Il punto di riferimento per i turisti italiani a Istanbul

tour del bosforo istanbul

Tour del Bosforo nel 2024

Fra le attrazioni turistiche più richieste e famose di Istanbul, un posto d’onore è sicuramente da attribuire ai “ Tour del Bosforo ”. Ma sarebbe sbagliato considerare questi tour come un qualcosa di semplicemente turistico.

Il Bosforo è un’attrattiva sempre e comunque , anche per gli abitanti di Istanbul. Pur vivendo qui è veramente difficile abituarsi a questo spettacolo meraviglioso. Un famoso detto turco recita “la vita non può essere così cattiva se in fin dei conti posso ancora camminare in riva al Bosforo”.

Noi stessi ogni tanto, spinti magari dalla bella stagione e dall’allungarsi delle giornate, amiamo passare qualche ora nutrendo gli occhi con la bellezza dei palazzi e delle yalı che si specchiano nel blu intenso dello stretto, respirando a pieni polmoni il profumo del mare, accompagnati da delfini e gabbiani.

Come avrete capito è un’esperienza che consigliamo vivamente . Ci teniamo però a darvi qualche consiglio.

Evitate i tour privati organizzati da varie agenzie turistiche del posto che si vedono pubblicizzati a Sultanahmet, sono molto costosi e non offrono nulla in più rispetto ai tour organizzati dalle compagnie più grandi e conosciute.

Detto questo passiamo alle varie opzioni disponibili, che riassumiamo per comodità in 3 categorie:

1) Tour del Bosforo brevi, della durata di 1,5/2 ore

Si tratta sicuramente dell’opzione preferibile per chi viene a Istanbul per la prima volta e ha a disposizione solo 3-4 giorni. Si tratta di un tour di massimo 2 ore che non prevede soste (a parte a volte uno scalo di 5 minuti per fare salire alcuni turisti), effettua l’andata costeggiando la parte europea ed il ritorno costeggiando quella asiatica, arrivando fino all’altezza del secondo ponte sul Bosforo. Sono molte le compagnie che effettuano questo tipo di tour, vediamo quali:

–  Şehir Hatları , la compagnia di traghetti della municipalità di Istanbul effettua la Short Bosphorus Cruise con partenza tutti i giorni da Eminönü alle ore 14.40 , con scalo a Ortaköy alle 15.10, ritorno ad Eminönü alle 16.35. Nel periodo invernale il tour viene effettuato solo nei fine settimana. Costo 32 Lire . La durata è di circa 2 ore ed il tragitto percorso è più lungo rispetto alle altre opzioni che seguono.

– Turyol , compagnia di traghetti molto famosa che opera anche con traghetti di linea e quindi convenzionata con la municipalità. Effettua tour del Bosforo brevi con partenza   tutti i giorni da Eminönü ogni ora a partire dalle ore 11 fino alle ore 19, con scalo ad Üsküdar. Nel periodo invernale le partenze sono fino alle ore 17. Costo 100 Lire . Ottima opzione soprattutto in estate in modo da poter fare un rilassante tour nel tardo pomeriggio dopo aver impiegato la giornata nella visita della città. Dura circa un’ora e mezza.

– Dentur Avrasya , altra compagnia di traghetti famosa che opera anche con traghetti di linea. Effettua tour del Bosforo brevi con partenza tutti i giorni da Kabataş alle ore 10.30 con scalo a Beşiktaş alle 10.40 (comodo per chi alloggia in zona Taksim). Costo 100 Lire . Il tour dura circa un’ora e 15 minuti e percorre quindi il tragitto più breve, indicato per chi ha davvero poco tempo a disposizione ma non vuole perdersi l’esperienza.

– Ortur/Kumsal, piccola compagnia privata che effettua tour del Bosforo brevi con partenza tutti i giorni da Ortaköy ogni ora a partire dalle 14.20 fino alle 19.20 , il tour dura poco più un’ora ed è indicato per chi ha poco tempo a disposizione o voglia in precedenza visitare il piacevole e caratteristico quartiere di Ortaköy. Nel periodo invernale le partenze sono ridotte (garantite solo fino alle 17.20, ma dipende anche dalle condizioni atmosferiche).

2)  Tour del Bosforo lunghi, della durata di 6 ore

Si tratta di un’opzione più impegnativa , consigliata solo a chi ha più giorni a disposizione oppure a chi viene a Istanbul per la seconda o terza volta. I tour di questo tipo arrivano quasi sul Mar Nero fino ad Anadolu Kavağı (sulla sponda asiatica) dopo un’ora e mezza di navigazione. Si fermano per circa 3 ore e poi ripartono in senso contrario. La durata totale è di circa 6 ore e quindi tiene impegnata una giornata . Per la verità ad Anadolu Kavağı a parte qualche chioschetto e ristorantino di pesce c’è poco da vedere, volendo si può salire sulla rocca con una bella scarpinata. Le compagnie che effettuano questo tipo di tour sono due:

–  Şehir Hatları  effettua il Full Bosphorus Tour  con due partenze  tutti i giorni da Eminönü alle ore 10.35 ed alle ore 13.35. Il Tour fa 5 fermate intermedie e dopo un’ora e mezza arriva ad Anadolu Kavağı si ferma per 3 ore ed in seguito riparte per tornare ad Eminönü. Si può scegliere se fare il biglietto solo andata ( 39 Lire ) o andata/ritorno ( 6 5 Lire ) e volendo si può anche scendere nelle fermate intermedie. Nel periodo invernale è garantita solo la partenza delle 10.35.

–  Dentur Avrasya effettua (solo in estate) un Tour del Bosforo particolare con scali presso Emirgan, Kucüksu e Palazzo Beylerbey, con partenze tutti i giorni da Beşiktaş alle ore 12.55 e 13.55, esiste quindi la possibilità di scendere presso il Palazzo Beylerbey, visitarlo e poi salire sul traghetto successivo per il ritorno. Costo 40 Lire .

3)  Tour del Bosforo notturno

–  Şehir Hatları organizza anche un tour notturno del Bosforo ( Mehtap Gezisi ), il tour viene effettuato solo il Sabato nel periodo estivo , costa 20 Lire , con partenza da Eminönü alle ore 18.25 ed arrivo ad Anadolu Kavağı alle ore 20, effettua 4 fermate intermedie. Riparte alle ore 22.30 ed il ritorno ad Eminönü è previsto per mezzanotte. Tour estremamente consigliato specialmente nelle notti di luna piena. Di solito è in funzione a partire dalla prima settimana di giugno fino a metà settembre.


Deve essere stupendo….appena possibile lo farò


ciao! grazie delle info. dove si possono acquistare i biglietti per i tour citati? direttamente all’imbarco? si trovano facilmente?

grazie milel


Direttamente all’imbarco senza alcun problema


Buongiorno, oggi vorrei fare un tour sul Bosforo e quindi gentilmente vorrei sapere se scegliendo il tuor con la compagnia Turyol è possibile scendere allo scalo di Uskudar? Oppure il traghetto riparte subito? Attendo un vostro riscontro Grazie


Ciao, complimenti per il vostro blog! Sarò a Istanbul dal 22 al 25 aprile 2023 e vorrei fare una crociera breve sul Bosforo domenica 23 (possibilmente all’orario del tramonto). Sul sito della compagnia TURYOL sembra siano indicati orari ridotti, potreste darmi qualche chiarimento in merito? Grazie mille.


Non ho ben capito se la crociera sul Bosforo operata dalla compagnia nazionale ( ŞEHIR HATLARI ) prevede anche il ritorno al porto di Eminonu… dal sito della compagnia non riesco a capire! Grazie, questa pagina è un’ottima ed esaustiva risorsa!

Il tour breve parte da Eminonu e torna direttamente ad Eminonu in due ore senza scendere dalla barca, per il tour lungo si può fare biglietto di sola andata o andata/ritorno (dopo uno stop di un’ora e mezza all’ultima fermata), c’è scritto tutto sull’articolo.

Grazie, gentilissimo! È possibile che le corse siano giornaliere e non solo nel fine settimana come scritto nell’articolo? Mi sembra di aver capito così, leggendo sul sito della compagnia di trasporto.

Sull’articolo non c’è scritto solo nei fine settimana, c’è scritto molto chiaramente che le corse sono tutti i giorni


Fatto con TurYol. Ora il prezzo è di 75 tl a testa. Quando salite, andate a destra visto che il battello è ormeggiato di prua, così durante la navigazione vi troverete sul lato sinistro (guardando la prua) e non avrete il disturbo degli altri passeggeri nel guardare le rive del Bosforo


Noi abbiamo optato per il tour con Turyol. Molto consigliato, soprattutto quello delle 18 o delle 19 che permette di godere dell’orario del tramonto, molto suggestivo dalla barca. Il costo aggiornato ad agosto 2022 è di 75 lire turche.


Nel complesso una delle migliori guide di viaggio che mi sia capitato di consultare !

Paola Fachin

ci piacerebbe fare un tour del Bosforo al tramonto, siamo in 7 e saremo ad Istanbul dal 17 al 21 ottobre è possibile? e a quale prezzo?


Ciao, potreste spiegarmi cosa si intende con “scalo a Ortaköy” per il tour breve della ŞEHIR HATLARI? Si scende lì e ci si può fare un giro per poi reimbarcarsi? Grazie 🙂

No, non si può scendere fare un giro e poi risalire, riparte subito dopo 5-10 minuti, è uno scalo solo per far salire altri partecipanti o per fare scendere chi vuole terminare lì.

Antonella Falcone

Sarò ad Istanbul con mio marito ed i nostri due figli di 21 e 18 anni a fine Agosto. Avevamo pensato ad una crociera con cena sul Bosforo con spettacolo. Me la consigliate? Quali sono le compagnie che la effettuano? Grazie Antonella


Siete dei grandi. Grazie delle informazioni. saremo in tre persone (io, mia moglie e mio figlio) a Istambul intorno al 20 di Luglio. Sarei interessato alle visite guidate nei quartieri di Fatih; Fener e Balat. Potrei sapere il costo?

Di nuovo grazie.


Salve, volevo chiedere quanto durano le soste intermedie facendo il tour del bosforo di 6 ore e se c’e la possibilita’ di scendere e risalire nello stesso traghetto.grazie!


ciao a tutti, volevo solo segnalare che la compagnia municipale SEHIR HATLAN con partenza da EMİNÖNÜ ha l’imbarco e la biglietteria sulla sx dei barconi “tailandesi” dove fanno i famosi panini con il pesce fritto (fantastico provatelo), quindi dalla fermata del tram vi spostate sulla banchina del porto e trovate il tutto superato il ponte di galata, costo 12lt giro breve 1.5/2 ore ecc ciao paola


Ciao sono Elvira il 31 ottobre alle 9.00 sono ad istambul Holden tempo fino alle 19 che tipo di crociera mi consigliate visto che mi piacerebbe visitare anche

il bazar lA moschea blu e il ponte di galaTa


Siamo appena tornati da Istanbul e per quanto riguarda il tour del Bosforo, effettuato ieri, ci siamo trovati benissimo con la Dentur (suggeritaci il giorno prima dal vostro ottimo accompagnatore Michelangelo) partendo da Kabatash, capolinea del tram 1. Con 12,50 Lire si fa il giro fino oltre il secondo ponte sul Bosforo con scali a Besiktas e Emirgan sulla costa europea e Kukuksu e Beylerbeyi sulla costa asiatica. Con un solo biglietto si può scendere anche ad ogni scalo e risalire sul traghetto successivo per proseguire. Poiché i traghetti partono ogni ora dalle 10,45 alle 19,45, c’è il modo di personalizzarsi il giro a proprio piacimento: senza scendere mai il giro dura circa un’ora e mezza ma noi, partendo alle 12,45 ci siamo fermati un’ora a Besiktas per il pranzo, godendoci il sole in un localino in riva al mare e poi un’altra ora a Kukucsu dove abbiamo visitato una villa ottocentesca molto particolare. Quindi il nostro giro è durato 3 ore e mezza. Oltretutto da Kabatash parte una funivia che porta in pochi minuti a Taksim, e ciò ci ha permesso di trascorrere il resto del pomeriggio e la sera scendendo per Istiklal fino alla torre Galata. Consiglio a …  Leggi il resto »


ciao io in luglio caos permettendo dovrei essere a istanbul ho in programma un giro sul bosforo, ho letto che ti sei trovata bene ,volevo chiderti alcune cose, che tipo di biglietto hai fatto? con lo stesso biglietto posso scendere dove voglio e poi prendere il successivo,con che frequenza passano i traghetti,e ultima curiosita,in quali fermate merita scendere per vedere qualcosa e fermarsi per il pranzo? ti ringrazio saluti Norberto


MA quindi le tratte sono ad ogni ora o come c’è scritto sopra nell’articolo solo alle ore 10.30 – 12.45 – 14.45 – 16.45?

maria teresa

Buonasera Simonetta, ho letto il suo commento del 19.05.2013 su escursione tour del bosforo,avrei bisogno di contattarla per alcuni chiarimenti.Se legge la presente mi risponda al mio indirizzo e di seguito le esporrò quanto ho bisogno. In attesa ringrazio e invio cordiali saluti. Maria Teresa


Ciao, ho scoperto ora questa pagina su Istanbul, molto interessante e utile. Volevo sapere se esistono mini crociere che partono da Istanbul fanno il giro del Bosforo ma che durano qualche giorno. Grazie in anticipo Patrizia


Tornato ieri da Istanbul, la città mi è piaciuta molto con tutte le sue contraddizioni… Confermo la bella esperienza del tour sul Bosforo fatto con i traghetti della Şehir Hatları. Confermo quanto detto da Can e Özke evitate i tour privati, questo offerto dalla compagnia pubblica è decisamente piacevole e costa una stupidaggine (25 TL ovvero 12 € circa). Noi abbiamo fatto il giro completo ed ad Anadolu Kavagi siamo saliti a piedi fino alla fortezza sopra il paese dalla quale si gode una vista fenomenale. Il villaggio non è niente di che i soliti ristoranti per turisti in cui ti vogliono tirare dentro, ma fa parte del gioco. Se siete più intraprendenti e avete più tempo (noi volevamo tornare ad Istanbul per fare altro) potete scendere ad una fermata intermedia e ritornare in città con altri mezzi. Potete prendere un traghetto e ritornare anche con quello dopo come abbiamo fatto noi.


Ciao a tutti, vorrei sapere se per la gita sul Bosforo viene richiesto il passaporto, perchè ho intenzione di partire con la sola carta d’identità. Mi sapete dire se posso raggiungere anche la costa asiatica? Grazie e buon viaggio!!! Stefania


mi sarebbe piaciuto fare il tour del bosforo di sera ma ho letto che riparte a maggio 2012 me lo confermate??io ci vado il 26 aprile grazie marianna in alternativa cosa posso fare per vedere il bosforo ??


a marzo è previsto il tour del Bosforo?


Salve, se ho ben capito i tour sul bosforo non si effettuano a Dicembre, quindi qual’è il modo migliore per visitarlo in questo periodo? Se prendo il traghetto da Eminonu quali sono le tappe e cosa c’è in particolare da vedere?


Ciao Özke e se volessi fuggire da Anadolu Kavağı e raggiungere Riva, sul Mar Nero…come devo fare? che mezzi ci arrivano? e se per caso perdo il traghetto per il rientro, cosa posso fare per tornare a Sultanahmet? Sono in partenza…vi prego rispondete! Grazie!!!


Io e mia moglie siamo stati ospiti e per due ore,nel mese di ottobre,in una giornata di sole, su di una barca privata ed abbiano ammirato un paesaggo meraviglioso.


Salve, io e mia moglie ad agosto siamo ad Istanbul. Ci potete dare un’informazione? Come funzionano le soste del traghetto pubblico che parte da Eminonu? Cioè funziona come un’autobus che si scende (si va a vedere il quartiere) e dopo un pò (tabella oraria) si riprende un’altro traghetto che ci fa proseguire lungo il Bosforo fino al”capolinea”? Il costo del biglietto è orario o a tratta? Grazie


Salve a tutti, è la prima volta che scrivo su questo blog. Ovviamente vi faccio i miei complimenti, è una miniera di informazioni! Io partirò il 10 agosto e tornerò il 15. Sapete se il tour notturno del Bosforo (Mehtap Gezisi) sarà ancora attivo? A me interessa proprio quel servizio. Grazie mille!!


Segnalo che la prima partenza del battello per il mini tour da Ortakoy nei giorni feriali è alle 14.30. Il costo è di 10 lire.


Il battello ( ce ne sono diversi )si prende dal porto di Eminonu e parte con diversi tutto il giorno.Sei tu che deve scegliere l’orario per fare il viaggo di ritorno al tramonto Ciao

per fare il tour del Bosforo abbiamo preferito un battello privato, perchè sei ore ci sembravano troppe, considerando anche due ore di sosta e le varie fermate. Abbiamo speso 10 TL a persona per due ore.Siamo partite il pomeriggio tardi con il sole e tornate al tramonto con una magnifica vista del profilo della città e con le moschee illuminate.Ottimo!


Sonia scusa ma dove si prende questo battello privato che torna al tramonto?

Marcotullio Erminia

Ciao Can. Scoprire Istanbul con voi è bello e, direi opportuno. Noi siamo sei, veniamo da Pescara (Italia), arriviamo il 16.04 la sera. Visitiamo la città domenica, lunedì e martedì. Vorremmo fare il tour del Bosforo Mercoledì 20.4 e vorremmo organizzare le visite negli stop intermedi: quanto tempo abbiamo tra una fermata e l’altra? Dove conviene fermarsi? Coda ci proponi di vedere? Te ne sarei grata, perchè la guida non è chiara su questi punti. Di mercoledì si può visitare la Rumeli Hisari? Possiamo dedicare al Bosforo anche tutta la giornata. Ti ringrazio Tornerò a leggerti nei prossimi giorni. Erminia


per chi non si può permettere 6-7 ore per una gita che assolutamente merita invece di essere fatta ci sarebbe anche la possibilità di trattare un passaggio con uno dei piccoli battelli (60-70 posti) di proprietà di pescatori o comunque marinai locali. Si propongono ad esempio ad Eminou all’uscita del sottopasso della metropolitana proprio all’imbarco dei traghetti che praticano servizi “ufficiali”. Hanno una foto dellla barca e ti chiedono se vuoi farci un giro. Il tour dura 3 ore: 1 ora costeggiando la sponda europea per arrivare lungo lo stretto fino al secondo ponte che unisce le due sponde della città, 1 ora di sosta praticamente sotto il secondo ponte dove si può visitare un antico castello che è stato costruito nel punto più stretto del passaggio tra i due mari e 1 ora per tornare costeggiando la sponda asiatica con le sue meravigliose ville. Il prezzo dipende dalle proprie capacità negoziali: noi siamo scesi a 25 TL cadauno La barca è stabile e normalmente viaggia semivuota per cui il tutto è molto gradevole; ve lo consiglio, parte “intorno” alle 10.30-11 in funzione di quando si riesce a metter insieme un gruppo di una dozzina di persone e fà una …  Leggi il resto »


Salve. Se ho capito bene esiste un tour non-stop giornaliero da Eminonu fino a Istinye. Si passa sotto Rumeli Hisari, mi pare. Sono informazioni aggiornate? dovrei arrivare il 4 dicembre. Grazie, francesca

Ciao Francesca, gli orari sono cambiati ed abbiamo aggiornato l’articolo. I servizi di tour del Bosforo adesso non vengono più effettuati dall’IDO ma da una nuova compagnia fondata dalla municipalità (Şehir Hatları), in pratica non cambia quasi niente perchè i servizi offerti sono gli stessi, sono però cambiati gli orari adeguandosi alla stagione invernale. Nello specifico della tua richiesta, il tour non-stop attualmente non viene effettuato tutti i giorni maso lo la domenica.

Grazie mille!


Chi non volesse aspettare le tre ore per il ritorno e non vuole fare il non stop tour può fare come abbiamo fatto noi: siamo scesi a Sariyer (terzultima fermata, è vicinissima alla fine del tour) e da lì abbiamo preso il pullman 25 che in 30 minuti porta a Piazza Taksim (si chiama 25T) oppure ad Eminonu (si chiama 25E). In due ore si fa il tour (bellissimo) e si ritorna in due punti strategici. Ciao !


Dopo le informazioni forniteci da Can riguardo alla soppressione del tour notturno da Eminonu, ho caparbiamente cercato un’alternativa per fare il mini tour del Bosforo( da ponte a ponte – lungo la sponda europea prima e quella asiatica poi)… e, ad Ortakoy, dietro la moschea Mecidiye, in una deliziosa piazzetta dove si mangiano Kumpir e Waffel a volontà, ci sono imbarcazioni private che per soli 10 LT (5 euro) vi fanno fare il giro che vi ho descritto prima, in un’ora. Ne vale veramente la pena!!!!


Ciao Can, saro’ ad istanbul la settimana prossima, volevo informazioni riguardanti il mini tour del bosforo che parte da Ortakoy. Vorrei nella stessa giornata riuscire a fare il minitour, Ortakoy e Besiktas, e le zone di Taksim, la zona di Istiklal, la zona di Galata e Tophane. E’ fattibile? Se volessi visitare con voi Fatih Fener e Balat la settimana prossima voi siete disponibili? Grazie!! Claudia


Ciao Can e Ozke, avete creato il miglior sito di viaggio che mi è mai capitato di vedere! Io arriverò a Istanbul lunedì 16 prestissimo (volo pegasus) e per il primo giorno avevo in programma il tour del Bosforo. Voi segnalate l’unica partenza da Eminonu alle 10.35 (segnalate che il tour delle 13,30 è solo fino a Giugno infatti). Dal programma (pag. 13) dell’IDO ( ) credo di avere visto però che ci sono partenze anche alle 12,00 e alle 13,35). Lo potete confermare? Grazie mille e spero di riuscire a contattarvi per la visita a Fatih, Fener e Balat

Ti confermo che nel periodo estivo le partenze diurne sono 3 con gli orari che hai riportato.

Attenzione: come ci ha prontamente segnalato l’amico Massimo, il tour notturno sul Bosforo del sabato sera non sarà più effettuato a partire dal 9 agosto.


Il Tour del Bosforo è un altro momento importante da vivere quando si va a Istanbul! Rappresenta una PAUSA, ovvero la possibilità di vedere dall’esterno una realtà metropolitana vissuta all’interno: io ho preferito collocare l’esperienza sul Bosforo “nel mezzo del cammin” tra le strade di Istanbul, per “spezzare”, per interrompere un dialogo accaldato fatto di monumenti, tram, ristoranti… Non valorizzare “il punto di vista del mare” andando a Istanbul significa decapitare la storia e la natura stessa di una città che è pervasa dalla forza dell’elemento marino. Qualcuno ha cantato: “Venezia mi ricorda istintivamente Istanbul/ stessi palazzi addosso al mare/rossi tramonti che si perdono nel nulla.” Il Bosforo è un luogo privilegiato, un passaggio creato dalla natura e desiderato nei secoli da diverse civiltà per motivi geopolitici e non solo… Osservare i villaggi adagiati sulle sue rive, la gente che va da una riva all’altra come se cambiasse stanza all’interno della propria casa, valutare visivamente il traffico marittimo che da sempre lo caratterizza, ti da la sensazione in realtà di continuare a vivere in un’altra versione della città, ma fatta d’acqua. Il Bosforo è Istanbul: è una sua diramazione marina, una porzione assolutamente inscindibile di una megalopoli fatta di …  Leggi il resto »


cfr. Andata e ritorno (e magari è una domanda un po’ ottusa): Partendo da Eminönü alle 12h.00 si giunge ad Anadolu Kavağı alle 13h.25. Sarà possibile con il biglietto A/R prendere il traghetto per Eminönü delle 15h.00?? Facendo così non si resta lì per tre ore ma per un’ora 1°35′. Se così fosse possibile si ridurrebbero i tempi complessivi per la crociera a quattro ore e mezza [lasciando pure tempo per qualche visita durante la mattinata… il Mısır Çarşısı, la Yeni Cami, la Rüstempaşa Camii… solo per qualche esempio, sono più che prossime all’attracco della partenza. Al ritorno si potrebbe pure anticipare la fine della crociera con un Balık-Ekmek al Beşiktaş Çarşı 😉 ]. Bye.Carlo


Carlo, anch’io vorrei ridurre il giro sul Bosforo in quel senso: si potrà fare? Mi visiterei le moschee ad Eminounu e poi mi imbarcherei per il tour in modo da tornare in orario consono (16.30) ed aver tempo per altro giro. Anche se non ho ancora ben capito DOVE al porto si prendono queste crociere, se all’inizio o più all’interno e se sono ben segnalate.

Non sono proprio sicuro che si possa fare, perchè se lo facessero tutti ovviamente sulla prima imbarcazione non ci sarebbe posto a sufficienza mentre la seconda sarebbe vuota. In realtà però non so se ci sono controlli in tal senso, dato che solo nel periodo estivo sono 3 i tour diurni, mentre durante tutto l’anno è solo uno. Proverò ad inforarmi al riguardo.

io sto provando ad organizzarmi ancora in maniera differente: prendere il biglietto di sola andata e scendere definitivamente a Sarıyer (non voglio fare cattiva pubblicità alle ultime due tappe, ma dai miei ricordi sono più “sacrificabili”). Qui è possibile pranzare e visitare il vicino Sadberk Hanım Müzesi. Successivamente immagino sia possibile raggiungere, con bus (o dolmuş) Kabataş… e qui visitare la Kılıç Ali Paşa Camii, la Tarihi Tophane Çeşmesi ed il Modern Sanat Müzesi (che nella giornata di giovedì chiude alle 20h., oltre ad essere gratuito). Inoltre a Tophane possiamo trovare una succursale di Fasuli 😉 . Pensavo pure, sempre da Sarıyer/Sadberk Hanım Müzesi trovare un mezzo pubblico che costeggi la Belgrad Orman (Büyükdere Caddesi) ed attraversi Levent e Şişli: magari non sarà nulla di troppo “caratteristico”, ma è la parte della metropoli che posso dire di non conoscere per niente. Questa che ho descritto è solo un’ipotesi di viaggio che s’adatta ai miei interessi (e soprattutto perché non mi va di aspettare tre ore fermo in un porticciolo di ristoranti… per poi fare a ritroso lo stesso percorso dell’andata. Insomma: vorrei anche usare al meglio il poco tempo a disposizione). Per quello che mi riguarda potrei dubitare della possibilità …  Leggi il resto »

Ciao Carlo, tutto il complesso della Kılıç Ali Paşa Camii è chiuso per restauro, tutto il resto lo posso sottoscrivere, aggiungendo anche che a Tophane proprio nei pressi di Istanbul Modern c’è una zona con tanti localini, frequentata prevalentemente da giovani del posto, in cui è molto piacevole fermarsi a fumare il narghilè.

Luca Zolli

Staremo dal 28 agosto al 31 agosto su una delle isole dei principi e precisamente su quella dove si trova l’antico monastero di San Giorgio.Che mi dite di questi luoghi ? Grazie mille. Luca


ciao, il 14 giugno insieme a delle mie amiche vorremmo andare a instabul sino al 18 giugno. Vorremo probabilmente, ma non ne sono certa al momento,, visitare il tour del bosforo…potreste darmi maggiori informazioni in merito?

Ciao Luisa, nell’articolo che abbiamo scritto ci sono già moltissime informazioni, l’offerta di Tour del Bosforo della IDO è abbastanza variegata per venire incontro un po’ a tutte le diverse esigenze dei turisti. Dipende essenzialmente da quanto tempo avete a disposizione.


Noi abbiamo provato il traghetto pubblico delle 10.30 da Eminonu. Ma siamo scese alla penultima tappa, Rumeli Cavagi, per non restare 3 ore ad Adanolu Kavagi K. per poi fare lo stesso tragitto dell’ andata. Così facendo abbiamo visto altri quartieri diversi tra loro. Dalle casette residenziali di Rumeli a Sariyer, Kenikoy, tutta la zona dei grattaceli e del businness, fino a prendere la metro nella zona tra Sisli e Bekistas. Con 1 lira e mezzo di autobus è stato un altro modo per vedere la città ed ottimizzare i tempi. Sul traghetto a Kanlica sale un omino che serve un vasettone di yogurt naturale (2 lire)ma non aspro,tipico di quella zona: io da ghiottona di yogurt ho molto gradito. Se volete vi ci mettono lo zucchero a velo. La gita sul bosforo la consigliamo all’ inizio, come strumento di visione di insieme della città.

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Istanbul Clues

Istanbul Tour Guide

Bosphorus Cruise Price, Schedule, Map (Updated 2024)

10 March 2024 by Serhat Engül

Bosphorus cruise is one of the most entertaining activities to do in Istanbul. While touring the Bosphorus, you can realize how Istanbul acts as a bridge between Asia and Europe. Because this hybrid culture was embodied in the structures on the Bosphorus coast.

During the Bosphorus cruise, you will see the historical palaces and mosques of Istanbul as well as the most expensive mansions. Reflecting both the historical and modern face of the city, the shores of the Bosphorus promise a lot for those who love to take pictures.

Many tourists visiting Istanbul stay only in the triangle of Blue Mosque , Hagia Sophia and Grand Bazaar . However, in order to get to know the city better, it is necessary to visit Taksim, go to the Asian side (especially Kadikoy ) and join the Bosphorus tour.

In this article, you can find information about the prices and timetables of the most popular Bosphorus tours through maps and images. You can examine the first three options to join the classic Bosphorus cruise. The last two options include sunset and dinner cruise options.

Table of Contents

Best Bosphorus Cruise in Istanbul

Istanbul Bosphorus Cruise Tours

In order to find the best Bosphorus cruise in Istanbul , you need to review the Bosphorus tours organized by Sehir Hatlari, Turyol and Dentur companies. The prices of these Bosphorus cruises are almost the same as each other. However, since each of them has different routes and times, you need to find the one that suits you best.

For example, the Sehir Hatlari ferries have a large deck, wide seats and a cafe inside. However, they only operate once or twice a day. For this reason, if you are going to combine your Bosphorus cruise with another activity, it may not be the appropriate option for you.

On the other hand, Turyol Bosphorus cruise boats are very compatible with flexible travel plans as they make tours every hour from 10:00 in the morning. Although these boats are smaller than the previous option, they still have a cafe inside.

The last option, the Dentur Bosphorus cruise , is a great option for those staying close to Taksim Square. Because Dentur’s boats depart from Kabatas. Kabatas is the last stop of Tram T1 arriving here from Istanbul Old City. The station is located right next to the Dolmabahce Palace .

Now, let’s examine each Bosphorus cruise under its own heading in the rest of the article. Thus, you can see the pros and cons of each and decide on the most suitable Bosphorus tour for you.

1. Sehir Hatlari Ferries

Sehir Hatlari Ferry

Sehir Hatlari ferries depart from Eminonu, the transportation hub of Istanbul Old City. Sehir Hatlari has 6-hour long and 2-hour short Bosphorus cruise options. While the 6-hour classic tour continues throughout the year, the 2-hour tour is organized only in summer.

Sehir Hatlari Long Bosphorus Cruise

Sehir Hatlari long Bosphorus cruise starts at 10:30, regardless of summer or winter, and lasts for 6 hours. The route of Sehir Hatlari ferries is longer than other Bosphorus tours. The tour starts from Historical Peninsula and continues until Anadolu Kavagi , which is the closest point on the Asian side to the Black Sea.

After leaving Eminonu, the ferry takes a 1.5-hour cruise on the Bosphorus and takes a 3-hour break after arriving at Anadolu Kavagi. (Between 12:00 and 15:00) This is a cozy town away from the crowds of Istanbul.

You can climb the Yoros Castle built by the Genoese and take beautiful pictures of the Bosphorus. The northern part of the Bosphorus is the only passage connecting the Black Sea to the open seas.

After visiting the castle, you can take a walk on the beach and enjoy the local architecture. It is also possible to have a nice lunch break at the fish restaurants by the sea.

The Sehir Hatlari ferry starts its return journey at 15:00 pm in the afternoon. The ferry follows the same route and returns to its starting point, the Old City, within 1.5 hours.

Sehir Hatlari Short Bosphorus Cruise

Sehir Hatlari has an alternative Bosphorus tour that is only held during the summer months. Sehir Hatlari short Bosphorus cruise is an activity that takes 2 hours. This excursion starts around 14:40 and returns after a 2-hour nonstop tour.

As an Istanbulite, I like the 2-hour tour of Sehir Hatlari the most. Because it covers more places compared to the 1.5 hour tours of Turyol and Dentur. Although this may seem insignificant at first glance, it allows you to see the northern shores of the Bosphorus.

I like to travel on Sehir Hatlari’s wide-deck and comfortable ferries with a decent cafe service. Also, since many Bosphorus cruises do not include the mansions in Yenikoy , the most beautiful houses on the Bosphorus cannot be seen.

The short 2-hour Bosphorus cruise can be a little difficult to fit into your travel plans, as it only takes place during the summer months and starts in the late afternoon. But if you have the time, I think this is the best.

Sehir Hatlari Bosphorus Cruise Prices 2024

Sehir Hatlari long Bosphorus Cruise price is 120 Turkish Lira. On the other hand, the ticket price of the short Bosphorus tour is 65 TL. This post was last updated on March 10, 2024. I suggest you to check the prices once again on the official website of the company .

2. Turyol Bosphorus Cruise Boats

Turyol Bosphorus Cruise Boat

Turyol Bosphorus cruise boats organize tours every hour starting from 10:00 in the morning. In this sense, the most practical trips are made by Turyol, located in Eminonu.

Turyol pier is located only a five-minute walk from the Spice Bazaar , the symbol of Eminonu. Turyol ticket office is right next to the Galata Bridge , adjacent to nostalgic boats selling fish sandwiches.

Turyol boats set off from Eminonu and make a 1.5-hour trip. Leaving the Old City, the ship first crosses to the Asian Side and picks up passengers from Uskudar, and then returns to the European Side and starts the cruise.

The boat sails north along the European shores of the Bosphorus and turns from the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge in the middle of the Bosphorus. Following the Asian shores on the way back, the boat gives you the chance to see the sea shores of both sides.

The best thing about Turyol tour is that it is organized every hour and makes it easy to make itinerary. Even if you’re late due to a queue at a museum, crowds at a market, or traffic, you’ll catch the next boat.

Turyol Bosphorus Cruise Price 2024

Turyol Bosphorus Cruise price is 150 Turkish Lira. This article was updated on March 10, 2024. Before joining the tour, I recommend that you check the ticket price a second time on the official website of the Turyol . When you open the page, you will be asked to choose a destination, if you choose Eminonu Port, it will be the original trip starting from the Old City.

3. Dentur Bosphorus Cruise Boats

Dentur Bosphorus Cruise is the third option. The most beautiful part of Dentur is that it is very close to Kabatas. For visitors staying in Taksim Square, transportation is very easy. From Taksim Square you can come to Kabatas via Funicular F1 line and easily reach Dentur boats.

Dentur pier is very close to Dolmabahce Palace, so you can visit the palace first. Dentur’s biggest difference from Turyol is that it departs a little further. Since the tour starts from Kabatas and not from Eminonu, it goes further than Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge and returns from Emirgan (beautiful neighborhood up the Bosphorus nearby Sabanci Museum )  The journey time is almost the same with Turyol.

Another feature of Dentur boats is that it stops in the Ottoman palaces on the shores of the Bosphorus. The boat stops at Emirgan on the European side and Kucuksu Pavillion (hunting palace of the Sultans) and Beylerbeyi Palace on the Asian side. If you want to visit these places, you can get off the boat and catch the next boat and return to the starting point of Kabatas.

Dentur Bosphorus Cruise Price 2024

Dentur Bosphorus Cruise price is 150 Turkish Lira for a 1 hour and 15 minute tour. These prices were last updated on March 10, 2024. You can check it once again at the official address of the company .

Dentur is the best Bosphorus tour in Istanbul for those who want to visit the palaces on the Asian side of Istanbul. Visits to Kucuksu Pavillion and Beylerbeyi Palace are both a cultural experience and the opportunity to eat and drink by the Bosphorus. The cafes of both museums have Bosphorus views and the food prices are reasonable.

4. Bosphorus Sunset Cruise

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise allows you to take magnificent photos in Istanbul. You can enjoy the most romantic moments of the Bosphorus on the tour that starts when the sun sets.

If you want to join a sunset cruise tour on the Bosphorus with a luxury yacht, you can make a reservation from this link . This journey might be convenient for a small family or a couple.

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise Price 2024

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise price is around 55 USD per person as of 2024. Sunset tours are relatively expensive as they are limited to a small number of people and are made with private yachts. You can check the prices and make a reservation from the link above.

5. Bosphorus Dinner Cruise

Bosphorus dinner cruise in Istanbul is a really fun activity. During this tour you can watch local dances and belly dancers. The best part of the Bosphorus dinner cruise is that you can see the palaces and other beautiful buildings on the Bosphorus with their colorful lights.

You can spend an unforgettable evening with beautiful music on the boat, local dances to entertain you and romantic scenery. If you want to join the recommended Bosphorus dinner cruise tour, you can make a reservation from this link . The tour is organized under the guarantee of GetYourGuide, an international company.

Bosphorus Dinner Cruise Price 2024

Bosphorus Dinner Cruise price is around 25 USD per person as of 2024. You can book an evening tour with dinner on the Bosphorus from the link I shared above and check the latest price. The tour I recommend is the most popular Bosphorus evening cruise in Istanbul.

Bosphorus Cruise Map for 2024

Bosphorus Cruise Map shows us the locations of Istanbul’s nostalgic ferries and tour boats. These sea transport vehicles allow us to travel between the European and Asian sides as well as take a Bosphorus cruise.

For example, piers 1, 2 and 5 on the map show tour boats making a Bosphorus cruise. Pier 1 belongs to the Turyol Boats . Pier number 2 belongs to Sehir Hatlari Ferries . Pier 5 belongs to Dentur Boats departing from Kabatas.

Pier 3 symbolizes the ferries departing from Eminonu (Old City) to Uskudar and Kadikoy on the Asian side. There are actually two separate piers here, but I thought a single figure would be enough for both.

Pier 6 symbolizes the ferries departing from Besiktas to Kadikoy and Uskudar. Piers 7 and 8 are located in Uskudar and Kadikoy, two touristic districts of the Asian Side. Ferries depart from both to Besiktas and Eminonu.

In summary, a Bosphorus cruise is among the best things to do in Istanbul . You can have this wonderful experience by choosing one of Sehir Hatlari, Turyol or Dentur companies.

You can also join special organizations such as a sunset cruise or an evening cruise with dinner. The photos you take during any activity on the Bosphorus will probably be among your best memories in Istanbul.

I would also recommend the article named Istanbul tourist map to get to know the touristic places of Istanbul. Or you can also review the Istanbul metro map article for public transportation in Istanbul.

About Serhat Engül

Hello explorer of Istanbul! This is Serhat Engul. I am a licensed TOUR GUIDE IN ISTANBUL. I offer PRIVATE HALF DAY TOUR which includes a visit to the Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, Hippodrome, Basilica Cistern and the Spice Bazaar. This is a fantastic option to see some of the ICONIC LANDMARKS in the whole of Istanbul and you’ll receive plenty of background information on each location to enlighten you. You may see the details of this tour on the HOMEPAGE of the blog. I wish you a wonderful trip!

Reader Interactions

31 August 2018 at 19:24

Thanks for all your posts! They have been very useful in planning my trip. Very big help in deciding a lot of things. Complemented very well my Tripadvisor and Lonely Planet research.

31 August 2018 at 19:44

Hello Ryan, thank you very much for your kind words. This is a good motivation for us. I Hope you will have great time in Istanbul.

13 May 2021 at 09:40

We are expected to arrive in Istanbul on 27th May and stay for 8 days. I’m glad to have gone through your blogs which will help me in making our trip enjoyable. Thanks for these very informative blogs. Ciao

13 May 2021 at 12:17

Hi Salahuddin, thank you for the feedback. It makes me very happy to see that these blogs really work for people. I wish you a good holiday in Istanbul.

27 September 2021 at 19:07

I am so glad to find your blog site with so many useful information for my trip next month. A quick question – are the ferries in normal operation now (any impacts from the Covid situation)?

27 September 2021 at 19:52

Hello, thank you for the feedback about the blog. Frankly, I haven’t participated in Bosphorus tours for a long time. However, when I review Turyol’s Bosphorus tour schedules, I see that the operations continue in the same way. The website of the state-run Sehir Hatlari is currently unavailable. But as far as I know it works too.

16 October 2021 at 05:29

Hello Serhat. I am planning to visit Istanbul with my family by end of November. How can we contact you to arrange some tours. Thank you

16 October 2021 at 22:08

Hello Said. You can send me an email from the contact page . It would also be helpful if you noted the exact days of the tours. Best regards, Serhat.

15 February 2022 at 15:39

I must say you have made planning around Turkey way easier. Wonderful description.

Thanks Sofia

15 February 2022 at 21:54

Hi Sofia, thank you. It makes me happy to see such reviews. It’s good to see that the time I spend on blogs is not in vain.

14 May 2022 at 10:54

Hello, this is a very informative website. Thank you for the in depth and extremely useful information. It has really helped me plan my trip.

14 May 2022 at 11:20

Hi Zehan, thank you very much for the feedback. Have a nice trip!

23 June 2022 at 13:27

Hi, hope you are well. Please let me know if there are any sunset cruises on Sehir Hatlari or Dentur.

23 June 2022 at 16:39

Hi Zehan, no, these companies do not organize sunset cruises on the Bosphorus.

20 November 2022 at 18:29

Hi, I wanted to know if any of these three companies have thier own dinner cruise. Or is it just offered by Get Your Guide?

21 November 2022 at 19:08

Hi Shyam, as dinner cruise is a special organization, it is held on ships designed for it. For this reason, the three companies in the top titles do not have dinner tours.

There are many companies in Istanbul that offer Bosphorus cruises with dinner. The most popular among them is the company I recommend.

They offer their services through GetYourGuide. If you want, you can make a reservation via the link I have provided.

19 January 2023 at 01:31

Thank you very much for your detailed explanation of Bosphorus cruises types, I found it very useful for planning my trip.

19 January 2023 at 13:05

Dear Liubov, thank you for your feedback on my article about Bosphorus tours. I am happy to see that the article is useful for those who will visit Istanbul.

5 February 2023 at 22:19

Big Thanks for writing this great guide..

7 February 2023 at 00:11

Dear Ali, thank you for the feedback on the post. I hope you will have a nice trip in Istanbul.

23 August 2023 at 20:02

Hello Serhat, I looked at the website of Sehir Hatlari ferries but I wasn’t able to see the possibility of buying tickets in advance online. Do you know if you can make a reservation for a cruise on a particular day online? Or do you just have to go to the ticket office in person in Istanbul? Many thanks!

25 August 2023 at 21:19

Dear Gary, Sehir Hatlari is a ferry company operating within Istanbul. I am not surprised that their online service is not working because Istanbulites do not reserve tickets for these ferries in advance.

Istanbulkart or one-time tickets are valid for all ferries of Sehir Hatlari that operate on both sides of the Bosphorus. On the other hand, online tickets must be purchased for IDO ferries going from Istanbul to other cities (for example, from Istanbul to Bursa).

My advice to you would be to buy your ticket for the Bosphorus cruise of Sehir Hatlari 30 minutes before the ferry departure from the box office. There is no such thing as running out of tickets for daily Bosphorus tours.

27 February 2024 at 19:30

Hello Serhat: Excellent guide. Re Turyol Ferries Bosphorus tour: Found it difficult to confirm on their website the following : *Hourly schedule in March ? *Just turn up @ the terminal purchase tickets ? *No online purchase facility ?

Regards Mitchell Reid

29 February 2024 at 23:43

Dear Mitchell, yes Turyol’s website is a bit outdated. Since the company’s working principles are very simple, you do not need to check the hours in advance or buy tickets online.

Turyol starts its Bosphorus cruises at 10:00 in the morning and there are boats every hour from then until the evening. I don’t think there will be a problem finding a seat. Tickets can be easily purchased from the box office before each trip.

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Istanbul Travel Guide

Istanbul Clues travel guide is designed to introduce you to the history, museums, restaurants and culture of istanbul.

Private Tour Guide in Istanbul

Author of this blog, Serhat Engul, is a licensed tour guide based in Istanbul.

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Powered by Reborn Travel Agency


2.5-Hours Bosphorus Cruise on a Luxury Yacht: From 10.30 am to 13.00

Morning bosphorus cruise with stopover on the asian side, luxury yacht cruise.

Experience some luxury on this 2.5-hour yacht cruise down the Bosphorus. It's a small group tour that is designed to help travelers spend some time away from the hustle and bustle of the big cities. Istanbul is a beautiful city with its peculiarities. This Bosphorus cruise exposes you to a different perspective on Istanbul. You get to observe the beautiful city by a luxury yacht on this popular cruise.


The Bosphorus Strait divides Europe from Asia, and a Bosphorus cruise is a signature Istanbul experience. This round-trip yacht cruise, with live commentary and fun facts from an experienced guide, covers all the classic waterfront sights-bridges, palaces, the Maiden's Tower, the Rumeli Fortress, and more. But it also includes a stop for coffee and snacks in the characterful Kanlica neighborhood and onboard Wi-Fi so you can share as you go.

2.5-Hours Bosphorus Cruise on a Luxury Yacht: From 13.15 to 15.45

Bosphorus sunset cruise on luxury yacht.

Action | Adventure

See Istanbul and the Bosphorus by dusk and enjoy the stunning Istanbul landmarks as the sun sets and the city lights come to life.

Istanbul Sunset Cruise on the Bosphorus

Witness the enchantment of Istanbul with a 2.5-Hour evening cruise along the beautiful Bosphorus!

sunset bosphorus cruise

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on Luxury Yacht See Istanbul and the Bosphorus by dusk and enjoy the stunning Istanbul landmarks as the sun sets and the city lights come to life.

Istanbul bosphorus dinner cruise and turkish night show 35 €, istanbul sunset cruise.

Come aboard an elegant luxury yacht for a beautiful cruise along the Bosphorus Strait where you can enjoy sightseeing at the most beautiful time of day-sunset in Istanbul. Coast along as you spot out Ortakoy, Bebek, Rumeli Fortress, Maiden's Tower and Bosphorus Bridges, all with a drink of choice in your hand with bosphorus cruise .

Istanbul Bosphorus Dinner Cruise and Turkish Night Shows

Bosphorus night cruise with dinner, drinks and great Turkish night shows...

Cruise Hours: 20:30 to 23:45

Istanbul's Multicultural Heritage Tour with Sunset Cruise

Istanbul's Multicultural Heritage Tour with Sunset Cruise

Istanbul's multicultural heritage tour with sunset cruise itinerary that covers the city's less known, less visited iconic and historically significant attractions such as galata tower, city walls, yedikule dungeons, pierre loti hill, fener and balat districts..

Tour Starting Time: 09.00 am Tour Ending Time: 19.00

Istanbul is a vibrant city with a rich cultural heritage spanning centuries, and this tour aims to showcase its treasures and religious heritage.

Turkish Night Shows

Bosphorus night cruise with dinner, drinks and great Turkish night shows. Spend a memorable evening cruising along the Bosphorus Strait. Enjoy spectacular views of Istanbul at night and the sights along the waterway, a delicious 3-course dinner, free local drinks, and a diverse program of traditional entertainment on board.

Istanbul Bosphorus

Dance Performances

Dinner cruise, night shows, istanbul lunch cruise on the bosphorus.

Cruise Hours: Departure 12:00 Duration: 5 hrs

Extended Bosphorus Cruise up to the Black Sea, 5-Hour Bosphorus and the Black Sea Cruise with lunch

Step aboard a cruise in Istanbul for a few hours to see the sights along the coast of the Bosphorus, all the way to the Black Sea. As you travel, sit down for a 2-course lunch accompanied by soft drinks and coffee or tea. You'll get great photo ops of the sights from the water, and stop in the fishing village of Anadolu Kavagi to visit the ancient fortress there.

tour del bosforo istanbul

Istanbul Lunch Cruise on the Bosphorus

Extended Bosphorus Cruise up to The Black Sea, 4.5 Hour Boat Cruise with lunch


Bosphorus night cruise with dinner, drinks and great Turkish night shows.

During your 2 hours and 30 min Bosphorus sightseeing cruise, you'll be free to wander between decks to capture the best shots of Istanbul's attractions. Our experienced guide will illustrate the history of what you see during the cruise; Bosphorus has a storied past, and our guides know the fun facts you can't find in a tourist handbook. See why this is one of the best Istanbul city sightseeing cruises. Book now and enjoy your adventure with us!

Istanbul Lunch Cruise, Bosphorus and Black Sea Cruise with Lunch

Bosphorus and Black Sea Cruise with Lunch 65 €

Cruise Hours: Departure 12:30 / Duration 4.5 hrs

Istanbul Bosphorus Dinner Cruise and Turkish Night Show

Istanbul Bosphorus Boat Tour 25 €

Istanbul bosphorus boat tour.

Istanbul Bosphorus Sightseeing Boat Cruise, 2.5-Hour Short Circle

Cruise Hours: 11:30 to 14:00

Istanbul Splendor: Majestic Istanbul Walking Tour and Enchanting Bosphorus Sunset Cruise

Istanbul Splendor: Majestic Istanbul Walking Tour and Enchanting Bosphorus Sunset Cruise

Istanbul elegance: a journey through history and luxury on a bosphorus sunset cruise.

Winter Season Hours: From 01st November to 15th March: Between 11.30 am to 18.30

Summer Season Hours: From 16th March to 31st October: Between 13.00 to 20.30

Embark on a captivating journey through Istanbul, a city where ancient history and vibrant culture intertwine against a backdrop of stunning architecture and the mesmerizing waters of the Bosphorus. This meticulously curated tour invites you to discover Istanbul's most iconic landmarks, each offering a unique glimpse into the city's rich and diverse heritage.

Guided Dolmabahce Palace Museum Tour with Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on Luxury Yacht

Guided Dolmabahce Palace Museum Tour with Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on Luxury Yacht

Dolmabahce palace, bezmi alem mosque tour and bosphorus sunset cruise on luxurious yacht.

Explore Istanbul's Dolmabahce Palace on a guided tour with skip-the-line entry and access its Harem section. Sail away on a magical sunset cruise on the Bosphorus and you will have a lifetime experience on our luxurious Sunset Bosphorus Yacht.

Dolmabahce Palace Tour and Bosphorus Yacht Cruise

Dolmabahce Palace Tour and Bosphorus Yacht Cruise

Dolmabahce palace, bezmi alem mosque tour and bosphorus yacht cruise with asian side stopover.

Tour Starting Time: 09.00 am Tour Ending Time: 13.00

Exploring Dolmabahce Palace , Visiting Bezmi Alem Mosque , Taking a 2.5-Hours Luxury Yacht Cruise on the Bosphorus, Stop Over in Kanlica , a lovely village in the Asian Side

Learn about Istanbul's history as you explore the opulent Dolmabahce Palace with an expert guide. Enjoy Istanbul with a relaxing Bosphorus Yacht Cruise, see the higlights of city from the water and stop for a short visit in Kanlica Village.

Istanbul Tour with Bosphorus Cruise and Dolmabahce Palace

Marvels of Istanbul Tour with Bosphorus and the Black Sea Cruise 80 €

Tour Hours: 09:00 am to 18:00

Combine visits to some of Istanbul's top sights such as Galata Tower, Pierre Loti Hill, Cable Car, Ancient City Walls, Dolmabahce Palace, and a delicious lunch cruise on the Bosphorus that goes all the way up to the Black Sea on a single day tour.

Istanbul: Dolmabahce Palace Tour and Bosphorus Cruise

Full-Day Tour and Cruise of Istanbul with Dolmabahce Palace, Cable Car and lunch

Cruise Hours: 09:00 am to 18:00

Full Day Istanbul Old City Tour

Full Day Istanbul Old City Tour Istanbul City Tour

Tour Hours: 09:00 am to 17:00

See the sights of Istanbul on an 8-hour tour with inclusive lunch. Admire the former church and mosque of the Hagia Sophia, see the site of Bzyantine sports at the Roman Hippodrome, explore the alleys of the Grand Bazzar, and much more.

Full Day Istanbul Old City Tour

Ottoman and Byzantine traces during this full-day guided Istanbul city tour in the Sultanahmet district.

Cruise Hours: 09:00 am to 16:00

Istanbul Tour with Bosphorus Cruise and Dolmabahce Palace

Istanbul: Dolmabahce Palace Tour and Bosphorus Cruise 80 €

Istanbul Istanbul Princes Islands Cruise Tour

Princes Island Tour Istanbul 45 €

Princes island tour istanbul.

Full Day Istanbul Princes' Islands Cruise Tour with Lunch

Cruise Hours: 09:00 am to 17:00

Full Day Istanbul Old City Tour

Full Day Istanbul Old City Tour 60 €

Historical tour of istanbul with bosphorus sunset cruise, all in one day istanbul.

If you have limited time in Istanbul and you want to make the most of it, we have planned a perfect day for you in which you can see the most important sights in the old town and finish with a relaxing sunset cruise on The Bosporus.



Combine a trip to both Istanbul's greatest sites including the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace, Grand Bazaar and a luxury yacht cruise on the Bosphorus in one day. Take advantage of special no-wait entry at the Topkapi Palace and skip-the-line access to the great Ottoman Palace during this full-day tour.

Witness the classic sites of heritage and history that abound in Istanbul on your full-day tour. Visit architectural masterpieces, marvel at awe-inspiring, Byzantine-era tileworks, and see the imperial treasures of Ottoman sultans. Along the way, experience the customs of at a bustling bazaar.

When you finish exploring the old city of Istanbul, the next thing is to take a magical journey on the Bosphorus. Sail down the Bosphorus passing Dolmabahce Palace, impressive Bosphorus Bridges, and beautifully designed seaside villas along both sides of the Bosphorus, before rounding the spectacular tip of old city and ultimately cruising only a few feet away from the magnificent Maiden's Tower.


When you finish exploring the old city of Istanbul, the next thing is to take a magical journey on the Bosphorus. Sail down the Bosphorus cruise passing Dolmabahce Palace, impressive Bosphorus Bridges, and beautifully designed seaside villas along both sides of the Bosphorus, before rounding the spectacular tip of old city and ultimately cruising only a few feet away from the magnificent Maiden's Tower.

Full Day Guided Tour to Old City Highlights Cultural Walking Tour of Istanbul

Istanbul Tour: Full Day Guided Tour to Old City Highlights Cultural Walking Tour of Istanbul

Istanbul Tour

Full Day Guided Tour to Old City Highlights Cultural Walking Tour of Istanbul. » TOUR DETAIL «

Istanbul Tour: Full Day Guided Tour to Old City Highlights Cultural Walking Tour of Istanbul

I learned a true appreciation for Istanbul 'Nov 2021'

I went from being simply curious to developing a genuine admiration and appreciation for Istanbul and its history. Yunis was an excellent and extremely knowledgable guide who took care of us until the very end. He even helped us get on the ferry to avoid traffic in order to get us back to our hotel on the Asian side.

" Kellena D.

Istanbul Tour: Full Day Guided Tour to Old City Highlights Cultural Walking Tour of Istanbul

Embark on an evening of a lifetime with a 4-Hours sunset cruise around the Bosphorus.

4 Hours Sunset and Dinner Cruise

from Hours: 17:15 to 20:45

Combined Bosphorus Sightseeing Sunset Cruise with Dinner

17:22 17th Feb 2015

Perfect Views of Istanbul

Steve Rogers

Pass by Dolmabahce Palace, Maiden's Tower and Golden Horn while enjoying a freshly prepared dinner, perfect views of Istanbul at sunset with a live tour commentary and DJ performance.

We'll bring the adventure

Natasha Romanoff

We'll bring the adventure, you bring the romance on our Bosphorus Sunset Dinner Cruise.

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise Tours

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise 'bosphorus cruise' is perfect to bring along the whole family, friends, and visiting guests, to enjoy breathtaking views of Istanbul and its stunning strait that divides the city into two continents like Europe and Asia, which is the only city standing on two continents in the world!


Bosphorus Sunset Cruise with Live Guide on Luxurious Yacht

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise; Enjoy breathtaking views of the World-famous Bosphorus sights with a live guide on a luxury yacht.


Bosphorus Sunset Cruise (Small-Group Cruise )

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise - Small - Group Cruise with Live Tour Guide. Bosphorus Sunset Cruise with Live Guide on Luxurious Yacht.


Istanbul Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on Private Yacht

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise is perfect to bring along the whole family, friends, and visiting guests, to enjoy breathtaking views of Istanbul.

Istanbul Sunrise Cruise on the Bosphorus

Istanbul Sunrise Cruise on the Bosphorus

Watch Istanbul wake up from the comfort on a luxury yacht during a 2.5-hour sunrise cruise. In the glow of the early morning light, snap photos of iconic places including Bosphorus Bridges, Dolmabahce Palace, Rumeli Fortress, Maiden's Tower and the city skyline as the city revs up for the day. Your cruise includes a light breakfast served with hot tea and coffee, the perfect way to start your day!

Watch Istanbul wake up from the comfort on a luxury yacht during a 2.5-hour sunrise cruise. In the glow of the early morning light, snap photos of iconic places including Bosphorus Bridges,

Dolmabahce Palace, Rumeli Fortress, Maiden's Tower and the city skyline as the city revs up for the day.

Your cruise includes a light breakfast served with hot tea and coffee, the perfect way to start your day!


Admire city sights, sip bubbly, and savor delicious breakfast on a Bosphorus Breakfast Cruise along the shores of Europe and Asia! » TOUR DETAIL «


Friendly crew , professional. There was only few people on the cruise, u can feel free and safe.

" Eric H. Twain


Istanbul Layover Tour

Got a minimum 6-hour layover in Istanbul? Leave the airport in a private vehicle, immerse yourself in this dynamic city and spend the day at your leisure, before enjoying a stress-free return in time to catch your onward flight. Enjoy two holidays in one with a private Istanbul Layover Tour .

Your Istanbul Layover Tour can be 100% personalised for your time, interests and needs.

Global Support

Available 24 hours everyday

Bosphorus Cruise

Flexible & personalized

Bosphorus Cruise

You are new to Istanbul

We will show you the highlights.

Bosphorus Cruise

Private & clean vehicle

Bosphorus Cruise

Family - Friendly

Bosphorus Cruise

Airport pick-up and return

top istanbul tours

Low-level fitness required

Marriage Proposal Cruise Istanbul on Luxury Yacht

Bosphorus is one of the best places in the world if you are looking for a romantic atmosphere to propose to your loved one.

Contact us, let's plan your proposal together and spend an unforgettable night on The Bosphorus.

Things You Should Definitely Experience in Istanbul

See The Whirling Dervishes Ceremony in Istanbul

See The Whirling Dervishes Ceremony in Istanbul

Discover Turkish culture as you admire the Sufi whirling to soul-stirring music while watching the Whirling Dervishes of Mavlana

Go to a Tradational Turkish Bath

Go to a Tradational Turkish Bath

Visit an authentic Turkish hammam in Istanbul's old city, dating back to Ottoman times. Experience a bathing tradition that is still popular today.

Parks Along the Bosphorus: Explore Breathtaking Bosphorus Parks: A Guide to Serene Green Spaces Along the Waterfront

Parks Along the Bosphorus-A Guide to Serene Green Spaces Along the Waterfront

A Guide to Serene Green Spaces Along the Waterfront

Along the Bosphorus in Istanbul, there are several parks and green spaces that offer locals and visitors a chance to relax and enjoy the scenic beauty of the strait.

2023 Top 6 Bosphorus Cruise and Boat Tours on a Luxury Yacht Istanbul-Guide with Advice

2023 Top 6 Bosphorus Cruise and Boat Tours on a Luxury Yacht Istanbul-Guide with Advice

Unveil Istanbul's Splendor Embark on an Unforgettable Bosphorus Cruise Adventure

Unveil Istanbul's Splendor: Embark on an Unforgettable Bosphorus Cruise Adventure: When it comes to exploring Istanbul's enchanting allure, few experiences rival the magic of a Bosphorus Cruise.

Unlock the Wonders of Istanbul with Exclusive Private Istanbul Tours

Unlock the Wonders of Istanbul with Exclusive Private Istanbul Tours

Welcome to the World of Exclusive Private Istanbul Tours!

Our Exclusive Private Istanbul Tours are not just tours; they're immersive journeys tailored to your desires. With our handcrafted itineraries, you're not limited to generic attractions.

Can you give information about the Istanbul tourist pass?

Can you give information about the Istanbul tourist pass?

Where to buy Istanbul tourist card?

Yes, of course! The Istanbul Tourist Pass is a prepaid sightseeing and transportation card that offers free admission to many of Istanbul's top attractions istanbul tour , as well as discounts and special offers at a variety of restaurants, shops, and entertainment venues.

Where are the istanbul tour places for a tourist?

Where are the istanbul tour places for a tourist?

istanbul tour places

There are many other interesting places to explore in this historic and vibrant city, so be sure to plan enough time for your visit! It will be a trip worth your time for the Istanbul tour .

Istanbul and Bosphorus Blog Articles

  • Places Where to Watch Sunset in Istanbul
  • How to Get the Best Bargain in Istanbul
  • Bosphorus History and Legends
  • Walking from Karakoy to Eminonu
  • Shopping to Tahtakale from Spice Bazaar
  • Going to the Galata Tower and Watching Istanbul
  • Istanbul Toy Museum
  • Eat Fish Sansdwich in Eminonu
  • Turkish Citizenship By Investment
  • Tophane Art Walk
  • MORE »»

- Walking from Galata Bridge from Karakoy to Eminonu with Simit and Soda

- shopping to tahtakale from spice bazaar, - going to the galata tower and watching istanbul, - istanbul toy museum, - eat fish sansdwich in eminonu, - tulip festival in emirgan, - indulge your sweet tooth with baklava, - tophane art walk, - eat kumpir in ortakoy, - chocolate paradise jadore and "oh la la beatrice".

We offer a variety of dining cruises that combine delicious food with a scenic tour of Bosphorus and Istanbul, as well as fun, social cocktail events. Our menus include freshly caught seafood, locally grown vegetables, premium cocktails, beer from local breweries, and irresistible desserts, all prepared onboard by our award-winning staff.

Istanbul Dinner Cruise, Bosphorus Dinner Cruise with Turkish Night Show

Istanbul Dinner Cruise, Bosphorus Dinner Cruise with Turkish Night Show

Bosphorus cruise with dinner, unlimitted drinks and a great Turkish night show...

Istanbul Lunch Cruise on the Bosphorus

Full Day Bosphorus and Black Sea Cruise, Long Circle Boat Tour in Istanbul.

Ottoman Nights Dinner Cruise with Belly Dancer and Turkish Folk Dances

Ottoman Nights Dinner Cruise with Belly Dancer and Turkish Folk Dances

Istanbul Bosphorus Dinner Cruise with Traditional Turkish Show

Private Istanbul Tours With Guides

Private Istanbul Tours with experienced guides, No Bus, No Rush, No Sharing With Strangers! Bosphorus Tour provides private istanbul tours by car and on foot, all of which can be perfectly customized to suit your own particular requirements and needs. Discover our deals and get ready to be taken on a memorable private tour in the Eternal City with our top-rated expert guides.

Fener and Balat Tour

Fener and Balat Tour

Istanbul is a city of many famous landmarks. Most people come to see sites such as the Grand Bazaar, Sultanahmet and Hagia Sophia...

Istanbul Islamic Tour

Istanbul Islamic Tour

Istanbul Religious Tours are the spiritual activities that you can do in Istanbul and you can learn the culture & religions in our city...

Istanbul Old City Tour Classics & Highlights

Istanbul Old City Tour Classics & Highlights

Enjoy a royal welcome to Istanbul with a full-day private guided tour...

Istanbul Package Tours

Discover city breaks to Istanbul. From short weekend breaks to holidays in Istanbul, book the best Istanbul city package deals now.

Istanbul City Break Package

3 Days Istanbul City Break Package

Istanbul is an impressive and mystical destination for a weekend holiday or city break...

5 Days Istanbul Tour Package with Accommodation

5 Days Istanbul Tour Package with Accommodation

Arrivalto Istanbul Ataturk Airport and meeting by your English speaking assistant and transfer to your hotel.

Istanbul 5 Days Tour Package

Istanbul 5 Days Tour Package

4 nights accommodation, return airport transfers, 2 guided city tours including the Blue Mosque, Hippodromme...

Turkey Tour Packages

Best Turkey Tour Packages - Discover Turkey's treasures with tour packages including transportation, accommodation, and meals in must-see destinations like Cappadocia, Pamukkale, Ephesus and much more.

2 Days Ephesus and Pamukkale Tour from Istanbul by Plane

2 Days Ephesus and Pamukkale Tour from Istanbul by Plane

Visit the ancient city of Ephesus, the Temple of Artemis, the House of Virgin Mary, the necropolis at Hierapolis, and the thermal springs at Pamukkale...

2 Days Cappadocia Tour From Istanbul by Plane

2 Days Cappadocia Tour From Istanbul by Plane

Travel to Cappadocia by air and enjoy 2 days of tours. Take in the Goreme Open Air Museum and the fairy chimneys and enjoy a hot-air balloon ride...

4 Days Cappadocia, Pamukkale and Ephesus Tour by Plane From Istanbul

4 Days Cappadocia, Pamukkale and Ephesus Tour by Plane From Istanbul

Start and end in Istanbul! With the In-depth Cultural tour 4 Days - Cappadocia, Pamukkale & Ephesus...

Private Events on The Bosphorus, Istanbul

Yacht charter in istanbul, day trips from istanbul.

The Great Bursa Day Trip

The Great Bursa Day Trip, Daily City Escape to Green Bursa

Bursa Tour: Visit the city of Bursa, once the capital of the Ottoman Empire, on this day trip from Istanbul that starts with a 2-hour ferry ride.

Edirne Imperial Tour

Edirne Imperial Tour, Follow Ottoman Pattern in One Day

Edirne Day Tour makes taking a day-trip from Istanbul to the former Ottoman capital of Edirne easy. See beautiful mosques...

Sapanca Lake and Masukiye Full-Day Tour

Sapanca Lake and Masukiye Full-Day Tour

Sapanca and Masukiye Tour is one of our nice trips out of Istanbul especially for nature lovers. Escape the bustle of Istanbul...

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise with live guide on luxury yach.

You see so many historical spots which u might miss if you are on a short visit to istanbul.

Capture the moment of the beautiful sunsets of Istanbul with a cruise of the Bosphorus that includes hotel pick - up, snacks, baklava, fresh season fruits and soft drinks, as well as live guide commentary in English and Spanish languages. It's the perfect start to a night that could be continued on with a trip down to the Bosphorus or a celebratory gathering, and a wonderful bonding time for family groups and individuals who want to wind down after a day in Istanbul. As the sunset begins, race to the expansive open decks or the 360-degree to get unmatched views of the Dolmabahce Palace, Rumeli Fortress and the Bosphorus Bridges as you cruise the strait right in between two continents of Europea and Asia. It's a perfect chance to photograph the city, the sunset, and the skyline. At the end of the cruise, our yacht SUNSET BOSPHORUS will cruise along the Golden Horn foreshore and here you might like to disembark for a nightcap at one of the many nightclubs in Taksim area.

Bosphorus Cruise Istanbul "Journey through Time and Beauty: Exploring Istanbul's Magnificence on a Bosphorus Cruise"

Bosphorus Cruise Tours in Istanbul Turkey

Bosphorus Cruise Istanbul

Bosphorus Cruise Tours in Istanbul Turkey (A Short Overview of the Bosphorus)

The Bosphorus cruise is a popular activity in Istanbul, where you can sail along the Bosphorus Strait, which separates the European and Asian sides of the city. Cruising along the Bosphorus offers stunning views of the city's iconic landmarks, palaces, and beautiful waterfront mansions.


Bosphorus Tours Istanbul is the leading boat tours operator of tourism and leisure passengers services on Bosphorus, carrying in excess of passengers annually on our route through the heart of Istanbul between the two continents, Europe and Asia.

Book a boat cruise in Istanbul with  Istanbul Bosphorus Tours  - Istanbul's No 1 Sightseeing Cruise on the Bosphorus. Combining quality dining, superb entertainment and spectacular views from Bosphorus, our unique boat sightseeing and dining cruises capture the excitement of Istanbul from a truly special perspective.

Know your city ISTANBUL?

istanbul travel quide

The Istanbul Bosphorus

The Istanbul Bosphorus

Sultanahmet Hippodrome

Sultanahmet Hippodrome

Istanbul Travel Tips

Istanbul Travel Tips


Before a wedding, Marriage Proposals can be the most significant in a couple’s life.

You have the ring and now want to make it the most perfect proposal!


Anyone with access can view your invited visitors.

tour del bosforo istanbul

07.23.2022: new birthday event video added. [click view]

tour del bosforo istanbul

07.16.2022: added new tour image from sunset cruise. [click see]

  • Istanbul Attractions
  • About Bosphorus Cruise
  • Princes Island Cruise
  • Sightseeing Cruises
  • Dinner Cruises
  • Lunch Cruises
  • Yacht Tours
  • Top Sights To See
  • Plan Your Visit
  • Basilica Cistern Tickets
  • Topkapi Palace Tickets
  • Dolmabahçe Palace Tickets
  • Galata Tower Tickets
  • Hagia Sophia Tickets
  • Blue Mosque Tickets
  • Madame Tussauds Tickets
  • Turkish Bath & Hammam Experience Tickets
  • LEGOLAND Discovery Center Tickets
  • Grand Bazaar
  • Istanbul Aquarium
  • Maiden's Tower
  • Istanbul Airport transfers
  • Istanbul Sabiha Gokcen Airport transfers
  • Pierre Loti Hill Tickets
  • Hop-On Hop-Off Tours
  • Things to do
  • Festivals and Events
  • Bosphorus Cruise Tickets

tour del bosforo istanbul

Select Your Experience

bosphorus dinner cruise with turkish show-1

Bosphorus Dinner Cruise with Turkish Show

  • You can cancel these tickets up to 24 hours before the experience begins and get a full refund.
  • Admire the beauty of Istanbul from the comfort of your VIP private table close to the stage on this 3-hour cruise along the Bosphorus with entertainment and dinner.
  • Spot iconic Byzantine & Ottoman Empire attractions such as the medieval Topkapi Palace, Dolmabahçe Palace, Galata Tower, and Bosphorus Bridge.
  • Indulge in a 4-course Turkish meal and sip on unlimited soft drinks as you gaze out at the picturesque city, lit up in the golden light of the setting sun.
  • Dance to the tunes of an onboard DJ, watch belly dancing, and dervish dance, seated in VIP for prime seating by the stage with private, reserved tables without mixing with other guests!
  • Enjoy pick-up and drop-off in an AC coach and/or unlimited alcoholic beverages by upgrading your ticket.
  • 3-hour Bosphorus cruise
  • 4-course Turkish dinner
  • Live entertainment and DJ
  • Unlimited soft drinks
  • Free Wi-Fi on board
  • Unlimited alcoholic beverages (optional)
  • Round-trip hotel transfers from centrally located hotels (optional)
  • Transport by air-conditioned coach (optional)
  • Imported drinks
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Start Point & End Point: Kabatas Pier
  • What will you see: Galata Tower | Dolmabahce Palace | Ciragan Palace| Ortaköy Mosque | Bosphorus Bridge | Beylerbeyi Palace | Üsküdar | Maiden Tower | Topkapi Palace | Hagia Sophia | Seaside Villas
  • Board your cruise at Kabataş Bosphorus Tour Point
  • Address: Ömer Avni, Meclis-i Mebusan Cd. 36/A, 34440 Beyoğlu/İstanbul, Türkiye.
  • Get Directions to the Boarding Point
  • Tip: The best time to go on a Bosphorus Cruise is between April and September. During this period, the weather is pleasant and the humidity is bearable.
  • This experience is weather-dependent. An alternative date or a full refund is provided if the activity is canceled due to inclement weather.
  • Facilities: Wheelchair Accessibility, Pram/Stroller Accessibility
  • Dietary needs such as vegetarian, pescetarian, and halal can be accommodated.
  • Languages spoken on board are English, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch, and Russian.

bosphorus luxury yacht daytime or sunset cruise-1

  • Bosphorus Luxury Yacht Daytime or Sunset Cruise
  • Sail about the waters of the Bosphorus Strait and brace yourself for some sights you’ll savor.
  • Take in waterfront palaces, mansions, and mosques, other than Istanbul’s stunning skyline.
  • An expert tour guide will offer live commentary along the way.
  • Nibble on snacks, cookies, baklava, and fresh seasonal fruits, and sip on a beverage of your choice.
  • Click here to view the route map.
  • 2.5-hour sunset cruise
  • Live commentary
  • Snacks, cookies, baklava & fresh season fruits
  • Soft drinks, bottled water, tea & coffee
  • Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on Luxury Yacht in Istanbul
  • Board your cruise at Kabataş (Ş.Hatları) .
  • Address: Kabataş (Ş.Hatları), Türkiye.
  • Tip: The best period for a Bosphorus Cruise typically falls between April and September, varying based on your preferred type of cruise experience.
  • These tickets can't be cancelled or rescheduled.

bosphorus daytime or sunset sightseeing cruise-1

Bosphorus Daytime or Sunset Sightseeing Cruise

  • Escape the city traffic and set sail on this 2-hour boat ride that shows you the best sights along the Bosphorus Strait.
  • At the pier, a Marine Officer will meet and greet you and give you an overview of the things you will be seeing.
  • You will also be given a handy map of the Bosphorus to help you identify the best spots along the way and an informative audio guide that is available in 8 languages.
  • Glance over at Istanbul’s most beautiful attractions including Topkapi Palace, Golden Horn, Ortaköy Mosque.
  • Take photographs as you pass under the legendary Bosphorus Bridge that connects Europe and Asia.
  • 2-hour Bosphorus cruise
  • Audio guide available in 8 languages
  • Duration : 2 hour
  • Start Point & End Point : Kabatas Pier
  • What you'll see : Galata Tower | Dolmabahce Palace | Ciragan Palace| Ortaköy Mosque | Bosphorus Bridge | Beylerbeyi Palace | Üsküdar | Maiden Tower | Topkapi Palace | Hagia Sophia | Seaside Villas
  • Don’t forget to bring along your headphones to listen to the audio tour.
  • The audio guide is available in English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Arabic, and Chinese.
  • Please note: There is limited internet at the pier so please download the app before the tour.
  • The app does not require internet once it has been downloaded but ensure you have activated GPS.
  • These tickets are valid for 3 days from the date of purchase.

bosphorus & black sea 2-course lunch cruise with swimming opportunity-1

Bosphorus & Black Sea 2-Course Lunch Cruise with Swimming Opportunity

  • Experience an unparalleled blend of history and nature on this 4.5-hour Bosphorus & Black Sea cruise, complete with a refreshing swim.
  • Savour a delicious Turkish meal with a fresh fruit platter, soft drinks or tea and coffee to enhance your sailing experience with a delightful culinary journey.
  • Added perks include hotel pick-ups and an informative onboard English and Spanish-speaking guide.
  • Sail past the architectural marvels of Istanbul, from the grandiose Ottoman-era mansions to the iconic Galata Tower and Bosphorus Bridge.
  • Enjoy a stroll around the lush hills and medieval ruins of Anadolu Kavagi, a sleepy fishing village with ruined castles, fortifications and ancient temples.
  • 4.5-hour cruise on the Bosphorus Strait
  • Expert English & Spanish-speaking guide onboard
  • Hotel pick-up from central Istanbul
  • 2-course lunch
  • Soft drinks, tea & coffee
  • Fruit platter
  • Tip: While in Anadolu Kavagi, try the local seafood delicacies. The town is famous for its fresh fish!
  • Click here to view the menu.
  • Vegetarian options are available upon request (before the cruise).

2-hour bosphorus luxury private yacht rental in istanbul-1

2-Hour Bosphorus Luxury Private Yacht Rental in Istanbul

  • Experience luxury with a 2-hour private yacht rental with up to 10 people, and cruise along the Bosphorus strait in Istanbul.
  • Enhance your experience by adding round-trip hotel transfers in a Mercedes Vito or a delectable onboard meal.
  • Enjoy complimentary soft drinks and snacks as you sail past the picturesque Ortakoy Mosque and the cross-continental Bosphorus Bridge. Upgrade to include alcoholic drinks.
  • Sit back and relax in the seating lounge or put on your sunscreen for some sunbathing on the open deck.
  • Come across the stunning architecture of Dolmabahce Palace, reflecting the opulence of the Ottoman Empire and the 15th-century Rumeli Fortress featuring imposing stone walls, towers, and battlements.
  • 2-hour luxury private yacht rental on the Bosphorus
  • Round-trip hotel transfers in a luxury vehicle (optional)
  • Complimentary drinks & snacks
  • Breakfast, lunch, or dinner (optional)
  • Alcoholic beverages (optional)
  • Tip: Time your cruise to coincide with the sunset to watch the sun dip below the horizon, casting warm hues across the Bosphorus.
  • Complimentary drinks & snacks include soft drinks, tea, coffee, cookies, chips, nuts, and fruits.
  • Facilities: Wi-Fi, Pram/stroller Accessibility.
  • Pets and guide dogs are allowed on board.
  • Bring along your sunscreen, sunglasses, and hat.
  • If the main yacht is busy, you will be offered another yacht of the same quality.

istanbul top museums 3-day pass: guided tour with entry tickets-1

Istanbul Top Museums 3-Day Pass: Guided Tour with Entry Tickets

  • Enjoy a guided tour of Istanbul’s best iconic attractions with this one combo ticket that you can use in 1 day or over 2 or 3 days .
  • Learn about the illustrious history of each of these landmarks from your expert English-speaking guide.
  • Gain valuable insights about the iconic Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque with a guided tour.
  • Explore Topkapi Palace and the Basilica Cistern while listening to interesting stories through an audio guide app available in 8 languages.
  • Sail away on a relaxing 90-minute cruise of the Bosphorus Waterway as you admire the architectural beauty of Istanbul from a different perspective.
  • 60-min Topkapi Palace tour with skip-the-line entry
  • 30-min Basilica Cistern tour with skip-the-line entry
  • 60-min Hagia Sophia guided tour with skip-the-line entry
  • 90-min Blue Mosque guided tour with entry
  • 90-min Bosphorus Cruise ticket
  • English-speaking guide for all attractions
  • Audio app in 10 languages
  • Hagia Sophia Mosque

Blue Mosque

Topkapi palace.

  • Basilica Cistern
  • Tip: Topkapi Palace's ground floor has the best Instagram potential. You get to photograph the stunning interiors and beautiful ceilings.
  • The audio guide is available in English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish.
  • Facilities: Pram/Stroller Accessibility.
  • For Hagia Sophia, Women are required to cover their knees, shoulders, and chest. Their hair should be partially covered with a scarf. Men are required to cover their knees and shoulders. If you don't have a scarf or covering, it can be purchased at the entrance, at your own expense.
  • With this admission ticket (except for Hagia Sophia), you will skip the ticket line, but not the security line. During high season, the security check could take up to 30 minutes.
  • This tour is not wheelchair accessible and is not suitable for pets.

What customers have to say about Bosphorus cruises

Bosphorus cruises | sailing istanbul’s historic waterway.

If you’re looking to explore Istanbul in a truly unforgettable way, consider a Bosphorus cruise. The Bosphorus Strait has been a crucial waterway since ancient times and has shaped the history and growth of the city for centuries. You will cruise past several of its most prominent historical landmarks and waterfront neighbourhoods. You will also experience the enchanting sight of this beautiful city from the water — whether it is during the daytime, at sunset, or lit up at night.

Read on to learn more about Bosphorus cruises, the different types of cruises you can take, timings, and other information for a smooth sail.

Navigate your Bosphorus cruise guide

Why go on a bosphorus cruise, know before you book your bosphorus cruise tickets, types of bosphorus cruises, which bosphorus cruise is best for you, find your best bosphorus cruise match here, what is the bosphorus strait, bosphorus strait cruise map, your guide to checking in & boarding bosphorus cruises, plan your bosphorus cruise experience, top istanbul landmarks to see on a bosphorus cruise, frequently asked questions about bosphorus cruises.

tour del bosforo istanbul

Breathtaking scenery

The Bosphorus Strait has shaped Istanbul’s history as a vital waterway for centuries. Go on a Bosphorus cruise, witness the stunning beauty of the cityscape on the European and Asian sides, and get a unique perspective on its historical landmarks.

A culinary journey

Savour Istanbul’s finest seafood and local delicacies while your eyes feast on its architectural gems along the waterfront. A Bosphorus lunch or dinner cruise is an excellent way to combine sightseeing with the best of traditional Turkish cuisine.

A luxurious yacht tour

Enjoy the Bosphorus Strait from the luxurious and sophisticated atmosphere of a yacht. Whether it’s a sightseeing tour or a romantic evening, a Bosphorus yacht tour is an unforgettable experience and creates lasting memories.

Immersive cultural experience

Sail along the Bosphorus Strait and immerse yourself in Istanbul’s rich history and culture. Enjoy traditional Turkish music, live entertainment, and folk performances like belly dancing and dervish dances.

Serene atmosphere of Princes' Islands

Escape Istanbul's chaos at the car-free Princes' Islands for serene relaxation and rejuvenation amidst tranquil surroundings.

  • Bosphorus sightseeing cruises are versatile and one of the best ways to see most of Istanbul’s majestic historical landmarks - with an added unique perspective from the waters of the Bosphorus Strait. You can choose between boat tours, which are conducted on larger 2- and 3-storey cruise vessels, and yacht tours , which are more exclusive and accommodate smaller numbers of guests.
  • Want to enjoy food and drinks on your cruise? Enhance your sightseeing experience by opting for a lunch or dinner cruise on the Bosphorus . Enjoy authentic Turkish delicacies and live entertainment as you sail past the city’s most prominent attractions on the shores of the Bosphorus.
  • Choose your Bosphorus cruise depending on how long you want to spend on your boat tour . Sightseeing cruises are typically between 1 hour 10 minutes and 1 hour 30 minutes long. Yacht tours generally last around 2 hours to 2 hours 30 minutes. Dinner cruises are 3 hours long and include a sumptuous meal along with on-board entertainment, folk performances, or a DJ. Lunch cruises can last anywhere between 2 hours to full-day cruises, such as the 4 hours and 30 minutes-long Bosphorus & Black Sea 2-Course Lunch Cruise with Swimming Opportunity .
  • A great way to pick the perfect cruise is by considering the tourist attractions located in the vicinity of the boarding point. By choosing a cruise that starts from Istanbul’s Old City area, you can also visit historical landmarks like Topkapi Palace, Hagia Sophia, and the Blue Mosque. Kabatas Pier is located near Dolmabahce Palace, Galata Tower, as well as Taksim Square, with its restaurants, museums, and shopping areas.
  • There’s a cruise for every budget. Daytime or sunset sightseeing cruises and round trip tickets to the Princes’ Islands start from €12. Mid-range options such as the dinner cruises range between €22 and €45, and include gourmet dining and live entertainment. For a more exclusive experience, choose one of the luxury yacht cruises , which typically start at €50. A private yacht rental with luxury amenities costs around €300.
  • If you want to escape the hustle and bustle of Istanbul and take a short yet relaxing break, consider Princes’ Islands tours . This archipelago of 9 islands, located in the Sea of Marmara, is entirely free of motorised traffic and can be explored by cycle, battery-powered electric vehicles, or on foot. Accessible by a quick ferry ride from Istanbul, these idyllic islands are steeped in history and natural beauty.

tour del bosforo istanbul


Sightseeing cruises offer a unique perspective on Istanbul’s historical and cultural significance. Take a daytime cruise to get unparalleled views of its iconic landmarks lining the shores of the Bosphorus Strait. Or opt for an evening cruise and see the city lit by the golden hue of the setting sun.

  • Bosphorus boat tours & sightseeing cruises
  • Bosphorus sunset & evening cruises

tour del bosforo istanbul

Experience a delightful blend of scenic views and gourmet dining with lunch and dinner cruises. Sail along Istanbul’s iconic waterway while savouring delicious Turkish cuisine and soaking in the rich cultural heritage. Or enjoy a delectable dinner and lively entertainment while gliding along the shimmering waters, taking in Istanbul’s illuminated landmarks.

  • Bosphorus lunch cruises
  • Bosphorus dinner cruises

tour del bosforo istanbul

Yacht tours

Experience luxury and exclusivity on a yacht tour of the Bosphorus Strait. Soak in the mesmerizing sights of Istanbul’s skyline and historical landmarks while cruising in style along the majestic waterway. Explore its European and Asian sides, and indulge in snacks and coffee as you admire the sights during the time or at sunset.

  • Bosphorus yacht tours

Bosphorus cruises

If you are budget-conscious

Go for: Sightseeing cruises or combo tickets Duration: From 1 hr 10 minutes to 6 hrs, depending on the ticket Guide: Bosphorus audio guide app or an expert English-speaking tour guide, depending on the ticket option

  • Sail along the Bosphorus Strait and spot Istanbul's iconic landmarks while listening to an audio guide available in over 10 languages. 
  • If you book a combo ticket, you can visit one of Istanbul’s top monuments like Dolmabahce Palace or Hagia Sophia along with your Bosphorus cruise. 

Recommended tours:

  • Bosphorus Daytime or Sunset sightseeing cruise
  • Combo: Dolmabahce Palace Guided Tour + Bosphorus cruise tickets

Bosphorus Cruises

If you want a culinary experience with your sightseeing

Go for: Dinner cruises with live entertainment Duration: 3 hrs to 3 hrs 30 mins depending on the ticket Guide: Bosphorus audio guide app or an expert English-speaking tour guide, depending on the ticket option

  • Enjoy a 3-course Turkish dinner on a private table with unlimited soft drinks and a live DJ on board. You can also go on a 2-hour luxury cruise on a private rental boat along the Bosphorus Strait. 
  • If you upgrade your ticket, you can also enjoy hotel transfers in an AC coach. 
  • Bosphorus Dinner Cruise with Live Show
  • 2-hour Bosphorus luxury private yacht rental in Istanbul

Bosphorus Cruises

If you want a luxury experience

Go for: Luxury yacht cruises Duration: Flexible Guide: Bosphorus audio guide app or an expert English-speaking tour guide, depending on the ticket option

  • With Bosphorus luxury cruises, you can go on a 2-hour sail on the Bosphorus Strait while enjoying live commentary, Turkish snacks and beverages. 
  • You can also opt for a 2-hour cruise on the Bosphorus Strait on an exclusive private rental luxury yacht.
  • 2-hour Bosphorus Luxury Private Yacht Rental in Istanbul

Bosphorus Cruises

If you want to experience Istanbul at sunset

Go for: Sunset or evening cruises Duration: From 1 hr 30 mins to 2 hrs 30 mins, depending on the ticket Guide: Bosphorus audio guide app or an expert English-speaking tour guide, depending on the ticket option

  • Take a sunset cruise and experience the magic of Istanbul as the sun dips below the horizon, casting a golden glow on the city's iconic skyline.
  • Opt for a luxury yacht cruise and savour Turkish snacks and beverages as you sail past the city's historical monuments and prominent landmarks. 

The Bosphorus Strait is a natural waterway in Turkey that connects the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara. It serves as a natural boundary between the continents of Europe and Asia, making it a pivotal geographical and cultural landmark.

The strait stretches approximately 31 km (19 miles) in length and varies in width from 700 to 3,700 metres. Its strategic importance has made it a crucial route for maritime trade and transportation throughout history, shaping the region's economy, politics, and culture.

Straddling the Bosphorus Strait, the city of Istanbul has flourished since the 7th century BCE as the region's foremost economic, cultural, and trade hub.

Bosphorus Cruise map

Bosphorus cruises begin from many convenient boarding points on Istanbul’s European shore of the Bosphorus Strait. Strategically located in the city’s hotspots, they allow you to easily explore the local neighbourhoods, tourist attractions, eateries, and shopping areas.

Dentur Avrasya Kabataş İskelesi (Kabatas Pier)

Kabataş Pier is located in the vibrant Kabataş district, which is home to many cafes, restaurants, and shops. Nearby landmarks: Dolmabahce Palace, Taksim Square Closest stop: Kabataş Tramvay istasyonu tram station

BUDO Eminonu Pier

Located in the picturesque waterfront area of the historic Fatih district, BUDO Eminönü Pier provides panoramic views of the Golden Horn. Nearby landmarks: Galata Bridge, New Mosque, Spice Bazaar Closest stop: Sirkeci İstasyonu tram station

Topkapı Cafe, outside Topkapı Palace

This meeting point is located in Istanbul’s historic Sultanahmet neighborhood, which is a vibrant hub for museums, art galleries, and historical and architectural landmarks. Nearby landmarks: Topkapi Palace, Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque Closest stop: Sultanahmet bus stop

Bosphorus Pier, outside Dolmabahçe Palace

This pier is situated in Istanbul’s culturally diverse Beşiktaş district, which is famous for its lively, bustling streets and culinary scene. Nearby landmarks: Dolmabahce Palace, Çırağan Palace, Taksim Square Closest stop: Dolmabahce Palace bus stop

Bosphorus Yachts

This boarding point is located in the Aşıyan quarter, characterized by lush greenery, parks, and wooded areas. It is a popular destination for leisurely walks and picnics. Nearby landmarks: Rumeli fortress, Aşiyan Museum, Aşiyan Asri Cemetery Closest stop: Aşıyan inclined railway station (metro’s underground funicular route)

Gazete Market

The Gazete Market kiosk is a popular meeting point for tours and tourism excursions. Located in Istanbul’s historic Sultanahmet neighborhood, it is surrounded by some of Istanbul’s oldest historical attractions. Nearby landmarks: Topkapi Palace, Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque Closest stop: Sultanahmet bus stop

tour del bosforo istanbul

General timings: Cruise timings depend on the ticket chosen. Full-day tours start by 9am, morning sightseeing cruises typically start by 10am, afternoon sightseeing cruises start by 12pm, and evening sightseeing cruises begin between 3pm and 5pm.

Boarding points: Bosphorus sightseeing cruises depart from various boarding points depending on the ticket chosen, including Kabataş Pier, Dentur Avrasya Kabataş, BUDO Eminonu Pier, and Bosphorus Pier outside Dolmabahce Palace.

Inclusions: Inclusions depend on the ticket, but most Bosphorus sightseeing cruises come with a complimentary audio guide.

Top sights to see: Hagia Sophia | Topkapi Palace | Blue Mosque | Dolmabahce Palace | Galata Tower | Maiden’s Tower (Kiz Kulesi ) | Bosphorus Bridge

tour del bosforo istanbul

General timings: Bosphorus lunch cruises are available on all days of the week. They can begin between 9.30am and 12.30pm, and end between 3.30pm and 5pm.

Boarding points: The boarding point depends on the experience chosen, but they typically depart from the Kabatas Pier or the Bosphorus Pier outside Dolmabahce Palace.

Food & beverages: Guests are treated to a sumptuous 2-course Turkish meal. Depending on the experience chosen, some cruises may offer Turkish tea and coffee, a fresh fruit platter, and complimentary snacks and soft drinks.

Inclusions: A lunch cruise typically includes a professional tour guide during the tour and hotel transfers if you are in central Istanbul.

tour del bosforo istanbul

General timings: Sunset and evening cruises generally start between 2pm and 5pm.

Boarding points: These cruises depart from various boarding points depending on the experience, including Kabatas Pier, Dentur Avrasya Kabataş, and Bosphorus Yachts at Beşiktaş.

Inclusions: These cruises typically feature complimentary Turkish snacks & beverages and live commentary. Some cruises may offer an audio guide. Additionally, you can upgrade your tickets to include meals, alcoholic beverages, or round trip hotel transfers.

tour del bosforo istanbul

General timings: Bosphorus Dinner Cruises are available throughout the year, and depending on your ticket, the departure is between 8:30 PM and 9 PM.

Boarding points: Most Bosphorus dinner cruises depart from Kabatas Pier.

Menu: A dinner cruise typically includes a 3-course Turkish meal with authentic local cuisine and complimentary drinks (you can pick between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drink packages).

Inclusions: Live entertainment including performances featuring belly dancing, traditional folk music, and a live DJ; and hotel transfers if you are located in central Istanbul.

tour del bosforo istanbul

General timings: Yacht tour timings depend on the ticket chosen. Daytime tours start by 10.30am, afternoon tours begin around 2pm, private yacht rentals are from 3pm onwards, while sunset yacht tours begin by 3.30pm.

Boarding points: Bosphorus yacht tours generally depart from Kabataş (Ş.Hatları) or Bosphorus Yachts in Beşiktaş.

Inclusions: Depending on the ticket chosen, yacht tours include complimentary Turkish snacks & beverages, live commentary, alcoholic beverages, round trip hotel transfers, and meals along with the sightseeing experience.

Boat type: Luxury yachts with deluxe amenities and the capacity to accommodate between 15 to 30 guests, making it the perfect choice for small group cruises.

tour del bosforo istanbul

  • Spring (April & May) & Autumn (September to November): The off-peak season months in spring and autumn are ideal for taking a Bosphorus cruise. The weather is pleasant, with temperatures ranging between 12°C and 25°C, and the crowds are smaller, offering a more relaxed experience.
  • Summer (June to August): This is the peak tourist season in Istanbul. Its clear skies and sunny weather, with low chances of rain, are perfect for enjoying the city from a cruise vessel. However, be prepared for higher temperatures, large tourist crowds, and higher prices.

Istanbul's landmarks and experiences typically see more visitors on weekends. To avoid crowds, have a relaxed sailing experience, and fully appreciate the city's beauty, take your cruise on weekdays.

  • Daytime: The morning or afternoon hours offer great opportunities to see Istanbul's iconic historical landmarks from the water and capture amazing photographs.
  • Sunset: The sunset hours bathe the city in golden light and make the waters of the Bosphorus Strait shimmer with orange and pink hues, creating a stunning panorama.
  • Night: At night, the city's skyline offers a mesmerizing tableau, lit up against the backdrop of the dark sky and reflected in the waters of the Bosphorus Strait.

tour del bosforo istanbul

  • Check ticket information:  Different cruises have different timings and boarding points. Ensure that you check all the details thoroughly before booking your tickets so that you can choose the best experience that fits your itinerary and requirements.
  • Arrive early:  Arrive at the boarding point 15-30 minutes before departure so that you can secure your seats and don't have to rush.
  • Carry ID: For most cruises, guests have to show ID to be allowed onboard, s ensure that you carry a valid photo ID for a quick check-in.
  • Photography:  Make sure to carry your camera to capture the stunning vistas of Istanbul from the boat.

Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia

Hagia Sophia, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Istanbul, stands as an architectural marvel and symbol of Byzantine grandeur. Built in the 6th century, originally a church, then a mosque, a museum, and a mosque again, its rich history and stunning design captivate visitors worldwide.

Topkapi Palace is a testament to the opulence and power of the Ottoman Empire. Constructed in the mid-15th century, this historic complex was once home to Sultans and features exquisite architecture, lush gardens, and priceless treasures.

The Blue Mosque, officially known as the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, is one of the most prominent historical monuments gracing Istanbul's skyline. Its iconic six minarets and stunning blue tilework draw visitors to marvel at its beauty and grandeur.

Bosphorus Bridge

The Bosphorus Bridge, a symbol of modern Istanbul, spans the strait, connecting Europe and Asia. Its iconic silhouette and strategic importance as a key transportation artery underscore its role in linking the continents.

Dolmabahce Palace

Dolmabahçe Palace, with its picturesque waterfront views of the Bosphorus, is a testament to 19th-century Ottoman grandeur. Its resplendent architecture and interiors reflect imperial opulence, making it one of the city's most prominent cultural landmarks.

Galata Tower

Galata Tower, a historic landmark in Istanbul, offers panoramic views of the city's skyline. Dating back to the medieval era, it holds historical, architectural, and cultural significance, making it a must-visit destination for tourists and locals alike.

Maiden's Tower (Kiz Kulesi)

Set on a small islet in the Bosphorus Strait, the Maiden's Tower is a distinctive sight in Istanbul. With a history steeped in legends and mysteries, this enchanting structure invites visitors to uncover its secrets while offering stunning views of the city.

Ortaköy Mosque

Ortaköy Mosque, situated on the Bosphorus waterfront, is a striking example of Ottoman Baroque architecture. Its elegant design and scenic location make it a distinctive feature of the cityscape.

Beylerbeyi Palace

Located on the Asian coast of the Bosphorus, Beylerbeyi Palace is a fusion of Ottoman and European architectural styles. Its ornate walls enclose opulent interiors, offering a glimpse into the luxurious lifestyle of Ottoman rulers and making it a captivating destination for history enthusiasts.

Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge

Named after the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror, the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge spans the Bosporus Strait in Istanbul and connects the European and Asian sides of the city. With its distinct silhouette, it is an iconic landmark of Istanbul's skyline.

Küçüksu Palace

Constructed in the 19th century during the reign of Sultan Abdulmecid I, Küçüksu Palace served as a summer retreat for sultans and dignitaries of the late Ottoman Empire. Its location on the Asian shore of the Bosphorus Strait made it ideal as a royal hunting lodge and for short getaways.

Rumeli Hisarı Fortress

Rumeli Hisarı Fortress is a historical stronghold situated on the European shore of the Bosphorus Strait in Istanbul. Constructed by Sultan Mehmed II in 1452, it served as a strategic fortification during the Ottoman Empire's conquest of Constantinople. Today, it is one of the city's most prominent historical landmarks that can be seen on a Bosphorus cruise.

Anatolian Fortress

The Anatolian Fortress, also known as Anadoluhisarı, is a medieval fortress located on the Asian side of the Bosphorus in Istanbul. Built by Sultan Bayezid I in 1395, it served as a defensive structure guarding the Anatolian side of the city against naval attacks from the north.

Ciragan Palace

Çırağan Palace is a former 19th-century Ottoman palace that has now been converted into a luxury hotel. Constructed in the Neo-Baroque style, it features lavish architecture, grand halls, marble columns, ornate decorations, and lush gardens. It was renowned for its opulence and served as a symbol of the wealth and power of the Ottoman Empire.

There are many Bosphorus cruise options to choose from. You can opt for sightseeing cruises, dining cruises, which include a sumptuous lunch or dinner, and yacht tours, where you can sail on the Bosphorus Strait in a luxury yacht and soak in the sights of the city.

The duration of a Bosphorus cruise depends on the type of experience you choose. Sightseeing cruises are typically between 1 hour and 2 hours long, while yacht tours last for approximately 2 hours. Cruises that include a meal are typically around 3 hours long. There are also longer cruises lasting about 4 to 6 hours or even the full day.

Most Bosphorus sightseeing cruises do include an audio guide in multiple languages. Depending on the experience chosen, other types of cruises such as yacht tours may also include an audio guide or a professional guide as part of the tour.

Bosphorus cruises depart from various boarding points in Istanbul. The most common one is Kabatas Pier, but cruises also start from the BUDO Eminonu Pier, the Bosphorus pier outside Dolmabahce Palace, and Bosphorus Yachts in Beşiktaş. Please check your ticket for more information and details.

Bosphorus sightseeing cruises are ideal for families as they provide a unique way to explore Istanbul as well as being an unforgettable experience. Alternatively, you can also opt for combo tickets where you can combine a Bosphorus with a visit to one or more of Istanbul's top historical attractions, making it a cost-effective option.

Bosphorus dinner cruises are perfect for couples as they offer a romantic experience. You can enjoy delicious traditional food and drinks, accompanied by live entertainment as you see the city come to life around you.

Depending on the experience chosen, you may be able to cancel your booking 24 hours in advance and get a refund. However, not all cruises allow cancellation. We recommend that you check the cancellation policy when booking.

Bosphorus cruises that include meals typically offer non-vegetarian options. In case you have any dietary requirements or restrictions, please check with the cruise operator to know if they can be accommodated.

Bosphorus cruises are a fantastic experience to have no matter when you visit Istanbul. Daytime cruises offer some of the best views of the city's historical landmarks, ensuring you will capture stunning photographs. If you go on an evening cruise, you will be able to see the city in the golden light of the setting sun. Dinner cruises are a great opportunity to experience a slice of Istanbul's culture with on-board folk performances, and you also get to see the city lit up at night.

This depends solely on the cruise chosen. However, typically, children aged under 4 can go for free, while those aged 4-15 can avail of discounts on Bosphorus cruise tickets, provided they have a valid ID.

Bosphorus cruises are available throughout the year. The timings depend on the type of cruise and experience chosen, but they typically start from 9am onwards. Sightseeing cruises are available throughout the day until around 5pm, while lunch cruises start between 9.30am and 12pm. Sunset cruises start between 2pm and 5pm, while dinner cruises usually begin between 8.30pm and 9pm.

Yes, you can go on a Bosphorus cruise at any time of the year. However, the starting times or schedules of the cruise might change depending on the season.

Many of Istanbul's most prominent landmarks are located along the shores of the Bosphorus Strait and can be seen from your cruise boat, such as Topkapi Palace, Dolmabahce Palace, Ciragan Palace, Maiden's Tower, Rumeli fortress, and many more.

About Bosphorus Cruises

About Bosphorus Cruises

Bosphorus Evening Cruises

Bosphorus Evening Cruises

Bosphorus Dinner Cruises

Bosphorus Dinner Cruises

Istanbul Bosphorus Tours

tour del bosforo istanbul

  • See all photos

tour del bosforo istanbul

Bosphorus Yacht Cruise with Refreshments - Stopover at Kanlica

tour del bosforo istanbul

Guided Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on Luxurious Yacht - Small Group Cruise

tour del bosforo istanbul

True Discovery: Full Day Tour and Cruise of Istanbul

tour del bosforo istanbul

Bosphorus Dinner Cruise and Turkish Dance Shows

tour del bosforo istanbul

Private Proposal Tour in Bosphorus

tour del bosforo istanbul

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as wait time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.

Vilma F

Istanbul Bosphorus Tours - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

Bosphorus Dinner Cruise with Turkish Night Shows

Best Value Dinner Cruise in Istanbul

tour del bosforo istanbul

Full Day Guided Tour to Old City Highlights Cultural Walking Tour of Istanbul

Full Day Guided Tour to Old City Highlights Cultural Walking Tour of Istanbul

I am John Doe

And I'm a Photographer

Istanbul Tour


Istanbul in a day - the ultimate guided walking tour of istanbul.

Istanbul is a city with thousands of years of history, all layered together and visible in its stunning monuments, buildings and neighborhoods. The historic center in particular is full of things to do and see, and luckily they're all within walking distance of one another.

If you've only got one free day to explore, we've got you covered. This guided walking tour of Istanbul will help you hit all the main monuments and areas in a day.

Istanbul Bosphorus Dinner Cruise and Turkish Night Show


We have a different view on a good night out - istanbul's showboat dinner cruise on the bosphorus.

All-Inclusive Bosphorus Dinner Cruise with Turkish Night Shows. See Istanbul lit up for the night as you sail between Europe and Asia on this lively Bosphorus dinner cruise, aboard a spacious double-decker boat. Soak up the atmosphere as whirling dervishes spin and belly dancers twist and shake, while Istanbul's historic skyline glides by. Your package includes dinner, performances and round-trip coach transfers from central hotels.

Istanbul Bosphorus Sunset Cruise

Istanbul Bosphorus Sunset Cruise

Your Most Personalised Bosphorus Cruise Experience in Istanbul. Witness the enchantment of Istanbul with a 2.5-Hour evening cruise...

Istanbul Lunch Cruise on Bosphorus, Istanbul Bosphorus and Black Sea Cruise

Istanbul Bosphorus and Black Sea Cruise

Half Day Extra Long Circle Istanbul Bosphorus and Black Sea Tour with Lunch. Spend a pleasant afternoon exploring the Bosphorus Strait and the Black Sea...



Luxury Yacht Cruise: During your 2 hours and 30 min Bosphorus sightseeing cruise, you'll be free to wander between decks to capture the best shots of Istanbul's attractions. Our experienced guide will illustrate the history of what you see during the cruise; Bosphorus has a storied past, and our guides know the fun facts you can't find in a tourist handbook. See why this is one of the best Istanbul city sightseeing cruises. Book now and enjoy your adventure with us!





Historical tour of istanbul with bosphorus sunset cruise.

Combine a trip to both Istanbul's greatest sites including the Blue Mosque, Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace, Grand Bazaar and a luxury yacht cruise on the Bosphorus in one day. Take advantage of special no-wait entry at the Topkapi Palace and skip-the-line access to the great Ottoman Palace during this full-day tour.

Istanbul Sunrise Cruise on the Bosphorus


Watch istanbul wake up from the comfort on a luxury yacht during a 2.5-hour sunrise cruise..

In the glow of the early morning light, snap photos of iconic places including Bosphorus Bridges, Dolmabahce Palace, Rumeli Fortress, Maiden's Tower and the city skyline as the city revs up for the day. Your cruise includes a light breakfast served with hot tea and coffee, the perfect way to start your day!

Istanbul Weddings on Luxury Yacht on Bosphorus


A wedding can be the most significant moment in a couple's life. bosphorus tours istanbul can help you make a beautiful beginning..

Happily ever after begins with our cruises. Celebrate the beginning of your journey together on one of our charters that offers a unique experience certain to ensure your wedding day is memorable.

Dolmabahce Palace Tour and Bosphorus Cruise on Luxury Yacht


Skip the ticket line and enter the dolmabahce palace 'dolmabahce palace tour' with a professional tour guide..

Learn more about the history of the palace and its differences with the Topkapi Palace. Gaze in awe at the mesmerizing view of Istanbul and the Bosphorus Strait on a 2.5-hours luxury yacht cruise. This 5 hours tour offers history, culture and marvelous scenery of Istanbul on a luxury yacht cruise of the Bosphorus.

Marvellous Tour of Istanbul with Bosphorus Cruise


Istanbul true discovery - intensive city visiting with dolmabahce palace - relaxing bosphorus and the black sea cruise with lunch.

A Marvelous Tour of Istanbul with Dolmabahce Palace and Bosphorus Lunch Cruise up to the Black Sea. Istanbul True Discovery - Intensive City Visiting with Dolmabahce Palace - Relaxing Bosphorus and the Black Sea Cruise with Lunch

Istanbul Lunch Cruise on Bosphorus

Istanbul Lunch Cruise on Bosphorus

Istanbul's Best Lunch Cruise on the Bosphorus, Extended Bosphorus Cruise up to the Black Sea

Istanbul Bosphorus Dinner Cruise and Turkish Night Show

Istanbul Bosphorus Dinner Cruise and Turkish Night Show

Bosphorus night cruise with dinner, drinks and great Turkish night shows...

Istanbul Bosphorus Boat Tour

Istanbul Bosphorus Boat Tour, 2.5-Hour Short Circle

See both the European and Asian sides of Istanbul on a 2.5-hour boat cruise of the Bosphorus Strait.

Istanbul: Dolmabahce Palace Tour and Bosphorus Cruise

Istanbul: Dolmabahce Palace Tour and Bosphorus Cruise

Full-Day Tour and Cruise of Istanbul with Dolmabahce Palace, Cable Car and lunch

Istanbul Byzantine and Ottoman Traces Tour

Istanbul Byzantine & Ottoman Traces Tour

Experience Turkey’s Ottoman and Byzantine eras during this full-day guided Istanbul city tour in the Sultanahmet district.

Princes Island Tour Istanbul

Princes Island Tour Istanbul

The only tour to 3 different islands, Kinaliada, Heybeliada and Buyukada with open buffet lunch served aboard our own boat.

Istanbul Afternoon Bosphorus and Black Sea Cruise, Bosphorus and Black Sea Cruise

Istanbul: Bosphorus and Black Sea Cruise

Long Circle Bosphorus lunch cruise up to the Black Sea offering swimming in the cold water of the Black Sea.

Gift Vouchers Istanbul Lunch Cruise, ALL IN ONE DAY ISTANBUL

Exclusive Istanbul Dinner Cruise: Indulge in Gourmet Delights and Private Entertainment by the Bosphorus

A taste of exclusivity: an unforgettable evening on the bosphorus in istanbul.

Prepare for an unforgettable evening experience amidst an endless vista, with the magnificent Bosphorus views and the glittering city skyline. Get ready to spoil yourself with the "Exclusive Istanbul Dinner Cruise."

Discover the Treasures of Istanbul While Enjoying the Bosphorus Lunch Cruise Adventure

Istanbul bosphorus lunch cruise.

Traveling and exploring can sometimes be a bit exhausting. What if we told you that there's a chance to witness all the historical and natural wonders of Istanbul while simply sitting back and savoring your meal? Well, that's precisely what you can experience with the Istanbul Lunch Cruise.

Discover the Treasures of Istanbul While Enjoying the Bosphorus Lunch Cruise Adventure

A Romantic Tale Unfolds: Marriage Proposal on a Sunset Cruise Istanbul

Marriage proposal: toast to your happy future by celebrating your love in a moment to always remember.

Istanbul, a city known for its mesmerizing beauty and timeless charm, has long been a destination for lovers seeking to create unforgettable memories. And what better way to craft a memory to last a lifetime than with a marriage proposal on a romantic sunset cruise?

How about making a surprise marriage proposal to your girlfriend after a Sunset Cruise Istanbul?

Celebrate your love with a sunset cruise istanbul.

As the sun descends over the captivating skyline of Istanbul, casting a mesmerizing glow over the Bosphorus, there's no better moment to embark on a romantic journey with your partner. A Sunset Cruise in Istanbul is not just a tour; it's an enchanting experience that allows you to immerse yourselves in the beauty of the city.

Celebrate Your Love with a Sunset Cruise Istanbul

An Unforgettable Experience with a Magnificent Bosphorus Evening Dinner and Enchanting Belly-Dancing Show in Istanbul

Istanbul bosphorus dinner cruise and turkish night shows.

Are you seeking a memorable experience in Istanbul? Look no further! Join us for an Istanbul Bosphorus Cruise with Dinner and Belly-Dancing Show that promises to enchant your evening. As you step aboard our cruise, you'll be greeted by the stunning views of the Bosphorus, the waterway that divides Istanbul between Europe and Asia. The journey begins with a sumptuous dinner featuring a delectable selection of local and international dishes.

Discover Istanbul's Cuisine Aboard a Bosphorus Lunch Cruise

Istanbul Lunch Cruise: A Culinary Journey on the Bosphorus Our expert chefs will take you on a gastronomic journey, offering you a taste of traditional dishes that have been perfected over centuries. Whether you're a seasoned food enthusiast or a newcomer to Turkish cuisine, this cruise promises a memorable and delicious experience.

Discover Istanbul's Cuisine Aboard a Bosphorus Lunch Cruise

An Istanbul sunset view you can witness during a sunset tour that resembles an exquisite oil painting, capable of making painters jealous

Istanbul's enchanting sunset cruise: a canvas of dreams.

The Istanbul sunset is more than just a natural phenomenon; it's a masterpiece in motion. As you embark on a sunset cruise istanbul, you'll find yourself immersed in a scene that seems plucked from the realms of fantasy. The sky is painted in hues of rose and gold, casting a warm, otherworldly glow upon the iconic minarets and domes of the city's skyline.

Captivating Bosphorus Cruise: The Perfect Setting for Your Marriage Proposal Istanbul

Marriage proposal in istanbul.

If you want to make a marriage proposal that crowns love with a lifetime of commitment, you can consider a marriage proposal on a yacht as a privileged choice. At Velena Travel, we offer perfect opportunities to create enchanting worlds for couples with our special yacht marriage proposal arrangements. Every marriage proposal is a memorable story where special moments come together. While crafting these stories, we also provide the privilege of being on a luxury yacht on the sea.

Captivating Bosphorus Cruise: The Perfect Setting for Your Marriage Proposal Istanbul

Savor the Delights of Istanbul with Unforgettable Lunch Cruise Adventures

Bosphorus lunch cruise (to black sea).

Indulge in the essence of Istanbul with our unforgettable lunch cruise adventures. Picture yourself on a beautiful yacht, gently sailing through the iconic Bosphorus, surrounded by the city's stunning landmarks.

Combining Bosphorus Black Sea Cruise with a Dreamy Istanbul Proposal

Bosphorus cruise to black sea (with istanbul proposal).

Love, they say, knows no boundaries, and when it finds its way to Istanbul, a city of timeless beauty and rich history, it becomes an enchanting tale of romance and adventure. For those seeking a one-of-a-kind experience to celebrate their love, a Bosphorus Black Sea cruise followed by a dreamy proposal in Istanbul is the perfect choice.

Where Love Meets the Black Sea: Combining Bosphorus Black Sea Cruise with a Dreamy Istanbul Proposal

Where Two Worlds Meet: Bosphorus Cruise to the Allure of the Black Sea

Bosphorus cruise to black sea.

As the Bosphorus widens, revealing its majestic expanse, the transition (Bosphorus Cruise) to the Black Sea begins. The air becomes imbued with a sense of excitement and anticipation, as you venture further into uncharted territories. The allure of the Black Sea beckons, promising untamed beauty and unique experiences.

What Bosphorus Cruise Tour to Take in Istanbul?

Bopshorus cruise.

In Istanbul, there are several Bosphorus cruise tours available that offer different experiences and durations. Experience the beauty of Istanbul waterways and landmarks on this Bosphorus cruise sightseeing tour.

What Bosphorus Cruise Tour to Take in Istanbul?

Istanbul "Kariye" Chora Museum

Chora mosaics.

This church, built by the Byzantine Emperer Theodosuis II, is situated outside the city walls 'in istanbul city'.

Istanbul Proposal: Marriage Proposal on Istanbul Tour

With the istanbul tour, you can learn about the social and cultural points of the city and what you can do here..

Whether you're interested in history, food, or art, Istanbul has something for everyone to enjoy.

Istanbul Proposal: Marriage Proposal on Istanbul Tour

Istanbul to Bursa

Day trip to bursa from istanbul.

Between Istanbul and Izmit, motorists must choose between the fast new toll road and the coastal highway. On the motorway there is only the occasional glimpse of the Izmit Golu to relieve the monotony.

Istanbul to Gallipoli

Thrace, the birthplace of orpheus, is a land of bare, windswept hills and melancholy, marshy plains..

Bordering on Greece and Bulgaria, it has been blessed or cursed with a long and eventful history. When the Romans formed the Province of Asia, they constructed the Via Egnatia the main route from Rome to the east.

Istanbul to Gallipoli, Istanbul Bosphorus Tours

Essential Istanbul

Spring is the best time of the year to visit istanbul..

Then the hills along the Bosphorus are green with new growth and the flowers of the judas trees dance in the sunlight. Fresh breezes from the Black Sea blow away the last traces of winter's smogs. In summer it can be very hot, especially when the lodos, a SW wind from the Marmara, blows.

Istanbul Bosphorus Tours Timeline

Full-Day Guided Tour to Old Town Highlights Timeline for Istanbul Cultural Walking Tour and Bosphorus Yacht Cruise

Istanbul Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on Luxurious Yacht

Romantic retreat: bosphorus sunset cruise on luxurious yacht in istanbul.

Romantic Retreat: Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on Luxurious Yacht in Istanbul

An Istanbul sunset yacht cruise is a popular and enjoyable activity for both locals and tourists. Istanbul, Turkey's largest city, is uniquely situated along the Bosphorus Strait, which separates Europe from Asia. The city's stunning skyline...

Sunset Bosphorus Cruise

Bosphorus at sunset cruise on a luxury yacht.

Sailing into Serenity: Experiencing Istanbul's Bosphorus at Sunset Cruise on a Luxury Yacht

Sailing into Serenity: Experiencing Istanbul's Bosphorus at Sunset Cruise on a Luxury Yacht. Step aboard a luxury yacht and prepare for a serene journey along Istanbul's Bosphorus, as the sun begins its descent and paints the sky with vibrant hues.

Romantic Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on Luxury Yacht

Romantic Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on Luxury Yacht

The Bosphorus sunset is not only a visual delight but also an opportunity to reflect and appreciate the beauty of Istanbul. The interplay between light, water, and the city's architecture creates an unforgettable experience.

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise by Luxury Yacht in Istanbul

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise by Luxury Yacht in Istanbul

A Bosphorus yacht tour is a popular activity for visitors to Istanbul, Turkey. The Bosphorus is a narrow strait that connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara and separates the European and Asian sides of Istanbul. A yacht tour is a great way to experience the beauty and history of Istanbul from the water.

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise

Soak up istanbul's gorgeous view on our sunset bosphorus yacht cruise with istanbul yacht guide.

Soak up Istanbul's Gorgeous View on Our Sunset Bosphorus Yacht Cruise with Istanbul Yacht Guide, Bosphorus Sunset Cruise

The Sunset Bosphorus Yacht Cruise is a great way to soak up the picturesque views of Istanbul while enjoying the beauty of the sunset. The Sunset cruise typically lasts around 2.5 to 3 hours, and offers a stunning panoramic view of the city's skyline and historical landmarks.

Istanbul Tour

Blue mosque and hagia sophia tour.

Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia Tour, Istanbul Tour

If you're interested in touring these historic sites, it's recommended that you join a guided tour or hire a licensed tour guide to fully appreciate the cultural and historical significance of each site. The Blue Mosque, also known as Sultan Ahmed Mosque, is a historic mosque located in Istanbul, Turkey. It was built in the early 17th century during the reign of Sultan Ahmed I, and it is renowned for its distinctive blue tiles and six minarets. The mosque is open to visitors, but it is still an active place of worship, so it is important to dress modestly and respect the customs of the Muslim faith. Hagia Sophia, on the other hand, is a museum located in Istanbul, Turkey, that was originally a church and later converted into a mosque during the Ottoman Empire. It is an iconic landmark of Istanbul and is famous for its massive dome and stunning Byzantine architecture. In 2020, Hagia Sophia was once again converted into a mosque, but it is still open to visitors for guided tours.

Bosphorus Sunset Sightseeing Cruise

Bosphorus Sunset Sightseeing Cruise, Bosphorus Sunset Cruise

A sunset on the water is an amazing way to end your cruise experience, and an equally amazing way to start your evening! Whether it's to impress that special someone with a picture-perfect moment or just appreciate a great time with great mates - a sunset cruise is something everyone will remember. Velena Travel offers daily sunset yacht cruises on the Bosphorus and we invite everyone to come to take this amazing cruise on our 25-meters luxury yacht.

Bosphorus Sightseeing Cruise

Bosphorus sightseeing cruise on luxury yacht in istanbul.

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise

Experience a small group cruise on a luxury yacht during the sunset and indulge yourself in a sunset yacht cruise that you will never forget. Enjoy delicious snacks, Turkish baklava, and a seasonal fruit platter, relax and feel the breeze while our guide and crew provide attentive, personalized service to you and your guests. We'll take care of everything. All you need to bring is your wonderful selves.

Bosphorus Sunset Sightseeing Cruise on Luxurious Yacht

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise

Enjoy Istanbul from the waterfront by joining this relaxing yacht tour around the Bosphorus at dusk! Pass by some of the city's most popular areas like Dolmabahce Palace, Bosphorus Bridges, Rumeli Fortress, Maiden's Tower and much more... As you marvel at Beylerbeyi Palace under the light of the setting sun, your fun and engaging tour guide will share fascinating stories and interesting commentary about the Bosphorus and Istanbul.

Istanbul 2.5-hour Sunset Cruise Dreamy on the Bosphorus with Live Tour Guide

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise

Relax and enjoy the beautiful sun setting behind Istanbul's world-famous skyline. This picturesque cruise is great to enjoy with friends, family, or romantic partners. The yacht features a 360 degrees view of the city with a full-service cash bar and restrooms, as well as an open-air upper deck. Local tour guides complement the experience with a light narration. Take the selfie of a lifetime and toast the end of the day with a glass of wine, ice-cold beer, or a hand-crafted cocktail on this unforgettable Istanbul experience!

Sunset Dinner Cruise

Bosphorus sunset cruise with dinner.

Bosphorus Sunset Dinner Cruise

We'll bring the adventure, you bring the romance on our Bosphorus Sunset Dinner Cruise. Our stylish boat is the perfect vessel on which to wine and dine you. Get up close and personal with the incredible views of Istanbul at sunset. It's good vibes only on this pleasure cruise that includes cocktails, locally-prepared appetizers, dinner and dessert. Take in the beauty of Istanbul on this Bosphorus Sunset Dinner Cruise. Sail along the coast and enjoy a drink on the deck of our premier boat. Dine on board in a scenic strait that seperates Europe from Asia. Admire stunning views of the Bosphorus illuminated and dance the night away to music by a professional DJ.

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on Luxury Yacht with Live Tour Guide

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise, Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on Luxury Yacht with Live Tour Guide

Private Bosphorus Sunset Cruise

Bosphorus Yacht Cruise; Let yourself be guided on an in-depth sightseeing tour of Istanbul and discover the city's symbolic monuments from another angle. Accompanied by a guide, relive the exceptional moments that have shaped Istanbul's destiny through the centuries. These are outstanding bosphorus sunset tours for an exhilarating experience

Beautiful Sightseeing of Both Sides of Istanbul from The River

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise, Beautiful Sightseeing of Both Sides of Istanbul from The River

Bosphorus Yacht Cruise

Whatever you are planning to do in Istanbul, you should consider this bosphorus sunset cruise on the top of your wishlist there. Your enjoy the luxury yacht with amazing sunset cruise. You can live sunset cruise with very good guidance service.

Bosphorus Dinner Cruise

Dinner cruise and turkish night shows.

Bosphorus Dinner Cruise, Istanbul Bosphorus Turkish Night Show

Istanbul Dinner Cruise with Turkish Night Shows on the Bosphorus Celebrate with friends or someone special

With stunning views on the Bosphorus, you won't find a dining experience like this on land. Enjoy a three-course plated menu aboard an elegant boat designed to showcase the city's iconic places by night. With creatively plated dishes, refreshing appetizers, and live entertainment-it's Istanbul, served tableside.

Sunset Bosphorus

Sunset Bosphorus, Istanbul Bosphorus Sunset Cruises

Experience your Bosphorus Sunset Cruise with Sunset Bosphorus Yacht.

Watch Istanbul from an unusual point of view from a 25-meters luxury yacht. Relax and enjoy the refreshments on board.

Istanbul Sunset Bosphorus Yacht Cruises

Sunset Cruise Bosphorus, Istanbul Sunset Bosphorus Yacht Cruises

Whatever the reason, the Istanbul Bosphorus Sunset Cruise is an emotional, romantic, and peaceful atmosphere that permeates the soul.

Immerse yourself in the calming air of the sea with a romantic bosphorus sunset cruise. You can experience this beautiful city in a relaxing way with the sunset bosphorus tour away from the crowds of the city.

The Legendary Bosphorus Sunset Cruise

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise, The Legendary Bosphorus Sunset Cruise

Sunset Cruise on the Bosphorus, right in between two continents: Europe and Asia

When you think Istanbul the first thing that comes to mind is The Bosphorus. How about seeing and cruising this beautiful city Istanbul from the middle of the bosphorus?

Private yacht cruise is the best way to discover the wonders of this magical strait. The legendary bosphorus sunset cruise by Luxury Yacht.

Luxury Yacht Cruise

Romantic sunset cruise on the bosphorus.

Luxury Yacht Cruise, Romantic Sunset Cruise on the Bosphorus

This is sure to be the highlight of your Istanbul!

Escape the busy streets of Istanbul and enjoy a luxury yacht experience on a Bosphorus Sunset Cruise! And this cruise is unlike any other in Istanbul, it is operated on our 82ft luxury yacht names "SUNSET BOSPHORUS". Enjoy the cool Black Sea breeze while we sail along the two sides of the Bosphorus.

Share the wind-in-your-face moment with your special someone amid a stunning Bosphorus landscape. As the setting sun transforms the sky with vivid amber hues, savor your spellbinding surroundings and let us serve you on this two-hour and 30 min. cruise. This is sure to be the highlight of your Istanbul!

Istanbul Sunset Cruise by Luxury Yacht

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise, Istanbul Sunset Cruise by Luxury Yacht

Experience Istanbul from an unusual point of view and take in the sunset from a 25-meters luxury yacht. Relax and enjoy the refreshments on board. Board our luxury yacht, SUNSET BOSPHORUS and you'll soon be heading out to sea on this 2-Hours and 30 min. shared sunset cruise on the Bosphorus. As the crew raises the sails you can sit back, relax and enjoy some music. Take in views of the Istanbul skyline as you enjoy a glass of Champagne, white wine or soda.

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise Take in views of the Istanbul skyline

Bosphorus Sunset Cruise, Take in views of the Istanbul skyline

Romantic Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on a Luxurious Yacht

Luxury Yacht Cruise, Romantic Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on a Luxurious Yacht

Sail away on a magical sunset cruise on the Bosphorus and You have will last a lifetime experience on our Luxurious Sunset Bosphorus Yacht.

Istanbul New Year's Eve Premier Dinner Cruise and Party on the Bosphorus

New year's eve in istanbul is truly an experience unlike any other ring in the new year in style and countdown to midnight with a new year's eve premier bosphorus dinner cruise in istanbul. enjoy a unique celebration, a festive atmosphere, and the best views of istanbul..

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Turkey Things

The 7 Best Bosphorus Cruise Tours in 2024

Top 3 Bosphorus Cruise Tours we recommend: 

  • #1 Best Overall: Istanbul Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on Luxury Yacht
  • #2 Best Golden Horn: Istanbul 3 Hours Boat Cruise in Bosphorus
  • #3 Best Dinner with Entertainment: Istanbul Bosphorus Cruise

#1 Best Overall: Istanbul Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on Luxury Yacht

tour del bosforo istanbul

Experience the enchanting beauty of Istanbul’s Bosphorus Strait with our luxurious Sunset Cruise on a private yacht. This exclusive tour offers a memorable journey along the glittering waters of the Bosphorus as you soak in breathtaking panoramic views of Istanbul’s iconic landmarks, picturesque villages, and stunning waterfront mansions. Relax in style and indulge in a truly unforgettable evening as you witness the vibrant hues of the setting sun casting a magical spell over the city’s skyline.

Why Join this Tour?

  • Unparalleled Luxury: Step aboard our elegant yacht, equipped with modern amenities and lavish comforts, ensuring a first-class experience throughout the cruise.
  • Spectacular Sunset Views: Capture the mesmerizing beauty of Istanbul’s skyline as the sun gracefully dips below the horizon, painting the sky with a kaleidoscope of colors.
  • Iconic Landmarks : Sail past iconic landmarks such as the majestic Bosphorus Bridge, Dolmabahçe Palace, Ortaköy Mosque, and the stunning Maiden’s Tower, providing an up-close encounter with the city’s rich history and architectural marvels.
  • Scenic Villages and Mansions: Admire the charming villages and opulent waterfront mansions that adorn the Bosphorus coastline, offering a glimpse into the grandeur and elegance of Istanbul’s elite.
  • Professional Crew and Service: The experienced crew members are dedicated to ensuring your comfort and satisfaction throughout the journey, providing exceptional service and assistance.
  • Captivating Atmosphere: Immerse yourself in the enchanting ambiance as gentle sea breezes caress your face, creating a serene and romantic setting for an unforgettable evening.
  • Photography Opportunities: Capture picture-perfect moments against the backdrop of Istanbul’s captivating scenery, preserving memories that will last a lifetime.

From the breathtaking sunset views and iconic landmarks to the luxurious onboard amenities and attentive crew, this tour provides the perfect opportunity to unwind, indulge, and create lasting memories in the heart of Istanbul . Embark on this enchanting journey and discover the city’s mesmerizing allure from a unique perspective, leaving you with cherished memories and a newfound appreciation for Istanbul’s splendor.

#2 Sail through the Beauty of Istanbul’s Bosphorus: Morning or Sunset

tour del bosforo istanbul

The Istanbul Bosphorus Cruise Tour offers an unforgettable experience of cruising along the Bosphorus Strait, which connects the European and Asian sides of Istanbul. This scenic tour allows you to witness the enchanting beauty of Istanbul’s skyline, historic landmarks, and the sparkling waters of the Bosphorus. The tour is available in two options: Morning or Sunset, allowing you to choose the best time to embark on this captivating journey.

  • Spectacular Views : Immerse yourself in breathtaking panoramic views of Istanbul’s iconic landmarks, such as the majestic Dolmabahçe Palace, Rumeli Fortress, and the stunning Bosphorus Bridge. Capture stunning photographs against the backdrop of the shimmering waters and architectural wonders.
  • Historical Significance: Learn about the rich history and culture of Istanbul as you cruise past historical landmarks, including the Ottoman-era mansions, palaces, and ancient fortresses that line the Bosphorus. Gain insights into the city’s fascinating past through informative commentary provided by experienced guides.
  • Serene Escape : Indulge in a peaceful, tranquil experience away from the bustling city streets. The gentle sway of the boat, the fresh sea breeze, and the soothing ambiance of the Bosphorus will transport you to a state of relaxation and rejuvenation.
  • Morning Option : Opt for the morning tour to witness Istanbul come alive as the sun rises over the horizon. Enjoy the tranquil morning atmosphere, the golden light illuminating the city, and the calmness of the Bosphorus waters.
  • Sunset Option: Choose the sunset tour to witness the mesmerizing transformation of Istanbul’s skyline as the sun paints the sky with vibrant orange, pink, and purple hues. Experience the magical atmosphere as the city lights up and reflects on the water, creating a captivating sight.

Whether you choose the morning or sunset option, you will be treated to breathtaking views, a glimpse into Istanbul’s captivating past, and a peaceful escape from the city’s hustle and bustle. Embark on this unforgettable journey, soak in the panoramic vistas, and create cherished memories of Istanbul’s timeless allure.

#3 Uncover the Splendor of Dolmabahce Palace – A Full Day of Exquisite Exploration on Bosphorus!

tour del bosforo istanbul

Experience the enchanting fusion of history and natural beauty with our Istanbul Bosphorus Cruise and Dolmabahce Palace Tour, a full-day excursion that promises an unforgettable adventure. Step aboard a comfortable boat and embark on a leisurely cruise along the legendary Bosphorus Strait, where the continents of Europe and Asia meet in perfect harmony. As you glide through the sparkling waters, soak in the breathtaking panoramas of Istanbul’s skyline adorned with architectural marvels, elegant mansions, fortified relics, and charming Ottoman-style houses. The cruise is a gateway to Istanbul’s captivating heritage and cultural tapestry, revealing the city’s essence from a unique vantage point.

  • Explore the Bosphorus: Experience the beauty and significance of the Bosphorus Strait, an iconic waterway that connects Europe and Asia.’
  • Scenic Views: Enjoy panoramic views of Istanbul’s skyline, historic landmarks, and charming waterfront mansions from the boat.
  • Architectural Splendor: Discover the grandeur of the Dolmabahce Palace, an architectural gem showcasing the luxury of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Cultural Insight: Gain a deeper understanding of Istanbul’s rich history, culture, and heritage as you explore the palace and learn about its significance.
  • Professional Guide : Benefit from the knowledge and expertise of a professional guide who will provide informative commentary throughout the tour.
  • Hassle-Free Experience: Leave the logistics to the tour operator and enjoy a well-organized itinerary with convenient transportation and entrance tickets.

From the scenic cruise along the Bosphorus to the awe-inspiring Dolmabahce Palace, this tour provides a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the splendor of Istanbul’s past and present. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, an architecture lover, or simply seeking a captivating experience, this full-day tour is a perfect choice to explore the highlights of Istanbul hassle-free and informative.

#4 Best Dinner with Entertainment: Istanbul Bosphorus Cruise

tour del bosforo istanbul

Explore a captivating and unforgettable experience that combines the beauty of the Bosphorus Strait, delectable cuisine, and lively entertainment. This tour allows you to discover the enchanting city of Istanbul from a unique perspective as you sail along the iconic Bosphorus, which divides the European and Asian continents. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking scenery, indulge in a delicious dinner, and be entertained by various cultural performances on board. This tour promises an evening filled with romance, elegance, and a glimpse into Istanbul’s rich history and vibrant culture.

  • Delicious Dinner: Indulge in a sumptuous dinner featuring a delectable array of Turkish and international cuisine. From mouthwatering appetizers to delectable main courses and irresistible desserts, the onboard culinary delights will satisfy your taste buds and provide a memorable dining experience.
  • Cultural Entertainment: Enjoy Istanbul’s rich cultural heritage with various entertaining performances. Enjoy traditional Turkish music, captivating folk dances, and mesmerizing belly dance shows that showcase the vibrancy and diversity of Turkish culture.
  • Romantic Atmosphere: Whether you celebrate a special occasion or simply want to spend a romantic evening with your loved one, this tour offers a truly romantic atmosphere. The soft lighting, music, and waves lapping create a magical ambiance perfect for a memorable and intimate experience.
  • Historical Insights: As you sail along the Bosphorus, your knowledgeable guide will provide fascinating historical insights into Istanbul’s landmarks, sharing stories and anecdotes that bring the city’s history to life. Learn about the significance of each landmark and gain a deeper understanding of Istanbul’s rich past.

This tour combines the city’s natural beauty, gastronomic delights, and cultural heritage, creating an unforgettable evening filled with romance, elegance, and a deeper appreciation for Istanbul’s history and culture. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a food lover, or simply seeking a memorable experience in Istanbul, this tour is a must-join, offering a perfect blend of relaxation, entertainment, and exploration.

#5 Best Audio Guide App: Istanbul Bosphorus Cruise

tour del bosforo istanbul

The Istanbul Bosphorus Cruise and Audio Guide App offers an unforgettable experience, combining the beauty of the Bosphorus Strait with an informative audio guide. This tour allows you to explore the iconic landmarks, stunning scenery, and rich history of Istanbul while cruising along the shimmering waters of the Bosphorus.

  • Spectacular Scenery: Marvel at the breathtaking views of Istanbul’s skyline as you cruise along the Bosphorus Strait. Enjoy panoramic vistas of iconic landmarks such as the Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace , and the majestic Bosphorus Bridge. The stunning blend of modern and historic architecture creates a truly captivating sight.
  • Rich Historical Narration: With the audio guide app, you’ll receive insightful commentary about the historical significance of each landmark you pass. Learn about the ancient empires, cultural heritage, and notable events that have shaped Istanbul’s identity over the centuries. Gain a deeper understanding of the city’s vibrant past.
  • Unique Cultural Experience : As you sail through the Bosphorus, witness the fusion of cultures between Europe and Asia. Absorb the vibrant atmosphere and witness traditional wooden mansions, Ottoman palaces, and charming waterfront neighborhoods. Immerse yourself in Istanbul’s diverse cultural tapestry.
  • Relaxing and Leisurely Cruise: Sit back, relax, and enjoy a leisurely cruise along the Bosphorus Strait. Escape the city’s hustle and bustle, surrounded by serene waters and gentle breezes. This tour provides a peaceful respite and a chance to unwind while taking in the beauty of Istanbul.

With its stunning scenery, rich history, and informative audio guide, this tour is necessary for those seeking a deeper understanding of Istanbul’s cultural heritage. Embark on this journey and let the beauty of the Bosphorus unfold before your eyes.

#6 Best Golden Horn: Istanbul 3 Hours Boat Cruise in Bosphorus

tour del bosforo istanbul

The Istanbul 3 Hours Boat Cruise in Bosphorus and Golden Horn is a captivating tour that takes you on a memorable journey through the heart of Istanbul’s iconic waterways. This enchanting experience offers a unique perspective of the city, allowing you to witness its breathtaking beauty from the tranquil waters of the Bosphorus and the bustling Golden Horn. With a knowledgeable guide providing insightful commentary, you’ll explore the rich history, stunning architecture, and vibrant culture that define this captivating metropolis.

  • Spectacular Views: Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing beauty of Istanbul as you cruise along the Bosphorus and Golden Horn. Marvel at the iconic landmarks that line the shores, including the majestic palaces, historic forts, and grand bridges that span the waterways.
  • Historical Significance: Gain a deeper understanding of Istanbul’s rich history as you pass by significant landmarks like the Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace, and the Rumeli Fortress. Your guide will share fascinating stories and historical insights, allowing you to appreciate the city’s cultural heritage.
  • Architectural Marvels: Admire the impressive architecture that adorns the city’s skyline. From traditional Ottoman mansions to modern skyscrapers, Istanbul showcases a seamless blend of old and new. Capture stunning photos of the diverse architectural styles that grace the waterfront.
  • Cultural Immersion: Experience the vibrant atmosphere and cultural diversity that defines Istanbul. As you sail through the waterways, witness the bustling activity along the shores, with locals going about their daily lives, fishermen casting their nets, and colorful boats navigating the waters.
  • Relaxation and Serenity: Escape the hustle and bustle of the city streets and embrace the tranquility of the water. Feel the gentle breeze on your face and enjoy the peaceful ambiance as you unwind on the boat. This tour offers a serene and rejuvenating experience amidst the stunning natural beauty.

Embarking on the Istanbul 3 Hours Boat Cruise in Bosphorus and Golden Horn promises an unforgettable adventure that showcases the city’s most captivating sights and immerses you in its rich history and culture. From the awe-inspiring views to the architectural wonders and the sense of tranquility, this tour provides a unique perspective of Istanbul that is not to be missed. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a photography lover, or simply seeking a moment of relaxation, this boat cruise offers a perfect blend of discovery and serenity, leaving you with lasting memories of this magnificent city.

#7 Best Night Show: Bosphorus Dinner Cruise from Istanbul

tour del bosforo istanbul

The Bosphorus Dinner Cruise & Night Show from Istanbul is a delightful 4-hour tour that offers a unique dining experience as you sail along the scenic Bosphorus Strait, embracing the mesmerizing beauty of Istanbul by night. Indulge in a traditional Turkish dinner while taking in the breathtaking views of iconic landmarks on both the Asian and European sides of the city. Throughout the evening, you’ll be entertained by captivating live performances, including belly dancing, folk dancing, and whirling dervish shows, creating a truly unforgettable experience.

Traditional Turkish Dinner: Savor a delectable Turkish dinner on board the cruise ship, featuring an array of authentic dishes that showcase Turkey’s rich flavors and culinary heritage. Delight in a gastronomic journey while enjoying the enchanting atmosphere of the boat.

Live Cultural Performances: Enjoy the vibrant Turkish culture through live entertainment during the meal. Witness mesmerizing belly dancing, traditional folk dancing, and graceful whirling dervish performances, providing a captivating glimpse into Turkey’s artistic traditions.

Nighttime Cityscape: Experience the beauty of Istanbul’s illuminated skyline as you cruise along the Bosphorus Strait. Admire the glittering lights and stunning architectural marvels that line the shores, creating a magical ambiance unique to the city by night.

Ideal Vantage Point for Photography: Capture stunning photographs of Istanbul from a prime vantage point on the boat. As you glide through the water, you’ll have the perfect opportunity to snap pictures of the city’s iconic landmarks and panoramic views, creating lasting memories of your journey.

Participate in the Dancing: Feel free to join and let loose on the dance floor after the performances. Engage with the lively atmosphere, interact with fellow guests, and create unforgettable moments as you embrace the joyous spirit of the night.

The Istanbul Bosphorus Dinner Cruise & Night Show promises an unforgettable evening of indulgence, entertainment, and breathtaking views. As you enjoy a sumptuous Turkish dinner accompanied by live cultural performances, you’ll be immersed in the rich tapestry of Turkish traditions. Witness the beauty of Istanbul by night, capturing the city’s enchanting skyline from an ideal vantage point. Whether you’re a food enthusiast, a lover of cultural experiences, or a photography enthusiast, this tour offers an exceptional opportunity to create cherished memories against the backdrop of Istanbul’s vibrant nightlife.

tour del bosforo istanbul

Best of the Bosphorus: Exploring Istanbul by Ferry

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One quickly learns, on a stroll along the Bosphorus, why this short strait has been coveted and conquered by empires since the time of the Ancient Greeks. Not only does the Bosphorus connect the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, but owning it meant bridging the divide between Europe and Asia – so much so that it marked the capitals of the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires.

Today, it’s one of the busiest and most scenic places in Istanbul, flanked by stunning architecture and vibrant neighborhoods that are worth more than just a quick glance on a perfunctory tourist cruise. You’ll definitely want to take some time to dine and soak up the scenery along the way.

If you’re planning to explore Istanbul’s waterfront areas, here’s all the info you need to plan your own Bosphorus tour by riding on the cheap and equally enjoyable public ferries.

In this guide

  • Public ferries in Istanbul
  • Bosphorus ferry routes
  • Stops on the European shore
  • Stops on the Asian shore
  • Where to stay

Istanbul ferry +city map

Using the public ferries in Istanbul

The Istanbul public ferry service is operated by  Şehir Hatları , and fares are extremely affordable. The fare for each trip ranges from 2.60-4 Turkish lira if you pay using an Istanbulkart, Istanbul’s public transport fare card. Otherwise, each trip costs 5 lira.

There are also privately operated ferries by Dentur Avraysa and  Turyol with some additional routes, and they cost the same as the public ferries. However, the ferry terminals/piers are different (~100-300m away) so make sure you go to the correct terminal!

Finally, there are also seabus ferries run by another company, IDO. You can also pay using an Istanbulkart but they mainly operate routes outside the Bosphorus and to other Turkish cities.

Quick pronunciation tip:  Ş = “sh”, Ç = “ch”, i = “ee”, and “ı” (undotted) = like the “i” in “cous i n”.

Top deck on an Instanbul ferry. Photo: Yusuf Evli/Unsplash

Bosphorus ferry tour routes

Instanbul’s ferries all serve the purpose of connecting the European side of Istanbul to the Asian side, so your DIY tour route will criss-cross the Bosphorus several times. Here’s a preview of my Istanbul ferry map showing the most common routes you can choose.

Istanbul ferry map (Bosphorus) · Roamscapes

Click the image to  view+save this map for yourself on Google Maps!

Routes in blue are by Şehir Hatları; routes in orange are by Dentur Avraysa. The latter also runs a hop-on hop-off Bosphorus tour for 20 lira, which offers more unique stops and flexibility than a typical Bosphorus cruise. Other routes such as the “Bosphorus Line” are not marked, as these have limited schedules meant for the local morning/evening work commute.

Stops along the European shore

If you’re staying in the Sultanahmet or Eminonu district, you’re in luck: Eminonu ferry terminal offers routes to multiple other piers so you can choose how to start and end your Istanbul ferry tour. Also, you can easily go for a Turkish bath .

As you go along the waterfront, look out for some fancy boats selling balık ekmek , literally “fish and bread”. Munching on these fried fish sandwiches may help explain why so many people like to fish on the Galata Bridge!

Galata Bridge, Eminonu, Istanbul. Photo: Kenan Tekin/Pixabay

Better known by its historical name Galata, Karakoy’s ferry terminal is just a short walk across the Galata bridge from Eminonu, so you can simply walk over instead of taking the ferry. It’s a lovely cosmopolitan neighborhood: this was where Europeans settled during the Ottoman period, and many of Istanbul’s churches and synagogues are located here.

There’s no way you’ll miss the 63m high Galata Tower , built by the Genoese during the Byzantine era. It’s now one of the most popular vantage points in Istanbul, and for 25 lira you can take an elevator + climb three floors to get to the top.

The Istanbul Modern  art museum occupies a scenic spot in Karakoy, and the showcase of local contemporary art can feel especially refreshing when you’re perpetually surrounded by historical architecture. Note: it has temporarily moved near Sishane while a new building is being constructed.

Istanbul ferry and Galata Tower. Photo: Emre Gencer/Unsplash

Besiktas ferry terminal is actually located in the historical Besiktas quarter; the name is also used to refer to the entire Besiktas district stretching north until just before Rumeli Fortress. This area is one of my favorites with its narrow cobblestone streets overflowing with shoppers and alfresco diners, with not a single recognizable brand in sight.

If you happen to be visiting on a Saturday, hit up the Besiktas Saturday Market   to see what a real local flea market is like! It’s also possible to walk along the shore up to Dolmabahçe Palace or down to Ortakoy.

Besides being home to the picturesque  Ortaköy Mosque (Ortaköy Camii), Ortakoy is a lively seaside neighborhood with restaurants, shops, bars – and pigeons – congregating along the waterfront. Here I was treated to my first taste of MADO ice cream, and if there’s a Turkish chain you should visit, MADO is it.

Ortakoy Mosque and Bosphorus Bridge, Istanbul. Photo: Burak Karaduman/Pexels

Sailing along the coast of Arnavutkoy and beyond, you’ll find the shoreline draped with increasingly extravagant-looking houses. These  yalı  (waterfront houses) typically feature colorful art nouveau facades and elaborate woodwork, so you’ll want to stop here for some photos.

Arnavutkoy actually means “Albanian Village”, which should give you a good idea of the area’s history. This wealthy, surprisingly cosmopolitan neighborhood was home to Albanian workers who paved the city’s streets before Armenian, Greek, and Jewish communities moved in.

Pretty houses aside, if you love tasting new foods, look out for the Arnavutkoy Strawberry (or Ottoman Strawberry), a smaller species of strawberry with a delicate flavor that used to be grown across Arnavutkoy.

More upscale than Arnavutkoy, Bebek is home where most of Istanbul’s wealthy and worldly residents live. If you’ve been traveling around Turkey and craving a taste of western cuisine, head to the cafes here: you’ll find pancakes and Eggs Benedict listed alongside the kahvaltı (Turkish breakfast) in the menu.

Feasting will also do you good if you’re planning an ambitious hike up the steep battlements of Rumeli Fortress (Rumeli Hisarı). As there’s no ferry stop at the fortress, you’ll have to walk 1.6km (~20 min) from Bebek ferry terminal – I recommend taking a taxi instead.

Rumeli Fortress (Rumelihisari), Istanbul. Photo: Mustafa Kayacaglayan/Pixabay

Stops along the Asian shore

The Asian bank of the Bosphorus is much more laid back compared to its European counterpart. However, ask a local and you might be granted some insider info on the hip and happening bars, boutiques, and galleries in the area.

Kwangbok Department Store, Pyongyang

What It’s Like to Go Shopping in Pyongyang

It’s impossible to miss  Haydarpaşa station  when taking crossing the Bosphorus to Kadikoy ferry terminal. Built at the dawn of the 20th century, the German gothic structure has withstood tumultuous times and was previously the busiest railway station in the country.

When I visited the station back in 2013, it had already closed for the construction of new rail projects and seemed forlorn in its emptiness. Fortunately, it is set to reopen as part of the Marmaray rail network, hopefully by 2019.

Kadikoy’s artsy personality flows throughout the district, with restored opera houses, underground music bars, and art house cinemas. There’s even a street art festival, Mural Istanbul, that adds dozens of new works to the buildings of Kadikoy each year.

If you’re a coffeehead like me , add specialty coffee shops such as Montag Coffee Roasters and Coffee Manifesto to your itinerary.

Haydarpasa station, Kadikoy, Istanbul. Photo: Mustafa Ünlü/Pixabay

Uskudar is one of Istanbul’s oldest residential areas, and it’s popular as a cheaper alternative to living on the European side. Since late 2013, residents commuting for work even have an alternative to the ferry: the Marmaray train goes across the undersea Marmaray Tunnel to Yenikapi (so you can travel via that too instead of the ferry).

While traveling solo in Istanbul , I took the public ferry to Kadikoy and walked to Uskudar before taking another ferry back. The shoreline of Uskudar is one of the most scenic spots along the Bosphorus, with the Maiden’s Tower  (Kız Kulesi) in the background, and the stepped bank is often crowded with people waiting to catch the sunset. There are even little pavilions every hundred meters or so where vendors sell tea and snacks.

I highly recommend spending the night in Uskudar if you can go beyond a day tour. It’s a great place to experience Istanbul’s local way of life; you realize there’s way more to this city than what you see at Sultanahmet or Istiklal Caddesi.

Kiz Kulesi Maiden's Tower at sunset, Istanbul.

Beylerbeyi doesn’t really show up on the tourist radar, but since it’s on the Istanbul ferry map, it’s worth a quick stop. The main attraction here is Beylerbeyi Palace (Beylerbeyi Sarayı), which you’ll see right out on the waterfront. It was built as an imperial summer residence, with marble exteriors and lavish interiors, and even has its own hamam.

Anadolu Hisarı

The Anatolian Fortress (Anadolu Hisarı) is as far north as I would recommend for a first-time visitor to Istanbul. It’s the Asian counterpart to Rumeli Fortress, but it does have a ferry terminal where you can alight.

Cafe in Istanbul Turkey. Photo: Sabri Tuzcu/Unsplash

Best places to stay along the Bosphorus

Boutique Saint Sophia ($$$) .  If you’re splurging on a hotel in Sultanahmet, make it this boutique hotel of luxurious contradictions: 19th-century bones, swanky public spaces, and soft, cozy rooms. Check reviews/availability.

Hostel Veni Vidi Dormi ($) . Old wooden mansions like this one are a real sight to behold in Uskudar, and staying in one is even cooler. If a mixed dorm ($14) isn’t for you, private rooms start from just $33 – breakfast buffet included.  Check reviews/availability.

Apartment Cumbalı 27 ($$) . These lovely serviced apartments in Ortakoy come with a kitchenette, and the bigger apartments for 4-6 guests also have a washing machine.  Check reviews/availability.

NB:  Airbnb hosting is regulated in Turkey. Beware of Airbnb hosts that ask you to pretend you’re a friend, etc.

Plan Your Trip

Get there : Compare flights to Istanbul Experience: Get a good scrub at a traditional hamam Explore: Check out the Saturday market in Istanbul’s Beşiktaş neighborhood

tour del bosforo istanbul

Such a fantastic guide! I also love the pronunciation tips 🙂 When I went to Istanbul, I only took the short Bosphorus ferry ride in the evening. Istanbul looked so pretty at dusk. I also visited Kadikoy by ferry, such a nice area with a completely different vibe to Sultan Ahmet side. I am definitely pinning this for my next trip to Istanbul, whenever that happens.

Thanks Ameeta! Indeed, the Asian side of Istanbul is much more laid-back IMHO.

What a fantastic guide! I wish I had it with me when I did the Bosphorus ferry ride. It definitely was one of my favorite experiences in the city. The ferry and the trams :). You could explore and feel like a local at the same time

Yes to the trams! I don’t know about you, but I felt so wonderfully ordinary and ignored, even as someone who looks very different. It was fantastic.

tour del bosforo istanbul

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Puoi esplorare il Bosforo navigando lungo e visitando le coste di entrambi i continenti fiancheggiate da palazzi estivi, ville, fortezze, boschetti, parchi e giardini, con motoscafi, yacht e traghetti pubblici. E quindi, le crociere sul Bosforo sono tra le migliori cose da fare a Istanbul .

Le tipiche crociere sul Bosforo vengono effettuate con traghetti pubblici (Sehir Hatlari) o con barche e yacht privati . Vanno per circa due ore. Ci sono varietà di aziende. I viaggiatori che vogliono viaggiare con pochi soldi possono salire a bordo di una delle navi passeggeri che zigzagano regolarmente lungo le rive. Puoi anche celebrare i tuoi giorni speciali come compleanni, riunioni o qualsiasi tipo di organizzazione.

crociera in yacht sul Bosforo

Se desideri una vera crociera, puoi trovare una serie di tour in barca con partenza dai moli principali, per lo più situati nei moli di Eminonu, Kabatas e Besiktas, oppure puoi fare tour privati in barca/yacht. Quelli tipici durano circa due ore.

Anche la crociera con cena sul Bosforo e intrattenimento è una delle più popolari tra i turisti. Per lo più preferito dai turisti che vogliono sperimentare un’attrazione unica specifica di Istanbul. Mentre navighi lungo il Bosforo e ti godi il tuo pasto, sarai intrattenuto dalla tradizionale danza del ventre, una cerimonia dell’henné, una danza rom, danze popolari, un DJ dal vivo, ecc.

Tipi popolari di crociere sul Bosforo

Di seguito elenchiamo il tipo di crociere e tour in barca disponibili, cosa dovresti aspettarti con i migliori dettagli sui tour in barca.

  • Traghetti pubblici (proprio come un locale)
  • Crociera al tramonto: della durata spesso di due o tre ore, questa crociera consente agli ospiti di vedere lo spettacolare tramonto sullo skyline di Istanbul.
  • Crociera con cena e intrattenimento dal vivo: una crociera serale con cena e intrattenimento può durare dalle tre alle quattro ore, offrendo un’esperienza più rilassata.
  • Tour in yacht di lusso: un tour in yacht di lusso da due a quattro ore offre un’esperienza più esclusiva ed esclusiva.
  • Crociera sul Corno d’Oro: trascorrere da 1,5 a 2 ore esplorando il Corno d’Oro implica concentrarsi su questa zona storicamente importante di Istanbul.
  • Crociera sul Mar Nero (con scalo nella parte asiatica): questo viaggio, che di solito dura dalle cinque alle sei ore, offre ai passeggeri l’opportunità di esplorare il Mar Nero e fermarsi nella parte asiatica.
  • Crociera alle Isole dei Principi: compreso il tempo trascorso viaggiando da e verso le isole, una tranquilla escursione di un giorno alle Isole dei Principi può durare dalle sei alle otto ore.
  • Crociera con pranzo: dura in genere dalle due alle tre ore e offre cibo delizioso insieme a uno splendido scenario.

Costo della crociera sul Bosforo: confronto dei prezzi

Le 10 migliori crociere sul bosforo.

Di seguito vedrai le nostre scelte (come addetti ai lavori) probabilmente dei migliori della città. Puoi leggere di più e prenotare quello più adatto alle tue esigenze.

1. Crociera con cena sul Bosforo e spettacolo con tavolo privato

Questa è una delle migliori crociere notturne sul Bosforo con cena e intrattenimento . Anche uno dei più frequentati. Ammira le viste del Bosforo a bordo di un Mega Lufer Yacht . Goditi la vista della città con un pasto di 3 portate mentre ascolti musica dal vivo e guardi spettacoli teatrali ai tavoli privati. Ha un numero eccellente di oltre 11000 e recensioni 5/5 su GetYourGuide.

bosphorus dinner cruise

  • Crociera in yacht con Wi-Fi a bordo
  • Cena (9 tipi di antipasti turchi misti, antipasto caldo, portata principale, dessert e frutta) Bevande analcoliche illimitate
  • Programma di intrattenimento dal vivo
  • Bevande alcoliche (se l’opzione è selezionata), caffè e tè turchi
  • Tavolo privato
  • Il prelievo e il rientro in hotel partono dalle aree di Sultanahmet, Taksim, Sirkeci, Sütlüce, Kağıthane, Kabataş, Eminönü, Şişli, Aksaray, Karaköy, Levent e Beyoğlu.

Puoi facilmente vedere che questo Mega Lufer Yacht vende di più e ha oltre 10.000 recensioni a cinque stelle.

Puoi utilizzare i mezzi pubblici per raggiungere la barca. Il molo si trova a Kabatas, a circa 5 minuti a piedi dal porto di Galata e dal Palazzo Dolmabahce. Se prendi la funicolare F1 da Taksim, puoi raggiungere Kabatas in 5-10 minuti. Puoi venire a Kabatas con il tram T1 da Sultanahmet, Eminonu o Karakoy. Posizione del molo  Google Maps

Se scegli il prelievo in hotel, potrai essere prelevato e riportato da varie località, come Sultanahmet, Taksim, Sirkeci, Sütlüce, Kağıthane, Kabataş, Eminönü, Şişli, Aksaray, Karaköy, Levent e Beyoğlu. Dovresti attendere nella hall dell’hotel almeno 10 minuti prima dell’orario di ritiro previsto. Il servizio di prelievo inizia tra 30 e 90 minuti prima della partenza della barca.

Cancellazione gratuita con RIMBORSO TOTALE fino a 24 ore prima

Prenota crociera con cena sul Bosforo e spettacolo con tavolo privato di Getyourguide

Prenota crociera con cena sul Bosforo e spettacolo con tavolo privato di Viator

tour del bosforo istanbul

2. Crociera al tramonto sul Bosforo su yacht di lusso

Questa è una delle crociere sul Bosforo migliori e più frequentate. Crociera di 2,5 ore su uno yacht di lusso di 25 metri . È realizzato su uno yacht di lusso e ha un distintivo di eccellenza con oltre 400 recensioni a 5/5 stelle su Viator e 335 recensioni e stelle eccellenti su GetYourGuide.

bosphorus sunset cruise

  • Punti salienti: bevande e tartine gratuite vengono fornite durante la navigazione, scopri la storia dei monumenti di Istanbul dalla tua guida di bordo, una crociera per tutte le stagioni: salpa in qualsiasi momento dell’anno, tempo permettendo, parti da un facile -trovare un punto d’incontro sul lungomare vicino ai trasporti pubblici
  • Include: Guida turistica professionale, Spuntini leggeri, Biscotti, Baklava, Vassoio di frutta fresca di stagione, Limonata fatta in casa nei mesi estivi, Succo di frutta fresca nei mesi invernali, Acqua in bottiglia, Tè, Caffè, Crociera per piccoli gruppi
  • Partenza: molo di Kabatas (vedi mappa della posizione)

Prenota crociera al tramonto sul Bosforo su yacht di lusso di Viator

Prenota Crociera al tramonto sul Bosforo su uno yacht di lusso con GetYourGuide

3. Crociera al tramonto su uno yacht di lusso

Questo è uno dei migliori realizzati con uno yacht di lusso. Potrai goderti il Bosforo durante il tramonto, ammirare grandi monumenti come il Palazzo Dolmabahce, la Fortezza Rumeli e le iconiche Torri della Vergine e di Galata.

tour del bosforo istanbul

Questa visita guidata ti offrirà una fantastica esperienza con viste mozzafiato di Istanbul in compagnia di rinfreschi gratuiti, con caffè, tè, limonata fatta in casa e una deliziosa gamma di gustosi snack. Potrai anche goderti le soste fotografiche per catturare gli incantevoli momenti del tuo viaggio al tramonto.

  • Seleziona le principali attrazioni sia sul lato europeo che su quello asiatico della città
  • Goditi caffè, tè, limonata fatta in casa e una vasta gamma di gustosi snack
  • I tour includono soste fotografiche per catturare souvenir del viaggio al tramonto
  • Un piacevole tour accompagnati da una guida esperta
  • Bevande gratuite, limonata fatta in casa con menta fresca, tè e caffè
  • Yacht di lusso arredato pensando al comfort dei passeggeri
  • Deliziose tartine e snack serviti a bordo
  • Piatto di frutta fresca di stagione preparato quotidianamente
  • Caffè e/o tè Baklava turca Al chiuso e al coperto (al riparo dalla pioggia)

Prenota crociera al tramonto su uno yacht di lusso

4. Combo: Museo della Torre della Fanciulla + Biglietti per la crociera sul Bosforo

Questo è un tour fantastico con una combinazione di crociera sul Bosforo e visita alla Torre della Fanciulla . Se vuoi vedere la famosa Torre della Fanciulla, questa è solo per te.

tour del bosforo istanbul

Al museo vivrai la leggenda in dettaglio attraverso una mostra nuovissima. Potrai anche accedere al ponte di osservazione per le viste mozzafiato del Bosforo e di Istanbul. Successivamente, potrai goderti il Bosforo durante una crociera e ammirare i monumenti più iconici della città come il Palazzo Dolmabahce, la Fortezza Rumeli, la Moschea Ortaköy e il Palazzo Beylerbeyi.

  • Incluso nel prezzo: ingresso alla Torre della Fanciulla, audioguida digitale, trasferimenti in barca di andata e ritorno da Karakoy Istanbul alla Torre della Fanciulla
  • Punto d’incontro: a 3 minuti a piedi dalla stazione del tram T1 Karakoy, vicino al Ponte di Galata. Il nome del porto è Kız Kulesi “Torre delle Fanciulle”.

Prenota il Museo della Torre della Fanciulla + il biglietto per la crociera sul Bosforo

5. Crociera sul Bosforo in yacht con scalo nella parte asiatica

Questo è uno dei modi migliori per esplorare il Bosforo con scalo sul lato asiatico ed esplorare Kanlica. Crociera di 2,5 ore su uno yacht di lusso: mattina o pomeriggio . È realizzato su uno yacht di lusso e ha un distintivo di eccellenza con oltre 115 recensioni 5/5 stelle su Viator.

bosphorus cruise asian side stopover

  • Punti salienti: Naviga sul Bosforo sullo yacht Sunset Bosphorus con una sosta a Kanlıca, sorseggia caffè turco e sgranocchia snack turchi nella Istanbul asiatica, il Wi-Fi a bordo fa risparmiare sulle tariffe di roaming e ti mantiene connesso, la gamma di fasce orarie ti consente di pianificare la tua giornata e adattarsi di più
  • Include: Caffè e/o tè, Acqua in bottiglia, Delizie turche servite con caffè turco, Veicolo con aria condizionata, WiFi a bordo

Prenota una crociera in yacht sul Bosforo con scalo sulla parte asiatica di Viator

Prenota una crociera in yacht sul Bosforo con scalo sulla parte asiatica di Getyourguide

6. Crociera di 2 ore sul Bosforo e sul Corno d’Oro di giorno o al tramonto

Questo è di Travelgroup Turizm ve Tic. A.S.. Puoi sia assistere che goderti il Bosforo e il Corno d’Oro insieme all’audioguida. Il viaggio di due ore ti porta dall’Europa al 2° ponte sul Bosforo e ritorno lungo la costa asiatica.

bosphorus golden horn cruise

  • Il Palazzo Dolmabahce, il Palazzo Ciragan, la Moschea Ortaköy, il Ponte sul Bosforo, la Fortezza Rumeli e il Palazzo Beylerbeyi sono i punti salienti del tour.
  • Ammira la Basilica di Santa Sofia, il Palazzo Topkapi, la Torre della Vergine e la Torre di Galata durante la crociera.
  • La tua guida turistica di lingua inglese e l’app audioguida multilingue sul tuo smartphone miglioreranno la tua esperienza.

Free cancellation with a FULL REFUND up to 24 hours in advance

Prenota crociera sul Bosforo con l’app audio con Getyourguide

7. Crociera sul Bosforo di 90 minuti con app audio

Questo è di Travelgroup Turizm ve Tic. A.S.. Ancora una volta uno dei più partecipati e migliori. Riceverai anche un’audioguida e una mappa del Bosforo. Con la vista simultanea di entrambi i continenti, questo affascinante viaggio si svolge sullo sfondo dell’Oriente e dell’Occidente.

90 minute bosphorus cruise

  • Ammira le ampie vedute della Moschea Blu, della Basilica di Santa Sofia, del Palazzo Topkapi e della Torre di Galata. Goditi la vista dell’autentica architettura municipale che mette in risalto il ricco patrimonio culturale e storico della città e abbellisce le coste dell’Europa e dell’Asia.
  • Un’audioguida per il tuo smartphone è inclusa in questa crociera sul Bosforo di 90 minuti ed è accessibile in inglese, francese, cinese, spagnolo, tedesco, arabo, polacco, turco, russo e italiano.
  • Una mappa del Bosforo migliorerà la tua esperienza e ti assicurerà di non perdere nulla di importante in questo affascinante tour attraverso il centro di Istanbul.

8. Tour in yacht al tramonto sul Bosforo con audioguida e snack

Questa è una delle migliori crociere private su uno yacht di lusso. Crociera di 2 ore su uno yacht di lusso di 20 metri . Puoi goderti le bellezze di Istanbul su un lussuoso yacht privato mentre la cena o il pranzo vengono serviti da un equipaggio professionista. Lo yacht può ospitare fino a 15 persone . Buono per piccoli gruppi.

bosphorus sunset yacht tour

Il loro team dedicato ti fornirà snack leggeri e frutta di stagione mentre osservi il panorama, trasformando così la tua crociera in una deliziosa esperienza gourmet. Include:

  • Crociera sullo Stretto del Bosforo su uno yacht di lusso di 20 metri
  • Tè, acqua e caffè
  • Mini pizza fatta in casa
  • Frutta fresca di stagione, Noci miste
  • App audioguida in 6 lingue

Prenota tour in yacht al tramonto con audioguida e snack

9. Crociera di lusso in catamarano sul Bosforo con cena e spettacolo

Questa è anche una delle migliori crociere con cena sul Bosforo e intrattenimento. Viene preparato lungo il Bosforo mentre ceni con meze turco, ammiri i monumenti degli imperi bizantino e ottomano e goditi un programma completo di intrattenimento, come danza popolare e danza del ventre. Ha un eccellente numero di ottime recensioni .

bosphorus catamaran cruise

Questa escursione ti condurrà in un viaggio gastronomico e culturale, sullo sfondo magnifico del paesaggio urbano di Istanbul. Ammirerai i famosi monumenti come il Palazzo Dolmabahce, il Ponte sul Bosforo e la Fortezza Anatolica mentre ti concedi il ricco arazzo della cucina turca e dell’intrattenimento.

  • Include: ritiro e riconsegna dell’hotel, tavolo privato, cena di 3 portate, bevande alcoliche o analcoliche illimitate, spettacolo di danza turca, DJ dal vivo
  • Nome della barca: Majesty Mobydick Catamaran
  • I loro compagni di squadra ti aspetteranno al punto d’incontro.

Prenota crociera di lusso in catamarano sul Bosforo con cena spettacolo

10. Crociera al tramonto sul Bosforo su uno yacht di lusso

Questa è un’altra fantastica crociera al tramonto lungo lo stretto del Bosforo per vedere sia il lato europeo che quello asiatico di Istanbul. Crociera al tramonto di 2,5 ore in yacht di lusso . Al molo di Kabatas, puoi salire sul loro yacht di lusso e iniziare il tuo viaggio mentre ti godi le tradizionali bevande turche e deliziose tartine. Mentre la guida ti parla della lunga storia della città, potrai immaginare siti famosi come palazzi, minareti e monumenti.

tour del bosforo istanbul

Oltre allo scenario mozzafiato, questa visita guidata include bevande gratuite come caffè, tè, limonata fatta a mano e un delizioso assortimento di stuzzichini. Fermati per scattare foto in luoghi panoramici per ricordare lo splendido viaggio al tramonto. Goditi un fantastico giro in barca mentre ammiri le viste mozzafiato dello skyline di Istanbul.

Prenota crociera al tramonto su uno yacht di lusso di Viator

Prenota crociera al tramonto su uno yacht di lusso con Getyourguide

11. Crociera con cena sul Bosforo all-inclusive con tavolo privato

Questa è anche una delle migliori crociere con cena sul Bosforo con spettacolo notturno turco e tavolo privato. Riceverai una crociera con cena di 3 ore e ammirerai viste spettacolari dei palazzi splendidamente illuminati, delle moschee e dei ponti sul Bosforo della città, oltre a goderti una deliziosa cena di 3 portate con bevande selezionate.

all inclusive bosphorus dinner cruise

Ti godrai anche l’intrattenimento di danzatrici del ventre, dervisci rotanti e altri artisti, insieme al prelievo e al rientro in hotel. Ha il distintivo di eccellenza su Viator.

  • Include: cena, trasferimento da e per l’hotel con comodi veicoli con aria condizionata, danze e spettacoli turchi ed esibizione di DJ, bevande analcoliche illimitate, tavolo privato

La barca sarà pronta al molo alle 20:00. Quando sali sulla barca, i tuoi antipasti sono pronti sul tavolo e puoi ordinare da bere. La barca lascia il molo alle 20:30. E si torna verso le 23:30. La durata media del tour è di 3 ore.

Prenota crociera con cena sul Bosforo con tavolo privato

12. Crociere sul Bosforo attraverso il Corno d’Oro

Queste sono le crociere più vendute con cui potrai esplorare le bellezze del Corno d’Oro, parte del Bosforo. Puoi goderti i monumenti della città, i palazzi storici e scattare foto straordinarie con questi tour in barca molto economici.

golden horn cruise

Puoi sceglierne uno dei migliori qui sotto

  • Crociera sul Bosforo e sul Corno d’Oro di giorno o al tramonto
  • Tour in barca sul Bosforo Tour di 3 ore e Corno d’Oro
  • Bosforo e Corno d’Oro: crociera in yacht al tramonto con guida esperta
  • Crociera sul Bosforo, tour in autobus, Corno d’Oro, funivia
  • Crociera sul Corno d’Oro con audioguida e opzione tramonto
  • Tour del Bosforo e del Corno d’Oro con guida dal vivo
  • Crociera sul Bosforo e sul Corno d’Oro con audioguida

13. Biglietto di andata e ritorno per il traghetto per le Isole dei Principi e audioguida

Avrai circa 75 minuti di traghetto per raggiungere l’Isola dei Principi, Buyukada. Mentre fai un fantastico giro sul Bosforo, puoi ammirare lo splendido skyline di Istanbul dal ponte all’aperto, goderti un rinfresco al chiosco o ascoltare le storie sul Bosforo dall’app dell’audioguida sul tuo smartphone.

princes' island boat ticket

  • I biglietti di andata e ritorno includono principalmente: biglietto di andata e ritorno per l’Isola dei Principi, ingresso rapido sulla barca dalla biglietteria online, app audioguida per IOS e Android in 10 lingue: inglese, francese, tedesco, italiano, polacco, russo, Spagnolo, turco, arabo, cinese
  • Biglietto di andata e ritorno per il traghetto per l’Isola dei Principi e audioguida
  • Crociera alle Isole dei Principi con musica, pranzo e trasferimento
  • Tour dell’Isola dei Principi di un’intera giornata con pranzo da Istanbul

Crociera sul Bosforo Istanbul: ne vale la pena?

Se volete farvi un’idea, ecco il video di Fiona per farvi un’idea!

Qual è il modo migliore per vedere il Bosforo?

Fare un giro in barca o una crociera è di gran lunga il modo migliore per esplorare lo stretto del Bosforo. Puoi scegliere se scegliere un traghetto pubblico, un viaggio in yacht privato o una crociera speciale come una cena , un pranzo o una crociera al tramonto . Essere sull’acqua ti offrirà una vista straordinaria dello skyline di Istanbul, dei siti storici e della transizione graduale tra Europa e Asia.

Durante questa piacevole navigazione, i traghetti pubblici offrono un’autentica esperienza locale permettendoti di socializzare con la gente del posto. Una crociera in yacht privato offre attenzione e libertà personalizzate. Questo è positivo per chi cerca un’esperienza di viaggio più lussuosa e intima. D’altro canto, le escursioni al tramonto e serali offrono una vista magica mentre la città si veste dei colori splendenti del cielo.

Cosa vedere durante la crociera sul Bosforo?

Vedrai una miscela di monumenti storici, meraviglie architettoniche e bellezza paesaggistica. Mentre navighi lungo questo iconico corso d’acqua che divide l’Europa e l’Asia, ecco alcuni punti salienti che puoi aspettarti di vedere:

  • Alcuni dei ponti più belli del Bosforo con le moderne meraviglie dell’ingegneria offrono viste sulla città.
  • Palazzo Dolmabahce : centro amministrativo dell’Impero Ottomano, questo bellissimo palazzo si trova sul lungomare. Una crociera mostra il suo magnifico design e le sue squisite decorazioni.
  • L’architettura ottomana della Moschea Ortaköy sul Bosforo è bellissima. Il tramonto è piuttosto incantevole.
  • La Torre della Fanciulla (Kız Kulesi) porta un romanticismo da favola nel paesaggio del Bosforo con la sua ricca storia.
  • La Torre di Galata sulla sponda europea del Bosforo è visibile da molti punti durante il viaggio.
  • Il Ciragan Palace Kempinski , un hotel di lusso sul Bosforo, mette in mostra la grandiosità e il fascino ottomani.
  • Fortezza Rumeli : questa fortificazione del XV secolo si trova in posizione prominente sul lato europeo del Bosforo. Una presenza imponente e un posizionamento eccellente accrescono il fascino storico della crociera.
  • Anadolu Kavagi , pittoresco villaggio di pescatori vicino all’estremità settentrionale del Bosforo. Ha anche una piccola fortezza. I ristoranti di pesce e l’accesso al Mar Nero lo rendono degno di nota.
  • Dimore storiche sul lungomare, conosciute come Yalı, fiancheggiano le coste del Bosforo, ognuna con la sua narrativa unica. Questi adorabili edifici valorizzano lo scenario della crociera.
  • Skylines: panorami mozzafiato delle strutture moderne e antiche di Istanbul.

Crociera sul Bosforo: punti di partenza

La maggior parte delle crociere sul Bosforo iniziano a:

  • Molo di Kabatas , vicino a Galataport , Galata , Taksim .
  • Molo Eminönü , situato vicino al famoso Bazar delle Spezie, vicino a Sultanahmet , Galata .

Questi moli si trovano facilmente raggiungibili e rappresentano un punto di partenza perfetto.

Molo di Kabatas

Il molo di Kabatas è situato a circa 5 minuti a piedi dal porto di Galata e dal Palazzo Dolmabahce. Se prendi la funicolare F1 da Taksim, puoi raggiungere Kabatas in 5-10 minuti. Puoi venire a Kabatas con il tram T1 da Sultanahmet, Eminonu o Karakoy. Posizione del molo Google Maps

molo eminonu

Quanto dura una tipica crociera sul Bosforo?

La durata di una crociera sul Bosforo varia in base alla tipologia di crociera. I tour in barca diurni standard durano spesso da 1,5 a 2 ore, il che ti consentirà una panoramica concisa ma completa dello stretto.

Le crociere al tramonto, note per la loro atmosfera romantica, possono durare fino a 2,5 ore e ti permetteranno di osservare la straordinaria transizione dello skyline di Istanbul. E infine le famose crociere con cena durano dalle 3 alle 3,5 ore.

Perché a così tante persone piacciono le crociere al tramonto sul Bosforo?

La gente ama le crociere al tramonto sul Bosforo perché offrono panorami meravigliosi e un’atmosfera magica. Quando il sole tramonta, dona ad Istanbul una calda luce che fa sembrare la città uno spettacolo bellissimo. E proietta una tonalità dorata sullo skyline, facendo risaltare luoghi famosi. Le persone che partecipano a queste gite in barca sono attratte dall’atmosfera romantica sia delle coppie che dei fotografi.

Cosa dovrei indossare durante una crociera sul Bosforo a Istanbul?

Se stai andando a fare una crociera sul Bosforo a Istanbul, scegli abiti comodi e adatti al clima. Dato che il tempo cambia durante il giorno, potresti voler indossare dei vestiti. Per le gite di un giorno, dovresti indossare abiti casual, occhiali da sole e crema solare. La sera potresti aver bisogno di una giacca leggera o di uno scialle.

Per esplorare il ponte, devi indossare scarpe comode per i tuoi piedi. Porta una macchina fotografica per registrare gli splendidi panorami e un cappello per proteggere la testa dal sole. Se ti vesti bene, sarai pronto sia per la bellezza del Bosforo che per il comfort della tua crociera.

Quali sono le opzioni di crociera sul Bosforo?

  • Traghetti pubblici (Sehir Hatlari in turco): questo è il modo più semplice ed economico per viaggiare su, giù e attraverso il Bosforo. Assicurati solo di non farti prendere di fretta perché centinaia di persone del posto utilizzeranno i traghetti pubblici.
  • Barche private: sono sia un buon rapporto qualità-prezzo che un'opzione facile per una buona crociera lungo il Bosforo. Li puoi trovare ai moli di Eminonu, Kabatas e Besiktas.
  • Cena o crociera al tramonto con barche/yacht: questa è un'altra opzione popolare tra i turisti. Durante la crociera, godrai di un programma completo di intrattenimento, come musica classica turca, danza del ventre, uno spettacolo di dervisci rotanti, spettacoli folcloristici, un cantante internazionale e un DJ a bordo.
  • Yacht privati: sono quelli di lusso e adatti a coloro che desiderano una crociera privata lungo il Bosforo e ammirare tutte le bellezze della città.

Quali sono i tour del Bosforo effettuati da Public Ferries?

I traghetti pubblici di Istanbul hanno due linee principali che includono; Viaggi nazionali e tour del Bosforo. I tour del Bosforo di  traghetti pubblici  sono divisi in  due linee che includono;

  • Tour corto del Bosforo (2 ore). Questo è un andata e ritorno  che effettua  tutti i giorni  dal  molo Eminonu  alle 14:35. e va per  Uskudar  e  Ortakoy Piers in ordine. E torna da  Ortakoy  e  Uskudar Piers  al  Eminonu Pier  alle 16:35.

Cos'è la crociera con cena sul Bosforo con intrattenimento?

Questa è la crociera sul Bosforo più popolare. Assisterai anche alla magia di Istanbul di notte ammirando le viste mozzafiato di alcune delle principali attrazioni di Istanbul come il Palazzo Topkapi, la Moschea Blu, il Palazzo Dolmabahce, il Palazzo Beylerbeyi, la Torre della Fanciulla e il Ponte sul Bosforo.

Durante la tua Crociera con cena sul Bosforo , Godrai di un programma completo di intrattenimento, come musica classica turca, danza del ventre, uno spettacolo di dervisci rotanti, spettacoli folcloristici, un cantante internazionale e un DJ a bordo.

Quanto costa una crociera con cena sul Bosforo?

La tipica crociera con cena sul Bosforo di Istanbul con intrattenimento e servizio di qualità costa circa € 50. Questo è un buon prezzo e un buon rapporto qualità-prezzo.

Il prezzo include circa 3 ore di crociera sul Bosforo, servizio di prelievo e rientro in hotel, bevande analcoliche locali illimitate, cena, bevande alcoliche illimitate (birra e vino locali), intrattenimento con molti spettacoli come musica classica turca, danza del ventre, vortice spettacolo derviscio, spettacoli folcloristici, un cantante internazionale e un DJ di bordo.

Da dove partono le crociere con cena sul Bosforo?

La maggior parte delle navi da crociera con cena sul Bosforo partono dal molo di Kabatas, facilmente raggiungibile con i mezzi pubblici. Puoi prendere il tram da Sultanahmet (20 minuti), Karakoy e Galata (10 minuti), prendere la funicolare da Taksim (5 minuti), camminare per 15 minuti o prendere qualsiasi autobus per Kabatas da Besiktas.

Quanto dura la crociera con cena sul Bosforo?

La tipica crociera con cena sul Bosforo inizia verso le 20:00. e dura circa 3 o 3,5 ore fino alle 23:00/23:30.

Quanto costa una crociera privata in yacht sul Bosforo?

Il costo medio di una crociera privata sul Bosforo con equipaggio su uno yacht di lusso costa circa € 350 per gruppo fino a circa 8 persone. Il prezzo include principalmente circa 2 ore di tour privato in yacht, bevande analcoliche e snack gratuiti, tutte le tasse, guida turistica privata autorizzata e servizio di prelievo e rientro in hotel con un furgone privato.

Come prenotare uno yacht privato a Istanbul?

Puoi prenotare uno yacht privato tramite il tuo agente di viaggio, da solo dai moli di Kabatas, Besiktas ed Eminonu o prenotando online. Puoi cercare tutte le migliori crociere private in yacht sul Bosforo online tramite il nostro sito Web o molti siti Web di prenotazione di tour online, leggere cosa offrono e commenti dei viaggiatori e decidere quella più adatta alle tue esigenze. Molte delle prenotazioni online includono il servizio di trasporto gratuito dal tuo hotel.

Come prenotare una crociera sul Bosforo?

Prenotare una crociera sul Bosforo è abbastanza semplice. Puoi prenotare il tuo posto online attraverso vari siti web di tour o acquistare direttamente i biglietti ai moli Eminönü o Kabatas. Ti consigliamo di acquistare i biglietti online da fornitori fidati per un’esperienza senza problemi, soprattutto durante l’alta stagione turistica.

Se acquisti online avrai anche la possibilità di saltare la fila e avere la possibilità di annullare e ottenere un rimborso molto facilmente. Di seguito puoi vedere i migliori biglietti online per le crociere sul Bosforo.

Prenota la tua crociera sul Bosforo con Viator

Prenota la tua crociera sul bosforo con getyourguide.

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cos’è il bosforo in Turchia

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Cos’è il bosforo in turchia.

cos’è il bosforo in Turchia ? Vuoi visitare il bosforo e conoscere co’è il bosforo in Turchia ? Ok, vediamo i dettagli.

ll Bosforo  conosciuto anche come “ Lo stretto del Bosforo ” è uno  stretto lungo circa 32 km., largo dai 700 ai 3000 metri, che divide il continente Asiatico da quello Europeo nel centro di  Istanbul quindi divide la parte Europeo della Turchia, chiamata  Rumeli  dalla parte Asiatica, chiamata  Anadolu  unendo il Mar Nero al Mar di Marmara.

La sua profondità varia dai 30 ai 120 metri. La larghezza tra le due fortezze costruite su ambedue lati dello stretto:  Anadoluhisarı  e  Rumelihisarı , è di 750 metri.

Il Bosforo, come l’ unico passaggio   tra il Mar Nero e il Mar Mediterraneo è sempre stato di grandissima importanza strategica e commerciale.

Il Bosforo come parola, deriva dalla lingua di Tracia ma le origini sono sconosciute. In lingua Greca invece vuol dire “il passaggio della giovenca” e riferisce ad un mito dell’Io, una di tanti amanti del dio Giove (Zeus).

Secondo il mito, per nascondersi dalla gelosa moglie, Giove aveva trasformata la ragazza in una giovenca e che poi era forzata ad attraversare il Bosforo a nuoto e scappare fino alla Ionia inseguita da un tafano mandato da Era (Hera) per disturbarla fino all’eterno.

L a formazione   del Bosforo risale al periodo dei movimenti dei continenti quando era un piccolo fiume. Lo stretto potrebbe essersi formato attorno al 6000 a.C. quando le acque del Mediterraneo salirono di livello fino a raggiungere il Mar Nero che era un lago e inondandolo con correnti d’acqua.

È stato ipotizzato che l’imponente inondazione dei centri abitati sulle coste del Mar Nero che ne conseguì, fornì la base storica delle storie sul   Diluvio Universale   che appaiono nella   Saga di Gilgamesh   e nella   Bibbia , ma numerose ricerche documentano invece che fu il Mar Nero, attraverso il Bosforo, a riversarsi nel Mediterraneo, in maniera tutt’altro che drammatica.

Il Bosforo ha una   posizione molto strategica   perchè è l’unica uscita dal Mar Nero. Numerose civiltà dell’antichità hanno sempre voluto controllare questo passaggio fra Asia Minore e l’Europa, e raccogliere il pedaggio.

Uno delle ragioni più importanti di Costantino il Grande nel scegliere la località dove fondare la città di   Istanbul , ovvero l’ antica Costantinopoli , nel 330, fu proprio l’esistenza dello stretto del Bosforo, conferendo alla città il nominativo di Nova Roma, capitale dell’Impero Romano dell’Oriente.

Oggi, le acque del Bosforo sono considerate internazionali nella legge marittima e lo stretto dà accesso libero ai navi, facendo pagare un pedaggio.

Lungo il Bosforo, il   traffico marittimo   commerciale è molto intenso, comprende migliaia di petrolieri provenienti dal Mar Nero diretti al Mediterraneo e ogni anno, circa 50-60 mila navi commerciali lo transitano.

Lo stretto ha dei   correnti forti , molto particolari: i correnti superficiali scorrono dal nord al sud (dal Mar Nero verso Mar di Marmara), invece i correnti profondi nel senso contrario. Ci sono diverse teorie sulla formazione di questi due correnti opposti. Per l’attenzione che richiede questo passaggio, a volte pericoloso in certi punti dello stretto, le navi che superano una certa lunghezza devono richiedere un pilota locale a bordo per il transito, oggi tutto il passaggio è controllato da  un sistema di radar e sonar. Il traffico è regolato con le leggi locali.

Oggi sul Bosforo ci sono   due ponti sospesi   che collegano i due continenti e stanno progettando di costruire il   terzo ponte .

Mentre, sotto il Bosforo si sta costruendo un tunnel per collegare le ferrovie e la metropolitana e i diversi quartieri di Istanbul. Il tunnel è lungo 13.7 kilometri, tra cui circa 1.400 metri sono sotto acqua ad una profondità di 55 metri , e il progetto si chiama “ Progetto Marmaray ” e si promete di completarlo il 29 ottobre del 2013.

Il   primo ponte sul Bosforo   era completato dagli Inglesi nel 1973 festeggiando cinquanta anni della Repubblica Turca.

Questo ponte si chiama   Ponte di Bogazici   e si estende fra i quartieri di Ortaköy e Beylerbeyi, è lungo 1.074 metri e ha 6 corsie, altezza dal mare è di circa 62 metri ed altezza dei pilastri è di circa 165 metri.

Il   secondo ponte , chiamato il   Ponte di Fatih Sultan Mehmet   (FSM), era completato nel 1988 dai Giapponesi a circa 5 chilometri al nord del primo. Questo ponte che si estende fra i quartieri di Rumelihisar e Anadoluhisar dove esistono le fortezze del periodo Ottomano, è lungo 1.090 metri e ha 8 corsie, con l’altezza dal mare di 65 metri. Tutti e due ponti sono a pedaggio.

Il tour del bosforo

Fra le attrattive turistiche più richieste e famose di Istanbul, un posto d’onore è sicuramente da attribuire ai “ Tour del Bosforo ”. Ma sarebbe sbagliato considerare questi tour come un qualcosa di semplicemente turistico.

Il Bosforo è un’attrattiva sempre e comunque , anche per gli abitanti di Istanbul. Pur vivendo qui è veramente difficile abituarsi a questo spettacolo meraviglioso. Un famoso detto turco recita “la vita non può essere così cattiva se in fin dei conti posso ancora camminare in riva al Bosforo”.

Noi stessi ogni tanto, spinti magari dalla bella stagione e dall’allungarsi delle giornate, amiamo passare qualche ora   nutrendo gli occhi   con la bellezza dei palazzi e delle yalı che si specchiano nel blu intenso dello stretto, respirando a pieni polmoni il profumo del mare, accompagnati da delfini e gabbiani.

Come avrete capito   è un’esperienza che consigliamo vivamente .

Ci teniamo però a darvi qualche consiglio.

Evitate i tour privati organizzati da varie agenzie turistiche del posto che si vedono pubblicizzati a Sultanahmet, sono molto costosi e non offrono nulla in più rispetto ai tour organizzati dalle compagnie più grandi e conosciute.

Come arrivare sul Bosforo

Divan Yolu e İstiklal Caddesi sono sempre piene di gente, ma nessuna delle due può essere considerata l’arteria principale di İstanbul.

Tale onore spetta invece al maestoso Stretto del Bosforo, che collega il Mar di Marmara (Marmara Denizi) al Mar Nero (Karadeniz), 32 km a nord del centro città. In turco moderno, lo stretto è chiamato Boğaziçi o İstanbul Boğazı (da boğaz, che significa “gola” o “stretto”).

Lo Stretto del Bosforo divide l’Asia e dall’Europa.

Punto di partenza: Eminönü

Ci si imbarca sul traghetto presso il molo di Eminönü. Si può scegliere tra l’Uzun Boğaz Turu (lungo tour nel Bosforo) organizzato dall’agenzia Istanbul Şehir Hatları (Percorsi Urbani a İstanbul) e una crociera più breve fino a Rumeli Hisarı, per poi tornare indietro con un’imbarcazione privata.

È sempre consigliabile arrivare al molo circa 30 minuti prima dell’orario previsto per la partenza, e farsi strada fino all’inizio della coda che si forma di fronte ai cancelli che portano ai moli.

Quando questi vengono aperti, e si può salire a bordo dei traghetti, occorre muoversi velocemente per trovare un buon posto a sedere da cui osservare comodamente il panorama. I migliori sono quelli sul fianco del ponte superiore scoperto, vicino alla prua. Tenete presente che quando i traghetti solcano le acque del Bosforo, la sponda asiatica è a destra, quella europea a sinistra.

Appena partiti, vedrete l’isoletta e la torre di Kız Kulesısul lato asiatico di İstanbul, vicino a Üsküdar. La torre dalla sagoma tozza è uno dei più caratteristici monumenti cittadini.

In epoca antica, la struttura che sorgeva al posto di quella attuale, risalente al XVIII secolo, era sia un posto di dogana sia un edificio difensivo; il Bosforo si poteva chiudere tramite una massiccia catena che da qui si estendeva fino alla Punta del Serraglio. In tempi più recenti, la torre è apparsa nel film della serie di James Bond Il mondo non basta, del 1999.

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– Cosa vedere a Fatih, Fener e Balat

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    Overview. A cruise along the Bosphorus is a quintessential activity for visitors to Istanbul. With this tour, get more out of the experience with a guide that accompanies you onboard. Sail past landmarks such as Dolmabahce Palace, the Galata Tower, and the Bosphorus Bridge, learn about the history of the Rumeli Fortress, and pass the waterfront ...

  9. Istanbul: Bosphorus Strait & Palaces Tour

    Uncover the treasures of the Bosphorus and discover the Ottoman palaces and mosques. Join this full-day tour and embark on a captivating journey to explore three magnificent sites that showcase the splendor of Turkish history and culture. Meet at the Kabatas Station before making your way to the Dolmabahce Palace.

  10. Istanbul: Bosphorus Cruise with Audio App

    The Bosphorus is 32km long, separates Europe from Asia, and connects the Marmara Sea to the Black Sea. Cruise along the strait between Asia and Europe and discover Istanbul tourist attractions, magnificent palaces, ancient castles, and other historical sites, as well as fine seaside residences and the Bosphorus bridge.

  11. Istanbul Bosphorus sightseeing Cruises

    Book a boat cruise in Istanbul with Istanbul Bosphorus Tours - Istanbul's No 1 Sightseeing Cruise on the Bosphorus. Combining quality dining, superb entertainment and spectacular views from Bosphorus, our unique boat sightseeing and dining cruises capture the excitement of Istanbul from a truly special perspective.

  12. Book Bosphorus Cruise tickets

    Enjoy a guided tour of Istanbul's best iconic attractions with this one combo ticket that you can use in 1 day or over 2 or 3 days. Learn about the illustrious history of each of these landmarks from your expert English-speaking guide.

  13. Istanbul Bosphorus Tours

    Istanbul Bosphorus Tours. 240 reviews. #26 of 422 Boat Tours & Water Sports in Istanbul. Boat Tours. Open now. 7:00 AM - 11:00 PM. Write a review. See all photos. About. Istanbul Bosphorus Tours offers Istanbul's finest fleet of cruising vessels, accommodating groups ranging from 2 to 250.

  14. Istanbul Bosphorus Tours, Istanbul Tours, Bosphorus Dinner Cruises

    This guided walking tour of Istanbul will help you hit all the main monuments and areas in a day. Details. ASK FOR PRICE. ISTANBUL BOSPHORUS DINNER CRUISE AND. TURKISH NIGHT SHOWS. We have a Different View on a Good Night Out - Istanbul's Showboat Dinner Cruise on the Bosphorus. All-Inclusive Bosphorus Dinner Cruise with Turkish Night Shows.

  15. The 7 Best Bosphorus Cruise Tours in 2024

    Enes Karaboga. in Istanbul Tours & Tickets. Top 3 Bosphorus Cruise Tours we recommend: #1 Best Overall: Istanbul Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on Luxury Yacht. #2 Best Golden Horn: Istanbul 3 Hours Boat Cruise in Bosphorus. #3 Best Dinner with Entertainment: Istanbul Bosphorus Cruise. #1 Best Overall: Istanbul Bosphorus Sunset Cruise on Luxury Yacht.

  16. Crucero por el Bósforo en Estambul: los 10 mejores tours en barco

    Crucero por el Bósforo en Estambul: los 10 mejores tours en barco. Ultima actualización en marzo 1, 2024. El crucero por el Bósforo es una de las formas de entretenimiento más populares, únicas y fantásticas durante su visita a Estambul.

  17. Bosphorus Strait, Istanbul

    Nature & adventure. Bosphorus Strait: Our most recommended tours and activities. 1. Istanbul: Bosphorus Dinner Cruise & Show with Private Table. Enjoy magical views of Istanbul from the Bosphorus on this dinner cruise. Sail on a yacht and watch a show with traditional Turkish folk dancing.

  18. Best of the Bosphorus: Exploring Istanbul by Ferry

    Bosphorus ferry tour routes. Instanbul's ferries all serve the purpose of connecting the European side of Istanbul to the Asian side, so your DIY tour route will criss-cross the Bosphorus several times. Here's a preview of my Istanbul ferry map showing the most common routes you can choose.

  19. Crociera sul Bosforo Istanbul: i 10 migliori tour in barca nel 2024

    La crociera sul Bosforo è una delle forme di intrattenimento più popolari, uniche e fantastiche durante la tua visita a Istanbul. È anche uno dei modi migliori per scoprire e godersi i panorami e i suoni più belli della città sul mare. Puoi scoprire e prenotare il tuo biglietto per la crociera sul Bosforo con la nostra guida approfondita. Sommario.

  20. Exploring the Bosphorus: Istanbul's Iconic Strait

    Bosphorus Cruise with Old City tour is a full-day program starting with old-town sightseeing in Balat and Fener while cruising to Rumeli Fortress in the morning. The afternoon program is arranged as a Bosphorus tour with cable car on which you can enjoy the city from the highlands of Eyüp and beautiful Pierre Loti. Bosphorus Cruise at Night

  21. Istanbul Scenic Half-Day Bosphorus Cruise

    Highlights. Visit Istanbul's famous Spice Bazaar. Drive along the Golden Horn and be enchanted by the historic heart of the city. Marvel at the mix of Asia and Europe as you enjoy a Boat Cruise along the Bosphorus. Take in a panoramic view of the city from Pierre Loti Hill. Full description.

  22. cos'è il bosforo in Turchia

    Fra le attrattive turistiche più richieste e famose di Istanbul, un posto d'onore è sicuramente da attribuire ai "Tour del Bosforo". Ma sarebbe sbagliato considerare questi tour come un qualcosa di semplicemente turistico. Il Bosforo è un'attrattiva sempre e comunque, anche per gli abitanti di Istanbul. Pur vivendo qui è veramente ...

  23. Istanbul: Bosphorus Dinner Cruise and Turkish Night Show

    Discover the Bosphorus Strait, while cruising between European and Asia. See panoramic views of Dolmabahce Palace, Cirağan Palace and Ortakoy Mosque. Full description. The Bosphorus night tour with dinner and "Turkish Night Show" is a luxurious and entertaining way to experience Istanbul's beauty and culture.