FIPE Motos

  • Tabela FIPE
  • VOYAGE 1.0/1.0 City Mi Total Flex 8V 4p
  • 2012 Gasolina

Tabela FIPE Volkswagen VOYAGE 1.0/1.0 City Mi Total Flex 8V 4p 2012 Gasolina

Código de confirmação e autenticação FIPE pk6t8pjf4kj4.

Estes valores estão de acordo com a Tabela FIPE Oficial de Abril 2024 para o Brasil.

Faça a simulação do IPVA 2024 para o seu veículo.

Veja em baixo a desvalorização deste carro da marca Volkswagen para o ano de 2012.

Histórico de Preços de Volkswagen VOYAGE 1.0/1.0 City Mi Total Flex 8V 4p 2012 Gasolina

Tabela com a variação de preços de carros Volkswagen VOYAGE 1.0/1.0 City Mi Total Flex 8V 4p 2012 Gasolina .

Os valores apresentados são a média do mercado brasileiro para cada mês de referência da Tabela FIPE oficial, tendo sido considerados um total de 143 meses nesta análise de histórico e variação de preços de carros Volkswagen VOYAGE 1.0/1.0 City Mi Total Flex 8V 4p 2012 Gasolina segundo a tabela FIPE.

O período considerado nesta análise foi de Abril 2012 (R$ 30.410,00) a Março 2024 (R$ 29.756,00)

voyage ano 2012

Durante este período, de Abril 2012 a Março 2024, o valor do carro Volkswagen VOYAGE 1.0/1.0 City Mi Total Flex 8V 4p 2012 Gasolina variou entre

Esta diferença corresponde a uma variação de 28,05 % entre o valor mais alto (R$ 31.911,00) e o valor mais baixo (R$ 22.961,00) durante estes 143 meses.

Veja também outros anos de carros Volkswagen VOYAGE 1.0/1.0 City Mi Total Flex 8V 4p

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Comparativo Volkswagen Gol x Volkswagen Voyage

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Prueba: Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 Highline

voyage ano 2012

Por Christian Kleinberg

voyage ano 2012

Si bien no es una novedad, nos quedaba en el tintero probar la versión más completa de la gama luego del último restyling. Con un equipamiento enriquecido y la nobleza de siempre, enterate lo que ofrece y lo que debe el sedán de cuatro puertas más pequeño de Volkswagen en nuestro país. Con fotos de Martín Lübel.

2014-06 TEST Volkswagen Voyage Motorweb 09

Cuando Volkswagen reveló en Brasil la quinta generación de su campeón de ventas, el Gol (Trend) a mediados del 2008, la versión de tres volúmenes no tardó en aparecer para acompañar la propuesta. Hacia Septiembre de 2008, se mostraba por primera vez el Voyage, denominación ya utilizada en el pasado por VW Brasil para otro derivado del Gol, modelo que en Argentina conocimos como Gacel, que derivaba del primer Gol.

Pero, en el caso del mercado argentino, curiosamente recibimos primero el modelo siguiente, para muchos años después recibir el modelo gestador, el Gol.

2014-06 TEST Volkswagen Voyage Motorweb 14

Probamos el Voyage en su única motorización disponible, el 1.6 naftero denominado comercialmente «VHT», en la versión más completa, la Highline. Con 4.23 metros de largo, cuando salió al mercado, el Voyage era un buen sedán familiar del segmento pequeño con gran baúl y medidas generosas. En estos ultimos años, llegaron al mercado competidores de franja de mayor tamaño, dejando al Voyage como una variante más compacta -si se puede decir así- en su segmento.

Esto no invalida en absoluto las cualidades del pequeño VW, pero es importante notar cómo el mercado ha ido mutando su oferta y cómo posiblemente al Voyage se lo note más antiguo que a otros competidores. Entre otras cosas, por la relación precio/habitabilidad, tan valiosa en este segmento de autos.

2014-06 TEST Volkswagen Voyage Motorweb 23

Pero, lo que no tiene de tamaño o en accesorios el Voyage Highline, lo tiene en aplomo con su conjunto mecánico. Pese a ser una propuesta conservadora, como lo es todo este segmento regional, el Voyage sigue siendo común escuchar que la gente dice que «los autos de VW son todos iguales…”. Y que confundan al venir un Gol Trend, con un Fox o una Surán. Creo que la marca ha sabido capitalizar muy bien esta neutralidad en el aspecto, pudiendo así abarcar a un público más amplio, verdadero objetivo de estos modelos masivos.

La parte trasera del Voyage logró una vista que parece de mayor ancho general, gracias a un desarrollo extra de los faros posteriores, que crecieron visualmente hasta “adentro” de la tapa del baúl. Como complemento, un sutil deflector sobre el canto de la tapa del baúl el otorga un poco mas de carácter a esta versión.

2014-06 TEST Volkswagen Voyage Motorweb 30

El lateral, como en todos los casos de restylings de media vida de autos regionales, no sufrió cambios mayores, a excepción del modelo de llantas de aleación de 15 pulgadas. Algunas viras cromadas aplicadas en distintas partes de la carrocería resaltan que se trata de la versión más full del modelo.

2014-06 TEST Volkswagen Voyage Motorweb 44

Puertas adentro, el cambio también es sutil, aunque con aciertos. La tapicería, ahora con tela moldeada y con insertos centrales en gris casi metalizado, aportan un poco mas de luminosidad a un interior bastante sobrio, que peca en exceso de conservador. Lo entendemos en grandes berlinas de 60.000 dólares, pero nos parece un poco triste en un auto de estas características y en la parte más baja del mercado. Un poco de color, o mas contrastes, sin exceso, vendrían muy bien.

Incluso sería muy bueno para cortar el efecto de tanto plástico gris, que si bien tiene buena fabricación y no mostró defectos de encastres ni ruidos, tira un poco abajo la calidad de ensamblado del modelo, que es una de las mejores de su franja Mercosur. Tal vez hasta sea una cuestión de la densidad del grano que simulan los plásticos. Entre las novedades de la versión, hay nuevas toberas de ventilación, un nuevo frente de consola central en plástico negro brillante y que integra al equipo de audio, haciéndolo un poco menos “robable” al no ser tan universal. También hay cambios en el cluster de relojes, que ahora incluye una computadora central más completa, pero con caracteres demasiado pequeños.

2014-06 TEST Volkswagen Voyage Motorweb 47

No se entiende porqué Volkswagen hizo una vuelta atrás hacia la iluminación del display central en rojo, cuando en los modelos previos ya se incorporaba el tono blanco de iluminación, como tienen todos los otros modelos de la marca. También se cambiaron las palancas que comandan las luces de giro y los limpiaparabrisas detrás del volante. Ahora, separa la llave central de luces sobre la plancha, a la izquierda del conductor, como es costumbre en los autos de Volkswagen. Mucho más cómodo.

Completan el volante multifunción, y nuevos comandos de climatización, que sigue siendo únicamente manual. También se perdieron los pestillos de las trabas en cada puerta. Sin dudas, una antigüedad, pero de incontrastable practicidad, tanto visual como de uso.

2014-06 TEST Volkswagen Voyage Motorweb 51

Uno de los puntos en los cuales se nota que el tiempo ha pasado desde la concepción del Gol Trend y Voyage es que no hay lugar en la plancha para grandes pantallas multifuncionales, ni previsión para incorporarlas. Queda en deuda el navegador con GPS, la navegación intuitiva por las carpetas con música de un pendrive, o de nuestros contactos telefónicos, un indicador gráfico del sensor de estacionamiento (que no trae).

Imperdonable las teclitas pequeñas del estéreo, que junto a un display diminuto se ganarán el odio de los que ya necesitan anteojos…

2014-06 TEST Volkswagen Voyage Motorweb 58

Nos ponemos al mando del Voyage Highline y encontramos en esta versión que trae de serie columna de dirección regulable en altura y profundidad. También la butaca del conductor puede subir y bajar, algo siempre bienvenido para lograr la mejor posición de manejo posible. Si nos pusiéramos muy puntillosos, podríamos pedir un pequeño apoyabrazos central para el conductor. Y que su butaca baje 2 centímetros más y tendríamos sin dudas la mejor posición de manejo de su franja, sin dudas.

El Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 Highline puede parece austero en accesorios o aburrido en diseño, pero tiene un excelente desarrollo a nivel habitabilidad. Y, sin ser el más grande, se nota que está muy estudiado, ya que hay pocas interferencias. Las butacas delanteras, sin ofrecer un gran agarre lateral, tienen un buen diseño y son muy cómodas, incluso para viajes largos.

2014-06 TEST Volkswagen Voyage Motorweb 61

Las plazas traseras son cómodas, pero se ven justas si empezamos a mirar otros sedanes del segmento, más nuevos, que han sabido captar la necesidad de los mercados emergentes de autos familiares grandes pero a bajo precio. Sin embargo, para quien necesite que viajen 4 personas adultas solamente, no tendrá inconvenientes con las plazas traseras laterales del Voyage.

La plaza central, es conflictiva por varios factores: primero, porque existe un innecesario túnel central en el piso que no permite a quien viaje en el medio poder ubicar bien sus pies. Es increíble que aún hoy las marcas no hayan adoptado el piso trasero plano, sobretodo considerando que jamas dotarán a estos autos de tracción integral u otras soluciones mecánicas que justifiquen dicho túnel.

Por otra parte, parece que el quinto pasajero, el central trasero, no tiene derecho en el Mercosur, ni a un cinturón de seguridad inercial de 3 puntos, ni a un apoyacabezas propio. Punto a corregir, urgente. Siempre vamos a insistir con esto: si vos formás parte de una familia de 5 personas, ¿a quién mandas atrás al medio?

2014-06 TEST Volkswagen Voyage Motorweb 65

Motor y caja

Arrancamos el motor y salimos. En ciudad, el Voyage 1.6 es todo suavidad y agilidad. El motor desarrolla 101 cv y tiene un torque máximo de 143Nm a las 2.500 vueltas. En baja, está bien aislado y es sumamente placentero de manejar en el transito urbano. Es muy ágil, y con un seteo de suspensiones bastante equilibrado que hace que pueda resolver bien nuestras destartaladas calles. A la vez, soportar más decorosamente que otros competidores alguna curva veloz, aunque sin exagerar, puesto que siempre estamos con un vehículo familiar sin ningún aspiración deportiva.

A algunas personas con voluntad más paseandera, y sumando las llantas de 15, el Voyage Highline les podría llegar a parecer un poco áspero en pisos disparejos. Pero preferimos eso y no que ante una maniobra de emergencia el auto se escore como un velero! La caja y la dirección se llevan gran parte de los halagos en la conducción urbana, con movimientos suaves, pero precisos. El pomo de cambios también es nuevo y sigue el estilo de otros modelos comos el Vento o el Passat.

2014-06 TEST Volkswagen Voyage Motorweb 54

La caja de velocidades, fabricada en la provincia de Córdoba y común a los modelos Gol Trend, Voyage, Fox y Surán, es una delicia para pasar cambios. Tiene recorridos justos y marchas precisas y sin dudas me atrevo a decir que es la más agradable entre las de todos sus competidores Mercosur. Sería realmente muy acertado si la marca decidiera desarrollar esta misma caja «MQ» con seis relaciones.

Como curiosidad, marcamos la diferencia de aislaciones dentro del habitáculo del Voyage, ya que parecería que todo el esfuerzo está en limitar la entrada del ruido motor al habitáculo. Pero la parte trasera no está tan bien aislada y pudimos escuchar, en más de una oportunidad, el ruido de la nafta dentro del tanque.

2014-06 TEST Volkswagen Voyage Motorweb 38

En ruta, y hasta los 130 km/h el andar del Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 Highline es correcto. Y a esa velocidad llega a un limite que demuestran que es un auto desarrollado más bien para el uso urbano que para viajar. Así, aunque sepamos que en países como el nuestro o Brasil son autos familiares multiuso y sí se usarán para hacer grandes viajes.

A 130 km/h, el motor gira a un régimen elevado, prácticamente 3.600 rpm. Esto redunda en dos molestias: la primera y más evidente, es el consumo. Si bien la caja está bien relacionada, la quinta queda corta y el auto pide a gritos una sexta marcha para poder equiparar lo que son los consumos hoy en día en el resto del mundo para un motor de 1.6 litros de cilindrada.

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Aquí es donde vemos la contracara del motor confiable, archi-probado y de fórmula simple, que aun arrastra performances de otras épocas. A 130 km/h el Voyage nos dio un consumo promedio de 8.8  litros cada 100km/h. Sumarle pasajeros y equipaje y seguramente rondaremos los 10 litros en un típico viaje familiar de vacaciones. En ciudad, consume aproximadamente 7.5 litros cada 100 km.

El segundo aspecto: que el motor gire a tantas vueltas a alta velocidad es que el ruido, que en ciudad es bajo, se torna bastante elevado y al cabo de unas horas de viaje, molesta. Los frenos del Voyage están dimensionados para un uso citadino, y no le vendrían mal unos discos traseros para completar el poder frenante. Gracias a la incorporación del ABS de serie en todas las versiones, las distancias de frenado se ven sutilmente mejoradas, aunque sin sorprender.

2014-06 TEST Volkswagen Voyage Motorweb 37

Y ya que mencionamos al ABS, hablemos de seguridad. El Voyage tiene unas de cal y otras de arena en este aspecto. Por un lado, decíamos, faltan los sistemas de retención apropiados para el pasajero central trasero. Pero por otro, el Voyage suma doble airbag frontal, guiños laterales (en los espejos retrovisores, pero solo en versión Highline), y faros antiniebla delanteros y trasero, siendo este último una incorporación que aplaudimos.

Quedan en el “debe), ítems como los ganchos ISOfix en las plazas traseras, airbags delanteros laterales (aunque sean opcionales a costo extra), como ofrecen ya algunos competidores regionales. Y, porqué no, la inclusión del ESP de serie, el sistema de Control de Estabilidad que tantos accidentes puede ayudar a prevenir.

2014-06 TEST Volkswagen Voyage Motorweb 67

El baúl del Voyage es muy grande. Son 480 litros de capacidad que pueden ampliarse aún más, rebatiendo los respaldos traseros en mitades asimétricas. La rueda de auxilio, accesible desde adentro del baúl como preferimos, es de 15 pulgadas de diámetro y con neumático en 195/55, como el resto de las ruedas, aunque montada en llanta de chapa negra. No será la solución más estética, pero por lo menos nos permitiría seguir nuestro viaje sin alteraciones si pinchamos una goma en un lugar remoto. 

Tirón de orejas para la terminación del interior del baúl, con todavía mucha chapa a la vista, bisagras intrusivas que se llevan gran volumen de carga en su recorrido. Y sin manijas para accionar la tapa del baúl, ni del lado de adentro, ni de afuera.

2014-06 TEST Volkswagen Voyage Motorweb 70

¿Para quién es este Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 Highline? Para todo aquel que requiera del espacio extra de baúl que otorga el Voyage por sobre el Gol Trend.Y que busque un auto simple, rendidor, bien armado y con una buena fama ya ganada en el mercado. Se trata de un auto que, si bien no ofrece muchos de los “chiches tecnológicos” que de hoy en la competencia, recompensará a su dueño con nobleza y durabilidad. También en costos de mantenimiento contenidos y una valor de reventa siempre positivo.

El precio de la versión probada, al momento de publicarse esta nota, es de 165.790 Pesos . Su garantía, desde hace un tiempo, fue extendida hasta los 3 años o 100.000 kilómetros, lo que suceda primero.

2014-06 TEST Volkswagen Voyage Motorweb 33

Qué nos encantó del Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 Highline:

  • Conjunto mecánico probado y rendidor
  • Agilidad en tránsito urbano
  • Caja de cambios de muy buen tacto
  • Posición de manejo
  • Baúl muy amplio

Qué no le perdonamos al Volkswagen Voyage 1.6 Highline:

  • Algunos faltantes de seguridad básicos
  • Plásticos rígidos atentan contra la percepción de calidad
  • Rumorosidad a alta velocidad
  • Falta un equipo multimedia moderno
  • Sin sensores de estacionamiento

  1 2 ... 4 ►

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Districts [ edit ]


Central Moscow districts [ edit ]

Outlying districts [ edit ], understand [ edit ].

voyage ano 2012

Moscow is the financial and political centre of Russia and the countries formerly comprising the Soviet Union. It has a population of around 13 million and an area of 2,511 square kilometres (970 sq mi) after an expansion in 2012. One-tenth of all Russian citizens live in the Moscow metropolitan area. Moscow is the second most populous city in Europe, after Istanbul , and has the most populous metropolitan area in Europe, with some 21 million residents. Moscow is in the UTC+3 time zone; there is no daylight saving time.

Many years since the break up of the Soviet Union, the economy has improved, and the modern era has brought upon a wide variety of construction projects, modern architecture and newer transport systems replacing the derelict ones during Soviet times.

Geography [ edit ]

Moscow is a large metropolis on the Moskva River, which bends its way through the city. The historical center is on the northern bank of the river. The other major waterway is the Yauza River, which flows into the Moskva east of the Kremlin.

Much of Moscow's geography is defined by the 3 'Ring Roads' that circle the city at various distances from the centre, roughly following the outline of the walls that used to surround Moscow. With Red Square and the Kremlin forming the very centre, the innermost ring road is the Boulevard Ring ( Bulvarnoye Koltso ), built in the 1820s where the 16th century walls used to be. It runs from the Christ the Savior Cathedral in south-west central Moscow, to the mouth of the Yauza in south-east central Moscow.

The next ring road, the Garden Ring ( Sadovoe Koltso ), derives its name from the fact that landowners near the road in Tsarist times were obligated to maintain gardens to make the road attractive. In Soviet times, the road was widened, and there are now no gardens there.

The Third Ring Road, completed in 2004, is not much use for tourists but is a heavily used motorway which absorbs a bit of Moscow's traffic. It roughly follows the outline of Kamer-Kollezhsky val , the customs boundary of Moscow in the 18th – early 20th century. The outer edge of Moscow is largely defined by the Moscow Ring Road (widely known by its abbreviation: MKAD-Moskovskaya kolcevaya avto doroga), a motorway which is 108 km (67 mi) long and encircles the entire city (similar to London's M25 and Paris' Périphérique ).

Climate [ edit ]

The climate of Moscow features warm summers and long, cold winters.

Get in [ edit ]

See Russia#Get in for visa requirements to Russia.

By train [ edit ]

voyage ano 2012

Moscow is a railway hub, with connections to all parts of Russia and far into Europe and Asia. Due to its hub status, Moscow's train stations are often crowded; trains are the usual form of intercity transport for most Russians. The stations have a reputation for being unsafe but paradoxically the threat of terrorism has improved things: security gates, policing and surveillance deter the casual thugs and villains. Guard your valuables and yourself as you would in any big city.

All long-distance trains are operated by Russian Railways and its subsidiaries, except for a few international trains with other operators. Tickets can be bought at stations or online . For domestic trains, you can show the ticket officer your online boarding pass; however, international trains require a printed ticket. There are usually ticket counters with English-speaking personnel - they may be marked as such, or the clerk may direct you to another counter if they can't cope with your English. See Russia#By train 2 for more details on travelling in Russia by train.

From Europe [ edit ]

All trains from Europe halted since 2020

Train stations in Moscow [ edit ]

Moscow has 10 train stations, 9 of which are near metro stations close to the center of Moscow. Be sure to note the station from which your train is departing, which will be indicated on the ticket, or online . Three stations ( Leningradsky , Yaroslavsky , and Kazansky ) are on one huge square, informally known as the "Three Stations' Square". A running joke among Moscow taxi drivers since the Soviet times is to be able to pick up a fare from one of them to the other, taking the unwary tourist on an elaborate ride in circles. Be prepared for enormous queues trying to enter or exit the Metro at peak times, as people are getting off or on the commuter trains.

By car [ edit ]

Many entry points to Moscow over the Ring Road and into the city feature rotating roadblocks, where teams of traffic police may stop a vehicle, especially if it is not featuring Moscow plates. You may be stopped and questioned but you'll be allowed to proceed if you have all the proper documents.

Foreign cars, especially expensive cars, might attract unwelcome attention, and there is cumbersome paperwork involved to enter Russia by car.

By boat [ edit ]

There is no scheduled passenger service to Moscow by boat; however, cruise ships do provide service to the Northern River Terminal, on the Moscow Canal near the Khimki Reservoir. The pier is not convenient to the city and it can take over 2 hours to reach the city centre by car.

A system of navigable channels and locks connects the Moskva River with the Volga River, which is further connected to the Baltic Sea , White Sea, the Azov, the Black Sea, and the Caspian Sea. In the Soviet times this allowed the official propaganda to refer to Moscow as "a port on the five seas".

By bicycle [ edit ]

Moscow is the easternmost destination of the EuroVelo cycling routes . Eurovelo Route 2 , the Capitals Route, is a 5,500 km (3,400 mi) route starting in Galway , Ireland , passing through Dublin , London , Berlin , Warsaw and Minsk before terminating in Moscow.

By metro [ edit ]

voyage ano 2012

The Metro is open from 05:30-01:00. Station entrances are closed at 01:00, and at this time the last trains depart from all of the termini stations. After 01:00, many locals will enter the train station using the exits, which are still open. Service on the ring line runs until 01:30, although entrances are closed at 01:00. The down escalators are also shut off at 01:00.

There is signage in the Metro stations in English and the Latin alphabet, but these signs are not everywhere. Each train carriage has a map in Latin script and there is one near the entrance to each station. Note the direction of the train before you alight. It is worth printing a map of the metro system in both Cyrillic and Latin letters to take with you.

All trains in the system have free WiFi onboard, but you will need to have a Russian phone number to get the authorization code to access the WiFi. Some of the older train cars are not climate controlled.

2 or 3 stations may be connected as transfer points but will each have a different name. There are 2 stations called Smolenskaya and 2 stations called Arbatskaya , but the station pairs are not connected to each other despite having the same name. Some of the stations are very deep underground, and transfer times between certain metro lines can take a lot of time. In the city centre, it can save time to go directly to the above-ground entrance of the line you want to take rather than to enter at a connecting station and transfer underground. On the escalators, stand on the right and walk on the left except for peak hours, when standing on the left side is also allowed.

Some of the train stations include beautiful architecture and it is worth taking a guided tour of the metro system. The most interesting stations in terms of decor are Komsomolskaya (ring line), Novoslobodskaya (ring line), Kievskaya (ring line), Kropotkinskaya (Line #1 - red), Kievskaya (Line #3 - dark blue), Arbatskaya (Line #3 - dark blue), Ploschad' Revolyutsii (Line #3 - dark blue), Mayakovskaya (Line #2 - dark green). Also look at the architecture of the ground entrance building of Arbatskaya (Line #4 - light blue) and Krasnye Vorota (Line #1 - red). History buffs may appreciate that Metro Line #1 (red) has the oldest stations, opened in 1935.

The Vorobyovy Gory Metro Station on Line #1 (red) is unique in that it is on a bridge crossing the Moscow River. This bridge also carries auto traffic road on another level. There is a beautiful view through the transparent sides of the station. A great observing point around Moscow is located nearby on Vorobyovy hills, next to the main building of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

There are a couple of unique trains operating through the system and you will be lucky if you get to ride them. Aquarelle (Watercolor) is a train that includes an art gallery. The train operates daily on Line #3 (dark blue). The Sokolniki Retro Train is a train modeled after the original 1930s trains and it occasionally is placed into service, usually around a major anniversary of the metro system.

The metro is relatively safe, although pickpockets are a problem, as they are in any environment where a lot of people are pressed together. Opportunistic petty crime, such as snatching someone's mobile phone and jumping out just as the doors are closing, is also commonplace. Take the usual precautions at night when gangs of inebriated teenagers may look for an excuse to beat someone up. There is no train guard or conductor, so the first car near the driver may be the safest. Every car is equipped with an intercom to the driver's cabin; they are beige boxes with a grill and a black button near doors, and mostly work, unless visibly vandalized.

By tram [ edit ]

There are several tram routes, although trams are not common in the city centre.

By monorail [ edit ]

Moscow Monorail is a 4.7 km (2.9 mi) monorail line with 6 stations. It is slower, less frequent, and has shorter operating hours when compared with the metro (every 30 min, 08:00-20:00). However, the view is picturesque. It is useful to get to the Ostankino Tower, or to get to the VDNKh exhibition centre from Metro Line #9 (silver). Interchanges between Moscow Metro and Monorail is free, no additional fee will be charged.

By hop-on-hop-off bus [ edit ]

The hop-on-hop-off bus is a convenient way for tourists to see the major sights quickly and efficiently. The buses feature English-speaking guides to answer any questions. A 1 day pass costs $24 for adults and $15 for children.

See [ edit ]

Do [ edit ].

Moscow has many attractions, but many of them are not friendly to a non-Russian-speaker. English-language newspapers like The Moscow Times , Element [dead link] , Moscow News and others can help to navigate towards English-language friendly attractions and services.

Circuses [ edit ]

Theatres [ edit ].

  • Bolshoi Theatre , one of the oldest and best known ballet and opera companies in the world.

Learn [ edit ]

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Moscow remains the educational center of Russia and the former USSR. There are 222 institutes of higher education, including 60 state universities & 90 colleges. Some of these offer a wide-spectrum of programs, but most are centered around a specific field. This is a hold-over from the days of the USSR, when Sovietwide there were only a handful of wide-spectrum "universities" and a large number of narrow-specialization "institutes" (mostly in Moscow & St.Petersburg). Moscow offers some of the best business/management, science, & arts schools in the world. Moscow is also a popular destination for foreign students to learn Russian.

Work [ edit ]

You will need a work visa which is not an easy process. The visa needs to be arranged well in advance of traveling. It is possible to work in Moscow, you just need to find a good company to support you. The main obstacle for many foreigners will be a mandatory Russian language exam required to obtain a work permit.

Shopping malls [ edit ]

Large shopping malls are common near metro stations.

Tipping [ edit ]

For information on tipping in restaurants, see Russia#Eat .

Ethnic food [ edit ]

Authentic ethnic food from countries of the nearby Caucasus ( Azerbaijan , Georgia , Armenia ) is common in Moscow. Japanese food, including sushi, rolls, tempura, and steakhouses are very popular in Moscow. Other Asian cuisines including Vietnamese, Thai, and Chinese are becoming increasingly more common.

Budget [ edit ]

Street food [ edit ].

Free-standing kiosks serving sausages, meat pies, or kebobs are plentiful, although the origins of the meat served is questionable and the food has been known to occasionally make people sick.

Muscovites are also fond of their ice cream, consumed in any weather, even in the dead of winter, cheap and usually of superior quality; kiosks can be found all over the center and near all Metro stations.

Foodcourts 2.0 [ edit ]

This term is used in articles by local food critics: since 2016, several special food courts were opened with independent and small food chains, for those people who get bored of McDonald's-like food. They offer a wider choice of cuisines.

Clubs [ edit ]

Nightlife in Moscow is bustling, intense and exciting. It starts quite late; it's common for the headliners to start at 02:00-02:00. Most noticeable are areas near Solyanka street and Krasniy Oktyabr' place. At summer time a lot of clubs opening open-air terraces called "verandas". Most of clubs in Moscow are very picky of who they let in, so make sure you have a positive attitude and dress up if you are going to a fancy club.

Gazgolder [dead link] (not far from Kremlin) is among the best.

Cafes [ edit ]

Moscow has several café chains with great coffee including Coffeemania and Coffee Bean [dead link] . Moscow also has a good selection of tea saloons. High-quality infusion teas such as Newby, are widely available in cafes, both in packets and loose.

Asking to add boiling water to the tea you ordered earlier is a practice that some cafes don't welcome, but normally it's acceptable.

Sleep [ edit ]

Stay safe [ edit ].

Moscow enjoys a relatively low crime rate.

voyage ano 2012

Drunk people are the most likely sources of problems. In the past years, lots of policemen were corrupt, and it was best to avoid them. Nowadays Moscow has a Tourist Police force, whose officers are able to speak foreign languages and help tourists. Police officers are equipped with body-cameras.

It is preferable to avoid some parts of the outer districts of Moscow, especially in the south. Some of those areas are notorious for gopniks (drunkards notorious for muggings and starting fights with strangers, and will do so seemingly unprovoked), who normally hang out in sparse residential areas and in industrial zones. The same problems can be witnessed in the surrounding regions and in other Russian cities as well.

While traveling in Moscow, as in the rest of Russia, you should always have your passport with you. If you look non-white, your papers may get checked more often than otherwise. The police may demand to see your papers to check if you have been registered within 7 business days of your arrival into Moscow. Always remember that if you stay in a hotel then you are automatically registered and will be handed a confirmation paper at a time of check-in, so don't worry in this case. The police are usually looking for migrants from Central Asia and unless you fit this profile, you are unlikely to be questioned.

Women should take caution walking alone late at night since they may receive unwanted attention from drunk men. Women should also stay clear of large companies of men in front of bars, restaurants, etc. It is best to walk with a friend if possible.

Streets can become very slippery in winter. Wear shoes or, even better, boots with decent grip to prevent twisted ankles. Ice patches can be hard to spot. A waterproof raincoat is also sensible.

Traffic is poorly handled, and vehicle accident rates are very high.

If you need help with translation, ask students or pupils: younger people are more likely to be able to help you than the older generations.

Connect [ edit ]

For information on using telephones and buying SIM cards in Russia, see Russia#Connect .

Mobile Internet is quite affordable in Russia, but you have to buy Russian SIM-card first.

Wireless Internet [ edit ]

Moscow Metro has Wi-Fi in all trains. It is ad-supported.

Mosgortrans has Wi-Fi spots on every bus, trolleybus and tram. Also sometimes you can find Wi-Fi spot on a public transport stop.

Beeline Wi-Fi [dead link] operates the largest network of both paid and free Wi-Fi access points. If there is a charge, you can pay online via credit card.

There is a large network of free Wi-Fi hotspots in the city centre; check your device in the middle of a busy area and you may find one.

Many cafes and restaurants offer Wi-Fi - ask for password. Most bookstores offer free Wi-Fi, including "Dom Knigi" on New Arbat Street or "Respublika" bookstore on Tverskaya near Mayakovskaya Metro Station.

Some establishments that offer free Wi-Fi may require you to verify an authorization code sent to a Russian phone number before gaining access, but for the most part, foreign numbers also work as of 2016.

Cope [ edit ]

Embassies [ edit ].

Moscow is one of the global diplomatic capitals, competing with Berlin , Brussels , Beijing , Paris , London , Tokyo and Washington D.C. . Most of the world's countries have their embassies in the city.

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Le Corbusier’s triumphant return to Moscow

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The exhibition of French prominent architect Le Corbusier, held in The Pushkin Museum, brings together the different facets of his talent. Source: ITAR-TASS / Stanislav Krasilnikov

The largest Le Corbusier exhibition in a quarter of a century celebrates the modernist architect’s life and his connection with the city.

Given his affinity with Moscow, it is perhaps surprising that the city had never hosted a major examination of Le Corbusier’s work until now. However, the Pushkin Museum and the Le Corbusier Fund have redressed that discrepancy with the comprehensive exhibition “Secrets of Creation: Between Art and Architecture,” which runs until November 18.

Presenting over 400 exhibits, the exhibition charts Le Corbusier’s development from the young man eagerly sketching buildings on a trip around Europe, to his later years as a prolific and influential architect.

The exhibition brings together the different facets of his talent, showing his publications, artwork and furniture design alongside photographs, models and blueprints of his buildings.

Russian art reveals a new brave world beyond the Black Square

Art-Moscow fair targets younger art collectors

In pictures: 20th century in photographs: 1918-1940

Irina Antonova, director of the Pushkin Museum, said, “It was important for us to also exhibit his art. People know Le Corbusier the architect, but what is less well know is that he was also an artist. Seeing his art and architecture together gives us an insight into his mind and his thought-processes.”

What becomes obvious to visitors of the exhibition is that Le Corbusier was a man driven by a single-minded vision of how form and lines should interact, a vision he was able to express across multiple genres.

The upper wings of the Pushkin Museum are separated by the central stairs and two long balconies. The organizers have exploited this space, allowing comparison of Le Corbusier’s different art forms. On one side there are large paintings in the Purist style he adapted from Cubism, while on the other wall there are panoramic photographs of his famous buildings.

Le Corbusier was a theorist, producing many pamphlets and manifestos which outlined his view that rigorous urban planning could make society more productive and raise the average standard of living.

It was his affinity with constructivism, and its accompanying vision of the way architecture could shape society, which drew him to visit the Soviet Union, where, as he saw it, there existed a “nation that is being organized in accordance with its new spirit.”

The exhibition’s curator Jean-Louis Cohen explains that Le Corbusier saw Moscow as “somewhere he could experiment.” Indeed, when the architect was commissioned to construct the famous Tsentrosoyuz Building, he responded by producing a plan for the entire city, based on his concept of geometric symmetry.

Falling foul of the political climate

He had misread the Soviet appetite for experimentation, and as Cohen relates in his book Le Corbusier, 1887-1965, drew stinging attacks from the likes of El Lissitsky, who called his design “a city on paper, extraneous to living nature, located in a desert through which not even a river must be allowed to pass (since a curve would contradict the style).”

Not to be deterred, Le Corbusier returned to Moscow in 1932 and entered the famous Palace of the Soviets competition, a skyscraper that was planned to be the tallest building in the world.

This time he fell foul of the changing political climate, as Stalin’s growing suspicion of the avant-garde led to the endorsement of neo-classical designs for the construction, which was ultimately never built due to the Second World War.

Situated opposite the proposed site for the Palace of the Soviets, the exhibition offers a tantalizing vision of what might have been, presenting scale models alongside Le Corbusier’s plans, and generating the feeling of an un-built masterpiece.

Despite Le Corbusier’s fluctuating fortunes in Soviet society, there was one architect who never wavered in his support . Constructivist luminary Alexander Vesnin declared that the Tsentrosoyuz building was the "the best building to arise in Moscow for over a century.”

The exhibition sheds light on their professional and personal relationship, showing sketches and letters they exchanged. In a radical break from the abstract nature of most of Le Corbusier’s art, this corner of the exhibition highlights the sometimes volatile architect’s softer side, as shown through nude sketches and classical still-life paintings he sent to Vesnin.

“He was a complex person” says Cohen. “It’s important to show his difficult elements; his connections with the USSR, with Mussolini. Now that relations between Russia and the West have improved, we can examine this. At the moment there is a new season in Le Corbusier interpretation.” To this end, the exhibition includes articles that have never previously been published in Russia, as well as Le Corbusier’s own literature.

Completing Le Corbusier’s triumphant return to Russia is a preview of a forthcoming statue, to be erected outside the Tsentrosoyuz building. Even if she couldn’t quite accept his vision of a planned city, Moscow is certainly welcoming him back.

All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

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