
Jenis Harimau yang Ada di Taman Safari Indonesia

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4 Ciri Khas Harimau Sumatera yang Membedakan dari Jenis Lain

taman safari harimau

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Cerita "Keeper" Harimau di Taman Safari Indonesia... Money Work Smart

Cerita "keeper" harimau di taman safari indonesia..., kiki safitri,, erlangga djumena.

Tim Redaksi

Kiki Safitri

Penulis erlangga djumena, tag taman safari harimau pawang.


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Olympic Game Farm

1423 Ward Rd Sequim, WA 98382


Open 7 days a week M - Su 9 a.m. to 4p.m.

Open all major holidays except Thanksgiving and Christmas Days .

Have a Question? Call Us! 360-683-4295

Commonly asked questions.

Since the 1940s, Olympic Game Farm in Sequim, WA has been dedicated to the welfare and well-being of animals. As a drive-through wildlife exhibit, we are entirely funded by tourists and are a fun place to experience wildlife at your own pace. We strive to be a source of wildlife education for families and tourists!

Letter from Robert Beebe, President

With over 200 animals on-site , our driving tour leaves our visitors with vivid memories of these amazing creatures; experiences which, at first are hard to imagine, become pleasantly surprising. Friendly llamas and yak eat bread from your hand, clowning bears stand up and wave, and the elk and buffalo peacefully graze in the pastures.

Olympic Game Farm worked exclusively for Walt Disney Studios for 28 years, filming here at the farm and on the Olympic Peninsula, as well as on many different set locations. A few popular titles produced with our past animal actors are “Charlie the Lonesome Cougar,” “The Incredible Journey,” “White Wilderness,” and “Grizzly Adams” television and movie series. In 2012, we had used our black bear “Kitty” and wolf “Brutus” in “Serenity Farms”. In winter of 2013, we used “Kitty” once again in a National Geographic documentary on black bear in the city. Summer of 2014, “Leland” a black tail deer was used in the filming of “Captain Fantastic” as well as Olympic Game Farm used as a filming location for a scene.

After the death of Walt and Roy Disney, Disney Studios began to move away from the nature films that had been so dear to Walt’s heart. In 1972, with the approval of the Disney Studios for using the Disney name, Olympic Game Farm, Inc. was opened to the public. Our founders Lloyd and Catherine Beebe retired from the filming industry and focused solely on caring for their animal actors, concentrating on offering “in need” captive bred animals a new and loving home. Olympic Game Farm will continue to accept in-need wildlife, as space permits and with the proper authority approvals. We cannot accept local animals from the wild without proper permission from Washington State Fish and Wildlife.

Lloyd Beebe passed along his trait, his dedication, and his love for wildlife to his grandsons Robert Beebe and James Beebe, along with their uncle Kenneth Beebe, who have taken over the daily operations of the Olympic Game Farm since 2008.

Thank you for your interest,

Robert L. Beebe

President, OGF


We won the Wildlife Conservation of the Year award in 1996 from the Washington Association of Conservation Districts (WACD). Lloyd and Catherine Beebe and Olympic Game Farm were honored through a Senate Resolution 8612 on January 20, 2011. Lloyd Beebe won Filmdom’s Famous Five’s 1960 from Film Daily.

Caribou moose

Are pets allowed inside our vehicle while driving?

Yes, pets are allowed as long as they are kept inside an enclosed vehicle and unable to escape your vehicle. All pets must be on a leash when outside the vehicle in permitted areas.

Why was the game farm started?

In the 1950’s to 1972, Olympic Game Farm (then called Disney’s Wild Animal Ranch) was originally designed as a holding facility for the animal actors of Disney Studios. During breaks from filming, the animals were trained, housed, and cared for while waiting for future filming. Disney Studios had asked us to keep the public and cameras out of the Farm.

White tiger at Olympic Game Farm

However, in the summer of 1972 after Roy Disney’s passing, we allowed people in to see what the Farm was all about. This informal opening was also a test to see if we could achieve our long-term goals in caring for the animals without a steady income from Disney Studios—to see if we could make it on our own. After that summer, we let Disney Studios know how well we did. Disney Studios ultimately held a vote from their Board of Directors and decided it was ok to continue to be open to the public and retain any earnings received. That same year, we officially opened to the public as a private wildlife organization and became incorporated in 1973.

Where do the animals come from?

Several of the animals are either rehomed, come as overflow from other licensed facilities, or have been received from other properly licensed individuals.

How do you afford to feed them?

Currently, all proceeds from tourism are put into animal care and feeding. This includes all operating costs (employees, licensing, feed, utilities, repairs, etc.) associated with caring for our animals. In the past, filmmaking and tourism was the mainstay; however, as the years and societal attitudes have evolved the film industry genre, live animal actors are no longer in high demand. We do receive donations from the local dairy farms and equestrians, or from a farm hobbyist. Income made from the summer season carries the Farm through the lean winter months. This presents tough budgeting constraints and is a tremendous struggle each year.

Do you accept random donations?

Yes, the Olympic Game Farm does accept any reasonable donations. Naturally, the best donation is monetarily, but we will consider all other types.

Are you open year round?

Olympic Game Farm is open year round but will be closed on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day in order to spend time with our families.

Do the animals come out during the rain or snow?

Yes, most if not all the animals are accustomed to our Northwest weather. All the animals have their own shelters and privacy areas if they need.

When is the best time to view the animals?

We always suggest mornings to early afternoons to be the best times, as most of our animals tend to lounge in the later afternoon times and take naps.

What is the difference between a wildlife park and a game farm?

A wildlife park/zoo is usually publicly funded by city, county, and/or state funds or a group of investors. Game farms are usually in connection with commerce, such as breeding, selling, or trading and are privately funded by the owners. Some game farms are associated with “canned” hunting but Olympic Game Farm does not practice this. In our case, “Game Farm” denotes that there are game animals located and housed here but not for hunting.

Are the animals at the Game Farm still used by the movie industry?

We have used a few of our current animals in several films, “Serenity Farms,” “Captain Fantastic,” and a National Geographic documentary on black bears and city encroachment. However, we are not actively seeking animal work in the film industry.

How long does the tour take?

Typical drive tour takes anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 hour but it is completely self-paced. The admission ticket is good for all day until closing. On major holiday weekends, wait times and lines can and do occur, thus extending drive tour time.

Are we allowed to bring our own bread to feed?

No outside bread at this time. Throughout the year (depending on the season) other food items will be available for purchase.  This is at our discretion .  Specific days, food items and other information will be available upon arrival.

Why can’t we bring in fruit or other food items to feed the animals?

You can donate fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, or fresh-caught fish to Olympic Game Farm but U.S.D.A. (APHIS) has a strict rule about customers feeding our animals. Wheat bread is the ONLY type of feed allowed to be given by the customers. Olympic Game Farm will accept fresh fruit and fresh vegetables but it will need to be inspected by us and fed out by us or under strict observation if permitted by senior management. Bread has been proven to be an excellent source of fat and fiber for our animals. Large animals differ from humans and domesticated animals tremendously, with their fat & nutritional needs. Rotten, moldy, or freezer dried items will not be accepted. We cannot accept anything from your personal freezer. Please call and check first about any other food items.

What other type of feed is given to the animals besides bread?

Each animal has a well-balanced nutritional diet based on their nutritional needs by our veterinarian care plan. Meat, poultry, fish, nuts, berries, vegetables, fruit, roots, vitamins, minerals, hay, & grain are fed daily, during business hours and after closing.

We do ask for customers to not take it upon themselves to decide what is best to feed our animals. Any food items other than the bread brought to feed will be held at the gate until the tour is over and it will be returned. Violators will be asked to leave.

We ask this, not only because of the U.S.D.A. rule, but also because each animal is carefully monitored and fed daily. Some of the animals are not allowed certain foods due to medical reasons, dental problems, allergies, being strict carnivores, etc.

For the best interest of our animals, it is important only wheat or whole grain bread from the Game Farm is fed to them. Produce or meat could make the animals sick.

Are convertibles/open vehicles permitted?

All vehicles must be fully enclosed at all times for your safety. Jeeps, Broncos, etc. must have sides and tops on, making it fully enclosed. NO MOTORCYCLES, SCOOTERS, MOPEDS, OR BICYCLES ARE PERMITTED on drive tour.

Can R.V’S or buses drive through the farm?

Yes. We have a delegated road for larger vehicle. The only animals you will not see are the prairie dogs and sika deer.

What was the difference between the original walk tour and the new “Mini Tour”?

The difference between the original walk and the new mini-tour is: • In the original tour, a tour guide would walk visitors through the predator area in addition to the barn and aquarium and was only offered to groups of 10 people or more when scheduled in advance at an additional charge. • In the “mini-tour,” all visitors can enjoy the experience at their own leisure but the predator compound is not included as this area is included in our driving tour.

When are the busiest times? Or what times/days to avoid long lines and traffic congestion inside OGF?

PLEASE plan your trip to Olympic Game Farm prior to your arrival here.

The busiest weekends are Memorial Day weekend and Labor Day weekend. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are the busiest days of those two holiday weekends. Saturday and Sunday can see over 500 cars each day with peak times from ranging from 11 a.m. to 4-5 p.m. Traffic congestion throughout the Farm is always a concern during this time and we ask that all visitors be conscious and courteous to other visitors who are also trying to enjoy themselves as they drive around the Farm. Remember, your receipt is good all day until closing so that you can go around multiple times as needed. Also, our animals do get tired towards the afternoon/evening and can/will start to ignore people as the day wears on.

On a typical summer week, Saturday would be the busiest day and slowly tapers to the lowest day of Wednesday, then building back up each day. Beginning from 11 a.m., the peak traffic begins and eventually lessens after 3 p.m. as the animals grow tired and head to their sleeping areas for the evening.

Our employees do work as fast as possible to keep the entry traffic lines moving smoothly and quickly; however, the lines move as fast as our patrons allow us to work. We encourage that our visitors already have family plans/arrangements (such as who is paying and with what form of payment, also to know the ages of children, any discounts, etc.) made prior to entering the Farm.

Have questions about the history of our farm or admission ? Contact us today at (360) 683-4295 and we will be happy to help

Visitors, please note:.

Farm hours for the Spring effective February 19th 2024.

Hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m Monday – Sunday

We ask visitors to arrive  NO LATER  than 45 mins before closing time to ensure entry and have time to fully enjoy the park.   

The Farm, on occasion, does close for inclement snowy weather.  Please be sure to call ahead to speak with a team member and ensure that we are open.  Thank you, stay safe!!

Effective June 5, 2020 In compliance to U.S.D.A federal regulation 4.12.4 NO OUTSIDE BREAD PERMITTED. NO EXCEPTIONS. THIS IS PERMANENTLY IN EFFECT. Bread can be purchased onsite, and we will limit bread purchases as needed and appropriate. Anyone sneaking in and feeding outside bread or other food items will be asked to leave with no refund.


We are looking forward to your visit!

Lake Tobias Wildlife Park

Safari Tours

Guests seeing animals on safari tour

Take a Tour of a Wildlife Safari Zoo in Central Pennsylvania

Guided safari tours in central pennsylvania.

The dry plains of Africa and the woodlands and forests of Australia have never felt closer thanks to the incredible safari tour at Lake Tobias Wildlife Park. Like our other amazing attractions , the safari allows you and your family to see first-hand the various animals native to those lands and learn about their natural habitats. Discover more about our animal safari in Central Pennsylvania and all you can expect to see on your journey.

Guided Safari offered May thru October.

Self Drive-Thru Safari Available Only in April and November

Guests who wish to enjoy our safari tour from the comfort of their vehicles can do so with our self drive-thru option. VEHICLES WITH HARD DOORS AND HARD TOP ROOFS ONLY. Those interested in this experience should first read the Self Drive-Thru Rules to ensure their safety and the wellbeing of our animals. You will be required to sign a vehicle waiver prior to entering the safari fields.   


All vehicles MUST have hard tops and doors. Sunroofs and trunks must be closed-USDA requirement (Mesh doors on jeeps are not permitted).

Strict 5 mph speed limit (USDA requirement for animal safety).

You MUST remain in your vehicle during the entirety of the tour.

Pets are not permitted in vehicles.

No riding in the bed of pickup trucks.

No motorcycles, motor homes, buses, or trailers are permitted.

Touching animals is not encouraged.

Feeding animals is prohibited.

LOUD NOISES --honking horns, music and yelling--are not permitted.


The drive-thru trail is an unpaved dirt trail with loose stones, possible animal dung, and occasional mud puddles.

Some animals may not be visible on every drive-thru.

No refunds will be given for any reason after entering the safari fields.

ZOO EXHIBITS ARE NOT AVAILABLE  during the weekends of the self drive-thru.

Admission for the self drive-thru will be $9/person ages 3 through adult.

The Self Drive-Thru Safari pre-season/post-season option is available on select weekends only in April and November

from 10:00 a.m.  to 3:00 p.m.  

Please note: Only the Safari Tour Fields are open for the Self Drive-Thru option. Zoo exhibits are open during our regular season May 1st through October .

Adventure Awaits at Our Wildlife Safari Zoo

Deer approaching safari bus for guests to reach out to touch

Say Hello to Our Animals

One of the best parts about our safari zoo in Pennsylvania is all the different animals you may see. More than 500 animals roam the safari fields freely at Lake Tobias Wildlife Park. You may meet curious critters that are just as interested in you as you are in them — it is common for animals to approach the tour bus and get close enough for guests to reach out and touch them. Interacting with these animals is sure to be an unforgettable and highly beneficial experience for your party.

Child getting opportunity to touch animal on safari tour

Our New Safari Station

Dedicated to providing our guests with the best possible experience, we are happy to introduce our safari station. Built and launched in 2015, the safari station includes the following:

  • A comfortable holding area large enough to fit guests as they wait for their turn to hop aboard the cruiser
  • A snack shop where you can grab a drink, some food for the ride, and even feed to give the animals while on the tour
  • Well-maintained restrooms for your convenience

Things to Keep in Mind for Your Next Safari Tour

To help guests get the most out of their animal safari in Pennsylvania, we encourage all to be mindful of when the tours begin. Rides go out right when the park opens, and guests are welcome to come early to avoid crowds or waiting in long lines. Our tours last around 45 minutes, providing plenty of time to take in the entire tour without tiring out the youngest in your group. The last tour departs our Safari Station one hour before closing.

Please be advised that we do not accept reservations for our tours as they are offered on a first come, first serve basis. However, even if you miss your preferred time, another is coming up shortly!

Plan Your Visit Today to Our Safari in Pennsylvania

Lake Tobias Wildlife Park welcomes guests from Central Pennsylvania and the surrounding areas to enjoy a first-hand experience with animals from six continents. Our safari tour allows visitors to witness a variety of majestic animals and gain insight into their way of life. Contact us today to learn more about our Pennsylvania safari tours and rates , or to view our park hours .

Safari Times

  • Safari tours begin when the park opens.
  • Tours last approximately 45 minutes.
  • Last tour goes out one hour before closing.
  • Tours are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis and depart multiple times per day.

Lake Tobias Wildlife Park


Zoo Exhibits

Petting Zoo

Reptiles & Exotics

Baby Animal Program

J.R. Tobias Museum & Education Center

Catch & Release Fishing

Dining & Food

New Giraffe Exhibit

Visitor information.



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Mengenal Jenis Harimau di Dunia

Harimau merupakan spesies kucing terbesar dari genus Panthera yang paling dikenal dan populer. Sahabat pastinya sering melihat satwa ini di buku Biologi, mereka disebut-sebut pemangsa puncak dalam rantai makanan!

Di Indonesia, beberapa jenis harimau sudah punah, dan sisanya memiliki status terancam punah karena terus menerus mengalami penurunan populasi. Maka dari itu, salah satu upaya untuk melestarikan kucing besar ini adalah dengan mengenal mereka lebih dekat.

Mari kita belajar bersama-sama mengenal jenis-jenis harimau di dunia bersama Bali Safari Park!

Harimau Sumatra

harimau sumatra

Kucing besar pertama yang akan kita bahas yaitu harimau Sumatra. Sesuai dengan namanya, satwa ini berhabitat asli di hutan Pulau Sumatra. Fakta lainnya adalah mereka satu-satunya subspesies harimau sunda yang masih hidup hingga saat ini!

Memiliki ukuran tubuh lebih kecil dibandingkan spesies lain, ciri lain dari harimau Sumatra adalah warna corak belang yang lebih pekat. Populasi kucing besar ini terus menurun setiap tahunnya karena perburuan liar. Oleh karena itu, kita semua harus sadar bahwa populasi harimau Sumatra kini sedang terancam!

Harimau Siberia

harimau siberia

Spesies kedua yang akan dibahas adalah Harimau Siberia. Kucing besar ini masih dapat ditemukan di sepanjang Semenanjung Korea, barat laut Mongolia, tenggara Rusia, dan barat laut Tiongkok.

Berbeda dengan Harimau Sumatra yang memiliki ukuran tubuh kecil, Harimau Siberia memiliki ukuran tubuh paling besar dibandingkan spesies lainnya. Jumlah mereka terus berkurang seiring dampak perubahan iklim yang cukup ekstrem, dan hanya tersisa sekitar 500-600 ekor di alam liar.

Harimau Benggala

harimau benggala

Kucing terbesar kedua setelah Harimau Siberia adalah Harimau Benggala, yang berhabitat di India, Bangladesh, Bhutan hingga Nepal.

Mereka memiliki ciri khas bulu bercorak dengan garis-garis hitam atau cokelat tua. Berbeda dari spesies lainnya, satwa ini lihai dalam memanjat pohon dan berenang. Sahabat bisa menyaksikan keahlian Harimau Benggala tersebut di Bali Safari Park, saat menonton Tiger Show !

Harimau Benggala Putih

harimau benggala putih

Apabila sahabat melihat harimau Benggala namun berwarna putih, bukan berarti mereka albino ya! Namun, hal ini disebabkan karena gen resesif yang dibawa oleh mereka sehingga menghasilkan pewarnaan pucat.

Ciri unik yang dimiliki kucing besar ini adalah bulunya yang berwarna putih dengan belang hitam, kelabu atau coklat. Selain itu, hidung dan telapak kakinya berwarna khas merah jambu dengan mata berwarna biru es. Satwa unik ini juga bisa sahabat satwa jumpai di Ranthambore area Bali Safari Park, bahkan sahabat bisa memberi makan kucing besar ini!

Banyak sekali jenis harimau yang hidup di dunia, meskipun beberapa diantaranya sudah punah. Untuk itu, mari kita sama-sama melestarikan harimau yang masih tersisa di dunia! Salah satu caranya yaitu dengan berkunjung ke lembaga konservasi satwa seperti Bali Safari Park. Cek website untuk mendapatkan tiketnya!

Meet all our animals

We have hundreds of animals in our park from over 100 species, including some of the rarest and endangered.

Not only are we one of the leading wildlife conservations in Indonesia, we are devoted to caring for the animals in our own safari. We ensure the highest standards of wellbeing is given to all our animals.

Browse below to see the animals that we have given a loving home to.

The world's largest land mammals gather in groups and are led by females! It requires them to drink 150 litres of water per day to quench their thirst.

Lions are the second largest cats in the world after the tiger and can be found in Sub-Saharan Africa (West African Lion) and in western India (Asiatic Lion). They live [...]

The word rhinoceros is derived through Latin from the Ancient Greek: which is composed of rhino, "nose" and keras, "horn". There are five living species of Rhinoceros. The two African [...]

The third largest mammals on land are the hippopotamus. These animals can weigh up to 2000 kg. The common hippopotamus lives near rivers, lakes and mangrove swamps. During the day, [...]

Tigers are as majestic as they appear. The tiger is the largest member of the "big cat" species, as they can weigh up to 350kg. There are 6 subspecies of [...]

Official Ticket


  1. Taman Safari Bali Schedules

    View Taman Safari Bali schedules to avoid missing an opportunity to meet your favorite animals. Bali Safari Park opens daily from 9AM to 5PM. ... Harimau Amphitheater: Bali Agung: 15.30 - 16.30: Tuesday - Sunday: Bali Agung Theatre: Animal Presentation 2: 13.30 - 13.50: Everyday: Hanuman Stage: Elephant Presentation 2: 14.15 - 14.40:


    Insiden Serangan Harimau Sumatera kepada pawang di Taman Safari Indonesia. Harimau menyerang di Taman Safari. Harimau serang pawang.#HarimauMenyerang #Serang...

  3. Home

    Built in 1980, the first Taman Safari Indonesia at Cisarua, was constructed on a no longer productive tea plantation, with a footprint of 50 hectares. ... Teror Harimau Terkam Warga Lampung Barat, Tim Rescue dari Taman Safari Diturunkan. KLHK dan TSI Resmikan Hutan Pakan Satwa, Tanam 200 Pohon Buah di Kaki Gunung Gede Pangrango ...


    ‼️Video ini diabadikan di TAMAN SAFARI PRIGEN II PASURUAN, JATIM, INDONESIA Bukan Taman Safari Bogor‼️Selalu berhati hati Guys, selalu berdoa jika akan pergi...

  5. Taman Safari Bali

    Escape Into Paradise. The Amazing Taman Safari Bali, home to over a thousand amazing animals and your finest destination for an adventurous, fun and educational experience more than just a safari. Our park represents more than 120 species, including rare & endangered species like the Komodo Dragons, Orangutan, Bali Starling bird, and many more.

  6. Jenis Harimau yang Ada di Taman Safari Indonesia

    Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor memiliki lebih dari 2500 ekor satwa dari 250 spesies yang berasal dari berbagai benua, seperti Asia, Afrika, Amerika, dan Australia. Beberapa satwa yang dapat kamu temui di Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor antara lain adalah harimau, singa, gajah, jerapah, zebra, kuda nil, beruang, kanguru, panda merah, pinguin, dan ...


    peragaan harimau sumatera di Taman Safari . Bogor, kandang peragaan dibagi atas 2 yaitu . kandang a tas yang terdiri dari 6 kandang . peragaan dengan luas kandang p eragaan .

  8. Konservasi Harimau Sumatera di Taman Safari Indonesia

    Konservasi Harimau Sumatera di Taman Safari Indonesia. Tahukah Anda, bahwa harimau Sumatera adalah satu-satunya subspesies harimau di Indonesia yang masih bertahan. Kedua saudara tuanya, harimau Jawa dan harimau Bali sudah dinyatakan punah pada tahun 1970 dan 1937. Saat ini, diperkirakan jumlah harimau Sumatera tak lebih dari 400-an ekor saja ...

  9. Video Harimau Serang dan Tewaskan Pengunjung Taman Safari

    Selalu patuhi peraturan yang berlaku. Jika tidak, bisa jadi nyawa Anda taruhannya seperti video yang satu iniAyo tonton dan sebarkan!Follow official account ...

  10. Solo Menari 2024 Semarakkan Peringatan Hari Tari Dunia di Kota Bengawan

    TEMPO.CO, Solo - Suasana Kota Solo, Jawa Tengah, Senin, 29 April 2024 semarak dengan perhelatan Solo Menari 2024. Rangkaian acara yang digelar untuk merayakan Hari Tari Dunia itu dibuka di Taman Sriwedari Solo pada sekitar pukul 9.30 WIB, diawali dengan pertunjukan tari kolosal berjudul Darmapashu Taya yang dibawakan sekitar 200 penari.. Gerakan-gerakan tari yang disuguhkan para penari dari ...

  11. Pengelolaan Penangkaran Harimau sumatera (Panthera tigris sumatrae

    Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) merupakan salah satu lembaga konservasi dengan pengelolaan berbasis etika dan kesejahteraan satwa yang sukses menangkarkan Harimau sumatera. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari aspek teknis pengelolaan, perawatan, kesehatan, dan reproduksi Harimau sumatera di penangkaran.

  12. Bimo, Si Harimau Penyintas di Taman Safari Bogor

    Kabar gembiranya selama 8 tahun di Taman Safari Bogor, Bimo sudah memiliki 3 ekor anakan dari perkawinan dengan betina bernama Cut Nyak, yakni Praja (lahir tahun 2014), Binsar, dan Bulan (lahir tahun 2015). Lahirnya anakan tersebut membuat Bimo berperan penting dalam menambah populasi Harimau Sumatera yang kian mengkhawatirkan.

  13. Keunikan Satwa Endemik harimau sumatra

    Harimau Sumatra: Mengungkap Keunikan, dan Tantangan Konservasi untuk Satwa Endemik yang Berharga. Harimau Sumatra, sebagai salah satu dari enam subspesies harimau di dunia. Menjadikan pulau Sumatra, sebagai tempat istimewa bagi keanekaragaman hayati dan budaya daerah tersebut. Kehadiran mereka telah menyatu dengan kisah dan kehidupan penduduk ...

  14. Taman Safari Indonesia

    Taman Safari memiliki sekitar 2500 koleksi satwa dari hampir seluruh penjuru dunia termasuk satwa langka, seperti harimau benggala, jerapah, singa, orang utan, gajah, anoa, komodo dan lain sebagainya. Taman Safari juga memiliki area khusus untuk beberapa jenis binatang, seperti: Bird Aviary di Taman Safari Indonesia Bird Aviary: Terdapat ...

  15. Cerita "Keeper" Harimau di Taman Safari Indonesia

    Sumanjaya mengaku dirinya sudah 11 tahun menjadi keeper harimau, tepatnya sejak tahun 2013. Sementara itu, Prianto sebelumnya lama berkarir di Oriental Circus Indonesia, dan bergabung di Taman Safari Indonesia sejak tahun 2000. Sumanjaya menyebutkan, harimau yang diasuhnya sudah mencapai 10 ekor. Meskipun merupakan hewan buas, namun Sumanjaya ...

  16. Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor Harga Tiket Promo Up to 7% 2024

    Beli tiket Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor 2024 JAMINAN HARGA TERMURAH. Nikmati wisata terpopuler dengan harga promo di ... Itu sudah termasuk satwa langka seperti harimau benggala, jerapah, singa, orang utan, gajah, anoa, komodo, dan banyak lagi. Selain koleksi utama ini, taman ini juga memiliki area khusus yang memikat, termasuk:

  17. Drive Through Safari & Petting Zoo in Sequim, WA

    In the 1950's to 1972, Olympic Game Farm (then called Disney's Wild Animal Ranch) was originally designed as a holding facility for the animal actors of Disney Studios. During breaks from filming, the animals were trained, housed, and cared for while waiting for future filming. Disney Studios had asked us to keep the public and cameras out ...

  18. City Hall and City Duma

    The City Hall and City Duma ( Russian: Здание Правительства Москвы) would have been the new home for the Moscow government and assembly ( duma ). It would have consisted of four 308.4 meter (1011.8 feet), 70 story towers. Currently, the government of the city are using hundreds of smaller buildings throughout the city.

  19. Ayo Simak Fakta Menarik Harimau Benggala

    Harimau Benggala merupakan spesies kucing terbesar kedua di dunia setelah Harimau Siberia. Ciri khas yang dimiliki yaitu bulu yang berwarna oranye terang dengan motif garis-garis hitam atau cokelat tua. Habitat mereka tersebar di hutan lebat dan rawa-rawa India, Bangladesh, Bhutan dan Nepal. Selain itu, mereka memiliki gigi taring terbesar dari ...

  20. Experience a Safari in Central Pennsylvania

    The Self Drive-Thru Safari pre-season/post-season option is available on select weekends only in April and November. from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Please note: Only the Safari Tour Fields are open for the Self Drive-Thru option. Zoo exhibits are open during our regular season May 1st through October .

  21. Mengenal Jenis Harimau di Dunia

    Selain itu, hidung dan telapak kakinya berwarna khas merah jambu dengan mata berwarna biru es. Satwa unik ini juga bisa sahabat satwa jumpai di Ranthambore area Bali Safari Park, bahkan sahabat bisa memberi makan kucing besar ini! Banyak sekali jenis harimau yang hidup di dunia, meskipun beberapa diantaranya sudah punah.

  22. [4K] Walking Streets Moscow. Moscow-City

    Walking tour around Moscow-City.Thanks for watching!MY GEAR THAT I USEMinimalist Handheld SetupiPhone 11 128GB for Street https://...