Flight of the Educator

Best Small Group Tour Companies Comparisons

Small group tour companies like G Adventures are a great way to see the world for solo travelers, couples, and small groups of friends!  There are so many companies out there that it might be overwhelming to know the differences between them! As a travel agent , I’m often asked the difference between G Adventures vs Contiki… G Adventures vs Intrepid… G Adventures vs Topdeck… Intrepid vs Contiki and what are other companies like Intrepid.  Well, I decided to put the main companies that I like to suggest for small group travel: G Adventures, Contiki, Intrepid, Busabout, and Top Deck.

In this article, you’ll find a quick reference chart of all the main 5 companies, more specific rundowns on each company, and then more specific comparisons.  Please note that all of these companies are mixed gender, but there are some women travel groups too!

tours like busabout

G Adventures

G Adventures vs topdeck

G Adventures is my top company to recommend because it’s so EXPANSIVE.  There are different tour styles to fit anyone’s needs, and they go EVERYWHERE.  

What makes G Adventures Special?

I think what really makes G stand out from the rest is its commitment to sustainable travel by giving back to the community.  Travel can certainly be a privilege, and when I see the world, I’d like my money to be put to the best use possible. G Adventures also takes this to heart. They hire locals, work with local partners and small businesses, and work with the most at risk.

Children and animals are often exploited in tourism trades, and G makes sure that all attractions visited are not negatively impacting those vulnerable sects.

What Tour Styles Does G Adventures offer?

This is the most budget option for tours.  There’s no real cut off for age, but they do note that these are the typical ages that come on this tour.  These tours usually stay in hostels and cost the cheapest of all the tour varieties.

This is a standard tour that stays in hotels and has slightly more upgraded experiences.  There is no age range for this.

National Geographic

These tours are specially tailored to get a deeper cultural understanding with more hands-on explorations and interactions with local experts.

This is a great option for people with kids! Can be a single parent or a couple! This tour has age-appropriate activities for little ones and hotels with lots of good things for kids!  This is a great option for someone who wants to try to travel with kids but is concerned about the logistics. Let G take care of everything!

Local Living

Local Living tours get you access to what life is REALLY like in a locale.  Being a tourist is awesome, and there’s nothing wrong with seeing the touristy places; however, some places might call to your heart, and you want to know more!  Italy comes to mind for me! All the food, wine, and culture there! Local living gets you out of a hotel and into a more intimate home or farm stay!

Straight from the horse’s mouth: Wellness travel was created to recharge the body and nourish the mind. Our new Wellness tours offer the perfect balance of awe-inspiring destinations, rejuvenating activities, and healthy food experiences, helping you return home feeling even better than when you left.

I think the name says it all, but most have biking, hiking, cycling, and other adrenaline-pumping activities! I can’t give my own experience, because this is not my vibe lol.

This tour style basically means that rather than taking a bus, you have a train journey! Trains can be more comfortable than buses sometimes because you’re able to get up and walk around!  I took a long train journey from Beijing to Moscow and can confirm trains are fun!

These trips are by boat, so if you get seasick, they might not be for you!  It’s nice because you only have to unpack one time, but you still get to see so much!  This is a great tour style for places like the Galapagos or Island hopping!

If you like some aspects of group travel but just not interested in other people, you can get a private tour! You can select from already made tours, or go rogue and get a custom one!

What Kind of Traveler Do I Recommend for This Company?

Because of the wide variety of tour offerings, there’s really something for everyone!  But as a whole, I recommend someone who doesn’t like to travel too fast, isn’t into partying and hooking up but interested in grabbing a few drinks with friends, and someone who cares about giving back to the community they’re visiting!

What makes Contiki Special?

I think Contiki has the cutest founding story actually.  A guy from NZ basically bought a van in Europe, advertised he was going and asked people to pitch in, they roamed Europe together as a bunch of strangers who became friends, and then he sold the van.  That trip inspired him to found Contiki: Con from “Continent” and Tiki which is Maori for “Good luck charm.” Beyond that, I think Contiki is a really great way to see a lot when you’re in a pinch for time. It was one of the first ways I first discovered Europe!

What Tour Styles Does Contiki offer?

This is the classic type that is usually in a hotel that’s centrally located.  

In-Depth Explorer

Similar to the discoverer in that it’s also usually hotels, but it is also more culture and food-focused.

Iconic Essentials

These are going to be the most budget-friendly of the tours and offer a mix of accommodation styles like the Contiki special and hostels.

Sailing and Cruise

These are going to be boat-based trips, so you’d better like your bathing suit and the water!  

Short Trips and Festivals

This is a special category because they won’t be offered all the time, but only for select occasions.

Ski and Snowboard

The Ski and Snowboard trips are obviously going to be seasonally based.

Camping doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to pitch your own tent.  When I went on mine, we went to “campsites” that had what amounted to permanent tents set up in rows. They were actually pretty large

Small Group

Not all of the tours are as large as the maximum amount (you can see by the chart they have the largest possible group sizes).  Contiki also offers a smaller group option for some tours which is great if you’re interested in them but weren’t into the larger size!

For tours like Contiki, I honestly usually recommend a younger crowd.  Contiki also has the youngest “oldest” cut off at 35, but I can think of many 34-year-olds that would be very unhappy with this company.  I think of all the companies mentioned in this article, this company, in particular, speaks to a certain type of person (no judgment!). There’s something called the “Contiki Cough” which is the joke that everyone gets sick because everyone is making out with everyone else lol.  While I can’t say the tours I’ve been with them were THAT extreme, I can say that every night was a party, and there was a lot more drinking than on the other companies. So if that’s not your scene, you might want to choose another. If that is, you’ll have a BLAST!

companies like intrepid travel

What Makes Intrepid Special?

Intrepid has a loyalty program, but it seems to really only be a benefit if you travel *a lot* with them as you get an $1800 voucher after 9 trips with them.   Update : Looks like Intrepid’s loyalty program ends July 1, 2019. Intrepid is also committed to sustainable travel and works to manage their carbon footprint.  I’d say the only other companies like Intrepid Travel in that regard would be G Adventures.

Intrepid also has a foundation called, you guessed it, The Intrepid Foundation!  It’s an organization that seeks to provide skills training in the communities they’re involved with.  The tour costs do not go towards this foundation, but if you do decide to donate, they do match your donation.  

What Tour Styles Does Intrepid offer?

This is the cheapest route and usually doesn’t include many meals, more likely to be in hostels/camping/guesthouses, and uses public transportation a lot.  Not many optional excursions are pre-booked, which means you have plenty of free time to do whatever you and your budget want!

This is the normal go-to style with some inclusions and some optional extras.  They usually stay at hotels or homestays with some meals included.

As the name suggests, you’ll be getting an upgraded experience with more inclusions (food and activities).

These will be special to a specific holiday of a country! Obviously not available year-round.

Urban Adventures

This is relatively new to the brand.  It’s based on day trips in cities led by locals.  You can book a pre-arranged itinerary or plan your own!

Intrepid is a great company for travelers that don’t like too big of a group and aren’t huge in the party scene.  

What Makes Busabout Special?

I think what definitely sets Busabout apart from the other tours is what it is most known for is the Busabout Hop On-Off Pass !  I actually did the pass myself one summer, and it was super fun and just as the name implies… it allows you to jump on and off the bus! Unlike those tour buses that set up stops around a city, this one does it across countries!

What Tour Styles Does Busabout offer?

Flexible travel.

This is the Hop On/Off pass I was telling you about. Please read my more in-depth review . They also have something similar in the USA (West Coast) and now Asia!  

I used their small group tour to go to Cambodia , and I had an amazing time!  They don’t have the country variety as some of the other companies, but they still do have a lot of offerings, and I feel the prices are fine.

Sailing and Island Hopping

They have lots of boats that cruise through the waters with fixed or flexible itineraries!

These will be special groups for specific festivals and dates. They’re really great if you want to go to a festival, but maybe you don’t have anyone to go with, and you don’t want to go alone for safety.  Safety is important!

Winter Trips

These are going to be where the people who love the cold will want to check!  Skiing, Christmas Markets, and Hot Chocolate basically!

The flexible passes are great for people who just want to go with the flow and don’t have a set idea of what to do, just a general plan of where they’d like to be.  Busabout is hands down the best option for that.

For the small group tours option, it’s a good balance between relaxed and party.  Busabout has really good options for Europe and Asia, as well. I feel like those are the zones that they shine.

G Adventures vs topdeck

What Makes Topdeck Special?

Top Deck has a highest 30-something age bracket range all the way up to 39 (although they do not have anything for anyone over 40).  As a 33-year-old who doesn’t feel “that old,” that is something that makes me feel good! Top Deck also has slightly larger groups than some other counterparts but not the largest.  It has also managed to find a good balance between chill and party, although I would say that it does lean more towards party on certain tour styles.

What Tour Styles Does Topdeck offer?

Hostel plus.

This will be the most cost-effective option as the tours will stay in centrally located hostels with multiple people per room! Great way to meet new friends as well as be kind to your bank account.

Hotel tours will also have centrally located hotels, and you will only share with one other person!  Just a bit more privacy.

The explorer travel style will move a little slower and more deliberately.  It will also visit more than just the main capital cities to give you a better understanding of a country.

I think you can guess on this one! Obviously a fun party boat with the ability to jump into the water all the time! Wear sunscreen (omg, I’m turning into my mother).

Camping trips can be super fun because you get to stay out with nature and have campfires!  The tents are also two-person tents, so you get a nice price like on the hostel tour but without as many people around you.

Topdeck has ski trips the world over!  It will take all the hassle of the planning out of the way, so you can just do the fun bit–skiing!

Limited Edition, Festivals, and Events

These are the kind of events that only happen during seasons or on specific days! Great if you’re out in an area and want the safety of company at something like a music festival, but you don’t know anyone! Now you do!

Top Deck is a great company for people under 40 who like to have a good time but don’t want their entire trip to be about drinking.

G Adventures Vs Topdeck

G Adventures vs topdeck

When comparing G Adventures vs Topdeck, G will have a smaller group than Top Deck as well as more flexible age ranges.  Top Deck includes tipping in the price whereas G Adventures doesn’t. The overall prices are about equitable. The biggest difference between the two would be group size and that G Adventures has trips going to all 7 continents whereas Top Deck doesn’t.

G Adventures vs Contiki (And Intrepid vs Contiki)

g adventures vs contiki

If you look at the differences between G Adventures vs Contiki, G Adventures has the smallest tour group size at a maximum of 15 vs Contiki’s 52 in a normal tour or 30 in a “small group.”  Contiki is definitely more of a party tour company whereas G is less about drinking (although people still go out!). They both utilize lifetime trip deposits which is great for flexibility as long as the trips are changed outside of the “pre-departure window.”  G Adventures also has all guaranteed departures for all their tours, while Contiki only offers guaranteed for some (they’ll alert you before you pay if it is guaranteed or not). The last big difference is G Adventures utilizes local tour guides while Contiki doesn’t.

I didn’t include a separate section for Intrepid vs Contiki since G Adventures and Intrepid are very similar in their differences to Contiki.

G Adventures vs Intrepid

g adventures vs intrepid

The comparison for G Adventures vs Intrepid is the easiest as these two companies are the most alike.  They both use local tour guides, operate on all 7 continents, have a more relaxed vibe, offer Family tours, and have local guides.  Where they differ is Intrepid doesn’t have 100% guaranteed departures like G Adventures but also has a range for tour deposits (some lower than G and some higher depending on trip cost).

For these two, I would check both sites and just find an itinerary that fits your dates, preferences, and costs and choose from that. If everything is equal, I’d choose the cheaper one which is often G.  But sometimes they go to similar areas, but slightly different itineraries, so it’s worth looking at both.

Top Deck vs Contiki

companies like contiki

These companies are also very similar.  They both have groups on the larger end (Top Deck is a few people smaller), and both are good if you’re interested in drinking and partying. They’re both great if you want a more casual tour, and don’t care if the guides are local or not.  If I had to pick some other companies like Topdeck, I’d say Contiki is the most similar.

My Overall Favorite Small Group Tour

I have to pick G Adventures as my overall top pick. I’ve traveled with them the most (hey, 5% discount for returning customers!) and I’m going with them to Antarctica .  I really like their philosophy of giving back, so it makes me feel like my travel money is being used the wisest.  I would say that the prices are also either on par or cheaper than other companies, and I really like the value.

The Best Tour for Flexibility

Busabout is the best if you want the best between both worlds.  If you want the structure of a company who handles the technicalities of the logistics, but you also want the freedom to move at your own pace and make your own decisions.

All in all, if you’re looking for small tour group companies like G Adventures or companies like Intrepid travel, all 5 are great options.  They all serve a different purpose based on your own personal preferences and budget considerations. I am a G Adventures Travel Agent , but I’m also a booking agent for all 5 of these companies.   When my clients are trying to figure out which company is the best for them, I always ask them:

  • What level of partying are you into?
  • What level of accommodations do you prefer?
  • What area of the world do you want to go?

And now I’ll ask you:

  • Which one seems to suit your vibe?
  • Have you traveled with any of these before? Anything to add?
  • Do you want to book with me? 🙂

For someone else’s experiences using different adventure group tours, check this out!

Pin for later if you found helpful!

g adventures vs contiki

Carly "Wayward" Heyward

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Wanderlust Chloe

Best Tour Companies For Solo Travellers And Singles

iTrekHere group in Hollywood

It’s time to compare the top group tour companies for solo travellers and singles.

Coming up, I’ll run through the best group tour companies for solo travellers! From Intrepid and Trek America, to Busabout , Contiki , MedSailors and Travel Talk Tours – who offers the best experience for solo travellers and singles?

Travelling solo can be daunting at the best of times, even more so when you set off on an adventure to a country where you don’t speak the language or know how to get around. When you travel as part of a group, the stresses are taken away, leaving more time to truly enjoy yourself! Not to mention, you’ll have a great bunch of new friends by the end.

Having booked group tours with most of the top companies specialising in solo travel and singles holidays, I figured I’d reveal what I really thought. The added bonus – I have dedicated blogs and videos for them too, so you can delve deep into what the experience is really like! Solo holidays are becoming more popular then ever, so time to reveal a few of my favourite tour companies specialising in solo travel tours.

Best tour companies for solo travellers  and trips for Singles

Click to jump straight to read about these companies

Trek America

Travel talk tours.

First up, the company that kicked off my wanderlust! Years before I started blogging, or discovered my love of travel, I spent two weeks travelling around Mexico with Trek America. It was an AWESOME experience. Trek offer tours across North, South and Central America, so there’s bound to be something that takes your fancy.

I remember being SO anxious before I left London. I’d never been on a plane on my own, let alone long haul, and I’d be arriving in a country that would feel totally foreign to me. I spoke no Spanish and didn’t know who I’d be spending the next few weeks with. It was incredibly daunting.

Over two weeks we travelled around in a mini-bus, visited Chichen Itza, dived into cenotes, explored the magical lagoon of seven colours in Bacalar and partied ‘til dawn in Playa Del Carmen. Mexican tour guide Juan was young, fun and full of enthusiasm. He took us to loads of his favourite secret spots and removed all stresses from the trip. I left with a bunch of new friends, memories and a longing to jet off again! You can imagine just how excited I was when I was invited to join their annual #iTrekHere tour in California last year?!    

Group tours available: in North America, Canada, Mexico, Central America, South America

Read more about my Trek America experience.

Next up, was my adventure in South America with Contiki. Over the course of 10 days I visited vibrant Buenos Aires, the incredible Iguazu falls, chilled out on the beach in Buzios in Brazil and then finished up in Rio de Janeiro. We covered a lot of ground in a short time, and again, the hassle of transport and day tours was taken out of our hands.

Our guide Christian (from Chile) was a lot of fun and really looked after us. Contiki tours are a little more full on than the other tours I’ve done, sheerly because you’ll be travelling with a coach load of people rather than a small group. I made a few really great friends on this trip, one of whom I’ve caught up with in New York and London!

Group tours available: pretty much everywhere! Contiki offers 300+ trips across 6 continents!

Read more about my Contiki experience.

Wanderlust Chloe Lapa Steps Rio Brazil 1

Intrepid Travel

Intrepid’s tours had been recommended to me several times before, and it turns out they’re awesome. When I travelled through Central America a couple of years ago (you know – when I started this blog malarkey) I booked the majority of the trip through Intrepid. I was worried about border crossings, particularly in Honduras and Belize where I’d heard a few horror stories. I also wasn’t sure my Spanish would be good enough to negotiate or figure out routes along the way. They specialise in group travel, and in my opinion offer some of the best options for solo travel tours and adventure holidays for singles.

Looking back, I know I could have done the trip solo, but actually I’m REALLY glad I went as part of a tour. The main reason was because of the friendships that were formed. There were so many people I clicked with, and a real mix at that (from 20 to 70 year olds!)

Our guides were amazing – Vinnie from Guatemala and Randy from Costa Rica. I was so sad to say goodbye to both of them. We had an easy trip, mainly travelling by private mini-bus and the odd chicken bus thrown in for good measure. We stayed with local families in Guatemala, climbed the ancient Mayan ruins in Tikal and even got caught in a crazy storm in the middle of the ocean in Belize. Needless to say, a serious bout of the post-holiday blues followed, but that only happens when the experience really means something to you.

Group tours available: across the world, from Asia and Australia to Europe, Africa and America!

Read more about my Intrepid experiences.

Want to read more about solo female travel check out this post:  solo female travel: what is it like to travel on your own.

Busabout specialises in Europe, although they’ve launched in Asia now too. Along with awesome group tours to European festivals including La Tomatina and Oktoberfest, they offer a hop-on hop-off bus service around Europe. It’s really handy for people who want to have a bit of a group dynamic, but also enjoy a flexible itinerary.

Last year I went on a group tour around Scandinavia and The Baltics. Other than Sweden (where I’ve been several times), the tour covered all sorts of places I’d never thought of visiting. With around 36 hours in each, we visited Lithuania, Latvia, Sweden, Finland and Estonia… fitting in trips to local landmarks, city tours and plenty more. Our guide Pasqual was SO much fun – full of enthusiasm and so experienced, she knew Busabout’s tours inside-out. It was a fun trip and a great way to cram a lot into one week.

Group tours available: in Europe, Asia and North Africa plus plenty of festivals too.

Read more about my Busabout  experience.

A few years ago I sailed around Croatia with MedSailors and had THE BEST TIME! It’s a trip I was a little apprehensive about as I wondered whether staying on a boat for a week would be a claustrophobic experience. Thankfully, it wasn’t! Most of the week we were either up on deck sunbathing, eating, and helping with boat duties… or on dry land enjoying sightseeing, wine tasting and good food!

I was lucky to be assigned a boat with a great bunch of people. MedSailors send out a questionnaire prior to travelling so they can match people based on age, interests and holiday styles. You have up to 8 people on a boat, plus an experienced skipper who takes care of you for the week, rustling up a great breakfast and lunch, plus sailing your boat from A to B.

There are several boats on the MedSailors flotilla, so once you reach dry land it’s a great chance to meet those on other boats. On the last day, there’s a sailing competition to see which boat is the champion – all good fun and really brings you together as a group!  

Since writing about this trip, I’ve been back out with MedSailors on another solo travel adventure, this time to Sicily. Read all about it here .

Skippered sailing yacht holidays available: in Croatia , Greece, Turkey and Sicily , Italy… plus rumour has it they’ll be launching in the Caribbean in 2018.

Read more about my MedSailors experience In Croatia  and Sicily .

While this is quite a big group tour, the experience still felt pretty intimate, particularly as there was free time in each place.

This tour company is great if you’re looking for upmarket accommodation. Other than our two nights glamping in the Sahara (which was one of my favourite travel experiences!) we stayed at 4 and 5 star hotels. This level of quality accommodation (often at a very reasonable price) is something that really sets Travel Talk Tours apart from the others I’ve mentioned.

It’s worth noting that there’s usually a local payment required when you reach your destination, so be sure to check all the costs before you book.

Group tours available: Europe, Middle East, North Africa, Asia plus some festivals too.

Read more about my Travel Talk Tours experience.

I hope this helps you when you’re deciding which group tour company to book your next trip with. i’d love to hear about your group tour experiences below, enjoyed this post why not pin it…, chloe gunning.

With a passion for food, fun and adventure, Chloe is the content creator behind one of the UK's top travel blogs Wanderlust Chloe. From volcano boarding in Nicaragua, to sailing around Sicily and eating her way around Japan, her travels have taken her to some of the coolest spots on the planet. Named Travel Influencer of the Year in 2022, Chloe regularly works with a number of tourism boards, producing inspirational travel content across multiple platforms. Find out more about Chloe here.

4 thoughts on “Best Tour Companies For Solo Travellers And Singles”

Super useful post Chloe! I’ve never taken the plunge and travelled solo but I like the idea of meeting new people along the way!

Thank you Angie! I figured it was an area I had a lot of knowledge of. I’ve loved my solo travels, often more than my travels with friends and family! There’s something so special about the friends you make along the way. You should try it out soon! Cx

Just decided to book with Medsailors. Do you have any advice on budgeting for meals and spending cash? This is the first time I booked a trip like this and I have no idea where to start!

Hey Lauren! Ah amazing – you’re going to love it. Where are you heading to with MedSailors? I would suggest around £30 a day. As you get breakfast and lunch on board, you’re only really worrying about dinner and a few drinks. You can always eat and drink cheaply if you’re on a budget, or splurge if you want to, but that’s probably a good guide price. Have an amazing trip! Cx

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What’s the Matter with Busabout? – In Depth Review

What’s the Matter with Busabout? – In Depth Review

Our recent articles focused on reliable tour guide companies that help young travelers see the world without worrying about planning. But their major drawback is the lack of flexibility when it comes to exploring places at your own pace.

Some of us are passionate about traveling more independently, with a couple of impulsive decisions made along the way, all the while having someone to guide us. 

If you are stuck between booking a guided tour and traveling free-style, we think you should give Busabout a serious thought! Structurally, it offers you a good balance between organization and spontaneity. 

But, it’s not without a share of hiccups. So, do give our Busabout review a read before you decide!


What is Busabout?

Busabout is one of the leading European travel companies founded in 1998 with the aim of providing a budget-friendly, free-style travel mode for globetrotters. It can also be defined as a bus network that covers 189 cities around the world. The most popular Busabout circuit is the Europe one which consists of four major loops covering major routes to 46 cities in the continent. In addition, the company also operates in North Africa, Asia, and the USA.

Busabout is not a conventional tour company. It helps you see the world on your terms at your own pace while giving a social atmosphere. When you sign up for Busabout passes, you are not signing up for guided tours. Although every bus has a well-informed tour guide who can give you loads of recommendations of what to see and do in Europe, there’s no fixed itinerary that travelers have to follow. 


Who owns Busabout?

At present, Busabout is owned by The Travel Corporation, which is a family-owned organization consisting of 40 travel brands. It is also affiliated with the TreadRight Foundation, supporting sustainable tourism. 

Is there an age limit for Busabout?

Anyone above 18 can go on a Busabout tour, and there’s no upper age limit. However, it mainly attracts a young crowd, primarily backpackers and solo travelers. Anyone who likes to socialize with fellow travelers would feel welcome in Busabout tours!


How does Busabout work?

  • Hop-On-Hop-Off feature: This is the unique feature of Busabout. Travelers can use Busabout as a means of transport from one city to another. You can either choose to visit cities according to their defined order or change the route. For example, if you don’t want to visit the city that’s next in line, you can “hop-off” and join another bus that goes to a different one. 
  • Tour guides:  Travel guides will equip you with all the necessary information, provide recommendations, and help you utilize any discounted offers available. You can always rely on them to give a heads up about good places to stay, dine, or explore. 
  • Hop-On-Hop-Off or Adventure passes:  Busabout offers passes for both short and long trips. Passes for short trips that go up to 4 weeks give you access to a maximum of 9 stops, and passes for long trips that go over six months grant you access to a minimum of 12 stops. 
  • Accommodation: Busabout will provide a list of accommodation choices, although you are free to stay wherever you like. But, if you select one of their options, you will be picked up or dropped off right there, saving you the money spent on taxis.
  • Tours:  You can link your hop-on-hop-off pass to different types of guided excursions and festival trips offered by Busabout.

How much does Busabout cost?

Short trips (3-9 stops)

  • 1 week - $299
  • 2 weeks - $399
  • 4 weeks - $599

Long trips (12 or more)

  • 2 months pass - $999
  • 3 months pass - $1299
  • Unlimited pass - $1499 (valid for six months)

How do I register on Busabout?

You have to visit Busabout’s website and purchase a pass , specifying the starting city. Once done, you can go to their MyTrip website and start customizing your tour. At present, Busabout doesn’t operate tours due to the pandemic situation.


What we like about Busabout?

  • Flexibility!!: Busabout doesn’t limit the time you can spend in a particular destination. You can stay behind, spend a couple or more days, and catch the next bus that leaves the city. Otherwise, you can go on a whirlwind tour covering as many cities as possible. If the bus network doesn’t cover the place you wish to visit, don’t worry. You can explore them on your own and head to a city covered by Busabout to catch the bus again. There’s ample flexibility to change your plans as long as you make arrangements 24 hours ahead.
  • Reliability: Busabout is a reliable service in many ways. If you book one of their recommended accommodation spots, the bus will drop you right there. Even if you book a hotel of your choice, the tour guide will provide you with the directions to get there. This way, you won’t be abandoned in the middle of an unknown city with your luggage. The fact that there’s a bus operating regularly (once or once in two days) from the city is also very assuring, in case you stayed back or missed your bus.
  • Good choice of accommodation: A lot of Busabout reviews have highlighted the quality of accommodation choices that are given to you. Most of them are very clean, comfortable, and offer great customer service. So, unless you really want to try a different BnB or hotel, we think you should stick with their options for convenience.
  • Affordable: Compared to other alternative modes of traveling like flights and bus tour agencies like Contiki , Busabout is definitely a cost-effective option. If you have more time to spare, we recommend you purchase their unlimited pass that lets you use as many stops as possible. 
  • Comfortable buses and interesting rides: Traveling on the bus for a long time can be exhausting and boring. But, your tour guide will make it more interesting with games, movie options, and interesting facts about the destination you are about to visit. The buses are also very comfortable and spacious as they hardly become packed with people. 
  • No age limit: Unless you are under 18, there’s no restriction to go on Busabout tours. This means you have plenty of opportunities to mingle with travelers of all ages, learn a lot, and share your own experiences. It’s also a great way to travel with your family members!

What we don’t like about Busabout?

  • Only one-way: The Busabout network only operates one-way around. So, you can travel from city A to B but not vice versa. It’s one of the major downsides we noted in many Busabout reviews.
  • Wi-Fi is expensive: Busabout advertises about its coaches being equipped with Wi-Fi, but it’s not free. In fact, it’s expensive and doesn’t work fast. So, we recommend you find other ways to keep you occupied during the ride! 
  • Limited routes:  Compared to other alternatives like Eurail, the Busabout Europe network only covers a limited number of destinations. It’s also a slower mode of transport compared to options, like flights and trains. 


Is Busabout worth it?

Overall, considering the budget, degree of flexibility, and the host of attractive features, we can say Busabout is a worthy choice.

But, it really depends on what kind of traveler you are. If you like to tour according to a prescheduled itinerary or prefer a faster mode of travel, it may not be ideal for you.

If you love “creating your own adventures” as Busabout aptly puts it, then go for it!

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Busabout keeping with their core mission of stress-free flexible travel is geared to the independent backpacker 18 and over..

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Busabout is very similar to Contiki but they’re more geared to the independent backpacker 18 and over. Their core mission is stress-free flexible travel. Busabout has a little over a hundred of tours operating in Europe, Asia and North America. Busabout is immensely popular with younger travelers looking to travel on a budget and party at the same time. Let us take a deeper dive into my Busabout Review and see if it’s the right fit for you.

What is Busabout?

Busabout was born in 1998 linking up with the ‘best’ cities in Europe aimed at the budget-minded independent traveler. They teamed up with HAGGiS Adventures & Shamrocker Adventures expanding their tours and destinations.

Accommodations: This is where Busabout differs from Contiki. For the most part, the accommodations are not included however they do provide you with a list of approved accommodations to stay in depending on the tour. Don’t worry they won’t leave you out in the cold, they always provide you with a list of hostels / hotels giving you freedom. For the most part, you can expect to stay in hostels but Busabout does its best with finding the best hostels that are incredibly fun to stay in and have everything you’ll need all in a great location.

The big benefit is that Busabout gives you the freedom to book whatever accommodations you want.

Hot Tip: If you plan to stay in a dorm-type hostel always grab the bottom bunk! Just remember that Busabout also allows you to book any accommodation you choose.

Busabout Guides: Their job is to make sure everyone is accounted for and act as your local guide while in country. At the same time make sure you’re having a great time. You meet your guide at the hostel and do group introductions and afterward head out for dinner at a local spot. Almost always the guide will take the group to a bar or club to celebrate your first night in the country. Busabout is all about fun and they kick things off quick! Remember many of these guides are young expats so they have all the key (fun) places dialed in.

Group Size: My two experiences with Busabout were surprising in that the group size was smaller than expected. Both times the size was less than 20 people. Especially in Asia I was expecting a larger group but that wasn’t the case. Nothing at all like Contiki where there can be 25 + fellow travelers all on a bus.

Hop on Hop off: Busabout tours are VERY unique in that they offer “hop on – hop off” tour passes that can be up to 90 days in Asia. If you want you can do a 9-day tour of Thailand and go home or you can do 9 days in Thailand and then join another tour for 8 days in Vietnam. This is why Busabout is geared more toward the independent traveler.

Food: Breakfast is provided with nearly all the tours however from what I remember lunch and dinner was all on you. I just loaded up on the breakfast but eating in Southeast Asia is incredibly cheap.

Cost: Totally depends on the tour, the country you plan to visit and the length of time you plan to stay. However, Busabout is cheaper than Contiki in many of their trips it’s surprising. You also need to factor in if the tour offers the accommodations.

tours like busabout

Busabout Review:

I’ve done two tours with Busabout, and I must say it was some of the most fun I’ve had traveling. I admit I was the oldest one in the group but they were cool and I wanted to have a good time. The trips were Cambodia and Thailand and they were spectacular. I didn’t matter how old they were I was partying along with them. I went in knowing I’d probably be the oldest one on the trip, while they were parting all through the night, I went back to the hostel at 2 am…it was all good.

I think the best New Year’s celebration I’ve had was the full moon party in Krabi Pub Crawl in Ao Nang…man that was fun! It started with the Krabi Pub Crawl and it ended right on the beach. It’s difficult to explain because it was a new experience and I never did new years on an island so this was a first for me. I joined thousands of other revelers on the beach listening to music dancing drinking and just living our best lives…that’s living!

I’ll admit I didn’t have my creature comforts such as a hotel with a full breakfast buffet and my own private bathroom. However, the hostel in Phuket offered more amenities than any hotel ever could.

Our guides were very knowledgeable about the area and they in fact made the trip so much better. It’s obvious that tour operators employ extroverts to be their tour guides.

tours like busabout

Busabout vs. Contiki:

You may be wondering if they are both geared towards younger travelers what is the main difference? The #1 difference between the two was that Busabout was much cheaper than Contiki. That’s mainly because with Busabout they allowed you to book your own accommodations. Also, they had the “hop-on, hop-off” travel style which allowed to hop-on to another tour when yours ended. Contiki is great but your whole itinerary is laid out for you and you are basically on a leash with your activities set up for you.

Final Thoughts On Busabout:

Should you go on a Busabout tour? Yes if…

  • You’re independent
  • You like meeting new people
  • You want the flexibility to hop on another tour
  • You like to party
  • You want a budget friendly trip

Optional Add-Ons: The excursions Busabout offered were optional and I did maybe half of them. Again, these do cost extra but they are worth it. Depending on the country they can be just about anything so check what the add-ons you want to do. Remember these are totally optional.

Bus / Coach: Busabout mode of transportation is via bus / coach which I wasn’t a fan of. I remember in Cambodia we lost nearly 7 hours traveling from one spot to the next. No one was happy about it but that’s what you get with a bus tour. We actually missed half of a show because we were so late. I do remember the wi-fi on the bus was totally free.

Travel mates: Like Contiki it seems that half of Australians go on a Busabout tour at one point in their lives. Frankly, Aussies are fun and they make the trip that much more interesting.

Most Popular Busabout Tours:

This is the sad part of this review, it seems that covid really messed up their operations and they haven’t been active since the lockdown. The website is still up but they’re not offering any sort of trip at all. I hope they come back, I felt Busabout offered tremendous value on their tours.

tours like busabout

Busabout is a part of The Travel Corporation however there seems at this point time there are no plans to bring back Busabout which is a real shame. They provided me with probably one of the best vacations I’ve ever had and poof, they seemed to have just taken a long hiatus. If the higher ups at The Travel Company are reading this I sincerely hope you bring back this awesome fun filled tour company.

Busabout Review

One of the best tour companies for young independent backpackers that offered flexible travel and great value for their fun filled adventures.

  • Ideal for the independent backpacker
  • Book your own accommodations
  • Hop-on, Hop-off travel style
  • Very budget friendly
  • Seems they're no longer in business

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Sailing Around Croatia with Busabout

jumping off the busabout boat in croatia

For years, I’ve been hearing about the tour company Busabout . They offer hop-on, hop–off-again bus tours throughout Europe, similar to the Kiwi and Oz Experience. Like then, Busabout has set routes through Europe and along that route, you can leave and rejoin the bus whenever you want. I’ve never used them before as I’ve always just taken trains around Europe.

However, in addition to their bus trips, Busabout also offers sailing tours around Croatia . I continuously met travelers in Europe who rave about their experience on this trip so I decided to experience it for myself.

I took the Split-to-Split sailing tour , which was a seven-day cruise around the Dalmatian coast of Croatia. My boat, the Plomin , had 33 passengers (of which I was the only one not from Australia or New Zealand), our guide (also Australian), and five crew members.

From a business point of view, I was impressed with their product. The trip was well organized, the boat was nice, the itinerary was well put-together, and there were a few on-shore activities included. Additionally, the guide knew what he was talking about and gave excellent advice, and everything ran like clockwork.

How I Spent My Week with Busabout

jumping off the busabout boat in croatia

Day 2 – Mljet Mljet is home to a big national park with an island in the middle of the lake. There’s hiking, camping, and other fun activities that would have been nice if we had more than a few hours to enjoy them. There’s not much on this island and we just spent the night hanging out on the boat, getting to know the other people on the tour.

Day 3 – Dubrovnik We arrived here midday, which was disappointing because I had hoped to spend more time here at one of the biggest destinations in Croatia. Dubrovnik was beautiful, and I’ll be coming back here for a longer stay. After wandering the city streets for a while, our group went out for dinner — where I had the best calamari I’ve had in recent memory — before heading to the club in a fortress called “Revelin.”

Day 4 – Korcula Korcula is famous for being the alleged birthplace of Marco Polo. The town is a beautiful medieval walled city that I enjoyed walking around. There wasn’t much going on in the city, and since my group was still tired from Dubrovnik, we spent the evening on the ship, watching movies, and getting some rest.

Day 5 – Makarska Makarska is a huge spot for beachgoers, and there are a lot of water sports here. I wasn’t a big fan of this place; the beaches were overflowing with people and I felt more like I was in Bangkok during rush hour than on a beach. I walked the boardwalk, had an ice cream, and went to dinner. The highlight of my time here? Partying in a cave. Yes, that was as cool as it sounds. Outside of that though, I’ll skip Makarska in the future. There are too many people on too small of a beach.

Day 6 – Omis Our last night before returning to Split was spent in the tiny town of Omis. There is a place to swim, a place to eat, and one main bar. After frying in the sun the whole morning, I dipped into a café and relaxed. That night was the captain’s dinner and the famous pirate party. On all the cruises, Busabout groups have a dress-up party on their last night. All boats are in Omis that night, so you end up in town with people from multiple boats. Everyone heads to the one bar, and it looks like a scene out of Pirates of the Caribbean . It was quite fun and many (many) pirate jokes were had.

Day 7 – Split Back in Split, we were left to our own devices for the day before returning to the boat for one last night out.

A few notes on the tour: In between all of our destinations, there was a midday swim stop. Lunch was served on the boat every day. Beer and alcohol were also served but cost extra. Water also cost extra, which was an unfortunate surprise. I also found the added costs of the BBQ and captain’s dinner huge wastes of money and would recommend simply heading into the villages for better and cheaper food. In short, avoid eating on the boat if you want to save money.

How much does it cost?

jumping off the busabout boat in Croatia

However, when compared with the other operators such as Fanatics, Contiki, or Sail Croatia, Busabout is the cheapest option for an organized Croatia boat trip.

However, if you take a sailing tour around Croatia during the shoulder season of early May and September, prices for these tours are about 50-60% cheaper. It’s easier to find deals and there are fewer crowds in each port.

Would I recommend this Busabout tour?

jumping off the busabout boat in croatia

Both those things proved true.

I had a really good time and walked away having met a few people I’ll stay in touch with in the future. However, I don’t think I would take one of these tours again. There’s not enough time spent in each destination and I’m well over the “travel to party” mode that most of the other people on the boat were in. The boat was fun, the people nice, and the weather perfect — but I’d rather watch a movie and go to bed than stay out drinking until dawn.

But just because I wouldn’t do it again doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go. I think if you are a solo traveler, a couple, or a pair of friends looking to meet other travelers and party, sailing with Busabout would be a fantastic experience for you. (Sadly, there is no hop-on, hop-off boat, which would be AWESOME, but I think that option is just called a ferry.)

I always ask people on trips like these, “Would you recommend it to friends, and did you have fun?” And while many people on my boat had similar complaints as me, every person I asked said they enjoyed themselves. “They’d do it again in a heartbeat,” they said. (In fact, for some, this was their second or third Busabout tour.)

I think that says a lot about how good the company and experience is.

My Busabout Croatia sailing trip turning out to be a good deal of fun, more than I thought it would be. These tours aren’t my cup of tea anymore, but if you’re looking for a party, want to hang out with a bunch of other young (and older — there were two 40-year-old women on my boat) travelers, this Busabout boat is for you.

After all, how many companies organize massive pirate-themed parties?!

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner . It’s my favorite search engine because it searches websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld . If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • SafetyWing (best for everyone)
  • Insure My Trip (for those 70 and over)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Want to Travel for Free? Travel credit cards allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for free flights and accommodation — all without any extra spending. Check out my guide to picking the right card and my current favorites to get started and see the latest best deals.

Need Help Finding Activities for Your Trip? Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace where you can find cool walking tours, fun excursions, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more.

Ready to Book Your Trip? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use when I travel. They are the best in class and you can’t go wrong using them on your trip.

Note : Busabout provided the tour for free. Flights, drinks, off-ship meals, and other incidentals were paid for by me.

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The scenic view of Korcula town and its historic houses in Croatia

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9 Great Alternatives To Contiki You Should Totally Check Out (Updated March, 2024 🎉)

  • Contiki has a strict 18-35 age policy. No exceptions!
  • Exciting new companies are joining the market, offering fantastic alternatives to Contiki.
  • Operators like G Adventures cater to the eco-conscious traveller, keen on positively impacting their destinations.
  • One Life Adventures and TruTravels specialise in single destinations, like Asia or Latin America, for a focused experience.
  • Intrepid is all about authentic local interactions, perfect for those seeking genuine connections.

When it comes to youth travel, Contiki has long been a name, synonymous with fun, adventure, and unforgettable experiences. But what if you’re looking for something a bit different? Luckily, the world of youth travel is vast and varied. Let’s dive into some fantastic alternatives to Contiki that offer unique experiences for young adult travellers.


Skip reading and go straight to the list

Contiki Tours, a favourite among under 35s and young professionals, delivers thrilling and socially vibrant adventures. But, it’s worth noting that Contiki enforces a strict 18-35 age policy , so if you’re keen on a group tour with a mix of ages over 35, you’ll need to consider other operators. While Contiki’s offerings are exciting, they might not be everyone’s cup of tea, especially if you’re after a journey that delves deeper into local authenticity or prefers a more relaxed pace and varied itinerary.

The cost of Contiki tours can be a bit on the higher side, particularly for solo adventurers. These tours are known for their energetic vibe and swift pace, primarily showcasing popular tourist attractions rather than an in-depth exploration of local culture and hidden gems.

Alternatives to Contiki 

No matter your reasons for looking beyond Contiki, rest assured there are plenty of other fantastic options out there. Each alternative travel company we’ve listed provides top-quality, highly-rated tours, just like you’d expect from a global brand like Contiki.

The list: The best travel companies like Contiki

Here's our recommended tour companies similar to Contiki.

Topdeck Travel

Topdeck is synonymous with the spirit of adventure and camaraderie. Their tours are designed specifically for young adults, offering a vibrant mix of sightseeing, cultural immersion, and plenty of opportunities to socialise.

Whether you’re exploring the romantic streets of Paris, the sun-kissed beaches of Australia, or the historical landscapes of Asia, Topdeck ensures a balanced mix of guided activities and free time to explore on your own. They excel in creating a communal atmosphere, perfect for making lifelong friendships.

Their itineraries cater to various tastes and preferences, from short city breaks to extended multi-country tours, making them a versatile choice for the modern traveller.

Topdeck vs Contiki

Why opt for Topdeck instead of Contiki? Well, while both appeal to the young and fun-loving, Topdeck stands out with its special mix of communal and social travels . It’s the go-to choice if you’re into Contiki’s vibrant energy but fancy exploring a diverse range of destinations, with the perfect balance of guided and free-time adventures.

  • Read our full Topdeck vs Contiki guide
  • Check out the latest Topdeck discount codes & deals

Check out these popular Topdeck tours for March

Get social: central & eastern europe.

From $3,365

+$0 additional upfront costs

Earn 2% cash back on this tour

Get Social: Central Europe Highlights (Winter)

From $2,939

Delve Deep: Spain & Portugal

From $2,051

Delve Deep: Mexico

From $2,329

Play & Pause: Britain & Ireland

From $3,369

G Adventures

G Adventures, a leader in sustainable and responsible tourism, now offers an exciting option for 18 to 35-year-old travellers in partnership with HostelWorld called Roamies . These immersive small-group trips are the perfect Contiki alternative for those in the same age range, blending adventure with ethical travel.

With a focus on small groups, G Adventures ensures authentic, meaningful interactions with local cultures. From wildlife safaris in Africa to treks in the Himalayas or exploring ancient South American ruins, Roamies by G Adventures provides thrilling, responsible adventures, making it an ideal choice for travellers keen to make a difference while exploring the world.

G Adventures vs Contiki

Why choose G Adventures as an alternative to Contiki? Not only does G Adventures shine with its commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism, but their small-group trips are also a fantastic choice for those in the same age range as Contiki’s. If you’re eco-conscious and eager to positively impact the destinations you visit, G Adventures is a brilliant fit.

Check out these popular G Adventures tours for March

Cape town to victoria falls adventure.

From $3,674

Best of Egypt

Costa rica quest.

From $1,169

Buenos Aires to Rio de Janeiro: Falls & Footy

From $2,324

Central American Journey: Rainforests & Ruins

One life adventures.

One Life Adventures isn’t just a tour company; it’s a gateway to extraordinary experiences, particularly in Asia. They go beyond the typical tourist paths, delving deep into the heart of each destination.

Whether you’re meandering through the mystical landscapes of Japan or exploring the tropical paradise of the Philippines, One Life Adventures ensures you’re not just a spectator but an active participant in the local culture.

Their tours are meticulously crafted to include hidden gems, ensuring that each day is filled with surprise and delight. The small group sizes guarantee a more intimate and personal journey, allowing you to forge genuine connections with both your fellow travellers and the locals you meet.

One Life Adventures vs Contiki

One Life Adventures offers a distinctly immersive experience, especially in Asia. While Contiki is known for its broad appeal and social atmosphere, One Life Adventures focuses on deep cultural immersion and off-the-beaten-path experiences . This approach makes them an excellent choice for travellers seeking a more intimate and authentic exploration of local cultures and landscapes.

Check out these popular One Life Adventures tours for March

Philippines one life adventures - 10 days, sri lanka one life adventures - 12 days.

From $1,206

Japan One Life Adventures - 10 Days

From $1,702

Bali One Life Adventures - 12 Days

Japan one life adventures - 14 days.

From $2,952

Intrepid Travel

Intrepid Travel is for those who seek an authentic, grassroots travel experience. They offer tours in an impressive range of destinations , each carefully designed to provide a genuine insight into the local way of life. Their commitment to responsible travel is commendable, ensuring that their tours are conducted in an environmentally and culturally sensitive manner.

Whether you’re after a rugged adventure, a culinary journey, or a historical exploration, Intrepid has something that will satisfy your wanderlust. Their travel styles vary, offering everything from basic, budget-friendly options to more comfortable, upscale experiences.

Intrepid vs Contiki

Intrepid Travel provides a raw and authentic travel experience . Unlike Contiki’s more mainstream approach, Intrepid focuses on authentic local interactions, offering a variety of travel styles from basic to comfort. This makes them a fantastic alternative for travellers seeking to dive deeper into the cultural fabric of their destinations.

Check out these popular Intrepid Travel tours for March

Cycle vietnam.

From $2,536

Egypt Adventure

From $1,099

Southern India

From $1,484

Vietnam Express Southbound

From $1,020

Kenya Wildlife Safari

From $1,352

INTRO Travel

INTRO Travel is perfect for those setting out on their first big travel adventure. They create an environment that’s not just about seeing new places but also about personal growth and making connections. Their tours in Australia, Asia, and Europe are packed with a blend of sightseeing, cultural experiences, and social activities.

They excel in taking the stress out of travel, providing comprehensive support from the moment you arrive. Whether you’re snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef, exploring ancient temples in Thailand, or partying in the bustling cities of Europe, INTRO Travel ensures a well-rounded and memorable experience.

INTRO Travel vs Contiki

INTRO Travel is perfect for first-time travellers seeking guided, comprehensive travel support. While Contiki offers a broad range of destinations and experiences, INTRO Travel specialises in creating a welcoming and nurturing environment, particularly for those new to international travel, with an emphasis on personal growth and social experiences .

Check out these popular INTRO Travel tours for March

Thai intro 9 day, bali intro 9 days, bali intro 12 day, vietnam intro 9 day, travel talk tours.

Travel Talk tours are the epitome of value-for-money experiences, offering a mix of culture, adventure, and social interaction. They provide a wide range of destinations, each tour crafted to give you an in-depth look into the culture and history of the place.

Their tours in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa cater to young, adventurous travellers who seek both excitement and cultural enrichment. Whether it’s exploring the ancient wonders of Egypt, the scenic landscapes of Turkey, or the vibrant streets of India, Travel Talk ensures a memorable and affordable journey.

Travel Talk vs Contiki

Travel Talk provides an excellent balance of cultural, adventure, and social experiences at a great value. Unlike Contiki, which offers a wide variety of trips, Travel Talk is particularly appealing for young and active travellers who are looking for an affordable yet enriching travel experience across Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.

Check out these popular Travel Talk tours for March

Essential egypt (5 star hotels).

From $1,220

Felucca Odyssey (5 & 4 Star Hotels)

From $1,173

Jewels of the Nile (5 & 4 Star Hotels)

From $1,261

Egypt & Jordan Discovered By Felucca (5 & 4 Star Hotels)

From $2,353

Egypt & Jordan Discovered By Nile Cruise (5 & 4 Star Hotels)

From $2,474

TruTravels stands out for its fun-loving and youthful spirit. They offer a variety of tours in Asia and Latin America , each designed to be more than just a holiday.

TruTravels focuses on creating experiences where you can make new friends, see incredible places, and create memories that last a lifetime. Their itineraries are a balanced mix of must-see highlights and unique, off-the-beaten-path experiences.

Whether you’re a solo traveller or with friends, TruTravels creates a welcoming and energetic atmosphere, perfect for those looking to add a social element to their adventures.

TruTravels vs Contiki

TruTravels is known for its vibrant and youthful travel experiences , focusing on fun and making new friends. This makes them a superb alternative to Contiki for those who are looking for a more intimate, party-like atmosphere and unique, fun-filled itineraries in Asia and Latin America.

Check out these popular TruTravel tours for March

Cambodia explorer.

From $1,225

Northern Thailand Adventure

From $1,196

Northern Thailand & Beaches

From $2,395

Bali & Beyond

From $1,996

Komodo Island Hopper

From $1,240

Feel Free Travel

In the world of travel, Feel Free Travel is a rising star, offering a fresh and intimate approach to touring. Unlike the vast array of options provided by giants like Contiki, Feel Free Travel boasts a more curated selection, focusing on just a handful of carefully crafted tours . This boutique approach allows them to concentrate on the finer details of each journey, ensuring a more personalised and memorable experience for each traveller.

Feel Free Travel’s tours are designed for those who seek a blend of adventure, culture, and social interaction. Each destination is not just a pin on the map but a well-thought-out adventure, tailored to provide an in-depth experience.

Whether it’s exploring the vibrant streets of Thailand, discovering the hidden gems of Sri Lanka, or immersing in the cultural kaleidoscope of Bali, Feel Free Travel ensures each trip is packed with unique experiences. Their small group sizes foster a close-knit atmosphere, allowing travellers to connect more deeply with their fellow adventurers and the local culture.

Feel Free Travel vs Contiki

Feel Free Travel’s boutique, focused approach allows for a more intimate group setting and a deeper dive into each destination’s culture and lifestyle, appealing to those who prefer a more nuanced and personal travel experience. It’s the perfect choice for travellers who value depth over breadth in their adventures.

Check out these popular Feel Free Travel tours for March

Lanka loop 12 days.

From $1,591

Thailand Island Hopper - 9 days

From $1,161

South to North - 15 days

From $1,184

North to South 15 days

Hanoi to hoi an 10 days, stoke travel.

Stoke Travel is not your ordinary travel company; it’s an experience in itself, perfect for those who seek both thrill and festivity in their journeys. Known for its vibrant, party-centric ethos, Stoke Travel specialises in festival and party tours across Europe. Imagine yourself at the heart of Spain’s legendary Running of the Bulls, dancing away at the Oktoberfest in Germany, or soaking up the sun on a surf camp in San Sebastian. Stoke Travel curates experiences that are as much about the social and party aspects as they are about the travel.

Their trips are designed for the young and the young-at-heart – travellers who want to experience the energy of Europe’s most famous festivals and parties. Stoke Travel is all about creating a community feel, where you’re likely to make friends as fast as the adventures unfold.

Accommodations are typically in campsites, adding a rustic and communal vibe to the experience, perfect for those who love to be in the thick of the action.

Stoke Travel vs Contiki

Comparing Stoke Travel with Contiki is like looking at two sides of the adventure coin. While both cater to a youthful audience, Stoke Travel carves out its niche in the festival and party scene. Unlike Contiki, which offers a more varied selection of tours encompassing sightseeing and cultural experiences, Stoke Travel focuses primarily on delivering high-energy, festival-based experiences.

This makes Stoke Travel a go-to choice for those who seek not just to see but to celebrate and immerse themselves in the most exhilarating festivals Europe has to offer .

  • Check out Stoke Travels’ Passport

Check out these popular Stoke Travel trips for March

Oktoberfest (2 night package), ¿wine not unpretentious wine tasting, ultimate oktoberfest adventure (4 nights), the barcelona boat party, san vino (3 nights).

In conclusion, if you’re a young traveller looking for a tour company that offers unique itineraries, local experiences, and sustainable travel practices, there are many great alternatives to Contiki that you should consider. From G Adventures and Intrepid Travel to Topdeck and WeRoad, each of these companies offers a distinct approach to travel that caters to different interests and budgets. All of these tour companies can be booked through TourRada r, making it easy to compare prices, itineraries, and travel styles. With so many great alternatives to Contiki available, you’re sure to find a tour company that suits your travel style, budget and interests.

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Updated March 27, 2024

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tours like busabout


Tour Guide: Busabout Europe

We all know that the Eurail is one of the most convenient ways to travel around Europe, but it can also cost a pretty penny (er, euro). But for the young and adventurous (or even young at heart) there’s another option: Busabout , or more specifically, Busabout Explorer, which expanded on the "hop-on, hop-off" city tour bus model to create network covering 30 cities in ten European countries.

The cool part: Busabout has its own tour guides that travel with passengers on every bus. So before arriving at each city, they can tell you everything you need to know about that destination, as well as answer questions and give recommendations on where to stay, eat, etc. Once you arrive at your city, the exploration part is up to you, so you’re never being dragged on any boring, stereotypical tours. The guides also have an extensive selection of the best accommodations in every city of hostels, budget hotels, and camping villages, all based on Busabout passenger recommendations, so it takes the guesswork out of finding a decent (and affordable) place to stay.

Neat technology: Every Busabout guide carries a handheld computer that has a seat- and bed-booking system. This means that travelers never need to search a city for a cheap Internet café to book the next part of their trip. Every passenger also gets a Busabout Travel Pass, a card which holds your personal details, a full itinerary and other useful information, and is swiped through the handheld computer so that someone in the world knows where you are (worrisome parents, perhaps?).

The best part: Trip options are split into loops, the Northern Loop (like Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, and Munich), Southern Loop (think Venice, Rome, Florence, and Nice), and Western Loop (to Paris, Nice, Avignon, Barcelona, Madrid, Bordeaux, and beyond). Travelers can stay for as many days as they like in each city, and the Busabout buses stop in every city once every two days, making travel easy. Busabout also encourages sustainable tourism , and is part of The Leading Travel Companies of the World Conservation Foundation (which is always a plus in our books). The pretty penny: Loop passes start at $639 for one loop. The Flexitrip pass costs $549 for six stops along any of the three loops, plus $59 for each additional "hop."

Photo: Busabout

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Tour Review: Sailing Around Croatia With Busabout

Published: October 11, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Donetta Coulter

  • Travel Destinations



Embarking on a cruise is an exciting way to explore different destinations while enjoying the luxury and comfort of a floating hotel. One cruise that stands out among the rest is the Busabout sailing tour around Croatia. With its breathtaking coastline, crystal clear waters, and charming islands, Croatia is a dream destination for many travelers.

Busabout, a leading travel company specializing in flexible and independent travel, offers a unique sailing experience that allows you to immerse yourself in the beauty of Croatia. This tour is perfect for those seeking a mix of adventure, relaxation, and cultural discovery.

Throughout this article, we will take you on a virtual journey as we explore the highlights of sailing around Croatia with Busabout. From the stunning islands of Hvar and Vis to the mesmerizing Kornati National Park and the historic city of Dubrovnik, get ready to be immersed in the beauty and charm of this Mediterranean paradise.

Whether you are a seasoned sailor or a first-time cruiser, this tour caters to all levels of experience. So, grab your sunscreen, put on your sailor hat, and let’s set sail!

About Busabout

Busabout is a well-established travel company that specializes in providing flexible travel experiences for independent-minded individuals. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Busabout has built a reputation for offering unique and unforgettable adventures across Europe, Asia, and beyond.

One of Busabout’s most popular offerings is their sailing tours. These tours provide travelers with the opportunity to explore stunning coastlines and picturesque islands aboard a comfortable sailboat. With a focus on flexibility and relaxation, Busabout’s sailing tours allow you to create your own itinerary and make the most of your time on the water.

One of the key advantages of traveling with Busabout is the freedom to choose your own adventure. Unlike traditional cruises with fixed itineraries, Busabout allows you to hop on and off the sailboat at various ports along the way. This means you have the flexibility to spend more time in your favorite destinations or explore places off the beaten path.

Another highlight of traveling with Busabout is the vibrant and social atmosphere onboard. The sailboats accommodate a small group of like-minded travelers, creating a close-knit community of adventure enthusiasts. Whether you’re traveling solo or with a group of friends, you’ll have the opportunity to meet fellow travelers from around the world, share stories, and make lifelong memories.

When it comes to accommodations, Busabout provides comfortable cabins on board the sailboats. Each cabin is equipped with all the necessary amenities for a cozy and enjoyable stay. You can choose from a variety of cabin options depending on your preferences and budget.

Busabout’s sailing tours are led by experienced and knowledgeable skippers who are passionate about the destinations and ensure the safety and comfort of all passengers. They will be your guides throughout the journey, offering insider tips, local insights, and recommendations for each destination.

Whether you’re looking to soak up the sun on pristine beaches, swim in crystal clear waters, explore historic towns, or indulge in delicious local cuisine, Busabout’s sailing tours offer a perfect blend of relaxation and exploration. Get ready to set sail and discover the beauty of Croatia’s coastline with Busabout!

The Itinerary

Busabout’s sailing tour around Croatia offers a carefully crafted itinerary that showcases the best of this stunning Mediterranean destination. From vibrant cities to hidden islands, each day presents a new adventure and a chance to explore Croatia’s breathtaking coastline. Let’s dive into the exciting itinerary that awaits you:

Day 1: Embarking the Sailboat in Split

Your journey begins in the beautiful city of Split, where you will board the sailboat and get acquainted with your fellow travelers and the crew. Explore the city’s historic center and marvel at the impressive Diocletian’s Palace before setting sail.

Day 2: Exploring the Island of Hvar

Wake up to the stunning views of the island of Hvar. Spend the day exploring this picturesque destination, known for its vibrant nightlife, charming old town, and beautiful beaches. Visit the historic fortress, stroll through the narrow streets, and indulge in delicious local cuisine.

Day 3: Discovering the Hidden Gems of Vis

Next stop: the island of Vis, a hidden gem of the Adriatic. Explore the untouched beauty of this island, known for its crystal clear waters and secluded beaches. Visit the stunning Stiniva Cove and the dramatic Blue Cave. Enjoy snorkeling, swimming, and soaking up the sun.

Day 4: Admiring the Stunning Kornati National Park

Prepare to be amazed as you sail through the Kornati National Park, a spectacular archipelago known for its untouched nature and crystal-clear waters. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the islands, swim in secluded bays, and enjoy a delicious barbecue lunch on deck.

Day 5: Relaxing in the Beautiful Island of Korčula

Arrive at the island of Korčula, famous for its rich history, stunning architecture, and world-renowned vineyards. Explore the charming old town, visit Marco Polo’s alleged birthplace, and indulge in local wines and delicacies. Spend the day relaxing on the beaches or exploring the island’s natural beauty.

Day 6: Exploring the Old Town of Dubrovnik

Today, you’ll reach the jewel of Croatia’s coast – Dubrovnik. Explore the mesmerizing walled city, walk along the famous Stradun street, and visit iconic landmarks such as the Dubrovnik Cathedral and Rector’s Palace. Enjoy panoramic views from the city walls and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of this UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Day 7: Sailing Back to Split

On the final day of your sailing tour, you’ll sail back to Split, taking in the beautiful coastal views one last time. Enjoy a leisurely day on board, relax on deck, and reminisce about the incredible experiences you’ve had during your week-long adventure.

With its well-designed itinerary, Busabout’s sailing tour around Croatia ensures that you get a taste of the country’s diverse landscapes, vibrant cities, and idyllic islands. From cultural exploration to relaxation on the pristine beaches, this itinerary offers something for every traveler.

The first day of your sailing adventure begins in the stunning city of Split, Croatia. As you arrive at the marina, you’ll be greeted by the friendly crew of the sailboat and fellow adventurous travelers who will become your companions for the week ahead.

Before officially setting sail, take some time to explore the charms of Split. The city is renowned for its captivating blend of ancient history and modern vibrancy. Wander through the narrow streets of the Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and marvel at the architectural masterpiece of Diocletian’s Palace. Admire the grandeur of Peristyle Square and step inside the Cathedral of Saint Domnius, a magnificent example of Romanesque architecture.

Once you’re ready to embark on your sailing adventure, board the sailboat and settle into your comfortable cabin. Familiarize yourself with the onboard facilities and meet your experienced skipper, who will be your captain and guide throughout the journey. They will provide a safety briefing and overview of the itinerary, ensuring that you have a smooth and enjoyable trip.

As the sailboat sets off from Split, get ready to witness breathtaking views of the Dalmatian Coastline. As the wind fills the sails and the boat gently glides through the crystal-clear waters, you’ll feel a sense of exhilaration and anticipation for the adventures that lie ahead.

As the day progresses, take the opportunity to relax on deck, soak up the sun, and enjoy the refreshing sea breeze. Bond with your fellow passengers, share travel stories, and make new friendships that will last a lifetime.

In the evening, enjoy an onboard dinner prepared by the crew, featuring delicious local cuisine and flavors. Indulge in fresh seafood, Mediterranean delicacies, and a selection of Croatian wines. As the sun sets on the horizon, creating a stunning backdrop, toast to the beginning of your Croatian sailing adventure.

Before you retire to your cozy cabin for a good night’s rest, take a moment to gaze at the starry night sky. The tranquil surroundings and the gentle rocking of the boat will lull you into a sense of serenity, promising an unforgettable journey ahead.

Day 1 sets the tone for your Croatian sailing experience, combining the excitement of embarking on a new adventure with the charm of Split’s ancient heritage. Get ready for an incredible week of exploring pristine islands, swimming in secluded bays, and immersing yourself in the beauty of Croatia’s coastline.

Awake to the gentle swaying of the sailboat as it docks at the picturesque island of Hvar. Stepping off the boat, you’ll find yourself in a Mediterranean paradise renowned for its natural beauty and vibrant atmosphere.

Start your day by exploring the enchanting town of Hvar. Wander through the narrow cobblestone streets lined with terracotta-roofed houses and stunning Renaissance architecture. Discover hidden squares, charming cafes, and local shops selling handmade crafts and souvenirs. Don’t forget to visit the imposing Spanjola Fortress, perched upon a hill, which offers panoramic views of the town and surrounding islands.

As the day progresses, make your way to one of the island’s beautiful beaches. Hvar boasts a variety of pristine beaches, ranging from secluded coves to lively stretches of sand. Relax on the white pebbles, bask in the Mediterranean sun, and take a refreshing dip in the crystal-clear turquoise waters. For the more adventurous, there are opportunities for watersports such as paddleboarding, kayaking, and jet skiing.

In the afternoon, indulge in the island’s culinary delights. Hvar is known for its fresh seafood and Mediterranean cuisine. Sample local specialties such as grilled fish, octopus salad, and Dalmatian prosciutto. Pair your meal with a glass of locally produced wine, as Hvar is renowned for its vineyards and winemaking traditions.

In the evening, Hvar comes alive with a vibrant nightlife scene. Explore the bustling bars and clubs, dance the night away, and mingle with fellow travelers from all over the world. The energy and contagious enthusiasm of Hvar’s nightlife will make for an unforgettable evening under the starlit sky.

For a more relaxed experience, find a serene spot by the waterfront and soak in the peaceful ambiance of Hvar at night. Revel in the tranquility as you gaze upon the sparkling lights reflecting on the calm waters.

After a day filled with exploration, relaxation, and delightful experiences, return to the sailboat and enjoy a restful night’s sleep as the gentle waves lull you into a state of blissful relaxation.

Day 2 on Busabout’s sailing tour around Croatia allows you to immerse yourself in the beauty and charm of the island of Hvar. From its historic town to its stunning beaches, and vibrant nightlife, Hvar offers a perfect mix of relaxation and excitement, leaving you with unforgettable memories of your Croatian journey.

As the sun rises, the sailboat docks at the captivating island of Vis, one of Croatia’s best-kept secrets. Known for its untouched beauty and tranquil atmosphere, Vis offers a perfect escape from the busier tourist destinations.

Begin your day by exploring the charming town of Vis. Take a leisurely stroll along the waterfront promenade, lined with colorful buildings and charming cafes. Immerse yourself in the relaxed island ambiance and admire the picturesque views of the harbor.

One of the highlights of Vis is the stunning Stiniva Cove. This hidden gem is a true natural wonder with its dramatic cliffs and crystal-clear turquoise waters. Take a boat ride or hike down to the cove and spend some time sunbathing, swimming, and snorkeling in this secluded paradise. The tranquil surroundings and untouched beauty of Stiniva Cove make it a must-visit destination for nature lovers.

Another breathtaking experience awaits at the Blue Cave (Modra špilja). Hop on a small boat and venture inside this mesmerizing limestone cave, where sunlight reflects off the water, creating a captivating blue glow. The ethereal beauty of the cave is truly remarkable and provides a unique and unforgettable experience.

After exploring the hidden gems of Vis, satisfy your appetite with a delicious lunch at one of the local taverns. Indulge in fresh seafood delicacies, paired with locally produced wines. Feel the warmth of the island’s hospitality as you savor the flavors of Vis.

In the afternoon, embrace the island’s laid-back atmosphere as you relax on one of its picturesque beaches. Choose between pebble or sandy beaches, each offering a different ambiance and stunning views of the Adriatic Sea. Unwind, soak up the sun, and take refreshing dips in the crystal-clear waters. Alternatively, you can embark on a kayaking or paddleboarding adventure to explore the coastline from a different perspective.

As the day comes to an end, witness a mesmerizing sunset from a scenic viewpoint on the island. The rich orange hues reflecting on the calm sea create an unforgettable sight. Capture the beauty of the moment with your camera or simply allow yourself to be fully present, enjoying the peacefulness of the surroundings.

As darkness falls, return to the sailboat and reflect on the incredible experiences of the day. Cherish the memories of your time discovering the hidden gems of Vis and look forward to the adventures that await you in the days ahead.

Day 3 of Busabout’s sailing tour around Croatia presents you with the opportunity to explore the untouched beauty of Vis, from its charming town to its stunning beaches and natural wonders. Immerse yourself in the peacefulness of this hidden gem and create lasting memories of your Croatian adventure.

Prepare to be amazed as the sailboat cruises through the mesmerizing Kornati National Park, a hidden gem along Croatia’s coast. This pristine archipelago is a true paradise for nature lovers and offers breathtaking views and untouched landscapes.

As you enter the park, be prepared to witness the sheer beauty of the Kornati Islands. With over 140 islands, islets, and reefs, the park showcases a unique display of rugged cliffs, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and lush green vegetation.

Sail through narrow passages and discover hidden bays where you can anchor the sailboat and take a swim in the secluded coves. The waters of the Kornati Islands are perfect for snorkeling, allowing you to explore the vibrant underwater world filled with colorful marine life.

Enjoy a leisurely lunch on board the sailboat, as the crew prepares a delightful barbecue feast. Indulge in fresh fish, grilled to perfection, accompanied by local Mediterranean dishes and flavors. The combination of delicious food and breathtaking scenery creates a truly memorable dining experience.

As you continue your sail through the national park, keep an eye out for wildlife sightings. The Kornati Islands are home to various bird species, including the majestic griffon vulture. Watch as these magnificent creatures soar through the sky, adding to the natural spectacle of the park.

As you explore the islands, your skipper will share stories and insights about the unique geology and rich history of the Kornati National Park. Learn about the legends and myths associated with these islands, adding a touch of intrigue to your journey.

As the day draws to a close, be captivated by the stunning sunset over the Kornati Islands. The vibrant hues of orange and pink paint the sky, casting a warm glow upon the tranquil waters. The beauty of the moment is truly awe-inspiring, and it serves as a reminder of the immense natural wonders that Croatia has to offer.

Return to the sailboat, rejuvenated by the day’s adventures, and enjoy a relaxing evening on deck. Watch the stars illuminate the night sky as you reflect on the beauty and serenity of the Kornati National Park.

Day 4 of Busabout’s sailing tour around Croatia provides an unforgettable experience as you admire the stunning landscapes and natural wonders of the Kornati National Park. Immerse yourself in the unspoiled beauty of this island paradise and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Day 5 of the sailing tour brings you to the enchanting island of Korčula, located along the Dalmatian Coast of Croatia. Known for its rich history, stunning architecture, and idyllic beaches, Korčula offers the perfect blend of relaxation and cultural exploration.

As you step off the sailboat and onto the island, you’ll be greeted by the charming old town of Korčula. Take a leisurely stroll through its narrow cobblestone streets, lined with medieval buildings and picturesque squares. Admire the intricate stonework and architectural details that reflect the island’s Venetian influence.

Make your way to the iconic Marco Polo House, believed to be the birthplace of the famous explorer. Explore the museum inside and learn about the life and adventures of this renowned historical figure.

For breathtaking panoramic views of the island and surrounding areas, climb up to the top of St. Mark’s Cathedral Bell Tower. The panorama from this vantage point is truly awe-inspiring and offers a glimpse of the stunning natural beauty of Korčula.

After a morning of exploration, head to one of Korčula’s beautiful beaches to relax and soak up the sun. The island offers a variety of beaches, from sandy to pebble, each with its own unique charm. Find your spot on the soft sand or rent a sunbed by the crystal-clear waters, taking breaks to swim and cool off in the refreshing Adriatic Sea.

No visit to Korčula is complete without indulging in local delicacies. Treat yourself to a traditional Dalmatian lunch at one of the waterfront restaurants. Sample fresh seafood dishes, such as grilled fish or octopus salad, paired with a glass of local wine. Immerse yourself in the flavors of the region and savor the culinary delights of Korčula.

In the afternoon, venture beyond the town’s borders and explore the natural beauty of the island. Embark on a leisurely bike ride or hike through the lush countryside, discovering olive groves, vineyards, and charming villages along the way. Enjoy the tranquility and picturesque landscapes that surround you.

As the day comes to an end, witness a mesmerizing sunset from one of the island’s lookout points. The golden hour casts a warm glow over the island, creating a magical atmosphere. Allow yourself to be fully present in this moment of tranquility and watch as the sun dips below the horizon.

Board the sailboat, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated after a day of relaxation and exploration. Reflect on the beauty and charm of Korčula as the sailboat gently cruises to the next destination, creating memories that will stay with you long after the journey ends.

Day 5 in the beautiful island of Korčula is a testament to the serene ambiance and cultural richness of this Croatian gem. From its historic town to its stunning beaches and natural landscapes, Korčula offers a perfect blend of relaxation, history, and natural beauty.

On day 6 of your sailing adventure, you’ll reach the crown jewel of Croatia’s coast – the historic city of Dubrovnik. Known as the “Pearl of the Adriatic,” Dubrovnik’s well-preserved medieval walls, stunning architecture, and rich cultural heritage make it an unparalleled destination.

As you step foot onto the land, you’ll instantly be transported back in time as you enter the UNESCO World Heritage-listed Old Town. Begin your exploration by walking along the iconic city walls, which offer breathtaking views of the terracotta rooftops, grand palaces, and the shimmering Adriatic Sea. This remarkable vantage point allows you to appreciate the beauty and architectural marvels of Dubrovnik from above.

Wander through the narrow, limestone-paved streets of the Old Town, marveling at the picturesque buildings adorned with ornate details. Visit the stunning Gothic-Renaissance Rector’s Palace, which houses the Cultural History Museum, and the magnificent Dubrovnik Cathedral, with its impressive Baroque facade and sacred relics.

Don’t miss the opportunity to stroll down the celebrated Stradun, the city’s main thoroughfare. Lined with charming shops, cafes, and historic landmarks, it offers a vibrant and bustling atmosphere. Stop for a cup of traditional Croatian coffee or indulge in some delicious gelato as you observe the lively street scene.

For a dose of history and culture, visit the Franciscan Monastery and its renowned Old Pharmacy, one of the oldest in Europe. Explore the monastery’s impressive library, tranquil cloister, and admire the beautiful works of art on display.

To truly immerse yourself in the enchantment of Dubrovnik, take a cable car ride to the top of Mount Srđ. From the summit, savor panoramic views of the city, the Adriatic Sea, and the surrounding islands. The spectacular vista offers an unforgettable perspective of the awe-inspiring beauty of Dubrovnik and its natural surroundings.

In the evening, as the sun slowly sets, the city transforms into a magical place. Dine at one of the many exquisite restaurants tucked away in the city’s narrow streets. Indulge in traditional Croatian delicacies while enjoying the romantic ambiance and the sound of live music in the background.

End your day by taking a leisurely stroll along the ancient city walls at sunset, watching as the beautiful hues of orange and pink paint the sky. Witnessing Dubrovnik illuminated under the golden light is a sight to behold and will leave you with a lasting memory of this extraordinary city.

As you bid farewell to Dubrovnik and return to the sailboat, take a moment to reflect on the rich history, architectural wonders, and magical atmosphere that make this city an absolute gem.

Day 6 of Busabout’s sailing tour around Croatia offers you the chance to explore and immerse yourself in the captivating beauty and cultural heritage of Dubrovnik, a city that truly captivates the heart and leaves a lasting impression.

As your unforgettable sailing adventure comes to an end, day 7 brings you back to where it all began – the vibrant city of Split. This day is filled with a mix of relaxing sail time, reflecting on the incredible journey you’ve had, and bidding farewell to the newfound friendships you’ve made along the way.

As the sailboat sets off from Dubrovnik, take this time to soak up the last glimpses of Croatia’s stunning coastline. Reflect on the memories you’ve created over the past week, from discovering hidden islands to exploring historic cities.

Enjoy the leisurely sail back to Split, basking in the warm Mediterranean sun and taking in the tranquil surroundings. Take a moment to appreciate the calming sounds of the sea and feel the gentle breeze against your face as you reminisce about the highlights of the trip.

Share stories and laughter with your fellow sailors, cherishing the connections you’ve made during this incredible journey. The shared experiences and camaraderie formed aboard the sailboat create lifelong memories and lasting friendships.

As you approach Split, take a moment to savor the anticipation of returning to the vibrant city where your adventure began. The view of the city’s picturesque waterfront and the majestic Diocletian’s Palace is a welcoming sight.

As the sailboat docks in Split’s marina, say farewell to the knowledgeable and friendly crew who have made this journey possible. Express gratitude to your skipper for their expert guidance and local insights, adding a touch of authenticity to your experience.

Although your sailing adventure may be coming to an end, the memories you’ve made and the beauty you’ve experienced will stay with you forever. Take one last look at the sailboat, the open sea, and the breathtaking coastline, bidding a fond farewell to the enchanting world that was your home for the past week.

Once back on land, spend some time exploring the vibrant city of Split once again. Take a leisurely stroll along the waterfront promenade, savoring the lively atmosphere and enjoying the street performers. Perhaps indulge in a delicious meal at a local restaurant, relishing in the flavors and culinary delights of Croatia one final time.

As you reflect on the journey, you’ll be filled with a sense of gratitude for the unforgettable experiences, the breathtaking beauty, and the wonderful people you’ve encountered along the way. The sailing tour with Busabout around Croatia has undeniably left an indelible mark on your travel story, and the memories you’ve created will be cherished for a lifetime.

Day 7 marks the end of an incredible adventure, sailing back to Split, where it all began. As you bid farewell to the sailboat and the enchanting Adriatic Sea, carry the spirit of this adventure with you and continue to seek new journeys and experiences that enrich your life.

Your sailing tour around Croatia with Busabout has come to an end, leaving you with a treasure trove of unforgettable memories and a deep appreciation for the beauty of this Mediterranean paradise. From the moment you embarked on the sailboat in Split to the final farewell in the vibrant city once again, every day was filled with adventure, relaxation, and cultural discovery.

Throughout the journey, you had the opportunity to explore breathtaking destinations, from the charming island of Hvar and the hidden gems of Vis to the stunning Kornati National Park and the captivating city of Dubrovnik. Each place had its own unique allure, offering a glimpse into the rich history, natural wonders, and vibrant culture that make Croatia a dream destination.

The flexibility and freedom offered by Busabout allowed you to tailor the experience to your desires, whether that meant spending more time in your favorite destinations, engaging in thrilling watersports, or simply basking in the sun on the sailboat’s deck. The knowledge and passion of the skipper added depth to your journey, providing local insights and creating a seamless and enjoyable experience throughout.

Beyond the stunning landscapes and cultural landmarks, the real highlight of this sailing tour was the connections you made with fellow adventurers. The close-knit community aboard the sailboat, sharing stories, laughter, and unforgettable experiences, created a sense of camaraderie that made the journey even more special.

As you reflect on your Croatian sailing adventure, the beauty of the crystal-clear turquoise waters, the warmth of the Mediterranean sun, and the charm of the historic towns will continue to inspire you. The memories of exploring hidden coves, witnessing breathtaking sunsets, and sharing unforgettable moments with like-minded travelers will forever hold a special place in your heart.

Remember, the magic of this journey does not have to end here. Croatia offers so much more to explore and discover, from its stunning islands and national parks to its vibrant cities and rich cultural heritage. Let this sailing tour be the start of a lifelong love affair with this captivating country.

As you disembark the sailboat in Split and continue your travels, carry the spirit of your Croatian adventure with you. Embrace new horizons, seek out new experiences, and always remember the joy and wonder that come with exploring the world. Croatia’s beauty will forever be etched in your memories, ready to inspire future adventures.

Thank you for joining us on this virtual journey through the wonders of Croatia’s coastline with Busabout. May your future travels be filled with extraordinary experiences, cultural immersion, and the never-ending quest for discovery.


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When is the next total solar eclipse in the US after 2024 and what is its path? What to know

The highly anticipated 2024 total solar eclipse will cross North America on Monday , giving millions of sky-gazers the chance to see a rare cosmic event that won't be viewable again for 20 years.

The eclipse's  path of totality  will travel over a portion of northern Mexico before entering the U.S. It then it will cross 13 states  from Texas to Maine, where the spectacle is expected to attract huge crowds.

If you aren't lucky enough to be in the path of totality this time around, you will have another chance - you'll just have to wait until the 2040s.

Here's what we know about the next total solar eclipse to cross over the U.S.

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When is the next total solar eclipse visible from the U.S.?

It will be 20 years before there's a chance to  witness a total solar eclipse  in the United States again.

According to NASA, after Monday's total solar  eclipse , the next one viewable from the contiguous U.S. will be on Aug. 23, 2044.

2044 total solar eclipse path of totality

Unfortunately, the 2044 total  solar eclipse  won't have the broad reach across the U.S. as the 2024 eclipse.

The path of totality during the 2044 eclipse will only touch three states, according to the Planetary Society, a nonprofit involved in research, public outreach, and political space advocacy.

The eclipse will begin in Greenland, sweep through Canada and end around sunset in Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota.

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2045 solar eclipse

While the 2044 total eclipse will only touch three states, a 2045 eclipse will have a more robust path across the U.S.

Expected to occur on Saturday, Aug. 12, 2045, this solar eclipse will trace a path of totality over California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, and Georgia.

A partial solar eclipse will also be viewable in 35 other states, according to National Eclipse.com

What is a total solar eclipse?

Any celestial object like a moon or a planet that passes between two other bodies can create  an eclipse  by obscuring the view of objects like the sun.

In the event of a solar eclipse, the moon comes in between the Earth and the sun, blocking its light from reaching a small part of our planet. Partial eclipses, when some part of the sun remains visible, are the most common, making total eclipses a rare sight to behold.

Total eclipses can lead to a period of darkness lasting for several minutes, during which time nocturnal animals stir while confused birds and insects may fall silent, NASA says.

When a solar eclipse reaches totality, people are able to see the sun’s outer atmosphere called the corona, which is usually obscured by the sun's bright surface. This offers scientists an uncommon opportunity  to study the corona .

Totality also offers spectators a chance to gaze upon the spectacular sight with the naked eye, though  proper  safety  glasses  are still required for the rest of the time.

What states are on the 2024 eclipse path of totality?

Mexico's Pacific coast will be the first location in continental North America to experience totality, which is expected to occur at about 11:07 a.m. PDT,  according to NASA .

As the moon's shadow will northeast, totality in the U.S. will begin in Texas at 1:27 p.m. CDT. The path will then cut diagonally across the country, traveling through Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont and New Hampshire.

The eclipse's path is expected to end in Maine at 3:35 p.m. EDT before visiting the maritime provinces of Canada, according to estimates.

See  interactive maps of the 2024 path .

Contributing: Doyle Rice, Ramon Padilla & Janet Loehrke, USA TODAY

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Like Jewels, Will Travel

Gem- and jewelry-themed tours and excursions mix treasure hunting with adventure and cultural experiences.

A color illustration of a hand holding a martini glass, a jeweler and elements related to travel, jewelry and mining.

Text by Amy Elliott

Illustrations by Ben Pearce

Last year, when Roberto Ruiz visited the Carbonera mine in Querétaro, Mexico, he cracked open a grapefruit-size piece of rhyolite with a hammer. When he looked inside, “it was like finding a fire fossil,” he said during a recent phone interview from his home in San Antonio. Inside was an orangey-red fire opal that he likened to a flame, forever preserved in the sphere of igneous rock.

Mr. Ruiz and his wife, Erika Rodriguez, are among the few people who have traveled to the mine, a desolate spot located in Carbonera in central Mexico, a destination that’s well off the beaten tourist track, some 20 miles from the nearest city. Their journey was especially unusual as neither is in the gem trade: Mr. Ruiz is a corporate attorney and Ms. Rodriguez works in digital marketing.

But they are among a growing number of travel enthusiasts seeking unusual, hyper-specific vacation experiences that offer an insider’s view of the gem and fine jewelry industries, and a number of businesses are responding to the demand accordingly.

Mr. Ruiz said the idea of visiting an opal mine was appealing for a few reasons, starting with his lifelong fascination with gemstones and minerals.

The mine’s remote location in the rocky, semidesert wilderness (where snakes and scorpions are not uncommon) was also compelling: Ms. Rodriguez said she and her husband are usually inclined toward travel focused on outdoor adventure, from hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru to rock climbing around Krabi in southern Thailand.

“We had also gone to the American Museum of Natural History in New York and saw an opal from Querétaro, and Roberto is originally from there,” Ms. Rodriguez said. “We found out something that we didn’t even know existed and we became interested in learning how the opals are extracted — and meeting the people who were doing it.”

But a traveler cannot just show up at a mine and start digging. It requires a guide, someone well connected to the mine owners and well versed in what to expect: dirt and dust; lots of walking; the occasional explosion at the site; and, at times, security risks. Given their knowledge of the terrain, guides keep an ear to the ground for rumblings — both geological and political — and respond accordingly to keep travelers safe.

The couple arranged the trip through Carlos Torres, an acquaintance from New York who is a gemologist, commercial gem buyer and consultant. He had piqued their interest with tales of the mines he has visited, particularly on trips with his business partner, Laurent Massi, who has taught gemology at several institutions and now is the owner of the Neogem consultancy in Paris.

Mr. Torres and Dr. Massi have organized gem mining trips not just to Mexico, but also to destinations such as Colombia (for emeralds), Thailand (for rubies) and Brazil (for Paraiba tourmaline). Last fall, they started the Gem Odyssey , a business to structure similar gem-hunting expeditions as all-inclusive travel packages that start, on average, at about $3,700 per person, not including airfare.

Gem Odyssey itineraries are tailored to jewelry enthusiasts who are not industry professionals — offering plenty of education and explanation, while avoiding “inside baseball”-type industry talk. The trips typically span nine days, with at least three of those days spent at a mine site.

The founders say the schedules can be customized to include experiences such as tequila tastings or visits to local artisan markets; any given trip might include a mix of accommodations, with upscale hotels near the airports or central cities and more rustic facilities in the mining areas.

But his clients don’t come for the niceties, Mr. Torres said. “They like the idea of getting mud on their hands.”

And, he added, after receiving instruction in mining safety, they become part of the process: “They see the drilling, how the dynamite is used for extraction, and they get to experience breaking the stones and checking for gems.”

Dr. Massi, who also was on the phone interview with Mr. Torres, said that “witnessing the birth of a gemstone is not something anyone can do and see at home in their garden. We try to give them an experience, and see a part of a country, that they could not get access to on their own.”

Digging For Tourmalines

Perhaps it is not surprising, but gem- and jewelry-themed travel is a trend especially relevant to the tastes and inclinations of high-net worth individuals — people with at least $1 million in liquid assets — according to Milton Pedraza, the founder and chief executive of the Luxury Institute, a consultancy specializing in luxury consumer research with offices in New York and Florida.

Mr. Pedraza said the sophisticated traveler has “seen it, done it.” So, he said, when someone has the opportunity to access an exclusive experience in a far-flung part of the world, “it makes your life more unique,” he said,“and everybody wants to be seen as authentic, unique and genuine.”

The designer Pamela Hastry is connected to such clients through Morphée , her jewelry company in Paris, and the lectures that she regularly hosts in and around her hometown, Brussels. She also conducts private tours of Place Vendôme in Paris, a center for high jewelry, and of the Diamantkwartier, or Diamond Quarter, in Antwerp, Belgium, one of the jewelry industry’s oldest and most prominent diamond centers.

In November Ms. Hastry is planning to take a group to Namibia, in southern Africa, to discover the country’s beautiful tourmalines (while also making a stop at a mine that produces chrysocolla, an unusual blue-green type of chalcedony). Organized with Destination, a luxury travel agency in Belgium, the 10-day itinerary includes at least one night in a tent near one of the tourmaline mines (€8,986 or about $9,711, without airfare).

“You’re going to live — and dig — like a miner for a day and a half,” Ms. Hastry said.

Damien Van Bellinghen, the founder of Le Club des Etoiles, a business and social club in Brussels, has one of the 15 reservations for the Namibia trip. Mr. Van Bellinghen, who went on one of Ms. Hastry’s private tours of Antwerp’s diamond district, wrote in an email that he looked forward to discovering how gems are extracted, getting to know the miners and exploring the country through the lens of a jeweler.

“The types of trips that Pamela Hastry organizes plunge straight into the heart of where the most marvelous jewels come from,” he wrote. “Such visits can only be made if you are accompanied by someone who has ‘insider’ knowledge and, above all, who has the trust of the local people. And we’re lucky enough to enjoy it.”

The Royal Treatment

If you do find a gem during one of these mine trips, can it be used in a piece of jewelry? Both Ms. Hastry and Mr. Torres of the Gem Odyssey said that they could facilitate a purchase, although they noted that the item purchased would have to comply with international import/export regulations.

But some gem-loving travelers don’t want to dig for their treasures. They would rather a holiday centered on history, sightseeing and shopping for finished pieces of jewelry (with posh accommodations and amenities as a bonus).

“You can tour some cities very easily through the lens of the history of fine jewelry and jewelry-making,” said Camilla Davidson, who is head of destination management for Britain, France and Ireland at Red Savannah , a luxury travel agency in England. “And that would still enable you to see so many of the destination’s highlights.”

For example, the agency offers a tour of London called Couture and Crown Jewels, an extravagant option for jewelry enthusiasts with deep pockets ($550,000 for two people, without airfare). It offers a private tour of the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London and dinner in its White Tower; a four-night stay at the Raffles London at the OWO; and tickets to a West End show. And it includes a $125,000 credit toward a jewelry purchase at Humphrey Butler, an antique and estate jeweler.

Ms. Davidson said she developed the package in response to the world’s fascination with British royalty and was inspired by the idea of connecting a visit to the Crown Jewels to an exclusive jewelry shopping experience.

Humphrey Butler and his namesake business were a natural fit for the itinerary, she said: “He has the most impeccable collection and he as an individual is completely charming, exceptionally discreet, and just great fun to be around.”

Jewels at Sea

For some jewelry collectors, a travel experience that plays to, or enhances, their level of connoisseurship, is most appealing.

“Whatever their interest is, they want to learn more,” said Mr. Pedraza, the luxury consumer specialist. “So they make an adventure or journey out of it.”

One such example might be the Spotlight on Fabergé package offered by Regent Seven Seas Cruises in collaboration with Fabergé, the Russian heritage workshop known for its bejeweled eggs, which in 2009 moved its headquarters in London.

The first such excursion aboard the Seven Seas Grandeur liner is scheduled for July. Josina von dem Bussche-Kessell, Fabergé’s creative director, explained that the cruise is designed for “clients who care about art and culture and would happily sit for an hour or so to learn about the history of Fabergé’s royal clients then and now.”

The Grandeur, which was launched in November, has its own 1,600-piece art collection, including a Fabergé egg in an ocean theme with blue guilloché enamel, diamonds and pearls, called “Journey in Jewels,” which was commissioned by Regent Seven Seas. (The meetings on the commission actually led to the cruise collaboration.)

The 11-day voyage is scheduled to depart from the Civitavecchia port in Rome and to include destinations such as the Sicilian city of Taormina; Ibiza, Spain; and Nice, France, ending in Monaco (from $12,999 per person, including airfare).

The programming is to include Fabergé expert-led lectures, screenings and master classes, as well as shore excursions attuned to the participants’ interests in the decorative arts. As Ms. von dem Bussche-Kessell sees it, such a floating symposium — a kind of sleepover camp on a luxury scale — effectively creates a community for people who share a common passion.

Mr. Pedraza said that was an important incentive for certain travelers: “They love to engage with the product while meeting people who are their peers and who come through trusted brands and curators.”

And the return home is just as important as the journey itself, especially with a glittering souvenir to show friends and family.

“You get to demonstrate your expertise,” Mr. Pedraza said, “The experience has made you an insider.”

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Glass Animals Will Embark on ‘Tour of Earth’ With 2024 Live Shows

  • By Larisha Paul

Larisha Paul

Later this year, Glass Animals will bring their forthcoming studio album I Love You So F***ing Much on an international tour fittingly titled Glass Animals: Tour of Earth.

The record, which features the newly released single “Creatures in Heaven,” will arrive on July 19, while the tour is scheduled to kick off just under a month later. The band will be joined on the road by Kevin Abstract, Eyedress, Blondshell, and The Big Moon on select dates.

Tour of Earth begins on Aug. 7 in Charlotte, North Carolina, and will close out its North American run on Sept. 22 in Austin, Texas. Glass Animals will make stops at New York’s Madison Square Garden and Inglewood’s Kia Forum, in addition to performances in Philadelphia, Toronto, Cincinnati, Nashville, Phoenix, Raleigh, and more. The tour also includes two back-to-back shows at Red Rocks Amphitheater in Morrison, Colorado.

General sale for North America and Europe will begin on Thursday, April 11 at 10 a.m. local time via the official Glass Animals website. Presales will begin on Tuesday, April 9.

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“Life can change dramatically, but sometimes you aren’t able to change as quickly on a personal level. You end up feeling like a spectator,” frontman Dave Bayley shared in a statement. “And then you are asked and expected to be a certain type of person, a different person. But…I wasn’t sure how. It confused me to the point of not knowing who I was or if anything was real.” Eventually, he accepted a simple truth: “Human connection and the love between us is much bigger, more important, and more complex than anything else.”

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Missy elliott to launch first-ever headlining tour this summer.

Timbaland, Busta Rhymes and Ciara will also perform on the 24-city trek dubbed 'OUT OF THIS WORLD — The Missy Elliott Experience.' It kicks off July 4.

By Mesfin Fekadu

Mesfin Fekadu

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Missy Elliott

Missy Elliott is ready to get her freak on her first-ever headlining tour.

The 52-year-old Rock and Roll Hall of Famer will launch OUT OF THIS WORLD — The Missy Elliott Experience on July 4. The 24-city trek will visit cities like Los Angeles, Atlanta and Brooklyn, and will wrap on Aug. 22. 

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Live Nation is producing the tour alongside Elliott’s longtime manager, Mona Scott-Young. Grammy-winning music video director and powerhouse Dave Meyers, famed celebrity stylist June Ambrose and creative director Hi-Hat also worked on the tour. 

Elliott has won four Grammys and released hits like “The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly),” “Get Ur Freak On,” “Work It” and “Lose Control.” She has produced her own music and songs for others, including Aaliyah, Beyoncé, Whitney Houston, Monica, Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson, Ariana Grande, Destiny’s Child, Fantasia, Jazmine Sullivan, SWV, Total, 702, Mya and Tweet. In 2019, she was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame and received the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at the MTV Video Music Awards.

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Masters preview: Golf’s competing tours converge with local stars on both sides

One year after the pga tour and liv first mixed at the masters, it now feels like a reunion long overdue..

Scottie Scheffler poses with the Masters trophy during the Green Jacket Ceremony after...

By The Associated Press

8:00 AM on Apr 9, 2024 CDT

Jon Rahm went from wearing a  Masters green jacket  in April to a  LIV Golf black letterman’s jacket  in December.

Those two images — one in Butler Cabin with Dallas’ Scottie Scheffler, the other in a New York studio with Greg Norman — illustrate the great divide in golf that has scattered the sport’s biggest stars across two tours. The rival circuits are not pitted against each other, and therein lies the problem facing golf: They’re never together.

That’s what makes the Masters feel bigger than ever.

It already is the most anticipated tournament of any year because of Augusta National and all the history and memories it has created over 90 years.  One year after the PGA Tour and LIV first mixed at the Masters , it now feels like a reunion long overdue.

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“The first time there was that split, this war between the tours,” Xander Schauffele said. “It brought a lot of eyeballs because of that — sort of LIV versus the PGA Tour kind of thing. ... I think the tone might be different from a fan’s perspective.

“But I think it will still be great viewing,” he said. “One, it’s the Masters. And two, I think everybody is just probably excited to see everyone compete again.”

When the first tee shot in the 88th Masters Tournament is struck Thursday, it will be the first time in 263 days that all the world’s best players will be chasing the same prize.

Rahm and Scheffler. Brooks Koepka and Rory McIlroy. Patrick Reed and Dallas’ Jordan Spieth. Even aging stars Phil Mickelson and Tiger Woods.

Savor these moments, because there doesn’t seem to be peace in the immediate future.

The PGA Tour invited the Saudi backers of LIV Golf to the table in  a stunning agreement  last June to become commercial partners.

But then Congress got involved. The Justice Department had antitrust concerns. The tour began receiving offers from U.S. private equity groups. As the tour narrowed its list of suitors, the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia flexed its financial muscle by luring away Rahm with an offer believed to be in the neighborhood of the tour’s entire prize fund for the year.

The PGA Tour now has a $3 billion investment from a consortium of billionaire sports owners in the U.S., all while still negotiating with the Saudis. A month before the Masters, Woods, Spieth and the rest of the player-directors on the PGA Tour board met for the first time with Yasir Al-Rumayyan , the PIF governor who refers to LIV as his “baby.”

LIV doesn’t appear to be going anywhere, and there is no consensus on how to bring LIV players back into the fold, if they even want to come back.

“We can’t keep going this direction,” Bryson DeChambeau, the former SMU star, said. “It’s great to have the majors where we all come together, but we want to be competing — at least I want to be competing — every week with all of the best players in the world.”

The closest the two tours have been to each other was early February — about 300 miles separated the Phoenix Open from LIV Golf Las Vegas. Otherwise, they feel galaxies apart.

For now, the boundaries only vanish at the four majors. That starts with the Masters.

“That’s what is making this Masters and many other majors so much fun — not only for me and for players, but for spectators — is for all of us to be able to play together again and showcase what we’re capable of,” Rahm said.

The show starts with Scheffler, the undisputed No. 1 in the world even with LIV players plunging in the ranking because their league does not get points.

His tee-to-green statistics are among the best since the peak years of Woods. And then Scheffler got the putter going and he won against two of the strongest fields in consecutive weeks at the Arnold Palmer Invitational and The Players Championship . His most recent start was a runner-up finish in the Houston Open .

Rahm has been watching — that’s about all he can do. And the Masters provides an arena for him to have a say about that.

“I’m fully aware of where Scottie is,” Rahm said. “I don’t need to be playing next to him to know what’s going on. Anytime you’re doing the history he’s been able to do, it’s quite impressive.”

The only history that matters to McIlroy is joining the most exclusive club in golf. Only five players have won the four professional majors dating to the inception of the Masters in 1934. Woods was the most recent in 2000, and he got it done at the British Open on his first try.

Of the other four players with the career Grand Slam, no one waited longer than three years to get the last leg. McIlroy is going on his 10th year, and it’s been that long — 10 years — since he won any major championship.

“I’m under no illusion that the clock is ticking, and it has been 10 years since I’ve won one of them,” McIlroy said. “I just need to keep putting myself in those positions, and sooner or later it’s going to happen.”

This is his 16th Masters. Only one player — Sergio Garcia — has played the Masters more often before finally winning. Garcia won his green jacket in his 19th attempt.

McIlroy won in Dubai at the start of the year, though his PGA Tour performance has been mediocre by his standards. He has been at the forefront of this disruption in golf, going from one of LIV’s loudest critics to resigning from the PGA Tour board and now pushing as hard as anyone for golf to find harmony, even if that means bringing back LIV players without penalty.

Woods has been the strongest and steadiest opposition to LIV Golf, and now the biggest name in the sport is lending his voice by getting an unlimited term on the PGA Tour board. He also was behind a change that gives players a majority on the board.

As for golf? That remains a mystery, as it has for the last five years since he capped that remarkable comeback from four back surgeries by winning a fifth green jacket and his 15th major. Woods had ankle surgery after last year’s Masters and is walking better. His ambitious goal was to play once a month through the major championship season.

That hasn’t gone to plan, not even close. Woods has played only 24 holes in one tournament this year, withdrawing after six holes of the second round at Riviera with the flu.

There remains a curiosity about the divide and how they perform. Rahm has played only five times since November leading up to the Masters. Is that enough? What does guaranteed cash do for motivation?

Those questions might have been answered last year. Koepka was runner-up at the Masters along with Mickelson. Patrick Reed was another shot behind. Koepka won the PGA Championship. Cameron Smith was fourth at the U.S. Open.

“This has kind of been my time,” Koepka said as he goes after a sixth major since 2017.

And now it’s everyone’s time to get on the same golf course, in the same clubhouse, on the same range chasing the same prize, with no emphasis on money. That doesn’t happen very often these days.

Find more golf coverage from The Dallas Morning News here.

The Associated Press

The Associated Press

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Whenever you travel with us in Scotland and Ireland we'll cram in plenty of sightseeing, storytelling and authentic, real local experiences.

  • Sustainable Tourism
  • Travel Update

Timetable & Pick-up Location

Tours to Paris

Full Timetable

Route runs between 01 Jun - 29 Sep, 2020. Next departure is on Mon, 1 Jun.

  • 16:45pm Tours pick-up
  • 21:30pm Paris drop-off

Approx duration 4h45m. Coaches will pick-up passengers every 2 days.

Coach meeting point

The People Hostel Tours 84 Avenue de Grammont, 37000 Tours, France

Network Map

Busabout hand picks accommodation partners based on strict requirements to ensure our customers get the best possible experience.

Activities & Day Tours

Must see & do in tours.

Hovering somewhere between the style of Paris and the conservative sturdiness of central France, Tours is one of the principal cities of the Loire Valley. It's a smart, solidly bourgeois kind of place, filled with wide 18th-century boulevards, parks and imposing public buildings, as well as a busy university of some 25,000 students.

See more travel inspirations

Top things to see

  • Musée des Beaux Arts The fine arts museum, which in addition to a wide variety of paintings including works by Degas, Monet, Delacroix, Rubens and more, features a stuffed elephant in the entrance hall.
  • Tours Cathedral It only took 400 years, but the Cathedral of St Gatien isn’t half bad to look at.
  • Towers of Basilique Saint Martin St Martin was the medieval Bishop of Tours, and his basilica was sacked in the 1500s, leaving only these towers remaining. They are separate to the newer Basilica of St Martin.
  • Place Plumerau Beautiful central town square, once named the best place in France to enjoy an aperitif.
  • Loire Valley and Chateaux The extravagant summer houses of former nobility dot the countryside of the Loire Valley and give you a peek into the past.


Rillettes de porc This pork delicacy relies on simple ingredients and accurate seasoning. Pork belly and fat, without liver, are mixed with garlic, shallots, fresh thyme, bay leaves, salt, pepper and French five spiced powder. It’s normally spread on crisp slices of French bread and eaten with gherkins.


Mamie Bigoude This wacky creperie is decorated like a cartoonish house, meaning you can enjoy your crepes in the ‘bathroom’.

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  1. Best Small Group Tour Companies Comparisons

    G Adventures vs Contiki (And Intrepid vs Contiki) If you look at the differences between G Adventures vs Contiki, G Adventures has the smallest tour group size at a maximum of 15 vs Contiki's 52 in a normal tour or 30 in a "small group.". Contiki is definitely more of a party tour company whereas G is less about drinking (although people ...

  2. Busabout vs. Contiki: Which Company is Right For You?

    There is usually more inclusions with Contiki also, such as guided tours, city walking tours, special excursions like wine tasting and entry to some famous sites. Group size, age requirements and travel styles. Contiki is for travellers 18 to 35 years old, while Busabout market themselves for "backpackers over the age of 18".

  3. Best Tour Companies For Solo Travellers And Singles

    Want to read more about solo female travel? Check out this post: Solo Female Travel: What Is It Like To Travel On Your Own? Busabout. Busabout specialises in Europe, although they've launched in Asia now too. Along with awesome group tours to European festivals including La Tomatina and Oktoberfest, they offer a hop-on hop-off bus service around Europe.

  4. What's the Matter with Busabout?

    Busabout is one of the leading European travel companies founded in 1998 with the aim of providing a budget-friendly, free-style travel mode for globetrotters. It can also be defined as a bus network that covers 189 cities around the world. The most popular Busabout circuit is the Europe one which consists of four major loops covering major ...

  5. Busabout Review

    Busabout is very similar to Contiki but they're more geared to the independent backpacker 18 and over. Their core mission is stress-free flexible travel. Busabout has a little over a hundred of tours operating in Europe, Asia and North America. Busabout is immensely popular with younger travelers looking to travel on a budget and party at the ...

  6. Tours & Festivals in Europe, Asia & Africa

    Busabout is the unconventional tour operator that gives you real control over your travel experiences. Save time planning your Europe trip and make your in- destination time count, ... Exploring with Busabout is like travelling with a local. You'll discover all the famous sights and the lesser known ones too, then bond over delicious food ...

  7. Busabout

    Read 7,377 tour reviews and get the best prices on all tours by Busabout. Real reviews from past travellers.

  8. Busabout Review: Is This Backpacker Bus Worth it? (2020)

    Busabout this is my awesome audience, audience this is Busabout. (insert vigorous handshake here) Over the last several years I've traveled with Busabout a few times. I used both their hop on hop off Europe bus loops as well as their guided tours to get near places like Italy Amalfi Coast.

  9. What's it Like to Travel Around Europe With Busabout?

    Busabout is a UK-based travel company that caters towards younger travelers, mostly in Europe. The company, with its "freestyle travel" motto, offers guided trips throughout Europe (and also now in places like Asia, Turkey, and Morocco), and also operates a hop-on, hop-off bus network across Western, Central, and Eastern Europe.

  10. Review: Busabout's Classic Balkan Trek Tour

    Busabout was intriguing to me mostly because I hadn't really heard about it before. The company is best known for its flexible hop-on, hop-off bus passes throughout Western Europe (an awesome alternative to expensive trains), but also recently acquired Eastern Trekker and its associated guided tours through Eastern/Central Europe and the Balkans.

  11. Tour Review: Sailing Around Croatia with Busabout

    However, when compared with the other operators such as Fanatics, Contiki, or Sail Croatia, Busabout is the cheapest option for an organized Croatia boat trip. However, if you take a sailing tour around Croatia during the shoulder season of early May and September, prices for these tours are about 50-60% cheaper.

  12. Backpack Europe for Cheap with Busabout

    For short weeks, you can choose between a 1 week, 2 week, or 1 month pass. For longer trips, you can do 2 months, 3 months, or buy the Unlimited Pass for unlimited travel between May and October. Busabout prices. As previously mentioned, my brother and I each got a 1 month pass for $426.

  13. Our Trips

    Roll through the legendary highways, the big cities, chill in National Parks and the sunniest beaches! West to East Roadtrip. East to West Roadtrip. East USA and Canada Adventure. Western National Parks Adventure. See all. Asia. Our Asia trips suit all budgets and tastes.

  14. Guide Ryan Robson at Busabout

    The thailand island hopper was everything i expected and much more- our guide was Ryan Robson and he made it feel like travel... Read more Show details. Thai Island Flexi-Hopper West review. 7th December 2016. Rad trip with a sweet crew ... Busabout Asia was the best tour ever because of the guide we had. Ryan, you are seriously the best ...

  15. 9 Alternatives To Contiki You Should Totally Check Out

    TruTravels is a fantastic, fun alternative to Contiki, ideal for making friends and enjoying lively adventures in Asia and Latin America. TruTravels stands out for its fun-loving and youthful spirit. They offer a variety of tours in Asia and Latin America, each designed to be more than just a holiday.

  16. Europe Adventures

    Dare To Explore More. Travel the unbeaten path and experience the true hidden gems of Europe. Cruise through ancient cities, taste the local delicacies and learn to say 'hi' in more than twenty languages. Our expertly guided adventures challenge the standard. Come conquer your unknown.

  17. Tour Guide: Busabout Europe

    The pretty penny: Loop passes start at $639 for one loop. The Flexitrip pass costs $549 for six stops along any of the three loops, plus $59 for each additional "hop." Photo: Busabout. Subscribe ...

  18. Tour Review: Sailing Around Croatia With Busabout

    The sailboats accommodate a small group of like-minded travelers, creating a close-knit community of adventure enthusiasts. ... The sailing tour with Busabout around Croatia has undeniably left an indelible mark on your travel story, and the memories you've created will be cherished for a lifetime. Day 7 marks the end of an incredible ...

  19. Book your adventure

    The award-winning alternative way to travel Europe, Asia, North Africa and the USA. Travel to 189 cities, sail in Croatia, Turkey, Thailand or Greece, party at the best music festivals or go on a tour!

  20. Don't Miss These Popular Experiences in North America with Busabout

    Find the experience: Big Easy to LA (12 Day Guided Tour from New Orleans to Los Angeles) Want to tick some of these experiences (and more!) off your bucket list? You can save 10% on North American adventures with Busabout until 18 December 2019, so there is no time like the present! Conditions apply.

  21. Busabout Tours

    Always Find the Best. On Travelstride you can find 2 trips to Busabout and more than 20,000 trips worldwide ranging from budget to luxury and private guided to group tours and everything in between. Only on Stride can you find and compare expert-planned trips from 1,000+ tour operators, cruise lines and local experts.

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    It will be 20 years before there's a chance to witness a total solar eclipse in the United States again. According to NASA, after Monday's total solar eclipse, the next one viewable from the ...

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    Organized with Destination, a luxury travel agency in Belgium, the 10-day itinerary includes at least one night in a tent near one of the tourmaline mines (€8,986 or about $9,711, without ...

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    We've spotted available Pink Friday 2 tour tickets on Vivid Seats. With a variety of seats available for purchase online, prices start at approximately $101 each for the Barclays Center stop in ...

  26. Hop-On Hop-Off Europe

    Combine the social atmosphere of a guided tour with the flexibility of travelling independently. Hop-on Hop-off gives you the freedom to create your perfect itinerary using a private door-to-door coach network. You'll travel with fun, like-minded people and meet our amazing drivers and guides.

  27. Glass Animals Announce 2024 'Tour of Earth' Live Shows Dates

    Sept. 17 - Phoenix, AZ @ Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre. Sept. 20 - Dallas, TX @ Dos Equis Pavilion. Sept. 21 - The Woodlands, TX @ The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion. Sept. 22 ...

  28. Missy Elliott to Launch First-Ever Headlining Tour

    Missy Elliott is ready to get her freak on her first-ever headlining tour. The 52-year-old Rock and Roll Hall of Famer will launch OUT OF THIS WORLD — The Missy Elliott Experience on July 4. The ...

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    sports Golf. Masters preview: Golf's competing tours converge with local stars on both sides One year after the PGA Tour and LIV first mixed at the Masters, it now feels like a reunion long overdue.

  30. Tours

    Tours to Paris. Full Timetable. Route runs between 01 Jun - 29 Sep, 2020. Next departure is on Mon, 1 Jun. 16:45pm Tours pick-up. 21:30pm Paris drop-off. Approx duration 4h45m. Coaches will pick-up passengers every 2 days.