New York Facile

  • Itinerario di 5 giorni a New York

Se abbiamo 5 giorni a disposizione per la nostra vacanza nella Grande Mela, ho una buona notizia per voi: con un itinerario di 5 giorni a New York ben strutturato possiamo godere di buona parte delle tante cose che la città ha da offrire, tornando a casa contenti!

In realtà 5 giorni non sono moltissimi per una metropoli come New York, però come cercherò di farvi vedere, sfruttando al meglio i tempi ed evitando di dissiparne in code e seguendo una logica sulle tappe di ogni giorno, potete fare una soddisfacente vacanza a New York di 5 giorni.


A chi è rivolto l’itinerario di 5 giorni a New York?

I musei in 5 giorni di itinerario, gli osservatori panoramici in itinerario, pass per new york per 5 giorni, kit del viaggiatore di 5 giorni a new york, world trade center, ponte di brooklyn, cena e serata.

  • Central Park
  • Times Square

Empire State Building

Musical a broadway, statua della libertà.

  • Chelsea Market

Passeggiata lungo la Highline

Crociera sul fiume hudson, cena a brooklyn e skyline di manhattan, rientro in battello, harlem e messa gospel, pomeriggio libero, aperitivo ad un rooftop bar, salita serale al top of the rock, shopping, souvenir e cartoline, varie ed eventuali, attrazioni e attività completamente gratuite, attrazioni e attività con pass (o biglietto), attività extra, indicazioni utili per questo itinerario da 5 giorni.

Sono diversi i casi in cui un turista si trova ad avere 5 giorni da trascorrere in vacanza a New York. C’è chi parte dall’Italia con una settimana a disposizione , e tolti viaggio e disbrighi vari gli restano 5 giorni effettivi di vacanza. Altri invece hanno New York come meta di un viaggio più importante, magari in diverse città degli Stati Uniti: questo succede nei viaggi esplorativi e anche nei viaggi di nozze, dove si costruisce un itinerario tra più città e si dedicano 4-5 giorni ad una metropoli grande ed importante come New York.

Vi guiderò anche nelle personalizzazioni, promesso 🙂

itinerario di 5 giorni a New York

cosa vedere in 5 giorni a New York

Anzitutto conviene adottare un principio logico di percorrenza , in modo da non dover “saltare” da una zona all’altra della città, dissipando così tempo negli spostamenti. In questo caso ci concentreremo per zone , così da vedere tutte le cose vicine ed ottimizzare i tempi.

Sarà un itinerario mediamente impegnativo come ritmi , per sfruttare al meglio il tempo disponibile. Potete modellare l’intensità togliendo qualche tappa, o riducendo la permanenza dove meno vi ispira.

Non inserirò le tappe di pranzo e cena , che vanno però scelte con cura sulla base dei vostri gusti e della comodità rispetto all’itinerario. Consiglio di individuare da subito alcune opportunità comode per ogni pranzo/cena, e poi in loco perfezionare la scelta in base a impressioni, tempi, code, ecc. Se alcuni pasti saranno sacrificati per esigenze di itinerario, in 5 giorni concedetevi almeno 4-5 pasti fatti bene tra pranzi e cene , perché anche mangiare fa parte della vacanza, nonché importante per stare bene e mantenere buone energie per tutta la vacanza.

In 5 giorni potremo stilare decine di itinerari diversi, tutti ugualmente efficaci. Nella mia idea personale, i musei della città sono le attrazioni che assorbono più tempo , per cui saranno abbastanza limitati in questo caso, dove il tempo a disposizione non è così tanto.

Preferisco sfruttare il tempo per vedere quanto più possibile della città , creando un itinerario equilibrato, senza passare mezze giornate chiusi all’interno di qualche museo. Se ce qualche museo in particolare che desiderate vedere basterà inserirlo in programma dove troverete lo spazio per la visita di un museo a scelta (giorni 4 e 5), oppure facendo spazio su altre cose.

Se invece avete un pass che comprende tutti i musei principali (New York pass / Sightseeing DAY Pass), allora potete anche fare più toccata e fuga dentro i musei, giusto per rendervi conto di come sono fatti.

Fanno eccezione la stagione invernale e le giornate piovose , dove potrete sostituire qualche passeggiata o attività all’aperto (compromessa dal maltempo) con la visita di qualche museo d’interesse. I musei invece saranno stabilmente introdotti sugli itinerari da 7 giorni e 10 giorni .

Gli osservatori panoramici di New York meritano sempre un ragionamento dedicato . Nel 2024 ci sono 5 osservatori panoramici a New York:

  • Top Of The Rock
  • Freedom Tower
  • Summit One Vanderbilt

che dal mio punto di vista meriterebbero di esser visti tutti , per le esperienze che sono capaci di offrire. E’ dagli osservatori che si riesce ad “abbracciare” la città, cogliendone dimensioni, impatto, atmosfera.

Tuttavia, nel caso di 5 giorni di itinerario a disposizione, è proibitivo pensare di vederli tutti . Fattibile nella teoria, ma dovremo sacrificare inevitabilmente altre cose, creando un itinerario poco equilibrato.

Quindi la mia scelta ricade nel proporre come tappe fisse in programma i 2 osservatori più storici , ovvero Empire State Building e Top of the Rock. Anche se la vista tra i due è similare (per posizione e asse rispetto a Manhattan), visti uno di giorno e l’altro di sera offrono un’ottima esperienza complessiva . Inoltre sono due edifici storici, che è importante avere in itinerario in una prima visita a New York.

Ci sono momenti “flessibili” – nei giorni 3,4 e 5 – dove è possibile inserire un terzo e/o un quarto itinerario in programma , a seconda dei vostri gusti e preferenze. Se avete un pass per New York che li copre, almeno uno valuterei di aggiungerlo, se come me vi innamorate degli osservatori anche due 🙂 Come consiglio nella scelta suggerisco Edge e Freedom Tower. Summit merita assolutamente, ma è l’unico al momento escluso dalla copertura dei pass , per cui se devo rinunciare ad uno, scelgo di togliere Summit dal programma.

Su un viaggio di 5 giorni, il pass è uno strumento assolutamente importante . Dovendo vedere comunque tante cose (anche se un po’ compresse nei tempi), ci consente di risparmiare parecchio sui biglietti delle attrazioni , di evitare code alle casse in diverse situazioni.

Inoltre ci offre la libertà di entrare in alcuni posti (musei, attrazioni) per “vedere com’è” , con una visita veloce, che dovendo pagare il biglietto pieno non faremo. Utile anche nei momenti personalizzabili, per fare qualche tour o attività che vi incuriosisce, sempre compresa nel prezzo.

La versione dei pass da 5 giorni ha un costo accessibile , che si ripaga abbondantemente con i biglietti delle sole tappe fisse in programma.

Suggerisco di optare per i due prodotti all-inclusive ( New York Pass e Sightseeing Pass ), nella versione da 5 giorni . Sono i più completi, e all’interno dei 5 giorni potete vedere tutte le cose che comprendono (oltre 100 tra musei, osservatori, attrazioni, tour, noleggi), ottimo alleato per un itinerario efficace.

Ecco le cose da predisporre prima del viaggio (e appena arrivati in città nel caso della metrocard), prima di partire all’avventura:

  • scelta delle cose da vedere , secondo questo itinerario o modificandolo a vostro gusto
  • metrocard per 7 giorni (è la soluzione economicamente più conveniente anche con soli 5 giorni a disposizione)
  • scelta del pass per le attrazioni , scegliendolo in base a cosa volete vedere
  • verificate le attrazioni (tra quelle che avete scelto) che richiedono la prenotazione obbligatoria. Ho preparato un articolo che riassume e spiega come prenotare le attrazioni di New York .
  • cartina o mappa della metropolitana e dei mezzi pubblici
  • scelta di alcuni posti strategici dove voler andare a mangiare, strategicamente comodi per l’itinerario . Sceglieteli in base a gusti, esigenze, curiosità culinarie. Potete leggere l’articolo sui posti dove mangiare a New York spendendo poco , così da tenere già a mente qualche soluzione strategica.

In questo sito troverete approfondimenti e guide su ciascuno degli argomenti elencati. Per praticità di lettura trovate a seguire i 5 giorni di vacanza a New York in modo separato. Basta cliccare sulla rispettiva finestrella per leggere il contenuto di ciascun giorno , o usare l’indice in alto per una panoramica generale e saltare direttamente dove vi interessa.

Iniziamo la nostra avventura da newyorkesi nella zona del distretto finanziario di Wall Street , scendendo con la metro alla fermata Wall St. oppure una di quelle vicine. Questa è una zona di downtown Manhattan strategica , perché attorno abbiamo molte cose tra quelle sicuramente da vedere durante la vacanza, e ci possiamo calare da subito nel cuore di New York.

Il quartiere finanziario in se non ha moltissimo da dire: c’è la sede della borsa americana, le foto di rito con il toro di Wall Street posto davanti l’edificio della borsa, e la Central Bank of America (che per ragioni di tempi guarderemo da fuori evitando il tour interno). A due passi troviamo Trinity Church, una delle chiese più antiche d’America, da vedere velocemente. Il tutto si fa in non più di un’ora.

A pochi passi dal distretto finanziario c’è una delle zone più rilevanti di tutta la città , sia per lo spessore degli avvenimenti storici, sia per quanto rappresenta per New York e il popolo americano.

Qui dedicherei sicuramente tutto il tempo che serve. Potete da subito ammirare il memoriale alle Torri Gemelle , che sorge proprio dove erano presenti le due torri. E’ un momento che ciascuno di noi vivrà con la propria sensibilità, ma vi garantisco che vi immergerete in un clima quasi surreale. Le due enormi vasche grandi come il perimetro delle torri saranno uno spunto emozionale d’impatto, e l’occasione anche per fare qualche foto e renderci meglio conto dello spessore di quanto accadde nel 2001. Caldamente suggerita anche la visita al 9/11 Museum , per completare al meglio la percezione dell’accaduto. Fidatevi, ne vale sempre la pena, per emotività e per cultura personale.

Il polo del World Trade Center, compreso il museo 9/11, vi occuperà tutta la mattina, forse qualcosa in più fino al primo pomeriggio.

Dopo una sosta pranzo ristoratrice possiamo spostarci al ponte di Brooklyn , un altro simbolo della città. Il ponte va attraversato per goderlo a pieno, sono circa 2km da fare a piedi o noleggiando le biciclette in loco. Una volta arrivati dall’altra parte, iniziate anche ad avere un’ idea dello skyline di Manhattan , per il quale però torneremo ad occuparci più avanti 😉

Se vi avanza tempo ed energie, con le bici noleggiate potete anche fare un percorso ciclabile che corre lungo tutta la costa di Manhattan, dall’imbocco del ponte fino alla punta sud della penisola, dove si trova Battery Park. E’ un percorso molto bello, e se siamo fortunati lato meteo godrete anche di un tramonto splendido con vista sulla Statua della Libertà e sull’imbocco verso l’Oceano.

Cena e serata libere, trovate qualche bel locale in zona Brooklyn , magari appena oltre il ponte, o in quella zona di Manhattan. La sera cercate di vivere la città, anche in modalità risparmio energetico se volete, ma non chiudetevi in albergo alle 9. New York non dorme mai e di sera è uno spettacolo per gli occhi.

Meteo permettendo, in questo secondo giorno la visita al polmone verde della città sarà la vostra prima tappa, senza orari particolari da gestire. E’ consigliabile fare colazione in città almeno una volta, anche se l’avete compresa in hotel. Questa mattina del secondo giorno è il momento più indicato per scegliere un posto dove fare colazione a New York .

Sistemata la colazione, ci portiamo nella zona di Central Park , magari scendendo alla fermata metro di Columbus Circle, che è situata nell’angolo a sud ovest del parco.

Possiamo visitare Central Park sia a piedi che noleggiando le biciclette. A piedi ne farete una zona più limitata Ci sono più di un noleggio nei dintorni del parco, costano poco e sono anche compresi in molti pass. Central Park è molto grande , ci vorrebbe un giorno intero. Cercate di dedicarci un paio d’ore al massimo , sufficienti per rendervi conto di come trascorre la vita nel polmone verde della città.

Lungo il perimetro di Central Park c’è il Museum Mile (il miglio dei musei – un pezzo di strada di circa 1 miglio che ospita molti musei rilevanti della città), con ben 3 musei importanti : Guggenheim Museum, il Museo di Storia Naturale e il Metropolitan Museum of Art, oltre al Met Breuer. Come vi dicevo potete inoltrarvi in uno di essi se lo preferite, o se avete il pass pensare di visitarne in modo “veloce” anche un paio, rosicchiando un po’ di tempo al parco e/o andando al parco presto la mattina.

Per la pausa pranzo c’è un locale molto interessante a Columbus Circle, il Wholefood Market, dove potete mangiare in modo sano spendendo poco. In alternativa non mancano locali, ristoranti e pub dove fare una sosta per pranzo.

Per raggiungere Times Square conviene muoversi a piedi, evitando di correre sotto terra. Nel percorso tra Central Park e Times Square potete apprezzare la “parte alta” della 5a Strada con le sue boutique, e passare per il Rockefeller Center , dove eventualmente fare la salita all’osservatorio del Top Of The Rock. Il mio consiglio è quello di passare e prenotare i biglietti per una delle sere successive (magari giorno 4 se seguite alla lettera questo itinerario), perché qui si può ammirare il panorama di New York dall’alto in notturna. Farete meno code e avrete già il biglietto.

A questo punto eccovi arrivati nella piazza più conosciuta al mondo, Times Square. Godetevela, fate le foto di rito, sedetevi ad ammirare la maestosità che si respira in quella parte della città. Non dedicateci troppo tempo , anche perché vedrete che volenti o nolenti a Times Square passerete spesso. Evitate anche di acquistare qui i souvenir, non è il caso, ci sono posti decisamente migliori e più economici in altre zone della città.

Da Times Square potete scendere riportandovi sulla 5th Strada , la via delle boutique e dello shopping per eccellenza. Nel percorso trovate diverse cose da vedere, come la Grand Central Station, il MetLife Building, Bryant Park fino ad arrivare all’incrocio con la 34st dove c’è l’ Empire State Building , il grattacielo emblema della città.

Se abbiamo fatto bene i conti arriverete qui più o meno all’ora del tramonto (a seconda anche della stagione, in ogni caso con la luce del pomeriggio inoltrato), e non c’è cosa migliore che salire nell’osservatorio a quest’ora , per ammirare un gioco di luci unico a dipingere il panorama della città.

Per cena scegliete quello che meglio preferite.

Per la serata invece suggerisco di andare a vedere un musical . Ce ne sono molti in programma nei teatri della Broadway, ed è davvero una bellissima esperienza. Anche se non masticate un ottimo inglese, avventuratevi comunque – magari scegliendo gli spettacoli più coreografici e meno basati sui dialoghi, ne vale la pena. Il consiglio è di prendere già i biglietti dall’Italia , oppure anche direttamente quando siete a New York e capite che siete in tabella di marcia con il vostro itinerario. Dalla sezione musical di questo sito avete accesso alla prenotazione dei biglietti di tutti i principali musical in programmazione, con procedura semplice e veloce, e in lingua italiana. Avrete anche informazioni per capire quale musical si adatta meglio ai vostri gusti e alla vostra comprensione della lingua inglese.

Finito il musical, se avanzano energie, una bella passeggiata o magari un passaggio a Times Square per goderla con le luci della sera.

Forse il giorno più impegnativo di questo itinerario 5 giorni , ma ci siamo ormai ambientati, le energie sono ancora abbondanti, conviene sfruttare questo giorno intermedio al massimo. Se siamo stati bravi abbiamo già visto una buona parte delle cose principali da vedere nella Grande Mela.

Anche il giorno 3 lo dedichiamo ai must , lasciando poi due giorni più variegati per assaporare la città anche da punti di vista originali e particolari. Sarà un giorno abbastanza “personalizzabile” da alcune scelte strategiche sulla base dei vostri gusti personali. Quindi intenso, ma personalizzato.

La Statua della Libertà è un altro emblema di New York che turisticamente va visto . Qui potete fare una scelta . Potete decidere di fare la visita tradizionale alla statua , prendendo il battello a Battery Park e facendo quindi il tour completo Statua della Libertà + Ellis Island. In questo caso sapete che il tutto vi occupa (circa) una mezza giornata. Se scegliete questo approccio conviene raggiungere l’imbarcadero di Battery Park molto presto la mattina (tipo verso le 8:00, mezz’ora prima che apra) per evitare il grosso delle code e ottimizzare i tempi.

In alternativa potete accontentarvi di vedere la Statua della Libertà da meno vicino , prendendo il ferryboat gratuito che collega Manhattan a Staten Island , che passa davanti alla Statua (relativamente vicino) permettendo comunque una ottima visuale , sia in andata che in ritorno. Ovviamente in questo caso risparmiate un sacco di tempo, anche se l’esperienza non sarà ovviamente la stessa. Se volete anche salire sulla corona (cosa che generalmente sconsiglio in quanto ci sono viste migliori), allora sarà necessario andarci.

A mio parere vale la pena fare la visita completa alla Statua della Libertà in vacanze da 7 giorni in su. In questo caso di 5 giorni, personalmente la vedrei dal ferry boat, o da una crociera turistica, come vedremo nei prossimi giorni.

Se decidete di risparmiare la mezza giornata, usatela per vedere un museo o un altro osservatorio a vostra scelta , passeggiare o fare qualsiasi altra attività turistica (o più di una) comprese nel pass. Oppure per dilatare un po’ i ritmi e fare le rimanenti cose con più calma, specie se in gruppo ci sono bambini o anziani che per ovvie ragioni fanno più fatica a reggere ritmi intensi.

Per pranzo mi sento di suggerirvi il Chelsea Market, nel quartiere di Chelsea. E’ un mercato molto carino e suggestivo , e oltre a trovare piccoli negozi di oggettistica molto particolare e interessante, adattissima anche ai souvenir da comprare per gli amici, avete l’opportunità di pranzare assaggiando le pietanze a base di aragosta . Un pasto sano ed economico, in un contesto davvero carino.

Usciti dal Chelsea Market potete passare 1 ora abbondante all’aperto facendo la passeggiata sulla High Line (verso nord), una vecchia via ferroviaria sopraelevata che attraversa parte della città, e che è stata ora adibita a passeggiata pedonale. E’ davvero bella da percorrere e vi permette di osservare la città da una prospettiva diversa, senza traffico, passeggiando con il naso all’insù.

Se avete avanzato un po’ di tempo, la Highline passa nel Meatpacking District, quartiere rinomato per la vita serale/notturna giovane, ma carino da vedere con le sue boutique e connotati signorili. Il percorso termina in Hudson Yards , il recente polo commerciale che ospita Vessel e l’osservatorio panoramico Edge.

Arrivati a questo punto ci sono 3 cose che si possono fare , tutte interessanti, tra le quali potete sceglierne una (per il tempo disponibile). Ve le elenco in ordine di “attrattività”, ma voi scegliete in base ai vostri gusti.

  • visitare Hudson Yards e salire all’ osservatorio panoramico The Edge . E’ l’osservatorio panoramico su grattacielo tra i più recenti costruiti, molto innovativo per il design e la vista offerta . Valutate, l’itinerario ne prevede già due, io personalmente farei anche questo, sono le attrazioni che lasciano maggiormente il segno.
  • una visita a Little Island , il parco galleggiante di New York , nuova attrazione aperta nella primavera del 2021, molto suggestiva per una veloce visita gratuita non impegnativa
  • poco distante dalla fine della Highline gli appassionati di elettronica possono fare visita al B&H , una grande negozio di elettronica e fotografia, vero tempio per gli appassionati e punto conveniente anche per gli acquisti.

Questa scelta vi accompagna coi tempi all’orario della prossima attrazione in programma 🙂

Una cosa a cui non rinuncerei mai, ora che la conosco, è una crociera in battello sul fiume Hudson , tour panoramico in barca che vi permette di navigare a ridosso della costa lungo tutta la punta a sud di Manhattan, andata e ritorno. Se la fate come consiglio all’ora del tramonto (ad orari diversi ovviamente a seconda della stagione e della programmazione delle compagnie), potete ammirare la città da un punto di osservazione unico.

Durante l’andata avrete il calare del sole che colorerà i vetri dei palazzi e sfumerà il cielo all’orizzonte, mentre al ritorno la vedrete “vestita da sera”, con tutto lo spettacolo di luci che comporta. Ottima occasione per rilassarsi e riposare le gambe , fare foto e passare anche qualche momento romantico, se siete in coppia. Irrinunciabile. Potete vedere in questa pagina le varie possibilità per le crociere in battello a New York . Attenzione che molte sono comprese nei pass suggeriti , e possono essere inserite nei pass componibili qualora scegliate uno di quelli!

Per la cena può essere carino raggiungere Brooklyn, questa volta in metro, cenare in qualche locale caratteristico e un po’ fuori dal contesto turistico, e chiudere la giornata portandovi nella costa, a ridosso del ponte di Brooklyn, per osservare il meraviglioso skyline di Manhattan con le luci della sera. I posti consigliati per godere dello spettacolo sono il quartiere Dumbo , oppure il Brooklyn Bridge Park .

Anche questo appuntamento, se pur semplice, è davvero imperdibile. Gli appassionati di foto avranno pane per i loro denti 😉

Se alloggiate a Manhattan, potete valutare ti rientrare in battello , con il servizio della compagnia NYC Ferry . In servizio fino a circa le 22 di sera (verificate bene gli orari) è attivo un servizio di traghetto in battello decisamente interessante, che passa per Dumbo e vi riporta a Manhattan. Ci sono più linee, quella che ci interessa è quella azzura chiamata “East River Route”. Naviga in due direzioni, potete andare verso la zona di Wall Street (pier 11), oppure verso midtown Manhattan all’altezza della 34a strada.

Costa pochi dollari (circa 4$, il biglietto si fa alle macchinette in loco), e permette un giro panoramico serale con vista davvero superba! Potete verificare gli orari aggiornati della linea East River Route .

Siamo a buon punto, abbiamo già visto molte cose della città, e ora è arrivato il momento di prendersela un pochino più comoda e godersi la città più liberamente . Questa sarà la filosofia degli ultimi due giorni di vacanza. Qui il programma può variare molto in funzione dei gusti, se avete bambini o meno al seguito, al fatto che abbiate scelto un pass che vi permetta di vedere tante cose, e a come ciascuno di voi vuole vivere la vacanza.

Io cerco di darvi una mia impostazione , ma questi due giorni sono quelli dove più potete personalizzare la scelta , senza perdere l’essenza di questo itinerario.

Anche se usciamo un po’ dal cuore turistico di Manhattan, in un itinerario di 5 giorni a New York a mio parere non può mancare la visita al quartiere di Harlem. Harlem è un quartiere meno turistico, e vi da modo di assaporare anche questo aspetto della città meno convulso, meno colorato, ma forse più vicino allo stile di vita dei residenti newyorkesi. Vi ricordo che ad Harlem vive una delle più grandi comunità afro-americane di New York, perché ogni metropoli è fatta dalla fusione unica di culture diverse.

Harlem è bella da visitare indipendentemente dal partecipare o meno ad un rito Gospel. Se gli incastri permettono, la messa con rito Gospel è qualcosa di meraviglioso a cui partecipare, a prescindere dalla fede e dai fattori religiosi, perché lo considero davvero un bagno di cultura e tradizione in una terra diversa dalla nostra. L’atmosfera che si respira durante questi riti è molto coinvolgente, e vi lascia una carica emozionale non indifferente. Purtroppo si tengono solo di domenica mattina, per cui mi rendo conto sia complesso far combaciare questo giorno proprio di domenica. Volendo potete anche intercambiare i giorni affinché questo programma del Giorno 4 cada di Domenica, ne varrebbe la pena. Tuttavia capita che nei 5 giorni la domenica non sia nemmeno compresa, in tal caso si visita Harlem senza l’appendice del rito gospel.

Fate un brunch oppure pranzate in qualche locale che vi piace o che vi incuriosisce di più, anche se rubate un po’ di tempo al pomeriggio non è un problema. Infatti avete un’intera mezza giornata da passare come volete !

Poi potete visitare uno o più musei a scelta, decidere di passeggiare liberamente in centro, fare shopping, o scegliere uno dei tanti micro-tour carini che ho recensito in questo sito, magari alla scoperta della storia della città, dei luoghi dei film o serie tv ambientate a New York. Insomma, fate qualcosa di leggero e che sia vostro , scelto da voi e che vi incuriosisca.

Il tempo libero è un ingrediente insostituibile di ogni itinerario, fondamentale per renderlo vostro, farlo calzare al meglio secondo il vostro modo di interpretare New York. Potrei farcire questo spazio con mille cose, ma sarebbe un errore. Farcitelo voi, con ciò che meglio vi rappresenta.

Una delle esperienze più fighe da fare la sera per noi italiani abituati all’aperitivo, è di farne uno in un Rooftop bar, ovvero i bar sui tetti dei grattacieli di New York. Non è essenziale per la buona riuscita della vacanza, ma è una di quelle cose carine da godersi e raccontare. Scegliete il rooftop bar che vi ispira di più, e godetevi un aperitivo in tutto relax. D’altronde questa è la filosofia di questo giorno 4 di vacanza a New York.

La cena questa volta è libera, andate dove più vi ispira, a New York non manca sicuramente la varietà. Dopo cena è il momento ideale per salire all’osservatorio del Top of the Rock per ammirare il meraviglioso panorama dall’alto della città illuminata dalle luci artificiali. Un esperienza rilassante ed emozionante, da fare senza fretta e con la possibilità di scattare tante belle foto da portare con voi. Se avete seguito il mio consiglio avrete già i biglietti acquistati e la salita prenotata (vedi giorno 2) , e quindi siete sicuri di andarci su. Vi suggerisco di prenotare un ora abbastanza tarda, tipo le 21-21.30, così potete cenare con calma e trascorrere la sera in questo contesto unico.

Eccoci arrivati all’ultimo giorno di vacanza. Per comodità considero che ripartiate verso il tardo pomeriggio/sera (o l’indomani), se così non fosse modellate il programma in base al vostro volo aereo.

Mattinata all’insegna dello shopping, dei negozi, dei grandi magazzini, delle boutique lungo le vie della città. Non che sia una amante dello shopping, ma anche questa è una esperienza che fa parte della vacanza . Ci sono tantissimi negozi da visitare, di ogni genere e gusto. Nel farlo passeggerete per la città, respirando un po’ di quotidianità di New York, senza la (sana) ansia di aver una tabella di marcia da rispettare.

In questo giorno di ripartenza il pranzo entra di diritto come tappa dell’itinerario di 5 giorni a New York. Fate un buon pranzo, sedendovi e rilassandovi , perché poi avrete un viaggio da affrontare e tutte le fatiche connesse.

Se vi avanza tempo impiegatelo come meglio volete. Vi lascio qualche spunto tra cui scegliere una tappa per il vostro ultimo pomeriggio a New York.

  • un altro osservatorio panoramico , un ottimo modo per salutare la città abbracciandola dall’alto
  • se siete con bimbi e ragazzi potete andare sui musei più divertenti, come il Madame Tussaud’s (museo delle cere) o l’ Intrepid , il museo dei veicoli militari sempre ben gradito dai ragazzi.
  • un giro di perlustrazione più approfondito a Brooklyn , è un bellissimo quartiere residenziale che vi fa apprezzare un’aria più newyorkese
  • visitare altri musei o attrazioni che vi incuriosisce, ce ne sono davvero parecchi tra cui scegliere
  • fare un tour guidato tra quelli compresi nei pass, oppure anche extra pass scegliendo da quelli che presento nella sezione tour del sito

Riepilogo attrazioni incluse

Riepiloghiamo le attrazioni e le cose che potrete vedere durante questo itinerario di cinque giorni a New York, suddivise tra cose completamente gratuite e quelle per cui è necessario avere biglietto o pass.

  • Visita al quartiere Wall Street + Toro di Wall Street
  • World Trade Center e Memoriale Torri Gemelle
  • Battery Park + Battello gratuito per Staten Island
  • Ponte di Brooklyn (con eventuale noleggio bici a pagamento/pass + percorso panoramico)
  • Vista skyline Manhattan (da Brooklyn)
  • Columbus Circle
  • Passeggiata sulla High Line
  • Meatpacking District
  • Grand Central Station
  • Rockefeller Center
  • Visita al negozio B&H oppure al parco galleggiante Little Island (dopo High Line)
  • Tempo libero
  • Osservatorio panoramico Top Of The Rock
  • Osservatorio panoramico dell’Empire State Building
  • Osservatorio panoramico One World Observatory – Freedom Tower
  • Osservatorio panoramico Edge
  • Visita guidata alla Statua della Libertà (in alternativa al battello gratuito per Staten Island)
  • 9/11 Museum (New York Pass)
  • Un museo tra quelli del Museum Mile (uno o più, a seconda della vostra organizzazione, nel giorno 2 in prossimità della visita a Central Park)
  • Tour di Harlem con messa Gospel (New York Pass)
  • Crociera panoramica in battello
  • Aperitivo su Rooftop Bar (generalmente si paga consumazione)
  • Un musical di Broadway a vostra scelta (biglietto a parte)

Lo scopo di questo itinerario di 5 giorni a New York, come accennato in premessa, è quello di darvi una delle possibili visioni su come impostare la tabella di marcia delle cose da vedere, aiutandovi a fare luce tra le infinite possibilità e combinazioni che una metropoli come New York offre. Non è necessario che prendiate tutto alla lettera , cercate pure di farlo vostro, magari tenendo a mente delle logiche che portano ad ottimizzare i tempi e sfruttare al meglio i cinque giorni a disposizione.

Come avrete notato, gli ultimi due giorni sono abbastanza liberi e personalizzabili, ed è una scelta ben precisa. Vi ho lasciato alcuni suggerimenti di attività da inserire in queste fasce che potrebbero calzare a pennello, ma siate liberi di mettere la vostra firma in questo programma!

In questo sito sono approfonditi tutti gli argomenti e i punti di interesse proposti in questo itinerario. Per alcuni vi ho messo direttamente il link nell’articolo, per altri vi basterà navigare il sito usando il menù di navigazione oppure usare la casella di ricerca per approfondire le cose che più vi interessano.

E pur personalizzandolo, lasciatevi i giusti momenti di tempo libero, per vivere la città senza qualcosa di specifico da fare. E’ probabilmente il tempo meglio speso!

Buona vacanza di 5 giorni a New York 🙂

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Ciao Lory un consiglio, se nei 5 giorni volessi far rientrare un giro a Washington secondo te si riesce? Magari tagliando qualcosa negli ultimi 2 giorni visto che non avendo la domenica non potrei seguire la messa gospel. Grazie


Ciao Gianfranco, saresti un po’ tirato con i tempi, a New York ci sono davvero molte cose da vedere. Ad ogni modo si tratta di un’escursione fattibile in giornata, anche con dei tour guidati in italiano. Nella pagina dedicata ai tour di Washington da NY trovi tutte le info.

Ciao Lory, sto organizzando il mio primo viaggio a NY ma non sapevo proprio da dove iniziare, davvero complimenti per come hai formulato i 5 giorni e per tutte le informazioni dettagliate!! Ora so da cosa cominciare ☺️

Ciao Sara, mi fa un enorme piacere, grazie per il commento! Spero trascorrerai una bellissima vacanza 🙂

Ciao, in ottobre visiteremo NY e abbiamo 4 giorni a disposizione. Molto utile il tuo piano di 5 che seguirò scremando qualcosa. Dove posso trovare una cartina dove poter evidenziare le tappe organizzate in modo da avere una visuale dei percorsi? Vorrei organizzare un itinerario dove riuscire a vedere il più possibile ottimizzando i tempi. Bell’impresa eh?! 😉

Ciao Sara, a NY trovi mappe gratuite in molti luoghi, spesso anche in hotel, oltre che presso l’ufficio del turismo. Io mi trovo bene a salvarmi le tappe direttamente su Google Maps o ancor meglio utilizzando Google My Maps. Altrimenti in molte libri guida su New York trovi una mappa cartacea inclusa

Ciao Sono Mauro, ti faccio i complimenti x il sito molto esaustivo è chiaro in tutto. Volevo chiederti se prendo la metro da aeroporto JFK dove cambio x arrivare all’hotel a Manhattan? Esattamente hotel Fairfield Inn 338 west, 36th?

Ciao Mauro, in base al terminal di arrivo ci possono essere diverse soluzioni. Tuttavia l’hotel è centrale, pertanto non avrai particolari problemi. Suggerisco di calcolare l’itinerario con Google Maps, inserendo da una parte l’hotel, dall’altra l’Aeroporto JFK con terminal giusto, e sarà lui a proporti in modo corretto e preciso tutte le opportunità.

Ciao Lory, faremo il tour 5 giorni da te proposto. Alloggeremo ad 800m. da Time Square, ci consigli di acquistare la metro card per gli spostamenti? Considera che noi vorremmo utilizzarla il meno possibile. Grazie

Ciao Claudia 🙂 Sulla base del vostro itinerario, devi “contare” quante volte la useresti “per forza di cose”, per gli spostamenti più lunghi verso le attrazioni turistiche che hai deciso di visitare. Con questo conteggio riesci a capire se ti conviene la metrocard oppure fare le corse singole al bisogno (pay-per-ride). Dalle 13 corse in su conviene metrocard.

Ciao Lory, con qualche “aggiustamento” seguirò il tuo programma di 5 giorni per visitare New York (voglio vedere i 3 musei vicino a Central park, quello di storia naturale lo farò nel giorno 2 mentre il Guggenheim e il MET li visiterò di venerdì, visto che il Guggenheim ha l’ingresso “pay what you Wish” in quel giorno). Volevo chiederti alcune informazioni: dormendo a Long Island, dove consigli di prendere l’imbarco per Ellis Island e per la crociera sull’Hudson? Considerando tutte le attrazioni che voglio vedere, quale pass consigli? Grazie mille!

Ciao Cecilia, attenzione che il Guggenheim ha l’ingresso gratuito il sabato, non di venerdì, e al momento va prenotato online. L’imbarco per Ellis Island (e quindi anche per la Statua della Libertà) esiste solo da Battery Park o dal Liberty State Park nel New Jersey (quest’ultimo è più scomodo). Per la crociera sull’Hudson, scegli quella che vorresti fare (direi tra quelle comprese nel pass) e dovrai raggiungere il modo da cui parte. Come pass per chi va per la prima volta a New York consiglio una versione “all inclusive”, come il Sightseeing Day Pass oppure il New York Pass . Sono del tutto simili, cambia un po’ l’elenco di attrazioni incluse.

Grazie per la risposta. Ora si sta avvicinando la partenza (agosto) e chiedo se conviene fare i pass per le attrazioni. grazie

Ciao Cesare, direi di si, se hai già in parte abbozzato l’itinerario e ti sei fatto l’ìdea di cosa vuoi fare e vedere, è il momento buono per scegliere il pass migliore per il tuo viaggio, e perfezionare cosi il programma 🙂 Tieni monitorata la pagina delle offerte sui pass per New York in questo sito, cosi da cogliere eventuali sconti buoni!

Ciao Lory, per seguire il tuo programma di 5 giorni in che zona mi consigli di prenotare l’albergo? Inoltre mi puoi consigliare una guida turistica per 1 o 2 giorni?

Ciao Cesare, qui trovi un po’ di consigli sulle zone migliori dove alloggiare a New York . Da trovare il giusto compromesso tra qualità e prezzo, in base al tuo budget. In genere io consiglio la zona di Long Island City , strategica e conveniente. Il primo giorno puoi valutare di variare l’itinerario per partecipare a un tour in italiano di mezza giornata . Economico, ti consente di avere una bella panoramica della città per visitarla al meglio in autonomia i giorni successivi.

Ciao Lory, sono a New York e vorrei assistere ad una messa gospel. Sai indicarmi in quale chiesa posso recarmi? So che in questo periodo molte funzioni di questo tipo sono state sospese. Grazie, ciao

Ciao Mara, le funzioni si tengono regolarmente in molte chiese, ma alcune non accettano turisti, altre sono solo su prenotazione. Devi verificare sul loro sito ufficiale o sulla pagina Facebook della chiesa. In alternativa, partecipando a un tour sei sicura di poter assistere alla messa gospel, ti consiglio questo tour in italiano .

Ciao Lory, dovrei andare a New York a fine dicembre, seguendo il tuo itinerario di 5 giorni quale tipo di pass mi consigli? Ho dato un occhio ma ce ne sono tanti e non so quale scegliere. Grazie 🙂

Ciao Barbara, per chi è al suo primo viaggio a New York consiglio di fare un pass all-inclusive, quindi New York Pass oppure Sightseeing Pass . Quest’ultimo ha a mio avviso qualche punto in più, ma i due pass non differiscono molto tra loro, cambiano solo un po’ attrazioni e tour compresi.

Programma fantastico! Speriamo di poter partire, grazie

Ciao Angela, grazie 🙂 Puoi personalizzarlo secondo le tue esigenze, ma è un’ottima base per i 5 giorni a New York. Speriamo si che tutto riparta per il meglio, come sembra.

Ciao Lory, io e mio marito abbiamo in programma di andare a NY dal 27/03 al 5/04 avevamo pensato di fare 5 gg a NY e poi andare a Philadelphia, Washington potresti darmi dei consigli su come organizzarci. Ho l’ansia di sbagliare qualcosa oppure di pentirmi di non esserci fermati di più a NY. Grazie Greys

Ciao, non c’è un giusto o sbagliato, dipende da come desideri organizzare. Puoi fare come dici tu (5gg per NY sono la soglia minima di sufficenza), oppure pensare di fare tutta la vacanza a NY, e visitare Washington e Philadelphia con i rispettivi tour organizzati in giornata (info cliccando sui link). Può essere un’alternativa più comoda, dedicando più tempo a NY e senza doversi spostare di alloggio. Prova a valutare 😉

Ciao Lory, mi chiamo Claudia e ho in programma di andare a New York la prima settimana di febbraio. Visto che so che in quel periodo farà particolarmente freddo, volevo chiederti se questo itinerario è consigliato anche per quel periodo, o se in alternativa hai qualcosa da consigliarmi. Volevo anche chiederti di come funzionano i Pass che menzioni nell’itinerario e se eventualmente sapresti dirmi gli eventuali costi. Grazie per i consigli e là disponibilità.

Ciao Claudia, tendenzialmente questo è un itinerario di 5 giorni abbastanza universale rispetto al meteo. E’ però ovvio che va adattato secondo le condizioni che trovi. Se fa freddo e piove prediligerai più le attrazioni al chiuso, se invece è un freddo gradevole invece puoi fare un po’ tutto. Ma credo che nella media sia sostenibile, importante è mantenere la possibilità di poter invertire giornate o mezze giornate a seconda del meteo. Per i pass ti suggerisco di leggere questo articolo che dovrebbe darti una prima importante infarinatura su funzionamento e costi di ogni pass, in ogni caso il pass va scelto in relazione all’itinerario desiderato.

Ciao sto programmando una vacanza a NY con mio figlio di 15 anni, 5 giorni escludendo il viaggio la settimana prima di natale 16-22/12/19. Potresti darmi qualche consiglio oltre al tour dei 5gg che hai proposto? Grazie.

Ciao Katiuscia, domandona 😀 Data la vastità di cose da poter fare e vedere, budget e gusti personali, l’unica cosa che posso suggerirti è di valutare tutte le possibilità turistiche interessanti (anche leggendo questo sito), e adattare via via l’itinerario a seconda dei tuoi gusti e idee. Musei, attività, escursioni, visite e passeggiate libere, cibo, musical, partite di basket o gli altri sport, concerti… c’è solo da scegliere 😉

Ciao, vorrei capire se anche in possesso del The New York Pass è necessario prenotare la salita all’Empire o altre visite simili. L’app del pass dice che basta presentarsi e basta, ma non sono sicura. Puoi aiutarmi? Ale

Ciao Alessandra, si basta presentarsi li, alle casse converti il pass in biglietto e sali. Non serve prenotarlo prima.


Ciao Lory, sulla app del New York pass, per il Top of the Rock raccomandano di prenotare prima (tipo la mattina x la sera) la nostra visita all’osservatorio, in modo da poter salire nell’orario da noi preferito: dici che sia il caso? (significherebbe farci 2 viaggi e consumare del tempo ad altro).

Lo consigliano per l’affluenza generalmente elevata. Se vuoi essere certa di salire ad un ora precisa si, conviene, e come vedi anche questo itinerario lo consiglia. Magari combini il primo passaggio in occasione di un altro giro, e poi quando hai la prenotazione vai a colpo sicuro, alla fine il tempo non cambia molto. Se invece vai quando ti capita allora no, arrivi aspetti e sali.

Ciao Lory mi chiamo Antonella, andrò a NY a fine Agosto per 5gg con mia figlia di 15 anni. Ho letto il tuo itinerario, le cose che noi vogliamo vedere sono: la statua della libertà, empire, moma, 9/11, brooklyn, central park e top of the rock. Arrivo la sera tardi perciò non potrò fare piu di tanto. Avevo pensato i primi 3gg di visitare i musei che ti ho scritto e gli altri due per shopping mi puoi consigliare quali musei visitare per vicinanza uno dall’altro così mi organizzo? Grazie a presto

Ciao Antonella, puoi organizzarti per vicinanza, e fare giorni misti tra musei, attrazioni e altre attività esplorative, secondo il tuo gusto. Tieni sempre presente il fattore meteo, sebbene sia Agosto se trovi pioggia e/o giornate torride, puoi usare i musei in modo strategico nei momenti dove è meno confortevole stare all’esterno. Potrei combinarteli in decine di modi diversi, meglio che dai tu un “ordine” alle visite lasciandoti variabilità meteo. Ciao 😉


Itinerari per New York

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  • Itinerario di 2 giorni a New York
  • Itinerario di 3 giorni a New York
  • Itinerario di 7 giorni a New York
  • Itinerario di 10 giorni a New York
  • Tour guidato in italiano di New York


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5-Day New York City Itinerary

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  • 1-Day New York City Itinerary
  • 2-Day New York City Itinerary
  • 3-Day New York City Itinerary
  • 4-Day New York City Itinerary

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Table of contents

Day 1: most popular attractions, day 2: center of town, day 3: off the beaten path, day 4: proximity is everything, day 5: keep it simple, central park.

tour 5 giorni new york

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

tour 5 giorni new york

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

Where to eat, hummus place.

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Times Square

Madame tussauds new york, bryant park, radio city music hall, top of the rock, le bernardin, le bernardin privé, best bagel & coffee.

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Don’t forget to pack anything

Stay organized with a to-do list, packing list, shopping list, any kind of list.

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Rockefeller Center

Saks fifth avenue, the museum of modern art, chrysler building, grand central terminal, st. patrick's cathedral, voilà afrique.

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Empire State Building

Macy's, hudson yards, the high line, flatiron building, union square greenmarket, new york public library - stephen a. schwarzman building, mercado little spain, cote korean steakhouse, ny pizza suprema.

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Statue of Liberty

Ellis island national museum of immigration, fraunces tavern, national museum of the american indian, the river café, shake shack battery park city, hometown bar-b-que.

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The Planet D: Adventure Travel Blog

New York City Itinerary – 5 Days in New York

Written By: The Planet D

United States

Updated On: April 5, 2024

Five days in New York City is the perfect amount of time to see all of the iconic NYC attractions and neighborhoods. Our 5 days in New York itinerary will help you plan an excellent vacation to the Big Apple blending the popular New York City sites with a few lesser-known destinations.

Table of Contents

Our New York Itinerary

As out-of-towners, we always treat our New York City itinerary like we are seeing it for the first time. We go up the Empire State Building or Top of the Rock with each visit. We can’t get enough of that Manhattan skyline . But there is a lot more to the city and we’ve broken down what to do for first-timers and people who have been to New York before but are looking for something new. Enjoy!

New York City Pass

On our multiple trips to New York, we’ve used a New York Pass to make the most of our time and save money. If you plan on seeing a lot of attractions, this is a great investment to use on your New York itinerary as it gets you into tourist attractions with big savings. But only if you plan on seeing a lot of attractions. It doesn’t pay for itself if you only are planning on a couple of NYC attractions during your visit.

New York is huge and seeing it all in a short time can be overwhelming. We don’t want you crisscrossing around town by subway or taxi, so we start each morning in an area of the city and work our way around with as little transportation as possible.

5 Days in New York

If you only have five days in New York we’ve laid out this NYC itinerary to give you a chance to see most of the iconic sites in the first three days.

  • Day 1 : Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, The Wall Street Bull, 911 Memorial,
  • Day 2: Museum of Natural History, Central Park, The Metropolitan Museum, MOMA, Guggenheim, Broadway
  • Day 3: Highline, The Vessel, Chelsae Market, MOMA, Radio City Music Hall Tour, Rockefeller Centre, Top of the Rock
  • Day 4 – Grand Central Terminal, Bryant Park, Macy’s, Washington Square Park, SOHO, Little Italy
  • Day 5 – Staten Island Ferry, Brooklyn Bridge, DUMBO, Empire State Building,

If you only have one day in New York City, we suggest keeping your New York itinerary to one area of Manhattan and revolving your itinerary around the must-see attractions on your list. But if you have five days in New York City, you’ll be able to enjoy at a more relaxing pace and see the best of the city in one shot!

We’ve been to New York several times and each time we go, we fall in love with the city. If you follow our New York City itinerary, you’ll be able to see all the top New York attractions without feeling stressed out.

If you are looking for where to stay in New York and wondering what the best neighborhood is for you, read our complete breakdown of Where to Stay in New York City – Top Places and Hotels For All Budgets

  • If you want to stay near all the action you may want to check out this apartment rental to feel like a real New Yorker. It’s close to the Brooklyn Bridge, Financial District and more!

Day 1 – Statue of Liberty and Financial District

Statue of liberty and ellis island, wall street, 9/11 memorial museum.

new york itinerary day 1

A visit to New York is not complete without going to the Statue of Liberty. We put this first on our NYC itinerary because it starts in the south of Manhattan and it is a good idea to get there first thing in the morning. Also read: The Best Museums in New York

  • Looking for where to stay in this neighborhood, we have an entire breakdown of New York City Neighborhood Hotels. But you may want to check out The Bowery Hotel – Gorgeous lobby, loft-style rooms with  Hardwood floors & floor to ceiling factory windows and an excellent restaurant. Check out Availability and prices on TripAdvisor or

Statue of Liberty National Monument

Statue of Liberty Day 1

The Statue of Liberty is a great way to start your New York Itinerary. What better way than to see the New York Skyline from the ferry en route to this historic monument. Make your way to Castle Clinton in the Battery where you board the ferry to the island. The first ferry leaves at 8:30 am and this is the best time to visit to make the most of your day. You can kill two birds with one stone seeing the Statue of Liberty as it includes a sightseeing cruise of the New York Skyline.

Taking the subway to Battery Park, we picked up our tickets and set off for a beautiful view of the NYC skyline to the Statue of Liberty.

Tickets include both the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island , so depending on how much time you take to explore, it can take 5-6 hours. Ferry queues can be 30 minutes long and the ferry to the Statue of Liberty is about 15 minutes, so you have a lot of travel time.

  • Free with New York Pass
  • If you don’t have a New York Pass , you can purchase your tickets ahead of time at .
  • Or if you are there early in the morning, you can purchase directly from the ticket office inside the Clinton Castle.
  • Get more information at the Statue of Liberty Website

Getting to the Statue of Liberty

  • We took the Number 1 Red Line Subway from Manhattan hotel to the South Ferry Station near Battery Park.
  • Take the 4 or  5  trains to Bowling Green.
  • Take the R train to Whitehall Street.

Battery Park (The Battery)

NYC Itinerary Battery Park

When you finish up at the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, take a stroll through Battery Park as you make your way to the next stop on your New York itinerary.

It offers great views of the harbor where you just came from and this historic part of New York has several memorials, viewpoints, and a sea glass carousel paying homage to the old aquarium that was located at  Castle Clinton. (where you catch the ferries to the Statue of Liberty.)

Afternoon Day 1 – Wall Street and Financial District

If you want to really save time, you can grab a hot dog or pretzel on the Statue of Liberty ferry on your way back for lunch. Or pop into a diner on your way to the next stop on your NYC itinerary.

The Wall Street area of Manhattan is the perfect place to spend the afternoon of your first day in New York. From the Statue of Liberty, you can start walking North to see some of New York’s top attractions.

Charging Bull

Charging Bull on Wall Street New York City

Our first stop is the Charging Bull of Wall Street. Grab a photo before walking on to see Wall Street. Be aware, the lines are long for a picture with the charging bull. If you really want a picture with it, I’d suggest going before your statue of Liberty Tour at 6 or 7 am.

Wall Street

Wall Street New York City

Wall Street is the heartbeat of the American economy and you can see the New York Stock Exchange, Federal Hall, and Trinity Church. Grab a coffee and stroll through the streets before heading off to your afternoon destination on your New York City Itinerary.

9/11 Memorial Plaza

911 memorial Plaza New York City

I cannot stress enough how beautiful and important 9/11 Memorial Plaza museum is to visit. It shows the true spirit of New Yorkers as it commemorates those who were lost in the 9/11 attacks and honours the first responders and people of New York.

This museum is impressive enough from the outside with the two memorial pools built on the footprints of the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center. The pools are a gentle reminder of the lives lost with waterfalls plunging 30 feet into a basin. The architect Michael Arad stated that the pools represent “absence made visible.” The water flows into the voids, they can never be filled.

9/11 Memorial Museum

911 Memorial Museum New York City

Be sure to go inside the memorial (included with your New York Pass) to see the exhibition honoring the lives lost. It is truly a moving display that is also hopeful and shows the strength of the city.

It is a must-stop on any New York Itinerary and even New Yorkers feel that this museum does justice to those impacted by this terrible tragedy.

Freedom Tower Observation Deck

There is nothing better than seeing New York City from above. For your first view of the New York City skyline go up to New York’s highest observation deck. This is an extra charge outside your ticket to the memorial museum but is included in your New York Pass. Read 30 Best New York Views – Where to See the Manhattan Skyline

Oculus New York City

When you have finished in the museum, don’t miss going into the Oculus. This area of New York has been completely transformed with modern architecture and art displays of the New York Art.

The Oculus is a photographer’s dream. It is also the subway stop for the World Trade Centre. If you are moving on to another part of New York, you can hop on the train system here.

Even if you aren’t taking transit, you must go inside this 4-billion dollar design! It is stunning. The design of stark white steel ribs interlocking high above the ground represents doves flying from the hands of a child. It gives a sense of hope at the site of a tragedy.

Evening Day 1

Nightlife in New York City

It’s your first night in New York, so keep it simple and loose. You don’t want to have to run to a Broadway Show yet.

If you have the New York Pass, there are plenty of tours included in your pass. Here are a couple of good options near the Oculus.

  • Take a Ghosts of Greenwich Village Tour starting at 8pm
  • Take a Statue by night Circle Cruise

Check out a comedy show at the Comedy Cellar in Greenwich Village or if you want, it’s fun to wander the streets and look for a nightclub or bar to pop into and watch some live music.

We enjoy simply walking up 5th avenue toward midtown while taking in the busy vibe of the city.

Day 2 New York Itinerary – Museums and Culture

New York City Itinerary Day 2

American Museum of Natural History, Central Park, Museum Mile, The Metropolitan Museum, Broadway

new york city itinerary map

Today is a day for getting your culture fix of New York City. With your New York Pass in hand , it’s time to see a few of its iconic museums.

  • Looking for where to stay near Time Square. We have a post breaking down hotels we’ve stayed at in Times Square for all budgets. But The Intercontinental Times Square is our favourite. It is classy and chic, quiet and serene. It has all the perks of a high end hotel with turn down service, door men to hail taxis for you, and valet parking for your car. Check out the  Intercontinental Times Square for bookings.

Morning Day 2

If you are looking for a place to stay to explore the museums and culture of New York, check out this lovely vacation rental in the Upper West Side.

For hotels in this area, we stayed at the Hotel Beacon . It is well-run and beautifully designed hotel, close to the subway lines in a very family-friendly area. Check out Availability and prices on TripAdvisor or

American Museum of Natural History

Museum of Natural History New York City

We are going to start uptown at the Museum of Natural History. If you have kids, they’ll love this museum. Think of the movie A Night at the Museum with Ben Stiller.

This is the type of museum the Museum of Natural History is. You’ll see the lifelike displays of dinosaurs and wildlife taking you through all things nature on earth.

We didn’t spend too much time in this museum. But we saw enough to make it worth our while.

Central Park

Central Park in NYC

Central Park is the mainstay of any visit to NYC. You aren’t far from the park once you leave the Museum of Natural History, so make your way to the park and take a tour.

You can explore on your own, but a tour will help you see the highlights quickly. So many movies have been filmed in Central Park, that a movie tour is a good option.

Central Park Bike Tours and rentals are free with the New York Pass. As well as other Central Park Walking tours like the Movie walking tour.

John Lennon Central Park

You can rent a bicycle to see the top Central Park sites like Bethesda Fountain, Belvedere Castle, and the Mall

We always make our way to the John Lennon Memorial. Strawberry Fields is located on the West Side of Central Park right across the street from where Lennon was shot while entering his apartment, the Dakota.

This is a great time to pick up lunch from a food truck. They are line all along the streets of Central Park. We grabbed a hot dog and pop.

Afternoon Day 2

Museum mile – the guggenheim.

guggenheim Museum in New York City

After touring Central Park, make your way to the East Side and visit Museum Mile on Fifth Avenue. Your New York Pass will get you into most museums. We popped into the Guggenheim to see its iconic spiral ceiling designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. We didn’t feel the need to spend a lot of time here, but it is fun to go inside to see the design. And by having it included in our pass, we didn’t feel pressure to stay for long.

Metropolitan Museum Museum of Art

Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC

This was our favourite museum to visit in New York and the one we spent the most time in. We recommend spending the rest of your afternoon here. We gave it a couple of hours, but you could easily spend an entire day inside. When we go back to New York, it’s on our list to spend a full day here.

If you have a short time, here are a few things to see the highlights and then get on with your New York Itinerary

  • Van Gough’s self-portrait
  • Dantes Inferno
  • Egyptian Display with Ancient Tombs
  • Recreation of the Sistine Chapel
  • Venus Italica

Evening Day 2

Broadway in Times Square New York city

If you are in New York, make a point to see a Broadway show. This is a great time in your three day NYC itinerary to sit back and explore Broadway. Book tickets in advance to your favorite musical or play, but be sure to stroll around to search for its famous theatres that surround Times Square like the Richard Rogers, the Winter Garden and the New Amsterdam Theater.

Times Square at Night

times square at night

When the show is over, go for a walk through Times Square to feel the energy of New York. Most New Yorkers hate Times Square, but we love it every time we visit the city. The square is surrounded by billboards and highrises. It’s filled with people and energy and it’s a fun stop on any New York City itinerary. Read more at Things to do in Times Square – A Walking Tour and Nearby Attractions

Day 3 New York Itinerary – Iconic Views and Historic Places

Historic Places in New York city

The Vessel, The High Line, Chelsea Market, Times Square, Radio City Music Hall, Rockefeller Center, Empire State Building

new york city itinerary day 3

Day 3 is going to be a great day on your New York City Itinerary. You are now about to see all of the top attractions and we are going to start our day by the water. Today is your day to put that New York Pass to good use. We are going to keep you out until the wee hours of the morning, so get ready to experience what it’s like in the city that never sleeps.

Morning Day 3

Planning on staying near the High Line? You may want to check out this apartment rental to feel like a local.

For hotels in Chelsea, check out Innside by Melia . It is one of the best hotels in the area. The rooms are spacious, efficient, modern, and well-appointed. Great staff and location make this a great choice. Check out Availability and prices on TripAdvisor or

The Vessel NYC

Hop in a yellow cab or take the subway to The Hudson Yards Shopping Center. Here is where you are going to book your time for the Vessel. The Vessel is New York’s newest art installation and it is an eye popping display.

The spiral staircase takes you up 250o steps for a view of the Hudson River and surrounding skyscrapers. It’s worth going inside, so don’t skip it! Get here early in the morning as slots fill up and you don’t want to be navigating through crowds.

If you haven’t booked a ticket in advance, you can do that now for free at the kiosk and set your time for the day. Or you can pay $10 to go inside anytime. If you want to book ahead of time (highly recommended, you can do so on their Website

  • Your  New York Pass  gives you a Free Tours of the Hudson Yards and vessel.
  • Google Maps :  The Shops at Hudson Yards

The High Line

The High Line in NYC

After you finish up at The Vessel, grab a coffee and take a stroll along the High Line. This is our favorite New York experience. This elevated park traces the route of an old train track for 2.3 km (1.5 miles). From here enjoy your morning coffee and take in the views of the New York City lofts, condos, and skyscrapers making your way towards Chelsea Market.

Explore another Great city in New York State: Things to do in Lake Placid, New York

Brunch at Chelsea Market

This historic New York attraction was home to Nabisco. It was the factory where Oreo Cookies were made. Mmm. There are countless eateries to choose from to fit any craving. So grab a bit here before moving on.

From Chelsea Market you have two choices, you can head back up to Times Square for the second half of our itinerary, or you can stay in the area if you have time to see

Afternoon Day 3

MOMA in New York

We have decided to head up to the Times Square area for the afternoon, and our first stop is the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) is a great place to pop into. What I love about using a New York Pass is getting to pop in and out places without wasting money. Dave and I aren’t huge museum people, but when we’re in cities, we love to see the top attractions. And MOMA is a top attraction in New York. Museum-lovers will spend hours in there. We spent about 45 minutes.

Before heading over to MOMA, stop in at the Radio City Music Hall box office to book your time for the Rockettes Tour. It took us several visits before booking this tour and when we finally did, we loved it!

  • Check out the Museum of Modern Art’s website for tickets. Free with your New York Pass.

Rockefeller Centre

Rockefeller Center Manhattan NY

A visit to New York wouldn’t be complete without going to the Rockefeller Centre. If you are in New York at Christmas, you must stop to see people skating on the outdoor ice rink and of course, check out the Christmas Tree. But it is worth visiting any time of the year. It’s always abuzz with people.

It is here that you’ll be able to look for some of your favorite celebrities as it is home to NBC Studios. We always get a kick out of walking by the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.

And if you want to recreate the scene from the movie Big where Tom Hanks plays the giant piano, you can pop into FAO Schwartz which has moved to Rockefeller Center.

Radio City Music Hall – Stage Door Tour

Radio city Music Hall Stage door

It took us several visits to New York to take a Rockettes tour, but when it was free with our pass, we gave it a shot and this was a lot of fun. Go backstage of Radio City Music Hall to see how the state of the art stage works, pop into the rehearsal hall, and see the private quarters of Samuel “Roxy” Rothafel who wined and dined the greatest artists of the time including Walt Disney, Alfred Hitchcock, and Judy Garland.

Plus, you get to meet a Rockette as well! This tour is free with your New York Pass. but you need to book ahead of time at the box office. We booked our tour a couple of hours in advance at the box office.

This is now a great time to grab a bite to eat before you begin your evening sightseeing. There are tons of restaurants around the area, so we aren’t to give a solid suggestion, but we enjoyed our time at the outdoor City Winery at in the North Plaza between 50th and 51st and Fifth and Sixth Aves.

Evening Day 3

Top of the rock.

Top of the rock in New York

Now that your belly is full, it’s time to see New York from above. The star attraction of the Rockefeller Center is the Top of the Rock and we suggest going in the evening to see the city lights.

Your New York Pass gives you access to the Observation Deck and we feel that this is the best view of the city looking at the Empire State Building. Going in the evening offers fewer crowds to deal with and this is the time when the city is absolutely beautiful.

Top of the Rock entrance is free with the New York Pass or you can get more information on visiting the Top of the Rock at their website. Open until 11 pm

You could end the third day of your itinerary here or you can find a club to see live music, comedy or head into Hells Kitchen for a late-night snack.

You have now spent three days in New York. Congratulations, now head back to your hotel for a good rest, because there is plenty more to see.

Day 4 New York City Itinerary – Shopping and NYC Neighbourhoods

new york city itinerary day 4

Morning Day 4

Today is a day to relax and pick up all the places you still want to see in New York. It was a late night last night, so you can relax and have breakfast at an authentic New York City diner. Today we are taking in the culture and heartbeat of New York.

Grand Central Terminal

Grand Central Station

Make your way to Grand Central Terminal, and take a moment to explore the largest train station in the world. Go inside up to the second level to watch the hustle and bustle of the daily New York City commuters.

And then, head down to the lower level to find the whispering gallery where the acoustics are so good, you can hear a whisper.

New York Public Library

After you’ve finished up in Grand Central, you can pop into the historic New York Public Library before heading to Bryant Park. If you are an architectural buff, you can take free tours every Monday to Saturday at 11.

Bryant Park

Bryant Park New York

Continue your stroll through Manhattan to Bryant Park. This is year-round gathering place with outdoor markets, el fresco dining, and even evening movie nights during the summer months.

At Christmas in New York, there’s a great outdoor market and be sure to rent a pair of skates and do some proper New York Christmas skating.

Macy’s at Herald Square

Macy's on Fifth Avenue NYC

It’s your final day in New York, so pop into the historic Macy’s department store to pick up an NYC souvenir. It is Macy’s flagship store dating back to 1902.

Flatiron Building

It is now time to begin your own self-guided walking tour of New York, and as you walk the streets, your first stop will be the Flatiron Building.

This building is so iconic, it was established as a National Historic Landmark in 1978. It is also a photographer’s dream and one of the quintessential buildings in New York. Depending on how long you took at the morning’s attractions, you may want to grab lunch in the neighborhood.

Washington Square Park

Washington Square Park Greenwich Village

Moving our way down 5th Avenue, takes us to the picturesque Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village. This is where “Friends” took place and where the opening credits show the gang playing in the fountain. The Washington Square Arch is a popular meeting place in New York.

SOHO (South of Houston Street) is a trendy neighborhood in Manhattan and is a great place to spend the afternoon. Go shopping in its many boutiques, pop into one of its art galleries and grab a pastry to tie you over until dinner.

  • You can also book a SOHO, Little Italy, Chinatown Tour free with your New York Pass.

Little Italy and Chinatown

Little Italy in New York City

Make your way to the famous Mulberry Street to soak in the charm of Little Italy. Take in the Italian vibe and find a restaurant to have dinner. This historic district has changed a lot over the years, but it is still a fun place to visit to get a sense of that New York history.

There are great nightclubs and bars in the SOHO and Little Italy neighborhoods. so finish off your New York itinerary at a nightclub watching a band, a comedy show or going dancing. New York has something for everyone. The streets are always busy, and the best way to explore is to follow the crowds. If a bar looks busy, pop inside to see what’s going on!

Evening – Four Days in New York

Empire state building at night.

Empire State Building New York

Tonight you are going to experience the city that never sleeps and make your way to the Empire State Building. We have been to the Empire State Building a few times and the absolute best time is to go after 11 pm. If you have enjoyed dinner and a few cocktails in Little Italy or SOHO, end the evening here for an incredible view of the city lights.

The crowds are minimal, you don’t have to stand in line and you have the observation deck all to yourself. If you are going out to enjoy the nightlife, you can go late into the night. It doesn’t close until 2 am!

  • Entrance is free with the New York Pass . The Empire State Building is open until 2 am (reduced hours for COVID See their website for details.
  • Cost:  Free with  New York Pass  or  $42  at the door.
  • Google Maps :  20 West 34th Street

Now that you’ve been out until the wee hours of the morning you have completed 4 days in New York. You’ve done more than most people now. Head back to your hotel and rest, because tomorrow is another big day as you complete your five days in New York itinerary with a bang.

Day 5 NYC Itinerary

Staten island ferry, brooklyn.

If you are looking to stay outside of Manhattan in a quieter neighborhood, The William Vale in Brooklyn is a good choice. If you want the royal treatment this is the perfect place to stay. Close to the subway, this hotel is beautiful. With a rooftop pool, amazing restaurant and stunning rooms. Check our full breakdown of Brooklyn Hotels .

new york city itinerary

Morning Day 5

Start the last day of your New York City itinerary with a free view of Manhattan on the Staten Island Ferry. You can catch the ferry at Whitehall Terminal in Manhattan (just south of The Battery) and it is free to board. It is a 25-minute journey and offers great views of the New York City skyline and the Statue of Liberty. This is a great option if you don’t want to book a cruise or go to the Statue of Liberty on a tour. You can get your NYC Cruise and Lady Liberty views all at once! Check their website for more details.

When you get to Staten Island you will have to disembark and then get on another ferry. Ferries leave every 15 to 20 minutes. So you are free to stick around for a bit to explore, grab a coffee and see the NYC Skyline.

  • If you want to spend some time on Staten Island, there are a few things to do here you can see the The Staten Island September 11th Memorial to commemorate the commuters who lost their lives in the September 11 attack.
  • A popular thing to do here is to also shop at the Empire outlets for some brand name discount shopping.

A Slice of Brooklyn Pizza Tours

Pizza tour in Brooklyn

If you don’t want to take the Staten Island Ferry and instead want to make your way directly to Brooklyn (your day 5 destination) check out the Slice of Brooklyn Pizza Tours. If you want to get a sense of Brooklyn and the pizza culture of New York, this is a great tour.

We hopped on a bus and enjoyed sightseeing through Brooklyn while stopping at iconic pizza shops like Grimaldi’s in DUMBO and L&B Spumoni Gardens in Bensonhurst.  The tour let us sample, Neapolitan and Sicilian-style pizzas. Plus, we saw movie locations from some of the most iconic New York movie settings like Saturday Night Fever and Goodfellas.

If you have another day in New York, or if it is a second or third visit. Check out a few of these off-the-beaten-path destinations on your own.

Walk Across the Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge

When you make your way back to Manhattan, it’s time to make your way to Brooklyn. One of the most iconic things to do in New York is to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge. It is a 20-minute walk from the terminal to the Brooklyn Bridge and this is a perfect time to head over to Brooklyn for the best views of the New York City skyline and a chance to explore a new neighborhood.

It is a busy commuting hub and you’ll be sharing it with cyclists, and people out for a run as well as tourists and families. At 2km (1.2 miles) long, it’s an easy walk.

Brooklyn Bridge Park

Brooklyn Bridge Park

Once you cross the Brooklyn Bridge, you’ll be in a fantastic borough of Brooklyn. This is the hot spot in the city.

If you are a photographer, Brooklyn Bridge Park at Pier 1 is the best spot to grab an iconic picture of the skyline. We went there with our friend Susan of The Insatiable Traveler (A native New Yorker) and it really is an epic view. After you’ve taken in the scene stroll East through the park along the waterfront towards DUMBO. Here you’ll pass Jane’s Carousel that you’ll recognize from so many movies set in New York.

DUMBO New York City

Once you are in the DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) area, you’ll want to grab lunch. There are plenty of places to grab a bite, check out Cecconi’s, and try to get a spot on the patio. While in DUMBO, stop under the Manhattan Bridge for yet another iconic view of New York.

Washington Street

You’ll recognize the view of the Manhattan Bridge from Washington Street from every New York City gangster film you’ve ever watched. This is that classic view from the Cobblestone Street that epitomizes the history and culture of New York City.

From here, it’s easy to get anywhere in New York, so hop on the subway and make your way back to your hotel to relax after your first day of your New York City Itinerary.

Afternoon Day 5

Day 5 New York city Itinerary

Make your way back to Manhattan and check off the last of your to-do list. What have you missed seeing in New York so far? This is a choose your adventure afternoon.

Maybe you want to go back to Times Square to see the iconic billboards again. Or perhaps you want to go shopping at Bloomingdales.

Madison Square Gardens

Madison Square Gardens

If you can still put your New York Pass to use, book a tour of Madison Square Gardens. Go inside the home of the New York Knicks and NHL’s New York Rangers and feel the history that has pumped through its halls over the last 150 years.

The Met Cloisters

If you want to head way uptown, check out the Cloisters. The Cloisters is a part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but it is located in Northern Manhattan. It is a branch that is dedicated to medieval Europe. The lovely cloisters (a covered walk in a convent or monastery) reminded us of the monasteries we visited in Spain. Instagrammers love taking photos of this building.

Evening Day 5

The MET in New York

Since you are uptown, instead of heading back to Manhattan, have dinner in Harlem and catch an evening of Jazz. The Apollo Theater is one of New York’s most famous venues. There are amateur nights every Wednesday or you can book your tickets in advance If you can’t get into the Apollo, there are many jazz clubs to choose from. The Lonely Planet has a great round-up of clubs.

And that is our ultimate 5-day itinerary in New York City. You can easily mix and match or change days around. But this is the most comprehensive way we have explored by not having to get on the subway too much.

Getting Around New York

New York transit is so easy to use. It is fast, efficient, and affordable. It’s your best way to get around New York.

Uber, Lyft, and Yellow Cabs are also very affordable. As a Canadian, our credit card didn’t work in NYC taxis though, so have cash on hand.

We mention the New York Pass as it is exceptional for saving time and money, but we don’t recommend using the Hop on Hop Off bus included with the pass. It wastes time and is too slow. Just hop on the subway or hail a cab like the New Yorkers do.

More About New York City

  • Things to do: 33 Best Things to Do in New York for First-Timers
  • Where to Stay: Where to Stay in New York City – Top Places and Hotels For All Budgets
  • Photography Spots : 6 Tips to Make the Most of Your New York City Photography
  • The Holidays : Christmas in New York – What to do in NYC for the Holidays

Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO . 

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Allianz - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

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About The Planet D

Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine , the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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1 thought on “New York City Itinerary – 5 Days in New York”

Love this itinerary! I’m planning a trip to NYC this summer and this post has given me so many great ideas for things to see and do. Can’t wait to explore the city ?


5 days in New York: the perfect itinerary (first time visitors)

How to spend 5 days in new york: the best itinerary + where to stay.

You’re planning to spend  5 days in New York and you’re looking for  the best things to do?

You’re at the right place!

In order  to help you plan your stay , I have prepared for you this 5-day itinerary in New York.

I will start with  my best tips to save time and avoid waiting in line in front of New York’s must-see attractions. Then, I will give you the day by day program, perfectly optimized to make the most of your stay.

In addition to  the best places to visit and activities  for each stage of your itinerary, I will also give you  all my best tips  and  accommodation suggestions depending on your budget.

So,  what are the best places to visit in New York in 5 days? Where to stay?

Let’s find out!

  • 1. The New York Go City Explorer Pass

5 days in New York – All the best places to visit

One last tip for a perfect 5-day stay in new york, a. exploring central park, b. visit to one of new york’s most famous museums, c. the prestigious fifth avenue, d. st. patrick’s cathedral, e. the top of the rock, f. times square, a. brooklyn district and dumbo, b. the brooklyn bridge, c. ferry ride to the statue of liberty or cruise around the statue, d. things to see in the financial district, e. 9/11 memorial and museum, f. one world observatory, g. enjoy a meal in little italy or chinatown, a. intrepid sea, air & space museum, b. circle line sightseeing cruise, c. madame tussauds new york, d. new york public library / grand central terminal / chrysler building / united nations headquarters, e. empire state building, f. see a musical on broadway, day 4: even more things to do in new york, a. greenwich village, b. chelsea market, c. the high line, d. the vessel – hudson yard, e. edge observation deck, f. rooftop bars in new york, a. moma (museum of modern art), b. summit one vanderbilt, c. shopping in new york, d. speakeasy and michelin-starred restaurants, where to stay in new york, 5 days in new york with your family, more things to do during your 5 days in new york, map of your 5-day itinerary in new york, flight prices to new york, you’re traveling in the us these articles will help you, how to avoid waiting in line (and save a lot of time) at new york’s tourist attractions.

With more than 56 million visitors each year, New York City is one of the most tourity city of the world.

And they all want to discover the incredible attractions and activities the city has to offer!

Maybe you have been to the Colosseum in Rome , the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona or the Alhambra in Granada ?

If yes, you already know what it means: endless waiting lines at all the must-see attractions!

At the Empire State building or the Rockfeller center “At The Top” observation platform for example, if you don’t have a ticket, you will often have to wait in line at the ticket booth for an hour or two.

But don’t worry, there are 2 very simple solutions that will allow you to save a lot of time (and money!) during your 5-day trip to New York.

1. T he New York Go City Explorer Pass

The best way to skip the lines during your New York itinerary is to buy the “New York Go City Explorer Pass” .

When purchasing it, you can choose to get the NY Go City Explorer Pass for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 10 attractions.

Unlike other city passes that are duration based (24h/48h/72h), for the New York Explorer pass, the only thing that matters is the number of activities you want to do.

It’s just perfect to enjoy the activities and visits at your own pace during your 5-day stay in New York 😄.

And with about 90 activities to select from, there’s no shortage of options.

Of course, all top-rated attractions such as the Empire State Building , the Statue of Liberty ferry , and the Top of the Rock observation deck are part of the package!

To buy the city pass, it’s really simple: you just have to click on the green button below .

After your purchase, you will receive your New York Explorer Pass via email .

In this email, you will also find a digital guide with handy information to help you organize your visits: operating hours, directions, and the details on how to book a time slot for most New York City attractions.

Here are some of the most popular attractions included in the New York Explorer pass :

  • Empire State Building
  • Ferry to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island
  • Top of the Rock
  • 9/11 Museum and Memorial
  • Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
  • American Museum of Natural History
  • One World Observatory
  • Madame Tussauds
  • Circle Line Sightseeing
  • St Patrick’s Cathedral Tour
  • And the list goes on…

For a 5-day trip to New York, you should opt for the New York Explorer Pass that includes 10 attractions . This allows you to experience a wide range of activities and sites.

To buy your New York Explorer Pass , simply click on the green button below:

You might also have heard about the New York City Pass , however it’s not the best choice for a five-day trip as it only includes 5 attractions.

2. Skip the line tickets for New York’s best tourist attractions

Second solution : To avoid wasting your time waiting in line, you can also buy skip-the-line tickets in advance for any attraction or activity.

While the New York Go City Explorer Pass offers an excellent value for money for your five-day visit, you might prefer to visit only a few specific sites.

In that case, buying skip-the-line tickets for each attraction individually is the perfect alternative!

You can buy priority tickets online for all of New York’s best attractions, guided tours and activities.

Here are some of the best skip-the-line tickets you should consider for your 5-day stay in New York.

To book them, you simply need to click on the orange links below (you’ll also find them throughout the article):

  •   Central Park Zoo
  • A private tour in Central Park in a horse-drawn carriage
  • A pedicab tour in Central Park – choose between the 1 or 2 hours tour version
  • Guggenheim Museum
  • Metropolitan Museum of Art
  • St. Patrick’s Cathedral
  • National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
  • Wall street guided tour
  • Helicopter tour over New York
  • Statue of Liberty
  • Cruise around the Statue of Liberty
  • Walking guided tour in Brooklyn
  • Broadway show
  • Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum
  • Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises
  • Madame Tussauds New York
  • Edge Observation Deck
  • SUMMIT One Vanderbilt
  • Harlem guided tour
  • Greenwich Village guided tour
  • Luna Park in Coney Island

If you want to book other activities in New York, you should always use these 2 reliable and safe websites:

  • GetYourGuide: Official entrance tickets and activities in New York .
  • Tiqets: Skip the line tickets in New York

If you already know your travel dates (or as soon as you will have them!) , you should really book your accommodation.

As New York is one of the most touristic cities in the world , the hotels offering the best value for money are often fully booked months in advance.

As a seasoned traveler, I can assure you that it’s always by planning as far in advance as possible that I’ve found the best hotels or apartments deals.

You agree that it would be a shame to somewhat ruin your stay in New York by ending up in a not-so-great hotel that costed you a fortune, right? 😅

So your best bet is to take 5 minutes now to have a look at  traveler’s favorite hotels in New York.

And if you like one of the hotels you find, book it!

It’s fast, it’s easy and most accommodation offer free cancellation. That’s the best way to protect yourself from the inconvenience of finding nothing but mediocre rooms at exorbitant prices.

To check the best hotels deals in New York, simply click on the green button below:

After securing your dream stay, it’s time to continue reading this guide!

5 Days in New York: The Best Itinerary

Let’s now start your 5-day itinerary in New York!

For each day, I will give you  all the details you need to plan your visits + a map  that will allow you to visualize the itinerary a bit better.

I’m assuming  you will be staying in New York for 5 full days and that you will be using the New York Explorer Pass  or  Skip-the-Line Tickets .  It’s the best way to save time and money during your 5-day stay!

If you still have questions after reading this guide (or need help organizing your holiday), don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments section located at the very end of this article.

Day 1: The Heart of Manhattan

visiter New York en 2 jours Jour 1

Day 1 visits:

A. Central Park B. Museums C. Fifth Avenue D. St Patrick’s Cathedral E. Top of the Rock F. Times Square

To start your 5-day trip to New York, There is no better place than the iconic Central Park !

Take a stroll, go for a picnic and explore New York’s largest public park famous locations.

In particular, you should pass by the Bethesda Terrace and Fountain or The Belvedere Castle.

But that’s not all, Central Park is huge, so there is plenty to see:

  • Central Park Zoo:   Kids will love it!
  • Shakespeare Garden
  • The Bow Bridge , an Instagram-worthy locale
  • Alice in Wonderland Statue
  • “ The Mall and Literary Walk” , a picturesque pathway adorned with statues of literary figures.
  • The Strawberry Fields , a memorial to John Lennon.

And if you don’t want to visit Central Park on foot, you have several other options (click on the orange link to book):

  • Renting a bike for a faster tour of the park’s highlights
  • Taking a horse-drawn carriage ride for a nostalgic trip around the park
  • Opting for a pedicab tour for a guided, personalized experience.

To reach Central Park, your best bet is to take the subway to the 72 Street, 81 Street, or 86 Street stations .

Central Park

The 3 most famous museums of New York are conveniently located just a stone’s throw away from Central Park.

Based on your personal interests, you can select from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the American Museum of Natural History, or the Guggenheim Museum .

If you are fascinated by the world of science, the American Museum of Natural History will definitely be worth your time, while the Metropolitan Museum of Art is home to numerous art masterpieces .

And if you prefer modern and contemporary art , the Guggenheim Museum is the place for you!

You should note that both the Guggenheim Museum and the American Museum are included in the New York Explorer Pass .

Remember, if you do not have the pass , you should book your tickets in advance by clicking on the buttons below:

  • The American Museum of Natural History:
  • The Guggenheim Museum:

For the Metropolitan Museum of Art, tickets are only available on the official website . You can also opt for a guided tour by clicking here .

American Museum of Natural History

Let’s continue your 5-day New York itinerary and head to the world-renowned Fifth Avenue.

Renown for its luxury shops and noteworthy landmarks , it’s the perfect place for a bit of shopping or window-shopping!

Here are some of the most popular shops on Fifth Avenue in New York City:

  • Bergdorf Goodman : A luxury goods department store known for high-end designer clothes, shoes, and handbags.
  • Saks Fifth Avenue : This iconic high-end department store offers luxury items including clothing, footwear, bedding, furniture, jewelry, beauty products, and housewares.
  • Tiffany & Co. : This world-renowned jeweler has been a part of Fifth Avenue since the early 1940s. It’s the perfect place to admire some exquisite diamonds and fine jewelry.
  • FAO Schwarz : One of the oldest and most famous toy stores in the United States. It’s a wonderful place for kids and adults alike!
  • Apple Store : The flagship Apple Store recognizable by its iconic glass cube.
  • Gucci : Known for its luxury Italian fashion and leather goods.
  • Louis Vuitton : The French fashion designer is another icon store on Fifth Avenue, offering high-end trunks, leather goods, shoes, watches, jewelry, accessories, and sunglasses.

Prada : The Italian luxury fashion brand, specializing in leather handbags and travel accessories.

Fifth Avenue

Your next stop on the Fifth Avenue should be the breathtaking St. Patrick’s Cathedral , a remarkable symbol of Gothic Revival architectural style .

Admission to the St. Patrick’s Cathedral is included in the New York Explorer Pass, granting you an excellent opportunity to appreciate the interior of the cathedral and the elegant stained glass .

And if you don’t have the pass , you need to purchase your ticket by clicking here:

Saint Patrick's Cathedral NYC

For an incomparable view of the city, you should visit the Top of the Rock .

Located at the top of the Rockefeller Center , this observation platform offers a full 360-degree panorama of New York City .

From up there, you especially have a great view over the Empire State Building and Central Park – It’s really impressive from this vantage point!

Access to the Top of the Rock is included with the New York Go City Explorer Pass.

If you don’t have the pass, you need to purchase your skip-the-line ticket here:

Rockfeller Center Top of The Rock

To end your first day in New York in style, let’s now go to Times Square .

This legendary square , famous for its huge bright billboards, is one of the most famous areas of the city .

There are several iconic stores in and around Times Square, including the M&M’s World , Hershey’s Chocolate World, and the Disney Store.

In and around Times Square, you’ll often find people dressed up as pop culture characters. For a small tip, you can take a picture with them.

Times Square has also a variety of food options. You can for example try a meal at the Hard Rock Cafe or at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. 

Times Square

Second day: Brooklyn and Downtown Manhattan

Visiter New York en 3 jours Jour 2

Day 2 visits:

A. Brooklyn district and DUMBO B. Brooklyn Bridge C. Statue of Liberty D. Financial district E. 9/11 Memorial and museum F. One World Observatory G. Little Italy and Chinatown

On your 2nd day of your 5-day trip to New York, get prepared to explore Brooklyn, one of New York’s most dynamic boroughs.

Start your day in the hip neighborhood of DUMBO (an acronym for Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass).

While in DUMBO, seize the opportunity to capture your version of the famous photo of the red bricks buildings with the Manhattan Bridge in the background.

To discover the secrets of Brooklyn , you should really book this walking tour (click here) . It’s the best way to make the most of your visit!

To reach Brooklyn, hop on the subway and stop at York Street station. You will be very close to Washington Street , where the photo spot I mentionned above is located.


You simply can’t spend 5-days in New York   without taking a walk on the famous Brooklyn Bridge!

This remarkable architectural feat has stood proudly since 1883, linking Manhattan and Brooklyn across the East River. With its Gothic arches and network-like cables, it ranks among the top photography spots in NYC.

As you cover the 1.3-mile length , you can soak in panoramic views of the Manhattan skyline, the Statue of Liberty, and the Freedom Tower.

Did you know the Brooklyn Bridge was the world’s first steel-wire suspension bridge?

At the time of its opening, it was also the longest suspension bridge in the world . A true architectural feat!

Brooklyn bridge

Let’s continue the day with a cruise to one of the most iconic landmarks in the world: the Statue of Liberty .

Take the ferry from Battery Park*, and you’ll be on your way to this massive neoclassical sculpture standing majestically on Liberty Island. Built in 1886 , the Statue of Liberty is a gift from the people of France and is a universal symbol of freedom and democracy.

Just a stone’s throw from Liberty Island, you’ll find Ellis Island , home to the Ellis Island Immigration Museum , which provides an insight into the immigrant experience.

Your New York Explorer Pass comes with a round-trip ferry ticket, allowing you to visit both the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.

If you don’t have this City Pass and wish to set foot on the islands , you need to book your tickets here:

Alternatively, you can also opt for a cruise around the statue, if you prefer to admire this emblematic monument from the water:

Whichever you choose, it’s an absolute must-do on your 5-day trip to New York .

*To get to Battery park, you can take the metro at Brooklyn bridge – City Hall Station and hop-off at Bowling green station.

To take your New York experience to an even greater height, you should opt for an unforgettable helicopter tour over the city!

Departing just 200 meters away from Battery Park , it’s a convenient addition to your day’s itinerary.

Whether you choose to go before or after your trip to the Statue of Liberty, it’s bound to be a thrilling experience.

You can opt for the classic tour ( click here to book your tour ) or choose to go for the sensational open-door version! Personally, I opted for the open door version and it was simply the best experience I had in New York!

To secure your seat on this once-in-a-lifetime experience during your 5-day trip to New York, you just need to click on the button below:

Statue of Liberty

After your inspiring visit to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, you should head to the Financial District .

Take a stroll on Wall Street to see the New York Stock Exchange, Federal Hall, and of course, the Charging Bull statue.

Remember, rubbing its bronze nose, horns , and, *ahem*, rear parts, is said to bring good luck. You’ll be rubbing elbows with tourists instead of stock traders, but hey, it’s all part of the authentic New York experience !

Wall Street

Your New York in 5 days itinerary will now take you to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum .

It’s an impactful place that honors the victims of the 2001 World Trade Center terrorist attacks.

Here, you will find twin reflecting pools, each nearly an acre in size, that sit in the footprints where the Twin Towers once stood.

The museum, on the other hand, will allow you to learn more about this tragic day and its aftermath.

It’s a deeply moving tribute and an essential part of understanding New York’s recent history.

And if you want to learn more and get interesting facts, you can book a 90-minute guided walk around Ground Zero by clicking here.

Your   New York Explorer Pass   gets you free entry to the 9/11 Memorial and museum.

Without the pass, you need to book your tickets for the museum here:

National 9 11 Memorial & Museum

You’re already in the area, so why not go up to the top of the One World Observatory?

It’s located in the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere, the One World Trade Center. From the 100th floor, you’ll get an unbeatable 360-degree view of New York City . You’ll see, it’s super impressive!

And the elevator ride itself is an experience – the walls project a time-lapse of the New York City skyline from the 1500s to today.

You should visit One World Observatory around sunset for the best views. Don’t forget that the entrance to One World Observatory is included with your New York Go City Explorer Pass.

If you don’t have it, you need to get priority tickets in advance by clicking on the button below:

One World Observatory

After a full day of sightseeing, you’ve earned yourself a delicious meal! To end the second day of your 5-day visit to New York , why not immerse yourself in the culinary delights of Little Italy or Chinatown ?

For a taste of Italy, stroll down Mulberry Street in Little Italy . You’ll feel as though you’ve stepped onto the old continent itself.

Can’t decide where to eat? Don’t worry. Here’s my pro tip: head to Paesano or Da Nico . Their pasta and pizza are really good.  And for the dessert, you should try a cannoli or a tiramisu.

If you’re craving more exotic flavors , then Chinatown is the place to go.

I particularly recommend 2 restaurants in Chinatown: Shangai 21 and Tasty Hand Pulled Noodles. 

Let me know what you think about their dumplings and noodles!

After a good dinner, make sure to get a good night’s sleep, as there’s much more to discover in New York City on the next days!

Chinatown New York

Day 3: Best things to do in New York

Visiter New York en 3 jours Jour 3

Day 3 visits:

A. Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum B. Circle line Sightseeing cruise C. Madame Tussauds D. New York Public Library / Grand Central Terminal / Chrysler Building / United Nation Headquarters E. Empire State Building F. See a musical on Broadway

To start the 3rd day of your 5-day itinerary in NYC , you should head to the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum located on the Hudson River.

The nearest subway station to the museum is 50 Street Station , just a 15-minute walk away.

Here, you can dive into history (without getting wet!) and learn about the role of sea, air, and space crafts in the military.

The centerpiece is the Intrepid aircraft carrier , which was in service during World War II.

You can also explore a real submarine, the Growler , and the Space Shuttle Pavilion featuring the Enterprise space shuttle!

The flight deck of the aircraft carrier also boasts an impressive collection of aircraft , including a Concorde and a Lockheed A-12.

Free admission to the museum is included with the New York Explorer Pass .

If you’re don’t have the city pass , you need to book your ticket here:

Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum

Now that you know everything about US Military equipment, it’s time for New York’s most popular cruise: the Circle Line Sightseeing Cruise .

This is the perfect way to relax and take in the unbeatable views of New York’s skyline .

From the water, you’ll have a unique vantage point of iconic landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, and the Brooklyn Bridge . Plus, the onboard narration is packed with interesting facts.

Again, this cruise is included with your New York pass. 

And if you don’t have the pass, you need to book your cruise here:

Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises

It’s now time to head for a fun museum: Madame Tussauds New York .

The world-renowned wax museum houses incredible life-like figures of famous people , from Hollywood stars to sporting heroes , and even world leaders .

It’s uncanny how real they look! You can get up close and personal with your favorite celebrities, and they won’t mind at all if you snap a selfie.

Entrance also includes access to the Marvel Super Heroes 4D experience . It’s an immersive and thrilling adventure with your favorite Marvel heroes.

Best of all, Madame Tussauds is included in the New York Explorer Pass .

Madame Tussaud New York

After Madame Tussauds, let’s go on a walk to discover some of New York’s iconic architectural wonders .

Start with a visit to the New York Public Library . With its grand façade and interiors, it’s much more than just a place for book lovers!

Next, head to the bustling Grand Central Terminal . Even if you’re not catching a train, the celestial ceiling and the iconic clock are worth a look. It’s the kind of place that makes you feel like you’re in a classic movie.

You should then go to the Chrysler Building, an Art Deco masterpiece   and one of my favorite skyscrapers of New York.

To end your architectural tour, pass by the United Nations Headquarters . It’s a symbol of peace and diplomacy in the heart of the city.

Grand Central Station

Next stop of the day: the legendary Empire State Building, for sure one of the most iconic places to visit during your 5 days in New York .

The panoramic views of the city from the 86th and 102nd-floor observatories are absolutely breath-taking. As you step onto the viewing deck, you’ll feel on top of the world!

You should really visit the Empire State Building during the late afternoon so you can experience the magnificent sunset over the city. 

Good news: the New York Explorer Pass gives you free access to the Empire State Building.

However, if you don’t have a pass , you need to book your priority tickets by clicking on the button below:

Empire State Building

After this awesome day, it’s time to unwind, and what better way to do so than to catch a musical on Broadway ?

Broadway is synonymous with New York City, and you simply can’t leave without watching one of its spectacular performances. Whether you’re into classic productions like ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ or modern hits like ‘Hamilton’, there’s a show for everyone.

The energy, the music, the drama – it’s an experience that’ll leave you humming show tunes all the way back to your hotel.

Tickets for popular shows can sell out pretty fast, so make sure you book in advance. You can find all tickets available for Broadway shows by clicking here!

Lion king musical

We’re on Day 4 of our 5 days in New York itinerary.

Today we’re going to explore trendy neighborhoods, snack at a renowned market, and enjoy some killer views from some of New York’s coolest rooftop bars.

Let’s go!

Visiter New York en 7 jours jour 4

Day 4 visits:

A. Greenwich Village B. Chelsea Market C. High Line D. The Vessel E. The Edge F. Rooftop bars

The day starts in the charming neighborhood of Greenwich Village .

With its tree-lined streets, historic townhouses , and vibrant art scene, it’s no wonder that this area was the birthplace of many cultural movements.

As you wander around, don’t forget to check out Washington Square Park, a favorite gathering spot for locals.

While you’re here, you can explore the small boutiques and enjoy a coffee at a sidewalk café.

You should also seek out the “Friends” apartment on the corner of Grove and Bedford Streets . Even if you aren’t a fan of the show, it’s a pretty cool slice of pop culture history to see in person!

You can also visit the Friends Experience where the sets of Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Joey and Phoebe’s flats are recreated. Be sure to book your tickets as early as possible because they sell out rapidly!

You need to book your tickets here.

Want to find out more about Greenwich Village?

The best way to visit the district is to book this guided walking tour (click here).

Greenwich Village

Feeling a bit hungry? It’s time to head over to Chelsea Market .

This bustling market is a foodie’s dream come true with a wide range of delicious cuisines all under one roof.

From mouth-watering tacos to lobster rolls, you’re in for a treat!

Once you’ve fueled up, you’re just a few steps away from one of the coolest urban parks in the world, the High Line.

This elevated railway line turned park offers a unique perspective of the city.

While strolling through gardens suspended in mid-air, you can admire the local artwork, chill in cozy loungers, and soak up amazing city views.

High Line Park

Next, we’re heading to Hudson Yards to visit the Vessel, a fascinating piece of architecture that looks like a giant honeycomb.

Unfortunately, it is now forbidden to use the spiral staircases in the structure, but you can access the ground floor free of charge.

It’s well worth the walk to see this very special building , made up of 154 flights of stairs, for a total of 2,500 steps!

Hudson Yards The Vessel

Just when you thought you’d had your fill of breathtaking views for the day, we’re off to the Edge Observation Deck .

As the highest outdoor sky deck in the Western Hemisphere, it offers jaw-dropping 360° views of the Big Apple.

If you’re brave enough, you can step out onto the glass floor and look straight down. My favorite part was looking down and seeing the tiny yellow taxis moving around below!

As the others observation deck in New York, you can visit the Edge for free if you have the New York Go City Explorer Pass.

If you don’t have the city Pass, you need to book your Edge tickets here!

Edge observation deck New York

To wrap up your fourth day of this 5-day New York itinerary, you should definitely head to one of the city’s iconic rooftop bars.

Let’s check out a few of my favorites:

1) 230 FIFTH Rooftop Bar NYC

This rooftop bar is famed for its extraordinary view of the Empire State Building. You should try their signature cocktails and share a few bites.

2) Westlight at The William Vale

A chic rooftop bar located at The William Vale in Brooklyn. Offering panoramic views of Manhattan and beyond, it’s the perfect place to watch the sunset.

3) The Rooftop at The Standard, High Line

This trendy spot is known for its lively atmosphere and fantastic views of the Hudson River and the city skyline.

4) The Press Lounge

The Press Lounge offers an upscale atmosphere with its large terrace and great views of Manhattan and the Hudson.

The Press Lounge (and most of the rooftop bar’s in New York) enforces a smart casual dress code, so don’t forget to dress appropriately!

Day 5: Art, Viewpoints, Shopping, and Upscale Dining in NYC

Visiter New York en une semaine jour 5

Day 5 visits:

A. MoMA B. Summit One Vanderbilt C. Shopping in New York D. Speakeasy or Michelin-starred restaurants

For the final day of your 5-day stay in New York, let’s start at the famous Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) .

A mecca for modern art enthusiasts,  the MoMA houses an incredible array of works from artists such as Vincent van Gogh, Salvador Dalí, and Pablo Picasso.

One of the highlights is undoubtedly van Gogh’s “Starry Night.” This iconic masterpiece is a must-see, so make sure you don’t miss it during your visit!

Entry to the MoMA is included in the New York Explorer Pass.

If you don’t have it, it’s simple, you just have to book your skip-the-line ticket here:

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)

Next, you can head over to SUMMIT One Vanderbilt , one of New York’s latest attractions.

Soaring over Midtown Manhattan, this skyscraper offers jaw-dropping 360-degree views over the city.

And the best part? It’s not just about the views. SUMMIT One Vanderbilt is also home to immersive art installations and even an outdoor skybox where you can literally hang out over the edge of the building.

Access to the SUMMIT is NOT included in the New York pass.

You must therefore buy your ticket in advance, by clicking on the following button:

SUMMIT One Vanderbilt New York

New York City is a world-renowned shopping destination.

You already passed by 5th Avenue on the first day, but you can of course go back there to do a bit of shopping.

Looking for something a little more understated?

Head over to Madison Avenue for a mix of designer boutiques and art galleries. And don’t forget the iconic Macy’s at Herald Square!

It’s the largest department store in the world, so yes, you might end up spending a lot of time (and money) there.

Or perhaps you’re more into unique finds and eclectic boutiques?

Then Soho is your place. With its cobblestone streets and cast-iron buildings, this neighborhood is charming in its own right.

Plus, you’ll find numerous boutiques offering everything from fashion to home décor (a bit harder to take back home, though 😅).

Soho New York

After a day of shopping, nothing beats unwinding at a speakeasy or indulging in a meal at a Michelin-starred restaurant.

For a little taste of the Prohibition era, slip into a hidden bar like “Employees Only” or the “ Please Don’t Tell” speakeasy. Trust me, sipping on a cocktail in these secretive establishments is a very special experience!

If you’re a foodie, treating yourself to a meal at a Michelin-starred restaurant is an excellent way to wrap up your 5 days in New York .

I personally loved Le Bernardin , known for its exquisite seafood, and Eleven Madison Park , where each dish is a work of art.

Remember to make reservations at these restaurants well in advance. They’re popular spots, and tables can fill up quickly.

Speakeasy New York

To explore the best places to visit in 5 days in New York, you will need to book a hotel.

In order to help you out, I have prepared  a selection of my favorite hotels depending on your budget.

You should really  book your hotel as soon as possible , the best deals usually don’t last long!

Here is my selection of the best hotels to stay in the heart of New York (around Times Square / Empire State Building / Central Park).

  • HI New York City Hostel : Youth hostel located right next to Central Park. Dormitory beds from €50 per night. An excellent choice for cheap accommodation in New York City Center!
  • Club Wyndham Midtown 45: Located next to Grand Central Station. Bright and spacious double room from €200 per night. Strong Points: the rooftop and the location.
  • Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott New York Manhattan/Times Square South: Located 1 km from Times Square. Cosy, comfortable double rooms from €330 per night, including breakfast. Strong points: friendly staff, view, peace and quiet.
  • Hyatt Place New York City/Times Square: Located next to Madame Tussauds. Double room with impeccable cleanliness and comfortable bedding from €350, breakfast included. Strong points: central location for visiting New York on foot, very generous breakfast, very friendly staff.
  • The Iroquois New York: Located less than 500 metres from Times Square, this 5-star hotel offers superb rooms with very chic decor, from €410 including breakfast. Strong points: ideal, quiet location, attentive staff.
  • Riu Plaza Manhattan Times Square: Located next to the Rockfeller Center. Very comfortable, noise-isolated room from €450, breakfast €23. Strong points: very professional staff, varied breakfast, very easy to visit the centre of New York on foot.
  • Hard Rock Hotel New York: Located next to the Rockfeller Center, this luxury hotel offers elegant, contemporary rooms from €500, breakfast €47. Strong points: the rooftop, the comfort, the classy design. This is my recommendation for a luxury stay in New York!

Hard Rock Hotel New York

If you don’t mind being a bit further from the centre (don’t worry, it’s still very easily accessible by public transport), here is my list of the best hotels in Wall Street.

It’s a bit quieter than the hotels in Times Square and also slightly less expensive for equivalent quality.

  • Hilton Garden Inn NYC Financial Center/Manhattan Downtown: Located 160 metres from Battery Park. Comfortable, modern rooms from €225, breakfast €23. Strong points: the location close to the metro, very comfortable, practical for going to the Statue of Liberty and Staten Island.
  • The Washington by LuxUrban: Located 200 metres from the 9/11 Memorial and museum. Stylish rooms from €240, breakfast included. Strong points: metro stations right next to the hotel – perfect for sightseeing, view of the One World Trade Center, quality of bedding, peace and quiet.
  • Club Quarters Hotel World Trade Center: Located next to Ground Zero. Spacious and cosy double room from €330. Strong points: location next to several metro stations, views from the rooftop and some rooms, free unlimited water and coffee/tea, in-room fridge.

To help you find the perfect accommodation, I have also written a guide of the best areas and places to stay in New York depending on your budget.

You can find it here: Where to stay in New York?

Club Quarters Hotel World Trade Center New York

If you’re going to  visit New York in 5 days with your family , here are a few ideas of activities your kids will for sure enjoy:

  • The Central Park Zoo: children love to watch animals
  • American Museum of Natural History: you can only love its dinosaur fossils and the massive blue whale model!
  • Don’t forget to check out the M&M’s and Disney’s stores in Times Square and the Lego’s store on Fifth Avenue for a dose of colorful fun.
  • The ferry ride to the Statue of Liberty and the cruise: 2 great things to do with children in New York
  • Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
  • Attend a Broadway Show: Choose a kid-friendly production like ‘The Lion King’ or ‘Aladdin’ for an unforgettable theatre experience!

The New York Explorer Pass offers discounted rates for children , depending on their age.

This suggested itinerary allows you to  see  the best attractions New York has to offer in 5 days .

And as it’s perfectly optimized, you won’t waste time going back and forth in the city.

However, if you want to  change or add activities , you should read my other article about  the 57 best places to visit in New York . It will for sure help you to finalize your itinerary!

You can read it here: The 57 best things to do in New York.

To help you visualize your  daily itineraries during your 5 days in New York,  I have created this map with  all the places to visit day by day . You can view the map’s legend by clicking on the top left button, the one with a little arrow.

You can thus see the suggested itineraries for each day.

As always, you should book your plane tickets as early as possible to get the best prices.

To check the rates and schedules for flights to New York, you can use our flight comparator, in partnership with Skyscanner:

Now, you know how to visit New York in 5 days!

You need help to plan your 5-day trip to New York? Don’t hesitate to ask me in the comment section located below!

Discover all my articles about USA : All my articles to help you plan your trip to USA are listed there.

  • New York: Top 57 best things to do
  • 2 Days in New York – The best itinerary to visit the Big Apple in 48h
  • 3 Days in New York – All the best places to visit + Detailed itinerary
  • 4 Days in New York – The perfect itinerary for your visit
  • One Week in New York – The perfect 7-day itinerary

You’re using Pinterest? Here is the picture to pin!

New York 5 days itinerary

Creator of the Voyage Tips blog, travel and photography lover. I give you all my best tips to plan your next trip.

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Discussion 2 comments.


Excellent ideas for a five day itinerary! If you were going on a Hop On Hop Off bus which one would you recommend?


Hello Arlène,

Thank you! I’m glad my 5-day itinerary in New York helped you organise your visits.

For the bus tour, I recommend this one: Big Bus Tour (click here) . It’s the best-rated company and it also offers 2 different tours, so it’s perfect for seeing lots of places.

Enjoy your stay in New York!

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First Time Guide to New York City 5 Day Itinerary by a native New Yorker

January 7, 2020 by Karen Turner 83 Comments

I’m so proud to be a native New Yorker and I love to help first timers plan their first trip to New York City. I’ve made a five day itinerary for NYC with advice on what to see and eat mostly in Manhattan for all budgets.

This is a local guide, so although I cover the famous sites, I encourage you to see the smaller neighborhoods/places that make New York special. The Big Apple has so much to offer year-round, so most of these tips can be also used over the holidays. There’s a FREE downloadable map with all the best places to see in New York City in 5 days.

tour 5 giorni new york

FYI: This is a  suggested  itinerary for five  days, so not everything may be your cup of tea. Feel free to pick from the days (and activities), but keep in mind that New York City is BIG , so you change up this itinerary, you might have a lengthy train or taxi ride between places.

How long to spend in NYC? 5 days in NYC is actually the perfect amount if it’s your first visit. You can spend 3 days in New York City, but it’s cutting it close–and you’ll need to come back again.  If you have only one day in New York City, you can still see Manhattan!

Before you visit New York City: Download Google Maps & the FREE map at the bottom with all mentioned places as well as Yelp for food. Google has recently really improved their offers for food recommendations.

  • 1 How to get to NYC from its airports
  • 2 Where to Stay in New York City & How Much Spending Money You’ll Need
  • 3 What to see in NYC in 5 days!
  • 4 Day 1: The Must-Sees with a Twist
  • 5 Day 2: The Intellectual / The Partier
  • 6 Day 3: Iconic New York
  • 7 Day 5: The Culture Lover (Queens)
  • 8  Last thoughts: Plan Ahead.
  • 9 Have you been to NYC? How many days felt right? What was your favorite place?

How to get to NYC from its airports

If you’re on the East Coast, you can take Megabus directly to Manhattan. Otherwise, you will fly into JFK, LaGuardia, or Newark. JFK is easily accessible via the Airtrain & A train and/or LIRR. You can also book your own shuttle in between Downtown Manhattan and JFK/any other airport if you don’t want to worry about it. Uber is now also an option.

LaGuardia requires a bus and a train, but it’s a quick hop to Manhattan. Newark International Airport is in New Jersey, so plan on 30+ minutes on NJ transit.  This is separate from New York’s subway system. You can click here for tips on how to use the NYC subway .

Where to Stay in New York City & How Much Spending Money You’ll Need

View of New York City.  Read tips for visiting New York City for the first time!

New York is expensive.  If you’re not on a tight budget, you’re best off staying off in Midtown or the Village if you can afford it since both locations make sightseeing easiest.  Click for my insider guide to affordable hotels in New York City.

However, for those seeking a more alternative experience and/or lower price tag with a short train ride to the sites, stay in Astoria or Long Island City in Queens.  In Brooklyn, look in Williamsburg, Dumbo, or Clinton Hill.  

You might also find some affordable picks along  the Lower East Side .  You might also want to look into the  Pod hotel chain for affordable rooms in central locations .    Click for my picks for affordable hotels in New York City

​For budgeting tips, read my master NYC on a budget post where all of the activities are FREE .  Plan on spending at minimum $50+ per person on food, $20 per person on activities minimum, $100+ on the hotel (for one room), and extra if you plan on going out (cocktails are usually $10-15). Be sure to master happy hour as it will save you a lot of money. Please be sure to account for tips at restaurants as tipping is standard in New York City.

I did not include this on the list: I highly recommend stopping to see a Broadway show, if that’s your thing. Book your tickets early and try first through the theatre itself to get the best prices in advance. In place of going out, see a show. Budget about $70-$300+ per ticket depending on the show and your sets. A friend of mine was able to get tickets to a major Broadway show for just $70 per seat. Off-Broadway is a great option for those on a tighter budget.

What to see in NYC in 5 days!

Day 1: the must-sees with a twist.

This day is all about experiencing New York City at it’s best: pizza, history, and iconic views.

Visit the 9/11 Memorial ($2 Reservation Fee; otherwise free to visit).  Note: Please be respectful of those who passed away here and don’t remove the flowers or take smiling selfies. Walk a few streets over to see the Woolworth Building , one of New York’s prettiest early skyscrapers dating back to the 1910s.

Walk up towards Chinatown . Be sure to bring cash and trust me when I tell you that the bags offered to you on the street are  not  real Chanel bags. You can click for this insider’s guide to Chinatown written by a friend who is from Chinatown. Annie includes a bit of history as well as her favorite restaurants in Chinatown. I personally love to always stop off for bubble tea!

Photo of old tenement buildings on the Lower East Side, a historic part of Manhattan, one of the things that you need to see during your five day trip to New York City. #travel #NYC

After you eat, consider visiting the Tenement Museum to learn about New York’s immigrant past–and what living in Chinatown was like barely 100 years ago. You need to reserve ahead for tickets. Click to read more about the Lower East Side.

Walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.  No matter how many times I walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, I never ceased to be amazed by its impressive building.  

Stop in for a coffee at Brooklyn Roasting Compan y for some Brooklyn vibes and a good cup of coffee before walking to the  Brooklyn Promenade for a panoramic view of Manhattan. Click for a complete guide to downtown Brooklyn!

Pizza pie during a pizza tour of New York City, an unusual thing to do in New York City for foodies!

Have Juliana’s Pizza for dinner. Grimaldi’s is not as good as it once was. This famous pizzeria has delicious, affordable thin crust pizza cooked to perfection. Its location under the Bridge makes it even better around sunset.

Get drinks in trendy Williamsburg at Union Pool or Night of Joy to enjoy the view of Manhattan from the roof, especially in summer. Not into the hipster scene?  Head back to Manhattan via the Brooklyn Bridge to enjoy the view of the lit-up skyline before walking down to Battery Park to catch the free Staten Island ferry for amazing views of the Statue of Liberty . You can click for my favorite free viewpoints in New York City here!

Photo of the Statue of Liberty and Staten Island Ferry, one of the best things to do in New York City in five days. #travel #NYC #NewYork

Day 2: The Intellectual / The Partier

tour 5 giorni new york

Walk the  Highline  for an amazing view of Manhattan’s skyline from above in a modern green space that used to be train tracks.  The Highline is a public park that spans quite a few blocks, so give yourself at least an hour if you come here to enjoy the views!

Stop in Chelsea  for a delicious brunch in any of the stalls before walking around chic Chelsea . This area, which used to be the meatpacking district, has great boutique shopping and antique shopping.   Click for your Chelsea brunch guide!

Walk down Greenwich Avenue or West 4th Avenue for scenic houses and interesting shops in Greenwich Village . Pass the Stonewall , the birthplace of the gay rights movement. There are many great cafes and coffee shops in this area.

Walk towards the iconic  Washington Square Park (next to New York University). People watch & play a chess game before walking up to Union Square , which has a great weekend farmer’s market in addition to normal shopping. Stop in  the Strand,  one of New York’s best independent bookstores. For dinner, you have so many great options from Japanese to vegan to pizza. Enjoy!

Don't miss seeing the Empire State Building lit up at night on your New York City itinerary! #NYC #NewYorkCIty #travel

Note: It shouldn’t take long to walk (maybe 1 hour from Chelsea market down to the Union Square), so you should have plenty of time left for museum-going or must-sees (e.g. Top of the Rock) if you set out early. Personally, I’d skip the Top of the Rock if you go to a rooftop bar.

At night, head back to the Village to visit one of New York’s many (pricey) speakeasy bars, including Employees Only or Please Don’t Tell.  Reserve ahead and dress well as you might not get in otherwise. Chelsea/the Meatpacking District is one of the main areas for going out in New York (if that’s your thing). The Standard is famous for its rooftop bar although it’s difficult to get into.

If chic cocktail bars aren’t your thing, New York has a lot to offer in terms of alternative culture. Check out the IFC movie theatre for rare  indie movies or Comedy Cellar for late-night laughs (beware of the drink minimum). 

Need a late-night snack? Veselka has delicious 24-hour Ukrainian borscht and perogies. (Yes, that restaurant out of Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist.)

Day 3: Iconic New York

Grand Central Terminal, one of the best free attractions to visit in New York City that you must include on your first time New York itinerary! #NewYork #NYC #travel

Start your day off in the beautiful Grand Central Terminal.  This historic train station is one of the most famous filming locations in New York City.  I love people watching here although try to stay out of the way.  For something off the beaten path, find the whispering gallery where your voice echoes!

Head to the New York Public Library and pass the landmarks (the Chrysler & Empire State Building ) to take in the architecture.  My favorite is the Chrysler building, which was known as the ugliest building in New York when it was built.

For lunch, eat at Shake Shack with the rest of Manhattan in Bryant Park . (Dress warmly in winter since there’s no seating!). In Bryant Park, you can watch people ice skate in winter while you eat!  Nearby, I have a soft spot for browsing the giant Macy’s in Herald Square.

If you’re an art lover, visit the Museum of Modern Art .   MoMa is a world-class museum for a reason and I strongly recommend checking the recent exhibitions to see what is on.

If not, enjoy shopping along Fifth Avenue .  The Christmas windows here during November and December are spectacular and  free .  My personal favorite is Bloomingdale’s! Read more tips about New York over the holidays .

Woman in Times Square, one of the highlights of visiting New York City that can't be left off your New York plans! #travel #NYC

Dinner doesn’t need to be expensive to be good.  Go to  Halal Guys for cheap/delicious take-out chicken and rice, Pio Pio for fantastic Peruvian food, or Empanada Mama for empanadas. After dinner, watch the sunset and take in the incredible skyline (with a cocktail in hand) at the Pod 39 Rooftop .

Enjoy the bright lights of Times Square at night . (Trust me, it’s like daytime.)  If you’re on a budget, I like to head to Hell’s Kitchen for  more budget drinks and late-night snacks.

Day 4: The Perfect Classic NYC Itinerary

Pick up a bagel with lox from Zabar’s or get a boozy brunch at Calle Ocho. To be honest, anywhere with a good bagel and a coffee should work as long as it’s not Dunkin Donuts.

Head to the American Museum of Natural History if you’re with kids OR the Met  for a few hours!  In the Met, I love the Egyptian temple , Musical Instruments , Armor , and pre-20th century art . Don’t miss the rooftop garden for amazing views.  Bring your own yogurt for a Gossip Girl photo . (XOXO)

5 days NYC Guide by a Local

In good weather, you could spend the whole day in Central park lounging, but the Met is one of my favorite museums in the world with a world-class collection.  The Met doesn’t have suggested admission anymore, but it’s still a great museum.  The American Museum of National History is also a fantastic museum and better suited to families as well as science lovers.  Click for a guide to the Upper East Side!

Head to Central Park.  I recommend finding the Belvedere Castle , the Bethesda Terrace , Sheep Meadow for lazy picnics, and the Boathouse . If you’re a runner, I strongly recommend trying to run the Reservoir one morning.

In summer, check the Summerstage program ahead for free music shows! This yearly music festival in New York brings in well-known as well as upcoming artists for free shows in Central Park.  It’s great to make a day out of it.

Strawberry Cheesecake at Junior's Restaurant & Cheesecake in Brooklyn, a famous restaurant in New York City!

For a nicer modern meal, visit the Thalia or the Russian Tea Room . For a casual, very New York meal, try a (famous) NYC hot dog ? Don’t buy it from a cart; Only buy from Gray’s Papaya with a smoothie like a local. Have the real  New York famous cheesecake at Junior’s for dessert.

Day 5: The Culture Lover (Queens)

Queens is where I grew up. (Yes, not everyone lives in Manhattan.) It was named Lonely Planet’s #1 destination in the world in 2015 due to its amazing food and culture. Really.

Take the train to Astoria to visit the Museum of Moving Image in the morning.  For anyone who is a movie buff or has kids, this museum will be heavenly.  They have old prop sets from classics, such as Seinfeld, interactive exhibitions, and a lot of movie props (even from Star Wars).

Astoria itself is a neighborhood in Queens that has historically been Greek and you can still find great Greek food here.  That said, it’s rapidly changing as more millennials move in. Click for a guide to Astoria.

Lunch: visit nearby Jackson Heights for the best  Latin American food in NYC or Indian food. (Yelp!)  Jackson Heights is a diverse neighborhood with incredible food from  so many countries. (I highly recommend checking out the Queens Night Market if you’re lucky enough to be in town later that evening!)

The rest of the Day gives you lots of options.  Stop off at F l ushing Meadow Park (especially in summer!) to see the iconic Unisphere and check out the NYC Panorama , which is a miniature version of New York City in the modern Queens Museum of Art.

Into art/sculptures ? Visit the Noguchi museum for beautiful Japanese sculptures and a zen garden, PS1 for avantgarde exhibits, or the free Socrates Sculpture Park for free sculptures.

Man admiring sculptures at Socrates Sculpture Park, one of the best places to visit in Queens, New York City. #Queens #Art #NYC

Into beer ? Head to the Bohemian Beer Garden to relax or one of the many microbreweries popping up all around NYC (Singlecut Beersmiths / Rockaway Brewing company).

For shopping , catch the LIC flea market on the weekend. Don’t miss the gorgeous retro-chic  Sweetleaf coffee shop if you’re in the area, which turns into a bar a night.

For dinner, head to Flushing (Stop on 7 Subway: Main St). Decide what kind of Asian food you’re seeking and check on yelp . (It’s going to be a hard decision.) After dinner, stop for bubble tea or Chinese pastries . You can even do private room karaoke if you look for KTV signs. You can click to read more about Flushing, including my favorite picks for dinner.

 Last thoughts: Plan Ahead.

View of the Chrysler building, one of the stunning pieces of architecture that you'll see in New York. Read your perfect New York City itinerary written by a New Yorker! #NYC #travel

New York is so large. I sometimes joke that you need about two weeks to just cover the major sights, which is true since I didn’t even include Coney Island (Brooklyn).  I didn’t even cover every borough here!

However, five full days in New York City is a perfect start to feel at home in New York. At a minimum, you should have the hang of the subway by the time that you’re done. Below, you’ll find a free offline map with all the places mentioned here that you can download for offline use!

  • Helpful tips on how to take the NYC subway and subway hacks here.
  • Click here for my guide to NYC over Thanksgiving, Christmas, the holiday season, & New Year’s Eve !
  • New York For Christmas
  • Where to shop in New York City
  • 30+ Free things to do in New York City
  • 50+ Unusual things to do in New York City

Click for your free downloadable map with highlights of what to do in New York City during five days!

Have you been to NYC? How many days felt right? What was your favorite place?

A complete guide on what to do for a 5 day trip to New York City by a New Yorker with a suggested itinerary for five days in NYC and budget.

About Karen Turner

New Yorker–born and raised. Currently living in the Hague, the Netherlands after stints in Paris and Amsterdam. Lover of travel, adventure, nature, city, dresses, and cats.

Reader Interactions

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January 28, 2017 at 8:56 am

Love this itinerary! I am long overdue a trip back to New York. (Daren’t say how long it’s been!!) Really nice balance of big sites and locals-only secrets.

January 28, 2017 at 10:07 am

For a long time I wanted to visit NYC. It’s because I wanted (don’t laugh) to do a shopping session just like those girls in the movies. I wanted to walk around and buy everything fancy. Pretty awesome guide, thank you for taking the time to write it and make it so comprehensive for us, beginners!

January 28, 2017 at 3:31 pm

Hi Cory, Thanks so much for reading. I won’t laugh: NYC is great for shopping. I haven’t written anything about the shopping but it IS a great for a girl’s weekend for sure. Glad you enjoyed it and hope you get to do your shopping trip!

January 28, 2017 at 2:44 pm

Top notch itinerary!! And YAY QUEENS! Really nice to see an itinerary focusing on my favorite borough 🙂 This post makes me miss NYC something awful. Reading this had me reflecting on how NYC really has something for everyone! It was overwhelming when I lived there, but now that I’m traveling I definitely miss it.

January 28, 2017 at 3:36 pm

Hi Eva, thanks for reading. I know the feeling about NYC… It really does have something for everyone although it CAN seen overwhelming. I definitely struggle with coming up with concise recommendations–and deciding what to include here was TOUGH, however this is what I’ve been sending to friends for years. (They’ve loved where I’ve sent them with this itinerary!) Everyone else forgets Queens, so I figured I needed to fix this. 🙂

January 28, 2017 at 7:21 pm

This made me miss New York so much! I lived there for most of my 20s and miss so much of my life there. I didn’t know that there was a shake shack in Bryant Park. I always went to the one in Madison Square Park especially when it was winter and there are flurries of snow. (No line) It also looked magical.

January 28, 2017 at 10:48 pm

This is a perfect guide and I used to live in NY so I know! There are many things on this list I haven’t done. I haven’t spent much time in Queens and totally want to . Walking the Brooklyn Bridge to Grimaldi’s is my fave!!! Love this.

January 29, 2017 at 4:48 am

What a really great and thorough post! I love New York, although I haven’t been back there in almost 9 years so a return trip is definitely overdue! I fell in love with all the quirky boutique coffee shops and stores in Greenwich Village. I’m bookmarking this so that I have some inspiration of where else to check out next time. Thanks! 🙂

January 29, 2017 at 5:29 am

Oh gosh to have 5 days in New York right now would be the dream! I visited for 4 days about 5 years ago and it was just not enough time. Spent each day walking for miles to take in as much as we could including the 9/11 memorial, Wall Street, Empire State Building, Public Library, Central Station and more. But I did really feel I’d need longer to really get a feel for the place. A chance to chill out in a few of those speakeasy bars for example would be lovely!

January 29, 2017 at 6:12 am

Nothing beats the good advice that only a local can give – so happy I found this blog thank you for the great tips!

January 29, 2017 at 9:25 am

Shake Shack was my absolute favourite meal in NYC best burger I’ve ever had haha! Hoping to get back to NYC later this year and really need to do the highlife properly as didn’t get chance last time. Great itinerary!

January 29, 2017 at 4:25 pm

THIS IS AN AMAZING GUIDE! I loved that you broke it down and gave each day a little “travel label” for different places, food, etc. I’ve visited New York so many times, but I noticed I’ve only hung around the extreme tourist spots and never really ventured out into other areas. I am definitely referring back to this guide when I head up to NYC the next time! (: Hopefully we could meet up while I’m there and chat!

Also pinned to share with everyone else!

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September 6, 2022 at 6:55 am

Me and my daughters will be vowing NYC Are there any name brand consignment stores?

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December 1, 2022 at 8:42 pm

I have a whole shopping guide to NYC!

January 29, 2017 at 8:15 pm

I love this guide! NYC is a dream destination of mine as for many others, and it’s always great to receive tips about what you should do there. Especially from a native New Yorker. I think I love Day 5 in particular. Getting to see the FRIENDS’ set at Museum of Moving Image and exploring the LIC flea market (with markets being my favourite thing to do), would be such a huge highlight of my trip. When I come to NYC, I’ll probably visit for longer than 5 days though. There’s just so much to see and do haha. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

April 3, 2017 at 10:25 pm

Hi! Thanks for a great post. I am going to New York City soon and will definitely use all your wonderful tips. Very inspiring blog you have.

I have a question though – when I’ve downloaded the map for Google is it automatically available offline, or is there something I have to do in order to be able to access it without having internet?

Thanks in advance 🙂

April 4, 2017 at 1:41 am

Hi Nanna, Thanks so much for reading. I’m glad that this has been helpful to you and you find the blog inspiring!

It depends on whether you have an android OR an iphone, but I’ve included a link by my name that should help you figure it out. You just need to download a google map of NYC and if you’ve added my locations to your main google maps, this should work. Otherwise, you’ll need to download the map under “My Maps”.

If you go to Menu -> Offline areas, you’ll be able to see if it worked! I hope that this answers your question. 🙂

Thanks, Karen

April 24, 2017 at 5:11 am

Thanks girl! Super helpful!!

July 10, 2017 at 10:02 pm

I’m so happy I found this! It’s everything I wanted to do in NYC – simplified – plus Bubble Tea!!

How is NYC in late July – early August? We’re going to visit for 5 days and attend a wedding, does it really get hot? Would you recommend renting a car or just uber everywhere?

July 11, 2017 at 12:22 am

Hi Jenna, Thanks so much for reading and I’m so glad to hear that.

NYC is super humid and a bit nasty around that time. I usually stay indoors a lot…until night. I usually just bring an extra layer since some places overdo the AC.

Don’t rent a car. Take public transit or a taxi. The buses have great AC btw.

I hope you have a great time, so please get in touch if you have any further questions!

July 28, 2017 at 1:24 am

We are off to USA on Saturday and visiting New York for 5 days this is fantastic. Thank you!

August 28, 2017 at 3:13 pm

Thanks for the useful information. Printed and ready to explore NYC.

October 13, 2017 at 8:27 pm

This is great! I spent 7 days about 5 year ago just walking and discovering things. My favorite thing I did was the oyster bar in Grand Central. China town was an adventure and I found some great eats in little italy! I wish smart phones were what they are now back then so I could have actually found some of the things I was looking for but i’m bookmarking this for next time I visit NYC. Thanks!

November 6, 2017 at 5:09 pm

Hi! We will be traveling to the city over thanksgiving. (4 adults and 3 children 4 and under). How does the subway pass work? Should the adults all purchase a weekly pass? We are also taking 2 strollers because our kids cannot manage without them. I know this is annoying to locals, but they will just have to deal. Any further advice on traveling with kids? TIA!

November 6, 2017 at 5:30 pm

Hi Natalie, Thanks for commenting and reading! Up to 3 kids are actually free with the metrocard (for whatever duration; including the week pass), so you just need two metrocards for the adults. It’s best to just ask the person in the booth when you’re swiping in to let you all in through the gate (which can fit a stroller). For buses, the driver will see. 🙂

I’d just keep the strollers folded up when possible as they might be annoying on a crowded subway, so maybe avoid rush hour. Honestly, people are used to strollers, so don’t worry too much about it. Just try avoid really crowded places with them and know that most museums won’t allow the strollers in.

I’ve been meaning to ask my dad to help me with more tips for kids as I’ve never been a parent in New York. I think the Queens Museum of Science is fantastic for young kids and it was one of my favorites as kid. Similarly, the Bronx Zoo has a great light show (I don’t know the dates) 🙂

Hope that helps!

Best, Karen

January 16, 2018 at 2:46 am

Hi I found your itinerary really useful on my trip. However Grey’s Papaya was a mistake. First time experience of eating a bit dog next to a homeless guy on his crack pipe, and that was inside!

January 17, 2018 at 8:13 pm

I’m so sorry to hear that. I’ve never had that happen while going to Grey’s Papaya, but yeah that’s really awful and I’d be really bothered by that too. Please contact the management at the restaurant about what happened, so hopefully nobody else has that experience. 🙁

I hope your trip to NYC was great otherwise and I’m glad that you found the itinerary good otherwise. Hope that didn’t spoil your trip!

February 8, 2018 at 3:50 am

Hi! im from toronto planning to visit in march. how cold is it there around the first week of march?

February 9, 2018 at 2:14 pm

Depends on the year. Have you seen my NYC Packing list Ianne? I have link by my name where you can read what I recommend bringing for March!

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February 18, 2018 at 5:55 am

Hi Karen, Great guidance – thank you! I am travelling over on my own from Australia and just wondering if there are any guided tours you recommend or know of as I would feel more comfortable in a group as I have never visited NYC or the US. I’m looking for a tour that I can join to see NYC and potentially other places for example Niagra Falls etc. I have approx 10 days. Thanks in advance. Louise

February 19, 2018 at 11:42 pm

Hi Louise, I apologize, however I never did a guided tour as I never really had a need for it. It’s easy to visit Niagara Falls on your own and you can check my New York category for my guide to Niagara Falls. I’d say that you only need one day there, however it takes at least a day to get there if you fly (or one full day if you take the bus/train). I’d recommend maybe checking out DC if you’re on your first trip to the US. DC is an easy trip from NYC by Amtrak. Maybe G Adventures or Contiki are good options as a friend of mine used Contiki for her US trip for the same reason!

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February 20, 2018 at 9:35 am

where do i download the app

tour 5 giorni new york

February 20, 2018 at 3:18 pm

Apologies, the map went missing in the migration. It’s up now.

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February 22, 2018 at 3:14 am

Love this post! I’m traveling in two weenie, I need your opinion about buying the tickets to the attractions directly or use the New York Pass.

February 22, 2018 at 2:36 pm

Hi Marjorie, I’d recommend buying the tickets yourself. It will probably be cheaper unless you’re going to the most expensive attractions included in the pass. 🙂

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March 5, 2018 at 3:39 pm

Hi Karen, This blog is very informative. I am visiting NY this march 8th to match 10th with my parents. I have some questions for you.

1) How is the flood now? resided? 2) To visit all these places, is it cheap to rent a car or use public transport? 4) I initially booked flights tkts for 4 days and found maid of the mist was not open until mid of may and got disappointed. So now all my 4 days will be spent in NY.

March 5, 2018 at 4:42 pm

1. The damage is mostly fixed. 2. Use public transit. I have a helpful post about using the NYC subway, which should help. 3. Sorry to hear that, but you can still visit the falls. I have a guide to Niagara Falls, but I think also spending all four days in NYC will be best as there’s so much to do.

March 5, 2018 at 3:46 pm

And if I take amtrak to DC, can I still visit places in public transport in dc without renting a car?

March 5, 2018 at 4:44 pm

DC has a great metro system and all the major museums in DC are free. Very easy to get around without a car! 🙂

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March 28, 2018 at 8:23 pm

Hi and many thanks for these tips. Great! We look forward to visiting NY next week. Coming from The Hague and Amsterdam, I am sure we have much in common – so we rely heavily on your guidance. If we arrive on a Saturday, is there one of the above mentioned day-profiles, you would recommend us to start with? By the way, do you know Gallagher’s stake house? Is it good? Thanks!

March 28, 2018 at 10:07 pm

Hi Willem, Small world. I’ll be publishing about the Hague very soon. 😉 If you’re arriving on a Saturday, you might want to avoid the crowds, so maybe start with Day 2. Day 1 might be fine too, however you might encounter some lines at the 9/11 memorial if you don’t make reservations in advance.

I don’t know Gallagher’s as I’m not really a big steak person to be honest.

I hope that you have a fantastic trip otherwise and let me know if you have other questions. 🙂

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April 19, 2018 at 8:04 pm

Great post! We are coming in June and want to find a “locals” beach area….any suggestions?

April 19, 2018 at 8:05 pm

Hi Sandi, you can go to Coney Island within NYC. If you’re looking for a better beach, head to Jones Beach or Fire Island. 🙂

April 19, 2018 at 8:42 pm

That’s exactly where we were looking! Seems easy enough by train! Thank you!

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May 7, 2018 at 2:35 am

Where can i download your map?

May 7, 2018 at 2:40 am

Export the data to a KML format. Then, email it to your phone. Google Maps usually opens it for me, otherwise I use an app called Maps.Me.

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May 8, 2018 at 3:58 pm

Thank you so much for this information. Taking my dtr in early summer for a mom dtr trip. Any good recs for what to do/see in Central Park?

May 8, 2018 at 8:36 pm

I recommend Belvedere Castle, the boathouse, Sheep meadow, and the Alice in Wonderland statue. 🙂

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May 27, 2018 at 1:24 pm

Hi Karen Im coming to New york city for 7-8 days to experience the Christmas! Very panicky and stressed up now as it seems overwhelming to plan the itinerary, and people are telling me to avoid New York during winter as it is at its coldest… this write up of yours is a great help! 🙂

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July 10, 2018 at 3:07 am

Than You!! Love how the days are divided and all the details,, incredible! I’m a 1st time SF visiting mid week, mid Oct. For only 3 days before taking the train to Philly to see friends. I’m using all your tips for packing,$$, transportation, etc. Any suggestions on a centrally located area for Hotels that’s not in the heart of Time Square? $150-200. Any tips for traveling solo?

July 10, 2018 at 11:56 am

Hi Milehilady, So glad to hear that! I’m writing more about NYC soon as wel! I love Adventurous Kate’s tips for traveling solo in NYC. I mostly recommend using caution and I discuss it a bit in my “20 Things Nobody Tells You About Visiting New York by a New Yorker” post.

I’ll be posting a list of 10-15 hotels that are in that range today/tomorrow if you can check back this week. 🙂

Kind regards, Karen

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July 27, 2018 at 7:13 am

This is good stuff. I cant see the downloadable map. Is it located anywhere else. We could really use it for our trip.

July 27, 2018 at 11:45 am

It’s in the post if you just look towards the bottom. Have a great trip!

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July 29, 2018 at 10:39 pm

A brilliant read we travelling from the UK 30th August. we were advised to purchase a pass for the five days, which is supposed to get us into many of the expensive transactions for free. We are staying in Brooklyn as we believe its just a ride away from the main attractions. Where do we go to see where movies are filmed. Also, a strange question, but are there any genuine ghost tours or haunted places we coukd visit

Thank you in advance

July 29, 2018 at 11:36 pm

Hi Alison, You can look up my post about Astoria to read about the Museum of Moving Image, a great museum for this, although there’s many filming locations in NYC. I also have a post about Downtown Brooklyn with some insider tips. I haven’t done a ghost tour, but I’ve read a lot about Mulberry Street! I hope that you have a great trip.

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February 24, 2019 at 1:51 am

Really great guide!! We are going to NYC inApril for 6 days and I’m so excited about it! Our list for for sure places right now consist of The Moma, The Met, and Cloisters, The Guggenheim, Little Italy and China Town, Brooklyn, Chelsea, SoHo and Greenwich Village, and I’ve booked tickets to see a band play “The Church,” in Jersey City. Plus, we want to eat at iconic restaurants, go to The Strand, and look at everything! Your guide is awesome and now how to pick through which places to eat at etc. thanks for taking the time to do this, so much to see and do and my husband and I want to do it all!

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May 4, 2019 at 8:13 pm

Hi great guide thanks. We’re visiting NYC at the end of this month (May) for a wedding in Central Park. It’s me and my kids aged 13 and 15. Now to decide on the things that well all enjoy! Do you have any suggestions about wedding outfits for weather at that time of year in the park? At the moment thinking about Times Square at night, Central Park, walking Brooklyn bridge and stopping to eat at Grimaldi’s, Statue of Liberty, The High Line and Ground Zero. Would we need to book a table at Grimaldi or the ferry to see the Statue of Liberty? How about the Empire State? Thanks

May 6, 2019 at 11:28 am

Hi Karen, you should book your Statue of Liberty tickets in advance for sure. It’s best to buy tickets for the Empire State building to avoid lines. For wedding outfits, it depends on how formal the wedding is. For a general wedding (non-black tie), a tasteful A-line dress that goes to the knee with heels should be good! It’s a bit colder in NYC right now, so maybe a sweater with it. Hope that helps! Grimaldi doesn’t accept reservations as far as I know.

May 18, 2019 at 9:08 pm

Thankyou so much for your reply. That’s really useful!

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May 25, 2019 at 1:22 pm

Such a great itinerary, covering all things fun in a not too rushed way !! Thanks for the insider tips, heading to NYC next week. Will keep in mind all your suggestions

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May 29, 2019 at 10:45 pm

Hi, Loving all the tips on here! I have booked a surprise trip for my husband and our children aged 15 and 12 for end of October and I am struggling to work out the best way to get tickets to the top attractions, if I buy one of the passes does this mean I can’t book a specific time at the attractions and just have to turn up and hope we can get in? I know some have queue jumps with the but am I better off booking my tickets individually and directly with the attractions themselves?

May 30, 2019 at 3:19 am

Hi Clare, I personally prefer booking directly tickets directly myself so that I can just stroll in without the line. If you know where you want to go, it might end up being cheaper unless you intend to go to several of the really pricey ones (top of the rock, empire state building).

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June 9, 2019 at 4:04 pm

I went to NYC last summer for the first time. Did all the “famous sights” and had an amazing time! This summer i am going back (again for a week) and cant wait to see the “lesser known” sights. This article was very helpful, i learned about a few new sights.

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June 28, 2019 at 10:35 am

Hi Karen… loved reading your articles on NYC. My teen girls and I are coming for a week on July 2nd. We want to see some main attractions, but also want to experience some lesser known places the locals enjoy. Our hotel is in Chelsea, which seems to be a central location to see many things, I have a few of questions I can’t find answers to, and I hope you can help. 1. How can we enjoy a spectacular night view of the city when there are minors in our group and a rooftop bar isn’t an option? Are there alternatives for us? 2. We will be there during the 4th of July. Is there anything special we should know about? Are most attractions closed? Is there a good place to take my teens to get a good view of fireworks? 3. I am a disabled veteran (not wheelchair bound). Many times disabled veterans are able to visit attractions at a discount or free. Do you have any info on that or can point me in the right direction? Any money saved is a big help.

Thanks in advance, and I hope I hear back from you… Jean

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July 11, 2019 at 10:27 pm

There’s some great ideas here that you don’t normally see in standard New York itineraries. I will definitely be using this, and your post on Brooklyn, as a base for my trip. Thanks!

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July 30, 2019 at 6:59 am

Thank you so much, this post is a life saver and a great way to discover the city!

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August 28, 2019 at 9:31 pm

My first search in looking at tips for visiting New York, reading all the comments this looks like a good start? Do you have an more detailed suggestions for Sports Food and Beer enthusiasts? Want to mix in what you have already stated with the aforementioned. Taking my wife for our yearly travel…..Oct 31st-Nov4th.

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September 9, 2019 at 5:15 am

We are looking to stay in Manhattan for 7 days (in April mid/late 2020) and after seeing family in upstate NY were going to return for 7 days in Brooklyn (in early May 2020). Does this sound too long to you? And if not what would you add to the list? I really liked what you included but if you have any extra suggestions please feel free to add them. Especially if there are any markets, annual festivals, food tours, etc that you would recommend. Regards and thanks Tina

September 9, 2019 at 1:08 pm

Hi Tina, Definitely not too long! Look at my more recent posts that focus more on NY off the beaten path. I’ll be adding more content on Brooklyn soon. 🙂

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September 15, 2019 at 12:21 pm

Hi, thanks for your great articles.. I find them really useful.. we’re planning on traveling to New York from the UK and will be there over Thanks Giving.. we know about the Macy’s parade, but I’m wondering how busy the rest of the city will be that day and will we need to make a reservation at a restaurant to guarantee a table Thanks

September 24, 2019 at 4:42 pm

Please search on my website for my guide for NYC for the Holidays!

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October 23, 2019 at 6:12 pm

We are going to NY (1st time!) in a few weeks and I was trying quite desperately to prepare the trip. There is just too much to do, to see and to eat. But then … I found your blog! Many, many thanks! I got it all sorted out now 🙂 Just one question; Do you have a suggestion for a indian restaurant in Jackson Heights?

Thanks again for taking the time to write all of this! It’s very much appreciated 🙂

October 24, 2019 at 11:35 am

Glad to hear that Christine! It depends what kind of Indian food you’re looking for. I love dosas, so Dosa Delight might be a good pick. Definitely go for sweets after at Rajbhog

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January 31, 2020 at 10:44 am

Hi, very well put together itinerary. I just wanted to know if there is a city pass that allow one to bypass queues and allow access to major sightseeing sights in NYC?

February 2, 2020 at 11:40 am

There is, but it’s not necessarily worth it depending on what attractions you plan on visiting. I recommend calculating if it’s worth it for you.

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November 6, 2021 at 11:32 pm

Hi , thanks for the fab itinerary. We are planning to visit New York in February. Is it a good time and how cold is it in February. Is there anything that is closed in February?

March 17, 2022 at 9:59 pm

Christmas things will be closed, but most things should be open!

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October 29, 2022 at 8:29 pm

Thanks for such a nice itinerary… SO, I have always said I can’t really celebrate my bday anywhere because its mid Jan 🙂 But I did decide to book a trip for 5 days in the Winter (OMG) – Bay Area Folks like myself have not experienced cold weather, that alone, need to figure out places to visit in NYC in the winter. Never been to NYC but hope that my 39th bday will be fun regardless of the cold

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May 2, 2023 at 5:27 pm

Got 6 nights booked for new year’s and plan on doing a fair bit. We’re booking stuff already as there’s so much we want to do and visit. We also want to go up most of the iconic buildings purely to say been there because we don’t know when or if ever we’ll get a chance to go again. We’re in the UK so it’ll be like walking into a film set. We’re staying in midtown Manhattan and also want to go to Brooklyn. I’d like to pop across to Queensbridge because of the rappers from the 80’s and MC Shan’s ‘The Bridge’. Also the South Bronx because of Beat street. Not sure how safe a quick daytime visit would be to South Bronx?? Nervous and excited.

June 5, 2023 at 5:08 pm

You can do a tour of the South Bronx related to the rap history. That might be the safest option if you are nervous about it!

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June 25, 2023 at 3:53 pm

i will like to go next year on July .i want to know if will be expensive ? on that time off the year many thanks

July 6, 2023 at 10:20 pm

It is always expensive

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Best Things To Do in New York in 5-Day ITINERARY

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New York is one of those cities to visit at least once in your life, and I’m sure you’ll come back because you’re going to fall in love with this city as we did.

I will tell you the itinerary to visit New York in 5 days in today’s post . However, remember that this city is constantly changing, so there are always new things to do.

I’m sure this New York itinerary will help you plan your trip. We start with handy tips for visiting the city and continue the daily tour.

What to Visit in New York in 5 Days

New york itinerary 5 days.

  • Day 1: Check-in, Times Square, Hell Kitchen, or Free Tour around the area
  • Day 2: Contrast Tour, visit the neighborhood of NYC
  • Day 3: Statue of Liberty, Lower Manhattan, 11/9 Memorial, Empire State, Highline
  • Day 4: Top of the Rock, Central Park, a musical
  • Day 5: Woodbury Commons, shopping at the outlet.

Practical Tips for Visiting NYC

  • Check Out: New York City Travel Guide
  • Check Out: Printable Travel Planner (PDF)

How Many Days Do You Need to Visit New York?

From my point of view, to visit New York, you need at least 5 days. We stayed for 5 days on our first trip and for the second one, a week. On the last trip, we took the opportunity to visit Washington, DC.

Other people who have traveled longer days have also taken the opportunity to visit Philadelphia, Boston, and/or even Niagara Falls . But, of course, it all depends on your budget and the days you have to travel.

Brooklyn Bridge - New York

Transportation in New York: How to Get around the City?

New York is a city to explore on foot. An easy way to get around is the subway; if you are traveling with more people, a taxi or Uber at night is advisable.

Another way is with the Hop on Hop of the tour bus . It takes you to the most important places in the city with an audio guide in your language and sometimes with a guide in English (depending on what you hire)

Is the New York City Pass Worth It?

The New York Pass is a card that saves you money on tickets to the city’s top attractions.

My recommendation is that you buy the New York Pass if you intend to visit many paid attractions. The good thing about the New York Pass is you can save a lot of money on tickets and tours because, with this card, you can enter for free at about 80 attractions.

I recommend looking and seeing if you are interested in the attractions included and calculating and comparing the costs!

We bought them because we wanted to do paid sightseeing. You only cover the cost of the one-day card with the entrance to three attractions.

Top attractions included in the pass:

  • Empire State Building
  • Top of the Rock (Rockefeller Center Observatory)
  • Visit the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island
  • A cruise that runs all over the island
  • American Museum of Natural History
  • MoMA (Museum of Modern Art)
  • Guggenheim Museum
  • Metropolitan Museum
  • 11S Museum and Memorial
  • Intrepid Sea, Air, Space Museum
  • Madame Tussauds Wax Museum
  • Tour bus (The purchase of the New York Pass includes the ticket for the Big Bus Hop-on Hop-Off tour bus).

It’s the typical bus with a covered and outdoor part that runs through Manhattan from north to south on two different tours and is ideal for going back and forth in the city without exhausting yourself. The New York Pass includes the 1-day bus for a 1-day pass and 2-day for the rest.

The New York Pass also includes:

  • Gospel Mass with the NYC Gospel Walking Tour with which you visit a church whose choir has a Grammy Award, or you can attend Wednesday Mass with the Hallelujah! Gospel Wednesday.
  • Greenwich Village Tour

Pay by Debit or Credit Card

You can pay by credit or debit card almost everywhere except for tips. But it depends on your card; you can get bank fees.

Therefore, we recommend you travel with a Wise card to save money on exchange currency and money withdrawal at ATMs.

5-Day New York City Itinerary

Where to Stay in Manhattan

I recommend you stay in Manhattan ; by searching and booking in advance, you can find exciting hotels and apartments well located and at a fair price.

We did the best thing on the second trip to the city: rent an apartment for all four of us.

We rented an apartment in the West Village, for 4 people at an excellent price, 1200$, to divide between the 4 in the most expensive week of the year (New Year’s Eve). And this area, it’s close to everything.

Sadly, that price does not exist anymore. We visited NYC this year, and the prices go up like crazy.

Want to see all the hotels and apartments in New York?

Check out Booking’s website . Put your dates in the search engine, apply the filters that interest you, and voilà , you will find the hotels and apartments that best suit your tastes and budget.

Travel Insurance for the United States

Traveling with travel insurance is almost mandatory, especially in places like the United States, where healthcare is expensive.

It’s always good to travel insured for what can happen, and even if you’ve paid for your credit card ticket, the insurance it includes is not comparable to good travel insurance.

We are pleased with:

  • HeyMondo . They have excellent prices, but the biggest advantage is that the insurance customizes it to your needs. Only pay for what you need and get a 5% off.
  • Chapka : We recently started working with Chapka and are delighted. They have outstanding customer service and respond at full speed. And you get a 7% discount for our blog readers .

So you can take a look at the two and choose which one fits your trip and budget.

  • Check out: Best Travel Insurance for New York City
  • Tips for Traveling to the United States
  • Traveling with Travel Insurance

ESTA to Travel to the United States

You must obtain the ESTA to enter the United States with a European passport. If you have another nationality, you need to see if you need ESTA or a VISA.

The ESTA is requested online (link to the official website) and allows you to enter the United States for 90 days. Without this procedure, you can’t enter the United States .

What is ESTA? It’s an electronic VISA. To get it, they give you a questionnaire that you have to answer sincerely, and they charge you 14 dollars; it is valid for two years.

You can do this procedure at least 72 hours before your trip, but I recommend doing it earlier, at least a few months later.

You may check out this 33 Weird and Unusual Things to Do in New York

tour 5 giorni new york

Get a €10 discount with the code TOURISTEAR on Photo Journey . Take the best photos of NYC with a professional photographer.

What to Visit in New York in 5 Days?

Day 1: times square, hell kitchen, or free tour around the area.

On the first day in New York, you’ll be pretty tired from the trip, so this day has to be the lightest. Get to your hotel or apartment, leave your things and go for a walk.

excursiones en nueva york

Here, I leave you two options because we did different things on the two trips to NYC.

On the first trip to New York, we did catch the ferry to Staten Island. It’s free, it works for 24 hours, the journey takes about 25 minutes, and you can take many photos.

Then we went to Times Square by taxi. Seeing it right now, it may not make sense, but we wanted to do it all. Remember that we didn’t have jet lag as we’ve been traveling around the United States for almost a month.

The second time we traveled to New York, we went to Times Square and had dinner at Ellen Stardust (1650 Broadway, Broadway with 51st).

It’s a restaurant set in the ’50s where waiters sing, and the customer service is excellent. You’ll have a fun time!

From there, we walked back through Hell Kitchen to our apartment in the West Village.

Another option (depending on your arrival time) is to do a Free Walking Tour on the first day to contact the city.

Note about NYC Transportation :

  • If you plan to move by subway, you can buy the MetroCard at any station.
  • If you’re staying in Manhattan, taxi rides usually cost about $10.
  • You can also get around in UBER , ideal for longer trips at night.

Day 2: Contrast Tour, Visit the Neighborhood of New York City

On the second day, take the contrast tour or the neighborhood tour. It is one of the most recommended excursions, where you visit the different neighborhoods of New York City; you can do it on your own or hire it.

The tour lasts approximately 4 or 5 hours with a guide.

If you are traveling in the high season, you must book the tour in advance. Here, you can do it with Civitatis, with a professional guide.

excursiones en nueva york

What is the Contrasts Tour in New York?

With the Contrast tour, you’ll visit the city bridges, the Harlem neighborhood, Brown Stone Houses, The Apollo Theater, The Yankee Stadium, and the Graffiti Zone in the Bronx.

The Apache District, the police station, the South Bronx, the Mansions of Queens, US OPEN Stadium, Flushing Park, the Jewish Quarter, the River Café, etc.

We hired the private Contrasts tour on our second trip to New York, as we were 4 people, and we were quite aware.

The guide was lovely, we took a thousand pictures of ourselves, and then we asked him to drop us off on the Brooklyn Bridge on the Brooklyn side.

We arrived at around 14 hours and had already booked to eat at River café, it is a bit expensive, and you have to go well dressed, but it is worth it, it also has great views of Manhattan and excellent service.

Then, we crossed the Brooklyn Bridge walking to burn off the food. After that, you can follow your journey in the Soho area and do your first shopping.

There are always posters with offers, and if you go during the sale, you will buy a suitcase to take all your purchases.

Then, you return to your accommodation, leave your things, rest a little, and dress up to go to dinner and have a drink. Again, I recommend the West Village or the Meatpacking District, some very “cool” places to go out at night.

Day 3: Statue of Liberty, Lower Manhattan, 11/9 Memorial, Empire State, Highline in New York

On the third day, you get up early and take a tour of the Statue of Liberty . You can’t go to New York and not visit the most famous statue in the world.

We recommend buying the ticket online to avoid the lines, which are usually eternal (this ticket is included in the New York Pass), to visit the Statue of Liberty.

excursiones en nueva york

On the way through the entire area of lower Manhattan:

  • Battery Park,
  • Financial District,
  • Tribeca, Chinatown,
  • Little Italy (you can eat in Little Italy to recover energy)

This tour can be done on your own or with a guide in your language.

If you’re good at organization, visit the Highline Park and Empire State Building on this day. You must buy the tickets in advance to avoid the queues to give you time to do everything.


Buy a ticket to the Empire State Building and skip the line.

Day 4: Top of the Rock, Central Park, a Musical

In New York, there are 3 famous observatories where you can enjoy this great city from above:

  • Top of the Rock at Rockefeller Center
  • Empire State
  • One World Observatory.

If you want to climb one of the city’s observatories, visit the Top of the Rock at Rockefeller Center. From here, you have the best views of the city. You’ll see Central Park and the Empire State Building, among others.

Admission is included in the New York Pass.

excursiones en nueva york

Note: It is recommended to visit these observatories late in the afternoon, one hour before dark, to enjoy the day and night views of New York.

Central Park , New York

In the afternoon, enjoy Central Park. If you go during the winter, you can skate on its famous skating rinks.

Throughout the year, there are hundreds of tours: movies, TV series, bike rides, walking, and skating. Definitely a must-see in New York City.

excursiones en nueva york

Musical at Broadway

In the afternoon/ evening, enjoy a musical on Broadway . We went to see The Lion King, but there are many other options.

New York, New Year's Eve, the lion king in Manhattan

Read our experience in the Lion King musical.

Day 5: Woodbury Common, A New York Shopping Outlet

New York is not only famous for its skyscrapers but also for shopping. One of the best outlets to buy all year round (and the next) is the Woodbury Common.

It is a Premium outlet where you will find the best brands at the best prices. It is divided into colors, depending on the color and the prices, purple is the most expensive and red the cheapest if I remember correctly.

It’s about 80 km from Manhattan, and renting a car is the same or less than hiring a tour for one person, and you have more freedom.

Going to Woodbury Common by rental car is our preferred (and cheapest) option, but if you don’t dare drive in the United States and prefer to be driven, you can hire the tour here .

excursiones en nueva york

Another option is to go to the Jersey Garden next to Newark Airport; the prices are excellent in New Jersey, although there are not many Premium brands.

If your flight departs from this airport at a reasonable time, it is a good option to say goodbye to the city 😉

Go shopping, I’ll leave it for the last day, so you know how much money you can spend. What you can do and recommend, if you go shopping, is prepare a budget just for that.

excursiones en nueva york

If shopping isn’t your thing, I’ll leave you a must-see tour for your fifth day in New York.

MOMA Museum

You can take the subway to 5th Avenue and Central Park South and start going down 5th Avenue.

On 53rd Street, on the right, is the MOMA, with an outstanding collection of contemporary art. Friday afternoon is free.

St Patrick’s Cathedral

Continue along 5th Avenue; on the 50th left is St. Patrick Cathedral, and on the right, passing to 6th Avenue is Radio City Music Hall, two sees of the Big Apple.

Rockefeller Center

Returning to 5th Ave at 48th is the Rockefeller Center building, with its famous winter skating rink, and in the summer, it’s a café.

You can dine at Prime Burger, a New York classic, at 51st between 5th Avenue and Madison Ave, across from St. Patrick.

Next to St. Patrick’s is the official NBA store if you’re interested in buying any basketball souvenirs.

Waldorf Astoria and the Met

On the 48th, go left to Park Ave, and between the 49th and 50th is the famous Waldorf Astoria Hotel. See the view to the south with the MetLife building “blocking” Park Ave.

Go right to Madison Ave and go down to 43rd. On the left is the Metlife building, and below it is Grand Central Terminal.

Grand Central Terminal

Enter and observe the famous lockers and steps that appear in many films. In the background, across the station, is the Chrysler building. Go down to 34th on 5th Ave, and there’s the Empire State Building.

Along the way is the famous New York Public Library on 5th Avenue between 40 and 42 st and Bryant Park.

Madison Square Garden

Near the Empire State Building are Madison Square Garden, Basketball and Boxing Temple, and B&H, an Orthodox Jewish shop with the best photo camera prices in town.

Also located in Macy’s, considered the largest shopping center globally, The Street of The Diamonds is filled with shops with storefronts filled with diamonds and precious stones.

How to Get to New York City

Getting to New York City is an adventure you won’t want to miss! Here’s how you can do it easily.

By Plane: Get plane tickets to New York City . Most people arrive in NYC by flying into one of its airports: John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), LaGuardia Airport (LGA), or Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) in nearby New Jersey.

Once you land, you can take a taxi, shuttle, or even the subway into the city .

By Train: If you’re coming from nearby cities like Boston or Washington, D.C., Amtrak offers convenient train service to Penn Station. It’s comfortable and provides scenic views along the way.

By Bus: Several bus companies like Greyhound and Megabus connect NYC with other major cities. They usually drop you off at the Port Authority Bus Terminal in Manhattan.

By Car: Driving to NYC is an option, but parking can be expensive and hard to find. If you choose to drive, make sure to research parking options and affordable rental cars in advance.

By Subway: Once you’re in the city, the subway is an excellent way to get around. It’s affordable, easy to use, and can take you to almost any part of NYC.

Remember, NYC is a bustling city with lots of options for getting around. Choose the one that suits your needs and enjoy your time in the Big Apple!

Best Time to Visit New York City

Besides my recommended visits to the destinations in NYC, the best time to visit overall is during spring (April to June) or fall (September to November).

The nice weather steers you away from the extreme heat, and cold, and several tourists and locals in the summer and winter.

Consider visiting in May when Central Park is a floral paradise, or October when fall foliage graces the streets. Beat the tourist rush and enjoy NYC at its finest.

Is New York City Safe?

Stick to well-lit areas, avoid deserted spots at night, and keep an eye on your belongings. Use official taxis or rideshares. NYC is generally safe, but staying aware adds to your peace of mind. Enjoy your visit!

Travel Insurance to New York City

In the United States, healthcare without insurance can be expensive, often costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars. New York City, with its high healthcare costs, makes travel insurance a wise choice . Even simple clinic visits can be costly.

Additionally, while NYC is generally safe, it’s wise to be prepared for unexpected incidents like document theft.

Read the best travel insurance for New York City.

What to Pack for New York City

Remember, NYC’s weather can be unpredictable, so packing versatile clothing and a good pair of walking shoes will make your trip comfortable and enjoyable.

  • Weather-Appropriate Clothing : NYC experiences all four seasons, so check the weather forecast before packing. In summer, lightweight clothing is key, while winter demands warm layers , including a good coat, gloves, and a hat.
  • Comfortable Footwear : You’ll be exploring the city on foot, so bring comfy shoes . Walking boots, sneakers, or comfortable flats are your best bets.
  • Travel Adapters : Don’t forget to pack the right adapters for your electronics. The U.S. uses Type A and Type B sockets with 120V voltage.
  • Travel Documents : Ensure you have your passport, visa (if needed), flight tickets, and hotel reservations. A photocopy of these documents can be handy, too.
  • Universal Travel Adapter : New York City is a bustling metropolis, so having a universal travel adapter for your gadgets will keep you connected without hassle.

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  • Recommendations for Travel to the United States
  • Visit the Highline, New York Elevated Park.
  • Accommodation at the best price
  • The Lion King Musical
  • The neighborhood of NYC Tour
  • The best-guided tours in New York City

New York City in 5 Days

Last Updated on 3 November, 2023 by Veronica

Disclosure: Some of the links on this post are affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Author: Veronica

Vero, a seasoned traveler, has explored 25 countries and lived in five, gaining a rich perspective and fostering an infectious passion for travel. With a heart full of wanderlust, Vero uncovers the world’s hidden gems and shares insights, tips, and planning advice to inspire and assist fellow adventurers. Join Vero and let the shared passion for travel create unforgettable memories.


Soy Verónica, una apasionada de los viajes, me gusta compartir mis experiencias viajeras en mi blog. He estudiado Empresas y actividades turísticas y ando metida en el mundo del Marketing Digital. Me gusta aprender algo nuevo cada día, conocer nuevos lugares y culturas diferentes.

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Money saving DAY Pass itineraries

As native New Yorkers we know the best way around town and we have created some example itineraries of how you could use your New York DAY Pass. Don't forget, these are only examples, you can visit any of the iconic attractions included on the pass in any order you like. Enjoy huge savings vs. gate prices.

As native New Yorkers we know the best way around town and we have created some example itineraries of how you could use your New York Day Pass. Don't forget, these are only examples, you can visit any of the iconic attractions included on the pass in any order you like. Enjoy huge savings vs. gate prices.

New York City 2 Day Itinerary

Have a great 2 days in NYC using New York Sightseeing Pass. Do you want to see it all in just 2 days? Or perhaps visit the major NYC highlights? 2 days is not too much time for NYC, but Sightseeing Pass can be of great help, giving you some extra time with Fast Track privileges and saving you money on entry fees. See what you can see in NYC in just 2 days!

Total cost without The Sightseeing Pass $355.43

2 Day Adult Sightseeing Pass - NYC $214.00

Saving per person with the Sightseeing Pass $141.43

2 Day savings with the Sightseeing Pass

1st Day in NYC Exclusive New York

tour 5 giorni new york

Guided NYC Premium Bus Tour

Normal Entry Price $109.00

tour 5 giorni new york

Museum of Broadway

Normal Entry Price $39.00

tour 5 giorni new york

Empire State Building

Normal Entry Price $51.17

Cost Without The Sightseeing Pass $199.17

2nd Day in NYC Downtown & Statue of Liberty

tour 5 giorni new york

Big Bus New York Essential Ticket

Normal Entry Price $82.00

tour 5 giorni new york

Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island Roundtrip Ferry Tour

Normal Entry Price $27.00

tour 5 giorni new york

One World Observatory

Normal Entry Price $47.26

Cost Without The Sightseeing Pass $156.26

New York City 3 Day Itinerary

3 days sounds like quite of lot of time to see any city, but NYC has so many places worth your time. Plan your 3-day itinerary with New York Sightseeing Pass, discover hidden gems and stick to your sightseeing budget.

Total cost without The Sightseeing Pass $528.47

3 Day Adult Sightseeing Pass - NYC $259.00

Saving per person with the Sightseeing Pass $269.47

3 Day savings with the Sightseeing Pass

3rd Day in NYC Entertain Yourself in Times Square

tour 5 giorni new york

Madame Tussauds New York – Admission + Marvel 4D

Normal Entry Price $47.89

tour 5 giorni new york

Escape Game New York

Normal Entry Price $48.98

tour 5 giorni new york

St. Patrick’s Cathedral Tour – Gold Pass

Normal Entry Price $25.00

tour 5 giorni new york

Cost Without The Sightseeing Pass $173.04

New York City 4 Day Itinerary

Get ready for the great adventure in New York City, there is plenty to see here and in 4 days you will have a chance to see a lot. Plan your days, get up early to visit the most crowded attractions, use hop-on, hop-off buses for the whole duration of your stay and keep your budget under control with a 4 Day Sightseeing Pass.

Total cost without The Sightseeing Pass $597.46

4 Day Adult Sightseeing Pass - NYC $299.00

Saving per person with the Sightseeing Pass $298.46

4 Day savings with the Sightseeing Pass

4th Day in NYC Top of the Rock

tour 5 giorni new york

Top of the Rock® Observation Deck at Rockefeller Center

Normal Entry Price $43.99

tour 5 giorni new york

Whitney Museum of American Art

Cost Without The Sightseeing Pass $68.99

New York City 5 Day Itinerary

A 5-day trip to NYC will give you the full NYC experience. You should have enough time to visit all the major cities, walk the Brooklyn Bridge, visit designer outlets and come back home with lots of great pictures and memories, but be smart about you sightseeing – Keep your budget under control and use Fast Track entry at many of the busiest attractions with New York Sightseeing Pass.

Total cost without The Sightseeing Pass $755.46

5 Day Adult Sightseeing Pass - NYC $339.00

Saving per person with the Sightseeing Pass $416.46

5 Day savings with the Sightseeing Pass

5th Day in NYC Outlet Shopping Day

tour 5 giorni new york

Woodbury Common Premium Outlets

Normal Entry Price $47.00

tour 5 giorni new york

Fotografiska New York

Normal Entry Price $26.00

tour 5 giorni new york

2h Central Park Guided Bike Tour by Fancy Apple

Normal Entry Price $60.00

tour 5 giorni new york

Bowlero Times Square

Cost Without The Sightseeing Pass $158.00

New York City 6 Day Itinerary

6 days in NYC is the perfect duration for NYC trip to see it all. Tick off all the must have attractions, visit the hidden gems, go on a shopping tour, discover local cuisine and enjoy Broadway shows. With 6 Day NYC Sightseeing Pass you can see and do it with your budget under control. Enjoy unlimited hop-on hop-off Sightseeing Buses and over 100 attraction options.

Total cost without The Sightseeing Pass $881.46

6 Day Adult Sightseeing Pass - NYC $359.00

Saving per person with the Sightseeing Pass $522.46

6 Day savings with the Sightseeing Pass

6th Day in NYC On the West Side

tour 5 giorni new york

E-Bike, Bike or Scooter rental by Bike Rent NYC

Normal Entry Price $40.00

tour 5 giorni new york

American Museum of Natural History

Normal Entry Price $28.00

tour 5 giorni new york

New York Historical Society Museum and Library

Normal Entry Price $22.00

tour 5 giorni new york

Intrepid Museum

Normal Entry Price $36.00

tour 5 giorni new york

AG Adriano Goldschmied at The Shops & Restaurants at Hudson Yards

Normal Entry Price $0.00

Cost Without The Sightseeing Pass $126.00

New York City 7 Day Itinerary

A full week in NYC? You will have a great time! There is so many unique places to visit, but – Keep your budget under control and use Fast Track entry at many of the busiest attractions with New York Sightseeing Pass, otherwise you might spend a small fortune on the entry fees.

Total cost without The Sightseeing Pass $960.46

7 Day Adult Sightseeing Pass - NYC $379.00

Saving per person with the Sightseeing Pass $581.46

7 Day savings with the Sightseeing Pass

7th Day in NYC Museum Mile

tour 5 giorni new york

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

Normal Entry Price $30.00

tour 5 giorni new york

Museum of the City of New York

Normal Entry Price $20.00

tour 5 giorni new york

El Museo del Barrio

Normal Entry Price $9.00

tour 5 giorni new york

Scavenger Hunts - New York

Cost Without The Sightseeing Pass $79.00

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  • Introduction
  • Day 1 Welcome To New York
  • Day 2 Explore The Iconic Sights Of NYC
  • Day 3 Step Behind The Broadway Curtain
  • Day 4 Dive Into The City's Burroughs
  • Day 5 Goodbye To The Big Apple

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  • Tour Operator Trafalgar 4.5
  • marisol · 22nd October 2023 Excellent. Great guide, driver, weather, hotels, food. Great itenirary. Love love this trip.
  • Joyce · 15th October 2023 Optional excursions were reasonably priced. Suggest you put together other places in each city as a walking guide or... Show more
  • Theresa · 14th October 2023 It was great. Tough schedule but I liked it.

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New York Itinerary: What to Do and See in 5 Days in NYC

New York City viewed from the Manhattan bridge, with tenement buildings in the foreground and modern skyscrapers in the background

Home to around 9 million people, NYC has tons of things to see and do. It’s a massive city that’s impossible to “see” in a single visit. It’s home to thousands of restaurants, hundreds of museums, attractions, plays, and countless other quirky things to do. As a traveler visiting for a few days, you just have to resign yourself to that fact that you’re only going to see a fraction of what you hope to see.

With that in mind, what are the best things to see and do here? What is the best itinerary for NYC?

Since I’ve written a guidebook to this city , lived here for years, have run tours here, and explored as much as I could in pursuit of knowing the best things to do in NYC, I want to share what I think is the best itinerary for New York City. This suggested itinerary can help you organize your trip and ensure you make the most of your visit — all while saving you money in the process.

So, without further ado, here is my suggested New York itinerary:

Table of Contents

New York City Itinerary: Day 1

New york city itinerary: day 2, new york city itinerary: day 3, new york city itinerary: day 4, new york city itinerary: day 5, other options for your itinerary, how to get around new york city, where to stay in new york city, get the in-depth budget guide to new york city.

Winding street lined with red brick buildings in Greenwich Village in New York City

Some of my favorite walking tours and walking tour companies include:

  • Free Tours by Foot
  • Bowery Boys Walks
  • Speakeasy Drinks and Prohibition History Tour
  • Gangsters and Ghosts Walking Tour
  • Graffiti and Street Art Walking Tour

And for more suggestions, check out this list of my favorite NYC walking tours .

The iconic Statue of Liberty with NYC in the background on a sunny day with blue skies

Here’s a review of my experience taking a tour of the Statue and Ellis Island .

Tip: If the line’s too long and you don’t want to wait, take the free Staten Island ferry for photos of the statue and harbor instead. You won’t get up close but it’s faster and cheaper.

Battery Park, +1 212 363-3200, Open daily 9am-5pm. There is no admission fee for the island but the ferry ticket costs $24 USD .

Explore Battery Park Located on the southern tip of Manhattan, this park is where the Dutch built Fort Amsterdam in 1625 to defend their settlement. The British took the area over in 1664 and eventually renamed it Fort George. While the fort was mostly destroyed during the American Revolution (1775-1783), the battery was expanded after the war’s end. You can wander around the fort and then stroll through the surrounding park to take in the beautiful waterfront views of the harbor, the Statue of Liberty, and Ellis Island.

There are also over 20 monuments and plaques in the park, covering everything from the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 to immigration and much more.

Close up of bronze bull statue on Wall Street in NYC

If you want to learn about historic market crashes and take a deep dive into what makes a financial crisis occur, check out the Financial Crisis Tour . Recommended by the BBC and the New York Times, it’s led by Wall Street insiders and will give you first-hand knowledge of what it’s like working on Wall Street.

See Federal Hall One of the most overlooked museums in the city sits across the street from the NY Stock Exchange (NYSE). Federal Hall, built in 1700, is where George Washington took his oath of office (you can see the Bible he was sworn in on). It was the site of the US Customs House in the late 1700s and the first capitol building of the US.

Though the original façade was rebuilt, it’s one of my favorite attractions in the area. I especially love the old vaults. I highly recommend you visit!

26 Wall Street, Financial District, Lower Manhattan, +1 212 825 6990, Admission is free. Open Monday-Friday, 10am-5pm.

Close up of traffic light and Wall Street street sign

Financial District, Lower Manhattan, +1 212 908 4110, Currently closed for relocation.

Trinity Church on a sunny day in New York City, USA

The original church was destroyed in the Great Fire of 1776, a massive blaze that wiped out upwards of 25% of the city (the Americans blamed the British for starting the fire, while the British blamed the revolutionaries). The new building, facing Wall Street, was consecrated in 1790.

After the Revolutionary War, George Washington and Alexander Hamilton regularly worshiped here. The graveyard dates back to the 1700s and has many famous Americans there, including Hamilton and his wife Elizabeth, Francis Lewis (signatory on the Declaration of Independence), John Alsop (Continental Congress delegate), Albert Gallatin (founder of NYU), and Horatio Gates (Continental Army general). The church was expanded in 1839 into its current form.

74 Trinity Place, Financial District, Lower Manhattan, +1 212 602 0800, Open daily from 8:30am–6pm.

The water feature of the 9/11 Memorial surrounded by trees in New York City

To get a deeper understanding of 9/11 and the events that unfolded, visit the museum. It’s home to moving exhibits that illuminate the scope and significance of the tragedy.

180 Greenwich Street, Financial District, Lower Manhattan, +1 212 266 5211, Memorial open daily from 8am-8pm. The museum is open Wednesday-Monday, 9am-7pm. The memorial is free to visit; skip-the-line museum entry is $19.40 USD . Free entry Mondays from 3:30pm-5pm (tickets must be booked online).

DINNER OPTION: Eat at Ellen’s Stardust Diner Since 1987, this diner is home to an incredible waitstaff of singers and dancers. Between tours and musical performances, actors and actresses wait tables at Ellen’s, where they belt out songs as they serve you slightly pricey, very American diner food (think shakes, burgers, and lasagna) in uniforms from the 1950s. It’s incredibly cheesy, which makes it incredibly fun!

1650 Broadway, Times Square, +1 212 956 5151, Open daily, 7am-midnight. There’s usually a line so be sure to plan ahead!

The historic City Hall at sunset in New York City, USA

City Hall Park. Pre-reserved tours are typically offered for groups (10–20 people) on Tuesdays at 10:30am and for individuals on Thursdays at 10am. There are also first-come, first-served tours on Wednesdays at 12pm and Thursdays at 10am.

Full span of the Brooklyn Bridge in front of the Manhattan skyline lit up at night in New York City, USA.

I enjoy doing this walk at night when downtown Manhattan is all lit up. Otherwise, come early to beat the crowds.

The calm waters in Prospect Park reflecting one of the old buildings in Brooklyn, NYC, USA

While you’re here, don’t miss the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens (especially known for its magnificent cherry blossoms in the spring) and the Brooklyn Museum. Spend the afternoon discovering its vast collection of both historical and contemporary art and artifacts (there are over 1.5 million items in its collection). It has art exhibitions highlighting ancient Egypt, medieval Europe, colonial USA, and more.

200 Eastern Pkwy, +1 718 638 5000, Open Wednesday-Sunday, 11am-6pm. Tickets are $16 USD.

Wander Rockefeller Center This area is always filled with hustle and bustle. Wander around Rockefeller Center to see where they film The Today Show , shop, snack, and take the elevator to the Top of the Rock for another bird’s-eye view of the city, which I personally think is better than the Empire State Building, since from the top of here you can get that building in your picture too.

30 Rockefeller Plaza, +1 212 698 2000, Open daily from 9am-11pm. Admission is $40 USD to visit the Top of the Rock observation deck.

Radio City Music Hall lit up at night in NYC

1260 6th Avenue, +1 212 465 6080, Open and giving one-hour tours daily from 10:30am-2pm. Admission is $33 USD.

Times Square in NYC, lit up at night

During the summer months, there are often free concerts and theater productions (line up early for tickets to Shakespeare in the Park). From the late spring to the early fall, there are free guided walks run by the parks service on Saturdays at 11am. I’m a big fan of laying out in Sheep’s Meadow on a hot, sunny day with a book, some food, and a bottle of wine.

Several excellent museums can be found in or on the edges of Central Park too (see below).

Yellow taxis in front of the sprawling staircase at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC, USA

If you’re short on time, Take Walks offers a Met Express Tour where an expert guide will take you to the absolute highlights and give you deeper insights into the pieces you’re seeing so you can make the most of your experience. It’s just two-hours long too.

1000 5th Avenue, Central Park, Upper East Side, +1 212 535 7710, Open Sunday–Tuesday from 10am–5pm, Fridays and Saturdays from 10am-9pm. Admission is $30 USD (includes same-day entrance to the Cloisters).

The American Museum of Natural History building surrounded by trees in NYC

Central Park W. at 79th Street, Upper West Side, +1 212 769 5100, Open daily from 10am-5:30pm. Admission is $28 USD (special exhibitions not included).

Take in the Museum of the City of New York This museum can tell you everything you ever wanted to know about New York City. Architecture, parks, streets, as well as its people, and culture — it’s all covered! There are multiple rooms that highlight various time periods in NYC history featuring interviews, maps, interactive exhibits, profiles of historical figures, and various artifacts. It’s the best history museum in the city. There’s a cool exhibit here where you can create the future NYC, Sim City style. It’s great for kids!

1220 Fifth Avenue at 103rd St., +1 212-534-1672, Open Thursdays from 10am-9pm and Friday-Monday from 10am-5pm. Admission is $20 USD.

The TKTS Booth surrounded by signs for Broadway shows in Times Square, NYC

  • The Lion King

Ticket prices vary greatly by show. However, you can find discounted tickets at the TKTS offices around the city (Times Square, South Street Seaport, and downtown Brooklyn) for shows that day. They also have an app where you can see what they offer too.  

A grassy courtyard surrounded by columns at the Met Cloisters in New York City, USA

The building and its stunning cloistered garden are very, very peaceful and beautiful. It’s one of the best things to do in the city. There are free tours each day that explain the history of the museum and the paintings and exhibits.

99 Margaret Corbin Drive, Fort Tryon Park, +1 212 923 3700, Open Thursday-Tuesday from 10am-5pm. Closed Wednesday. Admission is $30 USD and includes same-day entry to The Met.

Visit the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) Head over to the MoMA for lots of beautiful (and weird) modern art and some vivid impressionist art. Personally, I don’t “get” modern art. I mean, how is a shovel on a wall art?

While I’m not a fan, this museum does have Van Gogh’s Starry Night as well as other post-impressionist art so I can’t hate it completely. If you love modern and contemporary art, this (I’m told) is one of the best in the world.

18 W. 54th Street, Midtown, +1 212 708 9400, Open daily from 10:30am-5:30pm (7pm on Saturdays). Admission including skip-the-line access is $25 USD . The MoMA’s Sculpture Garden is free of charge to the public daily from 9:30am–10:15am.

Modern, round exterior of the Guggenheim Museum with taxis going by in NYC.

1071 5th Avenue, Upper East Side, +1 212 423 3500, Open Sunday-Monday, Wednesday-Friday from 11am-6pm (Saturdays until 8pm). Admission is $25 USD. Pay what-you-wish is available on Saturdays from 6pm-8pm.

See the Frick Collection This collection features paintings by major European artists (lots of Dutch masters here) as well as 18th-century French furniture and Oriental rugs. You have to really love Dutch artists to want to spend time here (I do) but be sure to visit their website in advance because they host a lot of wonderful temporary exhibits featuring famous works of art.

1 East 70th Street, +1 212-288-0700, Open Thursday-Sunday from 10am-6pm. Admission is $22 USD. Thursdays from 4pm-6pm is pay-what-you-wish admission.  

People walking on a pathway surrounded by greenery and tall skyscrapers on The High Line Park in the Meatpacking District in NYC

Next to it, in the Meatpacking District, there’s the new building for the Whitney Museum of American Art (a museum that collaborates with the Met). Even if you don’t go inside, the building is worth seeing, as it is a work of art in itself. But I would recommend going inside as there is a wonderful exhibit of American art.

99 Gansevoort Street, Chelsea, +1 212 570 3600, Open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10:30am-6pm, Fridays from 10:30am-10pm, Saturdays and Sundays from 11am-6pm. Admission is $25 USD and pay-what-you-can on Fridays from 7pm-10pm ( advance tickets strongly recommended ).   Enjoy the view from the Empire State Building After you finish up with lower Manhattan, jet up to this historic landmark. Standing 1,453-feet (443 meters) tall and completed in 1931, the 1930s art deco interior of this building is absolutely beautiful and the view from the top is breathtaking. It’s one of the most iconic buildings in the city and you can get a real feel for how densely populated New York is as you take in the view. Get here early or during lunchtime to avoid the lines and tour groups.

350 5th Avenue, Midtown, +1 212 736 3100, The observation deck hours vary greatly by season (with week-to-week differences). Check the website for updated hours. Admission is $44 USD to the 86th-floor observatory and $79 to the 102nd & 86th-floor observation decks. Get your skip-the-line tickets here.

Main concourse filled with people in Grand Central Station in NYC

89 E. 42nd Street, Midtown, Open daily from 5:30am–2am. Book the only official Grand Central Terminal Tour with Walks here ($30 USD).

See the Lower East Side Tenement Museum This museum highlights how immigrants from around the world lived during the late 1800s and early 1900s as they tried to make it in America. It’s a good follow-up to what you see on Ellis Island. You can only visit this museum via guided tours, and they need to be booked in advance. I like that live actors are used to portray and share the stories of newly arrived immigrants as it makes the experience much more memorable.

103 Orchard Street, Lower East Side, +1 877 975 3786, Open daily from 10am-6pm. Admission is $30 USD.

A hand holding up a slice of pizza on a NYC street

1. See a TV Show – NYC is home to tons of TV shows that film here regularly. TV shows like Saturday Night Live, The View, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, The Daily Show, Last Week Tonight, Late Night with Seth Meyers, and The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon all offer free tickets to their tapings. Tickets need to be reserved long in advance so you’ll need to plan ahead.

2. Explore the Bronx Zoo – Opened in 1899, the zoo spans almost 300 acres and sees over 2 million visitors each year. Home to over 650 different species, it’s a great place to visit with kids. Gorillas, birds of prey, bison — there is a huge assortment of animals here and you’ll definitely learn a lot during your visit!

3. See a Yankees/Mets/Rangers/Knicks Game – Like sports? NYC has some world-class sports teams. I’m not a big sports fan (the Yankees play soccer, right?), but games are fun when you have friends to share the experience with. If you have a chance and the desire, don’t miss a sporting event, because New Yorkers are serious about their local teams!

4. Take a Food Tour – NYC is a foodie city and there are tons of amazing tours that can introduce you to the best food the city has to offer. Devour Food Tours is my go-to choice as their tours are amazing and their guides are super knowledgable.

A few tours worth checking out if you want to eat your way around the Big Apple are:

  • Scott’s Pizza Tours
  • Foods of NY
  • Famous Fat Dave’s Five Borough Eating Tour
  • Secret Food Tours
  • Beyond the Plate

5. See Live Stand-Up at Comedy Cellar – Some of the biggest names in comedy either started here or have done gigs here, including greats like Jon Stewart, Robin Williams, Kevin Hart, and Chris Rock. They have different shows depending on the day of the week although the weekend shows fill up so reserve in advance online. Some shows have up to 5 or 6 different comedians.

Tickets range between $14-25 USD but they often have a two-item minimum per person (food or drinks). For NYC, it’s a very reasonable super fun night out.  

a view over the towering NYC skyline during sunset

Public transportation – New York is well-connected by subway. You can get to wherever you need to go, or close to it, via the subway. You can use the contactless payment system OMNY to pay for fares. For this, you’ll need to use a contactless credit/debit card, smart phone, or wearable device. If you don’t have any of those, you can buy a Metrocard.

Metrocards require a minimum of $5.80 USD to be added to the card. Fares for each journey then cost $2.90 USD. The best deal is buying a 7-day unlimited transit pass for $34 USD. That means you just need to use the subway 12 times to get your money’s worth, which will be very easy to do.

If you don’t get a Metrocard or use OMNY, single-ticket fares cost $3.25 USD.

If you can’t get to where you’re going by subway, the bus will get you there. Fares and payment options are the same as above.

Taxi – Taxis are not cheap in NYC. The minimum fare starts at $3 USD but rises sharply from there. Skip them if you can. They are expensive and traffic is a nightmare.

Ridesharing – Uber, Lyft, and Via are way cheaper than taxis and are the best way to get around a city if you don’t want to take a bus or pay for a taxi. The shared/pool option (where you share a ride with other people) offers the best prices. Just expect much higher rates during rush hour.

Bike rental – You can bike just about anywhere in New York City, especially if you want to explore big parks like Central and Prospect. Citi Bike is a bike-sharing system, starting from $4.79 USD per 30-minute ride, or $19 USD for 24 hours. There are about 10,000 bikes all over the city, so one is always within reach. They have ebikes too.  

A busy skyline and street view of Manhattan, NYC on a sunny summer day

BUDGET: HI New York City – One of the biggest and most popular hostels in the city with a ton of space, an outdoor patio, free Wi-Fi, events, activities, and a huge kitchen. If you’re on a budget, stay here. It’s the best hostel in the city.

BUDGET: The Jane – This historic hotel was actually where the survivors of the Titanic were put up when they landed in NYC in 1912. Today, it’s one of the best budget hotels in the city. It has compact single rooms, comfy beds, and shared bathrooms. It’s clean and well kept and the best choice if you want to stay in the West Village on a budget.

BUDGET: Chelsea International Hostel – This is one of the largest hostels in the city and has an outdoor courtyard, a dining area, and two kitchens. It’s in a great location too, with both the High Line and Times Square within a short walk.

MID-RANGE: Pod Brooklyn – While the rooms are small (it’s a pod hotel), the location here is excellent. There’s a laid-back lounge area where you can hang out, and a restaurant on-site for when you just want to relax in your room. Everything is clean and fresh and the staff here are super helpful.

MID-RANGE: YOTEL – A modern, high-tech hotel that even has a luggage storage robot (seriously). The rooms are on the small side but they are clean and comfortable. I love the large outdoor terrace; it has a great view of the city!

LUXURY: W Hotel Times Square – You’re literally on Times Square at the W Hotel. There’s onsite dining, free Wi-Fi, and a W MixBar in every room. You can’t get closer to the action than this. For me, it’s the nicest hotel in the area. If you’re gonna stay at a big name brand hotel, this is your best choice!

New York City is a big place with a lot to do and this list barely scratches the surface. Five days is barely enough to squeeze these activities in, let alone find time to visit boroughs like Queens and Brooklyn.

Get the In-Depth Budget Guide to New York City!

For more in-depth tips on NYC, check out my 100+ page guidebook written for budget travelers like you! It cuts out the fluff found in other guides and gets straight to the practical information you need to travel in the city that never sleeps. You’ll find suggested itineraries, budgets, ways to save money, on- and off-the-beaten-path things to see and do, non-touristy restaurants, markets, bars, safety tips, and much more! Click here to learn more and get your copy today.

Book Your Trip to New York City: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Use Skyscanner to find a cheap flight. They are my favorite search engine because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned!

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the biggest inventory and best deals. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. My favorite places to stay in the city are:

  • HI NYC Hostel
  • Jazz on Columbus Circle
  • Pod Times Square

If you’re looking for more places to stay, here my complete list of favorite hostels the city. Additionally, if you’re wondering what part of town to stay in, here’s my neighborhood guide to NYC!

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • Safety Wing (best for everyone)
  • Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Looking for the Best Companies to Save Money With? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use to save money when I’m on the road. They will save you money when you travel too.

Need a Guide? New York has some really interesting tours. My favorite company is Take Walks . They have expert guides and can get you behind the scenes at the city’s best attractions. They’re my go-to walking tour company!

Want More Information on NYC? Be sure to visit our robust destination guide on New York City for even more planning tips!

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Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site community supported and ad free.

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areal shot of New York City taken from the lower east side facing north

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The Ultimate 5-Day New York City Itinerary for First-Timers

Brooklyn Bridge in New York City at dawn

New York City, the city that never sleeps, is a vibrant and dynamic metropolis that boasts an incredible array of attractions and experiences. From towering skyscrapers to world-renowned museums, Broadway shows to trendy restaurants, the Big Apple truly has something for everyone. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, this itinerary will guide you through the must-see sights and hidden gems of this amazing city.

A tour at a glance

Day 1: welcome to new york city, day 2: downtown manhattan exploration, day 3: harlem and upper west side, day 4: brooklyn and queens, day 5: departure.

Our private tours typically range from $500 - $1000 per person/per night depending on chosen hotels and room categories, vehicles used, types of tours, flight cost, time of year and other factors. Make an inquiry for a customized trip quote.

Detailed Itinerary

On arrival, meet your private guide, who will transfer you to your hotel. Afterward, begin your trip by exploring Manhattan, the heart of the city. Visiting the iconic Central Park. Then, head to the Empire State Building for an aerial view of the city. Grab a slice of pizza at the famous Joe's Pizza or a sandwich at Katz's Delicatessen. End the day with a stroll through Times Square and enjoy the bright lights and bustling atmosphere. For dinner, head to your hotel.

Begin by visiting the One World Trade Center and the Oculus. Afterward, visit the historic South Street Seaport and take a walk along the waterfront. For lunch, try the fresh seafood at Pier A Harbor House or the classic deli sandwiches at Eisenberg's Sandwich Shop. In the evening, take a sunset cruise around Manhattan or visit the trendy neighborhoods of TriBeCa and the Lower East Side. For dinner, try the authentic Italian cuisine at Carbone or the French bistro fare at Balthazar.

Explore the cultural side of NYC by visiting Harlem and the Upper West Side. Begin by visiting the iconic Apollo Theater to see live music and performances. Afterward, visit the Studio Museum in Harlem to see contemporary African-American art. For lunch, try the delicious soul food at Sylvia's or Red Rooster Harlem. In the evening, stroll through the Upper West Side and visit the American Museum of Natural History. For dinner, head to The Ribbon or Jacob's Pickles. 

Cross the East River to explore Brooklyn and Queens. Begin by walking across the Brooklyn Bridge for stunning views of the Manhattan skyline. For lunch, head to Smorgasburg, a weekly food festival featuring local vendors. Afterward, visit the Brooklyn Museum to see impressive collections of art and artifacts. In the evening, visit the hipster neighborhoods of Williamsburg and Bushwick for street art and nightlife and for dinner, head to a premium New York hotel . 

After breakfast, squeeze in some last-minute souvenir shopping. Your private guide will drive you to the airport for a safe departure back home.

Best Live Music And Performances in New York

The best live music and performances in the world. Whether you're into jazz, classical music, Broadway shows, or underground indie bands, there's something for everyone in this city. Here are some of the best places to catch live music and performances in New York:

  • The Apollo Theater
  • Carnegie Hall
  • Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
  • Blue Note Jazz Club
  • Bowery Ballroom
  • Mercury Lounge
  • Brooklyn Bowl
  • Beacon Theatre
  • Radio City Music Hall
  • The Highline Ballroom

Fun Facts About New York City

New York City is a city of endless fascination, and there are many fascinating facts about the city that you might not know. Here are some fun facts about New York City:

  • New York City was once the capital of the United States. The city served as the capital from 1785 to 1790.
  • The first pizza restaurant in the United States opened in New York City in 1895.
  • The New York City subway system is one of the largest in the world, with 472 stations and 27 subway lines.
  • The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to the United States and was dedicated in 1886.
  • The Empire State Building was built in just one year and 45 days, from 1930 to 1931.
  • Central Park is larger than Monaco and Vatican City combined.
  • Times Square was originally called Longacre Square, but it was renamed in 1904 after The New York Times moved its headquarters to the area.
  • New York City's official bird is the pigeon, and it's estimated that there are over one million pigeons in the city.

Can I customize this 5-day itinerary according to my preferences?

Yes, this itinerary can be customized according to your interests and preferences. You can add or remove activities and sights based on your preferences.

Are the suggested restaurants in this itinerary expensive?

There are options for all budgets in this itinerary. You can choose from high-end restaurants to street food vendors. It all depends on your preferences and budget.

Can I cover all the attractions mentioned in this itinerary in five days?

While it is possible to cover all the attractions, it depends on your pace and preferences. You can choose to prioritize the ones that interest you the most and skip others.

What is the best way to get around NYC?

The best way to get around NYC is by public transport, which includes subways, buses, and trains. Taxis and ride-sharing services are also available. It is recommended to get a MetroCard for easy access to public transport.

Learn more about leisure plans


tour 5 giorni new york

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Home > Città USA > New York > Cosa fare e vedere a New York > Itinerari New York > Itinerari giornalieri NY > New York in 5 giorni: itinerario con tutte le cose da vedere in città

New York in 5 giorni

New York in 5 giorni: itinerario con tutte le cose da vedere in città

Se vi state chiedendo cosa vedere a New York e avete ben 5 giorni a disposizione per visitare questa splendida città, ecco un itinerario che può fare al caso vostro, testato sul campo e concepito per non perdersi neppure una delle più iconiche attrazioni della Grande Mela .

Cosa vedere a New York: introduzione

Qualche consiglio per visitare new york…, giorno 1 – statua della libertà, wall street, one world trade center, brooklyn, giorno 2 – highline, chelsea, greenwich, east village, giorno 3 – empire state building, grand central station, public library, onu, rockfeller center, times square, giorno 4 – met, central park, museo di storia naturale, giorno 5 – a voi la scelta.

Milan Kundera scriveva:

“In Europa la bellezza è sempre stata premeditata. C’è sempre stata un’intenzione estetica e un progetto a lungo termine; ci sono voluti decenni per costruire, secondo quel progetto, una cattedrale gotica o una città rinascimentale. La bellezza di New York ha una base completamente diversa. E’ una bellezza inintenzionale. E’ sorta senza intenzione da parte dell’uomo, un po’ come una grotta di stalattiti. Forme in sé brutte si trovano per caso, senza un piano, in ambienti così incredibili che di colpo brillano di una poesia magica”.

Forse è per questo che visitare New York è il sogno di molti di noi. La sentiamo così diversa dalle nostre città eppure, anche se non ci siamo mai stati, saremmo in grado di riconoscere moltissimi dei suoi angoli. È talmente distante dalla nostra forma mentis che ci destabilizza eppure non vediamo l’ora di camminare lungo Fifth Avenue , salire su uno dei suoi famosi grattacieli per vederla dall’alto o sedersi su una panchina e guardare lo skyline di Manhattan da lontano. New York ha la capacità di essere una città sconosciuta e familiare allo stesso tempo. Siamo incuriositi e affascinati dall’energia di questa città, dalle sue strade, dai suoi colori, dagli scorci che abbiamo visto nei film e nelle serie TV con i quali siamo cresciuti…

  • Crociera per la Statua della Libertà e Ellis Island
  • Biglietti saltafila per il MoMA
  • Biglietti per il Top of the Rock

Siamo a New York per una breve vacanza e vogliamo il massimo da questa esperienza? Ecco un itinerario dettagliato su cosa vedere a New York in 5 giorni . Il vostro soggiorno è più breve? Date un’occhiata allora anche ai nostri itinerari New York in 1 giorno,   New York in 4 giorni , New York in 6 giorni e New York in 7 giorni . Se siete ancora incerti, controllate tutti i nostri itinerari giornalieri nella sezione dedicata o la guida cosa fare a New York per una panoramica completa delle attrazioni.

Innanzitutto vi suggerisco di guardare il meteo: se avete una giornata piovosa, non preoccupatevi perché New York ha una soluzione per tutto! Potreste trascorrerla all’interno dei tanti grandi splendidi musei o, se amate lo shopping, dentro ai famosi centri commerciali come Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s, Sacks Fifth Avenue o il Manhattan Mall. Le giornate di sole sono perfette per godervi Central Park o prendere il battello per raggiungere la Statua della Libertà .

Camminerete tanto, ma ogni istante varrà la pena perché il vostro sguardo vagherà curioso senza sosta. Consiglio comunque la metro per spostarsi verso i luoghi più distanti. In merito ai pass invece date un’occhiata alla nostra guida su quale pass per New York City conviene veramente , dove trovate anche il nostro

, una semplicissima applicazione che abbiamo creato per capire al volo quale pass è più adatto alle vostre esigenze.

Se è vero che gli itinerari elencati di seguito possono essere fatti in qualsiasi giorno, vi do comunque alcuni consigli utili: l’ingresso al MoMa , Museum of Modern Art, è gratuito il venerdì pomeriggio dalle 16:00 alle 21:00, il mercoledì ci sono i matinée di Broadway e Times Square è particolarmente affollata (più del solito!) negli orari di inizio e fine degli show; non andate a Wall Street nel weekend perché gli uffici sono chiusi ed è quindi deserta, aspetto che le fa perdere il suo fascino industrioso.

New York in 5 giorni: itinerario

Cosa vedere a New York in 5 giorni

Dopo una bella colazione (se l’hotel non ha la colazione inclusa, approfittatene per una colazione all’americana in uno dei tanti ‘diners’ della Grande Mela … uova e bacon o i pancakes vi daranno la giusta energia per cominciare al meglio la giornata), andate verso Battery Park e prendere il ferry per la Statua della Libertà e Ellis Island . Ci sarà un po’ di fila, in generale vi consigliamo di andare presto la mattina e di evitare i weekend. Se volete salire sulla Corona ricordate di prenotare il biglietto in anticipo prima della partenza dall’Italia, altrimenti visitate semplicemente l’isola e la base della statua.

Prenota la crociera per la Statua della Libertà e Ellis Island

Vi consiglio di fermarvi anche a Ellis Island poiché la visita è emozionante. Trascorsa la mattinata, tornate a Manhattan e fate una passeggiata per Wall Street con sosta al famoso Toro del nostro artista Arturo Di Modica. Agli amanti della storia americana per pranzo consiglio la Fraunces Tavern con museo annesso in ricordo dei trattati di pace fra George Washington e gli inglesi.

Itinerario New York in 5 giorni

Dopo aver ammirato la Trinity Church , proseguite a nord verso le fontane del Memorial delle Torri Gemelle e One World Trade Center . Tutti noi amiamo i selfie sorridenti, ma visto cosa rappresenta questo luogo magari cerchiamo di evitare risate chiassose e atteggiamenti irrispettosi. Se è tardi o siete stanchi vi suggerisco di trovare un bel ristorante nel quartiere di TriBeCa e rilassarvi (andate però a vedere Hook and Ladder , la caserma dei Ghostbusters che si trova al 14 di North Moore St.). Se invece non siete ancora esausti, potete trascorrere la serata a Brooklyn, prendendo spunto anche dal nostro articolo cosa vedere a Brooklyn.

tour 5 giorni new york

Dirigetevi dunque a est, ammirate il Woolworth Building , storico grattacielo di inizio Novecento in stile neogotico, e raggiungete il ponte di Brooklyn , primo ponte sospeso costruito in acciaio nel 1883. Una bella passeggiata sulla Brooklyn Promenade vi permetterà di vedere Manhattan al tramonto o illuminata dalle luci della sera.

Prenota un tour a piedi di Brooklyn e Dumbo

In quest’area si trova una delle pizzerie più amate dai newyorkesi, Grimaldi’s Pizza , quindi se proprio volete mangiare una pizza a New York questo è il posto per voi.

tour 5 giorni new york

Iniziamo la nostra giornata nel quartiere di Chelsea passeggiando sulla High line , il parco sopraelevato di New York che segue la vecchia tratta ferroviaria del 1860. Arrivati alla 23esima strada vi suggeriamo di scendere e visitare il Chelsea Market con i suoi negozietti e antiquari.

Prenota un tour di Chelsea e Meatpacking District

Qui troviamo anche il Chelsea Hotel costruito nel 1884, dove Kerouac terminò ‘On the road’ e dove nel 1978 il bassista dei Sex Pistols commise un omicidio. Proseguendo verso sud entriamo a Greenwich Village con pittoreschi palazzi e il famoso mercato di Greenwich. Qui si trova Stonewall, luogo simbolo dal 1969 della nascita del movimento di liberazione gay. Al 90 di Bedford’s Street troverete invece l’appartamento di Friends.

Prenota un tour di Greenwich Village

Proseguite fino a Washington Square Park crocevia per artisti di strada e giocatori di scacchi e a Union Square dove il sabato e la domenica si svolge un mercato ortofrutticolo dai mille colori che non ti aspetti di trovare a New York.

New York 5 giorni

Al 205 di East Houston Street c’è Katz’s Delicatessen dove potrete assaggiare un buon panino al pastrami in un locale di fine Ottocento che vi riporta agli anni ’40 e dove filmarono l’indimenticabile scena di Meg Ryan e Billy Crystal in ‘Harry ti presento Sally’. In quest’area troviamo anche diversi locali notturni chic come Employees Only, Please Don’t Tell e The top of The Standard con la sua terrazza panoramica (vestitevi bene se volete entrare!).

Empire State Building Cosa Vedere

Oggi visitiamo il cuore di Manhattan. Cominciamo dall’ Empire State Building . Se possibile cercate di arrivare prima dell’orario di apertura per evitare file molto lunghe. Dopo la vista mozzafiato su uno dei grattacieli simbolo di New York , prendete Fifth Avenue e raggiungete Bryant Park e la New York Public Library , la seconda biblioteca più grande degli Stati Uniti, che con i suoi leoni è stata set cinematografico di film come The Day After Tomorrow, Ghostbusters, Sex and the City: the Movie (a proposito: se sei curioso di conoscere tutte le location cinematografiche più famose di New York scarica gratis il nostro ebook New York Hollywoodiana ).

Acquista i biglietti dell’Empire State Building

Potete mangiare a Shake Shack a Bryant Park . Proseguite poi sulla 42esima fino al Chrysler Building e alla Grand Central Station. Continuando sulla 42esima arriverete ai palazzi sede dell’ONU.

Cosa Fare a New York

Poi potete prendere la 49esima, passare il Waldorf Astoria Hotel e arrivare all’area Rockefeller Center (in inverno c’è la pista di pattinaggio set di Serendipity e Autumn in New York) e St Patrick Cathedral , vicino c’è anche Radio City Hall. A questo punto potete scegliere fra visitare il MoMA , (è più piccolo di altri musei e in un paio di ore se ne può visitare gran parte; tra gli artisti, Andy Warhol, Monet e Van Gogh) oppure rilassarvi a fare shopping su Fifth Avenue e la 57esima. A Pod 39 c’è un rooftop tipico newyorkese dal quale ammirare il tramonto. Oppure andate a Top of the Rock , una delle migliori viste dall’alto di New York. La sera le luci di Times Square vi aspettano.

  • Acquista i biglietti saltafila del MoMA
  • Acquista i biglietti del Top of the Rock

New York in 5 giorni - Central Park

Il Met merita certamente una visita. È un museo enorme e l’ingresso è a ‘prezzo raccomandato’ per cui potrete scegliere voi se pagare la cifra consigliata o donare a vostro piacimento. Dopo il Met è il turno di una splendida passeggiata a Central Park per rilassarvi e godere di questo immenso parco (non sottovalutate l’ampiezza e le distanze fra un punto e un altro del parco!). Non perdetevi il Castello Belvedere , la fontana e terrazza Bethesda, la Boathouse.

Tour guidato al Met

Se avete bambini, c’è lo Zoo di Central Park e il Museo di Storia Naturale (set di Una notte al Museo). Altra attrazione è Dakota Apartments , edificio con l’ultimo appartamento di John Lennon, sulla 72esima.

Acquista i biglietti del Museo di Storia Naturale

Secondo i newyorkesi, uno dei migliori hot dog di New York è il Gray’s Papaya e se amate il cheesecake non potete non assaggiare quello di Junior’s.

Questo è il giorno jolly. Forse non siete riusciti a fare tutto ciò che vi ho suggerito negli intensi itinerari proposti e oggi potete recuperare. Oppure siete interessati a vedere un musical di Broadway (io ve lo consiglio caldamente) o una partita di baseball allo Yankee Stadium (quando vi ricapiterà?).

Innumerevoli i musei e le gallerie d’arte che meritano una visita. O ancora potete immergervi nell’atmosfera surreale di Chinatown o visitare SoHo , Little Italy , Harlem, Coney Island , fare un po’ di shopping a New York prima di tornare a casa o semplicemente passeggiare in quella che, nel bene e nel male, è fra le città più ammalianti del nostro pianeta.

  • Compra i biglietti di The Lion King , uno tra gli spettacoli più famosi di Broadway
  • Prenota il t our guidato di Chinatown, SoHo, Little Italy
  • Compra il biglietto di 4 ore con corse illimitate per il Luna Park di Coney Island

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Flora Lufrano

Flora Lufrano

Traduttrice, insegnante e copywriter, adoro viaggiare, conoscere persone e culture nuove e lasciarmi sorprendere dalla bellezza del nostro pianeta

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Insider's tip: pastries at dominique ansel, reflect at the 9/11 memorial, insider's tip: craft cocktails at tanner smith’s, skip the line at two magnificent museums, stroll through chinatown and little italy, insider's tip: discover olde good things, insider's tip: the halal guys, accommodation options.

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New York Itinerary – How To Spend 1 – 5 Days In NYC

Posted on Last updated: 23 March 2024

Categories Itineraries , New York , USA

New York has to be one of the most vibrant cities in the world. With so much to see and do, here is the perfect 5 days in New York itinerary.

Table of Contents

How To Get Around New York

New York is a large city to get around but there are numerous choices of transport to get you to and from each of your destinations.

The City’s rail and bus system is run by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and known as MTA New York City Transit. 

It operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, is inexpensive as well as being a great way to see sights throughout the five boroughs that make up the City.

You will need to buy a MetroCard to use the MTA buses and subways, which you can purchase at any subway station.

You have to put a minimum value of $5.50 on the card, not including the card fee of $1 when buying your first card.

For the most up-to-date information on MetroCard prices, visit

The famous NYC yellow taxis are available 24 hours a day. A great way to travel if loaded down with luggage or just too tired to go any further.

Hail any taxi whose number is illuminated on top as this means they are working. Moreover, Yellow taxis will pick up street-hailing passengers anywhere in NYC. 

Tip 15–20 percent at the end of a trip. Also be aware that bridge and tunnel tolls are extra and added to the metered fare.

In addition to taxis, there are also lots of local car services, as well as app based options like Uber and Lyft.

Just about all of NYC is bikeable and Citibike is a popular bike sharing system. There are approximately 24.000 bikes at 1.500 stations, available 24/7 every day of the year.

You can unlock a bike at any station, ride to wherever you want and check in the bike at any other station.

You will find Citibike docking stations are all around the city. One ride is $3.50 and a day pass is $15.

Alternatively, there are other operators that rent bikes by the hour, two hours, half-day and full days.

The NYC Department of Transportation publishes a downloadable bike map and a guide to biking in the city. 

If you would prefer someone else to do the pedalling for you, you can always jump in a pedicab, also known as a bicycle rickshaw.

New York is home to an extensive ferry system that can get you uptown or downtown in Manhattan as well as across the rivers to Staten Island, Brooklyn, Queens and New Jersey.

NYC Ferry and NY Waterway are the two main ferry operators, with the Staten Island Ferry also available for commuting and sight seeing tours.

For all tourists visiting New York we recommend purchasing either the New York: Go City Explorer Pass with 95+ Tours & Attractions or the New York CityPASS®: Save 40% at 5 Top Attractions .

These are a great way of saving money when visiting multiple tourist attractions during your stay in New York.

Both include:

  • Top Of The Rock

Empire State Building

  • Statue of Liberty
  • American Museum of Natural History
  • 9/11 Memorial and Museum
  • And many more!

If you’ve scheduled a 5 days in New York itinerary like us, then you should easily get around each place within plenty of time.

For those short on time, or that prefer everything to be organised for them, there are some awesome tours on  Get Your Guide  available to book in advance.

Best Time To Visit New York

New York is definitely a year round destination, with lots of people heading there in the coldest months to enjoy the amazing Christmas and New Year festivities.

However, if you prefer the warmer weather and not so many crowds, either side of the mid summer months is perfect for getting around all the sights in this big city.

Remember, this is just a guide, so you may want to mix it up and add/subtract different attractions. 

What To Pack

Photography Camera

Reusable Water Bottle

Lightweight Rain Jacket

Walking Brooklyn Bridge New York Skyline

New York Itinerary Day 1

Dumbo manhattan bridge view.

(Depending on what time you arrive in NYC you could fit this in the afternoon and it’s a great way to start your 5 days in New York itinerary.)

Wondering about the name Dumbo? It’s actually an acronym for Down Under Manhattan Bridge Overpass; this is the neighbourhood where the view point is located.

Not to be confused with Brooklyn Bridge , it covers two sections.

One located between the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges, which connect Brooklyn to Manhattan across the East River, and another that continues east from the Manhattan Bridge to the Vinegar Hill area.

The steel bridge rises up out of the East River, with the Empire State Building visible in the background, the red brick warehouses and cobbled streets in the foreground thus making for some stunning photo opportunities.

So, if you are a keen photographer or just want some amazing pics in a famous, iconic location, then this is definitely a cool thing to do in New York.

Dumbo Manhattan Bridge View New York

Sunset At Top Of The Rock

Located at the top of the Rockefeller Center, Top of the Rock is a three-tiered observation deck. Each deck offers spectacular, 360 degree views over New York City.

Found on the first observation deck is the breathtaking Radiance Wall which was created by Swarovski.

The second observation deck is entirely outdoors, with glass screens to keep visitors safe. (Don’t worry though, there are camera-sized gaps so the glass won’t ruin your snaps!)

The third observation deck, on the 70th floor, is completely open air. It’s almost like a raised plinth for uninterrupted views across the New York skyline.

The vistas from Top of the Rock will take your breath away at any time of the day.

However, watching the sun going down, followed by the city lighting up, is truly spectacular and has to be part of your 5 days in New York itinerary.

Top of the Rock is open every day, all year round from 9am -11pm.

Top of the Rock operates on a timed ticketing system and you can book your  Top of the Rock Observation Deck Ticket  in advance.

This flexible date ticket allows you to plan your visit around the weather.

Adults: $40

Older citizens: $38

Children (aged 6 -12 years): $34

Top Of The Rock View New York

Ice Skating At Rockefeller Center

Located in front of the Rockefeller Building, the ice rink is open from mid-November to mid-March each year. (Including Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.)

Between November and January, the renowned Rockefeller Christmas tree is in situ, making for a magical, Christmasy skating experience.

In addition, ‘Elf’, ‘Home Alone 2’ and many classic movies have featured this iconic ice rink which, for me, brought childhood memories flooding back whilst skating around.

Visiting this famous rink is a quintessential, New York City winter experience and very popular with locals and tourists. Definitely a ‘must do’ of things to do in New York if visiting during the winter months.

During the months the Plaza is not an ice rink, it transforms into a 1970’s style, roller skating rink.

The Rink At Rockefeller Center New York Things To Do In New York

New York Itinerary Day 2

Grand central terminal.

Located in Midtown Manhattan, the famous Grand Central Terminal is one of the largest train stations in the world. Also ranked as one of the ten most visited tourist attractions in the world, it is definitely very grand!

As well as the stunning architecture, make sure you don’t miss the famous installations. Including, the Information Booth Clock, the Whispering Gallery, the Tiffany glass clock and the celestial ceiling of the main concourse.

Additionally, Grand Central Terminal is also known as a destination for shopping and eating. Having 60 various shops, including the Apple store and Banana Republic and plenty of eateries.

Moreover, Vanderbilt Hall (originally the main waiting room) with its spectacular 48 foot ceilings and gold chandeliers is now used for public and private events.

Did you know there is a hidden tennis court inside Grand Central? Or that its ceiling is backward?

Explore this iconic NYC building with a local guide and discover its many secrets on The Secrets of Grand Central Terminal tour.

Hailed as one of America’s greatest architectural achievements this building is stunning and worth putting into your 5 days in New York itinerary.

Grand Central Terminal New York Things To Do In New York

Madame Tussauds

Located in Times Square, Madame Tussauds New York is a world famous waxworks museum and popular tourist attraction.

Voted as one of New York’s most unique attractions, Madame Tussauds is home to more than 220 life-like wax figures.

Experience a moment with some of the world’s most famous musicians, sports legends, world leaders and icons.

A great way for you to get up close and personal with some of your favourite celebrities.

Some of the characters you have the opportunity to meet and take pictures with include Marilyn Monroe and Brad Pitt. Not forgetting the Beatles, Einstein, Picasso, Donald Trump, Abraham Lincoln and many, many more.

With over 85,000 square feet of interactive entertainment, covering 5 floors, there is definitely something here for everybody to enjoy.

You can book your  Madame Tussauds Entry Tickets  in advance online.

Opening times at Madame Tussauds New York can vary throughout the year, so it’s best to check the website before you visit.

ET Madame Tussauds In New York

SUMMIT One Vanderbilt

Sitting atop one of the tallest skyscrapers in Manhattan and covering 3 levels, SUMMIT One Vanderbilt is an immersive, multi-sensory viewing experience. 

From a room with mirrored ceilings, walls and floors, to floating balls, this unusual viewpoint in New York is fascinating.

Additional experiences include Levitation, transparent glass-enclosed skyboxes that extend out over 1,000 ft above Madison Avenue.

As well as Ascent, a sensory defying, all-glass elevator reaching SUMMIT’s highest elevation (1,210 ft) above Midtown.

As with everything in New York, we recommend booking your  SUMMIT One Vanderbilt Experience Ticket  in advance.

SUMMIT One Vanderbilt opening hours vary from week to week and during different seasons. It’s therefore always best to visit the official website to check before you visit.

With three floors of experiences and the stunning views across New York city, a visit to SUMMIT One Vanderbilt is well worth including in your 5 days in New York itinerary.

SUMMIT One Vanderbilt New York

Central Park

This famous park is one of New York’s star attractions and welcomes over 42 million visitors each year.

Spanning a massive 843 acres between West and East of Manhattan, its the most frequented urban park in America. 

Home to gardens, forests, lakes, historical sites, statues, fountains, bridges, performance facilities and much more, Central Park has it all. Not forgetting the famous Central Park Zoo and Wildlife Centre.

It’s impossible to see everything the park has to offer in one day. However, some of the top spots are Belvadere castle, Conservatory Water, Bethesda Fountain, Literary Walk and of course the Zoo.

There are many activities on offer in the park including bike tours and walking tours and horse and carriage rides.

You can even book onto a Highlights of Central Park Bike Tour if you wish!

There are also plenty of places to grab some refreshments, from large restaurants to smaller cafes and food stalls.

Visiting this urban oasis in the midst of one of the busiest cities in the world is definitely enjoyable and really should be part of your 5 days in New York itinerary.

Central Park New York Things To Do In New York

Broadway Show

There are more than 40 Broadway theatres currently operating in New York City. With an amazing variety of shows, you are sure to find something you would like to see.

From Hamilton to Harry Potter, and Moulin Rouge to Macbeth the different genres and choice of shows is vast.

We opted to see the fabulous Lion King, at the Minskoff Theatre, in the heart of Times Square.

We recommend booking NYC: The Lion King Broadway Tickets as far in advance as possible as shows do sell out!

You can also check out the rest of the Broadway Shows available.

Just being inside the theatre itself was an amazing experience. We loved the gold-leaf sculpted tableaus on the interior walls, showcasing the theatre’s panoramic views of Broadway.

Seeing a Broadway show has to be up there on your list of things to do in New York.

Lion King Broadway New York Things To Do In New York

Times Square

Formed at the junction of Broadway, Seventh Avenue and 42nd Street, Times Square is an entertainment centre and commercial area.

Visited by approximately 50 million visitors every year, Times Square is one of the world’s most visited tourist attractions.

Surrounded by Broadway theatres, restaurant and shops and lit by digital, flashing billboard displays, this area constantly buzzes with activity.

It’s a great place to people watch or be entertained by the many street performers.

It’s also one of the most Instagrammable places in New York !

So if you love bright lights, high energy, hustle and bustle and mixing with diverse people, then this is for you.

There are so many different things to do in Times Square that I’ll leave you to look through the Times Square Tours .

An iconic New York attraction, not to be missed, especially at night time.

Times Square New York Things To Do In New York

New York Itinerary Day 3

The iconic Empire State Building is a 102 storey skyscraper located in Midtown Manhattan. Probably most famous for featuring in the 1933 movie ‘King Kong’.

Inside the Empire State Building you will find shops and cafes/restaurants on the ground floor. As well as the observation decks you can visit on the 80th, 86th and 102nd floors.

You will find lots of fascinating films, exhibits, displays and interactive experiences as you move around the building.

Again, we recommend booking your  Empire State Building General & Skip-the-Line Tickets  in advance.

The Empire State Building is open 365 days a year, with access to the observation deck open daily from 10am – 10pm.

Opening times vary from season to season and we would recommend checking the website when arranging your visit.

There is a gift shop for you to purchase memorabilia, including lots of King Kong merchandise of course!

With everything it has to offer, topped off with the observation decks, a trip to the iconic Empire State Building is a must!

Empire State Building New York

Helicopter Tour

For a totally different perspective of the ‘Big Apple’, why not try taking to the skies in a helicopter. From here you will get a birds-eye view of New York City’s breathtaking skyline. 

There are various tours to choose from, with most rides lasting 15 minutes, 20 minutes or 30 minutes.

You can check out the New York City: Manhattan Helicopter Tour or New York City: Manhattan Island Helicopter Tour for prices and booking info.

Some of the iconic sights you can see are the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, and most of Lower Manhattan.

All the flights usually follow the same route but you get to go a little further the longer the flight. The 30 minute flight will take you as far as the Yankee Stadium and George Washington Bridge in the Bronx.

With a live, on-board commentary, you are certain not to miss any of the famous New York City sights.

So don’t forget your camera because you will get some amazing and unique photo opportunities during the tour.

Flynyon NYC Helicopter Things To Do In New York

Basketball Game

Native New Yorkers are notoriously proud of their two National Basketball Association teams. The New York Knickerbockers (known as the New York Knicks) in Manhattan and the Brooklyn Nets In Brooklyn. 

With the basketball season running between October and April, we were lucky to be able to see a Brooklyn Nets game during our visit.

The Nets were playing at their home arena, the Barclays Center, in Brooklyn. This multi purpose arena offers 17,732 seats for basketball so, with a capacity crowd, the atmosphere was electric.

You can’t take your own food/drink into the arena but there is food/drink available to purchase inside the arena.

Basketball is a classic American sport and you can’t beat the atmosphere at a live game. This is an experience not to be missed, even if you are not a great sports fan.

Brooklyn Nets Basketball Barclays Centre Things To Do In New York

New York Itinerary Day 4

Statue of liberty.

Located on Liberty Island in New York Harbour, the Statue of Liberty is only accessible via Statue Cruises ferries.

Getting close up to the Statue is amazing, you can really appreciate its size and the actual sculpture itself.

As with everything in New York, we recommend booking your  Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island Tickets  in advance.

Tickets include round-trip ferry transportation, access to the Statue of Liberty Museum and the Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration, and audio tours on each island.  

The Statue of Liberty is open between 9.30am and 4.30pm seven days a week all year round. The exception being certain holidays.

For updates on opening times we recommend you visit the National Park Service website before your visit.

If going up to the pedestal of the statue, you have nearly 200 steps to climb. However, the views of Manhattan, once up there, are definitely worth the climb.

Access to the crown on the Statue of Liberty is limited, due to safety and accessibility requirements. It was not open on the day we visited but is apparently worth the 315 steps when it is open.

The Statue of Liberty is one of the most famous and instantly recognisable symbols of the United States of America and has to be part of your 5 days in New York itinerary.

Statue of Liberty New York

One World Observatory

One World Observatory is an observation deck at the top of the One World Trade Center.

This is the tallest building in New York City and the Western Hemisphere.

The deck is completely enclosed in glass, so you have stunning 360 degree views across the city. Including views of the Hudson River, Brooklyn Bridge, the Statue of Liberty, New York Harbour and all of Manhattan.

As with everything in New York, we recommend booking your  One World Observatory: Skip-the-Line Ticket  in advance.

One World Observatory is open 7 days a week from 10:00am to 7:00pm, with extended hours in the holidays and summer season.

We recommend checking the website for times before you visit.

Whilst visiting the deck, you have the opportunity to stand on the Sky Portal. This is a 14ft wide circle of glass, where you can look down at the city 100 stories below!

One World Observatory is definitely worth a visit for the spectacular views. Also, the brilliant use of technology makes it a great immersive experience for all the family.

Apart from the spectacular views, how great to be able to say you have been to the highest point in New York City!

One World Observatory In New York

9/11 Memorial Pools

Located at the World Trade Center, the 9/11 Memorial Pools and Museum are a tribute of remembrance for the 2,977 people killed in the terror attacks on September 11th 2001.

As well as the 6 people killed in the World Trade Center bombing on February 26th 1993.

The pools outside are free to visit, however you’ll need a NYC: 9/11 Memorial & Museum Timed-Entry Ticket to enter the museum.

The Memorial’s twin reflecting pools are both just under an acre in size and feature the largest machine-made waterfalls in North America.

Furthermore, the names of all those who were killed are inscribed on plaques around the pools.

The 9/11 Memorial Museum tells the story of this tragic event through media, narratives, and a collection of impactful and authentic artifacts, giving visitors personal stories of loss, recovery, and hope.

Visiting this place of peace and tranquility was an unbelievably moving and humbling experience.

This is a beautiful tribute to those who lost their lives and it really is worth adding this to your 5 days in New York itinerary.

9/11 Memorial Museum New York Things To Do In New York

Brooklyn Bridge For Sunset

Spanning the East River, between the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn, the famous Brooklyn Bridge is a suspension bridge that is just over 1 mile/2 km long. 

The bridge supports six lanes of vehicles, including, since 2021, a dedicated cycle lane and a pedestrian pathway. (Only passenger vehicles and pedestrian/bicycle traffic are permitted across the bridge.)

One of the most popular ways to see the bridge is via the  NYC: 1-Hour Cruise Around Statue of Liberty & Ellis Island .

If you’re more of a adrenaline junky then the  New York City: Manhattan Helicopter Tour  is a huge bucket list tick!

From the skyline of Manhattan, with the distinctive Woolworth Building and One World Trade Center, to the sweeping views across Brooklyn Heights to Red Hook, there is plenty to see.

You should even be able to see the Statue of Liberty. She may be small but look below the tip of Manhattan and she will be there.

As well as the amazing scenery you also have the changing views of the iconic Brooklyn Bridge itself as you walk across it, with its sweeping cables and soaring suspension towers with Gothic arches.

The beautiful, scenic views from Brooklyn Bridge at sunset are stunning and watching this iconic city transform from day to night is spectacular.

New York City Skyline From Brooklyn Bridge

New York Itinerary Day 5

Washington square park.

Stretching out over nearly 10 acres in the heart of the Greenwich Village neighbourhood, Washington Square Park is an icon of New York City.

This park comprises of lots of landscaped green spaces with pretty gardens, play areas for children, a famous water fountain and is home to many different street performers.

Washington Square Park is well known as a vibrant meeting place for students, locals and tourists alike.

With its famous Chess Plaza and the stunning Washington Square Arch, there is definitely plenty to do and see here.

If you’d like to learn more about the history and discover where legendary artists, such as Jimi Hendrix and Bob Dylan hung out, check out the  New York City: Greenwich Village 2-Hour Tour .

Additionally there are many benches placed around the park for people to sit, relax and enjoy the atmosphere of this amazing space.

A great place to spend some time and soak up some New York vibes and highly recommended for your list of things to do in New York.

Washington Square Park New York

Friends Apartment Building

In the famous TV show, the Friends cast supposedly lived in New York’s Greenwich Village neighbourhood in downtown Manhattan.

All of the interior shots for the show were actually filmed in a studio. However, the exterior of the building that was seen in the show is a real location that you can view at 90 Bedford Street.

There are no signs telling you that you are in the right place (although lots of people taking photos is a bit of a giveaway) but if you are a fan, you will easily recognise the exterior of this iconic building. 

At the base of the building you will find a cafe, like in the show, but this one is called Little Owl not Central Perk!

A little disappointing for true Friends fans but this is still a really nice little neighbourhood cafe to grab a coffee.

For the hardcore Friends fans you’ll likely want to visit the New York City: The FRIENDS™ Experience .

Otherwise, this is definitely worth a visit for all passionate fans of Friends. If only to get a keepsake photo in front of this iconic building.

Friends Apartment Building New York

Chelsea Market

Chelsea Market is an iconic culinary destination in New York and is considered one of the greatest indoor food and retail marketplaces in the world.

With its stripped down brick architecture and beautiful decor, Chelsea Market has a unique vibe and energy that attracts over six million national and international visitors every year.

Home to over fifty, first class restaurants and food stalls, virtually all food preferences and desires are catered for.

Furthermore, after finding something delicious to eat, you can browse the locally made arts and crafts at Artists and Fleas in Chelsea Market.

If you’d like a more in depth tour of the market, the  New York High Line, Chelsea & Meatpacking District Tour  is the one to book.

We would definitely recommend visiting Chelsea Market, not only for the incredible selection of foods on offer but also to browse the stalls and soak up the amazing atmosphere of this incredible complex.

Chelsea Wine Vault Chelsea Market New York

Walk The High Line

Stretching for nearly a mile and a half, the High Line is a public park that has been created on a former elevated New York Central Railroad spur on the west side of Manhattan.

As you walk along the wooden pathway through the trees and planted areas, you get some amazing views across the city and some great photo opportunities.

The pathway is a mix of a shaded and unshaded areas with benches along the way, where you can stop and take a break and enjoy the art work as well as refreshments from the High Line food stalls.

The High Line is a beautiful, urban, oasis getaway where you can enjoy a peaceful stroll through the building tops.

We would highly recommend this unique experience as certainly needing to be included in your 5 days in New York itinerary.

The High Line New York

Forming an extraordinary spiral structure of connected staircases between buildings, Vessel is the stunning centrepiece of Hudson Yards.

Soaring 16 storeys high and designed to enable people to enjoy new perspectives of the city from different heights, angles and vantage points this structure is truly unique.

Unfortunately, Vessel has been closed to the public since January 2021 after several people used the structure to take their life. Access to the ground-level base is still open and free to the public.

Even without climbing the staircase, this unique structure is worth seeing as a stand alone, amazing piece of architecture.

It is hoped that Vessel will open again soon, once measures are in place that will reduce the risk of any further tragedies.

In the mean time there is the New York City: High Line & Hudson Yards Walking Tour available.

The Vessel Hudson Yards New York

Opened in March 2020, Edge is a triangular shaped, observation deck jutting out from the 100th floor of 30 Hudson Yards, a super tall skyscraper in the west side area of Manhattan.

As well as a glass floor, the Edge also has glass panel sides that lean away from the suspended deck making it feel like you are floating in the sky.

Standing on this observation deck, you will have amazing, 360 degree views across New York City, from the tip of Central Park to the Statue of Liberty and beyond, making for some awesome photos.

Furthermore, if you are brave enough to look down, you will have thrilling, uninterrupted views straight down to the busy streets of New York City, 100 floors below you!

As with everything in New York, we recommend booking your  Edge Observation Deck Admission Ticket  in advance.

The Edge is open every day from 8am – midnight.

The Edge NYC Viewpoint New York

Rooftop Bar

With literally hundreds of really great rooftop bars in Manhattan you are spoilt for choice. We visited Bar 54 in Times Square.

Located on the 54th floor at the Hyatt Centric Times Square, Bar 54 is one of the highest in New York City and offers stunning views of Times Square and the whole of Lower Manhattan.

As well as the amazing views, Bar 54 has an extensive drinks menu including a collection of really delicious sounding cocktails, wines, beers, spirits and some light food snacks.

With its intimate indoor area and larger outside terrace, Bar 54 has a really nice relaxed vibe and although not cheap, is well worth a visit.

Definitely a lovely spot to your finish your 5 days in New York itinerary.

Bar 54 New York Rooftop Bar Things To Do In New York

Where To Stay In New York

The Ritz-Carlton New York, Central Park

This Manhattan hotel in Midtown overlooks Central Park and is within walking distance of Fifth Avenue and Rockefeller Center.

Free cable and a bathrobe are provided in every room at the New York Central Park Ritz-Carlton. All rooms are elegant, with wood furniture and light colors. Many rooms also include a city or park view.

La Prairie Spa at the Ritz-Carlton New York Central Park offers massage and facial services, as well as a sauna. Guests can also work out in the state-of-the-art fitness center.

The 57th street subway station is just 2 blocks away, providing easy access to the city. Radio City Music Hall and the Broadway Theatre District are also both within 1 mile of the hotel.

citizenM New York Times Square

Located right in the heart of Manhattan, this hotel is just 1 minute’s walk from Times Square. It’s also within 5 minutes’ walk of Central Park and Columbus Circle.

A flat-screen TV and a small refrigerator with free water are available in citizenM’s rooms. Bathrooms include Hansgrohe rain showers and oversized bathroom amenities. 

With the room iPad, all guests can control room lights, black-out blinds, curtains and temperature. As well as TV and radio channels. 

Free high-speed Wi-Fi and express check in are on offer at citizenM New York Times Square.

Three outdoor terraces are provided at the New York Times Square citizenM. They feature a state-of-the-art fitness centre with yoga facilities. 

After working out, guests can relax with drinks and sweeping views of the city on the exclusive rooftop bar.

Central Park West Hostel

Located in New York City’s Upper West Side, this hostel is a block from the 86th street underground station and 2 blocks from Central Park. It offers Wi-Fi and staff-organized events.

A shared kitchen, café area, and spacious lounge with a flat-screen TV are part of the facilities at the FIT Hotel. Lockers are also provided in the dormitory rooms and luggage storage is available.

The front desk of this New York City hostel is open 24 hours a day. It features daily housekeeping and free linens.

Times Square is only 10 minutes via underground journey.

For more places to stay in New York, you can check the latest prices on  Booking.c om .

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The Perfect 5 Days In New York Itinerary


Cosa vedere a New York in 5 giorni: itinerario dettagliato e consigli

“ New York è la più grande collezione di villaggi nel mondo ” scriveva qualcuno, ed è proprio in questo che risiede la sua grande bellezza. Un viaggio a New York è un viaggio intorno al mondo, qui si parlano centinaia di lingue e di dialetti, si mangiano cibi di ogni angolo del globo e qui tutti riescono a sentirsi a casa. New York è una contraddizione vivente, da un lato si innalzano grattacieli sempre più alti e dall’altro si recuperano tante zone dismesse al servizio della comunità, da una parte è la città che detiene il record delle persone più stressate del mondo, e dall’altra quella dove non esiste il body shaming. A New York tutti si sentono liberi di andare in giro come vogliono perchè è di gran lunga la città più aperta al nuovo e al diverso del pianeta. Ma non voglio ammorbarvi ancora con il mio amore infinito per questa città quindi, dopo avervi dato tutti i miei consigli utili per organizzare un viaggio a New York, qui vi suggerisco cosa vedere a New York in 5 giorni . Cinque giorni secondo me sono il numero giusto per potere vedere i must, ma anche spingersi leggermente più fuori, a Brooklyn e Coney Island.  Se invece ne aveste ancora di più, trovate tanti consigli nell’articolo su cosa vedere a New York in 10 giorni.

In questo articolo:

New York City Pass e Go City Explorer Pass

New york: cosa vedere in 5 giorni, grand central terminal, new york public library, bryant park, st. patrick cathedral e la fifth avenue , rockefeller center e top of the rock, central park, guggenheim museum, broadway e times square , la statua della libertà ed ellis island , wall street , memoriale 11/9, one world trade center, ponte di brooklyn, dumbo e il brooklyn bridge park, museum at eldridge street, chinatown e little italy, washington square e il greenwich village, empire state building, met: metropolitan museum of art, summit one vanderblit, chelsea e la high line, the vessel e the edge, museo di storia naturale o moma, bushwick , coney island, faqs su new york.

mappa Manhattan

Prima di parlarvi dell’itinerario nel dettaglio, vi consiglio caldamente di valutare l’acquisto di una di queste due card che vi consentono di risparmiare non poco sulle attrazioni (carissime) della città. In base ai vostri interessi vi può convenire acquistare più la New York City Pass o la Go City Explorer Pass . In entrambi i casi potete prenotare i vari ingressi tramite delle app dedicate, oppure presentarvi direttamente sul posto e mostrare il QR Code del vostro Pass. Considerato l’affollamento della maggior parte dei posti a New York, vi consiglio caldamente di prenotare prima per non avere brutte sorprese. Per fare la scelta sull’uno o sull’altro pass dovrete considerare questi informazioni:

New York City Pass : vale 9 giorni dal primo utilizzo, costa 135 euro e da diritto all’ingresso di queste 5 attrazioni (in 3 casi a scelta). Il risparmio totale è di circa il 40% rispetto a quello che spendereste acquistando i biglietti singoli.

  • American Museum of Natural History
  • Top of the Rock o Guggenheim Museum
  • Traghetto + accesso alla Statua della Libertà ed Ellis Island o Crociera turistica 
  • Museo e Memoriale dell’11/9 o Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum

ACQUISTA QUI il New York City Pass

Go City Explorer Pass : è modulabile in base al numero di attrazioni che vi interessano. Potete scegliere un pass da 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 o 10 attrazioni e tour. Il prezzo va da 78 euro (per 2 attrazioni), fino a 268 euro per 10 attrazioni. Le attrazioni e i tour tra cui scegliere sono più di 90 (c’è praticamente tutto). Il risparmio chiaramente aumenta con l’aumentare del numero di attrazioni fino a raggiungere il 50% di sconto.

ACQUISTA QUI il Go City Explorer Pass da 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 o 10 attrazioni

Summit One Vanderblit New York

Giorno 1: da Grand Central Terminal fino al Central Park

Iniziamo i nostri 5 giorni a New York partendo dalla Grand Central Terminal , che si raggiunge facilmente con la metro da ogni angolo della città. Parliamo della stazione più grande del mondo (ha 67 binari e quasi un milione di passeggeri al giorno), celebrata in tantissimi film come Carlito’s Way, Intrigo Internazionale e molti altri. Costruita dalla famiglia Vanderblit nel 1913 e restaurata più volte, la Grand Central Station riporta indietro nel tempo, nell’epoca di Fizgerald e di Capote. Semplicemente magnifico il suo atrio principale! Se amate le ostriche (e avete budget) vale la pena tornarci per pranzo o per cena per mangiare nel The Oyster Bar che si trova all’interno. 

Piccola chicca : camminate per 3 blocchi sulla 42a Est fino al Tudor City Bridge . Da lì avrete una bellissima vista sulla strada, sul Chrysler Building e sul nuovissimo Summit One Vanderblit. 

A soli due blocchi di distanza, sempre sulla 42a c’è un altro edificio pubblico tra i più amati di New York: la New York Public Library , ovvero al biblioteca pubblica. Progettata in stile Art Nouveau da due giovanissimi architetti (sconosciuti prima di allora), venne inaugurata nel 1911 ed ospita, oltre alle sale di lettura, anche diverse mostre pubbliche. Si può entrare liberamente in buona parte delle sale, ma se conoscete l’inglese vi consiglio di partecipare ad una delle due visite guidate (gratuite) di 1h che fanno ogni giorno alle 11 e alle 14. Vi racconteranno la storia e tanti aneddoti interessanti sulla biblioteca, oltre ad accedere ad alcune aree altrimenti chiuse (come la spettacolare Rose Main Reading Room ). Potete prenotare la visita guidata tramite questo sito (le iscrizioni aprono 1 settimana prima per la seguente). 

Trovi i consigli pratici su come organizzare il viaggio nell’articolo Viaggio a New York: consigli utili per organizzarlo

Grand Central Terminal - New York

La biblioteca pubblica di New York si trova all’interno del Bryan Park , una vera e propria area di pace e tranquillità in una zona altrimenti molto caotica della città. D’inverno montano una pista di pattinaggio mentre d’estate vengono proiettati film e si può partecipare ad eventi gratuiti di danza e teatro. Il parco è pieno di tavolini dove ci si può rilassare liberamente, prendendo o meno qualcosa da mangiare nei diversi chioschi che ci sono. Una piccola curiosità: sotto al Bryan Park si trovano tutti i magazzini a temperatura controllata della New York Public Library, con più di 1 milione di volumi. 

Bryant Park - New York

Imboccate ora la 5th Avenue , la strada più famosa di New York dove si affacciano alcuni dei negozi più iconici della città come Tiffany o Saks Fifth Avenue . Sin dai primi anni del ‘900 la Fifth Avenue è sinonimo di articoli di lusso, ma negli anni ai brand di gioielli o di abbigliamento si sono poi affiancati Apple, Victoria Secret e altri negozi che richiamano una clientela più ampia. All’incrocio tra la Fifth Avenue e la 51a si trova anche la Cattedrale di New York, ovvero St. Patrick Cathedral . Questa cattedrale gotica è tra le più grandi cattedrali cattoliche d’America e può ospitare ben 2500 fedeli. 

Potrebbe interessarti: Dove mangiare a New York: ristoranti, diners, bakery

St. Patrick Cathedral

Continuiamo l’itinerario del nostro primo di 5 giorni a New York attraversando semplicemente la strada: davanti alla St. Patrick Cathedral vi troverete davanti un altro luogo famosissimo della città. D’inverno vengono montati proprio qui, al Rockfeller Center la pista di pattinaggio e il grande albero di Natale che avrete sicuramente visto in 1000 film. Il Rockefeller Center è un magnifico complesso di edifici Art Dèco che include, tra gli altri, il Radio City Hall, la sede della rete televisiva NBC e il Top of The Rock , una delle terrazze panoramiche più belle di New York. Prenota il tuo biglietto al miglior prezzo su .

Consigli per il pranzo :  Junior’s Restaurant and Bakery (classico diner americano) o Shake Shack (gli hamburger più buoni di New York)

Dopo averlo visto dall’alto del Top of The Rock, ora è il momento di esplorare a piedi il polmone verde della città: il Central Park . Pochi sanno che questo immenso parco pubblico fu costruito e progettato a tavolino in un’area originariamente occupata da cave, paludi, allevamenti e baracche abusive. Un progetto monumentale che venne inaugurato nel 1876 e che oggi rappresenta una valvola di sfogo per newyorkesi e non. Al suo interno ci sono laghi, colline, teatri, piste ciclabili, piste di pattinaggio, prati e chi più ne ha più ne metta! Tra i luoghi più iconici, che sicuramente riconoscerete, ci sono la Bethesda Terrace con il lago davanti, lo Strawberry Fields Memorial con il mosaico in onore di John Lennon, la statua del cane Balto e il Delacorte Theatre , dove mettono in scena gli spettacoli di Shakespeare. 

Acquista qui i biglietti con ACCESSO PRIORITARIO per le terrazze panoramiche più belle di New York:

  • Biglietto per il SUMMIT ONE Vanderblit
  • Biglietto per la terrazza panoramica The Edge
  • Biglietto per l’Empire State Building
  • Biglietto per l’osservatorio Top of the Rock (Rockfeller Center)
  • biglietto per l’Osservatorio della Freedom Tower (il grattacielo più alto d’America)

Top of the Rock - New York

Con una camminata lunga, ma piacevole, nel parco, potete raggiungere il Guggenheim Museum che si affaccia sulla Fifth Avenue all’altezza della 88a strada. La sua sagoma a spirale, progettata da Frank Lloyd Wright ,  è inconfondibile. Il museo prende il nome del suo fondatore, il magnate Guggenheim, e ospita una delle più belle collezioni d’arte moderna e contemporanea al mondo con opere di Picasso, Pollock, Degas, Cezanne, Van Gogh e tanti altri. Oltre alla collezione permanente ci sono sempre anche delle esposizioni temporanee. Anche questo museo è incluso nel New York City Pass e nel Go City Explorer Pass .  

Dopo aver iniziato la scoperta di New York col botto, potete chiuderla ancora meglio andando a vedere uno spettacolo/musical a Broadway (vedi box qui sotto – i biglietti sono da acquistare prima ovviamente). Molti dei teatri originali non ci sono più, ma ne rimangono 25 che sono dei veri e propri simboli della città; il più antico è il Lyceum che resiste dal 1903 . In base allo spettacolo che avrete scelto, dal Guggenheim dovete tornare (con la metro) in zona Times Square (nella fermata omonima si arriva con tantissime linee) e i teatri sono tutti li vicino. Prima o dopo lo spettacolo buttate un occhio anche alla famosa piazza di Times Square , tutta illuminata. Questa, a parer mio, non è una bella zona di New York; è sicuramente la più turistica, ma è diventata davvero trash e poco autentica. 

Consigli per la cena: Ellen’s Stardust Diner (classico diner dove i camerieri sono aspiranti cantanti di Broadway e si esibiscono durante la cena)

Acquista qui i biglietti per uno spettacolo di Broadway:

  • Biglietti per il musical Il Re Leone
  • Biglietti per il musical Chicago
  • Biglietti per il musical Moulin-Rouge
  • Biglietti per il musical di Aladin

Guggenheim Museum

Giorno 2: Statua della Libertà, Memoriale 11/9 e ponte di Brooklyn

Il secondo dei 5 giorni di visita a New York inizia dal suo simbolo per eccellenza, ovvero la Statua della Libertà . Per raggiungere Liberty Island , l’isoletta su cui si trova, dovrete prendere il traghetto da Battery Park della Statue Cruises (partono ogni 20-30’ circa e sono inclusi nei 2 City Pass ). Dall’isola, oltre a vedere la statua da vicino (che fa abbastanza impressione, devo ammettere), si ha anche una bellissima vista di Downtown Manhattan. Da lì, riprendendo il traghetto, si va poi ad Ellis Island , l’isola che rappresentava la porta d’accesso per l’America dei migranti che arrivavano da tutto il mondo. Oggi ospita un bellissimo e toccante museo che rende omaggio alla più grande ondata migratoria della storia, con documenti, audio e fotografie (incluso nel biglietto). Nel museo spiegano molto bene tutte le tappe che doveva seguire un migrante non appena arrivava. Tra la Statua della Libertà ed  Ellis Island calcolate circa 3-4 ore (inclusi i tempi morti di attesa del traghetto). 

Potrebbe interessarti: Tour della Statua della Libertà e di Ellis Island con la guida

Dopo essere tornati con il traghetto a Battery Park, in pochi minuti raggiungerete Wall Street e il Financial District. L’edificio più emblematico e famoso è sicuramente quello della New York Stock Exchange (la borsa), fondata nel 1817 e punto di riferimento dell’economia mondiale. Dal 2019 proprio davanti c’è la scultura chiamata Fearless Girl (ragazza senza paura). I palazzi circostanti costituiscono il cuore del distretto finanziario di New York e tra questi c’è la famosissima Federal Reserve , la “banca per le banche” che emette la valuta statunitense. All’interno di questo palazzo neo-rinascimentale è custodito il 10% delle riserve auree mondiali, ben 7700 tonnellate d’oro! È possibile partecipare ad una visita guidata di 45’ (gratuita) prenotabile almeno una settimana prima tramite questo sito .

Consigli per il pranzo: Los Tacos (cucina messicana- i tacos più buoni in città)

Museo ad Ellis Island

Lì vicino c’è poi il Memoriale e il Museo dell’11/9 , una cosa assolutamente da vedere a New York. Il memoriale è costituito da due immense vasche commemorative in marmo grigio che rappresentano i due punti in cui erano le torri. Sul bordo delle vasche ci sono tutti i nomi delle vittime e intorno un giardino con 400 querce bianche. Tra gli alberi potrete riconoscere un pero chiamato “l’albero dei sopravvissuti”, l’unico scampato agli attacchi e sopravvissuto dopo l’11 settembre 2001. Accanto alle vasche c’è l’ingresso del Museo dell’11/09 , un museo sotterraneo costruito intorno alle fondamenta delle vecchie torri gemelle. Il museo è un’esperienza decisamente forte ed immersiva, con video, audio e foto dell’epoca, ed è uno dei più visitati di New York. C’è sempre tanta fila per entrare, ma potrete saltarla acquistando il biglietto prima (vedi box qui sotto) o utilizzando il New York City Pass o il Go City Explorer Pass che lo includono. 

Compra QUI il biglietto d’ingresso per il Museo e Memoriale dell’11 settembre  

Accanto al Memoriale vedrete il complesso del One World Trade Center, sorto sulle ceneri del World Trade Center, dove svetta la “ Freedom tower” (541 mt), il grattacielo più alto d’America . L’osservatorio che si trova all’ultimo piano è il più alto di New York e da qui potrete ammirare sia Manhattan che Staten Island. Per raggiungerlo ci sono degli ascensori velocissimi che impiegano meno di un minuto per arrivare lassù. Fa parte del complesso anche l’ Oculus , progettato da Calatrava e inaugurato nel 2016.  È un terminal della metropolitana con un grande centro commerciale all’interno. 

Compra QUI il biglietto per l’Osservatorio della Freedom Tower

Memoriale dell'11/9 - New York

In 10’ di cammino dall’Oculus arriverete all’inizio del ponte più famoso di New York, forse anche del mondo,il ponte di Brooklyn . Questo simbolo cittadino venne inaugurato del 1883 ed è stato per almeno 20 anni il ponte sospeso più lungo del mondo ed il primo costruito in acciaio. È lungo poco meno di 2 chilometri ed è molto bello percorrerlo tutto a piedi perchè offre dei bellissimi scorci sia su Brooklyn che su Lower Manhattan. Oggi il ponte ha 6 corsie, 3 per ogni direzione e le due corsie centrali sono per i ciclisti e per i pedoni. Nei vari punti panoramici che incontrerete ci sono delle targhe che raccontano le varie tappe della costruzione. 

Quando sarete arrivati dall’altra parte del ponte probabilmente inizierete a sentire tutta  la stanchezza di questo secondo giorno a New York. Per arrivare fin qui avrete già camminato parecchio ma vi consiglio di fare un ultimo piccolo sforzo per andare a vedere il famoso scorcio della locandina del film “C’era una volta in America” . Si trova in questo punto di DUMBO (che sta per Down Under the Manhattan Bridge), un’area di vecchie fabbriche in mattoni rossi oggi totalmente riconvertita e occupata da gallerie d’arte, ristoranti, hotel e condomini di lusso. Il lungomare da questo lato di Brooklyn è molto carino, ci sono dei giardini e una spiaggetta da cui avrete le viste migliori sul ponte e sulla punta di Manhattan più belle in assoluto. Fermatevi a vedere il tramonto dalle panchine del Brooklyn Bridge Park o salite sulla terrazza del Time Out Market (l’ultimo piano è occupato dalla Soho House), o su quella dell’ 1 Hotel Brooklyn Bridge . 

Consigli per cena: Luke’s Lobster Brooklyn Bridge (il panino con l’aragosta più famoso e più buono, almeno dicono, della città),  o Time Out Market (ci sono tanti ristoranti diversi)

ponte di Brooklyn

Giorno 3: lower Manhattan, Soho e il Village

Il terzo giorno a New York inizia nel Lower East Side, in particolare dal Museum at Eldridge Street . Oltre ad essere un museo, qui si trova una delle sinagoghe più belle che abbia mai visto (insieme a quelle di Budapest ). Venne costruita alla fine dell’800 e fu la prima sinagoga eretta dagli ebrei immigrati dall’Europa orientale negli Stati Uniti. Qui è possibile ripercorrere la storia ebraica del Lower East Side, dal periodo di massimo utilizzo del tempio (primi anni del ‘900), fino all’abbandono negli anni ‘60-’70 (quando gli ebrei si spostarono in altre zone della città). Dopo un restauro lunghissimo (20 anni!), la sinagoga ha riaperto nel 2007 e oggi è possibile visitarla pagando un biglietto di 15 dollari (è chiusa solo il sabato). In alcuni momenti della giornata ci sono anche delle visite guidate gratuite. È magnifica, davvero. 

Piccola chicca : se avete voglia, prima di raggiungere Chinatown, potete fare una piccola deviazione e raggiungere il Pier 35 per avere una bella vista sul fiume e su Brooklyn. Qui sono state installate delle altalene giganti (molto instagrammabili). 

Museum at Eldridge Street

Come ogni metropoli del mondo che si rispetti, anche New York ha la sua Chinatown , il quartiere etnico più grande e colorato di Manhattan. Il quartiere cinese di New York si sviluppa nelle strade intorno a Canal Street e sta inglobando quasi completamente anche la vicina Little Italy (che non ha più nulla di autentico ed è ormai relegata a Mulberry Street ). Chinatown è un quartiere super vivace, pieno di bancarelle, di mercati, bar e di ristoranti cinesi (ottimi!). Un angolino molto carino è a Doyers Street ,  un vicolo interamente pedonale, dove si può mangiare sui tavolini in strada e dove la sera aprono due speakeasy (bar segreti) molto conosciuti tra i local dove si beve molto bene: il Peachy’s e l’ Apotheke . Io ve l’ho detto, ora l’ingresso trovatelo da soli però. 

Consigli per il pranzo: Dim Sum Go Go ( ristorante cinese con dei ravioli stratosferici- ci sono tornata  per ben due volte in una settimana!)

Da Chinatown raggiungete ora Soho (acronimo di South of Houston), un ex quartiere industriale divenuto un polo artistico e commerciale, con ottimi bar e ristoranti. Soho è famoso per l’ architettura in ghisa dei suoi palazzi, uno stile che si è imposto negli ultimi 30 anni dell’800 fino all’inizio del ‘900. Il fulcro del quartiere, dove potete vedere molti esempi di questo stile, è Greene Street , strada in cui si trovano 50 edifici in ghisa costruiti tra il 1869 e 1895. A Soho inoltre troverete i negozi più alla moda di Manhattan e moltissimi ristoranti “famosi” come Balthazar (un bistrot francese) o La Esquina (ristorante/speakeasy messicano). 

Chinatown - New York

Se mi chiedeste qual è la zona di New York che amo di più e in cui, idealmente, mi piacerebbe vivere, vi risponderei senz’altro il “Village” (come viene chiamato il Greenwich Village). Parliamo del quartiere più liberale di New York, quello dove nacquero la Beat Generation e i movimenti per i diritti LGBT+ (a Stonewall). Fulcro del quartiere è Washington Square Park con il famoso arco di trionfo che celebra il centenario dell’elezione di George Washington, ma girando per il parco troverete anche una scultura del nostro Garibaldi. Tutto intorno ci sono delle magnifiche case in mattoncini rossi con piccole boutique, locali, ristoranti e bar. Al 66 di Perry Street c’è la casa di Carrie Bradshaw di Sex and The City ed era ambientata qui anche la serie Friends . Per merenda dovete assolutamente assaggiare una cupcake o una Black Velvet da Magnolia Bakery . 

Piccola chicca: nel secondo piano del Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center potete ammirare gratuitamente una delle ultime opere di Keith Haring, “Once upon a time”. Il murales copre interamente la parete del vecchio bagno degli uomini.  

Potrebbero interessarti questi tour per visitare le location dei film/serie TV:

  • Tour delle location di Sex & The City
  • Tour in bus delle location dei film a New York
  • Biglietto d’ingresso per The FRIENDS™ Experience
  • Tour delle location dei film a Central Park
  • Tour delle location di Gossip Girl

Casa di Carrie Breadshaw

Dopo una buona cena in un ristorante del Village (vedi box qui sotto),  potete chiudere questa terza giornata di visita di New York con la vista superba della città dalle terrazze dell’ Empire State Building ( inclusa nel New York City Pass e nel Go City Explorer Pass ). L’Empire è uno dei simboli di New York, un grattacielo art decò alto 443 metri che fu il più alto del mondo dal 1931 fino al 1967. L’Empire si vede in tantissimi film come King Kong, Insonnia d’Amore, Qualcosa da ricordare e molti altri e dalle sue terrazze panoramiche Manhattan sembra piccolissima. Gli osservatori sono due, uno all’86° piano e un altro, inaugurato nel 2019, al 102°. Quest’ultimo è il terzo belvedere per altezza di New York, superato solo dall’osservatorio del World Trade Center e da quello del Summit One; l’Empire è anche l’unico grattacielo con belvedere aperto fino a mezzanotte .

Consigli per la cena : Quality Eats o 4 Charles Prime Rib , entrambi specializzati nella carne, buonissimi. Il 4 Charles è anche un ristorante di grande atmosfera, perfetto per una cena speciale.  

Compra QUI il biglietto prioritario per l’Empire State Building

tour 5 giorni new york

Giorno 4: il MET, Chelsea e il tramonto dal The Edge

Dopo una giornata trascorsa in giro per l’Upper West Side, la mattinata di oggi sarà dedicata interamente ad un museo, quello da vedere assolutamente a New York senza se e senza ma: il Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET) . Il museo più prestigioso della città si trova a metà del Central Park, nell’Upper East Side, e ospita una delle maggiori collezioni d’arte del mondo , con opere che vanno dall’antichità fino all’era moderna. La sezione che preferisco, e in cui torno tutte le volte che sono in città, è quella sull’ arte egizia che culmina in una sala immensa occupata dal magnifico Tempio di Dendur , un tempio dedicato alla dea Iside, con le grandi vetrate della sala danno sul verde del Central Park. Ma al MET le cose belle da vedere sono veramente tantissime e dovrete selezionare le sezioni da vedere in base ai vostri interessi. Da non perdere anche la terrazza del bar all’ultimo piano, con una vista pazzesca sul parco. 

Consigli per il pranzo : JC Melon (considerati da molti gli hamburger più buoni in città) – Levain Bakery (se amate i cookies non potete non venirci, sono una droga vera)

Riprendete la metro fino alla Grand Central Terminal per raggiungere l’ultimo grattacielo con terrazze panoramiche aperto a New York: il Summit One Vanderblit .  Questo grattacielo, che è il 4° più alto di New York, è stato completato nell’autunno del 2020 e nell’ottobre 2021 è stato inaugurato il Summit, il nuovo osservatorio panoramico . Oltre ad essere un belvedere il Summit è una vera e propria esperienza, con delle sale con specchi e vetri trasparenti, una terrazza all’aperto e altre sale con delle sfere argentate perfette per fare foto e video. La vista che si gode da qui comunque è strepitosa! Il Chrysler Building è lì attaccato, ma potrete vedere praticamente tutta Manhattan, Brooklyn e il New Jersey. Al momento il Summit One non è incluso in nessuno dei City Pass di New York e vi consiglio di comprare il biglietto on-line con anticipo per evitare code. 

Compra QUI il tuo biglietto per il Summit One Vanderblit

MET - New York

Riprendete ancora la metro (oggi farete fruttare la vostra Metro Card ) e raggiungete la 14th West per esplorare il quartiere di Chelsea . Questa zona, un tempo molto industriale, ha subito parecchie trasformazioni nell’arco del ‘900 ed ha continuato a farlo anche in questi ultimi anni. Il progetto di rinnovamento più ambizioso è senz’altro la High Line : quella che era una ferrovia sopraelevata per trasportare le merci è stata trasformata in un magnifico parco urbano lungo 2 chilometri e mezzo. L’inizio si trova circa in questo punto e potete percorrerla tutta fino a qui : lungo il percorso trovereteil com diverse opere d’arte e alcuni murales, ma, soprattutto, avrete delle viste stupende. Prima di salire sulla High Line non dimenticate di fare un salto nel nuovissimo parco sospeso sull’acqua (si chiama Little Island ) e al Chelsea Market , un mercato coperto con banchi alimentari, negozi e ristoranti. Chelsea è una zona molto gettonata anche per la nightlife: due locali molto belli che vi consiglio sono Le Bain e il Boom Boom Boom . 

Dopo aver percorso tutta la High Line a piedi arriverete al nuovo complesso di Hudson Yards , che si affaccia proprio sul fiume (l’Hudson appunto). Completato non più di 3 anni fa, questo progetto include anche l’edificio chiamato The Vessel , già diventato un’icona dell’architettura newyorkese. È costituito da un intreccio di scale (sono 154 rampe) che girano in tondo fino ad arrivare a dei belvederi. Si poteva salire gratuitamente fino a poco tempo fa ma, a causa di un certo numero di persone che hanno deciso di porre fine alla loro vita proprio qui, al momento è stato chiuso e potrete vederlo solo da sotto. Accanto c’è poi il grattacielo chiamato The Edge dove vi consiglio di salire poco prima del tramonto per godervelo da lì sopra. La sua terrazza panoramica al 101° è la più bella di New York per vedere il sole che scende sull’Hudson. Per evitare code, anche qui, vi consiglio di comprare prima il biglietto on-line per la fascia oraria del tramonto (che è la più gettonata). 

Consigli per la cena: Veselka (ottimo ristorante ucraino nell’East Village, almeno vedete anche questo quartiere molto animato la sera) o Ippudo (chi è stato in Giappone lo conoscerà- la migliore catena di ramen bar giapponese) 

Compra QUI il tuo biglietto per vedere il tramonto dal The Edge

High Line - New York

Giorno 5: Brooklyn e Coney Island

L’ultimo dei 5 giorni a New York vi propongo di dedicarlo alla visita di Brooklyn, ma se siete anche voi quel genere di viaggiatore che vuole fare più cose possibili, nella mattinata riuscite ad inserirci anche un museo. In base ai vostri interessi vi consiglio di andare o al Museo di Storia Naturale (quello dove hanno ambientato “Una notte al museo”) o al MOMA – Museum of Modern Art . Il primo, incluso nel New York City Pass , è uno dei musei di storia naturale più grandi e completi al mondo e include il Rose Center for Earth and Space con il Planetario. Magnifiche le sezioni dedicate ai minerali e alle pietre preziose, ma anche quelle dedicate alla preistoria. 

Il MOMA invece contiene una collezione importantissima di opere d’arte moderna che include dei quadri famosissimi come “La Danza” di Henri Matisse , le “Demoiselles d’Avignon” di Picasso , la “Notte Stellata” di Van Gogh e “House by the Railroad” di Hopper .  

Compra QUI il tuo biglietto salta fila per il MOMA- Museum of Modern Art   

Museo di Storia Naturale . New York

Dopo aver visitato uno dei due musei prendete la metro per raggiungere la fermata Montrose Avenue (ci arriva la linea L) a Brooklyn. Qui sarete nel cuore di Bushwick , il quartiere più alternativo di New York. Fino a non troppi anni fa era una zona abbastanza squallida, piena di fabbriche (soprattutto di alimenti e beverage), ma sta diventando sempre di più il quartiere degli artisti di ogni ambito o disciplina (arte, musica, ecc). Come noterete appena usciti dalla metro, le strade di Bushwick sono anche piene di street art (se vi interessa saperne di più vi consiglio questo Street Art Tour ) e recentemente è nato anche un collettivo, il Bushwick Collective (trovate i loro graffiti qui ). 

Se non siete particolarmente interessati alla street art e alla scena underground di New York, anzichè andare a Bushwick potete raggiungere la più famosa Coney Island (difficilmente riuscite a vedere entrambe perchè sono decisamente lontane da Manhattan e tra loro). Questa è la zona balneare di New York sin dalla fine dell’800 ed è qui che nel 1920 costruirono il grande parco divertimenti con le montagne russe e la ruota panoramica. Oltre al parco giochi qui si può passeggiare lungo il mare sulle passerelle in legno, fare il bagno (se ci venite in estate) e godere dell’aria vintage e retrò che emana. Per fare uno spuntino vi consiglio di optare per il famosissimo hot dog di Nathan’s .  

Potrebbero interessarti anche: New York: cosa vedere in 10 giorni (o più)

Bushwick - Brooklyn


Stanchi ma felici (almeno spero), potete trascorrere l’ultima sera in una delle zone più alla moda di New York, Williamsburg , che si trova sempre a Brooklyn nella zona nord-est. Le strade principali dove si susseguono locali, negozi e ristoranti sono Bedford Avenue e Berry Street (la fermata della metro più comoda è Bedford Av. ). Da poco tempo è stata riconvertita una parte di Williamsburg che si affaccia sul fiume Hudson (dagli stessi architetti che fecero la High Line) ed è diventata il Domino Park , uno parco pubblico che ha inglobato le strutture della vecchia raffineria di zucchero Domino. La vista su Manhattan e sul ponte di Williamsburg dal Domino Park è semplicemente pazzesca. Gli amanti dei rooftop (come la sottoscritta) non possono lasciarsi scappare un aperitivo al tramonto dalla terrazza dell’Hotel The William Vale .

Consigli per la cena: Gran Torino (ristorante con giardino di cucina internazionale e pizza) o Kellog’s Diner (classico diner da film, con piatti semplici e atmosfera genuina)

Williamsburg - Brooklyn

A New York ci sono tantissime terrazze panoramiche sui vari grattacieli di Manhattan (ma anche a Brooklyn), e anno dopo anno continuano ad aprirne di nuove. Le ultime arrivate sono le terrazze panoramiche del The Edge (a Chelsea) e il Summit One Vanderblit (vicino alla Central Station) e devo ammettere che sono entrambe molto belle. Per la sua storia, però, forse la terrazza panoramica che reputo più bella e affascinante è quella sull’ Empire State Building .

Ci vogliono un bel pò di soldi per andare a New York. Indicativamente potete calcolare tra i 150 e i 200 dollari al giorno (vitto, alloggio, ingressi, spostamenti, ecc).

A New York non c’è una vera e propria bassa stagione, quindi non c’è un mese più economico per andare. Di norma i prezzi delle camere d’hotel salgono in base alla richiesta e i mesi in cui la richiesta è un pò più bassa sono quelli che vanno da gennaio a marzo.

Per aiutarti a preparare la valigia per New York trovi le liste da spuntare e tanti consigli utili nell’ articolo su Cosa mettere in valigia per ogni occasione .

5 commenti su “Cosa vedere a New York in 5 giorni: itinerario dettagliato e consigli”

Ciao, sto organizzando il mio primo viaggio a NYC. Volevo farti una domanda sul tuo itinerario. Partendo con i primi battelli, si riesce a fare Statua della Libertà, Wall Street, Memorial + Museo e in seguito andare a Brooklyn per il tramonto? Mi sembrano tante cose ma se fattibile sicuramente lo farei. Grazie, Fabrizio

Ciao Fabrizio, si ce la fai. Io l’ho fatto. È stancante, ovvio, ma fattibile

Grazie per la risposta velocissima! Un’ultima domanda se non ti disturbo.. Siete riusciti a salire anche sul One World Observatory?

Grazie mille per la disponibilità 🙂

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Frugal Frolicker

How to Spend 5 Days in New York – A New York Itinerary

I may no longer be a New Yorker, but after living there for 7 years I can confidently say I know how to “do New York”. At least in the Frugal Frolicker style (i.e. on the cheap and involving precisely zero clubs). I’ve hosted many friends over the years and have given them all my best suggestions for things to do and restaurants to try here in NYC.

Then I realized – well this is just silly. Why am I typing up the same must-do list for friend after friend after friend when I could build it out and immortalize it on the interwebz for all to enjoy?

And so, voila: Here’s my suggested New York itinerary for how to spend 5 days in New York!

NYC things to do

Table of Contents

Day 1 – Uptown Tourist Sites

If it’s your first time in NYC, you likely have tunnel vision for the most famous (and touristic) sights in New York. Why wait, when you could enjoy them on Day 1 of your 5 day New York itinerary?

First, head up to Central Park and spend the afternoon wandering around. The Mall, Bethesda Fountain, the Bow Bridge, and Sheep Meadow are landmarks worth checking out – and conveniently enough, they’re all in the same general area.

For some peace and semi-quiet, head to the northern half of the park where there are walking trails and often empty hills to lay out on. It’s a long walk from the park to any decent restaurant in the vicinity, so better to save yourself the time and money by bringing a picnic lunch with you to enjoy in the park when you need a break from all that walking.

new york itinerary 5 days

Next, head over to 5th Ave at 82nd St to visit the Met Museum (or alternatively: the Guggenheim, if you prefer modern art). The Met is so massive that you’ll only see a fraction of it, so pick a section or two that interest you and aim to tackle just those. The museum has a suggested donation of $25 but you can pay however much (or little as) you like. If you visit sometime in the May-October range, you should definitely check out the rooftop bar – the view is fantastic!

By early evening, head to Midtown for an obligatory stop at Times Square. If you’re not planning to see a Broadway show here, you could alternatively head to Top of the Rock and check out the views from the 70th floor, or to the Empire Hotel to enjoy cocktails with a view over the Lincoln Center (note: no sneakers or shorts allowed at this bar – dress nicely!).

new york 5 day itinerary

I don’t recommend dinner in Midtown – it’s overpriced and not so great. If you want to stay in this general area, head west towards 9th Ave where there are lots of low key, affordable ethnic eats. For something a little nicer (and pricier), head to the Upper West Side (between 60th & 80th Street).

Day 2 – Brooklyn Bridge to Dumbo

Start off the day with brunch at Clinton Street Baking Co. in the Lower East Side. On weekends you’ll wait at least 2 hours for a table, but during the week you should get seated right away.

Clinton Street is famous for their pancakes, but you can’t go wrong with anything on their menu. Their blueberry pancakes doused with warm maple butter would be my request for The Last Supper – that’s how incredible they are. TRUST ME.

new york 5 day itinerary

Next, walk off your brunch by heading downtown on foot to the Brooklyn Bridge. Take the scenic route along the East River – there’s a nice new riverfront walkway where you pass beneath both the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges . The views are fantastic here!

Once you reach the Brooklyn Bridge, head back inland to the bridge entrance and begin your trek across it. Note that the Brooklyn Bridge is perpetually crowded, particularly the Manhattan half of it. I wouldn’t recommend traversing it on a weekend!

new york itinerary 5 days

Upon entering Brooklyn and exiting the bridge, you could stroll around DUMBO (warehouses, street art, and grit), the waterfront at Brooklyn Bridge Park (glorious city views , lots of green space, and sporting piers), or Brooklyn Heights (beautiful brownstones in a residential area).

For dinner, you must hit up the famous Grimaldi’s for pizza! Note that they do not sell slices, and there is often a wait to get in – it should be less of a wait on a weeknight, but regardless it will be worth it for some authentic New York pizza!

NYC itinerary

Day 3 – Williamsburg

If you want to witness hoards of hipsters out and about, head over to Williamsburg on a Saturday. This Brooklyn ‘hood can be painfully sceney, but don’t let that discourage you from exploring it! Begin your Saturday at Smorgasurg , an outdoor food market on the waterfront with a smattering of vendors – and be sure to arrive hungry!

Once you’ve eaten your way through it, pop into the nearby Artists & Fleas market or stroll down Bedford Ave to do some shopping. From boutiques to thrift stores to chains like J Crew that are slowly staking a claim on the neighborhood, Williamsburg’s got your shopping needs covered at a less frenzied pace than Manhattan. One of my favorite shops of all time, worldwide, is Pema – I adore their stylish-yet-affordable dresses!

5 days in new york city

For a midday pick-me-up, grab some coffee at one of the many high quality coffee shops in Williamsburg. Blue Bottle ’s iced New Orleans brew and Toby’s Estate ’s pour overs are some of the best coffee drinks around. Sip your coffee while wandering the streets for street art or hanging out at McCarren Park.

On the south side of Williamsburg you’ll find the recently-opened Domino Park , a 6-acre green space near the old Domino Sugar Refinery. It’s like a hybrid of the High Line in Manhattan and Gantry Plaza State Park in Queens, but with its own distinct look and feel. I’d advise getting here by late afternoon, maybe a couple hours before sunset when you can soak up the last of the sun’s rays from the waterfront lawns and wooden benches.

Once happy hour rolls around, get thee to Caracas Arepa Bar ! Their happy hour is til 7pm, even on weekends, and includes the most delicious Dark & Stormy of your life at just $5. Rum drinks are their specialty, though. And don’t even think about leaving before you’ve had at least one arepa (recommended: La Surena) and an order of their guacamole and plantain chips. This is the best value meal and drinks around!

new york 5 day itinerary

If you’re still awake and energized after all the day’s eating, drinking, and walking around, there’s no shortage of bars to hit in the evening. You could mellow out at a wine bar ( Brooklyn Winery , Brooklyn Oenology ), taste artisanal cocktails ( Extra Fancy , Wythe Hotel ), or drink cheap beer while playing games ( Barcade , Alligator Lounge , Pips).

  • Brooklyn Like You’ve Never Seen Before (an article I wrote for Trivago)
  • North Brooklyn Coffee Shop Roundup

new york 5 day itinerary

Day 4 – The Village

Sunday is brunch day in New York, so kick off the day indulging in breakfasty goodness and bottomless mimosas. The West Village is a beautiful neighborhood for a morning stroll and has an abundance of cute cafes that do a good brunch (Recommended: Jack’s Wide Freda ,  Tartine , Buvette , Oscar’s Place ).

Then, walk off your morning (or early afternoon) feast on the High Line! These elevated train tracks have been turned into a glorious park that spans 1.5 miles and 20+ blocks on the west side of Manhattan. Enter at Gansevoort Street and walk all the way up to 34th Street if you’re up for it. Take your time and hang out on some of the seats and platforms and check out the random art projects scattered throughout the park.

new york in 5 days

Once you’ve made it through the park, you can walk to 8th Ave and catch the subway back downtown. Get off in SoHo and knock out that shopping you’ve been meaning to do in the city. This hood has the highest concentration of shops, both chains and boutiques.

For dinner, if you stick to SoHo you’ll find most restaurants on the fancier (and pricier) side – however, my pick is the casual and slightly more affordable Cafe Habana. Alternatively, you can head north to Nolita (Little Italy) if you fancy an Italian meal. Either way, you’re not far off from Greenwich Village and NYU territory, home to cheap eats and comedy clubs.

The best of the latter is Comedy Cellar , where famous comedians often drop by unannounced to test out new material (I once saw Sarah Silverman there!). They have several shows each night, but it’s a good idea to book online in advance.

5 days in new york

Day 5 – Downtown Tourist Sites

On the last day of your New York 5 day itinerary, head all the way downtown to tick the last few touristy things off your NYC to do list. First, hop on a ferry to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty (it’s wise to book in advance – if you want to visit the crown, you’ll need to book about 2 months ahead). To thoroughly see both, consider devoting a half day to this excursion.

Or alternatively, if you’re just looking for a good view of the Statue of Liberty and don’t want to pay, take a ride on the free Staten Island ferry to Staten Island and back!

new york itinerary 5 days

Once you’re back in Manhattan, walk by the new World Trade Center and check out the 911 Memorial (also a good idea to book in advance ). While you’re in the area, you could also wander around nearby Wall Street and South Street Seaport or pose for a funny photo with the famous bull statue.

This part of town is pretty dead in the evening, so you’ll want to head elsewhere for dinner. If you feel like splurging on your last night in the city, you can’t go wrong with the semi-fancy restaurants in TriBeCa (Recommended: Tiny’s). Or if you want to be casual and/or frugal, grab some pho or dumplings in Chinatown.

5 days in new york city

Have a full week in New York? Consider devoting full days to explore Governors Island , Coney Island, or Queens !

See also: 85 Photos That Will Make You Wanna Jet Off To NYC

How To Spend 5 Days in NYC: A New York Itinerary

Heading to NYC?

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Check out my other posts about NYC:

  • The Best Views of NYC
  • The Definitive Guide to Christmas in New York
  • 50 Great Outdoor Adventures in NYC
  • 5 Cost-Effective Outdoor Activities to Check Out in NYC

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Cosa Vedere a New York in 5 Giorni: Itinerario con Mappa

Stai cercando un itinerario perfetto di cosa vedere a New York in 5 giorni per la tua prima visita in città? Eccolo! New York è viva, intensa, enorme, intricata e in continua evoluzione, per questo forse viene definita la “Città che non dorme mai”.

Una generazione fa Little Italy prosperava, ora ciò che resta del quartiere è stato regalato ai turisti e la comunità italiana si è spostata su Arthur Avenue. New York davvero non dorme mai: in ogni quartiere e in ogni distretto, il cambiamento è il battito costante della città.

Io l’ho visitata in un periodo un po’ particolare: sono andata per la Maratona di New York e la città era veramente in fermento. Sono partita con pochissime aspettative, credevo che non mi sarebbe piaciuta e invece ne sono tornata innamorata ed entusiasta. In più la Grande Mela mi ha regalato 5 giorni di sole spaziale a Novembre, quindi cosa potevo chiedere di più?

Cosa vedere a New York in 5 Giorni

Ho creato questo itinerario di 5 giorni a New York per aiutarti a tornare dopo il tuo viaggio con la stessa gioia e la meraviglia che ho provato io a New York. Fidati: si tratta davvero di un viaggio da sogno e se hai 5 giorni per visitare la città avrai tempo per assaporarla bene.

In questa pagina:

Consigli per visitare New York in 5 giorni

Quando andare a new york, ponte di brooklyn, wall street e financial district, statua della libertà ed ellis island, world trade center, empire state building, summit – one vanderbilt, grand central station, saint patrick’s cathedral, rockefeller center, top of the rock, times square, crociera serale, ny public library, fifth avenue, central park, american museum of natural history, metropolitan museum of art (met), hudson yards, chelsea market, greenwich village, washington square garden, flatiron building, little italy, come muoversi a new york, dove alloggiare a new york in 5 giorni.

Prima di condividere con te l’itinerario di 5 giorni a New York City, voglio darti qualche consiglio di viaggio per aiutarti a sfruttare al meglio la tua vacanza.

Ci sono 3 aeroporti a New York, quindi cerca prima di tutto di capire in quale arrivi. Ci sono vari modi per arrivare in città, ma se vuoi le cose comode e facili, valuta un transfer. Qui ne trovi vari e di vari prezzi .

Se decidi di alloggiare a Manhattan, sappi che i prezzi per gli alloggi possono essere cari, ma qualche cosa di interessante si trova. Dai un’occhiata al  LUMA Hotel – Times Square  oppure al  Seton Hotel . Se vuoi più informazioni dai un’occhiata al mio post su dove alloggiare a New York .

Molte persone odiano i mezzi pubblici, ma la metropolitana è davvero il modo migliore per spostarsi. La metropolitana è il mezzo più veloce per spostarsi a causa del famigerato traffico. Una delle cose che ho adorato e che ti consiglio fortemente è prendere il NYC Ferry, il traghetto cittadino. Il NYC Ferry fa parte della rete di trasporto pubblico, quindi le corse costano solo $ 2,75 a persona.

L’acquisto del New York CityPASS è di gran lunga uno dei migliori consigli: ha un ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo e include alcune tra le migliori attrazioni della città come l’Empire State Building, il 9/11 Memorial and Museum, il Rockefeller Center Top of the Rock, una crociera alla Statua della Libertà o Circle Line Sightseeing, ingresso al Met e all’American Museum of Natural History.

Tra i biglietti assolutamente da acquistare in anticipo online ci sono:

  • –> New York: Statua della Libertà ed Ellis Island con traghetto
  • –> New York: biglietto per il SUMMIT One Vanderbilt
  • –> One World Observatory di New York: biglietto prioritario

Se invece stai cercando un tour guidato in Italiano di Manhattan questo tour dei contrasti di New York è un must assoluto.

Se cerchi il panorama migliore di New York secondo me è quello dal Top of The Rock ( trovi qui il biglietto d’entrata) . Per conoscere altri panorami magnifici della Grande Mela, leggi questo mio post su New York dall’alto .

Indossa scarpe comode assolutamente: camminerai tantissimo!

Uno spettacolo a Broadway è costoso, ma davvero vale la pena.

Fai SEMPRE un’assicurazione di viaggio che copra anche un viaggio negli USA, come ben sai la sanità costa carissima!  Dai un’occhiata a Heymondo che puoi acquistare qui con il 10% di sconto .

Il periodo migliore per visitare New York è durante i mesi autunnali: fine settembre, tutto ottobre e inizio novembre. Questo per un sacco di ragioni.

Quando andare a New York autunno

Il tempo è fantastico. Le temperature sono piacevoli, perfette per passeggiare all’aperto. In alcuni giorni non ti servirà neanche la giacca; A New York inoltre piove meno in autunno che in primavera. Una grande differenza rispetto alla primavera è che non piove così spesso durante l’autunno.

Le grandi folle di turisti diventano “piccole” folle, a parte durante la Maratona quando sono andata io. Non parlo solo dei turisti, ma anche delle famiglie americane: i bambini ricominciano le scuole e quindi la città è più vuota.

I prezzi sono i più bassi dell’anno. New York è sempre cara, non fraintendetemi, ma i prezzi degli hotel sono molto più bassi in autunno rispetto ai mesi estivi e all’alta stagione sotto Natale e Capodanno.

A Ottobre inoltre (fino ai primi di Novembre) vedrai dei colori pazzeschi a New York! Non perderti il “foliage” di Central Park, ma anche uno dei fantastici tramonti (più belli che nel resto dell’anno).

Cosa vedere a New York Giorno 1

Il primo dei nostri 5 giorni a New York lo dedicheremo ad alcuni dei luoghi più emozionanti della città: dal Ponte di Brooklyn al Financial District (dove è nata la Borsa di New York) alla visita della Statua della Libertà e, per finire, uno dei luoghi più commoventi della Grande Mela: il World Trade Center e il Memoriale del 9/11 .

Un gigante, un nuovo record. Il ponte di Brooklyn fu il primo ponte sospeso ad essere costruito in acciaio. Fu creato per collegare l’isola di Manhattan e il quartiere di Brooklyn a New York. Lungo circa 2,5 km, grazie a una serie di passerelle sopraelevate, è possibile attraversarlo totalmente sia a piedi che in bici. Il tramonto è come sempre il momento più gettonato per attraversarlo, godendo di scorci e atmosfere davvero affascinanti.

Ti consiglio comunque di raggiungere il quartiere di Dumbo con la metro, ammirare il ponte da lontano, con lo skyline di Manhattan alle sue spalle, fermarti al parco magari per una piccola sosta spuntino e raggiungere l’incrocio tra Washington Street e Water Street, per ritrovarti nel famoso film con Robert De Niro, C’era una volta in America. Ora potrai incamminarti verso il ponte e attraversarlo, direzione Manhattan, in bici o a piedi – a te la scelta.

Il quartiere finanziario di New York . E’ qui che, nel 1792, sotto un albero di platano, 24 commercianti siglarono un accordo tra di loro: non avrebbero comprato titoli di valore al di sotto di una certa soglia e avrebbero sempre dato la precedenza a transazioni tra di loro. Sto parlando del Buttonwood Agreement (Buttonwood significa appunto platano), il documento che ha dato il via alla Borsa di New York.

Tra le cose da vedere nel quartiere di Wall Street a New York ti consiglio:

  • la borsa di New York : un edificio con sei grandi colonne e alte vetrate, simbolo del quartiere è tappa obbligatoria,
  • la Federal Reserve Bank : una delle 12 banche federali degli Stati Uniti che ha lo scopo di mantenere la stabilità finanziaria e di gestire la liquidità monetaria. Appare spesso nei film in cui lingotti e caveau la fanno da padrone;
  • la Trinity Church : un tempo il suo campanile accoglieva i navigatori che arrivavano al porto di New York. Durante la Rivoluzione Americana la chiesa fu distrutta da un incendio e poi ricostruita in stile neogotico. Il suo cimitero ospita, tra gli altri, i padri fondatori degli Stati Uniti e Robert Fulton, inventore del battello a vapore;
  • il Toro di Wall Street : una statua in bronzo dal peso di più di 3 tonnellate, dell’artista italiano Arturo Di Modica. Ma perché proprio un toro? Secondo l’artista rappresenta la forza, la stabilità e la speranza per il futuro degli americani. Curiosamente fu installata senza alcuna autorizzazione, nonostante ciò, però, non fu mai rimossa e si trova tutt’oggi ben visibile agli occhi di turisti e visitatori. Sosta immancabile tanto quanto il tocco dei suoi genitali, pare porti fortuna!

La statua della Libertà è uno dei simboli più conosciuti degli Stati Uniti. Si trova sul piccolo isolotto di Liberty Island, sul fiume Hudson proprio nel centro della baia di Manhattan. Fu donata dal popolo francese a quello degli Stati Uniti e con la sua altezza di 93 metri è visibile fino a 40 km di distanza. La Lady Liberty , come affettuosamente viene chiamata dai newyorkesi, rappresenta la dea Ragione, che sorregge nella mano destra una fiaccola (simbolo del fuoco eterno della libertà), mentre nell’altra tiene una tavola con la data della Dichiarazione d’indipendenza degli Stati Uniti d’America (il 4 luglio 1776). In testa porta una corona con sette punte, a raffigurare i sette mari e i sette continenti. E’ stata dichiarata Patrimonio Unesco ed è per molti tappa obbligatoria durante un viaggio a New York.

Statua della Libertà ed Ellis Island

Raggiungere l’isola su cui sorge la statua è decisamente facile, basta prendere il battello che parte da Battery Park, godersi il panorama e ritrovarsi dopo un breve tragitto ai piedi della grande dea dalla toga lunga.

Solo i traghetti operati da Statue Cruises , che è autorizzata dal National Parks Service, possono effettivamente arrivare sulle isole. Ci sono molte altre crociere che fanno il giro, ma se vuoi sbarcare devi prendere un traghetto ufficiale con diritti di sbarco.

Questi traghetti funzionano tutto l’anno ad eccezione del Ringraziamento e del giorno di Natale. A seconda del periodo dell’anno, il primo traghetto sarà alle 8:30 o alle 9:30.

Per evitare attese snervanti e inutili ti consiglio di acquistare i biglietti per la Statua della Libertà in anticipo. Il New York CityPASS resta sempre una buona scelta. Fai solo attenzione a quale tipo di visita include: visita base solo dall’esterno, visita dell’interno, visita con corona inclusa – già puoi decidere di arrivare fino alla corona della lady più famosa del mondo!

  • –> Puoi prenotare il tuo traghetto direttamente con Statue Cruises qui

Ad ingresso gratuito è invece il recentissimo Museo, formato da tre gallerie interattive che raccontano e ripercorrono la storia e la costruzione della statua. Nella terza, inoltre, è esposta la torcia originale, sostituita nel 1984 con l’attuale ricoperta da foglie d’oro.

Ora, tieniti forte, sto per dirti qualcosa di inimmaginabile: la parte che ho amato di più della vista della Statua della libertà a New York è la sosta di ritorno ad Ellis Island .

Lo ammetto, la nota signora della grande mela non mi ha emozionato in particolar modo. Discorso completamente diverso, invece, per il punto di accesso di tutti gli immigrati che arrivavano negli Stati Uniti per la prima volta. Inutile sottolineare quanta “Italia” ci sia nei reperti, nei ricordi, che il museo ospita. Registri, biglietti, passaporti, manifesti. Nomi che suonano particolarmente familiari e che riportano a un lontano parente che, anni e anni fa, decise di partire per cercare un futuro migliore, per andare incontro alla speranza che oltreoceano ci fossero opportunità nuove e sconosciute.

Nel complesso, aspettati di trascorrere circa 3-3,5 ore visitando la Statua della Libertà e Ellis Island. I traghetti partono da Battery Park, che si trova all’angolo sud-ovest di Manhattan e la biglietteria ufficiale di Statue Cruises si trova all’interno di Castle Clinton.

Visitare il World Trade Center è una delle esperienze più toccanti da fare a New York ed è questo il motivo per cui io l’ho visitato il mio primo giorno a New York: il tramonto è il momento migliore per il panorama che avrai!

L’11 settembre 2001 resterà una data scolpita nella mente di tutti, il giorno in cui due aerei dirottati si schiantarono contro le Torri Gemelle, facendo crollare gli edifici e causando la morte di circa 3000 persone. Trovarsi sul posto, vedere dal vivo una ferita che non potrà mai rimaginarsi totalmente, è indescrivibile.

One World Observatory e Memorial museum 9/11

Oggi, al posto di ciò che era diventato Ground Zero , sorgono memoriali in onore delle vittime ed edifici simbolo di ripresa e ricostruzione.

Il 9/11 memorial colpisce immediatamente. Due enormi vasche di metallo riempiono il “vuoto” lasciato dalle Torri Gemelle, portano incisi in maniera indelebile i nomi di tutte le vittime di quel tragico giorno. A circondare le vasche circa 400 alberi tra cui spicca il Survivor Tree , l’unico albero incredibilmente sopravvissuto agli attentati.

A pochi passi di distanza segue il National September 11 Memorial & Museum , che con i suoi tre piani racconta la storia del prima, del durante e del dopo il dirottamento degli aerei. La parte più toccante, a mio avviso, è data dal Tribute World Trade Center . Una sorta di tour tra foto e oggetti ritrovati, guidato da sopravvissuti, volontari arrivati per prestare aiuto e soccorsi o dai parenti delle vittime.

  • –> Trovi qui il biglietto con ingresso programmato per il National September 11

Anche la Freedom Tower fa parte del progetto di ricostruzione di Ground Zero. Simbolo di rinascita è oggi l’edificio più alto di New York e di tutto l’emisfero occidentale. E’ conosciuta per il suo design futuristico e per l’osservatorio posto al piano numero 102. Non solo da qui è possibile ammirare la grande mela nella sua bellezza ma è anche particolare il percorso che, sin dall’entrata in ascensore, permette attraverso proiezioni di seguire l’evoluzione urbanistica di New York. La proiezione termina all’improvviso con lo schermo che scompare e resta il panorama dalle vetrate direttamente su New York come la si vede oggi. Decisamente un finale d’impatto, non c’è che dire.

E infine l’ Oculus Building di Santiago Calatrava , l’architetto a cui fu affidata la ricostruzione del centro commerciale situato al di sotto delle torri. Calatrava decise di rappresentare una colomba bianca di marmo. La struttura ricorda infatti le ali di un uccello che si spiegano e ha un’apertura sul tetto. L’intento è di far penetrare il sole all’interno l’11 settembre di ogni anno, in memoria dell’attentato. Al di sotto dell’Oculus Building, inoltre, si trova la stazione del PATH, il treno che collega Manhattan al New Jersey.

Cosa vedere a New York Giorno 2

Cominciamo la giornata con un altro panorama sulla città. Questo itinerario ti propone due alternative per stamattina: Empire State Building oppure il Summit – One Vanderbilt. Continueremo l’itinerario tra alcuni dei luoghi più iconici di New York, come la Grand Central Station, Saint Patrick’s Cathedral e il Rockfeller Center.

La visita di New York non può che comprendere l’iconico Empire State Building . Si trova nel quartiere Midtown a Manhattan, precisamente all’angolo tra la Fifth Avenue e la West 34th Street. Deve la sua fama odierna a ben due osservatori panoramici che offrono tra le più belle viste panoramiche su New York. Con i suoi 443 metri d’altezza (compresa la simpatica antenna), è passato dall’essere prima l’edificio più alto del mondo e poi il grattacielo più alto del mondo, dopo la costruzione della torre di Ostankino a Mosca. Nel 1970, le Torri Gemelle gli rubarono anche questo primato, riassunto tristemente in seguito gli attentati dell’11 settembre 2001. Oggi, con l’apertura del One Trade Center, è il secondo edificio più alto di New York ma rimane una delle attrazioni più visitate della città.

Il particolare palazzo, in stile art dècò, ospita ben 102 piani. Ti sfido a fermarti in strada a scattare una foto che li catturi tutti, dal primo all’ultimo! La sensazione ai suoi piedi, come del resto ti accorgerai spesso durante la visita di New York, è di essere una minuscola formica davanti a palazzi dalle dimensioni assurde. Ripeto: ben 102 piani, tra uffici, negozi, ristoranti e una filiale della famosa Bank of America.

Al secondo piano dell’edificio si trovano il vistor center, dove potrai acquistare i biglietti d’ingresso, e una mostra interattiva che permette di ripercorrere la storia della costruzione dell’edificio. Il povero Empire ne ha viste delle belle fin dal principio, ci arrivo tra poco.

Ma è la vista a 360° dalla terrazza all’86esimo piano , con tanto di storici binocoloni da osservazione, la vera star dello show. Ti avviso però: nonostante la terrazza sia aperta, una recinzione protettiva circonda tutti e 4 i lati dell’edificio. Io non mi feci intimorire e riuscii comunque a fare foto stupende, ma soprattutto a godermi un panorama che difficilmente dimenticherò.

E se ancora non ti basta puoi continuare la salita e raggiungere il nuovissimo osservatorio situato al 102esimo piano. Circondato da grandi vetrate offre una vista più “pulita”. Io non lo vidi, mi fermai all’86esimo piano e rimasi già esterrefatta. Non continuai non perché non fosse nella mia lista del cosa vedere a New York, ma semplicemente era ancora chiuso.

  • –> Qui trovi il biglietto per 86° o 102esimo piano

Come ti accennavo, l’iconico edificio ha avuto un passato turbolento, rischiando di cadere addirittura nell’oblio se non fosse stato per un famoso “animale”. Pare infatti che l’Empire sorga sul terreno di una vecchia fattoria, acquistato poi dalla famiglia Astor. Suona familiare? Già, parlo proprio della famiglia fondatrice del primissimo Astoria Hotel, che sorgeva proprio dove oggi si trova l’Empire. A distanza di anni, l’hotel fu trasferito al 301 di Park Avenue, dove si trova tutt’ora. Fu così che un gruppo di rinomati finanzieri e imprenditori si unì per formare la Empire State Corporation, che diede il via al progetto di realizzazione dell’attuale Empire State Building. I lavori furono molto rapidi e l’inaugurazione avvenne in pompa magna. Peccato però che i tanti piani dell’edificio fecero molta fatica ad essere occupati. Il vero boom ci fu solo dopo l’apparizione all’interno del film King Kong. L’iconica scena finale, con gigantesco gorilla in cima all’edificio che scaccia via gli aerei aggrappato al pennone, fece impazzire il pubblico. Gli osservatori diventarono tappa fissa di turisti e visitatori da tutto il mondo e gli uffici furono rapidamente occupati. Si potrebbe quasi dire che l’Empire fu salvato da King Kong.

Ha aperto i battenti solo nel 2021 eppure è divenuta subito una delle attrazioni più gettonate di New York. Il Summit è un osservatorio situato tra gli ultimi piani dell’edificio One Vanderbilt , recentemente costruito in pieno centro di Manhattan. La particolarità del Summit, oltre alla vista su tutta New York, è l’esperienza immersiva che offre. Gli ambienti sono studiati secondo un modello norvegese che mira a creare spazi di condivisione liberi da barriere e confini. Ecco dunque grandi pannelli in vetro e specchi riflettenti che creano una dimensione quasi surreale. Non mancano giochi di luci e sale con installazioni particolari. Come ad esempio, la stanza il cui soffitto è colmo di palloni in metallo. In un’altra, invece, proiezioni estremamente realistiche sulle pareti trasportano in una dimensione fuori dal tempo. Molto interessante anche Clouds, l’opera d’arte di Yayoi Kusama che ricorda le nuvole, vicinissime in quel caso, se si pensa all’altezza dell’edificio.

Per accedere ti sarà chiesto di indossare un copri-scarpe (evita scarpe con i tacchi alti!) e, durante il giorno, di avere gli occhiali da sole per proteggerti dai riflessi sulle superfici specchiate. Non mancano neppure musica e luci ad effetto. Un’esperienza che seppur unica, potrebbe intontire e scombussolare leggermente.

  • –> ACQUISTA qui il biglietto per il SUMMIT One Vanderbilt

L’iconica stazione dei pendolari è altra tappa simbolo da includere assolutamente nel tuo itinerario di 5 giorni a New York. Comunemente chiamata Grand Central Station , il suo nome reale sarebbe Grand Central Terminal ed è, inoltre, il terminal più grande al mondo, per numero di banchine. Ma non è il solo record a detenere.

Grand Central Station

Sulla facciata esterna, infatti, spicca il più grande orologio Tiffany in vetro al mondo. All’interno da non perdere il soffitto dell’atrio che riproduce una costellazione al contrario, l’orologio d’opale a 4 facce e il mercato ricco di prelibatezze. Una curiosità invece riguarda le caratteristiche acustiche delle volte a botte presenti. Pare che ponendosi ai lati estremi delle volte basti anche un sussurro per poter trasmettere molto nitidamente le parole desiderate. Personalmente non ho avuto un partner in crime per testare in prima persona, ma se lo scetticismo è parte di te e ti accompagna qualcuno che si presta facilmente, un tentativo al posto tuo lo farei!

La Saint Patrick’s Cathedral di New York si nota subito. Circondata da moderni grattacieli dalle linee slanciate non si lascia sopraffare e mostra, orgogliosa, tutto il suo splendore in pieno stile neoclassico. Guglie, rosoni e vetrate catturano lo sguardo. La chiesa, a pianta latina, è costruita in marmo bianco, una scelta abbastanza inusuale per lo stile artistico che la caratterizza. Eppure durante le giornate soleggiate è proprio quel bianco luccicante ad attirare l’attenzione e a rendere la più grande chiesa neogotica cattolica degli Stati Uniti, così unica e ricercata. Per noi europei magari non si tratterà della chiesa più imponente mai vista, ma vale comunque la pena fare una sosta per vederla dal vivo.

Quando si sente parlare del Rockefeller Center la prima immagine che corre subito alla mente è la grande statua dorata di Prometeo. Il Dio greco è conosciuto per aver tradito Zeus rubando il fuoco e donandolo all’umanità. In pratica colui che ci ha insegnato arti come la scrittura, la matematica, l’agricoltura, la medicina e la scienza. Per punizione fu legato a una roccia con un’aquila a divorargli il fegato ogni giorno (che ricresceva durante la notte, giusto per peggiorare ulteriormente la situazione).

Rockfeller Center

L’iconica statua osserva il grande spazio su cui affaccia, lo stesso che durante il periodo natalizio si trasforma in una gigante lastra di ghiaccio per pattinare, con tanto di immancabile enorme albero di Natale. Pare che finito il periodo babbonataloso, negli ultimi anni, si passi da pattinaggio sul ghiaccio a quello sui roller blades. Io personalmente l’ho vista solo con il ghiaccio e ammetto che è abbastanza iconica.

In realtà, però, il Rockefeller Center non è l’iconico spazio appena citato, bensì un gruppo di ben 19 edifici nati dal petroliere americano Rockefeller, appunto. Tra i tanti edifici commerciali i più iconici sono il Radio City Music Hall, l’iconico teatro polivalente della grande mela, e il 30 Rockefeller Plaza, sede tra le altre cose anche della National Broadcasting Company, o semplicemente NBC, tra le più importanti aziende radiotelevisive statunitensi.

Ma oltre all’azienda lanciata proprio dal Signor Rockefeller, l’edificio ospita anche quello che secondo me è il punto panoramico migliore di New York: il Top of the Rock !

A mio parere si tratta del miglior punto per ammirare il panorama a 360° su New York. L’osservatorio si trova al 70esimo piano del Rockefeller Plaza , e si sviluppa su 3 piani. L’ultimo è totalmente aperto, mentre gli altri due sono circondati solo da pannelli in vetro trasparenti che non ostacolano minimamente la vista.

Top of The Rock

Nonostante sia tecnicamente più basso rispetto all’Empire o ad altri osservatori nuovi di zecca, il Top of the Rock offre una vista a 360° sulla città, inclusa una visuale ravvicinata sia sull’Empire State Building che su Central Park. In molti suggeriscono di visitarlo al tramonto. E perché no, potrebbe essere una scelta vincente se consideriamo le sfumature del cielo e l’atmosfera.

Io l’ho visitato che ormai era buio e, anche se non ho visto benissimo Central Park, mi sono goduta uno spettacolo pazzesco sull’Empire State Building tutto illuminato.

  • –> Acquista qui il biglietto per il Top of The Rock

Il cuore pulsante di New York è Times Square . Potrei azzardare che Times Square sia un po’ come Napoli, o la ami follemente e inspiegabilmente, o la odi per il suo essere tanta, a tratti troppa. Io? Mi classifico nel centro, l’eccezione che conferma la regola, eccomi qua. Caotica, rumorosa, colorata, etnica e soprattutto viva. Non mi è dispiaciuta affatto, ma di certo non rientra tra le mie attrazioni preferite dalla grande mela. Sono le enormi insegne colorate, in movimento, a fare da cornice all’iconica scalinata rossa fotografata da tutti.

Times Square

E a proposito di foto, è proprio Times Square a fare da sfondo all’iconico scatto di un marinaio che bacia un’infermiera, simbolo della fine della 2ª Guerra Mondiale. A Capodanno, poi, diventa impraticabile per il quantitativo di persone che la riempie in attesa del famosissimo Ball Drop: il momento in cui una grande sfera luminosa scende dalla cima dell’edificio One Times Square sulla piazza, esattamente allo scoccare della mezzanotte.

Una delle cose da fare assolutamente a New York di sera è una crociera per vedere le luci della città!

Ci sono tantissime crociere. Tra quelle che ti consiglio:

  • –> New York: crociera prioritaria tra le luci del porto : questa crociera al crepuscolo nel porto di New York è la più venduta. Ammira le attrazioni della città dall’acqua e approfitta del commento informativo della guida lungo il tragitto. Rilassati con il tuo cocktail preferito e goditi la vista su Manhattan.
  • –> New York: crociera al tramonto con Statua della Libertà : Partecipa a una crociera al tramonto e osserva da vicino la Statua della Libertà. Naviga accanto a Ellis Island e al ponte di Brooklyn e ammira lo skyline di Manhattan.
  • –> New York: crociera sullo yacht Manhattan con musica jazz : crociera serale a New York con musica Jazz dal vivo su uno yacht in stile anni ’20 e un ottimo drink da sorseggiare

Cosa vedere a New York Giorno 3

Restiamo nel cuore di New York anche il terzo giorno del nostr itinerario, ci mancano un sacco di cose da vedere, come la NY Public Library,  la Fifth Avenue con le sue vetrine scintillanti e Central Park!

E’ circondata da grandi edifici ma lei non si lascia intimorire. E’ la New York Public Library ed è una delle cose da vedere a New York che mi è rimasta più nel cuore. L’edificio è stato inaugurato nel 1911 ed è il simbolo per eccellenza della cultura resa pubblica a tutti. A tutti, nessuno escluso. La sede all’epoca fu scelta in quanto si trattava del più grande edificio in marmo e al suo interno ospitava la più grande sala di lettura esistente al mondo. Quella sala è oggi ancora parte integrante della Public Library, con i suoi lunghi lampadari antichi che pendono da soffitti affrescati. Di certo è la sala che mi ha colpito maggiormente, nonostante ce ne siano altre ricche di marmi pregiati, collezioni dal mondo uniche nel loro genere e antichi affreschi. L’ingresso alla biblioteca è gratuito, ma ricorda di rispettare le numerose persone che utilizzano gli spazi per lo studio. Evita di usare il flash per le tue foto e mantieni il silenzio. Ecco, questo è forse uno degli aspetti che mi ha colpito maggiormente. Dai clacson e dal caos di una città iconica come New York, al silenzio quasi surreale dal profumo di libri.

Il Museum of Modern Art , o MoMA in breve, è uno dei musei più impressionanti di New York City. Progettato dall’architetto giapponese Yoshio Taniguchi, l’edificio già di suo è magnifico e vale la pena guardarlo tanto quanto vale la pena visitare la sua vasta collezione d’arte.

Il museo a sei piani ospita molte mostre a rotazione e collezioni d’arte permanenti, quindi assicurati di pianificare in anticipo per massimizzare il tuo tempo.

  • –> Puoi acquistare il biglietto d’entrata al MOMA qui.

Se ti piacciono lo shopping e la moda, allora devi assolutamente visitare la leggendaria Fifth Avenue , proprio di fronte al lato est di Central Park. Qui troverai ogni tipo di marchio di moda di fascia alta, da Chanel a Luis Vuitton, e se il tuo budget lo consente, probabilmente finirai per svuotare il tuo portafoglio.

In alternativa, puoi fare solo come me e limitarti a guardare tutte le splendide cose esposte nelle vetrine in una miriade di luci meravigliose.

Un perfetto rettangolo verde nel cuore di Manhattan, lungo 4 km e largo 800 metri. Central Park è il grande polmone verde di New York City, meta ambita per visitatori e residenti. E’ enorme, se non fosse già chiaro. Riuscire a vederlo durante un itinerario a New York è d’obbligo. Credere di poterlo vedere nella sua interezza, avendo a disposizione pochi giorni è invece un sogno. Se ami pedalare potrebbe interessarti un tour in bici di Central Park, per riuscire ad ottimizzare i tempi, senza dimenticare di dedicarti del tempo e goderti il momento. Questa oasi verde ti porterà lontano da caos, confusione e frenesia. Qui troverai panchine, distese verdi, un lago, ponti immersi nella natura, ma anche concerti o performances all’aperto. Datti tempo e approfitta di tutto ciò che ha da offrire.

Central Park New York

Detto ciò, ecco cosa non perderti assolutamente durante la visita di Central Park:

  • Strawberry Fields : il memoriale per terra con la scritta Imagine, dedicato a John Lennon;
  • The Pond : un piccolo laghetto navigabile;
  • Bow Bridge : un ponte sospeso in ghisa che attraversa il Lago di Bethesda Terrace creando un’atmosfera molto romantica;
  • Bethesda Fountain , sulla Bethesda Terrace è una delle fontane più grandi di New York. Al suo centro si trova una scultura dal nome Angels of the Water. Inizialmente era l’unica scultura pensata e commissionata nel progetto originale. Tutte le altre statue sono state aggiunte solo inseguito e non facevano parte del progetto. Ah, non è la fontana di Friends (FYI!);
  • Belvedere Castle : un vero e proprio castello che ospita la stazione meteorologica sin dal 1919 e offre la possibilità di vivere esperienze come osservare le stelle, partecipare a conferenze sull’astronomia, vistare un castello infestato dai mostri per Halloween e molto altro;
  • la Statua di Balto : in onore del cane divenuto famoso per essere tra i primi a portare le medicine necessarie a salvare una cittadina in Alaska, in cui era scoppiato un contagio di difterite;
  • la statua di Alice nel paese delle meraviglie : tra i luoghi più fotografati dopo il memoriale di John Lennon.

Dopo aver trascorso un po’ di tempo a esplorare Central Park, spostati verso uno dei moltissimi musei di New York che si trova qui vicino: l’ American Museum of Natural History (in alternativa dopo ti metto anche, che secondo me vale di più il MET).

Questo museo coprende tutti gli aspetti del mondo naturale edè considerato uno dei più grandi musei di storia naturale del mondo.

Appena arriverai verrai “salutato” da due enormi scheletri di dinosauri alloggiati nell’atrio. Da lì, puoi visitare le impressionanti mostre permanenti o dare un’occhiata all’emozionante mostra a rotazione. Non perdere la Hall of Ocean Life , dove avrai l’opportunità di visitare la Milstein Hall of Ocean Life e vedere un modello a grandezza naturale di una balenottera azzurra: è un’esperienza che non dimenticherai mai, soprattutto per le dimensioni.

American Museum of Natural History

Altre cose da non perdere sono l’ Hayden Planetarium (uno dei migliori planetari al mondo), la Hall of Saurischian Dinosaurs (per l’iconico scheletro del Tyrannosaurus Rex) e il Butterfly Conservatory (richiede un costo aggiuntivo, ma ne vale la pena).

C’è un biglietto per la visita, ma l’ingresso è anche incluso in una serie di pass per le attrazioni di New York, tra cui il mio preferito, il New York Pass.

  • –> Puoi acquistare il biglietto d’entrata qui.

Sul lato opposto di Central Park rispetto all’American Museum of Natural History, a circa 20 minuti a piedi, si trova il Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET) . Fondato nel 1870, il Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met) è spesso considerato il miglior museo di New York, quindi sarebbe imperdonabile non menzionarlo in questo itinerario di New York.

Il MET è più grande museo d’arte degli Stati Uniti, con oltre due milioni di opere nella sua collezione. Se sei interessato all’arte e vuoi visitare un museo d’arte durante il tuo soggiorno a New York, il MET non devi perdertelo! La collezione abbraccia 5.000 anni di attività, dall’arte dell’antico Egitto fino alle opere moderne, tra cui trovi capolavori come quelli di Van Gogh o di Monet.

Con una media di 6 milioni di visitatori all’anno, è anche il museo più visitato di New York City e richiederebbe diversi giorni per esplorarlo nel modo in cui davvero si meriterebbe.

Cosa vedere a New York Giorno 4

Il giorno 4 ci spostiamo sulla parte ovest di Manahattan e cammineremo (o prenderemo la metro, a seconda) attraverso altri punti meno iconici, ma altrettanto belli e significativi di New York, fino a raggiungere la Lower Manhattan e il quartiere di Soho.

L’Hudson Yards è un futuristico complesso aperto solo recentemente, che ha già scatenato qualche polemica. E’ composto da due edifici separati: il The Edge e il The Vessel.

Il The Edge si trova al 100° piano del 30 di Hudson Yards, un complesso formato da siti culturali, piccoli negozi e ristoranti. Si tratta di una terrazza panoramica. “Un’altra?” ti starai chiedendo. Proprio un’altra terrazza da cui ammirare il panorama su New York, stavolta però con la particolarità di essere totalmente sospesi nel vuoto su pavimenti di vetro.

  • –> Puoi acquistare i biglietti per the Edge qui

Il The Vessel è un edificio, ma anche un’opera d’arte. Una struttura a nido d’ape data dall’intreccio di rampe che si intersecano e si uniscono sviluppandosi verso l’alto. Oggi si può ammirare questa meraviglia architettonica solo dall’esterno. Inizialmente, infatti, era consentito l’accesso al pubblico che con non poca fatica, poteva raggiungere la cima dopo aver scalato i circa 2500 gradini. La sua altezza, però, è stata anche la sua fatalità più grande. Infatti, molte persone hanno deciso di sfruttare la sua conformazione per togliersi la vita gettandosi nel vuoto. Si è provato più volte ad adottare misure di sicurezza alternative ma a poco sono servite. Tanto che, ad oggi, l’accesso è stato chiuso fino a data da destinarsi.

Una passeggiata molto bella ma spesso dimenticata è quella lungo la High Line . Si tratta di un percorso pedonale creato sulle vecchie tratte del treno che attraversava la zona industriale, un treno merci in pratica. Quando la linea fu dismessa un attivista e residente nel quartiere di Chelsea, riuscì ad impedirne la demolizione e nel 1999 nacque l’associazione Friends of High Line, per preservarla e riutilizzarla come spazio pubblico.

Il percorso è stato dunque riqualificato e riaperto a più tappe fino a renderlo accessibile in tutta la sua lunghezza. Una sorta di parco con tanto di opere artistiche e panorami unici. Preparati a circa 2 km di passeggiata sospesa a quasi 9 metri d’altezza dal suolo. Ovviamente, dati i tanti punti di accesso, puoi tranquillamente decidere di percorrerne solo una parte e non tutto.

Alla fine dell’800 una fabbrica di biscotti, la Nabisco, aprì i battenti a poca distanza da quello che un tempo era il quartiere dei mattatoi delle carni. La vicinanza avrebbe permesso facilmente di reperire lo strutto da utilizzare nella preparazione di biscotti come gli Oreo o i Ritz. Negli anni sessanta la fabbrica fu trasferita e gli spazi rimasero inutilizzati fino al 1997, anno in cui il Chelsea Market aprì i battenti attirando visitatori e locali grazie alla vasta offerta di ristoranti e negozi. Ci troverai anche cucina italiana. Io, come sempre, ho preferito puntare sulla cucina etnica, ma volendo sappi che ci troverai anche la famosa pasta fresca di Giovanni Rana e i gelati all’italiana.

Cosa vedere New York giorno 4

Il Greenwich Village è uno di quei luoghi da visitare assolutamente: è uno dei posti più famosi della città, infatti lo vediamo in un sacco di film.

L’intero villaggio era la casa fatiscente di artisti e bohémien negli anni ’60 e conta ancora come uno dei luoghi più alla moda della città.

Oggi molte delle case sgangherate sono state sostituite con bar, caffetterie e ristoranti alla moda e molti luoghi dove si suona musica, come Bleecker Street.

Sono pochi  minuti a piedi per raggiungere Washington Square Park , dove sarai accolto dal bellissimo arco in marmo, dall’imponente fontana e incantevoli alberi che regalano una bella ombra nei periodi più caldi dell’anno.

Questo è un luogo in cui si riuniscono molti degli artisti d’avanguardia di New York, un luogo in cui le persone vengono a giocare a scacchi . Questo parco è fantastico anche per i bambini, infatti ne vedrai un sacco di corrono da tutte le parti.

Anche il famoso quartiere di SoHo è abbastanza vicino se sei interessato ad arrivarci. A me non è piaciuto molto, ma dipende dai gusti.

SoHo (che sta per South of Houston Street) confina con il Greenwich Village a sud, rendendola la prossima tappa naturale. SoHo è un quartiere molto affascinante noto per lo shopping, i loft costosi, i caffè caratteristici e le ampie gallerie d’arte.

Trascorri un po’ di tempo esplorando il quartiere a piedi prima di fermarti da Balthazar Bakery per un pasto pomeridiano. La panetteria si trova proprio accanto al famoso Balthazar Restaurant, che vale sicuramente la pena visitare durante i tuoi 4 giorni a New York City, ma prenota con largo anticipo.

Cosa vedere a New York Giorno 5

In questo ultimo giorno dei nostri 5 giorni a New York, ti consiglio di visitare il Flatiron building e magari trascorrere il resto della giornata tra i quartieri di Chinatown e Little Italy. In realtà ci sono un sacco di altre cose che potresti visitare, come per esempio Coney Island che merita sicuramente, ma anche Harlem!

Letteralmente Flatiron significa “ferro da stiro”. L’ edificio non è visitabile e non ospita nessun sito particolare, eppure è diventato famoso per la sua forma alquanto strana. Fu costruito su un lotto di terreno triangolare e l’architetto, Daniel Burnham, decise di replicare anche nella struttura tale forma. Inizialmente non fu molto apprezzato. Se ne dubitava soprattutto la resistenza, in quanto quell’incrocio fosse spesso interessato da fortissime raffiche di vento. Il popolo newyorkese arrivò addirittura a scommettere quanto avrebbe resistito. Eppure è ancora lì, si erge alto e fiero e appare in quasi tutti gli scatti di New York. Ne è diventato a modo suo un simbolo.

Si toccano e si spintonano il quartiere cinese e Little Italy. Il primo mangia sempre più terreno al secondo che, purtroppo, sta pian piano scomparendo. Sono pochi gli italiani rimasti a Little Italy . La maggior parte delle famiglie immigrate si sono spostate verso Brooklyn, andando a perdere molte delle tradizioni e dei riti di un tempo. Restano le bandiere italiane appese ai balconi, o disegnate su serrande e idranti per strada. Resta il tricolore anche lungo l’asfalto di Mulberry Street e infine la celebrazione di San Gennaro che a settembre di ogni anno dura ben 11 giorni, con tanto di bancarelle ricolme di zeppole e processione finale. Di atmosfera italiana devo dire è rimasto ben poco purtroppo, ma una passeggiata veloce, leggendo le insegne sui ristoranti o i nomi sui citofoni regala comunque un sorriso.

Il quartiere con la più alta concentrazione di asiatici in occidente non ha bisogno di presentazioni. Lo noti subito, con le lanterne, i templi e il rosso misto all’oro che spunta da ogni dove. Caotico più di qualsiasi altro quartiere, se è davvero possibile a New York, Chinatown è la dimostrazione di come la popolazione cinese riesca a tenere estremamente vive tradizioni e riti orientali. Il Columbus Park ne è l’emblema. Qui troverai le persone anziane sedute sulle panchine a leggere il giornale oppure riunite per giocare a mahjong o praticare il taichi.

Passando per Canal Street, la più famosa del quartiere, ti consiglio di fare un salto al Canal Street Market . Un mercato molto interessante perché diviso in due sezioni. Qui troverai le più disparate prelibatezze cinesi ma anche molti prodotti di artigianato.

Anche se nell’itinerario di cosa vedere a New York in 5 giorni ho cercato di mettere le cose in maniera che siano il più vicine possibile, New York è veramente grande e, guardando la mappa, non ci si rende esattamente conto di quali siano le distanze da percorrere.

La buona notizia è che New York City ha una varietà di opzioni per aiutarti a spostarti: dalla metro, al traghetto pubblico, ai tram, insomma non avrai problemi ad andare da una parte all’altra della città senza troppo stress.

Uno dei modi più convenienti per spostarsi a New York City è la metropolitana . Ci sono oltre 450 stazioni della metropolitana in tutta la città, rendendolo uno dei più grandi sistemi di metropolitana del mondo.  La metropolitana è il modo più semplice e veloce per spostarsi. È particolarmente indicata per spostarti anche dai quartieri fuori Manhattan fino al centro. L’unico problema che ha è che non è subito intuitivo e facile capire come funziona (io ho sbagliato più volte).

Puoi acquistare i biglietti per corse singole nelle stazioni,  oppure puoi acquistare una Metrocard che offre su una serie di opzioni.

Un’altra buona opzione per spostarsi a New York è prendere l’ autobus pubblico . Ci sono centinaia di percorsi che arrivano praticamente dappertutto e i prezzi sono ragionevoli. Puoi pagare in contanti (cambio esatto, solo monete), oppure puoi utilizzare una Metrocard.

Come muoversi a New York

I bus di contro sono molto più lenti della metro a causa del traffico tremendo.

I famosi taxi gialli di New York si trovano in tutta la città e hanno un prezzo abbastanza buono. Ti porteranno praticamente ovunque tu debba andare, anche se, come già accennato, devi essere consapevole che se ti trovassi imbrigliato nel traffico, le tariffe potrebbero esplodere.

Ci sono anche alternative al tradizionale taxi giallo, compresi i servizi di ride sharing come Uber.

Lanciato nel 2017, il servizio NYC Ferry è una delle opzioni più recenti per spostarsi ed è fantastico: offre viste eccellenti e le corse costano come la metropolitana. Devi acquistare i biglietti dalle biglietterie automatiche vicino al porto dei traghetti, oppure puoi utilizzare l’app NYC Ferry.

Infine, un altro modo divertente per visitare New York, è prendere l’autobus Hop on Hop off , come il Big Bus New York.

A New York esiste una grande varietà di alloggio, tra hotel e appartamenti in affitto.

Una cosa certa è che, se decidi di alloggiare a Manhattan i costi sono abbastanza alti, quindi se trovi una buona opzione prenota subito e non lasciartela scappare.

Per essere vicini aii luoghi d’interesse, il mio consiglio sarebbe quello di alloggiare a Manhattan, anche se Brooklyn, Williamsburg e Long Island City possono essere una buona opzione se trovi un posto vicino a una stazione della metropolitana.

Ecco alcune ottime opzioni!

LUMA Hotel – Times Square : una delle scelte TOP a New York per rapporto qualità/prezzo, il LUMA si trova a soli 300 metri da Times Square! Potrai scegliere tra diversi tipi di camere, dalle Deluxe alle King perfette per le famiglie.

Washington Square Hotel : molti personaggi famosi hanno soggiornato qui (Ernest Hemingway, Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan) qui dal 1902: è un hotel famosissimo, per questo se decidi di starci prenota prima altrimenti rischi di non trovare disponbilità.

EVEN Hotel Brooklyn : questo hotel budget si trova a pochi passi dal Ponte di Brooklyn e offre camere ampie e luminose. C’è a disposizione una zona fitness e gli ospiti possono rinfrescarsi dopo l’allenamento in lussuose docce tipo spa.

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Martina Santamaria

Martina Santamaria  è una travel blogger , una travel influencer e una travel photographer dal 2013. Martina è l’ideatrice e la proprietaria di , uno dei siti web di viaggi più visitati d’Italia. Martina è ideatrice e co-conduttrice del podcast “Pimp My Trip” per la web radio “Good Morning Genova” . Martina è una viaggiatrice esperta che organizza i suoi viaggi in autonomia . Martina  ha visitato più di 50 diversi paesi in tutto il mondo.

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Cosa vedere a New York in 5 giorni: l’itinerario completo

Ecco un pratico itinerario a cui ispirarvi per il vostro prossimo viaggio.

Argomenti trattati

Cosa vedere a New York in 5 giorni: giorno 1

  • Cosa vedere a New York in 5 giorni: giorno 2

Cosa vedere a New York in 5 giorni: giorno 3

Cosa vedere a new york in 5 giorni: giorno 4, cosa vedere a new york in 5 giorni: giorno 5.

Se non sapete cosa vedere a New York in 5 giorni , vi copriamo con una guida che ripercorrerà le principali attrazioni da non perdersi.

Siete arrivati a New York e siete pronti a esplorare: da dove cominciare? Iniziate il vostro viaggio esplorando il grattacielo più iconico di New York: L’Empire State Building! Andare lì di buon’ora significa non fare attese e godere di una vista straordinaria mentre la città si sveglia.

Per avere un’idea della città e di ciò che potreste voler esplorare ulteriormente nei prossimi 5 giorni, vi consigliamo di fare un giro turistico.

Si tratta di un tour in autobus hop-on-hop-off, il che significa che se passate davanti a un luogo che volete esplorare meglio, potete farlo liberamente prima di risalire sull’autobus e continuare il vostro tour.

Dopo il tour in autobus e il pranzo , vi consigliamo di continuare il primo giorno del vostro itinerario di 7 giorni a New York esplorando la Grand Central Terminal, famosa in tutto il mondo, e la New York Public Library con l’adiacente Bryant Park.

Non basta vedere questi monumenti dall’esterno, bisogna entrarci!

Quando il sole tramonta, è il momento di recarsi a Times Square per ammirare le luci notturne. Vi assicuriamo che rimarrete sbalorditi dalla vista! Il modo perfetto per concludere la prima serata del vostro itinerario newyorkese è visitare un bar sul tetto, da cui potrete godere della vista più mozzafiato della città.

Cosa vedere a New York in 5 giorni: g iorno 2

Il secondo giorno dell’itinerario di 5 giorni a New York inizierà con una prospettiva diversa di New York: dall’acqua.

Un ottimo tour in battello che vi consigliamo è il Circle Line Landmarks che parte dal Pier 83. È l’occasione perfetta per fare un giro in barca. È l’occasione perfetta per scattare splendide foto dello skyline e conoscere la storia di New York. Se ci si reca lì di prima mattina si evitano le lunghe file! Soprattutto in estate, i tour in barca sono molto popolari.

Il Pier è a pochi passi da Hudson Yards e dalla High Line, un bellissimo parco costruito su una sezione abbandonata di binari ferroviari sopra la città. Il percorso vi porterà da Chelsea al Meatpacking District. Durante il tragitto, è consigliabile fare una sosta al Chelsea Market per assaggiare qualche delizioso piatto. Da lì, si può camminare attraverso il Meatpacking District fino al Flatiron Building , accanto al Madison Square Park.

Questa sera avrete tempo per godervi uno spettacolo sulla famosa Broadway di New York. Se venite da lontano e soffrite ancora di jet lag, potete semplicemente alternare questa giornata con un’altra più avanti nell’itinerario. In questo modo non vi addormenterete accidentalmente durante lo spettacolo! In alternativa, potete visitare un bar sul tetto della zona.

cosa vedere a new york in 5 giorni itinerario

Prima di iniziare il terzo giorno del vostro itinerario newyorkese esplorando Central Park, potreste prendere in considerazione l’idea di visitare uno dei rinomati musei di New York. Il cosiddetto “museum mile” si trova proprio sulla 5th Avenue, lungo Central Park .

Su questa strada si trovano il Met, il Guggenheim e molti altri musei. Anche il MoMA e l’American Museum of Natural History si trovano nelle vicinanze del parco, il che rende la combinazione perfetta per il vostro itinerario a New York.

Central Park ospita il più grande spazio verde di Manhattan . Sebbene sia possibile fare tour in bicicletta e a piedi, le cose che si possono fare a Central Park sono così tante che non siamo sicuri di poterle elencare tutte! Vedrete picnic, feste, corridori, ciclisti, cavalli e carrozze, uno zoo, laghi, barche, punti di riferimento storici, palcoscenici e la lista continua! L’esplorazione di un museo e di Central Park occuperà la maggior parte della vostra giornata.

Per concludere il terzo giorno in modo perfetto, perché non passeggiare nella Cattedrale di San Patrizio prima di ammirare il tramonto o il cielo notturno dal Top of the Rock, la nostra piattaforma panoramica preferita. Potete passare tutto il tempo che volete lassù.

Quando avete 5 giorni a New York, non avete scuse per non visitare lo Stato della Libertà ! È il simbolo più iconico di New York che tutti devono vedere! Il traghetto per Liberty Island parte da Battery Park e vi porterà anche a Ellis Island . Se siete veramente interessati a conoscere la Statua della Libertà e Ellis Island, partecipate a una visita guidata che include anche l’accesso al piedistallo.

Una volta tornati a Manhattan , potete attraversare Battery Park per raggiungere Ground Zero. Durante il tragitto si può passare davanti alla scultura del toro in carica. Una volta arrivati a Ground Zero, vi suggeriamo di visitare il One World Observatory per godere della vista più alta di New York.

Dopo una deliziosa cena in zona, tornate a Ground Zero per vedere il 9/11 Memorial quando è illuminato per la notte. Stare di fronte alle due vasche è un’esperienza indescrivibile e molto emozionante.

cosa vedere a new york in 7 giorni itinerario completo

Oggi vi consigliamo di andare a Brooklyn! Questa parte della città, bellissima e alla moda, è il posto giusto. Forse non è grande come Manhattan, ma non preoccupatevi, c’è altrettanto da fare e da vedere. Dopo aver esplorato DUMBO, recatevi al Brooklyn Bridge Park , dove potrete godere di un’altra vista perfetta dell’incredibile skyline di Manhattan.

Il quinto giorno del nostro itinerario di New York inizia a Brooklyn per un motivo preciso: Camminare sul ponte di Brooklyn verso Manhattan vi offrirà una vista molto più bella che non il contrario! Una volta arrivati a Lower Manhattan sarete vicinissimi al South Street Seaport District, recentemente restaurato, che potrete visitare prima di recarvi a Wall Street.

Una volta terminata l’esplorazione del Financial District , sarete a pochi passi dal National 9/11 Museum, una tappa obbligata per chiunque visiti New York. Sarete sorpresi di quante cose potrete imparare sul giorno che ha cambiato la nazione. Andando lì in tarda mattinata, si evitano le grandi folle. Prevedete di rimanere lì per circa 2 ore.

  • Quali documenti servono per andare a New York
  • Un tour del benessere a New York: le località più rilassanti

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Tutte le informazioni sui tour organizzati negli Stati Uniti

I tour organizzati sono la soluzione ideale per le tue vacanze negli Stati Uniti. Ecco la guida completa per scegliere l’itinerario adatto a te.


Cosa vedere a New York in 5 giorni + tour della costa est

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In questa guida scoprirai cosa vedere a New York in 5 giorni e poi altri 5 giorni dedicati alla scoperta della costa est degli USA.

La prima città che visiterai non ha di certo bisogno di presentazioni: New York , infatti, è una delle mete più classiche quando si parla di America.

Più lontana dalla frenesia e dal caos di New York, Boston è un altro gioiello che devi assolutamente visitare prima di dirigerti ancora più a nord, e precisamente al confine con il Canada, dove ti lascerai travolgere dalla bellezza maestosa delle cascate del Niagara .

Già che ci sei, perché non sconfinare e scoprire i tesori di Toronto , una delle città più belle e famose del Canada?

Cosa ne pensi, ti piace questo programma?

Allora partiamo!

Pronti. Partenza. Via.

Con questo tour di 5 giorni ti racconterò le cose più interessanti che ci sono da fare e da vedere a New York. Per saperne di più, puoi scaricare la mia guida , sempre aggiornata, che comprende anche un itinerario dettagliato di​ 7 giorni.

Giorno 1: Lower Manhattan

Statua della Libertà, cosa vedere a New York in 5 giorni

Statua della Libertà e Ellis Island

Non puoi visitare New York, la Grande Mela, senza volerne sapere di più sulla sua storia.

Per questo, durante il primo giorno di permanenza, ti consiglio di salire su uno dei battelli in partenza da Battery Park , che ti porterà verso Liberty Island e Ellis Island .

Potrai salire sulla Statua della Libertà , visitare il nuovo museo dedicato a Lady Liberty dove è esposta anche la fiaccola originale (i biglietti sono inclusi in quelli per il battello) e poi visitare il Museo dell’Immigrazione di Ellis Island, per scoprire le storie dei tanti immigrati che sono passati da qui in cerca di una vita migliore. Se vuoi, avrai anche la possibilità di cercare il nome di qualche tuo parente.

Di nuovo a Battery Park, ti consiglio una breve visita a Castle Clinton , un antico forte che fu un centro di smistamento degli immigrati arrivati negli Stati Uniti.

Se hai fame, puoi cogliere l’occasione per pranzare alla Fraunces Tavern , un ristorante – museo che, durante gli anni della Rivoluzione Americana, divenne il quartier generale di George Washington.

Dopo un buon pranzo, perché non fare una passeggiata a Bowling Green , il parco pubblico più antico di New York? Qui si trova il famoso Charging Bull dell’italiano Arturo Di Modica.

La bambina e il toro di Wall Street (prima dello spostamento della Fearless Girl)

Wall Street

Dalla storia passiamo al cuore finanziario della città: Wall Street . Prima di entrare in questa via su Broad Street (2-26 Broad St) da non perdere una foto con la Fearless Girl .

Se vuoi, puoi prenotare un tour della borsa più famosa del mondo, e respirare il clima frenetico che ne satura le stanze.

Se fossi particolarmente interessato al mondo dell’economia, è possibile sempre prenotare un tour della Federal Reserve , la Banca Centrale degli Stati Uniti d’America, ne vale davvero la pena!

Lasciati alle spalle il cuore finanziario di New York, per poi proseguire il tuo tour con una visita dei dintorni. Nelle vicinanze, infatti, si trovano due importanti luoghi di culto, la Trinity Church e la St. Paul’s Chapel .

Concludi la tua giornata con una visita ad altri due luoghi iconici.

Vista dall'osservatorio del One World Trade Center

One World Trade Center, 9/11 Memorial e Museo dell’11 settembre

Uno è il World Trade Center. Uno degli spettacoli più belli che questa zona ha da offrire è il tramonto visto dall’alto dell’ Osservatorio del One World Trade Center , conosciuto anche con il nome di Freedom Tower.

L’altro è il sito dove un tempo sorgevano gli edifici più alti del mondo.

Fino al 2001, chiunque vedesse la sagoma inconfondibile delle due Torri Gemelle sapeva esattamente a quale città appartenessero. Sulle ceneri loro ceneri sorgono adesso un Memoriale ed un Museo dedicati al tragico attacco terroristico che ha segnato il nostro secolo.

Biglietti necessari per il 1° giorno:

  • Biglietti Statua della Libertà e Ellis Island
  • Biglietti Osservatorio One World Trade Center
  • Biglietti 9/11 Museum

Giorno 2: Palazzo dell’Onu, Grand Central Terminal, Brooklyn e Ponte di Brooklyn

Il ponte di Brooklyn di notte

Palazzo dell’ONU

Iniziamo la giornata con la visita ad uno dei palazzi che ha fatto la storia del secolo passato: il palazzo delle Nazioni Unite , dove si può prendere parte ad interessanti tour guidati.

Grand Central Terminal e Summit One Vanderbilt

Non puoi mancare, poi, di visitare la stazione ferroviaria Grand Central Terminal , un enorme edificio caratterizzato da un’architettura di pregio in stile Beaux Art , tra cui spiccano il Main Concourse (atrio centrale) e il bellissimo orologio in stile Tiffany.

Dalla Grand Central Terminal si accede al bellissimo osservatorio Summit One Vanderbilt , che regala la vista più bella tra tutti gli osservatori di New York .

5th Avenue e New York Public Library

Passando per la 5th Avenue , ricorda di fermarti alla sede centrale della New York Public Library : oltre alla sua impressionante Main Reading Room, la ricorderai forse meglio come la biblioteca in cui i mitici Ghostbusters trovarono il loro primo fantasma o dove si è sposata Carrie con Big… o in decine di altri film.

Brooklyn Heights, Dumbo e Ponte di Brooklyn

Prosegui verso Brooklyn Heights , che fu il primo sobborgo di New York ed è stato dichiarato distretto storico nel 1965. In questa zona si trovano parecchi edifici risalenti al periodo precedente alla Guerra Civile.

Una volta passato Brooklyn Heights incontrerai l’ex zona industriale denominata DUMBO, poi il Brooklyn Bridge Park e, infine, l’inconfondibile e inimitabile Ponte di Brooklyn .

Biglietti necessari per il 2° giorno:

  • Biglietti Summit One Vanderbilt

Giorno 3: Chinatown, Little Italy, SoHo, Village

Christopher Park nel Greenwich Village, Cosa vedere a New York in 5 giorni

Sai cosa fanno i newyorchesi quando hanno un po’ di tempo libero? Fanno i turisti!

New York è così grande che ha sempre qualche sorpresa da riservare anche a chi ci vive da una vita. Nel terzo giorno di viaggio, perciò, fai come gli abitanti della Grande Mela, sii turista!

Salta sul primo convoglio della Metro diretto a Chinatown e parti per la tua avventura.

Dopo un tuffo in oriente, torna in Italia per un po’ mentre visiti il quartiere di Little Italy . In seguito, prosegui per SoHo , famoso per le sue gallerie d’arte e i negozi di antiquariato.

Dall’aria più chic e patinata di SoHo si passa poi a quella più scanzonata e bohémien di West Broadway Greenwich Village , dove sono situati anche diversi teatri Off – Broadway.

Tra le vie più interessanti del Greenwich Village che devi assolutamente visitare ci sono West Broadway, Bleecker Street e Bedford Street .

Se mentre passi per Bleecker Street ti viene voglia di qualcosa di dolce, da Molly’s Cupcakes potrai assaggiare alcuni tra i migliori cupcakes di New York.

A poca distanza dal Greenwich Village trovi una delle oasi verdi di New York, il Washington Square Park , nato sulle ceneri di un ex cimitero dove venivano svolte anche le esecuzioni pubbliche.

Giorno 4: Empire State Building, Meatpacking District, Hudson Yards e the Edge

Vista dall'osservatorio esterno dell'Empire State Building

Empire State Building

La mattinata inizia con una visita all’ Empire State Building e poi prosegue con un delizioso spuntino da Eataly e una passeggiata al Madison Square Park , per continuare in Union Square, ricca di negozi e locali interessanti.

Chelsea Market, Meatpacking District

Dopo aver fatto un po’ di shopping ti recherai al Chelsea Market , situato nella vecchia sede della fabbrica di biscotti Nabisco, dove potrai gustare un ottimo pranzo in uno dei tanti ristoranti che si trovano al suo interno.

Passata l’ora di pranzo, visita l’ex quartiere dei macelli, il Meatpacking District , che ospita boutiques di grandi stilisti e locali alla moda.

Little Island, High Line e the Edge

L'osservatorio del The Edge, New York

Da non perdere una passeggiata nella nuova Little Island , un parco costruito su un vecchio molo.

Nel pomeriggio, non perdere l’occasione di passeggiare sulla High Line , un’antica ferrovia sopraelevata ormai in disuso.

Ti consiglio di percorrerla tutta (sono circa 20 isolati) in modo da scendere nel quartiere di Hudson Yards , per salire sul bellissimo osservatorio the Edge .

Biglietti necessari per il 4° giorno:

  • Biglietti Osservatorio dell’Empire State Building
  • Biglietti per l’osservatorio The Edge

Giorno 5: musei e Central Park

Il MoMA è una delle tappe da non perdere anche in un viaggio a New York d 5 giorni

Con un po’ di dispiacere, ne sono sicuro, ti accingerai ad iniziare il tuo ultimo giorno di viaggio a New York .

Proprio perché questo è l’ultimo giorno di viaggio, e forse inizi a sentire anche un po’ di stanchezza, ho deciso sì di farti camminare, ma in uno spazio un po’ più ristretto rispetto a quello dei quartieri della Grande Mela: le sale dei suoi musei più famosi.

Quest’ultima tappa del viaggio la potrai trascorrere ammirando le opere esposte in uno dei musei più famosi del mondo, il Metropolitan Museum of Art , oppure ammirando quelle più moderne esposte al MoMA (Museum of Modern Art).

Visitando il Museo di Storia Naturale , oltre a scoprire molte cose interessanti sui popoli del passato, avrai anche la possibilità di vedere dal vivo quello che è stato il set del famoso film di Ben Stiller “Una Notte al Museo”.

Se, dopo aver visto tutte queste meraviglie, avrai voglia di passeggiare un po’ all’aria aperta, imbocca uno dei tanti sentieri del celebre Central Park , o, se la stanchezza è troppa, sali su una delle carrozze in servizio nel parco e goditi la vista del polmone verde di New York.

Biglietti per il 5° giorno:

  • Biglietti MoMA
  • Biglietti per il Museo di Storia Naturale
  • Tour di Central Park in carrozza

Dintorni di New York: tour tutto incluso in italiano

Oltre all’itinerario di cui ti parlo qua sotto per andare da New York a Boston e alle Cascate del Niagara, esistono dei bellissimi itinerari da 1, 2 3, 4 e 5 giorni che partono da New York e ti porteranno a Washington DC, Philadelphia, Toronto e Cascate del Niagara.

Sono dei tour che includono già tutto, trasferimento e hotel, così da non doverti preoccupare di niente. Tutti i tour sono disponibili anche in italiano, a parte il tour di un giorno che è disponibile solo in spagnolo e in inglese.

Se invece ti piace il fai da te, qui sotto ti do un itinerario.

Seconda tappa: da New York a Boston

Dopo aver visitato New York ci spostiamo verso Boston .

Boston si trova a più di 400 km di distanza da New York (215 miglia), in direzione nord. Per arrivare da una città all’altra ci vogliono circa 4 ore di viaggio .

Come raggiungere Boston?

Tra i mezzi di trasporto più comodi per spostarsi tra Boston e New York ci sono il treno, il bus e l’automobile .

  • Northeast Regional da 49 a 152 dollari
  • Acela Express da 89 a 202 dollari

Vista la durata del viaggio, il treno è un’alternativa pratica e confortevole per arrivare a destinazione.

La tratta New York – Boston è servita da Amtrak , i cui treni partono da Penn Station .

Ci sono due tipi di convogli che vanno verso Boston: i Northeast Regional sono i treni regionali , più lenti e meno costosi, mentre gli Acela Express sono i più veloci .

Il bus, invece, è di certo il mezzo più economico per raggiungere Boston . Tra le compagnie che servono la tratta New York – Boston ci sono Greyhound , Flixbus e Megabus . Il costo di un biglietto parte da $30.

L’auto, invece, è il mezzo più versatile , perché consente di spostarsi seguendo i propri orari e le proprie esigenze.

Questo mezzo di trasporto ha, però, i suoi svantaggi, come i costi di drop – off se si restituisce l’auto in una città diversa, o i costi e la difficoltà di parcheggio se si decide di tenerla e, ovviamente, il costo di pedaggi e carburante.

Qual è la strada migliore?

Se decidi di recarti a Boston da New York in automobile , il tragitto più veloce passa per la I – 95 (si completa in circa 4 ore, di più se c’è traffico), che, però, è anche una strada molto trafficata.

Per evitare il traffico, l’alternativa è il percorso che passa per le Interstatali I – 95, I – 84 e I – 90, che, però, è leggermente più lungo.

Cosa vedere lungo il percorso

Durante il tragitto da New York a Boston incontrerai tanti luoghi interessanti sotto il profilo storico e culturale.

Una delle prime cittadine che incontrerai è Greenwich . Qui potrai visitare alcuni edifici storici, come il Putnam Cottage: conosciuto come Knapp Tavern ai tempi della Rivoluzione Americana, è considerato il luogo da cui il generale Putnam iniziò la ritirata dalla battaglia con le truppe britanniche.

New Haven e il campus universitario di Yale

La seconda tappa è sicuramente più interessante della prima. Si tratta, infatti, di New Haven, sede della prestigiosa facoltà universitaria di Yale , che è possibile visitare insieme alla sua famosa Art Gallery.

Andando ancora avanti si attraversa il Rhode Island , il più piccolo degli States, dove si trova Newport.

Sarà difficile da credere ma, fino al decisivo intervento della Corona Britannica, che fece condannare a morte 26 uomini, questa cittadina di mare era un vero e proprio covo di corsari (al punto da guadagnarsi il nome di Rogue Island, ossia isola delle canaglie).

Oggi Newport è famosa per le sue dimore storiche e per suoi Ghost e Walking Tours , il più famoso dei quali è sicuramente il Rogues & Scoundrels Walking Tour.

Plymouth è un’altra tappa praticamente obbligata: qui, infatti, si trova una replica della leggendaria Mayflower , la nave che portò negli Stati Uniti i primi Padri Pellegrini.

Da non perdere neanche la visita alla Plimoth Plantation , un museo che riproduce la vita dei primi coloni nel XVII secolo.

Se decidessi di snobbare la I – 95 in favore del tragitto meno trafficato, passando da Hartford in Connecticut, ricorda di andare a visitare la casa e il museo del famoso scrittore Mark Twain, che ha incantato generazioni di ragazzi con il suo personaggio Huckleberry Finn.

Noleggio auto a New York

Se scegli di fare il viaggio da New York a Boston in auto , avrai bisogno di noleggiarne una.

Spulciando i vari servizi su Internet, ti suggerisco di prenotare con Auto Europe , in attività dal 1954. Compara i siti delle maggiori agenzie di autonoleggio e ti offre il prezzo migliore.

Ti suggerisco questo sito, perché il noleggio dell’auto è uno tra i costi che vanno ad intaccare maggiormente il budget di un viaggio.

Ti do qualche consiglio per risparmiare un pochino: il primo è quello di noleggiare sempre la tua macchina in aeroporto (Newark o JFK), perché qui le tariffe sono meno onerose; inoltre, partendo dall’aeroporto sarà più facile evitare il traffico cittadino tipico di Manhattan e risparmiare i soldi dei pedaggi.

Boston: tour di 2 giorni

Quello da New York a Boston è un viaggio che si compie in giornata senza alcuna difficoltà. In un giorno solo, però, è un po’ difficile riuscire ad ammirare tutte le attrazioni che Boston ha da offrire, a meno che non si partecipa ad un tour organizzato .

Con un tour di 2 giorni, invece, si riescono ad ammirare meglio le attrattive della città e si viaggia con un po’ più di tranquillità.

Boston, infatti, è stata uno dei luoghi – simbolo della Rivoluzione Americana, e ancora oggi questa città è una delle testimonianze più importanti di uno dei periodi che hanno fatto la storia degli Stati Uniti.

Giorno 1 Freedom Trail

La Freedom Trail, Downtown Boston

Non puoi dire di aver visitato Boston senza visitare la Freedom Trail , un percorso che accompagna il visitatore attraverso i luoghi e gli edifici della città che sono stati fondamentali durante la Guerra d’Indipendenza.

Il punto di partenza della Freedom Trail è Copley Square , dove è situata anche la bellissima chiesa della Santissima Trinità.

Tra i punti di maggior interesse presenti sul percorso ci sono il parco Boston Common , la statua del Presidente Benjamin Franklin e la Old State House, dalla cui balconata, nel 1776, venne letta per la prima volta la Dichiarazione d’Indipendenza.

Dopo aver percorso la Freedom Trail ci si può rilassare con una bella visita all’Acquario di Boston.

Giorno 2 Boston Tea Party

Il museo dedicato al Boston Tea Party

Il secondo giorno di viaggio inizia con una visita al Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum : il giorno in cui i Sons of Liberty decisero di attaccare alcune navi mercantili inglesi rovesciando in mare il prezioso carico di tè che trasportavano è uno dei più celebri della storia americana, che qui viene ricordato attraverso un museo e alcune navi da guerra dell’epoca, come la celebre USS Constitution.

Terza tappa: da Boston alle Cascate del Niagara

Dopo aver fatto un tuffo in uno dei capitoli più importanti della storia americana, lasciamo Boston per dirigerci verso il confine canadese, dove sono situate le cascate più famose del mondo: le Cascate del Niagara .

Il tragitto non è esattamente dei più corti, perché da Boston alle Cascate del Niagara ci sono 467 miglia (751 chilometri), che corrispondono a 7 ore circa di viaggio in automobile .

Come raggiungere le Cascate del Niagara

I mezzi di trasporto più comodi e convenienti per raggiungere le Cascate del Niagara da Boston sono il treno, l’aereo, il bus e l’automobile .

Il treno non è l’opzione più economica, ma è sicuramente la più comoda e confortevole. I convogli che servono la tratta Boston – Niagara Falls sono i Northeast Regional, gli Empire Service e i treni Lakeshore Limited che, però, si fermano a Buffalo.

Sicuramente il metodo più comodo e veloce è tramite un volo.

Se decidessi di viaggiare con il bus, puoi prendere un pullman della compagnia Greyhound , che serve la tratta Boston – Cascate del Niagara.

I bus partono da Atlantic Avenue, vicino a South Station, e arrivano fino a Buffalo, dove potrai prendere la coincidenza con un bus della compagnia New York Trailways, che ti porterà a destinazione.

Veniamo all’automobile. Non è il mezzo più economico, e di certo il tragitto da percorrere non è così corto, però consente di spostarsi in totale autonomia e di vedere molte più cose.

Tra Boston e le Cascate del Niagara ci sono, infatti, molti luoghi interessanti, tutti da scoprire!

Qual è la strada migliore

Il percorso più breve per andare da Boston a Niagara Falls è quello che prevede il transito sulle interstatali I – 93, I – 90, I – 290, passando per Albany, Syracuse e Buffalo .

Cosa vedere lungo il percorso e dove fermarsi

Il villaggio di Sturbridge nel Massachusetts ti farà scoprire com'era la vita in un tipico villaggio americano

Quello tra Boston e le Cascate del Niagara è un tragitto piuttosto lungo , che attraversa molti centri, grandi e piccoli: tesori tutti da esplorare per arricchire la propria esperienza di viaggio.

Uno dei primi posti in cui fermarsi è sicuramente la cittadina di Sturbridge , un piccolo centro famoso per il suo villaggio che riproduce in tutto e per tutto la vita dei primi coloni che sbarcarono in America . C’è addirittura una vera fattoria in attività e gli abitanti vanno in giro vestiti con abiti d’epoca.

A poca distanza dalla I – 90 e dalla cittadina di Chicopee, si trova Springfield. Da qui passava la leggendaria Route 66 .

Springfield, Massachusetts

Vale la pena fare una deviazione per Springfield , perché qui ci sono diverse cose interessanti da vedere, come la Basketball Hall of Fame, lo Springfield Armory National Historic Site, lo Springfield Museum e il Dr. Seuss National Memorial Sculpture Garden.

Stockbridge, MA

Prosegui verso la Contea di Berkshire, in Massachusetts, dove si trova la cittadina di Stockbridge che, insieme ai piccoli centri limitrofi, è sede di diverse attrazioni che valgono la pena di essere visitate.

I Berkshire Botanical Gardens, la tenuta di Chesterwood, che è stata la residenza estiva del famoso scultore Daniel Chester French, Naumkeag, altra famosa residenza appartenuta a Joseph Choate, avvocato e ambasciatore britannico dei primi del ‘900, e il Norman Rockwell Museum sono solo alcune delle attrazioni più interessanti di Stockbridge.

A poca distanza da qui, e precisamente a Lenox, si trovano altre due, interessanti residenze: la Ventfort Hall Mansion & Gilded Age Museum, fatta costruire nel 1893 da George e Sarah Morgan, sorella di JP Morgan, e The Mount, la casa progettata dalla famosa scrittrice statunitense Edith Wharton.

Si riparte alla volta delle Cascate del Niagara. Pian piano ti lascerai alle spalle il Massachusetts per entrare nello stato di New York.

La Contea di Oneida, situata sulle rive del lago omonimo, ha diverse attrazioni da offrire ai visitatori.

Lungo la I – 90 troverete Utica, capoluogo della Contea: dalla sua Union Station potrai partire per un’avventura su uno dei convogli della storica Adirondack Railroad, per assaggiare birre e vini pregiati, vivere la magia natalizia del Polar Express o provare l’emozione di vedere il treno assaltato da veri banditi.

Nella vicina Rome troverai il Fort Stanwix National Monument , la ricostruzione fedele del forte militare costruito dai britannici nel 1758, durante la guerra Franco – Indiana.

Ad Oneida, invece, potrai visitare la Oneida Community Mansion House, che tra la fine dell’800 e l’inizio del ‘900 fu la residenza dell’omonima comunità, i cui appartenenti rifiutavano di vivere secondo le regole della società moderna, evitando anche di utilizzarne le tecnologie.

Lasciata alle spalle la contea di Oneida incontrerai Syracuse, una bellissima città sulle rive del lago Onondaga.

Per sgranchirti le gambe dopo un lungo viaggio in auto puoi passeggiare sulla Onondaga Creekwalk, che da Downtown Syracuse arriva fin sulle sponde del lago, oppure puoi sederti sulle rive della Webster Pond, nel quartiere Valley e dar da mangiare alle anatre.

Se, invece dovessi fare dello shopping, potresti avventurarti all’interno di Destiny USA , uno dei centri commerciali più grandi di tutta la regione.

Syracuse, NY

Tra le altre attrazioni presenti a Syracuse ci sono l’E. M. Mills Memorial Rose Garden, un giardino dove sono ospitati più di 3000 cespugli di rose, il Salt Museum, e l’Erie Canal Museum.

Dopo aver lasciato Syracuse, a circa un’ora e mezza di distanza, ti imbatterai in Henrietta, una cittadina nei sobborghi di Rochester, importante città sulle rive del Lago Ontario.

Uscendo dalla interstatale, ci vorranno solo una quindicina di minuti per raggiungere il capoluogo della Contea di Monroe.

Tra le sue principali attrazioni ci sono Highland Park, la Memorial Art Gallery, l’RMSC Strasenbourgh Planetarium, il Seneca Park Zoo, Cobbs Hill Park, e il faro The Charlotte – Genesee Lighthouse.

Bene. Ora che hai visto il lato americano del lago Ontario , puoi prepararti per l’ultima parte del viaggio, quella che ti porterà a Buffalo e, da qui, alle Cascate del Niagara.

Buffalo, NY

Tra le attrazioni che offre la città di Buffalo ci sono i Buffalo Zoological Gardens, le Eternal Flame Falls, l’Albright – Knox Art Gallery e la Frank Lloyd Wright’s Darwin Martin House .

A questo punto non ti resta altro da fare che decidere se proseguire subito per le Cascate del Niagara o se fermarti a dormire a Buffalo e poi raggiungere le Niagara Falls il giorno successivo.

Cosa vedere alle Cascate del Niagara

Le Horseshoe Fall, Cascate del Niagara

Complimenti! Finalmente hai raggiunto una delle mete più famose e visitate degli Stati Uniti: le Cascate del Niagara . Situate sul corso dell’omonimo fiume, queste cascate non sono le più alte del mondo (anche se possono sembrarlo), ma sono di certo le più spettacolari .

Forse non lo sai, ma il corso del fiume Niagara funge anche da confine tra gli Stati Uniti e il Canada : delle tre cascate, quindi, due si trovano negli States (Bridal Veil e American Falls) mentre le più spettacolari, le Horseshoe Falls, sono sul lato canadese .

Prenditi almeno un paio di giorni per visitare le cascate e i dintorni, perché ci sono davvero parecchie cose da fare e da vedere.

Un altro consiglio che ti do è quello di acquistare i vari Pass disponibili (Discovery Pass negli USA e Adventure Pass in Canada ): con un centinaio di dollari (moneta canadese) riuscirai ad assicurarti l’accesso a tutte le attrazioni più importanti .

American Falls

La gita alle Cascate del Niagara, per te, inizia dal lato americano, anche se nessuno ti vieta di fare il contrario.

Se volessi ammirare le cascate dall’alto (anche se tutti concordano sul fatto che la vista sia migliore da quelle canadesi), devi assolutamente salire sulla Observation Tower, la cui piattaforma è posta proprio sopra le cascate.

Una volta ammirata la vista, puoi scendere fino all’inizio dello spettacolare percorso Cave of the Winds , un sistema di passerelle che culmina nell’Hurricane Deck, situato a pochi metri di distanza dalle Bridal Veil Falls, una delle due cascate americane.

Le attrazioni del lato americano delle Cascate del Niagara non terminano con il Cave of the Winds.

Se ti piacciono le escursioni, puoi cimentarti in uno dei percorsi che partono dal Discovery Center. Se, invece, camminare troppo non fa per te, puoi sempre visitare l’Aquarium e l’Adventure Theatre.

Ricordati che per spostarti da un’attrazione all’altra puoi sempre avvalerti del Trolley , il cui prezzo è compreso in quello del Discovery Pass.

E la crociera? Sono sicuro che te lo stai domandando già da un po’!

Bé, se avessi fretta puoi imbarcarti sul primo battello Maid of the Mist che trovi, oppure potresti aspettare di essere nel lato canadese e salire sull’Hornblower, il battello della compagnia che offre le gite in barca sotto le cascate. Entrambi i tour sono compresi all’interno dei Pass.

Bene, direi che è il momento di attraversare il fiume Niagara, e il confine tra Stati Uniti e Canada, per andare a vedere il lato canadese delle cascate.

Canadian Falls

Dirigiti verso lo spettacolare Rainbow Bridge , per attraversare il confine e raggiungere il lato canadese delle Cascate del Niagara.

La Skylon Tower e le Cascate del Niagara al tramonto

Una volta a destinazione non ti resta altro da fare che iniziare ad esplorare i dintorni!

Il punto di partenza migliore è la Skylon Tower (purtroppo il biglietto non è compreso nell’Adventure Pass), dalla cui piattaforma superiore si gode di una vista magnifica (più bella di quella sul lato americano) delle Cascate del Niagara canadesi e americane: solo da qui avrai l’opportunità di ammirare con un solo colpo d’occhio le Horseshoe Falls, le Bridal Veil Falls e le American Falls, affiancate dall’imponente sagoma del Rainbow Bridge.

Una volta giù dalla Skylon Tower dovrai raggiungere il Table Rock Welcome Centre, dove un ascensore ti porterà fino all’entrata del Journey Behind the Falls , un sistema di gallerie che porta i visitatori proprio dietro l’enorme tenda d’acqua delle Horseshoe Falls.

Nei mesi primaverili ed estivi ti verrà fornito un poncho per evitare di bagnarti, e avrai la possibilità di scendere fino al Lower Observation Deck, situato a una manciata di metri dal potente getto d’acqua.

Una volta di nuovo su, non ti rimane che una cosa da fare: salire sull’Hornblower e partire per uno spettacolare giro in battello che ti porterà proprio ai piedi della più potente delle tre cascate, le Horseshoe Falls.

Se volessi vivere la magia di ammirare le cascate illuminate da bellissime di luci colorate , mentre il cielo è decorato dai fuochi artificiali, allora puoi scegliere la Firework Cruise, sarà un’esperienza che non dimenticherai!

Anche se è possibile fare tutto questo in un giorno, ti consiglio di fermarti almeno una notte alle Cascate del Niagara ( scopri dove dormire alle Cascate del Niagara ), perché ci sono ancora tante attrazioni da esplorare.

Le cascate, infatti, non sono l’unica bellezza naturale del fiume Niagara in questa zona.

Appena superate queste ultime, all’interno del corso d’acqua si forma il cosiddetto Niagara Gorge , una sorta di vortice naturale che è possibile ammirare dall’alto del Whirlpool Aero Car , una funivia sospesa sul corso del fiume, o dal sistema di passerelle della White Water Walk.

Per i più avventurosi ci sono poi alcune, imperdibili attrazioni come il Whirlpool Adventure Course o la Zipline to the Falls.

Se, invece, quello che ti appassiona è la natura, non puoi assolutamente perdere il Butterfly Conservatory all’interno dei Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens.

Ora che ti ho raccontato tutto quello che c’è da vedere alle Cascate del Niagara canadesi, è il momento di ritornare negli Stati Uniti … Ah, no, aspetta, il viaggio non finisce mica qui!

Sei pronto/a a lasciare le cascate del Niagara per andare ad esplorare una delle città più famose del Canada? Sì?! Allora si parte alla volta di Toronto .

Il mio consiglio, a questo punto, è di lasciare a Buffalo l’auto presa a noleggio , in quanto è l’unica città il cui lo si può fare, e proseguire verso le cascate del Niagara in bus o in treno e poi, da qui, raggiungere Toronto.

Quarta tappa: dalle Cascate del Niagara a Toronto

Toronto è la più grande Metropoli canadese: situata sulle rive del lago Ontario, nella regione omonima del sud est canadese, dista solo un’ora e mezza circa di viaggio (130 chilometri) dalle Niagara Falls , ed è una visita che vale assolutamente la pena fare.

Come arrivare

Ci sono diverse opzioni di trasporto disponibili per raggiungere Toronto dalle Cascate del Niagara.

Il treno è sicuramente uno dei mezzi più comodi, ma, purtroppo, non ce ne sono molti che servono la tratta Toronto – Cascate del Niagara.

Anche se ci sono un paio di treni Maple Leaf che servono questa tratta, la soluzione migliore è sicuramente quella di scegliere di fare questa tappa in autobus.

Se vuoi, puoi anche decidere di percorrere tutto il tragitto servendoti del bus. In questo caso, le compagnie di riferimento sono Megabus e Greyhound .

Tutti i pullman partono dal Niagara Falls Bus Terminal e arrivano al Toronto Coach Terminal (610 Bay Street), e impiegano circa 1 ora e 30/ 2 ore per arrivare a destinazione.

Quanti giorni dedicare a Toronto?

Bé, Toronto è una delle città più importanti del Canada, con tante cose da fare e da vedere. Per esplorarla al meglio, quindi, ti consiglio di dedicarle almeno due o tre giorni del tuo tempo: in questo modo riuscirai a scoprire tutte le attrazioni più interessanti.

Cosa vedere a Toronto

Lo spettacolare skyline di Toronto

Toronto è una città molto interessante, tutta da scoprire.

Dopo aver scoperto i tanti tesori nascosti tra le sue vie, ci si può spostare sulle rive del famoso lago Ontario, per passeggiare e ammirare il panorama.

Una buona soluzione per non perderti i punti più interessanti della città, è quella di acquistare un Hop – On/ Hop – Off Tour di 2 giorni , che ti porterà direttamente di fronte alle attrazioni più importanti (i biglietti di ingresso non sono inclusi) e comprende anche una crociera sul lago Ontario.


Partiamo dagli edifici. A Toronto ce ne sono diversi, sia antichi che moderni, che non puoi assolutamente mancare di vedere.

Uno dei più interessanti è sicuramente la CN Tower (Canadian National Tower). Inclusa nella lista delle Sette Meraviglie del Mondo Moderno, è rimasta per lungo tempo l’edificio più alto al mondo (553 metri).

Dallo SkyPod, la piattaforma situata a 447 metri di altezza , si può godere di una vista magnifica sulla città di Toronto che, nelle giornate prive di foschia, spazia fino alle Cascate del Niagara.

Restiamo sempre in tema di architettura moderna. Uno degli edifici che caratterizzano il paesaggio urbano di Toronto è la sua City Hall progettata dall’architetto finlandese Vijo Revell e dall’architetto paesaggista Richard Strong, venne costruita nel 1965 e ancora oggi cattura la vista con i suoi due edifici dalla forma che ricorda un semicerchio, con l’edificio circolare al centro che ospita la Camera di Consiglio.

Tra gli edifici storici, i più degni di nota sono sicuramente Casa Loma, Mackenzie House e Spadina House .

Casa Loma è una maestosa residenza dalle sembianze di un castello fatta edificare nel 1911 da Sir Henry Pellat, uomo d’affari di successo dall’animo romantico e visionario. Oggi Casa Loma è una delle maggiori attrazioni turistiche della città di Toronto .

Mackenzie House, un tempo residenza del primo sindaco della città, William Lyon Mackenzie, oggi ospita un museo che mostra com’era la vita della città nel 1860.

Lo Spadina Museum, attraverso la storia della famiglia Austin, offre la possibilità di vedere com’era la vita a Toronto negli anni ’20 e ’30 del ‘900.

Per quanto riguarda gli edifici religiosi , il più degno di nota è sicuramente la Cathedral Church of St. James, edificata negli anni dal 1850 al 1853, fu progettata dall’architetto Frederick William Cumberland ed è caratterizzata da un’architettura gotica.

La città di Toronto ospita nel suo territorio parecchi musei. Oltre alle residenze storiche già citate, tra i più importanti della città ci sono il Royal Ontario Museum, uno dei musei di Storia Naturale e dei Popoli più grandi al mondo.

Rimanendo sul tema delle bellezze naturali, specialmente se viaggi con bambini, non puoi mancare la visita al Ripley’s Acquarium of Canada e al Toronto Zoo .

Per quanto riguarda l’arte, il più importante è sicuramente l’Art Gallery of Ontario, che ospita ben 80.000 pezzi di appartenenti a varie culture e correnti artistiche.

Per quanto riguarda la storia della città, ci sono due luoghi che ne raccontano alcune delle tappe fondamentali. Il primo è Fort York , situato nell’area di Downton Toronto. Tra i primi insediamenti della metropoli, ne fu il fulcro durante il periodo in cui Toronto rimase sotto la dominazione dei britannici, che modificarono il suo nome in York, e fu teatro della Battaglia di York nel 1813.

Quando il combattimento venne vinto dagli statunitensi, questo insediamento fu parzialmente distrutto. Gli edifici che sono giunti fino a noi ospitano diversi percorsi museali che raccontano la storia, anche militare, della città nel XIX secolo.

Appena fuori Toronto, invece, c’è il Black Creek Pioneer Village , che racconta la storia, sia civile che militare, ai tempi della Battaglia di Black Creek, che avvenne nel 1867.

Se hai la passione per lo sport, ci sono tre luoghi iconici che non puoi assolutamente mancare di vedere : la Hockey Hall of Fame è un museo interamente dedicato al gioco dell’Hockey su ghiaccio , che racconta la storia delle squadre della National Hockey League; il Rogers Centre (ex Sky Dome) è un enorme stadio che ospita le partite di una delle squadre più famose della Major League di Baseball, i Toronto Blue Jays; per finire, l’Air Canada Centre, è uno stadio polifunzionale che ospita le partite delle squadre di diverse discipline sportive, tra cui Hockey su Ghiaccio, Basket e Lacross, ma anche i concerti di artisti famosi (qui si sono esibiti i Bon Jovi, gli u2 e i Police).

Shopping e tempo libero

Per quanto riguarda lo shopping e il tempo libero, ci sono due luoghi – simbolo nella città di Toronto.

Il primo è l’Eaton Centre, un enorme centro commerciale che ospita più di 250 boutiques dei migliori marchi e diversi ristoranti. Uno dei suo segni distintivi è il Flight Top Geese, una scultura composta da un volo di anatre che pendono dalla maestosa galleria in vetro dell’edificio.

Il secondo, ma non di certo per importanza, è PATH, la “città sotterranea” di Toronto . Lungo più di trenta chilometri e con oltre 1200 negozi e servizi al suo interno, PATH è il posto giusto dove trascorrere un pomeriggio di shopping o per raggiungere moltissimi punti della città. Iniziato nei primi anni del ‘900, il suo sviluppo accelerò negli anni ’70, per offrire ai cittadini un riparo dalle rigide temperature invernali.

Oggi PATH è un luogo dove divertirsi e trovare riparo dal caldo in estate e dal freddo in inverno, oltre che un buon sistema per spostarsi velocemente da un luogo all’altro della città grazie anche ai collegamenti ferroviari.

Altre due zone della città famose per lo shopping sono St. Lawrence Market e il Distillery District .

Lago Ontario

Anche le rive del Lago Ontario, con l’Harbourfront Centre , offrono ai visitatori numerose opportunità di divertimento: dalle passeggiate sul lungofiume al prendere il sole su una spiaggia, all’ascoltare uno dei tanti concerti che si tengono nel Toronto Music Garden sono tante le attività interessanti.

Se vuoi esplorare la parte del Lago Ontario su cui si affaccia la città, puoi farlo con una crociera sul Lago Ontario , che ti porterà anche alla scoperta delle Toronto Islands, dove è situato anche il Canadian National Exhibition, uno dei più grandi parchi di divertimento della zona.

Come muoversi

Oltre al già citato Hop – On/ Hop – Off Bus, che consente di visitare le maggiori attrazioni della città, e ai classici taxi e Uber, per spostarti da un punto all’altro puoi servirti anche dei mezzi pubblici , che consentono di risparmiare notevolmente.

La città di Toronto, infatti, dispone di un efficiente sistema di trasporto pubblico, gestito dalla Toronto Transit Commission, che comprende bus, Metro e Tram.

La Metro è costituita da 4 linee , la Yonge – University Line, la Bloor – Danforth Line, la Scarborough Line e la Sheppard Line. Per muoversi nella zona di Downton Toronto si devono prendere i convogli della Linea 1 (Yonge – University), mentre per spostarsi nella zona di Yorkville ci si deve servire della Linea 2 (Bloor – Danforth Line). Le due linee si incontrano alle stazioni di Bloor – Yonge, St. George e Spadina.

Anche il Tram è un mezzo di trasporto comodo e veloce per spostarsi in città. Tra le linee più popolari ci sono:

– 501 Queen, che raggiunge le aree di High Park (sud), Queen West Shopping District, City Hall e Eaton Centre; – 504 King, raggiunge il Liberty Village, l’entertainment district, il financial district, la Old Town, il Distillery District, e la parte est di Chiantown; – 505 Dundas, raggiunge Chinatown, l’Art GAllery of Ontario e Dundas Square; – 506 Carlton, raggiunge High Park (est), Little Italy, la University of Toronto, Cabbagetown e Little India; – 509 Harbourfront, raggiunge Exhibition Place, il central waterfront, l’area di partenza dei traghetti per le Toronto Islands e Union Station; – 510 Spadina, raggiunge la University of Toronto, Chinatown, il central waterfront, l’area di partenza dei traghetti per le Toronto Islands e Union Station.

Per quello che riguarda i bus , le aree centrali della città e quelle più frequentate sono servite in maniera efficiente, con gli autobus che passano di frequente. Le linee che vanno fuori città o nelle zone periferiche, invece, potrebbero essere meno servite. Per maggiori informazioni ti consiglio di visitare il sito ufficiale dei trasporti di Toronto .

Non dimenticare l'assicurazione viaggio: sconto del 10%!

Le attività preferite dai visitatori di

Ciao Carlo , vorrei organizzarmi per un viaggio a New York. dato che non sono vaccinato per covid 19 , quali problemi andro’ in contro per entrare negli USA saluti e grazie da Bruxelles Tommaso.

Ciao Tommaso, senza vaccino non puoi entrare negli USA. In questa pagina trovi tutte le info sulle normative Covid.

Banner New York con Carlo 2024

Ciao Carlo, grazie per i preziosi consigli che dai. Secondo la tua personale esperienza e’fattibile il tour New York Boston Cascate Toronto con tre bambini (di 6/7/10 anni? L magari aggiungendo qualche giorno per farlo con con più calma? Grazie

Ciao Michela, in linea generale ti dico di sì, che è assolutamente fattibile. Poi ovviamente dipende dai tuoi figli. Il mio consiglio è quello di pianificare bene l’itinerario, prevedendo diverse soste intermedie.

Ho gradito moltissimo i suggerimenti grazie

Grazie Magda.

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Grace J Silla

New York Itinerary: 5 Days in New York City

It’s easy to take it for granted that I live within 4 hours of one of the best cities in the USA. I can’t count the number of times I’ve dropped in for a day trip or the number of times I’ve stayed for the weekend. It’s the city that always has something fresh to visit, restaurants to try and coffee to taste. There are new shops and foodie places popping up weekly and while it’s hard to keep up with all of them, the sheer variety makes visiting the city that much more fun.

This New York itinerary travel guide is a conglomeration of visits throughout the years and is constantly being updated; it’s a guide for how to plan a New York itinerary no matter which season you decide to visit and what mistakes to avoid while planning for your trip. Wintertime can make New York sightseeing a little difficult but as long as you dress warmly, you should be able to do most of the attractions on this list.

I’ve developed 3 types of New York itineraries for the visitor: weekend, 4 days and 5 days in New York City each with their own unique set of things to do.

Transportation in New York City – If you decided to brave the crazy driving in the city and you brought your car with you, you’ll want to book your parking in advance. This is a smart strategy if you want to save money on overnight parking but even still, parking will run between $60-$100 per day. If you’re visiting for longer than a weekend, I would highly recommend not bringing your car into the city.

Transportation within the city is easy. You can opt for Uber (they’re available everywhere) or you can take the Metro. You’ll have to purchase a Metro card (I believe the price is $1 per card) and you’ll load it with fares when you want to use the metro. The transport system offers package deals where you can get unlimited rides for 7 days, etc. This is a great option if you’re staying for more than a weekend.

view over New York City with skyscrapers and industrial buildings | New York Itinerary

New York Itinerary: Hotels

Trying to find a hotel in NYC can get overwhelming at times. And if you’re not familiar with the city, it’s difficult to figure out which locations make the most sense for your visit. A few tips to keep in mind as you’re looking for a hotel:

1. Pick a central area to your activities When we visited NYC the very first time, we made the mistake of booking a hotel in Upper East Side because we found a hotel/room that would fit us all. It was a big mistake as it was so far out of the way, that it took us forever to get to all the places we wanted to see.

Even though it doesn’t look it on the map, there is quite a difference between staying in upper Manhattan and lower Manhattan. Public transportation is readily available but regardless, it does take time (up to 45 minutes from upper to lower) and that might not be something you can afford to lose if you’re only staying for a few days. So choose your location wisely even if that means you have to pay a little more.

2. Look for bed bugs I hate to even mention this nasty issue but it needs to be said. Many hotels in NYC, including luxury hotels, have been plagued with bed bugs. It’s all a part of being located in a large city that sees millions of worldwide visitors. So what can you do as a visitor to prevent this?

Research your hotel and make sure it doesn’t have a history of bed bugs. And exercise caution when you’re actually in your hotel room; don’t leave your suitcase on the floor or use dressers/drawers. Try to keep everything sealed in your suitcase. I have never had an issue yet but it is something worth noting as NYC is notorious for them.

3. Rooms are small NYC rooms are TINY; this is not just an exaggeration or something that’s specific to certain hotels. Overall, your typical king bedroom in NYC has enough walking room around the bed, a small place to put your luggage and a mini bathroom. It’s not an issue but is something to keep in mind when you’re setting your expectations.

Sometimes you walk in and are pleasantly surprised and other times, you discover that the wide angle photography on the hotel’s website really oversold the place. Just know that most rooms are small and your hotel isn’t the hotel touting miniature rooms.

4. Book in advance Generally speaking, if you want to find good rates and availability at your top choice hotel, then you would want to book several weeks in advance of your visit. If you decide to book last minute (within 1 week or less) of your planned trip, then use Hotel Tonight. The app does a great job of finding deals as long as you aren’t attached to any one hotel. You can zero in on your preferred location and it’ll bring up the available hotels for you to choose from. Since this is NYC, expect prices to be upwards of $200 and anything less, a deal.

MIDTOWN MANHATTAN HOTELS 1. Shelburne NYC in Midtown The Shelburne NYC is a classic boutique hotel located in Midtown. It has the perfect location for a visit with friends – it’s close enough to Times Square that you can walk to if someone in your group is dying to visit the main hub but far enough away that you don’t feel congested and claustrophobic.

We easily fit 4 people in our room. as the rooms at the Shelburne are large by NYC standards. The best aspect of this hotel is the rooftop which gives you sweeping views of the city and during the warmer season, a rooftop bar where you can hang until all hours of the night.

2. Arlo Nomad in Korea Town The Arlo actually has two locations: one in NoMad (aka North of Madison Square Park) and one in Soho. Here we are specifically referring to the one in NoMad. This hotel is known for beautiful rooms with city skyline views. These rooms tend to also be the most expensive that Arlo has to offer but they’re worth it. The city view rooms are amazing as well so don’t be afraid to go with the cheaper alternative if you don’t want to splurge.

And no matter what room you choose, you can still have access to the scenic rooftop. During winter, it’s decked with cute igloos that are furnished with comfortable chairs, pillows and blankets. Summertime brings warm breezes and you can sit and enjoy a drink at the bar. I also loved exploring the restaurant downstairs; it has cute artwork on the walls and is decorated nicely.

3. Lotte NY Palace in Midtown This hotel is pure luxury in Midtown Manhattan. Opt for a cathedral view or skyline view room to make your stay even more beautiful. The interior is lavishly and elegantly decorated and there is even a spa on-site for those wanting to pamper themselves during their stay.

sunrise over NYC | New York Itinerary

LOWER MANHATTAN HOTELS  1. NOMO Soho Hotel in SoHo (aka South of Houston) NOMO is a cute boutique hotel located in Soho, a charming, artsy neighborhood on the lower Manhattan side. It’s dog-friendly so if you’re considering traveling with your pet, they only charge an additional $100 fee. NOMO has amazing views over the city and features a few Instagram-worthy photo spots.

2. CitizenM NY Bowery Hotel in Lower East Side This hotel boasts a beautiful rooftop bar and an eclectic interior. If you’re looking for easy access to Brooklyn, then this hotel should be at the top of your list!

3. SIXTY SoHo Hotel in Soho SIXTY offers well-decorated rooms and a colorful rooftop with plenty of seating. The common areas are classically designed as well. This is modern day luxury if you’re looking for it.

TIMES SQUARE HOTELS 1. Refinery Hotel Sometimes you travel to New York and want the full touristy experience, Times Square and all. If this is what you’re looking for, then you can opt for the Refinery Hotel which is a block away from the center of Times Square. The Refinery Hotel has the most amazing rooftop restaurant/bar so even if you don’t stay here, you should check it out. Rooms here are simple, plain. The dining areas (Parker & Quinn especially) are fun photogenic spots.

2. Knickerbocker Hotel Luxury smack dab in the middle of Times Square, the Knickerbocker Hotel offers one of the best rooftops overlooking Times Square. Rooms are simple but very modern.

New York Itinerary: Restaurants

If you thought the number of choices for hotels was overwhelming, then prepare to feel pretty lost when it comes to dining in NYC. There are so many options which can be great if you’re picky but also tough if you have a hard time making decisions. Because NYC is such a great melting pot, you’ll find every type of food under the sun: Indian, Thai, Greek, Pakistani, literally everything. A few tips to keep in mind when you’re planning your dining experience:

1. Don’t forget to make reservations We’ve run into this issue on more than one occasion while traveling in NYC. Either we forget to call ahead and make a reservation or we decide to make last minute plans. When you’re traveling in a group, it’s crucial to either have a plan B/C or to call ahead and reserve a table. Dining during the weekends is especially difficult as sometimes places will book for the entire night.

2. Call ahead and confirm opening hours It’s NYC and many places cater special events. This means that your favorite breakfast shop might not actually be open the Saturday you’re visiting. Before making the trek out to wherever you’ve planned for, just make sure you make a quick call to confirm that they’re open. One time we were en route to Clinton Street (known for the best pancakes) when I decided to give them a call. It turns out they were closed for a special event they were hosting.

3. Expect wait times If your restaurant does not take reservations, you will be expected to wait. Thankfully, you can use the Yelp app to minimize your wait times. You sign in and then select your restaurant (if available). You can then ask to be added to the waitlist (the app will also tell you approximate wait times).

4. Don’t be tempted by the food trucks I know everyone has a different opinion on this matter but I would highly recommend NOT eating from the hundreds of food trucks parked along the streets. While theoretically they are inspected, it’s not a good idea try your luck with it. My friend is an expert in food safety and practices and he’s mentioned on multiple occasions how risky it is to be eating food from one of these food trucks. Save your food truck cravings for a different city. NYC has too many amazing dining options that it just isn’t necessary to possibly ruin your trip over a hotdog or two.

lavender latte with pretty latte art

Coffee: Happy Bones in SoHo, Lower Manhattan Happy Bones is fun if you’re looking for unique coffee shop with a hipster vibe. The coffee wasn’t my favorite, though I have friends who say it’s their favorite. Their baristas are latte art experts so if you’re looking for the perfect photo op, you’ll find it here. They have a handful of croissants you can buy if you’re hungry but be warned, there are about 5 seats and maybe 2 tables in the entire shop. It is TINY. So be prepared to grab and go.

Remi Flower & Coffee in Midtown East Remi’s has the best lavender lattes in all of NYC. They also happen to be the prettiest lattes you’ve ever seen. Seating is limited here as well so you may have to wait for a table or take your coffee to go. They have a few croissants and pastries if you find yourself slightly hungry.

Urban Backyard in SoHo, Lower Manhattan This cute coffee shop offers unique lattes (lavender and rose) as well as flowery teas. It’s a tiny little shop but adorable on the inside. Urban Backyard does a great job with their seasonal decorations as well.

Bibble & Sip in Midtown This tiny cafe serves the best quiche around. Coffee is also delicious so while you may not want to visit if you’re super hungry, this is a wonderful place to grab a quick coffee and quiche before you start your day.

pancakes with berries on a white plate and a fried egg over grain

Breakfast & Brunch: Wild Son in Chelsea The pancakes are to die for in this small, cozy restaurant. They come topped with berries as well as a delicious syrup. If you’re craving something salty, try the grain bowl topped with eggs. Equally delicious and not sweet.

MamanNYC in SoHo, Lower Manhattan This company has several locations scattered throughout NYC. The easiest one to get to if you’re staying midtown is Marché Maman on Centre Street. This cute breakfast spot is a part of a beautiful home decor store. Attached to the store/restaurant is the original Maman coffee shop. If you find yourself here, you need to try the lavender hot chocolate, lavender waffles and quiche.

Clinton St Baking Co in East Village, Lower Manhattan This famous breakfast spot is said to have the best pancakes in NYC so make sure you add this to your New York itinerary if you’re a pancake connoisseur!

Lunch & Dinner: Scotty’s Diner in Midtown East I’ve never been a diner fan but after recently trying one in Denver and now Scotty’s in NYC, I think I have an easier time giving them a chance. Scotty’s had a very laid-back NYC vibe – portions are huge and food is delicious. I would highly recommend their desserts (which you can preview as soon as you walk in the door) and their omelettes for breakfast. Scotty’s is about 3 blocks from the Shelburne (a huge convenience).

La Nonna in Little Italy, Lower Manhattan Originally we were planning on trying out Cafe Habana but since we were in Little Italy anyhow and all of us (me included) were craving Italian, we decided to give this place a shot. We loved the fresh homemade pastas and the service was impeccable. *UPDATED 2019: Pelligrino’s Ristorante is closed; their menu is now being served at La Nonna’s.

La Gioconda in Midtown East If you’re staying in Midtown, I’d highly recommend the Italian restaurant called Gioconda’s. They have a fantastic selection of fresh pasta and homemade dishes and a very cozy interior.

Tasty Dumplings in Chinatown, Lower Manhattan Located in a nondescript hole-in-the-wall in Chinatown, this Asian restaurant serves the cheapest and most delicious dumplings you may find in the city. $1.25 for 5 piping hot, crispy dumplings. Let’s be real – it doesn’t get cheaper than that.

Spice Symphony in Midtown East One of the best Indian food restaurants around, Spice Symphony has a great variety of authentic Indian food for you to choose from. Though it doesn’t look it from the outside, the interior is modern and clean. You really can’t go wrong with anything on the menu but make sure you try the paneer, masala and tandoori.

ABA Turkish Restaurant in Hell’s Kitchen (Midtown Upper) Turkish food is delicious and ABA does a great job of serving unique and amazing dishes. Recommendations: stuffed grape leaves, lebni, and manti as a main dish.

Wondee Siam in Hell’s Kitchen in Midtown This is one of the smallest restaurants in NYC so prepare yourself for a very cozy experience. The Thai food here is amazing with panang curry being one of the best.

Desserts: Dough Doughnuts in Times Square, Midtown The doughnuts here are great but they’re not your typical ultra-sweet donut. These lightly sweetened donuts are more of a cake-y, dough-y donut. Try the dulce de leche and coconut flavors! The interior of the shop is adorable and there is plenty of seating.

Milk & Cream Cereal Bar in SoHo, Lower Manhattan This popular shop dips their soft serve in cereal but fair warning, the ice cream is pretty sweet so don’t order more than you can handle! Try Cookie Crisp Carnival flavor off the specials menu.

Junior’s in Times Square, Midtown A popular Times Square spot, Junior’s is the place to go if you’re craving cheesecake. They served huge slices of classic NY style cheesecake in every flavor you could ever hope for. The place is bright and colorful (think crazy headache-inducing lights) so if you are sensitive at all to flashy lights, take your cheesecake to go. Otherwise, sit and enjoy some awesome people watching. Junior’s tends to have a wait time.

Eileen’s Special Cheesecake in SoHo, Lower Manhattan This small little shop has gourmet cheesecakes in unique flavors and round vs slice shape. Portion sizes are much more modest than Junior’s but the quality and taste are both fantastic. I’d recommend taking your cheesecake to go and sitting in the little park across the street. There is limited seating indoors.

Schmakary’s in Times Square, Midtown If you’re craving cookies and hot chocolate, then this Times Square cookie shop will make you smile. They have delicious cookies and baked goods but they’re busy so be prepared to wait in line for a few moments!

New York Itinerary: Things to do

What are the best things to do in new york city.

There’s something for everyone in NYC. You’ll find a ton of things to do and places to see. I’ve broken up these New York attractions into different sections of the city so it’s easier to plan your time in New York City.

New York Pass – You may have heard of the New York Pass. This pass gets you into Top of the Rock Observation Deck (OR Guggenheim Museum), Empire State Building, the American Museum of Natural History, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Ferry Access to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island (OR Circle Line Sightseeing Cruises), and the 9/11 Memorial & Museum (OR Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum).

It costs $133 starting March 2019. It’ll be up to you and your individualized itinerary to decide if the pass is worth it to you. Breaking it down, this is how much each individual ticket costs based on adult pricing (*estimated prices): $20 advance ticket; $33 at the door; $54 with bonus entry Empire State Building* $28 American Museum of Natural History** $40 Top of the Rock OR $25 Guggenheim Museum $25 Metropolitan Museum of Art $18 Statue of Liberty OR $37 cruise $33 Air & Space Museum OR $26 9/11 Museum

*According to the City Pass website, the 102nd floor observatory will be closed to the public for renovations December 17, 2018 through July 29, 2019. *The City Pass website lists this cost as $54 because they are giving you a bonus same-night entry. $20 is the typical admission rate assuming you book in advance. **The American Museum of Natural History actually operates on a pay-what-you-wish system assuming you get your ticket at the ticket counter. So while advance ticket price is $28, you can actually pay as little as $1 at the door. However, please note that you cannot get access to any special exhibits.

NYC Bridge

LOWER MANHATTAN Little Italy and Chinatown : These sections of the city are small but pack in a bundle for the visitor. So many restaurants line the streets of each area and street vendors can be found selling cannolis (Little Italy), fish and fruit (Chinatown) and chachkas galore. Lots of fantastic restaurants are located within each area.

Wall Street : This area houses the financial district as well as the One World Trade Center area: 9/11 Memorial and Museum, One World Observatory as well as the Oculus and Battery Park (where boats depart for the Statue of Liberty).

Oculus : Located in the World Trade Center area, the Oculus was built to replace the train station that was destroyed in 9/11. It’s a masterpiece of architecture and I think it deserves a visit. The inside is also a retail mall so if you’re craving some shopping, you can stop in and browse the shops that line the inside.

Brooklyn Bridge : Brooklyn Bridge is not only iconic but it provides passage between Manhattan and Brooklyn. I’d recommend waking up early (before 7am) to walk the bridge as it fills up with A LOT of people throughout the day.

Staten Island & Ellis Island : While the actual Staten Island ferry ride to Staten Island is free, you have to pay to access that Statue of Liberty. Tickets also give you access to Ellis Island.

DUMBO – This area is a neighborhood located in Brooklyn and stands for Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass. You can see Manhattan Bridge in the distance in the below photo. DUMBO is a great mix of Brooklyn and Manhattan; popular places to visit here include Jane’s Carousel and Brooklyn Bridge Park.

World Trade Center area

UPPER EAST SIDE Metropolitan Museum of Art : Though not a museum lover typically, I LOVE the Met. It’s probably my favorite museum and once you enter it, you’ll quickly realize why. There is something for everyone and the museum is so enormous that it’s nearly impossible to see everything in one visit.

This is why I recommend allotting a specific number of hours beforehand for walking through the museum. It will help you plan your visit better and make sure you don’t miss exhibits/galleries that are at the top of your list. I made the mistake of not planning well once and regretted it as we ran out of time to see some of our favorite galleries.

Central Park : The most famous of all the parks in NYC, Central Park is beautiful to visit year-round. It’s a huge park with over 800 acres of land. This is where you’ll run into talented street performers, people seeking solitude, dog walkers and more. It’s definitely worth stopping by for a few hours to enjoy, especially if it’s a beautiful day. It’s unexpected calm amidst a hustling and bustling city.

fall in NYC in Central Park - view of trees

MIDTOWN Times Square : The number 1 destination for first time visitors to NYC. Times Square is a rather chaotic mass of people visiting NYC for their first, second, tenth time. This is where you can find A LOT of shops, restaurants and the big billboards that are so infamous.

Broadway : If you’re even remotely a Broadway fan, I’d highly recommend reserving a night before you visit. Our friends advise to book the show a few days before you arrive in NYC to ensure good seats at a great show or you can wait in line the day of for last minute tickets to shows that haven’t sold out yet. Broadway shows are not cheap so expect to spend at least $100 and possibly several hundred depending on the show and seat assignment.

MoMa : Art lovers will enjoy the The Museum of Modern Art, a famous art museum in NYC. If you visit Friday nights between 4-8pm, admission is free; otherwise, it’s $25.

Rockefeller Center : If you’re in NYC during Christmastime, be sure to wander the Rockefeller Center. You’ll see the beautiful ice skating rink as well as the famous Christmas tree that the city always puts up in the middle. This is the area where you’ll see crazy shops like the big Lego store and the M&M store.

Grand Central Terminal Station : Once you enter this station, you’ll feel like you stepped into a different world. This is basically Times Square in a smaller area but with even more crowds, pushing and things to make your head spin. It’s a beautiful place, full of amazing architecture and if you’re not using it as a means of transport to and from the city, then at least stop by for a quick peek. The station also has restaurants and shops just in case you didn’t get your fill outside.

New York Public Library : This library is stunning, another amazing study of architecture in NY. Even if you don’t want to read, stop in and admire the ceilings and artwork.

High Line : The High Line is a 1.5 mile elevated walkway that was built on the location of a historic railway. It looks out over the city and is filled with greenery and interesting artwork.

Flatiron Building : If you’re looking for that classic NYC shot, then walk over to the Flatiron Building. This is the iconic skinny building that you see everywhere and it’s worth a quick photo snap if you’re Midtown.

NEW YORK CITY VIEWPOINTS Empire State Building : One of the oldest views over the city, the Empire State Building looks out over NYC with the One World Observatory in the far distance.

Top of the Rock : Another great viewpoint in NYC, Top of the Rock is located in Rockefeller Center. Elevators take you up to the Observation Deck and while you can grab a few photos from inside, the best views are outside located on two different levels. You can catch views of the Empire State Building in the distance.

One World Observatory : This tall building was originally called the Freedom Tower and is located in the World Trade Center area. For $34 you can gain access to the top and enjoy dramatic & stunning views over NYC. You can view Manhattan in the distance.

Which view is best : Top of the Rock vs Empire State Building vs One World Observatory? Some will argue that the view from the Empire State Building isn’t quite as stunning as Top of the Rock or One World but it all comes down to personal preference. If you have the city pass, go to both and decide for yourself. If not, I don’t think you can really go wrong with whichever viewpoint you decided to go with.

OTHER Helicopter Tour over NYC: And for those who want a completely unique experience, several companies in NYC offer helicopter tours over the city.

*Other museums: Guggenheim Museum (art museum), American Museum of Natural History, Air & Space Museum, 9/11 Museum (all of these are included with the city pass as mentioned above)

Related New York travel guide: Day trip from NYC

5 Days in New York City

Where to stay : Midtown or Lower Manhattan; since you’re spending about 2 days in Lower Manhattan, you can afford to stay in this area *Depending on how much you enjoy museums, you may want to get the city pass (see above). You also might want to consider the 7 day metro ticket for unlimited rides as you’ll be traveling pretty extensively during your stay

Day 1 Check in. Start your 5 days in New York City with a Broadway show and Times Square exploration.

Day 2 Midtown: Visit architectural landmarks like the Flatiron Building, Grand Central Terminal & the public library & Rockefeller Center. Go up Top of the Rock or the Empire State Building and watch the sun set over the city. This is the day to visit the Intrepid Sea Air & Space Museum and MoMa. If MoMa or the Intrepid Sea isn’t your thing, then opt to explore Little Italy and Chinatown for the evening instead.

Day 3 Upper East side: If you’re staying in SoHo or Lower Manhattan, note that it will take close to 40 minutes to travel to the Upper East side. Start your day off with the Metropolitan Museum of Art (depending on your love of art, you can spend the entire day here; however, your ticket allows you to break up your visit into several days) & Central Park. If you want to visit the Guggenheim Museum or the American Museum of Natural History, this is the day to do so.

Day 4 Lower Manhattan: Get an early start to your day and visit Brooklyn Bridge before it becomes crowded. Make your way over to the One World Trade Center and visit the 9/11 Museum and go inside the Oculus. Take the ferry out to Staten Island.

Day 5 Lower Manhattan: Take a helicopter ride and enjoy your morning in Battery Park or DUMBO. If you’re not staying in Lower Manhattan and you don’t care to explore this area again, you can visit the Met again.

view of Brooklyn Bridge

4 Days in New York City

Where to stay : Midtown because of its close proximity to most things *Depending on how much you enjoy museums, you may want to get the city pass (see above). You also might want to consider the 7 day metro ticket for unlimited rides as you’ll be traveling pretty extensively during your stay .

You may want to follow the above itinerary for your 4 days in New York City though you will have to eliminate one day. If you really want to do a helicopter tour, then I would recommend replacing the ferry ride to Staten Island with the heli tour. You might still have time to take the ferry ride (and it’s free!) but you just won’t have time to actually enter the island and climb the Statue of Liberty.

What is a must do weekend itinerary in New York for a first timer?

You can’t accomplish everything in a weekend but you can definitely see your fair share of the city. Where to stay : If you’re only in NYC for a weekend and it’s your first time, then I would recommend staying in Times Square. This is because Times Square is a central location and if you’re planning to see any Broadway shows, you’ll be glad you’re close to your hotel late in the evening. The Knickerbocker Hotel is a great luxury option as well as the Refinery Hotel. If you prefer chain hotels, there are plenty of options in this area including Marriotts, Hiltons and Hampton Inns.

Friday: Check in to your hotel. Take the metro down to Lower Manhattan, You will have just enough time to do ONE of the following: Little Italy & Chinatown with dinner, Brooklyn Bridge and Dumbo, the World Trade Center (Oculus and the 9/11 Museum) or Battery Park and Staten Island Ferry & Statue of Liberty.

Saturday: Walk in Times Square and see it during daylight, maybe grab a cheesecake from Junior’s or a cookie from Schmakary’s. Stop in Grand Central and the public library for a quick look. Have lunch in Hells Kitchen then go visit MoMa.

Make your way over to Rockefeller Center towards evening, visit the Lego and M&M stores if you are obsessed with either and then prepare to go UP. Reserve a ticket in advance for Top of the Rock or Empire State Building and watch the sun set over the city. Enjoy dinner in Midtown. Or you can opt to watch a Broadway show instead of Top of the Rock. You can do both if you do Top of the Rock early enough in the day (no sunset).

Sunday: Spend your day at the MET or visit Central Park until it’s time to leave.

ultimate NYC travel guide | what to do in NYC | best photo spots in NYC | where to eat in NYC | how to spend 5 days in NYC | NYC itineraries

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There’s so much to do in NYC! I lived there for 10 years and I know I missed things to see. I agree with what you said, best not to drive into town. Parking is crazy astronomical and all the new street rules make it too crazy. The city is so easy to walk and you won’t miss a thing that way. Your photos made me want to go back!

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Great blog and beautiful pictures.

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Visitare New York in 5 giorni: itinerario per scoprire la Grande Mela

tour 5 giorni new york

Cosa vedere a New York in cinque giorni. Ecco un itinerario che vi permetterà di visitare New York in cinque giorni, scoprendo le attrazioni più belle di Manhattan e sconfinando a Brooklyn e nel Bronx.

New York è la metropoli per eccellezza , la città che tutti dovrebbero vedere almeno una volta nella vita. Quindi “cosa vedere a New York” è il quesito che tutti si pongono prima o poi. Con questo articolo provo a darvi alcune risposte, descrivendovi l’itinerario che abbiamo seguito noi qualche anno fa durante i nostri cinque indimenticabili giorni nella Grande Mela. Ci siamo concentrati principalmente su Manhattan, riuscendo però a sconfinare anche a Brooklyn e nel Bronx.

New York in 5 giorni: cosa vedere

Giorno 1: da grand central terminal a times square.

Dedicate buona parte della giornata ad alcuni dei luoghi iconici di Manhattan. Le distanze di questo percorso sono minime, quindi vi consiglio di spostarvi a piedi, perché non c’è nulla di meglio che passeggiare per entrare in sintonia con New York. Le vie interminabili, i grattacieli altissimi, il traffico incessante, una miriade di taxi gialli, vi sembrerà tutto assurdo e familiare allo stesso tempo .

new york in 5 giorni

Ecco cosa vedere.

Grand Central Terminal : la stazione ferroviaria più grande del mondo, bella da fuori e ancor più all’interno, in particolare per l’immenso atrio centrale.

New York Public Library: la biblioteca pubblica della città, salite la scalinata con i famosi leoni di marmo ai lati e visitate le splendide sale di lettura ai piani superiori.

Bryant Park: il parco cittadino per eccellenza, proprio alle spalle della Public Library, una piccola oasi verde nel cuore di Midtown Manhattan.

cosa vedere a new york in 5 giorni

Rockfeller Center: il gigantesco complesso architettonico della Fifth Avenue. Curiosate tra i negozi e salite sulla terrazza panoramica del Top of the Rock , da cui potrete avere una delle migliori viste di Manhattan dall’alto.

MoMa: uno dei musei di arte moderna più famosi al mondo, in cui sono esposte sia opere che definirei “improbabili” sia capolavori assoluti come “La notte stellata” di Van Gogh.

St Patrick Cathedral: la cattedrale gotica più famosa della città, completamente circondata da grattacieli.

A questo punto sarete quasi alla fine del primo giorno a New York, quindi vi meritate un po’ di shopping da Macy’s , il grande magazzino di ben dieci piani in cui trovare praticamente ogni cosa, anche ciò di cui non sapevate di avere bisogno. Da Macy’s, con altri pochi passi, arriverete infine al Madison Square Garden, la mecca del basket americano.

E dove concludere il primo giorno a New York se non a Times Square? Lasciatevi trascinare dalla folla e dall’euforia, tra le luci e la musica vi sentirete i protagonisti di un film.

cosa vedere a new york in 5 giorni

GIORNO 2: da Lower Manhattan al Bronx

La seconda giornata che vi propongo è decisamente intensa. Concentratevi su Lower Manhattan, per scoprire innanzi tutto il quartiere amministrativo e quello finanziario.

cosa vedere a new york in 5 giorni - itinerario del secondo giorno

Civic Center: il cuore amministrativo di Manhattan, dove si trovano gli edifici che siamo abituati a vedere nella serie tv di “Law and Order” , dal tribunale alla corte suprema.

Brooklyn Bridge : il famoso ponte sospeso che collega Manhattan a Brooklyn. Percorretelo e, se ne avete voglia, sconfinate nel quartiere di Brooklyn per una passeggiata.

City Hall Park: il delizioso parco cittadino che ospita anche il palazzo del municipio.

St Paul’s Chapel: la piccola chiesa che dopo l’11 Settembre è diventata un punto di raccolta di cimeli, lettere e testimonianze, una visita che vi emozionerà.

Wall Street : il celebre distretto finanziario della città, dove si concentrano i più importanti edifici della vita economica, dalla Federal Reserve Bank alla Federal Hall al New York Stock Exchange, il mercato azionario più importante del mondo.

cosa vedere a new york in 5 giorni

Dirigetevi ora verso Battery Park, incontrando nell’ordine la Trinity Church e il Charging Bull, il famoso toro di bronzo dalle palle porta-fortuna. All’estremità di Battery Park si trova il South Ferry Terminal, da cui parte lo Staten Island Ferry , il traghetto gratuito che arriva a Staten Island e ritorno e che durante la traversata vi permetterà di vedere anche Ellis Island e Liberty Island. Volete non salutare la Statua della Libertà?

Prendete poi la metropolitana per recarvi al 9/11 Memorial , dove potrete vedere le due enormi vasche che sono state costruite sulle rovine delle Torri Gemelle e la Freedom Tower. Questa visita vi spezzerà il cuore, ma trovo sia doveroso vedere con i propri occhi fino a dove può spingersi la follia umana.

In serata sarà il momento di sentirvi dei veri locals , andando ad assistere ad una partita di baseball allo Yankee Stadium . Spostatevi quindi nel Bronx per quella che per noi è stata una delle esperienze più belle dell’intero viaggio. Devo ammettere che siamo stati molto fortunati perché durante il nostro soggiorno si giocava il derby Yankees vs Mets, ma il vero motivo per cui vi consiglio di andare allo stadio non è per la partita in sè, bensì per l’atmosfera che si respira.

cosa vedere a new york in 5 giorni

GIORNO 3: New York dall’alto e relax a Central Park

L’imperativo del terzo giorno è alzarsi prestissimo. Perché? Per evitare le file chilometriche che si formano sempre davanti all’ Empire State Building , altro punto privilegiato (dopo il Top of the Rock) per ammirare New York dall’alto.

Passate poi la restante parte della mattinata a fare una passeggiata very cool lungo Fifth Avenue. Qui troverete le marche più prestigiose e negozi che accontenteranno tutti, da Victoria Secret’s a Tiffany al cubo di vetro della Apple. Insomma, un vero paradiso per gli amanti dello shopping, anche se non tutte le vetrine sono alla portata di noi comuni mortali.

Il pomeriggio è completamente dedicato a Central Park, il polmone verde di New York. È immenso, molto più di quanto si possa immaginare da casa, ma in mezza giornata riuscirete ad esplorarne una buona parte. Dal verdissimo prato di Sheep Meadows alla glamour Bethesda Terrace, da cui potrete vedere uno dei laghi del parco o fermarvi a bere qualcosa nei tavolini all’aperto del “The Loeb Boathouse”. Passeggiate romanticamente vicino al Bow Bridge e ammirate il mosaico di “Imagine” nel giardino dedicato a John Lennon. Scegliete poi se fare un pic-nic, jogging o semplicemente sdraiarvi sull’erba con un libro tra le mani .

visitare new york in 5 giorni

In serata tornate a Times Square, per assistere ad uno dei moltissimi musical che vengono proposti nei teatri di Broadway. Noi abbiamo scelto “The Lion King” al Minskoff Theatre e ve lo stra-consiglio, un paio d’ore di vera magia. Dopo lo spettacolo, se volete continuare a restare bambini, entrate al negozio M&M’s, alla faccia della linea!

GIORNO 4: dal palazzo dell’ONU a Morningside Heights

Dedicate la mattinata del quarto giorno al Palazzo delle Nazioni Unite , la sede principale dell’ONU nel mondo. Prendete parte alla visita guidata che, oltre a darvi moltissime informazioni sulla storia dell’ONU e sui suoi organi principali, vi permetterà anche di visitare la Hall dell’Assemblea Generale, dove si riuniscono i rappresentanti dei 182 Paesi membri.

visitare new york in 5 giorni

Per pranzo spostatevi poi verso Lower Manhattan, per passeggiare nei quartieri “stranieri”.

Little Italy: è rimasto davvero poco del quartiere italiano di un tempo, oggi praticamente ridotto alla sola Mulberry Street, una strada zeppa di ristoranti che propongono cibo pseudo-italiano (gli spaghetti con le polpette su tutto, giusto per farvi capire di cosa stiamo parlando..)

Chinatown: il quartiere cinese negli anni ha fagocitato buona parte di Little Italy e oggi conta più di 200.000 residenti.

Nel pomeriggio esplorate Morningside Heights , forse il quartiere di Manhattan che più mi ha stupita, al confine con Harlem.

visitare new york in 5 giorni

Fate una passeggiata al Morningside Park e perdetevi tra le vie residenziali dai caratteristici edifici con i mattoni rossi e le scale antincendio a vista.

visitae new york in 5 giorni

Curiosate poi nel campus della Columbia University , una delle università più prestigiose degli Stati Uniti e la più antica di New York. L’edificio più bello è sicuramente quello della Low Library, la biblioteca, ornato da eleganti colonne ioniche e sovrastato da una cupola.

visitare new york in 5 giorni

Visitate infine la Cattedrale di St John the Divine , sede ufficiale del vescovo di New York e una delle chiesi più grandi del mondo. Anche se incompiuta, è bellissima. Osservate la maestosa facciata gotica, le torri alte ben 70 metri e la porta bronzea d’ingresso nota anche come “Portale del Paradiso”.

Se in serata volete tornare nuovamente a Times Square, vi consiglio di visitare il museo delle cere di Madame Tussauds, che spesso è aperto fino alle 22.

GIORNO 5: dall’Upper East Side al Greenwich Village

Siamo arrivati alla quinta e ultima giornata a New York, che inizia con una passeggiata nell’elegante Upper East Side. Questa è la zona più lussuosa di Manhattan , tra edifici residenziali, musei di fama internazionale e locali che rappresentano al meglio la  cool life newyorkese.

Vi consiglio di prendervi del tempo per visitare due di questi musei.

Guggenheim Museum: il museo di arte moderna e contemporanea, dove potete ammirare le tele dei più grandi artisti, da Picasso a Kandinskj. Anche l’edificio in cui è ospitato è un’opera d’arte, una costruzione che all’esterno assomiglia ad un’enorme conchiglia bianca e all’interno ad una spirale capovolta, merito del geniale architetto americano Llyod Wright.

Metropolitan Museum of Art : più di due milioni di opere d’arte, una delle collezioni più grandi del mondo. Per visitare tutte le sezioni del Met non sarebbero sufficienti due giorni, quindi è fondamentale che decidiate in anticipo su cosa volete concentrarvi.

cosa vedere a new york in 5 giorni

Dopo questa  full-immersion  culturale spostatevi nel Flatiron District, dominato dal curioso e triangolare Flatiron Building.

visitare new york in 5 giorni

Passeggiate da qui a Washington Square Park e concludete la serata in uno dei tantissimi locali del vivacissimo Greenwich Village .

Si chiude così questo itinerario per scoprire New York in 5 giorni. Come potete immaginare ci sono moltissime altre cose interessanti da vedere, dal Gantry Plaza State Park nel Queens alla spiaggia di Coney Island, dal Lincoln Center al Museo di Storia Naturale, dalla High Line alle gallerie d’arte di TriBeCa. E potrei continuare all’infinito. Non ha senso e non è realistico pensare quindi di poter vedere tutto la prima volta, a meno che ovviamente non abbiate intenzione di fermarvi un mese. La sola cosa importante è lasciarsi catturare dalla città e respirarla a pieni polmoni. Quando tornerete a casa, non ricorderete quanti musei avrete visitato o quante miglia avrete percorso nell’affannoso tentativo di non perdervi nulla. Ricorderete invece per sempre il sapore di un hot-dog allo stadio e i colori di un pomeriggio a Central Park, il vento tra i capelli sul Brooklyn Bridge e il rumore del traffico sulla 42-esima Strada. Ricorderete insomma quanto vi siete sentiti vivi.

Aggiornamento a giugno 2020 – Se non vi siete ancora stancati di leggere, vi consiglio di dare un’occhiata a questa pagina , in cui trovate tutti gli articoli che ho scritto su New York, compresi quelli legati al nostro secondo viaggio nella Grande Mela e in cui troverete anche tante altre idee, dalle librerie più belle ad una gita a Roosevelt Island, dalla Highline al One World Observatory e molto altro.

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Silvia… perché? Perché non ho due mesi per fermarmi in America, e dedicarmi così con calma al New England e a New York? Tu sicuramente ti starai chiedendo che razza di domanda sia questa, ma io soffro molto per il fatto di dover concentrare tutto in 18\19 giorni, perché temo che farò un grande casino 🙁 Dopo aver letto i tuoi post sulla California, ho iniziato ad alleggerire l’itinerario, lo ammetto. Resta sempre bello colmo, ma ho capito che non potevo correre come una pazza, perdendomi il piacere di assaporare i momenti. Aspetto da una vita di andare nel Maine, vorrei godermelo… E su New York, devo assolutamente fare la stessa cosa. Avremo otto giorni e devo capire come organizzarli al meglio. Tu in questo sei stata geniale, perché mi hai dato dritte sulla suddivisione delle giornate di visita. Quindi grazie! Posso chiederti due cose? Prima: come mai la scelta di salire sul Top of the Rock al mattino, non al tramonto, come fanno in tanti? Seconda: card di sette giorni per la metro: la consigli? Un abbraccio, Claudia B.

Come ti capisco, io in ogni viaggio vorrei sempre avere un tempo infinito a disposizione, per poter vedere tutto e senza fretta! Trovare dei momenti per assaporare in pieno ciò che stiamo visitando è fondamentale, quindi approvo in pieno la tua scelta. E direi che otto giorni sono un intervallo ottimo per scoprire New York! Noi siamo saliti al Top of the Rock al mattino sia per evitare le code chilometriche serali sia perché avevamo già programmi belli fitti per le serate (dal baseball al musical), quindi abbiamo dovuto fare una scelta. 😉 Abbiamo fatto la card per la metro e te la consiglio, sia per velocizzare gli spostamenti sia perché vedrai che ti ritroverai ad usarla più di quanto immagini, le distanze a New York possono mettere a dura prova anche i “camminatori” più allenati! 🙂 Un abbraccione

Silvia che ricordi mi hai fatto tornare in mente! Noi siamo stati a NY una settimana e ho ripercorso ogni singolo passo grazie a te! Abbiamo provato a cercare i biglietti per andare allo Yankee Stadium ma non ce l’abbiamo fatta…anche se non capisco una mazza (letteralmente) di baseball, sono convinta sia un’esperienza unica!

Io ho fatto un corso intensivo di baseball direttamente “in loco”!! 🙂 Ma come giustamente hai scritto, la vera esperienza è data non dalla partita in sé, ma dall’atmosfera che si respira, davvero incredibile! Penso che non mi stancherei mai di tornare a New York! Un bacione Erica

mmm new york, come un po’ tutti gli Stati Uniti non mi ispirano moltissimo, ma bho, prima o poi ci andrò! E terrò presente il tuo articolo!

Ahahahah! Lo so Stefy che tra te e gli States non è mai scattato il colpo di fulmine, ma sono sicura che New York potrebbe sorprenderti! Magari prima o poi le darai una chance.. 🙂 Un bacio!

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10 attrazioni gratuite da non perdere a New York, neanche gli abitanti le conoscono

Giornate ai musei, lezioni, serate di cinema all'aperto, teatro e altro ancora: tutto quello che si può fare nella Grande Mela senza spendere nemmeno un dollaro.

little island in big new york

È una verità universalmente riconosciuta: New York non è la città più economica del Pianeta. Tuttavia, se si ha in programma di visitarla, è bene sapere che questa splendida metropoli offre anche la possibilità di fare nuove esperienze o visitare luoghi fantastici a costo zero. Se si è tra gli amanti dell'arte, molti musei prevedono giorni in cui accolgono i visitatori gratuitamente. Per gli amanti della natura, invece, ci sono tantissime zone verdi dove passeggiare - come alcuni splendidi giardini botanici che offrono la possibilità di accedere in alcuni orari a costo zero - e un giardino d'inverno particolarmente incantevole in cima a Central Park che può essere visitato tutti i giorni della settimana.

New York offre la possibilità di fare esperienze di vario tipo: dal tour letterario a piedi autoguidato, al giro in kayak lungo il fiume Hudson al tramonto fino a sentirsi Carrie Bradshaw per un pomeriggio. Queste e molte altre cose possono essere sperimentate a costo zero. Di seguito, un elenco di tutto ciò che la Grande Mela offre senza spendere un dollaro.

Tour delle statue (e del castello) a Central Park

fall in central park, new york

Central Park è uno dei luoghi più belli da esplorare a costo zero a New York, ricco di statue da non perdere: ci sono l'angelo in cima alla Fontana di Bethesda, Romeo e Giulietta di fronte al Delacorte Theatre e tutti gli autori di Poets Walk. Una delle più originali è la stravagante statua di Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie e di tutti i suoi amici, situata all'estremità settentrionale di Conservatory Water. Imperdibile anche il maestoso Castello Belvedere .

Passeggiata nel giardino d'inverno

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Situato all'angolo nord-est di Central Park, il giardino d’inverno è uno dei luoghi meno frequentati. L’ampio terreno include tulipani, lillà, alberi di melo, piante perenni estive e crisantemi. E vanta uno degli ingressi più decorati della città: il Vanderbilt Gate , precedentemente situato nella villa Vanderbilt sulla Fifth Avenue e la 58th Street.

Lo spettacolo del pubblico di Shakespeare

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E sempre a Central Park c’è l'annuale spettacolo estivo del pubblico di Shakespeare in the Park , interpretato da alcuni dei migliori attori ( Al Pacino e Anne Hathaway sono ex alunni), in uno degli scenari più mozzafiato.

L’estate al Portside a Brookfield Place

portside at brookfield place

Dotato di un calendario completo di attività gratuite per tutta l'estate, tra cui meditazioni guidate, lezioni di calligrafia, lezioni di pittura, un club del libro con testi gratuiti, artigianato con conchiglie, feste danzanti, degustazioni e altro ancora, il nuovo Portside a Brookfield Place è un'oasi all'aperto.

Le giornate gratuite ai musei

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Ammirare le opere d'arte può diventare un po' costoso, ma diversi musei di New York offrono l'ingresso gratuito in determinati giorni. Ad esempio la Morgan Library & Museum consente l’ingresso gratuito alle sale storiche il martedì e la domenica dalle 15:00 alle 17:00, anche senza prenotazione. E mentre musei come il Met e il MoMa riservano offerte per l’ingresso ai residenti di New York, altri, come il Jewish Museum e il Brooklyn Museum, prevedono l’ingresso gratuito in alcuni giorni.

Un film a Bryant Park

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A giugno parte la trentesima stagione del Bryant Park Film Festival . È un'esperienza unica guardare un film classico sullo sfondo dello skyline di New York. Quest'anno Quasi Famosi , Mean Girls, Vacanze Romane e Missione Hamburger sono tutti in programma. Ed è tutto gratis.

Tour della New York Public Library con lezioni gratuite

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La New York Public Library può essere visitata gratuitamente e offre anche oltre 90.000 lezioni free per visitatori di tutte le età, dall'assistenza informatica e le basi di Facebook alla creazione di gioielli e alla colorazione per adulti.

Visita Little Island

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Little Island è uno dei parco giochi per adulti più nuovi di Manhattan e l'ingresso è gratuito. Costruito sul fiume Hudson sul molo 55, è il mix perfetto di arte e natura e non mancano le attività, come lezioni di ballo pop-up, serate per adolescenti, racconti e DJ set. Si pagano solo i biglietti per gli spettacoli all'Amph.

Un viaggio nella Piccola Parigi

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A New York ci sono le famosissime Little Italy e Chinatown, ma anche Little Paris . Situata in Centre Street a Soho, Little Paris ospita centri di lingua francese, ristoranti e panetterie.

La statua di Peter Pan di Carl Schurz Park

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Salendo fino all'Upper East Side, precisamente tra East End Avenue e 87th Street, proprio al centro di Carl Schurz Park , c’è una deliziosa rotonda floreale e, proprio nel mezzo, una statua dell'eterno Peter Pan . È circondato da panchine, il che lo rende il luogo perfetto per leggere o semplicemente riposarsi.

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Officials: Man who killed North Country 'Star Trek' tour guide, Elvis impersonator used chloroform

N ew details have emerged in the death of a Ticonderoga man known for his work as an Elvis Presley impersonator and as a tour guide for a local "Star Trek" museum after he went missing last weekend.

Thomas Krider, who worked under the stage name TJ Greene, was a popular impersonator who also worked at the Star Trek Tour as a guide.

The Saratoga County Sheriff's Office reported on Tuesday that Krider had been found dead in Milton, New York, after he was reported missing by his wife on Saturday morning, according to the Times Union.

On Tuesday, the Saratoga County Sheriff's Office said they had arrested 69-year-old Ronald Rayher, of Milton, on charges of second-degree manslaughter and tampering with physical evidence.

The sheriff's office said Rayher allegedly killed Krider at his home in Milton on April 5. They said Rayher, a retired chiropractor, administered a substance called chloroform more than once and also allegedly tampered with and suppressed evidence after the incident.

Krider's wife, Heidi Greene, told the Times Union that her husband had left their home on Friday to pick up a free box spring from someone in exchange for helping them move some furniture.

Saratoga County Undersheriff Jeffrey Brown confirmed that Rayher and Krider had been in a relationship with one another for around 10 years.

Brown told the Times Union that the chloroform was administered consensually during what was described as a sexual encounter.

According to court documents obtained by NBC5, officials stated that Krider, who was bound and restrained at the time of his death, died after the chloroform was administered "more than one time".

Greene said Krider was supposed to return home to work a shift as a tour guide at his job at Star Trek Tour that weekend, as well as to work for a special event during the solar eclipse, but wasn't heard from again.

He loved his job too much to ever miss a shift, Greene told the Times Union.

Greene told the Times Union that she and Krider were both Poultney residents who had met nearly 20 years ago while working at the Rutland, Vermont, Walmart. They moved to the Glens Falls area soon after, where Krider worked as a costumed character at Six Flags Great Escape.

James Cawley, of the Ticonderoga Star Trek Tour, released the following statement about Krider's death, saying in part:

"TJ Greene was an employee and tour guide at the Star Trek Set Tour and a great friend to everyone here. He was a talented Elvis tribute artist. He will be remembered for his kind and trusting soul and his warm, friendly demeanor. We are devastated by his loss and will keep him close to our hearts."

Rayher was arraigned in Milton Town Court and remanded to the Saratoga County Jail on 250,000 bail.

The sheriff's department confirmed that more charges could be coming since this is an ongoing investigation. He is due back in court in May.

Editor's note: The Times Union is owned by NBC5's parent company, Hearst Corporation.

An earlier version of this story stated that Krider also acted as a "Star Trek" impersonator.


Special edition Stanley tumblers are selling out, but these are still in stock

READ THE FULL STORY: Officials: Man who killed North Country 'Star Trek' tour guide, Elvis impersonator used chloroform

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Thomas Krider

New York Philharmonic to tour China this summer

NEW YORK — The New York Philharmonic will give five concerts in China this summer in what it says will be first visit to the mainland by a U.S. orchestra since 2019.

Outgoing music director Jaap van Zweden will conduct the performances at Guangzhou, Nanjing and Shanghai from June 27 to July 3, the orchestra said Thursday. Baritone Thomas Hampson will join as a soloist in Guangzhou and Shanghai.

Van Zweden’s final concert with the orchestra as music director will be at Vail, Colorado, on July 20.

Van Zweden succeeded Alan Gilbert as music director in the 2018-19 season. He announced in September 2021 that the 2023-24 season will be his last. Gustavo Dudamel will take over but will not start until 2026-27.

Van Zweden will become music director of the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France starting in 2026-27.

tour 5 giorni new york

Biden Visits Baltimore to Show the ‘Nation Has Your Back’

The president took an aerial tour of the wreckage of the collapsed bridge and was briefed on the recovery efforts.

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Erica L. Green and Campbell Robertson

Reporting from Baltimore

President Biden visited the site of the Baltimore bridge collapse Friday.

President Biden told the people of Baltimore on Friday that “your nation has your back” as he stood in front of the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge, which was destroyed after a cargo ship plowed through it last week, killing six people.

Mr. Biden encountered a tangle more than a mile long of concrete and steel that has snarled traffic , devastated blue-collar communities and disrupted operations at one of America’s biggest ports, threatening chaos that could ripple across supply chains.

Mr. Biden took an aerial tour of the damage and received a briefing from officials overseeing the cleanup and rebuilding efforts, before meeting privately with families of six construction workers who plunged into the Patapsco River when the bridge collapsed.

“We’re going to keep working hard to recover each of them,” Mr. Biden said.

Hours after Mr. Biden departed, the local authorities announced the recovery of the body of a construction worker, the third to be found. They identified the man as 38-year-old Maynor Yasir Suazo Sandoval.

In his remarks, Mr. Biden described how the workers had been on a break from filling potholes right before disaster struck. Just seconds before, Mr. Biden said, one of the men, a 24-year-old, sent a message to his girlfriend that said, “We just poured cement, and we’re waiting for it to dry.”

Mr. Biden spoke of the pain of loss of loved ones, adding that “we’ll also never forget the contributions these men made to this city.”

In the week since the collapse, the administration has funded the harbor cleanup, unlocked $60 million in emergency funding to help rebuild the bridge, provided low-interest disaster loans to affected businesses and overseen efforts to manage any supply chain disruptions.

On Friday, Mr. Biden called on companies to commit to keeping employees — about 20,000 people depend on the port for jobs — on their payrolls as the port reopens. This week, senior administration officials, including Mr. Biden’s chief of staff, called major employers in the Baltimore area, including retail chains such as Home Depot and distributors like Amazon, to encourage them to retain workers.

“We’re going to move heaven and earth to rebuild this bridge as rapidly as humanly possible,” Mr. Biden said. He called on Congress to help fulfill his promise that the federal government pay to rebuild the bridge.

As he spoke, the bridge’s steel girders remained partially submerged in water, reaching skyward like arms from a grave. The giant cargo vessel was still carrying dozens of colorful containers, and pieces of the broken bridge were lying across the ship’s bow.

Local and federal officials said the road to recovery would be long.

“As you can see behind me, the physical impact of this tragedy is massive,” said Mayor Brandon Scott of Baltimore. “But let’s be clear, the human impact is immeasurable.”

At a briefing on response efforts, Brig. Gen. John P. Lloyd from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers described a “mangled mess” that was being tackled by 51 divers and 12 cranes. He told the president that one pending task was to remove a large section of the bridge sitting on the ship. The section weighs 5,000 tons and is 125 feet high.

The bridge crumbled in the dead of night when a 985-foot-long cargo vessel crashed into it shortly after departing the Port of Baltimore, a vital economic engine that handles more cars and farm equipment than any other port in the country. The vessel, the Dali, lost power before it hit the bridge but sent a mayday call that gave officials enough time to halt bridge traffic.

But it was not enough time to get to workers who were already on the bridge.

The bodies of two of the workers were recovered from the river on March 27. Recovery efforts for the remaining workers, who were presumed dead, later stalled. The authorities said the bodies were most likely encased in steel and concrete.

Mr. Biden spoke affectionately of his own ties to the port of Baltimore, including his family who worked as watermen in the 1850s and his many years commuting from Delaware.

The structure, which took five years to build, opened in 1977 and served as a critical transportation link on the East Coast. It was named after Francis Scott Key, the Maryland-born author of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

Mr. Biden’s response drew praise from Gov. Wes Moore, who said he received the first call from the White House at around 3 a.m., just 90 minutes after the collision.

“And every hour since we’ve worked hand in hand with this administration,” Mr. Moore said. “President Biden might not be a Marylander by birth. But I tell you, he’s proven what it means to be Maryland tough, and Baltimore strong.”

Scott Cowan, the president of the local chapter of the International Longshoremen’s Association, said he was encouraged by Mr. Biden’s visit but believed there was more to be done.

As the weeks go by, Mr. Cowan said, the situation for the 2,400 members of his local was getting more difficult. Around 400 people in the local were working at the moment, he said, with around 2,000 idled, roughly the inverse of the normal ratio.

If it had been a gradual work slowdown, people could have adjusted, he said, but “it was like hitting a wall” when the bridge collapsed and all but shut down the port.

“President Biden does know about ports,” Mr. Cowan said. “I think he wants to do so something. But obviously there’s Congress involved too.”

Jacey Fortin contributed reporting.

Campbell Robertson

The economic impact of the bridge collapse stretches far beyond Baltimore.

The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge last week was both a human tragedy, with six lives lost, and an economic catastrophe. More than 30,000 vehicles crossed the bridge daily, including some 4,900 trucks that each year move $28 billion in goods. All of that traffic is being forced to find new routes.

But the collapse also shut down much of the Port of Baltimore, which handles millions of tons of cars, trucks, industrial machinery and other cargo every year. Thousands of dock workers help move this cargo; in 2023, more than 15,000 jobs were directly connected to the port, and tens of thousands more were linked to it.

Pete Buttigieg, the secretary of transportation, told reporters last week that the port accounted for “about $2 million” in wages every day. “That’s one of the areas we’re most concerned about,” he said.

The Small Business Administration has opened offices in the area, and federal officials said that funds had been made available for up to $2 million in low-interest, long-term loans for small businesses and nonprofits affected by the bridge collapse.

But the key is getting the port back. While the authorities have opened two alternative channels , these routes are much shallower than the deep draft channel used by the massive barges carrying the bulk of the port’s cargo.

On Thursday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said that engineers planned to open a deeper channel to ship traffic by the end of April , and to reopen the permanent deep draft navigation channel by the end of May.

“We still have a long road ahead of us getting vessel traffic back to full capacity,” Gov. Wes Moore of Maryland said at a news conference. “But we will get it back up to full capacity. It’s critical for our workers. It’s critical for our economy. It’s critical for our state. And it’s critical for our country.”


In a working-class area near the bridge, some residents were skeptical of the president’s visit.

President Biden has a lot of skeptics in Edgemere , a working-class neighborhood southeast of Baltimore and just on the eastern side of the Patapsco River, but the bridge doesn’t have a lot to do with that.

“Do I think they’re doing enough? How much can they do?” Denise Melvin, 61, said when asked about Mr. Biden and his administration. Ms. Melvin is a nurse who now leaves the house at 5 a.m. to get to work on time — a longer commute because of the bridge collapse. She is not terribly keen on Mr. Biden, she said, but she added: “No one expected this.”

In the parking lot of the Food Lion, Howard and Dawn Baker said they believed that everyone in Washington was out of touch with working people, Mr. Biden certainly included.

The vast economic ripples from the collapse of the bridge — and all of the international companies involved — “just shows we’re caught in a trap; we’re so interconnected,” Ms. Baker said.

Mr. Baker said the government’s critical job here was to enforce rules that might have prevented the collapse and to hold parties responsible that had caused it, but he did not hold out much hope that they would do that. “The government doesn’t hold anybody responsible,” Mr. Baker, 71, said. “They don’t even hold themselves responsible.”

At the Sail Inn, a seafood restaurant in the nearby harborside community of Sparrows Point that would normally have a bustling dock worker crowd for lunch, Will Gustaitis sat at the corner of the bar rolling his eyes at the presidential visit.

“He could help our country a lot more going to the border than coming here,” said Mr. Gustaitis, who does not work on the docks but routinely took the bridge.

Lance Mauck, 51, a community college professor sitting down the bar, remarked that Mr. Biden did seem to have been aggressively involved in this whole thing. “I thought he was very quick about offering money,” he said. It was unclear if Mr. Mauck meant it as a compliment. He predicted that the president would push for the bridge money in a bill, load the bill down with other Democratic priorities, then turn it into a campaign issue when Republicans balked.

Mr. Gustaitis, 60, agreed with that prediction. He wished Mr. Trump were visiting, but he allowed that a visit from him would not make any difference, either. “That bridge is going to be rebuilt no matter what,” he said.

Jacey Fortin

Jacey Fortin

“We’re going to move heaven and earth to rebuild this bridge as rapidly as humanly possible,” Biden said. “And we’re going to do so with union labor and American steel.”

Folks, finally, we’re going to move heaven and earth to rebuild this bridge as rapidly as humanly possible. And we’re going to do so with union labor and American steel. For simple reasons, you’re the best workers in the world, and that’s not hyperbole.

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Erica L. Green

Biden pays tribute to the construction workers killed in the bridge collapse, reciting the last message one of the men left his girlfriend. They had just poured cement and were waiting for it to dry, he said. The president is scheduled to meet with the families of the killed workers after his remarks.

Biden called on companies to commit to keeping employees on their payrolls as the port reopens. He said 20,000 employees depend on the port, one of the country’s largest.

President Biden was met with a standing ovation as he began remarks at the Francis Scott Key Bridge. “Your nation has your back,” he said. He described his family's ties to the area, including watermen in the 1850s.

The leader of a port workers union seeks more help for his members.

Scott Cowan, the president of International Longshoremen’s Association Local No. 333, covering the Port of Baltimore, welcomed President Biden’s visit and said he was encouraged by the president’s public posture so far on the bridge collapse, though he believed there was more that needed to be done.

“President Biden does know about ports; the state he comes from, Delaware, has a port,” Mr. Cowan said. “I think he wants to do so something, but, obviously, there’s Congress involved, too.”

As the days go by, Mr. Cowan said, the situation for the 2,400 members of his local was getting more difficult. Around 400 people were working at the moment, he said, with around 2,000 idled, roughly the reverse of the normal ratio. If this had been a gradual work slowdown, people could have adjusted, he said, but “it was like hitting a wall” when the bridge collapsed and all but shut down the port.

“We need some money in the pockets of these men and women to put food on the table and keep the lights on,” he said. Mr. Cowan, who was expected to be with the president during today’s visit, said he was pushing for a temporary supplement to unemployment insurance, similar to what happened during the Covid pandemic, and that he was hopeful that something would be worked out.

Anna Betts

Anna Betts and JoAnna Daemmrich

Anna Betts reported from New York, and JoAnna Daemmrich reported from Baltimore.

Here’s what the bridge meant to Baltimore.

Blue-collar workers crossed it. Families went crabbing around it. Teenagers celebrated new driver’s licenses by traversing it. And couples were known to get engaged near it.

Completed in 1977, the Francis Scott Key Bridge was a practical, final link to the beltway of roads that circled Baltimore Harbor, a much-needed solution to reduce Harbor Tunnel congestion. But for so many, it was more than that.

For some, it symbolized the working-class communities around it — for others, the city itself. The bridge also served as a reminder of a storied chapter in history: Near Fort McHenry, the bridge is believed by historians to be within 100 yards from where Key was held by the British during the War of 1812, when he witnessed the siege of the fort in September 1814 and wrote the poem that became the national anthem. (A star-spangled buoy commemorates the supposed spot.)

And the Key Bridge was simply a presence in people’s everyday lives. Since the collapse last week, residents have been processing the loss on many levels, from profound grief for the six workers who died, to concern for the immigrant communities affected by the port’s shutdown, to a sense of emptiness that has cast a pall over their memories.

Aatish Bhatia

Aatish Bhatia and Francesca Paris

The ship struck the Baltimore bridge with a force on the scale of a rocket launch.

The Dali, the container ship that struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, had appeared to be moving slowly before it made contact with a pier. Yet it delivered a force so large that one reasonable comparison is to a rocket launch.

How could something traveling slower than a casual bike rider cause such a devastating impact? The answer lies in its mass: roughly a third to a half of the Empire State Building.

It may be months or even years before engineers conduct careful simulations of this disaster that take into account all the variables. But we used the limited available data to start to understand how strong the collision might have been.

And even our most oversimplified calculations show the impact was enormous.

Our lowest estimate of how much force it would take to slow the Dali, if it were fully loaded, is around 12 million newtons, about a third of the force it took to launch the Saturn V rocket for the Apollo moon missions.

And our higher-end estimates, reviewed by several civil engineering experts, suggest it is realistic to put the force of the impact with the pier at upward of 100 million newtons.

Experts disagreed on whether it was reasonable for any bridge pier to withstand a direct collision with a massive container ship.

“Depending on the size of the container ship, the bridge doesn’t have any chance,” said Nii Attoh-Okine , a professor of engineering at the University of Maryland. He said the Key Bridge had been performing perfectly before this accident occurred, and that he thought 95 to 99 percent of bridges would be damaged if such a container ship were to strike them.

But Sherif El-Tawil , an engineering professor at the University of Michigan who reviewed our calculations, said it was feasible to design a pier that would stay standing after such an impact.

Modern bridges, designed in the age of ultralarge shipping containers, are typically built with stronger piers or protection systems around the piers that can either absorb or deflect the force of ship collisions.

But the Key Bridge was completed in 1977, when standards were different and ships were far smaller .

President Biden is en route to Baltimore, where he will start his visit with an aerial tour of the wreckage of the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse. Debris clean-up has begun, but the devastation is stark. The bridge’s steel girders are partly submerged in water, reaching skyward like arms from a grave.

Emily Schmall

Erica L. Green and Emily Schmall

The body of a third construction worker has been recovered.

The body of a third construction worker who died in the catastrophic collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore was found on Friday morning, officials said.

The man, identified as 38-year-old Maynor Yasir Suazo Sandoval, was discovered by divers around 10:30 a.m., according to local authorities, just hours before President Biden visited the site of the disaster and met with victims’ families. The bodies of three more victims have yet to be recovered more than a week after the bridge collapsed into the Patapsco River.

“While I take solace in knowing this brings us one step closer to closure, my heart continues to be with all the families still waiting anxiously for their loved ones,” Mayor Brandon Scott of Baltimore said in a statement.

Mr. Suazo was a migrant from Azacualpa, Honduras, which he left at age 20, looking for economic opportunity in the United States, according to his eldest brother, Martín Suazo.

“My brother was an entrepreneurial young man,” Mr. Suazo, the assistant director of a public school, said in an interview in Spanish on Saturday. “He was the family’s driving force, motivating us all to work hard,” he said.

Maynor Suazo had a wife, whom he met in Baltimore, and two children. About five years ago, he achieved the proverbial American dream: He opened his own business, operating a small fleet of delivery trucks, his brother said. But the pandemic forced his business to shutter, and he took a job repairing roads and bridges.

“He loved the country that gave him the opportunity to work,” Martín Suazo said. “He loved the United States very much for its open doors that allow people to help people in other countries.”

The victims were part of a construction crew working on the Baltimore roadway before dawn on March 26 when a gigantic cargo ship rammed into the bridge. Two workers survived the destruction, but six disappeared into the dark water. They were presumed dead by the evening.

A day later, two of their bodies were found inside of a red pickup underwater. But efforts to locate the other victims have been severely hampered by the colossal underwater wreckage.

“The collapse of the Key Bridge is undoubtedly one of the most challenging tragedies we have faced as a law enforcement agency,” Col. Roland L. Butler Jr., superintendent of the Maryland state police, said in a statement announcing the recovery. “Along with our local, state and federal public safety partners, we will not give up.”

Divers have been sifting through the ruins of the bridge, but they can barely see two feet in front of them as they navigate heaps of mangled steel and piles of crumbled concrete in murky water. With help from sonar renderings, they are working to survey and salvage the wreckage to ultimately clear the channel — a daunting project, of which recovering victims is only one part.

Still, “the recovery is not an afterthought,” Col. Estee S. Pinchasin of the Army Corps of Engineers said at a news conference on Thursday. “It’s integrated in that plan.”

The six men who died have been named by the authorities, relatives or advocacy organizations: In addition to Mr. Suazo, the victims were Jose López, who was in his 30s and from Guatemala; Alejandro Hernandez Fuentes, 35, who was from Mexico; Carlos Hernández, 24, from Mexico; Dorlian Ronial Castillo Cabrera, 26, from Guatemala; and Miguel Luna, who was in his 40s and from El Salvador. The bodies of Mr. Fuentes and Mr. Cabrera were recovered on March 27.

The men were working late at night to ensure that thousands of other Marylanders could use the Key Bridge to commute to their own jobs. “And they never came home,” said Lucía Islas, a community leader and president of Comité Latino de Baltimore, a nonprofit that assists the Hispanic community.

“They hailed from communities that have gone long overlooked and underappreciated,” Gov. Wes Moore said in a statement on Friday. “But their work had dignity — and their contributions will never be forgotten.”

In the days since the collapse, friends and relatives of the victims have been preoccupied with unanswered questions, said Donna Batkis, a clinical social worker in Baltimore who has helped the victims’ families.

The families of the men whose bodies have not been found have been left to wonder where their loved ones are. “Waiting is a very hard space to be in,” Ms. Batkis said.

Jacey Fortin and Eduardo Medina contributed reporting.

From above, the president will see the Dali looking much as it has been for the past few days: The giant cargo vessel is still carrying dozens of colorful containers, and pieces of the broken bridge are lying across the ship’s bow. Sonar images show that the wreckage under the water is even messier: The riverbed is littered with crushed and mangled steel from the bridge, pieces of which have plunged down into the mud.

Campbell Robertson

Though the earthquake this morning could be felt in Baltimore, the Key Bridge Joint Information Center said there were “no reports of it impacting our operations.”

Jim Tankersley

Jim Tankersley

As President Biden heads to the bridge today, his budget director, Shalanda Young, is calling on Congress to authorize a “100 percent federal cost share for rebuilding the bridge” — meaning state and local governments would not bear any rebuilding costs.

Young sent the request in a letter on Friday to congressional committee leaders, noting a precedent in 2007, when a freeway bridge collapsed in Minnesota.

Michael Corkery

Michael Corkery

Investigators expect to issue a preliminary report on the bridge collapse this month.

Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board expect to provide an early report later this month on the crash of a massive cargo ship into the Francis Scott Key Bridge, a spokesman for the agency said.

But a full investigation could take as long as two years to complete, the spokesman, Peter C. Knudson, said in an email on Thursday.

The cargo vessel, called the Dali, was leaving the Port of Baltimore when it had what one industry official described as a “ complete blackout ” that knocked out power to the engine and the navigation equipment. The ship issued a warning shortly before hitting one of the bridge’s pylons, which is a critical structural component.

Radio traffic from emergency workers suggested that the crew was struggling to steer the ship, according to audio published by Broadcastify.

The N.T.S.B. has been focused on what happened aboard the 985-foot ship in the moments before its collision with the bridge. On the night of March 26, N.T.S.B. investigators boarded the ship to gather documentation. They obtained data from the voyage data recorder, which is essentially the ship’s “black box.”

Maritime and shipping experts have been puzzled by what could have caused such a catastrophic power failure on a modern cargo ship and why there appeared to be no working backup power source.

Getting to the bottom of these issues has high stakes for the shipping company that owned the vessel, as well as the company’s insurers, which could be asked to cover the costs of the recovery and rebuilding effort or face other legal issues. The bridge collapse killed six construction workers.

“The thing that we know is that if there are people who need to be held to account for what happened, they need to be held to account,’’ Gov. Wes Moore of Maryland said in a news conference on Thursday.

Victoria Kim

Victoria Kim

Baltimore shipping channel will partially reopen by the end of April, officials say.

A shipping channel in the Baltimore harbor that has remained blocked since last week’s collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge will be partially reopened by the end of April, with full traffic expected to be restored by late May, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said Thursday.

The announcement comes ahead of President Biden’s scheduled visit to the site of the wreckage on Friday. A giant container ship rammed into the bridge on March 26, causing the bridge to plunge into the waterway leading in and out of one of the nation’s busiest ports.

Officials have warned that clearing the warped, jagged debris from the channel will be a complex and potentially dangerous underwater salvage operation, as they scramble to reopen the Port of Baltimore, a key automobile hub that employs 8,000 people.

A 280-foot-wide, 35-foot-deep channel leading to the port is expected to be opened first, allowing for container ships and vessels transporting automobiles, the Army corps, which maintains the shipping channel to ensure that it is navigable, said in a statement . The channel will allow one-way traffic of vessels at a time to and from the port, according to the statement.

Officials are aiming to reopen the full 700-foot-wide, 50-foot-deep span of the navigation channel a month later, bringing access to the port back to its normal capacity, according to the statement.

On Friday, Mr. Biden is scheduled to go on an aerial tour of the wreckage and receive a briefing on the response and recovery efforts, according to the White House. He is also expected to meet with the loved ones of six construction workers who fell into the river with the bridge’s collapse and are presumed dead.

In the 10 days since the collapse, responders conducted underwater surveys and detailed structural analysis of the bridge’s wreckage to assess the work that lies ahead, according to the statement.

Two smaller temporary channels, at 11 feet and 14 feet in depth, had previously been cleared and opened to allow some small barges and other vessels to travel to and from the port.

Experts said divers will first need to cut the metal and concrete structures that now sit at the bottom of the Patapsco River into more manageable pieces, which will then be hoisted to the surface by cranes. Divers will be working amid swift currents and low visibility.

The reconstruction of the bridge, which carried about 35 million vehicles annually and spanned 1.6 miles over the river, will be a much longer process that could take several years. The Biden administration said last week that it was allocating $60 million in emergency federal highway funds, the initial costs of what will likely be a far more costly operation.

Mr. Biden has pledged that the federal government would pay for the bridge to be rebuilt.

Christina Morales

Christina Morales

The collapse is unlikely to affect Baltimore’s vital seafood industry.

The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge came just days before the start of crab season in the Chesapeake Bay, but the accident, which has cut off Baltimore’s port, seems unlikely to disrupt the city’s vital seafood industry, according to local fishermen and restaurant owners.

Fishermen said the crabs are harvested from the bay, about three miles out from the destroyed bridge on the Patapsco River. “We don’t crab up there,” said Blair Baltus, the president of the Baltimore County Watermen’s Association and a board member for the Maryland Watermen’s Association .

Even so, Mr. Baltus said it will be inconvenient — and possibly costly — to reroute shipments of seafood, including the more than five truckloads a day of blue crab that are flown or driven in from other states for restaurants to serve during Maryland’s off-season.

“This is a crab-eating state,” he said.

Maryland’s blue crab season opens Monday and runs through Dec. 15. Summer is the peak time for locals to enjoy the crab, the official state crustacean , whether steamed by the bushel or shaped into crab cakes. Supplies of blue crab experienced a shortage in 2021 , as more people began eating at restaurants after the initial shock of the coronavirus pandemic and prices rose substantially.

Kim Gardner, the general manager of L.P. Steamers in Baltimore’s Locust Point neighborhood, upriver from the crash site, said that much of the restaurant’s blue crab is flown in from Louisiana or Texas during the off-season. Even though Maryland’s crab season begins in a few days, she said, locally caught crabs “aren’t that great until the weather warms up.”


Updated 2m ago

Masters 2024 live updates: Play suspended due to darkness, set to resume Friday morning

tour 5 giorni new york

Masters 2024 — weather, tee times, leaderboard, how to watch

First-round play at the Masters was suspended Thursday due to darkness at 7:51 p.m. ET.

The first round will resume on Friday at 7:50 a.m. ET.

Bryson DeChambeau is the current Masters leader at 7-under-par, after shooting an opening-round 65.

Scottie Scheffler, the World No. 1, shot a bogey-free 66 and is one back of the lead. He is looking to win his second Masters after victories at the Arnold Palmer Invitational and the Players Championship.

The second round will begin at 8:00 a.m. ET.

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  • ESPN to air 1st & 2nd rounds in US, Sky Sports in UK
  • Scheffler the overwhelming bookmakers’ favorite
  • Go Deeper: Why does the Masters stand out from golf's other tournaments?


  • DeChambeau -7 (65)
  • Scheffler -6 (66)
  • Højgaard -5 (15)

T4. Willett -4 (68)

T4. Homa -4 (13)

T17. Woods -1 (13)

Find the best deals on tickets to the Masters.

Tiger Woods at 1-under through 13 holes at Masters before play suspended for darkness

In his first round since the Genesis Invitational in February, Tiger Woods is currently 1-under-par (T17) through 13 holes at the Masters before play was suspended due to darkness. Woods’ first round will resume Friday morning before he goes out again to play his second round.

Woods opened his first round with a birdie, the second time in Woods’ career he’s started with a birdie on No. 1 in the opening round, per The Athletic’s Justin Ray. After a bogey on No. 4, Woods responded with a birdie on the par-5 8th to go back to 1-under-par.

Woods recorded pars on holes 9 through 13. He went 7-of-10 fairways hit and 7-of-13 greens in regulation. But it was Woods’ scrambling that was impressive, particularly on Amen Corner, where he recorded up-and-down pars on holes 11 and 12. His two-putt par on 13 before play ended Thursday kept Woods in red figures.

Read more on Tiger's Thursday performance here .

Tiger Woods at 1-under through 13 holes at Masters before play suspended for darkness


Hugh Kellenberger

Scottie Scheffler feels inevitable

Scheffler shoots bogey-free 66

(Photo: Andrew Redington/Getty Images)

Scheffler, the 2022 Masters Champion, shot a 6-under 66 that puts him one shot behind DeChambeau on the leaderboard, but it’s hard to find someone around Augusta National believing in DeChambeau over Scheffler.

Such is the state of the Texan’s game — we watched him win the Arnold Palmer Invitational and the Players Championship, and finish second at the Houston Open, in his last three starts.

“I felt like today I just did a really good job of — (caddie Ted Scott), I would say, did a really good job of kind of guessing the wind correctly, if that makes sense. You know, we stole a few shots on the par 3s, I felt like, and then I played the par 5s well,” Scheffler said.

That low scores like this were possible seemed unlikely 24 hours ago, when the forecast was so poor.

“When I was walking up to the first tee, I was fairly surprised with how many people were under par already. Going into today with the forecast the way it was supposed to be, and I’ve played this tournament once before in some pretty high winds, and it’s an extremely challenging golf course,” Scheffler said.

Read more on the first-round takeaways here .

Masters Round 1 takeaways: Bryson DeChambeau makes statement, Scottie Scheffler responds

Masters Round 1 takeaways: Bryson DeChambeau makes statement, Scottie Scheffler responds

Tiger 1-under through 13

Woods T17 through 13 holes

(Photo: Ben Jared/PGA TOUR via Getty Images)

Tiger Woods is currently 1-under through 13 holes before play was suspended due to darkness.

After missing the 13th fairway, Tiger was able to find the green on his third shot. He two-putted for par.

Coming into the Masters, Woods played 24 holes of tournament golf.

Now, the five-time Masters champion is currently T17.

Play suspended due to darkness

Play was suspended at 7:51 p.m. ET due to darkness.

Woods with another par save on 12

Tiger Woods' tee shot on the par-3 12th landed in the pine staw over the green.

No problem for the five-time Masters champion. Woods was able to get it up and down to save par.

Tiger is still 1-under-par for the day, with the 13th hole likely the last before play gets suspended due to darkness.

Tiger pars 11 with pure approach shot

With the winds gusting on the par-4 11th, the first of Amen Corner, Tiger Woods recorded a par.

After his second shot was short of the green, Woods hit a pure pitch shot that stopped very close to the hole.

The five-time Masters champion remains 1-under-par.

Tiger starts his back 9 with a par on 10

Tiger Woods found the fairway on the par-4 10th.

Then his second shot faded into the greenside bunker.

Luckily, it was a good lie and Tiger was able to get the up and down for par.

Remains at 1-under-par for the tournament.

Scottie Scheffler seems generally unconcerned his wife, Meredith, will go into labor this week and he'll have to withdraw from the Masters.

“Maybe I should be more concerned.”

Højgaard chip ins

Nicolai Højgaard is putting on a chip-in clinic.

He chipped in on No. 7 to move into red figures.

Then he chipped in on the par-3 12th to improve to 4-under-par.

Højgaard is having quite the chipping day.

Woods shoots 1-under front 9

Making the turn in his opening round, Tiger Woods shoots a 1-under front nine.

Tiger had two birdies and one bogey in his front nine.

Currently six off the lead held by Bryson DeChambeau.

Justin Ray

Scheffler shoots 66

Scheffler shoots 66

Scottie Scheffler shoots a bogey-free 66 in the opening round of the Masters.

It is Scheffler's first career bogey-free round at the Masters.

He's the third reigning World No. 1 to open a Masters with 66 or lower. Dustin Johnson shot 65 in 2020 (won) and Greg Norman shot 63 in 1996 (finished second).

Gabby Herzig

Harry Styles sighting

In other news, I met Harry Styles on the 17th tee box at Augusta National. He was watching Christo Lamprecht, the 6-foot-8 amateur from South Africa who qualified for the Masters by winning the British Amateur Championship.

Someone in Styles' camp seemed to have a connection to Lamprecht, potentially from Georgia Tech, where he is a current senior. I had a brief interaction with the British pop star, where he told me he has played Augusta National and this year is his second year attending the Masters.

DeChambeau in rhythm as he shoots 65

Bryson DeChambeau shot a stellar 7-under 65 at Augusta National and really seemed to be in a rhythm out there in blustering conditions, especially with the driver and putter. His mom, Jan, was following him and seemed to be enjoying his tee shots. After he bombed one all the way up to the patron walkway on No. 8, she yelled, "That's the Krank effect!" referencing the special long-drive competition driver that DeChambeau has in his bag right now.

The LIV golfer headed into the press center for a lengthy interview session after his round. He admitted to some past mistakes. He regrets his comment from the 2020 Masters, where he said he looks at Augusta National as "par 67."

More to come on that.

Tiger pars No. 7

Tiger Woods pars the par-4 7th after missing the fairway.

Woods remains at even par as he heads to the par-5 8th hole.

Patrick Cantlay with the shot of the day?

Patrick Cantlay has an early candidate for not just the shot of the opening round but the shot of the tournament.

Cantlay recorded a birdie on the par-4 17th...from the fairway.

An incredible hole out.

Scheffler climbing the leaderboard

Here comes Scottie Scheffler.

The 2022 Masters champion is in solo second after a birdie at the par-5 15th. He's about to make another birdie at 16.

Dominant golf from the World No. 1.

Tiger even through 5

Woods 7 off the lead

(Photo: Warren Little/Getty Images)

Through five holes, Tiger Woods is even par.

Woods has one birdie, one bogey and three pars.

A solid start to his 2024 Masters.

Here comes Rory

Rory McIlroy drains a lengthy birdie putt on the 14th hole.

With the par-5 15th upcoming.

McIlroy is 2-under-par for the tournament and five off the lead.

Woods bogeys the par-3 4th

After missing the green on the par-3 4th, Tiger Woods recorded his first bogey of this year's Masters.

Woods is now even par for the tournament.


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