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The Acamar System is a system located in the Azure Sector of the Beta Quadrant .

The third planet harbors a warp -capable civilization, the Acamarians .

  • 1 System Description
  • 2 Structure
  • 3 Missions Involved
  • 6 External links

System Description

The Acamar system consists of three planets orbiting binary Class A stars . Acamar III is the home of the Acamarians .

acamar star trek

The system consists of two Class A stars Acamar A and B, one of which is yellow-white while its companion is red. Three planets revolve around the latter. There are no Data samples in the system.

  • Acamar (yellow-white star)

Missions Involved

  • “Acamar System Patrol” : An Acamarian Clan Leader seeks Starfleet / KDF moderation in a political conflict between the government of Acamar III and the Acamarian Clan Rebel . The words of the moderator determine whether the dispute is settled peacefully or erupts into armed conflict.

Map of the Acamar System

Map of the Acamar System

Acamar A and B

Acamar A and B

Acamar III

  • Acamar is a real binary star located in the Eridanus constellation . The distance to Sol is about 161 ly.

External links

  • Theta Eridani at Wikipedia
  • Acamar at Memory Alpha , the Star Trek Wiki.
  • Acamar at Memory Beta , the non-canon Star Trek Wiki.
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Acamar, Theta Eridani (θ Eri), is a binary star system consisting of two white class A stars located in the constellation Eridanus . The system has an apparent magnitude of 2.91 and lies at a distance of 161 light years from Earth. It is the third brightest point of light in Eridanus, after Achernar and Cursa . Acamar once marked the end of the celestial river represented by Eridanus, before the brighter Achernar was added to the constellation.

Star system

The Theta Eridani system consists of two components, Theta 1 Eridani and Theta 2 Eridani. The system has a combined visual magnitude of 2.91. The two components are separated by 8.3 arcseconds on the sky. Individually, the components have apparent magnitudes of 3.195 (Theta 1 ) and 4.119 (Theta 2 ). Theta 1 may itself be a spectroscopic binary.

The brighter component, Theta 1 Eridani, is formally known as Acamar. The star has the spectral classification A3IV-V, indicating a white star that is coming to an end of its main sequence lifetime. Acamar has a mass of 2.6 solar masses and a radius 16 times that of the Sun. With an effective temperature of 8,200 K, it shines with 145 solar luminosities. With a projected rotational velocity of 70 km/s, the star takes 569 days to complete a rotation.

acamar star,theta eridani

Acamar (Theta Eridani), image: Wikisky

The companion, Theta 2 Eridani, is still on the main sequence. It is a white star of the spectral type A1V, hotter, less luminous and slightly less massive than the primary component. Theta 2 Eridani has a mass 2.4 times that of the Sun and, with a surface temperature of 9,200 K, it is 36 times more luminous than the Sun. The star has a projected rotational velocity of 90 km/s.

Acamar and the brighter Achernar are among the 58 stars that have a special status in the field of celestial navigation. They are the only navigational stars in Eridanus . The two stars belong to a group of 18 navigational stars of the southern hemisphere with a declination between 30° S and 90° S. Other stars in this group are Kaus Australis in the constellation Sagittarius , Shaula in Scorpius , Canopus , Avior and Miaplacidus in Carina , Acrux and Gacrux in Crux , Rigil Kentaurus , Hadar and Menkent in Centaurus , Alnair in Grus , Peacock in Pavo , Suhail in Vela , Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinus , Ankaa in Phoenix , and Atria in Triangulum Australe .

The binary nature of Theta Eridani was discovered by the Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi (1746-1826). In his Praecipuarum stellarum inerrantium positiones mediae of 1814, Piazzi gave apparent magnitudes of 4.5 and 5.6 for the two components.

The Greek astronomer Claudius Ptolemy described Acamar as a first-magnitude star in the 2nd century CE. Some believe that he was in fact describing Achernar , the brightest star in Eridanus and the 9th brightest star in the sky. However, back then, Achernar was not visible from Alexandria, from where Ptolemy made his observations. Today the star can be seen low above the southern horizon from Alexandria due to the Earth’s axial precession. In Ptolemy’s time, the constellation Eridanus (one of the 48 Greek constellations , listed by Ptolemy in his Almagest ) ended at Acamar. While the astronomer may have indeed heard of Achernar and mentioned it, it is also possible that Acamar was a first-magnitude star in ancient times.

The name Acamar (pronunciation: /ˈækəmɑːr/) has the same etymology as Achernar . Both names are derived from the Arabic Ākhir an-nahr , meaning “the end of the river.” Originally, the constellation Eridanus extended only to Acamar, since Achernar was not visible from Europe. Achernar was only added to Eridanus in the 18th century. The term Ākhir an-nahr was used by Egyptian astronomer Al Achsasi al Mouakket in his Calendarium , written around 1650. It was later translated into Latin as Postrema Fluminis , also meaning “the end of the river.”

The name Acamar was approved by the International Astronomical Union’s (IAU) Working Group on Star Names (WGSN) on July 20, 2016. It formally applies only to the component Theta 1 Eridani.

The Chinese know Acamar as 天園六 ( Tiān Yuán liù ), the Sixth Star of Celestial Orchard. The Chinese Celestial Orchard asterism is formed by Acamar with Delta Phoenicis, Chi Eridani, Phi Eridani, Kappa Eridani, s Eridani (HD 16754), h Eridani (HD 23319), f Eridani (HD 24072), g Eridani (HD 24160), Upsilon 4 Eridani, Beemim (Upsilon³ Eridani), Theemin (Upsilon 2 Eridani), and Upsilon 1 Eridani. The asterism is part of the Net mansion, which represents the body of the White Tiger.

Acamar is not too difficult to find. Located in the region of the sky between the bright Sirius in the constellation Canis Major and Fomalhaut in Piscis Austrinus , Acamar is the brightest in a triangle of stars also formed by Iota Eridani (mag. 4.11) and s Eridani (HD 16754, mag. 4.74). The triangle lies on an imaginary line extended from Betelgeuse through Rigel , the brightest stars in the distinctive hourglass figure of Orion .

how to find acamar,where is acamar in the sky

Acamar location, image: Wikisky

Acamar can be used to find several deep sky objects that lie in the same area. The ring galaxy NGC 1291 (mag. 9.39) appears just east of the star. It lies 33 million light years away.

acamar star trek

Acamar and NGC 1291, image: Wikisky

The Fornax Cluster of galaxies can be seen northeast of Acamar. The cluster lies 62 million light years away in the constellation Fornax . The brightest members include NGC 1399 (mag. 9.9), a large elliptical galaxy at the centre of the cluster, the elliptical galaxy NGC 1404 (mag. 10.3), the double-barred spiral galaxy NGC 1365 (mag. 10.3), nicknamed the Great Barred Spiral Galaxy, and the lenticular galaxies NGC 1316 (mag. 9.4), also known as Fornax A, NGC 1326 (mag. 10.54), and NGC 1380 (mag. 9.9).

acamar star trek

Acamar, NGC 1316, NGC 1291, NGC 1326, NGC 1365, NGC 1380, NGC 1386, NGC 1399, and NGC 1404, image: Wikisky


Acamar is located in the constellation Eridanus . Representing a river, Eridanus is the sixth largest constellation in the sky, occupying an area of 1,138 square degrees. It stretches from Cursa (Beta Eridani) at the foot of Orion (marked by Rigel ) all the way to Achernar in the far southern sky.

Eridanus constellation,eridanus stars

Eridanus constellation map by IAU and Sky&Telescope magazine

Eridanus is best known for being home to Achernar , the ninth brightest star in the sky, and Epsilon Eridani (formally named Ran), the third nearest visible star (system) to the Sun, after Alpha Centauri and Sirius . Located only 10.475 light years away, the star is known to host at least one exoplanet.

Interesting deep sky objects in Eridanus include the Witch Head Nebula (IC 2118), a reflection nebula illuminated by Rigel , the planetary nebula known as Cleopatra’s Eye Nebula (NGC 1535), the ring galaxy NGC 1291 near Acamar, and the spiral galaxies NGC 1232 and NGC 1300 near Angetenar (Tau 2 Eridani), both members of the Eridanus Cluster of galaxies.

The best time of year to observe the stars and deep sky objects in Eridanus is during the month of December, when the constellation rises high in the evening sky. The entire constellation is visible from locations between the latitudes 32° N and 90° S.

The 10 brightest stars in Eridanus are Achernar (Alpha Eri, mag. 0.40 – 0.46), Cursa (Beta Eri, mag. 2.796), Acamar (Theta 1 Eri, mag. 2.91), Zaurak (Gamma Eri, mag. 2.88 – 2.96), Rana (Delta Eri, mag. 3.51 – 3.56), Upsilon 4 Eridani (mag. 3.55), Phi Eridani (mag. 3.55), Chi Eridani (3.70), Tau 4 Eridani (mag. 3.57 – 3.72), and Ran (Epsilon Eri, mag. 3.736).

Acamar – Theta Eridani

Theta 1 Eridani

Theta 2 Eridani

Acamar (Theta Eridani) Star Facts

Acamar , also known as Theta Eridani is a giant star located in the constellation of Eridanus, River Eridanus . Acamar is a major star and forms part of the constellation. Acamar is the traditional/proper name for the star, whilst Theta Eridani is the Bayer Designation for the star. A list of additional names and identifications is in the facts list at the bottom of the page. Based on the spectral type (A4III+...), Acamar colour is blue - white , although not the hottest stars, they are considerably hotter than our own star which is white .

Acamar temperature in is the range of between 7,500 and 10,000 Kelvin. Based on the spectral type (A4III+...) as we don't have the exact temperature', we can deduce that the surface temperature of Acamar is in the order of 7,500 and 10,000K based on the notes from Harvard University . To put this in context, the temperature of our Sun is about 5,778 Kelvin as said by Google .

Based on a parallax of 20.23, Acamar distance from Earth can be calculated at being 161.23 light years away or 49.46 parsecs.

Acamar is a naked-eye star, so you don't need a telescope or binoculars when you look up on a clear night. The lower the magnitude, the easier it will be to see it.

In the Star Trek Episode, The Vengeance Factor, the planet Acamar III is the location of the humanoid Acamarians. In the episode, the Enterprise is trying to broker a peace deal between the Acamar Sovereign and a group calling themselves the Gatherers. Whilst Jean-Luc Picard deals with the negotiations, William Riker has to deal with a couple of murders linked to the negotiations.

The location of the Acamar in the night sky is determined by the right ascension (R.A.) and declination (Dec.). These are equivalent to the Longitude and Latitude on Earth. The Right Ascension (Longitude) is expressed in time (hh:mm:ss) and is how far the star is along Earth's celestial equator. If the R.A. is positive, then it's eastwards and vice versa. The Declination (Latitude) is how far north or south the object is compared to the celestial equator and is expressed in degrees. If the value is positive, it is north of the celestial equator. For Acamar, the location is 02h 58m 15.72 and -40° 18` 17.0 . Based on the location of Eridanus, Acamar can be located in the equatorial region of the celestial sky. The celestial hemisphere is equivalent to the hemispheres on Earth. Being in the equatorial region, Acamar can be seen in both terrestrial hemispheres but there is a caveat of depending how far south and north you are. Acamar is south of the Ecliptic. The Ecliptic is the path that the Earth takes as it orbits the Sun. As the Earth is titled, we therefore have Celestial and Ecliptic hemispheres and they can be different for a star.

acamar star trek

  • Acamar system
  • Azure sector
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Acamar III (or Theta Eridani III ) was the Class M third planet of the Acamar system in the Azure sector of the Beta Quadrant . It was the homeworld of the Acamarians . ( TNG : " The Vengeance Factor "; Star Trek Online ; LUG : Planets of the UFP )

  • 2.1 Interstellar relations
  • 3 Environment
  • 4 Locations
  • 5 External links

History [ ]

The relatively inhospitable climate of Acamar III gave rise to various nomadic or seminomadic tribes of Acamarians. Scarce resources led to fierce conflicts between tribes. By the time the first Acamarian city-states a rose, nearly four thousand years before the 24th century , the rigid clan structures which characterize Acamarian society were firmly in place. Over four millennia of recorded history the Acamarians also adopted a rigid caste system, and slowly advanced to an industrial level of technology. Intrigue and open conflict between clans were rife, and short, furious wars were commonplace. The perpetually cloudy skies of Acamar III left the planet's inhabitants with little reason to study the heavens or wonder what might lie among the stars. However, the stars eventually came to them.

The Acamarians' first contact with an extraplanetary civilization came in 2224 when an Orion vessel surveyed the system and noted the extensive mineral deposits on Acamar III. The aliens made peaceful overtures to the Acamarians, pledging eternal friendship and trade. The Acamarians were impressed by the aliens' advanced technology, but were highly suspicious of their motives. The Orions offered the various Acamarian states samples of high technology in exchange for mineral rights. At their current stage of technological development, the Acamarians did not possess the means to mine many of the minerals, so making the concessions posed little problem for them. The clan leaders were particularly interested in the advanced weapons the Orions offered -- each hoped to gain a decisive edge against neighboring clans.

The Orions engaged in vast strip-mining operations with serious environmental consequences. As their air and water became polluted, the clan leaders realized what was happening and suspended their various conflicts. They turned all of their efforts to driving the invaders away. The Orions never suspected that the Acamarians would be able to reverse-engineer and duplicate the weapons which they had given them, and totally underestimated the military acumen of a people who had spent millennia embroiled in conflict. The Orions were quickly driven from Acamar III, and, after three years of fruitless attempts to conquer the planet, deemed the venture unprofitable and turned their interests to other worlds like Coridan .

After the expulsion of the Orions, attempts were made to establish an interclan council to unite the clans against any further threats from space. After some initial progress, disputes over the leadership of the council degenerated into feuds and interclan squabbles. A new wave of conflicts began which, thanks to the new technologies available, were more devastating than ever before. The Acamarians referred to the years which followed the end of Orion attempts to conquer them as the Clan Wars . It was estimated that close to a quarter of the planet's population perished in the fighting. Medical technology received from the Orions gave rise to great advances in the Acamarians' understanding of genetics and biotechnology, and plague became the ultimate weapon of the clans. The Clan Wars culminated in the mutual destruction of clans Shovran and Nalitha , the most powerful of the Acamarian clan states, and the creation of the Wasteland .

The rest of Acamar III looked on in terror at the devastation the Shovrans and Nalithas had unleashed. Maran, leader of clan Shova , made a desperate appeal to end the conflict, asking why the people of Acamar III were so desperate "to accomplish what the invaders could not." Soon clan Shova, the most powerful of the remaining clans, hammered out a peace settlement. Maran was named Sovereign of Acamar III , and had the responsibility of enforcing the treaty and ensuring peace between the clans. The Ruling Council was formed in 2266 , an event commemorated by the Acamarians as " The Reconciliation ."

Several clans (most notably the Lornak , who had virtually eradicated their chief rivals, the Tralesta clan) refused to have anything to do with the negotiations, seeing Maran's proposal as little more than conquest by decree. The rebel clans were given an ultimatum: Submit to the new system or leave Acamar III forever. The dissidents opted for banishment. Utilizing the new space technologies acquired in the war with the Orions, the rebel clans left "to gather their fortunes among the stars." The exodus of the rebels, now called the Gatherers , occurred in the year 2268 . In the decades that followed, the Gatherers became known as a horde of interstellar parasites. They moved from planet to planet, colony to colony, stealing what they needed to survive.

In 2366, the USS Enterprise visited Acamar III. Captain Jean-Luc Picard was able to convince Sovereign Marouk to reopen discussions with the wayward Gatherers, and after a stormy period of negotiations (which were nearly derailed by the revival of an ancient blood feud between clans Lornak and Tralesta), Marouk and Chorgan , leader of the Gatherers, were able to reach a settlement. By 2368 , all of the Gatherers had returned to Acamar III to try to build a new life. ( LUG : Planets of the UFP ; TNG : " The Vengeance Factor ")

The reintegration of the Gatherers into Acamarian society proved more difficult than either side had bargained for. The Gatherers' first attempts at colonization of the Govax region met with many setbacks, and more than one group of Gatherers turned to raiding to help establish their outposts. The outcry in the Ruling Council was terrific, and Sovereign Marouk was hard pressed to keep the disagreements from erupting into open conflict.

The return of the Gatherers had other, unforeseen effects on Acamarian culture. The youth of Acamar III, feeling stifled under the rigid caste and clan structures, began to see the freedom-loving lifestyle of the Gatherers as an attractive alternative. Disobedience and social protest among the younger generation rose sharply after the Gatherers' return, as more and more students and freethinkers found the courage to protest their elders' decisions. The Acamarian elite, shocked by the degradation of traditional values, appealed for firmer social controls and the lessening of the Gatherers' influence. Neither side seemed willing to yield.

Some neighboring systems were dismayed by the reunion of the Acamarians. While they welcomed the Gatherer truce and the end of piracy and raiding, many, particularly the Tonkians and Artonians , believed that since the Acamarian government had finally recognized the Gatherers, they should take some measure of responsibility for the disruptions caused by the pirates and offer restitution.

On Acamar, old hatreds died slowly. Even though Acamar's clans set aside their differences in the interests of harmony, and enjoyed a century of peace, the feud between the Lornaks and Tralesta was not the only conflict simmering beneath the surface. Members of the Tandru and Yoma clans continued to harbor ill will toward each other over a social faux pas committed a hundred and fifty years earlier (circa 2216 ). Periodically members of both clans engaged in vendettas against each other: brief, vicious attacks on lone individuals using a variety of ingenious weapons. The Acamarian Ruling Council denounced the violence, and Sovereign Marouk ffered to heal the breach. But there was no telling how or when similar old rivalries might flare up between the clans of Acamar III. ( LUG : Planets of the UFP )

Politics [ ]

Acamar III was ruled by a Sovereign who wielded supreme executive authority. In the 2360s and 2370s , the sovereign was Marouk of clan Shova. The Shovas had held the post of Sovereign since it was established at the time of the Reconciliation. The Sovereign's role was to resolve disputes between clans and set policy at the planetary level.

The Sovereign was advised by the Acamarian Ruling Council . The Council was composed of representatives of every Acamarian clan, and served as the planet's primary legislative and administrative body. Acamar III was divided into regions based on clan alliances. The government was highly decentralized, with each region seeing to its own affairs. ( LUG : Planets of the UFP )

Interstellar relations [ ]

Acamar III was far from the borders of any major power, and as such has never become involved in any conflict or intrigue with the Federation , the Cardassians , or the Romulans , until late in the 24th century .

The Acamar system was considered important, however, because of its value as a source of magnesite and certain other minerals, including some used in the manufacture of duranium . The Ferengi approached the Acamarian Sovereign several times, offering a "great deal" in return for exclusive trade rights with the system. While traditional Acamarian xenophobia stalled the negotiations, worsening economic conditions on Acamar III during the 2370s caused the government to reconsider. The Federation's goal was that trade with Acamar should remain open, and was willing to go to great lengths to see that it did.

Beginning in the mid- 23rd century , Acamar III exported its mineral resources, trading magnesite and other ores for foodstuffs and manufactured items. Over the next hundred years, most of the nearby systems had suffered too long at the hands of the Gatherers to bear the Acamarians any goodwill. As a result, by the 2360s , Acamar III's interstellar trade was stagnant. The Federation hoped to start trading with the Acamarians, but did not want them to become dependent on such trade.

After the Enterprise' s visit in 2366 , Federation scientists became interested in the life-extending process used by Yuta of the clan Tralesta to exact he revenge on the Lornak clan. Although she appeared to be a woman in her twenties, her rate of aging was slowed using advanced genetics and biotechnology. If scientists could synthesize Acamarian techniques, it would mean extending life expectancies throughout the Federation. ( LUG : Planets of the UFP )

Environment [ ]

Acamar III had a standard gravity of 1.3 G, a day of 32 standard hours, and a 382.3 standard-day year. The upper layers of the planet's atmosphere were dominated by extensive cloud formations which resulted in perpetually overcast skies on the surface and gave the planet a deep violet color from orbit. The planet had no moons.

Only 30% of Acamar III's surface was covered by water, which is concentrated in two small oceans. The rest of the planet's surface consisted of predominantly hilly, rocky terrain, with mountain rangesm ark ing the boundaries of the continental plates. Surface temperatures ranged from temperate at the equatorial regions to vast expanses of frozen tundra near the poles. The crust of the planet contained extensive deposits of magnesite and other minerals, although the depth of the ore-bearing strata and density of the surrounding crust made extraction difficult. ( LUG : Planets of the UFP )

One of the planet's native animal species was the cralluck , an avian creature somewhat similar to a Terran ostrich . ( LUG : Planets of the UFP )

Locations [ ]

The Wasteland was a vast continent-sized region rendered completely barren by the excesses of Acamarian clan warfare. The extensive use of weapons of mass destruction, particularly biological and chemical weapons, left the region a parched desert crawling with deadly viruses. The soil was contaminated by a variety of devastating chemical agents, and was dead at the microbial level. Fused craters marked the positions of former cities in the region. The Wasteland was the final battleground between the clans Shovran and Nalitha, whose genocidal frenzy marked the last great battle of the Clan Wars.

The greatest city of the Shova clan, and the capital city of Acamar III, Toll Shovas was the seat of the Sovereign's government and home of the Ruling Council. By the mid- 24th century , a Federation ambassador resided in Toll Shovas, at the request of the Sovereign.

The Govax region was a wide plain in the southern portion of Acamar III, bounded on three sides by high mountain ranges. In 2366 , Sovereign Marouk ceded the entire region to the newly-reconciled Gatherers, who began to colonize the area. The extreme winters in the Govax region and its scarce resources made the resettlement difficult. ( LUG : Planets of the UFP )

External links [ ]

  • Acamar III article at Memory Alpha , the canon Star Trek wiki.
  • Acamar III article at Memory Beta , the non-canon Star Trek wiki.
  • Acamar III article at Star Trek Expanded Universe , the fanon and fanworks Star Trek wiki.
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Biology [ ]

Acamarians are very similar to humans, although their blood consists of a unique mixture of iron and copper, resulting in extremely dark red blood. This particular blood chemistry is very rare.

Acamarians have a small cleft on the forehead that extends vertically upwards from the bridge of the nose to the hair growth line. They are also characterised by facial tattoos and branding that vary from individual to individual.

History and culture [ ]

Acamarian culture attached great importance to clan membership, both in society and in politics. For much of their history, this led to clan rivalries and blood feuds that lasted for generations. Clan wars were characterised by loyalty to the clan on an absolute level. Any wrong done to one of the clan members was to be immediately avenged through violent means. If one clan considered the other an enemy, the breakdown in relations could last for generations, as parents passed on prejudices to their children.

One such feud, between the Lornak and Tralesta clans, lasted for almost three centuries and ended only after the (supposed) annihilation of the Tralesta clan. As the feud they carried out was also to be avenged by the opposing clan, the planet remained locked in a brutal civil war, each clan bound by blood feuds with multiple adversaries. In 2266, the Acamarians broke the cycle of fighting, after which there was relative peace.

Those unwilling to live by the government's rules left the planet, forming a splinter nomadic group known as the Gatherers and living for the next hundred years as nomadic interstellar marauders. They raided outposts and ships in the Acamar system, its sector and neighbouring sectors in search of equipment. Despite the fact that many Acamarians regard the gatherers as barbarians and thieves, the Acamarian government has sometimes attempted to reconcile with the gatherers and offer amnesty. One unsuccessful attempt was made in 2348. The gatherers rejected the offer each time.

In 2366, the Gatherers raided a Federation outpost, attracting the attention of the USS Enterprise-D. Jean-Luc Picard decided to meet with Sovereign Maruk and convince her to make another attempt at reconciliation. She agreed and travelled to Gamma Chromi II, aboard the ship of the gathering leader Chorgan, to negotiate. Despite some difficulties, including mutual mistrust and an assassination attempt on the Gatherer leader, Picard was eventually successful and the Gatherers agreed to return home that year.

In 2381, Acamar III was almost wiped out by the Borg , leaving the species in disarray. After some time, they rebuilt their home.

Acamarians are prone to stubbornness and vindictiveness, as the ways of clan warfare have not yet completely disappeared from the Akamarian mentality. However, they are no longer prone to violence, resorting to taunts or taunts if pissed off by a member of another clan. Enlightened Akamarians tend to be patient and may be reluctant to open up. Gatherers, or even former gatherers, are usually impertinent and have a cavalier outlook on life.

Face markings are an important part of Acamarian custom, and the Federation has yet to meet an Acamarian who has not embraced this tradition. Acamarian women usually have a tattoo on their face with a design of their choice, which usually begins at the junction of the left ear with the face. They often use a mixture of purple and black colours. Males of this species often brandish geometric patterns on the face, resulting in raised bumps on the skin. Some males combine branding and tattooing, in which case the tattoo most often surrounds the branding.

Gallery [ ]

Acamarian female

  • 1 Colonial (All Tomorrows)
  • 3 Trisolaran

Forgotten Realms Wiki

  • Edit source
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  • 1 Description
  • 2 Activities
  • 4.2 Appearances
  • 4.3 References
  • 4.4 Connections

Description [ ]

Acamar was a dead star of utterly black inky nothingness that ate other celestial bodies that drew too close to it. [1] [3]

Activities [ ]

Acamar and the other Far Realm–infested stars of Realmspace were somehow related to the Eldest . [1]

Acamar's hunger was endless, and when its influence on Toril was at its peak, it sent its agents, the Maws of Acamar , to devour everything they encountered in their path to sate the hunger of the dead star. [3]

Acamar was usually sought out by some warlocks to make a pact with it. [1] Neogi were one race that had made a pact with it and the other Far Realm-infested stars. [4]

History [ ]

Acamar was one of the stars the warlock Japheth Donard sought out in 1396 DR , after losing his pact with the archfey Neifion . [1]

In 1492 DR , [note 1] Acamar, posing as an imaginary lover, taunted Skrianna Shadowdusk . [5]

Appendix [ ]

  • ↑ Canon material does not provide a year for the events described in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist , but Christopher Perkins answered a question via Twitter and stated the year was 1492 DR . Corroborating this, Dragon Heist page 20 refers to events of Death Masks (set in 1491 DR ) as being "last year". Unless a canon source contradicts this assertion, this wiki will use 1492 DR for events related to this sourcebook and Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage (which is referenced on pages 5 and 98 of Dragon Heist ).

Appearances [ ]

References [ ].

  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Bruce R. Cordell  (2009). City of Torment . ( Wizards of the Coast ), p. 184. ISBN  978-07869-5184-0 .
  • ↑ Jeremy Crawford , Mike Mearls , Robert J. Schwalb , Adam Lee , Christopher Perkins , Matt Sernett  (November 2017). Xanathar's Guide to Everything . Edited by Kim Mohan . ( Wizards of the Coast ), pp. 53–57. ISBN  978-0-7869-6612-7 .
  • ↑ 3.0 3.1 Rob Heinsoo , Stephen Schubert  (May 19, 2009). Monster Manual 2 4th edition . ( Wizards of the Coast ), p. 196. ISBN  0786995101 .
  • ↑ Mike Mearls , et al . (November 2016). Volo's Guide to Monsters . Edited by Jeremy Crawford , et al . ( Wizards of the Coast ), p. 179. ISBN  978-0786966011 .
  • ↑ Christopher Perkins  (November 2018). Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage . Edited by Jeremy Crawford . ( Wizards of the Coast ), p. 123. ISBN  978-0-7869-6626-4 .

Connections [ ]


  • 3 Mind flayer

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

  • First planets
  • Beta Quadrant planets
  • Azure sector planets
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Acamar I was a terrestrial planet located in space of the galaxy 's Beta Quadrant , the first planet in orbit of the Acamar star system in the Azure sector . ( STO - Patrol the Tau Dewa Sector (Daily) mission : " Acamar System Patrol ")

Screen Rant

Star trek: discovery reveals a voyager enemy played a big role in the temporal wars.

Rayner reveals the links between Star Trek: Discovery's time bug and a deep-cut Star Trek: Voyager enemy, tying them to the Temporal Wars.

WARNING: Contains SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 4, "Face the Strange"

  • Commander Rayner reveals the Krenim's role in Temporal Wars in Star Trek: Discovery S5E4, connecting Star Trek's past to the future of the USS Discovery.
  • The Krenim's advanced technology creates a time bug in Discovery, tying them to Temporal Wars as arms dealers or major power.
  • Star Trek: Discovery raises questions about the Krenim's alignment in Temporal Wars, hinting at possible alliances with the Federation and the Delta Quadrant.

In Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 4, "Face the Strange", Commander Rayner (Callum Keith Rennie) confirms that a Star Trek: Voyager enemy played a huge role during the Temporal Wars. "Face the Strange", written by Sean Cochran and directed by Lee Rose, finds Rayner, Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and Commander Paul Stamets (Anthony Rapp) cycling through moments from the USS Discovery's past and future. The trio's temporal predicament is caused by a time bug, a device that is designed to trap its target inside their own timestream, allowing Moll (Eve Harlow) and L'ak (Elias Toufexis) to get ahead of Discovery.

Star Trek: Discovery 's time bug was created by the Krenim, a technologically advanced species first encountered by the USS Voyager . In Star Trek: Voyager season 4, episodes 8 and 9, "Year of Hell", Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) and the USS Voyager were devastated by a year-long conflict with a temporal scientist called Annorax, (Kurtwood Smith). The Krenim's mastery of temporal technology was incredibly advanced even in the 24th century. Now Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 4 reveals that, centuries later, they were still a force to be reckoned with during the Temporal Wars.

Voyager Is Why Star Trek Is Replacing Discovery’s Spore Drive

Discovery reveals voyager's krenim played a big role in star trek's temporal wars.

Star Trek: Discovery 's time bug is just a nickname, the device is referred to as a " Krenim chronphage " and Rayner states that they're " left over from the Temporal War ." This heavily implies that the Krenim were a big player in the Temporal Wars, first introduced in Star Trek: Enterprise . Whether the Krenim were involved in the fighting or merely providing weaponry is unclear, but the fact that the time bugs were being used in the conflict creates a direct link with Star Trek: Voyager 's race of temporal scientists.

It makes sense for the Krenim to be involved in Star Trek 's Temporal Wars , given how advanced their temporal technology must have become in the 500 years after their encounter with the USS Voyager. In "Year of Hell", the Krenim had built a weapon that could negate the existence of their enemies. Technology such as that would be of great interest to those involved in fighting the Temporal War. It's likely, therefore, that the Krenim were at least very successful arms dealers during the conflict, and at worst one of the Temporal War's major powers.

Whose Side Were Voyager's Krenim Enemies On In Star Trek's Temporal Wars?

Star Trek: Enterprise previously revealed that the Federation, the Na'kuhl, and the Sphere Builders were all in conflict during the Temporal War . The Krenim weren't named during Enterprise , so Star Trek: Discovery 's revelations about the use of their technology raises questions about whose side they were on during the Temporal Wars. If they weren't, as Enterprise suggests, an opposing power, then they must have been allied to someone. It's possible that once the Federation began expanding into the Delta Quadrant they formed an alliance with the Krenim, making them allies during the Temporal War.

In Star Trek: Discovery , Rayner specifically states that Krenim time bugs are sold on the black market, in reference to the Federation outlawing temporal technology. Non-Federation species wouldn't be tied to this restriction, suggesting that the Krenim would become members in the 500 years after Star Trek: Voyager . With Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 set to return to the Delta Quadrant, it's possible that fans could soon get an update on the Krenim, and their future relationship with Starfleet and the Federation in the centuries before the Temporal Wars.

Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 will be released on Netflix later in 2024.

Star Trek: Discovery streams Thursdays on Paramount+

Star Trek: Discovery

*Availability in US

Not available

Star Trek: Discovery is an entry in the legendary Sci-Fi franchise, set ten years before the original Star Trek series events. The show centers around Commander Michael Burnham, assigned to the USS Discovery, where the crew attempts to prevent a Klingon war while traveling through the vast reaches of space.

Star Trek: Voyager

The fifth entry in the Star Trek franchise, Star Trek: Voyager, is a sci-fi series that sees the crew of the USS Voyager on a long journey back to their home after finding themselves stranded at the far ends of the Milky Way Galaxy. Led by Captain Kathryn Janeway, the series follows the crew as they embark through truly uncharted areas of space, with new species, friends, foes, and mysteries to solve as they wrestle with the politics of a crew in a situation they've never faced before. 

Star Trek: Enterprise

Star Trek: Enterprise acts as a prequel to Star Trek: The Original Series, detailing the voyages of the original crew of the Starship Enterprise in the 22nd century, a hundred years before Captain Kirk commanded the ship. Enterprise was the sixth series in the Star Trek franchise overall, and the final series before a twelve-year hiatus until the premiere of Star Trek: Discovery in 2017. The series stars Scott Bakula as Captain Jonathan Archer, with an ensemble cast that includes John Billingsley, Jolene Blalock, Dominic Keating, Anthony Montgomery, Linda Park, and Connor Trinneer.

Mission: Acamar System Patrol

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Faction Cross-faction

In Acamar System Patrol , the player mediates a dispute between two Acamarian clans.

  • 2.1 Mission text
  • 2.3 Objectives
  • 3.1.1 Acamarian
  • 3.2.1 Acamarian
  • 4.1.1 Acamarian
  • 4.2.1 Acamarian
  • 5 Accolades
  • 6 Walkthrough

Synopsis [ | ]

Upon entering the system, the player contacts the leader of a clan loyal to the Sovereign aboard her ship, an Acamarian Frigate . The two ships then meet with with three more frigates of a rival clan. The negotiations begin and outcome determines how the rest of the mission will play out:

  • If the negotiations are unsuccessful, a battleship and a cruiser will warp in to support the rival frigates, who will then fire on the player and the loyal ship. Once the belligerent ships are fought off, the loyal clan leader thanks the player for their assistance and the mission ends.
  • If the negotiations succeed, two Tal Shiar ships will warp in (a D'deridex and a Mogai ) and reveal that they were responsible for arranging the dispute. After destroying them, the mission ends.

Outline [ | ]

Mission text [ | ].

Sir, the Acamarians have suffered from clan strife since before they were a warp-capable species. Although they are now unified under a Sovereign, old clan loyalties and rivalries still surface from time to time.

Since the Acamarians are a spacefaring species in an important sector of space, stability here is vital.

Objectives [ | ]

  • Rendezvous with Acamarian Ship
  • Respond to Acamarian Hail
  • Resolve Acamarian Clan Dispute
  • (Dispute Failed) Fight Off Rebels
  • (Dispute Resolved) Fight Off Tal'Shiar (0/2)

Allies [ | ]

Acamarian [ | ].

  • Acamarian Clan Leader

Enemies [ | ]

  • Acamarian Clan Rebel

NPC starships [ | ]

  • Acamarian Frigate
  • Acamarian Cruiser
  • Acamarian Battleship

Accolades [ ]

Walkthrough, gallery [ | ].

The loyal clan leader.

The loyal clan leader.

The rival clan leader.

The rival clan leader.

Notes [ | ]

  • Originally released as part of the wrapper mission “Tau Dewa Sector Patrol (Daily)” with the release of Season Seven: New Romulus . The wrapper mission was removed on February 26, 2015 and introduced a change to the rewards and replay timer of the system patrols.
  • If the rival Acamarians turn hostile, when their ships reach 0% hull they will warp out rather than explode. The friendly ship can be disabled, but not destroyed.
  • 2 Playable starship
  • 3 Delta Recruitment

acamar star trek

New Star Trek Prequel Movie Is Officially Official, Andor And Black Mirror Director Confirmed

C aptain's Log: Stardate 2024. It's been eight years since the USS Enterprise's last voyage on the big screen, with the franchise having since returned to its roots on television. During that period, the property has proliferated thanks to an influx of streaming series that's included everything from a "Next Generation" reunion to a raunchy cartoon and a wonderfully silly musical episode . But through it all, the question has lingered: when will Trekkies get to undertake another mission painted on the largest canvas available?

It's not been for lack of effort on Paramount's part. Ever since the commercial disappointment of 2016's "Star Trek Beyond" brought the escapades of the Kelvin Universe film series to a halt, the studio has cycled through one filmmaker after another in its quest to get "Star Trek" up and running in theaters once more. Most recently, it turned to "Black Mirror" director Toby Haynes to helm a new chapter based on a script by "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" and "The LEGO Batman Movie" scribe Seth Grahame-Smith. At the same time, Paramount has continued to try and mount a fourth and final chapter in the Kelvin Timeline story that began with J.J. Abrams' "Star Trek" in 2009, having only barely recruited Steve Yockey ("The Flight Attendant") to work his magic on the screenplay.

Thankfully, we finally got an official update today during Paramount's CinemaCon presentation in Las Vegas (which /Film's Ryan Scott was there to witness with his own two eyes). The studio confirmed that Haynes' film will usher in the franchise's long-awaited return to theaters while, apparently, also functioning as a prequel to the previous Kelvin Universe movies. Production will begin later this year.

Read more: 12 Reasons Why The Original Series Is The Best Star Trek Show

Star Trek Will Boldly Go Before It's Never Gone Before

Literally winding back the clock for a mission is common practice in "Star Trek," so much so that the property even has a strict set of rules covering all the do's and don'ts of time travel (lest anyone step on a butterfly and wipe James Kirk out of existence). Prequels, on the other hand, only really came into vogue in the 2000s with the one-two punch of "Star Trek: Enterprise" and Abrams' film, the latter of which also introduced the alternate timeline known as the Kelvin Universe. Now, much as its big screen reboot 15 years ago served to reinvigorate the franchise while also appealing to a new generation of Trekkies, it's possible Paramount's goal here is for Haynes' prequel to revive the Kelvin series before bringing the main cast back while at the same time offering a jumping-on point for those who're new(ish) to the whole trekking across space thing.

Haynes' movie itself has previously been described as an "origin story" for "Star Trek" at large , which certainly supports the idea of it functioning as a soft reset without actually wiping out any earlier continuity (just like Abrams' movie). The director, for his part, has already demonstrated an appreciation for the property with his acclaimed "Black Mirror" episode "USS Callister" -- a darkly satirical take on "Star Trek" tropes and toxic fandom -- while his work on the "Star Wars" series "Andor" proves he's more than up for the task of taking a beloved sci-fi property and subverting it in fresh and exhilarating ways. With a little luck, these past eight years will prove to be more than worth the wait.

Keep it tuned to /Film for further updates on anything and everything "Star Trek."

Read the original article on SlashFilm

Star Trek (2009), Enterprise

Memory Alpha

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Temarek, a Gatherer.

The Gatherers were Acamarian marauders who lived in semi-autonomous nomadic bands and survived off piracy . Unlike other Acamarians, they maintained their clan identities and practiced more elaborate facial tattooing and/or scarification .

In the 2260s , generations of brutal clan warfare on Acamar III was coming to an end. However, a number of individuals refused to accept the nascent peace and left the planet , becoming the Gatherers. Over the next century, the Acamarian government made several unsuccessful attempts to bring the Gatherers back into the fold, including in 2348 .

The Gatherers had raided several outposts in the Acamar system and neighboring areas over their time off-world. They also raided an Acamarian outpost , Tezber . They established their own Gatherer outposts to store their equipment and maintain camps. They had amassed a mixed collection of equipment including Artonian lasers , Tonkian homing beacons , Regalian phaser rifles and Noranium alloy scrap metal. They also stole a Federation reactor .

In 2366 , they had expanded their raids to include Federation outposts and trade routes , which got their attention. Captain Jean-Luc Picard decided to encourage another attempt at reconciliation by the Sovereign Marouk . Negotiations between Marouk and Gatherer leader Chorgan were fruitless at first. But ultimately an assassination attempt on Chorgan by Yuta , Marouk's servant and a member of a rival clan , exposed the poisonous legacy of old hatreds and effected a breakthrough. The Gatherers agreed to a truce and began their reintegration into Acamarian society. ( TNG : " The Vengeance Factor ")

Two Gatherers were crewmembers of Ah-Kel and Ro-Kel 's Miradorn raider , ( DS9 : " Vortex ")

  • Penthor-Mul
  • 1 Abdullah bin al-Hussein

A Star Trek origin story movie is officially on the way from Andor and Black Mirror director

It's set to take place decades before 2009's Star Trek

Chris Pine in Star Trek Beyond

Paramount has officially announced a new Star Trek movie – but it's not Star Trek 4.

The Untitled Star Trek Origin Story was unveiled at CinemaCon, with J.J. Abrams set to produce (H/T The Wrap ). The film will take place decades before 2009's Star Trek, with Andor's Toby Haynes set to direct and Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter author Seth Grahame-Smith set to pen the script. Plot details have yet to be released. Deadline first announced the film earlier this year.

Haynes directed the popular Black Mirror episode U.S.S Callister, which acts as a Star Trek parody. Black Mirror season 7 will feature a sequel to U.S.S Callister , though it has not yet been announced who will direct.

Paramount also stated that the origin pic would begin production later this year to make it in time for a 2025 theatrical release. Star Trek 4, the sequel to Abrams' 2009 flick, is still in development. WandaVision's Matt Shakman was previously attached to direct, but  left the project  in August 2022  around the same time he was announced as the new Fantastic Four director. Last month, Variety reported that Sucker Punch and Supernatural writer Steve Yockey would pen the fourth Star Trek film, which intends to bring back Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, and the rest of the cast.

The Untitled Star Trek Origin Story does not yet have a release date. For more, check out our list of the most exciting upcoming movies in 2024 and beyond, or, skip right to the good stuff with our list of movie release dates .

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Lauren Milici

Lauren Milici is a Senior Entertainment Writer for GamesRadar+ currently based in the Midwest. She previously reported on breaking news for The Independent's Indy100 and created TV and film listicles for Ranker. Her work has been published in Fandom, Nerdist, Paste Magazine, Vulture, PopSugar, Fangoria, and more.

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Zendaya's new movie from Call Me By Your Name director doesn't need sex scenes to make it the sexiest film of the year

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acamar star trek


  1. Acamar III

    acamar star trek

  2. Acamar III

    acamar star trek

  3. File:Acamar-setting.png

    acamar star trek

  4. Acamarian

    acamar star trek

  5. Acamarian cruiser

    acamar star trek

  6. Acamar III

    acamar star trek


  1. Meet ACAMAR a (Star) #acamar #star #shorts

  2. Star Trek: Enterprise

  3. Акармара, это всё что осталось из видео после падения жёсткого диска ( Абхазия

  4. Axanar


  6. Captain Archer Carrying the Kir'Shara


  1. Acamar

    Acamar, also known as Theta Eridani, was the primary of the Acamar system, in the Beta Quadrant. It was located near Adelphous, Carraya, and the Epsilon Outposts. (DIS: "Choose Your Pain") In 2256, this star's location was labeled on the star chart "Alpha/Beta Quadrant Overview" in the ready room aboard the USS Discovery. (DIS: "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad") In 2257, during the ...

  2. The Vengeance Factor

    The Vengeance Factor. " The Vengeance Factor " is the ninth episode of the third season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, and the 57th episode of the series overall. Captain Picard contends with a divided people, the Acamarians. In this episode, the crew of the Enterprise tries to negotiate an end ...

  3. Mission: Acamar System Patrol/Walkthrough

    The Acamar System is located in the Tau Dewa Sector Block, in the middle of the Azure Sector. This mission is the easiest and fastest of all the system patrol missions, and can be completed to earn progress toward the patrol daily. Just re-enter the system once you've completed the negotiations, and you should be done with the daily in 15-20 ...

  4. Acamar System

    The Acamar System is a system located in the Azure Sector of the Beta Quadrant. The third planet harbors a warp-capable civilization, the Acamarians. The system consists of two Class A stars Acamar A and B, one of which is yellow-white while its companion is red. Three planets revolve around the latter. There are no Data samples in the system. Acamar (yellow-white star) Acamar (red star ...

  5. Acamar System

    Acamar is a real binary star located in the Eridanus constellation. The distance to Sol is about 161 ly. External links. Theta Eridani at Wikipedia; Acamar at Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki. Acamar at Memory Beta, the non-canon Star Trek Wiki.

  6. Acamar III

    Sci-fi. Star Trek. For the mirror universe counterpart, see Acamar III (mirror). Acamar III was the third planet in the Acamar system. It was the homeworld of the Acamarians and the Gatherers. (TNG episode: "The Vengeance Factor") The planet had two small oceans and a temperate climate, with extensive polar...

  7. Acamar (Theta Eridani): Star System, Name, Location ...

    2020-09-20. Acamar, Theta Eridani (θ Eri), is a binary star system consisting of two white class A stars located in the constellation Eridanus. The system has an apparent magnitude of 2.91 and lies at a distance of 161 light years from Earth. It is the third brightest point of light in Eridanus, after Achernar and Cursa.

  8. Acamar

    For other uses, see Acamar. Acamar (also known as Theta Eridani) is a star system composed of two class A stars that appear as one when viewed from Earth, 120 or so light-years away. (ST website : lists Acamar as being "50-60 light-years from Sol." The Last Unicorn RPG module: Planets of the UFP indicates that the Acamar system has only one star. In 2275, the USS ...

  9. Acamar (Theta Eridani) Star Facts

    Acamar is a naked-eye star, so you don't need a telescope or binoculars when you look up on a clear night. The lower the magnitude, the easier it will be to see it. In the Star Trek Episode, The Vengeance Factor, the planet Acamar III is the location of the humanoid Acamarians. In the episode, the ...

  10. Acamar III

    Acamar III is a non-aligned planet and homeworld of the Acamarians. It is located in the Azure Sector which gains strategic importance with the Romulan Republic's efforts to colonize New Romulus. The Acamarians suffered from internal strife since before the invention of warp drive. The eventual settlement of the clan conflicts in the 23rd century drove a part of the population off-world, who ...

  11. Acamar III

    Acamar III (or Theta Eridani III) was the Class M third planet of the Acamar system in the Azure sector of the Beta Quadrant. It was the homeworld of the Acamarians. (TNG: "The Vengeance Factor"; Star Trek Online; LUG: Planets of the UFP) The relatively inhospitable climate of Acamar III gave rise to various nomadic or seminomadic tribes of Acamarians. Scarce resources led to fierce conflicts ...

  12. Acamarian

    Taking place in 2409, the computer game Star Trek Online depicts the Gatherers having been re-integrated into the Acamarian society. However, land on the planet is scarce and the Acamarian Ruling Council redistributed it and pushed some clans to the resource-rich outer worlds. In 2409, tensions between the clans are boiling again and the player ...

  13. Acamarian

    A friendly reminder regarding spoilers!At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant.

  14. Theta Eridani

    Theta Eridani, Latinized from θ Eridani, is a binary system in the constellation of Eridanus with a combined apparent magnitude of 2.88. Its two components are designated θ 1 Eridani, formally named Acamar / ˈ æ k ə m ɑːr / (the traditional name of the system), and θ 2 Eridani.The system's distance from the Sun based on parallax measurements is approximately 165 light-years.

  15. Acamarian

    The Acamarians are a non-playable species native to Acamar III. They are notable for importance of clan structures and conflicts in their culture. Their homeworld is located in the Azure Sector, the intersection of Federation, Klingon and Romulan space, which gains strategic importance with the Romulan Republic's colonization effort, supported by the Federation and the Klingon Empire. The ...

  16. Acamarian

    The Acamarians are a spacefaring humanoid species which hails from Acamar III in the Acamar system of the Beta Quadrant. Acamarians are very similar to humans, although their blood consists of a unique mixture of iron and copper, resulting in extremely dark red blood. This particular blood chemistry is very rare. Acamarians have a small cleft on the forehead that extends vertically upwards ...

  17. Marouk

    Sovereign Marouk was a female Acamarian and became the leader of Acamar III during the late 24th century. In 2366, Marouk was approached by Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the United Federation of Planets when it was learned that the Gatherers, a band of nomadic Acamarian marauders, had raided a Federation outpost. The raids had made the sector, in which Acamar III resided, unsafe, with Federation ...

  18. Acamar

    Acamar was a star-like entity from the Far Realm who had taken a place among stars of Realmspace. Unlike normal stars, Acamar didn't have a fixed place in the sky but instead danced and wavered across Realmspace. Acamar was a dead star of utterly black inky nothingness that ate other celestial bodies that drew too close to it. Acamar and the other Far Realm-infested stars of Realmspace were ...

  19. Acamar I

    A friendly reminder regarding spoilers!At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant.

  20. Star Trek: Discovery Reveals A Voyager Enemy Played A Big Role In The

    In Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 4, "Face the Strange", Commander Rayner (Callum Keith Rennie) confirms that a Star Trek: Voyager enemy played a huge role during the Temporal Wars. "Face the Strange", written by Sean Cochran and directed by Lee Rose, finds Rayner, Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) and Commander Paul Stamets (Anthony Rapp) cycling through moments from the ...

  21. Mission: Acamar System Patrol

    In Acamar System Patrol, the player mediates a dispute between two Acamarian clans. Upon entering the system, the player contacts the leader of a clan loyal to the Sovereign aboard her ship, an Acamarian Frigate. The two ships then meet with with three more frigates of a rival clan. The negotiations begin and outcome determines how the rest of the mission will play out: If the negotiations are ...

  22. New Star Trek Prequel Movie Is Officially Official, Andor And ...

    Literally winding back the clock for a mission is common practice in "Star Trek," so much so that the property even has a strict set of rules covering all the do's and don'ts of time travel (lest ...

  23. Gatherer

    Temarek, a Gatherer. The Gatherers were Acamarian marauders who lived in semi-autonomous nomadic bands and survived off piracy.Unlike other Acamarians, they maintained their clan identities and practiced more elaborate facial tattooing and/or scarification.. In the 2260s, generations of brutal clan warfare on Acamar III was coming to an end. However, a number of individuals refused to accept ...

  24. A Star Trek origin story movie is officially on the way from Andor and

    The film will take place decades before 2009's Star Trek, with Andor's Toby Haynes set to direct and Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter author Seth Grahame-Smith set to pen the script. Plot details ...