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Watch: Uhura Jokes With Spock And Meets Hemmer In Clips From ‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Episode 2

uhura star trek spock

| May 11, 2022 | By: Staff 70 comments so far

“Children of the Comet,” episode two of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, debuts on Thursday. And now there are a couple of new clips to get you started.

Uhura jokes with Spock

In “Children of the Comet” Spock and Uhura are part of a landing party who find an ancient alien relic buried on a comet. And as they investigate Uhura tries out a joke. Check out the new clip (via Collider )…

Uhura meets Hemmer

Episode 2 also introduces the Aenar chief engineer Hemmer, played by Bruce Horak. Nerdist has an interview with the actor, along with this clip…

“Children of the Comet” debuts on Paramount+ on Thursday, May 12.

Previously released clip:

Last week’s episode of The Ready Room includes a clip from the episode featuring Uhura meeting Hemmer [at 29:15]. [Also available internationally at ]

 New episodes of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds debut on Thursdays exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., Latin America, Australia and the Nordics. The series airs on Bell Media’s CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave in Canada. In New Zealand, it is available on TVNZ , and in India on  Voot Select .  Strange New Worlds  will arrive via Paramount+ in select countries in Europe when the service launches later this year, starting with the UK and Ireland in June.

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So far so good, I am excited for a new episode.

I became more excited about this show when they revealed an Aenar would be part of the cast. They were so interesting on Enterprise in the short time they were there, but I didn’t think we would ever seem them again. So can’t wait to learn more about them. Hemmer seems like he will be a lot of fun to watch.

They really fleshed out the Andorians in Enterprise. I’d love to see more of that and perhaps an updated return to their home world.

I am wondering if Shran is still alive. Would love to see him appear in SNW in some way.

Yes, I would love to see Shran.

More, given that there are less than 1000 Aenar alive at this point, and that Shran married into the Aenar community, it would be a stretch for the two not to know one another.

This is one callback that makes more sense than not.

Bruce Horik has said that he really hopes to meet Jeffrey Combs at some point, and studied his portrayal of Shran when prepping for his own portrayal of Hemmer.

“In ‘Children of the Comet’ Spock and Uhura are part of a landing party who find an ancient alien relic buried on a comet. And as they investigate Uhura tries out a joke.”

Uhura to Spock: “If this were an alternate timeline, you and I could be lovers.”

I love that clip with Hemmer, not just because Hemmer’s bringing the Odo-like gruffness I enjoy, but also because of its feel. The crew’s just chillin’ in Pike’s quarters, making food. Pike’s basting a rack of ribs, Hemmer’s cutting veggies, everyone’s socializing…it feels homey, comfortable and inviting.

I actually think it’s Shran-like gruffness. There’s some in the intonation Bruce Horik is using that is resonant of Jeffrey Combs as Shran.

I’m not sure which article this post should go with, so I’ll randomly place it here. Maybe this has been discussed already.

I didn’t watch season 2 of Disco, so I don’t know all the details of Control and why Discovery traveled to the future. I do know that no one was supposed to know that they did; the “official” story was that the ship was destroyed. A few people — Sarek and Amanda, and I think Pike, Spock, and Number One — did know, and were sworn to secrecy. In TNG, Sarek mind-melded with Picard. Does a mind-meld necessarily mean that both participants know everything the other one knows, meaning that Picard knows that Discovery wasn’t destroyed but went to the future?

Probably not. Vulcans are good at hiding things.

That knowledge might be somewhere in Picard’s brain, but he probably isn’t consciously aware of it.

Thanks for the replies. It might also be relevant that Picard was assimilated by the Borg *after* he mind-melded with Sarek. So it seems likely that to whatever degree Picard knows everything Sarek knows* (which has not been established), the Borg know it too. Again, I don’t know much about the Control business and “the sphere,” but it seems like stuff the Borg might be interested in.

*W hich ideally would not include memories of his wedding night with Amanda.

TNG sucks, best forgotten except for the time Picard ended up with the collective and destroyed half the TNG Starfleet at Wolf 359 before they then proceeded to detooth the Borg that they too sucked.

Another possibility is that the Discovery crew mucks around with timelines while in the future or jumping around in time and erases themselves from existence so that everybody forgets about them. We know at some point the Discovery is sitting abandoned in space and everybody has disappeared from it.

Another thought: TNG time is about 100–125 years after Disco time. Who in TNG time cares if Discovery went to the future? Didn’t that Israeli admiral tell Saru and Burnham, when he doubted their bona fides, that according to history, Discovery *did* blow up? So if Picard knew the truth, maybe he never told anyone.

I’m just curious but do they eat meat in the future, or not? I thought TNG claimed meat eating was a thing of the past, so are those real ribs that Pike is basting, or fake ribs? I know the answer isn’t of much consequence, but as I said, I’m just curious!

Like so much of Star Trek, it probably just depends on the writers. ;)

And to be fair, this was a century before TNG, so it IS the past from that POV. You can argue they stopped eating real meat sometime in the 23rd century or maybe when replicators became a common feature on Earth.

But they had replicators on TOS Enterprise.

I have always had people tell me those weren’t replicators, just machines making the food in the back or something. But yeah, I always thought they were too, but no one just ever said it explicitly.

Now you’ve created some uncertainty in my memory…lol.

OK, just verified, you are right — they had food synethsizers…so that food was likely not as high quality as replicated food.

This make the Captain’s BBQ scene more acceptable to me now, as long as they used grown meat/ribs.

That makes sense too. And I always assumed replicators became more common for everyone by the 24th century but it probably was invented earlier.

It would make sense that humans in Star Trek would eat meat only if it was replicated/synthesised. It’s obviously much more humane (removes the need to raise and kill millions of animals), and much better for the environment too. Given the recent significant real-life increase in veganism in the West, you can interpret dietary attitudes of Trek’s future humans as a realistic extrapolation of that. Presumably replicated meat in particular could also be made healthier and more nutritious than the real thing, since it’s artificial and you can fine-tune the ingredients.

Klingons may be a different matter ;) But since they’re more carnivourous than humans, access to plenty of meat via replicators without having to carry frozen meat supplies on warships or engage in empire-wide livestock farming would obviously make life a lot easier for them too.

PS. Thank you very much for your detailed reply to my 15 points about PIC Season 2 on the other thread. Much appreciated. Apart from a couple of brief comments I’d mostly stayed away from posting anything on Trekmovie for a few months, because I intended to binge-watch Season 2 once the whole thing was available and I wanted to avoid spoilers here.

A quick note about the “off-topic” conversations we’ve been having: Congress is going to have a public hearing about UAPs/UFOs etc next Tuesday, the first such event in decades. Two top Pentagon officials are going to give testimony, and senior Congress figures like Adam Schiff are involved too. Should be worth checking out if you can.

“ I have always had people tell me those weren’t replicators, just machines making the food in the back or something.”

Yeah, maybe it was like the Automat.

Food synthesizers. Not nearly as sophisticated, more like 3-D printing.

Did you see the Amazon Prime series “Upload,” which takes place in 2033? They were “3-D printing” food.

Spock ate meat when he was in Sarpeidon’s ice age with Mariette Hartley. I had the impression he specifically avoided eating meat in the 23d century, which could suggest that meat was available to be eaten.

I think it’s more likely that the ribs are grown directly, not from butchered animals.

Still, this trend in Trek series’ now of having a lot of real cooking and dismissing the replicators as subpar food I’m just not down with. First of all, in TOS, two huge points that were covered in The Making of Star Trek were:

1. The starship would not have to store huge supplies of frozen or other foods because of the replicator technology.

2. The replicator can produce identical copies of food produced by the finest chefs; it’s not “lesser quality” food like you would get from a vending machine or pre-made in the 711 cold food section today.

If you have ever been in an institution – a school, a military service, etc – where you ‘have’ to eat provided food, The food could be great but it’s not the way MOM made it. It’s not the same as home or that really nice restaurant where you chose what you wanted. This usually engenders complaints about the quality of the food. Our cooks on the ship I was on were great, the food was actually pretty good, but there was also enough of the – ‘I want something else’ – to make for “I will fly if you will buy” to get a free meal from McDonald’s or the Pizza place any night you really wanted it. Because handmade food is just ‘better’

I wonder if, as Riker said, the food you get from the replicator is exactly the same each time you eat it. Get a bowl of clam chowder, it has the same number of clams in it each time, and the same seasonings. Get food cooked by hand and there is some element of variety.

Unless you specifically programmed the replicator to add some variation the food would probably always be exactly the same. Also, even if following a recipe, everybody will end up with a dish that tastes, looks and feels slightly different. It’s not just the amounts of ingredients, it’s also the way of preparation. And let’s not forget “secret family recipes”. There are good reasons why people may enjoy their own cooking from time to time. Also, the individual ingredients may still be replicated.

Having it where it isn’t free food from your magical free energy device is fantastic and a step in the right direction where we are back to humanity exploring the stars with danger and conflict as opposed to playing holodeck all day. Bring on the galleys and meat eating! Let’s remember Kirk was upset in Charlie X that there would be no Turkey’s on thanksgiving, just meatloaf back from when when space exploration wasn’t a flying a horrid looking want to be five star hotel.

“Humans no longer enslave animals for food purposes.” -Riker, Lonely Among Us, Season 1, TNG

That’s sucky TNG, not TOS. Leave the meatless preachy perfect humans for Time Trek the Technobabble Generation where they belong crashed on Veridian III after fighting a century old BOP. This is TOS where the Captain hopes for Turkey over meatloaf while exploring the final frontier far from home.

Captain Kirk tries to eat a chicken sandwich before a tribble gets into the replicator and ruins it, so they eat some form of meat.

Although vegans might cry “fowl”, Kirk has chicken salad in TOS episode Trouble with Tribbles,

“ Although vegans might cry ‘fowl,’ Kirk has chicken salad in TOS episode Trouble with Tribbles.”

Are natives of Delta Vega called Vegans?

I read that Patrick Stewart repeatedly lobbied the producers to remove the lionfish from Picard’s ready room, on the theory that in the future one sentient species would not keep another sentient species in captivity. (Stewart is apparently a known animal advocate.) But it’s not like the fish could freely roam the ship, as Spot could.

By coincidence, just yesterday I saw in the store some jerky that was made from plants, so I bought some. It wasn’t very good.

I’m kind of digging Peck’s portrayal of Spock so far. He seems to bring some nice gravitas to it. I just hope the writers come through on proper dialogue for the character. As someone said on another thread though, in TOS Spock was truly ‘alien’ to most if not all members of the crew. Here he seems very comfortable and even sociable. The two iterations appear to be at odds as far as that’s concerned, imo.

The issue is that Spock is no longer the only alien in Starfleet like he was suppose to be on TOS. I think they can still keep with the idea he’s seen more of an outcast on Vulcan itself being a mixed species but yeah it’s kind of harder to believe he’s not fully accepted in Starfleet if you have other aliens all over the ship and everyone is pretty open and friendly.

And I guess I’m going to say something ‘controversial’ but it never made sense Spock would have a hard time on the Enterprise in TOS when their mission was literally to seek out and become friends with other alien cultures. They run into new aliens every week and Spock had been on that ship for over a decade already. It seems like he would be among the most opened minded humans you can ever find. Vulcans were also the first race they met and were allies for a century at least. So what’s the problem?? I just never understood that issue but I get it was a way to give the character more depth. And of course I can still understand how difficult it would be for Spock not have anyone around like him; so that make sense.

Can you provide reference for Spock being the only alien to join Starfleet? That does not sound right. And we know that Starfleet has at least one ship with an all Vulcan crew, were they Starfleet or did the Vulcans need to borrow a starship?

I guess maybe there were suppose to be other aliens but we never saw any BUT Spock lol. Even on other Starfleet ships or starbases, they were all human. Every Starfleet commanding officer or scientist who stepped aboard the Enterprise, etc.Same for all the Federation colonies too. We saw aliens in other places but never in any Starfleet capacity for some reason. My only point is even if Spock wasn’t suppose to be the only one, they were a tiny minority. But you’re right, they did have the one ship with Vulcans on it.

But it’s a very different situation today. Aliens are everywhere in the 23rd century Starfleet and Spock shouldn’t feel as alienated. And it was an odd argument to make even in TOS he felt so distant from others because he was best friends with both Captains of the Enterprise, Kirk and Pike. I’m not sure if he’s suppose to have as close of a relationship with Pike as he did Kirk but it certainly seems that way so far.

Roddenberry started the much needed correction to this piss-poor “can’t see any aliens in Starfleet besides Spock” with TAS, which introduced M’Ress and Arex as alien crewmembers on the Enterprise during the original five-year mission.

In fairness TOS, they were leading the revolution to get minorities on TV back then, so I get why more aliens wasn’t a priority…in addition to the tight budget versus the makeup staff and time needed every week for additional alien characters.

Yeah I can understand all of that. But if you just turned on the show as another viewer, I think you would jump to the reasonable conclusion aliens weren’t really part of Starfleet. The show had 80 episodes when you include the Cage and you didn’t see even one in the background wearing a Starfleet uniform on somewhere. But yes that was changed after TAS and of course the films.

Other than Spock and the Vulcan crew, I can confirm that “we never saw” other aliens in Starfleet in TOS, but we did get a couple in TAS (please see my other post on that).

My headcanon is that Starfleet tries to make crews of environmentally compatible races. Vulcans would generally find a human ship uncomfortably cold. Humans would find working on a ship full of Vulcans too warm and the air a little thin for them. So Vulcans (and perhaps some other compatible species) get one ship, and humans (again with other compatible species) get another ship.

That’s a good idea! Considering the Aernar and the Andorrans live in colder temps I wonder if that will be included in future shows?

“Intrepid” doesn’t sound like a name Vulcans would use for a starship. I’m guessing it was a Starfleet ship. But why would Starfleet want to crew a ship with only Vulcans? Were there even that many Vulcans in the fleet?

“ The issue is that Spock is no longer the only alien in Starfleet like he was suppose to be on TOS. ”

Where did you get that idea? That was never case, nor was it even implied. Heck, the entire crew of the USS Intrepid were non-human, according to “Immunity Syndrome.”

Dude, I already discussed this above with several other posters.

Kirk : “That’s what you get for missing staff meetings, Doctor.” lol

I don’t necessarily think that Spock’s biggest problem in TOS was him being the “only” alien in Starfleet but more of the clash of his human and vulcan sides. His issues of acceptance came from this conflict, whether he can be accepted as a full vulcan or whether his human side will take over.

I like the dialogue for Uhura already. It’s like they took all of the lessons learned on Tilly in DIS, and made a more palatable, less frantic, inexperienced junior crewmember much more likeable.

Last weeks episode was a bit flat. Hopefully this’ll change.

My all day question: Will I stay up late and watch it when it drops or will I watch it Thursday evening? Decisions d ecisions.

I ask this very same question to myself every week, but the answer always ends up being the latter 😂💤

Can’t go wrong with Andorians!!!! Back when aliens could be aliens and not want to be perfect enlightened humans and could still be in a Federation of Planets. Also Uhura rocks, loving it!!!!!!

I really like Ethan Peck, but I can feel the tension he is having while delivering his dialogue and he’s tripping on his tongue in the process. I don’t hear Spock at all tbh, but he’s still playing a Vulcan with that unique gravitas. I’m hoping he relaxes into that smooth Spock tone a bit more as we go on. Same with Uhura, I don’t recognize her as Uhura at all, especially since she is playing the roll of the audience which isn’t how most of us really envision Uhura. Uhura is somebody more otherworldly and extraordinary with incredible grace, style, and confidence. Most of the actors are playing these characters in name only, which is probably not what they had in mind when they conceptualized this show, but I think it’s working anyway.

Everyone hears what they want to hear. To me his voice is spot on and he’s a better Spock than Quinto because of it.

To each his own.

You have to remember the fact that this is an earlier Uhura. She still can grow into those character traits you mention as the show goes on. Everyone is a little weird, flaky during their inexperienced, rookie days.

I already adore Gooding in the role of Uhura. Saldana is fun, but Gooding seems much more like Nichols than Saldana ever did. And Hemmer is fantastic.

Celia Rose Gooding is just as slender, graceful and beautiful as Nichelle Nichols. Just saying……

Celia’s GREAT! I am really enjoying Uhura’s Journey of Self Discovery and,Adventure.

One of the criticisms that I heard about SNW is that it represents Trek going back instead of forward I look at it a little differently. On one hand, this show is introducing classic characters(and, a couple of new ones,) to a younger generation of Trek fans, while at the same time, showing the veteran fans among us, some of our favorite characters in a different light.

It’s the first prequel I don’t mind going backwards for. It’s telling stories on the original Enterprise, giving us Pike which we seen very little of and yes capturing the type of stories we got in TOS/TNG/VOY etc. It feels almost old fashioned and familiar but also different from what the current live action shows have been doing. So I think most will be happy with it, even the people who want to see Trek going forward covering new ground.

There’s also 60 more years’ worth of real-world history that they can incorporate into these stories.

Only issue I have so far is there is such a limited sense of peril because we know what happens to so many of the characters. I know this was always the case with most of the traditional Trek shows that major characters virtually never died but in this one it’s literally pre-written that they won’t (e.g. Sam Kirk must survive this landing party mission to die a decade or so later).

…the curse of the prequel.

Strange New Worlds' Celia Rose Gooding Talks About That Legendary Moment For Uhura, Spock, And Kirk

Ethan Peck, Celia Rose Gooding, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

This post contains spoilers for the latest episode of "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds."

The word "legacy" gets bandied around a lot in conversations about "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds." The clever, funny, and lovable Paramount+ series has massive shoes to fill as the first "Star Trek" property (aside from J.J. Abrams films, which were set in a different timeline anyway) that aims to brush up against the storylines of Gene Roddenberry's original series. So far, the prequel series has done so admirably, enriching character backstories and putting a fun spin on lore we know and love without ever stooping to nostalgia-bait territory. If the entire "Star Trek" franchise legacy is on the table here, it's a challenge the show has not just risen to meet but made look easy.

This week, the series pulled off its most significant original series tie-in moment yet. After a not-yet-captain James Kirk (Paul Wesley) joined the Enterprise crew and helped Uhura (Celia Rose Gooding) work through the emotional fallout of some trippy space-sent messages, the pair sat down for drinks and relaxation at the Enterprise bar. The scene was already memorable, infused with warm energy and the goofiness of Kirk's fight with his brother Sam (Dan Jeannotte), but it got even better when a familiar voice cut in. "Sometimes he can be–" Kirk started to say, before a blue-clad arm reached across him to grab an empty drink glass. "Frustrating," Spock (Ethan Peck) finished, finishing his future best friend's sentences before they've even met.

A delightful meeting of the minds

Uhura formally introduces Kirk and Spock, and the men share a firm handshake. The episode ends with an utterly lovely shot of the three seated together, chatting at an intimately small table in the middle of a cool space bar. The camera pans away slowly, treasuring the moment even as we don't hear what they're saying. It's a moment when that capital-L Legacy looms large, but frankly, the series nails Kirk, Spock, and Uhura's first meeting. Gooding says the scene was a lot of fun to shoot, too. /Film's Vanessa Armstrong attended a round-table interview ahead of season 2's release, where Gooding was asked about shooting such an important moment for the franchise.

By the sound of things, Gooding shot at least some of episode 6 chronologically, meaning that before she got to chill with Wesley and Peck, she had to act out Uhura's traumatizing, doom-filled visions. "Just in episode 206, there's so much that Uhura goes through and processes and it's very intense," Gooding said. "So to have a moment at the end where we get to establish some pretty essential canon, it was such a light at the end of that tunnel," also noting that the scene was "something to get excited about."

The birth of a 'classic bromance-y dynamic'

Spock and Kirk fans will be happy to hear that Gooding also says the actors playing the pair already share pretty great chemistry. "Shooting that was so fun because I love working with Ethan, I love working with Paul," Gooding said, adding, "Them two together have such a classic bromance-y dynamic between the two of them. And so it's just fun watching them interact." As someone who was vocally annoyed by the total lack of Spirk in the show's alternate timeline-set season 1 finale, it's great to hear that the actors behind the dynamic duo are apparently already pretty dynamic, even though we've only gotten to see them together for one scene so far.

Gooding called the bar scene "essential Trek history," noting that "when the cameras come on [the actors] realize that we are now Kirk, Spock, and Uhura at our fancy little Enterprise space bar, having a talk about what we've all just experienced." Several "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" castmates have gone on the record to talk about how surreal the whole experience of shooting the show has been, and Gooding is no exception . "To have even a part of that [history] ... it feels like a secret that I can't share, but everyone knows it's coming," she said. "It's one of those things you get so excited about because you know how much it means to people."

'You feel every day how important your impact is on the franchise'

Lest anyone complain that "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" takes decades of Trek canon lightly, Gooding also explained how seriously she took the chance to pull off a moment like this one. "Working on a Trek show is always amazing," she noted, "but being a part of a Trek show that has such a heavy foot in canon and what is establishing the future of this franchise ... you feel every day how important your impact is on this franchise. Not only for this specific series but for the entire timeline." So far, "Strange New Worlds" has taken a smart and rather sparing approach to the "Star Trek" canon, adding in tons of character moments and plot points to love without subtracting anything from the show's original run.

With the meeting of Kirk, Spock, and Uhura, though, "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" actively adds something great: an introduction that's light, sweet, and true to character for all involved, and one that's all but guaranteed to leave viewers with a smile on their faces.

"Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" streams new episodes on Thursdays on Paramount+.

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Star Trek: Spock and Uhura Almost Hooked Up WAY Before the Reboot

Although it was almost between Spock and Uhura instead of Kirk, Star Trek's groundbreaking 1968 kiss almost didn't happen at all.

The amount of ink used to describe the many ways the original Star Trek series broke new ground could fill a swimming pool. By far, its most landmark moment, and a critical turning point for civil rights and equality, occurred in 1968 when Captain Kirk and Lieutenant Uhura kissed on the lips. And like all good romance tales, there was no shortage of drama going on behind the camera, including a cunning plot twist to outfox the censors and save the scene.

Long before director J. J. Abrams made Uhura and Spock a couple in his Star Trek universe; the same thing almost happened over 40 years ago on television. When The Original Series  was running, an episode called for a kiss between the Enterprise crew. According to Nichelle Nichols, Lt. Uhura's partner was supposed to be Spock. The Vulcan doctor had become an extremely popular sex symbol, so his pairing with Uhura would be well received by fans. However, Captain Kirk wasn't quite as thrilled about the pairing.

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Nichols says Shatner wanted to swap partners and insert himself as the scene's amorous actor, not his popular co-star, Leonard Nimoy . As such, adjustments were made, and one kiss led to another. After much rehearsing, it was time for the big moment that everyone knew would be history-making.

In the Season 3 episode, "Plato’s Stepchildren," the Enterprise crew is forced by telekinesis to perform and kiss for the delight of their captors. But when it came time to film the scene with Kirk and Uhura, the episode's director, someone Nichols said she worked with before with no problems, suddenly had issues.

The director was concerned the kiss wouldn't be well received in the South. So he conferred with Shatner while Nichols stood next to them. Nichols says she was indifferent to the “corny scene," she just wanted everyone to get on the same page. Finally, with creator Gene Roddenberry and studio execs on hand, Roddenberry said to shoot it “both ways," one with a kiss, one without. That was the plan, but in Star Trek , the Captain has the final say.

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The workday was ending, and the scene had to be shot, so the on-camera kiss went first. But Shatner kept asking for another take. Finally, with only a sliver of time left before production would bleed into costly over-time for the crew, the director shot one last take and the only “non-kiss."

The final take unfolded like the others, only Shatner dipped Nichols forward, straight to camera, and leaned in -- their mouths not fully visible. However, what no one else knew, except the person working the camera, was that once Shatner leaned in for the unseen kiss, he looked into the lens and crossed his eyes. Shatner blew the shot. But instead of asking for it another, the director called a wrap, seemingly convinced he had what he needed.

RELATED:  Star Trek: Why the BBC Stopped Airing Four Original Series Episodes for Decades

The next day, the group gathered to watch the raw “dailies” of the big scene. After sitting through an endless run of kiss takes, the last take rolled. Only then did the director, who clearly hadn't been paying attention on the set, sat in shock -- along with the rest of the audience at what played out on screen. With no real option, the kiss stayed in Stark Trek . The Captain had outmaneuvered the chance for censorship. “I tried to make it so they couldn’t edit it out," Shatner said . 

It was a watershed moment for television that might not have happened if it had played out as originally intended. It is worth noting that Sammy Davis, Jr. and Nancy Sinatra shared a kiss on TV a year earlier in 1967, but on the cheek, not the lips. As such, Kirk and Uhura were the first passionate kiss on American TV between a white man and a Black woman, boldly going where no show had gone before.

KEEP READING: Woman in Motion Director Explores Star Trek's Nichelle Nichols' NASA Legacy

Spock/Uhura (AOS)

Spock/Uhura is a Star Trek het pairing that was made canon in the Alternate Original Series movies . Spock and Uhura are initially introduced as student and teacher, but later scenes in Star Trek (2009) reveal that they are also in a romantic relationship.

The inspiration for this came from the original series, where apparently there are scenes of these two flirting [...] Since the rough-and-tumble badboy is always the one to get the girl, the writers wanted to pair Uhura up with the less obvious choice. Besides, since Uhura is a smart, mature woman, they felt that she would probably gravitate towards the more interesting, intellectually mature man. [1]

Orci and Kurtzman explain that Spock and Uhura's relationship "brings out his human side, it fits Spock’s arc for the surprise of the fact that he does share humanity and in the revelation that his father did love his mother, and therefore Spock himself is then capable of that and you see that with him and Uhura. It fits him." [2] . In DVD's commentary they, along with J.J Abrams, jokingly describe the relationship:

"This was the gutsiest thing that we did. Blowing up Vulcan was nothing compared to saying, 'Spock and Uhura are in love with each other and having this incredibly intimate relationship.'" [3]

The writers also explain that although hints about a relationship between them were included in the movie the scene in the turbolift "felt like it would be the best access point to reveal that to the audience." and "the reveal that they have been together comes hopefully organically in a moment where Spock is suffering" [4] . Later while talking with some fans at Bob Orci revealed that J.J. Abrams himself admitted that upon reading the script for the first time the scenes between Spock and Uhura were "key to his decision to direct the movie" . [5]

Star trek XI

Initially, Spock and Uhura are introduced as student and teacher but several scenes establish that they are linked romantically to each other. As an instructor at The Starfleet Academy , fans speculate that Spock met Uhura while she was one of his students and he later got the chance to spend more time with her when she became the Academy aide for his Advanced Phonology class [6] . However, due to Uhura using the past tense when she said that she had been one of Spock's top students, and the fact that she has been already referred to with the rank of "Lieutenant" and not "Cadet", it's possible that a relationship between them was formed when she no longer was one one of his students. The official comics approved by one of the writers, Roberto Orci, confirmed this theory. (see also: comics )

Even though they both maintain a formal and professional relationship while both working aboard the Enterprise, the more personal nature of their relationship is revelated in some scenes through the movie where the apparent formality of their interactions is replaced by subtle hints of familiarity and intimacy that can be explained only later when it's finally revealed that they're romantically involved with each other.

uhura star trek spock

Following what TPTB said regarding scenes that hinted an established relationship between the two characters, fans believe that those hints can be found in various scenes through the movie. When Uhura openly confronts Spock about her getting assigned to the "Farragut" by him, even though they both know that she is qualified to serve aboard the "Enterprise" instead, and it is unfair for her to get denied of the chance just because of their (personal) relationship and Spock overcompensating to, as he says, "avoid the appearance of favoritism" . Spock recognizes his poor judgment and promptly corrects the mistake. Another hint of their relationship can possibly be a scene, later in the movie, where Spock is about to beam himself down to the Vulcan surface to rescue his parents: a concerned Uhura addresses Spock by his first name and not by rank and Spock, in the midst of a crisis, actually pauses to explain to her, and only her, what he is about to do and his reasons to do so. The two intently look at each other all the while the door of the turbolift closes. However, their relationship becomes particularity obvious after Vulcan gets destroyed by Nero and Spock's mother dies: following him in the Turbolift, Uhura comforts Spock with a hug and a kiss that he, half wanting to take comfort from her and half trying to control his grief, reciprocates. Some fans interpret the scene as their first kiss and develop from that in fanfictions (especially short stories ). Others, however, believe that the intimacy between Spock and Uhura implies that they were already a couple before this moment and this can explain why Spock seems so comfortable with her affections. This interpretation is particularly supported by the script and the movie tie-in novel where the scene is described as the moment where their secret relationship is revealed to us and thus the way he kisses her back is done "in a fashion that is sufficiently straightforward to indicate that he had done so before" [7]

uhura star trek spock

Later, their relationship is also revealed to James Kirk while Spock and Uhura are kissing on the transport pad where he also hears Spock calling her by her first name: "Nyota".

Spock is the first character in canon that calls her like that and thus reveals her first name to the audience. Previously, Jim Kirk had tried to get her first name from her without success. Zoe Saldana seems to share, with some fans, the opinion that Spock knowing her first name is itself a hint of their relationship:

"For her to allow this man to be the only one to call her by her first name let you know there is a bond there that’s much bigger and deeper than we can imagine.” - Zoe Saldana [8]

While on the Narada, and being faced with the high probability of dying in the mission, Spock asks Kirk to give to Uhura a message from him in case he wouldn't come back from the mission. Kirk doesn't let him finish the phrase, insisting that their mission would end with a success, but fans assume that Spock wanted him to tell Uhura that he loves her, which isn't so different to what Zachary Quinto himself added in the gag reel of the scene (where he also joked about the phrase adding funny undertones to it). Fans also speculate that the revelation that his father had married his mother because he loved her, makes Spock feel more compelled to admit his own feelings for Uhura.

Star Trek Into Darkness

A year later after the events of the first movie, Uhura, along with Sulu, accompanies Spock to Nibiru aboard a shuttle in which Uhura helps him suit up with a special heat resistant outfit, so that he can be lowered into the volcano to prevent it from wiping out the Nibiran people. The mission, though, doesn't go so well: the ash damages the shuttle forcing Uhura and Sulu to leave Spock in the volcano. Back to the Enterprise and after they successfully save Spock, Uhura is angry with him, distraught as she is after having witnessed that Spock was, apparently, willing to die in that volcano, rather than go against the Prime Directive to let the enterprise crew save his life (even though, technically, his own intervention in the volcano to save the planet was a violation of the directive as well). Later, Kirk and his crew are tasked with the mission to hunt terrorist 'John Harrison' down on the planet Qo'noS where he is hiding. Since Uhura is the only one who speaks klingon, Kirk asks her to join him, Spock and two security officers in the mission. While on a shuttle to the planet surface, Spock coldly stating that the odds of them dying in the mission are high provokes an argument between him and Uhura where, remembering what happened in the Nibiru's mission, she accuses him of being too willing to die for a mission and not caring about how she would feel if he died and also his unwillingness, after the fact, to talk with her about what happened and why he seems to have a death wish (also implied in the IDW ongoing comic series). Spock finally explains that, when he was in the volcano, the thought of how she'd feel for his death, that is what he himself experienced when his mother died and home planet got destroyed, was so painful for him that he had to choose to feel nothing. So, what she perceived as a lack of care from his part was, in fact, pretty the opposite feeling.

" Nyota, you mistake my choice not to feel as a reflection of my not caring. I assure you the truth is precisely the opposite. " - Spock in the shuttle on the way to Qo'noS

Moved by his speech, Uhura understands that this is his way of telling her that he loves her and she smiles relieved. Later, after getting back to the Enterprise, the two shares a reconciliatory kiss. Zoe Saldana and Zachary Quinto describe the Spock and Uhura's arc in the movie:

" I love that scene when we have that conversation (laughs). It’s in front of their boss too, the Captain is in-between us. We’re getting shot at and I ask him to commit to more. It feels like a typical, contemporary love story (laughs). That’s one thing that’s great about working with J.J. and his team of writers, in that you’re going to be stepping into shoes of human beings – whether they’re superhuman, or whether they’re fighting battles. Even considering what they do as work, they’re still being challenged with everyday matters of the heart, you know? And they’re still being challenged with politics and self-discovery. So the story and the journey between Spock and Uhura is, in my opinion, she’s learning the kind of person he is, and she’s encouraging him to cater to his human side, to his human half. And there’s a conflict there, because he doesn’t want to be compromised, because he feels like if he’s to be compromised he’ll be weak and a lot of people will suffer. And Uhura, she needs to learn to just understand his Vulcan side. She’s with a man who has duty before anything else, she needs to accept and embrace that when he tells her that she’s important to him, that she is. " - Zoe Saldana [9]
" They’re really trying to understand each other, deepen their connection and grow their relationship. And I think that this is a challenging thing because they come from such different backgrounds and they’re such different individuals. In this movie you seem them working through that. You see the ways in which they misunderstand and miscommunicate, and you see the ways in which they understand and then come back together. You get the sense, I got the sense at least while I was working on it, that we were creating a dynamic and expanding a relationship that has a believable foundation and hopefully it will continue to evolve in that way. " - Zachary Quinto [10]

In the official Star Trek Ongoing comic series (IDW) approved by writer and producer Roberto Orci [11] , the Spock and Uhura relationship is also further explored and developed.

uhura star trek spock

Some notable moments: In issue #4, that is an alternate take on the original tos episode 'Galileo Seven', even thought the enterprise is unable to locate and save the away team (that includes Spock, McCoy, Scotty and Rand) that is stuck on the planet's surface due to their shuttle being damaged, Uhura takes a shuttle and she's successfully able to locate the team and save Spock and her other crewmates from a difficult situation.

uhura star trek spock

In issue #18 - dedicated to Uhura's backstory - it's revealed that Spock and Uhura started dating back in 2257 after Uhura completed Spock's course and she no longer was one of his students.

A few months into their relationship, Spock proposed Uhura to perform the "Emafa Kito" with her, which is a kind of mind meld that is part of the vulcan coupling rituals. Uhura accepted and during the meld she shared a dramatic memory from her childhood with him, which further their connection. In issue #23 (After Darkness series part 3), while Spock is affected by a sickness that turns him in one of the 'Sasauds' (which is a group of vulcans reverting back to pre-Surak primordial state due to the grief caused by the destruction of their home planet), Uhura remembers the first time in their relationship when Spock made her understand that he was in love with her. It happened back when they were dating, after she beat him for the first time while they were playing his favorite game: chess. The next day he left the "King" piece from his chess set on her desk without a note and Uhura understood that his chess set was now missing a piece and that, with the gesture, he was trying to tell her that he was in love with her and she had 'won' more than just the game: his heart.

Additional parallel realities showed in the comics

The comics have showed two other parallel realities, beside the one from the current movies: the mirror reality and the gender-swapped reality, where the genders of all the characters are reversed. It's implied that Spock and Uhura have a romantic relationship in these other realities as well.

While more conservative fans didn't appreciate Spock showing emotions with Uhura, many fans (both new and existing star trek fans) took interest in the relationship and its potential, as well as its possible implications for the characters, especially Spock, as it could be interesting to see how he deals with being in love due to him being half vulcan and half human. [12] , [13] , [14] For the most part, existing star trek fans felt the relationship was a great addition to the characters. In one of the most popular star trek fanboards, trekbbs , several threads were opened to discuss the romance since the movie was released and the majority of the fans embraced the relationship and wanted it to continue in subsequent movies. Many fans also applaud the writers for the step forward [15] as they're finally giving a chance to a pair that wasn't possible in the early 60s when, apparently, Gene Roddenberry himself had tried to set Spock/Uhura up from the get-go (also the first interracial kiss in TOS was originally supposed to be between Spock/Uhura and not between Kirk/Uhura [16] , [17] )but at the time an interracial couple was a controversial subject for the network. [18] Nichelle Nichols , who had played the character of Nyota Uhura in The Original Series, expressed in more than one occasion the opinion that the romance in the movie by JJ Abrams works because even in the original series there were hints of attraction between the characters but a relationship could have never been developed between them due to time where the show was originally made. In 2008 (before the movie by Abrams came out) she said that she always thought that Spock was the person Uhura was the closest to on the ship. In an interview from 2009 she talks about the origins of her character and how she has created Uhura as a feminine version of Spock. She also confirms that Gene Roddenberry himself had intended to develop a relationship between the characters had the show gone past the third season:

"I decided then from the character that I read [Spock] that I wanted to be very much like that character but in a feminine way. And Gene said, and I was sharing this with George the other day, when I told him that I thought of Spock as my mentor. Because if you remember Uhura was the only one he was able to teach the Vulcan lyre too and he sang and spooffed on Spock. Now, you could have never had a love scene in 63 between Uhura and Spock but there were several hints and [back to Roddenberry] Gene was one in the kind of beginning to follow that and he wanted to do episodes if we had gone past the third year" [19]

Zachary Quinto who plays Spock in the movie appreciates the relationship because in his opinion (and he seems to agree with the fans' vision with that):

"it actually represents a depth, whereby Uhura is almost a canvas onto whom Spock can project the emotion that he is not able to express himself." [20]

Leonard Nimoy (who originally played Spock in The Original Series and reprised his role as Spock prime in the movies by Abrams ) also stated that upon reading the script he was bemused by Spock's scenes with Uhura but when he watched them he was amazed by the relationship and it "worked brilliantly " for him. [21] Later, Nimoy jokingly stated that he was extremely jealous of Zachary because of his scenes with Saldana:

"I was, frankly, extremely jealous of his scenes with Zoe Saldana and I think it’s totally unfair that I never got to do that kind of stuff. I will never forgive the writers and the director for having put me in this position, that I have to be watching them instead of participating." [22]

Also, when interviewed by the site trekmovie, Nimoy admitted that the relationship between Spock and Uhura were one of his favorite parts of he movie and Zachary's take on Spock:

TrekMovie: Once you mentioned that he (Zachary Quinto) did something that blew you away. I am curious now that I have seen the film, what was it that you went ‘oh that is really interesting’? Leonard Nimoy: His relationship with Uhura, he played something that I was quite touched by. So did she for that matter. They both were terribly available for each other. [23]

Spock/Uhura rapidly gained an active fanbase. The spock_uhura LiveJournal community was created on April 13, 2009, and by May 21 it had over 1000 members. [24] By April 2012 the community had over 1971 members [25] . However, Spock/Uhura fans migrated along with the rest of LiveJournal fandom to Tumblr , where sharing fanart, fannish picspams, fanfiction and gif sets of their favorite moments from the movies were popular activities. The main Spock/Uhura tumblrblogs are spockuhuralove and spockuhuralove that have a considerable number of followers that are equal in number or biggest than the totality of members over the livejournal community.

At in the Star Trek (2009) section Spock/Uhura's stories are fair in number [26] , as shippers felt compelled to further develop their relationship, thus making Spock/Uhura the most popular canon het pair in the fandom .

At the Archive of Our Own , Spock/Nyota Uhuru is the most popular het pairing tag, with 2418 fanworks as of 2022. However, it may be a side pairing in some tagged works; only 1727 are flagged as f/m . [27]

Many stories explore the possible beginnings of Spock and Uhura's romantic relationship, and take place pre-series , while the characters are still at Starfleet Academy. Writers dealing with this time period frequently make note of the difficulty of a teacher/student relationship, as well as the challenges of an inter-species romance, for example Descartes' Error by StarTrekFanWriter . Stories set during the movie , or slightly afterwards are also popular. Writers expand upon Uhura's desire to comfort Spock after the destruction of his home world, and the loss of his mother.

Example Fanworks

uhura star trek spock

  • Art Deco-style Spock/Uhura by lymanalpha
  • Beneath Midnight Stars by lemonrocket
  • Mirror Nouveau by philotic_net
  • Slow Burn by kara-lija
  • Stars by Irrel
  • Uhura and Spock mind-meld v.1 by reetajoan
  • Under the setting sun by Ileliberte
  • Vulcan Sunset by goldenrod1034
  • Smoock by Lauralyloo
  • At Your Best ::You Are Love:: by kara-lija
  • Uhura snaps by Irrel
  • An Illogical Need by kara-lija
  • It's promising by goldenrod1034
  • Gloaming by goldenrod1034
  • Touch by gppr
  • Compromise by PaintBrushPlushi
  • Bug Problem by PaintBrushPlushi
  • Uhura and Spock by reetajoan
  • Scrabble equals foreplay by fr4ctured
  • The Enterprise's Conveniences by Szikee
  • Some Vulcan and his girlfriend by ziggyfish
  • Tell Me What You Need by hyperionwitch
  • Captain's log-Stardate 2261.3 by mary-chan

Unsorted recs:

  • rec list , Archived version (2016)

Pre-Academy fic:

  • Descartes' Error by StarTrekFanWriter
  • Miscommunication by SalR
  • What We Think We Know - Slips of the Tongue - The Visitor - The Word You Mean - People Will Say - Crossing the Equador by NotesfromaClassroom
  • Caesura by Lanesy
  • Like the Stars, Like Your Destiny by Anodyna
  • Break by Yahtzee
  • Sufficiently Familiar by PoorQueequeg
  • Winds against a Star by valyria
  • Historical Perspective on the Changing Politics of a Relationship by carnationsandrobots
  • Five Times Nyota Lost at Chess and the One Time She Won by Psicygni
  • Transmutations and Metanoia by Psicygni
  • If You Should Take Me and And Only We Can Know Its Fragrance by Sigridhr

Aboard the Enterprise/future fic:

  • check NotesfromaClassroom 's archive for the chronological order of her stories
  • Aftermath by SalR
  • The Opposite of Logic by Kristen Elizabeth
  • What the Doctor Knows by Linstock
  • Touching and Touched by Linstock
  • The Dance by Linstock
  • A Thousand Words for Snow by LJC
  • Malaika by Lanesy
  • The Things We Carry by Siskiyou
  • Running in the Dark and Deeper Into Darkness by NotesfromaClassroom
  • The Scientist by Flomuk
  • Halo by MadameDeVideoland
  • Learning to Breathe by 02khat
  • Run by Boobie1000
  • What if by fragilepixie411


  • spock_uhura on livejournal
  • #SpockAndUhura on deviantART
  • Spock And Uhura spot on fanpop
  • Spock and Uhura Tumblr on tumblr
  • Spock and Uhura Love on tumblr
  • Vulcan Kisses on tumblr (link goes to archived version from 2013 as the blog has since been taken over by an unrelated porn site)
  • Spock/Nyota Uhura, AOS at Archive of Our Own
  • ^ Trek scribes speak, complaints addressed. (Accessed May 21, 2009)
  • ^ The Romance That Changed Star Trek Forever. (Accessed May 21, 2009)
  • ^ Official DVD extras commentary with JJ Abrams and the writers
  • ^ Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman on SpockUhura Romance (Accessed April 26, 2012)
  • ^ BobOrci replies to the fans (Accessed April 26, 2012)
  • ^ As stated in the character dossiers at official Star Trek site (Accessed April 26, 2012)
  • ^ As described in The movie Tie-in Novel by Alan Dean Foster and The Official Movie Script (Accessed April 26, 2012)
  • ^ Spock and Uhura Go Where They’ve Never Gone Before
  • ^ Star Trek IDW Ongoing
  • ^ The Sexualization of Spock (Accessed April 26, 2012)
  • ^ TURNER’S TWO CENTS: Spock And Uhura? It's About Time! (Accessed April 26, 2012)
  • ^ Spock/Uhura: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. Part 1: The Good. (Accessed April 26, 2012)
  • ^ Uhura is Not a White Girl by peri_peteia , (Accessed April 26, 2012)
  • ^ Plato's Stepchildren behind the scenes information (Accessed April 26, 2012)
  • ^ Star Trek’s Uhura And Spock Were Supposed To Hook Up Years Ago, Then William Shatner Pulled Rank (Accessed Mary 18, 2013)
  • ^ Nichelle Nichols Answers Fan Questions (Accessed April 26, 2012)
  • ^ Nichelle Nichols, TrekFest 09 in Riverside, Iowa ( text version )
  • ^ The Romance that will change Star Trek Forever (Accessed April 26, 2012)
  • ^ Leonard Nimoy And Zachary Quinto Interview (Accessed April 26, 2012)
  • ^ Leonard Nimoy Press Conference (Accessed April 26, 2012)
  • ^ 1000+ , Archived version , livejournal post by herm_weasley in spock_uhura, 21 May 2009. (Accessed May 21, 2009)
  • ^ 1960+ (Accessed April 25, 2012). See also the [ Wayback Machine copy from January 2012.
  • ^ Spock/Uhura tagged fanfictions at (Accessed April 25, 2012)
  • ^ Star Trek: Alternate Original Series tag + Spock/Nyota Uhura (Accessed 19 October 2022)

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Memory Alpha

  • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) personnel (alternate reality)
  • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) personnel (alternate reality)

Nyota Uhura (alternate reality)

  • View history

Lieutenant Nyota Uhura was a Starfleet communications officer serving in the 23rd century . As requested by Captain Christopher Pike , Uhura relieved Hawkins , the chief communications officer of the USS Enterprise , shortly before the destruction of Vulcan . She served under Captain Pike, acting captain Spock , and then her classmate at Starfleet Academy , Captain James T. Kirk . ( Star Trek ; Star Trek Into Darkness ; Star Trek Beyond )

  • 1 Early life
  • 2.1 Starfleet Academy
  • 2.2.1 Stopping Nero
  • 2.2.2 Nibiru
  • 2.2.3 Hunting down John Harrison
  • 2.3.1 Final voyage of the Enterprise
  • 2.3.2 Altamid
  • 3.1.1 Spock
  • 3.2.1 James T. Kirk
  • 4 Key dates
  • 5 Memorable quotes
  • 6.1 Appearances
  • 6.2 Background information
  • 6.3 Apocrypha
  • 6.4 External links

Early life [ ]

Nyota Uhura was born in Kenya , Africa , where she grew up near Lake Simbi Nyaima . Her grandmother was a retired Starfleet officer. ( TOS : " The Savage Curtain "; SNW : " Children of the Comet ")

Starfleet career [ ]

Uhura meets Kirk

Uhura meets Kirk

In 2255 , while at the bar near the Riverside Shipyard in Iowa , Uhura met an inebriated Jim Kirk , who began flirting with her. Although annoyed by Kirk's advances, Uhura was surprised that Kirk knew what was involved in the study of xenolinguistics. This exchange led to a bar fight as four male cadets were displeased at the attention Kirk was giving Uhura.

Starfleet Academy [ ]

Nyota Uhura, 2255

Cadet Uhura in 2255

During her time at Starfleet Academy , Uhura specialized in xenolinguistics with tracking toward a communications officer. Commander Spock served as one of Cadet Uhura's instructors and judged her performance to be consistently exemplary.

In 2258, Uhura was able to detect and translate a message from within Klingon territory indicating that a fleet of 47 Klingon vessels around the Klingon prison planet had been engaged and destroyed by an unknown Romulan ship. She returned home early that night , interrupting her roommate, at the time an Orion cadet named Gaila , and Kirk, who had been under the bed when she shared the information with Gaila.

Uhura during Kobayashi Maru test

Uhura at the communications station during the Kobayashi Maru simulation

At Kirk's request, Uhura was present as communications officer during Kirk's third re-take of the Kobayashi Maru test scenario the following day. After Kirk corrected her, she called him "captain" sarcastically. At a subsequent hearing  on Kirk's actions, seated in a row that Commander Spock, the programmer of the Kobayashi Maru test, had vacated and two seats over from an upset Gaila, Uhura was in attendance in the Academy Council chambers when Kirk was accused of cheating.

Spock was in charge of the starship deployment assignments for the cadets of Uhura's graduating class, and had initially assigned Lieutenant Uhura to the USS Farragut , in spite of Uhura's stated desire to serve aboard the USS Enterprise , the new flagship , in order to avoid any appearance of favoritism . Uhura confronted him about this choice, noting that she was more than qualified to serve aboard the Enterprise and that it was unfair to deny her an opportunity she would have gained had they not been romantically involved. Spock relented and assigned her to the Enterprise .

Communications officer of the USS Enterprise [ ]

Stopping nero [ ].

Uhura at deflector station

Uhura at her station prior to being promoted

Aboard the Enterprise , Uhura was approached by Kirk, who had deduced the attack on Vulcan was Romulan in nature, following Pavel Chekov 's description of an anomaly described as a "lightning storm in space" that had preceded the attack on the day of Kirk's birth. She accompanied him to the bridge, where she verified his claims by mentioning that she was the person who had translated and intercepted the report of a similar Romulan vessel in Klingon space.

Captain Christopher Pike promoted Uhura to communications officer because Lieutenant Hawkins , the ship's prior communications officer, was not certain that he could distinguish transmissions in Romulan from transmissions in Vulcan . Uhura, by contrast, was fluent in all three Romulan dialects.

Nyota Uhura Comforts Spock

Nyota comforts Spock after the loss of Vulcan and his mother

After Vulcan was destroyed, Uhura privately comforted Spock in a turbolift .

In an attempt to gain control of the Enterprise so he could attempt to defeat Nero, Kirk emotionally compromised Spock, causing him to relinquish command. After he left, Nyota approached Kirk and told him that she hoped he knew what he was doing. Again, she called him "captain"; this time, she was hurt, but hopeful.

Before Kirk and Spock beamed to Nero's ship, Uhura shared a tender goodbye kiss with Spock, who referred to her using her first name, and thus revealed their relationship to Kirk and Montgomery Scott . Kirk, who had repeatedly attempted to learn Uhura's first name to no avail throughout the years, asked Spock if "Nyota" was her first name. Spock responded, " I have no comment on the matter. "

Although keeping her distance, she came to respect Kirk as captain of the Enterprise . After he gave her a command on the bridge, she turned to him, smiling, and answered, “ Aye, Captain. " This time, she called him "captain" sincerely. ( Star Trek )

Uhura helps Spock into suit

Nyota helps Spock suit up

A year later , Uhura accompanied Spock to Nibiru before he was rappelled from a shuttle into a volcano , to prevent it from wiping out the Nibirans . Ash from the volcano damaged the shuttle and snapped the wire, forcing Uhura and Sulu to leave him. Uhura swam back to the Enterprise , which was hidden underwater. She was distraught to learn ash from the volcano would prevent the Enterprise from transporting Spock back aboard, and to hear Spock explain he would prefer to die activating the cold fusion device than violate the Prime Directive . Kirk rose the Enterprise from the sea to beam him up, violating the Prime Directive but saving his life.

Hunting down John Harrison [ ]

Later, when the Enterprise was tasked with hunting down terrorist John Harrison , Uhura expressed to Kirk in the turbolift that she and Spock were having relationship troubles. While on a K'normian trading ship to Qo'noS , where Harrison was hiding, Uhura and Spock got into an argument, in which she accused of him of being too ready to sacrifice himself for a mission and not caring how she would feel if he died. Spock acknowledged that, since his mother's death, he had been closing himself to such thoughts about how she would feel since he had experienced those feelings, specifically because he did care.

Uhura stabs Klingon

Uhura stabs the officer in the leg

Suddenly, the ship was attacked by Klingons . Kirk tried to lose them but the away team's K'normian vessel was surrounded and forced to land. Uhura counseled Captain Kirk that she be allowed to perform her role as communications officer, rather than try to fight their way out of a situation they could not win. She went out of the ship to negotiate in Klingonese , requesting the Klingons' aid in finding Harrison. The leader of the Klingons she spoke to grabbed her by the throat, and pulled out a knife, prompting Spock and Kirk to go on the offensive. After Harrison showed up and violently began causing a distraction, Uhura grabbed the Klingon's knife and stabbed him with it, causing him to drop her. Once Harrison dispatched the Klingons and surrendered himself into Kirk's custody, Uhura and Spock shared a reconciliatory kiss.

After Harrison revealed he was Khan Noonien Singh, Spock asked Uhura to contact his older parallel universe counterpart on New Vulcan for information. Uhura managed to make contact although the ship was outside of normal range of communication with his location.

As the old Spock warned he would do, Khan betrayed them. When the damaged Enterprise fell to Earth, Kirk reactivated the warp core to prevent it crashing, at the cost of radiation poisoning himself. Uhura came and she, Spock and Scott wept.

Uhura vs Khan

Uhura firing repeatedly at Khan

Uhura encouraged Spock to beam down to execute Khan, who had crashed the USS Vengeance into San Francisco . However, Doctor Leonard McCoy discovered a blood transfusion from Khan could heal Kirk, so Uhura beamed down and fired several shots to stun Khan, saving Spock from having his head crushed by Khan. Spock used the opportunity to gain the advantage in the fight and was set to kill him. Uhura was able to stop Spock by informing him they needed Khan alive to save Kirk. Spock then knocked him out instead and took him to sickbay .

When Kirk awoke to his friends Spock and McCoy in a hospital, he acknowledged Spock saving him, whereupon McCoy reminded Kirk that he and Uhura had also helped.

The five-year mission [ ]

Almost a year later, in 2260 , Uhura attended a memorial service for the victims of the conspiracy, which was presided over by Kirk, who was now healthy again. She continued serving on the repaired Enterprise as it embarked on a five-year mission . ( Star Trek Into Darkness )

Final voyage of the Enterprise [ ]

In 2263 , Spock and Uhura had ended their relationship after Spock began considering leaving Starfleet to help his endangered species. Though he intended to discuss it further with Uhura on Yorktown , the news of the death of Spock Prime stopped him. During their relationship, Spock gave Uhura a necklace that once belonged to his mother as a gift and Uhura attempted to return it. Spock refused however.

When Kalara arrives on Starbase Yorktown for help, Uhura accompanies the Enterprise into the Necro Cloud to Altamid . To the crew's shock, they are attacked by Swarm ships , crippling the Enterprise . Uhura remains on the bridge for most of the battle but realizes that Kirk must be in trouble due to the amount of time he is taking to perform a saucer separation . Uhura travels to Engineering where Kirk is fighting Krall and finishes the saucer separation herself. However, Uhura is trapped in the secondary hull with Krall and is captured by him.

Altamid [ ]

Uhura and Krall

"Our captain will come for us."

Uhura was taken to Krall's base where she refused to back down in the face of Krall, telling him that his actions were an act of war against the Federation and Kirk would show no mercy when he came for Krall. Krall was unafraid, stating that he looked forward to Kirk coming after him. Uhura then witnessed him drain two Enterprise crewmembers . Uhura and Sulu briefly escaped, discovering that Krall used a captured Magellan probe to hack Starbase Yorktown and gain access to its archives. Uhura attempted to send a distress call, but Krall recaptured the two and alters the coordinates of the distress call.

Uhura witnesses Syl's death

Uhura witnesses the death of Ensign Syl

Krall was later able to force Ensign Syl to turn over the Abronath by threatening Sulu and Uhura. She then witnessed Krall test the weapon on Syl. As Krall dragged Uhura to his ship, Kirk attacked on a motorcycle as part of a rescue plan, creating enough of a diversion for Uhura to escape his grasp. Uhura saved Spock who was able to use the necklace he gave her to track the crew down from a Swarm drone and they were beamed safely to the USS Franklin .

On the Franklin , the crew repaired the ship to go after Krall, dropping the Franklin off a cliff to achieve terminal velocity and liftoff. Arriving at Yorktown, the crew found it under attack , and Uhura warned Kirk that she's detecting distress calls from Yorktown on all frequencies. When Spock suggested that the Swarm had a cyberpathic connection that helped them coordinate their movements, Uhura helped him explain this to the rest of the crew and come up with a plan. She then aided Scotty and Jaylah in hooking up the Franklin's music player to the communications console and warned Kirk that they have to get very close to the Swarm for the disruption signal to work. Once they were close enough, Uhura broadcast the signal which destroys most of the Swarm. On Kirk's orders, Uhura sent the signal to Yorktown which also broadcasted the signal, destroying the Swarm.

Uhura aboard the USS Franklin

Uhura at the communications station aboard the Franklin

After the destruction of the Swarm, the crew chased Krall through Yorktown, using the Franklin to intercept Krall's three remaining ships. Uhura checked out one of the hull breaches with Kirk and spotted a victim of Krall's energy transference. As the two crossed through the ruined mess hall, Uhura saw a recording of the original Franklin crew and recognized Captain Balthazar Edison as Krall. Uhura watched the footage with Kirk and Scotty as they determine the history of Edison/Krall and rushed to the bridge to warn Yorktown to turn off their atmospheric processor until the situation was over.

After Krall's defeat, Uhura attended Kirk's thirtieth birthday party where she rekindled her relationship with Spock. Like the rest of the Enterprise crew, she was reassigned to the brand-new USS Enterprise -A to continue their five year mission in a new ship. ( Star Trek Beyond )

Relationships [ ]

Romantic relationships [ ].

Spock comforted by Uhura

Uhura and Spock embrace after the death of Amanda

Nyota Uhura and Spock had a relationship that was established prior to the start of their careers on board the Enterprise . When she was assigned to the USS Farragut , Uhura openly confronted Spock about her having received that posting even though she was qualified to serve aboard the USS Enterprise . She presented him with a logical argument for her placement, to which he admitted he had been trying to avoid the appearance of favoritism. She eventually persuaded him to reconsider her assignment, though.

While Spock was preparing to depart from the Enterprise and transport to the surface of Vulcan in an attempt to rescue his parents and the Vulcan High Council , Uhura took an interest in where he was going, calling him by name and not by rank. She was also visibly upset that he was leaving.

When Spock returned after Vulcan was destroyed and his mother was killed, Uhura at one point followed him off the bridge and into a turbolift. Alone in the lift, she comforted him with a shared embrace and kisses.

Spock Uhura promise

Uhura and Spock share a tender moment

When Spock and Kirk about to beam onto Nero's ship, Uhura and Spock kissed on the Enterprise 's transporter platform and shared a heartfelt goodbye with promises offered to each other. Though Spock usually called her by her surname during their professional interactions, Uhura's first name, "Nyota", was used by him on that occasion.

Once Kirk and Spock returned to the Enterprise after the ship had been repaired, Uhura visibly lit up when Spock strode onto the bridge; they shared a look, as he passed behind her station to reach his own, and she smiled. ( Star Trek )

Spock requests communication

Spock and Uhura aboard the Enterprise

On a mission to Nibiru, Uhura helped Spock get into his suit. She kissed his helmet and gave him encouragement. Later, when it was time to release him into the volcano, she was visibly upset. However, she did not try to dissuade him from his duty. When his line was broken and he fell into the volcano, Sulu apologized to her, and told her they would have to try something else. Once she and Sulu made it back to the bridge of the Enterprise , Uhura was visibly upset when Spock announced he would have to remain behind to die, although her sadness didn't stop her from responding to Kirk's command.

After the mission to Nibiru, Uhura was clearly upset with Spock, although she seemed to be giving him the silent treatment. Uhura's assignment to participate in the away mission to Qo'noS prompted Spock to give Kirk a look as if he wasn't pleased with that decision. In reply to Kirk asking if they could work the mission together, Uhura said they could, then Spock watched her return to her station and responded that he was unsure.

Spock, Kirk and Uhura in K'normian ship

Uhura and Spock quarrel aboard the K'normian ship

En route to Qo'noS, Uhura revealed to Spock that she believed his behavior on missions was too risky. She admitted distress at him willing to sacrifice himself without caring about how it would effect her if she lost him. Spock confided that, because he had experienced such profound grief and despair following the loss of Vulcan and the death of his mother, he closed himself off to the thought of those he cared for experiencing such emotions; this revealed that his problem was not a lack of caring, rather quite the opposite.

Later during the mission, Uhura volunteering to face the Klingons alone evidently upset Spock, although he didn't try to stop her confronting them. Uhura's interaction with the Klingons was carefully observed by Spock, and he later protected both her and Captain Kirk. After taking Harrison into custody, Uhura and Spock reconciled with a kiss.


Uhura and Spock reconcile after apprehending Harrison

When Admiral Marcus first warned the Enterprise crew he was going to kill them, Uhura was joined by Spock, at her station. When the admiral caught up to the Enterprise aboard the Vengeance and the Enterprise crew fully expected to die, Uhura walked to Spock and held his hand.

Uhura later spoke priivately with Spock at her station, when Spock wanted her to contact his older counterpart. Without him clarifying who he wanted to speak to, she intuited precisely who it was he planned to consult.

Later, while Spock chased after Khan, Uhura remained on the Enterprise . After Dr. McCoy informed the bridge crew that Khan was needed alive to possibly save Kirk, both Spock and Khan were moving too quickly for the transporter to be locked onto either of them. Learning someone could beam down, however, Uhura offered to do so and beamed onto a moving garbage barge where Spock and Khan were battling each other. Phaser in hand, she intended to help Spock bring Khan to the Enterprise without killing him. Even though Spock was furious with Khan for having killed Kirk, Uhura was able to calm Spock enough that he ceased his attack on Khan, who was then taken into custody.

At the memorial service in 2260, Uhura was seated directly beside Spock. ( Star Trek Into Darkness )

By 2263 , Uhura and Spock experienced a time-out in their relationship as a consequence of Spock's increasing beliefs that he ought to be helping his people rebuild on New Vulcan , and thus leave Starflee. When Uhura got to Starbase Yorktown with the rest of the crew, she tried to give Spock back his mother's vokaya necklace that he had gifted her; however, Spock declined the offer, insisting she kept it.

Uhura vokaya necklace

Uhura tries to give back Spock's amulet

At the time, as Spock later confessed to Leonard McCoy , he had wanted to further discuss his doubts about leaving with her, but his plans were halted by the news about Ambassador Spock dying. When the Enterprise was destroyed by Krall 's attack, Uhura was captured and imprisoned at his base, along with Sulu and the rest of the Enterprise crew that couldn't escape from his soldiers.

During this time, while aboard the USS Franklin , Spock realized that if Uhura was still wearing his vokaya amulet, Chekov could track its unique Vulcan mineral through its (harmless) radiation emissions and find her and the rest of the crew at Krall's base.

When the group made a plan to free the crew, an injured Spock insisted on participating to the mission because Uhura was at the base too. In spite of his condition, both Kirk and McCoy allowed him to go with them acknowledging their friend's need to be there due to his relationship with the Lieutenant.

Once Spock got to the base as planned, he went looking for her alone after Hikaru Sulu informed him that Uhura had been taken by Krall shortly before him and McCoy got there. However, weakened by his injury he was attacked by two Swarm soldiers only to get saved by Uhura who helped him stand up and asked what he was doing there. When Spock answered that he clearly was there to rescue her (noticing the irony of the situation), Uhura smiled pleased by his care for her and his efforts.

Uhura smiling at Spock

Uhura looking pleased when Spock tells her he was 'clearly' there to rescue her.

Later on, while the USS Franklin finally left Altamid, Uhura shared a look of relief with Spock. Afterwards, as the group tried to make a plan to stop Krall from destroying Yorktown, Uhura helped Captain Kirk understand Spock's technical explaining of his plan to defeat the swarms ships . When Spock volunteered to pilot one of the Swarm ships himself, Uhura expressed worry over him being still hurt for his injury to which Spock replied he respected and appreciated her concerns.

After defeating Krall, Spock changed his mind about leaving Starfleet thus giving him and Uhura the chance to rekindle and continue their relationship. Uhura, who openly wore Spock's vokaya's necklace again, participated to a party for Jim's birthday with the rest of the crew. While there with Spock, she teased him saying that she thought he had a mission report to make to which he replied that he indeed did, but he thought that being with her would be more pleasing (implying he put work aside and went to the party to spend time with her).

Crew looking at the Enterprise-A

Spock and Uhura looking at each other while their friends look at the new Enterprise in construction.

Later, Spock, Uhura and their friends look at the new Enterprise in construction. ( Star Trek Beyond )

Friendships [ ]

James t. kirk [ ].

Kirk and Uhura in turbolift

Kirk and Uhura commiserate in a turbolift

Uhura's relationship with Kirk began when he hit on her in a bar in Iowa. She rejected his advances, giving him only the name "Uhura", although she did flirt with him a bit. Later, at the Academy, Kirk continued to try to discover her first name. While hiding under her roommate's bed after Uhura had interrupted them, he overheard her talking to Gaila. Kirk told Uhura he was interested in the distress call she had intercepted. She put him out of their room, his clothes in hand.

It was at Kirk's request that Uhura acted as the communications officer for his third attempt at the Kobayashi Maru test, though she only sarcastically called him "captain" as he wasn't taking the test seriously. While attending Kirk's hearing for his solution to the Kobayashi Maru , Uhura appeared to be disappointed in him. Later, while on the mission to Vulcan, Uhura confirmed that Romulans had attacked a Klingon fleet and she backed Kirk up when he tried to convince Captain Pike of the possibility of a trap.

Accompanying Kirk resulted in Uhura being promoted to the Enterprise 's communications officer and Kirk was proved to be right, causing Uhura to have helped save the ship. When Kirk provoked Spock, Uhura was upset, but didn't intervene, even though she was furious with the way Kirk became acting captain. She was the first to refer to Kirk as "captain" on the Enterprise , though with obvious reservations. Kirk finally learned her first name when Spock called her by it, but continued to call her "Uhura" afterwards. After Kirk's actions saved Earth from the Narada , Uhura officially became his communications officer on the Enterprise and happily called him "captain", having grown to respect him. ( Star Trek )

Uhura mourns Kirk

Uhura urges Spock to go after Khan

One year after the Narada attack, Uhura and Kirk seemed to have grown closer and developed a close friendship. When Kirk was upset with Spock, he confided in Uhura. She also confided to him that he wasn't alone in his anger towards Spock and talked to him about her relationship problems with Spock. When Uhura and Spock later argued, they did so in front of Kirk, with Uhura telling Spock that Kirk was on her side of the disagreement, a fact which Kirk later confirmed. Uhura was able to convince Kirk to allow her to try negotiating with the Klingons when fighting would not work, despite it putting her in mortal danger. While respecting her wishes, Kirk, when she was in danger, didn't hesitate to rush to her rescue. When they discovered they were going to die and Kirk apologized, Uhura comforted him with a squeeze to the shoulder. Uhura witnessed Kirk die after sacrificing himself to save the ship, and broke down crying over the death of her friend. Later, Uhura, still tearful, advised Spock to go get Khan, furious about Kirk's death. She also helped save Kirk's life when she prevented Spock from killing Khan. ( Star Trek Into Darkness )

Over the next few years, the two maintained a close friendship and Uhura was shown to have a great loyalty to Kirk. During the Battle of Altamid , Uhura rushed to Kirk's aid when she realized he was in danger, risking her life to aid him in performing a saucer separation . In the face of Krall , Uhura showed absolute confidence Kirk would come for them and wouldn't leave his crew behind. ( Star Trek Beyond )

Key dates [ ]

  • 2255 - 2258 : Cadet / lieutenant at Starfleet Academy
  • Originally assigned to the USS Farragut
  • Re-assigned (per her request) as communications officer to the USS Enterprise
  • Attends the re- christening ceremony of the Enterprise
  • Heads out on the Enterprise 's five-year mission
  • 2263 : Assigned to the USS Enterprise -A

Memorable quotes [ ]

" For a moment, I thought you were just a dumb hick who only had sex with farm animals. " " Well, not only."

" An alternate reality? " " Precisely. Whatever our lives might have been, if the time continuum was disrupted, our destinies have changed. "

" I sure hope you know what you're doing... captain. " " So do I. "

" We're outnumbered, outgunned. There's no way we survive if we attack first. You brought me here because I speak Klingon. Then let me speak Klingon. "

" I am here to help you. With respect, there is a criminal hiding in these ruins. He has killed many of our people. " " Why should I care about a Human killing Humans? " " Because you care about honor. And this man has none. "

" Go get him. "

" What he's saying is that if we disorient the swarm, we can kick its ass! " " Precisely. "

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • Star Trek (First appearance)
  • Star Trek Into Darkness
  • Star Trek Beyond

Background information [ ]

Nyota Uhura was played by Zoë Saldana .

When first introduced in the script of Star Trek , Uhura was described as having a "gorgeous, dignified face." [11]

Between the release of Star Trek Into Darkness and taking part in the filming of Star Trek Beyond , Zoë Saldana missed her character of Uhura. The actress later recalled, " I missed how different she is, and how important it is for her to do her job well. I missed how diligent she is [....] That's one thing I love about Uhura, that she doesn't argue with anyone. It's, 'What do you need next? What needs to be done? Let's get the hell out of here.' She's done just that. " ( Star Trek Magazine Movie Special 2016 , pp. 44 & 46)

Apocrypha [ ]

Male Uhura IDW

Her male counterpart

According to her biography on the Star Trek movie app, Uhura was born in 2233 to Alhamisi and M'Umbha Uhura. She has two siblings: a sister, Makena, and a brother, Kamau. She graduated with honors from the Institute for Advanced Mathematics in 2255 where she then enrolled in Starfleet Academy . She also spent two academic quarters serving aboard the USS Ahriman as a junior communications cadet.

The official site of the 2009 movie stated, in her character dossier page ( β ), that Uhura is proficient in 83% of official Federation languages and regional dialects. She also was the Academy aide for Advanced Phonology (one of the courses that, according to his dossier, Spock was teaching at the Academy) and Advanced Acoustical Engineering courses, as well as being the vice president of Starfleet Academy Chorale Ensemble.

In the 2013 Star Trek video game, she and Spock discuss his failed attempts at cooking dinner for her. She assures him that she loves him for trying anyway.

The IDW comic " The Voice of a Falling Star " tells the story of how, as a young girl, she saved herself and her parents from a damaged shuttle. She was encouraged by her uncle Raheem, who fell to the planet below after attempting a spacewalk to fix it. Uhura told this story to Spock in a mind meld months after their relationship began.

In " Parallel Lives, Part 1 " and 2 , she has a male counterpart who is also in love with Spock's female counterpart.

Uhura is pictured on cards #54 "Cadet N. Uhura" and #99 "Communications Officer N. Uhura" of the virtual collectible card battle game Star Trek: Rivals .

In the First issue of IDW's Star Trek: Boldly Go comic series that is set after the events of Star Trek Beyond , Uhura and Spock take a sabbatical from Starfleet and they visit Spock's father, Sarek on New Vulcan.

External links [ ]

  • Nyota Uhura (Kelvin timeline) at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Uhura at Wikipedia
  • 1 Abdullah bin al-Hussein

'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' Season 2: Release Date, Trailers, Crossover, and What to Expect

Star Trek's flashiest crew flies into the galaxy with all phasers blazing in Season 2.

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When and where is star trek: strange new worlds season 2 coming out, watch the star trek: strange new worlds season 2 trailers, who are the cast and characters of star trek: strange new worlds season 2, what do we know about star trek: strange new worlds season 2’s story (and the crossover episode), what is the future of star trek: strange new world, who are the creators of star trek: strange new worlds.

The first season of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds was a masterpiece combining nostalgic elements of Star Trek: The Original Series and modern techniques that was a pleasant surprise for fans of all ages. It had an excellent reception from both critics and audiences, mostly because of its amazing cast, and in many ways, it's a return to what fans loved about much of the original series. Season 2 is coming out fairly soon, and we can hope that it will keep up the excellent quality from the first season. It is another chance for us to see what the Enterprise is up to before Kirk and another excellent saga in the Federation's bid to explore the galaxy. Now without further ado, let's get into everything we know so far about Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2.

Editor's Note: This article was last updated on June 4.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 will be hitting screens on June 15, 2023 . As of right now, Season 2 has already finished production, and small bits of information have been leaking out to the public via formal and informal channels. As with the rest of the Star Trek franchise, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 will be released on Paramount+. The first season of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds was on a Thursday release cycle, running from May 10, 2022, to July 7, 2022, and is available for free on Paramount's YouTube Channel .

Watch on Paramount+

Ahead of the official trailer, we got to see two sneak peeks for the season. The first of these sneak peeks features Lieutenant Erica Ortegas (played by Melissa Navia ) on her way to an away mission. It seems the tempo of the crew has hardly changed even though Number One Una Chin-Riley (played by Rebecca Romijn ) is no longer with the crew. We also have some more pithy wordplay with Spock as he continues to grow his ability to interact more naturally with others.

The second sneak peek is more of a behind-the-scenes look. In the previous series, such as Star Trek: The Next Generation , we often see casual places for the crew to relax around the ships. The showrunners thought the mess hall that we saw in the first season was too sparse and have introduced a new area for the ship. The video features Will Wheaton , formerly TNG's Wesley Crusher, and the production designer Jonathan Lee showing off the impressive new set piece. It looks somewhat familiar to Ten Forward and has that modernized 1960s look. This new set is supposed to feature a lot more intimate conversations between characters and includes a ton of easter eggs. One that was immediately picked up by Will Wheaton was the Saurian Brandy from Star Trek: Picard . We see Guinan and Picard drinking it from a similar bottle in Picard Season 2 Episode 1 "The Star Grazer".

The first trailer for Strange New Worlds Season 2 was released on April 19, 2023. The roughly two-minute trailer serves as a teaser for the events to come. Check it out here:

More recently, we got the official trailer for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 on May 24. The new trailer showcases a lot more of the action to come, and gives us our first proper look at the series' upcoming crossover with a certain other Star Trek show. See the trailer in the player below and stay tuned for more:

We received a clip from the upcoming season of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds . In this clip of Episode 2, Una stands on trial. It's a very entertaining albeit brief video.

Most of the cast from the previous season is returning, which is to be expected given the state the show was left in. Given the events of the last season, the Enterprise will be in need of a new head engineer. The newcomer to the enterprise will be played by the iconic Carol Kane . Kane is well known for roles in the TV series Taxi and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt as well as various film roles, usually playing a more comedic motherly character. It seems that this time around she will be a no-nonsense engineer, but perhaps we will see some of that comedic side as well.

The full list of main cast members in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 includes Anson Mount as Christopher Pike, Ethan Peck as Spock, Jess Bush as Christine Chapel, Christina Chong as La'an Noonien-Singh, Celia Rose Gooding as Nyota Uhura, Melissa Navia as Erica Ortegas, Babs Olusanmokun as Joseph M'Benga, Rebecca Romijn as Una Chin-Riley / Number One, and Carol Kane as Pelia, among others.

Related: 'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Should Boldly Go in Its Own Direction

One of the major storylines that we can expect to see is what exactly happened to Number One. One of the highlights of the first season was finding out that she was genetically engineered (one of the recurring issues in Star Trek with characters such as Deep Space Nine ’s Dr. Bashier) and that she has been taken away from her position on the Enterprise. Captain Pike and the rest of the crew definitely support her, but with her position unfilled, someone will have to step in to fill her shoes in the interim.

We also have a first occurrence in the Star Trek Universe, a combined crossover episode with the animated series Star Trek: Lower Decks . Tawny Newsome (who plays Ensign Beckett Mariner in the animated show) and Jack Quaid (who stars alongside Newsome as Ensign Brad Boimler) will be making their live-action debut during the new season of Strange New Worlds . Given that Mariner and Boimler both originate from a timeline much closer to that of Star Trek: The Next Generation , we are certainly left with more than just a few questions. So far, we know that the series will have combined animated and live-action scenes. That episode will be directed by Star Trek veteran Jonathan Frakes .

With characters such as Paul Wesley ’s Captain Kirk appearing in Season 2 , there is certainly a lot of potential for a Season 3. And clearly, Paramount+ has taken note, as it has been confirmed that Strange New Worlds will be getting a Season 3 . The show has plenty of storylines left to explore and has proven to be among the more successful shows in the franchise, so this hardly comes as a surprise. From the tension between Spock and Nurse Chapel to Uhura’s hesitation to continue in Starfleet, not to mention La'an’s murky past, there is plenty left to unpack on this amazing show.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds was created by Akiva Goldsman , Alex Kurtzman , and Jenny Lumet . Henry Alonso Myers and Akiva Goldsman are the showrunners for the season. Season 2's directors include Chris Fisher , Amanda Row , Eduardo Sánchez , Dan Liu , Jonathan Frakes, and Valerie Weiss . The episodes were written by Henry Alonso Myers, Akiva Goldsman, Dana Horgan , David Reed , Kirsten Beyer , Davy Perez , Kathryn Lyn , and Onitra Johnson . The score for Season 2 was composed by Season 1 and Star Trek: Prodigy composer Nami Melumad . Executive producers on the show include Eugene Roddenberry , Trevor Roth , Jenny Lumet, Frank Siracusa , John Weber , Aaron Baiers , Heather Kadin , Henry Alonso Myers, Akiva Goldsman, and Alex Kurtzman.

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‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Renewed for Season 4; ‘Lower Decks’ to Conclude With Season 5 (EXCLUSIVE)

By Adam B. Vary

Adam B. Vary

Senior Entertainment Writer

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and Star Trek: Lower Decks

“ Star Trek : Strange New Worlds,” currently in production on its third season, has been renewed by Paramount+ for Season 4. Meanwhile, “ Star Trek: Lower Decks ,” the first animated “Star Trek” comedy, will conclude its run on the streamer with its fifth season, which will debut in the fall.

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“Lower Decks” charted brand new territory for “Star Trek” when it debuted in 2020, as both an animated comedy and a series that focused on the junior officers of the USS Cerritos: Beckett Mariner (Tawny Newsome), Brad Boimler (Jack Quaid), D’Vana Tendi (Noël Wells) and Sam Rutherford (Eugene Cordero). Set in the years following the feature film “Star Trek: Nemesis,” the series has included voice cameos from many beloved “Star Trek” alumni, like George Takei, Jonathan Frakes, Marina Sirtis, John de Lancie, Will Wheaton, Armin Shimerman, Nana Visitor and Robert Duncan McNeill.

Given its premise, concluding “Lower Decks” make sense considering the main four characters all received promotions in Season 4. But in a message to fans, Kurtzman and executive producer and showrunner Mike McMahan left the turbolift doors open for continuing the characters’ stories following their time at the bottom of the Starfleet pecking order. 

The “Star Trek” TV universe, overseen by Kurtzman through his Secret Hideout production company and produced by CBS Studios, has enjoyed a robust expansion since “Star Trek: Discovery” first premiered in 2017. Along with “Strange New Worlds,” the made-for-television movie “Star Trek: Section 31” recently concluded production with star Michelle Yeoh, and the new series “Star Trek: Starfleet Academy” will begin shooting later this year.

“It has been incredibly rewarding to continue to build the Star Trek universe, and we’re so grateful to Secret Hideout and our immensely talented casts and producers,” said Jeff Grossman, executive vice president of Programming at Paramount+. “‘Strange New Worlds’ has found the perfect blend of action, adventure and humor. Similarly, ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’ has brought the laughs with an ample amount of heart to the franchise across its four seasons. We can’t wait for audiences to see what is in store for the crew of the U.S.S. Cerritos in this final season.”

“‘Lower Decks’ and ‘Strange New Worlds’ are integral to the ‘Star Trek’ franchise, expanding the boundaries of the universe and exploring new and exciting worlds,” said CBS Studios president David Stapf. “We are extraordinarily proud of both series as they honor the legacy of what Gene Roddenberry created almost 60 years ago. We are so grateful to work with Secret Hideout, Alex Kurtzman, Mike McMahan, Akiva Goldsman, Henry Alonso Myers and the cast, crews and artists who craft these important and entertaining stories for fans around the world.”

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Snags Early Season 4 Renewal — Plus, When Will Season 3 Arrive?

Keisha hatchett, staff editor.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds will fly among the stars for a while longer.

Paramount+ has renewed the sci-fi series for Season 4, TVLine has learned. The show is currently in production on Season 3, which eyes a 2025 debut.

In a joint statement, executive producers Akiva Goldsman, Henry Alonso Myers and Alex Kurtzman expressed their gratitude for the early renewal.

The streamer also revealed that the animated Star Trek: Lower Decks ‘ previously announced Season 5 will now be its last .

Set in the years before Kirk takes the helm of the U.S.S. Enterprise , Strange New Worlds follows Captain Christopher Pike (played by Anson Mount), Number One Una Chin-Riley (Rebecca Romijn) and Science Officer Spock (Ethan Peck) as they explore new worlds around the galaxy.

Rounding out the crew are Nurse Christine Chapel (Jess Bush), La’an Noonien-Singh (Christina Chong), Cadet Nyota Uhura (Celia Rose Gooding), Dr. M’Benga (Babs Olusanmokun) and Lt. Erica Ortegas (Melissa Navia).

In Season 2, Paul Wesley recurred as beloved future Enterprise captain James T. Kirk, and Martin Quinn debuted as iconic engineer Montgomery Scott, aka Scotty, in the finale. (Read our interview with the showrunners about Quinn’s special appearance.)

Variety was first to report the news.

How are you feeling about Star Trek: Strange New Worlds ‘ renewal? What do you hope to see in the upcoming Season 3? Sound off below!

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is like Star Trek is meant to be: no season-long arcs that drag along like a rubber band but adventures of the week. I love it!

I guess one-off appeal to people with short attention spans.

i have an extremely short attention span but i love season long arcs. i also love episodic. we’re not all like gabby over there.

Or you know, fans are allowed to have different Star Trek shows that are different from one another.

Why the long wait for season 3? They did the same thing with Evil. Can’t stand Paramount.

The VFX work is very time consuming.

Next Generation managed to have 26 episodes on a consistent yearly schedule. It is ridiculous that shows air 10 episodes every 2 years.

Agreed. It’s absurd.

Shows for streaming and most countries outside the US take 9 months or so to film 10 episodes (or less) regardless of the type of show. Even US network shows can’t turn an episode around in under 8 or 9 days now, and the ones that come close to that wind up looking like expensive soap operas.

There was a strike….

The Writers and Actors strike might have something to do with it.

It takes awhile to create new worlds. The reason these shows look so good. The wait will be worth it

Glad it got renewed! Wish they would have also renewed Discovery. I enjoy the show.

Lots of Star Trek announcements recently, but people should be aware that Paramount is close to being sold (or the controlling shares being sold), so announcements now may not mean anything in a month. Whoever buys the studio would he well advised to take a minute to reassess the Star Trek situation. SNW has its fans, but the success of Picard season 3 shows that a very big audience would like to see a return to the classic Trek universe. They should probably take a minute to figure out what to do, rather than having three or four different Trek franchises floating around.

I hate it that they are making such a long pause and that it has just ten episode, it is ridiculous for a Star Trek show to be that short.

Geez Season 3 not until 2025? I could be dead by then!

Yes! Keep it coming!

Will miss Lower Decks, have enjoyed it much more than SNW and being animated gives it such fun zany stories that would not be physically possible for live action.

But I’m certain you at least watched the crossover episode last season, so it can’t be all bad.

Love Strange New Worlds. It stays close to the original canon. Discovery had potential but fell flat with it’s messaging.

seriously wtf? lower decks ending? budget for that show can’t be that high. most likely strange new worlds will end with 5th season as well given the track record of these shows lately.

Why he’ll does take so long for new seasons to be on. if there value their customers they pick up the place.

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‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Renewed For Season 4 At Paramount+

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds has been renewed for Season 4 at Paramount+, despite currently being in production on its third season.

On the other hand, it has been revealed that the animated comedy series Star Trek: Lower Decks , will end with Season 5 on the streaming platform. The final season will premiere this fall.

Strange New Worlds centers around Capt. Christopher Pike (Anson Mount) is the USS Enterprise commander at this point in the Star Trek universe. He is joined by younger versions of several legacy characters, including Spock (Ethan Peck), Uhura (Celia Rose Gooding), and Kirk (Paul Wesley).

It debuted in 2022 and had an epic second season that included a musical episode and a crossover episode with Lower Decks , helping it climb aboard Nielsen’s chart of the 10 most-watched streaming original series over multiple weeks.

“On behalf of the cast and crew of ‘Strange New Worlds,’ we are thrilled and grateful to continue our voyages together,” said executive producers and showrunners Akiva Goldsman and Henry Alonso Myers, along with executive producer Alex Kurtzman in a statement according to Variety . “We can’t wait for you to join us and the crew of the Enterprise on another season of exploration and adventure.”

Lower Decks is set in the years following the feature film Star Trek: Nemesis and centers around the junior officers of the USS Cerritos: Beckett Mariner ( Tawny Newsome ), Brad Boimler ( Jack Quaid ), D’Vana Tendi ( Noël Wells ) and Sam Rutherford ( Eugene Cordero ).

The series also featured voice cameos from several Star Trek alumni including George Takei , Jonathan Frakes, Marina Sirtis, John de Lancie, Will Wheaton, Armin Shimerman, Nana Visitor, and Robert Duncan McNeill.

Although some aspects of the storyline make it appropriate to conclude the show, Kurtzman and executive producer and showrunner Mike McMahan are leaving the hull open for future iterations.

“We remain hopeful that even beyond Season 5, Mariner, Boimler, Tendi, Rutherford, and the whole Cerritos crew will live on with new adventures,” they said in a message to fans. “While five seasons of any series these days seems like a miracle, it’s no exaggeration to say that every second we’ve spent making this show has been a dream come true.”

Season 3 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is slated to premiere in 2025.

‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ Renewed For Season 4 At Paramount+

Screen Rant

Abrams' star trek movies made a big mistake with spock & uhura.

The J.J. Abrams Star Trek reboot films in the Kelvin timeline did plenty of things right, but the handling of Spock and Uhura was not one of them.

The rebooted Star Trek movie franchise spearheaded by J.J. Abrams earned plenty of plaudits, but the romance between Spock and Uhura was a huge mistake. Taking place in the Kelvin timeline, the Star Trek reboot series began in 2009 with the unambiguously-titled Star Trek . The franchise had been in limbo since the cancelation of Star Trek: Enterprise in 2005, and much was riding on the fortunes of a movie reboot. Fortunately, J.J. Abrams' Star Trek was a critical and box office success, with audiences largely embracing Chris Pine's new Captain James T. Kirk, the spectacular visual effects, and a surprisingly touching script by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman.

Not every element of Star Trek 's Kelvin timeline resonated. The destruction of Vulcan remains controversial, as does the Benedict Cumberbatch version of Khan Noonien Singh from 2013 sequel Star Trek Into Darkness . Arguably the biggest misstep the Kelvin Star Trek films made, however, was the ill-considered romance between Spock and Uhura. The Kelvin timeline gave Star Trek a blank slate, but the relationship between Spock and Uhura was a clear misfire due to a lack of chemistry between lovers, unusual characterization for Spock, and a dash of creepiness.

Related: Star Trek: How Zachary Quinto's Spock Is Different To Leonard Nimoy's

Why J.J. Abrams Made Spock & Uhura A Couple

The Spock and Uhura romance was devised with good intentions. Despite its reputation as a diverse, progressive show, Star Trek: The Original Series largely revolved around three white men in Kirk, Spock, and Dr. McCoy, while non-white Star Trek Enterprise crew members like Uhura and Sulu were usually relegated to the sidelines. The decision was taken early in production that the Kelvin timeline Star Trek movies would make better use of its ensemble cast, with every character afforded moments to shine. Zoe Saldaña's Uhura enjoyed a particularly sizable upgrade, more or less usurping Dr. McCoy's spot in the core trio.

Making Uhura Spock's romantic partner presented a quick and easy way to make Saldaña's character more integral to Star Trek 's plot, but the tactic failed to pay off. Zachary Quinto and Zoe Saldaña are both acclaimed actors, but showed very little romantic chemistry in Star Trek . The relationship also reflects badly upon Spock, who is essentially dating one of his Starfleet Academy students. While Quinto's Spock is notably more emotional than Spock played by Leonard Nimoy , making out on the transporter pad as Kirk looks on in disbelief is boldly going too far.

Star Trek Beyond Ended Spock & Uhura (But It Was Too Late)

Of all the Star Trek films set in the Kelvin timeline, Star Trek Beyond best captures the spirit of Star Trek: The Original Series . Directed by Justin Lin, the third and, as of now, final entry in the series is a fast-paced action romp sprinkled with great character moments and emotional gut punches, most notably the acknowledgment of Leonard Nimoy's death. Promisingly, Star Trek Beyond also acknowledges the dissolution of Spock and Uhura's relationship early on, seemingly in an effort to return the characters to their traditional Star Trek dynamic. Regardless, Spock still comes off poorly in the relationship's aftermath.

Star Trek Beyond includes a subplot whereby Spock gifts Uhura an amulet made from a Vulcan mineral later revealed to be trackable via radiation. The Karl Urban Kelvin timeline McCoy laments Spock giving his girlfriend a " tracking device ," and while Spock claims this was not his intention, the revelation still leaves a sour aftertaste. Luckily, Spock and Uhura's romance will go no further, as Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - which takes place in the Prime timeline before TOS - has established Spock and Uhura as nothing more than respected colleagues. Many aspects of the Star Trek Kelvin timeline movies received acclaim, but the Spock and Uhura relationship was not one of them.

Next: Pike's Relationship With Spock's Fiancee Creates A Kirk Mystery

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Published Apr 18, 2011

Spock/Uhura Mr. and Mrs. Potato Heads on the Way

uhura star trek spock

Just how crazy was the reaction to the news that Kirk and Kor Mr. Potato Heads are the way (due in September)? So crazy that PPW Toys, under license from Hasbro, is lifting the lid early on its next set of Mr. – and Mrs.! – Potato Heads… Spock and Uhura . They’ll beam into stores and e-retailers in November, and we’ve got a First Look, not to mention some details.

Mr. Potato Head will have a new look and shape that PPW Toys plans to introduce this fall. They’ve slightly updated the shape and design of everyone’s favorite Spud, and the Spock/Uhura set will be one of the very first co-licensed Mr./Mrs. Potato Heads to incorporate that fresh look. Further, all of the pieces will be interchangeable with previous and future Star Trek Mr. Potato Heads, meaning that fans can create their own character – please forgive us – “mash-ups.”

On a more serious note, it should be pointed out the Star Trek Mr. Potato Head figures are precisely that… Mr. Potato Head figures. The Trek sets represent Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head paying homage to their favorite Trek characters. As a result, the physical characteristics, including noses, eyes, etc., are all Mr. Potato Head features.

The Spock and Uhura Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head set will be priced at $30-$35 depending on the retailer. For additional information keep an eye on both and .

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  30. Spock/Uhura Mr. and Mrs. Potato Heads on the Way

    Potato Head figures. The Trek sets represent Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head paying homage to their favorite Trek characters. As a result, the physical characteristics, including noses, eyes, etc., are all Mr. Potato Head features. The Spock and Uhura Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head set will be priced at $30-$35 depending on the retailer.