Star Trek: Data's 10 Best Quotes, Ranked

Since his introduction in Star Trek: The Next Generation, Data has always been a fan favorite, perhaps because he was more human than most humans.

Since the very first Star Trek episode debuted, they've worked hard to introduce plenty of intriguing new characters, species and worlds, but none has been more outstanding than Lieutenant Commander Data of the Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation . Portrayed by Brent Spiner, Data was a synthetic android with artificial intelligence created by Dr. Noonien Soong (also portrayed by Spiner) in his own image. Though he may have been artificial, Data was perhaps one of the most real characters in the series.

While some have claimed Data to be a successor to Spock, offering a unique outsider's perspective and approach within a very human Starfleet, there's no denying that he quickly rose to stand in a league all his own. In his quest to understand human emotion, Data spent a significant amount of time exploring the very nature of humanity itself. From sadness and merriment to anger and love, Data practiced jokes to make others laugh, tried his hand at parenting, and even became a loving pet owner to Spot the cat. He endeavored into a romance or two, just to see what it might be like, and while it's hard to say he loved mystery and Sherlock Holmes, there's really no other way to describe his fascination.

Across the series and into the movies, Data became a shining example to everyone around him. In the first season of Picard , a retired Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) was seen often lamenting Data's absence from his life. Over the years, he'd come to think of him as his closest friend and confidant, and with good reason. Data's intelligence was matched only by his wisdom, and in the end, his humanity.

Artificial Intelligence is still often a terrifying concept to humanity, but Data was the exception. As a character, he left fans with plenty of profound statements and ponderings to mull over, and sometimes they are more human than human. His thoughtful commentary on humanity and life lingers on, leaving many to wonder how much easier life could be if everyone it approached it from the same standpoint as Data.

10 "I would gladly risk feeling bad at times..."

Data's influence often extended to the children around him, like Timothy, whom he rescued in Season 5, Episode 11, "Hero Worship." Timothy's fascination with Data prompted the boy to proclaim to be an android himself, an effort to forget the horrors he'd seen and the way it made him feel. But Data pointed out that being an android had equal perks and flaws, saying, "I would gladly risk feeling bad at times, if it also meant that I could taste my dessert."

Data's reminder of how often humanity takes life's pleasures for granted was not unique. In his longing to experience life as a human, he could more easily see all the little things humans inadvertently ignore. Like how lucky they are to taste, touch, smell, see, hear, and then process the way it feels to truly experience something.

9 "In the event of a water landing..."

Data spent a lot of time testing out jokes and trying to make people laugh. In the Star Trek: Insurrection film, he reminded everyone, "In the event of a water landing, I have been designed to serve as a flotation device." While hilarious, the funniest part about his little joke was that there was probably some truth to it. Dr. Soong had a bizarre sense of humor, and turning his most profound, intelligent creation into a flotation device to aptly serve the people around him wouldn't have been all that far-fetched.

8 "Yes, Sir. I am attempting to fill a silent moment with non-relevant conversation."

Continuing his quest to learn and understand humanity, Data once created a subroutine that would allow him to engage in small talk in Season 6, Episode 18, "Starship Mine." After attempting to make small talk with Captain Picard, and then explaining his end goal, the captain directed him to a notorious small talk expert, Commander Calvin Hutchinson. As Data quickly came to understand after approaching Hutchinson, small talk has the capacity to become never-ending. But is it because life is filled with awkward moments, or does small talk only further enhance awkwardness?

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7 "Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most amusing."

When Deanna Troi was preparing to get married in Season 1, Episode 11, "Haven," nothing seemed to go her way--especially after her mother Lwaxana gets into an argument with her intended's fiancé about betazoids being superior to humans. Before Troi storms out in a rage, she begs them to stop their petty bickering, but once she's gone, Data asks them to keep it up. After all, not only is it a great study in human nature, but it's actually pretty funny.

6 "The real secret is turning disadvantage into advantage."

When hearing-impaired negotiator Riva boarded the Enterprise, there was a lot of frustration between Riva and the crew. Picard ordered Data to learn sign language, so he could more easily act as an interpreter, but Riva's frustration made him want to abandon his mission and go home a failure. Troi tried to inspire him, using the above quote, which Data later translated back to the crew when Riva found his strength. People often forget that every aspect of life, regardless of one's circumstances, often provides them with a unique advantage others around them don't have. This reminder for everyone to turn what they consider to be a disadvantage into an advantageous strength is always relevant.

5 "I am superior, sir, in many ways, but I would gladly give it up to be human."

From his very first introduction in the pilot episode, Data made it very clear what he wanted. Physically and mentally superior to those around him, he felt a deep longing for that which he didn't have: humanity. He would spend the years that followed serving on the Enterprise and trying desperately to achieve the perfect human experience. Even when Q offered Data the chance to become human , the latter turned him down. Data recognized that he didn't physically need to be like everyone else to be human, or to have a very human experience. In many ways, he was more human than most of the people around him.

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4 "Prejudice is very human."

The people around him often made their discomfort a little too obvious. Even Riker (Jonathan Frakes) , upon first meeting Data, had his doubts about working with an artificial intelligence. Data broke the ice with a very astute observation about prejudice being a human reaction, though to say this created a good foundation for their relationship is laughable. In time, Riker would definitely adjust, and much like everyone else in the crew, come to think of Data as a friend, but in the beginning he displayed one of humanity's worst traits in his prejudice against Data.

3 "Differences sometimes scare people."

Exploring the nature of humanity eventually led Data to creating life and becoming a parent. While he couldn't reproduce naturally, he did possess the ability to create an android using the knowledge of his own creator, Dr. Soong, so he did. His daughter Lal only seemed to further enhance Data's humanity, as he passed on as much as he could about his personal observations of life, just like a human father would.

His poignant observation, "Differences sometimes scare people. I have learned that some of them use humor to hide their fear," is a reminder that fear is often considered a weakness. Deflecting and hiding behind a wall of humor can provide a temporary reprieve from the fear, but eventually, the wall will come down.

2 "This is just a thing... and things can be replaced. Lives cannot."

When faced with a community of humans who refuse to leave their land, even though they face inevitable death, Data tries desperately to steer them away. Fearing they will lose everything they have, the colony refuses to budge. It's difficult for people to sometimes look beyond the moment, toward the bigger picture. Letting go of the material for the sake of preserving one's own life isn't easy, but even Data knows that things can be replaced; people, not so much.

1 "Mortality gives meaning to human life."

Data never had to die. He could have gone on living eternally, but that wasn't what he wanted. In the first season of Picard , he was finally given a choice to end his life. When he expressed this to his friend and former captain, Picard struggled to understand. Data admitted that he didn't want to die, but he wanted to live briefly with the understanding that one day his life would end. This would help him appreciate every moment he was given, prompt him to take advantage of the time he had. Knowing that one is going to die brings life meaning in the most brilliant way, allowing a person to die feeling like they'd done everything in their power to live while given the chance.

Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Data

9. the character's origin.

star trek picard season three data

When creating Data, the Next Gen staff took inspiration from several characters who came before. Pinocchio is an often-mentioned example—an artificial lifeform struggling to be a real boy. Other inspirations include a Vulcan named Xon who was planned to appear in the aborted series Star Trek: Phase II , as well as the childlike android Questor from The Questor Tapes (a movie Gene Roddenberry and Gene Coon created in the 70s).

Others view Data as The Next Generation' s ‘Spock’ character. Both Data and Spock stand out with their lack of emotions, but the characters can also be viewed as opposites in a way. When the two met in the episode Unification , they discussed how their journeys mirror each other. Data was completely devoid of emotions and always wanted to become more human, whereas Spock was half-Human and struggled to follow a traditional Vulcan way of life. In this way, they couldn't be more different, each avoiding what the other wanted so much.

Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.

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Published Sep 7, 2017

FAN FRIDAY: Your Favorite Trek Jokes

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Star Trek fans are pretty funny. Two weeks ago, back on August 27th, asked fans to "Tell us your favorite Trek jokes." Thousands of you took to our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages to reply. And, below is a compilation of our favorite fan responses:

Twitter Responses:

@chennessybooks wrote: How do you stop from falling out of a Bird of Prey? You just have to Klingon.

star trek data joke

@Sepulcher67 wrote: Kirk: Bones, that man is choking! Do Something! McCoy: Damn it, Jim, I'm a Doctor not a... oh, yeah right.

@richardcobb20 wrote: How many ears does Mr. Spock have? Three. A left ear, a right and a Final front ear.

star trek data joke

@MissNikkiSwan wrote: Why did Worf change his hair color? It was a good day to dye.

@chennessybooks wrote: How many Betazoids does it take to change a lightbulb? Two... one to change it & one to say, "Captain, I sense darkness."

Facebook Responses:

Dylan Seymour wrote: What is the least popular show on Bajor? Keeping up with the Cardassians!

star trek data joke

Angela Schlemann wrote: How many crew members of the Voyager does it take to change a lightbulb? I don't know, but they'll blow up at least one shuttle while doing it.

Paul Hayton wrote: Picard was devastated to have accidentally broken Dr. Crusher's antique sewing machine. It seemed it was beyond repair until Data said he had detailed files and could fix it, to which Picard replied, "Mr. Data, make it sew."

star trek data joke

Alan Schriver wrote: If you're browsing the communication logs and happen to notice that condolences have already been sent to your next of kin... you might be a redshirt.

Lars Hilgers wrote: What do you call a Cardassian on a sailing ship? A sea-Gul.

Instagram Responses:

tierluvr wrote: Where do the Borg go to eat? BORGer King!

star trek data joke

dinesh_welikala wrote: Why did the Borg cross the road? Because it assimilated the chicken! wrote: How many Ferengi does it take to change a light bulb? Two: one for changing it and another one to sell the broken one.

star trek data joke

leia_mccoy wrote: How does one join the Star Trek fandom? They Klingon.

_a_person_named_william wrote: A stormtrooper and a Red Shirt get into a fight, the storm trooper misses every shot, but the red shirt dies anyway

Which Star Trek joke was your favorite?

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The Funniest Jokes That'll Speak To Every "Star Trek" Fan's Inner Nerd

Live long and prosper, Trekkies.

Michele Bird

BuzzFeed Contributor

If you've found yourself watching the Star Trek franchise on repeat, or effortlessly quoting one of the show's characters regularly, chances are you're one of the die-hard fans.

No matter if you started watching from the beginning, or just love the series in general, we've rounded up the funniest social media posts that'll speak to every trekkie's soul. check them out below:.

Dayton Ward 🖖😎 @daytonward There's no party like landing party. #StarTrek 01:07 PM - 18 Sep 2017 Reply Retweet Favorite
Evil Girafe 👁 @Lyrical_Girafe Same vibe. #Startrek 03:47 PM - 10 Oct 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite
Jay Stobie @StobiesGalaxy There's been a late addition to the crew of William Shatner's Blue Origin spaceflight... 🦖 #StarTrek 06:25 PM - 12 Oct 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite
soph @neonriddler star trek ds9 is one big meme 10:20 PM - 16 Sep 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite
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Which Star Trek joke or meme would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments!

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The Best Data Episodes Of Star Trek: The Next Generation

Data on Star Trek: The Next Generation

You can't really talk about  Star Trek: The Next Generation  ( TNG ) without talking about Data. Played by Brent Spiner , this sentient android appeared in all seven seasons of the series, has a recurring role in  Star Trek: Picard , and showed up in all four  TNG  films. Data proved to quickly be one of the most popular  TNG  characters, as fans enjoyed following the synthetic officer's struggles to understand humanity and grow closer to it. 

As for his backstory, Data is discovered before the events of the series on the otherwise lifeless Omicron Theta colony. About halfway through the first season of TNG , in "Datalore," we learn most of the colony was wiped out by a powerful spacefaring being known only as the Crystalline Entity (take Galactus, but make him look like a giant snowflake). Fortunately, the android is rescued by Starfleet, which heavily influences his choice to join the organization. On board the  Enterprise , Data regularly proves to be one of the crew's best assets, though occasionally his android origins allow villains to turn him into a crippling liability. 

Throughout the series, most of the crew's   senior officers were the focus of at least a couple of episodes, but Data's struggles and adventures proved compelling enough to fans that the Enterprise 's own Pinocchio could rightly be accused of hogging the spotlight. And today, we're going to look at the episodes where Data shined the brightest. Here are our picks for the best Data episodes of  Star Trek: The Next Generation .  

'Phantasms' is one of Data's weirdest and funniest episodes

In 1968, Philip K. Dick penned one of his best-known novels, one where the title poses an interesting question: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Well, after watching the 1993  TNG  episode "Phantasms," we can't tell you if androids dream of electric sheep, but we  can  report they occasionally dream of cakes made of out of crew members.

In season six's "Birthright," Data discovers a program that allows him to dream. And in the following season's "Phantasms," Data's dreams haunt him to the point where he appears to be losing his positronic marbles. His dreams are filled with absolutely bizarre images. For example, in one, he finds in a party on Ten Forward in which Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis) is a cake whom his crew members are devouring. We eventually learn the weird dreams are actually giving Data the key to save the  Enterprise . After the ship takes on a brand new warp core, invisible parasites start feeding on the crew. Data unconsciously detects the creatures, and the strange imagery of his dreams is actually designed to alert him of the danger.

"Phantasms" goes into weird  Twin Peaks  territory that no one ever expected from  Star Trek , and for that alone, it deserves a spot on this list. But the episode also proves to be one of the funniest  TNG stories, particularly with some uncharacteristic off-color humor that begins to surface after Data discusses his dreams with a holographic version of Sigmund Freud (who had a reputation for linking most neuroses to sex) .

'Descent' puts Data against two of Star Trek's best villains

Two of TNG 's most compelling bad guys form something of an alliance in the two-parter "Descent." And this terrifying union starts early in part one, when Data surprises us by getting murderously enraged when attacked by Borg drones — to the point that he continues to beat on an already dead drone when he should be helping out his crew members. 

Data is puzzled by the spontaneous burst of emotion and concerned with his homicidal urges, and we eventually learn he's being manipulated by his brother Lore, a predecessor to Data who's programmed with emotions but suffers mental instability. Lore is gathering Borg drones detached from the Borg Collective and recruiting them into a cult committed to the rise of cybernetic beings over organic life. To this end, Lore is behind Data's murderous emotions, and he manipulates him to the point where he's almost willing to kill his best friend, Geordi (Levar Burton).

Bookending the penultimate and final seasons of  TNG , "Descent" not only gives us another chance to see the Borg, but it also marks the return of the free-thinking Borg Hugh (Jonathan Del Arco) who first appeared in "I, Borg." It also proves to be the final confrontation between Data and his twisted brother Lore. It's as sad as it is satisfying when Data deactivates his wayward sibling, whose final profession of love before his death is almost certainly a lie. 

'Hero Worship' explores the pros to being an android

When you first discover how badly Data wants to be a human, it's natural to at least briefly wonder why he would want to be something that — in so many ways — is inferior. That's part of what occurs to the young Timothy (Joshua Harris) in the season five episode "Hero Worship." Timothy is the sole survivor of the wrecked ship  Vico , and it's Data who saves him. Traumatized by so much death, Timothy takes comfort in pretending to be an android. Counselor Troi encourages Data to help Timothy find shelter in this temporary fantasy, and he teaches the boy what it's like to be a synthetic person, including finding Timothy appropriate clothes and combing his hair to look more like Data.

Data's time with Timothy is touching and bittersweet. We can tell from the beginning that Data enjoys the company of someone who wants to be more like him and that he'll miss Timothy when, inevitably, he emerges from the fantasy. Regardless, the exercise helps the boy open up to his rescuers. Timothy initially tells the  Enterprise  crew that his ship was attacked by aliens, but by the end, it comes out Timothy wrongly blames himself. Moments before the ship's destruction, Timothy fell and hit a console, and he erroneously believes that whatever he hit on the console is what destroyed  Vico . But in a nice twist, it's Timothy's memory of the  Vico 's final moments that gives Data the clues he needs to save the  Enterprise  from the Vico 's actual fate.

'The Quality of Life' asks some heavy questions

"The Quality of Life" is unique in that it puts Data at odds with his shipmates, but it's not because any villain infiltrates his positronic net. Instead, Data refuses the orders of a superior officer on his own free will.

Early in "The Quality of Life," we meet Dr. Farallon (Ellen Bry), the head of a project she hopes will be approved by the Federation. To help with her work, Farallon creates small, mobile, problem-solving machines called exocomps. After one of the exocomps refuses to perform a task, Data — while everyone else assumes the exocomp is malfunctioning — determines the machine is self-aware. Toward the end of the episode, Data locks horns with Riker over using the exocomps to save Picard ( Patrick Stewart ) and Geordi from an accident but in a manner that would destroy the machines. Riker solves the problem by suggesting that Data ask the exocomps to help rather than ordering them. The machines agree to help, and they find an alternative means of saving Picard and Geordi, though sadly one of them chooses to sacrifice itself for the sake of the others. 

"The Quality of Life" is an episode that challenges its audience. It doesn't take much to feel sympathy for Data. He may be a machine, but he looks like a person and is being played by a flesh-and-blood human. It's quite another thing to root for Data when he's treating the rights of three drone-like machines as inviolate enough to risk the lives of beloved regular characters. 

'Elementary, Dear Data' is The Next Generation having a whole lot of fun

Picard loves his Dixon Hill, and Data loves Sherlock Holmes. And in "Elementary, Dear Data," we get to see Data indulge in his love for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's iconic detective, while Geordi LaForge plays his loyal companion, Watson. 

It begins, as most holodeck-gone-wrong episodes do, with the heroes just having a bit of fun. Geordi gets frustrated when Data, rather than going through an entire Holmes mystery, ends the story early by revealing the killer. Only instead of using deduction, Data knows who committed the crime simply by having read the story already. Dr. Pulaski (Diana Muldaur) gets involved when she overhears the two in Ten Forward, and she challenges Data to solve an original Holmesian mystery. That challenge inadvertently leads Geordi to give the holodeck a command that makes the holographic version of Holmes' nemesis, Professor Moriarty, sentient. And soon enough, the classic bad guy becomes aware he's a hologram on a space ship. 

Once the challenge gets interesting, Data and Geordi throw themselves into their roles, and their enthusiasm is infectious. But what makes the episode one of the  TNG 's most memorable is Daniel Davis' portrayal of Moriarty. Picard is forced to get involved after Moriarty figures out a way to briefly take control of the  Enterprise.  However, Moriarty's evolution makes him much more than a villain, and his portrayal is surprisingly affecting. When Moriarty tells Picard, "What I have seen, what I have learned, fascinates me — I do not want to die," it takes you off guard. Against all odds, you actually care about this holographic recreation of a Victorian-era villain. 

Brent Spiner shows off his acting chops in 'Brothers'

When Data's twin brother Lore threatens the  Enterprise , Brent Spiner does double-duty by playing both androids. But in the fourth season episode "Brothers," Spiner does  triple  duty as Data, Lore, and their enigmatic creator, Dr. Noonian Soong .

In "Brothers," Dr. Soong activates a homing device that summons both Data and Lore to his workshop deep in the jungle of an otherwise seemingly unpopulated planet. Soong is dying, and before his passing, he wants to give Data a chip he's developed that will give Data human emotions but without the flaws that lead to Lore's instability. Before Lore's predictable betrayal and Soong's death, we learn much of what Lore told us in the earlier episode "Datalore" was untrue. In particular, while Lore claims to be a perfected version of Data, Soong reveals Lore was built first and was deactivated because humans feared him. Data seems genuinely stunned to learn he isn't inferior to Lore, so much so that he repeats the revelation "I am not less perfect than Lore" out loud, much to his brother's aggravation. 

Spiner's performances in all three roles genuinely feels like a troubled family reunion. Data and Lore come off like two feuding brothers under the tutelage of an impatient father, including in the perfectly touching and funny moment when Soong orders them through clenched teeth to both sit down. "Brothers" is a testament to Spiner's acting abilities, and the episode is an essential piece of the puzzle when it comes to understanding Data.

'Data's Day' lets us look through the android's eyes

The plot of season four's "Data's Day" isn't particularly memorable. Data prepares for the wedding of Chief O'Brien (Colm Meaney) and Keiko (Rosalind Chao), while the  Enterprise  heads for the Romulan Neutral Zone with a Vulcan ambassador in tow. Really, "Data's Day" is pretty much a meat-and-potatoes TNG episode, but it's elevated by being told completely through Data's adorably hopeless point of view

"Data's Day" references the episode "The Measure of a Man," with Data writing a letter to Bruce Maddox, the same cyberneticist who caused the android so much trouble in the earlier story. Data writes his letter as a log entry, explaining everything that's happening, what he believes will resolve each situation, and inevitably how laughably wrong he proves to be. For example, Data tries and fails to understand the drama between O'Brien and Keiko when the latter gets cold feet and cancels their wedding. And the eventual betrayal by the Vulcan ambassador, who proves to be a Romulan incognito, seems almost unnecessary compared to the fun of Data learning to dance while wearing a Joker-like smile that is the stuff of nightmares.

"Data's Day" is equally sweet, sad, and funny in showing us Data's attempts to understand human behavior. One interesting aspect of the episode is when he describes Worf (Michael Dorn) as a "kindred spirit." With both often finding themselves confused by humans, the connection makes sense. Still, with both taking vastly different approaches to most situations, it's a surprising revelation. 

'In Theory' is a heartbreaking Star Trek episode

In the early first season episode "The Naked Now," Data famously gets intimate with Tasha Yar (Denise Crosby). After that, Data doesn't have a lot of chance at romance until the fourth season's "In Theory." 

As Data's friend Jenna (Michele Scarabelli) is getting over a break-up with an on-again/off-again boyfriend, it suddenly occurs to her that her synthetic buddy might just be her best new candidate for romance. As Jenna's interest gradually becomes clear to Data, he goes to each of his  Enterprise  friends in turn, asking their advice. He decides to move forward with the relationship and creates a program for it. Slowly, Jenna begins to realize that having a romantic relationship with an emotionless android means ... having a romantic relationship with an emotionless android. Data never knows how to react to what Jenna does, whether it's what to do when she brings him a gift or when he abruptly initiates a lovers' quarrel simply because he thinks that's what Jenna wants. 

The episode's final scene is gut-punching. Once Jenna tells Data their relationship is over, he responds emotionlessly with, "Then I will delete the appropriate program." Jenna is crushed while Data seems perfectly fine, as untroubled by the break-up as if it'd never happened. Most Data episodes end with some kind of sentiment hinting towards Data being more human than he appears. "In Theory" swerves hard in the other direction, letting you viscerally feel the impact Data's lack of humanity can have on those around him. 

Data goes looking for his father in 'Birthright, Part I'

As far as  TNG  two-parters go, season six's "Birthright" is a little different than most. "Birthright, Part I" is maybe 60 percent Data and 40 percent Worf, with the Klingon officer dealing with the reveal that his father Mogh — long presumed dead — may still be alive. In the meantime, Data is gifted with a strange dream-like vision of his father, Dr. Soong, after an accident involving Geordi, Dr. Bashir (Alexander Siddig) of  Deep Space Nine , and a mysterious device found in the Gamma Quadrant. 

Data and Worf's narratives come together when Data tells the Klingon about this experience, and Worf sees the event as a powerful vision. Taking Worf's advice, Data does everything he can to interpret his vision. At first, he tries to read his dream through art and is inspired enough to create dozens of paintings, many of which include images that Data didn't even see in his vision. Eventually, he recruits Geordi and Bashir to help recreate the accident that caused it in the first place so he can experience the vision in its entirety. 

The result is a powerful, tear-jerking reunion with Data's father, albeit not "in the flesh." By recreating the accident, Data unlocks a program that his father had set to be activated when Data reached a specific point in his evolution. As a result, Data not only gets to see and speak to his dead father, but he leaves the experience with the newfound ability to dream. 

'The Measure of a Man' is Star Trek: The Next Generation at its finest

Among the first two seasons of  TNG , few episodes are as impressive as "The Measure of a Man," in which Data finds himself on trial for his life — not for a crime but simply for being.

Starfleet scientist Bruce Maddox (Brian Brophy) wants to perform experiments on Data, but Data is worried he won't survive them. When Maddox forces the issue, Data tries to resign his commission. Maddox argues Data is Starfleet's property and doesn't have the right to resign his commission, so Picard is forced to face-off against Riker in a legal proceeding to determine whether or not Data has sentience. He famously tells the judge, "Your Honor, Starfleet was founded to seek out new life." Then, pointing to Data, he says, " Well, there it sits ."

Perhaps even more powerful is Data's defense. When Maddox visits Data's quarters in hopes of convincing him to submit to his experiments, Data tells him, "When Doctor Soong created me, he added to the substance of the universe. If, by your experiments, I am destroyed, something unique, something wonderful, will be lost. I cannot permit that." The lines' power comes from the fact that they're spoken by Data. If a human being were to describe themselves as "something unique" or "wonderful" that must be protected, it might come off as sappy or even self-important. Coming from an android without emotion to corrupt his logic, it seems like nothing but the wisdom it is. 

'The Offspring' is definitely Data's saddest episode

If "The Offspring" doesn't make your eyes sweaty, nothing will. The emotions all start when Data builds an android that he names Lal (Hallie Todd). As Picard predicts, Lal's creation attracts all the wrong kind of attention. Starfleet Admiral Haftel (Nicolas Coster) makes it clear he wants Lal to be supervised by Starfleet scientists, while Data is adamant that he will keep his daughter with him.

Lal's time aboard the  Enterprise  is marked by the same kind of well-intentioned confusion we're used to from her father. Unaware school children are laughing  at  her, Lal determines that because they laugh so much, she must have "mastered" the concept of humor. She then agrees to work in Ten Forward with Guinan (Whoopi Goldberg) in an attempt to learn human behavior. Lal becomes something of a child to the entire crew, making her loss that much tougher to handle. Lal experiences intense emotion at the prospect of being taken away from her father, and it triggers a cascade failure . Data races to save her with such determination that even Admiral Haftel is struck by it, but in the end, Lal can't be saved. She thanks Data for her life and tells her father, since he can't feel love, that she will love for them both. 

Having transferred Lal's memories into himself, Data assures the heartbroken crew, "She is here ," and then points to his head. Unwilling to allow her fade into oblivion, Data keeps her memories in his positronic net so she'll always be with him. That right there is a truly tear-jerking Star Trek moment , and if you're not weeping, then you're probably an android.

Here's a Joke

45 Funny Star Trek Jokes

Here are 45 funny Star Trek jokes and the best Star Trek puns to crack you up. These jokes about Star Trek are great jokes for kids and adults.

Cartoon graphic of a a face of Spock on a blue background.

Star Trek puns

Here is our top list of Star Trek dad jokes. Find your favorite puns about Star Trek, have a laugh, then share and enjoy this Star Trek humor with others.

  • Did you hear about the Captain of the Enterprise? He had a one trek mind.
  • What do you call two science officers having an argument? Science Friction.
  • Did you hear about the Federation weapons expert? He never forgets a phaser.
  • What is Commander Riker’s favorite hobby? Sewing, because Captain Picard is always saying “Make it so.”
  • Why did Riker die from friendly fire ? Because Picard ordered “Fire at Will.”
  • What are glasses called on planet Vulcan? Spocktacles.
  • Did you hear Kirk reciting verse at Warp Speed? It was poetry in motion.
  • Why did the Romulan cross the road? To conquer the other side.
  • How do you get a one-armed Klingon out of a tree ? Wave to him.
  • What did the first officer say when Captain Picard asked him why he let Troi win at cards ? Because I Riker.

Cartoon graphic of a large hand doing start trek Spock sign on a blue background.

  • Where do the Borg go to eat fast food? Borger King.
  • Why does this Star Trek uniform stink? William Shatner.
  • How does a Romulan frog stay camouflaged? He uses a croaking device.
  • Why did Worf change his hair color? It was a good day to dye.
  • What did Scotty say when little shards of ice began hitting the Enterprise? “Captain, we are being hailed.”
  • What space illness makes you red and itchy? Chicken Spocks.
  • What was the potato’s favorite sci-fi show?  Starch Trek.
  • Where does a ten-foot Mugato sleep ? Anywhere he wants to.
  • Why did the chicken cross the road? To boldly go where no chicken had gone before.
  • Did you hear about the Klingon plan to wrap the Enterprise in silver paper ? Luckily, the plan was foiled.
  • Why did Spock cross the road? Because it was logical.
  • What’s a shark’s favorite science fiction TV show?   Shark Trek.
  • Why was Captain Picard so confused when the android disappeared? Because they’d lost their Data .
  • Why did the Enterprise have to go to the garage for repair? It needed new Spock plugs.
  • What’s it called when a crew member on Deep Space 9 runs as fast as he can? Worf Speed.

Cartoon graphic of black stars background with a black outline of Spock's face and hand doing star trek sign on a blue background.

Star Trek one liners

Here are some great Star Trek joke one liners that you can quip whenever someone is talking about Star Trek.

  • We have engaged the Borg. The wedding will be Friday.
  • I used to confuse Star Wars with Star Trek. It was a Wookie mistake.
  • When Star Trek fans go to a convention, they get a gift. It’s called the enter prize.
  • Lessons learned from Star Trek: Nemesis. Always remember to backup your Data.
  • It seems the Klingons had a diabolical plan to trap the Enterprise in silver paper. Luckily, the plan was foiled.
  • Real Trekkers work out at the He’s Dead Gym .
  • Reality is for people who can’t handle Star Trek.
  • If I have a son I will name him Data, after Mr.Data from Star Trek. If it’s a girl, we’ll pronounce it Data.
  • No one in the Star Trek universe knows how to tie a neck tie. They’re all used to Klingons.
  • I tried to sneak into a Star Trek convention disguised as a Doctor . The security guard suspected I was not the Real McCoy.

Cartoon graphic of a small hand doing start trek Spock sign on a blue background.

Best Star Trek jokes

These next funny Star Trek puns are some of our best jokes and puns about Star Trek!

  • What’s a Star Trek fan’s favorite drink ? Picardi and Kirk.
  • If Spock has pointy ears, what does Scotty have? Engineers.
  • What was the tree’s favorite thing about Star Trek?  The Captain’s log.
  • What does every Star Trek fan ask for from a mobile network? Unlimited Data.
  • Have you heard about the new Star Trek Christmas movie? It’s The Wreath of Khan.
  • Why was Star Trek so successful? It had good Genes.
  • What did Star Trek teach millions of kids? To boldly split infinitives.
  • What do you call a buff Trekkie at the gym?  A flextra terrestrial.
  • What do you use to decide whether to host a Star Trek poetry event? A list of prose in Khans.
  • How many ears does Captain Kirk have? Three. A right ear , a left ear and a final front-ear.

Final thoughts

After reading through all these hilarious jokes about Star Trek, we hope you had a good laugh.

If you want to hear more funny puns, then check out these other great lists of funny jokes :

  • Goodbye jokes
  • Jokes about walls
  • Tire jokes for kids

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Hi!  I'm Che , and I hope you enjoy these jokes as much as me. These jokes lists are curated by me alone. I handpick the jokes for quality, create some myself or add ones that have been contributed by readers like you.

I constantly update  Here's A Joke  posts to ensure top quality. Not feeling a joke or got one to share? Let me know in the comments or  contact me . With your support, I'm aiming for the best joke site around.

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star trek data joke

Star Trek Jokes

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What does Star Trek and toilet paper have in common?

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star trek data joke

Memory Alpha

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A joke is " a witticism , a gag , [or] a bon mot , a fluctuation of words concluding with a trick ending." ( TNG : " The Outrageous Okona ") It can also be described as " a story with a humorous climax ." ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home ) Or as " a verbal comment or gesture designed to provoke laughter . " ( VOY : " Drone ")

In 2268 , Ensign Pavel Chekov reported that the USS Enterprise would be only one parsec away from a Klingon outpost, "close enough to smell them". As Commander Spock explained that odours cannot travel through the vacuum of space, Chekov claimed it was "just a little joke". Spock replied, "Extremely little". Not long after this, Cyrano Jones was attempting to sell tribbles aboard Deep Space Station K-7 . His asking price was ten credits and when the barman tried to bargain, eventually going to four credits, Jones asked " Is that an offer or a joke? " The barman replied that it was an offer and Jones countered " That's a joke. " ( TOS : " The Trouble with Tribbles ")

According to Leonard McCoy , Vulcans didn't tell jokes. ( TAS : " Yesteryear ")

In 2365 , upon meeting Thadiun Okona , Data , unaware of the true meaning of "what ' funny ' is" made it his mission to learn with the assistance of The Comic and Guinan . ( TNG : " The Outrageous Okona ")

Both Data and Wesley Crusher fell victim to several practical jokes while at Starfleet Academy . ( TNG : " The Game ")

When Wesley Crusher made a visit on the USS Enterprise -D in 2370 , Data greeted him with a joke and said, "A cadet is on board, we should call the security." Data later tried to clarify that he intended to make a joke and meant no ill. ( TNG : " Journey's End ")

That same year, in the mirror universe , Doctor Julian Bashir met Odo 's mirror counterpart, a cruel individual who ruled over the workers at the ore processing facility on Terok Nor with his Rules of Obedience . When Bashir told him that his designation was "Bashir, Julian," he slapped him and told him that his Rule of Obedience #14 was "no jokes." Later, when Bashir told him that he had been practicing medicine , he slapped him again and reminded him of Rule #14. ( DS9 : " Crossover ")

During a mission to rescue a Federation informant on Dominion-occupied Soukara, Worf claimed to Jadzia Dax that he has a sense of humor, and was " considered to be quite amusing " when serving on the USS Enterprise -D , to which Dax responded that it " must have been one dull ship. " Worf found that jab to be a joke, that he understood it, but did not find it funny. ( DS9 : " Change of Heart ")

When Captain Kathryn Janeway and Seven of Nine were captured by Arturis , Seven claimed to not understand that in her role as captain, Janeway cannot always be friends with the crew serving under her, but that if they were to be assimilated , she would understand. She then clarified that she meant that as a joke, citing Janeway's encouragement that she develop a sense of humor. ( VOY : " Hope and Fear ")

While Vulcans were not unable to understand the concept of jokes, they found them unnecessary and difficult to comprehend . During their encounter with the Dream Aliens , the USS Voyager crew all suffered from nightmares. When B'Elanna Torres , Tom Paris , Harry Kim , and Neelix recounted theirs, they wondered what the nearby Vulcan Tuvok 's dream was. Neelix suggested elements of a Vulcan nightmare might include being stranded on a planet in which the only form of communication is laughter. During most of Voyager 's journey, Neelix made it his goal to make Tuvok laugh. ( VOY : " Waking Moments "; et. al) In 2374 , when Voyager briefly harbored Kellin , a Ramuran who was seeking asylum , Commander Chakotay spoke with Tuvok in his role as Voyager 's chief of security , stating that Captain Janeway was looking for Kellin to contribute in some way. He noted that Kellin had been a security operative for her people, trained in weaponry, surveillance and fighting skills, and asked Tuvok where he thought she might fit in. Tuvok suggested that Neelix could use an assistant in the mess hall and at this Chakotay stated that he had just made a joke, telling him not to deny that he had just tried to be funny. Tuvok did not outright deny it, saying that it was Chakotay's decision to interpret his remark as humorous, but that the qualities Neelix described would help to defend Neelix against the periodic wrath of the crew. ( VOY : " Unforgettable ")

Jokes which contained sexual innuendo were said to be "dirty". One of the expectations Lewis Zimmerman foresaw for his upcoming Long-term Medical Holographic program was the ability to swap dirty jokes with patients . ( DS9 : " Doctor Bashir, I Presume ")

In 2376 , after her failed modifications to the computer core of Voyager resulted in a number of malfunctions, Seven of Nine commented to Commander Chakotay that " Clearly, Voyager is not yet ready for assimilation . " When the comment failed to amuse Chakotay, she explained that it was a joke and that The Doctor had suggested that she diffuse tense situations with humor. ( VOY : " One Small Step ")

Examples [ ]

  • " This gentleman went to see his surgeon and was informed that he needed an operation. The man thought about that and then said, "I would like a second opinion." The doctor said, "Okay, you are ugly too". "
  • " You know I come from a town so small it had a fraction for a zip code . It was so small in fact that it didn't have a godfather of crime, it had a nephew . "
  • " I was so ugly as a child they hung a pork chop around my neck so the dog would play with me. "
  • " Then there was the gene bank where they crossed a lion and a parrot . They weren't sure what they got, but when it spoke, they listened. "
  • " Or the Human cannonball that was hired and fired in the same night. "
  • " And there is the one about the girl in the nudist colony that nothing looked good on. " ( TNG : " The Outrageous Okona ")
  • " Life is like loading twice your cargo weight onto your spacecraft. If it's canaries and you can keep half of them flying all the time, you're all right." ( TNG : " The Outrageous Okona ")

In 2154 , Trip Tucker told a joke to a pair of Tellarite ambassadors which ended with:

They did not understand it. ( ENT : " Babel One ")

In early 2364 Data told Geordi La Forge the following joke:

La Forge didn't find the joke funny, as it was too old and Data " didn't tell it very well ". Data however mispronounced the phrase "including the kidneys" after the joke was told, eliciting a laugh from La Forge. ( TNG : " Code of Honor ")

In late 2364, La Forge told Data a joke with the following punchline:

In order to cheer him up, Doctor Beverly Crusher told the following joke to Willie Potts :

In 2367 , Commander William T. Riker told the bridge crew, including Ensign Kellogg a joke with the following punchline:

Data was fascinated by Riker's sense of humor and thought it was one reason why the commander was so popular among the crew. ( TNG : " Data's Day ")

A joke Mot told his colleague Setti in 2369 ended in:

Setti didn't find the joke too funny. ( TNG : " Schisms ")

Mister Tricorder

Data using "Mr. Tricorder"

"Mr. Tricorder" was a joke made by Data in 2371 aboard the Amargosa observatory following the installation of his emotion chip . He used a tricorder like a hand puppet and talked to Geordi La Forge . ( Star Trek Generations )

One humorous punchline Data recalled, in 2371, from the Farpoint Mission , after the addition of his emotion chip was: " The clown can stay, but the Ferengi in the gorilla suit has to go. " ( Star Trek Generations )

Quark once told Morn a joke that had the punchline, " And, so, the Andorian says: Your brother ? I thought it was your wife ! " Morn didn't get the joke immediately, and Quark re-emphasized "...wife" once again, and Morn finally got it and gave the joke a good belly laugh. ( DS9 : " The Nagus ")

Julian Bashir suggested that O'Brien played a joke on him when an affectionate Jadzia Dax was on his bed and Major Kira called the senior staff to ops . ( DS9 : " If Wishes Were Horses ")

Department of Temporal Investigations agent Dulmur asked if Sisko was making a joke when he said his story might take some time . Fellow agent Lucsly backed him up and Dulmur added that they hated those. ( DS9 : " Trials and Tribble-ations ")

In 2375 , Tom Paris told Tomin two jokes: How do you bend a hologram 's ear ? Use a prism . What did the counselor say to the hologram? You're projecting. These jokes prompted him to declare humor a " revelation ". ( VOY : " Someone to Watch Over Me ")

See also [ ]

External links [ ].

  • Inherently funny word at Wikipedia
  • Comic timing at Wikipedia

Screen Rant

20 hilarious star trek memes that will split your sides.

Star Trek is a treasure trove of meme humor, checking almost all the boxes for viral success.

Star Trek is a treasure trove of meme humor, checking almost all the boxes for viral success. It's got a specialized audience, perfect for inside jokes, but it’s also generally well known to everyone. Even a person who’s never seen an episode or a movie has an emotional or cultural response simply by bringing up the franchise.

The beauty of Trek is that it leans into that cultural response, always being open with its commentary on current affairs. Science fiction has long tried to predict future technology and humanity, and while the series is trying to explain both, it’s also experimenting with philosophy, ethics, and sociology.

These memes are here to make fun of all of those efforts. Thankfully, the phenomenon has always had a sense of humor - whether it’s comparing captains, cuddling with tribbles, or debating Captain Kirk's character - the series has taken on a rich mythology over its decades in living rooms.

By injecting more lightness and humility into the Star Trek series to push and pull its audience, this list will hopefully succeed in aiding the original mission to explore the boundaries of our solar system, through these 20 Hilarious Star Trek Memes.


As a general rule, you always protect your parent network. When Star Trek: Discovery came out in 2017, it was announced that the series would only be aired on CBS’ new online streaming service, “CBS All-Access”.

It costs $5.99/month with ads, $9,99 per month without ads. That’s a whole lot of latinum just for Star Trek .

The prospect of a new series is enough to make a true fan pay almost any sum of money, but then again, should Star Trek only be marketed to true fans? Wouldn’t the show get a broader audience if released on its main network? Hopefully, CBS opens Discovery up to all audiences soon, instead of using it as an anchor to its streaming service.


Red shirts! Take your pick of any of the red shirt memes, they all play on the same tendency scarlet-shirted crew members have to perish again and again. These tunics represent security and engineering officers.

It became a recurring plot point on Star Trek: The Original Series for those characters to show up unexpectedly and pass away at some point in the episode, usually defending the Enterprise from some kind of alien threat. Over the course of three seasons, this trend claimed 43 crew members.

The trope eventually became too predictable to be carried on into future renditions of the franchise. As an example, Captain Picard wore a red uniform in The Next Generation .

The red shirt plot device in Trek is apparently unrelated to the college sports convention.


The Next Generation Captain Jean-Luc Picard is a fan favorite, while Deep Space Nine 's Captain Ben Sisko is remembered as passionate and easily angered. This meme accurately points out the difference in how the two Captains handled Trek’s classically omnipotent antagonist, Q.

The earlier series introduces Q as a radical plot device, pushing the Enterprise crew to their limits with his powers that defied logic and expectation. This made him an exciting villain for the audience as well.

Q gets such an earful from Sisko he doesn’t dare return, calling Captain Picard far more fun.

However in DS9, despite John de Lancie’s performance as a charming yet demanding demi-god, the character didn’t work with its more grounded themes and human conflicts.


Even a quarter century later, the Picard and Riker characters were imagined so clearly that this meme detailing their frustration still summons memories of their personalities and working dynamic. Captain Picard and his second in command, Riker, were such a great team that fans can sympathize with the event that led them to this moment of frustration. Picard was always a more cerebral, patient diplomat, while Riker was the noble drill sergeant who wanted to be everyone’s friend at the same time.

Even as they served together, these guys were the top ship commanders in the Starfleet. Riker was even offered his own ship several times over the course of the series, but always passed up the opportunity to continue serving on the Federation flagship, Enterprise. The two stand today as an example of two alpha males able to do their jobs in their own, very different ways.


While a lot of the original Star Trek series is only watchable for academic or nostalgic purposes now, Leonard Nimoy’s performance as Spock continues to stand out. Much ado has been made of William Shatner’s performance as Kirk and the ensuing legacy; Shatner does go on a journey with Kirk, learning to balance the swagger with measured confidence. Holding the show together all along, adding ballast to Kirk’s unflappable Captain, is Nimoy’s Science Officer.

Instead of appearing contrarian, Spock always seems cool, zen, and sophisticated.

In the episode "Assignment: Earth" Spock's unexpected petting and holding of Gary Seven's black cat charmed and surprised fans. When he described himself as " being strangely drawn to it, " it gave a whole new meaning to the famous Vulcan greeting.


Geordi La Forge and Data’s friendship on The Next Generation is one of the more endearing parts of the series. In the first season, fans are introduced to Data and his quest to explore humanity. Then around the second season, they pair La Forge and Data as friends, making a great human interest duo that shows recreation and a look at peer relationships in the space-based future.

Once the holodeck is developed, it’s only a matter of time until Data begins running his lesson on humanity through holographic realities. He inhabits the characters from literature he admires most, including Sherlock Holmes. Initially, Data struggles with the idea of the “fun” of a mystery, but his education doubles as a meditation on fiction and literature at large for the home viewer, and Star Trek continues using the sci-fi genre to explore narrative.


It’s amazing that for how inspirational Star Trek is purported to be and how much it supports science and technology, there’s not a lot of hard scientific grounding or accuracy in the show. While the producers definitely make an effort to get the science of the show mostly correct, the episodes aren’t really “about” science.

This meme proves how difficult it is to display true science via television.

These discursive lines of science-like dialogue, lovingly referred to as techno-babble, still have an effect on the tone of the show. By putting science front and center, not ignoring it or being afraid of it, the actual scientific facts become irrelevant. Especially because, since the series is based so far in the future, the science behind the warp drive doesn’t really exist yet anyway.


Before he was Thor (2011), Chris Hemsworth played James Kirk’s father in the opening minutes of 2009’s Star Trek reboot. Aside from the concept of Pine and Hemsworth potentially being related, this meme is also remarkable just because of the thread of celebrity that connects the two film franchises. No slight towards Mr. Hemsworth’s talents, but it’s surprising to see the same guy have such a pivotal role in two major franchises.

Hemsworth is nowhere near the first to crossover with the utopian sci-fi series. Other notable actors who guest starred in Star Trek include, but are not limited to: Kirsten Dunst, Ashley Judd, Seth McFarlane, Sarah Silverman, The Rock, Famke Janssen, Teri Hatcher, Kelsey Grammar, Jason Alexander, and Iggy Pop.


Seth McFarlane, (who once had a guest appearance in an episode of Star Trek: Enterprise ) debuted his series The Orville last year as an homage to the progressive optimism of TNG, along with a healthy dose of his trademark humor.

Not only is the star ship Orville traveling on much the same journey as the Enterprise, they’re even going on some of the same missions.

On the fourth episode of the new series "If The Stars Should Appear", the crew of the Orville travel to a planet whose inhabitants are unaware that they’re actually on a space station, orbiting into their destruction. A third season TOS episode, "For The World Is Hollow And I Have Touched The Sky", runs through a quite similar premise. Both episodes ask when, how, and even if it’s appropriate to intervene in alien species' development.


As many away missions as there have been, it’s amazing the main cast hasn’t faced more peril. These are the issues one consumes themself with once they’ve really spent a lot of time pondering the Enterprise’s shift schedules.

In this meme alone, four departments are without their crew chief, leading one to wonder just who’s in charge of the security or engineering departments while the department heads are off ship, out on a mission. All of these questions and more are why the world is clamoring for a Star Trek: Support Staff series.

Federation starships are enormous, from what audiences are led to believe. This meme makes you wonder: what plot lines are going on below the command decks?


For the record, as Captain Janeway here confirms, warp drive is many factors faster than light speed. Fans need to recall anyone of their favorite Captains barking orders to their helmsman to put themselves in the right frame of mind to evaluate starship acceleration.

As a base for comparison, warp factor one is equivalent to light speed.

Enterprise-class Federation ships cruise between fractions of warp one, or “impulse” power and they top out somewhere between Warp 9-10, the point where the space-time continuum begins to get a little shaky. Janeway goes a little too far here, comparing the technology of the future to that from a galaxy far, far, away.

Don’t neglect her subtext emanating from this meme. Star Wars fans may have light sabers and cool Jedi, but Star Trek is on the side of science.


Before fans complain about too much lens flare on the most recent attempt at modern day Star Trek , remember that production complaints could have been far worse. It was a different time, admittedly, but that dog just jumps off the screen; it’s far too adorable to be an alien.

Thanks to Star Trek ’s enduring pop culture presence and constant success, the full franchise is a good yardstick for special effects on television. Of course, there are huge glaring differences, like these cute little would-be aliens and “entities” with the characteristics of glorified disco balls.

Once the '90s roll around, a close observation allows one to track the newest special effects and techniques as they make their way to network television. Trek’s never been about special effects, really, but it’s still nice to be able to leave the pet dogs behind in the 20th century.


This meme approximates a tool resembling a Myers-Briggs test applied to the Deep Space Nine characters . The funny part is that it holds up pretty well. These stories have always been revered for their writing, narrative competence, and willingness to experiment. This tool is something a writers room might rely on, measuring the characters on scales of lawful vs. chaotic tendencies, and then good vs. evil, giving a sense of modality and morality.

On one extreme, Odo and Sisko represent the different extremes of goodness in the Trek universe. On the other, Gul Dukat and the Female Founder balance out the spectrum on the evil side. Meanwhile, Quark is right in the middle, sitting out of the moral quandaries of the galaxy, just looking to earn a little profit.


Before Sonequa Martin-Green and Daisy Ridley, Star Trek pushed the boundaries of gender representation in sci-fi. For seven seasons, Kate Mulgrew's Captain Kathryn Janeway, helmed the ship Voyager on her mission to make it home after getting hopelessly lost in space.

Star Trek had an even earlier agenda, trying to incorporate more women in sci-fi.

Most fans wouldn’t name Janeway their favorite Captain, but as the final ship leader of '90s Star Trek , she represents a great combination of diplomacy and communication that make her the best in some ways. Her mission didn’t let her be known for leading the Federation’s diplomatic core, but leading a lost crew for seven years, she may a favorite Captain among Starfleet crewmembers. Morale was her primary task over her journey, and through the series she made an impression by connecting with her shipmates on a more personal level than either Picard or Sisko.


While it seems like every episode dealt with some kind of mystery, this meme honors the medical bay of the starship. DS9's Odo was the only formal lawman fans have seen in a major role. Usually, these kinds of human/scientific questions are taken up by the doctor of the ship. Everybody respects their doctor, but this show made a habit of elevating their physicians.

Drs. Crusher, Pulaski, Phlox, the EMH, and especially McCoy, have always been driving the human solutions of the scenarios encountered by the crew. In the original archetype, Dr. McCoy was labeled the pathos to Kirk’s ethos, and Spock’s logos, signifying his emotional response to each mission.

In later series, that passion isn’t toned down at all, just spread along an arc of logic and ethical thought as the Doctor’s problems often take up entire episodes.


No one would have understood the reference at the time, but Keeping Up With The Cardassians would have been an appropriate title for the events of DS9 .

The series begins with Captain Sisko taking custody of the space station recently vacated by the occupying Cardassians.

DS9 goes on to tell the story of the continued presence of that race in the sector, their continuously evolving relationship with host species the Bajorans, and the role they play in local power dynamics.

Gul Dukat is a recurring antagonist of the space station, shifting from former captain, to supreme Cardassian commander, to rebellion leader. Garak, the other Cardassian most commonly seen on the show, is even more interesting - operating a clothing boutique on Deep Space 9, and acting as a double agent on the side.


Fans of Stranger Things may have noticed that the enigmatic super powered girl Eleven has a few things in common with Seven of Nine, the Voyager fan favorite. Both of them have had traumatic childhoods. Both were swept up by forces too big for them to understand when they were really young. For Eleven, it was the government and the experimental upside-down. For Seven, it was the Borg.

Both are hesitant to attempt fitting in at first, but they eventually make slow progress.

Seven’s arc across the last four seasons of Voyager gives a great look into the long term trauma recovery process and the importance of human connection. When she comes on the show, rescued from her Borg captivity, it’s almost impossible to see how she becomes a valued member of the crew. By the end, she becomes another positive example of female representation in the show.


Captain James Tiberius Kirk, played by the inimitable William Shatner, holds such a curious place in Star Trek lore. His version of the Captain during that original series is now considered a pop culture cornerstone. Considering how power dynamics in American technology and software industries have changed, it’s interesting to think about exactly how much impact Captain Kirk has had on the current state of masculinity.

Presumably, a huge portion of the little kids watching the show admired Kirk's character.

As this meme is quick to chime in, there’s a dark side to the bravado Kirk conducted himself with. Is it really a good idea for every man to measure themselves against a 1960s conception of a spaceship captain? Definitely not. But it’s also impossible to ignore the effect he had, even if his attitude toward women and his reluctance to opt for diplomacy before aggression tend to get swept under the rug.


Think you’ve got trouble? Try trifling with tribbles. So says this meme, referencing the original series episode and origin of this euphemism: "The Trouble With Tribbles". In this iconic episode, the Enterprise is tasked with a simple protection assignment that goes awry, and the mission is endangered by what seems like the silliest of tribulations.

As Star Trek is always quick to remind its fans, everyone has a hoard of tribbles of their own, storming through their lives at all times. The trick is how one reacts to them. In this episode, the tribbles had no malicious intent, no demands or end goal; they’d simply made their way onto the Enterprise , and began reproducing at an uncontrollable rate.

Worrying about problems never solved anything, so when feeling overwhelmed, look through the fluff to see the solution


A more generous reading of this meme doesn’t have to take a side in the The Orville vs. Star Trek: Discovery argument. Seth McFarlane’s The Orville is a satire, relevant today, that cloaks itself in the storytelling advantages of TNG . Discovery is an advance of the entire canon, an attempt to evolve the series to ride the mainstream of audiences today.

Both series could stand to make improvements in their second season, as all Star Trek shows normally do. The Orville could beef up its sci-fi storytelling, and commit to a reliable subplot instead of dancing around crew members. Discovery needs to fill viewers with more hope for Burnham’s journey. Without the moral balance, that version of Trek leans too closely to sensational action and fan service. Now fans have two dice to roll instead of one, so the future still looks as optimistic, as even TNG ever portrayed it.

Which memes brought back the most Star Trek nostalgia for you? Let us know in the comments!

star trek data joke

Top 101 Star Trek Humor Jokes

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Star Trek is one of the most iconic movie franchises out there. That comes with many jokes . With that in mind, check out the top 101 Star Trek humor jokes.

Table of Contents

#101 – 90. Star Trek Humor Jokes

101. Q: How do you get a one-armed Klingon out of a tree? A: Wave to him

100. Where does a ten-foot Mugato sleep? Anywhere he wants to.

99. Q: How many Klingons does it take to change a lightbulb? A: TWO: One to screw it in, and one to stab the other in the back and take all of the credit

98. Q: Why was Amelia Bedelia afraid when Picard said that he wanted the Enterprise to be spotless? A: She thought he was planning to get rid of Data’s cat.

97. Q: What did Odo say when the redshirt wet their pants? A: “Urine big trouble.”

96. What do you get when you cross a shapeshifter and a musician? Yoko Odo.

95. Q: Why did the Klingon cross the road? A: To conquer the other side.

94. Q: Why doesn’t Quark trust Changelings? A: He thinks they’re too shifty.

93. Q: Who’s a major character from DS9? A: Kira.

92. What do you call a ten-foot Mugato? Sir.

91. How many Betazoids does it take to change a lightbulb? Two… one to change it & one to say, “Captain, I sense darkness.”

90. Q: What did Spock find in Kirk’s toliet? A: The Captian’s Log.

star trek data joke

#89 – 80. Star Trek Humor Jokes

89. What is the least popular show on Bajor? Keeping up with the Cardassians!

88. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Computer: Insufficient information.

87. Q: Why did the Klingon cross the road? A: To conquer the other side.

86. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Dr. McCoy: Dammit Jim!! I’m a doctor not an farmer!

85. Q: What did Odo say to Quark? A: “Don’t look now, I’m changing.”

84. Q: What did Worf say when small ice asteroids began hitting the Enterprise hull? A: “Captain, we are being hailed.”

83. Q: Why is Worf’s race so stubborn? A: They Klingon to tradition.

82. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Mr. Spock: Obviously, it was the logical thing to do.

81. Janice Rand brought a complaint to Captain Kirk: someone had drilled a hole into the wall of the women’s showers. He told her he’d look into it.

80. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Mr. Data: Why is a barn yard fowl crossing a thoroughfare humorous?

#79 – 70. Star Trek Humor Jokes

79. Q: Did you hear that the crew of the Enterprise is getting married? A: They have engaged the Borg

78. Q: What do you call a friend of Picard’s first officer? A: A Riker-liker.

77. How many Ferengi does it take to change a light bulb? Two: one for changing it and another one to sell the broken one.

76. Q: Have you heard the new Klingon army motto? A: Join the Klingon army. Visit exotic planets, meet interesting people, and kill them!

75. Q: What would you get if Dax’s family were waiting tables on rollerblades? A: Trills and spills.

74. Q: How many Borg does it take to change a light-bulb? A: All of them!

73. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: James T. Kirk: To boldly go where no chicken has gone before.

72. Q: Why did the Borg cross the road? A: Because it assimilated the chicken!

71. A stormtrooper and a Red Shirt get into a fight, the storm trooper misses every shot, but the red shirt dies anyway.

70. Q: Why was Star Trek so successful? A: It had good Genes.

#69 – 60. Star Trek Humor Jokes

69. Q: Why can’t Klingon kids play in sandboxes? A: Cats keep trying to cover them up.

68. Q: Have you read the book “Chekov: The Navigator”? A: It’s by: I. Kiptin

67. Q: How many Romulans does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: ONE HUNDRED FIFTY_ONE: One to screw the light bulb in, and 150 to self-destruct the ship out of disgrace.

66. Q: What do you call it when that Strategic Operations Officer on DS9 runs as fast as he can? A: Worf Speed

65. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: To boldly go where no chicken has gone before.

64. Q: What do you call it when Kira is late? A: A major delay.

63. Q: Did you hear that the crew of the Enterprise is getting married? A: They have engaged the Borg.

62. Q: What do the Klingons do with the dead bulb? A: Execute it for failure.

61. Q: What are Vulcan eyeglasses called? A: Spocktacles

60. Q: Why did someone go to Geordi LaForge for advice? A: Because they thought he would make a good ad-VISOR.

#59 – 50. Star Trek Humor Jokes

59. Q: Why couldn’t people make sense of Charles Tucker’s performance? A: It was too Trippy.

58. Q: What did one Borg say to one another right before their ship was destroyed in sector zero zero one? A: Hoisted by our own Picard.

57. Q: What did Spock find in Kirk’s toliet? A: The Captain’s Log

56. Q: What is Thomas Riker’s dating philosophy? A: “If at first you don’t succeed, try Troi again.”

55. Q: Why was Verad unfit for joining? A: He was a bad host.

54. Q: Why can’t Klingon kids play in sandboxes? A: Cats keep trying to cover them up

53. Q: What does a Romulan frog use for camouflage? A: A croaking device.

52. Show me a man who is a good loser…and I’ll show you a junior officer who is playing 3-D chess with his captain.

51. Q: How do you get a one-armed Klingon out of a tree? A: Wave to him.

50. Why was STAR TREK so successful? It had good Genes.

#49 – 40. Star Trek Humor Jokes

49. Q: What did the first officer answer when Picard asked “Why did you let Troi win at poker?” A: “Because I Riker.”

48. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Mr. Scott: ‘Cos ma wee transporter beam was na functioning properly. Ah canna work miracles, Captain.

47. Did you hear about the Federation weapons expert? He never forgets a phaser.

46. Q: How many ears does Picard have? A: Three. A right ear. A left ear. And a final front ear.

45. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Mr. Worf: For the honor of all chickens.

44. Q: How many Klingons does it take to change a lightbulb? A: NONE: Klingons aren’t afraid of the dark

43. Q: Why was Star Trek so successful? A: It had good Genes

42. Q: What’s the difference between Bones and his imposter? A: One’s the real McCoy.

41. Q: What do you call it when that Strategic Operations Officer on DS9 runs as fast as he can? A: Worf Speed.

40. Q: Have you read the book “Damn it Jim”? A: It’s by: Ima Doctor and Nada Bricklayer.

#39 – 30. Star Trek Humor Jokes

39. Who is the worst cook in Starfleet? Michael Burn-ham.

38. Q: What is Commander Rikers favorite hobby? A: Sewing, because the captain says “Make it so”.

37. Q: How many Vulcans does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Approximately 1.00000000000000000000000000000000

36. Q: What do you call it when Lieutenant Paris sits on the floor? A: A Floor Tom.

35. Q: How many Borg does it take to change a light-bulb? A: All of them!

34. What do you call a Cardassian on a sailing ship? A sea-Gul.

33. Q: Why were Picard and his crew so confused when the android officer was kidnapped? A: Because they’d lost their Data.

32. Q: Did you hear about the Federation weapons expert? A: He never forgets a phaser.

31. Q: Why was the Andorian so sad? A: Because he was feeling blue.

30. Q: Why don’t the Borg go to prison? A: Because they obey the Lore!

#29 – 20. Star Trek Humor Jokes

29. How do you stop from falling out of a Bird of Prey? You just have to Klingon.

28. Q: What is Captain Picards biggest pet peeve? A: When the crew replaces his dilithium crystals with Folgers crystals.

27. Q: What did Spock say when he got buried in a pile of Tribbles? A: “I’m in Tribble!”

26. Q: What happened when Yeoman Rand complained that someone had cut a peephole in her cabin door? A: Captain Kirk promised to look into it.

25. Q: Why Did Lieutenant Uhuru look so shocked? A: Because William Shatner (shat in her).

24. Q: What does the Enterprise and Toliet paper have in common? A: They both circle Uranus wiping out Klingons.

23. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Counsilor Troi: I knew it was going to happen. I could sense it.

22. Defensive programming? Never! Klingon programs are always on the offense. Yes, offensive programming is what we do best.

21. Q: How did T’Pring’s parents react when they learned she was not marrying Spock? A: They were Stonned.

20. Q: What is Captain Picards biggest pet peeve? A: When the crew replaces his dilithium crystals with Folgers crystals.

#19 – 10. Star Trek Humor Jokes

19. Q: What do you get when you cross an amoeba with Voyager’s chief engineer? A: A B’Elanna split.

18. Q: What did O’Brien say when Keiko kept fussing over their daughter? A: “Stop Molly-coddling her.”

17. Q: What did one Borg say to one another right before their ship was destroyed in sector zero zero one? A: Hoisted by our own Picard.

16. Q: How many Klingons does it take to change a lightbulb? A: NONE: Klingons aren’t afraid of the dark.

15. Q: What did Worf say when small ice asteroids began hitting the Enterprise hull? A: “Captain, we are being hailed.”

14. Q: What do the Klingons do with the Klingon who replaces the bulb? A: Execute him for cowardice.

13. Q: What did Picard say as Data struggled to repair the Marclosian Stitching Machine? A: Make it sew.

12. Q: What does Kirk use to light a fire? A: The captain’s log.

11. Q: Did you hear about the new uniform making machine on the Enterprise? A: Piccard told Riker to “Make it sew, Number One.”

10. Q: Why did Worf change his hair color? A: It was a good day to dye.

#9 – 1. Star Trek Humor Jokes

9. Q: Where do the Borg eat fast food? A: At their local Borger King!

8. Q: Why don’t the Borg go to prison? A: Because they obey the Lore!

7. Kirk: Bones, that man is choking! Do Something! McCoy: Damn it, Jim, I’m a Doctor not a… oh, yeah right.

6. Q: Did you hear about the Federation weapons expert? A: He never forgets a phaser.

5. Q: How many Klingons does it take to change a lightbulb? A: TWO: One to screw it in, and one to stab the other in the back and take all of the credit.

4. Q: Have you read the book “The Positronic Brain”? A: It’s by: Anne Droid

3. Q: What do the Klingons do with the dead bulb? A: Execute it for failure.

2. Q: What are eyeglasses called on Vulcan? A: Spocktacles Cross The Road

1. How many crew members of the Voyager does it take to change a lightbulb? I don’t know, but they’ll blow up at least one shuttle while doing it.

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Beam Me Up Chuckles: 67+ Hilarious Star Trek Jokes


Star Trek, with its bold exploration of the final frontier, has also given us a universe of humor. From Captain Kirk’s legendary one-liners to Spock’s logical jests, the Star Trek franchise has inspired countless jokes and witty quips. 

In this article, we’ll warp into the galaxy of laughter with a collection of Star Trek -themed jokes that even Klingons can’t resist.

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Star Trek Jokes

  • Why don’t Vulcans ever play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding when you can’t suppress your emotions.
  • What’s Captain Kirk’s favorite dance? The warp shuffle.
  • Why did the Borg go to therapy? They had too many assimilation issues.
  • How many ears does Captain Picard have? Three: a left ear, a right ear, and the final front ear.
  • Why did Worf bring a ladder to the holodeck? He heard the drinks were on the house.
  • How do you comfort a scared Redshirt? Tell them statistically they’re unlikely to die today.
  • Why don’t Starfleet officers ever get lost? Because they always follow their Spock navigation.
  • What’s a Klingon’s favorite fruit? War-iorange.
  • What’s Captain Kirk’s favorite kind of music? Rock ‘n’ Roll!
  • How do you know you’ve upset a Klingon? They start Klingon-ing about it.
  • Why did Data apply for a job at the bakery? He wanted to make some “fully functional” pastries.
  • What do you call a Romulan who loves to garden? A Tho’rha-kist.
  • Why don’t Ferengi play hide and seek? Because they’re always after the rules of acquisition.
  • What’s the Ferengi’s favorite card game? Poker, because they can “raise” their profits.
  • Why did Geordi La Forge become an engineer? Because he had an eye for detail.
  • Why did the chicken cross the galaxy? To get to the other Enterprise.
  • What did Dr. McCoy say when he found the coffee machine empty? “Dammit, Jim! I’m a doctor, not a barista!”
  • Why did the Borg assimilate the baker’s shop? They wanted to achieve pastry perfection.
  • Why did Odo refuse to play cards with the crew? Because he couldn’t stand their poker faces.
  • What’s a Klingon’s favorite dish? Worf-les.
  • How many ears does a Ferengi have? Three: a left ear, a right ear, and a final front ear for profit.
  • Why don’t they tell ghost stories on the Enterprise? Because it’s all about “boo”-ring new civilizations.
  • Why do Starfleet admirals make terrible comedians? Because they can’t resist the urge to “ad-mire” their own jokes.
  • Why did the Bajoran take a job as a DJ? They heard that spinning records was a way to earn orbs of wisdom.
  • What’s Captain Sisko’s favorite breakfast cereal? “Captain Crunch-o!”

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Funny Star Trek One-Liners

  • Why don’t Andorians ever use hairdryers? Because they have their own built-in antenna.
  • Why did the Cardassian bring a ladder to the library? To check out the high-level information.
  • Why did the tribble apply for a job in the ship’s bar? It wanted to work in a “spirited” environment.
  • What’s the Ferengi’s favorite type of investment? A “quark”y one.
  • Why did the Vulcan apply for a job as a stand-up comedian? To explore humor logically.
  • What’s a Ferengi’s favorite dance move? The Profit Pivot.
  • Why did Seven of Nine open a bakery on the ship? Because resistance is futile when it comes to freshly baked goods.
  • What’s a Klingon’s favorite holiday? Black Friday – they love a good battle for bargains.
  • Why did Scotty never attend Starfleet Academy parties? He couldn’t handle too much “beam”-erang.
  • What’s the best way to find a lost Klingon? Just check the bloodwine cellar.
  • What did the Cardassian chef say about the replicated food? “It’s a masterpiece of culinary mediocrity!”
  • Why did the Klingon refuse to go to the opera? Because it wasn’t “Klingon enough.”
  • What’s a Ferengi’s favorite game show? “The Price Is Right… for Profit!”
  • Why was Captain Janeway always calm under pressure? Because she had “Kes” to help her.
  • Why did the Ferengi start a fashion line? Because they believed in the Rule of Acquisition: “Fashion is profit!”
  • What’s the most logical fruit? Spock-berries.
  • Why did the Tribble bring a pillow to work? It wanted to take a “comfortable” nap during the endless meetings.
  • Why did the Klingon bring a backpack to the battle? For his “war chest.”
  • Why did the Bajoran invite the crew to the art gallery? To showcase their “orb-tistic” talent.
  • Why did Picard become a gardener on the holodeck? He wanted to “engage” with nature.
  • Why was Odo always a hit at karaoke night? Because he could shape-shift into any singer.
  • What’s a Klingon’s favorite mobile app? “Warrior Chat.”
  • Why did Worf refuse to use the elevator? He wanted to take the “stairway to honor.”
  • What’s a Ferengi’s favorite kind of sandwich? A “profit-eroni” pizza sub.
  • Why did the Holodeck malfunction during the comedy show? It couldn’t handle all the “virtual” laughter.
  • What’s the Ferengi’s favorite planet? “Ear-th,” of course!
  • Why was the Klingon chef fired from the restaurant? He kept “disrupting” the kitchen.
  • Why did the Ferengi refuse to play hide and seek? Because they wanted to stay visible for potential customers.
  • Why did Q visit the crew on April Fools’ Day? Because he couldn’t resist a “Q-razy” prank.
  • Why did the Cardassian become a motivational speaker? They were great at “card-assuaging” doubts.

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Best Star Trek Jokes

  • What’s a Ferengi’s favorite computer game? “Rules of Acquisition: Galactic Gold Edition.”
  • Why did the Bajoran go to the dentist? To have their “Orb-ital hygiene” checked.
  • Why did Captain Picard become a painter? He loved to “make it so” on canvas.
  • What’s a Klingon’s favorite place in the house? The “bat’h”room.
  • Why did the Ferengi open a lemonade stand? Because they knew “lemons” could be quite profitable.
  • Why did the Andorian refuse to play chess? Too many “chess-knots” to figure out.
  • What’s Captain Sisko’s favorite board game? “Settlers of Deep Space Nine.”
  • Why was the Vulcan chef a master of molecular gastronomy? Because their dishes were always “logically delicious.”
  • Why did the Ferengi become a weatherman? They had a knack for predicting “fair windfalls.”
  • What’s a Klingon’s favorite kind of gardening? “War-den design.”
  • Why did Dr. Bashir become a therapist? He wanted to “cure” people with his charm.
  • What’s the Ferengi’s favorite time of day? “Profit o’clock.”
  • Why did the Klingon bring a broom to the bridge? To “sweep” the galaxy clean of enemies.
  • Why did the Ferengi open a bakery on the Enterprise? To make some serious dough!
  • Why did the Starfleet officer bring a ladder to the bar? Because they heard the drinks were out of this world.

Read More: 

Jokes About Updog

Jokes About Avatar

Laughter truly is the universal language, and Star Trek’s wit transcends the boundaries of time and space. These jokes are a testament to the enduring humor of this beloved franchise. 

So, whether you’re a Trekkie or just a casual fan, remember that in the vast expanse of the cosmos, there’s always room for a good laugh.

Are there any Star Trek-themed comedy shows or episodes?

Yes, Star Trek has featured humorous moments in various series and even had an entire comedy-focused episode titled “The Outrageous Okona” in “Star Trek: The Next Generation.”

Do Star Trek actors enjoy telling jokes about the show?

Many Star Trek actors have embraced the humor surrounding their characters and have shared jokes and anecdotes related to their time in the franchise.

What’s the funniest Star Trek movie or episode?

Humor is subjective, but many fans consider “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home” to be one of the funniest movies in the franchise.

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