Tenerife, cosa fare e vedere sull’isola delle Canarie

Tenerife cosa vedere

Tenerife, dove si trova?

Cosa vedere a tenerife.

  • Icod de Los Vinos 
  • Parco Nazionale del Teide 

Sunblast Festival

Parque rural de anaga, los realejos, papas con mojos.

  • Playa Fanabe 

Playa Bollullo

Playa el medano.

  • Playa el Duque 
  • Playa de las Teresitas 

Piscine naturali Los Gigantes

Clima e temperature, voli per tenerife.

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Video di Tenerife

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Tenerife è la più g rande isola dell' arcipelago delle Canarie , questo non è il solo record che detiene, il Parco Nazionale del Teide ospita la montagna più alta di Spagna , il Teide , che supera i 3000 m s.l.m.

La capitale di Tenerife, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, è la città più grande e popolosa delle isole Canarie di cui è capitale insieme a Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Tenerife, come le altre isole dell'arcipelago, è un'isola di origine vulcanica.


Dove si trova Tenerife ? Si trova poco a nord del Tropico del Cancro, tra Gran Canaria , La Gomera e La Palma .

Playa de Las Americas , nel sud dell'isola, è la zona più turistica e conosciuta di Tenerife. Qui ci sono ristoranti, bar, locali e hotel e spiagge chiare e dorate.

Ma non è l'unica zona da visitare, l'isola conta tanti ambienti selvaggi, natura incontaminata e posti dove sembra di essere in un altro pianeta. 


Tenerife è un'isola montuosa con scogliere che lasciano il passo a spiagge scenografiche, ampie e battute dai venti.

Non è solo mare: ci sono i paesini costieri e una zona nord verdeggiante,  le piscine e le terrazze del Sud e la bella  Santa Cruz de Tenerife .

Qui di seguito abbiamo selezionato le cose più belle da fare e da vedere a Tenerife. 

Icod de Los Vinos 

Icod de Los Vinos

Icod de los Vinos è solo uno degli splendidi paesini della costa Nord di Tenerife.

È famoso per le piantagioni di banani ed i vigneti e per le viste spettacolari sul Monte Teide.


A Bajamar, un piccolo centro del Nord di Tenerife, le piscine naturali (in cui il ricambio di acqua avviene naturalmente attraverso l'Oceano) sono tre: due grandi per gli adulti ed una piccola per i bambini. 


I venti alisei formano nel Nord e nell'Est di Tenerife uno spettacolo conosciuto come il mare di nubi.

In sostanza le nuvole si formano a bassa quota ed i venti più secchi ad alta quota non gli permettono di salire, formando un letto compatto e scenografico di nubi.

Guimar è anche famosa per le  piramidi misteriose  un tempo diffuse in tutta l'isola. Secondo alcuni queste costruzioni in pietra testimonierebbero uno scambio culturale e commerciale tra l'Arcipelago delle Canarie e l'America Latina.

La Orotava

La Orotava si trova nel Parco Nazionale del Teide, nella zona Nord di Tenerife, muovendosi verso l'interno. Oltre che per la sua bellissima chiesa è famosa per il vino.

La zona infatti vanta la Denominazione di Origine Valle de la Orotava.

Parco Nazionale del Teide 


Il Parco Nazionale del Teide comprende la parte più alta dell'isola di Tenerife con il suo grande ospite d'onore, il Teide.

Il parco conta oltre 50 specie endemiche di piante e paesaggi vulcanici unici al mondo (l'Alto de Gujara, lo Llano Ucanca, i Roques de Garcia e il Pico Viejo) ed un grande patrimonio archeologico.

La montagna era infatti sacra ai Guanches, gli abitanti indigeni delle Canarie, e meta di pellegrinaggi e sacrifici.


Ogni anno nel mese di luglio si tiene il festival di musica elettronica più grande delle Canarie: il Sunblast Festival.

Parque Rural de Anaga

Il Parque Rural de Anaga è uno dei paesaggi più caratteristici dell'isola di Tenerife: la montagna e la campagna incontrano la cultura. 

Los Realejos

Los Realejos è un altro paesino interessante della Valle di Ortava, un ottimo punto di accesso al Parco Nazionale del Teide.

Le  papas con Mojos  sono famose in tutto l'Arcipelago delle Canarie.

Si tratta di patate dolci bollite in acqua salta e servite con una salsa fatta basicamente con aglio, pomodoro e peperoncino, molto saporita.

Spiagge di Tenerife

Spiagge di Tenerife: le più belle da raggiungere (perfette per la fine dell'estate)

Tenerife, insieme a  Fuerteventura , è l' isola delle Canarie più votata al turismo di mare. Le spiagge di Tenerife sono tante, qui potrete trovare alcune delle più belle di tutto l'arcipelago .

Più ventose e circondate da natura rigogliosa quelle a nord, più riparate quelle a sud.

Oltre alle spiagge ampie e sabbiose ci sono le piscine naturali che permettono di fare un bagno nell'acqua calma e tiepida anche quando dove l'oceano è più freddo ed irrequieto.

Tra le piscine naturali di Tenerife, oltre a quelle de Los Gigantes, che sono forse le più conosciute, ci sono le piscine di  Charco Azul, Montaña Amarilla, le Piscine De Bajamar, la Piscina Naturale di Jóver, Lago Martianez, Charco del Viento e le piscine naturali di Gerachico e Punta del Hidalgo . 


La Tejita si trova nella zona meridionale di Tenerife vicino ad El Medano.

La spiaggia di sabbia fine si estende fino alla Montana Roja che ne caratterizza il profilo particolarmente scenico. Nei pressi della montagna c'è una spiaggetta per naturisti. 

Playa Fanabe 

Playa Fanabé concilia un paesaggio selvaggio alla spiaggia turistica dotata di tutti i servizi, adatti anche alle famiglie.

Ma non sono solo le famiglie a frequentarla, ma anche gli amanti degli sport acquatici e di vento.  

Playa Bollullo

Nella valle di Orotova c'è una delle spiagge più belle ed incontaminate dell'arcipelago: Playa Bollullo. Si raggiunge percorrendo un sentiero che parte dal paesino di Puerto de La Cruz, sulla costa settentrionale di Tenerife. 

El Medano

Playa el Médano è una delle spiagge più belle e selvagge della zona degli hotel, nel Sud di Tenerife.

In questa area dell'isola c'è la più alta concentrazione di hotel 5 stelle d'Europa ed è la zona più turistica di Tenerife.

Playa el Duque 

Playa el Duque 

Anche Playa el Duque si trova nella zona degli hotel di Tenerife Sud.

Qui il mare è più calmo e il vento più docile che altrove. La spiaggia è poco distante da un lungomare punteggiato di ristoranti e bar.

Playa de las Teresitas 

Las Teresitas

Las Teresitas è un chilometro di spiaggia dorata riparato dalle onde dell'Oceano da una barriera di scogli che rende l'acqua anche sensibilmente più calda rispetto al mare aperto.

Los Gigantes

Los Gigantes  sono enormi scogliere alte fino a 600 metri.

A Los Gigantes c'è una spiaggia famosa,  Playa de Los Gigantes , dove la forza impetuosa dell'Oceano è resa docile da barriere artificiali che formano una bellissima piscina salata.


Le temperature a Tenerife sono ottimali durante tutto l'anno. L'inverno non esiste ed un'eterna primavera con piogge poco abbondanti rende l'isola adatta alle vacanze di mare durante tutto l'anno.

A nord il clima è più fresco, umido e ventoso rispetto al sud che è più calmo, secco e soleggiato. 

Ci troviamo vicino all'Equatore e le giornate a Tenerife sono molto lunghe e le notti brevi e miti. Le temperature più basse sono quelle dei mesi di dicembre e gennaio (con le medie massime rispettivamente di 20° e 19°  ele minime di 14°).

I mesi più caldi sono quelli di luglio, agosto e settembre con 28/29° di massima. Qui trovate tutte le info sul  Clima alle Canarie a dicembre  e sul  clima alle Canarie mese per mese . 

Quali compagnie aeree volano a Tenerife ? Ryanair vola  Tenerife dagli aeroporti di Bologna, Milano, Pisa e Venezia. le altre compagnie che volano a Tenerife sono Iberia, Vueling, Swiss e Kml. 

A Tenerife ci sono due aeroporti. Quello di Tenerife Nord è il più piccolo e collega l'isola alle altre isole dell'arcipelago. L'aeroporto di Tenerife Sud è il più grande e collega l'isola ai principali aeroporti europei ed internazionali. 

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the wom travel tenerife

No, grazie Si, attiva

The best 8 places to visit in Tenerife: from cliff-hugging villages to culture-loaded cities

Kerry Walker

Jul 13, 2022 • 11 min read

Playa Paraiso, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Make a splash at Playa Paraiso in Santa Cruz de Tenerife © Stanislaw Pytel / Getty Images

Culturally, geographically, and spiritually, Tenerife is a one-off. There is nowhere else in Europe where you swing from cliff-clasped, black-sand beaches battered by Atlantic waves to whale-visited bays, mountain wineries, and time-lost villages that are every bit as lovely as when the Spanish rocked up 500 years ago.

You might bring a tick-list of places you want to visit, but some of your best moments are bound to be the serendipitous ones: Wandering through vineyards and banana plantations that stagger down to the sea; grabbing lunch with locals at an offbeat guachinche (rural pop-up restaurant); or eating boat-fresh fish on an old-town plaza in the blue dusk.

Tenerife’s reputation as a package-vacation party island precedes it, but venture away from the built-up southern resorts and you’ll be surprised. The farther you reach into the wild mountains and fairytale laurel forests of the north, the more you realize this isn’t an island that’s too well-known – rather a place still ripe for discovery.

White woman smiling in La Laguna old town city on Tenerife, Spain with a blurry historic building in the background

Best for historic strolls

La Laguna is a knockout. The former Tenerife capital has a staggeringly well-preserved, Unesco-listed historic center that brims with churches, convents, and pastel-painted colonial mansions that pop in bright shades of blue, lemon, green, violet, and orange – all topped off by a fine cathedral . A deliriously colorful and festive city, with one of the island's hottest marcha (nightlife) scenes, La Laguna is like the Havana of the Canaries.

This is no fluke. Founded in 1496, the 16th- to 18th-century Canarian mansions that wrap around courtyards, featuring delicately-carved wooden balconies and oriel windows, were the model for many towns in the Americas. On Calle San Agustín , they line up as if for a permanent photo shoot, including the most fabulous of the lot, Casa del Montañés . Down the same street is the Museo de la Historia de Tenerife , a gloriously rambling, creaky-floored 16th-century mansion that spells out the past in artifacts. For slow Canarian food prepared with organic produce, tapas, and sustainably-brewed island beers, grab a table at Tasca 61 .

Hiking outdoors person looking at copy space to the side. Asian Caucasian female model. From volcano landscape on Teide, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spai

Parque Nacional del Teide

Best for volcanic landscapes.

All eyes are on Teide from the moment you fly into the island. Seen from the plane, this perfectly-etched volcano – Spain’s highest peak at 3715m (12,180ft) – seems to swallow the island whole. The pop-up effect is not lessened when you get closer to its dark summit, which is often wreathed in clouds.

The volcano is the icing on the cake of the 189-sq-km (73-sq-mile), Unesco-listed Parque Nacional del Teide, bang in the heart of the island. The journey up is breathtaking, with Canarian pine and laurel forests giving way to an arid, desert-like moonscape of surreal, rust-red rock formations that blaze in the light of the setting sun. The park’s cinematic backdrops haven’t gone unnoticed: It has appeared in films like Clash of the Titans (2010). Scientists are mad about its Martian landscapes. NASA’s Perseverance Rover, which searched for extraterrestrial life on Mars, was trained here because the climate and landscape were so similar.

The national park is sensational hiking country, whether for a gentle walk around the twisted lava pinnacles of Roques de García , a tough hike up the frozen lava flows of Pico Viejo , or tackling the big one – the full-day climb to Pico del Teide ( online reservations only). Hoof it up and you’ll better appreciate the views of La Gomera , La Palma , and El Hierro bubbling up from the Atlantic, but you can also take the cable car.

But as astronomers say, it's by night that the park really shines, and when you cast your eyes to the heavens, this Starlight Destination has some of the darkest, starriest skies in the northern hemisphere with 83 of the 88 recognized constellations visible on crystal-clear nights. Even with the naked eye, you can see the misty band of the Milky Way, but you’ll see more peeking through one of the gigantic telescopes at the Observatorio del Teide or on one of the tours run by Volcano Teide Experience .

Best for Canarian tradition and wine tasting

Winging you back to the early days of Spanish colonization, 16th-century La Orotava sits pretty in a lush valley to the island’s mountainous north, with Teide looming on the horizon. Its tangle of cobbled streets and flower-dotted plazas are instantly endearing and the atmosphere is wholly Canarian (no tourist tat here).

For a true flavor of the town, kick off with a wander along architecturally striking Calle San Francisco, where beautifully preserved 17th-century mansions are festooned with ornately carved balconies. Top billing goes to the Casa de los Balcones , with a lovely courtyard cafe where you can grab a coffee before continuing to nearby Casa Lercaro , with its baroque wooden gallery and palm-filled courtyard.

La Orotava is less about randomly ticking off sights and more about getting a slice of local life. Hang out at one of the old-fashioned tascas (bars) for drinks, tapas, and dominoes or buy hand-milled gofio (flour made from toasted grains) at La Maquina . Visitors can also arrange a vineyard tour and tasting (try Bodegas Tajinaste ) and then pin down a nearby guachinche for a simple, dirt-cheap feast with local wine. For a charming boutique sleep in a 17th-century mansion, book into Hotel Victoria .

The Orotava Valley is Tenerife’s fruit basket, with banana plantations and vineyards clambering up its slopes. The wines here are largely refreshing whites, made with the Listán Blanco grape, and vines are braided the traditional way (a technique known as cordón trenzado ). It’s gorgeous hiking country, with a web of trails dipping into fragrant Canarian pinewoods and views sweeping down to the coast.

White girl with a small backpack on the streets of Garachico, Tenerife on a sunny day.

Best for old-school Canary charm

Ask locals for a slice of genuine Canarian life and they will likely direct you toward Garachico on the north coast. Everyone has a soft spot for the historic streets of this charismatic town, battered by the fizzing surf of the Atlantic – but boy has it been through the wars. In the 17th century, it boomed as the home of wealthy merchants exporting Malmsey wine, but a huge volcanic eruption in 1706 wiped out its port and buried the town in lava. Freak floods, storms, fires, and a plague of locusts – real Old Testament stuff – have also ravaged Garachico over the centuries.

Today it’s a delightfully low-key base for exploring the north coast, with cobbled lanes, beautifully preserved 16th- and 17th-century colonial mansions, convents, monasteries, and churches to explore. Wander the waterfront where fishers cast their lines to the sea-gazing fortress of Castillo de San Miguel , whose museum throws you in at the deep end of Garachico’s history. Framed by lofty palms and Indian laurel trees, nearby Plaza Libertad buzzes with kids playing, couples strolling, and old men in cafes whiling away afternoons over drinks and dominoes. If you want to swim, head for the natural lava pools at El Caletón .

High above it all, Mirador de Garachico cracks open the view along the coast and has a bar serving local wine and putting creative riffs on Canarian ingredients. Back in town, you’ll sleep sweetly in the lovingly-restored, 16th-century mansion Hotel La Quinta Roja .

Los Gigantes

Best for diving and cliff drama.

Hugging Tenerife’s western shores, where the island’s highest cliffs drop abruptly into the wave-lashed, blue Atlantic, Los Gigantes delivers plenty of drama, but far fewer crowds than you’ll find swarming around south coast resorts. Indeed, this low-rise, white-washed town is nicely chilled with a seafront promenade, the dusky volcanic sands of Playa de la Arena , and fiery sunsets that backlight La Gomera.

You’re here, of course, for the giants: The basalt cliffs of Acantilados de los Gigantes , which punch 600m (1960ft) above the frothing ocean. For the best views from above, walk to the end of Calle Tabaiba to a natural lookout point .

For the full-on effect of the cliffs looming above you, nothing beats heading out on the water by kayak or stand-up paddleboard with Teno Activo . The submerged base of the cliffs teems with marine life, making this one of the island’s diving hotspots. Los Gigantes Diving Centre plunges into the deep blue to find stingrays, barracuda, and turtles swirling between the volcanic arches and caverns.

In 2021, Tenerife’s west coast was declared Europe’s first Unesco Whale Heritage Site. Its mild climate makes it one of the world’s best places for whale watching. Conservation-focused tours, such as those led by CB Marítima Acantilados , practically guarantee sightings of pilot whales at close quarters, as well as dolphins, porpoises, and – if you are incredibly lucky – a blue whale or an orca.

A white woman walks past a single storey pink and yellow house with green shutters in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife.

Puerto de la Cruz

Best for black-sand bays and botanical gardens.

Strung along a rocky shoreline and necklaced with volcanic bays, Puerto de la Cruz is one of Tenerife’s most liveable and loveable resorts, thanks to its easygoing charm, buzzing cafe scene, plazas, and parks. The Victorians raved about its spas, and there’s still a dash of that languor in the air today, thanks to a boardwalk for strolling, a luxurious spa enveloped in tropical gardens at Hotel Botánico , and the remarkable Jardín Botánico , with its jungle of Canarian plants and flowers, one-off palm collection, and 200-year-old Australian Moreton Bay fig.

A dive into the town’s historic center should begin at the bronze statue of the fisherwoman at Playa del Muelle, where La Cofradía de Pescadores dishes up fresh seafood. It’s paces away from the grand, palm-rimmed central square Plaza Charco (“Puddle Plaza”), so named because it used to flood every time a storm blew in. From here, lose yourself in the tangle of lanes in the old fishing district of La Ranilla, now a hip-and-happening quarter, where cottages have been reborn as artsy-cool bars and restaurants, like Agora , with a pretty terrace out front for vinos and tapas.

Beach-wise, Playa Martiánez wins, with its arc of dark sand and gentle waves ideal for getting to grips with surfing. But if you prefer your swims with a dash more style, check out the vast saltwater pools at Lago Martiánez , the volcanic rock vision of late Spanish artist, sculptor, and architect César Manrique.

Parque Rural del Teno

Best for mountain highs.

Shaggy mountains thrust up above orchards, terraces, and valleys on the island’s northwestern tip, where the volcanic cliffs of Parque Rural de Teno rear up above the raging ocean like a dragon’s backbone. It’s a corner of the island that is still deliciously off the radar, with a dawn-of-creation beauty about it. The area is spectacularly biodiverse, carpeted with laurel and beech forests and strawberry trees that the endangered laurel pigeon and spotted lizard both love.

On the rocky headland at Punta de Teno , where a lonely lighthouse stands, you can feel the full force of nature, with Atlantic waves battering a black-sand beach and jagged mountains rippling into the distance. The sunsets are worth lingering for. The road is restricted (no private cars during daylight hours or on the weekends), but you can get here by taxi, bike, or taking bus 369 from Buenavista del Norte.

The TF-436 road that corkscrews dizzyingly up to Masca acts as a drumroll for the insanely photogenic village, clinging to a mountaintop for dear life and with a great fang of rock protruding above it. Grab a bowl of cactus-flavored ice cream with palm honey at one of the local cafes before embarking on one of Tenerife’s most phenomenal hikes down the Barranco de Masca ravine to the ocean – providing you have a permit , that is.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Best for carnival and culture.

Though often overlooked by travelers in the mad dash to the coast, the capital Santa Cruz de Tenerife really is the island’s beating heart. If you need proof, visit during February’s Carnaval, a feast of all-night fiestas, parades of sparkly costumes, and Latino-style hip-wiggling second only to Rio de Janeiro.

Culturally, Santa Cruz has the edge. It has some unmissable historic sights like Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Concepción , originally built in 1498 just after the city was conquered, with its intricately wrought wooden Mudéjar (Islamic-style architecture) ceilings. But the city’s real showstoppers are more contemporary. The strikingly angular, light-flooded Tenerife Espacio de las Artes (TEA) , bearing the minimalist hallmark of Pritzker Prize-winning architects Herzog & de Meuron, presents an exciting roster of exhibitions of up-and-coming Spanish art. The city has its own Sydney Opera House in the form of Auditorio de Tenerife , a crashing white wave of an auditorium, famed for both Santiago Calatrava’s architecture and its acoustics. If you can’t catch a concert, join a guided tour of the building or go for a drink in the lobby cafe.

It’s a joy to also just wander the city’s parks, plazas, and streets, where you might happen upon a sculpture by Henry Moore or Joan Miró, hang out on a cafe terraza (terrace) on Plaza Candelaria or find picnic fixings at Mercado de Nuestra Señora de África . With its Islamic-style arches and patios, and stalls heaving with fresh fruit and vegetables, fish, wine, and local cheese, the market is your backstage pass to local life, especially in the morning as people wake up over churros and coffee.

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Tenerife solo travel: the ultimate guide.

Do you think that Tenerife is just a sangria & sand flop for sun-starved Northern Europeans? Think again,

This Canary Island has a rich and proud cultural heritage, colonial towns to match many in Central or South America and dramatic forested landscapes. Furthermore, Tenerife is a great solo travel destination.

It’s one of my favourite places to travel alone in Europe .

Get the lowdown in this Tenerife solo travel guide. Find out why you should add it to your travel bucket list, where to visit, how to get around and where to stay.

It’s all you need to visit Tenerife alone.

skyline of a colonial town in tenerife spain with one large palm tree and sea on distance

Some articles on this website contain affiliate links. This means that I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases . Read the full disclosure here .

Tenerife Solo Travel Itinerary

Puerto de la cruz, mount teide, santa cruz de tenerife, icod de los vinos, anaga forest.

Recommended Day Trips

Mount Teide Tour with Cable Car Ticket & Transfer

Teide National Park Stargazing

Grand Tour of Teide and Northern Tenerife

Full-Day Gastronomy and Wine Tour

Where to Stay

Miranda Penthouse AI

4Dreams Hotel Chimisay

  • Hotel Botanico y Oriental Spa Garden


Can You Travel to Tenerife Alone?

Tenerife is one of the best destinations for solo travel in the Canary Islands . It is safe, affordable, has an excellent transport infrastructure and there are activities to suit every solo traveller.

Friendly and welcoming – Expect typical Spanish warmth and hospitality. Tenerife is a friendly and welcoming destination, making it easier for single travellers to meet new people .

Transport infrastructure –  Not everyone is keen on hiring a car and travelling around Tenerife by bus is easy and cheap. Services operated by TITSA will take you to most of the places that you want to visit on the island.

Plentiful accommodation – As Tenerife is a popular tourist destination, you will not struggle to find somewhere to stay.

waves crashing onto rocks

Affordable – Tenerife is a relatively affordable destination for solo travellers.

Vibrant social scene – There is a vibrant social scene in Tenerife, particularly in Playa de las Américas and Los Cristianos. They have activities, restaurants and bars-a-plenty with all of the social opportunities they provide.

Diverse landscapes – Tenerife has a landscape to suit every solo traveller, from beautiful beaches and colonial towns to ancient laurel forests and volcanic peaks.

Warm climate – The island enjoys a balmy climate throughout the year, making it an ideal destination for solo travellers who want to escape harsh winters or scorching summers.

Is Tenerife Safe for Solo Female Travellers?

Tenerife is generally a safe destination for women travelling alone.   Serious crime is rare. However, like many tourist destinations, petty theft, including pickpocketing, can occur, especially in crowded tourist areas.   Don’t make yourself a target.   Keep your belongings safe. Lock away your valuables at your accommodation and use an anti-theft backpack when you are out and about. I use  this PacSafe backpack  which has anti-RFID technology and a hidden pocket.

With just a week in Tenerife , you can easily hit its highlights, from the colonial charm of La Laguna to the cultural attractions of Santa Cruz and the peak of Spain’s highest mountain.

Here is my pick of the best places to include in your Tenerife solo travel itinerary, all of which can be visited using public transport or on an inexpensive day tour.

READ THIS NEXT : The Ultimate 1-Week Tenerife Itinerary

I made Puerto de la Cruz my base when I visited Tenerife but it is also a superb destination in its own right.

It has more charm than the bigger and brasher resorts in the south of the island and has retained its roots as a fishing village. There are two fabulous gardens – the Botanical Garden and Orchid Garden – a street art trail and there’s even a small castle.

ochre coloured buildings and mural of womans face

READ THIS NEXT: Top 10 Things to Do in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife

snow capped volcanic mount teide in tenerife

Taking the cable car up Mount Teide is one of the most popular things to do in Tenerife.  

For a more active solo adventure, take one of the waymarked hiking trails in Parque Nacional del Teide. There are paths to suit all fitness levels but permits are needed for some of these hikes.

As El Teide is very popular, I highly recommend booking a cable car fast-track ticket online before your visit. You can cancel the ticket for a full refund 24 hours in advance if the weather conditions look like the cable car could be cancelled.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife is the capital of Tenerife and its cultural and administrative heart. It is home to a number of good museums and some striking architecture, notably the Auditorio de Tenerife.

modern rooftop of Auditorio de Tenerife against blue sky

Take a tram from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to La Laguna. This gorgeous colonial town is another important cultural hub on the island and is home to the Museo de la Naturaleza y El Hombre and the Museo de Bellas Artes, as well as Espacia de las Artes, Tenerife’s art & cultural centre.

Day-trippers descend on La Orotava to take a look at the Casas de Los Balcones , a concentration of the finest traditional wooden balconies on the island. But this gem of a town also has first-rate churches, museums and a small botanical garden.

exterior of Casas de los balcones in la orotava tenerife

Thanks to Drago Milenario, Icod de Los Vinos is another popular attraction in Tenerife. This dragon tree, the largest of its kind on the island, is thought to be at least 500 years old.

One of Tenerife’s prettiest towns, Garachico is known for its historic town centre and its natural rock bathing pools.

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the town was largely rebuilt following a volcanic eruption in 1706. Miraculously, some of its buildings survived unscathed, and today’s Garachico was built on the cooled lava.

square with palm trees chucrch and 2-storey colonial buildings in garachico tenerife

Hiking in this primaeval laurel forest was the highlight of my solo trip to Tenerife.

Follow the Sendero de los Sentidos  (Path of The Senses) to miradors overlooking Punta del Hildalgo and the beach at Las Teresitas. Trails are waymarked and it’s an easy hike.

When is the Best Time to Visit Tenerife?

Tenerife has balmy temperatures year-round but visit in spring or autumn (fall) for milder temperatures, clear skies and less chance of rain. In the height of summer, the higher temperatures are moderated by the trade winds but these cooling winds also bring cloudy skies.

There is a north–south divide in Tenerife in terms of the weather. It is cooler and wetter in the north of the island with November and February the rainiest months.

I visited Tenerife in January. Although it wasn’t bikini weather, I enjoyed blue skies, sunshine and temperatures in the 20s, perfect for sightseeing and hiking.

Getting Around Tenerife

people getting on a green TITSA bus which is perfect for tenerife solo travel

The most flexible way of exploring Tenerife is by car but this can be expensive and is not for everyone.  

Hiring a car isn’t for me and I used public transport to explore the island. Thanks to an extensive network and cheap fares, it’s easy to get around Tenerife by bus .

READ THIS NEXT : How to Explore Tenerife by Bus

Tours of Tenerife

Although you can visit most of the places included in my Tenerife solo travel itinerary by bus, it can be tricky to reach Mount Teide on public transport. For this, a day excursion is your best bet.

An organised excursion may also suit you if you want someone else to take care of the arrangements or simply want to maximise your time on the island. By way of a bonus, day trips are also an excellent way of meeting other people as a solo traveller.  

I book my day tours through GetYourGuide . I like the booking interface, there’s an easy-to-use app and their tours usually come with a generous free cancellation window.

Here are a few Tenerife day tours that are worth considering:

Think of this as a visit to Mount Teide made easy. This guided day trip includes a transfer from the north and south of the island and cable car tickets.


Did you know that Teide National Park is the 3rd best place in the world to view stars, so much so that it has been described by NASA as a window to the universe? For an unforgettable Tenerife experience, join this tour that includes an optional transfer from resorts in the south.

This tour is perfect if you are short on time and want to hit the highlights of Tenerife in a day. However, it does not include the cable car to Mount Teide.

Now this is my type of day trip. If you love food and wine you will love this full-day tour that visits bodegas to taste the best that Tenerife has to offer. It includes a stop in La Laguna and a 4-course lunch.

Pick-ups from southern resorts.

READ THIS NEXT : The Top 10 Tenerife Excursions

Where to Stay in Tenerife as a Solo Traveller

Choosing a hotel and the right base is key to the success of a solo trip. Where you stay in Tenerife will depend on your interests and itinerary.

For a lively vibe and plenty of nightlife, opt for one of the southern resorts : Playa de las Américas, Costa Adeje or Los Cristianos. If you are planning to take day excursions around the island, there is a greater choice from the south of the island.

Stay in Puerto de la Cruz , the largest tourist town in the north, for a more authentic experience. Quieter and more Canarian in character, this is also an excellent base to explore the island on public transport.

READ THIS NEXT: 10 Factors You Cannot Ignore When Choosing a Hotel (Especially as a Solo Traveller)

Where to stay in Puerto de la Cruz

The relative abundance of accommodation in Puerto de la Cruz keeps prices affordable. However, as the majority of hotels and apartments are built on a cliffside – a lung-busting climb from the sea and bus station – stay in or near the old town.

I stayed at this wonderful apartment in the heart of the old town of Puerto de la Cruz. This is an excellent option if you are looking for a comfortable and affordable apartment that is close to some great restaurants. It also has a terrace overlooking the ocean.

lounge with table with fruit bowl and terrace overlooking sea


Here are a few alternatives that I have found that may suit other tastes and budgets:

If you prefer a comfortable hotel in the heart of the old town, take a look at this 3-star option. It has a roof terrace with a plunge pool and breakfast is available for a small additional charge.


Hotel Botanico y Oriental Spa Garden 

But perhaps you are looking to stay in the swankiest place in town? You can’t go far wrong with this 5-star luxury hotel. Although it is not located in the old town, its three 3 outdoor pools, attractive gardens and extensive spa facilities more than make up for this.

Travelling Alone to Tenerife: Why You Should Do It

Choosing a solo travel destination is no mean feat, especially if you are taking your first solo holiday .    

As a starting point, you want somewhere that is affordable, fits your interests and has a good transport infrastructure (or inexpensive day excursions). As a female solo traveller, safety is always a priority for me.

Tenerife fulfils this wish list. 

Don’t be put off by its popularity as a package tour destination for sun-starved Northern Europeans. It’s very easy to escape the big and brash resort towns for a taste of Canary Island life.


  • Canary Islands Solo Travel: The Ultimate Guide
  • Gran Canaria Solo Travel: Itinerary & Essential Guide
  • Lanzarote Solo Travel: The Ultimate Guide

bridget coleman the flashpacker 2

About Bridget

Bridget Coleman has been a passionate traveller for more than 30 years. She has visited 70+ countries, most as a solo traveller.

Articles on this site reflect her first-hand experiences.

To get in touch, email her at [email protected] or follow her on social media.

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Category Archives: Canary Islands

If you’re looking for inspiration and empowerment to solo travel in the Canary Islands, follow my adventures as I solo travel the Canary Islands.

Things to do in Fuerteventura

Solo Travel in Fuerteventura

Types of Girl about the Globe (GatG) – Active GatG, Beach GatG, Digital Nomad GatG, Surfing GatG I have so many favourite islands, but Fuerteventura is definitely high on my list. This Canary Island is beautiful, and I have been lucky to have visited it twice, more recently in October 2022. If you are planning… Continue Reading…

Places to visit in Lanzarote

Places To Visit in Lanzarote

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Things to do in Tenerife

Tenerife Solo Travel Guide

Types of Girl about the Globe (GatG) – Golf GatG, Hiking GatG, Nature GatG, Ocean GatG, Party GatG Are you planning a solo trip to Tenerife? Tenerife is a fantastic island to explore, especially for solos. If you’re planning a trip to Tenerife, I’ve put together an article with recommendations from myself and members of… Continue Reading…

Best Places For Winter Sun

Things To Do: Gran Canaria

Types of Girls about the Globe – Nature GatG, Adventure GatG The Canary Islands are a chain of volcanic islands off the northwest coast of Africa. There are seven islands in total which attract hikers, surfers and those looking to party. You’ve probably heard of Tenerife, the most well known with great nightlife and a… Continue Reading…

Going Solo in La Palma, Canaries

Things To Do in La Palma

Types of Solos – Active Solo, Island Solo, Nature Solo The Canary Islands are a chain of volcanic islands off the northwest coast of Africa. There are 7 islands in total which attract hikers, surfers and those looking to party. One of the furthest islands from Morocco is La Palma. Known as the beautiful island… Continue Reading…

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Paulina on the road

Travel Tenerife

Ahhh, Tenerife! It promises a sunny climate and plenty of opportunities for relaxation.

Whether you’re looking to soak in the natural beauty or experience a diverse culture – travel Tenerife is the perfect destination for you if what you seek is an island getaway brimming with unique experiences and fun adventure possibilities.

With its white sand beaches, exotic locations, stunning architecture, rich wildlife diversity, and incredible nightlife – Tenerife has something to offer travelers from all corners of the world.

From conventional sightseeing activities to breathtaking mountain hikes and tranquil strolls at stunning viewpoints, something here will make your holiday extra special.

I, Paulina on the Road , I’m excited to share my personal experience living on Tenerife island – full of insider tips on where to stay; how best to access amazing locales; helpful information regarding food options around the island, etc.

Stay at the best hotels in Tenerife on the beach, travel tenerife

From turquoise blue waves begging surfers to explore their deep depths, to vibrant hiking trails offering spectacular views, there is something for everyone choosing travel Tenerife.

You can stroll through the streets of towns like La Orotava or Puerto de la Cruz while chatting with locals who will be more than happy to lend a helping hand in giving you insight into what this captivating place has to offer.

Table of Contents

Top resources to travel Tenerife

⚘ Avoid tourist traps and get the “Tenerife Like a Local” itinerary for less than 10€. – Get it here ✈ Book cheap flights to Tenerife with Skyscanner ✔ Book tours in Tenerife with GetYourGuide ➳ Find the best hotels in Tenerife with Trivago & holiday rentals with VRBO ❖ Rent a car with the best discounts at DiscoverCars ✎ Never leave without travel insurance. I get mine at HeyMondo . It is easy to set up, cheap, and reliable. $ Withdraw money without hidden fees and avoid exchange rates with Wise (you’ll get a free card on top!)

Hotels in Tenerife

If you plan a trip to Tenerife, you’re in for a treat. This island boasts a plethora of activities and attractions that are sure to suit any traveler.

You can start your adventure by exploring the island’s natural beauty, from hiking the trails of Teide National Park to soaking up the sun on the sandy beaches.

  • Royal Hideaway Corales Suites – Melia Hacienda del Conde – Adults Only
  • Adrián Hoteles Jardines de Nivaria  –  Europe Villa Cortes GL
  • Hotel Sun Holidays  –  Teneryfa Los Gigantes  –  Apartments Fanabe
  • RF San Borondon  –  Bahia Principe Sunlight San Felipe
  • Green Garden Eco Resort

travel blogger girl in front of mount teide, tenerife island

If you’re feeling brave, you can even take a dip in the refreshing waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Tenerife has plenty of museums and historic sites for those who love culture.

Don’t forget to indulge in the local cuisine and stroll through the charming towns and villages.

With so much to see and do, Tenerife is a must-visit destination for any traveler.

  • Things to do in Tenerife

When it comes to travel, Tenerife holds a special place in my heart as the ultimate destination for adventure and relaxation. After all, it was my home for half a year!

This island boasts various activities and attractions catering to different interests and preferences.

For those seeking a thrilling experience, there’s hiking, surfing, and paragliding.

Meanwhile, culture enthusiasts can explore museums, art galleries, and historic landmarks.

And let’s not forget the pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters that provide an ideal setting for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports.

  • Things to do in Tenerife in April
  • Things to do in Tenerife in May
  • Best Beaches in Tenerife
  • Top Nightclubs in Tenerife
  • Things to Do in Tenerife with Kids
  • Things to do in Costa Adeje, Tenerife
  • Things to do in South Tenerife
  • Best Beaches in South Tenerife
  • Spectacular Beaches in Tenerife North
  • Driving in Tenerife: A Practical Guide
  • Things To See In Tenerife By Car
  • Water Parks in Tenerife
  • Outdoor Activities in Tenerife
  • Things To Do in Los Gigantes, Tenerife
  • Hikes in Tenerife
  • Mount Teide Trips
  • Christmas in Tenerife
  • Tenerife in October
  • Tenerife in November
  • Tenerife in January
  • Tenerife in April
  • Tenerife in Winter
  • Cave of the Winds, Tenerife
  • Barranco del Infierno, Tenerife
  • Photos That Will Make You Want to Travel to Tenerife
  • Move to Tenerife
  • Traditional Costume of Tenerife
  • What to Wear in Tenerife [Every Season!]
  • What To Pack For Tenerife in Winter
  • Facts about Tenerife That Will Surprise You
  • What is Tenerife famous for? 10 Useful Facts!

North Tenerife

If you’re looking for an escape from the bustling streets and crowded beaches of South Tenerife, then the North is where you should head.

North Tenerife is a haven for nature enthusiasts, couples seeking a peaceful getaway, and those wanting to explore the island’s quieter side.

You’ll find plenty of things to keep you occupied, from hiking the lush forests and picturesque hills to a sunset boat ride and indulging in some of the island’s best seafood.

Take a dip in natural swimming pools, made from volcanic rock formations and relax in warm, therapeutic waters.

Whether you’re taking in the coastline from afar or getting lost in the tranquillity of the countryside, North Tenerife is sure to offer you an unforgettable experience.

  • Things To Do in North Tenerife
  • Things to Do in Puerto de la Cruz
  • Things To Do in Santa Cruz, Tenerife
  • Masca Valley, Tenerife
  • Garachico & Icod: Tenerife’s Cloudy Side
  • Puerto De La Cruz Accommodation
  • Where to stay in Tenerife

Planning your travel to Tenerife is exciting, but finding the perfect place to stay can be overwhelming.

With so many options available, finding the accommodation that suits your preferences is important. Whether you’re seeking luxurious five-star resorts or cozy apartments, Tenerife has it all.

I recommend staying in the southern part of the island, where you’ll find picturesque beaches, ample sunshine, and bustling nightlife.

If you are wondering where to stay in Tenerife, have a look at my guides which are filled with insider tips:

  • Where to Stay in Tenerife South
  • Hotels in Tenerife on the Beach
  • Best Hotels in Puerto de la Cruz
  • Spa Hotels in Tenerife, Spain
  • Hotels in Costa Adeje, Tenerife
  • Family Hotels in Tenerife
  • Tenerife All-Inclusive Adults-Only Hotels
  • Where To Stay In Tenerife In Winter
  • Where To Stay In Tenerife In December
  • Where To Stay In Tenerife In January
  • Where To Stay In Tenerife in March
  • Where To Stay In Tenerife In April
  • Romantic Hotels In Tenerife

What to see in Tenerife?

From the black sand beaches in the north to the vibrant nightlife in the south, there is something for everyone here.

Check out Mount Teide, the highest peak in Spain, and the breathtaking views from its summit. And don’t miss the Pyramids of Guimar, a striking collection of six-stepped pyramids that have puzzled archaeologists for years.

For a relaxing day in nature, spend some time in Anaga Rural Park, a lush green forest with hiking trails that offer unparalleled views of the island’s stunning coastline.

To truly see all Tenerife has to offer, explore the island’s many unique neighborhoods, each with its own distinct flavor and charm.

What’s the best part of Tenerife?

As a seasoned traveler with a particular affinity for Spain, I can say without hesitation that Tenerife is one of the country’s most beautiful and unique destinations.

From towering mountains and charming colonial villages to stunning beaches and vibrant nightlife, there’s truly something for everyone on this fascinating island.

But if I had to choose just one aspect of Tenerife that stands out as the best, it would have to be the island’s incredible natural wonders.

Whether you’re adventuring through the forests of the Anaga Rural Park, soaking up the sun on the black sands of Playa Jardín, or marveling at the majestic Mount Teide, there’s nowhere else in the world quite like Tenerife.

The perfect Tenerife itinerary

Avoid tourist traps with the “ Tenerife Like a Local ” itinerary:

woman holding tenerife guide book

Make the most of your time with the fully customizable Tenerife travel itinerary for 9,99€ only! – Get it   here

Greta's Travels

Tenerife Itinerary: How To Spend From 3 To 7 Days In Tenerife

Posted on Last updated: March 26, 2024

Located in the Canary Archipelago, just off the coast of Morocco, this Spanish island will steal your heart. Tenerife offers a huge variety of awesome things to do, stunning landscapes and comforts for travellers.

If you’re planning a trip to Tenerife, you’ve made an excellent choice! After spending four months on the island I put together this ultimate Tenerife itinerary, to ensure you make the most of your trip.

Tenerife is so much more than just a tourist resort destinations, where retired Germans or young British party-goers go in search for some European winter sun.

It’s a beautiful island that should feature on everyone’s Spain bucket list!

Exploring the beautiful landscapes of Tenerife

Exploring the beautiful landscapes of Tenerife

In this guide I have put together some sample Tenerife day-by-day itineraries, outlining how to spend 3 days, 5 days or 7 days in Tenerife.

The longer itineraries are built up on the shorter ones, starting with the main attractions in Tenerife and expanding to lesser-known spots.

Feel free to adapt the itineraries to fit your personal interests. One of the things I love most about Tenerife is the variety of things to do, and how it can suit different types of travellers.

Whether you’re an avid hiker, a keen surfer or a professional beach bum, Tenerife has something for all of you! So without further ado, let’s dive in and discover the ultimate Tenerife itinerary!

  • 1.1 Day 1: Explore Teide National Park
  • 1.2.1 Visit the town of Masca
  • 1.2.2 Relax in Los Gigantes
  • 1.3 Day 3: Explore Anaga National Park
  • 2.1.1 Hike in Rambla de Castro
  • 2.1.2 Swim in the natural pools of Garachico
  • 2.1.3 Discover the town & Dragon of Icod de los Vinos
  • 2.2 Day 5: Relax in the south coast of Tenerife (and maybe try some water sports?)
  • 3.1.1 La Laguna
  • 3.1.2 Playa de Las Teresitas
  • 3.2 Day 7: Teno Mountains
  • 4 Where to stay in Tenerife
  • 5 How to travel around Tenerife

A beautiful sunset over the hills and southern coast of Tenerife

A beautiful sunset over the hills and southern coast of Tenerife

Essentials to book before you read on!

Best tours in Tenerife

Teide National Park Romantic Sunset, Dinner & Stargazing

Tenerife Whale Watching Cruise

2-hour hiking tour in Anaga Forest

Best hotels in Tenerife

Budget: Banana Surf House

Mid-range: El Dorado Residence  

Luxury:  The Ritz-Carlton Abama

Get 5% off your travel insurance here!

Tenerife itinerary: 3 days

Three days is the absolute minimum you should spend in Tenerife. While it won’t be enough to see the whole island, it will give you the opportunity to see the main sights and to get a feel for Tenerife.

These are the places I believe you should visit if you only have three days in Tenerife.

Day 1: Explore Teide National Park

With its 3,715 metres, Mount Teide is the highest point in Spain, as well as one of the tallest volcanoes in Europe.

Hiking to its peak features on many Europe bucket lists , so it’s only natural that it should feature in this Tenerife itinerary.

Teide National Park covers an area of almost 200 square kilometres, and is home to a huge variety of landscapes. From pine tree forests to volcanic desert expanses, it’s guaranteed to leave you breathless.

The Teide summit from the Mirador of Samara hike

The Teide summit from the Mirador of Samara hike

Besides the actual hike (or gondola ride) to the peak, there are also many beautiful hiking trails in the Teide National Park. Some of the most famous are Roque de Garcia and Samara.

These trails give you the opportunity to experience the beauty of Teide, while admiring the stunning natural landscape. There are also many viewpoints around the national park, which you can both hike or drive to.

Depending on what hikes you choose to do and what miradors to stop at, you can easily spend a whole day exploring Teide National Park.

There are many awesome tours that you can do exploring Mount Teide, I have linked below some of the best ones:

  • Mount Teide Summit Hiking Tour
  • Mount Teide Sunset Cable Car Tour
  • Romantic Sunset & Star Gazing Experience At Mount Teide

The start of the Roque de Garcia trail, with the Teide peak in the back, Tenerife

The start of the Roque de Garcia trail, with the Teide peak in the back, Tenerife

Hiking the Montana Samara Circuit Trail in Tenerife, with a view of the sea and clouds

Hiking the Montana Samara Circuit Trail in Tenerife, with a view of the sea and clouds

Day 2: Masca & Los Gigantes

Visit the town of masca.

On your second day in Tenerife, you have to visit Masca. Masca is a small town of less than 100 inhabitants, nestled amongst the Teno Mountains on the western corner of the island.

The town is surrounded by the tall mountains, and is extremely scenic. The drive down to Masca is very winding so make sure to take it easy and steadily.

You can spend a few hours wandering around the cute town, exploring the cobbled side streets and admiring the beautiful views.

For the more adventurous and active travellers you can also do the Barranco the Masca hike. It’s a 3-4 hour return hike with considerable elevation change, since it starts in Masca and goes all the way down to the sea.

The village of Masca and surrounding mountains

The village of Masca and surrounding mountains

Relax in Los Gigantes

After visiting Masca you can head to the nearby Los Gigantes. Los Gigantes is a town on the west coast of Tenerife, named “The Giants” because of the imposing cliffs that tower over the town.

The cliffs range from 500m to 800m in height, and are quite the spectacular sight. Close to the town there are both a beach and some beautiful natural pools, where you can relax and swim in the sea after your hike.

From Los Gigantes you can also do a dolphin and whale spotting tour . The best time to do this is late afternoon, since the golden hour light over the tall cliffs is meant to be simply magical.

Click here to book your dolphin and whale watching sailing cruise in Los Gigantes!

View over the town and cliffs of Los Gigantes

View over the town and cliffs of Los Gigantes

A pair of pilot whales we spotted on our Tenerife whale and dolphin watching tour

A pair of pilot whales we spotted in Tenerife

The catamaran we did our whale watching cruise with

The catamaran we did our whale watching cruise with

Day 3: Explore Anaga National Park

Anaga National Park is possibly my favourite place in Tenerife. Located in the north of the island, this national park is home to the most gorgeous green landscape.

Here you will find dramatic cliffs over the sea, a jagged green coastline, black sand beaches and sweeping views that will give you serious Jurassic Park vibes. I’ve never been to Hawaii, but I picture it looking somewhat like Anaga.

There are many awesome hiking trails in Anaga, spanning a wide variety of difficulty levels and durations. That makes it the perfect destination for all types of travellers and hikers.

My personal favourite hike is the one to the lighthouse of Igueste. This hike is relatively short (2 to 3 hours) but very steep. You will go from pretty much sea level up to around 600m, enjoying the stunning views all throughout.

The view over Tenerife from Mirador Cruz del Carmen

The view over Tenerife from Mirador Cruz del Carmen

Close to the Anaga information point you will find Mirador Cruz del Carmen.

This viewpoint offers incredible views over the surrounding valley all the way to the peak of Mount Teide. Here there are also some very picturesque hiking trails in the local forest.

Depending on how much you feel like walking, you can easily spend a whole day in Anaga National Park, admiring the beautiful green coastlines, conquering challenging hikes and relaxing on black sand beaches.

The hiking trails in Tenerife are usually well marked, but if you prefer a guided experience you can also do an organised hiking tour of Anaga .

Click here to book your hiking tour in Anaga!

Enjoying the view while hiking at the Semaforo of Igueste

Enjoying the view while hiking at the Semaforo of Igueste

Tenerife itinerary: 5 days

For those who are planning to spend 5 days in Tenerife, here are some suggestions of awesome places to visit during your extra two days.

Day 4: Northern coast of Tenerife

Your fourth day is dedicated to the northern coast of Tenerife. Here you will find a combination of panoramic hikes, cute colonial towns and stunning natural pools.

Hike in Rambla de Castro

Start your day nice and early with a hike, so that you can do it before the sun gets too high and hot. Rambla de Castro is a 10km hike with a gradual 380m elevation change, which usually takes around 3 hours.

This trail is part of a very popular Tenerife shore excursion for cruise travellers, and you’ll soon see why!

Enjoying the coastal views during the Rambla de Castro hike

Enjoying the coastal views during the Rambla de Castro hike

It’s a casual coastal hike on a well-marked and beaten path, lined with palm trees and with stunning views over the sea and cliffs.

I loved this hike because it felt different from other parts of the island, and was giving me some serious Bali vibes.

You can also hike down to Playa de Castro. The beach is rocky and isn’t the most comfortable for relaxing or tanning, but with the steep cliffs surrounding it it’s incredibly scenic.

There is also a small waterfall at the end of the beach that you can get up close to. If you want to get close to the waterfall make sure to visit at low tide, as it can be very slippery and dangerous when the tide is high!

Enjoying the waterfall in Playa de Castro after hiking Rambla de Castro

Enjoying the waterfall in Playa de Castro after hiking Rambla de Castro

Swim in the natural pools of Garachico

After your hike you will probably want to relax a bit, preferable somewhere where you can actually lie down and swim in the sea! So why don’t you head over to Garachico, a cute town just a short 30-minute drive away.

The pools are natural but there have been some man-made additions around them, so that there are flat surfaces that you can lie on and sunbathe.

You can spend some time here relaxing and cooling down in the natural pools.

On the day I was visiting there were strong waves washing into the pools. In these situations be careful as it can be dangerous, although it also made it super fun and similar to a natural water park.

The Piscinas Naturales de El Caleton in Garachico, Tenerife

The Piscinas Naturales de El Caleton in Garachico, Tenerife

Discover the town & Dragon of Icod de los Vinos

After hiking and relaxing on the beach, it’s only fair to end your day with a bit of city exploration. Close to Garachico you will find Icod, a beautiful colonial town in Tenerife.

Besides displaying some traditional Canarian architecture, Icod is home also to the Drago Milenario de Icod de los Vinos. This is the oldest and largest living specimen of dragon tree, and is said to be over a thousand years old.

You can see the tree as you drive into Icod and from the nearby park, or you can enter the Parque del Drago for a small fee to get up close to this impressive tree.

The Parque del Drago is also a botanical garden that you can walk around and explore.

The famous Drago Milenario de Icod de los Vinos in Tenerife

The famous Drago Milenario de Icod de los Vinos in Tenerife

Day 5: Relax in the south coast of Tenerife (and maybe try some water sports?)

After such a jam-packed itinerary, I figured you might want at least one day to relax.

While I always stress that there is more to Tenerife than just beach resorts, there is a reason why it’s such a popular European winter destination .

The southern most tip of the island is home to Costa Adeje, Las Americas and Los Cristianos, three areas that while very touristy, are home to some gorgeous beaches. Here you can also learn to surf!

It’s one of the best surfing spots in Tenerife , where I personally spent four months surfing. You will have to wear a wetsuit if you’re visiting Tenerife in winter , but the water is temperate enough to go for a dip without one.

Me surfing in Fitenia, Tenerife

Me surfing in Fitenia, Tenerife

If you want a slightly less busy spot you can also go to El Medano, another town only 15-minute drive away from Las Americas.

El Medano is much quieter, and a popular windsurf and kitesurf destination, as it’s always windy!

Given how popular Tenerife is amongst water sports lovers, I figured no Tenerife itinerary would be complete without a day of beach chilling and little bit of either surfing or windsurfing.

The popular kitesurfing beach in El Medano, Tenerife - Photo by Valentina Borghi of BeBorghi

The popular kitesurfing beach in El Medano, Tenerife – Photo by Valentina Borghi of BeBorghi

Tenerife itinerary: 7 days

For those who can spend one week in Tenerife, here are some suggestions of awesome things to do in Tenerife for your two additional days.

Building on all the awesome spots we’ve already seen, these additional activities will make your Tenerife itinerary even more unforgettable.

Day 6: La Laguna & Playa de Las Teresitas

Personally what I love most about Tenerife is the wild nature, but there are also many beautiful cities and towns to discover.

The historical city centre of La Laguna in Tenerife

The historical city centre of La Laguna in Tenerife

San Cristobal de La Laguna is a city in the northern part of the island, which should feature on every Tenerife itinerary.

The historical centre of La Laguna was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999. Here you will find houses built in the traditional Canarian style, with wooden balconies and quaint colours.

You can easily spend a few hours wandering around La Laguna, admiring the Canarian architecture and tasting delicious local food. Just remember the weather here is much colder than the south, and bring a sweater!

Some of the iconic architecture in San Cristobal de la Laguna

Playa de Las Teresitas

If you’re anything like me, you probably won’t want to spend a whole day exploring a city. So after soaking in the chill vibe of La Laguna, head to Playa de Las Teresitas, one of the most famous beaches on the island.

Playa de Las Teresitas is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in Tenerife, and it’s easy to see why.

With its pristine white sand, turquoise water and the scenic cliffs that surround it, it makes for a stunning beach.

You can get a sunbed for as little as 2 EUR for the whole day, a worthy investment if you ask me! Here you can sit in the sun, relax, swim in the beautiful sea and work on your tan.

Playa de las Teresitas from above

Playa de las Teresitas from above

Day 7: Teno Mountains

After a few days of beaching, relaxing and visiting cities, how do you feel about taking back out the hiking boots? Another awesome hiking spot you are yet to discover is the Teno mountain range.

These are the mountains located in the north-western most corner of Tenerife, which are also part of the range surrounding Masca.

Here you will find dramatic green cliffs similar to those of Anaga, but more rugged and wild (if that’s even possible)!

Hiking the Punta de Teno trail in Tenerife

Hiking the Punta de Teno trail in Tenerife

Hiking in the Teno mountains in Tenerife

Hiking in the Teno mountains in Tenerife

The Punta de Teno hike, starting high up in the mountains and heading all the way down to sea level at the Punta Teno lighthouse, is one of the most popular hikes in the Teno Mountains.

It’s a 10km hike with 800m elevation change (descending) where you will see an incredible variety of landscapes, as well as an interesting flora change.

Once you reach the lighthouse you can also swim in the sea, and refresh after your hike. From Punta Teno lighthouse you can then take the public bus back to Buenavista.

It’s a one-way hike (unless you want to hike 10km back up) so make sure to plan and coordinate with your car and public transport accordingly.

Admiring the cliffs of Los Gigantes from Punta Teno Lighthouse

Admiring the cliffs of Los Gigantes from Punta Teno Lighthouse

Where to stay in Tenerife

The best place to stay in Tenerife will depend on your personal interests. The island is extremely varied, which different types of travellers will find themselves more at home in different regions of the island.

For example if you’re looking for a relaxing beach holiday you might look at staying in Costa Adeje, if you’re looking for fun nightlife you will want to stay in Las Americas, or if you love hiking you might stay in the north of Tenerife.

If you want to do a bit of everything you might choose to start your Tenerife itinerary in one location, and then change accommodation to a different town. That said, Tenerife is a fairly small island.

You can cross the island in around one hour, and can easily drive to and back from most places within the day.

I’m usually a big supporter of on-the-road itineraries, but in this case you could select one place as base, and from there explore Tenerife on day trips.

The sunset view from my apartment at El Dorado Residence in Las Americas, Tenerife

The sunset view from my apartment at El Dorado Residence in Las Americas, Tenerife

I listed below some cool accommodation options around the island for every budget.

Budget:  Banana Surf House   – This cute surf house is perfect for those looking for a cosy stay in a great location, without breaking the bank. It also has a huge rooftop with great sea views.

Click here to book your stay at Banana Surf House!

Mid-range:  El Dorado Residence    – I spent my first two months in Tenerife in an apartment in this residence, and loved every day of it. My apartment was spacious, in a great location (close to both the beach and supermarket) and had awesome sea and sunset views. I can highly recommend it.

Click here to see the latest prices and availability for apartments in El Dorado residence!

Luxury:  Hotel Rural La Correa Del Almendro  – This hotel is set in a traditional Canarian barn from the 1720s, and it still retains the rugged look, while having modern comforts like a pool. Located in Arona, it’s perfect for those who want to be close to Las Americas, without being in the heart of the party town.

Click here to book your stay at Hotel Rural La Correa Del Almendro!  

The pool at Hotel Rural La Correa Del Almendro in Arona, Tenerife

The pool at Hotel Rural La Correa Del Almendro in Arona, Tenerife

How to travel around Tenerife

The easiest way to get around Tenerife is to rent a car, as it will give you the most flexibility. You can find very cheap rental deals with Plus Cars .

Tenerife also has a fairly good public transport system. The public buses connect all the main cities and towns, as well as doing stops also along the road in remote locations, and they’re also very cheap.

However the buses don’t run that regularly, and if you want to do some of the awesome hikes in Tenerife , they might not take you all the way to the trailhead.

If you want to make the most of your Tenerife itinerary, make sure to rent a car.

Me and my friend Ari enjoying the views during the Roque de Taborno hike

Me and my friend Ari enjoying the views during the Roque de Taborno hike

Final thoughts on the ultimate Tenerife itinerary  

There you have it, the ultimate guide to planning a perfect Tenerife itinerary! The sample itineraries I included are designed to take you to all the best spots in Tenerife, both famous attractions and local secret spots.

I started with the shorter itineraries going to the absolute must-sees, and then building on day-by-day with attractions that aren’t as essential, but still worthy of a visit.

Obviously feel free to mix and match days based on your personal travel interests.

Have you been to Tenerife before? Are there other places in the island that you think should feature in this itinerary? Let me know in the comments!

In my opinion, Tenerife should feature on everyone’s Spain bucket list , especially if you’re travelling to Europe in winter , maybe for a unique Christmas trip !

Mallorca , Menorca and the other Balearic Islands often receive more attention, thanks to their beautiful hidden coves , but I personally think Tenerife is second to none when it comes to landscapes and beaches.

I hope you find this Tenerife itinerary useful in planning your time on this beautiful island. From beaches to volcanoes, Tenerife has it all, and it deserves to be explored.

Looking for more Spain travel tips? Check out these guides!

  • How to spend an awesome weekend in Seville
  • 15 gorgeous Instagram photo spots in Barcelona
  • The best tapas tour in Barcelona?
  • Visiting the Alhambra: The Ultimate Guide
  • The Best Granada day tours from Malaga

Enjoyed reading my Tenerife itineraries? Pin it!

Photo collage of Playa de las Teresitas, Playa Arona, Anaga National Park and Roque de Taborno with text overlay saying

Our Wanders

Our Wanders

Tenerife Packing List: What To Bring & NOT To Bring

Tenerife Packing List: What To Bring & NOT To Bring

It’s time to start packing for your Tenerife vacation! But are you wondering what to bring and (just as important!) what NOT to bring to Tenerife? Well, you need more than just bathing suits, that’s for sure.

Even the coast can get windy and chilly from time to time, and to get to know this incredibly varied island beyond the beaches, it’s important to consider different elevations and climates when packing. Like micro-climates, or the continental mountain climate of Teide vs. the subtropical climate of the coast. So let’s see what to pack for Tenerife – and what to leave at home!

Weather in Tenerife

Teide National Park, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

Teide National Park in March

Tenerife is the island of eternal spring (not summer!). Temperatures are pleasant for outdoor activities for most of the year, but it’s not beach weather all year – though that depends on how you define beach weather, as well. The ocean temperatures are between 18-25°C throughout the year, with 18-20°C on average in the winter months and 20-24°C on average in the summer months. Water actually tends to be the warmest in September.

Here’s an overview of the average temperatures of three different areas throughout the year: the subtropical coast, Mount Teide and La Laguna in the more rainy, northern area of the island.

Read this post, too: 10 Things You Should Know Before Traveling To Tenerife

Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

Travel essentials

  • passport (or personal ID card for EU citizens)
  • travel insurance
  • debit or credit card
  • cash (a small amount of EUR is enough for small purchases or tips): use a local ATM or visit a local bank to get cash; don’t go to a currency conversion counter inside the airport, they have the worst rates

Packing accessories

  • backpack or suitcase
  • packing cubes to keep your suitcase organized
  • toiletry organizer : it comes with a hanging strap, so it’s quick and easy to carry and hang up even in a shared bathroom
  • collapsible backpack as a day bag: for snacks, drinks, extra layers, camera

Basic clothing

Costa Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

will you spend most of your time on the beach? list all the activities you need clothes for

Choose light-colored clothing which naturally repels the sun. Cotton, linen or viscose are great materials for everyday wear in hot weather as they’re breezy and good at temperature regulation. But for hiking (or other athletic activities), choose polyester or nylon as they’re moisture-wicking and dry fast.

  • breathable underwear
  • a few pairs of shorts
  • hiking pants (or leggings): one or two pairs, depending on how much hiking you plan to do
  • maximum 1 pair of jeans (optional): jeans are heavy and probably too much for Tenerife’s coastal climate (and they’re the worst for hiking!); pack a pair if you prefer them as everyday wear, otherwise you’re good without it
  • bathing suit(s)
  • lightweight long sleeve : weather can be too chilly for T-shirts when hiking in Teide National Park or in the Anaga Mountains, but a sweater might be too much, especially when hiking uphill; a lightweight, synthetic long sleeve is the most comfortable solution
  • sweater/hoodie: one is usually enough
  • sun hat : both for the beach and for unshaded trails
  • rain jacket: it can be useful on extremely windy beaches, too

Read this post, too: Best Hiking Jackets For Each Season

Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

  • hiking shoes or boots: not sneakers, they’re not safe on most trails; you won’t even be allowed on trails like the Masca Canyon without having proper hiking footwear (yes, park rangers will actually check it)
  • hiking socks
  • walking sandal : if you plan longer sightseeing walks that won’t be comfortable in flip-flops
  • water shoes for rocky and pebbly beaches

Outdoor accessories & toiletries

Anaga Rural Park, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

  • basic toiletries (shampoo and conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrush)
  • sunscreen : sunscreen is essential both for the beach and for hiking, especially in Teide National Park as the sun at those altitudes is very strong!
  • moisturizer
  • long-sleeved rash guard for extra skin protection on the beach
  • dry bag : to keep your valuables safe on boat trips or on the beach
  • travel towels : what makes a great travel towel? being extremely lightweight and quick-drying
  • beach mat (or an extra beach towel to sit on)
  • water bottle or hydration reservoir : the latter barely takes up any space when empty!
  • beach cover-up for women : not just for going to the beach, but also for walking around and sightseeing if paired with leggings or shorts and a top

the wom travel tenerife

Do you need winter clothes?

Teno Rural Park, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

chilly morning in Teno Rural Park in March

There’s no winter on the coast, but there is up in Teide National Park. If you visit between December and January, the temperatures in Teide are around freezing. Combined with strong winds, it’s a real winter, so bring some extra layers:

  • fleece jacket ( women | men ) or down jacket ( women | men ) as an insulating mid-layer under your windbreaker
  • thick socks
  • extra sweater
  • winter coat or parka (optional): you’ll likely have this when you travel, anyway, because it’s winter time at home; on the other hand, it’s the most useful if you plan to do a Teide road trip with lots of stops and walking around viewpoints, but not much hiking. It might be too bulky when hiking, a down jacket with a windbreaker is more practical for that.

To save space in your luggage, wear your heaviest and bulkiest clothes instead of packing them. Hoodie or sweater, a large scarf that’s the size of a blanket, a down jacket or winter coat – and your sturdy hiking boots, too!

What not to pack for Tenerife?

Bollullo Beach, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

Beach umbrella. While umbrellas are fine for beach vacation road trips, they’re not worth the hassle if you fly. There are other ways to protect your skin from the sun: natural shade, rental umbrellas, protective clothing and sunscreen. If your skin is very sensitive (or you travel with a baby), take a compact, easily packable beach tent to make sure you have shade even on the most deserted beaches. A beach tent is also more resistant to strong winds than an umbrella.

Snorkeling set. On one hand, a quality snorkeling set makes for the best snorkeling experience, but on the other hand, flying with a carry-on only saves lots of money and snorkeling sets take up too much space. If you’re planning to go on an organized snorkeling tour, you’ll get equipment for snorkeling, anyway. If you’re flying from overseas with checked-in luggage, pack your favorite set. But leave the fins out, have water shoes instead.

Surf boards or boogie boards. Obviously, right? You can rent water sport equipment on the spot.

Multiple sweaters and jeans. They’re bulky, heavy clothes, and you likely won’t need them on most days even on a winter visit. Have one versatile sweater if you visit in winter (and wear it on your travel days, too). A lightweight sweater and a thin pair of leggings is more than enough for a summer visit, you’ll mostly wear shorts, sleeveless tops or beach cover ups.

Snacks. Stock up on food in a supermarket once you arrive. You can buy anything from granola bars, dried fruits or crackers on the spot, there’s no need to waste your storage space for them.

Anaga Rural Park, Tenerife, Canary Islands

Read more of our Tenerife travel guides:

  • Best Beaches In Tenerife: White Sand, Black Sand & More
  • 6 Best Natural Pools In Tenerife
  • Best Things To Do In Anaga Rural Park, Tenerife
  • Hiking Tenerife: 14 Amazing Trails For The Average Hiker

Disclosure: Please note that affiliate links are used in this post, and at no additional cost to you, we earn a commission if you make a purchase.

By Beata Urmos

Bea is a travel writer and the co-founder of Our Wanders, an adventurous family travel blog. She’s been traveling for more than 10 years, seeking outdoor adventures, fairy tale castles and unique experiences. She's passionate about sharing all she has learned along the way, and she's an expert in planning trips of any length. She’d love to help you plan your own amazing trip, too.

Thank you so much- well thought out, clear, and much appreciated! Yours was the best of every site I checked out- Cheers!

Thanks, Robin, we’re glad you find it truly helpful. Enjoy your trip!

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  • Solo Travel Guide
  • About The Author

Tenerife Solo Travel: 7 Things to Do in Tenerife When Travelling Alone

  • December 14, 2022 March 4, 2023

Tenerife is one of the best locations for solo travellers of all kinds. Whether you go for your very first trip all alone or you are already a solo travel pro, this island in Canaries gives you plenty of both adventure and safety. Where to travel solo in Tenerife, what is the best time to visit the place, how to get around without having a car and what places to visit in Tenerife, especially in the north, are topics included in this ultimate guide of your Tenerife solo travel. Are you ready for the ride?

the wom travel tenerife

Never-ending sunshine, dramatic scenery, enchanted forests, black beaches, magnificent cliffs, scenic views, mysterious volcanos, sexy surfers, translucent waters, cute colourful houses, banana fields and deep historical and cultural backgrounds –  that is Tenerife, one of the most popular isles of the group of Spanish archipelago called Canary Islands.

Visited all over the year by freshly wed couples, families, wild groups of friends, as well as solo travellers, this island attracted around 2.7 million tourists in 2021. The busiest seasons are summer and winter , when Europeans escape to Canary Islands from the cold and dark days and enjoy sunny Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

the wom travel tenerife

The truth is that the weather in Tenerife, especially in the south, is always or nearly always great. However, that’s not what this article is about! I guess you’re all already super eager to read more about the practical tips for your exciting solo travel to Tenerife. Let’s start the show!


Why to Travel to Tenerife Alone

Long story short. I needed a trip. A trip to a sunny place, as I live in Hamburg, the most beautiful city in Germany with the possibly shittiest weather in the country. I was listening to odes about Tenerife from basically all of my friends around. One of my dearest friends actually travelled to this island on her own and described it as a great place to explore alone .

the wom travel tenerife

Next, I love scenic views. To be precise, I love sea views and rocky dramatic scenery. Guess what: Tenerife has it all! I checked the flights and a managed to find a great deal: Hamburg to North Tenerife via Barcelona with Vueling for only 200 euros including carry-on luggage! (That is what I usually pay for a 1.5 hour flight to Vienna). It was clear: Tenerife, I am coming, baby!

Tenerife is Safe, Affordable & Sexy

the wom travel tenerife

Alright, these are the reasons which brought me to Tenerife. But why you, an experienced lone wolf or a solo travel newbie, should head to Tenerife? Because it is a safe place which offers you great hiking routes, warm and sunny weather , it has stunning exotic nature – geographically it belongs to Africa, so it looks different from any other European countries and still, you pay there with euros – an easy to get currency.

the wom travel tenerife

Moreover, it is relatively cheap , you can surf there, you can party there, you can visit volcanos if you wish so, you can swim if that is what you desire. The food in Tenerife is great, bananas are wonderful (the best bananas I have eaten in my long 35-year-old life!), the people are warm and helpful, and the public transport is literally the best from all the Canary Islands.

the wom travel tenerife

To sum it up, you have plenty of things to do in Tenerife, it is pretty easy to get around without a car, and it is safe , especially for female solo travellers . In addition, the climate is great , it is an affordable place and the nature is just stunning . It has the African exotic nature vibe mixed with Latin American architecture vibe. Many Latin American cities were built according to La Laguna , the oldest Tenerife’s capital. It is a piece of real ‘European’ exotica.

Is Travelling Solo to Tenerife Safe, Especially for Female Solo Travellers?

the wom travel tenerife

Yes, it definitely is! As I already mentioned, it is a very safe place to visit . That is why I really recommend it, especially for people who would like to go for a trip alone for the first time . The infrastructure is very solid. The most popular and the biggest towns are connected by bus – for example, there is a twice an hour connection from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Costa Adeja in the south.

Throughout my 8 nights & 7 days solo travel in Tenerife I didn’t encounter a single dangerous situation, and I was hiking alone, walking alone at night and travelling alone by bus most of the time. I stayed up the north, but many solo travellers were actually located in the south during my time of the stay – November. 

the wom travel tenerife

Therefore, I can only assume that both places are more or less the same safety wise . However, there are many more tourists in the south which may, in my opinion, increase the chances of robberies or inadequate drunk behaviours. But a solo travelling girl I met during my trip didn’t experience any troubles in the south either.

What is the Best place to Stay in Tenerife for Solo Travellers?

the wom travel tenerife

Firstly, you should decide which part of the island would reach your Tenerife solo travel plans and expectations . The north and the south are different – climate, nature and vibe wise. I stayed in the north as my flights from Hamburg were flying over there, and I heard that staying in Santa Cruz is the easiest way due to the best public transport connections, which is very true.

The South is Sunnier & Commercial

Surfers , travellers and solo travellers who plan to hike Teide , see Los Gigantes and explore La Gomera head usually to the south around El Médano, Costa Adeje and Los Cristianos . However, the last two mentioned are much more commercialized , full of tourists , and people on stag or hen parties . One of the pluses of staying in the south is that you can easily find other solo travellers to mingle with and there are more options to book guided tours or trips, including boat trips to La Gomera. South Tenerife has usually better climate and sunnier weather than the north.

The North is Green & Cute

the wom travel tenerife

On the other hand, people like me who prefer greenery and smaller, cosier places should head to the north . The area of Santa Cruz and La Laguna was the first one to be inhabited, and you can find many charming traditional canary houses there with the famous wooden canary balconies. The north has also Anaga Rural Park , the beautiful rain forest and ancient mountain range which is home to many exotic plant species.

the wom travel tenerife

Another option is to stay half of the trip in the north and half of the trip in the south , but I’d recommend it only if you stay 10 days and more . I stayed in north Tenerife for 7 days and still didn’t manage to see everything I wanted (however, I really took my time and didn’t rush at all.)

My advice would be to stay in Santa Cruz de Tenerife in the north, from which you have the best connections to surrounding places and from where you can plan day trips. After you explore this area, you can head to the south. Here I can’t recommend any place to stay yet as I didn’t travel there. Although, I know many people usually stay in El Médano, Costa Adeje, Los Cristianos or Arona.

Can You Travel Solo in Tenerife without a Car?

the wom travel tenerife

It is definitely doable! Of course, renting a car gives you a great freedom, flexibility and many options to explore more places in a shorter time but the infrastructure in Tenerife ; especially in Santa Cruz de Tenerife is very advanced .

Titsa will be your best friend during this time. There you can check all the buses which drive through the island and plan your itinerary accordingly. You can as well download the app and use it to purchase tickets by scanning a QR code on the door of the buses.

the wom travel tenerife

The prices for the public transport in the north were very cheap . For every journey around Santa Cruz, I paid only 1.25 euros and some of the routes took around one hour! Also, you can enjoy the most spectacular views from the bus thanks to its elevated undercarriage / high wheels. The north of Tenerife is extremely hilly, which provides you with amazingly dramatic scenery.

Buses to some parts of the island are very frequent – for example you can get to San Andrés or Playa de las Teresitas every 15 minutes, and it takes about 20 minutes to get to La Laguna by a tram.

the wom travel tenerife

Yet, there are some routes with less daily connections , so you need to make an extra afford for the planning and timing. It is certainly doable, though! My best highlights of the trip were located exactly on this less frequent routes, and I didn’t experience any issues. Everything is about a great timing , which is an important virtue in life in general. (Take this as an attempt to motivate you.)

What is the Best Time to Travel Solo to Tenerife

This depends on the exact activities you plan to do in Tenerife. The hottest months are July, August and September, so these could be great for a regular beach holidays .

the wom travel tenerife

However, hiking during the tropical summer wouldn’t be the loveliest, would it? Therefore, in case that the mountains are the travel trigger for you, I’d recommend January, May, June, November and December . Even though January is still ‘colder’ with an average temperature of 19 degrees (don’t freeze out there!), it is the driest month.

The cable car to Teide might be closed during the winter times due to snow and bad weather conditions. If you plan to hike up Teide and use the cable car, avoid winter months because the chances of the closure are high.

Travelling to Tenerife in November

the wom travel tenerife

I travelled to Tenerife in the middle of November and I experienced both sunny and misty weather and even though it was windy at times (the north is always unpredictable due to the mountains), it never rained during my visit. However, this type of weather is very unusual for November, as November tended to be wettish in the past years. The climate change influences this island too.

Tenerife in November was fabulous during my stay. I could hike, and I could swim , I could enjoy the beach and stroll over the city with the warm sunshine cuddling my back.

the wom travel tenerife

Fun fact: don’t forget your summer hat. It doesn’t matter if it is 25 degrees in Tenerife, they sell only Autumn and Winter clothes during ‘colder’ months, so it won’t be that simple to get summery items over there! (You can definitely get a sporty cap. It is just not my thing, and I searched for a bucket hat. Found only one. It didn’t fit me. World problems, I know!)

If you’re asking what would be the best time to visit Tenerife for surfing , I’d lead you to this article I found: Surf in Tenerife because I am not a surfer myself and won’t pretend here that I know answers for all questions. (Both modesty and honesty are honoured virtues, too.)

the wom travel tenerife

Best Restaurants in Santa Cruz de Tenerife for Solo Travellers

I will throw out here my top 5 favourite restaurants I enjoyed my food at in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and La Laguna . To be honest, dining out was and actually always is one of the things I don’t really like during my solo trips. If I do it three nights in a row, it is completely fine, but being a lonely eater for a week is kind of tough. I had a dinner company only once during my 8-night trip in Tenerife.

People and stuff usually check you up, and you can see their pity looks. Come on, guys. I had a blast! (I even tried Tinder to find some ‘drinks and dinner’ dates but 90% guys took it as an ONS chance, so my naïve imagination of a company over tapas was demolished. This is definitely the most practical advice for female solo travellers in Tenerife…).

the wom travel tenerife

My TOP 5 Favourite Restaurants in Santa Cruz

D’Tapas,26 – Tapas with a twist. Great service, lovely wine and tasty food. I had a cold salad of shrimps and octopus as a starter and a beef cheeks as main.

Patio Canario La Laguna – A traditional Canarian cuisine with a classic ‘casa alta’ look. The food was just on point and the portions were huge. I met another solo traveller, and we shared a cheese board (super large one, take the medium portion. It was a cheese overload!), Pimientos el Padrón and Papas Arrugadas .

the wom travel tenerife

Restaurante La Posada – Offers traditional Spanish cuisine and tapas with an excellent service. As I dined alone, they gave me a glass of wine for free! (Dining alone has its perks, after all). I took a delicious seafood tostada and my favourite Solomillo de Pimientos steak. Heaven.

Cayote Restaurant – This was my hotel’s restaurant. It is a high cuisine with high prices but the food was spectacular. I had scallops, pumpkin soup (on the house) and incredible chocolate dessert called Chocolate en Texturas.

La Tasca Rebotica   – Traditional and touristy place at Plaza San Francisco. I didn’t expect much as it is located in one of the most visited plazas of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. However, the food was yummy! I took Pulpo Rebotica and Chipirones.

7 Things to Do in North Tenerife when Travelling Alone (and without a Car)

Trust me, guys. There is like hundreds if not thousands of things to do and places to see in Tenerife. To answer your curious question on which places to visit in (mostly north) Tenerife, I will use my daily itinerary .

the wom travel tenerife

Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to visit all the places I wanted. All the guided tours to volcano Teide were booked out , and I didn’t feel comfortable to hike there alone, plus it was kind of far from Santa Cruz. Don’t make the same mistake as me and book everything in advance , it sells like freshly baked bread in the morning!

The second place, which was on my list as I have an OCD: Obsessive Cliff Disorder , were Los Gigantes. I managed to see them only from the back on a guided tour through Masca and Parque Rural de Teno. The plus is: I have already 2 reasons to visit beautiful Tenerife again! But let’s move on to inspire you with a list of places you can visit during your solo travel in Tenerife.

1. Strolling over Santa Cruz de Tenerife

the wom travel tenerife

Tenerife’s capital is a cute city with a welcoming vibe, lovely parks and great connections to other parts of the island. It doesn’t have a beach, only a big industrial port , but you can easily get to Playa de las Teresitas by bus. Here are four things I enjoyed in Santa Cruz de Tenerife the most, and I believe they can be part of your solo travel itinerary too.

Absolutely gorgeous botanical garden specialized in palm trees from all over the world. Lovely sea views and a view to the Auditorium are only a plus. You can walk through Melanesia, Madagascar, Australia, Asia, Caribbean etc. and explore the most beautiful palms and other exotic trees.

the wom travel tenerife

Plaza España

This is a signature plaza of Tenerife. I didn’t do much over there to be honest, but it is quite a charming place to have a drink or just chill around.

This is another cool signature building of Santa Cruz de Tenerife . Don’t forget to watch over the sea rocks painted with faces of celebrities.

the wom travel tenerife

‘Centro historico’ is located between the street of Calle La Noria, Plaza de España Plaza de Candelaria and Plaza de Weyler. You can spot here many beautiful cute little houses bursting in colours, restaurants, bars or churches.

the wom travel tenerife

Parque García Sanabria

This is a gorgeous park to walk around and enjoy some lovely shadow on a sunny day. There is even a nice ice cream place over there.

the wom travel tenerife

2. Getting Dramatic at Almáciga, Roque de las Bodegas & Benijo

The northern shore of Tenerife is incredible! The views from the city of Almáciga absolutely took my breath.  Not only absolutely but as well literally as it was windy as hell and I couldn’t catch up my breath afterwards!

the wom travel tenerife

Almáciga – a little tiny hilly village with a rocky beach, Roque de las Bodegas – one of the busiest beaches in the area and Benijo – one of the most remote beaches in the north are definitely one of the best places to see in Tenerife on your solo trip. As these three are located next to each other you can visit them during the same round, or you can at least enjoy the fantastic views from one beach to the other ones.

the wom travel tenerife

I chose a blustery, cloudy and grey day to come to this place which gave it a dark dramatic vibe, but it was one of my highlights of the whole Tenerife trip. It is not easy to get there because you need to drive across the Anaga Mountains ; the road is very curvy and narrow . Walking around the mentioned beaches is also not that easy as there is no pedestrian pathway , only a curvy road for cars.

the wom travel tenerife

However, there is a direct bus number 946 from Santa Cruz de Tenerife, which operates 8 times a day on weekdays and 6 times a day over weekends . It is not the greatest schedule per se, but it is completely doable with the right time management (it is a virtue to learn, do you remember?).

the wom travel tenerife

In addition, the bus ride is a great experience on its own ! You pass directly through the Anaga Mountain Range through a narrow road where you think about the little things of your life because you are actually scared that the bus slips off the road and rolls down to the coast. I loved it! And this rollercoaster costs only 1.25 euros.

the wom travel tenerife

3. Enjoying Views from Playa Las Gaviotas and Playa de Las Teresitas

Would you fancy an isolated black sandy beach under a huge cliff? Or is your taste more in favour of an artificial but still charming white sandy beach with amenities and chirringuitos (beach bars). Why not to try both?

the wom travel tenerife

I didn’t personally beach on the Las Gaviotas , but I got some superb views to this remote beach which is not that easy to access but still attracts people due to its secluded nature and mysterious vibes. You can get there by car; the beach has even a dedicated parking space. Or you can take a bus number 945 which doesn’t operate that often – but again, with a proper timing everything is possible.

the wom travel tenerife

The beach is definitely reachable also by bike and by walk. I walked from the Las Gaviotas bus stop to Playa de Las Teresitas . All drivers hated me, of course because the road is once again super curvy and narrow, but people usually walk there because nobody every even bothered to think about pedestrians when building it up.

the wom travel tenerife

If you don’t watch your phone all the time, focus on the road and make it easier for the drivers by stepping aside a bit when they pass around , it is fine. I’d say that doing this route is much easier for the walkers and drivers than for the bikers. (Yet, many people bike through there!).

the wom travel tenerife

Anyway, the views from the road are just spectacular and once again – pretty dramatic . Once you move lower to already closed Mirador de Las Teresitas, drama changes into a colourful bliss . The views to the beach, which is yet fake (the sand is fake, not the view!) are gorgeous. My level of endorphins jumped very high – seeing a dark drama and a sweet candy afterwards was like a dream!

the wom travel tenerife

After the long walk you can settle on the Playa de Las Teresitas, rent a beach chair with an umbrella for only 5 euros, have a swim, catch some sun and even watch the sun setting down the San Andrés. What a romance!

the wom travel tenerife

4. Hiking through Anaga Rural Park

Visiting the ancient rainforest of Anag a was one of my first things on the list. This range of mountains is definitely a place to visit in Tenerife, not only for solo travellers.

 The forest offers you plenty of hiking trails , remote corners to hide from the crowds, there are incredible views and mostly, it is home of stunning plant species . There are not many wild animals in Anaga and on the island in general, only lizards. (Mia, my dear friend, I am thinking of you right now. Note: She hates lizards!).

the wom travel tenerife

I wasn’t brave enough to hike through Anaga alone. Not that the forest would scare me, I don’t trust my orientation skills that much, and getting lost in the middle of a 119.6 km² rainforest doesn’t sound like a great idea to me. It may make a great and catchy newspaper titles though: Slovak woman out of her mind found in Anaga. Survived, but may not talk ever again.

the wom travel tenerife

Therefore, I booked a guided tour with World Travel Tenerife – a short but sweet hike or rather a walk through more secluded parts of the forest, including El Pijaral, the Enchanted Forest . Our guide Angel was great! He shared with us many fun but as well scary stories. I strongly recommend his guided tours!

the wom travel tenerife

According to Alltrails there are 114 trails in the Anaga Mountains alone ! That means you could spend all your Tenerife solo travel only by exploring the ancient forest itself. It is really an exceptionally beautiful range of mountain s with incredibly fresh air and tall tilted green bushes and trees. Love at first, second, last sight. All sights!

5. Visiting San Cristobal La Laguna

the wom travel tenerife

This is such a cute city! The centre of La Laguna is full of narrow streets with charming colourful canary houses, bars, restaurants, shops and more. It was hard for me to believe that La Laguna is the second most populous city in Tenerife and the third in the Canary Islands after Santa Cruz, as the centre has such a rural vibe !

the wom travel tenerife

La Laguna has a long deep history as it was one of the first settlements and cities of Tenerife after being conquered by the Spanish conquerors.  Therefore, it became the cradle of the  Enlightenment  in the Canary Islands.

You can get there easily from Santa Cruz by a tram which costs only a few euros, and it takes approximately 20 minutes to reach it. There are several tram stops in Santa Cruz, and it drives until late, so you have plenty of chances to get to La Laguna.

the wom travel tenerife

I would devote La Laguna an afternoon or an evening. You can stop at Mirador de San Roque from where you get a lovely view to La Laguna and surrounding Anaga Rural Park. You definitely should have lunch or a dinner as this town. The centre is full of lovely restaurants. As mentioned above, we dined at Patio Canario with another solo traveller and the food was damn tasty! If you wish to experience some authentic Canarian architecture and feel hundreds of years of history, visiting La Laguna is definitely one of the best things to do in Tenerife.

6. Exploring the Western Shores

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One of the perks of going for a guided tour with a native guide is that you can see many places in a short time. Many stunning places to be precise, without spending too much time on doing your research and with many ‘off the beaten path’ places included.

As I felt comfortable with Angel in Anaga, he was a native guy with a great hiking experience and tremendous knowledge about Tenerife, I booked another guided tour with him. This one was called Northern Secrets , and despite the name we explore not only part of the northwest shore, but we entered the warmer and drier southwest too.

the wom travel tenerife

This tour was full of spectacular views and even when we were in the car most of the time, it was a lovely experience to explore new places and see the differences between the north and the south. I am not saying you need to take the very same guided tour as me. Many of the places mentioned below are reachable by public transport . Take this rather as an inspiration to make your own Tenerife solo travel itinerary.

Mirador de Humbolt

the wom travel tenerife

This is a wonderful view point in Orotava with stunning views to the northwest scenery – Orotava village, banana fields, sea, volcano Teide. It was named after the famous German naturalist Alexander von Humboldt , who visited the island before his journey to South America.

Orotava is one of the oldest towns in the Canary Islands, founded in the early 16th Century. It is known for its spectacular architecture, full of classic Canary houses and wooden balconies.

Rambla de Castro

the wom travel tenerife

Citing World Travel Tenerife, Rambla de Castro is the largest wild palm grove on the island overlooking the entire north coast. The views to this protected field are an absolute bliss! One of our co-visitor whose family comes from Barbados said herself that this could be easily a scene from her home island! This is definitely a must-see place in Tenerife!

Charco del Viento

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This is apparently the most popular natural bath in Tenerife and hell yes, it looked like a dreamy pool one would jump in within a second. There are instructions on how to enter the bath, which you should read carefully. It is indeed a natural bath in the middle of rock and as the water can get wild, it is better to respect the rules at least this time.

Santiago del Teide

the wom travel tenerife

Santiago del Teide is a tiny and cute village with a super mini plaza and a church on the southwest of the island. We stopped here for a coffee. I needed some sugar, so I took the very famous Barraquito – multi-layered coffee drink with espresso liquor, condensed milk, frothed milk, lemon or lime zest and cinnamon.

I think that this town is really not a must-visit place, but it is a great start point for hiking to the Parque Rural de Teno . There is no direct connection from Santa Cruz to Santiage del Teide, but it takes only two buses with a stop at Estación Icod, and it takes 2 hours by bus.

Parque Rural de Teno & Masca Valley

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Natural Park of Teno or Teno Rural Park is a range of mountains located at the very southwest of Tenerife. Both Los Gigantes and Masca Valley belong to this rural park. This is definitely the greenest part of the south and even though it is drier than Anaga, it has its western and exotic charms.

the wom travel tenerife

Masca Gorge is also known for being the Machu Picchu of Tenerife, and there are several viewpoints in this area. The Natural Park of Teno offers its visitors breathtaking scenery and dozens of trails – unfortunately, I couldn’t find any information on how many exactly. If you appear to know, tell us in the comments below. The drive through this park was just fabulous. As I said, nature in Tenerife is just spectacular.

7. Getting Lost in the Northeast – Hiking up to El Semafóro

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Don’t worry, I didn’t really get lost out there! It is more a metaphor, as this part of the island is more remote and less touristy. This was probably my most ‘isolated’ or remote experience during my whole Tenerife solo travel, as I didn’t meet many other hikers on the trail. Even though it is very difficult to choose the best place I visited during this trip, if I really had to choose one, it would be El Semafóro.

the wom travel tenerife

Hiking up El Semafóro – an old ruin of an abandoned traffic light. It was pretty brutal to get up there, but the constant views were pretty brutal too! It was on the second last day of my trip when I decided to go for this hike I’d discovered on Google only the night before. Furthermore, it is not such a famous hiking trail – the route is not even on Google and I found it only thanks to the beach I followed the first and then the cemetery which is nearby the trail.

How to Get to El Semafóro

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I took bus number 945 from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Igueste de San Andrés . Yes, it is the very same bus which takes you to Playa las Gaviotas. I got off at the last bus stop which is called exactly as the town itself and which was located next to a tiny plaza with a church . Here I needed to use Google Maps because there were several tiny pathways I could follow. However, if you carry on straight from the plaza towards the seas, you’ll notice a sign with El Semafóro on the left.

the wom travel tenerife

As Google wasn’t really able to help me find the exact way to El Semafóro , I searched for Playa de Igueste, which was close to the trail. I walked to the beach, took some pictures and headed north to the cemeter y – as I thought the trail could start somewhere around it. As I was walking up the concrete stairs which lead to the cemetery, I noticed another sign on the left – and this was actually the start point of the trail.

the wom travel tenerife

The surface of the trail is very slippery, made of soil and rocks . The route is quite steep, and the elevation is advanced. However, you can’t really get lost there because there is one and only trail which goes up and down. Once you find the entrance to the trail which is before the cemetery, you don’t need to worry about following any direction as there is only on – up!

A Few More Tips for the El Semafóro Hike

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You should take with you good hiking shoes, lots of water, some snacks, sunglasses and hat because there is barely a shadow up there and a device to make picture of the tremendous 360 degrees beauty what’s around you !

I made a mistake and hiked around 1pm, and this happened to be a very sunny and warm day. I’d suggest you do this hike in the morning or in the late afternoon, as it is basically a melting pot up there. After hiking up for 1 or 1.5 hours, depending on how many breaks you take, you reach the old abandoned traffic lights – El Semafóro.

the wom travel tenerife

I didn’t have the balls to go any closer to this ruin, as I was hiking alone, and it looked very creepy. I doubt there are some monsters, criminals or aliens hiking, but it just didn’t feel right. This was one and only moment when I felt a bit scared during my whole Tenerife solo travel.

The way down takes obviously much less time because you move quicker but is a bit dangerous because the surface is once again very slippery so be careful out there!

the wom travel tenerife

Have Fun on Your Tenerife Solo Travel

That’s it folks! I believe that at least one paragraph of this +5000 word piece of a Tenerife solo trip guide has given you a piece of practical advice. I recommend this island to all nature and history lovers. The options to explore places over there are limitless. I wish you a great journey and countless fabulous adventures, drama, fun and views on your solo travel trip to this beautiful Canary island. If you have any further questions about travelling to Tenerife alone or in general, or you just want to say a few warm words, write a comment below. I’ll be happy to answer any curious enquiries!

6 thoughts on “Tenerife Solo Travel: 7 Things to Do in Tenerife When Travelling Alone”

'  data-srcset=

To clarify your comment about the sand of Las Teresitas being fake, it’s true that it’s not from the island, but the sand is imported from the Sahara, and it’s very real! Thank you for this travel log!

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Hello Sergio! Thank you for your comment. You are absolutely right. I will correct the information: the beach itself is artificial but the sand is not fake, yet indeed brought from Sahara. I wish you a nice day. Lenka

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I have lived in Tenerife for 4 years and still not seen everything. I try and go somewhere different each week – but with their being over 3000km of hiking trails in total, and hundreds of small beaches, it may take many years to go everywhere. I live near Los Cristiano’s – but I prefer it in the north. Not much to see or do in the south unless you like eating and drinking in bars that are all the same. No scenery in the south.

Hello Matthew, thank you for the comment. Yes, it is a hiking paradise. Regarding the south, I can’t judge it as I never was there but Los Gigantes and Teide shall be worth it, right?

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Great article, beautifully written and inspiring, thank you. I am heading out there in October with my bike, snorkel and trail running shoes. Did you consider hiking teide? I am only there for 7 days but want to do it all. I am wondering if it’s too busy or too hard? Thanks again.

Hello Rich 🙂 Thank you so much for the comment. I considered Teide, of course! But I didn’t want to hike it alone and all the guided trips from Santa Cruz were booked out. I do not drive so I would have to rely on buses and the north was so beautifuland there were so many things to do anyway! Have a great trip in October, give the Teide try and let us know how it is to hike it alone – is still on my bucket list 🙂

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Travelin Lady Tenerife

Trips and excursions


Whale watching


We are "Blue Boat"

Blue boat

Dolphins and whales


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We really enjoyed a two hour trip to see dolphins and whales. These beautiful creatures of the sea are amazing. We have seen pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins. The crew was friendly. The boat was not too full so we could all have a view and we could take pictures and videos. I could certainly recommend this tour. We booked the ticket at the kiosk in the harbor and we saw “Snowy” the dog, it was lovely.

TripAdvisor level 5 contributor

Travelin’ Lady

Whale watching trips.

We are a small company with more than 20 years of experience in the field of excursions for the sighting of cetaceans, which makes us one of the pioneer companies in the southwest of Tenerife in the Canary Islands.

Of course, we also belong and have for a long time, to the small group of boats to which the government has granted the “Blue Ship” flag. This badge certifies that our vessel satisfactorily meets all the requirements for performing the activity in an orderly and in a sustainable manner.

the wom travel tenerife

Our most special Tickets

The VIP ticket has different privileges compared to normal. It includes one drink and one snack per person. Also included in the service are photos and videos made by a specialized crew on board, which will then be delivered at the end of the journey on a pendrive bracelet.

You will also have access to the private area on the bridge with the captain, where you can also take photographs with a privileged view to finish off a perfect trip!

the wom travel tenerife

Tenerife is advertised as the island of the eternal spring, so people are often confused as for what to pack for their holiday.

How differently should you pack for Tenerife in December compared to what you should bring for a holiday in June for example?

If you still aren't decided in regards to your holiday, check our article to see when is the best time to visit Tenerife .

Weather in Tenerife

Although Tenerife truly enjoys nice weather all year round, maximum temperatures can differ by a lot from August to January. If in August you can have some super hot days with maximum that go over 35C, in January during the daytime you will have a maximum of 25 - 28 C. Still warm, yes, but not as hot as during the summer months.

What to pack and wear in Tenerife in summer (June, July, August and even September)

Since these are the warmest months, the first thing that you should pack is your bikinis and you sun lotion.

You probably won't need anything to cover yourself at night, since the temperatures are still in their 20s.

During the summer months you can truly pack lightly if you're planning to spend your time at the beach. Sandals and flip flops will do just fine, since there are slim chances of rain and even if it happens, this will be a warm rain, not cold.

What to wear in Tenerife in winter (December, January and February)

Althoug it doesn't get as cold as the UK or the rest of Europe, the weather in Tenerife in winter is different from the summer months, so you will next something extra to keep you warm at night.

If you're staying the south, then the weather will still be warm during the day and shorts, flowy skirts, T-shirts or strappy dresses will be just what you need to pack.

In the evenings it can get a bit chilly, but a cardigan, a shrug or a pashmina scarf will suffice most times.

Teide tenerife 600 250

See more info about Tenerife in December , to get a better idea of what sort of weather you can expect.

Will I need a coat in Tenerife?

This is a question we get often.

As you can presume, no one can tell for certain what the weather will be at any given moment, but there are times when even in Tenerife you will need to wear a coat.

We advice you take a rain coat and if you're cold you can layer up as much as you need.

If you plan to go up Mount Teide in the winter months do bring a proper jacket and also hiking boots, as there is a bit of hike to reach the summit, even from the cable car.

If you're spending your holiday in the north of Tenerife during the winter months, then you can expect lower temperatures compared to the south and more chances of rain.

During the winter months especially, the differences between the two sides of Tenerife are more visible when it comes to the weather forecast.

In the area north of the volcano, you might need a light jacket or a cardigan even in the daytime, and it might be a good idea to have a small travel umbrella with you also.

Are jeans or long trousers necessary in the evenings?

As well as it's the case with the coat, long trousers may be necessary in the evening especially in the winter, when the wind from the ocean will feel colder compared to summer.

Also, if you're staying in a hotel, depending on their dress code for the evenings, men may be required to wear long trousers for dinner and ladies to dress smart or elegant.

Check with the hotel before you leave, as many hotels have this rule in regards to dress code for dinner and it's good to know before hand, especially if you're with an all inclusive package and plan to eat inside the hotel.

Most of the other restaurants don't have a strict dress code and you will be welcomed even in shorts.

What to pack for Tenerife - Clothing Packing List

  • bathing suit - all year round
  • a pair of closed shoes / snickers - especially in the winter/autumn/spring months in case it rains
  • hiking boots in case you plan to do some hiking trips
  • sun cream (you can buy it on the island as well, but it may be more expensive than at home)
  • a small umbrella (not necessary for the summer)
  • a cardigan or a light jacket for the evenings
  • a pair of jeans or long trousers
  • a rain jacket or a coat if you visit during the winter months and / or plan to spend time in the north of Tenerife
  • Best Apartments in Tenerife: Kn Aparthotel Columbus (Playa de Las Americas) • Aparthotel Los Dragos del Sur   (Puerto Santiago) 
  • Popular hotels in Tenerife: H10 Costa Adeje Palace 4* (Costa Adeje) • Iberostar Bouganville Playa 4* (Playa de Las Americas) • Barceló Santiago (Puerto Santiago)
  • Luxury 5* hotels in Tenerife: Adrián Hoteles Roca Nivaria (Adeje) • Vincci Selección La Plantación del Sur (Adeje)
  • See our dedicated guide for the best places to stay in Tenerife .
  • Best Excursions & Tours: Whale & Dolphin Watching with Drinks & Snacks • Loro Parque Entry Ticket and Shows

Best Time to Visit Tenerife - When to go for a sunny holiday

Best Time to Visit Tenerife - When to go for a sunny holiday

Tenerife Weather in December - How hot is Tenerife in winter?

Tenerife Weather in December - How hot is Tenerife in winter?

How to get the access permit for Mount Teide

How to get the access permit for Mount Teide

Tenerife Prices in 2024 - How Expensive Is Tenerife?

Tenerife Prices in 2024 - How Expensive Is Tenerife?

10 Most Instagrammable places in Tenerife

10 Most Instagrammable places in Tenerife

One day in Tenerife - Advice & Itinerary for Cruise Passengers

One day in Tenerife - Advice & Itinerary for Cruise Passengers

7 Best Things To Do in La Orotava, Tenerife


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Trekking agua garcía, barranco de badajoz, ruta del miedo  , featured tours, anaga biosphere reserve, northen secrets, guided tour of santa cruz de tenerife.

Ángel Manuel Ferrer ha sido beneficiario del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional cuyo objetivo es conseguir un tejido empresarial más competitivo y gracias al que ha puesto en marcha un Plan de Marketing Digital Internacional con el objetivo de mejorar su posicionamiento online en mercados exteriores para promover la internacionalización de las Pymes.  Año 2020-2021. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del Programa XPANDE DIGITAL de la Cámara de Comercio de  Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional



Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional | UNA MANERA DE HACER EUROPA

Ángel Manuel Ferrer ha sido beneficiado del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, cuyo objetivo es mejorar el uso y la calidad de las tecnologías de la información y de las comunicación y del acceso a las mismas, y gracias al cual ha realizado acciones para promover la digitalización de la empresa Para ello ha contado con el apoyo de la Cámara de Comercio de Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Woman tried to board flight at Memphis Airport with 56 pounds of marijuana: Reports

the wom travel tenerife

Before a 21-year-old Memphis woman could board an United Airlines flight, Memphis International Airport Police found 56 pounds of marijuana in her luggage, according to multiple reports.

The woman was charged with possession of a controlled substance with the intention to manufacture, deliver or sell, Shelby County jail records show. This charge is a felony offense that "carries harsh penalties," the Law Office of Bernie McEvoy , an attorney in Nashville, Tennessee, said.

The woman is now free after posting a $5,000 bond, according to Shelby County jail records.

TSA best catches: Naruto throwing knives, weed diaper, projectile and more

Woman allowed airport police to check her luggage, had name tag on bags, according to reports

Memphis airport police caught the woman Sunday after finding her luggage "busted open" on a United Airlines bag cart, WMC-TV reported. The woman's name tag was attached to the bags, the Memphis, Tennessee-based TV station said.

After locating the woman's luggage, she gave airport police permission to search her bags, WMC-TV said. Once the drugs were found, she was subsequently arrested.

USA TODAY contacted Memphis International Airport Police on Thursday and was told the department is working to provide a police report.

How much would 56 pounds of marijuana go for on the street?

When a St. Paul, Minnesota man was arrested for possessing 56 pounds of marijuana in May 2013, now-retired Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom estimated the drugs had a street value between $171,000 and $342,000, WCCO , branded CBS Minnesota, reported.

More recently, the Butler County Sheriff's Office seized 56 pounds of marijuana from a property in El Dorado, Kansas in July 2021 and valued the drugs at $180,000, the Wichita Eagle reported.


Coming to Alabama: Newsom’s Abortion-Access Ad, Depicting an Arrest

The ad portrays a woman trying to leave the state to have an abortion. The Campaign for Democracy, a political action committee started by Mr. Newsom, the California governor, created it.

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A law enforcement officer holding a pregnancy test while conducting a traffic stop with a female motorist.

By Neil Vigdor

  • April 21, 2024

A woman nervously peers into her rearview mirror as a patrolman activates his car’s lights and sirens. She is less than a mile from leaving Alabama to seek abortion services, but it’s too late: The next thing she knows, she is being handed a pregnancy test and is handcuffed.

The encounter is depicted in an unvarnished new television ad called “Fugitive.” The Campaign for Democracy, a political action committee created by Gov. Gavin Newsom, Democrat of California, produced the ad.

It will appear on Monday in Alabama, where Republicans have called for prosecuting women who travel elsewhere for an abortion. The state’s abortion ban, one of the nation’s strictest, outlaws the procedure at all stages of pregnancy, with no exceptions for rape and incest.

“Trump Republicans want to criminalize young Alabama women who travel for reproductive care,” the ad’s narrator says.

The ad then shows the patrolman approaching the vehicle: “Miss, I’m going to need you to step out of the vehicle,” he says, tapping the kit on the driver’s side door, “take a pregnancy test.”

The ad is scheduled to run on broadcast and cable television, along with digital platforms like YouTube, for two weeks, according to the PAC. The cost of the ad buy was not immediately available.

Alabama’s attorney general, Steve Marshall, a Republican, has clashed with the Justice Department and abortion assistance providers over whether the state has the authority to prosecute individuals or groups that help women leave the state to have the procedure.

Last month, Republicans introduced a bill in the Alabama House that would make it a misdemeanor to harbor or transport a minor to seek abortion services.

Mr. Newsom has emerged as a key surrogate for President Biden while harboring future White House ambitions of his own. He has regularly skirmished with G.O.P. governors and Republican-led states over abortion access, immigration, crime and other issues.

While Republicans have seized on crossings at the southern border in their messaging, Democrats have harnessed the issue of abortion-access after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022. It helped propel Democratic candidates to key victories during the midterm elections in 2022 and in races last year.

In February, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos were people with rights, casting a cloud of uncertainty over in vitro fertilization. The state later passed a law giving I.V.F. clinics criminal and civil immunity, but it did not address whether embryos have the legal status of human beings.

In another seismic ruling, the Arizona Supreme Court this month upheld an 1864 law that bans nearly all abortions. The decision could have far-reaching consequences for women’s health care and election-year politics in the state, a critical political battleground.

Mr. Newsom said in a social media post at the time that California, which borders Arizona, would provide a refuge for women affected by the decision.

“Arizona wasn’t even a state — it was a territory — when this draconian abortion ban was passed,” he said. “That’s how extreme this is. California remains ready to help Arizonans access reproductive health care.”

Neil Vigdor covers politics for The Times, focusing on voting rights issues and election disinformation. More about Neil Vigdor

Watch CBS News

California Governor Newsom launches abortion travel ban ad campaign in Alabama

By Dave Pehling

Updated on: April 22, 2024 / 1:41 PM PDT / CBS San Francisco

California Governor Gavin Newsom is taking aim at states considering abortion travel bans with the launch of a new ad campaign.

Newsom's Campaign for Democracy ad is set to air in Alabama starting Monday. The governor tweeted out the ad in a social media post Sunday morning.

Alabama’s abortion ban has no exceptions for rape or incest. Now, Republicans are trying to criminalize young women’s travel to receive abortion care. We cannot let them get away with this. pic.twitter.com/gHbYJYlEXk — Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) April 21, 2024

The text with the video post reads, "Alabama's abortion ban has no exceptions for rape or incest. Now, Republicans are trying to criminalize young women's travel to receive abortion care. We cannot let them get away with this."

The 30-second commercial shows two nervous young women driving in a car passing a sign that reads "State Line 1 Mile." 

"We're almost there. You're gonna make it," the passenger tells the woman behind the wheel just before they hear a siren and are pulled over by a state trooper.

"Trump Republicans want to criminalize young Alabama women who travel for reproductive care," a voiceover says as the state trooper walks up to the car.

"Miss, I'm going to need you to step out of the vehicle and take a pregnancy test," the trooper says, waving a test stick in one hand. The next shot shows the driver leaning on the hood of her car as the trooper puts her in handcuffs.

"Stop them by taking action at RightToTravel.org ," the voiceover intones as the ad ends.

Alabama is currently weighing a bill that would make it a crime to help women travel outside the state in order to receive an abortion. The ad is part of a larger effort to combat travel bans across the United States. Newsom was behind a similar ad that ran in Tennessee.

The RightToTravel.org website says that those two states and Oklahoma are considering bills that ban minors from traveling out of state to get an abortion without parental consent, even if it's a case of incest or if there is abuse in the family.

It isn't the first action the governor has taken in the political battle over abortion since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June of 2022. Two days after the ruling, Newsom partnered with the governors of Oregon and Washington to issue a multi-state commitment promising to defend access to reproductive health care, including abortion and contraceptives.

In September of that year, he launched a billboard campaign in seven of the most restrictive anti-abortion states urging women seeking the procedure to come to California for treatment. He also signed more than a dozen new abortion laws  protecting women's reproductive rights and ordered the state to end its contract with Walgreens after the pharmacy giant  indicated it would not sell an abortion pill by mail in some conservative-led states . 

  • Gavin Newsom
  • Roe v. Wade

Dave Pehling started his journalism career doing freelance writing about music in the late 1990s, eventually working as a web writer, editor and producer for KTVU.com in 2003. He moved to CBS to work as the station website's managing editor in 2015.

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