trip journey tour travel 的区别是什么?

Brother Joe007


第一组:Trip, tour, journey, travel, Cruise

这组词都含“旅行”的意思,既是名词,也是动词。 trip 作名词时:( 尤指短程往返的 )旅行,旅游,出行;作动词时:却是“绊倒”,或“脚步轻快地走(或跑、跳舞)”的意思,如: 1. On the Thursday we went out on a day trip. 星期四我们出去玩了一天(一日游)。[名词] 2. Someone will trip over that cable. 有人会让那条电缆绊倒的。[动词] 3. She said goodbye and tripped off along the road. 她说了声再见就连蹦带跳地沿路走了。[动词]

tour 指“ 以游览、视察、购物等为目的的旅行 ”, 常含有“ 最后回到原出发点 ”的意思。名词、动词表述的意思差不多,如: 4. He is going to make a round-the-world tour. 他要 周游 全球。[名词] 5. We spent four weeks touring around Europe. 我们花了四个星期周游欧洲。[动词]

journey 旅行,行程。应用范围很广, 指“ 有预定地点的长途旅行 ”, 一般来说, 它着重指“ 长距离的陆上的旅行 ”。名词、动词的意思差不多,如: 6. He decided to make a journey to New York by air. 他决定乘飞机去纽约。[名词] 7. They journeyed for seven long months. 他们作了长达七个月的旅行。[动词]

Travel ( 常指长途 )旅行,行进。名词、动词的意思差不多,如: 8. When are you off on your travels (= going travelling)? 你们什么时候动身外出旅行?[名词] 9. When I finished college, I went travelling for six months (= spent time visiting different places). 我大学毕业后在外旅行了六个月。[动名词] 10. I go to bed early if I'm travelling the next day. 如果第二天去旅行我就早睡。

Cruise 作名词时是: 乘船游览 ; 航行 ;作动词时是:乘船游览; (车、船或飞机) 以平稳且舒适的速度行驶,缓慢行进 11. I'd love to go on a round-the-world cruise. 我很想乘船周游世界。 12. We spent two weeks cruising the Bahamas. 我们花了两个星期乘船游览巴哈马群岛。 13. A black and white police car cruised past. 一辆黑白相间的警车缓慢驶过。 14. She cruised around the block looking for a parking space. 她绕着那个街区慢慢行驶,想找个停车的地方。

第二组:Voyage, excursion, expedition , Pilgrimage 这四个名词都含“旅行”的意思。 voyage 通常用作名词,主要指“乘船作水上旅行”, 也可指”空中旅行”, 如: 1. He got seasick during the voyage. 在航行中他晕船。 excursion 名词:指“娱乐性的 短途旅行 ”( 尤指集体 ),如: 2. She went on excursion to the West Lake. 她到西湖去游玩了。 3. I have arranged with my classmates for an excursion to the beach. 我已经跟同学们商量好去海滩游玩的事.

Expedition名词: 指“ 有特定目的的远征或探险 ”, 如: 4. They're going to make an expedition to the South Pole. 他们要去南极探险。

Pilgrimage: N. 朝圣之旅, 拜之行;瞻仰之旅. 5. He was on his annual pilgrimage to Mecca when he fell ill. 他在一年一度前往麦加朝圣的途中病倒了. 6. He is planning to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca. 他打算去麦加朝圣.

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名词 “journey” 和 “trip” 都有 “旅行,旅程” 的意思,但它们所描述的 “旅行” 有一定的区别。在使用时,通常可以根据行程的长短和出行方式来决定用哪个词更合适。“一分钟英语” 教你区分这两个词语的窍门。

travel journey trip

Hi! Sian here again. Now, we all love going on holiday, but these two words can cause problems!

So, a journey is a noun and refers to a single piece of travel. So, when you move from one place to another – by car, plane, train, bus...

The journey to London takes three hours by bus.

A trip is also a noun, but usually refers to more than one journey and the time you spend in a place. So if someone asks:'How was your trip ?' They are asking about the whole time you are away, not the journey.

"How was your camping trip , Sian?" "It was fun but it rained all weekend."

A trip is often quite short compared to a holiday, and we can use it in these set phrases: so you can have 'a business trip ', 'a school trip ' or 'a day trip '.

1 名词 “journey” 指 “一段旅程、旅途”,即乘坐一种交通工具从一地到另一地。它强调 “单次行程”。

2 名词 “trip” 指 “一次旅行、旅游”,其中可能包括多段行程。比如, 如果有人问:“How was your trip? (你这次旅行怎么样?)” 这里,“trip” 指 “出游的整段时间”,而非单次行程。

How was your camping trip , Sian? It was fun but it rained all weekend.

3 与 “holiday(假期)” 相比,“trip(旅行)” 的时间相对较短。包含 “trip” 的常见搭配有:

A business trip 一次商务旅行 A school trip 一次学校郊游 A day trip 一日游




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Meaning and use of the words 'trip', 'travel', 'journey', 'tour', and 'voyage'..

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Understanding the Distinction: Travel, Trip, and Journey Explained

Zackary Hooper

Understanding the Distinction: Travel, Trip, and Journey Explained

Ever find yourself scratching your head over when to use ‘travel’, ‘trip’, or ‘journey’? Me too. In fact, these terms are commonly misused by even the most well-traveled folks among us.

Table of Contents

As an English language aficionado and travel enthusiast, I dove deep into linguistic resources to clear up this confusion once and for all. This blog will guide you through the nuances of these three words , helping you navigate your way to flawless English usage in any travel context .

Ready for departure?

Key Takeaways

  • Travel refers to going to a place, especially far away.
  • Trip involves traveling from one place to another, usually for a short period of time.
  • Journey implies traveling from one place to another without necessarily returning.
  • Proper usage of these terms is essential in effectively conveying our experiences.

Definition and Differences between Travel, Trip, and Journey

Travel is a verb that means going to a place, especially far away, while trip refers to the process of traveling from one place to another, usually for a short time. Journey, on the other hand, implies traveling from one place to another without necessarily returning.

Travel as a verb meaning to go to a place, especially far away

Travel, as a verb, emphasizes the act of moving from one location to another. This movement often involves significant distance between the two points. For instance, you might say you are traveling to Europe or Asia from America – places that are undoubtedly quite far from each other.

Notably, travel doesn’t always require a return trip; it merely notes the action of going somewhere far . Even voyages into space can be considered travel! So next time you utter “I love to travel,” note that this phrase speaks volumes about your passion for exploring distant destinations and embracing new experiences on a broader geographic scale .

Trip as the process of traveling from one place to another, usually for a short time

When we talk about a trip, we’re referring to the act of traveling from one place to another. It’s usually for a short period of time and involves moving between different locations .

Think of it as going on a vacation or taking a quick getaway. A trip can be as short as a day or extend over several days, but it generally doesn’t involve staying in one place for an extended period.

So whether you’re heading out on a road trip with friends or catching a flight to explore new cities, remember that a trip is all about the process of getting from point A to point B , enjoying the journey along the way.

Journey as traveling from one place to another, not necessarily returning

A journey is all about the experience of traveling from one place to another, without the expectation of returning . It can be a long and exciting adventure, with multiple destinations along the way.

Unlike a trip or travel, which often involves going somewhere and then coming back, a journey implies forward movement and exploration . It’s like embarking on a voyage of discovery, where you’re eager to see what lies ahead and open to new experiences.

Whether it’s backpacking through Europe or sailing around the world, a journey offers endless possibilities for exploration and self-discovery .

Common Uses and Examples of Travel, Trip, and Journey

– Travel: “I love traveling to different countries , experiencing new cultures and exploring exotic destinations.

– Trip: “We took a weekend trip to the beach, enjoying sun-kissed days and relaxing by the seaside.”

– Journey: “His journey across the desert was filled with challenges and self-discovery as he embarked on a soul-searching adventure.”

Travel: “I love to travel to different countries.”

I absolutely adore exploring different countries . Experiencing new cultures, trying unique cuisines , and immersing myself in unfamiliar landscapes is what makes travel so thrilling for me.

Whether it’s wandering through ancient ruins in Greece or hiking through the vibrant jungles of Costa Rica, I find immense joy in venturing beyond my comfort zone and discovering all that the world has to offer.

Travel opens my eyes to different perspectives and allows me to create lasting memories that I cherish forever.

Trip: “We went on a business trip to New York.”

Last week, I had the opportunity to go on a business trip to New York . It was an exciting experience that allowed me to explore the bustling city and meet with important clients . During the trip, we visited various companies , attended conferences , and even had some time to enjoy the sights and sounds of New York.

Being able to immerse myself in a different environment for a short period of time was both refreshing and educational. Overall, it was a successful trip that helped us strengthen our professional relationships and achieve our business goals.

Journey: “His journey around the world took him three years.”

I embarked on a three-year journey around the world, exploring new cultures and experiencing incredible adventures along the way. From bustling cities to remote villages, my journey allowed me to immerse myself in different landscapes and meet fascinating people from all walks of life.

It was a transformative experience that broadened my horizons and shaped my perspective on the world.

Clarifying Misuses of Travel, Trip, and Journey

Many people mistakenly use the term “travel” for short distances, but it should be reserved for going to faraway places. To understand the proper usage of these words, read on!

Incorrect uses of travel: “He traveled to the grocery store.”

Using the word “travel” to describe a short trip to the grocery store is incorrect. Travel usually refers to going to a distant place, especially far away. So, it’s important to use this term appropriately and not for everyday local trips like grocery stores.

Proper uses of the terms: “I traveled to Europe.”

I traveled to Europe for my summer vacation. It was an exciting travel experience filled with new cultures, delicious food, and breathtaking sights. The proper use of the term “travel” in this context refers to going somewhere far away , especially to a different country or continent .

In this case, I embarked on an adventure from my home country to Europe, immersing myself in each destination’s rich history and vibrant atmosphere. Traveling to Europe broadened my horizons and created memories that will last a lifetime.

Understanding the Nuances between Travel, Trip, and Journey

Understanding the Nuances between Travel, Trip, and Journey

Travel, trip, and journey may seem similar, but they each have their own nuances. Read on to delve deeper into the distinctions between these terms and how to use them correctly in your everyday conversations.

Travel focuses on the action of going to a distant place.

Travel allows us to embark on exciting journeys to faraway destinations. It is the act of physically moving from one place to another , often to distant locations . Whether it’s exploring a new country , immersing ourselves in different cultures , or experiencing thrilling adventures , travel is all about the exhilarating action of venturing beyond our comfort zones .

So pack your bags and get ready for an incredible journey filled with unforgettable experiences!

Trip emphasizes the process of traveling and staying in a place.

A trip is all about the journey itself and the experience of being in a specific place . It focuses on the process of traveling from one location to another, while also emphasizing the time spent staying in that particular place.

Whether you’re taking a short weekend trip to a nearby city or embarking on a week-long vacation, a trip is about immersing yourself in new surroundings and enjoying everything that destination has to offer.

Journey implies a longer and more significant travel experience.

When embarking on a journey, you can expect a more extensive and meaningful travel experience . Unlike a simple trip or travel, a journey often involves exploring multiple destinations or pursuing a specific purpose .

It encompasses the idea of venturing into the unknown and embracing new challenges along the way. Whether it’s an epic road trip across several countries or a spiritual pilgrimage to sacred sites, a journey offers an opportunity for personal growth and transformation .

It allows you to immerse yourself in different cultures , navigate unfamiliar terrain, and create lasting memories. So if you’re seeking an adventure that goes beyond mere transportation from point A to point B, set out on a journey that will take you further and leave an indelible mark on your soul.

Conclusion and Importance of Using the Correct Terms

Understanding the distinctions between travel , trip, and journey is crucial in accurately conveying our experiences . By using these terms correctly, we can communicate more effectively and avoid confusion .

So whether we’re embarking on a short trip or a life-changing journey , let’s remember to use the right words to describe our adventures ! Keep exploring and keep traveling!

1. What is the difference between travel, trip, and journey?

Travel refers to the act of going from one place to another, while a trip is a specific instance of traveling for a particular purpose or destination. A journey, on the other hand, implies a longer and more meaningful experience that may involve personal growth or transformation.

2. Can you give examples of each term – travel, trip, and journey?

Sure! Travel can include activities like flying to a different country or taking a road trip across states. A trip could be going on vacation to Disneyland or visiting family over the holidays. And a journey might involve backpacking through Europe for several months or embarking on a spiritual retreat.

3. Is there any overlap between these terms?

Yes, there can be some overlap between these terms depending on context. For example, someone’s “trip” may also be considered their “journey” if it involves self-discovery or exploration. Similarly, long-term travel experiences may encompass both the notions of “travel” and “journey.”

4. How does understanding the distinction between these terms help in communication?

Understanding the distinction between travel, trip, and journey helps in effective communication as it allows us to accurately describe our experiences and intentions when discussing our travels with others. It provides clarity and avoids confusion by using appropriate terminology when sharing stories or making plans involving different types of travel experiences.

About the author

Profile picture of Zackary Hooper

I’ve been fortunate to visit over fifty countries, each journey leaving a unique footprint on my life’s map. From bustling cities to serene nature trails, I’ve immersed myself in different cultures and experiences, constantly broadening my understanding of the world. On this site, I share my travel stories, tips, and insights, hoping to inspire others to embark on their own journeys. Join me as we uncover the beauty of our planet, one adventure at a time. Please reach out here if you need to get in touch.

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Travel vs. Trip vs. Journey

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Travel vs. Trip vs. Journey Espresso English

The act of going to another place (often for a short period of time) and returning.

  • We took a five-day trip to the Amazon.
  • You’re back from vacation! How was your trip ?
  • I went on business trips to Switzerland and Germany last month.

Use the verbs “take” and “go on” with trip .

  • A round-trip ticket is a ticket for going and coming back.
  • A one-way ticket is only for going.

Travel (v.)

Going to another place (in general).

  • I really like to travel.
  • He travels frequently for work.
  • My sister is currently  traveling through South America.

Travel (n.) can be used to describe the act of traveling in general:

  • Travel in that region of the country is dangerous.
  • World travel gives you a new perspective.

Incorrect uses of travel :

  • I bought this shirt on my  travel  to Thailand. I bought this shirt on my  trip  to Thailand.
  • I’m planning a travel to the U.S. next year. I’m planning to travel to the U.S. next year. I’m planning a trip to the U.S. next year.

Journey (n.)

One piece of travel (going from one place to another) – usually a long distance.

  • The journey takes 3 hours by plane or 28 hours by bus.
  • He made the 200-mile journey by bike.
  • “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step” – Lao-tze,  Tao Te Ching

We can also use journey in a more “metaphorical” way to talk about progress in life:

  • He has overcome a lot of problems on his spiritual journey.
  • My uncle is an alcoholic, but he’s beginning the journey of recovery.

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Shayna Oliveira is the founder of Espresso English, where you can improve your English fast - even if you don’t have much time to study. Millions of students are learning English from her clear, friendly, and practical lessons! Shayna is a CELTA-certified teacher with 10+ years of experience helping English learners become more fluent in her English courses.

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What is the difference between journey , trip , voyage and excursion ?

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VOCABULARY: Travel, Journey or Trip? What's the difference?

British culture photo. Vintage English gentleman on the beach with a group of people on deckchairs

To travel  is, of course, a verb but not normally a noun unless it is in a literary context e.g.  Gulliver’s Travels  (a book by Jonathan Swift), or a long, extensive tour. 

In everyday English, we would refer to  travelling  by saying  a journey , or  a trip , the difference being that  a trip  talks of the whole process of going, doing what you do, and then returning. 

A journey  is used more to refer to the journey itself, although often there is little difference. Compare the following:  ‘The journey was rotten. The fat man who sat next to me snored all the time.’ ‘The trip was great, we managed to do everything that we had intended.’   

To journey  is an archaic verb not used now.  To trip  exists but it has a completely different meaning; ‘to fall over an object’; ‘He tripped  over the step and spilt all the drinks.’ 

To voyage  only refers to a long journey made at sea.

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When do I use ‘travel’, ‘trip’ and ‘journey’?

The coffee break english show - season 1, episode 3, share this post.

Do you know the difference between the words travel , trip  and journey ? They all have similar meanings, so it’s easy to confuse them!

The Coffee Break English Show is a podcast series of bite-sized, friendly conversations to help you understand some difficult topics in English. In the latest episode, Mark and Josie talk about when to use travel , trip and journey correctly.

Continue reading to find out more and why not listen to the podcast as you go?

So, let’s get started and look at the words travel , trip  and journey .

Travel is a verb. It describes the action of going to a place.

Here are some examples using  travel :

They travelled to London by train.

I’m going to travel to Australia this summer.

Top tip: we can often replace travel with go .

Travel is usually a verb, but not always. The word travels describes the action of visiting different places, and we can replace it with adventures . We use travels in the expressions go on your travels and be off on your travels . For example:

Now that my daughter has finished high school, she’s off on her travels.

When are you going on your travels in Europe?

Journey is a noun. It describes the action of travelling from one place to another place. For example:

Mark’s journey to work takes 20 minutes.

I am exhausted after my long bus journey.

Have a safe journey home!

Like journey , trip is also a noun. It describes the process of travelling to a place, doing things in that place, and travelling back home again. We use trip in the expressions take a trip and go on a trip . For example:

She’s going on a business trip to Thailand.

We’re taking a trip to Greece this summer.

Let’s practise!

Now, let’s practise! Here are five sentences. Complete the spaces with travel , trip , or journey . The answers are at the end of this blog post, but don’t look until you’ve thought about the answers!

  • I ___ to work by train.
  • It was a really long car ___.
  • I’d love to go on a ___ around the world.
  • How long will the ___ to Rome take?
  • My brother is on a work ___ this week.

Happy Coffee Breaking!

If you found this post interesting, make sure you listen to the full podcast episode with Mark and Josie on The Coffee Break English Show . We will release more episodes soon, about some more useful topics! Subscribe to our podcast feed and our channel on YouTube to learn when the next episode is available.

Plus! To get regular free English lessons in your inbox, you can sign up for our email lessons. We regularly send short (coffee-break-sized) email lessons that will help you improve your English. You will also hear from Mark, the founder of Coffee Break Languages, giving advice for language learners at any level. Sign up below!

So, keep practising when to use travel , trip , and journey ! Remember that all English learners make mistakes, but people can usually still understand you. It’s all part of the language-learning journey.

PS. Here are the answers to the questions:

  • I travel to work by train.
  • It was a really long car journey .
  • I’d love to go on a trip around the world.
  • How long will the journey  to Rome take?
  • My brother is on a work trip this week.

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Vocabulary: Differences between travel, journey, trip, voyage and tour

Published 29/07/2015 In Blog

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The Summer holidays are around the corner so it is definitely a good time to post an article on my blog explaining the difference between all these words. 

Travel, journey, trip, voyage and tour can be easily confused by all those students learning English, so below are clear explanations of how to use the 5 terms: 

*Verbs: Louise travels a lot for work *Nouns: Travel the way you wish to go

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Travel trip and journey video transcript

Kathy! How are you? Fine. We wanted to speak to you about our business trip. You know we’re travelling to California next month? Yes. Can we travel business class? Absolutely not! But it’s a six hour flight. It’s such a long journey. Business class is far too expensive. I think that was a ‘no’.

Here are three words my students often muddle up. They have similar meanings. In this video we’ll learn how to use them correctly and fix some common mistakes.

Wow! Look at that view. Isn’t that beautiful? Yeah! Let’s go up to the top of that mountain, Jay. That’s a long walk. I think we can travel by cable car. Really? Yeah. Wow!

The word ‘travel’ is usually a verb – an action – and it means to go from one place to another.

Riding a bike is a great way to travel around the city. I can slip through all the traffic.
You know we’re travelling to California next month? Yes. Can we travel business class? Absolutely not.

We spell the word ‘traveling’ with one ‘L’ in American English and two ‘Ls’ in British English. And we call people who travel, travellers. In American English we spell that with one ‘L’. And in British English it has two ‘L’s.

I’m traveling to New York today and then on to Boston. It’s a business trip.
Travel’ is normally a verb, but not always. Let’s look at another example. Is ‘travel’ a verb here?
My job involves a lot of travel. I’m often away from home. My job involves a lot of travel. I’m often away from home.

In this sentence, travel is a noun – a thing. And here’s where it get tricky. If ‘travel’ is a noun, we use it to talk about travel in general. So we might talk about air travel, rail travel, space travel or time travel.

The rising price of jet fuel is pushing up the price of air travel for business travelers.

When ‘travel’ is a noun, it’s normally uncountable. That means we can’t talk about ‘a’ travel. This is wrong. We use it to talk about travel in general, so this question is wrong too. If you’re talking about a specific piece of travelling, you need to use other words instead, like journey or trip.

But it’s a six hour flight. It’s such a long journey. Business class is far too expensive.

We use ‘journey’ when places are a long way apart, so there’s a big distance or a lot of time involved. We might talk about a journey acrosss the Sahara, or a journey to outer space.

How long does it take you to commute to work, Jay? Two hours. Wow! That’s a long journey! Umm. I guess that’s why you’re always tired when you get to work. Ummm.

So a journey involves a long distance or a lot of time. Trips are similar.

We can take trips for business or trips for pleasure. Tourists in Paris like to take boat trips for fun. When you know someone is going to travel somewhere, you can say, ‘Have a nice trip’.

Have a nice trip, Frank. Sure Kitty. See you when I get back. Bon voyage.

Now be careful with this word. If it’s a verb, it means something different. If you catch your foot on something and almost fall, you trip. Jay nearly tripped over there. But when trip is a noun, it means a journey to a place and then back again.

So how was your trip? It was great. I think we got the contract. Oh well done! And what about your journey? How was that? There were a lot of delays.

Trip and journey are both nouns here and they mean slightly different things. Journey refers to the travelling, but trip is the travelling and everything that happens on the way, so the whole visit as well as the journey.

So let’s review. There’s travel. It’s normally a verb. We travel from place to place and sometimes it’s a noun – an uncountable noun. When we’re talking about a specific piece of travelling, we use journey and trip. Journeys are often longer than trips. Also journey is just the travelling and trip is the travelling and everything that happens on the way. And that’s it. Now you know how to use these words.

Oh hi Kathy! So how was California? Awful! Fantastic! The journey was terrible. The airline lost my luggage. I hate traveling. My journey was wonderful. I got upgraded to first class for free. Oh that’s nice. But what happened in your meetings? Nothing! My trip was a waste of time. I didn’t sell anything. I got three new clients. Oh well done Vicki. What a successful trip!
Are you travelling anywhere soon? Have a safe journey and enjoy your trip.

Click here to see an earlier version of this video with a clickable transcript Click here to see our video on how to check in at an airport Click here to learn the lyrics of the beautiful Doris day song ‘Sentimental Journey’ Click here to learn about a road trip Jay and Vicki took And click here to see lots more videos on tricky English words and vocabulary

4 thoughts on “Travel, Trip and Journey (countable and uncountable nouns)”

' src=

Thanks for this amazing information. I had learned a lot.

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So glad you liked it Deepak Thanks for writing.

' src=

It has been written: “In this videos you’ll learn that travel is usually an uncountable noun and that we don’t usually use it as a verb” and then we learn this:”The word ‘travel’ is usually a verb – an action – and it means to go from one place to another.”.

Hi Ciesielski! I’m not sure I understand this because I don’t know where you’ve read ‘travel’ is usually a verb. It would have to depend on context. In scientific texts it’s often a verb. For example light travels at a speed of 299 792 458 m/s. In everyday speech though, it’s generally an (uncountable) noun. Hope this helps.

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English Grammar Lessons And Worksheets

Travel vs. Journey vs. Trip vs. Voyage

by Manjusha Nambiar · March 26, 2020

Travel, Journey, Trip and Voyage – Differences in meaning

Travel  means traveling in general.

  • Travel  is my passion.

The plural form  travels  is used to refer to long journeys especially to other countries.

  • Is he back from his  travels?

A  journey  is a piece of traveling.

  • Did you have a good  journey?

A trip is a return journey. It also refers to the activity which is the reason for the journey.

  • He is on a  business trip .

A long sea journey is often called a  voyage .

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Tags: journey travel trip voyage

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Manjusha Nambiar

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Ultimate California Road Trip Itinerary: From the Pacific to the Redwoods!

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Are you looking for the best California road trip itinerary to explore the most beautiful places in the Golden State? Our 10 days in California itinerary will take you from the rugged coast and beautiful beaches to the snow-capped peaks of the Sierra Nevadas. Hike the Mojave desert, sleep underneath a yucca tree, and visit the lowest place on the continent while you road trip in California. Read our 10 day California Road Trip guide now. You may also like our post on 20 Best Road Trips in the USA .

Welcome to our ultimate California road trip planner!

We created this planner to help you plan the perfect road trip around California and it contains all the essential information you need to plan your trip today including budget and costs, what to eat, where to stay, etc.

Here you will find recommendations for a variety of California itineraries as well as get more information on California road trip must-see attractions including the Golden Gate Bridge, Big Sur, Yosemite, and Los Angeles.

Our mission? To make sure you have a blast in California!

Pacific Coast Highway near Big Sur is the most scenic drive in the world

Also Read: Portland to San Francisco Road Trip Itinerary California To Texas road trip planner Best Things to do in Washington State

California is our favorite destination ever.

I have been enamored with California long before I visited it.

California, San Jose, and the West coast are randomly thrown around in conversations in India – because everyone knows someone working in Silicon Valley – and you can’t help but know about this slice of America.

Growing up, I knew more about Cisco, Apple, Google, and Yahoo (remember when everyone used Yahoo?!) than San Francisco, Yosemite, and Big Sur.

And Disney – because everyone knows Disney!

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California has such a unique history.

The oldest, tallest, and widest trees live here and guess what, they have been around since prehistoric times – yes, even dinosaurs lived among the redwood trees!

One of the lowest, aridest, and hottest places on earth is right here in California in Badwater Basin.

And as for scenic places: California has so many of them!

We love Big Sur and its rocky coast, the wildflower super blooms, blue Lake Tahoe, Mono Lake and its tufas, unique shapes of Joshua trees!

There are so many things to see in California road trip that the list just goes on!

General Sherman Tree in Sequoia National Park during the winter

Also Read: 24 Best Places to Visit in California in winter

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And that’s why in our California road trip itinerary of 10 days, we take you around all these unique and beautiful places in the Golden State.

Our California 10 day road trip itinerary is perfect for driving around dreamy landscapes of yellow poppies, orange orchards, purple foliage, and lush green vineyards.

We have divided this California roadtrip itinerary into 4 essential stretches as per the geographic features of the state – yepp, we are that geeky – and you can customize it as you want. 

Best waterproof walking shoes for California beaches

If you are a beach person like me, then extend the Pacific Coast Highway Itinerary to 10 days.

If you are a mountain lover like my hubby, then take a 10 day road trip from San Francisco to Yosemite.

Yosemite Valley Tunnel View in the winter

Pick your favorite area and stay there as long as you want. Or follow our California in 10 days itinerary exactly as described!

As always, we have also included suggestions for if you have more or less time.

Whatever you chose, you are going to have the time of your lives – because this is California!

Balboa Park's Casa de Balboa Building in San Diego, California

“Every time I come, I’m still amazed at the breadth California has. Big Sur, Yosemite, the desert… I love it.” – Theo James, the English actor

Best of California Road Trip 10 Days Itinerary

We, like most people, have seen California in bits and pieces rather than in one go.

We first visited California almost a decade ago and did San Francisco, Los Angeles, and the theme parks.

Second time around, we visited Death Valley National Park on a road trip from Vegas.

Then I lived and worked in the Bay area in tech (oh, the irony!) and that’s when we explored the California National Parks, North Coast, and the Sierra Nevada side of the state.

Our most popular posts: 22 Best City Breaks in the USA The Best Things to do in New York on your first visit Ultimate List of Best Places to visit in the USA

The Napa Valley Sign in Napa California

Most recently, we did the San Francisco to Los Angeles road trip along the gorgeous Pacific Coast Highway – oh and also road-tripped Southern California and Disney with the kids.

On our next trip – we plan to do the North Coast and Redwoods Scenic Highway AGAIN.

Yeah – that’s how much we love California – have been to many destinations several times and still can’t have enough.

The best way to tour California is obviously by driving. The state is beautiful but huge and it’s not easy planning California trip that covers all the major attractions with limited time in hand.

Huntington Beach, California is sunny and warm in winter

And planning a California road trip with kids is even more difficult – how do you prioritize between theme parks and natural attractions?

And that’s where we rush in – your knights in shining armor – delivering the ultimate 10 day California road trip itinerary. 

Our California trip planner is more like going on a series of best California road trips – each more gorgeous than the previous.

Also, we follow this road trip along two of California’s most popular routes: south on the SR1 or Pacific Coast Highway and then back north along the scenic SR 395 through Eastern California .

That’s what makes our itinerary the absolute best California driving trip planner!

You can also call it the California National Parks road trip because we will be visiting the most popular of them on an epic road trip.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

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Stretch 1: Down The Pacific Coast – 4 Days

Often enough, when someone talks about a California driving holiday, this stretch along the Pacific Coast Highway is the one they actually mean.

Constantly ranked among the top scenic drives in the world, the coastal drive from San Francisco to Los Angeles is the best of both worlds.

It combines the urban getaways of California’s two largest cities with the natural panoramas of Big Sur and the Pacific. 

If you have limited time, we would recommend spending 3 to 4 days along this route.

If you want to focus only on this coastal road trip, then just drive south on a road trip from San Francisco on SR1.

Take your own time to enjoy roadside stops like Carmel-By-The-Sea, Morro Bay, and the stunning Big Sur.

Hike or camp and explore nature.

Here’s our suggestion for this stretch of 10 day California itinerary planner.

Union Square is the heart of Christmas festivities in San Francisco

San Francisco – 1 Day

Start with our San Francisco road trip planner.

San Francisco is our favorite city to start a 10 day California trip.

The city is quite easy to fly into; the 3 airports of San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland are located close by and many airlines have deals to the Bay area.

We would recommend spending a minimum of one day in San Francisco before picking up your rental car and driving south.

Or you can rent a car before, see SF, and then drive the PCH.

You can also start your 10 day road trip from Los Angeles, in that case, adjust your plans accordingly.

San Francisco street cars look charming during the holidays

Read this now! Whatever you do – don’t casually park your car at an empty garage in San Francisco. Car Break-ins in San Francisco are very common, as we discovered to our ill-fortune . On our latest trip to San Francisco, we had parked in a garage two blocks away from Pier 39 and came back to find the rear glass broken and both our children’s suitcases gone!  We had to spend quite some time to sort the issue and it left a sad memory on an otherwise awesome road trip around California in 10 days. We would recommend parking at your hotel while taking a cab or the tram to explore the city. 

San Francisco has many names – SF, San Fran, Fog City, the City by the Bay, Frisco (though don’t say that in front of locals) or simply, the City – going back to the days of the Wild West when there was nothing much in Northern California but the city.

San Francisco is colorful, vibrant, and bohemian.

It’s amongst our favorite US cities – right there at the top along with New York , Chicago , and New Orleans.

San Francisco City Hall decorated for Christmas

There are quite a few things to do in San Francisco: unsurprisingly most of them begin at or near the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, San Francisco’s gigantic urban park.

Begin your visit at the Golden Gate Bridge Welcome Center near the southern end of the bridge.

Learn interesting facts and see construction relics from the building of the Golden Gate Bridge before visiting the bridge itself.

Next walk across all 1.7 miles of this engineering marvel and icon of America.

The views of the bay from the bridge are beautiful and you feel an indescribable thrill while walking across it.

Definitely the highlight of your California travel itinerary!

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Up for more adventure?

Bike the Golden Gate!

We have done it twice – most recently with our 3 yrs and 6 months old kids – it is a superb experience.

We love biking across to Sausalito, exploring the quaint town, and taking the ferry back to San Francisco.

You can also bike to the redwoods if you have more time.

Read our ultimate guide to biking the bridge here.

If not biking, then use the rest of your day to explore San Francisco’s highlights: Fisherman’s Wharf and Pier 39, Lombard Street, and Ghirardelli Square.

If you want to spend more time in San Francisco, see the Painted Ladies – those famous SF houses shown in Full House!

You can also check out the city from the Twin Peaks.

The Golden Gate Park is perfect for a stroll.

Ride the cable car to Chinatown and have some dumplings and noodles for lunch.

Spend an afternoon admiring the beautiful architecture of the Palace of Fine Arts or visit the prison of Alcatraz Island.

Visit the beautiful redwood trees at Muir Woods National Monument or whale watch and hike at Point Reyes.

San Francisco is a beautiful city and you can easily spend a couple of days there as a part of your 10 day trip to California.

Read our San Francisco posts now to plan this part of the trip: San Francisco 3 to 5-day itinerary ideas 17 Best Things to do in San Francisco on your first visit

The area around San Francisco is also full of activities and tourist attractions.

Here are some suggestions if you want to spend a few more days exploring around the Bay Area during your California itinerary of 10 days:

Napa & Sonoma 

Take a day trip from San Francisco to Napa Valley along the Silverado Trail.

Sonoma County is also a great place to visit for wine lovers.

You can tour the many vineyards, taste local wines, dine at Michelin starred restaurants, and visit famous tasting rooms.

If you happen to visit in the fall, you will see beautiful fall colors in the vineyards and be able to attend grape stomping. 

San Jose is popular with millennials and those working in Silicon Valley.

You will find plenty of trendy nightclubs and bars in San Jose.

If you enjoy shopping, check out the high fashion brands on Santana Row.

For outdoor lovers, a hike to Mission Peak is a must while families will love the Winchester Mystery House.

Silicon Valley

If you love tech then you need to visit Silicon Valley.

It boasts the largest concentration of geeks and nerds – and as a fellow geek, I say it quite fondly!

Start your visit at the Computer History Museum to know everything about the machine that changed our lives.

Then see Google’s Android lawn sculptures in Mountain View or the garage where Hewlett Packard began in Palo Alto.

Visit Stanford University’s sprawling campus as well as Facebook and Apple!

McWay Falls, Big Sur, California

Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip – 2 Days

On to the next part of the 10 day road trip in California.

After seeing San Francisco, drive south along the SR1 or Pacific Coast Highway.

Over the next 2 days, you will follow the coastal route to Los Angeles while making plenty of stops along the way.

Check the coastal communities of Half Moon Bay and Davenport before reaching Santa Cruz.

If you have kids, spend some time at the Santa Cruz Beach and Boardwalk.

Next visit Monterey and Carmel by the Sea. Hike in Point Lobos or walk the coastal bluffs at Garrapata State Park.

On the way, you will see secret beaches, hidden coves, and beautiful views. 

Wineries near paso Robles in Central California

As you begin driving PCH1 while following our 10 days in California itinerary, you understand why artists settle here, photographers and writers both wax lyrical about this region, and why the drive is called the most beautiful in the world.

We recommend staying somewhere in the vicinity of Carmel Highlands for the night.

The next day, rise early for the star attraction of the drive: the 90-mile long rugged, wild Big Sur.

Big Sur is 6 hours from Los Angeles and you have a big day ahead.

It is really hard to describe Big Sur.

Rocky cliffs, foaming waves, spring wildflowers, lighthouses, migrating whales, turquoise water, redwood trees: Big Sur has everything.

December in California is the perfect time to go whale watching near Monterey

It is gorgeous in a wild way.

In Big Sur, you will find amazing state parks, some of California’s best hiking trails, iconic beaches, and tons of marine life, including otters, elephant seals, and dolphins.

Some areas of Big Sur can be closed at any given time of the year due to floods or landslides – so we recommend checking out the PCH status before your 10 days road trip California.

Beach hiking trails in Monterey California

Read more about all the attractions including the beautiful McWay Falls in our post One day in Big Sur . 

Other attractions of the Pacific Coast Highway drive from San Francisco to Los Angeles include Monterey’s famous 17-mile drive, the seaside towns of Pismo Beach and Morro Bay, the famous Hearst Castle, Santa Barbara, and the beaches of Malibu.

For the purposes of this California Itinerary of 10 days, we would suggest 2 to 3 days on PCH.

However, if you have more time then the PCH is easily a 4 day to week-long road trip in itself.

To read more about all the awesome stops on PCH and planning a detailed itinerary, check out our article on Planning a road trip along the Pacific Coast Highway . 

Also Read: Top 10 Convertible drives in the USA

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Los Angeles – 1 Day

While San Francisco and Silicon Valley are for tech lovers, Los Angeles is for Hollywood fans.

How long to stay in Los Angeles is a tricky question.

If you only have one day in Los Angeles, start by seeing the famous Hollywood sign and then visit the Hollywood Walk of Fame to take selfies with your favorite stars.

Also, see the Kodak Theatre (now Dolby Theatre) which hosts the Oscars and tour the movie star homes on Rodeo Drive.

Venice canals at Christmas in Los Angeles

If you have more time to explore Los Angeles, we suggest starting with lunch at the Santa Monica Pier.

Then visit the Griffith Observatory and see Los Angeles from above.

Or you can take a behind the scenes VIP studio tour at one of your favorite studios: pick from Warner Brothers, Paramount Pictures or Sony!

You can also check out the beautiful exhibits at the Getty Center or the beautiful modern art at the Broad.

LA also has many other top museums and a large number of attractions – read our post on Best Things to do in Los Angeles for more ideas.

For more help in planning your day, read our Los Angeles itinerary for first-time visitors .

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Here are some suggestions to explore the area beyond Downtown Los Angeles:

No California family road trip is complete without a trip to Disney.

Both of California’s Disney Parks are located close to Los Angeles in Anaheim.

On the best California vacation itinerary, you have to meet Mickey, Goofy and other beloved cartoon characters!

Kids also get to meet Disney’s princesses in full attire at the parks.

To plan a California family vacation itinerary including a trip to Disney, read our Disney posts .

Universal Studios

To understand all about movie-making, see movie sets, and enjoy thrilling rides visit Universal Studios.

This theme park has really cool attractions and the Studio Tour will take you through sets based on Shutter Island, Jaws, King Kong, and more.

Harry Potter fans will love visiting Hogwarts and taking thrilling rides based on the books and movies – and is a must-visit if you are spending 10 days in California.

Colorful houses near Santa Cruz, California

Channel Islands National Park

For a unique experience, customize our itinerary for California 10 days and visit the remote Channel Islands.

Comprised of 5 islands, the park has excellent wildlife, sea caves, and lots of natural beauty.

You can take a ferry to the park from Ventura.

Optional: San Diego – 1 Day

From Los Angeles, you can venture on the next part of California 10 day itinerary or extend your trip down the coast by visiting San Diego.

Not many people know that San Diego is the oldest city on the West Coast.

It has beautiful Spanish Colonial architecture and lots of history. 

San Diego, California, downtown skyline

Read our post 22 Best Things to do in San Diego now to know more about this beautiful city.

If you have one day, you can visit the Historic Old Town and understand the Mexican and Wild West roots of the city.

Next, visit the famous Balboa Park with its beautiful architecture, renowned museums, and the San Diego Zoo.

Round off your time in the city by exploring the historic Gaslamp Quarter and its Victorian architecture and trendy eateries, hotels, and pubs.

This area is perfect for ending the day with dinner and drinks.

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If you have more than a day, visit the famous San Diego Sea World and see the dolphins in action.

San Diego is home to many beautiful beaches; the Mission Beach boardwalk is very popular.

Other things to see include Mission San Diego, Sunset Cliffs Park, and the bustling waterfront area of Seaport Village.

If you have more time on 10 day itinerary California, check out the dramatic sculptures in the desert city of Borrego Springs.

Related: For more California road trip ideas, check out our post on 12 Best California road trips

Christmas decorations in Old San Diego Town California

Stretch 2: Through The Arid Californian Desert – 2 Days

Continue on the California road trip route planner through deserts of southern California.

While most people associate California primarily with the coast and then with the dense redwood forests, the state is also renowned for its unique desert landscapes.

Most of these parts of southern California have a desolate beauty.

It is full of desert cities like Palm Springs which offer unique tourist attractions for visitors.

In this post, we focus our California 10 days itinerary on exploring two of the region’s national parks: Joshua Tree National Park and Death Valley National Park.

Joshua Tree Landscape

Joshua Tree National Park – 1 Day

Located partly over the Colorado desert and the Mojave desert, Joshua Tree National Park is named after the iconic Joshua tree.

This is a type of Yucca tree that is twisted, scraggly, and found only in the Mojave desert of California.

The easily recognizable tree looks even more dramatic in the desert landscape and bare rock formations of Joshua Tree National Park.

The national park is one of the most underrated California road trip destinations.

Its unique vistas have drawn photographers and artists to the park for decades.

Read our post on One Day in Joshua Tree to plan your trip.

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There are many things to do in Joshua Tree and its otherworldly landscape.

One of the best ways to see Joshua Tree is by driving around the paved road in the park.

Campsites in Joshua Tree are spectacular and hikes through Yucca trees and cacti adventurous.

The Hidden Valley Trail is a short mile-long trail that offers great desert landscape views.

The park has many popular geological rock formations that are used for rock climbing.

The park also has a dark night sky and is good for stargazers, astronomy enthusiasts, and night sky photographers.

Wildlife and birding opportunities around the park are also numerous.

Barker Dam in Joshua Tree National Park at sunrise

Read more in our post 24 Best Things to do in Joshua Tree National Park .

While deciding how to plan a trip to California, we recommend keeping more time aside to explore the many attractions surrounding Joshua Tree.

You can easily include them on a South California road trip from San Diego to Joshua Tree in this order: San Diego – Anza Borrego – Galleta Meadows – Salton Sea – Palm Springs – Joshua Tree.

Here’s some more information about these desert experiences that are worth adding to your itinerary if you have the time.

Salton Sea 

The Salton Sea is an inland lake created by flooding from an irrigation canal of the Colorado River that carries water to the Imperial Valley in 1905.

Several resort communities were built along the new lake.

However, the lake has no discharge and as a result, the water became unusually saline causing the death of marine life.

As a result, the communities were abandoned and are extremely popular with ruin photographers.

If you have teens, then definitely include Bombay Beach ruins in your California vacation itinerary – they will love to see random objects lying on the beach.

Today, the Salton Sea shoreline is filled with deteriorating structures and RV communities.

The Salton Sea is also located directly on top of the San Andreas fault and geothermal activity including mud pools are present along the coast.

The Salton Sea State Recreation Area is popular for birding, boating, picnicking, and camping. 

Beautiful interior of the church at the Santa Barbara Mission in California near Christmas

Palm Springs

Palm Springs, located in the Colorado desert region, is one of the biggest Californian desert cities.

If you want a relaxing vacation, then Palm Springs is one of the best California ideas.

One of its main attractions is the Palm Springs aerial tramway which takes you up Mount San Jacinto and offers great views of the surrounding area.

Palm Springs also has many great museums, boutique stores, restaurants, and resorts.

It is one of the most popular winter vacation destinations in the USA.

If you plan to visit Palm Springs, then check out our post on 30 Best Things to do in Palm Springs, California.

Palm Springs California in amazing to visit in December

Anza Borrego and Galleta Meadows Sculptures in Borrego Springs

While California has many beautiful state parks, few know about its largest – Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.

This park is at its most beautiful in the spring when the cacti flower and the desert landscape comes alive with colors.

Anza Borrego Desert State Park is just two hours away from San Diego and can be seen on a San Diego Joshua Valley road trip.

In nearby Borrego Springs, you can see the unusual Galleta Meadows Estate sculptures.

These sculptures created by artist Ricardo Breceda are free to visit and beautiful works of art.

By driving all over the land you can spot dragons, serpents, wooly mammoths, and other fantastic creatures.  

Also, read our post on Planning the ultimate Southern California itinerary.

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Coachella Valley Preserve 

Coachella’s Thousand Palms Oasis is a unique chance to see the oasis environment in the middle of the desert.

The oases directly sit on fault lines and the water seeping through the faults has given life to California Fan Palms and other big palms in the arid desert.

Wildlife including sheep, goats, bobcats, etc, also can be spotted at the oasis.

Entry to the reserve is free and it has many hiking trails plus offers excellent wildlife viewing opportunities.

There are also other hiking areas close to Coachella Valley Preserve including Indian Canyons where you can hike through slot canyons. 

Scenic road to Death Valley National park, California

Death Valley National Park – 1 Day

Comprising of areas of the Mojave desert and the Great Basin desert, Death Valley is vastly different than Joshua Tree National Park.

For the most part, Death Valley is devoid of vegetation and is home to a variety of geological formations including the badlands, sand dunes, and the famous salt flats.

Death Valley also has the distinction of being the lowest point in North America and is also one of the hottest and driest places in the country.

travel journey trip

No trip to Death Valley National Park is complete without visiting the Badwater Basin salt flats.

The salt flats, at 282 feet below sea level, are the lowest place in North America.

Death Valley National Park has many scenic drives that are perfect for exploring around the park.

Mesquite Flats Sand Dunes are good for taking a stroll, exploring the desert plants, viewing animal tracks, and sunrise/sunset photography.

The park has many interesting geological formations.

Death Valley also has a dark night sky and is great for stargazing and photographing the Milky Way.

Read our post on 14 Best Things to do in Death Valley National Park for more information.

Badlands view from Zabriskie Point in Death Valley National Park at Dusk, California

We know you are planning to roadtrip California, but we can’t talk about Death Valley without mentioning Las Vegas.

Las Vegas is also a great city to begin your road trip to California.

The distance between Vegas and Death Valley is just over 2 hours and the route is quite scenic.

In fact, it is one of our favorite road trips from Las Vegas.

You can see the Sin City and then go on a road trip through California – an epic Las Vegas Los Angeles San Francisco trip, if you will!

Or you can also go on a memorable Las Vegas Grand Canyon road trip from California.

For Las Vegas travel inspiration, read our post on 52 Best Things to do in Las Vegas .

Frozen Convict Lake surrounded by mountains on a winter day;

Stretch 3: Up Through The Sierra Nevada – 4 Days

After seeing Death Valley, take a road trip on California’s Scenic Highway 395.

This road trip is scenic whether you do it from north to south or like we recommend here, from south to north.

The best time to see the aspens turn yellow here is in fall.

The total distance from Death Valley to your final destination of Yosemite is 4 hours when the Lee Vining road to Yosemite is open in the summer.

However, we recommend keeping aside 4 days for this road trip as it has some of the most underrated road trip destinations in California including the Manzanar National Historic Site, Alabama Hills, Ancient Bristlecone pine forest, Bodie Ghost Town, etc.

For more information on these Route 395 stops, see this article .

Roads in Kings Canyon National Park in winter

For the purposes of this itinerary, we focus on the popular attractions of Mammoth Lakes, Yosemite, and Lake Tahoe. 

Route 395 will take you high up into the Sierra Nevada mountains, known for their spectacular beauty.

The Sierra Nevadas are home to many national and state parks including the mighty Yosemite and crystal clear high mountain lakes.

For the rest of your Californian road trip, you will be exploring the High Sierras and its many breathtaking attractions.

This is a welcome respite after the desert landscapes of Death Valley and Joshua Tree and depending on when you visit you will be able to see beautiful meadows, wildflowers, fall foliage, and even snow!

Lake Tahoe looks spectacular even in the winter

Mammoth Lakes And Mono Lake – 1 Day

Contrary to their name, Mammoth Lakes is not a lake but a winter ski town in the Sierra Nevada mountains.

Mammoth Mountain is the main winter skiing area with a variety of ski runs.

In summer, it is a favorite with mountain bikers and hikers.

The town does have several beautiful lakes that are accessible only in the summer but none of them are named Mammoth.

The area has beautiful alpine meadows with wildflowers in spring and natural hot springs for some R&R.

In one day, we recommend taking the roughly one hour drive around the Lakes Basin and visiting all the lakes.

You can hike, picnic, kayak, and fish in whichever lake you like.

Or maybe just hang up a hammock and read a book by the lake.

travel journey trip

Nearby Mono Lake is a saltwater lake surrounded by unique towering limestone formations called the tufa.

The lake visitor center has great information about the formation of the lake and the tufa while the short South Tufa trail is great for exploring the surrounding area.

The trail takes you along the lakeshore and among the tufas.

We suggest stopping here for an hour or so; Mono Lake accepts National Park Pass for entry.

On the way from Mammoth Lakes to Mono Lake, you will pass by June Lake and Devils Postpile Monument.

Enjoy snowshoeing on Lake Tahoe in winter

June Lake Loop Road is a great place to see the fall colors while the Devils Postpile National Monument is a unique geological formation of basalt columns.

Rainbow Falls, a 31m plunging waterfall, is another popular attraction of the monument.

Past Mono Lake, take the Lee Vining Road into Yosemite.

The official name of the road is Tioga Pass Road and it is closed in winter and spring (usually November to May) due to snow.

In that case, you can’t really visit Yosemite from the eastern side.

To know alternative routes in winter, check here . 

travel journey trip

Yosemite National Park – 2 Days

Best known for its giant sequoia trees, bald granite cliffs, and spectacular waterfalls, Yosemite National Park is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Yosemite along with Yellowstone National Park and Grand Canyon National Park is known as the ‘Big Three’ and receives over 4 million visitors each year.

Yosemite is a must-stop on any Ca road trip itinerary.

The best time to visit Yosemite National Park is from the summer to fall when Tioga Pass Road is open.

Beautiful winter scenery in Yosemite National Park, California

We suggest spending 2 days in Yosemite National Park to hike, drive along scenic roads, and see the major attractions. 

On your first day, start by taking a Yosemite Valley Tour.

The Yosemite Valley is surrounded by the bald granite cliffs of El Capitan and Half Dome.

Most of the waterfalls including Yosemite Falls are also located in the valley.

The Valley is also where most of the park services including accommodations, shuttle buses, etc are located.

The Valley has hiking trails for all difficulty levels that lead to stunning views of Yosemite.

Lower Yosemite Falls hike is a short and easy trail that goes to the base of the falls.

travel journey trip

Touring the Yosemite Valley via the free shuttle bus is the easiest way to see the national park.

However, if you are visiting in summer (especially long weekends) it can get very crowded – so plan to start early in the morning.

The Valley Visitor Center has great information and exhibits about the history and geology of Yosemite, plus it is a good place to get souvenirs, postcards, and magnets.

The aptly-named Mirror Lake reflects Half Dome peak and is beautiful to visit.

However, it dries up towards the end of summer and is best seen in spring/summer. 

Another must in the Valley if you’re visiting in summer is Glacier Point.

Located along the valley rim, it can be reached only by car or private tour.

The views from Glacier Point are stellar. It is also the base for many of Yosemite’s rim hikes.

We suggest spending one day exploring the valley. Yosemite also offers paid guided tours if you prefer them.

travel journey trip

On the next day, you can go up the Tioga Pass road if it is clear of snow.

This is your chance to experience Yosemite devoid of the crowds.

The shuttle bus will take you up the Tioga Pass road to Tuolumne Meadows.

To see Yosemite’s giant sequoia trees, visit the Mariposa Grove.

This area is also accessible by the park shuttle.

End your day by visiting Ansel Adams Gallery in Yosemite Village.

Photographer Ansel Adams’s stunning black and white photos of Yosemite are a great reminder of how Yosemite looked over half a century ago.

Lake Tahoe And Emerald Bay – 1 Day

If you continue along Route 395 from Yosemite, you will reach lake Tahoe.

Note: Route 395 itself does not reach Lake Tahoe, so you will be following 207 from the Nevada side. 

The deep blue water of Lake Tahoe surrounded by snow-clad mountain peaks of the Sierra Nevadas is one of California’s iconic images.

Located on the California-Nevada border, Lake Tahoe is a popular travel destination for Californians throughout the year.

In winter it is popular for snowshoeing, skiing, and sledding.

Summer in Lake Tahoe is made for biking and camping.

In fall, the area around Lake Tahoe comes alive with spectacular fall foliage and is one of the top fall drives in the country .

South Lake Tahoe or the California side is best for enjoying the outdoors and nature with family while the Nevada side has lots of casinos and is more touristy.

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Crystal clear waters of Lake Tahoe (CC 2.0 – Christian Abend )

The drive around Lake Tahoe is 72 miles long and takes about three hours.

It is highly scenic and one of the best road trips in California.

Much of the shoreline of Lake Tahoe is public and the views of the lake from the drive are stunning.

The lake looks a pretty shade of blue during the day and taking a beautiful picture of the water is a highlight of your visit.

An essential stop along the drive is the Emerald Bay State Park.

The drive here is spectacular and the views of the turquoise lake are lovely.

There are many other ways to enjoy Lake Tahoe.

You can take a helicopter tour or enjoy watersports on the lake.

The Sierra Nevada mountain ranges are an absolute delight for outdoor and nature lovers.

What you will see in these 4 days is just the tip of the iceberg.

The High Sierras have many beautiful alpine valleys, lakes, ghost towns, waterfalls, and hiking trails worth exploring.

If you can spend more time in the Sierra Nevada, then here are some other must attractions:

Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks 

These are the two other national parks located in the High Sierras.

The giant sequoias surround you as you drive the park roads creating a surreal and unique experience.

The twisting and turning roads here are not for the faint-hearted (hint: carry some Dramamine!).

Both national parks have great hiking trails and lots of wildlife.

John Muir Trail

While it is not possible to hike in a short time, John Muir Trail deserves a special mention.

This is a long-distance trail in the Sierra Nevada and passes through Yosemite, Sequoia, and Kings Canyon National Parks.

It is as renowned as the Appalachian or the Pacific Crest Trail. 

Bodie Ghost Town

The old mining ghost town of Bodie is an hour away from Mammoth Lakes.

Preserved as a state park, the town is full of historic saloons and deserted buildings.

While Sacramento is not in the Sierra Nevada mountain ranges, the city is on the way while returning to San Francisco from Lake Tahoe and makes for a great addition to our California road trip itinerary recommendations.

One of the top attractions in Sacramento is the California State Railroad Museum.

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Stretch 4: Along The Wild North Coast

There are many things to do in Northern California including national parks, scenic drives, beautiful coastal towns, and more.

You will need another 5 days minimum to fully explore the Northern part of the state.

Hence, we do not recommend covering the North Coast if you are following this California Road Trip Itinerary for 10 Days – you simply won’t have time.

The best way to explore this region is to plan a separate road trip in the northern part of the state, the details of which you can read here in our post, Ultimate Northern California road trip itinerary .

California’s North Coast is less visited, unspoiled, and partially unexplored compared to the famous central Coast and the crowded southern coast.

The prehistoric coastal redwood trees grow in groves along the road all the way up to Oregon.

Hwy 1 ends at Leggett where it joins Hwy 101.

While the road follows the coast, for the most part, it turns inward in the area of the Lost Coast.

The remote Lost Coast as the name suggests is devoid of major highways and remains the ultimate adventure for a 10 day trip to California.

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However, the coast is not the only unique thing about Northern California.

The northern part of the state is also home to geothermal activity.

You can climb lava tunnels at Lava Beds National Monument and see volcanic craters, domes, mud pools, etc at Lassen Volcanic National Park.

Here are a few attractions of the region:

Redwoods National and State Park

The Redwoods National and State Parks were created to preserve the old-growth redwood forests.

The Redwoods are the tallest living trees on Earth and also among the oldest.

The National Park and state parks are also home to a number of endangered animals including spotted owl, species of sea lions, etc.

The unique environment of the dense redwood forests by the coast has resulted in the park being designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Seeing the Redwoods covered in fog during winter or spring is a surreal experience.

Point Reyes

Point Reyes National Seashore, located in Marin County, preserves a large swath of northern California’s coastal wilderness.

Most popular attractions at Point Reyes include Alamere Falls on Wildcat Beach and Point Reyes Lighthouse.

Other attractions include the endangered tule elk herd that can be seen around Tomales Point, Native American redwood houses, earthquake trail, and dramatic cliffside beaches.

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Avenue of the Giants

Avenue of the Giants is an over 30 miles long scenic highway that passes through the Humboldt Redwoods State Park and its mighty coastal redwood trees.

Roadside attractions include tunnels cut into redwood trees, giant groves, and unique roadside attractions like a house created from a single redwood log and a Redwood RV.

We suggest hiking in the Redwood groves to experience the truly gigantic trees.

The quaint seaside town of Mendocino is quite different from the coastal towns on the Central Coast.

It reminded me of Maine and the coastal upper East coast due to its Victorian mansions painted in pretty pastel colors.

The town is a historical landmark and very pretty to wander and explore.

Nearby Mendocino Headlands State Park and Russian Gulch State Park are worth a visit.

Nearby Fort Bragg is no fort but a lumber town on the North Coast.

The famous ‘Glass Beach’ of which I’m sure you have seen pics floating around on social media is in Fort Bragg.

The beach is a part of MacKerricher State Park, a state park with amazing views of the undeveloped headlands, beaches, and tide pools.

Another popular attraction in Fort Bragg is the Skunk Train – a railroad built to haul timber logs from the redwood forests.

Other attractions on the North Coast include the pretty Victorian towns of Ferndale and Eureka, Del Norte Redwood State Park, and the seaport community of Crescent City.

More 10 Day California itinerary ideas for slow travelers

You can use our California road trip planner to customize your itinerary based on your interests. 

If you can only spend 10 days in California, then seeing all the above attractions can be overwhelming; here are a few suggestions for those who like slow travel.

California coast road trip itinerary

One great option is to go on a 10 day pacific coast highway trip or 10 day west coast road trip.

That way you can spend more time in the cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles while seeing Big Sur at a leisurely pace. 

On this San Francisco to Los Angeles road trip in 10 days, you can tour the lighthouses, hike the trails, picnic on the beach, visit the wineries of the Central Coast, and enjoy nature – seriously the best road trip in California. 

You can even do the San Francisco to San Diego road trip in 10 days.

In that case, we would recommend keeping aside 2 days each for the 3 major cities and spending the rest of the time in the Big Sur region. 

This San Francisco 10 days trip lets you enjoy the beauty of the coast while visiting the Sierra Nevadas and the desert later.

California National Parks itinerary

California has 9 national parks – all of them are unique and make for an exciting California National park road trip. 

You can visit either the most popular ones or all of them, depending on how much time you want to spend in each park. 

We would suggest starting from Los Angeles, then seeing Joshua Tree and Death Valley before visiting Kings Canyon and Sequoia. 

Then see the beautiful Yosemite Valley. From Yosemite, head north to Lassen and then finally see Redwoods parks before returning to San Francisco. 

You can also see Pinnacles and Channel Islands if you have the time, to complete the national parks in California road trip. 

You can also use this route for creating your own California RV trip itinerary, since most national parks have RV campgrounds. 

Northern California road trip itinerary

Another great option for those who like slow travel is to plan a Northern California itinerary for 10 days. 

Start your road trip from San Francisco and drive along the less visited North Coast and see the majestic redwood trees. 

Drive along the Redwoods Scenic Byway before turning towards the mountains and exploring the caves at Lava Tubes National Monument. 

Visit Mount Shasta on your way to Lassen Volcanic National Park and end your trip in Sacramento, a couple of hours away from San Francisco. 

For more information on how to plan a California road trip focusing on the northern part of the state, read our in-depth post on Northern California road trip .

If you have less time: California itinerary 7 days

If you can’t spare 10 days, then we also have suggestions for 7 day California road trip routes. 

With only 7 days in california, we would recommend focusing on one region and exploring it at a leisurely pace. 

Of course, you can opt for a 7 day southern California itinerary or a 7 day California coast road trip along the PCH, but you can also consider some unique road trip ideas in California which explore its most popular attractions. 

Here are our favorites if you want to see the best of California in a week:

7 day road trip from San Francisco to Yosemite

If you are wondering how to spend a week in California but still see the most popular attractions, then this itinerary is for you. 

Start your road trip in San Francisco, see the Golden Gate Bridge, Chinatown, Mission District, Fisherman’s Wharf etc in two days. 

Then spend a day in Napa Valley and nearby Calistoga before seeing Sacramento.

In Sacramento, see the state capitol and the railroad museum then make your way to Yosemite National Park. 

Take a tour of the Yosemite Valley and see the famous El Capitan as well as the many waterfalls.

Enjoy the panoramic view from the Tunnel View Outlook. 

Then depending on the season, visit the Tuolumne Meadows area.

Return to San Francisco to complete 7 day road trip in California.

North California coast road trip

This California 1 week itinerary is perfect for slow travel. 

Land in San Francisco and take a day or two to explore it’s many attractions.

Then rent a car and drive north. 

Part of this road trip is on the Pacific Coast Highway 1 till Legett, after which you will be driving along the famous Redwood scenic byway. 

For your first stop, explore the beautiful Point Reyes.

See the lighthouse and the shipwreck, then eat oysters in Tomales Bay. 

Drive along the Avenue of the Giants and pass through the Redwood tunnels. 

Hike in the prehistoric Fern Canyon and visit the glass beach at Fort Bragg, then last stop at Eureka or Crescent City to finish the California coast 7 day itinerary.

7 Day Southern California trip itinerary

For this ca road trip planner, begin your trip with a day or two in San Diego or Los Angeles and then wind your way around Southern California’s desert attractions. 

See famous Joshua Tree and Palm Springs.

Enjoy the fantastic landscape of the Mojave desert and drink a delicious date shake.

See the sculptures in Borrego Springs. 

Then visit Anaheim and enjoy the theme parks.

There are also many things to do in Anaheim besides Disney. 

7 Day California Coast Road Trip

This is one of the most popular california driving holidays itineraries.

Follow this California road trip itinerary 7 days along the world famous Pacific Coast Highway. 

See the major cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Explore the charming mountain side towns of Pismo Beach and Morro Bay. Learn to surf and spot the elephant seals. 

Spend some time hiking and enjoying the wild, rugged vibe of Big Sur.

Take a tour of the Point Sur Lighthouse and hike down to Keyhole Rock. Go whale watching. 

If you have more time: California road trip itinerary 14 days

This two week california driving itinerary is perfect for long summer vacations, when most parts of the state including the High Sierras are completely accessible. 

Just use our main California trip planner, but add in all optional ideas including San Diego and the beautiful northern coast. 

Then see the Lassen Volcanic National Park area and visit the beautiful Burney Falls from Redding.

Spend some time in Mount Shasta and head back to San Francisco to complete California 2 week itinerary.

We hope you liked our California road trip blog.

Now you have everything ready to plan your perfect California trip itinerary, so make the most of it.

Did we miss any hidden gems in the Golden State?

Which part of the road trip did you enjoy the most? Let us know in the comments!

1 thought on “Ultimate California Road Trip Itinerary: From the Pacific to the Redwoods!”

It’s really a cool and helpful piece of information. Thanks for share.

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23 Incredible Road Trips in the U.S.

Whether you’re looking for sweeping views of the pacific ocean or a multiday adventure through national parks, these road trips provide plenty of opportunities to explore the united states..

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A highway leading toward mountains

Glacier National Park is one of many scenic places you can visit on an American road trip.

Photo by Zack Frank / Shutterstock

In a country as large as the United States, there’s no shortage of destinations and detours to explore by car . Whether your idea of the perfect American road trip entails an epic, cross-country journey or a shorter jaunt through a few of its most iconic national parks , your options are as large and varied as the country itself.

Even if you don’t have the time to drive cross-country, there are plenty of road trip routes (ranging from three days to a week or longer): classic California itineraries , New England routes that shine especially well in the fall, scenic East Coast adventures, and a variety of Midwest journeys for folks farther from the coasts.

No matter your mode of transportation—be it van, RV, motorcycle, or four-door sedan—these are 21 of the best road trips in the nation to consider.

Put a New Twist on Route 66—Make It an American Whiskey Road Trip

Plan your next Route 66 trip around thirst-quenching stops.

Photo by Peek Creative Collective/Shutterstock

There are many ways to do a cross-country road trip in the USA, but these two itineraries will take you through some truly iconic American places.

1. Chicago to Los Angeles: A Whiskey Road Trip on Route 66

It doesn’t get more American than a 2,000-mile drive along the entirety of Route 66. There are endless ways to take this legendary trip (including an EV version —but to take your cross-country road trip to the next level, we recommend exploring another American pastime: whiskey.

Starting in Chicago and ending in L.A., you’ll stop by some of the leading craft distilleries in the United States, like Few Spirits in Chicago, Still 630 in St. Louis, and Red Fork Distillery in Tulsa. In between tastings, make time for detours to natural attractions, like the Grand Canyon, and quirky roadside curiosities, like Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, Texas. Just remember to drink responsibly—this is a road trip after all.

Plan your trip

The full itinerary: Put a New Twist on Route 66—Make It an American Whiskey Road Trip

People biking on a busy street

No cars are allowed on Mackinac Island, so you need to park before taking the ferry to this spot.

Photo from Shutterstock

2. Bangor, Maine, to Seattle, Washington: The Great Northern on U.S. Route 2

Covering both the U.S. and Canada, a cross-country trip along U.S. 2 is ideal for anyone who wants to experience the vast diversity and expansiveness of North America. This drive runs the entire top border of the U.S. and showcases otherworldly natural wonders like Acadia National Park in Maine, the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in Wisconsin, and Mackinac Island in Michigan. The route also passes through Canada, taking road-trippers through Ontario into Quebec—this route may focus on nature, but you won’t want to miss a stop in Montreal or Ottawa.

You’ll also get to explore Montana and Glacier National Park ( reservations may be required ) before passing the Columbia Plateau and ending in the Pacific Northwest’s largest city, Seattle. Don’t miss spending time in the Olympic Peninsula (home to Olympic National Park) for a peek at one of the most scenic places on the West Coast.

3. Dana Point to San Francisco: Driving California’s Pacific Coast Highway

The seemingly endless views of the Pacific Ocean along Highway 1 (also known as the Pacific Coast Highway) are what road trip dreams are made of, and exactly what makes this California road trip so popular. However, with so many stops along the 655-mile stretch, we pulled together a list of the ones well worth pulling over to view. Don’t miss the perfect surfing waves in Santa Cruz, seasonal cuisine in Malibu, an afternoon a the boardwalk in Santa Monica, or a night in Big Sur as you drive between Dana Point (just south of Los Angeles) and San Francisco.

  • The full itinerary: The Best Stops for a Road Trip on the Pacific Coast Highway
  • The AFAR Guide to San Francisco

Wooden pier with shops on top juts out into the ocean

The seaside town of Monterey was the setting for John Steinbeck’s Cannery Row .

Photo by Denise Lett/Shutterstock

4. Big Sur to Mono County: A Literary Road Trip Through Northern California

Yes, this itinerary requires you actually put down your book to drive, but seeing some of the pivotal places that shaped American authors will be so worth it. Follow in the footsteps of writers like Jack Kerouac, Maya Angelou, and Amy Tan on this road trip that takes you through literary landmarks in Northern California, such as Caffe Trieste, a meeting place for Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Alan Watts, and other bohemian writers and thinkers. This 12-stop itinerary is perfect if you live in the San Francisco Bay Area because you’ll be able to stay make these trips in one or two days.

The full itinerary: The California Road Trip All Book Lovers Should Take

Wide shot of a red canyon with a river running through it

Arizona may take its nickname from the Grand Canyon, but the state has far more natural wonders than just that one.

Courtesy of Shutterstock

5. Phoenix to the Grand Canyon: An Iconic Arizona Road Trip

This 240-mile Arizona road trip takes travelers along some of the state’s most iconic highlights, including its most famous one, the Grand Canyon. A great itinerary for first-time visitors and returning travelers alike, it offers plenty of opportunities for scenic drives, hiking, and biking—as well as tasty food along the way. Hike the 2,704-foot-tall Camelback Mountain in Scottsdale or take in the beautiful red rocks of Sedona on a hike to Cathedral Rock while exploring the Grand Canyon State.

  • The full itinerary: The Classic 5-Day Arizona Road Trip
  • Grand Canyon guide: The First-Timer’s Guide to the Grand Canyon
  • Where to eat in Phoenix: A Chef’s Guide to the Best Restaurants
  • Where to stay: The Best Hotels in Arizona ; The Best Airbnbs in Sedona

The Delicate Arch living up to its name in Utah's Arches National Park

The Delicate Arch living up to its name in Utah’s Arches National Park

Photo by tusharkoley / Shutterstock

6. Zion to Grand Canyon: A National Parks Road Trip in the Southwest

If you’re looking to visit as many national parks as possible in one road trip, this southwestern itinerary is for you. This journey through Utah and Arizona lets you hike Angel’s Landing in Zion, feel tiny under Delicate Arch in Arches National Park, explore Fairyland Loop Trail in Bryce Canyon, and, of course, raft down the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. Most visitors to the Grand Canyon remain on the rim, but take at least four days to venture within the canyon and take advantage of the trails and river rafting.

  • The full itinerary: The Ideal Road Trip Through U.S. National Parks
  • Utah’s 8 Best National Parks and Monuments
  • 10 Best National Parks and Monuments in Arizona
  • The First-Timer’s Guide to the Grand Canyon

Couple sitting in front of a curving road

Stop and admire the winding roads of the San Juan Skyway.

Photo by Anh Luu/Shutterstock

7. San Juan Scenic Skyway Road Trip: An Adventure Through Southwestern Colorado

This Colorado trip takes you along the 232-mile loop of the San Juan Scenic Skyway, where you will see plenty of alpine forests, mining towns, and craggy peaks. And for anyone looking to enjoy refreshments after a long day of driving, this route features many opportunities to stop at some of the best breweries in Colorado , such as Ska Brewing Co. in Durango.

  • The full itinerary: The Ultimate Southwestern Colorado Road Trip
  • Five Classic Colorado Road Trips To Take This Year

In small-town Buena Vista, the riverfront Surf Hotel offers front-row seats to Colorado-style adventure seekers.

In small-town Buena Vista, the riverfront Surf Hotel offers front-row seats to Colorado-style adventure seekers.

Courtesy of the Surf Hotel

8. Denver to Montrose: A 420-Mile Road Trip Through Colorado

Want to explore even more of the Centennial State? Head out on this weeklong road trip where you can fish for salmon in Colorado’s largest reservoir, visit numerous small towns, like Paonia and Crawford, with thriving art scenes along the Colorado Creative Corridor , and explore Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, one of the least visited national parks in the nation.

  • The full itinerary: Art Stars, High-Altitude Wines, and a Remote National Park: The Ultimate Colorado Road Trip
  • Where to stay: The Best Hotels in Colorado
  • The AFAR Guide to Denver

Woman walking by a mural of a river and bridge

Portland may be Oregon’s largest city, but with a population of some 652,000 (or 2.5 million in the larger metropolitan area), it isn’t intimidatingly large.

Photo courtesy of Travel Portland

9. Portland to Astoria: An Oregon Coast Road Trip for Outdoor Lovers

If you love the outdoors, then this six-day road trip along the coast of Oregon is for you. After driving to Coos Bay from Portland, travelers will meander along Oregon’s dramatic, rocky coastline, discovering some quintessentially Pacific Northwest vistas along the way: evergreen forests, seaside dunes, and marine ecosystems. Between stops, there are ample opportunities to stretch your legs hiking, kayaking, or strolling around the region’s small towns—like the historic old town in Florence.

Of course, it wouldn’t be an Oregon road trip without a stop (or three) at a craft brewery, such as Fort George Brewery in Astoria, or cozy coffee shop, like Bread & Roses in Yachats.

  • The full itinerary: An Outdoor Lover’s Road Trip on the Oregon Coast
  • The AFAR Guide to Portland

The State Capitol Building in Nashville marks the end of this road (trip).

The State Capitol Building in Nashville marks the end of this road (trip).

Photo by / Shutterstock

10. Seneca Falls, New York, to Nashville, Tennessee: Follow the Path of the Women’s Suffrage Movement

Starting in New York’s Finger Lakes region and ending at the State Capitol Building in Nashville, this road trip traces the route of the national women’s suffrage movement. Highlights include stops at the Susan B. Anthony Museum & House ; Union Square in New York City, which was the site of the first suffrage march; and the Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument in Washington, D.C.

  • The full itinerary: Celebrate Women’s Suffrage on an Epic, Self-Guided Road Trip
  • Where to stay: The Best Hotels in Nashville
  • The AFAR Guide to Nashville
  • The AFAR Guide to Washington, D.C.

A long shot of a mountain-backed city, framed by flowers and trees

Asheville is one must-stop on a North Carolina road trip.

Courtesy of

11. Charlottesville to Asheville: A Scenic Road Trip Through Virginia and North Carolina

The Blue Ridge Parkway is one of the most scenic drives in the country. Beginning in the soft hilly meadows of the Appalachian Mountains from Shenandoah National Park down into the Blue Ridge Mountains, then into the Great Smoky Mountains, this five-day road trip is best done at a slower pace, which is perfect for admiring the dramatic outlooks and green plateaus. This eclectic itinerary features stops at an art museum, a dairy farm, and plenty of hiking trails.

  • The full itinerary: The Ultimate Blue Ridge Parkway Road Trip
  • Where to stay: 12 Dreamy Blue Ridge Mountain Cabins You Can Rent on Airbnb and Vrbo
  • 8 U.S. National Park Road Trips to Take in Your Lifetime

Dowa:kwe dance group from Zuni Pueblo in 2019

Dowa:kwe dance group from Zuni Pueblo in 2019

Courtesy of Indian Pueblo Cultural Center

12. Albuquerque to Las Cruces: Discover New Mexico on This Three-Day Road Trip

This route steers you away from New Mexican tourist hot spots like Taos and Santa Fe and instead takes you on a three-day adventure with places that teach you about Pueblo history. You’ll stop at Indian Pueblo Kitchen (formerly known as Pueblo Harvest), a restaurant inside the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center that features Indigenous cuisine ; pick up peppers at Three Brothers in Hatch; and slide down the dunes in White Sands National Park.

  • The full itinerary: This New Mexico Road Trip Is the Perfect Introduction to the Land of Enchantment

Green tree near brown house during daytime

Historic Fort Martin Scott is one of the places travelers can visit to learn about Fredericksburg’s history.

Photo by Mark König/Unsplash

13. A Five-Day Scenic Road Trip Through Texas Hill Country

This Texas road trip starts and ends in San Antonio with stops in small towns like Bandera, Boerne, and consider a stop in Fredericksburg, which is one of AFAR’s best places to go in 2024 ). Over five days, you’ll find opportunities to stroll in a Japanese tea garden in San Antonio, relax along the Sabinal and Frio Rivers by inner tube, and eat as many tacos as you want. Seriously: You could eat tacos for every meal on this road trip and not get tired of them.

  • The full itinerary: Tree Houses, Tubing, and Tacos: The Ultimate Texas Hill Country Road Trip

Mount McKinley looms large on a drive through Denali National Park.

Mount McKinley looms large on a drive through Denali National Park.

Photo by warnsweet / Shutterstock

14. A Weeklong Road Trip Through Alaska’s Most Majestic Sights

This weeklong drive in Alaska starts and ends in Anchorage. You travel along four scenic byways; explore Wrangell–St. Elias wilderness, the largest U.S. national park; catch sight of Denali, the tallest peak in North America; and enjoy the surprisingly stellar food scene of McCarthy, a one-road town with only a couple dozen residents.

  • The full itinerary: Glaciers, Mountain Peaks, and Organic Farms: The Ultimate Alaska Road Trip
  • Which Alaska National Parks Should You Visit?

More than geothermal pools, Kirkham Hot Springs features a piping-hot waterfall.

More than geothermal pools, Kirkham Hot Springs features a piping-hot waterfall.

Courtesy of Idaho Tourism

15. Boise to Sun Valley: Explore Idaho’s Scenic Byways

Even a short road trip can be packed with adventure, good food, and scenery, which is exactly what this trip from Boise to Sun Valley along Idaho’s Ponderosa Pine Scenic Byway offers. Although the drive only takes six hours, we recommend taking a few days to explore all the stops and detours along the way. One can’t-miss spot is the Kirkham Hot Springs , where you can stand under a waterfall that will splash you with 135-degree mineral water year-round.

  • The full itinerary: The Little-Known Idaho Road Trip You Need to Drive
  • Things to do: The Best Outdoorsy Things to Do in Idaho

Grand Portage State Park is the only state park jointly managed by a state and a Native American band.

Grand Portage State Park is the only state park jointly managed by a state and a Native American band.

Photo by Shutterstock/QZ

16. Duluth to Grand Portage State Park: A Scenic Minnesota Sampler

Although there are many appealing road trips throughout the Midwest, this 143-mile, three-hour circuit, which starts and ends in Duluth, Minnesota, is worth keeping in mind. Meandering north on MN-61 with this itinerary, you will enjoy prime views of Lake Superior and towns like Grand Marais, as well as Grand Portage State Park, home to waterfalls, hiking trails, and opportunities to learn about the Ojibwe community who occupy the land today. Once back in Duluth, enjoy a beer at Canal Park Brewing Company before checking into the waterfront Canal Park Lodge nearby.

  • The AFAR Guide to Minnesota

Overhead view of curvy Kancamagus Highway through fall forest

Wind your way through colorful foliage in New Hampshire.

Photo by Shutterstock

17. Kancamagus Highway: A Quintessential New England Drive

Yes, you can take a road trip in New England at any time of the year , but this region shows off its best colors in the fall, when locals and tourists alike head out into the country to view the changing colors of the trees. Join other admirers of fall foliage on this popular, 34.5-mile road trip along New Hampshire’s Kancamagus Highway, colloquially known as the “Kanc,” for picturesque ponds, hiking trails, and scenic overlooks.

  • Plan Your Fall Getaway With This Peak Foliage Prediction Map

Red boat beside a wooden dock in a cove

Ogunquit is home to the small, postcard-perfect harbor of Perkins Cove.

Photo courtesy of QualityHD / Shutterstock

18. Maine’s “Lobster Trail”: Travel Route 1 Along the Coast

Traveling Route 1, affectionately known as “the lobster trail,” along Maine’s jagged coastline is an exercise in indulgence. Sample lobster dishes in all forms—buttered, steamed, on a roll, or even in a decadent mac-and-cheese.

The trip starts in the quaint small town of Ogunquit , with its rare (for the area) 3.5 miles of white-sand beach. Make your first lobster of the journey count, steamed with a side of drawn butter at Barnacle Billy’s in picturesque Perkins Cove harbor. Stop at Big Daddy’s for a cone on your way to the shipbuilding center—and summer home of George H. W. Bush—Kennebunkport. Stay at the recently redesigned 150-year-old classic White Barn Inn , and consider a sailing trip for an afternoon. With lobsters cooked in ocean water, the legendary lobster roll at the Clam Shack is a must.

  • 8 Scenic East Coast Road Trips to Take This Year

Interior of Leah & Louise restaurant in Charlotte

Throughout North Carolina’s Piedmont region, innovative restaurants, shops, and restaurants like Leah & Louise in Charlotte, above, are creating a buzz.

Photo by Peter Taylor Photography

19. Raleigh to Charlotte: A 4-Day Trip Through North Carolina’s Reinvented Core

North Carolina’s Piedmont region extends from the coastal plain to the Blue Ridge Mountains, and includes farmland and rolling wooded hills, especially on the 1-40 stretch near Hillsborough. Starting in Raleigh, drive the short distances to Greensboro, Winston-Salem, and Charlotte to see how these cities are innovating through art, food, and a celebration of the past. Take your time—four days should do—to experience downtown arts districts, James Beard Award–winning restaurants, and civil rights museums that speak truths. Plan your trip

  • A Road Trip Through North Carolina’s Reinvented Core

The Florida Road Trip You’ve Been Missing

Scenic South Walton is part of the Emerald Coast of Florida.

20. Scenic Highway 30A: A Sunday Drive Through South Walton, Florida

Florida is full of places to cruise with the top down, but it’s hard to beat a Sunday (or any day) drive along Scenic Highway 30A through northwest Florida, home to a postcard-perfect stretch of seaside towns known as South Walton.

The roughly 28-mile route through South Walton County kisses the coast for nearly all its length, taking you through gorgeous residential Gulf-front communities like Rosemary Beach, Grayton Beach, and Blue Mountain Beach . Roll down the windows and let the emerald-hued views in.

Pull over to explore, too—maybe to admire the New Urbanism architecture in Alys Beach or to swim in the clear waters at Grayton Beach State Park . (The beach here has been lauded among the best in the world.)

  • The full itinerary: The Florida Road Trip You’ve Been Missing

Two stand-up paddleboarders on the water at sunset

Stand-up paddleboarding is just one way to enjoy a Florida Keys sunset.


21. The Florida Keys: An Island-Hopping Getaway

For a sunny road trip itinerary in Florida, skip Miami and head farther south. Beginning in Key Largo and ending in Key West, the Florida Keys Scenic Highway is often overlooked for more well-known routes up north, but it is well worth going out of your way to experience.

As the name suggests, this route is very scenic, so plan to spend at least a few days exploring it and numerous stops along the way. Some highlights include driving across the impressive Overseas Highway, stopping to admire art in the town of Islamorada, and enjoying the historic sites, food, and (of course) beaches in the city of Key West.

  • The full itinerary: How to Road Trip in the Lesser-Known Florida Keys

A brick building with an oversized guitar hanging off the side and a sign that says "Sun Studio"

Sun Studio in Memphis was the site of the famous Million Dollar recording session that brought together Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, and Johnny Cash.

Photo by f11photo on Shutterstock

22. Memphis to Bristol, Tennessee: A Music-Driven Adventure

If you have about a week to spare and a deep appreciation for music, take a road trip from one side of Tennessee to the other, starting in Memphis and ending in Bristol. The eastbound trip spans genres, including rock ( Graceland ), blues ( Beale Street) and, of course, country (did you really go to Tennessee if you didn’t go to Dollywood ?). Nashville serves as the halfway point on your journey—so consider penciling in an extra 48 hours to fully explore the state capital’s greatest hits.

  • The full itinerary: 5 Great American Road Trips For Music Fans

The stunning coastline near Cueva del Indio has been the backdrop of star-studded films.

The stunning coastline near Cueva del Indio has been the backdrop of star-studded films.

Photo by

23. Arecibo to Condado, Puerto Rico: A Lesser-Known Side of a Well-Loved Island

In the minds of many, trips to Puerto Rico bring images of stunning beaches , delicious foods , and maybe a bioluminescent bay or two . But there’s plenty of history to be found here, too, as Puerto Rico was home to an Indigenous population known as the Taino, a heritage many Puerto Ricans embrace. That history can be explored via a road trip. Starting in the northern town of Arecibo, travel south to Ponce, then back north to Condado—along the way you’ll encounter petroglyphs, Indigenous sites, and breathtaking natural spots.

  • The full itinerary: A Puerto Rico Road Trip That Puts Indigenous Culture First

Additional road trip planning resources Picking the route for your road trip is only one part of your planning. From what snacks to pack to which podcasts to listen to, these additional resources will help you prepare for your next adventure:

  • Best road trip snacks
  • Road trip planning apps
  • Podcasts and audiobooks to download
  • What to pack for a road trip

This article originally appeared online in August 2020. It was most recently updated on April 4, 2024, to include current information. Additional reporting by Jessie Beck, Erika Owen, Ray Rogers, Terry Ward, and Sheryl Nance-Nash.

Northern Lights

The Golden Rules of Retirement Travel

By Stacey Lastoe

Image may contain Clothing Glove Person Footwear Shoe Adult Animal Canine Dog Mammal Pet Accessories and Glasses

This is part of a collection of stories celebrating the many shapes retirement travel can take. Read more here.

Bonni and Bob Gumport travel regularly in their retirement. Not beholden to one short vacation a year (they average seven big ones), their compounding experience has allowed them to develop a code of rules by which they abide— tips and tricks to use wherever they go. After one too many of the small rooms common in boutique hotels, for example, they’ve cut them out entirely. Also out of the question are walking tours within two days of arrival in a new destination, as they prefer to settle in. Their daughter Lauren describes them as “pros on retiree travel,” but they are not the only ones with advice to give.

There are former museum curators who have learned not to overbook themselves; solo travelers who always learn a little of the local language. Adherence to anyone’s rules will never ensure a vacation free of hiccups, where no flight is ever delayed , every tour is worth the hours put in, and every meal sublime . But learning from others may improve your chances of a good time—even when things inevitably go sideways. We’ve spoken to over 20 retired travelers to hear how their Golden Years have informed the way that they travel. Below, find some of their savviest secrets for better trips.

1. Take a ride on the hop-on, hop-off bus tour

If she’s traveling in a city that offers one of those double-decker hop-on, hop-off sightseeing tours, Denver -based Heidi Burtoni, 65, who goes on multiple trips per year, is definitely stepping aboard. Burtoni says it’s a great way to figure out the rest of her itinerary, get tips from other travelers and the tour guide, and get a feel for the new city. “It’s the first thing I do to get the lay of the land,” says Burtoni. Her previous career in sales means the frequent solo traveler will “talk to anybody,” so these tours also open the door for socializing and making connections.

Image may contain Adult Person Clothing Pants Face Head Book Comics Publication Footwear and Shoe

Know what to skip—“whether that means avoiding tourist traps, the most sweltering hours at fairs, or not putting yourself in danger by flagging a taxi when it's unsafe," says Lynn Zelevansky.

2. Figure out what to avoid

For Paul and Lynn Zelevansky (77 and 76, respectively), travel is less about hitting all the top spots and more about learning where not to go, “whether that means avoiding tourist traps, the most sweltering hours at fairs, or not putting yourself in danger by flagging a taxi when it’s unsafe.” They visit the Venice Biennale in fall, now, rather than at the opening, to avoid the worst of the crushes—it also helps them more effectively skirt the city's infamous pickpockets (Lynn's wallet was stolen on a crowded vaporetto ferry in 2022).

3. BYOTP (Bring Your Own Toilet Paper)

“Toilet paper in Europe is very scratchy … not good for sensitive parts,” says Florida native Karen Butera, an avid pickleball player who often travels with the sport in mind. Whenever overseas, she always travels with her own toilet paper. Butera, 66, is taking her granddaughter to see Taylor Swift in Paris this summer, and, yes, she will be packing TP—creature comforts are even more crucial on the road than they are at home.

4. Don’t overschedule

Packed-to-the-brim itineraries used to be J. Patrice Marandel’s MO, but these days, the former chief curator at Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) is more keen on scheduling “plenty of time for the unexpected.” Gone are the nonstop days with planned breakfasts, lunches, and dinners; instead, Marandel, 79, leaves room for the possibility of something unexpected and “exciting.” It often pays off.

Image may contain: Adult, Person, Book, Comics, Publication, Accessories, Formal Wear, Tie, Clothing, Footwear, and Shoe

5. Pack light

Buffalo, New York-based Lisa LaLonde, 74, and her travel companion Antoinette Judelsohn, 70, whom she’s been traveling with for over a decade, are pros at packing light . The pals can manage for a month on very little, relying on the versatility of black leggings and black tops, says LaLonde. The trick? Develop a travel uniform, bring just a few versions, and wash undergarments as necessary, says Judelsohn. Big suitcases stuffed to the brim with a ton of different outfits are more of a hassle than a luxury. “They’re a pain in the neck if you’re getting on a train or off a train … or moving from one city to another,” says LaLonde.

Image may contain Person Sitting Adult Accessories Sunglasses Art Face Head Clothing Footwear Shoe and Drawing

“Anybody and their brother with an RV travels on Sunday,” warns Jenelle Jones.

6. Don't get (too) excited

Judelsohn, a former teacher who met LaLonde when they worked together at the same school in Buffalo, has another travel rule that’s served her well: Letting go of expectations. “I never get excited about a trip,” says Judelsohn. Instead, the savvy traveler lets the excitement emerge based on what's in front of her in the moment.

7. Avoid traveling on Sundays

RVer Jenelle Jones, 64, is against traveling on Sundays. As she puts it, “anybody and their brother with an RV travels on Sunday.” Long weekend RVers who have to get back for work on Monday use Sundays to head home, so retired Jones, 64, simply avoids the day altogether. It's also, according to her, the “biggest day to get in an RV wreck”— yet another reason to sit back and relax. You have nowhere you need to be, after all. Take advantage.

8. Learn a few words of the local language

Charlotte Simpson , whose blog Traveling Black Widow documents her travels (100 countries and counting so far), says her number one travel rule is to learn a few key phrases—hello, goodbye, please, thank you—in the dominant language of the places she visits. Simpson says her efforts are always well received. “I just find, inevitably, it sort of stuns people when I even just say good morning.” Simpson, who prefers not to reveal her age, says she gets a lot out of bridging the language gap with just a few words: “It just makes people so friendly and so happy that you took this moment to learn [their language].”

Image may contain: Pickup Truck, Transportation, Truck, Vehicle, Clothing, Glove, Adult, Person, Camping, and Outdoors

9. Travel slower

When you cram too much into a single trip, “the whole experience just kind of becomes a blur,” say Gillian Batt, 43, and Stephanie Myers, 51, whose blog Our Freedom Years documents their early retirement and subsequent travels. The couple, who hail from Ontario, Canada, say staying in one place for an extended period of time helps them avoid travel burnout, keep costs low, and enjoy the whole experience more. All that rushing around on limited PTO? Well behind them.

Image may contain Clothing Hat Pants Adult Person Animal Canine Dog Mammal Pet Photography Coat and Jacket

For RVers like Norm, keeping things flexible is key.

10. Go your own way

The pandemic crystallized things for Kim Kelly Stamp , 65, and her wife Liz Schick, 62, who left it all behind and decided to travel around the country in a red 21-foot teardrop trailer. They’ve since gotten really good at going with the flow. “We know where we’re going to stay along the way, but we hold that really loosely and give ourselves the opportunity to make something else happen,” explains Stamp. This approach led them to Laurel, Mississippi, where the HGTV show Hometown —of which Stamp and Schick are big fans of, is based. Instead of following a regimented schedule, they followed their passion when the road forked, literally.

11. Keep an open heart and mind

In spite of being seasoned travelers, John and Bev Martin, 60, who started the RetirementTravelers site to share their journey with others, admit they still need to remind themselves that they can’t control everything. “We have to be patient and receptive to the lessons the world is trying to teach,” says the couple. One that keeps coming up? “Retirement is not the time to stop dreaming about new and different routes in life.”

Image may contain: Clothing, Footwear, Shoe, Person, Hat, and Cup

12. Do your research

The Gumports appreciate getting a taste of the local culture wherever they are traveling, and they’re not opposed to tours or experiences that deliver on this front. But Bonni has a few words of advice: “If you’re looking at purchasing something that uses words such as ‘bespoke, artisanal, farm-to-table’ and more fluffy adjectives, make sure these experiences are as authentic as they sound.” Read reviews thoroughly and take the time to research before you buy, advises Bonni. It's fun to be spontaneous, but it's easy to be misled by clever marketing and buzzwords.

13. It’s a marathon—not a sprint

It wasn’t long before Brenda Huyhn adopted—and adapted— a popular van-lifer rule: Don’t travel more than 3 hours, get in by 3 p.m., and stay at least 3 nights. Huyhn, who at 47 retired earlier than many, is adamant about not trying to do too much in one day to avoid burnout. She and her husband take their time, prioritizing “quality over quantity” with their stops and stays. It makes the entire experience all the richer.

Image may contain: Clothing, Glove, Nature, Outdoors, Footwear, Shoe, Child, Person, Adult, Accessories, Glasses, and Snow

14. You can always head home

Diana Petterson is on track to hit the 100-country mark just in time for her 70th birthday in 2026. But as much as the Black solo traveler loves seeing the world, she’s not afraid to ditch a trip if something isn’t working out. “Wherever I am in the world, if for whatever reason I am uncomfortable, or I don't feel well … I’m going to plop down that credit card , and get home.”

15. Start the day early to avoid the crowds

Artist Simma Liebman, 76, enjoys going to museums while visiting new cities and places. But since the retiree is immunocompromised, she plans these outings a little differently. Now Liebman hits the museums “as early in the day as possible” and masks up while taking in the art "unless there are very few people inside.” Whatever your motivation, rising early is something you can be sure the hordes of 20-something backpackers won't be doing. Beat them to all the best spots.

Image may contain Clothing Coat Jacket Adult Person Standing Long Sleeve Sleeve Photography Blazer Face and Head

“I like a very good hotel, but not necessarily the best,” says Betty. Focus on getting the right location.

16. Base yourself strategically

Betty, 80, an art collector who declined to share her last name, has found that mid-sized hotels (meaning about 200 rooms) in central locations, with just enough of the services she wants and needs, do the job. “I like a very good hotel, but not necessarily the best,” says Betty. As long as you have the basics covered, it's really about location, location, location.

17. Don’t wait for tomorrow

Instead of putting off travel for a later date, Chicago -based Ruthie Maldonado-Delwiche advises those interested in exploring the world to get out there and “do it now.” Because “tomorrow isn’t promised,” Maldonado-Delwiche, who’s been traveling since she retired in 2017, says. Don't wait if there’s something you want to do or a place you want to visit.

Former psychiatrist Ann Heaslett, 60, who aims to run the six major world marathons in her retirement, feels exactly the same way. “There’s no time like the present.”

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The Best Travel Gear to Shop for Your Spring Getaways: Carry-On Luggage, AirTags, Packing Cubes and More

travel gear deals

Make memorial day travel as smooth as possible this year with the best luggage, gadgets, headphones and more travel gear.

As stressful as travel can be, having the right travel gear can make a world of difference in ensuring your trip goes as smoothly as possible. Whether you're visiting family or taking a little getaway for Memorial Day, odds are you'll be doing some kind of traveling this spring. From the most-loved suitcases on the internet to gadgets for keeping track of all your belongings, we've found the best travel accessories to grab ahead of your next trip.

If your current suitcases have broken zippers or cracked exteriors, it's probably time to upgrade. You can select the uber-popular Away suitcases , or get the ever-reliable  Samsonite duo . For long flights or train rides, make your travels more comfortable with a hanging airplane footrest , noise-cancelling headphones and compression socks .

Below, check out the best travel gear to shop ahead of Memorial Day and all of your upcoming spring vacations. 

Best Travel Accessories to Stay Organized

Apple airtag.

Apple AirTag

Some of us just have a knack for losing things, and that's where the Apple AirTag steps in. This device simply needs to be attached to keys, luggage or a handbag, and they can be found wherever you left them by tracking the AirTag on your phone. 

BAGSMART Toiletry Bag

BAGSMART Toiletry Bag

This spacious bag is suitable for both travel and home toiletry organization.

Bagail Set of 6 Packing Cubes

Bagail Set of 6 Packing Cubes

These packing cubes are a best seller on Amazon for keeping all your essentials organized. 

Electronic Organizer

Electronic Organizer

Keep your digital accessories and gadgets organized while on the go. This sleek and compact bag is designed with the modern traveler in mind, providing a dedicated space for all your tech essentials.

Away The Large Toiletry Bag

Away The Large Toiletry Bag

Made with water-resistant nylon, this toiletry bag has an exterior zip pocket for grab-and-go items, plus a coated spill-proof interior to keep your cosmetics in check.

Morfone 16 Pack Travel Bottles Set for Toiletries

Morfone 16 Pack Travel Bottles Set for Toiletries

This TSA-approved travel bottle set includes a variety of bottles, jars and other accessories to keep your toiletries organized and prevent them from leaking. 

Calpak Terra Hanging Toiletry Bag

Calpak Terra Hanging Toiletry Bag

This travel bag can hold all of your essentials in one place, helping you save space in your luggage. Plus, it's water-resistant and can hang on the wall using the hanging hook for easy access to your toiletries. 

Samsonite NuRoad Lay Flat Toiletry Kit

Samsonite NuRoad Lay Flat Toiletry Kit

Keep all your toiletries together and accessible in this flat-laying toiletry kit. It has water-resistant coating for easy clean up in case any of your products spring a leak. 

Best Travel Luggage: Suitcases, Backpacks, and Bags

Away the bigger carry-on.

Away The Bigger Carry-On

Away has some of the most popular luggage on the market right now. Before you check out, this splurge-worthy travel gear also offers the opportunity to add a more personalized touch with a customizable luggage tag and a custom monogram on the suitcase itself. 

Samsonite Omni PC Hardside Expandable Carry-On

Samsonite Omni PC Hardside Expandable Carry-On

The carry-on's micro-diamond polycarbonate texture is extremely scratch-resistant, keeping it beautiful trip after trip.

The North Face Borealis Mini Backpack

The North Face Borealis Mini Backpack

The North Face Borealis Mini Backpack is a premium travel essential that can seamlessly transition from a reliable carry-on for your laptop on an airplane to a trusted companion on your exhilarating hiking adventures. Store your other travel items in this accessory for a long flight or short trip.

Samsonite Underseat Carry-On Spinner with USB Port

Samsonite Underseat Carry-On Spinner with USB Port

Compact and convenient, this soft-sided luggage can slide smoothly under the seat in front of you or be tucked away in an overhead bin. The bag's main compartment can fit several outfits and a spare pair of shoes. Interior pockets lining the compartment will keep your toiletries organized. The telescoping handle and rolling wheels make this bag easy to navigate around a crowded airport, making it a great choice for the frequent flyer looking to pack light.

$145   $100

115L Foldable Travel Duffel Bag with Shoes Compartment

115L Foldable Travel Duffel Bag with Shoes Compartment

For weekend trips as well as the gym, this waterproof duffel bag has a ventilated side pocket for keeping your shoes separate from the rest of your luggage.

ZORFIN Fanny Pack

ZORFIN Fanny Pack

Keep your passport, wallet, phone, or other small items within reach with this crossbody fanny pack. Pack this travel accessory in your carry-on suitcase to use during your trip.

Ecosusi Laptop Tote

Ecosusi Laptop Tote

Keep all of your essentials handy with this stylish laptop tote, complete with plenty of pockets to help you stay organized.

Best Travel Gear for Long Trips

Apple airpods pro (2nd generation).

Apple AirPods Pro (2nd Generation)

Apple's latest iteration of the brand's best earbuds are some of the best you can buy. They connect seamlessly to iOS devices and serve up to 30 hours of listening time and even longer with their charging case. 

$249   $189

Napfun Neck Pillow for Traveling

Napfun Neck Pillow for Traveling

Neck pillows are a classic travel essential that will keep you comfortable during flights and long car rides.

Everlasting Comfort Airplane Footrest

Everlasting Comfort Airplane Footrest

This ergonomic memory foam footrest hangs from the tray table for a much more comfortable flight.

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Love Exploring

Love Exploring

Journey Through The History Of Train Travel

Posted: April 11, 2024 | Last updated: April 11, 2024

<p>Rail travel has long captured the imagination of people, from the very first transcontinental journeys in North America and Australia to groundbreaking British trains and incredible advancements by the Japanese.</p>  <p><strong>Click through the gallery to discover how rail travel became the transport stalwart it is today, marvel at the glamor of railroad cars of the past and celebrate notable moments in railway history...</strong></p>

Rail travel through the ages

Rail travel has long captured the imagination of people, from the very first transcontinental journeys in North America and Australia to groundbreaking British trains and incredible advancements by the Japanese.

Click through the gallery to discover how rail travel became the transport stalwart it is today, marvel at the glamor of railroad cars of the past and celebrate notable moments in railway history...

<p>Built by Wolverton Works in 1869, this is the furnished interior of Queen Victoria's saloon carriage. In 1842, she was the first British monarch to travel by train when she took a Great Western Railway train from Slough to Paddington. Twenty-seven years later, Queen Victoria commissioned two railway coaches, a sleeping car and a saloon car, and the latter was reputedly the queen's favorite railway vehicle. It's now on show at the National Railway Museum in York.</p>

1860s: royals embrace train travel

Built by Wolverton Works in 1869, this is the furnished interior of Queen Victoria's saloon carriage. In 1842, she was the first British monarch to travel by train when she took a Great Western Railway train from Slough to Paddington. Twenty-seven years later, Queen Victoria commissioned two railway coaches, a sleeping car and a saloon car, and the latter was reputedly the queen's favorite railway vehicle. It's now on show at the National Railway Museum in York, England.

One of the biggest obstacles railroads faced in the early days was traversing the often challenging landscapes. One such place was Canyon Diablo in Arizona – this is the earliest inception of a railroad bridge across the canyon photographed at some point in the 1870s. The current steel bridge was finished in 1903, but the foundations of the original trestle bridge can still be seen today.

1870s: an early railroad bridge in Arizona

One of the biggest obstacles railroads faced in the early days was traversing the often challenging landscapes. One such place was Canyon Diablo in Arizona, USA – this is the earliest inception of a railroad bridge across the canyon photographed at some point in the 1870s. The current steel bridge was finished in 1903, but the foundations of the original trestle bridge can still be seen today.

Before the turn of the 20th century, rail travel was expensive, especially in America, but Chicago-based Pullman Company, led by George Pullman found a way to make it even more luxurious. Founded in 1867, the company produced a range of ornate dining, sleeping and parlor cars and even private cars for the super wealthy. These cars would be attached to commercial passenger trains and were essentially mini mansions on wheels.

1880s: luxurious interior of a railroad car

Before the turn of the 20th century, rail travel was expensive, especially in America, but Chicago-based Pullman Company, led by George Pullman, found a way to make it even more luxurious. Founded in 1867, the company produced a range of ornate dining, sleeping and parlor cars and even private cars for the super wealthy. These cars would be attached to commercial passenger trains and were essentially mini mansions on wheels. 

Built between 1881 and 1885, the Canadian Pacific Railway's first line connected eastern Canada with British Columbia. The first train to travel the full route departed Montreal's Dalhousie Station at 8pm on 28 June 1886 and reached the final terminus on the western seaboard, Port Moody, at noon on 4 July. Here, that first train is photographed in Fernie, some 600 miles (900km) east from Port Moody.

1880s: first transcontinental train in Canada

Built between 1881 and 1885, the Canadian Pacific Railway's first line connected eastern Canada with British Columbia. The first train to travel the full route departed Montreal's Dalhousie Station at 8pm on June 28, 1886, and reached the final terminus on the western seaboard, Port Moody, at noon on July 4. Here, that first train is photographed in Fernie, some 600 miles east from Port Moody.

<p>Chicago Great Western Railway was a relatively small railroad chain, its routes mostly connecting Chicago and the Twin Cities. What it lacked in size though, it made up for in elegance and glamor. The daily Great Western Limited trains connecting Chicago and Kansas City didn't skimp on lavishness either, as seen in this photograph of the dining car, captured in 1899. Dedicated dining cars were already a normal part of long-distance trains by the mid-1880s.</p>

1890s: dining car on the Chicago Great Western Limited

The Chicago Great Western Railway was a relatively small American railroad chain, its routes mostly connecting Chicago and the Twin Cities. What it lacked in size though, it made up for in elegance and glamor. The daily Great Western Limited trains connecting Chicago and Kansas City didn't skimp on lavishness either, as seen in this photograph of the dining car, captured in 1899. Dedicated dining cars were already a normal part of long-distance trains by the mid-1880s.

<p>As the wealthiest passengers' wants and needs grew larger, trains became even more luxurious, turning into 5-star hotels, restaurants and salons on wheels. This barber operated a shop aboard a train of the Erie Railroad, connecting New York City and Jersey City with Cleveland, Buffalo and Chicago.</p>

1890s: barber shop on board a train

As the wealthiest passengers' wants and needs grew larger, trains became even more luxurious, turning into five-star hotels, restaurants and salons on wheels. This barber operated a store on board a train of the Erie Railroad, connecting New York City and Jersey City with Cleveland, Buffalo and Chicago.

While train travel was still considered a luxury, especially for the wealthier passengers, rather than just a mode of transport, comfort was a priority. Photographed in 1905, this woman is enjoying reading a book before bed in her spacious bunk on a sleeping car.

1900s: all about comfort

While train travel was still considered a luxury rather than just a mode of transport, comfort was a priority, particularly for wealthier passengers. Photographed in 1905, this woman is enjoying reading a book before bed in her spacious bunk on a sleeping car.

For many years trains were and in some occasions still are the top choice for travel across the UK for the British royals. Here, King George V and the royal party are captured leaving Glasgow Station during a royal tour of Scotland in 1914.

1910s: royals on tour

For many years trains were, and on some occasions still are, the top choice for travel across the UK for the British royals. Here, King George V and the royal party are captured leaving Glasgow Station during a royal tour of Scotland in 1914.

<p>As trains grew more and more popular around the world, plenty of people were keen to enjoy this speedier way of travel. Obviously, third class comfort was nowhere near the service first class passengers enjoyed. Yet these children and young adults are still excited for their vacation trip to Bognor Regis on the south coast of England, photographed before leaving London Bridge station in July 1913.</p>

1910s: train travel for everyone

As trains grew more and more popular around the world, plenty of people were keen to enjoy this speedier way of travel. Obviously, third class comfort was nowhere near the service first class passengers enjoyed. Yet these children and young adults are still excited for their vacation to Bognor Regis on the south coast of England, photographed before leaving London Bridge station in July 1913.

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A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway is undoubtedly one of the world's most famous trains. Built between 1879 and 1881, the line is about 55 miles (89km) long and uses six zig-zags and five loops to gain an altitude of just under 7,000 feet (2,134m). One such loop is loop No.4 or Agony Point loop, photographed here in around 1910.

1910s: Darjeeling Himalayan Railway loop

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway in India is undoubtedly one of the world's most famous train lines. Built between 1879 and 1881, the line is about 55 miles long and uses six zig-zags and five loops to gain an altitude of just under 7,000 feet. One such loop is loop No.4 or Agony Point loop, photographed here in around 1910.

<p>One of Britain's most famous trains, the Flying Scotsman, embarked on its first journey in 1862, however, it wasn't until May 1928 that it completed its first non-stop service between Edinburgh and London. In this image captured at King's Cross Station in London, the train driver and firemen are presented with souvenirs to mark the occasion. This particular locomotive (LNER Class A3 4472) also set two steam locomotive world records, first reaching a speed of 100mph (161km/h) and then for the longest non-stop run of 442 miles (711km) while in Australia in 1989.</p>

1920s: first non-stop service of the Flying Scotsman

One of Britain's most famous trains, the Flying Scotsman, embarked on its first journey in 1862. However, it wasn't until May 1928 that it completed its first non-stop service between Edinburgh and London. In this image captured at King's Cross Station in London, the train driver and firemen are presented with souvenirs to mark the occasion. This particular locomotive (LNER Class A3 4472) also set two steam locomotive world records: first for reaching a speed of 100 miles per hour and then for the longest non-stop run of 442 miles while in Australia in 1989.

This image shows that traveling in second class was still very comfortable in some state-operated trains like Sweden. The SJ on the embroidered head rest covers stands for Statens Järnvägar – Swedish for Swedish State Railways.

1920s: Swedish State Railways Second Class

This image shows that traveling in second class was still very comfortable on some state-operated trains like those in Sweden. The SJ initials on the embroidered headrest covers stand for Statens Jarnvagar, which is Swedish for Swedish State Railways.

Trains also started providing new forms of entertainment on board to help passengers pass the time in comfort. Gone were the days of looking through the window for hours on end as radio was introduced to entertain travelers aboard the Northwest Railroad running out of Milwaukee. Radios were installed on every car and passengers could pass the time listening to music or stories broadcasted over the radio waves.

1920s: new entertainment on board

Trains also started providing new forms of entertainment on board to help passengers pass the time in comfort. Gone were the days of looking through the window for hours on end as radio was introduced to entertain travelers aboard the Northwest Railroad running out of Milwaukee, USA. Radios were installed on every car and passengers could pass the time listening to music or stories broadcasted over the radio waves.

The UK took a similar approach in 1935 when King George V's Silver Jubilee film was shown on board the train departing London King's Cross to Peterborough.

1930s: films on trains

The UK took a similar approach in 1935, when King George V's Silver Jubilee film was shown on board the train departing London King's Cross to Peterborough.

<p>As summer arrived, Paddington Station in London, England, in June 1926 looked no different to how Stansted Airport does today before vacation season. Crowds are pictured waiting to board trains for Cornwall – an especially sough-after holiday destination for Londoners at the time.</p>

1920s: vacation rush

As summer arrived in June 1926, Paddington Station in London, England didn't look much different from the way Stansted Airport looks today during the holiday season. Crowds are pictured waiting to board trains for Cornwall – an especially sought-after vacation destination for Londoners at the time.

Although the 1930s was a turbulent decade largely defined by the stock market crash and the Great Depression in the US, as well as the start of the Second World War, the Roaring Twenties had left its mark on train travel. Still a rather luxurious experience, especially for the wealthy, here two ladies in silk nightwear are captured inside a sleeping compartment on a Union Pacific Railroad train in the 1930s.

1930s: sleeping in comfort

Although the 1930s was a turbulent decade largely defined by the stock market crash and the Great Depression in the US, as well as the start of the Second World War, the Roaring Twenties had left its mark on train travel. It was still a rather luxurious experience, as illustrated by these two ladies in silk nightwear, who were photographed inside a sleeping compartment on a Union Pacific Railroad train in the 1930s.

<p>Whether it's train travel in the 1930s or jetting away on an airplane in the 2000s, there's still baggage to be loaded and unloaded. Here baggage men unload passengers' suitcases from a train that's arrived at London Waterloo station. <a href="">Take a look at how air travel has changed in the last 100 years</a>.</p>

1930s: battling baggage

Whether it's train travel in the 1930s or jetting away on an airplane in the 2000s, there are still bags to be loaded and unloaded. Here, baggage men unload passengers' suitcases from a train that's arrived at London Waterloo station.

When tourism skyrocketed in the second half of the 19th century and areas around Vienna became popular with travelers from all across Europe, the mountainous Schneeberg region emerged as a favorite summer resort for the wealthy. Here are a group of hikers disembark the Schneeberg Railway at Baumgartnerhaus Station in 1935.

1930s: summer vacations in the Austrian countryside

When tourism skyrocketed in the second half of the 19th century and areas around Vienna became popular with travelers from all across Europe, the mountainous Schneeberg region emerged as a favorite summer resort for the wealthy. Here, a group of hikers disembark the Schneeberg Railway at Baumgartnerhaus Station in 1935.

Introduced in November 1939, Rocky Mountain Rocket was one of the six streamlined trains traveling between Chicago and Denver. As competition along that route was stiff, the Rocket offered its passengers total comfort during the 13-hour trip. The train had a 32-patron diner and 14-patron cocktail lounge cars, two sleeping cars and a sleeper-observation car as well as coaches with wide and cushioned reclining seats.

1940s: long-haul journeys in comfort

Introduced in November 1939, the Rocky Mountain Rocket was one of the six streamlined trains traveling between Chicago and Denver in the US. As competition along that route was stiff, the Rocket offered its passengers total comfort during the 13-hour trip. The train had a 32-patron diner and 14-patron cocktail lounge cars, two sleeping cars and a sleeper-observation car, as well as coaches with wide and cushioned reclining seats.

<p>Post-war America was very keen to quickly move past the tragedies of the war and usher in a new capitalist and consumerist era, and rail travel certainly benefited from this new attitude. Launched in 1948, this was the new observation car of the 20th Century Limited, a New York Central Railroad train running between New York City and Chicago. The new luxuriously appointed trains were (and still are) among the world's greatest trains and the phrase 'red carpet treatment' comes from the specially designed crimson carpets on this train.</p>

1940s: new luxury trains

Post-war America was very keen to move past the tragedies and usher in a new capitalist and consumerist era. Rail travel certainly benefited from this new attitude. Launched in 1948, this was the new observation car of 20th Century Limited, a New York Central Railroad train running between New York City and Chicago. The new luxuriously appointed trains were (and still are) among the world's greatest trains and the phrase 'red carpet treatment' comes from their bespoke crimson carpets.

Operated by the Southern Pacific Railroad, Sunset Limited was a route connecting New Orleans with Los Angeles. The oldest named train in the US, Sunset Limited started operations in 1894 and, having opened 20 years before the Panama Canal, offered a quicker connection between the East and West Coasts. Here, travelers are seen passing the time in one of the two lounge cars in the 1950s.

1950s: lounge on the Southern Pacific Sunset Limited

Operated by the Southern Pacific Railroad, Sunset Limited was a route connecting New Orleans with Los Angeles. The oldest named train in the US, Sunset Limited started operations in 1894 and, having opened 20 years before the Panama Canal, offered a quicker connection between the East and West Coasts. Here, travelers are seen passing the time in one of the two lounge cars in the 1950s. 

Although construction on the Channel Tunnel, known as Eurotunnel, didn't begin until 1988, plans to build such a tunnel emerged as early as 1802. Here, British Transport Minister Barbara Castle is photographed with the French SNCF (France's national state-owned railway company) CEO André Segalat on 29 October 1966. They're standing onboard a train-car, showcasing how the transport through the tunnel would work, some 30 years before it actually happened.

1960s: a dream of Eurotunnel

Although construction on the Channel Tunnel, known as Eurotunnel, didn't begin until 1988, plans to build such a tunnel emerged as early as 1802. Here, British Transport Minister Barbara Castle is photographed with the French SNCF (France's national state-owned railway company) CEO Andre Segalat on October 29, 1966. They're standing on board a train-car, showcasing how transport through the tunnel would work, some 30 years before it actually happened.

A huge advancement in modern day rail travel, Japan's new high-speed Shinkansen trains shortened the travel time between Tokyo and Osaka by three hours and 10 minutes. Launched in 1964, just in time for the first Tokyo Olympics, the new bullet trains quickly grew in both popularity and size. Here, a bullet train travels on the first Shinkansen Tokaido Line with Mount Fuji in the background in 1968.

1960s: high-speed rail travel is unveiled in Japan

A huge advancement in modern day rail travel, Japan's new high-speed Shinkansen trains shortened the travel time between Tokyo and Osaka by three hours and 10 minutes. Launched in 1964, just in time for the first Tokyo Olympics, the new bullet trains quickly grew in both popularity and size. Here, a bullet train travels on the first Shinkansen Tokaido Line with Mount Fuji in the background in 1968. 

<p>An Amtrak train between Los Angeles, California and Chicago, Illinois, the Southwest Limited passed through the enchanting landscapes of New Mexico and Arizona. The new dome cars were perfect for sightseeing and were introduced as early as the 1950s by the Budd Company. Here, passengers enjoy the surrounding views in 1974 on the Southwest Limited, now Southwest Chief. Here are <a href="">stunning historic images of theme parks in full swing</a>.</p>

1970s: dome car of the Southwest Limited

An Amtrak train between Los Angeles, California and Chicago, Illinois, the Southwest Limited passed through the enchanting landscapes of New Mexico and Arizona. The new dome cars were perfect for sightseeing and were introduced as early as the 1950s by the Budd Company. Here, passengers enjoy the surrounding views in 1974 on the Southwest Limited, now Southwest Chief.

Surprisingly, it wasn't until 23 February 1970 when Australia's two coasts were finally linked by a direct rail service. More than 2,700 miles (4,345km) long, the journey between Perth in Western Australia and Sydney in New South Wales took around 75 hours to complete. Here, the new Indian Pacific (originally named The Transcontinental) is making its first journey in 1970.

1970s: the inaugural journey of the Indian Pacific

Surprisingly, it wasn't until 23 February 1970 when Australia's two coasts were finally linked by a direct rail service. More than 2,700 miles long, the journey between Perth in Western Australia and Sydney in New South Wales took around 75 hours to complete. Here, the new Indian Pacific (originally named The Transcontinental) is making its first journey in 1970.

<p>A bittersweet moment is captured here in October 1977 as the Orient Express, the glamorous long-distance passenger service, stops in Monte Carlo along its final direct journey from Paris to Istanbul.</p>

1970s: final journey of the Orient Express

A bittersweet moment is captured here in October 1977 as the Orient Express, the glamorous long-distance passenger service, stops in Monte Carlo along its final direct journey from Paris to Istanbul.

<p>Not at all a surprising sight on any train today, this gentleman from the 1980s is well ahead of his time as he's using precious commute time to do work on an early Hewlett-Packard laptop. Discover <a href="">vintage photos of American summer vacations</a>.</p>

1980s: business on the go

Not a surprising sight on any train today, this gentleman from the 1980s is well ahead of his time as he's using precious commuter time to work on an early Hewlett-Packard laptop.

Throughout the ages trains have played a significant part in people's lives. While private car ownership has steadily risen since the 1980s, trains are still often a significant part of special occasions like this one. Here, captured in 1993, a group of women are traveling from London Waterloo to Royal Ascot in Berkshire for Ladies Day during the Royal Ascot racing week.

1990s: ladies en route to the Royal Ascot

Throughout the ages, trains have played a significant part in people's lives. While private car ownership has steadily risen since the 1980s, trains are still often a significant part of special occasions like this one. Here, captured in 1993, a group of women are traveling from London Waterloo to Royal Ascot in Berkshire for Ladies Day during Royal Ascot racing week.

The dream of a tunnel and a train connecting mainland Europe and the UK finally came true in 1994 when both the Eurotunnel and Eurostar were launched. Here, Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip are joined by Prime Minister John Major (sitting behind the Queen) aboard a Eurostar train on the inauguration of the tunnel on 6 May 1994.

1990s: The late Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip aboard Eurostar

The dream of a tunnel and a train connecting mainland Europe and the UK finally came true in 1994 when both the Eurotunnel and Eurostar were launched. Here, the late Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip are joined by Prime Minister John Major (sitting behind the Queen) aboard a Eurostar train on the inauguration of the tunnel on May 6, 1994.

<p>Train travel in America reached new highs with the launch of Amtrak in May 1971, but its flagship service Acela Express, launched in 2000, is by far the most successful route. Connecting Washington DC and Boston via 16 stops that include Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York City, it's an essential service not only for travelers, but commuters too. They are also the fastest trains in the Americas, achieving speeds up to 150mph (241km/h). Here, proud Amtrak employees show off their new uniforms in front of the newly launched train.</p>

2000s: Amtrak employees in front of the new Acela Express train

Train travel in America reached new heights with the launch of Amtrak in May 1971, but its flagship service Acela Express, launched in 2000, is by far the most successful route. Connecting Washington DC and Boston via 16 stops that include Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York City, it's an essential service not only for travelers, but commuters too. They are also the fastest trains in the Americas, achieving speeds up to 150 miles per hour. Here, proud Amtrak employees show off their new uniforms in front of the newly launched train.

<p>A new incarnation of the famous train, the American Orient Express, formerly the American European Express, operated between 1989 and 2008. A private luxury train operating under Amtrak, it offered its passengers an all-inclusive journey with meals, entertainment and hotel stays along the route. The 1940s and 1950s-era passenger cars cost nearly $15 million to restore and tickets were priced up to $10,000 per person one way. Now take a look at <a href="">the world's most scenic train journeys that don't cost a fortune</a>.</p>

2000s: aboard the American Orient Express

A new incarnation of the famous train, the American Orient Express, formerly the American European Express, operated between 1989 and 2008. A private luxury train operating under Amtrak, it offered its passengers an all-inclusive journey with meals, entertainment and hotel stays along the route. The 1940s and 1950s-era passenger cars cost nearly $15m to restore – that would be around $37m today. Unsurprisingly, tickets weren't cheap either and were priced at up to $10k per person one way – or $25k in today's money.

<p>In 2011, China overtook Japan as the country with the highest number of high-speed rail (HSR) passengers – a remarkable feat for a country that didn't have any high-speed rail lines at the start of the century. At its peak in 2019, 2.29 billion people rode China's HSR rails. Today, China boasts 26,000 miles of high-speed tracks, which is longer than the circumference of the Earth. This aerodynamic G20 train, pictured, travels along the Beijing to Hong Kong line, which opened in 2018. Its sleek body and elongated nose show just how much trains have developed over the decades.</p>

2010s: high-speed train travel in China

In 2011, China overtook Japan as the country with the highest number of high-speed rail (HSR) passengers – a remarkable feat for a country that didn't have any high-speed rail lines at the start of the century. At its peak in 2019, 2.29 billion people rode China's HSR rails. Today, China boasts 26,000 miles of high-speed tracks, which is longer than the circumference of the Earth. This aerodynamic G20 train, pictured, travels along the Beijing to Hong Kong line, which opened in 2018. Its sleek body and elongated nose show just how much trains have developed over the decades.

<p>In 2023, Spain announced funding for research into a high-speed rail link to Morocco – 14 years after the idea was originally raised. The line will be the first to connect Europe and Africa, bridging nine miles between the two continents. Current plans suggest it would run beneath the strait of Gibraltar, much like the Channel Tunnel links England and France. The line would likely link Tarifa or Algeciras in Spain to Tangier station in Morocco. These days, high speed trains such as this one (pictured) crossing a viaduct in Spain reach speeds of between 124 and 221 miles per hour – a far cry from the early days of train travel.</p>  <p><strong>Liked this? Click on the Follow button above for more great stories from loveEXPLORING</strong></p>  <p><strong><a href="">Now discover the world's most scenic train journeys that don't cost a fortune</a></strong></p>

2020s: a more connected world

In 2023, Spain announced funding for research into a high-speed rail link to Morocco – 14 years after the idea was originally raised. The line will be the first to connect Europe and Africa, bridging nine miles between the two continents. Current plans suggest it would run beneath the strait of Gibraltar, much like the Channel Tunnel links England and France. The line would likely link Tarifa or Algeciras in Spain to Tangier station in Morocco. These days, high speed trains such as this one (pictured) crossing a viaduct in Spain reach speeds of between 124 and 221 miles per hour – a far cry from the early days of train travel.

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Now discover the world's most scenic train journeys that don't cost a fortune

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FILE - Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., left, stands with Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, right, during a ceremony in the Rotunda at the Kentucky State Capitol in Frankfort, Ky., Jan. 2, 2024. Republican lawmakers Friday, April 12, 2024, removed any role for Kentucky's Democratic governor in filling a U.S. Senate seat if a vacancy occurred in the home state of Senate Republican leader McConnell. The GOP supermajority legislature easily overrode Beshear's veto of the measure. (AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley, File)

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A ferry on the Drin River near Koman, Albania.

‘I wanted the 17-hour trip to go slower, not faster’: readers’ favourite European journeys

The excitement of the voyage itself grabbed our tipsters as they delighted in riding trains, ferries and buses across Europe to as far afield as Norway and Turkey

Ferry through the fjord, Albania

Instead of a four-hour road trip from Koman to Fierzë, relax and enjoy the Albanian fjords via the Drin River. We reversed on to the Berisha ferry , which takes 10 cars, plus foot passengers. Everyone sits on deck, regardless of the weather, to take in the views, which began with an incredibly straight white line high in the rock, showing the water level during the rainy season. The scenery was magnificent with forest-clad hills and high, rocky mountains with various coloured strata. Occasionally, a remote, isolated house could be seen. After two hours, we began spotting small tourist boats and hardy kayakers before arriving at Fierzë. Roy Messenger

High ride on the bus, Montenegro-Croatia

A road through the mountains above Kotor Bay.

The scenic bus journey from Podgorica to Dubrovnik unveils a tapestry of natural Balkan splendour. After filling up on Njeguški steak and black risotto in the Montenegrin capital, it’s a blissful trip winding through rugged landscapes, the vistas of Kotor Bay being one of many highlights. Serpentine roads hug the coastline, offering glimpses of azure waters against cliffs adorned with lush greenery. The hues of the Adriatic Sea contrast with the earthy tones of the coast. The finale is Dubrovnik ’s ancient walls coming into view, welcoming visitors with its timeless charm and allure. Everly

Cycling adventures on Norway’s Lofoten Islands

A cyclist on the road to Nusfjord, Lofoten Islands.

The mountains of the Lofoten Islands in the Norwegian Arctic Circle are ideal for exploring by bike as you pass between them rather than over them. I’ve never seen such striking serrated peaks from a bicycle – and with such little effort. Bridges linking the islands add to the interest. I started at Svolvær and finished at the southern tip of the archipelago at Å, the prettiest of the villages, all with red wooden houses and, invariably, racks of cod hanging out to dry. You can put your bike on the bus for the return journey. Paul Kirkwood

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Guardian Travel readers' tips

Every week we ask our readers for recommendations from their travels. A selection of tips will be featured online and may appear in print. To enter the latest competition visit the readers' tips homepage

White night delight on a Scandi ferry ride

On board the Helsinki to Stockholm ferry.

One leisurely romantic trip I enjoyed last summer was an open-air deck passage across the Baltic Sea from Helsinki to Stockholm. Even better, the route is part of Interrail, so there is 30% off the €95 one-way fare on Tallink ferries. I was lucky enough to take it in June, so watched the sun set at 3am, and then rise a couple of hours later. This time in Scandinavia is known as “white nights”. To be on the water watching the setting sun cast its rays on the waves and the moonlight play with the ripples as a ship glides towards its destination, land lights twinkling in the distance, is magical. I wanted the 17-hour journey to go slower, not faster! Ann

Following Theroux’s tracks across Europe to Istanbul

Sirkeci station.

On a quest to replicate the European leg of Paul Theroux’s The Great Railway Bazaar, I travelled from the suburbs of Manchester to Istanbul. Using an Interrail global pass , I attempted to follow the route of the Venice Simplon-Orient Express. Slow trains, fast trains, communist-era trains and graffiti-covered trains got me to my destination (plus a small detour by bus). With stops in Lausanne and Zagreb and an overnight train from Sofia, I skirted the lakes of Geneva and Maggiore, drank a cool beer in alpine Austria and kept my head down through dystopian-feeling Serbia. I marvelled at the pastel yellow stations of Croatia and felt the wonderful glow as I walked out of Sirkeci station into the wild throb of Istanbul. Lee Hanvey

Lazing our way across the Aegean for market day

Datca at sunrise.

When I was on holiday in Kos last summer I treated my parents to a ferry trip to Datça in Turkey for the day. It was a 3 1/2 -hour (about €30) return trip. Chugging out of Kos harbour, the pleasant breeze on the Aegean, was welcome, taking the heat off scorching temperatures as we sat outside. Pulling into Datça, I was immediately knocked over by the serene harbour, hillside houses and white boats moored bobbing on the water. It was market day so we enjoyed a whiff of exotic local spices and were invited to drink brewed Turkish tea by sellers who were happy to chat to us and offer us figs and dates. One seller even gave us a lift back to the ferry in his open truck to help us carry a hand-woven rug we’d bought. A beautiful sun set and some simit (a twisted bread with sesame seeds), cheese and olives we’d been given helped the return trip pass peacefully. April

The best Belgrade train trip Bar none

The scenic route … Belgrade to Bar takes 11 hours to cover.

The train trip from Belgrade to Bar must be one of the slowest in Europe, taking 11 hours to cover 296 miles, but to compensate it took me through some of the most dramatic scenery I’ve ever seen. Passing through deep gorges, canyons and mountain peaks, the train crossed more than 400 bridges and seemed to stop at every village. At one point it was overtaken by an old lady on a donkey. It’s best in summer when long daylight hours will allow you to appreciate its beauty. Peter

To Tropea, Italy, on the Coast of the Gods line

Spicy Calabrian peppers and local onions for sale in Tropea.

The train line from Pizzo to Reggio Calabria follows the Coast of the Gods, named for its turquoise seas, sheltered coves and rocky scenery. The train calls at Tropea (a town founded by Hercules in Greek mythology, that is more famous for onions), the castle and pretty beach of Scilla (of Scylla and Charybdis) and Reggio (home to lifesize ancient Greek bronze statues). Calabria makes a virtue of cucina povera , with wonderful vegetable dishes, and the local Bergamotto liqueur makes a great spritz. Sally

Winning tip: Bicycles, birds and beaches in Vlieland, the Netherlands

Sunset on Vlieland.

Two ferries to a car-free paradise. After boarding the Newcastle ferry to Amsterdam, I headed straight for the sun deck for a G&T. In Harlingen, farther north, another ferry took me in 1½ hours to the island of Vlieland. I cycled through the dunes to its endless sandy beaches. I enjoyed Kroon’s Polders, a birder’s heaven, where I spotted many spoonbills and a host of other birds. It’s so quiet. The small island has lots of cycle paths and the only village, Oost-Vlieland, has restaurants; Herbergh van Flielant was my favourite. Monique Gadella

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Clockwise: Orlebar Brown; Cult Gaia; Palm Angels; Celine; Miu Miu; Tumi; Saint Laurent

If you buy a product linked on our site, The Times may earn a commission. See all our Coveted lists of mandatory items here .

Miu Miu canvas and leather bucket bag, $2,050

Miu Miu canvas and leather bucket bag

Miu Miu is one of the buzziest brands in fashion right now, and for spring and summer, the Prada Group label has delivered bags that are perfect for a jaunt to Malibu, Newport Beach or Manhattan Beach. This canvas and leather bucket bag has a front leather lettering logo, adjustable leather handle, a linen lining, gold-tone hardware and leather drawstring closure — all adding to the bag’s charm.

Purchase 👉🏽 here .

Celine sunglasses, $440

Celine sunglasses

Animal prints are everything right now, and the message you’ll send wearing these women’s squarish-frame sunnies from Celine is that you’re fashionable with a slight wild side. Along with Leopard Havana, the sunglasses also come in three subdued color options: light pink, black and white. All come with a crossbody pouch.

Palm Angels PA 4 sneakers, $620

Palm Angels sneakers

For Italian fashion brand Palm Angels’ spring and summer collection (pieces generally range from $300 to $4,500), the vibe is once again all about the City of Angels — and for good reason, right? Just check out the new styles of the brand’s PA 4 kicks that feature palm trees stitched on the sides.

Cult Gaia Celia one-piece swimsuit, $328

Cult Gaia swimsuit

Cult Gaia’s Celia one-piece swimsuit should be tucked into your luggage for a trip to Palm Springs or St. Barts. The swimsuit, which comes in black and a matcha-looking color called tea, has a high-thigh cut, low back and wired neckline. Sizes range from XXS to XL.

Tumi Extended Trip Expandable 4 Wheeled Packing Case, $950

Tumi Extended Trip Expandable 4 Wheeled Packing Case

Unless you’re flying private, you know how it goes at the luggage pickup: Figuring out which black bag on the conveyor belt is yours. Stand out with this lightweight Tumi suitcase in halogen blue that has a recycled polycarbonate shell, an integrated TSA lock and a dual-compartment zip pocket. You can monogram it as well as buy it in other colors: hunter green, black, navy and red.

Saint Laurent Rive Droite mini speaker, $80

Saint Laurent Rive Droite Lexon Mino Mini Speaker

Instead of earbuds, play the new Beyoncé album poolside, with this portable speaker from French brands Saint Laurent Rive Droite and Lexon. The Mino mini speaker works via Bluetooth and is compact, rechargeable and comes in a bright colors: mustard, Majorelle blue, bright red, fuchsia violet and aqua.

Orlebar Brown Bulldog swim shorts, $395

Orlebar Brown swim shorts

How do you tell everyone you’re from SoCal without saying it? Get your hands on these Bulldog swim shorts from Orlebar Brown that feature a 1957 Slim Aarons photo of cars parked outside the Beverly Hills Hotel on Sunset Boulevard. The mid-length swim shorts are made from printed recycled polyester and have adjustable side fasteners.

Prices and availability of items in Coveted are subject to change.

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Marques Harper is a deputy features editor at the Los Angeles Times. He previously covered fashion for the Austin American-Statesman and media and culture for the Roanoke Times. A native of New Jersey, he has a B.A. in English from Rutgers University and an M.S. in digital media management from the University of Southern California.

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Protect Your Trip »

What to do if your flight is canceled.

Follow these steps in the event your flight is canceled.

Flight Canceled or Delayed? What to Do

Canceled flights

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Key Takeaways

  • If your flight has been canceled, you are entitled to a full cash refund per federal law.
  • Using the airline's app or calling an international airline number is often the quickest way to get help.
  • The DOT Cancellation and Delay Dashboard shows what each major domestic airline will or will not provide in the event of a cancellation or delay.

If your flight has been canceled, read on for step-by-step instructions on how to rearrange your travel plans and/or claim compensation.

What to do if your flight is canceled

1. get on the airline's app – or make an international call.

First, pull up the airline's app on your phone. Most airline apps allow you to easily rebook your flight for free, provided you can supply your six-character reservation code. Getting in line to speak with an agent and calling the airline while you wait is also a good idea (albeit slower than using an app), and social media messaging, texting or WhatsApp may prove helpful. "During times of mass travel disruption, you should try all different avenues for getting help," says Nick Ewen, director of content at The Points Guy.

Ewen also recommends a lesser-known tactic: calling the airline's international numbers. Airlines have offices in Canada, Mexico, the U.K. and more. "While it can be costly, you can often get through to an agent more quickly," Ewen says.

Note that, depending on why your flight was canceled, finding seats on a new flight may alter your travel plans considerably.

2. Book a hotel

Next, determine if you need overnight accommodations. "If you were originally booked on the last flight of the night and there are no other options, grab a hotel room near the airport before they're all taken," Ewen advises.

3. Ask for a refund

If the airline cancels your flight or it's "significantly delayed" (a term currently defined on a case-by-case basis) and you're forced to change your travel plans, the Department of Transportation requires airlines to provide a full refund. Unfortunately, getting a refund can be a lengthy and frustrating process. Most airlines will instead offer a credit for future travel, but be wary of these, since they often come with limitations such as blackout and expiration dates.

When you're able to get a refund, note that it covers the total cost of airfare only and does not include other expenses associated with your trip.

If you believe you're entitled to a refund and the airline denies it to you, you can and should file a complaint with the DOT .

4. Reference the DOT Cancellation and Delay Dashboard

While you're entitled to a full refund, other flight cancellation policies may vary by airline. Go to the DOT's Cancellation and Delay Dashboard to see what each major airline will and will not offer in the event of a controllable cancellation.

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What to do if your flight is delayed

In the event your flight is delayed, airlines are not legally obligated to give you a refund unless the DOT determines the delay to be "significant." But here's what you can do:

Research other flights

Investigate what other flights on that airline are headed to your destination and ask an agent if they can get you on one of them (without charging change fees). Also be sure to look into what's available on other airlines: If your original airline doesn't have any flights available on your departure date, an agent may be able to book you on a flight with a different carrier at no additional cost to you. Note, however, that airlines are not legally required to do this.

Inquire about other compensation

If you've been stranded at the airport for several hours, check in with an agent and reference the Commitments for Controllable Delays section on the DOT's Cancellation and Delay Dashboard – regardless of whether you're able to get on another flight. Some airlines may provide amenities such as vouchers for meals or overnight accommodations.

Frequently Asked Questions

"The main causes for flight disruptions are bad weather, understaffed air traffic control, and factors within the airline’s control,"  says Katy Nastro, a spokesperson at, formerly Scott's Cheap Flights. She explains the following:

  • Weather:  This is outside of the airline's control and is the single biggest reason for why we see flight disruptions. We saw this play out over the winter holidays in 2022, and even to some extent during the 2023 holiday season. Even if the weather is accurately predicted, it cannot be controlled, which means at times flight disruptions are unavoidable.
  • Understaffed air traffic control:  The U.S. air travel industry has made strides in pilot hiring year over year, but when it comes to air traffic control, we are still down roughly 1,000 fewer air traffic controllers from a decade ago. New York metro area airports specifically have felt the brunt of this deficit, so much so that airlines were permitted to reduce schedules without penalty from the summer until the end of Q4 in 2023. At its lowest, the decrease in flights in the New York metro area resulted in about 11% fewer flights per day. With less trained staff, current air traffic controllers are stretched to the limit, and schedule reductions only temporarily solve this problem. Even with aggressive hiring efforts, training takes time and will not be a quick fix.

It's almost impossible to avoid canceled or delayed flights these days. But there are a few things you can do when booking flights to lessen your chances for travel disruptions.

Keep tabs on your aircraft: On your departure date, check your flight information before heading to the airport. You can keep a watchful eye on the flight's status – including the aircraft scheduled to operate your flight – using the airline's app or a third-party app such as FlightAware Flight Tracker (which also offers a website ), FlightRadar24 or TripIt Pro.

"As an example, if you're flying from Orlando to New York, and your plane is flying in from Chicago, the initial flight from Chicago to Orlando might be delayed (or canceled) before yours is," Ewen explains. "Airlines will try to find replacement aircraft in that case, but if you can identify a potential cancellation before it officially happens, you may be able to get rebooked ahead of the other 100-plus passengers on your flight."

Consider an alternate airport: When booking your flight, you may consider flying out of a different airport than the one you typically depart from. For example, a small regional airport with limited routes may mean less travel delays and hassle overall – or it may be worth driving further to another international airport for a nonstop flight to your destination rather than opting for a connecting flight close to home.

Fly in the morning: While flight disruptions are unpredictable, historically fewer cancellations and delays occur in the morning.

Avoid weekend travel: Fly on off-peak days like Tuesday or Wednesday. You'll often find cheaper flights on these days, too.

Opt for longer layovers: If you need to take more than one flight to reach your destination, book a flight with a longer layover to provide enough time to make your connecting flight. Keep in mind that at some airports you may need to go through security or customs for your connection. For longer journeys, you can reduce the risk of missing connecting flights by planning a city stopover. For example, Icelandair offers Iceland stopovers for no additional airfare.

Consider a credit card with travel protections: You don't need to be a frequent traveler to take advantage of credit card travel protections and perks. Here are a couple options to consider:

  • Chase Sapphire Preferred :  This travel credit card ($95 annually) provides coverage for delays and cancellations when used to book flights. It also provides other travel protections such as delayed baggage coverage. "Even someone who travels just once or twice a year can still get phenomenal value from this card," Ewen says.
  • American Express Platinum Card :  This card ($695 annually) offers travel insurance that reimburses some nonrefundable expenses like hotel accommodations, meals and other essentials as long as the trip was purchased using the card.

When choosing a travel credit card, you should also pay attention to other benefits. Even the most basic airline credit cards can offer travel perks like discounts on in-flight purchases and waived baggage fees, while premium travel credit cards (which require a higher annual fee) can include access to an airport lounge with food, drinks and Wi-Fi. Some also provide a concierge service to rebook flights or built-in trip insurance to cover unforeseen expenses.

Purchase travel insurance: If your credit card doesn't include travel protections, consider purchasing insurance with flight coverages – even a cheap travel policy can help protect your investment. Covered reasons include a travel carrier delay and loss or theft of travel documents, among other scenarios. If you're interested in purchasing a policy, you can browse the best travel insurance companies here .

Talk to a travel advisor: "Booking directly with your travel advisor provides more leverage and support if something goes wrong," explains Jessica Parker, founder of Trip Whisperer . "We can advocate for a better outcome should there be cancellations or hiccups in the itinerary."

Charlotte French, owner of Cavatica Luxury Travel , agrees, sharing this recent example: "My clients were booked on a nonstop United Flight from Tokyo (HND) to EWR (Newark) in business class, when it was canceled (due to technical issues). The clients were waiting in line to find other options for their return flight home; however, these were very limited. In parallel, I was able to speak to the United Airlines corporate desk (as a travel advisor) and was able to secure them in business class on a flight out of Tokyo the same day."

Avoid checking luggage: Travelers who only travel with a carry-on bag and/or personal item (such as a backpack or purse) that meet carry-on size restrictions will have the most flexibility in rebooking – and will also avoid the chance of lost luggage, another common issue. Some carriers will try to move checked luggage to a later flight for you and will make every effort to keep you and your belongings together. However, when airlines don't have interline agreements with other carriers, you'll have to allow enough time to retrieve and recheck your own luggage.

The number of canceled flights recently fell to its lowest rate in at least a decade — a welcome change for air travelers, especially following COVID-19-era travel disruptions.

Still, flight cancellations will always be inevitable, especially during the busy summer travel season. Summer 2024 is shaping up to be especially busy. "It was the busiest March on record for air travel according to the TSA," explains Nastro. "It also had the tenth busiest day on record, which is pretty significant since it is not a 'peak period' and is generally considered off-season in the Northern Hemisphere. If this trend continues, we are likely in for the busiest summer on record when it comes to air travel."

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    Meaning and use of the words 'trip', 'travel', 'journey', 'tour', and 'voyage'. The explanation below should help clarify the meaning and use of vocabulary related to travel. The word 'travel' is used to talk about going from one place to another. Verb : Paul travels a lot in his job. Noun : Travel nowadays is faster than before.

  3. Understanding the Distinction: Travel, Trip, and Journey Explained

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  7. Difference between "Trip", "Travel", and "Journey"

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  19. Road Trip Planner

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  20. Ultimate California Road Trip: Ideas for 7, 10 & 15 Days Itineraries

    Stretch 2: Through The Arid Californian Desert - 2 Days. Continue on the California road trip route planner through deserts of southern California. While most people associate California primarily with the coast and then with the dense redwood forests, the state is also renowned for its unique desert landscapes.

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  22. 23 Best Road Trips in the U.S. to Take in 2024

    Photo by / Shutterstock. 10. Seneca Falls, New York, to Nashville, Tennessee: Follow the Path of the Women's Suffrage Movement. Starting in New York's Finger Lakes region and ending at the State Capitol Building in Nashville, this road trip traces the route of the national women's suffrage movement.

  23. 24 hours on the Coast Starlight, one of America's most scenic train

    CNN —. Along the West Coast of the United States, 1,377 miles of railroad tracks run from Seattle to Los Angeles - a route often named as one of the most beautiful train journeys in America ...

  24. The Golden Rules of Retirement Travel

    13. It's a marathon—not a sprint. It wasn't long before Brenda Huyhn adopted—and adapted— a popular van-lifer rule: Don't travel more than 3 hours, get in by 3 p.m., and stay at least ...

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    Our Trip Planner tool helps make planning your next camping trip or road trip easy. Try it out now for free! ... Get affordable RV coverage, top-notch service, and peace of mind for your journey ahead. Resources . Camping Recipes RV Services RV Information Roadside Assistance Work at a Campground Camping with EVs Contact KOA/FAQ KOA Foundation .

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  27. Journey Through The History Of Train Travel

    Built between 1881 and 1885, the Canadian Pacific Railway's first line connected eastern Canada with British Columbia. The first train to travel the full route departed Montreal's Dalhousie ...

  28. 'I wanted the 17-hour trip to go slower, not faster': readers

    Instead of a four-hour road trip from Koman to Fierzë, relax and enjoy the Albanian fjords via the Drin River. We reversed on to the Berisha ferry , which takes 10 cars, plus foot passengers.

  29. Want to travel with style? These 7 items got you covered

    Cult Gaia Celia one-piece swimsuit, $328. (Cult Gaia) Cult Gaia's Celia one-piece swimsuit should be tucked into your luggage for a trip to Palm Springs or St. Barts. The swimsuit, which comes ...

  30. What to Do If Your Flight Is Canceled

    3. Ask for a refund. If the airline cancels your flight or it's "significantly delayed" (a term currently defined on a case-by-case basis) and you're forced to change your travel plans, the ...