cleo tour maubourg

La table intimiste de Bruno Aubin

Repaire de fins gourmets à deux pas des invalides, niché dans l’élégant hôtel 5 étoiles : Le Narcisse Blanc Hôtel & Spa. Le Chef Bruno Aubin propose une cuisine avec un soupçon d’insolence, un assaisonnement inattendu, des envies de saison : ici les saveurs se marient parfaitement sans se tromper. Composant avec toutes les envies, il concocte au quotidien une cuisine sincère et délicate. OUVERT 7/7 Petit-déjeuner de 7h00 à 10h30 Déjeuner de 12h00 à 14h00 Dîner de 19h00 à 22h00

cleo tour maubourg

Pour le déjeuner, du lundi au samedi, le Cléo s’approprie les codes du bistrot. Une carte tout en générosité où Bruno Aubin met son talent au service des sauces et assaisonnements. Une carte idéale pour les appétits pressés ou les déjeuner d’affaires. Pour le dîner ou déjeuner dominical, Cléo se transforme en écrin gastronomique. Découvrez une cuisine créative et raffinée, dans une ambiance intime et chaleureuse.

cleo tour maubourg

À l’origine de la palette du chef, sa grand-mère : saveurs sincères et dimension affective fondent l’expression de ses plats. Une attachante première expérience à Saint Émilion aux côtés du Chef Philippe Etchebest, puis l’exigence étoilée sous la houlette du chef Eric Frechon pendant sept années au Bristol… jusqu’à l’effervescence du Drugstore, brasserie mythique des Champs Élysées : Bruno Aubin a le savoir-faire perfectionniste et l’enthousiasme partageur.

Bar Léopold

Le bar Léopold plonge ses invités dans l’esprit Belle Époque, avec son papier peint baroque et son esprit boudoir. On y déguste 12 cocktails et 3 mocktails signatures comme le Cléopold ou Le Mérode. Comme en cuisine, toutes les créations sont faites maison et élaborées avec le plus grand soin, jusqu’aux sirops et infusions : un must drink à ne pas louper avant ou après être allé dîner !

cleo tour maubourg


SALON BIBLIOTHEQUE Le salon bibliothèque peut accueillir jusqu’à 10 convives. Idéal pour les petits-déjeuners, déjeuners, dîners professionnels ou familiaux. Equipé aussi pour les réunions d’affaires grâce à son écran de projection et son enceinte Devialet. RESTAURANT Le restaurant Cléo, peut également être privatisable pour un déjeuner ou un dîner, jusqu’à 35 personnes. Un cocktail d’accueil peut également être organisé dans le patio. Contactez-nous et nous nous ferons un plaisir d’étudier votre demande.

Cléo x Soucherie

Bruno Aubin, chef du Cléo, et Vianney de Tastes, maître de chai du Château Soucherie ont co-créer des accords Mets & Vins mis en avant au restaurant Cléo, au gré des inspirations communes et des saisons. De nouveaux accords Mets & Vins seront créés régulièrement, pour poursuivre cette alliance gourmande de deux savoir-faire autour du verre et de l’assiette.

cleo tour maubourg

Retrouvez prochainement Benjamin Kuentz et Bruno Aubin dans un accord Mets et Whisky ! Une expérience immersive, ode au savoir-faire français autour d’un menu écrit à quatre mains, mettant en perspective les créations artisanales d’exception de la Maison Kuentz et les recettes savoureuses et délicates du Chef.

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Toute l’équipe du restaurant Cléo est à votre disposition pour répondre à vos demandes d’informations. Elle vous répondra dans les plus brefs délais.

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cleo tour maubourg

Paris, a House, a Quarter… Your hotel is located a stone’s throw from the Comic Opera, in the heart of the 2nd District of Paris, between the Quatre-Septembre and Richelieu-Drouot Metro stations. Explore the dynamic Grand Boulevards quarter, where opera lovers rub shoulders with cinema goers, stock-market speculators and shoppers! 39 Bedrooms: Classic Bedroom, Deluxe Bedroom, Suite, Duplex, La Petite Maison. ✔️The library lounge, with its cozy fireplace ✔️The wellness area equipped with massaging water jets for absolute relaxation bed ✔️The gym equipped with Technogym© equipment ✔️Relaxation pool and light therapy ✔️Room breakfast ✔️Honesty Bar, from 3pm to midnight ✔️Concierge 24/24 ✔️Room service, from 5pm to midnight Contact us: Tel +33 (0)1 42 97 59 83 E-mail : [email protected] — #boutiquehotelparis #hoteldeluxe #lamaisonfavart #hoteldecharme #hotelopera #hotelparis #parisianhotel #boutiquehotel #luxurydestination #parisianlife #parisjetaime #parismonamour #hotellamaisonfavart #hotelparis #maisonfavart #luxurytravel #luxuryexperience #luxuryhotel #hotelparis02 #hotelparis2 #4starhotel #hotel4etoilesparis #hotelspaparis #luxuryboutiquehotel #romantichotelparis #cafedelapaix #operagarnier

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Le Cléo

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Le Cléo

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AU CALME - Le restaurant Le Cléo vous accueille au sein de l’hôtel Le Narcisse Blanc, à Paris, pour un repas inoubliable dans une atmosphère conviviale. Sa cuisine, mêlant bistronomique et gastronomique, vous ravira ! VIVE LE TERROIR - C’est une cuisine créative et raffinée qui vous attend dans ce lieu enchanteur. La majorité des produits sont bio, et la carte évolue au fil des saisons pour une fraîcheur inégalée. SOYEZ TRANQUILLES - Si vous êtes un groupe de moins de dix personnes, vous pouvez privatiser une salle pour fêter un évènement particulier ou organiser une réunion dans un cadre gastronomique idéal.

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Cléo, pétillante et abordable gastronomie signée Bruno Aubin au Narcisse Blanc

Cléo, Le Narcisse Blanc - Eté 2022

Au coeur du 7ème arrondissement, non loin de la Tour Eiffel   et de l' Hôtel des Invalides , se trouve une adresse confidentielle qui, une fois découverte, ne s'oublie pas de si tôt. Direction le discret Narcisse Blanc , boutique-hôtel 5 étoiles au charme certain, pour découvrir son tout aussi discret restaurant gastronomique ,  Cléo . 

Sous la verrière qui laisse passer la lumière du jour, installé sur un confortable canapé rose poudré, ou bien dans le patio ombragé , on profite d'une bulle en dehors du temps et loin du brouhaha de la ville, et on savoure la cuisine gastronomique signée Bruno Aubin , chef aussi talentueux que bienveillant, aperçu par le passé dans l'émission Top Chef. 

Cléo, Le Narcisse Blanc - Eté 2022

Chez Cléo, Bruno Aubin démontre qu'une cuisine gastronomique pétillante , basée sur des produits soigneusement sélectionnés et travaillés avec brio, ne signifie pas pour autant qu'il faut casser son PEL pour y accéder. À 32 ans, le chef fait partie de cette génération qui incarne le renouveau de la gastronomie parisienne, à travers ses engagements et ses recettes qui subliment les plus beaux produits sans les dénaturer. Le tout à un prix abordable . 

Comptez, en effet, 34€ le menu Cléo au déjeuner en semaine et 49€ le menu Narcisse, des prix qui, de prime abord, ne laissent bien transparaître de la beauté et du délice des assiettes qui s'apprêtent à défiler sur la table. Et pourtant, quelle merveilleuse surprise que ce déjeuner chez  Cléo ! 

Cléo, Le Narcisse Blanc - Eté 2022

Sur la carte, courte et concise , 4 entrée, 6 plats et 4 desserts. C'est simple, chaque plat nous fait de l'oeil et a ce petit truc en plus, un accord original, une sauce étonnante, un condiment qui tranche, une cuisson qui détonne, et qui nous donne envie de le choisir ; choix cornélien. En entrée, on opte pour le poireau (14€), dont les tronçons soigneusement découpés sont rôtis à l'ail des ours et assortis d'un oeuf fumé, et d'une crème de coquillages perlée à l'huile d'herbe, réconfort ultime. 

L'asperge verte (16€) est le second légume qui nous aguiche, avec son biscuit moelleux noisettes, sa réduction d'orange sanguine, son jaune d'oeuf crémeux et son trait d'huile de noisette. C'est bien simple, si tous ces légumes étaient si magiquement préparés dans chaque restaurant parisien, on accepterait la bouche en coeur de faire une croix ad vitam sur les matières carnées. 

Cléo, Le Narcisse Blanc - Eté 2022

Place ensuite aux plats, avec un généreux poulpe snacké (34€) à l'huile de cumin, couché sur un écrasé de patate douce et marié à une étonnante sauce barbecue parfumée au vieux Bourbon qui ajoute une note sucrée à l'ensemble ; et le quasi de veau (36€), glacé au jus de veau et citron confit, servi rosé comme il se doit, fondant à souhait et assorti de petits oignons fondants, de shiitake caramélisés, et d'émulsion iodée ; énième coup de coeur de ce repas. 

Fier de son Saint-Pierre , jusqu'alors proposé en tant que plat du jour mais qui devrait rejoindre très prochainement la carte d'été de Cléo , au vu de son succès auprès des gourmets, Bruno Aubin nous propose de le savourer, accompagné d'une ratatouille aux pignons de pin savoureuse. 

Cléo, Le Narcisse Blanc - Eté 2022

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Hélas, les desserts seront pour une autre fois, impossible pour nous de trouver assez de place en nous pour y goûter. Et pourtant, que cette sphère vanille-pécan (14€) et cet ananas rôti aux épices (16€) nous tentaient... Une bonne excuse pour revenir, tiens !

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Lieu Restaurant Le Cléo - Le Narcisse Blanc 19 Boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg 75007 Paris 7

Infos d’accessibilité

Accès Métro La Tour-Maubourg (ligne 8)

Tarifs Menu Cléo : 34€ Menu Narcisse : 49€

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Table intimiste du chef Bruno Aubin

Un soupçon d’insolence, un assaisonnement inattendu, des envies de saison : ici les saveurs se marient parfaitement sans se tromper. Composant avec toutes les envies, le Chef Bruno Aubin concocte au quotidien une cuisine sincère et délicate, faussement simple et toujours ingénieusement twistée. Un twist qui passe avant tout par les épices, qui façonnent et subliment chaque assiette, de l’entrée au dessert, mais aussi par la justesse des sauces. Le restaurant est ouvert du lundi au dimanche, de 12h à 14h et de 19h à 22h.

Portrait de Bruno Aubin, chef du restaurant Cléo au Narcisse Blanc


Les invités seront plongés dans un esprit Belle Epoque, élégant, confidentiel mais aussi un brin canaille. En témoigne le choix judicieux de son nom, Léopold, emprunté au roi des Belges dont la liaison supposée avec Cléo de Mérode avait fait scandale à la fin du XIXème siècle. Le bar Léopold est ouvert de 17h à une heure du mercredi au dimanche et accessible à la clientèle extérieure.

Découvrez le bar Léopold

Le Petit déjeuner

Le Narcisse Blanc Hôtel & Spa met un point d’honneur à proposer un petit déjeuner gourmand, complet et savoureux, qui enchantera les papilles des petits et des grands ! Le petit déjeuner est servi au restaurant Cléo de 7h00 à 10h30, mais également au pied du lit !

Déjeuner & diner

Le chef Bruno Aubin et le restaurant Cléo sont impatients d’accueillir les épicuriens ou les gastronomes. Découvrez une cuisine gastronomique créative et raffinée, dans une ambiance intime et chaleureuse.

Le restaurant Cléo vous accueille pour le déjeuner ou pour le diner 7 jours sur 7


Le Narcisse Blanc Hôtel & Spa permet à ses clients de privatiser sa salle de réunion pour l’organisation d’un déjeuner ou d’un dîner, sur demande, pour un maximum de 10 personnes. Le restaurant Cléo est privatisable lui aussi, jusqu’à 35 convives.

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Image Chambre Le Narcisse Blanc détail 12

Tour-Maubourg's Show Off Your Studio

Tour-Maubourg battles tinnitus by producing more records: “I had to keep making music to forget its existence“

The French producer explains how tinnitus tied into his album Spaces of Silence and how moving back to Brussels evoked more intimate emotive music.

Moving back to his old stomping grounds from Paris to his grandparents’ house in Brussels – a nostalgic “madeleine de Proust bubble” where he made music as a teenager – jazz and house producer Tour-Maubourg powered up his old gear and set out creating his latest album, Spaces of Silence. Environmental and process-based changes and reconnecting with old sights, smells and feelings, he tells MusicTech about how he was drawn to making “more personal emotions and melodies.”

  • READ MORE: Show Off Your Studio: Warping the human voice with Factor Eight

Maubourg’s battle with tinnitus became one of the key themes of the record. That explains the album’s title, which alludes to being unable to hear silence, as such. He says music has become one of the few ways to block out uncontrollable tinnitus, with the loud music that once caused the condition now becoming its brief bittersweet saviour.

Asides from the album’s themes, Maubourg dives deep into his favourite gear, both in Brussels and in Paris, which includes deliciously vintage synthesizers, a beloved Eventide H3000SE harmonizer and all manner of drool-worthy hardware.

Hi Tour-Maubourg. Tell us about how tinnitus tied into this record.

A few years back I developed tinnitus after listening to loud music and I still carry this hiss with me on a constant basis.

In the beginning, it felt like torture and truly made me reconsider a career in music – my main worry being, ‘what if it gets worse as I keep playing in clubs and producing music?’. My first reaction was to stop any type of loud sound from reaching my ears, so I stopped all my musical activities. As a result, the tinnitus started to take more and more space in my thoughts and I quickly realised that the precautions I was taking were only making things worse. I had to keep making music to forget its existence. Unfortunately, the tinnitus never left and I still hear it every day – except when I make music, as it gets blurred into the sounds surrounding me. In some way, music became a space of silence for me, which gave me the idea for the album’s name.

Tour Maubourg in the studio

You went back home to Belgium and set up a studio space for this album. How did that affect your production process?

If I had to define the way these studio changes affected my music, there would be two.

First, the house in which I installed my studio used to be my grandparents’ house in Brussels (and my grandfather still lived there at the time). It is filled with memories from my childhood and my teenage years. Also, my grandparents have always been a very important part of my life. They are people for whom I have great admiration because of where they come from and the things they accomplished in their life.

It isn’t easy for me to put into words these emotions I felt, but it was like living in a “madeleine de Proust bubble”. Producing and composing in this very intimate time shuttle made me want to express more personal emotions and melodies. I wanted to find myself.

cleo tour maubourg

When I left for Belgium, I left all my musical partners and friends in Paris, which resulted in a somehow forced musical isolation. It allowed me to be a lot more alone with myself, without all the noise of my daily life.

Secondly, I went from producing in a co-rented studio to having a studio in my bedroom. I managed to move with most of my gear but the studio was set up differently. It was a little more DAW-centred, as I was sitting constantly in front of my screen instead of my mixer. It didn’t affect my recording process as all my synths were still hooked to the mixer, then going into my interface, but it made me record things quicker, and start building sections immediately instead of getting stuck on the same loop for hours.

Tell us a bit more about the bedroom studio.

In Belgium, it’s located in my bedroom in my grandparent’s house in Ixelles (a commune of Brussels). I was literally sleeping between cables and synths (and my girlfriend too – but she’s kind) so it was really a return to my early adult years when I didn’t have a proper studio space.

cleo tour maubourg

How did you use the gear in your setup?

That’s a tough question. In terms of logistics, we have a bunch of synths and drum machines and hardware effects and sound processors all plugged into a Midas mixer. The mixer master outputs go into Universal Audio Apollo inputs 1/2 and two groups of the Midas are hooked to a Scarlett 18I20 that is itself plugged in via ADAT to the Apollo ADAT input.

So really, the mixer is the centre of the studio. It’s right in front of the speakers, all the synths and outboard effects are accessible through sends or insert cables, and the idea is to be able to jam and play every synth in the room at the same time if I feel like it.

Most of the time I do the mixing as I edit it in Ableton Live , mostly adding EQs, panning, adding a main room and hall reverb, and trying to balance the sound right. Often, I process the drums as a group adding pre-amps such as the Soundtoys Radiator. If I have to record more ‘artistic’ effects like dub delays or send a snare in through a reverb, I love using outboard effects. My interface’s outputs are connected to a stereo track on the mixer and I can then add whatever I want by recording only the wet signal.

Once I’ve edited and mixed the track for the first time, it’s usually late and I have to leave the studio to catch the last metro. I listen to the track a few times on various sound systems and then come back to the studio a few days later to correct the mix.

cleo tour maubourg

What atmosphere do you try and create in the studio?

I try as much as I can to be in a cosy, slightly dark but colourful environment. I try to create a mood in which I can escape, almost spiritually. I use a lot of dim lights, incense, essential oils etc. to make the place as comfortable and dreamy as possible.

What is your favourite piece of gear?

A friend recently lent me his MFB Tanzbär, and I am dying to buy it from him. From the first time I started playing around with it, I fell in love. It has such an organic and gentle yet powerful sound. You can create heavy loops just as much as a gentle bossa nova rhythm. Its sequencer is powerful too.

What synth or effect can be heard the most on your new release?

Definitely my Eventide H3000SE. There is a little bit of him everywhere on this record. Whether it’s just a chorus, a room or a delay, it is an incredible machine. It is, to me, one of the most artistic-sounding multi-effect units I’ve heard. It just makes the world a better place. If I could, I would probably process my life through it.

cleo tour maubourg

What is your dream piece of gear?

Probably a Roland RE-201 Space Echo . It isn’t a very expensive dream, but it just sounds incredibly good.

What is your top piece of production advice?

When building a track, often less is more. When you are stuck, it’s better to take away stuff, add them again later, and then add more layers.

What is the one piece of advice you would give someone starting out building a studio?

Building a studio is time- and money-consuming, but it is extremely rewarding. And don’t think you need all the best gear; buy gear you like and that you feel works for you. A €200 synth with a lot of character is better to me than a €2500 beast that everyone has. Little by little, you’ll end up with something personal and it will reflect in your music.

Tour-Maubourg’s Space of Silence is out now .

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Hotel Review: Narcisse Blanc in the 7th

Hotel Review: Narcisse Blanc in the 7th

The countdown is on to the Summer Olympic Games in Paris. From 26 th July to 11 th August 2024, the entire country will be celebrating the wonderful world of sport. There will be open-air playing fields where you can take part in activities, special events and multiple celebrations during what promises to be a long, hot, exciting summer. But where to stay?  

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by François Coune ☀️ (@livraisondemots)

If you’re looking for a left bank hideaway, I highly recommend the five-star Narcisse Blanc. With a perfect location in the 7th arrondissement, this chic and elegant address has 37 rooms and suites with classical design by Laurent & Laurence . Opened in 2016 inside a former office building, previously occupied by the French Army, Le Narcisse Blanc has developed a unique style combining French tradition and contemporary romantic touches. 

“Everything’s in the details,” said General Manager Fanny Royal during my recent stay. “This is the city’s best kept secret to discover the French art de vivre.”

The owners were also inspired by Cléo de Mérode (1875-1966), a beautiful French dancer of the Belle Epoque  who embodied the special atmosphere of Paris   in the 1900s. Reserve a room on the top floor at the front and you have Paris in picturesque panorama; the Eiffel Tower is 24/7 magic. Cléo would love it.

cleo tour maubourg

Cléo’s also the name of the restaurant where talented chef Bruno Aubin, a modern sauce and condiments maestro, creates an interesting culinary score of impressive delicacy. “Straddling comforting bourgeois gastronomy and more daring combinations of chic food-porn”, says the restaurant critic Fabien Negre . A relaxing bonus: the restaurant has a bucolic courtyard garden in the heart of Paris. And you’re next door to Petrossian (excellent for gifts), and around the corner from Les Invalides and Musée Rodin, and opposite the buzzing rue St. Dominique.

cleo tour maubourg

Order a cocktail La Mérode (€18) as you discover Aubin’s Menu Narcisse (from €39-€55). A few sample dishes: oysters, plum vinegar, yuzu cream, herb oil, Vanuatu pepper; crispy artichoke, Caesar sauce, basil pesto, candied tomatoes; octopus, tomato confit, chorizo, nasturtium flower broth, a twist of Sichuan pepper; Love Me Tender pigeon roasted with spicy honey, caramelized onions, blackberries, Tasmanian pepper. (Match with a glass of the Château Soucherie red Anjou for €14). Desserts include fluffy puffy Chocolate soufflé and Le Baba Campari. A pure delight.

cleo tour maubourg

Burn off the calories in the sleek and chic Clarins Spa . There’s a steam room, sauna, massage, and perfect temperature swimming pool. It’s a 100% fluffy towel, slippers and robe experience.

Here’s laidback attitude in the best possible way – from the conciergerie, the front desk, the kitchen, restaurant staff and the housekeepers. They all do a terrific job in a genuinely joyful, friendly, and helpful manner.

By the Way: Read Le Ballet de Ma Vie , Cléo de Merode’s fascinating autobiography published in 1964.

cleo tour maubourg

Additional information

Le Narcisse Blanc A member of Small Luxury Hotels Classic, Superior, Deluxe Rooms and suites from approx €538 Address: 19, Boulevard de la Tour Maubourg, 7th Metro: La Tour Maubourg Tel: +33 (0)1 40 60 44 32

Lead photo credit : courtesy of Narcisse Blanc

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By margaret kemp.

cleo tour maubourg

Born in Hampton, Middlesex, UK, Margaret Kemp is a lifestyle journalist, based between London, Paris and the world. Intensive cookery courses at The Cordon Bleu, London, a wedding gift from a very astute ex-husband, gave her the base that would take her travelling (leaving the astute one behind) in search of rare food and wine experiences, such as the vineyards of Thailand, 'gator hunting in South Florida, learning to make eye-watering spicy food in Kerala;pasta making in a tiny Tuscany trattoria. She has contributed to The Guardian, The Financial Times Weekend and FT. How To Spend, The Spectator, Condé Nast Traveller, Food & Travel, and Luxos Magazine. She also advises as consultant to luxury hotels and restaurants. Over the years, Kemp has amassed a faithful following on BonjourParis. If she were a dish she'd be Alain Passard's Millefeuille “Caprice d'Enfant”, as a painting: Manet’s Dejeuner sur l’herbe !

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Photo gallery for the perfect address - rue cler, la tour-maubourg.

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Popular amenities.

  • Breakfast available Breakfast available Breakfast available
  • Free WiFi Free WiFi Free WiFi
  • Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen
  • Barbecue grill Barbecue grill Barbecue grill
  • Washer Washer Washer

Explore the area


  • Popular Location Les Invalides 7 min walk
  • Popular Location Eiffel Tower 13 min walk
  • Popular Location Champs-Élysées 5 min drive
  • Airport Paris (LBG-Le Bourget) 34 min drive

Rooms & beds

1 bedroom (sleeps 4), common area 1, about this property.

cleo tour maubourg






cleo tour maubourg

IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF INVALIDES- MUSEE RODIN-calm comfortable,very well located

Property grounds






Exterior detail

A masterclass in sumptuous style’ Saint-Germain-des-Prés-Rue Bac-120m2 of Haven!







cleo tour maubourg


Living area

Champs-Elysées cozy apartment (mobility lease)

The living room

Apartment At Eiffel Tower, ICONIC LOCATION, District 7, Sleeps 5/6

Living Room with south oriented view

2 room High Standing Apartment Latin Quarter Paris



cleo tour maubourg

5497: Chic Duplex Eiffel Tower Olympic Games 2024

Indoor pool

Majestic Apartments Champs Elysées


Suites et Hotel Helzear Etoile

House rules, damage and incidentals, important information, you need to know, we should mention, about the neighborhood.


What's nearby

  • Les Invalides - 7 min walk
  • Eiffel Tower - 13 min walk
  • Champs-Élysées - 5 min drive
  • Arc de Triomphe - 6 min drive
  • Louvre Museum - 8 min drive

Getting around

  • Ecole Militaire Station - 3 min walk
  • Paris Montparnasse 1 Et 2 Station - 6 min drive
  • Paris Orly Airport (ORY) - 29 min drive


  • Le Petit Cler - 3 min walk
  • Kozy Salon Urbain - 1 min walk
  • Café Central - 2 min walk
  • Café du Marché - 2 min walk
  • L'Eclair - 2 min walk

Frequently asked questions

No, pets are not allowed at this property.

Check-in begins at 4:00 PM.

Check-out is at 11:00 AM.

Located in 7th Arrondissement, this apartment building is within a 5-minute walk of Rue Cler and Champ de Mars. Eiffel Tower and Les Invalides are also within 15 minutes. Ecole Militaire Station is only a 3-minute walk and La Tour-Maubourg Station is 6 minutes.

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Moscow: City Sightseeing by Car/Bus

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Moscow: City Sightseeing by Car/Bus

Visiting a new city is akin to going on a first date, it is something you will never forget. Many people imagine Moscow as just a bunch of sporadic landmarks: Red Square, the Kremlin, Lenin’s Mausoleum and GUM. There is so much more to this wonderful city than that and even though we only have a few hours, we will do all we can to show you everything we know and love about our capital in one fell swoop. We will take you on a journey through the ages, from centuries ago, right up to the modern day, soaking in the sights of this vast and bustling metropolis. Bright, luxurious and both ancient and modern at the same time, Moscow invites you on a date you’ll never forget!

On our sightseeing bus tour of the city, you will see:

  • The wonderfully historic city centre and its unique museums, magnificent cathedrals, the exquisite Chambers of the Romanov Boyars and of course, the famous towering red brick walls of the Kremlin, The charming beauty of the Alexander Garden awaits the capital's guests - a lush green oasis in the midst of the glass and concrete clad metropolis, basking in the etherial aura emanating from the whitewashed stone walls of the restored Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, the world- renowned fairytale onion domes of St. Basil's Cathedral and other impressive monumental buildings such as the library built in Lenin's honour - the Russian State Library - and the State Duma.
  • The Lubyanka KGB headquarters is notorious to members of older generations and although nowadays, the face of the secret police has changed dramatically, the looming enigmatic building on the waterfront maintains its aura of mystery, shrouded in a variety of murky rumours and dark myths. Then, there’s another of Moscow's main attractions - the marvellous Bolshoi Theatre, yew simply cant leave Moscow without taking in its breathtaking architecture. Engrained in the fabric of Russia's cultural heritage, virtuoso performers such as prima ballerina Galina Ulanova, opera singer Feodor Chaliapin and pianist, composer and conductor Sergei Rachmaninoff once stood centre stage of this vaunted institution.
  • The memorial complex on Poklonnaya Hill was constructed in the glory and honour of our heroes who defended our nation in the many crucial battles of the Great Patriotic War (WWII). This is a place that embodies a particularly acute and inextricable link between older ancf younger generations. Moving on to the Moscow International Business Centre, not dubbed ‘Moscow City' for nothing, a true glimpse of the future in the present. This incredible, rather jaw-dropping project in the capital has shown that Moscow has come to accept the age of the skyscraper. Finally, the stunning views from the observation deck at Sparrow Hills will leave professional and amateur photographers alike itching to capture them. How could one resist?

The most beautiful of all the world's cities - lady Moscow invites you out on a date!

The cost of an excursion with a personal guide for 1 person

Meeting point We'll pick you up at your hotel

St. Basil's Cathedral

House on the Embankment

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

Vorobyovy Hills

Poklonnaya Hill Poklonnaya Gora


Alexander garden

Russian State Library

Bolshoi Theatre

End of the tour

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  • Excursion Moscow: City Sightseeing by Car/Bus
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Best things to see and do in Moscow

Moscow is the capital of Russia and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Asia. It’s rich and complex history is a constant reminder of its strategic position between Europe and Asia and makes it one of the cities you should visit once in your life. In terms of the many iconic landmarks, the delicious cuisine, and the characteristic, colorful architecture it has, Moscow is full of surprises for first-timers and seasoned travelers. Apart from the main attractions, it has like the Kremlin or Red Square, Moscow has many hidden gems for you to discover on your free walking tour with your local guide. 

On any of the free guided tours we offer in Moscow , you will be able to find a selection of many tours which are available in different languages and at different times of day, like the morning, afternoon, and evening. Since Moscow is such a large metropolis, getting your bearings by doing a guruwalk with a local guide who will show you all Moscow’s hidden gems is a great idea. This way you get to learn as much as possible about the local culture and way of life. A trip to Moscow wouldn't be complete without visiting iconic places like St Basil’s Cathedral, Lenin’s Mausoleum, the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, or the State Historical Museum, before getting some fresh air at Gorky Park, the medieval church of Kolomenskoye, or shopping at Izmailovsky Market. Don’t miss visiting the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, the Bolshoi Theater, or checking out the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve. 

Many travelers have left their r eviews and opinions about the local guides , gurus, and the routes they walked. If you have any questions about the routes or what is included in the tour, check out their opinions. 

Free walking tour near Moscow

Others cities to visit after moscow, where are you traveling to.


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  6. Tour-Maubourg

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  1. Tour-Maubourg

  2. [Paris]Métro 8- MF77- La Tour Maubourg

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  1. Restaurant Cléo

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  2. Restaurant Cléo à Paris

    Menu du chef 89 € - Restaurant Cléo à Paris : Réservez gratuitement au restaurant Cléo, confirmation immédiate de votre réservation avec TheFork. Inscrire mon restaurant. ... 19 Boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg, 75007, Paris, France. Transports publics. Métro - La Tour-Maubourg ou Invalide (Ligne 8)

  3. Verified Reviews 2024

    Reviews - Cléo. 9.7/10. 2266. 19 Boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg, 75007 Paris. French. Average price €62.

  4. Cléo in Paris

    Book a table at Cléo in Paris. Find restaurant reviews, menu, prices, and hours of operation for Cléo on TheFork. Help. TheFork, a Trip advisor company. Clear. Clear. Search. Clear. Clear. ... 19 Boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg, 75007, Paris, France. Public transport. Métro - La Tour-Maubourg (M8) Additional information.

  5. Le Cléo

    Retrouvez toutes les infos et les avis sur Le Cléo - 19 Boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg 75007 Paris Le Cléo - 19 Boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg 75007 Paris - Eater Space Français English Español Italiano

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  7. Restaurant & Bar

    Le restaurant Cléo est privatisable lui aussi, jusqu'à 35 convives. CONTACTEZ NOUS. Le Narcisse Blanc Hôtel - Spa. 19, boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg 75007 Paris Tél : +33 (0)1 40 60 44 32. Nous contacter. Réserver. Chambres Suites Restaurant & Bar Hôtel & Services Quartier Bien-être Nos actualités Social Wall Galerie FAQ Espace Pro.

  8. The 10 Best Paris 7th Restaurants in Paris

    Cléo. 19 Boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg, 75007, Paris 9.7 / 10 2,266 reviews. Average price €62. Menu Dégustation €89. Top Rated. MICHELIN PAY French. ... 96, Boulevard de la Tour Maubourg, 75007, Paris 9.2 / 10 1,479 reviews. Average price €36. 20% off food. Great Deal. Japanese. Matsuri Bac. 74 rue du Bac, 75007, Paris

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  11. The Panorama Sessions

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  12. Unveiling Narcisse Blanc: A Review

    Classic, Superior, Deluxe Rooms and suites from approx €538. Address: 19, Boulevard de la Tour Maubourg, 7th. Metro: La Tour Maubourg. Tel: +33 (0)1 40 60 44 32. Lead photo credit : courtesy of Narcisse Blanc. Born in Hampton, Middlesex, UK, Margaret Kemp is a lifestyle journalist, based between London, Paris and the world.

  13. The 10 Best Paris 7th Restaurants in Paris

    Cléo. 19 Boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg, 75007, Paris 9.7 / 10 2,266 reviews. Average price €62. Menu Dégustation €89. Indian. Ravi. 50, rue de Verneuil, 75007, Paris 9.2 / 10 318 reviews. Average price €33. INSIDER International food. Chiquette.

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    Tour-Maubourg first album is out now : Tour-MaubourgVenue: Magasins généraux, PantinProduced by Pont Neuf Records & ...

  15. Tour-Maubourg

    Listen to Tour-Maubourg on Spotify. Artist · 199K monthly listeners. Artist · 199K monthly listeners. ...

  16. Charles César de Fay de La Tour-Maubourg

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    THE PERFECT ADDRESS - RUE CLER, LA TOUR-MAUBOURG. Located ideally between the Eiffel and Invalides, the apartment is just 2 minutes walk to the infamous rue Cler. This naturally lit apartment has big French windows and is on the third floor of an historic building. The location of the apartment cant get any better with the Paris landmark ...

  18. Le Centenaire in Paris

    Le Centenaire. 7.8/10. 54. 27 Boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg, 75007 Paris. French. Average price €26.

  19. Verified Reviews 2024

    Cléo in Paris, rated 9.6/10 on TheFork: Read diner reviews and view user photos before making a booking!

  20. Moscow: City Sightseeing Tour by Car/Bus

    On our sightseeing bus tour of the city, you will see: The wonderfully historic city centre and its unique museums, magnificent cathedrals, the exquisite Chambers of the Romanov Boyars and of course, the famous towering red brick walls of the Kremlin, The charming beauty of the Alexander Garden awaits the capital's guests - a lush green oasis in the midst of the glass and concrete clad ...

  21. Moscow City Tour, City Sightseeing, Nightlife Tour, Travel Guide

    If you are looking for customised Moscow Sightseeing Tour at the best prices, get in touch with us for an exhilarating holiday to Russia. Grand Russia offers Moscow City Tour & Travel packages at affordable prices with best city travel guide. Enquire now for the best City Sightseeing & Nightlife Tour in Moscow. Call +7 905 772 00 73.

  22. Free walking tour Moscow: Expert Guides and Authentic Tours

    Beginner's Guide to Moscow - Free Walking Tour. Dileep 14 Apr 2024. Doha. Verified booking. Travelled alone - Apr 2024. Igor is a gresat guy and has given very interesting facts of Moscow Underground metro , I was suprised with the in depth of information he conveyed about the how the metro system was built.

  23. Moscow tours and vacation packages

    Four Day Moscow Tour. 0. 4 days / 3 nights. Personal arrival and departure transfers. Guide speaking your language (English, German, French, Spanish) Private car. Entrance tickets to museums. Visa support (invitation) if you book accommodation. Price from 106,94.