26 Travel Memes That Will Make You Laugh in 2022

Huskies travel meme

If you’re a frequent traveler I’m guessing you’re also a fan of funny travel memes.

As frequent travelers, we often find ourselves in amusing and precarious situations. Many of which can be perfectly summed up in a great travel meme. 

So just for fun, I’ve put together this list of the 25 Best Travel Memes on the Internet. You’ll find inspirational travel memes, airline travel memes, social media travel memes, and many more.

Best Travel Memes 2022

Journey Quotes

All travel memes and journey quotes for this article have been sourced from the internet. The original source for each image is identified where possible.

1. No children travel meme

I want to travel meme

This is my personal favorite travel meme. It describes my life perfectly.

I don’t have kids so I don’t have to worry about family responsibilities when planning to travel. I’ll go wherever the cheap flights will take me and try to never miss out on a good flight deal.

2. Hotel travel meme

Travel meme

This is one of the most hilarious travel memes I’ve found.

I don’t tend to mess with housekeeping much, but I have to admit this is really funny.

I’ve actually worked in housekeeping before, many, many years ago. I’ve seen some things. But definitely nothing like this.

3. Airplane travel meme

Best travel memes

Agreed! There’s something relaxing about flying and looking down on the world below. 

Funny travel quotes like this also perfectly sum up how I feel about flying. I love being away from everything, not knowing anybody, and just having this time to myself.

I’ll listen to a good book or podcast and just enjoy the quiet. You can’t go anywhere until the plane lands, so you might as well make the most of it.

Does anybody else find flying therapeutic?

4. Group travel plans meme

Vacation countdown meme

I think this travel meme sums up everybody’s experience when planning a trip with friends.

At least until we learn to stop asking people to join us beforehand. Now I just tell people my plans after I’ve booked my trip.

If they want to join, great! if not, they can stay home. 

I also love how the pics in this travel meme include dogs! Dogs are the perfect recipe for a funny vacation meme.

5. Packing travel meme

Travel meme - email address

This is one of my favorite funny travel memes going around on social media. I think it’s one we can all relate to.

Personally, I buy lots of clothes I never end up wearing, mostly because I’m a terrible shopper.

Yes somehow these clothes always end up in my suitcase. It’s amazing how that works sometimes.  

6. Airline baggage policy travel meme

Travel memes instagram

How perfect is this funny travel meme?

Airline baggage policies often both amuse and infuriate me, mostly because many are a bit ridiculous and don’t make much sense.

I do understand the airlines need to make up for the cost of low ticket prices somehow, but I feel they could do a better job explaining their convuluted baggage policies.

Not all airlines are bad at this, but some certainly are.

I think many also miss that the weight limits are not because the plane will be too heavy, but because the airline is limiting the weight of the bags for baggage handlers.

You wouldn’t want to be lifing 100 pound suitcases all day either. Keeping them closer to 50 pounds is safer for the staff moving your bags on and off the airplane.

7. Water at the airport travel meme

Best travel meme

This has happened to me too many times. I’ve since learned to bring a refillable bottle in my carry on.

I can’t imagine how much money this has saved me in just the past year. Now if I could just remember to buy chewing gum before I get to the airport. 

To be totally honest though, while I may not be spending money on bottled water at the airport, I sure don’t seem to have a problem spending money on wine at the airport. Who’s with me?

8. Carry on bags travel meme

Image of kermit the frog drinking a cup of tea

I’ve seen this a million times as well.

Fortunately, I usually manage to squeeze my bag in somewhere in the overhead bin. 

It always makes me wonder how some people have so many items when the airlines’s baggage policy states each passenger gets one carry on.

I’m starting to think people just hide their bags when they go to the counter for check in.

9. Airplane boarding meme

The Office travel meme

Some people take FOREVER in the aisle. I don’t even understand how whatever they’re doing could possibly take that long.

Do they not see the line behind them?

Seriously though, can someone explain this to me?

10. Reclining airplane seat meme

Best travel memes

I’ve never been one to recline my seat on an airplane because it doesn’t make the flight any more comfortable.

I also don’t want to squish the person behind me.

Like everybody else, I hate it when the person in front of me reclines their seat. For some reason, this always happens when I’m watching a movie or eating.

Why someone would recline their seat during meal service is beyone me, but it happens. If you paid for your seat on the plane, you can recline it if you wish. It’s really not that big of a deal. I’m usually just happy to be on a plane in the first place.

11. Southwest Airlines meme

Best travel memes

I love how seriously some folks take the boarding situation on Southwest Airlines.

I never really put much thought into it other than to ensure I check in right away to get a good boarding position.

I’ve definitely overheard some squabbles between passengers before though. This usually seems to happen when someone tries saving a seat for someone else who hasn’t been able to board yet.

I don’t really get why people insist on doing this. It’s not the end of the world if you don’t get to sit by your friend or partner during a flight.

And if it is such a big deal, why didn’t you just pay the $20 for the first boarding group? Makes no sense to me.

As for me, I head to the back of the plane to grab a window seat and silently hope no one sits next to me.

12. Reward points travel meme

Image of character from The Office sitting at his desk. Funny Travel memes

Gotta love The Office…and travel reward points. 

I don’t know about you, but I always make my purchases using a credit card that gets me points for travel.

I personally use the Chase Sapphire and a few Marriott rewards credit cards. I use the Sapphire for airfare and the Marriott cards for my hotels. It works out perfectly.

If you don’t already have a good travel rewards credit card or business travel rewards card, I strongly encourage you to get one. Use it for all your daily purchases, you’d be surprised how quicly those points add up.

Just be sure to pay it off in full each month. The reward points are no longer worth it if you’re paying hundreds of dollars in interest fees to carry a balance.

But if you can handle the card responsibly, say hello to free flights and hotels.

13. Airplane boarding travel meme

Image of John Goodman holding up a small gun

Any meme with John Goodman makes my list. 

Plus vacation memes about people blocking the airplane aisle are so accurate. I don’t understand this aspect of traveling by plane.

When I’m boarding a plane I usually feel awkward if people are waiting behind me to pass. So much so that I’ll do whatever I can to limit my time in the aisle.

If I’m taking longer that a few seconds, I’ll usually just step out of the aisle to let other pass if there’s room to do so. Not sure why everybody doesn’t do this.

Also, what’s up with people waiting until they board the plane to start digging things out of their carry on roller bag? Why? Just why?

14. The summer tourist vacation meme

Image of Jack Sparrow running from a gang of pirates

My own reaction is similar. I live in Los Angeles and know that certain areas of the city are just off limits come summer.

I’m talking about you Santa Monica and Hollywood Blvd. 

Even when I make my travel plans I consider the possible crowds for the destination I want to visit. I usually avoid Europe entirely in the summer. Not only are there too many tourists, but the prices are way too high.

I’d much rather travel in the spring and fall when everybody else is back at work. You wouldn’t believe all the deals you can get by opting for off season travel destinations .

15. The Alpaca Road Trip Meme s

Image of a white alpaca

Every list of funny travel memes needs an alpaca road trip meme. Plus, this one shows the true spirit of a road trip.

Road trips are best when they’re spontaneous, with the right people who are down for anything.

16. Waiting for my friends to travel meme

Image of skeleton on a couch

People often ask me when we’re going to travel together?

I used to entertain these comments with destination ideas and time frames. Now I just respond by suggesting they let me know when they’re ready to book the trip.

This is usually the end of the conversation. I think many people just like to talk about traveling, but don’t really have any intention of doing it. 

17. Always posting on social media travel meme

Funny Travel Memes 2019

We all have that friend who has to post every single photo they take on Facebook. You know the one.

18. Parents traveling without you meme

Starting Vacation Meme

Many of us can relate to this in one way or another, whether it be travel or something else. It always seems your parents start doing cool things after you’ve grown up and moved out.

19. Covid Travel Meme

Travel Memes Covid

So many of us had travel plans this year that were cancelled. I know some of us handled it better than others. Here’s to hoping we’re out of this soon.

20. I wish I was quarantined in Paris travel meme

Travel Memes 2020

This was absolutely me for the majority of the pandemic. I live in a suburb of Los Angeles and would have given anything to be stuck somewhere more interesting.

21. Airlines travel meme

Funny Vacation Memes - Travel memes images

I’ve only done this once, and never again. Unless I find a spectacular deal, I much prefer to pay a little extra for more comfort and convenience these days.

22. Cruise Travel Memes

Travel Memes Coronavirus

I don’t think anyone had it worse during Covid than the cruise industry. I have no idea how they plan to operate again, but I’m sure things will be interesting when they do.

23. When your mom is always worried travel meme

Best Travel Memes

I absolutely relate to this one. No matter where on the planet I go, my mom is always worried about the safety of the destination.

Honestly, most of the destinations I visit are safer than where I live.

24. Airline seating travel memes

Airline memes

In all honesty, it never ceases to amaze me how little room some airlines leave for passengers between the rows. I’m lucky I’m on the small side.

25. Airport Travel Meme

Travel Memes

I admit it, I’m definitely guilty of this one. I’m excited to be at the airport and traveling, but also bored at the same time. It’s a difficult situation.

26. Bank account travel meme

bank account travel meme

When your travel dreams are bigger than your bank account. I feel like this is true for most of us, and it’s definitely true for me.

I really hope you enjoyed this list of the 26 Best Travel Memes on the Internet? If you would like to support this blog please consider sharing this post. Thanks for reading.

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Cast of "Friends" TV show linking arms, walking down a street

It turns out the show is even more relatable in meme form.

I belong to that cliche (or is it cheugy now?) group of millennials who can’t get enough of the show Friends . I’ve seen every episode hundreds of times and the jokes never cease to make me laugh, so it’s no surprise that Friends memes do the same. I honestly can’t think of anything more entertaining.

Back in 2004, when the last new episode of Friends aired, I was in high school and as much as I enjoyed the show then, it wasn’t until adulthood that the show became more and more relatable. While, no, I’ve never had a pet monkey, starred in a soap opera, or allegedly made out with Ralph Lauren (or Kenny the copy guy), I have supported my friends through divorce and infertility, survived real heartbreak, and wondered what the heck I was doing in life more often than not. The show just hits differently as an adult.

Now, thanks to the wonderful people who spend their free time making memes, some of the show’s best scenes have become relatable in all-new, hilarious, ways. “We were on a break” has all new meaning, Chandler’s bubble bath after a long hard day has a totally different vibe, and Bernie Sanders in his mittens makes for a perfect seventh cast member. So, if you could use a good laugh, here are some of the funniest Friends memes out there.

Adulting Is Hard

I know I’m not the only one who can relate to this, right? This is essentially how I feel whenever I realize that I have to unload the dishwasher again . Why haven’t we come up with a better system for this yet?

What Are The Kids Doing?

There is a sweet spot when your kids are playing. Too loud means they’re fighting or destroying something. A little noisy usually means they’re playing and having fun. Quiet, though, that means they are plotting something and you need to get in there ASAP.

Lyrical Accuracy Is Overrated

Look, you can either be on key or know all of the words. You can’t do both. Unless you’re Britney Spears or Beyonce, of course.

Are You Team Smoothie Or Team Coffee?

I, for one, am a Rachel. I hate getting out of my PJs and coffee is basically the only thing that gets me through life. Kudos to all of you Monicas out there, though. Your early workouts and breakfast smoothies are truly admirable.

Good For You

Oh, your toddler can recite a whole sonnet? That’s cool. Mine just mastered the art of pulling her shorts and diaper off before she falls asleep every night. But please, tell me more.

Pretty Much

Did you have a really long day and have no energy to make dinner? Order pizza. The kids are hungry at the community pool? Order pizza. Need some comfort? Pizza. Seriously, pizza is the answer to so many of life’s problems.

So Relatable

I’m actually really glad this meme was created because it totally normalized my behavior. Look, thank you for sending me a message, but responding to you and having a full-on conversation requires time whereas taking a photo or video of my kid in the moment and then posting it right away does not. I will respond to you, though... eventually.

Some Moments Should Remain In The Past

There is nothing quite as cringe-y as opening your Facebook memories and seeing pictures and statuses you posted back in college. Why, oh why did I think it was a good idea to share an entire album of photos from a single night out with my friends? And just who did I think cared to read my super dramatic Taylor Swift quote status update?

It’s Just So Fun To Pop

Look, I don’t care who you are, what you do for a living, or what your status is in life, if you come across bubble wrap and don't even have the slightest urge to start popping it, then you’re more mature than I’ll ever be. I’m pretty certain that even when I’m 90, in a nursing home, and my fingers ache from arthritis, I’ll still manage to pop a few bubbles.

Perfect Crossover

Have you ever seen anything more iconic? The fountain. The couch. The gang. The mittens. I want to print this meme out and frame it.

Some people really love romance, others really, really do not. So, if you aren’t a fan and love is in the air you’ve got to protect yourself somehow. Honestly, Rachel’s solution to this problem is pretty genius.

In This Case, Ross Has A Point

When it comes to this argument on the show, I am totally team Rachel. However, in this situation, Ross is totally right. Monday rolls around way too fast, and it’s a bummer every time. Respect the break, Monday.

Recovery Would Have Been Much Quicker With Ross There

Look, I know this was a big issue back when it happened, but we can all agree it was kind of funny too, right? Now, add in Ross’ “pivot” and it’s downright hilarious. I can just hear the people working on it responding like Chandler, “shut up, shut up, shut uuuup.”

True Friendship

Book clubs? Nah. Group workouts? Hard pass. Dinner (and drinks) out? Yes, please. This is pretty much perfect for describing my friendships.

2020 Was The Beef In The Trifle

Remember back on New Year’s Eve 2019, when we thought 2020 was going to be the best year ever? We were apparently too focused on the jam and homemade custard to see the layer of beef sauteed with peas and onions. But, hey, at least we got to end the year with a little whipped cream on top, right?

The Good Times Never last

Usually, I have this attitude when a minor inconvenience comes my way. My phone charger cord ripped, I spilled something on my shirt, or my kids dump out a bowl of goldfish crackers and stomp all over them. I tend to be a little dramatic.

When Your Kid Tries To Eat Your Fries

Look, kid, I got you your own Happy Meal and even gave you the option to swap out your apple slices for extra fries. You said no. You do not get to start stealing my fries because you regret your decision. Well, unless you’re willing to trade your cool toy for them.

Sweet, Sweet Friday

I especially feel this way on Tuesdays. I’ve already worked one day this week and now you expect me to work four more? It’s absurd.

Every. Single. Time.

Not to brag but I can also slip quotes into everyday conversations. So, basically, you could say I’m the whole package. Now, where is my offer letter?

It’s Called Self-Care

I don’t really know why a day of laziness is so tiring, but it is. So, there’s nothing like finishing it off in a hot bath with some bubbles, a glass of wine, and a good book. Being a grown-up is hard, so we deserve to relax.

This article was originally published on Aug. 7, 2021

friends tour memes


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