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Europas Bordershop Nummer 1

Unsere Leidenschaft für das Grenzgeschäft gibt es schon seit 1991 – Travel FREE gibt es aber erst seit 2004. Denn 2004 ist die EU enorm gewachsen und erlaubt keinen Duty Free Verkauf innerhalb ihrer Grenzen. Falls Sie das wie viele andere gar nicht bemerkt haben, liegt das wahrscheinlich an Travel FREE. Denn wir haben viele Duty Free Shops übernommen – mit dem obersten Ziel, die Preise weiterhin so niedrig wie möglich zu halten.

Übrigens: Nicht nur unser Verkaufspersonal spricht ziemlich gut deutsch. Travel FREE ist eine deutsch-tschechische Gesellschaft. Fühlen Sie sich also ganz wie zu Hause!

Unsere Einkaufsvorteile

1 wie keins: unser sortiment..

Da können Sie in Ihrem Supermarkt lange nach suchen: Bei uns finden Sie auch Produkte, die ausschließlich für den Reisemarkt hergestellt werden. Also ran an die Grenze und exklusiv shoppen wie noch nie!

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Sonntags kein Frühstückskaffee zu Hause? An Silvester nichts zum Anstoßen? Wir sind jeden Tag für Sie da: Egal ob wochentags, sonntags oder feiertags – hier sparen Sie fast das ganze Jahr über.

100% Markenware.

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Halbe Sachen machen wir nur beim Preis: Sparen Sie bis zu 50% im Vergleich zum benachbarten Inlandsmarkt.

43% mehr Inhalt.

Unsere Spirituosen sind nicht nur günstiger als woanders, sondern auch größer. Mit unseren 1 Liter Flaschen können Sie also ganz einfach doppelt sparen.

Auswahl hoch 10.

Ein schier unerschöpfliches Warenangebot? Gibt’s natürlich an der Grenze: Bei uns finden Sie wirklich alles – von A wie Accessoires über K wie Kosmetik bis Z wie Zinfandel.

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Spirituosen (Über 22%)

Spirituosen (Bis 22%)

  • f Přihlášení
  • Česká koruna

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Akční nabídka od 5.4. do 18.4.2024.


Alkoholické nápoje

Nealkoholické nápoje, slané snacky, parfémy a kosmetika, garance dostupnosti akčního zboží.

Děláme vše pro to, aby byly všechny regály vždy plné. Přesto se může stát, že nám nečekaná návštěva 10 autobusů zákazníků může udělat čáru přes rozpočet. Pokud byste se setkali s tím, že je zboží z akční nabídky vyprodáno ještě před skončením akce, obraťte se prosím na našeho prodejce - zarezervuje vám tuto položku a až nás příště navštívíte, bude tam na vás čekat rezervované zboží, a to za inzerovanou akční cenu.

Bona Aroma kávové pady 36ks, různé druhy

1 kg = 285.14 Kč

 Bona Aroma kávové pady 36ks, různé druhy

Dallmayr Barista 1000g, zrnková, různé druhy

1 kg = 238.24 Kč

Dallmayr Barista 1000g, zrnková, různé druhy

Dallmayr Capsa 56g 10ks, různé druhy

100 g = 94.17 Kč

Dallmayr Capsa 56g 10ks, různé druhy

Dallmayr Classic 500g mletá, zrnková, různé druhy

1 kg = 237.97 Kč

Dallmayr Classic 500g mletá, zrnková, různé druhy

Dallmayr pody 100ks, různé druhy

1 kg = 378.19 Kč

Dallmayr pody 100ks, různé druhy

Eduscho 1000g, zrnková, různé druhy

AKCE: 1 kg = 211.74 Kč KLUB: 1 kg = 195.84 Kč

Eduscho 1000g, zrnková, různé druhy

Eduscho á la Carte pody 100ks 680g

1 kg = 291.89 Kč

Eduscho á la Carte pody 100ks 680g

Eduscho Filterkaffee 500g, mletá, různé druhy

1 kg = 190.27 Kč

Eduscho Filterkaffee 500g, mletá, různé druhy

Melitta Barista 1000g, zrnková, různé druhy

1 kg = 211.74 Kč

Melitta Barista 1000g, zrnková, různé druhy

Melitta Bistro 500g, mletá, různé druhy

1 kg = 174.37 Kč

Melitta Bistro 500g, mletá, různé druhy

Tchibo Der Herzhafte 500g mletá

1 kg = 227.37 Kč

Tchibo Der Herzhafte 500g mletá

Asbach Urbrand 40% 1L

1 l = 503.24 Kč

Asbach Urbrand 40% 1L

Bacardi 35-40% 1L, různé druhy

1 l = 450.24 Kč

Bacardi 35-40% 1L, různé druhy

Baron De Ley Reserva 0,75L

AKCE: 1 l = 246.98 Kč KLUB: 1 l = 211.65 Kč

Baron De Ley Reserva 0,75L

Becherovka Original, Lemond 20-38% 0,5L

1 l = 370.47 Kč

Becherovka Original, Lemond 20-38% 0,5L

Becherovka Unfiltered 38% 0,5L

1 l = 476.47 Kč

Becherovka Unfiltered 38% 0,5L

1 324.74 Kč

1 059.74 Kč

BenRiach Peated 46%

1 l = 1 059.74 Kč

BenRiach Peated 46%

Božkov Originál 37,5% 1L

1 l = 291.24 Kč

Božkov Originál 37,5% 1L

Bombay Bramble 43% 1L

1 l = 635.74 Kč

Bombay Bramble 43% 1L

Bombay Sapphire London Dry 47% 1L

Bombay Sapphire London Dry 47% 1L

Bombay Sapphire Sunset 43% 1L

Bombay Sapphire Sunset 43% 1L

Budweiser Original světlý ležák 6x0,33L

1 l = 64.11 Kč

Budweiser Original světlý ležák 6x0,33L

Budweiser tmavý ležák 0,5L

1 l = 41.87 Kč

Budweiser tmavý ležák  0,5L

Bushmills 10YO Sherry 46% 1L

1 l = 900.74 Kč

Bushmills 10YO Sherry 46% 1L

Carlos I 40% 1L

Carlos I 40% 1L

1 192.24 Kč

Chivas Regal 13YO Irish Cask 40% 1L

1 l = 953.74 Kč

Chivas Regal 13YO Irish Cask 40% 1L

Chivas Regal 13Yo Bourbon Cask 40% 1L

Chivas Regal 13Yo Bourbon Cask 40% 1L

Chivas Regal 13Yo Rum Cask 40% 1L

Chivas Regal 13Yo Rum Cask 40% 1L

Chivas Regal 13Yo Sherry Cask 40% 1L

Chivas Regal 13Yo Sherry Cask 40% 1L

Cinzano 15-18% 1L, různé druhy

1 l = 158.74 Kč

Cinzano 15-18% 1L, různé druhy

6 333.50 Kč

Dom Pérignon 0,75L Gp

1 l = 8 444.67 Kč

Dom Pérignon 0,75L Gp

Freixenet 0,75L, různé druhy

AKCE: 1 l = 236.38 Kč KLUB: 1 l = 211.65 Kč

Freixenet 0,75L, různé druhy

Freixenet Carta Neva Semi-Sec 0,75L

Freixenet Carta Neva Semi-Sec 0,75L

Grasovka Vodka 38% 1L

1 l = 344.24 Kč

Grasovka Vodka 38% 1L

Greenall's Original Dry Gin 40% 1L

Greenall's Original Dry Gin 40% 1L

Gunpowder Drumshanbo Irish Gin 43% 1L

AKCE: 1 l = 794.74 Kč KLUB: 1 l = 741.74 Kč

Gunpowder Drumshanbo Irish Gin 43% 1L

Gunpowder Drumshanbo Sardinian Citrus 43% 1L

Gunpowder Drumshanbo Sardinian Citrus 43% 1L

Jägermeister 35% 1L + 3 skleničky

1 l = 489.99 Kč

Jägermeister 35% 1L + 3 skleničky

Janneau VSOP 40% 0,7L

1 l = 908.19 Kč

Janneau VSOP 40% 0,7L

Jim Beam 32,5% 1L, různé druhy

AKCE: 1 l = 423.74 Kč KLUB: 1 l = 370.74 Kč

Jim Beam 32,5% 1L, různé druhy

Jim Beam 40% 1L

Jim Beam 40% 1L

Label 5 40% 1L

Label 5 40% 1L

Metaxa 5* 38% 1L

1 l = 503.24 Kč KLUB: 1 l = 397.24 Kč

Metaxa 5* 38% 1L

Pott Rum 54% 1L

1 l = 370.74 Kč

Pott Rum 54% 1L

Ramazzotti 15-30% 1L, různé druhy

1 l = 397.24 Kč

Ramazzotti 15-30% 1L, různé druhy

Skyy 40% 1L

1 l = 317.74 Kč

Skyy 40% 1L

1 006.74 Kč

Tomatin 12YO 43% 1L

1 l = 794.74 Kč

Tomatin 12YO 43% 1L

Weinmann Demeter White 0,75L

1 l = 70.31 Kč

Weinmann Demeter White 0,75L

Xuxu Strawberry 15% 1L

1 l = 264.74 Kč

Xuxu Strawberry 15% 1L

Švestky 500g

1 kg = 317.47 Kč

Švestky 500g

Arašídy nesolené 500g

1 kg = 147.87 Kč

Arašídy nesolené 500g

Arašídy solené 500g

Arašídy solené 500g

Arašídy v cukru 500g

Arašídy v cukru 500g

Arašídy v medu 500g

Arašídy v medu 500g

Banánové lupínky 500g

1 kg = 211.47 Kč

Banánové lupínky 500g

Biodeta Euka Mint 75g

100 g = 42.05 Kč

Biodeta Euka Mint 75g

Biodeta Ingwer Kirsch 75g

Biodeta Ingwer Kirsch 75g

Brusinky 500g

1 kg = 301.57 Kč

Brusinky 500g

Celebrations, M&M´s, Maltesers, Skittles 111-200g

AKCE: 100 g = 79.37 - 143.00 Kč KLUB: 100 g = 62.14 - 111.97 Kč

Celebrations, M&M´s, Maltesers, Skittles 111-200g

De-Luxe směs 500g

1 kg = 476.47 Kč

De-Luxe směs 500g

Dinos Deštník z mléčné čokolády 15g

100 g = 316.23 Kč

Dinos Deštník z mléčné čokolády 15g

Dinos Mléčná čokoláda 36g

100 g = 87.60 Kč

Dinos Mléčná čokoláda 36g

Gemahlen Kakao Bohne 30g

100 g = 202.28 Kč

Gemahlen Kakao Bohne 30g

Haribo 700-750g, různé druhy

1 kg = 193.98 - 207.84 Kč

Haribo 700-750g, různé druhy

Jablečné kroužky 500g

1 kg = 264.47 Kč

Jablečné kroužky 500g

Jednorožci Deštník z mléčné čokolády 15g

Jednorožci Deštník z mléčné čokolády 15g

Jednorožci Mléčná čokoláda 36g

Jednorožci Mléčná čokoláda 36g

Kešu ořechy 500g

1 kg = 582.47 Kč

Kešu ořechy 500g

Lázeňské oplatky 175g, různé druhy

100 g = 27.11 Kč

Lázeňské oplatky 175g, různé druhy

Lindt 300g, různé druhy

AKCE: 1 kg = 573.28 Kč KLUB: 1 kg = 502.62 Kč

Lindt 300g, různé druhy

Loacker Selection Pouch 189g

100 g = 47.53 Kč

Loacker Selection Pouch 189g

Manner 75g, různé druhy

AKCE: 100 g = 27.91 Kč KLUB: 100 g = 24.38 Kč

Manner 75g, různé druhy

Manner Knuspino 110g, různé druhy

AKCE: 100 g = 23.85 Kč KLUB: 100 g = 19.03 Kč

Manner Knuspino 110g, různé druhy

Manner Mix Minis 375g

AKCE: 1 kg = 522.23 Kč KLUB: 1 kg = 465.69 Kč

Manner Mix Minis 375g

Manner Neapolitaner 8 x 75g

AKCE: 1 kg = 260.14 Kč KLUB: 1 kg = 233.64 Kč

Manner Neapolitaner 8 x 75g

Marabou Daim 280g

1 kg = 301.91 Kč

Marabou Daim 280g

Merci Gold 400g

1 kg = 350.46 Kč

Merci Gold 400g

Milka 270-300g, různé druhy

1 kg = 193.45 - 214.94 Kč

Milka 270-300g, různé druhy

Milka Moments Hazelnut Pouch 405 g

1 kg = 352.68 Kč

Milka Moments Hazelnut Pouch 405 g

Milka Moments Milk Pouch 405 g

Milka Moments Milk Pouch 405 g

Ořechová směs 500g

Ořechová směs 500g

Pastelky s mléčnou čokoládou 30g

100 g = 149.28 Kč

Pastelky s mléčnou čokoládou 30g

Pistácie 500g

Pistácie 500g

Ricola Sugarfree Drops 75g, různé druhy

AKCE: 100 g = 77.38 Kč KLUB: 100 g = 66.78 Kč

Ricola Sugarfree Drops 75g, různé druhy

Rozinky 500g

1 kg = 206.17 Kč

Rozinky 500g

Schoko Schirm 35g

100 g = 74.96 Kč

Schoko Schirm 35g

Simón Coll 200g, různé druhy

100 g = 39.62 Kč

Simón Coll 200g, různé druhy

Slunečnicová semínka 500g

1 kg = 137.27 Kč

Slunečnicová semínka 500g

Storck Toffifee 400g

1 kg = 277.59 Kč

Storck Toffifee 400g

Tic Tac 228g, různé druhy

100 g = 66.13 Kč

Tic Tac 228g, různé druhy

Toblerone 360g různé druhy

1 kg = 440.93 Kč

Toblerone 360g různé druhy

Toblerone Tiny 256g různé druhy

1 kg = 568.30 Kč

Toblerone Tiny 256g různé druhy

Vlašské ořechy 500g

1 kg = 492.37 Kč

Vlašské ořechy 500g

Zázvor 1000g

1 kg = 264.74 Kč

Zázvor 1000g

dr Gerard 144-200g, různé druhy

100 g = 15.77 - 218.99 Kč

dr Gerard 144-200g, různé druhy

dr Gerard 150-180g, různé druhy

100 g = 23.41 - 28.09 Kč

dr Gerard 150-180g, různé druhy

Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite 0,5L, různé druhy

1 l = 47.17 Kč

Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite 0,5L, různé druhy

Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite 2L, různé druhy

1 l = 21.07 Kč

Coca Cola, Fanta, Sprite 2L, různé druhy

Monster 0,5L, různé druhy

1 l = 68.37 Kč

Monster 0,5L, různé druhy

Red Bull Energy Drink 250ml, různé druhy

1 l = 126.14 Kč

Red Bull Energy Drink 250ml, různé druhy

Red Bull Energy drink 355ml

1 l = 111.23 Kč

Red Bull Energy drink 355ml

Lays 120-130g, různé druhy

100 g = 26.30 - 28.49 Kč

Lays 120-130g, různé druhy

Lorenz Monster Munch 75g, různé druhy

100 g = 31.45 Kč

Lorenz Monster Munch 75g, různé druhy

Pringles 165g, různé druhy

AKCE: 100 g = 30.35 Kč KLUB: 100 g = 25.54 Kč

Pringles 165g, různé druhy

Biotherm Homme Day Control Pánská péče 75ml

100 ml = 703.13 Kč

Biotherm Homme Day Control Pánská péče 75ml

Biotherm Lait Corporel Tělová péče 400ml

1 l = 1 318.38 Kč

Biotherm Lait Corporel Tělová péče 400ml

3 177.35 Kč

2 249.85 Kč

Boss Bottled Night Toaletní voda 200ml

100 ml = 1 588.68 Kč KLUB: 100 ml = 1 124.93 Kč

Boss Bottled Night Toaletní voda 200ml

2 647.35 Kč

2 117.35 Kč

C.Herrera Bad Boy Toaletní voda 100ml

100 ml = 2 647.35 Kč KLUB: 100 ml = 2 117.35 Kč

C.Herrera Bad Boy Toaletní voda 100ml

2 514.85 Kč

C.Herrera Good Girl Parfémová voda 80ml

100 ml = 3 971.69 Kč KLUB: 100 ml = 3 143.56 Kč

C.Herrera Good Girl Parfémová voda 80ml

2 382.35 Kč

1 852.35 Kč

C.Klein Defy Parfémová voda 100ml

100 ml = 2 382.35 Kč KLUB: 100 ml = 1 852.35 Kč

C.Klein Defy Parfémová voda 100ml

3 044.85 Kč

Chloé Nomade Parfémová voda 75ml

100 ml = 4 059.80 Kč KLUB: 100 ml = 3 176.47 Kč

Chloé Nomade Parfémová voda 75ml

1 746.35 Kč

1 481.35 Kč

Escada Brisa Cubana Toaletní voda 50ml

100 ml = 3 492.70 Kč KLUB: 100 ml = 2 962.70 Kč

Escada Brisa Cubana Toaletní voda 50ml

G.Armani Acqua di Giò Homme Toaletní voda 100ml

G.Armani Acqua di Giò Homme Toaletní voda 100ml

G.Armani Code Pour Femme Parfémová voda 75ml

G.Armani Code Pour Femme Parfémová voda 75ml

2 912.35 Kč

Gaultier Classique Toaletní voda 100ml

100 ml = 2 912.35 Kč KLUB: 100 ml = 2 382.35 Kč

Gaultier Classique Toaletní voda 100ml

3 442.35 Kč

Gaultier Le Male Toaletní voda 200ml

AKCE: 100 ml = 1 323.68 Kč KLUB: 100 ml = 1 191.18 Kč

Gaultier Le Male Toaletní voda 200ml

Koňská mast s konopím chladivá 250ml

1 l = 687.94 Kč

Koňská mast s konopím chladivá 250ml

Lancôme La vie est belle Rose Toaletní voda 100ml

AKCE: 100 ml = 2 117.35 Kč KLUB: 100 ml = 1 852.35 Kč

Lancôme La vie est belle Rose Toaletní voda 100ml

1 719.85 Kč

1 587.35 Kč

Lancôme Mascara Hypnose Drama Trio Set 1ks

AKCE: KS = 1 719.85 Kč KLUB: KS = 1 587.35 Kč

Lancôme Mascara Hypnose Drama Trio Set 1ks

Mugler Angel Nova Parfémová voda 50ml

AKCE: 100 ml = 4 234.70 Kč KLUB: 100 ml = 3 704.70 Kč

Mugler Angel Nova Parfémová voda 50ml

Travel FREE CZ 12+

Travel free, s.r.o., navrženo pro iphone.

  • Č. 176 v kategorii Nakupování
  • 3,3 • Hodnocení: 4

Snímky obrazovky iPhonu

Jen pár kliknutí a můžete objevovat celý svět Travel FREE! Registrace, digitální karta, nasbírané body i vouchery, akční nabídka přehledně a jednoduše na jednom místě. Stáhněte si nejnovější verzi aplikace Travel FREE a ovládněte kompletně své CLUBCARD konto! Zapomněli nebo ztratili jste svou CLUBCARD? Nevadí! V aplikaci máte svou digitální kartu stále při ruce, stejně tak jako své věrnostní body či vouchery. Ani výměna či blokace karty už není žádný problém. Vše vyřídíte pár kliknutími z pohodlí domova.

Verze 4.0.8

Nová verze vylepšuje informace v akční nabídce a opravuje nejčastější chyby.

Hodnocení a recenze

Hodnocení: 4

Neues Design der Applikation

Das neues Design der Applikation ist großartig. Ich kann jetzt die Aktionsangebot besser sehen.
Proč když 3 roky nakupuji bez problému dostávám vouchery používám je a předtím jsem se registroval .. teď zase nějaká aktualizace nebo nová aplikace a u kasy zase problémy a nejde mi se přihlásit .. tak si udělejte aspoň funkční aplikaci když už s tím otravujete .. měsíčně u vás utracim hodně peněz a jezdim k vám přes cely město pro cigarety ale tohle už me fakt nebaví !
Nefunkční - nejde aktivovat - jste k smíchu fakt

Odpověď vývojáře ,

Dobrý den, děkujeme Vám za zprávu. Napište nám prosím číslo Vaši zákaznické karty a Vaši emailovou adresu na [email protected]. Vše prověříme. Děkujeme, Váš Travel Free Team

Ochrana soukromí v aplikaci

Vývojářská společnost „ TRAVEL FREE, s.r.o. “ uvedl, že součástí opatření na ochranu soukromí v této aplikaci může být zpracování dat níže popsanými způsoby. Další informace najdete v  zásadách ochrany osobních údajů poskytnutých vývojářskou společností .

Údaje nejsou shromažďovány

Vývojářská společnost neshromažďuje z této aplikace žádné údaje.

Postupy v oblasti ochrany osobních údajů se mohou lišit, například v závislosti na funkcích, které používáte, nebo na vašem věku. Další informace

čeština, němčina

  • Web vývojářské společnosti
  • Podpora pro aplikace
  • Zásady ochrany osobních údajů

Také by se vám mohlo líbit

PENNY Česká republika

Ingolstadt Village

COVID-19: What You Should Know before You Come

COVID-19: What You Should Know before You Come

There are no longer any coronavirus restrictions for entry into the czech republic., measures and restrictions, nano drapes and respirators.

It is no longer mandatory to wear respirators or nano-masks in the Czech Republic. However, providers of inpatient and outpatient healthcare are entitled to stipulate in the internal regulations or an addendum thereto the obligation for patients to use a respirator or mask when entering the premises of the healthcare facility. Some hospitals have already made the wearing of respirators or nano-masks mandatory. The Ministry of Health recommends wearing a drape or respirator in health and social care facilities, public transport, and places with a high concentration of people.


No more restrictions.


No more restrictions. Health services


COVID PORTÁL - Important information regarded COVID-19 measures in daily life is here

  • Current information on entry to the territory of the Czech Republic is available on the website of  the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic here or the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic here

Safe Travels

travel free cz as

  • Prague public transport
  • Brno public transport
  • Ostrava public transport
  • Czech Railway

Information at Embassies

Details on the conditions of tourist entry are available on the website of the embassy of the country from which you are planning to arrive:

  • Embassy of the USA in Prague
  • Embassy of Great Britain in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of the Republic of Austria in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of the Swiss Confederation in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of the Republic of Poland in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of Japan in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of the Portuguese Republic in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of the French Republic in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of the Italian Republic in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of Spain in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of the State of Israel in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of India in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of Hungary in the Czech Republic
  • Embassy of the United Mexican States
  • Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil
  • Embassy of the Republic of Peru
  • Embassy of the Argentine Republic
  • Embassy of the Republic of Chile
  • Embassy of Colombia in Vienna

Visa-free Stays

A temporary stay in the Czech Republic without a visa entitles you to a short non-profit stay in the Czech Republic without a residence permit. In most cases, you can stay in the country for up to 90 days in any 180-day long period.


Visa-free stay in the schengen area, bilateral agreements.

A visa-free mode enables you to enter and stay in the Czech Republic only with a passport. That is possible if you are a citizen of a country with which the EU, or the Czech Republic individually, has concluded a visa waiver agreement.

Other persons who can stay in the Czech Republic without a visa are:

  • EU citizens,
  • Holders of a long-term visa or a long-term residence permit for the purpose of scientific research issued by another EU Member State or their family members . However, they must reside in the Czech Republic for the same purpose and for no longer than 1 year.
  • Holders of a long-term residence permit for the purpose of studies issued by another EU Member State . However, they must reside in the Czech Republic for the same purpose and for no longer than 1 year.
  • third country nationals who are pupils with residence in another EU Member State travelling on a school trip with a group of pupils accompanied by a teacher if they are included on a list of pupils issued by the school on a unified form stating the pupils’ identities, purpose and length of their stay or transit,
  • parents in case of an EU citizen under 21 years of age of whom they take primary care,
  • offspring under 21 years of age or the offspring of the spouse of an EU citizen,
  • offspring and predecessors, or the offspring and the predecessors of the spouse of an EU citizen if they are dependent on the support or other primary care provided by the EU citizen or his/her spouse to satisfy their essential needs or, immediately before entering the Czech Republic, they were dependent on this support or other primary care in the country whose citizens they are or in the country where they had a residence permit.
  • foreigners under 15 years of age during hospitalisation if they arrived together with a foreigner in whose passport they are included and if this foreigner has left the Czech Republic,
  • foreigners who are minor children and who, based on a provisional measure of a corresponding authority, have been placed in a facility for children requiring immediate help or a child-care institution, or whose custody, based on a provisional measure of a corresponding authority or based on a decision of an authority of social and legal protection of children, was awarded to a physical person,
  • foreigners placed in security detention, custody or serving a custodial sentence, or those placed in a police cell or a facility for the detention of foreigners,
  • foreigners senteced to house arrest, or children, who are in prison with their mother, for a serving time of the sentence.

Who can stay in the Czech Republic without a visa?

Citizens of the countries for which a visa requirement was waived, which means that when they cross the external borders they do not have to have a visa. Furthermore, also foreigners to whom the visa requirement does not apply én the basis of bilateral international treaties.

In order to enter and move in the Schengen Area, you must carry a valid travel document . For more information, a complete list of countries and possible exceptions and restrictions, please see the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website .

How long can you stay in the Czech Republic without a visa?

You can temporarily stay without a visa in the Schengen Area for 90 days in any 180-day long period.

Example: If you are going to stay in the Schengen Area for 90 days from January to June (180 days), you must leave the Schengen Area after 90 days spent here. You can come back in February – 90 days within a 180-day period will start counting anew.

Do you have trouble counting the number of days in the visa-free mode? The Schengen calculator will help you.

A temporary stay without a visa cannot be extended. You must leave the Schengen Area after 90 days.

What obligations does a visa-free stay mean?

You must get registered at the Foreign Police within 3 days from the day you arrived in the Czech Republic. In the course of the whole stay, you must have sufficient funds and medical insurance.

What does a visa-free stay enable you to do?

A visa-free stay enables you to stay and move freely in the Czech Republic and the Schengen Area. Cyprus and Ireland are not part of the Schengen Area; therefore, it is not possible to enter these countries on a visa-free stay. Apply for a corresponding national visa before you travel to these countries.

You can also use a visa-free entrance and stay to collect your long-term or permanent residence permit. That is, you do not have to necessarily wait to receive a DV/R entry visa from a diplomatic mission. You must complete the whole process – registration at a Ministry of the Interior office, collection of biometric data and collection of the document – within the time limits given by the visa-free stay, i.e. usually within 90 days from your entrance into the Schengen Area.

What restrictions apply to a visa-free stay?

A visa-free stay is intended exclusively for non-profit purposes, therefore, you cannot be employed or do business. If you wanted to be economically active in the Czech Republic for a period shorter than 90 days, you can apply for a Schengen visa for the purpose of employment .

Can you use a visa-free stay to apply for a residence permit in the Czech Republic?

A visa-free stay is not intended, except in some cases, to apply for a long-term visa or a long-term residence permit in the Czech Republic. You must apply for these residence permits at a diplomatic mission in the country that issued you a travel document, where you have a long-term or permanent residence permit or of which you are a citizen.

However, you can use a visa-free stay to apply for a temporary or permanent residence permit of an EU citizen’s family member.

Who does this type of a visa-free stay apply to?

Only to the citizens of Argentina, Chile, Israel, the Republic of Korea, Costa Rica, Malaysia, Uruguay and Singapore; that is countries which have concluded a bilateral Visa Waiver Agreement with the Czech Republic.

The maximum length of a temporary stay without a visa in the Czech Republic is in this case given by the particular agreement and, therefore, varies for each country.

The citizens of Argentina, Chile, Israel, the Republic of Korea, Costa Rica, Malaysia and Uruguay can stay without a visa in the Czech Republic for a maximum of additional 90 days beyond the scope of the 90/180 rule.

The citizens of Singapore can stay without a visa in the Czech Republic for a maximum of additional 30 days beyond the scope of the 90/180 rule.

You must get registered at the Foreign Police within 3 days from the day you arrived in the Czech Republic. In the course of the whole stay, you must have sufficient funds and medical insurance .

What does this type of a visa-free stay enable you to do?

A visa-free stay under a bilateral agreement enables you to stay and move freely in the Czech Republic.

You can also use a visa-free entrance and stay to collect your long-term or permanent residence permit. That means, you do not have to wait to receive a DV/R entry visa from a diplomatic mission. The whole process must be completed – registration at a Ministry of the Interior office, biometric data sampling and collection of the finalized document – all has to be done within the time limit of the visa-free stay.

A visa-free stay is intended exclusively for non-profit purposes, therefore, you cannot be employed or do business. If you want to be economically active in the Czech Republic for a period shorter than 90 days, you can apply for a Schengen visa for the purpose of employment .

During a visa-free stay under a bilateral agreement, you cannot travel to other EU Member States or Schengen countries – the possibility to stay applies only to the Czech Republic as it raises from a particular bilateral agreement.

A visa-free stay is not intended, except in some cases, to apply for a long-term visa or a long-term residence permit in the Czech Republic. You must apply for these residence permits at a diplomatic mission in the country that issued your travel document, where you have a long-term or permanent residence permit or of which you are a citizen.


Travel FREE CZ

Travel FREE CZ for Android

  • V  5.0.4

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Softonic review

Travel FREE CZ - Your Digital CLUBCARD at Your Fingertips

Travel FREE CZ is a free Android application developed by TRAVEL FREE s.r.o. It falls under the Lifestyle category and is a convenient shopping app that allows you to have total control over your CLUBCARD account. With this app, you can easily access your digital CLUBCARD, accumulated points, and vouchers, all in one place.

The app is designed to ensure that you never forget or lose your CLUBCARD again. Even if your physical card is lost or stolen, you can still access your digital card and continue to accumulate points and redeem vouchers without any hassle. The app also allows you to block or replace your card if needed, with just a few clicks.

Overall, Travel FREE CZ is a must-have app for frequent shoppers who want to simplify their shopping experience. It is user-friendly and provides easy access to your CLUBCARD account, making it an essential tool for avid shoppers on the go.

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  17. ‎Travel FREE CZ v App Storu

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  18. COVID-19: What You Should Know before You Come · #VisitCzechia

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic: +420 224 181 111 or +420 224 182 425. Information. COVID PORTÁL - Important information regarded COVID-19 measures in ... The Czech Republic has been awarded the international "Safe Travels Stamp" by the World Tourism & Travel Council (WTTC) and now holds the status of a safe destination. More ...

  19. Visa-free Stays

    A visa-free stay enables you to stay and move freely in the Czech Republic and the Schengen Area. Cyprus and Ireland are not part of the Schengen Area; therefore, it is not possible to enter these countries on a visa-free stay. Apply for a corresponding national visa before you travel to these countries. You can also use a visa-free entrance ...

  20. Travel FREE CZ for Android

    Softonic review. Travel FREE CZ - Your Digital CLUBCARD at Your Fingertips. Travel FREE CZ is a free Android application developed by TRAVEL FREE s.r.o. It falls under the Lifestyle category and is a convenient shopping app that allows you to have total control over your CLUBCARD account.

  21. Travel FREE CZ (@travel_free_cz) • Instagram photos and videos

    Something went wrong. There's an issue and the page could not be loaded. Reload page. 3,376 Followers, 46 Following, 586 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Travel FREE CZ (@travel_free_cz)

  22. TRAVEL FREE SHOP (Železná Ruda, Alžbětín) • Firmy.cz

    Up-to-date verified information: address, phone, e-mail, opening hours and reviews TRAVEL FREE SHOP, Železná Ruda, Alžbětín. Phone: 376 323 …

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