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Tourism Management System in C/C++

The Tourism Management System is implemented by C programming . It is as same as one can see while going for online booking. Here, the underlying idea is to present users with two choices International or India Tour packages. Then according to the choice, the available packages will be displayed.  The next step is to mention the total number of passengers and all the necessary details of the passengers. The total amount will be evaluated and a receipt will be generated on the screen.

  • A structure is implemented for taking the details of the passengers like name, gender, and age.
  • Six functions – void details(), void add_node(char, char, int), void receipt(), void heading(), void inter(), void india() are created to handle different functionality.
  • The heading() function is declared that will make the heading of the portal.
  • The system(“cls”) is used to clear our screen.
  • Three elements are added in the structure like two strings one for taking passenger name and gender, and one integer for taking passenger age. Also, the structure pointer will be used that will help to link the next node of another passenger. It is similar to a linked list .
  • Some character arrays are defined and some integer arrays as globally.
  • The user has to give choice for International or Indian Tour packages.
  • If the user choose International tour packages then inter() function will be called. Here, the user has to choose certain packages from a list.
  • If the user choose the India tour package then india() function will be called. Here, the user has to choose certain packages from a list.
  • The details() function will be called to take the number of passengers.
  • A for loop will be executed to take details of each passenger. Then the taken details will be sent to the add_node() function.
  • In the add_node function, every detail will store into a node for each passenger. This node will link each other. This is based on the linked list concept.
  • At last, the receipt() function will be called, which will display all the necessary details.

Source Code: Below is the implementation of the above approach


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Complete Online Tourism Management System in PHP MySQL Free Source Code

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Table of Contents

Project: Complete Online Tourism Management System in PHP MySQL Free Source Code

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on building an Online Tourism Management System in PHP and MySQL ! In this project, we will show you how to create a robust system that handles everything from user registration to managing tours, inquiries, and bookings.

What is an Online Tourism Management System?

An Online Tourism Management System is a web-based application that allows tourism businesses to manage their operations online. It typically includes features for user registration, managing inquiries, bookings, tours, and user management. By centralizing these functions, businesses can streamline their operations and provide a seamless experience to their customers.

Objective of an Online Tourism Management System

The primary objective of an Online Tourism Management System is to simplify and automate the various tasks involved in managing a tourism business. This includes managing bookings, handling inquiries, and providing a platform for customers to explore and book tours online. By providing these tools, businesses can improve efficiency, reduce manual work, and enhance the overall customer experience.

Description of Tourism Management System

A Tourism Management System is a comprehensive solution that covers all aspects of managing a tourism business. It includes features for managing tours, handling inquiries, processing bookings, and managing customer information. Additionally, it may include features for generating reports, analyzing data, and integrating with other systems such as payment gateways and accounting software.

How to Build a Tourism Management System in PHP MySQL

To build a Tourism Management System in PHP MySQL, you can follow these steps:

  • Set Up Your Development Environment: Install a web server (e.g., Apache), PHP, and MySQL on your local machine or a server.
  • Design Your Database: Create a database schema to store information such as tours, bookings, customers, and inquiries.
  • Develop Your Application: Write PHP code to create the functionality for managing tours, bookings, inquiries, and user registration.
  • Implement Security Measures: Implement security measures such as input validation, SQL injection prevention, and user authentication to protect your system from vulnerabilities.
  • Test Your Application: Test your application thoroughly to ensure that it functions correctly and meets the requirements of your tourism business.
  • Deploy Your Application: Once you have tested your application, deploy it to a production environment where it can be accessed by your customers.

How to Create a Travel Management System Project

Creating a Travel Management System project involves the following steps:

  • Define Your Requirements: Identify the features and functionality you need in your Travel Management System, such as user registration, booking management, and tour management.
  • Design Your System: Create a design for your system, including the user interface, database schema, and system architecture.
  • Develop Your System: Write the code for your system, implementing the features and functionality you identified in the requirements phase.
  • Test Your System: Test your system to ensure that it functions correctly and meets the needs of your business and users.
  • Deploy Your System: Deploy your system to a production environment where it can be used by your customers.

Features of the Tourism Management System Project

Our Online Tourism Management System in PHP MySQL offers a wide range of features to make your tourism business thrive:

1. Dashboard

  • Provides a quick overview of key metrics and activities.

2. User Registration

  • Allows users to create accounts and manage their profiles.

3. Manage Inquiries

  • Helps in handling and responding to inquiries from potential customers.

4. Manage Booking

  • Enables efficient management of bookings, including approvals and cancellations.

5. Manage Tours

  • Allows the addition, modification, and deletion of tour packages.

6. User Management

  • Administer users and their access levels.

7. Manage Issues

  • Handle and resolve customer issues effectively.

8. Manage Pages

  • Easily edit and manage website content pages.

9. Approve/Cancel Booking

  • Streamline the booking approval process.

10. Pending Booking

  • Keep track of pending bookings for quick action.

11. 100% Responsive

  • Ensure a seamless experience across all devices.

Screenshot of the Home Page

online tourism management system in php

online tourism management system in php

Online Tourism Management System Flowchart

The flowchart represents the flow of interactions within an Online Tourism Management System in PHP MySQL (OTMS), detailing the actions and decisions users and administrators can take within the system. Here’s a description of the flowchart:

  • Users can log in or register to access the system.
  • Depending on their user type (customer or admin), they will be directed to different sections of the system.
  • Customers can view available tours and make inquiries about them.
  • They can also make bookings for tours and manage their bookings, such as viewing booking details and receiving booking confirmations.
  • Admins have access to a dashboard where they can manage various aspects of the system.
  • They can manage users, including adding, editing, and deleting user accounts.
  • Admins can also manage tours, such as adding new tours, editing existing tours, and deleting tours.
  • They can manage bookings, including viewing booking details and approving or canceling bookings.
  • Admins can also manage inquiries, viewing inquiries and responding to them.
  • Additionally, admins can manage issues, viewing and resolving any issues that arise.
  • Finally, admins can manage website pages, including viewing and editing content pages.
  • The flowchart illustrates the flow of information within the system, showing how users and admins interact with different components to perform various action

Online Tourism Management System Flowchart

This flowchart provides a detailed overview of the functionalities of the Online Tourism Management System, highlighting the interactions between users and administrators and the processes involved in managing tours, bookings, inquiries, and other aspects of the system.

Online Tourism Management System ER Diagram

The Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram for the Online Tourism Management System (OTMS) represents the entities and their relationships within the system. Here’s a detailed description of the diagram:

  • The User entity represents users of the system, including their userID, username, password, email, and userType (which is a foreign key referencing the UserType entity).
  • The UserType entity defines the type of user, such as customer or admin.
  • The Booking entity represents bookings made by users, including bookingID, tourID (foreign key referencing Tour entity), userID (foreign key referencing User entity), bookingDate, and status.
  • The Tour entity represents tours available in the system, including tourID, tourName, description, location, and price.
  • The Inquiry entity represents inquiries made by users, including inquiryID, userID (foreign key referencing User entity), inquiryMessage, inquiryDate, responseMessage, and responseDate.
  • The Issue entity represents issues reported by users, including issueID, userID (foreign key referencing User entity), issueMessage, issueDate, and status.
  • The Page entity represents website pages, including pageID, pageTitle, and content.
  • The Admin entity represents administrators of the system, including adminID, username, and password. Admins can manage pages.

Online Tourism Management System ER Diagram

This ER Diagram provides a comprehensive view of the data structure and relationships within the OTMS, detailing how users interact with the system, make bookings, inquiries, and reports, and how administrators manage pages.

To run this project you must have installed a virtual server i.e  XAMPP on your PC. Online Tourism Management System in PHP with source code is free to download, Use for educational purposes only!

After Starting Apache and MySQL in XAMPP, follow the following steps

1st Step :  Extract file 2nd Step:  Copy the main project folder 3rd Step:  Paste in xampp/htdocs/

Now Connecting Database

4th Step:  Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/phpmyadmin/” 5th Step:  Then, click on the databases tab 6th Step: Create a database naming “tms” and then click on the import tab 7th Step: Click on browse file and select “tns. sql ” file which is inside the “db” folder 8th Step:  Click on go.

After Creating Database ,

9th Step: Open a browser and go to URL “http://localhost/onlinetourism”

Project Demonstration

Have a look at the video below for the project demonstration.

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Free Download Complete Online Tourism Management System in PHP MySQL Source Code

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Please translate in English.

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Brother I am getting an error as “Connection failed: Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)” and once I put “GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tms.* TO ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘Ansari@123’; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;” this in my configuration file it shows me a blank screen on the browser

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hello brother I am getting an error as “Connection failed: Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)” but when I put “GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tms.* TO ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘Ansari@123’; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;” in my config file I am getting a blank screen on the browser.

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user and password for config

where is the admin details please?

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im also admin login problem plz help

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This project is very useful for education purpose. My heart full thanks to the demo video really amazing….But now the video is not visible…

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i cant login to adminlogin the user and the password not correct need your help

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Please check your admin localhost url.

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same problem for me

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Don't be Afraid of Source Code

PHP Projects

Tourism Management System in PHP with Source code

by Anuj Kumar

Modules of Tourism Management System in PHP

  • Guest users


  • User can register yourself.
  • User can log in with valid email and password.
  • Forgot Password(user Can recover own password)
  • Tour Booking
  • Manage Booking
  • Generate Ticket(Regarding Complaint)
  • change Password


  • Admin can create Package
  • Manage packages(Create,Update)
  • Manage Users
  • Manage Inquiries
  • Manage issues
  • Manage Pages
  • Change Password

Admin Dashboard

Guest users—

  • Visit the Website
  • Guest user can enquiry

Some of the Project Screens

TMS Home Page

User Signup/Registration

TMS User Signup

Tour History

TMS Tour History

Create Package

TMS Add package

Project Demo

Installation Steps(Configuration)

1. Download and Unzip the file on your local system. 2.Copy tms folder and tms folder inside root directory (for xampp xampp/htdocs, for wamp wamp/www, for lamp var/www/HTML)

Database Configuration

Open PHPMyAdmin Create Database tms Import database tms.sql (available inside the zip package) Open Your browser put inside browser “http://localhost/tms” Login Details for admin : 

Open Your browser put inside browser “http://localhost/tms/admin”

Username: admin

Password: Test@123

Login Details for user: 

Open Your browser put inside browser “http://localhost/tms/”

Username: [email protected]

Download full source code(Tourism Management System) Size: 6.31 MB Version: V 2.0 Download Source Code

Project Report

Download Tourism Management System Project  Report and PPT  in Rs 199 / $3

Tags: Online Tourism Management System Online Tourism Management System in php Tourism Management System free download Tourism Management System in php free download With Source Code Tourism Management System Using PHP With Source Code

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Hi! I am Anuj Kumar, a professional web developer with 5+ years of experience in this sector. I found PHPGurukul in September 2015. My keen interest in technology and sharing knowledge with others became the main reason for starting PHPGurukul. My basic aim is to offer all web development tutorials like PHP, PDO, jQuery, PHP oops, MySQL, etc. Apart from the tutorials, we also offer you PHP Projects, and we have around 100+ PHP Projects for you.

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What we know about CrowdStrike’s update fail that’s causing global outages and travel chaos

Person looking at monitors with overlaid Crowdstrike and Microsoft Windows logos (Image Credits: Bryce Durbin / TechCrunch)

A faulty software update issued by security giant CrowdStrike has resulted in a massive overnight outage that’s affected Windows computers around the world , disrupting businesses, airports, train stations, banks, broadcasters and the healthcare sector.

CrowdStrike said the outage was not caused by a cyberattack, but was the result of a “defect” in a software update for its flagship security product, Falcon Sensor. The defect caused any Windows computers that Falcon is installed on to crash without fully loading.

“The issue has been identified, isolated and a fix has been deployed,” said CrowdStrike in a statement on Friday . Some businesses and organizations are beginning to recover, but many expect the outages to drag on into the weekend or next week given the complexity of the fix. CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz told NBC News that it may take “some time for some systems that just automatically won’t recover.” In a later tweet , Kurtz apologized for the disruption.

Here’s everything you need to know about the outages.

What happened?

Late Thursday into Friday, reports began to emerge of IT problems wherein Windows computers were getting stuck with the infamous “blue screen of death” — a bright blue error screen with a message that displays when Windows encounters a critical failure, crashes or cannot load.

The outages were first noticed in Australia early on Friday, and reports quickly came in from the rest of Asia and Europe as the regions began their day, as well as the United States.

Within a short time, CrowdStrike confirmed that a software update for Falcon had malfunctioned and was causing Windows computers that had the software installed to crash. Falcon lets CrowdStrike remotely analyze and check for malicious threats and malware on installed computers.

At around the same time, Microsoft reported a significant outage at one of its most used Azure cloud regions covering much of the central United States. A spokesperson for Microsoft told TechCrunch that its outage was unrelated to CrowdStrike’s incident .

Around Friday noon (Eastern time), Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella posted on X saying the company is aware of the CrowdStrike botched update and is “working closely with CrowdStrike and across the industry to provide customers technical guidance and support to safely bring their systems back online.”

What is CrowdStrike and what does Falcon Sensor do?

CrowdStrike, founded in 2011, has quickly grown into a cybersecurity giant. Today the company provides software and services to 29,000 corporate customers, including around half of Fortune 500 companies, 43 out of 50 U.S. states and eight out of the top 10 tech firms, according to its website .

The company’s cybersecurity software, Falcon, is used by enterprises to manage security on millions of computers around the world. These businesses include large corporations, hospitals, transportation hubs and government departments. Most consumer devices do not run Falcon and are unaffected by this outage.

One of the company’s biggest recent claims to fame was when it caught a group of Russian government hackers breaking into the Democratic National Committee ahead of the 2016 U.S. presidential election. CrowdStrike is also known for using memorable animal-themed names for the hacking groups it tracks based on their nationality, such as: Fancy Bear , believed to be part of Russia’s General Staff Main Intelligence Directorate, or GRU; Cozy Bear , believed to be part of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, or SVR; Gothic Panda , believed to be a Chinese government group; and Charming Kitten , believed to be an Iranian state-backed group. The company even makes action figures to represent these groups, which it sells as swag .

CrowdStrike is so big it’s one of the sponsors of the Mercedes F1 team , and this year even aired a Super Bowl ad — a first for a cybersecurity company. 

Who are the outages affecting?

Practically anyone who during their everyday life interacts with a computer system running software from CrowdStrike is affected, even if the computer isn’t theirs. 

These devices include the cash registers at grocery stores, departure boards at airports and train stations, school computers, your work-issued laptops and desktops, airport check-in systems, airlines’ own ticketing and scheduling platforms, healthcare networks and many more. Because CrowdStrike’s software is so ubiquitous, the outages are causing chaos around the world in a variety of ways. A single affected Windows computer in a fleet of systems could be enough to disrupt the network. 

TechCrunch reporters around the world are seeing and experiencing outages, including at points of travel, doctors’ offices and online. Early on Friday, the Federal Aviation Administration put in effect a ground stop, effectively grounding flights across the United States, citing the disruption. It looks like so far the national Amtrak rail network is functioning as normal. 

What is the U.S. government doing so far?

Given that the problem stems from a company, there isn’t much that the U.S. federal government can do. According to a pool report, President Biden was briefed on the CrowdStrike outage, and “his team is in touch with CrowdStrike and impacted entities.” That’s in large part because the federal government is a customer of CrowdStrike and also affected.

Several federal agencies are affected by the incident, including the Department of Education , and Social Security Administration, which said Friday that it closed its offices as a result of the outage.

The pool report said Biden’s team is “engaged across the interagency to get sector by sector updates throughout the day and is standing by to provide assistance as needed.” 

In a separate tweet, Homeland Security said it was working with its U.S. cybersecurity agency CISA, CrowdStrike and Microsoft — as well as its federal, state, local and critical infrastructure partners — to “fully assess and address system outages.”

There will no doubt be questions for CrowdStrike (and to some extent Microsoft, whose unrelated outage also caused disruption overnight for its customers) from government and congressional investigators. 

For now, the immediate focus will be on the recovery of affected systems.

How do affected customers fix their Windows computers?

The major problem here is that CrowdStrike’s Falcon Sensor software malfunctioned, causing Windows machines to crash, and there’s no easy way to fix that. 

So far, CrowdStrike has issued a patch, and it has also detailed a workaround that could help affected systems function normally until it has a permanent solution. One option is for users to “reboot the [affected computer] to give it an opportunity to download the reverted channel file,” referring to the fixed file.

In a message to users , CrowdStrike detailed a few steps customers can take, one of which requires physical access to an affected system to remove the defective file. CrowdStrike says users should boot the computer into Safe Mode or Windows Recovery Environment, navigate to the CrowdStrike directory, and delete the faulty file “C-00000291*.sys.”

The wider problem with having to fix the file manually could be a major headache for companies and organizations with large numbers of computers, or Windows-powered servers in datacenters or locations that might be in another region, or an entirely different country.

CISA warns that malicious actors are ‘taking advantage’ of the outage

In a statement on Friday, CISA attributed the outages to the faulty CrowdStrike update and that the issue was not due to a cyberattack. CISA said that it was “working closely with CrowdStrike and federal, state, local, tribal and territorial partners, as well as critical infrastructure and international partners to assess impacts and support remediation efforts.”

CISA did note, however, that it has “observed threat actors taking advantage of this incident for phishing and other malicious activity.” The cybersecurity agency did not provide more specifics, but warned organizations to stay vigilant.

Malicious actors can and will exploit confusion and chaos to carry out cyberattacks on their own. Rachel Tobac, a social engineering expert and founder of cybersecurity firm SocialProof Security, said in a series of posts on X to “verify people are who they say they are before taking sensitive actions.”

“Criminals will attempt to use this IT outage to pretend to be IT to you or you to IT to steal access, passwords, codes, etc.,” Tobac said.

What do we know about misinformation so far?

It’s easy to understand why some might have thought that this outage was a cyberattack. Sudden outages, blue screens at airports, office computers filled with error messages, and chaos and confusion. As you might expect, a fair amount of misinformation is already flying around , even as social media sites incorrectly flag trending topics like “cyberattack.”

Remember to check official sources of news and information, and if something seems too good to be true, it might just well be.

TechCrunch will keep this report updated throughout the day.

TechCrunch’s Ram Iyer contributed reporting.

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Chaos and Confusion: Tech Outage Causes Disruptions Worldwide

Airlines, hospitals and people’s computers were affected after CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity company, sent out a flawed software update.

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A view from above of a crowded airport with long lines of people.

By Adam Satariano Paul Mozur Kate Conger and Sheera Frenkel

  • July 19, 2024

Airlines grounded flights. Operators of 911 lines could not respond to emergencies. Hospitals canceled surgeries. Retailers closed for the day. And the actions all traced back to a batch of bad computer code.

A flawed software update sent out by a little-known cybersecurity company caused chaos and disruption around the world on Friday. The company, CrowdStrike , based in Austin, Texas, makes software used by multinational corporations, government agencies and scores of other organizations to protect against hackers and online intruders.

But when CrowdStrike sent its update on Thursday to its customers that run Microsoft Windows software, computers began to crash.

The fallout, which was immediate and inescapable, highlighted the brittleness of global technology infrastructure. The world has become reliant on Microsoft and a handful of cybersecurity firms like CrowdStrike. So when a single flawed piece of software is released over the internet, it can almost instantly damage countless companies and organizations that depend on the technology as part of everyday business.

“This is a very, very uncomfortable illustration of the fragility of the world’s core internet infrastructure,” said Ciaran Martin, the former chief executive of Britain’s National Cyber Security Center and a professor at the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University.

A cyberattack did not cause the widespread outage, but the effects on Friday showed how devastating the damage can be when a main artery of the global technology system is disrupted. It raised broader questions about CrowdStrike’s testing processes and what repercussions such software firms should face when flaws in their code cause major disruptions.

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How a Software Update Crashed Computers Around the World

Here’s a visual explanation for how a faulty software update crippled machines.

While outages are common, often caused by technical errors or cyberattacks, the scale of what unfolded on Friday was unparalleled.

“This is historic,” said Mikko Hypponen, the chief research officer at WithSecure, a cybersecurity company. “We haven’t had an incident like this.”

George Kurtz, CrowdStrike’s chief executive, said that the company took responsibility for the mistake and that a software fix had been released. He warned that it could be some time before tech systems returned to normal.

“We’re deeply sorry for the impact that we’ve caused to customers, to travelers, to anyone affected by this,” he said in an interview on Friday on NBC’s “Today” show.

Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s chief executive, blamed CrowdStrike and said the company was working to help customers “bring their systems back online.” Apple and Linux machines were not affected by the CrowdStrike software update.

A White House official said the administration was in “regular contact” with CrowdStrike and had convened agencies to assess the impact of the outage on the federal government’s operations.

CrowdStrike, founded in 2011 by Mr. Kurtz and others, has built a reputation over the years as a firm that could solve even the toughest security problems. It was tapped to investigate a 2014 hack of Sony Pictures and the 2016 hack of the Democratic National Committee, which exposed Hillary Clinton’s emails.

But problems stemming from CrowdStrike’s products have surfaced before. In April, the company pushed a software update to customers running the Linux system that crashed computers, according to an internal CrowdStrike report sent to customers about the incident, which was obtained by The New York Times.

The bug, which did not appear to be related to Friday’s outage, took CrowdStrike nearly five days to fix, the report said. CrowdStrike promised to improve its testing process going forward, according to the report.

On Thursday, the tech issues began when Microsoft dealt with an outage on its cloud service system, Azure, which affected some airlines .

Then CrowdStrike sent an update for its software called Falcon Sensor , which scans a computer for intrusions and signs of hacking. If everything had gone according to plan, CrowdStrike’s software would have received minor improvements and customers would have hardly noticed.

Instead, when CrowdStrike’s faulty update reached computers running Microsoft Windows, it caused the machines to shut down and then endlessly reboot. Workers around the world were greeted with what is known as the “blue screen of death” on their computers. Insufficient testing at CrowdStrike was a likely source of the problem, experts said.

As computers restarted themselves over and over, known as the “doom loop,” there was little CrowdStrike could do to fix the problem. Tech staff at affected companies were faced with a choice: walk around to each machine and remove the bit of flawed code, or wait and hope for a solution from CrowdStrike.

The problems cascaded instantly. At Sydney Airport in Australia, travelers encountered delays and cancellations, as did those in Hong Kong, India, Dubai, Berlin and Amsterdam. At least five U.S. airlines — Allegiant Air, American, Delta, Spirit and United — grounded all flights for a time, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

How the airline cancellations rippled around the world (and across time zones)

Share of canceled flights at 25 airports on Friday

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50% of flights

Ai r po r t

Bengalu r u K empeg o wda

Dhaka Shahjalal

Minneapolis-Saint P aul

Stuttga r t

Melbou r ne

Be r lin B r anden b urg

London City

Amsterdam Schiphol

Chicago O'Hare


B r adl e y

Cha r lotte

Reagan National


1:20 a.m. ET

tourism management system source code in c

Health care systems were crippled, forcing hospitals to cancel noncritical surgeries. In the United States, 911 lines went down in multiple states, though many of those problems were being resolved later on Friday. Britain’s National Health Service also reported issues.

“We knew we had a catastrophe on our hands,” said B.J. Moore, the chief information officer for Providence Health, which has 52 hospitals in seven states. He said 15,000 servers were down and 40,000 out of Providence’s 150,000 computers were affected, adding that it was “worse than a cyberattack."

The United Parcel Service and FedEx said they were affected. Customers with TD Bank, one of the biggest banks in the United States, reported issues accessing their online accounts. Several state and municipal court systems closed for the day because of the outage.

At CrowdStrike, engineers described an atmosphere of confusion as the company struggled to contain the damage.

Executives urged employees not to speculate on why the mistake happened and directed them to focus on a fix for the computers that were affected, said two engineers who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. Computers not connected to the cloud required a physical fix to the error introduced by CrowdStrike, they said, which could take weeks.

Within several hours of the faulty software going out, CrowdStrike sent out a software patch as a fix that would stop computers from endlessly rebooting.

Lukasz Olejnik, an independent cybersecurity researcher and consultant, said the outage would still take time to resolve because a suggested solution for some organizations involved rebooting each computer manually into safe mode, deleting a specific file and then restarting the computer.

While that is a relatively straightforward process, security experts said, it may not be easy to do at scale. Those with organized and well-staffed information technology teams could potentially fix the issues more quickly, Mr. Olejnik said.

Unlike the iPhone software updates that Apple sends to customers, the incident highlighted information technology systems that operate in the background. The CrowdStrike issues were compounded because the software being updated performed critical cybersecurity tasks, giving it access to scan a computer to look for viruses and other malicious attacks.

Cybersecurity tools operate quietly in the background to defend computers against attacks. The software is frequently updated with new defenses as hackers develop fresh methods of attack, but constant updates mean there are many opportunities for mistakes to happen.

“One of the tricky parts of security software is it needs to have absolute privileges over your entire computer in order to do its job,” said Thomas Parenty, a cybersecurity consultant and a former U.S. National Security Agency analyst. “So if there’s something wrong with it, the consequences are vastly greater than if your spreadsheet doesn’t work.”

On Friday, the stock price of CrowdStrike, which reported $3 billion in annual revenue last year, closed down 11 percent.

CrowdStrike’s stock price so far this year

The company faces questions about what liabilities it and other software makers face for major disruptions and cybersecurity incidents. The consequences for significant outages can be so minimal that companies are not motivated to make more fundamental changes, experts said. While a car manufacturer would face stiff penalties for faulty brakes, a software provider can often issue another update and move on.

“Until software companies have to pay a price for faulty products, we will be no safer tomorrow than we are today,” Mr. Parenty said.

Meaghan Tobin , Aaron Krolik and Jill Cowan contributed reporting.

Adam Satariano is a technology correspondent for The Times, based in London. More about Adam Satariano

Paul Mozur is the global technology correspondent for The Times, based in Taipei. Previously he wrote about technology and politics in Asia from Hong Kong, Shanghai and Seoul. More about Paul Mozur

Kate Conger is a technology reporter based in San Francisco. She can be reached at [email protected]. More about Kate Conger

Sheera Frenkel is a reporter based in the San Francisco Bay Area, covering the ways technology impacts everyday lives with a focus on social media companies, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Telegram and WhatsApp. More about Sheera Frenkel


Tourism Management System in C

Tourism management system in c with source code.

Tourism Management System Project in C with Source Code

Are you looking for a Tourism Management System Project in C with Source Code? Well, …

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Tourism Management System Project

January 24, 2016 by ProjectsGeek Leave a Comment

Tourism Management System

Project objective.

Tourism Management System

This software is designed in Visual studio editor with SQL Server as back end. All the data will be stored in the server and in case of any data losing situation, a backup will be available by this server. The software is being designed in such a way that all the details related to every aspect of tourism will be available separately and the customers and agents will not have to go through any of the problem. They just have to click once and all the details will get available to them.

Existing System

In the existing system, all the records are not kept perfectly because all the work is done manually, so keeping up to date details of the vehicles, timings of bookings, seat availability for reservation, vehicles or rooms/hotels availability is not done. Amount of the overall trips are kept in documents and the calculations done are manually which made lead to huge mistakes. Thus, the existing system is very time consuming and being manual work sometimes lead to a great loss as well.

Proposed System

The propose system is highly automated and makes the travelling activities much easier and flexible. The user can get the very right information at the very right time. Customers can get the knowledge of the hotels and vehicles they are going to use in their trip prior to their starting of trip. This will increase the trust of the customer into the travel company as well.

Once the bookings are confirmed all the travel details, customer details as well as all the relevant details related to the trip like hotel name, room number, vehicle number, vehicle owner’s details, date of arriving, date of departure, food to be served and every single detail will be available to the client. They just need once to click using mouse and everything is made available to them.

Modules to be used are:

1. Customer system: This keeps the track of all the new customers and old customers as per their regular needs and generates timely report of it whose one copy is being send to the customer and another copy is being kept into the company’s database for future reference.

2. Travel Agent system: In this module, all the travel agents information associated with the company is kept and all their activities will be tracked.

3. Package Information system: In this module, all the information like hotel’s availability, rooms availability, buses and trains reservation, places to be viewed with tour agent, food to be served, various important timing and all is kept.

Technologies used

  • Visual Studio.net
  • MS SQL Server

Software Requirements

  • DBMS Software
  • Visual studio.net

Hardware Requirements

  • Hard Disk – 2 GB.
  • RAM – 1 GB.
  • Processor – Dual Core or Above.

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Travel Agency Management System in C++ with MySQL


Travel Agency Management System in C++ with MySQL is a system that stores the travelers travel data in the MySQL database and the system can also add, delete, and edit user information in database. Here the user can add new trip in the database and edit or delete the trip route as their need.

Travel Agency Management System Program Description:

The C++ program can store data (MySQL) of the travelers and that data directly stores in the database. The user can also store the trips and modify the trips as their need. The database contains two tables, One for storing user info and another one store trip info.

C++ with MySQL – Travel Agency Management System Program Detail:

Global variables.

  • qstate represent the state of the query. If 0 is successful 1 is failed.
  • conn is the mysql connection variable.
  • row is for getting the current row of the database.
  • res is for getting all the values form the database.

Class db_response

  • This class contains connection of the database.
  • mysql_init is the initializer of mysql_real_connect
  • mysql_real_connect connects to the database. (MySql server should open while connecting)
  • the if statement shows the successful or failed connection.

Free Download BTech BE Projects | MTech ME Projects | MBA MCA Projects Travel Agency Management System in C++ with MySQL

Function main

  • Here firstly the clear screen command then the title command and the color command.
  • db_response::ConnectionFunction() is create the connection to the database.
  • New Travel Trip.
  • Show Users.
  • Delete User.
  • Delete Trip.
  • NewTravelTrip();
  • ShowUsers();
  • FindUser();
  • EditUser();
  • DeleteUser();
  • EditTrip();
  • DeleteTrip();

Travel Agency Management System in C++ with MySQL Free Download BTech BE Projects | MTech ME Projects | MCA Projects

Function NewTravelTrip

  • Firstly the user can enter traveler’s information like username, address, phone, email, trip date, trip id (that is actually the id of the trip Name), trip cost.
  • Then the insert query insert the data into the database.
  • Then if all the process executes fine then the program show successful result.
  • Finally the Exit Code runs.

Travel Agency Management System in C++ with MySQL Free Download BTech BE Projects | MTech ME Projects | MCA Projects

Function ShowUsers

  • In the beginning of the program the select query execute.
  • Then all the data shows in the console.
  • The “select * from travelagency_tb” sql query, used for getting the values from database and print the value from “res” variable using while loop.
  • Finally Exit Code executes.

C++ program with MySQL Travel Agency Management System

Function FindUser

  • User can search any record from the database.
  • The user can search by username.
  • The user can find by only one character if the character matches with the respective columns row.
  • Then by the user choice the program show the desired result.
  • Finally Exit Code run for go to menu or repeat the function or exit from the console.

Function EditUser

  • The program can edit the student record.
  • Firstly the “select * from travelagency_tb” query execute for getting the user
  • Then the user can enter the column id. The input has a number validator.
  • Now the program checks is the record is in the database or not. If not then the program show an item not found pop up message.
  • If the program found the record then the program show the record in the console.
  • And the user can edit as their need.
  • ‘X’ is the symbol for keep the same data in the database.
  • Finally the ‘’Update” query update the new record as given by the user.
  • And show success pop up message.

C++ program with MySQL Travel Agency Management System

Function DeleteUser

  • The function can delete user record.
  • The “Delete” query used to delete the record from the database.
  • It shows all the records than want the input of the user column id.
  • The input is number validator so the user cannot use any other character except numbers.
  • Then the program checks is the record is in the database or not.
  • If this is in the database than the program delete the record and if not then the program shows not in database message in the console.

C++ program with MySQL Travel Agency Management System

Function AddTrip

  • Here user can add new trip record.
  • User can enter the trip name and add into the database.
  • After the input the program execute the insert_query (A variable holing the insertion query).
  • Then the program show the successful message.

travel agency management system in c with mysql 10 Travel Agency Management System in C++ with MySQL

Function EditTrip

  • The program can edit the trip record.
  • Firstly the “select * from travelagency_tb” query execute for getting the student record.

C++ program with MySQL Travel Agency Management System

Function DeleteTrip

  • The function can delete trip record.

Database and Table Name

  • Table: travelagency_tb , travelagencytrips_tb
  • Database: cpp_travelagency_db
  • Usage: XAMPP Server, MySql Headers, MySql Libs

C++ Program Free Download Travel Agency Management System in C++ with MySQL


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Travel Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database

The Travel Management System in C++ with MySQL is a system that keeps travel data in a MySQL database and may add, delete, and amend user information in the database. The user can create new trips in the database and edit or delete existing trips as needed.

Description of Travel Management System Project in C++ and MySQL

The travelers’ data (MySQL) can be stored in the C++ application, which is then immediately stored in the database. The user can also save and alter trips according to their needs. The database has two tables: one for user information and the other for trip information.

Project and Details: Travel Management System Project in C++ and MySQL

Features of travel management system project in c++ and mysql.

  • New Travel Trip Module – To begin, the user must provide traveler information such as username, address, phone number, email address, trip date, trip id (which is the id of the trip name), and trip cost. The data is then inserted into the database using the insert query. The application will provide a successful result if all of the processes run well. Finally, the Exit Code is executed.
  • Show Users Module – The select query is run at the start of the program. The data is then displayed on the console. The sql query “select * from travelagency_tb” was used to retrieve values from the database and print the value from the “res” variable using a while loop. Exit Code is finally executed.
  • Find User Module – Any record in the database can be searched by the user. The user has the option of searching by username. If the character fits the relevant column row, the user can find using only one character. The application then displays the desired outcome based on the user’s selection. Finally, run the Quit Code to return to the menu, repeat the function, or exit the terminal.
  • Edit User Module – The student record can be edited by the program. To get the user, first run the “select * from travelagency_tb” query. The user can then type in the column id. A number validator is present in the input. The application now checks to see if the record exists in the database. If this is not the case, the application will display an item not found notice. If the application locates the record, it will display it in the console. And the user can make changes as needed. The sign ‘X’ stands for keeping the same data in the database. Finally, the “Update” query updates the new record with the information provided by the user. Also, display a success message in the pop-up window. Finally, run the Quit Code to return to the menu, repeat the function, or exit the terminal.
  • Delete User Module – The function has the ability to erase a user’s record. The “Delete” query was performed to get rid of the record in the database. It displays all records that require the user column id to be filled in. Because the input is a number validator, the user is unable to use any characters other than numbers. The program then determines whether or not the record exists in the database. If the record is in the database, the software deletes it; if it isn’t, the program displays a not in database message on the console. Finally, run the Quit Code to return to the menu, repeat the function, or exit the terminal.
  • Add Trip Module – The user can create a new trip record here. The user can name the trip and save it to the database. Following the input, the application runs the insert query command (A variable holing the insertion query). The application then displays the successful message. Finally, run the Quit Code to return to the menu, repeat the function, or exit the terminal.
  • Edit Trip Module – The trip record can be edited by the application. To get the student record, use the “select * from travelagency tb” query first. The user can then type in the column id. A number validator is present in the input. The application now checks to see if the record exists in the database. If this is not the case, the application will display an item not found notice. If the application locates the record, it will display it in the console.
  • Delete Trip Module – The function has the ability to delete a travel record. The “Delete” query was performed to get rid of the record in the database. It displays all records that require the user column id to be filled in. Because the input is a number validator, the user is unable to use any characters other than numbers. The program then determines whether or not the record exists in the database. If the record is in the database, the software deletes it; if it isn’t, the program displays a not in database message on the console. Finally, run the Quit Code to return to the menu, repeat the function, or exit the terminal.

Screenshots Module in Travel Management System Project in C++ and MySQL

tourism management system source code in c

Database and Table Name of Travel Management System Project in C++ and MySQL

  • travelusers and traveltrips are two tables.
  • travelmanagementdb is the database name.
  • XAMPP Server, MySql Headers, and MySql Libs are used.

What is a C++ library?

A C++ library contains code that can be used in a variety of projects. A library usually contains methods and classes that deal with a generic procedure that many developers are likely to use. C++, for example, includes libraries for processing input and output, which is a common task in many programs.

Anyway if you want level up your knowledge in programming especially  C/C++ Programming Language , try this new article I’ve made for you  Best C Projects with Source Code for Beginners Free Download 2022 .

To run this  Travel Management System in C++ and MySQL Free Download  make sure that you have a  Code Blocks ,  DEV C++  or any platform of C++ installed in your computer.

Travel Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Steps On How To Run The Project

Time needed:  5 minutes

Travel Management System Project in C++ and MySQL

download source code for Travel Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database

Finally, You are free to copy the given source code below or download the downloadable source code given.

Downloadable Source Code

In summar y.

The Travel Management System in C++ with MySQL Database is a system that keeps travel data in a database. The user may create new trips in the database and amend or remove existing trips as needed. The database has two tables: one for user information and the other for trip information.

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  • Online Tour and Travel Management System Project in PHP Download With Source Code

If you have any questions or suggestions about  Travel Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database , please feel free to leave a comment below.

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tourism management system source code in c


Travel Management System in PHP with Full Source Code

tourism management system source code in c

The Travel Management System in PHP is an automated system that aims to help customers easily check their package details and at the same time it helps the travel company keep track of the packages online. This Travel Management System in PHP is designed as a simple project that the functions used here can be easily operated by the user or admin.

About the Travel Management System in PHP

This Travel Management System in PHP is developed using PHP, JavaScript, Bootstrap, CSS and MySQL for its database. The Travel Management System in PHP contains two sections which are the user section and the admin section. In this Travel Management System in PHP, the user has to register first before he can access the website. Once, he logged in into the website, he can now view the packages details that is divided into Sb Categories and he also has the ability to book packages online and send an Inquiry. While on the admin section, he has a very important role in all of the management of the system. The admin can Add, Delete and Update the Users, Category, Sub Category and Packages. He can also Add, Update and Remove Advertisements to the website and view all the inquiries.

These are the following feature of the Travel Management System in PHP with Full Source Code

  • Manage Users
  • Manage Categories
  • Manage Sub-Categories
  • Manage Packages
  • View Enquiries
  • Admin Login

How to setup the Travel Management System in PHP with Full Source Code

  • Download the zip file.
  • Download and install XAMPP
  • Run the XAMPP control panel and start MySQL and Apache
  • Go to C:\xampp\htdocs and extract the downloaded zip file ( travel ) inside the folder
  • Open the browser and go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ to create the database
  • Click the new to create a database.
  • Name the database sourcecodester_travel .
  • Click import to import the sql file.
  • Click choose file and select the file that can be found inside the travel  folder

How to run Travel Management System in PHP with Full Source Code

Open the browser and go to http://localhost/travel/

Accessing admin accounts

Username: admin Password: admin

This Travel Management System in PHP with Full Source Code is for educational purposes only. You can download it as a reference and expand your knowledge in making a system. You can freely modify it, according to your desire.

Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by SourceCodester.com for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it. 2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.

  • travel agency source code
  • booking system source code
  • MySQL Database
  • travel management system source code

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tourist reservation system

Tourist Reservation System In C++ With Source Code

Project: Tourist Reservation System In C++ With Source Code

Please scroll down and click on the download button to download  Tourist Reservation system  project for free

Tourist Reservation System is based on the concept of recording trips and tourist reservation details. This whole system is in the C++ language. The system contains both the admin side and the user side. Here, the admin can perform all the tasks like adding, viewing, and updating trips records and their reservations. There’s no login system for this project.

This is a simple reservation management system developed using C++. It utilizes file handling and shows the class and object of the programming language. This project will teach you how to add, list, modify, and delete records in a file in the C++ language.

About System

This Tourist Reservation system project is designed in ‘C++’ language. This system is based on a concept to store and generate all the records of the trips and their reservations. Also, this program is a simple database of trips where the admin can store trips’ records and their reservation records easily as it is not time-consuming. Moreover, the user can make new reservations and also cancel reservations as per their wish. Also, this project is easy to operate and understood by the users.

How To Run the Project?

In order to run the project, you must have installed  Dev C++  or  Code Blocks  on your PC. ( we recommend these IDE ). For the project demo, have a look at the video below:


Download Project

If stuck or need help customizing this system as per your need, just comment down below and we will do our best to answer your question ASAP.

tourism management system source code in c

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Here are 7 public repositories matching this topic..., deerborg / tourism-agency-management.

☕ The main purpose of this project is to enable businesses operating in the hotel sector to manage their daily operations more effectively and optimize customer reservation processes.

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    About System. This Tourist Reservation system project is designed in 'C++' language. This system is based on a concept to store and generate all the records of the trips and their reservations. Also, this program is a simple database of trips where the admin can store trips' records and their reservation records easily as it is not time ...

  25. tourism-management · GitHub Topics · GitHub

    To associate your repository with the tourism-management topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics." GitHub is where people build software. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.