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  • 1.1.1 Good Ending
  • 1.1.2 Evil Ending
  • 1.2 Taking The Red Key (Bad Ending)
  • 1.3 I've seen you before... (Secret Ending)

Spoilers present below. Read at your own risk.

After departing from a cruise port, Jack will greet the players, introducing them to the "Carnival Cruise". Players will be given the opportunity to explore the cruise for 90 seconds. After 90 seconds, Jack will host a couple of rounds, in which the objective is to find items around the cruise. Each time someone finds an item and gives it to Jack before any other player gives the hidden item, the first player will be granted 15 bucks. After 3 rounds, players will then play a round of Dodgeball. Players will be given 90 seconds to throw as many balls to the players on the other team. After 90 seconds are up or no players are remaining on the other team, players on the winning team will be granted 15 bucks.

Once night approaches, players will become starving after playing numerous rounds of games and head to the buffet. Players can buy any food that is available at the buffet. If players are seated, they will also be given a free pizza slice as a "welcoming gift". Once they finish eating, players will head to their rooms to sleep. Jack will also state that players will have dinner along with Captain Smith the next day.

In the middle of the night, someone will wake up, wondering how the other players are awake. Someone will then reply to let the other players sleep. However, the other players will develop strange feelings as well, and soon, a mysterious ship will be spotted out of the window. The mysterious ship will spark a power outage, leading the players to run off their rooms to find someone for help. Shortly, Jack will show up next to the electric door, surprised how all of the players are awake. Someone will reply that there was a mysterious ship out of the window and think something mysterious got inside the cruise. Jack is unsure if it was just a nightmare. However, Jack will trust the other players.

To gain access to the electric room, players will need to find the keycard, which is located in the bathroom. Once someone gives Jack the keycard, the door will be unlocked. Players will then need to find the power generator located around. Players must be cautious of high voltage in the electric room. Once someone activates the power generator, power will be restored. Someone will reply that there is some mysterious painting in the bathroom. Jack will head for the bathroom to see the mysterious painting. However, before Jack sees the painting, the painting will already disappear entirely. Jack will not see something mysterious in the bathroom. Jack will then state that the other players should have some sleep and that the night has been rough. Jack will also reply that he will inform the Captain about what happened throughout the night. As stated earlier, Jack will say that the players will have dinner along with the Captain the next day. Players will be told to head back to their beds.

The next morning, players will be given 20 seconds to choose the outfit of their choice. After 20 seconds, players will head to the Arcade. Wondering where Jack is currently located, players will head into the Arcade while they wait. Shortly, the machines will shut down and the cruise will suddenly appear darker. Greenbeard, the main antagonist, will appear at the front doors of the Arcade and will reply to give something back. Ghost pirates will be commanded by Greenbeard to attack all of the players on the cruise. Players will be given 60 seconds to survive. After 60 seconds, Greenbread will give the players one last chance to throw the "golden necklace" to the ocean or the cruise will sink.

Eventually, players will head off to the room where they will have dinner with the Captain. Captain will greet the players on their arrival. Captain will also reply that Jack is currently feeling sick and is unable to join the other players for dinner. Players will be given a piece of "roasted chicken" (which will damage your health if eaten). Someone will reply that a "monster", known as Greedbread, appeared on the cruise. Someone will also reply that Greedbread is looking for a golden necklace. Captain will be surprised by this and consider the situation "terrible". Another player will then spot a necklace on Captain's neck. Captain will not let the other players take the golden necklace and send all of the players to prison.

After waking up in prison, players will see Jack next to their prison cell. Jack will tell the whole situation that he found the golden necklace in the Captain Cabin and that the Captain went crazy over him finding the golden necklace, which leads Jack to his prison cell. Someone also tells a whole different situation that Greenbread appeared somewhere on the cruise and is looking for a golden necklace. If the golden necklace isn't found, the entire cruise would sink. Someone also says that the Captain poisoned the chicken and brought the other players in one prison cell. After a discussion regarding the whole situation, players will need to find a way out of their prison cell. Jack has found a stick that would reach the key but is unreachable due to Jack's cell position. Players will be given a stick to grab the golden key that would release the players out of their cell. Once the golden key has been lifted, players will need to find the blue key to let Jack out of his prison cell. Once Jack's cell is unlocked, players will follow Jack to head out.

As Jack and the players head out, Greenbeard will appear in front of the players and become more aggressive over the golden necklace. Pipes will leak out, leading the exit door of the pipe room to be locked. A flood will also be rising due to pipe leakage. Players will need to activate 4 unlock buttons to unlock the door. Once 4 unlock buttons are activated, players will head out of the pipe room and approach a room with cameras over the Captain Cabin. Shown on the cameras, there is a red key located in the Captain Cabin. Much to Jack's surprise, Captain Smith is also shown in the Captain Cabin. Due to the red key's location, players will need to head to the Captain Cabin. As they arrive at the Captain Cabin, Captain will be surprised to see the other players arrive. Someone will reply that they are taking the red key. The Captain will allow the players to take whatever, but the Captain's ship and treasure. Players will be given a poll to vote on the decisions, either take the red key or the necklace from the Captain. Those decisions will determine one of the 3 endings in the game.

Taking The Necklace (Good & Evil Endings) [ ]

If the majority of players decide to take the necklace from the Captain, Captain will become more aggressive and fight with the players. Once the Captain has been defeated, someone will take the necklace. As the players head to the front of the ship, someone with the necklace will determine two endings:

Good Ending [ ]

If the player decides to drop the golden necklace, Greenbeard will become less aggressive and head for the necklace. The ship will no longer sink and everything will be back to its original state, proceeding with the good ending.

Evil Ending [ ]

If the player decides to keep the necklace, the player will become evil and the ship will burn out, leading Jack & the other players to die due to the burning flames, proceeding with the evil ending.

Taking The Red Key (Bad Ending) [ ]

If the majority of players decide to take the red key, players will immediately head out of the Captain Cabin and head for the lifeboats. Before taking a lifeboat, Greenbeard will once again appear and command his attackers to attack the other players. Players will be given 45 seconds to survive or defeat the attackers. Once the attackers are defeated, Greenbeard will fight with the other players. Once Greenbeard is defeated, players will be given 20 seconds to head for a lifeboat. As they evaluate out of the ship, the ship will burn out and continue sinking, proceeding with the bad ending.

I've seen you before... (Secret Ending) [ ]

IN The Part Where Your Finding The Blue Key To Free Jack Behine The Toilet Your See A Keycard Which Unlocks Room 100 Use The Keycard Then Play Like Normal But Then Suddenly Poncho (Character In Airplane 3 and 4)...(I Don't Want To Spoil It)

This section is a trivia section . Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.

  • Before the game's release, there was a separate game  that held a live event, which introduces the cruise and the recurring characters. The live event could have still been played anytime when a player joins the game, but the game is now closed to the public and the live event can no longer be played.
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I've seen you before.. (Secret Ending)

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How to End a Story: The 6 Ways All Stories End

When we first start to read books, we quickly understand that books have two types of ending: happy and sad. But as we develop our literary palate and read deeper, it soon becomes apparent that endings are somewhat more nuanced than that.

In the first part of this post, we will dive into the many types of endings that novelists have at their disposal — and reveal the impact they can have on the reader. In the second part, we'll give you some tried-and-true tips for writing an impactful ending for your own book.

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The 6 types of story endings (with examples)

Let's dive into the most common types of story endings that you'll see over and over again in storytelling. Note that, as we provide some examples from novel endings, there will be... spoilers! 

1. Resolved Ending

Wrap it up and put a bow on it. A resolved ending answers all the questions and ties up any loose plot threads. There is nothing more to tell because the characters’ fates are clearly presented to the reader.

Example:  Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude provides a great example of a resolved ending. In his Nobel Prize-winning book, García Márquez intertwines the tale of the Buendia family and the small town where they live, from its creation until its destruction. 

Before reaching the final line, however, he had already understood that he would never leave that room, for it was foreseen that the city of mirrors (or mirages) would be wiped out by the wind and exiled from the memory of men at the precise moment when Aureliano Babilonia would finish deciphering the parchments, and that everything written on them was unrepeatable since time immemorial and forever more, because races condemned to one hundred years of solitude did not have a second opportunity on earth.

With this ending, GarcĂ­a MĂĄrquez effectively ends all hope of a sequel by destroying the entire town and killing off all the characters. Unlike a Deus Ex Machina ending, where everything is suddenly and abruptly resolved , this is an ending that fits with the themes and plot of this book. Though not exactly expected, it brings an appropriate closure to the Buendia family and the town of Macondo.

Why might you use a resolved ending? This sort of conclusion is common to standalone books — especially romance novels, which thrive on ‘happily ever afters’ — or the final installment in a series. 



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2. Unresolved Ending

This type of ending asks more questions than answers and, ideally, leaves the reader wanting to know how the story will continue. It lets them reflect on what the hero has been through and pushes them to imagine what is still to happen. There will be some resolution, but it will, most likely, pose questions at the end and leave some doors open.

Example: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince does exactly that. After years of confronting Voldemort, Harry finally knows the secret to bring him down once and for all. However, the road will only become more dangerous and will require more sacrifices than anybody thought. 

His hand closed automatically around the fake Horcrux, but in spite of everything, in spite of the dark and twisting path he saw stretching ahead for himself, in spite of the final meeting with Voldemort he knew must come, whether in a month, in a year, or in ten, he felt his heart lift at the thought that there was still one last golden day of peace left to enjoy with Ron and Hermione. 

Like Harry, readers know that a final meeting between him and Voldemort is coming and that everything will change for him and his friends. As a stand-alone book, this ending would probably be unsatisfactory. But as the penultimate book in the series, it leaves the readers wanting more.

The main characters of Harry Potter, staring into the horizon

Why might you use an unresolved ending? Because it can create anticipation and excitement for what comes next, you may want to use an unresolved ending if you are writing a series of books . Who doesn’t love (and hate) a good cliffhanger?

3. Ambiguous Ending

An ambiguous ending leaves the reader wondering about the “what ifs.” Instead of directly stating what happens to the characters after the book ends, it allows the reader to speculate about what might come next — without establishing a right or wrong answer. Things don't feel quite unresolved , more just open to interpretation.

Example: The first installment of The Giver series, by Lois Lowry, uses this ending. The Giver focuses on Jonas, a teenager living in a colorless yet seemingly ideal society, and on the way he uses his newly assigned position as the Receiver of Memories to unravel the truth about his community and forge a new path for himself. 

Downward, downward, faster, faster. Suddenly he was aware with certainty and joy that below, ahead, they were waiting for him; and that they were waiting, too, for the baby. For the first time, he heard something that he knew to be music. He heard people singing. Behind him, across vast distances of space and time, from the place he had left, he thought he heard music too. But perhaps it was only an echo.

Readers will wonder what happens to Jonas once he finishes his journey and what happens to the town and people he left behind. There are three more companion books with more plot points , but the story centering on Jonas is finished. Readers will see him again, but only as a side character, and will neither find out how he rebuilt his life nor how his old community fared. There might be speculation, but an answer is never clearly given: that is left to the imagination.

When might you use an ambiguous ending? If you want your readers to reflect on the meaning of your book, then this is the ending for you. While a resolved ending may satisfy readers, it probably won’t give them much pause at all. However, by trying to unpick an ambiguous ending, they get closer to what you, as the author, are trying to say.

4. Unexpected Ending

If you have led your readers to believe that your book will end one way, but at the last possible moment, you add a plot twist that they didn’t see coming, you’ve got yourself an unexpected ending! For an author, this type of ending can be a thrill to write, but it must be handled with care. Handled poorly, it will frustrate and infuriate your reader.

An unexpected ending must be done so that, while surprising, still makes sense and brings a satisfactory conclusion.

Example: A popular novel that makes use of this ending is And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie , where she tells the tale of ten murders without an obvious culprit that took place in an isolated island mansion. [Spoilers coming!] The last lines of the novel read:

When the sea goes down, there will come from the mainland boats and men. And they will find ten dead bodies and an unsolved problem on Soldier Island. Signed: Lawrence Wargrave

The ways in which the murders occur let the reader suspect the guilt of just about every character — and then, in an epic twist, they all die, leaving the murders unexplained. It is not until the message in the bottle arrives that the true culprit is revealed, as one of the victims no less! The ending is satisfactory to the reader because it brings the plot to a close in a way that, though surprising, invites them to think back on how the murderer set things up for the remaining deaths, and ultimately makes sense.

the cast of 2015's and then there were none

Why might you use an unexpected ending? These ‘twist endings’ are the bread and butter of mystery novels . Just be aware that while fans of the genre will expect a twist — they won't want one that comes entirely out of nowhere. To execute a flawless unexpected ending, you must lay groundwork throughout your book so that the reader can reflect on the plot and go, “ah, but of course!”

5. Tied Ending

Much of storytelling is cyclical. Sometimes it’s a metaphorical return home, such as in The Hero’s Journey . In other cases, the cycle is quite literal — the story ends where it began.

Example: Erin Morgenstern uses this ending in her book The Night Circus , where she tells of a duel between two magicians that takes place within Le Cirque des RĂȘves , a traveling circus and, arguably, a character on its own. 

Widget takes a sip of his wine and puts his glass down on the table. He sits back in his chair and steadily return the stare at him. Taking his time as though he has all of it in the world, in the universe, from the days when tales meant more than they do now, but perhaps less than they will someday, he draws a breath that releases the tangled knot of words in his heart, and they fall from his lips effortlessly. ‘The circus arrives without warning.’

With what may be the most famous lines of the book, “The circus arrives without warning,” this novel closes the characters’ storylines the same way the book begins. In both cases, the words are used to start telling a story; in the beginning, it serves as an introduction to the book, the words filled with wonder and expectation. In the end, it serves as a resolution, the words filled with hope for those who remain. Additionally, Morgenstern later uses a few more pages to finish the second-person narrative of the reader’s own visit to the circus, effectively ending the novel with the same point of view that it began.

Why might you use a tied ending? More common in literary fiction, a tied ending can help give you a sense of direction when writing your book — after all, you are ending the same way you began. But don’t think that this makes writing your ending easier. On the contrary, it is up to you to give greater depth to those repeated actions and events so that, by the end, they have a completely different feel.


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6. Expanded Ending

Also known as an epilogue , this type of ending describes what happens to the world of the story afterward in a way that hints at the characters' fates at some point in the future.

Example: In Markus Zusak’s The Book Thief , Death himself narrates the story of a young girl living in Nazi Germany. In his four-part epilogue, Zusak gives the reader an insight into what happened to Liesel after the bombing, her adult life, and even her death. 

All I was able to do was turn to Liesel Meminger and tell her the only truth I truly know. I said to the book thief and I say it now to you. *** A LAST NOTE FROM YOUR NARRATOR*** I am hunted by humans.

Instead of going into great detail, Zusak uses short chapters that feel more like sneak peeks into her life. Additionally, it serves the purpose of joining Liesel, the main character, with the narrator, Death, and allowing them to converse on more equal terms.

Why might you use an expanded ending? If you need to tie up loose ends but could not do it within the actual story, then this is the ending for you. However, it should not replace a traditional ending or be used to compensate for a weak ending. Instead, it should give further insight into the characters and give a resolution to the readers.

Now that you understand what kind of endings there are, let’s start thinking about how to create them for yourself.

How to end a story in 7 steps

To help you create a story ending that is unexpected and satisfying, we've turned to the professional editors on Reedsy and asked for their top tips on wrapping up your book. 

How to end a story:

  • Find your ending in the beginning
  • Completion goes hand-in-hand with hope
  • Keep things fresh
  • Make sure it’s really finished
  • Last impressions matter
  • Come full circle
  • Leave some things unsaid

1. Find your ending in the beginning

While your story may contain several different threads and subplots, all books are going to have a central question that’s raised by the opener. Who killed the boss? Will our star-crossed lovers end up together? Can a rag-tag group of heroes really save the world? Is there meaning to a middle-class existence? Can this family’s relationship be saved?

Your central question is the driving force of what will happen in the plot, so make sure you settle it by the time the book ends. Even if your hero's story continues in a sequel, you’ll want each book to have a central question and a resolution for them to feel complete.

2. Completion goes hand-in-hand with hope

Literary agent Estelle Laure explains that a great ending is one that gives the reader both a feeling of completion and hope.

“You have to assume the character has gone through hell, so let them see something beautiful about the world that allows them to take a breath and step into the next adventure. Even your ending should leave your reader dying for more. They should close the book with a sigh, and that’s the best way I know how to get there. This is, after all, a cruel but wondrous life.”



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3. Keep things fresh

This is good advice for every stage of writing, but perhaps nowhere is it more important than the ending. While there are certain genres where a type of ending is expected (romances should end with a happily ever after, mysteries with identifying the killer), you don’t want people to be able to see everything coming from miles off. So even if the payoff from the big resolution is expected, as the writer, you’ll want to think hard to find ways to keep things fresh and interesting. To achieve this, try to dig deeper than your first impulse because chances are, that’s also going to be your audience’s first impulse as well. You don’t necessarily need to subvert that expectation, but it will give you some hints as to what most people think will happen.

4. Make sure it’s really finished

To create a satisfying ending, close your book with purpose.

As Publishing Director of Endeavor Media, Jasmin Kirkbride’s biggest tip is to make sure you follow the rule of Chekhov’s Gun.  

“Every subplot and all the different strands of your main plot should reach satisfying, clear conclusions. If they are meant to be left ambiguously, ensure your reader knows this, and create something out of that uncertainty.”



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5. Last impressions matter

In some ways, the final line of a story is even more important than the first one. It’s the last impression you’ll make in your reader’s mind, and the final takeaway of the whole book. Hone in on what kind of emotions you’d like your reader to feel as they close the book, and ask yourself what kind of image or concluding thought would best convey that. Not sure what that should be? Try looking at your book’s theme! Often the final image is the summation of everything your theme has been building.

6. Come full circle

Editor Jenn Bailey says that a good ending brings the book’s internal and external story arcs to a rational conclusion.

“You need to come full circle. You need to end where you began. You need to take the truth your main character believed in at the beginning of the story and expose it as the lie that it is by the end. In your ending, the main character doesn’t have to get what they want, but they do have to get what they need.”

For more about character arcs, check out this post !

7. Leave some things unsaid

There’s a balance to endings — too little resolution and your book will feel rushed and unsatisfying, but too much and the denouement starts to drag. In general, though, you want to keep things brief, especially if you want room for an epilogue. It’s okay to trust your readers to reach some conclusions on their own, rather than spending whole chapters making sure every question you raised is answered. But, if do you really want everything tied off, consider moving the resolution of some of your subplots to just before the climax. This avoids jamming everything into the last five pages, allowing your subplots space to breathe.

As we have seen, there are many methods for ending stories! However you decide to finish your novel, there is one thing that you should always keep in mind: take account of the story that came before and give it the ending that it needs, not the one you think readers want, and it will be satisfactory for all.

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This 1980s Tom Cruise Fantasy Film Should've Used One of Its Alternate Endings

Good conquers evil in the 1985 fantasy flick... or does it?

The Big Picture

  • Many fans of Tom Cruise are unaware of his early film Legend , which had a couple of alternate endings.
  • The movie failed to resonate with audiences, possibly due to the fantasy genre not yet finding its way.
  • Alternate endings for Legend were considered, including one where it was all revealed to be a dream and another where the lovebirds run off into the sunset.

No matter how big a star gets in Hollywood, fact is, they all had to start somewhere. And for many of the household names that grace the screen today and even for the last few decades, there are plenty of early films that many fans don't actually know ever happened. And that's probably okay for the successful performers who continue to be on the tips of everyone's tongues today. Take Tom Cruise , for example. The guy who seems to have been an elite movie star since many of us can remember had a few misses in addition to his hits in his early career, some of which only true fans know of. One of those films was the 1985 fantasy movie Legend . And what's even more surprising about this obscure film, especially to those who know it well, is that the ending was almost completely different from what ended up in the final cut.

Even though Legend might seem like an unimportant blip on Cruise's impressive credit list, many moviegoers agree that the movie is worth a watch. That's not too surprising when you look at some of the names behind it, including Ridley Scott , one of the many directors to work with Cruise . The Mission Impossible star was just at the budding stage of his massive career at this point, and playing a lead role in a fantasy love story probably seemed like a no-brainer. However, the movie failed to resonate with audiences, possibly because the fantasy genre hadn't yet found its way. That, in combination with a lukewarm reception from film critics, caused the movie to fade out of the minds of most fans. But for those who know of the movie and remember it, they might be surprised to find out the way it was originally intended to conclude.

RELATED: 10 Movies With Alternate Endings in Different Countries

Legend follows Cruise's character, Jack, as he treks through a fantasy world of magical creatures such as goblins, fairies, and the ever-important unicorns. Jack is known for his bravery, and Princess Lili ( Mia Sara ) can't help but fall for him. The film begins with the bliss these two are experiencing, ignorant of the darkness that grows in the distance. Beyond the enchanted forest, the Lord of Darkness, brilliantly portrayed by Tim Curry , has sinister plans to forever change this land of light and goodness to a frozen wasteland. This may have been one of Curry's most obscure roles, and surely one of his toughest .

In this magical land of Legend , Princess Lili cannot help but touch a living unicorn, which is a no-no when it comes to keeping the balance of nature intact. This act allows the Lord of Darkness to be able to capture the unicorn's horn, which is the tool he needs to bring forever darkness to the world. This sets Jack on his journey to not only save his love but take back the unicorn's horn and destroy Mr. Demon. The film carries on with Jack's adventures on his quest before eventually getting to his final destination. And here is where most fans of the film don't know what might have been.

What Was 'Legend's Original Ending?

This all leads to the film's climax when Jack confronts the Lord of Darkness with his love Princess Lili, along with the rest of the world on the edge of peril. And this epic battle may pale in comparison to the fantasy stories we are used to today ( thanks a lot, Peter Jackson ), but it is still captivating enough to keep viewers' attention. Set in the backdrop of a beautifully designed evil lair flowing with lava and fire, it's not only Jack who must overcome an incredible obstacle. Princess Lili herself is battling her own inner demons as the dark world is highly tempting, powerful, and manipulative. If Jack doesn't save her in time, she can very well be Mrs. Lord of Darkness pretty soon.

When it was all said and done, thanks to courage and a bit of perfect timing, Jack is able to defeat the forces of evil by casting the Lord of Darkness into an eternal void, take back the unicorn's horn, and snap his beloved Princess Lili out of her hypnotized state. As the unicorn's horn is restored to the animal, darkness disappears from the land, the frozen landscape melts, and the world comes full circle, back to light and good. Although plenty of the lessons and conclusions may seem a bit predictable, Scott's direction presents the story in a way that makes it feel fresh and enjoyable. And this was not his only film that could have had a different ending .

How Could 'Legend's Ending Have Been Different?

For plenty of Cruise fans who saw Legend in theaters, that was the end of that. The film slipped away out of Hollywood's mind, and Cruise continued upwards along his ever-successful career. But as the trend has been recently, there have been plenty of look-backs at older films by many different people involved. Most commonly, directors re-release older films with a new edit, allowing fans to enjoy their "director's cut." But something a little bit more "in the know" feeling is information about previous productions; facts that were previously unknown. In the case of Legend , it has been revealed through interviews and social media spreading that the ending had alternate possibilities than what was ultimately chosen, and many may think the other choices could've been better.

In the released production of Legend , good simply defeats evil. Sure, there are some speed bumps and difficulties for Jack to get there, but it is fairly straightforward. The first alternate ending was seen in Ridley's director's cut of the film, which has Lili waking up to Jack, and the whole mess being one horrible dream. Even though they truly love each other, they realize that they come from two different sides of the fence, and Lili isn't too keen on leaving her royalty status. Jack promises Lili to visit one day again, and that's how it ends. It's also been revealed that another considered ending was Jack and Lili winding up together and running off into the forest, which is now back to being warm and beautiful. However, the Lord of Darkness shows that he cannot truly be expelled, as he laughs from the void watching them frolic. There is also one more ending, which was shown in European theaters, which is just simply the two lovebirds running off into the sunset, happily ever after.

There's no doubt that during the creation process, movies have endings that can change throughout the course of the production. It's possible that alternate endings are shot nowadays just to have a director's cut available later down the line to make a few extra bucks. But surely none of that was on the radar back when Legend was made and just hearing different tidbits and stories of how an obscure film such as that could've been different is much more interesting. The movie, as it was and is now, is worth a watch just to see a young Tom Cruise take on a type of role we usually never see him in, which is also one of his most underrated performances . Ridley Scott's directing is spot on as it always is, and the different magical characters in the film only enhance the story. And of course, Legend will always be worth a watch just for that giant red devil, Tim Curry.

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There are three main possible endings that can be achieved in the original release of Cave Story . Two endings have credit sequences, while one is primarily conveyed through message box text. It is possible to get all endings in a single run without having to start a new game each time, since only the “Good” ending requires that multiple conditions be met well before the ending even occurs. A player can meet the conditions for the “Good” ending but still execute the “Bad” and “Normal” endings by performing specific actions at pivotal moments in the game.

End sections are named according to their Cave Story+ achievement.

  • 1.1 Prerequisites
  • 1.2 Sequence
  • 1.3 Transcription
  • 2.1 Prerequisites
  • 2.2 Sequence
  • 3.1 Prerequisites
  • 3.2 Sequence
  • 4 Variations

"Bad" ending [ ]

This ending involves Quote flying away from the island with Kazuma as the Doctor begins his attack on the surface .

Prerequisites [ ]

Asked to escape with Kazuma

Kazuma asking Quote if he would like to escape with him.

The decision to obtain this ending occurs within the destroyed Egg Corridor? , in Egg No. 00's room. After Quote examines the computer, Kazuma appears from a concealed opening on the right. He walks to Quote and tells him that the research group was preparing to escape until Misery showed up and kidnapped Sue . During the dispersal of the group, Kazuma fled to the Egg Corridor to find that a Sky Dragon had hatched.

Kazuma then turns to Quote, asking if Quote would like to escape the island with him. The player is given a Yes/No prompt, and they must choose "Yes" to initiate the first possible ending. When Quote answers "Yes", Kazuma agrees solemnly, saying that they did all they could and that they are left with no options. He leaves the same way he entered, and the player is prompted to follow.

Through the now open door, Quote arrives at the Outer Wall , where he should proceed to the right until he sees Kazuma standing next to his Sky Dragon. The player needs to talk to Kazuma, who commands him to get on.

The only requirement is that you select Yes on if you want to escape. Selecting No will have the player continue to the game to the normal ending. So selecting yes will end the game early. However, even if the player accepts to leave, the player will have to quit the game to exit. And reloading the save file will take the player back to the last save point before the sequence with no consequences. Hence making the bad ending more of a what if ending.

Kazuma and Quote prepare to escape

Kazuma and Quote on the Sky Dragon as it prepares to leave the island

Sequence [ ]

Kazuma tells Quote to hold on tight as the two of them ride the Sky Dragon away from the Outer Wall. Layers of clouds can be seen moving at the bottom, while the full moon shines at the right among a few stars. A text box tells the epilogue, stating that they successfully escape the island, shortly before the Doctor attacks the earth. Kazuma and Quote spend the rest of their lives in the mountains, and Quote remains indifferent to the assault.

Bad Ending

Ending screen in the freeware version of Cave Story

Transcription [ ]

  • Aeon Genesis
  • Kazuma : Get on.
  • Kazuma and Quote move behind the Sky Dragon and sit on top of it. The Sky Dragon lifts off the ground and hovers.
  • Kazuma : Hold on tight.
  • The Sky Dragon begins to fly away from the Outer Wall as a message box appears after a short while.
  • And that was how you and Kazuma safely escaped from the island.
  • Soon after, the Doctor would use the island as his flying fortress and strike at the surface.
  • Were the countries of the surface able to withstand the Doctor's relentless attacks?
  • The screen fades to black.
  • That doesn't really matter...
  • After escaping, you and Kazuma live a humble life, hidden deep within the safe confines of mountains...
  • ...and out of the Doctor's reach.
  • And so was your escape from the island successful.
  • Before long, the Doctor began his attack on the earth, using the floating island as a base.
  • Were the countries of the earth able to withstand the Doctor's assault?
  • Either way, it made no difference to you.
  • Together, deep in the mountains, far from the Doctor's reach, you and Kazuma quietly lived out the rest of your days...

"Normal" ending [ ]

In this ending, Quote defeats the Doctor and escapes the island with the research team as it crashes to the surface.

Kazuma saves Quote and Sue

Kazuma catches Quote and Sue on his Sky Dragon

The player can choose to either accept Kazuma's offer to leave the island and not talk to him, or reject it. Upon refusing the offer, Kazuma tells Quote that it may be possible to bring the Mimiga back to their sane state by destroying the island's core . This allows Quote to talk to Kazuma at the Outer Wall without triggering the previous ending.

To reach the next possible ending, Quote must continue upwards until he reaches the Plantation . Ultimately, he should make his way through the Last Cave and onto the Balcony , where the Doctor and Misery wait.

After defeating the Undead Core in Black Space , the research team manages to get their helicopter running. Quote and Sue soon awake from their state of unconsciousness, only to find that the island is starting to fall. Sue hastily makes the escape as Quote follows behind.

When Quote exits the Throne Room, Sue yells at him to run quickly lest he be crushed. The player should guide Quote all the way to the left while avoiding the falling blocks, which deal him 10 damage each. He should land on the platform with the statue next to Sue, right above the door that leads to the Last Cave. The two of them reach a dead end, and Sue decides that the only way off the island is for them to jump as far as they can. The player then has to make Quote jump off the ledge as far left as possible. This begins the ending.

2nd ending credits end

The main characters together after the credits stop rolling

The screen fades to Momorin and Itoh , who are standing inside the helicopter and looking at the debris that falls past them. They deem the situation too dangerous to wait for Sue and Quote, thus they leave.

Various screen pans follow, showing scenes of the Egg Corridor?, Bushlands , Sand Zone , the main Labyrinth , Core and Plantation, in that respective order. The island is then shown descending towards a forested area below. A crash sound is heard after a brief moment.

In the sky, Quote is seen falling headfirst until he moves out of the screen's view. The screen pans down to reveal Quote, next to Kazuma, on the back of the Sky Dragon , who is holding Sue by its mouth. The "Get Item" music plays as the text box tells the player Quote was caught by Kazuma. Kazuma declares that "peace remains" now that the core has been destroyed and the Doctor defeated.

"Best" ending [ ]

In this ending, Quote and Curly Brace kill Ballos , creator of the Demon Crown and escape with Balrog to their desired destination.

Unlike the previous two endings, this ending requires the player to carry out several specific actions before making their decision.

  • Booster v2.0 - The player must obtain the Booster v2.0 instead of v0.8 . To do this, they cannot talk to Professor Booster until they return to Mimiga Village .
  • Curly Brace - If the player skips Professor Booster in the Labyrinth, they will be able to save Curly Brace when she sacrifices herself to save Quote. This involves taking the Tow Rope and using it on Curly and draining the water from her at the Waterway then carrying her out of the Waterway Cabin. Finally, the player has to restore her memories by feeding her the Ma Pignon .
  • Iron Bond - After saving Curly, Quote needs to talk to her again to receive the Iron Bond, which signifies their ties together.

During the run sequence that follows defeating the Undead Core, Quote should go into the Prefab Building , whose door should be open provided the player has performed the correct tasks. An opening in the floor will be visible, and going down it leads to the Blood Stained Sanctuary , which the player must beat to get the final ending.

At the end of the Blood Stained Sanctuary, Quote and Curly encounter the imprisoned Ballos, who urges them to kill him. The player has to defeat Ballos to initiate the ending.

The island is shown descending towards the surface, but gradually comes to a stop. Quote and Curly are seen standing next to Ballos' throne as Curly notices that the island has ceased its fall and that their job is now complete.

A voice interrupts her monologue, saying how its speaker is in pain. Walls with skulls appear on either side of Quote and Curly and begin to close in on them. Just as Curly panics, thinking that they are going to be crushed, Balrog drops in from the top and rescues them under Misery's orders.

Quote and Curly are then seen riding on Balrog as he flies through the air. Balrog explains that by defeating Ballos, he and Misery are freed from the curse of the Demon Crown. Balrog offers to take them anywhere they wish, and Curly responds by saying she wants to be able to "relax and enjoy a beautiful view". Balrog asks if he can come along too, and Curly agrees, allowing him to pick the spot first. He accelerates out of the screen's view as the credits fade in and start rolling.

Variations [ ]

  • The player can skip talking to Momorin after she finishes building the rocket and instead, ride it up to the Last Cave wearing the Mimiga Mask . This alters dialogue with Misery and some of the caged Mimiga, and also shows Quote wearing the Mimiga Mask for the rest of the end sequence and credits.
  • If the player carries Mister Little with them up until they defeat Ballos, he asks, "Aren't you forgetting something?" as Balrog flies away in the final scene of the "best" ending.
  • During the end scene where the different locations are being shown as the island collapses, Curly can be seen in the Core room if the player left her behind there.
  • If Professor Booster survived the events of the game (by not collecting the Booster v0.8), he will be shown arriving at Jenka 's house during one of the end credits scenes, and Jenka will turn to face him. If he died, the door to her house will not open and no one will arrive. In the "best" ending, Booster is required to live, so this variation only exists in the "normal" ending.
  • 1 Curly Brace

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How to End a Story: 7 Different Kinds of Endings

cruise story all endings

by Fija Callaghan

Imagine this: you’re reading a thrilling, breakneck story full of deep thematic resonance and memorable characters. The plot is powering towards its climax, and you’re clutching the pages as the clock beside your bed careens past one o’clock in the morning. And then—! The book suddenly grinds to a puzzling, disappointing, and ultimately unsatisfying halt because the writer didn’t know how to end a story the right way.

Don’t be that writer.

Knowing how to end a story is one of the most important, yet undervalued, skills in a writer’s toolbox. Let’s look at why a satisfactory ending matters and how to find the right ones for your own stories.

A great ending might be the key to elevating your story.

Why is the ending of a story important?

The ending of a story matters because it’s the final note that the reader will walk away with. Your story’s ending shows the reader what to feel as they leave your story world behind and return to the real one, what lessons to learn from and incorporate into their own lives, and what to expect from you, the author, as they wait impatiently for your next book.

Knowing how to nail that last sentence will leave a powerful impression on your reader.

Knowing how to write a good story ending is the key to “closing the deal” with your reader.

How are story endings connected to genre?

You might have noticed that some of your favourite books end in the same way. If you read a lot within the same genre, you might even be able to predict the ending before it happens! This is because certain literary genres come with predetermined expectations based on the patterns we see most often.

Many similar stories end the same way because of predetermined genre conventions.

You don’t have to use the classic ending for your own story, but it’s good to have an idea of what your readers will be expecting when they open your book. Familiarising yourself with their expectations will also help you subvert them in new, creative ways.

Here are some of the classic literary genres you’ll see most often, and the endings that usually go with them.

1. Romance endings

In romance novels, we’ve been conditioned to look for happy endings. From the opening scene through all the clever plot twists and machinations, everything in the book is working towards a happily ever after for the two romantic leads.

The protagonists go through their own character arcs as they discover more about themselves and their relationship with the world, but ultimately they’ll end up doing pretty okay by the story’s conclusion.

Romances are characterised by their neat, uplifting endings.

This doesn’t mean you can’t challenge genre norms and give your main characters a bittersweet ending or leave their love story unresolved; however, in this case you might end up moving away from writing a traditional romance and towards something more like literary fiction (we’ll look at that below too).

2. Mystery endings

The golden rule of mystery novels is “expect the unexpected.” If the story you’re writing follows a clear, logical path from start to finish and lays everything out for the reader, they may come away with a frustrating experience. Mysteries and thrillers will be filled with plot twists that keep readers turning pages to find out who done it, or why.

These types of stories aren’t a great match for open or unresolved endings. Even though the reader wants to be surprised, they also want to know exactly what happened and what’s going to happen next. Did the murderer go to prison, escape, or die trying? Did the protagonist uncover the truth and bring the criminal to justice?

Mysteries are one type of story that work best with a specific kind of ending.

There is no right or wrong answer, but the answer does need to be a definitive conclusion rather than something left to interpretation.

3. Horror endings

Horror novels are more flexible than mysteries. They might have a happy or unhappy ending; they might answer all the remaining questions, or they might leave some open to keep the reader mulling things over after the book is closed.

Horror stories are particularly well-suited to ambiguous or unresolved endings. You’ll probably recognise this in some of your favourite horror films or TV series finales:

The heroes finally defeat the monster and celebrate with an extra-cheesy pizza and plans for the future they now have. In the corner of the screen, the dirt where the monster was buried begins to shift ominously. Roll credits.

By leaving a few lingering questions, you make a lasting impression on your reader.

Horror stories have some of the most memorable endings in literature.

4. Tragic endings

Tragedies are defined by their sad ending. Unlike mysteries, which are filled with twists and turns, the tragic ending should feel inevitable; the hero, through their own weaknesses or choices, brought it on themself.

Tragedies have fallen somewhat out of fashion in contemporary literature (probably because they’re kind of a downer to read), but Shakespeare loved writing them. These types of stories are designed to teach us something about human nature and what happens when we let our weaknesses control us.

Tragedies might use a resolved ending or an implied ending, leaving the final conclusion of the story to happen off the page.

5. Literary endings

Really, all fiction is “literary.” But when we say “literary fiction,” we usually mean books that are marketed as “contemporary,” “women’s fiction,” or realistic historical fiction. This type of story tends to be introspective and thematic, and is suited to both long-form novels and short stories.

In a short story, you generally won’t have the space to flesh out an ambiguous or unresolved ending. These are best suited to a circular ending—for instance, if your story begins and ends in the same location (we’ll take a closer look at circular endings below!)—or a clear ending that show how your main character has undergone some personal transformation.

If you’re writing a novel of literary fiction, you have more room to play with ambiguous, unresolved, or extended endings—so long as they support the broader theme you’re trying to communicate through the work.

We’ll look at all of these types of endings in more detail below!

What about sci-fi and fantasy?!

We didn’t forget, don’t worry! But science fiction and fantasy are actually more marketing genres than literary genres—they tell a reader to expect elves, robots, sorcerers, portals to other worlds, etc, etc. But , they don’t tell you much about what to expect from the plot. You can have a fantasy novel that’s also a romance, mystery, horror, tragedy, or literary story.

Travis Baldree’s Legends & Lattes is a good example of a book that subverts expectations by cramming every possible high fantasy trope into a work of literary fiction.

This means that a sci-fi or fantasy book can comfortably close with any one of the seven story endings we’ll look at below.

Science fiction and fantasy can fit a whole range of different story endings.

7 different ways to end a story

When it comes to figuring out how to end your story and tie up its lingering loose ends, there are a few different paths you can take in your writing. Let’s look at the different types of endings in stories you’ll find throughout literature, so you can find the perfect ending that works best for you.

1. Circular ending

Sometimes called a tie-back ending or a full circle ending, a circular ending brings the story “full circle” back around to where it began—with subtle differences that show how your characters have grown within their world.

Most stories that follow the Hero’s Journey story archetype have a circular plot structure with a tied ending. The protagonist goes on a grand adventure, learns and experiences new things, and then returns to the life they once had, but changed.

A circular ending ties the beginning and the ending together in a creative way.

In larger works, such as a novel, your circular elements might be a place where your story starts and stops, a thematic idea that your protagonist was working to understand at the beginning of the story, or a metaphor that has taken on new meaning.

2. Resolved ending

Sometimes called a “tied ending,” a resolved ending ties up all the loose ends in your story. Shakespeare was a big fan of resolved story endings; so was Jane Austen. Romance readers have grown to expect a resolved ending, which usually involve everyone living happily ever after (except the villain, who slinks off into obscurity).

Your resolved ending doesn’t necessarily have to be a happily ever after, but it should give the reader a sense of conclusion and fulfillment. For now, at least, everyone’s story has reached its finish line and there’s nothing left to say.

This means tying off all your artfully crafted subplots, addressing all of the dramatic questions raised at the beginning of the story, and ensuring that any lingering secrets have been laid to rest. If your main characters deserve a happy ending, this is the moment they finally reach it.

A resolved ending is always satisfying for both characters and readers.

Giving your story a resolved ending doesn’t mean that your characters’ lives won’t go on beyond the last page in the book. It means that this particular chapter of their lives has come to a close, and now they can embrace a blank slate from which to begin a new one.

3. Unresolved ending

Unresolved story endings leaves loose threads so that the story can continue after the book is closed. This is especially popular with books in a longer series. When you end your story on a cliffhanger , your readers remain engaged with your story until they get a chance to read what happens in the next installment.

Even when you use an unresolved ending to close your story, it should still have that essential sense of completion by the end. You wouldn’t finish the whole story the way you’d finish a chapter. By the time you reach the ending to a story, the major, central conflicts of the plot should be resolved and your players should reach a resting place between battles.

However, an unresolved ending will leave some questions unanswered, and raise new ones about the future of your characters and their world. It’ll always give the reader the feeling that the story continues after the last page.

4. Ambiguous ending

The purpose of an ambiguous ending is to make your readers think. Like an unresolved ending, ambiguous story endings leaves some lingering questions at the end of the book.

The difference is that with an unresolved ending, the reader needs to wait to get the answers from the writer later on. With an ambiguous ending, the readers can reflect on the story and look for answers within themselves.

Ambiguous endings make readers think about what the story means for them.

The best ambiguous endings offer two or more equally conceivable possibilities. For example, your story may end with a separated couple agreeing to meet for coffee. The readers are left wondering: Do they get back together? Or do they get the closure they need so they can move on? Both are within range, and it’s up to the reader to decide what they believe the real truth to be.

Ending the story ambiguously is also a great way to bring your readers together. It will make them want to compare ideas in forums, discussion groups, or with friends. Ambiguous endings engage the reader in a creative and cognitive way.

5. Unexpected ending

Commonly known as the “twist ending,” this ending gives the story one dramatic, final turn as it reaches its close. This works like a literary sleight-of-hand—you tell the reader, “Look, here, at this perfectly incongruous hat!” while your story mechanics are working to create something much more powerful and surprising.

Even though your story ending may be unexpected, it still has to make sense within the world you’ve created. This means laying the groundwork in bits and pieces through plot, character, and setting in a way that slips beneath the reader’s notice, but that they can easily refer back to in their memory so that everything makes sense as they consider the unexpected ending of your story.

This type of ending is the cornerstone of mystery novels. Through genre convention, readers have grown to expect a twist ending that will shock and delight them, but in a way that feels like a natural progression of the story. Done skillfully, the unexpected ending can pack a huge emotional punch and secure you a fan for life.

6. Expanded ending

Also known as an epilogue, this is a second, smaller story built out of your story’s ending. This gives the writer space to explore what happens after the story’s close, and to address any last questions the readers may have.

Do the hero and heroine ever see each other again after they save the world? Does the little girl really grow up to be a doctor like she always wanted? Does the misogynistic young pilot ever grow out of his flaws and become a better person? These are all things that you may not have space for inside your story, but you still want to share with the reader to give them a fuller understanding of your story world. An expanded ending will give your readers the answers they’re craving.

The expanded story ending gives your readers a little more time with your characters before they have to say goodbye. As readers, we understand that their story goes on even after our role of observer has ended. The expanded ending isn’t meant to be a resolution to your plot, but rather a window into what the next chapter of life holds in store for the characters we’ve grown to love.

7. Reflective ending

A reflective ending happens when the protagonist is able to look back at their experiences and consider them through the lens of their growth over the course of the story. They may ask themselves, “Was it really worth it, in the end? Did I do the right thing? How different does the world appear, now that I know the things I do?”

This creates one final, intimate connection with the reader as they explore these ideas together.

A reflective ending examines the main events of the story through a new perspective.

This reflection might happen if the character is looking back at an event from their youth, or if their circumstances have changed dramatically through the events of the plot. This type of ending is popular in fantasy and science fiction—for instance, if the character returns to the “real world” after a period of intense fantastical experiences—as well as in creative nonfiction, where the author may be reflecting on some formative events in their real life.

How to find the ending to your story

Now that you know the seven major ways to end a story, how do you decide which one is right for you? Knowing how to end a story is one of the most important steps in finding your story’s trajectory . Let’s look at three ways to write a story ending as you work through your plot from its opening scene to its powerful last lines.

1. Start with the end in mind

Many writers begin with an idea of how their story ends, and build their plot around it. This is particularly true for murder mysteries, where many writers will identify the crime they want to write about, and then form the rest of the story around clues leading up to it.

In other genres such as romance you may have an idea of where you want your characters to end up, and then you’ll spend the rest of the time figuring out the best ways to bring them there.

Some writers like to plan their ending first, and then work backwards.

Starting with the end of your story already in mind is useful for keeping your writing on track and not getting pulled away from the story’s path. You already know that your characters are going to end up together, that they’re going to find the buried treasure in the end, or that they’re going to vanquish the forces of darkness that have risen up against them.

Knowing where your story is going to lead takes away some of the pressure, so that you can enjoy maneuvering your characters through obstacles and life lessons before they reach the finish line.

2. Match your ending to your character arc

Since all story is born out of character , part of your story planning will involve looking at the ways your character is going to learn and grow over time. Often, this will help you see where they need to end up.

For example, if your protagonist is avaricious and sacrifices his relationship with his family to excel at his job, you may decide that by the end he’ll need to have shuffled his priorities and learned the value of what really matters in life. This creates a natural character arc to carry your story from beginning to end.

In a romance, you may have a character who has spent their life disenchanted by love after watching their parents’ messy divorce. Therefore, a natural ending to their story may be that they learn how to avoid their parents’ mistakes and take a chance on a healthy, happy relationship.

Your main character may be able to give you hints about how their story should end.

By exploring what your character needs, the inevitable ending to their story will become clear.

3. Let the ending surprise you

Some writers find they work best if they explore their story as they write. As in life, the events of a great story may be things we could never have predicted.

As you move through the events of your plot, you may find that your characters take on a life of their own and pull you in directions you didn’t expect.

The great thing about this method is that you can be as fluid as you like; no one ever said you have to write every page in the proper order. As you discover new things about your story world and get a clearer and clearer idea of what the ending is going to look like, you can go back into the early stages of your story and lay the groundwork.

If your ending evolves organically, it will feel more authentic and real to your reader.

If you decide to incorporate an unexpected twist into your ending, or the people you had planned on ending up together wound up being completely wrong for each other after all, you can return to earlier scenes and gently shift things around so that your ending looks like a natural progression of everything that came before.

Neil Gaiman famously (and wisely) said, “The process of doing your second draft is a process of making it look like you knew what you were doing all along.”

Go out with a bang or a whisper, but go out the right way

With so many different ways to end a story, and so much riding on your story’s big finish, deciding how to end a narrative can be a little intimidating.

A powerful ending keeps your readers invested until the very last line.

Knowing how to write a good ending is essential in finding success as a storyteller, but fortunately, we’ve got your back. With these tips, tricks, and examples, you’ll find that figuring out how to end a story can be the most fun and rewarding part.

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cruise story all endings

India tests Nirbhay cruise missile with indigenous propulsion system in big leap

All the subsystems of the missile, whose performance was monitored by several range sensors like radar, electro optical tracking system (eots) and telemetry, performed as per expectations..

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Manjeet Negi

  • Indigenous Technology Cruise Missile successfully test fired
  • Test conducted at Integrated Test Range in Chandipur, Odisha
  • Weapon developed by Aeronautical Development Establishment

The long-range Nirbhay cruise missile was successfully test-fired off the Odisha coast on Thursday.

THIS IS BIG! India tests Nirbhay cruise missile — for the first time with an Indian propulsion system, the Manik turbofan engine, replacing the earlier Russian engine. Hard to overstate what a milestone this is for India’s missile program. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 — Shiv Aroor (@ShivAroor) April 18, 2024

The missile is indigenously developed by Bengaluru-based DRDO laboratory Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE).

The test was conducted by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) from the Integrated Test Range (ITR) in Chandipur off the coast of Odisha.

This successful flight test also established the reliable performance of the indigenous propulsion system developed by the Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE), Bengaluru.

During the test, all subsystems of the weapon performed as per expectations. The missile performance was monitored by several Range Sensors like Radar, Electro Optical Tracking System (EOTS) and Telemetry deployed by ITR at different locations to ensure complete coverage of the flight path.

The missile followed the desired path using waypoint navigation and demonstrated very low-altitude sea-skimming flight. The flight of the missile was also monitored by IAF Su-30-Mk-I aircraft.

The missile is also equipped with advanced avionics and software to ensure better and reliable performance.

The supersonic weapon has been developed by Bengaluru-based DRDO laboratory Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) with contributions from other DRDO laboratories and indigenous industries.

  • Carnival Cruise Lines

Hoping for a happy ending...


By nunuc2000 , December 8, 2011 in Carnival Cruise Lines

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Howdy fellow cruisers,

Wanted to share a little story with you all about our upcoming cruise on the Carnival Glory in February... only 72 days away. We are technically not paid yet for this cruise... funny story, and one that hopefully has a happy ending:

Turns out when I contacted Carnival a couple weeks ago to get the most recent price reduction, my usual PVP was away, so to ensure we got the lower price without the opportunity passing us by, I turned to one of the general agents on the toll-free number. She went through it all with me and assured me it was all good and the reductions were going to be honoured. But, as we found out a few days ago, she inadvertently removed the flight portion from 8 our 9 passengers (4 of 5 cabins)!! :eek::eek:

When my regular PVP (who I think is FANTASTIC, by the way!!) discovered the error, the day before final payment was due, she immediately got to work resolving the issue with the “solutions department” at Carnival. So
 she has assured me that my credit card will not be charged until it’s all good again, and that my reservations will definitely not cancel due to non-payment, and that they will get the air portion reinstated on all of the bookings again.

I have absolute faith in her – she has been extraordinarily communicative, reassuring and responsive to me in every possible way. While I was initially VERY worried when she told me about the air being removed, I’m not now – I trust my PVP and the powers that be at Carnival to make everything right. Now if only she could make the next 72 sleeps go faster, I’d think she was a miracle worker!!

I know some folks prefer to deal with non-Carnival travel agents, and I know they have very good reasons for doing that. But for us, this situation reinforces why we prefer to always book directly with Carnival... I know it will be just fine. Mistakes happen, that's a fact of life - it's how those mistakes are dealt with that makes all the difference.:)

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Hopefully the worst is now behind you, but booking air through, have heard nothin' but horror stories.:eek: Good Luck!

I can appreciate the reluctance most folks would have with booking Carnival Air - for most it's not a good deal and just doesn't work well. But for us, it ends up costing about half of what we would pay booking it ourselves, plus Carnival takes care of the hotel the night before the cruise because it's impossible to for us to fly in day of flight from Western Canada to Florida. :D So they'll fly us all in on Saturday, arriving roughly 6 or 8 pm, transfer us to the hotel and put us up at the hotel, all at Carnvial's expense, then transfer us to the ship the next morning for our cruise. It works beautifully each time, and we have peace of mind knowing that our PVP has done all the leg work for us and she is literally just a phone call away for absolutely EVERYTHING related to our cruise. It's a no-brainer decision for us... but wouldn't be the best option for a lot of people. :)


What? I can't get flown in from extreme Eastern North Carolina? Put up in a hotel at CCL expense?

I will surely send a comment to the president of Carnival Cruise Line. I may even demand an extra razor in the goody thing on the vanity!

What? I can't get flown in from extreme Eastern North Carolina? Put up in a hotel at CCL expense?   I will surely send a comment to the president of Carnival Cruise Line. I may even demand an extra razor in the goody thing on the vanity!
And a ship on a stick, don't forget to demand one of those!! LOL!!:p
Howdy fellow cruisers,         Wanted to share a little story with you all about our upcoming cruise on the Carnival Glory in February... only 72 days away. We are technically not paid yet for this cruise... funny story, and one that hopefully has a happy ending:   Turns out when I contacted Carnival a couple weeks ago to get the most recent price reduction, my usual PVP was away, so to ensure we got the lower price without the opportunity passing us by, I turned to one of the general agents on the toll-free number. She went through it all with me and assured me it was all good and the reductions were going to be honoured. But, as we found out a few days ago, she inadvertently removed the flight portion from 8 our 9 passengers (4 of 5 cabins)!! :eek::eek:   When my regular PVP (who I think is FANTASTIC, by the way!!) discovered the error, the day before final payment was due, she immediately got to work resolving the issue with the “solutions department” at Carnival. So
 she has assured me that my credit card will not be charged until it’s all good again, and that my reservations will definitely not cancel due to non-payment, and that they will get the air portion reinstated on all of the bookings again.   I have absolute faith in her – she has been extraordinarily communicative, reassuring and responsive to me in every possible way. While I was initially VERY worried when she told me about the air being removed, I’m not now – I trust my PVP and the powers that be at Carnival to make everything right. Now if only she could make the next 72 sleeps go faster, I’d think she was a miracle worker!!     I know some folks prefer to deal with non-Carnival travel agents, and I know they have very good reasons for doing that. But for us, this situation reinforces why we prefer to always book directly with Carnival... I know it will be just fine. Mistakes happen, that's a fact of life - it's how those mistakes are dealt with that makes all the difference.:)
I always "hope for a happy ending";). Best of luck to all of us!:cool:


I ordered "happy ending" once at a Korean restaurant...


I always "hope for a happy ending";).
Hahaha! That's why this thread has gotten so many views!



No comment.

Oh wow this has totally gone down a path I wasn't quite intending... but I'm enjoying none the less!! HAHA!!:D



I have to admit that the Title of the thread is why I opened it. :o:p


Room Service!

I love happy endings. ;)


I thought that was @ a massage parlour



Even like the 'beginnings':D

The middles aren't bad either. :)



Now, Now. Those ships on a stick are far to valuable to just give one to everybody. LOL

Wow in just one week , threads about Happy Endings and Jelly Donuts. No wonder these are "The Fun Ships". *LOL*

Honestly, that's NOT what I meant when I originally started this thread!! HAHA!!!!! One of my co-workers had to give me the "wink wink nudge nudge" before I clued into the title!! :p

But anyway... no updates today on the situation... but I still have faith that Carnival will be nothing less than great in resolving it all. :)

Almost Packed

Almost Packed too...well, i saw the title and immediately thought about dh! lol.

but keep us posted on your happy or unhappy ending ;)

i too prefer to book directly with Carnival just so that if i have an issue, i can work with them and not wait for someone to contact someone to contact me back.

cheers***here's to happy endings*** :eek:

Well, the sign on the building said Kimchi in the front, massage in the back:eek:


Howdy fellow cruisers,   Wanted to share a little story with you all about our upcoming cruise on the Carnival Glory in February... only 72 days away. We are technically not paid yet for this cruise... funny story, and one that hopefully has a happy ending:   Turns out when I contacted Carnival a couple weeks ago to get the most recent price reduction, my usual PVP was away, so to ensure we got the lower price without the opportunity passing us by, I turned to one of the general agents on the toll-free number. She went through it all with me and assured me it was all good and the reductions were going to be honoured. But, as we found out a few days ago, she inadvertently removed the flight portion from 8 our 9 passengers (4 of 5 cabins)!! :eek::eek:   When my regular PVP (who I think is FANTASTIC, by the way!!) discovered the error, the day before final payment was due, she immediately got to work resolving the issue with the “solutions department” at Carnival. So
 she has assured me that my credit card will not be charged until it’s all good again, and that my reservations will definitely not cancel due to non-payment, and that they will get the air portion reinstated on all of the bookings again.   I have absolute faith in her – she has been extraordinarily communicative, reassuring and responsive to me in every possible way. While I was initially VERY worried when she told me about the air being removed, I’m not now – I trust my PVP and the powers that be at Carnival to make everything right. Now if only she could make the next 72 sleeps go faster, I’d think she was a miracle worker!!   I know some folks prefer to deal with non-Carnival travel agents, and I know they have very good reasons for doing that. But for us, this situation reinforces why we prefer to always book directly with Carnival... I know it will be just fine. Mistakes happen, that's a fact of life - it's how those mistakes are dealt with that makes all the difference.:)
If you had used a real TA to begin with the air would have never been canceled to begin with, this shows the problem with dealing directly with carnival.

Good point in theory... except non-Carnival TA's would arrange for air independantly, which would have run us approx $1200/pp.... just a wee bit higher than the $700 we're paying through Carnival.:rolleyes:

Believe me, we looked - NOBODY can touch Carnival for air prices coming out of Western Canada to Florida, especially when you also factor in the free hotel arrangements... which independantly would have cost us an additional $750.

That's why I'm so envious of people who live within driving distance of ports - our cruises always have to involve air. :(

Notified this morning by "solutions department" at Carnival that they are continuing to work internally with their travel group to ensure everything will be resolved. I'm still a wee bit anxious, as it's now only 68 days till we cruise, no flights for 8 of 9 people in our booking, and final payment passed several days ago, with no notice of that being charged yet either.

Keeping the faith though... aside from a really bad disembarkation once in Long Beach, we've never had any other issues with Carnival. I'd like to believe this will result in a positive experience too. :)

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Don't worry, Bluey isn't ending but Sunday's special episode is going to be a big one. Here's what to expect

A still from Bluey showing Bluey next to Muffin, Bingo and Socks. The last three wear flower crowns

Bluey fans are being treated to an extra-long special episode on Sunday morning. 

It comes after a cliffhanger of an episode last week, which has some fans anxious about what could happen.

But while the show is broadcast on the ABC, we here in the ABC newsroom are as much in the dark about the show as everyone else. 

So we spoke to Bluey executive producer Daley Pearson to get some answers.

When is the Bluey special?

8am AEST Sunday.

Where can I watch the Bluey special?

You can stream it on ABC iview .

It'll also be broadcast on free-to-air TV on ABC Kids/ABC TV Plus.

Is Bluey ending?

Don't worry, we've double-confirmed that with an ABC spokesperson. 

"We have no plans to end the show," they said. 

Mr Pearson spoke about big plans for Bluey — more on that later. 

Why do people think Bluey is ending?

They might be a bit spooked after the last episode, called Ghostbasket, dropped last week (if you've not seen it yet, prepare yourself for spoilers below). 

And because this came before an extra-long special, some fans feared it was gearing people up for a final episode. 

But that's not the case. 

Mr Pearson says Sunday's special was something of a trial run to see how fans respond to a longer episode.

What was Ghostbasket about?

It started off with Bandit pretending to be a "house-selling person" showing the Heeler house to Chilli, a prospective buyer. 

Bluey and Bingo were in character as grannies Rita and Janet, who didn't want to sell the house and pretended it was haunted. 

It all looked like another one of the family's make-believe games, but the final seconds of the episode revealed that it wasn't exactly all pretend, with a "for sale" sign out the front of the house. 

It was also the first-ever Bluey episode without any music in the end credits 

Instead, there were a few gentle piano notes as the words "to be continued
" came up on the screen.

This poignant ending prompted emotional reactions from some viewers.

Here's a collection of Instagram comments:

"This move is gonna be harder for me than it is for them.
"The episode made me laugh until the ending which caught me off guard. I still can't believe that the Heelers are moving."

What do we know about the Bluey special?

It's called The Sign and Mr Pearson hinted that it could be a tear-jerker. 

"It's the most beautiful episode we've made," he said. 

"It's taken people by surprise and got through a chink in their armour."

Being four times longer than a regular episode, it was a big effort from everyone at Ludo Studios — the Brisbane animation company that makes the show. 

"We had a crew screening where everyone cried 
 but we're not sure if that was just because they were relieved," Mr Pearson said. 

"It was a very emotional experience for everybody."

It's going to have a bunch of new characters, including Rove McManus, Deborah Mailman, Brendan Williams and Joel Edgerton.

And some fan favourites will be back, including Patrick Brammall as Uncle Rad, Megan Washington as Calypso, Claudia O'Doherty as Frisky, Myf Warhurst as Trixie and Rose Byrne as Brandy.

Here's the trailer for it:

As well as a trailer, the studio also put up a fake real estate online listing for the house, which is described as a "quaint, animated family home nestled in an undisclosed Brisbane location, that could be in Red Hill or The Gap (we'll never tell)".

The agent is listed as Bucky Dunstan, who is apparently very busy selling houses because calls to his number go directly to voicemail. 

A screenshot of a fake real estate ad with a cartoon dog called Bucky as the agent

The last line on the description seems to hint about what's to come in The Sign. 

"This is an exciting opportunity for all families around the world to see if this beloved, iconic house becomes home to a lucky new family," the listing says. 

Is the Bluey house for sale?

Is bluey moving house.

Some fans speculated that maybe, just maybe, the Heelers won't sell the house after all. 

Mr Pearson didn't confirm or deny any of this. 

A colourful cartoon house with a For Sale sign out the front.

What's in the future for Bluey?

We don't know. 

There's huge demand for more Bluey but despite its global popularity, the creators plan on sticking to the same approach they've had with the show all along. 

"We have to love it ourselves first," Mr Pearson said.

"We have to love these characters and find it funny ourselves. 

"It was never a teachable show — it was always about making people laugh.

"As long as we're making something we love and we're proud of and believe in, I think we'll be alight."

The children in the show are voiced by real children — not grown-ups pretending to be kids. 

So will that mean Bluey and her mates will grow up with them? That's a bridge the team will cross when they get to it. 

"Kids grow up, we can't stop it," Mr Pearson said. 

"We're good for now and we’ll hang on to our voices as long as we can and as much as we can."

Why do so many people love Bluey?

Bluey is currently the number one show in the US — and that's not just kids' shows, but television shows overall. 

And while it's popular with kids, there's something about Bluey that resonates with adults.

Each episode is inspired by real life, drawing largely from creator Joe Brumm's experiences with his own daughters. 

"They're those moments from kid's lives that you can't make up," Mr Pearson said. 

"Once they happen, they’re gone, you forget about it and they grow up."

But the team behind Bluey take those moments and immortalise them in beautifully colourful animations. 

It's those fleeting moments that might remind older viewers of times in their childhood. 

"It's cartoon dogs but beneath that it's unedited real life," Mr Pearson said.

“A massive thank you to the audience for welcoming Bluey into their homes.

“It's the biggest privilege that we've never taken lightly."

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The Good Ending is one of the four endings that can be attained in Cruise Story. To get it the players must first choose to take the Golden Necklace from Captain Smith , and after defeating him, take the necklace. The first player who clicks on the necklace can choose whether to drop the necklace in the water or keep it.

If they drop it then Greenbeard will express joy that his treasure has been returned to him, and the ship stops sinking, and the night then becomes day. Jack congratulates the players for saving the ship, and a random player then asks him to take them all home. The game then ends.

Screen Rant

Does ff16's the rising tide dlc affect [spoiler]’s death.

FF16’s second DLC, The Rising Tide, changes a lot about its story. But does it have any impact on the major character’s death at its ending?

  • Everyone's ultimate fate is sealed in FF16, even with the addition of The Rising Tide DLC. Sacrifice is a central theme in this tragic tale.
  • The Rising Tide DLC does offer meaningful story changes in the form of lore, new locations like Mysidia, and details about Jill's backstory.
  • Despite hopes for a happier ending, FF16's overall dark tone and cautionary message about power's destructive nature leads to an inevitable death.

Final Fantasy 16 's second DLC, The Rising Tide , has a major impact on its story. Unlike the first DLC release, Echoes of the Fallen , which mostly centers on a single postgame dungeon, The Rising Tide explores FF16 's biggest mystery : the origins and ultimate fate of the Eikon of water, Leviathan. Leviathan is considered a " lost " Eikon throughout the entirety of FF16 's base game, but the DLC has Clive, Joshua, and Jill traveling to the shadowy land of Mysidia in search of answers.

[Warning: This article contains spoilers for the ending of FF16 , but remains spoiler-free for the DLC.]

At the end of FF16 , Clive, having destroyed all the Mothercrystals, defeated Ultima, and erased the existence of magic from the world, succumbs to his exhaustion from the battle, and ultimately dies. It's a tale of sacrifice that certainly fits with the story, and he's not the first Final Fantasy protagonist to meet with such an end. But still, with the overall darker tone taken on by the rest of FF16 , many had hoped for a happier ending for its long-suffering protagonist. A story-focused DLC like The Rising Tide seems to provide the best opportunity.

FF16 The Rising Tide DLC: Release Date, Price, & Everything Included

Clive still dies after ff16: the rising tide, dlc doesn't change ff16's ending.

In an interview with GameInformer , developers confirmed that The Rising Tide DLC won't change anything about FF16 's ending - Clive will still die after the final confrontation with Ultima. This may seem like a huge missed opportunity for FF16 's DLC , but the omission is definitely intentional. FF16 is a tragedy at heart, a caution against the destructive nature of weapons like Eikons. Clive willingly participates in the violence as he claims more and more power, even if he does so with good intentions. That power eventually takes its toll on him, just as it does all its other victims.

What FF16's The Rising Tide DLC Changes About The Story

More lore, new locations, & jill's origins.

But while The Rising Tide doesn't change much about FF16 's base story, it does add a lot to the lore . Besides answering lingering questions about Leviathan, it also introduces a new map area, Mysidia. Mysidia provides a new angle on the role of magic in FF16 , which helps fill in the gaps in its morality tale. It also provides a broader look at the world of Valisthea.

Mysidia is a recurring town name throughout the Final Fantasy series, and usually refers to a place inhabited by magic users.

Additionally, The Rising Tide puts special focus on Jill Warrick, one of FF16 's most overlooked characters. The Dominant of Shiva and adoptive sister of Clive, Jill is a fascinating character with a unique perspective. But she takes a backseat through most of the base game, except for a single chapter that touches on her backstory. Although she grew up in Rosaria alongside Clive and Joshua, Jill hails from the northern lands around Mysidia. By visiting them, The Rising Tide DLC delves further into her obscure past.

But even though it materially changes certain aspects of the overall story, The Rising Tide doesn't have any effect on FF16 's ending. No matter whether players complete the DLC or how it ends, Clive will always die in the final moments of the base game. As depressing as that may be, it's a necessary part of his character arc, and a fitting conclusion to the saga of Final Fantasy 16 .

Source: GameInformer

Final Fantasy 16

The sixteenth entry in the legendary Final Fantasy series, Final Fantasy XVI is a stand-alone action RPG that drastically changes the Final Fantasy formula, with a far greater emphasis on hack-and-slash combat. Set in the fictional world of Valisthea, the six ruling nations find themselves embroiled in a bitter battle for control and resources as a mysterious affliction begins wiping out the world. At the center of it all lies Clive Rosfield, who after witnessing the deaths of his loved ones and the destruction of his kingdom sets off on a decade-spanning quest for revenge.

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Biden and his security team meet in a White House briefing room at a conference table.

Iran launches drone and missile strike against Israel as Biden rushes back to White House

US president convenes top advisers as US and Jordanian forces help Israel intercept barrage

  • Iran launches attack against Israel – live

Iran said it launched dozens of drones and ballistic missiles towards Israel on Saturday in a major attack following days of acute tension building up in the region and warnings from the US and elsewhere about a wider conflict erupting.

Air attack warning sirens began wailing over Jerusalem just before 2am local time on Sunday after the weapons were fired a few hours earlier from Iran with US and Jordanian military assisting Israel’s air defenses in intercepting the first incoming barrage.

With weapons believed to be still in the air en route to Israel, Iran’s mission to the United Nations posted on X: “Iran’s military action was in response to the Zionist regime’s aggression against our diplomatic premises in Damascus. The matter can be deemed concluded.”

However, it threatened more severe action in the face of further Israeli aggression and warned the US and Jordan specifically not to assist Israel.

Nevertheless, the United States military and Jordanian fighter jets shot down some Iranian drone aircraft, officials said.

And the US embassy in Jerusalem told all US government employees to shelter in place until further notice, according to a security alert posted on Saturday.

R Adm Daniel Hagari, an Israeli military spokesperson, had earlier said that Iran launched the new offensive late on Saturday.

It was the Islamic Republic’s first-ever direct attack on the Jewish state, a development that brings the two countries to the brink of all-out conflict after more than a decade of shadow war and soaring stress six months into Israel’s war in Gaza following the Hamas attack last October.

It was reported on Israeli television that Iran had launched more than 100 drones as well as cruise missiles towards Israel, and Iran later said it had fired a “first wave” of ballistic missiles.

Joe Biden rushed back to Washington DC on Saturday afternoon from a weekend trip to Delaware as it became clear from leadership signals that some sort of an attack by Iran was imminent.

The Iranian weapons were launched just a few hours after the White House had first announced the US president was returning to Washington from a planned weekend at the beach in Delaware, “to consult with his national security team about events in the Middle East”.

There had been nearly two weeks of speculation about when, where and how Tehran or its proxy forces in Syria, Iraq and Yemen would respond to a 1 April Israeli strike on an Iranian diplomatic building in the Syrian capital of Damascus, which killed Gen Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior figure in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards, and eight other officers.

Biden soon after made public that Israel had not shared its intentions with the US and said he had not had prior knowledge of the strike in Syria, signaling that, in addition to Israel’s blockade on Gaza provoking famine , US influence over Israel has limits.

In addition, Biden’s hasty return to the White House on Saturday followed his saying on Friday that he expected an Iranian attack on Israel “sooner rather than later” and issued a last-ditch message to Tehran, saying, “Don’t,” which clearly was not heeded.

Earlier on Saturday, Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard Corps in the strait of Hormuz, 50 nautical miles off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, seized an Israeli-affiliated container ship.

after newsletter promotion

The ship’s operator, the Italian-Swiss group MSC, later confirmed that Iranian authorities had boarded it, rappelling from a helicopter. The White House condemned the seizure of the British-owned vessel.

National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said the US strongly condemned the seizure and urged Iran to release the ship and crew immediately , calling the incursion a violation of international law and an act of piracy.

Upon returning to the White House, Biden walked into the Oval Office and then convened a top-level meeting in the Situation Room.

According to the White House, the president was joined by Lloyd Austin, the defense secretary; Antony Blinken, the secretary of state; Gen Charles Brown, the chair of the joint chiefs of staff; William Burns, the CIA director; Avril Haines, the director of national intelligence; and Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser.

Austin spoke with Yoav Gallant, the Israeli defense minister, earlier on Saturday to discuss the urgent regional threats in the Middle East and “reiterated unwavering US support for Israel’s defense”, according to the Pentagon.

After the attacks began, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, said: “Israel has been preparing for a direct attack by Iran. Our defensive systems are deployed 
 We appreciate the US standing alongside Israel, as well as the support of Britain, France and many other countries.”

The US House of Representatives will make a change in its schedule to consider legislation that supports Israel and holds Iran accountable, the House majority leader, Steve Scalise, said in a statement on Saturday.

It was unclear whether Scalise was referring to a standalone bill to aid Israel, or the $95bn supplemental spending bill that includes $14bn for Israel, in addition to $60bn for Ukraine, support for Taiwan and billions of dollars in humanitarian assistance, which has been held back from a vote by House Republicans.

Reuters, Agence France-Presse and the Associated Press contributed reporting

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Claudia Oshry reveals her ‘biggest fear’ about her Ozempic journey

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For Claudia Oshry, the most daunting part of her Ozempic journey was quitting the weight-loss drug.

The Girl With No Job creator reflected on her decision to stop taking semaglutide during an interview with Page Six on Thursday while celebrating the sixth anniversary of her and sister Jackie Oshry’s podcast,  “The Toast.”

“I feel good,” Claudia, 29, gushed of her post-Ozempic experience, which helped her lose more than 70 pounds before she stopped taking it nearly five months ago.

Claudia and Jackie Oshry at the Page Six TV Studio.

“I think when I was on Ozempic, my biggest fear was being off of it,” she recalled. “People would always ask, ‘Well, what are you going to do?’ [I’d say], ‘I don’t know, but I’ll figure it out.'”

Claudia noted that she has finally figured out how to maintain her healthy lifestyle by turning to Weight Watchers, a high-protein diet and regular exercise.

The “strong” podcaster is “very relieved” that she now leads “a really balanced life,” explaining, “This idea of the day I get off Ozempic was always like, a scary thing for me. It was something I always thought about, but I was just trying to focus on my journey at the time.”

Claudia Oshry in an Instagram photo.

Claudia said she believes it’s “doable” for anyone to wean oneself off of Ozempic once good habits are formed.

“I was the least likely to end up this way,” she told us. “I had a … very bad case of whatever it was, of laziness, of obesity, of poor choices, of really [a] lack of willpower. So I feel … proud of myself.”

Claudia noted that she “always had really good mental health” and was very confident in herself before her weight loss journey began.

Claudia Oshry on a red carpet.

“I think a lot of people’s weight can affect them in their relationships, at their job. They’re afraid to take risks,” she said, joking that she always remains “the same annoying a– bitch.”

While Claudia doesn’t “feel any differently” because of a change in appearance, she has noticed an increase in physical energy.

“I will say it’s one of the best feelings,” she said. “I didn’t even know how different my life could be.”

cruise story all endings

Claudia went on to say that the “witch hunt” over who is using Ozempic in Hollywood needs to end.

“If a doctor prescribed a celebrity, who’s a human being, a drug, it’s literally none of our business,” she said. “The speculation … bothers me so, so, so much because what goes on between someone and their doctor is literally none of your business.

“And if you think they look skinny, good for you, move on,” Claudia continued. “Like, focus on yourself.”

cruise story all endings

The social media star began taking Ozempic in September 2022 and told podcast listeners about her journey in August of the following year.

“The reason I’m nervous about sharing [how much I’ve lost] is because I’m ashamed of myself that I got to a place where I had 70 pounds to lose,” she said through tears on an episode of “The Toast” on Patreon.

Last month, Claudia said that she was struggling to feel full after ceasing her use of the diabetes medication.

Claudia Oshry in an Instagram video.

“I’ve been off Ozempic since November and I’m so hungry all the motherf—king time,” she  said on TikTok  at the time.

“I’m always looking for good treats, ’cause I’m still trying to lose weight, but on my own. And I’m always looking for snacks and things to fill me up.”

Fortunately, Claudia tells Page Six she is finally in a good place and is even gearing up to run a 5K in May.

Claudia Oshry and her husband Ben.

“It’s a lot, especially if you’ve never really worked out in your life,” she said of the 3.1-mile run. “So I just want to say one man’s 5K is another man’s marathon.”

Claudia added that she is running at a “steady” 13-minute mile and has her music playlist ready to go.

This weekend, Claudia and Jackie celebrated their podcast milestone with a ritzy soirée at members-only club Zero Bond in New York City surrounded by friends and family.

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Claudia and Jackie Oshry at the Page Six TV Studio.


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‘abigail’ review: melissa barrera and dan stevens battle dracula’s child in cheeky vampire flick, ‘the neverending story’ to be adapted as series of live-action films from see-saw & michael ende productions.

By Nancy Tartaglione

Nancy Tartaglione

International Box Office Editor/Senior Contributor

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The Neverending Story film adaptation

Children’s fantasy classic The Neverending Story is headed for a big screen reboot via a series of live-action features to be developed and produced by Michael Ende Productions and Oscar-winning See-Saw Films . The partners were granted the rights to Ende’s enduring novel by the author’s executor, Wolf-Dieter von Gronau.

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The Neverending Story begins in an old bookstore, where a young Bastian Balthasar Bux discovers the mysterious eponymous book. Instantly hooked, he reads about the heroic Atréyu and his dangerous mission to save the realm of Fantastica and its ruler, the Childlike Empress, from being erased by The Nothing, a force of total oblivion. Bastian soon realizes that he is more than an uninvolved spectator and ultimately finds himself transported into Fantastica. On his many adventures, he must find his way back out of Fantastica, back to the people he loves and back to himself. But how do you leave a world without borders?

The films will be produced by Iain Canning and Emile Sherman for See-Saw and Roman Hocke and Ralph Gassmann for Michael Ende Productions. Michael Ende Productions and See-Saw will work with Lorenzo De Maio, who will be an executive producer on the films, along with Wolf-Dieter Von Gronau, and See-Saw’s Simon Gillis and Helen Gregory.

Canning and Sherman commented, “ The Neverending Story is a beloved book that has captured the imagination of generations of fans all over the world. Bringing literary worlds to screen is part of See-Saw’s DNA, and we are passionate about cinematic storytelling and entertaining audiences. We have such love for the book and are honored to be working with Michael Ende Productions on this collaboration to bring audiences back to Fantastica.”

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Senate dismisses all impeachment charges against Mayorkas, ending GOP push to remove the Cabinet secretary from office

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Senate dismisses all impeachment charges against Mayorkas, ending GOP push to remove the Cabinet secretary from office.

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Star Ocean: The Second Story R - How to get all 99 Endings

Star Ocean 2 is known for its extensive number of endings, with over 80 possible endings in the original PlayStation version. The PSP-enhanced port added another character and an extra main story ending, expanding the number of potential conclusions even further. There is a total of 99 Endings in the game and this guide should provide a general outline of what possible combinations there are.

A lot of the endings are based on character friendship points, so doing Private Actions in the game is really important. These events can raise friendship points or decrease friendship points depending on how you respond. If you don't like a certain pairing and want to decrease friendship points to manipulate the possible ending you can get, you can also try pickpocketing your friends to affect your relationship with them.

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Star Ocean 2 Ending Requirements

Being honest here, by far the easiest way to manipulate affinity between characters is with books created from the Publication Super Speciality item creation. Each character can have two books written about them, one that gives high affinity towards that character, and one that gives low affinity towards that character. By creating a library of these books, you can basically manipulate affinities any which way you want to. Almost.

  • A side note about the books. If you sell the book to the merchant in Lacuer or Centropolis, you can buy it back in multiple quantities. This means you don't have to individually publish 20 books for one character. You can publish one, sell it to the merchant, and then buy 20 back.
  • Some endings seem to require max hearts between characters on the Friendship Status screen. However, using books will never get you to max hearts. You'll need to use PAs to get affinity up as high as possible.
  • Also, please note, the four characters who fight a boss together all get affinity up with each other. So if you want to raise affinity between characters, place them both in the battle party.
  • It's worth noting that in the remake of Star Ocean 2, affinity between characters seems to be bi-directional. For earlier versions of Star Ocean 2, many existing guides on the internet specify a "direction" for an affinity gain (such as Opera → Ernest), but based on the new friendship meter in the remake, such a one-sided gain will never happen. If Opera gains affinity with Ernest, then Ernest will gain an equal amount of affinity with Opera.
  • Similarly, existing guides for earlier versions of Star Ocean 2 delineate between Friendship Points and Romance Points. But in Star Ocean: The Second Story R, everything appears to be set with a meter of 5 hearts. If the meter is high enough (around 3.5 hearts full), then you will see smaller hearts appear around an icon on the status screen. This will actually indicate which ending you will see for that character, once you beat the final boss. Only one character can have these smaller hearts appear. Some special endings require a more full meter, however.

In Star Ocean: The Second Story R, the game will keep track of which endings you've obtained. These are actually saved separately from any of your individual playthrough save files. It works more like a 'system' save, where as long as you've gotten the ending once, it'll show up in the database. This means you can get a set of endings, reload your save file, mess with books to alter affinities, beat the boss again, and then get other endings to add to your database. Make sense?

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If for some reason characters share the same amount of FP, the pairing priority goes to;

Star Ocean 2 Endings List

Now, we aren't going to list *every* single ending here, because many of the endings follow an obvious pattern.

  • Each character has (at least) one solo ending when they are paired with nobody. That's 13 endings already. I don't need to list those out, do I?
  • Of the 13 characters, there are endings for every possible permutation of available pairings. There are only 4 pairs of characters not possible: Dias/Leon, Precis/Bowman, Opera/Ashton, and Ernest/Ashton since they are mutually exclusive, check out our Star Ocean 2 Recruitment Guide for more information there. That's 74 more endings. Do I need to list all those out?
  • I trust your intelligence, that's 87 total endings right there.

However, there are a handful of endings that don't follow the usual rules. Sometimes more than one ending is available for a certain pairing, and Ashton, Opera, and Celine all have special solo endings. These are obvious when looking through the Endings Database in-game, because you'll see a number after the pairing. For example, there's Claude/Precis 1 and Claude/Precis 2. What's the difference? We'll list these below.

I should note, while I obtained all these endings, I can't be perfectly certain of unlock conditions. I can only make a best estimate based on the testing I did with the party I had. If you have any clarifications, please comment on these below!

  • Claude/Rena 1 == Pair the two up on Rena's Route
  • Claude/Rena 2 == Pair the two up on Claude's Route, but not at max hearts in the Friendship Level status screen.
  • Claude/Rena 3 == In our experience, this ending is obtained when the two have max hearts, but on Claude's Route only.
  • Claude/Precis 1 == Pair the two up when not at max hearts.
  • Claude/Precis 2 == Pair the two up at max hearts.
  • Claude/Chisato 1 == Pair the two up when not at max hearts.
  • Claude/Chisato 2 == Pair the two up at max hearts.
  • Rena/Dias 1 == Pair the two up when not at max hearts.
  • Rena/Dias 2 == Pair the two up at max hearts.
  • Opera/Ernest 1 == Pair the two up when not at max hearts.
  • Opera/Ernest 2 == Pair the two up at max hearts.
  • Claude/Opera 1 == Pair the two up at max hearts.
  • Claude/Opera 2 == Pair the two up when not at max hearts. [Editor's Note: Yes I am aware this seems opposite the trend up to this point]
  • Celine/Ernest 1 == Pair the two up at max hearts.
  • Celine/Ernest 2 == Pair the two up when not at max hearts [also opposite the trend]
  • Celine 1 = Normal solo ending
  • Celine 2 = Complete the PA sidequest chain with Clyde in Krosse (Rena's route only, check out our Star Ocean 2 Private Action Guide !)
  • Ashton 1 = Normal solo ending
  • Ashton 2 = Complete the PA sidequest chain with Eleanor in Harley (Rena's route only, check out our Star Ocean 2 Private Action Guide !)
  • Opera 1 = Solo ending when Ernest is in the party
  • Opera 2 = Solo ending when Ernest is NOT in the party
  • Gather Up == Have an eight-person party all with the same affinity towards each other. You can use books to do this, and it doesn't matter who is in the party. This ending appears at a different point than the other 98 endings. While most endings appear before the credits, this one will appear after the credits.

Any other ending not listed here is straightforward. In order to get Chisato/Noel, just pair them up, etc. Happy ending hunting!

Senate dismisses two articles of impeachment against Homeland Security secretary, ending trial Updated 1 day ago

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is sworn-in before the House Committee on Homeland Security during a hearing on “A Review of the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request for the Department of Homeland Security” on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, April 16, 2024.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate has dismissed all impeachment charges against Homeland Security Secretary  Alejandro Mayorkas , ending the House Republican push to remove the Cabinet secretary from office over his handling of the  the U.S.-Mexico border  and ending his trial before arguments even began.

Senators voted to dismiss both articles of impeachment and end the trial, with Democrats arguing that the articles were unconstitutional. The first article charged Mayorkas with “willful and systemic refusal to comply” with immigration law. The second article charged Mayorkas with a “breach of trust” for saying the border was secure. The votes were 51-48 and 51-49, both along party lines.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the House Republicans’ case failed to meet “the high standard of high crimes and misdemeanors” and could set a dangerous precedent.

“For the sake of the Senate’s integrity and to protect impeachment for those rare cases we truly need it, senators should dismiss today’s charges,” said Schumer, D-N.Y., as he opened Wednesday’s session.

Senate Republicans had argued for a full impeachment trial after the House  narrowly voted  in February to impeach Mayorkas for his handling of the border, arguing in the two articles that he “willfully and systematically” refused to enforce immigration laws. The House vote was the first time in nearly 150 years that a Cabinet secretary was impeached.

An outright dismissal of House Republicans’ prosecution of Mayorkas, with no chance to argue the case, is an embarrassing defeat for House Republicans and embattled House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., who made the impeachment a priority. And it is likely to resonate politically for both Republicans and Democrats in a presidential election year when border security has been a top issue.

Republicans argue that President Joe Biden has been weak on the border as arrests for illegal crossings skyrocketed to more than 2 million people during the last two years of his term, though they have fallen from  a record-high  of 250,000 in December amid heightened enforcement in Mexico. Democrats say that instead of impeaching Mayorkas, Republicans should have accepted a bipartisan Senate compromise aimed at reducing the number of migrants who come into the U.S. illegally.

House impeachment managers  delivered the charges to the Senate  on Tuesday, standing in the well of the Senate and reading them aloud to a captive audience of senators. But they did not get a chance to present the case before the Senate dismissed it.

Once the senators were sworn in on Wednesday, the chamber turned into the court of impeachment, with Democratic Sen. Patty Murray of Washington presiding. Murray is the president pro tempore of the Senate, or the senior-most member of the majority party who sits in for the vice president. Senators approached the front of the Senate in groups of four to sign an  oath book  that is stored in the National Archives.

Schumer then called for the votes to dismiss the trial after Republicans rejected a proposed agreement for Senate debate time and several votes on GOP objections. Missouri Sen. Eric Schmitt said Democrats were “bulldozing 200 years of precedent” on impeachments by trying to dismiss the trial.

Angry Republicans called for several votes to delay the inevitable final outcome, but none of them passed as all Democrats and three Independents held together.

Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said “history will not judge this moment well.”

“This process must not be abused,” McConnell said. “It must not be short-circuited.”

Still, Republicans similarly moved to dismiss former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial in 2021, weeks after  the Jan. 6, 2021, attack  on the Capitol. All but five GOP senators — including McConnell — voted to end the trial, arguing it was unconstitutional because Trump had already left office.

As Johnson signed the articles Monday in preparation for sending them across the Capitol, he said Schumer should convene a trial to “hold those who engineered this crisis to full account.”

Schumer “is the only impediment to delivering accountability for the American people,” Johnson said. “Pursuant to the Constitution, the House demands a trial.”

Even if the Senate held a trial, Republicans would not be able to win the support of the two-thirds of the Senate that is needed to convict and remove Mayorkas from office — Democrats control the Senate, 51-49, and they appear to be united against the impeachment effort. Not one House Democrat supported it, either.

Mayorkas, who was in New York on Wednesday to launch a campaign for children’s online safety, reiterated that he’s focused on the work of his department. “The Senate is going to do what the Senate considers to be appropriate as that proceeds,” he said. “I am here in New York City on Wednesday morning fighting online sexual exploitation and abuse. I’m focused on our mission.”

Johnson delayed sending the articles to the Senate for weeks while both chambers finished work on  government funding  legislation and took a two-week recess. Johnson had said he would send them to the Senate last week, but he  punted again  after Senate Republicans said they wanted more time to prepare.

At a hearing with Mayorkas on Tuesday about President Joe Biden’s budget request for the department, some of the House impeachment managers previewed the arguments they would have made.

Tennessee Rep. Mark Green, the chairman of the House Homeland Security panel, told the secretary that he has a duty under the law to control and guard U.S. borders, and “during your three years as secretary, you have failed to fulfill this oath. You have refused to comply with the laws passed by Congress, and you have breached the public trust.”

Mayorkas defended the department’s efforts but said the nation’s immigration system is “fundamentally broken, and only Congress can fix it.”

The impeachment trial is the third in five years. Democrats impeached President Donald Trump twice, once over  his dealings with Ukraine  and the  second time  in the days after the Capitol attack.  Trump was acquitted  by the Senate  both times .

If the Senate had moved to a trial on Mayorkas, senators would have been forced to sit in their seats for the duration, maybe weeks, while the House impeachment managers and lawyers representing Mayorkas made their cases.

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Lady gaga and beyoncé have been replacing one another at no. 1 on a chart all year.

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NEW YORK - OCTOBER 02: Musician Lady Gaga, Billboard Magazine Editor and Cheif Bill Werde and ... [+] singer Beyonce pose the childrens chorous from P.S. 22 at Billboard's 4th Annual Women In Music event at The Pierre Hotel on October 2, 2009 in New York City. (Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images)

Lady Gaga and BeyoncĂ© have worked together in the past, and for nearly two decades now, the two superstars have occupied some of the same spaces in the entertainment world. They have topped the charts and competed against one another, and now, the powerhouses are stuck in a fun feedback loop on one Billboard ranking–one which has been going on for months.

For the entirety of 2024, Gaga and BeyoncĂ© have been taking turns replacing one another atop the Top Dance/Electronic Albums chart. The two stars have both earned several stays in the penthouse on Billboard’s ranking of the most-consumed full-lengths in the U.S. that are described as some form of electronic dance, and they have not let any other musician rule in quite some time.

Gaga and Beyoncé have now replaced one another in first place on the Top Dance/Electronic Albums chart seven times throughout 2024 alone. Just when it seems like one title is the ruler and the other is finally falling down the ranking, something happens that spurs interest in one project or the other, and who is running the show changes again.

Of the 16 chart weeks that have been published so far in 2024, Gaga has controlled the Top Dance/Electronic Albums list with The Fame for 10 frames. Beyoncé’s Renaissance has ruled for the other six.

Beyoncé topped the tally for the first three weeks in 2024 with Renaissance , just as she had for months prior. Gaga replaced her at No. 1 on the Top Dance/Electronic Albums chart during the chart frame dated January 27 with The Fame .

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Just one turn later, Renaissance was back at No. 1, where it held for two frames. Then, during the chart week dated February 17, Gaga’s The Fame jumped back into the highest rung, but only for one period. Renaissance was back in charge by February 24.

Gaga’s The Fame then sat at No. 1 on the Top Dance/Electronic Albums chart for half a dozen consecutive weeks–the longest reign so far in 2024. On April 13, BeyoncĂ© traded places with her former collaborator again. This week, The Fame rules once more.

The Fame is the title with the most weeks spent at No. 1 on the Top Dance/Electronic Albums chart in the tally’s history. So far, it has racked up a total of 186 frames. Renaissance claims the second-most, with 57 stints on the throne.

Hugh McIntyre

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