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Flex 'Not Working'? 6 Most Common Flexbox Issues on Stack Overflow

Published on: April 9, 2023

Wrapping Up

Flexbox is easily one of the most powerful developments in CSS ever. But, its implementation has been confounding frontend and fullstack devs ever since it was introduced.

In the last year alone, 6,000+ new threads were posted on Stack Overflow with questions/issues on CSS flex (Source: Stack Overflow search )!

Similarly, Reddit, Quora, and every other platform that developers frequently use are also riddled with devs struggling to get this very powerful but often confusing concept to work for them.

We read through a few hundred threads across platforms to find these 7 issues that crop up most frequently when devs think that flex is not working for them.

If you think some flex related properties are not working in your code, go through these checks quickly to make sure that you are not making the same errors as those thousands of devs :-)

1. Are you using the correct syntax?

Make sure you are using the correct and latest CSS syntax throughout the code, particularly if you don’t write CSS too often.

It’s often easy to overlook small errors in CSS selectors or property names because default IDEs don’t do a good job at highlighting errors.

You’d be surprised how many times we have discovered display:flexbox instead of display:flex while reviewing our own code!

Consider using a CSS linting tool like Stylelint , which is great at spotting unintentional errors and enforcing best practices.

Fun(?) fact: display: box and display: flexbox used to be the correct syntax in the olden times, way back in 2009 and 2012!

2. Are you using 'display:flex' at the correct element (immediate parent)?

Remember that display:flex makes the direct children of the container it’s applied to, flex items. So, you’ll have to apply display:flex to the immediate parent of the items you want to distribute using flex.

Also, this applies to every level of your div structure. So, if you want to flex an element within a flex element, you must do it twice for both containers. For example, see the code below.

3.Are you using flex-grow, flex-shrink and flex-basis correctly?

flex-grow : This property defines the ability of a flex item to grow beyond its initial size to fill any available space within a flex container.

flex-shrink : This property defines the ability of a flex item to shrink below its initial size to fit within the available space within a flex container.

flex-basis : This property defines the initial size of a flex item before any available space is distributed among the items in the container.

Here are 2 Stack Overflow examples on how these properties work-

Example 1 :

In the above code, 50% of 300px, i.e, 150px is immediately assigned to the first item because of flex-basis: 50%;

The remaining 150px space is initially empty because the flex-basis of the other two items is 0. Later on, it's divided into all three items equally because each of them has flex-grow: 1 , making them 200px, 50px, and 50px respectively.

Example 2 :

In the above code, the flex items have flex-grow: 1 for equal distribution of space but don't have flex-basis and therein lies the point. When you miss to assign a specific flex-basis value to your flex items, its default value becomes auto and the width distribution will be done according to the content size.

To fix this issue, also add flex-basis: 0 . Flex basis will ensure that there is no default distribution of width and the entirety of it then will be distributed equally among the items because of flex-grow: 1 .

If you want to understand these properties in much more detail, check out this guide by CSS Tricks.

4. Are media queries overriding some of your desired properties?

If you are building a UI where certain elements are to be same irrespective of the device and screen, make sure that media queries are not overriding those default properties that need to work on each screen.

In the above example , the property flex: 0 0 100%; was overridden by flex: 0 0 calc(50% - 1rem); in the media query and therefore the user was not getting the desired output in the UI.

5. Automatic minimum size of Flex items

All flex items have an automatic minimum size min-width: auto or min-height: auto on the main axis to avoid shrinking past its content. Remember that it works only for the main axis, so if the flex-direction is row, only min-width will become auto and if the flex-direction is column, then only the min-height become auto.

Minimum width or height when set to auto allows flex items to change their size to accommodate the content properly. You can, however, override this default behavior by setting min-width: 0 in row-direction and min-height: 0 in column-direction.

Here's an example of this issue-

6. If you are using justify-content, remember that default width is auto:

One important thing to keep in mind is that if you are not explicitly giving a fixed width to an element, then the default width is auto.

An element with the width:auto will take up the smallest needed space for the content and will shrink or expand accordingly to fit its content.

In such cases , justify-content will not work as intended because all the available space has already been covered by the content itself and there is no extra space for justify-content to align the flex items. This problem can be solved by giving a fixed width to the element.

7. If your issue is happening in some specific browsers/ devices

Sometimes, the code you write is correct but it doesn't conform to the ways flex used to work earlier. As a result, it doesn't work as intended on some old browser versions.

In the above example , the flex layout is not working on some iPads. This is because it is missing the -webkit- syntax that must be used for iPads that have Safari version 6.1 or less.

Here are a few tools and guides that will help you identify and solve cross-browser compatibility issues-

Autoprefixer CSS online - Autoprefixer is a tool that automatically adds vendor prefixes to your CSS code. Vendor prefixes are extra code added to CSS properties to ensure they work correctly on different browsers. For example: -webkit- , -ms- , and -moz- .

Can I use - This tool shows up-to date browser support tables for various web technologies, including CSS Flexbox.

Backwards compatibility of flexbox - A guide by MDN that tells about the history of flexbox and how to write to code that is backwards compatible with the older versions of the browsers.

Flexbugs - A GitHub repository that contains lots of flexbox issues, particularly dealing with cross-browser compatibility problems.

Though the article has come to an end, the bugs are still alive. We have covered some of the common flexbox issues developers face and hope this will help you figure out solutions for your codebase.

Let us know in the comments if you find this blog post helpful and whether or not it has helped you solve your flexbox related issues.

Happy Coding!

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The curious case of flexbox gap and Safari

  • 28 Apr 2021

Update at the end

The gap property was first introduced to add inner grid spacing but was extended in the spec to work with flexbox. With one line of code, you can replace something like this:

That’s nice, but Safari doesn’t support gap in flexbox just yet. Normally I’d just reach for @supports :

Unfortunately, Safari already supports gap in grid , so this doesn’t work. This is one of those weird cases where there is no easy CSS-only solution, though there have been proposals for workarounds .

This has left me scratching my head. You could polyfill with JavaScript or use PostCSS , but at this point, is it worth it? That’s a question that all frontend developers have to weigh from time to time, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.

I will probably wait until Safari supports flexbox gap in the latest two versions before using it, mainly because it doesn’t take that much more CSS to achieve the same effect. The only drawback is I cannot change the margins of the flex container. This can be overcome with an extra wrapper element, but then you’re starting to complicate the markup.

If you want to read more about the flexbox gap issue, check out this post from Ahmad Shadeed . And if you found this post helpful, please like it on Dev Community and let me know on Twitter .

Until tomorrow!

As of Safari 14.1, flex gap is now supported ! This brings me one step closer to replacing my object styles that do the same thing. I typically wait until something is supported in the last two versions of the evergreen browsers (or can be worked around).

I would still love to have a way to use @supports , but I’ll take what I can get. Anyway, happy coding!

Display:flex and flex-wrap:wrap breaking layout in safari only

Hi, I have an issue with a website where this page was broken due to theme developers incorrect application of display: flex to how the theme works on this particular page.

If title was more than one line long for each books post it would only show one book underneath that row instead of two like it is supposed to.

I fixed this issue for all browsers except for safari, this fix I have applied breaks the footer layout and sidebar layout sitewide so I have quarntined the CSS to the books page only

Can anyone tell me what safari spefic code I need to add to fix this?

I have added display: -webkit-flex; /* Safari / -webkit-flex-wrap: wrap; / Safari 6.1+ */ to the CSS rules and it is still broken in Safari

Full css code for .row element is below

It’s the before and after pseudo elements that are adding to the width in Safari and making the 50% item only big enough for one item per row.

The pseudo elements are only needed for containing floated elements so removing them when you use flex should sort the problem.

(I’d be careful with the old flex prefixes also as some can have odd behaviours.)

Thanks Paul, I assume by old flex prefixes you meant the safari specific ones?

The issues with layout and flexbox appear sitewide when I unquarantine the code for the whole site.

I would like to fix this for the whole site if I can so I dont have to worry about applying a whole bunch of page-id specific code for each page.

I have tried to do this by removing the page-id class from the code you have given me but I must have gone about this the wrong way.

If you go to this url you can see in other pages how flexbox is breaking in safari

Other pages badly affected are the books page previously mentioned, and the videos page, videos page only looks okay because post titles have been limited to no more than one line long.

This is my code now, still not sure what I am doing wrong? footer and sidebar are also affected by this which I failed to mention before.

I’m not sure its a good idea to change those classes globally as the page is built on bootstrap3 which is a floated layout (bootstrap4 uses flexbox).

It depends on what original problem you were trying to solve by introducing flex so it seems a bit drastic to suddenly change the whole of bootstrap3 to use flex instead of floats as that may introduce more bugs than it solves. It may be that you could have solved the original problem in some other way without converting to flex but I don’t know what problem you originally tried to solve?

I didn’t see that code in your CSS so can’t comment but guess there are some specificity issues.

You may want to try:

Or to test if this really is a specificity issue add !important for testing.

If that addresses the problem then remove the !important and add more specificity with a longer chain of selectors (devtools is your friend here to see which rules win out).

Of course it may be that on some pages/sections you don’t have .posts and .row so you would need to find the correct classes to target the elements.

Thanks so much for your help and advice Paul, I will try to be a little clearer about what I am trying to rectify.

Tried the above code and it has sort of fixed the books and videos, but the sidebar and footer columns are still broken in Safari. You can see the broken sidebar has floated left instead of right and is now at the very bottom of the homepage instead of the top right. The broken footer columns can be seen down the very bottom of all pages, if you look at the home page in any other browser except safari you can see how the homepage and footer columns on all pages is supposed to look like.

The issue I am trying to solve is with the books and videos page.

The developer of this theme has a css bug where posts excerpts that have h2 titles that are more than one line long no longer float correctly due to increased height when compared to adjacent excerpt that would only have a h2 title one line long. This would cause only one excerpt to show underneath the above posts instead of the 2 that are supposed to be there.

This issue was fixed by introducing extra flexbox css in all browsers except for Safari. In safari the layout is broken even more, sidebar on home page no longer floats right and now floats left, footer row of columns now stack 2 columns across instead of 4 columns in a single row.


I think the original problem is simply that you didn’t account for floats snagging when content is an uneven height. Bootstrap3 has provisions for that and you would have needed to follow the correct format when creating the page. See the responsive columns reset section here for more info. Of course that means adapting all the html in the relevant places and is something that should have been done during construction.

Flex solves the problem but will of course create other problems because bootstrap3 wasn’t designed with flex in mind.

It may be that you can get away with limiting the flexbox approach to .posts only and avoiding negating the things that the floated approach needs. I would try something like this first and then see what you can manage from there.

Note the use of the child selector to limit the scope of the rules.

Thanks Paul.

Gave that code a shot, it fixed the footer and sidebar but broke flexbox for the posts again.

With a minor modification to your suggested code of removing the > for display flex it is now finally perfect in Safari. Below is the minor modification in case it helps some one else.

Thanks again for your help, Paul, and so sorry for taking so long to see your reply.

This topic was automatically closed 91 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.

It’s Mid-2022 and Browsers (Mostly Safari) Still Break Accessibility via Display Properties

It was late 2020 when I last tested how browsers use CSS display properties to break the semantics of elements.

I had been waiting for Safari to fix how it handles display: contents for four years now, and was excited when the announcement came in June. Then I started testing the latest Safari Technical Preview and the results were not good . That prompted me to give each of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari a fresh run to see how they performed.

The following results are each set in a table with a numbered list following that provides more detail on any cells that are numbered:

  • There was a Chrome 113 regression where cell semantics (which have display: contents were removed from the accessibility tree. This was fixed in Chrome 115. 1448706
  • <ol> s and <ul> s are not treated as lists, but <dl> s perform fine.
  • There was a Chrome 113 regression where description lists had no list item semantics. This was fixed in Chrome 115. 1448706
  • There was a Chrome 113 regression where headings no longer conveyed semantics. This was fixed in Chrome 115. 1448706
  • Shows as a button in the accessibility inspector, but does not receive keyboard focus; cannot be navigated with JAWS 2022 button command ( B ); can be activated with a mouse, touch, and screen reader virtual cursor. 1366037
  • As of Chrome 115, still does not receive keyboard focus (so inoperable with keyboard) but now can be activated with screen reader commands.
  • <th> s with flex and grid are exposed as cells, not headers. 1711273
  • Using NVDA 2022.1–2023.1, the table reports the wrong number of rows and columns and cannot be navigated with table navigation commands ( Ctrl + Alt + ← ↑ → ↓ ).
  • Tested in Firefox 113 and all is well.
  • Inserts text leaf between each list item; NVDA announces each item in the list when navigating by list ( L ).
  • Shows as a button in the accessibility inspector, but does not receive keyboard focus; cannot be navigated with NVDA button command ( B ); can be activated with a mouse, touch, and screen reader virtual cursor; dev tools show a keyboard use warning. 1791648
  • VoiceOver announces the wrong column and row count for each table; VoiceOver does not announce column headers when moving between columns; VoiceOver table navigation commands do not work ( Ctrl + Option + ⌘ + ← ↑ → ↓ ). 239478 , 239479
  • VoiceOver announces the entirety of each row as a run-on and announces no column nor cell counts. This appears to be a regression in Safari 16.5.
  • VoiceOver does not announce ordered or unordered lists as lists (description lists are fine); VoiceOver does not navigate to ordered or unordered lists with list navigation ( Ctrl + Option + ⌘ + X ). 243486 , 243373 , 259487
  • VoiceOver announces the entirety of each description list as a run-on. This appears to be a regression in Safari 16.5.
  • Does not receive keyboard focus; cannot be navigated with VoiceOver button command ( Ctrl + Option + ⌘ + J ); can be activated with a mouse. 243486 , 255149
  • As of Safari TP 151, can be navigated with VoiceOver button command ( Ctrl + Option + ⌘ + J ) but its accessible name is not announced.
  • As of Safari TP 152, its accessible name is announced.
  • Safari 16 has regressed from Safari TP 152; the accessible name is not announced and it has none in the accessibility tree.
  • In Safari 16.5 it announces as button, can be navigated as a button with VoiceOver only. It can be activated with VoiceOver Ctrl + Option + Space only. It does not accept keyboard focus and so cannot be activated with keyboard alone.
  • Safari 17 now treats description lists as description lists (no run-on announcement).
  • Works as expected as of Safari 17.
  • Does not announce as a button and is not exposed when navigating by controls, but can be activated. Also has no focus style.
  • Table data cannot be accessed using VoiceOver when swiping or using read-all, and swiping from within table after using explore-by-touch does not advance to next cell. This appears to be a regression in Safari 16.5 (previously you could at least move through the text). 257458
  • VoiceOver treats all cells as in column 1 and does not provide column headers. 243474
  • VoiceOver does not announce ordered or unordered lists as lists (description lists are fine).
  • Fires on double-tap with VoiceOver.
  • In Safari 16.5 it announces as button, can be navigated as a button, and activates with and without VoiceOver. It still has no default focus ring.
  • Announces as heading as of Safari 17, but can not be navigated as a heading. 261978

Chrome cleaned itself up and has held steady for more than 20 versions. Firefox needs work, but at least saw a tiny improvement. Safari made one tiny improvement but has a much bigger deficit, and I don’t trust it will improve much given its now twice-promised fix for display: contents .

The following four embedded CodePens are what I used for testing. These do not account for all scenarios or use cases, but at least provide a baseline set of results. They were all created in early 2020. I adapted them by adding horizontal rules between each test since VoiceOver was concatenating some elements with display: contents to the prior element.

Each links to a CodePen debug mode so you can test it directly, without the iframe or wrapper cruft.

HTML Tables

Visit the tables test in debug mode .

See the Pen Tables with Assorted Display Properties by Adrian Roselli ( @aardrian ) on CodePen .

Visit the lists test in debug mode .

See the Pen Lists with Assorted Display Properties by Adrian Roselli ( @aardrian ) on CodePen .

Visit the headings test in debug mode .

See the Pen Headings with Assorted Display Properties by Adrian Roselli ( @aardrian ) on CodePen .

Visit the buttons test in debug mode .

See the Pen Buttons with Assorted Display Properties by Adrian Roselli ( @aardrian ) on CodePen .

I have not gone through all the old browser bugs, identified outstanding open bugs, nor filed fresh bugs. I just don’t have the energy. I am hoping readers can confirm or deny my findings, however, so if/when I muster that energy I have confirmation these issues aren’t just a failing on my end.

I have written about display properties, tables, and accessibility a bunch over the last few years. Others have also kicked in a pile of posts. This list is not exhaustive.

  • It’s OK to Use Tables , 16 July 2012
  • Hey, It’s Still OK to Use Tables , 1 November 2017
  • A Responsive Accessible Table , 2 November 2017
  • Tables, CSS Display Properties, and ARIA , 20 February 2018
  • Tables, JSON, CSS, ARIA, RWD, TLAs… , 2 April 2018
  • Display: Contents Is Not a CSS Reset , 1 May 2018
  • Functions to Add ARIA to Tables and Lists , 12 May 2018
  • a11yTO Conf: CSS Display Properties versus HTML Semantics , 21 October 2020
  • CSS3 — Appendix B: Effects of display: contents on Unusual Elements
  • Data Tables by Heydon Pickering
  • Short note on what CSS display properties do to table semantics by Steve Faulkner, 4 March 2018
  • How display: contents; Works by Ire Aderinokun, 27 Mar 2018
  • More accessible markup with display: contents by Hidde de Vries, 20 April 2018, updated to reference this post

Update: 15 July 2022

I heard back from someone who works on WebKit ( finally ) and he confirmed the issues I found with the following bugs:

  • Bug 242779 – AX: display:contents elements are inserted in the wrong position when they have inline renderer siblings , 14 July 2022
  • Bug 239479 – AX: Support display:contents for table elements , 18 April 2022

Update: 22 July 2022

I tested Safari Technology Preview 149 today. No change.

Update: 4 August 2022

I tested Safari Technology Preview 150 today on macOS 12.5. No change.

Update: 6 August 2022

More updates from Tyler Wilcock , namely that three commits have landed in WebKit that address the heading and button examples in this post:

  • Closes new bug Bug 243373 – AX: An unnecessary group is created for every block-flow box with no other useful AX semantics , 30 July 2022
  • Also closes its older duplicate Bug 242779 – AX: display:contents elements are inserted in the wrong position when they have inline renderer siblings , 14 July 2022
  • Closes new bug Bug 243474 – AX: On iOS, display:contents elements are inserted in the wrong position when they have inline renderer siblings , 2 August 2022
  • Closes new bug Bug 243486 – AX: AXCoreObject::textUnderElement always returns an empty string for display:contents elements , 3 August 2022

I am thrilled to see the now-rapid progress from Tyler specifically. Compared to the current silence from Apple’s dedicated developer relations arm, past Apple mis-representation of fixes, and years of Apple’s failure to test for these obvious issues, this has been a breath of fresh air.

No idea which Safari Technical Preview will see these updates, but I am hopeful they will make it to Safari 16.

Update: 16 August 2022

I tested Safari Technology Preview 151 today on macOS 12.5.1. No change except a button with display: contents is now partially exposed in one context.

Update: 27 August 2022

I tested Safari Technology Preview 152 today. No change except a button with display: contents now has its accessible name announced.

Update: 11 September 2022

I tested Safari Technology Preview 153 today. No changes.

Update: 12 September 2022

I tested Safari 16 on macOS 12.6 today. It is equivalent to Safari TP 151. Tables with display properties are difficult to impossible to navigate with VoiceOver. Buttons with display: contents have no accessible name and do not activate on Enter ↵ . The minor improvements since Safari 15 (and before) are not enough to make buttons or tables accessibility supported on macOS. All this despite the following claim today:

Safari 16 introduces a re-architecture of WebKit’s accessibility support on macOS. […] Safari 16 also greatly improves accessibility support for elements with display:contents by ensuring they are properly represented in the accessibility tree. WebKit Features in Safari 16.0 , 12 September 2022

And this claim in June 2022:

I’m so happy that the severe mistake implementing `display: contents` and how it impacts the accessibility tree — one that originally shipped in all browsers — is now finally fixed in all browsers. (Including on iOS! Ooops my bug on Can I Use.) Jen Simmons (@jensimmons) 13 June 2022

And this claim in March 2022:

WebKit fixed an accessibility bug with display:contents , which incorrectly hid content from the accessibility tree. This fix makes it possible to freely use this display value to remove a box from the DOM tree , while still including its children. This can be useful when you want to adjust which box is the child of a Flexbox or Grid container, for instance. New WebKit Features in Safari 15.4 , 14 March 2022
Web developers, I have big news! Safari 15.4 is here, packed with 70+ new features — lazy loading, dialog, :has(), Cascade Layers, svh/lvh/dvh, focus-visible, accent-color, display: contents fix, scroll-behavior, Manifest icons, BroadcastChannel & more: Jen Simmons (@jensimmons) 14 March 2022

And this claim two days after I posted this update:

This is clearly a bug in Safari 16.0. One that we have already resolved. The fix is currently in Safari 16.1 beta. Comment on #6451 Safari 16 (release version) still broken

I really wish Apple had a dedicated Safari Twitter account instead of hanging its evangelist and/or the open source WebKit project out there to take the heat. That is unfair.

Remember that this is not an excuse to beat up the devs at Apple. If you are doing that, you are being unnecessarily mean to individuals who may have no control over broader organizational decisions. Do not be that guy / person / jerk.

Update: 13 September 2022

I filed an issue to update the Can I Use entry for display: block , and it was merged overnight: #6451: Safari 16 (release version) still broken

The Can I Use flex and grid data comes from the MDN browser-compat-data , so I filed an issue there: #17776 – Safari (thru 16) flex, grid, contents problems

Update: 17 September 2022

Apple’s devrel team came through and filed another PR at Can I Use (while still engaging me in my PR) and undid my changes. The good news is that for the first time Can I Use reflects that Safari 15.x and older never properly supported display: contents , acknowldegment of its prior false claims. The less good news is that both Apple and Can I Use believe that Safari supports display: contents when using it on buttons or tables renders them inaccessible in Safari 16. Clearly we have different ideas of the term supported .

Update: 20 September 2022

Following some informal community polling , Can I Use has restored Safari’s “partial support” entry for display: contents :

The Can I Use table for display contents showing Safari 16, 16.1, and TP all only partially support the feature.

My efforts have probably earned me no fans at Apple, though at least one Apple devrel person might agree with the change.

Update: 13 November 2022

No improvements in Safari 16.1. Here I demonstrate how the row and column counts are way off for the tables.

Here I am using Chrome 107, Firefox 106, and Safari 16.1 trying to Tab ↹ to the <button> with display: contents . It is worth noting that neither adding role="button" nor tabindex="0" will fix this.

Update: 29 November 2022

Promising work on resolving a Firefox bug where <th> s with CSS flex and grid are exposed as cells, not headers:

This revision fixes the problem by moving the th NativeRole logic into the TableCellAccessible class, then calling that logic from both the ARIA grid cell accessible NativeRole and from HTMLTableHeaderCellAccessible, as before. This revision also updates tests reliant on the old behavior, including beefing up an existing test aimed at this bug specifically. Comment 6 on 1711273 Losing columnHeader role when setting CSS display on a table

When that deploys it will leave Safari ≤16.1 as the last browser that breaks tables using CSS display properties.

Update: 20 December 2022

Stumbled across this piece of advice on Twitter promoting the use of display: contents :

The HTML <details> element 1 cannot become a flexbox or grid container ( display: flex and display: grid are ignored). This restriction is specified in the HTML Standard ( The <details> element is expected to render as a block box 2 ) and implemented in all browsers. It is possible to work around this limitation with display: contents 3 . […] / LeaVerou/status /1563912029827747840 / docs/Web /HTML/Element /details / multipage /rendering.html # the-details-and-summary-elements / @simevidas /109538578812286095 […] Web Platform News, 19 December 2022

This is a case of trying to solve one very specific problem, layout core to an element, with a flamethrower and no regard for what else goes up in flames. In this case it is keyboard accessibility. To demonstrate that, I made a demo :

See the Pen Untitled by Adrian Roselli ( @aardrian ) on CodePen .

This is the outcome of specs that do not clarify how the content model should (or should not) be affected, browsers that ignore the bug for years, and developers who cannot be bothered to test with the one device attached to all their computers (keyboard, for those reading who never use on for testing).

The CSS display: contents property looks like such a simple salve, but in the end guarantees an access barrier.

Update: 8 April 2023

I tested Safari 16.4 on macOS 12.6.4 today. No changes.

Meanwhile, Chromium has a change ready to go that will allow elements with display:contents to be focused (3910374) , which is meant to honor CSSWG issue #2632 stating Elements that have display: contents can still be focused… .

David Baron also filed a WebKit bug and requests for Mozilla and WebKit to take a position on display: contents focusability specifically:

  • WebKit Bug 255149 – elements with CSS display:contents are not focusable
  • #772 Request for Mozilla Position: focusability of elements with display:contents
  • WebKit #164 focusability of elements with CSS display:contents

Update: 24 May 2023

Safari on iPadOS 16.5 seems to have regressed since I can no longer get to table contents using read-all or swiping when the table has flex , grid , or block . I am forced to use explore by touch to get into the table, and even then I cannot move between cells with swiping. On the bright side, buttons work well now with contents (though I would like a default focus outline).

Safari 16.5 on macOS also appears to have regressed with tables and description lists that have display: contents . Buttons, while improved, are sadly still inaccessible to keyboard users when using contents .

Firefox 113 on Windows fixed a long-standing bug with tables, so congratulations are due there.

Chrome 113 on Windows and Android seems to have decided anything with display: contents must have its semantics stripped. This change may have happened prior to Chrome 113, which is my fault for not testing each release. Either way, tables, lists, and headings are now broken and buttons remain broken.

In response to my social media posts about this today, David Baron promptly filed a Chromium issue: 1448706: elements with display:contents no longer exposed in accessibility tree

Update: 30 May 2023

Within 48 hours of me posting the Chrome regression on Mastodon, folks from the Chrome team (current and past) confirmed the regression, identified the cause, filed an issue, fixed the issue, and queued it to roll out in Chrome 115 (scheduled for 12 July). Thanks to David Baron, Alice Boxhall, and Aaron Leventhal.

While this kind of pro-active bug fix is great to see in action, there is still a significant barrier for users that will take about 3 months and 2+ versions for them to see fixed.

Meanwhile, I filed a new bug against Safari on iPadOS 16.5, Bug 257458 – AX: Tables with display properties are skipped, report wrong col/row counts , which includes the following video:

In the Safari issue I cite eighteen distinct bugs:

  • Tables with display: flex on the <tr> cannot be navigated into using swipe gestures (swipe right or left).
  • Tables with display: flex on the <tr> are skipped when using read-all.
  • Tables with display: grid on the <tr> cannot be navigated into using swipe gestures (swipe right or left)
  • Tables with display: grid on the <tr> are skipped when using read-all.
  • Tables with display: block on the <td> and <th> give the wrong column count.
  • Tables with display: block on the <td> and <th> announce each <th> with the first <th> when first entering a row.
  • Tables with display: block on the <td> and <th> announce each column header <th> as a row header.
  • Tables with display: block on the <td> and <th> announce each column header <th> as column 1.
  • Tables with display: block on the <td> and <th> announce each <td> with the wrong or no column header.
  • Tables with display: block on the <td> and <th> announce each <td> as column 1.
  • Tables with display: inline-block on the <td> and <th> give the wrong column count.
  • Tables with display: inline-block on the <td> and <th> announce each <th> with the first <th> when first entering a row.
  • Tables with display: inline-block on the <td> and <th> announce each column header <th> as a row header.
  • Tables with display: inline-block on the <td> and <th> announce each column header <th> as column 1.
  • Tables with display: inline-block on the <td> and <th> announce each <td> with no column header.
  • Tables with display: inline-block on the <td> and <th> announce each <td> as column 1.
  • Tables with display: contents on the <td> cannot be navigated into using swipe gestures (swipe right or left).
  • Tables with display: contents on the <td> are skipped when using read-all.

I filed the following additional issues/PRs:

  • MDN Browser Compat: #19994: Safari Table Support – CSS Display Properties Break Tables
  • Pull request for CSS inline-block at Can I Use (there appears to be no entry for block , but the same bugs apply): #6731: Update inline-block.json for Safari bugs

I have low hopes for the MDN Brower Compat charts updating since #17776: – Safari (thru 16) flex, grid, contents problems has been open and untouched since September 2022.

Similarly, Safari issue Bug 239479: AX: Support display:contents for table elements has sat for over a year (filed 18 April 2022).

Update: 7 June 2023

I updated Bug 257458 – AX: Tables with display properties are skipped, report wrong col/row counts to include results of testing with Safari 16.5 and VoiceOver on macOS 12.6.6:

  • Tables with display: flex on the <tr> cannot be navigated into using table navigation.
  • Tables with display: flex on the <tr> cannot be navigated into using swipe gestures.
  • Tables with display: block on the <th> announce each as a cell.
  • Tables with display: block on the <td> and <th> do not support navigating within a column.
  • Tables with display: block on the <td> and <th> do not announce column headers.
  • Tables with display: inline-block on the <td> and <th> announce the entirety of cells in a row as a single node.
  • Tables with display: inline-block on the <td> and <th> do not support navigating within a column (because it is treated as one column).
  • Tables with display: inline-block on the <td> and <th> do not announce column headers.
  • Tables with display: contents on the <td> and <th> cannot be navigated into using table navigation.
  • Tables with display: contents on the <td> and <th> are skipped when using read-all.
  • Tables with display: contents on the <td> and <th> have each row read as a single string of text.

So far I have seen no signals about this from Apple’s WWDC Safari and CSS talk , despite demonstrating some of these properties.

The Safari 17 beta announcement suggests some fixes for display: contents , but not for the issues I cite here. Which is insight that there are likely far more issues than the four types of elements I have tracked in this post.

Update: 21 July 2023

Progress in Safari Technology Preview 174 on macOS. Items 19–33 are addressed. I found two new issues, which are a function of the fixes:

  • Tables with display: contents on the <td> and <th> can be navigated into using table navigation, but VoiceOver announces each cell as “blank”.
  • Tables with display: contents on the <td> and <th> do not announce cell contents when using read-all. VoiceOver simply announces the column and row position.

I added these to the Safari bug that has gottent traction . I am not updating the support table owing to regressions I have seen in other TPs. I will update it when and if the fixes come to Safari 17.

I did not test Safari TP on iPadOS as I cannot seem to locate a TP for the platform.

Update: 13 August 2023

More progress in Safari Technology Preview 176 on macOS. The two new bugs I found are fixed. Granted, they should never had made it to the TP where I could find them, but at least I someone (me) caught them.

I did not test on iPadOS nor iPhoneOS. I did not re-test any prior issues for regressions. Apple is not paying me enough (nothing, actually) to do all of its QA.

I am not updating the support table above owing to regressions I have seen in other TPs. I will update it when and if the fixes come to Safari 17. Safari 17 is in beta now, but I am not testing it. I also understand not all Safari 17 features will be supported in macOS 12 or even 13, but I see no reason these fixes would not be. It would be a shame if users would have to upgrade hardware just to use tables for the first time in years.

Update: 14 August 2023

I confirmed that Chrome 115 fixes the regresions I identifed in May . Lists and buttons with display: contents are still broken. This is most obvious with TalkBack where navigating to the sample lists rattles off the entire list as one single string of text.

Update: 22 September 2023

Significant progress in Safari 17 for iPadOS. Tables work now, which is spectacular. I find it odd that calling a native HTML element that only functions correctly in assistive technology years after the issue was reported “spectacular” when it should simply be expected, but here we are.

I did not expect lists to get any update. Apple has made a decision on that which is unlikely to change. It annoys some users, not others, and makes devs grumpy.

Headings with display: contents now announce as headings when you encounter them, but you cannot navigate by them. That is a disappointment because it feels like Safari was so close and Safari Technology Preview 179 on macOS does not have this problem. Which makes this statement not quite accurate:

WebKit for Safari 17.0 fixes our remaining accessibility issues with display:contents . WebKit Features in Safari 17.0

Buttons continue to not have a focus ring, but all browsers are struggling with this.

Update: 7 October 2023

Very good progress in Safari 17. Tables and description lists are no longer broken when display properties are applied. Buttons with display: contents , however, are still inoperable by keyboard users and problematic for VO users (and I confirmed is also the case in Safari TP 180).

Meanwhile, the heading issue I reported for Safari 17 on iPadOS ( 261978 – AX: Headings with `display: contents` cannot be navigated ) has been marked as a VoiceOver issue with no insight when it will be fixed. But marking it a VoiceOver issue means Safari can claim to have no bug so yay?

Apple seems reasonably confident it has finally fixed its historically years-lagging support (despite prior claims), and so has been doing the rounds suddenly arguing all the other browsers and specs need to fix display: contents issues while using its own claims of (abruptly and questionably) better support to bolster them:

  • CSS Working Group Comment on #3040 [css-a11y][css-display] display: contents; strips semantic role from elements from 2018.
  • Web Platform Tests #568 display: contents

I also filed a PR with Can I Use to amend the one filed by Apple three weeks ago (I was unable to review owing to travel and this is not my job slash no one is paying me).

With Safari almost there on basic support and Apple now pushing for the specs and browsers to agree, after sitting it out for a few years, I am excited that the end is in sight. Which I expect before WCAG 3.

Reply I encounter similar issues when I wish to set grid on the body element and display contents on the main element. The main issue I have is implementing a skip to content link that targets the main[display: contents] element :( I think this should be of interest to the community since the following is a common DOM pattern: Skipping the main element would really be a shame Neil Osman ; 1 August 2022 at 7:36 am . Permalink
In response to Neil Osman . Reply part of my comment was sanitized, so here is a demo that illustrates my point Neil ; 1 August 2022 at 10:15 am . Permalink
Reply Thank you for posting this and for continuously testing for the current state of things. display: contents seems really valuable as CSS grid becomes more commonplace, but until some of these issues are fixed I’m still going to avoid grid entirely (where feasilbe) in cases where display: contents would be necessary. Clayton ; 13 March 2023 at 6:21 pm . Permalink
In response to Clayton . Reply FWIW, I think an alternate approach might be to test the problematic instances on your audience’s browsers and then decide which cases you can ignore and which cases are problems. But I very much understand the frustration — I have been there for a few years now. Adrian Roselli ; 19 March 2023 at 8:05 pm . Permalink
Reply […] from the accessibility tree in response to certain display properties, including display: none. It’s Mid-2022 and Browsers (Mostly Safari) Still Break Accessibility via Display Properties by Adrian Roselli covers this in more […] MDN’s AI Help and lucid lies - Seirdy ; 5 April 2024 at 7:41 pm . Permalink

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Home › Forums › CSS › Flexbox Direction and order in Safari

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' src=

I’m having some issues getting flexbox direction and order to work in safari, I’ve made a pen adapted from Chris’s demo that uses a media query to change the direction and order when viewed at a mobile like width and it just won’t work in safari but is fine in chrome, I thought it must be a vendor prefix issue but I think I’ve caught all of those.

any help would be greatly appreciated, all I want is a row layout before the media query and a re-ordered column layout when the media query takes effect.

I’m still stuck with this and the codepen above re-creates it in safari when resized, any ideas/help appreciated, thanks

' src=

You missed vendor prefixes for .main-content inside the media query. I cleaned up your CSS and added all the needed prefixes with Autoprefixer (keep in mind this goes with the last 2 browser version, browsers with over 1% of global usage, Firefox ESR, and Opera 12.1).

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display flex css not working in safari

Safari CSS Reference

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Supported CSS Properties

Safari and WebKit implement a large subset of the CSS 2.1 Specification defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), along with portions of the CSS 3 Specification. This reference describes the supported properties and provides Safari availability information. If a property is not listed here, it is not implemented by Safari and WebKit.

The CSS attributes in this article are divided according to the groups defined by the W3C CSS Specification:

Box Model describes properties specific to the bounding boxes of block elements, including borders, padding, and margins. Additional box-related properties specific to tables are described separately in Tables .

Visual Formatting Model describes properties that set the position and size of block elements.

Visual Effects describes properties that adjust the visual presentation of block elements, including overflow behavior, resizing behavior, visibility, animation, transforms, and transitions.

Generated Content, Automatic Numbering, and Lists describes properties that allow you to change the contents of an element, create automatically numbered sections and headings, and manipulate the style of list elements.

Paged Media describes properties associated with controlling appearance attributes specific to printed versions of a webpage, such as page break behavior.

Colors and Backgrounds describes properties that control the background of block-level elements and the color of text content within elements.

Fonts describes properties specific to font selection for text within an element. It also describes properties used in downloadable font definitions.

Text describes properties specific to text styles, spacing, and automatic scrolling (marquee).

Tables describes layout and styling properties specific to table elements.

User Interface describes properties that relate to user interface elements in the browser, such as scrolling text areas, scroll bars, and so on. It also describes properties that are outside the scope of the page content, such as cursor style and the callout shown when you touch and hold a touch target such as a link in iOS.

Defines a variety of border properties for an element within one declaration.

The width of the border on all sides.

The style of the border.

The color of the border.


Border-style, border-width, border-bottom.

Defines a variety of properties for an element’s bottom border within one declaration.

The width of the bottom border.




Defines the color of the bottom border of an element.

The color of the bottom border.

The value of the element’s color property.

The default color of a hyperlink that is being clicked.

The color that surrounds a UI element, such as a text field, that has focus.

The default color of a hyperlink that has been visited.

The default text color.

activeborder , activecaption , appworkspace , aqua , background , black , blue , buttonface , buttonhighlight , buttonshadow , buttontext , captiontext , fuchsia , gray , graytext , green , grey , highlight , highlighttext , inactiveborder , inactivecaption , inactivecaptiontext , infobackground , infotext , lime , maroon , match , menu , menutext , navy , olive , orange , purple , red , scrollbar , silver , teal , threeddarkshadow , threedface , threedhighlight , threedlightshadow , threedshadow , transparent , white , window , windowframe , windowtext , yellow

Changes to this property can be animated.

Defines the style of the bottom border of an element.

The style of the bottom border.

dashed , dotted , double , groove , hidden , inset , none , outset , ridge , solid

Defines the width of the bottom border of an element.

Length units

medium , thick , thin

Defines the color of an element’s border.


Border-right-color, border-top-color, border-left.

Defines a variety of properties for an element’s left border within one declaration.

The width of the left border.

The style of the left border.

The color of the left border.



Defines the color of the left border of an element.

Defines the style of the left border of an element.

Defines the width of the left border of an element.


Defines a variety of properties for an element’s right border within one declaration.

The width of the right border.

The style of the right border.

The color of the right border.



Defines the color of the right border of an element.

Defines the style of the right border of an element.

Defines the width of the right border of an element.

Defines the style for an element’s border.


Defines a variety of properties for an element’s top border within one declaration.

The width of the top border.

The style of the top border.

The color of the top border.


Defines the color of the top border of an element.

Defines the style of the top border of an element.

Defines the width of the top border of an element.

Defines the width of the border of an element.

The width of the border.

Defines the width of an element’s outer-element margin.

The width of the margin.

The width of the top margin.

The width of the right margin.

The width of the bottom margin.

The width of the left margin.


Margin-left, margin-right.

Defines the width of the bottom margin of an element.

Numbers as a percentage, length units

Defines the width of the left margin of an element.

Defines the width of the right margin of an element.

Defines the width of the top margin of an element.

Defines the width of an element’s inner-element padding.

The width of the padding on all sides.

The width of the top padding.

The width of the right padding.

The width of the bottom padding.

The width of the left padding.


Padding-left, padding-right, padding-top.

Defines the width of the bottom padding of an element.

Defines the width of the left padding of an element.

Defines the width of the right padding of an element.

Defines the width of the top padding of an element.


Specifies that the bottom-left corner of a box be rounded with the specified radius.

The radius of the rounded corner.

The horizontal radius of the rounded corner.

The vertical radius of the rounded corner.





This property takes either one or two parameters. If one parameter is specified, it controls both the horizontal and vertical radii of a quarter ellipse. If two parameters are specified, the first parameter normally represents the horizontal radius and the second parameter represents the remaining radius. (Compatibility note: In Internet Explorer, if writing-mode is specified as tb-rl , these parameters are reversed.)

Available in Safari 3.0 and later.

Available in iOS 1.0 and later.

Experimental CSS 3.

Specifies that the bottom-right corner of a box be rounded with the specified radius.


Specifies an image as the border for a box.

The method of which to produce the image. This could be expressed by the url() syntax, which contains the URI of the image (in the same fashion as the background-image property), or by a procedural function such as gradient() .

The distance from the top edge of the image.

The distance from the right edge of the image.

The distance from the bottom edge of the image.

The distance from the left edge of the image.

The horizontal repeat style.

The vertical repeat style.

The image is tiled.

The image is stretched before it is tiled to prevent partial tiles

The image is stretched to the size of the border.

The specified image is cut into nine pieces according to the length values given. This property applies to any box, including inline elements, but does not apply to table cells if the border-collapse property is set to collapse .

The first five fields are required. The four inset values that follow method represent distances from the top, right, bottom, and left edges of the image. If no unit is specified, they represent actual pixels in the original image (assuming a raster image). If a unit (such as px ) is specified, they represent CSS units (which may or may not be the same thing). The values may also be specified as a percentage of the size of the image as well as vector coordinates.

After the required fields, you can optionally include a border width field or fields, preceded by a slash ( / ). You can specify all four border widths individually or specify a single value that applies to all four fields. If these values are not the same size as the inset values, the slices of the original image are scaled to fit. Note that border-width constants like thick are not valid.

Finally, you can specify a repeat style in each direction. These values affect how the top, bottom, left, right, and center portions are altered to fit the required dimensions, and can be any of the following: repeat (tiled), stretch , or round (the round style is like tiling, except that it stretches all nine pieces slightly so that there is no partial tile at the end).

Specifies that the corners of a box be rounded with the specified radius.

The radius of the rounded corners.

The horizontal radius of the rounded corners.

The vertical radius of the rounded corners.

Specifies that the top-left corner of a box be rounded with the specified radius.

Specifies that the top-right corner of a box be rounded with the specified radius.


Specifies that the size of a box be measured according to either its content (default) or its total size including borders.

The model by which the size of the box is measured.

The box size includes borders in addition to content.

The box size only includes content.

Available in iOS 1.1 and later. (Called box-sizing in iOS 1.0.)


Applies a drop shadow effect to the border box of an object.

The horizontal offset of the shadow.

The vertical offset of the shadow.

The blur radius of the shadow.

The color of the shadow.

The box has no shadow.

This property takes four parameters. The first two are horizontal and vertical offsets—down for horizontal, and to the right for vertical. The third value is a blur radius. The fourth value is the color of the shadow. Changes to this property can be animated.

Available in iOS 2.0 and later.


Specifies the behavior of an element’s bottom margin if it is adjacent to an element with a margin. Elements can maintain their respective margins or share a single margin between them.

The behavior of the bottom margin.

Two adjacent margins are collapsed into a single margin.

The element’s margin is discarded if it is adjacent to another element with a margin.

Two adjacent margins remain separate.

This property allows you to emulate the behavior of some browsers in quirks mode where table cell margins are collapsed into the borders of vertically adjacent cells.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-margin-bottom-collapse in Safari 2.0.)

Apple extension.


Specifies the behavior of an element’s vertical margins if it is adjacent to an element with a margin. Elements can maintain their respective margins or share a single margin between them.

The behavior of the vertical margins.


Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-magin-collapse in Safari 2.0.)


Provides the width of the starting margin.

The width of the starting margin.

The margin is automatically determined.

If the writing direction is left-to-right, this value overrides margin-left . If the writing direction is right-to-left, this value overrides margin-right .

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called it is -khtml-margin-start in Safari 2.0.)

Specifies the behavior of an element’s top margin if it is adjacent to an element with a margin. Elements can maintain their respective margins or share a single margin between them.

The behavior of the top margin.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-magin-top-collapse in Safari 2.0.)


Provides the width of the starting padding.

The width of the starting padding.

If the writing direction is left-to-right, this value overrides padding-left . If the writing direction is right-to-left, this value overrides padding-right .

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-padding-start in Safari 2.0.)

Visual Formatting Model

Defines the location of the bottom edge of the element for both absolute and relative positioning.

The location of the bottom edge of the element.

Available in Safari 1.0 and later.

Available in iOS 1.0 and later

Defines the sides of an element on which no floating elements are permitted to be displayed.

The sides of the element on which no floating elements can be displayed.

both , left , none , right

Sets the direction in which text is rendered.

The direction of the text.

Defines how an element is displayed onscreen.

The display mode.

The element is displayed in its own flex box.

The element is displayed inline in its own flex box.

block , compact , inline , inline-block , inline-table , list-item , none , run-in , table , table-caption , table-cell , table-column , table-column-group , table-footer-group , table-header-group , table-row , table-row-group

Indicates whether an element (often a graphic) should be pulled out of the normal text flow and floated toward a particular horizontal position within its enclosing element.

The position for the element to be floated toward.

center , left , none , right

If float is set to none , the element is displayed inline wherever it appears within the text flow.

If float is set to a positional value, the element is laid out as it normally would be within the flow, then is moved as far as possible towards the specified position. If an element is vertically positioned such that it would run into another element that is part of the same float, it stops at the point of contact. Thus, in effect, this causes these floating elements to stack up at the specified horizontal position.

If the width of a series of stacked floating elements exceeds the width of the enclosing box, further elements wrap to a new row. You can force an element to always wrap to a new row by setting the clear property on that element. (See clear for more information.)

Note:  With the exception of elements with intrinsic width (an img tag, for example), you should always set the width property on floating elements to ensure consistent behavior across browsers.

Defines the height of a structural element.

The height of the element.

Numbers as a percentage, length units, nonnegative values

auto , intrinsic , min-intrinsic

This property has no effect on inline elements. Changes to this property can be animated.

Defines the location of the left edge of the element for both absolute and relative positioning.

The location of the left edge of the element.


Defines the vertical interline spacing of lines within the text of an element.

The interline spacing value.

Floating-point numbers, Numbers as a percentage, length units

Defines the maximum height of a structural element.

The maximum height.

intrinsic , min-intrinsic , none

Available in Safari 1.3 and later. (Positioned elements require Safari 2.0.2 and later.)

Defines the maximum width of a structural element.

The maximum width.

Available in Safari 1.0 and later. (Positioned elements require Safari 2.0.2 and later.)

Defines the minimum height of a structural element.

The minimum height.

intrinsic , min-intrinsic

Defines the minimum width of a structural element.

The minimum width.

Specifies how to blend the offscreen rendering into the current composite rendering.

The opacity.

Floating-point numbers

Available in Safari 2.0 and later. (Called -khtml-opacity in Safari 1.1.)

Specifies how an element is positioned.

The positioning model for the element.

absolute , fixed , relative , static

This property affects the behavior of positional properties such as float and left / right / top / bottom .

Defines the location of the right edge of the element for both absolute and relative positioning.

The location of the right edge of the element.

Defines the location of the top edge of the element for both absolute and relative positioning.

The location of the top edge of the element.


Defines the Unicode bidirectional text algorithm used to display text.

The bidirectional text algorithm.

bidi-override , embed , normal

This property must be set if you intend to change the direction of inline text.


Defines the vertical alignment of elements inline with text.

The vertical alignment of the text.

The center of the element is aligned with the baseline of the text.

baseline , bottom , middle , sub , super , text-bottom , text-top , top

Defines the width of a structural element.

The width of the element.

Overrides the default stacking order of elements.

The z-index of the element.

Formally, the z-index property sets the height of an element above the drawing plane (in pixels). Its primary use is to override the default stacking order of elements.

By default, elements are stacked in the order in which they appear within the DOM tree; later elements appear on top of earlier elements. If you set a z-index value for an element, that element is displayed on top of all elements with a lower z-index value, underneath all elements with a higher z-index value, and stacked according to its position in the DOM tree relative to all elements with the same z-index value.

By default, elements are assigned a z-index value of auto , which is equivalent to zero ( 0 ).

Specifies the magnification of an element.

The magnification of the element.

Numbers as a percentage, floating-point numbers, nonnegative values

A zoom level of 100% .

Specifies that an element not scale at all when a zoom is applied.

Children of elements with the zoom property do not inherit the property, but they are affected by it. The default value of the zoom property is normal , which is equivalent to a percentage value of 100% or a floating-point value of 1.0 .

Available in Safari 4.0 and later.

Visual Effects

Defines the clipping region.

The clipping region.

A clipping region is the portion of an element in which its content will be rendered. The default is to render content within the entire element size.

If you do not use the constant auto , the value should be in the form of a supported shape (currently limited to rect ).

For example, clip: rect(3px 20px 5px 8px); defines a rectangular clip region with a top edge 3 pixels from the top of the element, a right edge 20 pixels from the left edge of the element, a bottom border 5 pixels from the top of the element, and a left border 8 pixels from the left edge of the element.

Defines the treatment of content that overflows the element’s bounds.

The overflow behavior.

This property allows you to choose the behavior for content that overflows the element bounds, such as providing scroll bars or hiding the overflowed content.

Defines the treatment of content that overflows the element’s horizontal bounds.

The content behaves like a marquee.

auto , hidden , overlay , scroll , visible

Stable CSS 3.

Defines the treatment of content that overflows the element’s vertical bounds.

Specifies the directions in which resizing is allowed.

The directions in which resizing is allowed.

auto , both , horizontal , none , vertical

Defines whether or not an element is visible onscreen.

collapse , hidden , visible

Note that elements made invisible using this property still take up space onscreen. Changes to this property can be animated.

Available in Safari 1.0 and later. (All supported except for collapse .)


Combines common animation properties into a single property.

See -webkit-animation-name for details.

See -webkit-animation-duration for details.

See -webkit-animation-timing-function for details.

See -webkit-animation-delay for details.

See -webkit-animation-iteration-count for details.

See -webkit-animation-direction for details.

Refer to the respective property for details of each property and default values.


Defines when an animation starts.

The time to begin executing an animation after it is applied. If 0 , the animation executes as soon as it is applied. If positive, it specifies an offset from the moment the animation is applied, and the animation delays execution by that offset. If negative, the animation executes the moment the property changes but appears to begin at the specified negative offset—that is, begins part-way through the animation. Nonzero values must specify a unit: s for seconds, ms for milliseconds. The default value is 0 .

The animation begins immediately.

This property allows an animation to begin execution some time after it is applied.


Determines whether the animation should play in reverse on alternate iterations.

The direction to play. The default value is normal .

Play each iteration of the animation in the forward direction.

Play even-numbered iterations of the animation in the forward direction and odd-numbered iterations in the reverse direction.

When an animation is played in reverse, the timing functions are also reversed. For example, when played in reverse, an ease-in animation appears as an ease-out animation.


Specifies the length of time that an animation takes to complete one iteration.

The duration of an animation. If 0 , the animation iteration is immediate (there is no animation). A negative value is treated as 0 . The default value is 0 .


Specifies whether the effects of an animation are apparent before the animation starts and after it ends.

The animation’s fill mode. Can be none , forwards , backwards , or both .

The effects of the animation are apparent only during the defined duration of the animation.

The animation’s final keyframe continues to apply after the final iteration of the animation completes.

The animation’s initial keyframe is applied as soon as the animation style is applied to an element. This only affects animations that have a nonzero value for -webkit-animation-delay .

The animation’s initial keyframe is applied as soon as the animation style is applied to an element, and the animation’s final keyframe continues to apply after the final iteration of the animation completes. The initial keyframe only affects animations that have a nonzero value for -webkit-animation-delay .

By default, an animation starts as soon as the style that describes the animation is applied to an element; however, the -webkit-animation-delay property can delay the start of an animation. Specifying a value of backwards or both for this property overrides the -webkit-animation-delay property and tells the animation to start as soon as the style is applied.

Available in Safari 5.0 and later.

Available in iOS 4.0 and later.


Specifies the number of times an animation iterates.

The number of iterations. If 1 , the animation plays from beginning to end once. A value of infinite causes the animation to repeat forever. Noninteger values cause the animation to end partway through an iteration. Negative values are invalid. The default value is 1 .

Repeats the animation forever.

This property is often used with a -webkit-animation-direction property set to alternate , which causes the animation to play in reverse on alternate iterations.


Specifies the name of an animation.

The name of the animation.

The name is used to select the -webkit-keyframe at-rule that provides the keyframes and property values for the animation. If the name does not match any -webkit-keyframe at-rule, there are no properties to be animated and the animation is not executed. See @-webkit-keyframes for a description of this rule.

If "none" , no animation is executed even if there is a -webkit-keyframe at-rule with that name. Setting this property to "none" explicitly disables animations.

The default value is "" .


Determines whether the animation is running or paused.

The state of an animation.

Plays the animation.

Pauses the animation.

A running animation can be paused by setting this property to paused . Set this property to running to continue running a paused animation. A paused animation continues to display the current value of the animation in a static state. When a paused animation is resumed, it restarts from the current value, not from the beginning of the animation.

The default value is running .


Defines how an animation progresses between keyframes.

The function to apply between keyframes. The default value is ease .

Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1.0) .

Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) .

Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1.0, 1.0) .

Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1.0) .

Equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1.0) .

Equivalent to steps(1, end) .

Available in iOS 5.0 and later.

Available in Safari 5.1 and later.

Equivalent to steps(1, start) .

The timing function is specified using a cubic Bezier curve. Use the constants to specify preset points of the curve or the cubic-bezier function to specify your own points. See cubic-bezier for a description of the parameters for this function. See Timing Functions for additional information about timing functions.

This property applies between keyframes, not over the entire animation. For example, for an ease-in-out timing function, an animation eases in at the start of the keyframe and eases out at the end of the keyframe. A -webkit-animation-timing-function defined within a keyframe block applies to that keyframe; otherwise, the timing function specified for the animation is used.


Determines whether or not a transformed element is visible when it is not facing the screen.

Determines whether or not the back face of a transformed element is visible. The default value is visible .

The element is always visible even when it is not facing the screen.

The element is invisible if it is not facing the screen.

Use this property to specify whether or not an element is visible when it is not facing the screen. For example, if the identity transform is set, an element faces the screen; otherwise, it may face away from the screen. For example, applying a rotation about y of 180 degrees in the absence of any other transforms causes an element to face away from the screen.

This property is useful when you place two elements back to back, as you would do to create a playing card. Without this property, the front and back elements could at times switch places during an animation to flip the card. Another example is creating a box out of six elements whose outside and inside faces can be viewed. This is useful when creating the backdrop for a three-dimensional stage.


Defines a reflection of a border box.

The position of the reflection relative to the border box. Can be above , below , left , or right .

The distance of the reflection from the edge of the border box, in length units or as a percentage. The default value is 0 .

Used to overlay the reflection. If omitted, the reflection has no mask.

The reflection appears above the border box.

The reflection appears below the border box.

The reflection appears to the left of the border box.

The reflection appears to the right of the border box.

Reflections will update automatically as the source changes. Specifying a reflection has the effect of creating a stacking context (like opacity, masks, and transforms). The reflection is non-interactive, and as such, it has no effect on hit testing. The reflection has no effect on layout, other than being part of a container’s overflow; it is similar to -webkit-box-shadow in this respect.


Defines a variety of mask properties within one declaration.

See -webkit-mask-attachment for details.

See -webkit-mask-clip for details.

See -webkit-mask-origin for details.

See -webkit-mask-image for details.

See -webkit-mask-repeat for details.

See -webkit-mask-composite for details.

As with most composite properties, all arguments are optional.


Defines the scrolling or fixed nature of the image mask.

If fixed , the mask does not move when the page scrolls; if scroll , the image moves when the page scrolls.


Defines an image to be used as a mask for a border box.

The file path of the image.

The uri field contains the URI for the image. The four inset values that follow represent distances from the top, right, bottom, and left edges of the image. If no unit is specified, they represent actual pixels in the original image (assuming a raster image). If a unit (such as px ) is specified, they represent CSS units (which may or may not be the same thing). The values may also be specified as a percentage of the size of the image.

You can specify a repeat style in each direction. These values affect how the top, bottom, left, right, and center portions are altered to fit the required dimensions, and can be any of the following: repeat (tiled), stretch , or round (the round style is like tiling, except that it stretches all nine pieces slightly so that there is no partial tile at the end).


Specifies whether the mask should extend into the border of a box.

The clipping behavior of the mask.


Sets a compositing style for a mask.

The compositing style of the mask.

The default value is border , which means that the background extends into the border area. Specifying a value of padding limits the background so that it extends only into the padding area enclosed by the border.


Defines an image to be used as a mask for an element.


Determines where the -webkit-mask-position property is anchored.

The origin of the mask position.

The mask’s position is anchored at the upper-left corner of the element’s border.

The mask’s position is anchored at the upper-left corner of the element’s content.

The mask’s position is anchored at the upper-left corner of the element’s padding.


Defines the position of a mask.

The x-coordinate of the position of the mask.

The y-coordinate of the position of the mask.

Position can be specified in terms of pixels or percentages of the viewport width or using the keywords top , left , center , right , or bottom .

Changes to this property can be animated in Safari 4.0 and later.


Defines the x-coordinate of the position of a mask.


Defines the y-coordinate of the position of a mask.


Defines the repeating qualities of a mask.

The repeating behavior of the mask.

This property controls whether tiling of an element’s mask should occur in the x direction, the y direction, both, or neither.


Overrides the size of a mask.

The width and height of the mask.

The width of the mask.

The height of the mask.


Gives depth to a scene, causing elements farther away from the viewer to appear smaller.

The distance in pixels from the viewer’s position to the z= 0 plane. The default value is none .

No perspective transform is applied.

The -webkit-perspective property applies the same transform as the perspective(<number>) transform function, except that it applies only to the children of the element, not to the transform on the element itself.

The use of this property with any value other than none establishes a stacking context. It also establishes a containing block (somewhat similar to position:relative ), just as the -webkit-transform property does.

This transform alters the effect of other transforms. In the absence of additional transforms, this transform has no effect.

Available in Safari 4.0.3 and later running on Mac OS X v10.6 and later.


Sets the origin of the -webkit-perspective property described in -webkit-perspective .

The x-origin as a percentage or value.

The y-origin as a percentage or value.

Sets the y-origin to the top of the element’s border box.

Sets the x or y origin to the center of the element’s border box. If this constant appears before left or right , specifies the y-origin. If it appears after top or bottom , specifies the x-origin. If appears alone, centers both the x and y origin.

Sets the y-origin to the bottom of the element’s border box.

Sets the x-origin to the left side of the border box.

Sets the x-origin to the right side of the border box.

This property effectively sets the x and y position at which the viewer appears to be looking at the children of the element. The default value is 50% for both x and y coordinates.


Specifies transformations to be applied to an element.

A transform function. Possible values are described in Transform Functions

No transforms are applied.

The -webkit-transform property specifies a list of transformations, separated by whitespace, to be applied to an element, such as rotation, scaling, and so on.

The set of transform functions is similar to those allowed by SVG, although there are additional functions to support 3D transformations. If multiple transforms are applied, the transform is generated by performing a matrix concatenation of each transform in the list.

For example, the following div element is rotated 45 degrees clockwise:

If a list of transforms is provided, the net effect is as if each transform is specified separately in the order provided.

The default value is none (no transforms applied).

Available in Safari 3.1 and later.


Sets the origin for the -webkit-transform property.

The x origin as a percentage or value.

The y origin as a percentage or value.

Sets the y origin to the top of the element’s border box.

Sets the x or y origin to the center of the element’s border box. If this constant appears before left or right , specifies the y origin. If this constant appears after top or bottom , specifies the x origin. If it appears alone, centers both the x and y origin.

Sets the y origin to the bottom of the element’s border box.

Sets the x origin to the left side of the border box.

Sets the x origin to the right side of the border box.

The -webkit-transform-origin property establishes the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box.

The values may be expressed either as a CSS length unit or as a percentage of the element’s size. For example, a value of 50% 50% causes transformations to occur around the element’s center. Changing the origin to 100% 0% causes transformation to occur around the top-right corner of the element. The default value is 50% 50% .

If only one argument is provided, it is interpreted as the horizontal position.

Available in Safari 3.1 and Later.


The x coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box.


The y coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box.


The z coordinate of the origin for transforms applied to an element with respect to its border box.

The z origin as a percentage or value.


Defines how nested, transformed elements are rendered in 3D space.

The transform style.

Flatten all children of this element into the 2D plane.

Preserve the 3D perspective.

If -webkit-transform-style is flat , all children of this element are rendered flattened into the 2D plane of the element. Therefore, rotating the element about the x or y axes causes children positioned at positive or negative z positions to appear on the element’s plane, rather than in front of or behind it. If -webkit-transform-style is preserve-3d , this flattening is not performed, so children maintain their position in 3D space.

This flattening takes place at each element, so preserving a hierarchy of elements in 3D space requires that each ancestor in the hierarchy have the value preserve-3d for -webkit-transform-style . But -webkit-transform-style affects only an element’s children; the leaf nodes in a hierarchy do not require the preserve-3d style.

The default value is flat .


Combines -webkit-transition-delay , -webkit-transition-duration , -webkit-transition-property , and -webkit-transition-timing-function into a single property.

See -webkit-transition-property for details.

See -webkit-transition-duration for details.

See -webkit-transition-timing-function for details.

See -webkit-transition-delay for details.


Defines when the transition starts.

The time to begin executing a transition after it is applied. If 0 , the transition executes as soon as the property changes. Otherwise, the value specifies an offset from the moment the property changes, and the transition delays execution by that offset. If the value is negative, the transition executes the moment the property changes but appears to begin at the specified negative offset—that is, begins part-way through the transition. Nonzero values must specify a unit: s for seconds, ms for milliseconds. Negative values are invalid. The default value is 0 .

The transition begins immediately.


Defines how long the transition from the old value to the new value should take.

If 0 , the transition is immediate (there is no animation). A negative value is treated as 0 . Nonzero values must specify a unit: s for seconds, ms for milliseconds. Negative values are invalid. The default value is 0 .


Specifies the name of the CSS property to which the transition is applied.

The name of the transition. You can list multiple properties. Property names should be bare, unquoted names. The default value is all .

No transition specified.

The default transition name.


Specifies how the intermediate values used during a transition are calculated.

The timing function.

This property allows for a transition to change speed over its duration. These effects, commonly called easing functions, are mathematical functions that produce a smooth curve.

The timing function is specified using a cubic Bezier curve. Use the constants to specify preset points of the curve or the cubic-bezier function to specify your own points. See cubic-bezier for a description of the parameters for this function.

The timing function takes as its input the current elapsed percentage of the transition duration and outputs a percentage that determines how close the transition is to its goal state.

The default value is ease .

Generated Content, Automatic Numbering, and Lists

Embeds an arbitrary batch of content (such as a movie or a specially formatted string) to be embedded alongside a CSS property.

The file path of the content.

A function that procedurally generates an image, such as gradient .


Increments a numerical counter for auto-numbering.

The name of the counter.

The amount by which the counter increments.

This property is commonly used in conjunction with the content property to create section numbers or other auto-numbered containers. For example:

This snippet inserts “Section 1:” at the beginning of the first heading, “Section 2:” at the beginning of the second, and so on.

Important:  You must use the counter-reset property to reset the counter on some element that appears in the DOM tree prior to the first element where you use counter-increment on that counter. Otherwise, this call increments a nonexistent counter and all of your sections will be numbered "Section 1”.


Resets a counter used by the counter-increment property and the counter function.

For an example of this property, see the documentation for counter-increment .

Defines the display style for a list and list elements.

The type of list.

The position of the list marker.

The file path of an image to be used as the list marker.


List-style-position, list-style-type.

Defines an image to use as the opening symbol of a list element.

Defines the position of the marker of a list element.

The position of the marker.

The marker is placed inside the text. Wrapping text appears directly below the marker.

The text of the list item is indented from the marker.

Defines the type of marker of a list element.

The type of marker.

armenian , circle , cjk-ideographic , decimal , decimal-leading-zero , disc , georgian , hebrew , hiragana , hiragana-iroha , katakana , katakana-iroha , lower-alpha , lower-greek , lower-latin , lower-roman , none , square , upper-alpha , upper-latin , upper-roman

Paged Media

Defines the minimum number of lines in a paragraph that must be left at the bottom of a page (before a page break).

The number of lines.

Available in Safari 1.3 and later.


Defines the page break behavior following an element's definition.

The page break behavior.

always , auto , avoid , left , right

Safari 1.2 and later.


Defines the page break behavior before an element's definition.


Defines the page break behavior within an element.

auto , avoid

Safari 1.3 and later.

Defines the minimum number of lines in a paragraph that must be left at the top of a page (after a page break).

Colors and Backgrounds

Defines a variety of background properties within one declaration.

The background color.

The file path of the background image.

The repeating behavior of the background image.

If fixed , the background image does not move when the page scrolls; if scroll , the image moves when the page scrolls.

The position of the background image.


Defines the scrolling or fixed nature of the page background.

scroll , fixed


Defines an element’s background color.


Defines an element’s background image.


Defines the origin of a background image.

The x-coordinate of the origin of the background image.

The y-coordinate of the origin of the background image.


Defines the x-coordinate of the origin of a background image.


Defines the y-coordinate of the origin of a background image.


Defines the repeating qualities of the background image.

This property controls whether tiling of an element’s background image should occur in the x direction, the y direction, both, or neither.

Defines the color of the text of an element.

The color. Colors can be specified with a constants, an RGB value, or a hexadecimal value.


Specifies the clipping behavior of the background of a box.

The clipping behavior of the background.

The background clips to the border of the box.

The background clips to the content of the box.

The background clips to the padding of the box.

The background clips to the text of the box.


Sets a compositing style for background images and colors.

The compositing style of the background.

Under development.


Determines where the background-position property is anchored.

The origin of the background position.

The background position can be anchored at the upper-left corner of the border, the upper-left corner of the padding area inside the border, or the upper-left corner of the content inside the padding area.


Overrides the size of a background image.

The width and height of the background image.

The width of the background image.

The height of the background image.

Defines a variety of properties for an element’s text font within one declaration.

The style of the font.

The variant of the font.

The weight, or boldness, of the font.

The size of the font.

The distance between lines.

The family of the font.

The user interface style to replicate.

The style of the text of a standard size UI element, such as a button.

The style of the text of a miniature size UI element, such as a button.

The style of the text of a small size UI element, such as a button.

caption , icon , menu , message-box , small-caption , status-bar

In addition to declaring a font style explicitly by characteristics, you can also specify a user interface style using constants such as caption . These constants represent the default font style for the specified user interface element, and as such, their specific values are dependent on the browser, the operating system, and user configuration options.

Using the font property resets all related font properties that are not explicitly specified.


Defines a list of fonts for element styling or downloadable font definitions.

The font-family property has two different meanings, depending on context.

In the context of an element style, it defines a font to use for text within an element. Because not all computers have the same fonts available, this property to specify multiple acceptable fonts in descending order of preference. In addition, constants such as serif or sans-serif provide generic fallback fonts in case a browser does not have any of the listed fonts available.

In the context of a downloadable font definition, this property provides the name of the font that the font definition describes. In this form, you may specify multiple family names for the font, but generally only a single family name (optionally, specify that it should match against generic font names like serif ).

For more information about downloadable font definitions, see @font-face .

Available in Safari 1.0 and later. Downloadable fonts supported in Safari 3.1 and later.

Defines the font size for the text in an element or in a downloadable font definition.

large , larger , medium , small , smaller , -webkit-xxx-large , x-large , x-small , xx-large , xx-small

Changes to this property can be animated in Safari 4.0 and later. For more information about downloadable font definitions, see @font-face .

Defines the font style for the text in an element or a downloadable font definition.

italic , normal , oblique


Defines special font properties for the text in an element or for a downloadable font definition.

normal , small-caps

Available in Safari 1.0 and later. (The value small-caps is not supported.) Downloadable fonts supported in Safari 3.1 and later.


Defines the font weight of the text in an element or for a downloadable font definition.

Integers, nonnegative values

100 , 200 , 300 , 400 , 500 , 600 , 700 , 800 , 900 , bold , bolder , lighter , normal

Provides a list of locations for a downloadable font definition.

This property takes a comma-delimited list of font locations which may be locally installed font family names or HTTP URLs.


Describes the unicode characters supported by a downloadable font definition.

The range of supported characters.

The first character in a range of supported characters.

The last character in a range of supported characters.

This property takes a comma-delimited list of Unicode character ranges. There are two supported formats: singleton ranges and pair ranges.

A singleton range is in the form U+xxxx where xxxx is a hexadecimal number. For example, the range U+2150 indicates that Unicode character 0x2150 is supported. Leading zeroes may be omitted, so U+300 is the same as U+0300 . The following snippet shows a singleton range: unicode-range: U+2150;

A singleton range may also contain wildcards in the form of a question-mark character. For example, U+36?? contains two wildcard characters. This range matches any value in which the first two digits are 36 , without regard to the value for the last two digits. The following snippet shows a wildcard range that represents the Unicode characters 0x2160 through 0x216f, inclusive: unicode-range: U+216?;

A pair range is in the form of a hyphen-separated pair of hexadecimal values in the form U+xxxx-yyyy where xxxx and yyyy are hexadecimal numbers. For example, the following pair range represents the Unicode characters from 0x2164 through 0x2156 , inclusive: unicode-range: U+2154-2156;


Defines the horizontal interletter spacing of characters within the text of an element.

The size of the character spacing.

Defines the alignment for inline content within an element.

The inline content alignment.

Text is aligned to the default alignment.

Text is aligned to the center.

Text is aligned to the left.

Text is aligned to the right.

center , end , justify , left , right , start


Defines special styling for text, such as underlines.

The type of decoration.

line-through , none , overline , underline


Defines the amount to indent the first line of text within an element.

The amount to indent.


Controls overflow of non-wrapped text.

clip , ellipsis

This property controls how Safari displays text that exceeds the specified width of the enclosing paragraph if the overflow property is set to hidden and style rules or nowrap tags prevent the text from wrapping (or if a single word is too long to fit by itself).


Defines a variety of properties for an element’s text shadow within one declaration.

Although the CSS specification allows it, multiple shadows are not supported in Safari. Changes to this property can be animated.


Defines a capitalization transformation for the text in an element.

The capitalization transformation.

capitalize , lowercase , none , uppercase


Defines how whitespace characters in an element are handled onscreen.

The policy for displaying whitespace in the element.

normal , nowrap , pre , pre-line , pre-wrap

Specifies the level of strictness when breaking lines of text in ideographic languages such as Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

The level of strictness.

break-all , break-word , normal


Defines the amount of space between words.

The amount of spacing.

Specifies word-splitting behavior for wrapping lines that are too long for the enclosing box and contain no spaces.

The wrapping behavior.

break-word , normal

Available in Safari 2.0 and later.


Defines properties for showing content as though displayed on an electronic marquee sign.

The direction of the marquee.

The distance the marquee moves in each increment

The number of times the marquee repeats.

The style of the marquee’s motion.

The scroll or slide speed of the marquee.


-webkit-marquee-increment, -webkit-marquee-repetition, -webkit-marquee-speed, -webkit-marquee-style.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-marquee in Safari 2.0.)

Available in iOS 1.0.

Specifies the direction of motion for a marquee box.

The marquee moves from bottom to top.

The marquee moves in the default direction.

The marquee moves from right to left.

The marquee moves from left to right.

The marquee moves from top to bottom.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-marquee-direction in Safari 2.0.)

Defines the distance the marquee moves in each increment.

The marquee moves a large amount in each increment.

The marquee moves a medium amount in each increment.

The marquee moves a small amount in each increment.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-marquee-increment in Safari 2.0.)

Specifies the number of times a marquee box repeats (or infinite ).

The marquee repeats infinitely.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-marquee-repetition in Safari 2.0.)

Defines the scroll or slide speed of a marquee box.

The distance term in the speed equation.

The time term in the speed equation.

Integers, time units, nonnegative values

The marquee moves at a fast speed.

The marquee moves at a normal speed.

The marquee moves at a slow speed.

This property can either take one speed parameter ( slow , for example) or a measure of distance and a measure of time separated by a slash ( / ).

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-marquee-speed in Safari 2.0.)

Specifies the style of marquee motion.

The marquee shifts back and forth.

The marquee does not move.

The marquee loops in its specified direction.

The marquee moves in its specified direction, but stops either when the entirety of its content has been displayed or the content reaches the opposite border of its box, whichever comes second.

The values scroll and slide both cause the content to start outside the box and move into the box, but if the value scroll is specified, the content stops moving once the last content is visible. The value alternate causes the content to shift back and forth within the box in the specified direction.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-marquee-style in Safari 2.0.)


Specifies a fill color for text.

The fill color. Colors can be specified with a constant, an RGB value, or a hexadecimal value.

If not specified, the color specified by the color property is used. -webkit-fill-color is commonly used in combination with -webkit-text-stroke . Changes to this property can be animated.


Specifies the shape to use in place of letters in a password input field.

The shape to use in place of letters.

A circle shape.

A disc shape.

No shape is used.

A square shape.


Specifies a size adjustment for displaying text content in Safari on iOS.

The size at which to display text in Safari on iOS.

The text size is automatically adjusted for Safari on iOS.

The text size is not adjusted.

Apple extension—Safari on iOS only.


Specifies the width and color of the outline (stroke) of text.

The width of the stroke.

The color of the stroke.



This property is commonly used in combination with -webkit-text-fill-color .

Specifies the color of the outline (stroke) of text.

If not specified, the color specified by the color property is used. -webkit-text-stroke-color is commonly used in combination with -webkit-text-fill-color . Changes to this property can be animated.

Specifies the width for the text outline.

A medium stroke.

A thick stroke.

A thin stroke.

This property is significant only in combination with -webkit-text-stroke-color .


Specifies line-breaking rules for CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) text.

The line-breaking setting.

The line breaks after white space.

A standard line-breaking rule.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-line-break in Safari 2.0.)


Changes the appearance of buttons and other controls to resemble native controls.

The appearance of the control.

The indicator that appears in a password field when Caps Lock is active.

Available in iOS 2.0 and later

button , button-bevel , caret , checkbox , default-button , listbox , listitem , media-fullscreen-button , media-mute-button , media-play-button , media-seek-back-button , media-seek-forward-button , media-slider , media-sliderthumb , menulist , menulist-button , menulist-text , menulist-textfield , none , push-button , radio , searchfield , searchfield-cancel-button , searchfield-decoration , searchfield-results-button , searchfield-results-decoration , slider-horizontal , slider-vertical , sliderthumb-horizontal , sliderthumb-vertical , square-button , textarea , textfield

The following constants are unsupported in Safari 4.0:

scrollbarbutton-down , scrollbarbutton-left , scrollbarbutton-right , scrollbarbutton-up , scrollbargripper-horizontal , scrollbargripper-vertical , scrollbarthumb-horizontal , scrollbarthumb-vertical , scrollbartrack-horizontal , scrollbartrack-vertical


Defines the behavior of nonbreaking spaces within text.

The behavior of nonbreaking spaces.

Nonbreaking spaces are treated as usual.

Nonbreaking spaces are treated like standard spaces.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-nbsp-mode in Safari 2.0.)


Overrides ordering defaults for right-to-left content.

The order of the content.

Raw content is in mixed order (requiring a bidirectional renderer).

Right-to-left content is encoded in reverse order so an entire line of text can be rendered from left to right in a unidirectional fashion.

The distinction between these two character orders is normally handled automatically as a side effect of character set. This property allows you to override whether the browser should treat the content as being in logical or visual order.


Specifies that an entire element should be draggable instead of its contents.

The dragging behavior of the element.

The default dragging behavior is used.

The entire element is draggable instead of its contents.

The element cannot be dragged at all.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-user-drag in Safari 2.0.)


Determines whether a user can edit the content of an element.

The user modification policy.

The content is read-only.

The content can be read and written.

The content can be read and written, but any rich formatting of pasted text is lost.

This is closely related to the contentEditable attribute.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-user-modify in Safari 2.0.)


Determines whether a user can select the content of an element.

The user selection policy.

The user can select content in the element.

The user cannot select any content.

The user can select text in the element.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-user-select in Safari 2.0.)

Available in iOS 3.0 and later.


Defines the model of an element’s border.

collapse , separate


Defines the spacing between an element’s border and the content within.

The size of the spacing.


-webkit-border-vertical-spacing, caption-side.

Defines the side of a table on which its caption appears.

The side of the table that will have a caption.

bottom , left , right , top


Sets the border behavior for cells with no content.

The behavior for cells with no content.

hide , show


Specifies whether to use automatic or fixed table layout.

If auto , layout is determined by all cells in the table; if fixed , layout is determined by the first row of content only.

auto , fixed

Automatic table layout, specified by the value auto , is the default table layout behavior. In this mode, the table layout is calculated based on the contents of every cell in every row of the table.

Fixed table layout, specified by the value fixed , is a faster (but more restrictive) layout behavior. In this layout mode, the layout of the table is calculated based only on the first row of tabular content (not including any heading rows). This mode allows the layout to be calculated much earlier in the page load process and greatly simplifies the calculations, but can cause content in later rows to overflow the table’s boundaries.

Defines the spacing between the horizontal portion of an element’s border and the content within.

The amount of horizontal spacing.

Length units, nonnegative values

Equivalent to the horizontal portion of the border-spacing property. Changes to this property can be animated.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-border-horizontal-spacing in Safari 2.0.)

Defines the spacing between the vertical portion of an element’s border and the content within.

The amount of vertical spacing.

Equivalent to the vertical portion of the border-spacing property. Changes to this property can be animated.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-border-vertical-spacing in Safari 2.0.)


Determines whether a column break can and should occur after an element in a multicolumn flow layout.

The column break policy.

A column break is always inserted after the element.

A right column break is inserted after the element where appropriate.

Column breaks are avoided after the element.

A left column break is inserted after the element.

A right column break is inserted after the element.


Determines whether a column break can and should occur before an element in a multicolumn flow layout.

A column break is always inserted before the element.

A right column break is inserted before the element where appropriate.

Column breaks are avoided before the element.

A left column break is inserted before the element.

A right column break is inserted before the element.


Determines whether a column break should be avoided within the bounds of an element in a multicolumn flow layout.

A right column break is inserted within the element where appropriate.

Column breaks are avoided within the element.


Specifies the number of columns desired in a multicolumn flow.

The number of columns in the multicolumn flow.

The element has one column.


Specifies the space between columns in a multicolumn flow.

The width of the gap.

Columns in the element have the normal gap width between them.


Specifies the color, style, and width of the column rule.

The width of the column rule.

The style of the column rule.

The color of the column rule.


-webkit-column-rule-style, -webkit-column-rule-width.

The column rule appears in the middle of the column gap in a multicolumn flow layout.

Specifies the color of the column rule.

Specifies the style of the column rule.

The column rule has a dashed line style.

The column rule has a dotted line style.

The column rule has a double solid line style.

The column rule has a grooved style.

The column rule is hidden.

The column rule has an inset style.

The column rule has no style.

The column rule has an outset style.

The column rule has a ridged style.

The column rule has a solid line style.

Specifies the width of the column rule.

The column rule has a medium width.

The column rule has a thick width.

The column rule has a thin width.


Specifies the width of the column in a multicolumn flow.

The width of the column.

Columns in the element are of normal width.


A composite property that specifies the width and number of columns in a multicolumn flow layout.

The width of each column.

The number of columns.

User Interface

Defines the cursor to display onscreen when the pointer is over an element.

The type of cursor.

An open hand cursor indicating the element can be grabbed.

A closed hand cursor indicating the element has been grabbed.

A zoom-in cursor.

A zoom-out cursor.

alias , all-scroll , auto , cell , col-resize , context-menu , copy , crosshair , default , e-resize , ew-resize , hand , help , move , n-resize , ne-resize , nesw-resize , no-drop , none , not-allowed , ns-resize , nw-resize , nwse-resize , pointer , progress , row-resize , s-resize , se-resize , sw-resize , text , vertical-text , w-resize , wait

Although the CSS specification allows it, Safari does not support custom cursors.

Available in Safari 1.2 and later.

Defines a variety of properties for an element’s outline (drawn outside the element’s border) within one declaration.

The color of the outline.

The style of the outline.

The width of the outline.


Outline-style, outline-width.

Defines the color of an element’s outline.


Defines the offset of an element’s outline from its border.

The size of the offset.

Defines the style of an element’s outline.

Defines the width of an element's outline.


Defines the parts of an element that responds to pointer events, such as a click, mouse over, or hover.

The parts of the element that respond to pointer events.

The entire element responds to pointer events.

The element does not respond to pointer events.

Providing a value of none does not disable the Inspect Element option that appears when the element is Control-clicked, however the option may return the wrong element.


Specifies the alignment of nested elements within an outer flexible box element.

The alignment of nested elements.

Elements are aligned with the baseline of the box.

Elements are aligned with the center of the box.

Elements are aligned with the end of the box.

Elements are aligned with the start of the box.

Elements are stretched to fill the box.

This property specifies the horizontal alignment if the box direction is vertical, and vice versa. This property applies only to flexible box layouts. For more information about flexible boxes, see .

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-box-align in Safari 1.1 through Safari 2.0.)


Specifies the direction in which child elements of a flexible box element are laid out.

The layout direction.

Elements are laid out in the default direction.

Elements are laid out in the reverse direction.

This applies only to flexible box layouts. For more information about flexible boxes, see .

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-box-direction in Safari 1.1 through Safari 2.0.)


Specifies an element’s flexibility.

The flexibility of the element.

Flexible elements can stretch or shrink to fit the size of the bounding box of their parent element. The amount of stretching or shrinkage of an element is determined by its flex value relative to the flex values of other elements within the same parent element.

This property applies only to flexible box layouts. For more information about flexible boxes, see .

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-box-flex in Safari 1.1 through Safari 2.0.)


Specifies groups of dynamically resizing elements that are adjusted to be the same size.

The group number of the flexible element.

During size adjustment of flex boxes, any boxes with the same group number are adjusted to be the same size.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-box-flex-group in Safari 1.1 through Safari 2.0.)


Specifies whether a flexible box should contain multiple lines of content.

If multiple , the flexible box can contain multiple lines of content; if single , only one line is allowed.

The box can contain multiple lines of content.

The box can contain only one line of content.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-box-lines in Safari 1.1 through Safari 2.0.)


Specifies a rough ordering of elements in a flexible box.

The ordinal group number of the element.

Elements with lower ordinal group values are displayed first.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-box-ordinal-group in Safari 1.1 through Safari 2.0.)


Specifies the layout of elements nested within a flexible box element.

The orientation of elements nested in the flexible box.

Elements are oriented along the box’s axis.

Elements are oriented horizontally.

Elements are oriented along the inline axis.

Elements are oriented vertically.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-box-orient in Safari 1.1 through Safari 2.0.)


Specifies alignment of child elements within the current element in the direction of orientation.

The alignment of child elements.

Child elements are aligned to the center of the element.

Child elements are aligned to the end of the element.

Child elements are justified with both the start and end of the element.

Child elements are aligned to the start of the element.

For elements whose children are aligned horizontally, a packing value of start indicates left alignment with extra space towards the right side, a value of end indicates right alignment with extra space to the left, a value of center indicates center alignment with extra space split evenly on either side, and a value of justify indicates that the outer elements should be aligned on the left and right, with space added evenly between the elements.

Similarly, for elements whose children are aligned vertically, a value of start indicates that the elements should be aligned to the top, a value of end indicates that the elements should be aligned to the bottom, and so on.

This property is similar to -webkit-box-align , which specifies alignment in the opposite direction from the direction of orientation.

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -khtml-box-pack in Safari 1.1 through Safari 2.0.)


Specifies the behavior of regions in a Dashboard widget.

No behavior is specified.

This property is described in more detail in Declaring Control Regions in Dashboard Programming Topics .

Available in Safari 3.0 and later. (Called -apple-dashboard-region in Safari 2.0.)

Apple extension—Dashboard only.


Specifies whether to use native-style scrolling in an overflow:scroll element.

The style of scrolling.

One finger scrolling without momentum.

Native-style scrolling. Specifying this style has the effect of creating a stacking context (like opacity, masks, and transforms).

The default value is auto .


Overrides the highlight color shown when the user taps a link or a JavaScript clickable element in Safari on iOS.

The tapped link color.

This property obeys the alpha value, if specified. If you don’t specify an alpha value, Safari on iOS applies a default alpha value to the color. To disable tap highlighting, set the alpha value to 0 (invisible). If you set the alpha value to 1.0 (opaque), the element is not visible when tapped.

Available in iOS 1.1.1 and later.


Disables the default callout shown when you touch and hold a touch target.

The touch callout behavior.

On iOS, when you touch and hold a touch target such as a link, Safari displays a callout containing information about the link. This property allows you to disable that callout.

The current allowable values are none and inherit .

Additional Unsupported Properties

WebKit provides partial support for a number of properties that are not supported for developer use. This list may include:

Properties designed for Apple internal use, such as properties specific to the way Mail and other applications use WebKit.

Properties that are in a very early stage of development and are not really usable yet.

Properties that are used within WebKit itself and cannot be parsed in a CSS file.

Properties that are parsed for historical reasons, but that are not actually used.

Because these properties are unsupported, they are not documented in detail. However, they are listed here so that if you find them in the source code, in test cases, and so on, you will be able to determine their status.

WebKit-Specific Unsupported Properties








Unsupported Properties from the CSS Specification

font-size-adjust —Describes the font aspect ratio to preserve proportionality in the event of font substitution. Unsupported CSS 2 property; removed in CSS 2.1; reintroduced in CSS 3.

font-stretch —Selects a normal, condensed, or extended variant of a font in an element or describes availability of these variants in a font definition. Declared in CSS 2.1/CSS 3.

marker-offset —Sets the offset of a marker (a bullet in a bulleted list, for example). Unsupported CSS 2 property; removed in CSS 2.1.

marks —Sets what type of crop marks to use on paged media. Unsupported CSS 2 property; removed in CSS 2.1.

page —Used for named page support. Unsupported CSS 2 property; removed in CSS 2.1.

quotes —Sets the quotation mark characters used for nested <q> tags.

size —Sets page dimensions for paged media. Unsupported CSS 2 property; removed in CSS 2.1.

speak-header —Sets whether a browser should speak the contents of the corresponding table heading cell before speaking the contents of each cell. Unsupported CSS 2 aural media property. Aural media deprecated in CSS 2.1. Property reintroduced in CSS 3

text-line-through —Composite property describing overstrike color, style, and mode. Declared in CSS 3.

text-line-through-color —Describes color for overstrike. Declared in CSS 3.

text-line-through-mode —Describes the mode for overstrike. Declared in CSS 3.

text-line-through-style —Describes the style for overstrike. Declared in CSS 3.

text-line-through-width —Describes the width for overstrike. Declared in CSS 3.

text-overline —Composite property describing overline color, style, mode, and width(like underline, but above the text). Declared in CSS 3.

text-overline-color —Describes the color of overline (like underline, but above the text). Declared in CSS 3.

text-overline-mode —Describes the mode of overline (like underline, but above the text). Declared in CSS 3.

text-overline-style —Describes the style of overline (like underline, but above the text). Declared in CSS 3.

text-overline-width —Describes the width of overline (like underline, but above the text). Declared in CSS 3.

text-underline —Composite property describing underline color, style, mode, and width. Declared in CSS 3.

text-underline-color —Describes the color of underline. Declared in CSS 3.

text-underline-mode —Describes the mode of underline. Declared in CSS 3.

text-underline-style —Describes the style of underline. Declared in CSS 3.

text-underline-width —Describes the width of underline. Declared in CSS 3.

Unsupported Properties Specific to Other Browsers

scrollbar-3dlight-color —Microsoft Internet Explorer property.

scrollbar-arrow-color —Microsoft Internet Explorer property.

scrollbar-darkshadow-color —Microsoft Internet Explorer property.

scrollbar-face-color —Microsoft Internet Explorer property.

scrollbar-highlight-color —Microsoft Internet Explorer property.

scrollbar-shadow-color —Microsoft Internet Explorer property.

scrollbar-track-color —Microsoft Internet Explorer property.

Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2016-10-27

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Flexbox is the commonly-used name for the CSS Flexible Box Layout Module , a layout model for displaying items in a single dimension — as a row or as a column.

In the specification, Flexbox is described as a layout model for user interface design. The key feature of Flexbox is the fact that items in a flex layout can grow and shrink. Space can be assigned to the items themselves, or distributed between or around the items.

Flexbox also enables alignment of items on the main or cross axis, thus providing a high level of control over the size and alignment of a group of items.

Property reference

  • align-content
  • align-items
  • flex-direction
  • flex-shrink
  • justify-content

Further reading

  • CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1 Specification
  • Basic Concepts of Flexbox
  • Relationship of flexbox to other layout methods
  • Aligning items in a flex container
  • Ordering flex items
  • Controlling Ratios of flex items along the main axis
  • Mastering wrapping of flex items
  • Typical use cases of flexbox

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100% height doesn't work within a flex item in a flex-item child (Chrome / Safari) #197


somombo commented Feb 3, 2017

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philipwalton commented Feb 9, 2017

Sorry, something went wrong.


mkurz commented Feb 28, 2017


gsnedders commented Mar 1, 2017 • edited

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somombo commented Mar 30, 2017


ben-styling commented Mar 30, 2017

  • 👍 2 reactions

mkurz commented Mar 30, 2017 • edited

Ben-styling commented mar 30, 2017 • edited, gsnedders commented mar 30, 2017, mkurz commented mar 30, 2017, gsnedders commented mar 30, 2017 • edited.


jonas8 commented Apr 4, 2017 • edited

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ben-styling commented Apr 4, 2017

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jonas8 commented Apr 5, 2017

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ben-styling commented Apr 5, 2017

Philipwalton commented jun 23, 2017.

  • 😕 1 reaction


dongepulango commented Sep 7, 2017


dgobnto commented Nov 14, 2017


everdimension commented Apr 5, 2018 • edited

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AlexWayfer commented Apr 12, 2018 • edited

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hk029 commented Aug 29, 2018

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AlexWayfer commented Aug 29, 2018


trusktr commented Oct 19, 2018

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darthrevan commented Nov 1, 2018


wasimgit commented Nov 26, 2018

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ignatiusreza commented Dec 6, 2018


coldKey1 commented Dec 6, 2018 • edited


lichristopher commented Dec 10, 2018

Ignatiusreza commented dec 11, 2018.


marcelombc commented Mar 20, 2019


OliverJAsh commented May 30, 2019 • edited

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gsnedders commented May 30, 2019

Oliverjash commented may 30, 2019.

  • 👍 4 reactions


alexandar-mitsev commented Jan 24, 2020 • edited


vincent-ly commented Mar 5, 2020

  • 👍 8 reactions


strarsis commented Jul 29, 2020


bendman commented Sep 9, 2020


yfxie commented Oct 16, 2020


Kuohao-wu commented Nov 18, 2020


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  1. Flexbox Not Working On Safari

    display flex css not working in safari

  2. [Solved] css display flex not working properly on chrome

    display flex css not working in safari

  3. How to Fix CSS When It’s Not Working in Safari Browser

    display flex css not working in safari

  4. html

    display flex css not working in safari

  5. css

    display flex css not working in safari

  6. html

    display flex css not working in safari


  1. Reset Safari

  2. Vertical Centering in CSS is about to change forever

  3. Aprender Flexbox en 15 Minutos

  4. css tutorial : display flex

  5. How To Create Landing Page Design using Bootstrap 5 |Footer| #13-1

  6. How To Create Landing Page Design using Bootstrap 5 |Footer| #13-2


  1. css

    The drop down menus on this site fire off on hover, and then when active, they appear horizontally by using 'display: flex;' in CSS. Can't figure out how to get this to work with Safari though. It works in Chrome, but not Safari.

  2. html

    I had to add the webkit prefix for safari (but flex not flexbox): display:-webkit-flex. Share. Improve this answer. Follow answered Feb 13, 2015 at 19:20. tslater tslater. 4,362 3 3 ... Flexbox CSS not working with Safari. 2. Flexbox issue in Safari browser. 0. Flexbox, Flex Wrap and Safari. 0.

  3. html

    Couple of problems: if you want both columns to be 50% width on all screen sizes, you need to set flex:1 1 50% on both the p and the img tags.; if you want the img tag to scale up and down instead of always being it's full size, you need to set width:100%;height:auto on it.; if you want to center the two elements vertically all you need is align-items:center on their container (where display ...

  4. Flexbox gap workaround for Safari on iOS 14, 13 and lower

    containers with display: flex having problems interpreting the height of their children, therefore rendering a second child somewhere in the middle of the first one, inconsistent behaviour of height attribute compared to other browsers, and the icing on the cake: lack of support for the gap property when using display: flex.

  5. How to Fix CSS Issues on Safari

    Displaying properties in Safari. There is a CSS appearance property used to display an element using a platform-native styling based on the users' operating system's theme. To make it work on Safari, we must set the appearance property to its "none" value. Also, use -WebKit-and -Moz-vendor prefixes.. Let's see an example, where we use this trick to make the border-radius property work on ...

  6. A Complete Guide to Flexbox

    The CSS Working Group has a document online of "…Mistakes in the Design of CSS", one of them is this: ... Safari still uses the rule: "display: -webkit-box;" ... Safari will compute the value 0px and wrapping via -webkit-flex-wrap is not going to work. In order for Safari to wrap via flexbox -webkit-flex-basis must be auto ...

  7. Flexbox Not Working On Safari

    If you see 3 menu bars with a blue background color and white text thats all there is. The problem is that on safari the navbars aren't fluid and don't stretch to match the container width. The problem is caused by the silly html5 rule that allows you to wrap anchors around block elements.

  8. Flex 'Not Working'? 6 Most Common Flexbox Issues on Stack Overflow

    7. If your issue is happening in some specific browsers/ devices. Sometimes, the code you write is correct but it doesn't conform to the ways flex used to work earlier. As a result, it doesn't work as intended on some old browser versions. In the above example, the flex layout is not working on some iPads.

  9. Flexbox flex-column issue in Safari 10 #21903

    I have one issue with display: flex and flex-direction: column. in safari 11.1 it's working fine in chrome. I have horizontal scroll bar for my gallery when scroll bar added to gallery my height of the gallery is not included scroll bar and below text is overriding on my scroll bar. We can't move the scroll bar.

  10. The curious case of flexbox gap and Safari

    The curious case of flexbox gap and Safari. 3 min read. 28 Apr 2021. Update at the end. The gap property was first introduced to add inner grid spacing but was extended in the spec to work with flexbox. With one line of code, you can replace something like this: .flex-container {. display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;

  11. Display:flex and flex-wrap:wrap breaking layout in safari only

    .page-id-57 .row. It's the before and after pseudo elements that are adding to the width in Safari and making the 50% item only big enough for one item per row.

  12. It's Mid-2022 and Browsers (Mostly Safari) Still Break Accessibility

    When that deploys it will leave Safari ≤16.1 as the last browser that breaks tables using CSS display properties. Update: 20 December 2022. Stumbled across this piece of advice on Twitter promoting the use of display: contents: The HTML <details> element 1 cannot become a flexbox or grid container (display: flex and display: grid are ignored

  13. Safari 14.1 Adds Support for Flexbox Gaps

    Yay, it's here! Safari 14.1 reportedly adds support for the gap property in flexbox layouts. We've had grid-gap support for some time, but true to its name, it's limited to grid layouts. Now we can use gap in either type of layout: .container { display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; gap: 1.5rem; } Apple's been rather quiet about the update.

  14. Gap not Working in Safari: 3 Ways to Easily Fix it

    Open your CSS file. Now add to the desired element the following code: display: grid; grid-gap: 8rem; gap: 8rem; Save changes. If CSS flex gap not working, you can fix this issue is by using a workaround. There is no support for Flexbox in Safari less than 14. Grid gap is supported in previous Safari versions; therefore, switching from display ...

  15. Flexbox Direction and order in Safari

    I cleaned up your CSS and added all the needed prefixes with Autoprefixer (keep in mind this goes with the last 2 browser version, browsers with over 1% of global usage, Firefox ESR, and Opera 12.1). display: -webkit-box; display: -webkit-flex; display: -ms-flexbox; display: flex; background: white; -webkit-box-ordinal-group: 3;

  16. Supported CSS Properties

    The size at which to display text in Safari on iOS. Constants auto. The text size is automatically adjusted for Safari on iOS. none. The text size is not adjusted. Availability. Available in iOS 1.0 and later. Support Level. Apple extension—Safari on iOS only.-webkit-text-stroke. Specifies the width and color of the outline (stroke) of text ...

  17. Flexbox

    Flexbox. Flexbox is the commonly-used name for the CSS Flexible Box Layout Module, a layout model for displaying items in a single dimension — as a row or as a column. In the specification, Flexbox is described as a layout model for user interface design. The key feature of Flexbox is the fact that items in a flex layout can grow and shrink.

  18. 100% height doesn't work within a flex item in a flex-item child

    As @mkurz posted, the jsfiddle is wrong. Firefox and Edge break the spec in this case and are actually wrong as they don't implement the following: If a flex item has a definite flex basis and the flex container has a definite main size, its post-flexing main size is treated as definite (even though it might technically rely on the sizes of indefinite siblings to resolve its flexed main size).

  19. Flexbox code working on all browsers except Safari. Why?

    Flexbox is a CSS3 technology. This means it's relatively new and some browsers don't provide full support for flex properties. Here's a run-down: IE 8 and 9 do not support flexbox. If you're wanting to use flex properties in these browsers, don't bother wasting your time. A flexbox polyfill made the rounds for a while, but it didn't work well ...

  20. CSS display flex space between not working

    0. You were very close, one line fixes it all: display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; width: 100%; /* Forcing flex to use full width */. Without it your flex structure just tries to fit all the elements inside the shortest possible space.