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  • Travel Tips

What Is Tourism Marketing?

Published: December 12, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Oneida Gruber

  • Plan Your Trip
  • Sustainability



In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, the tourism industry has become increasingly competitive. To stay ahead and attract travelers, destinations, tour operators, and hoteliers need to implement effective marketing strategies. This is where tourism marketing plays a vital role.

Tourism marketing encompasses a range of activities aimed at promoting and selling travel services, experiences, and destinations to potential customers. It involves understanding consumer behaviors, identifying target markets, creating compelling messages, and deploying various promotional tactics to reach and engage with the right audience.

With the rise of the internet and social media, the tourism industry has witnessed a significant shift in how marketing is conducted. Digital platforms have opened up new avenues for reaching and engaging with travelers, providing ample opportunities to showcase destinations, attractions, and services.

The primary goal of tourism marketing is to increase awareness, generate interest, and drive bookings or visits. It is about inspiring and influencing travelers to choose a particular destination, tour package, or accommodation option. By effectively marketing their offerings, tourism businesses can enhance their revenue, grow their customer base, and build long-term relationships with their target audience.

However, effective tourism marketing goes beyond simply promoting travel products. It involves creating a holistic and immersive experience for travelers, reflecting the unique qualities and appeal of a destination. This requires a deep understanding of the target market’s needs, preferences, and aspirations, as well as the ability to effectively communicate the value and benefits of the travel experience.

Moreover, tourism marketing is not limited to tourism boards or large travel companies. It is also essential for small and medium-sized businesses within the industry, such as local tour operators, boutique hotels, and restaurants. By implementing targeted marketing strategies, even smaller players can compete on a global scale and attract their ideal customers.

Definition of Tourism Marketing

Tourism marketing can be defined as the strategic planning and implementation of activities that aim to promote and sell travel-related products and services. It involves understanding consumer behavior, identifying target markets, creating compelling messages, and deploying various marketing tactics to reach and engage with potential travelers.

At its core, tourism marketing is about showcasing the unique experiences and attractions that a destination has to offer. It involves leveraging the distinctive cultural, natural, and historical aspects of a place to appeal to travelers’ interests and desires.

One of the key objectives of tourism marketing is to create awareness and generate interest in a particular destination or travel experience. This can be achieved through a variety of marketing channels, including digital platforms, traditional advertising, public relations, and partnerships with travel agents and tour operators.

In addition to promoting destinations, tourism marketing also encompasses the marketing of travel services such as accommodation, transportation, activities, and tours. It involves highlighting the unique features, amenities, and benefits of these services to differentiate them in a crowded marketplace.

Moreover, tourism marketing often involves segmenting the target market based on various factors such as demographics, psychographics, and travel preferences. This allows marketers to tailor their messages and marketing strategies to specific customer segments, increasing the chances of attracting the right travelers.

Effective tourism marketing requires staying updated with the latest trends and leveraging technological advancements. With the rise of the internet and social media, digital marketing has become a crucial aspect of tourism marketing. This includes activities such as search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media advertising, influencer marketing, and online reputation management.

In summary, tourism marketing is the strategic promotion and selling of travel-related products and experiences. It involves understanding consumer behavior, creating compelling messages, and deploying various marketing tactics to reach and engage with potential travelers. By effectively marketing destinations and travel services, tourism businesses can attract more visitors and drive growth in the industry.

Importance of Tourism Marketing

Tourism marketing plays a crucial role in the success and growth of the tourism industry. Here are several reasons why tourism marketing is important:

  • Increasing Destination Awareness: Effective tourism marketing helps to create awareness about destinations. It showcases the unique attractions, cultural heritage, and natural beauty of a place, encouraging travelers to consider it as a potential travel destination.
  • Attracting More Visitors: Through targeted marketing strategies and promotional campaigns, tourism businesses can attract more visitors to their destinations, hotels, and tour packages. By effectively communicating the value and benefits of a travel experience, marketing efforts can inspire and influence travelers to choose a specific destination.
  • Boosting Local Economy: The tourism industry is a significant economic driver in many regions. By promoting tourism and attracting more visitors, tourism marketing helps to generate revenue for local businesses, create jobs, and stimulate economic growth.
  • Enhancing Competitiveness: In a highly competitive tourism industry, effective marketing can give destinations and businesses a competitive edge. By promoting unique selling points and differentiating offerings, tourism businesses can stand out from the competition and attract their ideal customers.
  • Cultivating Repeat Visitors: Marketing efforts, such as personalized email campaigns or loyalty programs, help to cultivate repeat visitors. By nurturing relationships with past visitors, tourism businesses can encourage them to come back and explore more of what the destination has to offer.
  • Driving Collaboration: Tourism marketing often involves collaboration among stakeholders within the industry. Destination marketing organizations, hotels, tour operators, and local businesses work together to promote the destination as a whole, leveraging each other’s strengths and resources for a more impactful marketing strategy.
  • Creating Positive Perception: Effective tourism marketing not only promotes destinations and travel services but also helps create a positive perception of a place. Through storytelling and compelling narratives, marketing efforts can shape and enhance the reputation of a destination, making it more appealing to potential travelers.

In a nutshell, tourism marketing is essential for raising destination awareness, attracting visitors, boosting the local economy, enhancing competitiveness, fostering repeat business, driving collaboration, and creating a positive perception of a destination. By investing in well-planned marketing strategies, tourism businesses can thrive in a highly competitive industry and contribute to the overall growth and development of the tourism sector.

Components of Tourism Marketing

Tourism marketing involves various components that work together to create effective promotional strategies. Here are the key components of tourism marketing:

  • Market Research: Market research is an essential component of tourism marketing. It involves gathering and analyzing data to understand consumer behavior, travel trends, market demand, and competitor strategies. This helps tourism businesses identify their target market, tailor their marketing messages, and make informed decisions.
  • Segmentation and Targeting: Segmenting the target market is crucial to deliver tailored marketing messages. Tourism marketers divide the market into specific segments based on demographics, psychographics, and travel preferences. This enables them to customize their marketing efforts and reach the right audience with the right message.
  • Positioning: Positioning refers to how a destination or travel service is perceived in the minds of consumers. Tourism marketers define a unique selling proposition (USP) and create a positioning strategy to differentiate their offerings from competitors. This involves highlighting the unique features, benefits, and experiences that set them apart from others.
  • Branding: Branding plays a crucial role in tourism marketing. It involves creating a distinct brand identity, including a logo, tagline, and visual elements, that represents the destination or travel service. A strong and consistent brand helps build trust, recognition, and loyalty among travelers.
  • Advertising and Promotion: Advertising and promotion are key components of tourism marketing. This includes traditional advertising such as television, radio, and print ads, as well as digital advertising through search engines, social media platforms, and display networks. Promotional tactics may also include public relations, partnerships with travel influencers, and participation in travel fairs and events.
  • Content Marketing: Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable and informative content to attract and engage potential travelers. This can include blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and social media posts that showcase the destination, provide travel tips, and inspire wanderlust. Content marketing helps build brand credibility, increase website traffic, and foster customer loyalty.
  • Online Presence and Website Optimization: A strong online presence is crucial in tourism marketing. It includes having a visually appealing and user-friendly website that provides relevant information, easy navigation, and online booking options. Website optimization, including search engine optimization (SEO) and user experience (UX) optimization, helps improve visibility in search engines and enhances the overall online presence.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Effective customer relationship management involves building and maintaining strong relationships with past, present, and potential customers. This can include personalized email marketing, loyalty programs, and customer feedback management. CRM helps nurture repeat business, encourage positive reviews, and strengthen customer loyalty.

By integrating these components into their marketing strategies, tourism businesses can create comprehensive and effective campaigns that resonate with their target audience and drive bookings and visits to their destinations and services.

Strategies and Tactics in Tourism Marketing

Tourism marketing involves a range of strategies and tactics to effectively promote destinations, travel services, and experiences. Here are some commonly used strategies and tactics in tourism marketing:

  • Targeted Advertising: Tourism marketers utilize targeted advertising to reach specific demographics and interests. This includes running targeted ads on social media platforms, search engines, and travel-related websites to reach potential travelers who are most likely to be interested in a specific destination or travel service.
  • Content Marketing: Content marketing involves creating and sharing informative and engaging content to attract and engage potential travelers. This can include blog posts, articles, videos, and social media posts that inspire and educate travelers about destinations, travel tips, and experiences. Effective content marketing builds brand credibility and connects with the target audience on a deeper level.
  • Social Media Marketing: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have become powerful tools in tourism marketing. By creating compelling visual content, engaging with followers, and running targeted ads, tourism businesses can reach a wide audience and generate brand awareness. Influencer partnerships and user-generated content also play a significant role in social media marketing.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): A well-optimized website is crucial for tourism marketing. SEO involves optimizing website content, meta tags, and other on-page elements to improve search engine rankings. A higher ranking in search results increases visibility and organic traffic to the website, ultimately leading to more bookings and visits.
  • Online Reputation Management: Online reviews and ratings have a significant impact on travelers’ decision-making process. Tourism businesses need to actively manage their online reputation by encouraging positive reviews, responding to negative feedback, and addressing customer concerns promptly and professionally.
  • Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborating with influencers, local businesses, and other tourism stakeholders can amplify marketing efforts. Partnerships can include influencer campaigns, joint advertising initiatives, and cross-promotion to reach a wider audience and provide added value to travelers.
  • Personalization and Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Personalization is a powerful tactic in tourism marketing. By collecting and analyzing customer data, tourism businesses can deliver personalized marketing messages, custom offers, and tailored experiences to individual travelers. CRM tools and strategies help manage customer relationships, nurture loyalty, and drive repeat business.
  • Event and Experience Marketing: Hosting or sponsoring events and creating unique experiences can be highly effective in tourism marketing. This can include cultural festivals, adventure challenges, or themed tours that attract attention and create a buzz around a destination or travel service.

It’s important for tourism marketers to employ a combination of these strategies and tactics, tailored to their target audience and marketing goals. By implementing a comprehensive and integrated approach, tourism businesses can effectively engage with travelers, drive bookings, and ultimately succeed in a competitive industry.

Digital Marketing in Tourism

Digital marketing has revolutionized the way tourism businesses promote their offerings and engage with travelers. With the proliferation of the internet and social media, digital marketing has become a crucial component of tourism marketing strategies. Here are some key aspects of digital marketing in the tourism industry:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO is essential for improving a tourism website’s visibility in search engine results. By optimizing website content, meta tags, and backlinks, tourism businesses can rank higher in search results and attract organic traffic.
  • Content Marketing: Content marketing is a powerful tool in the digital landscape. By creating high-quality and valuable content, such as blog posts, articles, and videos, tourism businesses can attract and engage potential travelers, build brand credibility, and drive organic traffic to their websites.
  • Social Media Marketing: Social media platforms provide tourism businesses with a direct way to connect and engage with travelers. Through strategic social media marketing, businesses can build a strong online presence, cultivate a loyal following, and showcase their destinations, services, and experiences.
  • Online Advertising: Online advertising, including search engine marketing (SEM) and social media advertising, allows tourism businesses to reach a targeted audience. By running well-crafted ads, businesses can increase brand visibility, drive traffic to their websites, and generate bookings or inquiries.
  • Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with travel influencers can be highly effective in digital marketing. By partnering with influencers who have a large and engaged following, tourism businesses can tap into their influence and reach, showcasing their offerings to a wider audience and gaining credibility through authentic recommendations.
  • Online Travel Agencies (OTAs): OTAs such as Expedia,, and Airbnb have become prominent players in the digital marketing landscape. Tourism businesses can leverage these platforms by listing their offerings and optimizing their presence to reach travelers who use OTAs for travel bookings.
  • Email Marketing: Email marketing allows tourism businesses to nurture relationships with past and potential customers. By sending personalized and targeted emails, businesses can provide relevant offers, travel updates, and exclusive deals to encourage bookings and foster customer loyalty.
  • Website Optimization and User Experience (UX): A well-designed and user-friendly website is crucial for digital marketing success. Ensuring fast loading times, easy navigation, mobile responsiveness, and clear call-to-action buttons can significantly improve user experience and boost conversion rates.

Implementing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy can give tourism businesses a competitive advantage in reaching and engaging with the modern traveler. By leveraging digital channels effectively, businesses can increase their online visibility, attract more visitors, and ultimately drive bookings and revenue.

Challenges and Trends in Tourism Marketing

The tourism industry is constantly evolving, and with it comes new challenges and emerging trends in tourism marketing. Here are some of the key challenges and trends that tourism businesses need to be aware of:

  • Rising Competition: The tourism industry is becoming more competitive with the rise of digital marketing and the ease of global travel. Tourism businesses need to find innovative ways to differentiate themselves and stand out from the competition.
  • Managing Online Reputation: With the increasing influence of online reviews and social media, tourism businesses need to actively manage their online reputation. Addressing customer concerns, responding to reviews, and providing excellent customer service are crucial for maintaining a positive online image.
  • Changing Consumer Behavior: Consumer behavior is continuously evolving, with travelers becoming more tech-savvy and seeking personalized and unique experiences. Tourism businesses need to adapt their marketing strategies to cater to the changing preferences and expectations of travelers.
  • Data Privacy and Security: With the collection and use of customer data for marketing purposes, data privacy and security have become significant concerns. Tourism businesses must comply with privacy regulations and ensure the security of customer information to maintain trust and protect sensitive data.
  • Sustainability and Responsible Tourism: The growing importance of sustainability and responsible tourism has led to a shift in consumer attitudes. Travelers are increasingly seeking environmentally friendly and socially responsible travel options. Tourism businesses need to incorporate sustainability practices and communicate their commitment to responsible tourism in their marketing efforts.
  • Technological Advancements: Emerging technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI) are transforming the tourism industry. Tourism businesses need to stay updated with these advancements and explore ways to incorporate them into their marketing strategies to provide immersive and personalized experiences to travelers.
  • Shift towards Experiential Travel: Travelers are seeking more authentic and experiential travel experiences. This has led to a shift from traditional sightseeing to immersive and meaningful experiences. Tourism businesses can capitalize on this trend by designing unique experiences and crafting compelling storytelling in their marketing campaigns.
  • Influence of Social Media and Influencers: Social media platforms and travel influencers have a significant impact on consumers’ travel choices. Tourism businesses need to harness the power of social media and build relationships with influencers to effectively engage with their target audience and tap into their influence.

By acknowledging and adapting to these challenges and trends, tourism businesses can stay ahead of the curve and create effective marketing strategies that resonate with today’s travelers. Embracing technology, promoting sustainability, and delivering personalized and experiential travel offerings are key to success in the dynamic tourism industry.

Tourism marketing plays a vital role in the success and growth of the tourism industry. It encompasses various strategies and tactics aimed at promoting destinations, travel services, and experiences to potential travelers. In today’s digital age, digital marketing has become an integral part of tourism marketing, allowing businesses to reach and engage with travelers on a global scale.

Effective tourism marketing is essential for raising destination awareness, attracting visitors, boosting the local economy, enhancing competitiveness, fostering repeat business, driving collaboration, and creating a positive perception of a destination. By implementing well-planned marketing strategies, tourism businesses can thrive in a highly competitive industry and contribute to the overall growth and development of the tourism sector.

However, tourism marketing also faces various challenges, including rising competition, managing online reputation, changing consumer behavior, data privacy concerns, and the emergence of new technologies. It is crucial for tourism businesses to stay updated with the latest trends and adapt their marketing strategies to meet the evolving needs and expectations of travelers.

Looking ahead, sustainability, experiential travel, technological advancements, and the influence of social media and influencers will continue to shape the tourism industry. Tourism businesses that embrace these trends and incorporate them into their marketing strategies will be better positioned to attract and engage with modern travelers.

In conclusion, tourism marketing is a dynamic and ever-evolving field that requires creativity, adaptability, and a deep understanding of consumer behavior. By leveraging targeted strategies, embracing digital marketing channels, and staying ahead of industry trends, tourism businesses can effectively promote their offerings, attract visitors, and contribute to the growth and success of the tourism industry.


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10 Promotion Strategies for the Travel and Tourism Industry that Actually Work

How easyJet holidays managed the Covid-19 crisis with automated refunds

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Sylwester Karnuszewicz

10 Promotion Strategies for the Travel and Tourism Industry that Actually Work

Almost every industry is (still!) going through tough times since the pandemic outbreak back in 2020. Some of them, though, have been affected by coronavirus far more than the others – and the travel industry is definitely one of them. Canceled trips, canceled flights, confused guests and hosts alike, countless restrictions, and the overall uncertainty of what’s coming next – all this have brought the industry to the brink of collapse.

Thankfully, most travel and tourism businesses decided to fight against the odds, and work their way through the pandemic. As of summer 2022, there are signs of coming back to (normal) life. Nobody knows, though, what autumn will bring and convincing consumers to plan their trips is far more difficult now than it ever was. That’s why clever marketing and promotion strategies seem to be the keys for the industry to get back on its feet.

Marketing for the travel and tourism industries in 2022

The pandemic isn’t the only problem the travel and tourism industry has faced lately. The economy (for example in Europe) forces people to think twice before going on costly vacations abroad. The competition is stiff as ever, and there’s still a need to maintain a healthy balance between costs and earnings. There’s no point in pumping thousands of dollars into marketing strategies if they won’t bring enough ROI. That’s why it’s crucial to select the next promotion strategy for your business carefully.

Here are some notable travel marketing trends are worth mentioning:

  • TikTok marketing – this social video platform became a powerful marketing tool for those skilful enough to unlock its potential. Often referred to as a platform for children and youth (and dismissed for being such), TikTok hosts 1 billion active users. It’s a value that shouldn’t be ignored.
  • Social media marketing – the dominance of TikTok does not mean that other social media platforms are doomed in marketing. Instagram, Facebook, and even LinkedIn – all those media have their place and are still valid marketing platforms. The key is – as always – targeting the right audience.
  • Influencer marketing – staying in the social media area: engaging celebrities and influencers in your marketing activities is an idea worth thinking of. Of course, the influencer with a 250K Instagram profile won’t bring thousands of customers directly to your company, but the recognizability should definitely help.

What about some travel marketing trends for 2022?

  • Flexibility is a key – though low prices are still important, customers are eager to find offers that enable them to get a full refund or change bookings if necessary.
  • Long-term rentals – in times of remote work, more people want to try living in new places for a more extended period. So-called workations have become more popular than ever, and people expect special deals for long-term rentals.
  • Geofencing – looking for attractions near the place of living has become a thing during the pandemic. People are forced to put off their travel plans until somewhere in the future, turned to what their area has to offer. With geofencing , local attractions, such as restaurants, museums, go-karting tracks, escape rooms or laser tag places, became open for people searching for “[something] near me” which, apparently, grew popular in recent years.

Enough of those trends – you’re here for the list, so here it is! 10 promotional strategies for the travel and tourism industry that actually work – they have been launched and tested by companies we know. There’s no room for hypotheses. Below you’ll find nothing but real-life examples – get ready to get inspired!

Gamecity Zoetermeer

Promotion types used: discount coupons, gift cards, giveaways.


Gamecity GoKarting Zoetermeer is a place of fun games and entertainment for people looking to do something more active and demanding than watching VOD at home or going to the cinema. Gamecity offers go-karting, laser tag, minigolf and an innovative, competitive escape room-like experience called Prison Island.

1. Social media giveaways

Pursuing the newest trends, Gamecity launched a few social media profiles, such as Instagram or TikTok (their most popular video has been watched more than 40K times!). They use TikTok not only for sharing funny, short videos but also to run giveaways for their engaged followers, thus increasing company recognizability and gaining new followers (as well as potential customers):


Online contests are usually a very effective way to raise awareness of newly-created brands. Still, nothing stands in your way if you want to organize a sweepstake every now and then to promote your already established brand.

‍ In short: a well-performed online giveaway should not only bring some attention to your company but it might also result in a significant followers increase. Each of them can become your next valuable customer!

2. Discount coupons

People who don’t order any service without typing “[name of the company] discount coupon” in Google Search won’t be disappointed, as Gamecity Gokarting issues discount coupons every once in a while. A nice 20% discount for go-karting should be enough to convince the unconvinced and create the opportunity for them to try new things while traveling or just hanging out with friends.

game city discount coupon example

Discount coupons are the salt of promotion strategies for the tourism and travel industry – it’s always nice knowing that the attraction you were already willing to experience is a bit cheaper than expected. However, from a business perspective, too big of a discount can be deceptive, as people could try it once and then never come back due to the feeling that the service should be cheaper than it is. That’s why companies usually launch 10-20% discounts.

‍ In short: The most significant advantage of the discount coupon promotional strategy is that it’s not very demanding to launch and maintain such a promotion. And with a proper tool, such as the Voucherify, issuing coupons is approachable and developer-friendly.

Promotion types used: gift cards, partnerships, giveaways.

Sportihome has created its unique business model that combines two things you can find in the company name – sports and housing rentals. To make their offer attractive for sports enthusiasts and travelers alike, Sportihome runs numerous giveaways with strongly-thematic rewards, such as entries for sports events and so on:


3. Partnerships

A popular marketing strategy is partnering up with well-known brands to provide discounts, equipment and other gifts. Sportihome decided to follow this path by teaming up with Decathlon , the most prominent sports gear brand in France. Each host, who joins the Sportihome family, gets an exclusive 10% discount for equipping the lodgings they share with Sportihome customers.

Sportihom & Decathlon partnership

In short: partnerships may strengthen your brand as showing up in the right company to a business meeting does. And if the partnership comes with benefits for the customers, you can be sure that it will positively impact your marketing efforts.

4. Gift cards

One of the ultimate travel and tourism promotion types is gift cards. However, buying holidays as a gift can cause unintended trouble – it isn’t easy to be a hundred percent sure that the gifted person won’t have any plans in a given period. Also, choosing the location and lodgings for them might not be the best idea (who knows if they’d like it?). In such a case, the best way would be to present someone with a gift card for holidays of their choice. And that’s exactly what you can do via Sportihome – choose the price (from €50 to €1,000) and choose whether Sportihome should send the card to the recipient or if you want to do this personally.

Each gift card is valid for 24 months, and the gifted person can use the code from the gift card during the payment – after choosing the most suitable location.

sportihome gif cards

In short: Gift cards are present in almost any industry, but they became especially popular when the pandemic began – if all the travel companies ensured full refunds for everyone who wanted to cancel their flights, trips and vacations, they would already be out of business. One of the ways to stay above the surface while encouraging customers to return was to offer them gift cards instead of a cashback.

This is precisely the way easyJet decided to deal with the coronavirus crisis – read more about it in our case study!



Al Ali Yachts

Promotion types used: BOGO, discount coupons, giveaways.

Al Ali Yachts is a luxury yacht-rental company based in Dubai, UAE. In a demanding market, rental companies have to try different marketing strategies to get to the right audience. One of the most effective promotions used by Al Ali Yachts is BOGO – buy one, get one free – promotion.

How does it work? BOGO promotions add an item whenever a customer orders a required number of items. For example, during the "Enjoy the Summer" promotion, Al Ali Yachts offers their customers 1 hour of yacht rental for free for every 3 hours booked. It’s easy to calculate that the offer equals a 25% discount. The difference lies in the incentive.

If a group of friends would like to rent a yacht for two hours, they might get incentivized by the promotion – they’d rather pay for 3 hours and have a boat for 4 hours.

al ali yacht bogo promotion example

6. Holiday giveaways

There’s always an occasion to celebrate – should it be International Women’s Day, Independence Day or National Pizza With Everything (Except Anchovies) Day, brands have learnt to incorporate them into their marketing efforts. A contest where the winner gets 1 hour of free cruising? Why not? If it brings people interested in the product, it’s probably a good idea (though there’s a million dollars for whoever creates a campaign combining National Pizza Day with yacht rental).

al ali yacht holiday giveaway


Promotion types used: discount coupons.

Visiting the Dertouristik website for the first time is one of those unforgettable moments, when a pop-up ad doesn’t get on the nerves – why so? Because of an exclusive, time-limited offer (also the fact that it doesn’t cover the whole screen)!

7. Time-limited offers

Though setting a time limit for the offer is old as the world, it’s useful promotional tool companies use with success in 2022 (and will probably still use in 2222). Here’s what it looks like on the Dertour website:

Dertouristik discount coupon pop-up

The window pops up right after entering the website – it says that there’s a €50 discount for any travel package from Dertour, as soon as the total costs are above €500. The offer is valid until midnight, so there’s a strict deadline, but with plenty of time to think this decision through.

It’s a nice touch that after closing the pop-up window, it’s still available under the blue “Ihr Rabatt Code” button, so the customers can get back and copy their code anytime.

Promotion types used: flexibility packages, discount codes, freebies.

8. Flexible packages

Trends in the travel and tourism promotions have changed – customers expect more than low prices, loyalty solutions or various discounts. They also need peace of mind when it comes to planning their vacations. That’s why solutions such as ItaliaRail’s Flexibility packages work! With an additional fee customers can ensure that they would be able to reschedule or cancel their train tickets with an 80% or 90% refund:

ItaliaRail flexibility package

9. Freebies

Genuinely taking care of customers’ well-being is one of the most effective promotional strategies – especially if the goal is to create a long-term relationship with the customer. So ItaliaRail went the extra mile and prepared a little welcoming gift for their potential customers – a free Italian phrases ebook, which can be a helpful guide for those who visit Italy for the first time. Of course, giving away an ebook like this probably won’t become a game-changing strategy for the company. Still, it’s an excellent little addition to make customers feel better about traveling, and to get some email addresses in the process.

ItaliaRail freebie example – an ebook

Promotion types used: cart promotions, discount coupons.

With its branches in Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands, France, Poland, Spain, the UK, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Sweden and Finland, TUI became one of the most popular travel agencies in Europe, offering holiday trips worldwide.

10. Cart promotions

Knowing that the most straightforward solutions are often the most satisfying ones, TUI went through with cart promotions – the discounts visible immediately while browsing the offers:

TUI deals – cart level promotions

A big, red –41% alert is precisely what TUI wants people to see right after clicking the TUI Deals button on the homepage. The difference between the regular and discounted price is what drives people’s purchasing decisions more often than they want to admit. But the difference between €1410 and €831 is just too good!

‍ Cart-level promotions , though, offer more than only displaying lower prices. Using them, you can assign automatic discounts to each customer who meets the redemption criteria, create personalized deals, enable free shipping, bonus items and much more!

Coming up with a successful promotion strategy for the travel and tourism industry requires a lot of work and dedication – I hope the above list of examples will help you choose the best promotion type to begin with. Now, before I finish, here are three final tips you might find helpful:

  • Select two or three promotion types you’re eager to try out. Learn more about them and see if they are within your reach before investing any money in them.
  • Look around and search for software that would help you create and launch the type of promotions you’re interested in. It’s always a better (and cheaper) idea to find ready-made software instead of trying to come up with your own solution.
  • If you’re determined to try out different types of promotions for your business, make sure that the software you’ve found in step 2 is able to handle each of them. No point in subscribing to (and paying for) two or three different software packages while you can stick to a single one.

If you’re looking for a powerful promotion engine where you can create numerous marketing campaigns (personalized coupons, cart-level promotions, digital gift cards, product bundling, loyalty and referral programs, geofencing), but pay only for the actual usage, try Voucherify. And when I’m saying “try” I mean it – Voucherify comes with a free plan, which you can use to find your way through the platform before deciding to pay any money!

Don’t hesitate any longer

Get started with Voucherify!

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Effective Tourism Marketing and Promotion Strategies in 2024 and beyond

By: Marium Farooq

December 12, 2023

Table of Contents

According to a study by Statistica in February 2023 , global travel is expected to go up in 2023 and 2024. After a big drop during the COVID-19 pandemic, travel started picking up again in 2022. The forecast predicts a 15.5 percent increase in people visiting different countries in 2023 compared to the year before. At the same time, the number of people traveling from one country to another is estimated to go up by nearly 16 percent during this period.

The tourism industry stands out due to its distinctive nature – it involves marketing and selling experiences that include various elements such as destinations, services, and activities. Unlike typical products, the competition in this industry is consistently intense. To effectively compete with others, marketing strategies must be not only creative and unique but also comprehensive. This calls for meticulously crafted approaches that offer a distinct edge over competitors.

To thrive in this expanding and profitable industry, you require a marketing strategy that suits the modern, ever-changing digital landscape. Run promotional campaigns to increase visibility for your brand, and most importantly, attract more customers. Here are some strategies that can give you the competitive edge you’re seeking:

1. It all begins with understanding your Target Market

The first step is to comprehend your ideal customers. Understanding your customers is the initial key to a powerful marketing strategy. The most effective way to do this is by creating an ideal customer profile that addresses key questions: Who are your customers? What is their demographic information? What motivates them? What interests them, and where do they seek information? How do they prefer to book their experiences? If you have successfully answered all these questions, you can start mapping out your communication strategy that highlights what makes you unique. These customer personas will form the foundation of your marketing strategy.

2. Social Strategy 

As we’ve discussed previously, what sets the tourism industry apart is the intense level of competition it faces. In the world of tourism, the saying “seeing is believing” holds significant weight. Nowadays, customers have high expectations, seeking a fully immersive experience and meticulously planning every aspect of their trips – from bookings to sites and experiences. The key? They want to visualize it all before embarking on their adventure. Given these dynamics, social media is an essential part of your digital marketing that emerges as one of the most potent marketing channels for your tourism organization – provided you choose the right platforms. Each platform presents its unique features and challenges. The two most popular social media platforms for travel marketing are:

Instagram: Instagram boasts over 1.5 billion monthly users , and its user base continues to expand. The platform’s remarkable growth positions it as one of the most trending platforms, coupled with the fact that it is entirely visual. This unique characteristic makes Instagram exceptionally effective for tourism marketing.

The platform has witnessed substantial growth in its mobile video content since its launch, with brands increasingly relying on this medium to enhance engagement metrics and conversion rates. As a tour operator, your responsibility is to assist your potential customers in crafting the perfect tour package and ultimately a great vacation experience. On Instagram, you can captivate your audience by sharing pictures of experiences, hotels, meals, and itinerary events to facilitate their planning process for your tourism business.

Facebook: With over 3 billion monthly active users , Facebook stands out as the most populated social media platform, underscoring the importance of establishing a presence on this platform. However, how can you effectively leverage Facebook for your travel marketing? First and foremost, ensure that your business information on Facebook is complete. Often, travellers access such information about the tourist activity or tourism product through your Facebook profile, particularly if you operate a small business or if your official website has a low ranking on search engines. Given Facebook’s status as the most populated platform, it consistently receives high rankings and Domain Authority on search engines making it an essential tool for your social media marketing.

Another way travellers love to interact with a tourist destination is through check-ins, especially beneficial for destination marketing. Ensure that you use location targeting in your ads, as well as other parameters such as language, age, gender, interests, behaviours, etc. for a highly targeted marketing campaign.

Whether employing precise targeted advertising or a tourism promotion, the platform guarantees that your offers reach your intended target audience. Furthermore, it provides an opportunity to deepen your understanding of your customers, ultimately boosting sales for your travel brand.

3. Create Immersive Content with Reels

When it comes to visual content, more is better. Reels are one of the most exciting features offered by social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, and they are excellent for capturing the attention of diverse audiences. Reels provide a fun and interesting way to connect with your audience. When considering the duration of your video content, ensure it includes all aspects of your experience. You can later break it down and repurpose it on different platforms. Create stories, TikTok reels, visuals for your Facebook creatives, and more.

Depending on your content, you can attract more audiences, increase your brand awareness,inspire your audience, and showcase your services. Focus on what your audience is looking for instead of creating mundane behind-the-scenes videos of your work unless that’s what your audience desires. Otherwise, stick to the fully immersive experience you offer. Your visual content is the key for the successfulness of your content marketing.

One of the key challenges tour operators face is how to distribute content effectively without being too redundant. As mentioned earlier, more is better. Create multiple videos of your offerings, focusing on each aspect of the services you provide. This way, you have plenty of options to choose from and can easily edit and use them on multiple platforms using various online tools.

Another crucial aspect is not to omit important information. If your audience is inspired by the experiences you offer, they will likely be interested in tiny details such as the location, prices, availablilty, customizations, and who they can contact to work out a plan. Make sure you address all these questions.

4. Leverage Social Media Influencers

After creating and effectively distributing your video content, if you find it becoming repetitive, consider engaging Instagram influencers followed by your target audience. Influencer Marketing not only adds credibility to your business but also plays a crucial role in expanding your reach to new audiences.

The key lies in selecting influencers wisely. As a tour marketer, it may be tempting to focus solely on the number of followers each influencer has, but this approach overlooks two crucial pieces of information. Firstly, consider whether there is a match between the influencer’s brand personality and yours. Is your target audience likely to follow this specific influencer? This question harks back to the beginning of our blog, where we emphasized creating an ideal customer profile. If there is a match, the second crucial piece of information is the level of influence the influencer has over their audience. This can be determined by analyzing the engagement of the influencer’s followers. At times, influencers may have a modest follower count but a high level of influence, presenting an opportunity for you to strike a profitable deal with them which might be essential for a successful tourism marketing campaign.  

5. Create a Seamless Website Experience

Your website serves as the primary tool to enhance your conversion rates, representing a critical component of your customer’s journey where key decisions are made. The first crucial aspect is to ensure all essential information is readily available, creating an easy booking process. Missing information may prompt customers to leave your website to seek details on your social media platforms or, worse, abandon the booking process. Display all relevant pictures, video content, and details where the booking occurs.

Pro Tip: Enhance your website’s efficiency by utilizing advanced booking software like Zaui, which significantly aids in establishing a seamless booking process for your guests.

The second pivotal element is the user experience on your website. If it is cluttered, slow, or difficult to navigate, it can significantly impact your booking numbers. It is important to maintain a well-designed and organized website for a smooth user experience. The third key point is to integrate a booking system directly into your website to initiate online bookings. Consider using Zaui, a popular booking system that enables revenue growth and automates everyday reservation tasks. Book a demo, and our experts will guide you through the platform, addressing all your questions.

6. Google Things to do

Consider the first step in trip planning: a keyword search on a search engine. With Google commanding over 90% of search traffic, securing visibility on this leading platform is crucial. Ensure your presence spans four relevant surfaces: Google Maps, Google Travel, Google Search, and your Google My Business Profile, each with unique attributes.

To learn how to enhance your visibility and outperform popular OTAs on these platforms, download our Google Things to do ebook . Alternatively, reach out to us for a personalized demo to experience our advanced integration with the Google Things to do platform. Over the past year, our Zaui experts have dedicated themselves to providing tour operators with a premium experience on Google Things to do, marked by advancements in integration and exemplary support. Download the ebook now to get started. CTA – Download Ebook

7. Email Marketing

If you currently don’t have an email list, it’s time to start building one. Your email list is among the most crucial marketing assets you possess, offering greater power than many other marketing channels since Email Marketing is the third-highest return on investment (ROI) .

Ideally, incorporate a subscription form on your website to invite visitors into your online community. This allows you to reconnect with them and potentially convert them into paying customers.

Another facet of your Email Marketing strategy involves guest communication . Establish a seamless guest experience with effective pre and post-trip notifications. Utilize this avenue to build credibility through reviews, ensuring the automation of review notifications. If you find this challenging, there’s no need to worry; your booking software can seamlessly handle it. Book a Personalized Demo with Zaui to explore these features further.

8. Tap into The Power of Reviews

Your reviews serve as a window into customer satisfaction, and there has been a consistent increase in reliance on them. Multiple review sites, such as Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Google Local, are perfect for building an online presence and reputation. Consider joining one or a couple of notable platforms and be diligent in responding to all reviews, both negative and positive. This demonstrates that you are attentive and value all feedback.

Another crucial aspect is the use of pictures, which provide the highest form of credibility. This is where you can elevate your marketing efforts. Photo marketing tools like Fotaflo and PicThrive can seamlessly integrate with your booking system , assisting you in getting direct referrals and reviews that outshine your competition, thereby enhancing your visibility. In tourism marketing, visual content plays the most important role, and professionally taken pictures shared through photo marketing tools provide control over the quality of visual content, as well as improving the overall guest experience.

Standing out in the tourism industry can be a daunting task. However, by incorporating a few unique and modern marketing tactics, you can create a memorable experience for your customers, ultimately strengthening your tourism marketing strategy. With the right strategy and approach, your marketing efforts can help you build deeper connections with your target audience, allowing you to stand out in a crowded market and achieve long-term success in the tourism industry.

If you are seeking unique ways to outshine your competition, get in touch with Zaui. We offer an All-in-One Booking Solution fully equipped with tools and services to help you attain the marketing success you are seeking for your business.

Book a Demo!

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The Importance of Marketing in Tourism

by Andra Picincu

Published on 8 Nov 2018

Ever wonder what the most popular vacation resorts and hotels have in common? What about the top rated travel agencies? They offer not only excellent service but also invest heavily in marketing to expand their reach and drive customer awareness. In a 2017 survey, 48 percent of hotel professionals said that they were planning to spend more on digital marketing campaigns. About 44 percent expressed their intention to invest in social media. Governments spend billions on tourism marketing as well, in order to promote their best destinations and boost the local economy.

Increase Customer Awareness

Many travel destinations that are popular today have only recently been added to our holiday map. Sierra Leone, South Korea, Nepal, Iceland and Vietnam are just a few to mention.

The number of tourists visiting Sierra Leone, for instance, increased from 40,000 in 2005 to 74,400 in 2016. The number of overseas arrivals in South Korea more than doubled between 2005 and 2017, growing from 6 million to 13.1 million visitors. Another example is Iceland, which welcomed 34.9 percent more travelers in 2017 compared to the previous year.

One of the reasons why these destinations are so popular is that they're heavily promoted in the media. A few years ago, travelers knew little about these places and the number of flights was limited.

Today, you can easily travel from one place to another and use the internet to research every possible destination. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube and other online platforms are flooded with exciting stories and reviews from travelers worldwide.

Tourism agencies, hotels, B&Bs and other industry players leverage today's technology to promote destinations that are new or untouched by tourists. This helps increase customer awareness and opens up a world of opportunities for tourists and hospitality professionals alike.

Grow the Local Economy

Tourism marketing contributes to the growth of local and national economies worldwide. In fact, one-fifth of all global jobs created over the past decade have been within the travel sector. Nearly 10 percent of all jobs are supported by this industry.

The more people visit a city or country, the more money they spend. This helps grow the local economy and attracts investors. New hotels and vacation resorts open their doors, leading to the creation of new jobs. As the local infrastructure and services improve, the number of tourists increases even more.

Promote Local Brands

Many small cities and towns are home to world-class accommodations. Marketers promote these places online and offline to drive brand awareness and attract visitors. They also make sure that information on restaurants, hotels and other venues is easily accessible and up-to-date.

For example, if you own a B&B, you can advertise it on Facebook and Instagram as well as in travel magazines and on travel blogs. Another option is to join, and other online platforms where travelers can book accommodations at discounted rates. Those who decide to stay at your B&B may leave reviews on Yelp, TripAdvisor, Expedia and other websites with millions of visitors, which further helps increase brand awareness.

Tourism marketing drives business growth. If customers are satisfied with your services, they'll spread the world about your facility, whether it's a local pub or a hotel. This will bring you more clients and give you a competitive edge.

Considering these facts, it's no wonder that travel professionals invest billions in marketing. Digital advertising spending in the U.S. travel industry increased from $2.4 billion in 2011 to $8.5 billion in 2018 – and it's expected to reach $9.8 billion in 2019. If you want to stand out from the crowd and promote your venue, focus on improving your marketing strategy.

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Tourism Marketing Basics: The Hows and Whys of Promoting Your Destination

Are you in the tourism industry? If so, you’ve got a tiny slice of a global 8.27 trillion-dollar pie.

Parts of the world that were once inaccessible now see tourists flocking in droves . Other areas rely almost solely on tourism to support their local economy.

Whichever area of the world you’re in–and whatever type of business you run–tourism marketing is the key to your success. How will people know how amazing your resort, restaurant, or venue is unless you get the word out?

Still, isn’t always the easiest endeavor. This is especially true in the tourism industry since there’s so much competition.

In this post, we’ll discuss the importance of tourism marketing and some expert tips to ensure your success.

What Is Tourism Marketing?

First of all, how is tourism marketing different than other types of marketing?

The main difference is that tourists are temporary visitors. Traditional marketing efforts focus on creating long-term customers who live in the area.

Since visitors come and go, tourism marketing has to focus on capturing their attention. Most likely they won’t be too familiar with the area, so your job is to educate them about what makes it unique.

Why should visitors stay at your hotel, eat at your restaurant, or visit your museum? What makes your venue stand out from the rest? What incentives can you offer to make them choose you over the place down the street?

These are the types of questions you need to ask yourself as you craft your next marketing plan.

Tourism Marketing: Tips for Success

If your current tourism marketing plan feels stale, try some of these tips to freshen it up.

1. Define Your Goals

Every year, you likely set up a specific budget for marketing. Do you also create specific goals along with it?

Let’s say you added luxury villas to your mid-range hotel and you’re disappointed by the low number of bookings. How could you refocus your marketing efforts to attract more customers?

Perhaps you need to revamp your advertising efforts to target luxury travelers. Or you could offer complimentary upgrades to regular guests and encourage them to leave reviews.

The point is: Don’t gloss over areas of your business that aren’t meeting your expectations. Make these the focus of your next marketing plan.

2. Partner Up

If you’re hoping to target national or international customers, your goals may be well out of your marketing budget. Chances are that other local tourism businesses have the same problem.

The solution? Partner up with other businesses and attractions and combine your marketing efforts.

If you own a restaurant, could you reach out to nearby hotels and ask them to display coupons in their lobby? Would your local chamber of commerce be interested in putting together a regional booklet of tourist attractions?

3. Build a Discussion Forum

A sure way to get people buzzing about your destination is to open a question and answer forum on your social media pages.

Travelers always have questions about the area they’re visiting. As a local with insider knowledge, this is your chance to provide valuable insight and gain their trust.

Most people will ask simple questions about restaurant recommendations, pet-friendly hotels, or public transportation. Encourage communication on your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts, and be sure to answer their questions promptly.

4. Pick a Theme

Depending on where you’re located, your area may already attract a certain type of visitor. Napa Valley is a destination for wine lovers, while New Zealand is the mecca for adrenaline junkies.

What if your area doesn’t have a clear-cut reputation–or you want to introduce visitors to another side of it? Could you focus your marketing efforts on ecotourism, outdoor adventures, historical tours, or experiences for kids?

On Colorado Info’s website, for example, they have a whole section dedicated to concerts and other events for music lovers. Check it out here.

5. Identify Traveler Types

Travelers come in all shapes and sizes–families with kids, retirees, backpackers, millennials. 

Marketing 101: If you try to target everyone, you won’t reach anyone.

Narrow your focus to a particular type of traveler. If you run a rustic lodge in the mountains, target families who enjoy skiing and hiking. If you run an oceanfront restaurant, target seniors with early bird specials.

Are you trying to get more couples to stay at your resort? Target engaged women with ads about why your resort is the ultimate honeymoon destination.

7. Network with Influencers

We’ve all seen influencers on YouTube and Instagram. These social media giants have built their own digital empires and have thousands (or even millions) of followers.

Why not tap into their powerful influence with an exchange? Offering a few nights at your hotel or a five-course meal at your restaurant in exchange for a video on their channel could expose your business to thousands of potential customers.

The trick is to find an influencer whose content relates to your business and whose followers would be interested in your locale. Even if you have to pay for their services, the exposure they offer is usually worth it.

8. Produce Amazing Videos

If you want to stand out from your competitors, anymore–they’re mandatory.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine what a 60-second video is worth. Videos can convey an incredible amount of information in a very short amount of time–far more than a brochure or snapshot ever could.

Don’t focus solely on your business. Take short videos around town offering fun facts, advice for getting around, and insider tips that only the locals know.

Post these on your website and social media channels, and you’re sure to engage and attract new customers.

Final Thoughts on Tourism Marketing

So, which of these tourism marketing tips will work best for your business?

Whether it’s teaming up with influencers or narrowing your focus to a particular type of traveler, you’ll soon be on your way to a thriving tourist-based business.

Need more great marketing advice? Check out .

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  • Master tourism marketing: strategies for a thriving business

Master tourism marketing: strategies for a thriving business

In an age where the tourism industry is constantly evolving, staying ahead of the competition and effectively marketing your tourism business has never been more crucial. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out in the field, this comprehensive guide is your passport to success. We’ll look at innovative marketing strategies tailored specifically for the tourism and hospitality industry , equipping you with the knowledge and tools to thrive in this dynamic and competitive field.

Introduction to tourism marketing strategies

Tourism marketing is aimed at potential customers from all over the world. To stand out in a crowded market, innovative strategies are crucial. Here’s what comprises effective tourism marketing:

  • Understanding your audience : Tailor your approach to a range of demographics, connecting with them personally based on their preferences and interests.
  • Developing a unique brand identity: Create a distinctive visual and narrative identity that encapsulates your organization’s values and essence.
  • Creating engaging content: Go beyond static images, embracing blog posts, real-time social media updates, and vlogs to captivate prospects and entice them to visit.

Learn marketing with the best

Study with professionals at the top of their game who can share their expertise and provide the ideal start for a career that makes an impact in tourism.

tourism promotion importance

Understanding your target audience

Effective tourism marketing begins with a deep understanding of your target audience. To attract and engage potential visitors, it’s vital to recognize their preferences and interests. Some are attracted to cultural heritage, while others seek vibrant nightlife or culinary experiences.

To understand a range of demographics, conduct thorough consumer research to identify patterns among prospective travelers, using data from customer surveys, travel agents, and online feedback. Build detailed personas to profile typical tourists who visit or may use your travel business. These personas become the foundation for shaping campaigns.

Key considerations:

  • Focus on what tourists find attractive, not what you think they find attractive
  • Rely on market research and verifiable data sources for insights
  • Knowing customers’ wants and needs is vital for effectively tailored campaigns
  • Stay adaptable to evolving visitor behavior and trends for sustainable growth

Understanding your audience and staying attuned to changing preferences are central to destination marketing, ensuring your efforts generate maximum impact.

Developing a unique brand identity

Tourism Body

Oscar Wong/Moment Getty Images

Developing a distinctive brand identity is vital. As you deepen your understanding of what marketing is in tourism, you will realize how important it is for your destination or attraction to have its own niche.

Uniqueness: make your destination stand out

Think about the irresistible attractions your destination offers. Perhaps it’s culturally rich heritage steeped in history or maybe it’s rainforest and its wildlife. When you’re embarking on promoting travel to your location, make sure these distinguishing features are highlighted by using them as hooks in your tourism marketing strategies. The idea is to conjure up an image so potent that travelers instantly recognize it.

Relevance: aligning factors that attract tourists

One area where many falter is not aligning their offerings with market demands. Even if you can offer Northern Lights viewing spots in Norway, this won’t resonate with tourists if it doesn’t address their specific needs and interests. This is where consumer research in tourism comes in handy.

Consistency: keeping the promise

Once you’ve developed your unique brand identity and aligned it with what attracts tourists, make sure all marketing touchpoints — digital or offline — feature consistent messaging. Of course, varying content types necessitate a tweak in style, but the core substance should remain stable across all platforms.

Leveraging local listings

Local listings, like Google My Business and Tripadvisor, are vital for tourism marketing. They provide essential information and reviews to travelers. To maximize their potential:

  • Claim your business listing on popular platforms
  • Ensure consistent data across all platforms
  • Encourage customer reviews and respond promptly
  • Continuously analyze visitor feedback for optimization

Utilizing these platforms builds legitimacy and trust, as online reviews can play a significant role in travelers’ decision-making.

Creating compelling content

Engaging content is a powerful strategy in tourism marketing. It resonates with emotions, tells captivating stories, and showcases your destination creatively. Here are three ways engaging content can enhance your strategies:

  • Storytelling: Share local legends and anecdotes to add depth to your destination’s persona, appealing to tourists’ emotions and curiosity.
  • Visual content: Use high-quality images and enticing descriptions to showcase your destination’s attractions, and stimulate the interest of potential tourists.
  • Interactive content: Offer virtual tours or quizzes to engage audiences at an experiential level, increasing their curiosity and perception of your destination.

Authenticity is essential in content creation, as it builds credibility in tourism marketing.

Engaging with social media platforms

In today’s digital world, social media is essential in tourism marketing. Different platforms cater to various demographics and interests, so you need to carefully tailor your social media posts to your target markets on each channel. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Tailored content: Create content suitable for each platform, such as stunning images on Instagram and engaging travel stories on X (Twitter).
  • Two-way interaction: Respond promptly to reviews and comments on social media, building loyalty among customers. You can also encourage user-generated content about your business, nearby tourist attractions, or about the customer service they experienced.
  • Influencer collaboration: Partner with social media influencers to promote your destination to their followers.
  • Hashtag movements and contests : Participate in trending hashtag movements and initiate contests or games related to destinations to boost visibility and generate positive publicity.

By understanding the unique features and demographics of each social media platform, you can meet travelers where they spend time and enhance your tourism marketing strategies.

Paid social media advertising

Paid social media advertisements are also important for any modern tourism company. They can be targeted to deliver messages to specific demographics. To make the most of social media advertising, here are a few key considerations:

  • Identify your key demographics – know who you want to reach.
  • Set clear objectives – understand what return on investment looks like.
  • Develop engaging ad creatives – images or videos that represent what is being marketed.
  • Monitor results frequently – adjust where necessary.

Sending email newsletters

Among the various tourism marketing strategies, email has emerged as an enduring tactic. Don’t underestimate the efficacy of a well-crafted email newsletter, as it stands at the intersection of providing information and subtle promotion.

Here’s a peek into how you can engage prospective travelers through strategic email newsletters.

  • Schedule regularly : Choose a frequency – weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly – that aligns with your offerings and can be consistent. This gives subscribers something to look forward to while keeping your brand on their minds.
  • Personalize communications : To make each subscriber feel acknowledged, use advanced CRM tools for personalization and tailored offerings based on previous interactions or noted preferences.
  • Showcase compelling stories : Emotionally charged narratives about real guest experiences can stir interest and spark the imagination.
  • Promote upcoming attractions : Give dormant clients reasons to reactivate by featuring must-see events or unbeatable seasonal deals.
  • Incorporate reviews and testimonials : Customer reviews paint a convincing picture of what awaits future tourists. Their first-hand accounts — featuring praise or constructive feedback — can often build trust more effectively than promotional text.

Displaying online banners

An effective strategy in mastering tourism marketing involves harnessing the power of online banners. Banner advertising, a form of digital outreach, helps create awareness about your destination and may catch a potential tourist’s eye.

Here’s how best to take advantage of this potent bit of marketing strategy in tourism:

  • Design with purpose : Creating compelling banner designs requires an understanding of what attracts tourists. Your banners must effectively communicate the unique appeal of the location you’re promoting. Does it offer historical and cultural significance? Is its natural scenery superb, or does it provide high-end luxury experiences?
  • Location, location, location : Destination tourism is all about presenting prospective visitors with an irresistible locale they’d love to explore. Online banners should be strategically displayed on websites that your target audience visits, such as travel blogs or holiday booking sites.
  • Clear call-to-action (CTA) : The most successful online banners have a clear CTA that prompts visitors to learn more or make bookings. This simple yet assertive instruction can enhance user engagement and increase bookings substantially.
  • Mobile-friendly designs : Given our world has become increasingly mobile-centric, ensuring your online banners are optimized for mobile viewing is non-negotiable. This will also help make sure your mobile websites or advertisements are seen in search engines.

Offline promotional activities

Online marketing is powerful, but don’t overlook offline strategies. Traditional tourism marketing methods remain effective for personal connections with your audience.

Explore event sponsorships and collaborations at local events to showcase your brand. Print materials like brochures and flyers provide valuable tourism information and visibility in target areas. Roadshows educate potential customers in various locations, stirring interest. Utilize television and radio ads for wide-reaching awareness.

Tailor these techniques to your unique business needs while maintaining consistency across online and offline platforms.

Contextual advertising and SEO

Contextual advertising leverages relevance to attract tourists effectively. By placing your ads within content that aligns with travelers’ interests, you capture their attention when their tourism curiosity is at its peak. This targeted approach can lead you to your ideal customer base.

Search engine optimization (SEO) helps people find you in a sea of competitors when they go searching for what you offer online. Honing your site’s SEO capabilities can increase the likelihood of appearing in search results, so potential tourists can move toward becoming actual visitors.

Using promotional videos

In the quest to implement effective tourism marketing strategies, don’t overlook promotional videos. This type of content can effectively portray what attracts tourists to a particular location, destination, or service.

The power of promoting travel through video

Visual storytelling is compelling and engaging by nature. It can transport viewers directly into your destination’s most appealing spots. When considering marketing attractions or marketing a destination, creating videos that convey what is unique about your tourist spot can significantly boost your campaign.

How videos enhance tourism marketing strategies

  • Showcase scenic views: Highlight the incredible views from the highest peak or show underwater adventures featuring vibrant marine life. Let viewers feel as if they’re already on an extraordinary journey.
  • Provide local insight: Film a local tour guide telling stories about a historic castle or local attraction that you won’t find easily in travel pamphlets.
  • Highlight experiences: Use this chance to display exhilarating possibilities like zip lining over lush forests, relaxing at a secluded beach, or sampling delicacies at markets

Try and ensure the video depictions will match expectations when tourists arrive.

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Combining expert tuition and exclusive internships, this Master’s gives you access to leaders at the pinnacle of their profession with opportunities to network and build your career.

tourism promotion importance

Key considerations

Successful application of promotional videos as part of tourism marketing strategies hinges on factors such as:

  • Solid marketing plans
  • Quality production
  • Meaningful narratives that highlight customer experience
  • Resonating with your ideal customers
  • Optimization for viewing on different devices
  • Keeping up to date with tourism marketing trends

Mastering tourism marketing strategies is instrumental in developing a tourism marketing plan. They are also instrumental for sustaining the growth of a destination tourism business and ensuring success in a tourism or hospitality career .

Social media platforms offer many opportunities for promoting travel adventures and facets of the tourism business, from sharing compelling imagery to sharing delightful experiences, or even connecting personally with potential patrons. Get started on the journey to becoming a tourism marketing professional with a hospitality degree from Glion. Or read more about the tourism and hospitality industry in the new normal .

Photo Credit

Main Image: Plume Creative / DigitalVision via Getty Images

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Please note you do not have access to teaching notes, the impact of tourism promotion in tourist destinations: a bibliometric study.

International Journal of Tourism Cities

ISSN : 2056-5607

Article publication date: 22 April 2022

Issue publication date: 9 December 2022

This paper aims to provide an assessment of tourism promotion in tourist destinations and airports (TPTDs) and to organize and classify the literature on tourism promotion, with the aim of staging the importance of this topic and encouraging future research in the projection of tourism and marketing sectors.


The paper uses the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) database to analyze the bibliometric in TPTDs topic from 2000 to 2021. Additionally, the paper also uses the visualization of similarities (VOS) viewer software to map graphically the bibliographic material. The graphical analysis uses bibliographic coupling, co-citation, citation and co-occurrence of keywords.

This study provides an amended new definition of tourism promotion, which is the efficient management of a destination’s resources and strategic plans by destination marketing organizations (DMOs) to adapt the tourism supply to market trends and will empower tourists to visit such destinations. Furthermore, results also show a new paradigm applied to TPTDs topic and classified in five first-order research streams. Digital and mobile marketing, infrastructure, branding, quality, accessibility and information factors about a specific destination which are mostly demanded by tourists are considered as an important means of promotion for the tourism industry.


The contribution of this study is important to identify new challenges and opportunities for researchers, DMOs, airport and airlines operators and stakeholders, as disentangling existing contradictions and applying new theoretical framework to make better future decisions by researchers and organizations to provide higher quality to new research in the context of the TPTDs.

  • Tourism promotion
  • Bibliometric
  • Tourist destinations
  • Universities

Florido-Benítez, L. (2022), "The impact of tourism promotion in tourist destinations: a bibliometric study", International Journal of Tourism Cities , Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 844-882.

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021, International Tourism Studies Association

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Why Is Tourism Promotion Important?

By Anna Duncan

Tourism promotion is an essential aspect of any country’s economy. It is the process of promoting and marketing a destination to attract visitors, thus contributing to the growth of the tourism industry.

The tourism industry has become a significant source of revenue for many countries, and it has become more important than ever before. Here are some reasons why tourism promotion is essential:

1. Boosts the economy: Tourism promotion helps to generate revenue for a country’s economy.

When visitors come to a destination, they spend money on various things such as accommodation, food, transportation, sightseeing tours, and other activities. All these expenses contribute to the growth of the local economy.

2. Creates employment: The tourism industry creates job opportunities for people in various sectors such as hospitality, transportation, tour guides, and many others. When a destination is promoted well enough to attract more visitors, it leads to increased demand for services and products in those sectors.

3. Increases foreign exchange earnings: Tourism promotion helps to increase foreign exchange earnings for a country. When visitors come from other countries and spend money on their visit, it leads to an influx of foreign currency into the country.

The importance of destination branding

Destination branding is an essential part of tourism promotion as it helps in creating a unique identity for a destination that sets it apart from others. A well-branded destination can attract more visitors who are interested in experiencing something different or unique.

Some benefits of destination branding include:

  • Better visibility: Destination branding helps in increasing the visibility of a place by creating awareness through various marketing channels such as social media platforms.
  • Increase in tourist arrivals: Destination branding helps in attracting more tourists by creating an image that appeals to their interests and preferences.
  • Economic growth: A well-branded destination can contribute significantly to the growth of the local economy by creating job opportunities and attracting investment.

The role of digital marketing in tourism promotion

Digital marketing has become an essential part of tourism promotion in recent years. It is a cost-effective way to reach a wider audience and create awareness about a destination. Some digital marketing techniques used for tourism promotion include:

Social media marketing: Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are used to promote destinations by sharing images, videos, and other content that showcases the beauty and attractions of a place.

Email marketing: Email marketing is used to Target potential visitors with personalized messages that highlight the unique features of a destination.

Search engine optimization (SEO): SEO helps in improving the visibility of a destination’s website on search engines such as Google, thus increasing its chances of being discovered by potential visitors.

In conclusion,

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7 Effective Promotion Ideas for Tourism Marketing

Promotion, advertising, marketing… the subtle differences between these terms (opens in a new tab) is interesting, but ultimately the bottom line is about growing your tour business and boosting your sales. That is what I am going to focus on here.

An effective advertising campaign is the most important aspect in the successful development of a tourism business. The key success factors in any campaign are careful planning and creative ideas. 

We will start with some basic foundational elements of a tourism business, and then go on to share effective promotional ideas.

Building under construction

Your Brand Identity

All the elements of a business are interconnected, and each business prioritizes them slightly differently. However, it is important to continually evaluate the strength of your brand presence while you are developing your promotions and marketing strategies.

– Social Media  

Are your social media accounts set up and active ? This is non-negotiable because so many people rely on social media as their primary source of information, and to verify the value of a business before making a commitment. Focus on maintaining several platforms, and keep them current and engaging as best as you can. You can start here (opens in a new tab) , and then take your social media to the next level with this blog post (opens in a new tab) .

– Starting a blog (or posting relevant articles)

There are several ways a blog can help grow your business. When your site is brimming with interesting blogs showcasing your unforgettable tours, or with useful articles about tourism… that gets people excited! Visitors to your blog see all this fun content, and are motivated to try it for themselves, and they hit that book button. 

The other benefit of a blog is that with enough high-quality content, it positions your company as experts in the field (opens in a new tab) . That is great for ranking in Google searches! In addition you can get a lot of mileage out of a well thought out post. Your articles can also be published on other sites that offer similar services, play double-duty as social media content, or be creatively pitched as a sales tool. Plus, when you are writing about your tours, showcasing beautiful pictures, and reminiscing on the fun you provide… that is an enjoyable reminder of how memorable your business really is.

– A professional website

A website is another important place to solidify your professionalism. Prospective customers who visit a high quality website find essential information organized cleanly, and studded with alluring photos. This is the ultimate selling tool. All your promotion efforts and marketing plans typically deliver prospective customers to your website. Therefore it needs to clearly articulate what you do, and provide a clear plan to book a tour. If you need an upgraded website, TourismTiger are experts in building websites for the tourism industry (opens in a new tab) , and we have many years of experience in this arena.

Roofline of a completed building

Put your dazzling brand identity to work

In an ideal world, a business has the budget to hire a professional marketing and advertising team. Usually, the team would offer market research, web-marketing services, commercial promo, and also creative ideas to make a tourism business more attractive. This team would have time and resources to implement an effective promotional campaign for tourism marketing organizations. (starry emoji here)

However, not everyone has the resources to pay a team of dedicated professionals. That means we must be interesting and innovative on our own.

Let’s check out below how tourism marketing companies (and tourism businesses) attract their audience and the promotional ideas they use.

1. Utilize local listings

The simplest promotion you can do is registering your business with Google My Business (opens in a new tab) – it is the new Yellow Pages. The vast majority of people use Google to find everything . If your business doesn’t show up in all those searches- you are missing out! A Google listing is basically free advertising for you. The setup process is quite simple, and then you have complete control to update your listing, add new photos, or update hours if they change. Follow these steps (opens in a new tab) , and include as much information as possible.

2. Using email newsletters

Using email newsletters (opens in a new tab) and a customer relationship management (CRM) program is an easy yet effective strategy for interacting with clients. There are classic avenues to invite people to sign up for your newsletter, such as built into your website or Facebook page. Also get creative how and where you ask for subscribers. For example, find a fun way to circulate a paper sign up sheet during a tour. And be very thoughtful of the wording you choose. Offer the user the option to subscribe to the newsletter in order to ‘regularly receive information about current offers’ or ‘hear about our seasonal tours’. Offer a newsletter that is relevant and interesting to your prospective customer. Prospective customers have different interests compared to people who already know how great your tours are.

3. Showing online banners

Considering internet marketing tools (opens in a new tab) for the tourism industry is crucial. One of the most effective promotional ideas tourism businesses can employ is to invest in online advertising. Placing ad banners on certain websites, where users will be able to see your current promotions and offers, is a great idea to get more exposure. The websites you advertise on should be the types of sites your target audience visit. Be careful that you’re placing your ads where your ideal customer is visiting, otherwise you could be marketing to the wrong audience and your efforts will be in vain. You can use different sources and sites to place banners, just use top keywords in your Google search, like ‘top hotels’, ‘travel’, ‘top destinations’, etc.

4. Paid social media marketing

You can use SMM (opens in a new tab) (social media marketing) tools and targeted advertising to get in front of your ideal audience on social networks, such as Facebook and Instagram. Paid advertising on Facebook is extremely easy to set up (opens in a new tab) and monitor. Moreover, targeting a specific audience has been perfected by Facebook, so even a novice will be able to see results with their paid FB ad campaigns. Or, consider reaching out to SMM specialists who know how to promote your travel channels, it is the most effective way to advertise your tours.

5. Applying offline promo

Good ol’ fashioned business cards are crucial, especially for travel and tourism businesses. They are extremely useful and cost-effective. With help (in the form of developing multiple marketing strategies, not relying on one), they can really improve the reputation of your brand, increasing the likelihood of interest from travelers and tourists.

Classic postcards are a great direct marketing tool for tourism marketing and travel agents. By sending a colorful postcard with a wonderful landscape of a tourist destination and a small message to potential customers, you will definitely convince them to contact you. I can imagine the star eyes now, when a person longing for a vacation finds a pretty postcard in their mail.

There is no better way to present a brief and interesting overview of the services offered by your travel business than high-quality flyers and brochures. With brand-oriented design, your travel brochures will resonate with your audience and generate interest in your brand.

6. Checking the contextual advertising and SEO

Contextual advertising (advertising on a page that is relevant to your business) and SEO optimization are types of promotional activities that are aimed at end-users who use search engines such as Google to be able to select their desired tour.

-Wait, what?!

Ok, so contextual advertising is basically placing an advertisement in a location that is relevant. For example, a promotional ad for a gym membership with an athletic clothing company. Consider what type of person books your tours, how they learn about your company, and put your paid advertisements in locations relevant to this audience. Learning more about this type of advertising will improve your techniques, and also help inform your marketing strategies as you grow your business. Read a basic summary here (opens in a new tab) . This is another great place to invest money in a pro.

However, if you do not have the budget yet, get creative! Start with a small campaign, consider joining a tourism professional group (opens in a new tab) , and keep detailed notes to track your successes and areas to improve in.

SEO optimization is a hot topic! It is also dynamic and constantly evolving, which can make it an intimidating area to become familiar with.

Each of the online methods is good in its own way, and it’s worth choosing based on the specifics of your tourism business. The main thing in this business is a professional approach for a bright result and further development aimed at improvement.

7. Using tourist promo videos

The popularity of video content is constantly growing. It is also easier than ever to make a high quality video. These trends are important for the tourism industry to capitalize on. If you are trying to boost sales and grow your business… showing people all the fun they can have on your tours is obviously the way to go! Using positive testimonials, as well as photos and videos of your clients enjoying themselves on your tour is the best way to demonstrate the value in what you offer. It is easy to hire a freelance videographer to make a short promo video highlighting your fun tours.

If you can’t hire a pro yet, get your phone out and start using it! Maybe ask for a brief interview after a tour is finished. Being mindful and asking permission to take a video is an easy way to get the conversation going. This is a great way to appeal to your customers. Read tips on how to take great quality videos here. 

In conclusion

The methods above are by far the most effective ways to promote your tourism business, but the list is by no means extensive. You can find lots of other ways to promote your travel business. (opens in a new tab) Check what people are searching for today. If your target customers go to music festivals, this could be a great location for the promo. If they use apps and mobile phones to be up-to-date, don’t forget to advertise on social media.

First and foremost, do not forget to research your market and make a strategy for promotion. Think of your product and how to best present tourism attractions to prospective clients. You have to know what your target audience needs in the first place. Furthermore, you have to offer your services and present your content via different sources, namely your website, social media channels and email advertisements.

With the help of these suggestions you can attract a large audience and promote your tours.

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The Importance of Tourism Advertising

Navigating today’s highly competitive and ever-changing tourism industry is no simple feat — you need to stand out from a constantly expanding crowd to be successful. That’s why effective tourism advertising is essential to any successful tourism brand. It’s not only important to create captivating ad campaigns and impactful messaging to engage potential customers but also to ensure that those campaigns reach the right audience. 

But how do you make sure your travel advertising is effective? While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for marketing for travel advertising, there are certain key elements to consider when advertising travel and tourism that can make all the difference. 

This blog will delve into the multifaceted realm of travel industry advertising, exploring the key components that make a campaign captivating and unforgettable. 

Understanding the Role of Advertising in Tourism Promotion

Advertising plays a pivotal role in tourism promotion, serving as the bridge that connects potential travelers with tourism products, destinations, and experiences. Its primary function is to generate awareness and interest in a specific location or service, ultimately influencing travel decisions and driving consumer action. 

Advertising in tourism promotion encompasses several key aspects:

  • Increasing Visibility and Awareness: Advertising tourism destinations helps increase their visibility by promoting attractions, accommodations, activities, special events and other offerings to potential travelers. Creating memorable and engaging advertisements can capture your target audience’s attention and generate interest. This increased awareness can lead to higher demand and more bookings.
  • Targeting Specific Audiences: Today’s adtech allows travel and tourism brands to target specific market segments based on demographics, interests, and travel motivations. Tailoring advertising campaigns to resonate with these specific groups enables businesses to attract the right type of visitors, increasing the likelihood of bookings and conversions. Recent advances in AI-driven data science tools enable you to gain deeper insights into your own data, target predictively modeled custom audiences, and optimize campaigns in real time to ensure you’re engaging with relevant, ideal audiences.
  • Building Brand Image and Reputation: Effective advertising helps establish a strong brand image and reputation for a destination or travel brand. Businesses can create a lasting impression on potential travelers by consistently conveying a unique brand identity and promoting positive experiences. A strong brand image and reputation will then encourage travelers to choose you over competitors, leading to increased bookings and customer loyalty.
  • Communicating Unique Selling Propositions (USPs):  Advertising enables you to highlight unique selling points and differentiate yourself from competitors. Showcasing the distinct features, benefits, and experiences that set you apart can entice potential travelers to visit or use your services.
  • Educating Potential Travelers: With informative and engaging content, you can provide valuable information about tourist attractions, local culture, customs, and other considerations that are important to travelers planning their trips. This educational aspect helps travelers make informed decisions and increases the likelihood that they will choose a particular destination or business based on their interests and needs.
  • Staying Competitive: The tourism industry is fast-paced and dynamic, making advertising crucial for businesses seeking to stay competitive. Staying up-to-date with the latest trends and adapting advertising strategies can help you maintain relevance and appeal to potential travelers. 
  • Measuring Success and Optimizing Strategies: Digital advertising campaigns provide valuable data and insights that your business can use to measure the success of its tourism promotion efforts. You can evaluate the effectiveness of your advertising strategies by analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, social media engagement, and conversion rates. This analysis enables you to make data-driven decisions to optimize your campaigns, ensuring that you continue to effectively promote your offerings and attract potential travelers.

Why Is Tourism Advertising Important?

Effective advertising is obviously essential for any tourism business that wishes to stay ahead of its competition, promote its brand, and thrive. Here are a few reasons why it’s so important to keep your tourism advertising ahead of the curve today:

The Travel and Tourism Industry Is Extremely Competitive

With countless tourist destinations, hotels, resorts, tourism agencies, and attractions vying for the attention of potential travelers, differentiating yourself to stand out from the crowd and capture a share of the market is vital.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there is significantly increased demand for travel and experiences across all audiences – and brands are responding, saturating the market with messaging. In such a competitive environment, a sound advertising strategy can help you capture the attention of potential visitors and convince them to choose your destination or service over another. The ever-increasing popularity of digital platforms has also intensified the competition, as businesses now have access to a global audience and can target their advertising efforts more precisely than ever before.

Tourists Are Always on the Hunt for One-of-a-Kind Experiences

In an age where travelers are increasingly driven by a desire for unique, authentic, and memorable experiences, tourism brands must showcase their ability to provide these exceptional experiences to attract and retain visitors.

Tourism marketing plays a pivotal role in highlighting the distinctive offerings of a destination or service by showcasing its unique attributes, such as local culture, history, natural wonders, or exclusive activities. By effectively communicating these characteristics through advertising, you can spark the curiosity of potential travelers and persuade them to choose your offerings over those of competitors. Today’s formats and tech-enabled creative capabilities can help you convey the power of a destination or experience, with high-impact creative, augmented reality integrations, interactive video, and more.

Advertising Is a Must To Reach International Audiences

In an increasingly globalized marketplace, destinations and businesses within the travel industry must extend their reach beyond local markets to attract visitors from all over the world. While local tourists are an important source of repeat income, international travelers bring invaluable cultural exchange and can generate a much higher economic impact.

Tech-enabled creative and advanced targeting capabilities can be especially effective at targeting international audiences, finding behaviors and interests that help you determine the right channels, formats and messaging to resonate across cultural and geographical boundaries. By crafting compelling tourism-related marketing messages that resonate with a global audience, your business can create brand awareness and encourage potential visitors to choose your offerings.

Keeping Up an Active Online Presence Is Paramount to Business Success

Digital marketing is one component of an active online presence, which is crucial for business success in today’s digital landscape. With most travelers relying heavily on the Internet for researching, planning, and booking their trips, businesses in the tourism industry must prioritize their online presence to stay competitive, attract potential customers, and foster customer loyalty.

An active online presence ensures that your business remains visible and discoverable to potential customers. Being responsive and informative by engaging on organic social media and providing in-depth content about topics such as your specific offerings, destination, and local cultures will help establish trust and credibility among potential customers and encourage them along their customer journey. Showcasing positive reviews, testimonials, and engaging content demonstrates expertise, reliability, and commitment to providing exceptional experiences, encouraging potential customers to choose your business over competitors.

6 Tips for Successful Tourism Advertising

Here are a few tips to ensure that your campaigns capture the attention of potential travelers and stand out from the crowd:

1. Use the Right Advertising Tools and Services

Successful tourism advertising requires utilizing the appropriate tools and services to reach the right audience effectively. While traditional methods, such as print ads and billboards, still have value, digital channels like social media, search engine marketing, and programmatic advertising provide invaluable targeting capabilities and performance metrics to ensure you’re reaching precise audiences and getting the most out of every spend.

For example,  Google Ads allows businesses to target specific keywords and demographics, enabling them to reach an audience that is already actively interested in relevant destinations or services. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer advertising options that allow businesses to reach a wide range of users, including those who have shown interest in travel and tourism, by basing targeting on extensive demographic and interest-based behavioral data. Additionally, programmatic advertising enables placement on numerous relevant channels and outlets such as tourism-focused websites, blogs, apps, and even streaming video content and audio. On social media, working with travel influencers can also help you gain exposure to a highly engaged and relevant audience. 

Take, for instance, a hotel targeting young travelers. Partnering with a popular travel blog or influencer can help the hotel gain exposure to an audience of young, adventurous travelers who are likely to be interested. The hotel may also prioritize social media advertising on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, where their target audience is most active. They could use visually appealing images or video ads showcasing unique experiences they offer and collaborate with influencers to increase reach and engagement. 

On the other hand, a luxury resort catering to an older demographic may prefer to focus on display ads on high-end travel publication websites, complementing their print ads in related magazines, or launching targeted email marketing campaigns.

2. Have a Solid Marketing Strategy in Place

A well-defined marketing strategy is essential for successful tourism advertising. This involves setting clear objectives, identifying your target audience – ideally using data science methodology to ensure accurate, objective analysis – determining your USP, and choosing the most effective channels for reaching your audience. Adtech tools like the machine learning technology leveraged by AUDIENCEX strategists can simplify this process, ensuring accurate and unbiased analysis and channel mix recommendations.

This process begins with outlining your goals and objectives, including increasing bookings, driving website traffic, or raising brand awareness. Next, define your target audience by considering age, income, interests, and travel preferences. This is where AI-driven data science tools can help ensure you’re working from objective fact rather than assumptions or unconscious biases. Finally, your USP should highlight what sets your offerings apart from those of competitors: a unique location, exceptional service, exclusive experiences, etc.

Once these elements are in place, you can select the most appropriate advertising channels based on your target audience’s preferences and habits. This is where unbiased media recommendations can help, ensuring that you’re operating from objective performance data based on extensive historical and real-time analysis.

For instance, a  destination marketing organization (DMO) aiming to attract more international visitors may set specific goals for increasing website traffic, social media engagement, and visitor numbers. It would then conduct research and employ data science analysis to understand the preferences and motivations of its target audience and develop a USP that sets its destination apart with a relevant point of interest, such as highlighting unique cultural experiences, stunning natural tourist attractions, or exceptional culinary offerings.

3. Build Tourism Campaigns That Resonate With Your Target Audience

Creating tourism campaigns that resonate with your target audience is key to successful advertising. This involves understanding their needs, desires, and motivations and crafting messages that speak directly to them.

tourism promotion importance

Personalized Advertising: What It Is, How It Works, and How To Do It Right

One approach to achieving this is by developing buyer personas, which are fictional representations of your ideal customers. These personas can help you understand your audience’s travel preferences, pain points, and decision-making process, enabling you to create campaigns that address their needs and showcase your offerings in a compelling way. These can also be informed by data science to ensure they are accurate to your most valuable segments.

Using storytelling, personalization, immersion and interactivity in your campaigns can particularly help you connect with your audience on an emotional level. Share real-life experiences of previous guests, highlight the unique aspects of your destination, or showcase local culture and history to create memorable and engaging content that resonates with potential customers.

4. Stay on Top of Tourism and Travel Trends

Keeping up-to-date with the latest tourism and travel trends is essential for successful advertising. This helps you stay relevant in a rapidly changing industry and enables you to identify new opportunities and adapt your digital campaigns accordingly.

Some popular sources for staying informed about travel trends include industry reports, tourism conferences, tourism boards, travel-focused websites, blogs, and social media. Additionally, monitoring your competitors’ activities and analyzing their marketing strategies can provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t in your particular niche. 

5. Enhance the Customer Experience

A positive customer experience is paramount to the success of your tourism marketing efforts. This includes providing exceptional service from the moment potential customers encounter your ads to the point when they complete their trip.

To enhance the customer experience, ensure your website is user-friendly, visually appealing, and easy to navigate. Provide detailed information about your offerings, including high-quality images, video ads, and testimonials from satisfied customers. Offer multiple booking options and payment methods to cater to different preferences and make the process seamless.

Additionally, consider implementing customer relationship management (CRM) tools to track and analyze customer interactions and preferences. This data can help you personalize your marketing efforts, improve customer service, and anticipate the needs of your guests, and can be helpful to build your first-party data and inform future analysis, audience modeling, and optimization.

6. Highlight the Value of Your Offerings

Lastly, successful tourism advertising involves demonstrating the value of your offerings to potential customers. This means showcasing the features of your destination or services and the benefits and unique experiences they provide.

Communicate how your offerings can meet the needs and desires of your target audience, whether they seek relaxation, adventure, cultural immersion, or something else entirely. Ensure that the message is tailored to the audience you are speaking to, as different travelers have different reasons to employ your services or visit a particular destination. Use compelling visuals and descriptions, as well as engaging interactivity where possible, to paint a vivid picture of what customers can expect when they choose your destination or services. And, of course, consider offering special promotions, discounts, or added-value packages to entice potential customers and demonstrate the value of your offerings.

Grow Your Business With HolisticTourism Advertising Campaigns

The importance of tourism advertising cannot be overstated in today’s highly competitive market. Businesses must partner with proficient advertising partners to stand out in a crowded landscape, promote unique offerings and experiences, attract potential travelers, and drive revenue.

AUDIENCEX is built to be an adaptable partner to help marketers navigate the digital landscape, access emergent technology, and achieve meaningful, measurable performance throughout the digital landscape. Our team has extensive experience with numerous travel, tourism, and hospitality brands, and we pair that expertise with seamless media access, AI-powered data science, holistic strategy and award-winning, tech-enabled creative services. With an in-depth understanding of the full-funnel marketing and data-enabled insight into each unique customer journey, we can deploy impactful, engaging campaigns to reach your ideal audience across channels, screens, and devices.

Contact us today to talk to a member of our team about your needs and goals. We’d love to explore how we can help you find the right audience, engage them effectively, and drive real results today.


What is Tourism Marketing? 15 Strategies in 2023

March 22, 2023 | By Hitesh Bhasin | Filed Under: Marketing

From hotels and other types of accommodation to car rental services, airlines , restaurants, entertainment spots, and travel agents – tourism marketing encompasses a wide range of advertising and marketing strategies often used by companies in the tourism and travel industry themselves. All these various marketing efforts are put together under one collective name – Tourism Marketing!

Tourism marketing is an essential tool for a business to ensure they are standing apart from its competitors, garnering customers, and creating brand recognition. Nowadays, various digital marketing platforms such as websites, online ads, email marketing campaigns , and social media marketing outlets have become vital components of modern tourism marketing initiatives for businesses.

Table of Contents

What is Tourism Marketing?

Tourism marketing is a type of marketing used by businesses operating in the travel and tourism industry to attract tourists to a business name or particular location which can be a state, a city, a particular heritage site or tourist destination spot, a hotel, or a convention center anything.

Achieving success in the travel and tourism industry requires thoughtful Tourism Marketing campaigns that are designed to generate brand awareness , create both, reach the most target audience or potential customers, drive traffic, foster loyalty among existing clients, and create a captivating customer experience . By utilizing these strategies, businesses can effectively engage with travelers while generating more sales opportunities.

Tourism Marketing has been profoundly impacted in recent years by digital development, as well as changes in consumer attitudes and desires. Crafting successful Tourism marketing messages today entails taking advantage of social media platforms, featuring user generated content, leveraging online reviews and search engines to your benefit, collaborating with influencers to drive traffic and expand reach, and experimenting with various channels for targeted messaging to attract travelers and optimize their customer journey in a way to convert them into loyal customers.

Why is Tourism Marketing Important?

To make a tourism business thrive, savvy marketing is an absolute must. By staying up-to-date with current trends and launching impactful campaigns, businesses can boost the recognition of their brand, gain customer loyalty and attract travellers. Moreover, tourism marketing holds promise for contributing to the economic growth of the region by driving tourists towards local enterprises.

The tourism industry is one of the biggest in the world and therefore highly competitive. To succeed, businesses must differentiate themselves from their competitors by promoting and advertising what makes them unique, showcasing why they’re the best option for tourists, and advertising and highlighting any special features that set them apart.

To allow businesses to gain a competitive advantage , marketing is essential. Many of the top tourism marketing approaches concentrate on highlighting a business’ unique selling point and broadcasting it effectively. Moreover, marketers must keep abreast with current trends to generate an effective promotional mix and deploy the most viable methods for disseminating their message across all channels.

Understanding the concept of Tourism Marketing

Tourism marketing is associated with most businesses, with marketing strategies in the field of tourism.  Today there are many countries in the world, where the tourism industry plays a major role in economic development , enhancing their GDP.

In such cases, tourism and digital marketing become important things. Many of the places are generally the hotspot for tourists like the Taj Mahal in India. Now places like these are considered the perfect areas where one can boost tourism through digital marketing.

The places which are more likely to be the major spots for attracting tourists are the places where tourism marketing flourishes the most. Now tourism marketing is all about applying several marketing techniques and strategies to create and boost the tourism industry of that place.

For successful tourism marketing to take place, the thing that is required the most is that the brands should speak for themselves in such a way that makes sense that their voices can be heard in the targeted markets.  This way they will be able to generate the cleanest successfully. Also, they need to be really careful in providing services to clients.

This is because if the customers are happy with the services chances they will spread the word and this may bring them more customers.  In the case of tourism marketing, it becomes easy to find the right audiences and create content to draw the attention of the targeted customers to the website by providing encouraging content.  Thus strategic planning , content marketing, and branding is the key to effective tourism marketing.

With it being carried out by keeping these two points in mind, chances are that the company that is involved in tourism marketing will be able to gain the advantage over their existing customers in no time and become a monopoly in the tourism industry.

What are the different ways in which Tourism Marketing Can Be Done in 2023?

Now various methods are applied for tourism marketing to flourish.  Below are some of the important ways in which the tourism marking of any place is given a boost.

1) Location marketing

In this type of marketing strategy , the main focus of tourism marketing is one bringing people’s attention to a specific location. In this strategy , no recommendations are made with respect to a particular site or any accommodation. Now some locations are already so popular all over the world that tourism marketers don’t have to make many efforts to attract their attention to such places.

All they need to do to attract customers is remind them of such locations and chances are that the consumer can easily get convinced to spend money and visit any such place. For example, Las Vegas is popular for its undying charm and full of life kind of prospects.

Now there s also a popular slogan related to Las Vegas which is ‘What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’. This slogan has gained worldwide popularity and almost everyone wants to visit Las Vegas at least once.

So here the tourism marketers have to simply remind people of how amazing this city is and what are the different ways in which they can have the time of their lives here. Another example that can be taken in Florida.

They use a more ‘benefit-oriented’ approach. Their slogan and website are ‘The Sunshine State’.  This way they are presenting their state with a joyous and charming climate and as a perfect place for beach and football lovers.  Also with their slogan and website, they are successfully able to present their state as an ideal ‘summer vacation’ destination and are definitely a dream for many to visit this place.

Thus location marketing is one of the simplest forms of tourism marketing in which without even putting much effort, with the brand value and the popularity of some specific location, the customers can be attracted.

2) Activity marketing

Now, this type of tourism is carried out keeping in mind both the location and the activities that are performed in such places.  This type of tourism marketing strategy usually keeps in mind travelers who are adventure lovers or activity freaks.

There are many other sites and locations all over the world that are famous for some specific activities. Like Alaska is famous for snowboarding, Yellowstone national park is famous for thrilling activities like hiking, and camping and is a perfect place for all nature lovers, similarly, there is ‘Colonial Williamsburg’ which attracts all history lovers.

Thus depending on the target audience and the type of activity that a particular place is famous for, tourism marketing can be carried out. Some people may be adventure lovers, some people may be looking for art and culture some people love hunting, depending upon their area of expertise and interest, the tourism markers can segment the groups of potential visitors and customers and approach them.

Thus activity marketing is a form of tourism making and social media marketing that emphasizes the booking process and bringing the attention of a customer to particular places on the basis of the activities that are performed there.

3) Corporate marketing

This is quite an interesting approach to tourism marketing. Now it has been found that a large number of people working in corporate sectors have to travel to different places to attend a conference or a meeting.

Then according to research, it was found these locations were ideal for tourists, and a number of people came to attend those places. Also, they brought their families and their loved ones as well. Now considering these scenarios’ latest trends in mind, corporate influencer marketing can contribute a lot to tourism marketing as it has significant potential.

Here the tourism marketers take advantage of the fact that by planning the business meeting in touristy places, people come in large numbers thus they can make a lot of profit out of it.

What are the four basic pillars of Tourism Marketing?

The foundation of tourism marketing stands firmly on four of its important pillars which are the product , the price, the place, email marketing, and the promotion.

Let us understand each of these separately as to how they contribute to tourism marketing!

Marketing Mix of Tourism

1) product in tourism marketing.

One of the most important aspects of the tourism marketing strategy is to determine the effect of the selling benefits and the other types of benefits that are re-obtained by competing with their rivals in the same market .

Tourism marketers need to focus more on such destinations that provide both business advantages to travel brands and pleasure to their customers. These pleasures depend on several factors like the ease of traveling, facilities of the sites and the hotels, the nightlife of that place, activities offered, and the overall culture of that place.

Thus by considering these factors, tourism marketers will understand the areas that have to focus more on, so that marketing can be done effectively.

2) Price in Tourism Marketing

The price point is yet another important aspect of tourism marketing. Now many people avoid traveling due to money-related issues.  And this is where tourism marketing comes in to save the day.  Today so many mobile apps have been developed, on which if a person books a hotel r a transport like a flight or a train, they get discounts. This attracts a lot of customers.

Along with the free referral marketing, they also try to give value-added services to their customers. Some hotels also offer free shuttle services to their visitors. Also depending on whether it is a high season or an offseason, the prices are altered.  

3) Place in Tourism Marketing

Now for tourism marketing to earn a profit, deciding the location where they want to perform the marketing can play a key role in how far they can go. The place refers to the area where the products and services can be distributed.

Now in tourism and destination marketing, the location and the destination marketers offer their products and services to their customers through travel agents, tour operators, inside sales teas, etc.  The distribution of their products and services to visitors can be done through catalogs, online, sites, mobile devices, websites, stores, etc.

4) Promotion

In this numerous different strategies and technologies are used for the promotion of any specific area or tourist destination.  In fact, trade magazines and meeting planners are also efficient ways for promotion purposes.

These often come with many other forms of discount coupons, brochures, etc. also they try their target customers to come across the ads that pop up on the website to make them aware of the various tourist places.

15 Tourism Marketing Strategies in 2023

1. prioritising hygiene and safety via marketing communication.

Tourism marketers must now prioritize safety and hygiene to give their customers peace of mind when they travel. By highlighting the protocols that are being taken, tourists can rest assured knowing they will be protected while visiting.

2. Developing Loyalty Programmes

Loyalty programs are the ideal way to demonstrate your appreciation for existing customers and stimulate repeated patronage. Tourism marketers should construct loyalty programs that will not only retain existing customers but also appeal to fresh audiences.

3. Capitalising on Voice Search

In the age of voice search, it is essential for tourism marketers to create content that can be quickly found and accessed. Optimizing your site and content for this new technology will bolster your site for visibility and success in the long term.

4. Facilitating User-Generated Content

User-generated content, such as ratings and reviews on social media, is critical in helping customers make informed decisions. User-generated social media content is one of the key tourism marketing trends.

5. Deploying Artificial Intelligence:

AI technology is a valuable asset for Tourism marketers, allowing them to track customer behavior and create personalized brand experiences tailored to each individual. This can help customers find the brand information they need quicker and more easily than ever before.

6. Not Neglect Review Marketing

Reviews and ratings are a critical resource for Tourism companies, making them an invaluable asset in swaying potential customer decisions. Any Tourism marketer must recognize the importance of reviews if they wish to stay competitive.

7. Enhancing the Guest Experience & Satisfaction Through Chatbots

Chatbots can be a vital tool in creating an effortless, tailored experience for all customers. Chatbot technology should be a top priority for the hospitality and tourism industry to provide quick customer service and support, as well as respond promptly to any inquiries.

8. Investing in Remarketing Efforts

Maximizing your Tourism business’ potential by tapping into already engaged customers is a surefire way of increasing sales. Leverage the power of remarketing to maximize your potential and gain more qualified leads.

9. Utilising Augmented Reality Technology

Augmented reality provides the ideal platform for tourism businesses to build mesmerizing and unforgettable experiences for their customers.

10. Prioritising Personalisation

Customization is a crucial element of this form of marketing. By personalizing content and messages to the target audience’s wants and needs, Tourism marketers can engineer and create an experience that will ensure positive word-of-mouth publicity for their business or brand.

11. Exploring Metaverse

The metaverse is becoming more and more popular with tourism companies, as it allows them to give their customers an unparalleled, immersive experience.

12. Using NFTs

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, are quickly becoming a widely recognized trend. Tourism companies can harness this technology to propel their marketing campaigns and draw in more visitors.

13. Promoting Virtual Reality (VR) Tours

Allow your customers to explore new destinations without even having to leave their homes – with VR tours, the possibilities are endless!

14. Focusing on the Customer Experience

Crafting an exceptional customer experience should be the primary focus of any Tourism promotional strategy . Optimizing customer experiences on all marketing channels is crucial.

15. Embracing content and influencer marketing

Content and influencer marketing are essential building blocks of any successful tourism strategy. It helps in optimizing the presence of a travel business in the search engine.

Thus, tourism and travel agency marketing are one of the branches of marketing that deal with the tourism and travel industry only.

It is essential to carry out efficient tourism marketing, as one can make a lot of money through this because there are so many people in this world who love traveling, and this can help the tourism marketing industry to flourish their business.

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About Hitesh Bhasin

Hitesh Bhasin is the CEO of Marketing91 and has over a decade of experience in the marketing field. He is an accomplished author of thousands of insightful articles, including in-depth analyses of brands and companies. Holding an MBA in Marketing, Hitesh manages several offline ventures, where he applies all the concepts of Marketing that he writes about.

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This was a great article! Now I’m interested in a career in tourism marketing. How do I start? I already write travel content/copywriting blogs for an agency. Where would I go from there?

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this article really helped me in conducting research on tourism. Thank you very much

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This article helped me alot on my academic research

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Hello,the article is highly assisting and I am seriously having interest in studying Tourism Marketing.

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This information was very helpful

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The Importance of Tourism on Economies and Businesses

Published: 3/26/2019 12:21:08 PM

The Importance of Tourism on Economies and Businesses Image

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Tourism is vital for the success of many economies around the world. There are several benefits of tourism on host destinations.  Tourism boosts the revenue of the economy, creates thousands of jobs, develops the infrastructures of a country, and plants a sense of cultural exchange between foreigners and citizens.

The number of jobs created by tourism in many different areas is significant. These jobs are not only a part of the tourism sector but may also include the agricultural sector, communication sector, health sector, and the educational sector. Many tourists travel to experience the hosting destination’s culture, different traditions, and gastronomy. This is very profitable to local restaurants, shopping centers, and stores. Melbourne, Australia ’s population is greatly affected by tourism. It has a population of around 4 million people and around 22,000 citizens are employed by the tourism sector only.

Governments that rely on tourism for a big percentage of their revenue invest a lot in the infrastructure of the country . They want more and more tourists to visit their country which means that safe and advanced facilities are necessary. This leads to new roads and highways, developed parks, improved public spaces, new airports, and possibly better schools and hospitals. Safe and innovative infrastructures allow for a smooth flow of goods and services. Moreover, local people experience an opportunity for economic and educational growth.

Tourism creates a cultural exchange between tourists and local citizens. Exhibitions, conferences, and events usually attract foreigners. Organizing authorities usually gain profits from registration fees, gift sales, exhibition spaces, and sales of media copyright. Furthermore, foreign tourists bring diversity and cultural enrichment to the hosting country.

Tourism is a great opportunity for foreigners to learn about a new culture, but it also creates many opportunities for local citizens . It allows young entrepreneurs to establish new products and services that would not be sustainable on the local population of residents alone. Moreover, residents experience the benefits that come with tourism occurring in their own country.

To learn about the countries earning the most from international tourist arrivals, click on the link below!

Countries Earning the Most from International Tourism

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The Importance of Tourism Marketing


A solid marketing strategy is crucial in any business and the tourism industry is no different.

It seems that everywhere we look there are new lodges being launched, and more companies becoming involved in the niche business of destination planning, transportation, accommodation and catering for tourists.

Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the world and is also one of the best ways to boost a country’s economy. With more and more destinations realising this and seeking to attract more tourists, the industry is becoming increasingly competitive. This is why it’s now more important than ever to hire an expert Marketing Specialist to ensure that your marketing strategy is up to scratch.

5 reasons why a good marketing strategy is vital to your tourism business:

1. Identify the ideal target market The first step to developing a successful marketing campaign, like the one presented by Digital agency brisbane , is identifying who the ideal target market is. Depending on the experience on offer, the customer will vary.

2. Attract new customers and develop loyalty Once the ideal target market has been identified, a strategy to reach these potential customers must be developed. Because customer loyalty is key, a lot of time needs to be devoted to building brand awareness and creating ongoing, interconnected campaigns that both target previous guests, and attract new ones.

3. Understand the customer journey In tourism, the ultimate end goal is the sale of an ‘experience’ – not a material object. This means that the customer journey to making a purchase is rather different and comes with its own set of challenges. Understanding this ‘journey’ that the customer takes before going through with a purchase is critical to a successful marketing campaign.

4. Stand out from competitors As the tourism industry becomes more and more competitive, it’s important to make sure that your business stands out. Highlighting what is unique or different about the business is one of the best ways to achieve this. A really good marketing strategy is able to communicate these points effectively to the customers in a way that ‘speaks’ to them. Hiring corporate payroll services from Acclime alleviates the need to manage the process and ensures you comply with all laws and avoid possibly harsh penalties and fees.

5. Hone in on the most effective tactics Using research and analytical tools, a marketing strategy allows you to assess which resources are best helping to reach your audience, and then focus on those resources to ensure the best ROI possible. At the end of the day, having a good marketing strategy in place allows you to feel confident in knowing that all your business’s marketing needs are being carefully looked after.

If you need help developing a marketing strategy for your business, or even if you’d just like some advice on your current strategy, [highlight] get in touch with us! [/highlight] We’re always happy to help.

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tourism promotion importance

Tourism Promotional Materials

  • First Online: 06 March 2019

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tourism promotion importance

  • M. Zain Sulaiman 3 &
  • Rita Wilson 4  

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This chapter defines tourism promotion materials and describes the various media of tourism promotion, particularly the Internet. The discussion then narrows down to the language of tourism promotion which is used by these media to achieve the ultimate objective of persuading potential tourists. Beginning with the general features of the language, the chapter discusses the textual functions of the language of tourism promotion, and how it is influenced by three sociological perspectives of tourism (strangerhood, authenticity and play) resulting in a language of differentiation, authentication and recreation. The notions of time, magic and euphoria are also discussed as key features. This is followed by a discussion of the main techniques used by copywriters in the creation of the language of tourism promotion.

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Sulaiman, M.Z., Wilson, R. (2019). Tourism Promotional Materials. In: Translation and Tourism. Springer, Singapore.

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Published : 06 March 2019

Publisher Name : Springer, Singapore

Print ISBN : 978-981-13-6342-9

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Tourism Teacher

21 reasons why tourism is important – the importance of tourism

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Tourism is important, more important than most people realise in fact!

The importance of tourism is demonstrated throughout the world. From the economic advantages that tourism brings to host communities to the enjoyment that tourism brings to the tourists themselves, there is no disputing the value of this industry.

The importance of tourism can be viewed from two perspectives: the tourism industry and the tourist. In this article I will explain how both the industry and the tourist benefit from the tourism industry and why it is so important on a global scale.

What is the importance of tourism?

Enhanced quality of life, ability to broaden way of thinking, educational value, ability to ‘escape’, rest and relaxation, enhanced wellbeing, who are tourism industry stakeholders, foreign exchange earnings, contribution to government revenues, employment generation, contribution to local economies, overall economy boost, preserving local culture, strengthening communities, provision of social services, commercialisation of culture and art, revitalisation of culture and art, preservation of heritage, empowering communities, protecting nature, the importance of tourism: political gains, why tourism is important: to conclude, the importance of tourism: further reading.

When many people think about the tourism industry they visualise only the front-line workers- the Holiday Representative, the Waiter, the Diving Instructor. But in reality, the tourism industry stretches much, much further than this.

As demonstrated in the infographic below, tourism is important in many different ways. The tourism industry is closely interconnected with a number of global industries and sectors ranging from trade to ecological conservation.

The Importance of tourism

Why tourism is important to the tourist

When we discuss the importance of tourism it is often somewhat one-sided, taking into consideration predominantly those working in the industry and their connections.

However, the tourist is just as important, as without them there would be no tourism!

Below are just a few examples of the importance of tourism to the tourist:

Why tourism is important. Importance of tourism.

Taking a holiday can greatly benefit a person’s quality of life. While different people have very different ideas of what makes a good holiday (there are more than 150 types of tourism after all!), a holiday does have the potential to enhance quality of life.

Travel is known to help broaden a person’s way of thinking. Travel introduces you to new experiences, new cultures and new ways of life.

Many people claim thatchy ‘find themselves’ while travelling.

One reason why tourism is important is education.The importance of tourism can be attributed to the educational value that it provides. Travellers and tourists can learn many things while undertaking a tourist experience, from tasting authentic local dishes to learning about the exotic animals that they may encounter.

Tourism provides the opportunity for escapism. Escapism can be good for the mind. It can help you to relax, which in turn often helps you to be more productive in the workplace and in every day life.

This is another way that the importance of tourism is demonstrated.

Rest and relaxation is very important. Taking time out for yourself helps you to be a happier, healthier person.

Having the opportunity for rest and relaxation in turn helps to enhance wellbeing.

Why tourism is important to stakeholders

There are many reasons why tourism is important to the people involved. There are many people who work either directly or indirectly with the tourism industry and who are therefore described as stakeholders. You can read more about tourism stakeholders and why they are important in this post- Stakeholders in tourism: Who are they and why do they matter?

Stakeholders in tourism

The benefits of tourism are largely related to said stakeholders in some way or another. Below are some examples of how stakeholders benefit from tourism, organised by economic, social, environmental and political gains; demonstrating the importance of tourism.

The importance of tourism: Economic gains

Perhaps the most cited reason in reference to the importance of tourism is its economic value. Tourism can help economies to bring in money in a number of different ways. Below I have provided some examples of the positive economic impacts of tourism .

The importance of tourism is demonstrated through foreign exchange earnings. 

Tourism expenditures generate income to the host economy. The money that the country makes from tourism can then be reinvested in the economy. How a destination manages their finances differs around the world; some destinations may spend this money on growing their tourism industry further, some may spend this money on public services such as education or healthcare and some destinations suffer extreme corruption so nobody really knows where the money ends up! 

Some currencies are worth more than others and so some countries will target tourists from particular areas. Currencies that are strong are generally the most desirable currencies. This typically includes the British Pound, American, Australian and Singapore Dollar and the Euro . 

Tourism is one of the top five export categories for as many as 83% of countries and is a main source of foreign exchange earnings for at least 38% of countries.

The importance of tourism is also demonstrated through the money that is raised and contributed to government revenues. Tourism can help to raise money that it then invested elsewhere by the Government. There are two main ways that this money is accumulated. 

Direct contributions  are generated by taxes on incomes from tourism employment and tourism businesses and things such as departure taxes. 

According to the World Tourism Organisation , the direct contribution of Travel & Tourism to GDP in 2018 was $2,750.7billion (3.2% of GDP). This is forecast to rise by 3.6% to $2,849.2billion in 2019.

Indirect contributions  come from goods and services supplied to tourists which are not directly related to the tourism industry. 

There is also the income that is generated through  induced contributions . This accounts for money spent by the people who are employed in the tourism industry. This might include costs for housing, food, clothing and leisure Activities amongst others. This will all contribute to an increase in economic activity in the area where tourism is being developed. 

The importance of tourism can be demonstrated through employment generation.

The rapid expansion of international tourism has led to significant employment creation. From hotel managers to theme park operatives to cleaners, tourism creates many employment opportunities. Tourism supports some 7% of the world’s workers. 

There are two types of employment in the tourism industry: direct and indirect. 

Direct employment  includes jobs that are immediately associated with the tourism industry. This might include hotel staff, restaurant staff or taxi drivers, to name a few. 

Indirect employment includes jobs which are not technically based in the tourism industry, but are related to the tourism industry.

It is because of these indirect relationships, that it is very difficult to accurately measure the precise economic value of tourism, and some suggest that the actual economic benefits of tourism may be as high as double that of the recorded figures!

The importance of tourism can be further seen through the contributions to local economies.

All of the money raised, whether through formal or informal means, has the potential to contribute to the local economy. 

If  sustainable tourism  is demonstrated, money will be directed to areas that will benefit the local community most. There may be pro-poor tourism initiatives (tourism which is intended to help the poor) or  volunteer tourism  projects. The government may reinvest money towards public services and money earned by tourism employees will be spent in the local community. This is known as the multiplier effect. 

Tourism boosts the economy exponentially. This is partly because of the aforementioned jobs that tourism creates, but also because of the temporary addition to the consumer population that occurs when someone travels to a new place. Just think: when you travel, you’re spending money. You’re paying to stay in a hotel or hostel in a certain area – then you’re eating in local restaurants, using local public transport, buying souvenirs and ice cream and new flip flops. As a tourist, you are contributing to the global economy every time you book and take a trip.

For some towns, cities and even whole countries, the importance of tourism is greater than for other. In some cases, it is the main source of income. For example, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council, tourism accounts for almost 40% of the Maldives’ total GDP. In comparison, it’s less than 4% in the UK and even lower in the US! In the Seychelles the number is just over 26% while in the British Virgin Islands it is over 35% – so tourism is vastly important in these nations.

The importance of tourism: Social gains

The importance of tourism is not only recognised through economic factors, but there are also many positive social impacts of tourism that play an important part. Below I will outline some of the social gains from tourism.

It is the local culture that the tourists are often coming to visit and this is another way to demonstrate the importance of tourism.

Tourists visit Beijing to learn more about the Chinese Dynasties. Tourists visit Thailand to taste authentic Thai food. Tourists travel to Brazil to go to the Rio Carnival, to mention a few…

Many destinations will make a conserved effort to preserve and protect the local culture. This often contributes to the conservation and  sustainable management  of natural resources, the protection of local heritage, and a renaissance of indigenous cultures, cultural arts and crafts. 

The importance of tourism can also be demonstrated through the strengthening of communities.

Events and festivals of which local residents have been the primary participants and spectators are often rejuvenated and developed in response to tourist interest.

The jobs created by tourism can also be a great boost for the local community. Aside from the  economic impacts  created by enhanced employment prospects, people with jobs are happier and more social than those without a disposable income. 

Local people can also increase their influence on tourism development, as well as improve their job and earnings prospects, through tourism-related professional training and development of business and organisational skills.

The importance of tourism is shown through the provision of social services in the host community.

The tourism industry requires many facilities/ infrastructure to meet the needs of the tourist. This often means that many developments in an area as a result of tourism will be available for use by the locals also. 

Local people often gained new roads, new sewage systems, new playgrounds, bus services etc as a result of tourism. This can provide a great boost to their quality of life and is a great example of a positive social impact of tourism. 

Tourism can see rise to many commercial business, which can be a positive social impact of tourism. This helps to enhance the community spirit as people tend to have more disposable income as a result. 

These businesses may also promote the local cultures and arts. Museums, shows and galleries are fantastic way to showcase the local customs and traditions of a destination. This can help to promote/ preserve local traditions.

Some destinations will encourage local cultures and arts to be revitalised. This may be in the form of museum exhibitions, in the way that restaurants and shops are decorated and in the entertainment on offer, for example. 

This may help promote traditions that may have become distant. 

Another reason for the importance of tourism is the preservation of heritage. Many tourists will visit the destination especially to see its local heritage. It is for this reason that many destinations will make every effort to preserve its heritage. 

This could include putting restrictions in place or limiting tourist numbers, if necessary. This is often an example of careful  tourism planning  and sustainable tourism management. 

Tourism can, if managed well, empower communities. While it is important to consider the authenticity in tourism and take some things with a pinch of salt, know that tourism can empower communities.

Small villages in far off lands are able to profit from selling their handmade goods. This, in turn, puts food on the table. This leads to healthier families and more productivity and a happier population .

The importance of tourism: Environmental gains

Whilst most media coverage involving tourism and the environment tends to be negative, there are some positives that can come from it: demonstrating the importance of tourism once again.

Some people think that tourism is what kills nature. And while this could so easily be true, it is important to note that the tourism industry is and always has been a big voice when it comes to conservation and the protection of animals and nature. Tourism organisations and travel operators often run (and donate to) fundraisers. 

As well as this, visitors to certain areas can take part in activities that aim to sustain the local scenery. It’s something a bit different, too! You and your family can go on a beach clean up walk in Spain or do something similar in the UAE . There are a lot of ways in which tourism actually helps the environment, rather than hindering it!

Lastly, there is something to be said for the political gains that can be achieved through tourism.

The tourism industry can yield promising opportunities for international collaborations, partnerships and agreements, for example within the EU. This can have positive political impacts on the host country as well as the countries who choose to work with them.

Tourism is a remarkably important industry. As you can see, the tourism industry does not stand alone- it is closely interrelated with many other parts of society. Not only do entire countries often rely on the importance of tourism, but so do individual members of host communities and tourists.

If you are studying travel and tourism and are interested in learning more about the importance of tourism, I recommend you take a look at the following texts:

  • An Introduction to Tourism : a comprehensive and authoritative introduction to all facets of tourism including: the history of tourism; factors influencing the tourism industry; tourism in developing countries; sustainable tourism; forecasting future trends.
  • The Business of Tourism Management : an introduction to key aspects of tourism, and to the practice of managing a tourism business.
  • Tourism Management: An Introduction : gives its reader a strong understanding of the dimensions of tourism, the industries of which it is comprised, the issues that affect its success, and the management of its impact on destination economies, environments and communities.

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Special Episode: How Digital and Tourism Marketing generate employment opportunities‪.‬ Latinos en Canadá by Latincouver

Hello Latinos and Latin Canadians in Canada! join us in the 4th special episode next to Sandra Sallovitz and Peter Rodríguez Pontón a Digital Marketer from Mosaic who will talk about the importance of digital marketing in the Tourism industry. Este espisodio es en Inglés.

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