Pregnancy Travel Tips

Medical review policy, latest update:, can you travel while pregnant , read this next, when should you stop traveling while pregnant, how should you prepare for a trip during pregnancy, what do pregnant women need to know about travel and the zika virus, travel tips for pregnant people, when should you seek medical care while traveling during pregnancy.

While traveling during pregnancy is generally considered safe for most moms-to-be, you’ll need to take some precautions before making any plans — and get the green light from your practitioner first.

What to Expect When You’re Expecting , 5th edition, Heidi Murkoff., Zika Virus and Pregnancy , October 2020., What to Know About COVID-19 if You’re Pregnant , February 2021. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Travel During Pregnancy , August 2020. Johns Hopkins Medicine, Traveling While Pregnant or Breastfeeding , 2021. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 Travel Recommendations by Destination , May 2021. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Pregnant and Recently Pregnant People , May 2021. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Pregnant Travelers , December 2020. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Travel: Frequently Asked Questions and Answers , April 2021. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, COVID-19 and Cruise Ship Travel , March 2020.

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36  weeks  pregnant

Layan Alrahmani, M.D.

  • Pregnancy Symptoms Week 36
  • Pregnancy Checklist

Highlights this week

Getting in position.

Most babies have gotten into position for birth by now, facing your spine with their head down. If your baby is breech (bottom-down), your provider may try to manually turn them by applying pressure to your abdomen.

Weekly prenatal visits

Prenatal visits are more frequent at the end of pregnancy – you'll see your provider once a week until delivery. They'll continue to check your blood pressure, weight, and urine and watch for complications.

If you give birth this week

If your baby arrives at 36 weeks, they'll be considered " late preterm " and will have the same chance of being healthy as full-term infants.

Baby development at 36 weeks

Your baby's lungs.

Your baby's lungs are ready for the outside world! When your newborn inhales for the first time – within about 10 seconds after delivery – their lungs expand , and any fluid remaining in the alveoli is replaced with air.

Baby bones are hardening

Your baby's bones are hardening, though they're still softer than an adult's. Some are made entirely of flexible cartilage that's gradually replaced by bone throughout childhood. Fun fact: Newborns are born with more than 275 bones, but adults have only 206. That's because some bones fuse together over time.

Making meconium

Your baby's shedding most of their downy covering of hair ( lanugo ), as well as the waxy substance ( vernix caseosa ) that protected their skin in the womb. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, creating a blackish mixture called meconium that you'll see in their first few poops .

Having twins?

Learn more about being 36 weeks pregnant with twins .

baby with feet showing toenails

Your baby is about the size of a head of romaine lettuce

Pregnancy symptoms during week 36.

Mild cramping throughout pregnancy is normal and usually harmless. Cramping can be caused by issues like bloating, constipation, and round ligament pain . At this point in pregnancy, you may have cramping from Braxton Hicks , or false labor contractions, as well.

Cramping can also be an early sign of labor. Call your provider if:

  • You feel contractions accompanied by lower back pain.
  • You feel more than six contractions an hour (even if they don't hurt).
  • The contractions are coming at regular intervals.
  • You also have vaginal discharge or bleeding.
  • You have any other signs of premature labor .

Pregnancy can increase the frequency of your headaches or migraines. (Though not always: In one study, about two-thirds of women who were prone to them noticed that their migraines actually improved when they were pregnant.)

Hormonal changes, dehydration, and sleep problems are just a few common causes of pregnancy headaches. Taking good care of yourself can sometimes help you avoid headaches – eating and drinking enough, getting rest, exercising – but not always. If you're having trouble, talk to your healthcare provider about taking acetaminophen (Tylenol) for headache relief.

Sometimes a headache at this point in pregnancy can be a sign of preeclampsia or another serious condition. Call your provider if you have a severe headache, a headache for the first time, a sudden explosive headache, or a headache with other symptoms like fever, a stiff neck, or vision problems.

Vaginal discharge

Your vaginal discharge may start looking different as labor approaches, so it's worth keeping an eye on. A thick glob of discharge could be your mucus plug dislodging, which is a sign of early labor. The mucus could be clear, pinkish, brownish, or tinged with a bit of blood. If you lose your mucus plug, you may also see darker, bloody discharge called " bloody show ." Stay alert for other early signs of labor, and call your provider if you have any worrisome symptoms.

You'll also want to call your provider if your water breaks . Wondering how you can tell leaking amniotic fluid from vaginal discharge? Amniotic fluid is usually clear or slightly yellowish, watery, and odorless or slightly sweet-smelling. If your water breaks, amniotic fluid may come out as a leak or trickle or in a big, dramatic gush. Either way, it will continue to leak continuously.

Dizziness during pregnancy is common due to cardiovascular changes. Your heart rate goes up, your heart pumps more blood per minute, and the amount of blood in your body increases by 30 to 50 percent. Plus, your growing uterus is putting pressure on your veins and slowing circulation to the lower half of your body.

Your cardiovascular and nervous systems can usually adjust to these changes and maintain enough blood flow to your brain. But sometimes they don't adapt quickly enough, which can leave you feeling lightheaded or dizzy, or even make you faint.

To prevent dizziness and avoid fainting or falling, don't stand up too fast or lie flat on your back. Eat and drink regularly, avoid overheating , and exercise safely .

If you have persistent lightheadedness, frequent bouts of dizziness, or any other concerns, tell your doctor or midwife.

Pelvic pain

Pelvic pain is often a sharp pain deep in your hips or groin, though it can also feel like soreness, stinging, or burning. About one in four expecting moms experience pelvic pain, and it often begins in the third trimester and can linger until months after you give birth. Pregnancy hormones that loosen your ligaments are a major cause – these relaxed ligaments can stretch too far and allow bones to shift and put pressure on nearby muscles. Weight gain and a changing center of gravity also contribute to pelvic pain.

You have a number of options if you're hurting. Pregnancy bands and belts can help stabilize your pelvis, and physical therapy, acupuncture, and Tylenol can reduce pain.

Your baby drops

If your baby drops down into your pelvis, you may feel additional pressure in your lower abdomen, which may make walking increasingly uncomfortable. If your baby is very low, you may feel lots of vaginal pressure and discomfort as well. Some women say it feels as though they're carrying a bowling ball between their legs.

As your baby's head gets lower in your pelvis, you may also occasionally feel a sharp pain or jolt in your pelvis or vagina. This is known as lightning crotch , and it happens when your baby's head puts pressure on your cervix and the nerves around the lower part of your uterus.

On the plus side, you may have an easier time breathing if your baby drops. Because your baby puts less upward pressure on your diaphragm, your shortness of breath might improve. And it may be easier to eat a regular-sized meal, since your stomach won't be as squeezed.

Don't see your symptom?

Wondering about a symptom you have? Find it on our pregnancy symptoms page .

each month has an average of 30 days, except for the last month of pregnancy which has 1372 days

Pregnancy checklist at 36 weeks

Pack your hospital bag.

Key things to pack in your hospital bag include your insurance card, toiletries, comfy clothing, a going-home outfit for your baby, a phone charger, and snacks for after labor. Your partner may also want to pack their own bag with clothes, toiletries, and their favorite snacks.

Some things you don't want to pack are jewelry, lots of cash, and other valuables. You won't need diapers, lots of baby clothes , or bottles and nipples (the hospital will provide all these things). This will also help keep your bag light for the trip home.

Know what to do when labor starts

Be sure to review the signs of labor with your doctor or midwife. If they haven't yet, your provider should give you clear guidelines about when to call and when to head to the hospital or birth center .

Your instructions will depend on your individual situation – such as whether you have a high-risk pregnancy or other complications , whether this is your first baby, whether you're planning a cesarean delivery , and how far you live from the hospital or birth center.

Make food for after your baby's born

If you cook, start doubling recipes and freezing half. When your newborn is here, you'll love having home-cooked meals you can heat up fast.

Find a doctor for your baby

If you haven't found a pediatrician for your baby , now's the time. You'll see your baby's doctor soon after giving birth (either in the hospital or after discharge), so it's best to secure a good one during pregnancy. Finding the right doctor can take time. Questions to ask include:

  • Are you accepting new patients, and do you take my insurance?
  • What are your office hours? What if something comes up on a weekend, holiday, or after hours?
  • Are you available by phone? Email? Do you offer video (telemedicine) visits?
  • What hospital will you use if my child is very sick or seriously injured?

36 weeks pregnant bellies

Aches, pains, and discomfort are par for the course at this point in the third trimester. If you're suffering from back pain or pelvic pain, consider a belly band , otherwise known as a maternity support belt or girdle.

These adjustable bands are made from stretchy material and help lift your belly, improve your posture, and support your back and hips – which is just what you need in the last few weeks of pregnancy. You can use many of these bands during the postpartum period, too.

36 weeks pregnant bellies

This week's video

BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies .

ACOG. 2021. How your fetus grows during pregnancy. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Opens a new window  [Accessed November 2022]

Cleveland Clinic. 2020. Fetal Development: Stages of Growth. Opens a new window  [Accessed November 2022]

Mayo Clinic. 2021. Fetal development: The 3rd trimester. Opens a new window  [Accessed November 2022]

MedlinePlus (ADAM). 2019. Fetal development. Opens a new window  [Accessed November 2022]

Nemours KidsHealth. Undated. Your Bones. Opens a new window  [Accessed November 2022]

Hadlock FP et al. 1991. In utero analysis of fetal growth: A sonographic weight standard.  Radiology  181 (1). Opens a new window  [Accessed November 2022]

Hadlock FP et al. 1992. Fetal cross-rump length: Reevaluation of relation to menstrual age (5-18 weeks) with high-resolution real-time US.  Radiology  182: 5-1-505. Opens a new window  [Accessed November 2022]

Vintzileos AM et al. 1984. The ultrasound femur length as a predictor of fetal length.  Obstetrics & Gynecology  64(6): 779-82. Opens a new window  [Accessed November 2022]

Hadlock FP 1984. Estimating fetal age: Computer-assisted analysis of multiple fetal growth parameters.  Radiology  152: 497-501. Opens a new window  [Accessed November 2022]

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Appointments at Mayo Clinic

  • Pregnancy week by week

Is it safe to fly during pregnancy?

Generally, air travel before 36 weeks of pregnancy is considered safe for people who aren't dealing with any pregnancy problems. Still, if you're pregnant, it's a good idea to talk with your health care provider before you fly.

Your provider might suggest that you not fly if you have certain pregnancy complications that could get worse because of air travel or that could require emergency care. Examples include a history of miscarriage or vaginal bleeding, severe anemia, and high blood pressure or diabetes that's not well controlled. If you had preeclampsia during a previous pregnancy — a condition that causes high blood pressure and extra protein in urine — flying may not be advised. The same is true if you're pregnant with twins or other multiples.

Tell your provider how far you are flying, as the length of the flight might make a difference. Also, be aware that some airlines may not allow pregnant people on international flights. Check with your airline before you make travel arrangements.

After 36 weeks of pregnancy, your health care provider may advise against flying. And some airlines don't allow pregnant people to fly after 36 weeks. The airline also may require a letter from your health care provider that states how far along in your pregnancy you are and whether flying is advised.

If your health care provider says it's okay for you to fly, and your plans are flexible, the best time to travel by air might be during the second trimester. The risks of common pregnancy emergencies are lowest during that time.

When you fly:

  • Buckle up. During the trip, keep your seatbelt fastened when you are seated, and secure it under your belly.
  • Drink plenty of fluids. Low humidity in the airplane could cause you to become dehydrated.
  • Avoid gassy foods and drinks before you fly. Gases expand during flight, and that could make you uncomfortable. Examples of foods and drinks to avoid include broccoli and carbonated soda.
  • Think about medical care. Plan for how you'll get obstetric care during your trip if you need it. Bring copies of your medical information in case you need care while you're away.

Blood clots

Air travel can raise the risk for blood clots in the legs, a condition called venous thrombosis. The risk is higher for pregnant people. Moving your legs may help prevent this problem. Take a walk up and down the aisle every hour during the flight. If you must remain seated, flex and extend your ankles from time to time. In general, it's best to avoid tightfitting clothing, as that can hinder blood flow. Wearing compression stockings can help with blood circulation during a long flight.

Radiation exposure linked to air travel at high altitudes isn't thought to be a problem for most people who fly during pregnancy. But pilots, flight attendants and others who fly often might be exposed to a level of radiation that raises concerns during pregnancy. If you must fly frequently during your pregnancy, talk about it with your health care provider.

Mary Marnach, M.D.

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  • Allergy medications during pregnancy
  • AskMayoExpert. Health considerations for air travelers: Pregnancy considerations. Mayo Clinic; 2022.
  • Air Travel During Pregnancy: ACOG Practice Bulletin No. 746. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Accessed Dec. 1, 2022.
  • Ram S, et al. Air travel during pregnancy and the risk of venous thrombosis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022; doi:10.1016/j.ajogmf.2022.100751.

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15 Tips for Traveling While Pregnant

These tips will help pregnant women travel the world in comfort and style.

Traveling while pregnant

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Experts share their best travel tips for expecting mothers.

Pregnancy can be a magical experience, but that doesn't mean creating new life comes without challenges. From what you wear to how you move your body to how well you sleep, pregnancy changes your day to day in myriad of ways – both good and bad.

However, that doesn't mean you should stay home and avoid travel for the entire nine months you're with child. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says it's typically safe to travel until you're 36 weeks pregnant, so you may as well get out and see the world.

These tips can help you ensure your pre-baby travel is safe, comfortable and fun.

Travel When You're Most Comfortable

According to the ACOG, the best time for pregnant women to travel is between 14 and 28 weeks, or during the middle of your pregnancy.

The most common pregnancy problems occur in the first and third trimesters, according to the health organization. "During midpregnancy, your energy has returned, morning sickness usually is gone, and it is still easy to get around," according to the ACOG.

If you have the option to be flexible with your travel dates, steering clear of early and late pregnancy trips may save you from having to endure an unenjoyable experience.

[Read: 9 Reasons Getting Away for the Weekend is Good for Your Mental Health .]

Have a Plan B

Robert Quigley, senior vice president at International SOS and MedAire, says you should meet with your doctor and get cleared to travel before you depart on any trip. Also, take the time to research medical facilities near where you'll be staying, he says, since you won't want to have to frantically figure out where to go if you experience complications.

Early planning can include checking nearby hospitals that you contact ahead of your trip, and locating pharmacies and additional prenatal resources in your destination should you go into early labor.

"This may also include a communication plan for friends or family should they need to join you, and an evacuation plan to upgrade your care in the event of a complication," he says.

Purchase Travel Insurance

Travel writer and mom of two Natalie Preddie, who blogs at , says you should buy travel insurance that includes medical coverage before your trip if you're visiting a destination where your health insurance won't apply.

Preddie says when she was pregnant, she had to go to a hospital in Florida during a trip because she thought her baby wasn't moving. She says she was glad her health insurance was accepted right away, but she worries what would have happened if she had to pay for a lengthy hospital stay or tests out of pocket.

Bring Your Medical Records with You

Lee Roosevelt, who works as nurse midwife at the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, says you can gain peace of mind and expedite any medical care you might need by bringing a copy of your pregnancy-related medical records along on your trip.

"Offices can take a day or two to return a request for records, and if you need care quickly it means your team of providers [is] making decisions without knowing the details of your pregnancy," she says.

Be Proactive About Your Health

Roosevelt also says that when it comes to pregnancy, you should take steps to avoid common health problems regardless of whether you're on a trip or at home. She recommends taking plenty of walking breaks since "pregnant women are at higher risk for blood clots and prolonged sitting increases that risk."

You should try to get up and walk for five to 10 minutes every few hours if you can, even if you're on an airplane.

Roosevelt also noted that buying and wearing compression socks during air travel can help you avoid swelling, blood clots and more.

[Read: 30 Travel Accessories That Make Vacationing Easier .]

Stay Hydrated

In the same vein of being mindful about your health and wellness, drink lots of water so you stay hydrated. Dehydration can make you feel unwell and put you at risk for pre-term contractions, Roosevelt says.

Plan to bring your own refillable water bottle while you travel so you can stay hydrated no matter where you are, whether that's on the road or in the air.

Pack Healthy Snacks

Airports don't always have many healthy dining options, and what is available tends to be expensive. To save money and avoid having to nosh on empty calories, it can help to bring your own selection of sensible snacks along.

Consider packing healthy snacks like dried fruit and vegetables if you can. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services also recommends eating whole grain toast or crackers when you’re feeling nauseous or unwell, and healthy crackers should be easy to pack in your bag and bring along.

Bring Sanitizing Wipes and Gel

The ACOG says that, if you're going on a cruise specifically, you'll want to take steps to avoid norovirus – a group of viruses that can spread quickly and cause severe nausea and vomiting.

Washing your hands frequently is the best way to avoid it, but antibacterial hand gel can help you ward off germs as well. Meanwhile, disinfecting wipes are good to have on hand to wipe down airplane tray tables and arm rests.

The Government of Canada also recommends pregnant women vigorously wash their hands before eating or preparing food as well. Following these recommendations is especially important when you're in a busy airport or dining on a germ-infested airplane.

Keep Car Rides Short

If you're planning a road trip or need to drive a long distance to reach your destination, it can be beneficial to break up your travel over several days. That way, you'll only have to sit for shorter spurts of time rather than long stretches that can leave you vulnerable to swelling, blood clots and other pregnancy-related complications.

The ACOG also notes that you should buckle your seatbelt low on your hipbones, below your belly, and "place the shoulder belt off to the side of your belly and across the center of your chest."

Plan to make frequent stops so that you can get out and stretch your legs, and your car ride will be more enjoyable and keep you and the baby safe.

Book an Aisle Seat When You Fly

If you plan to fly while you're pregnant, book an aisle seat ahead of time – even if you need to pay extra for it. Having an aisle seat will make it easier for you to get up and walk around, and to head to the toilet for the many bathroom breaks you'll likely need to take.

If you can, splurge (or use points ) for business class to score some extra room.

Don't Overbook Yourself

Sightseeing is a lot of fun pregnant or not, but don't forget that your energy levels may be lower by the time you're ready to depart.

Make sure to plan an itinerary that includes plenty of breaks and downtime. You may even want to plan a relaxation-themed trip altogether, such as a spa getaway or a trip to an all-inclusive resort .

Be Choosy About Your Destination

Be mindful of seasonal weather trends and how they might work for your pregnant self. If you are planning a beach getaway in the middle of July and considering Naples in southern Florida, for example, it's smart to know ahead of time that daily high temperatures usually reach 89 degrees and humidity levels often fall in the "oppressive" or "miserable" range in the summer. Doing your research could help you find a destination with better weather, such as a beach spot with lower humidity like Virginia Beach, Virginia or Cape Cod, Massachusetts .

When it comes to trip planning, Google is your friend. Make sure you know how the weather might look no matter where you are planning to travel or you could live to regret it.

[See: 30 Relaxing Meditation Retreats Around the World .]

Pack a First-Aid Kit

There's nothing worse than being in transit for hours without supplies for headaches, heartburn and other pregnancy-related ailments. If you're prone to not feeling well at home or when you travel, you may want to bring a small first-aid kit along.

While your kit can include whatever you want, consider packing medicine for heartburn, bloating, gas and nausea – or whatever has been bugging you the most.

Check If You Need Clearance to Fly

While most airlines let you fly without question until you're up to 36 weeks pregnant, some international carriers, including Cathay Pacific and Emirates, need verification of your health from your doctor with a medical certificate before you board the plane.

If you plan to fly domestically or abroad, make sure to check with the air carriers you're considering as you organize the trip. Most airlines typically list this information on their websites, but you can also call to ask if you'll need any specific documentation.

Choose the Right Luggage

Finally, don't forget to bring luggage that's easy to move around from place to place. Spinner-style luggage on wheels is typically the easiest to transport, and you should strive to pack light (within reason) so you're not stuck lugging around all the clothing and shoes you own.

Don't hesitate to check your luggage either – especially if you have a layover to endure. The less you have to carry around, the smoother your trip should be.

30 Top Babymoon Destinations

Babymoon destinations

Tags: Travel , Vacations , pregnancy , parenting , Family Vacations , Travel Tips

World's Best Places To Visit

  • # 1 South Island, New Zealand
  • # 4 Bora Bora

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Travel during pregnancy

Being pregnant doesn’t mean you have to be stuck at home. If you’re going on a business trip or taking a vacation, there are ways you can stay healthy and safe when traveling during pregnancy.

Is it safe to travel when you’re pregnant?

If you have a healthy pregnancy, it’s usually safe to travel. But talk to your health care provider before planning any trip.

If you have a health condition, such as heart disease, or if you’ve had pregnancy complications, such as  gestational diabetes , your provider may suggest you limit travel.

Even if your pregnancy is healthy, tell your provider about your travel plans. You may need to rearrange your prenatal care visits so you don’t miss any while you’re away.

When is the best time to travel during pregnancy?

The best time to travel depends on how you feel. Many pregnant women like to travel during the second trimester. At this time, you may not have as much  morning sickness  or be as tired as you were at the beginning of your pregnancy. And while your belly’s getting bigger, it’s still comfortable for you to move around. As you get closer to your  due date , walking, sitting and even sleeping can be very uncomfortable.

During the second trimester, you’re also less likely to have a pregnancy emergency, such as  miscarriage  or preterm labor. Miscarriage is when a baby dies in the womb before 20 weeks of pregnancy. Preterm labor is labor that happens too early, before 37 weeks of pregnancy.

How can you get ready for your trip?

Plan ahead and follow these tips to stay safe when traveling during pregnancy:

  • Ask your airline if they have a cut-off time for traveling during pregnancy. You can fly on most airlines up to 36 weeks of pregnancy. But if you’re flying out of the country, the cut-off time may be earlier.
  • Check to see what medical care your health insurance covers. Health insurance helps you pay for medical care. Most insurance plans cover emergency medical care no matter where you are. But you need to know what your plan means by “emergency” to know exactly what it will pay for.
  • Think about buying travel insurance. This is insurance you buy in addition to your regular health insurance. It covers you for medical care while traveling in another country. You also can buy travel insurance that refunds some of your costs if you have to cancel your trip. Visit  to learn more about the different kinds of travel insurance.
  • Learn about medical care available where you’re headed. Your provider may be able to recommend a provider in the area where you’re going. If you’re traveling in the United States, you can find a provider through the  American Medical Association . If you’re traveling overseas, find a provider through the  International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers’ database .
  • Pack a copy of your medical records, your provider’s phone number, your  prenatal vitamins  and any medicine you need. Keep these things in your purse, a carry-on or a bag you plan to have with you at all times. This way, they’re always handy.
  • Visit the  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)  for information about  vaccinations ,  travel alerts , managing health conditions during your trip and other ways you can stay healthy during travel.
  • If you can, travel with someone. Don’t travel alone if you don’t have to.

Is it safe to travel to places where Zika is spreading if you're pregnant?

Zika virus (also called Zika) can cause illness that lasts several days to a week. It usually spreads to people through mosquito bites. But if you get infected with  Zika during pregnancy , you can pass the virus to your baby. Zika infection during pregnancy can cause serious problems for your baby. 

If you're pregnant or trying to get pregnant, don't travel to a Zika-affected area unless you absolutely have to. If you do travel, protect yourself and your family from mosquito bites. Check  CDC travel alerts  often for updates. 

When should you seek medical care during travel?

If you have any of the following signs and symptoms during your trip, get medical help right away:

  • Belly pain or cramps
  • Contractions  (when the muscles of your uterus get tight and then relax)
  • Severe headaches
  • Leg swelling or pain
  • Vaginal bleeding  (when blood comes out of your vagina) or you pass blood tissue or clots
  • Vision problems
  • Your water breaks. This can be in a large gush or a continuous trickle.

How can you stay safe when traveling by plane?

If your pregnancy is healthy, it’s usually safe to travel by plane.

Follow these tips when traveling by air:

  • If you’ve had morning sickness during pregnancy, ask your provider if you can take medicine to help with nausea.
  • Book an aisle seat so you don't have to climb over other passengers when you need to get up to use the restroom or walk around. Try sitting towards the front of the plane where the ride feels smoother.
  • Drink plenty of water. Don’t drink carbonated drinks, such as soda. And don’t eat foods, such as beans, that may cause gas. Gas in your belly can expand at high altitudes and make you feel uncomfortable.
  • Fasten your seat belt when you’re in your seat. This can help keep you from getting hurt in case of turbulence. Turbulence happens when the air around a flying plane causes a bumpy ride.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Flex your ankles during the flight, and take a walk when it's safe to leave your seat. Doing these things can help your blood flow and lower your risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a blood clot inside a vein. Sitting for long stretches of time during any kind of travel raises your chances of having DVT. Ask your health care provider if you should wear support stockings during your flight. They may help prevent DVT. But if you have  diabetes  or problems with blood circulation, you probably shouldn’t wear them.
  • Tell the flight attendant if you feel sick or very uncomfortable during your flight. Contact your provider as soon as you can.

How can you stay safe when traveling by car?

If you're pregnant and traveling by car, follow these tips:

  • Wear your seat belt.
  • Try not to drive more than 5 to 6 hours per day. If you can, break your trip into several days with shorter drive times each day.
  • During long drives, drink water, wear loose-fitting clothes and take breaks to get out of the car to walk around and stretch. And ask your provider if you should wear support stockings. Doing these things can lower your risk of DVT. Don’t turn off your car’s air bags. Airbags can keep you and your baby safe in a crash.
  • Tilt your seat and move it as far as possible from the dashboard or steering wheel. If you’re driving, though, make sure you can reach the foot pedals.
  • If you’re in an accident, get medical help right away.

How can you stay safe when traveling by ship?

If you’re pregnant and traveling on a ship, such as a cruise vacation, follow these tips:

  • Call your cruise line to confirm that a health care provider will be on the ship at all times. Ask what medical care may be available at each port stop. Ask if your ship has passed a  CDC health inspection .
  • Ask your provider if you can take medicine to help prevent or treat sea sickness.
  • Wash your hands  often and wash any fruits and vegetables you eat during the cruise to help avoid getting infections.

How can you stay safe when traveling out of the country?

If your pregnancy is healthy, it may be safe for you to travel abroad. But check with your provider before you make plans. If you have certain pregnancy complications, such as incompetent cervix (when the cervix opens too early), or if you’re pregnant with  twins, triplets or more , your provider may recommend that you not travel out of the country.

If you’re thinking about traveling out of the country, follow these tips:

  • Talk to your provider about your travel plans. Ask about pregnancy complications and if it’s safe to travel to the country you’re planning to visit. Ask your provider about vaccinations you need before your trip and about taking medicine with you.
  • Find out what your health insurance covers when traveling outside the country. And think about buying travel insurance.
  • Find a provider or a medical center in the country you’re planning to visit before you leave home. Look for a center where providers can manage pregnancy complications, perform emergency  cesarean sections (c-sections)  and care for premature babies. The  International Association for Medical Assistance  can help find this kind of information.
  • Make sure the country you’re planning to visit regularly screens stored blood for  HIV , hepatitis B and hepatitis C. This is very important if you need a blood transfusion or if your baby is at risk of  Rh disease . Visit the  U. S. Department of State website  for information on blood screening by country.
  • Take a copy of your medical records with you. Know what your blood type is.
  • Register with the American embassy or consulate  once you arrive. Staff there can help if you need to get out of the country during an emergency.
  • If you don’t speak the local language, take a dictionary.

Last reviewed: April, 2016

American Pregnancy Association

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pregnancy and travel | American Pregnancy Association

Travel During Pregnancy

As long as there are no identified complications or concerns with your pregnancy, it is generally safe to travel during your pregnancy. The ideal time to travel during pregnancy is the second trimester .  In most cases, you are past the morning sickness of the first trimester and several weeks from the third stage of pregnancy when you are more easily fatigued .

Is it safe to travel during pregnancy?

Traveling by air is considered safe for women while they are pregnant; however, the following ideas might make your trip safer and more comfortable.

  • Most airlines allow pregnant women to travel through their eighth month. Traveling during the ninth month is usually allowed if there is permission from your health care provider.
  • Most airlines have narrow aisles and smaller bathrooms, which makes it more challenging to walk and more uncomfortable when using the restroom. Because of potential turbulence that could shake the plane, make sure you are holding on to the seatbacks while navigating the aisle.
  • You may want to choose an aisle seat which will allow you to get up more easily to reach the restroom or just to stretch your legs and back.
  • Travel on major airlines with pressurized cabins and avoid smaller private planes. If you must ride in smaller planes, avoid altitudes above 7,000 feet.
  • Although doubtful, the risk of DVT can be further reduced by wearing compression stockings.

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the International Air Travel Association recommend that expecting mothers in an uncomplicated pregnancy avoid travel from the 37th week of pregnancy through birth. Avoiding travel from 32 weeks through birth is recommended for women who have complicated pregnancies with risk factors for premature labor, such as mothers carrying multiples.

Risk factors that warrant travel considerations include the following:

  • Severe anemia
  • Cardiac disease
  • Respiratory disease
  • Recent hemorrhage
  • Current or recent bone fractures

Traveling by Sea During Pregnancy

Traveling by sea is generally safe for women while they are pregnant; the motion of the boat may accentuate any morning sickness or make you feel nauseous all over again. There are a few considerations to make your trip safer and more comfortable:

  • Check with the cruise line to ensure that there is a health care provider on board in case there are any pregnancy complications .
  • Review the route and port-of-calls to identify if there is access to any medical facilities if needed.
  • Make sure any medications for seasickness are approved for women who are pregnant and that there is no risk to the developing baby.
  • Seasickness bands use acupressure points to help prevent upset stomach and maybe a good alternative to medication.

International Travel During Pregnancy

Traveling overseas has the same considerations that local or domestic travel has, but it also has additional concerns that you need to know about before making an international trip. The information below is provided to help you assess whether an international trip is good for you at this time:

  • It is important to talk with your health care provider before you take a trip internationally to discuss safety factors for you and your baby.
  • Discuss immunizations with your health care provider and carry a copy of your health records with you.
  • With international travel, you may be exposed to a disease that is rare here in the United States but is common in the country you visit.
  • Contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at (800) 311-3435 or visit their website at to receive safety information along with immunization facts related to your travels.
  • Diarrhea is a common concern when traveling overseas because you may not be used to the germs and organisms found in the food and water of other countries. This can lead to a problem of dehydration .

Here are some tips to avoid diarrhea and help keep you safe:

  • Drink plenty of bottled water
  • Used canned juices or soft drinks as alternatives
  • Make sure the milk is pasteurized
  • Avoid fresh fruits and vegetables unless they have been cooked or can be peeled (such as an orange or a banana)
  • Make certain that all meat and fish has been cooked completely; if you are unsure, do not eat it

Travel Tips During Pregnancy

Whether you are going by car, bus, or train, it is generally safe to travel while you are pregnant; however, there are some things to consider that could make your trip safer and more comfortable.

  • It is essential to buckle-up every time you ride in a car. Make sure that you use both the lap and shoulder belts for the best protection of you and your baby.
  • Keep the airbags turned on. The safety benefits of the airbag outweigh any potential risk to you and your baby.
  • Buses tend to have narrow aisles and small restrooms. This mode of transportation can be more challenging.  The safest thing is to remain seated while the bus is moving. If you must use the restroom, make sure to hold on to the rail or seats to keep your balance.
  • Trains usually have more room to navigate and walk. The restrooms are usually small. It is essential to hold on to rails or seat backs while the train is moving.
  • Try to limit the amount of time you are cooped up in the car, bus, or train. Keep travel time around five to six hours.
  • Use rest stops to take short walks and to do stretches to keep the blood circulating.
  • Dress comfortably in loose cotton clothing and wear comfortable shoes.
  • Take your favorite pillow.
  • Plan for plenty of rest stops, restroom breaks and stretches.
  • Carry snack foods with you.
  • If you are traveling any distance, make sure to carry a copy of your prenatal records.
  • Enjoy the trip.

Want to Know More?

  • How to Treat Jet Lag Naturally During Pregnancy

Compiled using information from the following sources:

1. Planning Your Pregnancy and Birth Third Ed. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Ch. 5. William’s Obstetrics Twenty-Second Ed. Cunningham, F. Gary, et al, Ch. 8.

2. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Air Travel and Pregnancy (Scientific Impact Paper No. 1),, May 22, 2013.


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travel week 36 pregnancy

So you're pregnant? Congrats! It's an exciting time but also one in which many aspects of your life will begin to change, including travel. While you'll quickly need to understand the airline industry's rules for flying while pregnant , there are some more personal tips I'd like to share with you based on my experience traveling throughout the first, second and third trimesters of both of my pregnancies.

A few truths about pregnancy

Picky, starving moms need to travel with snacks.

I didn't know I was pregnant when I took the first flight of my second pregnancy. I was on a mileage run from Houston to Los Angeles, and by the time we landed, I was super tired, kinda grumpy and oh-my-so-hungry.

Then began a mad search for food. Luckily, Counter Burger was open and serving up sweet potato fries and burgers. Out of habit, I went for the veggie burger but I quickly regretted my decision, which left me far from satisfied with ground-up veggie mush.

In the early stages of pregnancy, your normal travel habits of going a little hungry for a while, or making due with what's around, may not work well.

Throughout your pregnancy, travel with water to stay hydrated and snacks to stave off hunger pangs and keep you going through travel delays. If you're feeling particularly food sensitive, research the food options at your destination ahead of time. I virtually lived on chicken noodle soup for a whole week early in my pregnancy and then, for a couple of days, all I wanted were hush puppies. I know how to get those items at home but when you are on the road, you either need to do more research or be more flexible -- which is sometimes easier said than done.

Related: 4 tips for planning travel while planning a pregnancy

Research and make choices about inflight radiation and other risks

I'm not an expert, but because I fly often, I have given some thought to inflight radiation exposure , especially during the early stages of pregnancy.

For pregnant flight attendants and pilots, the Federal Aviation Administration recommends a limit of 1 mSv during pregnancy, with no more than 0.5 mSv per month. I don't fly as much as an airline employee, but it doesn't take much research to learn that the amount of radiation you (and your gestating baby) are exposed to in the air varies dramatically from route to route. The highest-level routes are typically longer, higher-altitude polar routes. Here's some information from NASA about polar flights and radiation .

Every expectant mother should discuss the risks of flying during pregnancy with her doctor before getting on a plane. For me, nine months was a tiny moment in my traveling life, so I was OK adjusting my behavior a bit out of an abundance of caution. However, I didn't adjust to the point of never leaving my house. We still flew when I was pregnant, but I was judicious about when and where I would fly.

Check your health insurance policy

If you aren't familiar with your medical insurance coverage for when you travel, brush up on those facts now. Look at in-network and out-of-network benefits, as well as coverage for procedures for medical emergencies in other countries, if relevant. Most likely, if you do have coverage for treatment in other countries, you will still be on the hook to pay for your care up front and then submit for reimbursement from your health insurer. Plan accordingly and plan for the unexpected. If your baby decides to arrive early, for instance, check to make sure your insurance would cover possible extended and expensive care in an intensive care unit in a hospital away from your home.

Be sure to check what your health insurance coverage provides if you deliver at another facility later in your pregnancy. I once had an insurance plan that specifically did not cover out-of-network deliveries after 36 weeks, so that is something you would want to know before venturing away from home late in pregnancy.

Consider travel insurance

Trip insurance can be helpful if you are traveling while pregnant. Read the plan's fine print to determine what might be covered and whether you are covered if you already knew you were pregnant when you purchased the plan. Typically, a normal pregnancy or normal delivery would not be covered but if there are unexpected complications with the pregnancy, then related trip-cancellation or trip-interruption coverage may kick in on certain plans in certain situations.

Here are some travel insurance providers to check out: Allianz Travel Insurance, Travel Guard and Travelex Insurance . You can also compare a variety of plans at a portal like SquareMouth .

Here are some articles that will help you brush up on your travel insurance knowledge:

  • The best travel insurance policies and providers
  • What is independent travel insurance and when is it worth it?
  • When to buy travel insurance versus when to rely on credit card protections
  • Is credit card travel insurance sufficient on its own?
  • Why I buy travel insurance

Traveling in the first trimester

Traveling in the first trimester can range from "no big deal" to "I think I'm going to die from misery right this very instant." Symptoms in early pregnancy can vary widely and can change by the day. A flight in your first trimester may be no different from any other flight you've ever taken or it may feel like you are flying with the worst hangover of your life.

Unless you are very high risk or have other extenuating medical issues, your doctor will probably give you the green light to travel in early pregnancy. Feeling extra tired, nauseous and queasy doesn't make for the perfect travel experience, so here are some tips to make travel easier:

Pick an aisle seat and move about the cabin

When you do hit the skies early on, choose a seat where you will be the most comfortable, likely an aisle seat so you can get to the restroom easily. I also recommend getting up to walk around and stretch your legs. (Here are tips for credit cards that will defeat basic economy and let you get a seat assignment in advance.)

Room service come to the rescue

In my first trimester of my second pregnancy, I went on a trip with my daughter and parents to New York City to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and I was met with another challenge. I was at the point in my pregnancy when I needed food immediately upon waking or I was going to get queasy. Since I was staying in a hotel room with my young daughter, this meant room service. I also had granola bars and fruit on hand, but that was not enough to really do the trick some mornings. Had my husband been there, he could have gone in search of a warm bagel and juice, but since he wasn't on this trip, we had to improvise. Thanks goodness Marriott elite status helped defray the cost of most of the breakfast!

travel week 36 pregnancy

Take it easy when you need to

Once you are further along in your pregnancy and you actually look pregnant, you will sometimes get a little sympathy or, at least, empathy while traveling. Strangers may offer to help with your bag and people may have more patience with you if you're moving slowly. However, in the first trimester nobody can tell you are pregnant, and no one is going to feel sorry for you. If you act queasy on the plane, you will pretty much be treated like you have Ebola, and any other issue or ailment will pretty much not interest anyone. I once told the flight attendant I was pregnant when she was giving me the eye about looking queasy.

Take care of yourself, don't overdo it and know when to say enough is enough. You may be used to very busy travel days, but now find yourself needing a nap during your first trimester, and that's OK. Listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

Traveling in the second trimester

You have probably heard that the second trimester is generally the easiest of the three trimesters for most expecting moms. You usually aren't as sick and or as tired as in the first trimester, and you aren't as large, uncomfortable and exhausted as in the third trimester. From roughly weeks 13 to 27 of a pregnancy, your activity and comfort levels are often good, and this means that it can be a great time to travel. Couples that like to take "babymoons" (one last couples trip before the baby arrives) often try to schedule them in the second trimester.

Related: The best babymoon destinations for every month of the year

The beginning and end of the second trimester are quite different

You will probably enter the second trimester not really looking pregnant, and end it looking quite different. This means that you may feel very different at the beginning and end of the second trimester. The second trimester is when lots of belly growing happens and this can mean that some types of travel will be more uncomfortable toward the end of these few months of pregnancy than at the beginning.

travel week 36 pregnancy

Consider where you are comfortable traveling

A very personal and important decision to make during the second trimester is to determine if there are certain restrictions you will place on yourself in terms of where you're comfortable traveling. Some types of travel will ban women from traveling during the second trimester. For example, many cruise lines will not allow a woman to book a cruise if she will enter her 24th week of pregnancy (or later) while on the voyage.

Royal Caribbean's policy bars pregnant women from sailing at and after the 24th week. It was developed in concert with the Cruise Lines International Association endorsement of the American College of Emergency Physicians Health Care Guidelines for Cruise Ship Medical Facilities .

Many consider unborn fetuses to be viable if born beginning around 24 weeks (though that age threshold is getting earlier and earlier). This means that a baby born at 24 weeks gestation would have anywhere from a 50% to 70% chance of survival outside the womb if (and only if) there is immediate access to advanced medical care. A cruise ship clearly doesn't have an advanced neonatal care unit on board, so presumably the policy is related to why cruise lines draw the line for pregnant passengers.

I personally draw the line for travel at 23 or 24 weeks when talking about destinations that don't have the same level of advanced medical care as the United States -- or long flights or a flight path that could hinder prompt access to advanced medical care if I happened to unexpectedly go into labor. The Maldives is an example of somewhere I would not want to travel in this instance because there would be significant delays in obtaining medical care on these remote islands.

Plan big, but not too big

The second trimester is a great time to squeeze in a pre-baby trip or two since you will probably feel relatively like to your pre-pregnant self much of the time. We went to Aruba when I was 14 weeks pregnant and it was a fantastic trip. I had lots of energy and a normal appetite. Flying was not uncomfortable because my belly was still pretty small and the only real adjustment was to make sure I had a somewhat larger bathing suit before the trip.

At 23 weeks, I traveled to Spain and still felt pretty energetic and "normal." I will admit that the flight in economy wasn't super comfortable since I did have a belly that was hindering curling up in positions that usually help me sleep on the plane, but our time on the ground in Spain wasn't really impacted at all by the pregnancy other than missing out on the Spanish wine.

The great thing about both of those trips was that they were at my own pace. This meant that if I didn't feel like doing much one afternoon, I could take it easy. Even though you may feel great in the second trimester, you can still tire more quickly than normal, so be sure to limit your vacation activities to those you can manage. There are also activities that some doctors might advise against by the second trimester like thrill rides, scuba diving or horseback riding, so double-check any restrictions before planning more adventurous outings.

travel week 36 pregnancy

Traveling in the third trimester

Pregnancy isn't an illness or disease. For many families, it's just a normal phase in a woman's life before a new baby joins the family. Assuming things are going well, it's not a time when you have to cancel all travel. However, once the third trimester rolls around, travel can get a more complicated and does eventually have to stop.

The beginning and end of the third trimester are quite different

Changes come even more quickly in the third trimester. You enter the third trimester about 28 weeks pregnant and end it with a newborn. This means that types of travel that are possible at 27 and 28 weeks pregnant may be inadvisable, or even prohibited, at 37 and 38 weeks pregnant.

Select destinations and activities carefully

In the final months of pregnancy, some activities are probably going to be more comfortable and enjoyable than others. For example, swimming and spa time may be exactly what you need.

I give strong preference to visiting beach and resort destinations in the final trimester. Trust me when I say that few activities are as comfortable in the third trimester as floating in the water! We went to The Phoenician (a Marriott property) in Scottsdale, Arizona, when I was about 31 weeks pregnant and even with my big belly, it was the perfect mix of spa, swimming and fun activities for our 5 year old before both our lives changed.

travel week 36 pregnancy

You are going to get uncomfortable

Maybe this isn't universal and there are some magical creatures out there who never feel uncomfortable during pregnancy, but every mom I know eventually hit a point in her pregnancy when she wasn't comfortable. For many, this means that sitting for an extended time in a small airline seat, standing in long lines or trekking around in the heat to explore a city all day eventually become pretty miserable activities.

No one can tell you when you will hit that point, but it will likely happen in the third trimester. For me, my back started giving me a bunch of trouble at around week 30 or 31. I was incredibly grateful there were no more flights scheduled during that pregnancy beyond that point.

If you are going to fly during the later weeks of your third trimester and have the ability to secure a more comfortable seat up front, or at least one with extra legroom so you can stretch out, it may well be a good investment in your comfort. I brought a tennis ball with me when I flew so I could give myself a bit of a "back massage" against the airplane seat.

travel week 36 pregnancy

Bring your own pillows

Sleep becomes a challenge in the third trimester for many women and a pillow fort of sorts becomes a necessity to get some good shut-eye. Many pregnant moms find that using some sort of body pillow or pillow arrangement helps to keep their bellies supported and comfortable at night. You can't assume that the hotel will have similar pillows, so bring your own if they become essential to good rest in your third trimester. I had no shame in hauling my pillow fort with me on our last road trip at eight months pregnant.

See if you are allowed to fly

Even if your doctor OKs it, many airlines have rules about women flying in the third trimester. Check out airline rules for traveling while pregnant for complete details, but generally speaking, most U.S. airlines don't have many flight restrictions until the last month of pregnancy. However, many international airlines do have restrictions and documentation requirements beginning at 28 weeks. If you are pregnant with more than one baby, the restrictions kick in even earlier.

Decide when to stop traveling

I'm all for traveling while pregnant but, realistically, most women will want to stop traveling at some point in the third trimester. I would imagine by about 36 or 37 weeks, most women will probably decide to stay closer to home. I went on a road trip about three hours from home at 35 weeks and then called it quits for the rest of the pregnancy. There's still a whole new world of travel waiting once a new baby joins the family .

travel week 36 pregnancy

Bottom line

There is usually no reason to stop traveling when you're expecting. During my last pregnancy, I went on 12 trips, 28 flights, visited four countries and I'm very glad I had the opportunity to stay that active. I'm also glad that I grounded myself from flight after 31 weeks and from road trips at 35 weeks because those were the right decisions for my comfort level.

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Pregnant Travelers

pregnant traveler taking selfie

Pregnant travelers can generally travel safely with appropriate preparation. But they should avoid some destinations, including those with risk of Zika and malaria. Learn more about traveling during pregnancy and steps you can take to keep you and your baby healthy.

Before Travel

Before you book a cruise or air travel, check the airlines or cruise operator policies for pregnant women. Some airlines will let you fly until 36 weeks, but others may have an earlier cutoff. Cruises may not allow you to travel after 24–28 weeks of pregnancy, and you may need to have a note from your doctor stating you are fit to travel.

Zika and Malaria

Zika can cause severe birth defects. The Zika virus is spread through mosquito bites and sex. If you are pregnant, do not travel to  areas with risk of Zika . If you must travel to an area with Zika, use  insect repellent  and take other steps to avoid bug bites. If you have a sex partner who lives in or has traveled to an area with Zika, you should use condoms for the rest of your pregnancy.

Pregnant travelers should avoid travel to areas with malaria, as it can be more severe in pregnant women. Malaria increases the risk for serious pregnancy problems, including premature birth, miscarriage, and stillbirth. If you must travel to an area with malaria, talk to your doctor about taking malaria prevention medicine. Malaria is spread by mosquitoes, so use  insect repellent and take other steps to avoid bug bites.

Make an appointment with your healthcare provider or a travel health specialist  that takes place at least one month before you leave. They can help you get destination-specific vaccines, medicines, and information. Discussing your health concerns, itinerary, and planned activities with your provider allows them to give more specific advice and recommendations.

Plan for the unexpected. It is important to plan for unexpected events as much as possible. Doing so can help you get quality health care or avoid being stranded at a destination. A few steps you can take to plan for unexpected events are to  get travel insurance ,    learn where to get health care during travel ,  pack a travel health kit ,  and  enroll in the Department of State’s STEP .

Be sure your healthcare policy covers pregnancy and neonatal complications while overseas. If it doesn’t get travel health insurance that covers those items. Consider getting medical evacuation insurance too.

Recognize signs and symptoms that require immediate medical attention, including pelvic or abdominal pain, bleeding, contractions, symptoms of preeclampsia (unusual swelling, severe headaches, nausea and vomiting, and vision changes), and dehydration.

Prepare a  travel health kit . Pregnant travelers may want to include in your kit prescription medications, hemorrhoid cream, antiemetic drugs, antacids, prenatal vitamins, medication for vaginitis or yeast infection, and support hose, in addition to the items recommended for all travelers.

During Travel

Your feet may become swollen on a long flight, so wear comfortable shoes and loose clothing and try to walk around every hour or so. Sitting for a long time, like on long flight, increases your chances of getting blood clots, or deep vein thrombosis. Pregnant women are also more likely to get blood clots. To reduce your risk of a blood clot, your doctor may recommend compression stockings or leg exercises you can do in your seat. Also, see CDC’s Blood Clots During Travel page for more tips on how to avoid blood clots during travel.

Choose safe food and drink. Contaminated food or drinks can cause travelers’ diarrhea and other diseases and disrupt your travel. Travelers to low or middle income destinations are especially at risk. Generally, foods served hot are usually safe to eat as well as dry and packaged foods. Bottled, canned, and hot drinks are usually safe to drink. Learn more about how to choose safer  food and drinks  to prevent getting sick.

Pregnant women should not use bismuth subsalicylate, which is in Pepto-Bismol and Kaopectate. Travelers to low or middle income  destinations  are more likely to get sick from food or drinks. Iodine tablets for water purification should not be used since they can harm thyroid development of the fetus.

After Travel


If you traveled and feel sick, particularly if you have a fever, talk to a healthcare provider immediately, and tell them about your travel. Avoid contact with other people while you are sick.

More Information

CDC Yellow Book: Pregnant Travelers

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Travelling in pregnancy

With the proper precautions such as travel insurance, most women can travel safely well into their pregnancy.

Wherever you go, find out what healthcare facilities are at your destination in case you need urgent medical attention. It's a good idea to take your maternity medical records (sometimes called handheld notes) with you so you can give doctors the relevant information if necessary.

Find out more about getting healthcare abroad .

Make sure your travel insurance covers you for any eventuality, such as pregnancy-related medical care during labour, premature birth and the cost of changing the date of your return trip if you go into labour .

When to travel in pregnancy

Some women prefer not to travel in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy because of  nausea and vomiting and feeling very tired during these early stages. The risk of  miscarriage is also higher in the first 3 months, whether you're travelling or not.

Travelling in the final months of pregnancy can be tiring and uncomfortable. So, many women find the best time to travel or take a holiday is in mid-pregnancy, between 4 and 6 months.

Flying in pregnancy

Flying isn't harmful to you or your baby, but discuss any health issues or pregnancy complications with your midwife or doctor before you fly.

The chance of going into labour is naturally higher after  37 weeks (around 32 weeks if you're carrying twins), and some airlines won't let you fly towards the end of your pregnancy. Check with the airline for their policy on this.

After week 28 of pregnancy, the airline may ask for a letter from your doctor or midwife confirming your due date, and that you are not at risk of complications. You may have to pay for the letter and wait several weeks before you get it.

Long-distance travel (longer than 4 hours) carries a small risk of blood clots (deep vein thrombosis (DVT)) . If you fly, drink plenty of water and move about regularly – every 30 minutes or so. You can buy a pair of graduated compression or support stockings from the pharmacy, which will help reduce leg swelling.

Travel vaccinations when you're pregnant

Most vaccines that use live bacteria or viruses aren't recommended during pregnancy because of concerns that they could harm the baby in the womb.

However, some live travel vaccines may be considered during pregnancy if the risk of infection outweighs the risk of live vaccination. Ask your GP or midwife for advice about specific travel vaccinations. Non-live (inactivated) vaccines are safe to use in pregnancy.

Malaria tablets

Some anti-malaria tablets aren't safe to take in pregnancy so ask your GP for advice.

Zika virus is mainly spread by mosquitoes found in some parts of the world. For most people it's mild and not harmful, but can cause problems if you're pregnant.

If you are pregnant, it is not recommended to travel to parts of the world where the Zika virus is present, such as parts of:

  • South and Central America
  • the Caribbean
  • the Pacific islands

Check before you travel

It's important to check the risk for the country you're going to before you travel.

Find out more about the Zika virus risk in specific countries on the Travel Health Pro website

Car travel in pregnancy

It's best to avoid long car journeys if you're pregnant. However, if it can't be avoided, make sure you stop regularly and get out of the car to stretch and move around.

You can also do some exercises in the car (when you're not driving), such as flexing and rotating your feet and wiggling your toes. This will keep the blood flowing through your legs and reduce any stiffness and discomfort. Wearing compression stockings while on long car journeys (more than 4 hours) can also increase the blood flow in your legs and help prevent blood clots.

Tiredness and dizziness are common during pregnancy so it's important on car journeys to drink regularly and eat natural, energy-giving foods, such as fruit and nuts.

Keep the air circulating in the car and wear your seatbelt with the cross strap between your breasts and the lap strap across your pelvis under your bump, not across your bump.

Road accidents are among the most common causes of injury in pregnant women. If you have to make a long trip, don't travel on your own. You could also share the driving with your companion.

Sailing in pregnancy

Ferry companies have their own restrictions and may refuse to carry heavily pregnant women (often beyond 32 weeks on standard crossings and 28 weeks on high-speed crossings ). Check the ferry company's policy before you book.

For longer boat trips, such as cruises, find out if there are onboard facilities to deal with pregnancy and medical services at the docking ports.

Food and drink abroad in pregnancy

Take care to avoid food- and water-borne conditions, such as stomach upsets and travellers' diarrhoea . Some medicines for treating stomach upsets and travellers' diarrhoea aren't suitable during pregnancy.

Always check if tap water is safe to drink. If in doubt, drink bottled water. If you get ill, keep hydrated and continue eating for the health of your baby, even if you're not hungry.

Find out about a healthy diet in pregnancy , and foods to avoid in pregnancy .

Page last reviewed: 17 August 2022 Next review due: 17 August 2025

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11 Rules for Road Trips While Pregnant, Including When To Stop Traveling by Car

A car trip can be a memorable vacation while pregnant, especially if flying is out of the question, but there are some precautions to take before you hit the road.

Everyone loves a good road trip. And if you're pregnant, a babymoon by car may be exactly what's needed before you're elbows-deep in dirty diapers. While it's generally safe to fly while expecting , some airlines have a cutoff of 36 weeks (and many even earlier), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Pregnant people who do fly should check with their doctors first, but they can make travel safer with simple steps like holding onto seatbacks when walking during turbulence and wearing compression socks to prevent deep vein thrombosis.

The great news is that car travel is safe for most pregnant people. If you have complications, you may need to stick closer to home but unless you're on bedrest or have other doctor-imposed limitations, you should be able to hit the road. Ask your health care provider when you should stop long road trips, but in most cases, it's safe until close to your due date.

To ensure the only bump on the road is your belly, here are 11 tips pregnant travelers should know before setting off on a long drive.

1. Talk To Your Health Care Provider

No matter the mode of travel, pregnant people should always start by contacting their health care provider, said Kecia Gaither, MD , maternal-fetal medicine specialist affiliated with NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln in the Bronx, New York. "Certain medical conditions may preclude any degree of travel, be it by air or land," says Dr. Gaither. "Those conditions may include placenta previa , prior preterm labor , or clotting disorders."

Placenta previa, for example, happens when the placenta completely or partially covers the cervix. It can cause bleeding during pregnancy, as well as serious complications—like hemorrhage or preterm birth—that would be difficult to navigate in an unfamiliar location.

Additionally, traveling is a risk factor for blood clots, according to the CDC—and pregnant people already have a heightened chance of developing them. Certain conditions and disorders may increase the risk of blood clots too much for long road trips.

2. Plan for Your Second Trimester

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says the ideal time to travel is during the second trimester, between 14 and 28 weeks. "During these weeks, your energy has returned, morning sickness is improved or gone, and you are still able to get around easily," recommends the organization. "After 28 weeks, it may be harder to move around or sit for a long time."

Not only is the middle of the pregnancy when pregnant people will likely feel the best, but it also carries a lower risk of any complications.

3. Prepare for the Pregnancy Road Trip

Advanced planning can make any road trip easier. This includes thoughtful packing like easy-to-change clothing if you get too hot or too cold and taking healthy foods, snacks, and drinks. Also, make sure your route is accurate to avoid delays and check for safe places to stop.

4. Drink Enough Water

There's a link between dehydration and uterine contractions, so keeping on top of water intake is crucial, says Dr. Gaither. Have a sufficient supply of water readily available in the car and make sure to drink even more if you've been sweating or exercising. Pregnant people should drink eight to 12 cups (or 64 to 96 ounces) of water each day, according to ACOG. This ensures healthy digestion, amniotic fluid formation, and nutrient circulation.

5. Bring Extra Medications or Supplements

Taking the proper medications and supplements while pregnant is imperative, and it's even more important on a road trip. Dr. Gaither says pregnant travelers will want to double-check that they've packed any medications and vitamins they need.

It's also important to bring extra, in case they're on the road longer than originally anticipated. Include over-the-counter medicines approved by your health care provider, so you'll have them if you need them. And, don't forget to pack your prenatal vitamin !

6. Always Wear a Seat Belt

Wearing a seat belt in a car is one of the most important car safety tips, especially when you're pregnant. The myth that a seat belt could harm the fetus is pure fiction, but there's a proper way to wear one if you're pregnant, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

Pregnant people should wear the shoulder belt away from their neck and across their chest. The lap belt should be secured below the belly so it fits snugly. Pregnant people should also keep as much distance as possible between their belly and the steering wheel, while still ensuring they can reach the wheel and pedals. Additionally, the NHTSA recommends pregnant people don't disable the airbags.

7. Get Out and Stretch Often

Dr. Gaither says pregnant travelers should stop "at least every two hours" and get out of the car, stretch, and walk around. This increases blood flow to the lower body which helps prevent complications like deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the legs. These blood clots usually dissolve on their own. However, in rare cases, they can break off, travel to the lungs, and block blood flow. This potentially life-threatening condition is called a pulmonary embolism.

While the risk for DVT is low, it does increase with pregnancy. The CDC recommends knowing the signs of DVT, which include swelling and/or redness in the leg (or arm), unexplained pain or tenderness, and skin that feels warm when touched. Signs of a pulmonary embolism include difficulty breathing, fast or irregular heartbeat, and chest pain or discomfort.

8. Dress Comfortably

Being comfortable during pregnancy is key, and that's especially true during a road trip. Luckily, a few essentials can make the ride more relaxing—and safer. Non-medical compression socks or support hosiery may be a good idea to help support blood flow.

Other helpful travel accessories include a lumbar pillow, comfortable shoes, and a good water bottle (because hydration is key to a healthy pregnancy ). A cooler, sunglasses, and sunscreen also may be helpful. And, avoid wearing too-tight clothing and shoes.

9. Avoid Remote Locations

Nothing is stopping most pregnant people from traveling, but it's always smart to be mindful of where you're going. If possible, maintain a steady speed (instead of speeding up and slowing down) and avoid winding, hilly, bumpy roads, and frequent lane changes. Also, don't travel to extremely remote areas where medical care may be difficult to find in case of an emergency.

10. Have an Emergency Plan in Place

Pregnant travelers will want to have a plan in case any unexpected health concerns pop up, as they can happen quickly during pregnancy. If you don't have access to an electronic health record, take a copy of your medical record with you. If any problems do arise during a road trip, Dr. Gaither recommends pregnant people contact their health care provider and the nearest hospital for advice, evaluation, and possible treatment.

11. Relax and Have Fun

There are lots of things to take into consideration when planning a road trip while pregnant, but always remember to have fun! Advanced planning and a comfortable wardrobe will help make the trip easier. Plan a trip you're excited about and indulge in a little pre-baby R&R.

Pregnant Travelers . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . 2022.

Blood Clots and Travel: What You Need to Know . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . 2023.

Travel During Pregnancy . American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists . 2023.

How Much Water Should I Drink During Pregnancy? . American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists . 2020.

If You're Pregnant: Seat Belt Recommendations for Drivers and Passengers . National Highway Traffic Safety Administration .

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Travel During Pregnancy: What Does Travel Insurance Cover?

pregnancy and travel insurance

Some of the most common questions we get at Allianz Global Assistance are about traveling while pregnant. While most pregnant women can safely travel without incident, sometimes complications arise and customers wonder, "What does travel insurance cover?"

Here’s the quick answer: Travel insurance can cover certain situations that result from unforeseen pregnancy complications, or a pregnancy that occurs after you’ve purchased your plan. Travel insurance typically does not cover trip cancellations or other travel losses resulting from normal pregnancy.

Like any other kind of insurance, travel insurance includes specific coverage definitions and restrictions. Read your agreement carefully, and if you have any questions about coverage, call. Pregnant women should consult their doctors with concerns and questions about safe travel.

If you’re pregnant, or you might be soon, it’s wise to protect upcoming trips. Maximize your coverage window by purchasing travel protection as soon as possible. Our most popular plan is OneTrip Prime , which includes substantial benefits for trip cancellation/interruption and medical emergencies.

Read on for a detailed guide to travel insurance and pregnancy from Allianz Global Assistance.

Pregnancy Complications: What Does Travel Insurance Cover? 

You're in the first trimester of your pregnancy and feeling fine — until you begin feeling extremely nauseous a week before you're supposed to fly to New York on business. Your doctor diagnoses you with hyperemesis gravidarum, a severe and serious form of morning sickness, and you end up in the hospital on the day of your scheduled flight. Can travel insurance reimburse you for the canceled trip?

Yes. Travel insurance from Allianz Global Assistance can cover losses resulting from unforeseen pregnancy complications, such as pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes or hyperemesis gravidarum. That means your travel insurance may reimburse you for nonrefundable trip costs lost if you must cancel or interrupt your trip because of pregnancy complications. The illness, injury, or medical condition you’re experiencing must be disabling enough to make a reasonable person cancel their trip, and a doctor must advise you to cancel it. For example, normal morning sickness would not be a covered reason for trip cancellation. When you’re filing a claim for trip cancellation/interruption related to a pregnancy complication, you’ll need documentation from your physician.

All travel insurance plans from Allianz Global Assistance include access to 24-Hour Emergency Assistance . If you experience a medical emergency while traveling, or any other problem, contact our hotline via phone or the TravelSmart TM app for rapid assistance. If your plan includes emergency medical benefits, your insurance may reimburse you for the cost of emergency medical care that you received for covered pregnancy complications while traveling.

Please note that travel insurance does not cover the chance that a complication might occur. For example, if you delivered prematurely with your first two pregnancies, your doctor might advise you to cancel the trip to Paris you planned for the sixth month of your third pregnancy. However, this is still considered a normal pregnancy because no complication has been diagnosed. Travel insurance would not cover the trip cancellation.

Surprise Pregnancy and Trip Cancellation

You and your spouse are planning a week-long European river cruise to celebrate your third anniversary. Tickets are hard to come by, so you book your trip a year in advance. You schedule the flights and purchase your travel insurance — and two months later, you discover you're pregnant. Will travel insurance cover your trip cancellation?

On some plans, Allianz Global Assistance lists pregnancy as a covered reason for trip cancellation if you find out you are pregnant after purchasing your policy. For your trip cancellation to be covered, you must provide medical records to verify the pregnancy occurred after that date. Please see your policy documents for your plan’s specific coverage. And if you’re planning a trip now, don’t wait to buy travel insurance! Get a quote today.

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Late-Term Pregnancy and Trip Cancellation 

You decide to plan a babymoon getaway so you and your sweetie can enjoy some time together before the baby arrives. You book your plane tickets and a bed-and-breakfast on the beach. You're feeling fine and getting excited. Then your doctor advises you, as a precaution, not to travel in the eighth month of pregnancy. Will travel insurance cover this pregnancy-related trip cancellation?

No. In this scenario, there are no medical complications with your pregnancy, so the cancellation will not be covered. Please understand that Allianz Global Assistance is not disagreeing with your doctor's recommendation not to travel — you should do what's best for you and your baby's health. However, most travel insurance plans from Allianz Global Assistance do not include normal pregnancy as a covered reason for trip cancellation (except as described above.)

Airline Rules for Flying While Pregnant

You're flying to Los Angeles to see your sister one last time before the baby's born. But when you get to the gate, the airline won't let you on board because you're too close to your due date. Will your travel insurance plan reimburse you for the missed flight?

No. Being refused service by a carrier because of normal pregnancy is not a covered reason for trip cancellation. Cruise ships and airlines have very specific rules about travel while pregnant. Here are selected airline pregnancy policies, but you should also call your travel supplier to check before you book your trip. Please note that this information is subject to change.

  • American Airlines: A medical certificate is required to fly within four weeks of your delivery date in a normal, uncomplicated pregnancy. Travel is not permitted within seven days of your due date on domestic flights under five hours, or within four weeks of your due date on international flights, unless you get a medical certificate and clearance from a Special Assistance Coordinator. 1
  • Delta: Delta does not impose restrictions on flying for pregnant women. However, ticket change fees and penalties cannot be waived for pregnancy. 2
  • JetBlue: Pregnant passengers expecting to deliver within seven days are prohibited from travel, unless they provide a doctor's certificate dated no more than 72 hours prior to departure stating that the passenger is physically fit for air travel and that the estimated date of delivery is after the date of the last flight. 3
  • Southwest: Southwest has no pregnancy prohibitions, but recommends against air travel beginning at the 38th week of pregnancy. 4
  • United: To fly in or after your 36 th week of pregnancy, you must provide the original and two copies of an obstetrician’s certificate, dated within three days (72 hours) prior to your flight departure, that says you’re fit to fly. 5

Travel Insurance and Childbirth

You're enjoying your babymoon vacation in Cozumel when suddenly you feel the first twinge of labor. Twelve hours later, you're the proud mother of a baby girl. Will travel insurance cover the cost of labor and delivery?

No. Normal childbirth is not covered by travel insurance from Allianz Global Assistance. However, if complications arise in delivery, the costs of emergency medical care may be covered. Also, attending the childbirth of a family member can be a covered reason for trip cancellation, depending on your plan.

While travel insurance from Allianz Global Assistance can't cover every possible pregnancy scenario, we want to do our best to help! Our Assistance team is available 24 hours a day to provide expert advice and aid.

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  • Traveling While Pregnant: Key Considerations
  • The Essential Packing Checklist for Flying With An Infant
  • Great Babymoon Destinations in the US

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Guide To Pregnancy And Travel Insurance

Updated: Aug 11, 2023, 11:46am

Fact Checked

Table of Contents

Pacify your concerns by purchasing travel insurance early, mother knows best: buy travel medical insurance, planning ahead with emergency medical evacuation insurance, trip cancellation insurance for pregnant travellers, trip interruption insurance and travel during pregnancy, birth and travel insurance, what pregnancy issues are not covered by travel insurance, review airline guidelines for pregnant flyers.

If you’re planning a trip and are pregnant, or think you may be soon, you might consider buying a comprehensive travel insurance plan. It can help pay for emergency medical expenses related to unforeseen complications while travelling (within limits) and protect the money you’ve invested in your upcoming mom-to-be adventure.

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While there are some exclusions and special considerations, learning about pregnancy and travel insurance is likely easier than assembling a new crib. Here are the key takeaways:

  • If you’re already pregnant when you buy the travel insurance, trip cancellation usually isn’t covered due to normal pregnancies.
  • If you become pregnant after you buy a policy, trip cancellation insurance may reimburse you if you cancel the trip due to a normal pregnancy. You must provide medical records to prove that the pregnancy started after the purchase date.
  • In certain situations, if you experience unforeseen pregnancy-related health issues documented by a doctor, you can file a trip cancellation insurance or trip interruption insurance claim .
  • It’s critical to have travel medical insurance if you’re going abroad. Unforeseen pregnancy complications during a trip can be covered under travel medical insurance, up to your policy limits and within a certain timeframe.
  • The associated medical costs for normal pregnancy care during a trip generally aren’t covered.

The sooner you buy travel insurance, the better. The best travel insurance plans package together valuable benefits that cover unexpected events both before and during your trip.

When you purchase travel insurance right after making your first trip deposits, you gain the longest window of protection if you need to cancel for a reason listed in the policy.

You also meet early-purchase requirements for cancellation upgrades that are worth considering if you’re travelling while pregnant.

Buying travel medical insurance  for a trip outside of the country is a smart move, regardless of whether you’re pregnant or not.

Travel medical insurance pays for hospital and doctor bills, X-rays, lab work, ambulance service and medicine if you’re injured or become ill during your trip. Reimbursement is up to the medical limits listed in your policy. Your provincial or territorial health plan will cover you if you travel within Canada, but if you go abroad, you’ll have limited or no coverage.

Travel medical insurance might be able to help you recoup costs for unforeseen pregnancy complications, but not for medical expenses relating to a normal pregnancy. Travel insurance companies use different definitions for “complications of pregnancy” and have limits on when you are eligible for coverage (most insurance companies exclude complications within the nine weeks before and after your expected delivery date) so be sure to ask for details when choosing a travel insurance plan and read the exclusions carefully.

The most generous travel insurance plans provide $10 million or unlimited coverage per person in medical expenses, but you can find coverage amounts of $5 million or less.

Pregnancy and Pre-existing Medical Condition Exclusion Waivers or Add-ons

Travel medical insurance doesn’t cover pre-existing conditions—unless you have an exclusion waiver or purchase an upgrade or endorsement. A pre-existing condition generally refers to injury, illness or medical condition that caused you to experience symptoms, seek treatment or take medication in a specified number of days before you bought the policy, usually 30, 60 or 180 days.

A pre-existing medical condition exclusion waiver allows you to use your travel medical benefits for these conditions if purchased within a certain amount of time. You usually must request a pre-existing medical condition exclusion waiver within a specified period of time from making your first trip deposit. If you qualify, this waiver is available at no additional cost.

Other insurers, such as CAA Travel Insurance and Manulife Financial , offer additional coverage for pre-existing conditions. You’ll need to purchase this insurance on top of an emergency medical plan.

However, medical expenses related to normal pregnancy and childbirth often aren’t covered under travel medical insurance, even with a pre-existing medical condition exclusion waiver. Some insurers, such as Goose , offer an Unexpected Birth of Child benefit that covers up to $25,000 of expenses after an unexpected birth. This benefit is not payable within the nine weeks before or after your expected delivery date.

In addition to buying travel medical insurance, it’s a good idea to research your destination, including nearby medical facilities, to determine the closes medical facility if you go into early labour or have pregnancy-related complications during your trip. Many insurance companies, such as TravelSafe and Travel Guard , offer pre-trip assistance services to help you with this planning.

Part of planning for any potential scenario may mean checking the limits of your plan’s emergency medical evacuation insurance. This can reimburse you if you’re injured or become ill on your trip and need medical care beyond what’s available locally. Emergency medical evacuation benefits help pay costs to transport you to the nearest adequate treatment facility—or even back home if necessary. Your plan may include this coverage as part of your policy limit or may stipulate a separate coverage limit.

It’s also important to meet with your doctor before your departure to be sure you’re cleared to travel. Most insurance companies do not coverage any medical expenses if you decide to travel against a physician’s advice.

Trip cancellation insurance reimburses you for prepaid and nonrefundable trip deposits you lose if you cancel due to unforeseeable events listed in your policy. These reasons can include severe weather, injury or a medical emergency.

Issues related to a normal pregnancy are typically not covered under trip cancellation insurance. However, cancellations due to pregnancy-related medical emergencies are generally covered.

For example, let’s say you were already pregnant when you bought your travel insurance plan. Then, a week before your trip, you’re diagnosed with a pregnancy complication listed in your travel insurance policy. You would be eligible to file a claim under trip cancellation benefits.

You would not be covered under trip cancellation insurance if you backed out because you have routine morning sickness or are too uncomfortable.

Acceptable complications for a travel insurance claim can vary significantly among travel insurance companies, so be sure to check the details of your policy. For example, hyperemesis gravidarum, or severe morning sickness, may be covered at one travel insurance company, but not another.

Cancel For Any Reason Coverage and Pregnancy

If you want the freedom to cancel for reasons beyond those listed in your travel insurance plan, consider adding Cancel For Any Reason, or CFAR, coverage. It’s an optional upgrade that generally provides between 50% and 75% reimbursement of your non-refundable trip costs, as long as you cancel at least 48 hours before your scheduled departure.

If you experience unforeseen complications related to your pregnancy while travelling and want to return home early, you can file a trip interruption insurance claim.

It can compensate you for a last-minute flight home and prepaid, nonrefundable trip costs if you leave early due to a complication covered in your policy.

CAA Travel Insurance offers Interruption For Any Reason (IFAR) travel insurance. With this insurance, you can return home early from your trip, regardless of the reason, and be reimbursed for 50% to 75% of your trip costs.

If you give birth while on your trip and it’s a routine delivery, your travel medical insurance usually won’t reimburse you for the medical costs.

In addition to routine pregnancy and childbirth, there are some pregnancy-related issues that are generally excluded from coverage.

Some of these exclusions are:

  • Routine physical exams
  • Travelling for the purpose of securing medical treatment or advice
  • Fertility treatments
  • Trips taken if you’re not medically cleared to travel
  • Expenses from a child born during your trip

It’s also prudent to check with your airline to see if there are travel restrictions for pregnant passengers. Commercial air travel is generally considered safe up to week 36 of a pregnancy, according to the Government of Canada . However, rules vary by airline. While one may not have any restriction, another may have specific criteria. For example:

  • Air Canada states that if you have a normal pregnancy and no previous history of premature labour, you may travel by air up to an including your 36th week on Air Canada, Air Canada Rouge and Air Canada Express flights.
  • Porter and Air Transat allows pregnant women to fly without medical clearance up to and including your 36th week. If you are between 36 to 38 weeks pregnant, you must present a doctor’s note issued within 48 hours of your departure flight in order to fly. If you are more than 38 weeks along, you will not be able to fly.
  • Westjet recommends that travellers more than 36 weeks into their pregnancy check with their physician or midwife before travelling.
  • Flair allows pregnant women to travel without a medical certificate up to their 32nd week of pregnancy. In or beyond 32 weeks, pregnant travellers must provide a medical certificate dated within 72 hours of the scheduled departure time certifying they are physically fit to travel.
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Erica Lamberg is a personal finance and travel writer based in suburban Philadelphia. She is a regular contributor to USA Today and her writing credits include NBC News, U.S. News & World Report, Business Insider, Oprah Magazine and Erica is a graduate of the University of Maryland at College Park.

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What the data says about abortion in the U.S.

Pew Research Center has conducted many surveys about abortion over the years, providing a lens into Americans’ views on whether the procedure should be legal, among a host of other questions.

In a  Center survey  conducted nearly a year after the Supreme Court’s June 2022 decision that  ended the constitutional right to abortion , 62% of U.S. adults said the practice should be legal in all or most cases, while 36% said it should be illegal in all or most cases. Another survey conducted a few months before the decision showed that relatively few Americans take an absolutist view on the issue .

Find answers to common questions about abortion in America, based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Guttmacher Institute, which have tracked these patterns for several decades:

How many abortions are there in the U.S. each year?

How has the number of abortions in the u.s. changed over time, what is the abortion rate among women in the u.s. how has it changed over time, what are the most common types of abortion, how many abortion providers are there in the u.s., and how has that number changed, what percentage of abortions are for women who live in a different state from the abortion provider, what are the demographics of women who have had abortions, when during pregnancy do most abortions occur, how often are there medical complications from abortion.

This compilation of data on abortion in the United States draws mainly from two sources: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Guttmacher Institute, both of which have regularly compiled national abortion data for approximately half a century, and which collect their data in different ways.

The CDC data that is highlighted in this post comes from the agency’s “abortion surveillance” reports, which have been published annually since 1974 (and which have included data from 1969). Its figures from 1973 through 1996 include data from all 50 states, the District of Columbia and New York City – 52 “reporting areas” in all. Since 1997, the CDC’s totals have lacked data from some states (most notably California) for the years that those states did not report data to the agency. The four reporting areas that did not submit data to the CDC in 2021 – California, Maryland, New Hampshire and New Jersey – accounted for approximately 25% of all legal induced abortions in the U.S. in 2020, according to Guttmacher’s data. Most states, though,  do  have data in the reports, and the figures for the vast majority of them came from each state’s central health agency, while for some states, the figures came from hospitals and other medical facilities.

Discussion of CDC abortion data involving women’s state of residence, marital status, race, ethnicity, age, abortion history and the number of previous live births excludes the low share of abortions where that information was not supplied. Read the methodology for the CDC’s latest abortion surveillance report , which includes data from 2021, for more details. Previous reports can be found at  by entering “abortion surveillance” into the search box.

For the numbers of deaths caused by induced abortions in 1963 and 1965, this analysis looks at reports by the then-U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, a precursor to the Department of Health and Human Services. In computing those figures, we excluded abortions listed in the report under the categories “spontaneous or unspecified” or as “other.” (“Spontaneous abortion” is another way of referring to miscarriages.)

Guttmacher data in this post comes from national surveys of abortion providers that Guttmacher has conducted 19 times since 1973. Guttmacher compiles its figures after contacting every known provider of abortions – clinics, hospitals and physicians’ offices – in the country. It uses questionnaires and health department data, and it provides estimates for abortion providers that don’t respond to its inquiries. (In 2020, the last year for which it has released data on the number of abortions in the U.S., it used estimates for 12% of abortions.) For most of the 2000s, Guttmacher has conducted these national surveys every three years, each time getting abortion data for the prior two years. For each interim year, Guttmacher has calculated estimates based on trends from its own figures and from other data.

The latest full summary of Guttmacher data came in the institute’s report titled “Abortion Incidence and Service Availability in the United States, 2020.” It includes figures for 2020 and 2019 and estimates for 2018. The report includes a methods section.

In addition, this post uses data from StatPearls, an online health care resource, on complications from abortion.

An exact answer is hard to come by. The CDC and the Guttmacher Institute have each tried to measure this for around half a century, but they use different methods and publish different figures.

The last year for which the CDC reported a yearly national total for abortions is 2021. It found there were 625,978 abortions in the District of Columbia and the 46 states with available data that year, up from 597,355 in those states and D.C. in 2020. The corresponding figure for 2019 was 607,720.

The last year for which Guttmacher reported a yearly national total was 2020. It said there were 930,160 abortions that year in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, compared with 916,460 in 2019.

  • How the CDC gets its data: It compiles figures that are voluntarily reported by states’ central health agencies, including separate figures for New York City and the District of Columbia. Its latest totals do not include figures from California, Maryland, New Hampshire or New Jersey, which did not report data to the CDC. ( Read the methodology from the latest CDC report .)
  • How Guttmacher gets its data: It compiles its figures after contacting every known abortion provider – clinics, hospitals and physicians’ offices – in the country. It uses questionnaires and health department data, then provides estimates for abortion providers that don’t respond. Guttmacher’s figures are higher than the CDC’s in part because they include data (and in some instances, estimates) from all 50 states. ( Read the institute’s latest full report and methodology .)

While the Guttmacher Institute supports abortion rights, its empirical data on abortions in the U.S. has been widely cited by  groups  and  publications  across the political spectrum, including by a  number of those  that  disagree with its positions .

These estimates from Guttmacher and the CDC are results of multiyear efforts to collect data on abortion across the U.S. Last year, Guttmacher also began publishing less precise estimates every few months , based on a much smaller sample of providers.

The figures reported by these organizations include only legal induced abortions conducted by clinics, hospitals or physicians’ offices, or those that make use of abortion pills dispensed from certified facilities such as clinics or physicians’ offices. They do not account for the use of abortion pills that were obtained  outside of clinical settings .

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A line chart showing the changing number of legal abortions in the U.S. since the 1970s.

The annual number of U.S. abortions rose for years after Roe v. Wade legalized the procedure in 1973, reaching its highest levels around the late 1980s and early 1990s, according to both the CDC and Guttmacher. Since then, abortions have generally decreased at what a CDC analysis called  “a slow yet steady pace.”

Guttmacher says the number of abortions occurring in the U.S. in 2020 was 40% lower than it was in 1991. According to the CDC, the number was 36% lower in 2021 than in 1991, looking just at the District of Columbia and the 46 states that reported both of those years.

(The corresponding line graph shows the long-term trend in the number of legal abortions reported by both organizations. To allow for consistent comparisons over time, the CDC figures in the chart have been adjusted to ensure that the same states are counted from one year to the next. Using that approach, the CDC figure for 2021 is 622,108 legal abortions.)

There have been occasional breaks in this long-term pattern of decline – during the middle of the first decade of the 2000s, and then again in the late 2010s. The CDC reported modest 1% and 2% increases in abortions in 2018 and 2019, and then, after a 2% decrease in 2020, a 5% increase in 2021. Guttmacher reported an 8% increase over the three-year period from 2017 to 2020.

As noted above, these figures do not include abortions that use pills obtained outside of clinical settings.

Guttmacher says that in 2020 there were 14.4 abortions in the U.S. per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44. Its data shows that the rate of abortions among women has generally been declining in the U.S. since 1981, when it reported there were 29.3 abortions per 1,000 women in that age range.

The CDC says that in 2021, there were 11.6 abortions in the U.S. per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44. (That figure excludes data from California, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Hampshire and New Jersey.) Like Guttmacher’s data, the CDC’s figures also suggest a general decline in the abortion rate over time. In 1980, when the CDC reported on all 50 states and D.C., it said there were 25 abortions per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44.

That said, both Guttmacher and the CDC say there were slight increases in the rate of abortions during the late 2010s and early 2020s. Guttmacher says the abortion rate per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44 rose from 13.5 in 2017 to 14.4 in 2020. The CDC says it rose from 11.2 per 1,000 in 2017 to 11.4 in 2019, before falling back to 11.1 in 2020 and then rising again to 11.6 in 2021. (The CDC’s figures for those years exclude data from California, D.C., Maryland, New Hampshire and New Jersey.)

The CDC broadly divides abortions into two categories: surgical abortions and medication abortions, which involve pills. Since the Food and Drug Administration first approved abortion pills in 2000, their use has increased over time as a share of abortions nationally, according to both the CDC and Guttmacher.

The majority of abortions in the U.S. now involve pills, according to both the CDC and Guttmacher. The CDC says 56% of U.S. abortions in 2021 involved pills, up from 53% in 2020 and 44% in 2019. Its figures for 2021 include the District of Columbia and 44 states that provided this data; its figures for 2020 include D.C. and 44 states (though not all of the same states as in 2021), and its figures for 2019 include D.C. and 45 states.

Guttmacher, which measures this every three years, says 53% of U.S. abortions involved pills in 2020, up from 39% in 2017.

Two pills commonly used together for medication abortions are mifepristone, which, taken first, blocks hormones that support a pregnancy, and misoprostol, which then causes the uterus to empty. According to the FDA, medication abortions are safe  until 10 weeks into pregnancy.

Surgical abortions conducted  during the first trimester  of pregnancy typically use a suction process, while the relatively few surgical abortions that occur  during the second trimester  of a pregnancy typically use a process called dilation and evacuation, according to the UCLA School of Medicine.

In 2020, there were 1,603 facilities in the U.S. that provided abortions,  according to Guttmacher . This included 807 clinics, 530 hospitals and 266 physicians’ offices.

A horizontal stacked bar chart showing the total number of abortion providers down since 1982.

While clinics make up half of the facilities that provide abortions, they are the sites where the vast majority (96%) of abortions are administered, either through procedures or the distribution of pills, according to Guttmacher’s 2020 data. (This includes 54% of abortions that are administered at specialized abortion clinics and 43% at nonspecialized clinics.) Hospitals made up 33% of the facilities that provided abortions in 2020 but accounted for only 3% of abortions that year, while just 1% of abortions were conducted by physicians’ offices.

Looking just at clinics – that is, the total number of specialized abortion clinics and nonspecialized clinics in the U.S. – Guttmacher found the total virtually unchanged between 2017 (808 clinics) and 2020 (807 clinics). However, there were regional differences. In the Midwest, the number of clinics that provide abortions increased by 11% during those years, and in the West by 6%. The number of clinics  decreased  during those years by 9% in the Northeast and 3% in the South.

The total number of abortion providers has declined dramatically since the 1980s. In 1982, according to Guttmacher, there were 2,908 facilities providing abortions in the U.S., including 789 clinics, 1,405 hospitals and 714 physicians’ offices.

The CDC does not track the number of abortion providers.

In the District of Columbia and the 46 states that provided abortion and residency information to the CDC in 2021, 10.9% of all abortions were performed on women known to live outside the state where the abortion occurred – slightly higher than the percentage in 2020 (9.7%). That year, D.C. and 46 states (though not the same ones as in 2021) reported abortion and residency data. (The total number of abortions used in these calculations included figures for women with both known and unknown residential status.)

The share of reported abortions performed on women outside their state of residence was much higher before the 1973 Roe decision that stopped states from banning abortion. In 1972, 41% of all abortions in D.C. and the 20 states that provided this information to the CDC that year were performed on women outside their state of residence. In 1973, the corresponding figure was 21% in the District of Columbia and the 41 states that provided this information, and in 1974 it was 11% in D.C. and the 43 states that provided data.

In the District of Columbia and the 46 states that reported age data to  the CDC in 2021, the majority of women who had abortions (57%) were in their 20s, while about three-in-ten (31%) were in their 30s. Teens ages 13 to 19 accounted for 8% of those who had abortions, while women ages 40 to 44 accounted for about 4%.

The vast majority of women who had abortions in 2021 were unmarried (87%), while married women accounted for 13%, according to  the CDC , which had data on this from 37 states.

A pie chart showing that, in 2021, majority of abortions were for women who had never had one before.

In the District of Columbia, New York City (but not the rest of New York) and the 31 states that reported racial and ethnic data on abortion to  the CDC , 42% of all women who had abortions in 2021 were non-Hispanic Black, while 30% were non-Hispanic White, 22% were Hispanic and 6% were of other races.

Looking at abortion rates among those ages 15 to 44, there were 28.6 abortions per 1,000 non-Hispanic Black women in 2021; 12.3 abortions per 1,000 Hispanic women; 6.4 abortions per 1,000 non-Hispanic White women; and 9.2 abortions per 1,000 women of other races, the  CDC reported  from those same 31 states, D.C. and New York City.

For 57% of U.S. women who had induced abortions in 2021, it was the first time they had ever had one,  according to the CDC.  For nearly a quarter (24%), it was their second abortion. For 11% of women who had an abortion that year, it was their third, and for 8% it was their fourth or more. These CDC figures include data from 41 states and New York City, but not the rest of New York.

A bar chart showing that most U.S. abortions in 2021 were for women who had previously given birth.

Nearly four-in-ten women who had abortions in 2021 (39%) had no previous live births at the time they had an abortion,  according to the CDC . Almost a quarter (24%) of women who had abortions in 2021 had one previous live birth, 20% had two previous live births, 10% had three, and 7% had four or more previous live births. These CDC figures include data from 41 states and New York City, but not the rest of New York.

The vast majority of abortions occur during the first trimester of a pregnancy. In 2021, 93% of abortions occurred during the first trimester – that is, at or before 13 weeks of gestation,  according to the CDC . An additional 6% occurred between 14 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, and about 1% were performed at 21 weeks or more of gestation. These CDC figures include data from 40 states and New York City, but not the rest of New York.

About 2% of all abortions in the U.S. involve some type of complication for the woman , according to an article in StatPearls, an online health care resource. “Most complications are considered minor such as pain, bleeding, infection and post-anesthesia complications,” according to the article.

The CDC calculates  case-fatality rates for women from induced abortions – that is, how many women die from abortion-related complications, for every 100,000 legal abortions that occur in the U.S .  The rate was lowest during the most recent period examined by the agency (2013 to 2020), when there were 0.45 deaths to women per 100,000 legal induced abortions. The case-fatality rate reported by the CDC was highest during the first period examined by the agency (1973 to 1977), when it was 2.09 deaths to women per 100,000 legal induced abortions. During the five-year periods in between, the figure ranged from 0.52 (from 1993 to 1997) to 0.78 (from 1978 to 1982).

The CDC calculates death rates by five-year and seven-year periods because of year-to-year fluctuation in the numbers and due to the relatively low number of women who die from legal induced abortions.

In 2020, the last year for which the CDC has information , six women in the U.S. died due to complications from induced abortions. Four women died in this way in 2019, two in 2018, and three in 2017. (These deaths all followed legal abortions.) Since 1990, the annual number of deaths among women due to legal induced abortion has ranged from two to 12.

The annual number of reported deaths from induced abortions (legal and illegal) tended to be higher in the 1980s, when it ranged from nine to 16, and from 1972 to 1979, when it ranged from 13 to 63. One driver of the decline was the drop in deaths from illegal abortions. There were 39 deaths from illegal abortions in 1972, the last full year before Roe v. Wade. The total fell to 19 in 1973 and to single digits or zero every year after that. (The number of deaths from legal abortions has also declined since then, though with some slight variation over time.)

The number of deaths from induced abortions was considerably higher in the 1960s than afterward. For instance, there were 119 deaths from induced abortions in  1963  and 99 in  1965 , according to reports by the then-U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, a precursor to the Department of Health and Human Services. The CDC is a division of Health and Human Services.

Note: This is an update of a post originally published May 27, 2022, and first updated June 24, 2022.

Support for legal abortion is widespread in many countries, especially in Europe

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    These tips will help pregnant women travel the world in comfort and style. ... While most airlines let you fly without question until you're up to 36 weeks pregnant, some international carriers ...

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    Ask your airline if they have a cut-off time for traveling during pregnancy. You can fly on most airlines up to 36 weeks of pregnancy. But if you're flying out of the country, the cut-off time may be earlier. Check to see what medical care your health insurance covers. Health insurance helps you pay for medical care.

  12. Travel During Pregnancy

    Travel During Pregnancy. As long as there are no identified complications or concerns with your pregnancy, it is generally safe to travel during your pregnancy. The ideal time to travel during pregnancy is the second trimester. In most cases, you are past the morning sickness of the first trimester and several weeks from the third stage of ...

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    Changes come even more quickly in the third trimester. You enter the third trimester about 28 weeks pregnant and end it with a newborn. This means that types of travel that are possible at 27 and 28 weeks pregnant may be inadvisable, or even prohibited, at 37 and 38 weeks pregnant. Select destinations and activities carefully

  14. Travel During Pregnancy

    Traveling by air. A good time to fly during pregnancy is between 14 and 28 weeks. Morning sickness has usually improved by this time, and you can still move around easily. The risk of miscarriage or preterm labor is also lower during your second trimester. Talk to your doctor or midwife before you fly or take any extended trip.

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    Wear well-fitted compression stockings when traveling during pregnancy. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages and alcohol, as these can lead to dehydration. If possible, try to exercise or walk every 30 minutes. If you're traveling by car, arrange rest breaks and take short walks.

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    Some airlines will let you fly until 36 weeks, but others may have an earlier cutoff. Cruises may not allow you to travel after 24-28 weeks of pregnancy, and you may need to have a note from your doctor stating you are fit to travel. Zika and Malaria. Zika can cause severe birth defects. The Zika virus is spread through mosquito bites and sex.

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    The best time to travel is mid-pregnancy (14-28 weeks) because many pregnancy symptoms have subsided and you will be the most comfortable. 614-268-8800. Patient Portal. Schedule Appointment ... In most cases, pregnant patients can travel up to 36 weeks as long as they do not have any complications and they understand the risks that are involved ...

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  23. What the data says about abortion in the U.S.

    The vast majority of abortions occur during the first trimester of a pregnancy. In 2021, 93% of abortions occurred during the first trimester - that is, at or before 13 weeks of gestation, according to the CDC. An additional 6% occurred between 14 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, and about 1% were performed at 21 weeks or more of gestation.