kibale forest national park

Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda, Kibale Safaris

Chimpanzee safari uganda, kibale chimp tracking, primates walk (chimpanzee tracking).

The most favourite of Kibale’s walks embarks on from the Kanyanchu Visitor center at 08.00 & 15.00 and lasts 2 to 3 hours. Chimpanzee are the most sought after primate by visitors, but you should look out for the black & white colobus, red tailed monkey or the grey cheeked mangabey. Your guides will be able to show you pittas & different bird species and will give details of the tradit of the plant species within the forest. This walk is for 6 people in a group. Advance booking is all-important especially during peak sea.

chimpanzee kibale

Chimpanzee trekking in Uganda

Chimpanzee trekking is one of the best activities that is sought after by many tourists who come to Uganda. Just like gorilla trekking, it involves trekking through the forest in search of the chimpanzees that keep on swinging from one tree to the next. Trekking might take a few hours or less but once you get to the chimpanzees, every group gets to spend an hour with them before trekking back to the camp.

There are several chimpanzee destinations in Uganda and each one of these has a group of chimpanzees that you can trek. Chimpanzee trekking is mainly done in the Kibale Forest National Park and other destinations where you can go for the chimpanzee trek include the Budongo forest which is found in the Murchison Falls National park, Kyambura gorge in the Queen Elizabeth National Park, Semuliki wildlife reserve, and Kalinzu forest found in Busenyi.

Chimpanzee trekking starts very early in the morning and every trek begins with the tour guides giving tourists the guidelines and rules that need to be followed. While trekking, you will be able to see other primates and wildlife like the red-tailed monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, a variety of bird species among others.

Chimpanzee trekking permit

A chimpanzee trekking permit is a legal document that will give you access to the chimpanzees. They are processed by the Uganda wildlife Authority and they still remain the property of the Republic of Uganda even after being issued to you. Just like the trekking permit for gorillas, limited permits are printed per day and these are only valid for the date that they have been printed. The reason as to why few permits are printed is to try as much as possible to reduce the interaction between the chimpanzees and humans to conserve them. The chimps are prone to diseases and that is why interaction is limited.

The best way for one to get a chimpanzee trek permit is by booking through a trusted tour operator. Local tour operators know more about the process of booking and other related costs so it is better to let them take up the planning process. The tour operators will book the permit at the Uganda wildlife Authority and once payment is done, a scanned copy will be sent out to you via email with details on when you are to trek, the time, your name, passport details, and the unique serial number that makes it unique from the rest. Note that these permits cannot be interchanged and it is also hard for you to get a refund if you do not make it.

Cost of the chimpanzee trekking permit

The cost of a Chimpanzee trekking permit in Uganda varies according to the season. There are two seasons that are the peak season (the dry season) and the low season (the wet season) and they both see a variety of tourists come for chimpanzee trekking.  During the peak/high season, a chimpanzee trek permit goes for $1500 per day per person and during the low season, the cost of the permit can go as low as $100 per person per day in Kibaale forest National Park. The cost of a chimpanzee permit in Budongo goes for $90 during both the peak and low season and in the Kyambura gorge, the permit goes for $50.

Chimpanzee trekking in Kibale National Park

Located in the south western part of the country, Kibale National Park has quite a large number of chimpanzees with about 1500 chimpanzees 120 of which are habituated. The chimpanzees here can easily be located due to their high number and the trekking is done twice a day that is in the morning and in the afternoon. A chimpanzee trek permit in Kibaale goes for $1500 during the peak season and $100 during the low season. Chimpanzee habituation is also done at the Kibale National park and this is where visitors get to spend more time with the primates for example 6 hours or the whole day.

The park is ranked to be the best destination for chimpanzee trekking in Uganda and besides meeting the chimpanzees, you will also get to see other primates including the different types of monkeys like the colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, a wide variety of bird species (400) and other wildlife.

There are several places where you can stay when you go for chimpanzee tracking in the Kibale National Park and these include the Primate Lodge, the Kyaninga lodge,

The most favorite activity in the park is the Chimpanzee tracking in Uganda . Starts from Kanyanchu Visitor Center at 08.00 & ends at 15.00 and lasts 2-3 hours. The Primates are searched down by visitors during the tracking. These include black & white Colobus, grey cheeked Mangabey, red tailed monkey. Your guides will show you pittas along with other bird species & will explain the tradit of different plant species within the forest. This walk is for 6 individuals per tour group. Advance booking is all-important during peak sea:

Chimpanzee trekking in the Ngamba Island Chimpanzee sanctuary

Ngamba Island found along Lake Victoria and easily accessed by a speedboat from Entebbe is one of the places where you can enjoy chimpanzee trekking while in Uganda. Set up by Goodall to conserve the primates, the Island part where the chimpanzees are kept is fenced off in order to allow the chimps to roam freely without causing damage to the neighbours. The speedboat that goes to Ngamba has two shifts with a half trip starting in the morning and a full one starting at 5pm.

The cost of visiting the island depends on the number of people in the group . the smaller the group, the higher the cost and the bigger the group, the lower the cost. Children from 5 to 15 years always pay half the price before gaining entry to the sanctuary.

The sanctuary started with about 13 chimpanzees that were rescued by a few locals and Dr. Jane Goodall and ever since the number of chimpanzees has grown to over 50 chimpanzees that have either been rescued or orphaned. You get to see the chimpanzees at different stages, get in close contact with them and also carry out other activities like fishing, swimming, exploring the villages, and birding.

Chimpanzee trekking in the Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park is a home to numerous forests and these are the Budongo forest, the Kaniyo Pabidi and the Rabongo forest where the chimpanzee trekking takes place. These three forests have over 600 chimpanzees making Murchison a good destination for chimpanzee trekking. Murchison National Park is a home to over 500 bird species, wildlife and is a top destination for many tourists who come to Uganda for safaris . The best time for chimpanzee trekking is from October to January because it is easier to see the chimpanzees as they hunt for food. Chimpanzee trekking in Murchison is done twice a day with the first one in the morning and the other in the afternoon.

  • The Rabongo forest, this is also a forest found within the Murchison and where trekking is carried out. There are no clear trek routes but with the help of a tour guide, you will be able to set out within the forest in search of the chimpanzees which when found, you will get an hour with them. The Rabongo forest however has fewer chimpanzee families as compared to the Budongo forest.
  • Budongo forest, Budongo forest is a top destination for chimpanzee trekking and has a large number of primates. With the help of a tour guide, trekking will be easy and you get to see other primates like monkeys, the olive baboons, and red-tailed monkeys, and do birding among other activities.
  • Kaniyo Pabidi forest, a home to chimpanzees, a wide range of bird species, insects, and other primates, the forest is one of the few in the country that has remained in its natural state without any tampering from humans.

Accommodation in Murchison falls National Park is divided into three sections that is the Para and Victoria Nile, Albert Nile and the Kaniyo Pabidi. There are Luxurious, Mid-range, and Budget accommodation facilities and you can choose from these with your tour operator to see what works for you best.

Chimpanzee trekking in the Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National park is one of the best National Parks that is sought after by many tourists with about 17 chimpanzees available. Chimpanzee trekking here is done in the Kyambura game reserve also known as the Kyambura gorge. The activity is best done in the mornings and it takes about 1 to 2 hours. You will be escorted by experienced tour guides and after the trek, you can as well enjoy a game drive around the National Park. Some of the lodges that you can check out while in Kyambura include the Kyambura gorge safari lodge, KingFisher camp, Mweya safari lodge, jacana lodge and Katara lodge among others.

What to pack for a chimp trek in Uganda.

No one wants to carry excess luggage while on a safari because this can make it hard for you to enjoy the safari with the extra luggage being carried around. You need to make sure that you carry what is considered essential when it comes to chimpanzee trekking and these include the following:

  • Insect repellent
  • Waterproof hiking boots
  • Bottled drinking water
  • Long-sleeved shirts and trousers to avoid scratches on your body.
  • A walking stick to ease trekking
  • Camera and binoculars
  • A small backpack to carry a few essentials like cameras and extra batteries while trekking.
  • A sun hat and sunscreen.

Trekking rules and regulations

There are rules and guidelines that you need to follow in order to have a good chimp trekking experience. These were set up by the Uganda wildlife Authority to protect both the primates and the visitors. Some of the regulations that you must follow include the following:

  • You are not allowed to trek in case you feel sick, especially with flu and cough
  • You are to keep a distance of 8 meters between you and the chimps
  • You should always follow all the guidelines that are given to you by the tour guides
  • No one is allowed to feed the chimps
  • Visitors are not allowed to eat or drink near the chimpanzees.
  • Do not urinate and poop in the park as this might cause the animals to fall sick. In case you want to poop, you must dig a hole of about 30cm deep and after that bury everything including the toilet paper.
  • The minimum age for chimp trekking in Uganda is 15 years.
  • The only people who can help you gain access to the Park for trekking are the tour guides
  • Make sure that the camera you are using does not have a flashlight
  • Do not make noise while trekking because this irritates the chimps and they end up migrating to another place.

Chimpanzee habituation

Chimpanzee habituation involves spending a few hours with the chimpanzees in close range. Chimp habituation refers to the process in which the chimps are trained so that they are used to human presence at all times even during tracking. Chimpanzee habituation takes quite a long time before it is actualized which is about 2 to 3 years and in Uganda, this has been achieved in the Kibaale National Park. After 3 years of training, the habituated chimps are let out so that they can start interacting with the humans.

Chimpanzee habituation has a special permit which costs about $150 for foreign residents, $70 for East African citizens and $220 for non-foreign residents. The permits need to be booked in advance so that you get to enjoy your habituation experience.

Chimp trekking VS Gorilla trekking

Chimpanzee trekking is on the rise and a favourite for tourists. Carried out in different destinations that is the Kibale National park, Budongo and Queen Elizabeth National Park, tracking chimpanzees is one activity that you will want to try out while in Uganda. A chimpanzee trekking permit goes for $150 and during the low season it can go to as low as $100 per person per day. While trekking, you get to spend an hour with the primates observing them as they play, swing from tree to the next and go about their daily activities.

Gorilla trekking in Uganda is carried out in the Bwindi Impenetrable national park and the Mgahinga National Park. Gorilla trekking has its own rules and regulations that you must follow like keeping a distance from the primates, no feeding them and no using cameras with flashlights just to mention but a few. You also get to spend an hour with the gorillas and this is done with the help of the tour guides. A gorilla permit is on the high end as compared to the chimpanzee trek permit going for $1500 per person per day.

Chimpanzee trekking Vs. Chimpanzee habituation

During Chimpanzee habituation tourists get to spend more time with the primates as they are given about 6 hours to spend with the primates and some get to spend the whole day with the chimps. Uganda is known to be a good place to enjoy chimp habituation and tracking at the same time. As you compare chimp trekking and habituation, the first thing that you should put into consideration is the amount of time spent with the chimpanzees.

Chimp trekking normally involves trekking around the National Park until you get to see the chimpanzees and this can take 2 to 3 hours. Each group gets to spend at least an hour with the chimps after trekking. However, during chimpanzee habituation, tourists get to spend at least 6 hours and sometimes the whole day with the chimpanzees. While chimpanzee trekking permits cost $150, chimpanzee habituation permits cost $150.

What you need to know about chimpanzees

Chimpanzees are believed to have the closest DNA to humans with 98%. They are known to be extremely playful and keep on moving from one place to the next but note that they can as well become aggressive once they are provoked. Adult chimpanzees weigh differently depending on the sex that is an average adult female chimpanzee can weigh between 30 to 50kgs at a height of 2 t0 4 feet whereas a male adult chimpanzee weighs between 35 to 75 kgs at a height of 3 meters.

Chimpanzees relatively stay in groups of 10 to 100 with one dominant male as the leader. With their high intelligence, they can easily take care of each other like humans, hold hands, search for food, and care for the young ones. When a baby chimpanzee turns 4 years, they tend to become independent and start looking for their own food.

A chimpanzee living in the wild can live up to 40 years and those that are kept in zoos can live up to 60 years. Chimpanzees are very sociable, can easily and effectively communicate with each other, and search for food, build their own nests and these skills are passed down from one chimpanzee to the next. Chimpanzees are known to spend most of their time on the ground but when it comes to feeding and sleeping, this is done way up in the trees.

The government together with assistance from the Goodall Foundation are trying their best to conserve the life of the chimpanzees by putting up heavy sanctions on whoever is found poaching or hurting the Chimpanzees.

Behavioural patterns for chimpanzees

The chimpanzees normally live on the ground level, they spend most of their time up in the trees, especially at night and when feeding. They are known to be swift at climbing trees and they use both their hands and toes to make it easier and faster. While on the ground, they use both their hands and toes for walking with half-flexed fingers due to their huge weight. They normally live in groups and migrate in groups as well. There is always only one dominant male and if another male wants to take over, they have to fight for the position.

What do chimpanzees feed on?

Chimpanzees feed on mainly fruits and leaves. They however feed on only ripe fruits which they keep on gathering very early in the morning. They also feed on flowers and bugs and fresh meat. Chimpanzees use different tools to gather their food and while looking o=for insects, they use twig trees to poke into anthills and sometimes check under the stones for hidden bugs. After chewing the leaves, they use them to clean themselves and dip the leaves into the water for drinking.

Where else can I go for chimpanzee trekking?

Besides chimpanzee trekking in Uganda, you can as well enjoy chimp trekking in the neighbouring countries of Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Rwanda. Chimpanzee trekking in DRC can be done in the Virunga National Park, Gombe and Mahale in Tanzania and in Rwanda, chimpanzee trekking is best done in the Nyungwe forest National Park.

How difficult is chimpanzee trekking in Uganda?

It is not so difficult to take part in chimpanzee trekking because the trekking is normally done following the flat trails in the forests. Since chimpanzees live at relatively low altitudes, this makes it easy to go for trekking unlike when going for gorilla trekking. Note that during the wet season, it becomes extremely hard due to the slippery nature of the trails.

What is the best time to see chimpanzees in Uganda?

Chimpanzee trekking can be carried out all year round however the best time to chimp trek is during the dry season which is experienced between the months of June to September and December to January. This is also known as the peak season due to the fact that there are many tourists who come for chimpanzee trekking in the country. During the dry season, the trek trails are passable and it is also easier to see the chimpanzees during the dry season unlike during the rainy season when the roads become slippery and the vegetation is dense. Chimpanzee trekking can also be done during the wet season due to the presence of plenty of food for the chimpanzees making it easy for them to be spotted.

Chimpanzees as well as humans share over 98 percent of their DNA.

However these being wild animals, chances of spotting these chimps are not always guaranteed although they are over 95% within the Kibale Forest, hence making it the most perfect destination in the whole of East Africa for chimpanzee tracking.

It is in addition probable to take part in the fascinating habituation experience, meaning that you can actuallty get a chance to spend the entire day with this impressive creatures.

However, because the  number of chimpanzee  trekking permits for each day is restricted, you are greatly advised to book in advance to your safari date.

Normally lunch boxes may be offered to the trekkers that are taking part in the habituation process sinc it requires the entire day.

Important to Note is that 15 years is the minimum age allowed to take part in the chimpanzee tracking experience

What to carry along

Wear shoes that have a good grip, suitable for climbing steep moist muddy slopes

A number of people actually feel more at ease when wearing clothes that are long sleeved as this will protect them from the pricking thickets as they move through the verdant jungle

Do not forget a rain gear, since the weather here is highly unpredictable

Bring enough drinking water plus snacks to bite on

Carry a pair of binoculars

If taking photos, keep in mind that your subjects are actually black animals living within dim light, so camera flashes is strictly not permitted. Better to have a fast film (of 400 – 800 ASA) or even utilize the settings on your camera.

About Chimpanzees

The average weight of an adult well grown male chimpanzee is between 35 and 70 kilograms, with a height of approximately 3 meters whereas tan adult female chimpanzee weighs between 26 and 50 kilograms and a height between 2 and 4 feet.

A chimpanzee’s life expectancy is at 40 years whereas that for those living in captivity can extend up to 60 years.

In Uganda today, Efforts to actually conserve the chimpanzees are extensively acknowledged and well supported.  Actually The Jane Goodall Foundation has played a major role in the overall conservation of not only these Chimpanzees but the Gorillas as well found in Uganda. By going for chimpanzee tracking, you directly contribute to the conservation efforts.

Chimpanzees are the closest relatives to humans sharing about 98% of their DNA composition with humans.  They are Sociable, intelligent as well as communicative and among their very fascinating traits is the ability to utilize tools like rocks for crushing nuts, empty pods for hollowing out water plus sticks for capturing termites from their holes. These skills are for long been passed on from generation to another and researchers say that different troops have specialist tasks, basing on their habitat as well as diet.

Chimps stay in groups of 10 – 100 members. They can babysit each other’s young, kiss, groom one another and even hold hands. The young chimps become independent at the age of 4 year. Nonetheless, chimps can be aggressive and unsociable, mainly if disturbed.

Although they spend some time on ground, they normally feed and do make their sleeping nests up in the trees. Their diet varies comprising of leaves, seeds, fruit plus flowers.

About Chimpanzee Habituation Experience

Chimpanzee Habituation Experience,this is a lifetime experience that allows accompany Kibale’s researchers and habituation at chimpanzee during their daily activities, thereby getting used to human presence without changing their natural. During your tour, expect coming across the chimps de-nesting (in their nocturnal nests) between 05.30 to 06.30, before them throughout the day till they make new nests and the night around 19.00. The Habituation Experience by tourist for low season months of March, April, May and November

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Visit Kibale Forest National Park Uganda

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3-Day Chimpanzee Trekking Safari in Kibale Forest, Uganda

3-Day Chimpanzee Trekking Safari in Kibale Forest, Uganda

Discover the magic of Kibale Forest, East Africa’s top spot for chimpanzee trekking, on our 3-Day Chimpanzee Trekking Safari. Dive into an ecosystem bursting with nearly 1,500 chimpanzees, 12 unique primate species, and a myriad of other wildlife. Over these three days, you’ll enjoy a thrilling three-hour chimpanzee trek, guided nature walks through vibrant villages, and stunning views of the Mountains of the Moon. The forest also offers the enchanting Bigodi Wetlands, a hotspot for birds and wildlife. Experience the unique blend where Central and East African jungles meet, creating a mesmerizing atmosphere. Whether you choose the classic Chimpanzee Trek or the immersive All-Day Habituation, Kibale Forest guarantees an unforgettable adventure. Don’t wait – book your safari now for an unparalleled wildlife experience!


3-day private adventure in kibale’s primate paradise.

Canopy view of tall trees in Kibale Forest on a 3-day Kibale Forest Adventure

Highlights of the 3-Day Kibale Jungle Journey .

  • Chimpanzee Trekking: Connect with a troop of Kibale Forest’s iconic chimpanzees.
  • Bigodi Wetlands Adventure: Delve into the Bigodi Jungle Swamp with a 3-hour guided hike.
  • Stay at Isunga Lodge: Settle in for two nights of comfort and serenity at Isunga Lodge.

Detailed Itinerary for the 3-Day Kibale Primate Expedition.

Spot 12 Unique Primates and embark on a Bigodi Wetland Walk for Birdwatching. Kibale Forest offers the opportunity for both a two or three-day Primate Kingdom in Kibale trip. Additionally, consider extending your journey by adding Kibale Forest to a safari to Queen Elizabeth Park.

Day 1: Journey from Kampala or Entebbe to Kibale Forest Park and afternoon Bigodi Wetland Walk

Facade of Isunga Lodge overlooking Kibale Forest on a 3-day Kibale Forest expedition

This is a mesmerizing journey through Uganda’s captivating terrains. As you make your way toward Kibale Forest, be prepared to encounter its resident chimpanzees and diverse wildlife. The drive takes around 5 hours, providing you with ample opportunity to witness the natural beauty of the region.

Check into your chosen accommodation, and in our case, it is  Isunga Lodge .

Isunga Lodge is a budget-friendly accommodation providing excellent value in the heart of Kibale Forest. Chosen for our safaris due to its consistent positive feedback, the lodge ensures a memorable stay. Overlooking the forest, it offers six tranquil cottages, each with an ensuite bathroom and a private veranda for serene forest views during sunrise and sunset. The lodge prioritizes every detail; the cuisine is delightful, and the staff is attentive, upholding its stellar reputation. While other lodges in Uganda might be similarly priced, Isunga Lodge uniquely delivers superior value, often outshining more expensive counterparts. Experience the serenity and hospitality of Isunga Lodge and immerse in the beauty of Kibale Forest.

Other options in the area: Moderately priced  Turaco Treetops Lodge , Upscale  Papaya Lake Lodge

Discover Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary

Vibrant Great Blue Turaco perched in Bigodi Wetlands an 3-Day Chimpanzee Trekking Safari in Uganda

After a long day, head back to the lodge to enjoy a delicious dinner and a well-deserved rest for the night.

Day 2: Chimpanzee Tracking in Kibale Forest,

Start your day with a hearty breakfast before diving into your Chimpanzee Trek . Wear long trousers, ideally jeans, and a long-sleeved shirt. Wear light hiking boots for comfortable support and a daypack with at least a liter of water. Use a wide-brimmed hat for sun protection, and carry a light rain jacket for any unexpected showers.

Kibale Forest, the top spot in East Africa for chimpanzee tracking, beautifully blends the landscapes of West African jungles with those of East Africa. As you navigate this verdant terrain, you can encounter up to 13 different primate species.

Chimpanzee family interacting in Kibale Forest on a 3-day chimpanzee trekking safari

Dive deep into the wonders of Kibale Forest, from its diverse inhabitants to its stunning landscapes. Optionally, join the 6-hour Chimpanzee Habituation Experience to spend a full day with the primates, accompanied by dedicated researchers, trackers, and guides.

Day 3: Conclude your Chimpanzee Exploration Expedition and Return to Kampala.

After breakfast, commence your journey back to Kampala. Stop for lunch en route and expect to arrive in the city by late afternoon, marking the end of your thrilling 3-day Chimpanzee Trekking Safari.

Our 3-Day Private Chimpanzee Trekking Safari Safari includes:

  • Kibale Park Chimpanzee Tracking Permit @ 250 USD
  • Private Transportation in a 4×4 Vehicle and Driver/guide
  • Full Lodging, including Meals
  • All park entrance fees, including Vehicle
  • Lunch back to Kampala
  • Bottled Water for the journey

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Interests Gorilla Trekking Gorilla Habituation Experience Chimpanzee Tracking Chimpanzee Habituation Experience Wildlife Viewing Bird Watching Primate-Focused Tour Cultural Tour White Water Rafting Mountain Hiking Honeymoon Holiday

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Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda: 21 Things to Know

Chimpanzee trekking in Uganda is one of the exciting activities that will turn your Uganda safari into an experience of a lifetime. Did you know that Chimpanzees are our closest genetic relatives, sharing over 98% of our DNA? They are native to Africa and can be found in the tropical forests and savannah across equatorial Africa. There are around 300,000 chimpanzees left. Tourists are able to observe them in their natural habitat, for instance in Kibale Forest Uganda: one of Africa’s most important primate sanctuaries. Along with Gorilla trekking , this is without a doubt one of the best things to do in Uganda . In this chimp article, I will share 21 things you need to know about Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda :

1. The Chimpanzee is a Threatened Great Ape species

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

Africa’s chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) are great apes (not monkeys) living in communities of up to 150 members. These members are divided into subgroups of 15-80 chimps directed by an alpha male. The other three types of ‘great apes’ are bonobos, gorillas, and orangutans.  Chimps are a  critically endangered species. It’s estimated that only 172.000-300.000 chimpanzees are remaining in the wild according to The IUCN Red List of threatened species.

The average height of an adult chimpanzee is around 150 cm and they weigh between 35–70 kg. Females weigh between 26-50 kg. The life expectancy of a chimpanzee is at 40 years however that for those living in captivity can extend up to 60 years.

Thanks to animal researchers and chimp experts like Jane Goodall , you can find a lot more information about chimpanzees.

2. The Best Places to see Chimpanzees in Africa

Uganda is the best places for Chimpanzee Trekking in Africa

For those who are still wondering is there are chimpanzees in Africa , there are up to 300.000 chimpanzees left in Western and Central Africa. Tracking them in their natural habitat is a rare and rewarding opportunity. Chimpanzees are native to the grassland, bush forest, and savannah of Africa. However, there are only a few places where you can find them in the wild. Chimpanzees in the wild can be found in 21 African countries , including Uganda.

The best countries to see chimpanzees as travelers to Africa are Rwanda , (Western) Tanzania , and Uganda . Apart from these countries, chimpanzees also live in countries like Senegal and Congo. However, these primate destinations are less approachable for African tourism and there, chimpanzees are not used to humans.

The Best Places for Chimpanzee Trekking seem to be:

  • Mahale Mountains National Park in Tanzania
  • Nyungwe National Park in Rwanda
  • Kibale Forest National Park in Uganda
  • Budongo Forest in Uganda

Most of the chimps in these areas are well habituated, which means they are used to human beings around them in their natural habitat. The Uganda Chimp Tours are more affordable than Rwanda and Uganda is the only place to opt for a Chimpanzee Habituation Experience . Mahale Mountains National Park in Tanzania offers the largest chimpanzee population and it is the only place where chimpanzees and lions coexist. You have to explore the park on foot because there are no roads or other infrastructure within the park boundaries. The only way to this remote park is via a boat.

In conclusion, Uganda is the best place to see Chimpanzees in Africa . Uganda also has the most places to spot Chimpanzees with a high chance of seeing them. The chance of seeing Chimpanzees in Rwanda's Nyungwe National Park, are lower compared to Uganda.

3. Places to see Chimpanzees in Uganda

Chimpanzee Trekking Budongo Forest Murchison Falls National Park

Uganda has around 5000 chimpanzees spread over five main chimpanzee destinations in Uganda , namely:

  • Kibale Forest National Park
  • Budongo Forest Reserve (part of the largest wildlife conservation area in Murchison Falls National Park)
  • Kyambura Gorge ( Queen Elizabeth National Park)
  • Kalinzu Forest
  • Toro (Semliki Wildlife Reserve)

In addition, two other options to see chimpanzees in Uganda are the Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary and the Uganda Wildlife Conservation Education Centre (UWEC). However, the chimpanzees living there are orphaned chimps rescued from various places in Uganda. You can book a Chimpanzee tour directly through their site or ask your Uganda Tour operator to make a reservation.

4. Chimpanzee Trekking in Kibale Forest National Park

The Kibale Forest National Park in Uganda is the leading Chimpanzee destination in East Africa . This is also the place where we participated in the Chimpanzee habituation experience on our trip to Uganda. This jungle rainforest is home to about 30% of the Uganda Chimpanzee population, to nearly 1500 chimpanzees.

Kibale National Park is located in the Western part of Uganda in the district of Kabarole, about 350 km (5-hour drive) from Kampala . The park is home to 325 different bird species and offers twelve other different species of primates in addition to the chimps, which is the highest number and diversity of primates in entire Africa. That’s why Kibale Forest is also called ‘ the primate capital of the world ‘.

Uganda Red Colobus Monkey in Kibale Forest National Park

Other primates that can be found in Kibale are for example East Africa’s biggest population of the endangered red colobus monkeys, the black & white colobus, red-tailed monkeys, the uncommon L’Hoest’s monkeys, and the grey-cheeked mangabeys. Kibale Forest Uganda is also home to forest elephants and forest buffaloes, but they are rarely seen.

We joined the chimp habituation experience in Kibale Forest Uganda and I loved it! No wonder people from around the world travel to this leading Chimpanzee destination to visit our larger cousins.

One of the main reasons for us to see chimpanzees in Kibale National Park was because it’s the only place in Uganda for chimpanzee habituation experience where visitors can spend the whole day following a group of chimpanzees. If you would love to see both chimps and the endangered mountain gorillas, traveling to Uganda is your best choice.

5. What is a Chimpanzee Trekking?

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

A chimpanzee trekking is a walk or hike with a professional guide, through the natural habitat of the chimpanzees, looking for a habituated chimp family. Once you reach them, you are allowed to stay near them and watch their daily living for a maximum of one hour. Because habituated chimpanzees are familiar with human presence, they will not runoff. Depending on the time and the activity they are doing, you can see them play, feed, or swing to different trees.

6. Chimpanzee Habituation Experience

Ngamba Island best things to do near Kampala

The chimpanzee habituation experience is a whole day activity , where you take part in the process of making wild primates habituated, meaning they get used to people around them. During this activity, a professional guide takes you through the natural habitat of the chimpanzees and you will spend the entire day near a family of chimpanzees. You get the chance to be with chimpanzees during their daily activities like searching for food, grooming, playing, and making nests for the night. You will learn more about the process of tracking and monitoring the chimps as well as how they are habituated. Kibale Forest in Uganda is the only place to join this Chimpanzee Habituation activity.

7. Aim for an average fitness level for chimpanzee trekking

Great news, you don’t have to be very fit to see chimps, but is it pleasant if you have an average level of physical condition . If you’re not in a good condition, you have to rely on your determination to see the Kibale chimps. Chimpanzees are active animals and depending on the time of the day and their activity, they will move which means you move too. All participants will be divided into groups to visit different families. Some families stay near one of the starting points and others far, which means you have to hike longer distances through the dense forest.

8. Best Time to See Chimps in the Wild

Chimpanzee Trekking Kibale Forest National Park Uganda

Both Uganda Chimpanzee activities can be done throughout the year. There is no best time for Chimpanzee Trekking to get ‘better sightings’. Dry seasons in Uganda are from June to August and from December to February. In these months, you have more chance of drier weather, but tourism numbers will be higher. Do not forget you’re trekking a rainforest, so it’s likely to get wet anyway. Don’t worry too much about the time of the year to track chimpanzees. Just make sure to schedule it in your Uganda travel itinerary and keep in mind that March, April, and November are less crowded.

9. The Price of Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda

To see the Uganda Chimpanzees, you first need to buy a trekking permit. So, what is the price of Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda? In Kibale Forest National Park, the permit for a chimpanzee habituation experience costs 300 USD, and the permit for a chimpanzee trekking costs 250 USD (rates per July 2024). In Kyambura Gorge, the price of a chimpanzee permit is 100 USD. These rates include a guide fee and the entrance fee. The Uganda Wildlife Authority, UWA, reinvests 20% of the permit fees into the local communities that border the parks. This organization also leads regular education programs highlighting the benefits and importance of Chimpanzee conservation.

Prices of chimpanzee trekking permits in other parks may vary. To see the current rates, check the website of the Uganda Wildlife Authority . In addition, there are transport costs, lodging, and meals. You can also book a tour with a (local) tour operator that covers all costs. Optionally, you can hire a porter to help you carry your stuff during the hike.

10. You Need a Chimpanzee Trekking Permit to See Primates in the Wild

Uganda Chimpanzee Habituation Kibale Forest

Buy chimpanzee trekking permits  well in advance, especially in the high season (June to September). For the well-being of the Kibale chimps, there is a limited number of visitors allowed per day. I highly recommend buying your permit directly when you choose to add this activity to your Uganda travel itinerary.

Where to get a Chimpanzee Trekking Permit in Uganda?

The permits are issued by UWA which markets them through Uganda Tour Operators to the public. Therefore it’s best to book your Kibale Forest chimpanzee trekking permit (or a trekking tour) with an operator that is a member of the Association of Uganda Tour Operators.

11. Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda is Safe

A chimpanzee experience in Uganda is perfectly safe.  Uganda is a safe country for tourists and chimp trekking and habituation experiences are a valuable source of income, so there are high-security levels to maintain the safety of tourists and the chimpanzees. You don't have to worry about chimpanzee attacks as long as you listen to your guide and follow the park rules of the Uganda Wildlife Authority (see number 19 of things to know for tracking chimpanzees in Uganda).

And yes, there are a few disturbing cases in which chimpanzees attacked Ugandan people, and Ugandan families killed chimps, mostly because of crop loss. The primates had been coming closer throughout Kayamajaka village, searching for food, ripping bananas from the trees, and grabbing mangos. In Uganda, these primates are protected by law, meaning that it's illegal to hunt or kill chimps.

12. Not Everyone Can Participate in Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda

Chimpanzee trekking Murchison Falls Conservation Area

Not everyone can participate in chimp trekking or habituation in Uganda. You must be aged 12 or over and in good physical and mental condition. To maintain the health (and safety) of the chimpanzee, you are not allowed to join the activity if you are sick, because chimpanzees are susceptible to many of the viruses that affect humans. There is also a limited amount of people that can visit the chimps and the time to be near them is also limited. Tracking groups are then split into six people, seven including the ranger .

13. The Chance of Seeing the Uganda Chimpanzees are over 95%

However, chimps are wild animals, the chances of spotting them are almost certain. In Kibale National Park, chances are over 95% which makes it the most popular destination for chimp trekking in Uganda and East Africa. The ranger leads the visitors to a part of the forest where the chimps are last spotted. From there they continue their way to find the group of chimps. If you are tracking for a whole day and eventually failed to see the chimpanzees in Kibale Forest, you can reschedule the permit to the following day in case there are available time slots. If this is not possible, you might get a refund of 50% of the permit value.

14. Hire a Porter on your Uganda Chimp Trekking

Chimpanzee Tracking in Uganda Africa

You have the possibility to hire a porter on your Uganda chimpanzee trekking for 15 USD . This porter will carry your bag, stays with you during the chimpanzee safari, and helps you steady your balance if necessary. Although you might be in doubt if it is necessary to hire a porter, I would highly recommend doing so. After a while, your bag will become heavier during the track through the forest. You have to carry enough water, a packed lunch, energy bars, a rain jacket, and probably camera equipment. After (sometimes a few) hours of trekking, you will be thankful someone else is carrying your bag. But even more important, the best reason to hire a porter on your primate trekking is that you support the local community by doing so. The porters are mostly students or locals who earn some extra with it.

15. Chimp Experience in Kibale Forest: What to expect?

Kibale Forest National Park in Uganda is the only place in Uganda where you can choose between chimp tracking and chimpanzee habituation experience. Although, these activities are different, a lot of factors are similar. In short, both experiences start with the dividing of participants into small groups followed by a briefing. After this briefing with information and rules, you will meet your ranger who is armed in case of emergencies. Furthermore, free walking sticks are provided to keep your balance. Next, you will walk or drive to the starting point near the place where the chimps were last spotted.

From here, the ranger leads you through the forest and you will be listening for the chimp cries in the trees. Once you hear them, you really feel that excitement of finally seeing the chimpanzees in the wild. Immediately, you will head in the direction of the sounds and finally, you’re about the stand face to face with chimpanzees.

If you participate in a chimp trekking in Uganda, this is the moment when the 1 hour of staying near the chimps begins. When you participate in the Kibale Habituation Experience, you will follow the chimps and their trails till they make up their nests for the night (in the late afternoon).

After this wonderful primate safari experience, you head back to the starting point, extremely satisfied of spending time with these endangered great ape species. Meeting our closest genetic relatives is an experience you will never forget.

16. How to Prepare for a Uganda Chimpanzee Trekking?

Chimp tracking Kyambura Gorge Uganda

Preparing yourself for trekking through the forest to meet the chimpanzees of Uganda is a must. Make sure you are healthy, wear the right clothes and pack lunch and enough water . Knowing what to expect is one of the most important aspects prior to seeing the chimps. On the whole, be respectful to the animals, the environment, the staff, and visitors. Listen carefully to the rules, and stick to them. Read more about what to bring, what to wear and about the rules in the forest.

17. Complete list of what to pack for chimpanzee trekking in Uganda

It’s good to know what to bring for the chimp trekking in Uganda or habituation experience:

  • Bring enough water, since you can’t buy water during the trekking
  • Packed lunch and optionally energy bars as you will have your lunch inside the forest
  • Biodegradable insect repellant and sunscreen
  • Wet wipes or a small microfibre towel for rinsing hands and face
  • Mini first-aid kit with antiseptic and plasters
  • Camera equipment and/or your smartphone
  • Rain sleeve to protect your camera
  • Rain jacket
  • Comfortable layered clothes.

18. What to wear on a Chimp Trekking in Uganda?

Budongo Rainforest Uganda

Here’s a list of tips on how to dress for a chimpanzee trekking in Uganda:

  • Dress in layered clothes with natural colors in cool cotton or moisture-wicking fibers
  • Wear long trousers and long-sleeved shirts to protect your body from bugs and scratches
  • Wear water-resistant, comfortable walking/hiking shoes
  • Pack gaiters to keep mud, sand, or water out of your shoes. The larger ones will keep the bottoms of your trousers dry. In fact, I wore gaiters on both chimp and gorilla trekking and was quite happy with it
  • Put a rain jacket in your daypack
  • Optionally a hat and/or scarf
  • Pack gardening gloves to protect your hands by grabbing the branches for support. To be sure, I took them with me in my daypack but in the end, I didn’t use them
  • Do NOT wear animal prints or military camouflage designs.

19. Rules when visiting chimpanzees in Uganda

To protect your safety and the safety of the chimps, there are some Uganda park rules and regulations you have to follow:

  • Only enter the forest if you are healthy
  • The minimum age for tracking is 12 years
  • Do not eat near the Chimps
  • Do not leave litter in the forest
  • If you need to urinate or defecate, bury your waste in a hole (30 cm deep) along with any toilet paper
  • Try to keep as quiet as possible in the forest. That way you will see more wildlife
  • Do not mimic Chimpanzees’ vocalization (you don’t know what you might communicate)
  • Keep 8 meters (25 feet) distance from the chimpanzees
  • Do not chase the Chimpanzees
  • Do not use flash photography and be prepared to photograph in darker conditions (low aperture and high ISO ).

20. Photographing Chimpanzees in Uganda is Not Easy

Chimpanzee Photography Uganda

Chimps move fast through the forest, so I wouldn't say it's easy to photograph chimpanzees in Uganda . Especially in Kibale Forest, these great apes are really hard to keep up with as they swing around through the trees. Note that the chimp groups part of the habituating experience are only partially habituated, meaning it’s even more difficult to photograph chimpanzees  on the habituation experience in Uganda.

When taking photos of the chimpanzees, you can't use your flash! Since you’re inside the forest there will be less light, so it’s recommended to have a camera that can perform with high ISO and low aperture. Whenever I travel to Uganda to track Chimpanzees in the wild, I bring two camera bodies and several lenses as part of my camera gear .

21. You can contribute to Chimpanzee Conservation in Uganda

By visiting the chimpanzees in Uganda, you are contributing to their conservation. To clarify, the population of wild chimpanzees has dropped dramatically in the last years (90% in the past twenty years). In West and Central Africa, there is still a lot of human encroachment on chimpanzee habitats and hunting of chimpanzees.

The UWA (Uganda Wildlife Authority) reinvests 20% percent of the permit fees into the local communities that border the park. In addition, they offer education programs that highlight the benefits and importance of conservation. Contributing to the conservation of chimpanzees in Uganda is extremely important. Further, The Jane Goodall Foundation has played a major role in the overall conservation.

By visiting the chimps in Uganda you will proudly contribute to chimpanzee conservation. A great way to travel responsibly and give back to nature and the community. A chimpanzee experience has to be part of your Uganda itinerary, you won’t regret it.

RELATED: Learn how to be a responsible traveler and give back to nature, wildlife, and the communities.

Uganda Chimpanzee Safari: Conclusion

Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda is an unforgettable experience to see our closest relative up-close. Booking a Chimpanzee Safari Tour with a local tour operator or booking a complete Uganda Safari Tour are the best ways to see the chimpanzees in Uganda.

Apart from the Chimpanzee safaris, like the Habituation Experience and the Chimpanzee tracking, Uganda has a lot more beautiful places to explore like Murchison Falls National Park, Kidepo National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, and the Source of the Nile. Uganda is a great safari destination to spot the Big Five safari animals and two great apes species, the  Gorilla and Chimpanzee.

If you have further questions about traveling to Uganda, the chimp and gorilla trekking, or the chimp habituation experience, please leave a comment or get in touch . My Uganda Travel Guide and Africa Travel Guide also contain useful safari tips.

chimpanzee safari uganda

Finding the Universe

Travel tales, photography and a dash of humor

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda – A Complete Guide

Last updated: May 7, 2024 . Written by Laurence Norah - 3 Comments

Are you planning a trip to go chimpanzee trekking in Uganda? Or perhaps you are just generally interested in learning what a chimpanzee trekking experience is like.

Whichever it is, we think this guide will help you. We’ve put it together based on our experience trekking to see chimpanzees in Uganda. Along with gorilla trekking , chimp trekking is a popular activity with visitors to Uganda.

This guide will tell you everything you need to know, from where to see chimpanzees in Uganda, to how much it costs, how hard chimpanzee trekking is, what you need to bring with you, and lots more.

We’ll also describe our chimpanzee trekking experience in Kibale Forest so you have an idea of what it’s actually like. Naturally, this will all be accompanied by lots of our photos of the experience as well, and I’ll be sharing some tips on getting great photos on your trek too.

This guide is focused towards chimpanzee trekking in Uganda specifically, however many sections will apply to chimpanzee treks in other countries as well.

Table of Contents:

Where Can you see Chimpanzees in Africa?

Chimpanzees have one of the largest geographic distributions of any great ape, with territory spanning across central and western Africa; from Senegal in the west through to Tanzania and Uganda in the east.

There are currently 21 African countries which are home to wild chimpanzees: Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.

However, not all of them are necessarily safe for tourists to visit, or have chimpanzee populations that are easily accessible.

Most visitors wanting to see chimpanzees in the wild visit Uganda, Rwanda, or Tanzania. These destinations are where groups of chimpanzees have become habituated to human visitors, meaning you can get closer to the animals and have a better chance to see them with local guides.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

Where Can you See Chimpanzees in Uganda?

Uganda offers a number of locations where you can go chimpanzee trekking, and the country is home to over 5,000 wild chimpanzees.

There are four main locations in Uganda where you can go chimp trekking. These are:

  • Kibale Forest National Park . One of the most popular places to see chimpanzees in Uganda due to the large population of chimpanzees here (over 1,500). Managed by the Uganda Wildlife Authority. There are four habituated groups here.
  • Kalinzu Forest Reserve , near Queen Elizabeth National Park. Managed by the Uganda National Forest Authority, this is the lowest cost chimpanzee trekking option in Uganda. It’s home to around 300 chimpanzees, with one habituated group.
  • Kyamburu Gorge, Queen Elizabeth National Park . Another good location for chimpanzee trekking in Uganda is the Queen Elizabeth National Park, and specifically Kyamburu Gorge. This is managed by the Uganda Wildlife Authority, and is priced lower than Kibale as it is less popular. There are around 30 chimpanzees here, in one habituated group. The area is fairly small so they are normally relatively easy to find, however if they retreat deep into gorge there can be a longer trek.
  • Budongo Forest Reserve , near Murchison Falls National Park. Home to around 700 chimpanzees, with one habituated group. This is managed by Uganda Lodges and the Uganda National Forest Authority.

You can also see chimpanzees at the Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary . This island is found in Lake Victoria, and is home to a number of orphaned chimpanzees. This can be reached by boat from Entebbe.

If you want a guaranteed chimp viewing experience with no trekking required, this is a good option. It’s also a good option if you are in Uganda for a short period of time, as you can visit here easily from Entebbe or Kampala.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

Do you Need a Permit to go Chimpanzee Trekking?

To have a good chance to see chimpanzees in Uganda, you will need to take a chimpanzee trekking tour. These tours all require some form of payment, and most also require a permit.

In the national parks which are managed by the Uganda Wildlife Authority, specifically Kibale Forest National Park and Kyamburu Gorge, you need a Chimpanzee Trekking Permit. The permit includes the cost of the chimpanzee trekking activity, guide, and briefing.

For the other locations, which are managed outside of the Uganda Wildlife Authority remit, you still need to pay for the chimpanzee trekking, but this is a guided tour payment rather than a permit specifically.

Honestly, these are all just semantics. The bottom line is that if you want to take a chimpanzee trek in Uganda, you need to book and pay to do so.

It is of course theoretically possible to see chimpanzees in Uganda without going on a tour. There is a large population in Kibale forest for example, so if you are in Kibale Forest there is a chance you might see chimpanzees while doing something else.

However, this is likely to just be a distant fleeting glimpse, so won’t quite be the same experience as a guided trek to a habituated group.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda_by_Laurence Norah-10

How Many People Go on a Chimpanzee Trek?

Chimpanzee trekking groups are limited to a small number, usually between six and eight people. Multiple groups can set off at the same time from the same trekking center, but they will walk separately through the forest in search of the chimpanzee groups.

If there is a large group of chimpanzees all together, then the separate trekking groups might come back together to observe the chimpanzee group. This is generally the case in Kibale.

Note group size might vary slightly depending on where you go chimpanzee trekking in Uganda, but we believe the group sizes are always under 10 people.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

How Likely Are you to See Chimpanzees in Uganda?

If you take a chimpanzee trek in Uganda you have a very good chance to see chimpanzees. In Kibale for example, the Uganda Wildlife Authority estimates that there is around a 90% chance of seeing chimpanzees on a trek.

There is a slightly lower chance of seeing the chimpanzees in Kyambura gorge as the gorge is quite long, so if you are unlucky they might be quite far from the trek start point. However, most groups still see them.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

How Long Do You Spend with the Chimpanzees in Uganda?

When you have found the chimpanzee group, you will have one hour to spend with them. This is the same amount of time as you get when gorilla trekking in Uganda .

An hour should be plenty of time to see the chimpanzees, observe their behaviour, and take lots of photos. However, be aware it will feel like it goes by very quickly!

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

How much does it cost to go Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda?

The cost of chimpanzee trekking in Uganda varies depending on where you go trekking, from around 50 USD to 200 USD. There can also be a difference in price depending on if you are a visitor, a foreign resident, or a Ugandan resident.

Note that the fees are normally for the chimpanzee trekking activity only. Treks take place in forest reserves or national parks, for which there is normally also a fee payable for entry.

The prices in Uganda for 2023 are as follows. These are subject to change of course, so always check the latest prices.

  • Kibale Forest National Park. 200 USD for foreigners, 150 USD for resident foreigners, 150,000 UGX for East African Community Residents. This fee includes national park entry on the day. Check latest prices and book online here .
  • Kyamburu Gorge, Queen Elizabeth National Park. 50 USD for foreigners and resident foreigners. 30,000 UGX East African Community Residents. Check latest prices and book online here .
  • Kalinzu Forest Reserve. 50 USD. You can book in-person on site or you can call ahead. Details are on the website here .
  • Budongo Forest. 120 USD / 130 USD. You can check latest prices and book online here .
  • Ngamba Island. From $73 USD per person. Pricing varies depending on group size and transport option. See rates here .

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

What is the Chimpanzee Habituation Experience?

As well as the standard chimpanzee trekking experience, in some locations such as Kibale National Park and Budongo Forest, you can book a habituation experience.

This is a more expensive experience, costing around $250 per person.

The habituation experience allows you the chance to visit a group of chimpanzees which is not fully accustomed to humans. It is a much longer experience, where you normally get to spend at least 3-4 hours with the chimpanzee family.

It is important to note that a non-habituated family is less used to humans. As such, you might not be able to get as close to the chimpanzees compared to a normal trekking experience. The chimpanzees are likely to move around, and they might not always be in sight. You will also likely have to trek further than in a regular experience.

If you are looking for a more natural experience where you can observe chimpanzees who are not so used to humans, as well as learn more about their behaviour, then the habituation experience is a good option. If you want to do this, we recommend booking as far in advance as possible, as there are fewer permits available for this activity compared to normal trekking.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

How to Book a Chimpanzee Trek in Uganda

Most visitors to Uganda book a chimpanzee trekking experience as part of an overall tour package which includes other sights and activities. This is usually the easiest option. Many tour operators book Kibale as this has the highest number of chimpanzees and the most permits available per day.

However if you want to save some money and your itinerary has flexibility, do check with your tour operator if one of the alternatives is available.

If you are planning your own self-guided tour in Uganda, then you will want to book chimpanzee trekking yourself. How you do this will depend on where you plan to go trekking.

  • For Kibale, you will need to book with the Ugandan Wildlife Authority here .
  • For Kyamburu, you will need to book with the Ugandan Wildlife Authority here .
  • For Kalinzu, there isn’t an online booking service as far as I am aware. You can book in-person, however we recommend calling for details. Information on the website here . You can see the location on Google Maps here .
  • For Bundogo, you need to book with the Bundogo Eco Lodge here .
  • For Ngamba Island, you can book directly with Ngamba Island. Details here . Note this is not a trek.

Chimpanzee trekking is a popular activity in Uganda, and we highly recommend booking well in advance so as to ensure a spot.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

How Difficult is Chimpanzee Trekking?

Chimpanzee trekking is a physical activity which has you hiking through forested areas in order to find the chimpanzee group. It can also be quite hot and humid, depending on the time of year.

Chimpanzees are wild animals which move around of their own volition. Because of this, the distance required to hike to find them varies. You might only have to hike for a few minutes to get to a group, or you might have to hike for a few hours. Most of the time the whole experience takes 2 – 4 hours, but this can vary greatly.

The good news is that the terrain in most locations where you can go chimpanzee trekking is not too steep, and there are normally established trails to follow. So most people with a reasonable degree of fitness should not have any difficulty.

Kyamburu Gorge is one of the more challenging locations for chimpanzee trekking as the gorge has some steeper sections.

Chimpanzee trekking is generally less challenging than gorilla trekking in Uganda . However, you will still want to be prepared for a reasonable level of activity, wear appropriate clothing and footwear, and pack plenty of water.

If you would prefer to see chimpanzees without any trekking, the best option is to visit Ngamba Island. This can be reached by speedboat or motorized canoe, and you can visit, feed, and see the rescued orphan chimpanzees here. You can see more about this experience here .

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

When is the Best Time to Go Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda?

Chimpanzee trekking can be done year-round in Uganda. Generally, the best time for chimpanzee trekking in Uganda is during the dry seasons. Uganda has two dry seasons, one from December to February, and one from June to September.

Trekking in the dry season means that the trails will be dry and you are far less likely to get drenched due to a tropical downpour.

That said, there are some advantages to visiting in the wet season. First, there is a higher abundance of fruit, so the chimpanzee groups do not move as much. This means they are easier to locate and so you might not have to trek so far. In addition, pricing for accommodation and tours can be lower at this time of year.

In terms of time of day, depending on the chimpanzee tracking location you choose you may have an option between a morning, midday or afternoon trek. We would recommend choosing a morning trek where possible as the chimps are more likely to be active and foraging for food.

As the day progresses the chimpanzees tend to settle down, relax, and take a nap.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

Is there a Minimum Age for Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda?

There are minimum ages for chimpanzee trekking in Uganda. However, these vary depending on where you look.

The Uganda Wildlife website lists the minimum age for chimpanzee trekking in Uganda as 16. In previous years this age was set at 12, but as of 2023 it is listed as 16.

The Budongo Eco lodge, who handle trekking in Budongo, informed us that as of 2023 the minimum age is 15, but children aged 12 to 14 years can do chimp trekking upon the parents’ consent by completing and signing a consent form.

As a minimum therefore, children need to be 12 or over. However, you should check with your tour operator and the permit issuer when booking if you are travelling with children under 16 years of age to ensure they will be permitted to do the trek, and if there are any forms you need to complete.

If you are travelling with younger children and still want to see chimpanzees, then Ngamba Island is likely the best option as (as of 2023) they do not have any age restrictions for visitors.

Age verification is done using the visitor’s passport when purchasing or picking up the trekking permit.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

General Rules for Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda

You will be given a full briefing before starting your trek. This will cover all the main rules. However, to give you an idea of what to expect, here are the main rules:

  • Always follow the directions of your trekking guide
  • As chimpanzees can catch human diseases, you are not allowed to take part in the activity if you are sick. In addition, you may have to wear a face mask when visiting the chimpanzees.
  • Littering is forbidden. All litter must be carried out.
  • If you need to urinate or defecate, do so off the trail. Bury your waste in a hole (30 cm deep) along with any toilet paper.
  • Speak in a low voice and avoid making sudden movements or loud sounds
  • Keep at least 8 meters (25 feet) from the chimpanzees at all times.
  • Do not attempt to mimic the chimpanzees’ vocalisation or behaviour, this might cause a negative reaction
  • Do not use flash photography.
  • Do not eat, drink, or smoke near the chimpanzees
  • Do not attempt to interact with or touch the chimpanzees

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

What to Pack for Chimpanzee Trekking

Now that you know what you expect, here is a quick overview of a suggested packing list specifically for chimpanzee trekking.

  • Hiking boots or good trail shoes . A good pair of hiking boots or trail shoes is a good idea for chimpanzee trekking. I’d recommend hiking boots for ankle support and water proofing, but unlike gorilla trekking the trails are normally pretty good so you can use trail shoes. Just make sure you have fully broken your footwear before your trek and that they have good grip as the trails and walkways can be slippery. See our guides to the best travel shoes for men  and the  best travel shoes for women  for some suggested brands; we both wore  Scarpa hiking boots  on the trek. You can search hiking boots on  Amazon here  and  REI here .
  • Hiking pants / Hiking shirt . A comfortable pair of hiking pants and a lightweight long-sleeved shirt will make for a much more pleasant trekking experience and will help protect your arms and legs from sun, branches, and insects. Look for clothing made of lightweight and breathable materials which are good at wicking moisture away. We’d also recommend bringing layers as temperatures are likely to vary across the day; we wore quick-dry T-shirts under long-sleeved button-up hiking shirts. We like the Craghoppers range of clothing, some of which also includes built-in insect protection and sun protection. You can get them from the official Craghoppers store here as well as from Amazon here .
  • Waterproof Clothing or Rain Protection . Even when visiting in the dry season, there is a possibility of rain, so you’ll want to be prepared for the possibility of rain on your trek. Waterproof clothing is one option, but the downside is that given how hot it can be, you might end up being really hot and sweaty. We packed a lightweight rain jacket with hood (Laurence) and a travel poncho (Jess). Search rain jackets on REI here  and on  Amazon here .
  • Gaiters or socks that you can tuck pants into . Before you start your trek, your guide will likely advise you to tuck your hiking pants into your socks. This is to prevent safari ants and other biting insects from going inside your trouser leg. Whilst this isn’t necessarily a common occurrence, it can be unpleasant! So we recommend wearing a pair or long socks that will let you do this, or a pair of gaiters that covers your pants and shoe area.
  • Sun Protection (Hat/Sunglasses/Sunscreen). No matter when you go chimpanzee trekking, you’ll want to make sure you are fully protected from the sun. We recommend a wide-brimmed hat and sunscreen along with wearing long-sleeved shirt and trousers. Many people may also want to bring along their sunglasses.
  • Daypack with rain cover.  You are definitely going to need a day pack to carry your various items, including your camera, water bottles, extra clothing, and snacks. A day pack with a rain cover is a good idea in case of rain. We’d recommend one with a rain cover that attaches to the backpack in some way so it’s not ripped off by branches in the jungle. Search day packs on  REI here  and on  Amazon here .
  • Camera.  You will of course want to bring along your camera. I’d also recommend bringing along a lens cloth as well as extra batteries and memory cards. See our guide to the best safari camera for some tips on what might be suitable if you are planning on investing in a new camera.
  • Binoculars. It is quite common for the chimpanzees to be quite high up in the canopy, making them hard to see without assistance. A good pair of binoculars will give you a much better view, and is highly recommended for your safari in general.
  • Dry bag . The chances are you will be bringing a camera with you, and you will want a way to keep it dry should you experience a tropical downpour. If it’s a smaller camera, then something like a Ziplock bag will work. Otherwise, you might consider a dry bag or  backpack liner  that you can put inside your daypack which will keep all your belongings dry. Search dry bags on  REI here  and on  Amazon here .
  • Snacks / Lunch . Whilst most treks last 2 – 4 hours, there is a chance that it will go on for longer than this. In this case, you are going to get hungry and will want to carry some food with you. We’d suggest packing some high energy items like nuts, dried fruit, jerky, or granola bars. Just be aware you will not be permitted to eat or take out food\ when near the chimpanzees.
  • Rehydration Salts.  Hiking in humid conditions will cause you to sweat a lot, and when you sweat you lose both water and salts. When hiking in these situations, we always recommend carrying some  rehydration salts  with you. These can be added to water to replace lost nutrients.
  • Water bottle / water bladder . You are definitely going to need to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated so you will want to make sure you fill up your water bottles before leaving your hotel that morning. As a minimum you’ll want to carry at least 1 litre / 33 fl oz per person, but if it’s hot and you are doing a long hike you might want even more. If your day pack has a water bladder such as a  Camelbak pack  I would use that or you can just bring a regular reusable  water bottle .
  • Insect repellent.  The jungle is obviously a place where you are going to find insects, and while trekking to see the chimpanzees in Uganda you may encounter insects such as safari ants, stinging caterpillars, and leeches. You will want to wear insect repellant to protect yourself from bites. It is recommended that you choose an insect repellent that includes at least 20% DEET as the active ingredient. Depending on where you trek you might also encounter mosquitoes which can carry malaria. We have had issues with insect repellent leaking so always keep it in a Ziploc bag.
  • Passport.  Don’t forget to bring along your passport as it will be checked and needed to verify your booking. Everyone in your group, including children, will need to have their passports.
  • A face mask . As chimpanzees share so much DNA with humans, diseases can easily cross the species barrier. It is a common requirement, even pre-2020, for visitors to have to wear masks when visiting the chimpanzees. It’s a good idea to pack a good face mask  that fits you well and you can breathe through.
  • Local currency or USD for tips.  Tipping is a fact of life in Uganda, and is appreciated for your guides. Local Ugandan shillings are the easiest option, but U.S. dollars are also widely accepted.
  • Toilet paper. You’ll be given the chance to use the toilet before your trek and most treks last less than 4 hours. However, on a longer trek the chances of needing to go to the toilet increase, so packing some toilet paper just in case is a good idea.

For more general packing advice for your trip, see our  detailed guide to what to pack for safari .

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

Where to Stay when Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda

Where you choose to stay when chimpanzee trekking will of course depend on where you go trekking. We’ll outline the main locations and some of the options you have for accommodation near each chimpanzee trekking location.

If you do a morning chimpanzee trek, which we recommend, then you normally need to be at the ranger station for your briefing by around 8:00am. As such, you will generally want to stay near this location the night before, so as to minimise the driving time to the start point.

Most chimpanzee treks only last half a day, but it is possible for it to go on for longer. You might find it more relaxing to have a second night in the same hotel, so you can shower and relax after your experience.

Now we’ll look at the various accommodation options near the chimpanzee trekking locations in Uganda.

One thing to note if travelling yourself is that online maps are not always totally accurate when it comes to locations, so it is always worth checking with the hotel exactly where it is when planning your navigation.

Accommodation near Kibale Forest National Park

Kibale Forest is the most popular location for chimpanzee trekking in Uganda, and there are lots of accommodation options in the area across a range of budgets.

  • Isunga Lodge – about a 20 minute drive from the chimpanzee trekking start point, this is a good value option offering private en-suite cabins and an on-site restaurant
  • Kibale Forest Camp – around 15 minutes drive from the chimpanzee trekking start point, this is a good value mid-range option offering self-contained safari tents as well as non self-contained tents. Tents all feature beds and power as well as a thatched roof. There’s an on-site restaurant and bar.
  • Kibale Forest Lodge – found in Bigodi village, around a 10 minute drive from the chimpanzee trekking start point and also convenient for the Bigodi wetland sanctuary walk which many visitors also do. A good value option offering private self contained rooms as well as an on-site restaurant.
  • Turaco Treetops – 15 minutes drive from the chimpanzee trekking start point, this is a lovely semi-luxury lodge nestled in the forest. Private modern rooms offer balconies with jungle views, and there’s a pool and on-site restaurant. This is where we stayed when visiting Kibale.
  • Crater Safari Lodge – this is a high-end lodging option around 20 minutes drive north of the chimpanzee trekking start point. Occupying a stunning location overlooking crater lake Nyinabulitwa, this luxury lodge features gorgeous private rooms with wonderful views, an on-site restaurant and bar, pool and mobile spa. If you are looking for a high-end option in the Kibale area, this would be our pick.

Accommodation near Kyamburu Gorge, Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park is a popular stop in Uganda, so there are quite a few accommodation options in this area. It is however worth noting that QENP is quite large, so you will want to pick a location that is close to the gorge to minimise driving distances. Here are some recommended options.

  • Engiri Game Lodge and Campsite – about a 20 minute drive from the chimpanzee trekking point. This is a budget game lodge on the shore of the Kazinga channel. A range of accommodation is available, from tents to cottages. On-site restaurant and bar. A good value option in QENP.
  • Enshama Game Lodge and Campsite – right next door to Engiri Game Lodge is Enshama Game Lodge, which also offers good value accommodation ranging from tent pitches to private cottages. There’s also an on-site restaurant and bar.
  • Irungu Forest Safari Lodge – another good value option near the Kazinga channel, around 20 minutes drive from the chimpanzee trekking start point. It offers sites for tents as well as single, double and family cottages. On-site restaurant and bar.
  • Elephant HAB Lodge – this accommodation option offers both mid-range and high-end accommodation options at a good price point. Individual rooms are all en-suite and there is an on-site restaurant and bar
  • Queen Elizabeth Bush Lodge – a good mid-range option found on the Kazinga channel around 20 minutes drive from the chimpanzee trekking start point. Accommodation includes budget friendly tents as well as self-contained tents and cottages. On-site restaurant and bar.
  • Enganzi Game Lodge – this mid-range hotel is around a 15 minute drive from the chimpanzee trekking point.  Individual cottages offer lovely views across the national park, and there’s an on-site pool, restaurant and bar.
  • Kyangabi Crater Resort – this 4* property is around a 15 minute drive from the chimpanzee trekking point.  A variety of room sizes are available and there is an on-site restaurant, bar, pool and gym.
  • Park View Safari Lodge – found around 25 minutes drive north of the chimpanzee trekking start point, this is a luxury option featuring high end cottages nestles amongst the trees. There’s an on-site restaurant, bar library, sauna, steam room and spa as well as a swimming pool.
  • Kyamburu Gorge Lodge – Found on the edge of Kyamburu Gorge, this luxury accommodation option is the closest lodge to the chimpanzee trekking in Kyamburu Gorge. There’s even a private footpath to the trekking start point. The lodge offers eight bandas (chalets), four standard and four luxury. Bandas have private butlers, indoor and outdoor showers, and there’s a spa and swimming pool.

Accommodation near Kalinzu Forest Reserve

Kalinzu Forest Reserve is only about a 30-45 minute drive south of Kyamburu Gorge, and as such many visitors choose to stay at the accommodation options around the gorge, where there are quite a few options. There are also some more budget focused options in Ishaka, around a 25 minute drive to the south.

The only accommodation available in Kalinzu Forest Reserve itself is a basic campsite in the Forest Station at Nkombe. This has solar powered showers and pit latrines, but visitors must bring their own camping equipment.

  • Cicelo Country Inn – 20 minutes drive south of the Kalinzu chimpanzee trekking start point, this is a budget focused guesthouse offering cosy en-suite rooms with work areas. On-site restaurant available.
  • Belline Hotel – 25 minutes drive south of Kalinzu chimpanzee trekking in the small town of Ishaka. Budget accommodation, private rooms with en-suite. On-site restaurant and bar.
  • Engiri Game Lodge and Campsite – about 45 minutes’ drive north of the Kalinzu chimpanzee trekking location, and also listed under Kyamburu Gorge lodging options. This is a budget game lodge on the shore of the Kazinga channel. A range of accommodation is available, from tents to cottages. On-site restaurant and bar. A good value option in QENP.
  • Enshama Game Lodge and Campsite – about 45 minutes’ drive north of the Kalinzu chimpanzee trekking location, and also listed under Kyamburu Gorge lodging options. Found next door to Engiri Game Lodge, offers good value accommodation ranging from tent pitches to private cottages. There’s also an on-site restaurant and bar.
  • Elephant HAB Lodge – 30 minutes’ drive north of the Kalinzu chimpanzee trekking location, and also listed under Kyamburu Gorge lodging options. Offers both mid-range and high-end accommodation options at a good price point. Individual rooms are all en-suite and there is an on-site restaurant and bar
  • Kyamburu Gorge Lodge – 30 minutes’ drive north of the Kalinzu chimpanzee trekking location, and also listed under Kyamburu Gorge lodging options. Lodge offers eight bandas (chalets), four standard and four luxury. Bandas have private butlers, indoor and outdoor showers, and there’s a spa and swimming pool.

Accommodation near Budongo Forest

There are fewer accommodation options in the Budongo Forest area, although there are still a few choices. The most obvious being Budongo Eco Lodge itself which is where tours depart from.

  • Budongo Eco Lodge – found in the heart of the Budongo Central Forest Reserve, this lodge is where the chimpanzee trekking in this area starts from, so it makes a lot of sense to stay here as well. It’s a good value 2* lodge offering both private cabins and dormitory style accommodation. There’s an on-site restaurant and the lodge can arrange other activities as well as chimpanzee trekking.
  • Masindi Hotel – 40 minutes drive south of the Budongo trekking start point, this is the oldest hotel in Uganda. A range of accommodation is available, including a camping area, dormitory accommodation, en-suite rooms and a suite. There’s also an on-site restaurant.
  • Sambiya River Lodge – 30 minutes’ drive to the north of the Budongo trekking start point, this midrange lodge offers good value private cottages as well as a pool and restaurant.

Treetops Bed

Our Experience Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda

We went chimpanzee trekking in Uganda as part of a longer trip around Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. We spend 12 days in total in Uganda, and we also went gorilla trekking in Uganda .

We are fairly active, but are certainly not super fit. We wanted to share our experience to give you an idea of what it was like for us. Chimpanzees are wild animals and of course every experience will be different, but this should be a fairly representative experience we believe based on our conversations with our guides.

We did our chimpanzee trek in Kibale Forest National Park. We stayed overnight the night before at Turaco Treetops, where we also spent the night after our trek was complete. We were scheduled in for the morning chimpanzee trekking session.

Our day started early with a 7am breakfast, and we departed our hotel at 7.40am. It was around a 15 minute drive to the ranger station, so we arrived just before 8am.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

The trekking center was fairly busy with a number of other vehicles and guides. Our guide registered us (we provided our passports), and then everyone went into a briefing room. Here the lead ranger walked us through what to expect from the trek, some information on chimpanzees, and outlined the rules.

We were then split into groups of up to six. Our group was five people, myself and Jess and then a group of three. On the day we visited we estimated there were total around 30 – 40 other tourists.

Once we were divided into our groups and assigned a ranger, we were given a few minutes to collect our stuff and use the toilets if needed. Then we set off into the forest behind the ranger station in search of the chimpanzees. The groups set off a few minutes apart from each other, but took different trails, so we didn’t really feel we were on top of other groups.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

The trail was well cut and easy to follow, and whilst it was hilly, it was not too steep. Temperature wise, the day started off quite cool but temperatures rose over the day. In some parts there were wooden walkways across more muddy areas. These walkways were slippery in parts. One lady in our group did slip on these but did not injure herself thankfully.

We actually saw a couple of chimpanzees high up in the canopy in the first twenty minutes of our trek, a mother and a young chimp. They were quite high up and hard to see, but it was at least a sighting. We also saw a red-tailed monkey in the treetops, although from a distance.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

We then walked on, and had a couple more similar sightings. Finally, our ranger learnt that the main group had been sighted, and after an hour or so of total trekking we converged with the other groups.

There was a large number of chimpanzees far up in the canopy, at least fifty, but it could have been many more. They were still quite high up, but with binoculars and a telephoto zoom lens we were able to see them. They were mostly eating leaves and sitting around, and didn’t show much interest in us humans far below.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

All the tourist groups had converged by this point, so whilst we were still separated into our smaller groups of six, there were now around 30-40 people in the same area.

We watched the chimpanzees high up in the trees for around an hour. Finally, one chimpanzee started to descend. She got almost to the floor before pausing for a while. Then she was on the forest floor.

chimpanzee safari uganda

Moments later, the rest of the group started to descend. At this point, the rangers regrouped us into our individual groups, and each group started to slowly follow a chimpanzee or two. They were moving through the forest in search of food or somewhere to lie down, so we were able to observe them quite closely and get some photos.

Whilst we obviously had to observe the strict distancing rules, the chimpanzees were not aware of them. So sometimes a chimpanzee would walk by very close to us, which was quite exciting. Most of them were very relaxed and really not bothered about the sweaty hot humans clicking away on their cameras.

A few of the more wary chimps, particularly those with babies, went far away from the humans or hid in the bushes. Never to be seen again.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

We trailed the chimpanzees for around 40 minutes on the ground, taking a lot of photos and getting the opportunity to observe them quite close up, which was a wonderful experience. Finally, our guide said our time had come to an end, and we started to head out.

We actually finished the trek in a slightly different location than we started which resulted in a less walking than going all the way back to the centre. Our guides were called to the location by the rangers to meet us there and take us back to the trekking center.

At the trekking center we were each given chimpanzee trekking certificates with our names on them. We were also given the chance to use the toilets or buy souvenirs before heading back to our hotel.

In total, our time from leaving the trekking center to getting picked up at the end was just over 3.5 hours. We spent about 1 hour trekking to find the chimps in the beginning, about 1 hour observing the chimpanzees high up in the canopy, about 40 minutes watching the chimps on the ground, and about 45 minutes walking back and waiting for the transfer back to the trekking center.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

Chimpanzee Trekking vs Gorilla Trekking

When you visit Uganda, you will have the opportunity to do both gorilla trekking and chimpanzee trekking. You might be wondering what the differences are, other than the obvious difference that the animals being trekked are different! As we have done both, we wanted to share a quick overview of the key differences.

These are obviously generalisations, as every experience can differ. However, in general:

Cost: Chimpanzee trekking is a lot less expensive than gorilla trekking. In 2023, the cost for chimpanzee trekking ranged from around $50 up to $200 depending on location. Gorilla trekking permits are $700 per person for a visitor.

Difficulty : In general, chimpanzee trekking is easier than gorilla trekking. The terrain for most gorilla trekking is steep and can require navigating directly through the jungle without a trail so it is recommended only for those with a good level of physical fitness. Chimpanzee trekking is normally on easier terrain and in most situations the trails are already cut.

Honestly, we enjoyed both experiences and can recommend doing them both. However, if budget and difficulty are a concern, chimpanzee trekking is a very worthwhile experience.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

Tips for Visiting the Chimpanzees

We wanted to share some tips with you to help you have the best possible chimpanzee trekking experience.

  • Improve your fitness before your trip . Whilst chimpanzee trekking is generally not as physically challenging as gorilla trekking, it can involve a hike of a few hours in hot conditions. As such, being physically fit prior to setting off will make the whole experience more pleasant.
  • Pack and dress appropriately for the hike.  Dressing appropriately for the hike and packing everything you’ll need in your day pack will ensure you are prepared and comfortable during the hike. See our packing advice above.
  • Be honest about your fitness level and inform the rangers . If you don’t think you are particularly fit, then you should let the rangers know. If there are multiple chimpanzee groups, and they have an idea of where they are, then you might be able to trek to a nearer group. Of course, this isn’t always possible or guaranteed.
  • Take breaks and go at a comfortable pace.  Be sure to let your guide know if you need to slow down or take a short break. Be sure to drink plenty of water as you go.
  • Bring local currency with you . In Uganda, tipping is ubiquitous. The sums don’t need to be particularly high, but having some local notes to tip the rangers in your party is a good idea. Also you will need cash if you want to buy souvenirs.
  • Go in the dry season . Trekking in the pouring rain and trying to keep your gear dry is no fun. Whilst of course rain is possible at any time of year, you are less likely to be rained on in the dry season, and almost guaranteed to be rained on in the wet season!
  • Stay overnight near the meeting point.  Stay near the trekking start point to minimise your travel time in the morning. We’d also recommend staying in the same place for a second night on the night of your schedule trek so you can relax without having to travel anywhere that day.
  • Don’t plan to do too much on the same day . If you have a chimpanzee trekking tour in the morning, you may be tempted to arrange other activities for the rest of the day. When we did our trek, we did a swamp walking tour in the afternoon followed by a night game walk. Honestly, this was quite exhausting and left us feeling very tired the following day. So do set aside some time to relax after your experience.
  • Have good travel insurance . Most tour companies will require you to have travel insurance as part of booking the tour. Regardless, you should always have good travel insurance that specifically covers things like any medical bills and air evacuations. Whilst it is unlikely anything will happen to you, travel insurance is a small price to pay for peace of mind.
  • Enjoy the moment!  Chimpanzee trekking is generally a once in a lifetime experience for most people so make sure you take time to be in the moment and enjoy the trek as well as your time with the chimpanzees.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

Tips for Photographing Chimpanzees

As a professional travel photographer I wanted to share some tips to help you get the best results when photographing chimpanzees in the wild.

If you are thinking about buying a new camera for your chimpanzee trekking, see my guide to the best safari camera for some tips and suggestions. I also have a guide to getting better photos on safari .

  • Disable your flash . You are going to want to take a lot of photos of the chimpanzees, and the forest can be a dark place. Many cameras will automatically enable their flash, which is not allowed. You can read more about disabling your camera flash here .
  • Understand ISO and Shutter Speed . When you find the chimpanzees, there’s a good chance they are going to be somewhere fairly dark. Even on a sunny day the jungle canopy cuts out a lot of light. In these situations you will find yourself needing to juggle a high ISO against a suitable shutter speed so you still get sharp images. If you’d like to know more about these controls, see my guide to the exposure triangle in photography
  • Consider a zoom lens . Whilst the chimpanzees do sometimes come down from the canopy, this is by no means a guarantee. As such, you might need to photograph them from ground level whilst they are high up in the trees. In these situations, a zoom lens of at least 10x optical zoom, or 400mm on an interchangeable lens camera, would be my recommendation.
  • Consider a monopod . If you have a heavy camera and lens, then a monopod will come in very handy especially if the chimpanzees are above you in the trees. Holding a heavy camera to your eye whilst pointing it up into the sky gets tiring very quickly, and a monopod can relieve the strain so you don’t miss a shot. A monopod is a good lightweight alternative to a travel tripod . I travel with a Vanguard VEO tripod that converts into a monopod, giving me the best of both worlds.
  • Relax a little . When you first arrive at the chimpanzees you are likely going to be quite excited and start pounding on your shutter button. Whilst this excitement is to be expected, you can probably relax a bit. The chimpanzees are unlikely to run away, and if you take a moment or two to compose yourself you will be able to ensure your camera settings and composition are good before you start capturing the moment.
  • Get down to their level . Wildlife photos nearly always look better when you are shooting at eye level rather than down to the animal. This might require you to get yourself lower down (watch out for biting insects and undergrowth of course), but should result in better images. Of course, this is only an option if the chimpanzees come down to the ground.
  • Try to make eye contact . I personally find that wildlife images where the subject is making eye contact with the camera are more interesting to look at. Whilst you can’t control where the chimpanzee is looking, you can improve your chances by shooting in burst mode and taking sequences of photos, as the chimpanzee might make fleeting eye contact when you are shooting. Don’t do anything to try and make the chimpanzee look at you though such as making noises, as this might upset them and is against the rules.
  • Experiment with wide and close up shots . If you have a zoom lens, it can be tempting to zoom right in on a single chimpanzee subject, to the exclusion of everything else. Whilst this will often make for a striking image, don’t forget to include some wide angle shots we well. This will help to show the scenery and set some context for the viewer. It can also tell more of a story.
  • Photograph more than the chimpanzees . Whilst you will obviously want to take a lot of photos of the chimpanzees, your experience is going to include a lot more than the time you spend with them. Hiking through the forest is a unique experience as well, and you will likely come across numerous photography opportunities on your way to and from the chimpanzees that you will want to record!
  • Consider improving your photography skills.  If you aren’t sure about your photography skills and want to hone then, consider taking a  photo course  like mine, a local workshop, or similar, to ensure you are going to be able to get the best photos with your equipment.

Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda

Chimpanzee Trekking Tours in Uganda

Many visitors to Uganda have chimpanzee trekking included as part of their overall tour package as it is one of the more popular activities in the country. We wanted to share some tours in the country which include chimpanzee trekking to give you an idea of what is available.

  • This 2 day tour from Kampala takes you to Queen Elizabeth National Park includes chimpanzee trekking in Kyamburu Gorge. Note this tour involves a lot of driving, but is a good way to see chimpanzees if you have limited time.
  • This 3-day tour from Kamapala or Entebbe focuses on Murchison Falls National Park, with the option to go chimpanzee trekking for an additional cost.
  • This 3-day tour from Kampala includes chimpanzee trekking in Kibale as well as time exploring Queen Elizabeth National Park.
  • This 4-day tour from Kampala includes chimpanzee trekking in Kibale, safari in Queen Elizabeth and gorilla trekking in Bwindi.
  • This 4-day tour from Entebbe includes chimpanzee trekking in Kibale forest, as well as rafting on the Nile river.
  • This 5-day luxury tour from Entebbe includes both chimpanzee trekking in Kibale and gorilla trekking in Bwindi
  • This 5-day tour offers departures from multiple locations. It includes a chimpanzee habituation experience in Kibale, as well as hot air ballooning in Murchison Falls.
  • This 7-day tour from Entebbe or Kampala includes gorilla trekking in Bwindi, chimpanzee trekking in Kibale, tree climbing lions in Queen Elizabeth and lots more
  • This 8-day tour from Entebbe has both gorilla trekking in Bwindi and chimpanzee trekking in Kibale, as well as a number of other safari activities.
  • This 9-day tour for 18-39 year olds from Kampala includes gorilla trekking in Bwindi and chimpanzee trekking in Kalinzu Forest Reserve, as well as a number of other locations in Uganda.
  • This 10-day tour from Entebbe covers many of the highlights of Uganda, including seeing the Big Five. It also includes gorilla trekking in Bwindi and chimpanzee trekking in Kibale. A good option if you want to see more of what Uganda has to offer.
  • This 16-day tour from Nairobi has you spending time in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. It includes chimpanzee trekking in Kibale and gorilla trekking in Bwindi.

This should give you an idea of what is available. You can see more tours which include chimpanzee trekking on GetYourGuide here , Viator here and G Adventures here .

chimpanzee safari uganda

Further Reading

That sums up our guide to chimpanzee trekking in Uganda. We hope you found it useful! Before you head off, we wanted to share some links to other content we think you might find useful in planning your trip to Uganda and the wider region.

  • We have a detailed guide to gorilla trekking in Uganda , if that is also on your itinerary.
  • We have a guide to choosing the  best safari camera , and a guide to getting better photos on safari , so you can ensure you get great memories of your trip.
  • We also have a detailed  safari packing list to help you decide what to bring with you
  • If you are planning on visiting Kenya, check out our guide to things to do in Nairobi and our suggested 1 day Nairobi itinerary , which has lots of ideas for the city
  • We have a guide to  getting online when travelling , to help you stay connected in Uganda
  • You’re going to need to power all your devices when you travel – see our guide to the  best travel adapters  so you can choose the right one for Uganda
  • If you’d like a travel guide, consider the  Uganda Bradt Travel Guide , which is generally regarded as the best option for Uganda. It also includes detailed information on chimp trekking.

And that’s it! As always, we hope you found this guide useful. If you have any questions or comments, just pop them in the comments section below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

A detailed guide to chimpanzee trekking in Uganda. Everything you need to know from what to expect to what to pack to where to go!

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David J. says

3rd July 2022 at 12:27 pm

Hi Laurence & Jessica,

I will be in Kampala on a business trip next month and will have a day or two of free time to explore. First time in uganda. A solo older male traveller, don’t think gorilla trekking very practical for me but I think I can handle the chimp trekking you describe.

1. What would be the most practical and efficient day tours I could take from Kampala to see chimps in Uganda? Could do day tour or possibly overnight tour if combined with seeing other attractions. 2. I guess most people get anti-malarial meds?…is insect spray needed in Kampala for mosquitoes (or other insects)? Also if you could tell me if mossies are an issue in recommended chimp trekking tour locations?

Thanks so much for any help you can give David

Laurence Norah says

3rd July 2022 at 1:36 pm

It’s great to hear from you. So honestly the most practical option from Kampala if you have limited time would be to visit the chimpanzees at Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary. This is because visiting the other locations from Kamapala ideally requires at least an overnight stay or longer and even then there is going to be quite a lot of driving.

The closest location for actual chimpanzee trekking would be Budongo, which is a 3- 4 hour drive each way from Kampala. The best time to see the chimpanzees is normally in the morning, so you’d want to go up the day before, trek in the morning and then return that day on a 2-day tour. There are a few companies offering a 2 day tour up to Budongo – we haven’t done this tour so can’t personally recommend a particular company. I’d suggest contacting various providers to see what they suggest for a 2 day tour. I can also suggest a company called Gorilla Riddles . We haven’t used them personally but they come recommended by a friend as a reputable locally owned operator. Despite the name they do other types of safari and might be able to put something together for you.

There are also 2 day tours like this out to QENP, but that’s a 400km drive each way so you are looking at an early start and a late return the following day.

I hope this helps. Do let me know if you have any follow up questions! Have a great time in Uganda, we’re heading back there for a month in January 2023 and can’t wait 🙂

3rd July 2022 at 1:43 pm

Sorry, forgot to answer part 2 of your question!

Yes, anti-malarials are recommended. If you’re in the UK, the NHS has good guidance on their site on recommended vaccinations and anti-malarials. When we travelled from the UK we used Doxycycline which you can order from SuperDrug or Boots. However you’ll want to check current recommendations of course for what is appropriate. We also used insect repellant with a high DEET rating. Honestly, we didn’t really encounter many mosquitoes in Uganda, but we figured it was better to be safe than sorry!

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Gorilla Trekking Uganda

Gorilla and Chimpanzee Trekking Safaris and Tours in Uganda

We offer Authentic Gorilla and Chimpanzee trekking Safaris.

Gorilla and Chimpanzee Trekking Tours

Gorilla and chimpanzee safaris in uganda: an unforgettable adventure.

Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable gorilla and/or chimpanzee adventure in the heart of Africa? Look no further than Uganda for the experience of a lifetime with gorilla and chimpanzee safaris that will leave you in awe of the wonders of the natural world.

What to Expect on Gorilla and Chimpanzee Safaris in Uganda?

When you choose to go on gorilla and chimpanzee safaris in Uganda, you can expect to be immersed in the lush and vibrant beauty of the African landscape. From the dense rainforests to the expansive savannas, Uganda offers a diverse range of habitats that are home to some of the most iconic animal species on the planet.


Popular Gorilla and Chimpanzee Trekking Tours

3 Days Uganda Gorilla Trekking

5 Days Gorilla & Chimp Trekking

This 5 day tour takes you to Kibale forest for chimpanzee trekking and to Bwindi forest national park for Gorilla trekking.

chimpanzee safari uganda

3 Days Uganda Gorilla Trekking

Visit the Bwindi Impenetrable forest and track the endangered mountain gorillas and also visit lake Bunyonyi.

chimpanzee safari uganda

6 Days Uganda Primates Trekking

During the 6 days Uganda primates tour, you will trek Chimpanzees, Gorillas and Golden monkeys.

chimpanzee safari uganda

7 Days Uganda Wildlife Safari

Explore the best of Uganda wildlife and primates in a thrilling 7 day safari tour. Wildlife, Gorillas and chimpanzees.

chimpanzee safari uganda

5 Days Uganda Gorilla & Wildlife

This tour takes you to Queen Elizabeth National Park for a wildlife adventure and to Bwindi for gorilla trekking.

chimpanzee safari uganda

10 Days Uganda Wildlife Safarsi

Explore Uganda’s top national parks in this amazing 10 days Uganda Safari experience. Gorillas, chimps & Big five.

chimpanzee safari uganda

12 Days Uganda Wildlife Safari

Travel across Uganda “the pearl of Africa” visiting the top tourists attractions and national parks.

chimpanzee safari uganda

4 Days Double Gorilla Trekking

Visit the Bwindi impenetrable forest and track Gorillas twice. Visit different gorilla groups on this 4 days double gorilla trek.

The Highlights of Gorilla Trekking

One of the highlights of gorilla safaris in Uganda is the opportunity to go gorilla trekking in the famous Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is home to over half of the world’s remaining mountain gorilla population, making it the perfect destination for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

During a gorilla trekking experience, you will have the chance to observe these majestic creatures up close in their natural habitat. As you hike through the dense forests in search of the gorillas, you will be surrounded by the sights and sounds of the African wilderness, creating a truly immersive and unforgettable experience.

chimpanzee safari uganda

The Thrill of Chimpanzee Tracking

In addition to gorilla trekking, Uganda is also known for its incredible chimpanzee tracking experiences. Kibale Forest National Park, in particular, is a hotspot for chimpanzee sightings, with these intelligent and playful primates often spotted swinging through the trees and interacting with each other in their natural environment. Chimpanzee tracking in Uganda offers a unique opportunity to observe these fascinating animals in the wild and learn more about their behavior and social dynamics. As you follow a professional guide through the forest, you will have the chance to witness chimpanzees in their natural habitat, providing a truly authentic and enriching wildlife experience.

chimpanzee safari uganda

Why Choose Uganda for Gorilla and Chimpanzee Safaris?

Uganda is a prime destination for gorilla and chimpanzee safaris due to its rich biodiversity, stunning landscapes, and well-established conservation efforts. The country’s commitment to preserving its natural heritage has made it a top choice for eco-conscious travelers who want to experience the wonders of the African wilderness in a responsible and sustainable way.

Conservation Efforts and Sustainable Tourism

Uganda’s dedication to wildlife conservation is evident in its national parks and protected areas, which provide crucial habitats for endangered species such as mountain gorillas and chimpanzees. By choosing to go on gorilla and chimpanzee safaris in Uganda, you are supporting these important conservation efforts and contributing to the protection of some of the world’s most vulnerable wildlife populations.

Authentic Cultural Experiences

In addition to its diverse wildlife and stunning landscapes, Uganda also offers unique cultural experiences that add an extra dimension to your safari adventure. From interacting with local communities to learning about traditional practices and customs, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Uganda and gain a deeper understanding of the country’s history and traditions.

In conclusion, gorilla and chimpanzee safaris in Uganda offer a truly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore the beauty and diversity of the African wilderness in a sustainable and responsible way. With the chance to observe mountain gorillas and chimpanzees in their natural habitat, as well as experience the rich cultural tapestry of Uganda, this is an adventure that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime. So why wait? Start planning your gorilla and chimpanzee safari in Uganda today and embark on a journey that will open your eyes to the wonders of the natural world like never before.

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Are you planning a chimpanzee safari to kibale scroll down...

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Kibale park introduction - location, wildlife & history, key takeaways.

  • Received gazetted status in 1932, formally declared a national park in 1993
  • An incredible diversity of primates, home to 13 species in all, including the rare chimpanzees. 351 different species of trees and plants
  • Adjoins the northern boundary of Queen Elizabeth National Park. Park is a 180-kilometer long corridor allowing the unrestricted passage of wildlife between the southern Ishasha sector in Queen Elizabeth Park to the northern Sebitoli region of Kibale Park
  • Location of the renowned Makerere University Biological Field Station. Kibale Chimpanzee Project (KCP), established in 1987 under the leadership of Dr. Richard Wrangham operates in the park
  • 77% of the reserve is covered with moist-climate evergreen trees and semi-deciduous woodlands. 23% of the reserve with wetlands, sprawling savanna grasslands, and mountainous rainforests. Landscape also having scenic craters left behind by extinct volcanoes now converted into lakes

Watch Video On Kibale Chimpanzee Safari Experiences

Travel guide content - start here, 1. what are the wildlife experiences in kibale national park.

  • Close to 1500 individual chimpanzees known to live here, some of which have been habituated
  • Park is also home to various other types of primates only found here
  • Also has 70 species of mammals, 375 kinds of birds, 250 types of butterflies, and myriad reptiles and amphibians

What Are The Areas Of Interest In Kibale National Park?

2. chimpanzees & primates of kanyawara, ngogo, kanyanchu & sebitole areas.

  • 13 species of primates, some of them exceedingly rare
  • Main highlight is the opportunity to view the 1500 individual chimpanzees that thrive in the forests
  • Research programs like the Kibale Chimpanzee Project (KCP) and Makerere University Biological Field Station working to study them

3. Viewing Other Wildlife In Kibale’s Conservation Areas & Uncharted Wilderness

  • Possibility of sighting 375 avian and 70 terrestrial species of wildlife
  • Close to 500 elephants and a range of herbivores and antelopes including the rare sitatunga
  • Large and small predators, 250 kinds of butterflies, insects, reptiles, and amphibians

4. Bigodi Wetlands Sanctuary & The Kanyanchu Birding Area

  • Birdwatching expeditions to spot some of the incredible avian life, of which 4 are only seen in Kibale
  • 138 species of birds sighted in the Bigodi Wetlands Sanctuary
  • Kanyanchu area also known for its incredible diversity of birds

5. The Cultural Communities Of The Batoro & Bakiga Tribes

  • Cultural heritage dating back to the ancient kingdoms thriving in the Great Lakes’ region
  • Communities forced to relocate after the establishment of the reserve in 1993
  • Upliftment of the Bakiga and Batoro people as a result of tourism

6. Viewing the Flora of Kibale

  • Altitudes ranging from 1100 to 1590 meters above sea level with conditions ideal for the flourishing of diverse plant life
  • Landscape showcasing tropical forests, moist evergreens, semi-deciduous trees, forests, savannah grasslands, conifers, and wetlands
  • Combines forests on 77% of the land with grasslands and swamps on 23%

What Safari Attractions & Tour Activities To Experience During Your Kibale Visit?

  • Park landscape covering a range of altitudes that has a diversity of flora and incredible fauna living in them
  • The primary activity is tracking wild chimpanzees. Kibale is home to an astounding 1500 chimpanzee individuals
  • Each group allowed to spend 60 minutes with an assigned habituated family.
  • Visitors allowed to accompany researchers as they observe and record primate activities and behavior
  • Other activities including birdwatching, crater lakes hikes, cultural interactions, chimp habituation experience, canoe excursions, and night forest walks

Watch Video On Kibale Chimpanzee Trekking Experiences

Our top 7 safari activities in kibale - things you can do & see, activities content - start here, 1. chimpanzee trekking safaris in kibale forest.

  • Tracking down habituated families of chimpanzees that live in the park; orientation sessions provided to instruct visitors on what to expect
  • Chimpanzee trekking safaris beginning at 8 a.m. or 2 p.m. Each trek taking around 2 to 3 hours walking along easy to moderate hiking trails
  • Only 24 permits issued each day for 3 groups with a maximum of 6 to 8 members. There are also 2 addiitional groups available

2. Kibale Chimpanzee Habituation Experience (CHEX) Safari

  • Participating in the Chimpanzee Habituation Experience (CHEX) where research rangers study the primates and familiarize them with the presence of humans.
  • Each excursion starts at 6 a.m. and lasts up to 7 p.m. Only 6 visitors allowed to join the CHEX trek on a given day, so acquiring permits months prior to arrival is highly recommended due to high demand
  • Opportunity to study chimps as they forage for food and caring for their young

3. Birdwatching Safaris In Kibale

  • Birdwatching excursions around some of the prime locations in the reserve. Possible sightings of various species during chimpanzee-trekking safari in the Kanyanchu locale
  • Knowledgeable guides to accompany visitors and talk about bird habitats, breeding, feeding and nesting habits
  • Opportunity to view breeding and migratory birds

Below is a list of some of the birds of Kibale National Park

4. exploring spectacular crater lakes of kibale & top of the world.

  • Exploring the crater lakes of the Albertine Rift Valley left behind by centuries-old extinct volcanoes
  • Hiking trips to the rims of the lakes including “Top of the World” for fabulous views of the surrounding landscape and viewing birds and small animals. Touring various other lakes for fishing and canoeing
  • Excursions starting in the early morning and lasting for three hours, visitors advised bringing a packed lunch

5. Kibale Evening Forest Walks

  • Night walking excursions to spot nocturnal creatures that become active at night. Unique experiences of the forest including the sights and smells of the twilight zone
  • Forest walks starting at 7:30 p.m. from the park headquarters after dinner
  • Each trek lasting for 1.5 to 2 hours is conducted in the company of an expert forest guide

6. Cultural & Community Tours Near Kibale Park

  • Kibale Association for Rural and Environmental Development (KAFRED) organized to conserve the culture and livelihood of communities displaced by the park’s official demarcation. Winner of the esteemed UNDP Equator Initiative Award assisting people with education, health, and sanitation
  • Visitors welcomed to interact with the Bakiga and Batoro communities to learn about their traditional way of life.
  • Visits to the village church, school, and village medicine man. Engaging in the folklore of the people who relate tales of their history and travels to their present-day home

7. Touring Bigodi Wetlands Sanctuary For Primates & Birds

  • Visits to the Bigodi Wetlands Sanctuary located in the Magombe Swamp
  • Sightings of 8 species of primates and 138 species of gorgeous birdlife
  • Earnings from tourism used for the upliftment of the community and building of infrastructure.

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Where & best places to stay in kibale.

Kibale has varied accommodations, from the luxuries of Kyaninga Lodge to the deluxe option of Ndali Lodge. The value lodge options in Kibale National Park are Crater Safari Lodge and Primate Lodge.



Experience chimpanzee trekking safaris in Kibale. Other activities including birdwatching, crater lakes hikes, cultural interactions, night forest walks, chimp habituation experience, and canoe excursions.



Like most locations in Africa, Kibale National Park has two wet rainy seasons and two dry seasons. June to August and end of December, January, and February is the best time to visit Kibale in Uganda.


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Rwanda was amazing. The accommodations, food, and guides AfricanMecca arranged were great. Raza also helped us through the complicated process of getting permits for gorilla trekking. AfricanMecca is a fantastic company to work with.

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Primate Lodge

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Ndali Lodge

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Kyaninga Lodge

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Crater Safari Lodge

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Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda

By no means a support act to the gorillas, Uganda’s chimps are a draw in their own right. Occupying different habitats to the gorillas and living within distinct social structures, the chimps are close to us - not just in terms of DNA. They have a dark side that enthrals just as much as their more charming characteristics.

By no means a support act to the gorillas, Kibale Forest's chimps are beautiful.

Baby chimp swinging through the Kibale Forest.

Chimps are our closest living relatives, and they share 98.7% of our DNA.

Uganda is home to around 5,000 chimpanzees and 1,500 live in Kibale Forest.

Chimps have a dark side, but you're safe with the habituated families.

Chimpanzees live within distinct social structures.

Rustling leaves part to reveal a chimp sitting in the canopy.

Hanging out with the chimps on their turf is an unforgettable experience.

Hungry chimpanzee snacking on some fruit.

Get up close and personal with the chimps on a habituation experience.

Spend hours observing the behaviour of chimps in their natural habitat.

Introduction to chimpanzee trekking in Uganda

Uganda is unique in its ability to combine a huge diversity of wildlife and safari experiences along a single itinerary. 

Chimp tracking in Uganda is one of the most remarkable wildlife experiences available on the continent. 

There are 3 major chimp trekking destinations in Uganda: Kibale Forest National Park , Murchison Falls National Park , and Queen Elizabeth National Park . 

Kibale Forest is the best place for chimp trekking , as the forest has high population densities and sightings are most common here. 

Chimpanzee in Kibale Forest, sitting in a tree.

Kibale has a contact rate of around 90%.

What is chimpanzee trekking?

Chimpanzee trekking, one of the most popular wildlife activities in Uganda, allows you to step into the world of chimpanzees in the wild . Uganda Wildlife Authority Interpretive Rangers lead a small group (maximum of 8) into the realm of the chimps.

The treks last about three hours and include a maximum of one hour with the chimps , during which you can expect to see them from a safe but intimate distance of 8-10 metres. Get up close and personal with the chimpanzees and discover their beauty, intelligence, and social structures .

Female chimpanzee holding her baby.

Feel a deep, ancestral bond when a chimp stares at you knowingly.

What is chimpanzee habituation?

Chimpanzee habituation is a fully immersive experience . You can join the researchers of the habituation team for a half or full day excursion deep into the forest . These chimps are less used to human presence and so the experience is more unpredictable.

Whilst it can be challenging to follow the lead of these agile primates, the experience is thoroughly rewarding .

The main difference between the standard chimp treks and the habituation experience is how long you spend with the chimps. The habituation experience allows you to spend much longer in the company of the chimps.  

Chimpanzee sitting in Kibale forest.

Chimpanzee habituation is physically demanding but even more rewarding.

Swoop Says background image

Brilliant says

Coming face to face with your closest relatives in the animal kingdom is a surreal experience . You will feel a fascinating sense of familiarity as the chimpanzees mirror distinctly human behaviours and emotions. Whether you witness a mother’s love for her baby or the mischief of a younger sibling, chimpanzee trekking is the ultimate adventure .

Where can I go chimpanzee trekking in Uganda?

Kibale national park.

Home to around 1,500 chimpanzees, Kibale Forest National Park is the main chimpanzee trekking destination in Uganda.

Located in South-West Uganda, the rainforest is easily accessible from Kampala or Entebbe .

The forest has excellent chimp populations, and the park has become synonymous with chimpanzees. The chances of sightings here are at 90% or more, and the park sits along the south-western safari circuit so is easy to combine with other experiences.

The tracking excursions depart twice a day at 08:00 and 14:00 and the morning excursions are busier since many itineraries combine it with an afternoon visit to the Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary.

Tracking permits are required , and they can be booked through the Uganda Wildlife Authority.

Chimp habituation experiences  are also available at Kibale. For those joining for the full day, you will join the chimps from when they break nests at about  06:30  until they nest again for the night at about  19:00 .

Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda

Budongo Forest Reserve, Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park is Uganda's best safari destination.

The sheer diversity of experiences on offer here is incredible. A single visit can combine game drives, boat cruises, chimp trekking, hikes to epic waterfalls and landscapes, and sundowners at boutique lodges overlooking the savannah.

In the wooded south of the beautiful park, the Budongo Forest Reserve is an excellent location for chimpanzee tracking.

Budongo’s contact rate is about 80% which is higher than that of Kyambura Gorge in  Queen Elizabeth National Park . Whilst sighting chances are higher at Kibale, the lower visitor numbers makes the experience more personal. Tracking permits can be booked through the National Forestry Authority.

Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda

Sit with the chimps on their turf.

The guiding is particularly good at Budongo, and up to 6 guided groups of 3 people track the chimps each morning and afternoon.

The centre’s historical association with the Jane Goodall Institute means that the interpretive guides are excellent at telling the wider story of the chimps and the forest.

A classic tracking excursion lasts around three hours and contact is usually made after only an hour of walking. A full day habituation experience is also available here for adventurers who seek an extended encounter with the chimps.

Chimpanzee lying on the forest floor.

Lounging chimpanzee taking a rest on the forest floor.

Kyambura Gorge, Queen Elizabeth National Park

A delightfully secret cleft in the surface of the otherwise flat savannah bordering Queen Elizabeth National Park , Kyambura Gorge is the third most popular chimp trekking destination in Uganda.

Situated in the far east of the Queen Elizabeth National Park, Kyambura Gorge is nicknamed ‘the valley of the apes’ . The product of centuries of erosion by the Kyambura River, the dense forest which covers the gorge sides is a prime habitat for chimpanzees.

As an experienced Ugandan Wildlife Authority guide leads you into this secret forest, you will feel like you have entered another world .

An aerial view of Kyambura Gorge in Queen Elizabeth National Park.

An aerial view of Kyambura Gorge in Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Only 17 chimps inhabit the gorge and the chances of seeing them are about 60%. The sights and sounds of the forest generate suspense and make a sighting even more rewarding. Tracking permits can be booked through the Uganda Wildlife Authority (if you book with us all of this is taken care of for you). 

Kyambura Gorge is usually included as an add-on to an existing safari at Queens, as the park has excellent bio-diversity so is usually visited for game drives, boat cruises, and for the tree-climbing lions in Ishasha Sector of the park. 

A stream in Kyambura Gorge, Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Kyambura Gorge is the hidden gem of chimpanzee trekking destinations.

Semiliki Wildlife Reserve

In the western corner of Uganda, the Semliki Valley is home to a small population of chimpanzees.

Don’t expect it to be easy to find the chimps in Semliki. The dry and sparse forest environment means they have to roam far and wide to secure enough food.

The research programme here is on the cutting edge as they try to work out the relationship between the chimps walking on two legs and the evolution of our own species.

An aerial view of Semliki Wildlife Reserve.

Chimpanzee trekking in Semliki is demanding but rewarding.

Where can I see chimpanzees in Uganda?

Adult chimpanzee walking through Kibale Forest on Kibale habituation experience.

When is the best time to go chimpanzee trekking in Uganda?

The best time to go chimpanzee trekking in Uganda is during the dry seasons of June to September and December to February .

Uganda is a year-round destination. Its equatorial climate means that temperatures are consistent throughout the year. Uganda’s seasons are separated by varying levels of rainfall . March to May is the long rainy season, and October to November is the short rainy season.

Trekking conditions are easiest during the dry seasons of June to September and December to February . The clear, sunny weather should make your trek more enjoyable, but downpours are still possible due to Uganda’s tropical climate.

Uganda’s peak tourist season is June to September and the cost of accommodation is raised to meet the increase in demand. If you are comfortable with difficult trekking conditions, visiting during the rainy seasons can reduce the cost of your trip.

Permits are cheaper and easier to secure during the rainy seasons due to the lower demand.

Chimpanzee in Kibale Forest on Kibale habituation experience.

Chimpanzee habituation allows you to delve into their intricacies.

How difficult is chimpanzee trekking in Uganda?

Chimpanzee trekking in Uganda requires a moderate level of physical fitness  since treks are around three hours long.

Unlike gorillas, chimpanzees typically live at low altitudes and the gentle terrain will allow you to focus your attention on the chimpanzees. However, chimpanzees are highly active and can dart through the forest. You should be comfortable with moving quickly at short notice to keep up with them.

The trek will mainly follow forest trails, but you should be prepared to traverse the undergrowth if the chimpanzees are located away from the trails. During the rainy season, the trails will be more slippery , and the forest will be denser. This will increase the difficulty of the trek.

Adult chimpanzee lying on the floor of Kibale Forest.

View these beautiful primates in their natural habitat.

Learn more about primates in Uganda

Kibale forest chimpanzee habituation experience.

For those who want more than a brief encounter with the chimpanzees of Uganda, you can join the habituation team and head out into the Kibale Forest in search for groups of chimps …

Kibale Forest Chimpanzee Trekking

Chimpanzee lying on the forest floor.

Uganda is one of the world's best primate destinations - and there are over 5,000 chimpanzees in the country. Kibale Forest National Park in the southwest of Uganda, is home to …

Murchison Falls Chimpanzee Trekking

Murchison Falls Chimpanzee Trekking

Murchison Falls National Park is one of the best places to trek chimpanzees in Uganda, second only to Kibale Forest National Park a little further south. 

Gorilla Trekking in Uganda

Gorilla Trekking in Uganda

Uganda is home to half the world's Mountain Gorilla population. Seeing these animals up close in their natural habitat is one of the most impressive wildlife encounters in Africa. …

Gorilla Habituation Experience

The Gorilla Habituation Experience gives you the chance to spend 4 hours in the company of the Mountain Gorillas in Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. You'll trek into the…

2 Day Gorilla Trek Uganda

2 Day Gorilla Trek Uganda

Standing 7m from a 200kg mountain gorilla is one of the most thrilling and humbling wildlife encounters that you will ever experience. Tragically, these gentle giants were listed …

Meet the chimps on these trips

The tours below showcase just some of what is possible. Use these itineraries as starting points, or to draw inspiration. Then get in touch, and let our expert team help craft the perfect itinerary for you.

Chimpanzee & Gorilla Fly-In Safari

Combine chimp trekking in Kibale Forest with mountain gorilla treks in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. A well-paced adventure unlocking some of Uganda's most impressive experiences.…

Classic Gorilla Fly-In Safari

If you had the chance to trek through lush forests; to stand metres away from a family of Mountain Gorillas - deep in the heart of Central Africa - would you take it? This 4-day adventure works great as a…

Ugandan Odyssey

The full western circuit of Uganda. From the gorillas and chimps to sunset cruises and game drives. This is the highlight reel of Uganda and the adventure of a lifetime.…

Volcanoes, Gorillas and Great Lakes

Travel to the farthest corners of Uganda where towering volcanoes mark the border between the thick jungles of Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and the untamed vastness of central Africa. After trekking the gorillas in Mgahinga, head inland for a couple…

Luxury Safari and Gorilla Habituation

Spend 4 hours in the company of a gorilla family by joining the habituation trek. Combined with a luxury safari at Queen Elizabeth National Park, this trip offers truly once-in-a-lifetime wildlife…

Luxury Gorilla Fly-in Safari

Board a Cessna light aircraft and head into the southwestern pocket of Uganda. Trek through the forests of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in search of the mountain gorillas. Retreat to luxury lodges for sundowners and delicious food. Hard days, soft…

Lakeside Retreats, Safaris & Adrenaline Activities

Light adventuring and charming safaris in Lake Mburo National Park coupled with lakeside retreats and days of reflection and exploration around Lake Mutanda. Close out the trip with a few days canoeing, kayaking, mountain biking and more in Jinja, Uganda's…

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We'll place a 24 hour hold on your preferred option - without obligation - whilst we talk through the details.

Get in touch and we can help you understand your options, design an itinerary that's right for you, and then get you set up and ready to go. 

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chimpanzee safari uganda

We've spent decades in East Africa and can help you avoid the common pitfalls when travelling in this region. That's why hundreds of travellers choose to explore East Africa with Brilliant every year.

Kibale Lodge Book Our New Primates of the Great Rift Valley Safari

Primates in the forest.

Kibale Lodge, Volcanoes Safaris’ new chimpanzee lodge in Uganda, is now open!

Kibale Lodge will comprise eight bandas, plus spa and pool. Four bandas are open and four more by the end of the year. The lodge is built in the renowned Volcanoes handmade style by an in-house design and build team of African artisans.

Kibale Lodge sits on a ridge with stunning views of the Rwenzori Mountains towards the west and the Queen Elizabeth plains and the Kazinga channel to the south.

Stay at Kibale Lodge as part of our new ‘Primates of the Great Rift Valley’ safari , combining Kibale with seeing the ‘Lost Chimps of Kyambura’ at Kyambura Gorge Lodge and trekking the enchanting Nyakagezi gorilla family at Mount Gahinga Lodge . Book this safari before 31 December 2024 and receive a free night at Kibale Lodge.

Lodge Overview

8 unique hand-built luxury bandas (6 deluxe and 2 standard). 4 bandas are now open and a further 4 by the end of 2024. The 150 acre site is surrounded by lush homesteads on the rolling hills around Fort Portal, known for its warm and welcoming climate.

Exceptional hospitality embodying the deep traditions of the local Batoro people, based on values and respect for family and elders. Personal butler service for all guests.

Kibale Lodge Spa has two double massage rooms, sauna and swimming pool (pool open by 1 September). All massages are complimentary and subject to booking and availability.

Locally inspired food menus, such as Filinda, a classic delicacy traditionally served at marriage ceremonies.

Trek chimpanzees in Kibale Forest – the Primate Capital of the World. Join the chimpanzee habituation program and spend 4 hours with a chimp group as part of the habituation process.

Participate in community and conservation activities including a visit to a local primary school as part of the Roots and Shoots program and to the Rwenzori Sculpture Foundation.

Kibale Lodge is an hour’s drive from the Kasese airstrip. Kibale Forest, the base for chimpanzee trekking, is a thirty-minute drive from the lodge.

Book the new ‘Primates of the Great Rift Valley’ safari before 31 December 2024 and receive a free night at Kibale Lodge.

Make your stay even more special and book the lodge on an exclusive use basis.

Locally Inspired and Built

Kibale Lodge has been hand-built to a new level of elegance and luxury by Volcanoes’ in-house teams of artisans from the countries of the Great Lakes, including local engineers, fundis, decorators and upholsterers.

The team of 400 workers has been led by Cyprien Serugero, who built the iconic Virunga Lodge in Rwanda 20 years ago and John-Bosco Tukamuhabwa, the site supervisor who rebuilt Mount Gahinga Lodge in recent years. They are supported with careful craftsmanship by Joseph Nsabimana, Head Carpenter and furniture maker, Wycliffe Tuyambaze, upholsterer.

Lead botanist, Celine Ishimwe and her team of 50 gardeners have planted over 200,000 indigenous plants seedlings in the central 23 acres of land over the last year.

Read more here .

Community and Conservation Partnerships

At Kibale, we are working in partnership with the Jane Goodall Institute to organise community outreach programs through the Roots and Shoots program, particularly to build up women leaders in conservation.

We are also working with the Jane Goodall Institute and wider participants of the Albertine Apes Alliance , an informal advocacy network bringing together stakeholders in conservation and ecotourism in the Albertine Rift, to promote responsible ecotourism in Kibale Forest.

A new cultural partnership with the Rwenzori Sculpture Foundation, set up by Rungwe Kingdom, will bring sculptures relating to the traditional clans of Uganda to the lodge.

Volcanoes is building a new vocational centre at Sadhguru School, located near Kibale lodge.

Activities and Wildlife

Chimpanzee Trekking

Chimpanzee Trekking

Chimpanzee Habituation

Chimpanzee Habituation


Tree Nursery and Reforestation Project

Bigodi Wetland walk

Bigodi Wetland walk

Fireside chat with primatologist from Kibale Chimpanzee Project

Fireside chat with primatologist from Kibale Chimpanzee Project

chimpanzee safari uganda

7 Day Gorilla and Chimpanzee Safari

Close-up of a contemplative chimpanzee resting in the dappled sunlight of the Kibale National Park, part of Volcanoes Safaris' unique primate experience in Uganda.

10 Day Primates of the Great Rift Valley Safari

Conservation and Community

chimpanzee safari uganda

Rwenzori Sculpture Foundation

chimpanzee safari uganda

Visit Sadhguru School

chimpanzee safari uganda

Guiding at Kibale

chimpanzee safari uganda

Roots and Shoots

Kibale lodge, uganda in the news.


  • 15th January 2024

Volcanoes Safaris featured in CNN Travel


  • 12th February 2024

Volcanoes Safaris featured in Independent

Kibale Lodge-Image-2024-02-16-at-1.12.12-PM

  • 20th February 2024

Volcanoes Safaris Featured in Forbes

Stay in touch, connect with us.

Write to us on [email protected] or send us a message via the form on our contact page .

Rwanda: +250 (0) 252 502 452 Uganda: +256 (0) 414 346 464

Useful Information

© Volcanoes Safaris 1997 – 2024. All Rights Reserved

Virunga Lodge, Rwanda

Mount Gahinga Lodge, Uganda

Bwindi Lodge, Uganda

Kyambura Gorge Lodge, Uganda

Kibale Lodge, Uganda

Lodge Rates

4 Day Gorilla Safari

7 Day Great Ape Conservation Safari in Uganda

7 Day Gorilla, Golden Monkey and Batwa Culture Safari

Safari Rates

Kibale Community Projects

Virunga Community Projects

Gahinga Community Projects

Bwindi Community Projects

Kyambura Community Projects

Kyambura Lion Monitoring Project

Meet the Team

Press Coverage

Albertine Apes Alliance

Dian Fossey Map Room

Frequently Asked Questions

Kibale Lodge, Uganda Rates

International guest terms.

  • Rates are effective on all new 2024 bookings made from 1st April 2023.
  • Rates are inclusive of current government taxes, which may be subject to change without notice.
  • The rates above include accommodation and meals, soft drinks, standard and premium alcoholic drinks, cellar collection wines (except French champagne), single malt whiskeys, laundry services, any activities at the lodges, and all massages (subject to booking and availability).
  • The Volcanoes Safaris Partnership community and conservation fee of $50 per guest per night funds community and conservation projects around the lodges.
  • Low season rates are applicable to bookings from 1 October to 14 December and 1 March to 31 May.
  • Children of 12 years and under staying in the same room as their parents pay US $100 per child per night. Children under 5 years stay for free.
  • Children of 12 years and under, occupying their own room pay adult rates.
  • The minimum age limit for children at Virunga Lodge is 12 years.
  • Book Bwindi Lodge and Kyambura Gorge Lodge combined for 4 nights and get the 5th night free.
  • Book 2 nights at Kyambura Gorge Lodge or Mt. Gahinga Lodge and get 50% discount on the 3rd night.
  • Kibale Lodge Introductory Offer. Book Kibale with Bwindi or Gahinga and receive the 5th night free (at the lower priced lodge). Valid until 31 December 2025.
  • The offers cannot be combined.
  • At Virunga the Dian Fossey Map Room is available for conferences, private events and other functions. Please inquire for details and cost.
  • A 20% non-refundable deposit is payable upon receipt of invoice.
  • Final balance is due 30 days prior to arrival.
  • Bookings within 30 days of arrival – full payment due upon receipt of invoice.
  • 35% non-refundable and non-transferable deposit is payable upon receipt of invoice in order to confirm booking.
  • Final balance of 65% is due 60 days prior to date.
  • Bookings within 60 days of arrival – full payment due upon receipt of invoice.
  • 5 for 4 Nights . Book the following lodge combinations and receive the 5th night free (at the lower priced lodge): Virunga and Gahinga; Bwindi and Kyambura.
  • Kibale Lodge Introductory Offer . Book Kibale with Bwindi or Gahinga and receive the 5th night free (at the lower priced lodge). Valid until 31 December 2025.
  • 50% discount on 3rd night . Book 3 nights at Kyambura Gorge Lodge or Mount Gahinga Lodge and receive 50% discount on the 3rd night. (Cannot be combined with the ‘5 for 4 offer’)
  • Villa Rates . Exclusive use lodge rates are available on request.
  • Dian Fossey Map Room . At Virunga the Dian Fossey Map Room is available for conferences, private events and other functions. Please inquire for details and cost.
  • All rates are in US Dollars (USD).
  • Rates are effective on all new 2025 bookings made from 9 April 2024.
  • The rates above include accommodation and meals, soft drinks, standard and premium alcoholic drinks, signature cocktails, cellar collection wines (except French champagne), single malt whiskeys, laundry services, any activities at the lodges, and all massages (subject to booking and availability).
  • Volcanoes Safaris Partnership Trust community and conservation fee of $50 per guest per night funds community and conservation projects around the lodges.
  • At Kyambura Gorge Lodge, a $25 per person fee, paid to Uganda Wildlife Authority, for the guided nature walk along the Fig Tree Camp trail, to the chimpanzee tracking starting point is included in the lodge rate.
  • A deposit of 20% of the invoice is payable upon receipt in order to confirm your booking.
  • For bookings for 4 rooms and above, the deposit payable is 35%.
  • The deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • For bookings within 30 days of arrival the full payment is due upon receipt of invoice.
  • Full value of gorilla and chimpanzee permits plus 20% of the rest of the invoice, is payable upon receipt of invoice.
  • For bookings for 4 rooms and above, the deposit payable is the full value of gorilla and chimpanzee permits plus 35% of the rest of the invoice.
  • Final balance is due 45 days prior to arrival.
  • For bookings within 45 days of arrival the full payment is due upon receipt of invoice.

Resident Rates

Booking enquiry.

chimpanzee safari uganda

Safari Activities

Chimpanzee tracking.

Tracking chimpanzees in their natural habitat, as they swing from the branches in the canopy high above the forest floor is nothing short of exhilarating. The chimps effortlessly cross and scamper through the trees above the gorge, and visitors on the other hand must cross the river using natural bridges in order to keep up with the chimps. So although the walk usually lasts only 2–3 hours, descending the steep gorge and crossing the log bridges over the river requires some agility and fitness.

Chimpanzee tracking is also available in nearby Kalinzu, a forest reserve 30 minutes drive from Kyambura Gorge Lodge where there is a community of about 40 habituated chimpanzees.

The Gorilla and Chimpanzee Trekking Adventure in Uganda

visiting the great apes of Africa: The Gorilla and Chimpanzee Trekking Adventure in Uganda

Meet Africa’s Great Apes on a Gorilla and Chimpanzee Trekking Safari in Uganda

Embark on a thrilling and unforgettable journey into the untamed and verdant rainforests of Uganda. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to walk amongst Africa’s magnificent great apes on a gorilla and chimpanzee trekking adventure. Immerse yourself in the world of chimpanzees, observing their behavior and social interactions with the guidance of an expert primatologist. Then set out to track mountain gorillas through the misty mountain jungles of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Throughout your adventure, savor the comforts of luxurious safari lodges, including a savannah resort nestled at the foot of the Rwenzori Mountains and a forest cabin perched on a ridge offering breathtaking views of the rugged Rift Valley and Virunga Mountains chain. This once-in-a-lifetime summer experience is perfect for solo travelers, colleagues, or groups of friends seeking a genuine wilderness experience that will reignite their passion for adventure.

Adventure Highlights

  • The entire journey has a moderate activity rating. All trip participants should be physically fit and prepared for many hours. There’s walking or hiking over uneven jungle terrain on some days. 
  • During trekking excursions, you may be out in the forest for up to 8 hours. You’ll be hiking through the impenetrable jungle at elevations reaching 3,000 meters (10,000 feet). Treks are unpredictably arduous, navigating steep, uneven, wet, and often muddy terrain. 
  • All participants should be at least 15 years old. 
  • Expect long driving days of up to 10 hours transferring between locations unless you prefer regional flights.

Walking with the great apes of Uganda - Gorilla and Chimpanzee Trekking Safari in Uganda

One Night in Entebbe To See the Shoebill Bird

Your gateway to Uganda for your thrilling gorilla and chimpanzee trekking adventure is likely to be the Entebbe International Airport, situated on a picturesque peninsula by the northern shores of Lake Victoria, just 35 km outside of Kampala city. Consider spending a night here to rest and prepare for the long journey ahead.

Entebbe boasts several notable tourist attractions you can explore at the start of your Uganda safari, such as Ngamba Chimps Island, UWEC Zoo, the Botanical Gardens, and local markets. However, the most popular among visitors is the opportunity to track the prehistoric shoebill bird in Mabamba Swamps on Lake Victoria. This is an optional activity that you can choose to include or skip.

During your stay in Entebbe, you can comfortably relax at one of our highly recommended partner properties, including the Papyrus Guesthouse, Hotel No.5, Protea Hotel, or The Boma Guesthouse. These lodgings offer excellent facilities and amenities to ensure you are well-rested and ready to embark on your gorilla and chimpanzee trekking adventure.

Insider Tip

Visit the shoebill in Mabamba Swamps if you arrive in Entebbe early. The shoebill is a unique bird restricted to the region; very few people see this humongous bird. Travel to gorillas and chimpanzee destinations in the cool morning temperatures the following day.

A grown male chimp takes a break from the daily jungle hustles for a quiet nap. - chimpanzee habituation experience in Uganda

Two Nights: Chimpanzee Trekking (or Habituation Experience) in Kibale Forest

Kibale National Park is a natural wonderland that should be a top priority for wildlife enthusiasts visiting Uganda. Nestled in western Uganda, this park is renowned for its thriving primate population, which includes over 13 species and the world’s largest population of chimpanzees. Visitors can choose between the standard chimpanzee trekking experience, which provides an hour-long visit with a habituated troop, or the chimpanzee habituation experience, which offers a full-day adventure with researchers and their assistants. Both activities commence at 7:30 am at the visitor center, with an experienced guide leading the way.

During the chimpanzee trekking or habituation experience in Kibale, a knowledgeable guide and researcher will lead visitors on the trail while sharing insights into the behavior and ecology of these primates. The experience involves following the chimpanzee community as they move through the forest, observing their feeding habits, and witnessing their interactions with other group members. Visitors will have an opportunity to observe various chimpanzee behaviors, including hunting, feeding, grooming, fornicating, struggling for dominance, and resting. The experience allows visitors to get up close and personal with Africa’s intelligent primates and learn about their group dynamics.

It’s important to note that wild chimpanzees are typically fearful of humans and may hide or even attack if they feel threatened. Chimpanzee habituation is the process by which primatologists repeatedly expose human observers to a chimpanzee troop to reduce their fear response to human presence. This process can take more than two years and is considered complete when the chimpanzees treat observers as neutral elements in their environment.

The chimpanzee habituation experience can be physically demanding, as visitors must keep up with the active and boisterous apes as they move through the forest canopy. While chimpanzees are busy throughout the day, drumming tree trunks, jumping, and hooting, they do take occasional breaks to rest or take a break from foraging. 

For a truly immersive experience in the lush forests surrounding Kibale National Park, consider spending three nights in a charming forest cottage outside the park. This will give you ample time to explore the stunning mountainous region on foot and spare a day for the unforgettable chimpanzee habituation experience. After your chimpanzee encounter, continue your gorilla and chimpanzee trekking adventure by heading southwest to Bwindi.

Exploring The Rainforests of Kibale, The Primate Capital of Africa.

Exploring The Rainforests of Kibale, The Primate Capital of Africa.

Kibale National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park Uganda

Two Nights: Wildlife Game Drives & Boat Safari in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Welcome to Queen Elizabeth National Park, one of the most popular and diverse national parks in Uganda. Located in the southwestern part of the country, it takes about three hours to drive from Kibale National Park. This park is home to an amazing variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, hippos, buffalo, and over 600 species of birds. You can enjoy exciting game drives through the savannah, take boat safaris along the Kazinga Channel, or go on guided nature walks through Kyambura Forest. You should definitely check out the remote Ishasha Park sector, where you can see the tree-climbing lions – it’s a fascinating highlight of this gorilla and chimpanzee trekking adventure.

Experience the beauty of African wildlife on a safari adventure in Queen Elizabeth National Park. Start your day with a sunrise drive in a four-by-four safari truck, exploring the grasslands and searching for lions, leopards, elephants, buffalo, antelopes, and more. In the afternoon, embark on a boat safari along the Kazinga Channel. This 32-kilometer-long waterway bisects the park and is home to the largest hippo population in Uganda. As you float along, you’ll have the opportunity to see hippos, Nile crocodiles, elephants, and hundreds of bird species up close.

A tree-climbing lion in the Ishasha sector lounging on a branch in the afternoon heat.

One of the park’s most fascinating highlights is the tree-climbing lions in the remote Ishasha Park sector. Researchers are still unsure why these big cats climb trees, but it’s a unique behavior that you won’t find anywhere else. As you journey southwards to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, you’ll have the opportunity to see these incredible felines lounging in fig trees with a full view of the flat plains.

Spend two nights in two Queen Elizabeth National Park sectors: Kasenyi Sector for game viewing and Ishasha Sector for the tree-climbing lions. Ishasha Sector places you closer to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest.

Gorillas in The Wild Adventure

Two Nights: Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park – Buhoma Sector

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is Uganda’s most iconic and biodiverse national park in the southwest. This park is home to half of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas, making it a top destination for wildlife enthusiasts. The park’s thick forest is also home to various other primates, including chimpanzees, colobus monkeys, baboons, and over 350 bird species. The park also offers guided nature walks, bird watching, and community visits, providing visitors with a wealth of opportunities for our gorilla and chimpanzee trekking safari.

You’ll visit gorillas in the Buhoma sector, north of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. It is one of the most popular areas for gorilla trekking in Uganda. This sector is home to several habituated gorilla families, making it an ideal destination for visitors seeking a chance to observe Africa’s gorillas up close.

Gorilla trekking in the Buhoma sector typically begins early morning, meeting your guides at the park headquarters. After a briefing on the trekking rules and safety procedures, you’ll embark on a challenging hike through the dense forest to locate the gorilla family. The trekking experience can last anywhere from one to six hours, depending on the location of the gorillas and the difficulty of the terrain.

Once the gorilla family has been located, visitors are allowed to spend up to one hour observing their behavior and interactions. This hour spent with the gorillas is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime experience you can’t equate to the chimps adventure.

Spend a night in a luxurious cottage overlooking the lush Impenetrable Forest. The following day, join local guides on a nature walking trail across the forest from Buhoma to Nkuringo in the south of Bwindi.

The Gorilla Habituation Experience on the walking with the great apes journey in Uganda

Three Nights: Gorilla Habituation Experience in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest – Nkuringo Sector

The southern trekking sectors of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park are renowned for offering an adventurous and challenging experience, with habituated mountain gorillas being the main attraction. Nkuringo and Rushaga sectors boast stunning scenery, characterized by steep hills and deep valleys covered in dense forest.

This part of the gorilla and chimpanzee trekking adventure is designed to immerse you in the breathtaking views and untamed African wilderness. You’ll rise early in the morning to join rangers, trackers, researchers, and their assistants as you embark on a trek to track a semi-habituated gorilla group. The gorilla trek through tangled growth, uneven and muddy terrain is undoubtedly challenging, but the four hours you’ll spend observing the gorillas will be a truly unforgettable experience.

The following day, you’ll have the opportunity to spend time with locals in the rural communities and visit the Batwa Pygmy people on a forest trail. As the cherry on top of your gorilla and chimpanzee trekking safari, you’ll enjoy a sundowner at the top of the world. This soccer field, used by the local youth, offers incredible 360-degree views of the rugged landscape of the Rift Valley and the Virunga Mountains chain, providing a perfect climax to your adventure.

If you only participate in the gorilla trek, you may spend less time in Bwindi. However, you will miss out on the opportunity to fully experience the region like those who explore both the south and northern sectors of the park. While gorilla trekking is a common activity in both areas, each sector offers unique nature walks and breathtaking scenery. Keep in mind that obtaining gorilla trekking permits can be difficult, so be sure to book them several months in advance and plan your chimpanzee and gorilla trekking safari around the permit dates.

Silverback's eyes - gorilla habituation experience in the south of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Best time for the gorilla and chimpanzee trekking safari

The ideal time for gorilla and chimp trekking adventures is during the two dry seasons, from June to August and December to February. During these periods, the trails are dry, and the likelihood of rain is lower. However, it’s essential to note that as Uganda is a tropical country, rain can occur at any time, even during the dry season. To prepare for this, it’s advisable to carry a light rain jacket, waterproof backpack, and shoes.

The wet season, which occurs from March to May and September to November, is characterized by heavy rains, which can make trekking more challenging. However, visiting the primates during this season has some advantages. For instance, the primates tend to stay closer to the forest periphery because it’s warmer, making them easier to locate. Additionally, the lush vegetation provides a more colorful and vibrant backdrop for photography.

Moreover, the wet season has a certain wilderness charm that allows you to appreciate nature better. This is especially true during periods of heavy rainfall, which can create a sense of solitude and peace in the forest. Lastly, the wet season is also known as the Low Season, and many forest lodges offer discounts, reducing the trip cost by almost 35%.

While the dry season is the preferred time for gorilla and chimp trekking, the wet season offers unique advantages, including closer primate sightings, lush vegetation, and lower costs. It’s essential to be well-prepared for any weather conditions and to embrace the unpredictability of nature in the rainforest.

chimpanzee safari uganda

Conservation & Sustainable Gorilla and Chimps Adventures

The gorilla and chimpanzee trekking and habituation experiences are essential to the Uganda Wildlife Authority’s conservation efforts. The conservation programs require significant funding, and the revenue generated from primate tourism helps to alleviate the financial burden.

Habituation of the great apes also requires the presence of humans for scientific studies. Therefore, researchers appreciate your presence. Although some people are concerned about the risks associated with primate habituation and tourism, scientists view them as an effective conservation tool. Researchers argue that habituation allows for precise animal identification and the study of their behavior. Furthermore, gorilla habituation facilitates easy access to veterinary interventions in case of disease outbreaks within the ape communities.

In addition, chimpanzee and gorilla tours ecotourism, generating economic benefits for neighboring communities while financing conservation activities and research. 

On this incredible gorilla and chimp trekking adventure, consider staying at eco-lodges like Mahogany Springs Lodge and Nkuringo Bwindi Gorilla Lodge . These lodges have won awards for their efforts towards environmental and community sustainability. Additionally, it’s recommended to hire a porter for your gorilla trek. A porter will not only assist you during the challenging trek, but it’s also an opportunity to support the local community by providing employment. Besides, you only need one porter, for just 20 dollars.

Fixed Costs on the chimpanzee and gorilla trekking safari

  • Chimpanzee Habituation Experience permit in Kibale – $250 per person
  • Or Chimpanzee trekking permit in Kibale – $200 per person. 
  • Gorilla trekking permit – $700 per person
  • Gorilla habituation experience permit – $1500 per person
  • Safari Lodges – $300 – $500 per person for mid-range or $700 – $1200 per person for Luxury with all meals

How to book this primates tour

Diana , a local safari specialist with  Nkuringo Safaris , a fully licensed operator since 2007, will be excited to help you plan your gorilla and chimpanzee trekking adventure . She can book your permit, reserve your accommodation, organize your transport, and find you the best English/French/Italian-speaking local guides. 

Send her an email , chat with her (use that green button on the right) , or call her at +256 702 805580

Nkuringo Safaris Team - about us

Nkuringo Safari Experts

Safari Specialist

We are safari specialists

Dreaming of an East African safari but feeling overwhelmed by the details? Don't worry! We're here to take the planning stress off your shoulders. With our East Africa expertise, we'll handle the local logistics and craft the perfect Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, or Tanzania safari for an unforgettable adventure!

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chimpanzee safari uganda

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Gorillas & Wildlife Safaris

Bikingi Gorilla Family member - for Gorilla Habituation Safari Experience Bwindi

Day 1: Start the Uganda Gorilla Habituation Safari from the Airport or your hotel in Entebbe, drive to Ziwa Rhinos Sanctuary, Rhino Tracking

At 7:30 a.m. we shall meet with you at your hotel in Entebbe or at Entebbe International Airport. Your safari guide shall brief you through the Uganda Habituation Safari Experience - what to prepare, what to expect, and all the other information you might need. Afterwards, we drive to Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary (for about 3 hours). Traveling on mostly asphalt-surfaced roads, you shall be traversing rural Uganda villages with traditional farms where you see people at work tending their traditional crops of coffee, bananas, millet, sorghum, beans, maize, etc. The lush rolling hills of this region provide good photo opportunities.

Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is the only place to trek wild Rhinos in Uganda, the other Rhinos are found at the Uganda Wildlife Education Center (former Zoo) in Entebbe. On arrival at the sanctuary, you will be given a briefing from your ranger guide on how to behave while on this Rhino trek. You must heed the ranger’s instructions while on the trek because Rhinos can be aggressive if they sense a need to defend themselves. Depending on the location of the Rhinos, you may need to drive closer to their location before you start the trek to reduce the distance. Your ranger guide will share different information on the behavior of Rhinos and how you ought to behave while as you trek.

Once you locate the Rhinos, you can stay a maximum of one hour in their presence. Sometimes different families are within a distance of each other, in which case you will get an opportunity to visit more than one group. You also have a chance of other animal sightings on this nature walk, they include Waterbucks, Bushbucks, Kobs, Leopard (rarely), duikers, etc.

Accommodation at Ziwa

Up-market: Amuka Safari Lodge  

Moderate:   Ziwa Rhino Camp

Day 2: Drive to Kibale National Park, guided primates and community walk in Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary

Please plan to set off no later than 8 am today from the lodge. We shall be driving the Kibale National Park, an expansive forest mostly referred to as East Africa's Primates' capital. We shall be driving for at least two hours through Murchison Falls, sighting wildlife along the way and then through beautiful remote African villages. 

You continue driving through the undulating highlands of southwestern Uganda on your way to the greener and more beautiful Fort Portal area. The lush rolling hills of this region provide good "photo opportunities".

If we arrive early, we can have our lunch from the lodge before going to Bigodi Swamp for a guided primates walk accompanied by a traditional village tribes' experience. The Bigodi Swamp is great for its many monkey species and birds. You will expect birds like the great Blue turaco, blue monkeys, baboons, otters, mongoose, bushbucks, bush pigs, and among others. At the tail end of the walk, the local guides lead you to the local community where you can participate in local alcohol brewing, coffee roasting, farming, and basket weaving, among other activities.

Accommodation options available (all on a full board basis)

Up-market:   Ndali Lodge  |  Crater Safari Lodge Kibale  

Moderate:   Isunga Lodge  |  Chimpanzee Forest Lodge  (ensuite cottage) |  Kibale Forest Camp |   Turaco Treetops  

Day 2: Kibale Chimpanzee Habituation Experience Plus Other Primates

Chimps habituation experience kibale uganda

Today we’ll accompany Kibale’s researchers in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to contribute to a “soft” habituation project with chimpanzees. You’ll learn to safely observe the chimps during their daily activities, so they get comfortable with human presence without changing their natural behaviors. You will be able to experience the chimp families as they wake up, hunt, patrol, play, fight, copulate, and breastfeed.

Guided by biologists and researchers, we will enjoy unprecedented intimate access to these wild chimps for the entire day until they build their nests at bedtime.

Accommodation options available (all on full board basis)

Up-market:   Ndali Lodge  |  Crater Safari Lodge Kibale  |  Kyaninga Lodge  

Day 3: Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

After breakfast, we drive further south through stunning savannah grasslands as we head towards the breathtaking Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park.

While most of today's forests are no more than 12,000 years old, Bwindi's vegetation has been weaving itself into tangles for over 25,000 years, in the process accumulating a lengthy species list.

This includes 310 species of butterflies, 51 reptiles, 200 trees, 88 moths and an exceptional 120 species of mammals including 10 primates. The latter includes chimpanzees, L'Hoest's, red-tailed and blue monkeys, black and white colobus, baboons, and Bwindi's most famous resident, the mountain gorilla.

Bwindi is a prime destination for birdwatchers. Its 350 species include seven which are IUCN red data listed and 90% of all Albertine rift endemics – species which are difficult or impossible to see in any other part of East Africa.

Up-market:   Four Gorillas Lodge | Nkuringo Bwindi Gorilla Lodge 

Moderate:    Ichumbi Gorilla Lodge  |  Lake Mulehe Lodge

Day 4: Mountain Gorilla Safari Habituation Experience  in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest

Gorilla in Bikingi gorilla family for gorilla habituation experience in Bwindi

We have an early morning entry into the mountain gorilla’s sanctuary for the gorilla habituation safari experience. Gorilla habitation is the process of making wild gorillas get used to tourist encounters without exposing the gorillas and humans to any level of unsafety. After the gorilla habituation process, tourists can safely visit the gorillas without the gorillas showing any attempt to charge at them or displaying any reckless behaviour resulting out of fearing humans. Although the gorillas are still a bit wild, the greatest success of the gorilla habituation experience is seeing them stay in the presence of humans, going about their mundane activities whenever tourist visit them.

The Bwindi gorilla habituation experience starts very early in the morning. Your safari guide shall collect you from the lodge at about 6:30 a.m. and drive you to the point from where you make your entry into the Bwindi National Park Forest accompanied by your park guides and rangers. It is highly recommended that you hire a porter for your gorilla habituation experience. The porters help you carry your stuff as well as holding you still when you slide of the slopes in the jungles.

The gorilla habituation experience typically has a maximum group of only 4 visitors per day. You shall normally be hiking for about 1 hour before reaching the gorillas. This could be much shorter or even longer. There are many stops along the way for you to catch your breath or just relax so that even novice trekkers can ably and safely make it to the gorillas. You will need plenty of drinking water for this gorilla habituation experience in Bwindi.

You should expect to encounter a number of other monkey species along the way. The rangers will always be available to answer all your questions, but they shall also be stopping many times to give more unique information about the forest, birds, butterflies, forest elephants, and other pleasant surprises you shall be encountering along the way.

Once you are in the presence of the gorillas, the rangers and tracker staff shall do their best to ensure you get the best vantage points to view and photograph the gorillas. They shall be clearing out shrubs, blocking gorillas from hiding, and advising you on the most strategic spots to position yourself for viewing. Meanwhile, the head of the guides shall be giving you more explanations about the gorillas, the family composition and many other details of the habituation experience. 

With the gorilla habituation experience permit for Bwindi, you can be assured of 4 full hours with the gorillas. During this time, you will be able to experience the gorilla family as they wake up, hunt, patrol, play, fight, copulate, and breastfeed until they build their nests at bedtime. The Bwindi Park rangers often allow a few more minutes for you to conclude.

Up-market:   Four Gorillas Lodge | Nkuringo Gorilla Camp 

Moderate:   Lake Mulehe Gorilla Lodge | Ichumbi Gorilla Lodge

Day 5: Golden Monkey Habituation Exercise, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

After an early breakfast set off Mgahinga Gorilla National Park for the Golden Monkey habituation experience which allows you up to 4 hours with the monkeys.
the Golden Monkey Habituation Experience is conducted by the Uganda Wildlife Authority and allows tourists an exclusive opportunity to safely get closer to the endangered golden monkeys - spending 4 hours with them as they learn more details as well as photographing them. It is one unique activity that greatly enhances every tourist's endangered primate experience in Africa. The walk from the park headquarters to the golden monkeys is usually gentle and you have about 30 minutes of hiking before reaching them.

The trekking activity shall start with a briefing at 7:30 a.m. conducted at the park headquarters. At about 8:00 a.m. you shall be entering the mostly bamboo forest to access the golden monkeys.

The Golden Monkey may not be the most well-known primate, but is certainly an enjoyable, little creature that is worth visiting. It is a small curious monkey, golden in colour, and loves to scamper around the trees. Golden monkeys are named after their golden-orange fur, and like mountain gorillas, are also considered endangered species. Conservation efforts have been put in place by the Uganda Wildlife Authority to ensure that the monkeys are protected – especially from poachers.

There is a habituated family of monkeys in Mgahinga, where tourists can track and stay with them for a period of four hours depending on where they nested the previous night and how far it is from the starting point.

It is estimated that Mgahinga Gorilla National Park has between 3000-4000 golden monkeys grouped in troupes of 30s led by a principal adult male. Golden monkeys are primarily to be found in the bamboo forest that skirts the lower slopes of the volcanoes. They are quite more active in the bamboo canopy.  Golden monkeys are opportunistic feeders. What they feed on could be by the availability of fruits, leaves of bamboo trees, shoots of bamboo, shrubs, flowers, and invertebrates and these make it to be restricted to highland forests, mostly the bamboo forest.

How the activity is conducted

What to carry during Mgahinga golden monkey tracking.

There are several requirements that tourists need to have a memorable experience during golden monkey tracking. These include waterproof hiking boots, wearing long long-sleeved shirt, and long trousers, and carrying a backpack for your lunch and documents. Also, carry drinking water and snacks, carry a walking stick to support you during hiking, you can hire a porter to support you during hiking in slippery places and carry your backpack, and do not forget to carry an insect repellant.

Accommodation Options (Full Board)

Up-market:  Four Gorillas Lodge 

Moderate:   Lake Mulehe Gorilla Lodge

Day 6: Return to Kampala - Entebbe (flights could also be arranged) or end tour in Rwanda

Early breakfast before embarking on our return to Kampala, driving down the grassed and terraced escarpments of southwestern Uganda while taking in the breathtaking sights of the hills of the region dubbed ‘the little Switzerland of Africa’. This area is a row. Not to miss as we traverse Mbarara are the impressing longhorn Ankole cattle. A remarkable highlight of this journey is the Equator line and surely you will cross it as we have a brief stop here. We will be in Kampala in the evening before your flight back home.

  • Rhino Tracking at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary
  • Permits for gorilla habituation safari experience in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
  • Chimpanzee Habituation Experience in Kibale National Park
  • Golden Monkeys Habituation Experience in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park
  • Accommodation with meals indicated on program
  • Bottled drinking water on the vehicle
  • Services of a good experienced English-speaking tour guide/driver
  • Transport on tour as well as hotel transfers in safari land cruisers
  • Tips for drivers and other staff
  • Flight tickets and departure taxes
  • Travel documentation (visas)
  • Travel and medical insurance
  • Optional excursion
  • Beverages other than mineral water in the vehicle

Talk to a Uganda Gorilla Habituation Safari Consultant

Enquire about this special wildlife experience and habituation safari and tour prices.

Talk to one of our destination experts to start planning your Uganda safari.

Other Gorilla Habituation Safari Packages You Might Like

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The park is located in south western Uganda, covering parts of Rukungiri, Kisoro, and Kabale Districts. It is situated in a hilly country-side that, together with some remnant lowland forest outside the boundary constitutes an important water catchments area for many rivers, supplying the agricultural land of the surrounding region.

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest is a true equatorial jungle, inhabited by four gorilla groups. Amongst the dense vegetation the Columbus monkey jumps from branch to branch, chattering its warning to its fellows hidden by the foliage. Chimpanzees, in families of 20 or 30, make the rounds, searching for fruit and edible plants.

It is situated in a hilly country-side that, together with some remnant lowland forest outside the boundary constitutes an important water catchments area for many rivers, supplying the agricultural land of the surrounding region.

The best time to visit Uganda is late December to late February, and from June to September, as the weather at this time of year is generally dry, and warm. Temperatures average at around 25 degrees Celsius.

Gorilla in Bikingi gorilla family for gorilla habituation experience tour in Bwindi

Mountain gorilla are trained for tourism with humans through a process known as gorilla habituation. This process is conducted by the Uganda Wildlife Authority and could go on for at least 2 years. After the habituation, mock tourism (a kind of trial tourism) is conducted on the gorilla group, allowing a limited number per day for about a year. After this the gorillas are opened for real tourism.

In Bwindi, the gorilla habituation experience is done with Bikingi gorilla group. The group is moderately challenging to trek although all elderly people trek it with mild difficulty. Needless to say, physically challenged people will find it difficult to reach the gorilla group. It will take about  3-4 hours to reach these gorillas. Once you reach them, you are allowed to witness the counting of the nests, dung heaps, and how many gorillas are in the group, you participate in the researcher note-taking just as you continue going about your usual tourist experience.


Gorilla habituation is the process through which a gorilla family gets used to human visits. A great opportunity to spend 4 hours with the Bwindi mountain gorillas instead of the standard 1 hours for USD1500 per permit per person. The habituation experience is done Bikingi Gorilla Group of Bwindi, in Rushaga Sector. 

A gorilla habituation process takes a period of 2-3 years and it involves an advance team from the Uganda Wildlife Authority making frequent visits to the gorilla family. Upon establishing that the group is used and welcoming to tourists, the gorilla family becomes ready for tourists’ visits.

With the gorilla habituation experience, you move with researchers to experience how mountain gorillas are habituated. The price for mountain gorilla habituation experience is now at USD1500.00 and one can stay for up to four hours.

Mountain gorillas are wild animals and, as such, sightings cannot be guaranteed. However, for the last 14 years, no one has trekked the gorillas and failed to see them in Uganda. Certainly, you won't be the one with bad luck! On the trek, once you find the gorillas, you will be allowed an hour with the gorillas and you can only go not more than 6 meters from them.  As the gorilla tracking can sometimes take a full day, you will need to go with your packed lunch and lots of drinking water when trekking to the gorillas.

Gorilla trekking timings and conditions vary tremendously as the gorillas move continuously through the rain forest. It is good to be prepared and remember the weather can change with very little warning. The terrain is often steep and through areas where there are no marked paths.


 secure gorilla habituation experience permits early.

Gorilla Habituation Experience is the most popular foreign tourist activity for Uganda. On every single day, only 5 tourists can do the gorilla habituation experience in Bwindi. Uganda's gorilla habituation experience is USD1500 per person and allows you 4 hours with the mountain gorillas.  This means the competition is quite high for the few gorilla habituation experience permits in Uganda and it becomes hard to secure gorilla habituation experience permits a few days to your Uganda gorilla habituation tour (although it is often possible with luck more so in the green season months of October, November, April and May).  It is best to have your gorilla habituation experience permit fully confirmed at least 4 months in advance.

Assess your fitness levels 

There is a likelihood you could walk for 3-6 hours on a gorilla trek. Gorillas are located deep in Bwindi forest with thick undergrowth over several steep volcanic slopes. Gorilla groups keep roaming this forest looking for their favorite food. They are never stationed in the same place over days. Your gorilla habituation trek will follow this same trend and it is quite unpredictable knowing how long or tough your gorilla trekking shall be. The longer trek is not necessarily a problem, just something to be prepared for.  A bit of moderate physical fitness is needed for gorilla trekking in Uganda.

Guides & Porters for the gorilla trek

You will be guided through the forest on your gorilla tracking by a Uganda Wildlife Authority guide whom you will meet at the departure point in the morning of your trek. Your guide can help you book a porter (or two!) so that you can track without having to carry the few essential items listed below in a day pack which you should bring with you. The porters are from the local community and very used to the local conditions and can assist in pushing, pulling and supporting you during your trek to the gorillas. They are usually an additional fee, over and above your safari cost, and you should budget on approximately USD15-20 per porter per day as a fee with additional tipping being optional.

As the porters do not have tracking permits they will be stopped a short distance from the point you will be viewing the mountain Gorillas. Please remember to take whatever you may need from your bag to view the gorillas and rather leave valuables at the lodge/camp.

You will be allowed up to one hour for viewing of the gorillas from when they are sighted by your group. This is to ensure that the wild animals are not overexposed to human presence. Whilst in their presence you will also be required to keep minimum distances from them – generally between 5-7 metres and your guides will ensure this is enforced.

What to pack on gorilla habituation experience tour

• Plenty of water – 1-2 litres per person • High energy snacks in addition to your packed lunch provided by the lodge/camp • Spare film and batteries for videos and cameras • Gloves (gardening type are good) • Waterproof bag to protect photographic equipment • A hat, sunscreen, mosquito repellent and band-aids might be useful • A lightweight waterproof jacket/poncho • Walking sticks are made available at the start of the trek for some of the steeper and more slippery tracks and may prove to be very handy.

Gorilla Habituation Experience  Age Limits

The age limit for gorilla  habituation experience  is 15 years and the authorities are very strict on this! With special written permission however, a 14yr old might pass.

Videos & Photography for Gorilla Habituation Experience in Uganda

In Uganda, it can be difficult to capture good photos under the dark canopy of Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, as the name suggests! If you are very lucky, you may encounter your gorilla family in a clearing.

Here are a few tips for photographing the gorillas in Uganda:

  • If you’re taking photos using a standard point-and-shoot camera, then make sure your camera is fully charged.
  • Always take extra memory cards.
  • Remember that flash photography is not allowed when you are with the gorillas. Make sure you have your camera manual with you so you know how to disable the automatic flash and automatic focus light functions.
  • We recommend a good SLR camera. The best lenses are those with a wide aperture such as f2,8 which allow in max light and are best in gloomy conditions.  A 24 – 70 mm and a 70 – 200 m is a good combination. If you have space then consider a 300mm and a wide angle but it’s a steep walk so consider hiring a porter. A 50 mm 1.4 lens is also ideal for low light shooting and something to consider as a standard lens.
  • Professional filmmakers require permission and need to purchase filming permits in advance from UWA (Uganda) or RDB (Rwanda).
  • Keep your camera and/or phone in a waterproof bag (such as a large Ziploc bag). Cue: you’re in the  rain forest.

Professional photographers, film makers or media should advise us at the time of booking as special procedures are required as well as costs to be incurred for photographing and filming.

Uganda gorilla habituation experience bwindi

Kibale National Park for Chimps Habituation Experience

Once this tropical rainforest provided a (very substantial) dinner, bed and breakfast for large herds of migrating forest elephants and, even now, the park contains the largest population of this subspecies in Uganda. Although they're rarely seen, and dangerous, the signs of these elephants' presence are abundant.

However, Kibale's claim to fame is its enormous variety of primates and its families of habituated chimpanzees - it's home to an astonishing 12 species of primate and provides one of the highest primate densities in the world. Here, on a daytime or evening guided forest walk, you may find families of chimpanzees and red colobus monkeys chattering and swinging through the ancient forest trees.

The sightings of birds in the forest are no less impressive - there are at least 325 species, many of which are found nowhere else. In addition, there are over 144 species of butterflies.

Golden monkey Tracking in Mgahinga

Golden monkeys trekking golden monkeys Mgahinga. Mgahinga Gorilla National Park tourist activities, TOP 10 TOURIST ACTIVITIES in Mgahinga GORILLA, to do Mgahinga gorilla trek Batwa golden monkeys, hiking

The Golden Monkey may not be the most well known primate, but is certainly an enjoyable, little creature that is worth visiting. It is a small curious monkey, golden in colour and loves to scamper around the trees. Golden monkeys are named after their golden-orange fur, and like mountain gorillas, are also considered endangered species. Conservation efforts have been put in place by the Uganda Wildlife Authority to ensure that the monkeys are protected – especially from poachers.

It is estimated that Mgahinga Gorilla National Park has between 3000-4000 golden monkeys grouped in troupes of 30s led by a principal adult male. Golden monkeys are primarily to be found in the bamboo forest that skirt the lower slopes of the volcanoes. They are quite more active in the bamboo canopy.  Golden monkeys are opportunistic feeders. What they feed on could be by the availability of fruits, leaves of bamboo trees, shoots of bamboo, shrubs, flowers, invertebrates and these makes it to be restricted to the highland forest, mostly the bamboo forest.

Golden monkey tracking starts at Mgahinga Gorilla National Park headquarters at 7:30am for pre-tracking briefing (on the dos and don’ts of tracking the golden monkeys). The actual trek begins at 8:00am. Hiking through the forests to sight the golden monkeys is not so strenuous like gorilla trekking because golden monkeys live in lower areas, so tourists do not track for more than 3 hours. When tourists encounter the golden monkey family, they are given one hour  (0r 4 hours in case your are doing the habituation experience) to spend with them (to take photographs and observe their behavior). With this activity, there is no minimum number of tourists who track each group and age limit is 12 years.

Golden Monkey Habituation Experience in Mgahinga

Uganda Wildlife Authority now offers you the golden opportunity to experience a  Golden Monkey Habituation in Mgahinga National Park . Accompany the researches in the morning or afternoon to track the Golden Monkeys and stay with them for 4 hours. You will have the unique chance to get close to these little primates and study their behavior in their natural habitat. A unique experience that will enhance your primate safari in Uganda!

There are several requirements that tourists need to have a memorable experience during golden monkey tracking. These include waterproof hiking boots, wear long sleeved shirt, long trousers, and carry a backpack for your lunch and documents. Also carry drinking water and snacks, carry a walking stick to support you during hiking, you can hire a porter to support you during hiking in slippery places and they carry your backpack, and do not forget to carry an

It is hard to get to – You either fly-in, which is very expensive or you drive to the park.  The drive (12-Hours) takes a lot of time due to the distance from Kampala. The more scenic route from Sipi Falls to Kidepo Parks breaks up the journey and you are driving through Karamoja which is quite interesting.

The lodging facilities are few, however, more are coming on-line as the popularity of the Park is on the increase plus the Apoka Rest Camp has been greatly improved to the delight of budget travelers.

Presently there 2000-3000 visitors per year, less per ten per day, in spite of being the best park for wildlife viewing in Uganda plus unique and enriching cultural experiences with the Karamojong and the Ik People who live near the park.

Kidepo Valley Park where the stunning scenery simply takes your breath away.  It is just you and a stillness only broken by the cry from the wild.  The sounds of the winds sweeping through the valley – you are amazed that such a place as Kidepo Valley Park even exists – an abundance of wildlife – rough-hewn scenery and an absence of people, no caravans of vehicles meandering down the game tracks- it is simply a scene from Karen Blixen or Ernest Hemingway’s Africa – it is Africa as you imagined it  but rarely find in the 21st Century.

There are Lions in abundance-especially during the dry season of the year (even some tree climbing ones) – Elephant and Buffalo herds roaming – Giraffe – leopards – cheetahs – wild dogs – ostriches-pangolins –the bat-eared fox, striped hyena, aardwolf, caracal, and hunting dog – antelopes such as eland, bushbuck, bush duskier, defassa waterbuck, bohor reedbuck, Jackson’s hartebeest, and oribi.

Quality & Affordable Uganda Safaris, Rwanda Gorilla Tours, Tanzania Safaris


Uganda Tours

Rwanda Tours

Tour Categories

Fly-in Wildlife Safaris

Gorilla Habituation | Chimp Habituation| Wildlife Experiential

Authentic Gorillas, Primates Wildlife Tours

BirdWatching Tours

Adventure - Mountaineering, Rafting

Multi-country Safariss

Top 5 Uganda Gorilla Treks

3 days gorilla tracking tour  

Uganda Gorilla Tracking & Lake Bunyonyi Canoe Trek - 4 Days

Uganda  4 Days Gorilla Trek (with two gorilla treks)  

Uganda Gorilla Tracking & Golden Monkey Trek – 4 Days  

Uganda Primate Tour -Bwindi Gorilla Tracking Kibale Chimp Trek – 5 Days

Top-6 Wildlife Safaris with Gorillas

All Inclusive Uganda Safari- Gorillas, Primate, Wildlife Culture Safari – 15 Days

Uganda All Wildlife Gorilla Primate Safari (with) Kidepo – 14 Days

All Inclusive Uganda Gorilla Trek, Primate Wildlife Safari – 12 Days

Uganda All Inclusive Gorilla & Wildlife Safari with Murchison Falls Tour- 9 Days

Best of Uganda Gorillas Safari – Primates Wildlife Uganda Tour – 7 Days

Uganda Gorilla Tracking, Safari in Lake Mburo & Queen Elizabeth NP, Kyambura Chimps trek- 6 Days

Gorilla and Chimpanzee Safari: Exciting 5 Day Uganda Trekking

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5 Days Gorilla and Chimpanzee Trekking Uganda Safari

Safari summary.

This Gorilla and Chimpanzee Safari in Uganda brings you an encounter with the world endangered Mountain Gorillas and our close cousins the Chimpanzees in the forests of Bwindi and Kibale.

Bwindi Impenetrable National park is home to half of the remaining mountain Gorillas in the World today and that’s why it is a popular Tourist destination in the World today.

gorilla and chimpanzee trekking uganda, gorilla and chimpanzee safari, gorilla and chimpanzee tour, uganda primate safaris, uganda primate tours, trek gorilla tours, trek gorilla safaris, gorilla and wildlife tours, gorilla tracking tours, gorilla watching safari, budget gorilla tours, best gorilla trekking company, bird watching safaris uganda, 5 days Gorilla and chimpanzee trekking tours uganda, gorilla trekks uganda, chimpanzee tracking kibale

Kibale forest National Park is also called the home of Chimpanzees tracking in Africa.

However, there are also many other primates (12 more species) such as; Coppery-tailed money, Blue monkey, Vervet monkey, Black and White colobus monkey, Red tailed monkey, Red colobus monkey, Olive Baboon, Thick-tailed bushbaby, Lesser Galago, to mention but a few also forest Elephants on a lucky day.

For Bird watching enthusiast, this is one of the best tour there is in the world. The two forests of Kibale and Bwindi are blessed with multitude of bird species (over 500) that you can’t find anywhere else.

With a good scenic landscape, large Tea and Banana plantations, beautiful explosion crater lakes and top of the world view makes this Gorilla and Chimpanzee trekking tour spectacular and adventurous.

  • Best time to go for a Gorilla and Chimpanzee Safari in Uganda is usually in the dry seasons: December-January and June-August.
  • The price of Gorilla trekking permit in Uganda is USD700 and Chimp tracking permit is USD200

Safari highlights of our Gorilla and Chimpanzee Safari

  • Day 1: Journey to Kibale National park and Swamp walk in the evening for primate tracking
  • Day 2: Chimpanzee tracking
  • Day 3: Transfer to Bwindi Impenetrable national park

  • Day 5: Travel back to Kampala/ Entebbbe
  • Primate tracking including; Coppery-tailed money, Blue monkey, Vervet monkey, Black and White colobus monkey, Red tailed monkey, Red colobus monkey, Olive Baboon, etc  

5 days gorilla and chimp safari uganda, black and white colobus monkey uganda, gorilla trekking uganda, chimps uganda

  • Bird watching in Bigodi swamp and Bwindi; great blue turaco, Black and White casqued hornbill, White browed coucal, Ross’s turaco etc
  • Game viewing through queen Elizabeth national park

You can Checkout our 4 days Gorilla and Chimpanzee trekking tour

4 Days Gorillas & Chimps Tour

Note: Apart from Gorilla and Chimpanzee, Other activities are involved

The Safari is an ultimate Primate and Birding Safari , the best there is and it is suitable for those with limited time but want to have a Gorilla and Chimpanzee trekking experience in Uganda .


Day 1: drive to kibale forest national park.

You meet our driver guide in the morning at your hotel/residence to kickstart our Gorilla and Chimpanzee trekking safari .

The journey takes an average 5 hour journey to Kibale forest national park passing through major towns of Mityana, Mubende and Kyenjojo before being welcomed to fort portal by green cover of large Tea plantations.

Women and men picking tea presents a good photography opportunity.

We continue to the Lodge for lunch and in the afternoon we go for a Swamp walk at Bigodi wetland sanctuary , an adventurous nature walk for wildlife and community interaction.

Here 4 primate species are available at this sanctuary and over 280 bird species including; the great blue turaco, Black and White casqued hornbill, White browed coucal, Ross’s turaco, grew backed fiscal, African paradise flycatcher, to mention but a few. Return to the lodge for dinner.

  • Drive to Kibale
  • Bigodi Swamp walk for bird watching and Primate hunting
  • Community interaction

Meal Plan: Lunch and Dinner

Day 2: Chimpanzee Tracking

After an early breakfast, you drive to Kanyanchu briefing centre for registration, briefing, grouping and getting a ranger guide who will lead a group of a maximum of 6 people into the forest for Chimpanzee Tracking .

The length of this activity depends on the availability of fruits and food for the Chimpanzee but an average of 4 hours. Spend an hour with our close cousins before getting out of the forest for lunch, and a restful evening. With options of a village walk or a crater lake exploration walk.

  • Chimpanzee tracking
  • Village walk
  • Crater lake exploration

5 days Gorilla and chimpanzee trekking tours uganda, gorilla trekks uganda, chimpanzee tracking kibale

Day 3: Transfer to Bwindi Forest through Queen Elizabeth National Park

After breakfast, we drive to Bwindi Impenetrable forest National Park . You see people attending to their farms and garden, passing through big plantation of banana, cotton, maize and sunflowers when they are in season.

The drive takes you through big industrialized town of Hima for Cement and Kasese for Copper before crossing to the southern hemisphere. A welcome sign to Queen Elizabeth National Park . Passing through Queen Elizabeth en-route to Bwindi is a Game drive its self.

A lot of game can be seen, such as; Elephants, Buffalos, Uganda kob, among others. We reach at the lodge in or near Bwindi forest in the afternoon, we have lunch, with option of doing a community walk in the evening.

  • Drive to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
  • community walk
  • Game Viewing in Queen Elizabeth National Park

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 4: Gorilla Trekking Bwindi in Forest

This is the long awaited Gorilla trekking day! After an early breakfast, you get the park offices.

This where the Gorilla groups are allocated and after a general briefing, a Uganda wildlife ranger guide with two armed escorts will lead you in to the forest for the Trek .

Equipped with enough drinking water, you are good to go, because the tracking can sometimes be long and tough , however, meeting the calm giants will heal the distance wounds.

Spend an hour with the mountain Gorillas and return after the success of mountain gorilla tracking in the Impenetrable Forests of Bwindi.

chimpanzee safari uganda

  • Gorilla Trekking

You can Checkout our 4 days Gorilla and Chimpanzee trekking Safari

Day 5: drive back to kampala/entebbe.

After breakfast, you will embark on 8-9 hour drive to Kampala or Entebbe, ending our Gorilla and Chimpanzee Safari in Uganda .

We drive through terraced hills and mountains that gives an over whelming feeling toward the local people who are able to cultivate on the steep slopes.

A lunch break in Mbarara “the land of milk” and a sight of the indigenous Ankole long horned cattle, continue to the Equator with the reminder that you are crossing back to the Northern hemisphere.

This is a good place to buy Ugandan Souvenirs and a cup of coffee. Your destination from here is 1-2 hrs away.

  • Journey back to Kampala
  • Stop at the Equator

Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch

Rates per person

  • Chimpanzee Tracking in Kibale
  • Chimpanzee Habituation in Kibale
  • Gorilla in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park-> Trip Advisor

Accommodation (Hotels and Lodges around the Tourist Sites)

The accommodation depends on your Budget. Here is a list of Lodges around the Tourist site.

  • Accommodation Around Bwindi Impenetrable National Park -> Trip Advisor
  • Accommodation Around Kibale National Park -> Trip Advisor

Related Itineraries

chimpanzee safari uganda

Tab Subtitle

3 days gorilla trekking in bwindi.

This 3 Day Gorilla Trekking Uganda safari will take you to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, the home of Mountain Gorilla Trekking in Uganda.

Primates and Big Five

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This is a 7 days safari for gorillas, chimps, big five and wildlife adventure in Uganda.

chimpanzee safari uganda

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What You need on a Gorilla and Chimpanzee trekking Uganda Safari

Just like Rwenzori Mountain Climbing , gorilla trekking also requires these items when tracking the gorillas.

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  • Water : Gorilla trekking can be very tiresome and you need to refill your tank as the trek goes on. It is advisable to park a few water filtration tablets before you come for the trek.
  • Boots : You will need good waterproof comfortable shoes. Some times it rains during the trek, so skid proof shoes can come in handy.
  • Rain Jacket : You are advised to carry rain jacket because if rains very often in Bwindi Impenetrable forest
  • Snack : You can carry a light snack to give you some energy during the walk in the forest
  • Trouser and Shirts Bwindi forest is covered with thick undergrowth, therefore light trousers and long sleeved shirts are advised.
  • Socks : You will have to tuck in the trousers into the socks to avoid insects crawling inside.
  • Gloves : You will need Gardening gloves because you will be grabbing tree branches, leaves, name it, and some can be thorny.
  • Camera : Carry a good camera (no flash for gorillas) to capture this lifetime experience

Gorilla And Chimpanzee Differences

a) Weight A average grown Chimpanzee weighs between 40kg to 64kg(Male) and 27kg to 50kg(female) While a Mountain gorilla(Male) weighs between 130kg to 219kg and 63kg to 115kg(Female). b) Height Chimps stand at a height of 3.3ft to 4.6ft while gorillas stand at a height of 4 to 6 feet. c) Diet Chimps eat mostly Fruits especially ripe ones, Leaves, Insects, small animals, birds, eggs, honey. Gorilla feed mostly on Bamboo shoots, other plant shoots, roots, fruits, tree bark. d) Mortality Chimps live to about 27 year and can sometimes reach 60 years, while the average life span of a mountain gorilla is 35 years. e) Reproduction Chimps have a gestation period of 8 months and infancy ends at about 4 to 5 years, and also they give birth every 5 to 6 years.

Mountain gorillas have a gestation of 8.5 months, females start producing at age 10 and they give birth between 2 and 6 offsprings their entire life.


chimpanzee safari uganda

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  • Chimpanzee trekking Safaris in Uganda
  • Chimpanzee Tracking

chimpanzee safaris in Uganda

Chimpanzee safaris in Uganda, Great Adventure safaris, Budget Gorilla tours

Chimpanzee trekking Safaris in Uganda – Guaranteed Chimpanzee trekking permits – Kibale Forest National park – Chimpanzee habituation experience

Uganda the Pearl of Africa is a beautiful country that has many tourist attractions, but the Chimpanzee trekking safaris in Uganda are one of the most exciting and fascinating adventure that you will definitely enjoy on your safari in Uganda. The impressive creatures the Chimpanzees are trekked just like the Mountain Gorillas and tourists spend a number of hours in the forest searching, observing and photographing them.

However, because of conservation reasons, Chimpanzee trekking is done twice a day, morning and afternoon in most Chimpanzee trekking locations in Uganda that in Kibale Forest National Park and I Budongo Forest in Murchison Falls National Park where we have the Chimpanzee habituation and some tourists spend the whole day with these lovely primates or Chimpanzees in their natural habitat.

The top Uganda’s Chimpanzee grounds where Chimpanzee safaris take place include Kibale Forest National Park, Budongo Forest, and Kyambura Gorge in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Kalinzu Forest Reserve, Semliki Game Reserve and Ngamba Island in Lake Victoria where Chimps are habituated after being saved from captivity.

Great Adventures Safaris offer Chimpanzee watching safaris in Uganda. Uganda is one of the best places in Africa where one can see Chimpanzees in their natural homes. The chances of meeting these great apes are high given that high populations of Chimpanzees in Uganda’s tropical rain forests.

Chimpanzee habituation experience allows you enough time with the Chimpanzee as they forage and jump from tree to tree and feeding from time to time till they get into their new nests for a night. These Chimps are habituated and can freely do their day to day activities with human presence with no threat not until you leave them.

There is as well a one hour Chimp tracking where you only stay and follow the Chimpanzee for one hour after finding them. This sometimes takes like 3-4 hours for the whole experience. While on these adventures you have a chance to view other primates like the Red-tailed monkeys, Black and White colobus monkeys among others. Contact Great Adventures Uganda for more information and plan your Chimpanzee safari to Uganda accordingly and book your Chimp permits in advance before they sell out especially in the high season.

Before you start your Chimp walk there is always a briefing about the rules and regulations while in the forest given to you by the National Park Authorities. This is for the safety of both you and the Chimpanzees. People with airborne diseases from humans like flu are not allowed to visit the Chimps because they can also affect by the same disease. Also children under the age of 12 are not allowed to trek the Chimpanzee. You are always six (6) in a group while trekking a particular community of the Chimps .

Hiking shoes with good grip, long sleeved shirts and trousers, rain gear, long stockings, a pair of binoculars are always recommended as you prepare to visit the Chimpanzee in their natural habitats.

Efforts to conserve and protect the Chimpanzees in Uganda are acknowledged and well supported. Every time a visitor books and purchase a Chimp permit in Uganda he or she contributes to the conservation efforts.

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Why seeing chimpanzees in Uganda is one of the world's greatest wildlife experiences

May 17, 2019 • 6 min read

A mature male chimpanzee sits in dense green foliage atop a large rock with its legs tucked up and its forearms hanging over its knees - it is looking pensively up to the trees above© Bella Falk

A male member of the Kanyanchu chimpanzee group in Kibale Forest National Park © Bella Falk

Chimpanzees may get much less hype in the travel media than endangered mountain gorillas, but tracking our closest relative through the African jungle is in fact one of the world's most thrilling wildlife encounters (and it costs a fraction of visiting our larger cousins).

Although there are around 300,000 chimpanzees left in the equatorial forests of Africa, observing them in their natural habitat is a rare treat. One of the best places to do so is Kibale Forest National Park in Uganda as it's home to five habituated groups that are within easy walking distance.

A mature male chimpanzee sits in dense green foliage atop a large branch with its legs tucked up and its forearms hanging over its knees - it is looking pensively up to the trees above© Bella Falk

Africa’s chimpanzees

Chimpanzees live in communities of up to 150 members, which are divided into smaller subgroups and led by an alpha male.  They’ll typically spend much of their day high up in the treetops, grooming, sleeping, and feeding on fruit, leaves and bark. However, it's when they descend from the canopy that you’ll have your best chance of getting close to them.

Today we know that chimpanzees are humans’ closest genetic relatives – sharing around 98% of our DNA – but it was the celebrated primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall who first observed their astonishing human-like behaviour. In the 1960s Dr. Goodall moved in with a community of chimps in Tanazania ’s Gombe National Park, where she was able to prove that chimpanzees kill and eat small mammals, and can make and use tools, ideas that were completely unknown at the time.

By spending time with the chimps she eventually taught them to accept her – a process known as habituation which is not only fantastic for scientists, but also opens up the opportunity for ordinary visitors to get almost within touching distance of these incredible creatures.

A baby chimpanzee has its mouth full of fruit, with one hand on a branch and the other grasping more fruit, while an elder chimp sits down the same branch and carefully tastes a piece of fruit - bunches of fruit hang from the branch they are sitting on © Bella Falk

The chimpanzees of Kibale Forest National Park

Kibale Forest in Uganda is home to around 1500 chimpanzees living in 13 communities. Of these, various groups have been successfully habituated; some for scientific study and others, such as the Kanyanchu group, are used for tracking .

The Kanyanchu group, made up of more than 120 individuals, is led by an alpha male named Totti (after an Italian footballer) who took the top job in 2016 after a two-year battle with the previous alpha, Magezi. Visits to the group take place in the mornings and afternoons and typically last 3-4 hours with up to one hour spent with the chimps. The cost of the tracking permit is US$150 per person, a fraction of the US$750 and US$1500 price tags for gorilla permits at Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and  Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park respectively.

If an hour isn’t enough for you, then the park also offers a habituation experience , where you’ll spend a full day (US$220) following one of two communities currently undergoing the two-year habituation process. You’ll need to be prepared for a fair bit of brisk walking – chimps can move fast – but it will be worth it for the rewards of a more intimate encounter.

Several tourists walk single file up a slope into the thickening undergrowth of the rainforest while tracking chimpanzees© Bella Falk

What to expect from your chimpanzee experience

Most visitors opt for the half-day, which should provide you with plenty of time to find the group and enjoy a thrilling hour in their company.  The adventure starts with a briefing, during which you’ll learn a little about the animals you’re about to see, as well as being given some dos and don’ts. Top of the list: avoid getting too close. Not only for your own safety, but also for theirs as our colds, viruses and diseases can easily spread to them due to shared DNA. It's also not wise to imitate their calls. While it might seem fun to mimic them, if you’re not careful you might accidentally end up recreating a battle cry and bring 120 angry chimpanzees down upon you. Once you’ve been briefed, you’re separated into groups of up to seven, each accompanied by a guide, who is armed in case of emergencies. And then it’s time to head into the forest.

Pushing through the tangled undergrowth, ducking under low branches and watching your step for twisted roots, you’ll hike in the direction of where the animals were last seen, all the time listening for their cries in the trees above. With a bit of luck you’ll soon hear them: that harsh, high-pitched screeching that rises to a crescendo and then fades away again as the family members call to one another. It’s an eerie, thrilling sound, and one that you know means you’re about to meet the stars of the show.

As you follow the direction of the cacophony, you should soon find one of the family's sub-groups. They may be high up in the treetops, feasting on figs, grooming or playing. But if you’re lucky, some will have come down to the ground, and that’s when the real magic happens.

An adult chimpazee laying on its back atop a large branch, with one arm outstretch - its palm left open and skyward - above its head, the other folded gently across its chest; its head is upside down and it is gazing gently at the camera © Bella Falk

Face to face with chimpanzees

No matter how prepared you are, nothing beats that first, up-close, chimpanzee encounter. That intense buzz of being no more than a few feet away from these completely wild creatures. The thrill of seeing how intelligent they are, with their poses, expressions and interactions that could be almost human. The way they look right at you with their bright eyes, and even pose for your camera, you may wonder if they’re enjoying the interaction even more than you are.

The gorillas may be Uganda’s star attraction, but coming face-to-face with a wild chimpanzee is every bit as breathlessly exhilarating. In fact, this experience is arguably better, because the terrain is much easier, the forest less dense, the chimpanzees easier to find, and the price significantly cheaper.  All good reasons why you might want to consider putting chimps right at the top of your must-see list.

Africano, the Ugandan park guide, stands dressed in his green uniform, with one arm resting on a tree, the other holding the shoulder strap of his rifle © Bella Falk

The unsung heroes of Kibale

Like any African wildlife experience, chimpanzee tracking is only as good as its guides. Fortunately, the Uganda Wildlife Authority rangers who run the show are among the best of the best. Working in wildlife tourism in Uganda is a highly-prized job, and for the lucky few it offers a chance to spend every day out in nature, helping to protect the country’s precious ecosystem and sharing their passion with other wildlife-lovers.  Little wonder that there are 50 applicants for every job, and that the selection process is tough, involving a written exam, oral interview and fitness test. Rangers must be truly knowledgeable about conservation, have great people skills and speak excellent English – which makes them among the most dedicated and interesting people you will meet anywhere on your travels.

Take 34-year-old Africano, for example. He grew up in Kibale forest, the son of poor parents who scratched a living from subsistence farming. When the forest was made a national park in 1993, everyone living there was forcibly evicted.  For a long time, young Africano was furious with the government and with life, until he realised that if he followed his passion, he could turn the situation to his advantage. He studied hard at school, learned about tourism and wildlife management, and got a job as a ranger in the park. Now he’s not only able to help protect the forest he loves, he’s supporting his family in the process.

Kibale is not the only place to see chimpanzees in Uganda; there are also opportunities around Queen Elizabeth National Park and Murchison Falls National Park and in some smaller forest reserves.  But thanks to Kibale’s large population the chance of seeing them is said to be around 90%, which is why it’s become known as Uganda’s premier chimpanzee tracking destination.

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Chimpanzee captital safari lodge

Chimpanzee captital safari lodge is a mid-range accommodation found in Bigodi  at the Edge of Kibale national park, 20 km from Lake Nkuruba nature, Uganda region .. The lodge is situated approximately 1km from Chimpanzee briefing point in Kibale national park perfect base for Chimpanzees Tracking and surrounded by the lush green landscape with the sound of whispering birds for bird watching/ birding overlooking the majestic Rwenzori Range. The lodge is convenient for tourists, travellers and holiday makers who want to explore and discover the three national parks in Uganda name; Semiliki , Mt Rwenzori and queen Elizabeth national park  with the beautiful views. You can be at the lodge by road transport from Kampala/Entebbe which takes approximately 5-6 hour’s drive and an hour to fly from Entebbe international airport to Kasese airstrip then hours to be transferred to the lodge.

Chimpanzee capital safari  lodge consists of over 5 spacious and confortable cottages  overlooking the breathtaking views of the lake reflecting African traditional style with natural materials with local woods.   Rooms are well elevated with raised wooden platform decorated and furnished with en- suite private facilities of clean flushing Toilets,  bathroom with hot and cold showers, comfortable beds that are wrapped with mosquito nets , chairs, free toiletries, complementary bottled water in the rooms , white pillows and duvets ,wooden tables  and many more. Rooms have large sitting areas, terraces and wooden private balconies overlooking the Lush green landscape and wilderness. Rooms varies in different sizes with single beds for individuals , double beds for friends or couples, twin ,and villa bedroom for family or group  with different costs ranging from 200$ per night and above .  Rates vary depending on seasons; during peak season the rate always go high than low season.

Chimpanzee capital safari lodge offers different facilities and services which include;

  The restaurant that serves delicious  types of Menu WITH traditional from all corners of the world and international meals that meets guest’s appetite.  You will enjoy all the home made dishes filled with fruits and vegetables making Cuisine unique. You will have Continental / buffet breakfast in the rooms , lunch and a 3 course   dinner in the main building  served by well trained , organized  staff  and skilled chef.

Services include;   Free parking space available,  lobby area offered , Laundry  and house-keeping services available,  airport pick -ups and drop offs offered  .

WIFI  hot spot internet available in the main Building that enables visitors to keep in touch with their families and friends.

  Activities to do while at the lodge includes ; birding /bird watching as you listen to the sound of the whispering birds in the village, Chimpanze tracking since Kibale is the home of chimpanzees , Hiking/ climbing Mount Rwenzori , natural walks in forest and many more .

Chimpanzee captital safari lodge

Kibale Forest  national park is situated  on  the foothills of Mount Rwenzori , 65 km  south of fort portal tourism city in Western uganda covering the total area of 766 square kilo metres .  The park is basically the best destination for primate viewing and birding. It is the home of various chimpanzee  over  1500 in kibale and in the whole world its  about 5000 chimpanzees, with over 13 primate species , few mammals and over 300 species of birds which include; Sun birds , bee –eaters ,  sunbirds, Tawny Eagles , Grey headed kingfisher , Yellow-billed hornbill and many more birds. Chimpanzee tracking  and habituation  is the famous tourist activity in Kibale national park since it’s the home of Various Primates.  One has to be having a chimpanzee permit in order to track which cost 200$ non foreign resident, 150$ foreign residents  and Ugandans its  150,000/=, Habituation is 250$ non foreign  residents. There are more accommodations to stay in while in  kibale  national park; budget, Mid range (moderate) and luxury accommodations which are friendly and affordable  to visitors visiting the park.

 There are different activities to do while in Kibale  national park include;   Chimpanzee tracking experience since the lodge is close to the forest and the park has more chimpanzees, chimpanzee habituation, Birding/bird watching in kibale, as you enjoy the whispering sound of birds in the forest since the park has  many different bird species, visiting bigodi swamp ,  cultural experience from the local village tribe like Traditional dance and food, Nature walks in the park , golden monkey tracking , mountain biking and climbing , visiting the crater lake like kyaninga and many other activities.

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Chimpanzee Trekking in Uganda

Chimpanzee safari uganda, kibale chimp tracking, primates walk (chimpanzee tracking).

The most favourite of Kibale’s walks embarks on from the Kanyanchu Visitor center at 08.00 & 15.00 and lasts 2 to 3 hours. Chimpanzee are the most sought after primate by visitors, but you should look out for the black & white colobus, red tailed monkey or the grey cheeked mangabey. Your guides will be able to show you pittas & different bird species and will give details of the tradit of the plant species within the forest. This walk is for 6 people in a group. Advance booking is all-important especially during peak sea.

chimpanzee kibale

Chimpanzee Trekking In Uganda

Chimpanzee trekking is one of the best activities that is sought after by many tourists who come to Uganda. Just like gorilla trekking, it involves trekking through the forest in search of the chimpanzees that keep on swinging from one tree to the next. Trekking might take a few hours or less but once you get to the chimpanzees, every group gets to spend an hour with them before trekking back to the camp.

There are several chimpanzee destinations in Uganda and each one of these has a group of chimpanzees that you can trek. Chimpanzee trekking is mainly done in the Kibale Forest National Park and other destinations where you can go for the chimpanzee trek include the Budongo forest which is found in the Murchison Falls National park, Kyambura gorge in the Queen Elizabeth National Park, Semuliki wildlife reserve, and Kalinzu forest found in Busenyi.

Chimpanzee trekking starts very early in the morning and every trek begins with the tour guides giving tourists the guidelines and rules that need to be followed. While trekking, you will be able to see other primates and wildlife like the red-tailed monkeys, black and white colobus monkeys, a variety of bird species among others.

Chimpanzee Trekking Permit

A chimpanzee trekking permit is a legal document that will give you access to the chimpanzees. They are processed by the Uganda wildlife Authority and they still remain the property of the Republic of Uganda even after being issued to you. Just like the trekking permit for gorillas, limited permits are printed per day and these are only valid for the date that they have been printed. The reason as to why few permits are printed is to try as much as possible to reduce the interaction between the chimpanzees and humans to conserve them. The chimps are prone to diseases and that is why interaction is limited.

The best way for one to get a chimpanzee trek permit is by booking through a trusted tour operator. Local tour operators know more about the process of booking and other related costs so it is better to let them take up the planning process. The tour operators will book the permit at the Uganda wildlife Authority and once payment is done, a scanned copy will be sent out to you via email with details on when you are to trek, the time, your name, passport details, and the unique serial number that makes it unique from the rest. Note that these permits cannot be interchanged and it is also hard for you to get a refund if you do not make it.

Cost Of The Chimpanzee Trekking Permit

The cost of a Chimpanzee trekking permit in Uganda varies according to the season. There are two seasons that are the peak season (the dry season) and the low season (the wet season) and they both see a variety of tourists come for chimpanzee trekking.  During the peak/high season, a chimpanzee trek permit goes for $1500 per day per person and during the low season, the cost of the permit can go as low as $100 per person per day in Kibaale forest National Park. The cost of a chimpanzee permit in Budongo goes for $90 during both the peak and low season and in the Kyambura gorge, the permit goes for $50.

Chimpanzee Trekking In Kibale National Park

Located in the south western part of the country, Kibale National Park has quite a large number of chimpanzees with about 1500 chimpanzees 120 of which are habituated. The chimpanzees here can easily be located due to their high number and the trekking is done twice a day that is in the morning and in the afternoon. A chimpanzee trek permit in Kibaale goes for $1500 during the peak season and $100 during the low season. Chimpanzee habituation is also done at the Kibale National park and this is where visitors get to spend more time with the primates for example 6 hours or the whole day.

The park is ranked to be the best destination for chimpanzee trekking in Uganda and besides meeting the chimpanzees, you will also get to see other primates including the different types of monkeys like the colobus monkeys, red-tailed monkeys, a wide variety of bird species (400) and other wildlife.

There are several places where you can stay when you go for chimpanzee tracking in the Kibale National Park and these include the Primate Lodge, the Kyaninga lodge,

The most favorite activity in the park is the Chimpanzee tracking in Uganda. Starts from Kanyanchu Visitor Center at 08.00 & ends at 15.00 and lasts 2-3 hours. The Primates are searched down by visitors during the tracking. These include black & white Colobus, grey cheeked Mangabey, red tailed monkey. Your guides will show you pittas along with other bird species & will explain the tradit of different plant species within the forest. This walk is for 6 individuals per tour group. Advance booking is all-important during peak sea:

Chimpanzee Trekking In The Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary

Ngamba Island found along Lake Victoria and easily accessed by a speedboat from Entebbe is one of the places where you can enjoy chimpanzee trekking while in Uganda. Set up by Goodall to conserve the primates, the Island part where the chimpanzees are kept is fenced off in order to allow the chimps to roam freely without causing damage to the neighbours. The speedboat that goes to Ngamba has two shifts with a half trip starting in the morning and a full one starting at 5pm.

The cost of visiting the island depends on the number of people in the group . the smaller the group, the higher the cost and the bigger the group, the lower the cost. Children from 5 to 15 years always pay half the price before gaining entry to the sanctuary.

The sanctuary started with about 13 chimpanzees that were rescued by a few locals and Dr. Jane Goodall and ever since the number of chimpanzees has grown to over 50 chimpanzees that have either been rescued or orphaned. You get to see the chimpanzees at different stages, get in close contact with them and also carry out other activities like fishing, swimming, exploring the villages, and birding.

Chimpanzee Trekking In The Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park is a home to numerous forests and these are the Budongo forest, the Kaniyo Pabidi and the Rabongo forest where the chimpanzee trekking takes place. These three forests have over 600 chimpanzees making Murchison a good destination for chimpanzee trekking. Murchison National Park is a home to over 500 bird species, wildlife and is a top destination for many tourists who come to Uganda for safaris. The best time for chimpanzee trekking is from October to January because it is easier to see the chimpanzees as they hunt for food. Chimpanzee trekking in Murchison is done twice a day with the first one in the morning and the other in the afternoon.

  • The Rabongo forest,  this is also a forest found within the Murchison and where trekking is carried out. There are no clear trek routes but with the help of a tour guide, you will be able to set out within the forest in search of the chimpanzees which when found, you will get an hour with them. The Rabongo forest however has fewer chimpanzee families as compared to the Budongo forest.
  • Budongo forest,  Budongo forest is a top destination for chimpanzee trekking and has a large number of primates. With the help of a tour guide, trekking will be easy and you get to see other primates like monkeys, the olive baboons, and red-tailed monkeys, and do birding among other activities.
  • Kaniyo Pabidi forest,  a home to chimpanzees, a wide range of bird species, insects, and other primates, the forest is one of the few in the country that has remained in its natural state without any tampering from humans.

Accommodation in Murchison falls National Park is divided into three sections that is the Para and Victoria Nile, Albert Nile and the Kaniyo Pabidi. There are Luxurious, Mid-range, and Budget accommodation facilities and you can choose from these with your tour operator to see what works for you best.

Chimpanzee Trekking In The Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National park is one of the best National Parks that is sought after by many tourists with about 17 chimpanzees available. Chimpanzee trekking here is done in the Kyambura game reserve also known as the Kyambura gorge. The activity is best done in the mornings and it takes about 1 to 2 hours. You will be escorted by experienced tour guides and after the trek, you can as well enjoy a game drive around the National Park. Some of the lodges that you can check out while in Kyambura include the Kyambura gorge safari lodge, KingFisher camp, Mweya safari lodge, jacana lodge and Katara lodge among others.

What To Pack For A Chimp Trek In Uganda.

No one wants to carry excess luggage while on a safari because this can make it hard for you to enjoy the safari with the extra luggage being carried around. You need to make sure that you carry what is considered essential when it comes to chimpanzee trekking and these include the following:

  • Insect repellent
  • Waterproof hiking boots
  • Bottled drinking water
  • Long-sleeved shirts and trousers to avoid scratches on your body.
  • A walking stick to ease trekking
  • Camera and binoculars
  • A small backpack to carry a few essentials like cameras and extra batteries while trekking.
  • A sun hat and sunscreen.

Trekking Rules And Regulations

There are rules and guidelines that you need to follow in order to have a good chimp trekking experience. These were set up by the Uganda wildlife Authority to protect both the primates and the visitors. Some of the regulations that you must follow include the following:

  • You are not allowed to trek in case you feel sick, especially with flu and cough
  • You are to keep a distance of 8 meters between you and the chimps
  • You should always follow all the guidelines that are given to you by the tour guides
  • No one is allowed to feed the chimps
  • Visitors are not allowed to eat or drink near the chimpanzees.
  • Do not urinate and poop in the park as this might cause the animals to fall sick. In case you want to poop, you must dig a hole of about 30cm deep and after that bury everything including the toilet paper.
  • The minimum age for chimp trekking in Uganda is 15 years.
  • The only people who can help you gain access to the Park for trekking are the tour guides
  • Make sure that the camera you are using does not have a flashlight
  • Do not make noise while trekking because this irritates the chimps and they end up migrating to another place.

Chimpanzee Habituation

Chimpanzee habituation involves spending a few hours with the chimpanzees in close range. Chimp habituation refers to the process in which the chimps are trained so that they are used to human presence at all times even during tracking. Chimpanzee habituation takes quite a long time before it is actualized which is about 2 to 3 years and in Uganda, this has been achieved in the Kibaale National Park. After 3 years of training, the habituated chimps are let out so that they can start interacting with the humans.

Chimpanzee habituation has a special permit which costs about $150 for foreign residents, $70 for East African citizens and $220 for non-foreign residents. The permits need to be booked in advance so that you get to enjoy your habituation experience.

Chimp Trekking VS Gorilla Trekking

Chimpanzee trekking is on the rise and a favourite for tourists. Carried out in different destinations that is the Kibaale National park, Budongo and Queen Elizabeth National Park, tracking chimpanzees is one activity that you will want to try out while in Uganda. A chimpanzee trekking permit goes for $150 and during the low season it can go to as low as $100 per person per day. While trekking, you get to spend an hour with the primates observing them as they play, swing from tree to the next and go about their daily activities.

Gorilla trekking in Uganda is carried out in the Bwindi Impenetrable national park and the Mgahinga National Park. Gorilla trekking has its own rules and regulations that you must follow like keeping a distance from the primates, no feeding them and no using cameras with flashlights just to mention but a few. You also get to spend an hour with the gorillas and this is done with the help of the tour guides. A gorilla permit is on the high end as compared to the chimpanzee trek permit going for $1500 per person per day.

Chimpanzee Trekking Vs. Chimpanzee Habituation

During Chimpanzee habituation tourists get to spend more time with the primates as they are given about 6 hours to spend with the primates and some get to spend the whole day with the chimps. Uganda is known to be a good place to enjoy chimp habituation and tracking at the same time. As you compare chimp trekking and habituation, the first thing that you should put into consideration is the amount of time spent with the chimpanzees.

Chimp trekking normally involves trekking around the National Park until you get to see the chimpanzees and this can take 2 to 3 hours. Each group gets to spend at least an hour with the chimps after trekking. However, during chimpanzee habituation, tourists get to spend at least 6 hours and sometimes the whole day with the chimpanzees. While chimpanzee trekking permits cost $150, chimpanzee habituation permits cost $150.

What You Need To Know About Chimpanzees

Chimpanzees are believed to have the closest DNA to humans with 98%. They are known to be extremely playful and keep on moving from one place to the next but note that they can as well become aggressive once they are provoked. Adult chimpanzees weigh differently depending on the sex that is an average adult female chimpanzee can weigh between 30 to 50kgs at a height of 2 t0 4 feet whereas a male adult chimpanzee weighs between 35 to 75 kgs at a height of 3 meters.

Chimpanzees relatively stay in groups of 10 to 100 with one dominant male as the leader. With their high intelligence, they can easily take care of each other like humans, hold hands, search for food, and care for the young ones. When a baby chimpanzee turns 4 years, they tend to become independent and start looking for their own food.

A chimpanzee living in the wild can live up to 40 years and those that are kept in zoos can live up to 60 years. Chimpanzees are very sociable, can easily and effectively communicate with each other, and search for food, build their own nests and these skills are passed down from one chimpanzee to the next. Chimpanzees are known to spend most of their time on the ground but when it comes to feeding and sleeping, this is done way up in the trees.

The government together with assistance from the Goodall Foundation are trying their best to conserve the life of the chimpanzees by putting up heavy sanctions on whoever is found poaching or hurting the Chimpanzees.

Behavioural Patterns For Chimpanzees

The chimpanzees normally live on the ground level, they spend most of their time up in the trees, especially at night and when feeding. They are known to be swift at climbing trees and they use both their hands and toes to make it easier and faster. While on the ground, they use both their hands and toes for walking with half-flexed fingers due to their huge weight. They normally live in groups and migrate in groups as well. There is always only one dominant male and if another male wants to take over, they have to fight for the position.

What Do Chimpanzees Feed On?

Chimpanzees feed on mainly fruits and leaves. They however feed on only ripe fruits which they keep on gathering very early in the morning. They also feed on flowers and bugs and fresh meat. Chimpanzees use different tools to gather their food and while looking o=for insects, they use twig trees to poke into anthills and sometimes check under the stones for hidden bugs. After chewing the leaves, they use them to clean themselves and dip the leaves into the water for drinking.

Where Else Can I Go For Chimpanzee Trekking?

Besides chimpanzee trekking in Uganda, you can as well enjoy chimp trekking in the neighbouring countries of Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Rwanda. Chimpanzee trekking in DRC can be done in the Virunga National Park, Gombe and Mahale in Tanzania and in Rwanda, chimpanzee trekking is best done in the Nyungwe forest National Park.

How Difficult Is Chimpanzee Trekking In Uganda?

It is not so difficult to take part in chimpanzee trekking because the trekking is normally done following the flat trails in the forests. Since chimpanzees live at relatively low altitudes, this makes it easy to go for trekking unlike when going for gorilla trekking. Note that during the wet season, it becomes extremely hard due to the slippery nature of the trails.

What Is The Best Time To See Chimpanzees In Uganda?

Chimpanzee trekking can be carried out all year round however the best time to chimp trek is during the dry season which is experienced between the months of June to September and December to January. This is also known as the peak season due to the fact that there are many tourists who come for chimpanzee trekking in the country. During the dry season, the trek trails are passable and it is also easier to see the chimpanzees during the dry season unlike during the rainy season when the roads become slippery and the vegetation is dense. Chimpanzee trekking can also be done during the wet season due to the presence of plenty of food for the chimpanzees making it easy for them to be spotted.

Chimpanzees as well as humans share over 98 percent of their DNA.

However these being wild animals, chances of spotting these chimps are not always guaranteed although they are over 95% within the Kibale Forest, hence making it the most perfect destination in the whole of East Africa for chimpanzee tracking.

It is in addition probable to take part in the fascinating habituation experience, meaning that you can actuallty get a chance to spend the entire day with this impressive creatures.

However, because the  number of chimpanzee  trekking permits for each day is restricted, you are greatly advised to book in advance to your  safari  date.

Normally lunch boxes may be offered to the trekkers that are taking part in the habituation process sinc it requires the entire day.

Important to Note is that 15 years is the minimum age allowed to take part in the chimpanzee tracking experience

What to carry along

Wear shoes that have a good grip, suitable for climbing steep moist muddy slopes

A number of people actually feel more at ease when wearing clothes that are long sleeved as this will protect them from the pricking thickets as they move through the verdant jungle

Do not forget a rain gear, since the weather here is highly unpredictable

Bring enough drinking water plus snacks to bite on

Carry a pair of binoculars

If taking photos, keep in mind that your subjects are actually black animals living within dim light, so camera flashes is strictly not permitted. Better to have a fast film (of 400 – 800 ASA) or even utilize the settings on your camera.

About Chimpanzees

The average weight of an adult well grown male chimpanzee is between 35 and 70 kilograms, with a height of approximately 3 meters whereas tan adult female chimpanzee weighs between 26 and 50 kilograms and a height between 2 and 4 feet.

A chimpanzee’s life expectancy is at 40 years whereas that for those living in captivity can extend up to 60 years.

In Uganda today, Efforts to actually conserve the chimpanzees are extensively acknowledged and well supported.  Actually The Jane Goodall Foundation has played a major role in the overall conservation of not only these Chimpanzees but the Gorillas as well found in Uganda. By going for chimpanzee tracking, you directly contribute to the conservation efforts.

Chimpanzees are the closest relatives to humans sharing about 98% of their DNA composition with humans.  They are Sociable, intelligent as well as communicative and among their very fascinating traits is the ability to utilize tools like rocks for crushing nuts, empty pods for hollowing out water plus sticks for capturing termites from their holes. These skills are for long been passed on from generation to another and researchers say that different troops have specialist tasks, basing on their habitat as well as diet.

Chimps stay in groups of 10 – 100 members. They can babysit each other’s young, kiss, groom one another and even hold hands. The young chimps become independent at the age of 4 year. Nonetheless, chimps can be aggressive and unsociable, mainly if disturbed.

Although they spend some time on ground, they normally feed and do make their sleeping nests up in the trees. Their diet varies comprising of leaves, seeds, fruit plus flowers.

About Chimpanzee Habituation Experience

Chimpanzee Habituation Experience,this is a lifetime experience that allows accompany Kibale’s researchers and habituation at chimpanzee during their daily activities, thereby getting used to human presence without changing their natural. During your tour, expect coming across the chimps de-nesting (in their nocturnal nests) between 05.30 to 06.30, before them throughout the day till they make new nests and the night around 19.00. The Habituation Experience by tourist for low season months of March, April, May and November


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