• Set Up Simulator and Test iOS Mobile Safari on Mac

test mobile safari on mac

Henry Bley-Vroman , Former Senior UI Developer

Article Categories: #Process , #Front-end Engineering , #Project Management

Posted on November 16, 2018

Full interactive iOS Mobile Safari browser testing is possible right on your Mac, no additional services necessary. We'll set up Apple's Simulator and configure it for testing Safari on a wide range of iOS versions and devices.

F u l l i n t e r a c t i v e i O S M o b i l e S a f a r i b r o w s e r t e s t i n g i s p o s s i b l e r i g h t o n y o u r M a c , n o a d d i t i o n a l s e r v i c e s n e c e s s a r y . W e ' l l s e t u p A p p l e ' s S i m u l a t o r a n d c o n f i g u r e i t f o r t e s t i n g S a f a r i o n a w i d e r a n g e o f i O S v e r s i o n s a n d d e v i c e s .

This article is part of a series on running cross-browser tests directly on your primary computer. The next in the series is  Set Up a Windows 10 Virtual Machine and Run Internet Explorer 11 and Edge on Mac or Linux .

Part of preparing most websites and web apps for shipment is testing across devices. Several popular web-based browser testing services make it possible to test iOS's Mobile Safari, but the best of these tools require an additional fee, have limited free features, or restrict the number of users who can use an account at the same time.  Apple makes iOS testing available for free to all macOS users, with their Simulator app. The app is hidden away and you need to go through some hoops to support older versions of iOS, but you don't need special technical know-how. Here's how to get it up and running with just a few clicks (and some longish download waits). It works for watchOS and tvOS as well!

Getting Ready

First install XCode , Apple's developer suit. Be prepared for a long download.

Simulator is a standalone app but it's buried deep within the hidden contents of XCode , where you can't get at it, and where Spotlight doesn't see it. So make a symbolic link  of it in the Applications folder. Here's how, in case you don't know:

Open Terminal (in the Applications folder) or your favorite terminal app

Copy and paste this line:

If you're comfortable with that, hit Enter . Otherwise, skip down to the Addendum for an explanation.

Open up your Applications folder. You should see Simulator ! And Spotlight should find it now too! (Note: Spotlight should find it. This stopped working for me the same day I updated from Xcode 9 to Xcode 10. Hopefully Apple fixes this.)

Using Simulator

Open Simulator (double click it from the Applications folder, or open it from Spotlight, or if you're psyched about flexing new-found command line powers run —type and follow with the Enter ⏎ key— the command open /Applications/Simulator.app ).

Look at that! An iOS device!

iPhone XS Max in Simulator

Now you can click on the Safari icon and start browsing! But read on to get the most out of Simulator…

Configuring Simulator

With the devices you need all installed, let's get to know Simulator a little. We'll change the window size, add support for your computer keyboard, and add support for trackpad scrolling.

Turn on the ability to type in Simulator with your keyboard

By default, you have to use the on-screen keyboard to type in Simulator's iOS devices, just like you use the on-screen keyboard on a real iOS device. But you can turn on support for your physical keyboard:

In Simulator's "Hardware" menu, under "Keyboard," check "Connect Hardware Keyboard."

Connect Hardware Keyboard is under Keyboard in Simulator's Hardware menu

Share the clipboard across macOS and your Simulator devices

By default, the standard command v keyboard shortcut will not work to paste to Simulator from any other app. To turn on the shared clipboard (known in Apple devices as the pasteboard), select "Automatically Sync Pasteboard" from the "Edit" menu.

Setting Simulator to automatically sync the pasteboard across devices and with the macOS clipboard.

Note for users running older versions of Xcode:  This worked differently prior to Simulator 10. You'll have to use shift command v to paste the macOS clipboard into the Simulator pasteboard, and then you can use command v to paste from the pasteboard.

Switching Devices

With Simulator you can test any Apple device. Select the device you want to use from the "Device" submenu in the "Hardware" menu. By default you'll have only the latest version of iOS, tvOS, and watchOS, but you can easily install "runtimes" for older versions.

Simulator's Device menu, showing iOS 9.3, iOS 10.3, iOS 12.0, tvOS 12.0, and watchOS 5.0. iOS 12.0 is selected, revealing a submenu of devices including iPhones 5s to XS Max, and several generations of iPad, iPad Pro, and iPad Air

Add support for older versions of iOS, tvOS, and watchOS

To add support for other versions of iOS, tvOS, or watchOS, first select "Manage Devices" from the the "Hardwear" menu's "Device" submenu. (For iOS marketshare by version, refer to iOS Distribution and iOS Market Share or Mobile & Tablet iOS Version Market Share Worldwide . Historically, the most recent and second most recent versions of iOS account for between 80–90% of iOS usage, with adoption of the most recent version taking several months to surpass the second most recent version.)

That will open the Xcode app's "Devices" window. Select the "Simulators" tab. Then click the + in the bottom left corner. (Note that your window may look different — as of this writing, it has been redesigned in every recent version of XCode. In XCode 9 you'll have to select "Add Device" from the + 's contextual menu).

Under "OS Version," select "Download more simulator runtimes."

Adding a runtime to Xcode

Another new window opens, Xcode's "Components" preferences' list of simulators. Click the downward arrow button next to the OS you want to install support for.

Xcode runtimes list

When the download is complete, close the window. Back in the "Create a new simulator" dialog:

  • Leave the "Simulator Name" field blank.
  • Select the device you want a simulator for.
  • And the OS version you just downloaded should be an option now! (Note that "OS Version" is limited by "Device Type," so you must select the device type first. )

Click "Create," and quit Xcode. Back in Simulator, the device you just added should show up in the "Devices" list!

There you have it! If you aren't familiar with the command line and want to understand what the symbolic link command was doing, continue down to the addendum. Otherwise, you're set up to test things on iOS without going through some extra service!

Limited-audience bonus 1: Turn on three-finger trackpad scrolling in Simulator

By default, you can scroll in a Simulator device by clicking and dragging. With the hardware keyboard connected, you can also use the keyboard arrow keys. If you're used to using trackpad scrolling (e.g. two-finger scrolling) in macOS, you may want to turn it on for Simulator too. While two-finger dragging isn't supported, three-finger dragging is. As of this writing, the experience really isn't good: there can be a initial delay, and then another delay before inertial scrolling kicks in. Here's how to turn it on:

From the System menu () open the "System Preferences," and from there, open the "Accessibility" preferences. Under "Mouse & Trackpad," open the "Trackpad Options" and turn on "three finger drag."

Three finger dragging option in the Accessibility system preferences

Limited-audience Bonus 2: Opening multiple Simulator devices on older versions of Xcode

Sometimes it's useful to have two devices up on the screen at the same time. Before, Xcode 8 (or was it 9?) Simulator could only run one device at a time. If you're on an older version of Simulator that doesn't support multiple devices, you can open two instances of the Simulator app with open -n :

The second instance of the app opens with an error "Unable to boot device in current state: booted." That's saying "the device you're asking to simulate is already being simulated," which is true — by default it's trying to open the same device as it's running in the first instance of the app. Say OK , then go to the Hardware menu > Device and choose a different device. (h/t i40west for the technique)

Addendum: what's that terminal command doing??

If you aren't familiar with the "command line," don't just run a command because someone on the internet says to. I don't know if it's ever really happened (it probably has), but there are plenty of urban legends of command line novices getting tricked into doing serious damage to their computers.

I've said that to make Simulator appear you run

In a nutshell, the Simulator app is installed as part of Xcode, but it's hidden. So we create an alias (aka "shortcut" to people who learned the term on Windows) to the hidden app, and put the alias in the Applications folder.

Here's how it works:

The "command line" lets you run programs that don't have an interface — you tell the app what to do with text commands rather than by clicking on things. The first thing you write is the name of the command. Here, we're running ln , a command that creates links, the technical name for aliases ( ln is short for "link").

Next, write the command-specific options. Option are set with "flags" prefixed with - . ln 's -s flag turns on ln 's "symbolic link" option. There are important differences between symbolic links and plain old links, but in this context what matters is that apps cannot be aliased with a link; apps must be aliased with a symbolic link.

The next thing  ln needs to be told is the thing you want to create an alias to (the "source file"). All files on your computer have an address, written in the form folder/subfolder/file where in a/b/c "c" is inside "b" which is inside "a". This should look familiar from website URLs, and it's actually exactly the same: a website's URL reflects an actual folder structure on a computer somewhere. [More or less… That used to be a given; now it's only sometimes mostly true.] In our case, Xcode is in the "Applications" folder, and inside Xcode there's a Contents folder, and in that is a Developer folder, and in that is an Applications folder, and the Simulator app is in that .

Next you specify the place ln should put that alias (the "target directory"). It makes sense to put your alias to Simulator in the "Applications" folder: add a space after the source file's path, and then write /Applications . (See that / in front of /Applications , in both the source file and the target directory? That's saying "this is at the top level " - Xcode is a child of "Applications" but "Applications" is not the child of anything. One last bit of vocab: "Applications" is the parent of Xcode .)

Okay, hit Enter!

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How to Test Your Website for Different Mobile Devices on MacOS

  • QA - Quality Assurance

How to Test Your Website for Different Mobile Devices on MacOS

Developers must ensure a site  renders properly on different devices during the website development process. A number of testing approaches  offer varying levels of confidence. You can learn more in our previous article outlining the different approaches.

In this article we will learn how to test a website using:

  • XCode’s iOS Simulator for simulating Apple devices
  • Android Studio’s Emulator for emulating Android devices

XCode’s iOS Simulator

Let’s start with XCode’s iOS Simulator : 

  • Go to https://developer.apple.com/XCode/resources/&nbsp ;
  • Select download and choose the website. This will ask you to sign in with your Apple ID. 
  • Sign in and download the .xip file for latest version of XCode
  • Open the downloaded .xip file in finder and double click on it to extract (this might take some time)
  • After extraction, transfer XCode into your application folder (simply drag n drop)
  • Setup is complete


  • This will launch a simulated iPhone.


  • Congratulations. You are done launching a simulated device of your choice for testing.

Tip:  You might want to keep simulator in the dock for faster access:

  • Right click on Simulator icon in the dock
  • Hover over `Options` --> select `Keep in dock`
  • Open Safari browser
  • Go to preferences (press `command`  + ` ,`  keys )
  • Go to `Advanced` tab


  • Open the site you want to inspect in the simulated device


  • From the dropdown menu --> hover over `Simulator` --> It will show you all the websites open in your simulated device


  • Congratulations. Now you can proceed with your development journey.

Android Studio’s Emulator

Now let’s explore Android Studio’s Emulator :

  • Go to https://developer.android.com/studio and download the latest version of Android Studio for your system (choose between Intel or Apple Silicon)
  • To install, simply drag the Android Studio to your Application folder
  • If you are only using the Android Studio to run the emulator feel free to leave all the default settings.
  • By default, Android Studio usually creates an emulated device.
  • Launch Android Studio and you will see a welcome screen.


  • If the desired device is not available on the list, you will need to create one by clicking on the ‘Create device’ button on the top left corner.
  • Once you have launched your Android emulator, open the website you want to inspect/debug/test in the browser of the emulated device.
  • If you are not able to open localhost sites on the emulator, replace `localhost` in the url with the local ip address of your system.

To get local ip address: 

  • Open terminal
  • Type below command:

This will return your local ip address. If on a wired network , use below command to get local ip address:


  • In the DevTools page, from the left panel, select devices, make sure `Discover USB devices` and `Discover network targets` options are checked. 


Customers access websites  not only from computers, but mobile devices. It is important that developers take an extra step and confirm any created website looks as intended on a variety of devices. Add this simple and cost-effective step to your developer workflow as a standard procedure for quality assurance. 

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Testing in Safari without a Mac

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iCapture by Daniel Vine is a service I would have sold my granny for if it had been available before I switched to using a Mac. It allows anyone to enter the URL of a site and download a screenshot of that site as viewed in Safari, with other Mac specific browsers on the way. And unlike BrowserCam , it’s a free service!

For a less accurate but more flexible alternative PC users might want to check out KDE 3.2. Released last week , this new version of the popular Linux desktop environment includes an updated version of Konqueror which incorporates many of the improvements to the KHTML engine made by the Safari development team. Konqueror certainly won’t provide a perfect environment for Safari compatibility testing but it’s better than nothing. Best of all, as soon as Knoppix is updated to include KDE 3.2 PC users will be able to test with the latest version of Konqueror without having to install Linux first.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Testing in Safari without a Mac

What are the best tools for testing in safari without a mac.

There are several tools available for testing in Safari without a Mac. Some of the most popular ones include BrowserStack, Browserling, and TestingBot. These tools provide a cloud-based platform where you can test your website or application in different versions of Safari. They offer real-time testing, screenshots, and video recording features to help you identify and fix issues.

How can I emulate Safari on Windows?

You can emulate Safari on Windows using tools like BrowserStack and Browserling. These tools provide a cloud-based platform where you can test your website or application in different versions of Safari. They offer real-time testing, screenshots, and video recording features to help you identify and fix issues.

Is it possible to test on Safari without owning a Mac?

Yes, it is possible to test on Safari without owning a Mac. You can use cloud-based testing platforms like BrowserStack, Browserling, and TestingBot. These platforms allow you to test your website or application in different versions of Safari, regardless of your operating system.

How accurate is Safari testing on non-Mac platforms?

Safari testing on non-Mac platforms is generally accurate. Tools like BrowserStack, Browserling, and TestingBot use real devices and browsers for testing, ensuring that the testing environment closely matches the real user environment. However, there may be minor differences due to the underlying operating system and hardware.

Can I automate Safari testing without a Mac?

Yes, you can automate Safari testing without a Mac. Tools like BrowserStack, Browserling, and TestingBot support automated testing. You can write test scripts in various languages like JavaScript, Python, and Ruby, and run them on these platforms to automate your testing process.

How can I test different versions of Safari without a Mac?

You can test different versions of Safari without a Mac using cloud-based testing platforms like BrowserStack, Browserling, and TestingBot. These platforms provide access to different versions of Safari, allowing you to test your website or application in various Safari versions.

What are the limitations of testing Safari without a Mac?

While testing Safari without a Mac is possible and generally accurate, there may be minor differences due to the underlying operating system and hardware. Also, some features specific to Mac, like touch gestures, may not be available or may behave differently on non-Mac platforms.

How can I debug Safari without a Mac?

You can debug Safari without a Mac using the debugging tools provided by cloud-based testing platforms like BrowserStack, Browserling, and TestingBot. These tools provide features like real-time testing, screenshots, and video recording, which can help you identify and fix issues.

Can I test Safari on mobile devices without a Mac?

Yes, you can test Safari on mobile devices without a Mac. Cloud-based testing platforms like BrowserStack, Browserling, and TestingBot provide access to real mobile devices with different versions of Safari for testing.

How can I improve the performance of my website in Safari without a Mac?

You can improve the performance of your website in Safari without a Mac by testing it in different versions of Safari using cloud-based testing platforms. These platforms provide performance testing features that can help you identify performance issues and optimize your website for better performance in Safari.

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How to Emulate the Latest Safari Browser for Testing Websites in 2022

How to Emulate the Latest Safari Browser Online


Browser emulators are ideal for testing how responsive a site is. The term ‘browser emulator’ refers to software that imitates the functionality of various web browsers. For instance, a Safari emulator aims to emulate Safari. 

Emulators help attain the exact look and feel of an actual Safari browser when a website is launched on it. Safari is a popular browser exclusive to Apple devices. Although Apple has discontinued its usage in other operating systems, users can download older versions if they want to test its features.

You need to use a cross-browser testing tool, a virtual machine, or an emulator to emulate Safari browser online. This helps evaluate if a website is working as per expectations.

Table Of Contents

  • 1 Can You Run the Safari Browser on Windows 10 & 11?
  • 2.1 Use a Virtual Machine
  • 2.2 Use Cross-Browser Testing Tools
  • 3 How to Test Safari Browser on Windows?
  • 4.1 How to Emulate Safari on Linux?
  • 5.1 How to Emulate Safari on Chrome
  • 5.2 How to Emulate Safari in Firefox
  • 5.3 How to Emulate Safari on Internet Explorer?
  • 5.4 How to Emulate Safari on Edge?
  • 6 Emulate Safari Browser Online 
  • 8.1 Can you emulate Safari on PC?
  • 8.2 How do I emulate a device in Safari?
  • 8.3 How do I test Safari online?

Can You Run the Safari Browser on Windows 10 & 11?

A segment of users wishes to use Safari as a default browser on Windows 10 and 11. This is because of its user-friendly design and speed. Safari runs parallel with popular browsers like Chrome, Edge, and Firefox when it comes to its outstanding performance. However, there is a catch. 

Even if you can download Safari on Windows, you risk your system because you can face potential security issues. The overall performance of your PC might even get compromised if you download expired or old versions of the software. Apple, therefore, has discontinued offering Safari as a standalone browser for any other operating system, including Windows. 

However, you can install the browser as a substitute browser on any PC that runs the operating system of Microsoft from unofficial online platforms. Concludingly, we can say that there is currently no Safari emulator for Windows. 

No Safari emulator is dedicated to running on any version of Windows, be it Windows 10 or 11. However, many websites offer users the option of testing Safari on Windows.

How Can I Test Websites on Safari Without Mac? 

emulate safari

Safari has been deemed the second most popular browser in 2022 and is the native default browser of Apple devices. It is an ideal browser for testing any online product or site because of its fast responsiveness.

However, one of the biggest challenges most software testers and website developers face is the lack of a Mac (iMac or Macbook). You are primarily required to have a Mac for both automated and manual testing in the Safari browser because this browser is platform-specific.

To address this problem, you can use the following hacks to test your product on the Safari browser:-

Use a Virtual Machine

You don’t need to worry about not having a Mac to run your tests on the Safari browser. To do so, you can easily conduct them on a Windows local host with the help of a virtual machine by using your PC or system as the server. 

Numerous virtual machines are available for you to choose from, and they will run any browser inside Linux or Windows. 

All you need to do is configure a handful of settings at the hardware and the software level (choosing the amount of disk space and RAM to allocate to each OS). Your computer, however, needs to have enough power to sustain this configuration. 

Use Cross-Browser Testing Tools

It is imperative to run any website on multiple browsers to ensure a smooth-sailing experience for visitors. To overcome the challenge of testing websites on Safari without a Mac, you opt for cross-browser testing tools. These tools will allow you to see how the website functions and looks on multiple browsers in one go. It does not require additional costs and is ideal for testing various websites on Safari. 

What Tools Do You Use for Cross-Browser Testing? 

cross browser testing

You can easily use special tools to test cross-browser compatibility. This will allow you to check the overall outlook of a website in numerous browsers as well as mobile devices.

Advantages of Cross-Browser Testing

The advantages of using a cross-browser testing platform are listed below:-

  • It saves time: With cross-browser testing, you can check your website for any hidden bugs or glitches before launching it. This helps save money and time because it detects issues before publishing the website. 
  • Test on local and on-premise machines: With cross-browser testing, you can run test cases and websites on any OS environment on any local system behind firewalls.
  • Numerous test reporting procedures: You can choose any preferred reporting from videos, images, and the like for better understanding.
  • Real test environments: You can seamlessly check your cross-browser compatibility on actual browsers to identify every kink and bug in your website or application.
  • Secure customer privacy: These platforms take stringent measures to help maintain the privacy of every customer.
  • Broad test coverage: Most platforms for browser testing are codeless because they are AI or NLP-powered. This helps in reaching a broader test coverage.
  • Debugging is easy: The debugging features in cross-browser testing platforms are top-notch to help deliver bug-free websites seamlessly.
  • Easy CI/CD integration: Most cross-browser platforms have convenient CI/CD pipelines for managing faster and continuous delivery.
  • 24*7 test runs: Cloud-based cross-browser testing platforms help run test suites 24*7 to conduct faster and more efficient testing with the least effort.
  • Requires no additional coding: You need not have prior knowledge of CSS or HTML coding for cross-browser testing. They are user-friendly and can even be used by beginners.

Common Cross-Browser Testing Tools

If you cannot use emulators or have access to actual devices, you can opt for cloud-based emulators. One of the biggest advantages of using cloud-based emulators rather than local emulators or real devices is automating unit tests for your site across various platforms. 

To make things easy for you, we have consolidated a list of top-tier testing sites and cloud-based emulators:-

Testsigma is a reliable and comprehensive test automation platform. With Testsigma, you can run automated tests for your applications and software seamlessly. It helps ensure the compatibility of your website or application across various browsers.

It is highly scalable as a cloud-based test automation platform where you can run parallel tests and even write automated tests in simple English. Besides, the platform is ideal for both visual and functional testing. We have listed some of the best advantages of using Testsigma as a cross-browser testing platform:-

  • Covers over 2000+ native browser or device combinations
  • Helps track issues with test logs
  • Enables local testing functionality
  • Runs automated tests in parallel and gets results fast 
  • Performs automated screenshot testing and Video Responsive testing 
  • Tools like Jira, Slack, and others are available for integration 
  • Offers geo-location testing 


BrowserStack is an online testing platform for seamless manual and automated testing. You need to choose an appropriate operating system, a device type, a browser version, and a URL for browsing. BrowserStack offers a reliable hosted virtual machine for user interaction.

You can easily run many emulators all at the same time without having to change screens. You can even test out the look and feel of your website or app across numerous browsers and devices. Some advantages you can reap out of using Browserstack as a cross-browser testing platform are as follows:-

  • Ability to reproduce, debug and solve issues to launch bug-free websites and apps. 
  • Built for all kinds of teams, starting from Engineering, Marketing, Product, Support, and Growth for testing, collaborating, and delivering quality.
  • Highly scalable and can accommodate large teams for successfully shipping out applications and websites.

LambdaTest is another widely used online testing platform where users can perform manual cross-browser testing. You can run a combination of multiple operating systems and browsers at once. You can even record videos of complicated bugs and share them via Slack, Microsoft Teams, and more.

Besides, the platform allows you to speed up your testing by running parallel testing. Some of the best features are:-

  • You can test multiple browsers on any OS environment or browser of your choice. 
  • It has a highly scalable cloud infrastructure. 
  • It is highly secure and reliable for performing automated cross-browser testing .
  • It offers high execution speeds as well as fast, automated screenshots.
  • With its handy reporting feature and detailed integration, you can easily analyze your test runs and immediately send reports.


Browsershots is an open-source online platform that offers developers an easy and user-friendly way to run tests for checking a website’s compatibility with a browser. It also allows screenshotting your web design in numerous operating systems and browsers. BrowserShots is completely free of cost, which is convenient for checking how your website looks across multiple browsers.

How to Test Safari Browser on Windows?

Testing Safari Browser on Windows can be challenging because Safari is primarily designed for macOS and iOS platforms. However, there are a few approaches you can consider to test Safari on a Windows machine:

  • Remote testing services: Utilize remote testing services such as BrowserStack or Sauce Labs, which offer virtual machines with different operating systems and browsers, including Safari on macOS. These services allow you to access and test Safari on real macOS environments directly from your Windows machine through a web browser.
  • macOS virtual machines: Set up a macOS virtual machine (VM) on your Windows computer using virtualization software like VMware or VirtualBox. You can install Safari on the macOS VM and perform testing as you would on a native macOS environment.
  • Remote access to macOS device: If you have access to a physical macOS device, you can remotely connect to it from your Windows machine using remote desktop software like TeamViewer, AnyDesk, or Chrome Remote Desktop. This allows you to control and test Safari on the macOS device without needing to physically access it.
  • Cross-browser testing tools: Some cross-browser testing tools like BrowserStack or Sauce Labs offer a feature called “Interactive Testing” where you can remotely access and interact with Safari browsers running on real macOS devices from your Windows machine.

Cloud-based test automation platforms: Consider using a cloud-based test automation platform like Testsigma, which provides access to real macOS environments with Safari installed. Testsigma allows you to run automated tests on Safari Browsers without needing physical access to macOS devices.

Emulate Safari Across Other Different OS

There are separate pathways for different operating systems when it comes to emulating Safari. We have consolidated the best ways to emulate Safari on the following OS:-

How to Emulate Safari on Linux?

To emulate Safari on Linux, you can follow two methods.

  • Installing Safari using WINE.
  • Using WINE and PlayOnLinux provides a graphical user interface (UI) for WINE. 
  • Using a virtual visualization application for cross-browser testing

Emulate Safari Using Various Browsers

safari browser online

There are several browsers available that users use at their convenience. This is why you must test it on every possible platform before launching your website or application. Down below, we have listed the various ways you can emulate Safari on numerous browsers:-

How to Emulate Safari on Chrome

To emulate Safari on Chrome, you can use websites such as TestingBot or Chrome extensions such as BrowserStack. BrowserStack is a very reliable solution that allows you to initiate testing sessions with a large number of device and browser combinations. You can immediately set up a Safari testing environment by clicking on the BrowserStack extension icon in your Chrome browser.

Alternatively, you can use these steps to emulate Safari using the Developer tools:

  • Hit the Control + Shift + I keys to open the Developer tools environment
  • Go to the Network tab and click on Network conditions
  • Go to the User Agent section and unselect the ‘Use browser default’ radio button and click on the dropdown with the ‘custom’ label
  • Scroll down till you can see the devices under Safari, and then select the device (Mac, iPad etc.) you want to emulate Safari with

How to Emulate Safari in Firefox

Firefox is notably one of the most popular browsers used by millions worldwide. If you want to emulate Safari in Firefox, you have to use visualization software which you can download as a browser extension or turn to a cross-browser testing website. The latter option is completely free of cost, hassle-free, and requires no technological prowess.

How to Emulate Safari on Internet Explorer?

Internet Explorer is one of the oldest browsers known to mankind. Although quite rarely used, it is still surprisingly used to this day. If you still use Internet Explorer to this day, you can emulate Safari on Internet Explorer with a cross-browser testing platform or an additionally installed extension. 

How to Emulate Safari on Edge?

Edge is a popular browser developed by Microsoft. You can emulate other browsers by changing the user string. If you want to emulate Safari on Edge, you need to follow the steps listed below:-

  • Open Microsoft Edge and visit the link you wish to test
  • Hit the F12 key to open the Developer tools environment
  • Go to the User Agent section and unselect the ‘Select automatically’ radio button and click on the dropdown
  • Scroll down till you can see the devices under Safari and then select the device (Mac, iPad etc.) you want to emulate Safari with

Emulate Safari Browser Online 

emulate safari browser online

Although the ideal way to emulate Safari is by using an open-source testing platform, some other ways to do the same have been listed below:-

  • Using browser widgets
  • Downloading older versions of Safari, like Safari 5.1.7 or previous versions 

Every application or website is built using codes using HTML, JavaScript, or CSS elements. Since they are launched online, it is impossible to ascertain which user will use which browser. Safari has its own technology, comes with its own set of challenges, and interprets every application in its own way. 

Therefore, to ensure that your website or application runs smoothly on Safari, you need to conduct cross-browser testing to maintain consistency in its display and functionality. Running automation tests is also integral to software testing. Testsigma is a great platform for seamlessly running automation tests. 

Frequently asked questions

Can you emulate safari on pc.

The Safari Browser has now been limited only to macOS and iOS. However, you can easily emulate this browser on Windows or any other OS by using a virtual machine with your computer as the server. 

How do I emulate a device in Safari?

To emulate a device in Safari, you can use the Simulator added with Xcode and debug/inspect those reviews remotely by using the Develop menu in Safari.

How do I test Safari online?

To run a website on a Safari browser without a Mac, you can use a cross-browser testing tool or an online testing platform. 

Suggested Reading

Android Emulator Online

Adhithi is having 9+ years of experience in automation testing as well as manual testing. She is a QA, blogger and open source contributor. She loves exploring new tools and technologies, and gadgets and sharing her experience by writing blogs and making vlogs.

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Test on Real Safari Browsers

Unlike with most test automation vendors, our enterprise testing platform allows you to execute your tests on real Safari browsers from our cross-browser cloud grid. You can easily build automated tests in just a few minutes. No coding skills required . ‍

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Run all browsers for maximum coverage

All our tests run on real browsers and real operating systems to ensure the highest quality test environment possible. You can schedule your tests to run when and how you need them to or integrate them into your CI/CD workflows.

Advanced Tools for Any Requirements

We offer a variety of advanced tools like self healing tests to help you maintain through machine learning, computer vision to all us to "see" unexpected changes on the site, and scheduling to automatically run tests whenever you need.

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Ensure Maximum Test Coverage

Endtest utilizes machine learning computer vision to do a pixel-by-pixel comparison of the UI and alert of any changes in your test results.

Maintence has never been easier

Take advantage of the power of self healing tests. Endtest can find and update elements in your tests whenever the underlying code they are testing changes.

Record Tests in your Browser

Install the Endtest browser extension to quickly and easily build tests while using your website live.

Endtest has you covered for all your end-to-end testing needs.

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Email and SMS Testing

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Set up simulator and test ios mobile safari on mac.

February 20, 2019

A version of this article appeared on viget.com

Cutaway diagram of a Western Electric 500

This article is the first in a two-part series on running cross-browser tests directly on your primary computer. The second is Set Up a Windows 10 Virtual Machine and Run Internet Explorer 11 and Edge on Mac or Linux .

Part of preparing most websites and web apps for shipment is testing across devices. Several popular web-based browser testing services make it possible to test iOS’s Mobile Safari, but the best of these tools require an additional fee, have limited free features, or restrict the number of users who can use an account at the same time. Apple makes iOS testing available for free to all macOS users, with their Simulator app. The app is hidden away and you need to go through some hoops to support older versions of iOS, but you don’t need special technical know-how. Here’s how to get it up and running with just a few clicks (and some longish download waits). It works for watchOS and tvOS as well!

Getting Ready

First install XCode , Apple’s developer suit. Be prepared for a long download.

Simulator is a standalone app but it’s buried deep within the hidden contents of XCode , where you can’t get at it, and where Spotlight doesn’t see it. So make a symbolic link of it in the Applications folder. Here’s how, in case you don’t know:

Open Terminal (in the Applications folder) or your favorite terminal app

Run this (not comfortable? skip down to the Addendum for an explanation):

  • Open up your Applications folder. You should see Simulator ! And Spotlight should find it now too! (Note: Spotlight should find it. This stopped working for me the same day I updated from Xcode 9 to Xcode 10. Hopefully Apple fixes this.)

Using Simulator

Open Simulator (double click it from the Applications folder, or open it from Spotlight, or if you’re psyched about flexing new-found command line powers run —type and follow with the Enter ⏎ key— the command open /Applications/Simulator.app ).

Look at that! An iOS device!

Now you can click on the Safari icon and start browsing! But read on to get the most out of Simulator…

Configuring Simulator

With the devices you need all installed, let’s get to know Simulator a little. We’ll change the window size, add support for your computer keyboard, and add support for trackpad scrolling.

Turn on the ability to type in Simulator with your keyboard

By default, you have to use the on-screen keyboard to type in Simulator’s iOS devices, just like you use the on-screen keyboard on a real iOS device. But you can turn on support for your physical keyboard:

In Simulator’s “Hardware” menu, under “Keyboard,” check “Connect Hardware Keyboard.”

Share the clipboard across macOS and your Simulator devices

By default, the standard command v keyboard shortcut will not work to paste to Simulator from any other app. To turn on the shared clipboard (known in Apple devices as the pasteboard), select “Automatically Sync Pasteboard” from the “Edit” menu.

Note for users running older versions of Xcode: This worked differently prior to Simulator 10. You’ll have to use shift command v to paste the macOS clipboard into the Simulator pasteboard, and then you can use command v to paste from the pasteboard.

Switching Devices

With Simulator you can test any Apple device. Select the device you want to use from the “Device” submenu in the “Hardware” menu. By default you’ll have only the latest version of iOS, tvOS, and watchOS, but you can easily install “runtimes” for older versions.

Add support for older versions of iOS, tvOS, and watchOS

To add support for other versions of iOS, tvOS, or watchOS, first select “Manage Devices” from the the “Hardwear” menu’s “Device” submenu. (For iOS marketshare by version, refer to ~iOS Distribution and iOS Market Share~ (tool no longer available) or Mobile & Tablet iOS Version Market Share Worldwide . Historically, the most recent and second most recent versions of iOS account for between 80–90% of iOS usage, with adoption of the most recent version taking several months to surpass the second most recent version.)

That will open the Xcode app’s “Devices” window. Select the “Simulators” tab. Then click the + in the bottom left corner. (Note that your window may look different — as of this writing, it has been redesigned in every recent version of XCode. In XCode 9 you’ll have to select “Add Device” from the + 's contextual menu).

Under “OS Version,” select “Download more simulator runtimes.”

Another new window opens, Xcode’s “Components” preferences’ list of simulators. Click the downward arrow button next to the OS you want to install support for.

When the download is complete, close the window. Back in the “Create a new simulator” dialog:

  • Leave the “Simulator Name” field blank.
  • Select the device you want a simulator for.
  • And the OS version you just downloaded should be an option now! (Note that “OS Version” is limited by “Device Type,” so you must select the device type first. )

Click “Create,” and quit Xcode. Back in Simulator, the device you just added should show up in the “Devices” list!

There you have it! If you aren’t familiar with the command line and want to understand what the symbolic link command was doing, continue down to the addendum. Otherwise, you’re set up to test things on iOS without going through some extra service!

Limited-audience bonus 1: Turn on three-finger trackpad scrolling in Simulator

By default, you can scroll in a Simulator device by clicking and dragging. With the hardware keyboard connected, you can also use the keyboard arrow keys. If you’re used to using trackpad scrolling (e.g. two-finger scrolling) in macOS, you may want to turn it on for Simulator too. While two-finger dragging isn’t supported, three-finger dragging is. As of this writing, the experience really isn’t good: there can be a initial delay, and then another delay before inertial scrolling kicks in. Here’s how to turn it on:

From the System menu () open the “System Preferences,” and from there, open the “Accessibility” preferences. Under “Mouse & Trackpad,” open the “Trackpad Options” and turn on “three finger drag.”

Limited-audience Bonus 2: Opening multiple Simulator devices on older versions of Xcode

Sometimes it’s useful to have two devices up on the screen at the same time. Before, Xcode 8 (or was it 9?) Simulator could only run one device at a time. If you’re on an older version of Simulator that doesn’t support multiple devices, you can open two instances of the Simulator app with open -n :

The second instance of the app opens with an error “Unable to boot device in current state: booted.” That’s saying “the device you’re asking to simulate is already being simulated,” which is true — by default it’s trying to open the same device as it’s running in the first instance of the app. Say OK , then go to the Hardware menu > Device and choose a different device. (h/t i40west for the technique)

Addendum: what’s that terminal command doing??

If you aren’t familiar with the “command line,” don’t just run a command because someone on the internet says to. I don’t know if it’s ever really happened (it probably has), but there are plenty of urban legends of command line novices getting tricked into doing serious damage to their computers.

I’ve said that to make Simulator appear you run

In a nutshell, the Simulator app is installed as part of Xcode, but it’s hidden. So we create an alias (aka “shortcut” to people who learned the term on Windows) to the hidden app, and put the alias in the Applications folder.

Here’s how it works:

The “command line” lets you run programs that don’t have an interface — you tell the app what to do with text commands rather than by clicking on things. The first thing you write is the name of the command. Here, we’re running ln , a command that creates links, the technical name for aliases ( ln is short for “link”).

Next, write the command-specific options. Option are set with “flags” prefixed with - . ln ’s -s flag turns on ln ’s “symbolic link” option. There are important differences between symbolic links and plain old links, but in this context what matters is that apps cannot be aliased with a link; apps must be aliased with a symbolic link.

The next thing ln needs to be told is the thing you want to create an alias to (the “source file”). All files on your computer have an address, written in the form folder/subfolder/file where in a/b/c “c” is inside “b” which is inside “a”. This should look familiar from website URLs, and it’s actually exactly the same: a website’s URL reflects an actual folder structure on a computer somewhere. [More or less… That used to be a given; now it’s only sometimes mostly true.] In our case, Xcode is in the “Applications” folder, and inside Xcode there’s a Contents folder, and in that is a Developer folder, and in that is an Applications folder, and the Simulator app is in that .

Next you specify the place ln should put that alias (the “target directory”). It makes sense to put your alias to Simulator in the “Applications” folder: add a space after the source file’s path, and then write /Applications . (See that / in front of /Applications , in both the source file and the target directory? That’s saying “this is at the top level ” - Xcode is a child of “Applications” but “Applications” is not the child of anything. One last bit of vocab: “Applications” is the parent of Xcode .)

Okay, hit Enter!

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Cross-browser testing

Safari Browser Testing

Browserling offers free online cross-browser testing in the Safari browser. At the moment, we offer Safari versions that run on Windows but very soon we'll also be adding Safari on macOS. The Windows Safari versions are installed on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, and XP. The installed Safari versions are from the official Apple installation packages and they are not fake browser emulators or simulators. To access Safari from Browserling, you don't have to install any additional software as Browserling is powered by HTML5 and JavaScript.

Try Safari in Browserling now!

Use the browser testing widget (below) to load an online Safari browser. Simply enter the address of a website that you want to open and press the "Test now!" button.

The free Browserling version offers 3 minutes of Safari testing on Windows 10 but to get unlimited minutes and access to all other operating systems, you'll have to get the developer plan .

Safari Testing FAQ

What is the latest safari version for windows.

The latest Windows Safari version is 5.1.5. You can access it via our quick browsing URL: browserling.com/browse/safari/5.1.5 .

What is the earliest Safari for Windows?

The earliest Windows Safari version is 4.0 and you can also access it via our quick browsing URL: browserling.com/browse/safari/4.0 .

Does Apple still maintain the Windows port of Safari?

No, Apple stopped maintaining Windows Safari after version 5.1.5

Do you offer Safari testing on macOS?

We're working on it! We don't have Safari on macOS yet but it's one of our top priority tasks to add it. Stay tuned!

Do you offer Safari testing on iPhones?

Offering Safari browser testing on iPhones is also one of our top tasks and we're working on it!

What browser engine does Safari use?

Safari is based on the WebKit browser engine. WebKit is also used by Chrome , Edge , and Opera browsers.

Do you run a Safari emulator?

No, we installed Safari from the official Apple installation package and it runs on a real computer. It's not an emulator nor a simulator but a real browser.

Can you help us with an issue on our website in Safari?

We'd love to help. We have been solving cross-browser testing problems for over 10 years and know everything there is about the Safari browser. Please email us at [email protected] and we'll help you with your website issue in Safari.

What is the Live Safari API?

It's a technology that we created. It lets you embed a Safari in your own project (a website or a webapp). Take a look at the Live API page that shows how it works.

For any other questions about cross-browser testing in Safari please contact us at [email protected] or use our contact form .

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macOS Big Sur Testing

Test on macOS Big Sur and Safari 14

macOS Big Sur Preview 1

We have added Apple's upcoming OS to our list of platforms .

Apple announced this next new major macOS release in its latest WWDC keynote. The version number of the OS will be incremented from 10 to 11, the first time since the release of Mac OS X Public Beta in 2000.

macOS Big Sur will introduce a refresh of the user interface design. According to Apple this is the biggest change since the introduction of Mac OS X.

With this addition you'll be able to test your website both manually and automatically on the new Safari 14 version.

Why test on a Preview version?

Even though we only provide the Preview version, it gives a good indication of what the final public release will contain later this year. By testing on this Preview version, you can make sure that your website looks and behaves correctly on Safari 14 when it will be released to the general public later this year.

The newest Safari version will come with performance improvements, enhanced privacy settings and a WebExtensions API .

Here's a list of the major changes in this new version:

  • Built-in webpage translation in several languages
  • Enhanced privacy features such as "Privacy Report"
  • Password monitoring; Safari will notify the user if their password has been compromised
  • Enhanced performance and power efficiency
  • Extension privacy management
  • WebExtensions API support
  • Page previews
  • Importing passwords from Chrome

Selenium testing on macOS Big Sur

We've added all Chrome and Firefox versions to Big Sur, together with Safari. You'll be able to run automated Selenium tests with ChromeDriver, Geckodriver and SafariDriver on this new operating system.

Simply point your test scripts to our Selenium endpoint and specify BIGSUR in your desired capabilities to run a test on our cloud.

You can change the resolution of the VM to test your website on several resolutions and receive a screen recording and screenshots of your test.

Test your WebExtension with Safari 14 to make sure it works correctly.

Take advantage of high concurrency testing and run your tests in parallel on macOS Big Sur Preview 1

What about macOS Catalina?

We have been offering macOS Catalina since its release and are now offering macOS Catalina 10.15.5, which includes Safari 13.

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Apple Releases Safari Technology Preview 192 With Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

Apple today released a new update for Safari Technology Preview , the experimental browser Apple first introduced in March 2016. Apple designed the ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ to test features that may be introduced into future release versions of Safari.

Safari Technology Preview Feature

The current ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ release is compatible with machines running macOS Ventura and macOS Sonoma , the latest version of macOS that Apple released in September 2023.

The ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ update is available through the Software Update mechanism in System Preferences or System Settings to anyone who has downloaded the browser . Full release notes for the update are available on the Safari Technology Preview website .

Apple's aim with ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ is to gather feedback from developers and users on its browser development process. ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ can run side-by-side with the existing Safari browser and while designed for developers, it does not require a developer account to download.

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Top Rated Comments

benface Avatar

Safari 17.5 with MacOS 14.5 scored a 14.2, Safari Tech Preview 192 was 13.3, and the latest Google Chrome was 26.8. Uggg....

vegetassj4 Avatar

"and Performance Improvements" Sooooo...at long last, it's the most snappiest Safari we've ever created. You're going to love it

sartorius Avatar

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Apple touts major 60% leap in Safari and WebKit performance

Avatar for Chance Miller

Apple’s WebKit team has published a new blog post this week detailing how they’ve made significant upgrades to Safari’s performance over the last several months. The improvements come following the debut of Speedometer 3.0 in March, described as a “major step forward in making the web faster for all.”

Back in March, Apple, Google, and Mozilla teamed up to launch the new Speedometer 3 browser benchmark. The goal of Speedometer 3 is to “create a shared understanding of web performance so that improvements can be made to enhance the user experience.”

The results provided by Speedometer 3 offer more details on how the test “captures and calculates scores, show more detailed results and introduce an even wider variety of workloads.” Apple says:

The introduction of Speedometer 3.0 is a major step forward in making the web faster for all, and allowing Web developers to make websites and web apps that were not previously possible.

Apple’s WebKit team says that it has successfully improved Safari’s Speedometer 3.0 score by ~60% between the release of Safari 17.0 in September and Safari 17.4’s release in March. These improvements, Apple says, mean that developers can build websites and web apps that are faster than ever before:

With all these optimizations and dozens more, we were able to improve the overall Speedometer 3.0 score by ~60% between Safari 17.0 and Safari 17.4. Even though individual progressions were often less than 1%, over time, they all stacked up together to make a big difference. Because some of these optimizations also benefited Speedometer 2.1, Safari 17.4 is also ~13% faster than Safari 17.0 on Speedometer 2.1. We’re thrilled to deliver these performance improvements to our users allowing web developers to build websites and web apps that are more responsive and snappier than ever.

The full blog post has a ton of technical details on the work that has been done to optimize WebKit and Safari for Speedometer 3.0.

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Chance is an editor for the entire 9to5 network and covers the latest Apple news for 9to5Mac.

Tips, questions, typos to [email protected]

test mobile safari on mac

Google Chrome vs. Apple Safari: Which browser is better on Mac

  • Cross-platform availability can make the switch from Chrome to Safari seamless, with data and preferences intact across devices.
  • Safari's user interface impresses with a clean layout, while Google Chrome offers more customization options in its Material You makeover.
  • Safari's memory usage advantage over Chrome on Mac with 8GB of RAM is a key factor to consider if performance is a concern.

As the default web browser on Mac, Safari has received a steady stream of updates over the last few years. Apple releases new builds for all its apps and services with yearly OS updates. While we applaud Safari improvements on Mac, the burning question remains the same: is it good enough to prevent users from switching to Chrome? How does it compare to everyone’s favorite web browser out there? Read our comparison post before you change the default browser on your Mac , iPhone, or iPad.

Google Chrome vs Microsoft Edge: Which browser is better?

Cross-platform availability.

Before we pit Safari against Chrome, let’s check their cross-platform availability first. After all, you won’t want to leave your web bookmarks, history, quick links, and other preferences behind when you switch to another platform.

As expected, alternating is a breeze with Chrome, since the browser is available on most smart platforms you can think of. Whether you use Mac, Windows, iPhone, Android, or ChromeOS, you are ready to surf the web with all of your personal data and a familiar interface. In contrast, Apple’s walled garden approach has limited Safari’s availability to the company’s devices only.

User interface and theme

Being the first-party app on macOS, Apple has nailed the esthetics of Safari. Let’s start with the homepage. It carries all the essential elements you need when you fire up the browser. You can check your favorites, recently closed tabs, reading list, privacy report, Siri suggestions, and even apply minimal wallpaper to the background. If it’s too busy for you, customize the entire homepage from the bottom menu. Overall, it’s not as busy as Microsoft Edge and doesn’t look as bland as Chrome’s homepage. Safari also offers a cool translucent effect at the top when you scroll through webpages. Unlike Chrome, there is no theme store to change the look and feel with a single click.

Google Chrome recently received a neat Material You makeover on the web. While Material You on Chrome matches the rest of Google services, it does look slightly out of place with other Mac apps.

Tab management

Do you often have dozens of tabs open during long research sessions? Managing and switching between them can be cumbersome after a while. Here’s where Chrome and Safari’s tab groups come into play, where you can organize relevant tabs under different groups. Safari does have a couple of additional tricks up its sleeve though.

When you create several tab groups on Safari, you can check the entire list from the vertical sidebar. Safari also lets you create different profiles to keep your browsing data separate, such as tabs, history, cookies and website data.

You can assign a different symbol, color, and separate extension list for Work, School, or Personal profiles. There is also an option to share a tab group with your iMessage contacts.

Chrome vs. Safari: Features

Let’s compare Safari and Chrome based on extension support, reading mode, and other novelty features.

Reading mode

Apple offers a seamless reading mode on Safari that you can customize with different backgrounds, fonts, and sizes. In comparison, Chrome’s reader mode leaves a lot to be desired. It opens the article in a sidebar and doesn’t necessarily hide all the distracting elements. Safari wins hands down here.

While Safari covers the essential extensions from top VPNs, password managers, and other third-party developers like Grammarly, Pocket, Raindrop, and Notion, the overall collection is still slim compared to Google Chrome.

If your workflow depends on dozens of extensions, think twice before switching from Chrome to Safari.

Seamless sharing

Shared with You is a niche Safari feature that is tightly backed in iMessage. Links shared with you in the Messages app automatically appear in the Share with You section in Safari. It is only useful for those who frequently exchange weblinks in iMessage conversations.

Instant conversion and translation

Both Safari and Chrome support instant currency conversion and basic math equations. For example, you can quickly get a final number when you type $1000 to INR or 45*3 in the address bar. Chrome goes a step further with Google Translate integration - you can simply type Hello in French and get results instantly.

Chrome vs. Safari: Password management

Both browsers offer basic password management to save your login credentials. Safari uses iCloud Passwords that can sync with all your devices. It supports autofill, Passkeys, verification codes, notes, and more.

Google Password Manager also supports notes and checkup. Like security recommendations on Safari, Chrome Password Manager’s checkup tool shows your leaked, reused, and weak passwords.

Privacy and security

The built-in standard protection on Chrome warns you of harmful files, extensions, and corrupt sites. Safari is a step ahead with iCloud Private Relay. It’s a privacy add-on for Apple One and iCloud+ subscribers to hide your IP address from websites you visit. The option is enabled by default and works silently in the background. When you visit a website in Safari, no one, including Apple, can see who you are or which sites you are visiting. It’s not as extreme as a VPN connection and doesn’t break your browsing setup. You can check out our dedicated guide if you'd like to learn more about iCloud Private Relay .

Safari also offers a privacy report that shows the number of trackers it has blocked from profiling you in the last 30 days.


When it comes to performance, you won’t find any major differences between Chrome and Safari on a high-speed internet connection. However, if your Mac has a slow network connection, you may notice that Safari can load webpages faster than Chrome, something that Avast confirmed in their dedicated speed comparison for major browsers.

While we are on the topic of performance, we should also factor in compatibility. Since Google Chrome (built on Chromium) is the most popular web browser out there, developers test and optimize their offerings for it. You may run into performance issues with specific websites (like Photopea, a web-based Photoshop alternative) on Safari.

Memory usage

Safari is a relatively lightweight web browser compared to Chrome. This is expected, since Chrome has been infamous for high RAM usage. We opened a couple of identical tabs on Chrome and Safari and checked their memory usage from the Activity Monitor. We will let the screenshot below do the talking.

Mac users with 8GB of RAM will surely appreciate Safari’s approach to memory usage.

Chrome vs. Safari: Mobile experience

Both Apple and Google have done a solid job with their iOS apps. They use a bottom bar with all the essential options. You can also use Chrome password manager as the default method to autofill login info. Chrome’s default Discover menu with news articles may irritate some users. Interestingly, Google has done a better job than Apple when it comes to widgets, as Chrome offers more widget options than Safari. Most notably, Chrome offers lock screen widgets which are missing from Safari.

Browse the web in style

Are you still unsure about the pros and cons of Chrome and Safari? Allow us to simplify the situation. Safari shines with better UI, low memory usage, and integration with other Apple apps. Chrome strikes back with cross-platform availability, rich extension support, and Google Translate integration. If you notice performance glitches while browsing the web, check CPU usage on Mac .

Google Chrome vs. Apple Safari: Which browser is better on Mac

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As the iphone ages, let's look at how the now-iconic device has matured since its arrival in 2007..

Computerworld > The Evolution of the iPhone [cover]

The iPhone has come a long way since its arrival in 2007. Here’s our look at every iPhone that Apple has released since the original iconic iPhone arrived in 2007. 

Every iPhone model from 2007 to 2023

The original iphone (2007), the iphone 3g (2008), the iphone 3gs (2009), the iphone 4 (2010), the iphone 4s (2011), the iphone 5 (2012), the iphone 5s and 5c (2013), the iphone 6 and 6 plus (2014), the iphone 6s and 6s plus (2015), the iphone 7 and 7 plus (2016), the iphone 8 and 8 plus (2017), the iphone x (2017), the iphone xr (2018), the iphone xs and xs max (2018), the iphone 11 (2019), the iphone 11 pro and pro max (2019), the iphone 12 and 12 mini (2020), the iphone 12 pro and pro max (2020), the iphone 13 and 13 mini (2021), the iphone 13 pro and pro max (2021), the iphone 14 and 14 plus (2022), the iphone 14 pro and pro max (2022), the iphone 15 and 15 plus (2023), the iphone 15 pro and pro max (2023), first iphone.

Apple's original iPhone

Apple’s first iPhone arrived in June 2007.

After months of rumors and speculation, Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the first iPhone on Jan. 9, 2007. The device, which didn’t actually go on sale until June, started at $499 for a 4GB model, $599 for the 8GB version (with a two-year contract). It offered a 3.5-in. screen, a 2-megapixel camera and won plaudits for the then-new multitouch features. Critics, however, said the phone was too expensive to do well in the market. (See iPhone launch story.)

Apple's iPhone 3G

Apple’s iPhone 3G arrived in July 2008

On June 9, 2008, a year after the original iPhone went on sale, Apple rolled out its successor, the iPhone 3G . The new model could connect to faster 3G-based networks, included built-in GPS, offered more storage and was cheaper. Selling for $199 for the 8GB model, $299 for the 16GB version, the iPhone 3G was available on July 11, and offered something called location services. “Location services is going to be a really big deal on the iPhone,” said CEO Steve Jobs. “It’s going to explode.” (See launch story.)

Apple's iPhone 3Gs

Apple’s iPhone 3Gs arrived in June 2009.

Again at WWDC, Apple’s Steve Jobs announced the next iPhone, a faster version called the iPhone 3GS . Although the form factor was unchanged from the previous version, the new iPhone was twice as fast as its predecessor and ran iPhone 3.0 (an early version of iOS 8, due out later this month). The 32GB iPhone 3G S sold for $299; a 16GB model went for $199. An 8GB iPhone 3G was also offered for $99. The iPhone 3GS was available June 19, 2009. (See launch story.)

Apple's iPhone 4

Apple’s iPhone 4 arrived in June 2010.

The redesigned iPhone 4 arrived on June 7, 2010 in tandem with the newly-renamed iOS 4, and marked the arrival of FaceTime video chat. Prices remained unchanged: $199 for a 16GB model and $299 for the 32GB version. It went on sale on June 24, and heralded the arrival of the first high-resolution “Retina” screen. “Once you use a Retina Display, you can’t go back,” said Steve Jobs. (See launch story.)

Apple's iPhone 4S

Apple’s iPhone 4S arrived in October 2011.

In a change of pace, Apple unveiled the iPhone 4S on Oct. 4, 2011, a few weeks after Steve Jobs stepped down because of health issues. New CEO Tim Cook talked up the new phone’s dual-core processor (the same used in the iPad 2), and said the 4S would go on sale Oct. 14. In addition to the usual 16GB and 32GB models, Apple also unveiled a 64GB version that sold for $399. (See launch story.)

Apple's iPhone 5

Apple’s iPhone 5 arrived in September 2012.

The iPhone 5, the first version to have a 4-in. screen, arrived on Sept. 12, 2012, as CEO Tim Cook touted the faster, slimmer upgrade to the iPhone 4S during a 90-minute presentation in San Francisco. “This is the biggest thing to happen to iPhone since the [original] iPhone,” he said, referring to the first-gen smartphone Steve Jobs had launched in 2007. The iPhone 5 hit the streets on Sept. 21; prices for the 16GB, 32GB and 64GB models were unchanged. (See launch story.)

iPhone 5S and 5C

Apple's iPhone 5s and 5c

Apple’s iPhone 5s and 5c arrived in September 2013.

On Sept. 10, 2013, Apple CEO Tim Cook rolled out not one, but two iPhones: the upscale iPhone 5S (now in gold, in addition to the usual white and black), and the colorful, less-expensive iPhone 5C. (The iPhone 5C was basically a reskinned iPhone 5.) The iPhone 5S got a faster, 64-bit A7 SoC (system on a chip), Touch ID, and a new motion data processor touted as the foundation for a new wave of health and fitness apps. The iPhone 5C started at $99 for a $16GB model; the iPhone 5S started at $199 for the same amount of storage. Both went on sale Sept. 20. (See launch story.)

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus

Apple's iPhone 6 and 6 Plus

Apple’s iPhone 6 and 6 Plus arrived in September 2014.

For the second year in a row, Apple unveiled two iPhones in 2014: the iPhone 6 , which has a 4.7-in. screen, and the iPhone 6 Plus , with a 5.5-in. screen. Both iPhones sported new A8 processors that were faster and more efficient than the previous year’s models. Both also had upgraded cameras and were NFC-ready for access to the new Apple Pay network that rolled out in October. Although the iPhone 6 was priced the same as 2013’s iPhone 5S, the Plus model was $100 more. (See launch story.)

iPhone 6S and 6S Plus

Apple's iPhone 6s and 6s Plus

Apple’s iPhone 6s and 6s Plus arrived in September 2015.

Apple’s iPhone 6S and 6S Plus represented meaty upgrades to the 2014 models on which they were based. The 6S and 6S plus got new force touch technology called 3D Touch, as well as a beefed up 12-megapixel iSight camera that shot 4K video. (The 5-megapixel FaceTime camera was also new, and was designed to take better selfies.) Both phones ran on a faster A9 chip, and came in a new color for 2015: rose gold. (See launch story.)

iPhone 7 and 7 Plus

Apple's iPhone 7 and 7 Plus

Apple’s iPhone 7 and 7 Plus were released in September 2016.

The iPhone 7 and 7 Plus looked much like the 2015 models, with three major exceptions: Apple eliminated the audio jack, changed the home button into a haptic-based virtual button, and added a dual-camera setup in the 7S. The loss of the audio jack, a somewhat controversial move, meant users had to rely on the Apple-supplied earbuds or use their old headphones with the included adapter. Both phones ran on a quad-core A10 Fusion chip, and came in two new colors: Black (a matte-finish charcoal color) and the super shiny Jet Black. (See launch story launch story.)

iPhone 8/8 Plus

Apple's iPhone 8 and 8 Plus

Apple’s iPhone 8 and 8 Plus were released in September 2017.

Apple introduced the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus with a new glass and aluminium enclosure, Retina HD display, A11 Bionic Chip, and wireless charging on Sept. 12, 2017. The front and back glass enclosure, which Apple said was the most durable glass ever in a smartphone, was reminiscent of the design of the iPhone 4 and 4s. True Tone technology adjusted the white balance of the display to match the surrounding light. Redesigned stereo speakers were 25% louder and delivered deeper bass.

Apple called the A11 Bionic chip “the most powerful and smartest chip ever in a smartphone.” It featured a six-core CPU with two performance cores and four efficiency cores, which were 25% and 70% faster than the A10 Fusion chip, respectively. The new iPhones included an Apple-designed GPU that delivered up to 30% faster graphics than in 2016’s iPhone 7.

Each model featured an improved 12-megapixel camera with a larger (and faster) sensor, a new color filter, deeper pixels, and capabilities for 4K video up to 60fps and 1080p slo-mo up to 240fps. ARKit in iOS 11 allowed developers to create AR games and apps offering immersive and fluid experiences. Color variations included space gray, silver, and a new version of gold.

Apple's iPhone X

Apple’s iPhone X arrived in November 2017.

To commemorate a decade of iPhones, Apple ended its September event with “one more thing,” the iPhone X (“ten”). Starting at $999 for 64GB and $1,149 for 256GB, it was Apple’s most expensive iPhone to date. It included a redesigned glass and stainless steel enclosure, wireless charging, and dual cameras. Its flagship feature was an edge-to-edge “Super Retina display” — a 5.8-in. OLED display that supports Dolby Vision and HDR 10. It had a pixel resolution of 458ppi, a 1 million-to-1 contrast ratio, and True Tone.

Touch ID and the Home button were removed in favor of a new biometric security feature: Face ID. Face ID uses a TrueDepth camera system made up of a dot projector, infrared camera and flood illuminator. The A11 Bionic chip works in tandem with advanced depth-sensing technologies to map and recognize a user’s face to securely unlock the iPhone or make a transaction with Apple Pay. Face ID only works when a user looks at the iPhone X directly and is designed to prevent spoofing by photos and masks.

The 7-megapixel TrueDepth front-facing camera that enables Face ID also included auto image stabilization and delivered Portrait mode for better selfies with a depth-of-field effect. The TrueDepth camera also could animate emoji, which Apple playfully calls Animoji. The dual 12-megapixel rear camera included dual optical image stabilization, and an improved f/2.4 aperature on the telephoto lens.

According to Apple, the A11 Bionic neural engine performed up to 600 billion operations per second and was designed for specific machine learning algorithms, enabling Face ID, Animoji, and other features. Colors included silver and space gray.

Apple's iPhone Xr

Apple’s iPhone Xr arrived in October 2018.

The Xr had an aluminum-and-glass design in six finishes, with improved water resistance and a 6.1-in. “Liquid Retina” display. Available in 64GB, 128GB and 256GB models and starting at $749, it featured Apple’s A12 Bionic Chip with second-generation Neural Engine — the first 7-nanometer chip in a smartphone.

Portrait mode with depth control was available on the TrueDepth camera for selfies, which included support for Memoji and face tracking for Face ID authentication, while the 12-megapixel camera with an f/1.8-aperture wide-angle lens featured a new sensor and improved software algorithms for faster focusing and enhanced portraiture with depth control. Established iPhone gestures were supported, and haptic touch controls could be used to instantly launch the camera or flashlight from the home screen.

iPhone Xs and Xs Max

Apple's iPhone Xs and Xs Max

Apple’s iPhone Xs and Xs Max arrived in September 2018.

Featuring 5.8- and 6.5-in. all-screen designs and improved scratch- and water-resistance, Apple’s iPhone Xs and Xs Max both offered Super Retina OLED displays that supported Dolby Vision and HDR10 and had iOS system-wide color management; the Xs Max had the largest iPhone display to date, with more than 3 million pixels, and the biggest battery — promising up to an hour and a half more battery life than the iPhone X.

The 12-megapixel dual-camera system offered advanced depth segmentation in Portrait mode with the ability to adjust depth of field both in preview and post-capture for precise control in portrait creation; the system allowed for faster face tracking for Face ID, Memoji, and third-party ARKit apps. Low-light performance and image stabilization were enhanced for both still photography and video capture, in addition to an extended dynamic range for better highlight and shadow detail. Four built-in mics could record stereo sound.

These models were the first to include Apple’s A12 Bionic Chip with second-generation Neural Engine. The chip design was capable of completing up to 5 trillion operations per second (compared with 600 billion in its predecessor). Models in 64GB, 256GB and 512GB configurations started at $999 and $1,099 for the Xs and Xs Max, respectively.

Apple's iPhone 11

The iPhone 11 arrived in September 2019.

The iPhone 11, which succeeded 2018’s iPhone XR, got a $50 price cut (to $699), a new color (purple), a redesigned two-camera system, and a number of under-the-hood technology upgrades. The screen is a 6.1-in. Liquid Retina HD display, storage comes in 64GB, 128GB or 256GB options, and the phone uses Apple’s new A13 “Bionic” processor.

The camera system features an ultra-wide camera that captures more than four times the scenery and 4K video at up to 60 frames per second. It also features audio zoom, so if you zoom in on video, the audio does, too. The front-facing camera is a 12-megapixel model that allows for slow-motion selfies, which Apple dubbed “slofies.” The camera system also offers a new “night mode” for better images in low-light conditions. According to Apple, the A13 bionic chip allows for an extra hour of use compared to the 2018 models.

iPhone 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max

Apple's iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max

The iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max arrived in September 2019.

The iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max succeeded 2018’s iPhone XS and XS Max, and started at $999. The phones come in four colors, including a new one (Midnight Green), and feature a wholly new three-camera system and a variety of under-the-hood technology upgrades. The screen is either a 5.8-in. or 6.5-in. Super Retina XDR display, storage cames in 64GB, 128GB or 256GB options, and the phone uses Apple’s new A13 “Bionic” processor.

The camera system features an ultra-wide camera that captures more than four times the scenery and 4K video at up to 60 frames per second. It also features audio zoom, so if you zoom in on video, the audio does too. The front-facing camera is a 12-megapixel model that allows for slow-motion selfies, which Apple dubbed “slofies.” The camera system offers a “night mode” for better images in low-light conditions.

According to Apple, the A13 bionic chip and the third-generation Neural Engine run more efficiently, allowing for up to four or five hours of additional use compared to the previous year’s models.

iPhone 12 and 12 mini

The iPhone 12 and 12 mini

The iPhone 12 and 12 mini arrived in October and November, 2020.

The iPhone 12 took over for the iPhone 11, as Apple expanded its OLED displays across its smartphone lineup and rolled out a new 5.4-in. iPhone mini. Prices started at $699 for the mini ($100 more for the larger iPhone 12), with storage options of 64GB, 128GB, and 256GB. The new Super Retina XDR displays are built with what Apple calls “Ceramic Shield” for four times better resistance to breaking if dropped.

All iPhone 12 models use the A14 Bionic chip and offered 5G networking — both the sub-6GHz and mmWave varieties. Both models offer a dual 12MP camera system with Ultra Wide and Wide cameras that include Night Mode for better photos in low-light conditions. 4K video recording can be done at 24 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps and HDR video recording with Dolby Vision is available at up to 30 fps.

iPhone 12 Pro and 12 Pro Max

Apple's iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max

Apple’s iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max arrived in October and November, 2020.

The iPhone 12 Pro got an even larger big brother with the 6.7-in. iPhone 12 Pro Max. Prices started at $999 for the iPhone 12 Pro ($100 more for the Pro Max), with storage options of 128GB, 256GB and 512GB. The Super Retina XDR OLED displays are built with what Apple calls “Ceramic Shield” for four times better resistance to breaking if dropped.

Both Pro models use the A14 Bionic chip and offered 5G networking — both the sub-6GHz and mmWave varieties. The three-lens Pro 12MP camera system includes either a 4X or 5X optical zoom range, Night Mode for better photos in low-light conditions, and LiDAR sensors for faster focus and improved AR/VR. 4K video recording can be done at 24 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps and HDR video recording with Dolby Vision is available at up to 60 fps.

iPhone 13 and 13 mini

Apple iPhone 13 and 13 mini

The iPhone 13 and 13 mini arrived in September 2021.

The iPhone 13 and 13 mini picked up where the previous year’s models left off: they have the same form factor and price range as in 2020, plus a new processor and better battery life. Prices started at $699 for the mini ($100 more for the larger iPhone 13), with storage options of 128GB (twice the base amount offered last year), 256GB, and 512GB. Both models sport Apple’s Super Retina XDR displays and run on the new A15 Bionic chip.

Both also feature a 12MP dual-camera system with Ultra Wide and Wide cameras, sensor‑shift optical image stabilization for sharper photos, and “cinematic mode” for video. 4K video can be shot at 24 fps, 25 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps and HDR video recording with Dolby Vision is available at up to 60 fps. Both have larger batteries for up to 2.5 hours more battery life in the iPhone 13 (1.5 hours more in the mini).

iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max

Apple iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max

The Apple iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max arrived in September 2021.

The iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max are virtually identical to their predecessors (though slightly thicker and heavier). They got Apple’s newest A15 bionic processor and delivered better battery life. Prices again started at $999 (for the iPhone 13 Pro) and $1099 (for the iPhone 13 Pro Max), with storage options ranging from 128GB to a whopping 1TB. Both models again use Apple’s Super Retina XDR displays, with the Pro models getting ProMotion screens for smoother on-screen graphics.

Both feature a 12MP triple-camera system with revamped Ultra Wide and Wide cameras, “cinematic mode” for video, and macro photography. 4K video can be shot at 24 fps, 25 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps and HDR video recording with Dolby Vision is available at up to 60 fps. A larger battery means up to 2.5 hours more battery life in the iPhone 13 Pro Max (1.5 hours more in the 13 Pro).

iPhone 14 and 14 Plus

Apple iPhone 14 and 14 Plus

The Apple iPhone 14 and 14 Plus arrived in September and October 2022, respectively.

The iPhone 14 and new 14 Plus have the same form factor and price range as the previous year, with the larger Plus model replacing the discontinued iPhone 13 mini. Both use an updated version of the Bionic A15 processor — the same chip used in the 2021 models — and offer better battery life. Prices start at $799 for the iPhone 14 and $899 for the larger 14 Plus, with storage options of 128GB, 256GB, and 512GB.

Both models use Apple’s Super Retina XDR displays with the iPhone 14 having a 6.1-in. screen and the 14 Plus model sporting a 6.7-in. display. (Unlike the Pro models, these versions of the iPhone do not have an always-on display or any changes to the screen “notch.”) Both feature a 12MP dual-camera system with Ultra Wide and Wide cameras, sensor‑shift optical image stabilization, and cinematic and action modes for video. 4K video can be shot at 24 fps, 25 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps and HDR video recording with Dolby Vision is available at up to 60 fps. Pre-orders began Sept. 7, with the phones available in stores on Sept. 16 (iPhone 14) and Oct. 7 (iPhone 14 Plus).

iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max

Apple iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max

The Apple iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max arrived in September 2022.

The  iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max look similar to last year’s models, but get noteworthy new features, including the new A16 processor and a more powerful 48MP rear camera system. Prices are unchanged from 2021, storage options range between 128GB and 1TB, and this year brings a new “Deep Purple” color as an option. Both models again use Apple’s Super Retina XDR displays, but this year get an always-on display. (The screen dims when not in use to save on battery life, but can display as much as 2000 nits of brightness outdoors.)

Both feature a 48MP triple-camera system with tweaked Ultra Wide and Wide cameras, and the same 3X optical zoom in/2X optical zoom out as last year. 4K video can be shot at 24 fps, 25 fps, 30 fps, or 60 fps, HDR video recording with Dolby Vision is available at up to 60 fps, and cinematic video stabilization is available in 4K, 1080p and 720p.) Gone this year are SIM cards, which Apple has replaced with eSIMs. Pre-orders began Sept. 7, with the phones available in stores on Sept. 16.

iPhone 15 and 15 Plus

Apple iPhone 15 and 15 Plus

The Apple iPhone 15 and 15 Plus were released in September 2023.

The   iPhone 15 and new 15 Plus   look much like their 2022 predecessors (with prices in the same range), but offer design tweaks that include an aluminum and color-infused glass combo and new colors. Both use the Bionic A16 processor — the same chip used in the 2022 Pro models — and get USB-C charging for the first time. Prices again start at $799 for the iPhone 15 and $899 for the larger 15 Plus, with storage options remaining unchanged at 128GB, 256GB, and 512GB.

Both models continue to feature Apple’s Super Retina XDR display; the iPhone 15 has a 6.1-in. screen, the 15 Plus model has a 6.7-in. display — and both get the Dynamic Island feature at the top of the screen for more interactivity with various apps. The iPhone 15 now features a revamped camera system that includes a 48-megapixel main camera, a 26 mm  ƒ/1.6 aperture, sensor‑shift optical image stabilization with support for super-high-resolution photos, and a 4x optical optical zoom range. Both models now get Roadside assistance via satellite through AAA.

Pre-orders begin Sept. 15, with the phones available in stores on Sept. 22.

iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max

Apple's iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max

The Apple iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max were released in September 2023.

The big change for the  iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max   this year involves a new Titanium-based design that cuts 19 grams of weight and allows for thinner bezels around  both models’ screens. Inside, both run Apple’s new A17 Pro processor (with 6 cores) and get a tweaked 48MP rear camera system. The main difference between the two camera systems: the Pro Max version gets a 12-megapixel 5x Telephoto feature at 120 mm with an ƒ/2.8 aperture; 3D sensor‑shift optical image stabilization and autofocus, and a new tetraprism design; the smaller Pro version features a 12-megapixel 3x Telephoto at 77 mm with an ƒ/2.8 aperture. Coming later this year on Pro models: the ability to capture spatial video for playback on Apple’s upcoming Vision Pro device.

For connectivity, the Pro models move to USB-C, with USB 3 support and Wi-Fi 6E for faster wireless speeds. Screen sizes remain the same as last year — 6.1-in. and 6.7-in. — but thinner bezels allow for a slightly smaller overall size. The mute button has been replaced with a programmable “Action” button similar to the one that debuted in 2022 on the Apple Watch Ultra. And Find My Friends gets more powerful “Precision Finding.” Storage options start at 128GB for the Pro model, 256GB for Pro Max version, and range up to 1TB.

As with the regular iPhone 15, pre-orders for the Pro models begin Sept. 15, with the phones available in stores on Sept. 22.

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Ken Mingis is Executive Editor at Computerworld and oversees the day-to-day operation of, and strategic planning for, our website.

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