Conjugation verb travel

Model : cancel

Auxiliary : have , be

Other forms: travel oneself / not travel


in the U.K. spelling we double up the 'l' in preterite and participle endings

The verb has several variants of conjugation, which may correspond to different meanings. Please use the menu to select one or all variants.

  • he/she/it travels
  • they travel
  • I travelled/traveled
  • you travelled/traveled
  • he/she/it travelled/traveled
  • we travelled/traveled
  • they travelled/traveled

Present continuous

  • I am travelling/traveling
  • you are travelling/traveling
  • he/she/it is travelling/traveling
  • we are travelling/traveling
  • they are travelling/traveling

Present perfect

  • I have travelled/traveled
  • you have travelled/traveled
  • he/she/it has travelled/traveled
  • we have travelled/traveled
  • they have travelled/traveled
  • I will travel
  • you will travel
  • he/she/it will travel
  • we will travel
  • they will travel

Future perfect

  • I will have travelled/traveled
  • you will have travelled/traveled
  • he/she/it will have travelled/traveled
  • we will have travelled/traveled
  • they will have travelled/traveled

Past continous

  • I was travelling/traveling
  • you were travelling/traveling
  • he/she/it was travelling/traveling
  • we were travelling/traveling
  • they were travelling/traveling

Past perfect

  • I had travelled/traveled
  • you had travelled/traveled
  • he/she/it had travelled/traveled
  • we had travelled/traveled
  • they had travelled/traveled

Future continuous

  • I will be travelling/traveling
  • you will be travelling/traveling
  • he/she/it will be travelling/traveling
  • we will be travelling/traveling
  • they will be travelling/traveling

Present perfect continuous

  • I have been travelling/traveling
  • you have been travelling/traveling
  • he/she/it has been travelling/traveling
  • we have been travelling/traveling
  • they have been travelling/traveling

Past perfect continuous

  • I had been travelling/traveling
  • you had been travelling/traveling
  • he/she/it had been travelling/traveling
  • we had been travelling/traveling
  • they had been travelling/traveling

Future perfect continuous

  • I will have been travelling/traveling
  • you will have been travelling/traveling
  • he/she/it will have been travelling/traveling
  • we will have been travelling/traveling
  • they will have been travelling/traveling
  • let's travel
  • travelling/traveling
  • travelled/traveled

Perfect participle

  • having travelled/traveled

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*Blue letters in conjugations are irregular forms. ( example ) *Red letters in conjugations are exceptions to the model. ( example )

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How to conjugate "to travel" in English?

English "to travel" conjugation.

  • traveled; travelled

Full conjugation of "to travel"

Translations for "to travel", present continuous, simple past, past continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous, future continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous, conditional, conditional present, conditional present progressive, conditional perfect, conditional perfect progressive, subjunctive, present subjunctive, past subjunctive, past perfect subjunctive, present participle, past participle.

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Verb Table for travel

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  • To Travel Conjugation

In the US the spelling 'traveling' and 'traveled' are preferred.

Continuous Perfect


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travel present tense

Conjugation English verb to travel

Simple present, present progressive/continuous, simple past, past progressive/continuous, present perfect simple, present perfect progressive/continuous, past perfect, past perfect progressive/continuous, future progressive/continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous, conditional, progressive, perfect progressive, translation to travel.

Verb "travel"

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Simple tense.

Present Simple

  • he, she travels
  • they travel

Past Simple

  • I traveled ; travelled
  • you traveled ; travelled
  • he, she traveled ; travelled
  • we traveled ; travelled
  • they traveled ; travelled

Future Simple

  • I will travel
  • you will travel
  • he, she will travel
  • we will travel
  • they will travel

Continuous Tense

Present Simple Continuous

  • I am traveling ; travelling
  • you are traveling ; travelling
  • he, she is traveling ; travelling
  • we are traveling ; travelling
  • they are traveling ; travelling

Past Simple Continuous

  • I was traveling ; travelling
  • you were traveling ; travelling
  • he, she was traveling ; travelling
  • we were traveling ; travelling
  • they were traveling ; travelling

Future Simple Continuous

  • I will be traveling ; travelling
  • you will be traveling ; travelling
  • he, she will be traveling ; travelling
  • we will be traveling ; travelling
  • they will be traveling ; travelling

Perfect Tense

Present Perfect

  • I have traveled ; travelled
  • you have traveled ; travelled
  • he, she has traveled ; travelled
  • we have traveled ; travelled
  • they have traveled ; travelled

Past Perfect

  • I had traveled ; travelled
  • you had traveled ; travelled
  • he, she had traveled ; travelled
  • we had traveled ; travelled
  • they had traveled ; travelled

Future Perfect

  • I will have traveled ; travelled
  • you will have traveled ; travelled
  • he, she will have traveled ; travelled
  • we will have traveled ; travelled
  • they will have traveled ; travelled

Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous

  • I have been traveling ; travelling
  • you have been traveling ; travelling
  • he, she has been traveling ; travelling
  • we have been traveling ; travelling
  • they have been traveling ; travelling

Past Perfect Continuous

  • I had been traveling ; travelling
  • you had been traveling ; travelling
  • he, she had been traveling ; travelling
  • we had been traveling ; travelling
  • they had been traveling ; travelling

Future Perfect Continuous

  • I will have been traveling ; travelling
  • you will have been traveling ; travelling
  • he, she will have been traveling ; travelling
  • we will have been traveling ; travelling
  • they will have been traveling ; travelling


  • I would travel
  • you would travel
  • he, she would travel
  • we would travel
  • they would travel
  • I would have traveled ; travelled
  • you would have traveled ; travelled
  • he, she would have traveled ; travelled
  • we would have traveled ; travelled
  • they would have traveled ; travelled

Present Continuous

  • I would be traveling ; travelling
  • you would be traveling ; travelling
  • he, she would be traveling ; travelling
  • we would be traveling ; travelling
  • they would be traveling ; travelling

Perfect Continuous

  • I would have been traveling ; travelling
  • you would have been traveling ; travelling
  • he, she would have been traveling ; travelling
  • we would have been traveling ; travelling
  • they would have been traveling ; travelling
  • we Let's travel

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English verb conjugation TO TRAVEL

Regular verb: travel - travel l ed - travel l ed


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'travel' conjugation table in English

Past participle, present participle, present continuous, present perfect, present perfect continuous, past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous, future continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous.

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With our tool you will be able to conjugate english verbs you have only to type an english verb and you will automatically get the conjugation tables of all his tenses. Todos los tiempos Present simple Present continuous Past simple Past continuous Future simple Present perfect simple Present perfect continuous Past perfect simple Past perfect continuous Future perfect Conditional Conditional perfect Contract form Conjugate

Conjugation of verb "To travel" Present Simple Affirmative I travel. You travel. We travel. He/She/It travels. You travel. They travel. Negative I do not travel. You do not travel. We do not travel. He/She/It does not travel. You do not travel. They do not travel. Interrogative Do I travel? Do you travel? Do we travel? Does he/she/it travel? Do you travel? Do they travel? Go to the related lesson Present Simple Continuous Affirmative I am traveling. You are traveling. We are traveling. He/She/It is traveling. You are traveling. They are traveling. Negative I am not traveling. You are not traveling. We are not traveling. He/She/It is not traveling. You are not traveling. They are not traveling. Interrogative Am I traveling? Are you traveling? Are we traveling? Is he/she/it traveling? Are you traveling? Are they traveling? Go to the related lesson Past Simple Affirmative I traveled. You traveled. We traveled. He/She/It traveled. You traveled. They traveled. Negative I did not travel. You did not travel. We did not travel. He/She/It did not travel. You did not travel. They did not travel. Interrogative Did I travel? Did you travel? Did we travel? Did he/she/it travel? Did you travel? Did they travel? Go to the related lesson Past Continuous Affirmative I was traveling. You were traveling. We were traveling. He/She/It was traveling. You were traveling. They were traveling. Negative I was not traveling. You were not traveling. We were not traveling. He/She/It was not traveling. You were not traveling. They were not traveling. Interrogative Was I traveling? Were you traveling? Were we traveling? Was he/she/it traveling? Were you traveling? Were they traveling? Go to the related lesson Future Simple Affirmative I will travel. You will travel. We will travel. He/She/It will travel. You will travel. They will travel. Negative I will not travel. You will not travel. We will not travel. He/She/It will not travel. You will not travel. They will not travel. Interrogative Will I travel? Will you travel? Will we travel? Will he/she/it travel? Will you travel? Will they travel? Go to the related lesson Present Perfect Simple Affirmative I have traveled. You have traveled. We have traveled. He/She/It has traveled. You have traveled. They have traveled. Negative I have not traveled. You have not traveled. We have not traveled. He/She/It has not traveled. You have not traveled. They have not traveled. Interrogative Have I traveled? Have you traveled? Have we traveled? Has he/she/it traveled? Have you traveled? Have they traveled? Go to the related lesson Present Perfect Continuous Affirmative I have been traveling. You have been traveling. We have been traveling. He/She/It has been traveling. You have been traveling. They have been traveling. Negative I have not been traveling. You have not been traveling. We have not been traveling. He/She/It has not been traveling. You have not been traveling. They have not been traveling. Interrogative Have I been traveling? Have you been traveling? Have we been traveling? Has he/she/it been traveling? Have you been traveling? Have they been traveling? Go to the related lesson Past Perfect Simple Affirmative I had traveled. You had traveled. We had traveled. He/She/It had traveled. You had traveled. They had traveled. Negative I had not traveled. You had not traveled. We had not traveled. He/She/It had not traveled. You had not traveled. They had not traveled. Interrogative Had I traveled? Had you traveled? Had we traveled? Had he/she/it traveled? Had you traveled? Had they traveled? Go to the related lesson Past Perfect Continuous Affirmative I had been traveling. You had been traveling. We had been traveling. He/She/It had been traveling. You had been traveling. They had been traveling. Negative I had not been traveling. You had not been traveling. We had not been traveling. He/She/It had not been traveling. You had not been traveling. They had not been traveling. Interrogative Had I been traveling? Had you been traveling? Had we been traveling? Had he/she/it been traveling? Had you been traveling? Had they been traveling? Go to the related lesson Future Perfect Affirmative I will have traveled. You will have traveled. We will have traveled. He/She/It will have traveled. You will have traveled. They will have traveled. Negative I will not have traveled. You will not have traveled. We will not have traveled. He/She/It will not have traveled. You will not have traveled. They will not have traveled. Interrogative Will I have traveled? Will you have traveled? Will we have traveled? Will he/she/it have traveled? Will you have traveled? Will they have traveled? Go to the related lesson Conditional Affirmative I would travel. You would travel. We would travel. He/She/It would travel. You would travel. They would travel. Negative I would not travel. You would not travel. We would not travel. He/She/It would not travel. You would not travel. They would not travel. Interrogative Would I travel? Would you travel? Would we travel? Would he/she/it travel? Would you travel? Would they travel? Go to the related lesson Conditional Perfect Affirmative I would have traveled. You would have traveled. We would have traveled. He/She/It would have traveled. You would have traveled. They would have traveled. Negative I would not have traveled. You would not have traveled. We would not have traveled. He/She/It would not have traveled. You would not have traveled. They would not have traveled. Interrogative Would I have traveled? Would you have traveled? Would we have traveled? Would he/she/it have traveled? Would you have traveled? Would they have traveled? Go to the related lesson

travel present tense

Past Tense of Travel: Conjugations in Past and Present Participles

past tense for travel

What is the past tense of “travel?” Most commonly, the past tense of the word “travel” is “traveled.” Although the word form will change based on its participle. And the sentence where it’s used. For example, referencing “travel” in the present participle form will change it to “traveling,” but in the infinitive form, will be “travel.”

What is the past tense of the word "travel"

The past tense (past participle) form of “travel” is “traveled.” The infinitive of the word form is “travel.” The present participle form is “traveling.” The past tense form is “traveled” and past participle form is “traveled.”

Understanding verb tenses

The general grammar rules that govern past tenses are as follows. The simple past tense form is created by adding a -ed or -d affix to the root word of the verb. Some verbs use a -t variation where they end in a -t. For example, when "dream" turns into "dreamt."

The past perfect tense is formed for regular verbs (ending in -ed, -d, or -t) by adding "had" followed by the verb. For example, "I had finished ."

The past continuous tense is formed by the verb "be" followed by the affix or ending of -ing. For example, " we were having dinner."

Lastly, the past perfect continuous tense is formed by adding "had been" followed by the affix or ending of -ing. For example, "I had been building a castle with my sister."

For more information on forming all past tenses, visit our " understanding verb tenses " resource.

Sentence examples for the past tense of the word "travel"

  • Infinitive: I travel.
  • Present participle: She is traveling.
  • Past tense: I traveled.
  • Past particle: I have traveled.

Verb forms of the word "travel"

Example sentences in all verb forms:

Indefinite present tense

Present continuous tense.

She/he/it is traveling.

Present perfect continuous tense

She/he/it has/had traveled.

Present perfect tense

She/he/it has/had been traveling.

Simple past tense

She/he/it traveled.

Past continuous tense

She/he/it were traveling.

Past perfect tense

Perfect continuous tense.

She/he/it will/shall travel.

Simple future tense

She/he/it will/shall be traveling.

Future perfect tense

She/he/it will/shall have traveled.

Future perfect continuous tense

She/he/it will/shall have been traveling.

Sentence examples in all forms

Sentence examples in all participles and parts of speech :

travel present tense

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travel present tense

About the author

Dalia Y.: Dalia is an English Major and linguistics expert with an additional degree in Psychology. Dalia has featured articles on Forbes, Inc, Fast Company, Grammarly, and many more. She covers English, ESL, and all things grammar on GrammarBrain.

Core lessons

  • Abstract Noun
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  • Body Paragraph
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  • Complex Sentence
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  • Compound Predicate
  • Common Noun
  • Comparative Adjective
  • Comparative and Superlative
  • Compound Noun
  • Compound Subject
  • Compound Sentence
  • Copular Verb
  • Collective Noun
  • Colloquialism
  • Conciseness
  • Conditional
  • Concrete Noun
  • Conjunction
  • Conjugation
  • Conditional Sentence
  • Comma Splice
  • Correlative Conjunction
  • Coordinating Conjunction
  • Coordinate Adjective
  • Cumulative Adjective
  • Dative Case
  • Declarative Statement
  • Direct Object Pronoun
  • Direct Object
  • Dangling Modifier
  • Demonstrative Pronoun
  • Demonstrative Adjective
  • Direct Characterization
  • Definite Article
  • Doublespeak
  • Equivocation Fallacy
  • Future Perfect Progressive
  • Future Simple
  • Future Perfect Continuous
  • Future Perfect
  • First Conditional
  • Gerund Phrase
  • Genitive Case
  • Helping Verb
  • Irregular Adjective
  • Irregular Verb
  • Imperative Sentence
  • Indefinite Article
  • Intransitive Verb
  • Introductory Phrase
  • Indefinite Pronoun
  • Indirect Characterization
  • Interrogative Sentence
  • Intensive Pronoun
  • Inanimate Object
  • Indefinite Tense
  • Infinitive Phrase
  • Interjection
  • Intensifier
  • Indicative Mood
  • Juxtaposition
  • Linking Verb
  • Misplaced Modifier
  • Nominative Case
  • Noun Adjective
  • Object Pronoun
  • Object Complement
  • Order of Adjectives
  • Parallelism
  • Prepositional Phrase
  • Past Simple Tense
  • Past Continuous Tense
  • Past Perfect Tense
  • Past Progressive Tense
  • Present Simple Tense
  • Present Perfect Tense
  • Personal Pronoun
  • Personification
  • Persuasive Writing
  • Parallel Structure
  • Phrasal Verb
  • Predicate Adjective
  • Predicate Nominative
  • Phonetic Language
  • Plural Noun
  • Punctuation
  • Punctuation Marks
  • Preposition
  • Preposition of Place
  • Parts of Speech
  • Possessive Adjective
  • Possessive Determiner
  • Possessive Case
  • Possessive Noun
  • Proper Adjective
  • Proper Noun
  • Present Participle
  • Quotation Marks
  • Relative Pronoun
  • Reflexive Pronoun
  • Reciprocal Pronoun
  • Subordinating Conjunction
  • Simple Future Tense
  • Stative Verb
  • Subjunctive
  • Subject Complement
  • Subject of a Sentence
  • Sentence Variety
  • Second Conditional
  • Superlative Adjective
  • Slash Symbol
  • Topic Sentence
  • Types of Nouns
  • Types of Sentences
  • Uncountable Noun
  • Vowels and Consonants

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Travel verb forms - Learn English Free Online |

Travel verb forms.

Travel Verb Forms

Travel present tense

Travel past tense, travel future tense, simple present tense of travel, present continuous tense of travel, present perfect tense of travel, present perfect continuous tense of travel, simple past tense of travel, past continuous tense of travel, past perfect tense of travel, past perfect continuous tense of travel, simple future tense of travel, future continuous tense of travel, future perfect tense of travel, future perfect continuous tense of travel.


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Past Tenses

Travel Past Tense

Commonwealth travelled, US traveled past tense of travel is Commonwealth travelled, US traveled.

Travel verb forms

Conjugation of travel.

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PastTenses is a database of English verbs. One can check verbs forms in different tenses. Use our search box to check present tense, present participle tense, past tense and past participle tense of desired verb.

What is the present tense of travel?

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The present tense of travel is:

  • I/You/We/They travel.
  • He/She/It travels.
  • The present participle is traveling (or travelling in British English).

Add your answer:


What tense is travel?

Travel is present tense.

Is travel past tense or present?

Travel is present tense.Traveled (travelled in British English)is the past tense.

What is the past tense of travel?

Traveled is the past tense. The present tense is travel.

Is travel a present tense?

Yes travel can be used to make a present tense sentence. Travels and travelling can also be used to make a present tense sentence.They travel overseas every year.The doctor travels overseas every year.We are travelling around the world.

What is the present perfect tense of to travel?

I/you/we/they have traveled. He/she/it has traveled.

Is travels present tense?

Is past tense or present tense.

'is' is a present tense

What is the present tense for is?

The verb is is the present tense.

What part of speech is traveled?

Travels can be a noun and a verb. Noun: Plural of 'travel'. Verb: The third person simple present tense of the verb 'travel'.

You have read an interesting book. this is present tense or present perfect tense?

Present perfect tense.

What is the present tense of will be?

It was, (past tense) it is, (present tense) it will be( future tense)

Present tense of did?

The past tense of did is did. The present tense of did is do. The future tense of did is will do.


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Verb conjugation of "travel" in English

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  • English Grammar

Present tense

Level: intermediate

There are two tenses in English: past and present.

The present tense is used to talk about the present and to talk about the future .

There are four present tense forms:

We can use all these forms:

  • to talk about the present:
London is the capital of Britain. He works at McDonald’s. He is working at McDonald's. He has worked there for three months now. He has been working there for three months now.
  • to talk about the future:
The next train leaves this evening at 17.00. I'll phone you when I get home. He is meeting Peter in town this afternoon. I'll come home as soon as I have finished work. You will be tired out after you have been working all night.

Level: advanced

We can use present forms to talk about the past:

  • when we are telling a story:
Well, it 's a lovely day and I 'm just walking down the street when I see this funny guy walking towards me. Obviously he 's been drinking , because he 's moving from side to side …
  • when we are summarising something we have read, heard or seen:
I love Ian Rankin's novels. He writes about this detective called Rebus. Rebus lives in Edinburgh and he 's a brilliant detective, but he 's always getting into trouble. In one book, he gets suspended and they tell him to stop working on this case. But he takes no notice …

Why does it say only two tenses? What about future tense? Isn't that a tense?

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Hi SurajBeka,

Actually, no, it isn't! Technically speaking, a "tense" is a verb form which shows the time of the action, e.g. play - present, played - past. The important thing is that it is a verb form - that is, the base verb is modified e.g. by adding "ed" to make the past tense. 

However, to talk about the future, we do not change the base verb, but instead add another verb: will play . Since the verb "play" itself isn't modified, this means that "will play" is not a tense. Instead, we can more properly call it a future form, the "will" future, the future with "will" or something similar.

That said, it is quite common for teachers and materials to call "will" + verb the future tense, for convenience when teaching and explaining. But as I've explained, that is not a technically correct description.

I hope that helps!

LearnEnglish team

Hello, Coould you please help me to understand why we use present simple in this sentence After Howard finishes his studies he intends to work in his father's company. And can we make this sentence like this: Howard intends to work in his father's company after he will finish his studies

Hi .Mariia,

It's because of "after". The present simple is used to indicate a future action/situation in subordinate clauses with "after", "when", "before", "until", "as soon as", "if", "provided that" and some other conjunctions of time. For example:

  • When I arrive, I'll call you.  (not "when I will arrive")
  • I'll stay with you until you leave.  (not "until you will leave")
  • If it rains later, I'll cancel the trip.  (not "if it will rain")

The meaning of your final sentence is perfectly understandable but grammatically, it should be "... after he finishes his studies". I hope that helps to understand it!

Thank you, Jonathan Your explanation really helps me to understand it

Hello, everybody. I would like to know if it is correct to add the word "tense" after names such as "Present Simple", "Present Continuous", "Past Simple, Past Continuous" etc. Is it correct to say the "Present Continuous Tense", for example? Also, is it correct to say that there are six simple and six continuous tenses in English? Is the word "tense" correctly used here? All the best, MarBe

Hi MarBe,

It's an interesting question, and one that isn't as easy to answer as it may seem!

A tense can be defined technically as a type of verb conjugation that expresses time. When linguists analyse language, this is what they mean when they say "tense". For this reason, at the top of this page it says that English has only two tenses, present and past (e.g. work - worked ). Future actions are expressed using modal verbs (e.g. "will") or other structures (e.g. "going to"), so these aren't considered tenses because they don't involve verb conjugation. The same goes for structures such as continuous and perfect structures (these are called aspects, and they are made by adding auxiliary verbs rather than conjugating).

However, that is a technical definition. In more everyday discussions of language, as well as in English learning materials, people often use "tense" with a looser and wider meaning, including all of the structures mentioned above. Although it's technically incorrect to call "I will go ..." the future tense, for example, it's common for materials, teachers and students to do so.  

So I guess the answer to your question depends on how technical you need to be. Does that make sense?

Dear team, I wonder if you tell me the difference between the present continuous and 'll when they are used to refer to the future. For example: You're having a fever! Put on your coat and I'm taking you to see a doctor( or I'll take you to see a doctor). Also, I wonder if 'would take' works here. All the best Jones

Thanks for your question! "Will" is the right word here, because "will" is used when you make a decision at the moment of speaking. In this example, it seems like the speaker has only just noticed the other person's fever, so the speaker is making this decision spontaneously.

The present continuous normally shows a future action that has been organised and confirmed, and often it has been organised or confirmed with other people. For example, you could say  I'm taking Jane to see a doctor  if you have already made the doctor's appointment in advance, before the moment that you say this.

You may find our page on Future forms interesting. It has some more explanation and examples. If you have other questions, we welcome you to post your questions on that page.

Hello Teachers,

"Before I sever your head from your body, I ask you again, who are you?" I tell you straight!- not to quarrel with me. Why the writer has written ask you again not am asking you again. Why he uses simple present though it was an ongoing action and also for tell in the second sentence. Could you explain it?

Regards Jitu_jaga

Hello jitu_jaga,

This sounds like an older style of English, such as a Monty Python skit taking place in the middle ages. In older styles, a present simple form is acceptable.

All the best, Kirk LearnEnglish team

Hi sir, Is it possible to use Present tense to talk a thing/one' nature/ attribute even though it/ one has physically disappeared? like someone stands in front of their friend's grave and says " you are my best friend ever" not " you were my best friend ever"

or statements that similar to "Albert Einstein/ Leo is a genius of all time", "Mahamta Gandhi is a figure who everyone respects".

My point is to bring a opinion/ fact that, at least to me, is true to this present

I would say this explanation "when we are summarising something we have read, heard or seen:" is the answer of my problem

Thanks, I looking forward to your respon sir

Hello LittleBlueGreat,

It is possible to use the present simple to speak about general truths, which can include making statements about people who have passed away. In such cases, we're often making statements about their legacies or contributions more than we are about them as people with ordinary lives that they are living at the moment.

If I were standing before a friend's grave and speaking to them, I'd probably say 'You were my best friend ever'; although me speaking to them now means they are still alive for me in one sense, the fact that I'm remembering our time together also makes it clear they are gone. The fact that I'm saying it to them suggests I'm missing them, which means they aren't present. 

But I'm not saying it's impossible to say 'You are my best friend ever' in a situation like this. It's a very personal kind of thing, after all, and so I can't say for sure what someone else might be thinking.

I hope this helps you make sense of it.

All the best, Kirk The LearnEnglish Team

This page explains that there are two tenses in English. present and past. I want to read more about it. please help me.

is there not a future tense in English?

what about: will v1 will be v4 will have v3 will have been v4

Hi Prakash,

It's a good question. First, I should define what a tense is: it is a form of a verb that expresses time . For example,  take  and  took  are the present tense and past tense of the verb take.

Technically speaking,  will take  is not a form of the verb  take , because it is not made by changing the form of  take  itself. Instead, it is made by adding another verb ( will ) which supplies the future time meaning. That's why we can't call  will take  a tense.

However, in common and non-technical speaking, people do commonly say that  will + infinitive verb is the "future tense" (even though from a technical point of view, that term is incorrect).

I hope that helps to understand it.

The LearnEnglish Team

Thank you Jonathan.

Dear team hello, More and more people (are getting divorced)/(getting divorced) every year. Which one is the true answer? Thank you

Hi Hosseinpour,

It should be the first answer, as the present continuous needs the auxiliary verb "be" (here, in the form "are"). Another possible answer not listed here is "get divorced" (present simple).

Hello sir, More and more people (are getting divorced)/(getting divorced) every year. (Every year), can we use "present continuous" to talk about "a fact" such as this? Thank you

Hello Hosseinpour,

Yes, you can use continuous aspect like this. The continuous form emphasises that it is an ongoing process rather than a fixed fact.

Thank you for the help and time.

Hello, Everyone.

Could somebody help me understand why in task "Present Tense 3" the correct answer isn't Present Tense, but Present Perfect?

Thank you in advance.

Hi georgiatavares,

Good question! It's because at the end, the frog means "I've read it", in the present perfect. (That's why the frog shakes his head and rejects all the books that the chicken brought. He's already read them all.) 

The word "read" can be either (1) the present simple form and the imperative, or (2) the past participle. (1) and (2) have the same spelling, but different pronunciation. (2) is pronounced /red/ (the same as the colour). (That's the joke - "read it" sounds similar to the sounds that frogs make, at least to English ears.)

I hope that helps.

Hi there. "Do be careful" or "Be careful" which one is correct? Thanks in advance.

Hi Sajatadib,

Both are OK. The first one is more emphatic than the second one.

The use of tenses here is fine. The first verb ("perceived") is past simple because it describes a completed past event. The other verbs are in the present simple because they describe things that are general statements not fixed to specific points in time.

There is no rule which says that we are limited to a single time reference or verb form in a sentence. It's quite possible to use a past form and a verb form with future reference, for example:

Gene Roddenberry believed that one day humanity will travel beyond our solar system and spread throughout the galaxy.

This is an infinitive form. I'm sure you're familiar with the base form of the infinitive ( to do ), but there are many other forms:

to be done (passive infinitive)

to be doing (continuous infinitive)

to have done (perfect infinitive)

These forms carry the meaning you would expect: continuous forms denote something in progress, perfect forms have a retrospective sense etc. The exact meaning will depend on the context.

As far as your example goes, you could use to arrive and I don't think the meaning changes as the context makes it clear that you are talking about a time up to now. In fact, as the context is clear I think to arrive would be a better choice, stylistically speaking.

Dear team, There are some people who (can view) objects from 6 meters away with the same sharpness that a normal-sighted person (would have to move) in to 4.5 meters to achieve. Why this structure(would have to move) is used? I can not understand the relationship between (can view) and (would have to move). Thank you

The two verbs are not related in time or structure. The first describes the characteristics of certain people; the second describes a hypothetical point of comparison - you can insert an implied if-clause if you wish (...would have to move in to 4.5 metres if they wanted to achieve the same clarity).

You could change the first verb to talk about people in the past ('There were some people who could...') or to predict the existence of people in the future ('One day there will be some people who will be able to...') without changing the second verb form at all.

Peter The LearnEnglish Team

Hello Peter M, Thank you for your help, it was very useful.

Dear team, A new study by Palaeontologists at the University of Southhampton 1.(suggests/has suggested) four bones recently found on the Isle of Wight 2.(belong to / have belonged to) new species of theropod dinosaur, the group that includes Tyrannosaurus rex and modern-day birds. In this test,first part, recently shouts present perfect, but my feelings tell me go with the Present tense. The same issue with part two, also if I use (have belonged to) how will the sentence sound meaning-vice to the listener. Thank you

I too would probably use the present simple form for 1, but there's nothing wrong with using the present perfect form in a news report, for example.

For 2, only the present simple form works. The topic is the bones (which obviously still exist) and what species they are from, not the dinosaur (which is obviously long dead, even if it is a newly discovered species), so a present simple form is best; a present perfect form would sound very odd indeed.

Hope this helps. It's great that you are trying to make sense of texts that you find in your reading -- this is a great way to learn.

Dear Kirk, Now with the explanation, it makes sense. Thank you sir

Dear team, Researchers believe that gold nanoparticles may breathe new life into once-promising drug candidates, in particular, a compound designed to stop the spread of HIV that (was shelved/would be shelved) because of effects. Here (was shelved) is the right answer. Why (would be shelved) can not be the right answer? Thank you

Generally, we don't comment on exercises from elsewhere as we have no control over their quality or accuracy. If you have a question about a task from a book or website then the authors of the task are the people to ask.

In this example, the time reference is past. You are talking about a drug which +was designed+ to do something but which had problems and so was not used (it was +once promising+). The only option with a past time sense is 'was shelved'. The other option ('would be shelved') describes a possible later action.

Dear Peter, Thank you for your time and help.

The first sentence is the present perfect. But, the present perfect isn't usually used if you say the time ( one hour ago ). The past simple is usually used:  I reached school one hour ago . Also, the verb  reach  doesn't take a preposition, so delete 'at'.

The second sentence is correct. But it's the present simple, not the present perfect (i.e. the verb  have  is the main verb, not an auxiliary verb).

Have a look at our Present perfect page for more explanation. I hope it helps :)

Hi Nevı,

Your example would mean that being selected for the school team helps to make the person tall, so it is not correct. What you mean is the other way round, and there are several ways to say it:

Being tall helps with being selected for the school team.
I was selected for the school team. It helps being tall!

In answer to your second question, if you use 'help with' then you don't need 'it'. There is a word 'tallness' but we wouldn't use it in this context. 'Being tall' (as above) or 'Height' is what we would use.

Hello again Nevı,

No, I'm afraid that's not correct. It helps + verb-ing here means 'this is of benefit (in achieving the goal)'.

You are trying to say that technology helps us to find new solutions, so you can say the following:

Technology is improving and it helps us to find new solutions for problems. Technology improving helps us to find new solutions for problems.

If you want to use the construction it helps + verb-ing then you need to remember that is it improvements in technology which help us find new solutions, not the other way round:

We are finding new solutions for problems. It helps having better technology! [having better technology makes it easier to find new solutions]

Hello Fiona,

The writer still has longings in the present.

'Until' is related to a different state: the cake was an object of research (...) and a favourite indulgence  until ... In other words, it is no longer an object of research or a favourite indulgence, but the longings have not gone away.

That depends on how you define 'tense'. The author of this grammar, Dave Willis, followed one tradition in which ' tense ' refers to a single-word verb form, but in most English language teaching contexts, you're right in thinking that people usually refer to 12 tenses. 

We have a page that covers five of the most salient grammatical differences between  British and American English . There are others, but most are minor, and really most of the differences between the two varieties are in the area of vocabulary and pronunciation more than in grammar.

Despite these differences, the two varieties (each of which is actually composed of many different varieties) are very similar and in most cases entirely mutually comprehensible. As someone who grew up in American English but now works mostly with speakers of British English, I can assure you of this from personal experience.

All the best,

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Here are the past tense forms of the verb travel

👉 Forms of verb travel in future and past simple and past participle. ❓ What is the past tense of travel.

Travel: Past, Present, and Participle Forms

What are the 2nd and 3rd forms of the verb travel.

🎓 What are the past simple, future simple, present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect forms of the base form (infinitive) ' travel '? 👉 It's quite simple -->

Learn the three forms of the English verb 'travel'

  • the first form (V1) is 'travel' used in present simple and future simple tenses.
  • the second form (V2) is 'travelled (BrE)', 'traveled (AmE)' used in past simple tense.
  • the third form (V3) is 'travelled (BrE)', 'traveled (AmE)' used in present perfect and past perfect tenses.

What are the past tense and past participle of travel?

What is the past tense of travel.

The past tense of the verb "travel" is "travelled (BrE)", or "traveled (AmE)", and the past participle is "travelled (BrE)" or "traveled (AmE)".

Verb Tenses

Past simple — travel in past simple travelled (BrE), traveled (AmE) (V2) . Future simple — travel in future simple is travel (will + V1) . Present Perfect — travel in present perfect tense is travelled (BrE), traveled (AmE) (have/has + V3) . Past Perfect — travel in past perfect tense is travelled (BrE), traveled (AmE) (had + V3) .

travel regular or irregular verb?

👉 Is 'travel' a regular or irregular verb? The verb 'travel' is regular verb .

Examples of Verb travel in Sentences

  •   These days we travelled 1400 km (Past Simple)
  •   We didn't travel that long (Past Simple)
  •   She has travelled extensively in the Philippines (Present Perfect)
  •   I can't travel without you (Present Simple)
  •   We usually travel to work by bus (Present Simple)
  •   A plane travels faster than a train (Present Simple)
  •   They are travelling together since 2018 (Present Continuous)
  •   You can travel by foot, why not? (Present Simple)
  •   Unfortunately you can't travel without a ticket, so please proceed to the ticket office (Present Simple)
  •   How many countries have you travelled to? (Present Perfect)

Along with travel, words are popular give and tell .

Verbs by letter: r , d , u , c , m , p , b , w , h , a , e , g , s , q , j , l , t , f , o , n , k , i , v , y , z .

English verbs

  • 318 Irregular verbs
  • 904 Regular verbs
  • 5 Modal verbs
  • 407 Phrasal verb

Online verb dictionary

We are currently working to add new verbs and examples to our website, along with detailed descriptions. Please send us a message if you have any requests or suggestions, and we will add them as quickly as we can. Thank you for your interest in our website!

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Travel Verb Forms – Past Tense, Past Participle & V1V2V3

travel verb forms v1 v2 v3 past tense and past participle

Table of Contents

Travel past tense

Travel past participle, travel verb forms v1 v2 v3 v4, conjugation of travel, more verb past tense, you might also like.

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Past Tense of Travel: Traveling Back in Time

By: Author Oliver

Posted on Last updated: August 12, 2023

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Welcome to our article on the past tense of travel! If you’re learning English grammar, you know that understanding verb tenses is an essential part of the language. The past tense is particularly important, as it allows us to talk about events and experiences that have already happened. In this article, we’ll explore the basics of English tenses, give an overview of the past tense, and focus specifically on how to use the past tense when talking about travel.

Travel is one of the most common topics of conversation, and being able to talk about past trips is a great way to connect with others and share experiences. However, using the past tense correctly can be tricky, especially when it comes to irregular verbs and complex sentence structures. In this article, we’ll provide plenty of examples and exercises to help you master the past tense of travel. We’ll also cover some common mistakes to avoid and provide additional resources for further learning.

So whether you’re planning your next trip or just want to improve your English skills, read on to learn everything you need to know about the past tense of travel!

Key Takeaways

  • The past tense is essential for talking about past events and experiences, past tense of ‘travel’ is ‘traveled’
  • By practicing with examples and exercises, you can improve your use of the past tense of travel and avoid common mistakes.

Past Tense of Travel: Traveling Back in Time

Past Tense of Travel

Travel is a verb that is commonly used in the past tense. In this section, we will cover the formation and usage examples of the past tense of travel.

To form the past tense of travel, we add “-ed” to the base form of the verb. For example:

  • I traveled to Europe last summer.
  • She traveled to Asia for business.
  • We traveled to South America for vacation.

Simple Past

The simple past is used to describe a completed action in the past. Regular verbs like travel are formed by adding -ed to the base form. For example:

  • I traveled to Paris last year.

Past Continuous

The past continuous is used to describe an action that was in progress at a specific point in the past. It is formed by using the past tense of “to be” (was/were) and the present participle (-ing) of the main verb. Here are some examples:

  • I was traveling to Paris when I got a call from my boss.

Usage Examples

The past tense of travel is used to talk about a completed action in the past. Here are some examples:

  • I traveled to Japan last year and had an amazing time.
  • She traveled to Italy for her honeymoon and fell in love with the country.
  • We traveled to Mexico for our anniversary and enjoyed the beautiful beaches.

We can also use the past tense of travel to talk about a past habit or routine. For example:

  • When I was younger, I traveled to different countries every summer.
  • She traveled for work every week and got used to living out of a suitcase.
  • We traveled to visit our family every holiday season.

In conclusion, the past tense of travel is formed by adding “-ed” to the base form of the verb and is used to talk about completed actions or past habits. Practice using the past tense of travel in your own sentences to improve your English grammar skills.

Common Mistakes with Past Tense of Travel

If you are learning English, you might be struggling with the past tense of the verb “travel.” Here are some common mistakes people make and how to avoid them.

Mixing Past and Present Tenses

One of the most common mistakes is mixing past and present tenses. For example, saying “I travel to Paris last year” instead of “I traveled to Paris last year.” To avoid this mistake, remember to use the past tense of “travel” when referring to something that happened in the past.

Using the Present Participle

Another mistake is using the present participle instead of the past tense. For example, saying “I am traveling to London last week” instead of “I traveled to London last week.” To avoid this mistake, remember to use the past tense of “travel” when referring to something that happened in the past.

Using the Wrong Auxiliary Verb

Using the wrong auxiliary verb is also a common mistake. For example, saying “I was travel to Rome” instead of “I traveled to Rome.” To avoid this mistake, remember to use the correct auxiliary verb (in this case, “did”) when forming the past tense.

Example Sentences

Here are some example sentences to help you practice using the past tense of “travel” correctly:

  • I traveled to Japan last summer.
  • She visited her grandparents in Florida last month.
  • They took a road trip across the United States.
  • We flew to Paris for our honeymoon.
  • He backpacked through Europe after college.

Remember, practice makes perfect! Keep practicing using the past tense of “travel” correctly, and soon it will become second nature.

Exercises to Practice Past Tense of Travel

Learning English grammar can be challenging, especially when it comes to mastering the past tense of travel. To help you improve your skills, we have compiled a list of exercises that you can use to practice and perfect your past tense of travel.

Interactive Exercises

Interactive exercises are a great way to practice the past tense of travel. They allow you to engage with the material and receive immediate feedback on your progress. Here are a few interactive exercises you can try:

  • Fill in the Blank: In this exercise, you will be given a sentence with a blank space where the past tense verb should go. Your task is to fill in the blank with the correct past tense verb. For example, “I ___ to Paris last year.” The correct answer would be “went.”
  • Matching: In this exercise, you will be given a list of past tense verbs and a list of travel-related words. Your task is to match the past tense verb with the correct travel-related word. For example, “flew” would match with “airplane.”

Written Exercises

Written exercises are another great way to practice the past tense of travel. They allow you to focus on the material and practice at your own pace. Here are a few written exercises you can try:

  • Sentence Writing: In this exercise, you will be given a travel-related word, and your task is to write a sentence using the correct past tense verb. For example, “train” could be used in the sentence, “I ___ to New York on a train.”
  • Paragraph Writing: In this exercise, you will be given a prompt related to travel, and your task is to write a paragraph using the correct past tense verbs. For example, “Write a paragraph about your last vacation.” You could write, “Last summer, I ___ to Hawaii with my family. We ___ on the beach, ___ in the ocean, and ___ at some amazing restaurants.”

By practicing these exercises, you will improve your understanding and mastery of the past tense of travel. Keep practicing, and before you know it, you’ll be a pro at English grammar!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the past tense of travel?

The past tense of travel is “traveled” in American English and “travelled” in British English. Both spellings are correct, but American English tends to drop the second “l” in the past tense and past participle forms of the verb.

Is it spelled Travelled or traveled?

As mentioned above, both spellings are correct. The difference in spelling is due to the variation in American and British English.

Which is correct travel or travelling?

Both “travel” and “travelling” are correct, but “traveling” is the preferred spelling in American English, while “travelling” is the preferred spelling in British English.

What’s the difference between travel and Travelled?

“Travel” is the present tense of the verb, while “travelled” is the past tense. The difference between the two is the time frame in which the action occurs.

What is the V2 form of travel?

The V2 form of travel is “traveled” in American English and “travelled” in British English.

What is the V3 form of travel?

The V3 form of travel is “traveled” in American English and “travelled” in British English.

In summary, the past tense of travel is “traveled” in American English and “travelled” in British English. Both spellings are correct, and the difference in spelling is due to the variation in American and British English. Additionally, “traveling” is the preferred spelling in American English, while “travelling” is the preferred spelling in British English.

The past tense of travel is \"traveled\" in American English and \"travelled\" in British English. Both spellings are correct, but American English tends to drop the second \"l\" in the past tense and past participle forms of the verb.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Is it spelled Travelled or traveled?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Which is correct travel or travelling?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

Both \"travel\" and \"travelling\" are correct, but \"traveling\" is the preferred spelling in American English, while \"travelling\" is the preferred spelling in British English.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What's the difference between travel and Travelled?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

\"Travel\" is the present tense of the verb, while \"traveled\" is the past tense. The difference between the two is the time frame in which the action occurs.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the V2 form of travel?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

The V2 form of travel is \"traveled\" in American English and \"travelled\" in British English.

"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the V3 form of travel?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"

The V3 form of travel is \"traveled\" in American English and \"travelled\" in British English.

In summary, the past tense of travel is \"traveled\" in American English and \"travelled\" in British English. Both spellings are correct, and the difference in spelling is due to the variation in American and British English. Additionally, \"traveling\" is the preferred spelling in American English, while \"travelling\" is the preferred spelling in British English.

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Conjugaison du verbe anglais to travel

Traduction to travel.

travel present tense

Simple present

Present progressive/continuous, simple past, past progressive/continuous, present perfect simple, present perfect progressive/continuous, past perfect, past perfect progressive/continuous, future progressive/continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous, conditional, progressive, perfect progressive.


The Golden Rules of Retirement Travel

By Stacey Lastoe

Image may contain Clothing Glove Person Footwear Shoe Adult Animal Canine Dog Mammal Pet Accessories and Glasses

This is part of a collection of stories celebrating the many shapes retirement travel can take. Read more here.

Bonni and Bob Gumport travel regularly in their retirement. Not beholden to one short vacation a year (they average seven big ones), their compounding experience has allowed them to develop a code of rules by which they abide— tips and tricks to use wherever they go. After one too many of the small rooms common in boutique hotels, for example, they’ve cut them out entirely. Also out of the question are walking tours within two days of arrival in a new destination, as they prefer to settle in. Their daughter Lauren describes them as “pros on retiree travel,” but they are not the only ones with advice to give.

There are former museum curators who have learned not to overbook themselves; solo travelers who always learn a little of the local language. Adherence to anyone’s rules will never ensure a vacation free of hiccups, where no flight is ever delayed , every tour is worth the hours put in, and every meal sublime . But learning from others may improve your chances of a good time—even when things inevitably go sideways. We’ve spoken to over 20 retired travelers to hear how their Golden Years have informed the way that they travel. Below, find some of their savviest secrets for better trips.

1. Take a ride on the hop-on, hop-off bus tour

If she’s traveling in a city that offers one of those double-decker hop-on, hop-off sightseeing tours, Denver -based Heidi Burtoni, 65, who goes on multiple trips per year, is definitely stepping aboard. Burtoni says it’s a great way to figure out the rest of her itinerary, get tips from other travelers and the tour guide, and get a feel for the new city. “It’s the first thing I do to get the lay of the land,” says Burtoni. Her previous career in sales means the frequent solo traveler will “talk to anybody,” so these tours also open the door for socializing and making connections.

Image may contain Adult Person Clothing Pants Face Head Book Comics Publication Footwear and Shoe

Know what to skip—“whether that means avoiding tourist traps, the most sweltering hours at fairs, or not putting yourself in danger by flagging a taxi when it's unsafe," says Lynn Zelevansky.

2. Figure out what to avoid

For Paul and Lynn Zelevansky (77 and 76, respectively), travel is less about hitting all the top spots and more about learning where not to go, “whether that means avoiding tourist traps, the most sweltering hours at fairs, or not putting yourself in danger by flagging a taxi when it’s unsafe.” They visit the Venice Biennale in fall, now, rather than at the opening, to avoid the worst of the crushes—it also helps them more effectively skirt the city's infamous pickpockets (Lynn's wallet was stolen on a crowded vaporetto ferry in 2022).

3. BYOTP (Bring Your Own Toilet Paper)

“Toilet paper in Europe is very scratchy … not good for sensitive parts,” says Florida native Karen Butera, an avid pickleball player who often travels with the sport in mind. Whenever overseas, she always travels with her own toilet paper. Butera, 66, is taking her granddaughter to see Taylor Swift in Paris this summer, and, yes, she will be packing TP—creature comforts are even more crucial on the road than they are at home.

4. Don’t overschedule

Packed-to-the-brim itineraries used to be J. Patrice Marandel’s MO, but these days, the former chief curator at Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) is more keen on scheduling “plenty of time for the unexpected.” Gone are the nonstop days with planned breakfasts, lunches, and dinners; instead, Marandel, 79, leaves room for the possibility of something unexpected and “exciting.” It often pays off.

Image may contain: Adult, Person, Book, Comics, Publication, Accessories, Formal Wear, Tie, Clothing, Footwear, and Shoe

5. Pack light

Buffalo, New York-based Lisa LaLonde, 74, and her travel companion Antoinette Judelsohn, 70, whom she’s been traveling with for over a decade, are pros at packing light . The pals can manage for a month on very little, relying on the versatility of black leggings and black tops, says LaLonde. The trick? Develop a travel uniform, bring just a few versions, and wash undergarments as necessary, says Judelsohn. Big suitcases stuffed to the brim with a ton of different outfits are more of a hassle than a luxury. “They’re a pain in the neck if you’re getting on a train or off a train … or moving from one city to another,” says LaLonde.

Image may contain Person Sitting Adult Accessories Sunglasses Art Face Head Clothing Footwear Shoe and Drawing

“Anybody and their brother with an RV travels on Sunday,” warns Jenelle Jones.

6. Don't get (too) excited

Judelsohn, a former teacher who met LaLonde when they worked together at the same school in Buffalo, has another travel rule that’s served her well: Letting go of expectations. “I never get excited about a trip,” says Judelsohn. Instead, the savvy traveler lets the excitement emerge based on what's in front of her in the moment.

7. Avoid traveling on Sundays

RVer Jenelle Jones, 64, is against traveling on Sundays. As she puts it, “anybody and their brother with an RV travels on Sunday.” Long weekend RVers who have to get back for work on Monday use Sundays to head home, so retired Jones, 64, simply avoids the day altogether. It's also, according to her, the “biggest day to get in an RV wreck”— yet another reason to sit back and relax. You have nowhere you need to be, after all. Take advantage.

8. Learn a few words of the local language

Charlotte Simpson , whose blog Traveling Black Widow documents her travels (100 countries and counting so far), says her number one travel rule is to learn a few key phrases—hello, goodbye, please, thank you—in the dominant language of the places she visits. Simpson says her efforts are always well received. “I just find, inevitably, it sort of stuns people when I even just say good morning.” Simpson, who prefers not to reveal her age, says she gets a lot out of bridging the language gap with just a few words: “It just makes people so friendly and so happy that you took this moment to learn [their language].”

Image may contain: Pickup Truck, Transportation, Truck, Vehicle, Clothing, Glove, Adult, Person, Camping, and Outdoors

9. Travel slower

When you cram too much into a single trip, “the whole experience just kind of becomes a blur,” say Gillian Batt, 43, and Stephanie Myers, 51, whose blog Our Freedom Years documents their early retirement and subsequent travels. The couple, who hail from Ontario, Canada, say staying in one place for an extended period of time helps them avoid travel burnout, keep costs low, and enjoy the whole experience more. All that rushing around on limited PTO? Well behind them.

Image may contain Clothing Hat Pants Adult Person Animal Canine Dog Mammal Pet Photography Coat and Jacket

For RVers like Norm, keeping things flexible is key.

10. Go your own way

The pandemic crystallized things for Kim Kelly Stamp , 65, and her wife Liz Schick, 62, who left it all behind and decided to travel around the country in a red 21-foot teardrop trailer. They’ve since gotten really good at going with the flow. “We know where we’re going to stay along the way, but we hold that really loosely and give ourselves the opportunity to make something else happen,” explains Stamp. This approach led them to Laurel, Mississippi, where the HGTV show Hometown —of which Stamp and Schick are big fans of, is based. Instead of following a regimented schedule, they followed their passion when the road forked, literally.

11. Keep an open heart and mind

In spite of being seasoned travelers, John and Bev Martin, 60, who started the RetirementTravelers site to share their journey with others, admit they still need to remind themselves that they can’t control everything. “We have to be patient and receptive to the lessons the world is trying to teach,” says the couple. One that keeps coming up? “Retirement is not the time to stop dreaming about new and different routes in life.”

Image may contain: Clothing, Footwear, Shoe, Person, Hat, and Cup

12. Do your research

The Gumports appreciate getting a taste of the local culture wherever they are traveling, and they’re not opposed to tours or experiences that deliver on this front. But Bonni has a few words of advice: “If you’re looking at purchasing something that uses words such as ‘bespoke, artisanal, farm-to-table’ and more fluffy adjectives, make sure these experiences are as authentic as they sound.” Read reviews thoroughly and take the time to research before you buy, advises Bonni. It's fun to be spontaneous, but it's easy to be misled by clever marketing and buzzwords.

13. It’s a marathon—not a sprint

It wasn’t long before Brenda Huyhn adopted—and adapted— a popular van-lifer rule: Don’t travel more than 3 hours, get in by 3 p.m., and stay at least 3 nights. Huyhn, who at 47 retired earlier than many, is adamant about not trying to do too much in one day to avoid burnout. She and her husband take their time, prioritizing “quality over quantity” with their stops and stays. It makes the entire experience all the richer.

Image may contain: Clothing, Glove, Nature, Outdoors, Footwear, Shoe, Child, Person, Adult, Accessories, Glasses, and Snow

14. You can always head home

Diana Petterson is on track to hit the 100-country mark just in time for her 70th birthday in 2026. But as much as the Black solo traveler loves seeing the world, she’s not afraid to ditch a trip if something isn’t working out. “Wherever I am in the world, if for whatever reason I am uncomfortable, or I don't feel well … I’m going to plop down that credit card , and get home.”

15. Start the day early to avoid the crowds

Artist Simma Liebman, 76, enjoys going to museums while visiting new cities and places. But since the retiree is immunocompromised, she plans these outings a little differently. Now Liebman hits the museums “as early in the day as possible” and masks up while taking in the art "unless there are very few people inside.” Whatever your motivation, rising early is something you can be sure the hordes of 20-something backpackers won't be doing. Beat them to all the best spots.

Image may contain Clothing Coat Jacket Adult Person Standing Long Sleeve Sleeve Photography Blazer Face and Head

“I like a very good hotel, but not necessarily the best,” says Betty. Focus on getting the right location.

16. Base yourself strategically

Betty, 80, an art collector who declined to share her last name, has found that mid-sized hotels (meaning about 200 rooms) in central locations, with just enough of the services she wants and needs, do the job. “I like a very good hotel, but not necessarily the best,” says Betty. As long as you have the basics covered, it's really about location, location, location.

17. Don’t wait for tomorrow

Instead of putting off travel for a later date, Chicago -based Ruthie Maldonado-Delwiche advises those interested in exploring the world to get out there and “do it now.” Because “tomorrow isn’t promised,” Maldonado-Delwiche, who’s been traveling since she retired in 2017, says. Don't wait if there’s something you want to do or a place you want to visit.

Former psychiatrist Ann Heaslett, 60, who aims to run the six major world marathons in her retirement, feels exactly the same way. “There’s no time like the present.”

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Politics latest: Angela Rayner 'welcomes chance to set out facts' to police

Police confirm they have launched an investigation into Labour's deputy leader Angela Rayner and whether she broke electoral law. Listen to the latest Electoral Dysfunction podcast as you scroll.

Friday 12 April 2024 14:08, UK

  • Rayner 'welcomes chance to set out facts' after police confirm investigation into whether she broke electoral rules
  • Starmer 'fully confident' deputy has done nothing wrong
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  • Beth Rigby:  A dysfunctional week for the Tories and Labour
  • Electoral Dysfunction: The Grindr honeytrap fallout - and do Labour poll leads do them more harm than good?
  • How Sue Gray's friends and foes could shape Starmer's Downing Street
  • Live reporting by Faith Ridler

Police are investigating allegations that Angela Rayner may have broken electoral law over information she gave about her living situation a decade ago.

Tory MP James Daly informed Greater Manchester Police (GMP) of claims made by neighbours that contradicted the Labour deputy leader's statement that her property, separate from her husband's, was her main residence.

Asked whether she should resign if she has broken the law, Sir Keir Starmer refused to say.

He told ITV: "Shes given answers on the issue many, many times over, she's clearly said she’ll co-operate with the police.

"I do think now is the time to let the police get on with their investigation, get on with the work they need to do, she'll co-operate with that which is exactly what you’d expect of her."

Angela Rayner is set to become the UK's deputy prime minister if Labour wins the next general election.

Here's what you need to know about the party's deputy leader - from her early life and career in politics to the abuse and controversy she has faced.

Born in Stockport in 1980, Ms Rayner was brought up on a council estate. She left school at 16 with no qualifications and pregnant with her first son.

She says she was told she would "never amount to anything".

"When I was young, we didn't have books because my mother couldn't read or write," Ms Rayner said in an interview with the Financial Times.

You can read more from Sky News below:

Over a year ago, Rishi Sunak made five pledges for voters to judge him on.

The prime minister met his promise to halve inflation by the end of 2023.

But with the general election approaching, how is Mr Sunak doing on delivering his other promises?

You can see the progress for yourself below:

The government should use TikTok to help combat misinformation directed at young people, a group of MPs has said.

Members of the cross-party Culture, Media and Sport Committee said ministers need to adapt to new apps and platforms that appeal to those who are increasingly turning away from traditional news sources.

The call comes despite the app being being banned from official electronic devices and the UK Parliament's network.

According to data from Ofcom, one in 10 people aged between 12 and 15 cite TikTok as their main source of news, while 71% of 16 to 24-year-olds use social media instead of or in addition to news websites.

The recommendation from MPs is part of a wider report published on Friday that calls for more use of "trusted voices" such as scientists and doctors to communicate important information and combat conspiracy theories and other misinformation spreading on social media.

Sir Keir Starmer is in Barrow-in-Furness today, where he was asked about the news police are investigating his Labour Party deputy Angela Rayner.

He said the police investigation will allow a "line to be drawn" on the issue of her council home.

The Labour leader said: "We welcome this investigation because it will allow a line to be drawn in relation to this matter.

"I am fully confident that Angela Rayner has not broken the rules. 

"She will cooperate with the investigation as you would expect and it is really a matter for the police."

People voting in local elections in England on 2 May will need to provide photo ID.

It is the second year the requirement has been in place - but in 2023,  14,000 people couldn't cast their ballot because they didn't take ID to the polling booth.

There are 22 different types of ID you can use - and if you don't have any of them, you can register for a Voter Authority Certificate.

Here's everything you need to know to avoid being caught out:

More reaction now to news that Greater Manchester Police are investigating Labour's deputy leader Angela Rayner.

The force is looking into claims Ms Rayner may have broken electoral law over information she gave about her living situation a decade ago.

London mayor Sadiq Khan has said he is fully confident one of his "best friends" will be cleared.

He said: "I fully support Angela Rayner, I'm confident that she'll be vindicated in relation to the police investigation.

"Of course there's an investigation now, which gives Angela a chance to explain to the police what went on."

Mr Khan added: "I'm fully confident in Angela, she's one of my best friends and I'm sure she'll be cleared."

More than 55,000 asylum seekers whose applications have been refused since 2011 may not have left the UK. 

The analysis of Home Office data doesn't include partners or children, so the number could be even higher. 

On the Daily, Niall Paterson speaks to our communities correspondent Becky Johnson about how delays in deporting failed applicants have led to some people being able to make multiple appeals - and in one case being in limbo in the UK for 18 years.

Plus, immigration lawyer Harjap Singh Bhangal talks about why so many appeals against deportation are successful. 

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has hailed news that the UK economy has grown slightly for the second month in a row as "evidence" it has "turned a corner".

Gross domestic product (GDP) grew just 0.1% in February, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said.

Mr Sunak said: "Today's GDP figures are further evidence that the economy has turned a corner, with growth in both January and February and the Bank of England forecasting growth to be higher than previously forecast in the long term. 

"Inflation is down from over 11% to 3.4%, wages are rising faster than prices, and unemployment remains low.

"This shows how important it is to stick to our economic plan and is why we are able to reward work and cut taxes for millions of people from this month. 

"Our long-term ambition is to abolish NICs entirely and end the unfairness of the double taxation of work."

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps has just reacted to news of a police investigation into deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner.

He said: "I think the double standards have been extraordinary.

"Angela Rayner herself has spent her political career calling people out for exactly the thing that she seems to be doing now.

"It's not acceptable to ignore it and it's not acceptable for Keir Starmer to say he won't even read reports into it. 

"This is something which is a serious matter. 

"It's important that it's looked into properly and I welcome the idea that the police are doing that."

You can read more about the situation in the link below:

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travel present tense


  1. Simple present verbs

    travel present tense

  2. Present tenses

    travel present tense

  3. Conjugation Travel 🔸 Verb in all tenses and forms

    travel present tense

  4. Phrasal Verbs for TRAVEL, Definitions and Example Sentences

    travel present tense

  5. Verbo Viajar (To travel) Present and preterit tense by Spanilicious

    travel present tense

  6. Travel In Present Tense

    travel present tense


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  1. Conjugation travel

    Conjugate the English verb travel: indicative, past tense, participle, present perfect, gerund, conjugation models and irregular verbs. Translate travel in context, with examples of use and definition.

  2. Conjugation of travel

    travel. 'travel' is the model of its conjugation. In British English, the final consonant is doubled before -ing and -ed. infinitive: present participle: past participle: (to) travel. trave ll ing. trave ll ed.

  3. Conjugate "to travel"

    to do. to say. to love. to eat. to make. to like. to tell. to drive. 'to travel' conjugation - English verbs conjugated in all tenses with the verb conjugator.

  4. Conjugation of travel

    Conjugate the verb travel in all tenses: present, past, participle, present perfect, gerund, etc.

  5. To Travel Conjugation

    English verb TO TRAVEL conjugated in all forms, with full audio, irregular highlighting, negative forms and contractions. Toggle navigation. English . English Home; Verbs; Vocabulary; Blog; ... Present. I travel I travel: you travel you travel: he/she/it travels he/she/it travels: we travel we travel: they travel they travel: you travel you travel:

  6. Conjugation English verb to travel

    Conjugation English verb to travel in several modes, tenses, voices, numbers, persons : indicative mode, subjunctive, imperative mood, conditional, participle form, gerund, present, past, future perfect, progressive. Menu. Other languages available English ... you will have been traveling he will have been traveling we will ...

  7. Conjugation Travel Verb in all tenses and forms

    Conjugation of the verb Travel in all tenses: future, present and past. 🎮 Conjugation trainer for memorizing forms.

  8. Verb to travel

    they travel. Present continuous. I am travel ling. you are travel ling. he is travel ling. we are travel ling. you are travel ling. they are travel ling. Preterite.

  9. TRAVEL conjugation table

    Present Continuous. I am travelling or traveling you are travelling or traveling he/she/it is travelling or traveling we are travelling or traveling you are travelling or traveling they are travelling or traveling.

  10. travel: Verb conjugation table

    Conjugation of verb "To travel". Present Simple. Affirmative. I travel. You travel. We travel. He/She/It travels. You travel. They travel.

  11. Past Tense of Travel: Conjugations in Past and Present Participles

    Most commonly, the past tense of the word "travel" is "traveled.". Although the word form will change based on its participle. And the sentence where it's used. For example, referencing "travel" in the present participle form will change it to "traveling," but in the infinitive form, will be "travel.".

  12. Travel verb forms

    Travel present tense Simple present tense of travel used for facts, generalizations, and truths that are not affected by the passage of time Present continuous tense of travel used to describe currently ongoing (usually temporary) actions Present perfect tense of travel

  13. Travel Past Tense: Conjugation in Present, Past & Past Participle Tense

    Conjugation of Travel. Simple / Indefinite Present Tense. He/She/It travels . I travel. You/We/They travel. Present Continuous Tense. He/She/It is Commonwealth travelling, US traveling. I am Commonwealth travelling, US traveling. You/We/They are Commonwealth travelling, US traveling.

  14. What is the present tense of travel?

    The present tense of travel is:I/You/We/They travel.He/She/It travels.The present participle is traveling (or travelling in British English).

  15. Conjugation of travel

    During the exercise you will be asked to translate the conjugated verb with the given tense and personal pronoun into english. Angel, Buenos Aires, Argentina: 'every day I am learning a new lesson. I use it to study English. It is a very good tool.' Someone who doesn't read books has no advantage over someone who can't read them. - Mark Twain

  16. Present tense

    Hi SurajBeka, Actually, no, it isn't! Technically speaking, a "tense" is a verb form which shows the time of the action, e.g. play - present, played - past. The important thing is that it is a verb form - that is, the base verb is modified e.g. by adding "ed" to make the past tense.. However, to talk about the future, we do not change the base verb, but instead add another verb: will play.

  17. Travel

    Conjugate Travel in every English verb tense including present, past, and future.

  18. Travel Past Tense and Past Participle Verb Forms in English

    Learn the three forms of the English verb 'travel'. the first form (V1) is 'travel' used in present simple and future simple tenses. the second form (V2) is 'travelled (BrE)', 'traveled (AmE)' used in past simple tense. the third form (V3) is 'travelled (BrE)', 'traveled (AmE)' used in present perfect and past perfect tenses.

  19. Travel Verb Forms

    Visit. Travelled is the past tense of the word travel. Travelled is the past participle of the word travel. travel past form, verb forms, v1v2v3, Inf.

  20. Past Tense of Travel: Traveling Back in Time

    The correct answer would be "went.". Matching: In this exercise, you will be given a list of past tense verbs and a list of travel-related words. Your task is to match the past tense verb with the correct travel-related word. For example, "flew" would match with "airplane.". Written Exercises.

  21. Conjugaison du verbe anglais to travel

    La conjugaison du verbe anglais travel. Conjuguer le verbe anglais to travel à indicatif, subjonctif, impératif, infinitif, conditionnel, participe, gérondif.

  22. The Golden Rules of Retirement Travel

    5. Pack light. Buffalo, New York-based Lisa LaLonde, 74, and her travel companion Antoinette Judelsohn, 70, whom she's been traveling with for over a decade, are pros at packing light.The pals ...

  23. Politics latest: Angela Rayner 'welcomes chance to set out facts' after

    Police confirm they have launched an investigation into Labour's deputy leader Angela Rayner and whether she broke electoral law. Listen to the latest Electoral Dysfunction podcast as you scroll.