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Moscow Travel Guide: Best Things to Do + More [2023]

· everything to know about visiting moscow, including the best things to do and how to get around. ·.

the red st basils church in moscow on a white winters day

Moscow is Russia’s vibrant capital city, and it also happens to be the largest city in all of Europe. The city’s long and infamous history makes it one of the most unique places we have ever visited.

The architecture ranges from centuries-old palaces to uniform, gray concrete buildings. The people range from cold and private to warm and welcoming. Moscow is a city is strong juxtapositions, and we learned a lot during our time there.

This post will break down all you need to know about visiting Moscow, including the best things to do, how to get there, how to get around, and more.

man and woman standing in front of main church in moscow

The Best Things to Do in Moscow

1. explore the red square.

The Red Square is the heart of Moscow. Most of the city’s top attractions can be found here, including just about everything on this list. The Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cathedral, and Lenin’s Mausoleum are all located here, and the State Historical Museum and GUM are not far from here, either.

The Red Square is a common home for parades, protests, and seasonal celebrations. There are massive Christmas celebrations here, with food vendors and carnival rides set up in numbers.

red orthodox church in moscow russia red square on a winter day

2. Check Out the Ziferblat

The Ziferblat is a café in Moscow that is unlike any café we have ever been to. While most cafes charge you for your drinks and food, the Ziferblat charges you for your time.

Upon arrival, you are given a clock. When you leave, the barista calculates how much time you spent in the café and charges you accordingly. This concept was created to help visitors to be more intentional with their time, and the cafe itself is incredibly charming.

For a detailed look at everything you need to know before you visit, make sure you read my post about visiting the Ziferblat Cafe in Moscow .

white lcocks on a table

3. Marvel at St. Basil’s Cathedral

St. Basil’s Cathedral is one of the most iconic churches in the world, and it was the single thing we were most excited to see while in Moscow. Built almost 500 years ago, St. Basil’s Cathedral is recognized by its colorful domes and whimsical style. The church is of the Russian Orthodox faith, and the inside is just as wondrous as the outside.

St. Basil’s Cathedral is located on the edge of the Red Square, making it incredibly convenient to visit. Entrance for non-worshippers costs 800 rubles, and tickets can be bought at the church

woman in winter jacket standing in front of St Basils Russian Orthodox in moscow on a winter day

4. Explore the Kremlin

The Kremlin is the largest active fortress in Europe, and it is the site of most of Russia’s government affairs. In addition to government buildings, the Kremlin Complex is filled with courtyards, towers, and museums that are open to the public. If you have the time, you could spend a couple of days fully exploring all that there is to see in the Kremlin.

selfie of man and woman pointing to the Kremlin in Moscow

5. Walk Through Lenin’s Mausoleum

Vladimir Lenin is one of the most important figures in Russian history, and his body is located perfectly embalmed in a mausoleum in the Red Square. The Mausoleum is open to the public to visit, and as long as you are willing to go through a few security checks, it is easily one of the best things to do in Moscow. Its convenient location in the Red Square makes it a can’t miss attraction.

There is absolutely no photography allowed inside the Mausoleum. Do not test this rule.

red exterior of lenins mausoleum in moscow russia

6. Wander Along Arbat Street

The Arbat is a very popular street in Moscow that is lined with stores, cafes, and other touristy attractions. It is one of the oldest streets in the city, dating back to the 1400s. This street is both quaint and trendy, and there are many walking tours that introduce tourists to the neighborhood’s wonders and highlights.

man in sinter jacket standing in arbat street moscow at night with glistening white lights strung from the buildings

7. Catch a Show at the Bolshoi Theatre

As a lover of the arts, it is hard to think of Moscow and not think of ballet. Russia has always been a top dog in the world of fine arts, and Bolshoi Theater is one of the best places to catch a performance. We were lucky enough to attend an Opera here, and it is a venue that you don’t want to miss out on if you enjoy opera, ballet, or orchestral performances.

8. Visit the State Historical Museum

The State Historical Museum is one of the most respected museums in Moscow. Despite its name, it is not really focused on the history of Russia as a nation. Rather, it contains a collection of artifacts from all throughout Russia’s history.

The museum’s collection is very broad in nature. It houses some items from indigenous tribes that used to occupy the region, pieces collected by the Romanov family, and more.

9. Wander Around GUM

GUM is an absolutely massive mall within walking distance of the Red Square. It isn’t just the size that draws visitors here; it’s the sense of luxury. The mall is so beautiful inside, much like the metro stations.

While visiting a mall might not sound like it belongs on a bucket list, this mall does. You will not want to miss out on visiting GUM while in Moscow.

people walking inside GUM mall in russia with christmas lights

10. Admire the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

While St. Basil’s Cathedral is the most iconic church in Moscow, it isn’t the only one. The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour is absolutely stunning, with massive golden domes. It is the tallest Orthodox church in the world, and it is the seat of the Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow.

It is located just about a mile from the Red Square, just south of the Kremlin Complex. You can walk to it from the Red Square in about 20 minutes.

How to Get to Moscow

Flying to moscow.

Moscow has three major international airports: Sheremetyevo (SVO) , Domodedovo (DMO) , and Vnukovo (VKO) . All three of them are directly connected to downtown Moscow by the Aeroexpress trains, which leave every 30 minutes throughout the day. By Aeroexpress train, you can expect to get to the city center in 25-45 minutes depending on the airport that you fly into.

Sheremetyevo is the biggest and busiest of the three airports, and it is the one you are most likely to fly into – especially if you are coming from outside of Europe or the Caucus region. We flew into Sheremetyevo on a direct flight from New York City.

I usually provide backup airport options, because flying right into the city isn’t always the cheapest way to get where you’re going. Unfortunately, when it comes to Moscow, don’t really have a choice other than to fly right into Moscow. It is a very remote city, and it is usually the cheapest place to fly into in Russia as a whole.

Since Sheremetyevo is so busy, you will probably find a great flight option anyway. I wrote in  my post about finding cheap flights  that using hub airports will lead to more affordable airfare, and the same logic applies here. Even though Russia’s national airline, Aeroflot, is no longer a member of the SkyTeam Alliance, Moscow is still a major hub connecting passengers from all over the world.

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Train or Bus to Moscow

Trains and buses are one of the most popular ways to get around Europe. However, they’re of very little use when you’re trying to get to Moscow.

Moscow is hundreds of miles from the nearest major cities. The only major European city that can even be reached within 8 hours on the ground is St. Petersburg, and even the Baltic capitals of Riga, Vilnius, and Tallinn are over 12 hours away.

If you want to get to Moscow, the best option is almost always to fly. While the train routes to Moscow are scenic, they simply take forever.

How to Get Around Moscow


Moscow has one of the most memorable metro systems in the world. Its metro lines are very deep underground, and the stations are absolutely stunning. Each station has its own unique style, but all of them contain escalators that seem to go on forever.

turned-on chandelier on ceiling of moscow metro

The system was built in an effort to showcase the power of the Soviet Union and its bright future. The plans were a form of propaganda, but they resulted in what is still one of the most visually appealing subway systems on earth.

Moscow’s metro system isn’t just pretty. It is also very useful and accessible. The system has 17 lines that connect the city and its surrounding area.

But wait; there’s more!

The Moscow metro system is also incredibly affordable, with each ride costing less than a dollar. The metro is by far the best way to get around Moscow, as it is almost impossible to beat the connection times and the low cost to ride.

Tickets can be bought at electronic, English-speaking kiosks in stations, or directly from ticket counters at certain larger stations. There are also day passes available, which are a very solid option if you plan on riding the metro several times per day.

long gray escalator in moscow russia

The metro is by far the best way to get around Moscow.

In addition to the metro system, Moscow also has a network of buses, trams, and trolleys. This system is nowhere near as convenient or well-connected as the metro, though, and is likely of little use to you during your trip. There is no Uber in Moscow, but a similar app named Yandex is available if you need a ride in a pinch.

How Many Days Do You Need in Moscow?

Moscow is the biggest city in all of Europe, and it is absolutely loaded with things to do. You could spend weeks in Moscow and still find new things to do. Of course, most travelers don’t have that kind of time to spend in one place!

I recommend spending no less than three full days in Moscow, and ideally closer to five or seven.

Moscow is very spread out, and it can take some time to get from one major point to another. There are also so many places that are nice to just sit back and relax, which is hard to do when you’re in a hurry trying to cram activities into just a few days.

If you only have a week to visit Russia, I’d advise spending all of the time in one city. If you decide to split your time between Moscow and St. Petersburg, I recommend not trying to squeeze in any day trips beyond those two cities.

moscow bridge at night with lights

When Is the Best Time of the Year to Visit Moscow?

There are two different ways to approach this question. Personally, I think the best time to visit Moscow is around Christmas and New Year’s Day. While the weather will be absolutely freezing, Moscow is a surreal winter wonderland in December and January.

We were in Moscow right before Christmas. While it was very cold, you can always bundle up. Exploring the Christmas markets and pop-up ice skating rinks throughout Moscow is one of my favorite memories from anywhere I’ve traveled, and I dream of going back to do it again.

If you aren’t fond of the cold, Moscow is beautiful in the summer. It tends to get pretty cold in the shoulder seasons, so if you want warm weather, you should plan to visit in the summer. Moscow actually gets pretty warm in July and August, and there are a bunch of fantastic places to soak up the sun within the city.

The best time to visit Moscow is either around Christmas or from late May to August.

group of people walking in moscow red square at night with christmas lights everywhere

Is Moscow Safe to Visit?

While Moscow is a truly wonderful city, there’s no denying that visiting Russia comes with risks. As the country is run by an infamous communist dictator, concerns about visiting are valid. While we didn’t experience any sort of threat or negative treatment during our time in Moscow, we visited in a peaceful time.

In our experience, Russia doesn’t seem to detain normal Americans or Westerners to use as pawns. As a regular person, as long as you don’t commit any crimes, there is a slim chance you will run into any issues. However, Russia will not hesitate to enforce its laws against foreigners, and illegal behaviors will likely land you in a very compromising position.

Russia will not hesitate to enforce its laws against foreigners, and illegal behaviors will likely land you in a very compromising position.

To make matters worse, Russia has a bad reputation for gang violence. While the Russian mafia has very little interest in normal Western tourists, they won’t hesitate to pick a fight with anyone who ventures into their sphere of influence. If you seek out illegal substances or activities, you could be a target of the mafia.

If you seek out illegal substances or activities, you could be a target of the mafia.

Finally, since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, things are all very different. Russia is currently at war, and there are battles raging within 8 hours of Moscow. While it is still relatively safe to visit, that could change at any time as the war with Ukraine continues.

Is Moscow Worth Visiting?

Without a doubt, Moscow is worth visiting. It is one of the most unique major cities we have ever visited, and we hope to make it back one day. The Russian Orthodox churches are stunning, the city’s history is unlike any other, and the food is to die for.

While many visitors prefer St. Petersburg to Moscow, I think Moscow deserves a lot of hype of its own. Moscow is the beating heart of Russian culture and history, and it’s a place I highly recommend checking out if you have the chance.

woman in head scarf hugging bronze statue of angry bear

That’s all we have for you about Moscow! I hope this post was helpful as you plan your trip to Russia’s capital.

Have you been to Moscow? Or is this your first time visiting? Comment below if you have anything to add to our travel guide!

Hi, I'm Greg. I'm an avid traveler who has traveled to over 50 countries all around the world with my wife and kids. I've lived in Italy, Mexico, China, and the United States, and I dream of moving abroad again in the future. With this blog, I provide my audience with detailed destination guides to my favorite places and pro-tips to make travel as stress-free as possible.

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    IHR Reiseveranstalter Eberhardt TRAVEL. Richtig reisen. In die ganze Welt. Lassen Sie sich von dem unerschöpflichen Reichtum und der Vielfalt unserer Welt ve...

  4. Virtuelle Erlebnisreise Portugal & Madeira :: Saison 2023

    Entdecken Sie mit Eberhardt-Travel das portugisische Festland und die Blumeninsel Madeira auf einer virtuellen und kulinarischen Reise mit Genießer Paket Kostenfreie Hotline: +49 (0) 800 - 22 21 57 5

  5. Adventreise ins Vogtland :: Saison 2023

    Sonderangebot Süd-Italien im September • mit Direktflug ab Dresden • Reisetermin 18.09. - 25.09.2023 zur Reise Kostenfreie Hotline: +49 (0) 800 - 22 21 57 5 Reise+ Blog

  6. Rundreise Saarland

    7 Tage Saarbrücken - Metz - Jouy-aux-Arches - Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte - Trier - Saarburg - Saarschleife in Cloef - Mettlach - Schengen - Luxemburg

  7. Erlebnisreise Bayerische Seen :: Saison 2023

    Rundreise im Süden Bayerns im urbayrischen Hotel Happinger Hof mit Führungen in München, Rosenheim, Bad Tölz und Schifffahrten auf Chiemsee und Tegernsee!

  8. Reise+Blog

    Im Blog von Eberhardt TRAVEL schreiben unsere Experten Ideen und Geheimtipps rund ums Reisen - egal, ob Fernreisen, Rundreisen, Kreuzfahrten & Städtereisen. ... 27.06.2023 Experten-Tipps. Hochprozentiges von der Insel ... Eberhardt TRAVEL GmbH Zschoner Ring 30 01723 Kesselsdorf (bei Dresden) Tel. +49 (0) 3 52 04 / 92 112 ...

  9. Städtereise Prag

    4 Tage Bus-Städtereise Prag - Impressionen in der Moldaumetropole mit Prager Altstadt, Wenzelsplatz, Rathaus mit der berühmten astronomischen Uhr, Altstädter Ring, Prager Kleinseite und Karlsbrücke. Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: Heike Janssens Tel.: (0 72 31) 38 02 17 E-Mail Mehr über mich. 1 Termin 2023.

  10. Eberhardt Travel und Reisen

    08.05.2024 - 12.05.2024. weitere Termine ab 1428 €. 5 Tage Städtereise Niederlande: Amsterdam mit Grachtenfahrt - Rijksmuseum - Königspalast - Rembrandt Haus - Van Gogh Museum - Haarlem - Frans Hals Museum Sie…. 5 Tage. ab 1428 €. Details. 1 2 ... 5 >. Reiseprogramm von Eberhardt Travel und Reisen aus Kesselsdorf im Überblick.

  11. Reise+Blog

    Im Blog von Eberhardt TRAVEL schreiben unsere Experten Ideen und Geheimtipps rund ums Reisen - egal, ob Fernreisen, Rundreisen, Kreuzfahrten & Städtereisen. ... 07.05.2023 Experten-Tipps. Victoria Falls - historische Brücke und altehrwürdiges Luxushotel ... Eberhardt TRAVEL GmbH Zschoner Ring 30 01723 Kesselsdorf (bei Dresden) Tel. +49 (0 ...

  12. Richtig reisen. In die ganze Welt.

    Eberhardt TRAVEL ist einer der größten Reiseveranstalter Mitteldeutschlands. Die Reisemacher von Eberhardt TRAVEL organisieren authentische, emotionale und n...

  13. Reise+Blog

    Im Blog von Eberhardt TRAVEL schreiben unsere Experten Ideen und Geheimtipps rund ums Reisen - egal, ob Fernreisen, Rundreisen, Kreuzfahrten & Städtereisen. ... 19.02.2023 Experten-Tipps. Cartagena - die Königin der Karibik ... Eberhardt TRAVEL erhält Preis der IHK Dresden für virtuelle Reisen Am 13. Juli 2021 durften wir den 2.

  14. 2023 :: Eberhardt TRAVEL

    Reisen Sie mit uns zu Ihrem Wunschreiseziel. Kostenfreie Hotline: +49 (0) 800 - 22 21 57 5. Reise+ Blog; Service . Newsletter; Kataloge bestellen; Geschenk-Gutscheine; Reisepartner gesucht; Einreisebestimmungen; Veranstaltungen; Messetermine 2024/25; Anreise-Möglichkeiten; Beratungstermin vereinbaren;

  15. Reise+Blog

    Im Blog von Eberhardt TRAVEL schreiben unsere Experten Ideen und Geheimtipps rund ums Reisen - egal, ob Fernreisen, Rundreisen, Kreuzfahrten & Städtereisen. ... 06.09.2023 Experten-Tipps. ... Eberhardt TRAVEL Reisebegleitung Susanne Schirmann grüßt aus ihrer Heimatstadt Köln!

  16. Russian Tour Agency

    Welcome to Russia! Grand Russia is a Russian Tour Agency based out of the cosmopolitan Moscow city. We are a prominent Russia Travel Agency engaged in providing travel experiences to the people wishing to explore Russia for more than ten years. We specialise in providing guided tours, custom made packages, exclusive excursions, visa facility services, unexplored destinations and lot more.

  17. Moscow Travel Guide: Best Things to Do + More [2023]

    3. Marvel at St. Basil's Cathedral. St. Basil's Cathedral is one of the most iconic churches in the world, and it was the single thing we were most excited to see while in Moscow. Built almost 500 years ago, St. Basil's Cathedral is recognized by its colorful domes and whimsical style.

  18. [4K] Walking Tour

    #russiatoday #moscowcity #moscowwalks Use Russia best Online Shopping here (Yandex Market)My Microphone : https://ya.cc/m/Tcw4ZYpMy Television : https://ya...