Le Projet en vidéos

La Tour de l’innovation de la Proue  est un complexe dédié aux jeunes actifs, avec des logements adaptés, tant du point de vue architectural que des besoins de lieux de vie active, propres à développer leurs réseaux professionnels ou à favoriser la formation et le travail à distance ou collectif.

Un projet ambitieux

Une ambition : renforcer l’attractivité d’Angers pour les jeunes en leur facilitant l’accès au logement au plus près des emplois, en leur permettant de rester travailler à proximité des lieux où ils ont étudié, en permettant aux entreprises de s’installer et de recruter à proximité des jeunes dans une ville des plus attractives.

  • Une résidence Habitat-Junior®, première du genre , répondra aux besoins des jeunes confrontés à une crise du logement et à leur besoin de mobilité. La résidence sera gérée via une plateforme digitale évolutive inédite proposant un écosystème global (bail numérique, formalités, réseau social, gestion des espaces et activités…)
  • Des logements atelier/loft pour les familles : pour créer, en synergie avec la Tour, un parcours résidentiel sur-mesure des jeunes familles en phase avec leur mode de vie.
  • L’hyper-Lieu : des espaces de travail partagés, de prototypage pour les entrepreneurs, un bistrot et une salle de sport, et plus généralement, tous les services visant à lier socialement les résidents et les habitants du quartier.

Architecture du projet et innovations

Autour de la Tour emblématique , dont la verticalité est mise en exergue au travers d’un exosquelette inspiré d’un arbre , les deux bâtiments seront conçus en symbiose.

La Tour se veut innovante : gestion dynamique de l’énergie , réversibilité fonctionnelle du bâtiment, outils de connectivité et terrasse haute pour profiter du panorama sur l’agglomération .

Sur un site extrêmement visible, une réalisation exemplaire et reproductible permet de construire ensemble et au-delà de nos générations un cadre de vie idéal symbole de la douceur angevine.

tour tip angers


Atao Promotion et Open Partners, co-mandataires spécialisés dans la réalisation d’opérations immobilières innovantes, ont eu la volonté de réunir une équipe pluridisciplinaire composée notamment des architectes-urbanistes angevins du Cabinet Rolland & Associés (desinateurs de l’Éséo à proximité de la Proue), des bureaux d’études spécialisés : Étamine et IBA ainsi que des partenaires porteurs d’innovations : Leco, Ma Résidence et Up Management.


Projet porté par Atao Promotion / Open partners Architecte : Agence Rolland & Associés

Lauréat des Pyramides d’argent 2021 – Prix régional de la Fédération des promoteurs immobiliers (FPI)

Une tour « Résidence jeunes actifs » de 182 logements, un immeuble de 42 logements libres ;

L’hyper-lieu dédié à l’innovation, comprenant un fab-lab et des espaces de co-working ;

Restaurant, bar, salle de fitness.

Calendrier Mai 2019 : dépôt du permis de construire. 2 e trimestre 2020 : démarrage des travaux. Septembre 2022 : livraison.

tour tip angers


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La Tour TIP, un phare en entrée de ville

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Publié le 06-02-2023

C’est la première réalisation de l’appel à projets Imagine Angers à être inaugurée. La Tour TIP et ses 13 étages, érigés à l’entrée des Hauts-de-Saint-Aubin, accueillent logements, espaces de coworking, bureaux, bar et restaurant.

Photo de la Tour TIP

Son exosquelette et sa dentelle de béton autonettoyant éco-responsable se détachent de la ligne d’horizon du quartier des Hauts-de-Saint-Aubin, à l’entrée du plateau des Capucins. La Tour TIP (comme tour de l’innovation de la proue) a été inaugurée ce vendredi 3 février. Le projet, porté les promoteurs Open Partners et ATAO et mis en scène par le cabinet d’architecture Rolland et associés, est l’un des six lauréats de l’appel à projets urbains innovants, Imagine Angers, lancé par la Ville en 2017. Il est aussi le premier à être livré. Depuis septembre dernier, les locataires, étudiants et jeunes actifs, ont en effet pris possession de leur appartement. Au total, la résidence Habitat Junior, exploitée par Les Belles Années, propose 183 logements. Et 42 supplémentaires (de 2 à 4 pièces), eux aussi déjà livrés et occupés, ont été créés au sein de la résidence Joseph-Mercier, à quelques dizaines de mètres de la tour.

Au service du digital

Entre les deux, l’Hyper-Lieu, imaginé par Digital Village, propose d’ores et déjà, au 2 e étage, des espaces de coworking (40 postes), des salles de réunion dont des "call box" dédiées aux visioconférences et une terrasse. Le 3 e et dernier étage est en cours d’aménagement afin d’accueillir, à terme, de jeunes entrepreneurs souhaitant monter leur entreprise, leur start-up, autour de l’économie digitale. Quant au rez-de-chaussée et au 1 er étage, ils seront dédiés au "café du village" avec un bar et un restaurant, dont l’ouverture est prévue en mars pour le premier et en avril pour le second. "L’idée est d’en faire un lieu hybride, ouvert à tous et notamment aux habitants du quartier et aux associations souhaitant y organiser des animations, en complément de la programmation événementielle que permet le site", ajoute Laurent Strichard, président d’Open Partners.

Pyramide d’or

"Tel un phare, la Tour TIP marque indéniablement le paysage angevin, se félicite le maire Jean-Marc Verchère . Elle fait entrer Angers dans une nouvelle dimension, dans une nouvelle époque architecturale. C’est toute l’ambition d’Imagine Angers, que mon prédécesseur Christophe Béchu définissait comme un accélérateur d’aménagement." Le projet ne laisse pas insensible, au point d’avoir tapé dans l’œil de la Fédération des promoteurs immobiliers qui lui a décerné le grand prix national de la Pyramide d’Or, en 2021. La récompense vient saluer le travail des promoteurs mais également l’audace architecturale de cette tour haute de 13 étages. "Dans l’urbain, la verticalité n’est pas un thème facile à aborder. Ici, à Angers, elle a fait consensus, souligne Frédéric Rolland, l’architecte de la tour mais également du bâtiment voisin qui abrite l’école d’ingénieurs Eseo. Notre réalisation est désormais un repère dans la ville, une porte d’entrée du quartier sur un relief qui émerge." Pour cela, près de deux ans de travaux ont été nécessaires. "Malgré les difficultés liées à la crise du Covid, nous avons réussi à tenir les délais et l’enveloppe financière" , précise le président d’Open Partners. "Un défi rendu possible grâce à la mobilisation des entreprises et des compagnons sur le chantier" , conclut Louis Romieux, président d’ATAO.


Accueil » Urbanisme » La Tour TIP, première réalisation d’Imagine Angers à voir le jour

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La Tour TIP, première réalisation d’Imagine Angers à voir le jour

La Tour TIP, première réalisation d’Imagine Angers à voir le jour

En 2017, la ville a lancé l’appel à projets urbains innovants baptisé « imagine angers » sur 6 sites emblématiques. la tour tip sera le premier des six projets d’imagine angers à voir le jour. la première pierre a été posée ce vendredi 9 octobre..

Tour Tip

©Rolland & Associes

Après un concours d’architectes lancé en 2017, six projets avaient été retenus l’année suivante par la municipalité : Arborescence , Métamorphose , Jean-Moulin , Climax , le Musée des Collectionneurs et la Tour TIP .

Parmi ces différents projets, la Tour de l’innovation de la Proue sera le premier à voir le jour. Ce vendredi matin, la première pierre a été symboliquement posée par le maire d’Angers, Christophe Béchu, l’architecte, Frédéric Rolland et les porteurs du projet, Laurent Strichard pour Open Partners et Louis Romieux pour ATAO Promotion.

Pose première pierre

Pose de la première pierre – Villactu.fr

Situé à l’entrée du quartier des Hauts-de-Saint-Aubin, la Tour TIP prendra place entre l’ESEO et le lycée Jean-Moulin. Sur près de 10 000 m², la tour accueillera une résidence pour jeunes actifs de 182 logements, 42 logements grand public allant du T2 au T4, un bar-restaurant, une salle de sport et un « hyper-lieu » composé d’espaces de travail partagés et d’un fab lab.

« Pour limiter la consommation des ressources naturelles, les logements seront équipés de douche connectée favorisant la réduction de la consommation d’eau. Une station avec des voitures partagées accessibles à tous les usagers sera installée au pied des immeubles. Les bâtiments seront quant à eux raccordés au réseau de chauffage urbain et les serveurs informatiques serviront de radiateur dans les parties communes de la tour. Enfin, des fontaines à eau permettant d’avoir de l’eau filtrée seront installées au sein des bâtiments pour limiter le recours aux bouteilles en plastique », explique Louis Romieux, président d’ATAO Promotion.

Les travaux ont débuté au deuxième trimestre 2020 pour une livraison attendue fin 2022. La Tour TIP représente un investissement de 30 millions d’euros provenant exclusivement de fonds privés.

Tour Tip

Cet édifice de 45 mètres de hauteur « va redessiner l’arrivée sur Angers depuis l’autoroute », se réjouit Christophe Béchu. Les tours font souvent l’objet de critiques, notamment de la part du voisinage. Pour Frédéric Rolland, son architecte, « il est évident qu’il fallait faire une tour pour dessiner l’entrée de la ville. Ce site est particulièrement adapté à la verticalité. C’est une tour à l’image de la ville. Elle est raisonnable, audacieuse, bienveillante, douce… Elle est angevine, c’est évident ».

« La Tour TIP est sur l’un des sites les plus forts du concours Imagine Angers. Elle restera une grande référence de l’architecture nationale », s’enthousiasme Frédéric Rolland.

Un peu de retard pour certains projets du concours Imagine Angers

A l’occasion de la pose de la première pierre de la Tour TIP, le maire d’Angers a fait un point sur les autres projets sélectionnés lors du concours d’architectes. Les travaux ont débuté pour les projets Arborescence et Métamorphose dont les premières pierres seront posées en début d’année prochaine. Dans les Hauts-de-Saint-Aubin, le projet d’immeuble en terre crue a évolué vers un immeuble en bois qui verra finalement le jour de l’autre côté de l’avenue, entre le chemin des Chalets et le chemin du Hérisson.

Le Musée des Collectionneurs a fait l’objet de nombreuses modifications et la construction de la deuxième ligne du tramway complexifie l’opération. Le projet devrait bel et bien voir le jour, mais avec du retard. Enfin, Climax, situé avenue Montaigne, également en bordure de la seconde ligne de tramway, doit faire face à quelques difficultés techniques qui entraînent également un retard.

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Pole Emploi

Le chômage est à la hausse en Maine-et-Loire au deuxième trimestre


La très bonne opération d’Angers SCO à Strasbourg

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Tour Tip démarrage immédiat

Aménagement d'un quartier de ville comprenant 4 600 logements, des commerces, des services

Lauréat du concours IMAGINE ANGERS, il y a bientôt trois ans, le projet TOUR TIP va démarrer ce mois-ci. Les promoteurs ATAO Promotion et OPEN PARTNERS ont en effet acquis officiellement les terrains et vont pouvoir engager leurs projets. Les plannings prévus lors du concours auront été respectés.

Dès ce mois de juillet, les travaux de VRD vont débuter. L'appel d'offres des entreprises de construction est en cours et un démarrage de chantier est prévu en septembre.

Le premier projet d'Imagine Angers à sortir de terre

Situé à l'entrée du quartier, le projet va faire office de bâtiment totem du quartier du Plateau des Capucins. Située le long du boulevard Jean Moulin, la Tour Tip fait parti du secteur Meule Farine dont le démarrage a lieu en cet été 2020. Depuis l’appel à projets innovants lancé par la Ville, cet ensemble bâti a été reconfiguré. La tour principale s'est élevée de 3 étages passant de 10 à 13 étages pour accueillir le concept de résidence Habitat Junior , la première du genre à Angers. Elle se composera de 182 appartements du T1 au T3  pour des jeunes de 18 à 30 ans, étudiants ou en début de carrière professionnelle. Au côté de la Tour, deux bâtiments accueilleront l'HYPER LIEU et des logements classique. Dédié à l'innovation, le premier bâtiment se composera d'un fab lab, une école du numérique et des espaces de co-working. Dans le second seront aménagés 41 appartements sur 5 étages (du T2 au T5), destinés aux investisseurs occupants ou à des bailleurs éligibles au dispositif Pinel.

Rendez-vous donc en septembre pour le début de la construction.

Mentions légales

Le site https://presse.angers.fr est édité par :

Le service des Relations Presse de la Ville d’Angers Hôtel de Ville – BP 80011 Boulevard de la Résistance et de la Déportation 49020 ANGERS CEDEX 02 – Tél : 02 41 05 40 33

Directeur de la publication : Christophe Béchu, Maire d’Angers, Président d’Angers Loire Métropole

Le site https://presse.angers.fr a été développé et est hébergé par la société ATALANTA, immatriculée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés d'Angers sous le numéro RCS ANGERS 514 902 659 :

Atalanta 131 Bd Saint Michel 49100 ANGERS Tél : 02 49 87 05 08

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Inauguration du projet Tour Tip

Vendredi 3 février 2023 : 16h00 - 17h00

Jean-Marc VERCHÈRE, Maire d’Angers et Président d’Angers Loire Métropole Laurent STRICHARD, Gérant de Tip Promotion, Maitre d’ouvrage et Président d’Open Partners Louis ROMIEUX, Promoteur Associé et Président Groupe ATAO

ont le plaisir de vous inviter à l’inauguration du projet Tour Tip , le :

- Vendredi 3 février 2023, à 16h, boulevard Jean Moulin à Angers,

en présence du cabinet d’architecture Rolland & Associés.

  • 2023.02.03 Inauguration Tour TIP .pdf

Lieu de l'événement

Boulevard Jean Moulin - Bd Jean Moulin, 49100 Angers, France

My Vacation Itineraries

Turn your dream vacation into reality

what to do in Angers, France

What To Do in Angers (My Top List + Map)

  • December 26, 2023

Located on the banks of the Maine River, right next to the Loire River, Angers is known as the western gateway to the Loire Valley. An intellectual centre in the 15th century, today Angers is a charming small city with gorgeous Renaissance architecture, typical medieval half-timbered houses, and a centuries-old chateau!

Angers was the capital of the Anjou region until the French Revolution. It was the cradle of the Plantagenet dynasty, who controlled Europe from England to Spain for two centuries. The medieval city centre is still dominated by the Château d’Angers, from where the Plantagenets ruled the Angevin Empire between the 12th and 13th century.

What to do in Angers in one day

The city is situated in the Loire Valley, just an hour away from Nantes. It’s a great place to add to your Loire Valley itinerary, especially if you want to take a break from all the castle hopping. Of course, there is a castle in Angers, but besides this, you’ll find historic tapestries, charming cobbled streets, half-timbered houses and even a cat café!

I created this itinerary for one day in Angers in such a way that it will work perfectly for all travellers – no matter if you’re visiting the city on a day trip or staying overnight. In fact, I followed the exact same route during my stay in Angers.

My only advice is, if you’re visiting the city on a day trip from Nantes or Tours, start early and be in Angers at 9AM or 10 AM at the latest. Otherwise, you won’t have enough time to see it all.

At the end of the blog post, you can find a map of this itinerary (with all attractions and restaurants’ websites). 

  • Start your day with breakfast at My Little Bakery
  • Explore Château d’Angers
  • Admire the Apocalypse tapestry
  • Taste the parmesan cheese wheel pasta at Restaurant Daddy
  • See the contemporary tapestries at Musée Jean-Lurçat
  • Take a look at Maison d’Adam, a 15th-century half-timbered house
  • Admire the stained glass windows of Angers Cathedral
  • Discover Galerie David d’Angers
  • Visit Musée Pincé
  • Taste the world-famous orange liqueur at Cointreau Distillery
  • Visit Notre-Dame-des-Victoires Church
  • Take a walk in Jardin des Plantes
  • Admire the art at Musée des Beaux-Arts
  • Enjoy the company of some cats at Cats and Cookies

Breakfast at My Little Bakery

09:00 AM – 09:45 AM Start your day in Angers with breakfast at My Little Bakery . Located on your way to the castle, this little bakery offers delicious pastries and sandwiches, all made with quality products.

Château d’Angers

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Built in the 13th century, the ancient castle of Angers with its massive defensive walls and 17 round towers, looks more like a fortress than a chateau from the outside. However, once you cross the drawbridge, you’ll find a completely different picture. Beautiful gardens, several historic buildings and chapels, plus a stunning view of the Maine River wait for you inside!

Château d’Angers

Once the home of the Dukes of Anjou (during the 14th-15th century), today Château d’Angers houses the Apocalypse tapestry. Measuring 100m in length and 6m in height, this is the oldest and the largest medieval tapestry in the world! The tapestry depicts the story of the Apocalypse from the Book of Revelation by Saint John the Divine in 90 colourful images.

Apocalypse tapestry

Lunch at Restaurant Daddy

12:15 PM – 01:30 PM For lunch head to Restaurant Daddy . This nice local restaurant, just a short walk from the castle, is famous for its parmesan cheese wheel pasta.

Restaurant Daddy pasta

Museum of Jean-Lurçat

01:45 PM – 02:30 PM The Museum of Jean-Lurçat (Musée Jean-Lurçat) is set in the 12th-century Hôpital Saint-Jean, one of the oldest hospitals in France. The museum occupies the Grande Salle des Malades (Hall of the Sick), a beautiful hall with a vaulted ceiling and the 17th-century old orphanage building.

If you’re visiting Angers only for a day, I’ll recommend you to see only the Grande Salle des Malades. Here you’ll find a set of ten tapestries, created as a counterpoint to the Apocalypse Tapestry, by Jean Lurcat from 1957 to 1966.

The tapestries housed in the second building tell the story of textile art from the 1950s to the present day. With a few exceptions, they are far less spectacular than the ones in the Grande Salle des Malades.

Museum of Jean-Lurçat

Maison d’Adam

02:50 PM – 03:00 PM This impressive half-timbered house from the 15th century served once as an apothecary. It is named after the Bible’s first man, whose figure you can see in the wooden carvings of the exterior of the building.

Nowadays, Maison d’Adam is a gallery shop known as the Maison des Artisans . Here you’ll find handcrafted glassware, wood sculptures, artworks, handmade jewellery, ceramics and many more.

Maison d’Adam

Cathédrale Saint-Maurice d’Angers

03:00 PM – 03:30 PM Angers Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Maurice d’Angers) was built between the 11th and 16th centuries. It is a unique mixture of romanesque and Gothic architecture with ornate Baroque decorations and sculptures. Cathédrale Saint-Maurice d’Angers is the final resting place of Margaret of Anjou, Queen consort of England and France after marrying Henry VI.

Don’t miss to admire the cathedral’s beautiful collection of stained glass, considered to be a masterpiece of French 13th-century glasswork.

Angers Cathedral

Galerie David d’Angers

03:40 PM – 04:30 PM Galerie David d’Angers is a small museum dedicated to the sculptor Pierre-Jean David, known as David d’Angers. Pierre-Jean David was a famous sculptor in the 18th and 19th centuries. Some of his most important works are the pediment of the Panthéon, the monument to General Gobert in the Père-Lachaise Cemetery in Paris and the Gutenberg monument in Strasbourg.

The museum is housed in a restored Toussaint Abbey dating from the 13th century. Thanks to the modern glass ceiling, you can admire the beautiful sculptures bathed in daylight.

Galerie David d'Angers

For dinner choose between Bistrot Des Ducs or Reste Au 51 . Both restaurants offer excellent gastronomic experiences. Note, that the restaurants are open only for lunch and then from 7PM onwards. Thus, if you’re visiting Angers on a day trip (especially if you’re travelling by train), you’d probably have to skip dinner.

More ideas for your one day in Angers

If you’re visiting Angers for more than a day (or want to add more attractions to your itinerary), take a look at my recommendations below.

Musée Pincé

Musée Pincé (Logis Pincé) is a Renaissance mansion from the 16th century, built by the mayor of Angers at that time. And it looks like a small Loire Château with its numerous towers and turrets!

Today, the mansion is the site of an archaeological museum, featuring Greek, Roman and Egyptian antiquities, and art from Japan and China.

Musée Pincé

Cointreau Distillery

Angers is the birthplace of Cointreau, the world-famous orange liqueur. It was created here in 1875 and it is still the only place in the world where it is produced!

It is possible to visit the Cointreau Distillery (Carré Cointreau) and learn the history behind the famous liqueur.

Notre-Dame-des-Victoires Church

Completed in 1904, Notre-Dame-des-Victoires Church (Église Notre-Dame-des-Victoires) is a relatively new church. Still, it is worth a quick look inside, because of its gorgeous Roman-Byzantine style and enriched choir with stained glass windows.

Notre-Dame-des-Victoires Church

Jardin des Plantes

This lovely little English garden was created in 1905 by Edouard André. It’s a peaceful oasis in the heart of the city, with green lawns, centuries-old trees, waterfalls and statues.

Jardin des Plantes

Musée des Beaux-Arts

The Museum of Fine Arts (Musée des Beaux-Arts), set in several interconnected historic buildings, is a must for every art lover. The museum is divided into two parts. The first shows the history of Angers through time from the Neolithic period to the present day. The second one is focused on fine art and sculptures from the 14th to the 21st century.

Cats and Cookies

I love cats, but I don’t have one, so I never miss a chance to visit a cat café while travelling. And I was delighted to find out that there is one in Angers! Besides homemade pastries and organic drinks, in Cats and Cookies you’ll find 12 friendly adopted cats.

Angers Cats and Cookies

Château d’Angers – the castle is not as popular as the other Loire Valley Chateaux, but if you’re visiting in the summer expect crowds (book your skip-the-line ticket here ).

How to save money on your Angers itinerary

If you plan to visit Château d’Angers and at least two museums, buy the Billet jumelé . This combined ticket gives you free access to the castle and all the city’s museums – Musée des Beaux-Arts, Musée Jean-Lurçat, David d’Angers Gallery, Museum of Natural Sciences, Musée Pincé, Château de Villevêque and Artothèque. You can buy this combined ticket from the castle or any of the city’s museums.

Another option is the Angers City Pass . It gives you free entry to 25 historic and cultural sites, including the tourist mini-train. You can buy the pass from the Angers Tourist Office (Address: 7 place Kennedy, 49051 Angers).

Where to stay in Angers

If you’re considering staying overnight in Angers, choose accommodation in the area between the Maine River, Jardin du Mail, Bd du Roi René and Bd Carnot. In this way, you’ll be within walking distance of all attractions, restaurants and the main train station.

Located next to the main train station and in immediate proximity to the city centre, this hotel is perfect for a short stay. The modern rooms are spacious and comfortably designed. Why book – ideal location, just short walk to everywhere, public parking next to the hotel

Set in a mansion from 1860, Les Chambres de Mathilde offers spacious and bright modern rooms with period features – high ceilings, antique parquet flooring. Why book – great location, in the immediate vicinity of restaurants and shops, parking nearby

Anger Maine River

Getting around in Angers

Find here a detailed map of this Angers walking itinerary.

The capital of Anjou is a very compact city and the best way to explore it is on foot. All the city’s attractions are easily reachable, just a short walk from each other.

How to get to Angers

The city’s main train station is Angers Saint-Laud (Gare d’Angers Saint-Laud). It is situated about 10min walk from the historic city centre. Check timetables and book train tickets online at SNCF official site .

The city has 6 different parking zones and no free parking right in its centre. If you’re arriving by car, it’s best to book accommodation with parking or use a car park (see a list of all car parks here ).

Day trips from Angers

Loire valley chateaux.

One of the most beautiful regions of France, the Loire Valley, is famous for its wine and castles. In fact, there are more than 300 chateaux scattered in the valley! Of course, not all of them are open to visitors, but still, there is plenty to see.

Below you can find the most beautiful castles near Angers (about an hour away), which are worth a visit. Note, that most of them are accessible only by car.

  • Château de Saumur – a charming 10th-century chateau, featuring a large collection of decorative ceramics and tapestries
  • Château de Brézé – one of the most intriguing castles of the Loire, thanks to its underground fortress and 16th-century wine presses
  • Château d’Ussé – the castle that inspired Charles Perrault to write the Sleeping Beauty
  • Château de Chinon – a 10th-century medieval fortress, where the last Knight Templar, Jacques de Molay, was imprisoned
  • Château de Langeais – a small medieval castle where you can see a recreation of the wedding of Charles VIII of France and Anne of Brittany that took place here on 6 December 1491
  • Château d’Azay-le-Rideau – built on an island in the Indre River, this is one of the most romantic Loire castles
  • Château de Villandry – this chateau is famous for its French Gardens, which include a water garden, ornamental flower gardens and labyrinths


Tours, one of the largest cities in the Centre-Val de Loire region, is the birthplace of Balzac. Due to its central location, the city is a great base to explore the Loire Valley Chateaux. Some of the city’s highlights are Cathédrale Saint-Gatien and Place Plumereau with its half-timbered houses from the 15th century.

Find out more in my travel guide on how to spend one day in Tours, France .

How to get to Tours Take a train from Gare d’Angers Saint-Laud to Gare de Tours (50min journey). From the main train station, it’s just a short walk to the city centre.

How many days in Angers

Is one day in angers enough.

One day in Angers is enough to visit the castle, one or two of its popular museums and explore the city centre. In fact, the city is a great day trip from Nantes or Tours.

What if I have less than a day in Angers?

If you have less than a day, do a walking tour of Angers and visit the castle. The chateau is the city’s most popular attraction for a reason – the Apocalypse tapestry is truly impressive. Skip the Museum of Jean-Lurçat, which is located a little further than the rest of the historic sights.

1 or 2 days in Angers?

The capital of Anjou has several excellent museums, so a day and a half would be the perfect amount of time to discover the city. However, if you’re not a museum person, one day is more than enough to see its main historic sights.

Best time to visit Angers

For fewer crowds and nice weather, visit the city during the months of May, June or September.

Faqs about visiting Angers

Known as the western gateway to the Loire Valley, Angers is definitely worth a stop. The city is famous for its 13th-century castle, medieval half-timbered houses and the Apocalypse tapestry – the oldest and the largest medieval tapestry in the world. Angers is the historical capital of Anjou and the cradle of the Plantagenet dynasty.

best things to do in angers

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One day–What should I do Angers France

Hi Charles, I’ll be happy to help if you have any specific questions. 🙂

How many of the places you’ve mentioned will let dogs in ?

I’m sorry, but I don’t know.

Angers is really lovely town! One of my favourite in France! Thanks for your article.

Thank you for your comment, Martin! 🙂

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Tour TIP (été 2022 - date exacte à définir)

Thu Sep 01 2022 at 12:00 am to 03:00 am

Angers, France | Angers, PA

Tour TIP (\u00e9t\u00e9 2022 - date exacte \u00e0 d\u00e9finir)

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How to spend a weekend in Angers in the Loire Valley

Warm days on the edge of france’s loire valley are for getting outside — explore the city’s mighty chateau, cycle along the waterfronts and experience live music at its distinctive riverside bars..

Bikers on the picturesque Loire à Vélo cycle route

Bikers on the picturesque Loire à Vélo cycle route, which winds its way along the course of the Loire, France's longest river.

The city of Angers, in the heart of the Pays de la Loire in Western France, is home to a vibrant bar culture and medieval monuments. Most imposing of them all is its chateau: an unmissable local landmark that’s home to the awe-inspiring Apocalypse Tapestry, as well as glorious views of the surrounding rivers and countryside. If your ideal city break involves shopping, restaurants and a slice of culture, that’s all here, but prepare to spend some time outdoors too. Angers’ setting on the Maine river (and being very close to the rivers Loire, Mayenne and Sarthe) means you can get out along the riverside cycle paths, potter upstream in a self-drive electric boat or simply sink a glass of the local Anjou rosé wine in one of the many riverside bars. When dining out, try the local cuisine: specialities include river fish served in the Loire’s famous beurre blanc sauce (made with butter and white wine) and unusual desserts such as the light-as-a-feather cremet d’Anjou . 

Better known are its alcoholic exports: Angers is the home of two distilleries, Cointreau and Giffard, which offer visitors a chance to enjoy local cocktails with a snifter of history thrown in.

Day one: r amparts & riverside bars

Morning The great walls of Angers’ castle dominate the city. Once through the gates, climb the ramparts for stupendous views of the city and river below. The chateau was once the home of the dukes of Anjou, who were serious patrons of the arts. They held court here in the 14th and 15th centuries and the internal rooms tell their story. Also within the walls is the Tapestry of the Apocalypse, 328ft of exquisite embroidery produced over seven years in the late 14th century, telling the story of the Book of Revelations. Stop for lunch at the chateau’s restaurant, serving hearty mains from €10 (£8.45).

Afternoon An easy way to check out the city’s other attractions is to follow the blue line painted on the pavement — it guides visitors around the best sights for more than a mile. From the chateau, it goes to the medieval Cathédrale Saint-Maurice. Just behind the cathedral is La Maison d’Adam, also known as the House of Artisans, a six-storey building dating from 1491; its half-timbered facade features carvings of bawdy figures. For more elegant historical decor, nip into the Galeries Lafayette, where the glass roof is an shining example of Angers’ art deco architecture. 

Evening The warmer evenings in Angers tempt visitors outside: cycle or walk along the river to one of the many guinguettes bars for great food and live music. The entertainment isn’t limited to the bars: you can also check out one of the many festivals happening over the summer. Trelazé Music Festival is a series of free concerts in July and August, while riverside villages such as Écouflant, Loire-Authion and Savennières host numerous events. There’s also a new cycling festival — Nature is Bike — with road routes, off-road trails and night-time rides on offer, rescheduled for late June 2021.

The medieval La Maison d’Adam

The medieval La Maison d’Adam, also known as the House of Artisans, which features elaborate carvings on its exterior.

Day two: b ike rides & sundowners

Morning The city’s position gives you easy access to the excellent Loire à Vélo, a quiet, car-free cycling track that follows the Loire. Once you’ve collected your wheels from one of the many bike rentals in the city, pedal out to the village of Sainte-Gemmes-sur-Loire about 20-minutes’ ride from the centre. The cycle track passes through bucolic parkland, then onto a small Mediterranean garden at Port-Thibault. Admire the views of the gently gliding Loire — the low tide reveals a number of sandbanks and islands. Stop for lunch at Le Guinguette de Port-Thibault, a bar and restaurant that offers activities such as boules and dance lessons.

Afternoon Angers is the home of Cointreau, the liqueur that’s maintained its glamorous image since it was invented in 1849. The Cointreau Distillery offers guided tours around the impressive copper stills and tells the history of how it was first concocted by brothers Edouard-Jean and Adolphe Cointreau. Explore the exhibition of the brand’s striking advertising campaigns, which started with the clown Pierrot de Cointreau and moved on to modern stars such as burlesque legend Dita Von Teese. The highlight is the tasting room at the end of the tour where you can try classic cocktails such as the Cosmopolitan and the Sidecar. Reservations are essential. 

Evening Easing gently through the landscape, a sunset cruise along the Loire offers the chance to admire the reflection of the sky striped with shades of orange, yellow and purple. Loire Odyssée offers a variety of different cruises to choose from depending on what kind of cruise takes your fancy; the sunset cruise takes in the remarkable flora and fauna along the river, while the aperitif cruise provides an idyllic setting for a sundowner. You can also learn about the region’s excellent wines as you snack on canapes as day turns to dusk. Alternatively, board a dinner cruise, with the accompanying soundtrack provided by a live band.

Three to try: sweet treats

Cremets d’Anjou This blend of egg whites, fromage blanc (similar to ricotta) and cream is said to be like eating a cloud and was invented by a local cook in 1890. Local restaurants often give it an extra zing with soft fruits for which the Loire is also known, or Cointreau, the city’s famous orange liqueur.

Bottereaux These diamond-shaped, donut-style pastries are traditionally served at Mardi Gras and can be sweet or salty, though for something really indulgent, look for the ones stuffed with cream or chocolate. They might also go by the name tourtisseaux , foutimassons , bugnes , crouchepettes , merveille , rondiaux or even croquignoles when you’re buying them in bakeries.

Le Pâté aux Prunes This plum pie dessert is traditionally made with greengages, which have long been grown in the Loire Valley. Be careful when you bite into it — the greengages are often cooked whole with their stones left in. Look out for this delicious treat in the local boulangeries . 

A busy evening at the popular Guinguette de Port-Thibault. Popular in the 17th-19th centuries, Angers' lively ...

A busy evening at the popular Guinguette de Port-Thibault. Popular in the 17th-19th centuries, Angers' lively guingettes (riverside bars) have made a comeback in recent years.

Don't miss: Guinguettes

Guinguettes — the riverside bars that had their heyday in the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries — have made a comeback across France in recent years and, as Angers sits astride or near to four rivers, the city has more than its fair share of the fun. In the past, these outdoor hubs were scenes of revelry and cabaret, but their 21st-century incarnations offer this and much more. Many indulge a new-found love of street food (the French interpretation means ‘good food’, served fast and conveniently), while others are proper restaurants. All Angers’ guinguettes feature shows and activities — from Bollywood dancing to country music — throughout summer. To find out what’s on offer, check the individual guinguette’s website or Facebook page for activities.

Le Heron Carré Being close to the city centre, Le Heron Carre enjoys a superb view of the chateau from the opposite riverbank. By day, it’s popular with families enjoying the surrounding park, and in the evenings the varied entertainment includes bongo drum troupes and salsa dancing lessons. 

La Cabane du Chat qui Pêche  This photogenic ‘hut of the fishing cat that’ is set on the banks of the Mayenne river and is a good place to head for if you’re cycling upstream from Angers. After a lunch of typical Loire dishes — perch with beurre blanc sauce or Cointreau creme brulee — kick back in the orange deckchairs and enjoy the sunshine. Sunday afternoons see DJs playing chill out tracks. 

Au Fil de l’Eau   The sleepy village of Écouflant used to be a much livelier place in the 19th century — back then it was home to several guinguettes that welcomed revellers who’d come from Angers along the Sarthe river by boat. Follow the same course, cycling the towpath or on a cruise, then take a table outside the rustic hut that looks across the grassy banks towards the river. If you’re feeling peckish, there are charcuterie platters and tapas, plus live music at weekends.

Guinguette de Port-Thibault Of all the guinguettes that are dotted in and around the city, the idyllic location of Guinguette de Port-Thibault is hard to beat. Near the village of Saint-Gemmes-sur-Loire, it opened in July 2019 and overlooks the Loire. The menu is particularly good, with various dishes such as pâté and mushroom risotto as highlights. Summer nights see different bands take the stage, as well as activities like samba lessons. 

The five best city escapes

Île Béhuard Wander around this secluded island in the middle of the Loire about 30 minutes south of Angers to discover winding streets of rustic stone cottages, hollyhocks and hydrangeas, La Croisette riverside restaurant, and a tiny chapel built atop a rock in 1453 by King Louis XI after his boat capsized in the river.   

Bouchemaine Located at the confluence of the Maine and the Loire, the village of Bouchemaine’s peaceful riverside paths are excellent for watching boats as they sail up and down the river. In early evening, pop into La Noé bar-restaurant for an aperitif. 

Château du Plessis-Bourré With its quintessential moat and turreted fort, the 15th-century Château du Plessis-Bourré is the castle of fairytales. Take a tour to admire its exquisite painted ceiling, commissioned by the chateau’s first owner Jean Bourré — a friend of Louis XI — and whose heart is buried in the castle chapel.

Terra Botanica  This family-friendly theme park celebrates the world of botany. Expect gentle rides, gardens abundant with tropical and exotic plants, a butterfly house and a tethered hot air balloon ride for views of the park and the surrounding countryside. 

Giffard Distillery Giffard’s many fruit liqueurs are a staple of cocktail bars worldwide. Its distillery, in the suburb of Avrillé, has a small museum that explains how it began with local pharmacist Émile Giffard who invented Menthe-Pastille, a mint liqueur, during the 1885 heatwave. You can see the factory, learn how the liqueurs are produced and taste the various drinks the company produces.

More info:  tourisme.destination-angers.com

How to do it Fly to Nantes with EasyJet or Tours with Ryanair , then take the train to the city’s main station Angers Saint-Laud. Hotel 21 Foch offers doubles from €89 (£75), room only. For budget stays, the Angers City Kamp has self-catering cabins from €69 (£58) a night.

Published in the April 2020 issue of National Geographic Traveller 

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Journey To France

11 Best Things To Do In Angers

By: Author Christine Rogador

Posted on August 8, 2023

Are you looking for the best things to do in Angers?

Angers is a unique destination in the Loire Valley, home to historic landmarks, picturesque châteaux, and prestigious wineries.

Located in the Pays de la Loire area of France, on the banks of the Maine River, is Angers. It is the stunningly magnificent historical capital of France’s Anjou province. One of the towns in France was designated as a “ villes d’art et histoire ” (Town of Art and History). 

With this rich history, great location, and shining reputation, there’s no way a visit to Angers will ever be boring.

From visiting the chateau to exploring a colorful district, here are the best things to do in Angers.

Things you'll find in this article

1. Wander in the Old Town

2. visit a cointreau distillery, 3. spend time in the museums., 4. browse the markets., 5. discover maison d’adam, 6. admire cathédrale saint-maurice d’angers, 7. explore la doutre, 8. stroll the gardens, 9. hike the maine and loire rivers loop, 10. visit and learn more about château d’angers, 11.  cruise the river, travel tips and resources.

11 Best Things To Do in Angers

The charming streets of Angers’ historic old town offer a delightful walking experience. Immerse yourself in the enchanting ambiance of the cobbled, medieval streets as you leisurely explore and discover the hidden gems that await at every turn.

Begin your exploration in the vibrant Place du Ralliement, a bustling square in Angers. This lively hub serves as a gateway to several other exciting and cost-free activities that await you in the city. 

To fully appreciate the cathedral, be sure to continuously look up and explore its magnificent architecture from various angles.

Since 1849, the Cointreau Distillery has been located a little distance west of the city center in Saint-Barthélemy-d’Anjou; it is the only spot in the world where the orange liqueur is made. This facility turns out 15 million bottles every year, all of which are exported to different parts of the world.

Guests are welcome to explore the fragrant orange groves. Additionally, there is a bar to sample the final product and a gift shop selling everything from bottles to Cointreau cake.

Musée des Beaux-Arts Angers

  • Musée des Beaux-Arts – This outstanding museum displays portraits, monuments, and local items that collectively tell the history of Angers. After your visit, relax at the museum’s café, which features outside sitting when the weather is nice.
  • Musée PincéThe – Renaissance-style Musée Pincé, also known as the Logis Pincé, was commissioned by Jean de Pincé. He was the mayor of Angers at the time and completed it in the early 1500s.

This archaeological museum display artifacts from ancient Greece, Rome, and Egypt. There is a trove of Japanese and Chinese paintings

  • Musée Jean-Lurçat – The former Saint Jean hospital is a beautiful Plantagenet-style edifice from the 12th century that now houses sixty or more great masterpieces. You can view works from the 1930s up to Jean Lurçat’s modern masterpiece, the Apocalypse-inspired tapestry Le Chant du Monde.

Angers, being a vibrant city in France, boasts a plethora of markets for locals and visitors to explore and indulge in. Here, you will find an extensive collection of various markets that are sure to pique your interest.

 One of our top picks is Marché Bio, a delightful marketplace that exclusively offers 100% organic produce. With a meticulous selection process, they curate their offerings from ten exceptional sellers. 

 Angers also hosts a vibrant and expansive market on the first Sunday of every month. It’s a treasure trove of unique finds and hidden gems, where you can immerse yourself in a world of vintage treasures, antiques, and one-of-a-kind items.

Whether you’re a seasoned collector or simply enjoy the thrill of discovering something special, Angers’ monthly flea market is a must-visit destination.

Maison d’Adam Angers

Maison d’Adam is also referred to as the Maison des Artisans. It is a remarkable medieval corner house constructed entirely of timber. This architectural marvel stands tall with its impressive six-story structure.

The street-facing façades of this building are truly a sight to behold. Maison d’Adam is a fascinating architectural marvel that pays homage to the biblical figure of Adam, the first man according to the Bible.

This historical gem, constructed in the year 1491, holds a significant place in history as it predates Christopher Columbus’ momentous discovery of America. Notably, intricate carvings depicting Adam can be observed at street level, adding an artistic and symbolic touch to this remarkable edifice.

Cathédrale Saint-Maurice d’Angers

Angers Cathedral, which was dedicated in 1096, combines Gothic and Romanesque styles common throughout its construction period.

Due to the widespread destruction of medieval stained glass during the French Revolution, its windows are considered among the finest examples of their kind.

Beyond the physical construction of the cathedral, notable works include a fresco depicting the life of Saint Maurilius from the 1200s and the tomb of Margaret of Anjou, who was England and France’s queen consort.

La Doutre Angers

La Doutre district in Angers is home to the renowned Musée Jean-Lurçat, adding to its historical charm as one of the city’s oldest quarters.

Rue Toussaint and Boulevard Carnot offer glimpses into the historical past of the city, as they showcase remnants of the ancient city walls that once safeguarded this area.

Located in the heart of the bustling shopping district, Rue Beaurepaire stands as a vibrant hub for retail therapy. This lively street not only offers a plethora of shopping opportunities but also boasts the magnificent Abbaye du Ronceray as part of its charm.

Jardin des plantes d'Angers

  • Jardin des Plantes – Edouard André conceived of and designed this charming little English garden in the year 1905. It is a tranquil haven amid the hustle and bustle of the city, complete with verdant lawns, trees that are hundreds of years old, waterfalls, and statues.
  • Jardin du Mail – This garden follows the tradition of formal clipped gardens with low box plant hedges arranged in symmetry, and its 20,000–30,000 yearly blooms provide the color.

In addition, there are a number of statues in the garden, as well as a bandstand and a fountain designed by Barbezat.

  • Terra Botanica – An enormous botanical garden that also functions as an entertainment park can be found to the north of the city. It houses plants from all over the world in re-created ecosystems that range from a forest of live dinosaur trees to a replica of a bayou in Louisiana.

The River Maine, though short, adds its charm to the majestic Loire River, joining its waters just a few kilometers south of the captivating city of Angers.

The confluence of the two rivers is a breathtaking sight, showcasing the mesmerizing beauty of nature. This enchanting meeting point is a significant highlight along the captivating Maine and Loire Rivers Loop.

The loop covers an impressive distance of nearly 19 kilometers. Whether you choose to walk or cycle, you can complete the loop in a reasonable amount of time. Walking the loop takes less than five hours while cycling along the dedicated flat paths can be done in approximately two hours.

Additionally, this destination serves as a gateway for explorers to immerse themselves in the wonders of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, renowned for its significant role in preserving the region’s diverse flora and fauna.

Château d’Angers

Over 800 years ago, King Louis I undertook a remarkable transformation of Plantagenet King Henry II’s fort, perched majestically above the river Maine. Today, this historic site stands as an awe-inspiring castle, showcasing the architectural prowess and grandeur of its time.

Make sure you don’t overlook the awe-inspiring Apocalypse Tapestry adorning the walls. Spanning an impressive 100 yards, this masterpiece vividly depicts the cataclysmic events foretold in the Book of Revelation. Commissioned by the esteemed King Louis, this tapestry serves as a captivating piece of propaganda art.

To book this tour click here .

For centuries, the waterways of the Loire River served as the primary means of transportation to and from the charming city of Angers. By offering an authentic perspective, they allow you to experience the city from a unique and unconventional viewpoint.

Angers boasts several significant landmarks that overlook the water, including the magnificent Château d’Angers. Going on a river cruise allows you to experience a delightful blend of historical attractions and picturesque natural surroundings beyond the city limits.

These areas serve as crucial habitats for numerous bird species, making it a haven for nesting and feeding.

Where to stay in Angers

Travel Insurance: I never leave home without travel insurance. My personal opinion is if you can afford to travel, you can afford to buy a travel insurance. All things can happen while on the road and you can never be too sure. And it's something that you'll be glad to have when you need it. For my preferred travel insurance, I use Safety Wing .

What To Wear: If you want some ideas on what to pack for France, check out this packing list guide for France .

Where To Stay: I personally use Booking.com for all my accommodations. Check out for their latest deals here .

Reading Resources: Check out our best reading resources here .

Christine Rogador in the Louvre

Hi, I’m Christine – a full-time traveler and career woman. Although I’m from the Philippines, my location independent career took me to over 40 countries and lived in 4 continents in the last 10 years, including France. A self-proclaimed Francophile, I love everything France.

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Guided tours and greeters in Angers

Guided tour in front of the Galerie David d'Angers

Visit Angers with a tour guide or greeter.

You’ll learn all of the city’s secrets with a visit of the town centre or its top sights. See Angers from all angles with the city’s programme of activities and guided tours of the town. From tours of the historic quarter to fun tours that stimulate the senses, and even ‘food tours’, there’s something for every taste. Fascinating tour guides and greeters will tell you all about Angers’ past - ideal for heritage lovers or those keen to know more about the Angevin region.

Contact us for a group visit

Angers, flash tour

Angers, flash tour


Angers, the history of the town

Angers, the history of the town

Angers, the history of La Doutre district

Angers, the history of La Doutre district

Découverte de la centrale solaire La Petite Vicomté

Découverte de la centrale solaire La Petite Vicomté

  • Angers, Pays de la Loire /

Bistro Régent Angers


Si vous n'avez jamais goûté la cuisine française, venez à ce restaurant. Un parfait cuit à la perfection est parmi les plats à goûter dans Bistro Régent Angers . Imaginez la combinaison d'un plat délicieux avec un personnel compétent, c'est exactement ce que ce lieu vous offre. Un service digne est toujours un plaisir. Il y a une atmosphère ravissante à cet endroit. Ce restaurant a reçu une note de 4.4 dans le système de notation de Google.

Menu du restaurant

Avis d'utilisateurs sur les plats et les services, evaluations des bistro régent angers, avis des visiteurs des bistro régent angers.

Stephane 49

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Mets délicieux à angers.


Services du restaurant dans Angers


The Love and Adventure Travel Blog Logo

  • Jul 20, 2023
  • 12 min read

a 3-day itinerary and guide to angers, france and the loire valley

A quintessential french valley in the heat of summer, the loire valley took us by surprise and made us fall in love with its wine culture, small villages, and flower-lined streets. leonardo da vinci even chose to call the valley home for his final days. we hope you enjoy our 3-day itinerary and guide to angers, france and exploring the breathtaking valley of loire..

It feels like just yesterday we spent a week traveling one of France's most stunning regions— a place where rolling vineyards dominate the landscape, historical châteaux rise majestically above the Loire River, and the wine is as commonplace as a glass of water.

Welcome to the Loire Valley, the Garden of France , a UNESCO World Heritage site that's equal parts breathtaking and culturally immersive.

Situated in the heart of France, the Loire Valley, known as 'Val de Loire' by locals, offers a glimpse into France's timeless charm. By adding the Loire Valley to your France itinerary, you'll find yourself stepping back in time, immersing yourself in the lavish world of French kings and queens, learning the ins and outs of esteemed wineries, and indulging in the rich flavors of local foods.

French countryside road

Whether you're a seasoned globetrotter, a history buff, a wine connoisseur, or someone seeking inspiration for your next trip, this is an underrated (or dare we say secret? ) area of France that should be on everyone's itineraries. When building a France itinerary, a lot of people choose to head to southern France for the famous French Riveria but with that comes a much higher price tag and a lot more tourists. That's why we chose to venture over to the Pays de la Loire region of Western France and we are glad we did. We hope you enjoy our 3-day guide to Angers, France and the Loire Valley.

So, grab a cup of café au lait and a croissant (still dreaming about those), sit back, and let us inspire your future journey through the Loire Valley.

How did This Region End up on our Itinerary?

A captivating history, tips for exploring the loire valley.

Day 01:Explore the City of Angers, France by Foot

Day 02: A Road Trip to Saumur

Day 03: Fall in Love with the Charming Village of Béhuard

We admittedly knew nothing about the Loire Valley and did very little research leading up to our road trip through the area. Despite our lack of knowledge about the region, it was actually the entire root of why we ended up in Europe for the summer -- and ultimately why we chose France to be our first destination.

We know, it sounds crazy. Let's rewind to catch you up for just a moment.

It was September 2017, one year after we got married, and we were jetsetting off to India -- our first country of a soon-to-be 1.5 year journey abroad.

After a 20-hour travel day, we landed in New Delhi at 2AM to the musty smells of pollution and chaotic streets. Our host picked us up at the airport and ushered us to his homestay. We were in a daze. Our minds twisted from a long travel day, we were struggling to wrap our heads around our initial impressions of the chaos of India, majorly sleep-deprived, and in shock that we had actually made it after many months of preparation.

We checked into our homestay, fell into our bed, and instantly fell asleep. About eight hours later, we awoke to a very boisterous “BONJOURRRRRR” echoing through our two-bedroom homestay. In a daze, we stumbled into the living room to find a French man, wearing only his underwear, looking just as confused to see us as we were to see him.

That's the short story of how we met two of our lifelong friends, Thomas and Mathilde. After that awkward first impression, we quickly grew to love them both and traveled together, off and on, over the next few months and stayed in touch. We promised them someday we would come to visit their home in France. We stuck to that promise and now -- back to the story about our time in their hometown in the Loire Valley.

What we didn't know was that it would end up being one of our favorite regions we visited in Western France. Of course spending time with our friends, eating dinner late into the night in their backyard, bike riding to lakeside picnics, and watching our babies play together helped sweeten our memories, but the valley itself captured our hearts as well.

The Loire Valley, often referred to as "the cradle of the French," reached its height of prominence during the Renaissance period when it became a favorite residence of French Kings and the aristocracy. They built extravagant châteaux such as Château de Chambord, Château de Chenonceau, and Château d'Amboise, transforming the area into a symbol of power and opulence. The royal court's presence ignited a cultural and architectural movement, known as the "Loire Renaissance," drawing artists like Leonardo da Vinci -- who spent the last years of his life in Amboise.

The French Revolution later brought significant change to the Loire Valley. Many châteaux were damaged or abandoned as the region was swept up in the turbulence of the times. However, during the 19th century, there was a resurgence of interest in the Loire Valley's cultural heritage, and restoration projects began to bring the châteaux back to their former glory.

In 2000, UNESCO recognized the Loire Valley as a World Heritage site for its cultural landscape -- dotted with historic towns and architectural masterpieces. Today, the area thrives as a center for tourism (mostly local), agriculture, and wine production.

From the minute we stepped off the train in Angers, France, we felt instantly relaxed and ready to see more of the French countryside. We had spent the last five days in the sprawling metro of Paris, walking miles upon miles each day. We saw the Eiffel Tower, admired the Louvre Museum, ate our weight in crepes, wandering the charming streets of Montmarte, but we were ready to move on.

To explore the Loire Valley, we based ourselves out of our friends' house in a small village near Angers. Angers is a medium-sized city with a population of around 150,000 people. We were surprised at how beautiful the city center was. It has charming streets lined with restaurants and shops, it's very clean and well-kept, and it has a youthful vibe due to a popular university located there.

As for the Loire Valley as a whole, where do we even start? There is so much to discover about this region. If you are a wine lover, it's the third-largest wine region and the area we found the most organic wines in all of France. We found a lot of diversity in the types of wines that are available in this region. If you came to France to daydream about more regal and royal times in history, you will be fulfilled seeing all of the Loire Valley castles. Or if nature and exercise are your thing, biking between charming little French towns will leave your heart full. If you have enough time you might even consider a journey up to the breathtaking Mont Saint-Michel commune just north of Angers but still in the Pays de la Loire region.

From Angers, you will need a rental car to road trip around the rest of the Loire Valley. Or, if you're feeling adventurous, rent a bike and hop from village to village, wine glass to wine glass, and Loire Valley castle to castle. This activity is very popular among the French and it's definitely on our bucket list for the next time we visit.

Explore the City of Angers, France by Foot

We found wandering the city to be extremely easy to navigate and fell in love with winding cobblestone paths, beautiful green spaces, and of course, the most famous site, the Chateau D'Angers -- built in the 9th century. The city of Angers sets the scene for this stunning region of France and is not short on delicious restaurants, boutique shops, museums, and places to grab a refreshing drink on picturesque cobblestone streets. You could easily spend a couple of days in Angers alone, but the majority of the sites could be covered in a single day.

If you have a little extra time or are looking for a very kid-friendly adventure while in Angers consider visiting the Terra Botanica which is a mix between beautiful lush botanic gardens and a theme park.

Tour the Chateau D'Angers

Cost : 9.5 euros, 10.5 euros if you also want to visit the tapestry exhibit at the Musée des Beaux-Arts (see below)

Hours : May-August, 9:30AM to 6:30PM daily and September-April, 10AM to 5:30PM daily

What to Expect: For a visit inside of the chateau, the main attraction is the Tapestries of the Apocalypse or Apocalypse Tapestry which is known as having one of the largest medieval tapestries in the world. You will also learn about the history of all the famous monarchies that lived here and see their royal apartments. The architecture throughout is quintessential French Gothic. From a distance, the chateau is stunning and stands out among the landscape, but as you approach the walls, you will notice beautifully trimmed and manicured gardens that surround the castle. You should plan to tour the interior if you have extra time or if you're interested in tapestries. Otherwise, we'd say you could skip it.

Marvel at the Cathédrale Saint-Maurice d'Angers

Hours : 8AM to 7PM

What to Expect: Built between the 11th and 16th centuries, this cathedral showcases a unique fusion of Romanesque and Gothic architectural styles. Its distinguishing features include its twin 75-meter-high spires and beautiful stained glass windows. The cathedral, serving as the seat of the Bishop of Angers, has been an important historical monument and a French national heritage site since 1862. Its rich artistic and spiritual heritage makes it a must-visit landmark in the region.

Explore the Musée des Beaux-Arts

Cost: Free from 5PM-6PM or if you're under 26 years old. Each exhibit has a different price, but they range from 4-6 euros per exhibit. You can tour the tapestry exhibit or the Angers City exhibit and the Chateau d'Angers for a combo price of 10.5 euros or 15.5 euros.

Hours: Most exhibits are open from 10AM to 6PM and closed on Mondays

What to Expect: Even if you don't go inside, it's still worth walking around the museum to admire the beautiful architecture. There are a lot of different exhibits here at the Musée des Beaux-Arts, so depending on what you are looking for, it's best to look at their website for the current options. In general, they have exhibits of tapestry, fine arts, David d'Angers (famous sculptor), the Natural Science Museum, and several rotating exhibits.

Eat at a Michelin Restaurant: Autour d'un Cep or L'Ardoise

What to Expect: Both of these restaurants are classy, elegant establishments for the sophisticated palate. If testing out a world-renowned restaurant is on your France to-do list, look no further. Both restaurants serve French cuisine, so the options for vegetarians are naturally a bit limited. These small restaurants both require reservations due to their popularity.

Autour d'un Cep: 50 euros/dish on average (definitely a splurge!)

L'Ardoise: 20 euros/dish on average

Walking tour of Angers, France

Tour the Cointreau Distillery

Touring the Carré Cointreau Distillery in an informative, fun way to spend an afternoon soaking up the air-conditioning if you're visiting Angers in the middle of the summer. You'll be led on a guided tour (in French or English) that runs through the history and the process of distilling -- with several free tastings along the way, of course. At the end of the tour, you'll join an interactive cocktail mixing course at the bar.

Cost: 15 euros per person

Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 10AM to 6PM by reservation only

Happy Hour on the River

To end your busy day in Angers, head to happy hour at Le Port de L'lle. The outdoor bar, located on the banks of the Mayenne, is not only affordable, but it's very likely that you'll be the only tourists there! The best part is that the parking lot is on the other side of the river, so you'll take a ferry across the river to access the bar. Order a local wine or beer and enjoy some farm fresh foods. If you have additional time, we recommend renting some bicycles and riding around the island of Saint-Aubin.

A Road Trip to Saumur

After a full day of exploring Angers the previous day, we loaded up our friends' car and headed out on a day trip. This itinerary was hand-drawn, on a scrap piece of paper, by our friends who have lived in the Loire Valley their entire lives. Therefore, we're letting you know that we're giving you the best of the bes t. We followed their instructions word-for-word and had the most fulfilling day exploring.

Stop One: La Daguenière

From Angers, head east towards Saumur. Once you're out of the city, you'll begin driving along the river, which you'll stay close to the rest of the day. If you're coffee addicts like we are, stop briefly in the town of La Daguenière for a coffee and a stroll around town. These smaller towns are a bit sleepy and slow to wake up, so sniff around for fresh bread and they'll likely serve coffee too!

Stop Two: Saint-Rémy-la-Varenne

From La Daguenière, get back in your car and continue on to Saint-Mathurin-sur-Loire. Cross the river to land in Saint-Rémy-la-Varenne. We recommend parking your car, once again, and walking around. Saint-Rémy-la-Varenne is centered around a rural estate, similar to an abbey, called a priory. Tours of the priory are available, where you'll learn about 1000+ years of history! We opted not to do the tour itself, but we enjoyed wandering around the grounds, which were overflowing with flowers.

Depending on what time of day you're visiting, enjoying a glass of wine across from the monastery, Prieuré de Saint-Rémy, is a must! Sit outside and enjoy the sound of the church bells and watching the bicyclists ride on by. The bar also serves pizza and is called Le bistrot de Yann & Lau.

Stop Three: Le Thoureil

It's this stop that stands out the most in our memories of our Loire Valley road trip. Just a few minutes further down the road is Le Thoureil. This tiny village is filled with flower-lined streets and has an overall calming, quaint vibe. It's one of those villages where you could spend all day doing nothing but wandering around, drinking wine, and enjoying the birds and the bees. Our friends told us that there are plenty of incredible restaurants here, overlooking the river, but it seemed like nothing was open when we passed through.

Stop Four: The Sunflower Fields

From here, continue on your journey towards Saumur. As you're driving, you'll start noticing never-ending fields of sunflowers on the right side of the road. The most accessible sunflower field is located next to a campground.

Sunflowers near Le Thoureil

Stop Five: Saumur

Finally, you've reached the end destination of your day trip. Saumur is located at the confluence of the Loire and Thouet rivers in an area of ancient settlement. It was originally inhabited by people who lived in caves dug along the sides of surrounding mountain ranges.

Saumur is, without a doubt, most famous for its chateau that dominates the city skyline, Chateau de Saumur. The chateau can been seen from miles away and is one of the last unspoiled remnants of architecture from the Valois dynasty in the Middle Ages. The town itself is lively with lots of shopping, picturesque streets of white stone buildings, and several squares filled with cafes and restaurants. If you head uphill, you'll stumble upon a series of half-timber buildings that look reminiscent of German architecture. Join a walking tour or wander the streets without an agenda in mind.

Tour a Wine Cave

Within Saumur and surrounding regions, twenty-eight different wine labels coexist! Two grape varieties dominate the wine lists -- Chenin blanc and Cabarnet Franc. The region is also a major producer of sparkling wine due to the ideal geographic location. The town is situated on top of a porous rock called tuffeau. Miles upon miles of underground cellars and tunnels have been chiseled underground, providing a temperature-moderated, cool environment that's perfect for storing wines. There are dozens of wineries to visit in Saumur, so you may want to stay a few days if you're planning to indulge!

We chose to take an underground tour of Louis de Grenelle. The tour was fascinating and a cool break from the heat -- plus, we happened to be the only ones on the tour! After the tour, we tasted their most famous wines and purchased a couple of bottles to take back to Angers to enjoy with friends.

If you're looking to purchase additional bottles of wine, our friends recommended Maison Ackerman (cave wine shop). Ackerman is the oldest sparkling wine house in the Loire Valley. You can also join a cellar visit/tour here.

To finish the day trip, head back to Angers the same way you came. The drive should take roughly an hour. If you have time, we enjoyed stopping in Saint-Rémy-la-Varenne for a sunset glass of wine across from the monastery.

Fall in Love with the Charming Village of Béhuard

If we lived anywhere near the town of Béhuard , we probably wouldn't be so keen on telling you about this magical village. But, because we value other travelers' inside information and "hidden gems", we're going to proceed. Béhuard , both a world UNESCO heritage site and a French Ville Fleurie (flower city), is the only town located on an island in the entire Loire Valley. It gained fame in the Middle Ages when pilgrims would walk to the Virgin Mary, its small church of Notre-Dame, and its surrounding sanctuary.

A 25 minute drive away from Angers is a world that looks straight out of a movie set with beautiful architecture, flawless landscaping, and flowers everywhere you glance. The village itself is tiny and quiet, but picturesque in every direction. Only 100 year-round residents call this village home.

From the center of town, there are a couple of 2.5 mile paths that can either be walked or cycled. Both of the paths are relatively flat and peaceful. Just ask a local for directions and they'll easily guide you to the starting point. We spent a few hours in Béhuard taking an unreasonable amount of photos, wandering around, and popping into the small artisan shops.

We hope that our 3-day itinerary and guide to Angers, France has inspired your next trip to the Loire Valley! If you've been and have suggestions other than those we mentioned, we'd love to hear them. And, if you're interested in biking through the valley with two mediocre bikers and a chatty toddler, tell us a time and a place and we'll be there!

For love and adventure

XO Bre & Daniel

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Tour TIP: Second rendering of the projet, with 14 floors.

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THE 10 BEST Angers Tours & Excursions

Angers tours.

  • Historical & Heritage Tours
  • Multi-day Tours
  • Walking Tours
  • Cultural Tours
  • Wine Tours & Tastings
  • Self-Guided Tours & Rentals
  • Private Tours
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Likely to Sell Out
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

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1. Normandy Loire Valley 3-Days Trip with Mont Saint Michel and Castles from Paris

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2. 2 Days Mont Saint Michel, Loire Castles Guided Tour

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3. Loire Valley Chateau d'Angers Entrance Ticket

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4. Discover Angers while playing! Escape game - The alchemist

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5. Children's escape game in the city of Angers Marsupilami

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6. 3-Day Private Normandy — Brittany — 3 Loire Castles, Oysters & Calvados tasting

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7. Discover Angers while playing! Escape game - The Walter case

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8. Discover Angers while escaping the zombies! Escape room

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9. Urban escape game in Angers - Crazytopia

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10. Private Transfer from Angers to Paris - Up to 7 People

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11. Experience France Like a Local in Bumblebee Manor

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12. 7-day Small Group ALL Normandy D-Day Castles & Burgundy Wine Trip

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13. Urban Escape Game for EVG EVJF in Angers

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14. 7-day Private ALL Normandy D-Day Castles Burgundy wine trip

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15. Children's escape game in the city of Angers - Peter Pan

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16. From Angers - Anjou Vineyards in Minivan

Keep the fun going with other experiences in the area.

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Loire Valley Day Tour Chambord and Chenonceau plus Lunch at a Private Castle

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Picnic in the Vines - A Unique Loire Wine Experience

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Loire Valley Tour Chambord and Chenonceau from Tours or Amboise

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Day Tour of Chateaux of Chenonceau, Chambord & Caves Ambacia from Tours/Amboise

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Morning - Loire Valley Wine Tour in Vouvray and Montlouis

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Outdoor escape game | Jules Verne - The extraordinary challenge

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Loire Valley Half Day : Villandry and Azay-le-Rideau from Tours

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1-hour tourist walk with guide

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Day Tour to Chenonceau and Chambord Castles

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Vineyard cycle tours in and around Chinon, in the Loire Valley

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English Speaking Loire Winery Tours originating from Chinon

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Outdoor escape game | Vikings - The Relic of Odin

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Discover Nantes while playing! Escape game - The alchemist

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Full Day Wine Tour in Vouvray and Chinon with LUNCH at the winery

What travelers are saying.


  • Normandy Loire Valley 3-Days Trip with Mont Saint Michel and Castles from Paris
  • Discover Angers while playing! Escape game - The alchemist
  • Experience France Like a Local in Bumblebee Manor
  • Discover Angers while escaping the zombies! Escape room
  • 2 Days Mont Saint Michel, Loire Castles Guided Tour
  • Les Secrets d'Angers
  • The Reality Quiz
  • Le Petit Train
  • Transport privé 49
  • Anjou Transferts

Charging elephant kills an American woman on 'bucket list trip' in Zambia

An American woman who was on what she had called her "last big trip" was killed when a charging elephant flipped over the car she was traveling in at a national park in Zambia .

The “aggressive” creature buffeted the vehicle carrying six tourists and a guide, tour operator Wilderness said in a statement Tuesday. It said the 79-year-old victim died after Saturday's incident on a game drive at the Kafue National Park in western Zambia.

The company did not name the victim but Rona Wells, her daughter, identified her as Gail Mattson in a post on Facebook. She said her mother died in a “tragic accident while on her dream adventure.”

A video circulating on social media apparently showing the incident shows a large elephant running toward a car, which slows down as the animal approaches its left side. The elephant then flips the vehicle over and the passengers can be heard gasping as the car rolls over.

NBC News does not know the condition or identity of the person who filmed the video.

Photos shared online of the car, which is emblazoned with the logo of the tour operator, show it tipped onto its side after the incident, with a deep dent in two of its side doors.

Wilderness, which describes itself as a “leading conservation and hospitality company” operating in eight African countries, including Zambia, did not respond to NBC News when asked to confirm the authenticity of the video and the photos.

But the tour operator’s CEO, Keith Vincent, said in the statement that the company’s “guides are all extremely well trained and experienced.”

"Sadly in this instance the terrain and vegetation was such that the guide’s route became blocked and he could not move the vehicle out of harm’s way quickly enough,” he added.

Gail Mattson, during a safari in Zambia

Another woman was also injured in the incident and taken to a medical facility in South Africa, the Wilderness statement said, adding that four others were treated for minor injuries.

“It’s extremely rare to see an elephant that irate,” Marlon du Toit, a wildlife photographer and safari guide, told the “TODAY” show Thursday. “Across Africa, there are thousands and thousands of guests on safari on a daily basis with no negative consequences.”

The exact cause of Mattson’s death was unclear, but the company said her body would be repatriated to her family in the United States with the support of local Zambian authorities and the U.S. Embassy in the capital, Lusaka.

“This is a tragic event and we extend our deepest condolences to the family of the guest who died,” the statement added.

NBC News has reached out to Mattson's family for further comment.

Kafue National Park is Zambia’s largest and oldest national park, according to its website, and spans an area of more than 8,000 square miles. Vast regions of the park remain unexplored and the website says it is home to a variety of untamed wildlife.

A 'bucket list trip'

Mattson spent her winters in Sun City West, Arizona, playing bridge and cards, but during the rest of the year, she "travels all over the world," her friend Brenda Biggs told NBC News. Biggs and her husband, John Longabauth, became friends with Mattson when they moved to the area 6 ½ years ago.

Longabauth said Mattson spoke to the couple about her upcoming safari trip about two weeks ago, and called it "one of her bucket list trips." He said she was very excited for the adventure.

Before she left, she gave the couple concert tickets for a show that would happen while she was traveling, telling them to enjoy the concert and "I'll see you when I get back," Longabauth recalled of the conversation.

Biggs said Mattson, who was almost 80 years old, told her that the African safari was her "my last big trip." She said Mattson was "super excited because it was like the culmination of all the trips that she had gone on."

An avid traveler, Mattson took to trips to Europe and Asia, Longabauth recalled, noting that she might have been to South America, too.

Biggs called her friend "flamboyant," "friendly" and "fabulous" and said she loved bright colors. Mattson had taken over Biggs’ job as the event planner for their 200-member bridge club, she said.

"Gail was one of the more up people you'd ever want to meet," Longabauth said. "She was always up. She was always optimistic. She was always seeing the good side of everybody."

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Yuliya Talmazan is a reporter for NBC News Digital, based in London.

Rebecca Cohen is a breaking news reporter for NBC News.

2024 men's NCAA Tournament Final Four dates, game times, TV, location, teams and more

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And then there were four.

It wasn't that long ago when 68 teams joined the dance, and now the 2024 men's NCAA Tournament is nearing its end. After Sunday night, just four teams remain in the fray, with UConn and Alabama punching their tickets to Arizona on Saturday. Purdue joined them on Sunday with NC State earning the last spot.

UConn has the opportunity to repeat, but the Huskies have to get two more wins to call themselves back-to-back champs.

The 11th-seeded NC State Wolfpack surged past No. 4 seed Duke in the second half to win 76-64 and set up a date with the Boilermakers, led by Zach Edey . With the win,  NC State advanced to its first Final Four since winning it all in 1983 .

Here's everything you need to know about the 2024 men's Final Four:

FOLLOW THE MADNESS: NCAA basketball bracket, scores, schedules, teams and more.

When is the Final Four?

  • Date: Saturday, April 6
  • Start time: Games scheduled for 6:09 p.m. and 8:49 p.m. ET

The 2024 men's Final Four is scheduled Saturday, April 6, at State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. No. 4 seed Alabama and No. 1 seed Connecticut are set to square off at 8:49 p.m. ET, with No. 1 Purdue will face No. 11 seed North Carolina State at 6:09 p.m. ET.

What TV channel is the Final Four on?

TBS is televising both the national semifinals, on Saturday, April 6, and the national championship, on Monday, April 8, this year.

Where is the Final Four?

  • Location: Glendale, Arizona
  • Venue: State Farm Stadium

The 2024 Final Four is set to be played at State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. The stadium is home to the Arizona Cardinals in the NFL .

The national championship game will be played in the same stadium on Monday, April 8.

Final Four bracket

The bracket is all but set. Here's the field:

  • (1) Connecticut vs. (4) Alabama
  • (1) Purdue vs. (11) North Carolina State

Who is in the Final Four?

On Saturday, March 30, UConn defeated Illinois to punch its ticket to the Final Four. Alabama followed suit by downing Clemson to advance to the national semifinals.

On Sunday, March 31, Zach Edey and Purdue outlasted Tennessee to advance to the Final Four. North Carolina State continued on its remarkable March run by defeating ACC rival Duke in the Elite Eight. The Boilermakers take on the Wolfpack on Saturday, April 6.

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J. Cole Accused of Transphobic Lyrics Amid Kendrick Lamar Rap Battle

J. Cole Accused of Transphobic Lyrics Amid Kendrick Lamar Rap Battle

J. cole disses kendrick lamar, 'tpab' shot angers west coast artists, j. cole to kendrick lamar 'tpab' was a snoozefest ... west coast artists heated.

  • Breaking News

J. Cole went straight for the jugular when firing back at Kendrick Lamar ... calling K.dot's critically acclaimed "To Pimp a Butterfly" album the audio version of a sleeping pill, and folks are mad.

On Friday, Cole left the rap internet in a tizzy thanks to his surprise project "Might Delete Later" ... which features the song "7 Minute Drill," and a direct response to Kendrick's "Like That" disses that dominated the Billboard Charts these past couple weeks.

Some of J. Cole’s bars for Kendrick Lamar mirror those of Jay-Z’s for Nas on Takeover pic.twitter.com/nNVX25Pqj7 — Joey (@gothamhiphop) April 5, 2024 @gothamhiphop

Cole took a page outta Jay-Z ' s infamous Nas diss track here ... Kendrick's albums "good kid, m.A.A.d city" and "DAMN" were given their due credit, but JC writes off 'TPAB' off as overrated trash that got the attention of outside media.

Cole coldly raps ... "[Kendrick] still doin' shows, but fell off like The Simpsons/Your first s*** was classic, your last s*** was tragic/Your second s*** put n****s to sleep, but they gassed it/Your third s*** was massive and that was your prime I was trailin' right behind and I just now hit mine."

Terrace Martin , the primary producer for 'TPAB' and Kendrick’s ex-TDE exec President Punch all took exception to the bars, as did several other Cali artists ... Jason Martin and El Prez . There's been a lot of chatter about Cole's take on 'Butterfly' ... some agree with him, others say he's dead wrong.

Cole really got half the TL openly slandering TPAB in unison. I’ve waited for this moment for YEARS. — Hielo (@OfficiallyIce) April 5, 2024 @OfficiallyIce

Also ... 'Joe Budden Podcast' cohost Officially Ice is stirring the pot as well by welcoming the anarchy. On its face, Cole may have caused a rap Civil War. No official word from Drake yet.

We're sure Kendrick will respond too, FWIW.

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    La Tour TIP sera le premier des six projets d'Imagine Angers à voir le jour. La première pierre a été posée ce vendredi 9 octobre. Après un concours d'architectes lancé en 2017, six projets avaient été retenus l'année suivante par la municipalité : Arborescence, Métamorphose, Jean-Moulin, Climax, le Musée des Collectionneurs ...

  6. Alter

    Venez découvrir la Tour TIP à l'occasion d'une visite de chantier organisée le jeudi 13 janvier 2022 de 10h à 11h30. Cette visite gratuite (sur réservation) sera guidée par Lucas Niepceron, responsable du programme pour ATAO Promotion. Une occasion rare de découvrir l'intérieur du bâtiment mais également d'en apprendre ...

  7. Angers. La Tour TIP présente son aspect final sur le Plateau des

    Angers, 22 mars 2022. L'exosquelette de béton blanc habille déjà la totalité des façades les plus exposées de la Tour TIP à l'entrée du Plateau des Capucins. | CO - ANTHONY PASCO

  8. Alter

    Lauréat du concours IMAGINE ANGERS, il y a bientôt trois ans, le projet TOUR TIP va démarrer ce mois-ci. ... Située le long du boulevard Jean Moulin, la Tour Tip fait parti du secteur Meule Farine dont le démarrage a lieu en cet été 2020. Depuis l'appel à projets innovants lancé par la Ville, cet ensemble bâti a été reconfiguré.


    Bistro Régent Angers. Claimed. Review. Save. Share. 11 reviews #256 of 353 Restaurants in Angers $$ - $$$ French. 2 Boulevard Jean Moulin TOUR TIP, ZAC des Capucins, 49100, Angers France +33 2 41 42 74 18 Website Menu. Closed now : See all hours. Improve this listing.

  10. EN IMAGES. Imagine Angers : la nouvelle Tour TIP a fait le plein d

    Info Angers EN IMAGES Imagine Angers la nouvelle Tour TIP a fait le plein détudiants - Les 183... Angers. Angers Saumur Cholet Nantes Le Mans Autres villes . S'inscrire

  11. Inauguration du projet Tour Tip

    Le site https://presse.angers.fr est édité par : Le service des Relations Presse de la Ville d'Angers Hôtel de Ville - BP 80011 ... Inauguration du projet Tour Tip. Vendredi 3 février 2023 : 16h00 - 17h00. Jean-Marc VERCHÈRE, Maire d'Angers et Président d'Angers Loire Métropole

  12. 25 Must-See Places in Angers

    Slate Museum. Discover 600 years of history in connection with Anjou's famous material - slate. This must-visit experience includes a tour of the visitor centre (with films, tools and machines of the past, models and more) as well as a demonstration of slate work and a walk in the former slate quarries. Visit the Slate Museum.

  13. What To Do in Angers (My Top List + Map)

    Cathédrale Saint-Maurice d'Angers. 03:00 PM - 03:30 PM Angers Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Maurice d'Angers) was built between the 11th and 16th centuries. It is a unique mixture of romanesque and Gothic architecture with ornate Baroque decorations and sculptures.

  14. Tour TIP (été 2022

    Tour TIP (été 2022 - date exacte à définir) happening at Angers, France on Thu Sep 01 2022 at 12:00 am to 03:00 am. Tour TIP (été 2022 - date exacte à définir) ... La principale ambition de ce complexe est de renforcer l'attractivité d'Angers auprès des jeunes en leur facilitant l'accès au logement au plus près des emplois, en ...

  15. How to spend a weekend in Angers in the Loire Valley

    Wander around this secluded island in the middle of the Loire about 30 minutes south of Angers to discover winding streets of rustic stone cottages, hollyhocks and hydrangeas, La Croisette riverside restaurant, and a tiny chapel built atop a rock in 1453 by King Louis XI after his boat capsized in the river.

  16. 11 Best Things To Do In Angers

    3. Spend time in the museums. Musée des Beaux-Arts Angers. Musée des Beaux-Arts - This outstanding museum displays portraits, monuments, and local items that collectively tell the history of Angers. After your visit, relax at the museum's café, which features outside sitting when the weather is nice.

  17. Guided tours and greeters in Angers

    See Angers from all angles with the city's programme of activities and guided tours of the town. From tours of the historic quarter to fun tours that stimulate the senses, and even 'food tours', there's something for every taste. Fascinating tour guides and greeters will tell you all about Angers' past - ideal for heritage lovers or ...

  18. Bistro Régent Angers restaurant, Angers

    2 Boulevard Jean Moulin, TOUR TIP, ZAC des Capucins, Angers, Pays de la Loire, France . Particularités. Cartes de crédit acceptées Pas de livraison Pas de plats à emporter Réservation Accès personnes handicapées. Heures d'ouverture . Lundi Lun: 11:45-14:30 18:45-22:45: Mardi Mar: 11:45-14:30 18:45-22:45: Mercredi Mer:

  19. a 3-day itinerary and guide to angers, france and the loire valley

    You can tour the tapestry exhibit or the Angers City exhibit and the Chateau d'Angers for a combo price of 10.5 euros or 15.5 euros. Hours: Most exhibits are open from 10AM to 6PM and closed on Mondays. What to Expect: Even if you don't go inside, it's still worth walking around the museum to admire the beautiful architecture. There are a lot ...

  20. Bistro Régent Angers

    Bistro Régent Angers, Angers, France. 31 likes · 2 talking about this · 10 were here. Le plaisir de vous accueillir autour d'une formule composée de 7 plats à 15,90€ ! Bistro Régent Angers, Angers, France. 31 likes · 2 talking about this · 10 were here. ...

  21. Tour TIP Photo 873-380-978

    Photo 873-380-978: Tour TIP. Tour TIP: Second rendering of the projet, with 14 floors. Connected to Tour TIP . Photo credits: Rolland & Associés Assigned category: rendering ...

  22. Espace presse

    Avec la tour Tip, Angers veut séduire les jeunes actifs Première réalisation achevée de l'appel à projet Imagine Angers, la tour Tip s'inscrit désormais dans le paysage angevin, du haut de ses 45 mètres. 30 millions d'euros ont été investis dans ce programme immobilier dédié aux jeunes actifs.

  23. THE 10 BEST Angers Tours & Excursions for 2024 (with Prices)

    Discover the regions of Normandy and the Loire Valley on this 2-day tour from Paris. Visit iconic Mont St-Michel and then…. Free cancellation. from. $598. per adult. 3. Loire Valley Chateau d'Angers Entrance Ticket. 44.

  24. Charging elephant kills an American woman on 'bucket list trip' in Zambia

    An American woman who was on what she had called her "last big trip" was killed when a charging elephant flipped over the car she was traveling in at a national park in Zambia.

  25. When is Final Four? Dates, times, TV, teams, bracket in women's March

    The women's Final Four is set for tip-off on Friday, April 5. The first game begins at 7 p.m. ET (6 p.m. CT), with the second matchup following at 9:30 p.m. ET, or after the conclusion of the ...

  26. When is Final Four? Dates, times, TV, teams, bracket in March Madness

    Here's everything you need to know about the 2024 men's Final Four: FOLLOW THE MADNESS: NCAA basketball bracket, scores, schedules, teams and more. When is the Final Four? Date: Saturday, April 6 ...

  27. Hayley Erbert Will Return to Husband Derek Hough's Tour After Surgery

    Hayley Erbert is returning to the Symphony of Dance tour with her husband, Derek Hough, four months after her emergency brain surgery. Erbert, 29, told Good Morning America on Friday, April 5 ...

  28. J. Cole Disses Kendrick Lamar, 'TPAB' Shot Angers West Coast Artists

    Got A Tip? Email Or Call (888) 847-9869. Search Search ... 'TPAB' Shot Angers West Coast Artists ... Drake Shoots Travis Scott Tour Prop, Revenge for Future, Metro Boomin Beef ...