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Programma fiets- en wandelvakanties 2024 nu beschikbaar!



DREAMSKI  - reizen met dreamliner (échte bedden!) ONLINE!

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VOS Travel - Ski

Shortski of weekreis met auto of bus met mogelijkheid Nederlandstalige skiles

VOS Travel - Fiets

Rondreis met bagagevervoer of standplaatshotel

VOS Travel - Wandel

Standplaatshotel of rondreis met bagagevervoer

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Shortski's en weekski's met auto, (slaap)bus of dreamliner

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De mooiste fiets- en wandelvakanties

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De beste prijs/kwaliteit op al onze bestemmingen

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Een gedreven en enthousiast team met jarenlange ervaring.

Vanaf 259 €

VOS Travel - Fietsvakanties


01/03/2024 - 30/11/2024

Vanaf 299 €

VOS Travel - Wandelvakanties

Ardennen | Poix St-Hubert

21/02/2024 - 29/09/2024

Vanaf 575 €

27/04/2024 - 07/09/2024

VOS Travel...voor actief reisplezier!

#actiefskiplezier #actieffietsplezier #actiefwandelplezier.

VOS Travel is sinds 1987 een bloeiende onafhankelijke reisorganisatie met bijna 35 jaar professionele ervaring in het organiseren van ski- en snowboardvakanties. Onze filosofie voor de wintersportvakanties is heel duidelijk: een betaalbare skireis aanbieden waarbij zowel kwaliteit als reisplezier voorop staan. Belangrijke troef daarbij zijn onze eigen Nederlandstalige monitoren. Intussen bieden wij ook reeds 25 jaar volledig georganiseerde individuele fiets- en wandelvakanties aan in meer dan 15 Europese landen. Alle routes en hotels worden door ons dynamisch team zelf verkend en uitgezet. Deze individuele vakanties bieden een grote vrijheid aan de vakantieganger, uitstekende hotels geselecteerd op basis van jarenlange ervaring, duidelijke en uitgebreide wegbeschrijvingen en reisprogramma’s met een hoge graad van toegankelijkheid. VOS Travel mikt niet op de krachtpatser of op de kilometervreter maar op de recreant van elke leeftijd die in de eerste plaats wil genieten van een heerlijk ontspannen vakantie. Verder is VOS Travel dé partner bij uitstek voor incentive reizen naar de wintersportgebieden of naar andere bestemmingen zoals Schotland, IJsland, Portugal.  

VOS Travel - VOS Travel...voor actief reisplezier!

Vanaf 295 €

- Nederland

01/04/2024 - 31/10/2024

Vanaf 199 €

Kalmthoutse Heide | wandel

01/04/2024 - 15/12/2024

VOS Travel blogpost

Lees hier de laatste blogs, vos travel wandelvakanties, wandelvakanties - 29 jul 2020.

In het breed gamma individuele wandelarrangementen, dat VOS Travel aanbiedt, wordt uitdrukkelijk rekening gehouden met de kwaliteit en de gezelligheid van de overnachtingsplaatsen. De wandelprogramma’s van VOS Travel zijn er voor iedereen, voor jong en oud, klein en groot. Je hoeft helemaal niet over bijzondere technische vaardigheden te beschikken, een normale fysieke conditie is voldoende. Dat komt omdat je met VOS Travel niet gaat wandelen omwille van de prestatie, omwille van het aantal kilometers, maar eenvoudigweg om te ontspannen en de wandelregio echt te doorgronden. Je hoeft helemaal niet ver op reis te gaan voor een wandelvakantie want zowel in eigen land als in onze buurlanden zijn er uitstekende wandelgebieden met een prima wandelinfrastructuur. Wandel met VOS Travel, om te ontsnappen aan de drukte van elke dag, om er even ‘uit’ te zijn, om te bezinnen, om op een rustige manier samen te zijn met vrienden of familie. In ons aanbod van landen en streken vind je beslist een programma dat jou kan bekoren. Bovendien wordt uw bagage steeds nagebracht zodat u volop kunt genieten van uw stapvakantie ! Wandelen door de sprookjeswereld van Klein-Zwitserland genieten van een wandelzon in de Auvergne, overweldigd worden door de natuurpracht van de Dolomieten of wandelen tussen de olijfbomen op Corfu… Bij VOS Travel kan het allemaal!

VOS Travel fietsvakanties 2021

Fietsvakanties - 29 jul 2020.

Wij laten u graag meegenieten van één van onze passies: fietsvakanties. Bijna 25 jaar blijven wij trouw aan ons basisconcept: individuele vakanties die een grote vrijheid bieden aan de vakantieganger, uitstekende hotels geselecteerd op basis van jarenlange ervaring, duidelijke en uitgebreide wegbeschrijvingen en reisprogramma’s met een hoge graad van toegankelijkheid. U kan gezellig vlak fietsen bij onze Nederlandse bovenburen, aan het zwembad in Frankrijk, Spanje of Portugal uitrusten na een aangename fietsdag, of ontdekken dat ook Tsjechië en Polen fietslanden zijn! Bij ons kan het allemaal...

Winterwandelen - Stubaital

Skivakanties - 31 may 2021.

Wil je actief genieten van zuivere berglucht en sneeuwrijke landschappen? Pik je graag een leuk winter-terrasje mee onder een stralende winterzon? Sta je graag vol bewondering op de “Top of Tyrol” en zie je een bezoek aan de "Eisgrotte" wel zitten? Dan is ons nieuw winterwandelprogramma in het Stubaital beslist iets voor jou! Op deze individuele weekreizen bepaal je zelf je vakantietempo en dus ook hoe vroeg, laat, kort of ver je wil winterwandelen. VOS Travel zorgt voor een aangenaam hotel en een volledig uitgewerkt roadbook vol afwisselende dagprogramma’s. Net als onze zomer-wandelreizen is ons winterprogramma geschikt voor elke vlotte wandelaar die over een normale basisconditie beschikt. We geven ook tips voor een kleine pauze in een gezellig restaurant of typische berghut. Hou er wel rekening mee dat de meeste wandelingen over (aangereden) sneeuw lopen. Aangepast winterschoeisel en -kledij is dus zeker een must! Aanreizen doe je met eigen wagen of met trein/vliegtuig. Eens ter plaatse, kan je volop gebruik maken van de inbegrepen lokale ski- en wandelbus!

Skispecial Dolomiti

Skivakanties - 07 oct 2022.

Aan een skipas voor 1200km pistes hangt een stevig prijskaartje (ca. 370€-inbegrepen in uw prijs!) en daarom nemen onze monitoren u tijdens de witte weken een paar keer gratis mee op dagtocht doorheen het gebied. Zo hoeft u geen kaart te lezen en komen er nog meer skikilometers op uw teller. Voor dit gratis extraatje gaan wij er wél van uit dat u minstens vlot een rode piste aankan!!! Tijdens deze skispecials vertrekken wij al op zaterdagnamiddag vanuit België zodat u op zondagochtend meteen na het ontbijt de piste op kan. De laatste dag behouden wij onze kamers tot net voor vertrek zodat u zeker 6 volle skidagen kan genieten van dit super-skigebied.

Waarom kiezen voor een ski-classic?

Skivakanties - 20 oct 2022.

Mocht je onze trouwe skiklanten vragen waarom zij jaar na jaar opnieuw hun skireis toevertouwen aan VOS Travel zou je zeker tientalen verschillende redenen te horen krijgen. Maar om het jou wat makkelijker te maken hebben wij de belangrijkste troeven van onze ski-classic reizen even opgelijst in deze blog.

Wandelvakanties in de kijker

Wandelvakanties - 26 oct 2022.

Dat wandelen in de natuur synoniem staat voor ontspanning en plezier, daar hoef je ons bij VOS Travel al lang niet meer van te overtuigen! Met reeds 25 jaar ervaring in de wandelrugzak, bieden we individuele wandelvakanties in Europa aan, waarbij we de reizigers kennis laten maken met ons prachtige continent, volledig op het ritme van hun eigen stappen.

Terugblik 2022

Fietsvakanties - 26 dec 2022.

Bedankt voor jullie vertrouwen… Studio Brussel heeft ‘De Tijdloze’, Spotify blikt terug op het afgelopen jaar met de ‘Wrapped’ afspeellijsten en ook VOS Travel heeft nu zijn eigen eindejaarslijstje. 2022 luidde voor ons, en toerisme in het algemeen, het jaar van de wederopstanding in na enkele moeilijke coronajaren en we wensen jullie dan ook van harte te bedanken voor het vertrouwen dat jullie opnieuw in ons hebben gesteld! Reizen is een speciale gebeurtenis in een mensenleven en we zijn dan ook maar wat blij dat jullie de organisatie hiervan terug massaal in onze handen hebben gelegd. Nu het nieuwe jaar vóór de deur staat, blikken we graag nog even terug op het afgelopen jaar aan de hand van de 3 vakanties die jullie het meest konden bekoren, samengesteld op basis van boekingsaantallen en positieve evaluaties… Hasta el año próximo, à l’année prochaine en tot volgend jaar!

Beurzen 2023

Fietsvakanties - 05 jan 2023.

Na 2 jaargangen op onze honger te hebben gezeten, door de alom gekende reden, mogen we eindelijk opnieuw! Naar buiten treden met ons product waar we zo trots op zijn en in interactie treden met jullie, de (toekomstige) klanten van VOS Travel of gewoonweg de geïnteresseerde reiziger die op zoek is naar info en inspiratie

VOS Travel - Team Outgoing

Wandelvakanties - 03 may 2023.

Heb je het afgelopen jaar een fiets- of wandelvakantie geboekt in België of buitenland? Of ben je dit van plan en heb je op voorhand al eens wat info opgevraagd? Dan ben je ongetwijfeld in contact gekomen met één van de mensen uit team outgoing.

VOS Travel - Team Incoming

Fietsvakanties - 23 aug 2023.

België en Nederland zijn echte fietslanden, met een rijke wielergeschiedenis en uitstekende fietsinfrastructuur. Daar laten we buitenlandse reizigers uiteraard maar wat graag kennis mee maken. Het is ons incoming departement, bestaande uit Dries en Liesbeth, die de fiets- en wandelvakanties van deze reizigers in goede banen leidt. Bijgestaan, zoals de rest van het VOS Travel team, door onze immer goedlachse boekhoudster Tania.

Waar kan ik nog heen met krokus 2024?

Skivakanties - 15 sep 2023.

Een eenvoudige vraag...dus hierbij een overzicht!

Fiets- en wandelvakanties in het najaar

Fietsvakanties - 25 sep 2023.

Het valt niet meer te ontkennen; de herfst is in het land! De temperaturen zakken, de bladeren vallen van de bomen en de straatverlichting schiet steeds vroeger op de avond in werking. Alhoewel dit ongetwijfeld ook gezellig is en mooie taferelen oplevert, doet het toch ook wegdromen van zonnige bestemmingen waar de regenjas nog even in de kast mag blijven hangen. Gelukkig zijn er bij VOS Travel nog een aantal fiets-en wandelvakanties boekbaar in het najaar, waar het momenteel misschien zelfs aangenamer is dan in de zomer wegens de lagere temperaturen en de afwezigheid van de grote massa aan toeristen. Hieronder een selectie van vakanties waar je nog prima terecht kan voor een deugddoende fiets- of wandelvakantie.

Reisverslag Aurélie Algarve

Fietsvakanties - 24 oct 2023.

Collega Aurélie had het geluk en genoegen om op 12 september richting de Algarve, de zuidelijke kuststreek van Portugal, te vertrekken voor een deugddoende VOS Travel fietsvakantie van 9 dagen. We namen even de tijd om te polsen naar haar avonturen en waarom zij deze mooie reis aanraadt aan iedereen die houdt van actief fietsplezier en lekker eten in een authentieke omgeving

Reisverslag Yoeri Kalmthoutse Heide

Wandelvakanties - 20 nov 2023.

Collega Yoeri ging in het weekend van 14 en 15 oktober met eigen ogen ontdekken hoe mooi en uniek de Kalmthoutse Heide wel is en waarom Hotel Jerom de ideale uitvalsbasis is om al deze natuurpracht te bewonderen.

We heten u graag persoonlijk welkom op volgende beurzen

VOS Travel - We heten u graag persoonlijk welkom op volgende beurzen

​Door verder gebruik te maken van deze website ga je akkoord met onze  privacy beleid .


VOS Travel organiseert individuele fietsreizen op Europese bestemmingen.

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U kunt kiezen tussen rondreizen, waarbij u dagelijks naar uw gereserveerde overnachtingsplaats fietst, of standplaats-vakanties, waarbij u dagtochten maakt vanuit één en hetzelfde hotel. Bij een rondreis wordt uw bagage bij verplaatsing naar het volgende hotel vervoerd. Ook hebben ze enkele fietsreizen specifiek geschikt voor ouders met kinderen. Bestemmingen zijn onder andere Hongarije, Frankrijk, Slovenia, Zweden, Griekenland en Italië. Bekijk alle landen en fietsregio’s op www.vostravel.nl .

Bijna 25 jaar blijven wij trouw aan ons basisconcept: individuele vakanties die een grote vrijheid bieden aan de vakantieganger, uitstekende hotels geselecteerd op basis van jarenlange ervaring, duidelijke en uitgebreide wegbeschrijvingen – VOStravel

website vos travel

Adres- & Contactgegevens VOS Travel

VOS Travel Nederland Theodora Versteeghstraat 82 7558 HV Hengelo website: www.vostravel.nl e-mail adres: [email protected] telefoonnummer: 074 – 277 8382

Fietsvakanties van VOS Travel

Bij de rondreizen krijgt u uitgebreide routebeschrijvingen, en u bent gedurende dag volledig vrij in uw doen en laten. Als u aan het einde van de dag maar bij uw nieuwe slaapplaats bent aangekomen. U fietst, luncht en bezoekt de bezienswaardigheden onderweg dus op uw eigen tempo. Interessante en mooie fietsregio’s zijn onder andere Puglia in Italië, de Moezel-radweg (ook te boeken via Moezel-Reizen ) het Münsterland en de Portugese Algarve. Fietst u met kinderen? Geen probleem. VOS Travel heeft aan aantal familie-fietsvakanties, onder andere binnen Nederland, maar ook naar Oostenrijk en Portugal. Op de website vindt u per reis ook een moeilijkheidsgraad van 1 tot 4. Bij 1 is er geen bijzondere fietservaring vereist, bij categorie 4 is ervaring met fietsen in bergachtige gebieden gewenst.

Overige Vakanties

Naast fietsreizen biedt deze reisorganisatie ook wandelvakanties en skireizen aan. Ook bij de wandelreizen gaat het om individuele arrangementen. Bestemmingen zijn onder meer de Auvergne, Klein Zwitserland en de Dolomieten.

Alternatieve Reisorganisaties

Heeft u het reisaanbod van VOS Travel bekeken en niet gevonden wat u zocht? Wij vindt u het wel in het aanbod van andere reisorganisaties . Mogelijke alternatieven zijn Eigen-Wijze Reizen , Fital en Fietsrelax.nl .

Meer artikelen op Fietsvakanties.net:

  • Moezel-Reizen
  • La Vélomaritime: Fietsen in Bretagne en Normandië
  • LF Kustroute: fietsen langs de prachtige Nederlandse kust

Bekijk de fietsvakanties van bekende reisorganisaties:

eigenwijze reizen logo

Privacy Overview

vos travel italie

Italia. Open to meraviglia.

Discover Italy: Official Tourism Website - Italia.it

Six cycling destinations in the Veneto loop

The Molise of Taste

The Molise of Taste

Landscapes of Campania

Landscapes of Campania

Landscapes that will take your breath away, rich history, and delicious food, your trip to italy will be nothing short of unforgettable.  , unmissable sites.

  • UNESCO sites

Food and wine

Grand Tour impressions a stone's throw from the thermal baths of Abano and Montegrotto

Grand Tour impressions a stone's throw from the thermal baths of Abano and Montegrotto

Discover Italy: Official Tourism Website - Italia.it

Viaggio Italiano

A dream called Lake Como: a tour to discover 5 unforgettable villas

A dream called Lake Como: a tour to discover 5 unforgettable villas

vos travel italie

Puglia Fuori Rotta, 5 unusual stops for a surprising itinerary

The 10 must-see exhibitions in April in Italy

The 10 must-see exhibitions in April in Italy

vos travel italie

Abruzzo, the green region of Europe

vos travel italie

The best trails in UNESCO heritage sites in Italy: 10,000 steps amid nature and beauty

italian artisan

The 15 Italian UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage excellences

Artistic masterpieces and gastronomic marvels in Modena

Artistic masterpieces and gastronomic marvels in Modena


The Dolomites: the most beautiful architectural work in the world

Cilento, between unspoilt beaches, wild nature and charming hamlets

Cilento, between unspoilt beaches, wild nature and charming hamlets


Alberobello, the Trulli capital, a fairy tale experience

TN Madonna di Campiglio


Matera Chiese Rupestri

Small and proud, with a focus on sustainability. Here are the most charming rural villages to visit in Italy

Cycling around nature and historic hamlets in Abruzzo

Cycling around nature and historic hamlets in Abruzzo

Tax breaks for moving to the charming villages of central and southern Italy

Tax breaks for moving to the charming villages of central and southern Italy


Seaside Villages

Castelmola, a window on the sea a few steps from Taormina

Castelmola, a window on the sea a few steps from Taormina

Frosolone: one of the most beautiful Italian villages, in Molise

Frosolone: one of the most beautiful Italian villages, in Molise

Castel del Monte: the fortress of mysteries in Andria

Castel del Monte: the fortress of mysteries in Andria

In the beautiful Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle in South Tyrol

In the beautiful Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle in South Tyrol

Alto Adige: Merano amid castles, Art Nouveau buildings and spas

Alto Adige: Merano amid castles, Art Nouveau buildings and spas

The Aosta Valley and Its Castles

The Aosta Valley and Its Castles

Castelli Romani Regional Park

Castelli Romani Regional Park

Castles of the Duchy of the Piacenza and Parma area

Castles of the Duchy of the Piacenza and Parma area

Discover Italy: Official Tourism Website - Italia.it


Umbria, on the pursuit of flavor

Umbria, on the pursuit of flavor

Tuscany's extra virgin olive oil villages

Tuscany's extra virgin olive oil villages

Modica’s chocolate

Modica’s chocolate

Gastronomic tourism: a tour to discover the cheeses of Lombardy

Gastronomic tourism: a tour to discover the cheeses of Lombardy

Sweet or bitter? The fine cuisine of traditional Abruzzo

Sweet or bitter? The fine cuisine of traditional Abruzzo

vos travel italie

Festa del Redentore a Venezia 2024


Comicon Naples: the most important network of pop events in Italy


Pre-Raphaelites: Modern Renaissance

best wine stars milano 2024

Best Wine Stars 2024


Only Wine Festival


Saint Ephysius: the most engaging festival in Sardinia


Rimini Wellness 2024

concerto primo maggio

May Day concert

Van Gogh a Trieste

Van Gogh in Trieste

gran premio monza


Giro di Italia 2023

Giro d’Italia 2024


Arezzo Antiques Fair


Catania Book Festival

Eicma 2024

Turin International Book Fair

Gran Premio Imola

Made in Italy and Emilia Romagna Formula 1 Grand Prix



FIM Superbike World Championship

FIM Superbike World Championship

The Pistoia Dialogues

The Pistoia Dialogues

Amber Wine Festival

Amber Wine Festival

Discover italy.

AO Castello di Ch�tel Argent

Aosta Valley

The Aosta Valley is a paradise for visitors seeking outdoor experiences in nature while exploring history and traditions The smallest region in Italy, dotted with the highest peaks in the Alps, it is the ideal destination for anyone who enjoys winter sports and high-altitude walks. Its green valleys and fairy-tale castles make the Aosta Valley an enchanting place to experience all year round.


Piedmont is sure to enchant you with its mountains, hills, typical flavours and uniquely elegant cities An extraordinary heritage of art and history, culture and nature, characterises Piedmont, a region with a thousand faces, one more interesting than the other: cities of rare elegance, mountains that lend themselves to splendid skiing or walking, fascinating villages, hills that are among the best known in the world for their extraordinary wine production.

Milan's Cathedral

Lombardy: a dynamic land immersed in the present and reaching toward the future, but with an extraordinary heritage of art and nature Lombardy is a region in the north of Italy known for its industry and finance, of course, but also for its art and extraordinary landscapes, starting with the picturesque lakes and its mountains, Valcamonica and Valtellina in primis. Capital and symbolic city, Milan represents the industrious heart that goes hand in hand with other cities with a vibrant spirit.

TN Madonna di Campiglio

Trentino is sure to amaze you with its immense natural heritage, the spectacular splendour of the Dolomites and fascinating sites steeped in history Discover Trentino’s culture of slow travel, taking the time to savour every corner among nature and cultural trails and educational farms. You will find hundreds of hotels offering wellness centres for truly relaxing holidays for the whole family in some of Italy's most beautiful villages, set in unique landscapes.

South Tyrol

South Tyrol

Alto Adige is a dream place to discover all year round amidst green valleys and snow-capped peaks Combine the relaxation of spa treatments with the pleasure of fun in the snow for a real wellness boost amidst Alpine lakes, beautiful villages and state-of-the-art ski facilities suitable for all ages. All this and more in the majestic scenery of the Dolomites, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Alto Adige.

Arena di Verona

Veneto, a region of wonder, with cities of art of undisputed beauty, as well as the most pristine nature The beauty of Lake Garda, the charm of the Dolomites, the sea of Jesolo, the hills covered with vineyards and the relaxing thermal baths, on top of an immense artistic and historical heritage, elegant cities such as Venice and Verona, quaint villages and breathtaking landscapes. Veneto is all this and much more.

Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Friuli-Venezia Giulia Friuli Venezia Giulia: a treasure chest nestled between sea and mountains A border region sandwiched between the Friulian Dolomites and the Upper Adriatic, blessed with an immense cultural heritage resulting from the influence of different cultures and peoples, cosmopolitan and modern, Friuli Venezia Giulia will also seduce you with its temptations of relaxation, sport and fun.

Cinque Terre - Riomaggiore

Tucked-away villages, secret little beaches and superb nature: how enchanting Liguria is! Liguria is a wonderful strip of land enclosed between the sea and the mountains, with pastel-coloured houses and breathtaking views. With lush unspoilt nature, many small towns to discover and an incomparable culinary tradition, it enraptures the eye and the heart.

Parma, Statua Verdi

Emilia Romagna, a region of unrivalled charm, with immense artistic beauty and unparalleled hospitality Emilia Romagna with its Riviera Romagnola offers beach tourism that attracts families and young people to its shores every summer. Rich in sites of historical and cultural interest, this region boasts a world-renowned wine and food tradition. Skilful hospitality does the rest, making Emilia Romagna an ideal holiday destination in every season. Video credits: Oliver Astrologo


Tuscany will win you over with its unique landscapes, cities of art, thousand-year-old history and fantastic food Tuscany’s magical atmosphere evolves day by day as you stroll around the cities of art, cycle in the parks, enjoy the sea or savour its typical products, in a region with a one-of-a-kind natural, cultural and historical heritage that has fascinated visitors for centuries.

PG Assisi

From Assisi to Perugia, via Gubbio, Lake Trasimeno and Marmore Falls: Umbria is a truly enchanting tourist destination Peaks covered in lush forests and large valleys outlined by rivers, lakes and waterfalls; sorrounded by villages and castles, crossed by paths steeped in history, art and culture, in a natural environment that helps to restore the body and soul: Umbria, the Green Heart of Italy, is all this and much more.


Le Marche, a plunge into the history, art and architecture of a region with the scent of the sea and redolent of traditions and hospitality A great variety of landscapes and an infinite range of colours that make the area's natural beauty incomparable, plus an artistic heritage that fears no comparison: this is how the Marches, with an area of no more than 10,000 square kilometres, will captivate you forever.


Sardinia: a journey to the island of the emerald sea, nuraghi, unspoilt nature and millenary traditions Crystal-clear waters, beaches of soft, white sand, granite rocks framed by wild, fragrant Mediterranean scrub: welcome to Sardinia, an island of a thousand contrasts that will also seduce you with its unique archaeological heritage and its people's innate sense of hospitality.


Lazio is not only Rome: landscapes and monuments of Lazio Rome, the capital of Italy and a unique open-air museum in the world, is enough to make Lazio one of the most beautiful and interesting regions. Even in terms of landscape, it boasts an area of great impact and remarkable variety, with its long coastline, beautiful hills and Apennine mountains. A destination to fall in love with.

Pescara - Trabocco

Abruzzo, a journey through history between sea, mountains, flavours and unspoilt nature in parks and protected areas A region in central Italy, Abruzzo has two souls and one heart. Predominantly mountainous and hilly, it overlooks a beautiful stretch of the Adriatic Sea. Here, you will find the highest peaks of the Apennines, such as the Gran Sasso and the Majella massif, as well as the only Apennine glacier, but also some of the most popular beaches.


Campania offers landscapes, history, culture and a gastronomic tradition that the whole world envies A consistently mild climate, lush nature framing breathtaking landscapes, unspoilt villages and fairy-tale coastlines: this is Campania, a region that sums up centuries of cultures, between West and East, in a single Mediterranean jewel known for its unparalleled hospitality. A destination for the soul, the eyes and the palate.

Campagna Molisana

Molise, a tiny region with grandiose landscapes: come and discover its history and culinary tradition Molise is a region steeped in history, characterised by numerous tasty food and wine delicacies, but also by rich nature reserves and villages that seem crystallised in history. A destination yet to be discovered, amid marvellous seashores and breathtaking high cliffs

Castel del Monte

Apulia: the sunny region between two seas and warm hospitality in places rich in history Located in the heart of the Mediterranean, it is a magical combination of artefacts, history, art and unspoilt nature, amidst beautiful coastlines and picture-postcard landscapes. This is Puglia, a region of golden beaches and crystal-clear waters, intense flavours and fascinating destinations: Castel del Monte, the trulli, the islands passing through towns kissed by a unique and unforgettable light.

Matera Chiese Rupestri

Basilicata, a region of ancient origins, suspended between two seas and with mountains of great beauty Basilicata is a region where the passage of man has left its mark since prehistoric times. With the ancient name of “Lucania”, it is enriched by an incredible artistic heritage. Not to mention its never-boring panorama, which ranges from the Lucanian Dolomites to the Pollino Park, passing through two seas.

VV Capo vaticano

Calabria is the region of crystal-clear sea, the Riace Bronzes, Reggio Calabria and Capo Vaticano, a captivating mix of history and beauty Calabria, also known as the tip of the Italian boot, is a region in Southern Italy characterised by the incredible diversity of its landscapes, with the proximity of mountains to a splendid sea that attracts tourists from all over the world.

Agrigento - Valle dei Templi

A dive into Sicily, where a sea of art, culture and nature will seduce you and become eternal love A predominantly hilly and mountainous area, but one that wins the hearts of tourists from all over the world with its wonderful sea and rich cities with a charm all their own. Sicily is a picture-postcard island characterised by the indelible marks of the people who have lived there and made it unique, amidst artistic and cultural testimonies of enormous value.

The source of inspiration for your Italian adventures

6 unmissable destinations in Italy featured in famous novels

6 unmissable destinations in Italy featured in famous novels

Cortina d’Ampezzo

The Milan-Cortina 2026 Winter Olympics are approaching: here's what to expect

Big Bench

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The 15 best places to visit in Italy, from Venice to the Cinque Terre

Julia Buckley

Nov 19, 2023 • 11 min read

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Rome should be the centerpiece of your trip if you’re going to Italy for the first time © Kathrin Ziegler / Getty Images

Home to some of the greatest artworks, historical monuments and food on the planet, and with the kind of varied landscapes that you often have to cross continents to see, Italy elates, inspires and moves its visitors like few other countries.

From its art- and architecture-stuffed cities to its astonishing diversity of natural landscapes – dramatic coastlines, serene lakes, pristine mountains, and those famous rolling hills – picking just a handful of destinations to visit in this wonderful country is no easy task.

So how do you decide where to go? It all depends on what you’re looking for in your Italian odyssey, whether that’s history, art, beaches, hiking or even food. No matter your passion, our list of 15 must-see places in Italy should be your starting point.

Best for history

Once caput mundi (capital of the world), Rome was legendarily spawned by a wolf-suckled boy, developed into a vast empire, rooted itself as the home of the Catholic church, and is now the repository of more than two millennia of art and architecture.

Rome should definitely be the centerpiece of your trip if you’re going to Italy for the first time, but there's simply too much to see in one visit, from the Pantheon and the Colosseum to Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel and countless works by Caravaggio. So do as countless others have done before you: toss a coin into the Trevi Fountain and promise to return.

Planning tip: There’s an overwhelming amount to see here, and with limited public transport in the city center, your choice of hotel can be crucial. Map out the sights you’re most interested in before you book – if you want to be at the Vatican at opening time, for example, don't stay near the Colosseum.

Read more: Italians reveal their under-the-radar vacation spots in Italy

Best for a Renaissance fix

From Botticelli’s Venus , emerging coyly from the water in the Uffizi Gallery , to the mind-boggling dome of its cathedral, Florence is a feast for the eyes. This was, of course, the seat of the Renaissance, and there are knock-out names at every turn – Michelangelo in the Accademia, Donatello in the Bargello, Leonardo and Raphael in the Uffizi. 

Further afield in  Tuscany – Italy's most romanticized region – is an undulating landscape of sinuous cypress trees, olive groves and coveted regional treasures. Glory in the Gothic majesty of Siena and the Manhattan-esque skyline of medieval San Gimignano before exploring the vineyards of Italy's most famous wine region, Chianti , and the rolling, cypress-studded hills of the Val d’Orcia.

Planning tip: You’re best off without a car if you’re sticking to major towns and cities since Tuscany has a good rail network. But if you want to explore the countryside, you’ll definitely need a car. 

Rear view of hiking couple looking over valley, Brentei Hut, Brenta Dolomite, Italy

3. The Dolomites

Best for dramatic mountains

Scour the globe, and you'll find plenty of taller, bigger and more geologically volatile mountains, but few can match the romance of the pink-hued granite Dolomites .

Maybe it's their harsh, jagged summits, the vibrant skirts of spring wildflowers, or the rich cache of Ladin legends. Then again, it could just be the magnetic draw of money, style and glamor at Italy's most fabled ski resort, Cortina d'Ampezzo , or the linguistic curiosity of picture-postcard mountain village Sappada . Whatever the reason, this tiny pocket of northern Italy takes seductiveness to dizzying heights.

4. Amalfi Coast

Best for classic beauty

Italy's most celebrated coastline is a gripping strip: coastal mountains plunge into the piercing blue sea in a prime-time vertical scene of precipitous crags, sun-bleached villages and cliffs rearing up behind. Between sea and sky, mountaintop hiking trails deliver Tyrrhenian panoramas fit for a god.

While some may argue that the peninsula's most beautiful coast is Liguria's Cinque Terre or Calabria's Costa Viola, it is the Amalfi Coast that has seduced and inspired countless greats, from Tennessee Williams and DH Lawrence to Elizabeth Taylor, Virginia Woolf and Jackie Kennedy. Of course, its staggeringly romantic looks also make it one of the best places in Italy for couples.

Planning tip: Yes, driving along the Amalfi Coast is one of the world’s most famous road trips, but often it feels like everyone else on the planet has the same idea as you. Traffic can be nose-to-tail, and parking is effectively nonexistent. Instead, take the ferry between towns or travel by public transport .

The ruined city of Pompeii. People walk around the ruins of the former city, which was destroyed by Mt Vesuvius. The volcano is visible in the background of the image.

Best for stepping back in time

Frozen in its death throes, the time-warped ruins of Pompeii hurtle you 2000 years into the past. Wander through chariot-grooved Roman streets, lavishly frescoed villas and bathhouses, food stores and markets, theaters, and even an ancient brothel.

Then, in the eerie stillness, your eye on ominous Mt Vesuvius, ponder Pliny the Younger's terrifying account of the town's final hours: “Darkness came on again, again ashes, thick and heavy. We got up repeatedly to shake these off; otherwise, we would have been buried and crushed by the weight.”

Planning tip: If you have time, the other major city destroyed by the eruption, Herculaneum, is also worth a visit. Much smaller than Pompeii, its buildings are better preserved, and the location – surrounded by its modern descendant, Ercolano – makes the site even more piquant. Like Pompeii, it’s easily reached on the Circumvesuviana train.

6. Emilia-Romagna

Best for foodies

In a region as overwhelmingly foodie as Emilia-Romagna , it's only natural that its capital, Bologna , is dubbed “La Grassa” (the fat one). Many belt-busting Italian classics hail from here, including mortadella, tortellini and tagliatelle al ragù. Shop in the deli-packed Quadrilatero district – home to food stalls since medieval times – then hop on the train for an afternoon in Modena for world-famous aged balsamic vinegar.

Leave room for Parma , hometown of parmigiano reggiano cheese and the incomparable prosciutto di Parma. Wherever you plunge your fork, toast with a glass or three of Emilia-Romagna's renowned Lambrusco – a world away from the sickly sweet wine that was exported in the past.

The village of Varenna on the shores of Lake Como. The village has many colourful buildings right by the water's edge, and is backed by dense green forest.

7. Lago di Como

Best for a slice of luxury

If it's good enough for the Clooneys and vacationing Obamas, it's good enough for mere mortals. Nestled in the shadow of the Rhaetian Alps, dazzling Lago di Como is Lombardy's most spectacular lake. Its lavish Liberty-style villas are home to movie moguls, fashion royalty, and literal royalty, while the lake's siren calls include gardens at Villas Melzi d'Eril , Carlotta , and Balbianello that blush pink with camellias, azaleas and rhododendrons in April and May.

The city of Como itself is a hotbed of arresting architecture, from the Gothic cathedral to Palazzo Terragni – built by the Fascists as their party headquarters, it’s a classic example of Italian 1930s Rationalism and a striking reminder of the atrocities committed by the regime.  

Planning tip: Como is like the Amalfi Coast – the roads are clogged, and parking is a huge problem. Instead of driving, use public transport; there’s an excellent ferry and bus network, as well as a train line along the eastern edge of the lake.

8. Sardinia

Best for beaches and coastline

The English language cannot accurately describe the varied blue, green and – in the deepest shadows – purple colors of Sardinia’s seas. While models, ministers and perma-tanned celebrities wine, dine and sail along the glossy Costa Smeralda , much of the island – the Med’s second largest after Sicily – remains a wild, raw playground.

Explore its rugged coastal beauty, from the tumbledown boulders of Santa Teresa di Gallura and the wind-chiseled cliff face of the Golfo di Orosei to the windswept beauty of the Costa Verde's dune-backed beaches.

But spend time inland too, and you’ll find some of Europe’s finest prehistoric remains: mysterious nuraghi (megalithic buildings), burial sites so grand they’re known as “giants’ tombs,” and the mountain villages of Barbagia, where locals still practice centuries-old traditions.

A busy street in Naples. The street is narrow and hemmed in by tall apartment buildings. A motorbike with two passengers drives down the street, while people dine in cafes with tables spilling onto the pavements.

Best for sheer italianità

Pompeii, pizza and a whole lot of panache – Naples is a city like no other. Layered like lasagna, each strip of history on top of the last, this is a place where (underground) you can walk along ancient Greek and Roman roads, while at street level there are sumptuous churches, baroque palaces and Maradona – Maradona everywhere .

Outside the city, Vesuvius looms over the time capsules of Pompeii and Herculaneum, while in town, living in the shadow of a volcano gives life a sense of urgency. All that makes for a place like nowhere else .

Planning tip: Naples becomes less chaotic from the water. Taking the ferry isn’t only an option if you’re going to islands like Ischia and Procida – you can also take a boat from the city to Sorrento , Positano and the Amalfi Coast.

Best for a fairytale city

“Unique” is an overused word, but in the case of Venice , there’s no better description. This really is a dreamscape of intricately carved palazzos, gilded churches and world-class museums, all floating on water and crisscrossed by quiet canals.

Avoid the temptation to do a quick drop-in visit to see the main sights – the real Venice is in the silent canals and narrow alleyways, which cast a spell on all who move through them. Tick off the Rialto Bridge and Piazza San Marco , but then stay on to experience this most precious, and precarious, of cities.

Local tip: This is not the place to run a tight schedule. Leave time to wander the alleys , look inside the churches and artisan shops you pass, and hop on a vaporetto that’ll chug through the islands of the lagoon.

Silhouette of a hiker with a backpack climbing a ridge in the mountains of Gran Paradiso National Park during sunrise

11. Parco Nazionale del Gran Paradiso

Best for hiking

If you're pining for a mind-clearing retreat, lace up your hiking boots and explore over 500km (310 miles) of marked trails and mule tracks traversing “Grand Paradise.”

Part of the Graian Alps and one of Italy's very first national parks, Gran Paradiso's pure, pristine spread encompasses 57 glaciers and alpine pastures awash with wild pansies, gentians and alpenroses, not to mention a healthy population of Alpine ibex, for whose protection the park was originally established. At 4061m (13,323ft), the eponymous Gran Paradiso is the park's only peak, accessed from tranquil Cogne.

12. Mount Etna

Best for thrill seekers

Known to the Greeks as the “column that holds up the sky,”  Mt Etna is not only Europe's largest volcano, it's one of the world's most active. The ancients believed the giant Tifone (Typhoon) lived in its crater and lit the sky with spectacular pyrotechnics; today they simply call it idda , or “her.”

At 3326m (10,912ft), she literally towers above Sicily's Ionian Coast . Tackle the climb on foot, on a guided 4WD tour, or stick to the lower slopes, where you’ll find some of Italy’s most exciting wines being grown in the uber-fertile volcanic soil. Sicily is one of the nicest places in Italy to visit, thanks to its extraordinary wealth of history and architecture, its jaw-dropping coastline and, of course, the ever-welcoming Sicilians.

13. Cinque Terre and the Liguria coast

Best for classic coastline

Liguria’s remote Cinque Terre area is coastal Italy at its most spectacular. Five seaside villages wedged between cliffs, encircled by a national park and connected by clifftop footpaths, this is a place where humanity has lived in symbiosis with nature for thousands of years. People have chiseled terraces into the steep cliffs and grown wine here since Roman times; until the 20th century, the locals got about by sea or footpath.

The villages themselves are gorgeous, but spare some time for a hike along the Sentiero Azzurro, the most popular of the paths connecting them. Cinque Terre may be the best known, but Liguria’s coastline is one showstopper coastal village after another – additional highlights include Portofino , Portovenere and Santa Margherita Ligure .  

Planning tip: This is another area where it’s not worth driving – there are ferry services, but our favorite option is the train, which runs along the coast and stops at each of the villages.

View of Alberobello's Rione Monti district and its trulli – traditional white round houses – at dusk

14. Valle d’Itria

Best for picture-perfect villages

They look like hobbit houses – small conical-roofed cottages, often stitched together to form a bigger home but always fairytale pretty, whatever the size. Puglia, the heel of Italy’s boot, is famous for its trulli, but you won’t find them all over the region.

Head south of Bari, in from the coast and up onto the high karst plateau, and you’ll find the Valle d’Itria , where the green fields around towns like Cisternino and Locorotondo are dotted with trulli. Alberobello is the center of it all – the centro storico of the town is nothing but streets of them. This is one of the prettiest parts of Italy – truly.

Best for a real city break

Italy’s fashion capital  often gets a bad rap – too international, too organized, not chaotic enough. Don’t believe it. Where else can you go from a Gothic-style cathedral, started in the 14th century, to masterpieces by Leonardo (his Last Supper fresco in the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie is a showstopper, but so is the Sala delle Asse in the Castello Sforzesco , which he painted as a trompe l’oeil forest bower)?

Milan's restaurants pull together the best food from the Italian peninsula, it’s home to one of Italy’s rare cocktail scenes, and its fashion houses are transforming the city’s modern art scene with venues like Fondazione Prada , an old distillery now housing works by the likes of Jeff Koons and Damien Hirst, as well as putting on top-notch temporary exhibitions.

Planning tip: Milan doesn’t really have high and low seasons like the rest of Italy does; instead, its hotel rates rocket up and down depending on whether there’s a major event in town. Avoid Design and Fashion Weeks if you're traveling on a budget .

This article was first published June 2021 and updated November 2023

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More about italy.

As a treasure trove of artistic and historical wonders, Italy offers timeless beauty and cultural richness. In the central Tuscany region, the streets of Florence are filled with Renaissance architecture, with a skyline dominated by the Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral, a Gothic art masterpiece. Within the northern Lombardy region, the fashion mecca, Milan, offers an abundance of art galleries and museums, with the most sought-after sight being The Last Supper, a mural painting by Leonardo da Vinci. Bordering the Tyrrhenian Sea in the central Lazio region, Rome is home to the ancient Colosseum, an amphitheater that played host to gladiatorial games, and the Pantheon, a former Roman temple. Perched atop cliffs that overlook the Bay of Naples in the southwestern Campania region, the coastal town of Sorrento is known for its lemon groves, notably some of the best lemons in Italy, they are used to produce the splendor that is Limoncello, a lemon-flavored Italian liqueur. Take a gondola ride through the romantic canals of Venice to explore one of the most unique cities in the world, built on more than 100 islands in the northeastern Veneto region. Savor the sweet symphony of Italy's gastronomic legacy and culinary mastery that spans centuries, with authentic Italian gelato, pasta, and pizza.

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Manarola in Italy—one of the five towns that make up Cinque Terre

Cinque Terre is one of the most iconic, picture-postcard images of Italy, with its pastel-colored houses perched on the north-west coastline of Italy on the hills above the Mediterranean sea.

Knowing which part of Cinque Terre is the best place to stay depends on your preferences—here's a guide on when to go, what to take, where to stay and how to get about in Cinque Terre.

Why Is Cinque Terre So Special?

The five medieval villages of Cinque Terre have been UNESCO listed since 1997, inspired a Disney movie (Luca) and entice three million tourists to visit every year.

The wine made on the clifftops was legendary in the Renaissance period when it was sent to the tables of royalty and Popes—that's especially extraordinary considering the hillside in which it was, and still is, produced makes for backbreaking work.

It's even more incredible considering how remote it must have felt for centuries. The railway connecting Genoa and La Spezia was built in the 1870s, linking the five villages for the first time by train—before that, it was only accessible by sea. By 1960, one single-track road had arrived but it remains incredibly difficult to move about by car.

Above all, it is the views that are sublime. Everyone has a favorite village, but there's certainly something for every kind of nature lover, whether that's people watching on the beach or hiking vertiginous cliff faces.

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Just as its name suggests, Cinque Terre is made up of five villages—Monterosso, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore.

Monterosso al Mare (red mountain) is the largest village in Cinque Terre with the most stores, hotels and guesthouses. It is divided into two parts, separated by a tunnel—the medieval part is to the east and to the west is Fegina, where you'll find the newest part of the village and the only sandy beach in Cinque Terre where you can rent beach chairs and parasols (the private beach clubs open in May and close for the year in September). Monterosso is the flattest of any of the Cinque Terre villages.

While it is often seen as the most overdeveloped village in Cinque Terre, Monterosso offers a great opportunity to taste authentic artisanal produce (think limoncello, olive oil, pesto) from local family-run businesses and has a large choice of seafood restaurants.

Vernazza is considered one of the most picturesque village (meaning sometimes, the busiest) with colorful Ligurian houses and fishing boats in the only natural harbor of all the Cinque Terre villages—it's here that you'll find all the pretty architectural features of the ancient Genoans, like winding staircases and atmospheric arches. The hike starts here to Monterosso in the north and Corniglia to the south—it's a stunning climb up to the Belforte Tower of Doria castle, built in the mid-1500s to protect the village from pirates.

Corniglia , the Cinque Terre village in the middle, is the only one not built directly on the seaside but 100 metres above sea level (you'll need to climb the 380-odd steps or take the shuttle bus from the station). It is the smallest and least accessible village, meaning that the larger tourist groups and buses tend to avoid it.

Manarola is one of the oldest villages and known for fishing and wine (think footpaths through the cliffside vineyards with yummy wines and delicious views). It might be one of the most instantly recognisable villages, known for its boat ramp into the sea and for watching the locals cliff jumping into the sea. Sit in one of the many Trattorias, eating fresh seafood—say, the muscoli ripieni— mussels stuffed with mortadella, parmesan and egg—overlooking the lush vineyards.

Riomaggiore has a pebble beach, a pretty harbor, some nightlife and a great sunset surrounding the patchwork of colorful houses stacked one upon another. It's the most eastern/southern village connected by narrow cobblestoned lanes and steps upon steps that lead up to the 13th century Castello di Riomaggiore, which has a great view.

How Long Does It Take To Walk The Five Villages Of Cinque Terre? Can I Take The Train? Is The Via dell'Amore Open?

The entire area is a national park with over 120 km (75 miles) of footpaths, connecting all five villages. Most trails are free of charge except, for instance, the trail than connects Monterosso and Vernazza and Corniglia, for which hikers need a Cinque Terre card. The Red Trail (Sentiero no.1) is free and runs along the ridge along all five Cinque Terre villages. The easiest part of the Blue Trail that connects Vernazza to Corniglia takes 1.5 hours, taking in the tiny hamlet of Prevo, although it is steep at the bottom.

The most famous walking trail is probably Via dell'Amore , or The Path of Love . It's flat, accessible and only takes 1km (half a mile) between Riomaggiore and Manarola but it has been closed since 2012 due to landslide damage— it's due to reopen fully in July 2024 for guided tours only. (Many trails were destroyed in the heavy flooding and landslides of 2011).

The easiest way to travel around the five villages of Cinque Terre is to take the express train that runs every 20 minutes (the schedule and prices can be found here ). There is also a hop-on, hop-off ferry service for about €30 per day but tickets cannot be bought in advance and must be bought from the ferry booths themselves.

While it is possible to visit Cinque Terre in one day, the villages are most atmospheric in the evenings when most of the day tourists have left, so you'll get the most out of a trip if you stay longer than two or three days.

The trails are often closed due to weather issues, so check the national park website for updates. To be most loved, stick to the paths and leave everything as you found it, taking litter with you.

How Can I travel To Cinque Terre?

Pisa Airport is close and from there, it's easy to take a train to Pisa Centrale Train Station and then to one of the Cinque Terre villages (usually changing trains at La Spezia).

Driving is complicated, the roads narrow and entrance to the villages banned (you would need to park in designated spaces outside). Only residents can drive inside.

Take the ferry from Levanto, La Spezia or Portovenere to Monterosso, Vernazza, Manarola, and Riomaggiore (it is only Corniglia, high on the cliffs that doesn’t have ferry access).

Can I Cycle The Villages Of Cinque Terre?

In a word, yes, you can cycle the villages of Cinque Terre but the difficulty of cycling the paths shouldn't be underestimated and anyone unused to long periods on a bike on hilly terrain could hire an electric bike near the Madonna of Montenero Sanctuary in Riomaggiore or in Manarola.

The Sentiero del Crinale, path number one, is a good bet for cyclists, as it's an old mule track, dating from Roman times. It's 40 kilometres long, rising from 800 metres to around 1.300 metres above sea level, starting in Levanto and finishing in Porto Venere in the south.

Is Cinque Terre Expensive?

Cinque Terre is very expensive by Italian standards as so many people come to visit one of the prettiest parts of Italy. Moreover, at weekends and on holidays, prices will easily double. The best value might be an affittacamere, a room without breakfast and while restaurant prices might be higher than you expected for a small village, there are lots of small bakeries that make delicious focaccia bread.

Levanto and La Spezia are at either ends of the trainline (and included on the Cinque Terre travel card) so it could be a good idea to stay in either of these places to find something cheaper, depending on availability. Porto Venere is another nearby village, an important commercial post in Roman times, often overlooked but worth a visit.

What Should I Bring To Visit Cinque Terre?

These are cliff sides that you will be exploring, prone to shifting over time and under weather—bring solid footwear and layered clothing that you can shed or add to match the weather, with waterproofs. Take lots of water (there are fountains to fill up free-of-charge in the villages) and there is little shade, so hats, sunscreen and sunglasses are a priority.

When Is The Best Time To Visit Cinque Terre?

Summers are increasingly hot across Europe, which is the fastest-warming continent due to climate change and thanks to remote working, there are less easily recognisable cheaper shoulder seasons, as in the past. April/May and September/October are good options for avoiding the crowds. Make sure to verify that you're not traveling on Italian public holidays or the villages will be unbearably crowded.

Alex Ledsom

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Passion, integrity, diversity, and courage are the four elements at the heart of VOS Group. We are continuously moving forward, innovating, and improving. We are honest, open, ethical, and fair. People trust us to adhere to our word. We know it takes people with different ideas, strengths, interests, and cultural backgrounds to make our company succeed. We encourage healthy debate and differences of opinion. We are entrepreneurial and therefore take risks, reach beyond boundaries, and experiment. We strive to create economic opportunities for those who have been denied them and to advance new models of economic justice that are viable and replicable. We support sustainable and safe methods of food production that reduce environmental degradation, maintain the productivity of the land over time, and support the economic viability of family farms and rural communities in the Mediterranean. We strongly believe that our values are directly linked to our revenue growth. Hence, we are committed to fostering corporate values that influence growth and deliver significant long-term value. VOS Group invests in scientific research, employee advancement, technological innovation, and, especially, in the wellbeing of societies and the environment.


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– To enable economic and agricultural growth in the Mediterranean region, and to provide solutions that support communities and protect the planet.

– To provide products and services only of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the world’s consumers.

– To draw on vast and varied expertise and on our strong experience as a team to generate returns, thereby contributing to the sustainable development of Mediterranean economies.

– To value and enhance the incredibly rich natural bounty that the Mediterranean offers, and to support individuals’ wellbeing by spreading the wellness culture of the Mediterranean throughout the world.

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Tourist visa.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you need to request a Schengen Visa and you landed to this page directly from an internet search, please stop reading now , and go to the main page of the Schengen Visa Section which contains crucial information about the process to request a Visa in this Consulate General.

Documentation required

  • Proof of residence within the Toronto consular jurisdiction area : domestic utility bill or driver’s license (original and a photocopy).
  • For non-Canadians, proof of legal residence in Canada : Canadian permanent residence card or visa valid for at least three months after the date of re-entry (original and a photocopy).
  • For travelers not returning to Canada after leaving the Schengen area : relevant visa or travel document authorizing entry into the Country of destination, and a photocopy.
  • Electronic Schengen Visa application form carefully and correctly completed and signed. Please ensure that you leave no blank spaces. If a question does not apply to you, enter N/A (not applicable). Be sure to print the form in high resolution.
  • One recent passport-size colour photo (must have been taken less than six months before the application), size 35mm x 40mm, full-face and light coloured background. The face must be correctly centered and must be seen from a front view, with both sides visible. Styled poses (looking over one shoulder, head bowed etc.) are not allowed. The head must be free of all headgear, no hats, scarves, headbands or other decorative objects.
  • Your passport, which must be valid for at least 3 months after the visa expiry date , as well as photocopies of the first 2 pages and of visas previously issued, if any. Furthermore, there must be at least two blank pages in the passport.
  • Prepaid Xpresspost post envelope (or UPS pre-addressed envelope) with your address already filled (TO) and the Address of the consulate as sender (FROM), with a photocopy to return your passport .
  • The visa fee paid in Canadian dollars . Visa fees can be paid at the counter, preferably by Canadian debit card (credit cards cannot be accepted) or alternatively in cash or through money order/bank draft payable to the Consulate General of Italy in Toronto (Canadian dollars only). Because of the fluctuation of the exchange rate, the type of visa and duration of stay, the fees are subject to change. Please refer to the dedicated page on this website.
  • A copy of your round trip flight reservation or ticket and full itinerary . Buying your ticket in advance does not ensure that a visa will be issued.
  • Hotel booking for each day of your stay in the Schengen area stating the number of reservation, name of the applicant, address, and telephone number of the hotel, OR letter of invitation (declaration of hospitality), signed by the person invi ting, plus a copy of his/her ID ( in case of person without Italian citizenship, copy of his/her Italian permanent residence permit , ‘’ Permesso di soggiorno’’) . I f you are a member of a group : a letter from the travel agency mentioning the same information as for individuals.
  • Documentation in relation to your social and professional status : if dependent worker, letter of employment; for students, University/school confirmation of enrollment for the current year in original; if self – employed, business bank statements (last 3 months), copies of business income taxes, certificates of incorporation; if retired, copy of your retirement compensation from social security.
  • Proof of financial means of support (as per Ministry of Interior Directive 1.3.2000 DIRETTIVA 1° marzo 2000 ): last three months bank statements clear ly indicating the name of the holder and salary slips if applicable. If you are financiall y dependent on a family member , you must provide an Affidavit of financial support , together with a copy of his/her picture I D and his/her last three months bank statements.
  • A travel medical insurance policy valid throughout the Schengen area. Please unde rline or highlight: your name, the medical emergency expenses coverage (minimum € 30,000) including hospital care and repatriation for medical reasons or in case of death

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Want to work remotely in Italy? The country just launched its new digital nomad visa.

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Remote workers with dreams of working from the rolling hills of Tuscany or the cliffs of Positano are now one step closer to making that reality. Italy launched a new digital nomad visa.

Two years after its announcement, the highly anticipated digital nomad visa officially became available for those eligible on April 4.  

“Italian-style, everything happens slowly,” said Nick Metta, a lawyer for the law firm Studio Legale Metta , which has helped Americans relocate to Italy for decades. “Now there is a pipeline of people waiting just to file the application. It's been a long-awaited visa.” 

Most of Metta’s clients would previously apply for a student visa, which allowed them to work part time in Italy. 

Under the new visa, people will be able to work from Italy for one year, with the option to renew once their visa is due for expiration. Without a visa, U.S. travelers could only stay in Italy for up to 90 days without the ability to work.

Learn more: Best travel insurance

The launch makes Italy the latest European country to offer a digital nomad visa , which has already been available in Greece and Hungary. 

Here’s everything we know about the digital nomad visa for Italy:

Destinations behind a paywall? What to know about the increasing tourist fees worldwide.

Who can apply for a digital nomad visa in Italy?

According to the official decree , the visa is meant for those who “carry out a highly qualified work activity through the use of technological tools that allow you to work remotely.” 

The regulations define eligible applicants as “digital nomads,” self-employed freelancers, “remote workers,” or those employed by a company outside of Italy and can work from anywhere, according to Studio Legale Metta.

To qualify for the visa, the applicant has to meet certain requirements:

◾ A university or college degree or an accredited professional license.

◾ Six months of work experience in the industry, or five years for applicants without a university degree.

◾ An existing employment contract.

◾ A criminal record check.

◾ Proof of an annual income of 28,000 euros (about $29,880.06).

◾ Evidence of housing in Italy.

◾ Evidence of health insurance coverage.

Applicants can also apply to have family members join them on their Italian move, but the government has to give the final approval. 

How do I apply for the digital nomad visa in Italy?

Thankfully, Metta said the paperwork for the digital nomad visa isn’t “too complicated.” 

The first stop for interested applicants will be the Italian Consulate for their area. “Consulates are basically the front of the government to receive the applications,” Metta said. Interested applicants can book an appointment with the consulate and start gathering their necessary documents. People can also apply by mailing in their application. (However, Metta did mention consulate websites are often confusing and outdated, so working with a relocation service can make things easier.)

To apply, applicants will also need a passport with an expiration date at least three months after the end of the visa period and two passport-sized photos.

Relocation services can also help people navigate the sometimes complicated process of applying for a visa, such as negotiating early termination penalties with landlords in Italy. 

These services also help people with state and tax planning, especially if people own assets in the U.S., like a house. Once in Italy, people need to register their residency with the town hall, which will determine what sort of taxes they’ll pay. People can speak to an international tax specialist to figure out their future taxes as well. 

How much will the visa cost?

According to Studio Legale Metta, the application fee is 116 euros (about $123.78) per person.

How long will the application process take?

Not too long, actually. Metta estimates the process could take just three weeks if applicants are “well-organized and have all your tax documents filed.”

Kathleen Wong is a travel reporter for USA TODAY based in Hawaii. You can reach her at [email protected] .


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