Unlock Flores' Hidden Secrets: Book Your Overland Adventure Now!

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Pauls Flores Overland Tours Indonesia  

Explore Flores with Paul's Adventure Tours

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Paul's Exceptional Guidance - Transforms Flores Journey into an Unforgettable Adventure ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Experience unforgettable Flores overland tours with Paul's Flores Overland Tours Indonesia. Tailored Flores itineraries, local guides, and stunning destinations await. Book your adventure today!

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Unforgettable Flores Tour

Indonesian Food

Amazing Places

Indonesian adventure ⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ don’t take it from us – here’s what people have to say.

Indonesian Adventure 2023

We met Paul today, and he is such a gentle, kind, interesting, intelligent man. His English is superb, so we're loving discussing Indonesian society, environment and culture and deepening our understanding and experience of this fascinating country.  He's also an excellent driver, which is just as well, as some of the roads have been shockingly twisty and potholed. 

Indonesian Adventure 2023 map

Indonesian Adventure Map 

Discover the best of Indonesia with the help of a local guide 🗨Whatsapp

Welcome to Pauls Flores Overland Tours Indonesia, your ultimate travel agency for exploring East Nusa Tenggara Province, Flores. Our knowledgeable and experienced local guide, Paul, is the perfect choice for an unforgettable trip overland. With excellent English and fluency in the local dialects, he'll take the time to explain everything from the cultural customs and traditions to the unique flora and fauna, making your journey educational and fun.

Flores Island is a haven for natural beauty and adventure seekers. You can marvel at the stunning landscapes and geological formations like the Kelimutu volcano, immerse yourself in local culture, and explore the incredible marine life in Riung Marine Park. Whether you're into hiking, trekking, snorkeling, or diving, Flores Island has it all.

The friendly local people and delicious local cuisine make the Flores Island experience even more exceptional. By booking directly with local providers like hotels, guesthouses, and day tours, you can have an authentic, personalized, and unforgettable experience.

Join us on our trip overland by car, where you'll explore the world of ancient cultures, volcanoes, lush rainforests, and untrodden beaches from one end to the other. Choose from our popular Pauls Adventure tour from Labuan Bajo to Ende, covering 545 km by car in just 6 days, or the Maumere to Labuan Bajo Trans-Flores tour covering 800 km by car in 7 days. Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime experience. Book now and chat with Pauls Flores Tours Indonesia. .

Flores Island Tour

The natural beauty: Visitors often praise the stunning landscapes and unique geological formations, such as the Kelimutu volcano with its three beautiful lakes, each with its own distinct color.

The culture: Many visitors enjoy learning about the local culture and customs, particularly in traditional villages like Wae Rebo. Wae Rebo village is one of the highest traditional villages in Indonesia, situated at an altitude of 1200m above sea level, and is also a UNESCO site.

The wildlife: The Komodo dragon is a major draw for visitors, as it is the largest lizard in the world and can only be found in the Komodo National Park. But many also enjoy seeing other wildlife such as the marine life in the Riung Marine Park, which consists of 17 islands and has a diverse range of undersea flora and coral.

The activities: Visitors often enjoy activities such as hiking to see the stunning views, trekking to explore the lush rainforests, snorkeling and diving to discover the marine life, and more.

The friendliness of the local people: Many visitors have positive experiences with the local people, who are often described as welcoming, friendly, and helpful.

The local food: Visitors often enjoy trying the local food, which is known for its fresh seafood and spices.

Exclusive Flores Itinerary Planner

Plan your dream Flores overland tour with our free, personalized itinerary planner. Simply chat with our expert via WhatsApp and share your preferences, duration of stay, and interests. Get a tailor-made Flores itinerary with handpicked activities, top-notch accommodations, and seamless transportation options to make your journey unforgettable.

Unforgettable Flores Tours: Labuan Bajo to Ende (6 Days) & Maumere to Labuan Bajo (7 Days)

Labuan Bajo ✈ to Ende Trans-Flores ✈ Tour (6 Days): Join us on a 545 km car journey, discovering Flores' wonders. Highlights include the majestic Kelimutu volcano and the beautiful Riung Marine Park.

Maumere ✈ to Labuan Bajo ✈ Trans-Flores Tour (7 Days): Experience the best of Flores on this 800 km, 7-day car tour. Explore natural wonders and cultural gems like Wae Rebo village and the Komodo National Park

We customize every tour to include an English-speaking guide, accommodations, entrance fees, and boat tours. Additionally, optional excursions can also be seamlessly integrated into your package, creating an unforgettable adventure.

Explore Flores like never before with our exclusive Flores rondleidingen (guided tours). 🗨Whatsapp

paket tour flores

7-Day Flores Itinerary

Flores itinerary Day 1: Trek to Wae Rebo village, spend the night in a traditional house

Day 2: Trek downhill, visit Todo traditional village and rice fields, settle in Ruteng city

Day 3: Visit Ranamese Lake, Puncak Golodepet, Aimere village, and Belaraghi traditional village, settle in Bajawa city

Day 4: Visit Puncak Wolobobo, Bena village, Mengerudha hot springs, and Riung, spend the night in Riung

Day 5: Full-day tour of the 17 islands in Riung Marine Park

Day 6: Visit Blue Stone Beach, Detusoko rice fields, Wologai traditional village, and Nduaria fruit market, spend the night in Moni village

Day 7: Witness the sunrise and the mystical three lakes at Kelimutu lake, visit Koka Beach and Wuring fishing village, journey ends Flores Indonesia itinerary Flores Island  Tour itinerary

Don’t take it from us – here’s what people have to say Great Reviews ⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 5 · 42 Tripadvisor reviews 

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Overland Flores T our M ap


  • Liveaboards
  • Tentang kami

Paket Tour Flores

Urut berdasar, adventure kelimutu.

Start: Ende End: Maumere Max. People: 5 Private tours

11 Days Flores Komodo Tour

Start: Ende End: Labuan Bajo Capacities: 10 – 12 Small Group

Flores off the beaten track

Start: Ende End: Labuan Bajo Max. People: 6 Private tours

Start: Ende End: Labuan Bajo Max People: 5 Private tours


Pulau Flores terletak di bagian timur Indonesia dan merupakan bagian dari provinsi Nusa Tenggara. Ini adalah salah satu Kepulauan Sunda Kecil, terletak di antara Pulau Sumbawa di sebelah barat dan Pulau Timor di sebelah timur. Pulau Flores berpenduduk sekitar 1,8 juta jiwa dan ibu kotanya adalah Ende.

Pulau ini terkenal dengan bentang alamnya yang beragam, yang meliputi pegunungan terjal, hutan lebat, pantai yang masih asli, dan desa tradisional. Salah satu atraksi paling terkenal di Pulau Flores adalah Taman Nasional Komodo, yang merupakan rumah bagi kadal hidup terbesar di dunia, komodo.

Pulau Flores juga dikenal dengan keunikan budayanya, yang terbentuk dari interaksi selama berabad-abad antara berbagai suku bangsa, termasuk suku Manggarai, Ngada, dan Nagekeo. Pengunjung dapat merasakan tarian tradisional, musik, dan kerajinan tangan, serta mencicipi masakan lokal, yang seringkali menampilkan rasa pedas dan makanan laut segar.

Secara keseluruhan, Pulau Flores merupakan destinasi yang menawarkan perpaduan antara keindahan alam, keragaman budaya, dan petualangan.


Pulau Flores adalah rumah bagi budaya yang kaya dan beragam yang telah dibentuk oleh interaksi selama berabad-abad antara berbagai kelompok etnis. Beberapa kelompok etnis utama di pulau itu antara lain orang Manggarai, Ngada, dan Nagekeo.

Salah satu ciri budaya Flores yang paling khas adalah arsitektur tradisionalnya, yang mencakup rumah-rumah beratap jerami yang tinggi dengan ukiran dan lukisan berornamen. Rumah-rumah ini sering digunakan untuk pertemuan dan upacara komunal, seperti pernikahan dan pemakaman.

Aspek penting lainnya dari budaya Flores adalah musik dan tarian tradisionalnya. Setiap kelompok etnis memiliki gaya musik dan tarian yang unik, yang sering menampilkan kostum dan topeng yang rumit. Beberapa tarian yang terkenal di pulau ini antara lain adalah tarian Caci masyarakat Manggarai dan tarian Nggolok masyarakat Ngada.

Agama juga merupakan bagian penting dari budaya Flores, dengan mayoritas penduduk beragama Katolik. Namun, kepercayaan dan praktik tradisional, seperti animisme dan pemujaan leluhur, terus menjadi penting di banyak komunitas.

Terakhir, masakan Flores dikenal dengan cita rasa pedas dan makanan lautnya yang segar. Beberapa hidangan paling populer di pulau ini termasuk ikan bakar (ikan bakar), sate kambing (sate kambing panggang), dan ayam taliwang (ayam bakar pedas). Pengunjung ke Flores juga dapat mencoba hidangan khas setempat, seperti sop buntut (sup buntut) dan pa’e (hidangan daging babi pedas).


Pulau Flores menjadi tujuan populer bagi pengunjung ke Indonesia karena keindahan alamnya yang menakjubkan, keanekaragaman budaya, dan daya tarik yang unik. Beberapa destinasi yang wajib dikunjungi di pulau ini antara lain:

  • Taman Nasional Komodo: Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO ini adalah rumah bagi komodo yang terkenal, kadal terbesar di dunia. Pengunjung dapat mengikuti tur berpemandu ke taman, termasuk berjalan-jalan di hutan untuk melihat makhluk menakjubkan ini dari dekat.
  • Taman Nasional Kelimutu: Taman nasional ini memiliki tiga danau kawah gunung berapi, masing-masing dengan warna yang berbeda. Pengunjung dapat mendaki ke puncak Gunung Kelimutu untuk menyaksikan pemandangan spektakuler dari danau yang semarak ini.
  • Desa Bena: Desa tradisional Ngada ini terkenal dengan keunikan arsitektur dan cara hidup tradisionalnya. Pengunjung dapat berkeliling desa dan belajar tentang adat dan kepercayaannya.
  • Ladang Sawah Laba-laba: Sawah di Cancar, Flores Barat ini, disusun dengan pola jaring laba-laba, menciptakan tampilan visual yang menakjubkan. Pengunjung dapat mendaki ke puncak bukit terdekat untuk mendapatkan pemandangan sawah yang luar biasa.
  • Riung 17 Islands: Gugusan pulau kecil di lepas pantai Flores ini terkenal dengan perairannya yang sebening kristal, terumbu karang berwarna-warni, dan pantai berpasir putih. Pengunjung dapat melakukan snorkeling atau menyelam untuk menjelajahi kehidupan laut dan menikmati lingkungan alam yang masih asli.
  • Ruteng: Kota kecil ini adalah ibu kota Kabupaten Manggarai dan terkenal dengan pasar tradisional, arsitektur kolonial, dan pemandangannya yang menakjubkan.

Secara keseluruhan, Pulau Flores memiliki sesuatu untuk semua orang, apakah Anda tertarik dengan keindahan alam, warisan budaya, atau petualangan luar ruangan.


Bepergian ke Pulau Flores bisa menjadi sebuah petualangan, namun dengan beberapa perencanaan dan persiapan, pengunjung dapat memiliki pengalaman yang tak terlupakan dan menyenangkan. Berikut beberapa tips berwisata di Flores:

  • Transportasi: Pulau Flores memiliki transportasi umum yang terbatas, jadi disarankan untuk menyewa mobil atau sepeda motor untuk berkeliling. Ketahuilah bahwa jalanan bisa jadi menantang, dengan bukit terjal dan tikungan sempit.
  • Akomodasi: Ada beragam pilihan akomodasi di Flores, mulai dari wisma hemat hingga resor mewah. Disarankan untuk memesan terlebih dahulu, terutama selama musim perjalanan puncak.
  • Cuaca: Pulau Flores beriklim tropis, dengan musim hujan dari November hingga April dan musim kemarau dari Mei hingga Oktober. Bersiaplah menghadapi hujan di musim hujan dan suhu panas di musim kemarau.
  • Makanan dan Minuman: Masakan Flores dikenal dengan rasa pedas dan makanan lautnya yang segar. Namun, pengunjung harus berhati-hati saat makan makanan jalanan dan minum air ledeng. Dianjurkan untuk tetap menggunakan air kemasan dan makan di restoran terkemuka.
  • Budaya: Pulau Flores memiliki budaya yang kaya dan beragam, sehingga pengunjung harus menghormati adat dan tradisi setempat. Disarankan untuk berpakaian sopan saat mengunjungi desa tradisional atau situs keagamaan.
  • Keselamatan: Pulau Flores umumnya aman bagi wisatawan, tetapi pengunjung harus berhati-hati, seperti menghindari bepergian sendirian di malam hari dan mengamankan barang-barang berharga.

Secara keseluruhan, berwisata di Pulau Flores dapat menjadi pengalaman yang berharga dan tak terlupakan bagi pengunjung yang siap menghadapi tantangan dan peluang unik dari pulau yang indah ini.

Oke, berikut beberapa pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan seputar Pulau Flores:

  • Kapan waktu terbaik untuk mengunjungi Pulau Flores? Waktu terbaik untuk mengunjungi Pulau Flores adalah pada musim kemarau, dari Mei hingga Oktober. Ini adalah saat cuaca paling menguntungkan untuk aktivitas luar ruangan dan jalan-jalan.
  • Bagaimana cara menuju Pulau Flores? Pulau Flores memiliki beberapa bandara, dengan titik masuk paling umum adalah Bandara Komodo di Labuan Bajo. Pengunjung juga dapat mencapai Flores dengan feri dari pulau lain di wilayah tersebut.
  • Apa mata uang yang digunakan di Pulau Flores? Mata uang yang digunakan di Pulau Flores, serta wilayah Indonesia lainnya, adalah Rupiah Indonesia (IDR).
  • Bahasa apa yang digunakan di Pulau Flores? Bahasa resmi Indonesia adalah bahasa Indonesia, tetapi ada juga beberapa bahasa daerah yang digunakan di Pulau Flores, antara lain Manggarai, Ngada, dan Nagekeo.
  • Apakah Pulau Flores aman bagi wisatawan? Pulau Flores umumnya aman bagi para pelancong, tetapi pengunjung harus berhati-hati, seperti menghindari bepergian sendirian di malam hari dan mengamankan barang-barang berharga.
  • Apa saja tempat wisata populer di Pulau Flores? Beberapa tempat wisata populer di Pulau Flores antara lain Taman Nasional Komodo, Taman Nasional Kelimutu, Desa Bena, Sawah Laba-laba, Riung 17 Pulau, dan Ruteng.
  • Apa makanan tradisional Pulau Flores? Masakan Flores dikenal dengan rasa pedas dan makanan lautnya yang segar, dengan hidangan populer termasuk ikan bakar (ikan bakar), sate kambing (sate kambing panggang), dan ayam taliwang (ayam bakar pedas).

Flores Eco Tours

During Flores island tours, you will visit the highlights of tourist amazing places on Flores Island Indonesia. Flores island tours with us, will bring you to Kelimutu 3 color lakes, Bena Village, 17 Islands in Riung, Spiderweb Rice field in Ruteng and Wae Rebo Village.

Before you plan a tour, you need to know how to get to Flores Island, Indonesia. It is important to know where you better start your trips on Flores island Indonesia. Of course, Flores has many things to offer and it is a world away from the bustle of Bali. And also, it takes just 70 minutes flight from Bali to get to Labuan Bajo and it’s for people looking for a different sort of holiday.  There, you will find deserted white-sand beaches though, as well as curious locals, surreal volcanic lakes and beautiful sunsets.

How to get to Flores Island

The best hub to get to flores is From Denpasar Bali, Surabaya and Jakarta. And the flight from Denpasar to Labuan Bajo, West Flores takes about 1 hour. Certainly, Labuan Bajo is a launching point to explore the island’s interior and visit the giant dragons on Komodo and Rinca Island. In recent years, Labuan Bajo gradually turned into a busy spot because of the divers and the increased number of Komodo visitors. Today, this town offers a wide range of tourist facilities.

There is also another Flight from Bali to Ende or Maumere, where you can land and start exploring the Island from the eastern part of Flores. Maumere offers the unique culture and this district is famous with its Weaving. There we can also go on snorkeling to see the beauty of underwater in Teluk Maumere. Normally the tour continue to Moni to see Kelimutu lake before heading to the west part of the island.

The most attractive sites during Flores Island tours

kelimutu lake flores indonesia

Kelimutu , roughly in the center of Flores, is a popular spot for tourists (well, popular for Flores that is). The three colorful crater lakes (blue, green and black) of this mystical volcano are best seen at sunrise or sunset. Certainly, it is practically empty here compared to the crowds on top of Mount Batur, Bali. Actualy Moni, the small tourist town below the volcano, is a relaxing place to hang out and meet other travelers. There are also some short hikes in the nearby countryside and a chance to see the waterfall.

Seventeen Islands Marine Park in Riung

The Seventeen Islands Marine Park in Riung are uninhabited islands and they are beautiful. The mangrove isle of Pulau Ontoloe hosts a massive colony of flying foxes and a few Komodo dragons. while,  Pulau Rutong and Pulau Temba boast picture-perfect white sand and turquoise waters. There’s great snorkeling near Pulau Tiga, Pulau Laingjawa and Pulau Bakau. But wherever you visit, you won’t be disappointed.

riung flores island tours

Bena Village Bajawa Flores Indonesia

bena village flores island

Bena village , in the megalithic Ngada, Flores Indonesia, precisely in the Village Tiwuriwu, District Aimere. And you can reach Bena village by using rental vehicles from Bajawa with the distance of about 19 km to the south Bajawa. From Labuan Bajo, Bajawa is about 7-8 hours by land transportation.

Location of Bena village is on a hilltop with a backdrop of Mount Inerie. It makes the atmosphere of the village more beautiful and exotic. Its presence at the bottom of the mountain is a hallmark of the old society who believe and revere the mountain as a place of the gods. And the people believe that the existence of god Bena Yeta that have place on Mount Inerie will protect their village.

Ruteng Flores Indonesia

ruteng flores island indonesia

Ruteng , a cool city in the highlands of Flores, is the capital of Manggarai district. This small town is attached to the gentle slopes of the northern side of the green mountain range of Mandusawu, at an altitude of 1,200 masl. The temperature in this city of 90,000 inhabitants ranges from 13 ° C – 25 ° C with humidity levels reaching 90%. Apart from the very cold temperatures, Ruteng is a city of rain with a fairly high intensity of 3,340 mm / year.

And Ruteng itself is surrounded by various tourist destinations that must be visited. One of which is the ancient cave of Liang Bua, where fossils of Homo floresiensis or better known as Hobbits from Flores were found. Liang Bua is 30 km from the town of Ruteng and takes 30 minutes.

Wae Rebo Village Flores Indonesia

wae rebo village flores indonesia

Wae Rebo is a beautiful and amazing village. And it is covered by a thin mist throughout the township makes Wae Rebo deserves the epithet ‘village above the clouds’. Geographically, the village is situated above an altitude of 1,200 meters above sea level (m asl).

Wae Rebo is part of the Village Satar Lenda, District Satarmese, West Manggarai regency, Flores. And it is about 2.5 hour driving from Labuan Bajo to the trekking point. The Walking will start from the premises Denge ± 9 km distance which normally takes 2-4 hours, highly dependent on physical condition of each visitor.

Labuan Bajo, Flores Indonesia 

Labuan Bajo is a busy, rough tourist town that looks like it belongs in Bali. And it is on the western tip of Flores Island Indonesia. You will pass through it on the way to Komodo National Park, which is an absolute must-see, even if you aren’t planning on exploring the rest of Flores. Divers flock there for the top-class underwater action but there’s plenty around to keep non-divers happy. You can go on a one-night boat tour around Komodo National Park and see lots of Komodo dragons on Rinca Island but make sure not to get too close. The guides tell you to keep your distance but not everyone listens.

Then, you can go to the “pink beach”, a popular snorkeling spot. The reef, located just off the beach (which is actually pink), is home to hundreds of colorful fish of all shapes and sizes. As the day drew to a close, you can see dolphins jumping from the ocean as the sun going down.


flores island tour


  • Flores Highlights
  • Cycling Tours
  • Trekking Tours

flores island tour

  • Kelimutu Lake Discovery
  • Wae Rebo Experiences

komodo island tour


  • Discover Flores Komodo
  • Highlights of Flores & Komodo
  • Wae Rebo Komodo Tour
  • Kelimutu Komodo Package Tour

komodo dragon tour


  • 2D1N Komodo
  • Komodo Highlights Tour
  • Liveaboard Tour
  • Diving around Komodo

Jalan Frans Nala

[email protected]

Tours to Komodo Island, Flores Indonesia

Tours to Komodo island Indonesia are specially for you who desire to encounter the Komodo Dragons. Komodo island is a biggest island inside of Komodo National Park. Our tours to Komodo island will bring you to discover Komodo dragons and explore the best places to visit. And also doing the best activities inside Komodo National Park.

Komodo Dragon is the star of the show in Komodo National Park. But the natural spectacle in Komodo National Park goes beyond those dangerous lizards. All the top things to do in Komodo Islands are related to nature, so be prepared for an overdose of stunning views, crystal clear water, colored corals, curious fishes, giant bats, sun and sweat. The perfect combination for an unforgettable adventure trip to Komodo island.

Certainly, Tours to Komodo island are for adventure seekers. Therefore, you need to plan well your trip to Komodo island. There are many awesome spots inside Komodo National Park. We offer many kinds of tours to Komodo island. You can choose Komodo Package Tours, Komodo Liveaboard Tours and Komodo Day tours to discover Komodo Dragon Island in Komodo National Park.

Our Tours to Komodo Island aim to explore Komodo National Park which include three major islands: Komodo, Rinca and Padar as well as numerous smaller islands. It is creating a total surface area (marine and land) of 1817km (proposed extensions would bring the total surface area up to 2,321km2). Our Komodo Tours only offer the best things to explore Komodo National park. Whether it is about how we can meet the Dragon in Komodo and Rinca Island or how we can enjoy swimming with Manta rays or just snorkel around the fabulous Pink beach.

komodo dragon

Flores Traveler

Get Lost in Flores (11D10N)

4 days and 3 nights in flores, flores and komodo tour 9d/8n, flores overland tour 7d/6n, flores pilgrim tour, flores indigenous experience, komodo tour 3d/2n, wae rebo and komodo tour 6d/5n, wae rebo 3d2n tour, fast response.

  • Chat WhatsApp
  • Irwan +6285338191030
  • Erland +6281387010347
  • [email protected]
  • Langgo Kopi, Kelurahan Carep, Kecamatan Langke Rembong, Manggarai Kode Pos: 86519

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Overland Flores

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Waerebo Overland Flores tour paket wisata

Paket Wisata Overland Flores

Overland adalah perjalanan menggunakan mobil. Saat overland setiap malamnya kita akan menginap di tempat yang berbeda, jadi barang bawaan akan selalu dibawa, kecuali saat menuju Waerebo karena barang-barang yang tidak dibutuhkan bisa ditinggal di mobil. Saat overland, jarak tempuh antar destinasi terbilang jauh, jadi siapkan fisik dan stamina yang baik. Kebanyakan yang disinggahi adalah daerah berhawa sejuk, jadi bawalah jacket. Suhu di Waerebo berkisar 18 Derajat. Di Waerebo sudah ada listrik dan kamar mandi umum.

Berikut beberapa daerah yang akan dikunjungi, daearah dipilih berdasarkan waktu dan spot-spot terbaik di Flores Desa Adat Waerebo, Bajawa, Kampung Adat Bena,Blue Stone Beach, Ende,Moni, Kelimutu, Maumere

Flores adalah pulau besar yang indah sekaligus menakjubkan. Sedikit orang yang tahu bahwa nama asli pulau ini adalah Nusa Nipa (Pulau Ular). Terletak di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur, Flores merupakan pulau yang panjang seluas 14.300 km² dan menyimpan rahasia terbaik dunia, menunggu siapapun untuk datang dan menjelajahinya.

Portugis yang mengawali penyebutan Flores, yaitu dari kata Cabo de Flores yang artinya Tanjung Bunga. Penamaan Flores telah ada selama empat abad yang lalu, bahkan berikutnya Pemerintah Hindia Belanda enggan mengubahnya dan bertahan hingga saat ini.

Bersama Alor dan Pantar, Flores merupakan rangkaian dari cincin gunung api di Nusantara dan secara geologis tidak stabil dimana hampir setiap tahun terjadi gempa. Oleh karena itu, Flores adalah salah satu wilayah di Indonesia yang rawan gempa dan hanya dapat ditandingi oleh Pulau Sumatera dan Pulau Jawa. Akan tetapi, di balik geografisnya yang menjadi bagian dari rangkaian gunung api, Flores menyembunyikan keindahannya di balik bayangan hingar bangarnya Bali yang mendunia.

Gunung api berderet terbentang di pulau sepanjang 450 km ini menciptakan bukit-bukit yang membentuk huruf V. Permukaan tanah membumbung berujung tajam memamerkan kemegahan bukit dan kaki gunung dimana di sanalah berdiam berbagai kelompok suku (ama). Warisan budaya dari zaman batu suku di Flores akan mencengangkan siapapun yang datang.

Saat ini banyak wisatawan hanya mengenal Labuan Bajo, lalu berujung pada kunjungan ke Pulau Komodo, Rinca dan Padar. Padahal, ketika Anda disodorkan keajaiban di Taman Nasional Komodo maka telah menunggu di bagian timur-nya kemegahan dan keindahan Flores yang mengagumkan. Bukan tanah kering dan tandus melainkan bukit, gunung, dan lembah menghijau yang sangat luar biasa.

Flores menyuguhkan beragam atraksi yang takan pernah habis. Anda dapat berenang di lautannya yang membiru jernih atau di danau dan air terjun yang masih alami, menyelam di salah satu titik dari 50 tempat bawah air spektakuler, bermain kayak diantara pantai mangrove dan tebing terjal. Di daratnya, Anda dapat menjelajahi gua misterius dan disambut hangat masyarakat setempat melalui upacara ritual. Budaya dan keramahannya sudah cukup membenamkan kesan mendalam dan kenangan untuk diceritakan sepulangnya nanti.

Nah, apabila itu belum cukup maka Anda dapat menerobos belantara pepohonan dan curamnya bukit untuk melihat langsung kehidupan masyarakat adat dari zaman batu. Ya, desa tradisional di Flores akan terus bertahan dari gerusan zaman yang dapat mencerabutkan nilai-nilai nenek moyang. Di sini dibina kearifan lokal dari rumah adat, cara menenun, meramu makanan, hingga sistem adat kekeluargaan yang amat di junjung tinggi. Itu semua diikat atas dasar kesamaan tempat tinggal atau kampung.

Pulau Flores dikelilingi pantai berpasir putih, bahkan adayang pasir pantainya berwarna pink. Di bawah lautnya Anda akan menemukan kehidupan bawah air paling eksotik di dunia. Menyelaminya akan membawa Anda bertemu mantaray besar, lumba-lumba dan ikan duyung. Untuk waktu tertentu paus dapat dilihat saat bermigrasi melalui pantai timur Flores.

Pulau Flores tidak tersentuh selama berabad-abad, dahulu dihuni manusia dan hewan prasejarah dimana yang kini meninggalkan jejak memfosil. Belakangan, Flores telah menjadi pusat perhatian dunia dengan ditemukannya hobbit flores atau Homo floresiensis, yaitu spesies manusia prasejarah yang ditemukan di Gua Liang Bua.

Di ujung timur Flores, Larantuka terkenal dengan ritual minggu Paskah meneruskan warisan budaya Portugis yang dibawa 500 tahun lalu. Sedangkan di Lembata, penghuni pulau memburu paus dengan menggunakan tangan berbekal tombak, melompat dari perahu kecil lalu menghujamkannya ke tubuh paus.

Additional information

Hari 1: labuan bajo – waerebo (l,d), hari 2 : waerebo – bajawa (b,l,d), hari 3 : bajawa – desa adat bena – moni (b,l,d), hari 4 : moni-kelimutu-ende/maumere (b).

Waerebo Overland Flores tour paket wisata

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GET YOUR KOMODO TRIP : Discover Ikan Kayu and Jinggo Janggo

Isolation Redefined


Create your journey

Say Hello to Flores!

The Komodo tour packages by Hello Flores will take you to another world, Heaven on Earth, from an island to another, from a paradise to another. Hello Flores aims to gather the most exciting things to do and the most beautiful places to explore in Flores island and the Komodo National Park , a UNESCO world heritage. Hello Flores will help you make your trip your ultimate travel experience and the best Komodo Island tour you can find! Discover more about Flores, Komodo liveaboard and our Komodo Island trip from Labuan Bajo, which offer unique Komodo tour packages and cruising experiences beyond expectations. Welcome to Hello Flores, where your journey begins!

Liveaboard Itineraries | Hello Flores

An invitation to paradise

Flores is one of Indonesia’s greatest and most fascinating islands, as it remains preserved from tourist crowds. Forged by active volcanoes and eroded by the ocean, Flores has many secrets to offer. Come and discover untouched waterfalls, breathtaking islands like Padar Island and Komodo Island , lakes and pink beaches, or visit traditional villages deep into the mountains. Flores is also a world class dive site and the home of prehistoric animals, the Komodo dragons. Flores is a land of diversity which has something to offer for everyone.

Find Your Next Ultimate Cruise In Flores

At Hello Flores, our passion is exploring the vast waters of Indonesia. Our team of travel experts has carefully tested and selected the best and safest boats to offer a wide range of options for both private charters and cabin trips.

One Trip to Komodo, Many Experiences

Imagine  swimming with giant mantas  and turtles, diving in one of the world's most renowned dive sites, hiking up to the island’s summit to watch breathtaking sunrises, exploring savannah and looking for the largest lizard on earth, resting on pink sand beaches and relaxing in crystal-clear waters, or spotting whales off the coast...

Cruising through the Komodo National Park with  our brand new Komodo liveaboard  is a unique and unforgettable adventure! The Hello Flores team will make your trip the best Flores tour package you can have! All you have to do is pack your bags and get on board, adventure is calling!

Flores Island Trekking | Hello Flores

What Travelers Say

“This is the best holiday in my life. We were in Flores and Komodo with Hello Flores fora sailing trip around Komodo National Park. I never imagine what we find there. Kindlypeople, beautiful boat, perfect cooling, perfect crew, perfect guide.The best holiday inmy life!"

“Flawless. This was the most amazing holiday experience. 12 friends had a ball. Thecrew was fantastic. Unforgettable.”

"Unforgettable experience ! We had our first liveabroad experience last week and thanks to Hello Flores everything was perfect. The team was super helpful and gave us some precious advices to choose our boat and itinerary. We stayed on Manta Mae luxury phinisi boat and don’t regret our choice, the staff on board was caring and the activities were customised to our needs. We highly recommend to book a trip with Hello Flores."

Cynthia & Steve @thehoneydreamers

“We decided to go to Flores / Komodo at the last minute on a 4D3N live aboard. Hello Flores was quick to respond and very helpful. Everything was flawless from airport pick-up / transfer to boat and back. They provided a few options and made it happen! Our family had a great time!”

“Thanks to Hello Flores for providing the best experience to discover the Komodo islands. Me and my friends had an amazing trip there !”

“We have to go on a sail trip for 2D1N with family and Hello Flores are very helpful to arrange the schedule and find a great phinisi for us. The phinisi was so great, the service is very good, and the owner is very flexible so we can enjoy the short sailing trip. We would love a whole package that hello flores to give us. We will plan to be back soon. Thanks Hello Flores.”

A Flores Komodo Tour to the Unspoilt Heaven

"Flores" means "flower" in Portuguese, a name given by its 16th-century colonists as they found flowering Flame Tree on the island. Well, the name suits very well with the blooming beauty of Flores we have known today.

Komodo Island tours from Bali are very easy to organise, only 1 hour and a half flight from the airport of Denpasar and you will arrive in  Labuan Bajo , a small port town and launching point to  Rinca Island ,  Komodo Island  and other nearby islands. Almost every trade and commerce take place here, including a range of accommodations, shops, and western restaurants, leaving the rest of the island living harmoniously with nature. No traffic jam and rush hours to hold you stuck in the streets, not many shoulders to bump in the beach, and it almost feels like the whole island is yours. You can also enjoy the area with a Labuan Bajo trip to discover the hidden canyons and waterfalls near by. A perfect first day is paradise!

Flores Island redefines the means of isolation. With a neatly-arranged  Komodo tour package , it’s easy to dwell in an illusion of wandering in a lost paradise under the dome of the clear blue sky, between the vast hills, and among the quiet pristine beaches bordering the Flores Ocean in an impressive gradient of blue.

Raw & Wonderful Flores

The rawness nature and centuries-old cultural heritage are what awaits you in Flores. As soon as our Komodo trip package  hits the road, you will be surrounded by dramatic green mountains, the sun unveils its lush jungle, it almost feels unreal. A while after crossing flowing green, you will feel like being transported into Africa with vast savannah around. Sometimes, you may ask yourself, “am I still in Indonesia?”

In the center of the island, the cloud-ringed  Kelimutu Mountain  loomed from afar, its top hold the striking three-colored lake. As if it’s not magical enough, the colors of the lakes are known to change almost whimsically, ranging from shades of green, blue, white, to red, black, and brown. Crystal clear water runs from the mountain into every rivers, waterfalls, and cave lake to end in the ocean without losing its clarity.

The raw beauty of Flores doesn’t stop here; it extends into small neighbor islands and Komodo tour package will take you sailing from island to island to discover them all.  Kelor Island  will take your breath away with its two soft sandy beaches and panoramic view to Flores, Rinca and other islands around. The Pirate Bay or  Gili Lawa Darat  island offers a breathtaking view and incredible water activities with a chance to see a humpback or blue whale. And wait until you get into  Padar Island , where three bays of curved beaches pushed from both sides of green bumpy hills. At your left, blushed pink beach and black beach sits stunningly side by side. On your left is pristine white beach, and all are calling you to climb down to the coast. A visual feast by nature, feels so surreal it’s almost like waking up in Neverland.

Komodo Island Trip: Meet the Komodo Dragons

The dragon lives beyond the legend. They might not have a pair of broad wings to roam in the vast sky or breathe fire. Instead, they creep on the crisp land with their massive, scaly body, and armored with razor sharp teeth and venomous saliva. They are famous by the name “Ora”, means “land crocodile”, among the locals. And yes, though they can’t fly, these giant beast are gifted with swimming prowess.

Growing to 8 - 10 feet (3 meters) in length, seeing this giant lizard is truly one kind of experience. Seeing them sitting lazily under the sun is enough to make your heart beat ten times faster, but if you are lucky, you might see them feed on deer or piglet in the morning. Living in Komodo island, Rinca, and Padar, this terrifying dragon offers a breathtaking trip which requires well-grounded guide from rangers to keep you safe. A Komodo island tour can take up into the trek, as the Komodo National Park itself consists of the main island of Komodo, Rinca, and Padar. Komodo island tour price itself can vary depending on the itineraries you take, but each offers gratifying experience.

Being one of the New Seven Wonder of Nature and Indonesia’s national animal, Komodo dragon is what make Flores gain its initial popularity. They even say that you’ve never really landed on Flores until you see these endangered species by your own eyes, so a trip to Komodo Island really is a must for every traveler’s bucket list. Take a Komodo Island trip to the only place in the world where you can see Komodo dragons in the wild

They Trust Us, We Love Them

wonderful indonesia | Hello Flores

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Photo Credits: Hello Flores - Wahyu Mahendra - Bryn North - Flow Gicquel

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Tour the Flores

Make your dream vacation come true with us travel totheflores.com, best destinations.

We have compiled tour packages with the best destinations in Flores

Complete Facilities

We provide complete and well-maintained facilities so that your trip is safe and comfortable

Professional Guide

We are local guides which of course are not in doubt as your travel guide in Flores

The prices we offer are always cheap and you can make an offer by contacting us now

Welcome to Tourtheflores.com We are a higly recommended and trusted local tour operator based in Labuan Bajo, Flores – East Nusa Tenggara. Now we start again our tour service to serve your tour to Komodo and Flores island.

We have professional and experience team to focus on your satisfaction. We do not put the price on our tour packages, the price is depending on the boat used such as Phinisi boat, semi Phinisi boat, and standard boat (with Air condition and no AC) and the tour duration. You will know the price by correspondence with us to book the tour. The tour program and itinerary are flexible and be customized according to your requested based on the place being visited. We would love to help you, makes your money values with the unforgettable experience and memories with us on your life.

We also organize tour from Cruiseship when it’s coming to Komodo island. The tour will do trek to see komodo dragons on their natural in Komodo island and combine with world class snorkeling in Pink sandy beach. Let’s come and enjoy your holiday with us.

Packages Culture

Packages oversea, packages overland, special packages komodo, 4 days 3 nights komodo tour, 3d2n komodo on board komodo tour package, 3d2n wae rebo tour wae rebo village tour, 3d2n komodo tour and city tour, half day sunset tour, komodo and rinca tours (2d / 1n over night on boat), komodo flores overland 9d8n, flores overland tour 6d/5n, flores overland tour 5 d/4 n, flores adventure tour 4d/3n, labuan bajo sunset, 1 day tour to komodo national park with local wooden boat, special packages overland, boat trip komodo.

Get a special package service by going around Komodo Island by using a private Seed boat and a boat with a duration of one day, suitable for those of you who don’t have much free time

Please contact us now to get complete information for your trip, including what you need to prepare, including prices, etc

  • Labuan Bajo, Kec. Komodo, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Tim., Indonesia
  • +62 812-3775-1136
  • [email protected]

Special Packages

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Tour Package 6 days 5 nights Komodo and Waerebo

Dinner included

1. Pick up at the airport with our choice guide

2. Car according to guest capacity

3. Transportation to the port

4. Kelor Island (trekking)

5. Manjarite (snorkeling)

6. Kalong Rinca (relaxing on the boat watching the sunset and incredible nightly bat migration)

7. Pulau kambing (stay overnight on the boat)

Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner included

1. Padar Island (trekking)

2. Long beach (snorkeling)

3. Komodo Island (trekking)

4. Taka Makasar (snorkeling)

5. Siaba Island (stay overnight on the boat)

1. Manta point (snorkeling)

2. Sebayur (snorkeling)

3. Kanawa island (snorkeling)

4. Labuan bajo (stay overnight in a local hotel)

1. Labuan Bajo (car ride)

2. Dintor (Lunch)

3. Waerebo village (stay in a traditional house or mabaru niang)

1. Waerebo village

2. Dintor (lunch)

3. Cancar (spider rice field)

4. Labuan bajo (back to labuan bajo stay at hotel)

Breakfast and Lunch included

1. Mirror Rock cave

2. Labuan bajo souvenir shop

3. Chck in Airport

Price for this package Includes:

1. Car according to guest capacity

2. Tour guide

3. Hotel in Labuan Bajo

4. Rent a boat for a sailing trip 

5. Food and drink during trip

6. Snorkeling equipment

7. Cost of staying at Wae Rebo

8. Food and drink at Wae Rebo

9. Porter to Wae Rebo

10. Motorbike transfer from dintor to pos 1.

11. Traditional Ceremony at Wae Rebo.

Price for this package Excludes:

1. Your round trip plane ticket to Flores 

2. National Park entry tickets (Padar and Komodo entrance tickets)

3. Insurance

5. Personal expenses (e.g. souvenirs, etc.)

Tinggalkan Komentar Kamu

Komodo Tour Packages : Flores Prestine tour

Need More Info ?

Welcome to flores pristine tour, enjoy the privilege of having comfortable journey with flores pristine tour & travel, satisfaction, trust, positivity, conviction, loyalty, commitment, feeling, fexperience.

Flores Pristine Tour & Travel is local and legal tour operator which is based in Labuan Bajo, West Flores Regency-Indonesia. Here we are Flores Pristine Tour team stand on own and first hand company with high quality, professionalism, experienced and knowledgeable local tour guide who could speak any languages, to serve you to explore pristine destinations of East Nusa Tenggara Province such as, Flores Island-Komodo National Park-Sumba Island-Alor Island and Rote Island of Indonesia .

East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia is one of the most attractive in Indonesia. Long hidden in the shadows of its more well-known close to Bali and Lombok Island. East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia is finally emerging as more unique destinations of its own to explore marvel much more about of the wonders of Flores Island, Komodo National Park, Sumba Island, Alor Island and Rote Island.

Flores Pristine Tour are mastery Rent Car with the Driver in Labuan Bajo, Flores Island and Sumba Island-Flores Overland Tour Packages- -Sumba Overland Tour Packages- Rote Island Tour Packages-Alor Island Tour Packages and Komodo National Park Boat Tour Packages visits, pristine nature, under water (snorkeling), beaches, countryside, historical places, traditional house, mount trekking, birds watching, and so much more.

Moreover, Flores Pristine Tour in real action, our company is purpose-driven. It means that to achieve or to do something for local people and maintenance social relationship and Flores Pristine Tour brings positive benefit to local community where our customer visited. We have motto “the goal our company is to have customer service is not just the best, but legendary”.

paket tour flores

Labuan Bajo, Komodo Private Boat Tours

Full day cruise to komodo national park by private fast boat., komodo island shore excursion for cruise line passenger , 2d1n attractive komodo tour, 3d2n. gorgeous komodo tours, 4d3n komodo fabulous tours, 5 days 4 nights komodo terrific snorkeling tours, komodo sharing cost tours, full day tour to komodo national park by fast boat., 2 days and 1 night komodo sharing cost trip (open trip), 3 days and 2 nights komodo sharing cost trip (open trip), wae rebo village tours, 2 days and 1 night charming wae rebo village tour, 6d5n. excellent komodo-wae rebo tours, flores overland and komodo oversea combine tours ( east flores to west part of flores island), 6d5n. great flores overland-komodo national park tour, 7d6n. wonderful flores overland-komodo tour, 8d7n. beautiful flores overland-komodo tour, 9d8n. terrific flores overland-komodo oversea tour, flores pristine island tours start from east flores to west of flores island, 4d3n. from east flores to west of flores labuan bajo, 5d4n. flores pristine island tour, 6d5n. flores pristine island tour, 7d6n. flores pristine island adventure, flores pristine island tours start from west flores to east of flores island, 4d3n. flores overland tour, 5d4n. flores overland tour, plan b 5d4n. flores overland tour, 6d5n. flores overland tour, 7d6n. flores overland tour, flores_pristine.

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WhatsApp Image 2018-02-09 at 14.58.43


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Discover Labuan Bajo-Flores Island with Flores Pristine Car Rentals

Labuan Bajo Rent Car- Flores Rent Car with Driver

Flores Pristine Car rental service in Labuan Bajo, Flores Island, Indonesia for all your transportation needs. Whether you are traveling for business, pleasure and event. Our car rental with professional driver it will helps you to get where you need to go in comfort and style.

In additional, Flores Pristine Car Rental-Labuan Bajo Rent Car rates competitive and flexible rental options to suit your travel plans and other needs in Labuan Bajo, Flores Island, Indonesia. Whether you need a rental car with the driver for a few days or several weeks to explore Labuan Bajo or whole Flores Island with our driver, we can accommodate your needs.

Flores Pristine Car Rental with the driver offer a wide range of vehicles to choose, from standard cars to luxury and so much more, we have multi cars option rental in Labuan Bajo, Flores, Indonesia to fit your needs and budget. All of our vehicles are well-maintained, clean and regularly serviced, ensuring that you have a safe and comfortable. When you rent a car with Flores Pristine Car Rental in Labuan Bajo, Flores Island, Indonesia, you can rest assured that you are getting excellent service and professional. Our driver team are experienced and professionals. Ours driver dedicated to making your rent car with the driver experience as smooth and stress-free as possible. We are always available to any cars request to provide assistance whenever you need it.

Elevate your experience with us, where convenience and style seamlessly converge. Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal, making Top-tier the preferred choice for premium, short-term vehicle rentals in Labuan Bajo-Flores Island. Choose us for a seamless and exceptional journey through the winding road, narrow and has many bends roads of Labuan Bajo, Flores Island. Our admin is quick response and easy to allowing you to reserve your rental car with driver in Labuan Bajo or rent a car to discover whole Flores Island, Indonesia.

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Mobil New Hiace Premio

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Wisata Utama Pulau Flores

Wisata labuan bajo, melihat langsung komodo, phinisi tour labuan bajo, keindahan wae rebo, “ pesona flores siap melayani liburan anda selama di labuan bajo, pulau komodo dan pulau flores ”.

Paket Trip Labuan Bajo

Paket Trip Labuan Bajo

Paket Trip Labuan Bajo, Labuan bajo tour, open trip Labuan bajo

One Day Trip Labuan Bajo

One Day Trip Labuan Bajo

Labuan Bajo Tour, Open Trip Labuan Bajo, Komodo Tour, Open Trip Komodo, Labuan Bajo 1 Hari Tour

Open Trip Labuan Bajo 3D2N

Open Trip Labuan Bajo 3D2N

Open trip Labuan bajo, Labuan Bajo tour, Open trip komodo, Sharing tour Labuan bajo

Paket Tour Murah Labuan Bajo

Paket Tour Murah Labuan Bajo

Paket Tour Murah Labuan Bajo, Open Trip Labuan Bajo, Komodo Sailing Tour

Labuan Bajo Luxury Phinisi Sailing Tour

Labuan Bajo Luxury Phinisi Sailing Tour

Labuan Bajo Luxury Phinisi Sailing Tour, Labuan Bajo Phinisi Charter, Phinisi Tour Labuan Bajo

Verssage Phinisi Boat

Verssage Phinisi Boat

Verssage Phinisi Boat, Phinisi Charter Labuan Bajo, Labuan Bajo Phinisi Tour

Labuan Bajo Luxury Tour

Labuan Bajo Luxury Tour

Labuan Bajo Luxury Tour, Labuan Bajo Phinisi Tour, Luxury Phinisi Labuan Bajo

Marvelous Phinisi

Marvelous Phinisi

Marvelous Phinisi, Charter Phinisi Labuan Bajo, Labuan Bajo Phinisi Tour

Arimbi Phinisi

Arimbi Phinisi

Arimbi Phinishi, Charter Phinisi Labuan Bajo, Labuan Bajo Phinisi Tour

Open Trip Labuan Bajo

Open Trip Labuan Bajo

Labuan Bajo Open Trip, Komodo Sailing Trip, Komodo Sharing Tour

Paket wisata Labuan Bajo Dari Jakarta

Paket wisata Labuan Bajo Dari Jakarta

Komodo Tour Paket, Paket Tour Labuan Bajo Dari Jakarta, Labuan Bajo Tour

Paket Wisata Flores Overland

Paket Wisata Flores Overland

Flores Overland Tour, Pulau Flores Tour, Paket Tour Pulau Flores

Ini Kata Mereka

Lisa  M

Konsultasikan Rencana Liburan anda  di Phone : +62-815-4214-0552

Email : [email protected].

Browse All Tours

Metode Pembyaran

BANK  BCA  : 8465176845

Contact Info

Phone: +62 815-4214-0552 Email: [email protected] Jl. Wae Kelambu, Labuan Bajo Flores NTT Mon – Sun 8.00 – 18.00



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Komodo Trip From Bali | Flores Tours package | Flores Komodo Tour

paket tour flores

Komodo Trip From Bali | Flores Tours package | Flores Komodo Tours

Indonesia Flores Tour , are a local travel agent based in Labuan Bajo on the western end of Flores Island. We offer komodo trip from bali , komodo t our from labuan bajo and flores tours which are set to see the famous Komodo dragon and Flores island , fascinating viewpoints and the incredible under water scenery around Komodo National Park .

The tour programs we provide are flexible and can be customized depending on your special wishes. Please tell us if you have your own program or special requests, we would be happy to arrange the tour that you want.

komodo trip from bali | komodo tour from bali | komodo tours flores komodo tour | flores tours | flores tours package

Sewa Mobil di Flores

Sewa mobil di flores Labuan Bajo, Ruteng Bajawa Ende Maumere rent car murah dan paket wisata komodo

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Paket Tour Flores

Paket Tour Flores

Sewa Mobil Labuan Bajo Flores

By Flores Adventure Trail

FLORES ADVENTURE ! Kini hadir sebagai satu satunya agent  yang khusus menyediakan layanan jasa sewa Mobil Labuan Bajo & Bus di pulau flores dengan starts point di Bandara / Kota Labuan Bajo, Bandara Ende, Bandara Bajawa dan Bandara Maumere . 

paket tour flores

Dari keempat starting  point tersebut, kami melayani rute tujuan ke semua kota serta desa di seluruh pelosok pulau Flores, dari ujung barat hingga ujung timur pulau flores. Kami menawarkan berbagai jenis kendaraan mobil sesuai dengan kapasitas penumpang pada umumnya, di antaranya : Toyota Kijang Innova, Toyota Avanza, Toyota Fortuner, Mitsubishi Pajero, Mitsubishi Strada Triton, Suzuki APV, Daihatsu Xenia, Isuzu Elf 11 seat - 14 seat - 18 seat, Isuzu , Muitsubishi Bus 25 seat.

Kami juga menyediakan kemasan paket wisata keliling flores, mulai dari tour wae rebo , danau kelimutu tour, bajawa, riung, hingga tour religi ziarah ke larantuka flores..

paket tour flores

Sewa Mobil Innova - Harga Murah Rental Mobil Baru + Supir

paket tour flores

Rental Sewa mobil dan bus di Flores Labuan Bajo - Waerebo - Bajawa - Ende - Maumere

Sewa mobil murah dan bus pariwisata di flores, labuan bajo - waerebo - ruteng - bajawa - riung - ende - kelimutu - maumere, flores adventure kini hadir sebagai satu satunya agent  yang khusus menyediakan layanan jasa sewa mobil & bus di pulau flores dengan starts point di bandara / kota labuan bajo, bandara ende, bandara bajawa dan bandara maumere . dari keempat starting  point tersebut, kami melayani rute tujuan ke semua kota serta desa di seluruh pelosok pulau flores, dari ujung barat hingga ujung timur pulau flores. kami menawarkan berbagai jenis kendaraan mobil sesuai dengan kapasitas penumpang pada umumnya, di antaranya : toyota kijang innova, toyota avanza, toyota fortuner, mitsubishi pajero, mitsubishi strada triton, suzuki apv, daihatsu xenia, isuzu elf 11 seat - 14 seat - 18 seat, isuzu panther, muitsubishi bus 25 seat kami juga menyediakan kemasan paket wisata keliling flores, mulai dari wae rebo tour, danau kelimutu tour, bajawa, riung, hingga tour religi ziarah ke larantuka flores. flores adventure | layanan sewa mobil & bus di flores | harga dan pilihan kendaraan pada tabel berikut :.

  • Beban Biaya Empty Run / Lari Kosong : Hanya Untuk Perjalanan start dari Maumere, akan di kenakan biaya empty run, Contoh, sewa mobil 2 Hari, maka biayanya akan menjadi minimal 3 hari.
  • Biaya Makan / Nginap Untuk Driver / Sopir. Khusus untuk perjalanan luar kota, biaya nginap serta makan untuk driver / sopir, di tanggung oleh Penyewa Kendaraan / tamu.
  • RUTE / ARAH PERJALANAN :  Perlu kami tegaskan bahwa kesepakatan rute di awal ( saat pemesanan ) tidak di bolehkan untuk di rubah ke rute yang sangat jauh dan sulit di bandingkan rute awal. Jika terpaksa, kami akan meminta biaya tambahan dengan jumlah yang di sepakati saat perubahan rute terjadi. 
  • Tidak di Perkenankan untuk berkendara di malam hari ( jam 08 malam hingga jam 0430 pagi ). Maksimal berkendara adalah jam 1930 malam atau mendekati jam 8 malam. Dan pagi hari bisa di mulai jam 0430
  • HARGA SEWA :  Harga yang tertera di halaman website kami adalah ongkos sewa per hari, sudah termasuk sopir ( driver ) dan BBM ( bensin / solar ). Harga sewaktu waktu bisa berubah tanpa pemberiatahuan di halaman website kami, oleh karena itu mohon untuk menghubungi kami melalui halaman layanan pelanggan untuk memastikan bahwa harganya masih sama.

Sewa Kapal Labuan Bajo

Paket overland flores 6d5n kelimutu - waerebo.

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ASITA Famtrip The Seven Wonders

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  • Paket Tour Flores Overland 5D4N
  • Paket Tour Komodo 4D3N
  • rental mobil innova
  • Sewa Mobil di Flores
  • sewa mobil labuan bajo

Flores Adventure

Jl. Sriwijaya No.9

Flores - NTT

Phone : +6285230170393

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Your Flores – Paket Tour Labuan Bajo Flores


Di  Meeting Point (Hotel/Bandara di Labuan Bajo) . Anda akan dijemput oleh tim professional kami untuk memulai tour dengan mengunjungi  Goa Batu Cermin.  Hingga selesai anda akan diantar menuju ke Dermaga di Utara Labuan Bajo untuk menyeberang ke Pulau  Goa Rangko  dengan perahu yang sudah kami siapkan. Waktu tempuh penyeberangan kurang lebih 30 menit. Hingga puas beraktifitas di Goa Rangko, Berenang, berphoto dan Makan Siang di Tengah Pulau. Kita akan kembali ke daratan Labuan Bajo untuk melanjutkan perjalanan menuju  Rumah Tenun  Labuan Bajo dan  Mini Musium Tenun NTT . Disini anda dapat melihat proses tenun, mempelajari perbedaan-perbedaan kain tenun khas dari berbagai daerah di NTT, berbelanja souvenir khas Flores, dan mencoba  Kopi Flores ditengah-tengah sawah .

Kemudian dilanjutkan bersantai di  Pantai Waecicu . Menjelang sore, kita bergegas menuju  Bukit Sylvia  untuk menantikan sunset yang apik disini. Setelah itu kita menutup rangkaian perjalanan tour kita hari ini dengan makan malam di  Kampung Ujung , Wisata Kuliner pantai Labuan Bajo. Tour selesai. Kita menuju kembali ke Drop Point (Hotel/Bandara di Labuan Bajo)


  • Transportasi standart pariwisata sesuai dengan jumlah peserta
  • Kapal nelayan untuk ke Goa Rangko
  • Biaya restribusi parkir, Biaya toll, Biaya retribusi tempat wisata
  • Perlengkapan Snorkeling
  • Air Mineral selama tour


  • Harga dapat berubah jika terdapat perubahan harga komponen yang berada di luar toleransi standart, menyesuaikan konsep perjalanan dan alokasi jumlah peserta.
  • Pengeluaran di luar komponen paket wisata menjadi tanggungan peserta tour.
  • Program tour dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu jika berkaitan dengan cuaca
  • Harga tidak termasuk *opt ( optional tour ), atau object tambahan.
  • Harga tidak termasuk kelebihan bahan bakar untuk penjemputan di luar kewajaran.
  • Harga belum termasuk : Tiket Pesawat, Tipping Guide (sukarela), Keperluan Pribadi.

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Tentang Kami

Your flores, +6282332664599, https://beacons.ai/yourflores, download brosur tour flores.

Anda dapat mempelajari paket-paket tour Flores kami dengan rincian tour :

  • Sailing Komodo (Open Trip & Private)
  • City Tour Labuan Bajo
  • Diving Pulau Komodo
  • Flores Land Tour
  • Wae Rebo (Open Trip & Private)
  • Riung 17 Pulau (Open Trip & Private)
  • Danau Kelimutu (Open Trip & Private)

Download brosur di link ini : Brosur Tour Flores

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Moscow Metro Tour

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Moscow metro private tours.

  • 2-hour tour $87:  10 Must-See Moscow Metro stations with hotel pick-up and drop-off
  • 3-hour tour $137:  20 Must-See Moscow Metro stations with Russian lunch in beautifully-decorated Metro Diner + hotel pick-up and drop off. 
  • Metro pass is included in the price of both tours.

Highlight of Metro Tour

  • Visit 10 must-see stations of Moscow metro on 2-hr tour and 20 Metro stations on 3-hr tour, including grand Komsomolskaya station with its distinctive Baroque décor, aristocratic Mayakovskaya station with Soviet mosaics, legendary Revolution Square station with 72 bronze sculptures and more!
  • Explore Museum of Moscow Metro and learn a ton of technical and historical facts;
  • Listen to the secrets about the Metro-2, a secret line supposedly used by the government and KGB;
  • Experience a selection of most striking features of Moscow Metro hidden from most tourists and even locals;
  • Discover the underground treasure of Russian Soviet past – from mosaics to bronzes, paintings, marble arches, stained glass and even paleontological elements;
  • Learn fun stories and myths about Coffee Ring, Zodiac signs of Moscow Metro and more;
  • Admire Soviet-era architecture of pre- and post- World War II perious;
  • Enjoy panoramic views of Sparrow Hills from Luzhniki Metro Bridge – MetroMost, the only station of Moscow Metro located over water and the highest station above ground level;
  • If lucky, catch a unique «Aquarelle Train» – a wheeled picture gallery, brightly painted with images of peony, chrysanthemums, daisies, sunflowers and each car unit is unique;
  • Become an expert at navigating the legendary Moscow Metro system;
  • Have fun time with a very friendly local;
  • + Atmospheric Metro lunch in Moscow’s the only Metro Diner (included in a 3-hr tour)

Hotel Pick-up

Metro stations:.



Prospekt Mira




Revolution Square

Sparrow Hills

+ for 3-hour tour

Victory Park

Slavic Boulevard





Museum of Moscow Metro

  • Drop-off  at your hotel, Novodevichy Convent, Sparrow Hills or any place you wish
  • + Russian lunch  in Metro Diner with artistic metro-style interior for 3-hour tour

Fun facts from our Moscow Metro Tours:

From the very first days of its existence, the Moscow Metro was the object of civil defense, used as a bomb shelter, and designed as a defense for a possible attack on the Soviet Union.

At a depth of 50 to 120 meters lies the second, the coded system of Metro-2 of Moscow subway, which is equipped with everything you need, from food storage to the nuclear button.

According to some sources, the total length of Metro-2 reaches over 150 kilometers.

The Museum was opened on Sportivnaya metro station on November 6, 1967. It features the most interesting models of trains and stations.

Coffee Ring

The first scheme of Moscow Metro looked like a bunch of separate lines. Listen to a myth about Joseph Stalin and the main brown line of Moscow Metro.

Zodiac Metro

According to some astrologers, each of the 12 stops of the Moscow Ring Line corresponds to a particular sign of the zodiac and divides the city into astrological sector.

Astrologers believe that being in a particular zadiac sector of Moscow for a long time, you attract certain energy and events into your life.

Paleontological finds 

Red marble walls of some of the Metro stations hide in themselves petrified inhabitants of ancient seas. Try and find some!

  • Every day each car in  Moscow metro passes  more than 600 km, which is the distance from Moscow to St. Petersburg.
  • Moscow subway system is the  5th in the intensity  of use (after the subways of Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul and Shanghai).
  • The interval in the movement of trains in rush hour is  90 seconds .

What you get:

  • + A friend in Moscow.
  • + Private & customized Moscow tour.
  • + An exciting pastime, not just boring history lessons.
  • + An authentic experience of local life.
  • + Flexibility during the walking tour: changes can be made at any time to suit individual preferences.
  • + Amazing deals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the very best cafes & restaurants. Discounts on weekdays (Mon-Fri).
  • + A photo session amongst spectacular Moscow scenery that can be treasured for a lifetime.
  • + Good value for souvenirs, taxis, and hotels.
  • + Expert advice on what to do, where to go, and how to make the most of your time in Moscow.

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  • Preplanned tours
  • Daytrips out of Moscow
  • Themed tours
  • Customized tours
  • St. Petersburg

Moscow Metro

The Moscow Metro Tour is included in most guided tours’ itineraries. Opened in 1935, under Stalin’s regime, the metro was not only meant to solve transport problems, but also was hailed as “a people’s palace”. Every station you will see during your Moscow metro tour looks like a palace room. There are bright paintings, mosaics, stained glass, bronze statues… Our Moscow metro tour includes the most impressive stations best architects and designers worked at - Ploshchad Revolutsii, Mayakovskaya, Komsomolskaya, Kievskaya, Novoslobodskaya and some others.

What is the kremlin in russia?

The guide will not only help you navigate the metro, but will also provide you with fascinating background tales for the images you see and a history of each station.

And there some stories to be told during the Moscow metro tour! The deepest station - Park Pobedy - is 84 metres under the ground with the world longest escalator of 140 meters. Parts of the so-called Metro-2, a secret strategic system of underground tunnels, was used for its construction.

During the Second World War the metro itself became a strategic asset: it was turned into the city's biggest bomb-shelter and one of the stations even became a library. 217 children were born here in 1941-1942! The metro is the most effective means of transport in the capital.

There are almost 200 stations 196 at the moment and trains run every 90 seconds! The guide of your Moscow metro tour can explain to you how to buy tickets and find your way if you plan to get around by yourself.


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  8. Home

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  10. Your Flores

    08.00 - 21.00. MINGGU. 08.00 - 21.00. Sekilas Tentang Kami. Your Flores adalah penyedia jasa Paket Tour Labuan Bajo Flores yang fokus melayani paket trip Labuan Bajo di Pulau Flores. Sebuah travel organizer resmi dibawah naungan PT. Santoso Mahakarya Wisata. Berdiri sejak tahun 2014. Tentunya profesionalitas kami sangat bisa dipertanggungjawabkan.

  11. Paket Pilihan Archive

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  12. WAE REBO

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  14. Brosur Tour Archive

    SAILING KOMODO OPEN TRIP (1, 2, DAN 3 HARI) Type : pdf. Silahkan download disini jika anda membutuhkan paket tour dengan open trip (tour gabungan dengan peserta lain) di Labuan Bajo dengan kegiatan Sailing Komodo. Beberapa pilihannya antara lain : 1 Hari Tour kapal kayu (Open Deck) berangkat setiap hari. 1 Hari Tour speedboat berangkat setiap hari.


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  16. Home

    Paket Tour Murah Labuan Bajo, Open Trip Labuan Bajo, Komodo Sailing Tour. 10 Hours. Private Charter. Start IDR 189.000.000. Labuan Bajo Luxury Phinisi Sailing Tour. ... Flores Overland Tour, Pulau Flores Tour, Paket Tour Pulau Flores. 6 days. Ini Kata Mereka. Liburan Menyenangkan Bersama Kami

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    Indonesia Flores Tour, are a local travel agent based in Sanur Bali and Labuan Bajo,Flores island,East Nusa Tenggara. Indonesia Flores Tour.com Owned and operated under authority of PT.indonesia Flores Tour.Established on 2015 and has been registered to Ministry of Law and Human Rights with sertification number of sole trader or sole proprietorship: AHU-007423.AH.01.30.Tahun 2022

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    Kami juga menyediakan kemasan paket Wisata keliling flores, mulai dari Tour Wae Rebo , Danau Kelimutu Tour, Bajawa, Riung, Hingga Tour religi ziarah ke larantuka flores. FLORES ADVENTURE | Layanan Sewa Mobil & Bus di Labuan Bajo| Harga dan Pilihan Kendaraan pada tabel berikut : Mobil: 6 Jam: 12 Jam: In/Out Airport: Kijang Innova Grand:


    Anda dapat mempelajari paket-paket tour Flores kami dengan rincian tour : Sailing Komodo (Open Trip & Private) City Tour Labuan Bajo. Diving Pulau Komodo. Flores Land Tour. Wae Rebo (Open Trip & Private) Riung 17 Pulau (Open Trip & Private) Danau Kelimutu (Open Trip & Private) Download brosur di link ini :

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    Moscow Metro. The Moscow Metro Tour is included in most guided tours' itineraries. Opened in 1935, under Stalin's regime, the metro was not only meant to solve transport problems, but also was hailed as "a people's palace". Every station you will see during your Moscow metro tour looks like a palace room. There are bright paintings ...

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