Je Répare Mon Bagage

  • Kit Valise 2 Roues
  • Kit Sac de Voyage
  • Kit Porte Ordinateur
  • Jantes + Bandes Roulantes
  • MasterWheels Grand Voyageurs
  • Roulettes Hautes Performances SuperTravel
  • Roues Long Life
  • Valises 2 Roues
  • Valises en tissu 2 Roues
  • Roues de Porte-Ordinateur
  • Support & Conseils
  • Je fais réparer mon bagage
  • Kit Valise 4 roues
  • Valises 4 Roues
  • Valises Rigides
  • Valise en Tissu 4 Roues
  • Roues & Pièces détachées Valises Samsonite
  • Roues & Pièces Détachées Bagages Delsey
  • Kit Doubles Roues
  • Valises en Tissu
  • Roulettes pour Valise Cabine
  • Cadenas pour Bagage Cabine
  • Pieds pour Bagage Cabine
  • Poignées pour Valise Cabine
  • Je fais réparer mon Bagage
  • J'envoie mes Roulettes pour être Réparées
  • Extrême Reconstruction
  • Roues Poussettes de Marché
  • Housses pour Poussettes de Marché
  • Protéger & Renforcer sa Valise
  • Bumpers & Pieds de Valise
  • Supports de Bagages
  • Réparer la coque fendue
  • Charnières de Valise
  • Assurances Voyages
  • Sangles de maintien et Tendeurs
  • Doublures Intérieures de Valise
  • Clips de fixation
  • Fermetures éclair
  • Curseurs et Tirettes de Valises
  • Clips & Boucles de fixation
  • Clips de Serrure extérieur
  • Les Bandoulières
  • Bandoulières
  • Kits roulettes

Bande de Réparation Coque Fendue

  • cadenas à code intégré
  • cadenas TSA intégré
  • cadenas de bagage
  • Cadenas Auchan & Leclerc

Cadenas Universel à code intégré 3 chiffres F732

  • Poignées pour valises en tissu et sacs de voyage
  • Poignées Porte Ordinateur
  • Eléments de poignée télescopique
  • Eléments de poignée
  • Poignées pour bagages rigides
  • Poignées Complètes
  • Poignées de Bagage GYL
  • Poignées de Valises Auchan & Leclerc

Poignée de Valise complète PL210 23cm

  • Poignées télescopiques 2 positions - taille cabine
  • Boutons de Poignée Télescopique
  • Poignées télescopiques 1 position - taille Moyenne
  • Poignées télescopiques 1 position - Grande Taille
  • Poignées Télescopiques Business Case
  • élément de poignée télescopique
  • Poignées télescopiques monobranches
  • Poignées Télescopiques de Valises Auchan & Leclerc
  • Supports de poignées téléscopiques
  • Bandes Roulantes
  • Roulettes Valises en Coque
  • Roulettes Bagages en Tissu
  • Fixation roulette
  • Éléments de poignées
  • Éléments de poignée
  • Support Mural pour Homepod Mini
  • Adaptateur de Filtres pour Spa

Support Mural pour HomePod Mini

Roues et Roulettes de Bagages

Roues et roulettes de bagages  .

  • Protection des bandes roulantes
  • Sacs de Voyage
  • Roues de Bagage Auchan & Leclerc
  • Support & Conseils
  • Roues Valises GYL

Filtrer par

Diamètre Roue

  •  30 mm (3)
  •  40 mm (27)
  •  42 mm (10)
  •  45 mm (7)
  •  46 mm (4)
  •  50 mm (118)
  •  54 mm (2)
  •  55 mm (23)
  •  58 mm (2)
  •  60 mm (22)
  •  63 mm (2)
  •  65 mm (14)
  •  70 mm (20)
  •  75 mm (5)
  •  80 mm (2)
  •  84 mm (4)
  •  85 mm (4)
  •  90 mm (1)
  •  95 mm (2)
  •  100 mm (1)
  •  110 mm (1)
  •  Valises Rigides (137)
  •  Valises Souples (68)
  •  Sacs de Voyage (1)

Longueur du Socle

  •  5 cm (2)
  •  6 cm (21)
  •  7 cm (63)
  •  8 cm (33)
  •  9 cm (36)
  •  10 cm (27)
  •  11 cm (7)
  •  12 cm (6)
  •  13 cm (5)

Largeur du Socle

  •  5 cm (13)
  •  6 cm (43)
  •  7 cm (94)
  •  8 cm (28)
  •  9 cm (6)
  •  10 cm (2)
  •  11 cm (1)
  •  12 cm (1)
  •  13 cm (1)

Conseils et Support JRMB

Nouvelle Pièces

Nouvelle pièces  .

Nous avons travaillé pendant 14 ans au Service Bagages à l'aéroport Roissy Charles de Gaulle. Avec,  n ous avons souhaité mettre à votre disposition toute notre expertise dans le monde des valises.

Il y a 448 pièces.

Filtres actifs

roulette valise travel world

2 Roues de Valise R124I3D D+G

Réparer son Bagage, c'est aussi l'améliorer pour le rendre durable et réparable !

roulette valise travel world

Bienvenue dans le Futur !

Ces roues de bagage, imprimées en 3D puis assemblées dans notre Atelier en Pays de Loire grâce à nos imprimantes 3D et Scanner de qualité dentaire, s'adaptent sur les valises rigides de grande taille ou de taille moyenne.

Matière : Impression 3D en PLA Haute Performance. Il s'agit d'un Bio-Plastique modifié pour avoir une résistance mécanique et thermique supérieure. Ce matériau est fabriqué à partir de matières naturelles renouvelables et biodégradables. Les bobines utilisées possèdent un enrouleur en carton simple à recycler.

Les R124 sont les roues les plus vendues sur Jereparemonbagage depuis 11 ans.

Elles sont proposées par paires (1 droite + 1 gauche) et sont entièrement réparables. Vous allez considérablement augmenter la durabilité de votre Valise.

Dimensions du socle :  Longueur : 8,6 cm; Largeur : 8,6 cm; Hauteur : 3,1 cm

Dimensions de la roulette :  Diamètre : 5 cm; Largeur : 1,6 cm

Hauteur totale socle + roulette :   9,1 cm

Version Astucieuse Long Life

Pour profiter de l'Offre Long Life, sélectionnez la  Version avec roulettes de rechange ( 1 pack 50*18mm en +) sur le menu déroulant au bas de la fiche. Dans cette offre, le pack 50*18mm est à 13,00€ au lieu de 14,99€ TTC !

Niveau de compétence : Débutant.

Besoin de la visserie ? Commandez sur ce lien direct :  Kit de Visserie Correspondante  Adaptez le nombre en fonction du nombre de paires de roues commandées :)

Nos blocs roues n'ont pas de trous percés, afin de faciliter la correspondance avec les trous présents sur la coque du bagage : c'est vous en vissant qui allez créer le trou, tout simplement. L'alignement sera parfait ;)  Découvrez pourquoi sur ce lien

Ces roues ont été optimisées pour l'écodesign (choix des matériaux, efficacité énergétique, durabilité, réparabilité et recyclage) et pour résister plus longtemps à l'usure, dans des conditions normales d'utilisation du bagage. Leur réparabilité est simple et totale.

roulette valise travel world

Pack 2 Roulettes universelles de sac de voyage 60mm

Réparer son bagage est bien souvent plus simple qu'on ne le pense. Fini le rivet et place à un axe dévissable !

Votre Réparation va considérablement augmenter la durabilité et la réparabilité de votre Valise ou Sac de Voyage.

Pack de 2 roulettes universelles 60mm pour Sac de voyage et Bagages de toutes tailles, qui a permis la réparation du + grand nombre de sacs de voyage et bagages de très grandes marques comme Lancel ou Longchamp !  

Ce pack est proposé de base sans les axes et sans les roulements à billes.

Ces roulettes sont fabriquées dans notre Atelier en Pays de Loire. Made in France with Love :)

Le pack comprend :

-  2 roulettes  : Diamètre :  60 mm; Largeur  sans les roulements : 18 mm; avec les roulements (en option) : 22 mm

Bien mesurer le diamètre intérieur du roulement (et non le diamètre extérieur).

Nous recommandons de ré-utiliser vos roulements à billes (tutoriel vidéo en bas de cette page).

Pour 15,99€ frais d'envoi inclus, nous faisons la réparation :) 

Ajoutez à votre panier le Service "Nous faisons la Réparation pour vous !" proposé tout en bas de cette page ou en cliquant sur ce lien, avec le(s) pack(s) choisi(s) selon le diamètre et l'épaisseur de vos roulettes

Cette Prestation de Réparation inclut le bon pré-affranchi (France métropolitaine) pour l'envoi de vos ensembles supports + roues dans notre atelier.

Après enregistrement de votre commande, le bon pré-affranchi vous sera adressé par mail par le Service Client. 

roulette valise travel world

2 Roues de Bagage R547 impression 3D

Réparer son bagage, c'est aussi l'améliorer pour le rendre durable et réparable !

Ces roues de bagage s'adaptent sur les valises rigides à 4 roues . Nous les développons et imprimons dans notre Atelier en Pays de Loire grâce à nos imprimantes 3D et Scanner de qualité dentaire.

Matière : Impression 3D en matière Composite HIPS (pour  H igh I mpact P oly S tyrène) qui appartient à la famille des thermoplastiques, extrêmement résistant aux chocs .

Elles sont proposées par paires. Ces roues sont par la suite très facilement réparables. Vous allez considérablement augmenter la durabilité de votre Valise.

Un kit de fixation compatible est inclus avec la roue si vous ne possédez plus la vis de fixation d'origine.

Hauteur totale socle + roulette : 6 cm

Dimensions du socle : Hauteur : 5 cm, Diamètre : 4,1 cm

Dimensions de la roulette : Diamètre : 4,1 cm; Largeur : 1,6 cm

Pour profiter de l'Offre Long Life,  sélectionnez la  Version avec roulettes de rechange (1 pack 40mm en +)  sur le menu déroulant au bas de la fiche. Dans cette offre, le pack 40mm est à 13,00€ au lieu de 14,99€ TTC !

roulette valise travel world

Pack 2 Roulettes universelles de sac de voyage 90mm

Réparer son bagage, c'est aussi le rendre durable et réparable. 

C'est bien souvent plus simple qu'on ne le pense. Fini le rivet et place à un axe dévissable.

Votre Réparation va considérablement augmenter la durabilité et la réparabilité de votre Sac de Voyage !

Pack de 2 roulettes universelles pour Sac de voyage. Nos roulettes de valises s'adaptent sur les bagages de toutes tailles et notamment sur les bagages en tissu Samsonite. 

Ce pack comprend :

-  2 roulettes  : Diamètre :  90 mm; Largeur : 22 mm; entraxe du roulement : 9mm (en option)

Niveau : Débutant

Nouveaux Souvenirs de Voyage à Lille chez Maurice : Non inclus

roulette valise travel world

2 Roues de Valise R622L I3D D+G

Ces roues de bagage imprimées en 3D dans notre Atelier en Pays de Loire, s'adaptent sur les valises rigides à 4 roues . Nous les retrouvons notamment sur les bagages de la marque Delsey. Nous les développons et imprimons grâce à nos imprimantes 3D et Scanner de qualité dentaire.

Matière : Impression 3D en PLA Haute Performance. Il s'agit d'un Bio-Plastique modifié pour avoir une résistance mécanique et thermique supérieure. Ce matériau est fabriqué à partir de matières naturelles renouvelables et biodégradables. Les bobines que nous utilisons possèdent un enrouleur en carton simple à recycler.

Ces roues sont proposées par paires (1 gauche + 1 droite).  Elles sont entièrement réparables. Vous allez considérablement augmenter la durabilité de votre Valise.

Dimensions du socle :  Longueur : 9,8 cm; Largeur : 7,4 cm; Hauteur : 3,5 cm

Dimensions de la roulette :  Diamètre : 5 cm; Largeur : 1,7 cm

Hauteur totale socle + roulette : 7,6 cm

Pour profiter de l'Offre Long Life,  sélectionnez la  Version avec roulettes de rechange ( 1 pack 50*18mm  en +)  sur le menu déroulant au bas de la fiche. Dans cette offre,  le pack 50*18mm  est à 13,00€ au lieu de 14,99€ TTC !

2 Roues de poussette de marché RPM061

Lot de 2 roues de poussette de marché.

Niveau de compétence : Débutant

Dimensions de la roue :  Diamètre : 14,2 cm

Diamètre intérieur de l'axe de fixation :  0,9 cm

Épaisseur de la roue :  3,4 cm

roulette valise travel world

Pack 2 roulettes universelles de bagages Extreme Acier 45mm x 18mm

Réparer son bagage, c'est aussi l'améliorer pour le rendre réparable et durable. 

Lot de 2 roulettes universelles de bagages diamètre 45mm avec axe en acier. Ces roulettes de valises s'adaptent sur les bagages de toutes tailles équipés de petites roues :-)

Réparer son bagage est bien souvent plus simple qu'on ne le pense. Fini le rivet et place à un axe dévissable. Votre Réparation va considérablement augmenter la durabilité et la réparabilité de votre Valise ou Sac de Voyage.

- 2 roulettes : Diamètre : 45 mm; Largeur : 18 mm

- 2 vis en acier : Diamètre : 5 mm; Longueur : 40 mm

- 4 rondelles : Diamètre : 10 mm; Largeur : 1 mm

-  2 écrous freinés en inox  : Diamètre : 5 mm; Largeur : 4 mm

Niveau de Compétence : Débutant

Visserie incluse; nouveaux Souvenirs de Voyage à Seattle : Non inclus

Si ces roulettes ne sont plus disponibles,  retrouvez leurs petites soeurs ici

roulette valise travel world

Pack 2 Roulettes universelles de sac de voyage 75mm

Réparer sa Valise, c'est aussi la rendre durable et réparable. 

Réparer son bagage est bien souvent plus simple qu'on ne le pense. Fini le rivet et place à un axe dévissable.

Votre Réparation va considérablement augmenter la durabilité et la réparabilité de votre Valise ou Sac de Voyage !

roulette valise travel world

Pack de 2 roulettes universelles pour Sac de voyage et Bagages de toutes tailles. 

Nous pouvons les préparer pour vous sur demande : pour cela, sélectionnez vos choix via le menu déroulant ci-dessous.

- 2 roulettes : Diamètre : 75 mm;  Largeur  sans les roulements : 24 mm; avec les roulements (en option) : 28 mm

Nouveaux Souvenirs de Voyage en Islande : Non inclus

roulette valise travel world

Pack 2 Roulettes universelles de sac de voyage 63mm

Pack de 2 roulettes universelles pour Sac de voyage ou valise de toutes tailles.  

Des milliers de Sacs de Voyage ou Bagages à 2 roues ont été remis en piste grâce à ce kit. Il est un des grands classiques sur Jereparemonbagage.

Nous pouvons les préparer pour vous sur demande : sélectionnez vos choix via le menu déroulant ci-dessous.

Ce pack comprend :

-  2 roulettes  : Diamètre : 63 mm; Largeur sans les roulements : 18 mm; avec les roulements (en option) : 24 mm

Nouveaux Souvenirs de Voyage à Turin : Non inclus

roulette valise travel world

Pack 2 roulettes de bagages universelles Extreme Acier 40mm

Réparer son bagage, c'est aussi l'améliorer pour le rendre réparable et durable ;)

Lot de 2 roulettes de bagages universelles diamètre 40mm avec axe en acier. Ces roulettes de valises Made in France dans notre atelier en Pays de Loire s'adaptent sur les bagages de toutes tailles équipés de petites roulettes :-)

Ce kit est un grand classique. Il est dans le top 3 des kits de réparation les plus vendus sur Jereparemonbagage !

- 2 roulettes : Diamètre : 40 mm; Largeur : 18 mm

- 2 vis en acier : Diamètre : 4 mm; Longueur : 40 mm

-  2 écrous freinés en inox : Diamètre : 5 mm; Largeur : 4 mm

roulette valise travel world

2 Roues de Valise RR107 I3D D+G

Réparer son Bagage, c'est l'améliorer pour le rendre durable et réparable. 

Ces roues de bagage sont entièrement imprimées en 3D dans notre Atelier situé en Pays de Loire. Elles s'adaptent sur les valises souples en tissu de toutes tailles. Nous les retrouvons notamment sur les valises Delsey ou American Tourister.

Matière :  Impression 3D en PLA Haute Performance. Il s'agit d'un Bio-Plastique avec une résistance mécanique et thermique supérieure issue d'Amidon de Maïs, de Canne à sucre, Betterave, etc. Cette matière est entièrement biodégradable. Nous les développons et imprimons dans notre Atelier grâce à nos imprimantes 3D et Scanner de qualité dentaire.

Ces roues sont proposées par paires (1 droite + 1 gauche) et sont entièrement réparables. Vous allez considérablement augmenter la durabilité de votre Valise. Nous avons renforcé les fourches qui maintiennent les roues. 

Dimensions du socle :  Longueur : 6,9 cm; Largeur : 6,6 cm; Hauteur : 4 cm

Dimensions de la roulette :  Diamètre : 5 cm; Largeur : 1,5 cm

Hauteur totale socle + roulette :   9 cm

Besoin de la visserie ? Commandez sur ce lien direct :  Kit de Visserie Correspondante  Adaptez le nombre en fonction du nombre de paires de roues commandées :)

Nouveaux Souvenirs de Vacances en Bavière : Non Inclus

roulette valise travel world

2 Roues de Poussette de Marché RPM0113

Système de fixation des roues avec clips à l'extrémité de l'axe de la poussette de marché.

Dimensions de la roue :  Diamètre : 17 cm

Diamètre intérieur de l'axe de fixation :  0,7 cm

Épaisseur de la roue : 3,7 cm

2 Roues de poussette de marché RPM101L

Épaisseur de la roue :  3,3 cm

roulette valise travel world

Pack 2 Roulettes universelles de sac de voyage 70mm Fin Bearing (70*19mm)

Réparer sa Valise, c'est aussi la rendre durable et réparable.

Pack de 2 roulettes universelles de voyage de 70mm de diamètre

Nos roulettes universelles de valises s'adaptent sur les bagages et Sacs de Voyage de toutes tailles. Elles sont proposées de base sans les roulements à billes.

Le lot comprend :

-  2 roulettes  : Diamètre :  70 mm; Largeur : 19 mm.

- Diamètre intérieur du roulement : 6mm

Besoin de la visserie ? Commandez sur ce lien direct :  Kit de Visserie Correspondante  Adaptez la quantité en fonction du nombre de paires de roues commandées :)

Nous recommandons de re-utiliser vos roulements à billes (tutoriel vidéo en bas de cette page); vous pouvez en commander de nouveaux via le menu déroulant.

Nouveaux Souvenirs d'un séjour à Disneyland Paris : Non inclus

roulette valise travel world

Pack 2 roulettes universelles de bagages Acier 50mm x 18 mm

Réparer son bagage, c'est aussi l'améliorer pour le rendre réparable et durable.   

fabrication JRMB.png

Lot de 2 roulettes universelles de bagages avec axe en acier.

C'est à ce jour le kit le plus vendu ! Des milliers de valises sont réparées par ces roulettes de bagages. Il est hors de question d'être en rupture de stock sur ce pack !

Nos roulettes de valises sont Made in France ! Fabriquées dans notre atelier en Pays de Loire, elles s'adaptent sur les bagages de toutes tailles.

Réparer son bagage est bien souvent plus simple qu'on ne le pense. Votre Réparation va considérablement augmenter la durabilité de votre Valise ou Sac de Voyage.

Ce pack comprend : 

- 2 roulettes : Diamètre : 50 mm; Largeur : 18 mm

- 2 rondelles : Diamètre : 8 mm; Largeur : 1 mm

- 2 écrous freinés en inox : Diamètre : 5 mm

Niveau de compétence : Débutant; nouveaux Souvenirs de Vacances à Tunis : Non inclus

roulette valise travel world

2 Roulettes de Valise RR148 I3D D+G

Réparer son bagage, c'est aussi l'améliorer pour le rendre réparable et durable.

Bienvenue dans le Futur ! Ces roues de bagage, imprimées en 3D et assemblées dans notre Atelier en Pays de Loire, s'adaptent sur les valises rigides à 4 roues.

Nous les développons et imprimons dans notre Atelier grâce à nos imprimantes 3D et Scanner de qualité dentaire.

Matière : Impression 3D en PLA Haute Performance. Il s'agit d'un Bio-Plastique avec une résistance mécanique et thermique supérieure issu d'Amidon de Maïs, de Canne à sucre, Betterave, etc. Cette matière est entièrement biodégradable. Les bobines que nous utilisons possèdent un enrouleur en carton simple à recycler.

Ces roues sont proposées par paires (1 droite + 1 gauche) et sont entièrement réparables. Vous allez considérablement augmenter la durabilité de votre Valise.

Dimensions du socle roulette :  Longueur : 10 cm; Largeur : 7,6 cm; Hauteur : 3,8 cm

Dimensions de la roulette :  Diamètre : 55 cm; Largeur : 1,5 cm

Hauteur totale socle + roulette :   10,2 cm

Pour profiter de notre Offre Astucieuse,  sélectionnez la  Version Long Life  sur le menu déroulant au bas de la fiche, pour obtenir un pack supplémentaire de roulettes 55*15mm. Dans cette offre, le pack est à 13,00€ au lieu de 14,99€ TTC !

Besoin de la visserie ? Commandez-la sur ce lien direct :  Kit de Visserie Correspondante Adaptez le nombre en fonction du nombre de paires de roues commandées :)

Nos blocs roues n'ont pas de trous pré-définis ou percés pour faciliter la correspondance avec les trous présents sur la coque de votre bagage : c'est vous en vissant qui allez créer le trou. L'alignement sera parfait ;)  Découvrez pourquoi sur ce lien

Ces roulettes ont été optimisées pour l'écodesign (choix des matériaux, efficacité énergétique, durabilité, réparabilité et recyclage) et pour résister plus longtemps à l'usure, dans des conditions normales d'utilisation du bagage. Leur réparabilité est simple et totale.

Souvenirs de vacances à Nice en sus

roulette valise travel world

2 Roues de poussette de marché RPM014

Dimensions de la roue :  Diamètre : 16 cm

Diamètre intérieur de l'axe de fixation :  1 cm

Épaisseur de la roue :  1 cm

roulette valise travel world

Pack 2 Roulettes universelles de sac de voyage 70mm (70*22mm)

Pack de 2 roulettes universelles pour Sac de voyage et Valises de toutes tailles. 

Ces roues proviennent d'une grande marque française de Bagages et sont de très bonne qualité.

Que de Sacs de Voyage et Bagages à 2 roues ce kit aura permis de réparer !

Des milliers ! Il est dans le Top 3 de nos packs de réparation !

-  2 roulettes  : Diamètre :  70 mm;  Largeur  sans les roulements : 22 mm; avec les roulements (en option) : 26mm

Nouveaux Souvenirs de Voyage à Baltimore : Non inclus

roulette valise travel world

2 Roues de poussette de marché RPM120

Ne jetez pas votre bagage abîmé ! Réparez-le et prolongez sa durée de vie.

roulette valise travel world

Dimensions de la roue :  Diamètre : 18 cm

Diamètre intérieur de l'axe de fixation : 0,8 cm

roulette valise travel world

Pack 2 roulettes universelles de bagages Extrême Acier 50mm x 23mm

Lot de 2 roulettes universelles de bagages avec axes en acier.

Nos roulettes de valises universelles s'adaptent sur les bagages de toutes tailles.

Depuis la création de ce site, C'est le kit qui a permis à des milliers et des milliers de valises de repartir pour de nouveaux voyages !

- 2 roulettes : Diamètre : 50 mm; Largeur : 23 mm

Visserie incluse; nouveaux Souvenirs de Voyage au Mexique : Non inclus

roulette valise travel world

2 Roues de Valise RR116I3D D+G

Ces roues de bagage imprimées en 3D et assemblées dans notre Atelier en Pays de Loire, s'adaptent sur les valises en tissu. Nous les développons et imprimons grâce à nos imprimantes 3D et Scanner de qualité dentaire.

Nous retrouvons ces roues notamment sur les valises de la marque Lipault ou Delsey.

Matière :  Impression 3D en PLA Haute Performance. Il s'agit d'un Bio-Plastique modifié pour avoir une résistance mécanique et thermique supérieure. Ce matériau est fabriqué à partir de matières naturelles renouvelables et biodégradables. Les bobines que nous utilisons possèdent un enrouleur en carton simple à recycler.

Dimensions du socle roulette :  Longueur : 7,1 cm; Largeur : 6,8 cm; Hauteur : 11,8 cm

Hauteur totale socle + roulette :   17,5 cm

Pour profiter de l'Offre Long Life,  sélectionnez la  Version avec roulettes de rechange ( 1 pack 50*15mm en +)  sur le menu déroulant au bas de la fiche. Dans cette offre, le pack 50*15mm est à 13,00€ au lieu de 14,99€ TTC !

Nouveaux Souvenirs de Vacances dans le Vaucluse : Non Inclus

roulette valise travel world

Pack 2 Roulettes universelles de sac de voyage 80mm

Réparer sa Valise, c'est aussi l'améliorer pour la rendre durable et réparable. 

Pack de 2 roulettes universelles pour Sac de voyage et bagages de toutes tailles. 

Ce pack est proposé de base sans les axes et sans les roulements à billes.  

-  2 roulettes  : Diamètre :  80 mm; Largeur : 22 mm

Nouveaux Souvenirs de Voyage au Maroc : Non inclus

roulette valise travel world

2 Roues de Bagage R599I3D D+G

Réparer son bagage, c'est aussi l'améliorer pour le rendre réparable et durable !

Ces roues de bagage, imprimées en 3D et assemblées dans notre Atelier en Pays de Loire,  s'adaptent sur les valises souples (en tissu) à 4 roues . Nous retrouvons ces roues notamment sur les bagages de la marque Roncato. Nous les développons et imprimons dans notre Atelier grâce à nos imprimantes 3D et Scanner de qualité dentaire.

Matière :  Impression 3D en PLA Haute Performance. Il s'agit d'un Bio-Plastique avec une résistance mécanique et thermique supérieure issue d'Amidon de Maïs, de Cannes à sucre, Betterave, etc. Cette matière est entièrement biodégradable.

Elles sont proposées par paires (1 roue droite + 1 roue gauche). Ces roues sont entièrement réparables. Vous allez considérablement augmenter la durabilité de votre Valise en toile.

Dimensions du socle :  Longueur : 7,5  cm; Largeur : 7,1 cm; Hauteur : 5,1 cm

Dimensions de la roulette :  Diamètre : 4,2 cm; Largeur : 2 cm

Hauteur totale socle + roulette :  9,7 cm                  

Ces roues ont été optimisées pour l'écodesign (choix des matériaux, efficacité énergétique, durabilité, réparabilité et recyclage) et pour résister plus longtemps à l'usure, dans des conditions normales d'utilisation du bagage. Leur réparabilité est simple et totale.   

roulette valise travel world

Kit Doubles roues de bagages universelles 45mm

Lot de 2 roues de bagages universelles avec 1 axe en acier.

Nos roues de valises universelles s'adaptent sur les bagages de toutes tailles.

1 pack permet de réparer 1 roue de valise car ce sont des doubles roues.

Visserie de fixation : Incluse

Nouveaux Souvenirs de Voyage : Non inclus

Pour 11,40€ frais d'envoi inclus, nous faisons la réparation :) 

Ajoutez à votre panier le Service "Nous faisons la Réparation pour vous !"  proposé tout en bas de cette page.

Ce pack comprend : 

- 2 roulettes : Diamètre : 45 mm; Largeur : 14 mm

- 1 vis en acier : Diamètre : 5 mm; Longueur : 50 mm

- 1 écrou freiné en inox : Diamètre : 5 mm

Destination Roulette

The Fun Way to Find Your Next Vacation is designed for entertainment and informational purposes only. You do not win a trip to the destination displayed. There is no charge to spin the wheel and you may spin as many times as you want.

Whether you call it travel spin, vacation roulette, travel roulette, country roulette wheel, holiday roulette, or destination roulette we’re here to help you find the perfect destination for your next trip. is designed to help you locate the perfect place to take your next vacation or holiday.

When you spin the Destination Roulette travel wheel you’ll get a suggestion for where to travel. Don’t like the location that you get? Just spin the wheel again and find another destination.

You can spin the Destination Roulette vacation wheel as many times as you want. There is no charge to spin the wheel.

Even if you don’t plan to travel to the holiday destination it’s always fun to read about the different locations and look at the photos.

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Roulettes adaptables, trouver la référence de votre valise, serrures à code.


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Il y a des produits 44.



Pour établir une attestation de réparabilité ou d'irréparabilité, veuillez nous envoyer au moins 3 photos de la valise endommagée ( la partie endommagée, le logo de la marque et la valise en entier), et nous préciser également la taille, la marque et la date d'achat de la valise (ou bien une facture).

Référence: Roulettes compatibles 50x18mm

2 Roulettes adaptables Sahora, X ion ...

Une paire de roulettes (sans le support) compatible pour les anciennes valises Diamètre: 50 mm Largeur bande de roulement: 18 mm Largeur du moyeu: 21 mm Inclus: 2 vis avec écrou ( 35 mm x 6mm) et 4 rondelles.




Référence: Samsonite support poignée

2 Supports poignée (entraxe 35 mm) 9761 pasad

Une paire de support poignée pour VALISE ( DISTANCE ENTRAXE 35 mm)

Référence: Roulettes compatibles 64x18mm

2 Roulettes adaptables valise à 2 roues Samsonite (64x20)

Une paire de roulettes (sans le support) compatible pour les anciennes valises Diamètre: 64 mm Largeur bande de roulement: 18 mm Largeur du moyeu: 22 mm Inclus: 2 vis avec écrou, 4 rondelles et 2 clés Allen.



Kit pour viser les charnières Cosmolite et Cubelite: 4 vis, 2 supports plastiques et 2 oeillets.



Serrure Samsonite poue les valises Cosmolite, Firelite et Cube-lite

Référence: Roulettes compatibles 75x24 mm

2 Roulettes 75 X 24 mm adaptables Spark, Stratolite ...

Une paire de roulettes (sans le support) compatible pour les anciennes valises Diamètre: 75 mm Largeur bande de roulement: 24 mm Largeur du moyeu: 27 mm Inclus: 2 vis avec écrou, 4 rondelles et 2 clés Allen.



Serrure centrale pour New Cosmolite ou Lite-cube Samsonite



2 curseurs pour les valises NEW COSMOLITE

Référence: Roulettes compatibles 85x24 mm

2 Roulettes adaptables Samsonite (Spark grande taille)

Une paire de roulettes (sans le support) compatible pour les anciennes valises Diamètre: 85 mm Largeur bande de roulement: 24 mm Largeur du moyeu: 27 mm Inclus: 2 vis avec écrou, 4 rondelles et 2 clés Allen.

CURSEUR COSMOLITE (couleur argent)

Une paire de curseur (gauche et droite) pour Cosmolite. Couleur: argent















Poignée pour valise FIRELITE U72  .

Référence: Charnière Samsonite Engenero


CHARNIERES pour valise Engenero, new cosmolite ........ (vérifier les dimensions entre les vis). VENDU PAR PAIRE (frais de port inclus)


SERRURE CÔTÉ S-CURE SAMSONITE (sauf taille cabine 55cm)





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Brooklyn Crossbody Bag - Bentley

Brooklyn Crossbody Bag Sac à bandoulière à double glissière Brooklyn Pink Multi

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Harper Tote Bag - Bentley

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roulette valise travel world

You & The World.

Explore the depths of the world alongside our specialized travel gear, premium luggage, and everyday backpacks.

NEW Expedition Luggage by Tracker

roulette valise travel world

Shop luggage

Expedition Softside 22.5" Carry-On Luggage

Expedition Softside 22.5" Carry-On Luggage Valise de cabine souple 22.5 po Expedition Pink

$132.99 132,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $189.99 189,99$

Expedition Softside 22.5" Carry-On Luggage

Expedition Softside 22.5" Carry-On Luggage Valise de cabine souple 22.5 po Expedition Oatmeal

Expedition Softside 22.5" Carry-On Luggage

Expedition Softside 22.5" Carry-On Luggage Valise de cabine souple 22.5 po Expedition Grey

Expedition Softside 22.5" Carry-On Luggage

Expedition Softside 22.5" Carry-On Luggage Valise de cabine souple 22.5 po Expedition Black

Expedition Softside 22.5" Carry-On Luggage

Expedition Softside 22.5" Carry-On Luggage Valise de cabine souple 22.5 po Expedition Indigo

Expedition Tote Bag

Expedition Tote Bag Sac fourre-tout Expédition Grey

$62.99 62,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $89.99 89,99$

Expedition Tote Bag

Expedition Tote Bag Sac fourre-tout Expédition Indigo

Expedition Tote Bag

Expedition Tote Bag Sac fourre-tout Expédition Pink

Expedition Tote Bag

Expedition Tote Bag Sac fourre-tout Expédition Oatmeal

Expedition Tote Bag

Expedition Tote Bag Sac fourre-tout Expédition Black

Expedition Softside 26" Luggage

Expedition Softside 26" Luggage Valise souple 26 po Expedition Black

$146.99 146,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $209.99 209,99$

Expedition Softside 26" Luggage

Expedition Softside 26" Luggage Valise souple 26 po Expedition Grey

Expedition Softside 26" Luggage

Expedition Softside 26" Luggage Valise souple 26 po Expedition Indigo

Expedition Softside 26" Luggage

Expedition Softside 26" Luggage Valise souple 26 po Expedition Oatmeal

Expedition Softside 26" Luggage

Expedition Softside 26" Luggage Valise souple 26 po Expedition Pink

Expedition Softside 31" Luggage

Expedition Softside 31" Luggage Valise souple 31 po Expedition Indigo

$167.99 167,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $239.99 239,99$

Expedition Softside 31" Luggage

Expedition Softside 31" Luggage Valise souple 31 po Expedition Grey

Expedition Softside 31" Luggage

Expedition Softside 31" Luggage Valise souple 31 po Expedition Black

Expedition Softside 31" Luggage

Expedition Softside 31" Luggage Valise souple 31 po Expedition Pink

Expedition Softside 31" Luggage

Expedition Softside 31" Luggage Valise souple 31 po Expedition Oatmeal

Expedition Softside 4-Piece Luggage Set

Expedition Softside 4-Piece Luggage Set Ensemble de 3 valises souples et sac fourre-tout Expedition Oatmeal

$485.42 485,42$ This product has a striked out price of value $729.96 729,96$

Expedition Softside 4-Piece Luggage Set

Expedition Softside 4-Piece Luggage Set Ensemble de 3 valises souples et sac fourre-tout Expedition Indigo

Expedition Softside 4-Piece Luggage Set

Expedition Softside 4-Piece Luggage Set Ensemble de 3 valises souples et sac fourre-tout Expedition Grey

Expedition Softside 4-Piece Luggage Set

Expedition Softside 4-Piece Luggage Set Ensemble de 3 valises souples et sac fourre-tout Expedition Pink

Expedition Softside 4-Piece Luggage Set

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Backpacks in every style, for your day-to-day or getaway

roulette valise travel world

Shop backpacks

Hybrid RFID Backpack

Hybrid RFID Backpack Sac à dos RFID Hybrid Black

$41.99 41,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $69.99 69,99$

Clinton Business Backpack

Clinton Business Backpack Sac à dos d'affaires Clinton Navy

$76.99 76,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $109.99 109,99$

Clinton Business Backpack

Clinton Business Backpack Sac à dos d'affaires Clinton Black

Banff 15.6" Laptop Convertible Carry-On Backpack - Bentley

Banff 15.6" Laptop Convertible Carry-On Backpack Sac à dos pour ordinateur 15,6 po convertible en valise de cabine Banff Black

$111.99 111,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $159.99 159,99$

Front side of a black backpack on wheels called Mercier 3.0 designed by Tracker showing its telescopic handle 2 front zipper pockets, and 2 side mesh pockets.

Mercier 3.0 Backpack on Wheels Sac à dos sur roulettes Mercier 3.0 Black

$43.60 43,60$ This product has a striked out price of value $109.99 109,99$

The 5 Continents Backpack - Bentley

The 5 Continents Backpack Sac à dos 5 Continents Beige Multi

$139.99 139,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $199.99 199,99$

The 5 Continents Backpack - Bentley

The 5 Continents Backpack Sac à dos 5 Continents Black

Front side of a black backpack on wheels called Wellington designed by tracker on white background, showcasing its telescopic handle.

Wellington Backpack On Wheels Sac à dos sur roulettes Wellington Black

West Bay 3.0 Convertible Backpack

West Bay 3.0 Convertible Backpack Sac à dos West Bay 3.0 Green

$53.99 53,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $89.99 89,99$

Front side of a black backpack called West Bay 3.0 Convertible designed by Tracker showing its 2 front pockets, top handle, side clips, and side handle.

West Bay 3.0 Convertible Backpack Sac à dos West Bay 3.0 Black

Wellington 17.3" Laptop Backpack - Bentley

Wellington 17.3" Laptop Backpack Sac à dos pour portable 17,3 po Wellington Black

$83.99 83,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $119.99 119,99$

Fully Loaded Backpack - Bentley

Fully Loaded Backpack Sac à dos Fully Loaded Black

$46.19 46,19$ This product has a striked out price of value $65.99 65,99$

Frontside of a grey laptop backpack called Cartier 3.0 designed by Tracker on a white background, showcasing 4 side zipper pockets, 2 front pockets, and a top handle.

Cartier 3.0 15" Laptop Backpack Sac à dos pour ordinateur 15 po Cartier 3.0 Charcoal

Cartier 3.0 15" Laptop Backpack - Bentley

Cartier 3.0 15" Laptop Backpack Sac à dos pour ordinateur 15 po Cartier 3.0 Black

Cartier 2.0 Backpack - Bentley

Cartier 2.0 Backpack Sac à dos Cartier 2.0 Black

Cartier 2.0 Backpack - Bentley

Cartier 2.0 Backpack Sac à dos Cartier 2.0 Charcoal

Secure Anti-Theft Convertible Backpack - Bentley

Secure Anti-Theft Convertible Backpack Sac à dos convertible antivol Secure Black

$59.49 59,49$ This product has a striked out price of value $84.99 84,99$

Secure Anti-Theft Convertible Backpack Sac à dos convertible antivol Secure Grey

Travel-savvy bags to feel safer as you're out and about

roulette valise travel world

Shop travel bags

Clinton Business Tote Bag

Clinton Business Tote Bag Sac fourre-tout d'affaires Clinton Off-White

Clinton Business Tote Bag

Clinton Business Tote Bag Sac fourre-tout d'affaires Clinton Black

Clinton Business Tote Bag

Clinton Business Tote Bag Sac fourre-tout d'affaires Clinton Navy

Clinton Business Tote Bag

Clinton Business Tote Bag Sac fourre-tout d'affaires Clinton Light pink

The 5 Continents Rolling Duffle Bag

The 5 Continents Rolling Duffle Bag Sac à roulettes 5 Continents Black

$181.99 181,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $259.99 259,99$

Front side of a grey-green duffle bag called Sutton designed by Tracker on a white background, showcasing its top handle, front zipper pocket and 2 side pockets.

Sutton Duffle Bag Sac de sport Sutton Sage Multi

$47.99 47,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $79.99 79,99$

Front side of a black duffle bag called Sutton designed by Tracker on a white background, showcasing its top handle, front zipper pocket and 2 side pockets.

Sutton Duffle Bag Sac de sport Sutton Black

Secure Anti-Theft Crossbody Bag - Bentley

Secure Anti-Theft Crossbody Bag Sac à bandoulière antivol Secure Black

Secure Anti-Theft Crossbody Bag - Bentley

Secure Anti-Theft Crossbody Bag Sac à bandoulière antivol Secure Khaki

Secure Anti-Theft Crossbody Bag

Secure Anti-Theft Crossbody Bag Sac à bandoulière antivol Secure Navy

Secure Anti-Theft Crossbody Bag - Bentley

Secure Anti-Theft Crossbody Bag Sac à bandoulière antivol Secure Grey

Sutton Duffle Bag

Sutton Duffle Bag Sac de sport Sutton Navy

Sutton Duffle Bag

Sutton Duffle Bag Sac de sport Sutton Light Grey

1025963 - Bentley

Rolling Duffle Bag Sac de sport à roulettes Black

$95.99 95,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $159.99 159,99$

Secure Anti-Theft Convertible Belt Bag - Bentley

Secure Anti-Theft Convertible Belt Bag Sac de taille convertible antivol Secure Black

$32.99 32,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $54.99 54,99$

Secure Anti-Theft Convertible Belt Bag

Secure Anti-Theft Convertible Belt Bag Sac de taille convertible antivol Secure Navy

Secure Anti-Theft Convertible Belt Bag Sac de taille convertible antivol Secure Grey

Secure Anti-Theft Mini Tech Crossbody Bag - Bentley

Secure Anti-Theft Mini Tech Crossbody Bag Mini sac tech à bandoulière antivol Secure Black

Secure Anti-Theft Mini Tech Crossbody Bag

Secure Anti-Theft Mini Tech Crossbody Bag Mini sac tech à bandoulière antivol Secure Navy

Secure Anti-Theft Mini Tech Crossbody Bag Mini sac tech à bandoulière antivol Secure Grey

Secure Anti-Theft Mini Tech Crossbody Bag Mini sac tech à bandoulière antivol Secure Plum

Basic Nylon RFID Sling Bag - Bentley

Basic Nylon RFID Sling Bag Sac à dos à bretelle RFID Basic Nylon Black

$31.49 31,49$ This product has a striked out price of value $44.99 44,99$

Basic Nylon RFID Sling Bag Sac à dos à bretelle RFID Basic Nylon Taupe

Basic Nylon RFID Sling Bag

Basic Nylon RFID Sling Bag Sac à dos à bretelle RFID Basic Nylon Navy

Sleek laptop briefcases that boost your meetings abroad to first-class

roulette valise travel world

Shop business bags

Wellington RFID 13" Messenger Bag - Bentley

FINAL SALE - Wellington RFID 13" Messenger Bag VENTE FINALE - Sac messager pour ordinateur 13 po Wellington Black

$40.00 40,00$ This product has a striked out price of value $99.99 99,99$

Angle view of a grey-green and beige backpack called Sutton by Tracker, showcasing its 2 front zipper pockets, an ear pod pouch, top handle and 2 side zipper pockets.

Sutton 15" Laptop Backpack Sac à dos pour ordinateur 15,6 po Sutton Beige Multi

1026015 - Bentley

Sutton 15" Laptop Backpack Sac à dos pour ordinateur 15,6 po Sutton Black

Gym and duffle bags that go above and beyond

roulette valise travel world

Shop duffle bags

1026053 - Bentley

Mile End Rolling Duffle Bag Sac de sport à roulettes Mile End Black

$90.99 90,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $129.99 129,99$

Small Duffle Bag - Bentley

Small Duffle Bag Petit sac de sport Grey

$23.99 23,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $39.99 39,99$

Small Duffle Bag - Bentley

Small Duffle Bag Petit sac de sport Black

Banff Travelling Duffle Backpack - Bentley

Banff Travelling Duffle Backpack Sac de voyage convertible en sac à dos Banff Black

Windsor Hockey Bag - Bentley

Windsor Hockey Bag Sac de hockey Windsor Black

$39.99 39,99$

Banff Duffle Bag - Bentley

Banff Duffle Bag Sac de sport Banff Green

$55.99 55,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $79.99 79,99$

Banff Duffle Bag - Bentley

Banff Duffle Bag Sac de sport Banff Black

Banff Duffle Bag Sac de sport Banff Grey

Plateau Duffle Bag - Bentley

Plateau Duffle Bag Sac de sport Plateau Black Combo

$19.60 19,60$ This product has a striked out price of value $49.99 49,99$

Plateau Duffle Bag - Bentley

Plateau Duffle Bag Sac de sport Plateau Navy Combo

Thoughtful travel accessories to explore more

roulette valise travel world

Shop travel accessories

1026143 - Bentley

Leather RFID Voyageur Document Holder Porte-document en cuir RFID Voyageur Black

Iridescent Toiletry Bag - Bentley

Iridescent Toiletry Bag Trousse de toilette iridescent Pink

$24.49 24,49$ This product has a striked out price of value $34.99 34,99$

1026311 - Bentley

Iridescent Toiletry Bag Trousse de toilette iridescent Clear

Travel Memory Foam Pillow - Bentley

Travel Memory Foam Pillow Oreiller de voyage à mousse à mémoire Navy

$17.49 17,49$ This product has a striked out price of value $34.99 34,99$

Travel Memory Foam Pillow - Bentley

Travel Memory Foam Pillow Oreiller de voyage à mousse à mémoire Purple

Travel Memory Foam Pillow - Bentley

Travel Memory Foam Pillow Oreiller de voyage à mousse à mémoire Grey

Travel Memory Foam Pillow

Travel Memory Foam Pillow Oreiller de voyage à mousse à mémoire Black

Travel Memory Foam Pillow

Travel Memory Foam Pillow Oreiller de voyage à mousse à mémoire Dark Blue

1026144 - Bentley

Leather Single Document Holder Porte-documents unique en cuir Black

$27.99 27,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $39.99 39,99$

Universal Adapter Plug Kit

Universal Adapter Plug Kit Ensemble d’adaptateurs universel Black

Front side of a blue luggage tag designed by Tracker showing its cord and PU cover texture.

Slide Luggage Tag Étiquette d'identification Cobalt

$3.49 3,49$ This product has a striked out price of value $6.99 6,99$

Front side of a metallicy-shiny purple luggage tag designed by Tracker showing its cord and PU cover texture.

Slide Luggage Tag Étiquette d'identification Metallic Multi

$4.89 4,89$ This product has a striked out price of value $6.99 6,99$

Slide Luggage Tag - Bentley

Slide Luggage Tag Étiquette d'identification Orange

TSA Combination Lock - Bentley

TSA Combination Lock Cadenas à combinaison TSA Turquoise

$6.49 6,49$ This product has a striked out price of value $12.99 12,99$

TSA Combination Lock - Bentley

TSA Combination Lock Cadenas à combinaison TSA Fuschia

Teal luggage strap designed by Tracker called Tracker Logo folded and buckled showing the tracker logo pattern printed on the entirety of the polyester.

Tracker Logo Luggage Strap Sangle pour valise Tracker Logo Turquoise

Coral luggage strap designed by Tracker called Tracker Logo folded and buckled showing the tracker logo pattern printed on the entirety of the polyester.

Tracker Logo Luggage Strap Sangle pour valise Tracker Logo Coral

$7.49 7,49$ This product has a striked out price of value $14.99 14,99$

Tracker Logo Luggage Strap

Tracker Logo Luggage Strap Sangle pour valise Tracker Logo Pastel Yellow

Tracker Logo Luggage Strap Sangle pour valise Tracker Logo Black

Tracker Logo Luggage Strap

Tracker Logo Luggage Strap Sangle pour valise Tracker Logo Slate blue

Back side of a purple metallic luggage id tag designed by Tracker showing a dangling heart and belt strap.

Luggage Tag Étiquette d'identification Metallic Multi

Front side of a luggage id tag called Polka Dot Jelly Luggage Tag designed by Tracker showing its jelly-like texture, elongated strap, and polka dot pattern.

Polka Dot Jelly Luggage Tag Étiquette d'identification Polka Dot Jelly Pink

$6.99 6,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $9.99 9,99$

Front side of an iridescent waterproof phone pouch designed by Tracker showing its reflective texture, neck strap, and an opening to a stowed phone's front side which is turned on.

Iridescent Waterproof Phone Pouch Pochette étanche irisée pour téléphone Metallic Multi

$9.99 9,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $19.99 19,99$

Back side of a luggage tag designed by Tracker showing its blue metallic star charm and pvc texture.

Luggage Slide ID Tag Étiquette d'identification Metallic Multi

Quality wallets to invest in life's adventures

roulette valise travel world

Shop wallets

Leather RFID Credit Card Holder - Bentley

Leather RFID Credit Card Holder Porte-cartes RFID en cuir Black

$17.49 17,49$ This product has a striked out price of value $24.99 24,99$

Minimalist RFID Slim Bifold - Bentley

Minimalist RFID Slim Bifold Minimalist Portefeuille pliable RFID Tan

Minimalist RFID Slim Bifold - Bentley

Minimalist RFID Slim Bifold Minimalist Portefeuille pliable RFID Blue

$8.80 8,80$ This product has a striked out price of value $24.99 24,99$

Minimalist RFID Slim Bifold

Minimalist RFID Slim Bifold Minimalist Portefeuille pliable RFID Black

Minimalist RFID Slim Bifold - Bentley

Minimalist RFID Slim Bifold Minimalist Portefeuille pliable RFID Brown

Leather RFID Card Holder - Bentley

Leather RFID Card Holder Portefeuille anti-RFID en cuir Black

BTS RFID Wallet - Bentley

BTS RFID Wallet Portefeuille RFID La Rentrée Black

$20.99 20,99$ This product has a striked out price of value $29.99 29,99$

BTS 2022 RFID Wallet - Bentley

BTS RFID Wallet Portefeuille RFID La Rentrée Black & Grey

BTS 2022 RFID Wallet - Bentley

BTS RFID Wallet Portefeuille RFID La Rentrée Navy Multi

BTS RFID Wallet - Bentley

BTS RFID Wallet Portefeuille RFID La Rentrée Blue Multi

BTS RFID Wallet Portefeuille RFID La Rentrée Khaki


BTS RFID Wallet Portefeuille RFID La Rentrée Black Multi

$10.80 10,80$ This product has a striked out price of value $29.99 29,99$

BTS RFID Wallet Portefeuille RFID La Rentrée Grey Multi

BTS RFID Wallet Portefeuille RFID La Rentrée Pink Multi

Leather Card Holder - Bentley

Leather Card Holder Porte-cartes Black

Leather RFID Card Holder - Bentley

Leather RFID Card Holder RFID Porte cartes en cuir Black

Leather RFID Card Holder - Bentley

Leather RFID Card Holder RFID Porte cartes en cuir Yellow

Bill Clip - Bentley

Bill Clip Porte-billets Black

Bill Clip - Bentley

Bill Clip Porte-billets Cognac

Colwood RFID Travel Wallet - Bentley

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Travel Itinerary For One Week in Moscow: The Best of Moscow!

I just got back from one week in Moscow. And, as you might have already guessed, it was a mind-boggling experience. It was not my first trip to the Russian capital. But I hardly ever got enough time to explore this sprawling city. Visiting places for business rarely leaves enough time for sightseeing. I think that if you’ve got one week in Russia, you can also consider splitting your time between its largest cities (i.e. Saint Petersburg ) to get the most out of your trip. Seven days will let you see the majority of the main sights and go beyond just scratching the surface. In this post, I’m going to share with you my idea of the perfect travel itinerary for one week in Moscow.

Moscow is perhaps both the business and cultural hub of Russia. There is a lot more to see here than just the Kremlin and Saint Basil’s Cathedral. Centuries-old churches with onion-shaped domes dotted around the city are in stark contrast with newly completed impressive skyscrapers of Moscow City dominating the skyline. I spent a lot of time thinking about my Moscow itinerary before I left. And this city lived up to all of my expectations.

7-day Moscow itinerary

Travel Itinerary For One Week in Moscow

Day 1 – red square and the kremlin.

Metro Station: Okhotny Ryad on Red Line.

No trip to Moscow would be complete without seeing its main attraction. The Red Square is just a stone’s throw away from several metro stations. It is home to some of the most impressive architectural masterpieces in the city. The first thing you’ll probably notice after entering it and passing vendors selling weird fur hats is the fairytale-like looking Saint Basil’s Cathedral. It was built to commemorate one of the major victories of Ivan the Terrible. I once spent 20 minutes gazing at it, trying to find the perfect angle to snap it. It was easier said than done because of the hordes of locals and tourists.

As you continue strolling around Red Square, there’s no way you can miss Gum. It was widely known as the main department store during the Soviet Era. Now this large (yet historic) shopping mall is filled with expensive boutiques, pricey eateries, etc. During my trip to Moscow, I was on a tight budget. So I only took a retro-style stroll in Gum to get a rare glimpse of a place where Soviet leaders used to grocery shop and buy their stuff. In case you want some modern shopping experience, head to the Okhotny Ryad Shopping Center with stores like New Yorker, Zara, and Adidas.

things to do in Moscow in one week

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To continue this Moscow itinerary, next you may want to go inside the Kremlin walls. This is the center of Russian political power and the president’s official residence. If you’re planning to pay Kremlin a visit do your best to visit Ivan the Great Bell Tower as well. Go there as early as possible to avoid crowds and get an incredible bird’s-eye view. There are a couple of museums that are available during designated visiting hours. Make sure to book your ticket online and avoid lines.

Day 2 – Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, the Tretyakov Gallery, and the Arbat Street

Metro Station: Kropotkinskaya on Red Line

As soon as you start creating a Moscow itinerary for your second day, you’ll discover that there are plenty of metro stations that are much closer to certain sites. Depending on your route, take a closer look at the metro map to pick the closest.

The white marble walls of Christ the Saviour Cathedral are awe-inspiring. As you approach this tallest Orthodox Christian church, you may notice the bronze sculptures, magnificent arches, and cupolas that were created to commemorate Russia’s victory against Napoleon.

travel itinerary for one week in Moscow

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Unfortunately, the current Cathedral is a replica, since original was blown to bits in 1931 by the Soviet government. The new cathedral basically follows the original design, but they have added some new elements such as marble high reliefs.

Home to some precious collection of artworks, in Tretyakov Gallery you can find more than 150,000 of works spanning centuries of artistic endeavor. Originally a privately owned gallery, it now has become one of the largest museums in Russia. The Gallery is often considered essential to visit. But I have encountered a lot of locals who have never been there.

Famous for its souvenirs, musicians, and theaters, Arbat street is among the few in Moscow that were turned into pedestrian zones. Arbat street is usually very busy with tourists and locals alike. My local friend once called it the oldest street in Moscow dating back to 1493. It is a kilometer long walking street filled with fancy gift shops, small cozy restaurants, lots of cute cafes, and street artists. It is closed to any vehicular traffic, so you can easily stroll it with kids.

Day 3 – Moscow River Boat Ride, Poklonnaya Hill Victory Park, the Moscow City

Metro Station: Kievskaya and Park Pobedy on Dark Blue Line / Vystavochnaya on Light Blue Line

Voyaging along the Moscow River is definitely one of the best ways to catch a glimpse of the city and see the attractions from a bit different perspective. Depending on your Moscow itinerary, travel budget and the time of the year, there are various types of boats available. In the summer there is no shortage of boats, and you’ll be spoiled for choice.

exploring Moscow

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If you find yourself in Moscow during the winter months, I’d recommend going with Radisson boat cruise. These are often more expensive (yet comfy). They offer refreshments like tea, coffee, hot chocolate, and, of course, alcoholic drinks. Prices may vary but mostly depend on your food and drink selection. Find their main pier near the opulent Ukraine hotel . The hotel is one of the “Seven Sisters”, so if you’re into the charm of Stalinist architecture don’t miss a chance to stay there.

The area near Poklonnaya Hill has the closest relation to the country’s recent past. The memorial complex was completed in the mid-1990s to commemorate the Victory and WW2 casualties. Also known as the Great Patriotic War Museum, activities here include indoor attractions while the grounds around host an open-air museum with old tanks and other vehicles used on the battlefield.

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The hallmark of the memorial complex and the first thing you see as you exit metro is the statue of Nike mounted to its column. This is a very impressive Obelisk with a statue of Saint George slaying the dragon at its base.

Maybe not as impressive as Shanghai’s Oriental Pearl Tower , the skyscrapers of the Moscow City (otherwise known as Moscow International Business Center) are so drastically different from dull Soviet architecture. With 239 meters and 60 floors, the Empire Tower is the seventh highest building in the business district.

The observation deck occupies 56 floor from where you have some panoramic views of the city. I loved the view in the direction of Moscow State University and Luzhniki stadium as well to the other side with residential quarters. The entrance fee is pricey, but if you’re want to get a bird’s eye view, the skyscraper is one of the best places for doing just that.

Day 4 – VDNKh, Worker and Collective Farm Woman Monument, The Ostankino TV Tower

Metro Station: VDNKh on Orange Line

VDNKh is one of my favorite attractions in Moscow. The weird abbreviation actually stands for Russian vystavka dostizheniy narodnogo khozyaystva (Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy). With more than 200 buildings and 30 pavilions on the grounds, VDNKh serves as an open-air museum. You can easily spend a full day here since the park occupies a very large area.

Moscow sights

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First, there are pavilions that used to showcase different cultures the USSR was made of. Additionally, there is a number of shopping pavilions, as well as Moskvarium (an Oceanarium) that features a variety of marine species. VDNKh is a popular venue for events and fairs. There is always something going on, so I’d recommend checking their website if you want to see some particular exhibition.

A stone’s throw away from VDNKh there is a very distinctive 25-meters high monument. Originally built in 1937 for the world fair in Paris, the hulking figures of men and women holding a hammer and a sickle represent the Soviet idea of united workers and farmers. It doesn’t take much time to see the monument, but visiting it gives some idea of the Soviet Union’s grandiose aspirations.

I have a thing for tall buildings. So to continue my travel itinerary for one week in Moscow I decided to climb the fourth highest TV tower in the world. This iconic 540m tower is a fixture of the skyline. You can see it virtually from everywhere in Moscow, and this is where you can get the best panoramic views (yep, even better than Empire skyscraper).

top things to do in Moscow

Parts of the floor are made of tempered glass, so it can be quite scary to exit the elevator. But trust me, as you start observing buildings and cars below, you won’t want to leave. There is only a limited number of tickets per day, so you may want to book online. Insider tip: the first tour is cheaper, you can save up to $10 if go there early.

Day 5 – A Tour To Moscow Manor Houses

Metro Station: Kolomenskoye, Tsaritsyno on Dark Green Line / Kuskovo on Purple Line

I love visiting the manor houses and palaces in Moscow. These opulent buildings were generally built to house Russian aristocratic families and monarchs. Houses tend to be rather grand affairs with impressive architecture. And, depending on the whims of the owners, some form of a landscaped garden.

During the early part of the 20th century though, many of Russia’s aristocratic families (including the family of the last emperor) ended up being killed or moving abroad . Their manor houses were nationalized. Some time later (after the fall of the USSR) these were open to the public. It means that today a great many of Moscow’s finest manor houses and palaces are open for touring.

one week Moscow itinerary

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There are 20 manor houses scattered throughout the city and more than 25 in the area around. But not all of them easily accessible and exploring them often takes a lot of time. I’d recommend focusing on three most popular estates in Moscow that are some 30-minute metro ride away from Kremlin.

Sandwiched between the Moscow River and the Andropov Avenue, Kolomenskoye is a UNESCO site that became a public park in the 1920’s. Once a former royal estate, now it is one of the most tranquil parks in the city with gorgeous views. The Ascension Church, The White Column, and the grounds are a truly grand place to visit.

You could easily spend a full day here, exploring a traditional Russian village (that is, in fact, a market), picnicking by the river, enjoying the Eastern Orthodox church architecture, hiking the grounds as well as and wandering the park and gardens with wildflower meadows, apple orchards, and birch and maple groves. The estate museum showcases Russian nature at its finest year-round.

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If my travel itinerary for one week in Moscow was a family tree, Tsaritsyno Park would probably be the crazy uncle that no-one talks about. It’s a large park in the south of the city of mind-boggling proportions, unbelievable in so many ways, and yet most travelers have never heard of it.

The palace was supposed to be a summer home for Empress Catherine the Great. But since the construction didn’t meet with her approval the palace was abandoned. Since the early 1990’s the palace, the pond, and the grounds have been undergoing renovations. The entire complex is now looking brighter and more elaborately decorated than at possibly any other time during its history. Like most parks in Moscow, you can visit Tsaritsyno free of charge, but there is a small fee if you want to visit the palace.

Moscow itinerary

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Last, but by no means least on my Moscow itinerary is Kuskovo Park . This is definitely an off-the-beaten-path place. While it is not easily accessible, you will be rewarded with a lack of crowds. This 18th-century summer country house of the Sheremetev family was one of the first summer country estates of the Russian nobility. And when you visit you’ll quickly realize why locals love this park.

Like many other estates, Kuskovo has just been renovated. So there are lovely French formal garden, a grotto, and the Dutch house to explore. Make sure to plan your itinerary well because the estate is some way from a metro station.

Day 6 – Explore the Golden Ring

Creating the Moscow itinerary may keep you busy for days with the seemingly endless amount of things to do. Visiting the so-called Golden Ring is like stepping back in time. Golden Ring is a “theme route” devised by promotion-minded journalist and writer Yuri Bychkov.

Having started in Moscow the route will take you through a number of historical cities. It now includes Suzdal, Vladimir, Kostroma, Yaroslavl and Sergiev Posad. All these awe-inspiring towns have their own smaller kremlins and feature dramatic churches with onion-shaped domes, tranquil residential areas, and other architectural landmarks.

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I only visited two out of eight cities included on the route. It is a no-brainer that Sergiev Posad is the nearest and the easiest city to see on a day trip from Moscow. That being said, you can explore its main attractions in just one day. Located some 70 km north-east of the Russian capital, this tiny and overlooked town is home to Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, UNESCO Site.

things to do in Moscow in seven days

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Sergiev Posad is often described as being at the heart of Russian spiritual life. So it is uncommon to see the crowds of Russian pilgrims showing a deep reverence for their religion. If you’re traveling independently and using public transport, you can reach Sergiev Posad by bus (departs from VDNKh) or by suburban commuter train from Yaroslavskaya Railway Station (Bahnhof). It takes about one and a half hours to reach the town.

Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is a great place to get a glimpse of filling and warming Russian lunch, specifically at the “ Gostevaya Izba ” restaurant. Try the duck breast, hearty potato and vegetables, and the awesome Napoleon cake.

Day 7 – Gorky Park, Izmailovo Kremlin, Patriarch’s Ponds

Metro Station: Park Kultury or Oktyabrskaya on Circle Line / Partizanskaya on Dark Blue Line / Pushkinskaya on Dark Green Line

Gorky Park is in the heart of Moscow. It offers many different types of outdoor activities, such as dancing, cycling, skateboarding, walking, jogging, and anything else you can do in a park. Named after Maxim Gorky, this sprawling and lovely park is where locals go on a picnic, relax and enjoy free yoga classes. It’s a popular place to bike around, and there is a Muzeon Art Park not far from here. A dynamic location with a younger vibe. There is also a pier, so you can take a cruise along the river too.

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The Kremlin in Izmailovo is by no means like the one you can find near the Red Square. Originally built for decorative purposes, it now features the Vernissage flea market and a number of frequent fairs, exhibitions, and conferences. Every weekend, there’s a giant flea market in Izmailovo, where dozens of stalls sell Soviet propaganda crap, Russian nesting dolls, vinyl records, jewelry and just about any object you can imagine. Go early in the morning if you want to beat the crowds.

All the Bulgakov’s fans should pay a visit to Patriarch’s Ponds (yup, that is plural). With a lovely small city park and the only one (!) pond in the middle, the location is where the opening scene of Bulgakov’s novel Master and Margarita was set. The novel is centered around a visit by Devil to the atheistic Soviet Union is considered by many critics to be one of the best novels of the 20th century. I spent great two hours strolling the nearby streets and having lunch in the hipster cafe.

Conclusion and Recommendations

To conclude, Moscow is a safe city to visit. I have never had a problem with getting around and most locals are really friendly once they know you’re a foreigner. Moscow has undergone some serious reconstruction over the last few years. So you can expect some places to be completely different. I hope my one week Moscow itinerary was helpful! If you have less time, say 4 days or 5 days, I would cut out day 6 and day 7. You could save the Golden Ring for a separate trip entirely as there’s lots to see!

What are your thoughts on this one week Moscow itinerary? Are you excited about your first time in the city? Let me know in the comments below!


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Ann Snook-Moreau

Moscow looks so beautiful and historic! Thanks for including public transit information for those of us who don’t like to rent cars.

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Yup, that is me 🙂 Rarely rent + stick to the metro = Full wallet!

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Mariella Blago

Looks like you had loads of fun! Well done. Also great value post for travel lovers.

Thanks, Mariella!

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I have always wanted to go to Russia, especially Moscow. These sights look absolutely beautiful to see and there is so much history there!

Agree! Moscow is a thousand-year-old city and there is definitely something for everyone.

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Tara Pittman

Those are amazing buildings. Looks like a place that would be amazing to visit.

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Adriana Lopez

Never been to Moscow or Russia but my family has. Many great spots and a lot of culture. Your itinerary sounds fantastic and covers a lot despite it is only a short period of time.

What was their favourite thing about Russia?

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Gladys Parker

I know very little about Moscow or Russia for the\at matter. I do know I would have to see the Red Square and all of its exquisite architectural masterpieces. Also the CATHEDRAL OF CHRIST THE SAVIOUR. Thanks for shedding some light on visiting Moscow.

Thanks for swinging by! The Red Square is a great starting point, but there way too many places and things to discover aside from it!

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Ruthy @ Percolate Kitchen

You are making me so jealous!! I’ve always wanted to see Russia.

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Moscow is in my bucket list, I don’t know when I can visit there, your post is really useful. As a culture rich place we need to spend at least week.

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Looks like you had a great trip! Thanks for all the great info! I’ve never been in to Russia, but this post makes me wanna go now!

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Wow this is amazing! Moscow is on my bucket list – such an amazing place to visit I can imagine! I can’t wait to go there one day!

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The building on the second picture looks familiar. I keep seeing that on TV.

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Reesa Lewandowski

What beautiful moments! I always wish I had the personality to travel more like this!

roulette valise travel world

Perfect itinerary for spending a week in Moscow! So many places to visit and it looks like you had a wonderful time. I would love to climb that tower. The views I am sure must have been amazing!

I was lucky enough to see the skyline of Moscow from this TV Tower and it is definitely mind-blowing.

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Chelsea Pearl

Moscow is definitely up there on my travel bucket list. So much history and iconic architecture!

Thumbs up! 🙂

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Blair Villanueva

OMG I dream to visit Moscow someday! Hope the visa processing would be okay (and become more affordable) so I could pursue my dream trip!

Yup, visa processing is the major downside! Agree! Time and the money consuming process…

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Il s'agit d'un Bagage neuf, jamais utilisé, dans un parfait état. Un retour de marchandise depuis une plateforme logistique ou une commande internet annulée. Cette Valise a été réceptionnée, vérifiée puis reconditionnée par les Professionnels de  Jereparemonbagage . Pas d'occasion mais une vraie démarche écologique. Remettre dans le circuit des Bagages neufs qui seraient détruits. Les photos des Valises sont prises dans nos locaux. Aucune retouche. Elles sont pour une fois contractuelles :)

Les Points Forts de la Valise :

Marque : Travel World

Matière : Polycarbonate

H 55 x L 35 x E 22 cm

Volume : 42,35 Litres

Poids : 2,54 Kg (- 2,54 Kg de gâchis plastique)

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4 Doubles Roulettes Silencieuses

1 Poignée Télescopique + 2 Poignées de Portage

1 Serrure à Combinaisons Intégrée

1 Grande Poche intérieure avant avec Sangles élastiques + 1 Grand compartiment intérieur avec sangles.

Garantie de la Valise : 12 mois

Durabilité du Bagage : Pièces Détachées disponibles chez  Jereparemonbagage . Bagage Recyclable à 100%

Avis des Experts Jereparemonbagage :  Ferrari à dû copier le rouge de cette valise pour ses bolides :) Cette Valise est équipée de roulettes que l'on connait bien et qui ont fait leurs preuves. et le bagage est léger. Nous vous conseillons de déplacer votre bagage sur ses 4 roues pour une meilleure durabilité.


Détails de l'article, product tab title.

Dimensions de la valise cabine : 

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Valises Neuves - Bon pour vos économies - Qualité garantie - Achat responsable - Garantie 12 mois

Chaque Valise que nous reconditionnons est neuve. Elle a été vérifié par les Professionnels de Jereparemonbagage. Nous sommes spécialisés dans la Réparation des Bagages de toutes marques depuis 2007. Les Valises sont prises en photos dans notre Studio et remise dans un parfait emballage avant d’être proposées sur Ce Bagage reconditionné a donc comme double avantage d’être un Bagage pas cher et d’Excellente Qualité.

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Districts [ edit ]


Central Moscow districts [ edit ]

Outlying districts [ edit ], understand [ edit ].

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Moscow is the financial and political centre of Russia and the countries formerly comprising the Soviet Union. It has a population of around 13 million and an area of 2,511 square kilometres (970 sq mi) after an expansion in 2012. One-tenth of all Russian citizens live in the Moscow metropolitan area. Moscow is the second most populous city in Europe, after Istanbul , and has the most populous metropolitan area in Europe, with some 21 million residents. Moscow is in the UTC+3 time zone; there is no daylight saving time.

Many years since the break up of the Soviet Union, the economy has improved, and the modern era has brought upon a wide variety of construction projects, modern architecture and newer transport systems replacing the derelict ones during Soviet times.

Geography [ edit ]

Moscow is a large metropolis on the Moskva River, which bends its way through the city. The historical center is on the northern bank of the river. The other major waterway is the Yauza River, which flows into the Moskva east of the Kremlin.

Much of Moscow's geography is defined by the 3 'Ring Roads' that circle the city at various distances from the centre, roughly following the outline of the walls that used to surround Moscow. With Red Square and the Kremlin forming the very centre, the innermost ring road is the Boulevard Ring ( Bulvarnoye Koltso ), built in the 1820s where the 16th century walls used to be. It runs from the Christ the Savior Cathedral in south-west central Moscow, to the mouth of the Yauza in south-east central Moscow.

The next ring road, the Garden Ring ( Sadovoe Koltso ), derives its name from the fact that landowners near the road in Tsarist times were obligated to maintain gardens to make the road attractive. In Soviet times, the road was widened, and there are now no gardens there.

The Third Ring Road, completed in 2004, is not much use for tourists but is a heavily used motorway which absorbs a bit of Moscow's traffic. It roughly follows the outline of Kamer-Kollezhsky val , the customs boundary of Moscow in the 18th – early 20th century. The outer edge of Moscow is largely defined by the Moscow Ring Road (widely known by its abbreviation: MKAD-Moskovskaya kolcevaya avto doroga), a motorway which is 108 km (67 mi) long and encircles the entire city (similar to London's M25 and Paris' Périphérique ).

Climate [ edit ]

The climate of Moscow features warm summers and long, cold winters.

Get in [ edit ]

See Russia#Get in for visa requirements to Russia.

By train [ edit ]

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Moscow is a railway hub, with connections to all parts of Russia and far into Europe and Asia. Due to its hub status, Moscow's train stations are often crowded; trains are the usual form of intercity transport for most Russians. The stations have a reputation for being unsafe but paradoxically the threat of terrorism has improved things: security gates, policing and surveillance deter the casual thugs and villains. Guard your valuables and yourself as you would in any big city.

All long-distance trains are operated by Russian Railways and its subsidiaries, except for a few international trains with other operators. Tickets can be bought at stations or online . For domestic trains, you can show the ticket officer your online boarding pass; however, international trains require a printed ticket. There are usually ticket counters with English-speaking personnel - they may be marked as such, or the clerk may direct you to another counter if they can't cope with your English. See Russia#By train 2 for more details on travelling in Russia by train.

From Europe [ edit ]

All trains from Europe halted since 2020

Train stations in Moscow [ edit ]

Moscow has 10 train stations, 9 of which are near metro stations close to the center of Moscow. Be sure to note the station from which your train is departing, which will be indicated on the ticket, or online . Three stations ( Leningradsky , Yaroslavsky , and Kazansky ) are on one huge square, informally known as the "Three Stations' Square". A running joke among Moscow taxi drivers since the Soviet times is to be able to pick up a fare from one of them to the other, taking the unwary tourist on an elaborate ride in circles. Be prepared for enormous queues trying to enter or exit the Metro at peak times, as people are getting off or on the commuter trains.

By car [ edit ]

Many entry points to Moscow over the Ring Road and into the city feature rotating roadblocks, where teams of traffic police may stop a vehicle, especially if it is not featuring Moscow plates. You may be stopped and questioned but you'll be allowed to proceed if you have all the proper documents.

Foreign cars, especially expensive cars, might attract unwelcome attention, and there is cumbersome paperwork involved to enter Russia by car.

By boat [ edit ]

There is no scheduled passenger service to Moscow by boat; however, cruise ships do provide service to the Northern River Terminal, on the Moscow Canal near the Khimki Reservoir. The pier is not convenient to the city and it can take over 2 hours to reach the city centre by car.

A system of navigable channels and locks connects the Moskva River with the Volga River, which is further connected to the Baltic Sea , White Sea, the Azov, the Black Sea, and the Caspian Sea. In the Soviet times this allowed the official propaganda to refer to Moscow as "a port on the five seas".

By bicycle [ edit ]

Moscow is the easternmost destination of the EuroVelo cycling routes . Eurovelo Route 2 , the Capitals Route, is a 5,500 km (3,400 mi) route starting in Galway , Ireland , passing through Dublin , London , Berlin , Warsaw and Minsk before terminating in Moscow.

By metro [ edit ]

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The Metro is open from 05:30-01:00. Station entrances are closed at 01:00, and at this time the last trains depart from all of the termini stations. After 01:00, many locals will enter the train station using the exits, which are still open. Service on the ring line runs until 01:30, although entrances are closed at 01:00. The down escalators are also shut off at 01:00.

There is signage in the Metro stations in English and the Latin alphabet, but these signs are not everywhere. Each train carriage has a map in Latin script and there is one near the entrance to each station. Note the direction of the train before you alight. It is worth printing a map of the metro system in both Cyrillic and Latin letters to take with you.

All trains in the system have free WiFi onboard, but you will need to have a Russian phone number to get the authorization code to access the WiFi. Some of the older train cars are not climate controlled.

2 or 3 stations may be connected as transfer points but will each have a different name. There are 2 stations called Smolenskaya and 2 stations called Arbatskaya , but the station pairs are not connected to each other despite having the same name. Some of the stations are very deep underground, and transfer times between certain metro lines can take a lot of time. In the city centre, it can save time to go directly to the above-ground entrance of the line you want to take rather than to enter at a connecting station and transfer underground. On the escalators, stand on the right and walk on the left except for peak hours, when standing on the left side is also allowed.

Some of the train stations include beautiful architecture and it is worth taking a guided tour of the metro system. The most interesting stations in terms of decor are Komsomolskaya (ring line), Novoslobodskaya (ring line), Kievskaya (ring line), Kropotkinskaya (Line #1 - red), Kievskaya (Line #3 - dark blue), Arbatskaya (Line #3 - dark blue), Ploschad' Revolyutsii (Line #3 - dark blue), Mayakovskaya (Line #2 - dark green). Also look at the architecture of the ground entrance building of Arbatskaya (Line #4 - light blue) and Krasnye Vorota (Line #1 - red). History buffs may appreciate that Metro Line #1 (red) has the oldest stations, opened in 1935.

The Vorobyovy Gory Metro Station on Line #1 (red) is unique in that it is on a bridge crossing the Moscow River. This bridge also carries auto traffic road on another level. There is a beautiful view through the transparent sides of the station. A great observing point around Moscow is located nearby on Vorobyovy hills, next to the main building of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

There are a couple of unique trains operating through the system and you will be lucky if you get to ride them. Aquarelle (Watercolor) is a train that includes an art gallery. The train operates daily on Line #3 (dark blue). The Sokolniki Retro Train is a train modeled after the original 1930s trains and it occasionally is placed into service, usually around a major anniversary of the metro system.

The metro is relatively safe, although pickpockets are a problem, as they are in any environment where a lot of people are pressed together. Opportunistic petty crime, such as snatching someone's mobile phone and jumping out just as the doors are closing, is also commonplace. Take the usual precautions at night when gangs of inebriated teenagers may look for an excuse to beat someone up. There is no train guard or conductor, so the first car near the driver may be the safest. Every car is equipped with an intercom to the driver's cabin; they are beige boxes with a grill and a black button near doors, and mostly work, unless visibly vandalized.

By tram [ edit ]

There are several tram routes, although trams are not common in the city centre.

By monorail [ edit ]

Moscow Monorail is a 4.7 km (2.9 mi) monorail line with 6 stations. It is slower, less frequent, and has shorter operating hours when compared with the metro (every 30 min, 08:00-20:00). However, the view is picturesque. It is useful to get to the Ostankino Tower, or to get to the VDNKh exhibition centre from Metro Line #9 (silver). Interchanges between Moscow Metro and Monorail is free, no additional fee will be charged.

By hop-on-hop-off bus [ edit ]

The hop-on-hop-off bus is a convenient way for tourists to see the major sights quickly and efficiently. The buses feature English-speaking guides to answer any questions. A 1 day pass costs $24 for adults and $15 for children.

See [ edit ]

Do [ edit ].

Moscow has many attractions, but many of them are not friendly to a non-Russian-speaker. English-language newspapers like The Moscow Times , Element [dead link] , Moscow News and others can help to navigate towards English-language friendly attractions and services.

Circuses [ edit ]

Theatres [ edit ].

  • Bolshoi Theatre , one of the oldest and best known ballet and opera companies in the world.

Learn [ edit ]

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Moscow remains the educational center of Russia and the former USSR. There are 222 institutes of higher education, including 60 state universities & 90 colleges. Some of these offer a wide-spectrum of programs, but most are centered around a specific field. This is a hold-over from the days of the USSR, when Sovietwide there were only a handful of wide-spectrum "universities" and a large number of narrow-specialization "institutes" (mostly in Moscow & St.Petersburg). Moscow offers some of the best business/management, science, & arts schools in the world. Moscow is also a popular destination for foreign students to learn Russian.

Work [ edit ]

You will need a work visa which is not an easy process. The visa needs to be arranged well in advance of traveling. It is possible to work in Moscow, you just need to find a good company to support you. The main obstacle for many foreigners will be a mandatory Russian language exam required to obtain a work permit.

Shopping malls [ edit ]

Large shopping malls are common near metro stations.

Tipping [ edit ]

For information on tipping in restaurants, see Russia#Eat .

Ethnic food [ edit ]

Authentic ethnic food from countries of the nearby Caucasus ( Azerbaijan , Georgia , Armenia ) is common in Moscow. Japanese food, including sushi, rolls, tempura, and steakhouses are very popular in Moscow. Other Asian cuisines including Vietnamese, Thai, and Chinese are becoming increasingly more common.

Budget [ edit ]

Street food [ edit ].

Free-standing kiosks serving sausages, meat pies, or kebobs are plentiful, although the origins of the meat served is questionable and the food has been known to occasionally make people sick.

Muscovites are also fond of their ice cream, consumed in any weather, even in the dead of winter, cheap and usually of superior quality; kiosks can be found all over the center and near all Metro stations.

Foodcourts 2.0 [ edit ]

This term is used in articles by local food critics: since 2016, several special food courts were opened with independent and small food chains, for those people who get bored of McDonald's-like food. They offer a wider choice of cuisines.

Clubs [ edit ]

Nightlife in Moscow is bustling, intense and exciting. It starts quite late; it's common for the headliners to start at 02:00-02:00. Most noticeable are areas near Solyanka street and Krasniy Oktyabr' place. At summer time a lot of clubs opening open-air terraces called "verandas". Most of clubs in Moscow are very picky of who they let in, so make sure you have a positive attitude and dress up if you are going to a fancy club.

Gazgolder [dead link] (not far from Kremlin) is among the best.

Cafes [ edit ]

Moscow has several café chains with great coffee including Coffeemania and Coffee Bean [dead link] . Moscow also has a good selection of tea saloons. High-quality infusion teas such as Newby, are widely available in cafes, both in packets and loose.

Asking to add boiling water to the tea you ordered earlier is a practice that some cafes don't welcome, but normally it's acceptable.

Sleep [ edit ]

Stay safe [ edit ].

Moscow enjoys a relatively low crime rate.

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Drunk people are the most likely sources of problems. In the past years, lots of policemen were corrupt, and it was best to avoid them. Nowadays Moscow has a Tourist Police force, whose officers are able to speak foreign languages and help tourists. Police officers are equipped with body-cameras.

It is preferable to avoid some parts of the outer districts of Moscow, especially in the south. Some of those areas are notorious for gopniks (drunkards notorious for muggings and starting fights with strangers, and will do so seemingly unprovoked), who normally hang out in sparse residential areas and in industrial zones. The same problems can be witnessed in the surrounding regions and in other Russian cities as well.

While traveling in Moscow, as in the rest of Russia, you should always have your passport with you. If you look non-white, your papers may get checked more often than otherwise. The police may demand to see your papers to check if you have been registered within 7 business days of your arrival into Moscow. Always remember that if you stay in a hotel then you are automatically registered and will be handed a confirmation paper at a time of check-in, so don't worry in this case. The police are usually looking for migrants from Central Asia and unless you fit this profile, you are unlikely to be questioned.

Women should take caution walking alone late at night since they may receive unwanted attention from drunk men. Women should also stay clear of large companies of men in front of bars, restaurants, etc. It is best to walk with a friend if possible.

Streets can become very slippery in winter. Wear shoes or, even better, boots with decent grip to prevent twisted ankles. Ice patches can be hard to spot. A waterproof raincoat is also sensible.

Traffic is poorly handled, and vehicle accident rates are very high.

If you need help with translation, ask students or pupils: younger people are more likely to be able to help you than the older generations.

Connect [ edit ]

For information on using telephones and buying SIM cards in Russia, see Russia#Connect .

Mobile Internet is quite affordable in Russia, but you have to buy Russian SIM-card first.

Wireless Internet [ edit ]

Moscow Metro has Wi-Fi in all trains. It is ad-supported.

Mosgortrans has Wi-Fi spots on every bus, trolleybus and tram. Also sometimes you can find Wi-Fi spot on a public transport stop.

Beeline Wi-Fi [dead link] operates the largest network of both paid and free Wi-Fi access points. If there is a charge, you can pay online via credit card.

There is a large network of free Wi-Fi hotspots in the city centre; check your device in the middle of a busy area and you may find one.

Many cafes and restaurants offer Wi-Fi - ask for password. Most bookstores offer free Wi-Fi, including "Dom Knigi" on New Arbat Street or "Respublika" bookstore on Tverskaya near Mayakovskaya Metro Station.

Some establishments that offer free Wi-Fi may require you to verify an authorization code sent to a Russian phone number before gaining access, but for the most part, foreign numbers also work as of 2016.

Cope [ edit ]

Embassies [ edit ].

Moscow is one of the global diplomatic capitals, competing with Berlin , Brussels , Beijing , Paris , London , Tokyo and Washington D.C. . Most of the world's countries have their embassies in the city.

Navigation menu

Moscow - St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Russia

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  • Images of Moscow

While you’re there

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  • Travel to Moscow

Russia Information

  • About Russia
  • Passport & visa
  • Public Holidays
  • Money & duty free
  • Food & drink

Book your flights

  • Moscow Domodedovo International Airport
  • Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport
  • Moscow Vnukovo International Airport

Moscow Travel Guide

Despite the Soviet past, today’s Moscow is a dynamic, cutting-edge city – and the most populous in Europe. Well-heeled Muscovites flaunt their wealth by sipping Champagne with sushi at elite restaurants and shopping for designer labels at frighteningly expensive boutiques. Meanwhile, a growing middle-class has seen a proliferation of hip bars and trendy cultural centres.

While the Russian capital has striven to move on, recent tensions with the West have stirred up memories of the past. Moscow has previously led the way with protests against Vladimir Putin, but even with the tumbling ruble and economic sanctions, his popularity remains strong.

This doesn’t make Russia a no-go area, and Moscow – with its cosmopolitan, globe-trotting denizens – is not the formidable crucible often depicted. In summer, temperatures soar and the city’s vast parklands flourish. The historic Gorky Park received a complete makeover in 2012, installing free Wi-Fi and even a beach, while the Soviet behemoth that was the Rossiya Hotel has been demolished to make way for an ambitious central park.

Before that project comes to fruition, there is Red Square to marvel at, not least the mind-boggling St Basil’s Cathedral. Built by Ivan the Terrible in the 16th century, its multi-coloured domes and acid-trip patterns seem to defy logic. Nearby is the 14th-century Kremlin and seat of the tsars.

Indeed architecture is one of the city’s main attractions, especially for aficionados of Soviet buildings. All too many have been destroyed to make way for gleaming 21st-century skyscrapers, but Stalin’s unmistakable Seven Sisters still stand tall against the modern towers.

The city is naturally keen to celebrate its great writers, composers and artists too. This sophisticated city boasts world-class institutions like the Bolshoi Theatre, the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory and the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts.

As for nightlife, the city is becoming increasingly hedonistic – whether jazz, rock or vodka is your thing, there are plenty of options. Even the culinary circuit has come on leaps and bounds, though an evening at one of the city’s growing stable of world-class restaurants requires considerable investment. This is, after all, a capital of oligarchs.

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Book Accommodation

Featured hotels, izmailovo (gamma-delta).

Constructed to accommodate visitors to the 1980 Olympics, the concrete towers of the Izmailovo boast a staggering 8,000 rooms. Institutional in atmosphere, and located far out in the northern suburbs, the hotel is handy for the enormous Izmaylovo Market and has decent city centre links. There are several onsite restaurants and in-room Wi-Fi is available too.

Peking Hotel

Built in 1956 as a little sister to Stalin's Seven Sister skyscrapers, and intended as post-war headquarters for the secret police, Moscow's Peking Hotel is a heritage hotel with a small 'h', in a good location just northwest of the centre. Although slightly old-fashioned, its 130 rooms are comfortable enough, with satellite TV and en-suite bathrooms.

Warsaw Hotel

Although its location may not be one of Moscow's most picturesque, the Warsaw Hotel is convenient for Gorky Park. Considering the quality of the competition, this is one of the best cheap options in the city, with clean and comfortable rooms, albeit in a rather dated style. Wi-Fi is complimentary and the Oktyabrskaya Metro station is right next door.

Golden Apple

A boutique hotel on a refreshingly human scale, the Golden Apple offers imaginative styling and a personal touch that many 5-star hotels lack. Behind the baroque facade, its minimalist rooms are cosy, and there's an onsite restaurant and an open-plan bar too. Staff speak excellent English and there's Wi-Fi access, a gym and a sauna.

Historical Hotel Sovietsky

In the 1950s, Joseph Stalin decreed that the famous Yar restaurant should be upgraded to a hotel and the Historical Hotel Sovietsky was born. It quickly became a showcase for the image of sophistication that the Soviet government wished to present to the world, and its 107 rooms still conjures up the nostalgia of this period in history.

Hotel Danilovsky

It's hard to imagine a more atmospheric place to stay than the 12-century precincts of the historic Danilovsky Monastery. Set amidst chapels and gardens, the hotel is a modern construction, but the rooms are comfortable and all have a view of the stately monastery buildings. There's a sauna and bar onsite too.

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    There is a left-luggage facility in the luggage office at the underground level of the terminal, and baggage-packing services are available on the first floor next to the check-in desks. ... The World Travel Guide (WTG) is the flagship digital consumer brand within the Columbus Travel Media portfolio. A comprehensive guide to the world's best ...

  19. Home

    A small handheld piece of luggage, perfectly suited for light travels and grand adventures. Our brand is inspired by the french concept of "valise" because we believe in keeping things simple and enjoying every experience to the fullest. We believe that life - and travel - are about moments big and small with the people we love.

  20. Services

    When you travel with Valise, you're always a VIP. With travel partners around the globe, our network of resorts and hotels has something for everyone - we love working with local boutique hotels but also have wonderful preferred partnerships at many 4 & 5 star hotel chains such as Four Seasons and Rosewood.

  21. Bagage Cabine Travel World

    Travel World - Valise Cabine - 55cm - 4 Roulettes - Polycarbonate. Dévalisé ! Les Prix du Reconditionné. Les Garanties et Services du Neuf. Il s'agit d'un Bagage neuf, jamais utilisé, dans un parfait état. Un retour de marchandise depuis une plateforme logistique ou une commande internet annulée.

  22. Moscow

    Since its founding in 1147, Moscow (Russian: Москва, Moskva) has been at the crossroads of history as the capital of empires and a frequent target for invaders.As the capital of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and, today, the Russian Federation, it has played a central role in the development of the largest country in the world. For many, the sight of the Kremlin complex in the ...

  23. Moscow Travel Guide

    The World Travel Guide (WTG) is the flagship digital consumer brand within the Columbus Travel Media portfolio. A comprehensive guide to the world's best travel destinations, its print heritage stretches back more than 30 years, with the online portal reaching its 20-year anniversary in 2019. Available in English, German and Spanish versions ...