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  • by Friedrich Rückert (1788 - 1866), no title  [author's text checked 1 time against a primary source]

Musical settings (art songs, Lieder, mélodies, (etc.), choral pieces, and other vocal works set to this text), listed by composer (not necessarily exhaustive):

  • by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827), "Fahr' wohl du gold'ne Sonne" [ chorus ]  [sung text not yet checked]
  • by Arno Kleffel (1840 - 1913), "Bei Sonnenuntergang", op. 8 ( Zehn zweistimmige Lieder (für hohe und tiefe Stimme) mit Pianoforte ), Heft 1 no. 2, published 1875 [ vocal duet for high voice and low voice with piano ], Berlin, Simon  [sung text not yet checked]
  • by James P. Prior , "Fahr' wohl, o goldene Sonne", published 1899 [ voice and piano ], from Lieder für 1 Singstimme mit Pianoforte , no. 11, Frankfurt a/M., Firnberg  [sung text not yet checked]
  • by Karl Heinrich Carsten Reinecke (1824 - 1910), "Beim Sonnenuntergang", op. 29 ( Vier Lieder ) no. 2 (1850) [ voice and piano ]  [sung text checked 1 time]
  • by Ernst (Friedrich Karl) Rudorff (1840 - 1916), "Bei Sonnenuntergang", op. 23 ( Sechs Lieder für vierstimmigen Frauenchor ohne Begleitung ) no. 5, published 1877 [ four-part women's chorus a cappella ], Berlin, Bote & Bock  [sung text not yet checked]

Available translations, adaptations or excerpts, and transliterations (if applicable):

  • ENG English [singable] (Anonymous/Unidentified Artist) , "Sunset"
  • ENG English (Emily Ezust) , "Farewell o golden sun", copyright © 2012
  • FRE French (Français) (Pierre Mathé) , copyright © 2011, (re)printed on this website with kind permission

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Traduction Gute Nacht Schubert

Version originale et traduction du poème de Wilhelm Müller, repris dans le premier lied du Voyage d’hiver (Winterreise) de Schubert, Gute Nacht . Traduction réalisée par Pierre Mathé. Toute reproduction est interdite sans son accord. Consultez le site d’ Emily Ezust pour plus d’informations.

* Schubert a modifié ce vers dans son lied, il faut alors traduire "je t’écris" au lieu de "j’écris seulement".

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What is the translation of "bon voyage" in German?

"bon voyage" in german, bon voyage {interj.}.

  • volume_up glückliche Reise


Bon voyage {interjection}, context sentences, english german contextual examples of "bon voyage" in german.

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content.

  • open_in_new Link to source
  • warning Request revision

Monolingual examples

English how to use "bon voyage" in a sentence, english how to use "glückliche reise" in a sentence, synonyms (english) for "bon voyage":, similar translations, similar translations for "bon voyage" in german.

  • eine Seereise machen
  • mit einem Schiff reisen
  • Schiffsreise
  • Feinschmecker
  • Jungfernreise
  • Jungfernfahrt
  • bombshell announcement
  • bombthrower
  • bombtrajectory
  • bona fide holder
  • bona fide mortgagee
  • bona fide pledgee
  • bona fide purchaser
  • bona fide purchaser for value
  • bona fide receiver
  • bona fide third party
  • bona fide transferee

In the English-Arabic dictionary you will find more translations.

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Everything about the French sentence "Bon voyage"

You are in the right place to find out all the things you need to know about the basic sentence "Bon voyage". To be more specific, this includes a detailed explanation of what it is and how to use it in a normal conversation with an audio example. Along with the useful things we sprinkled like dialogue example, slow pronunciation audio, synonyms and more!

French to English translation

Translation : Have a nice trip

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Audio pronunciation

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IPA : / bɔ̃ vwajaʒ /

aesthetic french quote bon voyage

What does bon voyage mean?

It literally means:

  • Voyage → Trip

It means "Have a good trip " or "Have a nice trip ". We use it when saying goodbye to someone (or a group of people) leaving for a trip, to wish a safe and nice time during the trip.

Cool thing: "bon voyage " is also used in English with the exact same meaning.

When you want to wish a safe and good trip to someone or a group of people, you can simply add "Bon voyage ". 

If you want to make a sentence out of it, you can say: "Fais bon voyage " (Have a nice/good trip). And for a formal version, use instead: "Je vous souhaite un bon voyage → I wish you a good/nice trip "

If the trip involves driving on the road, you can use "Bonne route → Have a nice (trip on the) road ". And if it's a flight: "Bon vol → Have a good/nice flight ".

Finally, if the trip is about going home, you can also use "Bon retour → Have a good/nice journey home ".

A little trick, if you add "bon(ne) " before a noun, it will mean: "enjoy *noun* " or "have a nice/good *noun* ".

Few examples:

  • Bonne journée → Have a nice day
  • Bon week-end → Have a nice weekend
  • Bon appétit → Enjoy your meal
  • Bonne visite → Enjoy your visit
  • Bon match → Enjoy the game
  • Je vous souhaite un bon voyage → I wish you a good/nice trip
  • Fais bon voyage → Have a good/nice trip
  • Bonne route → Have a nice (trip on the) road / Be safe on the road
  • Bon vol → Have a good/nice flight
  • Bon retour → Have a good/nice journey home

Example in a dialogue with French audio

Allez, on y va !

Come on, let's go!

Ça marche ! Bon voyage !

All right! Have a nice trip

Merci ! À plus tard !

Thanks! See you later!

Learn French the easy way with our French - English parallel texts with slow French audio

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Getting To Know Italy

How Do You Say BON VOYAGE in Italian?

Is someone you know going on a trip? Perhaps even to Italy? Say buon viaggio to wish them bon voyage in Italian! 

Table of Contents


Buon viaggio means have a good trip or have a good journey in Italian, just like bon voyage does in French. Buon means good in Italian, and viaggio means trip or journey , so buon viaggio literally means good trip , or good journey . 

In French, bon means good , and voyage means trip/journey , so the French bon voyage has the same construction and meaning as the Italian buon viaggio .

The pronunciation of buon viaggio is: boo-OHN vee-AH-jee-oh

Listen to how to pronounce buon viaggio here:

A: Domani vado in Spagna. Tomorrow I’m going to Spain. B: Davvero? Buon viaggio! Really? Bon voyage!

Boy waves to old train and says in graphic speech bubble, 'Buon Viaggio!'  You can see low, tree-covered mountains in the background.


You can also tell someone to explicitly have a good trip by using the Italian verb fare in the imperative form ( l’imperativo ), otherwise known as the command form. Fare means to make or to do , as well as to have in this context.

Fai buon viaggio! means Have a good trip! in the informal singular you form. Use it when speaking to someone you know well.

Faccia buon viaggio! means Have a good trip! in the formal singular you form. Use it when speaking to someone you don’t know well, an elder, or someone with superior social status.

Fate buon viaggio! means Have a good trip! in the plural you form. Use it when speaking to a group. 


Buon isn’t just for trips! You can use the Italian word buon , or good , in a variety of situations, like to wish people a good day, a good weekend, a good vacation, a happy birthday , happy holidays , and much more. 

Here are some examples:

In English, when we tell someone to have a good trip we often mean their whole vacation, not just the part when they are traveling. In Italian, buon viaggio refers to the journey part, when the person is traveling to their destination. If you’d like to give someone best wishes for their entire vacation, say buona vacanza , or buone ferie .


The Italian singer-songwriter Cesare Cremonini’s 2015 hit Buon Viaggio (Share the Love), or Bon Voyage , encourages us to gather our courage to take that trip, no matter where it takes us. 

Buon ascolto! Happy listening!

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  4. Bon voyage! Sheet music for Piano (Solo)

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  5. Bon Voyage! from Luc Grethen

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  6. Grethen, Bon Voyage!

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  2. "Bon Voyage" German One Piece Soundtrack with Lyrics + Translation

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  5. Bon Voyage

  6. Flume (instrumental) [Bon Iver]


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  2. Bon Voyage (Die große Schlagerstrandparty 2022)

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  5. Bon voyage

    Language: German (Deutsch) Available translation (s): CAT DUT DUT ENG FIN FRE. Fahr wohl, O Vöglein, das nun wandern soll; Der Sommer fährt von hinnen, Du willst mit ihm entrinnen: Fahr wohl, fahr wohl! Fahr wohl, O Blättlein, das nun fallen soll, Dich hat rot angestrahlet Der Herbst im Tod gemalet: Fahr wohl, fahr wohl!

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  7. Deichkind

    Übersetzung. Bon Voyage. When it starts to get good, and it finally takes off. You stare, as if you all lived behind the moon. Feel the flow, the show is starting. Raps come big, and that's just how we like it. Fat beats come in your ear like Q-Tips. Sounds good, right? Come closer so that you get a lift. My crew eats mics for lunch like chives.

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    Bon Voyage (Deichkind song) "Weit weg!" " Bon Voyage " is the first single from the debut studio album Bitte ziehen Sie durch, by the Hamburg hip hop and electropunk band Deichkind, in cooperation with the German rapper Nina Tenge. It was the first single ever by the band.

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  11. Traduction Gute Nacht Schubert

    Traduction Gute Nacht Schubert. Version originale et traduction du poème de Wilhelm Müller, repris dans le premier lied du Voyage d'hiver (Winterreise) de Schubert, Gute Nacht. Traduction réalisée par Pierre Mathé. Toute reproduction est interdite sans son accord. Consultez le site d' Emily Ezust pour plus d'informations.

  12. Le Tour Utrecht

    Job, Joris & Marieke. At the start of the Tour the France in Utrecht a boy tries to reach his girlfriend. This film was made for the City of Utrecht to promote the Grand Depart of the Tour the France in Utrecht in 2015. The film is accompanied by the titlesong Bon Voyage by singer songwriter Blaudzun.

  13. Goldmeister

    by Supreme Sounds. Seht hier das offizielle Musikvideo zu Goldmeisters brandneuer Single „Bon Voyage" Alle Infos zur aktuellen Single gibt's hier: ️

  14. BON VOYAGE Dictionary. English-German. B. bon voyage. What is the translation of "bon voyage" in German? en. volume_up. bon voyage = de. volume_up. glückliche Reise. Translations Definition Translator Phrasebook open_in_new. EN. "bon voyage" in German. volume_up. bon voyage {interj.} DE. volume_up. glückliche Reise. Translations. EN.

  15. bon voyage

    Look up the English to German translation of bon voyage in the PONS online dictionary. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function.

  16. bon voyage translation in German

    Search. Definition. Synonyms. Conjugate. Speak. Suggest new translation/definition. bon voyage. exp. gute Reise. Ex.: Bon voyage and the best of luck on your trip overseas. Collaborative Dictionary English-German. voyage. 1 n. a Reise f , Fahrt f , (esp by sea) Seereise f , (Aviat) Flug m , Reise f , (Space) Flug m.

  17. Bon voyage

    Translation : Have a nice trip. Register : Neutral - Basic. Audio pronunciation. Slow. Normal. IPA : / bɔ̃ vwajaʒ / What does bon voyage mean? Definition. It literally means: Bon → Good. Voyage → Trip. It means "Have a good trip " or "Have a nice trip ".

  18. How Do You Say BON VOYAGE in Italian?

    How we say 'bon voyage' in Italian, the most common way and other ways. Plus, other ways we use the word 'buon' and a 'bon voyage' song in Italian!

  19. Desireless

    Check out the official Desireless channel and support the artist!

  20. bon voyage

    eine gute Reise haben. Traductions de „ bon voyage " dans le dictionnaire allemand » français (Aller à français » allemand ) gute Reise! bon voyage ! hattet ihr eine angenehme Fahrt? vous avez fait bon voyage ? Vous souhaitez traduire une phrase ? Utilisez notre outil de traduction de texte!

  21. bon voyage

    Many translated example sentences containing "bon voyage" - German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations.

  22. bon voyage

    Bon voyage à vo us, et nous chercherons à bien faire notre tâche et à relayer. [...] objectivement ce que vous ferez. W e wish you a h appy visit and we will striv e to do a good job in ou r service, [...] and to report objectively what you will do.