces of advice is to start small. And start early.

In my last weeks of pregnancy, we got out a calendar and made “mini goals” for each week after the baby was born.

They went something like this:

  • 1 week old: Go to your favorite coffee shop
  • 2 weeks old: Go on a long(ish) walk (we went snowshoeing because it was winter!)
  • 3 weeks old: Go to a brewery or event in town 
  • 4 weeks old: Spend the night away (we booked a cabin in the woods)

More ideas:

  • Mini road trip
  • Go to a friend’s house for dinner
  • Book a staycation in your own town or a nearby city
  • Find a nearby soaking pool (with water temperatures safe for a baby)
  • Picnic in a nearby park

Everyone will have different comfort levels, but do what feels good to you.

Having these “mini adventures” on our calendar brought some much-needed structure to our weeks after having a baby. And obviously we knew we could cancel if it didn’t feel right at that time. 

These little adventures gave us the confidence to slowly make the excursions bigger , so that we weren’t completely overwhelmed when it came time to board our first international flight.

Note: Even if your little one isn’t a newborn anymore, it’s never too late to schedule some “mini adventures” on your calendar. Base the excursions on the skills you want to practice and the type of trips you want to take.

2. Practice “baby skills” on the go

Diaper change while hiking Osprey Poco Plus

This kind of ties in with the “mini adventures” above, but make sure that you’re practicing some skills on the go:

  • changing diapers in new environments
  • napping on the go
  • feeding (whether nursing or bottle feeding)

Trust me when I say you won’t want the first time you change your baby’s diaper outside of your house to be at the start of a trip. 

Diaper change in public bathroom tips for traveling with a baby

Make a point to breastfeed or bottle feed on a walk near your house.

Change a diaper in the coffee shop bathroom instead of waiting until you get home.

Camping with a baby breastfeeding

It will feel uncomfortable at first. But since you’re close to home, you can always go back and start fresh another day if things don’t go as planned.

Doing this time and time again will make you feel more confident and know what to expect. Plus, it will help your little one get used to environments other than your house.

3. Master the art of napping on the go

Travel with baby Haystack Tock Cannon Beach, Oregon

Black out curtains, a humidifier, and a bassinet that rocks babe to sleep are great, but we personally knew that we’d be in lots of situations where these wouldn’t be available.

So we were proactive about practicing napping in different situations from the time Juniper was very young . 

At home, we had an ideal sleep environment in her room, but we also practiced napping in the living room, in a travel sleeper, and while wearing her in a carrier so she could be adaptable.

Travel with a baby tips napping on the go Glencoe, Scotland

Once we felt comfy with it, we practiced napping around town, and eventually on mini trips.

She quickly mastered sleeping just about anywhere:

  • her stroller
  • in a baby carrier
  • in our arms
  • in quiet places
  • and noisy ones too

Travel with a baby tips napping on the go Innsbruck, Austria

Being able to have her sleep in different environments has been a game-changer for us (especially in the earlier months!). It allowed us to get out of the house and not worry about being home at an exact time.

It also made the prospect of traveling with a baby seem so much more attainable when we were newbie parents.

One item that has been helpful for napping on the go:

  • Travel sound machine (if you forget this, there are apps and Spotify channels with white noise)

4. Refine your diaper bag

These “mini adventures” I keep talking about will help you realize what you need in many different situations, and what items never get used. 

Take note of these things and keep repacking your diaper bag until you have it down.

AKA you have all the essentials (and remember to restock the items that get used up, like diapers and wipes!) and none of the bulk .

Baby Travel Gear Packing List

5. Put the essentials in a fanny pack diaper bag

Diaper bag fanny pack travel with a baby tips

Your full-sized diaper bag will come in handy for bringing all the necessities on your trip, so don’t leave it at home. But there will be many times where you won’t want to lug a big backpack around all day .

Wandering historic cobblestone streets of European cities or walking beach trails on a humid island or a hike in the mountains will all be so much more enjoyable without your full-sized diaper bag.

Pack the essentials – diapers, wipes, diaper cream, a binky, medications, small snacks, etc. – into a fanny pack. You can also include any of your personal necessities for the day (chapstick, credit cards and cash, keys, etc.)

I have this fanny pack that is actually made for this purpose (there’s a wet wipes pocket), but you could use any medium to large size fanny pack ( like this one ). Usually, I just string it over the handle of our stroller so I don’t have to actually wear it. This way, we’re prepared but aren’t bringing the bulk!

Psst! This diaper bag fanny is much cuter than mine, but it’s 3 times the price.

6. Don’t buy all the things

As soon as you get pregnant, it’ll feel like you are constantly being bombarded with ads for all this “essential baby travel gear”. 

Plus, there are all these bloggers and influencers who share all the gear that they use (myself included).

And holy cow, it’s overwhelming.

There is just so much stuff out there and it can feel like you need it all. 

Spoiler alert: You DON’T.

It’s hard to know what will really make your life easier and what isn’t worth the money or space. 

Here’s the best way to really get a feel for what baby gear you need:

  • Take those “mini adventures”! I sound like a broken record at this point, but they are truly a low-risk way to find out what items you really need.
  • Find a handful of voices you resonate with and trust (a friend, a family member, a blogger/influencer). See what items they recommend and see if it sounds like something you definitely need.
Psst! One way to save money is to search for items on Facebook Marketplace or your local Buy Nothing group. Many first-time parents end up with duplicate items or are keen to sell baby gear after it’s lightly used (since many things won’t be necessary as they grow older). We got so many baby items and nursery furniture this way (and we’ve sold/given a bunch of things away on these platforms too!).

7. Create routines that can be recreated anywhere

Travel with a baby tips campervan bedtime

While you’re at home, try to create routines that you can recreate anywhere. 

Maybe there’s a certain book you read to signify bed time. Or a song before naps. Or the routine of brushing hair and teeth.

These routines are simple and don’t require much, so you can give your little one the cues they look for even when you’re far from home.

8. Pick and choose the advice you follow

Hiking with a baby Central Oregon

As a new parent, it can be really scary even thinking about traveling with a baby for the first time. And it’s even scarier when people you know (and trust) tell you how hard it will be, or how that part of your life is over.

First things first: Tune those people out.

Take the advice that resonates with you, and ignore the rest. 

Our personal experience:

I remember when I was pregnant I kept hearing how hard parenting was. The advice came from people who meant well – and who were probably right in many ways – but it made me feel nervous and unequipped. 

In the midst of all the warnings, one of Ben’s cousins talked about how much fun being a parent was. She went on and on about how, “ yes, it’s work, but it is also the best thing ever!”

In that moment, I remember finally feeling excited rather than scared.

So I decided I would focus on the advice that lifted me up rather than the words that brought anxiety.

Now as Juniper is getting older, we get similar well-meaning advice from people who say things like, “Traveling when they’re this age is easy. Just wait until she is walking. Then, your work is cut out for you!”

The “just wait until ” advice doesn’t sit well with me. So now I just ignore it.

Take the advice that makes you feel encouraged, and leave the rest. 

Yes, that applies to this list . 

The tips we’re sharing are things that worked for us . If something doesn’t sit well with you, ignore it and listen to the pieces of advice that feel right.

Everyone’s parenting journey is different. You’re in charge of yours. Nobody else.

9. Work on your mindset

Travel with a baby tips Austria monastery Ettal Abbey

Read the sentence below and internalize it: 

People have kids in every country of the world. 

Unless you’re going to a really remote region or an active war zone, bringing your child on a trip isn’t anything unheard of. Other people have brought their children to the destination you’re dreaming about, so why can’t you?

If traveling with your child is important to you, you can make it happen.

10. Adjust your expectations

Cenote Azul Mexico with a baby

Traveling with our baby has been one of the most empowering and rewarding things we’ve ever done. 

But it has also included moments of exhaustion and frustration .

Like many people, we probably don’t share enough of those moments publicly on social media . (Although I’m trying to work on that!)

tips to travel with babies

I truly think that for most people, traveling with a baby will be a wonderful experience as long as you have realistic expectations…

Think about what travel looked like before kids and what it will look like now. Consider what will be the biggest changes. 

This will help ensure your expectations are realistic and set you up for having amazing experiences with less frustration.

These are some of the differences for us:

  • Don’t worry too much though, the flight is just a small part of the journey and we have some tips for flying with a baby that will help a ton!
  • Traveling with a baby means we usually need to move more slowly , and we are able to do less each day than we would without a baby. 
  • Sometimes we need to cancel plans or turn around from a hike early because our daughter just isn’t having a great day. We’ve found we need to be a lot more flexible and be prepared for some plans to just not work out.
  • Good news: We’ve got practical tips for choosing accommodation with a baby ! 
  • We can’t just pop into a bar for a late-night drink if we feel like it. And there are plenty of cool bucket list activities that just don’t allow children . (Aka no more scuba diving together for a while!) Still working through my FOMO with this, but there are still plenty of epic things we can do, so I’m trying to focus on that.

11. Think about your why

Horses and baby in the snow in Garmisch, Germany travel with a baby tips

Between logistics and packing, traveling with a baby requires a whole different level of planning. And it can get overwhelming. Especially when you have family or friends who aren’t all that encouraging. 

When you start to get frustrated or overwhelmed, think about why you want to travel with your baby.

Is it to feel like yourself again and pursue a hobby you love?

Is it to create memories as a family? 

Is it to show your child the world and see it through their eyes?

All of the above?

Focusing on the why will make the process – frustrations and all! – much more bearable. 

Innsbruck Alpine Zoo aquarium with a baby

Here are some examples of why you might want to travel with a baby:

  • It fills your cup.
  • It shows your child to prioritize things that make them happy.
  • It shows them the world is so much bigger than your community.
  • It gives them the opportunity to meet and interact with people different from themselves.
  • It teaches them flexibility.
  • It creates lifelong memories.
  • It may introduce them to a forever hobby or skill.
  • It teaches them to cherish experiences over things.
  • You can grow and bond as a family.
  • You can push your comfort levels together.

And here’s one more that I’ll add to the list:

  • It’s easier than you think. (Hopefully this article helps make it feel more doable!)

Write your “whys” on post-it notes and stick them around your house. Journal about it. Set your phone screen to be a picture that motivates you.

Do whatever it takes to remind yourself of why you want to make traveling with a baby a priority.

12 Talk about what makes you nervous with your travel partner

Travel with a baby tips Cancun, Mexico

Still have some nerves?

That’s totally normal. In fact, I’d be a little worried if you didn’t have anything that you were nervous about.

It can really help to talk out these feelings with your partner. 

Maybe you just need them to listen to you and validate your concerns. Or perhaps walking through the scenarios that you’re most uncomfortable with together and discussing what you’d do in each situation will make you feel more prepared.

Whatever the case, getting your worries out in the open will help ensure you’re both on the same page and there for each other.

13. Don’t stress too much about the flight

Flying with a baby

The flight is just one (tiny) fraction of your trip. And in many cases, it will not be nearly as bad as you’re making it out to be in your head. 

Think of it this way: Most people on flights have headphones in (watching movies or listening to music) and won’t even notice if your baby is being fussy. 

That realization made me feel a lot better before taking our first flight with a baby! (Hopefully it helps you, too.)

We took 19 flights (legs) with our daughter before she turned one, and we gathered all our top advice and created an entire guide full of tips for flying with a baby that should help ease your nerves and make you feel confident about boarding that plane!

In short: Don’t let your nerves about the flight prevent you from going!

14. Start with a trip that’s within your comfort zone

Cozy Cabin with a baby

Just like we recommend starting with “mini adventures” near home so you can build your confidence, make your first trip with a baby one that is within your comfort zone.

Maybe this means you return to a place you’ve already been to.

Baby swimming pool travel with a baby tips

Or maybe this means you travel to a country where English is the native language (or widely spoken), so you don’t have to worry about language barriers.

Make the actual trip one that doesn’t stress you out or push your boundaries too much. This way, you can focus on getting the hang of this whole t raveling with a baby thang so that you can plan bigger, bolder trips for the future.

15. Pack as light as possible

Packing for travel with a baby tips

This is honestly a tough one because I truly think it comes down to finding a balance between packing light and making sure you have all the essentials (many of which are really freaking bulky).

We’ve got lots of advice on the best gear for traveling with a baby , but in general, less is more.  Make sure the items you’re bringing are going to be used and won’t just be dead weight.

And truly, bring as few toys as possible. You will thank me when you’re traveling around with ease because you ditched half the toys you thought you needed.

Psst! Want to know what baby gear we personally recommend? We’ve gotcha covered with our favorite baby travel gear.

16. Remember: you can get diapers everywhere in the world

Personally, I don’t stress too much about diapers because you can buy them everywhere in the world. 

Bring plenty of diapers for the plane and to get you through the first several days of your trip. But if you’re going to be gone for a couple weeks (or more!), don’t stress too much about packing the perfect amount. 

Just about every grocery store or convenience store should have diapers and wipes available.

If you’re having trouble finding them in your destination, ask the hotel staff to point you in the right direction.

17. Choose your accommodation wisely

Airbnb with a baby Garmisch Germany

Something I’ve learned is that the type of accommodation we book with a kid is much more specific than when it was just the two of us .

There are a lot of other factors to consider, and what might have been a perfectly good hotel for you will be a disaster with a babe.

Lemme tell ya, we’ve learned the hard way what doesn’t work well anymore now that we travel with a baby.

Revolution Hotel Boston

There have been a few very uncomfortable stays and even an Airbnb that we left (already paid for) because it just didn’t work with a baby.

Psst! Read our tips for choosing a hotel with baby so you don’t make the same mistakes!

18. Book places with pack ‘n plays when possible

Airbnb pack 'n play travel with baby tips

If it’s an option, try to book hotels and Airbnbs that have a travel crib for your baby. 

Many hotels and many Airbnbs offer this, so keeping it in mind when you’re making your reservations is key. This means you won’t have to travel with your own, which is a huge space saver.

Their booking details will usually disclose if they have a crib available. If you don’t see anything about a crib, it doesn’t hurt to ask. We once asked an Airbnb host if she had a crib available, and she decided to buy one so that she could offer it to future guests.

Airbnb pack 'n play travel with a baby tips

If you’re not finding any good accommodations with cribs available don’t stress too much. It’s definitely possible to bring your own.

The Guava Lotus pack ‘n play is undoubtedly the best travel one on the market. Trust me, I spent a lot of time comparing, and it’s the smallest, most durable, and made without toxic materials. So if you’re looking at buying one for travel, the Guava Lotus is what you want. (This is the one we personally have.)

Even though it is compact, it is still bulky and another item to lug around. So if you can get away with not having to pack it, that’s a big win.

Our personal experience

During our 3-week European Christmas Market Trip, we stayed at 8 different hotels/Airbnbs, and all but one had a crib available, so we decided not to bring our own. We are comfortable with co-sleeping, so we did this on the nights that we did not have a crib available. 

However, there are some destinations where finding accommodation with cribs is much more difficult. For example, we’re currently planning a trip where we’re mostly staying at Airbnbs and none offer pack ‘n play, so we will be bringing our own.

19. You can rent things on vacation… (but you might not want to)

Lately I’ve seen a lot of articles and social media posts about renting baby items on vacation through platforms like BabyQuip .

In theory, it’s a great idea, and can be really useful in some situations . There’s a lot to be said for not having to lug around bulky gear, after all. 

Examples of items you can rent: 

  • high chair if you plan on eating lots of meals at the accommodation
  • bassinet or pack-and-play when your hotel does not offer this option
  • car seat when it is significantly cheaper than going with one through the rental car company
  • hiking baby carrier (if you have a big hike planned for on your trip)
  • beach toys if you are doing an ocean vacation but don’t have or want to pack the gear
  • so much more!

But here’s my word of caution…

These rentals can add up quickly , and before you know it, you might be spending hundreds of dollars. (Especially if you’re on a longer trip.)

The prices vary depending on what products you’re looking for and where you’ll be traveling, so calculate the total cost to help you determine whether this would be worthwhile service for you or not.

20. Invest in a compact stroller

Montreal compact travel stroller travel with a baby tips

One of our most-loved travel items is our compact stroller. It is one of the things we’d strongly suggest buying specifically for travel.

On our first international trip with Juniper, we lugged our normal stroller. This stroller was a hand-me-down from a friend and we love it for at home. But we quickly learned that it was an absolute beast to transport.

It was very heavy and still took up quite a bit of space even when it was collapsed.

After that trip, we bought a stroller that was made for travel . It folds up small to be able to easily fit in the overhead compartment on planes, making it a breeze for travel. 

We personally love our Colugo stroller (and have brought it all over the US and the world!) and would highly recommend it as a durable and affordable travel stroller.

21. …and a solid baby carrier

Boston Chinatown with a baby

Having a solid travel stroller is great, but there are places and activities where a carrier is far superior.

Here are just a couple of things to consider:

Stroller is better when:

  • it’s hot out and you don’t want to baby wear
  • the sidewalks are well-maintained and the streets are flat

Baby carrier travel tips

Carrier is better when:

  • you’re in a crowded place
  • the sidewalks are not well-maintained (or the streets are cobblestone)
  • you’ll be getting in and out of public transportation

We’ve had a lot of baby carriers, and we both agree that the Ergobaby Omni 360 is the best all-around baby carrier. It’s pricy, but lasts for a long time and is good in a variety of situations. Plus, it works for both of us to carry her, even though we have very different bodies!

22. Consider traveling in a campervan

Scotland campervan rental with a baby

We’re biased and this certainly won’t be for everyone, but we’ve found campervan travel to be wonderful with a baby , especially when Juniper was really young.

We had everything we needed with us at all times, and we could pull over at any minute to cook a meal, change a diaper in the comfort of our own van, or just hang out in our own private space.

In Juniper’s first year we:

  • spent 4 months living and traveling in our own campervan that we built from scratch
  • we rented a campervan in Scotland for a 2-week road trip (spoiler alert: it was amazing!)
  • plus, we rented a campervan in Ireland for 1 week too!

If you’re renting, you’ll really want to look at the space to figure out if it will work for your family. Most campervan rental companies will be happy to help you choose. We also have a whole list of USA Campervan Rental Companies you can choose from that we personally recommend.

Traveling in a campervan with a little one certainly requires a different mindset, and I wouldn’t recommend it as your first trip with a baby if you’ve never experienced vanlife before . But I think camping can be very special with a little one and a unique way to see a destination.

VanLife Baby Packing List - Two Wandering Soles

And don’t leave home without our VanLife Baby Gear Checklist . These are the things we always pack in our van that make our lives so much easier and keep our baby happy.

23. Get a baby passport ASAP

Baby Passport airport

If you plan on traveling internationally with your little one in their first year, we’d recommend getting the process rolling shortly after they are born so you are sure it’ll arrive in time. We applied for Juniper’s passport when she was just 3 weeks old, so it really isn’t ever too early.

This is actually very easy to obtain and we have a whole guide to getting a baby passport . 

Good to know: If you have Global Entry and want to continue using it, you will also need to apply for this for your baby. We learned the hard way when we were turned away at Global Entry. “Interview” time slots fill up very quickly, so schedule this as soon as you get the passport.

24. Get travel insurance 

Hopefully I don’t have to explain why here, but we get travel insurance for every trip we take.

Now that we have a baby, it feels even more important to be properly covered.

Need advice on how to go about getting the best policy for your situation? We’ve gotcha covered in this guide to choosing travel insurance .

25. Get an eSIM on international trips

If you are traveling internationally, it’s super helpful to be able to connect to cell service immediately upon landing.

This can be essential if you need to contact your transport or hotel. 

We love eSIMs because you don’t have to search for a physical SIM card (a hassle) and you don’t have to pay crazy international coverage fees from your home phone service.

Our favorite eSIM is Airalo .

Psst! We have an entire guide to how to get an eSIM here . 

26. Renting a car is usually a great idea

Road trip Garmisch, Germany

We love using public transportation on our travels, but having a rental car is a lot more convenient when you’re traveling with a baby.

You won’t need to carry around your car seat or luggage, and you can go at your own pace, making stops as frequently as you need. Plus, you won’t have to run so you don’t miss that train! (We’ve all been there.)

When in doubt, make it a road trip. And be sure to check out our tried and true 5-step plan for making your road trip a success !

Want some road trip ideas?

Here are our favorite road trips in the world:

  • Iceland Road Trip
  • Scotland Road Trip
  • New Zealand Road Trip
  • Australia Road Trip
  • Yucatan Peninsula Road Trip
  • Costa Rica Road Trip
  • Banff to Jasper Road Trip
  • European Christmas Market Road Trip
  • Oregon Road Trip
  • Oregon Coast Road Trip
  • Utah Road Trip
  • Idaho Road Trip
  • Washington Road Trip
  • Colorado Road Trip
  • New England (fall foliage!) Road Trip

27. Include family in your trips

Family travel with a baby Nicols Ledge Vermont hike

Again, this is a tip that may not apply to everyone, but you may want to consider including family in your travel planning.

This could be an opportunity for them to create special memories with your little one, and who knows – maybe they’ll give you the gift of a “date night” while they watch baby !

You could either plan a trip together (hint: book a big Airbnb for the most comfortable stay!), or plan a trip to visit friends or family who live somewhere you’d like to explore.

We’ve been lucky enough to take trips with both Ben’s family and mine, and we’re excited to plan more extended family vacations in the future.

28. Move around less

Baby swimming pool and sunglasses travel with a baby tips

If you’re used to moving around from place to place rather quickly on your trips, you may want to slow it down a bit (or a lot!) when you add a baby into the mix. 

You’ll be able to cover much less in one day, and you’ll need to consider what you’ll do during nap times and when babe needs to go to sleep at night.

You certainly don’t need to stay in one place the entire time (though that’s not a bad idea); but trust me when I say you don’t want to move to a new place every single night .

Our rule of thumb is we aim to stay in places at least 2 nights on trips, but 3-4 nights per place is ideal , in our opinion. 

(An exception to this is when we’re staying at an airport hotel the night before a flight, we only book one night.)

Psst! Read our tips for how to choose the best accommodation for traveling with a baby !

29. Get to major attractions early

Calton Hill Edinburgh with a baby

Take advantage of your little one’s early wake up call (sleeping in on vacation is something I dearly miss!) and when possible, get to those popular sights before the crowds get there .

Not only will you have a better experience without all the people around, but there will be less commotion and sensory overload for babe. Plus, without all sorts of people around you may feel less self-conscious if your kiddo starts to get fussy.

30. Plan on early dinners (sometimes)

Travel with a baby tips Pho Vietnamese restaurant

Not gonna lie, I’m a huge fan of late dinners. I like the buzzy atmosphere and I don’t usually get hungry until later in the evening.

But alas, there are many cases where it makes a lot of sense to do an earlier dinner when you’re traveling with a baby.

Popular restaurants tend to be a lot more family-friendly before the dinner rush really begins. That might mean making a 5:00 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. reservation . If you’re like me, you might be rolling your eyes, but getting there earlier means you won’t have to worry about disturbing the late-night dinner crowd with a baby that is overwhelmed by all the sights and sounds.

We don’t always stick to early dinners, but when we know a place is popular or on the fancier side (or if it’s a weekend night), we do like to go before the real dinner rush (aka sensory overload!) begins .

31. Take advantage of room service (or takeout & delivery!)

Takeout pizza hotel with a baby

Pre-baby, this was never something I’d do, but having dinner in your hotel or Airbnb can be really convenient (especially after a long day of exploring!).

We’ve gotten takeout/delivery a handful of times on trips and either have dinner as a family, or eat once our daughter has gone to sleep. It’s can be such a treat.

Money-saving tip: If you book accommodation with a kitchen, plan on cooking at least a couple of nights during your trip.

32. Cook some of your baby’s favorite meals

Baby Led Weaning travel tips

When possible, I like booking accommodation with a kitchen or kitchenette so I have more control over what our daughter is eating.

We love having her try new foods on our travels, and overall she is a pretty great eater. But we’re not always able to get to a restaurant when she starts getting hungry. It’s nice to be able to whip up some easy and wholesome meals we know she likes at our Airbnb so we can carry them with us throughout the day.

Below are a few meals and snacks that have worked well for us. I specifically chose dishes that use few ingredients that are easy to find in most places around the world, as well as dishes that don’t require complex cooking equipment.

If your baby is eating solids, use these ideas or create your own list of their favorite foods that you can easily replicate on your travels. Use this list to determine what items you’ll need to pack from home.

Insider Tip: Bring reusable baggies ( like these or these ) to store food to easy eating on the go. You could even bring a small cooler so you can carry it with you during a day on the road.

Baby Led Weaning Travel Tips

Banana & egg pancakes 

Mash one ripe banana then add one egg. Mix until combined into a batter. Pour this in a skillet with oil (I prefer coconut oil), and cook on both sides, like a pancake.

I like to add a little nut butter and a sprinkle of cinnamon if I have access.

Insider Tip: Pack nut butter packets like these to be able to easily add it to different meals.

Smashed avocado

Super simple! You can add tomatoes too if you want. Serve as is or with rice crackers.


I prefer to bring my own premade mix from home in a large silicone baggie . Then I can cook small amounts at a time on the road. All you need is hot water.

You can make it however you’d like, but this is a combo I like:

Quick-cooking oats + hemp + flax + powdered coconut milk + chia + cinnamon + freeze dried berries.

Once it’s prepared, you can add nut butter as well as fresh berries if you’d like.

Baby Led Weaning travel tips

Chia pudding

This is a nutritious meal that is good to make if you’ll be staying in one spot for a while.

A simple Google search will show you plenty of recipes, but I like chia + milk (almond, coconut, or oat are my preferred milks) + a little maple syrup. I usually add a bit of cinnamon if I have it.

I sometimes pack chia seeds from home if I think they’ll be hard to find.

Scrambled eggs 

This is another go-to as eggs are easy to find just about everywhere. 

Bulk it up by adding other veggies, a sweet potato or avocado.

Rice + beans + corn

This is another easy one using ingredients you can easily find in most places. I’d recommend this one if you’re staying in a place for a longer period of time, as you’ll definitely have a few days worth of leftovers.

Alternatively, order rice and beans as a side at a Mexican restaurant and keep it in a takeaway container to store.

Baby Led Weaning Travel Tips

Pasta, peas, & pesto

Whole grain noodles combined with frozen peas and pesto is a quick and easy meal and it saves well for leftovers. You can add cherry tomatoes too!

Roasted veggies

If your accommodation has an oven, simply bake some veggies. Sweet potato is a favorite of ours!

Insider Tip: When you’re in a pinch, look in the prepared food section of the grocery store. We’ve found premade guacamole, what bulgar and veggie salad, fruit medleys, and lots more that has worked for us no matter where in the world we are. Check the frozen aisle too. We’ve found frozen falafel (or veggie burgers) and frozen veggies with hummus is an easy meal.

33. Find out where you stand on sleep schedules

Hotel pack 'n play travel with a baby tips

One of the most common questions people ask us is, “How do you stick to a sleep schedule while traveling with a baby.”

Our completely honest answer is: We don’t.

This may be somewhat controversial, but we realized early on that we didn’t want to be super rigid about bedtime while traveling. And we didn’t want to always need to go back to our accommodation for naptime.

This is something that has been gradually changing and adapting a bit as our daughter gets older and her needs change. But during her first year, we had a somewhat flexible bedtime and we did a lot of napping on the go. 

This doesn’t mean we were hitting the town until the wee hours, but we often gave ourselves a 1-2 hour window for getting back to the hotel and getting ready for bed. We got to know her cues pretty well and used them to inform our decisions. 

We also had worked on napping on the go so much that if she fell asleep while we were at dinner, we didn’t stress out. We’d enjoy our meal, head back to the hotel and transfer her into her sleeping space.

Important Note: Sleep schedules are one of the more personal topics when it comes to parenting. And we’re not saying our way is right for you. We’re simply sharing what has worked for us so you have somewhere to start.

34. Do your own research about co-sleeping

Hotel with a baby

Personally, once we felt our daughter was old enough, we practiced co-sleeping every once in a while so that we could use it as a tool if needed. This has come in handy several times on trips.

Ideally, Juniper has her own sleeping space in a hotel. However, in the case that she is having a rough night, isn’t feeling well, or we’re staying in a tiny room, we can co-sleep comfortably and with peace of mind.

We’ve also used this as a tool in our campervan on occasion. She has her own crib in our van, but if she wakes up in the middle of the night, we feel comfortable bringing her into bed with us so she is comforted.

Important note: Co-sleeping is another controversial topic. Do your own research and see how you feel so you can make an informed decision for your family.

35. Help your babe adjust to different time zones

Eibsee Lake winter Garmisch Germany with a baby

If you’ll be crossing time zones, here are 5 tips for helping your little one adjust easier:

Start shifting time zones at home

Before you leave for your trip, start to shift bedtime 1-2 hours to get closer to your destination’s time zone.

Start slow. A few weeks before the trip, make their bedtime 15 minutes later. Then 30. And so forth until you’ve shifted as much as you’d like.

This can help cut the adjustment time down once you get to your destination. 

Good to know: If you’re going to be changing time zones more than 2 hours, you likely won’t be able to fully adjust at home. But every little bit will help!

Hallstatt Skywalk winter

Maybe you don’t need to adjust at all

If it’s just 1-3 hours different from your home time zone, you may not even need to adjust at all. 

Let’s say you are traveling from Seattle to NYC. This means you will be 3 hours later than at home. 

Perhaps instead of a 7 p.m. bedtime, you allow your little one to stay on their normal schedule and go to bed at 10 p.m. (which will allow you to have extra time to explore the city in the evening). This will also mean later wake-ups which is always nice on vacation.

If this is just a short trip, this can work really well and will also cut down on the adjustment when you go back home.

While you’ll want to aim for the same amount of sleep they typically get at home, there’s no rule that says you have to abide by their normal bedtime hour.

Use daylight to your advantage

When trying to adjust to a new time zone, use outdoor activity and daylight to your advantage.

Your baby will realize this is daytime, and their body will start to adjust accordingly.

Travel with a baby tips Akumal Mexico

Expect jet lag to last one day per hour time change

There’s kind of a general rule that you should anticipate it takes 1 day per hour that you change time zones. 

So that means if you are going to be changing time zones by 5 hours, it will take roughly 5 days for you to feel “normal” and get over jet lag.

This rule is for both adults and babies, so use it as a gauge for your own travels.

Don’t plan anything big on the first day

If you will be shifting several time zones, we’d recommend keeping your first day (or two) relatively free. 

This will alleviate any pressure and will allow you and your little one to rest up after a long travel day.

Insider Tip: We like these homeopathic “No Jet Lag” pills when we’re traveling through many time zones. These are for parents (not babies), but being adjusted yourself definitely helps deal with helping your little one shift as well!

36. Book a family photo shoot

Hallstatt Family Photo with a baby

This is a fun one I wanted to throw in there just because!

Instead of booking a photoshoot at home (like many people do), connect with a local photographer on a trip for a photo session. 

On our European Christmas Market Trip, we booked this photo walk last minute, and were so happy we did. With a baby, it has become more difficult to get good pictures of ourselves. (If you know, you know!)

The pictures turned out amazing, and it was such a special souvenir from our trip. You will never regret having photos taken , after all!

We’re definitely going to continue this tradition in our future travels.

Want to do it yourself? Look on Airbnb Experiences . This is where we’ve found a lot of local photographers around the world. Some cities have more options than others, but it is becoming more and more common. Alternatively, you can try to find local photographers in the city you’re visiting on Instagram . Reach out to them in a DM or via their website to book a session during your trip.

37. Plan on some personal time

Seattle Hot Air Balloon | Two Wandering Soles

This might not be advice you take on your first trip with a baby or even on your fifth. But eventually, it might be something you and your partner want to consider.

What would it look like for each of you to be able to do one experience on your own while the other spent quality one-on-one time with your child ?

Maybe this would be something you used to do on trips in your pre-baby days, like going scuba diving or another adrenaline-fueled adventure. Or perhaps it would be a massage appointment to unwind.

I once did a hot air balloon flight next to Mount Rainier (babies aren’t allowed) while Ben and Juniper hung out in the campervan.

This might not appeal to everyone, but if you find yourself missing your old travel days, this might be just the thing you need!

38. You don’t need to limit yourself to only baby-centered activities

Zugspitz cable car travel with a baby tips

If you’re not keen on the typical baby-friendly trips or activities, like kiddie pools or zoos or chain restaurants, I’d like to pop in for a minute to remind you that travel with a baby can look however you’d like .

There’s no rule that says all your trips from here on out have to be at Disney or on kiddie-friendly cruises if that’s not your style. I know we didn’t like the idea of being relegated to only taking trips that were focused on babies from here on out.

We’ve found that while there are certainly some activities you just can’t do with a baby on vacation (scuba diving being the biggest thing we miss!), there’s a lot that you can do, even if it’s not marketed toward families.

Afternoon tea with a baby Edinburgh

Sometimes this means you’ll need to do more planning in advance, but in our experience it has been worth it to be able to continue traveling the way that feels best to us.

We usually research activities in our destination to determine which ones we personally really want to do. Then, unless it explicitly says children are not allowed, we think about what we’d need to do to make it work for us.

Cocktail bar with a baby

Here are some examples of what I mean:

  • Some cocktail bars only allow minors until a certain time, so we will plan to go earlier .
  • We pack lots of snacks and a good napping-on-the-go set up for walking tours or food tours (we’ve been on a bunch with her!).
  • Sometimes we might have to take turns at an activity , like snorkeling or snowboarding, while the other watches Juniper.
  • We might alter a hiking route to make it more doable with a little one.
  • Often, we’ll go somewhere with the mindset that we’ll leave if Juniper isn’t doing well . More often than not, she surprises us with doing great.
  • We still take public transport, but we’ll give ourselves plenty of time to get from Point A to Point B.

It kind of becomes a puzzle of: how can we still do this activity?

Travel with a baby tips Edinburgh

Don’t get me wrong – there are times we turn things down because it’s not worth it to us to make it work. But for the most part, we’ve still been able to do most of the things we really want to experience.

And we’ve been able to take some pretty epic trips that are focused on our interests (even though we have a baby):

  • road trip around Scotland
  • backcountry camping at Cracker Lake in Glacier National Park
  • lived in our self-built campervan for 4 months
  • Christmas Market hopping in Europe

Cracker Lake Glacier National Park Backcountry camping

As our daughter gets older and has her own interests, the way we plan trips will likely change, but up until this point, this is what has been working for us.

Overall, I’m honestly surprised by how much our trips now are similar to the things we’d be doing before having a baby.

39. Get ready for some really special interactions

Travel with a baby tips

Something I wasn’t prepared for before having a child is the sweet interactions it would bring to our travels.

We’ve had so many different types of encounters – from servers at restaurants falling in love with Juniper (see pictures below) to people offering to help out when she’s crabby (this has happened multiple times!).

Travel with a baby tips

The last photo in the set above was taken at a Venezuelan bakery in Mexico where I was eating by myself with Juniper while Ben had dental surgery. She was just the slightest bit fussy, and the two sweet women behind the counter insisted that they would cheer her up while I eat my food.

Juniper is quite the conversation starter (she loves waving at strangers!), and has brought a whole new level of sweetness to our travels.

I’m so excited to watch Juniper grow up and experience kindness from different people all over the world.

*Excuse me while I go wipe my tears.*

40. Go ahead and book those damn flights! 

Travel with a baby tips

Here’s my last piece of advice (for now!):

Just book it!

Don’t let the voices in your head (or your well-meaning neighbor!) scare you away. 

If traveling with a baby is something that’s important to you, I know you can do it. And I’ll be your cheerleader rooting you on!

The first big trip with a baby can be daunting, but I have a feeling you’ll realize it’s not as scary as you’re building it up in your head to be. 

And you’ll feel like such a badass for turning your dream into reality. 

You might even find yourself daydreaming about your next big family vacation, which will feel a lot more doable since you’ve already got one trip under your belt.

Personal note from Katie

Europe Christmas Markets travel with a baby tips

I truly hope this article has been helpful to you and leaves you feeling encouraged about traveling with a baby and motivates you to start planning that dream trip. I also hope you’re able to take away some helpful nuggets that you can put into practice! 

I do just want to say that if you want more content on traveling with a baby, please let us know. 

I have been avoiding writing this article for a number of reasons (which I’ll go into below), but it was readers like you who encouraged me to ignore these thoughts and just write it anyway.

So why did I avoid writing this article?

Lemme spill the tea… 

Scottish pub with a baby

1. Giving parenting advice always attracts negative comments. 

Anytime I share things we do as parents, there’s always someone to point out why they would do something differently. Or why traveling with kids in general is just selfish.

I’m only human, and negative messages and comments are not fun to deal with. So avoiding the whole “traveling with kids tips” felt like an easy way to avoid the negativity. 

2. Traveling with a baby is very different for every single person. 

Everyone parents differently and there’s no way I could create an article that would resonate with everyone. 

This was kind of keeping me frozen in place, asking myself, “How do I give all parents advice about traveling with kids?”

And then I realized I didn’t need to. I just needed to share what has worked for us. I hope you’ve read this article with that lens. 

Some of these suggestions may not work for you or your child. You know your situation best, so pick and choose the ideas and advice that feels good for you.

3. This isn’t a family travel blog.

We decided very early on that we didn’t want Two Wandering Soles to become only about traveling with kids as soon as we had a baby.

At its core, TWS will always be about responsible and adventurous travel . And we aim to share the best things to do in locations around the world, regardless of whether or not they’re family-friendly. 

That said, we’ve realized that we can create family travel content without that being the only thing we write about.

4. Honestly, I don’t feel like an expert at parenting.

Beehive Loop hike with a baby Acadia National Park

We traveled to more than 50 countries before getting pregnant. 

We lived out of a backpack for years on end, and called many different countries “home” for an extended period of time.

We have years and years of experience, and very much consider ourselves experts in all things travel-related.

But the whole parenting thing is new to us. We have one daughter. And at the time of writing this article, she is just over a year old.

So there’s a part of me who kept delaying sharing our “baby travel tips” until I felt like more of an “expert” as a parent. 

But I’ve come to realize that parenting is something that we’re likely never going to feel like experts at . It is a continuous learning process, and as soon as we feel like we’re getting the hang of it, things change. 

I finally became okay with the idea of creating content about traveling with kids without feeling like an expert. Because with the exception of people whose profession is related to parenting, we’re all just doing what we feel is best for our children.

And that might be as “expert level” as you can get.

Want more advice for traveling with a baby?

  • Our top tips for staying at a hotel or Airbnb with a baby
  • Feel confident on your flight with these tips for flying with a baby !

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Travel with a baby tips

We want to hear from you!

We hope these tips for traveling with a baby are helpful!

What advice would you add? Any travel hacks that have helped you? What questions or concerns do you still have?

Note: Please be respectful with your comments. Remember, we are sharing tips that have personally worked for us .

Comments (10) on “ 40 Practical & Encouraging Tips for Traveling with a Baby ”

Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experiences in such an engaging and relatable way. You’ve truly inspired me to create unforgettable memories with my baby. Keep the amazing content coming! Greetings!

Insightful travel tips with baby! I loved how you addressed the importance of booster car seats and how they ensure safety while on the road. Your practical advice on traveling with little ones is invaluable, especially for parents like us. As we plan our family adventures, we’ll be sure to consider the booster seat recommendations you shared. Thanks for helping us make our trips safer and more enjoyable for our baby!

Traveling with a baby can be a challenge, but having a reliable travel cot is a game-changer. It provides comfort and security for your little one, ensuring they have a familiar place to sleep and play. Investing in a lightweight and safe travel cot is a must for any parent on the go. Thanks for highlighting its importance in your informative article! -Baby Train-

I feel like I could tear up after reading this – what an invaluable resource! Thank you!

I have been following you both for quite a while & have been trying to implement the tips you’ve shared over the last few months. My baby is 4.5 months old & she is so chill. Maybe it’s her personality, but I also think it’s the way we’ve done things..which has a lot to do with the tips you’ve shared! She can sleep wherever. I’ve practiced changing her & feeding her in different places & she’s been to our local museums & coffee shops more times than I can count. Though I still get nervous about things (like her getting fussy in public, etc), she really makes it pretty dang easy. We’re hoping to spend a couple of months in Europe this summer, so I’ll probably be re-reading it & studying it so I can prepare us as best as possible.

Thank you again. <3

My children are older and I am still terrified of travel, I am so inspired by seeing you travel with Juniper! I am going to start being more brave!

So happy to hear this resonates. I totally get being scared – I am too hehe! Starting with small adventures near home has been so good at building our confidence and hopefully it helps you too. Wishing your family lots of memories and adventures in the years ahead!

As always, you nailed it with your advice and tips…and your honesty. I love what my father-in-law says that parenting is flying by the seat of your pants. So true! And I am a big believer that when you become a parent, you go with your gut because no one knows your kid like you do!

Juniper will grow up with a worldly perspective…what a gift you and Ben are giving her. Travel makes me joyful, too. I like what you wrote about being a better mom when you are happy…so true!

Last year my 21-yr-old daughter was so inspired by my travel blogging that she asked to take some trips with me. So we did and it was special! There is nothing better in this world than when your adult kids want to spend time with you…and in the form of travel!

What a wonderful foundation of love, adventure and joy you are building for your sweet girl.

I know this article will help a lot of traveling parents…and any negative comments you get…tune those right out! YOU are doing it right! Happy travels with your cutie pie baby girl!

Thank you so much for your kind words, Rachel. It means a lot! I bet seeing your kids grow into adults is unlike anything you can describe. And how cool that you get to share a passion with her! Thank you again!

This is amazing and such timely advice! My husband and I are due to have our first baby in May and we have been going back-and-forth about what kind of travel we want to do when he comes. This article has given me so much more confidence about the things that we can do with him and has really helped me see what is possible with a baby. Thank you so much for this! Keep the baby content coming! Your style of travel is so similar to ours and I love to see what you have done with Juniper so far!

Thank you so much, Stef, for the kind words. Truly just brought a smile to my face. So happy to know it resonates with you. And CONGRATULATIONS on this new and beautiful chapter. Wishing your family all the best!

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Baby Travel Tips: Everything You Need to Know About Traveling with an Infant

Traveling with an infant isn't for the faint of heart.

Caucasian mother and baby looking out airplane window

Getty Images | Blend Images

If you plan ahead, traveling with an infant can be a smooth ride after all.

Flying with a baby for the first time can be daunting. New parents are not only worried about their family's own experience with a little one in the air, but they're also worried how their baby's behavior will affect those around them. Plus, once you're on the ground, there are other issues to consider. Car travel with an infant isn't always fun, nor is the idea of staying with your baby in a small hotel room.

If you plan your travel strategy in advance, however, your trip can be considerably smoother. U.S. News consulted various family travel experts to get the scoop on the best strategies for traveling with an infant. Read on to learn all the tips and tricks on how to make traveling with your baby as trouble-free as possible.

Plan Travel Around Your Infant's Natural Sleep Cycle

While not always possible, Beth Santos, founder of ShesWanderful.com , says it makes sense to plan your travel around the times your child would normally sleep. This may not work on a long-haul flight, but if you are only flying a few hours and have some flexibility, it makes sense to give this strategy a try. And if you're driving, you should plan your drive to maximize your baby's sleep.

"It's great to sync with a time baby is naturally sleeping, so they don't get too restless on the plane, train or car," she says.

Book a Rental Condo Instead Of a Hotel

If your trip allows you to be flexible with lodging, consider a booking a rental condo with a separate sleeping area for your baby. Santos says having a separate space for your baby will make it easier for him or her to nap – and for you to get a break.

Home rentals also typically offer another benefit: a kitchen. Having a kitchen is helpful since you'll be able to heat up formula or milk and sanitize bottles.

Bring The Right Napping Gear

Your baby will likely have different napping needs as he or she grows, and you should be mindful of this when you travel. A baby carrier is perfect if the infant is small enough to use one, says Santos, but babies a bit larger might need to nap in a stroller. If that's the case, make sure you have a stroller that reclines and provides shade for your sleeping infant.

"That way, you can continue your adventures during the day while baby naps," she says.

[Read: 30 Travel Accessories That Make Vacationing Easier .]

Think Through Your Transportation

Santos says you may not need a car seat depending on where you're traveling.

"If you're traveling to a city with public transit or trains, and never plan to take a taxi, you might save yourself some energy by skipping on bringing a car seat," she says.

If you do plan to use cars as a mode of transportation and travel with a car seat, it might help to bring a model that connects to a stroller. That way, you can bring the entire unit and make it easier for your baby to travel along wherever you go.

Splurge for an Extra Plane Seat

Most airlines let infants ages 2 and younger fly as a lap child, saving you the money for a second seat. However, you could live to regret it if you skimp on a seat and wind up with a fussy child who is itching for more space.

Eghe Lenze, founder of TheExpectingMamasNetwork.com , says that extra seat can be a lifesaver since it means more room for you and the family.

Fly in the Middle of the Week

It may be worth it to fly during off-peak travel season or on days where air traffic is less substantial, says Lenze. Fewer flights can mean shorter lines at the airport and less travel stress overall.

"Fly on Tuesday or Wednesday as they are the least busy days to fly and you may be able to get the extra seat without paying extra," she says.

Be Smart About Feeding in the Air

If you're breastfeeding, Lenze also says it can be smart to feed your baby during takeoff and landing because it helps relieve ear pressure.

But that's not the only way to be prepared about feeding in the air: Other tips include making sure you have a few extra sets of clothing in case of a spill or diaper mishap. Also, check to see if the airline you're flying offers family boarding so you can hop on the plane ahead of other passengers, settle in and get comfortable.

[Read: 14 Tips to Survive Travel Anxiety and Enjoy Your Trip .]

Upgrade to Business Class

While paying extra for business class isn't always an option for travelers, travel expert Hilary Stockton of TravelSort.com says this is one area where you should try to splurge if you can.

"Consider using miles or points to fly business or first class rather than economy," she says. "You'll have more space around the seat to keep snacks, comfort items and toys within easy reach, and more privacy to nurse or feed your baby."

Premium cabin bathrooms are also more likely to have a changing table in the lavatory, making your job a little easier.

Check for Hotel Perks

Stockton says to check in advance whether your hotel offers useful items such as strollers, highchairs, diaper pails and objects to babyproof rooms.

"Luxury resorts such as Four Seasons often can provide these items for use during your stay, in addition to a crib," she says.

Remember, any items your hotel or resort has on-site means fewer things you have to haul around during your travels.

Protect Your Baby's Sleep

If you're staying in a hotel, make sure you utilize a "do not disturb" sign during your baby's naps. That way, your child won't wake up if someone knocks on the door. If you don't have a sign to display, ask for one.

Stockton also says it helps if your hotel has effective blackout blinds. Since you may not know this ahead of time, it never hurts to call ahead and ask when you're researching places to stay.

Pack Your Baby's Favorite Things

Susete Pinto, who works as a pediatric sleep consultant for Night Night Baby Consulting , says bringing familiar items from home may make your baby feel more comfortable. A favorite blanket, books, foods or bath toys may even make an infant forget he or she is in unfamiliar territory.

Plus, these items can especially come in handy when you're in the air and your baby wakes up, says Pinto. In this situation, you're in "survival mode," where anything goes.

"Giving in to whatever they need during a flight does not make you a bad parent ... it simply makes you a parent," she says.

Sign Up for TSA Precheck or Global Entry

Signing up for TSA Precheck and/or Global Entry can be a lifesaver at the airport since both can save you from standing in long lines when going through security before your flight, or when re-entering the country when you've been abroad.

If you don't have either of these benefits yet, keep in mind that many major travel credit cards cover the application fees for Global Entry or TSA Precheck .

Book a Hotel or Condo with On-site Laundry Facilities

It can be difficult to pack for your baby when you're spending time away from home, but it always helps to have access to a washer and dryer. Even if you're on a quick trip, baby messes can start to stink fast and you don't want to lug dirty or wet clothing, or cloth diapers around all vacation.

What's more, booking lodging with an on-site washer and dryer means you'll also be able to pack less.

[Read: The Best Family Hotels in the USA .]

Hire a Babysitter

Traveling with an infant can be absolutely exhausting, which is why it makes sense to set up a sitter ahead of time. Some hotels have on-site babysitters you can book for a fee, or you can always organize your own care through a website called Care.com .

If you're traveling to see family, ask them ahead of time if they're willing to watch the baby to give you a break for a few hours. Even a short nap or some quiet reading time can work wonders when you're stressed out from around-the-clock childcare, so take advantage if you can.

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

There's a lot of pressure on parents to ensure their baby is on his or her best behavior in the air and on the ground. However, babies can and do cry from time to time, and there's nothing parents can do to prevent or stop it. Pack everything you can to make your baby more comfortable, but don't bring so much baby gear along that you're miserable maneuvering it. Do your best and cut yourself some slack, and you and your baby will no doubt enjoy your trip.

17 Amazing Kid-Friendly Hotels

Best kids hotels

Tags: Travel , Vacations , family , children

World's Best Places To Visit

  • # 1 South Island, New Zealand
  • # 4 Bora Bora

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Everything You Need to Know About Traveling With a Baby

Traveling with a baby? Here are expert tips to make your trip as safe and comfortable as possible.

Years ago, Kristiana Choquet was nervous about taking her then three-month-old, Olivia, on her first flight. It would be long — 11 hours from Johannesburg to Paris — and like many new parents, she wasn't sure what to bring. "I packed a backpack of her own, with diapers and wipes, a messenger bag with extra clothes, and a rolling suitcase and stroller," she said. "Our friends were like, 'You're never going to need all this stuff.'"

Since that momentous first trip — which Air France made easy with a complimentary bassinet — Choquet has gotten smarter about packing. "Now I only fly with just one backpack for both of us," she says, laughing.

We asked Kristiana Choquet, the associate director of leisure for Embark Beyond , a travel agency in New York, and other experts for their best advice on how to travel with a child under 2. Here's what they told us.

Before the Trip

Check With Your Pediatrician

"If the family is traveling internationally, it's always a good idea to check with the pediatrician at least two weeks before to see if the child would require any extra immunizations," says Dr. David Fagan, vice chairman of the Pediatric Ambulatory Administration at Northwell Health in Massapequa, New York. Depending on where you're going, your child may need to have certain vaccines earlier, like the measles vaccine , or take a particular medicine before or during travel. Your baby may also need a COVID-19 vaccine (if he or she is older than 6 months) or a negative test result before traveling. The Centers for Disease Control's online Traveler's Health information page is a great place to research.

In general, there is no enforced minimum age a newborn has to be before they fly, although rules may vary by airline. For example, Vueling and Delta will allow newborns as young as seven days old to fly. JetBlue will allow infants as young as 3 days old to fly, but between three and 14 days you will need a doctor's letter of approval. However, it is generally recommended that you wait a few months before traveling in order to let your baby's immune system more fully develop. If flying internationally, it takes about six weeks to obtain a passport for your baby .

On the Flight

Consider a Rear-Facing Car Seat

Yes, it's a hassle. But on a plane, a rear-facing car seat is still the safest place for an infant, insists Fagan. And if you're traveling by car, this piece of safety equipment is a must. Check with your airline to determine the specific policies for using a car seat on board, and keep in mind that you may need to spring for a separate ticket. Be sure to take the infant out of the seat every couple of hours. "This allows them to stretch out and move their legs," Fagan notes, and they'll probably need a diaper change anyway.

Bring a Collapsible Baby Stroller

Choquet swears by the popular Babyzen Yoyo2 stroller, which folds neatly and can be slung over the shoulder like a tote bag. It also meets most airlines' carry-on luggage requirements, making it easy to navigate airports and train stations before throwing it in the overhead bin once on board. The only downsides are the price (this stroller is over $400), and the fact that it's not recommended for travelers under 6 months old.

Choquet also likes the Ergobaby, a wearable, space-saving baby carrier. "A lot of times baby falls asleep on your chest," and if your baby's a lap child, or under the age of two, this carrier can alleviate the stress of toting a stroller around.

Ask for a Bassinet

Heading abroad? Choquet recommends calling ahead to see if the airline offers a bassinet on board. These specially-made bassinets are designed to fit in the extra space of bulkhead seating sections. These are typically complimentary on international flights, though they're subject to availability. Delta advises to check ahead, especially for domestic flights, while United Airlines provides a limited number of bassinets on international flights only, which also need to be reserved prior to boarding. No matter what carrier you travel with, bassinets may not be used during taxi, takeoff, or landing, or when the seatbelt sign is illuminated.

Keep Your Baby Entertained

Choquet advises keeping your little one busy with "snacks, puzzles, coloring books," or "anything you can stuff in your bag that's not bulky." Load the iPad with games and kid-friendly movies, and stock up on favorite snacks, so you're not at the mercy of the food cart. Backpack too heavy? Old-school hand-clapping games like Patty Cake are always a hit and don't require toting around extra toys.

Deal With Changes in Air Pressure

"Most children are usually okay with changes in air pressure during takeoffs and landings," explains Fagan, but since infants can't swallow, pop their ears, or yawn, their only alternative for clearing their ears is sucking. Breastfeeding, or sucking on a bottle or a pacifier works well, especially during the initial descent, when the biggest change in pressure occurs. Ask a flight attendant to let you know when the descent is about to begin.

At the Hotel

Check for Safety

Safety standards vary by country, so be sure to do a thorough inspection of the hotel room upon arrival. "Parents should be comfortable with railings and check that the child can't slip through," Fagan warns. Also, scan your accommodations for exposed electrical wires and peeling paint chips. Parents of toddlers who walk should be especially vigilant.

Ask for Baby Amenities

Why pack a bottle warmer or car seat when you can get them at the hotel? Every Rosewood property comes fully equipped with diaper pails, baby baths, and monitors. At St. Regis hotels , parents can borrow strollers and stock up on diapers. "I've never really had to travel with a stroller," says Choquet, who advises calling ahead. Just remember to thoroughly check cribs and strollers for safety — visit the Consumer Product Safety Commission's website for current rules — especially if you're staying abroad, urges Fagan. If the hotel you book is not up on the family amenity trend, Choquet advises buying diapers, wipes, formula, and bottles online, and then having them shipped to your U.S. destination.

Arm Against Mosquitoes

You shouldn't let your child drink tap water (Fagan advises opting for bottled water while traveling), so don't let them skip the mosquito repellent , either. In tropical climates especially, long-sleeved shirts and pants are best, but also consider lotions with no more than 30 percent DEET , recommended for children over two months. (Never spray an infant due to the risk of inhalation.) Fagan says that placing mosquito netting around a crib can be helpful, too, but check with your pediatrician and the CDC to hear your options.

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40 tips for traveling with your baby or toddler

Take heart – babies and toddlers can be good travelers! Use these travel tips to keep your little one safe, healthy, happy, and well-rested.

Caroline Picard

When can you travel with a baby?

  •  25 tips for traveling with a baby

15 tips for traveling with a toddler or kid

What should you pack when traveling with a baby, what should you pack when traveling with a toddler.

Before traveling with a baby or toddler, you'll want to be prepared. Here's how to pack efficiently and entertain your little one on a flight or road trip.

It depends! There's no standard age when you can or can't travel with a baby, and most airlines allow newborns to fly after the first few days or weeks of life. (Policies vary from airline to airline.)

But because traveling with newborns is risky from an infectious disease standpoint, the  American Academy of Pediatrics Opens a new window (AAP) strongly discourages parents from traveling with very young babies. Most experts suggest waiting until around the 2-month mark.

At this point, "babies are outside the age range for the highest risk of a serious bacterial infection, and hopefully the 2-month vaccines have been given to further provide immunity" says  Chandani DeZure , M.D., FAAP, a board-certified pediatrician and a member of the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board.

Sticking close to home lowers the risk that your newborn will catch an unpleasant virus. Plus, traveling soon after birth would probably be exhausting for you. It's hard enough dealing with constant feedings, diaper changes, and sleep deprivation when you're at home, much less in an unfamiliar place. Also, waiting a few months before traveling may help you and your baby get into a better routine.

Still, infants aren't as fragile as parents sometimes fear. And by 2 months old , babies are pretty good candidates for travel, as long as the trip is low-key. They feel at home as long as they're close to you. Plus, they can't run around and get into trouble yet!

  25 tips for traveling with a baby

1. prep your packing list.

Think about the items you use to care for your baby at home, then decide which are truly essential to have with you during your trip. "Before your first or any flight with a baby , you need to think like a Boy Scout and be prepared," says Corinne McDermott, an authorized independent travel consultant, family travel specialist, and founder of the website Have Baby Will Travel Opens a new window .

"Since some baby items are difficult to come by while en route, ensure you have everything you need and enough of it to cover any delays, which are unpredictable and very likely to occur," says McDermott. (Here's a handy baby packing list that will cover your bases.)

2. Assemble a first-aid kit

Include all the first aid supplies you might need to deal with minor medical problems while on the road. Don't forget prescription medications, even if your baby only needs them on occasion.

3. Fill out an emergency contact sheet

Include your child's health information, contact names and numbers of healthcare providers, and a list of any allergies your child has or medications they take. That way, everything is in one place if you need it.

4. Bring lots of diapers

Whether you're traveling by car, train, or plane, you want at least enough diapers to last until you reach your destination and can buy more. It's a good idea to pack a few extras in case of travel delays. Also, bring diaper rash cream and plastic bags for dirty diapers.

5. Don't forget a change of clothes

Don't pack all your clothes in checked luggage! Have at least one extra shirt for yourself and a few outfits for your baby close at hand. Store them someplace that's easily accessible, like in your carry-on bag, diaper bag , or an easy-to-grab spot in your car. You never know when a diaper leak, spit up , or another mess might occur.

6. Make sure your child's immunizations are up to date

Check with the pediatrician prior to departure. Following an immunization schedule is critical to protect your baby from serious illnesses they might encounter during your travels.

7. Think about your stroller options

A lightweight stroller is your best bet if you're bringing it on an airplane. Some models are compact enough to fit in the overhead compartment when folded. If you don't have a stroller small enough to bring on board, you can either check it at the ticket counter or gate-check it. 

For road trips, your main concern will likely be what you can fit in your car. An umbrella stroller is always easiest to pack, but a full-size or jogging stroller might be better if you'll be walking a lot at your destination.

8. Invest in a good diaper bag

Look for one with enough pockets to keep you organized but not so many that you can't find anything, says McDermott. "Double-check you have everything you'll need in terms of food, formula , diapers, and changing supplies," she says. (Here's a full list of what to put in your diaper bag for reference.)

9. Consider a carrier

Baby carriers are great for carting around younger babies and keeping your hands free while you navigate the airport.

10. Dress your baby in comfy clothes

There's a time and a place for elaborate baby outfits, but a trip isn't one of them. Many parents find that it's simplest to put their baby in onesies or sleepers for a flight or car ride. 

11. See if you'll need any documents

Although the Transportation Security Administration Opens a new window (TSA) doesn't require children under 18 to provide identification for domestic flights, it's still a good idea to check your airline's requirements before flying with a baby.

Some carriers ask for an infant's proof of age for domestic flights, which could be a birth certificate, passport, or immunization record. Others might not ask for proof of age but may require a boarding verification document (printed for your infant from the ticket counter) even if they aren't occupying their own seat. And if you're flying internationally , your baby will need a passport .

12. Bring a car seat

If you've purchased an airplane seat for your baby, bring an FAA-approved car seat for your child . This is the safest way for kids under 2 to fly. If you didn't buy a ticket for your baby , you might get lucky and be able to use your car seat on the plane if there are empty seats on board.

13. Prep formula

If you're not breastfeeding, bring ready-to-use formula or make a few bottles of formula at home to bring along. (When traveling with formula, you can bring premade bottles in a soft cooler bag, or bring bottles of clean water and a separate container of powdered formula.)

If you're traveling by plane, review the policies for bringing formula on board and hand the formula to security officers when you go through screening. You don't need to put bottles of formula into the standard quart-size zip-top bag, and you aren't limited to 3.4-ounce bottles. Security officers may ask to test the formula, however.

14. Pack baby food

If your baby has started solids , bring as much baby food as you'll need for the trip. You can always buy more once you reach your destination. (Exception: If you're traveling internationally or to a place where it might be tough to find what you need, it may be easier to pack a bigger supply.) The TSA says Opens a new window that baby or toddler food in quantities greater than 3.4 ounces, including puree pouches, is allowed in carry-on baggage.

15. Don't forget feeding accessories

If your baby is eating solids, bring bibs that are large enough to cover most of their outfit, can be easily wiped off, and can be folded or rolled for easy packing. A few baby spoons and forks are helpful, too.

16. Bring your breastfeeding gear 

If you're breastfeeding, pack everything you'd typically need to nurse in your carry-on, such as nursing pads . If you're pumping, don't forget to pack all your pump parts, and if you're traveling internationally, check whether you need any adapters.

17. Anticipate ear pain

If your baby's ears seem to hurt from air pressure changes during takeoff and landing, encourage them to breastfeed or suck on a bottle, pacifier , or sippy cup. 

"I recommend feeding or nursing your baby during this time because swallowing helps relieve the pressure," says Dr. DeZure. "It can be very painful for babies, so expect them to be fussy and cry, but their ears will adjust once the pressure levels off in the sky or on the ground."

18. Adjust their schedule ahead of time

If you're crossing time zones, take steps to fight jet lag. Try shifting your baby's sleep schedule over a few days leading up to your departure and exposing them to sunlight once you reach your destination. Alternatively, you may want to keep to the same schedule in the new time zone if that works best for you.

19. Bring a blanket

Travel with a blanket so when you're in the airport or at a rest stop, you can offer your baby a nice spot to lie down, crawl, roll, or stretch their little limbs. A blanket can also be a helpful layer on chilly airplanes.

20. Pack entertainment

Generally speaking, the older the baby, the more entertainment you'll need to bring. Pack a goody bag containing a few of your baby's favorite toys, plus some surprises. Possibilities include nesting toys, baby-proof mirrors, rattles, musical toys , soft animals, pop-up toys, plastic keys, and teething rings .

21. Prepare for diaper changes

Changing a diaper on a plane is stressful, but a little preparation can help. Make a small bag with a few clean diapers, wipes, a small (or disposable) changing mat, and a plastic bag to store dirty diapers and wipes. Ideally, there will be a changing table in the airplane bathroom, but if there isn't you'll have to use the closed toilet seat – or your plane seat if you're desperate. Changing your baby's diaper right before you board can help limit the number of changes you need to do on the plane.

22. Check the car seat

If you're traveling by car, make sure your car seat is properly installed and fits your baby as well as possible. Check that the harness straps aren't twisted, and they're at or below your baby's shoulders (not above). The top of the buckled chest clip should be at armpit level after the straps are tightened.

 When you try to jiggle the car seat base, it shouldn't budge more than one inch side-to-side or front-to-back, according to the  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Opens a new window . In the car, your baby should always ride in the back seat, in a rear-facing car seat.

23. Babyproof

If your baby is mobile, find out whether your accommodations can be babyproofed before you arrive. If not, bring your own childproofing kit with the essentials. If you need to travel light, masking tape or duct tape provides a quick fix for most danger zones.

24. Don't try to pack too much in 

Whatever you do, try not to overschedule the first few days of your trip – you can't predict how disrupted your baby's rhythms might be.

25. Decide where your baby will sleep 

If you're staying in a hotel or vacation rental, ask if they have a crib or play yard when you make your room reservation. Another option: Rent equipment (just make sure it meets the AAP's safe sleep recommendations Opens a new window ) or bring along your own play yard or portable bassinet.

Many of the above tips still apply when traveling with toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged kids – you'll want to pack a first-aid kit and entertainment, for example – but there are also some specific strategies to keep in mind.

1. Pack plenty of toys and games 

Good options include paperback books, stickers, small animal figurines, small trucks, water-coloring books, Slinkys, small fidget toys, and "I Spy" books. 

2. Preload their tablets 

Make sure your child's tablet has plenty of downloaded videos, favorite movies, audio books, music, and apps that don't require Wi-Fi – and make sure they've actually finished downloading before you leave the house! (Although the AAP discourages screen usage for children under 2, they also say that "desperate times can sometimes call for desperate measures.")

3. Don't forget the car seat 

If you're driving, make sure your child's car seat still fits them well – if they've grown recently, you may need to make adjustments. If you're flying, bringing a car seat onboard is still the safest option for toddlers or preschoolers weighing less than 40 pounds. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommends an approved forward-facing car seat for children weighing between 20 and 40 pounds or a CARES harness for children weighing between 22 to 44 pounds.

4. Consider sleeping arrangements

Before you leave, plan ahead for where your child will sleep at your destination. While preschoolers and older kids are usually comfortable in twin beds or pull-out couches, a toddler who still sleeps in a crib at home will need a play yard or portable cot. Many hotels and rental homes supply these, but check that any gear provided meets the AAP's safe sleep guidelines and hasn't been recalled .

5. Get dropped off

The time it takes to park your car in the airport parking lot and schlep to the terminal adds up, and you haven't even gotten through security yet. If it's an option, many families find that it's most time-efficient to get dropped off at the terminal, or divide and conquer – one parent parks the car while the other waits inside the terminal with the kids and luggage.

6. Consider wrapping new (or newish) toys

Giving your child a few small wrapped items from the dollar store to open can make the trip feel a little more thrilling. For toddlers, even old toys they haven't played with in a while might be fun again. Plus, the simple act of unwrapping something provides a few minutes of entertainment.

7. Don't forget chargers

Make sure you pack charging cords for all your child's gear and have them within easy reach, as well as any necessary adapters if you're traveling internationally. Portable chargers can be a lifesaver, especially if your child's tablet runs out of battery at a crucial moment (like a super-long security or customs line).

8. Plan for bathroom breaks

Traveling with a child who's in the potty-training process or still uses a potty seat can require a little forethought. Portable potty seats (some fold up, so you can easily fit them in a carry-on!) ensure you have options while on the go. 

And even if your child has nearly graduated from diapers or pull-ups, having a few on hand for emergencies is smart – especially if you're traveling overnight. Spare clothes in case of accidents are crucial, too.

9. Pack more snacks than you think you'll need

To keep kids' energy levels up and prevent meltdowns, aim for a mix of fresh fruit, protein, and carbs. A few ideas: Berries, cubes of firm tofu, little packs of nut butter, crackers, pre-wrapped cheese, yogurt pouches, small sandwiches, steamed veggies, pretzels, cereal bars, dried fruit, cucumber sticks, dry cereal like Cheerios, mini muffins, homemade banana bread slices, and puffed snacks. 

While nutritious snacks are best, a few small treats that will be exciting to your child can help them cope with a long travel day. If there's a particular snack they always ask for, consider bringing one or two to dole out during moments when everyone needs a pick-me-up.

10. Bring along cups and water bottles

Thankfully, toddlers and older kids require fewer on-the-go feeding supplies than babies. But some basics, such as sippy cups, water bottles, and snack containers are still helpful. You never know what kind of drinking cups will be available at your hotel or rental home, for example, and it's always better to be prepared with items your child is comfortable using.

11. Don't forget comfort items

Tried-and-true favorites that give your child comfort, such as a lovey or blanket that's precious to them, can help them feel more settled when you get to your destination.

12. Anticipate meltdowns

"By this time, you know your kid and their triggers for outbursts, so it's a little easier to both prepare for them and avoid them," says McDermott. Leading up to the trip, she recommends talking about how exciting it is to travel and giving your child a rough outline of events. "Also, let them know the kind of behavior that's expected during your journey and model it yourself," she adds.

13. Just keep driving 

While it's smart to map out plenty of rest stops along your route, many frequent-traveler families find that sometimes it's better to keep driving than stop unnecessarily. "The best piece of advice on road trips with children is to keep driving if they're happy or quiet," says McDermott. "Even if you've completely mapped out the best rest stops or roadside cafes, unless you'll run out of gas or your bladder will literally burst, if the kids are comfortable and not complaining, keep going for as long as you can."

14. Bookmark fun car games

Road trips are hectic, yes, but they're also great opportunities to connect with your kids. You're trapped in a car together, after all! These fun car games for kids will keep everyone entertained.

15. Watch out for motion sickness

Some kids are more susceptible to motion sickness than others, and it can happen during plane turbulence, too. If you notice signs of motion sickness – a cold sweat and loss of appetite – encourage your child to look up from screens and, if possible, gaze ahead at a spot in the horizon. If your child is prone to vomiting, pack an emergency kit with spare clothes, paper towels, bags for soiled clothes, and wipes, and keep it within easy reach.

When you're traveling with a baby, you'll want to bring plenty of spare clothes (including pajamas, hats, socks, sweaters, onesies, and bibs) in addition to diapering supplies, like a changing pad, diapers, wipes, and plastic bags (to store messy items like dirty diapers, clothes, and bibs). A first aid kid, including a thermometer and infant pain reliever, and personal care items, such as sunscreen and diaper rash cream, are essentials

You'll also need a baby carrier or sling; an infant car seat, if they have their own seat on the airplane; a travel crib or portable play yard; a crib or bassinet sheets; and a larger blanket to play on.

Depending on where your baby is in their feeding journey, you should bring: spare bottles; formula; a breast pump and all its components; other breastfeeding accessories (like nursing pads); snacks; and a sippy cup.  

Don't forget about comfort items like: extra pacifiers or teethers; waddle blankets or sleep sacks; small loveys, toys, and soft books.

You can skip the diapering supplies when you're traveling with a potty trained toddler, but don't forget underwear and a portable potty seat. Plastic bags for storing messy items are still a great idea. 

Keep your tot entertained with small toys, books, and electronics (plus the charging cables and portable chargers) and fed with snacks as well as a water bottle or sippy cup.

In terms of gear, consider bringing a travel crib or portable play yard as well as a car seat. Last but not least, pack those personal care essentials (such as sunscreen, diaper rash cream, toothpaste, and their toothbrush) and a first aid kit. Don't forget about your child's favorite lovey!

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American Academy of Pediatrics. 2023. Flying with baby: Parent FAQs. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/on-the-go/Pages/Flying-with-Baby.aspx Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

American Academy of Pediatrics. 2023. Sun safety: Information for parents about sunburn and sunscreen. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/at-play/Pages/Sun-Safety.aspx Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

American Academy of Pediatrics. 2023. How to Keep Your Sleeping Baby Safe: AAP Policy Explained. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/sleep/Pages/A-Parents-Guide-to-Safe-Sleep.aspx Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

American Academy of Pediatrics. 2023. Car Seats: Information for Families. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/on-the-go/Pages/Car-Safety-Seats-Information-for-Families.aspx Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

American Academy of Pediatrics. 2022. Beyond Screen Time: Help Your Kids Build Healthy Media Use Habits. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/family-life/Media/Pages/healthy-digital-media-use-habits-for-babies-toddlers-preschoolers.aspx Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

Federal Aviation Administration. 2023. Flying with Children. https://www.faa.gov/travelers/fly_children Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

Mayo Clinic. 2021. Airplane ear. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/airplane-ear/symptoms-causes/syc-20351701 Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

Transportation Security Administration. Undated. Traveling with children. https://www.tsa.gov/travel/special-procedures/traveling-children Opens a new window [Accessed January 2024]

Chandani DeZure Opens a new window , M.D., FAAP, a board-certified pediatrician and a member of the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board.

Corinne McDermott, an authorized independent travel consultant, family travel specialist and founder of the website Have Baby Will Travel Opens a new window .

Kathleen Felton

Kathleen Felton is a freelance writer and editor. She was previously the executive editor of editorial strategy and growth at BabyCenter, the world's number one parenting resource. She is originally from Farmington, Connecticut, and now lives in Sydney, Australia, with her husband and two sons.

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30 Tips to Keep in Mind When Traveling With an Infant

profile picture of Nehal Aggarwal

Sure, going away is exciting—but when you’ve got little ones to account for, getting ready for a trip can feel more like work than vacation. Traveling with baby is intimidating, but it’s certainly not impossible. In fact, family travel expert Corinne McDermott believes traveling with an infant is often easier than traveling with an older toddler. “They’re not mobile, they’re not wiggling and they’re eating and sleeping around the clock,” she says. “It doesn’t really matter where you are!”

That said, whether you’re getting to your destination by plane, train or automobile, you’ll still want to prepare to ensure your journey goes as smoothly as possible. Below, experts break down all the travel-with-baby tips to know before you depart.

When Can You Travel With a Baby?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), both premature and full-term babies shouldn’t fly for the first few months of life unless it’s absolutely necessary. Flying can increase baby’s exposure to infectious diseases, so it may be best to wait until their immune system is a little more developed, or until they’ve received some of their initial immunizations , which are generally given at the 2 month visit, but can be given after 6 weeks old. Traveling by train poses the same risk. Road trips are usually the safest option for newborns and infants. Just make sure to have a properly installed infant car seat and take breaks every few hours, per the AAP . Of course, it’s always best to check in with your pediatrician before planning any kind of vacation with baby.

General Tips for Traveling With an Infant

Traveling with an infant can seem like a daunting task, but there are several ways to make it go a bit smoother. Whether you’re hitting the road, taking a train or flying, consider the following travel-with-baby tips:

Stick to baby’s schedule

Odds are baby has a naptime , bedtime and feeding schedule they’re used to. Children tend to behave better when they have a predictable sense of order, so try to plan your travel—as well as events on the trip—around that schedule (i.e. after baby’s nap or meal) if you can, advises parenting coach Tammy Gold . They’ll likely be less cranky if they’re well-rested and fed.

Keep baby’s meals handy

On a similar note, while traveling with an infant, pack plenty of formula, bottles, water (for babies older than 6 months) and other solids . Pack more than you think you’ll need in case of delays—and don’t forget to take all the essentials you’ll need for pumping while traveling .

Bring extra clothes and lots of diapers

When traveling with an infant, you’ll want anything and everything that can help clean up a messy emergency. Pack extra wipes in your carry-on diaper bag , as well as multiple changes of clothes for baby . “Bring more diapers and wipes than you think you’ll need,” suggests McDermott. Accidents happen. Stash plastic bags to hold trash until you have the opportunity to dispose of it properly. While you’re at it, keep a change of clothes for yourself handy in case of spit up or a blowout. If baby makes a mess, you might take the brunt of it. Plus, don’t forget the essentials, like travel-sized diaper cream , baby shampoo , body wash, moisturizer and other staples in baby’s daily routine, suggests McDermott. (This checklist is a great tool for packing all the baby essentials you’ll need in your diaper bag.) Gold also suggests trying overnight diapers for long travel days to prevent baby from getting uncomfortably wet.

Bring baby-safe medication

Consider also packing a first-aid travel kit in case of unexpected incidents, like if baby has an allergic reaction on the plane. It can also come in handy once you’ve landed, since you won’t want to hunt for a pharmacy in a strange place at an odd hour. You’ll also want to bring nasal aspirators , nasal saline drops, and infant Tylenol in case baby gets sick while traveling . Check in with your pediatrician for their recommendations on what medications to pack. Plus do some research before leaving on local pediatricians and pediatric hospitals in case of emergencies.

Pack baby’s toys

Whether you’re traveling with an infant or a toddler, packing books and toys to keep them entertained is key. Bring a mix of baby’s favorites, including items that offer comfort, like their favorite stuffed animal or lovey . Having that small comfort from home when baby’s in a new place can go a long way to making them feel happy and safe, Gold says. Bringing new toys or options that baby doesn’t usually play with can be a game changer too. “New situations also offer new perspectives, so that book your child loves for hours at home may not be of interest to them at all on a flight. But that other one they’ve never picked up will suddenly occupy them for hours,” Lund says. “Books, wooden puzzles, busy-boards and coloring books are great for flights because they pack pretty easily and don’t require movement to be used.” Wondering if you should consolidate baby’s books onto one device to make your bag lighter? McDermott says to do this only as a last resort: “Once you pull that tech out, it’s hard to go back.”

Go over the logistics beforehand

If you’re flying with a baby internationally, do some research beforehand to see if there are any special passport or visa requirements, or immunizations baby will need . Also investigate if getting travel insurance is a good idea. Finally, call your lodgings beforehand to see what kind of travel gear they offer. This can help save you the effort of packing baby gear .

Arrive early

Whether you’re flying with baby or traveling by train, give yourself ample time. Get to the airport or train station a little earlier than you normally would to check in, request any assistance and board when you can. The last thing any parent traveling with little ones wants is the additional stress of missing their departure time.

Don’t worry about other passengers

When traveling with an infant, one of the primary anxieties parents have is disrupting other passengers. While it can be really hard, try not to worry about what others think. “No one wants to be the stereotypical ‘bad parent’ on a plane with a screaming kid, but there’s a reason it’s so prevalent,” says Tyler Lund, founder and lead contributor at Dad on the Run . “Parents need to do what they need to do and what’s best for their children, regardless of whether it interrupts another passenger’s enjoyment of their in-flight movie.” Instead of worrying about other passengers, spend your time and energy making baby comfortable.

Be patient with yourself and baby

Another important tip for traveling with baby? Show yourself grace. Even with extra time and tons of planning, it can be challenging—with or without a child in tow. Despite all of your planning, baby may have a fit , or things may not go as smoothly as you had hoped. Accept the situation at hand and roll with it, Lund says. “Even the most epic meltdown won’t ruin the rest of your vacation.” It’s also okay not to be as strict about rules as you might be at home to make things easier on yourself and your little one. Be patient with yourself and your kiddo and know you’re both doing the best you can.

Tips For Flying With a Baby

Anxious about an upcoming flight? Check out the following tips for flying with baby to ensure you both have a stress-free and enjoyable time.

Figure out what time to fly

Chaos is inevitable around peak travel periods, like the holidays, spring break and the summer months, but you can avoid some of it by traveling early. Generally, airports are less crowded earlier in the morning, and early flights are less likely to have travel delays. “Given the choice between an early flight or mid-afternoon, I’ll take early every time,” McDermott says. “Some kids might actually go back to sleep for the ride to the airport.” As for booking the cheapest tickets, “steering clear of the weekends usually offers the best opportunity for reasonable airfare,” she adds.

Know TSA rules for breast milk and formula

Wondering what the deal is with packing formula or breast milk when flying with baby? According to TSA , when traveling with an infant, you can take breast milk, formula and baby food (like puree pouches) in quantities greater than 3.4 ounces for your carry-on; cooling accessories like freezer packs and gel packs are also allowed. These items are subject to additional screening though, so have them grouped together in a separate bag to make the check-in process go smoother. “It’s just easier to show security when you have all of baby’s food and drinks together,” McDermott says, adding that, while a clear bag may speed up the screening, it’s not necessary.

Gate check your stroller

Not to worry if you don’t have one of those cool micro travel strollers that folds up to fit in the overhead compartment. As you’re checking your luggage, tell the attendant at the counter that you’d like to gate check the stroller. They’ll give you a tag to attach to it, which is all the gate attendant needs to see as you’re boarding. The only stipulation: The stroller needs to be able to fold in half. With most airlines, it’ll be waiting for you on the ramp as you deplane.

Prepare baby for takeoff and landing

One of the most important tips for flying with baby? Be sure to soothe them during takeoff and landing. “Babies and toddlers tend to feel the most pain from the pressure, since the Eustachian tubes in their ears are much smaller,” explains McDermott. “The act of swallowing helps to clear them, so nursing or sucking on a bottle or pacifier can help. However, don’t be afraid to administer a dose of baby pain reliever if your child really seems to be in pain.” (Get the green light from your pediatrician first.) For older kids, swallowing snacks or drinks should help with the ear pain from the change in air pressure. Plus, while pain relievers may be okay, experts don’t recommend offering little ones medicines like Benadryl to help them “sleep better” on the flight, as it can cause adverse side effects.

Think carefully about your seats

One of the most valuable tips for flying with baby? If you have the flexibility, choose seats that work best for your family. Lund recommends the bulkhead seats toward the front. These are the rows without seats in front of them, and they often have more leg room. Some airlines may also have a pull-out bassinet in the bulkhead area too. Call your airline ahead of time and see if they’ll let you reserve the bulkhead seats, suggests Lund.

McDermott, on the other hand, prefers the back of the plane, where you can nab a spot closer to the bathroom and the service galley. “It’s easier to catch the flight attendant’s attention should you require assistance with anything,” she explains. A window seat is also usually better for baby to protect them from the service carts and any items that may fall out of overhead bins.

Consider getting baby their own seat

While the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) allows babies and toddlers under 2 years old to sit on your lap, the AAP suggests getting baby their own seat with a car seat that’s certified for airplane use. Check in with your airline on whether baby’s gear will count as luggage and whether there are any rules and regulations to keep in mind.

Accept help from anyone you can

Many passengers or crew members will be willing to help a family traveling with an infant. Particularly at the airport, you might be surprised at how friendly and helpful TSA agents, airline employees and flight attendants can be when you ask for assistance.

Figure out if pre-boarding is right for your family

One of the biggest questions parents have when flying with baby: To preboard or not to preboard? It’s really a matter of preference and your child’s temperament . Is an extra 30 minutes of sitting on the plane a recipe for disaster—or is that additional time going to help everyone get settled? “Personally, if I let my kids run wild until the last minute, it takes them a long time to settle down,” McDermott says. “I prefer pre-boarding because it gives me the opportunity to get organized and settle the kids in their seats. You want to make sure you have access to a close overhead bin, as well as have time to install a car seat if you brought one.”

Find the airport’s play areas

Most major airports will have at least one play area for children—and this can be a great place for them to get all their energy out before boarding a flight. “It also helps to keep them from falling asleep in a stroller or on seats at the gate right before boarding,” Lund says. While it’s unavoidable at times, waking up little ones right before boarding a plane may quickly cause a meltdown.

Keep baby entertained mid-flight

“Most toddlers don’t like being restrained for lengths of time and just want to get up and explore the plane,” Lund says. Along with toys, keeping baby entertained may involve walking up and down the aisle with them when the seatbelt sign is off. Pay no mind to other passengers—as long as baby is safe and happy, that’s really all that matters.

Use bedtime as a tool for international flights

For international flights, consider overnight options, and book flights around baby’s normal bedtime. “[This] gives them a chance to calm down, get used to the setting and fall asleep. It also helps in the case of a minor delay,” Lund says. “Our boys refused to sleep on our first flight until two hours after their bedtime… Once they fell asleep though, they were out for the rest of the flight and gave us time to ourselves.”

Car Travels With Baby Tips

Keeping your little one happy while they’re strapped into a car seat for hours can be a challenge. As you gear up for a road trip with baby, keep the following travel-with-baby tips in mind:

Check the car seat

Baby will be spending the entire ride in their car seat, so it’s crucial to make sure they’re safe and secure in a properly installed car seat . While babies shouldn’t sleep in car seats for long stretches of time or overnight, the AAP notes that babies can doze off in a properly installed car seat while your vehicle is in transit.

Plan your route

Know where the gas stations and rest stops are located. Moreover, take note of any hotels along the way in case you need one, and call ahead to see if they provide a safe sleep space for baby. If not, bring a bassinet or a travel crib . Also, don’t be super-strict about arrival time. “You can’t plan around unexpected diaper changes or needing to nurse,” McDermott says. “If you go with the expectation that things will take a lot longer than usual, you’ll be fine.”

Time your departure

If you’re going to be in the car for a few hours, try timing it with baby’s nap schedule or earlier in the morning when they’re still sleeping. For longer trips, consider driving at night during baby’s normal bedtime .

Make sure everything you need is handy

Before you pull out of the driveway, make sure you have everything you and baby will need within arm’s reach. This includes extra clothes, diapers , wipes, meals and toys for baby, as well as water, hand sanitizer , sunglasses and a phone for you.

Sit in the backseat with baby

If possible, it’s smart to have a caregiver sit in the back to help with baby’s needs throughout the ride. It’ll also help keep them entertained. Whether you’re reading board books or singing a song, interaction is key when traveling with baby. “When they’re small and rear-facing, it gets awfully boring in that back seat,” McDermott says. “An engaged, safe and comfortable baby is usually a happy baby.”

Take breaks every few hours

Not only will this help you stretch your legs, but it may also keep baby from getting too restless. The AAP recommends taking a break every two to three hours during day trips and four to six hours at night. Use this time to change baby’s diapers and feed them. (The AAP also cautions parents to never breastfeed baby in a moving car.)

Pull over when you need to

Maybe baby just won’t stop crying because they threw their toy and now it’s stuck somewhere between the seat and the door, or maybe you need to use the restroom. Whatever the reason, if there’s anything distracting you from the road, pull over and take the time to deal with it. If you’re traveling with baby alone and need to leave the car, take them with you. Otherwise, work with your traveling companions to ensure everyone’s needs are met before getting back on the road.

Train Travels With Baby Tips

The train seems ideal for traveling with baby, right? You’re free to move around, baby always has a view and you don’t have to keep your eyes on the road. “For older toddlers, you can’t beat it,” McDermott says. Plus, Amtrak also offers great discounts for kids: Infants 0 to 2 travel for free, and children ages 2 to 12 ride at half price. However, there are some things to keep in mind to have a smooth ride—and many of these will be similar to our tips for flying with baby.

Tag team finding seats

If you’re traveling with your partner or someone else, have them scout out seats while you tend to baby. Many cars have four seats facing each other toward one end, and these typically have more room. Try to snag those seats if they’re available. Also, ask the conductor which doors will open at your stop so you won’t have to scramble to switch cars.

Sit by a window

If you’re able, try to grab baby a window seat. Similar to flights, it’s safer than the aisle. Plus, the view outside may keep baby engaged and entertained while you take a few minutes to yourself.

Above all else, when traveling with baby, remember to have patience. “Tantrums and breakdowns aren’t malicious; they’re a sign of frustration,” Lund says. “Remembering this might be the difference between a bad [experience] that’s a side note to an otherwise great vacation, and a bad [experience] causing a bad vacation.”

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.

Tammy Gold , LCSW, MSW, CEC, is a licensed therapist, certified parent coach, author and the founder of the Tammy Gold Nanny Agency. She has over 20 years of experience and received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania and her master’s degree from Columbia University.

Corinne McDermott is a TICO-certified family travel expert with over 15 years of experience and the founder of the blog Have Baby Will Travel . She received her bachelor’s degree from Toronto Metropolitan University.

Tyler Lund is the founder and lead contributor to Dad on the Run , a blog dedicated to fatherhood. He’s also a software development manager, tech nerd, home-brewer, three-time marathoner and rescue dog owner. He loves traveling to new and unique places a bit off the beaten path and sharing stories from these adventures.

HealthyChildren.org, Flying with Baby: Parent FAQs , November 2019

HealthyChildren.org, Is it Safe for My Baby to Travel in a Car Seat a Few Hours at a Time? , December 2022

Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center, The Importance of Schedules and Routines , September 2023

Cleveland Clinic, Why Can’t Babies Drink Water? , September 2023

Transportation Security Administration, Traveling With Children

Pediatrics Child Health, Air Travel and Children , January 2007

Federal Aviation Administration, Flying With Children , September 2023

HealthyChildren.org, Travel Safety Tips , August 2018

Amtrak, Discount Information for Children

Learn how we ensure the accuracy of our content through our editorial and medical review process .

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We asked, you answered: Parent-approved tips on traveling with kids under 2

Becky Harlan headshot

Becky Harlan

Photograph of a baby sitting next to an open carryon suitcase filled with clothing and other travel items, all against a light pink backdrop.

Last month, Life Kit asked parents to share their go-to advice for traveling with babies and toddlers under age 2 as part of an episode we did on the subject. Over 200 folks responded with tips they wish they'd known before taking a big trip with a little one.

Reading through these responses, it became clear there's no magic hack that works for every kid. Some parents swore by sticking to their kid's sleep schedule on a trip, others said their vacation was smoother when they let the usual routine go. Some sang the praises of the overnight flight (so their child would sleep on the plane), others said their child has never slept more than 10 minutes on a plane no matter the timing.

I flew to Japan with my baby. Here's the travel advice that helped me survive the trip

I flew to Japan with my baby. Here's the travel advice that helped me survive the trip

A few pieces of advice held true throughout. A hungry kid is an unpleasant kid, and children are messy. So packing lots of snacks, extra diapers and a change of clothes ranked high on the list of must-dos. Almost 40 of over 200 responses suggested packing extra outfits in your carry-on for your kid and for you. (If your charge spits up, throws up, blows out or spills it will also get on you!)

So here's a non-exhaustive, impossible-to-be-comprehensive, but-hopefully-still-helpful round-up of your top advice for traveling with little kids. These responses have been edited for length and clarity.

What to pack

A stroller that can be stored in the overhead bin. It's a game changer to not have to check clunky strollers at the gate or check-in counters. —Amy P.

A change of clothes for yourself. If the baby spits up or has a blowout, there's a high likelihood that the mess will end up on you too, especially if you're holding them. Also, be sure to bring a bag to put messy clothes in. Reusable waterproof bags are great and they keep the smell in! —Jenna Yount

Extra diapers. You think you will be fine but if something comes up it's not a good situation to be in. —Jeanna Limtiaco

Overnight diapers. Fewer diaper changes in transit makes everyone happier. —Samantha Warren

Snacks. Remember, the U.S. Transportation Security Administration allows for any size baby food [and baby or toddler beverage], so pack those pouches! —Clara W.

Meds you and your kids might need in flight. That includes chewable Tylenol, Imodium, Dramamine, Zofran, ginger chews, Band-Aids and alcohol wipes. —Paige Ellis

A dark-colored bath towel. It's a blanket, it's for tidying up, it's a tablecloth, it's a sun cover, it shields bottoms from hot slides, it dries off swings. It's a multi-tasking powerhouse. —Judith Heise

Consider what may make sense to buy, rent or borrow upon arrival. You don't need to stuff everything into your suitcase. Buy some of your diapers and snacks at your destination. See if you can borrow or rent large, bulky items like car seats or travel cribs from Facebook Marketplace or your hotel or Airbnb. —Jocelyn Newman

How to get through the flight

Get to your gate an hour before boarding. It gives you time to feed your child, change their diapers, have a cup of coffee and fill your water bottle. It can also help your kid let out their energy before they have to sit on the plane. —Shelly C.

Check the airport for family friendly spaces. Use nursing spaces or pods and family restrooms to reset as needed. Check lounges for nursing and play rooms. —Sara Conger

Take an early morning flight. Those are least likely to get delayed, which is important when traveling with kids. —Carina Ochoa

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Parenthood Is A Shock To The System. These Tips Can Help You With The Transition

Board with your partner separately. If you're traveling with two caregivers, have one go on the plane first with all the stuff and do the gate-checking of the stroller while the other hangs back with the kids until the last minute. It gives kids more time to run around! —Andrea De Francesca

Get a plane seat for your kid. Even though many airlines allow kids under 2 to fly for free as a lap baby, if you can afford to get them their own seat, it is worth it. It is recommended for safety to have them in a car seat, according to the Federal Aviation Administration, and the extra space for them to move around is nice. —Nicole Shelledy

Be ready for motion sickness. We were not prepared for how easily some little ones get motion sickness on an airplane. Have throw-up bags handy at all times. —Tiff Bankhurst

Prevent ear discomfort. Sucking during take off and landing may help relieve ear discomfort. My babies have flown with me from 4 weeks onward and never had a problem as long as they had a bottle or sippy cup or straw to suck on. —Shelly Ransom

Don't plan on them sleeping on the plane. It's great if they do, but if it doesn't happen, you'll be frustrated. —Colleen Mayerhoff

Don't worry too much about your kid "bothering" other people. The vast majority of people don't care, and many have been in the same situation you've been in and feel nothing but empathy for you. As for those who do care, they are not guaranteed a child-free existence in public. Kids are part of society too, and they are also allowed to take up space. —Jenna Yount

Make friends with the flight crew. They're going to help, they've got more experience than you, and they also want the flight to be pleasant. —April Graham

Save the screens for the flight. If you're using a screen, wait until you're on the plane. While you're waiting in the terminal, let them move as much as possible. Find an empty gate and play Simon Says, see who can jump in one place the longest, do animal charades. Let them go wild. —Paige Ellis

Download age-appropriate shows for your child on an iPad. (But know that if your kid is under age 2 they'll mostly just want to push the buttons.) —Chantel Dockstader

Travel hacks

Find a lodging close to a grocery store and a park. It makes it easy to buy last-minute things and burn off their energy easily at a park. —Gillian Molina

Dress your young kids in bright, matching shirts. I once traveled alone when my kids were 2, 4 and 6. We all wore matching yellow shirts so people could see we were together. —Emily Hernandez

If you want to let your little one crawl around , bring a pair of socks that you can put over their hands. Then you don't have to worry about dirty hands afterward. —Shannon Geraghty

Hire a photographer. You'll have photos with everyone in them, maybe get to see some scenic parts of the city you hadn't seen before. Dress up, wear matching outfits, be extra! They're only little once. —Tina Doyle

Helpful mindsets

It's not a vacation. It's a trip. You're just parenting in a new place. Set your expectations accordingly. —Laura Henriquez

The airport/train/bus/car is not the time to enforce the normal at-home rules. Do you want Doritos at 7 a.m. at the airport? OK. Do you want to watch 20 episodes of Blippi on the plane? No problem. There are no rules when traveling. This also makes traveling fun for kids because they get to do something different. —Meg Houston

Build in extra time to do things. It will decrease the chances of you and your child getting into stressful situations. —Cori DeLano

You're not going to get as much done as you think with a kiddo in tow. Think about things like nap schedule, traveling with a stroller, meltdowns, diaper changes. On my most "successful" trip with my kiddo, we planned one big activity a day and left the rest of the day open with some general ideas and left room for flexibility. —Whitney Winters

They might not remember, but you will. —Nina Hartman

The digital story was edited by Malaka Gharib. The visual editor is Beck Harlan. We'd love to hear from you. Leave us a voicemail at 202-216-9823, or email us at [email protected].

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  • Life Kit: Parenting

What to Pack When Traveling With Baby

Fact-checking standards, latest update:, when can you travel with your baby, read this next, what to pack for your baby in a carry-on bag, what to pack in your baby's suitcase.

Happy travels!

What to Expect the First Year , 3rd edition, Heidi Murkoff. WhatToExpect.com, Flying With a Baby? Here's What to Know Before You Go , September 2021. WhatToExpect.com, Do Babies Need Passports? , October 2021. WhatToExpect.com, Best Travel Toys for Babies , February 2021. WhatToExpect.com, Baby Products You Can Take on a Plane , September 2020. American Academy of Pediatrics, Flying with Baby: Parent FAQs , November 2019. American Academy of Pediatrics, Is It Safe for Families to Travel Now? , August 2021. American Academy of Pediatrics, Travel Safety Tips , August 2018.  American Academy of Pediatrics, Is It Safe for My Baby to Travel in a Car Seat a Few Hours at a Time? , August 2021. Transportation Security Administration, Traveling with Children . Federal Aviation Administration, Flying with Children , March 2021. Mayo Clinic, Is Air Travel Safe for an Infant? , October 2019.

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Traveling with Babies: Tips That Will Make Your Life Easier

Cindy Richards

Traveling with a baby for the first time? If the thought of taking your infant on a trip makes you break out in hives, we can help.

These baby travel tips will work on everything from day trips nearby to international flights around the globe. They’ve all been tested by SheBuysTravel writers who have been around the world with their babies!

Here, in one place, find all of our most helpful family travel tips, including what to pack for a road trip with little ones, essential air travel advice, how to handle naps in between sightseeing and why a baby carrier will be your best bet for traveling with a baby.

Road Trips with a Newborn

This is where most new parents start. It’s certainly where my husband and I started with our 2-month-old son. We bundled him into a car seat and headed 70 miles away to the grandparents’ house for a visit.

1. Start small

Take short car rides to acclimate your baby to spending time in her car seat.

You don’t want to learn, as SheBuysTravel writer Julie Bigboy did, that your baby doesn’t like car rides when you’re stuck in heavy traffic on the freeway. It made for a very loooooong trip as they idled in traffic while the baby screamed.  

2. Travel light

Just going to my parents’ house on that first road trip seemed like a huge endeavor. We packed a stroller, filled a diaper bag and loaded up on baby toys. My mom (a first-time grandma) had already bought a high chair and crib to keep at her house, so at least we didn’t need to bring those.

Back then, I wish I had known about SheBuysTravel writer Greg Stump’s trick for traveling without a crib. And, of course, now I know that small children don’t really need all of that stuff.

Just pack the basics: A few more diapers than you think you’ll need. Especially if your baby wears cloth diapers. At least two extra outfits because there will be diaper blowouts. Baby’s lovey and one or two toys.

Really. That’s it.

And, yes, you have permission to take everything you can carry the first and maybe even the second time you head off on a road trip with the baby. But on that third trip, leave behind all the stuff you didn’t use on the first two trips.

3. Drive while they sleep

When SheBuysTravel writer Anuja DeSilva was ready for a weekend getaway with her baby, she and her husband looked for places within a two- or three-hour drive from their home in Westchester, New York. They planned the drive to coincide with the baby’s nap time.

She and her husband looked at the trip as one in which they would scout the area for a return trip later when the baby was older.

They spent much of the visit to the Hamptons with a baby driving around while the baby napped. It might not have been as exciting as a pre-baby vacation, but at least they weren’t at home staring at the same walls. And the baby was getting used to sleeping in a different place. That’s the first critical step toward raising a committed traveler!

SheBuysTravel Tip:   Before heading off on your first road trip with a baby, read our survival guide for road tripping with a baby. It’s got very practical tips on everything from breastfeeding in the car to changing a diaper in the car.

Getting Around with Baby

This is certainly personal preference — yours and your baby’s.

Some people swear by those big-wheeled jogging strollers that look like they could take on the Baja. My husband just liked to carry our babies in his arms. I preferred umbrella strollers because they are lightweight and easy to carry up and down the stairs of the L in Chicago.

4. Why you need a baby carrier

SheBuysTravel writer Nasreen Stump, who has traveled with all four of her kids since they were infants, swears by baby wearing. Why? Having hands. If you’re wearing the baby, you can pull a carry-on bag through the airport, feed yourself a snack, pack up the beach toys and even just to give your arms a break when you’re standing in line for the rides at Disney World.

Carriers are like jeans, there’s a version for everyone. You’ll need to find the right fit for you. Nasreen keeps a Tula soft structured carrier in her car for emergency ups (even though her youngest baby is now a toddler). If you’re heading to the beach, look for a water carrier/sling to keep baby close and introduce them to water safely.

SheBuysTravel Tip : As a bonus, the carrier can be used to fashion a pseudo-high chair in restaurants if necessary!

5. Test your travel gear before the trip

From strollers to car seats to baby carriers to diaper bags, you’ll want to travel with the gear that makes baby and you the most comfortable. No one — you or the baby — wants to be a mile in to a 3-mile hike only to find that the baby doesn’t like the backpack you’re carrying her in.

And why do you want to test the diaper bag? Because you need to be comfortable with the bag when traveling with baby. Even more important, you need to know where everything is and know how to access it quickly when the blowout happens or the baby needs a binkie!

Flying with a Baby

Julie’s first flight with her baby was a 5-hour flight from California to Florida. Alone. She’s braver than I ever was. But she’s a mom warrior.

These are her tips for making that first flight as easy as possible, on both of you.

6. Start small

Just as with road trips, if you can, start with a short flight of less than two hours. It will give you and the baby a chance to test the whole process.

Was she intrigued by going through TSA or freaked out? Did she like the feel of takeoff and landing or did she scream in pain? Was it easy to hold her on your lap or do you wish you bought the baby her own seat?

7. Choose a direct flight whenever possible

Getting on and off the plane with a carry-on and a baby is less stressful when you know you only have to do it once. Avoid the layover and go straight to your final destination whenever possible!

8. Book the right seat

For some, this will be the window seat. For others, the aisle seat. It’s not just personal preference. It’s really a question of how much you expect to get up.

Will your baby need to be walked up and down the aisle whenever the “fasten seat belt” sign is off? Or is he happy in his car seat or on your lap? Is the flight long enough that it will require at least one diaper change in the lavatory?

9. Choose a red eye if it’s a long flight 

Your baby likely will sleep for a greater portion of the flight.

10. Board as soon as possible

If the carrier offers early boarding for families, take it. You’ll be able to store everything in the overhead bin and get yourself and the baby settled before the crowd descends.

11. Book the bulkhead seat

On the wide-body jets commonly used for international flights and cross country domestic flights, bulkhead rows are set up so a bassinet can be mounted to the wall. And there’s more legroom, which means more room for easily accessing baby gear.

The downside is no under-seat storage for that baby gear so you’ll need to find space in an overhead bin during takeoff and landing. (Remember what we said about jumping at the chance to board early?)

12. Buy baby his own seat

Airlines still allow kids under 2 to ride as a “lap child,” but we don’t recommend it. Yes, it costs more to buy another seat, but your baby will be secured in his rear-facing car seat and tethered by the seat belt. Equally important, you’ll have your own hands free during the flight.

If you don’t want to pay upfront for your baby’s seat, Julie says you can try getting in the good graces of the flight attendant, who can rearrange seating so you have an open seat next to you. It happened to her on every flight she took with her under-1-year-old!

SheBuysTravel Tip:  Check the car seat rules for your air carrier to be sure your car seat will fit in the airplane seat. 

13. Keep the pacifier handy to manage ear pain 

On a recent flight, a newborn three rows up started to scream just as my ears started to pop with the increased cabin pressure. The new parents tried mightily to comfort her, but the screams just grew louder. We all listened with sympathy for that poor little one.

Finally, a male voice from the front of plane said loudly, “Give that baby a bottle!”

The dad replied, less loudly, ” She won’t take a bottle.”

To which the first man responded, “Then give her a boob. That baby’s in pain!”

And it is painful for those little ears. Have a pacifier ready for takeoff and landing. If that doesn’t work, try a bottle — or a boob. The suckling tends to equalize the pressure inside their tiny ears.

Consult your pediatrician before the flight for additional tips and ideas that might work for your baby.

Have a Sleep Strategy When Traveling with Baby

Getting your baby or toddler to fall asleep in an unfamiliar place like a hotel or Airbnb can be tough.  Consider what works at home and try to mimic that environment.

14. Book a multi-room Airbnb or hotel suite

When traveling with baby, don’t settle for a plain old hotel room. Booking something bigger with a separate bedroom means the baby can be in a quiet, still place. Bonus points: You can look for a vacation rental that supplies baby gear such as a crib and high chair.

If you must book a hotel room, at least look for one with a balcony. Put the baby to sleep, then head to the balcony with your partner and a glass of wine. Leave the door open a crack while you two have a little “us time” while keeping one ear open for any cries from the baby.

15. Do what works at home

Whatever calms your baby at home might also calm him on vacation, whether that means putting baby in a carrier and pacing the room, walking with baby in a stroller up and down the hotel hallway or using a white noise machine.

16. Test out different sleeping spots

Again, a week at the beach house is not when you want to learn that your baby will only sleep in her own crib in her own room.

In the weeks leading up to the trip, have her sleep around — put her down for naps at your best friend’s house, do an overnight visit at Grandma’s, even try getting her to sleep in a different room at home.

Nursing and Feeding Your Baby

If you are a breastfeeding mother you have rights.

This is another time when it’s important to know your baby’s temperament and schedule. With time zone changes, it can be easy to lose track of a feeding schedule. Your baby also may be cutting nursing sessions short because he is distracted by what is happening all of the new stimuli around him.

17. Take care of yourself

With the possible change in schedules and timing, be sure you bring some type of relief for yourself in case baby isn’t feeding well.

Even if you don’t usually pump breast milk, having a small manual pump could be a vacation-saver if baby is leaving you engorged. No one wants to have mastitis at all, let alone when you’re away from home.

18. Breastfeed everywhere

If you mostly feed your baby in a rocker in a quiet room, you might want to mix that up a bit in the weeks leading up to your trip. It’s important that both baby and you get comfortable breastfeeding in other places.

19. Keep track of wet diapers

Make sure you’re still keeping track of wet diapers, just like at home. That way you’ll know if baby is dehydrated (especially if you are traveling in a warm locale).

20. Make mixing formula easier

Traveling with formula for baby? We’ve got a few tricks for that, too.

First, you can bring water through the security checkpoint. Be sure to pull it out of your bag and let TSA know it’s for baby. Nasreen says she always brought a bottle of room temperature water and pre-filled bottles.

Bring a sectioned formula holder so that you don’t have to measure while you’re on the go.

To prevent spills in your suitcase, pack a new sealed container of powdered formula. If you can’t do that, stretch a piece of plastic wrap over the container before you put on the top and then put the whole thing in a zip-top plastic bag before tucking it into your suitcase.  Nothing ruins a vacation like formula powder all over everything!

Lastly, those shaker bottles that you can get for protein powder? They’re perfect for mixing formula on the go. They can even function as a bottle warmer. Just fill the shaker with hot water and pop the bottle in to warm it.

Diaper Details

I remember a coworker years ago grumbling about his pending trip to France with his wife and newborn. He was angry because his wife was planning to bring along a case of diapers.

“Doesn’t she know that babies everywhere poop?” he asked of no one in particular.

21. Bring Only What You Need

My coworker was right. Babies everywhere poop and pee. So you’ll be able to buy what you need once you arrive. But remember what we said about preparing for blowouts: Bring twice as many diapers (and two extra outfits) for the flight or car ride.

22. It is Possible to Travel with a Cloth Diapered Baby!

Nasreen has done it. My hat is off to her. But she says it’s easy if you follow these 3 steps:

  • Plan on doing laundry during the trip. Don’t pack every single diaper you have.
  • Bring a travel pack of Handy-Sacks or a bunch of plastic bags for possible blowouts when you are out and about.
  • When you arrive in your hotel room set up a diapering station similar to what you have at home.

Become a Minimalist

Remember what we said at the beginning? It can be tempting to bring every single thing you think that your baby might need while you’re on vacation. We understand. We did, too, on our first one (OK, first two) trips with baby. But you won’t need it all. Really.

For now,  give yourself permission to bring every little thing you think you might need. Better to be safe than stressed. But when you get home, make a note of the things you brought but didn’t use.

When you’re ready, here’s what we recommend:

23. Use a backpack as a diaper bag

We recommend packing baby’s essentials in a backpack rather than a diaper bag. Then, if you wear the backpack on both shoulders, you can be completely hands free.

24. Pack only the bare necessities

  • Diaper supplies (changing pad, diapers, wipes)
  • Wet bag (for storing wet or soiled clothing)
  • Two changes of clothing per day (more if you have a baby prone to spitting up or diaper blowouts). Pack these outfits in gallon-sized Ziploc bags and you’ll have extra bags on hand for any incidents.
  • Baby-friendly sunscreen
  • Protective hat
  • Swaddle cloths/muslins for wrapping & covering from sun
  • Baby food/bottles/formula/baby spoons
  • Front carrier and/or stroller with car seat

25. Don’t forget about the power of Amazon  

Worried about running out of things? Realize that you used half your diapers on the first day alone?

Don’t underestimate the healing power of Amazon. A couple of clicks and you’ll have diapers, formula, extra bottles, a few changes of clothes and more headed to you at the hotel or Airbnb.

One response

Thanks for the reminder that packing sunscreen is also essential when planning to travel with a toddler. I’m interested in looking for a good resource for parenting because I’ve been having trouble adjusting to being a single mom. It would be best to start reading up on guides so that things wouldn’t feel to overwhelming for me.

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Flying With A Baby

We know that planning travel is different when you’re a first-time parent or a family with a new addition. We haven’t forgotten the anxiety and fear that comes with organizing that first trip, whether you’ve got a newborn , flying with a toddler , or planning a road trip with a baby .

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A look at the best FAA-approved car seats for travel

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12 tips on how to travel internationally with a baby

Lori Zaino

Traveling with an infant is already an adventure -- and traveling abroad with one is an even bigger feat to tackle.

Knowing the rules, researching and prepping ahead of time and packing the right things can make (or break) your first international trip with a baby. If you're in the know, you can take advantage of all the options afforded to traveling families, from bassinets on the plane and security shortcuts to special infant fares and other perks.

Covering everything from booking and documents to travel insurance and even jet lag, this guide provides everything you need to prepare for an international trip with your baby.

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Get your baby's passport

Before you get too far into planning a trip abroad, you'll need to get your baby's first passport .

While you're at it, make sure everyone else in the family has a valid passport, too. Remember, U.S. passports for children under 16 expire after five years, not 10 years like adult passports. Also, make sure everyone's passport isn't nearing expiration. Many countries require three or six months of validity to enter, which effectively means that child passports are really only valid for 4 1/2 years, which go quickly.

tips to travel with babies

When getting a passport for your baby , here are the main steps to follow:

  • Get their birth certificate.
  • Find out where to apply.
  • Make an appointment. You'll need to go in person and bring your baby with you.
  • Take their passport photo. It can be difficult to get a photo of your baby. Rules for photos state that the child/baby should be looking directly at the camera with a natural smile or neutral look. If you can manage to get the baby's eyes to stay open, that's typically enough for their first passport photo. The background should be white and the size 2 by 2 inches with no filters. Within that size, your baby/child's head needs to be 1 to 1 3/8 inches (25 to 35 mm) from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head. If you're struggling to get everything just right, the ItsEasy App can help you crop and size your photo to the correct dimensions.
  • Gather the paperwork. Fill out Form DS-11 and take your baby's birth certificate plus photocopies of each document. Bring a couple of photos, a valid ID for each parent, a photocopy of parental IDs and the fee (you can pay by check). Fees are currently $100 for the passport and $35 for processing.
  • Attend the appointment in person with both parents present . If only one parent can go, fill out and bring parental consent form DS-3053 plus a copy.

Get your baby Global Entry

If you already have Global Entry , you won't be able to use the service as a family if your little ones don't have it. So, get a start on your baby's application. Or, if this is something your whole family wants to do, apply simultaneously, making expiration dates and renewals easier to complete for everyone at the same time.

Do note that with TSA PreCheck , kids 12 and under won't need to have their own number to accompany parents through these special security lanes -- but that's not true for Global Entry, which you use to return to the U.S.

Check with your doctor

Check with your pediatrician to see when your baby can start flying.

To give you an idea, TPG talked to Dr. Jenny Yu , medical director at Healthline , to find out when it's typically safe for babies to travel. "While babies typically develop their immune system around 1 month, most pediatricians would recommend waiting until 3 to 6 months for travel," she said. For premature babies, it might be a little longer.

Also, with international travel, it's important to factor in any additional vaccines they might need, especially if you're traveling to emerging countries. Start by checking with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for recommendations on which vaccines both adults and babies should get, then talk with your pediatrician to see what is best for your family, baby and travel situation.

Other important questions to ask your doctor should be if your baby can wear sunblock or mosquito repellent and how to keep your baby and your whole family safe from tropical or waterborne diseases, COVID-19 and any other possible infections, which can depend highly on your destination.

Pick the right destination

tips to travel with babies

Whether it's a far-flung visit to Asia, a trip to visit family in Europe, a Caribbean escape or an African safari, you can travel anywhere with a baby as long as you and your family feel comfortable doing so. Choose a destination that makes you feel joy, not anxiety or stress at the thought of getting there and enjoying it with your baby.

Consider things like the activities you want to do, and if the destination is a place that feels welcoming for families. Also think about logistics, like the language barrier, climate and local transportation, when deciding if that particular destination is right for your family.

Book tickets

Depending on how old your baby is, you have some options when flying abroad with them. Here are a few to consider:

  • Lap infant: If your baby is under 2 years old, they don't need their own seat. They can instead sit on the lap of a ticketed adult. For international travel, some airlines charge 10% to 30% of the adult ticket price or just the taxes and fees for a lap infant, and some airlines don't charge anything at all. This table shows the costs by airline to buy your baby a lap ticket. Make sure to check on luggage policies when traveling with a lap infant. Most airlines allow for a stroller and car seat checked free of charge. You may also be able to check or carry on additional baggage, too, but more on that later.
  • Bassinet for lap infant: Many airlines have bassinet options, especially aboard larger aircraft that fly internationally. See if you can select this option while booking or call the airline for more information on securing a bassinet. Bassinets are usually free, but given to those who request them first. Ask for one right after booking to ensure you'll be assigned a seat with one when available. In most cases, bassinet weight limits max out at 20 to 24 pounds, so they're best for smaller babies and newborns.
  • Extra seat with car seat or restraint for babies 2 years and up: If your baby is older than 2 years, you must pay for their seat. Many airlines have discounted tickets for children. If the child weighs more than 44 pounds, they won't need any additional restraint system within their own seat. If they weigh less than 44 pounds, see the information on a certified child restraint or car seat below.
  • Additional seat with car seat or restraint for babies under 2: If your baby is less than 2 years old, you can still book them their own seat. In fact, the Federal Aviation Administration suggests that children under 44 pounds wear an FAA-approved harness (such as the CARES harness ) or certified child restraint to help keep them safe during turbulence, takeoff and landing. Make sure to check your car seat to see if there is an FAA-approved sticker on it.

It's worth noting that car seat, bassinet and harness options and policies vary wildly by airline and class of service. For more information on these policies by airline, read this article on 23 airline car seat and bassinet policies around the world .

Note that when booking seats for your family on an international flight, there are areas where kids and babies are not allowed to sit, like exit rows. Malaysia Airlines doesn't allow babies in its first-class cabins on A380 and 747 aircraft. Some international airlines such as AirAsia, Scoot and IndiGo also have kid-free and quiet zones where families with babies and children under a certain age (usually 10 or 12) aren't allowed to sit.

Additionally, if your baby is closer to 2 years old, you might want to compare the price of a lap ticket to the price of getting them their own seat. Sometimes, the price difference may not be that much, and it could make the flight more comfortable for the entire family.

Organize documents, including visas and COVID-19 forms

Passports aren't the only documents you'll need for international travel these days. Check to see if you and your baby need a visa to enter whatever country you're visiting. If you're traveling without your partner, look into completing a Child Consent Form.

Have proof of vaccines, complete any health forms and entry forms and take those COVID-19 tests if required to enter the country. Be clear on if your baby or children need to wear masks during the flight and plan accordingly. While babies 2 and up need to wear masks on board U.S. airlines, international airlines have different rules. For example, Iberia only requires children 6 and up to wear masks. Presently, British Airways has made masking up for all passengers a "personal choice" when not required by international law. We expect these rules to continue to rapidly evolve.

It's worth checking what documents you need for the trip when booking and again before traveling to ensure that you have everything you need as rules and regulations frequently change, especially in this era of pandemic travel .

Understand luggage rules

tips to travel with babies

Different airlines have varying rules for how much luggage you can take when traveling abroad, especially when traveling with lap infants or children/babies occupying their own seats. Most airlines allow you to check a stroller and/or car seat. Many also offer additional checked luggage, as well as a carry-on bag or item for the baby.

For example, British Airways allows both lap infants and children ages 2 and up to have a carry-on item and a checked bag in most cases, giving parents a little flexibility when bringing along all those key items babies need . Cathay Pacific allows lap infants two additional bags at 10 kilograms each when flying between most destinations.

If you aren't clear on the luggage rules, call the airline before traveling to confirm so you won't get stuck with any surprises or have to pay additional fees.

Know the rules for breast milk and formula

Thanks to the Friendly Airports for Mothers Improvement Act, all large- and medium-size airports in the U.S. now provide lockable, non-bathroom places to pump or nurse babies in every terminal and at least one men's and one women's restroom with changing tables in each terminal. This may not be the case abroad, so if you're concerned, research your destination airport to see what options are provided when it comes to these services.

You shouldn't have any issues flying with breast milk or formula on your outbound trip from the U.S. , as regular Transportation Security Administration liquid regulations don't apply to these special liquids. According to the TSA , "reasonable quantities" of these liquids are allowed, but you must take them out during screening for the security officer to test.

You can look up rules to see what's allowed when returning from your destination. For example, the United Kingdom allows breast milk past security in containers up to 2,000 milliliters. You can also take formula, milk and bottled water for the baby, but the baby must be present. In the European Union , you can take breast milk and formula through security and when flying as long as your baby is traveling with you.

Your airline may also provide clarity on these types of rules. Cathay Pacific, for example, states that breastfeeding is allowed during all phases of the flight, using an electric pump is allowed once electric devices can be switched on and travelers can even bring along suitably packed dry ice to refrigerate expressed milk, assuming it's declared during check-in.

According to some airlines, if you're taking a large breast pump along, this may count as a medical device and not be part of your carry-on allowance, but these regulations often aren't very clear. Contact your airline for more information and print out the rules in case you have any issues during security screening or boarding.

If you're traveling from a very obscure destination within an emerging country and you can't find answers about bringing breast milk, it may be best to have a Plan B in place, such as bringing along enough formula in powder form to last you for the flight or planning to pump or breastfeed in flight.

Should you want to ship your breast milk abroad, options are available for you depending on your destination, such as Maven Milk and Milk Stork .

Book accommodations

When booking accommodations in your destination abroad, take things into account like baby necessities, baby-friendly items, the option to do laundry and the availability to heat, cool and store milk and formula. Choosing a vacation rental instead of a hotel may be the right idea if you need more space, a kitchen and laundry facilities.

If your baby is eating solid foods, make sure there are restaurants or supermarkets nearby where you can get exactly what you need. Doing a little pre-trip research can help you feel confident and comfortable when traveling with your baby regardless of which hotel or home rental you choose to stay in.

Pack strategically

Packing with a baby can seem precarious, but it doesn't have to be. Just make sure you have enough of everything you need to get through the flight, plus a bit extra in case of delays or cancellations. For an exact list of everything you need to pack, see this article on how to pack -- and prepare -- for travel with a baby .

For extra-long flights, try to have everything to help your baby comfortably nap on hand, like a lovey, blanket, pacifier and more. Have changes of clothes on hand for the whole family in case of a messy situation, and enough layers for a plane that may be hot or chilly. A baby carrier can be key, too.

When packing for a trip abroad, the most important items to remember are everyone's passport, visa and key documents, plus anything essential that you know you can't get in another country. Babies live all over the world, so you can easily get items like diapers, wipes, formula and more anywhere. However, you may not find the exact brand you want, or if you're going somewhere rural or far-flung, like on a safari in Africa, you may want to bring enough for your entire trip.

For example, Enfamil, a popular baby formula brand, is found all over Europe and even in the Caribbean and Latin America. However, it may not be available in Africa or Asia, so do your homework.

If you're traveling with items that need to plug in to charge, like a breast pump, baby monitor or nightlight, bring converters if necessary. You can always rent baby items abroad, too, rather than lugging everything along with you. It's possible to preorder diapers and wipes in many destinations, as well.

Strongly consider travel insurance

Things happen. While getting the flu abroad may not be a big deal for an adult, a sick baby can be scary and stressful, especially if you're in a foreign country. Having travel insurance that covers accidents and emergencies -- and COVID-19, too -- can set your mind at ease and save the day if something happens.

Before travel, note where the nearest hospital or health care facilities are, as well as any international hospitals where staff may be more likely to speak English. Know exactly how to use your insurance, like what numbers to call or what to do if a situation arises. Check if any of your credit cards have travel insurance that may cover you and your family if things go awry.

Plan for jet lag

tips to travel with babies

Jet lag stinks. Jet lag with a baby might be even worse. There are things you can do to make jet lag a little less stressful, though, especially when traveling abroad to very different time zones.

First, give yourselves a few days to adjust, planning big events later in the trip. Limit your baby's naps when possible. If your baby takes a five-hour nap, they definitely won't be sleeping through the night.

Shift mealtimes, naptimes and bedtimes to the new time zone as quickly as possible, getting daylight during the day and darkness at night, so internal clocks begin to adjust for the whole family. If the time zone difference is small, you may want to keep your baby on the original time zone to minimize disruption, especially for a shorter trip.

For more tips on combating jet lag with a baby in tow, read this guide on surviving jet lag with your baby .

Bottom line

Planning and taking an international trip with a baby can be simple and create memories for a lifetime if you prepare just right. With a little bit of extra research, you'll be armed with everything you need to know, do and bring to make your trip abroad smooth and hassle-free.

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tips to travel with babies

Traveling sustainably with your little ones

As we approach Earth Day on April 22nd, it's the perfect opportunity to think about how we can make a positive impact on the planet, even when traveling with our little ones. Sustainable travel isn’t just about reducing our carbon footprint but also about developing a deeper connection with the world around us and instilling values of environmental responsibility in the generations to come. It’s entirely possible to embark on eco-friendly family adventures that create lasting memories while minimizing your carbon footprint. So, in honor of Earth Day, here are some tips on traveling sustainably with your babies and toddlers. 

Choose eco-friendly accommodations

Opt for eco-friendly lodging options such as eco-resorts, eco-lodges, or hotels with green certifications. These accommodations typically go beyond having recycling bins in the lobby or refills for your water bottles and employ sustainable practices such as energy and water conservation, waste reduction, and use of renewable resources. A lot of sustainable hotels often prioritize using locally produced products as well. 

Pack light and smart 

Minimize your carbon footprint by packing light and only bringing the essentials. Consider reusable or biodegradable baby products such as cloth diapers, organic baby food pouches, and bamboo utensils. When choosing toiletries, invest in plastic-free options like bar-forms of shampoo and body wash. Planning your outfits for each day of the trip while considering the activities you’ll be doing helps maximize space. Packing light also makes it easier to use public transportation or walk, reducing the need for rental cars or taxis. 

Use eco-Friendly transportation

When planning your trip, try to choose the most environmentally friendly mode of transportation available. Trains and buses are usually better than planes because they produce fewer carbon emissions per passenger. If you need to rent a car to explore your destination, consider choosing a hybrid or electric car to minimize your impact on the environment. Once you reach your destination and you’re wandering around, consider walking or cycling. If you have a toddler, our Liki Trike , 5 in 1 compact tricycle is ideal for them to explore with. 

Bring reusable gear and minimize waste 

Minimize waste and invest in reusable gear to make your travels eco-friendly and cost-effective. Pack reusable containers for snacks and meals, opt for cloth diapers, stainless steel water bottles, and silicone snack bags instead of single-use alternatives.Bring along a small trash bag, preferably biodegradable so that you can collect any waste along the way. 

Support local and sustainable businesses

When dining out or shopping for souvenirs, support local businesses that prioritize sustainability. Look for restaurants that serve locally sourced, organic food and shops that sell handmade or fair-trade goods.

Practice leave no trace principles

Teaching your children about the importance of respecting nature is crucial, and one way to do this is by practicing Leave No Trace principles. The idea behind the principles is to leave nature as unchanged by our presence as possible so that future generations can enjoy it too. Encourage your little ones to pick up litter, stay on designated trails, and avoid disturbing wildlife.

Choose eco-friendly activities

Plan activities that the whole family can enjoy, such as nature hikes, beach cleanups, or visits to local farms, wildlife reserves, or national parks. These experiences not only foster a connection to nature but also support conservation efforts.

Educate your little ones

Use travel as an opportunity to teach your children about sustainability and the importance of protecting the environment. Engage them in discussions about conservation and ways they can make a positive impact.

As we celebrate Earth Day, let’s embark on journeys that not only enrich our lives but also honor and protect the beautiful planet we live on. By following these tips and ideas, you can travel more sustainably with your family while creating meaningful experiences. Every small effort counts towards reducing your environmental footprint and preserving the planet for future generations to enjoy. 

At Doona , we’re all about helping parents explore the world around them with innovative products like our Doona Car Seat & Stroller , which transforms from car seat to stroller in seconds, or our Liki Trike , the most compact folding trike on the market. Happy Earth Day adventures!

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16 Tips for Flying With Toddlers and Young Kids

Traveling with toddlers can be hard, at least if you're not properly prepared. Here, experienced flight attendants share their secrets for flying with young kids.


With long security lines, cramped airplane seating, and busy waiting areas, flying isn't the most pleasant experience—and all of the frustration increases exponentially when you add a toddler into the mix. Some young children simply don't have the patience for airport security. They might despise sitting quietly for hours on end, and they might be uneasy during turbulence or get upset with the ear-popping changes in air pressure.

Thankfully, though, you can have a worry-free travel day with proper preparation and planning. Whether you're jetting off to your relative's house or Disney World, check out these stress-reducing strategies for flying (and traveling) with toddlers—some of which came straight from flight attendants.

Book an Early Morning Departure

If you're traveling with toddlers or young children, you should book an early morning departure. These give you the best chance of avoiding delays at takeoff and landing, a flight attendant named Patrick explains. "They are usually less crowded, too," he says. "Plus, everyone is tired and just wants to nap—kids especially."

Save Your Upgrades for Toddler-Free Travel

Traveling in first class with kids can be more stressful than it's worth. Mom Joanna recounts the story of traveling with her loud, lively toddler and incurring the vocal wrath of her first-class seatmates for the entirety of the flight. "It's not fair, but you're just going to get more empathy and support with kids in economy," says a flight attendant.

Talk to Your Kids About What to Expect

"My experience is kids do so much better when they know what to expect," says Shireen, a mom of three from Australia who's traveled to the U.S. several times with her kids. She recommends watching a Let's Go Play video on YouTube , which goes over the entire flight experience, from baggage check-in and ticketing to onboard etiquette and safety.

Dress in Layers and Skip Shoes With Laces

Whether you are changing climates or simply dealing with in-flight heat and/or air conditioning, you can and should be ready for drastically changing temperatures when traveling with a toddler. Wendy, a flight attendant and mom, suggests you dress your kids in comfortable layers—preferably without buttons, zippers, or anything that could prevent them from getting to the bathroom in time.

The same principle applies to shoes: Avoid laces and opt for slip-ons. "There's the added benefit of getting through airport screening that much faster," she says.

Bring Surprises

When flying with a toddler, a wrapped new plaything has two advantages: Kids love to unwrap stuff, and a new toy has more attention-grabbing pull.

Consider Using a Smaller Stroller

Getting through an airport without a stroller is unthinkable for some parents, so consider switching out your regular-size stroller for a small, compact umbrella stroller or travel stroller. Also, check your stroller at the gate before boarding; the crew will have it waiting for you when you get off the plane.

If you've got more than one little traveler with you, consider a kid harness (aka leash), Wendy suggests. "I was so against them until I saw a woman with three young boys using them in baggage claim. It made so much sense," she says, "with the exit doors to outside right there. Look, flying is stressful enough. Do what you need to do to protect your kids and your sanity."

Pack Just Enough

Flight attendants urge parents to pack enough essentials for the flight. "Unfortunately, you can expect there to be zero food on a plane that would interest a kid," says Lynn. "And we are so limited in what we can offer in terms of comfort items as well."

On the flip side, parents will struggle if they zealously overpack. "Usually, when it's one parent traveling with one or more kids, they'll bring way too much stuff in an attempt to keep their kids happy," Wendy says. "They forget they have to carry all that stuff off the plane with them, along with their kids."

Plan Your Packing List

To guard against over-packing while ensuring you don't forget anything critical, consider writing out a full packing list. Star or highlight those items that will need to be packed last minute (like the lovey your kiddo sleeps with or the tablet that's currently charging) so you have a checklist to consult one last time before heading out the door.

Sample Airplane Packing List for Toddlers

When packing your carry-on for the plane ride, use this list as a starting point:

  • Comfort item: Consider packing one of your toddler's favorite comfort items in your carry-on for mid-flight snuggles. If the comfort item is a pacifier, be sure to pack more than one, lest it gets flung down the aisle or on the floor.
  • Sanitizer, wipes, pull-ups, and diapers: You'll want these critical items within reach at all times during your travels. Not sure how many diapers to throw in the carry-on? One diaper per hour of travel is recommended.
  • Electronic devices: If there is any time to let up on strict screen time rules, it's when you're traveling. Make sure that whatever device you're bringing is fully charged and ready to go—and don't forget the chargers for the flight back. Consider pre-loading the tablet or phone with your kids' favorite movies or shows for offline viewing.
  • Kid-size headphones: Be sure to follow the basic rules of travel etiquette and pack comfy headphones your little one can wear while enjoying their favorite games or shows. Have more than one kid in tow? Consider investing in a splitter so both can enjoy the show with their own set of headphones.
  • Art supplies: A small box of crayons and blank paper can go a long way when it comes to entertaining your toddler on a plane. Mix things up and pack some fun stickers or even plain sticky notes to add to the excitement.
  • Plastic bags: You never know when you'll need an extra bag for wet clothes, a dirty diaper, or even just for trash, so pack a few extras.
  • Water bottle: Toss an empty clean water bottle into your bag to fill after you get through security. Just make sure that it's leakproof!
  • Healthy and fun mess-free snacks: While you don't necessarily want to load your kid up with sugar just before take-off, consider packing a mix of healthy and fun snacks that are relatively mess-free to keep their bellies full and happy. Cheerios, pretzels, crackers, string cheese, and granola bars are good options.

Be Prepared for Security

When you pack, make sure items that need to be removed during security are easily reached. Keep in mind that traveling with snacks may mean extra scrutiny during the screening process.

Prepare for Air Pressure Changes

If your child has recently had an ear infection or a cold, get your doctor's approval before flying. The change in cabin air pressure may cause pain for your toddler. After passing through security, stock up on enough water for everyone to get through a possible delay and have enough left for the descent, which is often the most bothersome time for ear pressure discomfort. Have your kids drink some right after takeoff and during the last 30 to 45 minutes of the descent. The swallowing helps with the pressure changes and gives an added hydrating benefit.

By All Means, Use Pull-Ups

Your little one may have moved beyond Pull-Ups into big kid underwear, but pull-up diapers are a great resource when flying with a recently potty-trained toddler or young child. "I even use them on my 6-year-old," says Wendy, who adds that it's much less stressful than having to race to the bathroom or deal with an in-seat accident.

Show Some Appreciation

Flight attendants love to receive a certain gratuity for dealing with toddlers. "Any kind of chocolate found in an airport, handed over at boarding, does wonders," says Patrick. Of course, it will have zero effect on the random bad-tempered, unprofessional cabin crew member. But it's a nice gesture nonetheless, particularly when flying during the holidays when most flight attendants will be working and away from their families.

"It will be so appreciated," he says. "And we will remember you and look out for you. And not only that, you'll probably score a free drink out of it."

Seat Kids Away From the Aisle

Aisle seats can be dangerous for toddlers and potentially give them a little too much freedom of movement. For example, little hands and feet can be bumped as people walk by and hot coffee and water may be just within reach as the food and beverage cart passes by. If you can, consider the window seat, which offers the benefit of a view and puts you between your toddler and any other passengers in your row.

Beware of Germs

Toddlers tend to get sit a lot, but you can try to avoid any travel-related illness by keeping your little one's hands clean. When flying with a toddler, wipe everything from hands to tray tables down with sanitizing wipes when you're getting settled in your seats—and above all else, do not send your kids to the bathroom without shoes. "The floor is a Petri dish," a flight attendant confides. "You're in the air, things jostle. That's not just water on the bathroom floor."

Keep Your Composure

There's not much you can do to assuage that passenger who complains the moment your child sneezes or giggles. Here's what you need to remember: As long as you're trying (and what parent isn't?), you've got almost everyone on your side. "An adult having an issue with a screaming child is acting like a child as well," offers a flight attendant and mother named Patience. "Don't engage. Just worry about your own child."

Choose an Airline With Kid-Friendly Perks

There's nothing a family-friendly airline wants more than happy, occupied kiddos. As such, many leading carriers have all kinds of kid perks to offer their littlest travelers from a wide array of their favorite TV shows and movies to kid-approved headphones and snacks.

Before boarding, be sure to check in with the gate agent about whether the airline offers priority boarding for families with young children. Often airlines call special boarding for families so they can board a little early so you'll have time to settle in. Other great perks to look for are family lounges or airports with areas for kids to burn off some steam during layovers or before boarding.

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15 Tips to Make Traveling With Family More Fun & Less Stressful

Posted: July 4, 2023 | Last updated: July 4, 2023

<p>  Traveling with your brood is the time to make memories. Sure, you will encounter moments where you start to question why you ever leave the house in the first place, but ideally you should enjoy the experience as much as your children. Smart and useful family travel tips can make all the difference between a grueling and exhaustive excursion and a wonderful, relaxing getaway. </p>

Traveling with your brood is the time to make memories. Sure, you will encounter moments where you start to question why you ever leave the house in the first place, but ideally you should enjoy the experience as much as your children. Smart and useful family travel tips can make all the difference between a grueling and exhaustive excursion and a wonderful, relaxing getaway.

<p>  For medical advice, you seek out a doctor. For educational advice, you turn to teachers. For family travel advice, head straight for the moms. They are the experts who know what works and what doesn't when it comes to setting out on adventures with kids in tow. They have tried it all, discovered the best family travel hacks, and have zero qualms about sharing their experiences with other moms ready to embark on trips with kiddos. </p> <p>  Debbie Dubrow is one of those "traveling moms" who has spent much of her children's lives packing up suitcases, loading up kids, and setting out to see the world. The Seattle-based mother of three shares her personal travel stories and best family travel tips with other parents ready to hit the road on her blog, <a href="http://www.deliciousbaby.com/">Delicious Baby</a>. </p>

For Expert Family Travel Advice: Go Straight to the Source

For medical advice, you seek out a doctor. For educational advice, you turn to teachers. For family travel advice, head straight for the moms. They are the experts who know what works and what doesn't when it comes to setting out on adventures with kids in tow. They have tried it all, discovered the best family travel hacks, and have zero qualms about sharing their experiences with other moms ready to embark on trips with kiddos.

Debbie Dubrow is one of those "traveling moms" who has spent much of her children's lives packing up suitcases, loading up kids, and setting out to see the world. The Seattle-based mother of three shares her personal travel stories and best family travel tips with other parents ready to hit the road on her blog, Delicious Baby .

<p>  If you are new to the idea of traveling with children, Dubrow suggests you start small. Take your family on a smaller, local day trip and test drive your tips and hacks while being close enough to home to pull the trigger and abort the mission if necessary. Don't become discouraged if your first few local expeditions are a flop. Reflect on what worked and what didn't, make adjustments and try it again! A few trips to nearby locales will help build your confidence so you can easily transition into bigger getaways soon enough. Dubrow offers, "Most parents are pleasantly surprised to find that their worst-case-scenarios don't come true, and that they even enjoy the experience." </p>

Beginner Traveler? Start Small

If you are new to the idea of traveling with children, Dubrow suggests you start small. Take your family on a smaller, local day trip and test drive your tips and hacks while being close enough to home to pull the trigger and abort the mission if necessary. Don't become discouraged if your first few local expeditions are a flop. Reflect on what worked and what didn't, make adjustments and try it again! A few trips to nearby locales will help build your confidence so you can easily transition into bigger getaways soon enough. Dubrow offers, "Most parents are pleasantly surprised to find that their worst-case-scenarios don't come true, and that they even enjoy the experience."

<p>  Once upon a time, you packed a bag, bought a plane ticket on the fly, and ventured out to see the world. Now that you have kids, and kids have needs, and spontaneity is as distant a memory as sleep is, you'll want to spend extra time in the <a href="https://www.lovetoknow.com/life/lifestyle/how-plan-memorable-family-vacation" title="How to Plan a Family Vacation You'll Never Forget">planning stages of the trip</a>. The more work you put in on the front end, the less thinking you will have to do once vacation begins. </p>

Pay Extra Attention to Planning

Once upon a time, you packed a bag, bought a plane ticket on the fly, and ventured out to see the world. Now that you have kids, and kids have needs, and spontaneity is as distant a memory as sleep is, you'll want to spend extra time in the planning stages of the trip . The more work you put in on the front end, the less thinking you will have to do once vacation begins.

<p>  Vacationing with kids can get pricey, so work within a previously agreed-upon budget when planning your next getaway. Letting expenses get away from you will instantly create stress, so staying in the anticipated price range will make it easier for you to relax and enjoy. Anticipate and plan for a few unexpected expenses too. </p>

Work Within a Budget

Vacationing with kids can get pricey, so work within a previously agreed-upon budget when planning your next getaway. Letting expenses get away from you will instantly create stress, so staying in the anticipated price range will make it easier for you to relax and enjoy. Anticipate and plan for a few unexpected expenses too.

<p>  There are plenty of ways to cut corners and save a dollar during travel, but if you are vacationing with several children or young children, your lodging accommodations should not be one of them. Your days will be long and action-packed, so your home base needs to be a space of reprieve, your little temporary sanctuary. </p> <p>  Find a family-friendly hotel or rented home that fits most of your family's needs. If you are traveling somewhere hot, be sure there is air conditioning or working fans in your accommodation. If you will need to do laundry, check and see if those facilities are on property or nearby. Look into whether the room or rental is baby-proofed and whether it has a mini-fridge and microwave for all of those snacking needs. </p> <p>  It is a good idea to make a room "wish list" and then scour the net and read reviews to see which accommodation best suits you (and your budget!). There will undoubtedly be a few accommodation must-haves when traveling with children that you don't want to compromise on. Know what they are and make sure they are available to you before booking. </p>

Spend Time Scoring the Right Accommodations

There are plenty of ways to cut corners and save a dollar during travel, but if you are vacationing with several children or young children, your lodging accommodations should not be one of them. Your days will be long and action-packed, so your home base needs to be a space of reprieve, your little temporary sanctuary.

Find a family-friendly hotel or rented home that fits most of your family's needs. If you are traveling somewhere hot, be sure there is air conditioning or working fans in your accommodation. If you will need to do laundry, check and see if those facilities are on property or nearby. Look into whether the room or rental is baby-proofed and whether it has a mini-fridge and microwave for all of those snacking needs.

It is a good idea to make a room "wish list" and then scour the net and read reviews to see which accommodation best suits you (and your budget!). There will undoubtedly be a few accommodation must-haves when traveling with children that you don't want to compromise on. Know what they are and make sure they are available to you before booking.

<p>  Another tip Dubrow emphasizes to parents taking the travel plunge is to adjust the travel pace to best suit their children. Kids find joy in the most minor of details, so allow them to experience these travel days at their leisure. You might be used to packing in eight to ten hours of sights in a big city, but should you try to apply the vacationing pace of yesteryear to travel with kids, you are likely going to fizzle out fast. Dubrow elaborates, "Avoid trying to go at the same pace you did before you had children. Slow down and give your baby or toddler time to enjoy things at their level. They might be looking at the marble floors in the Vatican instead of the arches and artwork, and that is OK." </p> <p>  Decide beforehand what you really want to do with the kids. Think about if it will be of interest to them and if they will be able to make it through whatever it is you are hoping to do on vacation. Build in plenty of snack breaks or a mid-day siesta or rest period, so children don't become overly tired, cranky, and downright miserable. Pack your patience-pants, as this new, slower pace of seeing the world might be a bit of an adjustment for you. </p>

Adjust Your Travel Pace

Another tip Dubrow emphasizes to parents taking the travel plunge is to adjust the travel pace to best suit their children. Kids find joy in the most minor of details, so allow them to experience these travel days at their leisure. You might be used to packing in eight to ten hours of sights in a big city, but should you try to apply the vacationing pace of yesteryear to travel with kids, you are likely going to fizzle out fast. Dubrow elaborates, "Avoid trying to go at the same pace you did before you had children. Slow down and give your baby or toddler time to enjoy things at their level. They might be looking at the marble floors in the Vatican instead of the arches and artwork, and that is OK."

Decide beforehand what you really want to do with the kids. Think about if it will be of interest to them and if they will be able to make it through whatever it is you are hoping to do on vacation. Build in plenty of snack breaks or a mid-day siesta or rest period, so children don't become overly tired, cranky, and downright miserable. Pack your patience-pants, as this new, slower pace of seeing the world might be a bit of an adjustment for you.

<p>  Throughout her journeys, Dubrow discovered the power of snacks. Snacks can pretty much fix anything at a moment's notice, and you don't want to be without them. Pack items that are easy to eat while on the go and make sure they aren't loaded with sugar. Choose grain or protein-based items to give kids energy without the dreaded sugar crash looming ahead. She also reminds parents that airplanes no longer provide the delectables of days past. Small snacks and beverages are typically offered, but if you have picky eaters or children with specific dietary needs, pack plenty of your own nibbles for a lengthy flight. </p>

Load Up on Water and Snacks

Throughout her journeys, Dubrow discovered the power of snacks. Snacks can pretty much fix anything at a moment's notice, and you don't want to be without them. Pack items that are easy to eat while on the go and make sure they aren't loaded with sugar. Choose grain or protein-based items to give kids energy without the dreaded sugar crash looming ahead. She also reminds parents that airplanes no longer provide the delectables of days past. Small snacks and beverages are typically offered, but if you have picky eaters or children with specific dietary needs, pack plenty of your own nibbles for a lengthy flight.

<p>  If you are flying or planning to leave your home country, be sure that all pertinent travel documents are ready and in order. Large families mean lots of passports, boarding passes and more. Sort and organize what you can. Place a small sticky note with family members' initials on the back of all passports and slip boarding passes into them. Place a rubber band around each travel packet, so when a name is called upon, you can quickly grab the documents you need in the moment. </p> <p>  For <a href="https://www.lovetoknow.com/life/lifestyle/how-get-passports-your-kids" title="How to Get Passports for Your Kids">families needing to get passports</a>, be sure that you do so well ahead of time to receive them before you leave for your trip. Obtaining passports can be tedious, and nothing will ruin a family vacation faster than one family member being left without proper travel documentation. </p>

Get Travel Paperwork in Order

If you are flying or planning to leave your home country, be sure that all pertinent travel documents are ready and in order. Large families mean lots of passports, boarding passes and more. Sort and organize what you can. Place a small sticky note with family members' initials on the back of all passports and slip boarding passes into them. Place a rubber band around each travel packet, so when a name is called upon, you can quickly grab the documents you need in the moment.

For families needing to get passports , be sure that you do so well ahead of time to receive them before you leave for your trip. Obtaining passports can be tedious, and nothing will ruin a family vacation faster than one family member being left without proper travel documentation.

<p>  When it comes to vacation, you want to think about lounging around a pool or hiking through breathtaking forests... not about losing track of your kid! Not being able to locate your child is every parent's worst nightmare, and while it is something you don't even want to contemplate, it is best to have a plan in place for this type of emergency. Sit your kids down and discuss the plan for if someone becomes lost or strays from the group during travel. Older kids should have the means to contact parents, or at the very least know their parents' phone numbers. Write parents' names, kids' names, and contact numbers inside a shoe for little children. Be sure everyone understands how to get help in the event that they find themselves alone in a foreign space. </p>

Make Emergency Plans

When it comes to vacation, you want to think about lounging around a pool or hiking through breathtaking forests... not about losing track of your kid! Not being able to locate your child is every parent's worst nightmare, and while it is something you don't even want to contemplate, it is best to have a plan in place for this type of emergency. Sit your kids down and discuss the plan for if someone becomes lost or strays from the group during travel. Older kids should have the means to contact parents, or at the very least know their parents' phone numbers. Write parents' names, kids' names, and contact numbers inside a shoe for little children. Be sure everyone understands how to get help in the event that they find themselves alone in a foreign space.

<p>  Imagine being stuffed in a small airplane with a crying child who is bored to tears or covered head to toe in apple juice (or worse) and still having several hours of air travel to go. That's the stuff nightmares are made of, and a bit of thought and preparation in this department can make all the difference. Aside from packing drinks and snacks on a flight, be sure to pack several entertainment options for kids. Great ideas are: </p> <ul>  <li>Coloring books and crayons  </li>  <li>Electronic devices  </li>  <li>Books  </li>  <li>Games galore - both <a href="https://www.lovetoknow.com/parenting/kids/11-word-games-kids-thatll-get-them-talking-laughing" title="11 Word Games for Kids That'll Get Them Talking and Laughing">word games</a> and <a href="https://www.lovetoknow.com/parenting/kids/10-paper-games-you-can-play-whole-family" title="10 Paper Games You Can Play With the Whole Family">paper games</a>  </li>  <li>Downloaded movies and shows  </li>  <li>Comfort toys  </li> </ul> <p>  Aside from entertainment options, you will want to pack a change of clothes in your carry-on. The only thing worse than having a kid get sick or have an accident while flying the friendly skies is having nothing to change them into. Toss the following into your carry-on so you are never left high and dry (or rather high and soaking wet). </p> <ul>  <li>Extra undies, pants, and shirt  </li>  <li>Lots of disinfectant wipes and a small towel  </li>  <li>Pajamas if you are traveling long distances through the night  </li>  <li>A plastic, sealable bag for soiled clothing  </li>  <li>Remember to pack a <a href="https://www.lovetoknow.com/parenting/baby/7-baby-first-aid-kits-prepare-you-anything" title="7 Baby First Aid Kits to Prepare You for Anything">first aid kit</a> and a car seat for plane and car travel  </li> </ul>

Be Prepared for Every Eventuality When Flying With Kids

Imagine being stuffed in a small airplane with a crying child who is bored to tears or covered head to toe in apple juice (or worse) and still having several hours of air travel to go. That's the stuff nightmares are made of, and a bit of thought and preparation in this department can make all the difference. Aside from packing drinks and snacks on a flight, be sure to pack several entertainment options for kids. Great ideas are:

  • Coloring books and crayons
  • Electronic devices
  • Games galore - both word games and paper games
  • Downloaded movies and shows
  • Comfort toys

Aside from entertainment options, you will want to pack a change of clothes in your carry-on. The only thing worse than having a kid get sick or have an accident while flying the friendly skies is having nothing to change them into. Toss the following into your carry-on so you are never left high and dry (or rather high and soaking wet).

  • Extra undies, pants, and shirt
  • Lots of disinfectant wipes and a small towel
  • Pajamas if you are traveling long distances through the night
  • A plastic, sealable bag for soiled clothing
  • Remember to pack a first aid kit and a car seat for plane and car travel

<p>  Packing for a fun family trip comes with a bit of a learning curve unless you know how to do it properly right out of the gate! Parents tend to pack in one of two ways: overpacking and underpacking. They either take along everything they can think of and then curse themselves throughout the entire trip for spending more time acting as a family pack mule than enjoying a well-deserved vacation, or they bring next to nothing and spend more time scouring the earth for those forgotten necessities than they do relaxing. </p> <p>  You want to strike a packing balance. Try making a list of things you need several weeks before you depart. Next, revisit your list and remove items you think you can live without. Add a few new items that you skipped over the first time around. Consider what items your accommodations might have readily available. Many rental spaces have cribs, cots, and even high chairs for families to borrow, meaning you don't have to lug that stuff with you. If your accommodations have easily accessible laundry facilities, then pack half the clothes you originally planned on taking and spend a few hours mid-vacation doing laundry (maybe while the tots take an afternoon nap). </p>

Be a Perfect Packer

Packing for a fun family trip comes with a bit of a learning curve unless you know how to do it properly right out of the gate! Parents tend to pack in one of two ways: overpacking and underpacking. They either take along everything they can think of and then curse themselves throughout the entire trip for spending more time acting as a family pack mule than enjoying a well-deserved vacation, or they bring next to nothing and spend more time scouring the earth for those forgotten necessities than they do relaxing.

You want to strike a packing balance. Try making a list of things you need several weeks before you depart. Next, revisit your list and remove items you think you can live without. Add a few new items that you skipped over the first time around. Consider what items your accommodations might have readily available. Many rental spaces have cribs, cots, and even high chairs for families to borrow, meaning you don't have to lug that stuff with you. If your accommodations have easily accessible laundry facilities, then pack half the clothes you originally planned on taking and spend a few hours mid-vacation doing laundry (maybe while the tots take an afternoon nap).

<p>  If you are flying with little ones, you might want to schedule your flight during nap time or during the evening hours. This is particularly important if you have a long journey ahead of you. A few hours of snooze time can make all the difference to a family stuck in the air for several hours. Furthermore, pay attention to your layover times. It is much harder to rush through a busy airport to catch a connecting flight with three kids, two strollers, and several carry-on bags in hand. </p>

Know When to Schedule Flight Times

If you are flying with little ones, you might want to schedule your flight during nap time or during the evening hours. This is particularly important if you have a long journey ahead of you. A few hours of snooze time can make all the difference to a family stuck in the air for several hours. Furthermore, pay attention to your layover times. It is much harder to rush through a busy airport to catch a connecting flight with three kids, two strollers, and several carry-on bags in hand.

<p>  Planning is a beautiful thing, but so is flexibility. Again, balance is the key to travel happiness, especially when kids are involved. Yes, you want the major details hammered out before you take off for fun and adventure, but you also need to remember that things happen, plans unravel, and you need to be able to pivot, recover and carry on. Expect some bumps in the road, know when to make alterations in vacation plans to suit everyone's needs, and let go of any preconceived notions that every minute of the trip will be downright magical. </p>

Be Flexible and Realistic

Planning is a beautiful thing, but so is flexibility. Again, balance is the key to travel happiness, especially when kids are involved. Yes, you want the major details hammered out before you take off for fun and adventure, but you also need to remember that things happen, plans unravel, and you need to be able to pivot, recover and carry on. Expect some bumps in the road, know when to make alterations in vacation plans to suit everyone's needs, and let go of any preconceived notions that every minute of the trip will be downright magical.

<p>  Sure, this is vacation, and routines will vary simply due to the nature of the beast, but travel doesn't have to mean nixing all <a href="https://www.lovetoknow.com/parenting/kids/free-bedtime-routine-charts-master-all-must-dos" title="Free Bedtime Routine Charts to Master All the Must-Dos">routines</a> and structure. Kids thrive on the routines you have created for them. They help keep them safe and healthy. While plenty of routine aspects will shift during travel, keep the ones you can in place. Try to eat and sleep near the times you would typically eat and sleep at home. If you do a daily rest or nap time, see if you can swing that same routine while vacationing. If you throw the kids completely out of whack, you will soon learn that a no-rules vacation is a no-fun vacation for parents. </p>

Don't Forego Routine

Sure, this is vacation, and routines will vary simply due to the nature of the beast, but travel doesn't have to mean nixing all routines and structure. Kids thrive on the routines you have created for them. They help keep them safe and healthy. While plenty of routine aspects will shift during travel, keep the ones you can in place. Try to eat and sleep near the times you would typically eat and sleep at home. If you do a daily rest or nap time, see if you can swing that same routine while vacationing. If you throw the kids completely out of whack, you will soon learn that a no-rules vacation is a no-fun vacation for parents.

<p>  Rules. Kids don't love them, but they are necessary on so many levels. Traveling with kids means taking the littles past countless souvenir and trinket stations and stores. Get ready for your children to beg you for every little, shiny piece of whatever catches their eye. They will cry and whine for everything they see; you will stress and maybe cry a little too as you attempt to stay calm while explaining that no, they cannot have another Beanie Boo. </p> <p>  Set rules for souvenirs ahead of time. Maybe they get one small thing at the airport and one thing at your vacation destination. Maybe you give each kid an allotted amount of spending money and how and where they spend it is up to them. Make rules that work for your children and your budget, and be sure everyone understands those rules ahead of vacation to minimize the stress that comes along with kids begging for everything. </p>

Establish Spending Rules Pre-Vacation

Rules. Kids don't love them, but they are necessary on so many levels. Traveling with kids means taking the littles past countless souvenir and trinket stations and stores. Get ready for your children to beg you for every little, shiny piece of whatever catches their eye. They will cry and whine for everything they see; you will stress and maybe cry a little too as you attempt to stay calm while explaining that no, they cannot have another Beanie Boo.

Set rules for souvenirs ahead of time. Maybe they get one small thing at the airport and one thing at your vacation destination. Maybe you give each kid an allotted amount of spending money and how and where they spend it is up to them. Make rules that work for your children and your budget, and be sure everyone understands those rules ahead of vacation to minimize the stress that comes along with kids begging for everything.

<p>  Lastly, don't put off your travel plans because you are afraid of failure. Yes, everyone will be older and wiser in a few years, but life happens, circumstances constantly change, and you never know if this travel opportunity will circle back around. Take those vacations with the little kids or the angsty teens. Make the memories, spend the money, and know that the kids won't be kids forever. Remember, parts of your vacation may flop, but other parts will be amazing. In the end, you will likely be so glad you went for it and traveled with your kids. </p>

Don't Put Off Travel Plans

Lastly, don't put off your travel plans because you are afraid of failure. Yes, everyone will be older and wiser in a few years, but life happens, circumstances constantly change, and you never know if this travel opportunity will circle back around. Take those vacations with the little kids or the angsty teens. Make the memories, spend the money, and know that the kids won't be kids forever. Remember, parts of your vacation may flop, but other parts will be amazing. In the end, you will likely be so glad you went for it and traveled with your kids.

<p>  Travel is all about the adventure of life and being together in a wonderful new time and space. Use tips to reduce stress, but know that the greatest advice you can receive is to be in the moment and try to enjoy your family vacation no matter what. Kids won't remember every detail of every vacation they took during their childhood, but they'll treasure the memories of how they felt spending time together as a family in a fun-filled environment. </p>

Family Vacation Memories to Cherish

Travel is all about the adventure of life and being together in a wonderful new time and space. Use tips to reduce stress, but know that the greatest advice you can receive is to be in the moment and try to enjoy your family vacation no matter what. Kids won't remember every detail of every vacation they took during their childhood, but they'll treasure the memories of how they felt spending time together as a family in a fun-filled environment.

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How to Fly Your Kid Solo, Free of Stress

An illustration of children flying solo on the airplane.

By Alexander Nazaryan

For many parents and guardians, putting a child on a flight alone may seem terrifying. Belligerent passengers, delays, turbulence: All loom large in a caregiver’s imagination.

Life sometimes leaves no other option. Hudson Crites , 17, of Marshall, Va., was 10 when he started flying unaccompanied to visit his father in Kansas and later Georgia, said his mother, Chelsea Tippett. But the extra attention from airline staff made Hudson “feel special,” Ms. Tippett recalls. Other than a single tarmac delay, he has had no problems.

On rare occasions, children have had troubling experiences. In December, Spirit Airlines accidentally flew a 6-year-old to Orlando, Fla., instead of the intended destination of Fort Myers. Spirit apologized, fired the gate agent responsible and offered reimbursement to the boy’s grandmother for her travel to Orlando. But while the boy was unharmed, his grandmother expressed worry that he had been kidnapped .

If you decide to fly your child unaccompanied, you’ll discover that each airline has its own procedures, fees and routes open to children. While some may find the process complicated, flying alone may be exciting for your child, instilling some independence. Here’s what you need to know.

Before you book, know the process

Regardless of the airline or route, flying an unaccompanied minor differs from an adult or a family catching a flight. Airlines require a trusted pre-authorized adult to be at the departure and arrival gates, and will ask you at booking to provide contact information for those adults. They will also need to present identification at the terminals.

The journey begins at the originating airport’s airline ticket counter. There, airline staff will check your identification and check in the child, perhaps handing them a lanyard or wristband to wear. The agents will provide you with a pass to get through security with your child. You will accompany them to the gate, where you will hand them off to a gate agent. You must stay at the gate until the plane takes off.

In the air, the flight crew will keep watch — but will not babysit, or sit with, your child. If the flight has a connection, a crew member will walk your child off the plane and a gate agent will take him or her to the next gate.

At the arrival airport, the child will be handed off by staff to the authorized guardian or parent who should have already checked in at the ticket counter with proper identification, gone through security with their gate pass and be waiting at the gate.

To learn more about this process, read the Department of Transportation’s online guide, “When Kids Fly Alone,” followed by the website of your selected carrier.

Choosing an airline and paying an extra fee

Before purchasing a ticket, experts advise you to consider an airline’s on-time performance. “Solid on-time performance is hard-earned, and signals a carrier that has tight control of its operation,” said the Ask the Pilot author, Patrick Smith. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics has those numbers.

Booking procedures vary. Delta Air Lines and American Airlines require you to call. United Airlines allows bookings online. JetBlue Airways does online bookings, too, but asks for three printed copies of its forms upon arrival at the airport.

International flights may call for a notarized consent letter describing where the child is traveling, with whom they’ll stay and how long they’ll be there.

On top of the ticket fare, flying an unaccompanied minor can be pricey.

Southwest Airlines charges $100 one way for each child, regardless of distance. Alaska Airlines charges $50 per child if the flight is nonstop; a connection adds $25. On Delta, one $150 fee will cover up to four children, and American’s $150 covers all siblings, with no cap on number. United charges $150 for one child, or two children flying together.

Restrictions: There are plenty

U.S. carriers allow children to fly as unaccompanied minors once they turn 5 and before they turn 18. But regardless of your child’s age, make sure he or she is ready by discussing the trip details and your expectations of their behavior. No policy can replace your judgment.

The low-cost carriers Frontier Airlines and Allegiant Air don’t allow unaccompanied minors, Other airlines have restrictions that, in the broadest terms, differentiate between young children and teenagers. American and Delta restrict children under 8 from routes requiring connections. Both airlines allow children between 8 and 14 to take some connecting flights.

On American, no unaccompanied minor is allowed to take an overnight flight requiring a connection, or a flight that includes a connection on its final leg that also happens to be the last such flight that day (“unless it’s the only flight,” the company adds). Minors are not allowed on code-share flights.

United and Delta have similar rules. Southwest, JetBlue and Spirit don’t allow unaccompanied minors on connecting flights.

JetBlue prohibits minors from flying to Europe, and limits the number of unaccompanied minors in one party to three. Spirit does not allow children on flights to Central or South America. Southwest doesn’t allow children on any international flights. American, United and Delta let minors fly abroad, but restrictions on connections, code-shares and overnights limit options.

American and Delta allow children to opt out of flying as unaccompanied minors once they turn 15 — that is, the child can fly without the assistance of airline personnel. JetBlue ends unaccompanied minor service at 14, while Alaska has an opt-out option at 13. Southwest boasts the lowest opt-out age: 12.

However, you should be able to accompany your child to the gate even if they’re not flying unaccompanied. American requires that you do so for teens between the ages of 15 and 17, even if they’ve opted out.

What to pack

Have a plan to head off your child’s hunger, boredom and thirst. If they are older, make sure they have emergency money and a charged phone.

When her two daughters, then 9 and 11, flew to Denver, Joey Conover of Charlottesville, Va., had a long list for their carry-ons.

“Pack a backpack with iPad, headphones, lightweight book to read, a pad of paper and colored pencils (markers might smear), a small travel game, water bottle (bring empty and fill in airport), snacks, some kind of surprise fidget or animals to play with, hoodie, and a lovey,” she wrote in an email.

“Write your name and phone number on the inside of their arm in Sharpie and put a parent’s business card in a luggage tag on both suitcase and backpack,” Ms. Conover said. (A sheet of paper with all their identification, and their guardian’s contact information, also works. Simply stick in an easy-to-access pocket.)

Open Up Your World

Considering a trip, or just some armchair traveling here are some ideas..

52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .

Mumbai:  Spend 36 hours in this fast-changing Indian city  by exploring ancient caves, catching a concert in a former textile mill and feasting on mangoes.

Kyoto:  The Japanese city’s dry gardens offer spots for quiet contemplation  in an increasingly overtouristed destination.

Iceland:  The country markets itself as a destination to see the northern lights. But they can be elusive, as one writer recently found .

Texas:  Canoeing the Rio Grande near Big Bend National Park can be magical. But as the river dries, it’s getting harder to find where a boat will actually float .

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3 tips on how to travel with a baby in the car

Setting off on a road trip with little ones is thrilling but also comes with worries about their safety and comfort. let's discuss why a reliable baby car seat is a must for every family..

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3 tips on how to travel with a baby in the car

As parents, setting on a road trip with our little ones can be both exciting and daunting. The anticipation of creating lasting memories together is often accompanied by concerns about keeping our precious kids and companions safe and comfortable throughout the journey. One essential aspect of ensuring a smooth and worry-free ride is investing in a reliable baby car seat.

Let's talk about why baby car seats are not just an optional accessory, but a crucial safety measure for every family. Picture this: you're driving along a busy highway, and suddenly, you need to hit the brakes hard. With a properly installed car seat, you can manoeuvre and put the brakes on with that added peace of mind. Baby car seats provide a secure and snug environment for your little one, giving you that extra bit of cushion while driving, afterall you know that your baby is protected with the right mechanism, and additional safety measures deployed around baby car seats.


tips to travel with babies

Where to find the best flight deals

PHOTO: Stock photo of a plane flying over an island.

Kelvin encourages travelers to utilize Google Flights and other free price-tracking tools to compare fare prices and snag the best deal.

He also suggests using both the calendar and map features within Google Flights to see which airports, dates and destinations how the lowest fare.

From the Google Flights homepage on a computer, click "explore destinations" and select a departure city without adding a destination. Then zoom out on the map to see the best prices for destinations all over the world.

Get the most out of free travel loyalty programs

Travelers should be earning points for anything and everything that they are buying or booking from airline and hotels to car rentals, Kelvin said.

In addition to the points that can can help travelers earn free flights and hotel stays, Kelvin said to look for extra perks just for joining.

Hyatt rewards, for example, offers all guests free breakfast.

For Thrifty Car Rental and Dollar Car Rental, he said you can add your spouse or domestic partner as an additional driver for free.

Loyalty programs are great for airlines too. JetBlue, for example, allows enrolled customers -- even if they don't have enough points for a flight -- to use points for discounts. Plus, with any airline, as you accumulate points to earn status, you can get free seating upgrades.

Travel credit cards with cash back perks

Along with earning points, travel credit cards give you protection for your trip like insurance to help with lost or damaged baggage and trip cancellation protection

PHOTO: Chase Sapphire Reserve card.

Chase debuts new airport lounge: Gourmet menus, sleek interiors, free facials redefine hospitality for airport travel

As for credit cards, The Points Guy team suggests the Capital One Venture Rewards credit card as an all-around pick -- you get 75,000 miles after meeting your minimum spend in the first three months. Which Kelvin said is a value of over $1,300.

If you're looking to earn the most miles, he said look to the Chase Sapphire Preferred Card.

"You'll earn the most points on all your purchases with this one," he said.

Finally, if you want a credit card with no fee, Kelvin suggested the Bilt Mastercard, which he said is particularly great for renters because you can earn points on what's likely someone's biggest expense.

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Save money on international phone plans for summer trips

If someone's trip is taking them out of the country, using a cell phone internationally can cost $10 to 15 per day. For a family of four, that's more than $400 for a week.

If your phones support eSIM, Kelvin suggested purchasing a data plan for your destination through an app such as Airalo, Truphone or GigSky.

For example, one of Airalo's global SIM plans costs $9 for one week, which could save a family close to $350 dollars, depending on their existing international coverage.

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‘Bachelor’ couple shares parenting tips ahead of welcoming their second baby: ‘Don’t overthink it’

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A couple who met on “Bachelor in Paradise” are excited — and a bit anxious — to welcome their second child this year. 

Ashley Iaconetti Haibon and Jared Haibon, each known for being contestants at various times within the “Bachelor” franchise, were wed in 2019 and welcomed son Dawson in 2022. 

Now, they’re preparing for their second baby boy to arrive in 2024 — and told Fox News Digital that they’re feeling a bit nervous about it. 

“We’re pretty nervous, [but] obviously we want this [and] we’re so ready for [them] to be [ages] two and four, but we’re kind of scared [about] zero to two,” Ashley Iaconetti Haibon said about having a newborn plus a toddler. 

The current family of three lives in Rhode Island. They own and operate Audrey’s Coffee House & Lounge — something Jared Haibon said had been a lifelong dream of his. 

“I always wanted to own and operate my own place, and I’ve always worked in restaurants,” Jared Haibon noted, while agreeing that he “likes manual labor.”

Ashley Iaconetti Haibon and Jared Haibon.

The pair said they get fans of the “Bachelor” franchise in their South Kingstown, Rhode Island, storefront constantly. 

“That’s the most humbling part of it … People come in, ‘Bachelor’ friends, and they want to take pictures,” Jared Haibon said. 

He added, “It’s the people that travel from all around the country to come here … I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”

Ashley Iaconetti, Jared Haibon, attends 6th Annual PingPong4Purpose at Dodger Stadium on August 23, 2018 in Los Angeles, California.

The Haibons are partnering with Dawn Professional to launch the new formulated manual pot & pan dish detergent, which Jared Haibon said has cut down his time in the kitchen at Audrey’s. 

“I’m grateful for it because it’s giving us some extra family time,” Ashley Iaconetti Haibon added, as the family looks forward to welcoming another baby soon. 

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The pair shared their excitement about how their family is expanding.

“He’s really just so affectionate and sweet, and we have no doubt the second one will be just like that, too,” Jared Haibon said. 

As for parenting tips the pair shared, Jared Haibon said his number-one tip for any other new parents is to not hold yourself to ultra-high expectations.

“You’re doing the best you can, and I feel that if you’re loving your kid and protecting and providing … you’re a great parent,” he said. 

For her part, Ashley Iaconetti Haibon said she continues to work on trying to lose feelings of guilt when she has to step away for a short time to do something for herself or the family. 

“I think the mom guilt is [something] I still need to work on [because] why would I feel guilty for going to do something for myself? … But I still do,” she said. 

The mom also recommended that parents get out of the house with their baby. 

“I know it’s a hassle to get out of the house, but it’s usually worthwhile,” she said. 

tips to travel with babies

“Getting out with the baby is always just mentally more healthy for me.”

Overall, Jared Haibon recommended that parents simply stop overthinking things. 

“Don’t overthink things like, ‘Oh, I should try this swing’ or ‘He’s been in this for too long’ — everything is fine,” he said.

Those interested in the new Dawn Professional detergent can visit pgpro.com. 

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Ashley Iaconetti Haibon and Jared Haibon.



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    Welcome to Have Baby Will Travel! Yes, you CAN travel with a baby or toddler! Our mission is to inspire, motivate, and help families travel with babies, toddlers, and young children: What to pack …. Where to go …. Baby travel gear …. Flying with infants …. Since 2007, we've helped millions of parents plan their first trips and family ...

  22. How to plan an international trip with a baby

    Traveling with an infant is already an adventure -- and traveling abroad with one is an even bigger feat to tackle. Knowing the rules, researching and prepping ahead of time and packing the right things can make (or break) your first international trip with a baby. If you're in the know, you can take advantage of all the options afforded to traveling families, from bassinets on the plane and ...

  23. Sustainable travel with babies and toddlers: earth-friendly tips

    So, in honor of Earth Day, here are some tips on traveling sustainably with your babies and toddlers. ... Consider reusable or biodegradable baby products such as cloth diapers, organic baby food pouches, and bamboo utensils. When choosing toiletries, invest in plastic-free options like bar-forms of shampoo and body wash. ...

  24. 16 Tips for Flying With Toddlers and Young Kids

    When flying with a toddler, wipe everything from hands to tray tables down with sanitizing wipes when you're getting settled in your seats—and above all else, do not send your kids to the ...

  25. 15 Tips to Make Traveling With Family More Fun & Less Stressful

    If you are new to the idea of traveling with children, Dubrow suggests you start small. Take your family on a smaller, local day trip and test drive your tips and hacks while being close enough to ...

  26. Tips for Parents on Kids Flying Solo and Free of Stress

    For many parents and guardians, putting a child on a flight alone may seem terrifying. Belligerent passengers, delays, turbulence: All loom large in a caregiver's imagination. Life sometimes ...

  27. They'd never seen the point of traveling with their young children

    In January 2019, Margaret Bensfield Sullivan, set off on a year-long trip around the world with her husband Teddy and their children, Willa and James, who were six and four at the time.

  28. 3 tips on how to travel with a baby in the car

    By investing in a reliable baby car seat, we can proceed on our journey with confidence, knowing that our precious little one is well-protected every step of the way. So, the next time you buckle up for a family road trip, remember to prioritise safety and choose a baby car seat that offers both security and comfort for your little one.

  29. Bucket list travel on a budget: Expert tips for airfare, loyalty

    Bucket list travel on a budget: Expert tips for airfare, loyalty programs, credit card perks and more. Nicky Kelvin from The Points Guy dives into ways to save this summer.

  30. 'Bachelor' couple shares parenting tips ahead of welcoming their second

    The mom also recommended that parents get out of the house with their baby. "I know it's a hassle to get out of the house, but it's usually worthwhile," she said. 3