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Yes, Americans Can Still Travel to Cuba. Here’s How

Is it legal for u.s. citizens to travel to cuba what types of travel can they take and what are cuba tourist cards here’s what you need to know about visiting cuba..

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A classic 1950s car outside row of two- and three-story pastel-colored buildings

Havana, Cuba’s capital city, is known for its vintage cars and historic architecture.

Courtesy of Spencer Everett/Unsplash

Cuba is a beautiful Caribbean island with a complex history and rich culture. But for decades, it’s been just beyond the reach of many Americans. In addition to several difficult years involving devastating hurricanes, pandemic-era travel restrictions, ever-changing U.S. State Department travel advisories, and frequently updated trade and tourism regulations , it’s not surprising that many Americans may be confused about whether and how U.S. travelers can legally visit Cuba .

As of early 2024, the short answer is: Yes, you can travel to Cuba as a U.S. citizen. There are, however, some hoops you’ll need to jump through, because (technically speaking) travel to Cuba for pure vacationing isn’t allowed. For U.S. citizens interested in planning a trip to Cuba, here’s what you need to know before you go.

Can you travel to Cuba?

The relationship between the United States and Cuba has been tumultuous, to say the least. Following the Cuban Revolution during the 1950s and the subsequent rise of Fidel Castro’s regime, diplomatic ties between the two nations deteriorated rapidly. In 1960, the United States imposed a trade embargo on Cuba, effectively severing most economic and political connections.

In the time since, travel between the two countries has been heavily restricted by the U.S. government, which has implemented various policies to discourage or prohibit its citizens from visiting Cuba. Making matters more complex, those policies often changed with each presidential administration. The island nation was more accessible during the Carter, Clinton, and Obama years and more closed off during the G.W. Bush and Trump years.

In 2014, it became significantly easier for Americans to visit Cuba after President Obama announced a series of measures aimed at normalizing diplomatic ties and loosening travel restrictions to allow Americans to visit for certain purposes (more on that later). Additionally, in 2016, commercial flights between the United States and Cuba resumed for the first time in more than half a century.

However, the Trump administration made it significantly harder to visit Cuba. During his time in office, President Trump enacted more than 200 measures against Cuba , which included limiting what Cuban airports flights from the U.S. could fly into, banning cruises from stopping in Cuba, and eliminating the most common visa category under which U.S. citizens planned legal visits to Cuba (known as “people-to-people” travel).

Then in May 2022, President Biden’s administration announced it would undo many of the Cuba-related restrictions enacted under Trump and would work on expanding authorized travel. Under the new order, regular passenger and charter airplanes are again allowed to fly to any Cuban airport (and airlines announced new flight paths ). And officials said that the “people-to-people” category of travel, under which many tours and organized travel companies bring U.S. travelers to Cuba, will ultimately return, though there is no timeline on when that will happen.

Several musicians on the street in Cuba in front of a turquoise building

Cuba’s music scene is also a big draw.

Photo by Shutterstock

How to travel to Cuba as an American citizen

U.S. law states that those who want to go to Cuba need to qualify for a “general license” based on one of 12 approved categories.

The 12 categories currently authorized by U.S. government, for travel to Cuba are:

  • Family visits
  • Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations
  • Journalistic activity
  • Professional research and professional meetings
  • Educational activities
  • Religious activities
  • Public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions
  • Support for the Cuban people
  • Humanitarian projects
  • Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes
  • Exportation, importation, or transmission of information or informational materials
  • Certain authorized export transactions

Licenses are self-qualifying, meaning that when you purchase your airline ticket, you’ll be asked to state your category in a signed affidavit before checkout.

When former President Obama first eased travel restrictions to Cuba , the move allowed leisure travelers to pursue self-led trips under the “people-to-people” educational activities category. Today, the “support for the Cuban people” category is the most popular because it’s the broadest.

What the “support for the Cuban people” license entails

To adhere to the requirements for independent travel under “support for the Cuban people,” travelers must first declare the category (when prompted) while booking flights and lodging. As part of the license, travelers are also expected to prepare an itinerary outlining how their trip will fulfill the category’s terms and contribute to Cuba’s local economy. (This itinerary could be—but isn’t always—requested on arrival to the country.)

An appropriate “support for the Cuban people” itinerary could including staying in casa particulares (locally run guesthouses), visiting Cuban-owned businesses, going on tours (like classic car rides or architecture walking tours) run by Cubans, visiting independent museums and galleries, partaking in cultural dance and music classes, and eating at locally owned restaurants and markets. (For specific recommendations and local resources, check out AFAR’s Cuba Travel Guide .)

Travelers can visit independently under that category, though it’s important you keep a record of your itinerary and your receipts: The U.S. government can ask for them up to five years after the trip.

Can you still travel to Cuba with organized tour operators?

Even though the Trump administration’s tightened restrictions on travel to Cuba prohibited organized “people-to-people” tours entirely, many tour companies have switched their approach to adhere to the “support for the Cuban people” license, according to Tom Popper, president of U.S.-based tour operator InsightCuba . Other tour providers that offer “people-to-people” trips, such as GeoEx Adventure Travel , Flash Pack , Intrepid Travel, and G Adventures, have similarly transitioned their program itineraries in order to offer legal trips to Cuba that comply with the regulations.

Challenges and considerations for travel to Cuba

Despite the easing of restrictions, traveling to Cuba as an American still presents some challenges. For example, there are limited banking services available to U.S. visitors, and American credit and debit cards are not typically accepted (as noted on the website for the U.S. embassy in Cuba ), so it’s important to bring plenty of cash. Similarly, internet access in Cuba is limited —expect connections to be patchy .

How to get a Cuba Tourist Card

Cuban Tourist Card with blue pen

The terms Cuba Tourist Cards and Cuban visas are sometimes used interchangeably.

Courtesy of Easy Tourist Card

Regardless of the license under which you travel to Cuba, you’ll still need to organize a few important documents before you go.

The Cuban government requires that all travelers entering the country provide a valid passport and proof of travel insurance that covers medical emergencies and evacuation by air. In addition, all U.S. travelers—adults, children, and infants—must purchase a Cuba Tourist Card , which grants visitors a maximum stay of 30 days on the island. Tourist Cards are valid for 180 days after purchase, which means you will need to travel within six months of obtaining the document. Note that the terms Cuba Tourist Card and Cuban visa are sometimes used interchangeably; they’re the same thing.

There are several ways to buy a Cuba Tourist Card: Many U.S. airlines with direct service to Havana—among them United Airlines , JetBlue , American Airlines , Delta , and Southwest —offer Tourist Cards either online or at the gate; prices and purchase locations vary among carriers, so it’s important to check in advance.

Websites like Easy Tourist Card allow travelers to apply for and purchase Tourist Cards online with two-day international shipping. Those who plan to fly to Havana directly from the United States will need to purchase a pink Tourist Card at a rate of $100, while those departing from non-U.S. airports can purchase a green Tourist Card for $37, even with a U.S. passport.

“U.S. travelers should note that travel to Cuba has been regulated since 1963 and has changed under each presidential administration since that time,” states Popper of InsightCuba. “Cuba travel has always been a hot political topic, and you never know when the rules are going to change. I always tell people to go now—while you can.”

This article was originally published in 2018. It was most recently updated on March 21, 2024, to include current information.

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ESTA and Cuba

All about the US ESTA and CUBA [ESTA After Visiting Cuba]

Many visitors to the USA travel there on the ESTA Visa Waiver program.  However, a change by the US Government on 12 th January 2021 means that if you have visited Cuba since then you may no longer use the ESTA Visa Waiver Scheme.  This article goes through the details of the changes, relevant dates, and what you’ll need to do if you (as an ESTA user) want to visit the United States.  I’ll also cover the most frequently asked questions about the US ESTA and Cuba.  Here’s our guide to the USA ESTA after visiting Cuba.


There’s a lot of detail in this article, and I’ve answered a lot of questions in it, so it’s best to read it in its entirety and then if you have questions afterward, either send an email or ask in the comments.  It can seem complex at first glance, but the rules are pretty simple now.

Why is the USA ESTA Visa Waiver Scheme relevant to visiting Cuba?

Citizens of 41 countries around the world can use the United States ESTA Visa Waiver scheme to visit the US for business or pleasure.   It involves completing an online form, paying a fee, and (if granted) removing the need to apply (in person) for a US Visa at an embassy or consulate.

However, on 12 th January 2021, The United States Government added Cuba as a country to the list of State Sponsors of Terrorisms.  That meant that visitors to Cuba were no longer able to visit the USA using the ESTA Visa Waiver Scheme.  It does NOT mean that you cannot visit the USA.  It simply means that to visit the USA after a trip to Cuba you’ll need to apply for a regular visa, at an embassy or consulate of the United States.

The enforcement of this policy came in October 2022, and since then if you plan to visit the United States after visiting Cuba, then, even if you have an existing ESTA it will be invalidated. You are not eligible for an ESTA if you’ve been to Cuba.

The ESTA Application was updated on 6 July 2023 to include specific questions about travel to Cuba.  Previously it had simply referenced “the list of State Sponsors of Terrorism”.  The other countries on this list are Iran, North Korea and Syria.

Why the US ESTA cancellation is an issue for long-haul visitors to Cuba

Aside from the issue that you now need a visa to enter the United States, there’s another issue with ESTAs being canceled upon your visit to Cuba.

If you’re visiting Cuba from Europe, Australia, or New Zealand, then it’s highly likely that you may be flying via the United States.   That means you likely want to fly home via the United States.

There’s no “in transit” in the United States

The United States does NOT have the concept of “in transit” for connecting flights.  You must, even if you’re just getting off one plane and getting onto another, go through immigration and “enter” the United States, before then leaving again to get on your next flight. There’s more from the DHS here.

And if you’re relying on an ESTA to get you through this immigration process then you CANNOT.  If you’ve flown into Cuba via the United States, then it’s likely that you’ll be stopped in the USA and told that your ESTA will be canceled if you continue with your onward trip to Cuba and that you will not be allowed to fly back via the United States.

If you want to visit the USA again after Cuba, you’ll need a full visa

If you plan to visit the USA after your trip to Cuba (or indeed if you’ve been there since 12 January 2021), then you will need to go through the full visa application process.  This generally means getting an appointment at your local US Embassy or Consulate and obtaining a full US visitor’s visa (B1/B2), which is both expensive and time-consuming.

Am I trying to put you off visiting Cuba?

I just want to clear up, with this article, a lot of misinformation and ensure that you do not get stuck, or book flights via the USA that you will be unable to take.

Does visiting Cuba mean that I won’t be able to get a visa for the United States?

Not at all.  If you’re ineligible for an ESTA, then the US Department of Homeland Security states that it does NOT mean that you’re ineligible for a regular visa.

Practical Steps to Take on Visiting Cuba

Here are several practical steps to take that can help you with regard to the ESTA after visiting the United States.

Make sure you don’t try and fly home via the United States

You’ll want to start by making sure that your return flight is NOT via anywhere in the United States unless you already have a regular B1 /B2 Visa for the United States.

The Cuban Government, since October 2022, is NOT stamping passports, unless you specifically ask them to, so there will be nothing in your passport to state that you’ve been to Cuba.  However, lying to the American Government – aka making a false declaration to US Immigration Services can have serious consequences for your future travel, and not just to the United States.  It’s just not worth it.

Apply for a US Visitors Visa

If you plan to visit the United States for business or pleasure, or if you’re a regular visitor, then you can apply for a 10-year visa.  You can get a B1 Visa (which is mainly for business) or a B2 Visa which covers you for both business and pleasure.  These are generally valid for 10 years.  The time taken to process these visas will differ depending on your embassy, so you’ll want to allow plenty of time.

Investigate a USA Transit Visa If you Want to Fly Long Haul home via the USA

Thanks to Alan Crocker of Australian Travel Agency PleaseYourselfTravel who contacted us at Cuba’s Best and made us aware of the US Transit Visa. Also known as a “C” visa, it can be used for transiting the USA. Wait times at US embassies tend to be shorter for this type of visa, compared to the B1 or B2 visa.

Now what I don’t know is if this visa can be used to transit the USA after visiting Cuba. I’d recommend that you ask your local US embassy. And let us know what you hear, it could help other long-haul visitors to Cuba.

Keep your fingers crossed for change from the US Government

I’m a big believer in the phrase “Hope is not a strategy”, but perhaps a little hope would help here.  The current US administration recently announced that visa processing will resume in the Havana Embassy “soon”, which is a good sign that there is always hope that Cuba could be removed from the State Sponsored Terrorism list.

Frequently Asked Questions about the US ESTA and Cuba

Here are just some of the most frequently asked questions about traveling to Cuba and the impact it has on ESTAs.

Can I get a different passport and then apply for an ESTA after visiting Cuba?

The question on the ESTA Visa Waiver Form is “Have you traveled to Cuba”? A different passport makes no difference to this answer.  A different passport makes no difference at all to your eligibility for the ESTA Visa Waiver Scheme.

If I fly into Cuba visa the USA and they don’t tell me about this can I fly back?

No.  Without a valid visa for the United States, you will be unable to board a plane out of Cuba going to the United States.  Even if your flight is a transit flight.  There’s no concept of “in transit” in the United States, so you have to go through immigration.

How long does it take to get a B1 or B2 Visa for the United States?

You’ll need to check timeframes with your local embassy as times differ depending on the country, time of year, and staffing.

If I traveled to Cuba before 2021 can I still travel to the USA on an ESTA?

Yes.  The cut-off date is 12 January 2021, if you traveled to Cuba AFTER this date, then you are ineligible for the ESTA Visa Waiver scheme. 

If I’ve already got an ESTA and go to Cuba what happens?

The Department of Homeland Security states “If an ESTA has already been approved and it is later determined that the traveler has been present in Cuba or holds dual nationality with both a VWP country and Cuba, the ESTA will be revoked. Ineligibility for an ESTA is not a bar to travel to the United States.”

Does Cuba Stamp Passports?

No.  Cuba does not stamp passports, it’s the Cuban Tourist Card ( which I wrote about here ) that’s stamped.  However, a passport stamp, whether it’s there or not, is irrelevant to the situation with an ESTA.


These are the resources and booking sites that we use when traveling to Cuba.

Get a Cuba Travel and Medical Insurance Quote from Visitors Coverage here – Alternatively, Civitatis Insurance is a great option for the required insurance for Cuba. You will need a Cuba Tourist Card to enter Cuba – some airlines include these, if yours doesn’t, buy one from EasyTouristCard – now valid for 90 days. Book your Viazul Bus tickets here Pre-book and prepay shared & private shuttles here Book the best FREE Walking Tours in Cuba Reserve attractions, day trips, and activities in Cuba here Get online in Cuba EASILY with a Cuba eSIM – read about Cuba ESIMS here , or buy a Cuba eSIM here .

Download and install a VPN BEFORE you travel to Cuba > discount coupon here Book Accommodation in Cuba’s Casa Particular here

Final Words on the USA ESTA after Visiting Cuba

This is a difficult but important article to write.  After all, Cuba’s Best is all about promoting why you should come to the country!  However, the elephant in the room must be addressed, and it’s only fair that you have all the information before traveling to Cuba.  If you plan ahead, understand the rules, and manage your travel with them in mind, this is a minor inconvenience, but one you must be aware of.  I am in no way suggesting that you do not visit Cuba, but simply that you are aware of the situation and are therefore able to plan around it. 

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Sarah Carter

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6 thoughts on “ All about the US ESTA and CUBA [ESTA After Visiting Cuba] ”


Avatar for Derek Mortimer

Hi Sarah, thank you for this information. Would it be possible for you please to send me the Viazul timetable for February, 2024? Thank you in advance

Avatar for Sarah Carter

Hi Derek, I’ll send it to you now, but be aware its all changing. Prices are going up as of March 1 and there’s no online availability for March onwards at this time. Sarah p.s. I’ll send updates once the new timetable is out too.

Avatar for Alex George

Hi Sarah, great article! How does travel to Cuba via US affect a valid 10 year B1/B2 visa?

Just to be specific, I have an Indian Passport and have a valid 10 year B1/B2 visa for the US . I have tickets booked for a Miami-Havana return next week and upon arrival into Miami, I take a flight back home to India. Do you see entry into the US being a challenge when I fly in from Havana? I have a pretty strong passport with a 10 year UK, US visa and travel to multiple places over last 2 years.

Hi Alex, the only issues are with the ESTA entry to the USA. I’ve not seen or heard of any rules or issues reporting with anything who has a valid multi entry B1/B2 entry visa having any problems at all. Sarah

Avatar for Amanda Weaver

Hi, I am travelling to Cuba in September then to the US in November, I didn’t know about the visa constraints before the trips were booked. As the Cuba trip is in the future I’ve not been able to submit an online application. Tried calling embassy, no luck there. Any ideas how to request a visa as I expect not enough time if I wait until I’m back from Cuba. Many thanks Amanda

You need to apply for the in person visit to the US embassy, I agree, I would worry that there’s not enough time for getting an appointment for your visa visit after September. The only thing you can do it continue to call the embassy, or try applying online for the visa closer to the time, it could be that its just too far away right now. Most times the reports that I get are that the visa is just a “stamping” type of process but it does need to be done in person at the embassy.

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Can Americans Travel to Cuba? [2024 Legal Cuba Travel Guide]

I’m an American citizen who travels to Cuba all the time, so “can Americans travel to Cuba?” is one of the questions I’m most frequently asked related to Cuba travel. While many Americans believe that Cuba is still “off-limits” to American citizens, this couldn’t be further from the truth; there are many ways to legally travel to Cuba for American citizens.

Want to travel to Cuba from the United States – as a U.S. citizen or otherwise? Our ultimate guide to Cuba travel for Americans will show you how, answering some of the most common questions about Cuba travel safety , Support for the Cuban People travel , and more.

old havana cuba

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American Travel to Cuba

The short answer to the question “can Americans travel to Cuba” is YES, American citizens can travel to Cuba.

Non-U.S. citizens are allowed to travel to Cuba via the United States as well. American citizens can fly from the United States directly to Cuba, travel independently (no need for a group trip or guided trip here!), and enjoy Cuba just as they would any other travel destination.

The longer answer to the question “can Americans travel to Cuba” is that while legal travel to Cuba is entirely possible and even quite easy, there are some important regulations around American travel to Cuba that travelers should be aware of.

U.S.-Cuba Policy Changes

For years, U.S.-Cuba travel by citizens of the United States has been restricted in many ways. In 2014, President Obama announced a new way forward in the relationship between the United States and Cuba, including lifting many of the travel restrictions that made it quite challenging for U.S. citizens to travel to Cuba.

While the subsequent Trump and Biden administrations have made slight changes to Obama’s new policies, Obama’s new Cuba policies remain mostly intact. Americans can still travel to Cuba more easily than they’ve been able to in decades .

Cuba Travel 101

  • Currency in Cuba: A Local’s Guide for Travelers
  • How to Get Wifi in Cuba [Updated!]
  • Is Cuba Safe? Updated Cuba Safety Guide
  • Ultimate Cuba Travel Guide – A Local’s Advice for Travelers

Can Americans Travel to Cuba?

Here’s why so many travelers ask us, “can Americans travel to Cuba?” – because Americans are still not able to legally travel to Cuba purely as “tourists.” Americans must still have a “reason” for traveling to Cuba.

Currently, the U.S. government doesn’t allow American citizens to Cuba as tourists. However, the U.S. government allows American citizens to travel to Cuba so long as they support local, non-government-owned businesses while in Cuba.

Essentially, yes, you can visit Cuba and travel exactly as you would anywhere else. Just avoid government-run hotels, restaurants, and tours while you’re there. This is actually incredibly easy, as all the best things to do in Cuba and the best places to visit in Cuba are local anyway!

So why might it feel like Americans can’t travel to Cuba (when it’s actually quite easy to travel to Cuba)? Americans must give a “reason” for traveling to Cuba – usually when purchasing an airline ticket or booking a hotel room.

How Can Americans Travel to Cuba?

You’ll probably need to check a box when purchasing your airline ticket asking for your “reason” for traveling to Cuba. No need to get nervous; this is easy – by stating that your trip to Cuba is in “ Support for the Cuban People ,” you’re simply acknowledging that while in Cuba, you won’t be staying at government-run hotels and the like.

It’s really that easy. Check a box on a form, and travel to Cuba.

Former President Obama’s policy changes towards travel to Cuba made this possible by creating 12 categories of authorized travel to Cuba , travel that is permitted by the U.S. government for American citizens looking to travel to Cuba. Now it’s as easy as checking a box and booking your airline ticket!

Best Places To Stay in Havana

  • Casa Giraldilla ($) 
  • Casa Flamboyan ($ – $$) 
  • Residencia Santa Clara ($$) 
  • El Candil Boutique Hotel ($$ – $$$) 
  • La Reserva Vedado ($$$) 

cienfuegos cuba hotels

12 Categories of Authorized Travel to Cuba

Now when traveling to Cuba, you simply choose one of these twelve categories of authorized travel to Cuba that applies to your trip. Most travelers’ trips fall under the Support for the Cuban People category of authorized travel, which allows for travel to Cuba so long as it supports local businesses.

These are the Twelve Authorized Categories of travel to Cuba:

  • Family visits
  • Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and international organizations;
  • Journalistic activity;
  • Professional research and professional meetings;
  • Educational activities;
  • Religious activities;
  • Public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions;
  • Support for the Cuban People ;
  • Humanitarian projects;
  • Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes;
  • Exportation, importation, or transmission of information or informational materials;
  • Certain export transactions.

When you book your airline ticket to Cuba or book your accommodations in Cuba in advance, you may be asked your “reason” for traveling to Cuba. It’s as simple as stating “Support for the Cuban People.”

Read More: Support for the Cuban People Travel Guide

Support for the Cuban People

Most travelers looking to experience Cuba need to only offer “ Support for the Cuban People ” as their “reason” for traveling to Cuba. When you do this, it means you’re saying to the U.S. government that you acknowledge that you’re planning to spend your travel dollars with local, non-government-run businesses while you’re in Cuba – that’s it!

This is stuff that you’d be doing on a trip to Cuba anyway – which is what makes it so easy to travel normally this way.

Stay at a casa particular (room for rent or apartment for rent owned by a Cuban, Airbnb style) or a small boutique hotel, meet up with local guides, eat at any of the innovative new restaurants around the island , or experience Cuba from a local’s eyes. This is all permitted and encouraged on a “Support for the Cuban People” trip.

Travel Insurance

Cuba requires that all travelers have proof of a comprehensive travel insurance policy in order to enter the country. Check out our guide to travel insurance for Cuba for more details. We recommend these brands for Cuba travel insurance:

  • Visitors Coverage : Coverage for Cuba travel available to citizens of all countries, though not currently available to residents of New York and Maryland in the United States.
  • Insubuy : Coverage for Cuba travel available to citizens of all countries and states of the United States.

vinales cuba

Regulations on American Travel to Cuba

While many continue to ask, “ can Americans travel to Cuba ?” – one of our most frequently asked questions on this website! – the answer is yes, and with these new regulations, it’s easier than ever.

However, keep in mind that some travel regulations put in place by the U.S. government still apply to American travelers visiting Cuba. These include:

  • American citizens are no longer able to bring rum or cigars back from Cuba ;
  • American citizens are now prohibited (by the U.S. government – not the Cuban government) from staying at a variety of hotels in Cuba ;
  • Some methods of traveling to Cuba, such as “ people to people Cuba ” travel organized tours and the ability to travel to Cuba by cruise, have been scaled back or eliminated.

Read on for some of the regulations on travel to Cuba that Americans should be aware of during their trip.

Restricted Hotels in Cuba

One of the newer travel restrictions for Americans traveling to Cuba relates to places where American citizens are not allowed to stay while visiting Cuba. The Trump Administration developed a list of specific hotels and guesthouses that are either partially or entirely owned by the Cuban government and declared them off-limits to American travelers.

Check out the full list here before you book your accommodations in Cuba.

Some newspapers and websites have been incorrectly reporting that Americans are not allowed to stay in any hotel in Cuba, but this is not actually the case. Americans are just prohibited from staying in certain hotels that are owned entirely or partially by the Cuban government.

There are many boutique hotels with private ownership where Americans are still able to stay, plus private rentals called “casas particulares” or private home rentals like Airbnbs. In fact, some of our favorite hotels in Havana and around the country are still open and ready for business for American travelers ( La Reserva Vedado , La Rosa de Ortega , El Candil Boutique Hotel , and plenty of other Old Havana hotels are among our favorites in the capital).

Read More: Accommodation Guides in Cuba

  • What is a Casa Particular Guest House in Cuba?
  • Where To Stay in Havana, Cuba
  • 10+ Best Resorts in Cuba
  • 16+ Best Hotels in Cuba

Financial Restrictions in Cuba

It’s very important that American travelers to Cuba be aware of the financial and banking restrictions they will experience while traveling in Cuba. Because of the decades-long U.S. embargo against Cuba, American debit cards and credit cards will not work on the island as they do for those traveling from any other country .

That means that while American citizens can travel to Cuba, they can’t access their money from Cuba. This is quite important, as it means that if plan to travel to Cuba, you need to plan ahead and bring the money you’ll need for your trip with you in cash .

You can bring American dollars and convert them into Cuban pesos once you arrive in Cuba. Please read our complete Cuban currency guide before doing this – you’ll see why it’s not wise to exchange your money for Cuban pesos at the airport, for example, and learn how much money to bring with you on your trip to Cuba.

Read More: Financial Restrictions in Cuba

  • The Ultimate Guide to Currency in Cuba
  • Budget Your Trip: How Much Money To Plan To Bring to Cuba

Internet Restrictions in Cuba

There are no internet restrictions in Cuba that are specific to American travelers. However, it’s important to be aware of some important internet-related challenges in Cuba.

We get a lot of questions about whether there is internet access in Cuba , and if there is, if it’s safe to use or restricted by the government.

While the internet in Cuba is slower than you may be used to, it is now quite widespread and is pretty easy to use in most places in Cuba. Some websites are blocked in Cuba , and there have even been widespread internet outages during times of social unrest, though these blockages have mostly been of news websites that have been critical of the Cuban government.

However, the United States embargo of Cuba and the related financial and economic restrictions on U.S. companies doing business in Cuba means that some companies can’t offer their services to internet users in Cuba (notably, PayPal and many other banking apps, but the list changes) . You will not be able to access these websites from Cuba.

You can easily get around this if you want by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) in Cuba . We recommend NordVPN – it’s by far the best VPN to use in Cuba But, even without a VPN, you can still use the internet in Cuba without too much of a hassle.

Read More: How To Use the Internet in Cuba: A Local’s Guide For Travelers

Read More: Internet in Cuba

  • Guide to Using the Internet + Getting Wifi in Cuba
  • Best VPN For Cuba ( + How to Use a VPN in Cuba)

Packing Restrictions in Cuba

There are some limitations worth noting about what you can bring into Cuba. While most are quite obvious – the usual dangerous substances and the like – there are a few rules for packing for Cuba , both for travelers from the United States and elsewhere :

  • Travelers can not bring drones to Cuba
  • Travelers can not bring devices like walkie-talkies, satellite phones, or GPS devices. Any personal computers, cell phones, cameras, or any other devices you normally travel with are absolutely fine – no worries here.
  • Avoid bringing any literature to Cuba that may be seen as critical of the Cuban government. My brother was once held up in customs for bringing a university textbook with Donald Trump on the cover.

What to Pack for Cuba

Check out our  Ultimate Cuba Packing List   to help you pack for your trip – we’re sharing exactly what to bring to Cuba and what we never travel without.

havana cuba

American Travel to Cuba – Frequently Asked Questions

Can americans fly to cuba.

Yes – Americans can fly to Cuba! American citizens can fly to Cuba either from the United States directly or from other countries. Flights to Cuba leave regularly from many of America’s largest cities like Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Atlanta, and New York.

We frequently get the “can Americans fly to Cuba?” question because when travel to Cuba was more restricted, many Americans used to fly to Cuba through Canada or Mexico as a way to skirt travel restrictions .

However, flying to Cuba via another country like Mexico or Canada is no longer a necessity. Obama’s Cuba policy changes allowed many more American citizens to travel to Cuba much more easily, kicking off many more flights to Cuba from the United States.

Do Americans Have to Travel to Cuba With A Group?

One of the most popular ways to travel to Cuba prior to the Cuba travel policy changes of former President Obama was with a “people-to-people” group or as part of an educational tour. However, with the ease of traveling to Cuba from the United States now, these group travel to Cuba experiences are no longer a necessity to visit the island.

While there are groups that travel to Cuba and tout the ease of traveling to Cuba by purchasing a spot on a group trip doing so, it isn’t necessary to travel to Cuba with a group . Feel free to travel to Cuba with a group if this is your preferred style of travel – or plan your trip to Cuba independently, too!

Looking for some engaging tours in Cuba, ways to meet up with local guides, or fun activities and excursions in Cuba? We recommend Civitatis , a fantastic company we’ve used countless times before that runs tours with local guides all around Cuba.

cayo coco

Is Cuba Safe for Americans?

While Cuba isn’t crime free, Cuba is a safe travel destination for all travelers, including American travelers. Statistics prove Cuba is quite a safe destination for travelers, and my own experience exploring Cuba, even as a solo female traveler, confirms it.

In all my years of visiting Cuba, I’ve never been met with anything other than curiosity when people leave I’m from the United States. While many Cubans disapprove of the government of the United States, I’ve never met a single Cuban who holds this against the average American citizen.

Overall, Cuba is safe for Americans , and as a traveler, you have absolutely nothing to fear while visiting.

Read More: Is Cuba Safe for Americans?

Travel Essential

Don’t think about traveling to Cuba without a good  VPN (Virtual Private Network) . Using a VPN while connecting to the internet is an easy way to keep your personal information safe from hackers and trackers.  We’ve used  NordVPN  for years and couldn’t recommend it more – it’s a must for safety online, especially in Cuba. 

plaza vieja havana

American Embassy in Cuba

Part of the policy changes of former President Obama in 2014 paved the way for reopening the United States Embassy in Cuba after nearly 60 years of closure. The American Embassy in Cuba offers emergency services to American citizens traveling in Cuba, including assistance with lost passports, registering births abroad, and more.

Located prominently along the Malecón sea wall in central Havana, the American Embassy in Cuba is currently providing services to American citizens and has just started providing limited services to Cuban citizens seeking visas to the United States.

As a U.S. traveler to Cuba, you should save the address and contact information for the embassy just in case you need it:

U.S. Embassy Havana Malecón, Calzada between L & M, Vedado Havana, Cuba Phone: (53)(7) 839-4100

Travel to Cuba

There are so many things to do in Cuba – much more than laying on the beach and riding in old, classic American cars.

Anything from taking a guided tour of Havana to eating at a restaurant operated as a small business or taking salsa classes are ways to enjoy Cuba. And guess what – all of these things are perfectly legal – and welcome! – when you travel to Cuba as part of a Support for the Cuban People trip.

For more travel ideas, we put together a guide to the top ten activities in Cuba for a Support for the Cuban People trip with our favorite ideas for a fantastic trip! Go ahead – get started planning your once-in-a-lifetime trip to Cuba! As always, we’ll be here to help you get started.

Carley Rojas Avila

Carley Rojas Avila

Carley Rojas Avila is a bilingual travel writer, editor, content marketer, and the founder of the digital travel publications Home to Havana and Explorers Away. She is a serial expat and traveler, having visited 40+ countries and counting. Carley has written for publications like Travel + Leisure, MSN, Associated Press, Weather Channel, Wealth of Geeks, and more. Find her front row at a Bad Bunny concert, befriending street cats, and taste-testing every pizza in Havana.

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Can Americans Travel to Cuba? 2024 Complete Guide

Can Americans Travel to Cuba? 2024 Complete Guide

Last Updated: December 15, 2022 June 25, 2024

In short, yes, it is possible for Americans to visit Cuba. However, the country still remains off limits for tourist activities. This means U.S citizens currently cannot visit Cuba when the sole purpose of their trip is to sightsee, go to the beach, and explore.

In 2024, U.S. citizens that wish to travel to Cuba must fall into one of the 12 approved categories of travel, determined by the Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) .  Visiting Cuba is not as straightforward for Americans as it is for citizens of other nations, like Canada or the United Kingdom. U.S citizens can apply for a general license under one of the authorized categories, which can take anywhere from four to six months to process, according to regulation experts . The 12 categories of authorized travel to Cuba include:

  • Family Visits
  • Journalistic Activity
  • Professional Research and Meetings
  • Educational activities
  • Religious Activities
  • Public Performances, Clinics, Workshops, Exhibitions, Athletic and Other Competitions
  • Support for the Cuban People
  • Humanitarian Projects
  • Activities of Private Foundations, or Research or Educational Institutes
  • Official Business of the U.S. Government, Foreign Governments, and Certain Intergovernmental Organizations
  • Exportation, Importation, or Transmission of Information
  • Authorized Export Transactions

To apply for a license, or to learn more about the different categories of approved travel, visit the official OFAC website .

Cuba Travel Restrictions & Requirements

The U.S Passport is welcome and accepted at the Cuban borders. Most of the policies in place that prohibit tourist travel to Cuba come from the United States. Below are some of the main travel restrictions and requirements to keep in mind when traveling to Cuba.

Cuba Entry Requirements 

To gain entry to Cuba, American citizens are required to possess specific documents upon arrival. It’s important to start gathering these documents as early as possible to avoid issues at the border. Below is a simplified list of entry requirements, compiled by Cuba Unbound . 

  • Return Travel Documents: Travelers must show proof of entry and departure dates in order to receive a valid visa. 
  • Valid Cuban Tourist Card/Visa: U.S citizens traveling to Cuba must acquire a valid Visa, also known as a Cuban Tourist Card. These cards can be purchased online for $50-$100, are valid for 30 days, and take roughly 48 hours to process. 
  • Certification of Travel Form: This document outlines the approved category in which U.S citizens are traveling to Cuba. 
  • Valid Passport : Americans are required to have a passport that is valid for the duration of their stay. 
  • Proof of Travel Medical Insurance : Cuba requires all foreigners to purchase medical insurance prior to entry.

Cuba Travel Insurance Requirements 

Since 2010, the Cuban government has required all visitors from abroad to provide proof of medical insurance when visiting the island. While there are no requirements on the amount of coverage travelers need, U.S citizens visiting Cuba must purchase a policy that includes Emergency Medical coverage, as well as Medical Evacuation & Repatriation coverage. Squaremouth recommends travelers visiting Cuba consider a travel insurance policy with at least $50,000 in Emergency Medical coverage, and at least $100,000 in Medical Evacuation & Repatriation coverage. Squaremouth’s Cuba Travel Insurance page provides more information and specific policy recommendations for travelers planning to visit the country.

Typically, single trip travel insurance premiums will equate to 5-10% of a traveler’s total insured trip costs. According to Squaremouth data, the average Cuba travel insurance policy cost travelers roughly $200.

Visiting Cuba From the U.S.

For more than 60 years, U.S travel to Cuba has been a complex issue. With that said, there are plenty of reasons why Cuba, home to more than 400 white-sand beaches and over 3,500 miles of coastline, has remained a desirable destination for American travelers. In relation to neighboring Caribbean countries, many of which are consistently among the most popular destinations for Americans, Cuba has a relatively low crime rate. With that said, the U.S Department of State’s Cuba Travel Advisory recommends exercising increased caution when visiting the island due to petty crime, such as theft, sometimes targeted towards tourists.

What Airports Fly to Cuba From the U.S?

Regardless of the complexities of traveling to Cuba as a U.S citizen, there are still multiple airports and airlines that provide non-stop flights to Havana, the nation’s capital. According to Simple Flying , eligible U.S citizens traveling to Cuba can find non-stop service from the following airports: 

  • John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), New York
  • Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR), New Jersey
  • Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH), Texas
  • Tampa International Airport (TPA), Florida
  • Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL), Florida
  • Miami International Airport (MIA), Florida

For those interested in which airlines fly directly to Cuba, SkyScanner shares that American Airlines, Southwest Airlines, jetBlue, and United all provide such services to eligible U.S citizens. 

Travel Tips When Visiting Cuba

Currency: The currency used in Cuba is known as the Cuban Peso. One US dollar is equivalent to roughly 25 Cuban Pesos. Credit cards and debit cards are commonly accepted in major cities, but cash is typically preferred.

Language: Spanish is the official language of Cuba, but you may find most locals speaking a unique variety of Spanish known as Cuban Spanish. English is not commonly spoken throughout Cuba.

Accommodations: As of December 2020, US travelers are not permitted to stay in Cuba’s government-run hotels. Instead, most Americans that visit Cuba will stay in a casas particulares, a home-sharing program similar to Airbnb.

Embassy: There is a U.S. Embassy located in Havana. The embassy may be able to assist with issues with your Cuban visa or help arrange emergency transportation back to America.

Security Alert May 17, 2024

Worldwide caution.

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Cuba Travel Advisory

Travel advisory january 5, 2024, cuba - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued with updates to crime information.

Exercise increased caution in Cuba due to  crime .

Country Summary:  Petty crime is a threat for tourists in Cuba. Also, violent crime, including armed robbery and homicide, sometimes occurs in Cuba.

Travel outside of the Havana area for U.S. Embassy employees requires a special notification process which may affect the Embassy’s ability to provide emergency assistance to U.S. citizens in Cuba.

Read the  country information page  for additional information on travel to Cuba.

If you decide to travel to Cuba:

  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Do not physically resist any robbery attempt.
  • Do not display signs of wealth, such as wearing expensive watches or jewelry.
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.

U.S. citizens should always exercise caution when traveling abroad:

  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Cuba.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .

Travel Advisory Levels

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The rules for Americans visiting Cuba in 2022

Brendan Sainsbury

May 20, 2022 • 5 min read

Cuba Lifestyle with two Cuban models on the streets of Havana,

It may soon be easier for Americans to visit Cuba Matt Porteous / Getty Images

The Biden Administration took several steps toward thawing US-Cuba relations on May 16, 2022, after five years of tightened restrictions. While the measures don’t fully restore the openings of the Obama era, they mark an encouraging start for struggling Cubans and aspiring US travelers.

What has changed?

Of direct interest to US travelers is the Biden Administration’s promise to expand authorized travel in support of the Cuban people. This includes opening up flights to airports beyond Havana (which were closed to US aircraft during the Trump era) and reinstating group people-to-people travel and other categories of group educational travel. Both measures will be good news to US travel agencies who have battled with increased red tape since 2017.  

As yet, there is no word that the US will reinstate individual people-to-people travel, the category that led to a huge influx of US visitors to Cuba between 2016 and 2017. Nor have any Cuban state entities been removed from the US’s restricted list, meaning it’s still difficult for Americans to legally stay in Cuban hotels.

The directives have also lifted limits on family remittances (previously capped at $1,000 a quarter) to provide help in facilitating family reunions and supporting independent Cuban entrepreneurs.

Getting to Cuba from the US

Flying to Havana is one of the easier parts of the Cuba conundrum. As of May 2022, there are approximately a dozen flights a day between the US and Havana departing from the Florida cities of Miami, Tampa, and Fort Lauderdale. Operating airlines include American Airlines , Southwest Airlines , and JetBlue .

More Cuban airports will likely open up to US flights in the coming months.

The 12 categories of travel licenses for US citizens

US law states that US citizens can only travel to Cuba on a ‘general license’ based on one of 12 different approved categories , which include family visits, educational and religious activities, public performances and exhibitions, and the vague sounding 'support for the Cuban people.' Licenses are self-qualifying (there’s no long-winded paperwork), but you’ll be asked to state your category of choice in a signed travel affidavit when booking travel to Cuba. More details are available online from the US Treasury .

The vast majority of current visitors are Cuban Americans entering under the ‘family travel’ category. Independent travelers with no affiliations can qualify under the conveniently vague ‘support for the Cuban people’ category, which is the easiest option for people looking to explore the island. However, bear in mind that before you travel, you’ll need to draw up a detailed itinerary of your plans. Additionally, on your return, you’ll be required to keep all your travel receipts for five years.

A classic car on the seafront in Havana

The Cuba tourist card

To enter Cuba, all visitors need to present a completed Tourist Card — which serves a similar function to a tourist visa. These are usually available through your airline (ask when booking). Alternatively, you can purchase one through a Cuban travel agency. Costs range from US$50 to US$85, including processing fees.

Health protocols for travel to Cuba

Pre-travel COVID-19 tests and vaccination certificates are no longer required to enter Cuba from the US. Random COVID-19 tests may still be administered at the airport but there’s no mandatory quarantine unless you test positive. Departing US passengers will need a negative rapid-antigen test to re-enter the US. Tests can be procured at Havana’s José Martí International Airport before departure.

All arriving travelers must fill out an online D’Viajeros form containing information relating to public health and immigration.  You’re also required to take out medical insurance that includes cover for COVID-19; this may be included in the cost of your air ticket from the US. Health officials make spot checks at the airport.

A Cuban flag with holes waves over a street in Central Havana

Booking travel to Cuba through a travel agency

If it’s your first time traveling to Cuba, it is highly recommended that you enlist the services of a specialist US-Cuba travel agency. Both Cuban Travel Services and Marazul offer comprehensive on-the-ground information and can help organize flights and accommodation.

Alternatively, you can join an organized trip, which takes a lot of the hassle out of traveling to Cuba. Long-time US-Cuba specialists, Insight Cuba are offering a three-night ‘Weekend in Havana’ and a seven-night ‘Classic Cuba Tour’ in 2022.  

Where to stay in Cuba

American citizens are not currently allowed to stay in Cuba’s government-run hotels or use most state-owned enterprises. Instead, it’s best to opt for private accommodation such as apartments, B&Bs and homestays (known in Cuba as casas particulares ). Airbnb has lots of listings of accommodations that are open to US citizens.

For restaurants, stick to private paladares (family-run restaurants, often in the owner's home) where the food quality is better. To get around, use private guides and taxis. In doing so, you’ll be enthusiastically ‘supporting the Cuban people.’

African American Female Is Dancing On the Cuban Sandy Beach

Money tips for Cuba in 2022

Credit cards linked to US banks don’t work in Cuba and the US dollar was taken out of circulation in June 2021. American travelers are best off arriving with plenty of cash in a non-US currency – the euro is the most favored foreign currency and is accepted by most private businesses, from casa particulares to restaurants and taxi drivers, meaning you won’t have to buy many Cuban pesos (which are worthless outside Cuba).

Beware: The Cuban economy is in a state of extreme flux. The current euro-peso black market exchange rate is over four times that of the banks.   

In November 2021, Cuba introduced a tarjeta prepago (prepaid card) designed primarily to aid US travelers with American credit cards. You can purchase and pre-load a tarjeta prepago at a bank in Cuba or at the airport and use it to buy goods that can otherwise only be paid for with a credit card, such as medical services, cigars, and bus tickets. Cards can be loaded with amounts equivalent to US$1000, US$500 or US$200. However, you can only pay for the card in a non-US currency. Euros, Canadian dollars, and pounds sterling are all accepted, cash only.

This article was first published Dec 17, 2020 and updated May 20, 2022.

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How to Travel to Cuba If You Are an American

us travel if been to cuba

 Kriangkrai Thitimakorn / Getty Images 

Travel to Cuba for American citizens has been a back-and-forth battle over the past few decades, and as of June 2019, tighter restrictions have been placed on travelers and tourists hoping to visit this Caribbean island.

Travelers must now declare themselves as making a trip that falls under one of 12 categories of travel. This means that tourists may no longer travel to Cuba in the "people to people" category, and those that do make it to Cuba are no longer allowed to support businesses that help fund the Cuban military. Additionally, the Trump administration further banned cruise ships and ferries from transporting Americans to the islands in June of 2019.

In order to book a flight to Cuba or lodging in the country now, you must now declare which category of travel you'll be making first, and as Americans still cannot simply book a flight and head to Cuba, most U.S. citizens will have to go through a process to make it to this country—unless they are part of a protected group still permitted to travel there.

New Legislation and Getting a Visa: Who Can Travel

Legal individual travel has always required that citizens fall under one of the 12 categories of permitted travel to Cuba, a rule already in place before Trump's November 2017 edict. Now, however, the requirement is legally binding and you'll need to document your activities to prove you were there for legitimate reasons (other than tourism).

According to the  U.S. Embassy in Cuba's official website , trips may be completed for: 

  • Family visits
  • Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations
  • Journalistic activity
  • Professional research and professional meetings
  • Educational activities
  • Religious activities
  • Public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions
  • Support for the Cuban people
  • Humanitarian projects
  • Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes
  • Exportation, importation, or transmission of information or information materials
  • Certain export transactions that may be considered for authorization under existing regulations and guidelines

In order to get a travel visa to Cuba, neither the U.S. Embassy in Havana nor the U.S Department of State in Washington, D.C. process applications, so you'll instead need to apply through the Cuban Embassy in D.C.

Booking Hotels and Logistics of Visiting Cuba

Because of the Trump administration's policy banning American support of military-funded establishments, paired with hurricanes that ravaged the island in 2017, booking a hotel room can be a challenge.

According to officials from the Trump administration, these new restrictions in Cuba were not meant to stop tourism of the country but to "direct money and economic activity away from the Cuban military and security services" and toward businesses owned by Cuban citizens.

Essentially, these new laws hope to encourage visitors to eat at local restaurants, stay in local hotels (or private homes), and buy from local businesses—just make sure you never go to any restricted businesses or you could be fined or arrested upon return to the United States.

While Trump has discouraged travel to Cuba with these new restrictions, it's still possible to go and enjoy the rich culture of this island. However, since relations between the United States and Cuba are suffering under the Trump administration, be well prepared before you go. Be sure to bring enough cash for your entire trip as accessing American funds in Cuba—as well as exchanging them to the Cuban peso—is rather difficult.

Going Solo to Cuba

Although the 2017 restrictions still allowed cruise ships and authorized tour groups to arrange hotels, transportation, meals, and an itinerary that complies with federal regulations, the 2019 edict prohibited these from arranging travel for tourists seeking to visit Cuba as tourists.

Going solo now, you'll need a passport and a reason for being there that doesn't involve tourism. You'll need to make your own hotel and transport arrangements, of course, and a working knowledge of Spanish can help, too. However, the island nation already has experience handling international tourists, so there is more than minimal tourist help already in place.

The changes in Cuba policy don't apply to travelers from elsewhere in the world, and Cuba is among the most popular Caribbean destinations for travelers from Canada and Europe. A number of international hotel companies, such as  Riu ,  Iberostar , and  Melia , have built large resorts in Cuban destinations like Varadero that meet the expectations of savvy global travelers. More than two million tourists now visit Cuba annually.

Traveling by U.S. Commercial Airlines

Although some top U.S. airlines bid over the right to fly to Cuba in 2016, the 2017 restrictions have all but eliminated commercial airline travel between the two countries. Charter flights that largely originate in Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, and Tampa still remain travelers' best option for getting to Cuba by air from the U.S. It is highly unlikely that Cuba's airlines will begin offering flights to the U.S. anytime soon, as they would have to overcome significant regulatory hurdles in order to do so. Beginning in late 2019, U.S.-based carriers will only fly in and out of Havana. To visit other Cuban cities, you will have to travel by land within the country.

Flying From Canada, Cancun, Grand Cayman, and Jamaica

If you don't want to wait for U.S. airlines to start flying to Cuba, or you want to combine a visit to Cuba with a trip to a different Caribbean island, you have options, and not just to Havana but also a wide range of  Cuban destinations .

Currently, Air Canada flies between Toronto and Havana and Varadero, Cuba, while Cubana—Cuba's national airline—has service between Toronto and Montreal and Havana, Varadero, Cienfuegos, Santa Clara, and Holguín, and COPA Airlines also has daily Toronto-Havana flights.

Cancun  has long been the gateway of choice for Americans looking to visit Cuba without attracting the attention of U.S. Customs officials, and even though restrictions have tightened, you can still fly Cubana from Cancun to Havana. Cayman Airways also has flights to Havana from  Grand Cayman  and  Jamaica .

Using the Havana Embassy

The  U.S. Embassy in Havana  reopened in August 2015, as full diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States have been restored. Although the relationship is now strained thanks to the Trump administration, this embassy will still help American citizens in Cuba in a variety of different ways.

Services offered at the U.S. Embassy in Havana include processing applications for new U.S. passports, renewing expired passports, or replacing stolen passports as well as registering U.S. citizens living in, traveling to, or born in Cuba.

The U.S. Embassy also provides federal income tax forms, services to notarize documents to be used in the United States, and limited assistance to U.S. citizen prisoners in Cuba as well as assistance in the shipment of remains of deceased U.S. citizens back to the United States or coordinating medical evacuations for U.S. citizens.

In an emergency situation, the U.S. Embassy will also assist in wiring money to citizens, but don't count on this option to help you if you simply run out of funds while visiting Cuba.

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us travel if been to cuba

Cuba Travel Guide for U.S. Citizens: What to Know Before You Go (Updated 2023)

Feb 3, 2023 | Caribbean , Destinations | 0 comments

Red classic car parked on a small street in front of a row of buildings

Planning this trip to Cuba was the most challenging thing I’ve done to date in the name of travel. Out of all 26 countries, thousands of miles, from 5 years of traveling the world.

Once we landed in Havana, I knew that this place was unlike any I’d visited before.

Had I allowed the logistical challenge of traveling to Cuba as a US citizen deter me from visiting this country, it would have been my greatest mistake.

This Cuba travel guide for US citizens is up to date as of early 2023, based on my experience traveling to Cuba in December 2022.

In this post, I will cover Cuba travel FAQ and share how to visit Cuba legally as a US citizen or from a US airport.

Before you read, please note that there are sanctions from the U.S. government that restrict travel to Cuba.

It is the responsibility of each visitor to follow all laws and regulations, at home and abroad.

This website has a limitation of liability policy that applies to all posts, which you can read here .

This post contains affiliate links. See more in the disclaimer .

Can Americans Travel to Cuba?

Yes. And you can even do so independently.

The key is to visit legally, within the confines of OFAC (Office of Foreign Asset Control) regulations due to the embargo and sanctions.

IMPORTANT: These regulations also apply to non-US citizens that are departing from a US airport.

Small red vintage Volkswagen beetle parked on a side street in front of pastel buildings

How to Travel to Cuba Legally

There are 12 categories of legal travel to Cuba under OFAC:

  • Family visits
  • Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations
  • Journalistic activity
  • Professional research and professional meetings
  • Educational activities
  • Religious activities
  • Athletic competitions by amateur or semi-professional athletes or athletic teams
  • Support for the Cuban People
  • Humanitarian projects
  • Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes
  • Exportation, importation, or transmission of information or information materials
  • Certain authorized export transactions

Source: U.S. Department of the Treasury

The most common is Support for the Cuban People, which requires the following:

§ 515.574 Support for the Cuban People. (a) General license. The travel-related transactions set forth in § 515.560(c) and other transactions that are intended to provide support for the Cuban people are authorized, provided that: (1) The activities are of: (i) Recognized human rights organizations; (ii) Independent organizations designed to promote a rapid, peaceful transition to democracy; or (iii) Individuals and non-governmental organizations that promote independent activity intended to strengthen civil society in Cuba; and (2) Each traveler engages in a full-time schedule of activities that: (i) Enhance contact with the Cuban people, support civil society in Cuba, or promote the Cuban people’s independence from Cuban authorities; and (ii) Result in meaningful interaction with individuals in Cuba. (3) The traveler’s schedule of activities does not include free time or recreation in excess of that consistent with a full-time schedule. Source: Code of Federal Regulations

It will not be a vacation where you go to the beach and prop your feet up, buy things wherever you want, and stay wherever you want.

You must have a full-time schedule of activities that result in meaningful engagement with Cubans.

For us, that looked like many, many art tours and private gallery visits where we connected with local artists and had countless meaningful, deep conversations.

No topic was off-limits.

Everyone opened up (including us) and shared our passions, life experiences, opinions, and learned about one another. And yes, we talked about politics.

We were on the go, all day, every day.

And we didn’t really spend time with other foreigners. We crossed paths with foreigners a couple times, but everyone else we spoke to and spent time with was Cuban.

Mosaic tile art exhibit

Casas particulares and paladares

Aside from your full-time schedule, you should also stay in casas particulares and eat at paladares.

A casa particular is a room in someone’s house. It’s been a normal way to travel in Cuba for years. There’s an infrastructure around it. You can find them on Airbnb.

We highly recommend this casa particular in Havana and this casa particular in Viñales.

Paladares are privately-owned small restaurants. Download A La Mesa for a list of restaurants all over the country. Each listing shows if it’s privately-owned.

The app also works offline, which will make your life much easier in Cuba.

Pro tip: If you’re also a vegetarian, make sure you try Camino al Sol ! It’s an all-vegetarian paladar in Havana.

Three enchiladas covered in light green salsa and cheese

What you are banned from doing in Cuba

You cannot spend money in OR interact with any of the places on this list from the US Treasury Department.

Many are hotels, so pay attention!

I copied and pasted these into a list to have on my phone, then accessed it offline while in Cuba to ensure there wouldn’t be any issues.

Is Cuba safe to visit?


As a young woman who visited 25 countries before going to Cuba, I’ve been in a few…sticky situations. Cuba was amazing.

I never worried about being robbed and just felt at ease the entire time I was there. I tend to be a more anxious person, so that’s new for me.

This is my personal experience and I was not in Cuba as a solo female traveler, so yours could be different.

Is Cuba open for travel right now?

As of late 2022, visitors no longer need to show proof of Covid-19 vaccination or testing before entering Cuba. We brought our vaccine cards just in case, but no one asked to see them.

Please refer to this government site for updated information before your visit.

On our way back to the United States, we did have to share contact tracing information with our airlines using a form before we could check in. It was quick and easy.

Although many online sources claim masks are mandatory in certain settings, we did not see any places where masks were required in December 2022.

White coffee cup with a red flower painted on it

Accessing Money in Cuba: 2023 Updates

Everything you need to spend in Cuba must be in cash.

Because of the sanctions, your credit and debit cards will not work in Cuba.

If you try to use them, your bank will probably lock your account and it will take a lot of effort to get it unlocked.

In prior years, you would need to convert money to Cuban pesos before using it. Euros were the best to have because CADECA (the government exchange houses) charged a higher fee on USD exchanges.

As of late 2022, everywhere we went accepted U.S. dollars as payment. This was highly unexpected and deviated from every piece of advice I read online before leaving for Cuba.

However, it is still good to have some pesos for a fairer exchange rate. Some menu exchange rates were awful.

When we were in Cuba, we typically got 150 CUP for 1 USD. The CADECA rate was 110.40 CUP for 1 USD.

We exchanged money at our first casa particular and spent USD on activities, private taxis, and one of our casas. We usually spent pesos on art, food, and coffee.

Make sure you get cash in plenty of small bills. Twenties, tens, fives, and ones were useful. Anything larger than that will be annoying to deal with.

If your bank will only give you large bills, go to Publix and ask the customer service to break them when they’re not busy. Works like a charm!

Hanging moon and star ornaments in a pink room

Is it safe to exchange money on the street in Cuba?

You will be offered money exchange on the street wherever you go in Cuba. Just say “No, gracias,” and move on.

As a general rule of thumb, it is not safe or advised to exchange money on the street. This goes for wherever you are in the world.

The main reason it’s unwise to do this is forged currency. If it came from some random person, it may be counterfeit.

A local friend taught us how to know your Cuban pesos are real. Hold the bill up to the sun, and check the watermark.

The watermark will have a number on it, and that number must match the value of the bill.

If it’s a 100-peso bill, the number in the watermark should say 100.

Again, I do not recommend exchanging money in the street. We didn’t on this trip because we were able to get pesos from the front desk of our casa particular.

If you’re ever concerned about any bills you were given as change, use the tip from our friend for some peace of mind.

I also want to make it clear that we were never given counterfeit bills as change while in Cuba, but these things can happen anywhere.

You’re more vulnerable as a foreigner, because you don’t know exactly how the money is supposed to look.

Pink and orange flowers beneath a dark blue sky

Getting WiFi in Cuba

If a travel guide says there are only one-hour WiFi cards, it is outdated.

Now, you can access WiFi on a one-hour or a five-hour card.

WiFi is now cheaper in Cuba—it was $5 USD per hour; now, it’s $1 USD per hour.

We only needed one 5-hour card per person for the whole week.

Instead of waiting in the ETECSA line, we bought them from our first casa particular .

Overall, our Cuba WiFi experience was much easier than what we expected.

Don’t expect to be online all the time, but WiFi access is not as difficult as prior years.

Pro tip: The two main apps I highly recommend to download BEFORE you leave for Cuba are A La Mesa and Maps.me . Both work well offline and will save you such a headache.

On Maps.me specifically, also download the maps of each city/town you will visit in Cuba. In our case, I downloaded the maps for Havana and Viñales. When you have Internet access, put your casa particular addresses in a Note on your phone, so you copy and paste them into Maps.me whenever you need to. Same goes for any attractions you know you want to see.

If you want (and if your phone is unlocked), you could get a Cuba sim card, which comes with data. I don’t see the point for a one-week trip, but to each their own.

You can reserve those online in advance from Suena and pick them up at the José Martí airport (in Havana). If you go this route, you want the Tourist SIM Card from the top menu.

Yellow building with Cuban flag and green car in front

Can you drink the water in Cuba?

In short, no.

There was bottled water for sale everywhere on our trip in December 2022, but I read online before leaving that you can’t bank on that.

Instead, I bought this LifeStraw to have filtered water and it was the best travel purchase I’ve made. Ever.

Our Viñales casa particular hostess took one look at that bottle and pointed me to her giant drinking water spigot for us to have freely.

She was already familiar with the water situation for foreigners and told me it was smart to bring a reusable filtered bottle.

Highly recommend one of these !

Green and teal colonial house

Can you check in online for flights to Cuba?

There are too many documents the airlines must verify before they can issue a boarding pass.

You will also need a paper boarding pass for your Cuban health insurance, often included in your departure airfare.

Do you need to speak Spanish to visit Cuba?

Out of all Spanish-speaking countries I’ve visited, Cuba is the main one you need at least some language skills to visit.

There are people who speak English, especially young people, but it is not the norm.

If you don’t speak Spanish and you’re not traveling with a friend who does, download Google Translate for offline use before you arrive.

It won’t be ideal, but it will work when you need language help.

The best advice I can give is to travel with someone who speaks Spanish fluently. My best friend said many times while we were in Cuba that she would be toast without my language skills.

White star on a red circle, with blue and white stripes coming out of it

Can I bring Cuban cigars and rum back into the USA as souvenirs?

The answer used to be yes, as long as you purchased them from a private shop instead of a stated-owned one.

That answer is no longer the case, as of late 2022.

Now, you cannot bring any rum or cigars into the USA from Cuba, no matter how small the amount is or where they were purchased within Cuba.

When you arrive back into the USA, Customs and Border Patrol will ask if you have any rum or cigars. If you do, assume they will be confiscated.

What to Pack for Your Cuba Trip

I pack carry-on only and found Cuba to be one of the easier countries to pack for. The climate in December was perfect, with 80s in the day and 60s-70s at night.

Here is a short packing list of the things you need before going to Cuba:

  • Mosquito repellent, because the insects in Cuba will eat you alive (I use these .)
  • Comfortable shoes for lots of walking
  • Cardigan or light sweatshirt
  • Flowy/comfortable clothes (You can see one of the outfits I packed below.)
  • One active wear outfit for hiking/horseback or bike riding (if you’re going to Viñales)

Woman wearing white floral blouse and jeans standing in front of a heart made from mosaic tiles

I hope this Cuba travel FAQ was helpful for you. I know how stressful it can be to figure out what to do when planning. If you have any questions, comment below and I’ll do what I can to help!

Read more Cuba travel guides:

  • Cuba Pre-Departure Checklist
  • What to See and Do in Cuba (Havana and Viñales)
  • At Dusk in Havana, I Fell in Love
  • Havana, the Art Sanctuary
  • When It Destroys, It Starts with Us
  • The Elephant in the Room: Socialism in Cuba

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Biden’s revised Cuba policy creates more options for U.S. travelers

The United States just approved flights to airports beyond Havana and will restore the group tours banned under Trump

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Americans who want to travel legally to Cuba will have more options after the Biden administration announced it was undoing some of the restrictions President Donald Trump imposed before the pandemic.

While a timeline for all of the changes is not yet clear, travelers should eventually be able to choose from flights to more destinations and take the kind of group-based educational trips that have been off-limits for nearly three years.

Under an order issued Wednesday by the U.S. Transportation Department, airlines will again be allowed to fly to Cuban destinations beyond Havana, an avenue that was cut off in late 2019. Public charter flights will also be permitted to go to airports outside Havana after being suspended in early 2020.

The Transportation Department issued the order rescinding the Trump-era restrictions after a request this week from Secretary of State Antony Blinken. He wrote that scheduled and charter air services could resume “effective immediately” once the department took action.

That formal request followed a May 16 announcement that the Biden administration was taking measures, including allowing the additional flights, to “increase support for the Cuban people in line with our national security interests.”

As Biden eases Trump’s sanctions, Cubans hope for an economic lift

Peggy Goldman, president and co-owner of two travel companies that bring visitors to Cuba — Friendly Planet and Insight Cuba — called the permission to add flights “wonderful news.”

“It makes it possible to enjoy much more of the island, and having these additional flights is a hallelujah moment for us,” she said. She added that her companies have been “badgering” airlines on a daily basis about increasing service.

U.S. carriers that offer scheduled flights to Havana, including American Airlines, JetBlue and Southwest, told The Washington Post this week — before the DOT’s order — that they did not have any additional services to announce. American Airlines flew to five destinations in addition to Havana until December 2019, and JetBlue once flew to three cities beyond the capital city.

“While we do not have any news to share at this time regarding changes to our operations in Cuba, we regularly evaluate new opportunities throughout our network,” JetBlue said in a statement.

Cuba reopened to visitors in November after closing its borders earlier in the pandemic.

Can Americans travel to Cuba? Yes, but it’s complicated.

U.S. officials have said that a popular authorized way for groups of travelers to visit Cuba — called “people-to-people” trips — will be back at some point. The Trump administration eliminated the option in mid-2019. The State Department said it would reinstate the option, along with other categories of group educational travel and some additional travel connected to professional meetings and research.

“We’ll certainly ensure travel is purposeful and in accordance with U.S. law. And we’ll note something that President Biden had said often, which is his belief that Americans are the best ambassadors for democratic values,” a senior administration official said on background during a press call last month. “And facilitating group people-to-people travel will allow for greater engagement between the American people and the promotion of their democratic values.”

The State Department did not release a timeline for reopening that category of travel, but it said in a statement that the administration is “working expeditiously to implement these changes, via regulatory amendments and other steps on an expedited basis.”

Collin Laverty, founder of Cuba Educational Travel, said people-to-people trips were a prominent way to visit Cuba before the Trump administration prohibited them. He described those trips as “having a full-time schedule that involves meaningful interaction with the Cuban people” — though independent tourism is not allowed.

Americans have been allowed to visit the island under categories that remain legal, including family visits, religious activities, competitions, educational activities and professional research, and meetings. After the Trump administration eliminated the “people to people” option, first for individuals and then for groups, most travelers opted to visit under the “support for the Cuban people” category.

Under that option, travelers need to have a full-time schedule of activities that enhance contact with locals, support civil society in Cuba, result in meaningful interaction with residents or promote independence from Cuban authorities, The Washington Post reported in 2019.

2019: Trump administration ends group travel to Cuba by Americans

The two categories were similar, but supporting the Cuban people required more direct aid to locals on the ground. Some tour operators told The Post when the changes were first announced a few years ago that they were skipping attractions such as Ernest Hemingway’s house and famous cemeteries. To keep their programming in compliance, they said, they would meet with craftspeople who make humidors instead of going to cigar factories, and they would visit artists in a studio cooperative instead of going to a museum.

David Lee, founder of Cultural Cuba, has always provided trips that meet the requirements of supporting the Cuban people and calls it “the best way to go by far.” But still, he and others said, the news about Trump restrictions being dropped had led to an increase in inquiries.

“Some of the changes that the Trump administration made definitely made people think they could not come to Cuba,” he said. “If this announcement has people believing, ‘Oh, it’s open again’ — even though it was always open ... and at least leads people to put Cuba back on their list as a destination, awesome.”

Laverty said he expects the return of U.S. travelers to Cuba to be slow, noting that he doesn’t see any regulatory changes that would lead to an “avalanche” in demand.

While the Biden administration’s goal is to expand authorized travel to Cuba, the State Department said the recently announced moves are not a return to the Obama-era policies that allowed cruise ships to visit the island and individual travelers to embark on people-to-people trips.

In Cuba, a desperate search for milk

Other Trump crackdowns prohibiting travelers from staying in military- or government-owned hotels remain in effect. They pose continued challenges to travelers and tour groups who have to find accommodations without those government or military ties.

“With new flights and group People to People programs being announced, more travelers will be able to visit Cuba safely but they will need more safe places to stay,” Michael Zuccato, CEO of Cuba Travel Services, said in an email.

Laverty said the last decade has brought “incredible development” in private-sector lodging, including privately owned apartments, rooms and boutique hotels. His company will sometimes split groups between multiple properties if needed.

“It definitely adds an extra logistical layer,” he said. “Trying to look at the positive side, it’s a really cool experience” where guests get to interact with their host and learn more about what it’s like to live in Cuba.

With economic hardships and severe shortages in Cuba that led to widespread protests last year, Laverty said he was concerned about what the travel experience would be like when his company started bringing Americans back earlier this year.

“What we’ve found over the last few months is U.S. travelers have really been exposed to shortcomings and challenges and also support Cubans through their travel and get an honest picture of the good and the bad in Cuba and still have a really great experience,” he said.

More travel news

How we travel now: More people are taking booze-free trips — and airlines and hotels are taking note. Some couples are ditching the traditional honeymoon for a “buddymoon” with their pals. Interested? Here are the best tools for making a group trip work.

Bad behavior: Entitled tourists are running amok, defacing the Colosseum , getting rowdy in Bali and messing with wild animals in national parks. Some destinations are fighting back with public awareness campaigns — or just by telling out-of-control visitors to stay away .

Safety concerns: A door blew off an Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 Max 9 jet, leaving passengers traumatized — but without serious injuries. The ordeal led to widespread flight cancellations after the jet was grounded, and some travelers have taken steps to avoid the plane in the future. The incident has also sparked a fresh discussion about whether it’s safe to fly with a baby on your lap .

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US u-turns on Esta ban for Cuba tourists

Exclusive: british travellers have been told overnight the ban applies only for visits from january 2021, article bookmarked.

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To the immense relief of tens of thousands of prospective British visitors to the US, Washington DC has quietly U-turned on a punitive sanction against people who have been to Cuba in the decade up to 2021.

In one of his last acts as president, Donald Trump added Cuba to Washington’s list of “state sponsors of terrorism” (SST) just before leaving the White House.

The effect is to prevent people who have been to the island from using the swift and easy online permit known as Esta . Instead, British travellers must apply in person in London or Belfast for a visa, at a cost of $160 (£130).

The US move was designed to hit Cuba’s tourism industry and deter future visits to the island. But it also has the effect of punishing people who have visited Cuba in the past.

For months, the US State Department insisted that the Esta ban was backdated to 1 March 2011.

But overnight US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has been telling UK travellers that the relevant date is now the so-called “designation date” of 12 January 2021.

That position has now been confirmed in multiple emails sent by CBP – many of them in response to enquiries from months ago.

Mark Bailey, who produces the Yorkshire Lad TV series on YouTube, is planning a cruise to Alaska in August 2023 with his wife. They visited Cuba in 2014.

Mr Bailey originally asked the US authorities in October 2022 if he would need a visa. He was given a non-committal response from the CBP, and asked for confirmation of the relevant date.

He heard nothing until the evening of 31 January, when he received an email out of the blue from the CBP Traveler Communications Center reading: “If you travelled to Cuba prior to January 12, 2021, you remain eligible to apply for Esta.

“If you have travelled to Cuba since that date, please contact a US embassy or consulate to apply for a visa if you still wish to travel to the United States.”

Previously the US State Department had insisted to The Independent : “Any visit to an SST on or after March 1, 2011, even if the country was designated yesterday, renders the applicant ineligible for Esta.”

There had been some evidence that frontier staff were turning a blind eye to people who had been to Cuba before the so-called designation date.

But some passengers had been turned away from airports because they were regarded by airlines as inadmissible to the US.

The policy of backdating to 2011 has now officially been scrapped.

Mr Bailey said: “This has just made my bloody day. Saving hundreds of pounds of visa fees, travel down from Yorkshire to London, hotel accommodation and no guarantee that a visa would have been issued.”

The Independent has seen other emails from CBP to British travellers that corroborate the new policy.

Many UK visitors circumvented the rule by “laundering” evidence of a visit to Cuba – simply obtaining a new, clean passport.

If there is no Cuban stamp in a passport, the only way the US would know if a traveller had been to the island is if they had used a direct flight between the two countries – which British visitors to Cuba rarely do.

The government in Havana will not share details of overseas tourists with the US.

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Can Americans Travel to Cuba?

Image may contain City Clothing Hat Person Urban Car Transportation Vehicle Architecture Building and Cityscape

Even in 2024, the question “can Americans travel to Cuba?” is still frequently asked among US travelers. Few destinations create such simultaneous longing and confusion as this crocodile-shaped island only 95 miles south of Key West . It has held a mythic status since the early 20th century for its vibrant mix of Latin and Caribbean cultures, its hundreds of miles of pristine beaches , its African-influenced music, and its vintage charm; today, Chevrolets and Buicks from the ’50s rattle down Spanish colonial streets in Old Havana that have hardly changed since Ernest Hemingway was knocking back mojitos there.

Yet Cuba has long been a metaphorical forbidden fruit due to political rifts. A web of travel restrictions imposed in the 1960s made it difficult for Americans to make the journey, an idea that still lingers today. And while the limits on tourism were largely lifted in 2016, many still find the prospect daunting.

For some insider knowledge, I spoke to Johnny Considine, founder of the travel agency Cuba Private Travel , a Condé Nast Traveler Top Travel Specialist , and a long-term resident of Havana. We discussed the steps American travelers need to take when visiting Cuba, as well as the best times to go, what to see, and more.

us travel if been to cuba

Tony Perrottet

The writer of this article, Tony Perrottet, is a travel journalist and the author of six books, among them Cuba Libre!: Che, Fidel, and the Improbable Revolution That Changed World History . He has visited Cuba about twenty times.

Image may contain Adult Person Guitar Musical Instrument City Clothing Footwear Shoe Hat Urban Road and Street

Commercial flights run daily from Miami to Havana, a must-visit city “for its vibrant energy, beautiful harbor, Spanish colonial city center, and Art Deco relics,” says Considine.

Can Americans travel to Cuba in 2024?

Yes, travelers with US passports can travel to Cuba. Considine says that it’s perfectly legal for US individuals to visit Cuba for one of twelve specific purposes defined by the United States Treasury Department, and to travel on one of the many daily commercial flights to Havana, which mostly depart from Miami . All you need to do is tick one motive from an online list that pops up when you purchase your air ticket, of which “support of the Cuban people” is the most appropriate catch-all. (Others like “family visits” and “religious activities” technically have limited application.)

The other important US government condition is that US travelers must spend their dollars supporting private businesses in Cuba, not companies that are government-owned or operated. This has become increasingly easy, Considine says, as the private sector has expanded through the travel industry in recent years, with casas particulares (family-run homes), Airbnbs, and paladares (private restaurants) proliferating. These are the types of enterprises that savvy travelers are more likely to enjoy anyway; they offer better food , more intimate and stylish experiences, and direct encounters with everyday Cubans. You can book directly, of course, but a travel specialist can help identify appropriate businesses—Considine’s company can tailor a trip that is “one-hundred-percent private.”

Why has it been historically difficult for Americans to visit Cuba?

Hungry for foreign exchange, the Cuban government has always welcomed foreign tourists whether they are from the United States, Germany , Australia , or Argentina . The roadblock for Americans has been the US government, which effectively banned US tourists from legally visiting under the trade embargo put in place after the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. (If you’d like to learn more, my book Cuba Libre! recounts the parting of ways between the US and Cuba after Fidel Castro’s 1959 revolution, and the ways relations soured as Cuba drifted into the Soviet sphere during the Cold War.)

These restrictions—first imposed in 1963 as part of the bluntly-named Trading with the Enemy Act—were loosened 53 years later by the Obama-Biden administration, allowing direct flights and travel from the US in 2016. To the disappointment of many Cubans, President Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric during his administration made many Americans believe that it had again become illegal to travel to the island, causing a drastic drop in US tourist numbers. However, Considine stresses that Trump only paused group and cruise ship travel , leaving intact the key allowances for individual trips that were put in place during the Obama years.

What kind of visas do Americans need to travel to Cuba?

The only document you need is a valid US passport . Cuban entry permits—in other words, a visa—can be purchased at the airport before boarding the flight for $85 ($50 plus $35 service fee; you can pay with cash, a debit card, or a credit card). They can also be obtained online through private services, although often with hefty extra charges. Airline staff will also ask you to use your phone and scan the barcode for a passenger locator form, necessary to go through Cuban customs.

Image may contain Land Nature Outdoors Plant Tree Vegetation Woodland Scenery Rainforest Landscape and Jungle

Viñales is the place to go in Cuba for nature—the small town is lush and surrounded by limestone formations.

When is the best time to visit the most popular destinations in Cuba?

The traditional high season in Cuba has always been winter, December to February , when days are cool and clear, rather like southern Florida. But sun-lovers should consider November and the period from March to May , when it is warm enough for swimming. If you’re traveling to Cuba any time between June and October , be warned: The summer heat is oppressive and hurricanes can hit.

If I am visiting Cuba for the first time, what destinations should I visit and why?

“My holy trinity is: Havana , Trinidad, and Viñales,” Considine says. Havana is a must-see for its vibrant energy, beautiful harbor, Spanish colonial city center, and Art Deco relics. There’s also Trinidad is a perfectly-preserved colonial town at the foot of the rugged Escambray Mountains where, Considine says, “farmers live very simply, raising livestock and cooking with carbon—a way of life that may be gone in five years.” It is also by the south coast, which has diving spots worth checking out.

11 Trips in Europe Everyone Should Add to Their Bucket List

Meanwhile, Viñales is a nature trip. This small town is surrounded by spectacular rounded limestone formations known as mogotes in the heart of Cuba’s verdant tobacco country. “You can do anything there: horse-riding, e-biking, yoga, hiking, and climbing,” Considine says. It’s located only a two-hour drive from the capital’s airport; US travelers can rent a car with dollars, but in practice I suggest booking a transfer to Viñales—and a place to overnight, if you’d like—through a travel specialist like Considine for a smooth trip.

What else should Americans know before visiting Cuba?

“There has never been a better time to go to Cuba than right now,” Considine says. New laws passed in 2021 permit Cuban entrepreneurs to directly import foreign goods from Italian pasta to French soap, Chilean wine to Mexican designer furniture, which has transformed the country. Grocery stores have opened in peoples’ garages, do-it-yourself restaurants offer fine cuisine, and many small family-run casas and Airbnbs have expanded into boutique hotels, many of which are quite sumptuous. For travelers, this has also expanded opportunities to meet Cubans and learn about their lives; all over the island, people are warm, open. and eager to chat.

It’s also important to note that US credit and debit cards are still not valid in Cuba. Bring cash—more than you think you will need, so you don’t run out. These days, US dollars are accepted in most places in Cuba.

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Can Europeans travel to the US if you have been to Cuba?

us travel if been to cuba

For Europeans looking for a 2023 winter holiday during the colder months, a holiday to Cuba is a no-brainer. Warm dry weather is pretty much guaranteed from November to April and the sparkling sea, stunning landscapes and unique culture make Cuba an epic holiday destination to remember.

But what happens if you want to visit Cuba (or you have already been) and you also want to travel to the US in the future? Can Europeans  currently travel to the US if you have been to Cuba? 

If you are reading this, chances are that you might have heard somewhere that Europeans cannot enter the US if  they’ve recently travelled to Cuba (yikes!). But fear not, in this blog, Cubania Travel’s Director Lucy explains everything you need to know to enjoy your trip in Cuba AND travel to the USA worry-free. 

From 12th January 2021, the US placed Cuba on the List of State Sponsors of Terrorism, a last-minute callous move by the Trump administration as they were leaving the White House.   US law  states that any person travelling to a country on the List of State Sponsors of Terrorism cannot apply for the ESTA Visa Waiver Programme and must apply for a visa via the US Embassy. 

This obviously worried a lot of international travellers , especially Europeans who have enjoyed easy entry to the USA via the ESTA Visa Waiver Programme, and has created great confusion about who can/cannot enter the US and Cuba.

cycling vehicle like a tuk tuk with the american flag behind it

The legal bits

In October 2022, the US Government started enforcing the restriction on people who have travelled to Cuba since 12 th  January 2021.  These travellers are no longer eligible to apply for the  ESTA Visa Waiver programme , and need to apply for a US visitor’s visa (B1/B2)  via their nearest US Embassy.    

According to the US Department of Homeland Security Website:

“ Ineligibility for an ESTA is not a bar to travel to the United States. Individuals who are not eligible to travel under the VWP may apply for a visa at any U.S. embassy or consulate”

However, the restriction does deter some from making plans to visit Cuba, a country which has endured hostile political and economic restrictions by the USA since 1959.  The US Embargo on Cuba and other restrictions are an attempt to destabilise Cuba’s Revolutionary government, whose politics are at odds with the USA.   

It seems like it’s specifically designed to deter non-US citizens from travelling to Cuba and forces them to comply with the US Embargo on Cuba, which the UN General Assembly votes overwhelmingly to condemn every year.  

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Can US citizens travel to Cuba legally?

Travel to Cuba from the USA is already restricted by the US Embargo on Cuba, but you can still do so. Head over to our blog where we share insights for US citizens who wish to travel to Cuba while supporting Cuban people.

Cubania Travel contacted the relevant authorities, and received assurances that this is more about political sabre rattling than anything truly sinister. It’s one more obstacle put in the way of Cuba, a country which has already endured a 60-year US Embargo. And the USA continues to make life difficult for the Cuban people.  

While enforcement will likely be sporadic, it’s good to know how to avoid getting tangled up with US Immigration officers. So with that in mind…   

  What you need to know

Since October 2022, The Cuban authorities do NOT stamp any passports on arrival or departure ( unless you specifically ask them for a stamp in your passport) , eliminating concrete evidence that you’ve travelled to Cuba. It’s like you were never there!  

I’m not suggesting you lie to US authorities but the reality is that, so long as you don’t tell US authorities of your recent trip to Cuba from Europe, there’s no way they’ll know!  Unless, of course, you’re travelling to/from Cuba via the USA in which case they’ll definitely know!  

If, however, you’re a frequent traveller to the US or you just don’t want to risk it, you’ll need to make a US Visitor Visa Application via the US Embassy .  It’s pretty straightforward, but do make sure you apply ahead of time as the process can take a couple of weeks.  

Okay, so how do I apply for a US Visitor’s Visa?

If you are a frequent traveller to the USA, it makes better sense to get a 10-year visa, which allows you to enter and exit freely without worrying about ESTA Waiver Restrictions.  

There are 2 options: 

👔 B1  VISA (visitor visa for those temporarily engaging in business activities) 

🏖️ B2  VISA (visitor visa for pleasure or tourism)

Applying for a  Non-Immigrant Visa to the USA is simple and the visas are generally valid for 10 years, costing $185.  There is usually a 10-14 day delay between submitting your passport and receiving the visa so please make sure you allow time before travel.  

If you’re travelling from the USA to Cuba and you are a non-US citizen, you’ll need to apply for a visa AND  you will need to comply with US Regulations on travel to Cuba.  

There is hope that Cuba will be removed from the Sponsors of Terrorism list soon. Recently, the Biden administration announced they will resume visa processing in their Havana Embassy in 2023. A good sign and a reason for cautious optimism with regard to US-Cuba relations.

So in conclusion, while the whole regulations, restrictions and process are an annoyance, they shouldn’t affect anyone’s future visits to either Cuba or the USA (phew!)

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Cubans welcome US visitors into their hearts and homes

2024 legal cuba travel for americans.

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Cuba travel is legal, and People-to-People tours return

A new era of normal cuba relations under biden and harris.

Joe and Kamala pledged to swiftly undo four years of Trump-imposed economic and travel restrictions, increase US Embassy staff levels in Havana, and seek more engagement between the States and Cuba.

These changes have been slow in coming. After all, Trump enacted 243 measures against Cuba. But a positive change was enacted on June 8, 2022.

Free to visit Cuba easily again! People-to-People travel restored.

Hooray! Americans can travel to Cuba just like during Obama times. People-to-People travel allows every American to come to Cuba, meet islanders, and enjoy cultural, artistic, and educational activities – the same as traveling to any other country.

Yet caveats remain.

  • Cuba travel must be hosted by a tour company based in the United States.
  • Cuba travel must be escorted, meaning you travel with a guide on an itinerary that shows you are engaging in meaningful exchanges with Cuban people. But hey, the people are what the island’s all about anyway. You are still free to explore historical and cultural sites and tropical nature.
  • Lounging on Cuba’s spectacular sunny beaches and sipping mojitos all day is banned. Otherwise, almost anything you can imagine is permitted.

US Cuba tour operators help arrange trips featuring the best this magical island offers. You’ll enjoy dance, music, rum, cigars, museums, and effusive kind Cubans. People-to-People travel is comfy and always in the company of open-minded, outgoing fellow travelers. Refreshingly, Cuba has become a MAGA-free zone, not that they are unwelcomed. Instead, they seem to show little interest in different cultures.

Covid is gone. Cuba is the healthiest country in Latin America.

Cuba’s entire population is vaccinated. Cuba is one of the few countries globally that hold this distinction. There is no need for masks or proof of vaccinations to visit Cuba. Things are back to normal again. Learn more about Covid in Cuba and how easy it is to visit now .

Did Trump ban travel to Cuba? No, but he wanted to.

While Trump did everything possible to curtail Cuba visits, he couldn’t make them illegal. The US Constitution prevented Trump from doing so.

Rewarding Cuba travel options are many. The longstanding twelve categories of authorized Cuba travel remain intact. Licensed US Cuba tour agencies help with all questions and ensure your trip conforms to current regulations.

Logo of Embassy of Cuba in Washington DC.

Academic travel to Cuba has been expanded. Students, teachers, school staff, and chaperones can come to Cuba just like studying abroad in Canada, Asia, or Europe.

The popular categories of Educational Activities (which People-to-People travel is part), Support for the Cuban People, Humanitarian Projects, Religious Activities, Professional Research, and Journalism are fulfilling ways to witness Cuba and connect with islanders while partaking in their culture.

What is legal Cuba travel, how does it work, who is in charge?

Bronze logo medallion of US Department of Treasury.

The US Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) oversees Cuba travel. There are twelve themes under which Americans can legally visit Cuba without any government documentation or permission in advance. The twelve categories are known as “general license” travel. There is no actual license issued. It is an honor system. If the purpose of your Cuba travel falls under any of the twelve pre-approved Cuba travel categories, you can hop on a plane and visit Cuba. It’s that simple.

What are the 12 categories of authorized travel to Cuba?

Office of Foreign Assets Control Cuba travel restrictions booklet.

  • Educational Activities (study abroad for students, teachers, and school staff), and People-to-People travel for regular Americans is part of Educational travel activities
  • Support for the Cuban People
  • Professional Research
  • Public Performances, Clinics, Workshops, Athletic and other competitions, and Exhibitions
  • Journalistic Activity (for electronic and print media reporters, including bloggers)
  • Humanitarian Projects
  • Religious Activities
  • Family Visits (connecting with close relatives in Cuba)
  • Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes
  • Exportation, importation, or transmission of information or information materials
  • Certain authorized export transactions (for businesses and NGOs)
  • Official business of the US government, foreign governments, and specific intergovernmental organizations

List of Cuba travel dos and don’ts

Sad and worried young man.

  • While in Cuba , your activities must focus on full-time engagement outlined in your chosen travel category.
  • It’s best not to stay in Cuban hotels banned by Trump and Biden. Click Worried Boy image for the list.
  • Trump and Biden outlawed Cuban rum and Cuban tobacco products in the US. While these sumptuous items cannot be imported to the United States, you can enjoy them during your Cuba stay. No problem!

What are the simplest, most rewarding ways to visit Cuba legally?

Cuba on your own . The island is ideal for sojourners with foreign travel experience and ample planning time. If you speak fluent Spanish, independent travel is tops. This avenue is only possible under the Support for the Cuban People license.

However, individuals can also use the People-to-People option and visit Cuba independently if hosted by a US tour operator and a guide. (You kick back, they do all the work for you!)

Design your own custom private Cuba trip with a US tour operator. Collaborating with a tour operator will ensure unrivaled rewards if you, your family, and your friends prioritize pre-planning, gratifying activities, and guaranteed pricing. US Cuba travel professionals know the best cultural activities, events, entertainment options, eateries, accommodations, transportation, and knowledgeable professional guides.

Prepaid small group Cuba travel packages guarantee your Cuba trip conforms to US legal requirements. Hosted by US agencies, small group tours are nearly all-inclusive, incredibly economical, and offer tons of cultural encounters in a brief period – many more than the most intrepid traveler could assemble on their own. And you’ll always be in the company of forward-thinking fellow Americans and Cubans to look after all your desires.

How do I choose a legitimate Cuba agent or tour operator?

We encourage potential Cuba visitors to browse the internet to shop and compare options. It’s fun and enlightening. You’ll find many travel agencies and tour operators with decades of professionalism offering excellent services at a wide range of pricing. Locate them on Google by searching “ legal cuba tours for americans ”.

  • Ensure the tour operator is based in the United States and licensed by OFAC to provide travel services to Americans.
  • The tour operator must issue a Certificate of Legal Cuba Travel , guaranteeing your trip conforms to current US Cuba travel regulations.
  • Travel companies come and go. Ask how long the travel provider has been in business. Don’t risk your precious travel dollars with fly-by-night operators.
  • Learn from the experiences of former travelers. Read the tour operator’s TripAdvisor reviews.
  • Ask your friends who’ve traveled to Cuba for their suggestions and recommendations for Cuba tour operators.

Legal Cuba travel essentials for US citizens and residents

  • Read the Ultimate Cuba Travel Guide , a summary of nearly three decades of Cuba travel tips and advice.
  • All visitors require a passport, valid for one week beyond your Cuba stay.
  • Cuba travelers require a Cuba entry visa. Purchase a Cuban Visitor Visa online now.
  • Fill out the online Cuban immigration and customs form called D’Viajeros . Review these simplified instructions to breeze through this mandatory pre-departure document in minutes.
  • Money US debit cards don’t work in Cuba. Only a handful of hotels in Havana accept US credit cards for in-house services. US dollars cover nearly all cash needs: no need to bring euros or Canadian dollars. Plan trip expenses carefully. See Cash requirements and guidelines while in Cuba.
  • US regulations require Americans to retain records of island expenses and activities for five years. Legitimate US-based Cuba tour operators keep these records for you.

Have questions about legal Cuba travel?


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United States requires entry visa for foreigners who have previously traveled to Cuba

The measure is due to the fact that the island is on the controversial list of countries that, in the opinion of the u.s. authorities, sponsor terrorism..

Rui Ferreira

Photo: Screenshot/Archive.

The Biden administration has decided to reactivate a discreet section related to the fact that Cuba is included in the list of countries that, in the opinion of the U.S. authorities, sponsor terrorist activities.

The issue is that foreign citizens who want to travel to the United States will have to request an entry visa if they have previously traveled to Cuba.

“If a traveler is found to have visited a country designated as a state sponsor of terrorism, the traveler is no longer eligible to participate in the Visa Waiver Program and must apply for a visa to enter the United States,” the immigration services website warns .

Cuba was included in the controversial list on January 12, 2021 during the Donald Trump administration and has been kept there after the arrival to the White House of Democrat Joe Biden. This decision has been repeatedly criticized by Havana, which considers it baseless and politically motivated.

The new measure affects all countries that are included in the admission program known as ESTA , nations that normally do not represent an illegal immigration problem for the United States.

This situation was so little known that on September 9, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs saw the need to include the necessary information in an update of its travel to Cuba recommendations. The Spanish are one of the largest groups of European travelers to the island.

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Baseball match between teams from the United States and Cuba, category 11-12, Ciudad Deportiva. Photo: Otmaro Rodríguez.

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“Currently, it is necessary to obtain a U.S. visa to enter the United States if you have previously traveled to Cuba, presenting the ESTA not being enough. This visa must be requested at the Consulate General or Consular Section of the United States Embassy in your place of residence,” the Spanish Foreign Ministry explained .

“The foregoing is applicable even for trips made to Cuba and the United States separately and at different times. If you plan to travel to the United States after visiting Cuba, it is recommended to consult the instructions of the U.S. authorities by entering the word Cuba in the Search Help Topics section of the official website of the Department of Homeland Security,” the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain added.

Panama establishes exceptions for visas for Cubans in transit

Past present (iv and final), rui ferreira.

Mi padre era actor y mi abuelo general. Una mezcla lo suficientemente explosiva como para generar un tipo que solo hace preguntas, no le gusta las respuestas a medias, y refleja todo eso en la mejor profesión del mundo. Por lo demás, me gusta viajar y fotografiar. A veces eso da plata, otras veces solo entretiene. Pero siempre vale la pena. Por lo que queda, dejémonos de pretensiones.

Past present. Poster painted on a wall in Havana. Long live Free Cuba!

Pedro Luis Ferrer’s 70 years

Nadim Khouri, the creator of the popular Palestinian beer Taybeh.

“Taste the Revolution,” it’s really good

' src=

If I travel to Cuba can I take clothes and a generator or gold detector or equipment? Maybe cellphone or tablet or certain quality of food. Maybe 250 pounds of food or soap, shampoo or shoe’s for my friends

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U.S. Catholic bishops. Photo: Prensa Latina/Archive

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CBP Seal, U.S. Customs and Border Protection:  U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Links to CBP.gov homepage

  • National Media Release

CBP Releases June 2024 Monthly Update

 Statistics Show Lowest Southwest Border Encounters in More than Three Years

WASHINGTON — U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released operational statistics today for June 2024, which show a significant decline in migrant encounters following a Presidential Proclamation announced June 4, 2024, by President Biden to temporarily suspend the entry of certain noncitizens across the southern border. Border Patrol encounters between ports of entry were 29% lower than in May 2024 and were the lowest monthly total for the Border Patrol along the southwest border since January 2021 as well as lower than the number of encounters between ports of entry in June 2019, the last comparable year prior to the pandemic. CBP monthly reporting can be viewed on CBP’s Stats and Summaries webpage . 

“Recent border security measures have made a meaningful impact on our ability to impose consequences for those crossing unlawfully, leading to a decline of 29% in U.S. Border Patrol apprehensions from May to June, with a more than 50% drop in the seven day average from the announcement to the end of the month, and doubling the rate at which we removed noncitizens from U.S. Border Patrol custody in June,” said Troy A. Miller, CBP Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Commissioner. “We are continuing to work with international partners to go after transnational criminal organizations that traffic in chaos and prioritize profit over human lives.”

On June 4, 2024, the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General also jointly issued an interim final rule (IFR) that, consistent with the Presidential Proclamation, generally restricts asylum eligibility for those who irregularly enter across the southwest land and the southern coastal border. The number of encounters at our Southwest Border have decreased by more than 50% in the past six weeks. The Border Patrol’s seven-day average has decreased to below 1,900 encounters per day.   

Since the Presidential Proclamation and Interim Final Rule went into effect on June 5, DHS has removed or returned more than 70,000 individuals to more than 170 countries, including by operating more than 150 international repatriation flights.* Total removals and returns over the past year exceed removals and returns in any fiscal year since 2010 and a majority of all southwest border encounters during the past three fiscal years resulted in a removal, return, or expulsion. 

Below are key operational statistics for CBP’s primary mission areas in June 2024. View all CBP statistics online.

Ensuring Border Security and Managing Migration  

CBP, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), continues to expeditiously process, remove, and strengthen consequences for individuals who cross our borders irregularly. Individuals and families without a legal basis to remain in the U.S. are subject to removal pursuant to Title 8 authorities and are subject to a minimum five-year bar on admission as well as potential prosecution if they subsequently re-enter without authorization. No one should believe the lies of smugglers. The fact remains: the United States continues to enforce immigration law, and those without a legal basis to remain will be removed. Migrants attempting to enter without authorization are subject to removal under Title 8 authorities.

In June – the first month in which the Presidential Proclamation and IFR have been in effect – the U.S. Border Patrol recorded 83,536 encounters between ports of entry along the southwest border. These Border Patrol encounters were 29% lower than in May 2024 and were the lowest monthly total for the Border Patrol along the southwest border since January 2021. Total southwest border irregular encounters in June, including individuals who presented at ports of entry without a CBP One appointment, were 88,612 , a 30% decrease from May 2024. This is CBP’s lowest monthly southwest border encounter total since January 2021 . From May to June, the total number of individuals encountered along the southwest border between ports of entry and at ports of entry without a CBP appointment decreased across all demographics: encounters of unaccompanied children decreased 14% , single adult encounters decreased 28% , and family unit individual encounters decreased by 36% . 

The number of unaccompanied children encountered by CBP along the southwest border in June 2024, including individuals who presented at ports of entry without a CBP One appointment, decreased 14% compared to May 2024, decreased 28% compared to May for single adults, and decreased 36% for family unit individuals.

The United States is working together with our domestic and foreign partners to jointly disrupt irregular migration across our borders and monitor emerging threats, including public safety concerns posed by transnational criminal organizations. We continue to conduct thorough screening and vetting for all individuals that we encounter on the southern border to identify anyone affiliated with these organizations. For example, DHS has implemented enhanced screening measures at the border to identify gang members who are detained for criminal prosecution or placement in Expedited Removal.

CBP continues to offer safe, orderly, and lawful pathways for intending migrants and, with our international partners, we are taking actions against ruthless smugglers who continue to spread falsehoods and show disregard for the safety and well-being of vulnerable migrants. Our message for anyone who is thinking of entering the United States unlawfully along the southern border is simple: don’t do it. When migrants cross the border unlawfully, they put their lives in peril. The terrain along the border is extreme, the summer heat is severe, and the miles of desert migrants must hike after crossing the border in many areas are often deadly. People who made the dangerous journey into this territory have died of dehydration, starvation, and heat stroke. Smuggling organizations abandon migrants in remote and dangerous areas. 

The U.S. Border Patrol has undertaken significant efforts in recent years to expand capacity to aid and rescue individuals in distress. To prevent the loss of life, CBP initiated a Missing Migrant Program in 2017 that locates noncitizens reported missing, rescues individuals in distress, and reunifies decedents’ remains with their families in the border region. In June, the U.S. Border Patrol conducted 461 rescues, bringing the FY 2024 total to 4,068 rescues. 

View more migration statistics and rescues statistics .  

 CBP One™ App

The CBP One™ mobile application is a key scheduling tool and part of DHS’s efforts to incentivize noncitizens to use lawful, safe, humane, and orderly pathways and processes. Noncitizens who cross between the ports of entry or who present themselves at a port of entry without making a CBP One™ appointment are generally subject to the interim final rule that, consistent with the Presidential Proclamation, restricts asylum eligibility for those who irregularly enter across the southwest land and the southern coastal borders.  DHS encourages migrants to utilize lawful processes, rather than taking the dangerous journey to cross unlawfully between the ports of entry, which also carries significant consequences under the United States immigration laws.

Use of the CBP One™ app to schedule appointments at ports of entry has increased CBP’s capacity to process migrants in a more efficient and orderly manner while cutting out unscrupulous smugglers who endanger and profit from vulnerable migrants. The suspension and limitation on entry and interim final rule does not apply to noncitizens who use the CBP OneTM mobile app to enter the United States at a port of entry in a safe and orderly manner to avail themselves to lawful processes.  

In June, CBP processed over 41,800 individuals through appointments at ports of entry utilizing advanced information submitted through CBP One™. Since the appointment scheduling function in CBP One™ was introduced in January 2023 through the end of June 2024, more than 680,500 individuals have successfully scheduled appointments to present at ports of entry instead of risking their lives in the hands of smugglers. The top nationalities processed subsequent to arrival for their appointment are Venezuelan, Cuban, and Haitian.  

A percentage of daily available appointments are allocated to the earliest registered CBP One™ profiles, so noncitizens who have been trying to obtain appointments for the longest time are prioritized. CBP is continually monitoring and evaluating the application to ensure its functionality and guard against bad actors.  

CHNV Parole Processes  

On January 5, 2023, DHS announced processes providing certain Cubans, Haitians, and Nicaraguans who have a supporter in the United States, undergo and clear robust security vetting and meet other eligibility criteria authorization to travel to the United States in a safe, orderly, and lawful way once they purchase their own commercial airline tickets. These processes were built on the success of the process for Venezuelans established in October 2022; they are publicly available online, and DHS has been providing regular updates on their use to the public. This is part of the Administration’s strategy to combine expanded lawful pathways with stronger consequences to reduce irregular migration. These processes have kept hundreds of thousands of people from migrating irregularly, often at the hands of smuggling networks.  

Through the end of June 2024, about 494,799 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans arrived lawfully on commercial flights and were granted parole under these processes. Specifically, 106,757 Cubans, 205,026 Haitians, 93,325 Nicaraguans, and 118,706 Venezuelans were vetted and authorized for travel; and 104,130 Cubans, 194,027 Haitians, 86,101 Nicaraguans, and 110,541 Venezuelans arrived lawfully and were granted parole. 

Safeguarding Communities by Interdicting Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs

As the largest law enforcement agency in the United States, CBP is uniquely positioned to detect, identify, and seize illicit drugs before they enter our communities. CBP’s combination of interdiction and intelligence capabilities, complemented by its border search authorities, scientific services, non-intrusive inspection equipment, and canine detection teams, places it at the forefront of the U.S. government’s efforts to combat illicit fentanyl and other dangerous drugs.

Earlier this year, CBP announced an expanded, multi-agency effort to target transnational criminals funneling fentanyl from Mexico into American communities. Operation Plaza Spike targets the cartels that facilitate the flow of deadly fentanyl, as well as its analogs, precursors, and tools to make the drugs. The operation is designed to disrupt operations in the “plazas,” cartel territories located directly south of the United States that are natural logistical chokepoints within the cartels’ operations. This is the next phase in CBP’s Strategy to Combat Fentanyl and Other Synthetic Drugs, a whole-of-government and international effort to anticipate, identify, mitigate, and disrupt illicit synthetic drug producers, suppliers, and traffickers.

That strategy also includes conducting operations, including Operation Apollo, that target the smuggling of illicit fentanyl and other dangerous drugs. First implemented in southern California in October 2023, and recently expanded into Arizona, Operation Apollo utilizes local field assets augmented by federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial partners to target drug traffickers’ supply chains in select locations based on ongoing investigations, intelligence collection, and drug seizure data. Operation Apollo targets items required in the production of illicit fentanyl, including precursor chemicals, pill presses and parts, movement of finished product, and illicit proceeds.  

Nationwide in June, seizures of cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, fentanyl, and marijuana combined by weight decreased by 17% compared to May. In June, nationwide heroin seizures increased by 47% compared with May, and seizures of cocaine increased by 13% . To date in FY 2024 through the end of June, CBP has seized over 15,000 pounds of fentanyl. CBP has caught more fentanyl nationwide between the start of fiscal year 2023 through June 30, 2024, than in the previous eight fiscal years combined, and we continue to optimize our intelligence and field operations to stop these deadly substances from reaching American communities.   

Additional CBP drug seizure statistics can be found on the Drug Seizure Statistics webpage .

  Facilitating Lawful Trade and Travel

 As international travel continues to increase, CBP is leveraging technology to streamline efficiency and increase security at air and land ports of entry. Travelers are encouraged to utilize CBP’s mobile apps to enhance their travel experience, including the Global Entry Mobile Application and Mobile Passport Control , as well as new Global Entry Touchless Portals at nearly all international airports across the United States, which protect passenger privacy and expedite arrival processing by eliminating paper receipts.

 Travelers arriving by air into the United States increased 11% from June 2023 to June 2024; pedestrians arriving by land at ports of entry increased 4% over the same period; passenger vehicles processed at ports of entry increased 2.5% ; and commercial trucks processed at ports of entry decreased 4.4%.  

CBP works diligently with the trade community and port operators to ensure that merchandise is cleared as efficiently as possible and to strengthen international supply chains and improve border security. In June 2024, CBP processed more than 2.8 million entry summaries valued at more than $272.1 billion , identifying estimated duties of nearly $6.7 billion to be collected by the U.S. government. In June, trade via the ocean environment accounted for 42.2% of the total import value, followed by air, truck, and rail.  

View more travel statistics , and trade statistics .

  Protecting Consumers, Eradicating Forced Labor from Supply Chains, and Promoting Economic Security 

CBP continues to lead U.S. government efforts to eliminate goods from the supply chain made with forced labor from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China. In June, CBP stopped 291 shipments valued at more than $39 million for further examination based on the suspected use of forced labor.  

Intellectual property rights violations continue to put America’s innovation economy at risk. Counterfeit and pirated goods threaten the competitiveness of U.S. businesses, the livelihoods of American workers, and the health and safety of consumers.  

Consumers are encouraged to be alert to the dangers of counterfeit goods especially when shopping online as they support criminal activity, hurt American businesses, and often have materials or ingredients that can pose serious health and safety risks. Every year CBP seizes millions of counterfeit products worth billions of dollars had they been genuine. In June, CBP seized 1,501 shipments that contained counterfeit goods valued at more than $395 million . More information about CBP’s intellectual property rights enforcement is available at https://www.cbp.gov/trade .  

CBP completed 19 audits in June that identified $9 million in duties and fees owed to the U.S. government, stemming from goods that had been improperly declared in accordance with U.S. trade laws and customs regulations. CBP collected over $2.3 million of this identified revenue and from previous fiscal years’ assignments.    

CBP is on the frontline of textiles and trade agreements enforcement, combating textile imports that are not compliant with U.S. trade laws. Protecting the domestic textile industry and American consumers is vital to U.S. national security, health care, and economic priorities. Toward this end, CBP is intensifying its targeting and enforcement efforts to increase and expedite the prosecution of illegal customs practices. CBP’s efforts include de minimis compliance, forced labor enforcement, cargo compliance, regulatory audits, and public awareness. In April, DHS announced an enhanced strategy to combat illicit trade and level the playing field for the American textile industry, which accounts for over 500,000 U.S. jobs and is critical for our national security. The plan details the actions CBP and Homeland Security Investigations will take to hold perpetrators accountable for customs violations and safeguard the American textile industry.  

View more UFLPA enforcement statistics , and intellectual property rights enforcement statistics.

  Defending our Nation’s Agricultural System  

Through targeting, detection, and interception, CBP agriculture specialists work to prevent threats from entering the United States. 

CBP issued 6,818 emergency action notifications for restricted and prohibited plant and animal products entering the United States in June 2024. CBP conducted 106,495 positive passenger inspections and issued 702 civil penalties and/or violations to the traveling public for failing to declare prohibited agriculture items.  

View more agricultural enforcement statistics .

*This includes removals and returns from the southwest border, northern border, and interior ports of entry. 

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is America's frontline: the nation's largest law enforcement organization and the world's first unified border management agency. The 65,000+ men and women of CBP protect America on the ground, in the air, and on the seas. We facilitate safe, lawful travel and trade and ensure our country's economic prosperity. We enhance the nation's security through innovation, intelligence, collaboration, and trust.

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As private sector expands, TV commercials return to Cuba for the first time in decades

O nce derided by Fidel Castro as a capitalist “plague” promoting banal consumerism, commercials will return to Cuban television after the island’s communist government passed a new law allowing the advertising for the first time in several decades.

State television will be able to sell up to three minutes of commercials per hour of transmission, but only between shows because ad breaks won’t be allowed. Advertising, sponsorship and donations will also be permitted on print, online and radio outlets, according to a Social Communication law approved last year by the National Assembly but made official only last month with its publication in the country’s Official Gazette.

It is unclear why publishing the new law took so long. Cuban state television won´t be airing commercials immediately because the Institute of Information and Social Communication must still approve advertising plans presented by each media outlet and decide on ad placement fees.

The return of TV ads comes as the government has authorized the creation of some small capitalist enterprises to try to save its languishing centrally planned economy. The flashy ads will also return when most Cubans are dealing with shortages of essential goods and high food prices, potentially adding to the discontent with the government.

The decision, Cuba observers say, was almost unthinkable just a few years ago, and it exposes how rapidly the country is changing despite the current government’s mantra that it seeks to be a continuation of Castro’s rule.

As part of his crusade against private property, Castro confiscated ad agencies and dismantled the advertising departments at big American companies his government nationalized after he took power in 1959. Many former creative staff turned to journalism or were tapped by the government to produce propaganda.

The images of Castro, guerrilla fighter Ernesto “Che” Guevara and messages like “Homeland or Death” took up the street billboards that once advertised many popular American products. Jingles and commercials were replaced with relentless communist propaganda, content about the latest public health campaign or promos for other government programs.

For some foreign observers, Cuba became a curiosity, an idyllic place without the annoying barrage of ads typical in capitalist societies. For Cubans, however, it underscored the Communist Party’s total control of the media and a fundamental economic reality: in a country with no competition and little to sell, there was no need for ads.

Castro made clear in speeches how much he disliked them.

“Our mass media educate; they do not poison or alienate. The values of rotten consumer societies are not worshiped or exalted,” he said in a 2003 speech boasting that Cuban media did not have commercials.

While the new law states that advertising would “safeguard socialist values,” many Cuba observers wonder what will happen when, instead of a propaganda message urging Cubans to behave “like Che,” they start watching ads for food and goods most can’t afford.

“Advertising is one of the centerpieces of capitalism. For the Cuban government to agree to allow advertising is a giant step that opens the doors to other themes of capitalism,” said Mario Garcia, a renowned Cuban American graphic artist who has designed several newspapers worldwide, including el Nuevo Herald. “Once you allow people to advertise their products, the government propaganda does not have a monopoly on influencing. So, this is a major development.”

The Communist Party says yes to advertising

The new Social Communication law was several years in the making, partly resulting from media managers and journalists lobbying the Communist Party to allow them to sell ads to add a revenue stream to the languishing state media system.

Since the law was first passed last year, some state radio stations and online media outlets like Cubadebate have been experimenting with “advertorials” — ads in the style of an editorial or journalism article — promotion banners and jingles paid by private enterprises, but restrictions on television have remained until now.

The return of advertising to Cuba has been gradual.

Despite advertising’s bad reputation, government agencies discreetly produced magazine ads promoting Cuban exports and tourism in the 1980s, but these were not meant to be consumed locally. For a brief period in the 1990s, coinciding with economic reforms, Cuban authorities allowed more visible advertising of global sports brands like Adidas on sports games and billboards. That push faded, but the advertising of local brands, Cuban estate enterprises, and the island as a tourist destination continued in magazines and other media, not television. The only exception was a channel available only in Cuban hotels, Cubavision Internacional, and satellite packages for foreign audiences.

Private businesses embrace advertising, too

Small private businesses, first allowed under the cover of “self-employment” in the 1990s and legally as private companies since 2021, have also embraced advertising. They have produced videos and other advertising material first distributed in what came to be known as the “ paquete ,” a weekly package of programming bought and sold on thumb drives, and later on social media as the government expanded internet access to mobile phones.

The existence of private advertising agencies is still prohibited, but many media professionals, designers and other creative staff who have licenses to provide services like graphic design or photography end up doing advertising. The University of Havana included advertising fundamentals in its Bachelor in Social Communication program in the 1990s, and other institutions followed suit.

Some private businesses offering web design, software programming and other communications-related services also end up working as creative agencies without the name, said Oniel Castellanos, founder of Auge, a private business in Havana that offers design and other corporate services to private companies.

As private businesses have grown and been authorized to hire up to 100 employees, some have built in-house departments for marketing, advertising and communications, he added.

The Communist Party, whose Ideological Department oversees state media, included several caveats in the new law to ensure that advertising on television and other government-controlled outlets conforms to the Party’s principles. The law restricts what can be shown or said in an ad, how much time or space can be bought for promotion purposes and who gets to produce the content.

Still, some Cubans believe allowing commercials when the country is going through a severe economic crisis might backfire.

“There is no money, no merchandise. What is the point? To raise money?” said a woman in Camaguey, in central Cuba, who asked not to be named. “The advertisement awakens desires..... How are they going to calm those snakes here?”


Cuba Foils Plot to Sneak Arms Onto Island From U.S., Official Says


Lead criminal investigator with Cuba's Interior Ministry Victor Alvarez looks on during a press conference in Havana, Cuba, July 8, 2024. REUTERS/Alexandre Meneghini

By Nelson Acosta

HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba has foiled a plot to sneak arms and ammunition onto the Caribbean island from the United States, detaining nearly three dozen people in a broader scheme authorities say sought to destabilize its government, a Cuba Interior Ministry official said on Monday.

Cuba first unveiled details of the plot last December, when authorities said a Cuban man residing in the United States arrived on the island by jetski, armed with guns, ammunition and military gear, to recruit others and commit acts of violence.

A subsequent seven-month investigation, said Víctor Álvarez, a lead criminal investigator with Cuba's Interior Ministry, unveiled a broader plan that includes participation by 32 Cuban residents and a U.S.-based group called La Nueva Nación Cubana, which Cuban authorities say continues to plot attacks on Cuba from U.S. soil.

Cuba said it had notified the U.S. government agencies of the results of the investigation, but said the individuals continue to act with impunity.

"These individuals continue to act with impunity in North American territory, organizing, financing and supporting activities of a violent nature in order to subvert the internal order of our country," Alvarez said.

The U.S. State Department said it was aware of the most recent allegations.

"U.S. law enforcement prosecutes individuals based on U.S. law and does not take direction from foreign governments," a state department official told Reuters on Monday via email.

Cuban authorities provided Reuters with what they said was a videotaped confession from Ardenys García, who allegedly entered Cuba by jetski in November before proceeding to recruit others to join him.

Officials said Garcia, who is now detained in Cuba, also faces human trafficking charges in the United States.

Cuba has for decades alleged the United States turns a blind eye to plots hatched by Cuban nationals residing in the United States to foment unrest on the island and upend its government.

Cuba in December published a list of foreign nationals and entities - including La Nueva Nación Cubana - that it accuses of involvement with terrorism, including many long-time dissidents who reside in the United States.

The list includes dozens of people Cuba says have been implicated in hotel bombings, plots to foment unrest, and assassination attempts against Fidel Castro, many of which date back decades.

The Cuban list appears to be the island`s response to a U.S. decision to keep Cuba on its own list of state sponsors of terrorism, a designation that subjects Cuba to harsh sanctions and considerable economic hardship.

(Reporting by Nelson Acosta, Editing by Dave Sherwood and Aurora Ellis)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

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12 Cuban migrants intercepted near the Florida Keys, returned to Cuba by Coast Guard

by Skyler Shepard

The U.S. Coast Guard said crews intercepted the 12 Cuban migrants offshore of Islamorada. (WPEC)

ISLAMORADA, Fla. (CBS12) — A dozen illegal migrants were sent back to Cuba after being caught only 13 miles from the Florida Keys.

The U.S. Coast Guard said crews intercepted the 12 Cuban migrants offshore of Islamorada and were taken back Tuesday.

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Once aboard a USCG boat, all migrants receive food, water, shelter, and basic medical attention, the release stated.

The Coast Guard warns migrants to use "lawful pathways" when entering the U.S.

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Beryl tracker: See path and spaghetti models for post-tropical cyclone, hurricane remnants

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Beryl , now a post-tropical cyclone, is expected to continue to move northeastward Wednesday and bring severe thunderstorms, heavy rain and flooding to parts of the Midwest, eastern Great Lakes and Northeast, according to the National Weather Service .

Heavy rainfall of 2 to 4 inches is expected across portions of the southern Great Lakes into central and northern New York and New England through Wednesday night, according to the National Hurricane Center . A few tornadoes are also possible Wednesday, mainly over western and central New York.

According to the NWS, the flash flooding threat will be greater over parts of northeastern New York into northern Vermont and New Hampshire, while thunderstorms could be severe in some parts of the Lower Great Lakes.

Beryl unleashed a barrage of severe weather to southeast Texas on Monday, killing at least four people, flooding highways,  closing oil ports , canceling more than 1,300 flights, and knocking out power to more than 2.7 million homes and businesses.

According to the  National Hurricane Center , Beryl, the season's earliest Category 5 hurricane on record, weakened from a hurricane after pounding the coastal Texas town of Matagorda, a coastal community between Corpus Christi and Galveston. It had sustained winds of more than 80 mph as it made landfall at 4 a.m. CT.

Last week,  Beryl carved a path of destruction across the Caribbean  — leaving at least 11 people dead and destroying or severely damaging infrastructure on several islands. Beryl, which at one point strengthened into the earliest Category 5 hurricane on record, last made landfall on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula Friday morning.

Beryl live updates: Beryl brings floods to north while Texans face brutal heat amid outages

Beryl path tracker

This forecast track shows the most likely path of the center of the storm. It does not illustrate the full width of the storm or its impacts, and the center of the storm is likely to travel outside the cone up to 33% of the time.

Click on the dots to see the storm's expected timing at that location.

National weather radar

Beryl spaghetti models.

Illustrations include an array of forecast tools and models, and not all are created equal. The hurricane center uses only the top four or five highest-performing models to help make its forecasts.

Beryl watches and warnings

According to the National Hurricane Center, a Flood Watch is in effect for portions of:

  • Northern Indiana
  • Southern Michigan
  • Central and Northern New York
  • New Hampshire

Contributing: Doyle Rice, Thao Nguyen, Cheryl McCloud, Christopher Cann, Cybele Mayes-Osterman, Jorge L. Ortiz and Michael Loria, USA TODAY

Gabe Hauari is a national trending news reporter at USA TODAY. You can follow him on X  @GabeHauari  or email him at [email protected].


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