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Cesar Millan

  • Cesar Millan

Als Hunde-Experte wurde Cesar Millan mit der Zeit selbst zum internationalen Star. Längst gibt er seine Kenntnisse nicht nur im TV, sondern auch live wieder.

cesar millan deutschland tour 2023

Hier findest du alle Informationen zu Cesar Millan. Aktuell scheinen keine Termine im Vorverkauf zu sein. Tipp: Melde dich jetzt für den Cesar Millan Ticketalarm an und du wirst automatisch informiert, sobald es Neuigkeiten gibt.

Biografie - Cesar Millan

Cesar Millan gehört in den USA und international zu den bekanntesten Hundetrainern. Viele Hundehalter holen sich bei seinen Fernsehsendungen und Bühnenshows wertvolle Tipps für die Erziehung ihrer Vierbeiner. Bei seinen Live-Auftritten zeigt sich der als „Der Hundeflüsterer“ bekannt gewordene Millan charmant, humorvoll und publikumsnah.

Die Erfolgsgeschichte des „Hundeflüsterers“

Cesar Millan erblickt 1969 in Mexiko das Licht der Welt. Er wächst auf einem Bauernhof auf und fühlt sich Natur und Tieren schon von klein auf stark verbunden. Als Teenager ist Cesar Millan bekannt dafür, dass Straßenhunde ihm in Scharen folgen und sich von ihm führen lassen. Schon damals wird er „El Perrero“ – „der Hundejunge“ – genannt.

Mit 21 wandert er illegal in die USA ein – mit nur 100 US-Dollar in der Tasche und ohne ein Wort Englisch zu sprechen. Als er nach dem Grenzübertritt im kalifornischen Los Angeles auf der Straße lebt, findet er die erste Anstellung in einem Hundesalon. Der junge Einwanderer schläft auch dort und übernimmt schon bald die schwierigen Fälle beim Hundefriseur.

Sein tiefes Verständnis dafür, warum Hunde ein bestimmtes Verhalten an den Tag legen, führt schließlich dazu, dass Cesar Millan eigene Trainingsmethoden entwickelt. Er will aufzeigen, dass die Emotionen des Hundehalters sich auf das Tier übertragen und selbst ängstliche oder aggressive Vierbeiner sich einfach führen lassen, sobald ihre Besitzer ruhiger und selbstsicherer werden. Sein Wunsch ist es, dieses Wissen im Fernsehen einem großen Publikum zugänglich zu machen.

Dabei hilft ihm niemand Geringeres als die Schauspielerin Jada Pinkett Smith. Sie ist von Cesar Millans Arbeit und seinem Ehrgeiz sofort begeistert. Sie bezahlt ihm einen Englischkurs, um seine Chancen auf dem amerikanischen Arbeitsmarkt zu verbessern, und empfiehlt ihn anderen Prominenten weiter. Zu den berühmtesten Kunden des Hundetrainers gehören bald darauf beispielsweise Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, Vin Diesel und PINK.

Cesar Millan begeistert Hundebesitzer im Reality-TV

In Kooperation mit Jada Pinkett Smith kann Cesar Millan auch seine erste eigene Hundeschule gründen, die „Pacific Point Canine Academy“. Später folgt das „Dogs Psychology Center“, ein gigantisches Areal für die Arbeit mit Hunden und ihren Besitzern. 2004 wird in den USA erstmals Millans Reality-TV-Serie „Dog Whisperer“ ausgestrahlt, seit 2009 läuft sie unter dem Titel „Der Hundeflüsterer“ auch in Deutschland. Zum Schutz misshandelter Hunde entwickelt der Trainer das „PACK Project“ und engagiert sich darüber hinaus in seiner Stiftung, der „Cesar Millan Foundation“.

Cesar Millans beliebte Bühnenshows

Mit einzelnen Haltern arbeitet der berühmte Hundetrainer nur noch im Rahmen seiner TV-Shows zusammen. Dank seines Bühnenprogramms kommt dennoch ein großes Publikum in den Genuss seiner Tipps für die Verständigung zwischen Mensch und Hund. Mit seinen Shows begeistert Cesar Millan Hundebesitzer in den USA, Australien und auch Deutschland. Bei den Auftritten demonstriert er seine Trainingsansätze live auf der Bühne.

Wer ein Ticket für eine Cesar-Millan-Show kauft, kann also live miterleben, wie der „Hundeflüsterer“ auf einfühlsame Weise mit den Vierbeinern kommuniziert. Statt Bestrafungen oder Bestechungen des Hundes steht bei Millans Methoden immer ein tiefgreifendes Verständnis im Fokus. Dabei werden oft weniger die Hunde trainiert als ihre Besitzer: Diese sollen lernen, die Führung im Rudel zu übernehmen, so die Philosophie des Profis.

Zur Einstimmung auf die Live-Show von Cesar Millan oder zum Nachlesen der Tipps eignen sich folgende Bücher des Hundetrainers:

  • „Was Sie von Ihrem Hund lernen können“
  • „Die Glücksformel für den Hund“
  • „Cesar Millans Welpenschule“
  • „Du bist der Rudelführer“
  • „Tipps vom Hundeflüsterer“

Cesar Millan Fan-Report: Bewertungen und Rezensionen

377 bewertungen (ø 3,85), immer wieder großartig.

Cesar Millan ist für mich der beste Hundetrainer. Seine Methoden sind großartig und ich konnte Vieles davon bereits anwenden. Egal ob privat oder mit Kundenhunden. Die Show war wieder sehr lehrreich und die Söhne habe viele ernste Themen mit Humor rübergebracht. Die nächste Generation steht in den Startlöchern!

Aufschlussreiches Event

Das wissen was ich bei allen 3 Events von Caesar vermittelt bekommen habe ist Gold wert. Er mag zwar umstritten sein, aber er gibt Hunden die wir leider lieber einschläfern eine chance. Für mich heisst das, er repariert doch nur das was andere schon kaputt gemacht haben und das kann doch kein fehler sein.

Leider sehr zweifelhaft

Hallo Ich habe einige Show's von ihm besucht, leider war diese Show eine seiner schlechtesten. Seine Söhne haben daraus ein Kaspartheater gemacht und auch Caesar war diesmal sehr unnatürlich. In jeder Show treten private Hundehalter auf die angeblich reale Probleme mit ihren Vierbeinern besitzen. Bis zur dieser Show war ich überzeugt das die Storys wirklich Wahr sind. Ich habe auf diese Bühne jemand gesehen die ich persönlich kenne. Sie ist Hundepsychologin, ich weiß wie sie Arbeitet und ihr Wissen über Hunde kennt keine Grenzen. Außerdem ist sie, nach meinem Wissen, spezialisiert auf hündische Kommunikation. Ich dachte erst das muss eine Doppelgängerin sein oder das es zu weit weg ist und mich einfach nur irre täusche. Einige Tage später kontaktierte ich die Frau und habe die gefragt ob sie auf der Bühne in Kiel stand, sie antwortete mit "Ja" ich war erst einmal geschockt darüber weil sie auf der Bühne so tat als wäre die ein Anfänger. Die erklärte mir aber das sie für einem Casting Teilnehmer einspringt das kurz davor Lampenfieber bekam und das der Hund nicht ihre sei. Ok, dachte ich, das war nachvollziehbar. Die Frau ist sogar Botschafterin von Caesar Milan aber dennoch Zweifel ich jetzt und Frage mich ob diese Auftritte teilweise nur ein Fake ist. Das war mit Sicherheit die letzte Show für mich.

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Mehr zu unserem Training, insbesondere auch nach Cesar Millan in Deutschland

Das dog psychology center deutschland arbeitet nach diversen trainingsmethoden, insbesondere auch nach den prinzipien und der philosophie des amerikanischen hundeflüsterers cesar millan..

Durch das Dog Psychology Center Deutschland haben Sie die Möglichkeit, die Trainingsmethoden des amerikanischen Hundeflüsterers Cesar Millan auch in Deutschland live zu erleben und praktisch im Umgang mit Ihrem Hund umzusetzen.

Sowohl Cesar Millans als auch unsere Arbeit basiert sehr stark auf der Hundepsychologie, den Gesetzen der Natur. Wir orientieren uns also an dem, was die Natur für unsere Hunde vorgesehen hat.

Das Dog Psychology Center Deutschland freut sich, gemeinsam mit Ihnen die Verhaltensprobleme Ihres Hundes zu lösen.

cesar millan deutschland tour 2023

Wir dachten nicht, dass wir so schnell eine Änderung unseres Hundes sehen. Es ging noch schneller wie bei Cesar Millan im TV. Sabine K.

cesar millan deutschland tour 2023


What Happened To Cesar Millan? (Updated 2023 Guide)

What Happened To Cesar Millan

When his award-winning show, the Dog Whisperer, got canceled…

People began to wonder:

“What happened to Cesar Millan?”

And up to this day, that question remains…

But I’ll answer it for you, along with more information.

Keep reading to learn:

  • What happened to Cesar Millan.
  • How much Cesar Millan’s net worth is.
  • 5 must-know shows that the famous dog behaviorist launched after the Dog Whisperer.
  • And that’s just the beginning…

Table of contents

He runs a Dog Psychology Center (DPC)

Millan is a best-selling author, the cesar millan pack project, the cesar millan brand, cesar millan is a motivational and public speaker, criticisms, fake news, and allegations against millan, how old is cesar millan, how much is cesar millan worth, where does cesar millan live now, #1: cesar millan’s leader of the pack, #2: cesar 911, #3: cesar to the rescue asia, #4: mutt & stuff, #5: cesar millan: better human, better dog, what happened to cesar millan.

Cesar Millan continued to rehabilitate problematic dogs after his show’s cancellation. Moreover, the Dog Whisperer wasn’t just Millan’s only gig. While that show went on, he also pursued other modes to promote his philosophy and practices. 

When the Dog Whisperer aired its last episode in 2012…

Millan continued to offer his training course at $495 per dog. Which is a weekly 1-hour program within 6 weeks.

As for his 4-week puppy course, it’s available for $350 per pup.

Other than that, here are the ventures that kept Millan busy:

This facility aims to train canines using Cesar Millan’s methods. 

And it mainly focuses on rehabilitating overly-aggressive dogs .

Fun fact: The first location of the facility is an empty lot in South Central, LA. The place was free as long as Millan took care of it. And he accepted that offer because his rate was $10 per dog only. Which isn’t enough to rent and run a facility.

So, during the Dog Whisperer’s profitable run…

Millan transferred DPC to Santa Clarita, California. 

Today, the facility stands in the 45-acre lot of rolling hills in the said place.

Cesar Millan Is A Best-Selling Author

In 2006, his first book, “Cesar’s Way,” appeared on bookstore shelves. 

It was a hit and made Millan a New York Times best-selling author.

After that, his next 2 books were NY Times best-sellers as well.

As of writing, he has published 9 books.

Despite controversies against his training methods…

Cesar Millan has a heart for all animals, not just dogs. 

So, he built a foundation to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome animals. 

Moreover, he did it with his long-time friend and first client, Jada Pinkett Smith. 

It’s called Cesar Millan PACK Project . 

Among many, that foundation aims to reduce dog euthanasia and overpopulation. 

And it carries its mission by financially helping animal shelters and organizations. 

Did you know: Statistics reveal that 42% of dogs in the shelter get euthanized yearly. That data is based on the United States alone. With that, foundations like this are crucial.

You might also want to know: Is It Legal To Euthanize A Healthy Dog? 7 Facts

Although Millan has his name in the title of his first show…

The Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan wasn’t under his name. 

So, he didn’t own any of it.

Millan revealed that he didn’t get much money from the show.

But the producers countered that. 

They said that Millan received $10 million from the Dog Whisperer.

Regardless, the story remained different on Millan’s side.

Now, he seemed to have learned his lesson when he became an entrepreneur.

So, everything’s patented into him. 

With that, not only is Cesar Millan a name…

It’s also a brand.

Among many, Millan has a line of products for dogs. 

Like the Cesar Millan Pack Leader Collar. 

As an accomplished public speaker…

Millan tours, mainly in the US, to give talks. 

It’s called “Cesar Millan Live!” where he discusses and demonstrates his methods. 

But in 2019, he starred in a 1-man show called “Cesar Millan: My Story: Unleashed.”

There, he shared the highs and lows of his life…

Including how he started as an illegal citizen in the US. And the way he turned his life around and got to where he is now.

His rise to fame wasn’t smooth sailing…

Millan faced numerous controversies from the start of the Dog Whisperer. Which ranges from criticisms to lawsuits. 

Not only that, but some people also make up news about Millan’s personal life.

And that continued even after the show’s cancellation…

So, here are a few that made the headlines:

News about his death

In 2012, Millan distanced himself from the media. 

The reason for it remains unknown. 

However, some people had another idea in mind…

After the Dog Whisperer’s cancellation, news broke that Millan had died. 

And this isn’t just a 1-time thing…

Fast forward to 2014…

A Spanish news agency published an article about Millan’s death.

It says that the trainer died of a heart attack…

However, Millan posted on his Facebook page to prove the news false. 

And other credible news sources were quick to call out the news agency for spreading lies. 

Getting investigated for animal cruelty

Criticisms followed Millan throughout his career…

For example, the American Humane Society ( AHS ) called him out in 2006. 

The animal welfare organization labeled his methods cruel .

Because of comments like that from similar organizations…

Come 2016, this lawsuit was no surprise for some:

Millan was sued for animal cruelty by concerned viewers. 

The allegation was:

He used a pig as bait for the French Bulldog, Simon, whom he was training in the show.

Thousands of viewers saw Simon bite the pig in the ear. 

And there was blood everywhere…

But later in the episode, this is how Millan proceeded:

Concerned viewers didn’t understand the necessity of that interaction…

Given that the pig just survived a traumatic attack from Simon.

But investigators interviewed everyone present in that episode. 

Plus, Millan’s team brought the pig to the veterinarian.

With that, officials from LA County found no fault in Millan. 

So, they pushed no charges.

Getting sued by Lidia Matiss, a young female gymnast 

Cesar Millan has his dog Junior who often assists him during training.

And in 2021, Lidia Matiss revealed allegations against Junior and Millan.

She sued Millan for 2 things:

Being attacked by Junior in 2017

According to Matiss, she was in Millan’s DPC, where her mom worked. 

Then, she was bitten by an unsupervised Junior in the leg.

What’s more, Matiss was a young gymnast on the rise. 

But with that bite, she can’t compete anymore.

Moreover, she had to prove that:

Junior has a history of aggression

Matiss revealed that the pooch killed one of Queen Latifah’s (American rapper and singer) dogs.

However, Millan asked his staff to tell her that a car had hit her pup. 

And there were no statements from Latifah.

So, not long after Matiss blew the whistle…

Both sides settled with an agreement. Which remained under seal with the court.

You might also be interested in: 7 Real Reasons Why The Dog Whisperer Was Canceled

As of 2022, Cesar Millan is 53 years old. At that age, he has more than 25 years of experience as a dog trainer. And the world has known him as the Dog Whisperer for nearly 2 decades.

Cesar Millan’s worth is currently $20 million. 

Many ventures could be credited for his wealth and success.

His first show, the Dog Whisperer, opened opportunities for him. 

With it, he became an award-winning reality star. 

Moreover, he got to build his Dog Psychology Center…

And that place is a powerhouse of income for Millan. 

Plus, with Millan’s fame, he doesn’t have to do much to promote that center.

Not only that, but he’s also an entrepreneur. 

He has a brand of dog essentials under his name.

And with all the money he’s made…

Millan often talks about how he went from rags to riches.

When he crossed the US-Mexico border, he only had $100. 

Now, he’s worth 200,000 times more than that.

He talked about that in his 1-man show back in 2019…

As well as the 1-hour special called “Cesar Millan: The Real Story.” Which is available on Disney+.

Cesar Millan lives in Los Angeles, California. Since 2017, he has had a modern farmhouse in Encino. However, in early 2022, he listed it for sale. Which made people suspect that he won’t be staying in LA for long.

Did Cesar Millan start a new show?

Cesar Millan started many new shows after the Dog Whisperer’s cancellation. Most of them have the same program design as his first one. In total, he starred in 5 more shows, which are:

This program showcases Millan’s Dog Psychology Center.

Since that facility takes dogs who have nowhere to go…

Millan sets out to find the perfect fur parent to give the puppers a second chance.

So, he tests 3 candidates per episode. 

And the 1 with the greatest dog skills gets to take a pooch home. 

In this show, Millan responds to emergency calls that involve problematic dogs.

The callers are usually called whistle-blowers…

That’s since the humans of the misbehaving puppers don’t report their own pooch.

So, Millan shows up uninvited and offers to rehabilitate the reported canine. 

This time, Millan spreads his dog training philosophy in Singapore and Hong Kong.

And the program runs similarly to the Dog Whisperer. 

cesar millan deutschland tour 2023

Together with his son, Calvin, Cesar Millan stars in Mutt & Stuff. Which is a fictional school for dogs. 

And it aims to teach preschoolers all about their four-legged pals. 

With that, children learn about the amazing friendship between a human and a dog…

The Millan duo also tell the kids how loyal canines are.

And to make all of that fun…

Calvin and Cesar perform with 15 puppies and puppets.

This is the most recent show that Millan has started.

Again, it follows the same program format as the Dog Whisperer.

Related posts:

  • 7 Real Reasons Why The Dog Whisperer Was Canceled (2023)
  • 27 Boarding Kennels That Take Aggressive Dogs (2023 Guide)
  • 27 Best Dog Trainers In The World (Updated 2023 Guide)
  • 27 Best Dog Trainers On YouTube (Updated 2023 Guide)
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Fri 25.10.2019

Cesar Millan

It´s all about family tour 2019.

Dog lovers, get ready! US "Dog Whisperer", Cesar Millan is set to return to the Munich Olympic Hall.

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The Deutschland Tour has a new ame: Lidl Deutschland Tour. The grocery retailer is the new naming partner.

The TK Cycling Tour will take place on August 27 in Saarbrücken. You can look forward to two different routes through the city.

The route of the Lidl Deutschland Tour 2024 is fixed! One Prologue and four stages through four different federal states.

"Tälerrunde" and "Bliesgau Schleife" - the routes of the TK Cycling Tour are fixed

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Lidl Deutschland Tour - Germany's only stage race for the men's elite with many side events: Cycling Tour, "kinder Joy of Moving mini tour", Newcomer Tour & Expo Tour

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Register now!

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Registration Cycling Tour 25th August in Saarbrücken

cesar millan deutschland tour 2023

Everything about the race of the cycling elite!

Impressions 2023

cesar millan deutschland tour 2023

Impressions of the Deutschland Tour 2023

Results 2023

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The results of all stages of the elite race

Cycling Tour

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The grassroots race: Registration, routes and rates

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Germany's largest mobile bicycle fair

Newcomer Tour

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The platform for German and international cycling talent

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The "kinder Joy of Moving mini tour": running wheel race to bicycle adventure world

Lidl Deutschland Tour 2024 with challenging classic route

Germany's most important cycling race remains true to its concept and once again presents a classics tour for 2024. A prologue and four stages with the typical character of demanding classics will characterize the Lidl Deutschland Tour 2024. 737 kilometers, which are rarely flat, will lead through four federal states from 21 to 25 August.

The Lidl Deutschland Tour 2024 already promises pure excitement. After a short but intense start in Schweinfurt, only seconds will separate the best riders. The following four stages offer plenty of opportunity for further close decisions. The idea of offering fans exciting cycling every day and keeping the decision on the overall victory open until the finale is also reflected in this year's route.

Read more (pdf)

cesar millan deutschland tour 2023

Lidl becomes name sponsor of the Deutschland Tour

Germany's most important cycling race gets a new name: Lidl Deutschland Tour. The food retailer is further expanding its involvement in professional cycling and will become the main sponsor and "Official Fresh Food Partner" of the Deutschland Tour. Lidl also presents the red jersey of the overall leader.

The Deutschland Tour is the Germany's most important cycling race. Since its comeback in 2018, the event has been inspiring enthusiasm for cycling. The aim is to bring top international sport very close to the fans and combine it with many side events for participating and cycling actively.

" Cycling, whether as an ambitious sport or as part of everyday life, is an ideal building block for an active lifestyle. Lidl is also focusing on this idea, because in addition to exercise, a healthy and conscious diet promotes well-being. Promoting this and getting even more people excited about cycling is what connects Lidl and the Deutschland Tour. We want to make pro cycling accessible to the masses and inspire people to lead an active and healthy life as part of our social responsibility. To this end, we have planned numerous activities for fans along the course and spectators at home ," says Maciej Magdziarz , Managing Director Marketing at Lidl Dienstleistung GmbH und Co KG.

cesar millan deutschland tour 2023

Cycling Tour: Discover Saarland in the footsteps of the Deutschland Tour pros

March 13 th , 2024

Experience the Saarland by bike on open roads! What is usually only offered to professional cyclists will be possible for everyone on August 25. The Cycling Tour, the popular sports event as part of the Deutschland Tour, offers two routes worth seeing for yourself.

The grand finale of the Deutschland Tour on Sunday begins once again this year with the amateur athletes riding themselves. Up to 2500 participants are expected in Saarbrücken, who can choose their favorite from two routes.

Bliesgau loop over 107 kilometers

Ambitious bike fans will experience a Saarland cycling treat on August 25. From the heart of the state capital, the Bliesgau Loop covers more than 100 kilometers. The typical ups and downs of the landscape are reflected in the route profile - this Sunday excursion has almost 1300 meters of altitude to offer.

cesar millan deutschland tour 2023

From the Southern Wine Route to Saarland - final stage of the Deutschland Tour begins in Annweiler am Trifels

On August 25, the final of the Deutschland Tour starts in Annweiler am Trifels. The last section leads from the town in the Südliche Weinstraße district to Saarbrücken. This means that the Deutschland Tour will visit four federal states this year. From Bavaria via Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate, the cycling pros will make their way to Saarland.

The historic town center of Annweiler am Trifels and the Saarland state capital of Saarbrücken are only 70 kilometers apart as the crow flies. But the route organizers of the Deutschland Tour have come up with greater challenges for the pros. After leaving the second oldest city in the Palatinate, the route runs from the Palatinate Forest with many changes of direction and constant ups and downs to the Saarland metropolis. The wonderful landscapes provide the perfect stage to secure overall victory in the Deutschland Tour 2024.

As host of the Deutschland Tour on Sunday, Annweiler am Trifels and the cycling-loving district of Südliche Weinstraße are expecting many guests to visit Trifelsland for this sporting highlight. On August 25, fans can look forward to an exciting finale in the style of the great cycling classics.

cesar millan deutschland tour 2023

Deutschland Tour 2024 starts in Schweinfurt

This year's Deutschland Tour will start in Schweinfurt. This means that the course of Germany's most important cycling race has been defined: the pros will travel from Lower Franconia to Saarbrücken, the capital of Saarland, over five days of racing.

The prologue to the start of the tour will take place in Schweinfurt on August 21. In the past two years, a short urban course has caused a buzz in the starting towns of Weimar and St. Wendel. And it will also be exciting in Schweinfurt when just a few seconds will decide who gets the leader's jersey of the Deutschland Tour 2024 for the first time. On August 22, the first stage of the Deutschland Tour 2024 will begin in the northern Bavarian city.

Sebastian Remelé , Lord Mayor of Schweinfurt, says: "I am delighted that we have been able to bring this sporting event to our beautiful city. Schweinfurt will attract national attention as the venue for the start of the Deutschland Tour 2024."

The bicycle has always played a special role in Schweinfurt. Important bicycle inventions such as the freewheel which still characterize bicycles today, originate from Schweinfurt. And in the history of the Deutschland Tour, the city on the Main also already played a role as host city - most recently in 2006 as the finish of stage 3.

cesar millan deutschland tour 2023

Ride the Deutschland Tour with BKOOL

BKOOL is the new official partner of the Deutschland Tour. The route sections of the Deutschland Tour 2023 have already been digitized and are now available on the platform. Whether as preparation for the season on the roll or virtually achieving new best times - BKOOL makes it possible.

BKOOL's state-of-the-art technology offers a realistic cycling experience. The video integration in particular gives the virtual training an additional level of realism. This means that every cycling fan can relive the last Tour of Germany.

Since the beginning of February, a new stage has been activated in the BKOOL app every week. If you are not yet a BKOOL member, you can take advantage of the free 30-day trial period to take part in the virtual Tour of Germany.

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Grand final of the Deutschland Tour 2024 in Saarbrücken

The state capital of Saarland will host the finale of the Deutschland Tour 2024. On August 25, the overall winner of Germany's most important cycling race will be decided in Saarbrücken. Thousands of amateur cyclists are expected to attend the Cycling Tour in the morning to experience the Deutschland Tour atmosphere for themselves. The perfect gift for all racing bike fans: entries are now available at .

Saarbrücken is a popular host of the biggest cycling races. But it has already been more than 20 years since the Tour de France, the Giro d'Italia and the Deutschland Tour stopped off in the state capital. On August 25, it's that time again: the Deutschland Tour meets Saarland's cycling enthusiasm. After the state hosted the Tour opener in St. Wendel and Merzig this year, the grand finale will bring the event full circle next summer.

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Deutschland Tour 2024 leads to Schwäbisch Gmünd

Schwäbisch Gmünd will host the upcoming Deutschland Tour. Both the finish of stage 2 and the start of stage 3 will take place in the Baden-Württemberg town. With Germany's most important cycling race, the Ostalbkreis and Schwäbisch Gmünd will be hosting a double dose of great sport.

On 23 August, the east of Baden-Württemberg will be all about cycling. Stage 2 will take the world's best professionals through the Ostalb region to Schwäbisch Gmünd. On the way to the finish in the oldest town of the Staufer dynasty, the riders will encounter the undulating terrain typical of the Swabian Alb. In Schwäbisch Gmünd, at the foot of the Swabian Alb and the Three Emperors Mountains, cycling fans can look forward to another exciting final lap before the race for the day's victory.

Richard Arnold , Lord Mayor of Schwäbisch Gmünd, said: "The Deutschland Tour is coming to Schwäbisch Gmünd! We are delighted to welcome a top sporting event with worldwide appeal. With the Deutschland Tour, we are combining the great sporting enthusiasm of our city with a festival that will attract the world's best cyclists and many guests to Schwäbisch Gmünd in the summer".

cesar millan deutschland tour 2023

Deutschland Tour 2024 takes place August 21- 25

The date of the Deutschland Tour 2024 has been set. The tour will be held from Wednesday, 21 August, to Sunday, 25 August, next year.

Germany's most important cycling race remains true to its concept and will continue to be held as a five-day stage race in the UCI ProSeries, the competition below the WorldTour. This ensures that, in addition to the Tour de France stars, the best German talents can also take part in their home tour.

Villingen-Schwenningen is the first host city of the Deutschland Tour 2024 to be announced. The city in the southwest of Baden-Württemberg will be the destination of the 3rd stage. The early decision follows a positive trend: interest in the Deutschland Tour is growing. In addition to the 750,000 fans along the route, 6 million viewers watched the live broadcasts on ARD and ZDF four weeks ago - an increase of 20% over last year.

"Cycling is experiencing a momentum in Germany. More participants in the amateur races, more interest in the TV broadcasts and the enormous fan enthusiasm on site show the great potential. As the flagship of German cycling, the Deutschland Tour is helping to shape this trend. And so, the 2024 Tour will once again be an event full of highlights," says Matthias Pietsch , Managing Director of the Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Radsports.

cesar millan deutschland tour 2023

Villingen-Schwenningen will host the Deutschland Tour 2024

The Deutschland Tour 2023 is barely history, and planning for the next edition is already in full swing. Villingen-Schwenningen is the first host of the 2024 Tour. The city in the southwest of Baden-Württemberg will be the finish destination of the 3rd stage. With the finale on Saturday afternoon, the twin city has secured a highlight with many visitors.

The confirmation of the UCI race calendar for the coming season is still pending, but cycling fans from the Black Forest should make a note of August 24, 2024. That Saturday, the Deutschland Tour will make a stop in Villingen-Schwenningen. Located in the heart of Baden-Württemberg, the region will once again become a cycling epicenter and welcome the world's best professionals to the finish of the 3rd stage. According to the dual city, the finish lap will incorporate both districts, Villingen and Schwenningen. The German top stars will travel to VS, the gateway to the Black Forest, with good memories, because this year's German Championships took place in the immediate vicinity with a large attendance.

cesar millan deutschland tour 2023

Van Wilder and de Kleijn celebrate in Bremen, organizers draw positive conclusions

He took over the red jersey on the 1st stage to Merzig and didn't let go until the end: Ilan Van Wilder (Soudal Quick-Step) won the Deutschland Tour 2023. On the final stage over 175.6 kilometers from Hanover to Bremen, the Belgian didn't take any risk and rolled safely with the peloton to the finish, which was lined with thousands of spectators. Arvid de Kleijn (Tudor Pro Cycling) won the stage in a bunch sprint ahead of Phil Bauhaus (Bahrain Victorious) and Marius Mayrhofer (Team dsm-firmenich).

The German continental teams with Silas Köch, Jan-Marc Temmen (both Saris Rouvy Sauerland), Tobias Nolde, Dominik Röber (both P&S Benotti) and Vinzent Dorn (Bike Aid) used the flat course of the last stage to present themselves once again. With 27 kilometers to go, all but Nolde were caught up. He held on a little longer but was swallowed at the arrival in Bremen. In the meantime, the peloton was split in two for a few kilometers by cross winds, but this had no effect on the finale outcome.

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Deutschland Tour: Madis Mihkels surprises with sprint win on stage 3

20-year-old Mihkels beats Van Poppel and major sprint favourites in Essen

Madis Mihkels (Intermarché-Circus-Wanty) exploded to the front of a bunch sprint to win stage 3 of the Deutschland Tour in Essen.

Danny van Poppel (Bora-Hansgrohe) recovered from a crash with 9km to go and clawed his way back to the front group for second place. Quinten Hermans (Alpecin-Deceuninck) completed the podium in third, pushing ahead of Phil Bauhaus (Bahrain Victorious) and Ethan Vernon (Soudal-QuickStep).

“I’m not going to lie, I’m super happy, and a little bit surprised also,” the 20-year-old Estonian said about his first pro career win. “I knew this stage could suit me. The level here is super high and I’m just surprised that I won.”

Race leader Ilan Van Wilder (Soudal-Quick Step) retained his 11-second lead in the general classification ahead of Felix Großschartner (UAE Team Emirates) and a 13-second advantage ahead of Pavel Sivakov (Ineos Grenadiers).

With his runner-up finish, Van Poppel moved up two spots in the GC to fourth, 16 seconds back. Pello Bilbao finished in 33rd position in the main front group, but dropped to 11th on GC.

Bora-Hansgrohe led out the bunch sprint, and Mihkels understood he had work to do.

“Actually, 1k to go I was still a little bit too far," he said following the race finish. "Then I decided the only way is to come alone to the win because at this moment I didn’t have anybody from my team. I took a risk and I just accelerated behind Bora. Luckily I had legs to outsprint them.

“This is my biggest victory ever and I feel so relieved now.”

The sun came back for stage 3, which featured 173.8km with 1,520 metres of elevation gain, a day of constant rolling hills. The finale in Essen is approached from the south, after a first pass of the finish line in front of the Stadtgarten before completing a circuit.

The first attacks came just 4km from the start in Arnsberg, but all efforts were thwarted by an active peloton. After passing the 1.1km climb of Eule Frondenberg, and more attacks did not stick, three riders finally got separation - Mattéo Vercher (TotalEnergies), Juri Hollman (Movistar) and Frank van den Broek (Team dsm-firmenich).

The trio stayed away for just over 93km, Bora-Hansgohe working at the front of the peloton. With under 66km to go, Michael Gogl (Alpecin-Deceuninck) and Fabien Grellier (TotalEnergies) accelerated and stole away.

With 50km to go, Michael Gogl and Fabien Grellier had a 30-second advantage, and 13km later both riders were back in the peloton.

Closing on the final 30km, TotalEnergies’ Anthony Turgis launched a solo attack. He gained time on the peloton and held only a 12-second lead on the final two circuits of the race with 14km to go.

On the first of the two circuits, several riders went down in a corner 2km from the final lap, including Danny van Poppel (Bora-Hansgrohe), who was sitting sixth overall, and Pello Bilbao (Bahrain Victorious), eighth overall, both working to get back into the peloton with 4km to go in the race.

The long finish straight provided a playground for the first bunch sprint finish of the stage race.

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Jackie Tyson

Jackie has been involved in professional sports for more than 30 years in news reporting, sports marketing and public relations. She founded Peloton Sports in 1998, a sports marketing and public relations agency, which managed projects for Tour de Georgia, Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah and USA Cycling. She also founded Bike Alpharetta Inc, a Georgia non-profit to promote safe cycling. She is proud to have worked in professional baseball for six years - from selling advertising to pulling the tarp for several minor league teams. She has climbed l'Alpe d'Huez three times (not fast). Her favorite road and gravel rides are around horse farms in north Georgia (USA) and around lavender fields in Provence (France), and some mtb rides in Park City, Utah (USA).

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cesar millan deutschland tour 2023

about cesar millan

Cesar Millan is one of the most sought-after authorities in the field of dog behavior and rehabilitation. With more than 25 years of experience and with his new TV show, “Better Human Better Dog” now on National Geographic and Disney+; Millan is a household name, a New York Times best-selling author and 3x Emmy nominated acclaimed star with hit TV series broadcasted and streamed in over 120 countries.  Cesar has grown into a pop culture phenomenon and a go to for many of today’s celebrities, athletes, world leaders, and entrepreneurs. His work has been highlighted in flattering parodies on “South Park” and “Saturday Night Live”; references on popular shows including “Jeopardy!” and “The Colbert Report”; and appearances on “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon,” “Dr. Oz,” “The Today Show,” “The View,” and “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” and others. Cesar’s message continues to grow on his massive social media following of over 20 million people across the globe, adding new products under his belt, launching more content across various platforms, sharing his gift with The Cesar Millan Foundation and conducting trainings at his 43-acre paradise and Dog Psychology Center in Santa Clarita.  Earlier this year Cesar launched his new audio and visual Podcast “Better Humans Better Planet”.  In September 2023, Cesar was awarded the coveted Medal of Excellence from the Washington Hispanic Caucus in Washington D.C.  2024 will mark his anniversary of 20 consecutive years on U.S. television.  

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Cesar Millan Tour Dates in 2024

You’ll be excited to know that Cesar Millan is on tour in 2024. If you’ve waited a long time to see Cesar Millan live, the wait is over. Check Cesar Millan tour dates to find all tour stops on the upcoming tour & get tickets to see Cesar Millan live on tour at a show near you.

Cesar Millan has been topping the charts with their exciting and entertaining shows that will sure to thrill all Cesar Millan fans. Be sure to be first in line for tickets for Cesar Millan tickets for all tour dates so you don’t miss out. Make sure to take a look at other  concerts ,  sports , and  theater  tickets as well as there are many top events to watch this year!

Cesar Millan Tour Schedule

Are you looking for the Cesar Millan tour schedule? Look no further. Simply take a look above to find the Cesar Millan tour schedule as it’s quite possible that Cesar Millan will be stopping in your city while on their next tour.

Which City Can I See The Cesar Millan Tour?

You may be able to see the Cesar Millan tour to shows in Greensboro, Fresno, Ontario, Albany, Concord, Bethel, Memphis, Atlanta, Bangor, or Holmdel by buying tickets now.

How Much Are Cesar Millan Tour Tickets?

Cesar Millan tour tickets range in price depending on the event. Such as shows in Tampa, Dallas, Orlando, Tulsa, Detroit, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Denver, Wheatland, or Raleigh may be different in price compared to other tour shows in other cities.

Can I Buy Cesar Millan Tour Tickets?

Yes, you can buy Cesar Millan tour tickets to shows in Lincoln, Columbus, Birmingham, Jacksonville, Albuquerque, Cincinnati, Sacramento, Louisville, Charlotte, or Brooklyn online with the click of a button.

Can You Find Cesar Millan Tour Tickets Near Me?

Yes, you can find Cesar Millan tour tickets to events in Chicago, Seattle, Inglewood, Nashville, Scranton, Camden, Houston, Cleveland, Ridgefield, or Wichita via

How Can Someone Buy Cheap Cesar Millan Tour Tickets Online?

You can buy cheap Cesar Millan tour tickets online for the following cities Baltimore, Boston, Minneapolis, Pittsburgh, Rosemont, Phoenix, Tennessee, Indianapolis, Hershey, or Tacoma from

How Can I Get Tickets To The Cesar Millan Tour?

Cesar Millan may be touring in Columbia, Oakland, Hartford, Saratoga, Rogers, Anaheim, Austin, Newark, Miami, or Portland and you can buy tickets online from us.

How To Buy Cesar Millan Tour Tickets Online?

You can buy Cesar Millan tour tickets online to events in Irvine, Spokane, Milwaukee, Chula Vista, Darien Lake, Ft Lauderdale, Grand Prairie, Grand Rapids, Green Bay, or Kansas City with the click of a button.

Which Tour Stops Will Cesar Millan Be Performing At And Can I Buy Tickets?

Cesar Millan may be stopping at Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York, Oklahoma City, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, San Bernardino, San Diego, or San Francisco on their next tour. Be sure to buy tickets right away.

What’s The Best Place To Get Cesar Millan Tour Tickets From?

The best place to get Cesar Millan tour tickets for the San Jose, St Louis, Virginia Beach, Washington DC, West Palm Beach, Sioux Falls, Grand Prairie, Grand Rapids, Atlantic City shows is from

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National Geographic Announce New Series ‘Cesar’s Way’

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National Geographic has announced details on the highly anticipated return of dog behavior expert Cesar Millan with CESAR’S WAY (wt) premiering in August on National Geographic Channel and encoring on Nat Geo WILD. The all-new 10-part series brings Cesar back when pet owners need him the most, as the world has changed significantly since Cesar made his television debut 16 years ago. New episodes will air Fridays at 9/8c on National Geographic Channel and encore Sundays at 9/8c on Nat Geo WILD.  No Disney+ release has yet been confirmed.

As humans face a world never seen before, they have turned to four-legged friends as a way to console, bringing harmony and peace to their homes. In fact, dog adoptions are hitting record highs over the past year, with some cities reporting a 90% rise in adoption rates. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and sometimes more pooches can cause more problems. Many rescue dogs can come from a troubled past resulting in unknown trust issues, which can be difficult for new owners. CESAR’S WAY (wt) showcases Cesar Millan as he takes on the most challenging cases yet, treating a host of new canine behavioral issues impacted by well-intentioned but impulsive owners.

“Cesar is a huge part of the Nat Geo family, and we are so excited to have him back home,” says Janet Han Vissering, senior vice president of unscripted development and production, nature, at National Geographic. “It’s especially important given the timeliness of this series and the amount of pet owners in need of Cesar’s positivity and can-do attitude. His heartwarming transformations are absolutely inspiring.”

In the new series, Cesar opens the gates to the famed Dog Psychology Center, his California ranch retreat for dogs. Here he transforms canines—and families—one case at a time, working to make the world a better place. With updated philosophies, new techniques and family support, Cesar tackles some of the most demanding cases of his career.

cesar millan deutschland tour 2023

Transformations include cases like Goliath, a dog that was once so unpredictably aggressive he blocked paramedics from entering his home during a family emergency. He is now a medical companion animal, able to seek assistance when his owner suffers a seizure. Also, follow Insta-famous Ducky the Yorkie as he em‘barks’ on a journey with Cesar to gain comfort and composure with his second owner so that the newlyweds can finally pursue their dreams of starting a family. A rottweiler named Kuma is also transformed from an unstable liability to a calm, confident member of a family with five young children. To complement his efforts, Cesar’s own exotic animal ‘paw’sonal assistants pitch in to assist in the rehabilitation process—including llamas, a parrot and a miniature horse—all full-time residents of the Dog Psychology Center.

CESAR’S WAY (wt) is the perfect series for pet owners across America—new and old! Even through troubled times, Cesar constantly overcomes obstacles, instilling faith in disgruntled pet owners. Humans are clearly not the only ones feeling restless at the onset of 2021. Dogs need help adjusting to the dynamic world we are living in too!

CESAR’S WAY (wt) is produced by Leepson Bounds Entertainment for National Geographic. For Leepson Bounds, executive producers are David Leepson, Jane Mun, Roger Roddy and Aaron Rice. For National Geographic, executive producer is Breanna Hoepner; senior vice president of unscripted development and production is Janet Han Vissering.

Are you looking forward to this new series from Cesar Millan?

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Roger Palmer

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    Discover the world of Cesar Millan, the renowned Dog Whisperer. Explore official training tips, programs, and exclusive merchandise. Dive into Cesar's expert advice on dog behavior and training, and access a wealth of resources designed to help you and your furry friend live a happier, more harmonious life. Visit now for transformative dog training techniques and the latest content from Cesar ...

  17. Interview: Cesar Millan (2023) < Sidewalks Entertainment

    Mini-Biography: Cesar Millan is a dog behaviorist, author and TV personality. On TV, he is best known for "Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan.". Some of his other TV series are "Cesar 911," "Mutt & Stuff" and "Cesar's Recruit: Asia.". Millan founded the Dog Psychology Center and opened an East Coast clinic at the Country Inn Pet ...

  18. Cesar Millan: Better Human Better Dog: Season 3

    Episode 1 Aired Jan 6, 2023 Jurassic Pack: Part 1 Cesar helps a pet parent whose three dogs battle to the point of bloodshed. Details Episode 2 Aired Jan 13, 2023 Jurassic Pack: Part 2 Cesar helps ...

  19. Deutschland Tour: Madis Mihkels surprises with sprint win on stage 3

    Madis Mihkels (Intermarché-Circus-Wanty) exploded to the front of a bunch sprint to win stage 3 of the Deutschland Tour in Essen. Danny van Poppel (Bora-Hansgrohe) recovered from a crash with 9km ...

  20. about cesar millan

    about cesar millan. Cesar Millan is one of the most sought-after authorities in the field of dog behavior and rehabilitation. With more than 25 years of experience and with his new TV show, "Better Human Better Dog" now on National Geographic and Disney+; Millan is a household name, a New York Times best-selling author and 3x Emmy nominated acclaimed star with hit TV series broadcasted and ...

  21. Cesar Millan Tour 2024

    The best place to get Cesar Millan tour tickets for the San Jose, St Louis, Virginia Beach, Washington DC, West Palm Beach, Sioux Falls, Grand Prairie, Grand Rapids, Atlantic City shows is from Take a look at all upcoming tour dates in 2024 & buy Cesar Millan tickets to a show near you after checking the schedule.

  22. National Geographic Announce New Series 'Cesar's Way'

    National Geographic has announced details on the highly anticipated return of dog behavior expert Cesar Millan with CESAR'S WAY (wt) premiering in August on National Geographic Channel and encoring on Nat Geo WILD. The all-new 10-part series brings Cesar back when pet owners need him the most, as the world has changed significantly since Cesar made his television debut 16 years ago.

  23. Cesar Millan: Better Human Better Dog

    TV-PG | 02.10.2023. 00:30. Cesar Millan: Better Human Better Dog S4 Trailer TV-PG | 03.28.2024. Your Favorite National Geographic Series and Films Streaming Anytime on Disney+. START STREAMING NOW. Watch full episodes of Cesar Millan: Better Human Better Dog online. Get sneak peeks and free episodes all on Nat Geo TV.