Am 30.12.2023 ist Torsun an Krebs gestorben.

Er war unser enger Freund und langjähriger Wegbegleiter. Wir haben ihm unendlich viel zu verdanken und vermissen ihn.

Torsun Pressefoto Credit BastianBochinski 2017 7

Seine ehrliche Warmherzigkeit, seine Zugewandtheit, seine sprudelnde Kreativität, sein unkorrumpierbarer Charakter, sein klarer Verstand, seine Loyalität, seine ansteckende Lebensfreude, seine Lust am Disput und an der Diskussion und nicht zuletzt sein ausgesprochen guter Humor waren für uns die letzten 20 Jahre eine verlässliche Konstante in unserem Leben. Wir haben das immer für selbstverständlich genommen. Unser Freund Torsun war immer da. Leider ist das nicht selbstverständlich. Er ist nicht mehr da. Torsun ist gegangen, musste zu früh gehen. Wir sind ihm für immer dankbar. Seine Begeisterung für die Musik, sein Brennen für die eigenen kleinen und großen Ideen, diese rastlose Ungeduld, wenn es darum ging, irgendwas fertig zu stellen und rauszubringen, die fast kindliche Freude über einen gelungenen Song, über ein lustiges selbst gebasteltes Meme oder ein tolles Konzert. Diese so sym¬pa¬thische Selbstironie, dieser manchmal bitterböse Humor, den er sich bis zu seinem Tod bewahrt hat, seine leuchtenden Augen, wenn er wieder irgendeine lustige Geschichte erzählte oder diese schnellen, präzisen Sätze, wenn er versuchte, seinem gegenüber in einer Diskussion seinen Standpunkt verständlich zu machen, seine Empathie und sein Interesse am Gegenüber, welches er auch trotz schwerer Krankheit nie verloren hat – das alles werden wir endlos vermissen. Er wird uns für immer fehlen. Torsun ist weg und die Leere, die er hinterlässt, fühlt sich unbeschreiblich groß an. Vielleicht würde es Audiolith ohne Torsun nicht mehr geben. Ganz sicher wären wir ohne ihn und seinen Einfluss nicht so, wie wir heute sind. Die Radikalität und Kompromisslosigkeit, die er vertrat, hat so viel Potential entfaltet und so viele lodernde Feuer gelegt, weil er glaubwürdig war. Das, was er vertrat, lebte er auch. Sein Lebensentwurf war immer radikal und selbstbestimmt. Torsun machte sich nicht viel aus all den Belohnungen und Bestechungen, die diese Gesellschaft bereithält, dafür, dass man in ihren Konkurrenzkampf einsteigt und sein Leben nach Verwertbarkeit und Leistung ausrichtet. Sein Kompass funktionierte bis zum Schluss und er war für uns nicht nur einmal ein rettender Anker und eine verlässliche Bank in den Wirren des komplizierten und fordernden Alltags. Seine Kritik an Deutschland war unversöhnlich. Seine Ansagen waren oft genial, manchmal schrill. Wenn es um seine Analysen und weitblickenden Warnungen bezüglich Nationalismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus ging, haben wir oft gehofft, er würde nicht recht behalten. Leider kam es anders. Torsun stand für etwas. Er wollte als Künstler nie einer möglichst großen Masse gefallen oder der lustige Politclown mit den radikalen und etwas ausgefallenen Ansichten werden. Er war nie einfach zu konsumieren und hat nie linke Befindlichkeiten einfach so bedient, nur um von maximal vielen Leuten beklatscht zu werden. Im Gegenteil entschied er sich immer wieder aufs Neue gegen diese Vereinnahmung, gegen die Schulterklopfer, gegen die Blumensträuße und Preise. Er war ein Punk und Autonomer mit Lust am Krawall und irgendwie ist er es immer geblieben. Ein scharfes, ehrliches Wort auf der Bühne war ihm immer viel mehr wert als jede Chartplatzierung. Trotzdem blieb er zugänglich. Torsun umgab sich nicht nur mit Leuten, die seine Meinung teilten. Er suchte die Auseinandersetzung. Diskussionen mit ihm waren meistens eine große Inspiration. Seine klare und kompromisslose Haltung in vielen Dingen war nie dogmatisch. Er war stets bereit, alles immer wieder und aufs Neue bis ins Kleinste zu diskutieren und wenn nötig zu hinterfragen. Bis zum Schluss hat er, ohne sich zu schonen, gegen Antisemitismus und Antizionismus gekämpft. Selbst in den letzten Wochen seines Lebens blieb er hellwach und politisch engagiert. Dass er gerade dadurch und eben auch durch alles andere, was ihn so auszeichnete, so einen großen Einfluss hatte, so viele tolle Menschen und so viele Hörer*innen geprägt hat, zeigte sich sehr deutlich in den letzten Monaten, nachdem er seine furchtbare Diagnose öffentlich gemacht hatte. Diese ganzen schönen, persönlichen Geschichten haben ihn wirklich sehr gefreut und ihm Kraft gegeben. Wir lesen jetzt die vielen liebevollen Postings und Nachrufe. Es ist eine große Freude zu sehen, was für einen enormen Einfluss Torsun als Künstler und als Mensch auf uns alle gehabt hat. Es ging viel zu schnell. Es ist jetzt in dieser Situation schwierig, die passenden Worte zu finden, weil es am Ende doch nur Worte sind und gleichzeitig gibt es noch so vieles aus den letzten zwanzig Jahren, was man schreiben und erzählen könnte. Diese Zeilen erheben definitiv nicht den Anspruch, auch nur einen Teil von Torsuns Leben und Schaffen abzubilden. Wir werden sicher noch oft über ihn und von gemeinsamen Momenten erzählen, lachen und weinen. Torsun glaubte nicht an ein himmlisches Paradies. Der Himmel sollte für die Menschen auf der Erde sein, im Hier und Jetzt und nicht später. Das Leben sollte schön sein, lebenswert und maximal angenehm. In diesem Sinne gehen wir nun voran und hoffen, sein Andenken würdig weiterzuführen. Nicht nur mit unseren Gedanken sind wir bei seinem engsten Lieblingsmenschen, seiner liebsten Ehefrau und Partnerin Selina. Auch wenn Torsun immer sehr deutlich gesagt hat, dass er nicht an ein Leben nach dem Tod glaubt, hat er doch für seinen geliebten und zu früh verstorbenen Vater schon vor langer Zeit den Song „Hello Dad“ geschrieben. Darin singt er: „Dad, I think you are an Asteroid now“ In diesem Sinne: Torsun, we think you are an Asteroid now!

Egotronic - Das Unbehagen in der Kultur

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Kein untertouriger Bass-Beat hätte die hiesige Electro-Punk-Szenerie je so erschüttern können wie der Post, den Torsun von Egotronic Anfang des Jahres absetzte und in dem er eine unheilbare Krebserkrankung offenlegte. Es sah finster aus, doch der letzte Chemo-Versuch schlug an und räumte ihm noch mal Zeit ein. Wie lange? Keine Ahnung, aber sicher ist, wir werden alle sterben, Bruder! Doch noch nicht heute. 

Warum steht da oben eigentlich „Torsun von Egotronic“? Der geneigte Musikfan hat doch sicher mitbekommen, dass der rastlose Exil-Odenwälder Torsun sein sagenumwobenes Provo-Punk-Polit-Outfit Egotronic mit dem Ende von 2022 abgelegt hat. Die Zäsur schlechthin - aber vor allem auch eine Entscheidung für die Liebe zur Musik. Statt Dienstleister der eigenen GbR sein zu müssen, widmete sich Torsun einem brandneuen Lieblingsprojekt, das ohne Druck aber dafür mit Joker-Status ausgestattet ist: Torsun & The Stereotronics. Ein Trio mit Ex-Bandmate Christian und big Love Selina. Das Frühjahrs-Album „Songs To Discuss In Therapy“ wurde quasi als Bundle mit der Krebsdiagnose veröffentlicht. Das war zwar übertrieben mies vom Schicksal, aber immerhin bescherte die riesige Anteilnahme auch Torsuns Kunst eine große Beachtung. Zurecht, denn musikalisch wie aktivistisch – dieser Typ hat nicht nur ein paar Songs sondern vor allem Geschichte in der Alternativ-Kultur geschrieben.  Und doch ist es ein großes Glück, das das wunderbare Album der Stereotronics nicht als Tombstone fungieren muss.

Denn Torsun nutzte viel mehr die jüngste Zeit, um eine ganz persönliche wie pointierte Egotronic-„Best Of“ zusammenzustellen. Das Wort „Best Of“ humpelt hier allerdings zum letzten Mal durchs Bild, denn es handelt sich doch eher um die ultimative Werkschau eines wandlungsintensiven Acts, der zur Jahrtausendwende damit begann, AJZ-Konzerte zu Raves umzugestalten. Paradigmenwechsel mit Ansage – und oft wie im Rausch.

Auf dieser Veröffentlichung nun werden nicht einfach die jeweiligen Singles ihrer Zeit zusammengetrommelt und sich an ein paar ergänzende Crowdpleaser erinnert, nein, die Platte besticht durch einen dezenten „Dogma“-Charme. Von (fast) jedem Album hat sich Torsun seine (meist) drei eigenen Favoriten gepickt. Das gibt der Zusammenstellung einen sehr kuratierten Touch – und lässt durch die musikalische Entwicklung der Band gleiten. Von Homestudio-Bleeps über Minimal-Electro zu Gitarren und zurück.  Doch bei allen interessanten Facetten, die Torsuns eigener Blick liefert, fällt dir das Ergebnis natürlich nicht ohne die „großen“ Songs wie „Raven gegen Deutschland“, „Lustprinzip“, „Rannte der Sonne hinterher“ oder „Exportschlager Leitkultur“ in die Arme. Dazu gibt es noch für alle Nerds, Ultras, Komplettisten und ähnliche Egotronic-Mäuse mit „Gedanken“ einen bislang unveröffentlichten Track aus der absoluten Frühphase.

Das hier ist ein geführter Ausflug durch die Schaffenskraft des vermutlich wichtigsten und aufregendsten Electro-Punk-Acts überhaupt. Torsun nimmt hiermit noch mal unsere Hände, der Rest geht ganz von selbst. 

Text: Linus Volkmann

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Egotronic - "B-Site Explosionen" EP out now!

Die Audiolith-Urgesteine Egotronic veröffentlichen heute mit "B-Site Explosionen" ein kleines 4-Track starkes Spin-Off zu ihrem letzten Album "Stresz".

Zu den Vokabeln, die es braucht, um das Projekt Egotronic am trefflichsten zu skizzieren, gehört seit nunmehr über 20 Jahren das Wort Unfug (Unfug, der). Wer einmal ein Wochenende mit der Band im Tourbus verbracht hat, weiß, wovon ich rede. Egal, ob als stumpfe Parole auf verspieltem Gamesound oder als mit zarter Stimme vorgetragene antipatriotische Hasstirade: Der Unfug muss im Werk von Egotronic schon immer als feste Größe verstanden werden. Mit dem Einstig des Gitarristen Christian und seinen äußerst vielseitigen Fähigkeiten als Produzent hat die Band diesbezüglich nochmal einen großen Schritt nach vorne getan.

Sei es nun die Umwandlung der Lobeshymne auf die Wissenschaft, sprich der Single „Nadel verpflichtend“, in eine schöngeistige Klassik-Version, die Transformation der Elektropunk-Hymne „Der schönste Platz ist in der Apotheke“ in eine dem Alter der meisten Band-Mitglieder Rechnung tragende 80s Dance-Version, oder die Discoisierung des beathaften Rückblicks „Jubiläen“. Jede Version hätte für sich das Zeug dazu, in der ihr angestammten Zeit ein Hit gewesen zu sein. Egotronic schaffen mit dieser Compilation von alternativ-Versionen ihrer Single-Auskopplungen den Sprung vom normalsterblichen Unfug zum „größt anzunehmenden Unfug“, kurz: GAU!

Da passt es nur zu gut, dass auch die Videos zu den Songs selbst produziert wurden, denn GAU heißt bei Egotronic immer auch: Make DIY great again!

Egotronic - B-Site Explosionen (EP, 14.04.22) Buy/Stream:

EGOTRONIC LIVE Skurrile Minderheiten - Tour präsentiert von Plastic Bomb Fanzine , OxFanzine , livegigs , DIFFUS Magazin , taz & Plus1 Tickets:

29.04.2022 Hamburg - Knust 30.04.2022 Hannover - CAFE GLOCKSEE 12.05.2022 Bonn - Bla (Ausverkauft) 13.05.2022 Oberhausen - Druckluft 20.05.2022 Osnabrück - Kleine Freiheit 21.05.2022 Husum - Speicher 13.10.2022 Saarbrücken - Kleiner Klub 18.11.2022 Koblenz - Circus Maximus 24.11.2022 Nürnberg - Z-Bau 25.11.2022 Regensburg - Kulturzentrum Alte Mälzerei 26.11.2022 Wien (AT) - Arena 10.12.2022 Dresden - Chemiefabrik (Chemo) 16.12.2022 Flensburg - Volksbad 17.12.2022 Bremen - Tower Musikclub

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How To Get Ed Sheeran Tickets In 2024

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If Sheerios want to see Ed Sheeran live this year, they won’t have to travel all the way to the castle on the hill. The 33-year-old English singer kicked off his +–=÷× tour (also known as the Mathematics tour) in Dublin, Ireland all the way back in April 2022 and he’ll finally end its run in September 2024. There are three cities left for Sheeran to hit in the United States before he visits Europe and South America. Here’s everything we know about how to get Ed Sheeran tickets before the tour ends.

Ed Sheeran is hitting the road again for his "Mathematics" tour, and we've got the details on how to ... [+] get tickets.

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The best ipads, according to an apple expert, where to buy tickets to the “+–=÷×” tour.

You might usually turn to Ticketmaster for concert tickets, but that’s not the best source for tickets to Sheeran’s shows. For one thing, his entire series of show dates isn’t offered on this platform, and some of his dates that are offered on TicketMaster are totally sold out. Here are your options:

  • Ticket reseller StubHub has seats for shows like the fast-approaching Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida. There, prices start at a little over $200.
  • SeatGeek also has tickets to some U.S. shows, the cheapest going for just under $200.
  • Both StubHub and SeatGeek have tickets to many of Sheeran’s international concerts as well.
  • Many of Sheeran’s shows take place at music festivals that often sell tickets directly on their websites. There are often different options, such as a day pass or a 3-day VIP package. For example, the Boston Calling Musical Festival , where Sheeran will play on May 24, currently has eight ticket options still available, with prices ranging from $194 to nearly $3,000.
  • Meanwhile, the BottleRock Napa Valley festival only has single-day general admission tickets left, going for $233 apiece; the four other ticketing options are sold out.

When Do Ed Sheeran Tickets Go On Sale?

Tickets are on sale now and some of the shows—including July 12 in Poland, July 27 in the Czech Republic, and August 3 in Lithuania—have already sold out. Check out reseller sites like StubHub and SeetGeek to try to snag tickets to sold-out shows.

How Much Are Ed Sheeran Tickets?

Sheeran’s three American concerts start around $200 a ticket. For the international stops on his tour, ticket prices vary and use different currencies, based on location. For the Lucca Summer Festival in Italy, there are three different ticket options, ranging from €78 ($83) to €130 ($138). Other festivals have just one ticket option, such as Euro Fan Fest , which starts pricing at €69 ($73).

The cost can also vary depending on whether you buy a standing-only ticket or a seated one. For the Hipodrome show in Croatia , you can stand for €90 ($96) or sit starting at €100 ($106).

Some of Sheeran’s concert tickets are for sale in currencies besides the EUR or USD, including the Stavernfestivalen in Norway. Tickets on the Stavern festival’s website start at 190 NOK, which is the equivalent of about $17. Meanwhile, tickets to the Polsat Plus Arena in Poland cost 344 PLN, or $84. Prices for Sheeran’s Puskas Arena show in Hungary begin at 24,900 HUF, equating to $67.

Of course, currency rates change often, so make sure to check them before you buy your ticket to avoid any unwanted surprises. A good place to do that is using a Euros to Dollar converter or, for other European currency, a converter with rates for over 200 countries.

Ed Sheeran 2024 Tour Dates

Sheeran has over two dozen tour dates this summer and fall, with a handful in the U.S. before heading for Europe and then to South America.

  • May 3 : Hollywood, Florida at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino
  • May 24 : Boston, Massachusetts at Boston Calling Music Festival
  • May 26 : Napa Valley, California at BottleRock Napa Valley
  • June 8 : Lucca, Italy at Lucca Summer Festival
  • June 9 : Lucca, Italy at Lucca Summer Festival
  • June 12 : Munich, Germany at Euro Fan Fest 2024
  • June 16 : Lisbon, Portugal at Rock In Rio Lisbon 2024
  • June 21 : Scheessel, Germany at Hurricane Festival
  • June 22 : Neuhausen ob Eck, Germany at Southside Festival
  • June 23 : Landgraaf, Netherlands at Pinkpop Festival
  • June 26 : Attard, Malta at Ta’ Qali National Park
  • June 29 : Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Tenerife at Estadio Heliodoro Rodríguez López
  • July 4 : Stavern, Norway at Stavernfestivalen
  • July 6 : Santiago de Compostela, Spain at Gozo Festival
  • July 12 : Gdansk, Poland at Polsat Plus Arena
  • July 13 : Gdansk, Poland at Polsat Plus Arena
  • July 20 : Budapest, Hungary at Puská Aréna
  • July 27 : Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic at Park 360
  • July 28 : Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic at Park 360
  • August 3 : Kaunas, Lithuania at Darius and Girėnas Stadium
  • August 4 : Kaunas, Lithuania at Darius and Girėnas Stadium
  • August 10 : Zagreb, Croatia at Hipodrom
  • August 17 : Belgrade, Serbia at Ušće Park
  • August 24 : Bucharest, Romania at the National Arena
  • August 31 : Sofia, Bulgaria at Vasil Levski Stadium
  • September 7 : Cyprus at Larnaca Marina
  • September 8 : Cyprus at Larnaca Marina
  • September 19 : Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at Rock in Rio

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2024 Zurich Classic leaderboard, scores: Rory McIlroy, Shane Lowry among leaders after Round 1

Mcilroy and lowry headline a crowded leaderboard as the competition moves to foursomes for friday.


There aren't many firsts left for Rory McIlroy to achieve in his PGA Tour career, but he checked one off the list Thursday at TPC Louisiana. Making his debut appearance in the Zurich Classic, the 34-year-old looked like the seasoned veteran he is alongside Ryder Cup teammate Shane Lowry. The two fired an 11-under 61 in the four-ball format amid the windy afternoon conditions to sit with the teams of Ryan Brehm and Mark Hubbard, Aaron Rai and David Lipsky and Ben Kohles and Patton Kizzire atop the leaderboard after Round 1.

While this week marks McIlroy's first attempt at claiming the PGA Tour's annual team event, it also represents his 11th start of the year as he continues to play through some relative early season struggles. McIlroy had no issues in the first round as he drove the ball beautifully, struck towering iron shots and picked apart the par-72 layout in unison with Lowry.

"You know that you sort of need to get off to a good start, and thankfully we did," McIlroy said. "We were 4 under through 4, which was really nice to see, and from there you've got some momentum and you're just trying to keep it going. But for the most part today, we kept both balls in play. We were having two looks basically on every hole at birdie, and that's the way you need to play better ball. Everyone thinks it's maybe a bit more gung ho than that, but as long as you have two balls in play off the tee, two balls on the green, I think you're always going to do pretty well in this format."

The two began their days with four birdies out the gate and tacked on a couple more to turn in 6-under 30. A birdie on No. 10 was followed with a disappointing par on the par-5 11th, but that did nothing to dampen their spirits. McIlroy struck his best iron of the day into the 12th when he feathered an 8 iron against the wind and to tap-in distance.

Rory McIlroy drops it close from 163 yards to set up birdie and move Lowry/McIlroy 8-under and three back. 🎯🤌 📺: Golf Channel & @peacock | @Zurich_Classic — Golf Channel (@GolfChannel) April 25, 2024

Lowry picked him up on the very next hole with a birdie of his own to get the team to 9 under and added another on the difficult par-3 14th to get to double digits under par. With four holes remaining, the two appeared likely to overtake the clubhouse lead, but a couple middling pars to go along with one last birdie on the par-5 18th meant there will be four teams sleeping on the lead tonight before the competition transitions to foursomes on Friday.

Let's take a look around the rest of the leaderboard after the first round in Louisiana.

The leaders

T1. Rory McIlroy/Shane Lowry, David Lipsky/Aaron Rai, Ryan Brehm/Mark Hubbard, Ben Kohles/Patton Kizzire (-11)

Outside McIlroy and Lowry, the top of the leaderboard is surprising, to say the least. Hubbard has notched a couple top 20s, a top five and has yet to miss a cut this season while Rai has been solid, but the rest of the lot haven't seen the weekend with much consistency. Hubbard's teammate, Brehm, has seven missed cuts in 11 starts. Rai's teammate, Lipsky, has missed eight cuts in 11 starts and is without a top 40. Kizzire has six missed cuts and a withdrawal in nine starts, and Kohles has six missed cuts and a withdrawal in 11 starts. Four-ball can hide deficiencies, but the same cannot be said for foursomes, which will be played Friday and Sunday. 

"Just like usual, we ham-and-egged it," Hubbard said. "I don't think either of us were feeling amazing about our games coming into the day, but we just feed off each other really well. We relax each other out there, and best ball is just a fun format. I didn't putt great last week, but he had a lot of holes where he snuggled it up there nice and close for par and it really freed me up. You just kind of get confidence that way, and I think even you watching me make some putts gave you confidence and you poured them in at the end."

Other contenders

T5. Davis Thompson/Andrew Novak, Thomas Detry/Robert MacIntyre, Cameron Champ/MJ Daffue (-10) T8. Sam Stevens/Paul Barjon, Garrick Higgo/Ryan Fox, Luke List/Henrik Norlander, Corey Conners/Taylor Pendrith, Zac Blair/Patrick Fishburn, Marc Meissner/Austin Smotherman, Callium Tarren/David Skinns, Keith Mitchell/Joel Dahmen (-9)

Detry and MacIntyre got off to a dream start by playing their first four holes in 4 under. After hitting a lull, the two turned it on and carded six back-nine birdies to shoot 10-under 62. MacIntyre has the team experience from this past fall's Ryder Cup, while Detry has been enjoying a very solid 2024 campaign. The staying power of all these teams on this leaderboard is interesting given the volatility of foursomes, but the two Europeans should be up to the task.

I think it's about leaving each other to it," MacIntyre said regarding Friday's strategy. "We're both good players, both know what we're doing with the golf ball. It's just trusting each other. If I hit a good shot, you hit a good shot. If you hit a bad shot, don't say sorry, you're not meaning to do it. You just keep walking forward and keep trying to hit good shots and committing to them and see where we end up. Can't really do anything about it. It's difficult because you might not hit a 5-foot putt until the 17th hole. It's completely different. All you can do is try your best."

2024 Zurich Classic updated odds, picks

Odds via Sportsline consensus

  • Rory McIlroy/Shane Lowry: 13/5
  • Xander Schauffele/Patrick Cantlay: 10-1
  • Aaron Rai/David Lipsky: 15-1
  • Thomas Detry/Robert MacIntyre: 16-1
  • Andrew Novak/David Thompson: 16-1
  • Nick Taylor/Adam Hadwin: 18-1
  • Corey Conners/Taylor Pendrith: 18-1
  • Joel Dahmen/Keith Mitchell: 20-1

Let's roll with the 2022 champion at 10-1. Schauffele and Cantlay burned a ton of edges on Thursday but kept themselves in it with a late flurry of birdies. They now transition to foursomes for two of the next three days where they were dominant a year ago. In 2023, the two fired a 9-under 63 in Round 2 and a 6-under 66 in Round 4 in this format. If they card something similar in the mid 60s tomorrow, they should be in business heading into the weekend.

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Moscow Metro

The Moscow Metro Tour is included in most guided tours’ itineraries. Opened in 1935, under Stalin’s regime, the metro was not only meant to solve transport problems, but also was hailed as “a people’s palace”. Every station you will see during your Moscow metro tour looks like a palace room. There are bright paintings, mosaics, stained glass, bronze statues… Our Moscow metro tour includes the most impressive stations best architects and designers worked at - Ploshchad Revolutsii, Mayakovskaya, Komsomolskaya, Kievskaya, Novoslobodskaya and some others.

What is the kremlin in russia?

The guide will not only help you navigate the metro, but will also provide you with fascinating background tales for the images you see and a history of each station.

And there some stories to be told during the Moscow metro tour! The deepest station - Park Pobedy - is 84 metres under the ground with the world longest escalator of 140 meters. Parts of the so-called Metro-2, a secret strategic system of underground tunnels, was used for its construction.

During the Second World War the metro itself became a strategic asset: it was turned into the city's biggest bomb-shelter and one of the stations even became a library. 217 children were born here in 1941-1942! The metro is the most effective means of transport in the capital.

There are almost 200 stations 196 at the moment and trains run every 90 seconds! The guide of your Moscow metro tour can explain to you how to buy tickets and find your way if you plan to get around by yourself.

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Celine Dion On Living With Stiff Person Syndrome & If She’ll Return To Tour Again

By Armando Tinoco

Armando Tinoco

Night & Weekend Editor

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Celine Dion

Celine Dion was diagnosed with Stiff Person Syndrome in 2022 and is opening up about how she’s learning to live with the rare autoimmune neurological disorder.

In a new interview, the Canadian singer discusses her health and says if she’ll return to touring.

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She continued, “Five days a week I undergo athletic, physical and vocal therapy. I work on my toes, my knees, my calves, my fingers, my singing, my voice… I have to learn to live with it now and stop questioning myself. At the beginning I would ask myself: why me? How did this happen? What have I done? Is this my fault?”

Dion says she doesn’t have the answers as to why she got this illness and she only has two options, “Either I train like an athlete and work super hard, or I switch off and it’s over, I stay at home, listen to my songs, stand in front of my mirror and sing to myself. I’ve chosen to work with all my body and soul, from head to toe, with a medical team. I want to be the best I can be. My goal is to see the Eiffel Tower again!”

The “My Heart Will Go On” singer says that it’s her family, children, and fans that keep her strong and is grateful she has the means to have good doctors and treatments, adding, “I have this strength within me. I know that nothing is going to stop me.”

Since being diagnosed with SPS, Dion has been largely kept out of the public eye. In February of this year, she made a surprise appearance at the Grammys and presented an award to Taylor Swift .

When asked about getting back on stage and touring again, Dion said, “I can’t answer that… Because for four years I’ve been saying to myself that I’m not going back, that I’m ready, that I’m not ready… As things stand, I can’t stand here and say to you: ‘Yes, in four months’ [I will return]. I don’t know… My body will tell me.”

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Rafael Nadal advanced to the third round at the Madrid Open after his victory over Alex de Minaur on Saturday.

© Albert Cesare / USA TODAY NETWORK

Rafael Nadal Nets First Top 20 Win Since 2022 With Victory at Madrid Open

  • Author: Tim Capurso

Rafael Nadal defeated world No. 11 Alex de Minaur 7–6 (6), 6–3 in the second round of the Madrid Open on Saturday, earning his first ATP Tour victory vs. an opponent ranked inside the top 20 since November of 2022.

Nadal, 37, at times showed flashes of the form that helped him win 22 Grand Slams in his career. The Spaniard had his signature, lefty forehand-down-the-line shot working well, in addition to his crosscourt backhand, which he fired for winners multiple times.

Nadal, with a raucous crowd behind him, won a thrilling, 77-minute first set in a tiebreak, then quickly broke de Minaur's serve to grab a second set lead he would not relinquish.

When told during a post-match interview that it seemed like "the old Rafa Nadal was back," Nadal pushed back on the notion.

Are we beginning to see the return of the old Rafael Nadal? 🤩 @RafaelNadal #MMOPEN — Tennis TV (@TennisTV) April 27, 2024

"No, no, no not yet," Nadal said with a laugh. "It needs time, and I think for moments have been good level of tennis. I was able to do positive things but still on and off."

Nadal missed nearly the entire 2023 season after requiring surgery on his hip, an injury that had the decorated tennis pro pondering retirement going into 2024. On Wednesday, Nadal would not fully commit to playing in the French Open, a tournament he has won a record 14 times.

If he can maintain the form he displayed Saturday while staying healthy, it's likely he'll be on the court at Roland Garros when the French Open begins on May 20.

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Russia’s BN800 fast reactor fully fuelled with mox


MOX fuel assemblies within the BN-800 fast reactor core

Beloyarsk 4 was connected to the grid and resumed electricity production after the completing its latest regular maintenance and refuelling outage. It was refuelled with mox fuel assemblies (FAs) produced at the Mining and Chemical Combine (MCC) in Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory). Unlike the enriched uranium FAs traditionally used in NPPs, the raw materials for the production of mox fuel pellets includes plutonium oxide obtained during the processing of used fuel from conventional VVER reactors alongside depleted uranium oxide, obtained by defluorination of depleted uranium hexafluoride (DUHF – “tails" from enrichment production).

The first serial mox-FAs were loaded into the BN-800 core in January 2020. The first complete refuelling of the BN-800 with mox fuel took place in January 2021, and then, over the next two refuellings, all fuel assemblies were gradually replaced with innovative mox assemblies.

Other important work performed during the outage of unit 4 included overhaul of the main circulation pump with the replacement of the removable parts, maintenance and repair of pumps, heat exchangers, steam generators and a turbogenerator. Also, the operational quality control of metal and welded joints of pipelines was carried out as well as tests of the system for monitoring the tightness of shells using a metrological assembly.

“Today, Beloyarsk NPP is one of the flagships bringing the Russian nuclear industry closer to a new technological platform based on a closed nuclear fuel cycle,” said Beloyarsk NPP Director Ivan Sidorov. “The use of mox fuel will make it possible to increase the fuel base of the nuclear power industry tenfold. And most importantly, in the BN-800 reactor, after appropriate processing, used nuclear fuel from other NPPs can be recycled.”

Alexander Ugryumov, Senior Vice President for Scientific and Technical Activities at TVEL said completing conversion of BN-800 to mox fuel is a long-awaited event for the nuclear industry. “For the first time in the history of the Russian nuclear power industry, we will be able to operate a fast neutron reactor with a full load of uranium-plutonium fuel and a closed nuclear fuel cycle. This is exactly the milestone for which the BN-800 was originally designed, a unique nuclear power unit supported by automated fuel production at the Mining and Chemical Combine. Advanced technologies for recycling nuclear materials will significantly expand the raw material base of nuclear energy by processing irradiated fuel instead of storing it, and it will also reduce the amount of waste generated.”  

Industrial fabrication of mox fuel began at the end of 2018 at the MCC. To create this unique production, broad industry cooperation was organised under the coordination and scientific leadership of TVEL, which also acts as the supplier of mox FAs for the Beloyarsk NPP. Initially, during the start-up of the BN-800 reactor, a hybrid core was installed, partly equipped with uranium fuel produced by Mashinostroitelny Zavod in Elektrostal (Moscow Region), and partly with experimental mox fuel assemblies manufactured at the Research Institute of Atomic Reactors in Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region.

Image: MOX fuel assemblies are loaded into the BN-800 fast reactor core at Beloyarsk NPP (courtesy of TVEL)

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  2. Egotronic Tour Announcements 2023 & 2024, Notifications ...

    2022. Flensburg, Germany. Volksbad. Dec 10 2022. Dresden, Germany. Chemiefabrik. View all past concerts. Photos (6) ... Find out more about Egotronic tour dates & tickets 2023-2024. Want to see Egotronic in concert? Find information on all of Egotronic's upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2023-2024.

  3. Egotronic Concerts & Live Tour Dates: 2024-2025 Tickets

    Follow Egotronic and be the first to get notified about new concerts in your area, buy official tickets, and more. Find tickets for Egotronic concerts near you. Browse 2024 tour dates, venue details, concert reviews, photos, and more at Bandsintown.

  4. Egotronic Setlist at Rock am Berg Merkers 2022

    Get the Egotronic Setlist of the concert at Waldstadion Merkers, Merkers, Germany on June 18, 2022 and other Egotronic Setlists for free on!

  5. Egotronic Concert Setlists

    Get Egotronic setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Egotronic fans for free on! Add Setlist. Search Clear search text ... Edit tour; Add to festival; Report setlist; Sep 15 2022. Egotronic at Cafe Cairo, Würzburg, Germany ... Egotronic at Outside Rodeo 2022. Artist: Egotronic, Venue: Ernstfarm, Coburg ...

  6. Egotronic Setlist at Alte Mälzerei, Regensburg

    Get the Egotronic Setlist of the concert at Alte Mälzerei, Regensburg, Germany on November 25, 2022 and other Egotronic Setlists for free on!

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    Buy Egotronic Tickets from the Official Ticketmaster Website. See Tour Dates & Much More

  8. Egotronic Concert & Tour History

    Formed in 2001, Egotronic started making electro punk out of noises they got from their C64 computer and mixed them up with live instruments. They released demo CDs and contributed to some compilations including "captain future re-animated" and "I Can't Relax In Deutschland".

  9. Egotronic

    EGOTRONIC LIVE Skurrile Minderheiten - Tour präsentiert von Plastic Bomb Fanzine, OxFanzine, livegigs, DIFFUS Magazin, taz & Plus1 ... 17.12.2022 Bremen - Tower Musikclub. Egotronic Facebook | Instagram | Spotify | Youtube. Waving The Guns - Video zu "Nina Simone (W.T.G.)" Poulish Kid - "Pack Up Your Bags" Single;

  10. Egotronic music, videos, stats, and photos

    Listen to music from Egotronic like Rannte Der Sonne Hinterher, Scheiße bleibt Scheiße & more. Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from Egotronic. ... Friday 4 March 2022 53: Saturday 5 March 2022 ... Skurrile Minderheiten Tour: Tower, Bremen, Germany: 1 interested: Add event View all events. Photos Add image.

  11. Event Egotronic

    Egotronic - Tour 2022. Thursday 15 September 2022 Event's website : : Facebook Cairo Burkarderstr. 44, 97082 Würzburg Bayern - Germany. Poster / Flyer. Egotronic - Tour 2022. Bands' List. Headliners: Egotronic - electropunk. Guest / Support / Opening act / Other bands: Shirley Holmes - Garage Rock, Rock'n'Roll.

  12. Egotronic

    Egotronic - Tour 2022. Saturday 30 April 2022 Event's website : : Facebook Cafe Glocksee Glockseestraße 35, 30169 Hannover Niedersachsen - Germany. Poster / Flyer. Egotronic - Tour 2022. Bands' List. Egotronic - electropunk. Bands' detail. Edit / Add info Further events Concerts highlighted by the community :

  13. Event Egotronic

    Egotronic - Tour 2022. Saturday 30 April 2022 Event's website : : Facebook Cafe Glocksee Glockseestraße 35, 30169 Hannover Niedersachsen - Germany. Line up. Egotronic Country : Germany Kind : electropunk concerts on the agenda : 17 Edit / Add info. Facebook: Edit / Add info Further events

  14. Egotronic

    Egotronic sind deine gute Entschuldigung morgen blau zu machen. Es ist doch so, niemand sitzt irgendwann da und denkt bei sich: Hätte ich doch mehr gearbeite...

  15. Egotronic Setlist at Outside Rodeo 2022

    Get the Egotronic Setlist of the concert at Ernstfarm, Coburg, Germany on July 15, 2022 and other Egotronic Setlists for free on!

  16. Egotronic Festival History

    Egotronic sind eine Electronic Band aus Berlin (DE) die 2001 gegründet wurde. Die Band hat sich 2022 aufgelöst. In der Vergangenheit spielten Egotronic unter anderem bei Rostock Rockt, Deichbrand Festival, Greenville Music Festival, Großefehn Open Air, Taubertal Festival, Rock im Park, Chiemsee Summer, Rock am Ring, Open Flair Festival, Pell-Mell Festival und vielen mehr. Eine Liste mit ...

  17. Nadal downs De Minaur for statement Madrid win

    Rafael Nadal showed sustained flashes of his vintage best in a statement second-round win against Alex de Minaur at the Mutua Madrid Open on Saturday. The Spaniard thrilled his home fans in a 7-6(6), 6-3 victory, his first win against a Top 20 opponent in the PIF ATP Rankings since the 2022 Nitto ATP Finals.. In his second Lexus ATP Head2Head meeting with De Minaur in as many weeks, Nadal ...

  18. How To Get Ed Sheeran Tickets in 2024

    The 33-year-old English singer kicked off his +-=÷× tour (also known as the Mathematics tour) in Dublin, Ireland all the way back in April 2022 and he'll finally end its run in September ...

  19. 2024 Zurich Classic leaderboard, scores: Rory McIlroy, Shane Lowry

    Let's roll with the 2022 champion at 10-1. Schauffele and Cantlay burned a ton of edges on Thursday but kept themselves in it with a late flurry of birdies. ... McIlroy set to return to PGA Tour board

  20. Moscow metro tour

    Moscow Metro. The Moscow Metro Tour is included in most guided tours' itineraries. Opened in 1935, under Stalin's regime, the metro was not only meant to solve transport problems, but also was hailed as "a people's palace". Every station you will see during your Moscow metro tour looks like a palace room. There are bright paintings ...

  21. Celine Dion On Living With Stiff Person Syndrome & If She'll ...

    Celine Dion was diagnosed with Stiff Person Syndrome in 2022 and is opening up about how she's learning to live with the rare autoimmune neurological disorder.. In a new interview, the Canadian ...

  22. Rafael Nadal Nets First Top 20 Win Since 2022 With Victory at Madrid Open

    Rafael Nadal defeated Alex de Minaur in straight sets in the second round at the Madrid Open on Saturday for his first ATP Tour win vs. a top 20 opponent since November of 2022.

  23. Russia's BN800 fast reactor fully fuelled with mox

    The BN-800 fast reactor at unit 4 of Russia's Beloyarsk NPP has for the first time been completely switched to using uranium-plutonium mixed oxide (mox) fuel after a scheduled overhaul, according to Rosatom's fuel company TVEL. Beloyarsk 4 was connected to the grid and resumed electricity production after the completing its latest regular ...

  24. Egotronic Setlist at Garage

    Egotronic Gig Timeline. Jul 23 2022. Umsonst & Draussen Lindau 2022 Lindau, Germany. Add time. Sep 15 2022. Cafe Cairo Würzburg, Germany. Add time. Nov 19 2022. Garage - Kleiner Klub This Setlist Saarbrücken, Germany.

  25. Egotronic Concert Map by year: 2022

    View the concert map Statistics of Egotronic in 2022! Add Setlist. Search Clear search text. follow. Setlists; Artists; Festivals; Venues; Statistics Stats; News; Forum; Show Menu Hide Menu ... Tour Statistics. Song Statistics Stats; Tour Statistics Stats; Other Statistics; All Setlists. All setlist songs (193) Years on tour. Show ...

  26. Moscow Private 2-Day Tour with Local Expert Guides

    Hit up many of Moscow's top attractions all in two days during this private tour where your guide meets you right in your hotel lobby with a personalized itinerary. Along with visiting Kolomenskoye Museum and Reserve or Tsaritsino Park, see St. Basil's Cathedral in Red Square, the Kremlin and its cathedrals, and old town Moscow. Plus, your guide knows the best ways around the city so you ...

  27. Egotronic Tour Statistics: 2022

    View the statistics of songs played live by Egotronic. Have a look which song was played how often in 2022! Add Setlist. Search Clear search text. follow. Setlists; Artists; Festivals; Venues ... Years on tour. Show all. 2022 (4) 2020 (1) 2019 (4) 2018 (8) 2017 (6) 2016 (6) 2015 (10) 2014 (16) 2013 (6)

  28. Kremlin Small-Group Tour

    Explore what was once a bastion of Soviet secrecy — the Moscow Kremlin — on this express tour. Accompanied by an expert guide, stroll around the walled complex, once Moscow's ancient citadel, to see its courtyards, churches and palaces. Hear tales of medieval Tsars and the Russian Orthodox church as you view the Grand Kremlin Palace, Senate Palace and Ivan the Great Bell Tower; see the ...