Here's a Joke

45 Funny Star Trek Jokes

Here are 45 funny Star Trek jokes and the best Star Trek puns to crack you up. These jokes about Star Trek are great jokes for kids and adults.

Cartoon graphic of a a face of Spock on a blue background.

Star Trek puns

Here is our top list of Star Trek dad jokes. Find your favorite puns about Star Trek, have a laugh, then share and enjoy this Star Trek humor with others.

  • Did you hear about the Captain of the Enterprise? He had a one trek mind.
  • What do you call two science officers having an argument? Science Friction.
  • Did you hear about the Federation weapons expert? He never forgets a phaser.
  • What is Commander Riker’s favorite hobby? Sewing, because Captain Picard is always saying “Make it so.”
  • Why did Riker die from friendly fire ? Because Picard ordered “Fire at Will.”
  • What are glasses called on planet Vulcan? Spocktacles.
  • Did you hear Kirk reciting verse at Warp Speed? It was poetry in motion.
  • Why did the Romulan cross the road? To conquer the other side.
  • How do you get a one-armed Klingon out of a tree ? Wave to him.
  • What did the first officer say when Captain Picard asked him why he let Troi win at cards ? Because I Riker.

Cartoon graphic of a large hand doing start trek Spock sign on a blue background.

  • Where do the Borg go to eat fast food? Borger King.
  • Why does this Star Trek uniform stink? William Shatner.
  • How does a Romulan frog stay camouflaged? He uses a croaking device.
  • Why did Worf change his hair color? It was a good day to dye.
  • What did Scotty say when little shards of ice began hitting the Enterprise? “Captain, we are being hailed.”
  • What space illness makes you red and itchy? Chicken Spocks.
  • What was the potato’s favorite sci-fi show?  Starch Trek.
  • Where does a ten-foot Mugato sleep ? Anywhere he wants to.
  • Why did the chicken cross the road? To boldly go where no chicken had gone before.
  • Did you hear about the Klingon plan to wrap the Enterprise in silver paper ? Luckily, the plan was foiled.
  • Why did Spock cross the road? Because it was logical.
  • What’s a shark’s favorite science fiction TV show?   Shark Trek.
  • Why was Captain Picard so confused when the android disappeared? Because they’d lost their Data .
  • Why did the Enterprise have to go to the garage for repair? It needed new Spock plugs.
  • What’s it called when a crew member on Deep Space 9 runs as fast as he can? Worf Speed.

Cartoon graphic of black stars background with a black outline of Spock's face and hand doing star trek sign on a blue background.

Star Trek one liners

Here are some great Star Trek joke one liners that you can quip whenever someone is talking about Star Trek.

  • We have engaged the Borg. The wedding will be Friday.
  • I used to confuse Star Wars with Star Trek. It was a Wookie mistake.
  • When Star Trek fans go to a convention, they get a gift. It’s called the enter prize.
  • Lessons learned from Star Trek: Nemesis. Always remember to backup your Data.
  • It seems the Klingons had a diabolical plan to trap the Enterprise in silver paper. Luckily, the plan was foiled.
  • Real Trekkers work out at the He’s Dead Gym .
  • Reality is for people who can’t handle Star Trek.
  • If I have a son I will name him Data, after Mr.Data from Star Trek. If it’s a girl, we’ll pronounce it Data.
  • No one in the Star Trek universe knows how to tie a neck tie. They’re all used to Klingons.
  • I tried to sneak into a Star Trek convention disguised as a Doctor . The security guard suspected I was not the Real McCoy.

Cartoon graphic of a small hand doing start trek Spock sign on a blue background.

Best Star Trek jokes

These next funny Star Trek puns are some of our best jokes and puns about Star Trek!

  • What’s a Star Trek fan’s favorite drink ? Picardi and Kirk.
  • If Spock has pointy ears, what does Scotty have? Engineers.
  • What was the tree’s favorite thing about Star Trek?  The Captain’s log.
  • What does every Star Trek fan ask for from a mobile network? Unlimited Data.
  • Have you heard about the new Star Trek Christmas movie? It’s The Wreath of Khan.
  • Why was Star Trek so successful? It had good Genes.
  • What did Star Trek teach millions of kids? To boldly split infinitives.
  • What do you call a buff Trekkie at the gym?  A flextra terrestrial.
  • What do you use to decide whether to host a Star Trek poetry event? A list of prose in Khans.
  • How many ears does Captain Kirk have? Three. A right ear , a left ear and a final front-ear.

Final thoughts

After reading through all these hilarious jokes about Star Trek, we hope you had a good laugh.

If you want to hear more funny puns, then check out these other great lists of funny jokes :

  • Goodbye jokes
  • Jokes about walls
  • Tire jokes for kids

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I constantly update  Here's A Joke  posts to ensure top quality. Not feeling a joke or got one to share? Let me know in the comments or  contact me . With your support, I'm aiming for the best joke site around.

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Pun and Jokes

Beam Me Up Chuckles: 67+ Hilarious Star Trek Jokes


Star Trek, with its bold exploration of the final frontier, has also given us a universe of humor. From Captain Kirk’s legendary one-liners to Spock’s logical jests, the Star Trek franchise has inspired countless jokes and witty quips. 

In this article, we’ll warp into the galaxy of laughter with a collection of Star Trek -themed jokes that even Klingons can’t resist.

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Star Trek Jokes

  • Why don’t Vulcans ever play hide and seek? Because good luck hiding when you can’t suppress your emotions.
  • What’s Captain Kirk’s favorite dance? The warp shuffle.
  • Why did the Borg go to therapy? They had too many assimilation issues.
  • How many ears does Captain Picard have? Three: a left ear, a right ear, and the final front ear.
  • Why did Worf bring a ladder to the holodeck? He heard the drinks were on the house.
  • How do you comfort a scared Redshirt? Tell them statistically they’re unlikely to die today.
  • Why don’t Starfleet officers ever get lost? Because they always follow their Spock navigation.
  • What’s a Klingon’s favorite fruit? War-iorange.
  • What’s Captain Kirk’s favorite kind of music? Rock ‘n’ Roll!
  • How do you know you’ve upset a Klingon? They start Klingon-ing about it.
  • Why did Data apply for a job at the bakery? He wanted to make some “fully functional” pastries.
  • What do you call a Romulan who loves to garden? A Tho’rha-kist.
  • Why don’t Ferengi play hide and seek? Because they’re always after the rules of acquisition.
  • What’s the Ferengi’s favorite card game? Poker, because they can “raise” their profits.
  • Why did Geordi La Forge become an engineer? Because he had an eye for detail.
  • Why did the chicken cross the galaxy? To get to the other Enterprise.
  • What did Dr. McCoy say when he found the coffee machine empty? “Dammit, Jim! I’m a doctor, not a barista!”
  • Why did the Borg assimilate the baker’s shop? They wanted to achieve pastry perfection.
  • Why did Odo refuse to play cards with the crew? Because he couldn’t stand their poker faces.
  • What’s a Klingon’s favorite dish? Worf-les.
  • How many ears does a Ferengi have? Three: a left ear, a right ear, and a final front ear for profit.
  • Why don’t they tell ghost stories on the Enterprise? Because it’s all about “boo”-ring new civilizations.
  • Why do Starfleet admirals make terrible comedians? Because they can’t resist the urge to “ad-mire” their own jokes.
  • Why did the Bajoran take a job as a DJ? They heard that spinning records was a way to earn orbs of wisdom.
  • What’s Captain Sisko’s favorite breakfast cereal? “Captain Crunch-o!”

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Funny Star Trek One-Liners

  • Why don’t Andorians ever use hairdryers? Because they have their own built-in antenna.
  • Why did the Cardassian bring a ladder to the library? To check out the high-level information.
  • Why did the tribble apply for a job in the ship’s bar? It wanted to work in a “spirited” environment.
  • What’s the Ferengi’s favorite type of investment? A “quark”y one.
  • Why did the Vulcan apply for a job as a stand-up comedian? To explore humor logically.
  • What’s a Ferengi’s favorite dance move? The Profit Pivot.
  • Why did Seven of Nine open a bakery on the ship? Because resistance is futile when it comes to freshly baked goods.
  • What’s a Klingon’s favorite holiday? Black Friday – they love a good battle for bargains.
  • Why did Scotty never attend Starfleet Academy parties? He couldn’t handle too much “beam”-erang.
  • What’s the best way to find a lost Klingon? Just check the bloodwine cellar.
  • What did the Cardassian chef say about the replicated food? “It’s a masterpiece of culinary mediocrity!”
  • Why did the Klingon refuse to go to the opera? Because it wasn’t “Klingon enough.”
  • What’s a Ferengi’s favorite game show? “The Price Is Right… for Profit!”
  • Why was Captain Janeway always calm under pressure? Because she had “Kes” to help her.
  • Why did the Ferengi start a fashion line? Because they believed in the Rule of Acquisition: “Fashion is profit!”
  • What’s the most logical fruit? Spock-berries.
  • Why did the Tribble bring a pillow to work? It wanted to take a “comfortable” nap during the endless meetings.
  • Why did the Klingon bring a backpack to the battle? For his “war chest.”
  • Why did the Bajoran invite the crew to the art gallery? To showcase their “orb-tistic” talent.
  • Why did Picard become a gardener on the holodeck? He wanted to “engage” with nature.
  • Why was Odo always a hit at karaoke night? Because he could shape-shift into any singer.
  • What’s a Klingon’s favorite mobile app? “Warrior Chat.”
  • Why did Worf refuse to use the elevator? He wanted to take the “stairway to honor.”
  • What’s a Ferengi’s favorite kind of sandwich? A “profit-eroni” pizza sub.
  • Why did the Holodeck malfunction during the comedy show? It couldn’t handle all the “virtual” laughter.
  • What’s the Ferengi’s favorite planet? “Ear-th,” of course!
  • Why was the Klingon chef fired from the restaurant? He kept “disrupting” the kitchen.
  • Why did the Ferengi refuse to play hide and seek? Because they wanted to stay visible for potential customers.
  • Why did Q visit the crew on April Fools’ Day? Because he couldn’t resist a “Q-razy” prank.
  • Why did the Cardassian become a motivational speaker? They were great at “card-assuaging” doubts.

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Best Star Trek Jokes

  • What’s a Ferengi’s favorite computer game? “Rules of Acquisition: Galactic Gold Edition.”
  • Why did the Bajoran go to the dentist? To have their “Orb-ital hygiene” checked.
  • Why did Captain Picard become a painter? He loved to “make it so” on canvas.
  • What’s a Klingon’s favorite place in the house? The “bat’h”room.
  • Why did the Ferengi open a lemonade stand? Because they knew “lemons” could be quite profitable.
  • Why did the Andorian refuse to play chess? Too many “chess-knots” to figure out.
  • What’s Captain Sisko’s favorite board game? “Settlers of Deep Space Nine.”
  • Why was the Vulcan chef a master of molecular gastronomy? Because their dishes were always “logically delicious.”
  • Why did the Ferengi become a weatherman? They had a knack for predicting “fair windfalls.”
  • What’s a Klingon’s favorite kind of gardening? “War-den design.”
  • Why did Dr. Bashir become a therapist? He wanted to “cure” people with his charm.
  • What’s the Ferengi’s favorite time of day? “Profit o’clock.”
  • Why did the Klingon bring a broom to the bridge? To “sweep” the galaxy clean of enemies.
  • Why did the Ferengi open a bakery on the Enterprise? To make some serious dough!
  • Why did the Starfleet officer bring a ladder to the bar? Because they heard the drinks were out of this world.

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Laughter truly is the universal language, and Star Trek’s wit transcends the boundaries of time and space. These jokes are a testament to the enduring humor of this beloved franchise. 

So, whether you’re a Trekkie or just a casual fan, remember that in the vast expanse of the cosmos, there’s always room for a good laugh.

Are there any Star Trek-themed comedy shows or episodes?

Yes, Star Trek has featured humorous moments in various series and even had an entire comedy-focused episode titled “The Outrageous Okona” in “Star Trek: The Next Generation.”

Do Star Trek actors enjoy telling jokes about the show?

Many Star Trek actors have embraced the humor surrounding their characters and have shared jokes and anecdotes related to their time in the franchise.

What’s the funniest Star Trek movie or episode?

Humor is subjective, but many fans consider “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home” to be one of the funniest movies in the franchise.

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The Funniest Jokes That'll Speak To Every "Star Trek" Fan's Inner Nerd

Live long and prosper, Trekkies.

Michele Bird

BuzzFeed Contributor

If you've found yourself watching the Star Trek franchise on repeat, or effortlessly quoting one of the show's characters regularly, chances are you're one of the die-hard fans.

No matter if you started watching from the beginning, or just love the series in general, we've rounded up the funniest social media posts that'll speak to every trekkie's soul. check them out below:.

Dayton Ward 🖖😎 @daytonward There's no party like landing party. #StarTrek 01:07 PM - 18 Sep 2017 Reply Retweet Favorite
Evil Girafe 👁 @Lyrical_Girafe Same vibe. #Startrek 03:47 PM - 10 Oct 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite
Jay Stobie @StobiesGalaxy There's been a late addition to the crew of William Shatner's Blue Origin spaceflight... 🦖 #StarTrek 06:25 PM - 12 Oct 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite
soph @neonriddler star trek ds9 is one big meme 10:20 PM - 16 Sep 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite
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Which Star Trek joke or meme would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments!

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What does Star Trek and toilet paper have in common?

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best star trek joke ever

best star trek joke ever

Top 101 Star Trek Humor Jokes

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Star Trek is one of the most iconic movie franchises out there. That comes with many jokes . With that in mind, check out the top 101 Star Trek humor jokes.

Table of Contents

#101 – 90. Star Trek Humor Jokes

101. Q: How do you get a one-armed Klingon out of a tree? A: Wave to him

100. Where does a ten-foot Mugato sleep? Anywhere he wants to.

99. Q: How many Klingons does it take to change a lightbulb? A: TWO: One to screw it in, and one to stab the other in the back and take all of the credit

98. Q: Why was Amelia Bedelia afraid when Picard said that he wanted the Enterprise to be spotless? A: She thought he was planning to get rid of Data’s cat.

97. Q: What did Odo say when the redshirt wet their pants? A: “Urine big trouble.”

96. What do you get when you cross a shapeshifter and a musician? Yoko Odo.

95. Q: Why did the Klingon cross the road? A: To conquer the other side.

94. Q: Why doesn’t Quark trust Changelings? A: He thinks they’re too shifty.

93. Q: Who’s a major character from DS9? A: Kira.

92. What do you call a ten-foot Mugato? Sir.

91. How many Betazoids does it take to change a lightbulb? Two… one to change it & one to say, “Captain, I sense darkness.”

90. Q: What did Spock find in Kirk’s toliet? A: The Captian’s Log.

best star trek joke ever

#89 – 80. Star Trek Humor Jokes

89. What is the least popular show on Bajor? Keeping up with the Cardassians!

88. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Computer: Insufficient information.

87. Q: Why did the Klingon cross the road? A: To conquer the other side.

86. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Dr. McCoy: Dammit Jim!! I’m a doctor not an farmer!

85. Q: What did Odo say to Quark? A: “Don’t look now, I’m changing.”

84. Q: What did Worf say when small ice asteroids began hitting the Enterprise hull? A: “Captain, we are being hailed.”

83. Q: Why is Worf’s race so stubborn? A: They Klingon to tradition.

82. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Mr. Spock: Obviously, it was the logical thing to do.

81. Janice Rand brought a complaint to Captain Kirk: someone had drilled a hole into the wall of the women’s showers. He told her he’d look into it.

80. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Mr. Data: Why is a barn yard fowl crossing a thoroughfare humorous?

#79 – 70. Star Trek Humor Jokes

79. Q: Did you hear that the crew of the Enterprise is getting married? A: They have engaged the Borg

78. Q: What do you call a friend of Picard’s first officer? A: A Riker-liker.

77. How many Ferengi does it take to change a light bulb? Two: one for changing it and another one to sell the broken one.

76. Q: Have you heard the new Klingon army motto? A: Join the Klingon army. Visit exotic planets, meet interesting people, and kill them!

75. Q: What would you get if Dax’s family were waiting tables on rollerblades? A: Trills and spills.

74. Q: How many Borg does it take to change a light-bulb? A: All of them!

73. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: James T. Kirk: To boldly go where no chicken has gone before.

72. Q: Why did the Borg cross the road? A: Because it assimilated the chicken!

71. A stormtrooper and a Red Shirt get into a fight, the storm trooper misses every shot, but the red shirt dies anyway.

70. Q: Why was Star Trek so successful? A: It had good Genes.

#69 – 60. Star Trek Humor Jokes

69. Q: Why can’t Klingon kids play in sandboxes? A: Cats keep trying to cover them up.

68. Q: Have you read the book “Chekov: The Navigator”? A: It’s by: I. Kiptin

67. Q: How many Romulans does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: ONE HUNDRED FIFTY_ONE: One to screw the light bulb in, and 150 to self-destruct the ship out of disgrace.

66. Q: What do you call it when that Strategic Operations Officer on DS9 runs as fast as he can? A: Worf Speed

65. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: To boldly go where no chicken has gone before.

64. Q: What do you call it when Kira is late? A: A major delay.

63. Q: Did you hear that the crew of the Enterprise is getting married? A: They have engaged the Borg.

62. Q: What do the Klingons do with the dead bulb? A: Execute it for failure.

61. Q: What are Vulcan eyeglasses called? A: Spocktacles

60. Q: Why did someone go to Geordi LaForge for advice? A: Because they thought he would make a good ad-VISOR.

#59 – 50. Star Trek Humor Jokes

59. Q: Why couldn’t people make sense of Charles Tucker’s performance? A: It was too Trippy.

58. Q: What did one Borg say to one another right before their ship was destroyed in sector zero zero one? A: Hoisted by our own Picard.

57. Q: What did Spock find in Kirk’s toliet? A: The Captain’s Log

56. Q: What is Thomas Riker’s dating philosophy? A: “If at first you don’t succeed, try Troi again.”

55. Q: Why was Verad unfit for joining? A: He was a bad host.

54. Q: Why can’t Klingon kids play in sandboxes? A: Cats keep trying to cover them up

53. Q: What does a Romulan frog use for camouflage? A: A croaking device.

52. Show me a man who is a good loser…and I’ll show you a junior officer who is playing 3-D chess with his captain.

51. Q: How do you get a one-armed Klingon out of a tree? A: Wave to him.

50. Why was STAR TREK so successful? It had good Genes.

#49 – 40. Star Trek Humor Jokes

49. Q: What did the first officer answer when Picard asked “Why did you let Troi win at poker?” A: “Because I Riker.”

48. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Mr. Scott: ‘Cos ma wee transporter beam was na functioning properly. Ah canna work miracles, Captain.

47. Did you hear about the Federation weapons expert? He never forgets a phaser.

46. Q: How many ears does Picard have? A: Three. A right ear. A left ear. And a final front ear.

45. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Mr. Worf: For the honor of all chickens.

44. Q: How many Klingons does it take to change a lightbulb? A: NONE: Klingons aren’t afraid of the dark

43. Q: Why was Star Trek so successful? A: It had good Genes

42. Q: What’s the difference between Bones and his imposter? A: One’s the real McCoy.

41. Q: What do you call it when that Strategic Operations Officer on DS9 runs as fast as he can? A: Worf Speed.

40. Q: Have you read the book “Damn it Jim”? A: It’s by: Ima Doctor and Nada Bricklayer.

#39 – 30. Star Trek Humor Jokes

39. Who is the worst cook in Starfleet? Michael Burn-ham.

38. Q: What is Commander Rikers favorite hobby? A: Sewing, because the captain says “Make it so”.

37. Q: How many Vulcans does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: Approximately 1.00000000000000000000000000000000

36. Q: What do you call it when Lieutenant Paris sits on the floor? A: A Floor Tom.

35. Q: How many Borg does it take to change a light-bulb? A: All of them!

34. What do you call a Cardassian on a sailing ship? A sea-Gul.

33. Q: Why were Picard and his crew so confused when the android officer was kidnapped? A: Because they’d lost their Data.

32. Q: Did you hear about the Federation weapons expert? A: He never forgets a phaser.

31. Q: Why was the Andorian so sad? A: Because he was feeling blue.

30. Q: Why don’t the Borg go to prison? A: Because they obey the Lore!

#29 – 20. Star Trek Humor Jokes

29. How do you stop from falling out of a Bird of Prey? You just have to Klingon.

28. Q: What is Captain Picards biggest pet peeve? A: When the crew replaces his dilithium crystals with Folgers crystals.

27. Q: What did Spock say when he got buried in a pile of Tribbles? A: “I’m in Tribble!”

26. Q: What happened when Yeoman Rand complained that someone had cut a peephole in her cabin door? A: Captain Kirk promised to look into it.

25. Q: Why Did Lieutenant Uhuru look so shocked? A: Because William Shatner (shat in her).

24. Q: What does the Enterprise and Toliet paper have in common? A: They both circle Uranus wiping out Klingons.

23. Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: Counsilor Troi: I knew it was going to happen. I could sense it.

22. Defensive programming? Never! Klingon programs are always on the offense. Yes, offensive programming is what we do best.

21. Q: How did T’Pring’s parents react when they learned she was not marrying Spock? A: They were Stonned.

20. Q: What is Captain Picards biggest pet peeve? A: When the crew replaces his dilithium crystals with Folgers crystals.

#19 – 10. Star Trek Humor Jokes

19. Q: What do you get when you cross an amoeba with Voyager’s chief engineer? A: A B’Elanna split.

18. Q: What did O’Brien say when Keiko kept fussing over their daughter? A: “Stop Molly-coddling her.”

17. Q: What did one Borg say to one another right before their ship was destroyed in sector zero zero one? A: Hoisted by our own Picard.

16. Q: How many Klingons does it take to change a lightbulb? A: NONE: Klingons aren’t afraid of the dark.

15. Q: What did Worf say when small ice asteroids began hitting the Enterprise hull? A: “Captain, we are being hailed.”

14. Q: What do the Klingons do with the Klingon who replaces the bulb? A: Execute him for cowardice.

13. Q: What did Picard say as Data struggled to repair the Marclosian Stitching Machine? A: Make it sew.

12. Q: What does Kirk use to light a fire? A: The captain’s log.

11. Q: Did you hear about the new uniform making machine on the Enterprise? A: Piccard told Riker to “Make it sew, Number One.”

10. Q: Why did Worf change his hair color? A: It was a good day to dye.

#9 – 1. Star Trek Humor Jokes

9. Q: Where do the Borg eat fast food? A: At their local Borger King!

8. Q: Why don’t the Borg go to prison? A: Because they obey the Lore!

7. Kirk: Bones, that man is choking! Do Something! McCoy: Damn it, Jim, I’m a Doctor not a… oh, yeah right.

6. Q: Did you hear about the Federation weapons expert? A: He never forgets a phaser.

5. Q: How many Klingons does it take to change a lightbulb? A: TWO: One to screw it in, and one to stab the other in the back and take all of the credit.

4. Q: Have you read the book “The Positronic Brain”? A: It’s by: Anne Droid

3. Q: What do the Klingons do with the dead bulb? A: Execute it for failure.

2. Q: What are eyeglasses called on Vulcan? A: Spocktacles Cross The Road

1. How many crew members of the Voyager does it take to change a lightbulb? I don’t know, but they’ll blow up at least one shuttle while doing it.

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50 Funny Star Trek Jokes

Here are 50  Funny Star Trek Jokes  and the Best Star Trek Puns  for Kids and Adults.

Here is our top list of Star Trek   Dad Jokes . Find your favorite puns about Star Trek and  then share them with your friends and family to make fun.

Table of Contents

  • Star Trek Jokes

Here are 50 jokes about Star Trek.

1. Why did the Klingon refuse to play cards with the crew? Because he heard they were always up to some “card-assign” activities!

2. How does a Vulcan clean his computer screen? He uses “Spock and span”!

3. Why don’t Starfleet officers ever get lost? Because they always “Data” their coordinates!

4. What did Captain Picard say when he finished his tea? “Earl Grey, hot, and steeped to perfection. Make it so!”

5. Why did the Romulan enroll in cooking school? He wanted to learn how to make “war bread”!

6. How do you organize a space party? You are “planet”!

7. What’s Worf’s favorite genre of music? Heavy “Klingon”!

8. Why did the holodeck malfunction? Because it couldn’t handle “reality”!

9. How does a Starfleet officer stay warm in space? He stands near a “Warp” core!

10. Why did the Borg go to therapy? Because they had too many “resistance” issues!

Star Trek Jokes

11. What’s a Ferengi’s favorite dessert? “Profit-erole”!

12. Why was the computer cold? Because it left its “Windows” open in space!

13. What’s a Cardassian’s favorite game? “Gul”f!

14. How do you calm down an angry Andorian? You give him some “coolant”!

15. Why was the Klingon chef bad at baking? Because he could never get the “dough’k’tah” right!

16. Why did the Vulcan refuse to play hide and seek? Because he thought it was illogical to hide when you can be “Spock’n”!

17. How do you know if a Trill is lying? When their story starts to have “too many hosts”!

18. Why don’t Starfleet officers ever get locked out of their ships? Because they always “Khan” open a comm!

19. What’s Bajoran’s favorite breakfast? “Orb”-cakes!

20. How do you organize a space race? You “set phasers to run”!

21. Why did the Tribble apply for a job? Because it wanted to “fur”-ther its career!

22. What’s a Klingon’s favorite game console? The “PlaySto-vo-kor”!

23. Why did the Starfleet officer bring a ladder to the Enterprise? Because he heard the ship had a “high” command!

24. How do you throw a surprise party on the Enterprise? You “beam” everyone into the holodeck!

25. Why did the Romulans go to school? To learn how to “cloak” his real intentions!

26. What do you call a Vulcan musician? A “rock”!

27. How did the Vulcan get in trouble at school? He couldn’t stop “raising an eyebrow” at the teacher!

28. What’s a Cardassian’s favorite dance move? The “Garak-twerk”!

29. Why did the Andorian bring a pillow to the negotiation? He wanted to have a “soft” stance!

30. What’s a Ferengi’s favorite song? “Gold-pressed Latinum Digger”!

Star Trek Jokes

31. How do you fix a broken holodeck? You “Q” the repairman!

32. Why did the Bajoran go to the art gallery? To find some “Inspiron”!

33. What’s a Klingon’s favorite exercise? “Bat’leth” curls!

34. Why did the Borg start a gardening club? They wanted to “assimilate” all the knowledge about plants!

35. What do you call a malfunctioning replicator? A “copycat”!

36. How does a Klingon apologize? He says, “I’m sorry, but your honor has been restored!”

37. Why did the Ferengi invest in a bakery? Because he knew it was a “dough”-dominant market!

38. What’s a Romulan’s favorite game show? “Deal or No “Deal’!

39. How does a Starfleet officer get a haircut? He goes to the “trim line”!

40. Why did the Vulcan refuse to play musical chairs? Because it was “illogical” to get emotional about a seat!

Best Star Trek jokes

Here are some  Best Star Trek Jokes.

41. What’s a Cardassian’s favorite kind of joke? A “torture”-d pun!

42. How did the Borg feel after a software update? They were “assimilated” with the changes!

43. Why did the Klingon bring a ladder to the battle? He heard the enemy ship had a “high” command bridge!

44. What do you call a malfunctioning transporter? A “tele-fail-station”!

45. Why did the Romulan join a gym? To work on his “cloaking” muscles!

Star Trek Jokes

46. How does a Ferengi sell a starship? He offers a “profit-sharing” deal!

47. Why was the Starfleet officer bad at poker? Because he couldn’t “warp” his mind around bluffing!

48. What’s a Klingon’s favorite type of book? Anything with “blood” chapters!

49. Why did the Vulcan refuse to eat his vegetables? He thought it was “highly illogical” to consume plants!

50. What’s a Borg’s favorite game to play at parties? “Assimilation” charades!

Final Thoughts about Star Trek Jokes

I hope these Star Trek   jokes brought a smile to your face!  You can find them from  YOJOKE  to hear more  Funny Jokes

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Laugh Your Way Through the Galaxy With These Funny Star Trek Jokes

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by Eric Russell

- 30 Sep 2023

Welcome to the Galaxy’s best source for Star Trek jokes. 

Star Trek is a well-known franchise that has captured the hearts and minds of many people for years. What you may not know is that there are some funny jokes about Star Trek out there. While you might not have the same humour as the writer of these jokes, you can still get a good laugh out of them. 

Having said that, here you can find all the best jokes from the show, dating all the way back almost fifty years to the original series. All of these jokes are funny, clean, and family-friendly. 

Hilarious Star Trek Jokes

  • A very furry pet that’s highly logical about shedding!
  • Because he wanted to make some “profit”able treats and finally prove that “dough” is the universal language!
  • With honor, of course, but he prefers it “Klingon Strong” enough to wake the dead!
  • Because they had trouble adapting to their feelings, and the therapist was the only one who could “resist” their emotional assimilation!
  • So he could learn how to “make it so” on the canvas, and he’s been boldly painting ever since!
  • Worfleball! It’s like baseball but with more honor and fewer strikes!
  • It was a good day to dye.
  • You just have to Klingon.
  • There are three. The left ear, the right ear, and finally a final front ear.
  • BORGer King!
  • He engaged the Borg!
  • He had a one trek mind!
  • One for changing and the other for selling the broken one.
  • They Klingon.
  • He uses a croaking device!
  • The Captain’s Log!
  • Sewing, because Captain Picard is always saying “Make it so!”
  • Worf Speed!
  • Spocktacles!
  • Science Friction!
  • Because it has good Genes!
  • Chicken Spocks!
  • To conquer the other side!
  • Because it assimilated the chicken!
  • Because it was logical!
  • Because his transporter beam wasn’t working!
  • Wave to him!
  • It needed new Spock plugs!
  • Quarker Oats!
  • All of them, because they are one!
  • None. Real warriors aren’t afraid of the dark!

Here are some more of our favorite movies and characters quotes: most iconic Star Wars quotes , funniest Star Wars jokes and timeless Yoda quotes . 

Funny Star Trek One-Liners

  • That’s a Wookie mistake!
  • The prize is called the enter prize!
  • the Klingon misses every shot, but the red shirt dies regardless!

The Star Trek Character Quiz

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There is no doubt that we are living in a complicated world and it’s difficult to keep up with everything that is going on.

So when you need a break from the chaos of the world, you just need to watch Star Trek. It’s a fun way to take a break from the daily grind and get some laughs while you do it. It’s got its own sense of humor and if you are feeling down or need a laugh, Star Trek is always there for you.

Is there still a Star Trek joke in your mind? Share it with us too, and let’s have fun and escape the chaos of the world.

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About the author

Eric Russell

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43 Funny Star Trek Jokes That Will Make You Love Klingons


For those of you who have a Star Trek fandom in your family, you’re going to enjoy our ultimate compilation of the funniest Star Trek jokes in the galaxy. A classic joke is always a hit with kids, and it’s even better when it’s connected to one of their favorite movies or television series. We’ve compiled a list of hilarious jokes to keep them entertained.

Here we have the most hilarious jokes from your favorite science fiction show. Even if you’re not a Trekkie, you’ll laugh out loud at these hilarious Star Trek jokes!

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Funny Star Trek Jokes

These jokes about Star Trek will have the kids laughing like they’ve never laughed before, and we are sure that you will be laughing along with them.

How does a Romulan frog stay camouflaged? He uses a croaking device!

How does a Romulan frog stay camouflaged? He uses a croaking device!

Why did Riker die from friendly fire? Because Picard ordered “Fire at Will!”

What do you call two science officers having an argument? Science Friction!

If Spock has pointy ears, then what does Scotty have? Engineers!

Why is Star Trek so successful? Because it has good Genes!

What illness did everyone on the Enterprise catch that made them red and itchy? Chicken Spocks!

Laugh more: Funny Chicken Jokes

What did Scotty say when little shards of ice began hitting the Enterprise? “Captain, we are being hailed!”

What do you call a Klingon with half a brain? A genius!

Why did the Enterprise have to go to the garage for repair? It needed new Spock plugs!

What is Commander Riker’s favourite hobby? Sewing, because Captain Picard is always saying “Make it so!”

Where do the Borg go to eat fast food? Borger King!

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Where do the Borg go to eat fast food? Borger King!

What’s it called when a crew member on Deep Space 9 runs as fast as he can? Worf Speed!

What are glasses called on planet Vulcan? Spocktacles!

How do you stop yourself from falling out of a Bird of Prey? You have to Klingon!

How do you get a one-armed Klingon down from a tree? Wave to him!

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Star Trek One-Liners

This collection of fantastic Star Trek one liners will make Captain Kirk laugh out loud. Have fun!

Did you hear about the Klingon’s plan to wrap the Enterprise in silver paper? Luckily, the plan was foiled!

When Star Trek fans go to a convention, they always get a gift. It’s called the enter prize!

Did you hear that Kirk is getting married? He engaged the Borg!

Did you hear about the Captain of the Enterprise? He had a one trek mind!

I accidentally went to a Star Trek convention dressed as Chewbacca from Star Wars, What a Wookie mistake!

A Klingon and a red shirt get into a fight; the Klingon misses every shot, but the red shirt dies anyway!

A Klingon and a red shirt get into a fight; the Klingon misses every shot, but the red shirt dies anyway!

Star Trek Inside Jokes

Is Star Trek your favorite show? You will be able to relate to these hilarious Star Trek inside jokes that we have put together for you. Look over the list and be ready to share it with your friends.

How many Borg does it take to change a light bulb? All of them, because they are one!

How do you get a one armed Klingon down from a tree? Wave to him!

How many Klingons does it take to change a light bulb? None. Real warriors aren’t afraid of the dark!

How many Klingons does it take to change a light bulb? Two. One to change the bulb and one to shoot the first in the back and take all the credit!

I tried to sneak into a Star Trek convention disguised as a Doctor. The security guard suspected I was not the Real McCoy.

How do you say where is the bathroom in Klingon? nuqDaq ‘oH puchpa”e’

Star Trek Data Jokes

Data is an interesting character in Star Trek. He is an android with an artificial intelligence system implanted into his body. Have fun with these jokes. 

Why was Captain Picard so confused when the android disappeared? Because they’d lost their Data!

The Star Trek crew couldn’t use the internet outside of WiFi range. They didn’t have commander data with them.

Why did the chicken cross the road? Mr. Data: Why is a barn yard fowl crossing a thoroughfare humorous?

Why did the chicken cross the road? Mr. Data: Why is a barn yard fowl crossing a thoroughfare humorous?

What does every Star Trek fan ask for from a mobile network? Unlimited Data.

If I have a son I will name him Data, after Mr.Data from Star Trek. If it’s a girl, we’ll pronounce it Data.

Lessons learned from Star Trek: Nemesis. Always remember to backup your Data.

Captain Kirk Jokes

Captain Kirk built a reputation for himself as one of the most entertaining and well-liked pop culture celebrities of all time.

Did you hear Kirk reciting verse at Warp Speed? It was poetry in motion!

How many ears does Captain Kirk have? Three. A right ear, a left ear, and a final front-ear!

What did Mr. Spock find in Captain Kirk’s toilet? The Captain’s Log!

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What did Mr. Spock find in Captain Kirk's toilet? The Captain's Log!

William Shatner, Star Trek’s Captain Kirk, is said to be extremely disappointed after the collapse of his recently launched women’s underwear business… Apparently, nobody was interested in buying ‘Shatner Panties’.

What would Captain Kirk be called if he wrote poetry? Prose and Khans.

What did Captain Kirk do when his girlfriend told him she had a defecation fetish? William Shat-on-her

Why did Captain Kirk take such a long time in the washroom? Because he was fighting the Klingons.

What’s a star trek fan’s favourite drink? Picardi and Kirk

Captain Kirk told his girlfriend he was into scat… …then he Shatner.

Star Trek does a terrific job of tapping into the broader cultural conversation that is why many people love it. There are philosophical, ethical, and social experiments in the show as it seeks to explain future technology and humanity.

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The Funniest Moments In Star Trek History

Picard in Robin Hood garb

Odds are when you think of "Star Trek," humor isn't the first thing that springs to mind. At least, not intentional humor. You think of things like ridged alien foreheads, the pointy-eared Spock lecturing Dr. McCoy about logic, or officers shouting out diminishing shield percentages during spaceship battles. To many, "Star Trek" is only funny when it's not trying to be, like Captain Kirk slapping himself silly in the original series' "Plato's Stepchildren." Or the mugato from "A Private Little War," who is meant to horrify viewers but — because it's basically a white-haired monkey-lizard with a unicorn horn — inspires a completely different response.

But while the stories may be best known for their sci-fi concepts and dense technical jargon, "Star Trek" creators have proven they know how to turn on the funny ever since the early days of the franchise. Whether they're entire episodes, hilarious scenes, or little more than a couple of lines of dialogue, here's what we count as the funniest moments in the history of "Star Trek." 

By the way, since it's more of a comedy than any other "Trek" property, we figured it wouldn't be fair to include examples from "Star Trek: Lower Decks" — otherwise we could have mentioned almost nothing but that series. 

Odo gets a zinger in on Quark

One of the most fun conflicts to witness on "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine," is the back and forth between Constable Odo (René Auberjonois) and the scheming Ferengi Quark (Armin Shimerman). One of their funniest exchanges happens in Season 4's "The Way of the Warrior," just before the epic battle between the eponymous station and a fleet of Klingon ships. 

Finding Quark outside his bar, Odo tells him it's time to head to the emergency shelter, but Quark assures Odo he intends to defend his property. Quark isn't known for being able to defend himself against so much as a tribble, much less battle-hardened Klingon warriors, so Odo is understandably skeptical. The bartender produces a box that he thinks holds a disrupter pistol. When he opens the box, boldly claiming he'll "be ready for" the Klingons, rather than a weapon, there's a note inside. Without skipping a beat or asking permission, Odo grabs the note and reads it — it's from Quark's brother Rom, informing him he gutted his disruptor to fix their replicator.  

Snatching the paper from Odo, Quark yells, "I will kill him!" 

Odo, clearly satisfied with this turn of events, responds, "With what?"

Picard hams it up to save Lwaxana Troi

One of the funniest recurring characters ever to appear in "Star Trek" is Deanna Troi's intrusive and flirtatious mother Lwaxana, played by the late Majel Barrett . In her third appearance on "Star Trek: The Next Generation" — Season 3's "Ménage à Troi" — her predicament forces Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) to deliver a speech so ridiculously over-the-top that even if you've never watched "TNG," you've likely seen the memes inspired by it.

After Will Riker (Jonathan Frakes), Deanna (Marina Sirtis), and Lwaxana are kidnapped by the Ferengi DaiMon Tog, Lwaxana succeeds in getting Riker and her daughter sent back to the Enterprise by promising to be Tog's lover. When the Enterprise contacts Tog, Lwaxana plays at not wanting to be rescued, and tells Picard that "it's over" between them. Deanna figures out what her mother is doing, and tells Picard he will have to fight for her. 

In a display so melodramatic it would even make William Shatner groan, Picard professes his love for Lwaxana, threatens Tog with annihilation, and recites famous lines from Shakespearean sonnets with as much grandiose flair as he can muster. Worf watches in disgust, looking like he's about to rage-puke. It's Picard like you've never seen him, and probably wouldn't want to see him again. 

The tribbles make their first appearance

One of the funniest episodes of "Star Trek" arrives in Season 2 of "Star Trek: The Original Series." In "The Trouble with Tribbles," things start off on a much more serious note. The Enterprise is already on its way to Deep Space Station K-7, but they put the pedal to the metal when they receive an alert that the station is under attack. The alert proves to be a false alarm but there is danger waiting at K-7: a domineering Federation bureaucrat, a Klingon spy, and a space trader named Cyrano Jones (Stanley Adams) who sells members of the Enterprise crew some of the most troublesome pets in the galaxy — tribbles.

"The Trouble with Tribbles" is a classic, and one of the first examples of a whimsically goofy "TOS" episode that makes a point of not taking itself too seriously. From the countless puffballs that multiply faster than a gremlin in a tropical storm, to the ridiculous barroom brawl between the Klingons and Enterprise crew members, to the peddler Cyrano Jones willing to risk life and limb in order to score a free drink, "The Trouble with Tribbles" is a great time.

Bashir and O'Brien plan Worf's death right before his wedding

In "You Are Cordially Invited," when Worf (Michael Dorn) and Jadzia (Terry Farrell) marry in Season 6 of "DS9," Worf invites Chief O'Brien (Colm Meaney) and Doctor Bashir (Alexander Siddig), among others, to the ritual of Kal'Hyah. Thinking they can expect the Klingon version of a bachelor party, they happily accept. But rather than drinking or exotic dancers, the path to Kal'Hyah involves fasting for four days and nights, being drained of blood, hanging from a pole over intense heat, and other creative tortures. 

When Worf abruptly cancels the wedding, Bashir and O'Brien are thrilled to cut their torment short and head straight to Quark's for a feast. But before they can sink their teeth in, Sisko (Avery Brooks) and Martok (J.G. Hertzler) arrive to let them know the wedding's back on, and when Quark takes their untouched food away, you can practically hear them whining like disappointed puppies.

After several vows from both friends that they're going to "kill Worf," the wedding finally arrives and part of the friends' duty — as part of Klingon tradition — is to attack Worf and Jadzia with blunted weapons called Ma'Stakas. While everyone else applauds the newlyweds' kiss, Bashir looks like Obi-Wan Kenobi waiting for a force field to come down, incessantly asking Martok, "Now?" When Martok finally gives the word, Bashir and O'Brien rush Worf and Jadzia with cries of rage and the credits roll to the sound of the mock battle.

Spock doesn't like Italian food

One of the best "Star Trek" films featuring the original crew is 1986's "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home." In order to answer the call of an alien probe which is blindly triggering power losses and apocalyptic storms on Earth, Kirk (William Shatner) and his crew must go back in time to recover a humpback whale — a species extinct by the 23rd century. 

While "TOS" had plenty of instances of sending the heroes back in time, none of those stories feel as natural or believable as "Star Trek IV." Rather than facing any particular physical threat, the biggest challenge the heroes face is culture shock. They don't have money, when they try to use a bus they're stymied by the need for "exact change," and in particular they're confused by what Spock (Leonard Nimoy) calls "colorful metaphors," i.e. all the swearing.

One of the funniest scenes involves Kirk and Spock trying to earn the trust of the marine biologist Dr. Gillian Taylor (Catherine Hicks). Kirk is trying, and failing, to seem like the "normal" one compared to Spock. When Gillian asks them if they like Italian food, one of the most natural, adorably funny moments ever in "Star Trek" unfolds, as Kirk and Spock bicker like an angry old couple, with Spock insisting "no" and Kirk saying "yes" about a half dozen times each.

Worf is no merry man

Because of the machinations of the mischievous entity Q — one of the greatest "Star Trek" villains — Captain Picard, his senior staff, and Picard's old flame Vash find themselves transported to Sherwood Forest in Season 4's "Qpid."

There's little about "Qpid" that won't make you laugh. Picard and his senior officers are made up as Robin Hood's merry men, including Data (Brent Spiner), who bears the famous bald dome of Friar Tuck. Worf is, predictably, the most incensed by the situation, famously complaining to Picard, "Sir, I protest. I am not a merry man!" 

The most laugh-out-loud moment comes when Geordi (Levar Burton), much more comfortable in his role as Alan-a-Dale than Worf is as Will Scarlett, rests and plucks at his mandolin. Without comment or permission, Worf calmly walks over to Geordi, grabs the mandolin, and — in a wonderful homage to 1978's "National Lampoon's Animal House" — smashes the instrument against a nearby tree.

Kirk and Spock are hilarious as wiseguys

If you're a "Star Trek" fan, then you no doubt are familiar with the Prime Directive, which prohibits members of Starfleet from interfering with the natural progression of any society outside the United Federation of Planets . Serving as a comically dangerous example of why the Prime Directive exists is the "TOS" Season 2 episode, "A Piece of the Action." 

One hundred years before the events of the episode — before the Prime Directive is established — Sigma Iotia II is visited by the Earth ship Horizon. To help teach the planet's natives, the Horizon crew leaves behind a number of books, including a non-fiction book titled "Chicago Mobs of the Twenties." After the Horizon leaves, the Iotians come to see this book as a holy text and base their entire culture on it. When Kirk, Spock, and McCoy (DeForest Kelley) beam down to the planet, they find a world where just about every grown male dresses and speaks like tough guys in mobster movies, and people openly carry Tommy Guns up and down the street as if there was nothing strange about it.

Along with the episode's crazy premise, "A Piece of the Action" gets even funnier once Kirk and Spock get hold of their own mobster get-ups and Kirk starts doing his own impersonation of a Chicago gangster. Shatner wouldn't fool anyone on Earth, and it's tough to tell whether that's intentional, which just makes the whole thing funnier.

Star Trek made fun of itself in Trials and Tribble-ations

Early in Season 5 of "DS9," the series made television history with "Trials and Tribble-ations" in a way that only a "Star Trek" series could. Using technology that had been popularized with the 1994 film "Forrest Gump," the cast of the show is sent back in time to the 1967 "TOS" episode "The Trouble with Tribbles," and somehow manages to get more laughs than the earlier episode.

Along with perfectly recreating the sets, props and wardrobe of the earlier series, "Tribble-ations" uses the opportunity to poke fun at itself. O'Brien, the tireless engineer, is so lost on the Enterprise that when he tries to perform routine maintenance, he takes out all the nearby lights. Bashir gets hit on by a woman he becomes convinced is his great-grandmother, and afterward he considers the possibility that if he doesn't get involved with her, he might never be born. 

Hands down, the best moment comes when a waitress points out a table full of Klingons . Everyone but Worf is confused, because, of course, Klingons look a lot different in the original series. It's the first time in the franchise anyone acknowledges what always seems like a glaring inconsistency, and it comes off perfectly. 

Scotty gets drunk and gives dirty looks in Relics

In all of the examples of crossovers between "TNG" and "TOS," the funniest is "Relics," the Season 6 "TNG" episode in which the Enterprise crew saves Montgomery Scott (James Doohan) from his 75-year wait in a transporter buffer.

Often just as sad as it is funny, "Relics" finds Scotty trying to feel relevant in this new century, eventually pestering Geordi La Forge so much that the younger engineer loses it and yells at Scotty. With the surprising aid of Data, Scotty gets hammered with a drink the android can only identify with "it is green" — a hilarious callback to Scotty's own dialogue while attempting to drink an alien under the table in the Season 2 "TOS" episode "By Any Other Name." His slurred, annoyed exchange with the holodeck computer while trying to recreate the deck of the original Enterprise is wonderful. 

There's also a perfect, blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment at the end of the episode that perfectly reflects one of the biggest differences between "TNG" and "TOS." As Scotty is leaving the ship, sharing handshakes and kisses on the cheek with the different officers, his only farewell to the Klingon Worf is a quick but unmistakably dirty look.  

Scotty has trouble with a computer

Imagine being suddenly transported to the 23rd century and needing to use a computer more advanced than anything you'd ever seen. Well, in "Star Trek IV," Scotty and McCoy are confused not by how advanced a computer is, but how primitive . 

On their quest to bring 20th century humpback whales back to the 23rd century, Scotty, McCoy, and Sulu (George Takei) are tasked with figuring out a way to construct a makeshift aquarium aboard the Bounty. While Sulu secures an aircraft, Scotty and McCoy find a plexiglass manufacturer and pretend to be famous scientists with an appointment to tour the factory. At the end of the tour, Scotty plans to offer the head of the plant, Dr. Nichols, the futuristic formula to transparent aluminum, but he needs to use Nichols' computer to prove it can work. 

Twice, Scotty tries using the computer by saying "Computer," predictably without luck. Thinking he's figured it out, McCoy hands Scotty the mouse. Smiling widely, Scotty holds the mouse to his face like a walkie talkie and says, "Hello, computer." Finally Nichols, annoyed at this point, says, "Just use the keyboard." 

The Magnificent Ferengi is the best Ferengi episode

"DS9" enjoys a lot of great, and usually funny, Ferengi episodes. Arguably the best of them features a surprising amount of gallow's humor — Season 6's "The Magnificent Ferengi."

Quark's mother Ishka is kidnapped by the Dominion. To get her back, Quark arranges for a prisoner exchange. When Quark assembles the titular "magnificent" Ferengi, it feels like a farcical version of "Ocean's Eleven." Along with Quark is Rom, his nephew Nog, the usually villainous Liquidator Brunt, Quark's now penniless cousin Galia, and a new character — the assassin Leck. Together they transport the Vorta Keevan to DS9's abandoned twin station Empok Nor for the prisoner exchange, and things are going fine until Galia unintentionally kills Keevan.

With Keevan's death, the episode stops feeling like a parody of "Ocean's Eleven" and becomes a more thrilling, but still funny, version of "Weekend at Bernie's." Fitting Keevan's corpse with neural stimulators, Nog manages to manipulate Keevan's corpse just long enough to make it walk partway down the hall during the prisoner exchange, just long enough for the Ferengi to secure Ishka. Then the corpse turns and walks into a wall — continuing to try walk through it like a glitching video game character. For a cherry on top, the Vorta sent to collect Keevan — Yelgrun — is played by the godfather of punk himself, Iggy Pop .

Scotty knows this ship...

Considering it's arguably the worst "Star Trek" movie ever made, the fact that 1989's "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" remains William Shatner's only turn as a "Trek" director — not counting his "Trek" documentaries — shouldn't come as a surprise. But the film isn't without its merits. It's one of the funnier entries in the franchise, though some of its detractors would argue that in part it's the movie's over-reliance on humor that weighs it down. But one easy, uncharacteristically slapstick moment in "Star Trek V" survives as one of the franchise's most uproarious gags.

After the forces loyal to Spock's fanatical brother Sybok seize control of the Enterprise, Kirk, Spock, and Dr. McCoy are imprisoned in the brig, but not for long. After Scotty frees them with explosives, the liberated trio make a plan to sneak their way to the emergency transmitter, but they're worried about search parties. Scotty gives them directions he's confident should steer them clear of Sybok's people. Before the trio rushes off, Kirk emphatically thanks Scotty and calls him "amazing."

Turning and walking in the other direction, Scotty mutters, "There's nothing amazing about it. I know this ship like the back of my hand." With a loud "BONG!" Scotty's forehead connects with a bulkhead he should have easily been able to avoid. He crashes to the ground, unconscious. It's perfectly timed and classic.

Keiko's second pregnancy scares Worf

If you understand the context, the single-word response Worf delivers to Quark in "Accession" — a Season 4 episode of "DS9" — should make you laugh hard enough to knock you out of any recliner, couch, or captain's chair. Dr. Bashir and O'Brien are sharing a drink in Quark's bar, discussing the news that O'Brien's wife Keiko is pregnant with another baby. It's just then that, behind Bashir and O'Brien, Quark runs into Worf and says, "Did you hear? Keiko's going to have another baby."

To understand what happens next, you need to know that five years earlier in the Season 5 "TNG" episode "Disaster," much of the Enterprise is rendered inoperable and most of the crew is stranded in different parts of the ship. This, of course, is when Keiko O'Brien — pregnant with her first baby — goes into labor while stuck in Ten Forward. As the most qualified crew member — but still with precious little medical knowledge — it's Worf who's forced to assist with Keiko's pregnancy, and it's clear for every second of it he'd rather be facing down an entire army of Romulans. 

So this is why, five years later in "Accession," when Quark delivers the news that "Keiko's going to have another baby," Worf's immediate reaction is to respond with a panicked "Now?!?"

best star trek joke ever

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The Best Insults from Star Trek

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Star Trek  has been an institution of science-fiction in the world since it first debuted back in the late 1960s. In more than 50 years of broadcast across seven television series and 10 films ,  Star Trek  has had its fair share of amazing, and funny, insults thrown about from one character to another. You probably don't think about it often when you consider  Star Trek , but some characters had incredible one-liners and insults attributed to them—but which insulting lines are best?

For fans of the series, some of these will be pretty obvious while other quotes are less familiar. We could have included over a dozen excellent insults in Klingon, but wanted to keep them culturally familiar and in English, so you won't find any mentions of "Hab SoSlIj Quch!" here. What you will find are some of the best-written and cleverest insults spread about more than 50 years of amazing television and film.

Check out the list of funny lines below and be sure to vote up the most insulting quotes.

I’m trying to thank you, you pointed-eared hobgoblin!

I’m trying to thank you, you pointed-eared hobgoblin!

God I liked him better before he died.

God I liked him better before he died.

Up yer shaft!

Up yer shaft!

Double dumbass on you!

Double dumbass on you!

It would be most interesting to impress your memory engrams on a computer, Doctor. The resulting torrential flood of illogic would be most entertaining.

It would be most interesting to impress your memory engrams on a computer, Doctor. The resulting torrential flood of illogic would be most entertaining.

I didn't mean to say that the Enterprise should be hauling garbage. I meant to say that it should be hauled away as garbage.

I didn't mean to say that the Enterprise should be hauling garbage. I meant to say that it should be hauled away as garbage.

I have never before questioned the intelligence of any representative of the Federation . . . until now!

I have never before questioned the intelligence of any representative of the Federation . . . until now!

Are you out of your Vulcan mind!?

Are you out of your Vulcan mind!?

Yes, Genesis! How can you be deaf with ears like that?

Yes, Genesis! How can you be deaf with ears like that?

Eat any good books lately?

Eat any good books lately?

On the contrary. I find you obvious and vulgar.

On the contrary. I find you obvious and vulgar.

All right, you mutinous, disloyal, computerized half-breed!

All right, you mutinous, disloyal, computerized half-breed!

What makes you think you're a man? You're an overgrown jackrabbit. An elf with a hyperactive thyroid.

What makes you think you're a man? You're an overgrown jackrabbit. An elf with a hyperactive thyroid.

You obtuse piece of flotsam!

You obtuse piece of flotsam!

Would you leave us, Merrick? The thoughts of one man to another cannot possibly interest you.

Would you leave us, Merrick? The thoughts of one man to another cannot possibly interest you.

And you're a liar. I think we both understand each other.

And you're a liar. I think we both understand each other.

Microbrain, growl for me! Let me know you still care!

Microbrain, growl for me! Let me know you still care!

Only a veruul would use such language in public.

Only a veruul would use such language in public.

Weren't you one of the little people?

Weren't you one of the little people?

I don't like the Dominion, I don't like what it stands for, and I don't like you.

I don't like the Dominion, I don't like what it stands for, and I don't like you.

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The 20 Funniest Star Trek Episodes

Star Trek, a sci-fi franchise, has been known to tackle all kinds of genres within its series; here are example of when the series did comedy best.

When Star Trek is mentioned, most folks think of the drama. Throughout its various incarnations, Trek has provided truly groundbreaking storylines that make viewers think as well as be entertained. From views on religion, lifestyle, culture and even war, the franchise has moved fans to tears and shifted a lot of thinking. Which is why it’s so notable how downright funny the shows can be. There was always some humor with sharp lines going back to the terrific Spock/Bones banter. The other series continued that with some fun stuff. The Ferengi added comedy by how they went from supposed villains to money-hungry figures that made their antics better. That’s not to mention characters who are downright snarky geniuses, like Garak.

Several episodes are able to balance the drama with some lighter fare to stand out well. Even DS9 could bring some humor to brutal storylines so fans weren’t too broody. But even better is that Trek can embrace pure and full-on comedy wonderfully. True, some episodes don’t work out (quite a few from Voyager come to mind) but others work great. They have fun premises and the actors give their all to make it work nicely. While Enterprise didn’t offer a lot of these, the other Trek shows more than made up for it. Here are 20 of the funniest Star Trek episodes ever to show how it brought the laughs as much as drama for a sci-fi icon.


True, the funny in this mostly comes from how bad it is. Yet somehow, it makes for one of the few true joys of TOS’ final season. The Enterprise rescues six people from a cruiser being fired on by another ship. They are…well, there’s no other way to say it but that they’re space hippies. They’re led by the brilliant Dr. Sevrin who engages Spock in a long discussion that leads to Spock’s frank analysis that the guy is nuts. With horribly outdated slang, the group soon gets on Kirk’s nerves and he’s ready to dump that at the nearest starbase.

In response, the group pull off what has to be hands down the most ridiculous “take over a ship” plot in Trek history. Having tricked the crew into letting them do a concert with folk musical instruments, the hippies knock out the entire ship with a special ultrasonic frequency. They then fly it to a planet they’re convinced is paradise. The ending tries to be philosophical but just makes the story more ridiculous. If ever a Trek episode was “so bad it’s good,” it has to be this.


From the moment Seven of Nine joined Voyager , she and the Doctor connected. It made sense as Seven was a former Borg and the Doctor a hologram and each learning what it meant to be human. The chemistry between Jeri Ryan and Robert Picardo was good and led to some fun antics. None are better than in this episode as the duo are with Harry when they’re abducted by some smugglers. In order to keep from being erased, the Doctor hides his program inside of Seven’s neural implants and thus basically takes over her body. In other words, “Seven” is really the Doctor for most of this episode.

Ryan does an absolutely pitch-perfect impression of Picardo, nailing the Doctor’s arrogance and educated demeanor. There’s also joy in the Doctor indulging in cake, getting drunk and even making out with the alien captain. That sets up him briefly out of her body and Seven throwing a fit over his antics. Janeway’s reaction to the whole thing is priceless as well. Ryan and Picardo are obviously having pure fun with this to showcase how putting the two scene-stealers together created a fun-as-heck story.


Ironically, the kick-off to this episode is everyone on the station being down because of the threat by the Dominion. Jake figures he can cheer up his father by getting a rare Willie Mays baseball card that’s being auctioned off. He needs Nog’s help as the Federation doesn’t actually use money anymore. They’re outbid by a scientist who offers to trade the card for some services. Jake and Nog go around the station in a variety of weird jobs which actually ends up boosting the crew morale. When the scientist goes missing, Jake actually accuses Kai Winn of having something to do with it which causes Sisko to explode in anger.

It turns out the slimy Vorta Weyoun is behind this. He saw the goings-on and has become convinced Jake and Nog are on a secret mission of some sort (“the fate of the galaxy may rest on finding this Willie Mays and stopping him.”) Jake and Nog actually try to spin the story of Mays being a time traveler which is too outlandish even for Weyoun. It’s a terrific showcase for Jake and Nog’s friendship as their whacky hijinks actually end up working out in the end.


What’s better than one hammy Robert Picardo performance? Two of them bouncing off each other. Having found a communications link to the Alpha Quadrant, Voyager has been using the Doctor to talk to Starfleet. The Doctor learns that his creator, Lewis Zimmerman, is dying and naturally wants to help him. It doesn’t take long for the Doctor to realize Zimmerman is basically himself taken to the tenth power. An incredibly arrogant man, Zimmerman hates how the holograms that boasted his face are now being used for menial labor around the galaxy. This means some major clashes between the Doctor and his creator who is a horrible patient.

It was a challenge for Picardo to play against himself but he manages it well. A beautiful touch is Deanna Troi being brought in to try and mediate things between this “father and son” pairing. Instead, the duo’s constant bickering actually causes Troi to lose her cool and berate them both. Throw in everyone’s favorite geeky tech Barclay (Dwight Schultz) with his holographic iguanas and insects and it just gets wilder. There is a warm ending of the two finally bonding and each helping the other yet the comedy of seeing two versions of Picardo makes it a great episode


When one thinks of the Ferengi, “warriors’ is never a label that comes to mind. Which is why this spin on the classic movie is so much fun. Quark and Rom learn their mother has been abducted by the Dominion and have to figure out a rescue plan. They gather a team that includes Nog, Quark’s cousin, a nutjob and long-time nemesis Brunt. Quark gets them to help by promising shares of the 20 bars of gold the Nagus is offering (it's really 50 bars). They begin to run simulations of the raid on the holodeck which just shows how utterly inept they are as commandos (not only do they kill Quark’s mom but also each other).

Quark decides they need to do this the Ferengi way….by being sneaky and conniving cheats. They find a Dominion agent the Federation captured and offer to exchange him for Quark’s mom. Of course, things go off the rails as they end up accidentally killing their own hostage. Suddenly, we go from Seven Samurai to Weekend at Bernie’s as the Ferengi use a device to make the corpse walk to pull off the deal. Watching the banter of these morons is comedy gold that DS9 has rarely matched. It’s a scheme only Quark could manage to pull off for a hysterical episode that make the Ferengi heroes…of a sort.


It’s odd that the final season of Deep Space Nine , a year marked with a lot of darkness and destruction, boasts one of the funniest episodes of the entire series. Sisko reunites with Solok, an old Vulcan rival from his Academy days. Solok has long promoted Vulcans being superior to humans at anything. He wants to prove it by challenging Sisko to that exclusive Earth game of baseball. At first, Sisko is confident his crew can rise to the challenge. Sadly, Sisko has vastly overestimated his crews’ understanding of the game. It takes one holosuite practice for Sisko to realize the “Niners” make the Bad News Bears look like the New York Yankees.

Watching a man who has handled the deadliest alien threats completely lose it over baseball is glorious. Not helping is Odo jumping into the role of umpire and tossing Sisko out of the game. There’s touches from O’Brien chewing gum laced with Scotch to Worf treating this like an epic battle. The ending is fun in how the team claim a moral victory to show up the Vulcan after all. They may be bad ball players but that just made this episode even funnier.


Long before the Internet as we knew it existed, this TNG episode was providing fodder for future memes. The Enterprise is watching a moon threatening to crash into a planet when suddenly, a naked Q pops onto the bridge. It seems the Continuum have finally had enough of Q’s antics and so have stripped him of his powers. At first, the crew think Q is just playing one of his tricks until an alien race attacks him. Q is forced to admit that he came to the crew for protection as the slews of races he’s mistreated over the years are coming for payback.

Watching the arrogant Q forced to learn some humility is a genius idea. From back aches to what to eat, Q has no idea how to be a regular person and it shows. The crew are taking delight in seeing Q taken down a thousand pegs (Guinan actually stabs his hand with a fork) and his attempts to help just make things worse. It ends with Q being reinstated and celebrating with a mariachi band. This is the episode that gave us both the “Picard face-palm” and “Data laughing” images that become meme icons to show what a laugh riot it is.


After several episodes involving some of the most brutal fights of the Dominion War, DS9 needed to lighten up a bit. Thus, we have Dax and Worf tying the knot on the station. The crew figure it’ll be fun and are unprepared for the Klingon rituals involved. Instead of a stag party, Bashir and O’Brien are subjected to nights of fasting, hung over hot rocks and some other painful antics. Meanwhile, Jadzia throws a wild bachelorette party with dancing and drink that leaves the centuries-old Trill hung over.

We get some drama as a Klingon noblewoman threatens to call the whole thing off due to Worf’s difficult status with the Empire. That sets up arguments between the bride and groom that threaten to derail the wedding. They do come together to finally marry in a great ceremony topped by Bashir and O’Brien getting a chance at revenge on Worf. Leave it to a Klingon ceremony to bring some levity to a darker DS9 period.


From the beginning, this episode shows some fun. The Doctor is wowing everyone in the mess hall with his great singing voice. This causes Tuvok to break into an emotional outburst with the Doctor calming him down via song. Naturally, it’s just one of the Doctor’s daydreams which have been occurring more lately. We see more of them which includes Torres, Janeway and Seven fighting for his affections and then taking up command of the ship himself. The Doctor doesn’t realize that his dreams can be accessed via the holodeck and is deeply embarrassed when the crew stumble onto them.

As it happens, an alien scout has mistaken the dreams for reality and used them to encourage his fleet to attack Voyager. Realizing his mistake, the alien reaches out to the Doctor to solve things. The Doctor must thus pose as the “Emergency Command Program” after all but is far less effective in reality than in his fantasies. It’s a funny storyline that gives the Doctor a chance to shine nicely as a comedy player.


Put Quark, Rom and Nog together and trouble inevitably follows. The trio are embarking on a “family trip” to take Nog to Starfleet Academy. The typical Trek accident occurs which opens a portal and dumps the shuttle onto Earth. Specifically, Roswell, New Mexico in July of 1947. Yes, the three Ferengi were the “Roswell aliens.” The initial comedy comes from the humans trying to understand the Ferengi language which includes acting out games while the Ferengi treat them like utter lunatics. There’s also the Ferengi amazed at everything from humans smoking to them touching their ears.

Ignoring Rom and Nog’s warnings not to change the timeline, Quark plans to use his knowledge of the future to make a fortune. He seems to be doing well until he tries to impress the humans by making them believe the Ferengi are going to invade Earth. This almost puts the trio on the dissection table before Odo (who had stowed on board) is able to rescue them. Even then, we get bits on how they break out of the base. Their method of returning to the future is unique as the episode shows how Ferengi are comedy gold in any era.

John de Lancie was always a delight as Q, even in his later years. Voyager had played with the storyline of Q needing Janeway’s help to prevent a civil war in the Continuum. This involved he and a female Q creating their own child. In their view of time, the boy is now a teenager (who, in a clever touch, is played by de Lancie’s real son, Keegan). Teenagers are a hassle already but one with the powers of an omnipotent being is giving Q headaches. He thus turns to Janeway for help. The kid is a chip off the old block with everything from taking away Seven’s clothes to setting the ship against the Borg just for kicks.

It’s glorious watching Q at his wit’s end. He even pops in on Janeway while she’s in the bathtub to try and get advice. For long-time fans, the true fun is how Q is being hit by the classic curse of a kid that’s just like the person Q used to be. Poor Janeway has to play godmother to this mess with Q2 stripped of his powers but still causing mischief. This was Q’s final appearance and it was fitting to show how even an all-powerful being is out of his league understanding a teenager


In between the original series and the movie revival, the cast took part in a 1970s animated series. The animated format allowed for storylines that couldn’t be done in live action and often played on past TOS episodes. It thus made sense to do a full sequel to one of the best TOS episodes ever. The Enterprise sees a Klingon ship attacking a small cargo vessel and move to stop it. The ship’s captain is none other than Cyrano Jones, the merchant behind the original Tribble mess. He claims he’s “fixed” the Tribbles so they no long multiply and can’t understand why the Klingons are after him.

McCoy soon finds the flaw in Jones’ “cure”: The Tribbles don’t multiply but just get incredibly larger as they eat. We thus have the sight of Kirk finding a massive Tribble sitting in his captain’s chair and musing “I’ll allow it.” When the Klingons shoot a Tribble, it just breaks apart into a thousand more. It’s a good balance of action and comedy as once more, the Tribbles are used as weapons. And once more, Kirk ends up buried in them to show these little furballs cause trouble at any size.


Due to budget issues, the original Trek did a lot of episodes of the Enterprise crew meeting cultures much like old Earth. This episode actually presents a fun twist on the idea while offering great comedy. The Enterprise visits the planet Iotia which had been visited by a Starfleet vessel a century earlier. Beaming down, Kirk and Spock see a world that looks just like 1920s Chicago only with crime literally the only way of life. It seems that the earlier ship had left behind a book on the gangster culture which the naïve aliens used to build their entire society. The leader, Omnyx, wants the Federation to give him weapons to use against his rivals or he kills some hostages.

It’s a nutty set-up but it actually makes sense to allow the story to shine. The fun begins when Kirk distracts some guards by creating the most complicated card game in history. It amps up as he and Spock dress up in the period outfits and Spock figures out how to drive an old-styled car. Kirk decides he needs to talk to the aliens in their own language and it’s beautiful hearing William Shatner doing his best James Cagney impression. Even Spock can’t resist getting into the act. It may look crazy but it’s one of the best uses of a past era in TOS .


Any episode with Lwaxana Troi is bound to have some laughs in it. This is undoubtedly the best of the entire bunch. The Enterprise is visiting Betazed which naturally means Lwaxana is on board and hitting on Picard. She brushes off the attraction of a Ferengi named Tog as she’s more interested in pushing Deanna and Riker back together. The group is on a picnic when Tog abducts the two women and sets about to woo Lwaxana. Given how Ferengi’s views of females are…debatable to say the least, this doesn’t go very well.

Majel Barrett brings her usual charm and sass to the role with Lwaxana playing along with Tog’s moves in order to facilitate an escape. Riker and Troi also try to break out while the Enterprise is on the chase. This sets up one of the single greatest scenes in the show’s history as, to buy time, Picard proclaims his love for Lwaxana to Tog. Patrick Stewart goes beautifully over the top spouting out poetry and hamming it up to the point you can clearly see the other actors fighting not to break character. It’s the capper to a funny episode to show Lwaxana brings out the humor in anyone.


This episode starts off dramatic but that doesn’t last long. A new crewman turns out to be a robot who hijacks the Enterprise and takes it to a distant world. Beaming down, who should the crew find sitting on a throne but our old friend, Harry Mudd? The smarmy con artist escaped jail and crashed on this world filled with androids, many of them beautiful women. He also has an android of his shrew of a wife who “inspired” Mudd to travel into space. The robots feel lost without anyone to serve so Mudd is giving them the Enterprise crew while he leaves. But the robots decide to keep him on as their "desire to serve" translates to "take over the galaxy."

Roger C. Carmel is a joy as Mudd whose bluster and arrogance is truly appealing. That he joins with the crew fast to save his own skin sets up their great ideas to overwhelm the robot’s logic circuits. This includes wild dancing in their jail cell (Chekov doing some flying kicks), Uhura pretending to join the androids, laughing at “executing” Scotty and incredibly complex world play. The ending gives Mudd his well-deserved comeuppance and close out an episode showing how everyone has a little madness in them.


While he was usually the stern commander, Picard could also be a great adventurer. In an earlier episode, Picard had a brief fling with Vash, a sneaky thief. When she shows up on the Enterprise, Picard reunites but is wary of her intentions. Q then pops in, wanting to repay Picard for helping him out in “Deja Q.” Sensing Picard’s feelings for Vash, Q decides to test them out. He creates a massive fantasy of Sherwood Forest with Picard as Robin Hood, Riker as Little John, Data as Friar Tuck and the rest of the crew dragged in. They need to rescue Marian (Vash) from the evil Prince John with Q, of course, as the Sheriff of Nottingham.

Just the sight of the crew in these outfits is priceless as we get Worf’s immortal complaint “sir, I protest! I am not a merry man!” From Troi shooting arrows into Data to Worf smashing Geordi’s lute, the crew stand out wonderfully. Vash also throws things off by playing her own game. The big finale gives Picard a chance to show off his sword fighting skills while Q is as smarmy as always with his lines. It’s a delightful romp that shows Patrick Stewart would have made a terrific Robin Hood in his youth.


Mixing Star Trek with Cyrano de Bergerac is already promising. Having it be with Klingons just makes it better. In an earlier episode, Quark entered into a temporary marriage with Klingon noblewoman Grilka. Grilka returns to the station and Worf is swiftly attracted to her. However, as he’s been disowned by the Klingons, he has no chance. Quark wants to woo Grilka for real but her bodyguard challenges him to a duel. As Quark has no fighting experience, Worf uses a device to replicate fighting on a holodeck so Quark can pull off the duel…only for it to break.

It’s fun watching Worf the lovelorn guy while Quark actually lands a hot Klingon lady. There’s also a subplot of Kira (having to carry the O’Briens’ child) and Miles going on a trip together which is uncomfortable. But the real focus is on the Klingon stuff with Worf and Quark having a funny banter. This also leads to the big turn of Worf and Dax getting into a fight that unleashes passions. The payoff is Bashir tending to both couples for various injuries and deciding he doesn’t want to know what caused them. While giving us the great Worf-Dax pairing, this episode is also a fun spin on a classic story.


Whenever lists of the best Trek  episodes are made, this is generally in the top 10. That’s no surprise given what an utter gem of comedy it is. The Enterprise has been summoned to a space station where an arrogant Federation official wants them to guard a storage locker of grain meant for a colony world. Kirk can’t believe he’s being wasted on this but puts up with it even as some Klingons show up. Soon, merchant Cyrano Jones is handing out Tribbles, small furry cooing creatures that even Spock enjoys. The issue is that Tribbles are hungry and the more they eat, the more they multiply.

William Shatner’s performance is beautiful to watch as Kirk is slowly driven crazy by this entire situation. The writing is great and we get some fun moments like Scotty brushing aside a Klingon insulting Kirk....but when he insults the Enterprise , Scotty starts a bar brawl. There’s also the now iconic sight of Kirk completely buried in Tribbles that keep falling on top of him through an entire scene. The ending is one of the best in Trek history to close out a great mix of sci-fi comedy brilliantly.


Rarely has Voyager , or any Trek series, gone as full-out comedy as this. For some times, Paris has been obsessed with “Captain Proton,” a holodeck program based on old 1930s adventure serials. He’s thrown when he discovers that aliens from another dimension have mistaken the program for reality and launched an attack on it. This leads to various malfunctions across the ship (Janeway treating the loss of coffee as a red alert condition) and needs to be fixed. The scene of Tom matter of factly explaining this ridiculous situation to the crew is terrific.

This leads to Tom’s plan to trick the aliens by using the program’s villain Chaotica’s “death ray” to fight back. Which gives us the utterly glorious sight of Janeway dressed up as the “alien queen” Arachnia to seduce Chaotica. At first hating this, Janeway soon gets into the act, going wildly over the top and Kate Mulgrew is clearly having a blast with her performance. Never has a holodeck malfunction set up such a gem of a Trek comedy episode.


As part of the 30 th anniversary of the franchise, this DS9 episode was an utter treat for fans. The Defiant is transporting a figure who turns out to be the aged Arne Darvin, the spy from the original “Tribbles” episode. His life ruined thanks to that incident, Darvin uses an orb to send the ship back in time as he plans to kill Kirk in the past. The crew have to stop him which leads to bits like Dax in the classic Starfleet “mini-skirt” uniform and the rest of the crew interacting with the events of that episode (meaning O’Brien takes part in the bar brawl).

The comedy is terrific like the group gasping at how different the TOS Klingons were and Worf simply grumbling “we do not discuss it.” Worf also treats Tribbles as the worst thing ever while O’Brien is amazed at how backward the vaunted Enterprise’s technology is. It’s brilliant how it fits, complete with Sisko and Dax tossing Tribbles onto Kirk. The framing device of Sisko explaining to a pair of Federation officials leads to fun shots on time travel clichés. The payoff is a wonderful final shot that closes out an episode that honors Trek’s history while also being a laugh riot.

40 Hilarious Star Trek Jokes For Kids

Beautiful starry night sky.

Question And Answer Jokes

Light bulb jokes, cross the road jokes.

Image © Jeremy Thomas via Unsplash.

Kids love a classic joke, and even better if it's tied into their favourite film or TV shows. Whether they're a fan of Minions , Star Wars or Pokémon, here at Kidadl we have some great jokes to keep them laughing.

And if you're a family of Trekkies, you're going to love our ultimate collection of the best Star Trek jokes in the galaxy.

These Star Trek puns will have the kids boldly laughing like they've never laughed before.

How does a Romulan frog stay camouflaged? He uses a croaking device!

What did Mr Spock find in Captain Kirk's toilet? The Captain's Log!

How many ears does Captain Kirk have? Three. A right ear, a left ear and a final front-ear!

What is Commander Riker's favourite hobby? Sewing, because Captain Picard is always saying "Make it so!"

Where do the Borg go to eat fast food? Borger King!

What's it called when a crew member on Deep Space 9 runs as fast as he can? Worf Speed!

What are glasses called on planet Vulcan? Spocktacles!

How do you stop yourself from falling out of a Bird of Prey? You have to Klingon!

What do you call two science officers having an argument? Science Friction!

If Spock has pointy ears, then what does Scotty have? Engineers!

Why is Star Trek so successful? Because it has good Genes!

What illness did everyone on the Enterprise catch that made them red and itchy? Chicken Spocks!

Why did Riker die from friendly fire? Because Picard ordered "Fire at Will!"

What did Scotty say when little shards of ice began hitting the Enterprise? "Captain, we are being hailed!"

Why was Captain Picard so confused when the android disappeared? Because they'd lost their Data!

What do you call a Klingon with half a brain? A genius!

How do you get a one-armed Klingon down from a tree? Wave to him!

Why did the Enterprise have to go to the garage for repair? It needed new Spock plugs!

What did the first officer say when Captain Picard asked him why he let Troi win at poker? Because I Riker!

What is Riker’s approach to dating? If at first you don’t succeed, try Troi again!

What is Sisko’s favourite breakfast cereal? Quarker Oats!

The classic light bulb joke gets a Trekkie twist with these hilarious Star Trek versions.

How many Enterprise crew does it take to change a light bulb? I'm not sure, but I know they'll blow up at least one shuttle while they're doing it!

How many Ferengi does it take to change a light bulb? Two. One to change it, and one to sell the broken bulb!

How many Borg does it take to change a light bulb? All of them, because they are one!

How many Klingons does it take to change a light bulb? None. Real warriors aren't afraid of the dark!

How many Klingons does it take to change a light bulb? Two. One to change the bulb and one to shoot the first in the back and take all the credit!

How many Original Series landing party crew members does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Only one, but the extra red-shirt will die whilst they're changing it!

It's not just chickens that cross the road, the cast of Star Trek do too in these classic gags.

Why did the Romulan cross the road? To conquer the other side!

Why did the Borg cross the road? Because it assimilated the chicken!

Why did the chicken cross the road ? To boldly go where no chicken had gone before!

Why did Spock cross the road? Because it was logical!

Why did Mr Scott cross the road? Because his transporter beam wasn't working!

Why did the chicken cross the road? Computer: "Insufficient information."

Even Captain Kirk would be tickled by these brilliant Star Trek one liners.

I accidentally went to a Star Trek convention dressed as Chewbacca from Star Wars. What a Wookie mistake!

Did you hear Kirk reciting verse at Warp Speed? It was poetry in motion!

A Klingon and a red shirt get into a fight; the Klingon misses every shot, but the red shirt dies anyway!

Did you hear about the Klingon's plan to wrap the Enterprise in silver paper? Luckily, the plan was foiled!

When Star Trek fans go to a convention, they always get a gift. It's called the enter prize!

Did you hear that Kirk is getting married? He engaged the Borg!

Did you hear about the Captain of the Enterprise? He had a one trek mind!

We Want Your Photos!

More for you, the best what do you call a man jokes for kids, 89 best sleep jokes that aren't tired.

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Film and English

Jo Kingsley Bachelor of Arts specializing in Film and English

Jo is a versatile writer with a Bachelor's degree in Film and English from the University of Southhampton who is passionate about mental health and well-being, history, art, food and drink, and photography. As a work-from-home mom to two adventurous boys, she loves exploring local castles, museums, and galleries with them, and sharing her knowledge and interests through her blog.

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2) At Kidadl, we strive to recommend the very best activities and events. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so it’s important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate for all children and families or in all circumstances. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. We recommend that these ideas are used as inspiration, that ideas are undertaken with appropriate adult supervision, and that each adult uses their own discretion and knowledge of their children to consider the safety and suitability. Kidadl cannot accept liability for the execution of these ideas, and parental supervision is advised at all times, as safety is paramount. Anyone using the information provided by Kidadl does so at their own risk and we can not accept liability if things go wrong.

3) Because we are an educational resource, we have quotes and facts about a range of historical and modern figures. We do not endorse the actions of or rhetoric of all the people included in these collections, but we think they are important for growing minds to learn about under the guidance of parents or guardians.

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7 best Star Trek villains, ranked

Joe Allen

Thanks to its more than 50 years of continued existence, Star Trek   has produced just a lot of stuff. That stuff includes several great TV shows, more than a few outstanding movies, and perhaps most importantly of all, some genuinely great villains.

4. The Klingons

3. the borg queen, 2. gul dhukat.

Because Trek has always concerned itself with the politics of the stories it tells, the series has also introduced some genuinely nuanced bad guys. There are plenty of great villains of the week, to be sure, but there are also legendary villains who have made their way onto this list. These are the seven best Star Trek villains, ranked.

Say what you will about  Star Trek Into Darkness , but J.J. Abrams’ first Star Trek effort was a rousing success. Among its many feats was its introduction of a totally new villain in the form of Nero, a vengeful Romulan who blames Spock for not preventing the death of his family.

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Eric Bana’s performance in the role is transformative, but what really sells the whole endeavor is the sense of grandeur and scale that’s on display. Nero is filled with rage, and it’s that rage that has driven him to where he is now.

We’ve had plenty of great villains from across the many Trek shows, but Deep Space Nine ’s Weyoun was among the most beloved, in part because he was an ideal foil to the show’s cast. As the mouthpiece for the Dominion and a Vorta himself, Weyoun always delivered his message with a smile, but that rarely meant that he actually had the best of intentions.

In fact, Weyoun was in many ways your typical slimey politician, and that was undoubtedly a huge part of what made him so appealing to fans of  Deep Space Nine every time he was killed off and then inevitably returned to the show.

An omnipotent being that is a reminder of how far  Star Trek  characters can come, Q was first introduced as an ominous presence but became something much sillier as he became more familiar to Star Trek fans.

It was Q’s actions that ultimately resulted in the introduction of the Borgs to the universe, and he was also the one who charged Picard with the crimes of humanity. In spite of his power, Q is ultimately not the worst perpetrator of evil in the world of Star Trek, even though he certainly could have been.

In many ways the primordial Star Trek villain, the Klingons have shown up in a number of different villainous guises over the course of the franchise’s long and storied history. In the show’s original configuration, they existed as a foil to the Federation — the USSR to the Federation’s America.

Of course, Trek never expressed any idea quite that simply, and the Klingons were always humanized, even as they often opposed what the Federation was doing. You understood that they had their reasons, even if you weren’t always supposed to be sympathetic to them.

The Borg, in general, is a major menace to the crew of Star Trek: The Next Generation . Operating as a hive mind with the goal of assimilating all other living things into them, part of the point of the Borg was that they were everywhere and nowhere.

That’s why many were so worried by the introduction of the Borg Queen, but they didn’t have any reason for concern. The Borg Queen totally works, in large part thanks to Alice Krige’s memorable, sensual performance in the central role.

Gul Dukat was the best version of the authoritarian mode of Star Trekvillain. A character so villainous and tyrannical that you wanted nothing more than his ultimate defeat, even if you also found him compelling.

A Cardassian war criminal who ruled over Bajor as a complete totalitarian, what made Dukat so remarkable was that you could understand that his actions were heinous, even as you found yourself drawn into his world. Many argue that Gul Dhukat is the finest villain Star Trek has ever produced, and we think that’s pretty close to being on the money.

A name memorably screamed not once but twice in Star Trek movies , Khan is most remembered today for killing Spock in  The Wrath of Khan , widely regarded as the best of the  Trek  movies for a reason.

Although Khan was just a villain-of-the-week in the original series, in Wrath of Khan , he is elevated to a devious mastermind, capable of taking down and outsmarting even Kirk, Spock, and their crew. Ricardo Montalbán’s performance made the role one of the most important in the history of the franchise. As for Benedict Cumberbatch’s reprisal of the character? Well, the less said about that, the better.

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Joe Allen

If you grew up loving great action movies from the 1980s and 1990s, there's a good chance you've seen a fair number of Jean-Claude Van Damme movies. While he never quite managed to become the kind of A-lister that Schwarzenegger and Stallone were, JCVD was a major star through the early 1990s and has continued to make compelling action movies even up until today.

As we look back at his long career, we've identified seven of his very best movies that you should definitely check out. 7. The Expendables 2 (2012)

So far, Doctor Who fans have only seen Ncuti Gatwa's 15th Doctor in a cameo appearance in the final 60th anniversary special and in a single Christmas special last year. While it's too early to say what kind of Doctor that Gatwa will be, he sure has a winning smile in the new trailer for Doctor Who season 14. The latest preview from the upcoming season is very light on story details, but off the charts in terms of the chemistry between the Doctor and his new companion, Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson). Ruby seems a lot like the Doctor's previous companions Rose Tyler and Amy Pond. But if these clips are any indication, Ruby's going to grow into the role.


For 40 years, Tom Cruise has been one of Hollywood's biggest movie stars. From heartbreaking monologues to death-defying stunts, Cruise has been lighting up the big screen since he slid across the floor in Risky Business. At 61, Cruise has no plans of slowing down, with Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two hitting theaters in 2025.

Cruise went from budding star to acting icon in the 1990s as he starred in nine films from 1990-1999. Several of Cruise's films during the 1990s feature some of the actor's finest work, and he even scored two Oscar nominations. From charming dramedies to action tentpoles, Cruise did it all in the 1990s. Below, we rank Cruise's seven best films of the decade. 7. Days of Thunder (1990)

Can Any Modern Star Trek Series Reach 100 Episodes? Alex Kurtzman Shares His Thoughts

The head of Star Trek spoke at length about it.

Star Trek: Discovery is taking its final bow after five seasons, ending the longest-running series of the modern era. Thankfully, we know we can expect more upcoming Trek shows as well as a few surprises in the future , but even so, Voyager will hold onto the accolade of being the last show in the franchise to exceed 100 episodes. So, now the question becomes: Will a Star Trek series ever hit that milestone again? CinemaBlend talked about it with top brass Alex Kurtzman to get some answers. 

I had a chance to speak to Kurtzman ahead of the premiere of Star Trek: Discovery on the 2024 TV schedule , and I asked if a day would ever come when a modern entry in the franchise could hit 100 episodes. It feels like a tall order, considering current seasons of current shows are only about ten episodes in length, but Kurtzman talked about another obstacle while giving his thoughts on the matter:  

I don't know, it's very hard. I mean, the fact that [Discovery went to] go on five seasons is sort of a miracle. I think most people watch two seasons of a streaming show, and they check out, you know, and that's not specific to Trek. I just think that's the watch pattern for television in the streaming world. It's hard to know.

Streaming has permanently changed the television landscape. There are more options to watch shows both new and old than there ever were before. As such, it's hard to keep audiences glued to their Paramount+ subscription when competitors are churning out other exciting new shows. As he said, the fact that Star Trek: Discovery received five seasons before the cancellation was a big feat, especially when considering the fact that some of streaming's most popular shows, like Stranger Things , will end with Season 5 . 

While Alex Kurtzman likely has the details of what is in store for Star Trek 's future, including the news on that rumored Jean-Luc Picard movie , he doesn't know what the future holds. He did offer his best guess at what the chances are of any current or upcoming Trek show hitting a hundred episodes and why he's happy with the way things currently are: 

My guess would be that it would be unlikely. But in some ways, I think what's lovely about that is– it's funny you can talk to old writers of old Trek series, and they're like, ‘Man, there's a bunch of filler episodes in there. We are just trying to get to 22 a season,’ you know, and, and we all know which of those episodes were [filler], we know the ones that were truly stellar from the ones that felt like they were kind of spinning their wheels. And so I think what ten episodes a season forces you to do is really make sure that every story counts as much as it possibly can. And I like that, you know, I like that. I like what that affords us now.

I certainly can understand Alex Kurtzman's perspective, and I agree that some Star Trek filler episodes from the past were absolute stinkers. Then again, one has to wonder if The Next Generation had only ten episodes if we would have seen some of its more WTF moments unfold , or Tim Russ talking about   Voyager 's "Tuvix" episode . There's a trade-off for the big-budget adventures, and a large part of it is the show needing to stay on task with the main story with the limited episodes it has. 

Of course, Star Trek has still found ways to include side stories in this new era, with Strange New Worlds focusing on character-driven serialization amongst daily adventures the crew faces. It's working well enough that Discovery reportedly mimicked the style in its final season , and it may just be the new normal for the franchise going forward. Who knows, it may even get the series, which is currently in production for Season 3, to a hundred episodes, which would be fantastic. Then again, in an age where there's no sign of Trek slowing down, do we need that? 

Fans may ponder this question as they tune in for new episodes of Star Trek: Discovery on Thursdays over on Paramount+. Those who aren't caught up need to do so, because this final season has been amazing thus far. 


Your Daily Blend of Entertainment News

Mick Joest

Mick Joest is a Content Producer for CinemaBlend with his hand in an eclectic mix of television goodness. Star Trek is his main jam, but he also regularly reports on happenings in the world of Star Trek, WWE, Doctor Who, 90 Day Fiancé, Quantum Leap, and Big Brother. He graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Radio and Television. He's great at hosting panels and appearing on podcasts if given the chance as well.

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best star trek joke ever

Jonathan Frakes

Screen Rant

Even marvel admit the reason avengers: secret wars is going to make billions.

In new CinemaCon footage, Deadpool and Wolverine admit the reason why Avengers: Secret Wars is gonna make billions, and that is exciting.

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  • Secret Wars has the potential to become the best Avengers film.
  • The movie is expected to feature numerous cameos from live-action Marvel projects, and Marvel Studios has now acknowledged that.

Avengers: Secret Wars will mark the end of a chapter for the Marvel Cinematic Universe , and Marvel Studios is already acknowledging the reason the movie will likely be a major box office success years in advance. Avengers: Secret Wars plot details are currently being kept under wraps at Marvel; however, the movie should have some interesting connective tissue with Avengers: The Kang Dynasty , as scribe Michael Waldron is in charge of penning both films. Avengers: Secret Wars will be the Multiverse Saga's big finale .

Just like Avengers: Endgame was the event that brought the MCU's Infinity Saga to a head , Avengers: Secret Wars needs to be able to equally deliver a grand finale that does justice to years of storytelling and an expansive cast. Following shifts in Marvel's release schedule, the studio has had even more time to make it so Avengers: Secret Wars ends up becoming the best Avengers movie . Now, Marvel is even noting that the studio knows why the film will be a box office success, making billions, and it raises excitement.

What Is Secret Wars? Avengers 6's Title Explained

Deadpool's secret wars joke explained, ryan reynolds is making the most out of the mcu.

Marvel Studios just revealed new details about some upcoming films on the studio's slate. Before Deadpool & Wolverine footage was released at CinemaCon , Marvel showed attendees a hilarious clip — that will not be in the movie — that included Wolverine breaking the fourth wall and cussing the audience, as well as Deadpool making a joke about Avengers: Secret Wars . In the footage, Deadpool and Wolverine are walking through a tunnel when Ryan Reynolds' character says, " So, I heard Secret Wars is finally gonna introduce... " before a phone rings and cuts him off.

The Rumored Post Avengers 6 MCU Reboot Seems Like A Better Idea Now Than Ever

This is not the first time that Deadpool and Avengers: Secret Wars have connected. The first trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine included a quick moment where, before Wolverine approaches Deadpool, Reynolds' character is just lying down in the Void. Right to his side can be seen an issue from the 2015 Secret Wars comic book event from Marvel Comics . With Deadpool & Wolverine being a major multiverse movie and Deadpool a fourth-wall-breaking character, it makes sense for Reynolds to be involved in Avengers: Secret Wars teases.

The MCU Is Admitting Secret Wars' Biggest Selling Point 3 Years In Advance

The movie having several cameos seems inevitable.

Avengers: Secret Wars is rumored to include cameos from all over Marvel's live-action projects, not just the MCU. With the Deadpool joke, Marvel is acknowledging the fans' expectations for the film three years before it premieres. As the biggest multiverse event in the MCU, Avengers: Secret Wars allows Marvel to pretty much do whatever it wants , and the studio using the movie's possible cameos as a marketing tool to build momentum for the film is exciting, as it shows Marvel is clearly aware of the immense potential Avengers: Secret Wars has, heightening the chances of dream team-ups happening.

Avengers: Secret Wars

Avengers: Secret Wars is the sixth Avengers film and takes place during phase six of Marvel's Cinematic Universe. The film will see several heroes from the prior phases return and battle against a cosmic threat to rival Thanos, and borrows elements of the Marvel Comics event of the same name.

Deadpool & Wolverine

A sequel to the highly successful Deadpool and Deadpool 2 starring Ryan Reynolds as the Merc with a Mouth. The third film will be the first film in the franchise to be developed under the Marvel Studios banner following Disney's acquisition of 20th Century Fox. Ryan Reynolds is returning to play the character, alongside Hugh Jackman, reprising his Wolverine role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the first time. 

Key Release Dates

Marvel's thunderbolts, the fantastic four (2025), blade (2025), avengers: the kang dynasty.

best star trek joke ever

Star Trek's Jonathan Frakes Calls One Strange New Worlds Season 3 Episode His 'Best' Ever

"Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" has a knack for proving skeptics wrong. You say Paramount+ can't do a prequel "Star Trek" series that reimagines iconic characters like Spock, Kirk, and Uhura with a cast of new actors? Watch them. Think it's impossible to strike the original series' balance between earnest pathos, sci-fi geekery, warm-hearted hijinks, and indelible camp? Think again. Don't even get this show started on which genres do and don't check classic "Star Trek" boxes; it'll blow your personal definition of classic "Trek" wide open with a Medieval costume drama, an animation-live action crossover, a musical, or -- in the upcoming season, according to Variety  -- a "Hollywood murder mystery."

In Variety's new cover story about the future of the franchise Gene Roddenberry first created in 1966, the future of "Star Trek" is bright. The dynamic, weird, hilarious, and sometimes heartbreaking prequel series "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" comes across as the central star in that constellation, and the powers that be don't seem inclined to stop trying new things with the series anytime soon. "As long as we're in storytelling that is cogent and sure-handed, I'm not sure there is [any genre 'Strange New Worlds' can't do]," says series co-showrunner and executive producer Akiva Goldsman. "Could it do Muppets? Sure. Could it do black and white, silent, slapstick? Maybe!"

Read more: Star Trek's Gene Roddenberry Always Regretted Cutting One Character From The Show

That's High Praise

Thrillingly, the show is bringing Jonathan Frakes, the actor and filmmaker behind season 2's "Star Trek: Lower Decks" crossover episode "Those Old Scientists," on to direct the murder mystery episode of season 3. Frakes, who played William Riker for seven seasons of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" as well as several movies and the final season of "Star Trek: Picard," says the upcoming genre outing is "the best episode of television [he's] ever done." That's certainly saying something coming from the actor-turned-director, as he's stepped behind the camera for 29 episodes of "Trek" and counting.

In addition to "Those Old Scientists," Frakes' past "Star Trek" directorial efforts include several standout episodes of "The Next Generation," from the trippy time loop story "Cause and Effect" to the courtroom drama "The Drumhead" to "The Offspring," a one-off in which Data (Brent Spiner) raises a child android. Other well-received "Trek" episodes directed by Frakes include the Odo-centric "Deep Space Nine" premiere "The Search, Part II," the intense Section 31-set "Star Trek: Discovery" episode "Project Daedalus," and two of the best episodes of "Star Trek: Picard" season 3  -- and the show in general, for that matter.

With so many epic "Trek" episodes under his belt, the fact that Frakes thinks his return to "Strange New Worlds" is a career-high makes us all the more excited for it. Elsewhere in the cover story, the actor-director spoke positively about the behind-the-scenes teams that have brought the Paramount+ era of "Trek" together. "The scope was so much different than anything we had ever done on 'Next Gen,'" Frakes said when talking about the property's epic return to TV in the 2010s. "Every department has the resources to create." Fans will get to see just what they've created with the new murder mystery episode when "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" returns to the streamer sometime in 2025.

Read the original article on SlashFilm .

Jonathan Frakes, Star Trek: Picard


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